#Lots of deep cut characters get cards
homoqueerjewhobbit · 1 year
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I don't play Magic: the Gathering but I'm obsessed with their new Lord of the Rings cards. There are TWO Lobelia cards.
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rcmclachlan · 25 days
OKAY so this is for @dadvans specifically because he and I have spent many an evening across multiple fandoms shouting at each other about various characters and their raging pregnancy kinks but anyway.
I saw this post.
And I had this thought that Tommy's probably only ever thought of children tangentially. Like, I kind of clock him as an only child who didn't have any little kids in his neighborhood growing up. His dad's sister had three, all of them older than him, and his mom's brother had two but they lived on the other side of the country so he only saw them in Christmas card photos and once at his grandmother's funeral.
The only kids he's ever around are the ones he sees on calls, who are all either unconscious, traumatized, or somewhere in the background out of the way where he doesn't have to interact with them. He's basically that gif of Alec Baldwin trying to console a crying Tina Fey with a broom, like, "there there."
But now that his life is enmeshed with the 118, he's around kids all the time: Jee, Christopher, Denny, Mara. And he sees Buck with them—how good he is to them, how patient and kind and compassionate, how he listens seriously to them and always tries to meet them on their level—and it's doing something for him. Like, a lot.
Then, like, one evening Buck and Tommy have dinner with Kameron and Connor, and they bring the baby—who has Buck's eyes and the same shape of his lips—with them, and Tommy watches Buck like a hawk all night. Buck's a natural with Spencer: holding him like a pro, soothing him whenever he fussed, making him laugh. He's loath to put him down.
Tommy's never seen someone so suited to be a parent before. He knows Buck wants kids more than anything. Buck stops to interact with every child they pass on the street the way Tommy does with dogs, like he can't help it, like he's got a homing beacon inside him. And children gravitate to Buck like he's a Disney princess. And after watching Buck with Kameron and Connor's kid, Tommy can't stop thinking about it. About Buck and kids. Specifically, Buck and their kids. 
Tommy looks out into his backyard and can picture Buck out there putting together one of those plastic Fisher Price playhouses and running around chasing after a toddler waddling around on chubby legs and tucked up next to a crib in the guest room-turned-nursery reading The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear to a drooling baby trying to shove its foot in its mouth. A baby with Buck's eyes and mouth, and Tommy's nose and cheeks. 
SO ANYWAY smash cut to later that night and Tommy's balls-deep in Buck, fucking him slowly, doing it missionary the way Buck loves because this way they can kiss and he can see every stupid expression that crosses Tommy's face, and Tommy's staring down at him and blurts out, "You were really good with Spencer tonight." 
And Buck sort of gasp-laughs, like, "You know I love kids," and he arches up against Tommy, and Tommy's hand slides down between them so he can get a hand on Buck's cock, but halfway there he gets distracted by the feeling of Buck's belly. It's taut and toned and flexing with every thrust, and out of nowhere a little voice in his head goes but imagine what it would look like with a bump. 
And then his brain kind of makes a weird popping noise and his mouth goes rogue and says, "I know you do. I know you wanna have kids. Would you wanna have my kids?"
Evan's eyes fly open wide and he sort of stutter-wheezes in shock, "What? What do you—"
But now that Tommy's started, he can't stop, and the leisurely pace he'd been maintaining loses rhythm before picking up the pace, just these deep, dragging thrusts that pull at Evan's hole on the drawback. "But I don't think you'd be satisfied with just being handed a kid. I think you'd want it to be part of you from the start. I think you'd wanna feel it every step of the way. You want to feel it growing inside you so bad, don't you, baby? I bet it's all you think about."
"Tommy, what the fuck—" But Evan's mouth is open and panting, tongue lolling around in his mouth like it's suddenly too big to control, and he starts shuddering hard enough that his bones must be rattling. Tommy can feel his fat dick twitching against his stomach, drooling so much precome the glide between them is soaked and almost too easy, and Evan's insides are vibrating where they clutch Tommy's cock like a vice.
With a grunt, Tommy gathers Evan's impossibly long legs in the bends of his elbows and folds him practically in half, wheezing like he's gutshot, "Maybe I can't trust you with our condoms anymore. Maybe you've poked holes in all of them."
"Oh fuck, that's so hot," Evan gasps, his arms flying up over his head so he can put his hands against the headboard and fuck himself wildly back on Tommy's cock, his eyes wide and scandalized, and alight with a lust bordering on violent. Even through the condom, Tommy can feel how hot he is inside, like a fever, like magma.
They've fucked a million ways since they first got together—enthusiastic, rough, slow, sweet, hard, exhausted, frenzied, grateful—but they've never fucked like this: just absolutely nasty. 
"What are you gonna do if the condom breaks?" Tommy gasps into Evan's ear, then bites it while Evan drags in desperate gulps of air and scrabbles for purchase on Tommy's back, fingers slipping in sweat. "I'd fill you up. I'd shove so much come up inside you that it'd have to take."
Evan's wailing so loud the neighbors are absolutely going to call the cops and his hole is rippling around Tommy's dick so good that Tommy's eyes roll back into his head, and then Evan starts begging like his heart's breaking, "Oh god, oh fuck, please, baby, do it, I want it so much, I want to feel it."
Through the sweat dripping in his stinging eyes, Tommy looks down at Evan, who's got his teeth bared like an animal, who's taking every punishing thrust like it's his due, even as his eyes well up with tears that spill over his temples into his hairline. He thinks of how it would feel without the condom between them, how he would see-saw his cock through wads of his own come into the dripping hot sleeve of Evan's body, every thrust pushing more and more of it into some secret place where it would stay until something took root. He squeezes his eyes shut, because if he spends one more second looking at the hungry, crazed expression twisting Evan's face into a rictus, he's going to come.
The bed frame's making metal-on-metal sounds that don't sound like they're covered under the warranty, but Tommy can't stop fucking Evan like he's trying to split him down the middle. He's going to shove his way inside until he reaches the pulp at the center and pries Evan open like a nectarine. 
"You want it?" Tommy bites out, then doesn't wait for an answer, dropping down and smearing his mouth over Evan's in a fierce, sloppy kiss, sucking his tongue, biting his lips. Their teeth clack together painfully and Evan makes wounded noises into his mouth when Tommy's cock grinds up deep inside him. Tommy fucks him brutally until he stops.
Breaking away with a choked gasp, Evan chants tearfully, "Oh my god, oh my god, come in me, please, I want you to, god, Tommy, fuck me pregnant," and then comes messily between them, and there's so much of it like there always is, soaking their skin, sliding down to get sucked up by the sheets. Evan sobs and comes and comes and comes himself insensate.
The combination of the hard clench of Evan's body and his desperate pleas touches some part of Tommy's lizard brain that feels like a one-two punch, and he fucks in and in and in frantically, buries himself inside that trembling furnace, and finally something breaks and he comes like it's the last thing he'll ever do.
Gracelessly, he collapses on top of Evan, sucking in great, painful gulps of air, while Evan shivers underneath him like he's been electrocuted (again). Somehow, Evan still finds the wherewithal to throw his arms around Tommy's back and cling, pulling down on him as though he can somehow make Tommy sink deeper into him, like he never wants to not be glued together by sweat and come. Impossible. Tommy's two-hundred-and-something pounds of deadweight and his head is full of television snow. He's a husk of a man. He's probably going to die here.
Evan coughs into Tommy's hair. His voice is in absolute tatters when he chokes out, "That was a hell of a way to ask if I want kids."
From where his face is smashed into the bed just above Evan's shoulder, Tommy mumbles, "I think every single brain cell my body's ever made is in the condom right now. Good thing you're the smart one or else our kid would be up shit creek."
Evan's entire body shakes with laughter, and Tommy can't help but join in, exhaustedly lifting his head so he doesn't miss a second more of that grin. If Athena knew the kinds of things Tommy'd do for that smile, she'd throw his ass in prison for the next 500 years.
"At least they'd still be pretty," Evan says, snickering. 
"There is that," Tommy agrees, and with a grunt he forces himself off the warm, welcoming mattress that Evan's allowed himself to become to deal with the aforementioned condom. He shudders in revulsion when he slides it off and tying it is an exercise in futility—it's disgustingly full and his hands are shaking. 
Evan lifts his head to see what he's doing, then lets it drop back with a huff. "Just wrap it in a bunch of tissues."
"Is it weird that I resent wearing it at all?" Tommy finally loops it so he can tie the knot, then throws it in the direction of the little trash barrel on the other side of the nightstand. It hits the floor with the same slap a water balloon makes. Tommy skeeves a face at it.
"'Course not," Evan says, sliding a hand up Tommy's thigh, aimless. "Our kid's swimming around in there somewhere."
Tommy risks a look at his face, because there's going with the flow and then there's letting your boyfriend plow you into the mattress while he tells you he wants to get you pregnant. But Evan doesn't look mad or like he's laughing at Tommy. He mostly looks peaceful, and maybe a little bemused. 
"Uh, I'm sorry about that," Tommy says, feeling so awkward he wants to peel his own skin off. It shapes his words strangely. "I just—watching you with Spencer made me a little insane, I think."
"Don't be sorry. I think I learned something new about myself tonight, but hell if I can tell you what it is." A sly smile spreads across Evan's face like a flame on a candle's wick. "Either way, it was fucking hot."
Relief unwinds all the muscles in Tommy's lower back, and he hunkers down, slotting himself up against Evan and pillowing his cheek on Evan's chest. Almost immediately, Evan slides the pads of his fingers up and down his spine, and Tommy can feel himself rapidly approaching post-nut blackout territory.
"But kids, though," Evan murmurs thoughtfully.
"Mm." Tommy sketches a nuzzle against Evan's nipple, which earns him a laugh and a slap to the back of the head. He chuckles and settles down with a hum. "Yeah. Well, our kids."
"Huh." The smile on Evan's face is audible, and deafening.
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animeshotsh · 8 months
Chains P2 | Yandere!Alastor x Overlord!Reader x Brother!Husk
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Notes: I havent seen the season finale so this may have OOC characters/events/ canon divergence in terms of time.
Warnings: Yandere!Alastor | mentions of blood, fight, violence, cursing | Mentions of Alastor eating habits | grammar mistakes |
Tags: @lorkai
Staying at the hotel has proved to be both, good and bad. Good, because you got to be with your brother everyday, feeling his soul so close made your mood improve a lot. When in the past you would be more cruel, angry and always hissing now you found a part of yourself you thought you had lost. Smiling and purring (the last only with Husk), its was a good Change. You also could see the good the Hotel was making in your Brother. Now sober and less grumpy towards others. Showing sings of trust and affection.
Now the bad, or terrible was that Alastor was always around.
His shadows could not mix with yours thanks to your power, but they would follow you and then tell Alastor where you were. And Alastor knowing how much you hated him would appear, calling you "sweet" nicknames that made you give him the death stare.
On Alastor part he was trhilled to have you so close and without having to do something for it. He never undertood why you cared for Husk so much but he took it for his advantage, he knew you would not try to pick up a fight with him because of your brother. And seeing you, your eyes showing just how much you wanted nothing more to destory him but could not made him feel things he was not sure what they were but the feeling was not an unpleasent one.
Husk prepared himself an early drink only for it to be snached form his hands. A glass of milk now replacing it.
He shoot an annoyed look but still decided to drink the milk, he took notice of the fish sandwich you have made for him too.
Oh, you could be so sweet.
"You need Real food" you simply stated, crossing your arms "I can just smell how bad you have been taking care of yourself"
"Im fine, you dont have to worry" Husk dismissed. He did not want you to find out how truly fucked he had been.
"Oh~ I would not say that!! As your owner I had to stand your smell and poor hehaviour. Its nice to have a sweet sister to be around right?" Alastor spook towering over Husk them appearing besides you. "A sister who's soul its tainted but has such a good smell and so powerfull" Alastor was salivating by now "I wonder if you teast such as good as you look my Dear! No other overlord could compare to-" Alastor was stopped when a very pissed Husk trow the rest of the milk towards his face.
"Stop talking about my sister"
"And what did you just do" The voice of Alastor changed, its shadow getting bigger. His eyes now a deep black with no emotion with his clawns being out and ready to attack Husk.
"I say, dont, talk, about, my, sister," Husk responded his love for you overcoming his fear of Alastor's power. He could crush his soul if he wanted.
In response Alasto's shadow started to grow, his teet got sharper, horns bigger as well as his claws and body. His eyes now a deep black with pupils like radio ones. A green chain appear, showing how Alastor owned Husk's soul.
"My, my, looks like I have left you be too free in here" Alastor sinister voice said pulling Husk towards him who tried to remain emotionless.
"Maybe I should show you what happens when you missbehave" Two claws went for Husk's left eyes ready to pull it out. "Maybe I should pull this thing out and eat it. Let you see how truly bad I can be" he half joked.
Before anything could happen Alastor was pushed hard away from Husk by you. Your own true Demon form now on display. You got bigger, your wings now with a sharp end as well as your tail, your eyes just like Alastor deep black with no pupil. You got two pointed horns as well. And your hands were now with black furr, red claws out.
"Dont fucking dare to hurt my brother" you roared sending off your poker cards to cut off the black tentacles Alastor had called.
He smirked, pulling out his shadows to try and get you down only for them to be vanish when a sudden fire erupet from your hands.
"My dear! This is New, I never know you could control fire!" Alastor said pretty much now into the battle with you forgetting Husk.
A wall was crashed as you two rolled outside the hotel, getting everybody's attention.
Alastor ended on top of you a tentacle firm around your neck, however one of your poker cards was against his neck. Just one move from any of you and both of you would be dead.
"WHAT IS THIS" A very Angry Charlie called, besides her Vaggie came looking just as angry.
Alastor smirked letting you got, going back to his usual form as you did as well.
"Ah Charlie! This was just a small fight between old Friends" Alastor said moving his hand to repair the wall.
"SMALL? You two broke a wall" Vaggie called getting just a smirk from Alastor and a blush from you.
"Im sorry, this wont happen again" you promised seeing Alastor from the corner of your eyes.
"It better not, or you are out" Vaggie finally called. In reality she would prefer for you to stay and Alastor to leave but she knew that saddly they needed the radio Demon in the hotel.
As night fell you went to Alastor's room, knocking with Force the door opened revealing himself with a fake suprised look.
"(Y/N) I was not expecting you"
"Lets get to the Point. What can I give an no. Not my soul so you wont hurt my brother"
"Well, you need to know it was his fault" he started getting a hiss from you. "Can you blame me? He trow milk at me, my suit was ruined"
"We both know you were looking for a reaction out of him. Just tell me what you want"
Alastor seemed to think, you were proud and firm. Too proud to negotiate your soul. Even if you loved your brother you knew it would not change much. Sure, Husk would be free but how free? He could very much try and give his soul back to get yours out of Alastor's hand.
"Well, what I was saying was true. I wish to know if you teast as good as you look" he smirked taking your chin in his hand " you might have something to give me"
Alastor stood in his room. Carefully drinking from a tea cup with a black liquid inside. Besides it a full bottle with the same liquid was.
He closed his eyes, feeling the flavor of your blood. If your blood was like this what would your flesh be like? Could he ever dream on getting a bite from you?
And why did he find the small fight against you so....he had no words. He felt alive full of something he could not understand.
Oh, he had to get your soul somehow. No matter how.
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pigdemonart · 2 years
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Battle Subway Depot Agents (by pig-demon)
When I made designs for these guys last year I didn’t really think they needed colored references/master post, but since then I’ve drawn them a lot! Also people have added them to their fanfics and drawn fanart! So I figured it was time I made a post for easy ref. :]
These designs are obviously free to use, just give credit (and link me your work if you're comfortable, because it makes me happy to see!) All I request is to stay respectful to their pronouns and skin colors, ya knooow… 👍 note: The pokemon on their cards are all companions, not the ones they use on the Battle Subway. Except Jackie...the litwicks are just there to fill space/give them company.
More info under cut:
Edit: Important disclaimer:
These are again my designs/interpretations for the agents. Please don’t treat them as canon or as the only, quintessential designs for these literal background npcs. Many people have done takes on them before and after me, even back in 2010. It feels silly to ask, but due to past experience, I ask that you please DONT hunt down anyone that does a different take on the depot agents!! 👍
I'm gonna start tagging them individually, but for now all Depot Agent comics and art on this blog are tagged under Depot Agents.
