#Locked Up Abroad
glennk56 · 11 months
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Fat British actor Alex Andreas. Alex was born in 1970 and was a bodyguard for rock bands in England. He only has 9 credits of 12 film appearances. Most of these photos are from the TV show Locked Up Abroad in 2020. The episode is entitled Miami Mobster Take Down, s10,e10 on HULU. This show is a Documentary/Drama, dramatizing a real life event. The last photo is from 20 years before in an uncredited role in the 2000 film, Snatch with Brad Pitt.
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thesingingrevolution · 3 months
i miss kazuma
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mcdonaldsnumberone · 9 months
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neige-leblanche · 2 years
It’s totally normal to not be with someone who has different ideas on wanting kids from you. I know people who never mentioned their feelings on kids till after marriage and it destroyed the relationship when it came out that one really wanted kids and the other really really didn’t. I could never be with someone who felt strongly about wanting kids, cause I’d either feel pressured to change my mind or feel bad I was holding them back from something they want
thank u :') its hard bc im like. mostly aromantic and the thought of going out to search for someone who does fit all my ideals is not something i can really picture myself ever doing; i suppose it hurts when one has special feelings that rarely ever happen but they're for someone with whom a lasting future isn't really feasible
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ceilidho · 6 months
prompt: Ghost only takes you half-seriously when you say you want to see other people. He has just the man in mind. tags: dubcon; threesome; anal (2.5k)
He doesn’t so much as twitch when you stumble over your words in an effort to get it out.
“I don’t think this is working,” you say, hands clenched into trembling fists at your sides. “I think we should start seeing other people.”
The only bit of it that Ghost really pays attention to is the fact that you decided to make this little announcement while he’s in the middle of taking apart and cleaning his gun at the kitchen table. His little spitfire girl. Not a lick of fear in you, just a fistful of attitude and snark. The attitude’s ensconced now in your trepidation, a bit smothered under it, nervousness a clear trill in your voice, making it warble, but it shows itself in the downward slant of your brows. Delightful girl.
“That right?” he grunts, jamming the lubricated cotton mop into the bore of the gun. You flinch at the sudden movement, nervous eyes trained on his hands. Ghost makes a note to apologize with his mouth later on.
“Yes,” you croak, then cough to clear your throat. “I’ve, um…I’ve been thinking about it for a while. I think it’ll be better for—for both of us. It’s just…it’s not working out.”
The cigarette dangling from between his lips stinks up the room. Poor girl, he thinks pityingly when you scrunch up your nose and eye it resentfully. Always trying to get him to quit. It’s just shit luck for you that he’s never been good at quitting things, at letting anything go. Everything he’s ever lived through clings to his skin like smoke. 
He ashes it out in the little turquoise ceramic pot on the table, a trinket he’d once picked up in Tala'a Kebira years ago while in Morocco on some other business. You look marginally less irked with the cig put out, but that just means that more of his attention can focus squarely on you, which leaves you a bit wide-eyed under his stare.
“For a while, hm?” Ghost asks. It comes out teasingly, if only to him. The lilt in his voice is a tricky one to catch.
You nod; the note must have slipped through your hands like smoke. “There’s a girl I found online that’s studying abroad right now. Offered to sublet me her room while I look for a place. I thought maybe, um…maybe tomorrow I’d go.”
“Don’t worry about all of that,” he says, already dismissing the conversation from his mind. “Won’t be back for another week anyway—no reason for you to run off if I’m not even around.”
“Oh.” You shift from side to side, thinking it over. “I guess. How long will you be gone?”
“A week. Two weeks tops.” Plenty of time for him to sort out this mess. Figure out what exactly caused you to get all jumpy and eager to try out other people. 
He smiles internally. Little bird probably just can’t stand how often he’s away, poor thing. It’d be enough to make any girl upset—the constant leaves of absence, gone months without being able to send word, showing up bruised and bloody on the doorstep only to have you fall to pieces trying to put him back together. 
There are options though. He’s not opposed to adding someone new either—in fact, he has just the man in mind. 
Ghost has been holding Johnny back because he always thought you preferred to just be with one man (and Christ, the whining he’d had to deal with from Johnny, always begging to see you or begging Ghost for even just your panties, anything at all because he was so desperate and Ghost wouldn’t let him have you), but now?
Now there’s no reason to hold Johnny by the collar when he comes over for dinner. Now there’s no reason to kick Johnny from under the table when he leans just a bit too close to you when you’re sitting down to eat, eyes locked on the glimpse of your chest peeking out of your shirt and damn near drooling on it. Now there’s no reason to listen to Johnny jack himself off to the point of tears while trying to get some shut eye on a mission, the only crumpled up photo that Ghost had ever allowed him to take cupped close to his face.
He really pitied the poor mutt before, no pretty girl at home, his only crush being his superior’s girl. But Ghost is magnanimous—he’s a generous man. If you want to see other people, he has the perfect puppy for you to play with.
When you smile, still a bit unsure, he has to smother a grin. “Okay. I’ll stay ‘till then and look.”
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The look Johnny gives him when he brings it up is equal parts disbelief and fevered need. “Say that again, Lt?”
“You’re coming over after we wrap this shit up. Bird’s been asking about a third.”
He chokes, scrambling to his feet. The temporary base is damp, always on the frigid side of things so Johnny’s still in uniform for the most part, the fabric rustling in his haste to get up off his bed. It’s not a place either of them are eager to spend more time in than absolutely necessary. The lack of space means that the two of them are made to bunk together as always, sharing a room with two cots and a small en suite, the tub still wet from Ghost’s shower.
“Christ, yer serious? No joke, sir?”
Johnny pushes his head back into Ghost’s hand when Ghost reels him by the hair, dropping a firm close-mouthed kiss onto the centre of his forehead through the fabric of the mask. “She was clear about it. Why? Gettin’ cold feet on me now?”
“No, sir,” Johnny protests, shaking his head as much as he can in Ghost’s grip, eyes shimmering a bit. “I can bring over a bottle o’ wine if ye like. Somethin’ fancy to set the mood.”
Their closeness is not unusual; Johnny’s always been a tactile man, favouring touch over words. One of their small similarities; their shared modes of existing in the world. There’s a line in the sand where you’re concerned that Ghost has been clear on, but he’s used to always having a hand somewhere on Soap, keeping him close. Now, he gets to keep him even closer. 
His bird really has the best ideas. 
Ghost snorts, knocks their heads together. “Just bring yourself, pup.”
He ignores the way Johnny’s breath hitches, the way he hurries into the bathroom and slams the door behind him the second Ghost lets go. The frantic eager sounds from behind the door when the water runs, only muffling the loudest of his groans. He probably had his dick choked in his fist the second the door shut, a thick nut swirling down the drain within the first five minutes. 
They ship out the next morning, exhausted from the week’s work. No amount of sleep out in the field is ever good enough, especially not in cots barely built to accommodate men of their size. Especially not Ghost. Johnny dozes off on his shoulder in the plane, sinking into a deep sleep to compensate for the hours spent tossing and turning the night before. Ghost uses the flight to get a headstart on his paperwork, enough so that he’s not held up on base when they land back home. 
He doesn’t give you a heads up that he’s home earlier than planned; no need to give you enough time to pack a bag and schlep it over to that place you’d found. It’s better for everyone if you’re caught a bit off guard, just a little frazzled. Ghost’s not entirely unsympathetic—he knows you’ll overthink things if he gives you any time to yourself. 
It’s endearing the way you gape up at him, eyes flitting between him and Johnny, when he finally makes it home. For the few times that Johnny’s been over, it’s not an everyday thing; his visits are always planned and strictly timed, Ghost monitoring him to make sure he doesn’t overstep his bounds. Seeing him with Ghost in your foyer must be strange, must put you on edge. 
“Simon, you didn’t tell me you were—” you start and then pause, swallowing. You look over his shoulder at Johnny, smile stiff, uncomfortable. “Hi Johnny.” 
You’re always a good girl, not wanting to argue in front of company. 
“Heel,” Ghost says, steel in his voice when Johnny almost lurches from his side. The other man glances over at him with wild eyes, almost on the brink of disobeying, but he holds in the end and stays put. Ghost’s eyes soften when he looks back at you. “Have a nice week, pet?”
“Yes—sorry, I’m glad you’re home safe,” you say, flustered, taking his back from him to drop in the usual place in the hall. “I, um—” again, you eye Johnny nervously, unsure of how much you can say in front of him, “—I found a place…for…you know.” 
“‘Course,” Ghost agrees, shucking his boots at the door and giving Johnny a shake by his coat until he does the same. “Missed you too, pet. C’mere.” 
He muffles your protests with his mouth when he stalks forward and pulls you in for a wet kiss, rolling the mask up and off at the same time. You’re a bit stiff in his arms until he slips you some tongue and the resistance leaks out of you, helpless the second he gets his hands on you. Your eyes are still a bit misty when he pulls away, fingers clutched in the collar of his shirt like a reflex. Second nature to cling to him. His chest puffs up at the gesture.
“Thought about what you said the other week, bird, and you’re right.”
You blink, coherence coming back to you, shaking your head to divest yourself of the momentary confusion. “I am?”
“‘Course. Smartest girl in the world, isn’t she, Johnny?” Ghost asks over his shoulder, slipping a hand into your hair at the same time to hold you in place. It makes you frown, his actions not mirroring his words. 
“Aye, sir,” Johnny hums, nodding eagerly. Boots off, he stumbles forward, crowding around you from the other side, not realizing that they’ve backed you into a wall until it presses against you, trapping you in place. “Bonnie ‘n sharp as a whip. Always thought so, sir.” 
“That’s right,” he agrees, tightening his fingers in your hair until you squeal, brows furrowing in that way they do when you’re right on the precipice of pain and relief. “Only a smart, brave girl would ask for what she needs. You’re just lonely when I’m away, isn’t that right, pet?”
“I’m—I’m what?” you splutter, hands planted on Ghost’s chest, trying to push him away to no avail. He hardly notices it. 
“Go on, Johnny,” Ghost murmurs. “Since she asked so nicely. Give her a kiss.”
That’s all his mutt needs to hear. 
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You huff and puff with the strain it takes to take Ghost’s cock after a week and a half away. 
You’re always tighter when he comes back, an effort to work you up to taking him again; he lets Johnny get you prepped this time, slobbering all over your pussy in his eagerness, plugging you with three fingers before you’re even close to ready. He gets off on the way you howl, rutting his cock into the sheets of your bed while he keeps you pinned by a thick arm over your stomach. 
Ghost has to scruff him after that. He takes over, running a soothing tongue over where it hurts until you cry big, fat tears and come a couple times. He makes sure you’re taken care of before it gets tough. You’re mindless by the time he moves off you to retrieve the lube from the bedside drawer, only coming back to yourself when he turns you over onto your belly and spreads the cheeks of your ass. It unwinds something in his chest to hear you yelp when he pushes a finger into your ass, like coming home. 
This is why he does what he does: to get this when the job is done. 
It’s not often he gets to do this, usually too big for you to take comfortably in your ass. Johnny’s not that much smaller, in fairness, so he works you up to two and then three fingers before lying down on the bed and pulling you over him. Your legs tremble when you straddle him, fingers digging into his chest when he lowers you onto his cock for the first time in a week. 
“There we go,” he says, grunting when you pull his chest hair a little. “That’s a good girl. We just about done crying now?” 
Ghost smiles when you shake your head stubbornly, eyes still filled with tears. “This isn’t what I meant, Simon.”
“You can cuss me out when Johnny’s done, alright? That make you happy?” 
He almost chuckles when Johnny clambers back onto the bed in his haste to get his hands back on you, his pants still hanging off an ankle until he gives it a shake once his palms fit over your waist. 
“Slowly, pup,” Ghost cautions, reaching around to spread a cheek. He coos when you flinch, whispering for you to relax. 
Johnny’s eyes roll back into his head when he pushes in, hips stuttering forward until Ghost snarls and he stops, letting out a deep, shuddering breath to calm himself down. Even for Ghost, it’s intense; you tighten around him when Johnny pushes in, only letting up when he cups your cheek and draws you down for a kiss, loosening you up with his tongue. 
“Sir, I can—fuck, fuck, fuck,” Johnny whines, back curving when he drops his head. “She’s so fuckin’ tight, I can—swear I can feel you, sir.”
He’s not wrong. Ghost swears he can feel it himself, Johnny’s cock in his pretty bird’s ass while his is stuffed deep in your cunt. You pant through the stretch, words half-croaked out, unintelligible. It’s better that way. He loves listening to you sing, but you’ve been in a right mood these past couple of weeks. Just needed a good lay to sort you out. 
“Simon,” Johnny begs, thrusting forward until he bottoms out in you, making your pulse skyrocket. “I cannae breathe.”
“Yes, you can,” Ghost says dismissively, wiping at the drool slipping out of the corner of your mouth. “Give ‘er a sec and then you can move.”
“So, so, so hot. ‘M gonna come—”
He reaches behind you to wrap a hand around Johnny’s throat, giving it a squeeze. Johnny’s eyes bulge. “You don’t get to come until she does, pup. That’s all the time, got it?” 
He doesn’t pay any mind to how Johnny nods and mumbles his little yes, sirs after that—he’s a grown man, maybe not as grown as Ghost, but man enough to compose himself until you stop trembling and sweating so hard. 
It’d been a mite difficult to wrangle you into bed. He understands. He’d let you talk yourself red in the face about this not being what you meant by ‘seeing other people’, but Ghost hears the said and the unsaid. You wouldn’t be still in his house a whole week later if you really wanted to leave. 
“Alright, pet,” he grins, running his thumb over your bottom lip until it drops open and you let him run it over your teeth. “Hang on now.”
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drak3n · 6 months
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CONTENT WARNINGS: fluff, angst, hurt & comfort, loss of a pet, poisoning, smut, breeding kink, talks of pregnancy and children, dad!gojo, this one’s kinda sad but it ends well i promise!!
sena’s note: i was torn between dentist or vet!gojo and then i was like… all animal-loving men can get it and so can gojo.
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➩ VET!SATORU who had studied and graduated abroad, having finished his studies with excellent grades and a bright future ahead of him
➩ VET!SATORU who had a hell lot of patients, and who was aware that over half of them were pets owned by ladies yearning to see the attractive young doc in scrubs, which he couldn’t blame them for
➩ VET!SATORU who never rejected new patients even when his assistants complained multiple times about how overbooked the calendar always was, because to him, all that mattered was to nurse all furry little babies back to health
➩ VET!SATORU who was about to close the clinic one evening, his assistants all having left long ago, just to hear the sounds of faint footsteps rushing to approach the clinic
“please, please help him! i— he’s been poisoned, i couldn’t—”
your sobs were cut off by satoru immediately unlocking the door he had locked seconds ago, and he tenderly took the faint cocker spaniel from your shaking arms. he was barely breathing, and foaming at the mouth.
“miss, try to calm down,” he told you calmly, pointing at one of the chairs in the treatment room when he saw how distraught you were. he would love to cheer you up right now, but time was critical. very much so. “please sit down. i’ll do anything i can.”
you mumbled prayers under your breath as you watched satoru checking your baby’s vitals, injecting apomorphine intravenously to induce vomiting. but it was too late.
➩ VET!SATORU who spent the next few hours in the clinic, watching you break down over your best friend’s loss as you fondled and kissed him, unable to let go; who despite loving his profession so dearly, couldn’t help but loathe it at times like these
➩ VET!SATORU who felt incredibly guilty watching you leave with the unmoving body of your senior dog’s in your arms after you told him you’d be burying him in your parents’ house garden
➩ VET!SATORU who couldn’t really sleep after that, his mind occupied with the images of you desperately trying to save your pawed friend and who grieved the loss of a companion from your teenage years
➩ VET!SATORU who took in two puppies who had been left in a box in front of the clinic, both pretty shades of brown, one of which had the same slightly curled fur as the dog that had slipped from his fingers and he had failed to save
➩ VET!SATORU who walked into the clinic one morning, greeting all waiting patients and their owners enthusiastically, just to pause when he sighted you standing at the counter
➩ VET!SATORU who called you inside first and watched through shaded glasses as you handed him a bag, your eyes dampening when you stared at the table your dog had taken his last breath on
“i forgot to thank you for your services and how you tried everything to save him,” you said softly, voice wavering, “i will pay for it before leaving, i just wanted to give you this.” he swiftly shook his head no, hesitantly accepting the bag to take a look inside. it was a box of chocolates and a bag of dog treats.
“these were his favorites,” you pointed out, chuckling nostalgically, “used to gobble them up like there was no tomorrow. i figured that the other girls and boys who come here might want to try what my boy loved.”
➩ VET!SATORU who excused himself for a second and returned with two tiny pups in his arms who wagged their tails at the charming young man, watching the way your eyes lit up at both of them
“some vile person just abandoned them in front of the clinic. they resemble your baby, don’t you think? i was going to keep both because i never give any animal away, but if you—”
“yes, absolutely!”
you carefully accepted one of the pups, cooing softly when it yipped and snuggled into your touch. satoru just smiled when you then stared at the other pup, seeing the obvious resemblance between them.
“i wouldn’t want to seperate them, though.”
he fell in love with you at that very moment.
“this little, handsome buddy is welcome to come and visit his lovely sister anytime.” he was happy that he finally got to see you smile and laugh.
➩ VET!SATORU who knew that you were the one when he saw you tending to your new pup with the utmost care, always eager to learn more about how how to handle and raise a puppy correctly
➩ VET!SATORU who already had a little family with you, because was there anything more intimate and sweet than having pets together? — but who couldn’t help but wish to have children with you as well
➩ VET!SATORU who was thrilled to find out the feeling was mutual
“wha— you’re off the pill?”
satoru was in the middle of fucking into you skillfully when you confessed it to him. you whimpered at his sudden lack of movement, nodding bashfully. “i know this is not the right time, but—,” you babbled, taking his hand to guide it to your lower belly, “‘m ready, satoru.”
his mind wandered to you swollen with your beautiful kids, tits leaking with your nourishing, sweet milk and face gifted with a natural pregnancy glow — not that you needed it.
“cum inside, ‘toru,” you whined against the pretty veterinarian’s kisses in-between his hips snapping against yours, “make me a mommy. gimme all of it.”
there was no way in hell that satoru wasn’t going to knock you up after this. and put a pretty little ring on your finger, of course.
➩ VET!SATORU who knew he had all he wanted as he saw you walk into the clinic a year later to visit your husband with your tiny babygirl on your arm, a spitting image of her father, and your two former pups on a leash, now grown in size as they wagged their tails wildly upon seeing the tall man in scrubs
➩ VET!SATORU who wondered if you’d say yes to a second child…
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ryunnggg · 6 months
Naughty - ITZY Yuna
9230 words
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"Is it time for my detention, Mister Y/n?" cooed Yuna, strutting forward across the classroom and flaunting the Q heart on her cheek, an out in the open sign of her lust for white cock while she moved happily forward.
The door was locked and the hallways had finally emptied. It was likely only Yuna and Mister Y/n left in the school, give or take the janitor and some loose teachers sequestered away to feverishly grade. Nobody who could get in the way, letting the brunette sway and swish between the desks on her way toward the front of the class. "Time for me to learn how bad a girl I've been, and how much I need to be fixed?"
"It's only us here, 'Y/n' will be fine," said Mister Y/n. A substitute teacher from America working abroad to see Korea, about a decade older than Yuna. Handsome, decently muscular, very white, with a well kept beard and slicked back auburn hair. "It's just us."
"If I'm not calling you my teacher, maybe I should call you daddy instead," purred Yuna, rushing faster across the classroom to get to him. "Maybe you should pull out your huge, white cock and force this disobedient little Korean jailbait slut to get on her knees and choke on it. For detention! To teach me a lesson, Mister Y/n." Yuna leaned over her foreign teacher's desk, smile brightening as she wiggled enticing toward him, begging for his attention. "Don't you want to discipline me?"
Yuna was a danger. She was too powerful, coy and ruthless and fully able to weaponize her raw sexuality against Mister Y/n. Not that he minded, of course. "I think I need to hear some things out of your mouth to be worth disciplining," he told her, his hardening cock begging to slide into her mouth and ruin her.
