#Local producers
livelocalorganic · 7 months
The Impact of Your Food Choices on The Environment
More and more people are becoming aware of the impact their actions have on the environment. One area where our choices can make a significant difference is in our food consumption. The food we eat not only affects our health but also has a profound impact on the environment. As environmentally conscious individuals who value sustainable and organic farming practices, we have the power to make a…
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reasonsforhope · 4 months
"In Saskatchewan, Canada’s first free grocery store is set to open as a flourishing food bank continues to look for ways to support the community.
Located at 1881 Broad St. in Regina, the Food Hub will be stocked like any old grocery store, and unlike similar projects that operate out of churches or community centers, it will feature a produce section, floor-to-ceiling display fridges, and be open all week.
The Regina Food Bank believes that allowing people who rely on the food bank for food security to fill out a cart just like a normal grocery store gives back agency, and may actually help feed more people by reducing waste.
“None of us fit in a box, but that’s what we give our clients today,” Regina Food Bank vice-president David Froh told CBC News. “When you give choices, you give not just dignity, but actually, we figure we can feed about 25% more people.”
One client explained that getting handed a crate of canned/boxed goods put together in a hurry based on what was in stock rarely provides a selection that accounts for things like dietary restrictions, allergies, proper nutrition, or even just synergistic flavors between the foods.
“Normally I barter with my neighbors and we swap back and forth, so it kind of works out that way. But a lot of people don’t do that,” said food bank client Jon White. “So there’s a lot of stuff that just goes to waste.”
The Regina Food Bank doesn’t just support the unhoused or others in dire need of aid; 18% of its clients work full-time, and 2,000 students receive school snacks and meals through their work. Part of their overall objectives with the Food Hub is to reduce societal stigma against using a food bank.
Food banks do not receive government subsidies, so Froh and his colleagues had to look for private donations to raise the CAD$3.7 million they needed to get the Food Hub off the ground. Some of this came from piggy bank-sized gifts, but they also received a CAD$1 million donation from The Mosaic Company.
Much of the stock is produced, grown, or processed in Saskatchewan—part of Regina Food Bank’s goal to improve the sustainability and nutritional quality of the food their clients rely on."
-via Good News Network, June 4, 2024
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Sustainable gastronomy can help us to take care of our one and only planet.
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Here are the 4 ways to practice sustainable gastronomy:
Buy from small-scale, local producers.
Try local foods.
Cook a traditional recipe with local ingredients.
Say no to Food Waste.
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chimaeraonwards · 1 year
no ai generated content will ever compare to the absolutely cartoonishly evil plot to cut down trees to prevent workers from striking to get livable wage.
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saw some absolutely dogshit comments from westerners after a person from an ex-communist country compared some stuff the US does nowadays to what was common under communist regimes
because "communists stole 90% of what my grandpa had" automatically means that one's grandpa was a rich exploitative landlord or factory boss and not, say, a regular fucking farmer or a small local business owner amiright
fucking hate when people like this think they know better than people who actually live in the affected countries
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fbfh · 2 months
Imagine topping Leo in a chair?
LITERALLY love you for this. riding Leo in a chair is in like your top 5 favorite ways to ride Leo. your faces are so close together and he can feel every intimate rockwing bouncing squeeze of your tight juicy little hole gripping his throbbing cock like a vise. his eyes are so wide and his grip on your soft hips is nearly enough to leave pretty little fingertip bruises polkadotting your thighs (which he's obsessed with) and your hips (which he's also obsessed with) and your ass (are you sensing a pattern here????) and god everything you do drives him crazy but CHRIST the way you hold his face so sweetly in your pretty hands, so innocent and tender while simultaneously milking his cock for all he's got. and he'll give it to you. Leo will let you ride him in that chair that he can't look at after that without going half mast. he'll let you ride him until he's shooting blanks, until both of your cum drips on the floor, mixing in messy creamy beautiful puddles. Leo will throw his head back in pleasure, panting, chest heaving and giving you the best view of his perfect neck that's just begging to be covered in hickeys and bites. Leo will let you ride him in a chair until he passes out. can't walk. pounding down gatorade and liquid iv to try and rehydrate. and he'll thank you for it.
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beesgav · 9 months
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these two gotta unionize
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katzenkarussell · 7 months
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Sada visiting Area 0 21/07/XX
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unluckysatellite · 2 months
I'm craughing because what in the name of everything holy was papergames/infoldgames thinking localizing Qin Che/Sylus to sound like some discord daddy dom in English...when he doesn't say any of that cringe shit in Chinese/Korean/Japanese.
