brookheimer · 11 months
i feel very mixed on shiv's ending, particularly her choice to return to tom -- i think it makes sense from a thematic/character arc perspective and is a powerful yet devastating indictment of both shiv and the world that created her as well as showing that the cycle of abuse will always continue to cycle, that shiv will become her mother etc, but i also think it does not make sense from a character/internal logic perspective. it's a choice that makes sense from the writers, but not from shiv, not yet. it could've been a brilliant ending to her character, but is tainted for me by the less-than-ideal execution of it, which felt very rushed, making shiv's final submission to tom feel forced by the show rather than forced by the situation or honest to her character. the ending is not inherently misogynistic from the writers' side as i've seen some criticisms claim (it is a dark but real portrayal of misogyny within capitalist society and how it's internalized within the white women who end up at the hips of the CEOs who run it), but i do understand how it could feel that way. the show fails at building up to (and thus convincing us) that the version of shiv we currently know would so immediately subject herself to her mother's fate, so instead of it feeling like shiv's hand was forced by patriarchy to place herself into her worst nightmare, it instead feels like the show itself was the thing that forced shiv to take that route, which does leave a sour taste in the mouth. it doesn't feel like the result of a choice shiv would make or the impact of patriarchal society bearing down, it just feels rushed and thus wrong. shiv would've benefitted immensely from a few more episodes or even just a few scenes dedicated to teasing out her newfound willingness to subject herself to immense disrespect in order to remain close to power, but given that her entire character has always been defined by her inability to do just that unless forced to (which i don't think she was in this situation as she could've easily not waited in the car for tom, not put her hand in his, but she did), her return to tom feels hard to comprehend, and her near immediate submission to him hard to stomach.
(read more under the cut because jesus christ did this get long)
in my mind, at least, i've always understood shiv as being respect-driven rather than power-driven -- she wants power, yes, but more than anything she wants to be taken seriously and respected and seen as a legitimate player, and time and time again we've seen her blow up situations that would've been very advantageous long-term because she felt disrespected and needed to speak up and force people to take her seriously (which, ironically, typically results in the opposite). shiv's overarching goal is power, but her immediate necessity is always respect. her dignity is her number one priority at any given moment, even when it shouldn't be, even when it stops her from attaining the success and power she wants. i can kind of understand shiv going against kendall because of this -- she's always had a very, very narrow lens whenever she feels like she's being disrespected, and even though it is infinitely more humiliating for your (somewhat ex) husband to betray you and boot you out of the CEO position behind your back at the behest of your supposed closest ally (and for you to still vote for them after that!!!) than it is for you to magnanimously allow your brother to be CEO (which would publicly be seen as a choice, as telly etc said - sibs need to stand united behind one chosen CEO - rather than shiv being out of the loop and fucked to infinity), the narrowness of her vision upon seeing kendall about to win makes it impossible for her to think about that legitimately. it's not just jealousy, it's indignity: shiv feels she earned CEO through her machinations with mattson and feels genuinely sick seeing the loganified kendall grinning at the head of the table, hearing his "that's fucking right" and witnessing his cocky entitlement to the job that belonged to her. so, she does what she always does when she feels disrespected, when she feels her dignity is at stake, and impulsively blows everything to fuck, including her own best interests. that makes sense for shiv, at least somewhat -- i still think that as much as she wouldn't want ken as CEO she'd feel like at least w that outcome she'd be seen as a player and a deciding factor, whereas with mattson/tom she'd be viewed as a pathetic fucked-over nothing woman pawn etc (a situation of unparalleled indignity imo), but i can rationalize her choice to go against ken anyways as being part of the narrowed field of vision she always gets upon feeling disrespected by men in her life that makes it impossible for her to think strategically (and i guess even though the disrespect was greater and more humiliating from tom/mattson than ken, ken was the most recent most present and most lifelong source so that's all she could focus on; seeing him like logan was too much to bear). it's hard to imagine shiv publicly throwing her vote behind two men who publicly fucked her as humiliatingly as mattson and tom just did, even if the other option is kendall, but i think that's part of it -- it's fundamentally illogical, even from her disrespect-lens, because there's just something about kendall specifically being in charge that she's never been able to stomach. it's visceral and impulsive. it's not meant to make "sense." it's just what she feels she has to do to preserve her own dignity, even though it works directly against those same interests realistically. it wasn't executed very well, making it hard to entirely buy it given just how publicly humiliating the alternative is, but it can still be chalked up to her historically one-track-mind when it comes to indignity by the hands of kendall in particular. it's a last-ditch attempt for shiv to at least feel like she's maintaining her dignity, her self-respect, as counterintuitive as it actually is. it makes sense. i can stomach it.
