elegaeica · 5 months
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shes literally just a sweet baby angel with the roundest cheeks and the biggest brown eyes literally how could you hurt her
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yandere-writer-momo · 5 months
Yandere Fairytale Series:
Part 1 Part 2
Yandere Witch x Rapunzel Reader x Yandere Prince
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For many, long years you had resided in an isolated tower deep in the forest with an elderly woman named Agnes and her daughter Hilda. The three of you had lived here together and created a nice home for yourselves in a place no man could ever harm you… or at least that’s what Agnes instilled in you and Hilda since you were children. Men were evil and couldn’t be trusted. They would lure you in with sweet words and promises, but then they’d swallow you whole like a beast.
Since you were ten, Hilda and Agnes never let you lift a finger nor did they let you outside. “It’s dangerous for you. You’re far too delicate for the forest. Leave it to us, (your name).” Agnes would always tell you before she took Hilda with her to forage and hunt.
Despite your years with the two of them, Agnes told you that you were not biologically her child. “Hilda and I found you in the forest one day. You were just a baby and we couldn’t leave you… so you can stay here with us, forever. You’re ours, my dear.”
They’d brush your hair as it slowly began to grow longer than the length of the tower. Your long hair was used to come and go after Agnes and Hilda sealed off the door to ‘keep you safe.’
Every time you’d ask to go out or inquire about what they’d see, Agnes would shut you down. “Curiosity killed the cat, dear. You just wait here, we will be back.”
The mother and daughter often took trips for supplies. Whether it was berries or necessities, their trips only took a few hours… sometimes they took a few days. It just depended on what they needed. The pair never let the supplies dwindle much. Agnes hated being irresponsible when it came to stock.
It was when you were over the age of twenty that Agnes’s health took a turn. Hilda would often weep with you as she held you close. You and Hilda had grown so close… Hilda swore she wouldn’t let her mother down. That’d she’d carry on her will. (A will you didn’t have a clue about)
When Agnes passed away, Hilda immediately took charge over the chores around the tower. The beautiful young woman often fretted over you as she made sure the two of you were cared for. She took over brushing your long locks and gathering supplies.
Sometimes Hilda would braid her long black hair with hers. So ‘the two of you were connected.’ It was always fun whenever Hilda would let you play with her hair.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be back! I can bring you back your favorite berries.” Hilda would gave you a reassuring smile before she headed out into the forest. You watched her form until she disappeared into the trees.
So you’d get back to painting the walls with a hum. Your hair draped behind you like a waterfall as you sat on your homemade swing.
You nearly jumped out of your skin when you heard a loud clank on the side of your tower. What on earth was that?!
You jumped off your swing and ran to look at the balcony. A grappling hook was slung around the metal frame as a hooded figure began to scale the tower. Who we that?!
You went to shut the balcony door but ended up slipping on your own hair. Your back hit the floor as you whined in pain. Your eyes wide in terror at the knight that now stood in front of you as he quickly winded up the rope. The knight mumbled some curses before he shoved the grappling hook in his bag.
“W-who are-“ the knight pushed you further into the tower as he put a gloved hand over your mouth. Your body trembled when you looked into their lilac eyes. You’d never seen such pretty eyes before…
There was shouting below and the sound of hooves. Was this knight being pursued? You couldn’t tell since the knight held you firmly in their arms until the voices disappeared into the distance.
The knight breathed a sigh of relief before they released her. You quickly shoved the knight away from you as you scooted your body as far away from them as you could. You swore your heart was about to leap from your chest.
“Who are you?” You shakily asked but the knight gave you a small bow. Their hands slipped off the silver helmet on their head to reveal a rather striking individual with sharp features and long, lavender hair.
“I apologize for my intrusion. I’m Prince Vinicio of the Corcoran kingdom.” The knight’s voice was a lot deeper than she expected. How could a woman have such a deep voice?
“Prince? Don’t you mean princess?” You softly asked which made the knight erupt into laughter.
“No. Despite my rather feminine appearance, I’m male.”Vinicio smiled warmly at you. “I just noticed how long your hair is. Have you been growing it out for a long time-“
You jumped when he reached a hand out to you which made him frown. Vinicio’s mind began to wander as he glanced around your home. Did you live here all alone? This wilderness was not becoming of a lady, especially not one as stunning as you. “I apologize, I didn’t mean to frighten you.”
“P-please leave. I’m not supposed to talk to men.”
Vinicio frowned but gave you a small bow out of respect. You must be being held against your will in this lonely tower… he’d have to gain your trust to save you.
“I apologize, I’ll take my leave.” Vinicio put his helmet back on but turned to give you one last look. “But can I meet you again tomorrow? I can talk to you from below the tower. I won’t climb up here again.”
You bit your lip. Agnes had always warned you and Hilda about men but Vinicio didn’t seem dangerous… “Okay. But only if you promise to not climb.”
Vinicio smiled warmly at you. “I promise.”
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kaiser1ns · 2 months
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featuring 𝘄𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗸𝗲𝗿 𝘅 𝗳𝗲𝗺!𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿 ıllı. umemiya hajime, takiishi chika, togame jo, kiryu mitsuki, tsubakino tasuku
fluff. your boyfriend has such beautiful hair that you want to style it every second of the day.
im such a sucker for chika i love him so much, starting the takiishi chika fluff agenda i do not care he is a cutie patootie !
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You were sprawled on the couch, eyes fixed on Umemiya. It was one of those rare moments when his hair wasn't slicked back it was all naturally let down, white bangs lightly brushing against his pretty blue eyes. He was sitting in the armchair, engrossed in a book, the glasses perched on his nose making him look so divine.
You couldn't help but feel mesmerized by the sight before you, wishing for him to stay with his hair down more. Absentmindedly, you twirled a curl of your hair around your finger, your thoughts slipping past the filter of your mind. "You are so beautiful," you murmured, your voice came out as a whisper.
For a moment, you felt a little silly, knowing how you must look—how dumb you might sound—entranced by the man in front of you. But then he looked up from his book, a soft hum escaping his lips. He had heard you perfectly well and was fully aware of your gaze. With a slow, deliberate motion, he closed the book and directed his full attention towards you.
"Aren't you the fairest of them all, princess?" he teased, a playful smile dancing on his lips. Your face heated up instantly, a blush creeping up your cheeks at the nickname. He had this ability to switch personalities in an instant, and it always left you flustered.
Gathering your courage, you stood up and walked over to him, your fingers gently brushing away some of the bangs that fell over his eyes. "Can I brush your hair again?" you asked, your voice soft and hopeful, even though you already knew the answer.
A small, knowing smile played on his lips as he tilted his head slightly, granting you better access. "Of course," he replied, his voice ever so soft and gentle. "I trust you to make me look my best."
You couldn't help but smile back, your heart swelling with affection. As you reached for the hairbrush, you gently combed through his silken strands, "Your hair is so soft," you murmured, almost to yourself, but you saw the corners of his mouth twitch in response.
Once you were satisfied, his hair fell naturally into place, framing his face in a way that highlighted his best features, but nothing could beat the way he was best at kissing your lips when you least expected it — take it as your reward.
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Sitting on the couch, you gently comb your fingers through Takiishi's long, vibrant red-yellow hair. He's seated on the floor between your thighs, completely focused on his phone as he lets you do whatever you want. His hair is soft, almost silky, and it flows smoothly between your fingers — you are jealous of him
"Baby, you have such beautiful and soft hair," you murmur softly, starting to section it off. Chika hums in response, a sound that makes sure everything is okay as a small smile tugs at the corners of your lips as you part his hair, creating two distinct styles. One side has a sleek tail, while the other has pigtails, hairpins, and rubber bands.
"My beautiful, pretty princess," you tease, leaning down to kiss his temple. If anyone else dared to call him that, they'd likely find themselves regretting it instantly. But for you, Takiishi Chika lets his guard down. He tilts his head to the side so you can work better, as he is still focused on his phone.
The door swings open, and Endo strolls in. He takes one look at Takiishi's mismatched hairstyle and bursts into laughing "What in the world happened to you, Takiishi?" he manages to say, catching his breath.
Chika's eyes snap up, and in a flash, he's on his feet, fist connecting with Endo's face before the other can react as he groans and clutches his nose, you quickly snap a photo of your angry yet adorably flustered boyfriend. "Delete it or you're next," the princess warns, sitting back down between your thighs, his shoulders tense.
You chuckle, knowing full well that you won't delete it. "Yes, sir," you reply, setting the photo as your lock screen instead.
Takiishi resumes his previous position, and you resume styling his hair, sparing a glance at Endo but you know he will be fine. "Do you want me to add bows? I have different colors."
He glances back at you with that nonchalant expression. "Know your limits." Smiling, you place another kiss on his temple, continuing to enjoy your little hairstyling session with your beautiful, fierce, and surprisingly compliant boyfriend.
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You never imagined you’d find yourself here, wide awake in the middle of the night, a razor in your hand, and Togame sitting on the ground before you. His black hair, styled in a mullet with the longer ends usually tied in a braid — you were the one who meticulously braided it every day, loving the way your fingers moved through his hair, the way it felt when you hugged him, the way it helped you fall asleep as you gently played with it. But now, your heart ached at the thought of cutting it all off.
He wanted to cut his hair short, a decision he made after his fight with Sakura and reconciling with his past actions at Shishitoren. He wanted to let go of the past and start anew. You knew his reasons, respected them even, but it didn’t make it any easier.
“Jo, I can’t do it,” you said, your voice breaking as tears threatened to spill. Both of you were standing in front of the mirror, and you saw the softness in his eyes as he looked at your expression.
“Angel, it’s hair, not my hand that you have to cut,” he said gently, trying to reassure you. But for you, it wasn’t just hair.
“But... But how will I do hairstyles on you now? How will I fall asleep at night?” The tears you had been holding back began to roll down your cheeks, a waterfall of emotion you couldn’t contain. Togame chuckled softly, his voice filled with warmth and understanding. He stood up, removed the razor from your hand, and enveloped you in a comforting hug.
“I want to cut it. I don’t want to dwell on the past. I know you love it, but I promise you that even if you cut my hair, my love for you won’t stop growing, okay?”
How was he so good with words? You didn’t know, but perhaps that was why you were with him. He had a way of making everything seem alright.
“Can I style it for you one more time?” you asked between sobs.
“Of course you can, angel,” he replied, his voice tender. You took your time, savoring every moment as you braided his hair one last time. Each twist and turn of his hair through your fingers felt bittersweet. When you finally gained the courage, you cut his hair, the sound of the razor mingling with your quiet sniffles. And there he stood, beautiful and handsome, even with short hair.
“See, it wasn’t that bad, right?” Togame said with a gentle smile, his eyes full of love. You nodded, wiping away your tears, realizing that no matter how he looked, he would always be the man you loved. But how can he look that good with short hair, how does he pull off everything that he tries?
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Kiryu sat patiently on the couch, his beautiful pink hair cascading down his shoulders like cotton candy. You couldn't help but feel thrilled at how soft and silky it felt between your fingers, perfect for trying out various hairstyles. So what were you waiting for? Instantly grabbing some hairpins and a brush, you started to comb his hair with excitement bubbling inside you.
Kiryu remained calm and composed, his expression never wavering even as you inserted the fiftieth hairpin — yes, he counted them, into his meticulously styled locks. You couldn't help but smile at his patience, thinking he looked like a princess, the cutest and the fairest of them all.
"Open your eyes, baby!" you said, your voice brimming with excitement.
Kiryu slowly opened his eyes, gazing into the mirror you held up to him. His eyes widened slightly as he took in his reflection, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. He looked utterly adorable, and you couldn't help but feel a surge of pride at your handiwork.
"Well," he said softly, "how do I look?"
"You look perfect. Absolutely perfect," you replied, grinning from ear to ear, as you gently cupped his face in your hands, always looking at him with those loving eyes, as he put his hands on top of yours. "You did a perfect job playing Fairy Godmother, too. I hope I won't change at midnight."
His smile grew, eyes crinkling at the edges as he leaned into your touch. "If you do, I'll just have to find you again and make sure you stay this way," you teased, knowing full well you won't let him take out the pins anytime soon. Cinderella's magic moment must have ended at midnight, but yours will stay forever.
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TSUBAKINO TASUKU platonic + using he/him pronounce for my dearest wife @17020
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The moment had finally arrived for your best friend with his signature long, straight black hair adorned with pinkish-red edges, were about to dye his hair at home without classified professionals. You stared at the hair dye kit like it was a ticking time bomb. "Are you sure about this, Tsubaki?" you asked, your voice trembling slightly. The idea of turning his entire head red by accident was a very real fear.
"Don’t worry, Y/N-chan! I’m sure it will be fine. I trust you!" Tsubakino chirped, his cheerfulness radiating like sunshine on a cloudy day, always so highly optimistic.
"And that's the problem," you muttered under your breath, glancing at him. He beamed back at you, completely unfazed by your evident nerves. You both sat down in your bathroom-turned-hair-salon, the scent of hair dye filling the air. Tsubakino handed you the brush and dye bottle, his smile never wavering. "Let's do this, Y/N-chan!"
You took a deep breath, steadying your shaking hands. "Okay, here goes nothing." Carefully, you began applying the dye to the edges of his hair. Tsubakino kept his eyes closed, humming a little tune, completely relaxed. Meanwhile, you were concentrating like a surgeon performing a delicate operation. At one point, you accidentally got a little dye on your own hand and panicked, almost dropping the brush.
Tsubakino laughed. "Hey, Y/N-chan, don't want you to turn into Pink Panther!"
"Ha-ha, very funny," you replied, rolling your eyes but unable to stop a smile from creeping onto your face. After what felt like an eternity, you stepped back to admire your work in the freshly opened hair salon. Tsubakino opened his eyes and looked in the mirror. His hair now had vibrant pinkish-red edges, and no part of his head was accidentally dyed.
He turned to you, his eyes sparkling with happiness. "See, I told you it would be fine! You did an amazing job, Y/N!"
You let out a sigh of relief, a wide grin spreading across your face. "Thanks, Tsubaki. But next time, maybe we should leave it to a professional?"
Tsubakino laughed, wrapping you in a tight hug. "No, it's way more fun this way. Besides, what could possibly go wrong?" Just then, you caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. Your eyes widened in horror as you saw a bright red streak in your own hair, right at the front.
"Um, Tsubaki," you said, trying to keep your voice calm, "I think we found out what could go wrong." He looked at you, puzzled, before his eyes followed your gaze to the mirror. He burst out laughing, clutching his sides. "Y/N-chan, you look like a punk rock star!"
You couldn’t help but join in the laughter. "Great. Just what I always wanted," you said sarcastically, but on the bright side you will match with your best friend.
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©2024 kaiser1ns do not copy, repost or modify my work
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arabellasleopardcoat · 10 months
Lookalike (Daemon Targaryen x Reader)
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Summary: Inside the highest tower of the Red Keep, lives a girl with long silver hair...
Warnings: Oh man. What a trip. Rapunzel, innocence kink, daddy issues, cursing, mature language. Light groping, kissing. Daemon, and all his usual warnings. Manipulation. I tried to make it whimsical. You know, a fairy tale.
Requested: Yup. For the bingo. Daemon + retelling of another story. Posted it early because I couldn't sleep last night so I stayed up finishing this.
Once upon a time, in a far away land called Westeros, lived a King and a Queen. The Queen was a beautiful woman, with hair made of spun silver and gold.
The King and the Queen had a daughter, a bright girl called Rhaenyra. They loved her deeply, but as many powerful men behind him, the King could not help but wish for a son.
When the Queen had carried Rhaenyra, her pregnancy had been harsh. She had struggled to fall with child, and when she had, she had been sick the whole time. The Queen was not too sure if she could withstand another pregnancy.
“My love, I need my heir.” The King said to her. “You must help me and try again.”
“But husband, you know we cannot. The Maester said pregnancies were too rough on me."
“If I can't have my heir, I fear I will lose my throne!”
So the Queen decided to try again. Soon, she was with child. Yet, the Queen could feel something was different, this time. She got twice as large as she was when she was carrying Rhaenyra, her body ached even more. Only the hottest baths could soothe her abundant pains.
“This pregnancy is not normal, not normal at all.” Said the Maester, when examining the Queen. “I fear the delivery will be hard.”
And hard it was. For there was not one baby but two. A girl and a boy, a moon and a sun. The parents only found out when the Queen was unable to deliver the baby, and the King, believing it to be his precious heir, ordered the Maester to cut her open.
Wailing into the world they came, shrieks so loud they rose half the Red Keep. Every bell in the city was toiling for them. The King named his heir Baelon. The girl, the little moon, was forgotten. That was you.
Too young to know it then, your first hours were spent in your sister's arms, both of you forgotten in favor of the new heir. But it was barely hours at all when your little brother passed away.
At the funeral, the King was the picture of despair. His Queen was dead by his hand, his heir lasted no longer than a day. Now a father to a baby girl he didn’t know how to care for, and an unruly maiden.
Perhaps, sensing his despair and hoping to offer some words of comfort, and Arryn cousin took you from him and gasped:
“By the Sevens! If she is the very image of Aemma as a babe.” No one took in consideration that this Arryn cousin was not, in fact, older than the Queen.
“Is she?” The King asked, on the verge of tears. Your father could not stop remembering your mother’s face, as the Maester aided your entrance into the world. Her cries haunted him even in his sleep. He was turning into a decaying corpse, from inside out, guilt rotting him alive. “Rhaenyra, come here.”
“Does she look like your mother?”
Your sister squinted at you. You yawned, a toothless, sweet thing. Rhaenyra wasn't very knowledgeable about babes, but she liked you. You had grabbed into her finger the first time you had seen her, tiny fingers turning into the most adorable rings.
“She has her beauty.” She answered, politely. The King hummed, an idea sparkling into his head. Soon, the highest tower in the Red Keep was being repurposed, and the Hand relocated.
Nine and ten years later, that brings us to you, in a continent named Westeros. Inside it, Seven Kingdoms. Inside them, a city called King's Landing. Inside the city is a castle. In the castle, a tower. In the tower is a room. In the room, a girl. You.
You stared at your reflection, squaring your shoulders. You gave yourself a big smile.
“Father, I want to try claiming a dragon.” You repeated to the mirror, before shaking your head. “No, no. Too disrespectful. Lord Father, I was wondering if I could go and try to claim a dragon?”
The reflection did not answer. You frowned. You didn't like groveling, but you weren't too sure of what else you could do. Perhaps, sending him a note would be better.
As the youngest sister of the heir to the Iron Throne, you had led a sheltered life. Even more so, as the spitting image of his late wife, according to your father. When looked in the right light, your eyes were the same shade hers had been. And the way you spoke did resemble the short, clipped speech of the Vale.
No one dared question those things, even though your accent had been ensured by your father by providing you with tutors only from that region. The King was very protective of you, set on expiating his guilt over the death of your mother by ensuring your safety.
All of your care had been provided by him after her death. Viserys knew nothing about child-rearing, but refused to let any servant touch you beyond the wet nurse. You grew into a child, and your father didn't even know how to cut your long, silver hair.
Years passed, and soon you learned to take care of yourself. Used to long hair as you were, you never thought about cutting it. Instead, your mind was preoccupied with more urgent matters. For example, how could you get out of the Red Keep.
Sometimes, your father's protection turned overbearing. Unlike your older sister, you were not allowed to leave the castle. Nor had you been allowed to partake in the activities other young ladies did. The only way you had managed to know the world around you had been through your books and observations.
Your rooms were in the tallest tower in the Red Keep, ensuring you would be kept safe from intruders and even invaders, if such a thing ever came to pass. You had double the guards Rhaenyra and Viserys did. Instead of providing his new Queen with a sworn shield, he had chosen to devote all the Kingsguard to you.
