#Lions of Terra
chimeride · 2 years
A sea lion, but it's literally an aquatic lion with a mane made of axolotl-like gills
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sleepyfan-blog · 22 days
Apollo's Care
Author's note: This is the next part of the Raised on Terra AU! The masterlist for the series is here. A big thank you to @kit-williams for allowing me to borrow her oc, Apollo!
Tagged: @egrets-not-regrets @the-pure-angel @sharenadraculea @i-am-a-dragon34 @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan
Tagged; @undeaddream @bleedingichorhearts
Warnings: None? Please ask me to tag something if I've missed it/something bothers you
Summary: three moments where Apollo cares for his charges.
“... Oh no. Wherever has Eight gone? I cannot see him. Oh well, I was going to feed him, but if he isn’t here, I might as well feed Six instead.” Apollo called out, suppressing the smirk that threatened to appear on his face as he continued to look for the tiny Primarch. The little general had hidden himself in the darkest corner of the Primarchs’ creche room, and had put a blanket over his body, in an attempt to hide.
Given that Eight was supposed to have foresight and be in charge of the ambush strike force legion, encouraging him when he was indulging in those kinds of behaviors was not just permitted, but encouraged. 
Eight giggled and wiggled a little in his blanket hide-out. “Hehehehehe!”
Apollo suppressed the grin threatening to break across his face as he set down a small bowl filled with Eight’s favorite kind of blended up food mixed with the nutrients he needed to grow properly; blended up ripe fruits mixed with cooked meat-paste that was lightly salted. He then looked away, pretending to be distracted by Six, who was crawling towards Fifteen, fixated on the other primarch’s bushy red hair. “Hmm… Is Eight over here?” He took a couple of steps away, his other senses honed on the hiding infant Primarch.
More little giggles escaped Eight “Hehehehehe!”
Apollo could hear movement in the corner where Eight was hiding, and peeked over one of his shoulders. 
One tiny, pale and slightly clawed hand reached out towards the bowl. Tiny fingers curled around the edge of the bowl and began dragging it back towards the blanket lump.
Apollo casually turned back and murmured “Oh? Eight’s food bowl has moved. I should move it back.”
“Ah!” Eight cried out, lunging out of the shadows and flopping chest-first onto the bowl, pouting up at him “Bah!”
“Oh! There you are, Eight! I was wondering where you went.” Apollo rumbled, unable to suppress the amused grin on his face as he knelt down and picked up baby, blanket and bowl of food “To a high chair with you, little one.”
“Mmmmrrr!” Eight responded before trying to bite at Apollo’s hands. He had grown in three teeth, and was determined to use them on everything he came across; toys, his brothers, caregivers, his brothers, blankets, the sides of his bassinet, and his brothers. 
Not that his baby teeth would be able to break Apollo’s enhanced skin. “Uh huh. I’m not food, little one. Biting is rude.” 
“Mrrrrrr!” Eight protested, still trying to bite his way through Apollo’s enhanced skin. 
Six was the most active of Apollo’s three charges. He also enjoyed playing with his brothers quite a bit as well. Whether or not they wanted to play with him, the attention they gave him made him happy. Unlike Sixteen, who would wait a little before pestering a brother who Did Not Want to play with him, Six would keep poking the brother he had decided he wanted to play with until they eventually gave in.
Given that Six was to be His Executioner, and lead forces meant to enforce the Emperor’s will internally, alongside conquering the galaxy alongside the rest of the Primarchs, that dogged kind of determination was something that Apollo was cheerfully encouraging. Even if his behaviors frustrated his brothers and the other caretakers at times.
But, there were times that Apollo was also vexed by Six’s stubbornness. Like now. Six had wrapped himself around one of the legs of one of the chairs meant for the caretakers use. “Six, let go of the chair leg.”
“AH!” Six yelled at the top of all three of his lungs. 
The force of his shout caused Apollo to take a half-step back, his enhanced hearing ringing with the force of the sound. He shook his head a little, kneeling down and reaching out to the tiny blond Primarch “Six, let go, Right now.”
“Mah!” Six yelled loudly again, wrapping himself more tightly around the chair leg. 
“I know you don’t like bath time, but it’s important to keep clean. And you love playing with the bobbles and the toys, even if you don’t enjoy the water. Let go.” Apollo instructed his charge, a frustrated huff leaving the Dread Spear as he reached out to carefully pull the tiny Primarch off of the piece of furniture he was clinging to. “I still don’t know how you can tell it’s bath time. Maybe you can smell the scent of the soap?”
