#Living Art of Armando
doctorsiren · 11 months
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So I said this in the tags of my last post, but then I went wacky and doodled up some pages of this other AU idea that stemmed from the idea of that comic I did
In this AU, Miles goes to Diego Armando’s office a few weeks after the Fawles trial. There is no cocky, arrogant, or smug air about him like there was during the trial and instead he seems really shaken and nervous. Diego’s like “hey what’s wrong?” And Miles is quiet but then says that he needs help. He tells Diego that he can’t get the image of Fawles’s suicide out of his head and that he has no one he can talk to about this. Diego asks about Miles’s mentor, but Miles says that there’s absolutely no way he could ever go to his mentor for help with emotional stuff because it would show “weakness” and he also isn’t comfortable with von Karma. To make a long story short (because I’ve thought so much about this), Miles ends up pleading with Diego to protect him from von Karma just in case he goes after him for switching sides to be a defense attorney. He knows that von Karma will see him as weak and a traitor for switching teams after a single case, but Miles can’t be someone he’s not. Diego points out that Miles seems to be trying to be who von Karma wanted him to be. So he asks Miles what he wants to be, and Miles responds by saying he wants to be his dad (just like in my 1985 animatic 😭).
So Miles decides to renounce prosecution. He rips off his cravat and throws it in the garbage in Diego’s office and declares that he’ll become a defense attorney. He also asks Diego is he could be his mentor to help him in both being better at defense law and also just being better with interacting with people.
He joins the Grossberg Law Offices and works alongside Mia and Diego to gather evidence on Dahlia Hawthorne, as he now too believes that she has done terrible things.
After Diego is poisoned, Miles freaks out because people just keep dying or getting hurt around him and it scares him. (Oh…baby boy just wait until Mia dies too-)
He takes the case to defend Phoenix, gets TERRIFIED when Phoenix eats the poison necklace, and then at the end, Phoenix was like “oh wow! You’re a defense attorney now?? Lmao when did that happen??” Bc he had been too busy simping over Dahlia. But Miles tells him that he should still pursue law so that they could work together and also so that Phoenix’s law classes and studying wouldn’t have gone to waste. So Phoenix becomes a lawyer and works with Miles and Mia at the Fey & Co Law Offices until she dies and then it becomes Edgeworth & Co Law Offices because he had been a lawyer for longer.
I like the idea that in this AU, Phoenix and Miles obviously have huge crushes on each other, but these idiots still refuse to acknowledge or admit it <3
Also :((( when Diego wakes up, he still goes on his whole antagonist arc as Godot, and Miles refuses to tell Phoenix the truth about who he is. See, I also like the idea that in this AU, Nick and Miles are still as cagey with their past and truths as they are in normal AA
As you can see, I am perfectly normal !! I think about ace attorney a very normal amount!! 🤭
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moonlitmmarie · 3 months
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Happy Tanabata! 🎋
Here's a drawing of カミチヒ I did last year.
I tend to draw angst when a story is happy (DB) and fluff when it's sad. For this duo, I'll never get over how tragic their fate was.
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tanaleth · 1 year
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A charming young lawyer to whom nothing bad happened on this day in history 💕☕
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heyyypuddin · 2 months
Withering Petal (Armando x OC) Bad Boys Chapter 8
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⚠️Trigger Warning ⚠️
This chapter does contain mentions of violence and strong language as well as horrendous crimes. Please heed if you’re sensitive to mentions of those.
Chapter 8 
The next few days fly by like a breeze, nothing exciting happening. Amora’s been working on another big art project for a different client, so she’s been keeping to her office, and Armando has been basically living in her home gym. 
Every time she goes to see what the fugitive is up to, she finds him in there working away. Sometimes she goes sneaking peeks whenever he’s shirtless or making rather loud grunts, thinking she was being sneaky, but unbeknownst to her, he sees her every time. 
The week flew into the next, and Amora was in the room with Armando checking over his wounds. 
““You’re healing pretty well, which is great to see they were looking real nasty when you first came,” she inspected his shoulder, moving over to his side before backing up to change out the bandages. 
He hummed in response, comfortable in the silence they usually have while being in each other's presence. He fixed his position as she started putting on the bandages, scanning over her. He noticed she changed her nails to a light pink with clear textured designs, her toes matching the color. 
‘How cute’ he thought; he always found it so cute how she kept up with herself. It reminded him of his mother; she never liked going anywhere underdressed; she even found it disrespectful when women would come near her not dressed well.
He closed his eyes, feeling an ache from the thought of his mother. It made him want to run away. Even with everything she's done, he missed her. She was the only physical parental figure he had growing up, and even then, he barely got to see her. Another ache hit him, and he looked for a way to avoid the uprooting emotions. 
“Why is Victor looking for you? You mentioned it a couple times but never explained it.” came the question. It’s been bothering him for a while, but he never spoke on it, and it helped take the spotlight of his memories stabbing at him.
Amora's hands stilled on the second wound she was working on and she let out a sigh. Finishing what she was doing, she sat next to him. Looking at him with sad eyes, part of him felt bad for brining that look to her face, but he knew he wanted answers. 
“After my parents' murder, he took me with his cartel. "He-he” she stuttered, taking a few shaky breaths before continuing. 
“I was under his control for 12 years before escaping 4 years ago.”
“Yeah, tough, right?” she breathed out in an empty chuckle. 
”Obviously people know that he’s a drug lord and was a mercenary, but most people don’t know that he was also involved in human trafficking.” 
This really caught Armando’s attention, his eyes enraged at the assumptions going through his head.
“Are you saying that you were….?” he trailed off, not really wanting to say the words. He may have killed people and dealt drugs, but he never put women in harm's way. In fact, in the Aretas Cartel, all the men respected the women highly, especially when Isabel Aretas was the leader; they had no choice, and if they thought differently... well, his mother would show them why they called her “La Bruja.”
Amora shook her head quickly
“So... he did it differently. Victor Ortiz is a very possessive man; he would make deals with these men and would trade the women, but before the other party could get too far, he would have them killed and bring the girls back. He always made it seem like it wasn’t from his group so that he could keep getting deals.” 
She took a deep breath in, glancing at Armando, seeing him fully locked in. She breathed out, feeling her hands begin to shake, clasping them tighter. Seeing her shake, Armando reached out, covering her hands with his.
""Listen, if you don’t want to continue, you don’t have o." She shook her head in reassurance. 
“Thank you, I’m okay; it’s just—I'm okay. Uhm, so, for me, I was favored by Victor ever since I was little. I’m not too sure why, but wherever he went, he made sure I was there by his side. He traded me a few times but mainly only did them as punishment; he would do it with the vilest men. Thankfully, before they could really touch me and do horrendous things, he would ‘‘Save me,” she scoffed at the thought.
“I won’t lie, I had it better than most women there. I tried to use my advantage by helping women escape, but often we were caught, and he would either trade them or kill the women in front of me. Sometimes he would." Her voice hitched, taking a higher pitch, trying to get the words out but was choking up. 
“S-sometimes he would--I'm sorry.” 
“No, its okay." She felt Armando’s hands caressing her, trying to bring comfort, but she knew she didn’t deserve it, not from all the horrendous things she did. 
Taking a deep breath, she rushed the words out.
“Sometimes he would even force me to pull the trigger or choose who would die,”
she choked out, her eyes turning red from the tears streaming out of her eyes, remembering times when victors' hands were gripping hers painfully around the gun, her trying to struggle out of his grip aiming at different women, some she got close to, but it was futile.
“Eventually I gave up on trying to help, and I only focused on myself. I tried three times, and after the fourth time, I finally escaped and found myself in Miami City. Sometimes I felt like he allowed me to escape; it felt almost easy, and I was right.”
She softly pulled her hands away from Armando, wiping the tears away from her face.
“After being away from him for a year, I tried to live a normal life; I felt it was long enough, and I was finally free. I met this guy, and he was so sweet, seeming so protective and genuine. We dated for about a year and a half, but it turns out he was working with Victor. He promised him two million in return for me,” she spitted out, feeling herself become angry over the hurt and betrayal on the day she found out. 
