#Literally stop talking about highschool.
scarletfasinera · 7 months
The way grown adults in their twenties still talk about how they didn't learn about x historical event or y horrific thing the US did back when they were in highschool as if it's any excuse for their willful ignorance is like actually so pathetic. It's four years of schooling that you had a decade ago of course you didn't learn every single thing in the world, no one does in any school in any country. You're not special. It's time to grow up and make the effort to learn things for yourself, You're Not In Highschool Anymore
#txt#like it's always “I didn't learn xyz in school” and “the US education system sucks” girl you're 25.#Literally stop talking about highschool.#If you're not going to make the effort at least own up to it instead of making excuses and getting defensive#Like all of these people spend so much time complaining about what the US didn't teach them when they were a CHILD#when they could be spending that time. Googling? Reading? Asking their peers questions?#This is the information age. There is literally no excuse#when most of these people are on the computer actively using the internet for hours upon hours every day#or their phone or tablet or whatever else#making post after post on social media. But literally only getting their news from Twitter or Tumblr? Insane.#Do some reading yourself.#Idk check out library books. Your library needs the foot traffic anyway.#Ask questions on Reddit. There's plenty of people who actually are totally interested in answering your questions in good faith.#Ask questions on TUMBLR even. I know there's plenty of people HERE who are willing to answer questions in good faith.#Your peers are a great respurce to utilize for learning about Literally Anything!#Not that everyone knows everything. But it's still awesome to ask your peers questions and discuss things with them!#Like it's actually a great way to learn new things! It's kind of ONE of the big reasons things are taught in whole classes of people!#I can't stress enough! OP makes a post it is ok to ask them a question about it or ask about further reading or ask for a source!#As long as you're asking in good faith because you want to learn! It's not a bad thing to do!#If OP gets really upset and nasty about the question—that's not cool BUT you can't really blame them.#If they are a victim of whatever their post is about it's very frustrating for them and moreso that they feel they have to TEACH people#about it. So give people some grace in that regard. Not everyone will have perfect responses 24/7.#For the most part people will be able to recognise and understand the genuine desire to learn about something and help and will be at LEAST#willing to point you in a direction. Even if it's just a Subreddit or another tumblr acc or something#Like I cannot stress enough. You can do something to change your “lack of education” about subjects by Educating Yourself#and Asking. Questions. And. Talking. To. Your. Peers. About. Things.#There's a hobbyist for everything. There's one autistic guy with a special interest out there that has all the answers to your questions#There is also like. News that isn't state-sponsered. But use critical thinking and look into sources.
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keebwee · 6 months
high school the home of hypocrisy
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faerociousbeast · 2 years
why isnt your race listed anywhere?
bc ive already won all of them
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rabbitoid · 1 year
Reading about people debating dress codes is so sweet bitter to me.
Haha, imagine not being forced to wear a shirt that's uncomfortable for literally everyone or worry about your hair length.
It's like, ' Oh yeah these are such valid points ' then my sis told me a girl got in trouble for tying her braid too high. Yep.
And some people are already calling this generation nitpicking.
I hate my country's government school uniform with a raging burning passion it's practically a trigger.
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jjunieworld · 2 months
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it’s confession day and you want nothing more than to receive a confession from your longtime friend, beomgyu.
pairing ‎⸝⸝⸝ choi beomgyu x fem!reader 𓄷 iηcℓudᥱs 𓈓 yeonjun, soobin, and yeji from itzy
genre﹙📄﹚⸝⸝⸝ toothrotting fluff, friends to lovers, mutual pining but you both are oblivious, highschool au ???
kipo’s note ‎⸝⸝⸝ literally watched beomgyu’s cover and music video and was struck by sudden inspiration and motivation and i just had to write something based off it! ❀ so here is a super cute little drabble in honor of beomgyu’s cover, i hope you enjoy!! all feedback and reblogs are welcome! ♡
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today was a day you both loved and absolutely hated—confession day. the day where you confess your feelings to the one who you like most.
the hallways were giddy with excitement and you couldn’t help being lured to the feeling. everyone was alight with what the day could possibly behold. as you made your way to your locker to put your bag away, you heard various snippets of conversations:
“i’m scared to open my locker! what if there isn’t any note inside?” “—and he wrote for me to meet him on the football field after school!” “who do you think yeonjun will confess to? i heard from hana that he was eying her, but mina said the same thing!” “well i heard hana say that jake was going to confess to her today on the rooftop!” “—to meet near the school gates!”
a soft smile made its way onto your lips. confession day—at least the start of it—was always one that made you happy inside. you loved seeing other people finally confess their feelings to to each other. it was also fun for you and your friends to make bets on who would confess to who.
just as you reached for the lock of your locker, you friend yeji ran up to you with a thrilled expression, her black hair flying into her face as she came to a sudden stop. “it’s confession day!” she squealed repeatedly, brushing her hair out of her face and linking her arm with yours once you got your books out. “who do you think will confess to who later today?”
“apparently hana has many suitors,” you shrugged and the two of you giggled slightly as you walked the halls slowly to your homeroom. suddenly yeji turned to you, a playful grin lighting up her face with a scrunched nose. oh god, you thought, what is she about to say?
she tickled your side, making you squirm away with a laugh. “do you think beomgyu is going to confess to you today?” she asked. you swatted her hand away, heat creeping up your neck as you looked forward to try and hide how flustered the question made you. you shrugged again, hopeful smile curling your lips.
beomgyu sat at his desk surrounded by his two friends, yeonjun and soobin. he shifted a sealed envelope from hand to hand, “to y/n” written on it. the red striped tie and dark blue blazer of his uniform suddenly seemed so constricting. “—and tell me exactly what you wrote in the letter,” he heard the tail end of yeonjun’s sentence.
beomgyu had already told soobin just minutes prior and he sighed softly as he dragged his eyes up from the letter. nerves flowed through him as he recounted the letter again for yeonjun.
dear, y/n
would you meet me under the cherry blossom tree by the train tracks after school?
it was a very simple letter, really. beomgyu had wanted to give his confession in person to you rather than through a letter or any other means. yeonjun’s face contorted in thought. “maybe spice it up a little?” he suggested.
“i like it. it’s simple and right to the point. besides, he said he wants to confess in person,” soobin cut in before beomgyu could. yeonjun hummed before nodding slowly. “i guess it could work!”
just as yeonjun finished talking, the homeroom door opened. you and your friend—yeji, who he’s come to know of—stepped through; arms linked as you leaned into each other to whisper something he couldn’t hear. a low laugh emitted from you and beomgyu swore it was the prettiest, most melodic thing he has ever heard.
the sunlight from the open blinds of the classroom cascaded down onto your frame, illuminating you like you were on a stage. beomgyu just couldn’t believe how pretty you were. your eyes connected with his, that bright smile of yours still on your face, and you waved your hand slightly to wave at him. your bright smile turned sheepish as you quickly looked away and you and yeji made it to your seats.
from just one look, beomgyu could practically see your future together. he wanted to be yours and you to be his so desperately. he wanted to do simple day to day activities with you, like helping you with homework and putting your books into your locker. he wanted to take you to the movies and talk about what you decided to see and walk you home after, fingers just barely brushing past each other. you were just so cute.
“look at him, there’s literally hearts in his eyes,” beomgyu distantly heard yeonjun say. his eyes were still on you until fingers snapped in his face, startling him back to reality. soobin pulled back his arm with a laugh and beomgyu rolled his eyes. he glanced back to you briefly, small smile forming on his face before returning his attention back to his friends.
beomgyu looked down again at the letter in his hands. he had meant to put it in your locker this morning before you arrived, but chickened out at the last second. that’s why he was here, enlisting the help of his two idiot bestfriends to ensure everything goes off without a hitch.
soobin laid a hand on beomgyu’s shoulder and patted it comfortingly, “you got this, man! it’s so obvious that the two of you like each other!” yeonjun nodded in agreement. beomgyu sighed and tucked the letter under his books. he hesitantly let their words fill him with confidence and hope. i really hope she does, he thought.
you turned slightly and looked over your shoulder, just barely catching a glimpse of beomgyu. you turned back towards yeji with a lovesick smile. “it’ll happen, don’t worry! it’s so obvious that the two of you like each other!” yeji comforted you. you just sighed and directed the conversation to a different topic. i really hope he does, you thought.
when you were grabbing your bag from your locker, mid conversation with yeji, a small white envelope fluttered to the ground at your feet. yeji gasped as you bent to pick it up with wide eyes. yeji drew closer to you, hiding the letter from the view of the other students making their way towards the entrance of the school. “open it, open it!” she exclaimed.
with a deep breath you carefully opened the envelope that had “to y/n” written on it in familiar handwriting. carefully you opened up the delicate letter and read the contents, yeji beside you taking in every word as well. you froze in shock for a split second before a wide smile broke out onto your face and it took everything in you to keep from jumping up and down.
