#Lily Salvatore
mrs-jamesbbarnes · 1 year
Alright I’m watching Alaric and Jo’s wedding episode and just thinking about HOW EASY it would have been to end the show on this episode. Lily could have succeeded in her suicide attempt the episode before (or been dramatically killed some other way), Kai and the crazies could have stayed trapped, Caroline could have given in and been happy with Stefan, Jo and Ric could’ve lived happily ever after, Damon could’ve taken the cure and been with Elena forever. But instead we got two more miserable seasons of weird storylines and everyone jumping through hoops to get an ending that made sense.
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scarletwandas · 7 months
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THE VAMPIRE DIARIES S07E06 - Best Served Cold
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nevereverthem · 16 days
TVD crack :
I just wanted Enzo to have his shot with Lily so that he could have been like...
"Damon, I didn't get you, but I got ya motha!" 💥🎉
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blairwaldcrf · 1 year
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Lily tells Stefan that Caroline will eventually sacrifice everything for her daughters 7x08 vs 8x06 Stefan tells Caroline he sacrificed his soul for her daughters
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splatooshy · 4 months
I don't want to sound too pushy (sorry if I do), but will you keep updating "I think I've seen this film before (and I didn't like the ending)? also, I love your portrayal of Damon and how you write him! Have a nice day! :)
yes!! uni’s been heckers as of late (turns out screenwriting is a lot more time consuming than regular writing… who woulda thunk it?), but i’m still working on it, hopefully it will start cooperating with me and i can get it up soon! here’s a lil bit to keep you going until then:
“Damon says… he says that Father is… c-cruel to- to h-hit me. T-that it wasn’t my f-fault.” Stefan sniffles, rubbing the irritated red splotch on his upper arm.
Lily purses her lips. “And do you believe that?”
“I-I don’t know….”
“Do you believe that your loving father is cruel? That he was not well within his right as a father to ensure you learn from your mistakes? To better you?”
“N-no! Of course not!” Stefan knows that Father only wants what is best. That he broke the glass, and therefore must be punished. It was a silly mistake, but now Stefan knows to be more careful. He’s learned his lesson; if he’s good, Father won’t have to discipline him again.
“Then you needn’t worry yourself with your brother’s lies. Damon… he will say and do anything to get what he wants. He will deceive you into blindly trusting his every word. I know you love him, Ange, but that’s the truth. He’s fooled himself into thinking he deserves lenience for his own wickedness, and he’ll do the same to you.”
Oh. So that’s why Father has to discipline Damon so often. He hasn’t learned from his mistakes, not like Stefan has.
There’s a few more minutes of sniffling, before Stefan leaves his mother’s rooms, wiping his red-rimmed eyes on his sleeves.
The boy looks up to see his brother waiting outside the door, and promptly looks away, muffling another sniff. Damon sighs.
“Are you feeling a bit better?” He asks, and Stefan nods stiffly, still not facing the teenager. It seems like Damon’s going to have to be the one to carry this conversation. “Would you like to go feed the ducks?”
Stefan doesn’t reply, biting his lip and decidedly not looking his brother’s way.
“Stef?” Damon’s tone is soft, and he kneels down to Stefan’s height.
“No,” the boy says, “I would like to be left alone for a while. Excuse me.” He strides off, leaving Damon crouched on the floor, dumbfounded.
Damon shakes himself out of it and barges into his mother’s rooms, no regard for proper etiquette. He looks to Lily with a hardened expression. “Why do you defend him?” He asks. “Why do you act like Father is some saint when you know just as well as I do that it’s the opposite?”
Lily sighs. “Of course you were eavesdropping.”
“Why do you defend Father?”
His mother rolls her eyes. “I do not wish to fill Stefan’s head with slander and lies. When I am gone, your father will be the only parent Stefan has. I cannot influence Stefan to turn against his own kin.”
Oh, the irony. Mother truly has a gift.
“You’re making it worse.” He glares at the frail woman. “These are lies you tell to convince Stefan that what Father does is okay. You’ve manipulated Stefan, for your own peace of mind. He’s a child. It was an accident.”
Lily just brushes off the words without a care. “Don’t pretend to be concerned for Stefan’s sake, Damon,” she says airily. “You’re upset that I’ve loosened your hold on your brother. That he is resistant to your influence. Once again, only ever thinking of yourself.”
Damon scoffs. “That little trick of yours no longer works on me, Mother. Speaking things into existence doesn’t make them any more true.”