Amora came bouncing in the apartment with a happy smile on her face after coming back from a self-care day of getting a message, her hair and nails done. She couldn't wait to show Jay her new hairstyle. She decided for the first time to get knotless braids in a honey blonde color. 
“Baaaaaaabe, I’m hoooome." She called out, putting her purse on the couch, taking off her sandals, and walking through the apartment going to the bedroom. 
She found the man she was looking for, lying on the bed in nothing but black basketball shorts, her eyes scanning over his tall, dark brown body, and up to his face, his sharp jaw clenched shut, one hand twisting his curls and the other holding up his phone, texting, looking too serious. 
She got an idea in her mind and quickly jumped on the bed, crawling over his legs, straggling him, and snatched his phone, putting it up above his head, giving a teasing smile. 
“Notice anythi—.”
A yelp ripped from her throat at being pushed roughly off his lap and onto the floor, immediately snatching the phone back out of her hand.
“What the fuck you think you doing, Amora?” she cowered into the floor out of shock and fear at his outburst. She tried to play it off by laughing even though she was petrified by that reaction. He's never had a reaction like that with her, ever.
"Geez, what got you so serious? I was only trying to show you my hair,” she told him, getting off of the floor and going to the far opposite edge of the bed, trying to create as much distance from the raging man as possible. 
She watched him tower over her, glaring with seething black eyes, his pierced nose gleaming from his flaring nostrils. She felt as if she was in a ring with a raging bull charging right at her wanting blood. 
“Don't do that shit again,” he threatened harshly before storming out of the room, slamming the door. She flinched at the sound and blinked at the door, eyes wide, breathing quickly, trying to hold back the tears pricking at her eyes. 
Her breathing got quicker and choppier as she started hyperventilating at that familiar, dreadful feeling from when she was trapped. She stayed at the same spot, not following him, afraid of what might happen if she did. 
A couple of days past, Amora kept her distance from him, thinking he was going to apologize for his behavior, but he never did.
Eventually she rolled it off, thinking maybe he was just having a really bad day and she made it worse; ‘it was childish of me’, she thought, and decided to apologize to him for her actions, thinking it was going to get better. 
Except it didn't; in the blink of an eye, he changed. He was getting ruder, to her being more evasive. Yelling and cussing at her, sometimes she thought he was even going to hit her.
“Maybe he found someone else,” she thought, and the thought of that crushed her. ”Did I do something wrong? How could I fix it?” Some of the thoughts were going through her, but she continued on pretending she wasn’t going in pain. 
It wasn’t until one night that he fell asleep while they were watching a movie that she got a chance to see what was going on. 
He left his phone unlocked. 
Looking quickly at the phone and back to Jay, she whispered his name, seeing if he would wake up. 
“Jay, hey Jay." She even poked him, but he didn’t stir. So, she lightly reached out, picking up his phone, trying to be as still as possible, and when it reached her, she looked at him and saw he was still sleeping. 
She gave a sigh of relief and went to open up his messages, feeling that relief being ripped and replaced with a fear so tight it was like time froze. 
Victor Ortiz
Her shaking thumb hovered over the name before tapping on it to show the recent messages. 
Sunday around 8 p.m., you'll have her—Jay. 
Will you have my money? - Jay 
Are you questioning me? - Victor
No sir- Jay
Everything felt slow, her vision going blurry. She was going to throw up. She dropped the phone and ran to the bathroom, throwing up everything she ate that day. After a last hurl, she slid back on the wall, shaking. Everything felt cold but hot. Feeling pain in her throat, making it harder for her to breathe, she ended up lying on the floor, curling into a fetal position, when her breath finally rushed out of her, but streams of tears took its place. 
She sat there for maybe 4 hours before getting up, legs shaking but a determined look on her face with a plan of getting out before she came face with that devil. 
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Flash back end~~~~~~~~~
Coming back out of her memories, Amora felt herself start to shatter, one crack at a time, until it all came bursting out like a dam.
She felt herself getting picked up and freaked out.
“It’s okay, Amor. I got you. I’m not going to do anything.”
When Armando's warm voice was brushing over her ear, she felt herself get placed in a warm lap, feeling strong arms wrap around her, his head nuzzling in the crook of her neck. 
She allowed herself to remain still in comfort, unsure of what to do, but the more he rubbed her back, the more she relaxed, letting her head fall onto his shoulder. Squeezing her eyes shut and practically slapping the tears off her face, she sucked her teeth, wanting to control herself so that she could finish her story. For the first time she could freely speak on it to someone. 
“I was so dumb and naive, I ignored every single sign there was, thinking the best of him in hopes of living that fairytale life... but I should've known better. That doesn't happen for someone like me,” she whispered out, hardly hearing her own voice zoning out again until she felt Armando's head shake bringing her back.
"Uhm, so that night I set up a plan and I drugged his drink.” Feeling Armando look at her in surprise, she quickly brought up her hands, shaking them, denying any accusations he could've been thinking.
”I only drugged it enough for him to fall into a deep sleep; I didn't kill him or anything!“ 
“Maybe you should've." He couldn't help quip, wiping away some of the tears falling down her round cheeks, and went back to rubbing her back.
A quick giggle slipped out of her lips at that and she whispered a quick thank you for his attempt at lightening the mood before continuing.
“I didn’t know where to go, so I just drove as far as I could. I found this abandoned house and found out who owned it, asking them if it was for sale. It was an old couple, and they just gave it to me. I took that as a good sign and blessing and immediately started to try to make money to make it livable, and this is living where I've been living for the past three years.”
“Where you've been hiding,” he corrected. She looked at him, slowly nodding her head.
“I try not to go out often, but I do when it’s necessary or when I need a little bit of normalcy. But when I do, I go disguised as Desirae and not Amora. It’s a small town, so I take extra measures, especially when it's for my fighting classes that I take every three months.”
He looked at her deeply, going over the events he had with her. Connecting dots in his head It explains a lot about her paranoia, especially when they first met, all the concealed weapons she had around, the fighting skills she practices, her alarm system, even her dog. She's just surviving, waiting for something to happen to her. That's the saddest thing he could think—such a waste for a woman like her to be hiding away from the world. Letting her become a shell, not fighting back, only letting fear whisk her away in life 
"Yep, so that's the story of Amora Johnson,” she muttered sarcastically. She knew it was very pathetic, seeing the look on the man's face. He was a man who was none of what she was. 
On days they both had nothing to do, she listened to the stories he told her of his past; he was a brave man, relentless, and didn't let anything get in his way when he was doing something. She admired him; she thought it was attractive, but she envied him, wishing she could be like that.
“Why didn't you do anything when you escaped, like go to the cops and report him?”” he asked her, curious of why she didn't take more action, why she just chose... to run and not fight back?
“I did... I went to the police station and saw familiar faces that worked at the station that would also be at the cartel, so I left before anyone noticed me not wanting to get caught, and I told Jay—my ex—but he lied obviously about helping me, so yeah. I didn't have friends either, one of the things that I allowed Jay to limit me from; he told me it wouldn't be safe that I couldn't trust anyone,” an empty, cold chuckle fell out of her lips.
“I was a damn fool,” she hissed, looking out eyes unfocused and glazed over.
It was silent between them again, Amora lost in her thoughts and Armando not having anything to say. For a bit, she sat in his lap with him still caressing her back until she snapped out of her daze and slowly got out of his lap.
Very quickly she missed the warmth and comfort of him, but knew she needed to head to her empty bed where nothing but nightmares waited for her, but she didn’t want to be weak in front of him anymore.
“Thank you... for consoling me,” she expressed weakly to him, head looking down, her hair covering her face. 
“Amora...” he spoke, but his words got caught; he didn't know what he wanted to say or if he meant anything, but he did feel for her; he knew that. 
“Yes ?’ She looked at him hopeful but scared of his reaction; it was the first time he called her by her real name, and she was fearful of whatever was going to come out of his mouth. 
