#Lizzie Olsen x fem!reader
wandamaximoffsbadgirl · 3 months
Throw A Tantrum
Mafia Boss!Lizzie Olsen x fem!reader
Summary: Lizzie won't stop asking you to marry her, it's become a game between you two now, but when Lizzie doesn't handle a situation right you blow off and go on a little shopping trip with her card
Word Count: 1.6K
Warnings: Lizzie and you have an argument
A/N: This is based off of this post
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You always knew there was something different about Lizzie. Growing up together in the quiet suburbs, she always had this aura of command around her, even as kids. But you never imagined that one day she would become the head of the mafia, and you certainly didn't expect her to want to marry you.
Living with Lizzie in her sprawling, luxurious penthouse was an experience in itself. The place was a stark contrast to your childhood homes, filled with top-of-the-line furnishings and an almost intimidating level of sophistication. But despite the opulence, there were small touches that made it feel like home—photos of the two of you over the years, your favorite books on the shelves, and the cozy blanket you always curled up with draped over the back of the couch.
One evening, you were curled up on that very couch, reading a book, when Lizzie strolled into the living room. She leaned against the doorframe, her presence both comforting and intimidating, a paradox you had come to accept.
"Marry me," Lizzie said, for the hundredth time, her tone half-serious, half-teasing. Her dark green eyes sparkled with mischief as she looked at you.
"No," you replied with a smirk, not even looking up from your book. It was a ritual between you two by now, a game you both enjoyed. Despite your refusals, Lizzie never stopped asking, and you never stopped saying no, but it was all part of the dance you two shared.
"You know," Lizzie began, walking over to sit next to you on the couch, "you'd make a perfect mafia queen. You've got the attitude for it."
"And you have the persistence of a stalker," you shot back, finally meeting her gaze. Her eyes softened, a look that made your heart race.
"I just know what I want," Lizzie said, reaching out to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. "And I always get what I want."
You rolled your eyes, though the fluttering in your chest was hard to ignore. "You can't just go around deciding people's lives for them, Lizzie."
"Maybe not everyone," she conceded, a sly smile playing on her lips, "but you? You're different."
"Different how?" you challenged, leaning in slightly.
"Different as in, you're already my wife in every way that matters," she said softly, her fingers grazing your cheek. "I spoil you, protect you, and love you more than anything in this world."
Your heart skipped a beat at her words. Despite your playful refusals, you were deeply in love with Lizzie. You just couldn't admit it out loud, not when her life was filled with danger and uncertainty. But every touch, every glance she gave you made it harder to resist her.
"You're delusional," you teased, trying to keep the mood light, but your voice betrayed your true feelings.
"Maybe," she whispered, her lips now inches from yours, "but I wouldn't have it any other way."
Before you could respond, she closed the gap, her lips capturing yours in a kiss that was both gentle and demanding. It was a kiss that spoke of years of friendship, unspoken feelings, and a future you were too scared to embrace.
When she finally pulled away, you were breathless, your resolve crumbling.
"One day," Lizzie murmured, her forehead resting against yours, "you'll say yes."
"Maybe," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper. "But until then, enjoy the chase."
Lizzie chuckled, pulling you into her arms. "Oh, I am, darling. I am."
And as you nestled into her embrace, surrounded by the familiarity of your shared home, you knew that no matter how much you teased or resisted, Lizzie would always be there, loving you in her own fierce, unwavering way.
Lizzie's penthouse had five bedrooms, each more lavish than the last. Yet, from the moment you moved in, Lizzie had insisted that you share her bedroom. "For your protection," she'd said, her tone brooking no argument. You had reluctantly agreed, knowing that her insistence came from a place of love and concern.
One night, after a particularly trying day, you found yourself lying in bed with Lizzie. The room was dimly lit, casting a warm glow over the plush bedding and elegant décor. Lizzie's arms were wrapped around you, her hands roaming over your back in a soothing, familiar pattern. Her lips found yours, and you melted into the kiss, feeling a mixture of love and frustration.
You loved these moments and hated them all in one breath. The intimacy, the warmth of her touch, the way she made you feel safe and cherished—it was intoxicating. But it also made you painfully aware of how much you wanted to submit, to be hers completely. And that terrified you.
Lizzie's kisses grew more passionate, her hands exploring with a hunger that mirrored your own. You responded eagerly, your fingers tangling in her hair as you deepened the kiss. Yet, in the back of your mind, a voice whispered that you couldn't allow yourself to fully give in. Not when her life was filled with danger and uncertainty.
When she finally pulled away, her eyes searched yours, as if seeking answers to unspoken questions. "What are you thinking?" she asked softly, her breath warm against your skin.
You hesitated, struggling to find the words. "I... I love you, Lizzie. You know that. But I can't—"
"Shh," she murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. "You don't have to explain. I understand."
And she did. Lizzie knew your fears, your doubts, and the reasons behind your resistance. She respected them, even if it meant enduring the ache of unfulfilled longing.
"I just want you to know that I'm here," Lizzie whispered, her fingers brushing away a stray tear from your cheek. "Whenever you're ready, I'll be here."
You nodded, unable to speak past the lump in your throat. Nestling closer to her, you allowed yourself to bask in the comfort of her embrace, even if just for a little while longer.
It started out as a minor disagreement, something trivial about the way Lizzie handled a situation with one of her lieutenants. But, as things often did with the two of you, it quickly escalated.
“You never listen to me, Lizzie!” you shouted, frustration boiling over. “You just do whatever you want, without considering how it affects others!”
Lizzie’s eyes narrowed, her calm demeanor cracking just a bit. “I always listen to you. But sometimes, there are things you don’t understand about my world.”
“That’s the problem, isn’t it?” you retorted. “It’s your world, not ours. You always have to be in control.”
The argument continued to spiral until you stormed out, grabbing your keys and slamming the door behind you. You needed space, a chance to cool down and clear your head. And maybe, just maybe, a little bit of retail therapy.
Hours passed, and you found yourself at the most luxurious boutiques in the city. Every swipe of your card felt like a small act of rebellion, a way to assert some control in a situation where you often felt powerless. Designer clothes, expensive jewelry, anything and everything caught your eye.
Meanwhile, back at home, Lizzie was dealing with the aftermath of your fight. She knew she had pushed too hard, but her pride wouldn’t let her admit it. That is, until her phone rang.
“Miss Olsen,” the bank manager’s voice was cautious. “There’s been an unusual amount of spending on one of your accounts. We wanted to verify—”
“It’s fine,” Lizzie interrupted, a wry smile on her lips as she realized what you were doing. “Just my future wife throwing a tantrum.”
There was a pause on the other end, followed by a tentative, “Understood, Miss Olsen. Should we impose any limits?”
“No,” Lizzie said firmly. “Let her buy whatever she wants. She’ll come home eventually.”
And she was right. Laden with shopping bags and feeling a mix of satisfaction and guilt, you finally returned. Lizzie was waiting, her expression a blend of amusement and exasperation.
“Had fun?” she asked, eyeing the mountain of bags you set down.
“Immensely,” you replied, though your tone was softer now, the anger having dissipated.
Lizzie stepped closer, taking your hands in hers. “I’m sorry,” she said quietly. “I do listen to you, and I do care about what you think. Sometimes I just get… carried away.”
You sighed, leaning into her touch. “I know. And I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have stormed out like that.”
Lizzie pulled you into a hug, her arms wrapping around you tightly. “It’s okay. Just promise me you won’t run off and bankrupt me every time we argue.”
You laughed, the sound muffled against her shoulder. “Deal. But only if you promise to actually listen.”
“Deal,” she echoed, pulling back to look into your eyes. “Now, let’s go through these bags and see what my future wife bought.”
As you sat together, sorting through your extravagant purchases, you took a deep breath and decided to take the plunge. "Lizzie," you started, your voice steady despite the butterflies in your stomach.
"Yes?" she looked up, her eyes full of curiosity and a hint of apprehension.
"Ask me again," you said softly.
Her brows furrowed for a moment before realization dawned on her face. A slow smile spread across her lips as she took your hands in hers once more. "Will you marry me?"
You smiled, feeling a warmth spread through your chest. "Yes, Lizzie. I'll marry you."
Lizzie pulled you into a kiss, her arms tightening around you as if she never wanted to let go. And in that moment, surrounded by shopping bags and the remnants of a heated argument, you knew you had made the right decision. No matter the ups and downs, you were ready to face them together, as partners, as lovers, and now, as fiancées.
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goldenempyrean · 1 year
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〚 Day 15 - Sick in an Inconvenient Place〛
〚 Pairing - Lizzie Olsen x Reader 〛
〚 Summary - At least if she's sick, she's sick with you. (these summaries are getting worse, forgive me :,) 〛
〘 Check Out My Masterlist! 〙〘 Sicktember 2023 Masterlist 〙
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“It’s so busy.” A small voice groaned from the crook of your neck before she sniffled thickly, rubbing the edge of her nose against her wrist. 
Lizzie's soft whimper sent a shiver down your spine as you stood off to the side of the busy room. The flashing lights, the drumming of footsteps, and the buzz of excitement from the crowd were almost overwhelming. Comic-Con usually such a fun event, but it was becoming painfully clear that Lizzie's untimely bug had thrown a wrench into your plans. 
You wrapped your arm around her shoulders, trying to offer some comfort amidst the chaos. "I know, sweetheart. I'm sorry this had to happen now." Your voice was laced with concern as you felt her body shiver against yours. She looked stunning in her elegant gown, but her pale complexion and watery eyes told a different story. 
A soft, sounding sneeze suddenly escaped Lizzie, drawing attention from a nearby group of photographers. She blushed, hiding her face in the crook of your neck. "I'm sorry," she sniffled thickly, rubbing the edge of her nose against her wrist. 
You reassured her with a gentle smile, placing a kiss on her forehead. "Don't worry, love. It's not your fault.” She continued to lean on you for support, her body feeling unusually heavy as the two of you navigated through the sea of people. 
Before long the two of you had made to the designated meet up spot, and you could already see several of your co-stars chatting amongst themselves. You were all due to appear on a panel to answer some fan questions and talk about your upcoming show but from the way your wife was coughing beside you, you weren’t so sure that was going to happen. 
She had a persistent, raspy cough that punctuated her sentences, and her nose was becoming increasingly red and irritated from all the tissue use. As you approached your co-stars, their faces displayed a mix of concern and sympathy. 
The director of the series immediately noticed Lizzie's distress. "Hey you two!" he called out as he jogged over towards the two of you, his brows furrowing in worry. "You okay over there Lizzie?" 
She tried to put on a brave face, but her coughing fit gave her away. "I'm trying to be," she replied weakly, “I don’t think its working though.” 
The director exchanged a concerned look with your co-stars before turning back to Lizzie. "Listen, we can't have you on the panel like this. It's not fair to you, and it's not fair to the fans. Your health comes first." 
Lizzie nodded, her voice barely above a whisper as she said, "I know, but I don't want to let anyone down. People are expecting to see us all.” 
One of your co-stars, a close friend of both you and Lizzie, stepped forward. "Hey, don't worry about it. We'll handle the panel, and you just focus on getting better." 
Lizzie managed a weak smile, touched by their support. "Thank you, guys. I'm so sorry about this." 
As your co-stars began to discuss how to rearrange the panel without Lizzie, you guided her to a quieter area away from the crowd. You could tell she was disappointed, but you also knew that pushing herself in her current condition would only make things worse, so you took her hand in your own and began to journey back up to your hotel room. 
Before long the two of you made it back to the safety of you room and you watched as your wife flopped onto the bed, instantly crawling in and pulling the blanket around herself. You smiled and cupped her face in your hands and looked into her tired eyes. "You look so tired love." You sighed, taking off the shoes she’d neglected to remove. 
She leaned into your touch, her eyes welling up with tears. "I just hate that I'm ruining this, you love these events.” 
You brushed away a tear from her cheek with your thumb. "You're not ruining anything. And you’re right, I do love these events, but I love you more. Meaning you take priority here, over everything." 
Lizzie chuckled weakly, “You’re too sweet.” 
You leaned in and kissed her forehead, then her nose, which was now redder than ever. "I love you, Lizzie, even when you're sick in the most inconvenient places." 
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mapis-putellas · 1 year
When it rains, it pours.
My first collab with the awesome @goldenempyrean! I had tons of fun writing this with them so I hope you enjoy! (Lmk if you want a part 2!)
Pairings: Lizzie x you
Words: 2702
Warnings: none
Summary: Lizzie had stormed out of the house and straight into the pouring rain of the ongoing downpour…that really couldn’t have been good for her health. Luckily she had you there to take care of her.
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As the rain battered loudly against the windows, you knew something was wrong. Lizzie had been quiet all evening, barely touching her dinner and avoiding eye contact with you for the whole of your meal despite you trying to engage her in conversation whilst simultaneously trying to figure out what was wrong - because something definitely was.
Then you made your mistake. It was one snide comment. Something so trivial. Any other day she would’ve smirked and thrown back a witty come back right back towards you…but not this time.  
Instead she suddenly stood up, “No, absolutely not. Fuck this.” She hissed, her eyes burning daggers into you as she accidentally over her glass before marching straight towards out of the kitchen and towards the entrance to your home. Without another word, she flung open the main door and stormed out into the pouring rain outside, not bothering to stop and grab her coat before slamming the door closed behind her with a heavy thud.
“What the f-“ A loud crack of thunder had interrupted your curse as the bright flash of lightning briefly illuminated the dark sky outside before the already heavy rain began to violently beat down against the windows.
You found yourself cursing again, this time for another reason. Lizzie can’t be outside in that weather. There were a million reasons but most of all, it just wasn’t safe, especially not when you’d had severe weather warnings all week long. Without a second thought, you rushed to grab your coat and car keys before hurrying outside to go find your wife.
The heavy rain on the windshield of your car obscures your vision despite the window wipers going at full speed. You could barely see two foot in front of you, and you’d lost count of just how many times you’ve had to quickly slam your foot onto the break to prevent an accident.  
Half an hour had passed since your wife had stormed out of the house, and despite your best efforts, you were no closer to finding her than you were when you'd first started.  
Your concern had now grown to the point of being almost frantic, and despite your best efforts to blink them away, salty tears had begun to steadily stream down your cheeks.  
Where in the heck was she?  
Deciding you'd have better luck on foot, you pull your car off to the side of the road before climbing out. You were almost immediately soaked by the torrential downpour, and your mind instantly drifts back to Lizzie. She'd been out in the rain a lot longer than you had, so you could only imagine what state she'd be in when you find her.  
Almost like God himself had heard your silent prayer, the familiar green of the hoodie she had put on this morning catches your eye from a few hundred years away. Her small figure seemed to be slumped defeatedly beneath a tree, and you blindly grab her coat from the passenger seat before quickly making your way over to her.  
"Oh honey," you murmur once you get close enough. She was absolutely soaked to the bone; clothing saturated, hair plastered to either side of her face and her bottom lip visibly trembling.  
Lizzie looks up at you, eyes shiny with what you could only assume were unshed tears. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't..."  She trails off, seemingly insure on what she could say to make the situation better, and you shook your head dismissively as you crouched down and place the thick coat over her shoulders.  
She seemed to instinctively curl into the warmth, allowing you reach forward and brush a soaked strand of hair out of her face.  
"Let's go home, okay?" You murmured as you trailed the pad of your thumb over the wet skin, and Lizzie could only nod.
You stood up and hold out your hand for her to take. Lizzie seemed to hesitate for a moment before placing her small hand in yours, and you gently tugged her up to her feet. She leant heavily against you as you begin to walk back to the car, and you wrap an arm around her waist to steady her, not wanting her to slip on the muddy grass.
The journey back to your house is silent, the only sounds being the seemingly endless supply of raindrops hitting against the windshield along with the soft sniffles coming from your wife in the passenger seat. You're not entirely sure what had caused her to react so strongly earlier, but you know that you need to give her the space and time she needs to work through it. The last thing you wanted to do was to make things worse.
As you pull into your driveway, you turn off the car's engine and sit in silence for a few moments. Lizzie is still leaning against you the window, and you can see her still trembling slightly.  
"Come on," you say softly, giving her a gentle nudge so she’d look up and realise that you were home, "Let's get inside and dry off. This weather’s nasty."
Lizzie nodded wordlessly, and you both make your way inside the house. As soon as you're through the door, you headed straight to the bathroom, where you start running a warm bath for her.
"Here," you said, passing Lizzie a towel. "Get out of those wet clothes, and I'll bring you something dry to wear."
Lizzie nodded again, taking the towel from you and disappearing into the bathroom. You could hear the sound of running water as you headed to the bedroom to find some dry clothes for her.
When you return to the bathroom, Lizzie is already in the bath, the warm water enveloping her. She looks up as you enter, and for a moment, you both just stare at each other.
"I'm sorry," Lizzie said finally, her voice barely above a whisper. "I don't know what came over me."
"It's okay," you reply, sitting down on the edge of the bath. As you sat beside her, you couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt for your snide remark earlier. You had no idea what was going on with her, and you should have been more supportive instead of adding to her stress.  
But you also couldn’t have known how she was feeling due to the fact she’d refused to talk to you, so you knew neither one of you were solely to blame.  
“What happened?” You ask, making your voice as unaccusing as possible.  
Lizzie sighs as she lays her head against the back of the tub. “It was nothing. Not really. I was just having a bad day. A build up of lots of things, you know?” She tentatively flickers her eyes over at you, and you find yourself nodding in understanding. You reach out and grab her hand that had been resting on the side on the tub, allowing her fingers to tangle with her own.  
“I’m sorry if my comment made it worse. I didn’t mean to do that.” You apologise, and Lizzie nods appreciatively as she sits up. When she holds out her other hand, you lean closer and allow her to cup your cheek. She trails the pad of her thumb over the skin before lightly tugging you forward, and you couldn’t help but smile when she places her lips against your own.
You allowed it to linger for a little while before pulling away, the corners of your lips quirked up into an endearing grin. “You’re cute. Want me to wash your hair?”
Lizzie lets out a content sigh as she nods her head, and you watch as she skinks back into the water to wet her hair before reaching for the shampoo. A comfortable silence falls upon you as you work on washing her hair, your finger tips grazing soothingly over her scalp. Lizzie hums contently at the action, and you couldn’t help but smile at the sound as you press a chaste kiss to her forehead before grabbing the shower head.  
Soon, you were both tucked up in bed, Lizzie’s smaller frame curled up against your own. You could feel her soft breath hitting your neck as she slowly succumbs to sleep. Although today had been rough, you were glad to end it like this. Tucked up in bed with your favourite person in the whole entire world.
