#sick!lizzie Olsen x reader
goldenempyrean · 1 year
When It Rains, It Pours
〚 Notes - Hey! So this was actually a collab with @lots-of-pockets ! We worked together to write this so hopefully you enjoy! This was definitely a new experience and it was a lot of fun too, theres a chance for a pt2 if anybody would wanna see that! 〛
〚 Summary- Lizzie had stormed out of the house and straight into the pouring rain of the ongoing downpour...that really couldn’t have been good for her health. Luckily she had you there to take care of her. 〛
〚 Wordcount - 2700 〛
〘 Check Out My Masterlist! 〙
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As the rain battered loudly against the windows, you knew something was wrong. Lizzie had been quiet all evening, barely touching her dinner and avoiding eye contact with you for the whole of your meal despite you trying to engage her in conversation whilst simultaneously trying to figure out what was wrong - because something definitely was.
Then you made your mistake. It was one snide comment. Something so trivial. Any other day she would’ve smirked and thrown back a witty come back right back towards you…but not this time.  
Instead she suddenly stood up, “No, absolutely not. Fuck this.” She hissed, her eyes burning daggers into you as she accidentally over her glass before marching straight towards out of the kitchen and towards the entrance to your home. Without another word, she flung open the main door and stormed out into the pouring rain outside, not bothering to stop and grab her coat before slamming the door closed behind her with a heavy thud.
“What the f-“ A loud crack of thunder had interrupted your curse as the bright flash of lightning briefly illuminated the dark sky outside before the already heavy rain began to violently beat down against the windows.
You found yourself cursing again, this time for another reason. Lizzie can’t be outside in that weather. There were a million reasons but most of all, it just wasn’t safe, especially not when you’d had severe weather warnings all week long. Without a second thought, you rushed to grab your coat and car keys before hurrying outside to go find your wife.
The heavy rain on the windshield of your car obscures your vision despite the window wipers going at full speed. You could barely see two foot in front of you, and you’d lost count of just how many times you’ve had to quickly slam your foot onto the break to prevent an accident.  
Half an hour had passed since your wife had stormed out of the house, and despite your best efforts, you were no closer to finding her than you were when you'd first started.  
Your concern had now grown to the point of being almost frantic, and despite your best efforts to blink them away, salty tears had begun to steadily stream down your cheeks.  
Where in the heck was she?  
Deciding you'd have better luck on foot, you pull your car off to the side of the road before climbing out. You were almost immediately soaked by the torrential downpour, and your mind instantly drifts back to Lizzie. She'd been out in the rain a lot longer than you had, so you could only imagine what state she'd be in when you find her.  
Almost like God himself had heard your silent prayer, the familiar green of the hoodie she had put on this morning catches your eye from a few hundred years away. Her small figure seemed to be slumped defeatedly beneath a tree, and you blindly grab her coat from the passenger seat before quickly making your way over to her.  
"Oh honey," you murmur once you get close enough. She was absolutely soaked to the bone; clothing saturated, hair plastered to either side of her face and her bottom lip visibly trembling.  
Lizzie looks up at you, eyes shiny with what you could only assume were unshed tears. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't..."  She trails off, seemingly insure on what she could say to make the situation better, and you shook your head dismissively as you crouched down and place the thick coat over her shoulders.  
She seemed to instinctively curl into the warmth, allowing you reach forward and brush a soaked strand of hair out of her face.  
"Let's go home, okay?" You murmured as you trailed the pad of your thumb over the wet skin, and Lizzie could only nod.
You stood up and hold out your hand for her to take. Lizzie seemed to hesitate for a moment before placing her small hand in yours, and you gently tugged her up to her feet. She leant heavily against you as you begin to walk back to the car, and you wrap an arm around her waist to steady her, not wanting her to slip on the muddy grass.
The journey back to your house is silent, the only sounds being the seemingly endless supply of raindrops hitting against the windshield along with the soft sniffles coming from your wife in the passenger seat. You're not entirely sure what had caused her to react so strongly earlier, but you know that you need to give her the space and time she needs to work through it. The last thing you wanted to do was to make things worse.
As you pull into your driveway, you turn off the car's engine and sit in silence for a few moments. Lizzie is still leaning against you the window, and you can see her still trembling slightly.  
"Come on," you say softly, giving her a gentle nudge so she’d look up and realise that you were home, "Let's get inside and dry off. This weather’s nasty."
Lizzie nodded wordlessly, and you both make your way inside the house. As soon as you're through the door, you headed straight to the bathroom, where you start running a warm bath for her.
"Here," you said, passing Lizzie a towel. "Get out of those wet clothes, and I'll bring you something dry to wear."
Lizzie nodded again, taking the towel from you and disappearing into the bathroom. You could hear the sound of running water as you headed to the bedroom to find some dry clothes for her.
When you return to the bathroom, Lizzie is already in the bath, the warm water enveloping her. She looks up as you enter, and for a moment, you both just stare at each other.
"I'm sorry," Lizzie said finally, her voice barely above a whisper. "I don't know what came over me."
"It's okay," you reply, sitting down on the edge of the bath. As you sat beside her, you couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt for your snide remark earlier. You had no idea what was going on with her, and you should have been more supportive instead of adding to her stress.  
But you also couldn’t have known how she was feeling due to the fact she’d refused to talk to you, so you knew neither one of you were solely to blame.  
“What happened?” You ask, making your voice as unaccusing as possible.  
Lizzie sighs as she lays her head against the back of the tub. “It was nothing. Not really. I was just having a bad day. A build up of lots of things, you know?” She tentatively flickers her eyes over at you, and you find yourself nodding in understanding. You reach out and grab her hand that had been resting on the side on the tub, allowing her fingers to tangle with her own.  
“I’m sorry if my comment made it worse. I didn’t mean to do that.” You apologise, and Lizzie nods appreciatively as she sits up. When she holds out her other hand, you lean closer and allow her to cup your cheek. She trails the pad of her thumb over the skin before lightly tugging you forward, and you couldn’t help but smile when she places her lips against your own.  
You allowed it to linger for a little while before pulling away, the corners of your lips quirked up into an endearing grin. “You’re cute. Want me to wash your hair?”  
Lizzie lets out a content sigh as she nods her head, and you watch as she skinks back into the water to wet her hair before reaching for the shampoo. A comfortable silence falls upon you as you work on washing her hair, your finger tips grazing soothingly over her scalp. Lizzie hums contently at the action, and you couldn’t help but smile at the sound as you press a chaste kiss to her forehead before grabbing the shower head.  
Soon, you were both tucked up in bed, Lizzie’s smaller frame curled up against your own. You could feel her soft breath hitting your neck as she slowly succumbs to sleep. Although today had been rough, you were glad to end it like this. Tucked up in bed with your favourite person in the whole entire world.
You’d slept well that night and had woken up with Lizzie still curled into up into you – that was always a lovely thing to wake up too and it had started your morning perfectly As you slowly opened up your eyes fully, you noticed that the bedroom was being dimly lit by the soft glow of the morning sun peeking through the blinds, the previous night’s storm having blown over leaving behind a calm, blue sky in its place. Your gaze then travelled over down to your Lizzie again as she lay curled up, buried deep under the covers. She was adorable... But it was as you were admiring how cute she looked in that moment when you noticed how she was breathing heavier than usual, her chest rising and falling in an uneven rhythm.  
Concerned, you gently placed your hand on her forehead and immediately felt the heat radiating from her skin, unfortunately it seemed the action had stirred her a little as she groaned groggily as she began to slowly wake up.
You didn’t even have time to voice your concerns before Lizzie’s head was suddenly ducking forward into your chest with two sudden sneezes, “EiiTSHHHu! Hhih- Hih-! HiiTSHHIEW!”
“Goodness, that’s a new way of saying goodmorning,” You chuckled, pretending not to notice Lizzie rubbing her nose against your shirt – in her defence, the poor woman was barely awake, her eyes were still shut slightly as she tried to wake up properly. She was really the cutest person in the world and even the fact that she'd just sneezed on you and rubbed it all over you didn't change that. “Bless you, by the way.”  
Lizzie let out a soft groan as she shifted slightly, trying to get comfortable again. You could tell that she was feeling miserable, her body shivering slightly despite the warmth of the blankets. She groaned again and snuggled deeper into your embrace, desperate for some warmth. “Thanks,” she muttered hoarsely, her voice thick with a noticeable congestion before she broke off to turn away and cough weakly against her arm, grimacing a little afterwards at the pain in her chest.
"Baby..." Lizzie sniffled as she turned back towards you and buried her face back against your chest. "I don't feel very well." She croaked, her voice awfully sounding scratchy and hoarse.
You nodded knowingly as you began to comb your fingers through her slightly tangled hair. “Yeah, the sneezes kind of gave that away,” you teased lightly, and Lizzie gave you an unimpressed look as she brung her hand up to rub at her itchy nose.
“Sorry baby,” you murmured apologetically, leaning down to press a kiss against her rather warm forehead. “Are you up some some food? I don’t really want to give you any medicine on an empty stomach.” 
Before Lizzie could even begin to answer you, her breath hitched and she was stifling another sneeze into your chest, “Hitshhiew!” She let out a quiet groan knowing she was in for a long day. 
“Bless you honey.” You pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. “I’ll go get you some fruit or something, okay?” 
Lizzie nodded with wet sniffle, and you made a mental note to also grab her a box of tissues as you climbed out of bed and shrug on a hoodie. 
The cold hit you the second your feet hit the tiled floor on the bottom of the staircase, and you shivered slightly as you head through to the kitchen. After turning on the light and washing your hands, you made quick work of preparing Lizzie some warm oatmeal, topping it with strawberries and blueberries. 
Placing the bowl on a tray along with some cough medicine, Tylenol, a bottle of water and a box of tissues, you made your way back upstairs and nudged the bedroom open with your hip. Lizzie was just as you’d left her, and you couldn’t help but smile at the sight as you set the tray down onto the nightstand. 
“I brought you oatmeal.” You greeted her with a soft smile as you climbed back into bed and held open your arms. 
Lizzie sniffles softly as she curls up against your side, “Yummy.” She murmured, voice sounding full of congestion. 
You pouted softly at the sound as you reached for the oatmeal, scooping out a small spoonful and blowing on it to make sure it wasn’t too hot before holding it to her lips. She accepted it with a soft hum or content, and it told you that whatever illness she had hadn’t yet taken away her ability to taste. 
“Good?” You asked, preparing another spoonful, and Lizzie nodded her head as her lips once again part. She slowly but surely made her way through half of the bowl before lightly pushing it away, and you accepted her silent implication and placed it back down. 
“Alright my love, time for some medicine.”
Lizzie whinged a little, but that only made her cough harshly into her fist, “Okay fine.” She mumbled quietly after she’d finished coughing.
“Good girl, let’s open this up for you.” You smiled, running your hand through her hair then down onto her back before grabbing the bottle of cough medicine and pouring out the appropriate dose.
“Drink this for me sweetheart.” You encouraged her lightly, handing her the small cup which she brought to her lips.
Once she had swallowed the last of the medicine, you took the cup from her and smiled down at the small redhead. "Good job baby, that soothe help your cough a bit. Can you tell me how you feel though, like symptom-wise?”
She nodded, taking a second to grab a tissue to wipe against her runny nose before she began speaking, “My head feels achy and it feels really stuffy in my sinuses. My throat’s sore too and I’m keep feeling like I’m getting chills.”
“Awh, baby,” you pouted sympathetically as she described how she felt, “I think you’ve just caught yourself a head-cold. You do feel warm though, do you feel feverish?”
Lizzie sighed and seemed to think for a moment before quietly mumbling, “A little…”
Placing a tender kiss down to her forehead only confirmed her words, “Poor thing, you definitely feel a like you’re running a temperature. How about I go get a cool cloth for your head? I think we may actually have some of those fever reducing patches somewhere, the ones that go on your head.”
Lizzie sniffles softly, “That’d be nice, thank you.” She murmurs with a smile, and you return it before climbing out of bed with the intention of fetching her a fever reducing patch. After a few minutes of looking, you find them in the medicine cabinet along with all the other medications, and after grabbing one out of the box, you make your way back into the bedroom.  
“Here you are baby.” You murmur, gently placing it onto her forehead. You even press a soft kiss against the top of it for good measure.
“Thank you.” Lizzie murmurs sleepily as her heavy lids close, and you give her cheek a tender touch before climbing into bed next to her. She almost instinctively curls into your side, and you wrap your arms around her before allowing your own eyes to slip closed too.
Apparently falling asleep next to her and allowing her to breathe all over you wasn’t a good move on your part.  
Because when you finally came to a few hours later, there was a familiar stuffiness growing in your head. Lizzie was still snoozing away against you, her breathing slightly hoarse, and you couldn’t help but smile at the sight. That smile however, was soon wiped from your face when you feel your nose begin to itch.
Oh no...
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mapis-putellas · 1 year
When it rains, it pours.
My first collab with the awesome @goldenempyrean! I had tons of fun writing this with them so I hope you enjoy! (Lmk if you want a part 2!)
Pairings: Lizzie x you
Words: 2702
Warnings: none
Summary: Lizzie had stormed out of the house and straight into the pouring rain of the ongoing downpour…that really couldn’t have been good for her health. Luckily she had you there to take care of her.