"Oh? Like what, sir? Like saying I'm a filthy, needy Korean slut who can't keep from fantasizing about her American teacher's fat, white cock? That I'm a little bleachbitch who is going to find foreign men to fuck her throat whether it's you or not? Is that worth punishing me, Mister Y/n? Does the threat I'll go find other hung white studs to bleach my pussy and fuck some white babies into me make you angry enough to punish me?"
Yuna was unreal. Y/n had absolutely not come to Korea to teach solely so that he could date a Korean teenager, but he was absolutely unrepentant about doing so, rising up from his seat with his cock freed from his pants. A massive, throbbing, glorious, white cock that Yuna leaned immediately forward to begin to worship. No hesitation, just her mouth clung to the side of his shaft and slobbering all over it, praising it with kisses and hopeless obsession as she fell into the joy of what she needed most. Yuna understood what she was, what she wanted, and she didn't try to pull away from that, accepting and embracing her desires fully.
"I love white cock," she moaned, a little drunk on excitement from the very start. The burning desperation urged Yuna forward, licking all over her teacher's aching dick, already hard from her words and from just knowing what 'detention' after school entailed. The sloppy spectacle behind her love and her hunger was overbearing, direct, driven by an underlying desire to blow his mind and make him crave her on a level so fundamental that he'd never shake it off. Yuna knew her part and she knew how to wear him down for that, slobbering noisily on his dick, peppering it with kisses in a hazy show of wanton adoration. Her kisses ran along the length of his cock, messily praising his length. "This cock fits so deep in me. Only white men can hit girls in those places."
Y/n didn't try to contain himself, his head rolled back and his fingers running along the back of Yuna's head, trying not to take too much charge too quickly. He was absolutely unrepentant about these joys, about having this sweet girl doting on his cock and lavishing him with all the praise she could muster, so sloppy and loving and intense. Yes, she was closer to half his age than to his age. No, he didn't care. The burn of these spectacular lusts carried him deeper, kept him hungry for her touch and ready to feel her give him everything. "Should girls your age really be such bleached sluts?"
"Yes, of course!" gasped Yuna. "We should. We all should. If Korean teenage girls didn't bother with silly crushes on disappointing Korean boys and went right to serving white men, we'd be so much happier." She continued to flutter her kisses all over his cock, throwing in licks and sloppy adoration, both hands gripping his massive cock to continue tending to it and to continue delving in to the slow-burning surrender that this offered her. Yuna felt unstoppable, wanting only to push on harder, hotter, to let the sloppy lusts carry her into the deep end. "I'm so lucky that I have a big, strong, white man who fucked my jailbait pussy before I could give my virginity to any two-pump three-inch Asian boys."
Every word made Y/n's cock throb harder, drove him mad with desire. He wasn't exactly holding back or discouraging what Yuna was up to, but the weight of these wild pleasures definitely did to him things that felt maddening for how intense they were, how hotly the wants shuddered across him. He didn't try to fight it. He didn't resist her words or her touch. But the weight of just how intensely she delved into bleached talk and hard raceplay on a dime was always a bit staggering to him. Not that he didn't also encourage her along. "I saved you."
"My white savior," she moaned in turn, licking slowly up along the underside of his cock, toward his head, before she sucked it down deep, letting the lust carry her to the pleasure and the fever of senseless excitement now without restraint. The pleasure was just there to give in to, maddening in a spiral of devotion and lust to succumb to. The thick cock filled her mouth, made her jaw loosen to take him all in, but she was devoted and determined, forcing herself to sloppily revere this glorious white cock, to lose herself to what it demanded from her. Yuna was so ready to please, so hungry for white dick, and she wasn't able to pretend she could contain herself along her hunky, foreign boyfriend's length.
She pushed deep, hasty and sloppy, relentless in how she pushed onward to let loose the wicked satisfactions that she craved. The pleasure carried her to need this, to crave whatever she could get from the depths of these satisfactions now. It was pleasure she didn't feel able to process, struggling through these wants and through the need for warmth that this invited her to fall in to. Yuna felt unstoppable, every moan and push and slurp making her white stud feel better, want her more. She looked up into his eyes, saw the stares she received back, and everything he offered her made her burn brighter. Her desperation was unreal, and as she let him hit the back of her throat, Yuna remained committed and unstoppable.
"You're such a dirty slut. I need to keep you here in detention with me, so you don't go looking for strangers to bleach you instead." He grabbed the back of her head, finally taking some harder charge, forcing her deeper down his cock, easing into more of her throat.
Yuna was happy to choke him down, happy to give herself up to these sloppy, wild delights with less and less restraint with each passing second. She was unstoppable, ravenous, burning with unreasonable desperation and a need to let the pleasures carry her deeper. There was no resisting this, no fighting how nice it felt to give up fully. She needed to surrender to these lusts, giving in deeper to his touch, letting herself be the hazy, ditzy bleachslut she knew she was. Signaling with each motion of her head just how ready she was to serve him, Yuna let obsession consume her. It was easy to get into the right frame of mind to mindlessly be a slut for white cock. Especially Y/n's. The teacher before her was fully deserving of the most she could offer, prepared to submit in full, to accept how far down into lust she was ready to slide, unable to resist the allure and the chaos of surrender and desire now.
Throbbing harder in her mouth as she gave him what he wanted, Y/n tried his best to contain himself. "Such a dirty little whore. I see you in class, daydreaming about raising my kids, giving up on your idol life to be a white man's slutwife. You want it so badly, don’t you?"
"Gluk gluk," was all Yuna offered in response, continuing to slide down into the lust of his demanding touch, continuing to fall apart with less and less of a clear idea how to deal with her own ruin. Yuna didn't understand how she could have so easily crumbled to one cock like this, but it was all she cared about, the rightful plunge into beautifully demented surrender and a lust carrying her to need to give in. She was obsessed, devoted, bleached past the boundaries of reason, fully obsessed with her teacher's cock and with drooling all over it, fitting him into her mouth and bobbing along his shaft, letting her throat adore every inch of his shaft in impressive, relentless desire. Yuna felt unstoppable. Felt ready.
The bliss carried the moment into deeper, compromising fever, into pleasures that she was unable to resist or hold back. The pleasure just kept ripping across her thoughts, tearing with thunderous joy through her body, carrying Yuna to want to fall to pieces and to need whatever she could find in his touch now. The sucking did its work, tending to every inch of his cock, slathering it in spit, encouraging the wild, mad throbbing in her throat that told her that she was well on her way to tending to all of this. It was a beautiful feeling, a surrender to pleasure and desire she didn't try to hold back now. The pleasure felt outrageous, but she knew that as good as she felt sucking him off, Y/n felt at least as good getting this relentless deepthroat adoration.
Probably, right? Y/n had to enjoy having his cock sucked as much as Yuna enjoyed sucking it, at minimum. Y/n himself wasn't even so sure of that.
But the continued reverence and sloppiness and spectacle behind Yuna's deepthroat worship kept up a pace as reckless as could be, and Y/n didn't know if he could contain all of it.
Hotter groans carried him deeper in to these wicked pleasures, the need to continue to surrender to, all driven by the want that made him want to fall to pieces. "I'm gonna cum," he warned.
Yuna was happy to jerk back, smiling bright and welcoming his load. "All over me, daddy," she whined, jerking his cock off with both hands, moaning in sloppy reverence, serving his needs deep. "I want to wear white cum all over my face, like a good bleached whore," she moaned. She continued to tend to him, jerking him off faster, harder, throwing herself in to these wild pleasures. She didn't hold anything back, every stroke reckless, forceful, direct,
until he came all over her face. Hot ropes of gooey spunk splattered across her bright features, with Yuna moaning through all of it, her eyes shut to receive his massive load. Y/n always came hard, always made a gooey mess of her, splattering across her face with unbelievable desire.
With spunk dripping from her face and a shaky warmth washing over her body, Yuna needed only to surrender deeper. She licked some cum off of her lips and grabbed at his body, not satisfied yet. She wanted more.
"Can you take me home tonight?" she asked. "To keep an eye on me. Make sure I don't do anything. Maybe..." She leaned forward to plant more kisses onto his cock head again. "Maybe fuck a white baby into me. Please, Mister Y/n. I'll do anything. I'll eat your ass like a good Korean girl and make you so happy that you have to take me back with you."
An offer like that wasn't one any man could have been strong enough to fight. Turning quickly around, Y/n pushed his hips back and got a knee up onto his desk, leaning forward to show off his ass, his dangling balls, and his spit-shined cock to his teenage whore. "Do it," he told her. "From the moment I showed you my cock and you fell to your knees instead of calling the cops, I knew you were something special. Prove how special you are."
Yuna didn't need to be told twice. Shoving forward, she buried her face right into her favorite treat: white man ass. Grabbing his cock to stroke it and milk a load out of him, she got to work at licking against his rim slithering with her sloppy love across his ass, letting the wild desire carry her to want more and more of this. There was no restraint to hold her back from the sheer depth of her lusts now, carrying her to just have to give in to these lusts, to surrender to what she knew was the absolute only way forward.
Her tongue slithered around in broad strokes tending to the ass with hopeless obsession. This wasn't the most dignified way forward, but she needed it, moaning loudly through her feasting delight, committed to being consumed utterly by need and sloppy desire. Lust carried her to want to fall to pieces, to need to surrender to lust. Yuna loved eating white ass, and she threw herself into it with the gusto that such a glorious thing deserved. She rubbed her face in his ass, moaning, slobbering, letting her cock drunk lust carry her in serving him 'properly'.
"Such a good little ass eater," he groaned, reaching back to grab her head and pull her in. Yuna loved praise, and the more he gave her, the better she performed. It was a clumsy balancing act, something carrying him to want more and more of these lusts. There was no escape for Yuna, but she didn’t want any escape. She wanted to keep pushing, keep slobbering, keep revering this white man and giving him everything she could. The burn of these desires were too steep not to.
"I love slobbering all over my white man's ass hole," she moaned, sounding territorial and greedy while licking down to begin slurping on his heavy nuts, too. She was happy to pepper kisses all over his taint on the way down, reckless, ravenous, driven by a desire only to keep serving and slobbering. The pleasure continued to do to her things she didn't care about resisting, the unrestrained joy and greed to fall in to. There was only pleasure to give in to here, drunk on the sweet surrender and the delirium of needing more. The continued surrender to give in to offered to Yuna what she needed most. She sucked one of his balls into
her mouth and left his sac slathered in spit too, insisting herself into the moment as hard as she could. "Keep going. Keep telling me how good I am at serving white men."
"How about the fact I haven't fucked any of your classmates, because you're such a perfect bleached whore that I haven't needed to look for another girl?" He ground back against her face, savouring the ways she made him feel as she licked back up his taint to make out with his ass hole again. There was no restraint for Yuna, no moment where she could hold back or imagine controlling herself, letting the burning hunger carry her to a further depth of ruin and desire now. She needed to keep slobbering and serving, tending to his ass harder. His words made her lose her mind, the 'kind' praise of something that urged her harder forward, kept her desperate to make him feel all the things she hoped might help her fall to pieces now. The greed carried her to a lot of weirder places, to a satisfaction and a hunger she couldn't do anything about.
The sloppy lust carried her to need more of him, slurping on his ass hole while she jerked his cock harder and quicker. Switches down to lick his balls kept things fresh, surprising him with the messy fever of what she was at, delving on these pleasures and keeping up with something meant to make him burn with need. Yuna felt clingy, needy, burning with a desperate desire to make him feel good centered around the worry that if she didn't, he'd go find some other girl to bleach, and she could not let that happen. A little jealous, a little territorial, keeping up her passion. "Korean tongue feels best against white ass holes, doesn't it, sir?" she moaned.
"The best, especially yours." Gripping the table and keeping steady so she could work at his touch, Y/n was lost to these pleasures, struggling to hold himself together as she jerked him off faster and harder, both hands mercilessly working to tend to him while he fell in deeper. She was a complete wreck, but the pleasures continued on with burning excitement. Yuna was happy to not rat him out and to not bring him any trouble for exposing himself in front of one of his students, keeping her as his girlfriend. Yuna was desperate for it, ready to please him and ready to give him everything he desired. She was happy to keep him giving in, happy to tend to his every desire and to lick his ass hole like a good slut.
There was simply no way that Y/n could have let a girl like her go. Shuddering through these hopeless pleasures, allowing passion to be his undoing, he gave in deeper, messier, unable to resist the pleasures that continued to ruin him in the name of losing himself. "You're so fucking good. Keep going, Yuna. You're the best. You're going to--oh, fuck, you're the perfect Korean girl."
That made her moan like she was cumming, just from the pride and the glee alone, throwing into a beautifully deranged burn of passion, the pleasure carrying her to fall apart utterly under his touch, giving in to the pleasure in full, accepting it as all she could do, the unrelenting joy of crumbling to pieces for him. For a white man. For her white man. She jerked him off faster and she relentlessly tonguefucked his ass in pursuit of more of that praise and of the chance to make him erupt all over her again.
With a sudden groan and a twist around, Y/n smacked Yuna across the face with his cock in trying to turn himself around as quickly as he could. The impact didn't shock her too much, and Yuna did her best to take it, moaning appreciatively and allowing his cock to blast across
her face with another messy load. More cum that splattered onto her beaming smile, keeping her overjoyed to be giving up to all of this. She took the facial in pride, loving the feeling of his cum all over her face, the dripping mess she received and the joy that she found in so wholly lost to this. Yuna savoured everything about this mess, jerking his cock off and making sure she wrung out every drop before drawing back with a gasp of pure delight.
"I can go home with my white daddy now, right?" Yuna asked, dragging cum off her cheek with her fingers and licking it off. "I've been a good girl and earned it?"
Y/n stared at Yuna with cum dripping down her face, knowing full well that there was only one answer to that question.
Down on her knees in the car, there wasn't much for Yuna to do but suck his balls. Hidden under the steering wheel while he drove home, she hadn't actually wiped anything off of her face, leaving all the clear mess of her lustful, slutty surrender right there on the spot. It just made her feel better that way, slapping herself with his huge cock while she sucked on his balls, slurping noisily on them and giving them some devoted love, having rimmed his ass hole and deepthroated his cock already otherwise. The insistence and the raw desire behind this was all so simple, so direct, built on Yuna's hopeless hunger and just how badly she craved white cock.
"Fuck, you make it hard to focus," groaned Y/n, trying his best just to drive and not go off the road even with the gorgeous idol slurping his nuts. It was an amazing burn of pleasure, the heat to keep giving in to, pleasure enticing him to want more and more of this. There was a pleasure to this to keep giving in to. It was pleasure direct and messy and enticing him to just need to sink in to this. All of it. Dragged into the weirder pleasure to continue falling in to left Yuna needing to give up to this. She shook under the wild pleasure to give in to hotter, the satisfaction to want more and more of. "Such a perfect slut. You were born to be bleached."
"All Asian women are," moaned Yuna, slapping his cock across her face, keeping up the pleasure and keeping up the huger and the fever of wanting to give in hotter, needing more of these pleasures that continued to plunge her into this, deeper and sloppier fever that continued to sentence her to this demise. She didn't try to contain herself now, keeping up this pace and keeping the pleasure burning across her. Messier fever and fire continued its desires, and she let the passion carry her deeper in to all of this, a hungrier fever and a passion she just wanted to embrace in full. The unquenchable desire continued to do to Yuna things she couldn't resist, giving in to all this lust and falling to pieces under what it demanded from her now. She needed it, and nothing could hold back her cravings.
The taste of his balls drove her wild. Yuna didn't care if she came off like a sloppy addict. She didn't want to be anything less, didn't want to even pretend she had a capacity now for restraint. There was only the satisfaction of giving in to this, craving whatever he could do to her and accepting how ready she was to just give up to it. Everything inside of Yuna craved this singularly obsessive burn, a moment of devotion and fire she didn't try to resist.
Everything she did was direct, sloppy, burning up within her as she pushed against it now. Sucking on these heavy, white balls let Yuna focus on how full they were, how ready to blow
they surely were. On the idea that what she really needed was to give in fully to these sloppy spectacles. It was everything to her now, a dead end rush of lust burning her up from within.
It was only ball worship, but it was also reverence of a white man's ability to breed girls like her. Even after blowing two loads all over her face, Y/n’s nuts felt so heavy, so ready to blast rope deep into her womb. White men were so fertile and indomitable, and she praised his nuts, knowing they were the key to blowing her mind and making her feel all the sloppy, wild emotions that she craved so badly. Yuna didn't care about restraint, needing to push forward, needing to accept the surrender inviting her to fall to pieces. It was just too good not to, the sweeping desire and delight of letting this plunge carry her into depths from which she was never going to escape. That was good. That was how she wanted it. With every sloppy push forward, Yuna focused herself on tending to his balls, on slapping herself with his cock. Just out of view, she tended to her teacher's cock, ready and sloppy and surrendering everything to these pleasures now.
This was impossible for Y/n to focus through, but he was so happy to let the pleasures carry him on deeper in to this mess of ruin and hunger. The pleasure remained so insistent, driven by the sloppiest of passions, by desires to keep riding out. The pleasure kept him hungry and reckless, driven by the sloppiest of passions, needing only to seek out how good it could feel to let everything go. There was only pleasure to this mess, the pursuit of ever-sloppier, ever- filthier lust. There wasn't a shred of restraint behind her devoted, throbbing passions now. He was such a lucky fuck, and he didn't pretend otherwise, letting Yuna's every doting push keep him well adored, tended to with unbelievable excitement, needing to savor these sloppy lusts and every desire that came with it. Letting Yuna adore him was the only way forward, the only possible relief he could have wanted, and it carried him to need more. To crave it. To let himself give in.
Smacking herself silly with his cock and letting her thoughts fall apart, Yuna kept up her sloppy attention, moaning harder on his balls while she slobbered all over them. "I'm going to drink your cum this time, because I don't want you to stop being able to see my pretty face under all this cum. I want you to know you're fucking a gorgeous Korean teen with every stroke, daddy." Her 'daddies' were strategic little missile strikes to drive him mad, and they kept working perfectly to drive him mad.
Y/n took one of his hands off the driving wheel and grabbed her head, shoving her deep down his cock. Yuna said she was going to drink it, but 'drink' implied she would swallow. Y/n didn't let Yuna swallow, forcing her to deepthroat his cock and pumping into her with unrelenting greed, the pressure and the chaos of fever that pushed her over the line. She struggled through letting him pump his load directly into her stomach, the moaning ecstasy carrying her in hazy surrender and a beautiful madness she didn't have any idea how to resist this. Maddening pleasure carried her to fall fully to pieces under the pleasure of all this pleasure, the heat of needing to just give up to all of it. It was a brilliant mess of desire and need and hunger to give up to, and she didn't have a prayer against it.
"We're almost there," he told her. "Just stay down there until I stop, okay?"
Yuna was happy with that, suckling on her daddy's fat white dick like a hungry little baby pig. She would have been happy doing this all day instead of having to suffer with actual class work.
Back at Y/n's, Yuna was happy to immediately fling herself to her teacher, stripping herself out of her clothes and unveiling the luscious mess that her body had become. Red ink all over her fit idol body made clear what she was about. The Q-laden heart on her cheek was only the beginning of the mess she'd made of her body. There was the row of heart vines along her thigh, the words 'WHITE BABIES ONLY’ lovingly rendered and framed in floral accents to serve as a womb tattoo. Hearts and roses and motifs around them enshrined other phrases like 'RACE TRAITOR', 'HAPA FACTORY', and 'BREED WHITE' all over her body. One of Korea's top idols had on hiatus and almost immediately covered herself in red ink glorifying white men, something that Yuna was unabashedly not ashamed of.
Especially when it made Y/n look at her like a piece of meat.
The tattoos were Y/n's idea. He was the one who'd corrupted her into this, the one how had bleached her and pushed her to just fall completely to pieces, showing her the tattoos American women got to signal their devotion to white men and then helping Yuna book appointments to get herself covered in them. She was unashamed of all of it, proud of the mess made of her body and how readily she wanted to give in. Not that Yuna minded covering herself head to toe in these appreciations, of course. She adored all of it.