You’d slept well that night and had woken up with Lizzie still curled into up into you – that was always a lovely thing to wake up too and it had started your morning perfectly.
As you slowly opened up your eyes fully, you noticed that the bedroom was being dimly lit by the soft glow of the morning sun peeking through the blinds, the previous night’s storm having blown over leaving behind a calm, blue sky in its place. Your gaze then travelled over down to your Lizzie again as she lay curled up, buried deep under the covers. She was adorable... But it was as you were admiring how cute she looked in that moment that you noticed how she was breathing heavier than usual, her chest rising and falling in an uneven rhythm.
Concerned, you gently placed your hand on her forehead and immediately felt the heat radiating from her skin, unfortunately it seemed the action had stirred her a little as she groaned groggily as she began to slowly wake up.
You didn’t even have time to voice your concerns before Lizzie’s head was suddenly ducking forward into your chest with two sudden sneezes.
“EiiTSHHHu! Hhih- Hih-! HiiTSHHIEW!”
“Goodness, that’s a new way of saying goodmorning,” You chuckled, pretending not to notice Lizzie rubbing her nose against your shirt – in her defence, the poor woman was barely awake, her eyes were still shut slightly as she tried to wake up properly. She was really the cutest person in the world and even the fact that she'd just sneezed on you and rubbed it all over you didn't change that.
“Bless you, by the way.”  
Lizzie let out a soft groan as she shifted slightly, trying to get comfortable again. You could tell that she was feeling miserable, her body shivering slightly despite the warmth of the blankets.
She groaned again and snuggled deeper into your embrace, desperate for some warmth. “Thanks,” she muttered hoarsely, her voice thick with a noticeable congestion before she broke off to turn away and cough weakly against her arm, grimacing a little afterwards at the pain in her chest.
"Baby..." Lizzie sniffled as she turned back towards you and buried her face back against your chest. "I don't feel very well." She croaked, her voice awfully sounding scratchy and hoarse.
You nodded knowingly as you began to comb your fingers through her slightly tangled hair. “Yeah, the sneezes kind of gave that away,” you teased lightly, and Lizzie gave you an unimpressed look as she brung her hand up to rub at her itchy nose.
“Sorry baby,” you murmured apologetically, leaning down to press a kiss against her rather warm forehead. “Are you up some some food? I don’t really want to give you any medicine on an empty stomach.” 
Before Lizzie could even begin to answer you, her breath hitched and she was stifling another sneeze into your chest, “Hitshhiew!” She let out a quiet groan knowing she was in for a long day. 
“Bless you honey.” You pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. “I’ll go get you some fruit or something, okay?” 
Lizzie nodded with wet sniffle, and you made a mental note to also grab her a box of tissues as you climbed out of bed and shrug on a hoodie. 
The cold hit you the second your feet hit the tiled floor on the bottom of the staircase, and you shivered slightly as you head through to the kitchen. After turning on the light and washing your hands, you made quick work of preparing Lizzie some warm oatmeal, topping it with strawberries and blueberries. 
Placing the bowl on a tray along with some cough medicine, Tylenol, a bottle of water and a box of tissues, you made your way back upstairs and nudged the bedroom open with your hip. Lizzie was just as you’d left her, and you couldn’t help but smile at the sight as you set the tray down onto the nightstand. 
“I brought you oatmeal.” You greeted her with a soft smile as you climbed back into bed and held open your arms. 
Lizzie sniffles softly as she curls up against your side, “Yummy.” She murmured, voice sounding full of congestion. 
You pouted softly at the sound as you reached for the oatmeal, scooping out a small spoonful and blowing on it to make sure it wasn’t too hot before holding it to her lips. She accepted it with a soft hum or content, and it told you that whatever illness she had hadn’t yet taken away her ability to taste. 
“Good?” You asked, preparing another spoonful, and Lizzie nodded her head as her lips once again part. She slowly but surely made her way through half of the bowl before lightly pushing it away, and you accepted her silent implication and placed it back down. 
“Alright my love, time for some medicine.”
Lizzie whinged a little, but that only made her cough harshly into her fist, “Okay fine.” She mumbled quietly after she’d finished coughing.
“Good girl, let’s open this up for you.” You smiled, running your hand through her hair then down onto her back before grabbing the bottle of cough medicine and pouring out the appropriate dose.
“Drink this for me sweetheart.” You encouraged her lightly, handing her the small cup which she brought to her lips.
Once she had swallowed the last of the medicine, you took the cup from her and smiled down at the small redhead. "Good job baby, that soothe help your cough a bit. Can you tell me how you feel though, like symptom-wise?”
She nodded, taking a second to grab a tissue to wipe against her runny nose before she began speaking, “My head feels achy and it feels really stuffy in my sinuses. My throat’s sore too and I’m keep feeling like I’m getting chills.”
“Awh, baby,” you pouted sympathetically as she described how she felt, “I think you’ve just caught yourself a head-cold. You do feel warm though, do you feel feverish?”
Lizzie sighed and seemed to think for a moment before quietly mumbling, “A little…”
Placing a tender kiss down to her forehead only confirmed her words, “Poor thing, you definitely feel a like you’re running a temperature. How about I go get a cool cloth for your head? I think we may actually have some of those fever reducing patches somewhere, the ones that go on your head.”
Lizzie sniffled softly, “That’d be nice, thank you.” She murmurs with a smile, and you return it before climbing out of bed with the intention of fetching her a fever reducing patch.
After a few minutes of looking, you find them in the medicine cabinet along with all the other medications, and after grabbing one out of the box, you make your way back into the bedroom.  
“Here you are baby.” You murmur, gently placing it onto her forehead. You even press a soft kiss against the top of it for good measure.
“Thank you.” Lizzie murmurs sleepily as her heavy lids close, and you give her cheek a tender touch before climbing into bed next to her. She almost instinctively curls into your side, and you wrap your arms around her before allowing your own eyes to slip closed too.
Apparently falling asleep next to her and allowing her to breathe all over you wasn’t a good move on your part.  
Because when you finally came to a few hours later, there was a familiar stuffiness growing in your head. Lizzie was still snoozing away against you, her breathing slightly hoarse, and you couldn’t help but smile at the sight. That smile however, was soon wiped from your face when you feel your nose begin to itch.
Oh no...
Thank you so much for reading!! ✨
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wandanatsgf · 2 months
Mommy’s Milk
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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Word Count: 1k
Summary: Wanda tricks you into sucking on her boobs and you get a shocking surprise
Warnings: this contains mommy kink, lactation, praise, being tricked into sucking Wanda’s boobs, oral fixation, Wanda cumming from having her boobs messed with, subspace
“Boo!” says a loud voice behind you. You jump, your elbow coming into contact with the chest of the person behind you.
Wanda elicits a low moan, the feeling of you touching her sensitive boobs and nipples is a pleasurable feeling. But she disguises the moan into a groan, trying to convince you that you had hurt her. Your elbow hadn’t really hurt her, but she can’t let you know that yet.
“Oh my god I’m so sorry Wanda I didn’t mean to.” Your face pinches together in worry, hoping you didn’t injury her.
“It’s okay honey,” she reassured you.
“Are you sure? It doesn’t hurt or anything?”
“Well it’s a little sore,” she admits, rubbing the spot that you had accidentally hit.
“Is there anything I can do to help?” you say, wanting to help ease her pain.
Wanda thinks over your offer and then says, “sure there is honey, come here.” She grabs your hand and leads you to her room. She lays down and pulls you down with her. She pushes your head down so it’s laying on her chest.
“I’m confused how is this supposed to help?” You try to move your head up to look at Wanda but she holds you firmly in place.
“You’ll see baby,” she says. “Now lift my shirt up.” You do as she says and lift her shirt up and you’re greeted by the sight of her naked boobs. Her nipples are firm and erect, a sign that she’s excited about what’s to come. It’s a sight that given other circumstances you would find delectable. However right now you’re confused about what you’re supposed to do and how this will help Wanda.
“Open your mouth.” Wanda’s command answers your unasked question, you know now what Wanda wants you to do. You open your mouth and she pushes your head down.
“Suck my nipples baby,” she says. Her hand tangles in your hair as you pull her nipple into your mouth, giving her no resistance. You start sucking, latching onto her nipple, but then you feel a warm liquid shoot into your mouth. You go to pull off of her but she stops you.
“No baby keep sucking mommy’s nipples. It’s really helping the pain baby. You wanna keep helping mommy don’t you?”
“But mommy,” you try to say but it comes out all muffled.
“I know baby. You weren’t expecting mommy to have milk huh?”
You nod your head, her nipple still in your mouth, her milk still filling you up. You keep sucking, the feeling of such an intimate act makes you feel fuzzy and submissive. It’s the exact headspace that Wanda wants you in.
“You like this don’t you baby? You like drinking mommy’s milk?”
Instead of an answer you just moan around her, which Wanda accepts as an answer.
“Good girl,” she says. “You’re making me feel so good, Now move to the other nipple baby.” You do as she says, switching to her right boob. A rush of milk makes it’s way into your mouth, which you happily drink down.
“You’re doing so good baby. Being such a good girl for me.” Wanda pets your hair as she says this, pulling you further and further down into a fuzzy headspace.
“It feels so good baby,” Wanda says, her breathing coming more erratic and labored.
Noticing how you messing with her nipples is affecting her, you move your right hand up to her left nipple, squeezing and groping it lightly.
“Fuck…you’re doing so good baby. Being such a good girl,” Wanda moans out. The feeling of you sucking and groping her is pushing Wanda to the edge without you even having to touch her pussy.
“Right there baby. Keep sucking on mommy just like that.” You continue doing what you’re doing, her milk still filling your mouth which you greedily suck down. The only thing you can think about is drinking your mommy’s milk and making your mommy feel good.
“I’m gonna cum sweetheart,” is all the warning you have. Wanda starts shaking on the bed, a strong orgasm overcoming her.
Once she had come down she pulls you off of her nipple. You whine, not wanting to let go off her just yet.
“It’s okay baby. It’s okay,” she whispers to you. She gently kisses the top of your head while you nuzzle into her neck, just wanting to be close to her. Wanda’s arms wrap around your torso, your still clothed body being pressed against Wanda’s naked chest. Your core makes contact with Wanda’s thigh, but you don’t care about how good it feels. You only want to be close to your mommy. You seem content until you let out a whine, getting Wanda’s attention. You just Wanda’s nipple in your mouth, but you’re not coherent enough to say that.
“What is it baby? What do you need?”
You’re too far gone to answer, the only thing that is coming out of your mouth is whines.
“It’s okay mommy’s got you,” she says. You try to move your head down, wanting to suck on Wanda’s nipples again when she stops you.
“Mommy’s too sensitive right now baby. You want mommy’s fingers instead?” She offers you two of her fingers which you happily suck on. You tuck your head back into Wanda’s neck, her fingers still in your mouth. Wanda whispers soft praises to you while one of her hands gently rubs your back and the other is stuck in your mouth. You gently suck on her fingers and rub your tongue along their length. The motion is soothing for you, satiating your need for something to suck on.
“You’re being so good for mommy baby,” she says. “Such a good girl.”
A warm feeling starts in your chest and flows throughout your body, the praise making you feel good. Wanda keeps praising you and you start to feel content like this, with Wanda’s fingers in your mouth and her other hand rubbing soothing motions on your back.
Soon the content turns into a sleepy feeling, you’re so relaxing being in Wanda’s arms and having your mouth full, you eventually drift off into a peacefully sleep. The only things on your mind are Wanda and how good sucking on her fingers feels.
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wandaslittleweirdo · 2 months
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A/N: turned out a little longer than expected…..heh..|| Part 1 , masterlist
tw: mentions of murder and blood, stepcest, dating a man, possessiveness, jealousy, pet names, this writer needs to stop skipping therapy, toxic relationships/attachments, manipulation, dom/sub dynamics, fucked up fluffy ending, age gap > reader is 22 wanda is 35
stepmommy!wanda ༝༝ fem!reader
ೀ Wanda had picked up the phone to call her friend from church, but paused when she heard your voice on the other line. She leaned over the counter, nibbling at the nail on her thumb as she curiously eavesdrops on your conversation. Your flirtatious tone directed to the disgustingly sweet boy made her jaw tighten, slamming the phone back down and gritting her teeth.
When you ended the call you walked into the kitchen and explained to Wanda that you’d be going out with a friend and will be back at a reasonable hour. She waited for you to tell her that it was a boy who obviously likes you and that it was actually a date, but you didn’t. You happily skip out of the kitchen with your sandwich and then off into your room. How dare you do this to her after she’d spent months and months perfecting you to how she wanted? Clearly, she needed to do something that you’d take seriously.
Matthew had picked out the most beautiful but quiet restaurant in town, knowing how anxious you get when it comes to new and busy places because of how strict your step mother is. He was refreshing and new, a breath of fresh air. He loved cracking jokes, but he could also be a little shy and got flustered easily. For example when you were both finished with dinner he scratched the back of his neck wondering if he could kiss you goodnight. You saw the nervousness in his eyes and you adored it, confidently taking his hand in yours before leaning up to kiss him.
But when he had visited the bathroom and didn’t come out, you assumed he got nervous and alerted him that you’d be leaving. You knew Wanda would be fuming if you stayed any longer. There was no response from his end, but you didn’t let yourself think about it too much. He’s just busy, you kept telling yourself.
You put the keys in the hole of your front door and twist it, listening to the faint click followed by the creak of the door handle as you pushed it down.
You gently push open the door and peek inside, a lamp from the living room casting its warm glow through your home. You creak the door open more and think Wanda must’ve left the light on before she went to bed.
Glancing into the lounge, the first thing you spot is Wanda’s back and her staring at something on the floor. It’s completely silent. No radio, no television, and the only movement you could hear is your own. You take one more step and freeze, paralysed by the sight in front of you.
Matthew’s body laying in a pool of blood, the thick liquid staining the carpet. His eyes are shut and his hands are painted in red, fatally attempting to cover the wounds on his stomach. Wanda towers over him, a kitchen knife coated in red gripped tightly in her hand. A tear of blood drips from the blade, and you watch it hit the ground to then it sinking into the carpet.
“W-Wh..” You lip quivered, voice cracking as you took a step back. “You’re home late.” She kicked the boy onto his back with her boot. You grabbed hold of the wall next to you, feeling dizzy watching his body flop lifelessly and how she showed no emotion to the deceased boy in front of her.
“I-Is that?..” She finally turns around to look at you and you felt chills run down your spine. You thought you had seen Wanda to her fullest potential, how sick and twisted she could be. But the blood sprinkled on her face and how it soaked several areas of her clothing made it clear that you never knew her as well as you thought you did.
A relieved smile hiked up her cheeks. She missed you so much. She also saw the terror in your eyes, not just for yourself but because you knew that simply pecking someone on the lips could put them in the same position as the poor gentleman who lays dead on the floor. This bought her a great sense of peace. You finally learnt your lesson, it’s a shame she had to go this far.
“There’s my girl.” Her voice softens as she stepped towards you, dropping the knife on the floor. You flinch hearing it clang, the sound ringing in your ears. You don’t catch her words, the only audible sound for you was your loud heartbeat and your ragged breathing. You couldn’t take your eyes away from him. A tear trickles down your cheek, causing her smile to fall and her demeanour to become hostile.
“Why are you crying Y/N? He was never going to love you like I do.”
“I told you I’d kill anyone who touches you. I warned you. You made me do this.”
“I’d do anything for you, sweet girl.” She calmly takes your chin between her fingers and places her other hand onto your shoulder. Her touch is delicate and familiar. So comforting and soft, you couldn’t help but lean into her. “You see now that I’d actually kill for you. And I’d do it again because I love so much, darling.” She leans down, tilting her head and brushing her lips against yours.
“Do you love me?” Your breathing quickens, reaching up and curling your fingers around the back of her neck to pull her closer. You eagerly tangle your hands in her hair as she moans, boldly pushing her tongue between your lips.
The kiss deepens and the world fades away. The heat of the moment, the rush of desire. It all felt so good, you could feel it in your chest and your stomach. You pull away and she whimpers, chasing your lips until you place a hand on her chest. Your faces now smeared with blood, you both smile. To others, this moment would be disturbing and inhumane. But for you and Wanda, it feels like the two of you against the world.
“I love you too, Wanda.”
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wandaverse · 3 months
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playing with fire.
— buff firefighter!wanda x college student!reader
— summary: the 5 times you meet and the 1 time wanda lights a different kind of fire
— tags: pure fluff, major horniness, implied smut
— word count: 1,252 words
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1. the first time you meet is late at night when there’s a fire in your dorm.
someone down the hall sets fire to their microwave trying to heat up a burrito. deeply asleep with fatigue from the week’s intense assessments, you don’t hear the screeching alarms.
without hesitation, a chilvarous wanda arrives at the scene and kicks down your door, carrying you out bridal style. wanda’s not complaining, not with the way you sleepily nuzzle into the safety of her neck.
through your sleepy haze you wonder who the buff woman carrying you out the building is, she smells like smoked cedar with faint hints of sea salt. you decide that you like this scent and the warmth that accompanies it.
2. you next meet at a sorority party gone wrong.
your friends get the stupid idea of trying fire breathing. the only thing you end up breathing though is clouds of smoke when your sorority house almost burns down. wanda arrives in the nick of time in her blaring red truck and douses the flames.
something else ignites within you though when you meet her properly for the first time, awake and certainly alert. you take in the sight of her breathless figure after rushing to fight the flames. so this is who saved you that night in your dorm… oh.
wanda is not particularly amused at you and your friends’ irresponsible antics. you shrink under the weight of her disapproving gaze, but also can’t help but cheekily grin. wanda can’t stay upset, she has to admit you look cute with ash all over your face.
3. your paths cross again when you notice a kitten stuck in a tree while studying on your campus’ lawn.
after many futile rescue attempts, you call emergency services and once again your knight in shining armour (or rather, reflective PPE) arrives. she gallantly climbs her ladder and saves the kitten. you don’t deny enjoying the view of her sunkissed skin when she takes off her jacket to swaddle the kitten.
afterwards, wanting to prolong the encounter, wanda asks if you want to ride with her in her fire truck to drop the kitten off at the nearest vet. you excitedly accept her offer and enjoy the trip around the city. wanda secretly steals fond glances at you, looking adorable with the kitten in your lap.
