#Lilli can kill a bitch
froggy-demon · 4 months
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Oh, Deer - Part Two
A/N: This is part two to my Alastor x OC slowburn story, I hope you enjoy <3
Chapter Summery: Lilly gets settled at the hotel and a stressful day of work leads her to getting a little closer to one particular staff member.
Part Three
I woke up to my morning alarm blaring at me, shit I didn’t even think about how long it will take to get from here to work, fucking fantastic. And I have none of my clothes, also fantastic. I book it out the door and head to my old apartment. I grab a book bag I had laying around and stuff as much of my shit in it as I can fit, the less trips back and forth I can make while moving, the better. I change into an outfit for work, a pinstriped mini skirt and a turtleneck blouse with puffy sleeves with my trademark tights and kitten heel Maryjanes, throwing my backpack over my shoulder and getting to work as fast as possible. All in all, I was only 10 minutes late which is a fucking miracle if I’ve ever heard one. I busy myself by checking in with the other assistants and sorting out who is covering what assignments and shows today. Velvette slams open the studio door and is already looking pissed off, the day just started how can it already be going to shit? That question answered itself as behind her trailed in Valentino talking her ear off, switching between whining and yelling.
“Valentino it is time for at least one of us to actually do our jobs, fuck off already and find someone else to bitch to!” She yells at him and stomps off. This pushes him over the edge, he grabs a passing by assistant and snaps her in half, like it’s nothing. I duck my head down and find a way to be very busy and as unnoticeable as possible, hiding behind my clipboard as much as I can. 
“No you fuck off Velvette! Tell me what the fuck I can do one more fucking time! Try to run anything once I’m done with you precious shitty studio!” He threw the couch he had trapped that studio aid on just the other day against the wall and it smashed into a hundred pieces. He reached for a fleeing model and ripped her head off, damn and she wasn’t even an annoying model. He rampaged through the room and Velvette just ignored him and stomped my way. 
I straightened my back as she approached and tried to not seem bothered by the 10ft lunatic killing my coworkers and ripping apart anything else in his reach. “We are not getting off schedule, get my designers so we can keep our shit on the air! Get them here in the next five minutes while I get fucking Piss Baby out of here.” She Barked and I nodded
“Yes Ma’am.” She seemed pleased enough and walked off to order around anyone else still breathing. I used my ear piece to try to locate the desired designers, keeping my back to the scene behind me. 
“Designers, if most of your limbs are still attached, your presence is requited by Ms. Velvette immediately, bring what you have been working on for her and try not to be killed on your way.” I received 4 affirmatives and glanced back to see Velvette on her phone to presumably Vox. Thank Satan, this was definitely a big guns problem. I looked around at a few cowering workers near me and smoothed out my clothes. “C’mon, get this place straightened up. It’s a fucking mess in here, get a broom and a mop, now.” The three jumped up, though a bit reluctantly, and went in search for the cleaning supplies. I saw Velvette manage to force Valentino out the studio door and lock it behind him, hopefully keeping him out. I saw two of the designers come in and waved them over, having them stand up on a small platform that wasn’t totally wrecked and Velvette made her way over.
She was clearly still not happy, but at least wasn’t getting worse. Vox appeared next to her with a cheeky smile plastered onto his plasma face, contrasting her fiery attitude. I thought I saw him give me a small scowl, but I've never spoken to Vox, it couldn't be personal. He asked her where Valentino had gone and was back on his way. 
The day continued with far fewer bumps, minus the power outage caused by Vox's tantrum. Valentino stayed away so I guess Vox was able to calm him down well enough and Velvette stayed at a manageable level of pissed off until the outtage. 
“Fucking hell! Fine fuck him, everyone go the fuck home!” She screeched and no one was waiting to confirm that order. I grabbed my bag and booked it out of the building and back to the hotel. Alastor’s broadcast was all I could hear people talking about, though they kept it hushed so close to the Vs. Losing was not something they, especially Vox, liked. When I walked through the door I was surprised to find a new face in the parlor. He was a snake demon and Charlie was excitedly chatting with him while Vaggie stood to the side looking apprehensive. 
“Here she is!” Charlie exclaimed turning to me, smiling ear to ear. “Lilly! This is Sir. Pentious, he is our next guest at the hotel!” She motioned for us to shake hands, which I obliged. He seemed nervous, but still gave a small smile. 
“Ah, Lilly, it isss quite nice to meet another future redemption-ee!” He said and I tried to return his smile. 
“Lilly he blew up the hotel this morning.” Angel added dryly, I stopped smiling and looked at Charlie confused. Angel clearly wasn’t buying whatever the serpent was telling Charlie. 
“He said he is sorry! That’s what we’re all about, second chances!” She defended and really tried to sell it. I looked between her and Sir. Pentious, a little skeptical myself honestly. 
“If you are confident, I will trust your judgement.” I stated and turned to Angel, who filled me in on all of the details on the fight that had taken place that morning while Charlie taught Sir. Pentious how to apologize to Alastor. Geez, you go in for one shift and miss everything!
“Say, Dear, how did my little show go over at Vs HQ?” Alastor asked, appearing behind me and giving me a bit of a fright. He sounded particularly staticy. Angel rolled his eyes at his theatrics. I turned to face the demon and met his glowing eyes for a moment before looking back at Angel. 
“I couldn’t say for sure, but I’d say not well. Vox particularly was still glitching and zapping about when Velvette dismissed us after the power shut down. We couldn’t do anything with him fucking up all of the tech.” I said and he laughed, clearly pleased with himself and patted my head. Angel was deeply distracted by his phone, someone was texting him quite a lot, every few seconds his phone would buzz with a new notification. 
“Wonderful to hear! I’m glad I got my message across.” His eyes glowed a bit brighter, clearly there was some contempt held for Vox, and it went both ways. Seeing him like that sent a little zap of fear through me. I know what he’s done to those he doesn’t like to get what he wants, but he chooses to be so hands off with it this time? Maybe he just wanted to give a fair warning, I don’t know, but I do not want to get in the middle of it. “Speaking of your work,” He moved to stand between me and Angel now. “Why not find some new employment now that your housing is supplied? Something less television based maybe?” He eyed me, as though he suspected me of something. I tried to look past him to Angel again, but he blocked my vision, seemingly growing a little taller, a little more menacing. 
“Well, as much as I’d like to,” I said a tad nervous of the overlord in front of me “I can’t. Velvette owns me, my soul that is. As a day job it isn’t too bad at least.” I mumble the last sentence and Alastor raises an eyebrow at me. Angel is still preoccupied, but I see him throw a look my way when I mention my deal. 
“Deals aren’t usually Velvette’s style, she typically prefers to leave that work to the boys, how unfortunate for you then.” He says, returning to his normal chipper self and walks off. As he disappears I finally take stock of myself, I look like shit. There is dried blood on my shoes and spots of guts dotting my outfit for the Valentino’s carnage earlier, gross. 
“Angel, I’m going to take a shower and unpack a little you know where to find me if you need anything okay?” He doesn’t look up, clearly in a mood, sitting down on a nearby chair and crossing his legs over the arm and mumbles out an okay. I make my way upstairs, to my room, and then turn on the hot water for the shower attached to my room. After peeling off my clothes it felt good to let the hot water wash over me. The water pressure was better here too. A little refresh is really what I needed after today. Once I felt better I rummaged through my bag until I found my pjs, a pair of little shorts and an oversized t-shirt VTech gave out during some marketing campaign, it was at least comfortable. I started to unpack more and realized Niffty must have been here earlier because there was significantly less dust everywhere and my bed spread seemed freshly laundered. I will have to thank her the next time I see her. Just as I’m finishing up I hear some kind of commotion coming from somewhere in the hotel, what the fuck was that? I poke my head out and hear more noise, like someone is fighting, is that Angel Dust? I run down to the noise and meet Charlie and Vaggie walking up to the same disturbance.
Angel says that Sir. Pentious is working for the Vs, but I can smell the liquor on him from here, and the snake denies the accusation. Angel rolls his eyes and points out the video camera hidden between two books on the shelf, causing Sir. Pentious to panic. He screams into his watch to help him as Vaggie face palms and it's my turn to roll my eyes. Not only is he a spy, he’s an absolutely terrible one at that. I can hear Vox laughing at him though the watch, but Charlie has big doe eyes. He begs for a quick murder, but Charlie welcomes him in with open arms, despite protests from the three of us. After a set of profuse apologies, we head back to bed. 
Angel has his arms crossed, the whole walk. I want to say something, but he has been in a bad mood all day and I don’t want to accidentally make it worse. “Angel, y'know I-“ but he waves me off. 
“I don’t want to talk about it. Work shit, and we said work shit stays at fucking work.” He snaps, but sighs and I know he isn’t mad at me, just someone else. My guess, Val. I wonder if that’s what Valentino was raging about this morning, I hope for Angel’s sake it’s not. He slams the door to his room and I turn towards mine, just to be greeted by Alastor, he sure does have a knack for popping up. 
“Take off your shirt, Dear.” He glares at it, taking me back. This is a tone shift. 
“Excuse me?” I ask, taking a step back, not there there is really anywhere to go if you want to run from a shadow walking overlord at night. 
“Well, I’m going to burn it and I just figured you would want it off your body before I do that, but if you prefer,” Alaster smirked and lit a small fireball in his hand “you can keep it on!” He was very serious, I look back down at my shirt, I guess I set myself up for this one wearing a shirt with Vox’s face plastered on it, but hey it was a free shirt. I yanked it off and Alastor took two big steps towards me and took it from my hands, his eyes glowed devilishly as he set it on fire and watched Vox’s face burn away while he grinned ear to ear. “Much better! I appreciate your cooperation, however,” he bent down to my height and made me look him in the eyes. His voice grew more staticy as he said “I better not see anything else with his face on it here.” 
I nodded, it was all I could manage, I felt frozen in place and suddenly self-conscious as I realized I was in my bra and shorts in front of a murderous overlord, not exactly confidence inspiring for me. He stood back up straight and spun his cane, pleased with himself. “Very well, Goodnight!” He sang and I didn’t wait before quickly going into my room. Great, now I need a new sleep shirt, that will be a tomorrow night problem. I got into bed and curled up. I’m not doing amazing at staying off Alastor’s bad side, maybe tomorrow I will break that streak. 
The next morning I joined everyone else in the parlor downstairs, I had some time for once before I was needed at work. Charlie excitedly explained that we were doing some bonding activities as a group today, that it would help if we all trusted and got to know each other. I wanted to check in on Angel, but he was still hung up on his phone. Okay, so I’m going to have to make a second friend, it can’t be that hard can it? What do I have to work with? 
Niffty is a little… crazy… maybe not my first choice. Let’s see Sir. Pentious is eager, but do I have anything at all in common with him? Let’s see he likes building things? Nope. He likes being a leader, of his egg boys at least, uh in the right light sometimes you could kinda say I like bossing people around. I think that’s everything I’ve learned about him though, and I’m not really someone who goes out looking for a fight anymore, even if Cherri wants me to. Vaggie is a little too focused on Charlie I think to start worrying about anyone else, I can’t blame her, as sweet as Charlie is she is also a handful. I think Alastor is waiting for me to sneeze wrong to justify breaking my neck and is no where to be seen sooooo… my new friend is going to have to be Husk! The only hard part about that is he doesn’t really ever want to participate in our activities. I can work with that though. 
I take a seat next to Husk for activity time and give him a small smile. I haven’t really gotten what his deal is from Angel yet, maybe he just acts tough. “So, Husk, what brings you to the hotel? You don’t really seem like you’re here for redemption to me.” I ask trying to sound cheery. He just rolls his eyes at me though. 