“he wants me to meet him under the cherry blossom tree by the train tracks…” you breathed lowly, shock still reeling you. you repeated yourself, each word getting louder as you turned and grasped yeji’s hands with excitement and almost crinkling the letter, “he wants me to meet him under the cherry blossom tree by the train tracks!”
you had gathered the attention of the students walking by and heat suddenly spread across your face and immediately calmed you down. unfortunately, just as you shrunk into your locker, your eyes briefly connected with beomgyu’s bestfriend and resident golden boy of your school—choi yeonjun.
he looked in your direction and you just barely managed to catch the smile he gave to beomgyu’s other bestfriend—choi soobin—and the words forming from his lips.
your grip on yeji’s hands tightened as you quickly pulled her towards the girls restroom. “oh my god!” she exclaimed and began jumping the two of you up and down. excited giggles left both of your lips and echoed off the walls of the restroom.
“oh my god,” yeji repeated, suddenly serious. “he means meet him now. you have to go, like, right now!” worry suddenly broke through all your emotions at the possibility of beomgyu thinking that you wouldn’t show. yeji started pushing you towards the door of the restroom.
“oh my god!” you worriedly repeated yeji’s words. in response, all she repeated was, “go, go, go!”
you booked it out of the restroom and out of the school, running all the way until you saw the familiar cherry blossom tree down the hill in front of where the school sat. distantly, you saw beomgyu’s figure waiting for you and you inhaled deeply as you made slow strides towards him. you held the letter close to your heart and tried to control your nerves the closer and closer you got to the tree.
at your incoming footsteps, beomgyu turned to you and you gasped softly and how beautiful he was. a flustered—and somewhat sheepish—smile spread across your face and you stepped just mere inches from where he stood. “i got your letter,” you said as you looked up into his eyes.
the falling cherry blossoms around beomgyu’s head and soft afternoon light framed him perfectly and it made you wonder just how lucky you were that you were the one he chose to confess to.
beomgyu opened his mouth, only to close it and have a matching sheepish smile overtake it. just as he went to open it again, a cherry blossom fell onto his head, caught in the dark strands of his hair. he looked up, just as you did as well, and you both chuckled. “can we start seeing each other?” beomgyu ask you quietly, plucking the flower from his hair and holding it out to you.
if it were even possible, your smile widened and you accepted the outstretched flower. from the corner of your eye saw yeji, yeonjun, and soobin huddle together behind a bush directly across from the two of you. yeji nudged them out of the way to get a good look but accidentally ruffled some of the leaves of the bush. you saw the three of them drop down quick as lightning behind the bush before you or beomgyu could see them.
you nodded and softly spoke, “i would really like that.” a toothy grin spread on beomgyu’s lips. finally, the one he adored the most was his.
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© jjunieworld - all rights reserved. please do not repost on any social media sites, translate, or modify any of my works.
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chr0llossexygf · 2 years
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PAIRING: eddie munson x henderson!fem reader
SUMMARY: prom is coming up. you wanted to go with eddie, eddie didn’t wanna go with you. at least that’s what you thought. insecurities kick in and you refuse to talk or look at eddie. but he can’t stand a day without talking to you. how is he supposed to apologise when it’s a total misunderstanding?
part 1 / part 2
WARNING: eddie being a rlly stupid teen boy 😡. angst! reader is rlly insecure. cuss words. jason 🙄 cuz he needs a warning. THIS IS PART 1 and it’s rlly sad. eddie and reader are both 17
“ we’re goin-”
“ we aren’t going.”
you both say at the same time, you groan rolling your eyes. “ eddie come on we have to go it’s prom!” you whine covering your face annoyed. “ absolutely not. it’s prom it’s for weirdos.” he says while wiping his guitar with a tissue. “ but eddie. we literally are weirdos. stacy mckay is handing out party invitations and we’re here talking about a fantasy game.” you say laying back down. “ yeah but henderson prom is for jocks and cheerleaders with daddy’s money.” he says cracking his knuckles. “ eds come on it’s our last-maybe your last year in highschool with me, just go to prom with me.” you whine standing up, you look around and see people in the parking lot. forgetting you were chilling on the school roof. you quickly sit back down making eddie chuckle, “ just go with your brother henderson.” eddie says laying down. you snap your head towards him, “ excuse me? i’m not going to the prom with my brother that’s so lame!” you grown. “ but we are lame for the love of god henderson.” eddie yells.
“ your going.” you stand up again, eddie covers his face with his hand. “ yeah no i’m not.” he says. you raise an eyebrow, “ yes you are.” you say holding your hand out for him. he takes it and stands up, “ nope!” he says running then jumping off the roof to the parking lot floor. you roll your eyes following him. “ this is why you have no female friends.” you say flipping him off. “ sure henderson.” he says taking your finger trying to put it in his mouth. “ ew go away.” you say shoving your hand in your pocket. eddie smiles, “ still not going.” he says crossing his hands. “ i hate you.” you say giggling. eddie puts his hands over his chest, “ oh god i’m so hurt!” he says pouting. you flip him off moving closer to him as you two walk into school.
“ freak.” someone says behind eddie, he turns around closing his locker. jason- oh god jason? what does he want with eddie. “ what do you want dipshit?” eddie says crossing his hands. jason takes a deep breath in smiling, eddie smirks. “ is your uh really hot friend going to prom?” jason says smirking tilting his head. eddie stops smirking. “ can’t ask her yourself?” eddie says pushing jason out of the way. “ come on freak, just wanna know if she’s going.” jason says catching up, putting his hand on eddie’s shoulder stopping him. eddie takes a deep breath in looking back at jason. “ yes she’s going. now go shoot your balls into laundry baskets.” eddie says shoving jason’s hand off of him. “ will do. thanks freak.” jason says patting eddie’s shoulder.
“ your not going to the prom with him” eddie says crossing his hands leaning back on your bed, “ what?” you say turning around throwing the dress you had over your body on the floor. “ why not?” you say tilting your head to the side. “ because it’s jason. ” eddie says reaching over your nightstand picking up a cassette . “ hey hands to yourself.” you say snatching the cassettes. he throws his hands up in defeat, “ come on are you seriously thinking of going with jason?” eddie says. “ yes munson.” you grown jumping on your bed covering your face. “ you seriously pick prom with jason over playing dnd? with me and dustin?” he says standing up walking to your perfume stand, spraying some of your perfume on himself. “ yes.” you blatantly say.
eddie turns around flipping you off. “ come on it’ll be fun munson! just for like 10 minutes.” you say standing up grabbing his hand. eddie turns the other way because he knows, if he looks into your eyes he’ll give in. your beautiful eyes jesus. “ we can go wearing hellfire shirts.” you suggest, eddie turns around. “ really?” he says in shock. “ no.” you say pushing past him to your closet. “ how about this one?” you say turning around holding up a baby blue dress. it’s a v-neck dress that reaches the floor, it’s usually worn with silky white gloves and a pearl necklace. “ do you like it?” you ask looking at eddie.
eddie stares, and stares hard. the image of you in the dress made him blush. blush. like blush a lot. “ hellooo! earth to eddie!” you say shaking the dress. your laugh, “ dustin!” you yell out loud. “ dustin henderson!” you yell again. “ what?” dustin says walking into your room with a bar of nougat in his hand. “ is this pretty?” you ask looking back at the dress. “ no way eddie is going to prom?” dustin says gasping. eddie shakes his head snapping out of his day dream, “ no your sister is going with jason.” eddie says standing up walking up to dustin. “ what?!” dustin yells. “ quiet!” you yell at your brother. “ why aren’t you going with eddie? he’s perfect!” dustin says looking at eddie. “ i wanted to! he doesn’t wanna go to prom with me!” you say throwing the dress on your bed crossing your hands.
“ eddie?!” dustin says crossing his hands too. “ oh my god does it run in the family?” eddie says chuckling. “ i don’t wanna go to prom because cheesy and lame.” he says throwing his hands up in defeat. “ that’s the point of the prom!” you whine sitting on the bed. “ ask steve.” dustin says. “ what? steve?” eddie says in offense.” yeah maybe i will.” you say laying down on your bed. “ you can’t ask out steve harrington.” he says crossing his hands annoyed. “ why not? its either him or jason.” you sit up crossing your hands too. “ unless..” you sing raising your eyebrows jokingly. he throws a pillow hitting you. “ absolutely not.” he says. you groan. “ is it cuz it’s me?” you say turning to look at him. “ what?! no!” he yells. “ then why not.” you say.
