shaimaafekry · 6 months
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Eid Mubarak 🌿
Cairo, Egypt 🕊️
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occamstfs · 6 months
Ramadan Recitations
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Here's a Arab/Muslim Cultural TF, figured I may as well throw it up for Eid! May not be for everyone, but may those who enjoy have at it! Happy Eid! -Occam
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It’s the end of March and Allen’s roommate has been listening to the Quran out loud for the length of Ramadan. He’s out of town for the weekend and Allen is uncomfortable sitting alone in the silence of their apartment. Now that he hasn’t heard the consistent background melodies of a recitation in a couple days he realizes what delight they brought him. He goes to find the playlist that Mo had been using. Suddenly feeling the golden cross that hangs from his neck everyday he briefly reconsiders before deciding to put on the recitation anyway. Jesus is in the Quran right? It’s not like there’s any harm to appreciating someone else’s culture.
Assuming Mo wouldn’t mind Allen using his speakers he throws on the Tilawa, Mo would be playing it now himself anyway. Allen starts to work as the reciter begins his melodic reading. He almost tunes it out as he starts reading and responding to emails in their shared living room. His body sits at ease as the rhythm of the man’s speaking reverberates through him.
Allen doesn’t speak a word of Arabic, but as he continues to type up droll responses to even duller emails he finds himself paying more attention to the verses than work that he needs to get done. As his distraction rises he tabs away from work and decides to take a break and see what exactly the verses that he’s so fond of are saying. He scans a translation but his eyes glaze over as he remembers Mohammad telling him that to really understand the words of the prophet one must read in his tongue. 
Instead Allen just decides to just close his eyes and listen to the deep melodies of the mother tongue. The patterns and unfamiliar tonality provide him a comfort he doesn’t understand. He listens and the song only grows sweeter to his ears, he lies back against the couch as he begins to hum along uncertainly to the music. Allen harmonizes better by the second as he feels some sense of understanding over the distinctively not western scales, however he doesn’t notice as the chain of his necklace breaks, falling to the floor. He doesn’t hear the cross hit the floor instead remaining focused on his serene enjoyment of the man singing scripture to him.
Continuing to hum along, Allen notices that despite trying to keep a steady note, his tone seems to be getting deeper. He clears his throat and finds it’s not only his humming but his voice entire that has lowered in pitch. He rises from his serene reverie to go and find some medicine worried now that he is coming down with the flu. Standing he also notices that the temperature seems as if it’s rising in the apartment as well. Allen goes to grab some medicine, under his breath saying “inshallah I’m not sick eh?” Mo had been teaching him Arabic for some time now, but he always avoiding using it, Inshallah in particular since so many kids who certainly don’t appreciate Arabic culture are throwing it around. At this moment though Allen says it as if it’s an instinct, as if he has been using the language for some time. 
Walking to a medicine cabinet Allen doesn’t notice as the volume increases on the speakers to still reach his ears. Words continue to steadily flow into his mind, standing in front of the cabinet he finds alongside the still increasing warmth there is a soreness starting to appear through the whole of his body. He groans in his deeper voice, feeling his Adam’s apple rest strangely on his throat as he tries to stretch out his soreness. It’s like he hit the gym this morning, though he certainly has not. He takes deep slow breaths as he bends down to work out the pain in his legs and torso, unaware as his body begins to lengthen in height. He feels the aircon blow up his shirt as his midriff is now exposed, he pulls it down in vain before reaching to grab medicine, accidentally overshooting thanks to his added height.
Allen makes his way back to the living room, dry swallowing his flu medicine before sitting back down to enjoy his repose. This time not only does he have an instinctual understanding of the melody and rhythm, but he finds himself knowing what words are to come next in the verses. Surely he hasn’t heard recitations that much right? He doesn’t even speak the language how could he possibly, nevertheless he starts whispering under his breath the words he feels should be next and finds himself right on the money. His whispering slowly grows in volume as he finds himself beginning to sing along with the tapes, “Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim…” he continues on with the verse, singing as if classically trained.