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As the rain battered loudly against the windows, you knew something was wrong. Lizzie had been quiet all evening, barely touching her dinner and avoiding eye contact with you for the whole of your meal despite you trying to engage her in conversation whilst simultaneously trying to figure out what was wrong - because something definitely was.
Then you made your mistake. It was one snide comment. Something so trivial. Any other day she would’ve smirked and thrown back a witty come back right back towards you…but not this time.  
Instead she suddenly stood up, “No, absolutely not. Fuck this.” She hissed, her eyes burning daggers into you as she accidentally over her glass before marching straight towards out of the kitchen and towards the entrance to your home. Without another word, she flung open the main door and stormed out into the pouring rain outside, not bothering to stop and grab her coat before slamming the door closed behind her with a heavy thud.
“What the f-“ A loud crack of thunder had interrupted your curse as the bright flash of lightning briefly illuminated the dark sky outside before the already heavy rain began to violently beat down against the windows.
You found yourself cursing again, this time for another reason. Lizzie can’t be outside in that weather. There were a million reasons but most of all, it just wasn’t safe, especially not when you’d had severe weather warnings all week long. Without a second thought, you rushed to grab your coat and car keys before hurrying outside to go find your wife.
The heavy rain on the windshield of your car obscures your vision despite the window wipers going at full speed. You could barely see two foot in front of you, and you’d lost count of just how many times you’ve had to quickly slam your foot onto the break to prevent an accident.  
Half an hour had passed since your wife had stormed out of the house, and despite your best efforts, you were no closer to finding her than you were when you'd first started.  
Your concern had now grown to the point of being almost frantic, and despite your best efforts to blink them away, salty tears had begun to steadily stream down your cheeks.  
Where in the heck was she?  
Deciding you'd have better luck on foot, you pull your car off to the side of the road before climbing out. You were almost immediately soaked by the torrential downpour, and your mind instantly drifts back to Lizzie. She'd been out in the rain a lot longer than you had, so you could only imagine what state she'd be in when you find her.  
Almost like God himself had heard your silent prayer, the familiar green of the hoodie she had put on this morning catches your eye from a few hundred years away. Her small figure seemed to be slumped defeatedly beneath a tree, and you blindly grab her coat from the passenger seat before quickly making your way over to her.  
"Oh honey," you murmur once you get close enough. She was absolutely soaked to the bone; clothing saturated, hair plastered to either side of her face and her bottom lip visibly trembling.  
Lizzie looks up at you, eyes shiny with what you could only assume were unshed tears. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't..."  She trails off, seemingly insure on what she could say to make the situation better, and you shook your head dismissively as you crouched down and place the thick coat over her shoulders.  
She seemed to instinctively curl into the warmth, allowing you reach forward and brush a soaked strand of hair out of her face.  
"Let's go home, okay?" You murmured as you trailed the pad of your thumb over the wet skin, and Lizzie could only nod.
You stood up and hold out your hand for her to take. Lizzie seemed to hesitate for a moment before placing her small hand in yours, and you gently tugged her up to her feet. She leant heavily against you as you begin to walk back to the car, and you wrap an arm around her waist to steady her, not wanting her to slip on the muddy grass.
The journey back to your house is silent, the only sounds being the seemingly endless supply of raindrops hitting against the windshield along with the soft sniffles coming from your wife in the passenger seat. You're not entirely sure what had caused her to react so strongly earlier, but you know that you need to give her the space and time she needs to work through it. The last thing you wanted to do was to make things worse.
As you pull into your driveway, you turn off the car's engine and sit in silence for a few moments. Lizzie is still leaning against you the window, and you can see her still trembling slightly.  
"Come on," you say softly, giving her a gentle nudge so she’d look up and realise that you were home, "Let's get inside and dry off. This weather’s nasty."
Lizzie nodded wordlessly, and you both make your way inside the house. As soon as you're through the door, you headed straight to the bathroom, where you start running a warm bath for her.
"Here," you said, passing Lizzie a towel. "Get out of those wet clothes, and I'll bring you something dry to wear."
Lizzie nodded again, taking the towel from you and disappearing into the bathroom. You could hear the sound of running water as you headed to the bedroom to find some dry clothes for her.
When you return to the bathroom, Lizzie is already in the bath, the warm water enveloping her. She looks up as you enter, and for a moment, you both just stare at each other.
"I'm sorry," Lizzie said finally, her voice barely above a whisper. "I don't know what came over me."
"It's okay," you reply, sitting down on the edge of the bath. As you sat beside her, you couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt for your snide remark earlier. You had no idea what was going on with her, and you should have been more supportive instead of adding to her stress.  
But you also couldn’t have known how she was feeling due to the fact she’d refused to talk to you, so you knew neither one of you were solely to blame.  
“What happened?” You ask, making your voice as unaccusing as possible.  
Lizzie sighs as she lays her head against the back of the tub. “It was nothing. Not really. I was just having a bad day. A build up of lots of things, you know?” She tentatively flickers her eyes over at you, and you find yourself nodding in understanding. You reach out and grab her hand that had been resting on the side on the tub, allowing her fingers to tangle with her own.  
“I’m sorry if my comment made it worse. I didn’t mean to do that.” You apologise, and Lizzie nods appreciatively as she sits up. When she holds out her other hand, you lean closer and allow her to cup your cheek. She trails the pad of her thumb over the skin before lightly tugging you forward, and you couldn’t help but smile when she places her lips against your own.
You allowed it to linger for a little while before pulling away, the corners of your lips quirked up into an endearing grin. “You’re cute. Want me to wash your hair?”
Lizzie lets out a content sigh as she nods her head, and you watch as she skinks back into the water to wet her hair before reaching for the shampoo. A comfortable silence falls upon you as you work on washing her hair, your finger tips grazing soothingly over her scalp. Lizzie hums contently at the action, and you couldn’t help but smile at the sound as you press a chaste kiss to her forehead before grabbing the shower head.  
Soon, you were both tucked up in bed, Lizzie’s smaller frame curled up against your own. You could feel her soft breath hitting your neck as she slowly succumbs to sleep. Although today had been rough, you were glad to end it like this. Tucked up in bed with your favourite person in the whole entire world.
You’d slept well that night and had woken up with Lizzie still curled into up into you – that was always a lovely thing to wake up too and it had started your morning perfectly.
As you slowly opened up your eyes fully, you noticed that the bedroom was being dimly lit by the soft glow of the morning sun peeking through the blinds, the previous night’s storm having blown over leaving behind a calm, blue sky in its place. Your gaze then travelled over down to your Lizzie again as she lay curled up, buried deep under the covers. She was adorable... But it was as you were admiring how cute she looked in that moment that you noticed how she was breathing heavier than usual, her chest rising and falling in an uneven rhythm.
Concerned, you gently placed your hand on her forehead and immediately felt the heat radiating from her skin, unfortunately it seemed the action had stirred her a little as she groaned groggily as she began to slowly wake up.
You didn’t even have time to voice your concerns before Lizzie’s head was suddenly ducking forward into your chest with two sudden sneezes.
“EiiTSHHHu! Hhih- Hih-! HiiTSHHIEW!”
“Goodness, that’s a new way of saying goodmorning,” You chuckled, pretending not to notice Lizzie rubbing her nose against your shirt – in her defence, the poor woman was barely awake, her eyes were still shut slightly as she tried to wake up properly. She was really the cutest person in the world and even the fact that she'd just sneezed on you and rubbed it all over you didn't change that.
“Bless you, by the way.”  
Lizzie let out a soft groan as she shifted slightly, trying to get comfortable again. You could tell that she was feeling miserable, her body shivering slightly despite the warmth of the blankets.
She groaned again and snuggled deeper into your embrace, desperate for some warmth. “Thanks,” she muttered hoarsely, her voice thick with a noticeable congestion before she broke off to turn away and cough weakly against her arm, grimacing a little afterwards at the pain in her chest.
"Baby..." Lizzie sniffled as she turned back towards you and buried her face back against your chest. "I don't feel very well." She croaked, her voice awfully sounding scratchy and hoarse.
You nodded knowingly as you began to comb your fingers through her slightly tangled hair. “Yeah, the sneezes kind of gave that away,” you teased lightly, and Lizzie gave you an unimpressed look as she brung her hand up to rub at her itchy nose.
“Sorry baby,” you murmured apologetically, leaning down to press a kiss against her rather warm forehead. “Are you up some some food? I don’t really want to give you any medicine on an empty stomach.” 
Before Lizzie could even begin to answer you, her breath hitched and she was stifling another sneeze into your chest, “Hitshhiew!” She let out a quiet groan knowing she was in for a long day. 
“Bless you honey.” You pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. “I’ll go get you some fruit or something, okay?” 
Lizzie nodded with wet sniffle, and you made a mental note to also grab her a box of tissues as you climbed out of bed and shrug on a hoodie. 
The cold hit you the second your feet hit the tiled floor on the bottom of the staircase, and you shivered slightly as you head through to the kitchen. After turning on the light and washing your hands, you made quick work of preparing Lizzie some warm oatmeal, topping it with strawberries and blueberries. 
Placing the bowl on a tray along with some cough medicine, Tylenol, a bottle of water and a box of tissues, you made your way back upstairs and nudged the bedroom open with your hip. Lizzie was just as you’d left her, and you couldn’t help but smile at the sight as you set the tray down onto the nightstand. 
“I brought you oatmeal.” You greeted her with a soft smile as you climbed back into bed and held open your arms. 
Lizzie sniffles softly as she curls up against your side, “Yummy.” She murmured, voice sounding full of congestion. 
You pouted softly at the sound as you reached for the oatmeal, scooping out a small spoonful and blowing on it to make sure it wasn’t too hot before holding it to her lips. She accepted it with a soft hum or content, and it told you that whatever illness she had hadn’t yet taken away her ability to taste. 
“Good?” You asked, preparing another spoonful, and Lizzie nodded her head as her lips once again part. She slowly but surely made her way through half of the bowl before lightly pushing it away, and you accepted her silent implication and placed it back down. 
“Alright my love, time for some medicine.”
Lizzie whinged a little, but that only made her cough harshly into her fist, “Okay fine.” She mumbled quietly after she’d finished coughing.
“Good girl, let’s open this up for you.” You smiled, running your hand through her hair then down onto her back before grabbing the bottle of cough medicine and pouring out the appropriate dose.
“Drink this for me sweetheart.” You encouraged her lightly, handing her the small cup which she brought to her lips.
Once she had swallowed the last of the medicine, you took the cup from her and smiled down at the small redhead. "Good job baby, that soothe help your cough a bit. Can you tell me how you feel though, like symptom-wise?”
She nodded, taking a second to grab a tissue to wipe against her runny nose before she began speaking, “My head feels achy and it feels really stuffy in my sinuses. My throat’s sore too and I’m keep feeling like I’m getting chills.”
“Awh, baby,” you pouted sympathetically as she described how she felt, “I think you’ve just caught yourself a head-cold. You do feel warm though, do you feel feverish?”
Lizzie sighed and seemed to think for a moment before quietly mumbling, “A little…”
Placing a tender kiss down to her forehead only confirmed her words, “Poor thing, you definitely feel a like you’re running a temperature. How about I go get a cool cloth for your head? I think we may actually have some of those fever reducing patches somewhere, the ones that go on your head.”
Lizzie sniffled softly, “That’d be nice, thank you.” She murmurs with a smile, and you return it before climbing out of bed with the intention of fetching her a fever reducing patch.
After a few minutes of looking, you find them in the medicine cabinet along with all the other medications, and after grabbing one out of the box, you make your way back into the bedroom.  
“Here you are baby.” You murmur, gently placing it onto her forehead. You even press a soft kiss against the top of it for good measure.
“Thank you.” Lizzie murmurs sleepily as her heavy lids close, and you give her cheek a tender touch before climbing into bed next to her. She almost instinctively curls into your side, and you wrap your arms around her before allowing your own eyes to slip closed too.
Apparently falling asleep next to her and allowing her to breathe all over you wasn’t a good move on your part.  
Because when you finally came to a few hours later, there was a familiar stuffiness growing in your head. Lizzie was still snoozing away against you, her breathing slightly hoarse, and you couldn’t help but smile at the sight. That smile however, was soon wiped from your face when you feel your nose begin to itch.
Oh no...
Thank you so much for reading!! ✨
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Burning up burnout
Pairings: Elizabeth Olsen X Daughter! Reader, Elizabeth Olsen X Sick! Reader
Summary: The biggest part of showing your mom that you’re responsible, is knowing when to stop and rest.
Being Elizabeth Olsen’s daughter is fun. I mean, it’s normal. You were a normal teenager, you went to school, had friends and were a good daughter. You hadn’t demonstrated any interest in acting yet. But your mom wouldn’t pressure you to it. She knew that being in the spotlight since a young age could affect your mental health. Lizzie was supportive of you and just wanted her little girl to be happy. And you just wanted her to be proud of you.
Turning off your alarm, you sighed. You went to sleep earlier yesterday, trying to sleep of a massive headache, but as you woke up you realized that you were feeling worse. Your head and body hurt, your throat was scratchy and you felt so cold. But you didn’t have time to be sick now. There were a billion of assignments that you needed to get done while also preparing for your finals. You also knew that your mom’s schedule was packed, and you didn’t wanted to disturb her job by being sick.