“ if it was chrissy asking you. you’d 100% say yes.” you mumble laying back down. he remains silent. why is he silent? you sit back up crossing your hands. “ wait seriously?” you scoff. you and dustin make eye contact. “ wow fine okay.” you stand up walking out of your room. you slam your bedroom door. you walk to the front door. putting on your converse. you open the door. grabbing your bike you immediately start riding it. are you over reacting? are you just insecure? fuck its so stupid. why couldn’t he just tell you he wanted to go with chrissy instead of having you ask him over and over again. it was humiliating. and stupid.
you start tearing up. it was dark. the only light coming from your bike. why are you starting to tear up. fuck this is so stupid. was it because you felt humiliated? or was it the fact that eddie wanted to go with chrissy and not you? who wouldn’t though. chrissy is so pretty. so so pretty. she was extremely nice. you feel so dumb and pathetic. you continue riding your bike as tears roll down your face. you take a turn to the richer side of town. you look around. you spot the house your looking for. you start paddling faster. you get off your bike. standing infront of the house you wipe your tears roughly. you take a deep breath in. you walk up to the door and knock. you gulp as the door opens revealing
“ are you crazy?! chrissy over my sister?” dustin yells throwing a cassette at eddie. eddie dodges it. “ no! no no never!” eddie yells back standing up. “ then what!” dustin yells again spit coming out of his mouth. “ i don’t want her to ask me out!” eddie yells back. dustin steps back. “ no not like that! it’s because i wanted to! i had this whole thing planned and i don’t want her to ask me out!” eddie yells grabbing the cassette. “ what?!” dustin yells again. oh for fuck sake.
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nhularin · 11 months
you got me looking for attention
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PAIRING riki x reader GENRE highschool AU, best friends to lovers, she fell first but he fell harder type of dynamic, fluff WARNINGS none i think? not my best work LOLLL not proofread WC 0.6k ANNOUNCEMENT the nwjns series will be updated daily since i literally have nothing to do durinf summer break
❕series masterlist
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September 30, 1998
"i like you, riki"
your head was rested against his forearm, with the voice of your homeroom teacher muffled in the background. there they go again niki chuckled to himself, finding your words strangely amusing
in a seemingly endless loop, you poured out your heart, to niki time and time again. at his house, on your (platonic!) walks at night and now in class. each time, he responded with a laugh, a sparkle in his eyes, and a lighthearted remark that danced in the air. with each passing moment spent together, your infatuation for him grew, intensifying the butterflies that fluttered wildly in your stomach.
at first, you found comfort in his laughter, feeling proud of yourself for being the reason of his momentary happiness.
but as the confessions persisted, doubts began to sneak in. "am I bothering him?" you wondered , guilt and doubt creeping into you.
days turned into weeks, and you found yourself growing even more weary of pouring your heart out to someone who seemed uninterested. with a heavy heart, you resolved to stop with the confessions, fearing you were only annoying niki, a playful game that he enjoyed. you longed for a connection that went beyond friendship, but jeopardizing what you both had right now is far from what you wanted
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eyes wide you picked up what the hell does he want at 2 am? not that youre complaining of course, you would sacrifice your favorite snacks just to hear his voice.
"ah, yn" you heard him whisper from the other side, his voice deep and raspy "i didnt think you'd pick up"
"whats so important that you have to call me so late at night, mr ' i-am-an athlete-and-need-my-beauty-sleep' ?" you joked, knowing that the boy will scold you for keeping him up so late later at school
"shut up" a smiled etched on your face and light laughter tickled your ear "i know its not the best thing to do over call but its about your confessions" your heart raced. is this it? is he going to reject you like you've always dreaded?
"You know... all those times you confessed, I laughed it off not because I wasn't interested," he confessed, his voice laced with a mix of nervousness and sincerity "but because I couldn't believe someone like you could ever like me. i mean, you are you and i am me"
silence filled the air
"ah.... im sorry for calling, but i've been tossing and turning thinking about.. you. youre a real headache y'know"
your eyes widened, unable to process what niki said. your heart leaped with a mix of surprise, relief, and a newfound hope. this is it. this is it.
"youre such a jerk" you laugh playfully, the past doubt and insecurities washing away at his words "you got me looking for attention while leaving me question everything"
in that moment, nikis laughter transformed into something deeper, his confession reaching across the wall that had kept them apart.
and with a smile illuminating both of your faces, you bid your goodbyes, promising that you will talk at school the following morning and knowing that from that day forward, your laughter would ring with a newfound meaning.
two souls, once blind and in denial to each other's affections, now found comfort in the affection they shared.
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kenananamin · 8 months
I LOVED your girl dad nanami hcs. This isn't a request but I was wondering like, imagine (I whole heartedly agree he's a girl dad) reader and nanami they had three sons. Don't get me wrong. Nanami LOVES his boys so much. And all of them are such gentlemen. He's raising them so good. Exact copies of him in manners and in looks some ways. The eldest son has his blonde hair, the middle son has his eyes and the youngest one has his highschool emo hair. BUT (now to the fun part) Reader is pregnant again and this time it's a girl.!!!!!! How would he react? And the boys too. Secretly they've also been wanting a little sister (that's so cute 😭)
Now, how do you think Nanami would react? I think he would cry, like legit he would. He's always wanted a baby girl. This is like a dream come true for him. And and the baby girl after being born looks exactly like him, hair, eyes, nose EVERYTHING.
While the boys take more after Nanami regarding their personality, meaning they're mature for their age and very well mannered. But his baby girl takes after reader's playful nature and is just so so precious and sweet. Of course she has good manners too. But she's like everyone's princess in the family.
Her brothers love her and are protective of her. And she's just so playful and adorable that no one can get mad even if she pulls a prank or messes something up at home.
It's like, even when Nanami tries to scold her (he never would) or discipline her, she would just giggle and and grab his arms and legs and just hold onto it (IM LITERALLY.. THIS IS TOO SWEET) A heavy sigh escapes Nanami and he smiles knowing his daughter has him wrapped around her fingers and he can never ever even try to talk to her in a stern manner. She's just so innocent.
Sorry sorry this was so Long 😭 even if you don't reply to it, I hope you enjoyed reading this at least.
i'm so happy you liked my girl dad nanami hcs!! thank you for reading it! 😭 and honestly while writing it, i was thinking of the exact opposite too, boy dad nanami but he finally gets his little princess at the end 🥹
so here are my hcs for nanami as a boy dad while secretly hoping the next one is a girl, and the boys praying their next sibling is a girl
is excited to have a boy as their first born, he thinks about the things he will teach him and how nanami plans to show his son how to treat women RIGHT
tells you that he's got this covered and his fiery passionate eyes tell you he indeed does got it
decorates the baby's room with old action figures and comic books/manga from his childhood
rewatches his old cartoons and shows to make sure they're appropriate for his son to watch with him
tells everyone how he has your eyes and his hair and lowkey brags that it's the prettiest combination
is excited to buy mini sneakers and baseball caps but stops with the shoes bc baby outgrows them in 0.2 seconds
likes to carry his son like a football bc it makes him giggle his heart out and nanami knows you're looking at his bicep 👀
is ECSTATIC when you're pregnant again and immediately wants to know the gender. he's excited for his son to have a partner in crime and is happy you saved all the things your first son used (nanami is very very pro-hand me downs and wants to see those tiny sneakers used again)
tells his son to kiss your tummy throughout your pregnancy bc he wants them to be super close from the beginning
on that note, nanami kisses and hugs his boys all the time to start to show them they can be a tough guy and like hugs and kisses just like daddy and not be embarrassed about any of it
is brought to tears almost every time he passes by the baby's room and the eldest is holding the baby's hand through the crib railings telling him "i love you baby"
likes seeing the eldest's patience when the baby is learning how to share and rewards the eldest with ice cream and tickles
tells his boys to open every door for mommy and hold it open if there's someone behind them
plays a little rough with the boys when they're play wrestling but they're all scolded by mommy when someone ends up crying (nanami was poked in the eye by a tiny finger and the boys thought they made their daddy cry)
buys his boys barbies so they can create a realistic fantasy world when they play. the eldest eventually puts the barbies in charge most of the time
nervous when you're taking the next pregnancy test and quietly hopes it's a girl. the eldest wants a girl too and the soon-to-be middle child just thinks it's another regular thursday aka he does not care yet lol
sighs when the doctor says it's another boy, he's happy bc they have everything they would need for another boy but he really was hoping for a girl since this might be their last child
last boy ends up being the blend of both kids, patient and quiet, but can be excited and loud if he's really into something
dedicates special quiet time w the boys to teach them to listen and appreciate quiet activities
takes his boys out to play sports every weekend to give mommy a break from so many boys and chants random phrases with them in the car
make his boys help with dinner, clean-up, and laundry bc he wants them to appreciate everything that's done for them
tells the boys to come into the room while you get ready for date night so they can see everything you do from deciding what to wear to hair to makeup, etc etc. this is when the boys get a front row seat to seeing how much dad appreciates and loves mom
then pulls them into the closet to show them everything he does to get ready bc a man needs to put in just as much effort
has coffee dates w his boys where he'll get his tea or black coffee and the boys will get a lemonade and their cake pops and they can drive around
hugs and kisses each one of his boys when he gets home which in turn makes the boys get used to being affectionate with each other
buys his boys flowers when he takes you yours. he wants to be the first one to ever them their flowers. this leads to the boys going outside to bring back a flower, dandelion, leaf, or rock to their dad. dad now has a collection of random things in his spot of the garden
weekly sit-down w the boys to talk about emotions to teach them how to put their feelings into words
does not explicitly tell his sons to kneel for women but his sons see how dad always kneels for you if you're sitting somewhere low (CUE TO EP 12 W NOBARA AND NITTA, THIS IS CANON)
is in shock when the boys come in for an intervention-like meeting asking why they don't have a sister yet and when they can get one
is impressed with how the eldest pulls him aside and shows him the plan to have a younger sister now so that he can have enough time w her before he leaves for college (eldest is not older than like 10 lmao but he's a planner just like dad)
shows you the plan and is in love with how everyone wants a girl
is very happy to keep trying 🫣😮‍💨
all the boys go w you to get the letter w the gender of the baby and start to plan a big gender reveal bc they all have a "feeling"
all start to cry uncontrollably when the inside of the gender reveal closet is full of pink clothes, blankets, and toys. someone's on the floor (eldest), someone is running laps around everything and everyone (middle), someone is carefully touching your tummy (nanami) and another is asking if they can name her like their favorite anime character (youngest)
all start reading and researching how to raise a girl and are visibly stressed yet excited
nanami starts creating lists of cute clothes and can stay up all night imagining a giggling little girl on his shoulders
cries if he's by himself and in his feelings bc he's so overwhelmingly happy w his life and kids, feels like the luckiest man
goes to lowe's to get paint to prepare his princess's room and the boys are in overalls and ready to paint when he gets home
imagines a little girl joining their coffee dates and the boys giving her their mud pies and holding her hand everywhere they go
sees the most beautiful little girl and is blinded by the love his kids have for each other
will pass by the baby's room in the middle of the night to see all 3 boys sleeping on the floor right next to her crib. grabs his pillow and joins his boys on the floor
buys a new baby kangaroo for the boys to decorate and carries their princess EVERYWHERE
has to break up arguments the boys start to have over who gets to push the stroller this time
the boys dress her up in their old sneakers and baseball caps
all wear tutus and tiaras while they patiently wait for her to pour them their cup of tea during tea time
the two youngest boys teach her how to get someone in a headlock to defend herself and nanami and eldest have to step in
eldest then secretly teaches her men's weak spots and plans to take her to a self defense class eventually
babygirl is always giggling and is so playful, her and mommy have got these boys wrapped around their fingers
nanami is always swaying whenever he’s standing still bc babygirl attaches herself to his leg and he swings her back and forth for as long as he’s standing straight. making a sandwich? swinging the baby on his leg. brushing teeth? swinging the baby on his leg. working on his standing desk? swinging the baby on his leg.
