jugheadthelesbian · 2 years
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mayclairr · 2 years
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i’ve never cared about a relationship as much as lumax. i think about them so much, it’s insane to me. like the state of my mental health should not be dependent on wether or not two fictional characters have a happy ending
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yourelosingains · 2 years
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dazed-and-confused23 · 2 months
Dear Hearts and Gentle People 11
Summary: You come down with a bad case of some type of sickness. You feel like death, but Cooper has always thought that the common cold made people dramatic.
Pairings: The Ghoul | Cooper Howard x Female Reader
Warnings: none really? Fluff and kissing.
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Cooper sighs quietly when he hears you sneeze for the upteenth time today. A rare storm had blown in a couple of days ago, and the two of you, plus Dusty, had gotten trapped in the pouring rain. The deathclaw, now eye level with you, had loved the water dripping down his hot scales, and even Cooper had tilted his face up toward the dark clouds. But you? You hated the rain and have been miserable ever since the storm.
"Coop. We gotta stop somewhere," you say, and even the ghoul has to admit that you do sounds like shit. He comes to a stop, and you stumble into him, having not been paying attention. Dusty makes some concerned grunts, but Cooper waves the beast away with a roll of his eyes.
"Baby girl, we still have three more miles 'fore we reach Goodsprings. We can rest when we get there," Cooper told her and curled an arm around your waist, casting his eyes away from the furious pout you sent him.
You sigh loudly, and the harsh breath sends you into a coughing fit when it tickles your throat. Cooper rubs your back as you hack and spit up some nasty mucas, a low groan escaping you as your body aches from whatever sickness that's taken hold of you.
The next three miles feel like hell, but the ghoul gets you to Goodsprings before you pass out in the desert. Dusty takes off to go hunt, and the two of you end up cooped up in one of the old houses on the edge of town. You shiver and clutch the thin blanket closer to your body, shaking from the chill that won't leave your bones.
Cooper eyes you, hip cocked, "Do you really feel that bad, Sugar?"
You glare at him from the middle of your blanket cocoon, "I feel like I'm dying."
He scoffs at you and closes the distance between the two of you and shrugs out of his ratty duster before he plops on the couch beside you. Cooper opens his arms and waits for you to scramble into them, his chin resting on top of your head and his arms curling tight around your blanket cocoon.
"Poor, pitiful girl," Cooper coos, and you pout at the teasing tone in his voice. It wasn't your fault that the ghoul couldn't get sick, and you could.
Over the next couple of days, Cooper does his best to take care of his poor trader. You moan and groan, a big achy mess, but you always make sure to tell your ghoul how much you appreciate him taking care of you.
"You're the best nurse ever, Coop," you rasp when he hands you a bottle of cooled purified water. The ghoul rolls his eyes at his sickly smoothskin and runs his fingers through your hair.
"Only for you, Darlin'," Cooper drawls and leans down to kiss you softly. You were a handful, but you were his handful.
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da-proti-toku-grem · 4 months
48. poly!jo (habit)
👏Poly!JO👏my👏beloved👏, thank you so much for the request 💖 I think this is the longest one yet (1k words) so… enjoy ✌
Send me a Ship and a Number and I will Write a Kiss
48. … out of habit.
The guys had come to Bojan's apartment to help him decide on an outfit for an interview he had that day. The brown-haired man didn't understand why some interviewers seemed to insist on interviewing only him. Okay, he might be the singer and probably the most recognisable face out of all of them – whether he liked it or not – but after all they were a band, and the band consisted of five people, not just him. He didn't want his bandmates – and boyfriends – to feel less important.
So that's why they were there, sitting in the living room watching Bojan finish getting changed, after assuring him a few times that they were completely okay with this.
Kris was sitting in the armchair next to the couch, his legs dangling over the side, and Jure was standing leaning against the wall; meanwhile Nace was sitting on the couch, Jan on his lap and his arms around the younger's waist. They were all watching a clearly anxious Bojan trying to fix his clothes in front of the mirror for what seemed like the tenth time in the last five minutes.
As for the singer, he was wearing Nace's black cardigan over a plain white T-shirt and his favorite pair of trousers (this time from his own closet), accompanied by one of Kris' rings, Jure's chain and one of Jan's hair ties around his wrist.
He knew the fans would probably analyze it later, but he didn't care. He wanted to feel his boyfriends as close as possible.
“Jurček, can you help me with this, please?” he sighed after struggling with the cardigan for a few moments.
It looked perfect, if you asked Jure, but he still nodded and said “Of course. C'mere, pup.”
Bojan walked over to him and the blond brought his hands to the lapels of the cardigan, positioning it correctly. “Done,” he smiled.
“Thank you, muca,” he smiled back and leaned up, leaving a small peck on the drummer's lips. He didn't think too much about it, it just felt like the usual thing to do after thanking one of his boyfriends.
“Okay, I really need to go now or I'll be late,” Bojan said, but Kris' voice stopped him in his tracks before he could turn around to walk through the front door.