Six continued to cling to the chair leg, utilizing a surprising amount of the strength in his tiny, transhuman body to stay put. “Nnnn! Oooo!”
Apollo blinked in shock, momentarily distracted from his task. “Did… Did you just speak your first word? Even as a Primarch, none of you were supposed to be speaking actual words for another four to eight months from now… Come on now, little general. It’s time for your bath.”
“Nnn!” Six fussed, clinging more to the chair leg, before he started to growl again, bearing his two front teeth and snapping at his fingers.
Apollo was entirely undeterred from the little threat display. “Eight has sharper teeth than you do. He also has more of them. If I wasn’t worried about his bites, why do you think yours would deter me six, hmm?” Still, he was pleased by the show of stubbornness, even if it was vexing. That kind of determination would serve the Emperor well, when properly directed as Six got older. 
One had just finished his meal, and had snuggled into Apollo’s arms the moment he picked up the infant Primarch out of his high chair. Unlike Eight and Six, One was a neat eater, and only needed his face and hands gently wiped clean after eating, rather than needing a bath.
Six and Eight enjoyed making their mealtimes a full-body sensory experience. One would eat the spoons that Apollo fed him with, if he was allowed to do so, and while the Dread Spear was pretty sure that a Primarch would be able to eat pretty much anything as an adult and be fine, he wasn’t about to let any of them eat the metal spoons they were being fed with now, as it was a potential choking hazard.
A certain nosy Blank already disliked him enough as it was, and while Apollo couldn’t care less about what Almach thought of him, the other’s interference in his caretaking duties was frustrating when he interfered. Currently the Blank was tending to his own charges as he should be, so Apollo paid him no mind as he hummed softly to One as the little Primarch yawned and snuggled deeper into his careful hold. 
“That’s right, little one. Off to sleep, so that you may grow and get strong, for the Emperor, for mankind.” Apollo murmured, a small smile appearing on his face as he gently rocked one back and forth, a content expression on his face. 
One yawned again, a tiny hand reaching up and gently grabbing onto the fabric of the shirt that Adonis was wearing, “Prrrrr….” 
Apollo’s eyes were gentle and warm as he walked over to One’s bassinet, still softly humming the lullaby that he barely remembered, and was unsure where or when he had learned it, waiting for One to fall asleep, before gently tugging the shirt fabric out of One’s hand and tucking him in. “Sleep well, young one.” 
“Prrr…” One rumbled in his sleep, snuggling into the stuffed toy. It was pleasantly warm to the touch, and similar such toys were available for each of the little Primarchs to use and snuggle against. They slept better with these warm toys - especially if the toys had been handled by their primary caretaker and had a bit of said caretaker’s scent on it.
The Emperor had been initially against the idea of such toys, but after a couple of the Primarchs had finally slept through the night with such a toy at their side, He had relented. The silent war over Naming the Primarchs had yet to be concluded. Apollo was staunchly neutral about when and how the Primarchs would be named. 
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comparativetarot · 8 months
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Nine of Vessels. Art by Credo quia Absurdum (Tiago Pimentel and Ana Fragateiro), from the Terra Volatile's Expansion Pack.
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romancemedia · 1 year
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Cartoon Couples + Break Ups (1)
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linkman447 · 1 year
Lions cub 2
Jaune: terra?
Ghost: oh jaune you found ussss
Ghost 2: heeeyyyy little brrrooo
Jaune collapses to his knees crying uncontrollably
Terra: ok ok this was bad on our part (she wipes her face with her sleeve causing the makeup to rub off)
Saphron: ya my bad but all the close and makeup in this place is like this
Jaune grows: you two have been lost for months and the first thing you do when you see me is this
Saph: ya not my best moment
Jaune: we’ll wipe off that make up and let’s go
???: oh my lady’s you have a guest
Another ghostly figure appeared
Terra: oh Tasha this is saphrons brother
Tasha: good day lord arc
Jaune: oh so you got a 3rd person playing games
Jaune goes up to the third person and try’s to rub the makeup off only for his hand to pass straight through
Jaune looks at his hand then to Tasha: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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wayfinder-wolf · 11 months
After days of blood, sweat, and tears, here is my annual birthday art, a gift to me!
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Every year, I draw a big piece showcasing all the cool stuff I got into during this past year of life, and show off how much I've improved artistically.
The composition is based on the cover art from Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories.
See if you can spot everyone here!