the bros get defensive if someone tries to scold her but they’ll pull her aside themselves and tell her why it was wrong. nanami stands outside the door and listens to them
nanami still asks his boys to go out and at least two suggestions from the boys include the little princess
nanami and boys for sure stare at mommy and princess in awe at random times
they all know the girls have the deciding vote and they run the whole house. and they love it 😌
nanami is so girl dad coded BUT he would be the best dad in general. he for sure needs a little girl somewhere in the mix but he’d win the fatherhood award for sure
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iluvgayrats · 30 days
Drunk in love.
paige x reader
Warnings: SMUTTTTTTT with some plot, fluff, cussing, alcohol, pet names? (If that is one) I think that's all
A/n- this is my first fic. If it's terrible I'm open to constructive criticism! Also I literally live for Paige being a soft switch so that's literally all it is. Also I gave up on the ending bc i didn't know how to write it.
You were sitting next to Paige at the bar everyone goes to after a win. You could tell Paige was getting drunk because she's was getting a little more....handsy.
Right now her hand was rubbing up and down your thigh under the table while she talks about the highlights of the game to the team. Her fingers glide from your hip to your knee, her thumb ever so slightly on the inside of your thigh.
You and Paige had been friends since 6th grade when the blonde almost knocked you out during gym with a basketball. Figures.
"shoot, are you okay?" Little paige said.
"Yea I'm good, just dizzy."
"yea let's get you to the nurse, may have just given you a concussion.." she replied with concern.
Ever since then, y'all have been inseparable. Spending most weekends at each others houses or at her tournaments. She taught you the game of basketball. (Which you later came to love) And you rambled about the books you just finished. You were basically sisters.
When highschool started, Paige convinced you to join the Hopkins basketball team. At first you were adamant on just showing up for games, but blondie would not shut up about it till you tried out.
The next 4 years were the best of your life. Spending time with the team, especially paige. Going the state championships, and just being able to have fun.
Nothing changed when you both got into Uconn, She continued basketball while you studied literature and womens studies. You were always around the team, they loved you and you were practically part of the team.
Which leads us back to the bar. KK and Aaliyah dancing to the music blasting through the building while the whole team laughed and videoed them. Paiges hand still lingering around your leg as she drinks her Shirley Temple she swears has no alcohol. (Bull. Shit.)
"Paige you may want to slow down, you'll be miserable tomorrow." You say as she chugs her 3rd one down.
"nah baby I'll be fine."
"baby" that word. The word she uses when shes drunk and talks to you. The one that makes your heart stop, the one that makes your stomach fill with butterflies. The one that makes you wet asf. God you were so gay for this girl.
A few hours pass, and sleepy Paige is half awake on your shoulder while everyone starts to say their goodbyes.
"hey, p?" You say in a whisper
"Ready to go home?"
Now, just because you don't play basketball anymore, doesn't mean you don't go to the gym. Your pretty strong, strong enough to hold the 5'11 guard to the car. You pick her up bridal and haul her ass to the car near the entrance.
When you get home you wake Paige up again and walk her to your shared second story dorm, opening it up and locking the door behind you. Paige is a little more perky now, you made her eat crackers while she was still awake on the way home.
"Paige you wanna get a shower or just get comfy?"
"I'm tired" she clings onto you like she always does, always making you turn red.
"okay sweet girl, let's get you ready for bed." You help her to the bathroom and brush the gel out of her hair.
"you think you can get dressed on your own?" You ask
"okay, get dressed and go to sleep okay?" You start to walk towards the door before she stops you.
"no, stay please"
"stay here, please?" She begs
"Okay, let me change first."
"no, just wear one of my shirts, don't want you to go" she says as she stumbles to her drawer, grabbing a shirt with her name and number on the back.
You take the shirt and go into her connected bathroom to change before walking out. You see Paige staring you you.
"you look hot in my number"
"excuse me?"
You watch her look you up and down with a look of pure lust, making you wet by just standing there.
She gets up and walks towards you. "You look hot." "Extremely hot." You feel her hands on your waist, the sudden confidence she had, mixed with the tired rasp in her voice turned you on instantly.
"Paige, your drunk. Let's not do anything you'll regret." You say, your voice shaking slightly.
"mmm, I'm gonna regret not doing anything."
With that, your pinned against the wall, the taller blonds lips connected with yours. God she feels amazing. Her hands travel up and down your sides while yours find her hair.
"fuck, p. Please" your breathe between kisses.
"please what ma?" She replies.
"wanna feel good"
That's all you had to say before she whips you both around to her bed, laying you down gently without breaking the kiss. Her lips find their way to your neck just as her knee finds a way to your core. Causing you to moan from the sensation.
"paige please, fuck." You whine.
"shh, I'm gonna make you feel good baby, don't worry."
She lifts up your shirt, revealing the white sports bra underneath, which is also quick to come off.
"so pretty for me. So pretty." She praises as on of her hands travel to your tit, her mouth connecting to the other. You moan and arch your back, trying to get more friction to your clit.
her hand finds your heat, realizing you don't have shorts on, she starts rubbing your clothed bundle of nerves. The moans and whimpers coming from you surprise her. They sound almost pornographic.
"there you go ma, so wet for me." She whispers into your ear sending signals throughout your body.
"Paige please, please, fuck. Please fuck me"
She groans hearing your pleas for her. "Lift your hips up, princess." She guides your underwear down your legs and throws them on the ground before slowly pushing a finger into you. Earning a moan from you and a groan from her.
"good girl. so tight for me. Taking me so well." She praises.
"Paige more please. Please, need more"
She adds another finger, immediately curling them into your g-spot.
"Fuck baby please" the bubble in your stomach getting tighter and tighter as she moves her fingers.
"taking me so well pretty girl, so so good."
Paige feels you coming closer to the edge, so she dips her tongue into you, moving it with her fingers. A pornographic moan comes from your mouth as you tense up and shudder, cuming all over her fingers. She wastes no time cleaning up and helping you ride out your high.
"taste so good my gorgeous girl, so good."
After catching your breath with sweet kisses from Paige you lift yourself up on your elbows.
"wanna make you feel good paigey" you breathe out. "Please"
You sit up and kiss her, tasting yourself mixed with the alcohol on her lips.
"okay my love" she says, taking her shirt and bra off as well as her boxers.
You watch in awe, she beautiful. Her hair, her arms, her toned abs, god she's so pretty. You keep looking down until you see her soaking cunt.
"your beautiful" your say, still amazed.
You make your way to her clit. Floating your fingers and touching on the sensitive area lightly, making Paige squirm and whimper.
"please" she says, watching your every move.