While you knew your tower had been used for other things before, it had clearly been refurnished. Now, it worked as a castle of its own, inside which you had a tiny kitchen, bathing quarters, rooms, and a library. The idea was that you would never need anything outside it. A tiny universe, just for you. You had plenty of space for your books and trinkets, but it made for a lonely existence.
Each time there were unknown men roaming the Keep, you got sent back to your tower. Your father didn't like the idea of you being married off or corrupted by them. You were too precious, too good. He had said that when the day came, he would find you a good match. One that, you suspected, would keep you close to home. Perhaps Aegon, or one of your cousins in the Vale.
If you married at all, of course. Your father had gone through a phase of encouraging your faith in the Seven, in the hopes of you deciding to be a Septa. If you did, the King would be most pleased, for it would mean you would never suffer the same fate as your mother.
You wanted neither. What you wanted more than anything was to see the world, do the things Rhaenyra told you happened outside the Red Keep. And according to you, it would all get started if you got your own dragon.
With a dragon, you would be protected. Your father always used your lack of one as an argument for denying you the experiences ladies your age had. Your egg had not hatched, but if you claimed one, you would surely be allowed to leave.
Unfortunately, what was required to be able to bond with a dragon had been deemed too dangerous for you. King Viserys had banned you from the dragon pit, arguing that dragons could be unpredictable.
Today, you had been sent back to your tower due to an impromptu visit from your Uncle Daemon. You knew the man by reputation only, by how much he angered your father. If there was one person who you were prohibited from speaking to, it was him.
You had heard the rumors, of course. A few years back, after your mother's passing, he had taken Rhaenyra to a pleasure house. Whatever had happened inside was between her and him. To your father, though, it was enough to keep you away from him.
Smile. Square your shoulders. Try again to assert yourself. You eyed your reflection once again, wondering how you could convince the King to let you try to get a dragon. Outside, something scraped against a rock, again and again. Curious, you went to the window.
On the very base of your tower, there was a man hopelessly attempting to climb upwards. He was very dashing, sporting the same silver hair you did, only much shorter.
“Who are you?” You asked, slightly frightened. In truth, you were not used to strangers being so close to you. Your father always said men were dangerous, and that outside the Red Keep there were aberrant creatures, mean and ruthless, that hurt young maidens for their enjoyment. “Step away from my tower, or I shall call my guards!”
The man ignored you, choosing instead to stab a sword between the rocks that made up your tower. You screamed, alarmed.
“Stop that! That's not allowed, you are damaging my tower.”
The man ignored you, trying to use his sword to climb. He grunted in exertion. You ran towards your chambers and filled a jar with water. Then, you ran back to your window and dumped it on his head.
The man shrieked and fell down the few meters he had managed to progress. You laughed, startled.
“Aren't you a fearsome thing?” He muttered to himself. Then, he looked up at you, with the most purple eyes you had ever seen. “Please, Princess. Help me out.”
“Why should I? You are an intruder.” You glared down at him, not even entertaining the notion, but deciding to play along regardless. In truth, you were curious about him. And starved for companionship.
“I am being chased.” He screamed up at you, frantically looking behind him. “Please, help me.”
You leaned down towards your window, bracing your arms on the edge of it.
“Bad business, that.” Your voice was cheery and woefully uninterested. This was the most exciting that had happened to you in years, you were not about to stop it. But at the same time, you did remember all of your father's warnings. There were people out there that were not kind.
“Damn it, you are just like Aemma. Pair of cynics.” He cursed, and started to try to retrieve his sword. Your eyebrows raised.
“You knew my mother?”
The man looked up, shielding his eyes from the sun with a hand. He squinted at you. His bone structure reminded you of someone.
“I did.”
Your mother. A cynic. You smiled. No one had ever told you about her, not beyond all those polite things everyone said about the dead. How kind she was, how beautiful and learned. It did nothing to make you feel closer to her, these empty platitudes. They were generic, they could be talking about any woman.
Your father never went beyond that, either. The Aemma he talked about was an idolized version of her, a woman frozen into a perfect state of likeness to the Mother. He didn't allow anyone to contradict him, not even Rhaenyra. When you were younger, she had told you your mother had been hesitant about having another pregnancy, and struggling to carry another baby to term. Your father had banned her from visiting you during the next six moons.
But this stranger was speaking of her as if he knew her well. Your heart ached to know more about your mother, know the real her. It was enough to help you make your choice. You gathered your hair and threw it down the window.
“Come up then.” You ordered.
The man looked at the mass of hair in bewilderment. He touched a strand of it, fascinated by the way it picked up the light. He did not move.
“Use it as rope. You won't hurt me.” Were all men so dumb? Surely, if this one was so slow, he could not be a threat.
“Of course. Magic hair. Fucking Viserys.” The man started to climb. He got quickly inside, panting with exertion.
“You know my father, too?” Your body tensed. This, you did not like. What if he was one of the men that were supposed to visit the castle today? One of those who corrupted and hurt young maidens?
Your heart started to beat harder and harder. You tried to convince yourself he might not be a bad man. Perhaps, he had met the King through your mother. Regardless, you turned away from him, keeping your voice and posture deceivingly calm.
“Would you like some water?” You did not wait for an answer, starting to move towards the kitchen. You reached into a cabinet, as if searching for a cup.
The man followed. You could hear his footsteps on the stone floor.
“I do know your father.” His voice was strange. As if he were realizing he was making a mistake but couldn't pinpoint why. Uninterested, you took out a cup. “He is a great King.” He added, hurriedly. Just in time for you to grab a pan, turn and smack it against his head as hard as you could.
The man dropped to the floor like a sack of potatoes. You hiked up your skirts and rushed to his side. Kneeling by him, you took a closer look at his sword and grinned. You had seen it before. In your books. That was Dark Sister, Visenya's sword.
You had caught Daemon Targaryen. What better proof to show your father that you were not helpless? You tied him to a chair and gagged him for good measure. Then, you pushed him inside your bathing quarters. Only then did you call for a guard.
“Could you summon my father? I need him.” The guard bowed, but didn't speak. Most of them didn't. Your father said they weren't allowed to.
Despite not receiving an answer, you knew your father would be here soon. He always came when you called. You placed a kettle in the fire. Before it could boil, King Viserys was already there.
“Dear.” The King kissed your forehead. You tried not to wrinkle your nose at the smell of herbs and milk of the poppy. Your father always smelled like a medicine cabinet. “As beautiful as your mother, like always.”
You smiled.
“Father. Tea is not ready yet, but sit.” You pointed to your small parlor. When you were a child, the two of you had used to pretend you were a great lady, hosting tea parties there. It had been how he had taught you courtly manners.
The memory was bittersweet. Your father was good to you. He had raised you as best as he could, loving you more fiercely than any of his other children. It was not your intention to upset him, but you knew this topic would do exactly that.
“Were you lonely, my heart?” The King settled on one of the loveseats. You sat across from him.
“I did miss you.” You gave him a coy little look. “But I asked you to come for something else.”
“Do tell.”
“Father. I think I am ready to claim a dragon.” You rushed to say, almost tripping over your words. Already, you could see how his expression was clouding over, a storm raging behind his eyes.
“You know you are not.” The King answered, sternly. “It's too dangerous.”
“I can handle myself.” You fought for your tone to remain even. If it came out too angered, your father would say you were hysteric or having a tantrum, and refuse to take you seriously. So was the curse of being a woman.
“My heart, you have never stepped out of this tower.”
And you had not. But what did dragons care about one's knowledge of the world? You had read about dragons bonding with babes, sharing their cradle with them. To claim one, being well traveled or wise was not required. One had to be chosen, that was all.
You raised your hands in the air, palms up, as if placating a beast.
“I don't want you to get upset, Father. I wanted to prove to you that I am capable, too.” You got up and opened the door to your bathing quarters. “Do not be scared.”
The bound Daemon was still gagged, inside the tub. This time, though, he was awake. Upon seeing his brother, he immediately started screeching and squirming, making up a ruckus.
“Shh.” You said to him, kicking the tub a little. He was turning out to be a very annoying guest. “As you can see, Father, I caught him.”
“And you put him in the tub.” The King said, perplexed.
“He was dripping water all over my floors.” But your explanations fall on deaf ears, since your father has already moved on from his shock. He grabbed Daemon's shirt, forcing him to sit upright.
“Haven't I told you this tower is out of limits?” The King barked at him. “I will throw you into the deepest, more dark and humid dungeon I can find, and then I will…”
“Father.” You did not like being ignored. Daemon was a secondary concern, you just wanted to know if you were allowed out now.
Yet, your father seems to think the issue was an entirely different thing.
“Oh. Sorry, dear. What father meant is that Uncle Daemon has been very bad.” He gave him a shake for good measure.
“I can tell.” Your tone was flat. “Have I proven myself enough to be allowed to try to claim a dragon?”
The King let go of Daemon. He turned towards you and tenderly started checking you over for injuries.
“I would die if something happened to you.” He answered, evasive. You didn't need to be a mind reader to know what he was thinking. It was too dangerous. It was a no.
Five more long days went by. Poor you, having to stay all day in your tower. After Daemon, your father had now deemed it too dangerous to allow you to roam the Red Keep. It was the tower and nothing more. All you could do was sing Old Valyrian songs and look out the windows. Sometimes, birds would chirp from above, and you would feel slightly better, as if they were singing with you.
Perhaps it had been your song, what had led him to you. Perhaps it had been his own guilty consciousness for a sin long forgotten, or a sliver of empathy for the lonely girl in the tower up above. Whatever it was, before the sixth day came to an end, Daemon appeared under your window.
“Princess, Princess, let your hair down.” You heard him say. You walked to your window, curiously. Daemon was back!
“Come down if you want to be free.” The Prince ordered. “I do not have much time.”
His words stilled you. Freedom. Your father often said freedom was a dangerous thing. If you let people make their own choices, it was much more likely that they would choose unwisely. That was why you were kept in the tower, safe from the world and bad decisions. As long as King Viserys controlled your life, you would be protected.
But what if you left? What if you ran, jumped out of your tower and made your way to Dragonstone to get your dragon? You imagined a version of yourself, dress fluttering in the wind like a flag as you ran, barefooted in the sand. You imagined yourself feeling the sun in your face, having your first cup of mead or watching a parade.
Then you imagined yourself tripping and falling into the sea. You didn't know how to swim. No one saw the need to teach you such a thing. You imagined yourself at the parade, getting robbed. You imagined a man, trying to hurt you. What if people out there, what if Daemon, were truly as wretched as your father said they were?
Your face must have shown your distress because Daemon, impatient, shouted something more.
“I won't hurt you.” The Prince raised his hands in surrender. “I will not tell you I am a good man, but I will take you to Dragonstone.”
His honesty was what sealed the deal. You threw your hair down, grabbed one of your warmest cloaks, and shouted for him to loop your hair around a branch and not let go.
Daemon obeyed. You jumped, and as your feet hit the floor, you wished to be able to say you didn't look back. But you did. And as you saw the silhouette of your tower getting smaller and smaller in the distance, you couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness deep in your chest.
Noticing how quiet you have gotten, Daemon adjusts your cloak and gives you a grin.
“Do you want to ride Caraxes?” He asks. You match his grin, sadness nearly forgotten. There is a whole world out here, begging to be explored. You can be sad later when the adventure ends.
Caraxes is the most bewitching creature you have ever seen. He is red and serpentine, looking so much like the drawings of dragons you used to do as a child. You nearly scream in excitement.
Daemon whispers to him to stay calm, but Caraxes seems to sense your happiness, for he keeps trying to correspond your loving pets.
“Oh, by the Seven Hells.” The Prince pushes you towards the saddle. “If neither of you stop the tail wagging, we are going to get caught.”
“And we don't want that.” You agree, kissing Caraxes' scales one last time.
Caraxes gives another excited, full-body wag. He seems to be preening under the attention. Daemon must not praise him very much, which is a shame.
“You are such a good boy. So pretty, too.”
Caraxes preens even more. It makes his body shake, tail hitting against the floor in an ominous beat. Daemon groans.
“Enough, enough.” The Prince grabs you by the waist and gets you up in the saddle. You shriek in laughter. Caraxes appears to be happy about it, too, since he starts spreading his wings. “We are going to get caught.”
Daemon jumps into the saddle, hugging you tightly to him. You squirm, unused to the closeness of another human being. When your father and Rhaenyra touch you, it's never like this.
Daemon feels overwhelming, in the best kind of way. His chest is firm, and his smell surrounds you. His arms around your waist hold you tight, but remain loose enough to not hurt you. Your hips fit snugly against his, and make something you can't yet name stir in your lower belly.
It's different. It's strange. You want it to stop. Why do you feel so nervous, as if Caraxes was suddenly dropping down and not barely getting ready to fly?
“Soves, Caraxes.” Daemon orders, careful not to scream in your ear. “Are you alright, little Princess?”
You cease your squirming, hoping that he doesn't notice whatever is different with you.
“Why wouldn't I be?”
“You keep squirming as if there were ants inside your bodice. Are you uncomfortable?” The Prince snickers by your ear, pressing a soft kiss right by the top of it. What happens next is impossible to hide. Your body gives a shiver, all of your hairs standing up. The sensation is as confusing as it is pleasant.
“My stomach feels funny.” You complain, knowing that it isn't exactly that, but close enough that he probably won't question it.
“Funny how?” Daemon kisses behind your ear. You make a hurt, confused noise. You have been kissed before, but never there. In your experience, kisses are not this devastating.
“Funny.” You refuse to elaborate because while naive, you are not dumb. This must be precisely why your father wanted you away from men. If they were able to inflict so much pleasure, it was no wonder why maidens let them do whatever they wanted to them.
“Does it hurt, little Princess?” One of his palms goes to your lower stomach, pressing slightly. “Here?”
You squirm. So he definitely knows.
“Hurts? Or…?” Daemon's hand goes dangerously low, nearly pressing between the parting of your legs. You squirm more. He brushes something that makes you jolt, delighted.
“We shouldn't.” You answer. It would be much more convincing if you were not relaxing into him. He laughs right in your ear, but retracts his hand.
Even with his hands away from your most sensitive areas, you still feel worked up. Your bodice is too rough against your skin, the way Caraxes moves under both of you makes the area between your legs tingle.
You keep your eyes firmly on the sky in front of you. As it starts to change into pinks and yellows, the feeling ebbs and starts to fade. You feel sleepy, so you recline more against Daemon. A tiny yawn escapes you.
“Tired?” Daemon brushes your hair back, much more tenderly than your father would. With your father, the touch is always harsher, more possessive. As if he is always grasping to the last threads of Aemma he can hold. With Daemon, it feels like he is actually touching you.
You hum, soft and sweet.
“Sleep, little one.” He kisses your cheek. “I'll wake you up when we get there.”
The next time you wake up, it is in an unknown bedroom. At first, you panic. The canopy over the bed looks too similar to the one in your tower, and you wonder if perhaps you dreamed it all. Daemon, Caraxes, the flight, your feelings. Then, you get even more scared because the more you look, the more you realize this is not your room.
You get out of bed. You are still dressed in the same dress you were wearing earlier, but your shoes are gone. The door is closed. Fear grips at you. What if Daemon has sold you to someone evil and rotten, as your father says people outside the Red Keep are? What if he is the evil man?
You rush to the door. It opens easily. There is a hallway that looks much like the ones in the Red Keep, but there is no one there. You scream in fear.
Another of the doors opens in the hallway. Daemon, in a sleeping shirt and breeches, runs out.
“Princess!” He hurries to your side. You are crying, you realize, as he wipes away some of your tears. “What is it?”
“I woke up alone, and I didn't recognize…” You sob, softly.
“Oh, little girl.” Daemon scoops you in his arms. “I should have thought of that. I am so sorry.” He presses a kiss to your forehead, and you look at him, eyes swollen from your crying.
The world had impressed you during the day, but now that the night had fallen, and you found yourself in an unknown castle, you were afraid. What if there were monsters lurking in the hallways? Or if you needed something? What if someone hurt you?
“I do not want to go back there. I am scared.” You rubbed your eyes. Your hands dug into his arm, not wanting to let go of him.
“Do you wish me to keep you company while you fall back asleep?” Daemon asked, gently smoothing your hair down. You must look a mess, and would find it embarrassing were it not for the fact that being alone in such a big place terrifies you. At this point, you would do anything to keep him here.
“Please.” No more words are needed. Daemon doesn't want you to beg, nor does he want anything in exchange. It's comforting.
One of his hands goes to your shoulder blades, leading you back to the room. Daemon tucks you in and sits by your side.
“I'll stay until you fall asleep.” He says, smoothing down your frown with the gentlest touch. Daemon starts to hum in High Valyrian, softly. You know the melody. It's about flames and burning together. Almost against your will, your eyelids start to drop.
“Don't… Don't want you to go.” Your body feels so heavy, as if sinking into the mattress. With great effort, you manage to curl your fingers around one of his.
“Oh, Princess.” He says, interlacing your hands.
“Stay.” You order.
Daemon lets go of your hand, and you whine, awake instantly. You go to sit up, but he shushes you.
“Shh. I am just… Let me.” He slides under the covers, behind you. You close your eyes, trying to relax against him. It's no hardship at all. Now that the candles have been blown, the light is low and Daemon feels so warm against you.
He starts to trace your features. Finger meets brow, temple, cheek. Thumb brushes nose, then lips. Idly, so very idly, his voice mutters near your ear.
“How many mouths has yours kissed?”
The question startles you. You suppose there is no harm in telling him, yet there is a tinge of embarrassment over it, too. It has finally dawned on you what this new, uncomfortable, thrilling feeling is. Desire. You lust after Daemon.
“I have…” You answer, softly. You do not dare speak it out loud. Not when you rather know exactly how far the two of you are. “How about you?”
“I have lost count. Twenty, perhaps more so.” Daemon says it so casually, as if it did not matter at all. But to you, it does. What are you, compared to this man? How could you want him in such a manner, having so little to offer?
“What makes it special, then?” There has to be a reason for him to bother with kissing all these people. Perhaps, to him, all kisses feel as devastating as his does to you.
“The person, I would gather.” The Prince answers, softly rubbing your back as one would do to help a child fall asleep. You frown. It does make sense. You know what love is, after all. Being in love with someone, or at least desiring them, must make it special.
You would like to kiss him, you think. Daemon is handsome, and his touch does not feel as damning as other's do. He has already provided you with pleasure, even if unknowingly.
You make a wish, then. For your first kiss to be special, with someone you like and that knows what they are doing. If not Daemon, at least someone like that.
“Was your first special?” You ask, curious.
“No. She was terrible. Sharp teeth and all.” Daemon moves your hair aside, exposing your neck. You barely get any warning before he is taking a bite out of your nape. For a playful gesture, it's oddly painful. Your body tenses, and you try to fight it, but Daemon's hands are like a vice around your waist. “Like this.”
With no other choice, you ride it out. Pain is nearly unfamiliar to you, beyond small cuts or painful cycles. It's scorching red and hot, making you break into a sweat. Daemon forces you to take, and take, gently holding your hands in his. It's only after that you go limp under him, twitching slightly, that he lets up.
The aftermath of pain is sweet, you learn. Daemon kisses around the painful bite and blows a raspberry behind your ear. Now that he has let go of your nape, you find out that the pain was not so bad. You are not even bleeding.
“You are such a good girl.” Daemon praises. “So strong. I'm so proud of you.”
You preen as if you were Caraxes, delighted to make him feel proud of you. Daemon smiles against your temple, as if amused by you, and presses a little kiss there. It’s so tender, and so loving, a sharp contrast to his earlier behavior. It makes you feel as if you were once again on dragonback.
“Could you kiss me?” The words escape out of your mouth, without any real thinking. You know they are the wrong thing to say as soon as they leave your mouth.