“Wait, before you go!” the guitarist spoke up, getting up from the armchair and approaching Bojan. He placed one of his hands on the singer's waist, pulling him closer to his body and giving him a kiss, this time much longer than the one he gave the drummer, making him stand on his tiptoes so he could reach more comfortably. Kris pulled away slowly, nibbling a little on his lower lip. “There, you can go now.”
“Oh hell no, he can't,” Jan growled, rising quickly from his place on Nace's lap, grabbing Bojan's chain with one finger and yanking it, smashing their lips together in a heated kiss. A little moan escaped Bojan’s mouth and the dark-haired man took it as an opportunity to push his tongue inside the singer's mouth.
When they parted, Bojan was breathless, a blush creeping up his cheeks rather quickly. He could feel three pairs of eyes staring at them as Jan leaned close to his ear. “Why don't you give our Nacko some attention too, Bojč?” he whispered, his breath in his ear and his deep voice sending a shiver down Bojan's spine.
His gaze switched between the guitarist and the bassist a couple of times, both looking at him with a smirk on their faces, until the older one patted his lap in a silent invitation.
Without a second thought, Bojan walked over to the couch and straddled Nace, one leg on either side of his hips.
“Hello there, pretty boy,” Nace said, his hands slowly caressing his thighs up and down and squeezing them gently.
The bassist tilted his head up slightly and connected their lips in another kiss. He wasn't as rough as Jan, but certainly no less passionate.
Bojan could have sworn he heard someone mutter “fuck, they look so hot together, don't they?”, but he couldn't really tell who it was.
As they broke the kiss, Bojan slowly opened his eyes and removed his hands from Nace's hair – when had he put them there?
“Weren't you running late for an interview?” Nace smirked against his lips.
Oh shit, the interview. “Yeah, yeah, of course, I gotta... Yeah,” he started rambling, getting up and walking towards the door once again, earning various chuckles from the guys.
Jure, who had been watching every one of his boyfriends’ movements really closely, pouted and said “Hey, that's not fair! I only got a little peck.” He pulled Bojan's arm and turned him around, his hands going straight to his ass and squeezing it, kissing him hard. The sudden action elicited yet another moan from the singer. Fucking hell what has gotten into them?, he thought to himself.
“There, all done,” Jure smiled, smacking him on the ass.
Slowly withdrawing himself from Jure's arms, Bojan began to run his hands through his hair, fixing it for the twentieth time that morning and trying to regulate his breathing. “C-can I go now?”
“Yep,” said the drummer with his big sunshine smile.
“Don’t worry, you'll get more than just a few kisses after you're back from the interview,” Jan added with a wink.
If Bojan was already blushing before, he was pretty sure he was as red as a tomato right now.
He opened and closed his mouth several times, trying (unsuccessfully) to come up with some smart comeback.
“I'm... gonna go now. See you,” he said awkwardly instead, causing all his boyfriends to burst out laughing as he turned around, picking up his keys and walking out the front door as quickly as he could.
And if the only thought on Bojan's mind while he drove there was ‘please, don't get hard on national TV’, well, the guys will probably make up for it when he comes home.
masterlist | ao3
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beeoftheanxieties · 11 months
So, @da-proti-toku-grem kind of inspired me to make a lengthy post, sharing some positive vibes across the fandom, listing the reasons why I love each member of Joker Out and why I would go full mom-mode on them and cook for them and bake them gluten-free cookies.
A Joker Out, brain-rot, appreciation post
(members listed in alphabetical order)
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First up - as someone who had the chance to see them live, he is an insane performer
His ability to enchant the crowd is insane and you can tell really well that he has great acting abilities too
Watched him in Gospod Profesor too, spot on for someone who is a so-called amateur
His singing voice is... amazing to say the least, it feels really unique
Also, the way he talks, the sound of his voice, the words he uses, his pronunciation, if there were awards for talking he would get one
The languages he speaks, I want to study him, linguistically, he is truly a phenomenon
We of course love a bilingual king
He looks like he has his priorities straight
I also respect him so much for how open he is about his mental illness
I might relate to him a bit too much at times whoops
And the fact that he can somehow befriend literally anyone??? Love that
His friendship with Jere is the main one of course
Oh yeah and the fact that he literally helped people who collapsed at their gigs a few times
Bless him, he deserves all the rest he is hopefully getting
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First things first, I have a soft spot for math guys
And the way he talks about math is fascinating (but you still won't get me to like it Jan)
Cat dad???? We absolutely adore Igor and a man loving cats is such a green flag
I know people say he mumbles a bit and it's hard to understand him at times, but idk, he talks nice and slowly, so it's still really easy to understand him
He comes from my home region, so I am very biased haha
Also, every band needs a guitarist with luscious locks
He absolutely owns the colour red, that colour was invented specifically for him
The nose ring suits him so well too, this man KNOWS what fits him
And if that ends up being jackets with nothing underneath when he performs, THEN SO BE IT
I know people call Kris the lesbian icon, but from what I've seen lesbians are very drawn to Jan as well
Oh, and he gives me Klaus from the Umbrella Academy vibes (I blame the hair and the pink boa)
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Holy shit, sunshine in human form????