“My job.” He huffs out, motioning over to the bar. Okay smartass. I fold my arms and lean forward towards him. 
“And out of all the bars in hell, why work at this one? Don’t tell me its for the dental insurance.” I quipped and he almost smiles. He leans back in his chair and looks across the room at nothing in particular. 
“Alastor, he tells me to go so I go.” He finally says. Ah, could Alastor really own his soul? I won’t press for now. Satisfied with the answer I sit back in my seat and he slumps down more in his, but then my phone rings. Velvette, why is Velvette calling me? I don’t hear from her that much seeing as I never have a day off anyway, not even extermination days. I hop up out of my seat so not to bother anyone and answer the phone. 
“Yes Ma’am?” I answer, stepping out of the room. She shouts that she needs me immediately, one of the models didn’t show up today and now she needs extra hands on deck and I better be there immediately. I try not to let her hear me sigh or sound disappointed. I guess I did get to sleep a couple extra hours which is more than enough to be grateful for. “Yes Ma’am.” I reply and she stresses I better hurry or I’ll be costuming for Valentino’s sets for the next year and she hangs up. I walked back in and the group looks up at me waiting for my explanation. “Okay guys, sorry to cut the team building short, but I’m needed at work sooner than expected, sorry Charlie.” Charlie looked disappointed. 
“Oh.. so when do you have a day you don’t work anyway?” She asks. “We’ll just catch you up then!” She beams at her great idea. Angel chuckles, Cherri probably has told him before if he knows my situation. 
“I don’t get any days off, sometimes I only work 10 hour days though!” I tried to make that sound like a good thing and gave her a thumbs up, but Charlie frowned again. 
“Well that’s not good, you’ll never have any time for our activities then!” She protested and started pacing. “Can’t you just say you need a day off for something important?” She looked at me with those big doe and and I shook my head, crossing my arms. 
“Some of us have jobs, dollface, contracts.” Angel points out dryly. He finally looks up from his phone to give Charlie a pointed look. It must be nice to be her. 
“There are no days off for me, if Velvette says come in I can’t say no. It’s just the way it is. Now she’s waiting for me, I have to get going.” I slip on my shoes and head for the door leaving a protesting princess behind.
I get there as quickly as possible and as soon as I walk through the door Velvette is tapping her foot waiting for me. She looks as pissed as usual, but it isn’t usually my direct fault that she’s pissed off. 
“Now, I happen to know that your apartment is all of five fucking minutes away so how the fuck did that take 25 minutes today?” She demands. Since when has she even known where I live? I straighten my back, I am not used to talking back to her, usually we even work pretty well together. “Well, spit out whatever pathetic excuse you have and get to begging for forgiveness! Some of us have important shit to be doing!” An assistant walked up to her and they quietly conversed while he showed her a different selection of blouses.
“I moved Ma’am.” I stated, adverting my eyes. She snapped her head away from her conversation to look at me again. 
“Well who the fuck told you to do something stupid like that? I need you near here for when I call you, fucking move back.” She said it like it doesn’t matter where I live or what I think if it doesn't serve her needs. She might own my soul, but that is not our deal. 
“Ma’am, with all the respect in hell, I cannot do that.” I stayed cool, that’s good. She walked over to me, until she was less than a foot away from my face. Her red eyes glowing and piercing into mine. 
“The fuck you will. As fucking kind as I am to you every fucking day, whose dick you’re riding just to crash in their shitty bed anyway?” She snapped at me, glaring at me while waiting for my answer. 
I took a deep breath. “Charlie Morningstar, Ma’am, well her hotel that is.” I added, looking down. Velvette was seething in front of me. She grabbed me and threw me to the ground. I hit my head hard on the stone floor, because exactly what I need is another head injury. 
“Don’t give me that kind of bullshit ever again. Remember who you are speaking to.” She spoke through gritted teeth. She materialized the link between us, the chain attaching me to her, our deal. I knew exactly what I signed, but she was right. I should have held my tongue. She used it to pull me to my feet in front of her. “Now get to fucking work.” She spat and let me go. I stayed on my feet and smoothed my outfit and hair, composing myself for the coming day. 
“Yes Ma’am.” I kept my eyes on the floor as she rolled her eyes. 
“Good, now get Kelly Killjoy’s suit options ready, it’s almost time for her to be on air, then come back to me.” And then she waved me away and I was happy to be able to walk away. I did as I was ordered, bringing the approved wardrobe to the news host's dressing room for her to pick from once ready. I raced back to the studio room to see what was next and Velvette sneared at me when she saw me. "Perfect, the seamstresses need a pin cushion, go be that until they are done with their projects.” And she turned away from me again. A pin cushion, this was going to be a long day. 
Twenty hours later I am still in the studio, but I have finished every task I’ve been given, skillfully I might add. Well, as skillfully as one can be a pin cushion, mannequin mover, and general studio bitch without a single moment to sit or even pee. I was back in front of Velvette awaiting her next order. She looked at me and shook her head. 
“Morning, cunt. Your outfit is hideous and you look more terrible than usual.” She said and zapped me into a new outfit, honestly the highlight of my day to have on something fresh, but really it was just a toned down version of her own outfit, but is all grey. Of course she would think her outfit was better. “Now perk the fuck up, I need you to set up the lights for the shoot we’re doing for my fabulous new clothing line today! And set up all the looks we created for it. Make sure those fucking models look right too, I can’t stand shitty sloppy work.” She said and I nodded, hoping it will be easy to learn how to set up studio lights. 
“Yes Ma’am.” 
After falling off a ladder more than once setting up the lights, organizing all of the set groups of items for the photo shoot, and labeling them, and then adjusting every single item on the models throughout the 10 hour shoot, I was ready to beg for Velvette’s forgiveness. I hadn’t had a drop of rest or caffeine in nearly two full days. 
Finally I was told to go home, but to be back tomorrow bright and early with a smile on my face. I don’t know what pissed Velvette off so badly in the first place that she felt the need to take it out on me, but maybe tomorrow will be different, unlikely, but maybe. I walked into the hotel and went straight to the bar, come to think of it that might be one of the best parts about living here. I slumped onto a stool putting my head down on the bar. Husk raised an eyebrow at me while he was organizing his bottles. 
“I wasn’t sure if you were coming back when no one saw you last night, where ya been?” He asked, he didn’t sound concerned, but he did sound curious. I picked my head up and propped myself up on my elbows. 
“Work. I’ve been at work since I left. Someone pissed off Velvette and that became my personal problem.” I muttered. I took a deep breath, I don’t need to bitch about my shitty day though that won’t have made it any better. No, I wanted a boost, I should go out I want to feel good about myself. I don’t want Velvette to be able to dictate my mood like this. 
“My, my, someone looks a little worked over,” Alastor sang as he walked up. “Did someone mistake you for a pin cushion?” He asked lifting my arm to inspect the hundreds of tiny and sore pricks in my skin. I pulled my arm away from him, trying not to humor him. 
“Hello to you too, Sir.” I said, holding back my irritation. I look at husk and he poured me a drink, I give him the best smile I could muster when he placed it in front of me. Alastor took the seat next to me, crossing one leg over the other and giving me his signature smile. I took a sip and let the warm feeling wash over me.
“Tell me, is television work loosing its charm? Such superficial work after all, but maybe that’s how you prefer it, dear.” He laughed at his own joke and tapped his cane on the ground. I drank more of the mixed drink Husk had made me, but it didn’t cool me off as much as I needed it too. I gave him another look and he went to pour me another but I looked up at him and motioned to just give me the bottle. 
“Aye, take it easy kid.” He said, but still handed it over. I took three big gulps and set it down. 
“Alastor, I’m not in the mood for your insults and condescension, I think I’ve had more than enough of those today.” I said dryly and took another drink. He looked at his nails, as if he didn’t have a care in the world, enjoying getting a rise out of me. 
“Oh, but I’m positive they haven’t been as witty as mine will be! Humor me won’t you? It’s been so boring today.” He leaned towards me, it was another request that didn’t really sound like a request. I couldn’t push back against Velvette, but I could with Alastor, maybe. I finished the bottle for some confidence and got out of my seat.
"No." I told him flatly, that should have been enough to get him off my back, but not Alastor.
"come now, don't tell me the big bad overlords you've worked for for years just now broke your spirit! Where's your moxie dear?" the demon quipped, leaning an elbow on the bar. I could feel my misplaced anger building, but shit he didn't have to be such a prick when I clearly was in a bad mood. I can't have five fucking minutes of peace?
“I told you, fuck off!” And stomped out the door, throwing aside the now empty bottle. 
Fucking Radio Demon, fucking Velvette! I’m more than that, I’m not just someone to shove around. I don’t have to take that, not when I’m not at work. She might be able to give me as much shit as she wants, hell she could actually assign me to fuck ass Valentino’s porno costuming I wouldn’t even care, but I will not go home and have some other demon make me feel like shit too. I’m worth something!
I look up from the sidewalk that I’ve been so concentrated on and realize I don’t really have anywhere to go, I’m tired of bars and clubs, but hell maybe it'll make me feel like a person again anyway. Maybe someone will talk to me like I’m just a fucking person. So at the next neon sign I see advertising a drink I walk in and order and get just that. It doesn’t take long, it never does in hell, until someone starts talking me up, buying me a drink, then another, and another, and then says we should get out of here. He's good looking for a demon, tall and thin with blood red hair and long black horns twisting out of it like a ram's. I agree. I follow him outside and he starts taking me down an odd way, its quiet and dark here, but maybe he lives on a quiet street in hell, what do I know. Then he turns around, smiling, and holding a handgun. It takes a moment to register. He closes the distant between us.
“What are you doing?” I ask, he laughs and grabs my arm. I’m not stable enough to avoid it and he pushes me up against the alleyway wall and points the gun at my chest. 
“I’m robbing you, dipshit, cough up whatever you have on you. I know someone dressed as pretty as you has a couple of bucks to spare right?” He sneers and shifts the barrel to under my chin. The only problem was I really didn’t have anything else. I had maybe a single dollar on me after buying that first drink and I don’t think that’s what he wanted to hear. 
Then all the sudden he was off of me, I fell a little and caught my breath which I hadn’t realized I’d been holding. What the fuck was that? I looked around and saw a familiar pair of eyes walking out of the darkness, blazing red. Shadow tentacles were holding up the attempted robber as Alastor emerged from the darkness, how is Alastor here? He was taller than his normal stature, and had a sinister smile, antlers protruding from his hair. This is the demon I’d heard on the broadcast those years ago, he had bloodlust in his eyes. 
“I don’t think so.” His voice was thick and distorted cutting up the still night, I could feel the energy pouring off of him. I didn’t know if I should stay where I was or get the fuck away from there at this point, but my legs felt too heavy to run very far. I looked up at him with wide eyes, it was like a car accident I didn’t want to watch him rip this demon in half, but I also couldn’t look away. He laughed maniacally as the sinner he held begged for forgiveness and his life. The Radio Demon drew him closer “Is that anyway to treat a lady?” Static filled the air and there was ringing in my ears, it felt like it was pounding in my head to the point that it was difficult to keep looking up. Alastor met my eye for one brief moment and then, unexpectedly, threw the creature across the city rather than ripping him in half. His piercing eyes didn’t change as he began to return to his normal self as he walked toward me having eliminated the threat. The static softened and I felt a weight leave my chest. “Terribly sorry for the fright! Charlie sent me to make sure you came back to the hotel in one piece tonight, I didn’t expect to find you in so much trouble.” He put an arm around me for support, but I shook it off. As uneasy as I felt I’m not sure if he was the one I should take it from.
