plistommy · 1 month
Prompt- Steve sending Eddie a bouquet of black and red roses every Valentine's Day since corroded coffin performed in the talent show.
Secondary prompt- Possibly leaving one at his bedside during Eddie's recovery from the bat bites, or maybe leaving them by his grave...
The first thing Eddie noticed when he woke up was the soft beeping noise. No more the loud screeching sounds of the bats or Dustin’s cries next to him as he was dying on the cold ground of the upside down.
When his senses started to come back, he knew he was laying on something soft. A bed, probably.
He slowly opened his eyes and the brightness of the room shocked him which made him vince. He tried to move his hand to rub his eyes, but a shocking pain shot through his body and he groaned.
Suddenly there was rustling next to him and soon someone was next to him, touching him and Eddie tried to look up to who it was, but his vision was still a bit unfocused as he felt dizzy.
”Eddie? Eddie?! Oh my god, you’re awake, jesus, I-I need to-”
Eddie couldn’t understand the most of what was said, but he could recognize that voice from anywhere.
It was Steve. Steve, who was sounding like he was on the edge of crying with how his voice got so high and shaky.
As Eddie’s eyes finally started coming to focus, he looked around the room, a hospital room and his eyes landed onto a bouquet on the small table beside the door.
”…a bouquet?” Eddie questioned, voice raspy and deep and he felt really fucking thirsty.
As he looked at it closer, he was hit by a realization and… familiarity. They were roses, both red and black, neatly put into a vase where they looked fresh as ever.
He had been getting those same exact bouquet’s of roses ever since he played at the talent show on Valentine’s Day during middle school.
He still remembers when he had gotten it after the show, a teacher of all people giving it to him, saying ’This was left for you, Munson’ as he handed the roses with an awkward grunt.
Eddie had thought it had been a joke, but when he read the small note on the roses that called him really talented and cute, he felt like tearing up with happiness.
He put that note into a safe place at home and read it whenever he needed it the most.
But it never stopped there. Every year, every Valentine’s Day, he always got it. The same bouquet of roses.
Sometimes it was hanging on his locker, on his seat where he sat during DnD, on his van… But he never found out who left them for him, even when he tried his best to find out.
Steve looked like he was seconds away from crying, eyes big and glossy, but he gave Eddie a soft laugh and glanced towards the bouquet.
”Yeah… It’s um.. It’s from me.”
Eddie’s eyes snapped wide.
His heart monitor must’ve picked up, because soon Steve was next to him, like right next to him and touching his forehead and fuck did it feel good.
”Shit, Eddie. You need to stay calm! You went through hell and if your heartbeat picks up too much you can—”
”You…” Eddie rasped out, moving his hand to wrap it around Steve’s wrist even though it hurt like hell. Steve froze, staring down at him with big eyes as he let Eddie guide his hand down from his forehead to his bandaged chest.
”It was… you?” He got out finally.
Steve’s pretty face had this soft blush on it and if Eddie wasn’t in so much pain and bunch of painkillers, he would’ve stood up and picked the man up into his arms.
”Yeah…” Steve answered, voice sweet like honey as he interrupted Eddie, ”it was me. Always has been.”
If Eddie had never gotten hurt or had never gotten those roses on his hospital room’s table and Steve being there when he woke up, he doesn’t think he would’ve found himself four months later laying in bed next to Steve, who was giving his scars soft kisses while Eddie held him close to his chest.
At least getting almost eaten by the demobats had one positive thing coming out of it.
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tansu-bomb · 1 year
Naksu’s “goddammit! even my unmarried sister got laid before I did” angry, sulky face
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What is so bad about Isabel returning on The Rookie? She does not posing a threat to Chenford, so why does it make you angry?
Here’s a little insight into how my brain works…..
Because Tim and Lucy, each in their own way and also together have been to hell and back, multiple times.
I just want them to be happy. I hate angst. HATE IT. Why do you think all or most of my one-shots are fluffy and happy?
There’s also an itty, bitty part of my brain that is afraid that if Tim could go back to Isobel and the life they had pre-addiction, he would. Fan fiction has written that conversation many times, but on the show, we have never heard Tim say he’d never go back to her. Yes they got divorced, but so what? Their romance could be rekindled. And Alexi has fucked with the story line before keeping Tim and Lucy apart, why not again?
That part of my brain started throwing a ticker-tape parade, when I saw the promo- saying “A HA! TOLD YOU SHE WOULD BE BACK!”
My post was the emotional response of the rest of my brain, telling the itty bitty part to shut up. SHUT UP!
I was cursing myself for even considering her return. pure emotional response. 100% reactive.
If I don’t get the build up of emotion out of my head and body, it will fester, and grow and get worse. So I let it out.
I use tumblr to get my emotions out. I rant and rage, and then calm down and the logical side of me kicks back in.
That help?
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eviltiddyproductions · 10 months
I’m currently having the best and the worst time watching Something in the Rain 😭 I have loved every single moment the leads share together. They’re so soft and full of love and charged with the giddy new relationship energy and it is shot so beautifully that it almost feels like I’m prying.
I have butterflies in my stomach while simultaneously a pit is preparing itself for them to fall and die because even though they’re literally doing nothing wrong I know circumstances are going to steal all joy and love from them. (especially my girl and I so desperately want her to be happy !!! I’m on episode 4 and she had tears of joy after her first kiss with him)
I already know how the last two episodes end because my dumbass spoiled the show for myself but I’m sorta glad because I’m prepared for the sadness.
I just want my brain to let go of the anxiety 😭 like let me enjoy them being soft. I’m so scared all the time that it’s going to be taken away from them
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kimtaegis · 8 days
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JIN HUGS JIN HUGS! for @jinstronaut ♡
cr. namuspromised, dwellingsouls, 0613data
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ohbuggy · 1 month
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Sobbing,,, that lore drop was something huh?
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shima-draws · 5 months
Hey. Hey you know what would be cool and fun. First post of 2024. 1000 notes. We can do it. Yeah? Yeah??
Take a picture of my dog as an incentive
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c-hrona · 11 months
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Quick sketches to say Happy Birthday, you little funky boy!
Bonus because Knives deserves some love:
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drrav3nb · 1 year
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dearabsolutelynoone · 2 months
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“Love's about finding the one person who makes your heart complete. Who makes you a better person than you ever dreamed you could be…”
Julia Quinn, The Viscount Who Loved Me (Bridgertons, #2)
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mintyepic · 7 months
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you already know how this story ends
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i-smell-magic · 1 month
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Another piece of DBD art because I can't get over their little found family and I needed them to just have a free day to spend some time together because that is what they deserved 🫂
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tomiokas-lunchbox · 1 year
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what if sanemi and giyuu met as kids and became friends...
I just know that baby Giyuu would feel something from the first time he sees that smile. Giyuu would look at him with wide big blue eyes. Mouth slightly parted. Wondering where the little fluttering in his chest came from. Touching a small hand to his own soft pink tinged cheek. Trying to figure out why it felt hot. Not knowing what to do with himself after realizing Sanemi has stopped laughing and is looking at him with a serene smile. Giyuu looks away, and wonders if Sanemi's suddenly pink cheeks feel hot too.
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charmedcleric · 4 months
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I hate seeing rolan so sad 🥺 I just wanna give him a big hug and tell him everything is going to be okay
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stupidnerd1 · 1 year
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A kiss for my baby <3
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