The most underappreciated one in the band imo
His surname literally means 'cat' and I am so normal that Jan has called him 'muca'
He also comes from my region haha, bias again
He's really good at filming, he actually shot a few things for RTV (national TV station) and edited them as well, god, talent
Also playing drums... I have sang, I have played guitar, played bass, but drums is something I feel like I could NEVER do, so hats off to you
As @da-proti-toku-grem pointed out, THE MOLE ON HIS LIP? weak knees, yes
He also reminds me of a good friend of mine and I vibe with him so much, I feel like I would vibe with Jure as well
I really don't like the fact that drummers tend to get ignored and I just wish there was more Jure performing content
Though I love it how every time, during Novi Val, he comes to the front and hangs with the others
His hair also looks so soft and fluffy aaaaaa
Again, biased but he resembles my bf the most out of everyone so hmmmm
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The baby of the band! (and the only one in the band I could actually call 'mulc')
In case you didn't know yet, he's half Dutch
And he speaks Dutch, which, as someone who speaks Dutch (in theory, not in practice) makes me really happy
I wish to study him linguistically as well
Also his parents' story feels very close to me, as I'm dating outside of my culture as well
According to him he was menace as a kid and I think we should normalise the fact that you can become a better person as you grow up
But pls don't honk at me on the road Kris, pls, I will cry
The songs he wrote??? NGVOT and Vse kar vem??? Oh boy, I love them, adore them
His holey sweaters are also a vibe
Dutch fans, if you don't shower him and the rest of the band with gifts at their Dutch concerts, I will be mad
Also gotta honorably mention Maks
They gotta be my fav nepo-but-not-really babies out there
Kinda like Maya Hawke?
I am ranting
He also looks like the only member of the band that I would fight, and idk why
Also, I must know if he supports Max Verstappen haha
Minus points for chemistry though, I cannot with that
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Okay everyone
Here we go
We have reached my beloved
I love all of them, but Nace just a bit more
It was love at first sight, I cannot lie
I have a soft spot for bassists and he might actually convince me to try and play bass again
He has been playing it for so long too??? like wow
I will always go feral about his tattoos
At every concert
I know he was the last to join the band but it looks like he fits in so nicely, it's beautiful
Strong mom-codded dad friend vibes
He kinda is the dad of the band haha
And he looks like he gives amazing hugs (lucky all of you who had managed to get one already)
A nice addition to the band
Oh and he's apparently shit at sports which is like... felt
Plus the fact that he wanted to be a vet?
Me too boo, me too, but neither of us is there now
Anway, I'll stop now. In conclusion, this band has my whole heart and they deserve every good thing that happens to them and so much more.
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ana-chronista · 2 months
Meow there 😸💛💛, I hope you are well 💛.
For the kiss prompt i would love bojure 17 ... to distract + 48 ... out of habit, please.
Have a nice day 💛💛💛💛💛
First, sorry for the delay - one of these came easier than the other but I wanted to wait until I could share both! (The one that was harder actually went through a whole premise change...) Secondly, thanks for the prompts - this is my first time writing Bojure! I hope I did it justice.
17 ... to distract
The thing about Jure is that he doesn’t get nervous. Bojan’s certainly never seen that look on him, and he’s fairly sure Jure would need a dictionary definition of the word before being able to confirm that he’s never experienced it in his life. “What time is it now?” No, what Jure gets is impatient. “It’s five minutes after you last asked, Muca.” Right now he’s little more than a vibrating ball of energy, hunched over and drumming on his thighs with his palms. “So why haven’t they called yet?” And Bojan gets it, he really does. The committee had told them they’d call by 11am to let them know if they’d been picked for next year’s Eurovision – because for all that there’s no national selection this year, there’s still a process to follow – and there’s nothing that puts you on edge quite like waiting to hear if you’ve managed to land the biggest opportunity of your career so far or not. Jan and Nace are at least twenty minutes into their stress smoke somewhere outside, and Kris is busy pacing the practice space below, organising and reorganising their equipment while speaking rapidly with someone on his phone in a voice too low to catch. Bojan had retreated to the loft to focus on his breathing, and Jure had joined ten minutes later, muttering something about feeling better from a higher vantage point. The fact is, they’re all more than a little tense as the seconds drag by, and he understands fully, a hundred and ten per cent, what Jure is feeling right now. “They just said around 11. It doesn’t mean they’re always going to be dead on, you know?” But his bouncing on the couch next to him is doing nothing to soothe either Jure or himself – in fact, it’s only agitating them both worse. “You’ve definitely got the volume up on your phone?” Bojan’s not sure he’s ever felt so incredulous as he does in that one moment of looking over at his friend. “Seriously, Jurček?” “Well, I don’t know!” Jure huffs in protest. “You might not.” “Do you not think that’s the first thing I would have checked?” He hates that his fingers are now itching to actually do just that. Irritation flares up white-hot inside of him, gritting his teeth and tensing his muscles. “I don’t know! Knowing you, probably n-” Bojan has moved before he even realises it, the only thought in his head that Jure needs to not be talking