I never thought I would see a localization as disastrous as late 2019/early 2020 MLQC's green stubble, but Infoldgames looked sideways at Elex and said "nah, we can do much worse than green stubble"
but hey I guess I can draw a parallel here:
Victor 🤝 Sylus
getting fucked over by localization and getting wildly mischaracterized by the ENG fandom
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agentnatesewell · 3 months
n sewell would absolutely love a farm and art market
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gravity-what · 4 months
I don’t know why this idea has been stuck in my head but:
Jack: come on!! We would make a great evil team!! I know everything about you! I’ve read your biography at least twenty times!!
Chase: for the last time n-
Chase: ….
Chase: What biography?
Jack: uhh… this one!! *pulls out book* which, if I could get that signed-
Chase: *snatches it from his hand and flips through it quickly, his face and the room turning stormy.* I am going to kill that man.
Jack: y-you know what. Why don’t you just keep that. I’ve got other copies. I’m just going to go…
Guan, at his temple: *sneezes*
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nabaath-areng · 2 months
Being brought up on a farm and only ever going back indoors to head right back out again for my whole life, the decreasing amount of insects has been extremely noticeable and it's been going on for years. Of course it's been worrying with the climate catastrophe, and once I became a beekeeper and learned more about my village's local flora it became even more glaring.
So imagine my surprise this year when there are more insects than I can count. Sitting on my porch (practically my room during summers) I'm noticing species I haven't seen since I was at least a young teenager, and there are more butterflies of different varieties than I even remember from my childhood!
There are so many bees flying around too, probably from the hives down by the old homestead buildings by the church and school, owned by the woman I know from the local beekeeper's association.
What's more is that this year there has been no drought OR flooding, so there are a lot more flowers blooming for longer, and everyone in my village as well as the surrounding villages are reporting a burst of activity in their hives... as well as higher activity from the wild bees and pollinators. For the first time in years it's starting to resemble the way it was when I was younger.
All that is to say, the climate catastrophe is real, and in my area it's causing a lot more violent thunderstorms... but oh my god all this reminds me why I persist despite the despair that tries to dig its claws in.
I may not be able to do major change on a global scale, but you can bet me and everyone here will at least try and support this little place. We can keep going in the fight against the municipality that wants to urbanize at the cost of our precious biodiversity, and we can continue to fight to keep out the cities that tries to enroach on us and get closer.
It is rare for villages in Götaland to remain this free from urbanization despite being nestled right in the middle of multiple major cities, and there's no excuse to destroy what little there is left of it down here in the south.
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oraclecollie · 1 month
hi dogblr!! i’m looking for some border collie breeder recommendations, ideally in the pnw or in arizona. i’m mostly interested in show lines. looking for a beginner sports prospect (disc, dock diving, and rally are the three i’m most interested in but i’m down to try anything) and an all around solid hiking/adventure companion, so i don’t need insane drive or anything. if u have any recs or leads on breeders who may produce dogs fitting somewhere in there can u perhaps toss them my way 👀
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aeolianblues · 4 months
'oh I cannot say horrible things because of the Woke' well boo hoo, I cannot say mean things about bands I dislike because they love my show and will beat me up if I slag them off
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cecoeur · 1 day
the reason this all happened is because I ate my bagel before qualifying instead of after :(((( so sorry to daniel that's my bad.
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vibinwiththefrogs · 25 days
I feel like whenever I volunteer with organizations (I've only volunteered with small organizations) I end up the bitter, annoyed person who only sees all the problems and potential solutions. And I just feel judgmental towards people (inwardly usually). And I don't want to be that person but it's so hard when an organization is not being run well, so I end up just quitting. I got involved with leadership in one org only to end up more frustrated because I ended up the person to put out all the fires last minute, even if I foresaw them weeks prior and tried to tell other leadership. And I'm getting to this point where I'm like..... I have no idea how to volunteer for anything anymore because I'm just too serious about it. I care too much about things running as well as possible and no one meets me with that energy. I'm kind of up for a leadership position again in a different volunteer org but the communication in this group has just been so extremely poor that I think I'm just going to leave. And not take the position. Or at the very least just be someone who shows up to help with event set-up or something. Because what's the point if I end up one of the only people communicating and I become the fire putter outer again? Do I really want to be involved with organizing if no one wants my input? Do I really want to put this much energy into something when I'm not being met with similar energy in return?
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