Daemon pulls away from you. A hurt, confused noise leaves your throat, hands desperately searching back for his warmth.
“Oh, little Princess.” Daemon mutters, tone full of regrets. “I should not.”
“Why not?” You complain. You are not used to being denied so. The only times others do not bend to your will, you get what you want by your own means. Case in point, leaving your tower. Your father had said no, so you had ensured it happened by other means.
“I have done…. What I have done to you, why I took you…” Suddenly, it is as if an icy hand has taken hold of your throat and started to suffocate you. Betrayal settles over your features, overpowering it all.
“You are only doing this to piss off my father.” You say, shocked. Daemon raises his hands, trying to interrupt you, but you halt him with an imperious wave. “You had no intention of taking me to the dragons. You sought to ruin my reputation, as you did Rhaenyra's.”
“No, Princess, no.” Daemon shakes his head. You get up from the bed, angered. He does not try to stop you. “I swear I didn't mean for anything untoward to happen.”
“I bet you said that back then, too.” You retort. You have half a mind to do something crazy. To grab the fire poker and smash his head with it, to set the whole place on fire. You want to make him hurt.
“I… I did mean to anger your father.” Daemon admits, still trying to placate you. It only makes you wish to scream and scream and never stop. “But I do think it is a shame not to let you even try. Dragons are your birthright. Denying you is unnatural.”
You glare at him. You are unconvinced of the truthfulness of his words. Your father was right. You were unprepared for the world, and it couldn't show more. Daemon has tricked you as easily as if he were taking candy from a babe.
“I'll take you there regardless. I promised to.” His eyes are pleading, but you do not wish to hear him, or see him any longer. Instead, you sit in front of the vanity and look at yourself.
The long, silver hair. The scared eyes. The night, the first you have of freedom, is spent utterly cold and miserable. You stare at yourself and stare at yourself until you think you are going mad.
Daemon does not say a word. He doesn't leave the room, either. Perhaps he falls asleep at some point, perhaps he does not.
You look at your reflection again. You look at your hair. Silver, like his. The lovely color Daemon loves so much. Long, and braided back, flaunting your maidenhood and youth. Forever your father's little girl, never allowed to grow, to love, to lust.
A braid that long won't allow you to claim a dragon. You are more likely to set yourself on fire or trip on it. It's that thought that gives you the determination needed to do what needs to be done.
In the first drawer of the vanity there are a few miscellaneous ribbons. There is also a pair of scissors. You grab it, and grab your braid. You chop it off. As it falls from your shoulder, you feel a weight lift off from you. No longer your nape is heavy with the weight of all these expectations laying on you.
There is a woman staring at you, from the mirror. She looks like she is getting ready for war, eyes alight with determination. You stare at the contours of her face, mesmerized by what you see. All traces of Aemmas's ghost are gone from your reflection. You look more like yourself than you have ever done.
Daemon is up at sunrise. He may have been watching you chop all your hair off and expose the lovely bite mark that now mars the skin of your nape. He may have been sleeping. Whatever it is, he doesn't say a word about your change of appearance, choosing instead to dress in silence.
“Off we go.” He says, briskly, leading you out of the castle. Daemon points to a hill in the distance. “But after that, you are on your own.”
You are suddenly filled with doubt, the determination you had felt when looking in the mirror dissipating under the morning light. Your stomach clenches. Your legs are sore, unused to the exercise of riding. The bite on your neck burns.
"I do not feel ready to claim a dragon.” You say to him, as you get closer and closer to the hill. You feel like a fool. What if your father is right? What if you end this escapade with nothing to show but a ruined reputation?
“You are.” Daemon answers, barely paying attention. It makes you angry beyond belief. To make your mood known, you stomp over a few leaves, grinding them to dust under your heel. Ugh. Why were you looking to him for reassurance in the first place? It was not like Daemon wanted to help you. He just wanted to make himself feel less guilty over trying to cause a scandal and kill your father from the fright.
“I am not.” It’s almost as if you can hear the voice of your father in your head, telling you exactly why no dragon would bond with you. You are a fool, you are a little girl, you…
“You are a Targaryen.” Daemon interrupts your trail of thought with a squeeze to your nape. Right over the bite. It makes your knees nearly buckle. “You were born ready.”
“But what if it isn't enough? What if they see me, and don't want me? I am not brave, like Rhaenyra, or cunning like you or learned like my father. ”
“They will.” Daemon says. “Because you are strong here.” He taps your sternum. “And your father is a fool for not seeing it.”
You look at him. Past the guilt, past the acting up to get your father's attention. His eyes are nervous, but they hold the same steely determination yours had earlier. Daemon believes in you, you realize. You look up at the hill and think to yourself, it is time to see if you can claim a second dragon.
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vaaaaaiolet · 3 months
“Tell me a story, please?” you add, hiding a smile under the edge of the blanket. A kiss is bestowed upon on your forehead and the cave opens for the night. Leon clears his throat theatrically. “This story is about a girl, and a boy who loved her very much.”
Leon keeps his best tales under lock and key, and you crack one out of him on a particularly sleepless night. He thinks you might like this one.
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f / m, fluff sprinkled in with angst and emotional hurt, insomnia, grief + mourning, leon is a sweetheart he just loves you :(, he basically tells you a fairy tale before bed
word count: 1.6k // read on ao3
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a/n: um. norman fucking rockwell, baby. if you catch the lyrics from "How to disappear", i love you. i wrote this fic like i was possessed 😭 nothing was planned
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There aren’t any waves outside your landlocked bedroom window to lull you to sleep, but there is another ocean view you can think of. You turn to the other side of your pillow, biting your lip hopefully.
“Hi, sweetheart,” the view mumbles, ocean eyes groggy and losing the fight against sleep.
You’re in luck.
“Leon,” you whisper. 
“Can’t sleep.”
“Don’t know why…you’re not tired,” he yawns, his blond lashes almost fluttering closed before snapping open at your wide-eyed expression, “when you’ve been running through my mind all day.”
You cram the comforter to your chin and flip to the other side of the bed with a groan. 
Leon chuckles, giving your shoulder a sleepy shake, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” 
He’s not sorry. But you relent anyway. 
“Tell me a story,” you mumble as he tucks you back in.
You brush a strand of hair across his forehead to unveil those ocean eyes again. They’re faded and tired, yes, but they’ve also seen more of the world than you could ever dream of. The only good thing to come out of Leon’s mysterious missions to the ends of the earth is the treasure trove of stories he brings back with him, like a Cave of Wonders, filled with only the best for you to unlock. You don’t know anything about the outside of that cave – he stops telling the story if you ask – and you’re not in any position to argue as the clock ticks closer to morning.
“What’s the magic word?” he nudges.
Is he really going all open sesame on you too?
“Tell me a story, please?” you add, hiding a smile under the edge of the blanket.  
A kiss is bestowed upon your forehead and the cave opens for the night. Leon clears his throat theatrically. 
“This story is about a girl, and a boy who loved her very much.”
“One thing you have to know before I start anything though, sweetheart, is that this girl was a spitfire. Completely unreasonable. She was the type to pack a grocery cart full of ice cream she swore was on discount only to have all of it be full price and melt in the checkout line.”
(“That was one time!”)
“Never said a thing about it being you, sweetheart, shh. You’re supposed to be trying to sleep. But either way, this girl couldn’t be you because she was a princess – a real pretty one at that. Sweet, smart and kind like little girls grow up wanting to be. She lived in a castle by the sea on an island in the middle of nowhere, and here’s what I heard about her on my last mission. You’ll like this one.
“Life on that island was as peaceful as you can get in a fairy tale. She had plenty of mermaids for friends and animals to keep her company, but you can’t help getting lonely after the years start passing by. The princess was stuck there, you see.”
(“How’d she get there to begin with?”)
“Uh-uh, you’re interrupting me.” Leon teases. “Story or no story?”
(“Story, please.”)
“Magic, alright? Say she got stolen away by some evil witch like Rapunzel did and her kidnapper drowned in the sea. I don’t know. But it didn’t really matter because that island became home after a while. A beautiful home, but lonely all the same. The mermaids all returned to their castle under the sea when the moon came up and the princess wished had somebody she could sleep next to when it got cold at night. 
“She was fond of stories too, like somebody else I know, and after all those years on that island, she’d read every book in the castle and longed for someone who could tell her something new. All she ever wished for on her birthday was a friend. ‘Just for a little bit’, she’d beg.”
Leon sucks in a careful breath.
“So one night, the ocean decided to send the princess a birthday present just like she asked. A magic tide deposited a little boat on the edge of her island, and when the princess woke up the next morning and looked outside her window, she saw something – or rather, somebody – slumped inside of that boat.”
(“And inside that boat was a prince?”)
“No prince. The princess made sure of it too, brave thing that she was, walking right up to the boat and taking a good look at who was sleeping inside of it. 
“The boy inside that boat was dead to the world with cuts on his face from fighting too hard. He gave the princess a good scare ‘cause he was so asleep she thought he was actually dead. When he woke up and asked ‘Who are you?’, she nearly punched him out of fright.”
(“You were right, I think I like her.”)
Leon laughs, bright and warm.
“But this boy was a real charmer, and the princess was kind, remember?”
“She didn’t go around punching people out of nowhere. Especially not the first human she’d ever seen. Her curiosity got the best of her and she took the boy to her castle, where he told her he was a mercenary from a faraway kingdom. He’d been on his way to kill a rampaging sea monster when a mysterious wind blew his boat off course and right onto the princess’ island. 
“Over breakfast, the mercenary told her stories about monsters, jungles, fire-breathing dragons, stuff she’d only ever read about. She was entranced. The more he spoke, the more the princess wanted to see for herself even though she knew she couldn’t. She had to be smart about it.”
Leon swallows. He nestles the blanket around you a little tighter, like you’d slip out of his grasp, and continues.
“The boy was battered from the beating he took from his voyage, so the princess nursed him back to health. I told you she was stubborn, right? She wouldn’t take any of the gold or jewels he tried offering her from his travels. All she asked for was a new story each day he stayed with her. He agreed.
“The first week went by in a flash. The princess borrowed magic green herbs from her mermaid friends to heal the mercenary faster. The herbs made him strong enough to move mountains if he wanted to, so he pounded a couple to the ground outside her castle just to prove he could when she asked, and with the new space, the princess made him a place to stay. Turns out she was a great businesswoman; the boy spun tale after tale for her while she fixed a loneliness deep in his bones. Everything was perfect.”
“The boy stayed longer than he thought he would. His boat collected dust as that week turned into months. Those months grew into a year. The princess’ birthday rolled around again.”
(“Did they fall in love?”)
“They did, sweetheart.”
Leon chuckles softly.
“He ended up loving her a lot, and the princess loved him too, don’t get me wrong, but that’s not usually how it goes in fairy tales, is it? There’s a catch.”
You reach for Leon’s hand in the deep of the comforter, not remembering when he let go.
“Good sailors know not to mess with the ocean. It wasn’t too pleased with the princess keeping the boy to herself for more than just a little bit, not when he needed to get rid of that sea monster that had been killing millions of innocent people. So on the night of the princess’ birthday, the sea asked the boy to go back to being a mercenary. He needed to do his job and the princess wasn’t part of it.”
(“Tell me he stayed, Leon.”)
“Princess, I can’t-”
(“Make him stay.”)
And for the first time, Leon stutters because he never changes the story.
“A-Alright, so the boy stays. He tells the sea that he fell in love and can’t bear to leave the princess behind.”
(“And then?”)
“And then…and then he finds out he’s in over his head. The tide comes and goes, everything has to have a balance. He needed to go because he had to protect all those people, and he couldn’t do that by staying with the princess no matter how much he loved her, right?”
Lifting the blanket aside, Leon falls onto his back. You watch the ceiling fan blades spin in the dull sea-blue of his eyes. 
“The princess asked him to stay and he couldn’t say no to her. She meant well. She didn’t…she didn’t know. And they were happy together on that island until the boy’s decision caught up with him. The sea monster he was supposed to kill found their island one day, sweetheart.”
(“...Leon, no. That’s not supposed to happen.”)
“It’s how the story goes,” he murmurs, gently pressing his lips to yours.
You barely feel it; you taste saltwater in his kiss, feel it running down your face.
“But you changed it!” You’re crying, can’t find his hand. Where’d he go? He’s supposed to be here, you changed the stupid story, you have to make him stay. 
The ocean might not be outside your window, but you still see it behind glass as you prop yourself up on your elbows, heaving for breath only to find Leon’s framed picture sitting beside your pillow.
His eyes are so blue. Ghostly in the dark. 
You must have dropped it when sleep took you under. Your earbuds are still hooked up to a podcast in an earlier effort to bore yourself to sleep, but you don’t really want to hear about relaxing Zen gardens right now. Tugging everything out of your ears, your shaking finger opens the notes app. 
Right now, you’re in the mood for a story. A story with a happy ending where no one goes anywhere.
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psst, find more of my work here!
comments and reblogs are very much appreciated <3 take care and i love you!
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musaslullaby · 1 month
Cosplay time
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George Russell x fem reader
Summary: George Russell have a cosplayer girlfriend
Warning: nothig
Face: zoogirlq, eurobeat_kasumi_ebk and random people on Pinterest
a/n: It's the first time I'm doing something like this, so if it sucks, please forgive me.
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liked by gerogerussell63,user2,charlesleclerc,landonorris and other 489387489
A cosplay of wolverine thanks, to my photographer @.georgerusselll63. Remember that this weekend I will be at the race.
georgerussell63: You're so beautiful.
User49: She's so cute
user33: Where do you buy cosplay?
yncosplay_: I do it by myself
landonorris: the best female Wolverine I've ever seen.
yncosplay:You will be my Deadpool
user90: When the couple cosplay?
user77: I hope soon
charlesleclerc :George will definitely find a way to be shirtless.
user90: Charles💀
georgerussell63: It's not true, I never go out without a shirt.
yncosplay_: yes
francisca.gomez: I can't wait to see you again, my love
yncosplay_: Baby I'll kidnap you.
pierregasly: @.georgerussell Keep an eye on your girlfriend
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liked by yncosplay_,maxverstappen1,mercedesamgf1 and other 47884885
description: It was a fantastic race, thank you for being there with me my love.
yncosplay_: I am so proud of you, I love you very much.
georgerussell63: I love you too
mercedesamgf1: Congratulations George!
user09: On race with style
user23: obviously otherwise it wouldn't be George
maxverstappen1: Next time I'll fuck your ass
user49: poor him
charlesleclerc: You're wrong, I'll win
yncosplay_: When the Ferrari wins again, a meteorite will crash on Earth
charlesleclerc: don't tease us
landonorris: She's right, accept it
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liked by gerogerussell63,francisca.gomez,landonorris and other 489387489
description: Welcome to our Wondarland.
It was tiring to do your makeup, especially for you, Lando, but I had fun.
landonorris: You were literally destroying my face with that makeup
yncosplay_: It wasn't that bad, you're always so dramatic.
georgerussell63: I don't know what else to say except that I'd join you in Wonderland now.
charlesleclerc: A little more imagination, Mr Russell
user80: Have you noticed how Yn looks at Lando in the second photo?
user49: What are you insinuating?
user30: bro they're just friends
francisca.gomez: Besides Lando's complaints, everything was beautiful.
landonorris: I didn't complain so much
yncosplay_: are you sure?
francisca.gomez: yes, are you sure?
user43: Where were @.giorgerussell63 and @.pierregasly?
pierregasly: I was the photographer
georgerussell63: I was trying not to get hit by frying pans.
user90: wtf?
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liked by gerogerussell63,francisca.gomez,landonorris and other 489387489
description: We finally did it, we left a little clue in the last post but no one understood. I'm very happy to introduce you to Flynn Rider and Rapunzel.
user944: the cosplay we didn't know we wanted.
user32: I want a relationship like theirs.
user1: they really seem so happy
landonorris: hey, that doesn't count, you didn't do his makeup.
georgerussell63: I would never have complained as much as you
francisca.gomez: You are beautiful next time let's play Disney princesses
yncosplay_:You are already my Disney princess.
francisca.gomez: i love u
pierregasly: oh no I don't want to be a photographer again, please
charlesleclerc: Thank you, now even Alex wants to do it
lewishamilton: Ok now I want George Russell dressed as Ken
yncosplay_: omg yes pleas
georgerussell63: thank you Lewis now I'm sentenced for life.
156 notes · View notes
louloulemons-posts · 1 year
Haircuts and Water Fights
Eddie Munson X Fem!Reader
Summary : You’ve always had long hair, how will your boyfriend, Eddie, react when you cut it off?
Word Count : 1.3k
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Warnings : Fluffy, many swears, it gets a bit saucy but no smut, just Eddie and reader being cute, talks of cutting Eddies hair (love his curls lmao)
Authors Note : Purely just rambles and fluffy stuff cause I had a haircut 🤍
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
You’d always been someone with hair on the longer side, it had never been cut above your lower back. You decided you wanted a change, a big change. You had graduated highschool and decided you wanted to do it.
Walking out of the hair salon you couldn’t help smiling, your hair was now resting above your shoulders, cut in a similar style to Robins.
Speaking of Robin you decided to go and pay her and Steve a visit. Pushing the door open to FamilyVideo, you waved over to Robin. Her jaw dropped, “Holy shit! It looks great!” she almost shouted.
“Thanks Robs,” you smiled. She came over and played with the short strands slightly, “It really suits you. Dingus come look!” she called to Steve who was in the back.
“Wha- Woah,” he stopped, putting a box of tapes on the counter. “Now I wasn’t expecting that, you’ve had Rapunzel hair forever.”
“Thought it was time for a change,” you shrugged.
“Has Lover boy seen it?” Robin asked.
“He’s working today, I’m seeing him tomorrow. He doesn’t know either.”
“Well if he has an issue, I’ll hurt him. You look great,” Steve smiled, ruffling your new cut.
“Thank you, now do either of you want lunch?” she asked the pair, who nodded eagerly. “Write it down and I’ll go to the dinner and get it.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
You had worked at the diner for a few years now, originally as a summer job, but now the shifts had picked up. It wasn’t too busy, as you wondered through. “Hi how can I help- Wow!” Your coworker Millie said. Chuckling slightly, “Good wow?”
“Yes! It looks great.”
“Thanks Mills. Do you think you could put me an order through?” you asked, handing her the piece of paper. “Sure, you sit tight.”
“Can I hear my favourite girl?” Andy the owner of the diner asked, coming to the front. “Hey Andy,” you smiled.
“My oh my look at you! Honey you look stunning!” he said, pinching your cheek.
“Thank you.”
“You got an order for me?” he asked.
“Just sent it to Millie.”
“I’ll get on it then, you staying?”
“Not today, Im going to eat with my friends at Family Video.”
“Sure thing.” You got comfy on a stool and waited for the food. Millie slid you a glass of lemonade, “Thanks Mills, how much do I owe?”
“That’s way too cheap!”
“Employee discount,” she shrugged, winking at you.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
“Right I am going to leave you two to do your job,” You said, jumping off the counter, throwing your stuff in the trash. “Thank you for the lunch.”
“No worries, I’ll see you around. Robs I’ll call you later.”
“Course, I’ll speak to you then.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Parking up next to Eddie, you saw him washing the van. You couldn’t help but pause and watch him, topless, hair pulled in a bun, tattoos on show, decorated in chains.
“Hey pretty boy,” you called him. He turned smiling, “Hey gorgeous.” He stilled for a second, taking you in, noticing your hair hanging by your shoulders.
“Holy shit.” Dropping the soapy sponge into the water filled bucket, he wiped his hands off. Jogging over, he held your face in his hands. Playing with the shorter strands, he was in awe.
He brown eyes never leaving you, “You look so fucking pretty baby,” he smiled. “So beautiful.” “Thanks Eds,” you said, cheeks becoming rosy. Feeling shy under his gaze, you tried to hide from it.