“I wasn’t expecting any help, especially from you.” It came out as a statement of near disbelief, but I was still angry. Recovering from the personality whiplash Alastor had given me I took a few steps away towards the entrance of the alley. How am I supposed to see that and then trust him? “I can handle myself.” My knees wobbled and I leaned my palm on the wall again for support.
“Clearly.” He said sarcastically and smoothed his hair back where his antlers had disrupted it. “You sure did seemed to have a handle on that one! Next time I’ll just let it run its course, how’s that sound?” He adjusted his tie and grinned. More of his bullshit. I took another step back, I was certainly afraid of the power I’d just witnessed, but looking at him now he was just another demon.
“Whatever, I don’t need to take this bullshit, you can’t just talk to me like that because you’re used to being scary, I get enough of this every other hour of my day. Maybe you can treat Husk however you want because you own his ass, or other people are just too scared to say shit, but I’m exhausted! I’m too tired to bite my tongue and,” I was running out of steam, and those burning red eyes were still bearing into mine “it seems I’ll never get out of that cycle.” I slid down the wall to my side and held my knees to my chest. “I just, I’m tired of filtering myself to fit the situation I’m in. Just to please someone who can’t even tell the difference anyway. Putting up the right front to help maintain her goddamn brand. I can't do it with you too.” I sighed. How disgusting. Here I am shouting at someone who would love to rip my head off my body, just because my boss is shitty and unappreciative, and now I’m pitying myself for it on the ground of a filthy alleyway. This might just be my rock bottom. 
Alastor quietly walked to my side and placed a hand on my shoulder, sending a jolt through me. “If it’s any help, I’m condescending to everyone!” It was so stupid, so fucking stupid I had to let out a laugh. Geez, at least it isn’t personal I guess. I ran a hand through my hair, looking at my shoes in the dim light. “What was Charlie’s first lesson? Apologies.” I looked at him funny, his red hair nearly looked all black in this lighting, did he want an apology from me? He’s as crazy as Niffty if he thinks that’s happening. I picked at the ground next to my shoe to occupy myself. “Charlie also wanted me to apologize, I didn’t really mean to offend you. While I do find joy in watching the misery of sinners around me, on the other hand I am here to help Charlie and I can’t do that if I’m sending one of her guests spiraling now can I?” He offered me a hand up and I just stared at it for a second. “I’m sorry, Lilly.” He sounded as sincere as I’d ever heard him, which granted was likely a front to save face anyway, but I pushed my pride aside and took his hand, standing back up. It felt good to get that rant out of my system and it maybe even felt a little good to get an apology. I brushed the grime off of my skirt as best as I could, looking back at Alastor. He looked happy with his pep talk, but he kind of always had that demeanor so it’s hard to say. 
“Thank you Alastor.” Was all I managed to say. Pleased, he hooked our arms and pointed us in the direction of the hotel. We were quiet for a minute, I knew it was my turn to say something more, but I couldn’t figure out what was right. I kept dwelling on how he looked back in the alley, how the energy he put off felt all the way down to my bones. Even now it made my skin crawl, I’m quite glad to have made it onto his team I suppose because I would not want to be on the receiving end of that fury. “Why do you want to help Charlie?” I said it as soon as I thought it, but it brought me back to earlier. Husk is here because Alastor is here, but why the hell is Alastor here?
“A good question! It’s really very simple, I think Charlie will succeed and I like to be on the winning team. Plus,” He looked at me with a wicked look in his eyes, “If I’m wrong I’m no worse off and I get to watch everyone else suffer!” And began laughing. Not very comforting, but does make sense. Still I have a feeling Alastor is a few steps ahead in whatever plan he is hatching than he is willing to share. I wonder what else he was working up in his head, he’s difficult to read that’s for sure. The only actual emotions I’m sure he experiences are joy and anger. “If we’re asking intrusive questions now, I must say it’s been plaguing my mind, what exactly do you get out of your deal with Velvette?” He smirked, “Don’t tell me it’s for the dental insurance.” He mocked me, is there anything that happens in that hotel he doesn’t know about? 
“You mean besides a boss who won’t fire or fuck me? Well,” I chewed my lip for a moment. I always felt ashamed of my deal, how ironic as I landed myself in hell for the vice of pride in life. “You know it’s not easy starting out down here, one day I met Velvette and she, well she made it look easy.” In life I was the secretary to a man who ran a fashion magazine, I was so enthralled by his work I thought every piece that crossed his desk was genius. I fantasized about what I would design if I was able to. “When Velvette told me what she was doing down here I wanted in, hell a bit of me wanted to be like her, she told me there was only one way I could be on her team, but her success would be my success too and really I didn’t see any other opportunities coming my way. I was naïve and she was happy to take advantage of that. Don’t they all kinda go like that though?” I laughed awkwardly, mentally preparing myself for whatever shitty jab Alastor would make at my expense. He let me stew in it for a minute, or maybe for once he just didn’t know what to say. The sound of my heels rang in my ears as I was aware of his lack of response, buzzing with the city noises happening around us. 
“How unfortunate!” He used my arm hooked with his to pull me closer and gave me a sideways smile. “I would have given you a much better deal than that!” And winked at me. I gave a small laugh, right like being his tailor for the rest of my afterlife, how fun. He glared at the window of a TV shop as we passed it, Vox was giving some interview, but it distorted more the longer he looked at it. Just as soon as we had passed it, the screens returned to normal. Another mystery to Alastor. “Don’t worry dear, you aren’t the only soul in hell who has made an unwise deal. I think half the inhabitants of our hotel are in that very same boat with you!” As dumb as it is, it kinda made me feel better that I’m not the only sucker that I know. 
We reached the steps of the hotel and he followed me up. 
“Well if you need any emergency alterations you know where to find me!” I smiled and opened the door. After all of that I do think Alastor made me feel better, and I still have the entire $1 to my name that I could have lost, or worse. 
“Well someone is in a better mood than she was before.” Husk snarked from the bar and I shrugged. 
“I didn’t die so I guess I can’t complain too much.” I threw a wink to him and he let out a small chuckle. Alastor cleared his throat to regain my attention, which I gave him, clasping my hands behind my back.
“As happy as I am to have been of service tonight, I must bid you adieu my dear, I have much to do!” He gave my head a pat and made his way up the grand staircase without waiting for a response. I watched him go and disappear down a hallway off to whatever chores awaited him. I let out a well earned yawn and looked back at Husk. Is he always behind the bar? Where does he sleep? When does he sleep? I shook the thoughts from my head and waved him goodnight.
 I made my way up to my room but as soon as I drifted off to sleep all that filled my dreams was the image of Alastor in his demon form in the alley, but this time I was his prey. I would focus on his eyes and the intense fear they filled me with, shadow arms raising me higher and higher into the air as he laughed at my pleads for help. His whole body expanded and grew more wicked and disturbingly sharp. One of his claws dragged across my cheek, drawing blood. I woke up in a cold sweat and panting to catch my breath. I went to my bathroom to splash some cool water on my face, but struggled to feel much calmer. It was just a dream, but it was based on real events, even if they didn’t happen quite like that. I decided to throw on a robe and knock on Angel’s door, it was late, but hopefully he would be awake. He opened the door, rubbing his eyes. 
“Lilly? What the hell are you doin’ up at this hour?” He asked, one set of arms hugged himself and the other attempted to straighten his hair. I realized how dumb the truth sounded. ‘Oh I had a bad dream and wanted to talk to you’ I couldn’t say that, he would close the door in my face. 
I glanced up and down the hallway, surely even Alastor is asleep at this time of night? “I need to tell you about my day, now.” I tried to look very serious, but I was also pretty tired. Angel stepped to the side and let me in, giving me the first proper look of his room. It was very nicely decorated, it looked just like him. Everything was pink and there were little string lights hanging from the wall giving off a soft purple twinkle. 
He sat on his bed and patted the spot next to him. “What can’t wait until the mornin’ doll?” I took the seat and crossed my legs in front of me, pulling my robe a little tighter for comfort. “Husk told me you walked out pissed, but nothing else.”
“I just needed to get out. After the last two days of nonstop I just wanted to feel like a person and I didn’t here. Listen, to make a long story short, Alastor showed up to get me out of some hot shit. Apparently Charlie had sent him, but I saw him attack this demon and I, I don’t know I just can’t stop seeing it now. I’ve seen some fucked up shit here, I literally saw my coworkers get torn limb by limb a few days ago, but I don’t know something about how he looked at that demon.” I shivered. “How he looked at me after. It just, it freaked me out a little.” I pulled my legs up to my chest and rested my chin on my knees. Angel rubbed my back to sooth me. 
“Ah don’t worry about him too much, you’ve got Charlie’s stamp of ‘Do-Not-Kill’ on yah so he won’t lay a hand on you!” He crossed one set of arms “even if you want him to.” Apparently still making no progress in his flirtations. “Plus, if it’s dreams you’re worried about, maybe you just wish his arms were around you in another way!” He joked and lightly elbowed me in the side. I rolled my eyes at him and smiled. 
“Angel if you can’t pull him I’ve got zero luck, plus I am not interested like that. He’s just such a mystery I can't keep him out of my head.” I said, thinking on it I know shockingly few things about him for the amount that he seems to pop up and know things about me. 
“Oh baby, the best dick is!”  We both giggled and I felt a lot better. I asked him how his day was and he lit up. “Me and Husk got to have some quality time, if you know what I mean!” And he gave a cheesy smile. “We shared a drink is what I actually mean though. I think I’m breaking him down!” He beamed and then told me about how Husk had once been an overlord, until he was too far in the hole with gambling and ended up making a deal with our very own Alastor, confirming what I thought. Once I was caught up on the hotel tea I noticed my eyelids feeling heavy and the idea of getting some more sleep sounded better and better. Angel laughed and pulled the blanket over me and before his head hit the pillow I was out. 
Part Three
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noblehouseofgay · 3 days
Ranking as many marauders ships as I can remember!!
(Don't be a bitch, this is just for fun)
1 jegulus/starchaser (my beloveds)
2 rosekiller (my psycho beloveds)
3 wolfstar (duh)
4 dorlene (They're perfect your honor)
5 marylily (just makes sense)
6 pandalily (pandora deserves it fr)
7 marypandalily (bc I can't actually pick)
8 bartylus (dated and broke up tho)
9 moonwater (they joke flirt and that's it)
10 reg Evan and barty (rosekiller always offer him a threesome)
11 Marylene (I just love dorlene too much)
12 prongsfoot (brothers)
13 Partyvan (funny crack ship but I don't see it genuine)
14 Jily (don't kill me pls)
15 barty and james (I don't get it)
16 jegulily (lesbian Lilly hc)
17 Regulily (he's gay, she's gay)
18 Anything with snape (self explanatory)
19 any literal incest (also self explanatory]
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yermes · 7 months
PAC: ⚰️
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Hows your academic/ actual career going?
Hey motherfuckers or my beautiful adorable children 🌝 I am now seeing posts about people talking about school and talking about post school activities heres some hope for the end of this holiday for school/ work
Disclaimer: please take what I say with a grain of salt and not as the gospel. I just want to share some ideas of practicing and giving advice using the medium as often as I can with school, work, and my own personal studies and practice. But I am working on sharing my notes soon so that will be exciting! Liking and sharing does a lot 🥰
Socials: TipJar | Insta
Pick a meme
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The cards
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Cross + Lillies 🥀 ⛪️
So basically you’re struggling and theres someone making your work more difficult than it should. This person may be a little older and has a general attitude and puritan way of approaching things that just shits on your vibe.
Whip + Bouquet 💐 🔪 
Another son of a bitch is killing another vibe. This one has a direct impact with you happiness and self worth because they’re cruel in nature and you have an acceptionally tender heart. Keep your head up suffering is a condition of living and meaning.