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He shoves his hand over his mouth in shock and finds another surprise awaiting him on his face. He is perpetually clean-shaven for work and yet all of a sudden there is stubble growing on his face. Allen rushes to the restroom to inspect his face and finally finds something impossible happening to him. He sees the roots of his hair growing darker, pushing thicker out from his head. Not only has he suddenly grown stubble but the scruff on his face is rapidly approaching a full beard. As he clutches at his hair and beard in inspection he finds that the changes are not isolated to his face.
He sees his arms stretch further from his shirt than they did this morning and feels the awkward gaps on his waist and ankles, and feels the air blow against the dark hairs beginning to spread up his stomach and legs. He sees hair thicker than his pubes begin to grow on his wrists spreading indeterminably up his arms. The reciter’s voice grows stronger as Allen inspects himself, his eyes racing from one part of his body to another seeking any sign of normality. He feels an itch in his pits and on his chest as the song rises in pitch and volume. There is a drive in his chest to continue singing along but as he makes eye-contact with himself in the mirror, seeing the blue eyes he’s always loved swiftly staining themselves the color of coffee before darkening even further he knows that there can be no explanation for this other than that man’s voice.
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He clenches his jaw to keep himself quiet as he races through the living room to shut off the speakers. His longer legs trip over themselves as each frantic breath he takes begins to expand his chest. Beyond the physical changes to his body he feels a change begin to take root in his mind. Allin feels he must be big, he must be strong. It is as Allah wills it. He stumbles in front of the speakers as he finds himself torn on what to do. He sees his arms darken under the still growing forest of hair on his arms, his biceps tearing his sleeves as they tan. Growing chest hair tickling his shirt he feels muscle surge from his chest as he raises his hand to yank the speakers from the wall. 
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The voice of the man singing grows to a din as it is joined by a chorus of other voices within Alin’s head. Thousands of recitations, of songs, the Quran and countless Hadith surge into his mind in a horrible cacophony. He yanks the power cord from the wall and the dissonant symphony within his mind vacates. And Alin is once more left alone with himself, his ears ringing and his vision blotchy. Slowly recovering and laying on the floor he begins to hear himself groan through the tinnitus. Even his moaning sounds changed as the man begins to lose his English vocabulary to learn the only tongue that shall truly matter to him now, that of the sacred book.
He whines to himself switching between eloquent Arabic vulgarities and English more accented by the second, he sees a cross necklace next to him, calling out quite loudly, “Madha? What is this?” Must be a prank from Mo, ach he needs to work on his material eh. Sitting alone in the living room Alin tries to think of what to do to distract himself, both from the silence surrounding him and from the flood of information storming in his head. Suddenly everything becomes simpler when he decides to just do what he always does, turning to the East Alin sees Mo’s prayer rug, always lying out for convenience’s sake. Alin grimaces and briefly considers phoning Mo for his lack of dedication, but upon seeing the skintight outfit he is wearing to pray he reconsiders. He should focus on correcting himself before fretting over even his friend.
Alin closes his eyes once more, languishing in the quiet for one moment before he begins his own, his deep voice ringing out as he sings verse in praise, “Ah, Allahu Akbar.” His chest growing to hold more breath and his pecs begin to surge large enough to honor Allah with his body. He hugs his stomach as he continues “Subhanakal-lahumma wabihamdika-” He feels his biceps pull against his massive chest and almost smirks as he thinks about them, he feels an urge, a desire to flex the them before clicking his tongue at himself to stay on task.
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“Subhanna rabbeeyal adheem-” he bends down, feeling his thighs and ass push out behind him, ripping large tears into his pants At the same time Alin sees the bulge in his pants grow larger, popping his zipper and escaping from his pants. He sharply inhales as he feels everything is suddenly more intense. He feels his body grow beyond the limits of his clothes. He feels his already larger cock begin to grow erect and Alin, continues to sing “Rabbana walakal hamd-”
Finally he prepares to do his favorite part of Rakats, he gets to his knees before fully prostrating himself. Continuing the prayer as he feels his beard grow heavier on his face. His forehead touches the floor and he smiles, feeling a warm itch in his crotch as his briefs strain to contain him, pubes spilling out every way, “Subhanna rabbeeyal ‘alaa”
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He rises back to seating, the motion creating an intense pang of pleasure throughout his body as he struggles to maintain control of his senses. He ekes out, “Rabbigh-fir lee…” becores cumming in his briefs. He finishes the Rakat in his solid pants before promptly leaving to regain his dignity and change into actual prayer appropriate attire, changing into a thobe and doing two Rak’a ending with a Tashahhud as one is to do.