“Thank you,” he spoke. A quizzical look crossed her face at the random gratitude. He gave a low chuckle at the adorable expression.
“Thank you for allowing me into your space and for trusting me with your story. I know we started off on the wrong foot, but you still gave me a chance and have gone out of your way for me. I just wanted to make sure you knew I appreciated it." His smooth voice was flying to Amora's ears like music. 
Amora's voice hitched at the appreciation. Emotions bursting inside of her but kept her self-calm.
“Just...don't make me regret it... or I'll have to kick your ass,” she tried joking with him, but she meant her word on not wanting to regret anything. She doesn't think she can handle another betrayal. 
“You won't,” came the serious answer. Their eyes were holding each other until Amora looked away, hiding the small smile on her face. 
“Good night,” she whispered to him before slowly walking out the door, giving him one small glance over her shoulder and shooting him a smile before she softly closed the door. 
His eyes followed every moment of her, until she was gone. He huffed out a deep breath, plopping back on the bed, reflecting back on the woman and all he learned tonight. 
Authors note: Hey puddin! So this chapter went a bit darker, and it will probably be the last time that it does, so expect the next chapter to have fluff.
Also I see other people create links to their previous chapters to be easier to navigate, would you appreciate if I do the same, I’m new ish to Tumblr but I can figure out if it helps.
Anyways I hope you enjoyed it! 💕💕
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fosterworks-art · 7 days
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Thought WAY too hard about undergrad Phoenix, and now Amazon thinks I'm a lawyer.
Commissions || Store || patreon || Webcomic
Just in case you can't read my handwriting, please look below for the notes. The below notes are a tad differently written + there may be some extra info I couldn't put in the sketches.
Page 1 - 18 y/o Phoenix
He majors in Criminology and Studio Art. So his main courses are Criminal Justice & Criminology, and Drawing.
He disappeared sometime after DL-6 and showed up with short hair, living in a duplex.
Studying to be a prosecutor - or cartoonist. His reasoning to becoming a prosecutor is unclear, he gives different answers (He can't do math, money and respect, it's a good job), he does genuinely want to help people through prosecuting, though.
Larry and Phoenix haven't seen each other for eight years, but did exchange letters.
For Larry, I wrote a couple notes for him: Going from job to job (and girl to girl) - Pretty good with tech and mechanics. That's a reference to the Thinker clocks, because it's impressive that he made them.
Page 2 - 19 y/o
Poker Hobbyist
Draws and sells card decks (and doujinshis)
People say he has a great poker face.
Also super friendly, just a doormat.
Friends don't know much about him and he doesn't talk about himself much.
He didn't remember Miles or the class trial until he saw the newspaper
That's when he decides to switch from being a prosecutor to being a defense attorney.
It doesn't change much about school.
Page 3 - 20 y/o
He's been taking summer classes this entire time. So he's a senior by 20.
He's a hard worker, and very tired. But he needs to meet Edgeworth asap.
Starts shrimping
People generally know him as a sweetheart and a softie, and a doormat. His classmates also realize that he could be a bit mean.
Heard about the Armando poisoning, but believed it was a different Dahlia Hawthorne. The one he was dating wouldn't harm a soul.
He trusted his girlfriend more than anyone, but never showed his true face until their last date. (He wore makeup and colored contacts throughout high school and college, only Larry knows what he really looks like.)
Couldn't see each other much, because they were both so busy.
Page 4- Born April 11th, 1993
This is what he looked like before the Doug Swallow trial. I just wanted to draw him when he wasn't sick, because the mask would cover the makeup.
(Just pretend I know what I'm doing with the hospital drawing)
Phoenix's 21st Birthday Presents
Not Guilty verdict
Hospital Bill
Botched Surgery (awake, aware, remembered)
Aversion to chips, pills, and romantic relationships
Friend (Mia Fey)
He didn't stay in the hospital for long and refused medication.
Yes he was in excruciating pain. Yes he finished his exams.
He ate glass, he can take it.
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lov1ngreid · 10 months
cherry blossom
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⌕ studying abroad in japan you never would’ve thought you’d be drawing the stranger sitting under the cherry blossom tree.
⟣ ﹒bau!spencer + gn!reader
⟣ ﹒content warning: none! just fluff
⟣ ﹒wc: 1.7k
⟣ ﹒ 🧋me being delusional because I want to live in japan so bad
listen to what i did when i wrote this! ➘
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You hadn’t always gone outside to paint, but today the weather was your favourite you simply had no choice. Cold enough that you could see your breath a little in the atmosphere, but not too cold that your jacket and scarf weren’t enough to keep you warm.
You were fixated on the largest cherry blossom in the garden, hundreds of bursts of baby pink and white coming from the branches, and a light brown trunk flowing all the way into the sky, branching off in different directions.
It was easy to start sketching, you always loved coming to this garden, not many people knew about it so it always seemed quiet, only the sounds of the water trickling through the stream and the faintest noise of the metro occupying your ears.
One of your most favourite places in the garden happened to be the bench on the small bridge overlooking the small river stream watching the koi fish jump and nip at the surface making small little popping noises as they did.
you always found yourself absolutely indulged in your art, completely zoning everything else out.
Just your pencil tracing along your sketchbook.
So hyper focused on the beauty of the tree in front of you, you had yet to notice the most beautiful boy you’ve ever seen in your entire life sitting just below it.
His outfit consisted of browns and neutrals, paired with a deep purple scarf and blue and orange polka dot socks you could see barely peeking out from his ankles and glasses propped up on the bridge of his nose. You watched quietly, completely entranced in how gorgeous his presence was. you looked completely in awe, his long slender fingers dragging down the page before flipping to the next one, and his glasses that sat in front of his pretty brown orbs.
Without giving it another thought you started to sketch the beautiful boy in front of you, starting with his fluffy hair, glancing between your sketchbook and your subject of choice.
A ringtone beaming from somebody’s cell phone broke your trance from the boy sitting in front of you, watching as he reached in his right pocket and pulled out his phone to answer it it only took him seconds to snap his book shut shoving it into his bag before getting up from his position under the tree.
He looked incredibly rushed before making his way towards you, phone still to his ear as he mumbled incoherent words into it, incoherent to you at least, considering you were still focused on how beautiful his face was.
Before you could even consider sparking a conversation with him, heavy footsteps onto the wooden bridge seemed to be inching closer and closer, you get a better look at his beautiful brown hair and the way it falls over his glasses a little.
It was almost like he was so close that you could see yourself in the reflection of his glasses, like he was speaking to you, almost as if you could feel his body heat next to yours.
“Um densha-no… what is it…. eki-wa doko desu-ka?”
“What” you breathed confused, he was that close to you, and that reflection you thought you saw in the reflection of his glasses, was in fact you staring at him dumbfounded as he tried to talk to you in Japanese.
“Oh thank god you speak English” He chuckled, rubbing his neck as pink flushed his cheeks, even his voice was dreamy “Do you know where the train station is?”
You giggle a little at him before nodding “you just have the leave the gardens take a left, you’ll see the signs, it’s around the corner” you smiled taking a moment to rake your eyes over his tall figure before meeting them back to his.
“Thank you” he smiles back at you, his eyes light up beaming down at you, he was so incredibly gorgeous and his cologne left you feeling so addicted, he brushes past you for a moment obviously in a rush before pausing twisting on the balls of his feet to turn around “I’m Spencer” he furrowed his eyebrows, almost as if he was talking to himself.
His almost innocent demeanor made you giggle a little “Hi Spencer” smiling back at him “I’m y/n” you tilted your head a little, a little surprised he had stopped to talk to you considering he was obviously in a hurry.
“Are you busy?” He rushed searching your face for any sort of disgust or disapproval, you shook your head in response, you truly weren’t busy but you would’ve cleared your schedule regardless “will you walk with me?”
You felt like your heart had made its way to your throat with how fast and hard it was beating, like it was all you could hear, without answering you just nodded your head making your way next to him.
Your mouth ran dry, what where you supposed to say? You just sat there and drew some random person for like 20 minutes you definitely looked like a stalker.