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fisherrprince · 2 years
Pls elaborate on language barrier im so very interestedddd
hi anon I’m a little late — it’s a very short and silly drabble based off of the idea that no one in kingdom hearts speaks the same language, especially not between all the Disney properties, and keyblades just act as universal translators, haha! i would tag it crackfic. It didn’t get very far before being dropped, but the entire radiant garden crew (minus kairi) speaks one language, kairi sora roxas xion and riku speak another, ven marluxia larxene and vanitas one, aqua and terra one, all of the toons speak one, and some of them can KIND of get the gist of the other going off of how ancient scalan seems to have evolved into the script in modern twilight town/radiant garden
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daminouspurity · 3 months
England vs. Switzerland | Euro 2024 European Championship Quarter-Final | Predictions EA Sports FC24
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maastrichtiana · 1 year
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the mountain lions are unwittingly practicing witchcraft to improve their hunting chances and leaving patches of terra preta behind
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cosmicfey · 1 year
I've been marathoning all the Disney Renascence movies and Tali has decided to curl up on my bed and watch them with me
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heabitfruity · 5 months
Silly Hobbies: Primarch Edition
Apparently I wrote too much according to tumblr, so I'm sorry if it's choppy :[
Lion El'Johnson - He actually really loves analyzing "literature"; but not normal literature like Shakespeare or Kafka. He likes analyzing things like The U.S Constitution and The Treaty of Versailles. He does this because he thinks it will help him diplomatically (it doesn't, nobody gets why he does it otherwise, not even his sons).
Fulgrim - This man knows how to dance to every K-Pop song known to man. He can throw it back to "Baby Got Back" and has tried to teach Sanguinius and Ferrus Manus how (It didn't go well, Ferrus threw his back out ). This man knows the exact choreography to "Womanizer", "Nude" and so many other songs.
Perturabo - He likes making useless contraptions; like infomercial level sort of inventions. He has invented bread-dogs, a time-machine to go back exactly two seconds for each use, a voice-recording recorder, etc. He uses Dorn to test it out, despite their... feelings for one another. He knows that Dorn will give him a blunt answer; even if he is told that the invention is "stupid".
Jaghatai Khan - He's really good at acrobatics, specifically everything with the asymmetrical bars; this man could easily escape a pack of dogs with a pen in his pocket (If anyone gets this reference I will be so proud). He attempted to teach Angron how to do the basics, but it didn't go that well; the man is just simply not flexible enough yet.
Leman Russ - This is a secret that he will take to his grave because he suffers from major internal misogyny. He knows how to knit, and he's REALLY good. He grew up on a planet that is 75% of the time below zero, of course the second he got ahold of yarn and wool he got to making warm things for his marine-sons! However, he plays it off as things like: "the citizens of Fenris have donated these for our cause".
Rogal Dorn - He likes making massive forts, societies and various massive structures in Minecraft, with Legos, Lincoln Logs, and those small, ceramic Christmas towns. They're usually quite extensive, but not extravagant. He will pester Perturabo and Magnus to look at them, and this often leads to debates about how these civilizations would function.
Konrad Curze - He teaches cooking classes; however, they are not pleasant. At the end of meal prep, all students are covered in blood due to Konrad butchering whatever protein they had prepared. The food actually tastes amazing, however the process of making it is certainly a battle within itself. Sevatar is his sous chef, which means he frequently has to do most of the work that isn't butchering.
Sanguinius - Honestly, animal rehabilitation. I know this sounds absolutely odd, but due to him having wings, he has to know how to keep a healthy batch of feathers! He's excellent at bird handling, and actually really enjoys it. He's saved at least 54 birds (he doesn't get to find many, his sons typically try to steer him away).
Ferrus Manus - Dude actually makes some really mean jewelry; like the man makes the permanent ankle chains, ring engravements, earrings (with the help of Fulgrim). He's made a lot for his brothers like Leman, Fulgrim, Magnus, and the Khan. They're all very appreciative (though Ferrus has to make Leman a special mixture so he doesn't chew through it by accident).
Angron - He does extreme sports! It helps focus on something that doesn't direct his anger at things that he doesn't need to focus on. It's somewhat funny to think of him riding a BMX, but his absolute favorite is bungee-jumping! He has forced demanded that his sons and brothers try it to "toughen them up". However, nobody except Konrad wanted to. (They both had a great time! One of the few times they've actually bonded over anything.)
Guilliman - He enjoys grading papers... He enjoys signing up to grade the essays of AP classes on Terra and does it every year if he has the time. He takes the pleasure of learning things about literary merit from other people's perspectives, and every time it makes him consider becoming a professor (even though it would be highly impractical).