"Aren't you happy that you've tamed me into a good bleachbunny for you?" asked Yuna, pushing Y/n down onto his bed and ripping at his clothes. "I'm such a dirty little slut for white cock now. I can never return to the stage looking like this now. Korea wants its idols to pretend that Korean boys are worth anything, but I'm just a white man's whore. I can't pretend. I won't pretend. Korean holes should only be filled with white cocks. Korean men shouldn't fuck Korean women; they should only watch superior men fuck them."
"God, you're perfect," Y/n groaned, groping Yuna's perky tits and her taut ass, adoring her body while he eyed all of her tattoos and all of the utterly demented lust behind all of this. There was a pleasure to these feelings that absolutely nothing was going to resist now. "I don't think you could say anything that could make me harder than what you're saying now."
Yuna licked her lips. 'There's one thing," she said, fishing his cock out and looming above it, her cunt dripping from all the oral worship she'd given him to get to this point. Her body shook in wild appreciation of these joys, the lust pulsing across her with unrelenting desire. Her smile widened. "Do you want to hear it?" she asked. 'I think it'll excite you. I think it's just what a hung, white stud here to fuck jailbait Korean girls wants to hear."
"Please," he groaned, not user what it was but trusting fully in Yuna's demented ideals, knowing that whatever she was about to confess to him would be unbelievable. He continued to knead her ass and her tits while awaiting the sweet surprise.
"I've gone off my birth control, daddy."
Yuna followed up the words with a wild slam down onto his cock, taking every inch of white dick into her tight, teenage hole, moaning in hopeless desire as she got to work at taking him in. Her moans were outrageous and desperate, driven by the absolute sloppiest frontiers of obsession now. Up and down she went, throwing herself into ravenous surrender to his cock. Up and down she moved, needing to give in to this, embracing the sloppy lust of everything
she craved. The Her body was ready, sloppy, pushing on for the most reckless of desires, keeping up pleasure and fever she needed only to let take her. It felt so good, so insistent, and she didn't care about holding back from it, didn't want anything to hold her from these lusts now.
"Fuck," groaned Y/n, lost to the immediate weight of her desires and what she wanted. He seized her hips tightly, guiding her up and down on his cock with unbelievable greed, the desire carrying him to need whatever he could get from this, her pussy squeezing around him. "Does that mean--"
"Yes, it means I want you to knock me up. I want to be a traditional Korean slutwife for you. Only you. I want to tend to your home, respect you, submit, and worship your foreign cock. I want to carry your white children and I want to fulfill my purpose. As a woman. As an Asian. As an Asian woman. I need to be yours." She was desperate, shameless, slamming harder onto his cock with merciless devotion. 'That's why you came here, wasn't it?"
"Not just t--"
"Not 'just'. You craved teenage Korean flesh so bad, and you didn't even wait a week before you pumped a load into me. You want this. Don't fight it. I want it, too. I'll give up on being an idol so I can come be yours instead. It's all I care about." Yuna let her hips work wildly up and down atop his lap. she was full of love and devotion, needing to give in to this and craving whatever she could find from it, throwing herself to want more and more of this, the pleasures carrying her to crave him with all she had. There was just no good way for anything to contain her now. Wildly riding his lap and carrying on with all she had to tend to him, Yuna knew that this was the way forward. The way to make him happy, and to change her life.
This was unbelievable. Y/n stared at the broken little cockslut he'd turned Yuna into. He'd never imagined she would so easily become so hard bleached. There was no doubt; she'd immediately converted over to it and let it become a lifestyle for her. It was either a testament to how amazing his cock was, or to how ready Yuna was for BWC to dominate her. maybe both. Maybe they were perfect for one another, destined to come together so his white cock and her race traitor pussy could find one another. It was a beautiful decadence and a chaos to keep giving in to, pleasures demanding only the hunger and the fever to keep pushing for more of.
Yuna was an unstoppable beast, a creature of lust and hunger and desire pushing her to want to give in. she didn't care about restraint, the irresistible chaos and the passion she wanted to keep her wanting more and more of. Pleasure and indulgence carried her to keep needing more, keep pushing in to these maddening lusts. There was a pleasure and a want to keep giving up to hotter. Every slam down onto his huge cock kept her needing more. "You should really consider putting a ring around my finger so that I never ever run away. You could even get me a collar instead, if you wanted to. A nice little diamond choker with a heart on it. Anything to prove I'm your bleached pet."
Every precision strike tease drove Y/n madder. His cock throbbed in hopeless, smoldering greed, keeping up a feverish desire and a hunger to keep wanting more and more of this all. There was no restraint behind these wicked lusts, keeping up the chaos and the passion to keep indulging in, embracing the hungers he wanted more and more to give up to. There felt
like absolutely nothing to give in to hotter, the wilder mess of these chaotic throbs, a lust tearing across him and keeping up wilder hunger now. The pleasure kept up its pace of pure hunger, wanton and sloppy and keeping up with this all. There was a pleasure to give in to hotter now. Her body felt unstoppable, driven by a sloppy momentum carrying her to just want to give up to all of it, needing to embrace these absolutely demented lusts now, desires and hungers she couldn't get enough of.
Moaning in hotter, hazier surrender, Yuna loved being such a sloppy bleachbunny for him. Her eyes rolled back, moans stuttering and shivering through these hopeless lusts. Keeping up the pace here imposed something upon Yuna that felt truly beautiful now. She didn't want it to stop, didn't want anything to hold her back from these devotions now. "White cock is the best. I need it. I need you. Knock me up and make me your wife already, what's keeping you?" She continued to greedily slam down onto him, unstoppable, imposing, demanding that he fuck her and fill her. There was no restraint for Yuna, only the dizzying surrender of satisfaction to keep chasing, and she was happy to keep up with it, to push him, to demand from him everything.
How could Y/n possibly resist? He slammed her down on his lap in maddening greed, desire carrying him to want more and more of these wicked pleasures, sloppy fever to give in hotter to. The unreasonable, overbearing ecstasy drove him to need this, every craving pushing him along until he just lost all control. Senseless, sloppy, hungry, he slammed up into her, pumping into Yuna with shot after shot of gooey cum that drove her over the line, keeping her needing this in fully, sloppier hunger keeping up the pleasure beyond reason. It was a beautiful mess of hunger, the heat to continue to give in to deeper. There was a pleasure behind these unreal and unreasonable devotions, the tremble of shuddering lust to just give up to utterly.
"Breed me, breed me! I want my white babies. The best thing a Korean woman can be is the mother to white children!" Her screams of sloppy obsession carried her to need this, craving the hunger and the fever of desire she didn't try to resist. Cravings consumed her utterly, and Yuna wanted to give up to all of it, delving in to the hotter of passions now, keeping her needy and sloppy and lost to the purity of hunger upon her. There was nothing she wanted to do but give up to all of this, the more and more imposing lusts she gave in to fully. The warm, gooey cum set her off, made her gasp and shudder through wilder passion, the pleasure she let carry her to the limit. It was an unbelievable hunger to need more of, giving in to this lustful heat without a shred of reason or dignity now. There was just pleasure to all of this, the burning fever to want more and more of. "Breed me again."
Yuna was happy to twist around and turn toward him, shaking her perky ass and showing off the big white heart on her ass cheek that read 'WHITE OWNED' with a crown. It was the kind of sight that could make Y/n’s thoughts go a bit crazy as he lurched forward. He meant to slide right back into her pussy, but as her wiggling, tatted-up ass advertised itself as white- owned, Y/n decided he wanted to go for something else, ramming his huge, white cock up her tight little backdoor without a word of warning.
Squeaking in wild shock at the pressure behind it, Yuna didn't exactly mind. "Of course, you want to fuck my ass, too," she moaned. "I don't mind, we'll get back to breeding again." She worked against him harder, happily tending to these sloppy devotions, her hips working to
meet his thrusts and to give in to the wildest of her desires. "Every part of me is made for you, and I'll be a good wife for my white man by letting your cock dominate all of my body. I'll learn how to cook American meals and give you them while I give you head, just like a white man deserves!" The sex was just a step in the process now, devotion carrying her along.
Yuna felt like she needed to just embrace these wicked and depraved ideas now, sloppy indulgence and obsession that carried Yuna to let herself go. She didn't care about these relentless passions now, the pleasure to keep her falling in to deeper, the hunger and the fever of giving up to all of this. The pleasure didn't leave a shred of sense behind now, the pleasures carrying on the sloppier fire and the chaos to want more and more of. Her hips shook and slammed back, feeding the needy heat pulsing across her body, tending to Yuna's every desire and hunger. she didn't want to slow down, needing to feel whatever she could get from this sloppy spectacle, greedy and lost and lit up with the fierce indulgence and desire that could turn a girl dumb. She didn't want to slow down in the face of this, needing only to let the pleasure carry her deeper, to feel this huge, white cock rearrange her guts.
"Can't help it," groaned Y/n, ramming up Yuna's ass with all he had, seeking the sloppy embrace of single-minded lust and the need carrying him to want to just go all out. It was too much pleasure to contain, the burning fever and ferocity that demanded he do everything he could to give in to this. It felt like everything he needed. "You could be famous, but you want to be my whore wife instead."
"Pleasing a white man brings me something so much better than being famous ever could," she whined. The pleasure enticed madder pleasure that she needed more and more of.
Unrestrained carried her to need to give up to all of these excitements, the passion to need more and more of. Unreasonable, unreal desire carried her to crave this now. Her tight ass got stretched out even harder than her cunt, and she knew she wanted only to give in to all of this, needing to surrender to these joys in full, keeping up the sloppiest of passions and joys now. The pleasure demanded that she succumb utterly, melting under the burning ecstasy to continue sinking in to.
The bed creaked and heaved a little bit under the force of wild doggy style anal, pounding madder into her. Drunk on these desires and sinking into the lust, Yuna didn't want anything to slow her down, carried on into the sloppier, deeper chaos to give in to, struggling through ideas of burning ecstasy that she continued to fall in to now. The pleasure was relentless, ferocious, burning across her and inviting her to just need to succumb to all of this. Yuna knew what she was about, and she knew what she wanted, embracing all of the hungers to carry on with hotter. There was no good way to handle these ideas, pleasure and chaos that carried her to want more and more of now.
"My whole body is bleached. I'm such a dirty slut. I'm such a naughty whore for white dick. I'm so happy that you're the white stud who broke me in, but I was destined to be a dirty whore for white men. It's what any Asian woman is made for. It's what we're born for!" She squealed out in hotter chaos, the surrender of delving in to these wicked ideas, pleasure to fall in to deeper, every craving igniting inside of her the purest of devotions and lusts now. It was what she needed most, and everything about these drunken joys drove her over the line now. "Do you like my tattoo? Once I'm done having my first baby, I'll let you choose what my other ass cheek gets." She twisted and giggled through this sloppy delirium, through a
continued need carrying her to want this all. She felt the unstoppable desire rip harder across her.
"I'm going to fucking cover you in them," he groaned. "Your presents will just be finding new ways to cram ink on your body to say you're a white-owned cockslut." Y/n didn't try to resist it, didn't pretend otherwise. Wilder greeds drove him to want to ruin her, to keep up pleasures that felt madder, sloppier, like a wild rush of burning excitement, the burning wickedness of needing to break her down completely. The utter depravity carried him to want to burn her up hotter, sending her into sloppier fires and lusts that continued to push her along. "I knew I'd take a girl in my class and turned her into a white worshiping whore, I just didn't think you'd be so easy."
"Any Korean girl would break if such an amazing, white cock broke her in. I know it. I'm just the lucky girl too pretty for you to resist. Now turn me into a Korean housewife who's loyal to her husband. We make the best wives. We're obedient. Respectful. Reverent. My white god will never have anything but pure love from me."
All of Yuna's babbling and whining urged Y/n to just let himself go. He remained unable to care about restraint, without a choice in the hard, mad slam forward, pumping into her with relentless joy. He came up her ass, flooding her ass with a hot load of molten spunk, sending her into the thrashing, shrieking joy of an overdrive she fell in to hotter, loving every second of burning greed now. It was unbelievable fire, the ferocious joy that she was able to give in to in full. Yuna thrashed, ached, gave in to these hotter spectacles and a passion that she didn't care about holding back from. The irresistible fever carried her to crave this, and she just did not care about restraint.
The cock pulled out of her ass, and Yuna shuddered. 'SO big," she whined, dripping with his cum from both holes now. "I can get bred again now, right daddy?"
Yuna turned around to face Y/n, eager and sloppy and hopelessly committed to getting what she wanted now.
But Y/n’s cock was starting to soften. A white cock had the stamina to go all night, but it did need a few breaks. "Maybe after dinner," Y/n said, slumping back against the bed. "You did make me cum five times since school ended and it's... I don't know what time it is, but it's not that late."
No. No, that was not acceptance. Frowning and pouting, Yuna stared at the softening cock, slowly falling down. Not shrinking much, though. Her teacher was huge even soft. But she wouldn't let him be soft, and she had to throw herself into the hopeless joy of grabbing his cock and licking it all over. She didn't care about going ass to mouth. Nasty bleached sluts did whatever it took. "No," she whined, licking and kissing all over his cock, tending to him with the burning fever and the desire carrying her to want more and more of all this. The pleasure carried her to crave these joys now, satisfaction and lust driving her into the deep end of fever and ferocity.
"You're such a desperate little whore," he groaned. "Does having white babies fucked into you matter so much?'
Yuna didn't answer, staring up at him with tempestuous, pouty fury while continuing to slobber all over his cock. Of course it did! He knew it, too. He was just teasing, but his teasing was working. She continued to lick and kiss all over his cock, her sloppy reverence carrying him to give in to this, urging him to give her what she wanted.
Slowly but surely, he hardened up against the desire aching across him. Yuna didn't hold anything back, and the raw sexual delight of seeing this desperate little Korean teen slave over his cock drove him mad. How could he not get hard again? His cock rose to attention, every groan he let out one of pure delight at the sheer control he held now over her. "Such a good little slut. You want your babies?"
"Yes," she whined.
"You want to get bred white?" "Please."
"You want my white cock to colonize your little race traitor pussy and pump you full of white babies so that you can start your life as a bleached housewife the second you graduate?"
"It's the only thing I want!" she screamed.
Y/n threw her back down onto the bed and slammed upon her from above, his cock forcing its way with brutal insistence into Yuna's pussy, starting up on the wicked satisfaction that it took to absolutely ruin her. Powerful, feverish slams rattled her to her core, made Yuna shriek as he got back to pounding her cunt, fresh off of a little reminding and a little fluffing.
"Own me," she whined, her legs kicked up into the air for this mating press, letting his body come crashing down upon hers. So powerful, so harsh, so ready to make her melt under his touch. Yuna felt drunk beneath its daze, wanting to continued to let these passions urge her deeper, unable to resist how good it felt to just let go. Everything about these sloppy needs encouraged her to want to collapse, and she didn't care about anything but white cock as he took her. "I'm yours. I'm yours. I'm yours!"
"That's right. You're mine, and you're never going to stop being my little bleachslut now. Ricebunny whore. Jailbait cocksucker. I'm going to marry you the second I'm no longer your student."
The words made Yuna shriek with wild joy, the passion madder and sloppier, carrying her to want to give in to this now. She was powerless against these devotions, passionate hunger to keep giving up to, continuing to surrender herself to this and wanting to give in to these pleasures now, the deeper ferocity that she was ready to give in to deeper now. There was no restraint behind these ideas, hunger and sloppy desire she wanted more and more of now.
There felt like no good way to handle these frustrations, chaotic fire and desire too ferocious to be able to handle. She needed this, craving his touch and wanting to give ever deeper in to the idea of losing control.
Her legs pressed tighter against his sides, drunken whines continuing to ring out in brighter desire now. Yuna felt powerless, the hunger sloppier, wilder, carrying her to need more and
more of this. There was only devotion and desire to this mess, and she was ready for this. All of this. She needed to give in, and she needed to surrender herself to these maddening lusts, carried into pleasure and want she didn't know how to resist. It was a relentless passion to carry on with, giving up to these lusts to give in to deeper now.
This was an addiction. Unable to contain herself and knowing that she was a sloppy wreck giving up hotter by the second, Yuna simply couldn't contain herself, couldn't care. She gave in to these desperate lusts, ecstasies ripping across her madder and wilder now. Drunk on these lusts and ready to give up fully to this mess, Yuna fell gleefully to pieces, lost to this hunger and lost to the sloppiness of ecstasy that tore her utterly to pieces now. "I need to get bred,” she whined. "Please. Please. Babies. Let me brag. I'll get it tattooed on me. All over. Breed me white and I'll cover myself proudly in it. It's all I want." She was a dizzy wreck, thrashing under the lust and the heat of needing to simply give in to all of this, the pleasures she wanted to break under fully.
Unrestrained greed carried Yuna to want to just fall to pieces, succumbing to pleasure desperately demanding that she break down in full. There was no good way to handle these passions, and it became a pleasure she just couldn't resist. The pleasure was unreal, a sloppier fire carrying her to give in deeper to this now. The pleasure carried her to want to fall utterly apart here. The pleasure was truly spectacular, and she didn't want it to hold her back. There wasn't anything to do but gave up to all of this, pleasures demanding that she fall apart in full. It was beautiful, desperate, reckless, and she just gave up to all of it now. She had to. Yuna was drunk on the bliss of betraying her race, and her pleas were hopelessly committed to the most demented of surrenders.
"Fuck," groaned Y/n, who struggled to hold himself together long enough to actually get into this groove. The pleasure was relentless and feverish, sloppier pleasures he knew he needed to give up to deeper. The most ravenous of these lusts demanded more from him, keeping up pleasure and want that continued to give in deeper now. There was a pleasure that didn't feel sane, senseless and wicked. "You're unreal."
Yuna squealed hotter. "That's all I can get? One of the most famous idols in Korea is your bleached cumrag, and all you can call me is 'unreal'?"
"You're the perfect fucking woman!" he hollered, throwing his head back, cursing, thrashing, giving himself up to this hotter. The burn of noisy hunger and fever drove him over the edge, all sense melting away in the throes of these pleasures. He came hard, pumping her full of cum and letting loose the sloppiest of his desires now. Relentless, hungry, thrashing wildly about, he let loose the hungers that drove him mad. It was pleasure as desperate and as forceful as he could have handled now. The sloppier and hotter chaos continued its demanding hungers now.
The words sent Yuna shrieking into another orgasm, sloppy and noisy under the wild satisfaction of just needing to give in to this. It was everything to her now, the pleasure to carry in to hotter. The ever-sloppier chaos drove her mad with hunger, and she just had to accept the sloppy desire and ecstasy of wanting all of these wicked passions now. Her cunt squeezed down around his cock, and her screams of desperate drunken fever carried her to the limit. "Daddy daddy daddy daddy bleach me!" She was lost her mind with joy; this was
the day she had been waiting too long for, and she wanted to give up to these wicked desires, a pleasure she wanted to succumb to utterly, and she didn't pretend she was even remotely capable of reason now.
As she came around his cock and screamed for this, Y/n happily gave in to the morally dubious ecstasy of these pleasures too, giving up to all of this and embracing the utter ecstasy that kept hitting him hard. His cock erupted with wild joy, needing to fill her up, throwing all sense away and allowing senseless joy to be become everything now to him. The pleasure wasn't real, wasn't sensible, and all of these ideas became their undoing. He held her down to the mattress and pumped her full to the brim with cum, sending her into the collapse of all sense under the sheer satisfaction of what he needed most now. This was his time, the beautifully deranged passion he wanted more of, and he just would not hold himself back from all of it.
"Groaning, aching, shivering atop her, Y/n groaned, "I’m going to fuck you all night. Pussy only, to make sure it takes. But dinner." He pulled out of her. "First, we get some dinner."
Yuna nodded happily. "I'll make you something," she cooed, ready to get good practice at being the wife that he deserved.
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16woodsequ · 9 months
100 Asexual Books Rec List
For this list the goal is fiction books with a main character or significant secondary character that is on the Asexual spectrum, or non-fiction books about being Aspec.
Junior Novels
1. Rick by Alex Gino An eleven year old boy starting middle school begins discovering his asexuality admist the school's rainbow spectrum club. Also features transgender and crossdressing side characters, as well as a LGBTQIAP+ supporting cast.