4. the next time you meet is not in the face of life threatening danger, but rather danger to your self-composure.
on a regular trip to the supermarket, you pass the row of calendars and your eyes land on a familiar face on the annual westview firefighters calendar sold for charity. you can’t ignore the curiosity that compels you to take a sneaky peak at its contents.
your cheeks instantly burn red when you turn to february’s page and find your favourite firefighter scantily clad and leaving little to the imagination. standing in a shallow pool of water with flames raging around her, wanda poses with an axe slung across her shoulders, wearing only a black training bra and her firefighter pants. her buff arms and unsurprisingly toned abs are on show as she stares directly at you the camera. you fight the urge to bite your lip at her flexed muscles, her sunkissed skin, the shine of her sweat mixing with ash. you’ve never felt so taken before, you forget your bearings for a second.
that is, until you hear a familiar voice call out your name.
your ears register her presence before your eyes and you quickly shut the calendar, throwing it back on the shelf as if its touch has burned you. you ready to make an excuse until you finally look up and find the firefighter just as scantily clad as, if not more than, her outfit in the calendar’s photoshoot.
wanda approaches you, seemingly in her post-workout fit and you have to stop yourself from drooling at the sight of her sweaty and taut arms and abs, only this time in real life. god, the photo doesn’t even do her justice. wanda calls out your name again with a husky laugh and your blush profusely, realising you’ve been caught ogling her not once but twice.
5. you meet once again when you move out to an apartment near campus and decide to cook dinner for yourself.
you quickly realise that you actually have no idea how to cook when your entire kitchen ends up in flames. wanda arrives just in time and puts out the grease fire. for a second, you can’t help but question fate. it’s as if there’s only one firefighter in all of westview with the way wanda always finds her way back to you. you’re not complaining though.
she turns to you and scolds you for your carelessness, but not before checking that you’re okay and not hurt by the wild fire. your heart secretly skips a beat at the continued display of care. ever the prince charming, isn’t she?
before she leaves for the next emergency, though, she asks you out for dinner instead. unsurprisingly, you say yes.
+1. the evening of your first date arrives.
you’re lounging on the couch in your apartment watching a sitcom when you hear a knock on your window. wanda has climbed up the fire escape and asks to be let in like a lost kitten. you lift open the window with a laugh and she tells you that she’s set up a picnic under the stars on the rooftop. she escorts you back out the window and up the fire escape. you giggle adoringly at her antics.
the evening goes well as you two happily find that the spark between you wasn’t imagined and isn’t going to fizzle out anytime soon. conversation flows naturally and you enjoy the food wanda has cooked for you. she jokes that at least one of you can cook, which earns her a playful slap. but when you reach over to do so, you accidentally knock over a candle and almost burn the entire picnic blanket. the fire is quickly avoided though thanks to wanda’s quick reflexes. she gives you a humuored tsk, but you secretly revel in her display of protection.
the evening comes to an end as the city around you calms down and the stars settle in for the night. wanda escorts you down the fire escape once again and the butterflies in your stomach continue to take flight. when you reach your window, you turn to wanda and thank her for the evening, for thinking of such a lovely idea and packing such a delightful picnic. when you place a goodbye kiss on her lips though and she takes you in her arms, you quickly realise that that’s not the only thing she’s packed.
wanda pulls back and blushes sheepishly at your realisation, but it’s enough to set you off. all night you’ve been teased with the sight of her shirt lifting and showing the slightest glimpse of her abs, the tight fit of her t-shirt’s sleeve around her arms, the simple yet alluringly attractive way she runs her fingers through her hair. she’s been teasing you all night and you decide that you’ve had enough. you quickly engulf her in kisses and pull her boldly through your window.
your night rages on and as the flaming sun begins to rise, wanda pleasantly learns that there’s one particular fire that she just can’t put out.
the end.
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scarletlizzard · 7 months
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Valentines Day
Pairing: wanda x female reader
Tags Minors DNI: fluff, tooth rotting fluff, smut, fingering, strap on use (R receiving), oral (W receiving), blink and you'll miss it parent trauma, love ×4, reader being a hopeless romantic
A/N: Happy Valentines Day, my loves!! I hope everyone has a wonderful day filled with love. And if you don't have a Valentine, you do now! ❤️ Just remember you're loved beyond what you think 😊
Thanks for reading! Be my Valentine?
□ Yes
□ No
■ In a delusional relationship with Wanda Maximoff
(I totally understand, you picked correctly)
Valentines Day was a special day for you.
You loved, love. The idea of being in love, the idea of someone loving you. Every year it came around, you wished you had someone to spoil with love and flowers and notes. To feel the butterflies in your stomach.
Thankfully, love came in many different forms.
10 Years Old
"What's a Valentine?" You hear from across the room a girl ask your teacher. The class was working on Valentines Day cards during art. You quickly looked up from the card to see the teacher walk to the girl.
"Well, you can ask someone to be your Valentine, or someone could ask you," she says softly and leans down over the brown headed girls' desk. "You see a valentine can be anyone special to you. A friend, a love, anyone you admire."
The small girl nods thoughtfully and looks back towards you. With wide eyes, you blush and look back to the card you were working on, coloring in a crooked heart on the front.
"Who's your Valentine?" The boy sitting next to you asks, causing giggles from the classroom.
"My valentine," she thinks for a moment and looks around the room. "Well, all of you, of course!" The class laughs again, and you can't help the smile on your small face.
"And who is your Valentine, Pietro?" The teacher smirks at the boy next to you. He doesn't move or cower, but with confidence, he stands and looks at the table next to you.
"Mary, will you be my Valentine?" Pietro asks a tiny girl with glasses and blonde pigtails. Her face turns red as the class laughs.
You can hear them talking as you continue to work on your card, putting extra care into the portrait inside. To anyone else, it was a child's drawing, but to you, it was your best work. You finish coloring, and with your best handwriting, you sign the card, adding a few more hearts.
Pietro nudges your shoulder, causing you to close the card quickly.
"That was easy! Who is yours?" he smiles and tries to grab your card.
"Pietro, stop!" You groan as you push him away, the two of you laughing as you play. He finally gives up, and you hold the card to your chest.
"Fine, don't tell your best friend.." Pietro says and shakes his head, smiling.
At the end of every day, you meet the Maximoffs out front of school to walk home. Today, you were met with only Wandas smiling face.
"Where's Pietro?" You ask as the two of you begin to walk side by side.
"He's walking with Mary ," Wanda giggles and jumps over a large crack in the sidewalk. You think back to earlier when she asked the teacher what a valentine was, and you stopped walking.
She gives you a curious look as you take your backpack off and set it on the ground, opening it up.
"I um.. I have.. well, here," you manage to get out, handing the card you so carefully made to Wanda. She smiles as she takes it from you, staring at the heart on the front. When she opens it inside, she sees a drawing of the two of you, the words inside:
Thanks for being my best friend
Will you be my Valentine?
To: Wands
From: Y/N
The writing is messy and crooked, as you were a better artist than you were with words. By now, your backpack was back on, and Wanda looked to you with a wide grin.
"Of course I will!" She laughs excitedly and throws her arms around you in a quick hug. A weird feeling in your stomach happens as she does, but you ignore it and hug her back.
Wanda takes your hand and begins walking again, swinging your hands back and forth and holding the homemade card in her other hand.
"Y/N?" Wanda asks as the two of you reach her house.
"Yeah, Wands?" You smile at her and watch as she picks a red flower out of the bush in her front yard. She hands it to you with red cheeks.
"Since we're best friends, we should be Valentines every year." You take the flower and smile.
"Every year?" You ask her. Wanda nods quickly.
"Okay then, Valentine. Every year!" The two of you laugh and go your separate ways.
17 Years Old
You stand at your open locker, switching out books between classes when a person hits their back against the locker next to yours.
"What are your plans tomorrow?" He asks and raises an eyebrow, signature smirk on his lips. You think about the card in your backpack and shrug, looking to the blonde haired boy.
"I don't think I'm doing anything this year," you mumble. Pietro frowns and gives you a confused look.
"I thought you and Wanda always do something?" He asks, and you sigh, looking away.
"She'll probably do something with Jarvis. He is her boyfriend..."
"Oh whatever, the guys a loser," Pietro scoffs and looks at you with a knowing eyes.
"Did you ask anyone else?" He asks, again, knowing.
You shake your head. "Not this year."
You look up at him and follow his gaze down the hall. Wanda stood talking to Jarvis, seeming to have a heated discussion. She rolls her eyes and shakes her head at the boy.
"Hey, I can be your Valentine. I mean, close enough to Wanda, right?" Pietro smiles at you, and you raise an eyebrow, cheeks heating.
"I don't know what you're talking about," you shrug and close the locker. He laughs.
"Oh, you're right. I have no clue that you're in love with my sister, my mistake," he puts his hands up in defense, another smirk on his face. "I'm not as dumb as you two think I am. Certainly not as dumb as her for not getting it...." Pietro puts a comforting hand on your shoulder.
"Is it that obvious?" You groan and rest your head against his shoulder. He hugs you tightly.
"Painfully..." He chuckles.
So there you sat on Valentines Day in your bedroom, for the first year without a Valentine.
Every year you and Wanda would do something together, you would always make her a card. She would always get you flowers. Maybe you would watch a movie or take a walk to the 24/7 dinner that serves your favorite pancakes.
You had two partners before, both cut short due to the fact that your heart belonged to someone else. Wanda also had boyfriends and girlfriends before, but they never stayed together long enough to matter, and she never seemed to have one during Valentines.
You knew eventually it would happen.
Eventually your best friend, who you were deeply, fucked up ridiculously, in love with, would be with someone else. You hadn't told her how you felt, because you didn't want to ruin what you had... you weren't sure if she felt the same way and you couldn't risk the friendships of the two most important people in your life.
So you were trying to be okay with the fact that you were by yourself. You put on a stupid cheesy rom com on your laptop and pulled the blanket up on your chest. Trying not to think of Wanda.
A noise against the window disrupts your train of thoughts. You groan and turn up the movie, but the tapping sound happens again, and again.
Until finally, you hear a 'crack' and sit up quickly. You turn to your right to the window and see a small crack in your window, thankfully not splintering off into more cracks. When you walk over and look outside, you see Wanda down below with her hands on her mouth. You open the window and look down at her with a surprised expression.
"Wanda.. what are you doing here? And why are you breaking my window?" You whisper down to her.
"Oh my god, I-I'm so sorry! I was trying to throw rocks! You know? Like in those movies you love!" She's laughing nervously now, and you can't help but laugh with her. "Can I come up?" She asks, and you nod, waving your hand.
You quickly step back to check yourself in the mirror, running your fingers through your messy hair and groaning at the sight of your red looking eyes. You rub them a little as you hear Wanda climbing into the window.
"That tree gets harder to climb every year," she mumbles to herself and plants her feet on the floor, smiling at you. The two of you stand staring for a moment in silence.
"Hi..." Wanda whispers, coaxing you as she takes a step forward. You roll your eyes playfully and laugh.
"Hi..." You whisper back, looking to her hand behind her back.
"You um, you didn't make me card this year," her voice is soft, tone almost hurt sounding. You look around the room and shrug.
"I wasn't sure if I should." As you speak, she holds out a red rose, the same rose she gave you every year from the bush in front of her house. You take it with a smile, ignoring the butterflies in your stomach as her fingers brush against yours.
"Well, it's okay, you're still my Valentine." Wanda speaks matter of factly and puts her hands in her jean pockets. You raise an eyebrow at her.
"But what about...?" You ask, hinting to her boyfriend. Wanda nods and hums.
"Well, we uh, broke up yesterday."
"Wanda.. why didn't you tell me?"
"Why do you keep calling me that?" She asks back, ignoring your question. You frown.
"Your name?" You raise an eyebrow, confused. Wanda moves to sit on the edge of your bed, resting her hands on her knees.
"You've called me Wands since we were 10 years old. The past couple of months, you haven't said it once..."
And there it was again, the hurtful tone of voice and sad green eyes. Had you really not? The couple of months she's been.. dating Jarvis. You've been trying to hold back, you hadn't even realized.
Instead of speaking, you turn your back and reach for your backpack by your desk, pulling out a homemade card. With red cheeks, you hand it to her, standing in front of her nervously.
Wanda smiles at the front, a detailed heart on the cover. Inside was an intricate penciled portrait of her, down to every detail. The smile lines on her cheeks, the few freckles, that could have formed a constellation, spread on her face. She half gasped half chuckled as her fingers traced the lines, along with the heartfelt words you wrote beside it. At the bottom signed:
Thanks for being my everything
Will you be my Valentine?
To: Wands
From: Y/N
"You know, for such an amazing artist, your handwriting still looks like it did in grade school," she jokes as she looks up at you. You finally break a smile at the comfort of her joking demeanor. You sit next to her on the bed and stare at the rose in your hand.
"I don't think it'll ever get better," you sigh with a chuckle, feeling her shoulder press against yours. There's a quiet moment before she speaks again.
"I couldn't see him being my Valentine," Wanda speaks quietly, turning to face you. You do the same, heart in your throat. "I couldn't see him being my anything, really..." She leans closer, you can smell the scent of her cinnamon gum and vanilla perfume as she does.
"Oh?" You swallow hard as her face is inches from yours. She nods slowly.
"There's really only one person I want... but I don't know if she feels the same," Wanda mumbles, eyes glancing from your lips back to your eyes.
"I'm sure anyone, especially her, would love to have you," you whisper, feeling her arm move around your waist.
"You think so?" A small smirk on her lips makes the butterflies in your stomach flap their wings.
"Definitely..." You nod, bringing a hand up to caress her cheek.
It's when Wanda leans in and closes the space between you, her soft lips moving against yours, that the butterflies inside of you soar.
21 Years Old
Wanda giggles as she pulls you inside her bedroom, shutting the door. She wastes no time pressing your back against it, her lips attaching to the curve of your neck.
"Happy Valentines Day, babygirl..." Wanda whispers against your skin. You smile and grip onto the back of her shirt tightly.
"Happy Valentines, Wands..." You rasp out as she sucks harshly on your pulse point. "Oh! Y-Your card," you moan as her hands find their way under your dress.
Wanda pulls back with a smile, "Y/N, do we really need to worry about the card right now?" You take in her puffy red lips and darkened eyes, the way her hair was already ruffled from when your fingers tangled through the strands. She looked like she wanted to devour you.
"I um guess we can probably worry about that later," you giggle and lean in.
"Thank god," She laughs as she meets you, kissing your lips with the same passion she always did. You can taste the alcohol on her tongue as she slides it into your mouth. Wanda lifts your dress up your thighs, her knee pressing between your legs.
"I'm so glad you wore this pretty dress to dinner," she groans into your mouth, grabbing your hips and pushing them down. You grind yourself onto her thigh, feeling yourself become wetter with every move of her leg.
"Just for you, baby," you moan and hold onto the sides of her neck, fingers brushing against her sharp jaw.
"That's right sweetheart move your hips- just like that, fuck you're so pretty..." Wanda purrs and lets her lips travel back to your neck. You feel the burn in your stomach become hotter, coiling up inside as your clit rubs against the rough fabric of her pants. You can't help the whimper escape your lips as your desperation builds.
"Wands, I need you to touch me please," you beg.
She doesn't waste another minute taking you to her bed, the two of you undressing each other as you stumble backward giggling. You loved that about Wanda, how comfortable she always made you feel in every moment. That even in the most intimate of moments, you could still laugh.
You lay your head down onto her pillow, the tantalizing smell of vanilla and Wanda invading your senses, as she crawls on top of you. She kisses every inch of skin she can, whispering sweet words as she does. Your hands grab onto any part of her that you can, nails scraping the skin of her back.
"Just like that baby?" Wanda smirks as two fingers slip inside of you, pumping in and out at an even pace. You moan at her words and nod, holding onto the back of her neck.
"Y-Yes just like that fuck!" She watches your chest become red, spreading up to your neck and cheeks. Wanda would never get tired of that fucking blush. It only drove her to move her fingers faster, curling them inside of you as she did. Her mouth collides against yours in another heated kiss, the two of you moaning into the other.
She feels you tighten around her fingers and whispers, "Cum for me babygirl. That's it, that's it baby.." coaxing the orgasm out of you.
Wanda gives you a moment to come down before removing her fingers. As she kisses your jaw, you let out a happy sigh.
"Let's try it out," you whisper, nodding your head in the direction of the new box on her end table. Wanda pulls back with a glint in her eye.
"Yeah?" She smiles widely, and you nod, watching her closely as she stood from the bed.
You don't think you would ever get over seeing your girlfriend, bare for your eyes only. She was beautiful, the most perfect woman alive. It doesn't take long for her to climb back on top of you, this time with a strap attached at her hips.
"It might be a little bit uncomfortable at first, but it'll feel so good," she assures as she presses the tip up and down your slick folds, your arousal wetting the plastic cock easily. "Just tell me if it's too much, okay?"
Wanda gives you a serious look, making your heart swell at the care she took in you. You nod, "I will Wands," you whisper and watch as she smiles.
She slides it in slowly, pausing to check on you as she stretches you out. The feeling was new and unexpected. Wanda peppers your face with soft kisses and praises you as you become adjusted.
"You're doing so good for baby..."
"Almost all of it, just a little bit more..."
"There you go, that's it, sweetheart..."
As she bottoms out inside of you, her hips meet yours, a moan leaves her lips at the feeling of the strap rubbing her deliciously. You reach your hands up to move the fallen strands of brown hair out of her face and your arms wrap around her sides. Wandas soft hands move to fold your legs around her waist, you feel her move deeper inside of you.
"You okay?" She asks carefully, looking down at you.
"I'm okay, it-it feels good," you rasp out as she begins to move a little faster.
"Just- fuck -just tell me if it's too much okay baby?" Wanda moans and the look on her face, the pleasure between her parted lips and furrowed brows would be enough to draw out another orgasm.
You lean up and kiss her again. It's a messy kiss as the two of you begin breathing heavier, Wanda finding a steady rhythm as she thrusts inside of you.
"Christ, Wands, it feels so good," you moan into her mouth.
Her arm slides underneath your shoulders, bodies pressing impossibly close as she rocks into you.
"I love you so much, so much," she breathes against your skin, her lips attaching to your neck.
Your fingers dig into her skin, one hand scratching up her back as you hold onto the back of her neck. "I love you - oh god! - so much baby," you stutter out as her pace quickens, another orgasm quickly approaching.
The way she held onto you, the kisses she left on your skin, the whispers of how beautiful you were, you had never felt more loved in your whole life. As Wanda kisses you again with a smile on her lips, you feel the love you held for her swell in your chest, the butterflies in your stomach going wild at the sounds of her moaning your name.
You look over at the alarm clock on Wandas' nightstand, seeing 3am. She has her arms wrapped around you, both of your legs tangled together as you turn back to face her.
"We stayed up all night," you giggle with red cheeks, looking at her peaceful demeanor. Your finger runs across her chest, marking a path from the marks you left on her skin.