Height chart:
I’m not too strict about heights, so I don’t really care about actual measurements. Here’s an approximation of what I tend to visualize though:
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Sexualities/Gender Identities: I don't have official labels for each and every agent because I like keeping things fluid for characters to develop these traits on their own. However, as a queer person, I enjoy designing characters who are also queer, therefore I can safely say none of these characters are straight. The ones who are set in stone are Ramses (gay man), Cloud (lesbian woman,) Jackie (non-binary.) Furze uses he/they pronouns but their gender is undetermined. I also welcome anyone giving the agents a different gender identity to suit them (as long as it's done respectfully.)
Notes about each agent...
- Cameron dyes parts of his hair blonde and keeps other parts in black. This is because he is a big fan of Elesa and her fashion choices.  - Though there have been a few occasions to meet his idol, he is always way too nervous to approach her, feeling deep down that he'll mess up somehow. - He practices modeling poses in secret. He loves flourishes and flare, but is simply too insecure to put it on display. - Of his coworkers, he gets along the best with Furze. He's the easiest to talk to because Furze will do most of the talking. - Cameron is easily intimidated — even mean Pokémon can make him nervous. Though, his two worst fears are being left in a room alone with Jackie, and being left alone in a room with Isadore. - He takes advantage of his height to sometimes hide behind some of his coworkers. - Cameron is much better at Pokémon battles than he gives himself credit for. Emmet and Ingo were pleasantly surprised by this, since Cameron was promoted to fit a temporary role on the Battle Subway. They happily made him a permanent member when he proved himself capable. - His Dwebble (Pebby) is secretly very strong, and rushes to protect Cameron when it can. Cam sometimes thinks Pebby helps him feel more confident in himself too.  - If he stumbled into any of his coworkers outside of work, he would simply explode of embarrassment. - He is the youngest child and only son of his family. He lives in his own apartment in Nimbasa.
- Cloud (like Ramses) knew the twins when they were very young. - She used to be an ace trainer in her youth, even going so far to compete in the Pokémon league. Winning and becoming the champ was the most important part of her journey, but something happened along the way that changed that outlook. - It seems with age, her competitiveness has mellowed out. However, she maintains an intense energy when battling.  - Her favorite types are Psychic and Flying types. Swoobat (Sweetie) is her ace.  - Her favorite hobby is baking, and she often bakes sweets for the crew. She knows all their favorite flavors by now! - She prioritizes keeping a friendly relationship with all her coworkers and thinks of them fondly. She considers Ramses family after all the years of working together!  - She is a big fan of Brycen's movies and can recite the lines. - She lives with her wife in Anville. - Cloud loves doing maintenance work both at home and in Gear Station. She enjoys bringing her own tools and industrial flashlight.
- Furze only has one volume setting (mid loud,) but he finds himself feeling right at home when talking to either one of the twins. - Furze has ADHD, and this is reflected in some of his habits, most visibly is his fidgeting when sitting still for too long. - He rides a bike to work every day. When he is late, Cloud clocks in for him so he doesn't get in trouble. - This is a kind of a guy that sits crouched gargoyle style on chairs. Only outside of work, of course. Bad posture could get him in trouble. - While working on the Battle Subway, there will be times Furze feels sorry for his opponents and offers to quietly let them pass anyways. This...has also gotten him in trouble. :[ - He went to the same elementary school as Isadore in Castelia. Though Isadore seems to have forgotten their short-lived acquaintance, Furze has not. This is part of the reason Furze claims they are in fact good friends!!! - Furze is the middle child of a big family. He lives with his mom and takes care of her, along with his many Darumakas and Darmanitan. All of his Pokemon have famous trains names. - He collects model trains. Naturally.
- Isadore had plans to become the station master the moment he was hired as a depot agent, but alas... (sad trumpet sound.) - As a youth, he was more interested in science and engineering over Pokemon battles. He enjoys the strategizing aspect, at most. Not so much the competitiveness. - In addition, his Pokemon are all rescues and not used for battling. He's had his Watchog (Winston) since he was in his late teens. - His Electrode (Gregor) and Voltorb (Leonard) were rescued from the likes of Team Plasma. - Isadore admits he understands Pokemon better than humans. This has been apparent his whole life. - In spite of acting like a sitcom villain, Isadore cares about the management of Gear Station and the safety of the passengers to an incredible degree. He sees it as a personal life goal to assist in the management of Gear Station, as well as the success of the Battle Subway. - Though it pained him to become a subordinate to the twins, he begrudgingly accepts it for the greater good. - His almost militant efficiency certainly made up for his years of antagonizing the twins before they became the bosses. Ingo and Emmet understand this better than anyone. - Isadore keeps tabs on all of the staff members. So he very well knows all their birthdays and makes it a point to celebrate it. This is by no means a -happy- or -festive- event. It's just customary. - Like Furze, he was originally from Castelia, but now resides in Nimbasa. Isadore's only family is his mom and she lives in his childhood home with their Stoutland. - Isadore would have probably been voiced by every glasses guy ever J. Michael Tatum had he not already been cast as dear Emmet lmao
- Jackie is a mystery and they like keeping it that way. When they talk, it's practically impossible to determine what is a lie or truth, especially if the subject is themselves or their background. - They love scaring Cameron the most and will ask to be paired with him whenever possible. They claim Cameron is their "favorite coworker," while Isadore is the least favorite. - It's plain to see why -- Jackie is the only one that doesn't passively tolerate Isadore's tirades. - Though my comics sometimes may allude to Jackie being a ghost/supernatural, this is not confirmed nor canon. I just personally enjoy toying with the concept. : ) That being said...
- Item #: SCP 7453
- Object Class: Euclid
- Special Containment Procedures: The ████ ██████ is ██████ within ████-██████. - Ingo and Emmet choose to not question anything about Jackie, since it's clear they're one of the more efficient workers. However it can be a safety concern... - Cloud and Ramses have worked with Jackie for a long time, though they've forgotten somehow. They believe Jackie is a new hire since they appear to be young. - Anyone trying to make sense of Jackie's employee records simply can't bring themselves to any conclusions. It's better to ignore the inconsistencies. - Jackie has never been seen to leave Gear Station. Jackie has never been seen in anything but their uniform. Jackie has never been confirmed to eat, drink or blink. Jackie knows your secrets. Jackie thinks it's... amusing.
- Ramses sometimes misses having a full head of hair, but he thinks his signs of age make him look distinguished. (he is correct.) - Ramses is sort of the "mom friend," making sure everyone's concerns are heard, as well as trying to keep the peace whenever a conflict might arise. - If another coworker is feeling low, Ramses will try to cheer them up with a lighthearted joke or offer advice if they'd like it. - When the twins were promoted to bosses of the Battle Subway, Ramses cried because he felt so proud. - In most circumstances, he is a very simple and logical man. He is quick to find solutions and tries not to fret over the little stuff. It's not good for his heart after all. - His ace is his Pikachu (Musa,) though the mouse is more of a lap pet now. At home, he also has an Audino (Sara) and a Manectric (Nubi) who keep Ramses' husband company. His Klinklang (Moli) is the only one of his personal pokemon that accompany him to work nowadays. - Ramses considers Cloud family. They are best friends and love having family gatherings outside of work. They also gossip a lot, and don't mind when Jackie decides to join. - Ramses jokes about looking forward to retirement, but really doesn't want to leave until he is physically incapable of working anymore. Gear Station is like a second home to him.
In-Game Quotes
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The most important reference of all are their in-game quotes, of course, so I'm adding it to the post. A lot of their personality traits can be extracted and interpreted from these few lines. And I personally love that about Pokemon NPCs -- there's a lot of room to explore and play with. Some appear very obvious. Cameron practically announces that he isn't ready for the battle that's about to ensue and seems genuinely surprised to win. Furze comes out the gate talking about the subject they actually care about, which is their job and their love for trains. The two of them are very easy to understand. Now, Ramses lines allude to a gentle and simple personality. He views himself with humility, and maybe even with a bit of humor comparing himself to a train and to his opponent to a station. If he loses he shows no signs of disappointment, he just accepts defeat with one last honest quip. It s also amusing to see the Depot Agents all use train metaphors to describe themselves since it falls in line with how Ingo and Emmet talk.
In comparison, Cloud does the same thing calling herself the terminal instead. Immediately, she is way more daring, though still keeping a sense of professionalism. To me, it's obvious she is competitive as she even admits she was expecting to win ("Ah...I didn't see it coming.") Jackie's lines are fun since it's up to interpretation if they are being literal or lying. It's almost like they are more interested in confusing/creeping out their opponent than actually beating them. To me, it gives off a mischievous vibe. Isadore's opener "There are only two roads in life." is a curious one because it almost feels like he is trying to be philosophical. Definitely a guy who views himself as an intellectual, regardless if that’s true or not. I like to think it's a saying he really believes in, and it applies to his life. The road he likes (long route) vs the road he hates (shortcut) -- fighting tooth and nail to become boss vs biting his tongue and accepting Ingo and Emmet as the Subway Masters.
Those are just my thoughts on how I write these characters. Please have fun playing with these lines too!
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depression-napping · 5 months
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Topics of Vincent
(Your resident translator was on a plane and had plenty of time to do some work so here we go with the second page of his profile ❤️)
This is long so content is under the cut
1) 身体に秘めたる魔獣の因子
The factor of the magical beasts hidden in his body
Because of the factor that Vincent houses magical beasts within his body, he has the ability to transform into Galian Beast. After transforming, he gains the ability to move with both speed and strength that is literally superhuman. At the same time, his rational mind gives way to wild rampaging, and it seems to take quite a toll on his body. The fact that Vincent spares a lot of time sleeping may be due to the peculiar nature of his physical make-up.
2) 新しめの機械には弱い?
Is he bad with new technology?
Vincent has the mistaken impression that the card reader doesn’t work as it’s lacking a power source, and the device not activating seems to cause him all manner of distress*. [Please see the footnote this phrase is amazing] It seems he is inexperienced with handling such devices. Even so, it doesn’t mean he is generally bad with all technology per se, as he was able to easily handle the wireless radio on the Tiny Bronco. That is to say, he seems to be more familiar with older machines.
(*I just want to talk about this phrase 四苦八苦. It almost sent me into hysterics. It’s pronounced “shikuhakku” and it means great distress, but literally translates to “four and eight kinds of suffering.” It’s another idiomatic expression with Buddhist roots that refers to “birth, old age, disease, death, parting from loved ones, meeting disliked ones, not getting what one seeks,” and so on. Basically a summary of his life so far, minus the old age. But the fact that they used this term specifically to talk about his distress at newfangled technology just sent me. Literally you can read this as “modern technology causes him four and eight kinds of suffering.” Like the rest of what he’s gone through isn’t 四苦八苦? But the card reader not working is. I’m dead ya’ll. Like. Vincent needs this on a shirt. I need this on a shirt.)
3) Original VII Playback (Vincent Summary)
仲間に加えるかどうかを任意で選べるキャラクターながら、セフィロスや宝条と深い因縁があり、物語の背景を知るうえでは重要な役どころだった。関連作品のひとつ「Dirge of Cerberus -FFVII-」では主人公を務める。
The player can choose whether to befriend Vincent as he is an optional character. Since he has a deep connection to Sephiroth and Hojo, viewed in the context of the game’s background story, the role he plays is essential. He takes on the role of the main character in the related game, Dirge of Cerberus.
「フ… 悪夢にうなされる長き眠りこそ
“Hmph… my long, nightmare-laden sleep has given me time to atone…”
(Picture captions)
When pushed to the wall, with a loud roar, clad in a dark red aura, his savage nature increases further.
When he tries to fix something he thought was broken by hitting and shaking it, somehow it seems like he’s from another generation.
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morganitering · 9 months
Because I'm the Weakest II: The Women Who Never Won
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Pairings/character dynamics: Satosugu, Shoko and reader, Nanami and reader, implied shoko x utahime
Contains and warnings: DARK FIC/DEAD DOVE fem!reader, Suicidal ideation, rape aftermath, referenced rape (not written out in this chap), depression, alcohol abuse, misogyny & sexism, internalized sexism, sexual harassment on minors done by minors, victim blaming (thoughts), self harm, angst, hurt & comfort, I call noncon with the official word for it
Word count: ~9,6k
Summary: There's certain desperation when you try to keep your head above water. You were drowning and all you wanted to do was to forget, the weight on your shoulders unbearable. Despite the cards you were dealt with you found yourself among allies as the web of untold memories started to unfold.
A/N: Hey! Yall waited long for this, sorry about that. I have no idea how to tag this but I'll just do it somehow, bc this is a tricky chapter. Here yall get to dive deeper in the stuff that has gone down before the events that took place in 1st chap and get a hug from Shoko. This is hopefully the last installment of this. Read the tags carefully as always and make informed decisions based on that and take care of yourself. Shit can get heavy, but I'm trying to do this in good taste.
Read on ao3 part I
Shoko Ieiri had worked a long time with people who suffered. She had seen it all, limbs cut off, even the toughest of sorcerers reduced to crying messes as they practically had their innards falling to the floor. There’s something utterly horrifying watching a patient, no – a friend scream in pain when even her skills were not enough. Funerals came and went, the white sheet thrown over the deceased on the operation table in the same routine way she’d change her linens. Nothing really shocked her. 
That’s what she liked to think. 
Your visits have been more frequent. It started with bruises and sprained ankles. Then it was broken bones that soon turned to puncture wounds, your clothes sticky with deep red and dirt. When she asked about it, you laughed it off saying it’s nothing, just a silly little mishap, “I was too reckless in the heat of the moment.”  But your eyes were empty, your words hollow like a dead tree. Of course Shoko did her job, without asking too much. You’re an adult and you’ll speak about it if you want to, right? Her job was to keep you alive. Your job was to exorcise curses. 
Shoko and you had been close too, hanging out with the two men, but at some point in high school she had withdrawn from the group. Gojo and Geto had tried to keep in touch with her in adulthood, inviting her as well to spend time together as the four of them, but she had always declined, smoothly changing their relationship to acquaintances at best. She heard enough of the despicable men from you. The only times she was in direct contact with Gojo and Geto was work related and god how she hoped that it would stay that way. She’ll play that pretend game almost happily. 
Shoko closed the office door the day turning to evening, sundown coloring the city in hues of orange and yellow. She held onto her little black purse, thankfully it was friday. A man stood on the long corridor, standing upright as if he did not belong here. He looked indifferent, almost bored.
They greeted each other with a curt nod. 
“So what brings you here? You seem healthy enough,” Shoko asked as they walked to the open parking lot, only a few cars in sight. The warm summer sun caressed her cheeks, wind making her long hair flow in waves.
“I think she’s going through something,” Nanami stated as a matter of fact talking about you. He and you had gone on missions together, but something about you wasn’t right. He had seen the way you clutch your weapon, throw yourself at the enemy recklessly almost as if you had a death wish. It’s like you waited for your end. 
“No shit.” Shoko chuckled amused. It was as clear as a day if you just had eyes on yourself. “Why do you care?” 
“I’ve seen enough people spiral to know where it leads. You’re a healer, can’t you help?” His voice was thoughtful, not betraying a hint of emotions. 
“I can’t help a person who doesn’t want it,” Shoko said. “But I’ll try to figure something out.” 
“And that is enough. Thank you.” 
You hated meetings and rarely took part in them if you could avoid them. You had not met Gojo or Geto after the unfortunate night. If there were some work related things where there was a possibility to meet either of the men, you requested to be part of them remotely or that someone would just forward the key points. But after doing this for a few months Yaga had sent you a passive-aggressive email writing that it is absolutely mandatory for you to show yourself at least once in a while. You didn’t bother to answer him with anything other than a polite see you there.
Honestly you were tired. Your whole body ached in overexertion. Sleep escaped from you, ran a marathon around the block never stopping at your house, and every time you seemed to catch a break, hazy images you rather forbid being real filled your vision. Your eyebags told a story of exhaustion, your body shrinking in every possible way away. You went to see a doctor, not Shoko, just some normal practitioner from the private sector that you ended up paying yourself sick for. 
The doctor gave you pills to help you with sleep. He asked you if you were stressed or going through some sorts of crisis. You answered with a diligent no and explained that you’ve always had issues with sleep, but you were otherwise okay. He looked at you, raising his eyebrow in suspicion, the glasses on his head hung on his nose by a thread. He decided to believe you as he wrote the prescription, but insisted you took home pamphlets about depression and crisis hotlines. 