Ali smiles as he sits in reflection having finally quieted the chaos within his mind. He feels his strong body hidden under the thobe and comforted in his time spent worshiping. His final thoughts before he decides to do another round of Rak’a is a conviction to thank Mo for sending him that playlist of Quranic Recitations. He does not know who he would be without it. Inshallah he shall get the chance to bring his light to others. He rubs his hands down his powerful body as he stands. Wallah, they don't know what they’re missing.
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courtana · 16 days
here are more Palestinians who have sent me their fundraisers in my inbox recently.
many of these are 🚨very low on funds🚨 and are new campaigns! so boost their blogs to help them gain visibility, share their links on other social media platforms or in-person, and please donate!
Ahmed Almeshal Blog: @tarbeen-family-2 🔗 gofundme link $0 / €30,000
Hanan from Gaza Blog: @hanan-gaza23 🔗 gofundme link $25 / $100,000
Mahmoud Rashad Blog: @mahmoudgaza98 🔗 gofundme link €70 / €50,000
Amal and Fadi Blog: @amalandfadigaza 🔗 gofundme link $140 / $31,000
Ahmed & Aziza Blog: @ahmeddahlancampaign & @azeza-dhlan 🔗 gofundme link €158 / €35,000
Tahrir from Rafah Blog: @syamamasamt 🔗 gofundme link $268 / $65,000
Muhammad Eid Blog: @maysaayahya85 🔗 gofundme link €383 / €35,000
Dr. Islam and Hind Blog: @hind3en 🔗 gofundme link $610 / $40,000
Hashem's Family Blog: @hashem19798 🔗 gofundme link $1,056 / $60,000
Yara Mohammed Blog: @yara-family 🔗 gofundme link €1,537 / €20,000
Anas Shaban Blog: @anas-shaban 🔗 gofundme link kr24,815 SEK / kr222,000 (Roughly $2,404 / $21,512)
Osama Naser Blog: @osama-family 🔗 gofundme link £2,741 / £50,000
Hadia from Gaza Blog: @hadiah1111 🔗 gofundme link €3,586 / €50,000
Mohammed Ayyad Blog: @mohammednasers-blog 🔗 gofundme link €4,431 / €38,000
Dr. Muhammad Imad Sharab Blog: @mohays-blog 🔗 gofundme link €4,522 / €100,000
Fatima Alanqar Blog: @fatma-anqer 🔗 gofundme link €8,179 / €20,000
Walaa Ahmed Blog: @ahmed79ss 🔗 gofundme link $11,970 CAD / $50,000
Muhammad Al-Habil Blog: @aya2mohammed 🔗 gofundme link €28,206 / €50,000
Mohammed Shamia Blog: @mo-shamia 🔗 gofundme link $63,112 / $70,000
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fanfictiongreenirises · 5 months
What are some themes in Jiang Cheng fan works that you especially enjoy?
I’m super sorry for how long it’s taken me to reply to you but you caught me during Eid week which was insanely chaotic 🤣 this got kinda long so i'm popping it under the cut :D
Violent and self sacrificial love: you cannot have JC without his all encompassing love, and it’s one of the things that makes him such an interesting character. There are few things that make JC act irrationally, and his loved ones are a very major one!! It’s such a fun thing to play with - I love characters that love with their whole self and stories that focus on the consequences of that!!!