2. Sal & Gabi Break the Universe by Carlos Alberto Pablo Hernandez In order to heal after his mother's death, Sal learned how to meditate. But no one expected him to be able to take it further and 'relax' things into existence. Turns out he can reach into time and space to retrieve things from other universes. Asexual Sal.
3. Hazel's Theory of Evolution by Lisa Jenn Bigelow Hazel knows a lot about the world. But even Hazel doesn't have answers for the questions awaiting her as she enters eighth grade. What if no one at her new school gets her, and she doesn't make any friends? What's going to happen to one of her moms, who's pregnant again after having two miscarriages? Why does everything have to change when life was already perfectly fine? Hazel (main character) is asexual and aromantic (it isn't said in the book, but it is specified in the author's note at the back of the book).
4. The Trouble with Robots by Michelle Mohrweis Evelyn strives for excellence. Allie couldn't care less. Together, these polar opposites must work together if they have any hope of saving their school's robotics program. Allie is asexual and/or aromantic. Junior graphic novel.
5. This is Our Rainbow by Editors Katherine Locke and Nicole Melleby Featuring contributions from Eric Bell, Katherine Locke and A.J. Sass, this first LGBTQA+ anthology for middle-grade readers presents stories of queer fantasy, historical and contemporary stories for every letter of the acronym.
6. Every Bird a Prince by Jenn Reese After she saves the life of a bird prince and becomes their champion, seventh grader Eren Evers must defend a forest kingdom, save her mom, and keep the friendships she holds dear--if she is brave enough to embrace her inner truths. Eren is aromantic (and I'm guessing asexual, though that isn't discussed).
YA Fiction
7. When Villains Rise by Rebecca Schaeffer With her best friend, Kovit's, life in danger, Nita is determined to take down the black market once and for all. Latina asexual and aromantic main character (Nita).
8. The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee Henry "Monty" Montague was bred to be a gentleman. His passions for gambling halls, late nights spent with a bottle of spirits, or waking up in the arms of women or men, have earned the disapproval of his father. His quest for pleasures and vices have led to one last hedonistic hurrah as Monty, his best friend and crush Percy, and Monty's sister Felicity begin a Grand Tour of Europe. When a reckless decision turns their trip abroad into a harrowing manhunt, it calls into question everything Monty knows, including his relationship with the boy he adores. Aro/ace secondary character (prequel to a Lady's Guide to Petticoats and Piracy).
9. The Lady's Guide to Petticoats and Piracy by Mackenzi Lee A year after an accidentally whirlwind grand tour with her brother Monty, Felicity Montague has returned to England with two goals in mind—avoid the marriage proposal of a lovestruck suitor from Edinburgh and enroll in medical school. A highly loved book in regards to asexual portrayal, Felicity’s journey does a fantastic job of exploring the struggle of navigating a world where marriage is expected of women in order to function in society. Even more refreshing is Felicity isn’t just avoiding getting married out of a sole rebellion against the patriarchy (though those themes are also present), but simply because she doesn’t have an interest in sexual or romantic relationships at all.
10. Silver in the Mist by Emily Victoria Asexual Devlin has grown up in the shadow of her mother’s impressive spy network—and the shadow of the kingdom, too. A magical mist is eating away at their borders, weakening their magic and making them vulnerable to attacks. Devlin is tasked with infiltrating the royal court of the wealthier neighboring kingdom, but when she befriends their most powerful magic wielder, she discovers an ancient mystery that may hold the key to defeating the mists for good. Victoria prioritizes strong friendships between queer characters and an examination of wealth disparity in this fantasy full of twists and turns.
11. Not Good for Maidens by Tori Bovalino Beneath the streets of York, the goblin market calls to the Wickett women-the family of witches that tends to its victims. For generations, they have defended the old cobblestone streets with their magic. Knowing the dangers, they never entered the market-until May Wickett fell for a goblin girl, accepted her invitation, and became inextricably tied to the world her family tried to protect her from. Told through dual narratives in different timelines, the book essentially has two protagonists: Lou and May. Between these two characters, we have some great queer representation for both asexuality and bisexuality.
12. A Snake Falls to Earth by Darcie Little Badger Themes of magic, family, asexuality, and traditional storytelling dominate in Lipan Apache author Darcie Little Badger's delightful and uplifting second YA novel. A Lipan girl named Nina collides with Oli who is from the land of spirits and monsters. But some people will do anything to keep them apart. This is a wholesome, elegantly written read guaranteed to warm your heart! 
13. Arden Grey by Ray Stoeve Arden Grey is a novel about different kinds of abusive relationships, as well as the strength of family and friendships. Following her parents' separation, Arden is depressed and coming to accept herself as being on the asexual spectrum.
14. It Sounds Like This by Anna Meriano Yasm Trevi didn't have much of a freshman year thanks to Hurricane Humphrey, but she's ready to take sophomore year by storm. That means mastering the marching side of marching band--fast!--so she can outshine her BFF Sofia as top of the flute section, earn first chair, and impress both her future college admission boards and her comfortably unattainable drum major crush Gilberto Reyes. But Yasm steps off on the wrong foot when she reports an anonymous gossip Instagram account harassing new band members and accidentally gets the entire low brass section suspended from extracurriculars. Rep: Biracial Latina fat asexual-questioning cis female MC, Jewish gray-aromantic gray-asexual male side character with ADHD and APD.
15. One for All by Lillie Lainoff In 1655 sixteen-year-old Tania is the daughter of a retired musketeer, but she is afflicted with extreme vertigo and subject to frequent falls; when her father is murdered she finds that he has arranged for her to attend Madame de Treville's newly formed Acadaemie des Mariées in Paris, which, it turns out, is less a school for would-be wives, than a fencing academy for girls--and so Tania begins her training to be a new kind of musketeer, and to get revenge for her father. Rep: disability, asexuality, sapphic side characters, POTS and PTSD.
16. The State of Us by Shaun David Hutchinson When Dean Arnault’s mother decided to run for president, it wasn’t a surprise to anyone, least of all her son. But still that doesn’t mean Dean wants to be part of the public spectacle that is the race for the White House—at least not until he meets Dre. The only problem is that Dre Rosario’s on the opposition; he’s the son of the Democratic nominee. In a moment of solidarity and high emotions, Dean tells Dre that he has been questioning his sexual orientation. He isn’t sure if he’s asexual or demisexual. Dre puts a messaging app on Dean’s phone so they can stay in touch.
17. Scavenge the Stars by Tara Sim When Amaya rescues a mysterious stranger from drowning, she fears her rash actions have earned her a longer sentence on the debtor ship where she’s been held captive for years. Instead, the man she saved offers her unimaginable riches and a new identity, setting Amaya on a perilous course through the coastal city-state of Moray, where old-world opulence and desperate gamblers collide. Amaya wants one thing: revenge against the man who ruined her family and stole the life she once had. Desi, demisexual female protagonist. 
18. Camp by Lev AC Rosen It’s Randy’s fifth year at Camp Outland, a camp where queer teens get a chance to be themselves. Hoping to win over Hudson’s heart—who’s masc and straight passing and only seems to date other guys like himself—Randy has spent the past year reinventing himself: workout regimen, new haircut, new carefully curated wardrobe. His friends and camp counsellor all think it’s a terrible idea, but what can they do but support him anyways?
19. Little Thieves by Margaret Owen Once upon a time, the daughter of death and fortune was a teenage girl and she was the worst. Little Thieves is, as the dedication says, for the gremlin girls, never has there been a more gremlin girl than Vanja Schmidt. A brilliant and brazen swindler, Vanja could give Kaz Brekker a run for his money. But Vanja has bigger fish to fry. As her body rapidly turns into the gemstones she craves, Vanja must put things right and face her greed head on all while juggling her engagement to a terrible margrave, an investigator with his own magic, and the princess whose face she stole. Vanja’s relationship with junior prefect Emeric could not be more demisexual if it tried, with both sides of the romance experiencing asexual spectrum existence in different and complimentary ways. One part Germanic fairytale, one part ensemble heist, Little Thieves is an unhinged romp of a book.
20. Everyone Hates Kelsie Miller by Meredith Ireland Rom-coms and the asexuality spectrum...two great things that go great together. Kelsie and Eric have been competing against each other their whole lives. But desperation forces them to work together. Kelsie’s best friend stopped talking to her and Eric wants to rekindle his relationship with his ex-girlfriend, and since both will be at UPenn at the same time, Eric and Kelsie decide to go on a road trip together. Sparks fly.
21. You Don't Have a Shot by Racquel Marie Valentina "Vale" Castillo-Green's life revolves around soccer. Her friends, her future, and her father's intense expectations are all wrapped up in the beautiful game. But after she incites a fight during playoffs with her long-time rival, Leticia Ortiz, everything she's been working toward seems to disappear. Queer asexual biracial (Colombian, Irish) protagonist.
22. Foul Lady Fortune by Chloe Gong In 1931 Shanghai, two Nationalist spies pose as a married couple to investigate a series of brutal murders causing unrest in the city. Rep: demisexual Chinese protagonist, bisexual Chinese protagonist, bisexual Chinese main character, Chinese trans woman main character, aromantic asexual side character; (Chinese-Kiwi author).
23. The Spy with the Red Ballon by Katherine Locke Siblings Ilse and Wolf hide a deep secret in their blood: with it, they can work magic. And the government just found out. Blackmailed into service during World War II, Ilse lends her magic to America’s newest weapon, the atom bomb, while Wolf goes behind enemy lines to sabotage Germany’s nuclear program. It’s a dangerous mission, but if Hitler were to create the bomb first, the results would be catastrophic. Gay demisexual Jewish protagonist.
24. Beneath the Citadel by Destiny Soria Cassa, the orphaned daughter of rebels, and friends Alys, Evander, and Newt, fight back against the high council of Eldra, which has ruled for centuries based solely on ancient prophesies. Alys, an apothecary-in-training and the level-headed one of the crew. She identifies as asexual.
25. Eliza and Her Monsters by Francesca Zappia Eighteen-year-old Eliza Mirk is the anonymous creator of the wildly popular webcomic Monstrous Sea, but when a new boy at school tempts her to live a life offline, everything she's worked for begins to crumble. Asexual main character, not explicitly stated in the book.
26. Technically, You Started It by Lana Wood Johnson When a guy named Martin Nathaniel Munroe II texts you, it should be obvious who you're talking to. Except there's two of them (it's a long story), and Haley thinks she's talking to the one she doesn't hate. Demisexual main character.
27. Now Entering Addamsville by Francesca Zappia Zora Novak is framed for a crime she didn't commit--in a town obsessed with ghosts, will she be able to find the culprit and clear her name before it's too late? It's a brief mention, but Zora is ace.
28. Fully Disclosure by Camryn Garrett In a community that isn’t always understanding, an HIV-positive teen must navigate fear, disclosure, and radical self-acceptance when she falls in love–and lust–for the first time. One of Simone’s best friends in the book, Claudia, is an asexual lesbian. The unwavering support she gives to Simone is heartwarming, and she is also openly sex-positive—which flips the script on its head regarding what most people would assume of asexual people.
30. The Art of Saving the World by Corinne Duyvis When Hazel Stanczak was born, an interdimensional rift tore open near her family’s home, which prompted immediate government attention. They soon learned that if Hazel strayed too far, the rift would become volatile and fling things from other dimensions onto their front lawn—or it could swallow up their whole town. Hazel Stanczak identifies as asexual, though she spends time in the book questioning it. The book presents a unique way to show that there is not one single way to be asexual—that it exists on a spectrum and can look different for each person.
31. Let's Talk About Love by Claire Kann Alice had her whole summer planned. Non-stop all-you-can-eat buffets while marathoning her favorite TV shows (best friends totally included) with the smallest dash of adulting–working at the library to pay her share of the rent. The only thing missing from her perfect plan? Her girlfriend (who ended things when Alice confessed she’s asexual). Alice is done with dating–no thank you, do not pass go, stick a fork in her, done. Alice is a biromantic and asexual black woman who starts off very confident in her identity as asexual, yet has experiences that have her questioning her orientation and how to talk about it.
32. In the Ravenous Dark by AdriAnne Strickland A pansexual blood mage reluctantly teams up with an undead spirit to start a rebellion among the living and the dead. This book features Japha, an asexual nonbinary character who serves as the best friend to the MC.
33. Seven Ways We Lie by Riley Redgate Life at Paloma High School is much like any other high school, with petty drama, judgmental assholes, and mind-numbing schoolwork. Until it isn’t. A scandal emerges: a student and teacher had an illicit affair. At the center of the scandal are seven teenagers, each with their own secrets, whose lives are transformed as a result of this scandal. One of the characters can be read as asexual (and possibly neurodiverse). He never explicitly labels himself as such, but the way he describes his experiences of [non-]attraction strongly point to him being on the ace spectrum.
34. Quicksilver by R. J. Anderson Tori thought she had left her past behind when she and her family started a new life in a new city. But then Sebastian Faraday reappears in her life to tell her that she’s not quite as safe as she thinks: the relay is still operating and a genetics lab is trying to track her down to figure out the secret behind her unusual biology. Tori is going to have to use all of her considerable technical expertise to escape her past and live the normal human life she’s always wanted to have. Asexual main character.
35. Hullmetal Girls by Emily Skrutskie Aisha Un-Haad, seventeen, and Key Tanaka, eighteen, have risked everything for new lives as mechanically enhanced soldiers, and when an insurrection forces dark secrets to surface, the fate of humanity is in their hands. In Hullmetal Girls, Aisha is not only ace/aro but she is also happy with her identity. Crucially, so is everyone else.
36. Not Even Bones by Rebecca Schaeffer Nita's mother hunts monsters and, after Nita dissects and packages them, sells them online, but when Nita follows her conscience to help a live monster escape, she is sold on the black market in his place. Aro/Ace main character
37. Before I Let Go by Marieke Nijkamp When Corey moves away from Lost Creek, Alaska, she makes her friend Kyra promise to stay strong during the long, dark winter, and wait for her return. Just days before Corey is to return home to visit, Kyra dies. The entire Lost community speaks in hushed tones, saying her death was meant to be. And they push Corey away like she's a stranger. With every hour, Corey's suspicion grows. Lost is keeping secrets-- but piecing together the truth about what happened to her best friend may prove as difficult as lighting the sky in an Alaskan winter. Aro/Ace main character.
38. If It Makes You Happy by Claire Kann Winnie is living her best fat girl life and is on her way to the best place on earth. No, not Disneyland–her Granny’s diner, Goldeen’s, in the small town of Misty Haven. While there, she works in her fabulous 50’s inspired uniform, twirling around the diner floor and earning an obscene amount of tips. With her family and ungirlfriend at her side, she has everything she needs for one last perfect summer before starting college in the fall. …until she becomes Misty Haven’s Summer Queen in a highly anticipated matchmaking tradition that she wants absolutely nothing to do with. Aro/ace secondary character.
39. Dread Nation by Justina Ireland An alternate history where the Civil War was put on hold when zombies started to rise. Almost finished with her education at Miss Preston's School of Combat in Baltimore, Jane is set on returning to her Kentucky home and doesn't pay much mind to the politics of the eastern cities, with their talk of returning America to the glory of its days before the dead rose.But when families around Baltimore County begin to go missing, Jane is caught in the middle of a conspiracy, one that finds her in a desperate fight for her life against some powerful enemies. And the restless dead, it would seem, are the least of her problems. The word asexual is not used, but that fits with the setting, and the explanation goes into a fair amount of detail, also ruling out that she likes women instead.
40. Vespertine by Margaret Rogerson When her convent is attacked by possessed soldiers, Artemisia defends the Gray Sisters by awakening the revenant bound to a saint's relic, even though she runs the risk of being possessed permanently by the powerful ancient spirit. Non-explicit romantic asexual main character. Fantasy.
41. Archivist Wasp by Nicole Kornher-Stace A postapocalyptic ghosthunter escapes her dire fate by joining the ghost of a supersoldier on his quest to the underworld Aromantic asexual main character. Dark fantasy/dystopian.
42. Summer of Salt by Katrina Leno While anyone would love to have a bit of magic, what happens when magic turns dark? Georgina Fernweh will come into her magic someday soon. Before she does, Georgina faces a tragedy that tests the islanders' trust. In this book, Georgina’s best friend Vira is aroace, and it’s addressed somewhat in the story at different points. There is a sweet strength between Georgina and Vira, full of loyalty and support that is lovely to see.
43. The Summer of Bitter and Sweet by Jen Ferguson In this moving and complex narrative, Lou learns to draw boundaries, stand up for herself, all while coming to terms with her demisexuality.
44. The Sound of Stars by Alechia Dow One-third of the human population has died and now the world is about to end. Ellie, a fat, Black, disabled, demisexual girl with access to an illegal library teams up with a music-loving alien to risk their lives to save the world.
45. The Grimrose Girls by Laura Pohl Pohl serves up a veritable smorgasbord of queer fairytale goodies in Grimrose Girls. This tale as old as time follows four students at the prestigious boarding school Grimrose Academy—Ella, Yuki, Rory, and newcomer Nani. When the former three’s best friend dies, all four girls are swept up in a dark and twisted mystery full of old fairytale magic. They must work together to unravel the secrets between them and break an ancient curse that dooms them to a fairytale ending (and not the fun kind). Yuki’s aromantic asexual identity is explored in her relationship to expectations, beauty, and friendship throughout the novel.
46. Radio Silence by Alice Oseman Frances has been a study machine with one goal. Nothing will stand in her way; not friends, not a guilty secret – not even the person she is on the inside. Then Frances meets Aled, and for the first time, she’s unafraid to be herself. So when the fragile trust between them is broken, Frances is caught between who she was and who she longs to be. In this book, Aled identifies as demisexual while Frances identifies as bisexual. The story really pays homage to the importance of friendship, and romantic storylines move to the background in a way we don’t often get in YA literature.
47. This Golden Flame by Emily Victoria Forced to serve her country’s ruling group, Karis wants nothing more than to find her brother. But family bonds don’t matter to the sole focus of unlocking the magic of an ancient automaton army. Karis is ace and other LGBTQ+ characters are introduced throughout.
48. Sawkill Girls by Claire Legrand A horror novel centered around three girls facing off against an unseen monster that preys upon the young women of the island of Sawkill Rock. Features a black asexual girl fresh out of a romantic relationship, as well as a f/f relationship.
49. Love Letters for Joy by Melissa See Less than a year away from graduation, seventeen-year-old Joy is too busy overachieving to be worried about relationships. She’s determined to be Caldwell Prep’s first disabled valedictorian. And she only has one person to beat, her academic rival Nathaniel. But it’s senior year and everyone seems to be obsessed with pairing up. One of her best friends may be developing feelings for her and the other uses Caldwell’s anonymous love-letter writer to snag the girl of her dreams. Joy starts to wonder if she has missed out on a quintessential high school experience. She is asexual, but that’s no reason she can’t experience first love, right?
50. Not Your Backup by C. B. Lee Part 3 in the Sidekick Squad series by C.B. Lee. Follows a questioning aromantic asexual latinx superhero sidekick fighting to prove her worth on the team despite her lack of superpowers, all admist the team's battle against the corrupt League of Heroes.
51. Belle Révolte by Linsey Miller Noble-born Emilie des Marais, 16, wants to become a physician, a role usually forbidden women of her class because of the corruptive toll the magical "noonday arts" exact. Common-born Annette Boucher wants to escape her domineering parents and master the less physically costly "midnight arts" of illusions, divination, and scrying, normally reserved for those who can afford the expensive education. At Emilie's urging, each girl takes the other's place. Miller (Ruin of Stars) writes in lush, dense prose that can require a careful read, but her protagonists' awareness of privilege and desire to challenge the status quo shines through. LGBTQ representation--including gay, trans, and nonbinary characters (Annette identifies as asexual biromantic)--further widens this tale's appeal.
52. Tarnished Are the Stars by Rosiee Thor A secret beats inside Anna Thatcher's chest: an illegal clockwork heart. Anna works cog by cog -- donning the moniker Technician -- to supply black market medical technology to the sick and injured, against the Commissioner's tyrannical laws. Determined to earn his father's respect, Nathaniel sets out to capture the Technician. But the more he learns about the outlaw, the more he questions whether his father's elusive affection is worth chasing at all. This YA novel features an aroace character gradually coming to accept his orientation in the midst of everything else that is happening in his life. Perfect for older teens who also enjoy WLW representation and dark themes.