You come up from her heat and kiss her lips, then her jaw, her neck, leaving a few hickeys and down her chest. Sucking slightly on her nipple and swiping over the other, hear her low moans.
"baby please please." She begs.
Hearing her become so vulnerable under your touch after giving you the best orgasm of your life gives you a confidence boost as you start bringing your hand down to her heat, sweeping your finger up and down her fold.
"doing good paige. So good." You whisper, finally dipping your finger into her, earning a gasp and moan from her mouth.
Realizing one finger would never get her to the edge, you add another, going faster and curling into the spot that makes her moan loudest.
"Fuck ma, please." She breathes
"I got you Paige, taking it so well."
You replace your fingers with your tongue. Dipping it into her heat as you suck at it, your nose hitting the bundle of nerves above her entrance.
She grips the shears, wrapping her legs around your head as you go deeper into her. Feeling her start to shake, you keep your pace, adding more pressure. You hear her get louder and finally scream from pleasure as she reaches her high.
You lick her clean before making contact with her lips again.
"so good baby, you did so well."
As both of you catch your breath, she wraps up into your arms and you fall asleep stroking her hair.
"god I fucked up."
In the morning, you wake up and realize what happened. Fuck. You end up carefully pulling yourself from the blondes tight embrace and start to gather and put on your clothes, but not before she wakes up.
"hey, what are you doing?" She asks groggly
"Paige I'm so sorry." You reply with watery eyes. Your scared for your friendship. You let your feelings take over. She was drunk and probably didn't feel the same.
"hey hey, ma come here" she says in a comforting tone.
You walk over to the bed with the naked guard wrapped up in blankets. She watches you sit down and look at her.
"I know I was drunk. But I wanted that. Don't feel like it was just a drunk hookup, at least for me? I feel like there's more to it." She explains, wiping a tear that fell to your cheekbone.
"Definitely" she pulls you into her lap. Hugging you for a while before speaking again. "I want you to be my girlfriend"
"Paige what?" You pull away surprised
"be my girlfriend. I can't just live with you as my friend. I want you."
You think, not for long that is.
"why not" you peck her lips.
"fucking finally" she sighs, burying her face into your neck, leaving a small kiss there.
like I said, this was my first fic. I'm hoping y'all like it and thank you for reading till the end. I tried not using y/n because I thought it would be challenging so that happened.
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xxellagxx · 1 year
Q&A with Colby brock
A little intro to my page : Hi I’m Ella and this is my first fic so apologies if it’s bad . REQUESTS ARE OPEN!!! Any feedback is appreciated .
Description: you and Colby are dating and decide to do the ‘saying yes for 24hr challenge” but you wasn’t prepared for the crazy things he was going to ask
Word count: 469
Warning’s : cursing , dirty comments but no actual smut , think that’s it.
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You finally hit 3 million on YouTube ; mainly being famous for your lifestyle and vlogs you posted , along side the occasional prank (which was nearly almost aimed at Colby and your other roommates.) To celebrate this massive milestone you decided to film the video all your fans who where begging you to film a Q&A with your boyfriend Colby . You two have been dating for a long time now so you have filmed q&a videos before but not for a long while now. So when’s a better time to do it , you and Colbys the best you have ever been and the fans where literally begging you
You set up the camera , positioning it to fit both you and Colby in the frame . Once it was all set up you pressed the record button and sat back in your seat , leaning into Colby with a wide smile on your face. “Hey guys!” You beamed “today we are doing the highly requested Q&A! So I asked you all on twitter to send us questions and my manager picked out some of the best ones for us to answer” You looked over at Colby “You ready?” You smile and Colby responds with a nervous laugh “sure” The camera cuts to you holding your phone getting ready to hear the first question
“Okay this one is from Alyssa. When did you guys have your first kiss , can you describe it ?”
Your cheeks turned a rosy red as you thought about your first kiss , you turned around to Colby only to see him blushing as well . He began to talk “ our first kiss was actually in highschool” you both laughed, remembering the day . He continued “And umm we was all playing spin the bottle and it was..like really awkward. I mean you was like my what 3rd kiss ever” you nodded in agreement “yeah we didn’t have a lot of experience then.”
“But our first proper kiss was at a Halloween party” Colby said smiling at the camera “ I had a massive crush on you at the time y/n and you was wearing a ..REALLY hot vampire costume” you both chucked “and we started making jokes and flirting and I looked into your eyes and knew at that moment that I loved you . So I made my shot and headed into a kiss .. an amazing kiss” you both sat in a comfortable silence , looking at each other with smiles on your faces . You placed a small kiss on colbys cheek and read the next question
You both answered few more questions , some being funny and others being a bit personal . After the final question was answered you filmed your outro and stopped filming .
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zhaosbin · 2 months
what about fwb with gyuvin?? AND MAYBE HIGHSCHOOL AU!! like everybody thinks that you are just friends but in private it's something else..
ohhh i'm obsessed with this idea...THANK U ANON🫡
just friends — k. gyuvin
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summary: to your peers, you and gyuvin were the best of friends...only you and gyuvin knew how far that friendship really went
reader: gyuvin x afab reader
warnings: fwb, dom!gyuvin, sub!reader, sex in a janitors closet lol, MINORS DNI
the dreaded day had finally come...monday. to make this particular monday more bearable, you and your friend hanbin had decided to meet up at a cafe before school started. you both order a small iced coffee and sit down at a booth nearby for a few minutes.
"did you study for mrs. choi's exam yet?" your friend asked you curiously. you quickly snap your head to look at him.
"we had an exam?" you say with an almost terrified look on your face. your friend, being used to ur laziness when it comes to school, simply laughed at you and offered to help you study as he always did.
"maybe if you weren't so busy with gyuvin, you would've known" hanbin says while giggling. you roll your eyes at your friend. everybody knew you and gyuvin were best friends, almost inseparable these days. it didn't stop them from teasing you both about it though.
"i already told you, there's nothing going on between us. we're just best friends"! you semi shout while hitting hanbin with you bag.
of course, you didn't like lying to your best friend. but you couldn't exactly tell him you were fucking one of his closest friends, could you?
you walk into your fourth period class exhausted. of course you got stuck with gym first period and had to go the rest of the day sweaty and tired. you take your seat next to your desk mate gunwook and you two casually talk about your days before the teacher comes in and begins the lesson.
unfortunately, the subject being taught right now was math. you couldn't care less about fractions and exponents right now. not when your phone was blowing up with text messages and calls. you knew right away who it was.
from: gyuvin 👹
can you come to the west wing?
it's important
answer me
from: y/n🫣
gyuvin i am literally in class
you were surprised when your needy "best friend" didn't immediately answer your message. putting your phone away, you went back to trying to figure out what ur teacher was even teaching.
a few moments later, a rather hard knock on the door snapped you out of your trance. the teacher looked annoyed until he opened the door to see his favorite student. kim gyuvin.
"im sorry sir, may i borrow y/n for a yearbook picture"? gyuvin says with a perfect smile on his perfect face.
you have to stop your jaw from hitting the floor. you cannot believe the nerve of this guy. the teacher, who absolutely ADORES gyuvin, immediately nods and motions at you to gather your stuff.
you both leave the classroom as gyuvin shoots the teacher a wave and another award winning smile. when the door finally shuts, you immediately slap his shoulder.
"are you crazy! what could possibly be this important?" you shout at him in the empty hallway.
gyuvin immediately pulls you to the closest janitors closet. he takes your hand and you look at him confused, until he places it on his very obvious boner.
"im sorry, i just couldn't stop thinking about being inside you again" gyuvin says casually like it's something normal.
you shake your head in disbelief, but you couldn't lie to yourself, just the thought of you making him hard was a huge turn on.
gyuvin could tell you were slipping into your submissive role already, the state he most adored you in. he placed a stray hair behind your ear and smiled at you.
"do you wanna help me out?" gyuvin asked with those beautiful puppy dog eyes. although u could tell he really needed this right now, you know he wouldn't force you into anything you didnt want to do.
instead of responding, you pull him in for a long and heated kiss. what started out slow and innocent turned into gyuvin shoving you against one of the shelves in the closet.
you gasp as your back hits the shelf. while part of you wanted gyuvin to publicly be yours, you couldn't deny how exciting it was having these secret sessions only the two of you knew about.
gyuvin moves from your lips down to your neck, being careful not to leave any noticeable marks there.
growing impatient, you nudge your knee against his crotch as he lets out a deep groan. gyuvin giggles at your lack of control and quickly gives in and lifts up your skirt. yeah, this was definitely his favorite part of the uniforms you guys had to wear.
he moves your panties to the side and immediately feels the wetness between your legs. you let out a sweet whimper, possibly one of gyuvin's favorite sounds in the world.
he slowly rubbed circles around your clit just to get you to relax a bit more. this only continued for a few minutes because he was simply too impatient. he needed to be inside you again.
helping him undo his belt, he quickly gets rid of his pants and throws them somewhere behind him. he then takes out a condom and rolls it onto his length, fingers fumbling due to his speed.
gyuvin gives you another sweet kiss as you feel him finally enter you. he groans at the feeling of your tight walls around his throbbing cock.
knowing the last time he was inside you was only two days ago, he wastes no time in fucking you mercilessly against the shelf.
your latch on to him and rest your forehead on his chest, his strong arms holding you up.