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anewkindofme · 5 months
For a shield from the storm: Chapt. 20 [Toy Soldiers]
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They say "Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, nor Hell a fury like a woman scorned"...
On AO3
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ak-rye-47 · 7 months
Lorenzo St.John 's
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Type is either Cute Chocolate skinned Afro brunettes who have a martyr complex with a dash of honey
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Or thunder storm eyed- Blacknetts - A grade hotties who can't get their shit together and take a heavy toll on his mental health but they just too hot for him to care about tHaT~
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(mother son? fucked up i know....Welp! who isn't!)
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And control freak blondes who make him question if he was the sane one the whole time in betweens
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justanoutlawfic · 1 year
Very late thoughts to the Lily discussions as I only finished the show last year…
I can forgive her not being able to do much when she was married to Giuseppe. She was a woman in the 1800s, also abused. I don’t think it was right to let Damon take the fall for the money, but I can almost see her thinking “better he gets a burn vs my abusive husband kills me for trying to leave, then they’re alone”. (Again, don’t agree with this at all, but trying to put myself in her shoes)
But that all goes out the window when she found an escape as a vampire and could’ve easily took them, killed Giuseppe and protected them from it all.
She didn’t. She abandoned them and started a new family, leaving them to be abused.
And then she had a chance to redeem all that…and let it happen twice.
Damon wasn’t wrong when he refused to give her a heartfelt goodbye.
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laufire · 1 year
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I still think the show going "in a way, the salvabros' mommy is ALSO enzo's vampire mommy (and he's going to be a bit oedipus-y about it while she son-zones him even more)" remains the funniest choice they made for him. 10/10, no notes.
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I like how ms. vampire is flabbergasted by the mentions of SKINS
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I love Damon for not forgiving Lily. Trauma survivors are allowed to hate their abusers, especially their original abusers
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winnie-the-monster · 1 year
“These freaks may be your family, but Stefan Salvatore is mine.”
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countrymusiclover · 1 year
83 - Heretics in Mystic Falls
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Part 84
Gemini Runaway
@icefrye19 @secretdreamlandmentality
It had only been a few weeks since we released the Heretics and Lily. And to my surprise everything was still going pretty well. Klaus’s siblings were double their own thing. While Klaus and I were busy raising our daughters. Klaus and I were laying on the couch in his old mansion with my head laying in his lap. "I don't think we have had this much peace in a long while, love."
“That’s true and I am honestly in love with it.” I giggled when he started running his fingers through my hair smiling up at him brightly.
Three sets of footsteps came down the stairs all jumping on us. “Mommy. Daddy!” All three of them giggled when they tackled us in hugs and smiles.
“What are you three rascals up to?” Klaus sat up putting Missy on his lap looking between the three of them.
Hope smiled at him. “Can you play hide and seek with us?”
“We played it with your siblings but we want to play with you.” Alina moved onto my lap where I wrapped my arms around her.
He tapped his knees lightly before he picked up Missy in his arms throwing her into the air shortly and catching her afterwards. "Right. Since your mother knows every inch of the house she should seek. And the four of us will hide."
"Sounds good to me." Turning my back to them I whipping my head around. "Oh and this time no using your powers."
Alina and Hope nodded, running their separate ways. Klaus and Missy did the same leaving me to count to 100. Once I finished I slowly walked upstairs using my vampire hearing searching for their heartbeats. Entering one of the spare rooms I couldn't hear anything going on but I paused outside the closet door flinging it opened finding Hope. "Hi mommy."
"Hi baby." I smiled, helping her to her feet.
We both kept searching through the house for the others. Hope went and looked underneath the bunk beds but they weren't there. Vamping down the hall I entered the art studio looking through the pieces. Until someone accidentally sneezed meaning I had found Alina. "Gotcha!"
"Dang. It would be harder if we could use our powers." She hit the ground with her fists getting to her feet.
Now it was onto Klaus and Missy. Hope and Alina went on their own search for their sister. Scratching my head I had checked almost all the rooms so I went in search of my husband. Because there was one room we told them to stay out of which was our bedroom. "Klaus, what are you doing in here?" I asked when I opened the door seeing that he wasn't even hiding.
"Shut the door. Hurry Rae." He waved his hand in the air putting his hands behind his head smiling at me.
Shutting the door slowly and quietly as possible I walked over sitting down by his feet. "Are you going to answer my question now of why you are in here?"
"I'm hiding from my beautiful seeker obviously." He gave me a cheeky grin.