House + Man 🧍‍♂️🏡 
You have a lot of domestic help and friends or family who back you and with that extra support everything atm will be okay. You may even receive pleasant news soon.
Love yuh
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fox-from-fairytale · 4 months
Doesn't matter if I already know how it ends, this game will never fail to make me cry.
It's so good that I'd replay it even if I've just finished it, but thankfully there are the other seasons. The thing is, the first one really is the best one. I've always found all the characters so well written and the story is so compelling, even if there are some awkward moments. Couldn't Clem kill the walker with the bat before trying to take the gun/keys? Why didn't the bandits follow Lee and Mark through the open fence? Did Ben really not see the walkers on the other side of the door? Still, those are little things compared to everything else.
The first time I was so focused on Clementine that most of the characters were just background noise to me, but this time I had the possibility to appreciate more of the game since I already knew it, and who shined the most was Lilly. I love that woman for both her good and bad traits, and I'm afraid to replay TFS now lmao 😰
It was a bit annoying how the game seems to try and antagonise her through the other characters bitching about her, but it makes sense since that's something that of course would happen to the only person with the guts to distribute food rations. But still, having Lee as the only one who can say something positive about her and what she has done when the player has absolutely no idea about how things are in the group because it's the beginning of the episode? Lmao fuck you. Also, why does she accuse Carley but if you save Doug she kills him as a mistake? Let my woman show no remorse towards both of them.
She's already hurt for losing the only family she had, so losing the other thing she was protecting so desperately because someone within the group betrayed them is the last nail in the coffin, along with being dismissed while she was trying to find out who did it. I'm not saying it was right to kill Carley/try to kill Ben (who did what he did for understandable reasons from his side), but I still see why she snapped and I can't hate her for it.
It's a pity the game gets rid of her, because seeing someone who still didn't lose her humanity (sure, she doesn’t want other mouths to feed, which should be obvious why since she is the one giving food and knowing they can barely survive with what they can find, but she shows it when she doesn't agree with Kenny if he says that Lee made a mistake putting the girl in Macon out of her misery or when she doesn't want to steal from the stranger - she doesn't want to bear the weight of more people because it would be impossible to take care of them too and she prioritise her family and then her group, but this doesn’t mean she wants to survive on other people's expenses, which, ergh... kinda changes) doing something so ruthless it's so interesting, and I would have loved to see her progression through the game. I guess we do in TFS, but at the moment I'm torn about what they did with her in that season... Also, I simply wanted more of her in the game lmao
Protecting Duck and Katjaa as much as I could + trying to save Larry was a good combo for Kenny, I genuinely think those choices gave me the best of him. I like to make fun of him for being a pain in the ass if you agree with him about everything but a single choice is what makes him despise you and even avoid to save your ass when you need, but I really liked how things evolved in the final episode.
Kenny isn't a bad person, no one at the motor inn and who can join the group later on is, and killing someone (who at the moment is defenceless) because it's what you think is the right thing to do to protect yourself takes quite a lot, and Lee not helping him surely would make him feel like being left alone in such a hard moment and would divide them. But in the last episode, after seeing the worst of him (I mean, I believe that's in s2, but that's another story) because of his loss, the fact that he comes around when Clem is taken and treats you as a pal and uses the last bullet for Ben? I loved that, I think it showed the best of him. I thought he was going to be an asshole till the end, but I'm glad I can be on Lilly's side without having to be hated by Kenny for the whole season. I still loved to kick his ass in the third episode though lmao
I've made some pretty different choices compared to the first time, putting more thoughts behind them, especially when it came down to end someone's life.
Lee is a man who killed before it was necessary to survive, but it wasn't premeditated (or so I believe at least), and still has the heart to take care of a random kid as if she was his own. In the end, I only made him kill the girl at the motor inn who was bitten, the one screaming in Macon, and the stranger. Following this, I didn't let Clementine shoot him, and I'm glad the game made me give the actual reason I thought about: killing changes you, and I don't think a parent (that's who he is in the end) would make their child go through that, especially when said parent knows what it's like, and not only after the apocalypse.
It's clear that in the world she lives in she'll end up doing it, but it wasn't necessary to her safety, and Lee is no coward, and I like to think that he would keep prioritising Clementine over himself even in such a moment. Yes, it's sad for Lee, and Clementine surely is going to regret this, but I wanted to make the choice as Lee, not as the player nor as Clem.
These aren't all my thoughts on the game but the rambling got a bit too long, so I'm going to end it with the love of my life being pissed:
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indigo-o · 11 months
40+ followers event!
if the there's one thing to know about me is that I love flowers! Any and all soooooo
The boutique flowers event has opened!
First the rules
No smut NSFW or anything like that and please respect that rule Im writing for bsd and any character from bsd
now that the rules here's the colors
Red: comfort
Orange: angst
Yellow: mystery
Green: fluff
Blue: Soulmate
Purple: dark (color)
Pink: yandere
Now that you've chosen the color of your flower now you must chose your flower Rose: I'll never leave you I promise Lily: you act like an all knowing God or some shit Allium: trust me when I'm here no one cam hurt you not even when I'm gone Azalea: I'm fine it's just some blood not poison Begonia:I hate you, you hate me let's team up and kill (agency of choice lmao) Caladium: this (article of clothing depending character)is so soft and warmmmm Calendula: if don't get in this house/apartment your going to get sick Chrysanthemums: your perfect just the way you are Coneflower: your hair is just so softtttt Daffodil: you will listen to me, I'm trying to save you Dead Nettle: you are mine all mine Hydrangea: London Bridge is falling down falling down falling down Lavender: good thing you can bake cause I sure can't Pansy: you fake bitch Lilac: your just so fragile Daisy: someone sure knows how to dance sunflower: *snaps picture* I think it's the golden hour tulip: your so interesting so Innocent Chamomile: your my reason, the reason I get up, the reason I check my phone to see if I have a message from you (That's for my wife, that's her favorite flower)
If you want multiple dialog prompts then aske for color flower flower: example: red roses and lillys
Or red and orange lillys
Make sure you say for who!
Have a great time
Love yall and thank you so so so much!!!!
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Imagine an AU where Jason tries to do THAT again to Aponi in hell
And Al overhears and is just like:
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Enjoy being sad.
Alastor x OC fic
Warnings: s3xual as*ault, r*pe, ab*se, this is probably triggering so read carefully (talking to u julia).
Today was the day Aponi planned on confronting Jason about what happened when they were alive.
She had been planning this for days and finally worked up the courage to call her ex boyfriend to tell him to meet her at the hazbin hotel.
She paced around her room, hands nonchalantly being placed on her stomach.
She walked downstairs at the perfect time to see Jason walking through the door.
"Jason...." she muttered. He didn't say anything.
Aponi took him up to her room and locked the door. If Vaggie found out he was here, Aponi would have to physically restrain the moth from doing something.
"What do you want Lilly," Jason asked as he sat on the chair in her room.
"I wanna talk about what happened," Aponi replied.
"Oh my God. Here's what happened my little flower; I gave you a few kisses and you went and killed yourself and our baby," Jason scoffed.
"That's not fair, asshole. You and I both know what you did," Aponi defended.
"Oh. You want me to do it again baby girl?" Jason asked as he stood up and walked toward Lilly with a smirk. "No one cares down here. I can do whatever the fuck I want," Jason muttered dangerously as he pinned Aponi against the wall.
Aponi's eyes widened in fear. "Jason no. Get off," She stated calmly.
"No. Stay still you little bitch," he growled as he moved to take off her clothes.
Aponi pushed him away. And went to unlock the door.
Meanwhile from outside, alastor was roaming the halls, specifically next to Aponi's apartment.
Aponi's scream was cut off.
"Come here, bitch!" Someone yelled.
There was rustling behind the door.
"SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE!" Aponi screamed.
Alastor was quick to all but kick the door down only to find Jason and Aponi on the floor, Jason on top if her holding her down while Aponi was on the bottom, tears running down her face as she struggled to get up.
"Who the fuck are you? Can't you see were busy?" Jason asked.
Alastor processed what he was seeing, noticing more things such as aponi's pants being down and the forming bruises on her face. Not to mention Jason's hand wrapped around her neck where alastor knew was sensitive.
Alastor's eyes narrowed as the environment glitched around them.
"Get off of her," Alastors voice got deeper as the static got louder.
That's when Alastor made his shadows charge at Jason, knocking him away from Aponi who sat up and began coughing and holding her neck gently.
Alastor wlaked toward Jason who was being held down by the shadows.
"I'll enjoy this," Alastor muttered before charging at him, the screams of the lowerclass demon echoing through the hazbin hotel.
Aponi sat against one of the walls, eyes wide and trying to slow her breathing.
It almost happened again....
How could she be so fucking stupid? She should've known this would happen.....
Tears began to spill nimbly from her eyes as she continued to stare wide-eyed into nothingness.
She was pulled back to reality by Alastor kneeling in front of her.
She was startled and she screamed, pushing away from him as if he was Jason.
"Lilly, darling, it's just me! It's just me!" He soothed as he sat down and pulled her on top of him so he was cradling her.
"He almost did it again......" Aponi whispered.
An hour or so later the two were downstairs at the bar.
"Woah. What happened to you?" Husker asked when he saw the bruises on Aponi's face.
"Ah you shoulda seen the other guy," Aponi joked.
"..... was it your ex?" Husker asked.
Aponi turned away.
"Look I'd say 'I told ya so' but you don't need that right now.... I'll go get some ice," husker stated.
"You told him?" Alastor asked.
"He was the only one I told about Jason coming over..... he warned me against it but i didn't listen," Aponi muttered.
Husk came back with an ice pack.
"Here. This should bring down the swelling, kid. Are you okay?" Husk asked.
"I've been better.... but thanks.... I'll listen to you next time," Aponi gave a weak smile.
Alastor glanced at her neck, the mark around it bruising up worse than usual.
That's when Angel walked through the door.
"Hey hey hey! What up guys!" Angel shouted as he made his way closer to Aponi. He stopped. "Who?" He asked.
"What?" Aponi responded, confused.
"Who the fuck did that to you?! I'll kill em 20 times over if I have'ta!" Angel shouted.
"Calm down Angie.. alastor already took care of it....." Aponi muttered.
"It was ya fucking ex, wasn't it?!" Angel asked.
Aponi nodded.
"Did he get far?" Angel asked once again.
"...... he didn't get what he wanted. Don't worry," Aponi replied.
"Can I hug ya?" Angel asked. Aponi nodded and the two embraced.
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jade-eclipse-li · 3 months
With all due respect,
They’re fucking kids don’t talk to me about discipline you bitch
Even if you DID treat him good back at S1 she still ends up that state it’s just horrible.
I get it, she lost her dad and she had to take care of herself.
I’ll save Louis every time cuz let’s be honest, losing an eye is bad, but CUTTING A FUCKING TONGUE IS WAY WORSE.
Losing an eye? You have another.
Louis loves singing, that’s his thing, he could whistle but COME ON.
And losing an eye hurts like hell, it’s literal get stabbed in the head.
But do you know how sensitive your tongue is? It’s the most sensitive part of your body.
It’s so sensitive that if you bit your own tongue hard and deep enough, you can kill yourself.
Shoutout to the character design of Lilly, such a well-made villain.
A villain is only successful created if many people hate them.