"fuck, you always feel so good around my cock baby" gyuvin pants almost breathlessly.
you moan in return, barely able to speak a sentence due to his cock hitting all the right spots inside of you.
trying to focus on something, you glance down at his hands. those veiny fucking hands.
as of gyuvin could read your mind, he wraps one of them around your throat. you knew it was game over for you.
"gyuvin i-im cumming" you're barely able to spit out before your orgasm shakes ur entire body. knowing you can get loud when you cum, he takes the hand that was around your throat and places it over your mouth.
"hold on baby, im almost done" gyuvin says as he kisses your forehead. he only manages to get a few more thrusts in before he's cumming with a deep moan.
he pumps into you a few more times before finally pulling out and helping you to stand. when you guys make eye contact again, you both let out a laugh. you couldn't believe this was your life.
after you both clean up the best you can, you exit the janitors closet together. when you step outside, you see hanbin standing on the other side of the hallway, a look of disbelief but also humor on his face.
"I KNEW IT!" he shouts loud enough for anyone passing by to hear. you and gyuvin look at each other and he grabs your hand.
"let's just make it official" he says with a look of adoration on his face.
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midwestprincesss · 4 days
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pairing: enemies to lovers patrick zweig x female!reader summer camp au
summary: after graduating highschool, both you and patrick look for a summer job. you, because you wanted to save some money before college. and him because he needed a place to sleep. you thought you finally got rid of him forever, after highschool. but it's patrick zweig, so c'mon.
a/n: it's a biiiit short i knoww but i'm tired so YEAH! sorry! loveu guys tho!!!!!!!!
contents: uh. some talk ab masturbation, patrick has a crusty cum sock but are we surprised, reader is literally patrick, they can't stand eachother but they also wanna fuck eachother, blahblahblah
taglist: @jackierose902109 @primlovesdilfs
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''wake up.'' you heard a voice. a guy's voice. it took you a while to actually wake up and realize it was patrick, leaning against your door frame.
you groaned and threw your pillow at him. ''get the fuck out!''
he chuckled and picked up the pillow, throwing it back at you with more force. ''it's 8am. you have to get up, like, now.''
''ugh! why are you even in my room, zweig? have you been watching me or something? you fucking perv. go away!''you yelled, pulling the blanket over your head. and of course the fucker had to walk over to your bed and pull the blanket off of you.
''look, it's not my fault we got paired up in the same cabin. now if you stopped being a fucking bitch for once and got up, that would be great. we have to do the whole initiation bullshit with all those kids. get out of the fucking bed.'' he said and slammed the door.
it was an actual nightmare come true. patrick never had any concept of personal space, but you thought that maybe it was just a phase. turns out it wasn't. he looked almost ready to get into bed with you-but only so that he could push you off of it. not that you wished he would get into bed with you to do something else- no, ew. you'd sleep with anyone but patrick zweig.
but he did look good. and even though you didn't want to admit it, you knew it. he's tall, muscular and handsome. perhaps that contributes to your hatred for him. you couldn't stand it when he looked at you with those doe-like green eyes of his. or when he bit his lip at the most inappropiate times. or the way the muscles in his legs flexed when he was running. or how nice his freckles look.
but you were not attracted to patrick, god no. these were just little exceptions.
well, maybe this morning was an exception as well. the way he spoke to you turned you on, weirdly. he seemed so pissed off- he looks hot when he's angry. maybe that's why you get a kick out of annoying him.
you finally rolled out of bed with a groan, checking the time. it was, in fact, not 8 am, as patrick had told you, but 7:30. the fucker.
you decided on not going back to sleep anymore- mostly because you weren't that sleepy anymore but also because you didn't want to let your thoughts about patrick wander. the most ridiculous and embarassing thing would be to jerk off while thinking about that smug little bitch. you would have good excuses though- it was morning, you were just horny, blah blah blah. but still, the aftermath of it all would have been the most humbling experience ever so you decided it was best to just skip all of it.
after doing no efforts in making your bed, you headed to the bathroom to brush your teeth and put on a bit of makeup, then you put on a pair of shorts and a stupid t-shirt with the name of the camp on it. and just when you were about to leave the cabin, you noticed patrick's door was slightly open. would it realyyy be that bad if you looked around his room a bit?
no, it wouldn't. he barged into your room while you were still in there, sleeping, without even knocking. so it can't be worse than that.
you opened the door and looked around. it smelt like axe body spray and cigarettes. you looked up at the smoke detector and obviously it was covered with a shower cap. it was such a patrick thing to do. then, you noticed the fact that he hadn't made his bed. also a very patrick thing. but then you remembered your bed looks exactly the same so you quickly found something else to focus on- the fucking sock next to his bed. just one, singular sock on the floor- gross. so. fucking. gross. to think he was jerking his shit in a room right next to yours- just straight up gross. not hot- not hot at all. it's actually disgusting to think about him slowly stroking his big, throbbing dick with pretty moans falling from his lips (such a shame you didn't hear them). what was he thinking about? about you, maybe. but you hope it wasn't you, 'cause that would definitely not be hot- not at all.
when you opened the door you found patrick in front of the cabin, checking his phone.
you sighed, loudly, so that he could hear you. he did not react. you did it again- but still, no reaction from him.
you decided to break the silence. '' why the fuck did you come here? did you know i was gonna be here? your parents are fucking rich. you're basically swimming in money there, at your house. why couldn't you stay there?'' you snapped at him, slightly surprising yourself. you did plan on having this conversation with him, but you didn't expect it to happen so soon. it was like you were speaking without actually wanting to.
''wouldn't you like to know.'' he deadpanned, then continued to type something on his phone.
you stared at him, tapping your foot. ''you checking if i replied to that text you sent me three days ago? 'cause i didn't. and just so you know, i was not smiling at you.''
''it looked like you were. i bet you missed me.'' he finally looked up from his phone but without making eye contact with you yet. he was smirking. again. you felt like punching him. again.
''zweig, i swear if you don't shut up-''
''make me shut up, then.'' he said. so fucking cheesy.
''your stupid pick-up lines don't work on me. you're not gonna turn me into one of your fangirls'' you warned him, inching closer and closer to him. ''and by the way, i'll get back at you for waking me up earlier. you're a fucking cunt.''
he didn't reply anything. he just looked directly into your eyes, with his eyebrows slightly raised. it was almost like his face was screaming, punch me! punch me!
you ignored your violent urges- you figured it would be better to put all that energy into something else- maybe, instead of punching him, you could flood his room- something of the sort.
but of course, that would be quite impossible given the fact that you would have to pay actual money for the damage. so, maybe punching was still an option, but not yet.
''i'm starving. i'll go get some breakfast.'' you said as you started walking away. ''-and don't try to sit next to me at the table. it's enough i have to sleep in the same cabin as you- i don't want to be reminded of your gross eating habits.'' pickles and peanut butter, disgusting. you remember how patrick used to eat that, in the school cafeteria- like actually. and with people around him. and still- he got girls. somehow.
he immediately came running after you, laughing a bit- ''oh come on, i don't eat that shit anymore, i was like 15 back then. and plus- i don't know anyone around here-'' he tried to make a point, but you cut him off with a loud and clear 'no.' he sighed and rolled his eyes at that, but ended up sitting on the opposite side of the table.
the whole time you were having breakfast you could feel his eyes on you. only this time, he wasn't smirking or grinning or anything of the sort- he just looked like a lost puppy.
it almost made you feel bad.
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hyewka · 1 year
dude sub!beomgyu is so hot. but you know what's hotter? bratty, possessive sub!gyu. maybe i'm biased cuz i like my men like that but likeeeee
wanna overstimulate him so bad until he's crying and whining for more 😵‍💫😵‍💫 n he probably acts like a bitch at the start, acting all confident and dominant.. yet the second you start fucking him he just folds :(
literally pushing my obsessive sub gyu agenda on everyone but he'd probably fuck you after seeing you getting all close with someone else as a way to show dominance 😵‍💫 gyu seems like the type who'd overstim himself inside of you too, moaning shit like "you're mine" as he chokes on his sobs.. might as well flip him over and let him know he belongs to you only :))
anyways i'm kinda hungry 😍
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warnings; sub!yandere-ish beomgyu, cockwarming, mentions of overstim? hair pulling, reader’s equally obsessive sorta, not proofread
You twist your sore wrist, trying to relieve the pain Beomgyu you think, or at least hope, had unintentionally inflicted. But with the way he's been increasingly needy the more time you had spent shopping, the more you're sure it was far from an accident.
So it was no surprise how fast he got you on the bed when you finally went back home.
“You’re so mean to me.” he mutters in the crook of your neck, breath hot against your skin. Beomgyu has you pinned under him, his hold unforgiving, pressing down on your body. “You do it on purpose. Make me so fucking crazy, I hate it.”