After getting dressed slowly, you went downstairs to have some breakfast with Lizzie. She always loved to have some mother-daughter time before the both of you started your routines.
“Good morning sweetie!” Lizzie called out for you, putting both of your plates on the table.
“Good morning mom.” You answered, trying to sound energetic.
“Did you sleep well?” She asked as you sat down beside her.
Before you could answer, the itchy feeling in your sinuses grew stronger. Prompting you to lean away from her to catch a series of sneezes in your elbow.
“Hhup’tshhiew! Hh’iishiew!”
“Bless you bubs.” She chuckled.
You both finished eating and went to grab your things before leaving. As you were zipping your backpack, your nose decided to make itself known again.
“Hh'ishiew! Hheh'tktoo! Hh-HuhS’CHIEW!” You sniffled slightly afterwards.
“Bless you, are you ok Y/N?” Your mom asked, her brows furrowed together.
“I’m fine mom!” You said, smiling at her.
“Don’t forget to take a hoodie, I don’t want you getting a cold.” She said, walking over to her room to get her car keys.
“Okay!” You answered, running over to your room to grab one of your hoodies.
The car ride to school was silent, usually, you’d love to chat with your mom, but today, your headache would not let you think straight, so you just leaned over the window and closed your eyes.
Lizzie glanced at you worriedly. Maybe you were just tired? She decided to let you relax for now, but she would definitely keep an eye on you.
“Sweetie, we’re here.” Lizzie announced as the car reached your school.
You barely had time to wake up properly when you felt the annoying tickle in your nose.
"Hh..heh'eetshew! Hh-heh’kitshee! whew! sorry about that!! love you mom bye!” You said quickly, not giving Lizzie any space to question about your sneezes.
“Bye baby…” She said as she watched you stifle three more sneezes while entering your school.
Sighing to herself, she followed her way to set. Afterall, you would always call her if you weren’t feeling well, right?
Wrong. When your last class finally ended, you were feverish and had a huge headache from stifling several sneezes throughout the day. You couldn’t wait to finally go to your mom’s trailer and rest for a bit.
There was a slight problem. If your mom saw the state you were in, she would put you to bed rest and you wouldn’t be able to finish your assignments. On top of that, she would also leave work to take care of you, and you knew that she was going to have a busy week. You didn’t wanted to be a burden.
So, instead of going to set to wait for Lizzie on her trailer, you decided to head straight home, sending her a message so she wouldn’t get worried about you for not showing up.
“I’ll give you a dollar for your thoughts.” Scarlett said, noticing the way that her friend was quieter than usual. They were both on the common room, waiting to be called for the next scene.
“It’s nothing.” Lizzie sighed.
“It’s obviously not nothing, i’m not going to push you about it, but I want you to remember that I’m always here for you.” The older woman said, giving a reassuring squeeze on Elizabeth’s hand.
“I’m worried about Y/N, she was a little different this morning and she just texted me saying that she went straight home.” Your mom said, nervously.
“Do you think she’s upset?”
“Not at all, I think she’s getting sick…” Lizzie admitted.
“Did she complained to you about not feeling good?” Scarlett asked.
“No, but she didn’t sound or looked good. She’s so stubborn and won’t rest unless I force her too.”
“Hm, just like someone I know.” Scar said, bumping her shoulder lightly on Lizzie’s
They both giggled for a moment before Scarlett spoke up:
“You know what? we can try and get our scenes done a bit more quickly so you can check on Y/N.”
“Would you help me with this?” Lizzie asked, smiling hopefully at her castmate.
“Of course!! I love Y/N like my own kid! now let’s try and talk to our director.”
“HhheH'tcHIEW!..Hh'ehttschoo!” You sneezed down on a tissue that you managed to quickly pull from the box.
You were halfway through your assignments. But the words on your laptop were blurry, your head was throbbing, and you couldn’t take a deep breath without hearing your lungs crackling.
Honestly, you really wanted to ask for your mom’s help. To feel her warm hug, to hear her soothing voice lulling you to sleep. But no. That would be admitting defeat. That would be selfish. You had to push through it.
Bringing you out of your thoughts, your mom entered your house, hanging her coat next to the door.
“Y/N? I’m home!!” She called out to you.
“Over here!” You called back, using your best “i’m-not-sick” voice.
Walking over to you, she didn’t expect to see you like this. There were several tissues around the table, all of your textbooks, your laptop and your notebooks, she almost couldn’t see you in the middle of that chaos.
“Hehae'ktieew! HHh’kktoo! Ugh ‘scuse me, how was work?” You asked.
“It was okay honey, are you okay?” She asked putting her hand on your forehead.
In your hazy state, you couldn’t escape from it.
“I’m just tired, thats all.”
“Your forehead is abit too warm for my liking, let me take your temperature please.” Lizzie said, walking to the kitchen to get the thermometer.
“No mom, please! I barely feel bad!” You managed to say before entering a painful sounding coughing fit.
“Sweetie, don’t lie to me, sometimes you forget that I made your brain inside my belly.” She said, brushing her hand through your hair. “May I take your temperature now?”
You nodded and she placed the thermometer in your mouth. The device beeped a few moments later and gave her the verdict. “39.1, that means bed rest for you young lady.”
“But mom! I’m just trying to get all this work done! I have no time to rest.” You said, tears filling your eyes as you spoke.
“Y/N, baby, I know you’re a tough girl, I’m really proud of you. But I’m just heartbroken by how sick you got, I want to take care of you.” She said, kissing your temples. “Now let’s get settled.”
After a nice shower, a cup of tea and a dose of NyQuill, you were finally laying in bed with your mother. She was mindlessly scrolling through her phone while you were trying to sleep besides her.
“Heh’xxt! Hih'hnnxgt! Hhxxxnt! H’tsssh! Hu’xxxnt!” You stifled a series of sneezes, prompting your mom to glance at you.
“Bless you sweetheart! you shouldn’t stifle…” Lizzie said while rubbing your back.
“I’m sorry…” You answered with a small voice.
“No baby, don’t apologize, I just don’t want your headache to get worse.”
“Not that, I’m sorry for being sick.” You said, looking at her with glassy eyes.
“Y/N, you don’t ever need to apologize for being sick. I’m your mom and you’re the most important person for me. I’m sorry you’re not feeling good, but I’ll be here with you the whole time.” Your mom reassured you.
“Can you just hold me?” You asked.
“Of course baby.” She said, snuggling closer to you. “For as long as you want me to.”
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wandanatsbaby · 10 months
Fainting and Marriage
Pairing: Elizabeth olsen x Reader (no pronouns are used)
Warnings: fainting, stress
You waited nervously as the phone rang. As it went to voicemail you let out a sigh.
“Hey Liz.. I was just calling to ask where you are. Um I love you bye.” Hanging up you placed your phone back in your purse before looking around sadly. The Wedding prep was almost done. Flowers had been chosen, colors, bridesmaid dresses, and cake had just been decided. You did all this alone as Lizzie had been busy with work and not shown up to any of it.
You shivered a little as the wind blew. Walking towards the car you frowned as your vision started to turn black. All you remember is Scarlett calling out for you before you hit the grass.
“Iare they going to be okay? What Happened!” You heard your fiance's voice as you slowly started to wake.
“Miss Olsen It seems your fiance passed out due to stress and an elevated heart race. they should be okay but we’d like to keep an eye on her for the night.”
You quickly close your eyes again once they are met with the bright light of the hospital.
“Oh Baby!” Lizzie said, relieved as she walked over to you quickly and held your hand. “Are you alright? Are you feeling okay? I'm so sorry I should have been there.” She kept rambling nervously as her hands shook.
“I'm okay. It's alright you had work I understand.” She frowned hearing your words. She hated that she didn’t make time to help you plan for the wedding. It had been her Idea to get married in the first place and she couldn’t even help with preparations.
“I'm sorry I’ve taken work off to help with everything!” You gave her a frown as she said this.
“Liz, all of it is done.” You watched as her eyes saddened and her shoulders slumped.
“Oh…” She looked down as she said this before an idea came to her head and she smiled. “I’d love to see all of it! And ill still stay home to take care of you. I should have never left all of this on you. I should have helped. I'm sorry my love.” Leaning down, she placed a soft kiss on your lips.
“It's okay. I would do it all again if it meant getting to marry you.” You answered her softly. You knew she was truly sorry for not helping. You could tell by the look in her eyes and the way her hands softly shook showing her anxiety of the situation.
About 2 weeks later you stood in front of the love of your life. The Pastor stood behind you both speaking as all your friends and family sat in the audience.
“Do you Elizabeth Olsen, take this person to be your lawfully wedded partner, to live together in matrimony, to love them, comfort them, honor and keep them, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?” She looked into your eyes and with a smile answered.
“I do.”
“ And do you Y/N Y/L/N, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to live together in matrimony, to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?” Looking at Lizzie I took a deep breath.
“I do.”
“Then by the power vested in me I pronounce you newly weds. You may now kiss.” You both leaned and as her lips met yours your eyes closed. This is what you had always dreamed of.
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yelenasdiary · 1 year
hi could you maybe write something about Lizzie being pregnant? and maybe be giving birth to reader and her’s baby girl, maybe at home, (in a tub?) hehe, i dont know if its cringe😅 but kind of chaos, but also fluff😅
New Life
Pairing: Elizabeth Olsen x Reader
Summary: Life is about to change in front of your eyes & you wouldn’t change it for the world.
Tiny Angst | Fluff | Childbirth | 1K |
AC: Thank you for sending this! I hope this was what you were looking for x, enjoy! - I kind of forgot to add the chaos omg!!
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It had been a long 9 months for both you and your wife, Lizzie. 9 months full of excitement, worry, more excitement and the normal stresses that come along with having a baby. During Lizzie's entire pregnancy she wasn't seen by the public world, a few times in the early stages of her pregnancy grabbing some groceries but when Scarlett gave her some advice on how to avoid the paparazzi, the world saw less of the actress. It wasn't a bad thing; it was something you and Lizzie both knew that it would be best that she had as much privacy as she could get during her pregnancy. 
With Lizzie's water breaking just moments before you two were going to have a shower, it was a rush to get the tub ready and luckily for you, the midwife only lived a few blocks away and was over before you knew it. You helped with work through each contraction that came in waves while the midwife checked to see how dilated Lizzie was. 
It hit you suddenly that your world was about to change in a matter of hours, of course this was what you expected but for some reason it really hit you that you were about to become a parent. 
"Something smells amazing!" you smiled as you walked into the kitchen to see Lizzie stirring something in a large pot, Lizzie looked over her shoulder and smiled, "I'm just making some pasta sauce" she replied with a chuckle as you wrapped your arms around her from behind and placed a kiss on her cheek. 
"Still, it smells great" you spoke softly. It was then that it caught your eye that Lizzie didn't have her normal glass of wine half full sitting on the countertop beside the stove. "Let me get you a glass, what are you feeling tonight? Red? White?" you asked before pulling away to get a wine class from the cupboard. 
"About that" Lizzie turned on her heals to face you, "I can't have any for a while" she added. Your eyes shot wide open; a smile tugged at your lips as you came to the realisation of what Lizzie was saying. She nodded as she watched your brain click to the news. 
"We're having a baby?!" you walked over to her and placed your hands softly on her lips, "yes" she replied softly before you crashed your lips onto hers. 
With Lizzie's hand in yours, you used your thumb to gently stroke the top of her hand to help calm her after a contraction. Her head rested against you while you sat behind her. "We forgot to pick up a few things from the baby store" your wife spoke as she looked up at you. 
"It'll be okay, I'll call them later and let them know what's happened" you couldn't help but chuckle, "I think they'd be very understanding and if not then I have no idea why they are a business" you added making Lizzie giggle.
Although Lizzie's pregnancy had its pros, it also had its cons. There were moments of worry and concern as you held her hair back while her morning sickness took its toll, draining her of the little energy she had. If it wasn't morning sickness, it was heart burn and struggling to make herself comfortable as her bump grew bigger. Family gatherings really took a toll on Lizzie, even for an actress who is used to answering the same questions over and over again, having everybody she knew and loved ask her 100 times over things about her pregnancy was different and you were quick to give her a break and answer some of those questions for yourself. 
But with all the cons, the pros always came shining through. Lizzie would boost to you that being pregnant meant she was entitled to the last snack on the plate, the last cookie? Hers. The last banana? Hers. The last slice of cake? Hers. One of her favorite things to do was baby shop, online or instore, she loved it. Although, you liked it better when it was online because she could spend as many hours as she pleased, and your legs wouldn't get sore. 
"Honey!! Look how adorable this little suit is!" Lizzie took the tiny boys suit off the rack and showed you, "it's so tiny!" she added while eyeing off the piece of clothing. Of course, she brought it just in case. You both decided to let the sex of your unborn baby be a surprise and so Lizzie was sure to buy gender neutral, girls and boys items so it wasn't a surprise that she brought the tiny suit. 
"It's adorable" you smiled softly, "it's crazy to think that somebody can be this small!" You added in amazement. 
"I wish our baby could stay tiny forever" Lizzie commented while walking away, her eyes already caught on something else.