Responsibility, duty, tradition: okay this is like many different things rolled into one rather niche dot point so bear with me. I LOVE that JC is a character who takes his responsibilities seriously!! He is dutiful and he does his best to put the sect before all else, and you have no idea how hard it is to find that in fantasy that I’m used to (Western YA and NA fantasy lmao). I really love fics that have that theme of sacrificing for duty and eventually reaping the benefits of that (the sect being so loyal to JC in return, the sect flourishing, the love that JL has for JC), but also fics that look at JC upholding YMJ traditions when he’s one of the few who remember them, or having to adjust traditions/make new ones because of that reason. And as I’m typing this out I’m realising there’s… probably a reason… for me enjoying seeing cultural traditions needing to be adjusted because you don’t have much family or the same resources around and things are very different from how your parents would’ve celebrated those same traditions, and needing to make those who are around your family now… Anyway, it’s just insanely cathartic to see certain cultural values and themes across so many fanworks. I've thought about this particular element to the point where I realised the other month that there’s a whole world outside of Western fantasy novels that likely do have these themes that are so fucking hard to find in Western novels, so I’m trying out other Chinese novels, i dipped into Japanese books, and I got my cousin to recommend me Bangla fantasy novels because I realised I’ve never considered how fantasy themes would be in my own culture 😔✊ (it's funny timing bc my dad arrived literally a couple hrs ago with the books, and my reading ability is decent for someone who's never needed to read Bangla but I'm gonna have to sit down with either google translate or a dictionary bc I'm so used to my parents translating harder words or getting us to read books for younger kids,, i'm like which words here are made-up fantasy words and which are real 💀😭)
Grief: grief has quite literally shaped this guy, and it’s so cool to see different fics have different takes on how it’s affected him as a person. I don’t think I’ve ever been in a fandom where grief has been such a huge theme and it’s very fun to see the fandom leaning into it. (I also need to given honorary shoutouts to disillusionment, guilt, loneliness, and repression!! I think a lot of these are especially interesting in combo with how much JC values responsibility and duty, and fics that study them are so chefs kiss.)
Turning Into His Mother: I’m so obsessed with this theme. I think it’s mostly because YZY is so mum coded for me and there are aspects of my own mother that I see in her so strongly that any time fic gives her and JC’s relationship the depth it deserves, I’m standing there chomping on wood. I especially love it when JC’s journey has elements of “I can’t be like my mother bc everyone says that’s bad” -> “I should act like my father, because he’s the only example I have of a sect leader” -> “am I difficult to love like my mother was?” -> “the best way to protect those I love is through the things my mother taught me” -> “the only parent whose love I genuinely felt was my mother’s so when I’m displaying love to a child, I should use the most successful method I know” -> “I am like my mother; maybe that’s a good thing”. It’s rare that I get to sink my teeth into a character who had such a complex relationship with his mother, so any fics with this theme automatically make me go insane. (Something here as well about JC written in fics as a woman scorned, JC with ruined woman vibes who’d been promised by WWX that he’d always be by his side and now isn’t and without any good reason that JC is aware of, something about fics that project feminine rage onto him in a way that feels freeing and safe because he’s a male character so it’s like you can almost examine it without having to examine sexism and gender roles…)
Aroace and queer themes: aro!JC!! ace!JC!! Never before have I been into a character I can project onto so fully, but also see other people projecting onto?? This fandom has so many gorgeous aroace!JC fanworks, and we get so much variety from ppls experiences!! there’s something extremely fulfilling about fics with a main character who doesn’t feel conventional romantic/sexual love, and is still very successful and has a full life with loved ones and is satisfied with life. There's also this tiny niche of fics involving JC in queerplatonic relationships, and any time I read those I would literally have to lie there for an hour contemplating my life. I think the other fun thing about this is that there's a pretty big chunk of the fandom that characterises JC as the kind of acesexual who thinks all his allo friends are absolute weirdos for how they're behaving, and it's such a funny and refreshing (and extremely relatable) take.
Whump: last but definitely not least, JC being whumped within an inch of his life 😌 I love this fandom deciding that the most efficient way to get JC to show emotions is to shove some knives in him and get him all bloodied up. The one gore/torture fic that genuinely icked me out to the point where I had to stop reading for a moment was a delightful post canon JC fic that I revisit every few months because it just scratches that whump itch so well 👏
I’m sure the moment I post this I’ll be hit by like fifty other things I forgot to put in here, but for now I’m blanking. thank youu for giving me an excuse to think about JC 🫶🫶🫶
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shady-mc-muffin · 3 months
Can't donate? REBLOG❗❗ SHEAR❗❗
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wingedalpacacupcake · 6 months
Palestinian girl believes there will be no Eid in Gaza
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life-spire · 10 months
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Golden Gate Bridge, USA (by Mo Eid)
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coyidk · 1 month
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The finished drawing of Robbo and Mo in thobes :)
Sorry if there's inaccuracies, I don't really know much about it yet. So sorry if you'd actually wear different colours for Eid or something. I just thought Mo looks great in red and the art student in me just had to add a contrast and make Andy wear a green one :)
It's just a silly drawing and ignore the inaccurate hand holding haha
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infiniteglitterfall · 2 months
I just saw that Ahmed Alkhatib is speaking at a synagogue in Berkeley on Friday?! He's my fourth- or fifth-favorite Palestinian activist!! He's speaking with an expert on Palestinian trauma! I have zero idea what they're going to talk about beyond that!