Lilly still sucks don’t get me wrong
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people who believe in psyops need to kill themselves im 100% serious. you cannot be fucking calling political divisions, the anger of black people or people of color, anytime you lilly white bitches get a wind of anger you fucking use your actual politics and their language to erode the human being into trash you can shit out. you know how dehumanizing it is for your anger to be seen as nothing but a tool to benefit from, do you know how fucking disgusting is to dismiss another human being as nothing but a servant to your personal life narrative. whiteness is truly a fucking illness, whole world warped between comfort and who you get to get it from, who do you benefit from till you've laid waste to all. images and fantasies only of your own making are the only land you know of that can offer you life because giving weight to that anger as humanely as possible would mean that life exists elsewhere and built with other people, even between whites, any sign of conflict is fighting against the hive like, insane behavior, divisiveness just means there are desires and things to build and so on and so on, like please im not gonna listen to left infighting and political divisiveness from people who's only participation in politics is through posting and voting like, kys.
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mistydelights · 2 years
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I had Piofore 1926 for several days and had to wait to play it. Darn responsibility. I’m not here to review this, but just offer to gut reaction to each route at 4:40am. This is my tumblr and I am just here to have a good time and feel so attacked right now. MILD spoilers, but I’m not trying to flood the tag with English languages endings this close to release.
I played Dante first and IT HAS BEEN A MISTAKE.
WOULD NOT RECOMEND PLAYING THIS ONE FIRST. Especially since I started Gliberts now, I see how play this first gave away too much. It was top of the stack. I saw at a glance that order “didn’t matter.” I guess it doesn’t really, but like with 1925 you can get to story better on the soft order. This was the worst choice, so hopefully everything else is still fun. (DEV Recommended Gilbert → Orlok → Nicola → Yang → Dante → Alternativa → Henri. Some reviews more Nicola just before Dante.)
 ·         Great action-packed opening. +50 points for good hook
·         Lilli WILL be bullied by a man into having her groceries carried. Game law
·         Teo’s hair animes harder than almost all the art work (It is BEAITFUL so it’s all cool)
·         Everyone looking at Nikola and deciding he is a shady bitch they can get to their side if only because he is too dangerous alive and too hard to kill is so fun and I love it
·         That lovers spat was less than manufactured conflict. It was nice…till they ruined it on the apology. Lilli should be sorry for storming out, but nothing else! I am pushing a higher bar on this game than it was ever going to have, but this is one of the little ways the MC could be more defined and the romance more well rounded. It could have been a cuter/stronger moment with a few line changes of effort is all I’m saying.
·         In my dream version of this Lili get s just a bit more interaction with the whole cast. Some more time with Leo and Nikola. More time with OTHER LADIES. We are here a long time and don’t *need* it  for the game this is but it would make the attachments more flashed out and the MC have more flavor.
·         Nikola pushing Lili and Dante to have good communication skills and healthy relationship habits. Showing he knows what that looks like and making the active choice to never use that information
·         Henri’s sad boy energy thru this whole story line is actually compelling and it’s a good way to use this plot line without wasting it. Wish they had played up the parallels lining up even more. (Again, I seek a higher writing bar, but good ideas deserve exploring)
·         There are lots of conflicts that needed resolving by the end of this and they do a long winding job of closing everything out by the end of it. 10/10 would air on HBO Primetime for 12 seasons.
·         Lili and Dante’s relationship is 110% adorable when you turn you brain off (which you should with these or how did you get here). The chemistry is good and you can see growth over the first game. The respect for Lili has gone up too and that pleased the section of my brain that wants some good romance (Not why I am here and *not a recommended reason to try these games*. Do it for the fire, twists, and pretty art)
(Tragic end) Again Gil stuffer being randomly made a monster by the writers so the plot could happen. He is consistent after the choice that he wouldn’t make, but I need more of WHY we are in this burring house of pain. The story makes less sense starting here.
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7-oh-ta1 · 2 years
So I've never really talked about why season 4 is my least favorite TWD game, but I'm hoping I can sum up my thoughts tastefully though tbh I get a little spiteful at the end because I am adhfhgk
First things first, I don't hate the game, it's just that it's on the bottom of my list compared to the others. Narratively it's pretty heavy-handed with the "Walkers are still people" idea which isn't a bad idea to explore but it feels out of place or not fully realized. The best example is in the very beginning with the Walker couple in the train station. AJ suggests we kill them for the key, then Clementine tells him "but they used to be people. And as people, they asked to be left alone". Personally, I feel like the note and their hands tied together were enough to get that idea across but they felt the need to have Clementine explicitly speak the other side of the argument just to highlight their point. It wasn't needed, and this happens all the time throughout the game.
Even more frustrating is that Clementine has a set personality in s4 regardless of what your Clementine was like in ANF because ANF is was completely discarded by the narrative. Yet even my s2 Clementine would've killed the Walker couple, but all of a sudden she feels extreme empathy for them. Maybe if you're playing a soft Clementine, sure. But the hardened badass of s3 wouldn't have said that.
If you choose not to kill them, then yes by all means she could say that to explain her reasoning to AJ. But by saying before the decision it makes it seem like killing Walkers is against my Clementine's morals -- which it's not.
And therein lies the issue I take with s4. Unlike the other seasons, where you could do arguably cruel things but still feel justified (lying to Hershel & Shawn, protecting Duck instead of Shawn, saving Doug/Carley over the other, killing the St. Johns, stealing from the car, leaving Lilly, pushing Omid, threatening Vernon, killing Ben, the list goes on--) but in s4, if you're not a complete pacifist the narrative itself beats you over the head with "but what if you were nicer? Hm? Bet you feel like shit. You made AJ a monster because you didn't say thank you when someone held a door open for you." And it's like... no?? What?? Idk why Clementine is acting this way bec I certainly don't feel bad for the choices I made.
James is one thing, he's just one character, and I respect him for standing by his ideals even though I don't agree with them. But it feels like the game was written and coded by James. No one else has different opinions than him or contest him, no one agrees with Clem that sometimes you have to kill people to protect yourself, and the entire story is written saying that his ideals are right. I feel like the conversation was so nuanced in s1 & in s3, a bit in s2, but in s4 it just says, "this is right, this is wrong, and if you choose what we as the writers disagree with then we're going to make Clementine feel like shit" so I feel like my choices didn't even shape the narrative. I was wrong, that was that, and I'd need to play again to see the "good" end.
Aside from the narrative itself, I also did not get incredibly attached to the Ericson cast (Aasim was cool af but got put in a cupboard for the majority of the game & Mitch the Bitch was also cool but he died randomly) so when Clementine was kicked out I was like ... okay, I don't really care. I only feel bad for AJ cause he seemed to like it but personally I wasn't gonna miss it. Then I have to go back and help these people?? Prove myself?? Huh? I don't even like y'all. 🤨 I hardly know you TO like you! I'm hitting the road good luck with the kidnappers.
The community of teenagers also gave me a young adult series vibe, I'm getting Hunger Games, I'm getting Divergent, I'm getting that one with the girl in a crystal ball on the cover, and I don't like any of those series. It feels like s4 was written about a teenager for teenagers, and I'm 21. Even s2, with a 11 y/o protagonist, felt like she was in a very dangerous adult world, s4's world is a teenager's world. S4 doesn't even feel like it's the same world as the previous seasons. The pieces are there, but the way the narrative uses those pieces is just so lackluster.
They also did the "is life precious or not?" thing that ANF did, but this time simplified it to the point that it was literally in the dialogue asking you. ANF handled that theme with grace and nuance, weaving it into the story subtly but still very much present. You weren't beat over the head with the idea, you were quietly influenced by the storytelling until the story beats where you must ask yourself, "Do I hold the authority to decide who lives and dies? Is it my place to decide that? And in the end, do my decisions make an impact? Do I hold the god-like power I think I do?"
Apparently most TWDG players don't read like. Actual books because it completely flew over their heads. I think that's why s4 DOES just outright ask you over and over and over if killing is right because obviously the main audience needed it in big bold letters. This frustrates me to no end because it killed whatever stock I had in the story. Especially when I complied with all James's requests to not hurt the Walkers, but after my walk in the barn I stood by my belief that Walkers are not people, so he suddenly went from being my best friend to hating me and spitting vemon at me??? I never want to hear anyone hate on Jane or Kenny again after that. He demands you be open minded to his beliefs, but he's not open minded to your's!! It's so hypocritical that it's baffling. That's when it all clicked for me. "Ohhhhhhh. This game has a very strong idea of what the right choice is, and if I choose differently I'm going to get a shit ending..."
And so I got a pretty ehhhhh ending!! Because fuck em, that's why! I partly choose to shoot Lilly not because I wanted to, but because it felt like they were trying to force me not to! I ended the game exactly how I started it: Ericson's is eh, okay. The cast has potential but is never fully realized. At least AJ is happy. And that's.... not the feeling you want when you finish a game series.
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abbyandhanako · 1 year
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“The relationship I had with Gorm and Rood’s respective subordinates was decent at best, Alexandra was in Neo Plasma and I still see her, Leslie is in Old Plasma and I don’t know if Kayla quit the organization, but they got on well with Gorm, Alexandra actually helped me with treating injuries as she used to work at a Pokémon Center so it’s a little ironic she’s in Neo Plasma, T.K called Gorm’s grunts ‘annoying bitches’.
Leslie didn’t really like T.K that much, he actually admonished her and her comrades for abandoning the Watchog they had.
Rood’s subordinates, Alexei, Katie and Lillie were pretty nice people at best, Alexei asked if he could play with Hana because he found her adorable and Katie and Lillie offered to watch her for me if she has to be dropped off at the Old Plasma safehouse.
Katie and Lillie often help with Pokémon liberated, they like Psychic types, especially the Gothita line, Hana sometimes plays with their Gothitelle and Gothorita
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Zinzolin’s subordinates Gerald and Annie were the closest thing I ever had to parents, they joined Old Plasma instead of following Zinzolin, Billy and Jack mostly were out liberating Pokémon, They were pretty fanatical and Billy didn’t have much sympathy when Mark’s Eevee twins went missing unlike Jack who tried to look for them, I think Billy joined Neo Plasma….
Jack is also in Neo Plasma aswell, he often helps with intruders, He isn’t really fond of my relationship with Mark and Hana, Hana befuddles him and Billy.
Annie and Gerald are also pretty nice to Hana and they would tell her stories about what Team Plasma was like back then
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“I don’t really speak to Amy, Evan and Takehiko, Evan used to be an Ace Trainer and loved Grass-types, he would actually take over from me when I had to treat one, Amy was horrified when Mark could have died from a cardiac arrest.
Takehiko and I sometimes speak but Mark is close with him, Evan and Amy out of me, T.K and Mark.
Amy and Evan helped Mark take medication and even allowed Mark to take bed rest, Amy even took him out shopping despite Ghetsis’ protests.
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“And Giallo’s grunts, Donna and Cletus……Do I fucking need to say more?, They were shit trainers and absolute fucking scumbags at their worst, They stole Hanako’s Purrloin and countless others ruthlessly if I may add, nearly killed Mark after stealing and trying to release Glaceino and Flareina, and leaving Giallo to get arrested during Neo Plasma!; Also, Cletus was a fucking dumbass who couldn’t obey a single fucking allergy warning and kept giving Mago Berries to his Deino despite Ghetsis’ severe allergy!
That bitch Donna is the absolute worst, She used to bully me for being poor, after Wesker was stolen from Hana, I started being more brutal with her and Cletus, when Lord Ghetsis and Giallo asked them why they stole Mark’s Flareon and Glaceon and tried to steal T.K’s Glameow, their claim was: “Because they can devote themselves to liberating Pokémon all over Unova without those rare Pokémon that they shouldn’t have!”
They had the audacity to brag about their very first ‘liberation’ to everyone and acted like they were hot shit because they saw themselves as start of “Team Plasma’s glorious future” and even bragged about what they had done to Mark despite the fact Mark suffered broken heart syndrome, Donna also treated liberated Pokémon poorly which is why Snivy joined Hugh.