"Totally, totally worth it," Wanda chuckles and scrunches her nose. You can't help but lean forward to kiss it. "You know what I could really go for right now?"
She smiles at the way your eyes light up excitedly.
"Pancakes?" You ask.
So there you were at almost 4 in the morning at the dinner you had shared many pancakes with Wanda over the years, sitting in the same booth, dressed in one of Wandas shirts and a pair of her sweatpants.
You slide her homemade card across the table.
"For you, my love," you smile brightly at her, watching eagerly as she reads the card and brushes her fingertips over the drawing inside.
"I think this might be your best handwriting yet," Wanda jokes with a smirk, acting shocked when you throw a napkin at her. "I love it so much." She holds it to her chest, meaning it.
"I um, I got you something a little different this year," she says quietly, her cheeks becoming a light shade of pink. You look curiously as she reaches for something in her pocket.
She sets a small velvet box on the table, and your eyes go wide at the sight of it. "Wanda..." You whisper, her eyes going wide too.
"It's not exactly what you think! Its.." She puts her head down and laughs to herself, amazed she still had nerves when talking to you after all these years. "Here," she says and hands it to you.
You open the box to find a gold ring. The band was made of little gold metal leaves and thorns, at the top sat a red gem.
"It's a rose that will last forever," she says as you stare at the ring. "There will be more flowers, and there will be another ring, in the future." She makes clear and reaches out to take your hand, sliding the ring onto your finger. "For my little Valentine, a rose for every day."
Tears well in your eyes at the sentiment, at the way she softly held onto your hand and looked at you with a gentle smile. Her green eyes shimmer in the dim lighting of the old diner, the blue lights that lit up the sign outside highlight the angles of her face.
Looking at the smile on Wandas lips and the blush on her cheeks is enough for the swarm of butterflies to take flight inside you, beating their delicate wings against the walls of your stomach.
25 Years Old
"Please go check on her for me? It'll make me feel better if I know she's okay," Wanda says to her twin, fixing the bowtie that lay crooked on his shirt.
"Sestra, you have nothing to worry about. Y/N is in the other room right now, totally fine," Pietro says with a comforting smile. He leans in to kiss Wandas cheek, stopping at the door before he walks out to give her another look. "You really do look beautiful..." He says softly.
Wanda smiles as she looks in the mirror then to him, her skin reddening under the white lace.
"Thank you, Pietro..." She whispers. He nods, leaving the small room to walk down the hall to yours.
"Alright, Y/N, you ready to -" Pietro stops as he shuts the door behind him. He watches as you look over to him with a sad smile, a few tears falling down your face. You quickly wipe them away.
"Hey, sorry is it time?" You ask with a small sniffle. Pietro raises an eyebrow.
"You aren't walking out on my sister, are you? Cause that will be really awkward for both of us."
You can't help but chuckle at his joke, feeling relief when he steps closer and pulls you into a comforting hug. He gives you a moment to cry on the shoulder of his tux, resting his cheek on the top of your head.
As he looks around the empty room, he realizes the reason for your tears.
"They aren't coming, are they?" Pietro sighs and hugs you tighter as you shake your head no.
"Well, no worries... I happen to be great at walking girls down the aisle." He pulls back, signature smirk on his face.
You wipe your eyes as you look at him, "Really?"
"Y/N, we've been best friends forever, I already think of you as my sister..." He chuckles and hands you a tissue.
As you wipe your tears, you look up to the man, seeing the little boy who grew up beside you all those years ago. The one who teased you about everything, playful fights in the halls. The one who was always the shoulder to cry on. The one who always made you laugh when you needed to smile.
"Thank you, Pietro. For everything." You sigh and hug him again, thanking God for the Maximoff twins.
"Now... I told Wanda you were doing totally fine in here, so we're going to keep that lie going."
You finally smile, and when it reaches your eyes, Pietro grins, holding his arm out to you.
Wanda smiles as her father kisses her forehead, dropping her off at the altar. Although, it fades as she looks beside her parents to see a missing spot. Her eyebrows furrow as she looks for her twin, worry getting the best of her as her eyes search for him.
But when she looks down the aisle and sees the woman who held her heart, arm in arm with the man who was her other half, she can't help the tears that stream down her cheeks or the smile that takes over her face.
"When we were 10 years old, you handed me a card and asked me to be your Valentine," Wanda says and takes your hand in hers, squeezing tightly. "I told you since we were best friends we should just be each others Valentines every year."
Guests around the room chuckle from their seats, a blush forms on your face at the memory and the way her green eyes hold so much love for you as she stares into your own. The world around you blurs, and time seems to stop as the words leave Wandas mouth. In that moment, it truly was just the two of you.
"So I'm saying now, that I want to be your Valentine forever."
The two of you exchange rings, and Wanda slides another band next to the rose ring you already wore.
On this Valentines Day, you say "I Do," and listen to the same two words slip her tongue.
And when instructed to kiss the bride, she wraps her arms around your lower back and pulls you to her, kissing you as if she wanted to convey a lifetime of affection in that one moment. With each kiss, Wanda could feel your love pouring into her a warmth spreading through her body like sunlight on her favorite summer day.
Amongst the cheers and applause of both of your loved ones, you felt the same feeling you always did inside of you when you were with Wanda, a kaleidoscope of butterflies in a storm.
32 Years Old
"Ohh sweetheart, just like that fuck!" Wanda half whispers half moans, her fingers tangling in your hair as you continue to let your mouth devour her. Your hands hold onto her thighs, keeping them spread as you lick upwards and suck on her clit.
A soft sigh escapes her lips, her back arching in response to the sensation. A gentle blush spreads across her cheeks as she looks down to see your eyes were already on her, watching her reaction. You hum against her, the vibrations causing her to surrender to the pleasure.
"Baby I'm gonna cum! Don't stop, please - oh god," she says and feels your hand reach up to cover her mouth.
With each breath, she feels a wave of bliss wash over her, a symphony of pleasure leaving her lips. You moan against her, your tongue lapping up everything she'll give you.
Wanda lets out an exasperated laugh as you finish, covering her face with her hands. You smile up at her, lips wet with her arousal as you chuckle at the sight of her.
"I told you I wanted breakfast in bed this morning," you grin, and she laughs even harder, catching her breath. You grab her hand and kiss the finger that wore her wedding ring.
"Happy Anniversary, Wands..." You say with a cheeky smile. The blush stays on her face as she leans up to kiss you, tasting herself.
"Happy Anniversary, my little Valentine," she smiles into the kiss and wraps her arms around your neck.
"About that..." You say with a joking wince, looking at the confused expression on her face.
"So you aren't going to ask me to be your Valentine this year?" Wanda pouts and gives you her best sad eyes. You kiss her nose.
"Unfortunately, you're going to have to share," you say, and at the realization, Wanda nods. Her heart flutters in her chest as she looks at you with a soft smile.
"I suppose we will have to share, won't we?" Wanda giggles, and you can't help but laugh as you hear small knocking on the door to your bedroom.
The two of you quickly help clean each other up in a fit of giggles and kisses, and as you walk to the door, you both hear the voices of tiny whispering from behind the wood.
"What color is yours?"
"Mom likes red so I did that,"
"But I did red too!"
"It's fine yours is different!"
You open the door to reveal the other set of twins that held your heart, a smile on your face as you see the pair holding a piece of paper each.
"Well, well, what do we have here?" You ask and watch as Tommy runs in the room, jumping on the bed into Wandas arms. Billy just smiles up at you, and you chuckle with a small shake of your head as you lift him up.
"We made you Valentimes Day cards!" He beams at you, his eyes sparkling with pride. Your eyes meet Wandas at his adorable pronunciation of the word, a small silent laugh shared between you as you carry him to the bed.
As the four of you sit in the bed, boasting over your boys handmade cards decorated with crayon hearts and crooked letters of messages with love, you feel the purest form of love.
You look from the twins to your wife, feeling her squeeze your hand as her eyes set on yours. A surge of gratitude and love wash over you.
You think back to all of the Valentines leading up to this one, wondering how you could've gotten so lucky. You felt lucky to be surrounded by so much love, to know what it felt like to be loved.
Wanda leans over and kisses your cheek, seeing the overwhelming happiness in your eyes.
"Our two little Valentines," she says with a chuckle, kissing the top of the boys head.
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aggieslittlebunny · 13 days
CEO!Wanda x Secretary!Reader
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tags: @wandasdove @themilfsland @softlymaximoff @chiar4anna @lizziesducky
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olsenmyolsen · 27 days
please, lizzie following the sidewalk rule with younger age gap reader?!!
The Sidewalk Rule
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short n’ sweet master list . request marvel master list . maroon master list . dark master list
(Female Reader X Elizabeth Olsen) Summary: You and Elizabeth Olsen have grown quite close since filming your latest movie.
Word Count: 1K
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Okay, sure, before your career blew up, you once said in a now-deleted tweet, "Lord, what do I have to do to be Elizabeth Olsens, controversial young girlfriend."
It was all in good fun and tweeted at like 2:16 am, but now fast forward a few years later, and you might not be her girlfriend, but you two are definitely... something.
You're not sure whether to count this as your fourth date or not, but it is the fourth time the two of you are hanging out one-on-one since you both finished wrapping up her movie.
She produced it and was critical in your hiring process.
And yeah, it could just count as friends hanging out, but you're not sure friends look at each other the way you two dance with your eyes.
By god, how magical her green eyes are... Regardless now here you are sitting outside the cafe Lizzie texted you to meet her at.
"Cute baseball cap." The text that lit up your phone read, making you swing your head around before your eyes found Lizzie walking up to your table. Fuck she knew how to make a blue button-up and jeans look just as sexy as a little black dress.
"Hi!" Lizzie smiled and wrapped her arms around you as you hugged. You rested your chin on her shoulder as you took a deep breath. "Hi, Lizzie." You spoke softly into her ear, making her giggle before pulling away. Her eyes looking you up and down, admiring your look. And her LA Dodgers baseball cap.
"Glad to know it's in good hands." She said as she tipped it down, making you laugh and feel flushed before you two sat down. "You can have it back if you want it." You said before quenching your thirst with some water. Lizzie just shook her head and gazed at you with a feeling hidden behind her eyes. "It looks better on you. Also, it was my fault for leaving it in your trailer that one day." As if it wasn't on purpose. "But maybe we can share it."
You smiled. "Sharing sounds good." Lizzie hummed and nodded before grabbing the menu before you, making you lift your eyes to her. "Don't worry honey, I know what to order us." She spoke with an authoritative tone, making you nod and gulp. Especially at the nickname.
However, that wasn't the last time the nickname happened. Or the light touches from her hands to yours. Or how she moved closer to you throughout lunch. Or even how the two of you were spotted by paparazzi, and she didn't care once. Not with you around. Instead, she kept her eyes on you and hung on every word you said.
Of course, you did the same to her. You kept your eyes on her green ones or her dazzling smile. You felt a blush every time she laughed or cracked a joke back to you. Your stomach erupted from the feelings skyrocketing as she talked more and more about the movie you two shot together and how she wished she had more time with you.
She wanted you.
"...interesting pick for a horror movie," Lizzie said as she took a spoonful of your ice cream as the two of you walked away from a shop in the middle of the city after your lunch. "I think it's criminally underrated." You said as you watched your ice cream flavor disappear behind Lizzie's lips.
She saw how you stared and smiled, making you look at her eyes. "What?" She shook her head. "Nothing. I just think it's funny you picked a thriller that came out before you were even born."
You playfully rolled your eyes. "I was born the same year." 2001 was the year you two danced around. Along with the topic of the age gap between you both.
Not that you minded based on your deleted tweets. Nor did Lizzie, based on her infatuation with you.
Yet you both danced.
However, the topic seemed to be laid to rest as Lizzie placed her hands on your shoulder and moved you to the other side of her. Away from the traffic on the road.
The sidewalk rule.
You noticed and looked at Lizzie as she opened her mouth and scooped another spoonful of your ice cream. "What was that?" You asked. "You moved me."
Lizzie swallowed and looked at you with an understanding smile. "I did."
Lizzie sighed and looked at you with affection. "Because I couldn't have anything happen to you." She said it like it was the easiest question to answer. "Plus, it's like the rule. I'm supposed to keep you safe."
You nodded. "Yeah, but isn't that saved for people who are... dating?" You questioned, making a grin break out on Lizzie's face. "So you want to date?" She asked and knew the game she was playing.
She almost felt bad for seeing the cute, confused look on your face.
After a beat, Lizzie thought she'd save you from your brain overheating and just come right out and say something along the lines to help you.
"I wouldn't be opposed to it." The green-eyed goddess said. You looked over with a look of bewilderment. Lizzie watched you process. "Do you have anything you want to say, sweetheart?" She asked with a sly smile.
"I don't think I've wanted anything more."
Lizzie was ecstatic and wrapped an arm around you. "That's my girl." You blushed, and as the two of you stopped at a crosswalk, you turned to look her in the eyes. "Before we move forward with anything. Let me delete some tweets."
Little did you know Elizabeth Olsen had already seen them.
And when the news of your relationship hit Twitter, thanks to some paparazzi pictures of the sidewalk moment, the website crashed.
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dividers by @/benkeibear
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Watch The World Explode, From Underneath Your Glow
It was supposed to be a relaxing night with your wife. People forget things, that happens. But the way people look at your wife? Well, that drives you insane.
A/N: Hello friends, thank you all for your continued support and kind words. I appreciate it! As a thank you, a ONE-SHOT, smutty lil' thing with an Intersex Reader. Much love y'all!
TW: Intersex!Reader, P in V sex, jealous/kinda anxious reader, and just some sex that I desperately need to dish to someone 😅
Word Count: 5.1K
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I Wanna Take You Home
There was a faint smell of perfume as you crossed the threshold to your shared loft. Tossing your backpack off to the side, you shrug the blazer off your shoulders, hanging it up behind the front door. The space was eerily quiet, which was unusual for a weekday evening. You could've sworn that Lizzie said she would be home tonight when you got off, but it doesn't seem like she is.
"Lizzie?" you call out, waiting for a response as you stand in the middle of your living room. The only reply is the soft ticking of the clock on the wall, echoing through the open-plan space. The loft's high ceilings and large windows normally filled the apartment with a comforting warmth, but tonight they only emphasized the emptiness. You glance down at your phone, seeing it's already 6:42 PM. You start to walk to your bedroom, recalling the conversations over the past week that would tell you where she may be.
Perhaps she got held up at work again or went to meet friends without mentioning it. You decide to call her, quickly pressing her contact photo, a photo that makes you smile at the memory. You had gone to a pumpkin patch to pick out some of the orange orbs for Halloween decorations. Her laughter had been infectious as you both tried to find the perfect one. She had walked ahead of you, oblivious to you fishing out the device from your pocket, and snapping pictures of her as she twirled and skipped through the field. The autumn leaves were a perfect backdrop as her blonde hair swirled around, a bright smile on her face as her eyes finally landed on you.
The line rings, and just when you think it's going to voicemail, she finally picks up. You can tell she is laughing, her voice having familiar breathiness, before hearing her speak through the line.
"Hi baby," she began. "Did you just get home?"
You nodded even though she couldn't see you, the question echoing in your mind. "Yeah, I was expecting you to be here," you laughed a little, walking around the living room, and rubbing the back of your neck. "Did something come up?"
Her laughter trickled through the speaker, and you felt a pang of annoyance. "Oh babe, I'm so sorry. I completely forgot to text you. I'm at that restaurant on the corner of 12th and 47th. We had some last-minute changes to the project we've been working on, but since we got them all worked out, we are officially done and celebrating."
You leaned against the wall, feeling a mix of relief and disappointment. "It's okay," you lied, trying to keep the edge out of your voice. "What time do you think you'll be back?"
"Well, we're just about to order some food," she said, her voice filled with excitement. "But I'm not sure, there's a bunch of people here. You should come, I want to introduce you to everyone."
Your eyes scanned the empty kitchen, the fridge barely holding a few takeout containers. "Okay," you respond, typing the restaurant name into your phone to get the GPS directions there. "I'll be there in 20. I love you, babe."
"Love you too," she says, and before you can ask anything else, the line goes dead. You let out a sigh, tuck the phone into your pocket, and head to the bedroom to change into something more dinner casual. You opt for a shirt you know Lizzie loves- a coppery, silk button-up that shows your tanned skin underneath. After slipping on a pair of loose-fit tan linen pants and some black loafers, you grab your keys and head out the door.
You muss your hair, ruffling it slightly and making sure it looks how you want it to, before pushing the brake pedal to the floorboard and starting the car. The engine purrs to life and you pull out of the garage, navigating the familiar streets to the restaurant. The evening air is cool and crisp, hinting at the coming winter, and the streetlights cast a warm glow that makes the city feel alive. You park and head inside, the buzz of conversation and clinking of glasses growing louder as you approach the large group in the private room in the rear of the restaurant.
As you enter, Lizzie spots you and waves, her eyes lighting up. She stands, and you take in her effortless beauty. The black blouse she chose was tucked into a heathered, almost canvas-like skirt that hugged her hips tight. The black heels she wore clicked through the restaurant as she began weaving through her colleagues with a grace that was as mesmerizing as it was frustrating. She's surrounded by a sea of faces you don't know, all of them looking at you with curiosity. She kisses you on the cheek, and you catch a whiff of wine and something else - a scent that isn't quite her perfume. "Everyone, this is my wife," she says, her arm around your waist, pulling you closer. "This is Y/N, the one I've been telling you all about."
You force a smile, feeling a bit like an intruder in her professional world. The introductions are a blur of names and job titles, none of which you can remember. They all seem friendly enough, though you notice a few lingering glances from one of her colleagues, a man with piercing blue eyes and a cocky smile. You try to ignore the knot in your stomach and focus on the conversation, sipping the wine someone hands you. The room is a whirlwind of chatter and laughter, but it feels forced as if everyone's playing a role in a play you don't know the script to.
As the dinner progresses, the stories get louder and the drinks flow more freely. You sit next to Lizzie, trying to engage in the conversation, but she seems more absorbed in the banter across the table. You can't help but feel a twinge of jealousy at the ease with which she interacts with her work friends. You've never felt particularly welcome in this part of her life, always the plus-one at work functions and the one left out of inside jokes. The blue-eyed colleague keeps looking over, his gaze lingering just a beat too long.
The server brings out plates of food, the aroma of garlic and butter filling the air. You take a bite of the pasta, hoping the carbs will help soothe the discomfort in your stomach. The conversation turns to the latest office drama, and Lizzie leans in, recounting a story with animated gestures. Her hand lands on your thigh, and you give it a gentle squeeze, hoping to remind her that you're there. But she doesn't seem to notice, her attention fully on her colleagues. You begin to feel a familiar pit of jealousy and anger in your stomach, you don't like to be ignored. Especially when there is someone who is practically eye-fucking your wife from across the table.