right now. Suddenly he’s pulled Jure close by his shoulder and the back of his head, crushing his mouth against the drummer’s to cut him off. There’s barely any time to register anything past the warmth of his lips before he breaks away “Boj-” Before he can start up again, Bojan reels him back in for another kiss, this time less hurried but more forceful. He can take it all in properly this time: how Jure’s mouth falls open for him, how he reaches up to brush Bojan’s hair back behind his ear, how much he pushes right back. Jure’s body has stilled now as though all of his energy is just being channelled into this one point of contact, and Bojan can’t pretend it’s not the same for him. His heartrate steadies and his muscles uncoil. It’s like the whole world has narrowed down just to the man next to him on the couch. In fact, it’s narrowed so much that it takes Kris calling him from the floor below to make him jolt back. “Bojan, answer your phone!” It’s only then that he registers his phone ringing at long last. Cursing, he fumbles to answer the call, answering Jure’s laughter only with a dig in the ribs that makes him squeal and squirm away even as Bojan does his best to sound professional and mature. When he next kisses Jure just five minutes later, it’s in celebration instead.
48 ... out of habit
Bojan can’t remember when, or even exactly how, the whole kissing thing had begun. If he had to guess, he’d put it somewhere within the first few months after Jure officially joined the band, probably at some party or on a night out with the others. He’s not even sure if he made the first move or if Jure did, but one of them must have done, because suddenly the tradition was born. Greeting each other for the first time after weeks apart? A kiss on the cheek. Saying goodbye after a night out? A kiss on the cheek. Congratulating one another after a successful gig? A kiss on the cheek. There were rules, of course, unspoken but still there. It had to be as over the top as possible. Why bother if it didn’t involve sweeping in, grabbing the other one dramatically, and landing the biggest, loudest, longest kiss on the cheek known to man? That was all part of the fun. Then, naturally, it became too funny not to do it all the time. Managing not to misplace a suitcase while travelling? Welcoming each other back to the room after five minutes? Celebrating a win in the never-ending Joker Out Uno tournament? No incident was too small to mark with another kiss on the cheek – jokingly, of course. And sometimes it might evolve to a kiss on the lips instead. Bojan did remember how that one had started, the time he’d come in too quick and accidentally caught Jure’s mouth instead as he turned his head. But the laughter had been instantaneous, and Jure had returned it with even more spectacle, so it was all fine. The rules remained the same for the odd time it happened, though usually it devolved into them wrestling to dip the other one first and laughing too much for them to ever make it to each other’s mouths.
And if anyone had ever asked, he’d have to say he’s never really thought about it. It’s not like he hasn’t kissed each of his other bandmates at one time or another, and he knows they’ve all done the same. They’re all just that tactile with each other, like good friends tend to be. So what if he and Jure have this long-running joke just between them as well? That’s also something that good friends do. And he carries on never really thinking about it – except for maybe the odd plan to ambush Jure in ever increasingly over the top ways – until one night in London. Or early one morning, really. It’s just after three, and while the others had dispersed to their rooms after they all bundled in from the pub, Bojan had decided to sit up for a while to work on the rest of the lyrics for their new song. It had seemed like a good idea at the time, but the buzz of enthusiasm had long since dried up once the words pinging around his mind decided that they just didn’t want to go onto the page properly. All he had to show for the last couple of hours were pages of increasingly frustrated scribbles and crossings out. “You’re still up?” Bojan jolts at the sudden noise, head whipping up. Jure is in the doorway, dressed for bed and hair all over the place. He’s clearly just woken up. “I thought I heard something.” he explains before Bojan can muster a reply. He nods towards the pages that Bojan had already given up on, torn from his notebook and now crumpled up and scattered by his feet. “Not going so great, huh?” The sound Bojan heaves in response as he buries his head in his hands is somewhere between a groan and a sigh. Caught up in his own frustration, he doesn’t realise that Jure has crossed the room until he feels the couch dipping next to him and a hand wrapping around his, pulling it from his face. All of a sudden he’s aware of just how much his own hand hurts from scratching away with the pen for so long as Jure smoothes out his fingers, kneading at cramped tendons and aching muscles. But before he can say anything – a protest that he should really get on with these lyrics or a joke that Jure should open a massage business as a sideline – Jure brings his palm up and presses his lips to it gently. The touch is barely there but it lingers for a moment longer than a joke should and Bojan finds that any and all words die in his throat. This isn’t something either of them have ever done before, but Jure’s eyes are still locked with his, calm and almost challenging. And then the moment is over. Jure gives his hand one last squeeze but doesn’t let go as he stands.   “Come on. Come get some sleep. This can wait until actual morning.” It sounds so straightforward, so matter of fact, that all Bojan can do is nod and let him pull him to his feet. He’s right – there’ll be plenty of time later, and for now he’s got too many other questions on his mind to be able to concentrate.