You both walk a little in silence before he timidly turns his head to face you “Do you live here?” He asks in attempts to kill the silence between the both of you.
You nodded your head before glancing up to meet his eyes “I study here” you smiled nervously shoving your hands into your warm jacket pocket.
“That’s awesome” he beamed smiling down at you, his perfectly row of teeth almost blinding you “I’d love to live here, it’s so peaceful”
you both walked in beat with each other perfectly matching each others strides “especially when I don’t have people watching me read” he snickers smiling at himself
Suddenly you snap your head towards him in complete horror, your face turning incredibly pink “you saw that?” You squeaked absolutely horrified that he thought you were some sort of weirdo.
He laughed turning around to face you “of course I did” he rolled his eyes playfully still laughing, hilarious to him, but to you, you’ve never been so embarrassed in your entire life “But I only noticed cause I was watching you paint that tree”
“oh” he was watching you?
He loved your timidness, it almost matched his, seeing how embarrassed you got when he caught you watching him only made his heart flutter even faster
“You don’t think I’m weird or anything do you” you rushed, convinced that absolutely nothing could pull you out of this embarrassing hole.
He shook his head gripping at the strap of his shoulder bag “No I don’t think you’re weird” smiling back at you cocking his head to meet your eyes “I thought it was sweet… you were looking at me the same way you were looking at that tree” he pointed a little at the pink covered tree you were just sitting near.
If even possible, more heat rushed to your cheeks before you stared at the busy footpath in front of you. Absolutely humiliated he had seen you absolutely swooning at the sight of him, before you knew it, you both stood at the entrance of the train station, it really was just around the corner.
“Thankyou y/n” he nodded nervously hands shoved in his pockets, your quietness made him a little nervous that he had said something wrong, did you think it was weird he was also watching you indulge in your art so peacefully.
Nodding your head a little with a quick smile, you both stood staring a little into each others eyes, both looking like you were reading each other. The hustle of people around you pausing and the volume of the city sounds fizzling out as you both daydreamed, lost in the depths of each others eyes.
That was before Spencer’s phone buzzed a few times to let him know someone was trying to contact him urgently, snapping the both of you from your gaze, Spencer smiled again before turning quickly to hop down the steps.
“Wait-” you rushed taking a few steps forward to meet him, Spencer reacted immediately turning around to meet your gaze again, you looked up at him before unbuttoning your bag and searching for your notebook before pulling it out. Flipping through the pages of trees and buildings you had watercoloured months before.
Spencer looked down in awe at all the pieces of work you had created, although you weren’t purposefully showing them to him, he was ultimately amazed by your talent and wanted them all framed in his apartment.
You huffed a little before finding the page you were working on just before, a beautiful pink cherry blossom and the prettiest blue lake.
And the prettiest boy sitting under it.
In awe once again Spencer was completely oblivious to the fact that not only were you painting the tree he was sitting under, but him as well. He fixated on it examining every line and detail you had captured, even the polka dots on his socks, his eyebrows furrowed as he heard a ripping sound.
You had ripped the page from your book, careful to not ruin your work but simply tearing it from the confinements of the notebook before shoving it in his direction, confused Spencer looked down at it a little before reaching out to grab it.
“I want you to have it” you nodded closing your sketchbook placing back into your bag.
“It’s beautiful” Spencer admires looking at the piece close up.
“It’s okay” you giggle a little embarrassed your eyes meeting your shoes for a bit as you watched him scan over the piece for a little longer than you thought was necessary “wow you like it that much” you laugh watching his reaction.
He nodded quickly looking back up at you grinning “Well… I’ll make you another” you smile tilting your head a little, Spencer nods again before stumbling to remember why he’s even at the train station.
“Um- I have to go but will I see you tomorrow?” he rushed continuing to walk down the stairs as he talks, glancing between you and the station behind him.
You nod without hesitation at the boy grinning in front of you, he stops walking down the stairs for a second before waving a little, returning the wave, you watch his rush down the stairs glancing back at you every few steps.
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violetmuses · 8 days
Requested! 💌
🏷 @nelo0wesker @adoresmiles
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“Want your own place?” Detective Mike Lowrey questioned his son Armando Aretas while sitting in the living room.
“Some day.” Aretas cleared his throat. “I don't wanna bother y'all forever.”
Mike also married this remarkable person named Christine. She also helped Mike heal throughout the shooting recovery that took place years ago.
“You don't bother us.” Mike scoffed. “To be honest, all you've really wanted since coming back is a new cell phone.”
Traveling around the world pulled countless strings for quite some time, yet Armando took this chance and finally returned to Miami, Florida.
“Would you mind helping me?” Offering his slightly accented English, Armando continued.
“I've already figured out where you can go.” Mike smiled, gathering his car keys.
As colorful streets nestled through historic corners of the art district, Mike secured this penthouse to help Armando live elsewhere.
“Nice place…” Armando glanced in all directions, observant yet quietly joyful.
“Thanks. It was mine.” Mike Lowrey then pointed toward himself.
“Seriously?” Armando stood impressed by the surroundings.
“Not bad, huh?” Mike joked. “Just tell me what's up and I'll help with paperwork.”
“Let's do it. This'll be cool.” Armando says, dapping up Mike.
Several months later, Armando moves in, settling with Mike's apartment for good.
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Chance: So, you may be wondering, “How on earth are you gonna show a death battle? Is that not too gruesome for TV?” And I say don’t you all worry your pretty little heads. This battle royal is simulated, meaning the contestants will not feel a thing. As it’s styled like The Hunger Games, the aim of the game is to be the last one to survive! The last contestant remaining will get the Victorious Ones trophy from yours truly!
We’ve sent everyone down into their districts. Before I give the signal for everyone to begin, let’s have a listen in to some contestants thoughts through our live video screen!
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Chance: Oh ho! A bit of smack talk from one of the contestants! This will be exciting! I wonder if the other contestants are feeling as confident or whether their nerves are getting the best of them!
(The 200 follower event is a go! Each week, I will post what the simulator mentions on it and add some drawings about what’s happened. As I said, I’m not gonna make them gruesome or serious. It will be in a comedic tone with slapstick-styled “deaths”.
Now that you know the very first pairings, feel free to draw your character either talking smack to the other character in your district or perhaps some other form of dialogue. This is not mandatory in any way! This is solely for a bit of fun before I get to drawing the events that are taking place! If you do draw any art for this event, please tag me or use the #200followerhungergamessim tag.
I wonder who’s gonna kill Destino lol
Tagging those in this so you know who’s joined:
Deca and Conductor - @spikyegg
Rimi - @ask-the-shiny-pokemons
Marley, Viola and Chomps - @asktherandomfam
Capital - @askcapital
Armando and Blair - @asklivingwasteland
Nix - @ask-anxious-sylveon
Mothball - @mysteriousmothball
X - @mod-checker
Suicune - @ask-suicune
Prince - @askpsychicarcanine
Shadow - @pokege-ne-project
Acacia - @phantomguild
Ziska - @askforestoddities
Wimmy - @askanotslownotking
Romeo - @ask-guardian-gallade
Altan - @asksolgaleo
Snow - @ask-a-learning-ai
Amy - @deep-digged-pokemon-burrow
Ultraviolet and Sugar - @distortionmewtwo
Sabre - @askleaderscrest
Lucario - @ask-lu-two-and-mew
Ryan and Rudy - @nobetternamethanthat2
Esmeralda and Arthur - @the-shinentist
Magby - @breed-station
Gizmo - @ask-gizmo-and-vigil
Inari - @inaris-pokemon-world
Vekpa - @askvekpa
Chime - @askchimeknight
Lunar - @saguaropokevariants
Peri - @ask-team-spectrum
Hiro, Genji and Ginjiro - @symphonies-of-silver
Chippy - @mew-sanctuary
Lumi and Kyandoru - @minish-mews-and-twos
Mase - @masetheumbreon
Dravol - @asksavel
Spirit - @askadelcatty
Harumi - @life-of-kalos
I’ll look forward to drawing each and every one of your characters!)