“Let me look at you, please,” he said, almost begging, “Please just let me look at my beautiful girl.” He kissed your mouth gently.
You couldn’t help giggling at him, your stomach fluttering.
“Eds.” He hummed, kissing your nose, then your cheeks, then your forehead. “So fucking beautiful baby.”
“It’s just a haircut.”
“And? Who said it was the haircut, I’m talking about you. Not just your face or your body, but your soul, your heart. So beautiful. So perfect.”
“You’re gonna make me cry, stop it.” He laughed, kissing the top of your head, and pulling you into his arms. Wrapping your own around his waist, resting your head on his bare chest, you listened to his heartbeat.
“I love you Eddie.”
“I love you too Sweetheart.”
“Want help washing the van?” you asked, looking up and meeting his chocolate eyes.
“Sure babe, I’ll go grab another sponge for you.”
Heading inside the trailer, you wandered over to the van, waiting for him to return. You tied up as much hair as you could, but most of it fell back down again. Leaving it in a half up half down bun thing, you didn’t really know.
“Here you go Sweetheart.” Eddie appeared again, handing you the sponge and kissing your mouth once more. “Looks cute like that,” he nodded to your hair. “Not sure what to do with it now, forgot about it when I woke up and freaked slightly.”
“It can’t be worse than my mane of hair, you’ll figure it out. Besides hair grows back,” he shrugged. You began washing the side of the van, up to where you could reach.
“Think I should cut mine?”he asked.
“No!” you almost shouted.
“Love your curls, don’t get rid of them. They’re so pretty.”
“Fine, fine I won’t.” You smiled at him.
You didn’t notice Eddie wander around the other side of the van. Bopping your head along to the Metallica song playing in his van, you wet your sponge again.
Soon feeling your whole head get wet. Squealing you looked up, “Eddie!” you shouted as he cackled, hose in hand. “Sorry baby, I just couldn’t resist.” He continued laughing.
Running towards him you squeezed the water out of the sponge above his head. He let out his own shout. “You little shit!” he laughed, as you ran away.
“You started it!” Eddie sprayed the hose in your direction again, wetting your t-shirt and shorts, making you scream again. Running back to the water, you dipped the sponge again.
“Don’t you dare!” he warned. Giggling, you ran back in his direction, smacking the sponge into his chest. “Baby!” he became distracted, picking up the wet object. Grabbing the hose from him he paused, “Shit.”
“You’re in for it now Munson!” Turning the water pressure to the max you soaked the boy.
“Come here you little terror!” he shouted running towards you, fighting to get the hose out of your hand.
“No, you started it!” you laughed.
“And I’ll finish it!” he countered. Eddie grabbed you by the waist and lifted your feet off the ground. “Put me down!” you screamed.
“No! Never! I’ve got you now babe.”
Eddie pried the hose from your hand and turned it off. “You’re a little shit!” he cackled.
“Says you,” still wiggling in his grip. Throwing you over his shoulder he took you inside the trailer.
“Eddie!” you hit his back lightly, “Put me down!”
“As you wish,” he said, throwing you into his bed, making you bounce slightly. Crawling over you, he grinned at your smiling face.
Leaning down your lips met one anothers, pulling him closer by his soggy curls, you moaned as he kissed you deeper. He detached one of your hands from them and linked his fingers with your own, grinding down on your slightly.
“Fuck,” you moaned into his mouth. He made the same movement, deeper this time, making your legs fall apart. He lay between them, bare chest resting on your clothed one. “So fucking beautiful,” he said as he pulled away, playing with your short locks once more.
“What time is Wayne getting home?” you asked, slightly breathless. “He said 5:30 why?”
Flipping him over, you sat on his hips. “Because,” you started, leaning down and ghosting your lips over his.
Pulling back, he chased your kiss. “Because?” he whined. You pecked his lips, and jumped off. “We have a van to clean and I don’t think he’ll appreciate the mess,” you said, walking out of his room. Leaving him on the bed.
“You’re a little shit!” he shouted after you.
“It’s what you get for spraying me with the hose Munson.” He couldn’t help but laugh at that.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Thank you so much for reading! Please leave any requests 🤍
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phoward89 · 5 months
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Based on this ask
Academy!Coryo x Academy!Reader
WARNING ⚠️ Coriolanus is a warning in and of itself. Controlling!Coryo, Mean!Coryo, Dom!Coryo, Obsessed!Coryo, Sassy!Coryo, Drama King!Coryo, Obedient!Reader, Sweet!Reader, Petty!Reader, long hair, haircuts, anger over haircuts, mentions of spankings as punishment, threatening spankings as punishment,
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You have very long, silky, shiny hair. It's so long, that it flows down your back and stops right at your butt. Oh, your long hair earned you the nickname Rapunzel from your boyfriend, Coriolanus Snow. In fact, your boyfriend absolutely loves your long hair.
So much so that he has strictly forbidden you to cut it.
And you being the sweet, obedient, good girl listens to him. And you listen because you love him. You've been with him for nearly 2 years now, so you've grown used to doing as you're told.
Coryo's a very obsessive, demanding, and sometimes even a bit of a controlling boyfriend. But, he claims that he's that way because he loves you and only wants what's best for you. That he has to protect you; keep you safe.
You overlook some red flags that maybe you shouldn't be turning a blind eye to.
But Coryo's always so sweet and charming to you when you listen to him. When you're his ‘good girl’ he treats you like gold and showers you with compliments.
If your older brother was around instead of serving as an officer in the Peacekeepers he would've done everything in his power to keep you away from your obsessive boyfriend. But, Rein's not here and Coryo is.
And Coryo knows what's best for you because he's the smartest one in your entire Academy class (he's the top student, that's nothing to scoff at) and he loves you. Your boyfriend always makes sure to tell you all the time how much he loves you.
One day, after school, you're at Coriolanus' penthouse. You're in his room, studying for an upcoming history exam. Well, actually you're reading from the textbook while your boyfriend brushes your long, silky hair as the two of you sit on his bed.
“Baby, promise me that you'll never cut your hair.” Coryo interrupts, as you're reading a passage from your history book out loud, while placing the hairbrush on his bedside table. “It's so beautiful long.” He added in, grabbing one of the many rubber bands that he has piled up on his bedside table.
“Okay, I won't cut it.” You tell him, feeling his long lithe fingers make precise motions as he begins to section your hair in order to braid it.
Your boyfriend loves to play with your long hair and braid it. Sometimes in the mornings, before class starts, he'll braid your hair in the courtyard of the Academy while waiting for the bell to ring to signal the start of the school day. And everyone oohs and awes about how lucky you are to have a boyfriend so attentive that he braids your hair for you.
Okay, not everyone oohs and awes. Some of your friends thinks that it's weird. One of your friends, Megara, thinks that it's a bit creepy. But you always tell her that she's wrong, that Coryo likes to braid your hair because he's a very loving and thoughtful boyfriend.
But what people don't know is that Coryo braids your hair for himself because he just loves how your long, silky strands feel in his fingers. He also loves braiding your hair because it feels somewhat calming for him, the repetitive motion of criss-crossing strands of hair is like his personal stress ball.
Okay, so Coriolanus Snow, the top student at the Academy has a thing for long hair on you. It could be worse…
“You better not or else you'll make me very mad and I'll have to punish you.” Your boyfriend, who had a halo full of platinum blonde curls on his head, told you as he braided your hair with ease. Pressing a kiss to the crown of your head, he warns, “You don't want me to punish you for being a bad girl. It wouldn't be very nice.”
“Don't worry, Coryo. I'm not going to cut my hair.” You assured him as his fingers worked their magic, braiding your hair to the point that it was halfway done.
“I love your hair long, Y/N, and it would break my heart if you cut it.” He admits, like he always does when he's playing with and braiding your hair.
Hearing your boyfriend tell you that he loves your long hair sends your heart soaring. It makes you feel happy. Your long hair is very pretty and lots of girls wish that they could grow their hair out to a length such as yours, so hearing Coryo admit that he loves it just puts a smile on your face.
“And I love your platinum blonde curls.” You say right back to Coryo as he finishes up your braid.
“I know, which is why I won't be chopping them off anytime soon, baby.” Your boyfriend cheekily says while tying the end of your braid with a rubber band. Coryo tossed your braid over your shoulder while announcing, “There you go. All done, Rapunzel.”
He kissed you on the head once more before reaching to take the textbook from your hands. “I'll finishing reading, then we can make up some flashcards.”
“Okay.” You simply nod, leaning back to rest against your boyfriend's chest.
And you wholeheartedly intended on keeping your promise to him about never cutting your hair, Or at least you did until one day his sassiness made your surpressed pettiness come out to play.
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“Maybe she has more important things to do then sitting around at home, waiting for her pathetic and poorly dressed friend to call.” Coryo sassily sneered at your friend, Megara, who was not a part of the popular crowd (the crowd of rich kids and heirs that Coriolanus Snow socialized with; the crowd you've been around more and more as of lately too), instead of letting you answer your friends question about why you didn't answer her call the night before.
“Coryo…” You sigh disappointedly. “Don't say that to my friend, it's mean.” You scold him as your friend shoots him a dirty look.
“You're just figuring out that he's mean now?” Megara asked, giving you a look of disbelief, while at the exact same time Coryo snidely smirked, “Sometimes the truth hurts, darling.”
“Coryo, she's my friend and I don't like how you're being rude to her.” You told your boyfriend. “Please, apologize to her.” You add, pouting.
“I'm not being rude to her, darling.” Coriolanus defended his horrible behavior towards your childhood friend. “And I'm not apologizing to some insolent girl who can't handle hearing the truth when it's spoken.”
“Cor-” You began to say, only for your boyfriend to drag you away from your friend while hissing sharply in your ear, “Don’t you even try to Coryo me, Y/N. Your friend's a piece of shit unworthy of being on the bottom of our shoes, so just keep your mouth shut and follow my lead when I'm saving you from social suicide.”
“All Megara did was ask why I didn't take her call last night and you were rude about it. You wouldn't even let me tell her that I was at your penthouse studying.” You told Coryo as he stormed (in a bit of a strut) down the hallway, clutching your arm and making you go with him down the hallway
“We’ve been together for 2 years, baby. Where the hell does that peasant think you're at if you're not home answering the damn phone?” The platinum blonde boy sneered, his voice deep and edgy, as he dragged you towards the courtyard that his friends were usually crowded in.
Your voice, that's usually so sweet and soft, is firm and snappy as you order your boyfriend, “Don’t call my friend a peasant, Coryo.” And that wasn't enough. No, you gave Coriolanus Snow a much needed reality check. “You might be from the esteemed Snow family, but you're as poor as a church mouse.”
The imposing tall boy with icy blue eyes stopped dead in his tracks and shoved his face dangerously close to yours, only to snarl, “Don't you ever say such things about the Snow family where somebody might overhear, you dumb bitch.” The nerves in his face twitched and his once light eyes turned midnight with hate as he cruelly told you, “You're being such a dumb bitch right now instead of my sweet, good girl. It seems that your friend's a bad influence on you; is turning you into a brainless cunt.”
Shaking his head to clear his mind from the rage he's feeling, Coriolanus orders, “You're not to have anything to do with Megara every again.” Taking your hand in his, only to continue to lead you towards the courtyard towards his snotty click, he says, "You'll hang around my friends for now on.” Looking down at you, much like a parents does to a naughty child they're reprimanding, he asks, “Do I make myself clear?”
“Crystal.” Is the single word that you utter, causing Coryo to smile. One that's too wide and victorious for the matter at hand.
Coryo's malicious words hit you hard. They really hurt you; break your heart. For the last couple of years he was so loving to you. You're the perfect girlfriend to him; you're sweet and obedient. You never question him; always listen to him.
But not anymore.
If he wants to treat you like shit all because you stuck up for your friend; for your own opinion, then so be it. But you're going to hurt him back.
And you know just the way to do it.
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After school Coriolanus walked you home and then went to his penthouse. He was still a bit upset with you and was punishing your bratty behavior by not spending any time with you after school. He gave you the line of, “Believe me, Rapunzel, not spending time with you hurts me more than it hurts you. But, you need to be punished to learn your lesson for what you did wrong today.”
But you didn't care. You made up your mind while he dragged you into the courtyard this morning to hang out with his snobby friends that you're going to get back at him for hurting you by getting your haircut. You know it'll hurt him, seeing you with your haircut, and right now you want him to feel as hollow inside as you do.
So, you go to a salon that's around the corner from your apartment with some money you grabbed from your family's rainy day jar. When the hairstylist brings you back to his station and asks you what you want to do with your hair, you tell him in an unmoving tone, “Cut my hair as short as you can.”
And he does. The hairstylist, Fabian, works his magic on you; gives you a bob. A bob that accentuates your face shape perfectly. The cut even brings a new life to your hair, making it look fuller. The bob even compliments your hair color as well.
You absolutely adore your new haircut. Your mother even paid you a nice compliment on it, which made you smile. She never hands out compliments, so you must look great for her to give you one.
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Due to your fight with Coryo the night before, you walk by yourself to school. A part of you is disappointed that you'll have to wait until seeing him at the Academy to show him that you broke his one rule for you. You're still upset with him; you want to show him that you defied him in the hopes that his face will fall and he'll feel sad about not being able to play with your long locks ever again.
When you walk into the Academy everyone stops and stares at you. Everyone, absolutely everyone, is so shocked to see you rocking a bob. You look great with the new hair
But everyone in the school knows that the moment your boyfriend sees it that all hell's gonna break loose.
You walk up to your locker, only to see Coryo’s tall, lanky form leaning against the red metal storage unit. It's clear that he's waiting for you.
But as soon as his baby blues see you, or more specifically your bob, he locks his jaw and shakes his head. Coryo's lush lips puckered, as if he'd eaten something sour, as he brokenly spat, “Your hair…you cut off all of your hair, Rapunzel.”
“Yea.” You smile, only to pettily say, “I know that you prefer it long, but I decided it was time for a change.” Patting your new hair, you add in, “My new stylist at the salon says that I have the perfect features to rock a bob.”
“You wanted a change and decided to chop off all of your hair?” Your boyfriend incredulously asks, his voice a deep scoff. “You couldn't have gotten a blowout or a perm? You just had to cut your hair as short as mine?” Coryo loudly barks as you unlock your locker.
“Cor-” You begin, grabbing your books, only for Coriolanus to cut you off loudly with, “Don’t you fucking dare try to justify your new bob, Y/N.”
You barely had time to place your books into your satchel before Coriolanus is slamming your locker shut while dramatically ranting, “You promised me that you'd never ever cut your hair, but you cut it. You cut it all off even tho you promised not to do it.” His icy eyes shine with heartbreak as he reaches his large hand out to stroke your short bouncy locks that frame your jawline. “You didn't even think about me when you got your bob; didn't care that I love playing with your long hair and braiding it.”
“Coryo…” You heavily sigh. His words cut right thru your petty attitude, just like the way a butter knife cuts butter. Now you feel guilty about your rash decision. But there's no taking it back now, what's done is done. “I'm sorry that I broke my promise to you; I didn't mean to, but I just felt like I needed a new look.”
Shaking his head, causing his halo of light golden curls to rustle around, Coryo mournfully snarls, “But I think you truly did mean to break your promise, Y/N. And I think you were petty enough to break it all because of a fight we had over your pathetic friend.”
Oh shit…he hit the nail on the head. And by the gasp you let out paired with the stricken look on your face.
“I can't believe you broke your promise to be and hacked off all of your beautiful hair all because of a disagreement about your stupid friend. A friend, might I add, that I don't approve of.” Coriolanus loudly huffed, causing the nearby students to stop and stare and the scene unfolding. “You're such a petty little bitch doing that to me when I've been nothing but good to you.”
“Cor-” You started, but the apology died on your tongue whenever he shoved you into your locker, only to tower over you and sneer, “I was a loyal, loving boyfriend that only asked one damn thing from you. I only had you promise not to cut your hair, while other boys would give you a laundry list of things you couldn't do.” His prominent nose pressed into your hair as he took in its smell. A smell that no longer was the freshness of wildflowers, but now was replaced with a lemongrass scent.
A foreign scent to go with a foreign length of hair.
Bringing his lips to your ear, his hot breath fans the side of your face as he lowly, but darkly promises you, “We've been together so long that I'm not going to get rid of you for your broken, but I will be giving you a few spanking for your petty, rebellious behavior.”
“Spankings?...” You trail off, your brows knitted in disbelief. You're 18, not 8. A spanking at your age, and by your boyfriend, is unheard of.
Isn't it?
Coriolanus pulled his face away from your ear, only to nod, “Yes, your punishment will be spankings after school.” Taking your hand in his, he explained, “You can choose whether we do it at my place or yours and what I use: hairbrush or my palm.”
“But-” You tried to reason with him, only to be cut off by your boyfriend's stern, deep baritone telling you, “No buts, baby. You're the one that broke your promise about cutting your hair; knew that I'd punish you for it.”
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After your punishment, 4 spankings with the palm of Coryo's hand, he slowly got used to your short hair. He didn't like your bob, but he wasn't going to let it ruin your 2 year relationship. He did make snide remarks every so often about how he prefers you with long hair, how he misses your ‘old’ hair, etc.
Cutting your long, silky locks has been a test of your relationship. So far, you and Coryo are passing.
But what'll happen when reaping day comes around and your boyfriend gets assigned to mentor a girl from 12- a girl with long, dark waves of soft hair that cascades like a waterfall past her shoulder? Only the gods know the answer to that question. And the answer shall be revealed in due time.
But right now you and Coryo have to deal with the aftermath of your petty, spur of the moment haircut. A bob that you rock the hell out of like no other.
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Tags: @kuroosbby001 @purriteen @poppyflower-22 @meetmeatyourworst @whipwhoops @bxtchopolis @readingthingsonhere @savagenctzen @ryswritingrecord @erikasurfer @tulips2715 @universal-s1ut @thesmutconnoisseur @squidscottjeans @sudek4l @wearemadeofstardust0 @mashiromochi @gracieroxzy @belcalis9503 @shari-berri @aoi-targaryen @whiteoakoak @spear-bearing-bi-witch @gisellesprettylies @loverandqueenofdragons @qoopeeya @mfnqueen1 @permanentlyexhaustedpigeon88 @v-love @swiftieblyth @joyfulyouthlover @harvey-malfoy @chxrrybomb22 @marvel-hiddles-stark @xjinnix @devils-blackrose @zombicupcake3 @jacesvelaryons @tempt-ress
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dmercer91 · 9 months
never grow up, nh13
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nico watches his daughter grow up as a single dad (7.8k)
nico hischier x daughter! reader
this song reminds me of me and my dad so bad so i needed to write this out and it was so cute i love how it turned out despite it taking me like two months to do
reader would’ve been born in 2016, so she’s seven in real time! nico will be 31 in the scenes she’s 14 and 35 in the scenes she’s moving out
your little hands wrapped around my finger, and it’s so quiet in the world tonight
nico gulped, staring at the nurse that was holding you- his baby girl, soon after saying that your mom hadn’t made it.
the pregnancy was complicated, and the fact that he hadn’t known you were on the way until merely a few days ago hadn’t helped your mothers case.
you were the product of a one night stand, and he was never meant to know about you. then, her doctors warned her of how deeply rooted her complications truly were, and she decided that you should have a biological family, if nico would have you.
the nurse set you in nicos arms and smiled sadly at the sight of him, a tear rolling down his cheek as you cooed the second you reached him.
“hi, sonnenschein” he sniffled, your eyes squinting at the light of the room, your hand reaching out for him.
he offered you a finger, tears blinding him as he felt you clutch your hand around it. he quickly wiped his eyes, getting his hand back around to hold you properly and adjusting you against his chest
you looked up at him with your mouth agape, his own eyes staring back at him and building the ache in his heart.