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c28hunter · 8 months
gonna take this opportunity to spam muca & janči pics because they're an underrated duo and i have so may pics of them, i feel like you'd apprecaite 😌
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BONUS, jure photobombing jance snogging
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No, but really, they compliment each other so well! Black cat energy and an orange cat energy, creating the biggest chaos known to men kind
They are goofy, they are cute! 🥺 my kitties
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hazzybat · 5 months
No one asked for this but as an Aussie it is my right to give people their Australian nicknames following our rituals and customs, of everyone getting a nickname.
So here's what Joker Out would most likely get as nicknames
Nace- Jordan (they would use his last name. Maybe it would then be changed to Jordo)
Kris- Kriso( I could see krisko working too but Kriso is more likely )
Bojan- His name doesn't work great with our nickname conventions tbh. He might get a Bozza or Bo at a push but would likely keep Bojan.
Jan- Jan (It's short and easy enough it probably wouldn't be changed. Also the J is said differently so it wouldn't be made into Jazz or Jazza like other J names)
Jure- I feel like he'd get an "event" nickname. Like getting stuck up a tree and then being called Tree or Bull (cause the bull meant he couldn't cone down) or something stupid. Kitty/Muca could also work but I don't think a group of guys here would use the word kitty regularly.
This is very stupid and will make sense to no one.
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sad-trash-pigeon · 10 months
hello do you wanna talk about sharks
here are
10 cool shark facts!
most sharks are colorblind!
contrary to popular belief, sharks arent smooth! their skin feels a bit like sandpaper
this one's a bit dark: if a shark embryo grows teeth while in the womb, it will partake in intrauterine cannibalism, which basically means it will eat its siblings in the womb
a shark can have up to 30k teeth!
whale sharks can live to be 100 years old!
a shark pregnancy can last anywhere from 5 months to 3.5 years
sharks have existed for over 400 million years!
the odds of you getting killed by a shark are 1 in 3.7 million
some female sharks can reproduce independently, leaving the males vulnerable as there's no use for them! #girlpower!
there are 440 different species of sharks!
ahh shark facts!! okay im gonna add onto some of yours and also say some more :)
5. it is so awesome how long they live, sometimes even to 150 years. but, scientists believe, that only around 10% of whale sharks make it to adulthood :( so despite being able to grow to 63 feet at most or 30-50 feet on average, the average whale shark makes it to only 13 feet long because they die so young.
(if my numbers are a little off im sorry, this is by memory)
10. i think that you might only be counting elasmobronchii sharks, because(fun fact) there are either 512 or 535 species of sharks, it depends on who you ask. there are 23 species of sharks that arent officially considered sharks (yet?) and some scientists still count them :)
okay here are my own !!
1. there are more than 150 species of catsharks! my favorite is probably the chain catshark because of their bioluminescence and beautiful pattern. ghost catsharks and demon catsharks are also cool(i just like their name)
2. whale sharks give live birth to around 300 pups at a time, and they go to a location so remote and far away from predators that scientists have no clue where they go to give birth
3. catsharks curl up into a little ball when theyre threatened to protect their underbellies
4. sharks have very sensitive electroreceptors called ampullae of lorenzini, which are formed as a network of mucas filled pores in the skin of sharks and other cartilages fish! they are able to detect the electrical signals that their prey create
5. pacific spiny dogfish can live for more than 80 years, while atlantic dogfish only live around 35-40 years
6. whale sharks and nurse sharks are both orectolobiformes :) they have 5 gills, 2 spineless dorsal fins, an anal fin and spiracles(paired openings that let in water and filter their gills. theyre by the sharks eyes)
(i described orectolobiforms by memory so if i forgot something, im sorry!!)
7. whale sharks can travel thousands of miles to different feeding grounds, but they only move at around 3 mph. theyre a migratory shark but they move so slow??
yay sharks!!
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synergysilhouette · 9 months
An alternate take on "The Princess and the Frog" (2009)
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Given that I've remade several Revival-Era films by now, it was only a matter of time that I remade the film that started it all (unless you're one of those fans who considers "Bolt" the start of the Revival Era). I wasn't the biggest fan of this film for musical and story reasons, so I hope you aren't too offended by my changes.
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The film features more fantasy elements. I recall controversy about how voodoo was portrayed as magic rather than a religion, and to alleviate that, I think we should confirm that it's magic we're dealing with rather than a specific counterpart to a real-world concept. I'd definitely take inspiration from Alphonse Muca imagery. I do like the idea that magic is regarded as mystical and dangerous, explaining why Tiana steers away from it while Naveen is enamored by it.