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withbeasts · 1 month
information on shifters & what they do:
luca runs an international security firm which deals mostly with hiring guards, international travel, & training dogs.
toni is CEO of an environmental technology company and aims to help reduce emissions and clean the ocean.
shilah deals in art acquisitions, repatriation of art, collections, and promoting new artists, etc. he is known as a philanthropist in many circles for the work he does.
luci collects games and lives on toni's & shilah's paycheck.
armando & galen both work for luca.
thiago works for toni, but also likes doing outreach work in the city as he loves kids.
amelia has money saved from years and years of work. she owns the building that the cafe operates in, and just works there for fun.
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jules-has-notes · 21 days
Harrisburg, PA — VoicePlay live performances
When the VoicePlay guys were touring regularly, they often included educational outreach at schools near their concert venues. So in the spring of 2019 they headed to central Pennsylvania for a workshop with the music students of Susquehanna Township High School, followed by an evening show at the Rose Lehrman Arts Center.
Unfortunately, the person who posted videos from the concert mostly recorded short clips instead of full songs, but you might still enjoy what is available.
Their school workshops include some performances, and this arrangement is a good demonstration of harmonies, diction, volume control, and group cohesion.
title: Ride
original performers: Twenty One Pilots
written by: Tyler Joseph
arranged by: Geoff Castellucci
performance date: 14 March 2019
My favorite bits:
Eli's lovely, clear tone
Layne managing to be audible to the camera's onboard mic
the snapping silliness (such goobers)
that fast patter in three-part harmony, whew
Geoff's descent on ♫ ⇘ "I'm falling sooo" ⇘ ♫
J.None and Eli's little hand gesture to illustrate the vocal hitch
The guys originally recorded this song during the first season of their PartWork series, with just Eli, Geoff, and Layne covering all five vocal parts.
This recording was originally posted to a student's Facebook page.
This recording is missing several bits, as it has been stitched together from shorter clips. It mostly consists of the segments featuring the playful rivalry between Geoff and Earl, which is still a good time. (Though I do miss J and Eli's solo bits.)
title: Elvira
original performers: The Oak Ridge Boys
written by: Dallas Frazier
arranged by: Geoff Castellucci
performance date: 14 March 2019
My favorite bits:
that first beefy bass note
the "Earl can go low, too" gag
that fantastic riff, and the audience's inability to replicate it
the lovely ascending dissonance of ♫ ⇗ "on fi-i-i-rrre" ⇗ ♫
extended beard stroking
and, of course, that big ending
This piece was an enduring favorite in VoicePlay's live shows for many years.
They have never made a video for it because the audience reaction is such an integral part of the performance, but there is an audio recording available to their Patreon patrons.
This video is also pretty choppy, containing excerpts from three different numbers. But those pieces are all performed with the boys' usual skill and flair.
title: clips — aca-Disney mashup // "Panic! in 4 Minutes, part 1" medley // "My Shot" from Hamilton
original songs / performers: "Arabian Nights" by James Monroe Iglehart as the Genie and the cast of Aladdin (2014); "Fireball" by Pitbull, featuring John Ryan // [0:15] "Miss Jackson" by Panic! at the Disco feat. Lolo; [0:35] "The Ballad of Mona Lisa" by Panic! at the Disco // [0:47] "My Shot" by the cast of Hamilton: An American Musical (2015)
written by: "Arabian Nights" by Alan Menken & Tim Rice; "Fireball" by Armando "Pitbull" Perez, "John the Blind" Ryan, Andreas Schuller, Ricky Reed, Joe Spargur, Tom Peyton, & Ilsey Juber; "Miss Jackson" by Brendon Urie, Dallon Weekes, Lauren "Lolo" Pritchard, Jake Sinclair, Amir Jerome Salem, & Alex Goose; "The Ballad of Mona Lisa" by Brendon Urie, Spencer Smith, Butch Walker, & John Feldmann; "My Shot" by Lin-Manuel Miranda & Alex Lacamoire
arranged by: "aca-Disney" by VoicePlay; "Panic! in 4 Minutes" by Layne Stein & Earl Elkins, Jr.; "My Shot" by Layne Stein
performance date: 14 March 2019
My favorite bits:
Eli's big old belt, and the other four bopping in sync 🕺🕺🕺🕺
the smooth hand-off from Eli to J.None during the transition from "Miss Jackson" to "Mona Lisa"
that lovely rising harmony contrasting Geoff's big drop
Layne's precise cadence at the beginning of "My Shot"
The "aca-Disney" mashup was created as a collaboration with Disney On Broadway as part of their 20th anniversary in 2014.
Their "Panic! in 4 Minutes" medley was released in two parts the previous summer.
Their cover of "My Shot" was released shortly before the 2016 Tony Awards, at which Hamilton took home awards in 11 categories.
This video actually contains the full number! The twist is that the boys aren't in their usual configuration for "Aca Top 10" countdowns with chairs and mic stands. They're on their feet and moving around as they pass the lead vocals between them.
title: Aca Top 10 – Bro Country
original songs / performers: [0:10] "Truck Yeah" by Tim McGraw; [0:37] "She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy" by Kenny Chesney; [0:55] "Online" by Brad Paisley; [1:10] "Dirt Road Anthem" by Jason Aldean; [1:31] "Corn Star" by Craig Morgan; [1:54] "Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off" by Joe Nichols; [2:15] "Red Solo Cup" by Toby Keith; [2:37] "Cruise" by Florida Georgia Line; [2:44] "Honky Tonk Badonkadonk" by Trace Adkins; [3:06] "Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy)" by Big & Rich
written by: "Truck Yeah" by Chris Lucas, Preston Brust, Chris Janson, & Danny Myrick; "She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy" by Jim Collins & Paul Overstreet; "Online" by Chris DuBois, Kelley Lovelace, & Brad Paisley; "Dirt Road Anthem" by Brantley Gilbert & Colt Ford; "Corn Star" by Jeffrey Steele, Shane Minor & Craig Morgan; "Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off" by Gary Hannan & John Wiggins; "Red Solo Cup" by Brett Beavers, Jim Beavers, Brad Warren, & Brett Warren; "Cruise" by Florida Georgia Line, Joey Moi, Chase Rice, & Jesse Rice; "Honky Tonk Badonkadonk" by Dallas Davidson, Randy Houser, & Jamey Johnson; "Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy)" by William Kenneth "Big Kenny" Alphin & John Rich
arranged by: Layne Stein & Geoff Castellucci
performance date: 14 March 2019
My favorite bits:
the way J.None interacts with his harmonic partners
the slow layering in the second half of "Dirt Road Anthem"
Eli conducting Earl and J's glissando in "Corn Star"
Earl's sweet whistling for "Red Solo Cup"
the fun video game sounds Layne makes after Geoff sings ♫ "Donkey Kong" ♫
everyone's coordinated galloping
that cool stuttering descent
The guys originally filmed their music video for this medley with guest singer Chris Rupp in July 2016.
This is just one brief clip, but I couldn't resist including it because it's from their "Road Trip" skit, which is always fun.
title: Road Trip excerpt
original songs / performers: "Why Can’t We Be Friends" by War; "That Smell" by Lynyrd Skynyrd
written by: "Why Can't We Be Friends?" by Papa Dee Allen, Harold Ray Brown, B.B. Dickerson, Lonnie Jordan, Charles Miller, Lee Oskar, Howard E. Scott, & Jerry Goldstein; "That Smell" by Allen Collins & Ronnie Van Zant
arranged by: Geoff Castellucci
performance date: 14 March 2019
My favorite bits:
There's not much to say about this one, since it's so short. Go watch the full professionally filmed version for context.
This piece had been a part of their repertoire since the 4:2:Five days, but they didn't release a video of it until they had the opportunity to capture it live during the 2014 Sing-Off tour.
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schismusic · 23 days
Psychohistory and the eternal people: Russian Ark and my grandpa's demise
[Disclaimer: for obvious reasons, this post deals in heavy subject matters regarding family death, natural disasters, and (worst of all) potential spoilers for Aleksandr Sokurov's Russian Ark. Reader's discretion is advised.]