You flutter your eyes shut when his lips make contact with your sensitive flesh, the slight nip making you breathe heavier. “Beomgyu.” you try warning, to stop him from going further, but it only spurs him on.
Earlier, you stumbled upon Jeongin-- your old highschool friend, while window shopping with Beomgyu by your side. Naturally, you'd want to catch up as you haven't seen him since the last highschool reunion which was two years ago. The longer you spent enthusiastically talking, the more you felt Beomgyu's fingertip dig into your wrist.
You figured he was jealous, and when Beomgyu was jealous, he was different in the sense that he needed reassurance. A lot of it.
When he starts sucking harshly, marking all over your neck down to your collarbones, hips increasingly grinding against your clothed core, his grunts ceasing to be an act slipping his neediness against your skin, you run up your hand to the back of his head grabbing a fistful— you were always fine with his desperation to give you hickeys whenever he felt insecure, laying pliant and letting him cover you with varying purple splotches but the drawn line was always him fucking you.
And that was exactly what he was trying to do, whore.
You yank his head back and the horny dog has no shame letting the blush creep up his cheeks even when he hisses out a curse. “Who gave you the right to grind against me?”
“What? I can’t try to fuck my girlfriend but you can go around whoring with—"
He shrieks when you pull his hair again, his scalp burning, tears already brimming on his waterline. “You have such a filthy mouth pup, I ought to put it to better use, no?”
His eyes still have the audacity to look down at you. You sneer, a soft scoff escaping your lips. Beomgyu has always been one to try and dom during sex, which you wouldn’t mind if it weren’t for the fact that you knew the poor boy was weak after a single twist to his bud.
After a few beats of silence, you decide to pull him down for a quick kiss, a mix of saliva and tongue, before you abruptly stop reciprocating and Beomgyus left whimpering against your lips urging you to continue. You put your hand on his chest, getting him to reluctantly pull away. “No. You have to fix your attitude first.”
He shakes his head, “You’re the one whos been talking about Jungwoon or whatever his name is—"
“I don’t care! You couldn’t shut up about him the entire way here! I hate it. It feels like he could sweep you off your feet when I’m not paying attention and then—and then you’ll…” his assertive demeanor cracks in a flash, his face flushed, lower lip quivering up into a pout, “You’ll leave me and, and—“
You don’t let him finish, flicking his forehead to which his hand immediately fly up to rub as if you just smacked it. “Ouch? What was that for?”
“You’re such a dumb boy.” You say shaking your head. “I mentioned Jeongin once. Once during our way here because you seemed so bothered by how we knew each other.”
You weren’t lying, proven by the way Beomgyu tries to counter your point, but closes his mouth after nothing comes out. A sly smile, and your hands already sneakily sliding up his loose hoodie, thumb finding their way to graze his already hard nipples, “Baby boy got stupid jealous just because I talked to a guy, huh?”
His arms that were holding him up, pinned next to both sides of your body had started to tremble. So fast, it was almost comical.
“Shut up. He wasn’t just some guy. He was totally into you.”
You rub his bud in circles, cooing at how his hair falls over his face, as he tries to gain composure. “Really? You thought he was checking me out too?” you tease, making sure to catch him off guard with a random pinch.
His body jerks, a strained exhale leaving his lips before hes too weak to keep himself up anymore, head falling to bury itself in the crook of your neck, getting you to feel his bulge against your thigh. He was already giving up.
“Stooop.” he whines, continuing to rub his crotch on your inner thigh. “You’re so mean to me.”
You decide to give it up, instead twirling a strand of his soft hair as he gets more and more feverish against your leg. “N-no more teasing. Have to be inside you.” he finally breathes out, a call of desperation, so needy Beomgyu was.
Beomgyu who’s too impatient to fully take off your skirt, only pulling them up before he bunches up your panties to the side, his tip barely protruding your entrance before he pushes in his red dick in, so inexperienced and stupid, shuddering as he keeps his cock buried.
“You have to move pup.” you instruct lightly, trying to fuck yourself on his dick, but it proves impossible as Beomgyu shakes his head adamantly.
His breathing is heavy, dumb mind already filled with esctasy, head finding comfort in the warmth of your shoulder, cock drilled so deep inside he might go insane with your warmth, “Wanna stay in here forever."
“And ever.” he sighs, sucking on your abused hickeys again. “So you’ll never leave.”
It should’ve been concerning, a red flag to look back on but what happens if you feel the same way? Having him only be by your side.
Beomgyu who finally starts moving, ever so slightly, moaning with each small sharp snap into you. It takes you by complete shock when his pace goes a complete 180, Beomgyu becoming crazed, his thrusts quickly becoming sharp and erratic, so similar to his humping earlier with no particular rhythm, hammering into you, each love proclamation as tears waste no time to stain his cheeks, body shuddering with his head feeling light, drool trickling down under his chin, “Mine, mine, mine. Jeongin can’t have you like this. You’re mine.”
His body presses against yours, leaving no room for breathing, kissing you so roughly, yet his soft lips are a contrast, “I only belong to you. Nobody else—ha!”
His hips stagger, lanky body once looming over you so weak and frail. “N-no! Am cumming, cumming—“ he babbles so loudly, the sight so beautiful, his lashes more pronounced with the wetness of his tears. He belongs to you, he’s right. Just pressing against where his nipples are gets him to cum prematurely. You smirk feeling smug, even when simply the sound of his cute moans has you weak. You feel his hot load shoot inside you, bad boy.
He tries to catch his breath, clearly dumb fucked, chest heaving, as he falls to your side on the bed. You don’t let the boy get away so easily after not even making sure you finished.
The terrified look in his eyes as you swiftly get on top of him, switching positions was enough for you to know that this was going to be a long fucking night.
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enapoe · 4 months
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ᨳ dance lesson
synopsis - After the hot senior jake tries to court you, (aka flirt with you because he's bored) you lie and tell him your type are dancers
genre - highschool!niki x fem!reader
warnings - jake being annoying !!NOTT PROOFREAD! I dknt eeven know what this is
word count - 1.3k
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You rolled your eyes.
"You know I want you" he said, grabbing your hand and interlacing your fingers together. "No you don't Jake, you just dumped another girl and are looking for an easy rebound," you unlaced your fingers and brushed your hair back "you'll just have to look for someone else." Today marked day four of the hot senior— Jake— flirting with you nonstop. He seemed to have the notion that every girl would drop dead if he spared them a single glance. He had the face, charm, charisma, if it wasn't for his personality and play-boy tendencies you would've fallen for him too.
"What do you want in a guy?" Jake started chasing after you in the hallway, "y/n I know you've never had a boyfriend, so what's your ideal type?" Ok, ouch, didn't have to bring your non-existent love life into this. After the initial sting of Jake's unintentional burn, you stopped to think. He has to be nice, charming, and kind to his mom. The bare minimum, really. "I don't know, maybe a dancer?" You shrugged and said something completely random knowing Jake could barely do a tumble roll (no offence).
Jake looked taken aback. "You can't dance, what's so hot about dancers?" You were now in front of your first block class. Jake doesn't even take pottery so for an hour‐thirty minutes he can't bother or talk to you. You rolled your eyes for the hundredth time this morning "Jake, seriously, give it up" you opened the door of the classroom and slammed it in his face. Aggressive? Maybe, but anything to get this Aussie away from your face.
"Literally, you date him!" You pushed Eunchae a bit because of her constant insistence of you giving Jake a chance. "No way! He's not my type" she rolled her eyes "who's your type anyway?" You asked, she never shows interest in any guy at school and she's drop dead gorgeous so… plus, school is often filled to the brim with mid guys anyway.
"Um… I kinda like Yang Jungwon from class 3" she chuckled a bit and tucked a strand of hair out of her face. "Really?! He's a grade older though" you and eunchae started talking more about Jungwon and Jake as you two entered the cafeteria.
"They're friends aren't they?" Eunchae asked "Jake and Jungwon?" you started to think about Jake and his massive group of friends. Most of them were fake but he had six close friends— if you recall. "Yeah, I think they've been friends for a while. Kinda cool how he has friends in the upper and lower classes" you placed your bag down at a table and sat down. Your legs hurt from running in cross country yesterday.
"I'll grab food for the both of us today" Eunchae smiled and left. What an angle, must know you're in pain from sprinting one hundred metres yesterday. You pulled out your phone and looked on instagram, the reels make you feel like a baby unaware of time while scrolling through hundreds of videos. "Hey" someone said, and sat down next to you. At first you thought it would be Jake. But after another beat of silence you knew this couldn't be the loud frat-boy energy Jake emitted everywhere he went. Instead when you looked up it was Niki. The Japanese boy in your pottery class. He had a more timid aura— quiet and reserved.