I sent him a glare. "Nik…"
He quickly grabbed me by my hips flipping me onto my back on the soft mattress. He crawled back up so he was hovering above me. "I couldn't help myself, Raelyn. After all, being back in this room reminded me that this is the exact house I took your virginity from you."
"You're ridiculous, Nik. Come on, we promised the kids we would play with them.” I attempted to get up from the bed but he snagged my wrist holding me still in my place.
He spun me back down onto the bed holding my wrists above my head. “They would never dare to come looking for us here, Rae. Now I do believe we should test out this bed again shall we. It’s been so long.”
“It’s only been a few weeks. Surely you will get tired of me.” I teased him with a smirk even though I already knew his answer would be the opposite.
Klaus leans down, capturing my lips with his in a deep hungry kiss. I kissed him back gently before he started moving kisses down my face. “I could never tire of you, Raelyn. Even after another thousand years has passed I shall never tire of you…” He kissed down, nuzzling his nose into my neck as he went.
“Ohh Klaus!” I moaned, throwing my head back against the pillows. One hand was bawling the fabric of his shirt in my fingers.
He moaned, crashing his lips onto mine again where I wrapped my arms around his neck. “See you don’t want to leave this bed just as much as I do. Hmm…you can’t….help…yourself either.”
“Stop talking, Niklaus. And kiss me.” I demand that he holding his face in my hands. My fingers tracing over the brown stubble on his chin.
Klaus sat up on his knees shrugging his gray Henley over his head tossing it somewhere across the room. He moved his hands down to my shirt, tearing it in half. “Gentle or dominant, love?” He questioned throwing my torn shirt off the edge of the bed.
“Either way I don’t care. Just make love to me.” I told him, taking his face in my hands, I drew him in for another kiss.
He smiled into the kiss moving one hand through my hair deepening the kiss. Our hands were moving everywhere across each other. We both began to moan when he fisted the other's hair. “God I love you woman.” My husband breathed out holding himself up by his hands on either side.
Vamping him onto his back I started undoing the belt of his pants until we heard Hope hollering outside the door. "Mom. Dad, we found her and she was making the bed float up in the air!"
"So she was cheating!" Alina yelled back to us. "Oh and Caroline called saying the Heretics were in town setting things on fire."
Missy finally added on so oblivious to the danger that really meant. "Maybe they were just hungry."
“We should just stay in bed. They’ll get bored of standing outside the door after a while.” He whispered huskily in my ear, his fingers running up my bare back.
Glancing over my shoulder back at the shut door there was a huge part of me that wanted to. But heretics setting stuff on fire wasn’t good either. “Klaus, come on be serious. We released them. At least we can make sure they don’t destroy the town.”
“I already have three children. I do not wish to babysit the residence of a one pony town.” He grumbled sitting upright until I was sitting on his lap. He wrapped his arms around me and unclasped my bra.
Turning my head around to him I met his eyes staring down at me longingly. “Nik, all we have to do is check it out and then we will be right back here.”
“Isn’t this more temping, Rae…ugh fine.” He began kissing my neck once again until I tugged on his hair making him look me in the eye again. We got out of the bed and threw on some new clothes heading into the main part of town with our daughters in toe.
Caroline was on the ground with a dead body in front of her with fire roaring around. “Oh, my God! Unh! Agh!” She grabbed her head in pain where we saw three women standing behind her.
One hand dark skin and brunette curly hair. Another had straight blonde hair. Finally the last girl had light orange hair with all three holding their hands up using magic on her. “Hello, neighbor.” The curly brunette smirked.
“Girls stay right here.” Klaus instructed them before he vamped forward, throwing one of the boy heretics off of a girl that was screaming while he fed on her harshly.
I vamped forward seeing the blonde heretic biting into one man that was on fire. “Urgh, get off him!” I grunted, snapping her neck where she collapsed onto the ground.
Then Klaus and I both went after the other two girls that were feeding, launching them away from the dying people. The girl with orange hair raised her hand causing me to hold my head in agony. “You have a funny way of showing you saved us from our prison world.”
“Raelyn!” Klaus hollered trying to vamp to me but he held his head too when the blonde heretic had woken up. Stefan tackled the other guy heretic but he managed to overpower him holding a stake over his heart.
Our daughters all held hands and put the fire out with their own magic. “Adiatuur.”