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2. Naveen's background and culture is more clearly defined. It was CONFIRMED when the film was released that Naveen's race is fictional since Maldonia is a fictional place, however many fans view him as being Indian. I noted in another post that they could've easily made him the prince of an Indian-inspired country (or a fictional Indian state) and educated in England, explaining the westernized fashion and interests--even though westernization was common in general around that time. Of course, if we go the "fictional location" route with the setting for the film rather than New Orleans, this isn't as much of an issue--but it'd still be a nice touch if it was an explicitly Indian-inspired fantastical kingdom, perhaps taking inspiration from Indian fantasy films.
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3. Play the duality plotline: Naveen is cursed to be a frog during the night, and a human during the day, albeit forgetful of this. A big criticism people had was that the two leads of color were frogs for most of the film. What if this wasn't the case? Naveen appears to Tiana both as a vain frog and a hedonistic young man. Due to Dr. Facilier's curse, Naveen is unable to remember his froggy curse by day, and thus cannot go about solving it, and the night is filled with shadow monsters who hope to stop him from breaking the spell, with Lawrence and Dr. Facilier manipulating him during the day to make him marry Charlotte. Tiana takes pity on his frog form (not knowing that he's the prince), and unlocks his kindness and selflessness, and as time goes on, human Naveen becomes kinder, and finds himself thinking about Tiana until they share a kiss at Mardi Gras, where he marries her instead of marrying Lottie, like the villains planned. When Facilier tries to get revenge on Naveen, Tiana battles him and breaks his talisman in a similar fashion to the original. (I feel like there's some inspiration you can take from "Howl's Moving Castle" with the plot.)
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4. Give Lawrence and Dr. Facilier more backstory. It's mentioned that Lawrence has been taken advantage of all his life, and it'd be ore powerful to see his villain arc if we knew how much pain he went through rather than simply seeing him as greedy and selfish from the start. Plus Facilier's magic is QUITE interesting, and something I'd love to know more about. Perhaps tying into the racial subplot, he had a life similar to Tiana and her family, only he couldn't achieve his dream and turned to the shadows. Some may consider this a sympathetic villain story, but I do think that Facilier's backstory in the original would've included some racial themes as well.
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5. Make Ralphie older and give him more relevance. I do like the idea that Ralphie is close in age to Naveen (with Ralphie still being the younger brother), and they have a relationship similar to Dreamworks characters, ie Moses/Ramses, Sinbad/Proteus, and Miguel/Tulio. I do like the idea that while Naveen is selfish but somewhat innocent of the world, Ralphie is selfless but easily stressed and flustered. I picture him being a mix of Aladdin and Hercules. I love the idea that both he came to keep tabs on Naveen, and he and Naveen pursue Charlotte, though Ralphie actually develops feelings for her, and she reciprocates. Plus I do wish he had a different name, but that's just me.
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6. Charlotte's friendship with Tiana is a bit more pronounced. Some people think that her selfless act for Tiana at the end of the movie was too little, too late, as they found her annoying and spoiled. I'd enjoy more moments where we get to see their friendship, ie after Lottie gives Tiana a makeover, she asks her what happened at the party (which Tiana apparently never told her about since Lottie mentions how they're both getting their wishes granted that night).
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7. Embrace the green! I do want Tiana to enjoy wearing green without it being associated with her being a frog. The concept art has really great designs, and it could correlate to her growing to love Naveen--plus it'd make her a good contrast to Lottie, especially if it was Eudora making these dresses.
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8. Alter the soundtrack and side characters slightly. Take "Never Knew I Needed" and make it an actual song for Tiana to sing! I'd also make Luis and make him a human (his story did feel like a racial allegory) while Ray would stay a firefly for his "Evangeline" story. Plus this could also make "When We're Human" a solo for Naveen. And maaaaybe make the "Down in New Orleans" a song for Tiana or an ensemble number. Plus a part of me wants Lottie to have a song (maybe with Ralphie).
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9. Remove Mama Odie and give Eudora more credit. I say this since Mama Odie didn't really do much to move the plot along (her advice of kissing a princess didn't really matter since Naveen and Tiana get married anyway), and she gave Tiana a good amount of insight that she wasn't able to appreciate until later. Allowing her mother to be a bigger part of her story is BIG for a Disney princess, especially if Tiana is staying human and staying in town.
And note: I'm also cool with the plot taking place in a fictional, magical city inspired by New Orleans, similar to how "Frozen" was inspired by Scandanavia, "Raya and the Last Dragon" was inspired by Southeast Asia, and "Wish" was inspired by Iberia. It'd also allow for anachronisms (ie allowing Tiana to have natural hair at some point when black women in 1920s New Orleans may not have been able to embrace this).
Lemme know what you think! I hope you enjoyed this reimagining.
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sparkles-oflight · 2 months
Bele Sanje - in another room
Hello everyone, I'm back to write again!