You tried the pills. You did fall asleep, but only after a panic attack wrecked through your body as the effect of the medication forced you into a deep slumber. The pills made you feel your pulse in your whole body. “It’s a quite strong product, previously used to treat psychosis, but nowadays it’s for patients with severe insomnia. Take it one hour before sleep. The effect might be really sudden.”  
When you woke up you decided to throw them away. It’s better to not to sleep if it meant that you’d go free from the horrors of the night you had experienced. 
The huge meeting table sprawled out horizontally and was able to sit around fifteen people in it. It had several small electric outlets for computers and tablets. Light poured in from the big windows, the blinds only halfway done. You stared at the weird scribbling on the white board that Principal Yaga was wiping furiously, muttering things about how students shouldn’t be let in this room under any circumstance since they can’t differentiate which markers are okay to use on it. 
You exchanged pleasantries with him. The room was devoid of people since you were too early. You swung your leather bag on the back of the upholstered office chair and sat yourself down.
Shoko walked in and her face lit up a little bit when she saw you sitting there. It was subtle, you thought that you were maybe the only one who could differentiate that expression from her. She sat next to you, a faint hint of neroli wrapping you to its calming aroma. 
Next came Meimei and then Utahime who came running to you two giving a happy hug to Shoko. They were so cute together, you thought to yourself as you fidgeted with your slightly too big shoes, constantly removing them and pushing them back to your feet. People don’t usually like small talk, but nonetheless the group chatted with each other. They had to, because it’s polite and you were coworkers. You thought that small talk was easy. The script of it was burnt to your brains for the rest of your life. You get to keep people at an arm's length and keep up appearances, so what’s there not to like? 
A familiar blonde man stood in the doorway. You checked your phone for the time. Only five minutes before the official start. Yuki also appeared after Nanami.  
“Hello,” he said and nodded at you as he sat himself next to you. Your whole body stiffened around him. It was hard to look him in the eyes and even harder to work missions with.
It was ten minutes past the official time when the meeting was supposed to start. 
“Sorry we are late.” Two men marched in the room with confident strides and took their place in front of you facing you, that was sitting in between Nanami and Shoko, Utahime next to the doctor. Suguru sat down next to Yuki leaving a space for Satoru who had Meimei next to him. 
Hearing Suguru’s voice made your skin crawl. 
“It’s fine,” Yaga said and looked over his shoulder to look at the white screen he had pulled down earlier with only a blue screen reflecting on the fabric. “I can’t seem to get this work anyway,” he mumbled. 
“Do you need help?” Suguru walked over to the man struggling over his laptop. “Have you checked the HDMI-cable?” 
“Of course I have, I just don’t understand why it won't work. We have Ijichi remote today,” he muttered partially to himself.  
“Let me.” 
You sat fidgeting on your chair focusing on everything else than the two men and their presence that suffocated you. If you were a candle they’d be snuffing you out but not properly, no, that would be too kind. They’d always let enough air in so that you’d never be completely put out. 
“Hello to you girls.. and Nanami,” Satoru flashed a playful grin at the four of you. Your head jerked involuntarily to look at the man. Thank god he has a habit of covering his eyes, but somehow that made him even worse. 
“Hello. How are you?” Nanami nodded politely. 
“I’m well. Hopefully the work isn’t stressing you out too much.” Satoru’s smile widened. 
“Speaking of work, I’ve heard that you and her have started doing missions together,” Satoru nudged his head towards you as he spoke directly to Nanami. “I actually green lighted the idea of sorcerers working more together. It’s good to practice teamwork and I put in good words for the two of you, since you compliment each other with the techniques you have. ” Satoru moved his head to look your way as he drew out his words in a way that you’d be sure to catch the dual meaning.
The wall flashed a few times showing the computer screen and it’s default wallpaper for only a moment and after that went back to blue. 
“An idea that I actually can get behind,” Nanami said agreeably. 
Your eye twitched. 
“Really? That was your doing?” You barely hid the anger of your voice. One more push and you’d pour your life savings on an amoral hitman, not that you’d believe that anyone could finish him off. It was a thought just for you so you could at least think about being mean in your own petty way. 
“Not a fan of working in groups of two? How about in groups of three?” 
“You fucking piece of-” 
“Okay I think it’s working now,” Yaga put his hands together straightening himself properly. Suguru walked over to Satoru, slightly shaking his head before he sat down. You heard Utahime’s quiet “okayy..” whispered in the awkward silence. 
“Unfortunately principal Gakuganji wasn’t able to make it today, he’s sick or something.”
You heard Gojo scoff audibly. 
“Try to respect him.” Yaga shot a glare in the young teacher’s way. 
“Ijichi and Nitta have gathered data about the hotspots of cursed activity,” he continued and opened up the window to teams only to be greeted by a tired looking black haired man in a suit. The background behind him was red, it looked like some type of wallpaper and small paintings covered the walls. You reckoned it was a hotel room. Or a motel, you really could not tell. 
“Ijichi, do you hear me? Would you like to take over?” Yaga’s voice boomed louder as if he wasn’t already near his computer. 
The grainy picture of the tired man smiling uncomfortably stayed still a little too long to be taken as a real time reaction to Yaga’s question. 
“I hear you. Sorry, the connection here is a bit bad.” Ijichi’s voice echoed in the office room. The picture of a slideshow appeared on the wall, making Ijichi’s face smaller. 
The map of Tokyo loomed on the wall as everyone stared at it intensely, more or less dozing off. Some parts of it had big red circles on them and Ijichi explained the way these places were having exceptionally heavy activity. He reckoned that partially the rise in activity tied to the sorcerers working more missions together leaving less people available. Ijichi also showed statistics comparing the effectiveness of sorcerers based in Tokyo and Kyoto. 
You were about to lose your mind, your body still pumping adrenaline after the conversation with Gojo. Everyone else seemed to be bored, oblivious to your struggle. Satoru had yawned at least three times in the last ten minutes, Shoko and Utahime were both interested in their nails. Even Suguru looked tired and he was pretty good at hiding his thoughts. The only ones who did not look outwardly dead inside were Yaga and Nanami. 
“Thank you Ijichi for your hard work,” Yaga said and Ijichi nodded smiling. The pop up of the slideshow vanished from the screen leaving Ijichi’s face in a huge resolution looming onto the wall. 
“We are going to take in account the effects of pairing up sorcerers. I’m not entirely in charge of how long this trial will take,” Yaga said. “Ieiri has this trial affected the health care aspect in any way?” 
Shoko cleared her throat tapping open the ipad in front of her, her nails making a satisfying click click sound. 
“The injuries have lessened,” she started. That’s good, you thought. “But the severity has increased,” she said with a serious face.
“Why is that?” Principal scrunched his eyebrows together. 
“In my professional opinion it is due to people being more brazen when having a partner. This can be seen especially in lower grade sorcerers, who are prone to believing that they are invincible when someone backs them up.” Everyone had turned to look at the doctor who played with her hair idly as she spoke. 
“And the second grade and up?”
“It happens less. But there are some, even first grade sorcerers, who are accident prone,” Shoko said and quickly looked at you, not long enough for others to pick up on that she was speaking about you.
Gojo’s phone rang in the middle of the conference. He left the room with an apology and never came back. Relief and anger ignited in you playing tug of war in your heart as your eyes followed him bitterly.
“I think this is all. I’ll send everyone the upcoming jobs, but if no one has anything to say, I think we can conclude this meeting here,” Yaga said, the choir of thank yous and goodbyes filling the room. 
You stretched yourself, happy to be on your feet again. 
“Hey, can we talk?” Nanami tried to get your attention. 
You stood in the room that was quickly emptying out of people. Shoko awkwardly hung around in a small distance from you and Nanami, trying to pretend that she wasn’t listening to your conversation. 
“I don’t entirely understand the conversation between you and Gojo, but if I have somehow disrespected you I offer my deepest apologies.” Nanami’s voice was soft. Your heart ached as you realized how bad your words must have appeared to him. 
“I’m so sorry. It’s not about you. You’ve done nothing..” You trailed off as you saw the tall curse eating man walk outside with a sly smile on his lips.
“That’s a relief but if I may be so blunt, I have a hunch that there is something bothering you,” Nanami said. 
You looked at him and chewed your lower lip nervously. This was all their fault. If they had not done what they did, you would not be in this position. The least they could have done is to keep the names of people you know out of their mouths. 
“I’m sorry to leave you hanging like this, but can we finish this conversation later?” You  hurried past him, only hearing Nanami mumble the word ‘sure’ like a kicked puppy and you said goodbye to Shoko agreeing on staying in touch with her.
The corridor was almost empty as you walked through the school building frantically searching for that bastard of a man. Your footsteps echoed on the wood as you arrived at a not so well known exit of the building. Geto stood in front of the dual doors, half heartedly pushing it open as he furiously wrote something on his phone. 
You yelled out his name, but he did not bother to react to you. You closed in on the man that was still standing back towards you. Anger surged in you as adrenaline made you braver than what you normally would be. You were supposed to just grab the ends of his hair that were sprawled across his back, but in the heat of the moment your impulse control had another lapse as you kept on raising your hand. A fist closed around the bun that had been carefully crafted on his scalp and you dug your fingers around the hair tie and then yanked, hard. 
“What the hell are you doing?!” He turned around stepping out of the doorway letting it close properly with a thump and he closed the distance between you for good. His eyes shot daggers at you. 
“You did not pay attention to me.” You shook your hand out of the spare strands that were stuck on your palm and offered the small hair tie back to him. 
“Well you got it now,” he hissed. “You can keep that as a souvenir. I don’t want anything that a filthy bitch like you has touched,” he said, the calm composure nowhere in sight. 
A filthy bitch? Really? Then maybe you should break up with Satoru if this is your deal breaker.. That’s what you wanted to say, but you held back your tongue. 
Geto took a deep breath, calming himself down, slipping on the mask that you were more used to seeing. He put his phone back in his pocket.
“What do you want?” 
“You told me,” you started, tears threatening to flow over. “You told me that I can just leave and do whatever I want. Why do you keep tormenting me? Why do you let Gojo do what he does?” Your voice broke as you started crying openly. You hated it, it made you weak. No. You were weak. 
“Firstly, I’m not his guardian. He can do what he wants.” He sounded like a smartass. 
“Second of all, never. And I repeat. Never, lay a hand on me ever again, especially on my hair.” You rolled your eyes. 
Of course it was the hair that ticked him off completely. It was his crown, the only thing he had ever been able to take care of besides Satoru. Suguru loved to flaunt himself as the calm one, the kind one, but the exterior had always had some cracks in it. No amount of paint was able to hide the rotten wall behind it. 
“I can forgive your outburst at Satoru’s, but now that you’re in your right mind, you won’t get second chances.” 
“I don’t want ‘second chances’. I want you to leave me the fuck alone so I can do my job,” you yelled at him. 
“Lower your voice. Or do you want to air out all the dirty laundry for everyone?” Geto hushed you. 
“It’s not my ‘laundry’, it’s fucking yours!” You roared and tears fell down your cheeks blurring your vision. Your face felt hot as it got wrapped in the wrath of your words. 
Geto did not answer you, instead he chose to stare you down, not moving at all as if he was a statue. He looked like a child throwing a tantrum when things did not go his way, his face contorting to a sneer that could challenge any rich spoiled brat. You panted and wiped your face with the rough backside of your palm. 
“Ladies first,” he snickered childishly and kicked open the heavy door with his foot as he stepped slightly to the side. God this man hangs out too much with Gojo. 
As you left the school grounds barely holding your breakdown away, there was one figure in the corridors hugging the wall near the exit, clutching onto her purse. 
“Truth or dare?” Satoru asked, popping the pink bubblegum in the air, sucking the sticky material back in his mouth to chew on loudly. 
“Truth,” Shoko said, placing another cigarette in her mouth. She smoked especially heavily when she was drinking. 
Satoru had managed to bring a whole six pack of beer to the picnic whereas Suguru had found a travel size vodka bottle from his parents. Shoko had brought a package of different berries and salty crackers with her. 
“If you could have any technique in the world, which one would you have?” Satoru asked. He looked at the clear blue sky and the way the summer breeze pushed on the white clouds. 
Shoko played with the corner of the blanket as she thought deeply about his question. She stared at the shoes she had placed on the grass and the manicure on her toes that Utahime had insisted on putting on her. 
“I think I’d keep this one,” she smiled wistfully. 
“Really? You wouldn’t want my powers?” Satoru looked at her tilting his head to the side. He spat out the chewing gum and placed it on the plastic lid that belonged to the packaging of berries. He did not like it when things ran out of flavor, always searching for something more. 
“No. I don’t envy you at all. I just want a happy life and that’s all” Shoko answered his gaze, with a gentle smile. “Besides, I like the way I am and I suppose I can help people like this,” she added. 
Satoru hummed. He was clearly dissatisfied with the answer. 
He did not exactly know why. 
“Satoru, that's sad. You should ask something fun,” Suguru pointed out and took a sip from the beer can. 
The three of them sat on a grassy hill that had a pretty decent view of the city and the park below it. Shoko leaned against the huge tree behind her back. The cicadas were performing their own concert with the hum of motorways working as their orchestra.  
“You figure out better questions then,” Satoru pouted, but wasn’t actually hurt. 
“Isn’t it my turn to ask though?” 
Shoko looked in the distance watching closely how a woman jogged with her shiba inu, her ponytail swishing in the same rhythm as the chord of her headphones. Both men nodded slightly out of sync. 
“Satoru truth or dare?” 
“Who’s the hottest person you know?” Her eyes twinkled teasingly. 
“Waka Inoue of course. She’s sexy as hell!” Satoru slapped his hand on his heart as if he was saluting. 
“Really? You still have a crush on her?” Suguru questioned. It was his turn to pout. “Am I not enough?” 
“Baby you’re plenty, but you can’t replace a huge rack,” Satoru’s voice was steady as if he was talking about the most important thing in the whole world. 
“I can’t argue with that.” Suguru sighed defeatedly, his shoulders slumping down dramatically. 
“Ugh. I shouldn’t have asked that. Both of you are so weird and gross about women,” Shoko grimaced regretting her decisions and lifted the cigarette to her mouth as if to cover the bad taste of Satoru’s words. 
The man in sunglasses ignored the criticizing words. “Suguru. Truth or dare?” 
“I dare you to share this,” Satoru lifted up a huge strawberry. “Like in Lady and the Tramp with Shoko,” he referred to the scene where the two dogs shared a spaghetti meal, eventually kissing. 
“That’s too small!” Shoko protested immediately, shaking her head. The idea of doing that with Suguru made her feel iffy. 
“I’m game if she is,” Suguru said and offered his palm to Satoru who plopped the berry in his hands. 
Shoko had a nervous giggle come out of her. 
“C’mon, it’s just a game. You can always let go after like one bite. This is truth or dare afterall,” Satoru coaxed. 
“Fine. But I won’t kiss you, not even a peck.” Shoko established her own rule and rolled her eyes. She put out the cigarette on the grass and left the butt there. 
“We’ll see about that,” Suguru laughed and picked at the stem that got thrown over next to the chewed up gum. 
He awkwardly came closer to the young female student and placed the bigger end between his lips. He looked silly, the red end peeking out of his mouth. Suguru attempted at mouthing the words ‘come closer’, but neither Satoru or Shoko understood his words but the context clue carried the point to Shoko. 
She got on her knees sitting on top of her legs and straightened herself out. Suguru was way taller than her, even when he sat. Her face approached Suguru’s who had a pink tint on his cheeks from the alcohol he had drank.  
She opened her mouth and barely bit down on the smaller end, her tongue touching the bumpy texture of the strawberry. 
“Ready. Set. Go!” Satoru exclaimed, motioning finger guns happily. His gaze was completely glued on his two friends. 
Suguru closed his eyes and he started to carefully nibble, closing dangerously on Shoko’s lips. She bit quickly, not really tasting anything and began to pull away in hopes of Suguru calling it quits too. 
Unfortunately she wasn’t fast enough. The last bits of strawberry fell down on Shoko’s lap when Suguru pressed his lips against hers, a faint red trail dripping on her chin. She didn’t move and her eyes widened in shock. Shoko didn’t know what to do so she just held her hands on her lap. 