This is what he says is his "platform," which is so long I'm gonna paste it into a reblog:
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He has had a LOT of trouble connecting with the Pro-Palestine movement and finding people who'll listen to him, much less who will center and support his work as an activist from Gaza.
So share this with all your pro-Palestinian friends!
I WOULD just assume it's like... a general talk about All The Shit. But I heard this week that a coalition of Gazan activists has been working on a plan for self-rule in Gaza.
I don't know if he's involved in that; I'm behind on all this. They're not in the same activist circles, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything. But obviously it makes me curious about whether that will come up.
(OK, I know you want to know the top 5. It currently goes: Hamza Howidy at the top with a big gold star for pieces like this:
Then Bassem Eid; Moumen al-Natour; Mo Ghaoui; Ahmed Alkhatib. Those are all very close rankings that shift all the time. Even now, I'm mentally flipping 4 and 5 back and forth. And 2 and 3.
The Center for Peace Communications deserves a mention too. It's based in NYC, but it's devoted to giving the people of Gaza a way for their voices to safely be heard.)
This is what the synagogue event page says:
Potluck oneg after services, followed by HeartSpace at 8pm, featuring a discussion and Q+A with Palestinian political analyst Ahmed Alkhatib and Palestinian trauma expert Dr. Niveen Rizkalla.
As we approach the one-year anniversary of the deadly Hamas attacks on October 7 and grapple with the ongoing violence and devastation in Israel-Palestine, join us in our efforts to hold multiple perspectives with nuance and complexity, part of our ongoing HeartSpace series showcasing diverse voices from the region.
Ahmed Alkhatib is a nonresident senior fellow with the Scowcroft Middle East Security Initiative at the Atlantic Council’s Middle East Programs. He is also an American writer and analyst who grew up in Gaza City, having left in 2005 as a teenage exchange student to the United States.
He writes extensively on Gaza’s political and humanitarian affairs and has been an outspoken critic of Hamas and a promoter of coexistence and peace as the only path forward between Palestinians and Israelis.
Alkhatib has a bachelor’s degree in business administration and a master’s degree in intelligence and national security studies. His writing has been published in US and Israeli outlets, and his opinions and comments have been featured in international press. Click here for more information and to support Ahmed’s peacebuilding efforts"
Dr. Niveen Rizkalla is a postdoctoral research fellow at UC Berkeley’s Mack Center for Mental Health and Social Conflict. She specializes in research related to trauma, including PTSD, vicarious and secondary traumatization, victims of torture and war, and gender-based violence. She is also working on the mental health of Syrian refugees and the staff who assist them.
Her most recent project delves into the physical and mental health of aid workers who assist traumatized populations (refugees, conflict, and natural disasters) in Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East.
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mezzopieno-news · 3 months
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Gli scienziati dell’Università di Auckland hanno scoperto che negli ultimi decenni un grande numero di isole in tutto il mondo sono cresciute per estensione, nonostante l’innalzamento del livello del mare.
I ricercatori hanno utilizzato immagini satellitari e analisi geomorfologiche sul campo per analizzare i cambiamenti nel tempo e sono riusciti a raccogliere le evidenze di un aumento della superficie costiera in diverse aree del pianeta, soprattutto grazie al contributo delle barriere coralline e delle correnti. Molti atolli delle isole Marshall e Kiribati, nel Pacifico e nell’arcipelago delle Maldive nell’Oceano Indiano, per esempio, sono cresciuti fino al 13% delle loro dimensioni e anche grazie all’attività dell’uomo hanno favorito l’insediamento di nuove comunità e di strutture civili ma anche di piantagioni e aree naturali protette. “Tutte le isole che stiamo osservando e i sistemi di atolli sono composti prevalentemente da coralli, gusci e scheletri di organismi marini che le onde poi depositano sull’isola … Le isole sono realtà piuttosto dinamiche in senso fisico”, spiega il geomorfologo costiero Paul Kench.