“she’s beautiful,” he murmured to the nurse, leaning down and pressing a kiss to your forehead.
then, for nico, it was like his whole world stopped and he knew that for the rest of his life, you’d be his sun. everything he did would be for you, revolving around you. if he hadn’t wanted to do it he’d remind himself that he needed to, for his sunshine.
everything went mute in his ears save for the sounds of your fussing when he adjusted you once again, a little nervous he was doing it wrong.
for you, he couldn’t be doing it wrong. he needed to protect you- it was his job. he swore that to himself.
your little eyelids flutter cause you’re dreaming so i tuck you in, turn on your favourite night light
“uncle jacky’s gonna bring the snacks, and we’re gonna watch your favourite,” nico grinned as he picked you up from your underarms and you squealed
“sully!” you screamed in excitement, giggling as nico set you down on your dresser and picked out some pyjamas for you, watching as you tried to get down and do it yourself.
“i do it. want- i do it” you fussed, getting frustrated when your tip toes couldn’t reach the floor from your seat and you found yourself too afraid to take the small jump
he helped you down and you clung to the side of his leg, looking up at him with a pout as he ruffled your hair.
“daddy, i wanna try, please” you levelled, recently having been taught that you’re more likely to get your way if you ask nicely and don’t get frustrated when you can’t immediately take the reigns.
“okay, sonnenschein. which ones do you want?” you shook your head, still hugging onto him despite your request of independence
“no, daddy. you let me do it,” you explained, faltering before unwrapping yourself from him and pointing to your bedroom door.
he smiled sadly, nodding before leaning down to kiss your forehead and heading to the door. to your dismay, he left it open a crack in case you’d called for him.
you picked out mismatched pyjamas- a devils tshirt that went down to your calves and your rapunzel pyjama pants.
getting them on was a struggle- the size of the shirt making it so that your head went through every hole before finally ending up through the appropriate one, and your pants being put on backwards due to you not paying mind to look for the tag before sliding them on.
the second go around, you looked twice for the tag before sitting on the floor and getting them on, your previous attempt almost ending in you falling on your face due to how long your shirt was.
you ran out of the room and to nico with red cheeks from the frustrations of your change and he greeted you by picking you back up and setting you on his hip enthusiastically, faking a groan and beaming over at you
“i did it!” you giggled, wrapping your arms around his neck and whipping your head around at the door opening
“what did you do, munchkin? tax fraud?” jack yelled from the door, having heard your excited squeals from behind the door as he unlocked it.
nico smiled at his friend, setting you down so you could run to your uncle and jump up onto his shoulder- with his guidance.
“haven’t you heard? i have a teenager now. she’s changing all by herself,” nico gave you a pointed look, teasing you at your insistence that you didn’t want his help with the little things anymore
in reality, he felt a pang in his heart at the proud look on your face as you gushed to jack about your newfound ability to pick out your own outfits and find your way into them sans everything being backwards and inside out
you didn’t need his help anymore.
well. you did, but you were growing to be able to do most things on your own. soon, he’d be letting you pour your own juice, cut up your own hotdogs. he wouldn’t have to split the spaghetti in half before cooking it anymore.
“well. i guess i made the right choice of snack cause i got you…” jack trailed off, setting you down and rummaging in the bag he brought, pulling out what he’d gotten for you and crouching to your level
“blue gato and gummy bears. the teenagers common meal,” jack wiggled his eyebrows, opening his arms as you knocked into him for thank you hug.
“thank you uncle jacky,” you wrapped around him and then quickly pulled away, grabbing the snacks and running to the living room, screaming about watching sully.
your refusal to call it by its true name stemming from not knowing what ‘inc.’ stood for, something nico wished would never go away.
the three of you got situated on the couch, the bag of gummy bears sat in your lap and your head leant on nico’s shoulder.
eventually, after you’d been banned from anymore gummy bears, you’d dragged yourself into his lap and clung onto his shirt, blinking away sleep as you watched the scene where they tried to make boo laugh
by the time the scene was over, you were out cold in his arms, lips parted and breathing slowed to a peaceful pattern of exhaustion.
he kept still until the movie was nearly over, glancing down at you while mike gifted sully the broken piece of boo’s door. he watched as you stirred, eyes fluttering slightly and your grip on his shirt tightening.
“you know you’re allowed to be a little sad that she’s growing up,” jack whispered, looking over at his best friend and niece before popping a piece of candy into his mouth
“what?” nico furrowed his eyebrows, shaking his head. he tried to play it off like he wasn’t dumb, he knew you would grow up and simultaneously away. like he’d been expecting it, and was feeling neutral.
“i saw the face you made, when she was talking about changing by herself. she’s your little girl- pretty much the one constant in your life and she’s changing, that’s allowed to be fucking with you,” jack raised an eyebrow, and nico bit the inside of his cheek.
“i just never want her to feel like she needs to hold herself back cause i want her to stay my baby,” he murmured, kissing you on the head.
“trust me. nothing is stopping her, ever,” jack chuckled, and nico smiled, nodding.
“i’m gonna go tuck miss grown up in and then we can watch something that’s not disney,” he patted jack on the shoulder, carefully standing up and adjusting you on his hip to bring you to your room.
jack nodded and took the remote, flicking through nico’s netflix account and deciding on a movie while you were being settled.
nico tucked you under the covers, placing your favourite stuffy by your heart before kissing you on the forehead once more and making his way to your bathroom.
he plugged in the little hockey stick night light you had, one you’d grown up using next to your bed and now kept in the bathroom for when you needed to pee at night.
he looked at you from the bathroom door, sighing and making his way out of the room, quietly closing the door.
to you, everything’s funny. you have nothing to regret. i’d give all i have honey, if you could stay like that
your giggles echoes through jacks apartment as luke let you play with his hair, butterfly clips and colourful elastics taking over nearly every curl
“you said you wanted to learn how to braid, kid. this is not braiding,” luke grumbled, looking over at jack who was taking pictures for nico.
“i already know how to braid. this is much more fun,” you retorted, falling on your side and onto the arm rest of the couch from your own giggles.
luke pouted from the floor, avoiding the gaze of his brothers camera, but secretly knowing that nico would love to open his phone in the morning to the video.
it was evident to the whole team that their captain was deeply resenting how much you’d been maturing lately, and to see you laugh at something so, well- stupid, would probably help him come to terms with it a little.
“why are you filming, jack?” you tilted your head, your laugh finally subsiding.
“for your dad, he’ll think it’s funny! also- what happened to uncle jacky,” he teased, earning a blush from you.
“gross. i’m not 5 anymore,” you pouted, and then your eyes landed on your work on luke’s hair. you gulped, starting to pull the clips and ties out of it.
his hand came up to stop yours, his head leaning back and his eyebrows furrowing with concern.
“hey! those are mine now,” his nose scrunched as you tried to push his head back straight, his hand slapping yours away and his head jerking away from you.
you rolled your eyes, getting up off the couch and storming towards your designated room at jacks place, slamming the door.
luke and jack shared a look, the eldest immediately shooting a text for nico to ditch whatever movie he was watching while you were meant to be having your ‘hughes sleepover’ and come over.
it was a crisp fifteen minutes before you heard the knock on the door of your room and you groaned, assuming it was jack trying to coax you out of your bad mood
you ignored him, shoving your face in your pillow, but not blocking your ears in enough time to hear that it was nico, murmuring a soft ‘sonnenschein’ from behind the door.
“go away,” you grumbled, pausing while staring at the door. “and don’t call me that,” you stated, voice crystal clear now.
nico’s lips parted, eyes fluttering shut as he leaned his head against the door.
“sweetheart, come on,” he pleaded, holding back from opening the door with the knowledge that it doesn’t lock.
when you didn’t answer, he took that as his queue to crack the door open. you were already staring at him, legs pulled up to your chest and the hood of one of jacks sweaters draped over your eyes
“why did they get you to come here when i’m fine anyways?” you asked, blinking away your worries as he closed the door and sat on the edge of your bed.
“probably because you’re not fine and i’m your dad,” he gave you a pointed look and you groaned, throwing your head back and letting your legs go straight.
“neither of them know what they said to upset you, sonnenschein. they’re worried, so am i,” he murmured, putting a hand on your calf and shaking it slightly, the nickname slipping out so effortlessly he hadn’t noticed he used it.
“cause we go through this same cycle where all of the sudden you feel smaller than everyone else and you hide away-“
“if i’m gonna be smaller than someone it’s definitely not jack.” nico stifled a laugh, shaking his head at your attempts to ward off his concerns with comedy.
he stayed looking at you, waiting until you eventually sighed and sat up to sit next to him, leaning your head on his shoulder.
you picked at the skin around your nails, his hand coming to knock yours apart at the nervous tic you’d seemed to pick up recently
“i don’t have any friends. not real ones, anyways. i always feel like you guys are talking about something secret and you just use kid words. everything means something else and i can feel it but i don’t understand,”
you finally looked up to him with nerves clear in your eyes and he frowned.
he cupped your head, kissing your temple and moving to rub your back. “sonnen- uh, y/n.. sometimes there are just things that you don’t need to know, yeah?”
you furrowed your eyebrows, a pang of guilt ringing at the solemn tone when he cut himself off from using your nickname.
“your life has been different, but it hasn’t been faster. i never wanted you to need to grow faster.” he murmured, humming slightly after to note he’d gotten your attention.
“some conversations are like scary movies. you always think you want to see them when you’re little, and when you finally know what it’s all about your heart goes fast, sometimes it’s a good thing, sometimes no,” you stared at your lap, contemplating what he was trying to explain
“sometimes there are scary movies kids can watch,” you tried, peeking over at him and seeing as he cracked a small smile.
“sometimes there are adult conversations kids should get to talk in,” he winked, squeezing your shoulder and bringing you closer to him, like a sat side hug.
you grinned to yourself, turning and wrapping your arms around him, burying your face into his chest.
“i don’t want to not be sonnenschein yet,” you murmured, nicos eyes fluttering shut in relief.
“you’ll always be my sonnenschein. and you gotta promise me you’ll never be embarrassed to have fun, hm? i better be sending you dumb pictures of jack from the retirement home knowing you’ll get a good laugh out of it,” you smiled and nodded.
“ok. you’re not allowed to go to a retirement home, though,”
you’re in the car on the way to the movies, and you’re mortified your moms dropping you off,
“no! dad! stop over here, stop the car. i can walk from here,” you fussed, face flushing after he’d teased that he would walk you to the door so he could see the boy you’d been going out with.
“i was joking, sonnenschein. i’ll bring you to the lot, c’mon,” he chuckled, looking over at you with not an ounce of hesitation to keep driving
“pull over,” you bit, fixing your hat on your head and sighing in relief as nico slowed the car down and pulled into a nearby parking lot.
“god, i should’ve just had him drive me-“
“he drives?” you pursed your lips, your dads eyes blown wide looking at you while you tried to come up with a defence.
“he has his permit.. but him mom lets him drive alone! it’s not like he’s that much older, dad, please don’t-“
“y/n, he drives,” he stated again, eyes widening a little further to add to the effect of his shock.
you tilted your head back with a groan, slouching in your seat in embarrassment.
“you’re going out with a boy at least two years older than you! he’s in high school,” he tried to reason, genuine worry etched all over his face at the age gap between you and your new boy
“i would be in highschool next month too if you would just let me stay home during road trips, but no! you drag me across the continent all year cause you don’t trust me! you can’t even trust me with this!” you shouted, arms gesturing vaguely in reference to the situation.
your stomach dropped as you watched his face fall, hurt clear in his gaze and his eyebrows drawn together slightly.
you had never discussed wanting to stay home and go to public school before now, and if he’d known it’s what you wanted he would’ve gotten someone to watch you years ago.
he couldn’t ignore the ache in his heart as he unlocked the car doors and adjusted in his seat, nodding stiffly.
“have fun. i’ll see you after,” he cleared his throat and you frowned, not moving an inch towards your door handle
“dad, i didn’t mean-“
“it’s alright. enjoy your movie,” he cut you off, avoiding your eyes. you sighed, dragging yourself out of the car and grabbing your bag, starting off towards the parking lot.
you waved shyly from ways away to your date, who’d already been standing waiting at the door.
“i thought your dad was driving you?” he tilted his head, the underlying meaning of his concern already swarming in your head.
“oh, uh. his practice ran late so i just took the bus,” you nodded, trying to walk into the building.
“he’ll pick you up though, right?” he pressed, not shifting from his position though you were nearly at the second row of doors.
you paused, still feeling guilt ridden from the way you’d lashed out at nico as you pulled out your phone.
“shit. i actually have to go, i’m so sorry,” you faked, sliding your phone into your hoodie sleeve and sliding past him, jogging back towards where you’d been dropped off.
pressing the phone to your ear, you hoped he would pick up. you knew he would- he always did.
“sonnenschein?” you closed your eyes, tears welting in them and desperately close to spilling.
“please come back,” you mumbled, sighing after the words spilled out, like a thousand pound weight had been taken off your lungs.
at fourteen there’s just so much you can’t do and you can’t wait to move out someday and call your own shots
“oh my god, dad. i’m gonna be fine!” you groaned, watching as your dad sifted through your school bag to make sure you had everything you needed.
“ok, kids don’t usually have their first days of school at fourteen. i’m nervous!” he defended, pouting slightly at you while you cracked a small smile.
you felt somewhat the opposite of nico- first day jitters something you apparently were immune to, even despite your peculiar circumstances regarding a ‘first day’
in your mind you had nothing to worry about. it would’ve been like you were simply transferring from another school
had you been any other kid transferring from online school, you might’ve been right
the second you walked into the building everyone either loved or hated you- there was no time to make your own impressions on people and have them determine if they wanted you around them or not, your family had already done that for you
even the people that weren’t interested in your dad and uncles, or even hockey in general seemed to have a clear idea of who you were.
it was easier for them to accept you, that way, you supposed. because most of the people approaching you to join groups at lunch or general social circles were evidently trying to avoid the topic despite obviously knowing you’d become the talk of the school.
by the end of the day you had clocked people attempting to sneak their way into the bubble with no true intentions of being your friend enough times for it to count towards a demographic.
not to mention, you’d heard things about your uncles you never thought you’d have to think about in your entire life
nobody stooped low enough to mention nico, at least.
you made it out of your last class with one friend. one person who wasn’t such a horrid liar they might as well have been telling you they were only in it to meet jack or timo right to your face.
you might’ve been alright with only one friend after your very first day of school had you not been the only name coming out of everyone’s mouth.
when you got home you dropped to the couch like a bag of rocks, your dad smiling bright as he was about to ask you about your day
when he saw your expression, his own dropped and he opened his posture for you to plop sideways into his arms.
“i can never look at jack in the eyeballs, like, ever again. maybe even luke, i just.. ew” you shivered in disgust, trying to shake everything you heard today out of your vision
“gross, sonnenschein. but we both know that’s not actually what’s bugging you,” he raised an eyebrow, earning a sigh from you as you adjusted to look up at him.
“it’s bugging me plenty, actually. but yeah. it just wasn’t great overall,” your voice trailed off at the end of your words, eyes flickering away from his as questions filled your head
“do you ever get sick of everyone thinking they know you, but you don’t know them? and then it’s like from that point, you can’t do anything to convince them that you’re not who they decided you were before you even introduced yourself, if you ever get the chance,” you asked, messing with the stray string dangling from the sleeve of your shirt
nico pondered. it didn’t really bother him. he knew what came with his job, and though he did his best to shield you from that, he couldn’t truly avoid it all even if he made a deal with the gods.
because he was all you had, there wasn’t any real way to hide you unless he left you to fend, something he knew he wouldn’t even think of.
“i think it can be a good challenge for you. you’re not me, or j, or luke, or whoever- i dont even want to touch on that. again; ew. but you’ll be able to show them you’re your own person, i know you will,” you shook your head, not even clocking his attempt to make you laugh
“they don’t care that i’m my own person. they know. it doesn’t matter if my own person is the coolest person ever. all they see is a door. i’m a door,” you explained.
you and nico had a thing for analogies. seemingly, even if they made no sense to anyone around, you two knew what you meant.
a lot of your uncles had tried to learn the language, but they never could communicate it like you and him, it was something you figured came with being his daughter- you inherited his vocabulary quirks.
“some of them have to care. when a door is locked, someone who actually wants to open it will find the key. everyone else will try and give up, a door won’t open for them, and you don’t need to. it’s not your job to give away the key,”
he ruffled your hair, brushing your bangs out of your face and giving you a pointed look- he didn’t want you to let everyone in just because you felt you needed to be popular
“and what if someone finds the key but doesn’t really care about what it means? leaves the door wide open,” you mumbled, clearly a little insecure that someone with enough will could slip though your usually prime ability to read people’s intentions
“well. in this case i think our door comes equipped with enough sass to kill an army. you’ll do well,” he winked, patting you on the shoulder.
“anything good about today? cant have been all bad,” you smiled a little, starting to talk about the one friend you made.
though it hadn’t been long, you trusted him.
nico seemed content enough that you made a friend, with not much regard that he was a boy or that you were very obviously looking at him with rose coloured glasses.
he trusted your judgement, he wanted that to be known.
“.. i actually was gonna ask if he could come over to help me catch up on some of the classes tomorrow?” you said hopefully, sitting up from your spot to stare at nico and hold your hands together wishfully
“that’s funny, sonnenschein. i have a game, you can stay home alone but you’re not having anyone over,” he stated, stern enough to get his point across, but not to intimidate
“that’s not fair! i’m old enough to hang out with a friend when you’re not here,” you complained, eyes dropping to a pout and your cheeks getting a little warm at your frustrations
“maybe, but you just met him and i don’t know him. it’s not happening,” you rolled your eyes, giving up on trying to convince him due to your lack of defence.
all you wanted was to be normal, and you knew that this was something kids your age usually did. they hung out with their friends, they claimed to be studying despite only ever watching movies and playing games
when you had your own place, your own individual life, you’d be allowed to do whatever you pleased. well, sort of, obviously.
“mom probably would’ve said yes,” nico glared at you as a warning, shaking his head with disappointment
“i knew her longer, i think she would’ve told you no,” he said calmly, trying to switch topics after he made himself clear
“you knew her longer? what, like three minutes longer?” you pressed, his eyes going a little wide, both from hurt and frustration
“i’m going to ignore the fact that you’re not meant to know what that joke means because i know that you’re frustrated, but your mama gave me you, and for that i love her, it doesn’t matter what we were before you came”
you didn’t know much about your mom and dad, but you knew they weren’t together.
“you weren’t anything before i came! you probably weren’t even meant to know me, cause she would’ve wanted me to be normal, all i want is to do normal shit!”
you started raising your voice, backing away from him and unfolding your legs, getting ready to stand up.
nico frowned as he watched tears pool in your eyes and your legs finally deciding to plant to the floor, standing and quickly walking away to your room.
he didn’t have much else to say, but he knew he needed to say it.
so, he made your favourite meal and knocked quietly on your door, a bowl already made for you in one hand while he used the other to push his hair back.
he jumped a little when your door swung open, your grouchy expression meeting his hopeful one.
you took the bowl from him, quickly setting it on your desk and latching your arms around his waist, head buried into his chest.
nico sighed, squeezing you back just as tight and pressing his nose into your hairline
“i’m sorry i said that about mama,” you whispered, sniffling into his shirt quietly.
“that’s okay, baby. you had a hard day. i’m just trying to make sure you’re being safe, you know?” you nodded slightly, moving your hands to grip onto his shirt
“kids are never allowed to do anything, i just want to be my own person,” you breathed out, jumbled in with your hiccups, a side effect of your tears.