So, remember when in the Ferrari post I said:
"We were at my grandparents' for Christmas and as we drove through the town my father looked out of the car's window and saw an obituary with his last name on it. I didn't quite catch who exactly it was and how they were related to us - and rest assured they most likely were, it's an Abruzzo thing. As most of my family's deaths, as discussed on my Godflesh post, were on my mother's side, to see my father's last name on a mortuary announcement was a bit of a surprise, in that as you probably can imagine it's also my last name. It's a new experience which, in total frankness, I don't exactly hope to replicate soon."
…anyways, July 17th, 2024 I get a phone call around 7:15pm. Grandpa is dead. Not like we didn't know, right — I hadn't been sleeping for days just so I could be awake when the phone call hit. Kidney collapse usually takes between twenty-four and forty-eight hours to get your ass. Grandpa took five days. Could have been three but the pacemaker did its job, unfortunately (not being able to contain any sort of discharge liquid is, how could I say?, immensely painful and irreversible). I had been living alone for the past three days, surviving on an empty fridge and anything canned I could find in my parents' house, working on my bachelor's thesis. Sometimes I'd watch a movie or something. So I'm reading this book on digital cinema — photonumerical, rather, as in it's still shot irl by an actual camcorder and not computer-generated — and of course Sokurov's Russian Ark gets namedropped in there. It's only one hour and a half anyways, so whatever, I watch it while eating lunch, i.e. canned tuna and perhaps salad from some kind of fucking plastic package.
Russian Ark takes every available opportunity to destroy flatness and depth, mixing them up into indistinction. Since the camera is constantly moving, zoom-ins and zoom-outs lose the exact sense of dimension. Objects, people and locales in the frame get squished, morphed, moved, and this is especially evident in Sokurov's frequent closeups on paintings. Usually never shot head-on, generally favouring an angled view of their surface, moving closer or further, left or right, up or down, slowly zooming in or our, paintings suffer the same effect as the three-dimensional objects of the movie, and therefore become one with them, achieving a manner of three-dimensionality and motion. Custine's impassioned reading of a Flemish painted interior (a Rembrandt, if memory serves) underlines all these moving elements, or elements that should be moving:
"Rags… a dog… eternal people…"
And it's these eternal people who "live and go on living… you'll outlive them all". It's these eternal people who gain motion in this medium, as opposed to all the non-eternal people who remain for all intents and purposes confined within the ark itself. History is a trap and art is perennially tasked to find a way to escape it, whether it realizes or not. A psychological (psychic?) reading of history, not too far away from psychogeographical practices, could be on display here: and while it may be much easier to be psychologically influenced by, say, the way a place looks rather than the mythologized recollection of a historical figure, as it stands a lot of people still romanticize and/or fantasize about Julius Caesar or general Armando Diaz or Dante Alighieri. Why not Catherine the Great or Peter the Great or Nicholas II's children then?
Russian Ark is not a particularly accurate historical movie. It's certainly very concerned with aesthetic matters first and foremost — as in, it mostly cares for its scenes to stick the emotional landing regardless of who is being portrayed, most of the time: does Sokurov really expect me to get emotional for the Romanovs? — and its whirlwind nature makes it especially hard to know what the fuck is going on if you don't know much about Russian history itself, mostly because the movie often flatout refuses to make itself clear. But this last thing is no issue to me. This should come as no surprise to anyone who can remember what my all-time favourite movies are. Miami Vice (2006) straight up hates you, the viewer, and dumps kilos upon kilos of technobabble and contrived dialogue on your ass only to hit you later with incredible aerial shots of a motorboat — I'm sorry, I do mean a go-fast boat — crossing the sea, where two people are passionately looking at each other and all of a sudden the movie finds its punctum, its center of interest. INLAND EMPIRE needs no introduction, mostly because I wouldn't know where to start giving one to it. The Warriors is a Walter Hill movie and as such it hates talking. Una giornata particolare rests on quite specific knowledge of practices against political dissidents in fascist Italy, but also loves to make references that would be impossible to catch if you don't know anything about contemporary Italy either (my favourite is when it reminds its audience that Giovanni Agnelli was a senator under Mussolini, wherein in the current day the Agnelli family basically own half of this country's industrial strength, and change). Mark Fisher still said it best: "[…] as Deleuze says in The Logic of Sense, why, if superficiality is defined as lack of depth, is depth not defined as lack of surface?".
Right before the funeral, my mother remarked that my sister looks a lot like my grandpa in some ways. Of course, my sister wasn't exactly amused by that comment, considering she's a sixteen-year-old girl and he was an eightyfive-year-old man with five sons of his own, so my mom decided to delve deeper into that mentioning exact points of comparison (my favourite was the nose, notoriously massive for every person in my father's family) and then went on to say "oh, but look, Grandpa used to be quite handsome when he was younger!". As a Star Trek enjoyer, it was hard not to mention that "handsome is what you call old women" while throwing your drink on Captain Picard's lapel.
Russian Ark celebrates a place (the Winter Palace, in Saint Petersburg) just as much as it celebrates the hundreds of years of human beings within it. Aleksandr Sokurov, I'm willing to bet, did not personally know everyone who ever lived there; the same operation directed by you and set in a generic apartment building in your area would probably yield more personal results. Russia's history is turned into a recombining mishmash by the fall of the Berlin Wall, but if you think about it anyone has cataclysmic events that force us to reconsider and recatalogue, leaving us with a jumbled, freely-associated mess of data, events, information. This mess allows for new connections to be born. Associations previously thought inadequate, inappropriate or simply impossible are now the first thing that springs to mind. Details are lost to time, then found at the next cataclysm, traded for others. Alain Resnais called memory an "evident necessity", which automatically entails that the processes of memorization (which includes forgetting, distancing effects, etc.) are themselves inevitable, if painful. Why deny it?, he rightfully asks.
My mate F.'s house was declared unsafe to inhabit after the August 2016 earthquake. It stood empty for about a year or two, then got demolished in (I think) 2019. For a really long time, all you could see were bits and pieces of the original tiling in the kitchen, the ascending line of paint that followed the stairs, the master bedroom's wallpaper. Pressed two-dimensionally against otherwise whitewashed walls, they projected outward their original full form, yearned for it to me. All of their history, or at least all of the history I had made experience of, sort of manifested itself, unfolded at random, reminded me of an offhand comment I'd heard once, or of that one time that F.'s grandfather had made it abundantly clear that I should avoid Psychology uni. The guy had been a Marxist-Leninist militant in the '50s and '60s, so I can at least justify his distaste.
After the pandemic, it took them about three years to actually get the work on the house started. When I came to visit Grandpa in the hospital, last June, I took the time to pass by and saw that it actually had been structured. They're changing the layout of the whole house, thank God, because the original structure always struck me as surprisingly inefficient and contrived. When the house is back up, I know it will not be the same thing, because the places themselves where the memories had been will no longer be there. But there will be an echo of aunt L. stuck in the new living room's ceiling, a past version of F.'s parents calling at us to get ready for dinner from across an empty expanse where there used to be a wall, or a door, F.'s dad's PlayStation One hooked up to a TV right in the middle of what used to be a tiled floor.