Le osservazioni mostrano che alcune isole si stanno stringendo ma molte altre stanno espandendosi. “Abbiamo scoperto che le isole sono resilienti di fronte all’innalzamento del livello del mare e che l’apporto di sedimenti in diversi atolli sta superando l’effetto di erosione e di perdita della costa”. Molte recenti ricerche dimostrano che le nazioni insulari più basse del pianeta stanno aumentando la loro superficie e si stanno adattando. Paesi come l’Olanda e il Vietnam mostrano inoltre che è possibile guadagnare terra dal mare.
Fonte: New York Times; University of Auckland; French National Research Agency; foto di Mo Eid
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dear-indies · 3 months
hey sweeties <3 could you give me recs for mena 30+ male fcs, please? thank you so much
Mo Gallini (1966) Lebanese / Cuban.
Rabih Mroué (1967) Lebanese.
Payman Maadi (1970) Iranian.
Waleed Zuaiter (1971) Palestinian.
Omar Metwally (1974) Egyptian / White - has spoken up for Palestine!
Peter Macdissi (1974) Lebanese - is gay.
Piter Marek (1974) Lebanese.
Mousa Kraish (1975) Palestinian.
Haaz Sleiman (1976) Lebanese - is gay - has spoken up for Palestine!
Kayvan Novak (1978) Iranian - has spoken up for Palestine!
Omid Abtahi (1979) Iranian.
Khalid Abdalla (1980) Egyptian - has spoken up for Palestine!
Ramzi Maqdisi (1980) Palestinian.
Arian Moayed (1980) Iranian - has spoken up for Palestine!
Tahar Rahim (1981) Algerian - has spoken up for Palestine!
Kaan Urgancıoğlu (1981) Turkish - has spoken up for Palestine!
Rami Malek (1981) Egyptian.
Michael Stahl-David (1982) 1/4 Syrian.
Davood Ghadami (1982) Iranian / White.
Riz Ahmed (1982) Pakistani - has spoken up for Palestine!
Amir Eid (1983) Egyptian - has spoken up for Palestine!
Michael Malarkey (1983) Palestinian, Italian-Maltese / White.
Marwan Kenzari (1983) Tunisian / White.
Elyes Gabel (1983) Algerian, Anglo-Indian, White.
Emun Mohammadi (1983) Iranian / White.
Mohamed Emam (1984) Egyptian - has spoken up for Palestine!
Firass Dirani (1984) Lebanese - has spoken up for Palestine!
Burak Özçivit (1984) Turkish - has spoken up for Palestine!
Zahid Ahmed (1984) Pakistani.
Sami Zayn (1984) Syrian - has spoken up for Palestine!
DJ Snake (1986) Algerian / French - has spoken up for Palestine!
Kaan Yildirim (1986) Turkish - has spoken up for Palestine!
David Avery (1986) Cypriot with some Egyptian.
Saagar Shaikh (1986) Pakistani - has spoken up for Palestine!
Mustafa Ali (1986) Pakistani - has spoken up for Palestine!
Asim Chaudhry (1986) Pakistani - has spoken up for Palestine!
Guz Khan (1986) Pakistani - has spoken up for Palestine!
Oliver Jackson-Cohen (1986) Egyptian Jewish / English.
Karim Kassem (1986) Egyptian / Egyptian Jewish - has spoken up for Palestine!
Lowkey (1986) Iraqi / White - has spoken up for Palestine!
Kerem Bürsin (1987) Turkish - has spoken up for Palestine!
Wesam Keesh (1987) Syrian.
Eyad Hourani (1988) Palestinian.
Hamed Sinno (1988) Lebanese-Jordanian - is gay - has spoken up for Palestine!
Adam Bakri (1988) Palestinian.
Parker Young (1988) 1/4 Pakistani.
Shazad Latif (1988) Pakistani and White.