Remember my BoKris fanfic on Martin's departure? Well, this is a continuation of that, but it's JaRtin time! (with Jan&jure friendship as well!)
Thanks @anxious-witch for the proofreading (seriously, how do you still handle me?)!
Synopsis: The aftermath of Martin's departure on Jan and Jure.
Disclaimer: Please think of these as characters and not the actual people. I don’t encourage anyone to send this to any of the actual JO members nor do I encourage people to force any type of relationship between anyone.
Sensible subjects: anxiety, a LOT of guilt, some self-harming tendencies (nothing too strong or explicit, but... yeah)
"I decided to leave the band", that's what Martin said, and Jan heard it, but he didn't quite understand the message between Bojan's sobs and the noise inside his own brain.
In the past year, Jan had gotten even closer to Martin than he should. He thought he was just trying to find something to fill in his ex-girlfriend's spot for a while, but then he actually started liking Martin.
But now Martin is telling them he's leaving. Jan doesn't want Martin to leave.
- We arrived.
Jan looked to his side and saw Jure closing the car door.
Jure had taken them both to his apartment since Jan wasn't feeling well enough to return home on his own.
The guitarist slowly exited the car and made his way to Jure's home.
When they got inside, Jan took his shoes off and laid on Jure's sofa, turning on the TV, but not really paying attention to anything.
Not until Jure sat next to him with a cup of tea.
- Be careful, it's hot. - he patted Jan's knee.
- Thank you.
A moment went by until Jure broke the silence again.
- Do you want to talk about it?
- Talk about what? - Jan didn’t look away from the TV.
- Martin.
- I guess you are already talking about it.
Jure started anxiously tapping his fingers on his mug before proceeding.
- I know you and Martin have something special, I've seen it myself. I don't know what it is, but you need to sort it out. And hey, if you need help, you can count on me. - he smiled.
- Thanks, Muca. - Jan also smiled though his smile was filled with sadness - Me and Martin... Uh. Me and Martin were having sex.
- Oh.
An awkward silence filled the room. Jure then realized it and he was terrified of sounding like a homophobe so he just...
- Sex is good.
To which Jan chuckled - the first time he did that day.
- My girlfriend had left me, and Martin was a bit curious about gay sex, and uh...labels so, uh... Yeah, that's how it happened. We decided to help each other out.
- So... Is he? You know... – he was about to gesture with his hand, but he was stopped by Jan.
- Oh god, not you too. - he sighed and then smiled - Martin is not gay. I know that much. And that makes me feel so guilty...
Jan started biting off the polish out of his nails.
- I feel like we only keep having sex because he's too scared of hurting my feelings...
- What does that mean?
- Jure... I've fallen for Martin.
Well, Jure had figured Jan wasn't straight a long time ago, but he wasn't expecting Jan to be in some sort of one-sided relationship with Martin.
- It hurts so much. - Jan finally lost it.
He started crying and Jure immediately hugged him.
- Why am I so shitty? – he cried – I used him, Jure, I used him!
- Jan... calm down.
- How can I be calm!? I know he doesn’t love me back and I still keep it going, even though I know that it isn’t the best for him.
He pushed Jure off him and started hitting his thighs and scratching his arms.
- I’m so fucking selfish! He is leaving because of me, Jure! He is!
Jan found breathing hard due to his tears and snot.
- Why would he make this decision and not tell me? Not tell Bojan!? WHY!?
Jan stopped as he reached a point of exhaustion. He curled up in a little ball and covered his ears as he felt the tears’ salty taste in his mouth. If he could, he would have been there for the rest of his days. He didn’t want to see Martin go, he didn’t want to see anyone take his place.
Jan was scared. Scared of a new member, scared of the band falling apart, but worst of all, he was scared of himself. Was he always going to act like this? Use people for his own satisfaction? How would he stop himself from doing that?
- Hey.
Jan opened his eyes and saw Jure crouched next to him and softly removing the guitarist’s hands to hold them.
- Jan, I don’t know everything that went down between you two, and I don’t know why Martin never told you. I’ve never been in a situation like this, but... – Jure stopped for a bit before continuing – I think you can only get those answers if you talk to him.
Jan looked at Jure’s eyes and he could swear he got lost in them because... Jure was crying. Jan had never seen Jure cry and he doesn’t know how to react to that.
- I think... – he sniffed – I think you don’t have to talk to him right now, but...
Jure will miss Martin, just as much as anyone else. Jure entered the band and immediately felt at home... Jure might be chaotic, and sometimes isolated, but he too had a bunch of complicated feelings over the situation that he couldn’t express.
- I’m sorry, I’m crying on you. – he apologized.
Jan got up and held Jure in his arms, calming him by softly petting his blonde hair and letting the older one cry there.
- Muca. – he whispered – Can I ask you for a favor?
- Sure.
- Can you take me to Martin’s house? Bojan should still be at the studio with Kris, I want to talk to him alone.