Cletus was also harsh to his Deino to the point he was extremely vicious while Donna spoiled her Frillish so badly she couldn’t mentally comprehend not having anything she wants.
When Cletus found out about Frieden’s moveset, he wanted him for himself and replace his own Deino, he and Donna disagreed with Hana getting Frieden, both screamed abusive language at her and Hugh once they realized it wasn’t going to be reversed, They refused to listen when told Lord Ghetsis isn’t mentally fit to keep a baby Deino.
When Mark’s mom and Yasuhiro pressed charges, Donna’s stepdad who ran a luxury cruise liner company tried to get them to drop the charges for the theft and harm done to Mark and Wesker’s theft and assault of Hugh, Eun-min told him “your stepdaughter should go to hell for what she had done”.
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my first ever story
i wrote a lot of crappy stories when my hand was still able to write without being in pain. the first ever one i wrote and kind of made me want to write more and improve was a crap of story.
it was about a girl i don’t think she ever named in the story, she get kidnapped by eyes jack rip off, she fall instantly in love with him , he didn’t give her a reason why he kidnapped her it was no for money or anything. and she was like that so hot of you to do that i love you. i kind of  rushed the story cause i was getting bored of it,thank you not diagnosed  at the time Adhd. so the end of the story she escape to get help you wonder? no no she mad he not paying attention to her, she goes and kill someone he watched and like wow that hot i love you now and that how the story ends yeah that how it ends no real characters or arch no real reason for anything, just a pointless story. you may take this story as thriller or horror of some type nope it was suppose to be taken as romance. but that time i wrote it i was proud of it and wanted to write more. it was only a few page long oh you thought this was multi chapter not only a few page it was suppose to be very complex it my mind but due to not diagnosed Adhd just like i’m bored make another story please.  i wrote this few page story in a journal that lost to time like many other story that were throw out or lost.
I thank this crappy stories for making me want to  write,  now my Adhd is somewhat under-control i can focus on chapter much longer. more crappy stories where born during the time where it wasn’t most them unfinished the one i did finish was five night Freddy rip off where there ghost of my old character I’m pretty sure Lilly is in. the person was trapped in the abandoned town trying to survive these ghost so yeah Lilly died multiply times for no good reason and came back with no explanation. the story end with some of the ghost being reunited and moving on the main character who again never named escape the town somehow i really can’t recall how. they then write a story about their experience in this town, the town i think get restored after this story is published happy ending i guess. the thing is about this story i really didn’t like writing it, i hated the story but i just wanted to finish one story in my life so i did. it was mutlip chapter and by the time it was finished i was proud of myself for finishing it then i think i throw it away cause i hated it so much.
but because i finished a story i hated so much through determination  i figured i can do that again. i almost finished a undertales retelling through frisk eyes with there being a romance with sans for no good reason then i lost it and was so fricking mad i was nearly complete with the story it was so close to being done.
there was the story with Lilly which i also finished though the original plot of the story is lost in my memory. i know the story end with  Lilly dying again this time i thought it was for good. with her being reunited with her daughter and guiding the children who were killed into the after life. this was before under-tale came out i believe which made Lilly again come back, dear god how many time has Lilly died in my old stories? i can’t quite recall i know it a lot were it came a joke to me when i was older. Lilly died more the loki did i pretty sure that how bad it was. i hate to say this Lilly died more then dean and sam wincheaster ever did in whole supernatural. dear god that kind of achievement for Lilly to die more then the brother ever did, i didn’t think  my crappy writing could do it but it did it! *pat myself on the back* she was even paired off with so many random character i found fascinating at the time. like the neighbor of hello neighbor, Mughead, sammy and bendy, the purple guy, i think she was once paired off to  a fricking animtroc at one point and this is when she was this huge bitch of a character and the man swooned over it. i think the only reason Sammy fell in love with her in the first place, was she called him not bad looking the other had no good reason. dear god Lilly been through hell. I’m sorry Lilly this was meant to me to recall the first story i ever wrote. then it came to me laughing at how many time this poor character died in my old stories.
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schattenmagier · 3 years
• what’s the worst crime your muse ever committed? if they didn’t commit any, is there something illegal they’re interested into trying?
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// Her worst crime? Murder. A few times. Though Lilli has never been punished or anything for it so far. Mostly because it was either because of self defense reasons or no one knows that she did kill someone... It's usually the last one though.
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@gyubby99 okay i couldn't help it.
Warnings: mentions of r*pe, bad parenting, toxicity.
I'd also like to put a disclaimer, clearly the time in this isn't Canon, so don't come for me.
This is and Alastor x OC fanfic.
"Are you sure about this, darling?" Alastor asked Aponi as she put down the telephone after calling two people.
"Yep. I've forgiven them and I want them to know it. I wanna be the bigger person," Aponi replied.
"If they try anything, they die," Vaggie muttered.
"They won't. Not with you guys here," Aponi replied.
"They'd better hope they dont," Angel Dust replied.
"Guys calm down. If Aponi trusts it, then it's her choice," Charlie interrupted.
"Exactly. Plus who's gonna hurt me with the protection of the radio demon, and daughter of hell on my side? I'm gonna be fine," Aponi stated.
There was a knock on the door.
"They're here," Husk stated as he took a drink of beer.
"Thanks captain obvious," Angel taunted.
Charlie opened the door, and in walked Aponi's Mother. As well as Aponi's ex.
"Jason. Mother. Thanks for coming. You guys can have a seat," Aponi stated as she gestured to the hotel couch.
"Ya know. From the call I thought maybe you wanted me back," Jason stated with a smirk as he sat down.
Alastor smiled widely as his expression got dark.
Jason must've noticed because his expression shown fear and he sat up straighter, as if on edge.
"I thought you called because you needed money. Or some decent clothes that aren't from a brothel," her mother started.
"Hey! Those are made of strong materials!" Angel Dust defended. "And they were gifts!" He finished.
"I called you two here because I want you to know that I forgive you," Aponi stated.
Absolute silence.
"Forgive me? For what, Lilly? Giving you a good life only for you to destroy it by running off with... a pig," her mother taunted, looking at Jason with the last word.
"You've always been such a bitch, Deborah," Jason snorted.
"Says the lowlife who raped my daughter," Aponi's mother replied.
"Oh my fucking God it was one time!" Jason yelled.
"She killed herself over it!" Vaggie shouted right back.
And that's when the whole room filled with arguing.
Aponi walked over to Alastor and sighed.
"I should've made them leave the room, huh?" Aponi asked.
"On the contrary, darling. I quite like this chaos," Alastor smirked.
He turned to see Aponi looking at him sternly.
"Yes, my dear," he muttered before sending of a high screeching noise, courtesy of his microphone.
The arguing stopped as everyone turned to Aponi and Alastor.
"As a matter of fact mother, I forgive you for manipulating me. For kicking me out when I told you Jason and I were leaving when school ended. For not talking to me, For not loving me the way you should've. I forgive you. I dont know why you did what you did, but I cant change the past and honestly I'm tired of holding onto the anger," Aponi explained.
Her mother looked down and nodded.
"I.... thank you, Lilly," She murmured before sitting down.
"And.. Jason.... what you did.... it was the hardest thing to get over. And it took 70 years for me to get over it, but I finally did. There's no excuse for what happened. But I love myself enough now to know that I don't wanna give that moment power over my life AND death. I forgive you," Aponi stated.
"Lilly.... despite my time in hell... when I found you when you died? I.... I'm sorry..... after that I tried so hard to be sober.... but I died before it could happen. I am sorry," Jason apologized.
Aponi let out a Breath and smiled, tears in her eyes.
The room lit up with white light.
"What's happening?" Vaggie asked as she looked up to the roof to see what looked like a portal to heaven.
Aponi looked around, everyone's eyes were on her.
"What?" She asked before looking at herself. She gasped. She was covered in a white glow.
"I was right," Charlie muttered as a smile grew on her face.
Alastor's eyes widened as he looked at Aponi.
She started walking toward the portal before she was stopped by a hand.
"Lilly, darling,... Don't forget me," Alastor stated as he looked at her, a small smile on his face threatening to break, his eyes filling with tears, a rare sight that only Aponi had ever seen.
"Forget you? Alastor, my love.. I'd have to die a billion times over before I'd even start to do that," Aponi replied with a smile.
Alastor pulled her in and kissed her.
Everyone in the room stared wide eyed.
He had never done that in public. And yet here he was, the radio demon himself, kissing the love of his death in front of the whole room of other demons.
The glow on Aponi grew brighter until it dissapeared, taking her with it.
When everyone's eyes adjusted to the darkness again, there was Alastor sitting on the floor numbly.
"I was right," Charlie muttered before laughing. "I WAS RIGHT!" She yelled before going over to the phone to call her dad.
"She's.... just gone?" Angel Dust asked.
Alastor stood up, his smile still on his face, as wide as ever.
"Yes I believe she is! I will be retiring to my room for a while, my friends," He stated joyfully before quickly shuffling out of the room.
"He's hurtin' isn't he?" Angel asked.
"More than he ever has before," Husk replied.
"She... what just happened?" Aponi's mother asked.
"Her last step must've been forgiveness," Vaggie replied. "Shes tried for 70 years to redeem herself, and the second she let go of all the hate she had for you two....." Vaggie trailed off with a smile.
"Shes in heaven?" Jason asked.
"Yep," Angel replied.
Meanwhile alastor walked into Aponi's room, still smiling. He started to pack up and clean out her items.
He stopped when he looked into her closet and saw a wrapped box with a tag on it labeled with his name.
Happy birthday Al
-Love, your Lilly
It read.
Alastor opened it carefully to see a radio with butterfly wings on it.
Aponi's eyes opened as she adjusted to her surroundings.
It was very different from hell.
"Lilly?" A man's voice asked from behind her.
She turned around.
"Dad?" She asked. "Dad!" She exclaimed before running over to hug him, tears in her eyes.
"70 years and I'm finally here," Aponi stated.
"70? It's only been 6 minutes since I died," Her father spoke.
"What? But.. Thats.... does that mean you died a year after I left?" Aponi asked.
"I did, yes," he replied.
"How many minutes has it been?" She asked again.
"Only one," he stated.
And at that moment nifty appeared.
"Nifty?" Aponi asked.
"Oh my goodness! Aponi!" Nifty smiled.
"Aponi?" Anither voice asked. Vaggie.
"Vaggie!" Aponi exclaimed, a smile on her face.
"That was the weirdest feeling I've ever felt in my life," Vaggie stated as she looked around.
A loud thud came from beside them.
"Angel?" Aponi asked.
"Oh my God. I-.... that's the most unexpected...." Angel trailed off before seeing his friends.
"Time is relatively here. 1 minute here is 10 years in hell and on earth," Aponi explained quickly.
The group stayed in silence.
"So now what? Like..... what do we do?" Angel asked.
"We wait?" Aponi suggested.
"Lilly?" A voice came.
"Mother?" Aponi asked as she saw the image of her mother.
"Deborah?" Aponi's father stated.
The family hugged for a good 2 minutes, awkward stares from Aponi's friends.
"What the hell?" Came the voice of husk from behind all of them.
"We're all here!" Nifty exclaimed.
"Not all of us," Vaggie muttered. Aponi sighed.
"So this is heaven? Not bad," Husk stated as he nodded his head.
"Obviously there's more but I think we should wait a bit longer," Angel stated.
"You guys can go ahead," Aponi stated. "I'll wait here,"
"You sure?" Vaggie asked.
Aponi nodded and her friends and family all walked away to go look around.
An hour passed.
Aponi had sat down and waited in silence.
"Hellow darling," A familliar voice spoke from in front of her.
She stood up quickly and stared at the man in front of her. She smiled.