"Hi," you replied. "What's up?" You're still confused why the boy is sitting next to you. He sighed, you tilted your head in confusion "sorry. My friends— Jake actually, wanted me to talk to you" he confessed, a little laugh was bubbling deep in your throat. He looked up after looking down in his lap "well this is the worst first impression" he smiled awkwardly, "I'm Niki" he introduced himself, "I know who you are niki" he was shocked— apparently he thought you didn't know him— even though you've been classmates since junior high. "I don't have a memory of a goldfish Niki" he nodded and looked away embarrassed "tell Jake I'm not interested," Eunchae came back and placed your trays of food down.
"Actually I was wondering if you were down for some dance classes?" He said "Text me" he placed his number on your table and ran— dashed— back to his table.
The note had messy boy handwriting. Aka really wobbly and almost unreadable. "What's Niki doing talking to yah?" Eunchae began eating her fresh rice and kimchi "I don't really know," you looked at his number. Dance lessons? Did Jake tell him your type? "I think Jake made him talk to me," you scooped some soup into your mouth. "Something about dance lessons? Should I do it?" You handed the note to Eunchae. "'Private finance lessons with me (niki)'" she read the note aloud and slammed it down onto the table. "Yes! Take the lessons, I think Niki's been dancing before he could talk. Boy knows how to dance."
"Fuck, am I actually doing this?" You huffed and played with the hem of your workout top. It's now or never. Pushing the huge doors that separated you from your impending doom, you slowly stepped in, you took in the clean white walls, fresh smell of the lobby and lastly the posters everywhere. Posters of famous dancers, the dance teachers themselves, even kpop idols were everywhere. The crisp fall air outside brushed you slightly as someone stepped into the lobby. "Oh, um— uh, one second" the crunchy way of talking could only belong to someone as awkward as Niki. "Hey, I can't believe I'm actually doing this but, yeah. I'm here for a lesson," Niki was beside you, wearing a black sweater that was frayed at the sleeves and arms. His cargo pants seemed twice the size of you and his black hat covered his eyes. Even with his awkward personality around you, he had confidence— especially here at his dance studio.
Geez, maybe dancers are hot.
"Sorry for the mess," Niki placed his bag down and pushed some stuff away from the front of the mirror. "You actually came— which I didn't really expect… I didn't get a chance to rehearse anything." He played with his fingers nervously and looked up at you through his eyelashes. "It's ok! I–I don't know," you scratched the top of your head "I can leave?" Maybe this was a mistake, he clearly doesn't have a choreo or even a genre of dance I could learn-. "No! Please don't" Niki cut in before your mind got the better of you. "I have a pair dance we could dance to, it's beginner friendly and you get to…" he trailed off "what?" Was he blushing? "You get to dance with me" he finished and finally looked at your eyes. "Perfect"
You're an awful dancer. Correction: embarrassingly horrible. Your mom always said you have two left feet, guess she was right. "Ok, I think we should take five," Niki says, grabbing a Gatorade water bottle out from his bag and squeezing water into his mouth. "I'm sorry," your face is red from an hour of dancing. Somehow this is harder than cardio. "You're wasting time teaching an old dog new tricks" Niki turns and faces you "what?" He doesn't think you're wasting his time. He's had the most fun dancing with you then any dance partner he's been partnered with for the last two years. He won't say this out loud though. "You're fun to dance with y/n".
"Oh, I'm not very good but thanks" you smiled at him, eyes creasing and teeth on full display. God he could've kissed yopu right there. Actually, he did.
Nishumura Riki has put his lips of yours. Holy shit, holy shit. He got scared because of yoir silence and pulled away. "Im sorry, i didn't mean to that just now. I would ask you to dinner first—like a gentlemen—but apparently I can't even control regular human emotions around you-"
You giggled as he kept stressing over the kiss. He looked over with wide eyes after hearing you laugh.
You stood on your tippy toes and places a sweet kiss to his pink lips, stealing his breath away. After you broke off the kiss he kepr chasing your lips with his own.
"In a world full of boys, you are a gentlemen Nishmura"
Been in the drafts a lil to long
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Truth be told, i have no idea where that reference is from
Not proofread at all b t dubs , love yall even tho i disapeard off the face of the eartg 4 months
How are yalls 2024 going? Well for me i have been breaking out so much, um its hard for me to feel pretty. But 2024 is gonna my year /j 😍😍
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ambermeh · 2 months
Best friends with the triplets headcannons
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with a bit of chris x reader
⋆ Either met at a random place like at an influencer thing or you knew them from school and have known them for years. There are cute little photos from your childhood that they will always bring out on your birthday
⋆ I think Nick is not the most trusting of people that come into their life (especially as they got older) so he is more cautious than the other and so he does not spend as much time with you if you met later on in life BUT will literally love you with his whole heart when he does know you a little better and is the best person to be friends with. 'coming over in 5 because I just need to be with you now. everyone else is pissing me off'
⋆ Matt would be much more loud and talkative with the people that he has known for a while (like he is with nate and madi) and so would say the most out of pocket shit ever. But also I think instead of going to Nick first with the gossip I think Matt would be the BEST because he would give the best reactions. 'she said WHAT' (saying while in shock and giving the most shocked look at you with his little side eye that he gives the cameras)
⋆ Plus, i feel like Matt would love to stay up and have the most deepest conversations and this is more frequent as you guys get older and he really listens and understands when to let you just talk and get it off your chest. 'nah, i don't mind i can stay up a bit more you were saying about.....'
⋆ Chris, I mean he would be up for anything like going to target late just to pick up some snacks and would either make you or matt drive. He would never stop with jokes that never make sense or just start laughing, which would make you laugh as well. 'chris that was not funny you need to stop' (while literal tears are coming out of your eyes from laughing)
⋆ Plus, you would have had a little crush on Chris in highschool (i mean have you seen him on the lacrosse day) but would never have told him because you thought he was interested in other girls BUT Nick and Matt would just know, the quick glances and the little laughs at the most stupidest shit ever. 'Y/N you are insane he literally loves you' 'stop laughing at him he'll start to think he's actually funny'
⋆ as we know Chris is scared of being in a relationship and would be very hesitant of telling you he liked you so he would have to be talked up be Nick and Matt but would make it quite romantic or try to before he kept ruining the surprises 'chris calm down you've known her for years' 'yeah she knows you and still surprisingly likes you'
⋆ Nick and Matt would be happy to see you together after years of having to watch you the two of you hopelessly in love with each other
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envy-of-the-apple · 4 months
LOVE the new fic. The betrayal literally made me tear up.
I was just curious would Gojo have given up on Ms. Moon if she were married or maybe had a kid.
oh fu c k such a good idea whydidn'tithinkofthis- (this got so long i am so sorry)
in the fic, ms.moon is pretty traumatized after the gojo incident to have any real relationships after.
But maybe ms.moon gets into therapy, works through the issues of intimacy. You meet someone, nice, kind. You settle down, have a kid. It'll be nice for a few years...but when gojo comes back into your life. he'll shut it down quick.
Gojo's worse than his high school self now. He might not beat your husband up, but that might be a blessing compared to the tsunami he's about to havoc on your family. Using his connections, he'll make sure your husband never finds a job in the entire city, the entire region even. He might even dig up something your husband did in his past, a small drug problem he had with highschool-something that would get swept under the rug normally, but with Gojo's scrutiny, it's about to become a lot bigger.
You could stop it. With enough begging. After you'd cry your heart out, he'd shush you, wiping away your tears, saying that he'd forgive you for your transgressions.
You'd be expected to divorce your husband. Your husband would be pretty pissed with your flimsy reasoning of 'my childhood bully isn't done with ruining my life' but then he'd remember that there is a reason the Gojo family is so big. And they don't take kindly to competitors who stand in their way. You'd understand why he lets you walk away without a fight, but a part of you wished he would have pushed more, even if the result would have remained the same.
It's your child who suffers the worst through all of this. Maybe you had a daughter. Perhaps gojo would be a bit more tolerant towards her if she looked like you but she was clearly her father's daughter. In the past, you adored it, now it's another curse for you.
You have to keep her away, for her sake. Gojo is already more than upset that you dared to start a family without him. Besides, why would you want her with you? Why would you want her to suffer under gojo's whims?
A part of you has to admit that it's also for your sake. You don't want your daughter to see you like that. Weak, rolling under that man's thumb.
She's probably just a toddler when you have to leave. She's too young to understand when you say 'mommy's going away for a while'. Maybe you'd lie to her, say that you're going overseas and when she asks if she can come with you, you'd shake your head because talking anymore would be too much because Satoru's waiting in the sleek black car right on the curb. It doesn't matter what you say, she screams and sobs the entire time.
You don't touch your ex-husband, you don't even hug because you know Satoru's watching. You just ask him to take care of her before you walk into the car, getting into the passenger seat. Your daughter's still begging you to come back. You make sure the car is out of her sight before you start sobbing.
There's a hand on your thigh, squeezing, a mocking act of comfort. You're sure Satoru's grinning.
"Aw. Don’t cry, baby," you can barely hold yourself back from slapping him, though you doubted even pain would wipe that look off his face.
The hand drifts up your thigh, playing with the hem of your pants.
"Once we have our own kids, you’ll get way too busy to think about your old one.”
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