“he’ll come over, sonnenschein. not tomorrow, but he will,”
take pictures in your mind of your childhood room, memorize what it sounded like when your dad gets home remember the footsteps, remember the words said
“its only a three day trip, dad, i’m gonna be fine!” you smiled at nico, excited to be home for the first time during a road trip. you loved going on them sometimes, but going on every single one for your entire life was tiring.
nico had still barely processed how much his routines were changing right in front of his eyes.
rather than setting you up for your online classes or making sure your book work was getting done, he was giving you a kiss on the forehead before you left for the bus in the morning.
rather than make sure all of your necessities were packed, he needed to make sure he had enough stuff in the house for you to keep yourself fed and taken care of while he went off alone.
“you call me if you need something? if i don’t answer the-“ you shook your head, the idea of him not responding to you sounding insane
“dad. you’ve had amanda bring you your phone on the bench for me before. i know you’ll answer if i need you,” you chuckled, his concerned face faltering to a small smile at your words
it was important to him that you knew you would always have access to him no matter what he was doing. hockey was his job, but technically so were you, and sometimes one had to come over the other. that was a war he swore you would always win.
"okay. but seriously if i don't pick up, then call the entire roster and every member of the organization until someone can get me to you," he reiterated, a smile taking over your lips as you rolled your eyes and wrapped your arms around his waist.
"i'm gonna be fine. but yeah, i promise," you confirmed, nico's chest feeling a little lighter as he wrapped you in a hug and rested his chin on top of your head
"and hey. stop growing on me, please?" he asked, pulling back a little to cup your face. you'd gotten a little too tall for nico's liking recently, started growing into what you'd look like for your adolescence. you'd lost your baby cheeks and the blonde ends of your hair had been long cut off and replaced with the same chocolate brown that adorned his own head.
you were always tall for your age, and it had only been highlighted for you recently, when you started going to school in person. only a few of the other kids matched your height or surpassed it, and you were definitely proud to say that you were catching up to jack (in your opinion, at least)
it was against most odds that you would end up growing taller than him, but nico was starting to honestly get worried.
soon, you would be driving yourself places and it felt like he only had a small amount of time left before you wouldn't need him anymore, especially now that he was allowing you to stay on your own during road trips.
you were cooking for yourself, you could stay home alone and had it not been for the horrid bus and subway scheduling in the city, there wasn't much that you truly relied on nico for anymore.
so he started cooking more often, started trying to get you to come with him to practices like you did when you were just a kid, as if you weren't anymore.
he had you come on the ice with him after the main practice, and sometimes akira would come out with the two of you and let you shoot.
he had the team agree to have a little scrimmage with you, allowing you to be captain of your own team, rivalling jack, of course. he let the two of you hold a mini draft and it was like he could breathe again when your first pick was used on him.
he was scavenging for things the two of you to do together. he found shows he thought you might like and couldn't wipe his smile when you fell in love with them, and refused to watch any new episodes without him
he tried to get jack to agree to movie nights, like the three of you used to, even though he was starting to build a family of his own and had much less time
he wanted to learn new recipes with you and even hosted christmas for jack, luke dawson and john that year so that you could help him with dinner.
he brought you on random errands with him just to soak up any of the time he had left with you.
that's why the three days he was gone felt more like three weeks. you were bored, lonely, and most importantly, cooking was much less fun without your dad. over the course of the last three days you found yourself on the balanced diet of uber eats and air fried chicken strips.
when you heard the door crack open at early morning it woke you, and you nearly fell out of your bed with how quickly you tried to get up and get your pyjama shorts on.
for a moment you listened, the sound of nico's duffel bag hitting the floor ringing familliarly in your ears, followed by the clattering of the shoe rack in the entrance from him setting down the shoes he wore on the plane
you were at the door as nico set his coat on the rack next to it, arms secured around him tight and his face lighting up at your excitement.
"hi, sonnenchein," without any words to describe what you were feeling, sleep still prominent in your eyes and your brain lagging from how fast you jolted to get to him, you just muttered "you can unpack later"
with that, you took his wrist and dragged him to the couch, his smile only ever growing as you pulled him down and fell right back asleep on his arm.
"i can unpack later," he confirmed, kissing your forehead.
so here i am in my new apartment in a big city, they just dropped me off, it's so much colder than i thought it would be so i tuck myself in and turn my nightlight on
"that's the last box!" you smiled, shoving the box of jack's truck shut and nudging him a little "i'm officially free" you wiggled your eyebrows
you seemed so genuinely happy to be leaving that nico almost felt guilty for how much he truly hated it. when you originally found the apartment, nico figured you would be denied because of your age- it wasn't every day that an 18 year old was trusted with monthly rent in new york city.
and then one day, you came skipping into the living room like a kid on christmas, an email open on your phone saying that your application was approved and you would be moving into your very own place on the first of the following month.
when he heard the news nico felt like his entire world was coming crashing down, but he refused to make that known to you. he knew how excited you were and he felt like it was his responsibility not to ruin it.
after all, this time would have come eventually, it was just coming so seemingly soon. he felt like he was bringing you home from the hospital just yesterday.
he stayed for as long as possible when he was helping you unpack all of your things, requesting at about 6 oclock that he order the two of you delivery and have movie night, even if it meant he was getting back to jersey so late at night he knew he'd regret it at morning skate.
you were happy to agree, even mentioning that you should host movie night and dinner a couple times a month, hopefully every week if your schedules allowed it.
nico was almost in tears as he nodded at your proposal, pulling up the doordash app on his phone and his thumb immediately going to your shared favourite restaurant, like it was a reflex.
"you look like you're trying really hard not to sneeze," you giggled, leaning on his shoulder and nodding as he hovered his thumb over your usual order, confirming it was what you wanted.
he breathed out a laugh, trying to stay light in order to spare the guilt he knew you'd feel if you had any idea how he was really feeling. you knew he was sad to see you grow up, but you surely didn't know the extent of how much he loathed it.
"it's sad for me, sonnenschein. my baby is moving- moved. my baby is moved out," he smiled sadly, looking down at you as your face twisted into realization.
"the only thing that's changing is that i'm not sleeping at yours anymore, dad. we'll still see each other all the time," you tried, genuinely tries to explain that you didn't think it would be that big of a change.
"i know. but it wont be as easy to just peek my head into your room and decide i want to spend the day with my girl. i wont get to see all of the dramatics in your daily rundowns even though i know you'll still text them to me," he explained, reminiscing at past times you'd told him stories and he got to see them animate with the flailing of your arms and the exasperated widening of your eyes.
"i didn't think of it like that. i only thought that we'd still be the same.." you murmured, the severity of the change you were making suddenly dawning on you as you took in what he was saying
"we'll be as close to the same as we can get, sonnenschein. i promise you," he kissed your temple, feeling you shift uncomfortably under his arm, your brain racing as you started to overthink
"yeah." you whispered, eyes drifting to the little hockey stick nightlight that was glowing in your very own kitchen. yeah.
oh, i don't wanna grow up wish i'd never grown up, could still be little. oh, i don't wanna grow up wish i'd never grown up, it could still be simple
"dad" you cried into the phone, clutching your chest and blinking away tears, not knowing what else you could say to grab his attention meaningfully.
"y/n?" you heard amanda's voice come in through the other side of the phone, then her keys jostling around as she made her way to the dressing room.
"it's- the game is over right? he's in the dressing room, he can take the phone?" you rushed out as best as you could, your voice shaking along with your jaw, making it hard for her to understand you.
"i'm almost there, just one second, y/n/n. can you take a deep breath for me?" you nodded, though she couldn't see you, taking a shaky breath in and out and clutching tighter at your chest.
"sonnenschein?" an out of breath nico came in from the other side of the phone, basically fresh off the ice from a win. you could hear him trying to get his equipment off while holding the phone, instructing dawson to help with his skates quietly as you tried to explain to him what was happening
"i don't know what's wrong, i- all of the sudden i just-" you shook your head, unable to explain yourself.
nico shushed you gently, requesting you focus more on your breathing than trying to explain yourself to him.
"my whole face just.. went numb, and then the rest of me, and i couldn't stop shaking, i can't stop shaking, i can't breathe, i don't like it," you cried, with a lot of trial and error in your words and your jaw aching from how hard you were trying to stop the shivering.
"you're okay, baby, i'm almost done. i'm gonna come get you, okay? and i'll stay for as long as you need me, i'm here, you're safe," he soothed, earning a cry from you as that's all you could really get yourself to let out
"where are you?" he asked slowly, tugging on the shirt of his suit and not even bothering to grab most of his things, jack would have it. lindy had made him unavailable for interviews since he saw amanda with the phone
"bathroom," you worked out, closing your eyes and focusing on your breaths. having him on the phone was doing somewhat of a wonder, knowing he would be with you to help soon was an even greater one.
".. do you feel sick, sonnenschein?" he murmured, trying to read what could have set your brain afire
"no, i don't think so. the floor. the floor is cold, i wanted cold," you clarified, your brain a scrambled mess of emtotions. you knew the underlying issue, you just didn't know why it was affecting you so gravely
“but now i’m shivering, and i can’t move-“ you tried, nico shushing you softly over the phone so you wouldn’t further stress yourself
"do you have a towel close? maybe put the towel on. warm up some. i'm in the car now, baby, i'm almost there with you," he remained eerily level headed despite the anxiety in his stomach caused by your own panicking.
he never wanted to have to hear you in this state for as long as he lived.
the line went quiet for a few moments as you ruffled around as quickly as you could manage, your limbs feeling like dead weight as you tugged your towel from it's hook and wrapped it around your shoulders
nico got adjusted in the drivers seat. buckling up and backing out of his spot silently and being grateful his car allowed him to hear you clearly
"dad?" he hummed, the sound coming through your phone softly and causing you to sniffle.
"tell me about when i was younger" you muttered, eyes fluttering shut in preparation for him to talk, like nothing was wrong, like he'd been calling back on something happy he'd always wanted to share with you and had only now remembered.
"when you were just small, you were very attached to lots of the team. your favourite was dawson. i think jack was a little insulted, but daws was so proud of himself," he started, gulping a little. it had been so long since you were that young
"he always brought you something for game days. usually a little toy or candy, sometimes he would colour with you before the game started, i think it helped remind him that the pressure didn't need to be on all the time." nico smiled to himself a little, looking back on how happy he was that the team loved you like that.
"he would carry you around the arena on his shoulders and you would tap all of the banners on the wall. he would stop if you wanted to trace or look at something. the first christmas he knew you he got you a big lego set.. a pretty garden with lots of flowers," you smiled sadly, clutching your chest and finding it helped soothe you
"during the all star break you guys built it together. you kept it on your dresser for so many years. you always fell asleep in his cubby if i had media and he was already gone... do- do you want me to keep-" you didn't need him to finish talking
"yes" he chuckled slightly, glad that your voice seemed to have returned even if you didn't quite notice it yourself. he was glad he could distract you.
he continued on to tell you about the first time you changed into your own pyjamas. the first time you cut up your own hot dog. the first time you made your own sandwich for lunch and put entirely too much butter on the slice of bread.
he told you about when you learnt to swim and skate, and as he worked through the heavy post-game traffic in newark, you both found a little peace in his words.
he told you countless little stories from your childhood up until he pushed open the door to your apartment, making his way to the bathroom and sitting on the floor next to you.
you were still shaking, twitching repeatedly, it seemed. almost like you were shivering from the cold and wet, but your skin was hot to the touch.
regardless, you climbed into his arms and clutched onto his shirt with the hand that wasn't over your heart.
"do you wanna tell me what's wrong, sonnenschein?" you looked up at him worriedly, like you thought he wouldn't approve of your answer.
"i don't think i'm ready. everything is too much," tears spilled from your eyes and nico's own softened, his arms tightening around your shoulders.
"i wanted to be on my own so bad i didn't realize how much of me still needed you there. i want my dad back. i want to have breakfast with you in the mornings and i want to know i have you there if i need, and i know i do. it just feels like i don't, in a way. i want to come home," you blurted, hiding away into his arm from embarrassment.
"i didn't realize how much it had affected me until i wasn't sleeping, and then, well- this." you finally looked up at your dad to find him with teary eyes, a little hurt laced in them.
"you didn't need to keep that from me, baby. you wanna know a secret?" you furrowed your eyebrows, nodding.
"i never wanted you to leave me. i haven't touched any of your room," you smiled a little, your face however turning to a grimace as you tried to fight tears. you sobbed into his arms, clutching on for dear life.
"it's too late, though. i have to stay here, don't i? i can't come home," you panicked again, your shakes that had previously calmed down some now back a little stronger.
"i would never let you sign anything that made you stuck, sonnenschein. i'll talk to the landlord. we'll get you home," he kissed your forehead, rubbing your back and cooing a 'shh' slightly to calm you down.
"can you stay here tonight?" you asked, voice a little raw, now.
"i'd never dream of leaving, my sunshine," he whispered against your hairline. his tears seeping into it a little.
"i love you, dad."
"i love you, too, baby,"
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avoxrising · 9 months
The Feral One • Epilogue
Finnick x Y/N
Series Masterlist Link
Prequel is coming in a few months! I haven’t made a Taglist yet and probably won’t start one till I’m closer to publishing. I’ll make a post tagging this series’ Taglist when I’m starting the next one.
Content Warnings - Mentions of fertility issues/miscarriage; death; the end of this series (don’t worry it’s a good ending imo)
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Dear Brielle,
A lot has happened in seventeen years. I’ve now lived half of my life without you, mom, and dad. I’ve been thinking about you a lot so my husband Finnick (yes that Finnick lol) said I should write you a letter of all the things I wanted to tell you but never could.
A little over ten years ago we killed President Snow. The districts rebelled and won. The war was brutal and there were times I nearly died, but Finnick pulled me through.
We got married a year later. We never really did the whole dating thing, our friendship just evolved into a beautiful romance overnight. He was there for me after you left and he has been here ever since.
The years since the war have not been easy. I’ve had bouts of seizures that leave me bedridden and ill for days. The doctors said my condition should be worse so I should be grateful. Countless medications and treatments have made slight improvements to my health but the pain will always be there.
Two years after our wedding we almost hit our breaking point. Finnick and I had been trying to start a family for over a year but nothing was working. It was the most frustrating experience of my life post-war and I do not wish those struggles on anyone.
Three years after our wedding, Mags passed of old age. Although we were sad, we were all glad she got to live out her last few years in a free Panem. Johanna decided to move in with Annie afterwards so she wouldn’t be alone. We are still neighbors to this day.
Four years after our wedding, I got pregnant, only to lose the baby a few months in due to a bad seizure. This was Finnick and I’s lowest point to date.
It’s now been a bit over 9 years since I married the love of my life and the father of my child. We were finally blessed with a baby boy, Neptune, 4 years ago today. He is everything I could have asked for in a child; rambunctious, kind, and adventurous. He looks just like his father but acts like his mother.
Two years ago, Neptune’s best friend arrived in District 4. Annie and Johanna adopted a little girl, Jodie, from District 7. Neptune and her do EVERYTHING together. Finnick keeps joking that we should build a tunnel between our two houses so the kids can hang out all the time.
All in all, it’s been a very painful 34 years of existence. Part of me is glad you didn’t have to witness what happened. The other part of me still hopes you’re out there, even though I know you aren’t. I hope that wherever you are, you’re at peace.
Love, your dear sister,
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annymation · 8 months
The Kingdom of Wishes- A “Wish” Rewrite
Chapter 9- Tangible Things
Chapter 8
Asha and Aster are walking through the kingdom of Rosas.
There's people everywhere, walking through the streets, all of them wearing the same style of medieval clothings with dull shades of blues, yellows and purples. The people of Rosas are all very diverse in ethnicities... But their cultures are not showcased at all through their clothing styles.
Asha walks through the sea of people wearing her mom's cloak, she's wearing the hoodie so her face is not visible.
Meanwhile, Aster is "wearing" his human disguise, looking like any average human teenager... If you ignore the uncommon combination of brown skin and blonde hair, as well as his black clothes with a looong cape that doesn't quite blend in with everyone else's clothing style.
... And the fact he's as happy as Ariel on her first tour with Eric through the kingdom. Or Rapunzel getting to know her kingdom for the first time, yeah, he has those same big eyes full of wonder.
If you ignore all that, yeah he's just a normal human, nothing to see here.
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"Okay Aster, stay close to me. We're almost at the plaza..." She got no response "Aster?" She looks behind her shoulder
... Aaaaand Aster is nowhere to be seen.
Asha scrunches her eyebrows in frustration, she's gonna have to put a bell on that star.
Asha feels a slight dejavu feeling from that dream she had last night.
She scrunches her eyebrows in frustration, now contemplating putting a bell on that star "*sigh*... At least you know how to behave, huh Valentino?" she says to the baby goat walking next to her, Valentino is just happily wagging his tail.
She takes off the her hoodie for a moment to get a better view of her surroundings
"Now where could he be?" She sounds worried, looking around, but there's no sign of the star.
Asha just took her hoodie for a moment...
But just a moment was enough for two people to notice her...
She hears someone calling her name in the distance
"asha! asha-when I catch you asha! asha! when I catch you- it is on sight!! you are so-"
The voice is getting closer. Asha looks around at the sea of people walking, but she can't seem to find who's calling her, the girl voice gets louder:
A second voice joins in, male this time
"DAHLIA! WAIT UP *huff huff* I can't run that fast!"
Asha turns around and... Yup, it's Dahlia and Simon.
Despite the fact that Dahlia walks with a crutch she's moving way faster than him, that's not even to emphasize how slow Simon is, no, Dahlia just so happens to run really fast in general.
They finally reach the girl wearing the purple cloak, and she seems preeetty nervous about having to explain the whole situation
"Oh- hehe hey guys" Asha waves to her friends awkwardly
Dahlia was having none of that "OHOHO Don't "Hey guys" me! Where were you last night?? My mom was worried sick"
"We woke up early to go looking for you, we were just on our way to get the others" Simon said while trying to catch his breath
"I'm fine, really. I just needed a take a walk you know? Get some air, and then I slept in my old home." She tries her best to calm them down "Dahlia, you didn't have to organize a search party for me, I can take care of myself." She tells her best friend.
"Actually, it was Simon's idea, he's the one who went to wake me up"
That surprised Asha
"... Simon... Woke up early?"
"That's how worried I was" He said with his usual monotonous voice "And... I wanted to apologize, last night I accidentally-... I assumed that you were crying because of something YOU did, without knowing the whole story, I shouldn't have pressured you to tell us like that... I'm sorry"
(Aww Simon is so nice... I sure hope he never does anything lame or stupid or uncool to his friends, that would be so sad.)
Asha kinda needed that apology, she gives him a warm smile
"Thanks for saying that Simon, it means a lot. And sorry for stepping on your foot... And running away." She places a hand on the back of her neck as she says that.
"Honestly, if I found out that the king wouldn't ever grant my wish, I'd feel really awful too" Simon, ironically, is the one who comments this
Asha remembers... Oh yeah she mentioned that to them.
"Yeah speaking of which... What is up with that?!" Dahlia exclaims, looking outraged "I mean, they put you on the spot, call you to come in their house, get your wish, and then they just say "Oh actually noooo, we won't grant your wish" HUH?! That's not fair at all." She rants with her arms crossed
Asha is just kinda nodding in agreement, like, what really happened was waaaay worse than that but yeah Dahlia got the spirit.
Simon doesn't seem to relate with her frustration though.
"Did they tell you why they weren't gonna grant your wish?" Simon asks.
Asha analyses the situation... She could tell them the truth, she could tell them everything she has seen... But then again, if she tells them, they might be in danger... She told Aster that she wanted to plan this out before acting, involving her friends is a big risk, so for now... She would have to lie.
"They... They just said they couldn't do it, nothing else happened, really" She said, trying her best to sound honest but kinda failing, her friends didn't seem to notice though.