"Hello, Alastor," she stated.
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ink-on-the-brink · 2 years
Yandere Merc Dads (Imagines)
[Spy, Soldier, Medic]
A/N: Guess who's back bitches! And I've come with the last part in the yandere Merc dad series! Let's GO!
You become his kid in a similar way you become Scouts. His wife dies at your birth and in doing so leaves a vacant hole on who will take care of you. However, the only way he's going to take you in is if he's not at the mercenary base anymore. So this would have to happen before or after joining the team.
"mon amour, s'il te plait...s'il te plait ne me quitte pas, s'il te plait ne pars pas-"
"Please don't cry for me. You have a child to take care of...don't make their legacy my death"
The moment he laid his eyes on you he was immediately obsessed. If he's being honest, that's how he felt at the birth of all of his children. But it was always a weak obsession in the beginning which was overpowered by the fear of what would happen if his work-life mixed with his personal life. So he had always left. Now though, without the option to leave you for your own good, that obsession was allowed to grow within him.
"Shhh, ne t'inquiète pas mon petit bijou, papa est là. Je sais, je sais...elle me manque aussi"
He's extremely protective but no one would be able to tell, even you. He knows where you are and what you're doing at any moment of the day and no matter how free you think you are you're always exactly where he wants you to be. Sure, you can have friends, but he's going to be the reason you meet them after he's practically picked them out for you. You want to go out with said friend? He'll subtly implant ideas of where you should go and what you should do until you choose them, thinking that you came up with them the entire time. Romantic partners? Yeah, he's definitely picking those. He'll cause whatever chain of events he has to. Everyone in your life is someone he put there and anyone who isn't is seen as a threat.
"Papa! Papa! I made a new friend!"
"Really? What's zeir name?"
"Lilly! They just moved in next door!"
"Oh really? Hm. What a lucky day for you zen petite bijou"
Spy always has eyes on you. Always. Whether it's his own or his most trusted workers. That being said, if say one of those workers happened to lose track of you or he happens to look away at just the wrong time...This isn't going to end well.
"What do you mean you lost track of zem!"
"I mean I was watching them and they ducked behind a building and didn't come back out! I don't know where they are!"
"You imbecile!"
His first objective is to find out where you are. He's going to every imaginable length to find you and nothing is going to stop him. He'll threaten and kill until he knows where you are and gods forbid it's somewhere unsafe. After he finds you he's immediately relieved. Unless you're in Immediate danger he won't directly appear but instead subtly direct you home through the environment. He doesn't want you knowing that he's watching you and popping up out of nowhere would compromise that. So he simply cools down from his panic in the shadows as he guides you home.
"I'm so lost! Papa is going to be so mad when I get home late-"
Click, click, click
"Huh? Oh! A map! That's...oddly lucky..."
And what about the person who lost track of you? Well that's exactly it, what about them? As far as he's concerned they no longer exist. Their name is erased from this planet, along with their body. They are nothing more than ash in the wind now.
"Sir, have you seen Darin? Hasn't been around since last week"
"Darin? You hired him for a few jobs? 
"Apologies, I don't zink I know zat name"
Despite his care, Spy isn't the best with kids. He's not very experienced and is rather cold towards most people in general. So it will take him a while to get used to being around you, let alone being your parent. Even when it does finally click though he isn't immediately lovey-dovey. He kills for a living, he almost can't risk showing his care for you. But you will know that he cares, even if it's just the small things. It's just important that no one else does.
"And what about that kid of yours?"
"...I don't know what you're talking about-"
"Oh, don't play coy with me. You know exactly what I'm talking about"
"I'm afraid not. I'm a man of espionage. A child would just get in ze way of zat"
He loves giving gifts to you. It's sort of his way of showing affection. He gives you exactly what you want and nothing less. You'll treasure these gifts and love how much thought is put into them. He'll sometimes get you things even before you knew you wanted it. He's an incredible gift giver and does undoubtedly spoil you.
"Bijou, I got you somezing"
"Really?? What is i-...oh my god..."
"...do you like i-"
Would call you "mon petit bijou" which translates to "my little gem"
"petit bijou-"
"You know, I'm not little anymore. You can stop calling be that"
"Would you prefer gros charbon?"
"...I retract my previous statement"
He's only letting you go to the best, most expensive school. He wants you to have the best life and that requires the best education. That being said, like everything else in your life, it's controlled through the shadows. He personally picks your teachers and pays them extra if they give you extra attention. He knows all of the kids in your class as he's the one who picked each one of them. Even down to the janitors. Everyone you'll ever meet is someone he's picked beforehand.
"Y/n, you seem like you're not understanding something. Can I help?"
"Oh! Uh, yeah! I don't think I understand this question"
Spy's worst fear is his work life at all interfering with you. So all it takes is one small slight insinuation or even so much as a broad gesture from a colleague or enemy towards you and he's killing them. He doesn't care how important they are or how much chaos it would bring to kill them. Absolutely no one is causing any harm to you. And if they do? Well, they will be forgotten by time itself as he erases absolutely everything about them from existence.
"You got any kids snake? Y/n ain't it? I'd hate to see someone lose their daddy over some petty job. So come on, let it go-"
"Absolutely no one speaks of my family"
Spy is a rather strict parent. He wants you to grow up intelligent and independent and if he is to do that then there will have to be rules. His rules though are a lot more normal than the others. Keep your room clean, do your chores, don't go out without infotming him, do well in school, etc, etc. He doesn't have to put limits in your social interactions because everyone you know is someone he put there. So he just simply focuses more on giving you good skills to bring into life.
"J'aime dessiner mais je n'aime pas parler anglais"
"J'aime det-"
"-desiner uh...je-"
"Non, you forgot mais"
"Ug! This is so stupid!"
Breaking these rules does have its consequences. Again, he's rather normal when it comes to these. You can be grounded, get your hobbies taken away, be given extra chores and the list continues. He knows rebellion is a part of growing up so he isn't unnecessarily cruel about it. 
"Uh oh...Yes papa?"
That being said, if you were to gain a mean streak and say, run away? Well, he has simply no tolerance for that. He can and will find you, there is no hiding from him. You'll be locked away in the house for weeks, maybe even months. He'll grow colder than ever before and might not even speak to you during this time. In truth, it's because he was terrified. At any moment you could have been killed by people looking for him. If you would have died at the hands of those looking to harm him he'd never be able to live with himself. He had tried so hard to detach himself from his family due to this fear. You were the only one he had let in and now there was no getting out.
"I will not tolerate zis rebellion! Do you know how many people could have hurt you?! Ze dangers zat I protect you from-!"
"God, that's such horseshit! You're paranoid! No one's looking to kill me and even if they were it wasn't like I was just walking around like a defenseless dipshit! All I want to do is be by myself for like- five minutes! Without having to be in my room!"
You very likely will never notice his obsession as you grow older. He's a master at depiction and manipulation, no one's ever going to notice enough to tell you. You'll likely never leave his care either. He has enough money to keep you living comfortably for the rest of your life and it doesn't matter what he has to do, you're never going to live too far away.
"Will I have to move out when I get old enough?"
"If you would like. I have no problem paying for your apartment if you wish to be on your own"
"Zat doesn't mean you won't be working zough"
"Oh come on-"
You and him will have a strange relationship as you grow older. He's caring but cold, protective but seemingly never in your life. You'll care a lot about him, he's your dad after all. He was always there for you when you needed him. At the same time though you knew next to nothing about him and he'd seldom tell you about himself. As you grow older you'll see him less and less until eventually he's out of your life almost entirely. The only thing that lets you know that he's still alive are the small gifts on your birthday along with the money you still had access to. You'll never be told why he left and it frankly might leave you a little heartbroken.
"Did...Did I do something wrong? Why did you leave? Where are you?"
You'll never know that he is still constantly checking up on you, unable to fully leave you even if it's for your own good. He's grown too attached to you; too close. He couldn't fully leave you no matter how hard he tried. He knew he had to go for your own good but the paranoia of not knowing where you are and what you're doing would never go away. So he decided it was best to stick to the shadows and hopefully keep as many of his enemies unaware of you as possible along with helping you through your life.
'I'm sorry zis is 'ow it 'as to be. I hope I can see you again, when It's no longer so dangerous'
Shadows surround your life and in them is where he'd stay.
I'm almost fully convinced that Soldier just straight up kidnaps you. Like he just sees you chilling in a stroller or one of those baby rooms in the hospital and he just yoinks you as his own. Straight up he just sees a baby and goes 'hey, that looks cute. I'm gonna keep it'
The moment his raccoon friends accept you he's in full obsession mode. He will protect you with his life! His raccoon army will need a competent leader when he's not around and you're it!
"Hello lieutenant bites! I have brought you new company!"
Soldier is overprotective in a strange way. If anyone even so much as looks at you wrong then he's ready to send them six feet under, but his lack of self-preservation when it comes to his own actions rubs off on you. So he will encourage you to do dumb shit that gets you hurt, but not a single living creature is going to lay a hand on you.
"It is time for training little cadet! Today you will learn to jump...WITH ROCKETS!"
He is an extremely paranoid person. So any person that comes near is automatically assumed as a threat to him, and that's when you're not around. So you can imagine how much of a hair-trigger he has when it comes to other people around you. That being said he also isn't very observant. So all it takes is a little trickery and people will be able to sneak behind his back to get to you. That, however, never ends well considering he will eventually notice when you're not there and go on a spree of absolute destruction until he gets you back. He will level mountains (literally) if it means getting you back.
"I do not take kindly to your words commie! Y/n! We-...WHERE IS MY RACCOON LEADER!?"
Kids love Soldier, parents despise him. Sure, he's good for a bit of roughhousing and make-believe, not to mention that his stories are amazing to listen to. But his antics can, will, and do get you hurt on numerous occasions. He doesn't feel pain much anymore, so it's very hard for him to realize that others do. So it might take him a moment to see that you're hurt. But he's quick to act when he does and will try his best to make it better which, surprisingly, he's somewhat capable at. You don't travel overseas and blow up (supposed) commies without learning a thing or two about medicine. That being said, he'll still probably take you to a doctor of some kind.
"Great job cadet! You'll be as good of a soldier as me in n-"
"Mr. Soldier"
"I think I have a boo-boo..."
"Oh...OH NO!"
Soldier treats you like a little member of his army. You are trained as a soldier but in a milder sense. He seems to still understand the difference between a child and an adult and so he won't treat you as harshly. That being said you will most likely have a gun in your hands by age five.
"Hut two three four, Hut two three four- pick up your knees cadet! There is no time for loose formation in war!"
Often refers to you as "cadet" or "little soldier". If you take these titles on with pride he'll grow the widest and most lopsided smile on his face.
"Hello cadet! Proud to see you up and at 'em so early!"
"Yep! I'm ready to start training!" 
School? Psh, those are full of nothing but unamerican losers! They never helped him! They only called him stupid! No, he wouldn't put you through that! You're going to learn how to be an all-American soldier! You and him, you're gonna have each other's backs! No one's getting through the two of you! You'll be unstoppable!
"It's just you and me little soldier! And we're going to kick so much unamerican ass that our footprints will be permanently imprinted!"
Soldier doesn't tolerate anyone trying to hurt you or take you away. It's a swift neck snap for him. That's all it takes to protect you most times anyway. He isn't very calculated with these attacks though so it's often that he hurts someone who's done nothing wrong or someone with maybe a bit more power than he expected. So there have been numerous occasions when the two of you have had to flee from angry crowds or law enforcement.
"Mr. Soldier! They're gonna get us!"
"Not if I have anything to say about it!"