The blue-eyed colleague, whose name you've already forgotten, tells a joke that has the whole table in stitches, except for you. You've heard it before. It's not funny, it's just a play on words that only people who don't know any better find amusing. You manage a polite chuckle, trying not to let your annoyance show. But as the laughter dies down, you catch his eye, and he winks at you. It's subtle, but it's there. The wink sends a cold shiver down your spine, and you take a sip of your wine, trying to wash the feeling away.
"Lizzie, dear?" You lean in, trying to get her attention. She turns to you, her face slightly flushed as she is now onto at least her 4th glass of wine.
"Yes, my love?" She purrs, her eyes a bit glazed over as she leans into your chest.
You swallow hard, willing the anger to stay at bay. "Could I talk to you for a second?" You ask, your voice calm but firm. Her face drops slightly, but she nods at you.
"Of course," she says, before she follows you out of the room, her stumble slightly exaggerated as she stands. You lead her to the quieter bar area, where the music isn't as loud and the lights aren't as bright. You lean against the polished wooden counter, the coolness of the marble seeping through your shirt.
"Is everything okay?" she asks, her eyes searching your face.
You take a deep breath, trying to calm your nerves. "Well, yes, I would say 'OK' is an adequate way to describe everything," you start, keeping your voice steady. "But I just wanted to talk to you about something."
Lizzie's expression shifts from tipsy cheer to concern. "What is it?" she asks, reaching for your hand. You pull your hand away from her, rubbing the back of your neck.
"Actually, it’s a couple of things," you begin, your voice a tad shakier than you intended. "One, why didn't you tell me about this dinner? I would have liked to be included from the start."
Her eyes widen, the concern deepening. "Oh, baby, I'm sorry. It just came up, I didn't think it would turn into this," she gestures vaguely to the noisy room behind her. "But I'm so happy you're here now."
You nod, acknowledging her apology but not letting it dissolve your feelings entirely. "And two, while you say that you wanted me here, and you're happy that I came, I cannot help but feel like you wouldn't have invited me had I not called, and you haven't been the most attentive since I got here." You let the words hang in the air, watching as the color drains from her cheeks. She goes to speak, but you stop her. "And lastly," you begin, glancing over to the room where her colleagues were all seated, laughing and clinking glasses as thier banter grew louder. "Flirty Mc Blue Eyes has been practically eye-fucking you all night. Is there something I need to know about, Elizabeth?"
Her hand flies to her mouth, a gasp escaping her lips. "What? No, no, it's nothing like that. I swear, he's just a flirty guy, it's his thing." She tries to laugh it off, but her eyes dart back to the table where the blue-eyed colleague is watching the exchange with a smug look. "Baby," she steps towards you, her arms wrapping around your neck as her fingers work through your short hair. You look into those green seas that you find so much comfort in, seeing nothing but genuine honesty within them.
"You have nothing to worry about, darling." She purrs into your ear, standing on her tiptoes to reach. Her breath was warm, tickling the shell of your ear and sending shivers down your spine. "He's just a colleague. You know I only have eyes for you. Do you want me to prove that to you?"
You feel your anger and jealousy shift to desire and arousal at your wife's words. You feel a growl echo through your chest at her words. Leaning down to her ear, you whisper, "Those better not be empty words, baby girl." She shivers in your arms, and you can feel her breath hitch as you pull her closer. You kiss her neck, feeling her pulse quicken under your lips.
Lizzie pulls away, a mischievous smirk playing on her lips. "Now, let’s go be social, shall we?" she says, taking your hand and leading you back to the table. As you sit down, you notice the blue-eyed colleague's gaze lingering on the two of you, his smug look replaced with something resembling annoyance. You decide to make it your mission to show him that she's yours and you're not just some forgotten plus-one.
The conversation turns to the upcoming office retreat, and you listen intently as Lizzie's voice becomes more animated. You lean in, whispering sweet nothings in her ear that make her giggle and blush. You make a point to touch her frequently, your hand resting possessively on her thigh, your fingers tracing patterns that only she can feel. The tension between you two is palpable, and the blue-eyed colleague's glances become less frequent, his smirk fading.
Deciding to test the waters, you lean over, resting your lips against Lizzie’s ear. "You look stunning tonight, doll," you murmur, your voice thick with desire. She giggles again, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she nods. You nuzzle your nose under her ear, right by that sweet spot you know she loves. "Makes me want to take you home and rip that skirt right off of you." She shifts in her seat, her hand flying to your upper thigh, squeezing it tightly. You press a lingering kiss to her pulse point before pulling away slightly. "If you’re that beautiful in those clothes, you must be beautiful out of them, right?"
The room is a blur of conversation around you, but the only voice you’re tuned into is hers. Her hand slides up your thigh, sending a bolt of heat straight to your core. "Oh, baby," she whispers, her breath hot against your neck. "You have no idea." Her eyes dart to her colleagues, who are still deep in conversation before she leans in closer. "But then again, you only think you know what’s underneath this outfit."
The tease sends your mind racing, and you squeeze her thigh in response. The night wears on, and the alcohol loosens everyone's inhibitions. You watch as Lizzie laughs at every joke, her hand sliding higher up your leg with every touch. It's a silent battle of wills with the blue-eyed colleague, but you're winning. He tries to rejoin the conversation, but she's focused solely on you now.
The teasing touches and remarks continue throughout the dinner, she has finally made her way up to the apex of your thighs, rubbing your member through the loose fabric of your pants. "Someone is liking this," she whispered, placing a kiss on the shell of your ear. "But don't get too excited, I'm not sure if we're going to be able to leave just yet." You bite your bottom lip, trying to compose yourself as the heat builds between the two of you.
You continue to think when you finally get an idea. You scoot back as subtly as possible, excusing yourself to the restroom. You walk down the darkened hallway towards the lavatory, thankful that the majority of the dinner rush has left. You look back over your shoulder, ensuring no one has followed you. The bathroom is empty, the soft lighting casting a warm glow on the tiles. You enter a stall, lock the door behind you, and pull out your phone, typing out a quick message to Lizzie. You feel like you're back in high school.
-Meet me in the restroom. 2 minutes. -
You smile as the text goes from delivered to read, indicating she knows what to do next. Not even 30 seconds later, you hear the door creak open, and her heels click on the tile floor. She locks the door behind her and you can feel the anticipation thick in the air. She opens the stall, and you take in her flushed cheeks and smoky eyes. Without saying a word, she straddles you, her skirt hiking up around her waist. You groan as she grinds herself against you, the fabric of your pants the only barrier between you two.
"Oh, baby, no panties?" you groan into her ear, nipping at the side of her neck as she whimpered and rocked on your lap. She smirks, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Thought you might like that," she whispers, her hand reaching down to unbuckle your belt. You tutt, swatting her hand away. Her eyes dart to yours, a mixture of lust and confusion.
"Home," you growl, standing with her legs still wrapped around your hips. She whined at the thought of having to wait, her eyes misty with passion. You give her a quick, hard kiss before setting her down and exiting the stall. You wash your hands, fix your shirt, and glance at her in the mirror. She straightens her skirt, fluffs her hair, and fixes her lipstick. The sight of her doing this in such a public place sends a thrill through you.
"Good thing you chose loose pants," she giggled, leaning into you and stealing a kiss, grasping firmly on your throbbing length. The sudden stimulation causes you to gasp, allowing her to push her tongue into your mouth, quickly overtaking and dominating a very sloppy, passionate kiss. She pulls away, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Come on baby, let's go."
You nod, leading her out of the bathroom, and glance at the table. "Should we say goodbye?" you ask, a wry smile on your features.
"No," she smirks back, quietly working through the main dining room of the restaurant. "I just want you."
Her words are music to your ears as you both sneak out of the bathroom. You can feel the tension between your legs, a stark contrast to the casual air you're trying to maintain as you make your way to the exit. The cool evening air hits you as you step outside, and you immediately feel a sense of urgency. You lead Lizzie to the car, the engine purring to life as you drive off, the city lights blurring past the windows. The drive home is a battle of wills, both of you fighting the urge to rip each other's clothes off.
As you pull into the garage, the tension is palpable. You can't even wait to get to the bedroom. You press her against the car, kissing her hard, your hands roaming her body. She gasps as you pinch her nipples through her blouse, her hips bucking against yours. You can feel her wetness through your pants, and the thought of her being this turned on because of you is intoxicating.
"Oh darling," you growl in her ear as your body presses her against the passenger door of the car.  "I am going to destroy you for tonight." She gasps, her breaths coming out in short pants as she nods, eagerly anticipating what is to come. Your hand reaches down to lift her skirt, sliding your hand between her legs to feel her heat. She is soaking wet, and you can't resist sliding a finger into her, watching her eyes roll back in pleasure.
"More," she whispers, her voice needy. You comply, adding another finger, curling them just right to hit her g-spot. Her legs quiver around your hips, and you can feel her beginning to lose control. You pull away, suddenly turning and walking to the elevator doors. She stumbles after you, her heels clicking against the concrete floor.
Once inside the elevator, you push her against the wall, your mouth claiming hers in a fiery kiss. Your hands roam over her body, tugging at her clothes, desperate to feel her bare skin. The elevator dings, announcing your arrival at your floor, and you break away, smirking as you pull her out into the hallway. She stumbles slightly, her eyes glazed with lust.
You unlock the door and push her inside, the loft bathed in the soft glow of the living room lights. The quiet starkly contrasts the restaurant's buzz, and it feels like the perfect playground for your desires. You slam the door shut, spinning her around to face you. Your hands trace the curves of her body, the fabric of her blouse feeling like sandpaper against your fingertips. You rip it open, buttons flying everywhere, and she giggles, her cheeks flushed with excitement as her eyes darken to forest-green seas of lust.
Her skirt follows suit, landing in a pool around her ankles. Your kisses become more frantic, more possessive as you devour her neck and collarbone. She arches her back, pushing her breasts against your chest, her nipples pebbling with need. You reach behind her, unclipping her bra and letting it fall to the floor, revealing her perfect, perky breasts. You take one in your mouth, sucking and biting the sensitive skin as she moans your name.
Her hands are equally busy, unbuttoning your shirt and sliding it off your shoulders. Her nails trace the lines of your abs, sending sparks of pleasure through your body. You lift her, her legs wrapping around your waist as you carry her to the bedroom. The room is dimly lit by the moon shining through the windows, casting shadows across the bed. You lay her down, taking a moment to drink in the sight of her, sprawled out before you, bare and beautiful.
You kiss down her chest, your teeth grazing the sensitive skin of her breasts before moving down to her stomach. You can feel her tense with every touch, her breath hitching as you reach her bare waist, nipping and licking above where she needs you the most. She's begging for you, her hands tangled in your hair, guiding you where she wants you. You look up at her, her eyes hooded with desire, and smirk as the smell of her arousal slowly invades your senses.
"What do you want, baby?" you husk at her, not quite willing to give in until she tells you.
Her eyes flash with something primal and she growls, "You know what I want."
You kiss down her body, your tongue tracing the path of your fingers, until you reach the juncture of her thighs. You hover there for a moment, feeling her pulse against your mouth. "Tell me," you demand, your voice low and commanding. Her legs we shaking as they tried you close around your head, but you were forcing them to stay open.
"I want you," she whispers, her voice trembling with need. "I want you to taste me, to make me cum."
With a growl of your own, you give in to her demand, pressing your mouth to her pussy. Your tongue flicks out, tasting her sweetness, and she arches off the bed, her hands gripping the sheets. You lick and suck, exploring her with an intensity that makes her toes curl. Her legs tighten around your neck, and you can feel her getting closer, her moans filling the room. You love the way she tastes, the way she feels against your tongue. It's intoxicating, and you know you could spend hours doing this. You take the opportunity with her back off the bed to push yourself upwards, effectively lifting all but her head and arms off the bed, wrapping an arm around her hips while one supported her ass.
You pushed your tongue into her wet walls, slurping and licking at all of her arousal as she writhed and mewled in your grasp. Her moans were urging you on as you explored every crevice of her pussy. You could feel her getting closer, her juices becoming even sweeter as she neared her peak. You sucked hard on her clit, flicking it with your tongue in a rhythm that had her breathless and shaking. Her legs tightened around your neck, her heels digging into your back as she begged for release.
"Please, baby..." she moaned, as you leaned back, pulling her with you as her back came into contact with your front. You could feel her shiver as you continued to probe her entrance with your tongue. You took her clit into your mouth, sucking and biting gently, while you slid two fingers into her, curling them in that magical way you knew she liked. She bucked her hips against your mouth, her cries of pleasure echoing off the walls. You could feel her getting closer, her muscles tightening around your fingers. She was wiggling and moving you both around, desperate for her release.
Her orgasm hit her like a wave, crashing over the shoreline of your senses as she screamed out your name. Her entire body tightened, her pussy pulsing around your tongue as she came hard. You didn't stop, keeping the rhythm steady as she rode out her climax, her heels digging into your shoulders. It was a sight to behold, one that you never tired of. Her eyes were squeezed shut, her mouth open in a silent scream as her body trembled in your arms. You pulled away, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand as you let her back down on the bed. You crawled up, resting between her legs as you kissed her passionately.
She moaned as she tasted herself on you. Her hands were everywhere, clawing at your back, pulling you closer as she kissed you with the same desperation she had felt moments ago. "I need you inside me," she gasped, her hips rocking against yours. You could feel the tip of your throbbing member poking at her wetness, and as she kept rocking against you, she began to tease herself with your length.
With a groan, you pulled away from her kiss, sliding down to position yourself at her entrance. You looked into her eyes, watching as she bit her bottom lip, her pupils blown wide with desire. You pushed in, inch by inch, her walls clenching around you like a tight fist. She was so wet and ready, and you felt yourself get lost in the feeling of her heat surrounding you. "Fuck," you breathed, as you reached the hilt, her pussy stretching to accommodate your girth.
She arched back in a silent scream, her hands blindly searching for you as they came to rest on your breast, thumbing your nipples as she lay back down. "More," she begged her voice a breathy whisper that sent chills down your spine. You didn't need any more encouragement. You began to thrust into her, your movements slow and deliberate at first, feeling every inch of her tightness. She was so wet, so warm, and so incredibly tight around you. It was like sliding into heaven.
Her legs wrapped around your waist, pulling you deeper into her with every stroke. You could feel her nails digging into your back as she moaned your name, urging you to go faster. You obliged, your hips moving faster, the slap of your skin against hers filling the quiet loft. Her walls were tightening around you, contracting as she neared another orgasm. You leaned down, your teeth grazing her neck as you whispered dirty words into her ear.
"You're mine, Lizzie," you said, your voice gruff with desire. "Say it." You nipped and sucked at the column of her throat, leaving a trail of marks that would need to be covered if she goes to the office. But you didn't care. It was childish, but you wanted everyone to see your marks.
"I'm yours," she breathed, her voice was a sweet surrender that was music to your ears. You thrust into her harder, feeling the tension in your balls tighten. She was so wet, so hot, and she felt so good around you. You could feel yourself getting closer, your rhythm becoming erratic.
Her nails raked down your back, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. "Again," she begged her voice a whimper that sent a shiver down your spine. You didn't need to be told twice. You picked up the pace, hammering into her with a fierce passion that left her panting and whimpering your name. Her walls tightened around you, squeezing you in a vice-like grip that was both painful and pleasurable.
"I'm going to cum," she screamed, her legs tightening around your waist. You could feel her pussy spasm around you, and it was all the encouragement you needed. You thrust into her one last time, feeling the warmth of her orgasm as it washed over you. You followed her over the edge, your release filling her up. You collapsed on top of her, both of you panting and trying to catch your breath.
You lay there, your heart pounding against her chest, your cock still twitching inside her. You kiss her neck, feeling her pulse race beneath your lips. "Fuck, Lizzie," you murmur, your voice still thick with lust.
She giggles, the sound is music to your ears. "That was... intense," she says, her voice filled with awe. "Maybe I need to get you jealous more often..." she teased, tracing her fingers over the red, angry welts from her nails on your back. You can't help but smile, feeling a swell of pride at her admission.
"Don't push it, darling," you murmur, kissing her forehead. "Or I might just have to take you in public." You both laugh, the tension of the evening dissipating as you lay in each other's arms, basking in the afterglow of your passion.
You roll over, looking into her eyes. "I love you," you say, your voice earnest. She smiles, her eyes sparkling. "I love you too," she whispers, her voice thick with emotion. You can see the truth in her gaze, and it fills you with warmth.
The room is quiet except for the sound of your mingled breaths and the distant sirens of the city outside. You kiss her softly, savoring the taste of her lips. Your hand finds hers, your fingers interlocking as you both lay there. "I'm sorry for being such a jealous prick," you admit, feeling the weight of the evening's tension lift from your shoulders.
She giggles, stroking your cheek with her thumb. "It's okay," she says, her voice soothing. "It's kind of hot, actually."
You can't help but chuckle at her response. "If you say so." You lean in for another kiss, feeling the love between you stronger than ever. The sound of her laughter, the feel of her skin against yours, it's all intoxicating. But you know you can't stay here forever. You roll off her, pulling her into your arms. "We should get cleaner up, get some rest," you murmur, your voice lazy with satisfaction. She nods, snuggling closer.
You both get up, a little wobbly on your legs, and make your way to the bathroom. The cold water from the faucet is a shock to your system, but it helps to bring you back to reality. You clean up, and she watches you with a smile on her face, her eyes roaming over your body. You look back at her, the love and lust warring in your gaze. "Ready for round two?" you ask, a wicked smile playing on your lips. She nods, her cheeks flushing with excitement. She grasped your semi-erect member, slowly pumping it as her eyes darkened.
It was going to be a long night.
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themidnightcrimson · 1 year
nightclub ∗ eo
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summary: in which you and your ex, lizzie, catch up in a nightclub bathroom.
words: 5.1K
warnings: top!lizzie, bottom!reader, fem!reader, angst if you squint, strap (r receiving), lots of french kissing, alcohol, really nasty fucking, there may be errors bc i was so feverish writing this
this post is for 18+ only. minors dni.
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The neon blue and purple lights blinded you as you stepped into the club. Loud, pulsing music boomed in your ears as you inhaled the scent of alcohol and mixtures of over-drenched perfumes on the bodies of the crowd of people dancing. It was a warm room compared to the cool, spring night air.