Mortarion - He enjoys escape rooms, especially with Konrad and Horus. They actually usually have a great time, though sometimes they have to stop Konrad from digging into the walls. He actually commissioned Perturabo to make an elaborate escape room with hatches and secret pathways all around a set of shipping containers. It was so fun that he actually decided to keep it. (He still discovers new routes and puzzles in it every time he goes in.)
Magnus the Red - He plays Dungeons and Dragons with Khan, Guilliman, Perturabo and Alpharius and Omegon. He ALWAYS is the Dungeon Master, no matter what. This is not because he is selfish and possessive (he is a little), but because nobody in the group can seem to maintain a regular gaming schedule. They have simply resorted to Magnus being the godly controller of their games.
Horus Lupercal - This man fishes. I'm sorry, he does the straight, white man fishing and poses. He takes pictures of the fish with the awkward raised arm but genuine smile. He sometimes gives the fish to Konrad, however, less so after finding out from his students what happens during his classes.
Lorgar Aurelian - He writes fanfiction. He likes to show Magnus and Horus his angsty stuff. This stuff is even enough to make Magnus cry a little. Lorgar, however, also writes smut. I believe that this man has never had the intimate touch of any person. Not because he's celibate, but because he's a bitch. The smut's written like in the early days of Wattpad. It's disastrously bad (Think "his meat-cicle entered her mound"). Leman found it one time, he tormented Lorgar for weeks with it.
Vulkan - He bakes! He has learned all the favorite sweets of all of his brothers, making sure to surprise them occasionally whenever they haven't spoken in a while. He loves it whenever there are big events, gives him a chance to see all of his brothers and see them enjoy his work. (There have been some small altercations due to people hoarding food)
Corvus - He likes fashion; but not in a New York fashion week way, more of an Edna from The Incredibles way. He uses the help of Ferrus and Leman to help sew cloaks, shape up boots, and they use Sanguinius and Fulgrim to model it to make sure it looks good and it works.
Alpharius Omegon - They like mimicking their brothers as much as possible; in a "try to look exactly like them" way. It is actually really impressive, even going past the uncanny valley vibe. This led to Mortarion walking in on two versions of himself standing at his bedroom door and it made him piss his pants; and nobody believed him when he told the rest of them.
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chimeride · 2 years
A platypus mountain lion.
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robot-roadtrip-rants · 3 months
The Reunion of Lion and Guilliman
It’s a big deal, of course. The primarchs, resplendent in their armor, formally greet each other and shake hands on a dais. Lights flash around them as pict after pict is taken, servo skulls hovering close as they furiously record the occasion. Thousands of their sons stand to attention, organized by chapter in perfect parade formation, a rainbow of colors and heraldry buffed to an exquisite sheen. The great and good of the Imperium fill the audience, each weighed down with garments and jewelry worth whole planets. Speeches are given, glorious words about brotherhood and friendship and strength in the darkest hours. Outside, pilgrims swoon in ecstatic frenzy at the glory of the moment.
The real reunion takes place after the festivities die down. The primarchs remove their armor and retreat to a room that has been hastily cleaned after millennia of disuse for just this purpose. It is a humble room, no more than a lounge, made for casual conversation and socialization. Its unique quality are the dimensions of the furniture, for this room was made for a very specific group of brothers—brothers who, bar two, are now gone.
Lion sniffs at an arrangement of bottles on one of the tables. “Mjod,” he growls.
“The Space Wolves were generous,” Guilliman says.
“Is this really necessary?” Lion frowns.
Guilliman says nothing, only raises an eyebrow at him. Him, and the rest of the galaxy, and the state of humanity, and the crumbling Imperium. Lion considers his life and the future awaiting him. Then he seizes a bottle and downs it in one go.
Hours pass. There is laughter, and there are tears. Stories old and new are shared. There is considerable commentary on the current Imperium—commentary that, should it have come from lesser men, may have been described as complaining. A full ten minutes are devoted to cherubs alone. (“I spent a week shooting them down until someone told me what they were.” “I swear by Terra herself, I thought they were Chaos abominations.”)
There is no fighting. That will come, eventually; tomorrow, or in a week, or a month. They are very different people, with different ideas and plans, and both are proud men disinclined to compromise. Conflict is inevitable. But not tonight. Each has lost too much to sacrifice this rare moment with his only surviving peer.