Suguru pet gently behind the girl’s head kissing her motionless lips. His hand trailed down to her neck and all the way to her shoulder. Shoko felt the sweet taste in her mouth mixing with the alcohol, stranger’s saliva and nicotine as Suguru dragged his hand to the mound of her breast. The warmth emanating from his palm was enough to bring her back to reality and Shoko pushed the bigger guy off of her. 
“Why did you do that?” she snapped and crossed her arms. 
“Oh don’t get angry now. Have a drink and chill out.” Satoru sighed. He shuffled awkwardly and placed the almost empty tote bag on his lap and grabbed a new beer can from there. Shoko narrowed her eyes in suspicion, but did not want to make room for any weird thoughts that would imply even weirder things. “It’s just a joke.” 
“This is not the first time you take jokes too far.”
Shoko looked away from the two boys, disappointment turning into an ache in her heart and wiped her chin clean from the strawberry. She slipped on the ballerinas laying on the ground. 
“Seriously? You’re leaving because of this?” Suguru tilted his head, his voice defensive.
Shoko threw her cigarettes and lighter in her own purse checking the blanket for other stuff she had. 
“Yeah, I am. I’m not having fun anymore.” Her voice was cold as she was attempting to hide the nervous tremble in her body and almost jumped up throwing the bag on her shoulder. She turned around, once again crossing her hands against her chest as if to protect herself and started walking.
“Hey! Don’t you want your blanket with you?” Satoru yelled after her. The two guys sat on the quilt completely bamboozled. 
“Keep it! I don’t need it!” 
She didn’t eat strawberries for the rest of the summer. 
“Hey you really should sing this one!” Shoko laughed as she scrolled through the song list.
“Whaat? No that’s not even funny,” you laughed and slapped her arm gently. 
“Is it really not? Or are you just a bore?” Shoko taunted getting ready to put the song on.
“Can we sing something from this?” You pointed at the category called 2000’s hits. 
“I’ll pick something at random and you’re just going to deal with it,” Shoko laughed clearly tipsy too after the multiple drinks you both had drank. 
The disco ball was spinning around the small room painting the walls in hues of blue, red and green. Nanami sat on the couch nursing his whiskey as he stared off into space. The upbeat music filled the room, bass shaking the ground underneath your feet.
It was the first time going out after the events at Gojo’s house. Shoko had basically begged you to come with her to get shit faced complaining that she really needed someone to rant with. You told her that Utahime was right there and would probably love to listen to her, but she claimed that the woman from Kyoto had other plans for the weekend.
After arriving at the karaoke bar you had been taken back after seeing the stoic blonde man at the venue. You weighed the option of immediately leaving in your head, but your conscience did not allow you to do so, after leaving him so rudely hanging in the meeting. When the three of you had gotten your own private room you decided to immediately order shots and drinks with the only goal of getting absolutely black out drunk tonight despite having Nanami there. 
It was honestly rare to see him after work as he had preferred to keep his distance. He was wearing the same clothing he always wore, dress shirt ironed, necktie perfectly hanging against his chest as if he was on the clock. You wouldn’t have been surprised if he were to whip out a cursed tool onto the bar table. 
You clutched onto the microphone singing unevenly as you danced to the beat, half of the syllables disappearing to you being out of breath. Shoko cackled, almost folding over as she kept slapping her thigh eyes watering. She had drunk a few drinks less than you and she had been exceptionally happy even before drinking. Truthfully Shoko was quite a heavy drinker and she definitely should not have been as wasted as what she appeared to be. 
Nanami stared at the both of you, raising the whiskey glass to his lips after checking his wrist watch. 
“Come here! Sing with us!” You yelled to the mic only getting a slightly alarmed expression out of him as he shook his head.
“I think I’m okay with watching you two perform,” he said. 
You pouted but kept on singing, your concentration skills nonexistent. You did not notice the way Shoko glared at him, nudging her head towards you as she pointed the microphone in her hand towards him. 
Nanami cleared his throat under the threatening gaze and clumsily got up. 
“Oh my god! Nanamiii!” You screamed the noise so high pitched that even the speakers were unable to handle it and you could see how Nanami cringed at the sound. 
Shoko squinted her eyes and mouthed the word sing to Nanami. Shoko was not going to deal with you alone. 
The combination of the pop song and Nanami’s voice made you giggle as you hurrayed him happily. He was not a bad singer by any means, but his voice did not fit the song choice. You wondered to yourself, why had you not gotten shitfaced earlier when you had all the good reasons to. 
Shoko decided to take a small break sitting on the spot where Nanami had been earlier and inspected the brown liquid swishing in the glass. She stole a sip from it when Nanami wasn’t watching, not really caring about the fact that it wasn’t her drink.
You grabbed your drink from the table and drank from it and you kept on singing happily, almost jumping around. Nanami looked at you with a terrified expression when you moved side to side with the drink spilling on your hand, but you did not notice the wetness of it. 
“Hey, put that down before you drop the glass,” Nanami said and gently tried to take the glass from you.
“No, I want to keep this,” a pout formed on your face but you still did what he told and turned around swiftly to place the drink on the counter. Your vision was blurry, the lights slightly too bright and you lost your balance tipping over the glass that was already safely on the table. You felt yourself starting to fall but a strong arm snaked around your waist to stabilize you. 
The world felt like it was stopping when the arm around you changed into a tight rope that pressed around your ribcage. The karaoke room changed inch by inch to a vast room with a wall made of windows with a night view of the streets of Tokyo. The shattered drink turned into a broken light bulb on the floor. You felt a hot breath on your skin, but your body had gotten cold. It was as if you had been dunked into ice water, all the earlier excitement completely vanished. The disco ball spun around casting blue lights on the white haired man’s face that ogled you like a piece of meat. The imagery was so vivid and real in your mind that you reacted on instinct, elbowing the man behind you. 
The rope vanished around you as the windows melted to the concrete floor, the shadows of city lights turned back to the tacky illumination of the disco ball. You felt the remnants of cursed energy fizzing out like a soda can as your eyes landed on Nanami, who was slightly hunched over holding onto his side the pain making him grimace. You had no idea how much force you had actually used, but probably quite a lot judging by the way Nanami was reacting. 
Shoko stood there completely still, eyes filled to the brim with worry and confusion. Her lips were ajar and she gulped down wanting to say something, but she did not know what. 
“My apologies. I didn't mean to touch you inappropriately,” Nanami managed to say. The music track played in the background, but it felt empty without a drunken voice guiding it. He was lucky to have good reflexes, instinctually protecting himself from the blow, otherwise Shoko would have had a patient off the clock. 
“Uh,” Your mouth gaped at him hopelessly. He had done nothing wrong. 
“I’ll go for a cigarette,” you blurted out and left the room hurriedly. The long hallway stretched in front of your eyes as you looked at the numbers on karaoke booths, only muted colors flashing through the slightly translucent doors. You leaned on the wall as you dragged your feet forward arriving at the front desk that thanked you for your time, but you did not pay attention to them and turned to your left to stare at the steep stairway.
The steps were made out of wood with a black paint that had started to chip away and the walls were pure red, too bright and intense for your eyes. You focused on the door in front of you and barely saw the red walls around it as they got covered by a dark cloud, your way of seeing more animalistic than human.The only thing in your mind was the need to get some fresh air as emotions threw you around like a shipwreck at the sea. 
You pushed the door open and walked over to a bicycle stand choosing an empty spot where you plopped yourself on. You rocked yourself back and forth as you cried and gripped onto your skin painfully hoping that at least the physical sensation would put an end to your suffering. You started to be more aware of the familiar banging against your skull. 
The door of the karaoke bar opened as Shoko walked outside, her face now serious, resembling more the woman she was at work than the friend giggling at drunk people's jokes. 
“Hey. You forgot this inside.” She handed you your bag.
You wanted to answer something but you could not as the words got stuck to your throat. Your world flashed back and forth between sensations that you weren’t supposed to feel in this moment. The guilt and sadness ate you alive, nipping away from your vitals the more you tried to push them down. 
Shoko placed a cigarette between her lips and lit it up and offered it to you. You took it gladly off her hands inhaling the sweet smoke, but you almost ended up suffocating on it as your nose was too stuffed to handle it. Even the menthol taste was unable to help you with this issue. Shoko opened the green box once more to get herself a smoke as well. 
She took a drag out of it and watched your shuddering figure. 
“I saw you in the hallway with Geto. Something happened at Gojo’s right?”
You lifted your head up mascara running on your cheeks. Had you not been in such a bad state her words would have shocked you. 
“I can’t help you if you don’t want my help.” Shoko crouched down to your level. You stared at her face as she left out a puff of smoke that trailed around her face, the dark eye bags now more visible than ever. 
You choked on your tears once more, now openly wailing on the pavement your fingers digging into the soft flesh of your arm. You dragged your nails across yourself leaving pink trails behind it, the soft tingle covering the areas you had just clawed at. 
“I can’t do this anymore,” you cried, your words hard to decipher as your breath hitched. “I can’t keep on doing this. It’s all my fault. I’m so stupid,” you screamed snot falling onto your shirt. 
“So fucking stupid!” You impulsively pressed the cigarette butt against your thigh melting the cloth away the stinging pain shocking you as your skin shed its layers against the fire. 
You had no shame in your breakdown, frankly you did not even recognize the others that looked in your way speaking with hushed voices around you, as they tightened the grip on their partners hands. “That girl really needs to lay off the drinks,” someone had said loudly. Shoko had wanted to immediately pounce, but she held herself together. She knew that you needed her more. 
“Don’t hurt yourself, when you want to hurt someone else,” her voice was just a whisper. “Can I touch you?” She asked not wanting to trigger you further. You nodded. 
Shoko pulled you into a tight hug and you buried your face on her chest, holding onto her like it was the last thing keeping you afloat. You seeked comfort in her presence. 
“I want to die.” You gripped onto her tighter. “I’m so weak.”
Shoko stroked your hair, her own eyes watering as she listened to you wordlessly. She felt your pain almost just as viscerally as you were experiencing them now.  
“No matter… no matter what I do. I can’t escape them. I just want to be gone. I want to-”
Shoko shushed you and slipped her free hand into her pocket, digging out her phone. Almost ten minutes had gone by. She awkwardly opened her chat with Nanami trying to inform the man who was probably still sitting in their booth waiting for the two of you to come back. 
A male voice disturbed the two of you. “Is everything okay?” 
Shoko pressed her hand on your shoulder pushing herself up from the ground, she whispered to you to stay put, not that you really were in any condition to go anywhere. 
“Good that you’re here. I was just about to text you. Can you get us a taxi?”
“Of course,” he said and opened the app punching in your address that Shoko forwarded to him. He looked so much older and out of place in the busy street. 
This was the kind hearted and lovely Nanami that had forgiven you immediately, after you had punched him in the gut because you were fucked up in the head. The kind hearted and lovely Nanami that you couldn’t look in the eyes, because of a certain man whose name you felt like acid on the tip of your tongue. The thoughts in your head brought fresh tears to your eyes. You dangerously sailed in the deep waters of suicidal ideation, your tired hands opening the forbidden door.  
“It’s going to arrive in five minutes,” Nanami hummed. 
“I think you should go. I’ll handle this,” Shoko said, her voice full of pity. “I’ll keep you posted.”
Nanami nodded in agreement. 
“For what it’s worth, take care of yourself too.” Nanami’s words were carefully chosen, anticipating that you weren’t the only one who needed a hug. 
The beach was filled with people who enjoyed the way the sun spoiled them with its warmth. Shoko was sitting on a towel next to Mei Mei who applied generous amounts of sunscreen on her hand. They sat underneath a parasol that had been propped in the sand, covering them both from the direct sun. The brown haired girl watched as Utahime excitedly threw herself to the water. She had given up on trying to get Shoko and Mei Mei in the water as well. 
“Mei Mei, don’t you have a lot of experience with boys?” Shoko almost whispered and hugged her legs. Her beach shawl swayed when the breeze decided to start playing with the huge piece of cloth. 
“Are you trying to imply something?” Her voice was low and melodic but not at all accusatory. 
“No, nothing like that. I just wanted to ask you something.” Shoko shook her head flustered. “Is it normal for a guy to kiss a girl without asking?” 
Mei Mei burst into laughter. This was the question Shoko was getting all worked up for? 
“Shoko,” Mei Mei’s eyes glimmered softly when she said the younger girl’s name with gentleness that reminded her of a mother tugging a child into bed. “I did not take you for being this innocent,” she teased. 
“I’m not innocent,” the brown haired girl huffed with the unexpected blush decorating her cheeks.
“Did someone do that to you?” Mei Mei tilted her head curiously and offered the sunscreen bottle to Shoko who happily took it to her hands.
“If I tell you, will you promise that you won’t tell anyone?”
“If I’m honest, I don’t think I care enough to tattle. You got me curious now. Tell me,” she hummed as a smile curled on her lips. 
“Well uh.. Suguru kind of kissed me when we were playing truth or dare with Satoru,” Shoko explained . She ran her hand between the warm sand, the grainy texture giving her something else to think about. “It was a stupid dare on Satoru’s part. Dunno why I accepted it.” 
Shoko added that she did not want to kiss him under any circumstances but the boy had managed to go over her boundary with ease. 
“That’s it?” Mei Mei asked, raising her eyebrow. She was almost bewildered at how tame the story was. 
The blue haired woman scoffed.
“Guys think that girls like it when they take control and in a certain sense they are right. Maybe they got their eyes on you? Although, I did think that Suguru and Satoru were..” Mei Mei’s voice trailed off as she thought. “It doesn’t matter.” She concluded. 
“If I were you. I’d go along with it.” Mei Mei suggested. 
“No way. I don’t like them like that. Besides that’s not what I asked for your opinion on.” 
“And?” Mei Mei turned her gaze on Shoko, her eyes hardening as she intensely stared at the younger girl. “Those two men are our generation’s strongest and you’re going to complain that one of them gave you a little kiss?” 
Mei Mei’s melodic voice dropped lower as she showed her true feelings of distaste towards Shoko’s views. 
“If I were you,” she started again, her voice tough and bitter. “I’d be securing my spot by their side and not planning to bring forth meaningless accusations over a game of truth or dare.” 
Shoko was at loss with the things that were being said to her. Now that she thought about it, maybe it wasn’t the best idea to speak with Mei Mei. 
“I did not say I was going to tell anyone,” her voice was squeaky like a little girl’s. 
“But you thought about that right?” Shoko did not deny nor confirm the accusation.
Mei Mei’s face softened. “Shoko, you’re a smart girl. You should know better than to get shaken by two boys, especially when you so eagerly lead them on.“ 
“..I don’t lead them on.”
“Then stop meeting them in your spare time. If you do that, guys will think that you’re willing. You’re not a kid anymore, they do notice that you’re a woman now.” 
She stayed quiet, Mei Mei’s words burning on her skin worse than the summer heat. She did not want guys thinking about her that way. She simply wanted to be their friend and the idea of boys and girls being unable to do that because of bodily differences made Shoko shudder. 
“You want to help your friends, right?” Mei Mei asked when Utahime got out of the water. 
Shoko nodded. 
“Then become a doctor. That’s the best you can do to others with the technique you have.” Her words were probably meant to be comforting, but they made Shoko’s heart sink to the bottom of the ocean. 
“Shookoo!” Utahime ran towards the two girls sitting on the beach towels. 
“Are you willing to swim now?” Sand and water droplets clung onto her radiant skin that the younger girl admired silently. Shoko felt her heart skip a few times in her chest when Utahime offered her hand to her. 
“Sure.” The shy smile stretched on Shoko’s lips. 
“I’ll stay here. But you guys have fun.” Mei Mei announced as she opened the book next to her the pages slightly crumpled up. 
Shoko did not really register Mei Mei’s voice anymore. She grabbed Utahime’s hand and the world slowly faded away around them. 
Shoko went through the bathroom nimbly avoiding piles of clothing or takeout bags as she looked through your bathroom cupboard. She found a bag of half used cotton pads and a micelar water from the mess.
The taxi drive had felt like eternity. Your tears had dried before settling in the car and numbness had taken over. Shoko helped you to your bed and said that she’d come back soon, closing the door behind her giving you some space to change into something more comfortable. 
The door opened. Shoko looked at you and sat on the bed. You were using a pillow as a support for your back. The night lamp’s warm color casted shadows around your puffy face. The woman shook the bottle in her hand and poured liquid on the white cotton pad and tilted your face towards hers. 