As her contractions started to become more intense, you reminded Lizzie she was doing amazing and that was the truth. For her entire pregnancy you have watched her body and mind change and just when you thought she couldn't get any more beautiful, she did. She was truly the most beautiful woman you'd ever laid eyes on. 
"It's time" the midwife looked up at Lizzie who was more than ready to hold her baby. She took one last look at you, "are you ready?" she asked which didn't surprise you, she'd always been the one to make sure you were on top of things and doing things when you were ready, you nodded, "I've never felt more ready" you placed a soft kiss on her lips knowing that the next kiss you'd share with her, your lives would be different.
After what felt like forever, the loud cries of your baby finally entered the room. Lizzie was exhausted but still managed to have the worlds proudest smile on her lips. "Congratulations, it's a girl" the midwife smiled at the two of you before whisking your daughter to be wiped and wrapped before carefully placing her in Lizzie's arms. 
You felt a tear roll down your cheek when you laid eyes on your daughter, everything would be different now and there isn't a single bone in your body that would change that for the world. "She's perfect" you whispered before placing a kiss on Lizzie's cheek, "you're perfect" you added.
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Taglist: @red1culous | @bentleywolf29 | @natasha-belova | @kiwiana145 | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz | @wackymcstupid | @mmmmokdok | @observeowl | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | @wandsmxmff | @apollo2907 | @wandaroman0ff | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @lovelyy-moonlight | @santana1437 | @fluffyblanketgecko | @inluvwithfictionalwomen | @jaymieflorissssssss | @tita001 | @youralphawolf72 | @natashamaximoff69 | @hehehehannahthings | @pandaemonium111 | @blue-serendipityy | @secrettoallofyou | @romantic-slaps-on-the-asss | @marvel-fan-2021 | @mmmmokdok | @riveramorylunar | @ripofflizzie | @scarsw1fe | @toldthatdevil | @itsmv3 | @katiemay-025 | @aphrcdtes | @romanoffs-widow | @maria-403 | @boredandneedfanfics | @wandamaximoffspuppup | @xox-little-troublemaker-xox |  | 
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anyaeras · 2 years
Sugar mommy || E.Olsen
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Pairing : Sugar!mommy Elizabeth Olsen x y/n
Summary : Y/n was hanging out with their friends late Friday night, they may have got a little too tipsy and was convinced to sign up for a sugar mommies website...
Warning : Smut (at the end) They/them pronouns, AFAB!reader ,Top!Lizzie , Bottom!Reader, Blow!Job , dick!riding , Pet!names, Alcohol. Legal!age-gap
Masterlist Part 2
It's been one hell of a week, y/n works hard in their classes while attending NYU, they had to without good grades there was really no point of all of this money and effort they worked so hard for, y/n was far from rich and had to work a lot harder than others to get where they are, yet after a long week of work y/n had no problem going out to relax with some friends.
It's now Friday night, y/n was slipping into a cute comfy outfit, they had received a text from one of the closest friends about an hour ago telling them the plans, which to be honest, it was just a normal Friday University kid night, they didn't plan on clubbing or going out, more so a hangout.
Y/n headed out their door, shutting off the lights in their tiny New York apartment before heading to the dorms on campus to meet up with their friend group.
"Hey guys" y/n made their presence known barging into their friends dorm being met with a few of their friends already there getting a movie ready along with some drinks, most likely for another drinking game.
"Hey y/n" Zack yelled from the living space as he sat down the drinks, they met during and English lecture earlier this year, and since then they just have gotten closer, Zack is the kind of friend that fits the "gay best friend" stereotype, but he rolls with it.
"So movie and drinking game again?" Y/n asked knowingly getting a "of course" from Zack as the others piled into the living space, everyone took their spots, obviously, the couples in the group got "ohhh and Eww" from the others as they tried acting cute, while the single friends all got comfortable on their own.
"so we are going to watch, a stupidly, cheesy romance movie, so if you cringe you take a shot, if you laugh you take a shot, if there's a dramatic, love scene, we all take a shot, and if you laugh you take two shots" Zack explained knowing the last one was completely targeted at Y/n, as y/n could laugh at anything. Plus everyone enjoyed tipsy y/n, even y/n enjoyed themself tipsy.
As the movie went on around 3/4 of the way threw they all stopped watching, more so getting into deep conversations with each other, yet what made it better was they were all tipsy and have had a bit to much to drink.
"Y/n of your so sick of working at that cafe why don't you get like a sugar mommy" Zack blurted out more so as a joke, not expecting y/n to give any thought about it.
"You think they have an app for that?" Y/n responded, thinking aloud before checking their phones App Store.
"Fuck- they do"
With that y/n still tipsy as ever downloaded the app, showing it to the group, causing an uprise in laughter from their friends at this silly behavior, but it didn't stop them. Going threw the click signing up process, and creating a profile with some of their better photos they laughed at themself scrolling on the app, showing profiles to their friends, absolutely oblivious to the fact that they accidentally clicked accept on somebody's profile...
The group started to clear out yet y/n stayed the night, being the only one who didn't live in that dorm building already. They chose to spend the night on Zack's couch, which Zack obviously didn't mind as his roommate was out of town.
(The next day)
Waking up y/n was going straight for the pain killers, the drinks they had last night are definitely hitting them this morning.
Looking on their phone y/n noticed a sticky note, placed on top of it with a message from Zack saying they had went out to meet with a family member for brunch.
Going with it, and moving on y/n grabbed their phone seeing a notification from a sugar mommy's app...that's when last nights events came flooding back.
"What the fuck" y/n butter to them self as they open the app to see a notification and a message from someone named Lizzie, their profile is a bit more private than others, but it was still verified and didn't seem extremely sketchy. It was a simple greeting which y/n made the decision to respond with their own greeting back.
The conversation continued between the two of them, and they agreed to meet at a nearby coffeehouse downtown, it was public, so y/n definitely felt safer with the idea yet they definitely need to head back to their apartment and get ready, I mean, if you're going to meet a sugar mommy you should at least look nice.
Getting dressed, and doing their hair wad when nerves were starting to get to y/n thinking about what the worst that could happened, what came to their mind wasn't about meeting a stranger. It was the idea of rejection. Trying to shake off those ideas y/n slipped on some cute dunks which completely match their outfit before heading towards the coffeehouse in town. Not before sending Zack a sarcastic goodbye message like something awful was about to happen.
Walking into the coffeehouse y/n was a bit early sitting down at a table more secluded in the corner scrolling on their phone for a few moments, it wasn't until a women about 5'8 dirty blonde hair sat down across from them did they look up.
"You must be y/n" The women y/n was meeting with stated, getting a nod from the younger one.
"You must be Lizzie" y/n responded feeling shy now by the older women's appearance, she was dressed nice and definitely held herself strong and confidently.
"Yes I am darling, so tell me about yourself" she asked
"Well I'm a student at NYU, I'm single and I'm a hard worker" y/n responded, starting to feel like this is more of an interview than anything.
"I like that, obviously we're here for a reason, I like having a sugar baby, I like having someone I can spoil and make my own" Lizzie got straight to the point, definitely catching y/n off guard for a moment as they regain their thoughts.
"Oh..yes I'm a college student and honestly I signed up for this because me and my friends were being stupid and made jokes but when I saw your profile, I honestly was deeply interested and now we're here" y/n rambled out getting a laugh from the other person there with them.
"Y/n, I'd like to really get to know you, along with helping you out. Your profile, and your personality right now, match exactly what I'm looking for" Lizzie explains as she pulled a contract out from her purse.
"Due to my line of work we have a privacy contract, of course I'll let you read it over, but y/n I really like you, and really hope you will agree to be my sugar baby" Lizzie explained letting y/n have the contract read over.
"My personal number is on the contract. Feel free to message me whenever you'd like or if you need anything, I'd really like to get closer with you" Lizzie said as a goodbye, not leaving room for y/n to say much, as she got up leaving the information with the younger girl.
Y/n packed up their items and took the contract back to their dorm, sitting down on their bed going over it, honestly they were ready to sign they had nothing to lose, but they wanted to have some fun first, texting Lizzie using the number on contract.
"I've read the contract, I'm wondering what you really want with me" y/n was feeling blood sending this message setting their phone down next to them, not expecting Lizzie to answer so fast.
"I won't someone to be mine, we'd be exclusive in a semi-romantic relationship, do you understand? Was the older women's reply. It was straightforward which was becoming common for the strange women.
Y/n wasn't fully sure what they were signing up for, but that picked up a pen and signed the contract sending a photo of it to Lizzie, more so excited to see if the women would give y/n the satisfaction of a reaction.
"So eager are you" was all Elizabeth responded with.
"Only for you" y/n flirted back getting a demanding message back from Elizabeth, asking for the younger ones cash app, sending y/n some pocket money, well $10,000....
The amount caused a Yelp from y/n, they've never received that much money. Y/n knew they were signing up to be a sugar baby, but they didn't expect it to come this soon.
Y/n texted a thank you to Lizzie getting a "you can pay me back" and a winking emoji from the other one, it took a moment for y/n to realize what Lizzie meant, sending a dumb emoji to reply.
Y/n honestly didn't realize how much they wanted this women, her validation was new for y/n. Which it was odd yet it was now 8pm and y/n sent the message to Lizzie
"Come over" the short message was enough for Lizzie to ask for the address having her personal driver take the women to y/n's off campus student apartment. It was much smaller then Lizzie was used to, but Lizzie wanted to see this girl, she was falling for this young college student ready to make y/n her own.
Waking into the apartment, y/n opened the door for Lizzie, yet she was right on it, Lizzie flipped y/n around pinning them to their own door.
"Did you mean it, you signed the contract?" Lizzie asked, and when she got a nod from y/n Lizzie went straight to kissing the younger one. Holding y/n in the kiss till they both were gasping for air.
"I've wanted you sense I saw your profile baby" Lizzie said almost in a whisper to y/n, pulling y/n to the couch in the center of the living space, sitting down both of them were now facing each other.
"Y/n im not sure if you know who I am, I want you I really do, and now you've signed the privacy contract, I want us to continue a sugar mommy relationship, do you understand that, I need your consent and your cooperation" Lizzie said being completely serious with y/n
"Lizzie, I don't care about all that, I want you, your personality is enough to have anyone on their knees for you oh my and don't get me started on that a-" y/n was cut off by lizzie attacking their lips pushing them onto their back now laying on the sofa. Lizzie moved down keeping her control as she left marks on y/n's neck, Lizzie's hands moved under y/n's shirt making sure to check if everything was alright was y/n. Seeing y/n quickly removing her clothes caused Lizzie to smile, seeing y/n all submissive and ready for her was definitely a turn on.
"Y/n im here to help you, in more then just financial ways, I'm gonna help you let go is that okay honey" Lizzie asked bringing her hand up to cup y/n's cheek rubbing her thumb on their face a way of reassurance
Lizzie sat down pulling y/n on top of her as y/n sat down they felt the bulge under Lizzie's nice pants, cause a light whine to fall from y/n's lips.
"Do you think you could take mommy's cock" lizzie asked softly in y/n's ear watching as y/n responded with rapid nods, being ever so eager for the older women.
Lizzie let her hands roam over y/n stripped body reaching in between her folds collecting the younger girls juices, realizing how needy y/n really was. Lizzie patted y/n's thigh to prompt them to stand up, as the women took her turn stripping down to only her lacy bra and the strap she was packing.
"Come here baby" Lizzie guided y/n to slowly sit down on her decent sized cock, letting the smaller one adjust to the size.
"Look at you so good for me, why don't you give me a show princess" Lizzie praised prompting y/n to ride her cock, and that just what y/n did slowly the college student rose up before pushing themself back down on the fake dick, causing a high pitched moan to slip from their lips. Lizzie started to reach out putting her hands on y/n's hip as she met their trust half way, y/n was screaming out moans as the trust got harder, the sound of sex filled the room, lizzie in attempt to bring y/n closer to their climax she started to suck on the younger ones sweet spot, y/n's reaction made Lizzie moan as y/n jolted backing the other part of the strap to hit Lizzie's clit just right now giving the older women more  pleasure.
"Fuck y/n you're doing so good for me, you can let go" Lizzie encouraged as she watched y/n getting closer, their bounces we're getting more sloppy and their moans were more squeaky and like that Y/n had reached their orgasm, as they came hard around Lizzie's cock.
"I-I made a mess" Was the firsts thing y/n pointed out, which gave the older women an idea.
"Clean it up then" lizzie said pulling y/n slowly from the cock as y/n was sensitive still from their orgasm, not giving y/n much time as She pushed them down to their knees in front of herself, wrapping her hand into y/n's now messy hair pushing their mouth down on the cock which was still laced in y/n's cum, watching y/n's head bob on the dick was everything to Lizzie, as the pushes rubbed on her own clit making her moan loudly.
The older women now chasing her own climax was pushing y/n down roughly, watching as tears fell from y/n's face, lizzie reached down with her free hand to pull on y/n's tits a bit, just to pull a vibrating moan from the younger one, yet as y/n continued Lizzie kept getting closer finally snapping as she came herself with a loud groan.
After a moment, lizzie released her hold on y/n standing up to discard the strap she was wearing before laying back on the sofa, pulling y/n into her lap keeping the college student close to her.