The night winds on. Bottle after bottle is consumed. Lion’s tabard lies discarded on an armchair. Guilliman’s laurels hang from a lamp. Both are flushed with mjod, hair flying free of carefully coiffed hairdos. Lion is lying on the floor, hands folded neatly across his chest, staring into the middle distance at the ceiling. Guilliman is facedown on a couch, muffled muttering emanating occasionally from his body.
A thought dawns on the Lion. It is a joke he heard once from M’kia. Lion is ambivalent on the topic of jokes, but this one fits the current situation too well to be ignored.
“Brother,” he says, “I have realized something.”
A grunt issues from Guilliman, signaling him to continue. Lion begins the joke.
“It occurs to me that if I had a throne for every time the galaxy was split by a warpstorm, and you asked me for help running the Imperium, I would have two thrones. Which isn’t much, but it is strange that it happened twice.”
Silence. Guilliman’s shoulders shake as muffled sobbing emits from the couch.
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comparativetarot · 2 years
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Fortitude. Art by Credo quia Absurdum (Tiago Pimentel and Ana Fragateiro), from Terra Volatile.
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moodymisty · 28 days
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Author's note: @mothiir You wanted it, I delivered. I decided to stop poking at it and just post it or else I’ll keep changing it forever.
Relationships: Konrad Curze/Fem!Reader/Sanguinius
Warnings: NSFW, Not a menage e trois more so like you have your husband and also the feral rat man who comes out from under your bed at night fingers you and then leaves, Double penetration, I will tag incest purely because having your brother join you while you fuck your beloved is pretty fucking weird lol, A bit of breeding kink on Sanguinius' side, Rough sex, Anal
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Konrad had been able to tell the moment he caught sight of Sanguinus that he was hungry.
His skin is pallid, feathers oddly misshapen. The spaces under his eyes were just that bit more hollow, his hair was limper and lacked some of that golden glow.
He has been so busy on Terra, fluttering from primarch to primarch giving greetings and advice, he has forgotten- once again- to care for himself. It's unsurprising; He's done this to himself many times before.
He’s talking with Lion now; They’ve been there for hours as the Dark Angels train in the massive open flats of marble tile surrounded by golden pillars.
You aren't with the angel, which doesn't surprise Konrad. While most of the primarchs know of Sanguinius' beloved, who Sanguinius' own sons have begun to call Mother Angel, he doesn't often bring you along when he is preforming his role as primarch.
Konrad thinks it's because he's attempting to spare you from it. To make you think he's less violent, less bloodthirsty than his brothers. He wants you to remain this gentle figure, soothing his sons with your voice and smile when they fall wayward.
Sanguinius in reality is just as bloodthirsty and tyrannical as the rest of them- he is just far better at keeping that side of him covered with silken fabrics and deep within himself, for the sake of his relationship with you. For the sake of seeming like the most human of all of them.
But Konrad... He doesn’t know what the relationship between you and him is. What to call it. How to describe it.
You are Sanguinus’ beloved; But your relationship with him started because Konrad brought you to him in one of those neglectful fits, where Sanguinius refuses to satiate in his own desires. To reap his reward after toiling so hard to save the galaxy.
But despite you being fully loyal to your angel, your lord husband, your primarch, both you and said angel have been more than amicable in letting Konrad continue to, indulge.
He’s never felt less like garbage- dirty water flowing through a sewer pipe. He knows your heart is bound to Sanguinus, but you’ve reserved a place somewhere in it for him. He is fine with that arrangement; It is far more than he would've ever expected to have. More than he would've even dared to think he could have. But he still feels as if he shouldn't touch you- you're The Mother Angel, and yet you are often at mercy to the blood stained hands of a nightmare in the dark.
Your gentle hands weave through his greasy hair; He feels the soft smooth caress of your skin.
‘You deserve respect just as much as them, I don’t believe that your birthplace should deny you that.’
He remembers a bit of a vision that had racked his mind little more than a week ago. He wonders when it will come to pass.
A vision he… Looks forward to.
Perhaps this situation is the least kept secret between the two legions; Sanguinus has hinted that his sons are displeased he allows the Night Haunter near their legion mother. While most of his own Night Lords find the situation amusing. Shang jokes that he is slowly turning their legion mother into something other than an angel- and Konrad doesn't find the jest entirely inaccurate. Other Night Lords often goad fights by making remarks about the Sanguinius' beloved and Curze, of which rarely ends without some form of altercation.
Once Lion finally leaves and Sanguinius is suitably alone, Konrad pulls himself from the shadow of a large marble pillar and starts walking towards him. He tucks his hands in the pockets of his loose trousers, the oversized cloth covering his torso hiding most of his body's shape.