53. Aces Wild: A Heist by Amanda DeWitt An all-asexual online friend group attempts to break into a high-stakes gambling club and commit a heist together. Includes a male asexual character navigating what love looks like for him, an aromantic asexual Latinx gender-nonconforming boy, a Vietnamese American and German asexual nonbinary teen, and a black asexual girl.
54. Planning Perfect by Haley Neil Summer vacation quickly becomes complicated for Felicity Becker as she tries to plan a perfect wedding for her mom, figure out her feelings for her friend Nancy, and wonder what dating will look like for her as an asexual person.
55. Ace of Hearts by Myriad Augustine Everyone around Alvin seems to be obsessed with one thing-- sex. Alvin finds it uncomfortable to think and talk about it and he knows he isn't ready and may never be. His friends, however, think that all Alvin needs is to hook up with the right guy. But the closer Alvin gets to being physical with someone, the more he's uncertain that this is for him and he begins to wonder if he's asexual. Can Alvin find the love that's right for him?
56. Beyond the Black Door by AdriAnne Strickland Everyone has a soul. Some are beautiful gardens, others are frightening dungeons. Kamia comes to know more about her identity as she decides to battle the forces of evil, no matter the cost... Asexual and demi-romantic main characters. Dark fantasy. Kamai is asexual, but isn’t aromantic—she has an interest in relationships that isn’t always depicted for those who are ace.
57. Loveless by Alice Oseman A queer coming of age story featuring a romance obsessed aromantic asexual main character discovering her sexuality and coming to terms with what that means, and a variety of other queer characters that support her on her journey.
58. Summer Bird Blue by Akemi Dawn Bowman Rumi Seto spends a lot of time worrying she doesn’t have the answers to everything. What to eat, where to go, whom to love. But there is one thing she is absolutely sure of—she wants to spend the rest of her life writing music with her younger sister, Lea. Then Lea dies in a car accident, and her mother sends her away to live with her aunt in Hawaii while she deals with her own grief. While not the main focal point of the book, Rumi does grapple throughout the story about where exactly she lands on the ace and aro spectrum—and whether she has to label herself at all.
59. Meet Cute Diary by Emery Lee In this queer rom-com, a transgender teen must decide if he's dedicated to romantic formulas or open to unpredictable love after an internet troll attack on his blog compels him and a fan to start fake-dating. Through an unlikely friendship with sweet, grounded Devin, who is Cuban American, asexual, and experimenting with pronouns, Noah--initially self-centered and standoffish--learns to value communication and empathy.
60. The Reckless Kind by Carly Heath In 1904 Norway, Asta runs away from her horrible fiancé to live with her two best friends. The three misfits set out to win the annual Christmas sleigh race to prove that they belong together. Queer asexual hard of hearing protagonist with heterochromia of Norwegian descent.
61. Forward March by Skye Quinlan How can band geek Harper have the chance of becoming the First Daughter with a fake dating profile? However, Harper does know that the drumline leader swiped right. Come along with Harper as she explores her truth during her last year of high school. Asexual-questioning cis female MC with anxiety and asthma.
62. Elatsoe by Darcie Little Badger What if America had monsters, magic, and interdimensional beings? For Elatsoe, this is real, and she has to uncover her cousin's murder! She can do this with the help of her ghost dog, Kirby, but has to remember not to wake human ghosts. Aromantic ace main character. Paranormal mystery. Casual representation which extends to Ellie’s identity as Lipan Apache. This identity is asserted more often and firmly than her asexuality, and Little Badger drops in nuggets of education for us settlers about what Indigenous people, and the Lipan Apache in particular, suffered at the hands of settlers.
63. All Out: The No-Longer-Secret Stories of Queer Teens Throughout the Ages by Editor Robin Talley A collection of short fantasy stories, featuring a variety of queer characters across multiple sexualities and genders. Features an asexual roller-skating girl from the 70s struggling to explain her identity to her crush.
64. Black Wings Beating by Alex London Twins Brysen and Kylee live in a world that revers the power of the falconers, but in a world where war approaches, they aren’t safe. Hunted for their power, they work together to trap the Ghost Eagle. Kylee is an ace character, focused on protecting her brother.
Graphic Novels
65. A-okay by Jarad Greene Eight grade can be tough, especially if you have acne and bullies, and lose friends. But our relatable asexual and aromantic protagonist, Jay, pulls through. This is a relatable memoir with colorful artwork.
66. How to Be Ace: A Memoir of Growing up Asexual by Rebecca Burgess A comic memoir detailing the author Rebecca Burgess's experience with growing up asexual in a world obsessed with sex. Also talks about her experiences with her own mental health and OCD.
67. Jughead, Volume 1 by Chip Zdarsky A comic book reboot of the Archie comics centered around Jughead Jones. Follows an aromantic asexual main character in typical Archie-style shenanigans. Part 1 of a 3 part series.
68. A Quick & Easy Guide to Asexuality by Molly Muldoon A charming introduction to asexuality, created to shed light on the misconceptions surrounding sex and being asexual. Told by writer Molly Muldoon and cartoonist Will Hernandez, both on the asexual spectrum.
69. Is Love the Answer? by Isaki Uta A poignant coming-of-age story about a young woman coming into her own as she discovers her identity as aromantic asexual. A complete story in a single volume, from the creator of "Mine-kun is Asexual."
Domestic Fiction
70. Have You Seen Luis Velez by Catherine Ryan Hyde Raymond Jaffe feels like he doesn't belong. Not with his mother's new family. Not as a weekend guest with his father and his father's wife. Not at school, where he's an outcast. After his best friend moves away, Raymond has only two real connections: to the feral cat he's tamed and to a blind ninety-two-year-old woman in his building who's introduced herself with a curious question: Have you seen Luis Velez? Mildred Gutermann, a German Jew who narrowly escaped the Holocaust, has been alone since her caretaker disappeared. She turns to Raymond for help, and as he tries to track Luis down, a deep and unexpected friendship blossoms between the two. Raymond is asexual (to be precise, he is aroace) And he is depicted as kind, loving, sensitive and realistic.
71. In the Lives of the Puppets by TJ Klune In a strange little home built into the branches of a grove of trees, live three robots--fatherly inventor android Giovanni Lawson, a pleasantly sadistic nurse machine, and a small vacuum desperate for love and attention. Victor Lawson, a human, lives there too. They're a family, hidden and safe. Protagonist: Vic, A curious, loving, & asexual human.
72. The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon In the mid-21st century major world cities are controlled by a formidable security force and clairvoyant underworld cell member Paige commits acts of psychic treason before being captured by an otherworldly race that would make her a part of their supernatural army. Demisexual main character.
73. The Perfect Assassin by K.A. Doore Divine justice is written in blood. Or so Amastan has been taught. As a new assassin in the Basbowen family, he's already having second thoughts about taking a life. A scarcity of contracts ends up being just what he needs. Until, unexpectedly, Amastan finds the body of a very important drum chief. Until, inevitably, Amastan is ordered to solve these murders, before the family gets blamed. Amastan is asexual and, as it turns out, homoromantic.
74. The Bruising of Quilwa by Naseem Jamnia Firuz-e Jafari was able to escape the slaughter of traditional blood magic practitioners by immigrating to the city-state of Qilwa. But now a terrible disease is spreading through the city, and Firuz believes it comes from ineptly performed blood magic. Now they must find a way to break a cycle of prejudice in order to survive. From the author: it's about an aroace nonbinary refugee healer who is trying to cure a magical plague in their new home while hiding their blood magic.
75. The Midnight Bargain by C. L. Polk The Midnight Bargain is a story "set in a world reminiscent of Regency England, where women's magic is taken from them when they marry. A sorceress must balance her desire to become the first great female magician against her duty to her family. Ysbeta has a clear goal for her life: to discover and share magic. Besides loving learning for its own sake, Ysbeta is asexual, and wealthy in her own right, so the bargaining season offers her literally nothing.
76. Every Heart A Doorway by Seanan McGuire Set in a world where a group of children have the ability to find and enter doorways into magical worlds, and now must find who's targetting them for this ability. Lead by an female asexual main character, with a trans love interest. First book in a series of novellas.
Science Fiction
77. The First Sister by Linden A. Lewis She's a priestess of the Sisterhood, traveling the stars alongside the soldiers of Earth who own the rights to her body and soul. When her former captain abandons her, First Sister's hopes for freedom are dashed and she is forced to stay on her ship with no friends, no status, and a new captain she knows nothing about. When the Mother, leader of her order, asks her to spy on Captain Saito Ren, First Sister discovers that sacrificing for the war effort is so much harder to do when your loyalties are split. He climbed his way out of the slums to become an elite soldier of Venus, but now he's haunted by his failures and the loss of his partner Hiro. But when Lito learns that Hiro is alive, but a traitor, and he's assigned to hunt Hiro down, and kill them, Lito must decide what he is actually fighting for - the society that raised him, or himself. As the battle to control Ceres reaches a head, Lito and First Sister must decide what - and whom - they are willing to sacrifice in the name of duty, or for love. Hispanic panromantic asexual protagonist (Lito).
78. Firebreak by Nicole Kornher-Stace Mal is one of many war survivors in the old town working multiple jobs to scrimp by, one of which is her team's streaming video game play. The team lives with several other roommates in a converted hotel room run by Stellaxis, the company that owns half of town, and is the only legal provider of drinkable water. When Mal catches sight of an elusive SecOps character, special non-player characters (NPCs) modeled after Stellaxis' twelve bioengineered operatives, the team pursues her inside the game to catch her on video for two seconds before their power curfew kicks in. By the time Mal heads down for her daily ration of water, they've secured a lucrative contract, involving an in-person meeting and a conspiracy theory, paying them to capture images of the three living SecOps characters. When Mal returns to find out why the next payment failed, she becomes involved in a fracas that will endanger everyone she knows. Aroace main character.
79. To be Taught, If Fortunate by Becky Chambers Four astronauts set out to explore the galaxy. This journey spans centuries and many worlds. A thought provoking read that explores the themes of loneliness and sense of purpose. Excellent cast of diverse characters and vivid world building. Chikondi is asexual and the text is careful to note that his relationship to the protagonist is no less emotional or vital than those she shares with people she is sexually involved with.
80. The Circus Infinite by Khan Wong What better person to take down a crime boss than a mixed-species fugitive! Join Jes on this exciting tale of espionage, torture, demolition. Sex-averse panromantic asexual lead character
Historical Fiction
81. Kaikeyi by Vasihnavi Patel The only daughter of the kingdom of Kekaya, she is raised on grand stories about the might and benevolence of the gods. Yet she watches as her father unceremoniously banishes her mother, her own worth measured by how great a marriage alliance she can secure. And when she calls upon the gods for help, they never seem to hear. Desperate for some measure of independence, she turns to the ancient texts she once read with her mother and discovers a magic that is hers alone. Kaikeyi is asexual and aromantic. Although the words "asexual" and "aromantic" aren't used in the book.
82. The Complete Lady Ruth Constance Chapelstone Chronicles by L. C. Mawson If you’re looking for steampunk magic, the Lady Ruth Constance Chapelstone novellas are the place for you. Read them individually or all together in this compendium. Chapelstone is interested in her inventions, not love and romance.
83. The Faceless Old Woman Who Secretly Lives in Your Homes by Joseph Fink Told in a series of eerie flashbacks, the story of The Faceless Old Woman goes back centuries to reveal an initially blissful and then tragic childhood on a Mediterranean Estate in the early nineteenth century, her rise in the criminal underworld of Europe, a nautical adventure with a mysterious organization of smugglers, her plot for revenge on the ones who betrayed her, and ultimately her death and its aftermath, as her spirit travels the world for decades until settling in modern-day Night Vale. Asexual secondary character.
84. All the Wrong Places by Ann Gallagher After his three ex-girlfriends in a row leave Brennan because he's not fulfilling their sexual needs, he seeks out advice from Zafir, the owner of a sex shop. Zafir introduces Brennan to the concept of asexuality and slowly something more blossoms between them.
85. That Kind of Guy by Talia Hibbert Rae needs a fake date to take to her ex's wedding and convinces Zach, a close friend who has recently discovered that he is demisexual, to play along.
86. The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood In an attempt to convince her best friend that she really is over her ex-boyfriend, grad-student Olive panic kisses stern associate professor Adam in the hallway. (Olive is coded as demisexual/graysexual, but that label is never used in the book).
87. Far From Home by Lorelie Brown The oddest of odd couples finds unexpected joy in Brown’s warm, sweet contemporary romance. American citizen Rachel, a not-quite-asexual assistant film producer struggling to make a living in L.A., is drowning in student debt; Indian immigrant Pari Sadashiv, a lesbian logistics manager, needs a U.S. green card to advance her career. When Rachel offers to marry Pari in exchange for funds, it’s just party banter at first—but what’s to stop them from crafting a friendship with legal and financial benefits? Their platonic plans quickly go awry as Pari’s mother moves in to help plan the wedding, forcing them to live their lie. As Rachel feels herself awakening to an attraction she didn’t even know was possible, Pari has to decide whether she can live with the possible fallout of Rachel’s tentative first foray into same-sex love.
88. Kiss Her Once for Me by Alison Cochrun Last Christmas, Ellie met Jack in Powell’s when they both went for a copy of Alison Bechdel’s Fun Home, and over a cute argument over “shared custody”, and Jack poking gentle fun at Ellie (who had been crying alone and talking to a footstool as if it were her friend) they start to bond. Jack asks Ellie for coffee, and then they end up spending the whole day together. This is a big deal for Ellie, who is demisexual, and rarely develops attractions to anyone. And then Jack breaks her heart. Fast-forward to this Christmas when Andrew, the landlord who owns the building she works in, asks her to fake-marry him so he can access his inheritance, and shenanigans lead to her agreeing to this and to going home with him for Christmas, and surprise! Jack is Andrew’s sister.
89. The Charm Offensive by Alison Cochrun Tech wunderkind Charlie has never really been interested in dating, but agrees to join the cast of reality show 'Ever After.' While there he finds himself charmed by his producer, Dev, and questioning his sexuality. The Charm Offensive includes a conversation discussing asexuality and its spectrum.
90. Never Been Kissed by Timothy Janovsky Wren Roland has never been kissed, but he wants that movie-perfect ending more than anything. Thanks to Mateo’s boyfriend, he learns about demisexuality and realizes that when he came out as gay, he had not finished realizing truths about himself and intimate relationships.
91. How to be a Normal Person by TJ Klune Before The House on the Cerulean Sea blew up, Klune wrote this quirky and delightful story of two asexual people finding each other and their happily ever after.
92. Soft on Soft by Mina Waheed This super sweet, low-angst romance centers on two fat, queer women of colour (one Black and one Persian-Arab) who fall in love and find their happy ending with hardly any drama. There’s also anxiety representation. It’s just pure fluffy romance goodness. Demisexual protagonist.
93. Ace and Aro Journeys: A Guide to Embracing your Asexual or Aromantic Identity by The Ace and Aro Advocacy Project What does it mean to be ace or aro? How should I approach the challenges that come with being ace or aro? How can I best support the ace and aro people in my life? Join the The Ace and Aro Advocacy Project (TAAAP) for a deep dive into the process of discovering and embracing your ace and aro identities. Empower yourself to explore the nuances of your identity, find and develop support networks, explore different kinds of partnership, come out to your communities and find real joy within. Combining a rigorous exploration of identity and sexuality models with hundreds of candid and poignant testimonials -- this companion vouches for your personal truth, wherever you lie on the aspec spectrum. You are not invisible! You are among friends.
94. Being Ace: An Anthology of Queer, Trans, Femme, and Disabled Stories of Asexual Love and Connection by Editor Madeline Dyer Discover the infinite realms of asexual love across sci-fi, fantasy, and contemporary stories From a wheelchair user racing to save her kidnapped girlfriend and a little mermaid who loves her sisters more than suitors, to a slayer whose virgin blood keeps attracting monsters, the stories of this anthology are anything but conventional. Whether adventuring through space, outsmarting a vengeful water spirit, or surviving haunted cemeteries, no two aces are the same in these 14 unique works that highlight asexual romance, aromantic love, and identities across the asexual spectrum
95. Ace: What Asexuality Reveals About Desire, Society, and the Meaning of Sex by Angela Chen A non-fiction research book about the asexual perspective on society's facinations with love and sex, and the misconceptions about what being asexual really is and what it means to a person.
96. The Invisible Orientation: an Introduction to Asexuality by Julia Sondra Decker An introduction to what asexuality is, both for people who don't know what that means and for people that may be questioning their own sexuality. It aims to puts asexual people's experiences in context, as they move through a very sexualized world.
97. Gender Queer: A Memoir by Maia Kobabe A graphic memoir about author Kobabe's growing from adolescence to adulthood, as e explores eir gender identity and sexuality. Features a gender queer and asexual main character that uses e/eir pronouns.
98. Ace Voices What it Means to Be Asexual, Aromantic, Demi or Grey-Ace by Eris Young This is the ace community in their own words. Drawing upon interviews with a wide range of people across the asexual spectrum, Eris Young is here to take you on an empowering, enriching journey through the rich multitudes of asexual life.
99. I Am Ace: Adice on Living Your Best Asexual Life by Cody Daigle-Orians Tackling everything from what asexuality is, the asexual spectrum and tips on coming out, to intimacy, relationships, acephobia and finding joy, this guide will help you better understand your asexual identity alongside deeply relatable anecdotes drawn from Cody's personal experience.
100. Sounds Fake But Okay: An Asexual and Aromantic Perspective on Love, Relationships, Sex, and Pretty Much Anything Else by Sarah Costello and Kayla Kaszyca Drawing on their personal stories, and those of aspec friends all over the world, prepare to explore your microlabels, investigate different models of partnership, delve into the intersection of gender norms and compulsory sexuality and reconsider the meaning of sex - when allosexual attraction is out of the equation.
I haven't read all of these books, so I can't guarantee all of them. But I did my best researching all of them. I was making this list on my own and I was amazed that I could find over 100 books with asexual characters and I wanted to share it!
The Aromantic Book List is now out!
Tagging some people who were excited about this list: @sweetspiderstew @majorgenerally @shayberri789 @53rdcenturyhero @knightoflodis @neonghost39 @rosaazulina
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bonddogsaint · 2 years
Life has been so challenging lately that I don't know if I'm finally achieving serenity or if my depression has leveled up into the god tiers.
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visenyaism · 14 days
if you could write and direct eloise's season so she ends up with whoever you want her to be with, what would you do?
Eloise somehow convinces her mom and brother to let her see the world a bit before returning for one final season in society. she spends the summer studying abroad in Lesbos before the season begins and comes back and is like hey guys you’re never gonna believe what I found out about over there. everyone else is like girl if you ever read lady whistledown instead of just calling it lame you would literally already know about having a gay affair but whatever.
she is now locked in 100% for the lesbian spinster lifestyle, but being a spinster and living in her brothers house is kind of lame. her family annoys her a bit she needs to chart her own path and get her own house. What she needs is to bag a rich widow. if we’re keeping it close to the books it’s just gonna be marina crane, who instead of dying in childbirth is fine and her husband just slipped on a banana peel and died or something. or maybe cressida they’re fine. haven’t thought that far ahead. but you see the vision. spends the season milf hunting and like her brothers slowly realizing she has to actually like women and not just want to have sex with them in order to form a stable lifelong partnership. and also that she doesn’t hate the romantic shit like flowers and poetry when she is the one doing it for someone else.
the b plot is that benedict is involved in the plot of the movie challengers with another regency twink and an evil countess who makes them play badminton (typical bridgerton anachronism) and kiss a lot. this will not be coming up again,
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doobea · 11 months
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synopsis: You're a famous online smut author, married to an international superstar athlete, and everyone around you thinks you have the perfect sex life. What they don't realize is Rin sleeps in the guest room and you're still very much a virgin.
contents: fem!reader, explicit content (fingering, fondling, heavy petting, public indecency, and makeout sessions), suggestive themes, mainly written in rin's pov, characters are all in their mid/late-20s, his teammates are just trying to help (not really), romcom, he has a therapist!!, idk probably secondhand embarrassment, mutual pinning and they are both awk, mdni word count: 3K a/n: tbh i actually have no idea how to write smut scenes so apologies in advance ps due to popular demand... there IS a taglist below haha just comment on the fic if you want to be added to the next batch c:
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二 : Baby, wanna spend it all on you -> prev. ->next.