“Enough!” Caroline stopped groaning once everyone saw Lily standing there at the scene. “I fought tirelessly to reunite us, found ways to coexist in this new world, sacrificed everything to make us a family again. How dare you jeopardize that? All of you...The bloodshed ends now.”
Removing my hands from my head I sighed in relief getting to my feet. Klaus did the same coming over to me and our daughters embraced us both. Lily slowly left with her heretics in toe. “What just happened?” Caroline asked, looking around at the dead bodies and blood seeing that Matt was the only human left alive.
“I don't know.” Stefan shook his head.
She threw her hands up into her hair raising her voice in shock towards her vampire friend. “I thought we blew them up! How did they survive that?”
“Wait a minute. You attempted to blow them up. What the hell is wrong with you two!” I raised my voice towards the pair, offended that we had come and helped.
Caroline whipped her blonde curls in her face at me. “Raelyn, you have to understand. They took over Stefan and Damon’s house. We didn’t know how dangerous they were going to be so-“
“So you thought you could kill them with a bomb. Unbelievable, you know Klaus was right that this one pony town will end up getting itself killed one day by you all!” I cut her off showing my vampire fangs and veins.
Klaus called my name watching me leave. “Rae?”
“I’m leaving Klaus. Alina, Missy, Hope come on, we're going back to the mansion!” I grumbled, taking their hands vamping them onto the doorstep. The triplets went up the stairs tired from a hard day of playing.
It was nightfall by the time I plopped down on the couch in front of the main burning fireplace. Reaching over I popped open a bottle of bourbon downing a lot before my husband entered the room. “Bourbon hmm you must have had a rough day, dear.”
“Don’t mock me Klaus.” I grumbled when he came to sit down beside me on the couch. “I just can’t believe that we left the house with the girls to learn that the former save Elena gang caused the reason for the heretics to fly off the handle.”
He draped his arm over my shoulder where I laid my head against his chest. “Sssh Raelyn. They may be dumb but we don’t have to get involved unless the heretics attack them-“
“No actually never. We shouldn’t have to get involved unless Lily and her odd family come after ours!” I snarled, turning my head so we were staring at one another intensely.
Klaus ran his fingers through my hair tilting his head. “Rae, did you turn your switch again because you always care about their safety.”
“Nope. I still have my emotions honey. I just don’t see the point in making our lives chaotic if we don’t have to. Now back to where we were earlier…” I smirked, vamping my husband upstairs and onto our bed.
He smiled up at me with my hair falling in front of our faces with me kissing him slowly. “Have I told you how much I love you, Raelyn Mikaelson?”
“Only a thousand times, Niklaus Mikaelson ..” I giggled when he flipped me onto my back removing my shirt and his in the process.
He picked me up sitting me down on his lap where I smacked my arms around his neck smirking. “Then here’s to a thousand more times.” He said in a husky tone that made shivers run down my spine by the beautiful sound of his accent.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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Annie who played Susan Thompson in Supernatural season 2 episode 11 Playthings, Renee Walker in 24, Julia Brasher in Bosch, Lily Salvatore in The Vampire Diaries, Leslie Dean in The Runaways and Voice and performance captured for Tess in The Last Of Us video game has died from cancer.
This go fund me was set up for her sons.
Rest In Peace to a awesome actress.
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baubeautyandthegeek · 2 years
She says I smell like safety and home//I named both of her eyes forever and please-don't-go… -  Jules/Lily Salvatore
A/N: Written for prompt 4 of @flufftober​ ‘s Fluff Monthly for February
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Jules is quiet as she pads into Lily’s home, she’s shaking, wrapped in a simple dress Lily left by the door, and Lily looks up when she settles against her, the deep pools of gentle sea-blue-green eyes making her heart ache at the sadness there. “Are you alright, Little Wolf?” “No… I just…. I needed you.” Lily smiles softly, drawing her closer and tucking them both under a blanket, smiling when Jules nuzzled her neck. “You’ve got me Little Wolf…” “It’s just…” Silence, Jules shifts then speaks softly. “You’re my person…” “Oh Darling…” Lily murmurs, kissing her forehead softly. “Then I’m a very lucky vampire.”
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anewkindofme · 9 months
Salvatore Family + Name meanings...
Silas: Forest, woods
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Giuseppe: God will add
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Lilith: Belonging to the night
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Damon: One who tames, subdues
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Stefan: Crown or garland
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Joseph: He shall add; God shall add
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Zachariah/Zach: God/YHWH remembers
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Thomas: Twin
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Sarah: Princess
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