"You don't look very well."
Sanguinius turns to look at him, before loosing the expression of mild surprise in place of irritation over Konrad's upfront observation.
"I could say the same about you, brother."
Raking a hand through his wavy blonde hair he adds a bit of body to it, so it isn't laying as lifeless against his face. But even after doing so Konrad can still see the dull sheen of his skin and hair.
“How long has it been since you've been with her? She’s more than healthy for you to bite her again.”
Sanguinus looks at him tired and a more than a bit irritated, shifting his tight jaw. His feathers are tight to his wings, and Konrad catches one twitch out of the corner of his eye. Turning away, Sanguinius sighs and purses his lips before managing to gather his words.
“I... Do not have the time to indulge myself like that.” Konrad rolls his eyes.
“Then make the time.”
Sanguinus stutters just a bit, as if somehow not expecting him to be so succinct.
“I cannot just, abandon my brothers- I only have so long with them before we are all separated again on our own journeys.”
Konrad lets out a sharp laugh, taking his hands from his trouser pockets and gesturing one arm out into the wide open space.
“They are not children, Sanguinus! I am sure Lion and Horus and whoever the fuck else demands your presence can more than survive in the few hours you don’t gossip with them.” Konrad gestures vaguely behind him with a pale, bony hand.
"Go. Eat. Go fuck her- do both I don't care, or I will drag you there myself. I didn't give her to you so you could lock her away and not enjoy yourself."
Sanguinius doesn't falter yet, and holds firm that he is far too busy to indulge his inhuman appetite. No matter how much Konrad thinks he deserves it; To take what he wants after so long of giving.
If this method won’t work, then perhaps he’ll have to change gears. Konrad's face is somewhat neutral and loses his previous frustration.
“You know she misses you, yes? She wants you.”
Sanguinus softens expression slightly. He's assuming Konrad has been near you quire recently, he can smell the scent of your perfume distantly around him. He had gifted it to you.
“Her body stinks,” Konrad uses a foul adjective despite the smell being the exact opposite; inhumanly addicting to the post-human men like Konrad who can smell it. “She wants you to fuck her so badly her body is crying.”
The angel looks away from him, clearly at the thin edge of his patience. In that wayward glance he notices Lion returning- but when he looks back, Konrad is gone.
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The quiet of the massive, primarch sized room breaks occasionally from the sound of wet squelching, and the gentle whimpers that you fail to swallow.
Konrad's fingers slip into the wet, velvety heat of your cunt, listening to you cry underneath him. The room is dark other than a few dim light sources in the corners, illuminating just enough for you to see the sinewy figure that traps you if you look over your shoulder. You can only see him caging you onto the bed, a hand pushed beneath the blanket to pull your nightdress high enough to access the apex of your thighs.
"If you're a little louder, maybe you can call him."
Konrad jokes at your expense, commenting on your whines and gasps as he roughly fingers you. They slip so deep inside of you it's like he's finding places untouched, curling and beckoning you that your hands grip the pillows like a lifeline and your legs kick at the air and the blankets; But Konrad's weight holds you firmly in place.
He knows the angel is coming. He can hear the sound of his heavy footsteps, as the bait he had laid was too tempting for him to ignore. Konrad knew it would be.
The door opens not moments later, and he quickly shuts it behind him when he hears the soft, wet noises of your cunt tightly wrapping around Konrad's fingers, and the smell of sex hits his nose.
"Konrad, she should be asleep."
He laughs, pulling his fingers from your greedy cunt and looking over his shoulder at Sanguinius. The angel is on his last edge, swallowing thickly.
The smell in the air is sheer torment to him; You already were so sweet smelling when you were aroused, but now underneath that sweet scent is the heavier note of your body telling him you're fertile. Konrad was right.
He had done the dirty work of making sure you could take them, relaxing and stretching your cunt until your own juices were slick down your inner thighs.
You still looked a bit drowsy as you lay trapped in the position you'd been sleeping in on your belly- though Konrad had little care about waking you up with the fabric of your underwear being torn away- listening to the cute little scream you let out muffled by the heat of his palm.
"She'll be fine. Come here."
The tired angel stands firm, despite the way the knot of his throat bobs when he swallows. Konrad rolls his eyes. Sanguinius continues to try and ignore his own urges, and it pisses him off.
"Fine. Then I'll fuck her myself."
That sentence is what finally draws an explosive reaction from Sanguinius, who suddenly takes multiple steps forward and almost reaches a hand out for him. Konrad can hear the borderline growl in his voice, the strain of holding back something far more primal than what he's ever shown beyond the battlefield.