She pressed the pad on your eyelid carefully letting the mixture soak through the heaps of makeup on your face. You sniffled sadly before speaking. 
“I can do this on my own too.” 
“I want to do this,” her voice was soft as she spoke the makeup remover leaving your skin slightly cold. You simply nodded and admired the way her hair framed her face. 
“You know I’ve had my own bad experiences too,” Shoko said, her face turning to a slight frown. Her mind was sailing in memories that she had given up on trying to understand. 
You were at a loss of words. You wanted to pry, but it felt invasive. 
“With them? Really?” You heard yourself asking as you danced on the line of impropriety.
“Yeah,” Shoko hummed, “but we shouldn’t have this conversation yet. Maybe in the morning, but not now,” she tried to make her voice sound brighter, feel brighter as if it would fix everything. 
“Okay,” you said. Maybe she��s right about this. Shoko discarded the dirty cotton pad, simply placing it on the bedside table. It was at its limits the whole thing turned into the color of your foundation with the small black streaks of your mascara on it, or what was left from it. 
She held onto your face gently for a moment too long even after she was done. You opened your eyes to really look at her. She looked so sad and.. young? Yes young was the right word. She looked like a woman robbed out of something sacred. She had been so happy, so easy to excite in her youth, but now all she seemed to carry was baggage. 
Your drunken mind wanted to close the distance, but something held you back. Maybe it was all the answers that were still being withheld by her, maybe it was the understanding that it’s not the right time yet. 
“Can you stay the night?” you whispered. Shoko breathed in and opened her mouth to say something, but you were faster. “Please? Th-there’s some clothes you can borrow in my closet.” 
She stayed quiet and you waited patiently.
“I’ll stay.” 
You smiled weakly at her and muttered a gentle thank you. She shuffled up from the bed and walked over the closet you had pointed for her. You turned your back to her when you heard the rustling of clothing that she ended up piling up neatly on one of the spare chairs in your bedroom. 
You fluffed up the pillow next to you and lifted up the blanket when she climbed in. You turned your back to her as you lay down on your side. Your hand searched the light switch and then the room was pitch black. 
Shoko awkwardly came closer to you till your back was against hers and she played with your hair idly in the silence. The touch was friendly, your body slumping in relaxation almost immediately. It was nice to have someone there. You had gotten so used to being afraid of the nights. 
“Good night,” she said, her voice hoarse. 
You woke up alone with no trace of the woman in your room. She had gotten up earlier than you and dressed up back to the clothes she had in the bar. You hugged your plush blanket, almost burying your whole face underneath it, not ready to face the day.
Your head hurt and you felt nauseous. How is Shoko even able to do things? You wondered to yourself.
The faint knock on the bedroom door disrupted your thoughts as the door opened slightly. 
“I made a sandwich for you and found some painkillers, if you want any,” she said and you heard her steps further away again. 
You groaned and threw the blanket away from your body, the cold greeting you roughly. 
Your kitchen had gotten miraculously cleaner, the multiple empty beer cans piled in a bag and the dishwasher hummed quietly. You stared at the brown table in front of you that had two sandwiches and glasses of water on it, hunger long gone from your body. 
“You really should drink less.” Shoko picked up another empty can from the counter just to place it in the bag.
“Like you’re the one to talk.” You sat on the chair with its legs squeaking against the floor with your rough treatment. 
You grabbed the pill bottle and rattled out two tablets that you threw in your mouth and drank barely enough water to chase them down. 
“What do you remember?” Shoko asked and sat in front of you. She wasn’t feeling very hungry either. 
“I remember punching Nanami and the talk we had before we fell asleep,” you mumbled, playing with the edges of the slightly crusty lettuce between your sandwich. You had meant to use it on a salad a few days ago, but you were too tired to cook for yourself. Even the simple things were hard. “What did I tell you?”
“Nothing. You were just crying.”
Oh. So it was like that. 
“They assaulted me.” Your face was stern, emotions hidden behind a wall. The words felt weird. It was the first time you had actually said it out loud.
Shoko’s face widened from shock. 
“They what?” 
“Don’t make me repeat it,” you hissed. 
“Sorry, I won’t.” 
The silence felt unbearable and you stuffed your face full of bread just to do something. 
“They did something similar when we were still in school.” Shoko ripped the hangnail painfully from her skin and pressed on the miniscule wound with one of her fingers. 
You chewed the sandwich aggressively without tasting anything, the texture turning to mush in your mouth. 
“Why didn’t you warn me?” Your words were way more accusatory than what you wanted. 
Shoko turned her head to the side looking hurt by your sudden outburst. Her eyebrows scrunched together in pain as she looked for the perfect words, but there were none. 
“You admired them. I didn’t want to take that away from you, and when I realized that I probably should have said..”
“Bullshit, Shoko. It’s been ten years. I deserved to know, you could have-”
“Stop blaming me for their shit!” she yelled. Shoko never yells. 
You fell quiet. You reined in your anger, its hands still attempting to reach out to anything it could latch on. She was right. It’s not her burden to bear, but you still couldn’t help but feel powerless, when there could have theoretically been someone who could have told you to not go there. 
“Sorry,” you simply said just to drop the topic. Shoko sighed defeatedly and pushed her head briefly against her hands. She understood the anger, she really did. 
“They drugged me and then raped me together. I don’t remember a lot from it. I fought back – well attempted to,” your voice shook as you spoke. 
The brown haired woman simply looked at you with silent empathy. 
“Did you at least get one good punch in?” 
Your lips curled into a downhearted smile. The memory of your feeble fight playing in your mind, the weakness and despair of it all, a futile attempt of a prey to preserve their life just one moment longer. 
“Not a single one,” you laughed hollowly as one tear rolled on your cheek and your lips trembled. “But I did rip some hair out of Geto at the school,” you tried to brighten your voice and be brave. 
Shoko’s eyes watered and she answered your smile with her own. 
The almost happy expression faded from your face. Everything hurt, never had you ever thought to be in a situation like this where you were exchanging devastation with your friend like gifts on christmas. 
“Why did you stay? Even Nanami left for a while, you could have done the same.” Your question was gentler this time. 
Shoko pondered for a minute, not sure of her answer either. 
“Because this is the only way I could help. I had you and Utahime and I didn’t want to leave you two behind. Besides what else was I supposed to do? I’ve been given a technique that can save many if I choose right. Had I left a lot more could have died because I wasn’t here — all because of what two men did,” she tried to put her thoughts together. 
“There’s a reason why Utahime doesn’t like Gojo,” Shoko blurted out and played with her hair. 
You took a careful sip of water as if you were trying to carefully dissect the different flavors of Shoko’s words. 
“What do you mean? Did they do something to her as well?” 
“No. I just mean that women know, you know? I think it’s in our blood to recognize danger. That’s one of the reasons she despises him. But this is just my thought, not an universal truth,” Shoko wondered out loud. 
She breathed in once again as if the words she was about to speak were too painful. 
“I think sometimes us women have to carry the atrocities of men. There’s no rhyme or reason why they do certain things. At least that’s what I’ve been telling myself. I never went through what you did, but I can’t say that I’m surprised,” she mused. “I’m sorry though. What you went through. It’s not right.”
Her brown eyes stared at you expectantly. You chewed on your lip nervously and tapped the empty plate with your nail, the small tinkle sound working as a metronome. 
“No, it’s not,” you huffed. But it feels like it’s my fault. If I had not gone there, if I had not idolized them – loved them even. This wouldn’t have ended this way. It was easier to leave those words in your head. 
“So what now?” You looked at Shoko, your eyes pleading, asking for answers, guidance, anything she would be able to provide to you. You knew there was nothing clear cut Shoko could say, but god how you wished that someone would know what to do. 
Shoko shook her head in defeat as if telling you that she wasn’t able to point you on the right track like that. 
“Whatever you want. You can stay or go, but you don’t have to carry it alone,” Shoko said, her face gentle. You could still draw out the remnants of the young girl from the year two thousand and six on her features. The lines were almost faded but they were still there. 
You found kinship in her even if neither of you had shared the full story of what had happened. You weren’t there yet and you weren’t ready. Instead the two of you skirted around words unspoken finding solace of at least having someone who could understand. It was up to the both of you what to make out of the confessions of the past. 
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esoteriamaya · 8 months
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I'm so excited to do this one. This is to help you get into that goddess frequency a bit more. So everyone who's connected to their divine feminine should definitely let go and see what's in store for them in the future. Are you ready? Lets go!
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PILE 1 - Dedicated Effort / Love Abounds
This group needs to dedicate time to building an altar for themselves. Mirror work should be done frequently, and more openly. Letting the world shape your perception has helped you forget who you truly are in the inside. So working through those emotions and ideas of yourself through the mirror is what's perfect for you in the long run. In the mean time, taking you're self out to cute solo trips & dates, making money in some online business of some sort (or may through apps) can be a way to bring more self-love to you. Capricorn energy is precise with this group, as it's felt heavily. Money-making abilities is strong with this group and could be the reason for any lack of self love. You're a Goddess and can attract money like no other, so put more focus in your finances and you'll see a new you blossom in the new few months, easy. Use your reality as inspiration on where to get the community to follow your lead. As you do lead by example, let them surprise you with whatever it is you need help with, this is also related to a business. I think ya'll should get into it ;)
PILE 2 - Joy & Stability / Share The Love
You guys have strong, beautiful auras. Full of deep love and compassion for all that you meet. Your beauty is expressed in the way you help others and be of service to them. You may have dealt with people who've played with your kindness and made it out to be a weakness but that is not the case. Be more open to embracing this true beauty as it is a wonderful gift, and it will propel you high in life if you allow it. Remember that your value is higher than most can put a price on. Your built for a reality that is out of other peoples leisure. Luxury, Beauty, and Love is a theme for this group because you're meant for bigger and better things, am I right? So don't lose your head about what others think of you to be. You're much more than that. Another thing I want to say for this group is to live a little, share the bounty of joy you carry in you and never waver it for people as this is a healing gift for a few of you. Never take your happiness lightly, its a blessing after all.
PILE 3 - Patience & Planning / Rest & Rejuvenate
You guys need to hold on and smell the roses a little. Take a needed vacation and get out of town. Revise a little. You guys need to cope with something related to the past and spend more time giving yourself that needed love and attention you've been holding off on. Be more open to seeing the bigger picture to where your life is headed. You're a star waiting to burst, you know that right? You need time to move slower than usual because now is not the time to rush things and dive head first. Doing that will only cause problems in the long run, stress may have been big for this group.. but I want ya'll to know that stress can't run the show forever, you gotta choose you at some point. Whatever and WHOever is burning you out needs to be cut short so that you can breathe. So that you can believe what's in store for you will come when it's time and not when you feel it should be. Just be open to what God/Universe/The Divine has in store for you for the next 5-6 months, ok? k :)
PILE 4 - Take the Lead / Giving & Receiving / Love
This group has tiger strength. Phoenix energy. You guys have been through a lot so to speak. And because of all you've been through, you've made it back up to your most godly self. Confidence is a theme for this group and being the star of the show. You have to let go and be the main character of your reality, no matter who's tuning in. Jealousy/Envy is another theme for this group because secret enemies (for a few it could be close friends and family) could be the reason you've felt so down about yourself. And now you're literally being called to be in the spotlight in some way or form. Try vlogging, or speaking your truth or about topics you love, showing off your beautiful looks, and even just being an open arm for people in your life and your community. Finding a way to allow your spark to show is something significant for this group. So I hope that helps in the long run, be blessed.
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mrsarnasdelicious · 4 months
Steven Grant NSFW Alphabet
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A = After (what they’re like after sex)
He needs aftercare. Please caress him, cradlde him. He might even need some clean up. Tell him how good he did for you.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He really likes his own curls and eyes.
On you, your tits ... and the little details on your body, like freckles, scars and moles.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He is a gusher and he actually cums a bit more than average.
He loves to watch his own cream pie dribble back out.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He edges himself for DAYS on end thinking of you. He never lets himself cum, though. That is reserved for when he is intimate with you.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Not very much, considering it used to be Marc who got all the action. But Steven is just starting out.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
You on top of him, riding him as rough as you can manage.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He is adorable, quite silly at times. He will flirt cutely with you while balls deep inside you.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Black curls like on his scalp, though he does his best to keep trimmed.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
It is so very important to Steven to not just have sex, but to also be affectionate. He yearns for affection, for romance, for your love. Please love on him!!!
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Oh honey, when you are not available, his hand/fleshlight will serve him perfectly well.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Femdom, edging, overstim, voyeurism and light bondage.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Bed! Bed! Bed! And the shower.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Almost every little thing about you. Hell, you could breathe in his general direction and he'd go gaga.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
DDLG, CNC, bodily waste, hard BDSM and Fisting
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He gets so weak when you suck his cock, like he will cum in a minute tops. But he can lavish for hours between your thighs. He loves eating you out.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He prefers slow and sensual, but when you are rough and fast on him, he will be driven crazy.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Steven will absolutely use every excuse to quickly have you.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He is actually quite open to experiment, but always has to risk-minimalise before doing something new.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He is a bit of a quick shoot, but has barely a refractory period and he can go for five rounds at a time.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He owns a fleshlight, which gets frequent use when you are not with him. He has no qualms using your toys on you if you fancy it, either.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Oh no, he would not dare. Though he does like when you tease him. Build up that tension.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Unexpectedly loud. He mostly whimpers and whines at a 'please don't disturb the neighbours' volume.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Nothing gets him desperate quicker than some dry humping. Grind together and see him unravvel at top speed.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Steven is actually quite hung. He is cut, but it does not look like someone mutulated his cock, luckily. He's got some nice thick veins and a well filled sack.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He is actually really really horny a lot of the time. He just does a superb job of not showing it.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
AHAHAHA, NOPE. He has about a million and one rituals he needs to execute before he can sleep and he might not feel comfortable letting you in on them. He will literally only sleep if exhaustion makes his brain zonk off.
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sillyfoxlady · 9 months
Pac reading
Messages from the Universe
Pile 1 Pile 2
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Pile 3 Pile 4
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Pile 1
Tarot: 10/Cups ☆ Sun ☆ Hermit
Oracle: Refuel • Get Grounded • Trust Your Path
Message: You are in an excellent space with the 10 of Cups and the Sun card. These cards represent satisfaction and opportunities for growth and success. With the Hermit card, we can see either a mentor or a time of solitude. Your message today is to rest, rejuvenate, and refuel. You need to take the time to keep your cup filled and your needs met. Continue in this area while also getting grounded, literally on the ground, and in reality. Also, the universe is offering you encouragement with the message of trust your path. You know your goals and the path you must take, so own it and trust your intuition. You are the right track and I'm wishing you the best!
Pile 2
Tarot: Tower ☆ 7/Swords ☆ 4/Pentacles
Oracle: Maturity • Conciousness • Vision
Message: Ok, deep breath, I can tell you are under a lot of stress and betrayal and financial frustration. I can feel the dense energy in this pile, and I need you to breathe with me and take a moment to recalibrate. You are being congratulated on your maturity and strength of character. This time has been incredibly rough for you and you are handling it better than you think. Also, the universe is inviting you to delve into consciousness and to reclaim your vision. You have been distracted by all of the danger and stress underfoot and are being invited to delve inward and remember why you started this journey. You haven't been abandoned and justice sees what you have been going through, your enemies will be held to account- you will be both vindicated and liberated. Don't lose hope, you're doing great!
Pile 3
Tarot: 9/Wands ☆ 6/Swords ☆ Devil
Oracle: Goddess • Wormhole • Sanctuary
Message: Ok, I can tell yall have been going through it with the 9 of Wands. The good news is that with the 6 of Swords, we can see this situation clearing, and an opportunity for rectification is possible. Now, we have this Devil card, which leads me to suspect that may be an underlying issue at hand, not necessarily addiction, but the situation feels like it. You are being invited by the universe to address this issue because this is your opportunity to fix the problems. You are being advised to either consult your goddess or even to channel your inner goddess. Now, this is a specific message, but in the wormhole, you'll find your sanctuary. Now I have an impression that you may portal hopper whether you realize it or not, but please meditate on this message, and you will receive answers.