The process of historicization isn't that far off, anyway. Mythologizing practices are inherent in historiography, both folk and academic. This one scholar specializing in Carnival rites of Northern Italy went near Brescia once, in the mid-1900s, and asked a middle-aged farmer about traditional Carnival rites currently in practice at the time. The farmer described the current rites, then added that "after the Council of Trent, Carnival has become much worse". Quite flabbergasted, as there was no chance in hell that the woman had received education about an ecclesiastic event that took place in 1545, the scholar asked the lady if she knew when the Council of Trent had happened, and her reply was: "It must have been when my grandmother was alive or when my mother was young, because I wasn't born yet". Russian Ark takes the next logical step: everything happens all the time. No strong narratives means you make up your own, for better or worse. We all live in a yellow submarine, or more precisely in Noah's Ark, and every one of our arks is shaped slightly differently. Mine looks like a mountainside two-floor house that's painted white, where a lot of people come for big dinner parties just about every weekend of August, where my grandpa is sitting on a plastic chair, lighting a cigarette, silently watching around, smiling at the beauty and bustle of life. How does that one Fellini line go, from the end of 8½? "È una festa, la vita…"
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bestravelvideo · 2 months
Naples Italy 🇮🇹 Day Walking Tour Guide 4K - captions & music
Welcome to our Naples Italy Day Walking Tour in 4K ! Join us as we admire the street art at Largo Maradona, explore the vibrant streets of Quartieri Spagnoli, and soak in the historical atmosphere of Piazza Dante and Piazza Bellini. Admire the architectural beauty of Galleria Umberto I, then head to the modern charm of Via Armando Diaz and the grand Corso Umberto I. Our journey continues at the busy Piazza Garibaldi, with the convenient metro station! Stroll down the bustling Via Toledo, wander through the literary haven of Via Port'Alba and the lively Via dei Tribunali.
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Remnants of a Family - "High School/Normal lives" AU
The Hamato Family.
Leo, Mikey, Raph, Donnie, sons of the notorious olympic champion and renowed martial artist Hamato Yoshi.
Mikey is into music, art, and everything colors and emotions involved. Aspires to become an actor and a teacher. He is a social butterfly and is widely popular because he never seems to judge anyone for anything.
Donnie is the math-science-tech genius, straight A's, but allergic to sports and crowds - even though he is good at martial arts because of his father. Aspires to create his own tech empire and leave his mark with his revolutionary ideas. Is driven by passion and spite.
Raph likes fighting. Box, street fighting, roughousing. Doesn't care about school as much, but keeps his grades afloat to avoid Yoshi's nagging. Doesn't always work. Secretly very much into gardening. Wants to open his own flowershop.
Leo is a martial arts prodigy, perfectionist, focused on following Yoshi's footsteps. Popularly reffered to as Yoshi Jr.
Yoshi strives for perfection and expects nothing less from his sons. He became bitter after the divorce (but was he even that different before it happened?) and distanced himself from his younger sons after a fight between him and Raphael when he became 16.
They live in New York. Their mother, Tang Shen, divorced Yoshi and went back to Japan. She didn't keep contact with the boys. Yoshi is the owner of a multinational dojo, with branches in many places, which he wishes to pass on to one of his children. Donnie doesn't care because he doesn't even like fighting that much and has plans of his own, Mikey kinda feels hurt because it's not really fair to expect so much of them, but Raph is very vocal about his opinions on Yoshi pushing that bs on them to justify his favoritism towards Leo, which earns them both some very crazy training sessions. Until he stops training him alltogether.
Yoshi hired an old friend to mentor/babysit his sons when he was busy (which is most of the time), a pilot veteran who learned martial arts with Yoshi after leaving the military. He leaves the boys' training on his hands after that, but tests them from time to time. Leo is still required at the official dojo for one on ones with Yoshi, though. Raph scoffs every time their training is as much as mentioned. The veteran allows them to call him by his old nickname in the forces, Splinter. 'Cause he was small but a pain to get rid of.
Fun facts:
Raph's best friend, Casey, let's him grow plants on his yard. To keep them safe from Yoshi and his brothers (Raph doesn't need anymore teasing, thank you very much). Casey does complain about his little sister's crush on Raph though. They usually play videogames, complain about life, roughouse/fight and garden when Raph comes around, and Lisa is often around when they do so.
Donnie has his whole life planned and tunes out most of the things he doesn't care to keep around for the future. He loves animals but couldn't have any because Yoshi hates furr - especially from cats. His best friend is Timothy, who is a few years older but shares his interest for machinery. They are in the same university, which Donnie got in ahead of his time.
Mikey is in almost every club possible in his school, but his favorites are the theatre and cooking clubs. Sometimes after his actvities he hangs out with his best friends: Armando Guillermo, known as Mondo, and a school dropout called James Peterson, who they call Leatherhead because of his pointy teeth and taste for tight clothing. He soon introduces René Tabitha to the group. (He'd had been calling her Renet for 6 months when she explained that René T. was just her signature. Everyone mocked him but the nickname sticked).
Leo has a pet turtle called Spiky, and is gifted an unnamed mouse later on, he just calls it little bud or baby friend. His closest friend is his rival Oroku Karai from the martial arts competitions. He likes to make up stories and doodle but doesn't do it much (not Yoshi approved).
The boys are close, but some relationships are a bit more closed off than one would expect. Raph doesn't talk to Leo in private except arguments (which usually become non private after the first few yells); Donnie isn't close to Mikey because he envies how almost scot-free his brother's childhood was when compared to his own, but they aren't bitter towards each other; Mikey holds a grudge towards Raph for all the jabs he takes on Leo, but still has a nice relationship with him - even though he takes Leo's side almost every time. Donnie is mostly indifderent and thinks their fights are a waste of time since father would agree with whatever Leo said and Raph would always disagree with whatever was decided.
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dlea203 · 2 years
The Seresin's - Part I
A/N: Welcome to the first part of my HC's for the Seresin's (aka Hannix😌)! This part is about the backstory of Jake's and Natasha's families, so the "OG-Seresin's" and the Trace's. There is a second part with my headcanons about Jake's and Natasha's own family. IMPORTANT NOTE: These headcanons are NOT canon! They're "my version" of Hannix, which differs from the version of other creators in the fandom.
Trigger Warning: mentions of suicide (nothing graphic though!)
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A little general context first...
Phoenix’ age is based on Monica Barbaro’s age when the story takes place (which is in 2019), so Phoenix is 29 years old during the mission (though I've seen people complaining that the date on her Wikipedia-page is wrong😬😅? Anyway, I'm going with that one😅). Hangman’s age is based on my decision that he’s one year older than Phoenix, so he is 30 years old during the mission.
They’ve been flirting with each other since flight school, but they never acted on their interest. 
After the mission, Hangman realizes, that life is too short to push everyone away when they get close just to protect his bruised heart. So, he lets his colleagues in – slowly - but hey, small steps are still progress😉.
And well, Jake’s been through quite a lot already in his life…
He was 17 years old, when his 20-year-old sister, Caroline Seresin, committed suicide. 
Caroline was a ray of sunshine. She was an optimist through and through, full of life and always for fun. The kindest and most down-to-earth human Jake had ever known. But she was also very dutiful and a people pleaser, especially concerning their parents, Jeff and Nancy Seresin.
But the other way around, it wasn’t really true. Her parents weren’t interested in their daughter’s preferences, but in her taking over the oil company that’s been established by Jake’s great-grandfather. Therefor they sent her to business school.
Caroline didn’t want that. She wanted to study art and art history. Her dream job was running a gallery aside from selling her own paintings and traveling around the world. She was very talented, and her high school art teacher even wanted to recommend her for a scholarship. But her parents forbade that.
“That’s nonsense, Caroline. You can’t live off these scribbles. Besides, you should do something meaningful with your life, after all, you are very intelligent. Your place is here in Texas and taking over our company is the best for you.”
She tried to be the dutiful daughter she was, but she hated business school. After her first year, she’d failed some of her exams (though partly out of protest, too). When their parents learned that they threatened to lock her into her room until she passed all of her exams.
The pressure was too much for Caroline to handle, so she made that one decision.
That destroyed the already strained relationship between Jake and his parents. He blamed them for Caroline’s death (still does that to this day). They didn’t want to hear that and didn’t know how to handle the situation, so they drowned themselves in work.
Jake ran away to the Navy Academy as soon as he was able to. He didn’t talk to his parents for at least a year, before slowly reestablishing minimal contact. He never forgave them and most likely will never, but at least they’re able to spend time with each other in a room without ripping each other’s heads off.
But Caroline’s death hangs over the Seresin Family like a dark cloud and will most likely remain a rift between Jake and his parents.
Natasha grew up in a small town near San Francisco. 