"... Seriously? They didn't even say why?" Dahlia is dumbfounded.
"... Now I understand why you were crying..." Simon sounds really sad for his friend "But even still, you shouldn't have gone to the woods all by yourself-"
"Who said she was by herself?"
Simon and Dahlia jump in surprise because of the unknown cheerful voice coming from behind them
They turn around and see Aster... holding a bouquet of purple flowers.
Asha can feel a drop of sweat running down her forehead... This might be way harder to explain.
"Aster where were y-" Asha is about to lecture the star, but she is stopped when he shows her the flowers he got by holding them right in front of her face.
"Asha look! These flowers are called "Aster" just like me! and they're your favorite color too!"
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(Hahaah told y’all I’d reference these flowers!)
Aster hands her the bouquet, but in a way that her face is covered by the flowers for a second before she manages to hold it by herself
"O-OH Yeah I can see that... thanks Aster, they're really pretty heh heh" She says nervously, as she notice her two friends staring at Aster and then staring back at her.
"Uuuh so I take it your name's "Aster"?" Simon asks, looking at the boy from head to toe.
Aster turns around to greet them
"That's me! So nice to meet you two!"
Aster gives Dahlia a handshake...
And we take a look on what he sees
Now you see, Aster can naturally take a peek on what's someone's wants and beliefs, but when he touches someone... They can see something even more special.
He sees that person's star, their center, what makes them who they are.
When Aster touches Dahlia's hand, we see how her star looks like.
It's bright, red, and full of determination to achieve whatever she sets her mind to...
If confidence was a tangible thing, it would be Dahlia.
from the other's point of view, Aster is just shaking her hand quickly and very happily.
"Oh- Hehe I'm Dahlia."
Aster then goes on to shake Simon's hand and...
Aster's smile disappears...
Simon's star is still there but it's... weak, flickering away like a flame that is about to go out at any second
Aster feels a pain in their chest...
If hopelessness was a tangible thing, it would be Simon.
Aster let's go of the young man's hand, his eyes are downcast and he's frowning like he's about to cry.
He looks up to Simon and just says "I'm so sorry"
So needles to say our boy Simon is terrified thinking this weird kid Asha found in the woods predicts he's gonna die in 7 days or something.
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(That’s it, that’s the face he's making. lmao.)
Simon gives Asha a panicked look, and she seems just as confused as him.
"Hey Aster?" Asha calls his attention placing a hand on his shoulder, the star turns to her curious "Did you uh- Pay for these flowers?"
Aster tilts his head to the side "What's pay?"
("At All Cost" ruined me, because every time I re-read this line my mind goes "What's pay? When I look at you no way-" and that's so funny to me)
Simon who happens to be the son of a cop the captain of the royal guard becomes even more suspicious of Aster, knowing this guy just STOLE something and then played innocent.
Asha just smiles at that comment and patiently explains to him "Okay, now you gotta put these back where you found them, can you do that please?"
Aster's smile returns as if it never left "Got it! I'll be back in a sec!"
Aster runs with an almost inhuman speed, leaving the three friends in an awkward silence
Simon breaks that silence.
"… Where did you find that guy?"
"And where can I find one for myself?" Dahlia asks as she watches Aster run off.
Simon: "What?"
Dahlia: "What?!"
This time, Asha kinda gives them a half truth
"Well... Let's just say Aster was at the right place at the right time... And he helped me feel better" That's technically true.
Simon looks very dissatisfied with that answer though
"... So you spent the night with a stranger in the woods?"
"Not a stranger though!" Aster pops out of nowhere behind Simon,
"OH GOSH-" Simon almost has a heart attack,
Asha realizes the longer Aster keeps talking with other people the more suspicious they'll seem, so she just grabs him by the arm
"Great talking to you two but we reeeeally gotta get going. So tell the others I'm fine, we'll be at the main plaza if you need me!" She says already running while dragging Aster with her.
The star boy is just happily waving them goodbye as he's dragged away by the arm. "Bye Dahlia! Bye Simon!" he exclaimed excitedly
"... Soooo how much do you wanna bet she actually just wished for a boyfriend?" Dahlia asks
(Dahlia is a self insert of me at this point, her lines are what I'd say in this situation)
Simon kinda ignores Dahlia's comment as he realizes something odd "Wait ... I never told him my name, how did he know I'm "Simon"?"
We cut to Asha and Aster in an alley.
“Okay, we need to talk" Asha begins, looking at the star boy seriously "If we're really gonna do this, we gotta establish some ground rules."
"Sure! We stars are all about rules!" The star says, sitting on some barrels while kicking his feet.
She begins listing the rules:
"So rule number 1: You can't run off without me, you gotta stay close to me at all times."
"Rule number 2: You gotta act as HUMAN as you can, that means do what I do, and use NO magic at all."
"Oh you don't have to tell me twice, that's a rule I already HAVE to follow as a wishing star anyway"
"And rule number 3: ..." She stops to think for a moment "Umm... I feel like there should be a third rule but I don't know what"
"I know! Rule number 3:... LETS HAVE FUN!" Aster exclaims with a beaming smile as he holds her hand and walks with her out the alley "You don't need to worry about a thing! I'll stay with you at all times. All you gotta do is focus on inspiring everyone with your music!"
Asha looks at the mandolin in her hand. She's honestly not sure if she'll be able to make any difference... But if she can make at least a few people consider getting their wishes back so they can grant it by themselves... Then it'll be worth it, because then they can start something.
She feels her hope returning, as a confident smile grows on her lips and a fire burns in her eyes.
"Yeah, and I know just the song for it!" She starts running faster, and soon she's the one who's in front, dragging Aster by the hand...
Aster can see Asha's star, and he looks at it with eyes full of what can only be described as disbelief and a passionate admiration.
Her wish was taken from her, just like Simon's, but Asha was different.
Unlike Simon, her light refused to burn down, her old wish was replaced by a new one, that shined just as brightly.
A star that wants to shine upon others and give them joy, guidance, something to believe in... To Aster, her glow was the most beautiful one of all... And when he looked at it he felt...
Actually, he couldn't describe it... It's still a feeling he can't put into words.
So for now, he doesn't know what tangible emotion Asha is.
But he'll probably find out eventually.
They both reach the plaza. There's a water fountain at the center of it, a few people are walking around and talking, but there's not much of a crowd.
Asha takes the mandolin and starts singing a song... Based on a poem her father wrote:
A Wish Worth Keeping
[Verse 1] Take it from someone like me When your hopes are in despair If your desires have strings Free them, give them some air
[Chorus] 'Cause any wish that's got your heart On the edge of breaking Is a wish worth keeping
[Verse 2] Yeah, everybody dreams To be something someday somewhere Even kings and queens Daydream to be free from their royal chairs
[Refrain] Well, any dream that's got your heart Even when you're not sleeping Is a drеam worth dreaming
[Bridge] Yeah, we all start as wildlings Playing in thе sun Then we grow up with wild dreams Just waiting for our day to come
[Verse 3] So if hope schemes against time
Tell them, "be nice, play fair" Yeah, they may kick and cry, yeah But just show them they're better when paired
[Refrain] 'Cause if they both can hold your heart There's no way you're not sowing A dream that will never stop growing
[Chorus] Yeah, any wish that's got your heart On the edge of breaking Is a wish worth keeping...
It's a poem her father wrote to encourage people to not give their wishes to Magnifico, but instead keep their wishes and fight for what they dream of. In this moment, she's playing her grandfather's mandolin, while wearing her mother's cloak and singing a poem her father wrote, it's like they're all there with her.
Asha sings in a more festive rhythm than the original "Wish Worth Making" from the Wish soundtrack, it's a song that makes people want to join in and dance with Aster, who's bringing in people around the plaza to join in.
And among these people there's also Asha's friends, they seem happy for her but also confused. Since when did Asha play the mandolin? And who on earth is that guy with her?
As Asha plays, she and Aster share a little duet in the third verse of the song, as if Aster also knows the poem too. Asha looks at the star dancing with such energy, doing literal backflips, twirls, jumping all over the place, bringing in people to dance with him and just being himself like no one's watching.
And for the first time, she actually feels her heart bumping faster by looking at the star, and not because they're a literal star or because he scared her by popping out of nowhere... but because he's himself.
(Yup, that's when she fell)
Everything is going well, Aster can even see the stars inside some of the people in the crowd shining brighter...
It's actually working.
Some of the younger people are actually considering not giving away their wishes, and others feel like maybe going after new wishes by themselves.
Aster moves with even more energy now... His eyes are closed.
Asha also has her eyes closed, lost in the moment as she plays the song.
The sky is full of thick grey clouds, the sun was nowhere to be seen.
If only Aster's new friend Sunny could've warned him who was coming.
Aster is spinning around quickly with his eyes closed and-
Aster bumps on someone and falls on the floor.
Asha hear's him falling and opens her eyes, she looks up to see who he bumped into...
She instantly stops playing.
Her face is horrified, and she quickly covers herself more in her mother's cloak.
Valentino who was hopping around also sees who it is and hides behind Asha's legs.
Aster is just laughing on the floor, still high on the adrenaline, their eyes are still closed as he laughs so he still hasn't seen who's right in front of him...
But he can tell that he just bumped on a man taller than him.
"Hahahaha sorry sir, I wasn't looking at where I wa-" Aster looks up...
Oh no.
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“No problem at all, little one. Are you alright?”
The king and the queen are standing right in front of Aster.
It’s quite unusual to see them just out and about in a normal day, so the few people around start mumbling among each other.
… Aster doesn’t have a heart but somehow he could feel something in their chest sink as he looked up at the two monarchs…
He could see what they wanted, but to be honest the magic in his eyes wasn’t even necessary for him to see it, they looked down on him with the eyes of two hyenas staring at their next meal.
They wanted him... They knew what Aster was.
The star is just looking up to them with wide eyes like a deer in headlights.
“Here, let me help you.” Magnifico extended his hand to help them get up.
Aster knew very well what would happen in he touched that hand, and he was not looking forward to see what the king was like on the inside…
But then again, he promised Asha he’d act like a human, and most humans in Rosas would gladly shake the king’s hand, right?
So… Aster reached out for it, and once he touched it...
Aster had to hold in a gasp.
That is NOT a star.
See, Aster actually had heard from the other stars that there are many different kinds of people on earth.
There are those who are stars. Those who shine upon others by inspiring them, and make their own glow through their own actions. Like Asha.
There are those who lost their spark, those who no longer have hope or dreams to follow, they’re fading stars. Like Simon.
And then.
There are black holes.
Do you know how a black hole is formed?
They’re formed when a star dies.
Black holes have a gravitational pull that sucks in all the light around them, leaving nothing behind.
And in Aster’s eyes, Magnifico was a black hole.
Stealing away the light of all the stars around him.
Aster had heard that people who become black holes were very hurt in their lives, and thus their star died completely.
But Aster knew better... Magnifico choose to be this way, and he loves it.
He loves to pull others in only to steal their light away...
Aster felt disgusted.
... If selfishness was a tangible thing, it would be Magnus.
As the king pulls him up Aster's is glaring at him, no longer looking scared...
He's angry.
His brow furrowed, his pupils shrunk and his jaw was clenched. He was almost shaking.
It was like he was holding himself to not just jump on this man and punch him.
... Magnifico is content with this reaction.
From what he read, he knew that stars had "Eyes that see the truth", so Magnifico knew that the star could see who he really was.
With that in mind, his grip tightened on Aster's hand.
"Are you hurt at all, lad? You seem to be in pain or something." The king asks referring to the scowl on Aster's face, in a tone that for everyone else watching may sound like concern, but both Aster and the king know it's a mockery.
Aster actually didn't even realize he was scowling, he's just not used to hiding his emotions... But it surely not a "Normal human behavior" to glare at the KING after he just helped you up, is it?
So Aster takes a deep breath and... Smiles.
"I'm quite alright your majesty, just felt a bit dizzy from all the dancing hahaha" He laughs to himself.
Aster may not be the best liar but he is a surprisingly good actor.
"Ah I see." The king says as he let go of Aster's hand, he's now looking down on the young star with a friendly smile "And what a dance that was indeed. Why, we saw you two from our window and we just HAD to take a closer look."
Aster felt a stab of guilt... It's his fault for bringing too much attention.
"I don't think we've met this little rose in our garden before." The queen chimes in sweetly, reaching her hand to caress Aster's face "What's your name, my flower?"
Aster quickly takes a step back, escaping the queen's touch as if he's dodging a bullet.
"Ah- I- My name's Aster!" They stutter, the star really didn't want to be touched by this lady, who knows what he'd see inside HER soul.
Aster tries his best to pull it together, the star knows what to do, he has watched from above how people act around the royal couple. So all he had to do was mimic that behavior.
The young star bows down with one hand on his chest
"I'm humbled that our performance has caught your majesty’s attention. It's a great honor to meet your graces in person." The blonde spoke so eloquently no one could ever guess he's screaming internally.
The king and queen seemed pleased as they exchanged a quick glance to one another... This was going to be fun.
"What an eccentric partner you've got here, Asha" Magnifico says with a calm voice, now looking at the girl sitting by the water fountain, trying her best to hide her face with the hood of her mother's cloak...
… They recognized her? How?
"Aww and how lovely, you're wearing Sakina's cloak aren't you? It fits you so perfectly." The queen said, answering her question as if she could read Asha's thoughts.
Oh yeah... She forgot they knew her parents...
Asha gets up and takes off the hood, trying to act natural like Aster did.
"Thank you, your highness... I didn't expect we'd meet again so soon" she HOPED they wouldn't meet again so soon.
"What a nice surprise though, isn't it?" The king says casually "But speaking of last night... You've never mentioned you played any instruments Asha, I thought your only interest was drawing."
"I-I just didn't see any reason to comment, I'm still practicing is all" She says holding the mandolin close to her
The king chuckles at that "Now now don't be so modest my dear, you played so beautifully it almost seemed like..." he turns his gaze to Aster as he finishes with a knowing smile "Magic."
And with that, Asha realized what Aster already knew since the moment he saw the couple... They knew.
Somehow, they know Aster is a star.
The two teens are thinking the same thing, they gotta run.
Aster begins to walk backwards towards Asha as he says in a not so subtle nervous voice
"Aaaanyway, thank you so much for coming but I'm afraid there'll be no encore, we gotta take a break and-and it looks like it's gonna rain so-"
"Aw leaving so soon?" The king interrupts with a sad tone "We've got a bit of a crowd here. I believe this is as good a time as any for me to share two VERY important announcements... You both should stay and listen, I think they might be of interest to you." He says walking closer to them, to which Aster grabs Asha's hand and they both start moving away.
"O-oh sure the crowd is all yours. We're just REALLY in a hurry." Aster says while still walking backwards, keeping eye contact with the king with a forced smile.
"Hmm" The king hums while tilting his head to the side "Very well then, I'm sure the news will catch up to you two... Sooner than you think." He whisper that last sentence while looking at Asha with that same knowing smile.
And on that note, Aster and Asha just run out of there, leaving some very confused citizens staring at them. Including Asha's friends.
Magnifico follows them with his eyes with a confident and relaxed gaze... He can grab them later, now, it's time to set the stage.
"ALRIGHT! My people, please gather around!" The king says as he hits his staff on the ground teleporting him and the queen to the top of a stage in the plaza.
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(Let’s say the stage looks like this… Disneyland stage… But I’ll not be counting this as a reference because that’s kinda reaching at this point.)
More people around the plaza come closer to see what this is all about.
Meanwhile Asha and Aster hide in a alley to hear what the king has to say.
The king begins loud and clear
"Now, I know you are all wondering about that little light last night-"
The crowd cheers, assuming the light was a gift from the king.
"... A light I did not command nor condone." He corrects their assumption
The smiles on his people's faces deflated
"As a matter of fact, that light wasn't even from this world... It was a THREAT from beyond our skies." Magnifico explains with a serious gaze as he summons a book with his staff, the book floats next to him as the pages flip.
"A threat that my family has dreaded for generations. A being that comes down to earth and consumes all the hope, joy and love they can find..." The book stops on a page showing the illustration of a wishing star individual, with golden hair. The drawing seem to have been altered though, to make the entity look more ominous.
"A fallen star. This VILE creature is hiding among us. They can take a human form, gain your trust, make you feel all happy and warm inside even, BUT DON'T BE FOOLED!" The king exclaims warningly as he shuts the book "They're after ONE thing... Your wishes." He says menacingly, pointing at the top of the castle in the distance.
All the citizens look horrified, mumbling among each other, fearing for their wishes and themselves.
Among the crowd there's Asha's friend, they're all scared but Simon seems specially concerned.
The king lets the fear sink in for a few seconds before he switches back to his upbeat friendly king persona.
"BUT HEEEEY! Relax! No need to panic ladies and gentleman. As always, you can trust in me to keep you, and your wishes, safe and sound. This star may be powerful, yes, but their magic is no match for me!" He illustrates his point by creating a light show with his staff, creating fireworks and briefly a dragon made of green magic.
The crowd cheers and claps, trusting Magnifico wholeheartedly.
Aster and Asha are just watching all this play out, hiding away in a nearby alley.
Aster is going through a lot of emotions, scared of what might happen if the king does capture him, angry at himself for not keeping an eye out like he promised he would, and sad that all those people just took everything the king said as gospel.
His animation (That is now 3D, but with a different frame rate depending on how he feels) becomes more laggy and jumpy, like he's not in control of his own body movements as he speaks.
"I didn't think he'd know what a wishing star IS. Had I known this was a possibility I would've NEVER suggested for us to get exposed like that... I'm sorry Asha" They apologize for something he couldn't have predicted.
"It's not your fault." Asha reassure him holding his hand "...But when we were playing, did you see if anyone changed their minds?" She asks curious.
"... Yeah, actually... I could see some sparks of hope! I could tell some people considered granting their wishes by themselves..." He says, calming down a little, his animation going back to somewhat normal.
Asha felt relieved by that, at least they did a little bit of a difference...
But that wasn't enough, they had to actually MAKE a difference, and the only way of doing that was by showing everyone the truth, and proving what was happening with their wishes, if only Asha could show them-
Wait... The king and queen... They're not in the castle right now...
Asha has an idea.
She holds Aster's hand tightly and starts walking out the alley, going through the plaza.
King Magnifico and Amaya are still there, he's answering a few questions about the glow and what people should do.
He follows the two of them with his eyes for a moment.
"Woah- hey I thought we were gonna run away from here." He says quietly to her, trying to keep up the pace.
"No. Come with me.” Asha starts running, pulling Aster with her.
They’re running towards the castle.
“O-okay so what's the plan now?”
“I'm tired of running away from them." Asha says determined
She points at the castle.
"My wish, and the wishes of dozens of people in Rosas are in there. We can sneak in while those two are outside, then we can grab my wish and as many others as we can." Her eyes have a burning passion as she runs with Aster just in toe holding her hand.
"... Wait, but isn't that pretty much my first plan from yesterday? What changed?"
"What changed is that Magnifico and Amable aren't in the castle..." She thinks for a moment, then she looks back to Aster and gives him a thankful smile "And also, you've shown me that I CAN inspire people, I CAN show them the truth, we can do this together!"
Aster's eyes sparkle in awe when he sees her face.
She continues, now looking at the castle with no doubts left in her "We can even grab some wishes that they changed and show to their owners, to use as proof of what the king and queen are doing!"
Aster can see Asha's star shinning even brighter than before, a huge smile grows on his face.
"That's brilliant!" Aster lets go of her hand and starts running faster than her “Then let’s go! Last one there is a dusty nebula!”
The two are now racing to the castle, with Aster running considerably faster than Asha.
Both hopeful that they'll succeed.
They're far, but the king can still see them in the distance. He smiles.