Pile 4
Tarot: Hanged Man ☆ Moon ☆ Knight/Pentacles
Oracle: Meditation • 3rd Eye • Fire Elemental
Message: I can see that you are feeling stuck and lost without clear-cut answers. The good news is that help is on the way! This practical and dedicated peer is ready to get in there with you to help you solve this problem. With the moon and the meditation card, you are being guided to trust your intuition and seek clarity from within. Don't struggle to escape, but use the moment of pause to gain clarity while help arrives. In particular, work on utilizing your third eye. Fire elementals may be significant to you, and if it isn't now, you may want to do some research in this area. I'm not sure what the exact message is, but this is where you are encouraged to start meditating. You are on the right track, and you will receive help, so hang in there!
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Can I request a Gojo x male reader that owns a cafe. Reader is having an event for his cafe where if someone gets a special item in their dessert (like idk a cherry or something) he would make them a custom dessert. Gojo, who had won the competition, requested to have Olive as his dessert. (Olive and Gojo do know each other, so it's nit like Gojo is a stranger requesting this lol. If you choose this request then thank you <3
Consider it done~ And for the sake of not naming the reader, I won't be using the name Olive but the relationship can remain.
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Title: Sweet Tooth
Characters: Gojo x m!reader
Contains: heated/sensual make out
Fandom: Jujutsu Kaisen
Full request below the cut
All characters are 18+
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"Congratulations! You won a custom dessert!"
Behind shaded lenses, Gojo blinked in reaction to the announcement. "Hah?"
You handed him a specialized card in both hands, a small one made of easy to punch paper. "A custom dessert! It's an event I'm holding. People who order a specific item from the menu get a special dessert made just for them, free of charge! With limitations of course."
As a café owner, you liked to hold these little events on occasion, especially if you ended up with more ingredients than you sold. It was a convenient way to get rid of them without having to throw them away and wasting them. For Gojo to win one felt like a thrill, as he didn't often stop by as of late thanks to his teaching position. He luckily had some time during the day to come by for a sweet treat, especially since he promised he would at some point.
Taking the card, Gojo scanned the text.
You've won one (1) free custom dessert*! Present this card at purchase to redeem. *Limitations apply. Good for one item up to ¥800
His drink and to-go box were already on the counter as he gazed back at you. With not a lot of time left in his break, he gave you a charming smile, picking up his items after sliding the card in his pocket. "I'll definitely stop by before you close to redeem this, maybe get some extra things while I'm here."
You two gave each other a wave before Gojo stepped out.
As closing time approached, you tried keeping the oven on as long as you could, keeping all the necessary ingredients nearby for whenever Gojo entered the shop, but despite your efforts and hopeful waiting, closing hour came, and you begrudgingly turned the heat off while putting the ingredients into storage.
You were upset, yeah, but not exactly at Gojo. It wasn't the first time his job made him stay out, and it wasn't the first time he didn't show up when he said he would. You didn't want to think about all the plans that fell through on top of this, so after locking the front doors, you set yourself to nearly deep clean the café to distract yourself.
You were going to start with the back. Since that area was out of customer sight, you never really cleaned it as well as you should, but at least it was always within code. You had put your apron up on the rack when a knock rattled the backdoor in the room, nearly causing you to jump out of your skin.
You don't recall ordering any new items, as this is where deliveries would be handled commonly, but you could have simply forgotten. That being said, you opened the door, revealing a towering male with familiar white hair and cloth-shielded eyes.
"Yo, am I too late?" His voice was all too casual for his delay in presence.
Disappointment had gave way to anger, and you turned around, allowing Gojo to enter the shop, gazing around the new environment for a customer.
"You have some nerve..."
"What? I came by! I said I would!"
"You said you'd come by before closing!" Built up frustration bubbled to the surface as you started gathering your cleaning items, haphazardly pacing back and forth to grab the items that were strewn about. "Like how you said you'd come over for drinks last week, or how you wanted to catch a movie the time before that."
Gojo let out a sigh, rubbing the back of his neck. "Look, I know I messed up. Things have been...crazy with the school for awhile."
"Then you should just focus on that instead of giving me hope." Water splashed from the soap filled bucket you made while talking, having slammed a rag in it after. There was an unsettling silence before Gojo spoke.
"But I'm here, right? After closing, sure. But I'm not bailing completely." He revealed the card from his pocket, still in decent condition despite the activity he typically does. "I still wanna cash in, if that's okay."
You stalled your movements, glancing at him with the revealed card before your gaze went back to the bucket, letting out a sigh.
"I...Yeah." There wasn't any point in being angry right now. You had to admit it was nice of him to come back when he said he would despite being late. He could have bailed out or gotten caught up with work like he usually did but he actually came back this time. "I'm sorry. I'm...really sorry." You straightened up, taking a nice deep breath to ground yourself for the moment. "I haven't started cleaning yet, so what would you like? I can get the stuff back out, but remember it's a ¥800 limit."
"If it's custom, what determines the price?" As Gojo spoke, he stepped over to you, rereading the text to make sure he read it all correctly.
You replied while tying your apron back on. "Size, mainly. You can take a menu item and change it how you want, and I can let you know if that will be within your range."
"Can I go off menu?"
"Well...I don't see why not, but you'd really have to know what you'd--" Your words cut off once you turned back around to face Gojo after your apron was on. He was so close to you, you could almost feel the heat radiating off of him, which contradicted the chilling feeling from the icy blue stare that now graced you. "--w-want."
"So as long as I really know what I want, I can have it, yeah?" His voice dropped to a husky tone as he leaned close, your back starting to press into the wall.
"Well, can I redeem the cute shop owner~?"
When his cold hand touched your heated cheek, your heart picked up in pace. It pounded in your ears, nearly drowning out all sound. You had no idea Gojo felt this way, but maybe you were just oblivious to past actions.
"I-I...um...I-I'm not exactly a dessert..."
"Are you sure? Because my sweet tooth kicks in whenever I see you~ Maybe I could have a sample first?"
Before you could respond, Gojo's lips found yours, and he was quick to help himself past them, humming from the sweet taste that coated your mouth from sampling your creations throughout the day. Soft groans left the two of you, and you found yourself gripping at Gojo's uniform sleeves, not in protest, but to keep your mind steady. Luckily for your sake, he didn't keep the kiss long, pulling away once notice you were shaking to get air. As you panted lightly, he gave you a playful smirk, licking his lips with a satisfied hum.
"Well after a sample like that, how could I not have more~?"
You didn't need to wait for him to make a move. This time, you urged in, connecting your lips once more with his. His body pressed flush against you, the silence in the air replaced with sensually charged sounds. You gripped at his clothes as his hands raked through your hair, tongues dancing with one another as you held each other close. You were emotionally charged; anger, desire, and excitement all mixing within yourself like a lumpy batter. You didn't exactly know what to feel with him, but desire seemed to be the strongest ingredient.
This sudden makeout seemed to last awhile to you, feeling like tens of minutes went by before you two finally disconnected, gazing into each other's glazed eyes while your chests heaved for air.
"M-My house later," you breathed. "Y-You better not be late this time."
"Trust me," Gojo exhaled in response. "I wouldn't miss that for anything...~"
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crazerk · 2 months
This demo has lived rent free in my brain for the last 24 hours bestie !!! All the origins are so fun! I’m particularly drawn to the noble tho 👀And as for a basic question: can we please get some fun facts about the ROs ? TY <333
This comment made my day! I’m glad these characters aren’t tormenting only me now lol.
Fun facts under the cut!
As a child he pretended to be afraid of the dark for years because his mother would comfort him with stories from her homeland. She still thinks he is and asks the servants to keep some candles burning at night, even though they annoy him. He considers this karma for the lies.
He has a massive sweet tooth. He might project the image of a stoic, serious emperor but that man loves sweets. He doesn’t indulge too often in public though. He’d rather sneak into the kitchens at night and once frightened a poor cook half to death when he stumbled upon his sovereign eating honey straight from a jar at like 2 am.
He’s a remarkable artist. He draws a lot. Really into architecture too.
He fidgets with his signet ring when he’s nervous. He does this unconsciously most of the time, and those who aren’t familiar with his mannerisms might assume he’s just deep in thought. But really his mind is spamming the panic button.
I’m not sure if this is a “fun” fact but he enjoys bloodsport. His father’s reign was criticized for this and his friendship with Fang has given him a different perspective on how slaves in the fighting pits are treated so he’s distanced himself from it. But it bothers him a bit, how much like his father he can be.
He has talent for juggling and often uses it to entertain children in the marketplace.
He’s quite the pirate fanboy. He wants to be a pirate so bad and dreams of owning a ship and just sailing around the world someday. Fang once won a drinking contest against a notorious pirate captain, earning him a place on the crew if he ever felt inclined. Fang thinks about that offer everyday.
He learned how to read and write from his master and has a hidden stash of romantic poetry that he's written over the years, inspired by his various crushes and lovers. He's never shared these poems with anyone, as he fears they might ruin his roguish reputation.
He doesn’t have a home. He has enough gold stockpiled from his fighting days to live comfortably and Khazunef has made it clear that he’s welcome at the palace but he prefers to just… wander around. He claims it’s because he likes not knowing where he’ll end up, and that every day is a new adventure. But really it’s because when he thinks of home he remembers a time long ago when he was a boy, before the raiders, before the slavery and before the fighting, when his mother would cradle him by a warm hearth and sing a lullaby. He can’t recreate that feeling. He’s terrified even trying to.
She loves to play pranks. Her favorite involves sneaking into rooms while their occupants are away and rearranging their furniture just slightly, enough to make them question their own sanity when they return.
She has a photographic memory, which comes in handy for her favorite pastime: gambling. Do not under any circumstances challenge her to any games of chance, as she can easily remember cards played or patterns in a game. Several guards have lost months wages in this manner.
Shes the definition of having a green thumb. She has a fondness for winter roses, a flower that grows in the snowy peaks of her native land. She managed to cultivate them in the desert. Persa tends a small garden of these roses in the palace as a reminder of home. She’s skilled herbalist and often disappears into the palace gardens for hours at a time, gathering plants and herbs for her potions and remedies.
Persa is a gifted singer, but she only sings when she thinks no one is listening. Her voice is hauntingly beautiful, and it's said that even the birds fall silent to listen it. Something she finds herself humming tunes of the songs from her home, but she can never quite remember the words.
She absolutely detests spicy foods. Yes she knows, it’s ironic that a fire priestess can’t stand the heat. You can only make that joke once. Do it again and she might curse you.
Despite her serious demeanor, Ignasia has a wicked sense of humor. She loves to tell jokes with a straight face, leaving others unsure whether to laugh or not.
She has a talent for mimicry and can do impressions of almost anyone including fellow priestess, imperial courtiers and advisors. She won’t confirm or deny if she’s used this skill for dubious purposes.
She pretends leaving her noble family behind to become a priestess was a great sacrifice. In truth it was her greatest pleasure.
Sometimes, she tells people that she sees things in the flames that aren’t there. She tells herself it’s for the greater good. To give hope to the man who asked if his daughter’s sickness was fatal, to prevent a young lad who asked if the gods will protect him if he sought out his sister’s murderer from getting killed or simply because the truth was too heavy. She tells herself it’s for the best, and the flames wouldn’t mind. Right?
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cosmic-ghost-hermit · 4 months
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Hey everyone! I have starting working with Apollo on all of my readings. Also come join my divination discord. Take what resonates and leave all that doesn't behind. Enjoy the shadow work 🩵
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Crystal: Smokey Quartz
Astrology: Taurus, Libra, Capricorn, Sagittarius
Vibes: 💘🌎💙🧿🩷🧠🫐🛼💎🎀♿️🏳️‍⚧️💗💦🎟️🪼🦋🌸🌷🧵💅🏽🥶🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿💕🌊🛝🪬
Hello, pile one. You have a considerable rocky relationship with love. It’s pretty obvious you have been taking a major break from romance all together. Your efforts towards loving yourself have not gone unnoticed by the universe. You have slowly been building up your self confidence. Unfortunately, I also see you still long for the old relationships you used to be in. This person you are longing for has some scorpio placements. My dear when you were with them it was you who was doing all the loving. You held up a two person job by yourself. Why do you think you were so exhausted after it ended? You were doing everything for this person. It’s going to take a while for this to click in your mind just how dependant this person was on you. That’s perfectly alright. Take your time with this healing. There is no need to rush your progress. Take a deep breath and acknowledge your progress so far. You are strong and have been persevering without that person. Look at how much more peaceful it is without them. Once you have fully realized your worth I see something wonderful being your reward. I see this probably having something to do with a career you want deeply. I wish you luck on your self-love journey, friend. The universe will support you along the way.
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Crystal: Yooperlite
Astrology: Cancer, Gemini, Pisces, Aquarius
Vibes: 🤎💚⚰️🪚📻⏳🕰️📗🏈🍺🥜🥥🍐🪴🍂🪵🏔️🦇🧳🍀👩🏾‍🦳🍩🪲👒🇮🇪🥾🍈🍾🌰🧋🥝🟤
Hi, pile two. Welcome to your reading. You got an extra card which tells me your messages are a bit complex and should be read with nuance. Love is a daunting task to you. Your relationship with love has been heavily affected by your childhood. Your parents were not kind to you. I see you were often treated as a scapegoat. Which has convinced you that you are this awful monster who can never be forgiven. At some point it looks like you claimed this role that was forced upon you. Started wearing it as a badge of honor and playing the part along with it. I understand this perspective a lot myself. What confuses me is you are actually a really sweet and compassionate person underneath all that. You don’t like playing this mean role that you were taught to be. That’s not who you are. Until you were taught to embody the shadows of others you were as harmless as a kitten. I still think you are as harmless as a kitten to be honest. The cards tell me even when you put on this persona you are just showing off your bark. You would never bite. You can talk a big game but you hate doing it. I have some really good news my dear. You don’t have to play anymore. You can drop the act. You are completely capable of cutting out this persona and getting to know your true self. Once you accept this love will not seem as scary. You will feel more capable and vulnerable with your partners. I wish you luck in love, my friend. I’m rooting for you!
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Crystal: Quartz
Astrology: Virgo, Leo, Aries, Scorpio
Vibes: 🖤💛🔏🔑🌻🏁🕷️🐝😎🍯🎱🍳🌤️🌼☀️🍌🥥♟️📣🔌⚱️💣🔔🗝️⚜️♠️🎷🏆🚧
Hey there, pile three. I’m so sorry you have to feel this way. Your relationship with love is hard to describe so bare with me a bit. You are a wonderful lover. When you love someone you would do anything for them. I am not exaggerating when I say ‘anything’. When you find someone you deem worthy of loving, you will give everything you have just to see them truly cherished. However, when you deem someone unworthy of love you are just as excessive with your reaction. You will be outwardly mean to them out of a sense of justice and this sentiment unfortunately applies to yourself as well. You believe your judge of character is unbias and therefore makes you the best one for the job of delivering this justice but then you judge yourself unworthy so you treat yourself horrendously. You skip meals to spite yourself. You refuse to shower because you think you just arn’t worth the effort or time. You need to pump the breaks on that behavior and reflect a little bit. If you are capable of loving someone so deeply you would conquer any obstacle in the name of that love? IM PRETTY SURE THAT MAKES YOU LOVABLE DUDE. Perhaps, just maybe, your criteria for judging peoples character is a little more bias than you originally thought??????? And, just maybe, you justify your self-hatred with zero logical evidence. You are worthy of your own respect. I am not telling you to stop delivering justice just to be clear. I’m telling you to think a bit more about why you deem yourself unworthy of love but worthy of delivering justice to the people you hold to be unworthy. Isn’t that a little unfair? I’ll let you answer that yourself on your own time but either way. I wish you luck on your journey of self-acceptance. The universe deems you worthy and it would be healthy to start seeing that perspective.
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flygutzz · 4 months
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Me n @nortsauce 's characters!
nort: Davy & Chime Mine (Fly): Wivie & Blink
more about them under the cut!