When Rin thought about his life after college, he'd imagine things a certain way. He'd expected to move abroad, a new city, a new life. He'd expected to play alongside his older brother and for a football team of a different caliber, offering different techniques and skill levels that would promote a challenge to him.
What he didn’t expect was staying in Japan, getting married by the age of 24, playing alongside his teammates from the Blue Lock academy, and representing his nation in the upcoming world cup. It wasn't bad by his standards, just not ideal - more so over the team rather than the location and marriage, surprisingly. He's currently stuck with the same teammates that love to tease him endlessly. But a voice in his head tells him that they're probably the only people who could mesh well with his play style; so he tolerates them.
Here's what Rin Itoshi's teammates know about him: he's married to a famous author, he's fluent in English, he's the most Virgo man out there, he always keeps his phone on 'Do Not Disturb', and his favorite movie is The Shining.
And here's what they don't know about him: he's in an arranged marriage, he's madly in love with you so much to the point where he has all your favorite food orders listed in his notes app, he carries around a physical signed copy of one of your novels at all times (you have no clue and he's never going to tell you), and he's a virgin.
Not many people could crack Rin and not many try. The football player had a reputation for being anti-social, rude, and extremely blunt. But Isagi Yoichi is not like many people. Being one of his long-time teammates (friend - Isagi would like to correct him from time to time), he would always find a way to make Rin slip up more details about his 'top-secret' life. It wouldn't always work and often times the conversation will end with Rin kicking a ball to his head - ouch.
But today felt different, Rin had noticed the shorter male peering at him with mischief laced in his eyes when he had walked onto the training grounds early morning. Rin was prepared to kick the ball extra hard this time around.
"What genre does your wife usually write?" Isagi asks nonchalantly as he begins routine stretches on the turf.
"Why does that matter to you?" Rin bites back while doing his own sets of warm-ups next to him.
Isagi is unfazed and continues, "I've been trying to find something new to read nowadays. It's hard to find good books!"
Sarcasm, Rin notices.
"Even if you did read her books, I highly doubt you'd understand the words."
"Pfft, what does she write physics textbooks or something?"
Before Rin could even insult back, he hears a loud bang from the locker room and one of his teammates running out. Karasu jogs to the field and Rin feels all the color wash off his face. In Karasu's hands held the physical copy of your best-selling novel, 'Pleasure Master Prejudice', the book that Rin always carries in his sports bag.
Suddenly, Rin wants to take back all the harsh insults he's said to his team's face. He starts praying, half expecting the football player to run towards him with flowers instead of your dirtiest erotica story known to man, he will repent all of his sins in this moment.
"Yo," Karasu smirks and waves the book around for everyone else to see, "check out what I found on the locker room floor!"
Rin makes a mental note that he is definitely going to schedule an emergency call with his therapist later.
Otoya is first to make a beeline toward the taller player, immediately snatching the book from his hands and flipping through the pages. "Holy shit, this is nasty!"
"Wait let me see–"
Rin blinks in disbelief as he watches his team of fully grown men scramble to the center of the field, all of them attempting to read out loud the pages and giggling like little schoolgirls. At this point, Rin thinks that the higher beings are out to get him.
"Gross! Gross!" Ranze chokes at the print.
"Guys, what the fuck is a vulva?" Igarashi screeches.
"Read this one, Reo." Nagi eagerly points to a paragraph on the bookmarked page and everyone laughs.
Reo suppresses his laughter and clears his throat, "He spreads my dripping cunt wide with his slender digits, eyes keeping in lock with mine as he hovers over my voluptuous ti–"
"Can you guys fucking stop?!"
All turn to face their redden-faced striker, surprised by the volume coming from his usual monotone voice. Rin is also surprised himself. A pregnant silence falls over the team followed by the sounds of the book cover closing.
"Was that yours?" Isagi finally says.
He can't find the energy or space to punt a dozen footballs in everyone's face so today, safe to say, Rin leaves practice early.
"What brings you in today?" Anri adjusts her glasses and steadies her clipboard in her lap before looking into the camera. "It must've been pretty serious for you to call me last minute."
The football player sinks into the living room couch and tilts the laptop screen back to avoid looking at his agitated expression. He usually schedules weekly therapy sessions every Monday to decompress from his work stress and improve his social anxiety, but today is Friday and he needed Anri to hear him out. He's thankful that her schedule turned out to be flexible last minute and equally as glad that you were currently out drafting another story at a nearby cafe.
"I think I need to move out of the country or just disappear for good." He groans into his hands.
"Rin," She says with a controlled tone, "what triggered this event? Tell me how you're feeling right now."
He bites his lips, "My team knows that I read erotica." Rin shyly admits.
Anri hums on the screen, scribbling her thoughts down on the notepad, "And how does that make you feel?" She repeats.
Embarrassed? Ashamed? He didn't know where to start. He can handle the flack from his teammates tomorrow as cringe as it was today but the main reason why he feels the way he does is–
"It reminds me how I'm being physically avoidant in my marriage."
"Ah," Anri beams as if she's found gold, and Rin hears her flipping through her notepad, "are you two still talking? How long has it been since that incident?"
"A week. I'm still not sure what inclined her to go into my room since we usually keep things separate. We both chose to not talk about it and things have more or less gone back to normal."
"But is that what you want?"
"No," He removes his hands and glances at a framed wedding portrait above the fireplace, "but I'm not sure how to initiate anything with my wife. She doesn't know that I read her stories and I'm not sure if she picks up that I'm inexperienced."
"Do you think reading her published works will help you gain confidence in how you approach her?"
Rin hums in deep thought. He only started reading your novels and short stories around eight months back out of curiosity on a slow practice day. When you guys initially got together, he never really asked about your background due to his ignorance of 'she's probably just another YA novelist'. So, when he typed in your alias into the search bar, he was absolutely taken aback by how lewd and explicit everything was. He felt a sense of insecurity knowing that you've probably had most of these acts done to you (how else were you able to write a detailed bondage scenario) and he couldn't live up to that nor see your evident disappointment if you ever find out that you're his first everything.
"Not sure." Rin answers.
Anri flashes the male a pondering look in her eyes before deciding to leave the lingering topic for their Monday session. They briefly exchange their goodbyes, ending the call with her advice of 'trying to approach things in her shoes', Rin isn't exactly sure what Anri meant by that.
A light buzz comes from the coffee table and he sees your contact flash in his notifications. He sometimes feels like you're taunting him with your comedic timings.
my love hey babe if you're free later do you wanna come shopping with me?
It's already been one hell of a day, why not relax in some retail therapy with your wife? Maybe he can try to attempt whatever Anri was suggesting.
When you told him to meet you at the new corner store located next to a ceramics store, Rin was half expecting it to be another bookstore or beauty outlet. Never in a million years would he have predicted that you brought him to a sex shop of all places.
The boutique is painted in blotches of purple and black circles with two towering rose bushes on either side. Grey mannequins are on display by the arched windows facing the street and they are covered from head to toe in a series of lace, leather, and chain underwear sets. And he spots you, already inside the store staring intensely at your phone with your tote bag in hand before locking eyes and sending over a coy smile.
Rin has been in many unpredictable and hard situations, in football of course, but he couldn't see where this outcome might lead. He finds the strength to wave back after gawking for who knows how long, unaware of his sweat-covered palms, and steps inside a world he's alarmingly unaware of.
"Did you wait long?" He manages to remain composed and refuses to look anywhere else but your face.
"Nope," You reach out to interlock your fingers with his, "I just got here a minute ago. How was practice?"
Rin can't help but roll his eyes, "Wasn't the best, let's talk about something else?" And you nod. "Did you need anything from here, hon?"
"Ah, well..." You scratch your flushed cheeks in thought before nudging him towards the floral pattern-laced body suits in the corner. "I want to incorporate something similar in my writings but I want a personal opinion of them first."
Suddenly, Anri's words pop up in his mind again. How could he see himself in your shoes and what should his response be? Was this strictly for your work or is there a hidden meaning behind it, he thinks to himself. Before he could provide you an answer, a male sales associate interrupts.
"That's a wonderful choice, miss!" The blond male's voice booms through the store’s walls as he struts his way over, wearing a pair of obnoxiously shiny brown loafers, tight black leather pants a size too small, and a white collared shirt with the first two buttons popped open, exposing just a bit of chest hair, "Our Forget-Me-Not Floral collection is seasonal right now and it's been a fan favorite since release!"
“Oh!” Your eyes sparkle at the fact, “May I try a few on?”
Rin feels oddly annoyed, and it's a different type of annoyance compared to Isagi and the rest of his team. He subconsciously tightens the grip around your hand but doesn’t say anything.
The male nods vigorously and shuffles through the drawers, quickly selecting the most revealing ones that the collection has to offer. There was hardly any coverage other than thin white straps and embroidered flowers barely covering where the breasts and vagina would be. Why is this boutique charging so much for something that covers so little? But for some reason, you didn’t seem to mind and happily took the associate’s suggestions.
“Plenty of people like to get the nightgown version, but these are my personal favorites.”
“Thank you so much um—”
The male winks, “Chris Prince.”
And Rin thinks to himself, what an obnoxious name for an obnoxious guy.
You swiftly march yourself to the dressing room with the items in hand, assuring Rin that it’ll only be a short while, and he takes a seat on their small ottoman right outside. He feels Chris’ gaze burn at the back of his head but he pays no mind to it - Rin didn't want to cause headlines tomorrow on top of the series of unfortunate events for today. So, to busy himself, he pulls out his phone and texts you instead.
Rin "Everything alright?" my love "Yes! Getting it on is a bit challenging, trying to figure that out rn haha" Rin "I’m sure it’ll look fine regardless how you wear it" my love "Thanks, Rin :) "
Another notification comes through making Rin frown immediately as he recognizes the name of the sender.
shithead "We’re still cool?" Rin "Fuck off, Isagi." shithead "Lol glad to hear that. See you at practice tomorrow then?" Rin "Sleep with one eye open tonight."
“Hey, honey?” Your voice calls out in the distance, “Could you help me with something real quick?”
He isn't sure what's more revealing - the fact that you're practically almost naked with just lines of sheer fabric barely covering anything up or the face he's making right now. You seem to catch on to his discomfort and quickly hug the front part of your body with your shirt, mumbling an apology afterward. He rushes to close the dressing room curtains, hoping the weird sales associate isn't listening in.
"I can't get the neck part to look right..." You turn around slowly, exposing your bare back and bottom. He thinks you should've worn a hospital gown because this might be too much for his little innocent heart to handle.
Rin feels a lump forming in his throat and knots churning in his stomach while trying to take everything in. He couldn't help his wandering eyes and stood there for a bit, simply admiring what was in front of him. "You look amazing." And it comes out breathier than what he wanted it to.
This is the first time he's seen you almost naked and, the fact it's in a lingerie store, makes him feel terrible as a partner. This brings him back to Anri's wise words from today's session and the past eight months of solid 'research' he's conducted.
Your body flinches at the touch of his slender fingers reaching for the two strands dangling around your neck that were failing to support your breasts. You feel your face reaching concerning levels of warmth as Rin moves closer, his chest practically pressing up from behind, whispering that he needed to get this knot just right. Your eyes go wide when you peer into the mirror, catching Rin's sudden sharp expression and you could've sworn his eyes went dark.
"Is this okay?" His hands rest on your shoulders and looks into the reflection with you, appreciating the finalized look. You gently drop the t-shirt to the floor, mouth agape. The sheer, embroidered cups now fit your breasts perfectly and the bottoms are snug against your lower half but still breathable. The lace hugged and accentuated your curves just right without it being too over the top.
Suddenly, you feel painfully small in his presence.
"Y-Yeah, thanks."
Rin hums in contentment before placing shyly his hands on either side of your hips, "Is this also okay?" He drawls, breath hitting against your ears.
You merely nod in response, having a loss for words at the sudden boldness, and melt into your husband's touch. You screw your eyes shut as his hands sweep lower, fingertips brushing the fabric of the bodysuit and barely skimming your exposed thighs. He stops over where your lower region resides and presses gently against it.
"Rin," It comes out as a whisper.
He kisses your temple and smiles against your skin, "Try and be quiet, my love."
Rin's fingers continue to press against your mound with increasing intensity and you struggle to hold back any form of reaction. His other hand travels from your hips to your breast, giving it a small squeeze.
"They're so soft." He continues to grope, playing with your nipple through the lace fabric, and you feel as if your head is filled to the brim with static.
You find yourself grinding against his fingers, trembling and panting out the quietest of moans you can. "Please." It sounds ragged and raw to Rin's ears.
He tilts your head back by the jaw and sloppily pushes his tongue down your throat. Your desperate hands immediately reach for his hair and the other down to feel for his aching length growing against his pants.
"Grind against it." Rin grits through his teeth, fluttering his eyes shut as you did what he's told and he feels like his body is burning alive.
Rin ravages your lips once more and, feeling a surge of confidence, he slides the bottom of the bodysuit to one side, allowing his digits to fully feel the extent of his work. You moan loudly into his mouth, tears of pleasure forming at the corners of your eyes. He takes that as permission to enter into your folds and the texture and scent emitting from it is addicting to his senses.
"You're so wet."
"It's because of you."
His lips find their way to your shoulders and his hand on your chest grip tight against your now trembling figure as he rapidly pumps in and out of your folds. Your hands clamp over your mouth as a burning sensation tightly builds up.
"It's okay," He murmurs, "you don't have to hold back."
And just at the right angle, you watch as fireworks explode right in front of you. Your mind rewires itself slowly and suddenly everything is over-stimulating. Everything is either too bright or not bright enough. You've become hyperaware of the mesh material against your hot, sweaty skin and the sounds of poorly curated indie music that played in the background. You couldn't recognize yourself in the mirror.
Rin groans at your mess and slips out his fingers with a loud pop before setting your fatigued body against his.
"I think your readers will like it."
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@wtfsaekyuny , @jukey , @broeagleblog , @freakingdinonuggies , @damutaaa , @idk-bro-gay , @saharei , @yesurmajesty , @vvi-site , @saeswifeeee , @marilover69 , @izayumi-chan , @whostakara , @talleythesimp , @short-black-diamond
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yesimwriting · 4 months
pleaseee write smth about that fight between Felix and reader
a/n i've been thinking about this scene for days so when i saw this ask i got so hyped
warnings: reader being AFAB/female is plot relevant (reader's father has always wanted a son), implied emotional/financial parental abuse (not described in too much detail), potentially inaccurate portrayal of early-ish 2000's phones bc i was a toddler during their oxford era, hurt/comfort
we're getting into reader's background!!
itallic texts = from felix, bold texts = from reader
There's a scratch embedded into the dark mahogany. It's small, no wider than something you could make with your finger nail.
"How's your food?"
Your attention shifts towards the ceramic plate that's almost covering the dining table's only blemish. "It's good," you mumble with a slight nod, fork instinctually jabbing at a piece of food without you even looking at it. "Yours?"
"Great," he hums casually, cutting into his steak. "Part of the reason I picked this hotel is because of the restaurant. The visiting chef's a guy that I met in New York when he was looking into financing an international expansion of his franchise."
You bring your utensil to your lips. "That's cool, daddy."
The comment only strengthens the question that's been silently ebbing at your mind since your father first suggested lunch. Why did he order room service instead of taking you to the hotel's restaurant? Your dad has always loved the ambiance, the leisure of sitting in a nice restaurant.
"Is that why you're in town?" You reach for your glass, taking a sip of your drink before continuing. "To finalize something with the chef?"
He sets down his knife. "That and a few other business arrangements that needed to be checked on." He pauses, shoulders relaxing. "And to see you, too, Ace. It feels like it's been awhile since we talked."
Your lips quirk into what's almost a smile. When your father called to let you know that he'd be staying near Oxford for work and that he wanted you to visit, you had been apprehensive at first. Your mother was cautiously supportive of the idea.
Things with your father have been relatively stable recently. He liked the way no university seemed off limits to you with your grades and extracurriculars. He loved the idea of a daughter studying abroad at Oxford (which, is part of the reason you seriously considered Princeton for some time). And he's been drinking less. Part of that whole reborn, second marriage to a late-20-something methodist thing.
"Yeah, dad," you agree, as sincerely as you can manage, "It's been awhile."
"You know I'm friends with one of your deans." He doesn't give you a chance to reply. "We had coffee together, and he told me you're on track to finish in the top 10%." Rumors about the top percentages had been circling around Oxford for the past month. Still, it's relieving to know. "Congratulations, Ace."
This time, your smile meets your eyes. "Thanks."
He smiles, a flash of something practiced and charming. "When I get home, the first thing I'm doing is picking out a gift to send to you."
"If you need time, you can always wait and give it to me over the summer."
The infamous summer. Your mother is going to be spending most of the summer volunteering for an organization that brings counseling to children that have survived traumatic experiences but can't affording therapy. Your father suggested that you stay with him for a little while so that you wouldn't have to spend an entire two months in an empty house.
He stretches an arm like he wants to pick up his fork, but decides against it. "I--I want to tell you something." His tone is softer now, almost hesitant. "But you have to promise not to cry."
You try to swallow around the lump in your throat, body familiar with the command. "Okay?"
"I don't know if this summer's going to work out the way we talked about." He taps his fingers against the surface of the table. Your eyes lock on the scratch marring the wood. "Things have gotten complicated."
Your father sighs. "I'm sure you've noticed Christine's not here." You can't bring yourself to react at the mention of your step-mother's name. "She isn't in--she isn't in the best condition to travel." The tapping continues. "Christine's pregnant. She's due in early June, and she isn't having an easy time. I think it'd be best to not do anything that could potentially be stressful."
"It's a boy."
Oh. A boy. With his perfect wife, in his perfect penthouse on the Upper East Side. Of course. Of fucking course.
You can't breathe right or thing of the way you're supposed to react. All you can do is stare at the scratch. At the only thing that indicates that anything bad has ever happened to the table.
"You promised you wouldn't cry." The words feel far. "You look too much like your mother when you cry."
That seems to force you back to earth. Any and all reminders of your mother must be eradicated in his presence. "I know. I'm not going to cry." You blink once, hand moving to wipe away tears you refuse to let spill. "Congratulations."
He's quiet for a moment, pressing his lips together, before finally settling on a perfunctory, "Thank you." After a beat of silence, he continues, "Were you planning on staying tonight? I was thinking of flying back early, but I can--"
"Oh, no," you shake your head once, "I actually have a lot of homework, so it's probably better for me to get back."
Your father nods, "Always the academic, Ace." He pushes his seat back. "If you're done eating, I can walk you to the lobby and have my driver take you back."
"Yeah," you push back your own seat and stand, "Sounds good."
The two of you reach the front doors of the suite. "Hey," your father starts, "Why don't you travel this summer? That's all I did during college breaks. I'll pay so you can do it up right. You should go somewhere with a friend. Paris, maybe. You two always had fun as kids."
You nod once, trying to keep your expression neutral. "Yeah, daddy, I'll ask Paris about what she's doing this summer."
"Good." He pauses at the door, reaching into the pocket of his slacks. He pulls out his wallet and counts out a few bills. "Here. A pre-gift." You hesitate. "C'mon, top 10%."
Your mother's voice rings in your ears. He won't change, you might as well take the money. You stretch out a hand, forcing a smile as you take the cash. "Thanks."
Stupid. You're so fucking stupid.
You really thought you'd be there all weekend. You really thought Christine would let you into her home for longer than a day or two.
And the pregnancy thing? That--that's going to get back to your mom in one way or another if you don't tell her. And hearing that, hearing that your dad's finally getting his son is going to kill her.
It's all you've been thinking about since you got back yesterday afternoon. After mumbling a halfhearted explanation to your roommate, you changed into some pajama shorts and a giant T-shirt that you only realized was Felix's after the fact and crawled into bed. You've moved as little as possible since.