"I think this arrangement will work out just fine" Lizzie muttered as she watched y/n slowly drifting off.
A/N - it seems the reader doesn't really know who Lizzie is yet, i'm quite excited to take the story into more depth.
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gingiesworld · 1 year
Hi!! I have a request for a fic in the future if you want to do it. Yn is an actor, same age that Mk and Ashley. He started acting at a very young age and the Olsen twins were like the only competition he had. When the directors casted the twins and yn, he didn't know It was gonna be like hell. They were mean to him and they tried everything to be more famous than him. Years later Yn was casted as( i don't know, Vision or another one) and he met his new costar, everything in his past came back, and he was mean to her for her sisters.
Sorry, too long I think but I have this idea I think you would do a great job if you want to do it.
Wow. This is my first ever request on Tumblr. Thank you so much nonnie for thinking of me. I hope I did a good job buddy
Why Do You Hate Me
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Elizabeth Olsen x Male Reader
Warnings: Angst. Fluff.
Y/N Y/L/N was known for his earlier roles when he was a child, especially the roles he played in the movies he starred alongside the Olsen twins. Y/N was a timid boy and just wanted to be successful, but the twins made everything a competition. Deliberately making him screw up his lines. Tripping him up whenever they had the chance, or just being plain old mean to him by saying he sucks. He won't survive in the industry.
Although, that only encouraged him to do better in his career. Landing some major roles, especially joining the MCU as Vision. Although, the moment he met one of his co-stars, everything that he thought he had forgotten had come back to him.
"Hi, I'm Elizabeth Olsen, but you can call me Lizzie." She held her hand out for him to shake.
"Hi, Elizabeth, I'm Y/N Y/L/N." He spoke coldly, shaking her hand as he looked into her eyes. Seeing how much she looked like her sisters. His blood boiling at the memories.
As the time went on, his coldness towards Lizzie started to infuriate the woman. Especially when they started to film Civil War, having more scenes together. It wasn't until during the airport scene, one of the wires that held Y/N up as he flew, snapped. Halting the shoot as he collided with the floor. Groaning in pain.
"Are you ok?" Lizzie asked him as he just glared at her, moving away from her touch.
"Don't touch me." He snarled at her.
"I'm just concerned Y/N." She told him.
"Well don't be." He snarled as he sat up as Joe came running to him.
"Are you ok Y/N." Lizzie noticed how he didn't fight when Joe rested his hand on Y/N's good shoulder, deciding to get up and leave.
"I think it's dislocated." He told him as Joe signalled for the medics.
"We'll get you sorted out buddy." He told him with a smile as he helped Y/N to his feet. "We're done for the day guys. Thank you."
Lizzie was starting to get sick of how Y/N was treating her. How he would exclude her from every one of his conversation. Scolding her everytime she forgot a line, so she had done a stupid thing, she decided to get drunk. Only then she had the courage to confront Y/N. She marched to his hotel room, banging on his door.
"Elizabeth." He spoke quizzically, his arm in a sling.
"I need to talk to you." She slurred as she poked his chest, pushing passed him inside.
"Listen, I am tired and I don't care for this conversation." He told her as he gestured to the door.
"Why do you hate me?" She asked him shakily. He watched as tears formed in her eyes.
"I don't." He told her, guiding her to his bed. "You need to sleep and we can talk about this another day." He lay her down, helping take off her shoes before he grabbed her a bottle of water. "Drink this and sleep." He told her, getting up to get the trash can before he went to the sofa. Laying down himself.
"I don't understand." Lizzie mumbled sleepily.
"Maybe when your sober we can have that conversation." He told her softly, closing his eyes as he felt a heavy guilt weighing on his shoulders. He had made her feel how her sisters made him feel when they were younger. That wasn't who he was, who he should be. He was always kind and gentle, caring and selfless, but he has been the complete opposite to someone who could be his best friend. He turned his head in her direction, hearing her snores as she slept. "I'm sorry." He whispered before he tried to sleep himself.
As the next morning came around, Lizzie stirred awake. Remembering the events of last night, groaning as she sat up. Shocked to see Y/N enter the room with a paper bag and some water.
"Here, take these and then eat." He told her before he retreated back to the sofa. As the two ate in silence, he decided to break it. "I don't hate you."
"What?" Lizzie questioned, she could see how he had been kicking himself.
"I'm not sure if you remember me from working on those project with your sisters when we were kids." He told her as she looked closer at him. "They made my life hell whenever we were on set. They would make me screw up my lines and tell me I was worthless. I wouldn't make it in the industry. All sorts of things like that. I honestly thought about quitting when they said that I was too fat for the job, but then I used their slurs and used them. I forced myself into the gym everyday, I cut out fast food and somedays I actually forgot to eat because of it." He sighed as he sat back, his gaze never faltering from Lizzie's. "I'm sorry that I took it out on you, but when you told me your name, it brought everything back."
"Y/N." Lizzie tried as he just shook his head no.
"I'm sorry Lizzie." He whispered. "I made you feel how they made me feel and I was wrong to do that."
"Hey." She got up and sat beside him. "We can start a fresh if you want. Be friends?" She asked him as he just smiled at her, nodding.
"I would like that." He whispered as she smiled widely.
"Good." She smirked. "Well, since you are now the reason none of us have work until you're healed, let's have some fun."
As the weeks turned into months, both of them became closer. Best friends even. But that wasn't entirely something that Y/N ever saw happening, especially since they lived so close to each other. They would spend time in each others houses, watching movies or cooking together.
Over time, Y/N had realised that he has developed feelings for her. Unsure of how to pursue things, unsure if she even feels the same way. So, it wasn't until the cast decided to have a small get together, and Robert's idea to do 7 minutes in heaven.
"You don't have to kiss in the closet, you could just tell each other your deepest secrets since some of us are in happy relationships." He stated, placing the bottle on the table, spinning it and it landed on Scarlett. As the game went on, it was Lizzie's turn, as she spun it, it landed in between Y/N and Evans.
"I've already been." Chris smirked as he nudged Y/N's shoulder. Y/N nodded shyly as he stood up, following behind Lizzie and Robert.
"Remember, seven minutes guys." He told them before he closed the door on them. The closet was only illuminated by a dull light as the two were practically stood toe to toe.
"So." Y/N started shyly.
"We can kiss or you can tell me your deepest secret." She smirked as he choked on air. "One that no on knows."
"I feel like either way, you will find out a secret." He snickered shyly.
"So which is it?" She asked as she stepped closer. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before cupping her cheek. Gazing into her eyes.
"This is going to change a lot Elizabeth." He whispered as he leaned closer. Lizzie's breath was quickening at feel of his breath on her face. The smell of alcohol and cigarettes on his breath.
"I don't care." She whispered before he closed the gap. Kissing her with urgency, she gripped onto his collar before her hands went to his neck. His to her hips as he pushed her against the opposite wall. Her leg wrapping around his waist as their tongues danced together. His hand moving up her thigh to her ass, squeezing it and causing her to grind against his crotch. The two moaning and panting as he moved his kisses to her neck, sucking and biting softly as she continued to grind.
"Time's up!" They heard Robert bang on the door. The two pulled apart with dialated pupils before fixing themselves. Making sure they don't look like they were about to have sex in their friend's closet.
Lizzie grabbed Y/N's hand as she left the closet. Pushing him to sit down before getting on his lap. Smirking as the two continued the evening with their friends. Anticipating what the future has in store for the two.
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togrowoldinv · 2 years
Happily Ever After
Elizabeth Olsen x Female Reader
Your child calls Lizzie ‘mama’ for the first time
Note: idk I just got this random idea lol. It’s cute stuff! Enjoy!
Elizabeth Olsen Masterlist, Main Masterlist
Dating Elizabeth is your absolute best dream come true. She’s beautiful, she’s kind, she’s patient, and she loves you with her whole heart.
When you first met her, you knew she was perfect for you. And after a few months of dating you introduced her to your son.
She extended her love to your son immediately and the three of you have so much fun together. Elizabeth loves that his name is her middle name. A funny coincidence. They’re like two peas in a pod, you often joke, and they give you a run for your money.
The guest room at Lizzie’s house quickly became little Chase’s room. And recently, Lizzie had let him decide how he wanted to decorate it. Superheroes and baseball were his choices, and you weren’t at all surprised.
When you got a call in the middle of work today that your son was sick at school, you immediately panicked. You were dealing with a major client and couldn’t leave due to your job depending on it.
You called Lizzie and she jumped into action. Quickly, she got him from school and assured you that he was okay. Even sending you a video of him playing in his new room.
You find the two of them together in the kitchen when you finally get home from work.
“Hey baby!” Lizzie greets you with a kiss.
“Hey, there’s my two favorite people. How are you feeling, buddy?” You squat down and ask your son.
“Better!” He says. “Look we made cookies!” He points exaggeratedly to the counter.
“Wow! Awesome job! Those look delicious!” You tell him, dropping a kiss to his forehead before standing up again.
“He was good as soon as he got into the car,” Lizzie explains.
“Thank goodness.”
You move around the kitchen and grab a drink from the fridge as Lizzie opens up the oven to get dinner out.
“Hey Chase, will you go wash up for dinner please?” Lizzie asks your son.
“Okay Mama,” he says casually as he runs off.
“Thank you, sweetheart,” she says and then she realizes what he said.
Lizzie stops in her tracks and so do you.
“Did he just?”
“He did, babe. He called you mama,” you say with a smile. Lizzie looks at you and tears start to form in her eyes.
“Is that- it’s okay if he calls me that?” She asks shyly.
You walk closer to her and take her hands in yours. A soft brush of your thumbs against her knuckles makes her chest warm with affection.
“Of course, my love. I do intend on marrying you, so I’m okay with it. Are you ready for him to call you that?”
“Yeah, it felt really good. Natural even,” Lizzie says.
“It definitely made my heart swell to hear you two interact like that,” you tell her.
She leans in and kisses you gently, but long enough that Chase comes back into the room shouting an ‘ew’ at your public show of affection.
You two laugh and bring your son in for a group hug. Chase stays in Lizzie’s arms as you plate dinner for everyone.
And you love the view of your happily ever after.
Tag List: @gracebutnotgraceful @i-wished-for-you-too @be-missed @likefirenrain @mythosphere-x @hehehehannahthings @madamevirgo @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @yelenabelovaisthebettersister @mrswidowjohansson @alotofpockets @marvelwomen-simp @maia-lightwoood @mortallytremendoussandwich @xxromanoffxx @ggrangerdanger @peanutbutterprincess @picnicmic @wandaslittlewhore @when-wolves-howl @inluvwithfictionalwomen @fxckmiup @marie45019 @sammi1642 @jujuu23 @the-night-owl-blr @musicinourlips @strangegardentaco @avatarsnips @natashasilverfox @imthenatynat @red1culous @olsensnpm @harleysincairo @lovelyy-moonlight @rootbeerfaygo @carnagewidow @wandasbb @btay3115 @lenam07 @randomwriter1021 @wandsmxmff @itbeila @shin-conan-kun @notbornbutforged @makegoodchoices @theprinceofmarvel @blue-serendipityy @bookfrog242 @dopeyouth
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Note: all fics are for Sick / injured Fem!reader (expect series which have it but not the whole time there is no smut in any of this they are just sicfics and series.
*A = angst || F = Fluff || SF = Sic Fic || W = Whump || PF = Period Fic I| VW = Vomit Warning
** Request || Sictember || Prompt
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Coming soon
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Scarlett x Lizzie x Reader
Late night’s studying || 3.2K || A / F / SF / W || Platonic!Reader
Reader has been pushing herself a little too much and it finally comes back to bite her.
Stressed and sick on set || 2.9K || F / SF / W / VW || platonic!reader
Reader gets a migraine on set and hides it from everyone. scarlett, Lizzie and the Olsen twins help you out.
Off day or day off || 2.1K || F / SF / W || platonic!reader
Reader is struggling with chronic illness and is having a bad day. Luckily Scarlett and Lizzie are there to help.
Off day or day off part 2 || 1.0K || F / SF / W || platonic!reader
Reader wakes up after a short nap still feeling bad but Lizzie and Scarlett take care of her.
Lizzie x Reader
Coming soon
Scarlett x Reader
Coming soon
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sere-rine · 2 years
Elizabeth Olsen x Fem Reader.
A/N: This story is originally written from my wattpad account. This is from my Middle-aged actresses oneshot imagines. (I added the link if you wanna check it out)
Warnings: Angst but with Fluff ending. {GIFS NOT MINE}
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Y/n's POV
"Y/n! You'll do great." My PA says to me before I go up on stage. I thanked her and proceed to face the thousand crowds who is here to listen to my music live and support me.
I've been dreaming for this concert since i was 14. Now that i'm 26, it's happening.
With a big smile i started my first song and the second and the third until halfway through my fourth song I started to walk around the stage. I can somewhat see the people on the front row. I'm trying to hold their hands and making them sing some parts.
One person caught my eye. There are a lot of people i'm expecting but not her. She is watching me intently and luckily I didn't mess up my song. I finished it and gone back to the center of stage.
I talked to the crowd and thank god their not yet sick of me.
"This next song is very special to me. This was not supposed to be a part of the album but then 'things' happened and this song was born. This is for the person that I loved the most, until now!"