Name: Wisteria-Vineyard "Wivie/Wivy/YV/Wist/Vinny" Rose Age: 15-16 Pronouns: he/him Basic Description Wivie is an empathetic and upbeat hedgehog created by the master emeralds as a counter weight to a great evil that was spawned in the world. he was found by knuckles and adopted by Amy. Hes obsessed with legends and becoming a hero. unfortunately he kinda sucks at everything and has a lot of work ahead of him. He has a high emotional intelligence and wishes to help people any way he can. After discovering his special abilities he trains under sonic to become control his powers and protect his world and the ones he loves
at first he looked nothing like a mobian when he was first found but as he grew he seemed to to take a more hedgehog like appearance
Mama’s boy!! Always suspicious abt any of Amy’s girlfriends
Loves skirts and dresses.
can read tarot cards thanks to his mom aswell as palm readings
can skate/hoverboard
Name: Davy “Jokes” Leavian Age: 15-16 Pronouns: she/her Basic Description An aggressive and headstrong girl. She's tough and a skilled fighter and is always ready to show off her talents. She doesn’t talk about her past due to her not trusting who’s in the Codfather’s mafia gang that she is in deep trouble with. She’s obviously connected with the forbidden parts of the deep sea in mobius but never questioned why. She lives on her own, and has trouble keeping friends, but wants to prove herself. Can be blunt but means well.
Leviathan child
Glows when powered up
can shoot her back “petals” to poison or grab things
Name: Chime (Chee-Mei OR just Chime either works) Age: 15 Pronouns: she/her Basic Description Chime is an excitable girl of few words who is an apprentice of Espio. She’s not always silent but prefers to be as quiet as possible, hard to do when she’s got 100 pound weights on her hair and a bell she never takes off. She’s loyal and loves making friends, but she also is very skilled and deft with any sharp object. She’s precise and cunning, but her lack of any sort of magical or enhanced physical abilities make her a little insecure. She’s said to be a part of a group protecting… something.
Very Fast and Agile
Skilled in “cutting” weapons (knives, swords, any bladed thing)
Very quiet
likes tea parties
due to her being very quiet and skilled many people feel threatened by her but she's a sweetie
She’s also forced to wear the bell bcs she kept sneaking up and scaring people
Name: Blink the Hedgehog Age: young??? Pronouns: Gender fluid, changes any chance they get Basic Description: Blink an eccentric kid who wants to become as strong as they possible can be. They love to run around and mess with people with pranks, especially at Team Dark. Blink has some violent tendencies because of how they were raised by mercenaries and a war machine, so Shadow tries to keep them away from a lot of people. They have a close but complicated relationship with shadow and a distant relationship with sonic, with either of them barely even knowing that each other existed for the first few years of Blinks life.
slower than sonic but higher endurance
calls his parents "pops" or by their names interchangeably (great relationship guys 👍)
has a clock on their right glove and a compass on their left glove: this helps blink control and reorient themself after "blinking*" through time and space
Blink*: can bring them in and out of existence as a form of "teleportation"
Speed break: bursts of speed that allow them reach point A to point B in less than a second (tracer from OW)
No-Clip (lol) : can phase through objects (generally used during speed breaks)
Time Control (Only With a Chaos Emerald)
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janus-cadet · 5 months
The second card according to last week's poll- Husker, our dear old cat man, as The Hermit! It's also the eleventh card for the Hazbin/Helluva fandom. Which is- the most consistent I ever been in drawing for a fandom? Hurray!
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The next one, Adam, is already decided- but I'm planning to do two more cards before maybe, eventually, taking a break. So, before we go under the cut for the explanations for the choice of card...
Yes indeedy. It's the mothers' poll.
Back to the grumpy old man!
The Hermit Upright is a card strongly linked to self-discovery and inner wisdom. It invites you to retreat into your private world and experience a deep sense of instrospection- a journey you have to do alone, to find you inner guiding light, and choose the next steps you'll have to take.
It might seem strange to chose Husk to represent it- but as much as his character seems stand-offish and disgruntled, he does strick me as someone who has done a lot of self-reflecting, and is able to see each other characters' situations with a clarity that no one else, in the show, seems capable of. He is aware of who he is, of what mistakes he make: this is a man who knows himself, and who finds wisdom in his own flaws.
And much as the Hermit of the card, he's a man who walked on this path alone (thinking that no one could relate- prefering the quiet and the solitude to the company) until he reached the point when he was ready to let others in, albeit in a small, careful way. Finding, despite himself, a place in the small group of the hotel, and a soulmate in Angel.
But the Hermit card often appears when you are at a pivotal point in your life, and maybe considering a new direction. Would that be, for example... redemption? Now, Husker is not quite there yet- but it's undeniable that his mere involvement with the hotel places him on a pivotal point in life, and one that encourages him to deepen his self-examination. This time to also accept the good in himself, and re-evaluate his personnal goals.
Finally, the Hermit may appear in your life as a spiritual mentor- one that may be an expert in his own right (a wise old bartender, who've seen it all), but who will teach you to find your answers within yourself. Which. Loser, Baby.
Okay, it's a lot of talking already. Bear with me, we're now going on the Reverse Hermit.
For as much as I feel like Husk's character is the most in-tune with himself, the struggles is still undeniable. The Reversed Hermit, therefore, encourages you to search deep within your sould, to help you find your way again, to find your way out of the bottle, and focus on rebuilding yourself. You may be damaged, but you can still go on with your life, and improve your situation; it all starts by working on yourself. Be careful not to isolate yourself too much, too. You should not be fully cutting yourself off from others, like a literal Hermit; do not underestimate the value of the connections you can form with people around you. And really, our dear Husker is getting there!
The Hermit Reversed can also indicate an unwelcome isolation in your relationship: one person may want to be alone or withdraw from the relationship, while the other wants to deepen the connection. You will need to respect each other's request for space (not by pushing your partner off his chair, Husker), but also be there to support as appropriate.
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And that's it for today! We'll see each other again tomorrow, when I'll drop the first man himself- Adam, as the King of Pentacles. I hope this silly bird would apreciate the irony.
This is not, actually, the first time I drew the Hermit- but the first one, eh, I really did not like it. So, Husker becomes the official Hermit of the deck!
(If you have time,consider checking my friend @mimmixerenard 's version of humanized!Husker, it's very very good. Here is the link)
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tower-girl-anon · 2 years
Pick a Card: Who is your future spouse?
Since this week we have Valentine's Day, I've decided to do something different and bring you a first pick a card reading sorrounding the topic of your future spouse or husband. Their personality traits, overall energy, sexual energy, and possible signs to recognize them.
As always, enjoy and take what resonates since this is a general reading.
Warning: this reading includes SPOILERS from the Harry Potter world.
Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and choose the picture that resonates. The order is from left to right.
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Pile 1
Wow!! Just... wow!! If you choose the hand with the flowers, then your future spouse is a very powerful and femenine force to reckon with. With the presence of three out of the four different Queens in the deck, along with two powerful mayor arcanas such as the Tower and The Lovers, your future lover is a complete package. It is a very well-balanced individual in terms of elements and masculine and femenine energy with whom you should be very careful because, just as they can be charming and loving towards you, they can also destroy you without a second of doubt.
Right from the bat, we get the Queen of Swords card as the overall energy of your future spouse, which tells me that the most prominent trait they possess is their natural intelligence. They are smart, persuasive, capture the idea of a topic easily, they've read a lot, know how to communicate well with other people, and could also be able to read people with just one glare as well. With the 6 of Clubs, which in Lenormand is considered the Cross, they may be religious or they carry a great burden in their life. If not right now, maybe they had to constantly face setbacks. Now, even though these traits could make them look cold, reserved, cutting or intimidating, they also have a charming, caring, and loving side thanks to The Lovers card as their good traits. When they love and trust someone, they do it fully and unreservedly. They are not afraid of showing their partner how much they mean to them through actions, words of affirmation, and valuing the other in the same level as them. Maybe writing notes, letters, or sending them songs could be one of their love lenguages.
In terms of bad traits, we have the Four of Wands, a card of celebration, parties, and weddings. The first thing that came to my mind with this card was the probability of them being already married or in a stable connection. That both met when this person was already in another connection, perphaps in the process of a divorce, creating a third party situation. On another note, this card could signal that this person really enjoys getting out, having fun with friends, being single, living life without compromise, and partying; situation that may change once they met you. Again, this is a general reading so take what resonates.
With the Remus Lupin and Nimphadora Tonks card, we have two characters that shows, right off the bat, what I've been saying so far about your future person. For those who doesn't know about them, the first one is a very intelligent werewolf who struggled from a very young age to survive, be accepted by others, and be accepted by themselves, while the second one is a smart, loving, but clumsy woman whose mayor talent was to change their physical aspect each time she wants and never judges anyone by their circumstances or where they come from since she falls in love, wholeheartedly, with Remus Lupin despite the opinions of the rest of the world. This characters shows the good nature of your future spouse, their intelligence, their ability to keep moving despite their insecurities or the situations they may have faced, and, above all, the deep love and affection they show to people they care about. Along with that, this story may represent your story together.
Now, pile 1, in relation to their sexual energy, how are they on bed, and how will they treat you, I can say that your future person will totally put you off your feets. They will totally disarm you with their spicy contrast between fire and water; a contrast that will change or destroy the previous ideas you may have had in relation to love and sex. One day, they could be all passionate, fiery, impatient, and even agressive by the way they do sex with you, or they would want you to do it this way, but another they will be all charming, nurturing, and emotional while doing it. On the other hand, these cards could signal that emotions and passion seems like a recurring theme each time you embrace each other in bed. There is mutual love and passion flowing between the two of you; a love that may change you both forever.
This is all I have for you pile 1, I hope this reading resonated. Send you lot's of love and light.
Possible signs and astrological placements: any fire and air sign, Gemini, Leo, 9th house and 11th house.
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Pile 2
Welcome to your reading part 2!! Let's dive on who your future spouse is going to be.
Right from the bat, it is shown that your future spouse has a very masculine energy, a solitary personality, a keen intelect, and a wisdom that may make them look older than their age shows, so, for a few of you, the one your are going to marry is an old soul. For others, they could be older than you thanks to the image of The Hermit of an old man holding a lantern. Now, combining these cards with the Three of Cups as bad traits with the Neville Longbottom one, it is clear that your person was deeply misunderstood, judged or people looked down on them in the past, it could still be happening at this moment for some, that's why they are a looner and doesn't have many friends. Why do I say this? Because the character of Neville Longbottom suffered a lot from the absence of his parents due to a terrible torture that kept them in the hospital forever, along with not being considered good enough for many people. Even their own family. I'm not saying your future spouse will go through the same circumstances as this character but maybe, just like him, he or she faced a lot of obstacles in their life that may resonate with the idea of not being good enough for other people. Maybe they told them they are not talented enough, or smart enough, as this person or this one, which could have created self-esteem issues and mistrustful energy towards others.
Despite this possible obstacles they could have faced, your future spouse came out winning in the end with the Ace of Diamonds (Sun in Lenormand tarot). They fought back and prove those who didn't believed in them how wrong they were in their assumptions by reaching their goals, having success in their work environment. Most probably than not, those who make them wrong now want to be close to your future spouse for selfish motives.
In terms of a sexual compatibility with them, we have the Eight of Swords, the Knight of Cups, and the Four of Cups, which tells me that this person prefer things to go slow and smooth rather than fast that's why he or she will prefer to keep it private for a while before going public. Again, this could be due to their looner nature or their mistrust of other people's motives with them so, if you see that they act cold or aloof towards you, please don't take it too personally. This person needs to know first if they can trust you emotionally before establishing an intimate and solid relationship with you. There is also a chance that this person is a virgin or only had a very few sexual encounters in their life. Despite that, they will want to provide a hidden space for the both of you to enjoy without other people sneaking; a space in which he or she will find pleasure by looking at the beauty of your body or touching you softly, cherising each part of your body as you dive deeper into each other.
This is all I have for you pile 2. As for possible signs, I'm sensing air signs (GEMINI, AQUARIUS, Libra) and earth signs (VIRGO, TAURUS, Capricorn), along with a huge influence of Mercury. He or she could also have a fourth house theme such as a stellium (three or more planets in a single house) or something of the sort, which explains their need of being alone. So take what resonates and see you soon for another pick a card.
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Pile 3
Welcome, pile 3, to the reading of your future spouse!!
Your future spouse is someone fiery, very masculine, adventurous, energetic, full of life and passionate. He could be a fire sign (Aries, Leo or Sagittarius) and may come from another country than you with the Ten of Spades. In Lenormand, this card represent the Ship card, so a possibility of them coming from another country, or even another continent, is very strong. If not that, then they will have travelled through different parts of the world, maybe they will come as an exchange student, by the time you both meet each other.
He may come from a wealthy and prideful family thanks to the Slytherin card with Draco and Lucius Malfoy at the front of the card. For those who doesn't know about these characters, the Malfoy family is an ancient family in the Harry Potter world whose mayor atributes resides in their riches and the pure blood lineage. They often criticise everyone who's not worthy of being a wizard and despises every other creature since they see them as inferiors. Despite this, they deeply care about each member and would do anything to keep them safe from harm. Maybe your future spouse comes from a family of these traits and they were able to travell thanks to them. Now, before you start leaving this reading you must know their true nature first.
This people are caring, loving, and young at heart with the Knight of Cups and Venus energy as their good traits. Not only they act so different as the rest of his or her family, they actually like meeting new people that comes from different backgrounds and countries. They are not judgemental when it comes about these themes since, with the 5th house card and the 7th house, what he likes the most is connecting with people and have a good time. Now, as their bad traits we have the Three of Swords, which speaks to me as someone who may not take relationships too seriously and that could be thanks to the Knight of Cups energy, for this screams of a lighter energy in comparison to other cards in the deck. Maybe they are still young and that's why they don't take things as serious as they should, causing others to feel heartbreak over them.
Now, pile 3, don't worry about them not being serious with you. Because they will. Once they meet you, their loyalty and commitment to the relationship will be noticeable. They will bring balance in both the relationship and in bed, and will try everything to make things work since, once they have you in his or her arms, it will feel like reaching victory to them. "After searching the world for so long, I've finally found you" is what I hear. In bed, the passion between you will be off scales. You won't wait too long to do sex. They will like your butt as well as an equal exchange of dominating and submisive energy between the two. This is just beautifull you guys, just be careful to use condom if you are not ready to become parents.
As possible signs for your future spouse, I see fire energy (Aries, LEO, SAGITTARIUS), a few air signs too (Gemini, LIBRA, Aquarius), and Venus, the 5th house, and the 7th house seems like important houses for them too.
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This is my first pick a card reading, so feel free to like it or comment it below. Have a nice week everyone.
Tower Girl Anon.
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wanna date the king? (part 2)
part 1
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king leona is back~i don't have anything to say at this point except that i will cry if this didn't get any interaction because this damned scenario got deleted three times while im writing it and i rewrote it from the damn begining so please interact before i lose my mind and delete my account🥰🫶🏻💔⏤͟͟͞͞★
king leona kingscholar, fem!reader, ruggie bucchi ⏤͟͟͞͞★
sfw (i don't know about you guys but as long as it's not smut so it's sfw for me😭), leona and ruggie here are besties so leona is comfortable around ruggie, ooc for leona (obviously because he's older), reader is a simp, leona and reader teasing eachother, leona as 35 y/o king of afterglow Savannah, ruggie as 32 y/o leona's right hand, fluff, comedy, intimacy ⏤͟͟͞͞★
15 years after Leona became the King of the Savannah, he suddenly decided to take you with him on vacation for one day to confess to you.. ⏤͟͟͞͞★
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note 1: I took into consideration that Leona's personality may change over the years (15 years is not a small number), and because his life has become better, he will be in a good mood most of the time and playful, so you may feel that his writing and some of his behavior here may be unusual
note 2: im still studying ruggie's personality so my apologizes if i write ruggie kinda weird
"...oh" you said calmly, having a moment of realization. yeah it is time to find the stupid dancing outfit..you took a deep breath and turned to leona, trying to escape somehow "leona.."
"hm? yes, miss?" he smirked at you, crossing his arms
"i..don't know how to da-" you were cut immediately by ruggie putting his phone in your face, a video of you was playing, it was recorded by the security cameras of the palace. you felt your breath stuck in your throat as you took the phone from ruggie harshly and tried to delete it "WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GET THIS FROM?!!"