Soldier doesn't have rules so much as he has expectations. He wants you up bright early, to participate in training for the day, to grow strong, and to stay alert at all times. Breaking any of these 'rules' isn't common considering he has the persistence of a cat trying to get into a cabinet of treats. He will sit there, making your life as annoying as possible, until you do the thing he asked you to. 
"Cadet! Cadet! CADET!"
"You are up late! You will do two extra laps today!"
"But I don't wannaaaaa"
"That is not a factor in my decision!"
If, however, you are just as persistent in breaking his daily routine, he's willing to up the ante. He can and will pick you up and carry you where he wants you to be, no matter how hard you kick or scream. Once he has you where he wants you and you still refuse to do what he asks he'll start yelling. This will have absolutely no effect considering his default setting is loud and you can't tell the difference. After a while of ranting and realizing that none of this is working he'll grow silent. Which is downright terrifying because that means he's thinking and Soldier thinking is rarely a good thing. If you somehow withstand this bout of silence he'll take a seat next to you, his arms crossed and huffing. He will then sit there with you until either you do what he wants or it becomes time for bed. You won't be allowed to move from your spot unless you agree to listen to him. You won't be able to outwait him no matter how petty you are. He can go on like this for literal weeks with the only exception being bathroom and food breaks.
"Then we will not leave until you do!"
As you grow older you might start to notice Soldier's abnormalities. And though you'll most definitely still love him, you can tell that he isn't fully alright in the head. Especially as you start to want to become more independent and explore the world more. He won't let you stray too far and his mental state only continues to deteriorate when you're away. His paranoia skyrockets and he will become suddenly more controlling. If you choose to stay by his side his grown paranoia won't cool again. You'll have to constantly assure him you're not leaving though. 
"You are not going to leave me, right Cadet?
"Of course not! We're going to kick ass together! We are a team!"
"You are right! We are a team!"
If you do attempt to leave you'll see a side of Soldier he’s never shown you. What you would call your father disappears and is replaced by the battle-hardened paranoid man you recall people telling you about. You won't get far and if you do he will spend his entire life trying to find you. Once he does he will never let you go. You'll never be allowed out of his sight again and he won't be so kind about it either. He will grab you if you try to flee and doesn't hesitate to boast his utterly insane amounts of strength compared to you. Again, he doesn't feel physical pain, so your punches and struggling only hurt him emotionally.
"Let me go! You. Are. insane! INSANE! Get the fuck off of me!"
He needs you. He has never really known unconditional love until he started raising you. You're his last line, his only true connection to those around him. Every other person has betrayed or left him. So he can't let you go. The thought alone strikes untold amounts of fear in him. It disturbs him greatly when you cry out for him to let you go and even more so when you pull away in fear, but he doesn't know what else to do to make you stay. You're his little soldier and as much as it pains him to hurt you like this, he believes it's better than letting go.
"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry. I can not let you go. I'm so sorry. Please do not cry, do not cry- I have to! You can not leave me! You can not!"
You're his little Soldier after all.
There is no way in hell that you weren't just an experiment gone...right? While he would have never intended to create a child, if it happens he takes it on rather quickly.
"Alright zere, zat looks good. Hm...oh! Just a dash of zis and-"
"...oh...oh mein gott..."
He will not fully attach to you at first. You won't even have a name for the first few years of your life. He'll maul over whether he should keep you or not, but he will eventually grow to care for you too much. It doesn't take long after that before he slips into obsession.
"So uh...what's it called?"
"Experiment of highly intelligent lifeforms number 472! Or just 472 for short"
"...so it doesn't have a name yet?"
"Vhy vould I name it? I'm not even fully sure it has a conscious yet!"
Medic is batshit okay. He's fucking insane. So it's fair to say he isn't the most conventional of parents. He's extremely protective of you, to the point of murder, yet he does not see himself as a bad influence with the sheer amount of gore he shows you on a daily basis.
"Jou vant to see what daddy's vorking on? Come, come. I'll show jou! Look, right zere is ze lungs, und is ze middle of zat is ze heart! Und if jou follow along here jou'll find-"
He has constant tabs on you. You are only allowed to go where he saids you can and you will have to run every idea by him before you can do it. Despite his lack of care for his 'patients', your health is a top concern. He worries constantly about your health and can not bear to see you even slightly harmed, let alone fully injured. So under his watchful eye you'll remain.
"Nein! Get avay from zose! Jou'll get hurt!"
"Hm! Noooooo! I wanna play!"
"Zose are not for ze playing maus! Zose are my dangerous tools! Vhy don't jou go play viz Archimedes? I'm sure he'll be much more entertaining zan sharp metal" 
Despite this Medic is actually strangely good with kids in his own incredibly strange way...When he's not scaring them, that is. He's rather excitable and has a habit of over-exaggeration. He also has a huge soft spot for babies, since he loves to dote on them.
"Awww just look at jou! Mein own little creation! Such an adorable specimen!"
Medic wants his child to be like him, so he'll encourage you to join him for experiments at a very young age. The moment you're old enough to pay attention to anything for more than ten minutes he has you sat beside him listening to his ramblings about what he's doing. When he thinks you're experienced enough he'll even let you help. Well, more like kinda force you. 
"Do jou see zat Y/n?"
"It's a tumor! Fascinating isn't it? Now vatch, jou're going to do zis next"
He calls you "kleine Maus" which means "little mouse". He gives you this nickname for two reasons. The first is that he just adores how small you are, the second is because of your perceived ability to get into things you shouldn't be in, which is common when you consider nearly every room he occupies is full of Things A Child Should Not Be In.
"Kleine Maus! Hehe, Jou vin! Jou can come out now! Please-"
Crash- bang- crash-...
"...how did jou even get in zere?!?!"
He doesn't send you to any type of school. You don't need that nonsense! He'll teach you everything you need to know! From medical textbooks to first-hand experience, you'll be a medic in no time! Then you can help with his experiments!
"Pop quiz, how do jou put intensities back in a patient?"
"anastomosis usually"
"Good! And vhat vital organ cant feel pain?"
"The brain!"
"Good job! Jou'll be a Medic in no time
As Medic grows even more attached to you, his fear for your safety only gets worse. He wants absolutely no harm to come to you, even with accidents. So if someone purposely tries to harm you? Or attempt to take you away? He'll snap. He will try to knock them unconscious if possible so he can use them for future experimentation, but if he can't he'll kill them in the goriest way possible before taking you and leaving the situation. He'll turn from serial killer mode back to 'normal' in an instant, a fact that is only enhanced by its common occurrence. No anger is found in him. If you were affected by the incident, such as getting harmed or terrified to the point of tears, he will feel as if he failed and will try to make it up by doing whatever you want for the next twenty four hours...within reason anyway.
"Oh mein sveet kleine Maus, are jou okay? Are jou hurt?"
"Th-They- Th-They wouldn't let go they-"
"I know, I know Maus...let's get jou get cleaned up, zen ve can do vhatever jou vant okay?"
Medic has many rules. He works a potentially very dangerous job, is likely being hunted by multiple people and governments at any given point and to top it all off isn't entirely there in the head. His top rules are to always listen to him under any given circumstance, to never go anywhere he doesn't tell you to, and to remain careful with whatever you are allowed to do. 
"Y/n! Come here!"
"Oh...vhen did jou get zere?"
"You never said I could leave"
"...so jou've been zere ze whole time?"
You won't break any of these rules. You just won't. You’ve seen dozens of dead bodies in any given week, have watched him kill people who so much as looked at you, and have seen him fly into his frustrated rages when something goes wrong. Your imagination is enough motivation to keep you in line.
"Ha! I scared jou!...
"...Y/n? It's just me Maus, zere's no need to be so afraid!"
You're unlikely to notice how entirely strange your life truly is. How could you have? You were isolated from the outside world, only allowed to see things he allowed you to. You wouldn't know the concept of a life outside your own. You likely grow up to be like him, following in his footsteps the entire way. Especially seeing as he's made any other option unviable.
"Dad! Dad! I just made the most amazing discovery! If we add your serum with a drop of antibiotics it creates a super cell that, once ingested, can act as temporary bullet resistance- Like the Uber but without needing the medigun on them! And it can even fit in your crossbow!"
"Vhat a wonderful discovery maus! I knew jou held such great potential!"
You'll grow very attached and deeply dependent on Medic, following his lead every step of the way. You become his helping hand in a sense. You'll see him as a protector as he actively makes you afraid of the outside world. You won't stray from him, remaining loyal until death.
"Now maus, I'll only be gone for a few hours-"
"But what if people come! A-And they try to take me like they did before!? What if I get hurt and-"
"Taking jou vould be even more dangerous. Zis is ze safest place for jou to be, no vone vill look for jou here. I promise"
"...you'll be back soon?"
"Of course. As quickly as I can."
Medic truly believes you are his best creation, his magnum opus. He loves working with you at his side and in doing so gains a new motivation to continue his work. Before he created you he was a lonely workaholic with no real purpose in life and now he has that sense of determination he had in his youth. This is why he must protect you and keep you away from outside influences. He must keep you safe, hidden from those who would seek to destroy you. No one will ever know that you exist.
'my sveet child, how I vish jou knew how truly important jou vere...don't vory, under my care jou vill be safe'
He'll make sure of it
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vesvalen · 2 years
My thoughts about Lilly or the reasons why you should look at her from the other side
TW: mental issues?
I recently finished all 4 seasons of the game and in season 1 I was angry at Lilly and couldn't stand her, but seeing her in season 4 something changed in me… It was as if I began to sympathize with her. In short: she is the same traumatized character as everyone else. But I'll just try to write a little more about it, because I want as many people as possible to understand that Lilly is not so terrible (she cannot be justified, but she can be understood). I remind you that I do not urge you to believe in this and partly this is my speculation, when the Telltale Games could not have invested much meaning in her story. Have a good read! (btw, sorry for my bad english it’s not my native language D:)
The first thing I noticed right away was the way she talks about her childhood, that her father raised her with a tough character, thinking that it was right, but no. This has caused huge injuries as we are seeing now. Turning off the electricity, depriving food because of this - can this affect the child's psyche well? Certainly not. And I understand that the military has its own rules, but you need to be able to separate work and family. Her father, I think, is one of the big reasons why she is so traumatized.
Second. She served and definitely saw a lot of horrors that could later return in the form of paranoia (as, for example, with the case when Lilly realized that someone was stealing medicines). Attention, headcanon! It is possible that she was sent to this service absolutely not of her own volition, it may be because of her father, and again it comes down to the first point.
The third. While reading Wikipedia, I came across "she was instantly regretful of having to kill Mitch, as she had a brief mental relapse, only to recover moments later" Mental relapse. (Relapse is a return to the disease while in remission) This especially attracted my attention and aroused my interest in studying it a little more and writing this post. Based on the above, I can say that she have not one mental disorder, but much more. I read about most mental disorders and tried to correlate which ones are suitable for Lilly, but again, these are my headcanons, which may be a little backed up by the truth. Presumably: anxiety disorder, possibly depression, hysterical psychosis.
In general, I can conclude that Lilly actually had big problems with her father, but she was attached to him because he was the only one who stayed with her. He, in turn, was very protective of her (and it's clear, he's a military man), but then he could hurt her too much, and Lilly.. She couldn't do something when she was still a child. And therefore, for these reasons, Lilly has grown into a cold bitch, but I am more than sure that there is the same gentle Lilly, just in childhood this tenderness was killed in her because of her father, perhaps she was forbidden to express her feelings and emotions and for any loud expression of feelings or emotions she could get a hit and therefore, apart from anger, bitterness and cold, there was practically nothing left.
Lilly is not really a negative character, if you think about it, she is deeply traumatized and just no one ever wanted to understand her.
I hope it was interesting for you to read this! Thank you <3
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