She is the youngest child and only daughter of Harry and Valeria Trace. Her brothers are Ricardo, Armando, and Carlos. (Credits for inspo for these names goes to @myshipsaresunk and her Homesick/Christmas universe! I'm so sorry darling, but I had to partly copy those names, they are just so fitting😬🥺. I hope you're okay with this and that we're still good🥰).
Her mother is originally from Mexico but grew up in San Francisco. She has an older sister (Mariana) and an older brother (Diego).
When Valeria finished high school and went to college, her parents (Fernando and Rosalia) moved back down to Mexico. Mariana went with them and got married, Diego stayed in the US and moved to New York, where he still lives with his family as of today. 
Natasha and her family often visited her grandparents for Christmas or Easter.
Natasha’s father is a San Francisco native, but he never liked living in the big city. He has three younger sisters; in whose upbringing he was instrumental and therefor had a lot of responsibility from a young age. Both his parents were working hard to support the family; his father, John, owned a small garage and his mother, Helen, worked as a nurse.
Ricardo is married to Ashley Trace-Benson. They met through work when they both attended a conference for trustees. Ricardo and Ashley dated for two years before they got married. They have three kids. Lucia is the oldest and only girl, then follow Miro and Julio.
Armando is married to Sonia Trace-Castillo. They met in college and dated for about a year but ended their relationship due to different job offers. Sonia stayed in San Francisco, working as an editor for a magazine, Armando moved back to his hometown and got hired at the local newspaper as a journalist. But they couldn’t forget each other and reconnected two years after graduating from college. They got married pretty soon after rekindling their relationship and have four kids. Leandro is their first-born son, then come their two girls, Camila and Nina. Ernesto is the youngest.
Carlos’ girlfriend (future wife) is Leah Ferguson, they’ve been together since college. Carlos studied business and sports, aiming for a career as a sports journalist, and Leah studied business and medicine, aiming for a career as a sports doctor. Her dream job would be working for the San Francisco 49er’s, while Carlos would love to work for one of the big networks.
(At this point, I still haven’t decided whether they will have children or not… They’re both very busy with their careers and they have very hectic schedules, so it doesn’t really make sense for them to have children… it remains to be seen😌)
Natasha is very close with her family, including the wives of her brothers and Leah. And she’s the cool aunt who often tells the kids stories about her missions. Age appropriate and without any classified details of course😉.
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toasty-owoasty · 1 year
hi! i'm coming for your ace attorney/homestuck aus. you cannot hide in the tags. talk about them >:3
(only if you want ofc, no pressure, just a lot of interest)
lmao well if you insist~
(also shout out to my good buddy @jayljester / @jaylillustrates for being the main person I bounced ideas off of for this back in like.. 2020/2021 you should check them out their art is phenomenal)
so as I said before, there's actually three days. in order from least to most developed they are:
-turnabout alternia
-ace legislacerators
attorneystuck is your classic "what if x characters played sburb" story. have not thought much of it past that
turnabout alternia is a theoretical case wherein normal phoenix wright (and probably some other characters idk) get translated to alternia and have to defend one of the trolls (probably karkat) in a trial. I have no other details on this but terezi is probably either the prosecutor or the weird girl. think turnabout storm but instead of horses it's Homestuck.
ace legislacerators is the most developed & my favorite of the three. the idea behind it is sort of a rewrite of the ace attorney story line but on alternia? specifically an au alternia where humans and trolls live together. the impacts of this in society include reforms such as murder being actually illegal and frowned upon due to human influences, adults staying on alternia, trolls having actual family units, jobs such as legislacerator not actually being limited to one caste, etc etc. these changes are not pretty recent, probably being first implemented around/shortly before the tgaa era.
I feel I should also mention that by no means is the caste system gone. lower castes are still widely treated like garbage, and higher castes are still treated very well
for fun, here's a list of castes for the characters as I remember them bc again I have barely thought about this au in years :p (under the read more bc this post is already long)
Phoenix: indigo blood/human hybrid, explains why he's hardy enough to be able to withstand all the stuff he does
Edgeworth: Violet blood, he fishie :)
Larry: token human. just a normal guy.
Gumshoe: olive blood. I mean his jacket is already the perfect color
Von Karma: the von karma's are all teal bloods! they also hold the idea that as teals they are "natural hatched legislacerators" (aka Manfred is hemophobic despite not even being in that high of a caste)
Godot: as Diego Armando, he was a rust blood. but when he was poisoned they ended up filling him with teal blood! so diego=burgundy, godot=teal
Apollo: Apollo is a rust! he has normal horns AND hair horns so some people think he's a gold and get scared of his supposed psionics.
Gavin: If I recall correctly, the Gavins are both purple bloods. clown Gavins teehee. (klavier is probably more into the messiahs than kristoph, but I think both of them are very low-key about it)
Trucy: I don't actually remember trucy's caste but I *think* she was a burgundy? would make sense given. events. as well as her outfit as a kid being red.
Athena: She's an actual gold with psionics :) I never drew her, but my design concept for her involved her having four eyes, one for each color of the mood matrix.
Blackquill: I don't actually remember having one for him. Uhhhhh.. Ummm. Cobalt? yeah sure cobalt. taka is his "lusus" (even though lusii aren't actually parental figures anymore in this universe, they're more like pets but still have parental instincts)
Judge: purple blood. clown judge lol.
so they're a special case. all people capable of spirit channeling or descendants of spirit channelers are a secret 13th caste... lavenders! in terms of hierarchy, lavenders would fall between violet and fuchsia (yes they are sea dwellers), but are generally unknown due to being mutants and also being a very very small caste. only some lavenders can channel spirits, just like how only some cobalts can mind control, only some burgundies have telekinesis, & only some golds have psionics. so yeah. all the feys are fish ladies :) (to explain why dahlia was able to cut ties from the feys, she simply just faked being a violet, shrimple as that)
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ao3feed-narumitsu · 1 year
Phoenix Wright: Ace A̶t̶t̶o̶r̶n̶e̶y̶ Art Teacher
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/48565747
by PrettyChaiTea
Life takes you to many places, teaches you new things, helps you meet people that you in turn start finding important in your life. Phoenix Wright takes everything that life gives him, and shares the same. When his friend, Mia Fey, offers him a position as an art teacher at her school, Phoenix really learns that it's more than teaching children. And he's always been open to learn.
A teacher au that locked me in a chokehold, and I didn't mind at all.
Words: 5124, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 逆転裁判 | Gyakuten Saiban | Ace Attorney
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Naruhodou Ryuuichi | Phoenix Wright, Mitsurugi Reiji | Miles Edgeworth, Ayasato Chihiro | Mia Fey, Ayasato Mayoi | Maya Fey, Houzuki Tomoe | Lana Skye, Houzuki Akane | Ema Skye, Kaminogi Souryuu | Diego Armando, Yahari Masashi | Larry Butz, Itonokogiri Keisuke | Dick Gumshoe, Karuma Mei | Franziska von Karma, Suzuki Mako | Maggey Byrde, other side characters, Original Characters, Other Character Tags to Be Added
Relationships: Mitsurugi Reiji | Miles Edgeworth/Naruhodou Ryuuichi | Phoenix Wright, Minor or Background Relationship(s)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Teachers, Nobody became a lawyer, Phoenix loves art with all his heart, So now everyone is a teacher, Author was actually homeschooled, and knows nothing about school, Author Is Sleep Deprived, The Author Regrets Everything, The Author Regrets Nothing, anyway actual tags, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, 12 years of slow burn, Idiots in Love, Mutual Pining, With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility, And the responsibility is children, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Hijinks & Shenanigans, Found Family, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Panic Attacks, all angst, if any - Freeform, revolves around the fool that is Miles Edgeworth, This does start off at the first game timeline, roughly, and then goes further on, so we'll get Trucy and Apollo later, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/XHJBlLD This is an automatic feed of all new stories posted to the Miles Edgeworth/Phoenix Wright tag on AO3. Because of that, it is not guaranteed that Miles and Phoenix are the main characters in the story, nor the only ship. Please verify content upon clicking through to AO3.
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