Something near the foot of your bed buzzes, snapping you back to the present. You flip the phone open, immediately noticing three text notifications. From Felix.
hope ur weekend's going better than mine
i feel abandoned
Despite your angst, you smile to yourself before sending a response: it's been one day.
After a minute, there's another text on your screen: so it's a crime to miss u. You roll your eyes, fondness pooling in your stomach. how are u doing.
The second question, though sincere, forces you to spiral. You want to be honest. You don't lie to Felix and he doesn't lie to you.
But, everything comes with exceptions, and making sure no one finds out how tense things actually are with your dad is yours. Before you two got close, it felt too private, and once you finally did, a few comments from Felix's friends made you feel like the worst thing you could do for your friendship was let him see any kind of darkness.
It's not that he'd judge you, he'd just want to help you so badly that it'd take over everything else. Farleigh's made it clear that Felix loves a charity case. And you don't want to be that. You won't let your dad take that from you, either.
You want to say that you're fine, maybe text a comment about things being a little awkward because it's no secret that your mom took care of you after the divorce. But lying about being on campus feels like something that could easily morph into something else.
Felix, who actually has enough of a social life to pull sleazy moves like that never has. i'm sick. came home early.
ur back!
why didn't u tell me
i'm sick, can't hang out
are u ok
do u need anything
Guilt prods at you. You've been texting him on and off since yesterday and never mentioned that you came back early. Felix is always so good to you. But, you're in no place to see him. no just need rest
You shut your phone. You're not sure that saying you're sick is enough to keep Felix away all weekend, but it could be enough to keep him away tonight. It's Saturday night. He'll have plans.
And tomorrow, you'll feel better. More stable.
"I have some time before I'm supposed to go to Jake's. I stole some bread from the dining hall." Nadia's offer is gentle. "Do you want to go feed the ducks?"
You wipe at your face. "That's a really nice offer, Nadia, but I'm feeling a little sick. Maybe when you get back?"
She frowns. "Are you sure you're okay?"
"Yeah," you mumble, "I just need some sleep."
"You've been sleeping on and off since yesterday afternoon." Nadia hesitates, eyes darting towards the bathroom. She does need to start getting ready for her date. "Maybe you can call Felix later? It's Saturday night, you know there's some terribly exclusive, not meant for any of us ordinaries party he's dying to take you to."
The attempt at humor is enough to get you to roll onto your side. "Since when do you like Felix?"
To be fair, Nadia's never disliked Felix. Before you became friends with him, she had a bit of a crush on him in that way that all freshmen girls at Oxford do. After you started hanging out with him all the time, that crush turned into an awareness that fueled her worry. She's always implied her concern that he'd eventually hurt you.
"I've never not liked him," she mumbles, "I was just scared he'd break your heart, but, the last couple of times he's come over...something about the way he looks at you."
"So you finally accepted we're just friends?"
She walks towards the bathroom, "Didn't say that."
You roll your eyes, letting yourself rest on your back. You shut your eyes, trying to force out any thoughts of the outside world as you drift off.
The familiar creek of the hinges of your room's door pulls you back to reality slowly.
"Took you long enough." Nadia's voice. "All she does is sleep and mope. She didn't even want to go feed the ducks today."
"She loves feeding the ducks." Another familiar, much more moving voice. You manage to move, wiping at your eyes as you sit up.
"I know!"
You finally sit up, blinking your eyes as your vision adjusts. Felix. He's standing in near the foot of your bed. "Felix--I-I told you I'm fine. Just a little sick."
"Nadia called and told me the opposite."
You turn your head to glare at you roommate, who doesn't even have the decency to look ashamed. "You stole my phone and called him?"
"I had to," she defends. "All you do is sleep and cry, and you've been like this since you came back yesterday."
Felix's expression drops as soon as the final word comes out. Your eyes widen, head shaking as subtly as possible as if a too late warning will erase the sentence from existence.
"Wait," his voice is softer than you've ever heard it, "You've been back since yesterday and you didn't tell me?"
You swallow, unable to look away from Felix.
"I--I have to go." Nadia's announcement breaks through the stiff silence. "I'll be back sometime tomorrow, so um..." She turns away, swinging an overnight bag over her shoulder before disappearing out the door. You can't blame her for running out as soon as possible.
"Felix," your voice is low, gravely, "Darling."
"Don't." His eyebrows pinch together, sadness tinging his expression. It doesn't fit him. "Why--why wouldn't you tell me you were here?"
You sit up a little straighter, wiping at your eyes with the back of your palm. "I told you I'm sick. I'm not up for anything right now."
Felix is still watching you with that kicked puppy look. "That doesn't--" He cuts himself off with a sigh. "You know I don't care if you don't want to do anything. We can--we can just sit or-or talk, or read or--do nothing." Felix presses his lips together, "I thought you knew that."
You know he's right, and that makes it harder to look at him. Felix would have been a sweetheart about it. He would have let you mope, cry even, and he would've spent the entire time holding you. It should have been easy to tell Felix, instinctual...and yet...
Your eyes briefly shut. "I do." The admission's painful to get out. Some of your hesitation was over the way Felix reacts to tragedy, but the rest is something more personal. Telling Felix would have solidified it. Would have made that label of 'abandoned child' that you've always been so wary about permanent. "It's more than that."
"Then what is it?"
Sighing, you push yourself to the edge of your bed. "My head hurts, I need a Tylenol."
Your words and movements are drowsy as you push yourself to stand. Felix takes a partial step forward before forcing himself to freeze into place. It's hard not to help you.
"Then what is it?"
You push open the bathroom door. "I don't--I don't know." It's a weak attempt at dismissing the conversation before things go to a place that you can't handle right now. "I couldn't get the words out." Still can't.
You find the pill bottle you were looking for on the bathroom counter and start working at twisting off the childproof cap. "We tell each other everything eventually." His voice is dry, almost hesitant. "At least, I do. We trust each other."
Your eyes shut as you sigh, fingers briefly releasing the top of the bottle. "Maybe that's not trust. Maybe that's your life being so perfect there's nothing you need to keep secret."
The words come out in a rush, angry and sharp. Regret floods through you instantly. "I'm sorry."
"No." The syllable is hard. "No. You're not. Don't do that. Don't--don't start saying what you think I need to hear--or keeping in what you think I don't." There's a concerned anger there, an unfitting combination that you don't have the energy to decode. "What could be so bad you can't tell me? We know about Ollie's parents and that didn't change anything, did it?"
Actually, things did change a little. Oliver's broken home life seemed to only make Felix want to pull Oliver into his world even more. You hate thinking it, because it's insensitive and a little mean, but of course Oliver was willing to give Felix all the gritty details.
After the initial implications came out, Felix devoured them with the same silver spoon that was placed in his mouth at birth. In a way, Felix's desire to fix and ease pain brought them closer together. And it probably means more to Oliver coming from Felix than anyone else.
But your relationship with Felix is different. You don't want sadness and coddling to be what makes you feel certain in your bond with Felix. You want things to stay the same. You don't want to give your dad anyway to change one of the most important connections in your life.
"You have a big heart, Felix, and I love that about you." Your hand reaches for the Tylenol again. "But I don't want you helping me to become all that I am to you. I don't want to be a charity case." You squeeze your eyes shut, cringing at your wording. "And--and I'm not trying to say that Ollie's just a charity case, it's that--some stuff Farleigh's said and--" Tears are pricking the edge of your vision.
"You're more than that," he scoffs the words out like it's ridiculous he even has to say that, "Of course you're more than that, I thought you knew." He scoffs. "I--I don't just wait around for people."
You scoff, the sound almost a bitter laugh. "Oh--so now it's not about trust, it's about your ego. That I don't just sit around next to my phone, waiting for the Felix Catton to call me."
Felix takes a step forward, "It's not about that!" You raise your eyebrows, uncertainty leaving you frozen. Felix has never yelled at you before. "...It's not about that," he repeats, voice a more acceptable volume. He takes another step forward, his fingers finding your forearm. "You know how I meant it."
There's a tension in the way he's touching your arm. It's nothing harsh, if anything it's almost too soft. Hesitant. He's watching you with an intensity that pins you into place more than his actual hold.
You wouldn't be surprised by his anger, you're not even sure you'd be able to blame him for it, but that's not what you see when you look at him. You can't exactly read the look behind his eyes, but something about it reminds you of Nadia's earlier comment.
It's heavy. Too heavy for you to think about tonight. That's how Felix is. He's intense. All consuming. When all you do is blink at him, he lets go of your arm.
His eyes dart towards the ground, body angling itself away from you.
It's subtle, and not a direct dismissal, but after everything that's already happened, it's enough to serve as a final nail hammered into your chest. "I don't want things to change between us." You sigh, finally getting the pill bottle's lid to pop off. "Because I'm fine."
You force a smile, but there's a tightness to your features that makes it feel like a grimace. "It's not a big deal. So my dad asked me not to come home this summer, because his wife's pregnant and he doesn't want to 'stress her out'. I'm fine." You can feel the tears welling in your eyes. "Y'know it's a b-oy." Your voice cracks on the last word, a laugh or maybe a sob interrupting the single syllable. "So um...good for him, he's finally getting his son."
Felix is watching you cautiously, expression not quite sympathetic, but not relaxed either. "Oh my god, I have to tell my mom. And it--it's going to kill her." You gasp the words like the realization's just hit you, even though it's been on your mind since the beginning. "I don't know why I said that like I'm surprised--because I--" You laugh, the sound shrill and uneasy, "But it's whatever. I'm fine."
You nod once, as if that'll be enough to make you feel fine. Another sound comes out, this one a lot closer to a whimper. "I'm fine. I don't know why I'm being so dramatic. I'm fine. I'm--" You squeeze your arms around your waist, supporting yourself the way Felix usually would.
You're crying openly now, tears blinding you. This is pathetic. You need to get it together.
You're pulled forward with no warning, your body hitting something solid and warm. Felix.
His arms around you, firm and supportive. It's surprising enough to force a full breath of air into your lungs. For a moment, all there is Felix. You inhale again, and again, doing your best to hold the air in your lungs.
Felix's hand smooths circles against your back. He whispers soothing words that you can barely make out. Between that and the even rhythm of his heart, you manage to ground yourself.
"You don't have to be nice to me right now," you mumble into his shirt. "I was really mean to you."
He continues to trace patterns against your spine. "We don't have to talk about that right now."
"I know," you whisper, "I just--I don't want you to feel like you can't be mad at me."
He gently smooths your hair away from your face. "Can I be mad from right here?"
"Yeah." You sniffle once, letting your chin press into his chest so that you can look up at him. "If you want to."
"Then okay," he mumbles, knuckles running up and down the length of your spine, "I'll be mad from right here."
taglist; @vader-is-hot @spiritofbuddha @getosangie @freyafriggafrey @ilovehyperfixating @aryiannarae @willowpains @ker0senebunny
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fiemdblunt · 1 month
Brands you can boycott to help Georgia (the country) fight against the foreign agent law +what you need to know about it:
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[Image ID: Three logos of different international chains depicted on a white background. On top the bands presented are Wendy's and Subway. On the bottom, it's Dunkin' Donuts. End ID.]
The foreign agent law (also locally referred to as "the Russian law". On February 2023, the ruling majority of the parliament registered a draft law, addressing a completely made-up problem of transparency of non-governmental organizations. The law refers to non-governmental organizations that receive funding from abroad as "foreign agents." In Georgian, "foreign agent" carries the same meaning as "spy." Back in 2023, we managed to fight back against the law that would completely destroy student exchange programs, charity work, LGBT and disability organizations, etc. The law would also allow the government to persecute you for something inconsequential, such as an anti-government post on social media. If the law passes, it would cause most of Georgia to be locked out of international relations and would demolish most of our scarce support systems.
Those are not all of the brands that support the Russian law here, however they are the international ones that through their owners in Georgia support the passing of the law.
Additionally, the government has paid people outside the regions to protest in support of passing of the law, and has threatened them with losses of their jobs and the jobs of their family members.
The protests have been going for many days endlessly, and policemen have been getting more and more brutal. Utilizing things such as water jets, armor, shields, flashlights, smoke, gas, etc.
Please stay with Georgia and support it against the country that has endlessly colonized, genocided, and raped us.
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leahsgirl · 5 months
Hiii! Can you please do an angst with a happy ending for Alessia Russo x reader? Like r doesn't think something is big of a deal but for Alessia it is and they argue and r is in the doghouse but can you please make it a happy ending?
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spin the bottle | alessia russo x reader
based after the england vs scotland game for the olympics qualifiers, let’s imagine leah wasn’t still injured 🤗
You didn’t win. Despite the six goals your team scored. Your hopes of heading to the olympics and playing for your country was out the window.
In light of this event, you and the squad decided to deal with the loss in what felt like the most appropriate way; get ‘pissed out your head’ drunk. Deciding to head back to Beth’s who had the biggest place.
You and Alessia made it back to your own place first of course, deciding to change out of the outfit you was wearing that screamed ‘homeless’. “Hurry up, we’re going to be late man.” shouting down the hallway as you waited for your girlfriend to finish up doing god knows what - the perks of dating a femme!
“I’m coming, i’m coming.” She turned the corner, raking a comb through her blonde locks. “Without me? you wound me Russo.” Taking notice of your crude comment, she slapped your arm while you just stayed smirking.
“What time do you call this?” Stanway was the one to answer the door when you arrived at Beth and Viv’s, you wondered how those two were coping with one of them qualifying and one just missing out.
“Blame miss ‘my hair doesn’t look right’ over here.” Nudging Alessia’s side as you remember how you watched her curse herself in the mirror for her hair not ‘staying in the right place’ a good twenty minutes before.
With being the last ones to arrive, and the get together in full swing, everyone was already in conversation with one another. Alessia offered to get you a drink which you took up as you threw yourself onto the sofa where your fellow man united teammates ella and millie sat. “Jesus christ y/n, watch the glass.” tooney shouted as you nearly spilled her vodka all over her outfit.
“My bad. What are we talking about over here anyways?” Millie proceeded to sift through her camera roll before passing you her phone, showing a picture of a hotel somewhere abroad. “Was just telling tooney here where i’m going over winter break, nice isn’t it?” Zooming in on the picture you nodded and passed the phone back. “Where is it you’re going?” Alessia having come back and handing you a beer which you take a swig of. “Croatia.”
“right whoever wants to play beer pong come on up!” Stanway was now stood on a barstool, projecting her voice through the open-plan space. How she hadn’t fallen off it you didn’t know, considering it was wobbling like mad and the brunette wasn’t completely sober at this point.
“Fancy a game?” Turning your attention to the blonde sat in your lap and watched as she nodded. you was split into two teams of four. One team consisted of you, lucy, chloe and niamh while the other was alessia, leah, lotte and beth. “oh my god, of course the arsenal clan makes up a group.” You scoffed as you saw the group line up behind one another. “Afraid you’ll lose y/n?” the england captain smirked while you dismissed her.
Leah went first, bouncing the ping-pong ball on the table for it to land in the middle cup. “Lucky shot Williamson.” You said as you pick up the drink, it was some sort of brown colour which you only assume had been a result of multiple liquids mixed together. Knocking it back down your throat your suspicions were confirmed as the taste practically made you gip.
Taking your turn, you threw the ball and watched it bounce into the far left cup. “Get in!” High-fiving Lucy making your way to the back of the line as the skipper drank the cup’s contents.
After multiple turns, your team now had one cup to take down while the other team had three. Niamh was the lucky lady who got to throw the ball, taking on none other than your girlfriend. She landed it directly in the plastic cup, your team now celebrating the win.
As the night continued so did the alcohol consumption. You could confidently say everyone in the house was at least a little tipsy. It was fun seeing everyone’s drunken personality come out. You had Lucy, Lauren j, Georgia and Rachel claiming the ‘irresponsible drunks’ title. Leah, Alessia, and Chloe the affectionate drunks. Beth, Kiera and Alex fulfilling the ‘wistful’ drunk stage, being reminiscent on their memories. You found yourself in the ‘happy drunk’ category along with the rest of the gang.
“Shit.” You say as you stumble, causing a half full beer bottle to topple over, spilling onto the wooden floor. As you looked for something to clean it with, rachel took notice and smirked. “you know what this calls for? SPIN THE BOTTLE!” With everyone in their buzzed state they didn’t oppose when daly started manoeuvring them into the lounge urging them to take a seat on the ground.
“Is this normal spin the bottle or PG version?” Keira asked which again lead to another wicked smirk form on daly’s lips. “How about every three goes there has to be a kiss.” There didn’t seem to be that much disagreement on the idea and so went ahead with it.
Daly went first off course, suspiciously landing on her bff Millie in which she dared her to down six shots of tequila one after the other. Somehow the girl managed it and props to her because you could hardly muster a single tequila shot.
The game was getting more intriguing with each turn. James took control of Charles’ instagram - posting something embarrassing onto her story, Zelem gave a quick peck to Kiera which got some wolf-whistles, Chloe had to draw something explicit onto Alex’s forehead and so on.
It was Leah’s turn next and she also so happened to the third person, meaning whoever the bottle stopped on was the lucky lady. Watching as she spun it harshly and did multiple rotations around the room, you noticed the bottle starting to slow down as it made its way to your side of the room.
“Well aren’t you the lucky one y/l/n.” The blonde said as she crawled over to you. “Bold statement Williamson, I think you’ll find it’s the other way around.” She rolled her eyes playfully before placing her hand on your neck, raking you in closer. Soft lips met your own in what was a tender kiss. The centre-back didn’t stop there though; she proceeded by tugging on your bottom lip and swiping her tongue across it. You parted your mouth which allowed the blonde to take advantage by snaking her tongue inside. You didn’t know if it was your drunken state, or the simple fact that the blonde locks in front of your face was reminding you of a certain someone, but you’d be lying if you said you wasn’t getting at least the tiniest bit turned on.
Pulling away, Leah moved back to her original spot. A shocked silence fell over the group which you thought was strange. Well, you did at first - until you saw your girlfriend get up and walk out the room with no warning.
You took your queue to follow her and called out after her. She had gone and grabbed her coat and walked out the door, shutting it in your face.
“Less? Where are you going?” You scurried to catch up with her while at the same time hopping trying to put your trainers back on your feet. “I’m going home y/n, i’ll order an uber just please leave me alone.”
“You’re seriously not mad about the kiss are you?”
Alessia let out an exasperated sigh. “You tell me y/n, maybe i’ll go and make out with one of our teammates and see how it makes you feel.” She wasn’t even looking at you while saying all this, instead typing something out on her phone.
“Oh come on, we wasn’t making out. You’re being ridiculous.” Alessia wasn’t the only one annoyed now. You was simply playing the game and just so happened to be the person the bottle stopped on, you didn’t get what the big deal was.
“Y/n you had your tongues down each other’s throats, it was more than ‘just a peck’. Last time I checked Leah isn’t your girlfriend - I am.” It was clear the forward was getting emotional with the tiny but noticeable cracks in her voice.
“Yeah exactly; i’m your girlfriend, so I don’t see what the big fuss is about. I’m not about to run off into the sunset with Williamson.” Speaking of the devil, Leah and Keira come outside and walked towards you. “Everything okay out here?”
“Just dandy! Leah can you please tell Alessia over here that our kiss didn’t mean anything.” As if realisation just sunk in Leah raised her eyebrows, “Shit sorry Less, I didn’t even think about you and y/n - but I can promise the kiss was only in fun.”
Alessia gave a halfhearted smile. “It’s okay Lee, i’m not mad at you. You are single after all.” Now turning back and glaring at you. “So you’re mad at me and not Leah? fucking hell Less I don’t know what you want from me.” Holding your hands up in the air incredulously. Kiera nudged your side clearly wanting this ordeal to be over with “Just apologise to her y/n.”
“Apologise for what?! playing the game? following the rules? She’s acting like i’ve committed a crime for pete’s sake!”
“You’re insufferable sometimes y/n, you really are. Don’t bother coming home tonight.” As if on cue, a white toyota prius came rolling up outside the house, the blonde getting into the back seat. Watching as it made a u-turn and drive off, you felt a hand on your shoulder. “Come on y/n, you can crash at mine for the night and find a way to get back into her good books.” the barcelona player offered.