It's adorable how she thinks she can actually change anything.
Asha and Aster don't hear as the king says to his people:
“Now… My second announcement is about this veeeery special wish that I’ve received last night...” he says with a smirk.
He summons a green orb in his hands.
He holds it, in a way that no one can see what's inside the wish yet.
"My dear people, as you all know, nothing in this life brings me more joy than making ALL your wishes come true- Well, that is aside from my beloved queen." He says giving the queen a passionate glance and kissing her hand.
"Oh you!" She giggles.
"However, yesterday something quite... Unfortunate happened, and I had to do something I swore I'd never do... I denied granting a wish." Some citizens gasp in surprise, thinking someone must have wished for something really bad
Asha's friends look surprised at that, they already suspect whose wish this is.
"I know, I know, shocking, yes. It was a wish that just- Well-Surprised us, really, I wasn't sure if I could allow it..." He looks down on the wish with a introspective gaze "But after putting some thought into it, I realized: Isn't this kingdom all about dreams coming true? No matter how outlandish they may seem? Well I say YES. That's what MY Rosas is all about!" The king announces passionately.
"So we decided to do something new... For the first time in my reign... We're getting a PUBLIC WISH GRANTING CEREMONY!" He exclaims. This is a big deal, Magnifico never granted a wish in front of people, only at night while they sleep.
The green gem in his staff glows…
Creating a huge hand made of green magic.
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“I’ll just grab our lucky winner real quick, so we may get started.” The king says wearing a huge grin.
His predatory eyes are fixated on Asha running after Aster in the distance.
Aster was right about one thing.
It does look like it's gonna rain.
Chapter 10
Final Thoughts
... Soooooo yeah hahaha, we're getting to some INTENSE stuff in the next chapter, buckle up.
But about THIS chapter though, those sure were some good vibes at the beginning, huh? Aster getting to see the kingdom, giving Asha flowers, they promise to stay togetheeeer, and then they sing and daaaance and then Magnifico shows up and the good vibes are gone.
Like... I'm really proud of my work with him as a villain, like, if you're writing a character and YOU dread getting to the scenes that he shows up, you KNOW you're doing something right... I think, you tell me, how did you feel when he popped up?
I'm REALLY proud of how this chapter turned out in general. The idea of Aster seeing humans as tangible emotions just HIT ME one time when I was listening to "At All Cost" for the 1000000th time, and it just fitted perfectly with everything.
Shout out to @gracebethartacc I made Magnifico call Aster “little one” in your honor… And he’ll do it often.
Oh and one more thing, you may have noticed I'm implying that it's gonna rain... Yeah I'll just say one thing about that:
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iguana-eyanna · 11 months
Now That I See You
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Pairing: Damien Haas x Reader
Summary: Damien knew he wanted to be with you since you two first met, and now he wants to start writing the next chapter for your happy ending
A/n: so I recently saw a TikTok of Damien singing "I See The Light" and I KNEW I had to write something
You and Damien decided to take a trip to Disneyland, treating yourselves to a well-deserved trip.
Now as you two were very busy in your careers, you haven't been hanging out as much as you like to. So why not enjoy a day Disney bounding like one of your favorite characters: Rapunzel and Flynn Rider?
"I can't believe we haven't done this together." You said, taking a bite of a sweet treat you bought at a food stand.
"We really picked a good day to go out too. Perfect weather, not too crowded, and I get to spend it with my princess." Damien said, squeezing your hand gently.
You started to blush a shade of pink and you kissed Damien's cheek, making him match the same rosy cheeks as you.
"Excuse me?" a young voice said.
You both turn around and see a young girl, probably around the age of 6, dressed head to toe like the Tangled princess herself next to her parents.
"Are you Rapunzel?" She asks, her eyes beginning to widen with anticipation.
"I'm sorry, the Rapunzel meet and greet closed when we got here. She's been wanting to meet her so bad." The mom whispered for you two to hear.
You mouthed an 'Oh' quickly before you knelt down, smiling.
"Why, yes I am! And may I say you have a lovely dress, Princess..."
"Malia! Princess Malia." She said, courtesying.
"Why it's very lovely to meet you, Princess Malia. Eugene, isn't she just stunning?" You ask, staring up at Damien.
He brightens as he gets in character.
"Why she is, Blondie. It's very nice to meet you, too." Damien said, bowing down to her.
"Why's your hair purple?" She asks, pointing up at Damien.
"Oh! Um, I ate a plum, not knowing it's cursed. It made my hair purple! We're trying to find a magic item to break the spell." he replied quickly, making the young girl scrunch her nose and then laugh.
"Silly prince," she said, making you almost chuckle.
She turns around and jumps up and down.
"Mommy, can I take a picture with Rapunzel and Eugene?" she asks.
"I'm not sure baby, they have to go break the spell, remember?" she said, not wanting to impose on your time.
"Oh, we don't mind! I'd love to capture this moment too if that's alright." You said, making Malia squeal with joy.
The mom mouthed a quick thank you as you and Damien posed with the young girl. Damien stepped out of the picture so it could just be you two.
"Thank you again for doing this, Malia is going to remember this for the rest of her life." the dad said to Damien.
"Of course! I'm glad we got to make her wish come true." Damien said, seeing how Malia was still talking to you and you looked like your heart was about to burst with cuteness.
"You guys are great with kids, are you two married or...?"
Damien looks back at the dad, a bit startled.
"Oh uh, no. We've been together for 2 years now."
"Well, you two look very much in love. I look at my wife every day and I'm thankful I got to ask her to marry me." The dad concluded, walking over to his little family.
That night when Damien came back to his apartment, he was on his phone, endlessly scrolling for the perfect ring to propose you with.
"You look beautiful," Damien said, leaning by the door frame as he came to pick you up.
"Why thank you, you look quite dashing yourself." You said, putting the finishing touches on your makeup.
It's been four months since that day in Disneyland, and today you two were going to shoot a music cover together, singing "I See The Light" from the Tangled soundtrack.
It was Damien's idea, and you guys have been rehearsing for about a month. He asked Courtney to help out with recording and Shayne to set up some decorations by a park.
You and Damien walked over since it was close to your apartment and saw your friends brighten up.
"Aw, it looks so good guys! This has to be the most beautiful set I've recorded at." You said, noticing the decorative lanterns and the purple and pink flowers.
"Yeah, once it hits 6:00 pm we should capture the golden hour..." Courtney said, showing you how her camera can capture the scene, making you preoccupied.
Shayne goes up to Damien who falls silent, walking back and forth on a stone path.
"Hey, it's going to be alright." Shayne reassured his friend.
"I know, it's just - jitters I guess."
"Trust me, she's going to say yes, I think it's better than me practicing with you."
Damien laughs, remembering how he and Shayne would use the weekend when Shayne would take your place and pretend how you'd react once Damien popped the question.
"Thank you, for everything you and Court have been doing. I couldn't ask for better friends."
Shayne proudly smiles as he quickly hugs his friend, trying not to cry.
"You're doing great man. Let's get you ready." Shayne concluded, patting Damien's shoulder as the two walk over to you and Courtney.
She helped direct your positions as you began to perform.
All those days watching from the windows All those years outside looking in All that time never even knowing Just how blind I've been Now I'm here, blinking in the starlight Now I'm here, suddenly I see Standing here, it's all so clear I'm where I'm meant to be And at last I see the light And it's like the fog has lifted And at last I see the light And it's like the sky is new And it's warm and real and bright And the world has somehow shifted All at once everything looks different Now that I see you
You turn at Damien, smiling and he felt a flutter in his chest. Then, he too began to sing.
All those days chasing down a daydream All those years living in a blur All that time, never truly seeing Things the way they were Now she's here, shining in the starlight Now she's here, suddenly I know If she's here, it's crystal clear I'm where I'm meant to go
You and Damien held each other's hands as you looked lovingly in each other's eyes.
And at last I see the light And it's like the fog has lifted And at last I see the light And it's like the sky is new And it's warm and real and bright And the world has somehow shifted All at once, everything is different Now that I see you Now that I see you
And that's when Damien knew in this moment, that this was it. Time slowed down when he began to kneel on one knee. You looked confused as Damien was still looking up at you. It wasn't until he tries to reach for something in his pocket
"Dami?" You whisper in a small voice, now chocked up.
"When we went to Disney Land together, you made this little kid's dreams come true. And then suddenly, the world somehow shifted. I wanted to have a new dream with you. So..."
He says your full name as his smile becomes brighter.
"... will you marry me?"
You start nodding right away as you lower yourself where he is, beginning to cry.
"Yes! Yes, I will marry you." You said.
Both of you begin to cry as you hold onto each other. Damien slides the ring on your finger as he looks at you with so much love. You two stand up and you look back at your friends who caught the whole thing.
Shayne was slightly crying as Court was comforting him.
"You don't know how long we've been waiting for this." Court replied, making you all chuckle.
"What do you mean? I've been dying to do this for two years!" Damien added.
You playfully roll your eyes as you allow yourself in Damien's embrace, feeling like this is where you belong, right here in this moment.
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eremorte · 7 months
thronecoming heritage hall gifts (rewritten)
The Thronecoming heritage hall gifts bug me. Most of them don’t feel like a parent has gifted them. They are so uninspired for the biggest moment in their child’s life.
I’ve listed my replacements below. I’m hoping for the gifts to have a, if had-to-do-it-again-here’s-what-I’d-want vibe.
blondie lockes
OG gift: running shoes
rewritten gift: a new piece of tech that helps her with her mirror cast. A shiny new microphone or even just a cute news reporter accessory that acknowledges her unintended break from destiny (or rather extremely developed hobby/career because her story can be over in like 30 minutes) it also gives off the initial impression that blondie’s story is “just right” the way it is until.. boom! There’s a note.
That mentions that as Goldilocks has reflected on her role and how she regrets hurting the bears the ways she has* and with an extra perceptive daughter like blondie she is sure to find a worthy story (within bounds) that won’t cause baby bear to develop a complex. *insert long list of things here that blondie could comment on in her stead because the story book of legends didn’t write every worthwhile critique of the bear house and the bears despite “forgiving” her won’t let her talk to them about this* and a small comment of how she is super proud about blondie that hopefully eases some of her attention seeking behavior so she’s less of a brat later on.
cerise hood:
OG Gift: picnic basket with an electronic mirror lock.
revised gift: honestly I have no comment. This is a great gift. My only question is how recently the presents are placed in the hall seeing as how that basket spit up a whole bird leg. Maybe it has a special note of the picnic menu they have in celebration once the whole shebang is done.
o hair twins:
OG gift floating hair brushes
rewritten gift given how Rapunzel’s story is that she was locked away her whole life because her bio mom ate a magical plant while pregnant that the witch wasn’t sure of the side effects of and had to lock her away because damn sure bio parents couldn’t do anything if the witch was second guessing herself. What I think should be there are odd bits an bobs function like an Easter egg hunt of a map and post fairytale notes one what they are that Rapunzel is certain her girls can figure out because they have her plant powers (though probably diluted hence the helpful notes incase they have to solve things like their adoptive grandma ).
briar beauty
NOW FOR THE GIRL WHO INSPIRED THIS POST. Her gift makes me so angry. It is the most nothing gift of the whole bunch. You mean to tell me that a hundred year sleep doesn’t come with any regrets at all? Not one thing?
OG gift A neck pillow.
revised gift: A SCRAPBOOK. The first few pages could be filled with pictures of her family. Bonus points if they’re are people Briar wouldn’t have gotten the chance to meet but knows who they are by virtue of her mom. It hits home exactly how big her sacrifice is. Also all the storybook imagery? The intro? Imagine if there was a dark time line where we were being told everything that happen through briar who missed all of it and is trying to piece back something familiar?
either way, mental breakdown and existential crisis guaranteed.
also bonus. It’s totally merchandisable. Half the book mercy was essentially scrapbooks/concept art anyhow.
Cedar wood: revealer rays
it’s a good gift but something she wouldn’t be able to use in her story at all. They are not subtle and most everyone who knows about Cedar knows that Pinocchio didn’t mess up her eyes to the point she’d feasibly need glasses. Revised gift: letters from the blue fairy (well wishes, maybe an helpful hint or two) Gepetto and Pinocchio (things to to try (and not repeat) once she’s no longer wooden and how to lie effectively) I can’t think of a physical possession for Cedar to have. But I feel she’d appreciate these. Maybe a special cricket/donkey whistle?
duchess swan:
no gift shown but what I have in mind is a mix of briar and blondie’s gift.
a collection of letters (written on leaves and paper or something) from both her mom and her bio dad detailing the bitter sweet love in the tragedy to reassure duchess it’s not all bad. And a special pair of dancing shoes for her last night as a human. I imagine this gift would only make duchess mad.
Madeline hatter:
no gift shown and honestly idk what the mad hatter gives his daughter it’s probably perfect. An old hat that looks very normal actually? A crazy new teapot? Who knows?
raven queen:
og gift wand wishing well coin
honestly I want to know the logic behind the wand. Is it a back up battery in case apple thwarts raven through zapping away her powers somehow?
I have multiple suggestions
Something that contains directions to the true SBOL
recipe for the poison apple
something that originally belonged to someone in the Snow White family that she is proud enough to share with her daughter (raven would probably give it back).
*blondie branches out mentions how Goldilocks promised to be a better person.
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wlwinry · 5 months
wait wait please tell me more about the thistlecaster tangled au
oh boy oh boy im about to explode. prepare for a deeply silly heartfelt au that hovers in the back of my mind so very often
gorgug is (approximately) flynn, fabian is (approximately) rapunzel
by this i mean that they fill those two roles not that the personalities perfectly align
but to backtrack a little to that age-old worldbuilding: fabian, youngest (adoptive, but who cares) son of cathilda the black falls grievously ill as an infant. devastated and desperate, cathilda and fabian's older siblings (princess maeve, prince kieran, and princess rory, though theyre not super relevant to the au i just care about them a lot) hunt for magical cures high and low and eventually find an ancient healing blossom blessed by Galicaea, goddess of the moon, and Cassandra, goddess of the night and of mystery. some say that the flower came from the tears Galicaea shed when her sister first died, but that's neither here nor there...
the royal guard sneaks and fights through the wards around the flower and brews it into a healing draught, one that restores the infant prince's strength--but as he heals and grows bit by bit, the royal family notices a shocking change. fabian's hair, previously a pale silver, has turned moon-white. writing it off as a simple change, the likes of which frequently occur with infants, queen cathilda announces that her baby is healed and the kingdom rejoices
except word reaches bill and hallariel seacaster, fabian's biological parents. you see, they didn't want to deal with a child on their adventures, so they dropped him off on the shores of their former friend's kingdom.
a magical child, however...that's not a burden. that's an opportunity.
hallariel tricks her way into her palace to try and siphon some of fabian's magic, but finds it tied to the boy's blood and hair. so, of course, she steals him back. don't worry, she left a note thanking cathilda for taking such good (temporary) care of him, but she and bill have quite the client list looking for the magical youth, healing, and immortality a child with the healing power of a god can bring
cathilda hunts them down to no avail. the hangman (the ship) stops sailing, hiding in a cove shrouded by the best wards money can buy. fabian grows up in a cabin of that ship, never stepping foot off of it and never seeing another person beyond the clients his doting (ha) mama and papa bring in
cue the lantern celebration, a last hope from the royal ceíli family that their last little one will find his way home
cut to nineteen years later. thief duo fig and gorgug need one last score to be able to leave the kingdom behind with more than enough money to pursue their dreams once they end up Anywhere But There. the score in question? the crown of the lost prince
things don't go to plan, though--they get caught on the way out of the vault and end up splitting up, unable to reach their meeting spot now that (junior) captain of the guard riz gukgak is on their tails. fig heads for the forest sans-crown, gorgug heads for the shore with the crown, and when he sees what looks like a shipwreck in the middle of a secluded cove he decides to trust his gut and sneak aboard.
the problem is, of course, that the second he's on board, the glamour fades and the ship is clearly whole and hale. not that he gets much of a chance to process this, though. he gets brained over the head by a large, heavy blunt object, shoved into a closet, and then is blackmailed by the most beautiful man he's ever seen with the longest hair in the goddamn world to take him to see the floating lights in return for the crown. always a man of honor, gorgug agrees, and the ethereally beautiful stranger introduces himself as fabian
and he is. shockingly easy to fall in love with. mesmerized by the outside world. determined to experience as much as he can in the short few days he has without clients. deeply melancholy. maybe a little too fearless
he shudders whenever gorgug holds his hand, like he's not used to the touch. to the comfort
gorgug thinks there isn't much he wouldn't give to see him happy, escape plan aside.
(cue the whole adventure. all of it. except fabian doesnt lose his magic like rapunzel does bc i always thought that was silly. he does THINK that that's where his power stems from, because that's what bill and hallariel always thought and told him)
(also, this is a fabian who wasn't trained, bc bill decided he made a better asset when he was unable to fight the people they sold his magic to. you know, if he ever decided to escape. a lot harder to do that when you can't fight back)
(this au was originally conceptualized with transfem!fabian but really it can be done either way)
(the scene where eugene is totally speechless when he first sees rapunzel? that, but thistlecaster)
(the hangman [dog] is pascal)
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britcision · 4 months
Someone confiscate the Kabumisu Rapunzel AU from me, I am not starting a long form anything until my DPxDC novel is done but also I am ONLY capable of doing it wrong
Kabru MUST be Rapunzel. Mandatory. Milsiril is not letting that little bitch out of her tower. (Also his Main Character Energy)
Mithrun has less than zero drive to do anything ever up to and including wandering around in lonely tower infested woods to find said lost princess
These can only be resolved by Mithrun also already being inside the tower and then we’re into Beauty and The Beast territory too with the Forbidden Room but instead of Cursed Flower there is Cursed Hottie
Tbh Labrumisu would solve this problem where’s my threesome shippers we need ONE (1) character with some goddamn initiative
(Sadly still can’t be me I do not ship Laios in general he’s just not got that Ship Juice)
Milsiril just has such perfect villain vibes and okay I’m selling myself on the Labrumisu because if Laios comes in to kidnap one of her babies (and her broken former coworker) there’s a 50-50 on whether Milsiril just decides he’s young enough to adopt
This is now a main character hoarding situation Falin and Marcille have to come rescue Laios and also his boyfriends from the crazy sword elf and her army of dolls
Which is why I can’t write this one.
Look at that.
Look what happened in like 5 bullet points.
The rails have been OBLITERATED but also it’s just got such good legs someone take this idea and run with it to somewhere very different and much simpler than I am capable of
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teawinx · 1 year
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Descendants redesigns
Back with the others, but just not their "finalized" design Mainly because whenever I consider a design finalized I turn out to be a liar and change it the following week.
Self-roast aside, here is my current versions of the other three.
I didn't mention this in my other post but I've set this in not high school. Putting these characters in fantasy high school is so boring. So I also demodernized them, making them look more fantasy/medieval.
Jay: Aka that one guy who got nothing to do in 3 whole movies.
Jay is actually Aladdin and Jasmine's son, stolen by Jafar when he was a baby. Pulling a Rapunzel on us. He is blessed by Genie magic from his godfather, the Genie, which are suppressed by his bracers.
He is Mal's right hand man, unaware of his true heritage.
Carlos: He red
His new tragic backstory is that his mother made him into her personal mannequin. But to truly represent the "De vil" brand she permanently dyed his skin devil red. Naturally people are freaked out by his appearance and are afraid of him, while Carlos is actually a very sweet and sky person. Also he will wear a giant ass coat in his final design, it's just not here rn.
Evie: She basically is the MC of this rewrite, not Mal lol. She works as a seamstress on the Isle of the lost, keeping herself busy to avoid her mother. Just like with Snow White, the evil Queen is angered by her daughter's beauty and it's only a matter of time before she decides to take her out.
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