“You don’t touch her cunt. Not now.”
He acquiesces, if only because he finds Sanguinus' defense of your fertile womb amusing.
“Fine. She has other holes.”
Konrad pulls away to allow the Angel to descend upon you, the pearly white of his wings seemingly glowing even in the dim lighting of the room.
"But then you better use it. The little whore has been begging to get fucked all these days you've abandoned her here."
Sanguinius pulls you from the blankets you were entangled in and into his lap, hands wrapping around your waist. You latch to him like he's been gone for years and go to kiss him, pressing your lips against his. The angle is awkward, Sanguinius sitting on the edge of the bed back arched to meet your wanting kiss. One hand slips between you both to undo his trousers, and the back of his hand brushes along your dripping cunt. You push your hips forward to follow the sensation of his warm skin, clit pressing against the back of his hand.
By the Throne he can smell it; The normal scent of your dripping arousal, along with something more. It tugs at his sanity and his hunger like fishhooks caught in a cheek.
His cock throbs in his hand as he frees it, and when he moves to notch the head of his cock at your entrance, you keen and gasp at the stretch; Hips wiggling.
"You're not going to eat first?"
Konrad says, hovering nearby and moving closer. The angel watches his every step. He's still wearing all of his clothing; It covers most of his thin form in a shapeless mass of dark fabric contrasting against his pale skin. Sanguinius hesitates for a moment, watching the way your small hands grasp at his own clothes, the bottom of your nightdress just barely covering your thighs and hiding the sight of his cock sinking into you.
"This is, this is more important."
Konrad laughs, showing his sharp canines.
"Sure, brother."
Konrad rounds to the back of you, as Sanguinius slowly moves to seat you onto his cock. The minute he's fully rooted in your cunt he can hear your desperate whimpers, full to the absolute brim. Even after multiple times, after so long of being teased and worked open, taking a primarch is still leaves you with almost no space to spare. The head of his cock lands frighteningly close to your cervix, threatening to knock on it.
Hands still covered in the sticky sweetness of your cunt, Konrad steps closer behind you- reaching a hand towards you. He glances to see Sanguinius' eyes. They're sharp and dark, near feral; Letting Konrad close but watching.
"What are you doing,"
He says when Konrad reaching a hand towards you and listens to the way you suddenly gasp, tightening around his cock. The feeling makes Sanguinius' teeth grind against each other, the already tight velvety feeling of our walls clenching around him like a vice at the other primarch's colder and less forgiving touch.
"I said she other holes. You didn't think I was going to come in here, warm her up for you and then leave without taking something for myself, did you?"
Sanguinius hums but it sounds more like a growl, allowing him into your personal space as Konrad slips two fingers into you. You mumble underneath your harsh breathes, of which Konrad hears but chooses not to heed.
"Konrad, go... Go slow,"
For a brief moment, Konrad wonders how much longer he'll be allowed to indulge in you, if Sanguinius is getting this possessive. He would be foolish to think this arrangement would last forever; In the end he knows he's getting to enjoy things he doesn't deserve.
He also knows that Sanguinus wants to get you pregnant. And if he manages it, Konrad knows you’ll be forever out of his reach.
You suddenly squeal as he pushes his fingers deeper into your ass, thrusting them in and out of you, the juices of your cunt making them slide in and out of you with without too much resistance. His other hand clumsily pulls at the groin of his loose and ragged trousers, trying to free himself. His fingers rock you on Sanguinius' cock, your thighs shaking as they already threaten to crumble under your own weight.
Once he manages to free himself, it isn't long before he takes a step closer and removes his fingers, replacing them with the head of his cock.
Sanguinius is already so much that it feels like your stomach is full up to your throat, and Konrad adds even more so much so that it feels like you're going to get rearranged and permanently changed.
As he pushes the head of his cock into you he hears the way you let out choked, desperate whines, hands tightening on Sanguinius nails digging into his skin. He feels your muscles clench and it almost hurts- how tight you are, but he loves it.
"Konrad- Konrad that's too much-"
He ignores your pleas; You're not in pain, if you were you'd be crying, begging and hiccuping-
He pushes himself deeper and deeper and feels your guts wrap so tight around him, as you lean forward into Sanguinius' chest.
"You're fine my love, you can take all of him, can't you?" Konrad talks over Sanguinius' soothing praises.
"She is, the little whore is damn well going to or I'm going to f-"
You gasp as he pushes even deeper, managing to seat himself entirely inside of you and feel the fabric of his trousers against the bare skin of your ass and thighs.