I breathlessly said to the crowd while fixing my guitar. I found her again and now I don't know if she gets it but yes, this song is for her.
'Line Without A Hook'
By: Ricky Montgomery
(Changed some of the lyrics, i copied it from tiktok so credits to the one who changed it)
~I don't really give a damn about the way you touch me
When we're alone
You can hold my hand
If no one's home~
"Liz are you still afraid?"
"Y/n what you're asking is easier said than done!"
"Why? Why is it so hard for you to tell the people that you love me? It's been two years Liz."
"Y/n I want privacy, I want our relationship to be private."
~Do you like it when I'm away?
If I went and hurt my body, baby
Would you love me the same?
I can feel all my bones coming back
And I'm craving motion~
"The relationship we have right now is a Secret Relationship, not a private one. You are hiding me from the world! You are hiding your love to me from the eyes of everyone!"
"Is what I'm doing is not enough?"
"You are enough! You will never be not enough, but I want to hold your hand when we're outside, kiss you whenever I want! And I want the world to know that I am Elizabeth Olsen's."
~Mama never really learns how to live by herself
It's a curse
And it's growing
You're a pond and I'm an ocean~
"Liz, just tell me the truth please. Do you even love me?"
"What are you saying? Ofcourse I love you! I love you more than anything?"
"Then tell me why? Just tell me your fucking reason, damn this!"
~Oh, all my emotions
Feel like explosions when you are around
And I've found a way to kill the sounds, oh~
"I'm afraid! Alright I Am Scared! Y/n I'm afraid of what would my parents will think of me! Of what would the world will think of me!"
"There it is! Is that it? Is that your only reason?"
"You love me Lizzie, and I don't doubt that. But you don't love me more than your fear."
"Liz, tell me. When are you going to be not afraid of the world? Do you want me to wait for you until you're ready? If you want me to wait... Then tell me until when am I going to wait?"
~Darling, when I'm fast asleep
I've seen this person watching me
Saying, "Is it worth it? Is it worth it? Tell me, is it worth it?"~
"Y/n I LOVE YOU with all my heart and soul but please, don't hurt yourself for someone just like me. My parents arranged me a marriage, I'll be marrying him next month."
"Yes, a Him. Go, I'm letting you go, find someone who can love you openly and is not afraid of the world!"
~Guess there is something, and there is nothing
There is nothing in between
And in my eyes, there is a tiny dancer
Watching over me~
"I Love You Liz! And just so you know? I'm still willing to wait for you! I hope that he loves you more than I love you."
~I'm singing
"She's a, she's a lady, and I am not a boy"
I'm singing, "She's a, she's a lady, and I am just a line without a hook~
I didn't notice the tears in my eyes while I'm reminiscing and singing now. The pain, disappointment, and the wish that i have. Oh, how I wish to be a man for her to love me freely. I didn't once doubt her love for me, but I know from the start, that her fear? Her fear is the one that will break us. Am i wrong?
I am so so jealous on the privileges that a straight couple have. Sometimes I think i'm on a wrong body. But no, I love being a female! I love that i can wear dresses and suits, i love being a feminine. Besides that is the reason she fell inlove with me in the first place.
Come to think of it, will she notice me if I am a male?
I was about to finish the song when she climbed up on the stage. The guards are running after her while she's running into my direction.
I'm shocked, what is she doing? My song was interrupted when she just hugged me out of nowhere. The guards are about to pull her away from me but I hugged her tight and I shoved the guards away.
The warm that her hugs can give me is so out of this world. I missed her presence, her smell, the feeling of her body on mine. The familiarity that she brings me is so divine!
She pulled away and faced me. Her green orbs is still as hypnotising as ever. Though it's full of tears, she still has the most beautiful eyes in the universe.
"Y/n I'm sorry, please forgive me, I love you and I love you more than anything, please can you forgive me? Give me one last chance to make it up to you!"
Our hands are on each other's cheeks and we're both looking intently on each other's eyes. I wiped her tears with my thumb and nod!
"Ofcourse, I told you, I'll wait for you."
She smiled and crashed her lips into mine but I pulled away remembering something.
"But Lizzie, the crowd? And we are live world wide!"
Her eyebrows cocked and if she is an animation, her eyes right now will be on fire.
"Fuck . Them . and . Just . Kiss . Me!"
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wndaswife · 2 years
i’m the same age as you and i have read a lot of rpfs up til now. but now I have to agree with the anon who messaged about real person fics.
i read your long reply to them & it really is just excuses that we make to carry on posting/reading rpfs. because it doesn’t matter that it’s “fiction”, i realise now it’s really gross to be posting smut about actual real people.
that anon had a point. how would you feel if strangers online posted stories about people having sex with you? or about sexual things happening to you? or dark!fics like murder or rape? or if a stranger was posting fics about a friend of yours? because i know i’d feel awful if someone was writing adult stuff about me or a friend.
we don’t know lizzie’s private life experiences so we don’t know if she has any triggers or if she’s ever been sexually assaulted or she’s had bad experiences with any of the adult situations that you write her in.
you’re now just choosing to be ignorant and disrespectful and selfish because getting likes on your fics is more important than respecting a real person who you’re meant to be a fan of.
and yes, posting smut stories about her without her consent is just as bad as taking photos of her without her consent like paparazzi or journalists writing lies about her and her family.
it’s about consent and respect. as a reader i realize that now. you don’t have her consent to post sexual stories written about her, and you know she would never give consent for strangers online to write sexual stories about her as a real person if asked for it.
aaaahhmm idk if us being the same age matters or anything like that but.. irregardless
u are being so weird for saying im trying to make excuses for likes and followers like mf who do you think i am 😭😭 this is a tumblr blog it’s not some hollywood pr stunt like i really write fics in my rented place on a couch in my living room like what do u think im doing this for.. it’s rly not all as serious as ur saying it is like im a blog on tumblr, “ur doing this for likes and follows” please check urself
that’s such a bizarre thing to say.. me writing a total of 3k words about a fictional version of lizzie with a character that doesn’t exist is the same as spreading rumours about her sisters including an eating disorder, stealing the olsen twins’ childhood and making websites counting down the seconds until they turn 18, bombarding their cars in public, following them home, sexualizing lizzie's sa scene in martha marcy may marlene, following them to private vacations, leaking photos of her from her icloud?? idk if u know how delusional you sound right now because if anything u are being so incredibly disrespectful and disgusting trying to compare some dehumanizing shit like that to tumblr fanfiction that's actually a little revolting.. those experiences that their entire family was and still is subjected to is NOT something u can say is as bad as 3k words on tumblr for lizzie x reader fanfiction like ur actually sick for saying something so ignorant that
u seem like you’re projecting because u just got out of your rpf phase and ur feeling a little guilty about it but that’s just my two cents !
im sorry to say this but after you're done feeling good about yourself for sending this because no one else is gonna do it for u lol you can unfollow me or block me or whatever, better yet u can even report the three (3) lizzie fics i've written on here (i'll even give you masterlist link so you can find them)
thank u for this spiel im glad u could get these terribly frustrating little thoughts off your chest
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goldenempyrean · 2 years
Come On, Sniffles
❥ Valentines Drabbles: Day 2
❥ Pairing: Sick Lizzie x Reader
❥ Wordcount: 550
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚:
“Come on sniffles, let’s get you into bed.” You purred as you unlocked the door to your apartment, holding the door open for Lizzie to enter first, “here, let me help you with that.”
You said as you took Lizzie's jacket and hung it up on one of the nearby hooks and she murmured a hoarse "thank you” in response. It was safe to say that your night had unfolded a little differently than expected. It was initially planned that you and Lizzie would enjoy a nice dinner at a neighbourhood restaurant and visit a few bars before turning in for the night. Overall, it was supposed to be a pretty enjoyable evening. The only less than enjoyable aspect was that it appeared Lizzie was getting sick. She'd tried desperately to sit through the meal, not wanting your plans to be ruined, but it was difficult to keep her secret when she was sniffling practically every other second and her 'discreet' trips to the bathroom to go and blow her nose weren't very discreet at all.
“I'm sorry that we had to come home early.” Lizzie mumbled as you guided her inside and down the hall, to the bedroom. Her cheeks are flushed with the fever which is clearly running through her.
“No, no, don’t you worry about that sweetheart,” you said reassuringly as you ran your hand down her back, biting your lip nervously seeing the shiver it sent through her, “you don’t need to apologise for anything, you aren’t feeling well and that’s okay. A long night out wouldn’t be good for you sweetie, at least this way we can cuddle up and I can take care of you a little bit.”
You heard Lizzie give a quiet sigh of relief as she sat down onto the bed, running a finger down the around her nose as she blinks back tears of relief and gratitude, “I love you so much right now, I really appreciate you giving up your night to take care of me.”
“Sweetie, I'm not ‘giving up my night’, I want to be here to take care of you, all I care about is making you feel better, and I can do that by showering you with lots of love while you rest in bed, then so be it. I want to be right here with you.”
Lizzie's heart skips a beat. Despite her current physical predicament, she could feel her face and ears darken with a blush. That was the sweetest thing she'd heard all year. This was all a shock, but not an unpleasant one. She hadn't ever felt so taken care of before and that warm feeling of comfort only increased when you reached down into her drawers and pulled out her favourite pair of soft pyjamas.
As you finished helping her change, you made sure Lizzie is snuggly wrapped up before climbing into bed beside her, reaching out so you could run your hand through her hair, gently massaging her scalp in the way you knew she liked.
"That so feels amazing… but could you maybe cuddle me?" Her now slightly husky voice asked, her eyes looking deep into your own as you settle down beneath the covers.
“Of course I can.”
〖 Join My Taglist! 〗 @scrambled-brain-eggs @natashamyl0ve @shin-conan-kun @bloomingflowersthings @kathleenmikaelson @shamelessbearunknown @inluvwithfictionalwomen @ceistiaie @fluffyblanketgecko
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riveramorylunar · 2 years
Three Is Better Than One 
Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x Reader,
Scarlet Witch x Reader, Elizabeth Olsen x Reader, Wanda Maximoff x Reader x Scarlet Witch x Elizabeth Olsen
Warnings⚠️: Fighting, Blood, Cuts/Bruises, Crying & Fluff
Pet names/Nicknames: Lizzie, Wands, Scar, Sweetheart, Darling & Our Precious Girl
Word Count: 3,259
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"Y/N Y/N are you going to the theater to watch the new Doctor Strange movie" I heard my friend say as we left the school. "No I'm going to watch it at home you know how I am whenever I see Elizabeth Olsen on screen" I said and he laughed. "You'd literally be on your knees for her" he said slinging an arm over my shoulder. "And you'd be on your knees for any man that plays in the MCU movies" I said and I saw his face flush. I laughed and he shoved me away before huffing. "I hate you so much" he said and I smirked. "Love you too bestie" I said before hugging him.
After saying goodbye we went different directions even though we lived next to each other. He was going to go watch Ironman in the movie theater even though he's watched it like a thousand times already.
I walked into my house and threw my bag down on the ground. I walked into the living room and grabbed the remote before turning the TV on. I went onto Disney plus and clicked on Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of madness. I paused it before going into my kitchen and started getting food out to make dinner.
After making my food I walked back into the living room after grabbing a drink. I sat my drink down on my coffee table before sitting down on my couch. I grabbed the remote and hit play on the movie. I dug into my food as I started watching the movie. After finishing my food I set the plate down on the coffee table before curling up into my black & red plaid blanket. About halfway through the movie my eyes started to close. I tried to sit up to keep myself awake but it felt like something was weighing me down. I rolled onto my stomach as I felt a hint of warmth surrounding my body. I closed my eyes and soon I fell asleep not knowing that there were three figures standing behind me smiling softly.
I woke up to the sound of soft music playing and the smell of bacon making me really confused. I opened my eyes and looked around to see i was still in my living room but it had unlit candles on the coffee table and red roses as well. I slowly sat up and looked around to see everything was different. "W-what's going on" I whispered out as I was about to stroke my hand through my hair. I realized it was in a French braid making me even more confused. "Morning darling" I jumped when I heard someone's voice. I looked over towards the kitchen and my eyes widened in shock. "No fucking way Elizabeth fucking Olsen is in my house" I shouted and she raised her eyebrow. "Are you feeling okay darling" she said and I frowned.
"H-how" I said as I looked up at her. She tilted her head as she put the back of her hand on my forehead. "H-how are you here" I said and she frowned before kneeling down in front of me. "What do you mean by how, are you feeling okay are you sick or something" she asked and I shoved her away before scooting back. "I must be dreaming this can't be real" I said. "Y/N" she said and I shook my head no before standing up and backing away. "This is just some kind of dream" I said and yelped when I tripped over my blanket that was still wrapped around me. I felt arms catch me and I looked up. I pulled away from the figure as I stared in shock.
"This can't be real you're not real you're a fictional character" I said staring at the woman who was in front of me. Wanda fucking Maximoff was standing in front of me. I watched as she looked away before fiddling with her rings that were on her fingers. I shook my head before walking back and collapsing onto the couch. "This can't be real I have to be dreaming" I said as tears started falling down my face. I heard the kitchen door open and I looked up to see the one and only Scarlet Witch walk out. "What's tak-" she stopped herself and froze in place. She looked at Wanda who was still looking away and then at me before looking at Elizabeth.