- Yes, of course.
Jure picked some napkins from the kitchen to clean themselves up and drove them to Martin and Bojan’s apartment.
- You don’t want me to stay? – the drummer asked Jan as he closed and exited the car.
- No, I’ll be okay, thank you, Muca.
- No worries. – he winked.
Jure saw Jan make his way to the apartment and then saw on his phone how late it was... He called Kris.
- Yes?
- Hi, Kris, are you home?
- Yeah, just got home.
- Are you alone?
- Bojan’s spending the night here tonight. Do you need anything?
“So Martin and Jan are alone then... good”.
- I was wondering about how he was feeling.
- He’s a bit better now. You?
- Oh, I feel like shit.
- Do you want to talk about it?
Jure decided to vent with Kris about his feelings about Martin leaving, but he never mentioned Jan once. Kris also tried to not push that topic either, he didn’t feel ready to hear about his best friend's feelings at the moment.
Jan rang up Martin’s bell.
- Who is it? – Martin asked.
- It’s... – he sniffed – It’s me, Martin.
Martin opened the building’s door and Jan made his way to his floor.
When he entered, he saw the pair of slippers he always worn ready for him at the entrance. He changed from his shoes to them and closed the door.
- Hi. – Martin said.
Jan looked at the tall man who was already wearing pajamas.
- Hi. – Jan forced himself to speak.
Both didn’t know what to do, but Martin gestured for the older one to enter and sit down. They both sat but neither said a word because neither was ready for what was coming.
- Bojan is not coming tonight.
- Oh, is he sleeping at the studio?
- I think he is sleeping at Kris’.
- Ah.
- You know... I was talking to a friend of mine, he’s also a bassist, and I swear he’s the best bassist I’ve ever met in the country. I think... If you are looking for someone new, you should take him in.
- Uhm.
- I’ll let you choose of course. Now that I’m leaving, I feel like I shouldn’t have a say on the band, but could you please promise me you guys will at least hear him out?
- Uhm.
- Jan, please give me a proper answer.
Jan sighed and looked up.
- Sorry, Martin, if I’m not excited about a new band member when I only found out about you leaving a couple of hours ago.
Martin got close to Jan and touched his hand.
- Hey, Jan-
But Jan slapped his hand and got up.
- Stop it! Martin, just fucking stop it! I know you know I love you. But we both know you don’t love me back. And you know what? Fair! I’m a shitty person who’s been using you and you... Martin, you are a gentleman, but for fuck’s sake, set boundaries with me for once!
Martin sighed, took his glasses off, and massaged his forehead.
- Jan, I’m sorry I didn’t tell anyone. I just... – he gulped – I thought it was easier to tell everyone at the same time. I didn’t want... I didn’t want to let some of you guys know before the others. And Jan…
Jan looked at him and slowly he sat down again.
- And I thought... the quicker we get this done with, the faster we will all move on. Ahead, Jan. Always ahead.
- Why don’t you let me go? - Jan mumbled.
Martin didn’t know how to reply.
- Why don’t you let me let you go? - Jan reformulated the question.
- I just… I didn’t want to hurt you...
- Martin… I love you.
Martin sighed and felt a lump form in his throat as he noticed this wasn’t about the band anymore.
- Jan…
- Martin, I feel like I’m using you.
- Jan, you are not using me. I just didn’t have the courage to tell you I didn’t want to do this anymore. - he sighed - I was scared of the band given how well things were going and… I didn’t want you to think you were the problem when in reality… I just… I’m not into guys, Jan, I’m sorry.
Jan stared at him, and he felt tears forming in his eyes, so Martin hugged him until... until Jan calmed down.
“It’s not your fault.”, Jan swore Martin whispered that into his ear, but he couldn’t be sure because of his fast heartbeat.
Martin kissed Jan’s ear and released him.
- Do you want to spend the night here? – Martin asked, then smiled - As friends.
- Of course. – and Jan smiled back.
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Polaroid Photos Universe | Recommended next: Tea Spilling
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conceptualkaleb · 7 months
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What being a member of Mucas nation feels like after the latest episode.
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negobeauriva · 9 months
Just wanted to let y'all know I'm so glad to see more people appreciating my muca, more people need to see the beauty on Jurči and just how beautiful and talented and wonderful of a human being he is 💙
Before I joined Tumblr I used to be one of the few Jure girlies in my circle and I'm so glad to have found more of my kind!!
I'll be doing some more Jure posting in my acct every now and then, and once I feel a more confident I might share something more personal that has to do with him, who knows. But until then, I welcome all the Jure girlies to my blog, let's spread our love for Jure together!! 💙
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gunthermunch · 1 year
no i'm crying i love mucas with my whole heart and im crying but also i know you're crying too so i don't feel as bad
you get me so well
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scripted-downfall · 2 years
I will never understand why Lucas and Max became "Lumax" and not "Mucas". The latter is much funnier, and I feel like both characters would agree.
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