You've always felt that full, overwhelmed feeling whenever it was just one of them fucking you, but now you feel like one is going to push the other out, fighting for the limited space inside of you, or they will just readjust your organs to make room for the both of them. You don't know if you'll ever feel the same after.
Your nails dig into Sanguinius' flesh but fail to leave little more than marks, tears pricking the corner of your eyes as Konrad roughly pushes himself deeper. You didn't think he could but you gasp as he pulls out a bit and shoves himself back in, putting your forehead to Sanguinius' chest. Your clit throbs, stomach twisting in knots as they bully your insides and grind against nerves barely touched inside of you. Pressed between the two Primarchs they both argue over how to treat you, while in the end you’re stuck between them as a tight, warm thing to fuck.
"Careful. She's mine. I won't have you breaking her."
Konrad laughs, ignoring the snarl that stays on Sanguinius' face when the man thinks Konrad won't take him seriously.
"I won't. Unless she wants me to," Konrad leans down and puts his mouth close to your ear. His hot breath fans over your skin and his teeth nip at the shell of your ear, threatening to nick skin.
"Do you want me to? I can fuck you rough enough to tear you apart, you'll cry and cry and you'll never be the same-"
Sanguinius makes a noise deep in his throat and one of his hands raises to push the paler man away, and Konrad backs off with a sneer teeming with discontent while continuing to fuck your ass.
The two continue to drive themselves into you, pressing your body between them as you cry helplessly. Sanguinus holds your waist tight, keeps you upright against his chest, trying to support you as your body finally gives out from the abuse they're putting your body through. Sanguinius can feel when you cum around him, thighs quaking as your velvety walls clench around him. You don't have the voice to let out more than a shaky cry however, trying to catch your breath.
Konrad grits his teeth as you tighten around him, mewling as he relentlessly forces himself as deep as he can manage. He’s close, his hands grip your hips pulling you closer as you arch your back.
Konrad hisses as he finally cums inside of you, filling you with a seemingly never-ending warmth that makes you let out a weak, defeated moan. It wavers like you want to cry, and the sound almost makes him want to fuck you all over again.
Konrad pulls out of you, hearing your whimpers of complaint. His cum gently leaks down your thigh, but you don't have the energy to say much more. Sanguinius however stays seated in you just a bit longer, using the freedom of Konrad being done with you to have his fill. He bounces you on his cock with an urgency that says he's close, and mere moments later does he finally finish and coat your insides with and overwhelming amount of cum. He eventually pulls from you and watches his own cum dribble from your battered cunt and down your thighs, mixing with Konrad's.
Once he's finished, and hears your heart and your breathing begin to calm, he lays your back onto the blankets- watching you lay limp underneath him.
Sanguinius nudges your neck to the side, exposing the vein that runs along it. You look up at him softly and tilt your jaw in the way that exposes it to him enough so that he can see the throb of your heartbeat through your skin.
"Stay still, my love. You know what to do."
You feel his lips brush along your neck trying to find that perfect spot, before he opens them and presses his teeth against your skin. The moment he puts pressure on them you whimper, feeling you skin break, and Sanguinius' hands slide along your skin before gripping tight to stop you from wiggling.
His mind is foggy, the taste of your blood is intoxicating against his tongue and he can feel his body gaining strength again- He also hears Konrad's one note laugh faintly. While Sanguinius may not be coherent enough in the moment, he does appreciate that Konrad keeps an eye on him when he does this.
Sanguinius has incredible restraint over his curse, but it would only take one tiny slip up, a little error, before you were hurt or killed. He doesn't even want to entertain the idea of that happening.
He pulls away from your neck, licking his lips to catch the droplets of you blood he missed, still tasting the sweet iron in his mouth. Two beads of blood threaten to drip from the small wound he's made in your neck, and he leans back down to lick them away and kiss the bruising wound he's left you with.
You're tired, fucked into oblivion and now woozy from Sanguinius' meal, as you lay against the blankets. Your nightdress is wrinkled and bunched, and Sanguinius can see the tattered remains of your underwear on the floor from Konrad's ambush.
When the angel looks around however, he notices that Konrad is already gone.
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vadaviaaiciap · 1 month
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A 🇫🇷Lione una Boulangerie smette di servire carne di maiale dopo aver subito un violento assalto da clienti islamici minacciando di bruciare il locale.
Questa scelta è un inizio di sottomissione, loro devono adeguarsi o se ne tornino alla loro terra pietra su pietra.
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