Your friends had goaded you to come to the club tonight. It was a VIP establishment, made apparent by the celebrities and people of notoriety that you had already spotted in the large, luxurious club. Lizzie’s friends were your friends, and as such, you were invited to the after party for the Love and Death premiere even though you hadn’t talked to Lizzie in months. Whatever you had together fizzled away after an accumulation of arguments and misunderstandings. Lizzie was a slippery fish to catch, and you didn’t have the strength or energy to catch her. It was depressing.
They vowed to you that she wouldn’t be there tonight, which you believed independently from their promises because Lizzie never came to these kinds of things. You knew she would attend the primary premiere party earlier in the afternoon across town, but this kind of late-night event was never her thing. Your friends wanted you there not to celebrate her show, but to just be there with them after hiding yourself away for so long.
Still, walking through the crowd, you couldn’t help but dart your eyes around to catch a familiar blonde head or recognizable green eyes. You thought you heard her voice at one moment but realized it was a stranger talking that just so happened to sound like her. It was dizzying, knowing that there was a slight possibility she would be there, that you would face her after everything and face all the words that were left unsaid after your parting.
Relief washed over you when you found your group of friends nearby, who spotted you and waved you over. “Y/n!” they greeted you, giving you extra tight hugs and prolonged greetings.
You were wearing a thin little black dress, strapless at the chest and fading into a sheer skirt that rested above your knees. It wasn’t anything too fancy, but it was sexy enough to grant you leering looks from various people around. The validation soothed you, if you admitted it.
Your friends, donned in the purple hue of the club lights, knew they had to ease you into the night. They huddled around you in an area of white couches, ordering drinks after drinks and just catching up on life, as much as you could catch their voices amidst the music and voices. A few women and men approached you within the first hour, asking for a dance or to buy you a drink, which you politely declined each time although your friends tried to peer pressure you into accepting them. As recovered as you were, you just weren’t ready for a new stranger yet. You needed the comfort of your friends, of familiar places and familiar voices.
It had been hard to avoid Lizzie the past week, with the billboards and videos promoting the show, but you had managed well enough. Seeing her in a picture or video wasn’t enough anymore to evoke feelings within you, good or bad. She was a stranger now. Just another face you knew in a past life.
In due time, you and your friends mingled onto the dance floor. You were never much of a dancer, but several shots were enough to make you relax and dance to the music. It was freeing, moving your body to the music so loud it drowned out any thoughts your mind could formulate. Your friends danced all around you, holding onto each other, pairing up, sometimes letting a stranger come in and dance with you, grabbing at you, making unwanted advances that you declined by giggling and dancing away back to your friends. Somehow, more alcohol got in your system—some of your friends might have went back to the bar. You were at the perfect sweet spot now, aware and coherent, but relaxed and euphoric.
In a matter of an hour, you desperately needed to sit down and breathe for a minute. Your friends were relentless engines, staying on the dance floor while you struggled through the crowd, elbowing through until you arrived back to the couches and plopped down, catching your breath. You ordered a glass of ice water and chugged it, putting the chilled glass against your hot forehead so you could cool down.
“Taking a breather?” a man’s voice asked, and you looked up to see a guy your age standing in front of you, holding a drink.
“Oh, yeah,” you chuckled, wiping the condensation from the glass away from your forehead. “Dancing is tiring.”
He chuckled, and you could hardly see his face under the purple and blue lights. “Well, I was going to ask you to dance, but I guess would it be okay if I took a breather with you?”
You hesitated, setting the glass down and reaching down to your heels that were aching your feet. “Um…” You glanced across to the crowd of dancers, trying to point out where your friends were. You couldn’t see them, but you knew they were close enough because you could hear one of your friends’ goofy laughter. “I don’t know, I think my friends will be coming over soon.”
You didn’t feel like meeting anybody new, or making small conversation that would be pointless by the next morning.
“You sure? I could buy you a drink.” He had a friendly demeanor to him, and he wasn’t being exactly pushy, but you would’ve appreciated it if he just got the hint and moved on.
You smiled politely and waved your hand in the air. “No thanks.”
“Oh, c’mon,” he said, laughing and casually tucking his hand into his pocket. “Just one drink. Hey.” He lifted his hands in the air. “I’m a nice guy.”
You could have barfed on him right there. Instead, you just sighed and said, “Look, I’m okay. Thank you, though.”
“Or I could get you another water,” he insisted, and you started to feel anxious in your stomach. You glanced back over to the crowd and tried to find your friends, but you couldn’t, and this guy stepped in front of your view. You looked up at him, getting nervous at how close he was now. You tried to think of some other way to reject him, still not wanting to be rude or harsh even though you were getting irritated. Your friend’s laughter was not in earshot anymore, and there was no else in this corner of the club—until your eyes saw someone walking towards you.
She came through the crowd of people almost like a mirage. Even from far away, under the dark purple and blue lights, her eyes shone like glittering moons, the lights casting off the sculpted heights of her face that you could still remember leaving kisses on. Her lips were pursed in neither a smile nor a frown, eyes fixated on you as she floated towards you.
She was wearing a beige suit, as per usual, and your heart broke a little at seeing that her hair was longer now. It went right past her shoulders, effortlessly styled into sandy blonde waves. She was holding a martini as she came and stood beside the man.
The guy noticed that you were staring right past him, so he turned around and jumped upon seeing Lizzie standing there like a statue behind him. “Oh,” he said, and it was obvious that he instantly recognized her. His mouth formed the word, “You’re—” before he stopped and looked back to you. “Oh, my bad.” He must have just then recognized you from old paparazzi pictures. “I’m so sorry.” He looked at Lizzie, whose eyes darted at him as she tightly smiled, and he practically scurried away.
Your throat felt tight as you looked up at her, every inch of you turning into stone as if she had Medusa’s glare. It became hard to breathe suddenly, and your face burned like molten lava.
“Hey,” she said so casually, her pursed lips pinching into a half-smile.
“Hi,” you whispered, knowing that she definitely couldn’t hear your meek voice over the loud music, but she knew what you said, anyway.
“Can I sit?” She gestured to the cushion beside you, but you felt like you were about to pass out. You faintly nodded, so she walked over, taking a seat on the cushion beside you. It was a respectable distance, but you could feel the cushion dip with her weight, so you scooted over a little. She sighed and flipped her hair over her shoulder as she leaned forward and sat her martini down on the table.
Her perfume struck you like a bolt of lightning. That sweet nostalgic smell that you had breathed in so many times, that had stuck to your clothes for weeks after you stopped talking, that you sometimes picked up in the air at random times and in random places, and it always brought back a rushing flood of memories that pained you. You turned your head, pretending to just scratch your nose as you tried to rid your sense of her beautiful but painful scent. It was overwhelmingly suffocating for you.
“I didn’t expect you to be here tonight,” her velvety voice spoke loudly over the music. “When I saw you across the room, I thought I was hallucinating.”
“Yeah, me too,” you mumbled, leaning forward and grabbing one of your friends’ half-empty drink and downing the rest of it. You could hear Lizzie take a sharp breath as she realized what you were drinking for.
“You didn’t expect me to be here tonight? At the party for my own show?” she asked with an edge of humor in her voice. You still couldn’t bring yourself to look over at her.
“You were never one for appearances.” You cleared your throat and wiped your nose again, trying to look anywhere else but her. There were a silent few moments where you could feel her looking at you. God, you hated how her gaze still made you feel like you were under the only beam of sun in the whole world, how it burned through the side of your face and made your nerve endings go crazy.
“You look beautiful tonight,” she said softer, and finally, you looked at her. She was sitting towards you, her legs crossed, hands clasped at her lap. No matter how calm she looked in the face, how much she could tame the ocean of emotions in her eyes, Lizzie’s hands always told her truth. They were fiddling with the ring on her thumb, twisting it around and around. It was funny how she did that without even realizing, and you’d seen her do it probably a thousand times.
“You do, too,” you whispered. She looked magnificent. Her skin was glowing, her eyes were complimented by her dark makeup, her hair looked perfect. She smiled softly, that familiar dimple forming in her cheeks.
A few more beats of silence ensued, but you kept your eyes on her, focusing on keeping your breathing slow and steady.
“I missed you,” she mouthed, and you could only hear the faintest sounds of her voice strings cracking.
“You didn’t miss me until you saw me just now,” you blurted, unsure if it was the alcohol or time between you making you so honest.
Her perfect eyebrows sewed together. “That’s not true.” Her hands stopped fiddling. “I have—I miss you every day.”
It felt impossible to keep looking at her—because you knew she was being truthful. With every second you saw that beautiful face, your breath left you more. You tore your eyes away and stared mindlessly at the table, rubbing your nose again to get her perfume out of your scent.
“Hey,” she said softly, to get you to look at her, but you couldn’t bring yourself to. “Y/n.” You felt her scoot closer to you on the couch, her knee touching yours. “Look at me, baby.” That single word wrenched your stomach into such painful knots you almost doubled over.
“Don’t call me that!” you blurted, finally facing her. She looked taken aback at first, but she eased in, reaching out for your face. Her gentle, soft hand cupped your chin, and it instantly eased you. It was one of her old tricks.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered, leaning in so close she only had to whisper for you to hear her. “I’m sorry I haven’t called. I wanted to, but I didn’t know… I didn’t know if you wanted me to.”
Her eyes trailed over your face, her other hand slinking across the back of the couch so that she had you completely in her corner. Her knee was still touching yours. You caught the slightest twitch of a smirk on her lips as her thumb grazed over your chin, the very edge of it catching your lip so lightly you could hardly feel it. Her touch, her simple touch, soothed your heart. You had missed it, you had missed her so much that you felt imbued with a vibrating energy at seeing her now, at feeling her hand on your face.
“Did I tell you that you look so beautiful tonight?” she cut you off, her lips curling further into a smirk like a cat’s tail. Her eyes were trained on your mouth, and this time her thumb rubbed your lower lip and bent it down a little. Her irises, tinted by the club lights, were flooded by her widening pupils. You wanted to crawl inside there, to drown inside those shiny emerald pools.
“You did,” you remarked, not helping the little smile on your lips.
She touched your lip again, biting her own. There was no air between you now, only her minty breath fanning on your buzzing lips. “Can I kiss you?”
Your immediate thought was yes. Lizzie was irresistible to you. She exuded comfort and seduction in the same beat. There was an undeniable magnetic field between the two of you that drew you together any time you were near each other. That you learned in the very beginning when you first met her and tried to resist her. You just knew that Lizzie was going to be that one ex you went back to time and time again. There was no stopping it, no defying gravity, so you nodded. You would always be hers, anyway.
Lizzie leaned forward and let her lips graze yours, pausing to breathe the same breath, her nose nestled against yours, eyelashes tickling the tops of your cheeks. Finally, she closed in, holding your chin as she kissed you. It was more overwhelming than her perfume. It was gentle, as she always was at first. It was pure and nostalgic, a sort of intimate greeting. Then it grew hotter, and so did your skin. Her lips moved eagerly against yours, tongue teasing your lower lip but not going in. The sound of her breaths getting faster twisted a knot in your stomach, dizzying you in her poisonous kiss as her hand landed on your mid-thigh. You grabbed at her shoulder, letting out a small whine that seemed to break her from her trance.
Lizzie broke from the kiss with a gasp, moving her open mouth to your neck as she caught her breath, her upper body leaning against you now. The air around you was electric as she breathed against your neck, your hand weakly holding onto the shoulder of her blazer.
After a few moments, she pulled away from your neck, looking at you with inebriated eyes. Her mouth half-smiled, the tip of her tongue rolling against the back of her teeth as she stared down at your now puffy lips.
“Dance with me,” she huskily demanded, grabbing your hand and standing up.
You could barely get a hold of yourself as she pulled you up from the couch and led you to the dance floor, realizing that a simple kiss from her had made your knees weak and legs wobbly.
Almost forgetting that you were in a club with dozens of people, you felt shocked by all the bodies that Lizzie led you through until she found an open spot on the floor. Turning to you, she yanked you closer to her by the hand.
The music playing was sultry now, with deep, throbbing bass and incoherent yet sensual lyrics. Lizzie’s hands held your hips as you started to move in rhythm with the beat.
“You’re just as demanding as I remember,” you said into her ear so she could hear you. She only sucked her cheeks and squeezed your hips, keeping you tight against her.
“You’re just as beautiful as I remember,” she said back, to which you playfully rolled your eyes.
“That’s the third time tonight. I’m getting tired of it.”
“Don’t pretend you don’t love my praise.”
You eyed her competitively as she smirked, tonguing her cheek deviously.
For a few moments, it was just you, Lizzie, and the music. You looked into each other’s eyes, somehow silently speaking all the words you wanted to say with them. There was no more distance between your bodies, and your arms wrapped around her shoulders as she guided you against her. You and Lizzie didn’t have to speak to have a conversation.
Your body grew hot when she leaned down and nosed her way through your hair to start kissing your neck. The room grew darker and warmer as you felt her suck on your neck, right on the sweet spot she knew you had. Your hand trailed up to her hair, tangling itself in those soft, delicate waves. She was all over you now, consuming you like wildfire. Her kisses grew wet and hard as she trailed them up to your mouth before kissing you again on the lips, biting your lower one and piercing it with her teeth before releasing it. You gasped and kissed her again, just as eagerly as she was.
Lizzie’s hands trailed around your hips, her rings rubbing into your flesh as she grabbed hard at your ass, pushing your hips into her. It was then you felt that she was packing, and through the desire that throbbed through you, you wondered if she knew you would be there tonight or if she had packed for some random stranger she was expecting to take home. Either way, you grinded into her, feeling the vibrations of her growl against your mouth. Her body grew rigid for a moment, pressing desperately close to you, her hand crawling up the center of your back and up your neck until she grabbed your hair and turned you around, pulling you against her from behind.
“Lizzie!” you exclaimed as she pinned you against her, her hand crawling up your throat and gently holding it. The music, the lights, her touch, her voice—it was all just too much. She grabbed your hips and grinded you against her, her piece rubbing right into you.
Her lips came to your ear, teeth nipping at the lobe. “I want you, y/n.”
She was bunching your skirt up so she could touch your thigh, grabbing and clawing at it. You hoped to God no one was filming anywhere near, or else the Internet would explode with pictures of Elizabeth Olsen and her ex y/n practically dry humping in a club.
“I need you,” she growled again, her body pressed hot and close against yours so that you were starting to break a sweat. “Please.” She kissed sweetly at your neck, hands on your hips loosening their grip so that she wouldn’t come off as too coercing.
Turning around to look at her, you tugged at the collar of her blazer, watching the absorptive lust in her eyes that was obviously becoming too much for her to bare. Biting your lip, you smirked and nodded.
The door to the club bathroom was practically kicked open as Lizzie burst through it, dragging you in behind her. There were also purplish blue neon lights in the single bathroom that was extremely small and a little dingy for being a respectable establishment. You could still hear the muffled music from inside the bathroom.
As soon as the door closed, Lizzie forcefully pushed you against it. The force of your back hitting the door knocked the breath out of you, but she was on you, grabbing your face and kissing you harshly. Her hand trailed down to reach beside you and lock the door.
“You can’t wear things like this,” Lizzie growled, breaking the kiss to look down at your sheer skirt, grabbing two fistfuls of it and pushing it up your hips so she could see your thighs and the little lacey panties you were wearing under it.
“You don’t like it?” you husked, turned on at the way she was looking up your skirt while biting her lip hard.
“It’s something I would’ve never let you wear out alone,” she murmured, looking back up at you as she reached one hand between your legs, cupping your pussy. “It’s just too fucking hot.”
Gasping, you grabbed at her blazer as she started wildly kissing your face and neck, and you could already feel your makeup melting off.
Moving your panties to the side, she pressed her fingers through your folds, instantly moaning at how wet you were. “Fuck, y/n.” The curse sounded like pure sex dripping from her lips.
Leaning forward, you dove your mouth to her neck and started biting her soft skin, inhaling a concentrated scent of her perfume where she had applied it to her pressure point. You almost couldn’t believe she was real, that this was your Lizzie pinning you to a club bathroom door, her hand up your skirt and in your panties.
“I can’t take it,” she whined, grabbing you and moving you to the adjacent wall, pushing you up against it, making sure her hand was cradling the back of your head as she pinned you to the wall.
Lizzie’s breaths were ragged as she fumbled at your panties, ripping them down your legs and kicking them to the side with her heels. She grabbed at your bare pussy, coming back in for another hot and heavy kiss on the mouth. You struggled to breathe, wrapping your arms around her shoulders and trying to meet the force with which she was kissing. She was becoming desperate and needy for you, her tongue shoving its way through your lips and settling into your mouth. She grabbed your face with her free hand and tilted it so she could press her tongue further into your mouth, the tip tickling the back of your throat as she devoured your mouth and moaned into it. Her hand massaged at your clit, relishing all the wetness between your legs that she knew was all for her.
“Fuck,” she cursed again, pulling away from the kiss to catch her breath, your mouths moistened with each other’s. Pressing her face into your hair and inhaling, she reached down to her belt with her free hand.
Desire throbbed through your feverish body, feeling like Lizzie’s presence had sobered you up and then got you drunk again. She tugged harshly at her pants, practically ripping them open and reaching in to take out her strap. She licked her lips and breathed heavily through her mouth as she looked down for a moment. She paused before suddenly wrapping her arm around your butt and lifting you up, causing you to shriek and hook your legs around her hips. She pressed you against the wall, keeping you completely stuck between it and her, her mouth on yours again.
“Lizzie,” you breathed, feeling dizzy at the passion frenzied in the air between you.
Upon hearing you say her name, she stopped, one hand wrapped around your waist and the other holding her cock. She looked up at you with as clear vision as she could through her tainted desire. “Can I? Please?”
You put a hand to the back of her head, tangling your fingers through her hair. Of course, you wanted her to, but you had never seen her quite so desperate for you like this in a long time, and you wanted to draw it out.
“Please,” she repeated, leaning down to bite at your shoulder. She was pressing you so hard against the wall you could barely breathe, let alone move. If she wanted to, she would.
“Please what?” you asked innocently, as if she wasn’t standing there holding her strap towards you in anticipation.
Her eyes flickered up to you, shadowed under the dim neon lighting. “Please let me fuck you,” she begged, nipping at your lips and kissing all over your face, pressing harder into you. “Please, please, please.”
You didn’t want to cut her off while she was hot, so you dug your nails into her back and whispered, “Yes.”
She nearly gasped when you said it, her teeth sinking hard into your neck and making you cry out. However needy she was before, it was even worse now as she tore into your skin and steadied herself, lining the tip of her strap with your entrance and guiding it inside you all at once with one forceful snap of her hips.
“Oh, fuck!” you cried out, knowing no one outside would hear you through the music and the thick walls.