Ryan Malaty (1989) Egyptian / White.
Pierre Niney (1989) Egyptian Jewish.
Zeeko Zaki (1990) Egyptian.
Adeel Akhtar (1990) Pakistani / Kenyan.
Darío Yazbek Bernal (1990) Mexican and Lebanese.
Azim Rizk (1990) Tunisian, Irish, and possibly Egyptian.
Michael Vlamis (1990) Lebanese and White.
Amir El-Masry (1990) Egyptian - has spoken up for Palestine!
Ramy Youssef (1991) Egyptian - has spoken up for Palestine!
Jade Hassouné (1991) Lebanese - has chosen not to label his sexuality.
Ali Burak Ceylan (1991) Turkish - has spoken up for Palestine!
Motaz Malhees (1992) Palestinian.
Fahd Bassem (1992) Yemeni.
Burak Çelik (1992) Turkish - has spoken up for Palestine!
Ghali (1993) Tunisian - has spoken up for Palestine!
Fady Elsayed (1993) Egyptian.
Here you go!
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lfc-unbelievables · 1 year
Happy Eid to Mo Salah
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mattsturniolosmuse · 7 months
Songs the gang would like
Bent (41, Jenn Carter and Kyle Richh)
Black Beatles (Rae Sremmurd)
Addicted to my Ex (M-City Jr)
MR TAKE YA B*TCH! (Lil Mabu and ChriseanRock)
Cowgirls (Morgan Wallen)
Without Me (Eminem)
Dark Horse (Katy Perry)
Hey Driver (Zach Bryan)
Deli (Ice Spice)
Carnival (Kanye West)
Godzilla (Eminem and Juice Wrld)
Fast Car (Luke Combs)
Something in the Orange (Zach Bryan)
Love Who I Am (Allison Eide)
The Monster (Eminem and Rihanna)
Intentions (Justin Bieber)
Oklahoma Smokeshow (Zach Bryan)
Everything I Love (Morgan Wallen)
Munch (Ice Spice)
Collard Greens (ScHoolboy Q)
Mo Bamba (Sheck Wes)
Wasted On You (Morgan Wallen)
The Fall of Jake Paul (Logan Paul)
Su*cide (Ren)
What Was I Made For (Billie Eillish)
Love the Way You Lie (Eminem and Rihanna)
How To Be Me (Ren and Chinchilla)
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kurniaindaah · 1 year
Eid Mubarak for my fav stranger
hi, here is ur biggest fans.
taqabalallahu minna waminkum, minal aidin wal faidzin, mohon maaf telah mengagumimu tanpa izin wkwk. mari saling memaafkan, karena kalo saling mencintai aku yakin kamu ga bakalan mau ehehehe.
maaf ya untuk segala salah, entah tutur kata, gaya bicara, tindakan, atau sesuatu hal lain yang menyinggung dan membuatmu merasa terganggu selama ini yang kulakukan penuh dengan kesadaran. pokoknya aku minta maaf deh, dan maafin ya kan lebaran hehe.
kalo boleh jujur, so far my years is being happiest year. jujur aku seneng woee karena di awal ramadhan kemaren bisa ketemu sama orang yang paling misterius di dunia ini, orang yang paling aku mikir dan merasa kaya ga mungkin aja gitu. dan jujur aku seneng sih bisa nulis dan ucapin ini ke kamu wkwk. bulan ramadhan kali ini jadi lebih seru dan terisi karena adanya perdebatan dan beberapa insight baru, dan yang terpenting sih adanya kamu #eeaa. mo thr ga? nanti aku kasih link nya ya haha.
have a happy day, have a good Eid for you and your family. mohon maaf atas segala salah kata dan salah menaruh perasaan. semoga kita masih bisa ya untuk tetap mau dan mampu bisa berdebat dan berkomunikasi di berbagai hal. semoga kita masih bisa bertemu di lebaran tahun depan, besok, dan seterusnya yaaaa!!! so thank you for anything, especially thank you for coming to my life.
Not your secret admire anymore, maemunah.
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somaligovernment · 1 year
Mo Salah on Eid Vs Mo Salah on Christmas
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minnepaulitan · 1 year
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For some reason, my dreams are always really strange...
Image credit to Mo Eid
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