You nodded and re-entered the house just to gather your belongings and say bye to everyone. It’s safe to say you found it hard to fall asleep without the warm presence next to you that you’ve become accustomed to over the last year. The alcohol effects had started to wear off and you replayed the events from earlier in your head.
Looking back you could see how you may of overreacted and got defensive a little too quick. ‘Why am I such a dickhead’ You grabbed your phone and debated texting the hurt girl but chickened out, figuring you’re the last person she wants to hear from at this very moment.
You figured the best plan of action was to wake up early and talk to Alessia and hope it will resolve the issue, shutting your eyes trying to fall into a slumber.
Making your way out the apartment at around 9am after saying thanks to Kiera you headed to the local corner shop deciding to buy your girlfriend’s favourite chocolate and get her a bouquet of flowers. While you knew gifts shouldn’t exactly be used as a way to excuse your behaviour, you gathered it couldn’t make things any worse than what they were.
Lucky for you, Kiera’s apartment wasn’t far from yours, only a twenty minute walk or so which you was grateful for because winter mornings in england weren’t exactly the warmest. Knocking on the door you wait for it to be opened. The younger girl answered and looked you up and down before reluctantly moving to the side so you could slide in.
“Hey.” You’re the first one to speak as Alessia heads into the lounge. She was wearing her favourite pair of grey sweatpants and a navy blue crew neck t-shirt, not to mention her blue slippers that had smiley faces embroidered onto them. Damn did she look good you thought but best not to say out loud given your current circumstances.
“So I had a think over how I reacted last night and I can see how I was in the wrong and just wanted to apologise.” You pulled out the chocolate and flowers that was hiding behind your back “-And I know it’s no consolation but I got you these.” Alessia took them from you and placed them down on the coffee table.
“It’s okay y/n, I had a think last night too and guess I overreacted to the whole kiss situation.” Scooting closer to her, you take her hands. “No Less; your feelings were totally valid and I completely ignored them. You’re right, I’m your partner - I shouldn’t be kissing other people, even if it is just for a game.”
The blonde sighed, “I guess I just felt a little threatened by Leah after seeing you two kiss.” You was now confused. “Threatened?”
“Oh come on y/n, youse two are always bantering and playfully flirting, not to mention in training the both of you are always laughing together about something. I even thought you were dating when I first met you both.” The mention of this made you feel bad, never did you intend to make Alessia feel like this. While you and Leah may be overly close, you’d never date one another.
“Babe, if there’s any woman out there for me; it’s you. Clearly i’ve not been a very good girlfriend if i’ve made you feel insecure in our relationship, i’m sorry.”
You offered your arms out and waited for Alessia to give into the hug. She slid under your arm and rested her head on your chest. “Are we okay?” You asked now stroking your hand through her golden locks. “We’re okay.” She confirmed.
Breathing a sigh of relief you leant down and kissed her head. “Good. Being in Alessia Russo’s doghouse was not fun.”
It’s not everyday someone like you ends up with a girl like Alessia and clearly you took it for granted. As you sat there in contentment, you vowed to yourself to never let something stupid get in the way of your relationship again.
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cactuscoolerr · 7 months
Do you think you'd write a smut fic of shidosae x reader 😭 like the mini post about the poly relationship?
⋆。˚. three holes - shidou ryusei , itoshi sae
• notes: poly relationship with sae and shidou is my fav thing ever. this one took way too long for me to get back into so it might've been a little rushed.. I apologize ( •̯́ ^ •̯̀)
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you were sae's girlfriend first, having been a childhood friend turned lover. you were there when sae left for spain and you were there when he came back to play in the u-20 match against the blue lock project his brother rin was in.
that was where you met shidou ryusei. sae wasn't too happy with the fact that shidou met you before he could shield you from him, but with the way you shyly laughed every time shidou called you 'doll face' sae figured he could tolerate it anyway if you were happy.
with sae back, you couldn't help but pounce on him as soon as you closed the front door of your house, moaning softly into sae's mouth as he led you over to the couch to gently lay you down. "please.." you whined softly as sae pulled his shirt off over his head, showing off his tan from being in spain and his more prominent abs from his training while abroad.
"please, what?" sae gazed down at you with a bored expression but his erection pressing into your clothed cunt told you that he was enjoying this as much as you were. "i need you, sae"
your voice was so sweet and the desperation in your eyes was nearly enough to make sae cum in his pants but he managed to keep his composure. the more he listened to you, the more he wanted to give in to you. who was he to deny his pretty girl her pleasure, anyway.
swiftly, sae slid your panties down your legs and pulled his cock out, rubbing it along your folds just to hear your whines. "be patient.." he muttered and glanced up from your pussy to look at your face. you had tears in your eyes with how desperate you were to have sae's cock inside of you as you watched sae's cock, jolting slightly whenever his cock head slid past your sensitive clit.
"you ready?"
at the first sight of your small nod, sae was pushing into your cunt, groaning quietly at the feeling of your walls tightening against his neglected cock. "so fucking tight.." sae breathed out and looked up at your face. you always looked so beautiful to sae when he first pushed into you but since he hasn't had you like this in a while, he couldn't stop himself from cumming deep inside of you with a loud grunt while gripping tightly onto one of your thighs.
after calming down and catching his breath, sae opened his eyes to meet your own, which were filled with curiously and slight amusement. sae gave a mean glare and clicked his tongue. "i'm not used to you anymore"
"i'm not used to you either.." your voice was gently as you traced your fingertips against his hand that was still gripping onto your thigh. "we just have to get used to each other again, right?"
with the way you looked at him, sae suddenly remembered why he was so in love with you. you were always so patient with him whenever he didn't realize he needed patience and you were always willing to go at his own slow pace whenever it was needed. sae was in love with your intelligent mind and your beautiful face. he could've never asked for a more perfect person for him than you are.
"yeah.." sae was nearly breathless as he gazed down at you, near hypnotized with how pretty you looked underneath him. "together" he slowly pulled out of you so that only the tip of his reddened cock was inside of you before slowly sliding back into you, watching how your face screwed up into pleasure and how your chest began to rapidly rise and fall as you desperately searched for his hand to hold on to.
"you okay..?"
sae was basically consuming you, body and mind as his voice infiltrated your ears. you could almost cry with how happy you were with the fact that he was back. that he was yours again.
"im okay.. please keep going, sae.."
and with that, sae thrusted into you once more, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to your lips in order to silence the quiet gasps and moans you let out as he continued to fuck into you.
the morning after, sae told you that he'd be home for a little bit longer, meaning you'd be able to spend more time with your boyfriend. what neither of you realized was that sae's companion from the u-20 match would also have the chance to spend more time with sae, which meant more time with you.
it seemed that almost every time shidou was with you and sae, whether it was at your place, shidou's, or the itoshi's, he was trying to make a move on you.
"come on, doll face" shidou grinned at you and pat his lap with his legs spread wide, tempting you as if it were some kind of test that you were close to failing. sae sat on the couch opposite of shidou, watching as you blushed at shidou's attempt towards you. he could feel himself beginning to lose his temper with how many times he's had to smack shidou on the back of his head and tell him to behave but this time, he wanted to watch it play out. sae had almost wanted you to sit in shidou's lap, indulge in his attempts.
you were hesitant with your next step, glancing at your boyfriend as you moved closer towards shidou. instead of sitting in his lap, you sat next to him with a polite smile, taking extra caution to avoid sae's sharp gaze as he watched your every move.
before shidou could say another word, sae let out a heavy sigh and leaned back on the couch, propping his chin up with his fist as he watched you and shidou with a bored gaze. "have your way with her, demon" sae spoke, making you look up with him with widened eyes. you weren't exactly sure what he meant by that but you were almost excited to be able to find out. "entertain me. if i get bored, i'll fuck her right in front of you and you'll never even get an attempt at talking to her again"
"do you understand me?"
not a second passed before shidou was nodding vigorously, licking his lips as he turned towards you. "can i have my way with you, babe?" his eyes were almost predatory, making you whine softly in desperation. "yes.. please.."
it didn't take long for shidou to have you crying on his fat cock. the way he stretched you open, his cock not even fitting inside of you completely, paired with the way he was quickly rubbing at your clit was the reason for your tears. his teasing didn't necessarily help with the tears either, only making you pout and cry harder when he called you a slut and teased you for getting so turned on for another man while your boyfriend was watching.
in the end, you were slumped against shidou's chest with his cum spilling out of you and his cock still plugged inside of your cunt after a few orgasms. he was gently combing his fingers through your hair and pressing soft kisses to the side of your head while cooing at you and telling you how good you did for him, how beautiful you looked while he was splitting you open on his cock.
after that experience, shidou begged and begged for another shot with you. with the annoyance in sae building up, he finally exploded and yelled at shidou to just join the relationship for all he cared before stomping away, muttering complaints about the annoying blonde.
of course, shidou took him seriously. the next day, he was at yours and sae's shared home, clinging to you while you watched sae's more than annoyed expression. "i wasn't fucking serious, you idiot" sae's eyebrow twitched at the sight of you and shidou.
but shidou pouted, "really? why weren't you serious? I think we can make this work, don't you think, sae?" he all but whimpered, hoping that sae would pity him and cave. all it did was irk sae even more, but he still caved, waving shidou off with mutters of annoyance.
"if it'll shut you up.." he glared and shidou grinned, immediately pressing a wet kiss to your cheek, making you laugh and push his face away.
the next time you and shidou had sex, sae was behind you with your back against his chest and his fingers toying with your clit as shidou slammed his cock deep inside of your cunt. you felt your boyfriends erection underneath you, twitching as your moans grew louder as shidou pistoned his cock in and out of you faster.
it didn't take any of you too long to cum, you and shidou cumming at the same time while sae came in his pants a few seconds after. and while coming down from your highs, shidou sloppily kissed you before moving up to kiss your boyfriend. the sight was almost mesmerizing as you clenched around shidou, making him start fucking his cum back into you
"so gorgeous, baby doll.." shidou hissed from the overstimulation, his hips stuttering slightly. "ain't she gorgeous, sae~?"
with a glare and a huff, sae hesitantly nodded "of course she is," he huffed again, pressing his bangs from his forehead from the sweat. "she's my girl after all"
shidou cooed at sae's romantic statement, pushing your chin upwards to face your boyfriend, urging the two of you to kiss.
and of course, your lips perfectly slotted together with the redheads lips, the way they felt was like home and you never wanted to lose it. sae must've felt the same way with his hold around your torso tightening and pulling you impossibly closer against his body.
your body twisted so that your chest was now pressed against sae's chest and you had a better way of kissing him. his hands found safe on your ass, kneading and pulling at the fat of your skin, groaning softly into your mouth as he rolled his hips upwards for friction against his hardening cock.
"you dirtied her.." sae muttered against your lips, making you pull away to look at him. your boyfriends glare was fixated on the blonde as he smiled sheepishly downwards with a lust filled gaze. "that's my bad, sae.. want me to clean her up for you?"
a scoff sounded from sae, giving shidou a subtle wave of approval before he resumed kissing you. his hands spread your ass, making you shiver slightly in his hold, even more so when you felt shidou lick a wet stripe from your clit to your hole. "tastes so fucking good, doll face" shidou moaned into your folds, making you moan from the sensation.
"feel good..?" sae said breathlessly while pulling away to admire your face.
you gently nodded, your face crewed up in pleasure with little huffs of moans slipping passed your barely parted lips. "feels so good, sae.."
this seemed to spur shidou on as he alternated between slurping his own cum from your hole and flicking his tongue against your clit. how could he not when a gorgeous girl like you were practically praising his efforts like that.
a kick to shidou's side made him stop momentarily, looking up to meet sae's glare once more. his brow quirked up in confusion, subconsciously wiping the fluids dripping down his chin. it looked as though sae was adjusting you on top of him, but when shidou heard a pretty moan gasp through your lips, he noticed when sae's leaking cock head first breached through your cunt and slid the rest of his length inside of your hole.
your quiet gasps as sae slowly began fucking into you was nearly enough to make shidou cum. he had to hold onto the base of his cock so he could last longer.
a shared moan between you and sae was enough for shidou to snap out of it and lean down to lick at your hole again, this time, licking against sae's cock as well.
"sae.." you whined through a moan, pressing your head against your boyfriends chest as his thrusts got faster, close to cumming from the sensation of your sweet cunt as well as shidou's skilled tongue against the length of his dick. he could hardly contain himself, his forehead creasing in concentration while trying not to cum too fast.
"sae.." you whined once more, grasping tightly onto his shoulder while your already tight cunt tightening around his sensitive cock. "what is it?" sae hissed, his fingers digging into the fat of your ass while trying to ground himself.
"I love you so much," you nearly choked over your own words, tears threatening to spill over your lash line while looking up at the redhead. "love you so much, sae.."
though your words were slurred, they still held the same affect on sae as he suddenly came deep inside of your cunt, making you gasp at the sensation, as well as shidou as I began spilling down sae's cock and onto his awaiting tongue.
your loud moans came next. sae held onto you, muttering words of affection as your body jolted from your orgasm and your hands grasping at sae's shirt to ground yourself and your hazy mind. "did so well.." sae muttered into your hair with a gentle kiss pressed to your sweaty forehead.
"shit, that was so good," shidou stood up on his knees, his eyes still lust filled and his cock fully erect with cum spilling down the head of it and red. "pussy made from heaven, I swear"
sae rolled his eyes, hissing at the blonde to shut the fuck up as you slowly began falling asleep in your lovers arms from all of the exhaustion. it helped more that sae was gently running his hands through your hair and whispering in your ear that you can finally relax and how good you did for him. it was reassuring and kept your mind at peace as you allowed the drowsiness to wash over and take you.
you missed the way sae adjusted you, making sure not to wake you while shidou watched carefully. a kiss was pressed to your forehead once more as sae relaxed with you in his arms, watching shidou pout like a sad puppy.
with an aggravated sigh, sae caved once more to shidou being annoying and motioned for him to join the two of you. "just don't wake her up, demon" sae huffed and winced slightly when he laid down next to you a little too roughly.
"goodnight, pretty.." shidou whispered against your cheek before pressing a gentle kiss against your slightly parted lips. "goodnight, sae~" an attempted kiss was made by shidou towards sae, but your boyfriend flicked his forehead. "just go to sleep, dumbass" he scoffed, though his gaze was slightly softened while peering down at the blonde, then at you, his precious girlfriend.
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call-me-maggie13 · 2 years
My late 40s to early 50s boss just asked what’s wrong with 18-25 year olds these days
And as a 21 year old all I could think was
The world has been on fire since we were born and we’ve been told the adults are putting it out and now we’re old enough to realize they’ve been pouring kerosene on the flames instead of water.
Before my first birthday, 9/11 happened and the world wouldn’t let us forget it. When I was 6 years old, on September 11th, my teacher sat us down in front of a tv and showed us footage of 9/11 and then told us we weren’t allowed to cry. She said that it was real and those were real people jumping from the building because jumping was a faster death than burning.
When I was 7 years old, the economy collapsed and my family went from lower middle class to poverty, we went from healthy home cooked meals every night to mac and cheese and beans for weeks in a row. We started skipping holidays because mom and dad couldn’t keep the lights on and buy us new toys. We started wearing clothes and shoes until they fell apart.
When I was 11 years old, Sandy Hook was attacked by a grown man with a gun and 26 children and teachers were brutally murdered. My teachers never looked at us the same and I haven’t felt safe in a school since. After that, once a month we would have active shooter drills and we were taught to fight and cause as much damage as possible if an armed man entered our classroom because it gave other classes a few extra seconds to escape, it gave our siblings a few extra breaths of safety. We were taught to cover ourselves in other students blood and play dead if we weren’t hit, we were taught that we weren’t safe and we wouldn’t be safe as long as we were in school.
When I was 15 years old, my high school art teacher locked us in the classroom and told us if we heard gunshots we should line the desks up lengthwise so that they reached the other wall because that would be harder to break through than a barricade. She told us that she knew about the threats and she wouldn’t judge any of us that wanted to leave. She told us to get our siblings and stay in the buildings as long as possible, to duck in between the cars so we couldn’t be seen until we got to ours. She told us about the trail behind the auto shop that was lined with trees and led off campus. I got my brother and his friends and we left, we spent the day sitting on the floor in my living room waiting for a phone call that the people we left behind were dying.
Two weeks later, one of my friends dragged me out of a football game and forced me to go home with him. He grabbed my brothers and my best friend and forced the six of us into a two seater car before he would tell us anything. His mom worked for the school board and had told him the police found an active bomb under the bleachers in the student section, and they weren’t informing anyone because they didn’t want to incite panic.
When I was 16 years old, ISIS set off a bomb at a pop concert in Britain and killed 22 people, injuring at least 100 more. The next day at school, our teachers went over how to stay safe if we ever experienced something like that. They told us the most important thing to remember was to not remove any shrapnel because it could be keeping us from bleeding out, they said it was more important to get yourself out safely before you worried about anyone else.
When I was 18 years old, my teachers stopped teaching and put the news up on the projector and we watched as the Notre-Dame burned. The boy I had sat next to since second grade spent the entire day trying to call his sister who was studying abroad in Paris, I watched this kid I had never even seen frown fall apart in English because she wouldn’t pick up the phone. We didn’t know it at the time, but she was okay.
Six months later, my history teacher put the news on the projector again for another fire. This time, we watched as an entire continent burned for three months. We watched their sky turned orange from the smoke and their wildlife drowned in pools because they were trying to escape the heat.
When I was 19 years old, the whole world shut down because of a global pandemic. I didn’t meet a single new person for eight months, despite the fact that I had just moved across the country. I watched as people didn’t wear masks and spread it to everyone around them, I was so scared when I went back to my room every night because my roommate was immunocompromised and I was terrified I would give her Covid and kill her.
Just two months later, I watched a video of a black man being murdered by police officers. I watched the world around me explode after George Floyd’s death, people destroying businesses and police stations. I watched some of my friends realize police officers didn’t exist to keep them safe, they existed to keep the people in power in power. I learned that some of the people I had grown up with would rather watch a black man die than admit that maybe, maybe, the system was broken.
When I was 20 years old, I went to the mall with a friend to buy a birthday present and I was pulled to the ground by a twelve-year-old girl after gunshots went off in the mall. I held this child’s hands as she cried for two hours until we were evacuated by police, and then I waited with her outside and helped her look for her mom. I gave her my phone to call her mom and I watched as she called the number over and over and never got a reply. I waited with her until a police officer took her to the station to try to find out more information about the girl’s mom, I hugged this girl I had never seen before and I wished her the best. I never found out what happened to her or her mom, it keeps me up at night sometimes worrying that this little girl was orphaned.
When I was 21 years old, I started working at a daycare and exactly a week later, Uvalde happened and I found myself crying because my students are the same age those kids were. When they came in after school the next day, one of them had asked me if I had heard about Uvalde and I told her I had, I asked her if she was scared of going to school because of it. Her reply broke my heart. “We practice for it every week so that when it happens to us, we know what to do. I’m just worried that the shooter is going to start in my baby sister’s classroom and not mine.” I listened as other students with younger siblings agreed with her, one of them saying “I would take fifty bullets, if I had to to keep my little brother safe.”
Early this year, I watched Russia launched bombs into Ukraine, blowing up churches and schools and hospitals and apartment buildings. I watched as the estimated death count rose from the hundreds to the thousands to the tens of thousands. I watched men send their wives and children to bordering countries for refuge while they stayed behind to fight, knowing they would probably never see each other again.
Just four months ago, I watched as my right to medical privacy got taken away. I watched my old roommate fall apart because she was denied the right to have her dead fetus removed from her body for almost two days, I worried every time I looked away from her that the next time I saw her would be in a casket. I watched as the women around me realized the military-grade weapons that had torn children in classrooms apart were protected by the government but our bodies weren’t.
There is nothing “wrong” with my generation, we’ve experienced all these things as children and were expected to respond with patriotism for a country that continuously sacrificed their children for the “right” to military-grade weapons, that took away my freedom of choice. We are tired, we were told the world was a wonderful place then shown, at every step, how the world was a place of destruction and pain. And we are angry. We are angry because no one but us seems to be trying to fix anything. And we are scared. We are scared because our children, our nieces and nephews, our cousins and our friends children are growing up in a world that won’t protect them.
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