She appeared in front of me making me scoot back on the couch. She slowly reached out before cupping my face softly. At that moment I realized it was all real. "I can feel you" I said and she smiled softly before nodding her head slowly. "H-how though" I said and I felt the couch dip beside me on both sides. I looked over to my left to see Lizzie sitting there smiling. I looked to the other side to see Wanda was sitting there but wasn't looking at me. I looked down to see she was still fiddling with her rings. I looked at Scarlet Witch and she removed her hands before leaning in and kissing the top of my head. "You should eat before you go to school" She said before standing up and walking towards the kitchen. I looked over at Wanda again and I grabbed her hands. "I'm sorry for making you upset" I said and she finally looked up at me. "It's alright I shouldn't have gotten upset you were in shock and I understand that now" she said before interlocking our fingers together. I smiled and she smiled back.
As I was standing in front of my door I looked at Scarlet Witch & Wanda. "You guys need to promise me you two will stay in the house people will literally go crazy if they see not just one but three of the same people" I said and they both nodded. "I'll see you guys later" I said before walking out the door and shutting it.
I walked into school and I was immediately tackled. I steady myself before I felt a weight on my back. "Austin really" I said and he got off before standing beside me. "Hello to you too Bestie" he said and I just rolled my eyes as we started walking through the halls towards the elevator. "So how was the movie did you like it" He said as we stepped into one of the many elevators. "I kinda fell asleep halfway through it and you'll never guess what happened when I woke up" I said and his eyes shined. "Dude you gotta tell me" he said as he grabbed my arm. "I don't think you'd believe me if I told you" I said and he let go of my arm before huffing. "I'm your best friend of course I'll believe you" he said before looking at me. "Alright promise me though" I said as I held my pinky out. He looked at my held out pinky before looking up at me. "You can't be serious" he said and I just looked at him. He rolled his eyes before grabbing my pinky with his. "I promise" he said and I smiled.
I went on to tell him about what happened this morning. I watched as he listened closely like a little kid making me laugh on the inside. "So yeah that's about it" I said and he shrieked like a little girl. "So you need to tell me that Wanda Maximoff, Scarlet Witch & Elizabeth fucking Olsen know who you are and they just randomly appeared in your house" he said and I nodded. "Wow you are one lucky girl" he said and I just rolled my eyes. "I'm not that lucky" I said and he gasped. "Dumbass you are definitely lucky people would kill to be in your shoes right now just to meet Elizabeth Olsen" he said just as the elevator doors opened. "I heard something about Elizabeth Olsen what's going on" we heard a voice say. We looked up to see the cheerleading captain standing in front of us wearing her cheer outfit. "Oh it's nothing right Austin" I said and he nodded. She looked between us before rolling her eyes. "Whatever I'll find out sooner or later" she said before shoving past us. We walked out of the elevator and after the door closed Austin flipped her off. "BITCH" He shouted and I covered his mouth. "Don't say that " I sneered out and he shoved my hand away. "What it's true she's a total bitch everyone knows it" he says and I just roll my eyes.
It was the end of the school day and I walked out of the building. Austin had to stay behind for his science group. As I was walking towards the exit of the school grounds I heard someone shout my name. I stopped before turning around to see the cheerleading captain and her boyfriend who was the football captain. "Can I help you" I said and they both smirked. "Yeah my girlfriend told me that your friend said that she was a bitch" Roco said and I raised my eyebrow as I gripped my backpack handle. "Yeah and" I said and he removed his arm from around his girlfriends shoulder. "I just want to talk to him do you know where he is" he said and I shook my head no. "No and if I did I wouldn't tell you" I said and he sighed. "Guess I have to give you it instead" he said and before I could say anything he punched me in the face. I fell to the ground and I held my cheek in pain. "WHAT THE HELL ROCO YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T BEAT THEM UP" Stacy said as I sat up leaning on my elbow. I looked up at him in shock and he just smirked.
I was laying on the ground in pain after he left. "Y-Y/N are you okay I'm sorry I didn't know he'd go this far" I heard Stacy say and I just groaned as I held my stomach. I sat up and whipped the blood off from under my nose. "Let me take you home it's the least I can do" she said and I just glared at her. "No thank you I'm fine" I said as I stood up but stumbled. She tried to catch me but I shoved her away before picking my backpack up. Before I walked away I turned to look at her. "You & your boyfriend will never change" I said before spitting blood out.
When I got home I unlocked my door and walked in. I slammed the door shut before dropping my bag to the ground. "Y/N welc- Oh my god what the hell happened" I heard Scarlet's voice. Before I could take another step my legs gave out and I collapsed to the floor in pain. "Y/N" I heard Wanda shout before I felt arms lift me up. I was laid down on the couch and I looked up to see Elizabeth standing there. "Wanda get the first aid kit" I heard her say and I watched as Wanda rushed off. "What the hell happened you were fine just this morning" I heard Scarlet say and I looked over to see her walking over with a bottle of water and a pain pill. I sat up with the help of Elizabeth before Wanda came running back in. "It's nothing to worry ab-" I was cut off when I saw Wanda's and Scarlet's eyes glowing red. "Just a fight" I said as Elizabeth knelt down in front of me. Before I could say anything my shirt was off of me and I shivered at the coldness. "Doesn't look like a fight Y/N" Elizabeth said and I looked away. "I was protecting my friend I didn't want him to get hurt Lizzie" I said and I felt her turn my face so I was looking at her.
She whipped the dried blood from under my nose before doing the same thing to my lip making me wince. "It looks like your lip is busted" she said and I saw Scarlet Witch walk over before she lifted her hand up. I watched as red whisps of magic float through the air. After a second I touched my lip and felt it was healed. "Can I heal the rest" she asked and I nodded. I giggled when I felt her magic heal me and I saw her raise her eyebrow in amusement.
It went silent after I stopped laughing. I looked over to see Wanda staring into the distance. "Wanda" I said and she didn't look over so I stood up and walked over to her. I grabbed her hands and she finally looked at me. Her eyes were glowing a deep red. I cupped her face and she leaned into the touch. "Wands what are you thinking about" I said and she opened her eyes. "Nothing that you should worry about sweetheart" She said before grabbing my hands and kissing them. I blushed at the nickname and I heard her chuckle. "I'll be back before you know it" she said and I started feeling tired. "W-wanda what did y-" before I could finish I collapsed into her arms. I felt her kiss the top of my head before I fell into a deep sleep.
I woke up gasping for air as I bolted up from the couch. "Wanda" I said and I looked around the living room but didn't see any of them. I was starting to panic but I heard voices in the kitchen making me calm down. I got up and walked into the kitchen to see Elizabeth and Scarlet chatting but no Wanda. "Where's Wanda" I said and they stopped talking before looking at me. "She's upstairs taking a shower" Scarlet said before walking over. As if on cue Wanda walked in with wet hair. She looked at me but I looked away. I heard my phone start ringing so I walked past Wanda and back into the living room. I picked my phone up and saw that Austin was calling. "Hello" I said as I answered the call. "I'm coming over" he said before hanging up. After standing there for a second my eyes widened in shock. " I swear I hate this boy so much" I said as I walked to the front door before unlocking it and opening it. On cue he came running into the house out of breath. I shut the door behind us and locked it. "No fucking way you weren't lying" he said and I turned around to see him looking at Wanda, Scarlet and Elizabeth. "Who is this" Wanda said and I walked over to the three of them. "He's my friend" I whispered out as I walked into the kitchen.
"So can you introduce me to Robert Downey Jr." Austin asked Elizabeth. "Uh I'll think about it" she said before looking at me and I just chuckled. "I'm taking that as a no" he said before frowning making me laugh. I slumped against the couch after he left. "Come here" I heard Scarlet's voice and I crawled over to her before laying on top of her. I felt her hand stroke through my hair and I nuzzled my face into her chest.
It's been about two months now and I haven't been this happy for awhile. I was taking my notebooks out of my locker when I heard someone's voice. "Y/N" I looked over to see Rocos face badly beaten up. "Oh are you alright Roco" I said before laughing as well as shut my locker. "I'm sorry Y/N please just listen to me" he rushed out as he fiddled with his hands. "Alright I'm listening" I said. "I'm really really sorry about that day I had no right to beat you up like that I went too far" he said and I just looked at him. "Why are you apologizing to me now" I said and he looked away before looking back. "Wanda Maximoff did this" he said and I just started laughing. "Dude she isn't real" I said as I continued laughing. "She told me if I didn't apologize to you she'd hurt me even more than just beating up my face" he said and I stopped laughing as I looked at him. "I h-have to go" I said before rushing off.
I slammed my door shut and locked it before walking into the living room to see Wanda and Scarlet Witch watching TV. I'm guessing Elizabeth had to go somewhere. "What the hell were you thinking Wanda" I shouted as I dropped my bag onto the ground. They both looked up and I could see they both were confused. "What's wrong" Scarlet said. "Wanda was beating a fucking kid up I get why you did that but you can't go around beating the hell out of people" I shouted and Wanda stood up. "I did it because he hurt you" she shouted and I scoffed. "I can protect myself I've done it for the past 5 years" I snapped back. "Can we just all calm down" Scarlet said and I glared at her. "I did it because I care for you and when I saw you all beaten up I thought I was going to lose you like I did my brother and parents" she said and I looked back over at her to see her looking down. I sighed and walked over to her pulling her into a hug. "I'm sorry for yelling at you" I said and she wrapped her arms around my shoulders. "I'm sorry too" she said before she kissed the top of my head. I pulled away and smiled. "Who knew the one & only Wanda Maximoff is more scary than the Scarlet Witch" I said and I heard Scarlet gasp. "Take that back right now" I heard her say making me look over at her. "It's true" Wanda said and I laughed. "Take that back" she said and Wanda pulled away from me. "Not in a million years Scar" I said and she glared at me. I saw her eyes glow red and I just smiled before backing up.
I heard the door open and I looked over at Elizabeth. "LIZZIE" I shouted before rushing over and hiding behind her. "What's going on" she said amusement lacing her words. "She thinks I'm not scary" Scarlet said and I peeked out from behind Lizzie. "Well now you are" I whispered and she smirked before I appeared in front of her. She smiled before stroking her hand through my hair making me gulp. "You're acting awfully nice" I muttered out and she just smiled before grabbing my jaw. "You don't know what I'm capable of Darling" she said before leaning in. "What are you going to do then" I said and she smirked before crashing her lips onto mine. My eyes widened in shock and she pulled away. "That" she said before letting go. "I- I uh" I shut my mouth before looking away. "You're so adorable" Elizabeth said right before she kissed me on the lips as well. She pulled away and Wanda pulled me into a kiss as well. Wanda pulled away before smiling softly. "Our Precious Girl" she said before tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.
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🏷️: @gaydreamersstuff @angelicsupernova @blckwidowsbf @inluvwithfictionalwomen
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The show must go on
Pairings: Sick!Elizabeth Olsen X Actress!Reader
Summary: Working as an actress meant having a super busy routine and almost no time to take care of yourself. How does that work out when your girlfriend gets sick?
Being an actress was not that easy. Between shooting scenes, attending to meetings, fitting costumes and participating on interviews, you barely had time to spend with your girlfriend, Elizabeth, who was also an actress.
Even though you were both casted on the same movie, you were barely seeing eachother the last few days. You would only see Liz when it was time to sleep, and both of you were too exhausted to engage in a conversation.
However today was meant to be different.
The whole cast was going to shoot a big fight scene, so you were going to see Lizzie, even though you were working.
Waking up in your shared trailer, your girlfriend had already left to an interview as usual. You got ready for the day an headed towards the kitchen. Lizzie would always leave some breakfast for you, nothing too fancy, usually some toast and coffee, you both liked to keep it simple in the mornings and she always made it with love.
Sitting at the table she had prepared some toast, strawberries and….tea? it was highly unusual for her to drink tea, you didn’t even know you had it in your cupboards. Not wanting to make a big deal out of it, you finished eating and headed to set.
Entering the ser you encountered your co-star, Scarlett, who had just finished getting her makeup done.
“Hey Scar!! you look great!!”
“Y/N!! thank you so much!! I hope my makeup isn’t totally ruined when Lizzie beats me up on screen” She said, chuckling slightly afterwards.
“Speaking of Lizzie, have you seen her today? she’s the only one who’s late.” You said, worry lingering at your voice. It was highly unusual for her to be late to set since she always liked to rehearse her lines with you.
“From what I heard, her interview is running a little late” She answered, matter of factly. “But don’t worry about it too much, It happens sometimes.” Scarlett added, after seeing how worried your expression was.
You agreed and got ready to get in character, dressing your suit and heading to get your makeup done. You had your eyes closed when you heard Lizzie entering the room.
“Sorry I got late, we kept having to redo some parts of the interview.” You overheard her talking to the team. There was something….off about her voice. It was lacking its soft tone. It sounder raspy and kind of congested.
“You ready to get your makeup done?” One of the members of the makeup team asked
“Yeah, sure, i’m just gonna go to the bathroom real quick.”
You still had your eyes closed, but your chair was right next to the bathroom and you recognized her footsteps heading towards you. As she passed through you she gave you a quick kiss, as usual. And you couldn’t help but smile. The unusual part of it was that she gave you a kiss on the cheek, rather than on the lips, that was curious.