“Fuck, fuck,” Lizzie cursed against your neck, adjusting you so that your legs were wrapped tight around her and you were locked between her and the wall. Grabbing at your skirt again, she yanked it up around your hips and held them as she withdrew her hips and then thrust them forward again.
To be honest, you hadn’t been with anyone since her, which you wouldn’t tell her because you knew there was an element of jealousy in the air at the thought that either of you might have been with other people, and Lizzie always packed large. Your eyes squeezed shut as she thrust herself into you hard and fast, giving you no time to adjust.
“God, I’ve missed you,” she exclaimed against your shoulder, her hands moving to your ass and grabbing it hard as she fucked you against the wall.
Keeping your ankles hooked behind her, you tried to spread your thighs wider so it would be easier, but even with that and how wet you were, she was just too big and you were too tight.
“Lizzie, slow down,” you pleaded, grabbing at her blazer and leaning your head back against the wall so you could breathe.
“I’m sorry,” she mumbled, looking up at you and kissing your jaw gently. She listened as best as she could, slowing down her thrusts, but it was obvious she couldn’t help how hard she snapped her hips each time.
After a few moments, you started to adjust, and she started to lose control again, and the searing pain faded away into unfiltered, throbbing pleasure. You grabbed needily at her as she hammered into you, the strap moving just right against her own clit that she started to moan into your neck.
“I’ve missed your pussy, fuck,” she grunted, and the dirtiness of your words made you realize the dirtiness of the situation. How she was fucking you wildly and desperately, pinned up against the wall, in the club bathroom under neon lights, after having just seen her for the first time in months only some twenty minutes ago.
There was no space between you, only as much as she would allow to withdraw her hips between each thrust, and you thought that Lizzie might crush you to death against that wall.
“Oh, fuck!” she moaned, fucking into you even harder as her heavy breaths filled your ear. You turned your head to kiss at the side of her face, trying to soothe her. It only drew her attention to your mouth, because she turned and caught your lips with her own, shoving her tongue down your throat again. The sound of your head hitting the wall caught her attention, so she lifted one hand away from your ass to cradle the back of your head. You were helpless, pinned mercilessly there against the wall, and all your senses being filled with Lizzie was building a pressure in the pit of your belly. She was so deep inside you, stretching you out, kissing you so hard and deep, your body was overwhelmed.
In an instant, your orgasm crashed over you, walls squeezing around her cock as you practically screamed into her mouth, her moans mixing with yours. You trembled, knowing that if she wasn’t keeping you against that wall with her own body and strength, you would’ve slid right to the floor.
You could tell Lizzie was close, but she was not stopping as she chased her own high, fucking you through your orgasm and making another one quickly build behind it. You were a melted puddle in her arms now, weak and overstimulated, stretched out and used.
Lizzie finally pulled away from your mouth, instead choosing to occupy her mouth with biting your shoulder. “Fuck,” she groaned, her thrusts getting sloppy and unhinged. Her hand on your ass was digging her nails into your flesh and undoubtedly leaving bruises, but you didn’t care. You wanted her to cum.
“Cum for me, Lizzie,” you whispered, scratching at her warm back underneath the blazer. “Cum for me.”
She did, fucking harder into you than before, crushing you so hard against the wall that your back ached and you could barely breathe. You held onto her, holding her head as she trembled and shook and moaned against you for several moments until finally she sighed, putting some pressure off you so you could breathe again. It took her several minutes to come down, and you stroked her hair every minute of it, kissing her cheek as she nuzzled her nose into your hair for comfort.
Finally, she pulled away and looked at you, her makeup smudged and hair wild, with a gleam of sweat on her forehead. “Holy fuck,” she whispered, looking down as she carefully pulled out of you, noticing the way you winced a little. She tucked her strap away and buckled her belt, gently setting you down on the floor. You could feel how bad your back ached now, and how weak your legs were. Knees buckling, you hooked an arm around her shoulder, and she held you up against her, grinning down at you devilishly.
“God, I missed you.”
“Will you pick my underwear off the floor, please?”
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natsgrave · 12 days
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╰┈➤ synopsis: one day whether you are, 14, 28, or 65, you will stumble upon someone who will start a fire in you that cannot die. however, the saddest, most awful truth you will ever come to find is they are not always with whom we spend our lives.
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╰┈➤ welcome and short message: hello, my sweet gravels! i am thrilled to welcome you to "whispers of heartache," a collection of angst-filled one shots centered around the compelling characters of natasha romanoff / scarlett johansson, wanda maximoff / elizabeth olsen, and a female reader. this book is a labor of love, crafted from my deep admiration for these characters and my passion for storytelling. in this book, you will find a series of emotionally charged stories that delve into the complexities of love, loss, and heartache. each one shot will be written in the third person point of view, offering a broad perspective on the intense and often tumultuous emotions experienced by the characters. i must share that english is not my first language. therefore, you may encounter some grammatical errors or awkward phrasing throughout the stories. i appreciate your understanding and patience as i strive to improve my writing skills. my goal is to convey the depth of emotions and the intricate dynamics between the characters, even if my language skills are still a work in progress. angst has a unique power to connect with readers on a deep, emotional level. it explores the raw, often painful aspects of human relationships and personal struggles. through these stories, i hope to capture the essence of what it means to love and to lose, to fight and to surrender. each tale is crafted to evoke empathy and reflection, inviting you to experience the characters' journeys as if they were your own. your reblogs and feedback is incredibly valuable to me. as i embark on this storytelling journey, i welcome your thoughts, suggestions, and constructive criticism. please feel free to leave comments and reviews. your input will not only help me grow as a writer but also ensure that the stories resonate with you, the readers. thank you for joining me in this exploration of the whispers of heartache. i hope that these one shots will touch your heart and leave a lasting impression. happy reading! warm regards, G.J ps: i will be adding the first few angst that i already wrote in this masterlist even though it's technically not part of this masterlist. but, it's angst, so...
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╰┈➤ tolerate it
while you were out building other worlds, where was i? you assume i'm fine, but what would you do if i break free and leave us in ruins? ── .✦ pairing: elizabeth olsen x gf!reader
╰┈➤ new year's day
i want your midnights, but I'll be cleaning up bottles with you on new year's day. please, don't ever become a stranger whose laugh i could recognize anywhere. ── .✦ pairing: sister's bsf!elizabeth x fem!reader
╰┈➤ midnight rain
she was sunshine, i was midnight rain. she wanted a bride, i was making my own name, chasing that fame. ── .✦ pairing: actress!elizabeth x fem!reader
╰┈➤ you're losing me
how can you say that you love someone you can't tell is dyin'? do i throw out everything we built or keep it? and you know what they all say, you don't know what you got until it's gone. ── .✦ pairing: wanda maximoff x fem!reader
╰┈➤ in the next lifetime
but in those photos, i saw us instead and, somehow, i know that you and i would've found each other in another life. you still would've turned my head even if we'd met. you're always gonna be mine, we're gonna be timeless. ── .✦ pairing: general's son!steve x general's daughter!reader, maid!natasha x general's daughter!reader, scarlett johansson x fem!reader
╰┈➤ the manuscript
the only thing that's left is the manuscript. one last souvenir from my trip to your shores. now and then i reread the manuscript but the story isn't mine anymore. ── .✦ pairing: wanda maximoff x fem!reader
╰┈➤ the smallest woman who ever lived
and i don't miss what we had, but could someone give a message to the smallest man who ever lived? ── .✦ pairing: avenger!natasha x ex hydra!reader
╰┈➤ favorite crime
i hope i was your favorite crime, 'cause baby, you were mine. ── .✦ pairing: bsf!wanda x fem!reader
╰┈➤ mean it
on your lips just leave it, if you don't mean it. ── .✦ pairing: scarlett johansson x gf!reader
╰┈➤ love me nicely
i know you love me, but could you love me nicely? ── .✦ pairing: toxic!elizabeth x gf!reader
╰┈➤ if the world was ending
i know, you know, we know, you weren't down for forever and it's fine. i know, you know, we know, we weren't meant for each other and it's fine. but if the world was ending you'd come over, right? ── .✦ pairing: avenger!wanda x fem!reader
╰┈➤ soulmate
what a shame, didn't want to be the one that got away. taking down the pictures and the plans we made. big mistake, you broke the sweetest promise that you never should have made. ── .✦ pairing: fiance!elizabeth x fem!reader
╰┈➤ greatest what if
someday when you leave me, i bet these memories follow you around. ── .✦ pairing: actress!elizabeth x fem!reader
╰┈➤ heart
i knew it from the first old fashioned, we were cursed. should've known i'd be the first to leave think about the place where you first met me. ── .✦ pairing: elizabeth olsen x crush!reader
╰┈➤ too late
words— how little they mean when you're a little too late. ── .✦ pairing: avenger!natasha x avenger!steve, husband!bucky x avenger!reader
╰┈➤ i miss you
now, i fear i have fallen from grace and i feel like my castle's crumbling down. ── .✦ pairing: actress!scarlett x actress!reader
╰┈➤ wedding
sometimes giving up is the strong thing, sometimes to run is the brave thing, sometimes walking out is the one thing, that will find you the right thing. the snaps from the same little breaks in your soul, you know when it's time to go. ── .✦ pairing: elizabeth olsen x event planner!reader
╰┈➤ last memory
if i didn't know better, i'd think you were talking to me now. if i didn't know better, i'd think you were still around. what died didn't stay dead, you're alive, so alive, in my head. ── .✦ pairing: agent!elizabeth x agent!reader
╰┈➤ thank you
why'd you have to lead me on? why'd you have to twist the knife? walk away and leave me bleedin'. ── .✦ pairing: scarlett johansson x fem!reader
╰┈➤ we both had our chance
i persist and resist the temptation to ask you if one thing had been different, would everything be different today? ── .✦ pairing: avenger!natasha x avenger!reader
╰┈➤ i hate you
remembering her comes in flashbacks and echoes, tell myself it's time now gotta let go. but moving on from her is impossible, when i still see it all in my head, in burning red. ── .✦ pairing: shitty!scarlett x annoying!reader
╰┈➤ on bended knee
can we go back to the days our love was strong? can you tell me how a perfect love goes wrong? can somebody tell me how to get things back the way they use to be? oh god give me a reason, i'm down on bended knee. ── .✦ pairing: actress!elizabeth x actress!reader
╰┈➤ the cut that always bleeds
oh, i could be anything you need, as long as you don't leave. the cut that always bleeds. ── .✦ pairing: scarlett x gf!reader
╰┈➤ backburner
i'll always be in your corner, 'cause i don't feel alive 'til i'm burnin' on your backburner. ── .✦ pairing: agent!natasha x agent!reader
╰┈➤ the great war
we can plant a memory garden, say a solemn prayer, place a poppy in my hair. there's no morning glory, it was war, it wasn't fair and we will never go back. ── .✦ pairing: actress!elizabeth x gf!reader
╰┈➤ enough for you
and maybe i'm just not as interesting as the girls you had before but god, you couldn't have cared less about someone who loved you more. 'cause all i ever wanted was to be enough for you and all i ever wanted was to be enough for you. ── .✦ pairing: agent!natasha x insecure!reader
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ to be written:
╰┈➤ 1 step forward, 3 steps back
do you love me, want me, hate me? boy, i don't understand. no, i don't understand.
╰┈➤ better woman
i know the bravest thing i ever did was run.
╰┈➤ strange
isn't it strange how people can change. from strangers to friends, friends into lovers, and strangers again?
╰┈➤ lose you to love me
we'd always go into it blindly, i needed to lose you to find me. this dancing was killing me softly, i needed to hate you to love me.
╰┈➤ almost is never enough
almost is never enough, so close to being in love. if i would have known that you wanted me, the way i wanted you then maybe we wouldn't be two worlds apart, but right here in each other's arms.
╰┈➤ wish you were sober
kiss me in the seat of your rover, real sweet, but i wish you were sober.
╰┈➤ same ground
because i have learned that love is beyond what human can imagine, the more it clears, the more i have to let you go.
╰┈➤ the way i loved you
but i miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain and it's 2 a.m. and i'm cursing your name. so in love that you act insane and that's the way i loved you.
╰┈➤ champagne problems
your mom's ring in your pocket, her picture in your wallet, you won't remember all my champagne problems.
╰┈➤ last kiss
you told me you loved me, so why did you go away?
╰┈➤ maroon
the burgundy on my t-shirt when you splashed your wine into me and how the blood rushed into my cheeks, so scarlet, it was. the mark you saw on my collarbone, the rust that grew between telephones, the lips i used to call home, so scarlet, it was maroon.
╰┈➤ loml
you said i'm the love of your life about a million times.
╰┈➤ consequences
loving you was sunshine, safe and sound, a steady place to let down my defenses but loving you had consequences.
╰┈➤ casual
i thought you thought of me better, someone you couldn't lose.
╰┈➤ illicit affairs
they show their truth one single time but they lie, and they lie, and they lie a million little times.
╰┈➤ forever and always
oh back up, baby, back up, did you forget everything? back up, baby, back up, did you forget everything?
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goldenempyrean · 1 year
sick reader and elizabeth using “It sounds like you’ve caught that bug going round.”  and “Naps are only for babies and old people. Im neither.”  
Should've Stayed Home
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〚 Notes - Just posting the fic I wrote last night :) This hasn't been edited/checked well so sorry about mistakes! 〛
〚 Pairing - Lizzie Olsen x Reader 〛
〚 Summary - You insisted on visiting Lizzie's parents with her, even when you weren't feeling great. But once you arrived there, it seems that maybe staying home would've have been such a day idea. 〛
〚 Wordcount - 1300 〛
〘 Check Out My Masterlist! 〙
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“Maybe you should stay home today sweetheart.” Lizzie sighed as you coughed into your elbow, “It sounds like you’ve caught that bug going round. We can always reschedule, or I can always go visit my parents by myself for a few hours and then come home again.” 
But you only shook your head as tossed her the car keys, “No, we’ve been putting off seeing your parents for weeks and I’m not even that sick either, my throat’s just being a little temperamental.” 
Lizzie hesitated for a moment, worry creasing her forehead, but ultimately, she relented and took the keys from you. She watched as you gathered your things and made your way out the door, wishing she could convince you to stay home and rest. 
As you drove to Lizzie's parents' house, you couldn't shake the feeling of fatigue that settled in your bones. You tried to ignore it, focusing instead on the radio and the passing scenery outside the car window. The coolness of the glass felt amazing against the throbbing which had begun to pound in your temples. 
The drive wasn’t too long at least, that was a positive. Not only had your head begun to pound, but you also found yourself beginning to sniffle repetitively, unable to keep your nose from running. Those sniffles only intensified further when your nose itched sharply. 
“H’h..h’tschoo! Heh’hupsshooo!” 
Lizzie chuckled, reaching over to squeeze your thigh gently, “Bless-“ She started but stopped when your breath hitched again preemptively. 
“H’htschoo!” You ducked your head into your elbow as you covered your final sneeze, sniffling wetly in the aftermath, scrunching up your nose as you wiped it against the end of your sleeve. 
“There's tissues in the glove box baby, blow your nose.” Lizzie sighed, regretting that she hadn’t pushed further for you to stay home. 
You nodded and reached for the tissues, blowing your nose loudly and rubbing at your eyes. The headache was only getting worse, and your throat felt like it was on fire. You tried to distract yourself by looking out the window again, but everything seemed to blur together in a dizzying haze. 
By the time you arrived at Lizzie's parents' house, you were feeling worse than ever. Your head was pounding, your nose was running nonstop, and your throat was so sore it hurt to swallow. You tried to put on a brave face when you greeted her parents, but they could tell something was wrong. 
As soon as you walked in the door, Lizzie's mom greeted you with a big hug. "Oh, honey, you don't look so good. Are you feeling okay?" she asked, concern etched on her face. 
You forced a smile and nodded, not wanting to worry her. "I'm just a little under the weather. Nothing to worry about," you replied, your voice scratchy and hoarse. 
Lizzie's dad came over to give you a handshake and a pat on the back, but you winced in pain as the pressure on your back sent a wave of pain through your body. Lizzie noticed your discomfort and quickly intervened, guiding you over to the couch and offering you a glass of water. 
You gratefully accepted the water, taking a sip to soothe your sore throat. Lizzie sat down next to you, her hand resting on your knee as she asked, "Do you need anything else, love?" 
You couldn’t help but feel your heavy eyes begin to close on their own as you fought to keep yourself awake as you leant your head against Lizzie’s shoulder, “No, it’s fine.” 
Lizzie frowned as she felt the heat radiating off of you. She knew that you were running a fever, and she didn't want to push you too hard. "Maybe we should head back home, sweetheart," she suggested gently. 
You shook your head, not wanting to ruin the visit. "No, I'm fine. Let's just hang out for a bit," you said, your voice barely above a whisper. Lizzie hesitated, but eventually she relented when she parents joined the two of you in the living room. 
You tried your best to keep yourself composed as you chatted with Lizzie's parents. But as the conversation went on, the pressure in your sinuses began to build, and you knew that you were on the verge of a sneeze. 
You tried to hold it in, but it was no use. Your body gave in, and you let out a loud, explosive sneeze. "H'tschh!" Your hand shot up to cover your nose and mouth, but it was too late. 
Lizzie's mom rushed over to you with a handful of tissues, concern etched on her face. "Oh, honey, are you okay? Do you need anything?" she asked. 
You nodded, grateful for the tissues. You blew your nose, wincing as the pressure in your head intensified. You could feel the heat rising in your cheeks as you tried to hide your embarrassment. 
Lizzie's dad gave you a sympathetic smile. "It's okay, we've all been there," he said, trying to make you feel better. 
“You’re definitely getting a cold.” Lizzie sighed, pressing a tender kiss to your cheek. You could do little more to respond, that insistent itch still lingering in your nose before you eventually sneezed down into your tissues yet again, mumbling out your apology afterwards. 
Lizzie's mom reached over to hand you another tissue, giving you a sympathetic smile. "Bless you, dear. It sounds like you're really not feeling well," she said kindly whilst Lizzie wrapped her arms around you, holding you closer to her. 
You nodded, feeling a pang of guilt for not listening to Lizzie's advice to stay home. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make a scene," you apologised, your voice still scratchy and hoarse. 
Lizzie's dad patted you on the back. "No need to apologise, we understand. Sometimes these things just happen," he said, giving you a reassuring smile. 
But you couldn't shake the feeling of embarrassment and discomfort. You were starting to feel like a burden on everyone, like you were ruining the visit. You tried to excuse yourself, saying that you needed some fresh air, but Lizzie insisted on coming with you. 
Outside, the cool air felt good on your flushed face, but you couldn't escape the pounding in your head or the congestion in your sinuses. You leaned against Lizzie, feeling her warmth and support as you tried to catch your breath. 