"haha.." The sound of Leona's laughter began to ring in your ears "girl, you were literally dancing in the garden, there are dozens of security cameras out there" he approached you and pat your head "don't try, There are a lot of cameras that have recorded you dancing over the past 5 years"
"5 years?.." you were about to pass out
"do you think i will give you my bank card and ask you to dance while i don't even know if you can dance or not? im not an idiot, you know" he laughed again, moving away from you. he left you all red and feeling humiliation, no one even tried to tell you that the cameras were recording..you just tried to learn belly dancing because you were bored, didn't expect it will turn this way..that bastard so he saw you dancing in these videos and now he wanted to see it all in HD in front of him? oh he really needs to be hit by a bus
"you will see..leona..i will make you drool and beg" You raised your head with pride, You will no longer be embarrassed by your talents. “If Leona wants to play like this, then I will play.." you followed leona immediately
later in the car, you were staring at leona all the time you two exchanged looks without a word, there was a whole conversation through these stares. leona was smirking to the front mirror of the car while you gave him a gaze sharp enough to kill him
just like that, you realized suddenly that he was taking you to somewhere else so you turned to him in confusion, raising one eyebrow "where are we going now?" you asked with a firm tone
"popular market" leona's eyes met yours with that shitty-mocking smile on his face "you know, we will find a lot of sexy outfits for you there, miss y/n~"
you smiled slyly at him, trying to make him annoyed just as he did to you "ohohohoo..if that's the case then i guess i will buy you the most revealing outfit i could find~" you teased, expecting him to protest and get angry, but he surprised you as usual with his response
"that will be amazing, i will take it as a permission to buy you revealing outfit too" he chuckled, a mocking chuckle that was enough to provoke you to your core..leona was right, if you made him wear something so revealing there's nothing to prevent him from doing the same for you
you felt angry, he can come up with a good response like he's ready to everything wich always make you hate getting with an argument with him..but you want to win this time, you had enough of losing against this damn tall cat
You suddenly remembered that you are a woman, so you decided to put pressure on him and use your trump card "hey leona, you are such a gentleman, Would you allow yourself to make a young lady like me get to wear the clothes of a dishonorable women and dance in front of you?" you gave him puppy eyes, trying to be pathetic somehow so he feels like he's doing things wrong and disrespecting you
"hahaha..how cute" he chuckled again, Stop the car at a traffic light and cupped your face in his palm "you want me to treat you like honorable woman when you want me to be a stripper? you know i believe in equality" he poke your nose "i will treat you just like you treat me, silly woman"
"...fuck you, bastard" you push his hand away, looking through the window. You decided to give up because discussing with Leona lead to no avail and you are not good at talking such shitty things like he does
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"you want this?" leona asked, pointing at one of the outfits in the store
The mannequin was in the middle of the store displaying the best outfit they had. The entire upper part is exposed, so if Leona wore it, all of his muscles would be available to see. Lots of jewelry and decorations made of gold on the head, chest, arms and neck. A dance belt with gold coins on the waist, long from the left side almost to the knee, Many layers of white cloth decorated with traditional patterns of the savanna. The waist and edges of the skirt had white fur. The left side was open from the knee down to the floor displaying the leg
you actually wanted to buy something worse but you won't tolerate watching leona trying to find the most revealing outfit for you, so you will be satisfied with this outfit, it is still pretty and enough showing his chest and abs
"yes, i want it" you said, looking at the mannequin and deluluing about leona dancing with it, oh how lovely his muscles sway around in the dark room with the sound of golden coins..
While you were busy with your pink dreams, Leona already went to the store owner and asked him for an outfit similar to his own, but for women. The man gave Leona what he asked for, but the only difference was that your outfit had almost a bra? Not an actual bra, but a long cloth with fur and gold coins to wrap around the chest
"that's it, let's go now" leona said as he poke on your shoulder, but you didn't pay attention because you were so in your imagination. leona laughed at you and poked you a few more times before leaning in behind you and on purpose whispering in your ear with a deep voice
"don't worry, you will see that on me tonight. don't get distracted"
"?!! TF-" you jumped and turned to him, touching your ear and rubbing it hard after this sudden deep sound waves entered your ear..You felt as if his voice tickled your skull somehow, you shivered and leona just left you in the store and went outside with a victory smile
"HEY!! BASTARD COME BAC-..why im acting like i will do something about it?" You sighed in annoyance and left the store with surrender, fully aware that there was no way you could win against Leona this time either
suddenly as you were walking after him, you realized something..staring at his flickering sensitive ears..oh yes of course he will be a thousand times more sensitive than you. you can use this against him tonight~
"where are we going now? back to the palace?" you looked at leona as he was driving, curious to know your next heading
"palace? it's 4pm, no way we will be back now" leona seemed excited about something "we are going to an amazing place, just wait and see"
"im getting curious..I hope this place is actually worth the wait" you smiled, looking at your phone silently, but soon enough you talked again "btw, where is ruggie?"
"in the other car" leona's tone softened "why?"
"i just think it would be nice if he brought him with us this time" you beamed (it's a synonym of smile as far as i know, correct me if im wrong) softly and looked at the street, immersed with thoughts and memories "you know, he's your best and my friend too, it will be nice to be the fun trio..It's been a long time since we last hang out as friends. and also...ruggie can tease you better than me, i enjoy seeing him being a pain in the ass for you" you laughed, and not expecting it but leona laughed too
"you're right" leona's eyes softened "ruggie is really...well, don't tell him because if he knew he won't stop bothering me about it..but ruggie means a lot to me, he is one of the first people to actually care for me and he is my first friend.."
you smiled warmly at leona, that's really cute..Seeing Leona in a good mood and expressing himself comfortably means that his mental state has improved greatly, Everything is going well for him.. Maybe Leona annoys you a lot with his constant teasing and the way he talks like a womanizer to you, but honestly when you think about it.. he is doing this because he feels happy and comfortable with you, he is just being himself and it makes you feel...satisfaction
you started to remember how the three of you were the dump fun trio, When Leona suddenly decides to disguise himself and hide his identity as a king and you go with him to do crazy things outside, when Leona and Ruggie fight all the time over trivial things, when you one time - somehow managed to - made them play a game of acting that you are the groom and they are your wives, And the other fun memories you made with them...they are all beautiful days and you really wish they remained as they were, always peaceful, calm and beautiful..
Leona called Ruggie and told him that he would come with you this time, and Ruggie agreed, and with that, you and Leona continued the trip in the car, chatting and recalling your beautiful memories together as a fun trio
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"wow.." you looked in boredom at the place in front of you, it's the hot springs..you came here for like 355323 times, it's not enjoyable anymore
you just stared at leona in confusion, raising one eyebrow as if waiting for him to explain what will be special about this visit this time. leona grinned at you and pat your shoulder
"miss herbivore, im pretty sure that you will enjoy a massage in the hot springs by me, won't you?"
"a..what?" you stared in shock at leona for a few moments to process what did he just say..massage?? by him?? in hot springs? does he even know how to massage people?!! you eyes locked on him veiny arms wich you always admired..imagining these arms roaming around your bare skin and messaging you..oh god, It is assumed that the massage will relax your body, but you are sure that you will remain tense while you feel his veins and arteries pulsing on your skin, you will get dizzy by it only
after calculating it entirely in your head, you just pulled leona without saying a word towards the hot springs, ruggie following both of you while he laughed. leona also smirked mockingly at you and looked behind at ruggie, they burst in laughter at the sight of you being a simp and they both know your intentions at this point, you're not even trying to hide that you wanted be massaged by leona so badly
"you saw that?" leona said to ruggie as he came out of the dressing room with a bath robe around his body "i didn't expect her to be so eager like this" he smirked, tightening the cotton belt around his waist
"i told you, she is playing hard to get until you offer yourself to her" ruggie talked sarcastically, but noticed the bath robe leona is wearing and he got surprised "oh..you are wearing a bath robe?"
"hm? yeah, why?" he walked with ruggie to the entrance
"i thought you will just wrap a small towel-"
leona smirked once again, a sly smile "no..i know she's expecting to see a very pleasant view of my muscles but i won't give her what she wants, i will make her desperate~"
"you're being a real asshole for that" ruggie laughed, hitting leona on his back as they both walked towards the springs. at this time you were already in the hot water enjoying the bubbles and warmth of it on your flesh, relaxing as you waited to be served properly by leona, until you heard their loud giggling outside the door and you got excited, fixing your position in the water like you're waiting for your big meal to arrive
all your hopes and dreams were smashed entirely once you saw the doors open and leona walked inside with the fucking bath robe instead of showing the bronze pretty skin, only his legs are exposed and a small part of his chest..and the second your eyes met, you knew just by that playful look in his eyes that he's doing this on purpose, leona is just messing around with you and he knows how sexy he is so he won't find a better chance to deny you
you pretended like you didn't even care, and leona's grin just went wider when you ignored him-though knowing that leona won't be deceived by such baby attitude
he approached you, Squatting behind you and swishing his tail around for moments. you didn't look behind, just ignoring his presence, it was til you felt his hands started working on your hair. he began with your hair locks, brushing his fingers through them and giving a head massage gently
leona couldn't just contain himself, he wanted to tease you more than this but he was desperate for his own goals now, the idea of having access to you and touching you because it is a "massage" made him get excited..he wanted to be close to you always, wishing to have you in his arms every night, having your warmth against him..it is not just about his needs, it is about how he want to just hug you, kiss you, nuzzle his head in your neck, being romantic with you with no fear or shame..just sleeping together innocently in the same bed
while you didn't see anything because you're too busy about your pride now, leona was kissing the locks while massaging your head and even got too carried, licking at your hair ends so you don't feel him licking it, smelling your hair like he's intoxicated by it..and the flowers shampoo added to his pleasure, smelling the good aroma from your hair made him melt in the sensation
in the midst of all this, of course ruggie decided to be a brat and make everything on fire, so he splashed the water in your face to get your attention
this caught you of guard and your eyes snapped open, staring at ruggie in confusion. before you could say a word, ruggie put his index at his mouth to shush you, gesturing with his head at leona behind you. you felt your heart skipped a beat, you thought leona was doing something dangerous and ruggie is warning you..but you were even more shocked when you slightly turned your head quickly like you are changing your position, taking a quick look at the pleasant view of the majestic king falling for you, you felt like choking on your own saliva and just stared at ruggie with your eyes bulging in their sockets, trying to find answers to whatever was happening behind you
ruggie was almost crying in laughter, he held back his laugh and grabbed his phone and started recording. you felt your heart dropping to your stomach at this moment..what the fuck does he think he's doing?!!
you tried to splash water on his phone to stop him, but he quickly got out of the water, sitting on a chair away from you both and acted like he's clicking on his phone while he was recording everything
you felt embarrassed, confused, angry, annoyed, you want to blow their faces with a bunch but you just sit like a statue, feeling as leona's fingers made their way to massage your neck and shoulders
you don't understand why leona is going crazy today, but you assumed that it's because of his work made him act weird, it's really out of character for him..you hear the voices in your head screaming for you to stop him, to end this shit and tell leona that he went mad..but deep within you, you couldn't deny the intense desire to just let him do whatever fucking thing he has in mind, feeling like you want to give yourself completely to him..and in the end, the voices won against your brain, and you threw your head back and closed your eyes again..enjoying the feeling
leona maybe got carried away by the whole thing, he was so lost in the sensation of your skin against his palm, he wanted to kiss and lick at your neck too but he held himself back..he doesn't want to go intense. leona was always dreaming about the feeling of your flesh, a man like him who was so immersed in his job and not giving any importance to his feeling and intimate life, after 35 years of being a single miserable king was now experiencing how does it feel to touch a woman in an intimate way..it felt..so good, he doesn't want to stop soon
once leona finished from your neck and shoulders, he stood up, leaving your flesh suddenly cold without the warmth of his fingers. you halfly opened your eyes and it was just enough time for leona to sit in the water in front of you, taking your right leg and putting your ankle on his shoulder
you felt shivers down your spine this time, seeing the handsome face and the veiny arms in front of you, his eyes soft and warm..no more soft and playful, just pure bliss and..love?
you blinked, not believing -and even trying to deny- that leona was not even massaging you, he was just touching your leg and you saw him holding back from going further..you felt the blood vessels in your face almost exploding, you can swear that you can feel your heart beating in your face somehow
but did you question it? no...why would you? this is exactly what you want..you won't stop him. he started squeezing on your feet and leg, tilting his head and making things worse by staring at your eyes deeply, you can feel him almost looking at your soul with those eyes-those lovesick eyes. you are not worried about his intentions right now, so you didn't hesitate in looking back at him and just giving yourself to the mighty king in front of you..
you two were like this for..you don't really know you lost track of time and leona touched massaged you so well that you feel tired instead of being active after the session. leona let go of you, not wanting to go further because he already had a plan to do when you two get back to the palace to dance together
"you feel good?" leona finally spoke, gentle and caring tone as he caressed your shoulders one last time. you just nodded, still feeling awkward after what happened knowing damn well that leona noticed how you sigh in bliss everytime he moved closer to your body
"no, use words, y/n" you felt even more awkward after hearing him saying your name without using his stupid usual nicknames
"y-yes..it was good, thank you.." you said shyly, wrapping the towel around your body tighter -because you're too confused to decide what to do now-, but you felt the blood freeze in your veins when you suddenly felt something soft against your neck
leona moved his arm and put it on the hot spring edge behind you, leaning in closer to you and standing up, or pretending to be standing up when he leaned in enough close to you to give a gentle kiss to your neck
he didn't even apologize or try to say something to atleast show that he didn't mean it. on the contrary, He just rose from the water to come out of the spring, giving you a knowing smile and a playful swish of his tail to your face "stand up, we will go back to the palace" he said
he knew it, he know so damn well that you won't protest, and he was so right about it..does it even worry anymore what you two' intentions and feelings are? it's a bliss, pure pleasure to just go intimate so just enjoy it, don't think too much about the pleasure, right?..
silence..all leona could do at this moment was leaning against the wall of the dressing room and staring blankly at the floor with his arms crossed, ruggie looking at him in amusement
"the mighty tail is swishing and the royal pupils are dilating, Aren't they?" ruggie teased, poking leona's shoulder and laughing at him "what's wrong with you? you look sooo distracted!"
"dude..." leona said, in amazement and shock somehow "i feel..."
"you feel what?"
"idk like...butterflies in my hands" leona is still shitty explaining how he feels "like..electricity in my fingertips and..oh god..." leona just threw his head back and closed his eyes..touching his lower lip with his thumb and remembering how your neck felt and melting in the sensation "i was fighting the urge to bounce on her..."
"i know, i can even smell it"
leona's ears pircked up, looking at ruggie with half lidded eyes and furrowed eyebrows "the fuck you mean, ruggie???"
"you know what i mean, you're not an idiot" ruggie smirked teasingly at leona and that was enough to make leona take his sandals and running to ruggie to teach him a lesson, ruggie found enough time to run to the door with his fast legs -just thank god for this amazing leg muscles he got from how many times we chased after his life, running away from leona after teasing him like shit- and of course, he successed to run away like usual
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The whole way back, you and Leona were completely silent, the atmosphere not particularly tense but...awkward, so awkward, atleast for you, but your gut is telling you that leona was smirking the whole journey, you didn't dare to look at his face because you know what will happen next if you did, you're not ready for that..intimate side? leona always treats you either with respect or like his dude -depends on the situation actually- and this is the first time you see the look of desire in his eyes..he was never like this since you two met 15 years ago. leona, the guy who never tries to even get one woman in his room, why all of a sudden he decided to touch you so professionally that you doubt he brought some woman to his room before
"wooaoaoahhh!!!!" you screamed in your pillow as you rolled, kicked, gasped, cried and cursed leona with every single word you know in the dictionary "why..just why?!! that bastard!!!" you buried your head in the pillow again, hiding under the blanket "why..his hands felt so good..his eyes...oh my...i want this man in a way that will trigger the whole feminist community..."
you tried to calm down, taking a deep breath and calculating the whole thing carefully in mind...there's no way leona is just messing around with you, no way he just wants to use you and give you so much hope and make you feel all this for..nothing, leona is obviously hinting at something..something he can't say outloud as you think "just..wtf leona, you want me all of a sudden..no way he just ignored all the noble women around him and fell for me..maybe his brain broke because of his work.." you tried to justify it in your head somehow
"naahh..leona's lineage stops with him, no way. he's just a man man-ing around, what did i expect from him?" you quickly stood up just like you didn't fight the bed 10 seconds ago, walking to your personal bathroom to take a shower and wear the belly dancing outfit
"he wants me to be for his pleasure? i will do the same..i will touch him until i get enough of it"
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sorry for stopping here but im planning to put a drawing of leona dancing in part 3 and i will make it long too, so be ready for it leona simps
⏤͟͟͞͞★thanks for reading!
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