Since your seat was so close to where she was, you could hear her sniffing and blowing her nose. Lizzie did have spring allergies, but it was october so they shouldn’t be bothering her. Apparently your thoughts triggered a physical reaction on you, because your makeup artist called you out: “don’t crinkle your eyebrows!” she said, as she gave a light, playful slap on your arm.
Done with her business, Lizzie entered the room again to get her makeup done, finally you had your eyes open and you winked at her as she took a seat next to you. As she started getting her makeup ready, your hairdresser was already styling your hair.
Glancing at her, you noticed how tired she looked. Having closed her eyes, there were bags under her eyes, she was pale and her nose was red. she almost looked…sick?
Interrupting your thoughts she raised an open hand to her makeup artist, signaling her to stop.
“Hhup’tshhiew! Hh’iishiew! oh! ‘scuse me!”
Everyone near you blessed her and she was quickly back to her makeup. You both got ready quickly and got in costume. Waiting to be called to the set, you sat on the common room couch, rehearsing your lines, until her nose started twitching…
“Hh’ishiew! Hheh’tktoo! Hih’tiishiew!” she sneezed down her elbow, sniffling slightly afterwards.
“Do you need a tissue baby?” You whispered to her, pure sympathy clear in your words.
Lizzie nodded shyly and you headed to the bathroom to get her some tissues. She blew her nose quietly and you noticed she was quite congested.
“Lizzie, are you feeling alright?” you asked, concern slipping on your features.
She sighed, “I think i’m coming down with something.”
“I think so too sweetie.”
The speakers called the whole cast to get on set and you couldn’t help the worry that consumed your thoughts. Today was the longest scene you had to record yet. Full of lines and action. Maybe your girlfriend should ask for a day off but you knew she would never agree on that.
Everyone got to their marks and the shooting started. Everything was doing smoothly. With Lizzie stifling coughs and sneezes discretely whenever she wasn’t on camera. If it continued like that, you knew she would have a headache pretty soon, but you also understood that she couldn’t just sneeze in the middle of a scene. You just wish you could take her home and take care of her.
After the shooting was done she looked exhausted. But everyone was finished for the day and you could finally care for her properly. As she walked over you, something was noticeable. “Your cheeks are flushed, love.” You said, honestly. “I really don’t feel good, Y/N- H’tsschoo! Hhup’tshiew!” she sneezed tightly on her elbow. “Aww baby, bless you, you feel a little too warm for my liking, C’mon, let’s take you home, I’m gonna take care of you.”
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madamevirgo · 3 years
Hey! I love all of your fics so much! If you’re taking requests for Elizabeth Olsen x Reader, I have an idea.
Basically, you could choose if they are in a relationship already or not, but reader is always stealing Lizzie’s sweatshirts and hoodies (they can be ones marvel gives her or just any) and someone asks Lizzie about it and she just adores reader and loves that she is doing it.
Absolutely no pressure to write this, and I hope you are doing well! 💙
Title: She Wears My Heart On Her Sleeve
Pairing: Elizabeth Olsen x Reader
Words: 515
Warnings: fluff, so much cheesiness you might get sick.
A/N: Maybe I wrote this in 30 minutes instead of paying attention to my 'Women, Gender & Development' class, maybe I didn't. So here's a short one & thank you Anon for the request! I hope it's up to your standards :)
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It started casually.
You would have to stay on set ‘til very late in the evening or morning and your attire wouldn’t keep you from the cold, so Lizzie being the sweetheart that she was, would try to warm you up by draping her scarf or any piece of clothing that she had on hand, over your shoulders. You were a bit scatterbrained and would neglect to give them back. Lizzie didn’t mind, of course, she didn’t.
She would never admit it, not even now that you were dating - but she liked seeing you in her clothes. Logically, she knew that you couldn’t own a person, but her possessive side would tell her that this was a way of marking her property. By the time you had gone from friends to lovers, the clothes that you’d stolen from Lizzie filled two drawers. Eventually, Lizzie got curious and a bit exasperated, so one night, while you were cuddling, she asked you why you liked to steal her clothes so much, specifically her hoodies. You got embarrassed, and hid your face in the crook of her neck, mumbling something inaudible. It took some time, but Lizzie got it out of you.
“They have your scent and make me feel safe. I like to wear them when I feel anxious or down because being in your arms always seems to push my worries away. So when I wear your hoodies and feel like the world is getting too much, I simply close my eyes and imagine that I’m in my happy place; your arms. Besides, I like having a piece of you with me at all times.” It was so cheesy. Lizzie hated cheesy.
Or so she thought.
After that divulgence, Lizzie started being extremely forgetful, leaving her hoodies, scarves, basically, anything she could get away with, all over your apartment and trailer. She’d put them on, drench them in her perfume and leave them for you to find - and wear. It wasn’t long before the public and other castmates started to notice. The latter teased you relentlessly, yet you couldn’t find it in yourself to care. You were wearing your armour and nothing could make you sad when Lizzie’s scent dominated all your senses. As for Lizzie? She was happy if you were happy, and seeing you in her clothes made her really happy.
Soon, the paparazzi started to catch on as well. It’s not like either you or Lizzie was trying to hide it, to be fair. She’d wear a sweatshirt, and a few days later you could be seen wearing the same one. Once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, but three or more times? That’s a pattern. So when Lizzie sat down for an interview, and the last question was an explanation as to why you could be seen wearing her hoodies so often, she was ready and simply answered:
“She likes to wear my heart on her sleeve.”
There was no other way of putting it because to put it simply: you owned Lizzie’s heart and she wanted the world to know.
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tvseries-writings · 3 years
Not your fault
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Elizabeth Olsen x Scarlett Johansson x Reader
Prompt: Hi, I have a request idea where the reader gets hurt during filming, for example a concussion, (she works on the MCU set) and she is engaged to Elizabeth and Scarlett, they become very worried and take care of her. Thanks :)
 You sigh as you get out of your caravan.  Another day of filming, another long and tiring day during which you can't cuddle with your girls. You take your phone out of your pocket and check your twitter, there are photos after photos of the whole cast and you can't help but notice how fat you are compared to them.  People notice this too, you look at the comments and dwell on a couple of them. "How do Scar and Lizzie manage to be with y/n? They are goddesses!" "She was so lucky, who knows why they are with her" "I am wrong I have gained a few pounds in the last year" "She is definitely fatter"
You gasp when someone takes the phone out of your hands and you turn around to look that person in the face.  Cobie and Brie are looking at you with raised eyebrows as they look away from the phone.
"You said you wouldn't read them anymore, they say a lot of bullshit y / n" You don't meet their gaze still obsessed with those comments. "They're just keyboard lions, y / n, Scarlett and Elizabeth love you just the way you are," Brie whispers softly as she hugs you in a hug which is then joined by Cobie. "Now let's go record or the Russo Brothers will want our heads" You nod, letting out a small smile and together you walk towards the set.
In less than two minutes, the makeup artists kidnap you to get ready for your scene.  They offer you food but kindly refuse, food is not something you want to deal with at the moment.
As you check your tweets again, Scarlett and Lizzie walk into your dressing room. "Good morning" they kiss you in turn and kisses back with a smile. "Good morning loves" Lizzie takes a seat in the chair next to you while Scarlett remains standing. "Did you eat anything?" They both know your relationship with food isn't the best but today you definitely don't want to hear the reasons why you should have breakfast so, you lie. “Yes, I ate a croissant;  how long do we have to shoot? " Scarlett looks at the watch on her wrist. "Exactly ... now" All three of you hurry out of the dressing room and find yourself on set. You are shooting a scene in the Avengers complex and your character has to jump from four meters of wall.  You are not enthusiastic about it but your stunt-woman, Veronica, was sick and all the "dirty work" was your turn.
"Be careful" You Nod to your girls before climbing the wall.
"Okay y / n, as soon as you feel ready,you jump and try to not break anything"
"Thanks Joe, very encouraging," you snort before looking down;  you hate heights and everyone knew about it on set, not that the Russos cared much ... "And ... action!" You take a run and jump. It should have been a simple jump but it wasn't, the cable gave way and you fell tumbling to the ground hitting your head so hard that you had a seizure on the spot. "Y / n !!"  both Scarlett and Elizabeth scream as they run to your side, someone screams for a doctor as your body is shaking with convulsions.  Lizzie sobs as she tries to hold your head while Scarlett moves everything you could hurt yourself with.  In less than three minutes your body stops having seizures and Scarlett and Lizzie let out a half breath of relief. The doctor arrives and immediately gets to work establishing that you have a concussion and that it would be best to take you to the hospital for a CT scan.
"If anything happens to her, I'll send so many lawyers on you you won't even have time to breathe." Scarlett whispers menacingly to the Russo brothers before following Lizzie and your body on the stretcher. Cobie and Brie take the car to come to the hospital with you.
It's been over two hours when a doctor finally updates all the people in the waiting room about your condition. Your girls are wrapped in each other's arms as anxiety devours them. "So, y / n is fine, she has a concussion that needs to be kept under control and absolutely must not work for the next two weeks" They all breathe a sigh of relief and then come to see you in your room. Scarlett and Elizabeth pounce on you, letting the stress of the last few hours come out in the form of tears and sobs. "It was terrible, never do that again." Lizzie takes your face in her hands, leaving you a kiss in her tears. You chuckle slightly, stroking Scarlett's hand: "doing stunts is not for me" They both burst into laughter as they hold you close.
Brie and Cobie also come in to greet you. "You're an idiot, you scared us to death," Cobie tells you as soon as she walks into the room "Yes Cobie, I love you too," you smile amused as you and Brie exchange a hug. "I felt the cable break and I thought about how stupid I was to think I could do it without practice" «Has the cable broken? ?!  I'll send all the New York lawyers on him and- " You put a hand on Scarlett's making her calm down .
"I'm the clumsy one, we won't accuse anyone" All the girls stare at you with their mouths open. "What?!  It wasn't your fault »the girls almost scream as they gesticulate and list the reasons why it's not your fault. A light knock on the door silences them. "Miss y/n, how do you feel?"  a doctor enters the room, a certain Yang, from what we read on the nameplate. "I'm fine, can I go home?"  the doctor checks the chart before looking at you. "Well, I'd like to keep you here at least tonight but-" "Perfect then, please let me prepare the discharge papers, kindly" The doctor nods before leaving the room.
"Honey, if the doctor says you have to stay here you should do it," Elizabeth tells you moving closer and taking your hand in hers.
Scarlett shakes her head as she looks at you: 
“What if there are complications?  Y / n stay here, at least for tonight.  You scared us to death, please...” she strokes your hand softly.
“Liz, Scar, I'm feeling fine okay?  And you know how much I hate hospitals, I just want to go home " The two girls sigh but respect your decision, as do Cobie and Brie.
In less than an hour you are in a wheelchair pushed by Elizabeth and Scarlett whois walking by your side as you leave the hospital.
"Was it really necessary?"  you sigh, referring to the wheelchair.
"Yes it was."  Scarlett raises her right eyebrow as she walks you to the Range Rover parked right outside.
As soon as she enters her you close your eyes and lean your head against the window, the constant pounding is really bothering you not to mention that even the smallest noise causes you unbearable pain. "Are you OK?"  Liz whispers stroking your arm and letting you put your head on her shoulder as she holds your steady with her other hand so you don't get banged again on the ride. "Mm," you sigh, enjoying the caresses as Scarlett, also sitting behind her with the two of you, takes your hand and begins to draw circles on your palm. "You don't look very well." Lizzie kisses you on the temple continuing to keep your head still. "I just have a headache ..." "As soon as we get home, we'll take the meds; okay?" Scarlett says and you give her thumb with your hand, unable to nod in pain. "Jeremy and I had a fight last night" you rub your right eye while all the girls in the car have a bad feeling, you are not very lucid at the moment and you could say anything: "he touched where he shouldn't and I told him that if he didn't stop I would tell the Russo Brothers, he told me he would make me pay for it, "you whisper the last words, your head lighter and lighter as Lizzie keeps holding your head still. "Shit ..." Cobie whispers as she and Brie share the same thought. "That bastard." Scarlett growls as she hugs you and Lizzie tighter. "He'll pay for it." Lizzie's cold voice almost frightens you but you relax because you know she's not meant for you.
After about 10 minutes you are dragged into your attic and put into bed with Lizzie and Scarlett on either side. They make you take your meds and after about half an hour you start to feel much better. "Hey." Lizzie smiles at you as she strokes your face. "Hi," you whisper about her kissing her hand "Do You feel better?" Scarlett strokes her hair as she smiles at you. "Very" you sit up and start to get up but get blocked by your girls. "You're not going anywhere;  absolute rest »you snort rolling your eyes before smirking. "No, not even that." Lizzie pats you on her arm, smiling in amusement as she shakes her head. "You are boring" "You don't know how much," Scarlett says before bending down, giving you a kiss to mold.
You curl up against each other and stay like that.  You couldn't ask for better.
Thanks for reading!  I hope it met expectations.  Leave a comment if you want <3
Taglist: @alpha-wandanat @funniesmemesblog @diianagrimes54 @natashadeservedmore @rylinmv @constellation0rion
Marvel Masterlist
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