"I'm sorry," you mumbled, feeling tears prickling at the corners of your eyes. "I didn't mean to ruin the visit." 
Lizzie pulled you closer, rubbing soothing circles on your back. "You didn't ruin anything, sweetheart. We just want you to feel better," she said, her voice soft and gentle. 
You leaned into her, feeling the weight of exhaustion and sickness weighing you down. "I just want to go home," you said, your voice barely audible. 
Lizzie nodded, understanding the seriousness of the situation. She helped you back to the car, settling you in the passenger seat before going back inside to explain the situation to her parents. 
As Lizzie drove you home, you leaned your head against the window, feeling the cool glass soothing against your hot skin. Lizzie's hand found yours, squeezing it gently as she drove. 
“Maybe you should try and take a nap sweetheart, you look exhausted.” 
 “Naps are only for babies and old people. I'm neither.”  You mumbled, but still you found yourself giving in and closing your eyes. 
Lizzie chuckled softly. "Well, in that case, you're just taking a rest. You need it." She whispered, her voice filled with sympathy and love. 
You nodded sleepily, feeling grateful for Lizzie's understanding and care. As you drifted off to sleep, you knew that you were in good hands, and that Lizzie would be there to take care of you until you were feeling better. 
〖 Join My Taglist! 〗@scrambled-brain-eggs @natashamyl0ve @shin-conan-kun @bloomingflowersthings @kathleenmikaelson @shamelessbearunknown @inluvwithfictionalwomen @ceiestiaie @fluffyblanketgecko @kljhsong @santana1437 @lovelyy-moonlightt @juiles @lots-of-pockets @sashawalker2 @natashamaximoff69 
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wandamaximoffsbadgirl · 6 months
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emo!Wanda x Emo!Fem!Reader Music exchange
The Widow's Shadow Drabble (Natasha Romanoff x Enhanced!Stark!Fem!Reader) 18+
Corruption (Fallen Angels!Wandanat x Angel!fem!reader)
Let The World Burn (Dark!Wanda Maximoff x Infatuated!Avenger!Fem!Reader)
Too Much (Mommy!Wanda Maximoff x Autistic!GN!reader)
For You I'd Do Anything (Queen!Wanda Maximoff x Knight!fem!reader)
In Safe Hands (Mommy!Wanda Maximoff x sub!fem!reader)
The Monsters Gone (Mommy!Wanda Maximoff x little!GN!reader)
Waiting On Them (Doms!CarolVal x sub!fem!reader)
A Walk in the (Amusement) Park (Mommy!Wanda Maximoff x autistic!fem!reader)
A Night With You (Police Officer!Natasha Romanoff x criminal!fem!reader)
Talk to Me (Mommy!Wanda x fem!reader)
To Care For You (Mommy!Wanda Maximoff x sub!fem!reader, Dom!Natasha x sub!fem!reader(platonic))
Throw a Tantrum (Mafia Boss!Lizzie Olsen x fem!reader)
My Honey Bunny (Mommy!Agatha Harkness x subby!fem!reader)
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wandanatsgf · 2 months
Lovers, Vampires, Strangers Part 2
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Pairing: Vampire!Wanda x Vampire!Reader
Word Count: 2886
Summary: This story starts in the year 1850. You and your girlfriend Wanda are happy together. You have everything you could ever want, until she secretly turns you into a vampire. After a horrible accident, you leave her and that life behind. Now 173 years later, she's come to ask you for a favor.
Part 1
Part 2: 2023, The Second Shittiest Year of my Life
“What do you want Wanda?” I ask the girl who was frantically banging on my door.
“I need a place to stay for a few days, please,” she begs. It makes me laugh. She really thinks I would help her after what she did? She’s insane.
“No way,” I tell her.
“Please Y/n,” she asks again.
“No,” I say. “I’m not letting you into my home or life again, Wanda.”
I go to shut the door when a small bullet sized wooden stake comes whizzing through the air. It flies through the small crack in my door from where I haven’t shut it all the way. I hear Wanda yell out some cuss words, while I barely manage to dodge the bullet. I should’ve just shut the door and let Wanda fend for herself, this is her problem after all. But I, being the idiot that I am, didn’t.
“Fine you can come in,” I say, pulling the brunette girl inside with me. I quickly shut and lock the door.
“What the hell was that Wanda?” I exclaim as I run through my house, grabbing the first bag I see. I put the guns and knives that II keep hidden throughout my home in there, in case whoever is outside tries to go after me, since I too am a vampire.
“That was Natasha,” she says like that explains everything.
“She’s a girl I…used to be with. She’s a little angry is all.”
“A little angry?!? She just tried to kill you Wanda.”
“Yes well vampire hunters tend to do that Y/n.”
“What the actual hell Wanda. You brought a vampire hunter to my front door?!?”
“Not on purpose. I didn't know she was a vampire hunter when I was sleeping with her. And I thought I had lost her back in Budapest. Clearly someone is determined to kill me.” Wanda rolls her eyes as she talks, as if this Natasha girl is a mere annoyance, like a gnat or a fly, and not a hunter trying to kill her.
I’m so mad at her I don’t even know what to say. I finish gathering my things, but I leave my phone in case someone tries to use it to find my location. I make sure I avoid all windows as I make my way to the secret exit of my house that will lead me to the other side of town, the exit I had installed in case of emergencies just like this. I go to the bookshelf door I had installed and open it.
“Are you coming or not?” I call out to Wanda, who was currently just standing there. Wanda quickly moves to where I am, not avoiding windows. Which leads to them being shot out by Natasha.
“Great another thing I have to deal with,” I mumble under my breath.
“What was that?” Wanda snarkily asks.
“I said great that’s another thing I have to deal with. Because of you,” I add on.
“Oh please don’t act like your life was all sunshine and rainbows before I got here,” she says as I lead her down a staircase. “We both know you were lonely without me.”
“Really? I’m the lonely one?” I say. “I can assure you, Wanda I have been anything but lonely since you left.”
“You really think Kate Bishop can fill my place that easily?”
“And how do you know about her?” Wanda says nothing, but it’s clear she had been keeping tabs on me.
“I should’ve known you’d never leave me alone, Wanda. You were always the possessive type.” I turn down a corridor and open the door. I walk out and into open air. The passage leads to a road two streets over where my getaway car is stashed.
“I’m not possessive. I just don’t want anyone to have what’s mine,” she says. I chuckle under my breath, reading through her lie. I choose to ignore her and walk over to a car, praying that it’s unlocked. Of course it isn’t, but i guess when you have vampire strength it doesn’t really matter. I get into the car in no time and I make quick work of hot wiring it so I can get away, and hopefully leave Wanda here. I get the car on and I climb in, quickly locking the doors so Wanda can't.
"What do you think you're doing?" Wanda asks, clearly annoyed. She stomps her feet like a child and it makes me laugh.
"I'm leaving," I say through my laughter.
"Not without me you aren't."
"Yes I am. I got you away from Natasha, which you're welcome for by the way. Now I'm off to save my own skin. Now get out of my way or be roadkill Wanda. Your choice." Wanda refuses to move, much to my annoyance.
"Move Wanda," I scream out.
"No," she screams back. I can feel my annoyance rising with every passing second, and then Natasha runs around the corner, guns blazing. I unlock the car and allow Wanda to hop in before I floor it. I pull out of the parking space, driving away as fast as I can, leaving Natasha in the dust.
"Happy?" I finally ask once we have gotten a little further down the road.
"Yes, very." I can tell she is pleased with herself, something that I absolutely loathe. I choose to ignore her so I don’t blow up.
We drive for what feels like forever, and I being a vampire would know what forever feels like. So trust me when I say it felt like forever.
Wanda does her best to annoy me, but I ignore her every time, not in the mood for her games. Eventually I pull into a decent looking hotel on the side of the road. I’m not sure where we are, but we’ve driven for at least 16 hours straight and I’m tired. Well as tired as you can be when you’re undead.
“Here we are,” I say as I park the car.
“Where are we?”
“I don’t know. But we’re safe aren’t we? You could be a bit more thankful,”
“It would be safer if we knew where we are,” Wanda retorts.
“Well why don’t you work on that while I get us a room.”
“Fine,” Wanda says, for once not starting an argument.
I happily hop out of the car, grateful to be away from Wanda, and I enter the lobby.
“Hi I need two rooms,” I say to the front desk lady.
“I’m sorry we only have one room available.”
“Fine I guess that’ll work,” I grumble. It really doesn’t work for me but I’ll just have to suck it up…or sleep in my car. Honestly I’d do anything to not be near Wanda for longer than I have to.
“And how will you be paying?”
“I won’t be. The bill will be comped by the hotel,” I tell the girl. I look in her eyes and change the tone of my voice, activating my compulsion.
“Here you go,” the girl says cheerily, handing me my room key.
I walk back to the car where I had left Wanda to give her the bad news.
“Unfortunately they only had one room,” I grumble, throwing her a room key.
“Don’t sound so upset. It’ll be just like old times,” she says, sending me a wink. I let out a scoff at her words.
“I’d rather sleep on the cement than in a bed with you Wanda.”
“Fine have it your way,” she says. She gets out of the car and walks into the hotel and to our room. I try and make myself comfortable in the car, but it’s no use. It’s too small and too hot. I grab one of my guns that I had brought and tuck it into the waistband of my pants then I reluctantly go inside, bracing myself for the snarky comment I know Wanda is about to say.
“Aww I knew you’d change your mind. I’m just too irresistible.”
“God you’re so full of yourself. But no I’m in here because the car was uncomfortable. It has nothing to do with you Wanda.”
“Sure, whatever helps yourself sleep at night.”
God this woman is infuriating. I choose to ignore her last comment.
“So you’re not talking to me now?” I give her the silent treatment.
"Real mature y/n."
"Whatever Wanda. I'm going to go get us some essentials, try not to get into trouble while I'm gone," I say, just wanting to get out of here and away from Wanda.
"Aww sounds like someone cares about me," she teases.
"No I just don't want all of this hard work to go to waste," I say as I walk out the door. It's currently 10pm at night so luckily anywhere I go should be jut about empty. I drive to the nearest Walmart, leaving Wanda in the dust at the hotel. I get us some toiletries and snacks (because yes even though we are vampires and undead we still like human food). My next stop is a blood bank, where I steal as much blood as I can. I prefer it this way over drinking straight from the source. It's much cleaner and not so scarring to humans. After about two hours I make my way back to the hotel, carrying my shopping bags inside, only to find Wanda gorging herself on a member of the cleaning staff.
"Wanda," I yell out. She drops the maid and her face takes on a guilty look, like a child who knows they are doing something bad.
"Yes?" She tries to adopt a nonchalant tone but it isn't working.
"I literally told you not to get into trouble and the first thing you do is get into trouble."
"But I was hungry," she says, as if that justifies her actions.
"I don't give a damn if you're hungry Wanda. If I tell you to do something so do it."
"That's funny I don't remember ever taking orders from you, but you sure did take a lot from me," Wanda says, referencing the times when the two of us would sleep together, before I hated her guts.
“Well things have changed Wanda. I’m trying to keep us alive and away from your vampire hunter ex. So either listen to me or leave.”
“Fine,” is all she says. She goes off to the bathroom to shower while I heal the woman Wanda had just dropped. I compel her to forget anything had ever happened, and off she goes back to work.
I close the door behind her and I put my grocery bags down and put things away. After I’m done and had a snack and some blood, I tuck my gun out of my waistband and put it on the small side table. I jump into bed. The bed is rock hard. There’s absolutely no give or bounce in it whatsoever, but I guess an aching back is a small price to pay for safety.
“Move over,” Wanda says once I had finally gotten myself comfortable.
“No,” is all I say back.
“Yes. Move or I’ll make you move y/n.”
I refuse to move, ignoring the glares that Wanda throws at me.
“Fine have it your way.” She walks over to me and picks me up as if I weigh nothing. I try to resist, but it's pointless, and she moves me anyway.
"I'm older than you and I'm stronger than you. Next time it would be wise to do as you're told," she whispers into my ear. Her words have me blushing. A fact that I try to hide form her, but of course she notices.
"Did my words make you needy baby?"
"Fuck off Wanda," I say, but it doesn't come out as strong as I want it to.
"No baby I think you want me to fuck you, isn't that right?"
Her dirty words send my thoughts racing back to the times when we had slept together and how good it felt. But that was before she hurt me, and this is now. And now I don't like her. Even if she's gorgeous and makes me feel good. She's still the woman who turned me against my will. She's still the woman who hurt me, the woman I hate. So I form my resolve.
"No goodnight Wanda," are the next words that come out of my mouth. Wanda's mouth opens and closes like a fish, she's shocked that I didn't give in. I get up and turn off the lights and the two of us lay there in silence. I'm sure Wanda is seething in silence at being told no, but it isn't my problem. I quickly fall asleep, and I only wake up when I hear a loud banging noise.
The door to our room is kicked in, making us jump out of bed. In comes a brunette woman I don't recognize.
“Oh great and who’s this? Another one of your exes?”
“Actually yes,” Wanda and the woman sat at the same time. The woman walks closer to the bed, while Wanda and I try to walk further away without blocking yourselves in.
“Of course it is,” I say rolling my eyes. “How’d you piss this one off?”
“She may or may not be a vampire hunter also. So y’know when she found out about me she wasn’t exactly my biggest fan,” Wanda whispers to you.
“Really Wanda? You sleep with two fucking vampire hunters when you’re a vampire yourself. Are you stupid?” I whisper back.
“Haven’t I already proven that yes I am stupid.”
“I guess you’ve got a point there,” I say.
"Are you two done arguing now?" The woman asks.
"Yes Maria, we're done." Ok so Maria is her name. "Can you just get this over with," Wanda says, her tone sounding exasperated.
"Oh come on Wanda, I wanna drag this out. Hurt you just like you hurt me." Maria pulls the sleeve of her black jacket off her shoulder, showing off the scars that mar it.
"What the fuck did you do?" I look at Wanda, but there's no emotions on her face.
"What I had to do to survive." Wanda glares at Maria, but it's not the playful one she has been giving you all day. This is a true glare. The kind that says I want you dead.
Maria lunges and Wanda deflects her punch while you try and grab your car keys, which are all the way across the room. You almost make it, but then Maria grabs you by your hair, pulling you back. You claw at her arm, digging your nails into her skin. She shrieks and lets you go, turning her attention back to Wanda.
"How'd you find me anyway?" Wanda asks as she ducks under Maria's fist.
"Your little pet led me right to you. She wasn't as inconspicuous as she thought at that blood bank. I was just going to kill her, but then I realized she was with you, and well, I didn't want to waste such a delicious opportunity." Wanda's eyes turn a dark black color, something that only happens when a vampire is truly emotional, and strikes Maria, making the woman stumble. While she's disoriented I run to the side table and grab my gun. I hate using these things on humans, but if it means I get to live I'll do it. I aim for her leg and pull the trigger.
"That should keep her occupied for a while, now let's go," I tell Wanda. We both run out of the room, car keys in my hand. We both jump in the car, leaving Maria behind in the hotel room.
"Looks like being attacked wasn't my fault this time," Wanda says once our adrenaline has finally gone down.
"Well you still dated this one too so I'm sure this is somehow also your fault."
"Ok whatever you say," Wanda says, although I know she doesn't agree with me. "So we've got Natasha and Maria on our tails now, so where do we go now? With the both of them following us, there aren't many places that would be safe."
"I might know a place," I say. "It's like a safehouse of sorts."
"Why didn't we go there in the first place?"
"it's complicated," I say, not wanting to answer her question.
"Like how Natasha and I are complicated? Or Maria and I?"
"Not exactly," is all I say, and thankfully Wanda drops the subject. We drive for a few more hours until I finally turn into a driveway. The house before us looks like any other house in the suburbs would. There's flowers and trees lining the driveway and a little picket white fence around the house. You would never suspect that a supernatural creature lives inside it.
We walk up to the door and all I feel is anxiety. I had taken us to the one place I hadn’t wanted to go to, but it’s out last option. It’s the only place I know that would be 100% safe. So reluctantly I knock on the door, praying the woman who lives on the other side of it answers, and that this won't be another decision that bites me in the butt.
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wandaslittleweirdo · 2 months
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many many stepmommy!wanda thoughts… || part 2
tw: stepcest, implied smut, forced intoxication, toxic relationships/attachments, manipulation, mentions of murder, heavy dom/sub dynamics, dirty talk, pet names (bunny, sweetheart, dear), possessiveness, age gap > reader is 22 wanda is 35
stepmommy!wanda ༝༝ fem!reader
ೀ You grew a strong but toxic attachment to your step mother after your dad passed away. You never had a mom, so you didn’t know what was wrong and what wasn’t. Wanda exploited this credulous trait of yours so she could do whatever she wanted too and convince you it’s normal.
If she catches you talking with someone who’s a little too touchy for her liking, or you giving a stranger a shy smile, she immediately rips you from the crowd and drags you home no matter what the situation is. The drive is always cold and quiet, but you’ve gotten used to it.
When you would arrive home, she’d tell you to sit on the floor in front of the couch and wait patiently for her. She’d follow you into the living room not too long after, the neck of a wine bottle grasped firmly in one of her hands. Her lips curl into a small and conceited smirk seeing you all ready for her. Her stride towards you and her stare displays a belittling superiority and dominance, the faint sound of her boots against the carpeted floor always made your heart speed up.
She’d seat herself on the couch and pop open the bottle, her silky voice oozing into your ears like sweet melted caramel. “You know what to do.” She’d wait for you, putting the bottle to your lips and tipping the alcohol into your mouth.
You loved it. The way her eyes turned crazed and feral watching you eagerly chug the drink she forced your throat. And how they would follow any bead of wine that slipped out of your mouth and down to your chest. The utter control and the sick, forbidden rush the older woman gave you had become addictive.
“Say you’re sorry.”
“I’ve done this so many times, Y/N. I’m staring to think you like when I do this to you. Is that it, sweetheart?”
“I’ll kill anyone who touches you, because I’m good like that.” She whispered, her hushed tone accompanied with a small, chilling smile. “I keep you safe. You don’t want mommy to kill anyone, do you?” You shake your head.
“I know it feels weird, but I only do this because I care about you so so much, dear.”
“Trust me, this is normal. All mommies do this.”
She’d wait until your eyes are glazed and your lids become droopy, cheeks flushed and body swaying out of drowsiness before taking the drink away. She places it on the coffee table, inviting you to sit on her lap by tapping her thighs.
“You did so well. Come here.”
“Mommy really wants to touch you, bunny. Just spread your little legs and let me do all the work, I’ll be quick I promise…”
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