again, shiv's fatal flaw (in logan's eyes and aside from her original sin of being a woman) has always, always been her inability to shut up and make the smart move in situations where she feels she's being disrespected or not taken seriously. if shiv stayed quiet during that dinner with the pierces, maybe she would've been logan's CEO, but no, she couldn't stop herself, she needed to feel she was being taken seriously, she burst out 'cmon, dad, just tell them it's going to be me.' she is unable to play it smart, to keep quiet, to win when winning means perceived disrespect. she's allergic to it. even on a personal level, she shoots herself in the foot constantly because of this: she is unable to let herself have the things she wants because she can't put herself in positions that open her up to disrespect and perceived inferiority. she can't be vulnerable because she needs to be respected. tom asks her if he could 'try to make love to her' in episode one of this season, and even though she clearly wants to, she says 'no, i don't think so, tom.' tom tells her he 'wants her, wants this' back in episode six, and even though she clearly wants that too, she draws back and says 'well then you shouldn't have betrayed me.' shiv is fundamentally incapable of allowing herself to remain in possibly advantageous situations when she feels at risk of being seen as lesser, of being disrespected, of being perceived as weak. that is her response to patriarchy. when patriarchal forces bear down, shiv is unable to grin and bare it -- she has a short fuse, a sharp tongue, and an inability to entertain even a second of being treated like The Woman, of being looked down upon, especially when it's for her gender. it's the one thing she cannot do, cannot let herself do, and it's why she fails to "win" over and over and over again. she shoots herself in the foot the second her patriarchy disrespect sensors tingle. she makes the wrong choice, the dumb choice, the one that makes her feel like she stood up for herself in the moment but ends up leaving her powerless and helpless in the end. that's the only explanation for why she chose to vote against kendall (the clearly better option for her long-term as she'd 1) be respected as part of the decision, as someone who helped choose the CEO rather than a Woman who got fucked over and had the door slammed in her face by her husband and close ally simply because she possessed a womb, and 2) probably be head of ATN or some other area of waystar, she'd have actual power within the company and be respected as a legitimate source of power rather than the CEO-to-be made CEO's humiliated wife -- if she was capable of making the smart, selfish choice in terms of power instead of having a hair-trigger reaction to gendered disrespect and cocky male superiority, she would have voted kendall. but she is not capable of doing that. she never has been. so she voted tom and mattson.
so what i still cannot for the life of me understand is what would compel this shiv, the one who cannot stomach indignity even when power's on the line, to immediately return to tom's side the second he beckons her, which is like five minutes after he becomes CEO (the job she was promised) by mattson (who gave it to tom instead of shiv because 'why get the baby lady if i can get the man who put the baby inside her?'). it makes perfect, cruel, devastating sense from a show perspective, and that's what most people are talking about, understandably. it's a devastating yet unavoidable, inevitable outcome. she's left with no other choice once she makes the decision against kendall, and patriarchy compels her to play the good wife to stay close to power. except, like... she does still have a choice. she does not have to go back to tom's car. she does not have to sit patiently waiting for him. she does not have to quietly congratulate him on his victory. she does not have to place her hand in his. these are all choices she made very voluntary. they're choices between maintaining her dignity and self-respect at the cost of future power versus maintaining the potential for future power at the cost of her dignity and self-respect -- the classic siobhan roy conundrum. she's been faced with it time and time again (even just five minutes prior with kendall) and she has never, not once, chosen the latter of her own volition. she hasn't been able to. that's her fatal flaw. maybe i could stomach her going back to tom if she didn't congratulate him, didn't place her hand in his when he expectantly held his out -- then some dignity would be preserved, maybe. but her complete and total submission for the sake of future power does not make sense with her lifelong inability to do just that. it makes sense that this would be her eventual endpoint, but we have seen nothing that implies shiv would so willingly subject herself to this feminine submission of wife and mother before person or source of power, to the complete and utter humiliation of being the quiet wife at the side of the man who knifed her in the back (and notably handed said knife by the man she thought her closest ally) in order to steal the job she fought for her entire life and, in her opinion, had earned. maybe she would come back to him eventually, for love or (more likely) for power, but it is incredibly hard to believe that shiv 'impulsive when faced with indignity' roy would be capable of immediately and publicly playing the role of the good wife after such intense and public humiliation at the hands of her husband.
really, the way i feel about the shiv ending is similar to how i feel about the daenerys ending -- unlike most people, i really wasn't that against the daenerys outcome. i thought it made a lot of sense and was interesting, devastating, and fascinating. i thought there had been a few signs all along and that that ending for her would make sense and be far more interesting than a Hooray ! Girlboss ! ending. however, it was poorly executed -- it was rushed. it did not make sense from where daenerys was at that point in the text. it could've worked, it could've worked brilliantly, but it needed more time to build and fester in order for her ultimate turn to feel earned rather than forced for the sake of the point the writers wanted to make. that's kind of how i feel about shiv. i get the ending and i don't think it's inherently bad or misogynistic or anything, but it feels like the writers saw the possibility for a shiv 'mommed' ending and immediately took it, with little regard to what actually made sense for shiv herself to do in that moment. outcome > character. that's frustrating for me particularly for succession because my like number one reason for adoring succession as much as i do is their consistent refusal to operate the way most media does (using the characters as instruments to achieve the plot/outcome the writers want), instead prioritizing following the characters themselves in a way that feels honest and real. it's character-driven, not plot or ending driven. i think that this fell by the wayside a few times in the latter half of this season simply because there was so much that needed to happen in such a short space of time (especially during the finale), but in my opinion, at least, the most egregious case is shiv. given more time, more development, more build-up, the last shot of her hand in tom's would've struck the chord the writers wanted it to -- and for some people, it did anyways! but for me, it rang out and fell nauseatingly flat. it felt hollow and wrong and unearned. shiv could end up becoming her mother, that feels entirely possible, but not in this particular sense, not yet. in what world would siobhan roy willingly choose to be seen as nothing more than a woman hanging off her husband's arm, especially when said husband had publicly humiliated her and ruined her entire life just five minutes prior? when, just five (metaphorical) minutes prior, she was the one poised to be CEO and everyone knew it? when now everyone will see her on tom's arm and whisper and gawk? she has become her worst fear, yes, but unlike kendall, it does not feel earned. it does not feel like she has actually become her worst fear. it feels like the show forced her to. not patriarchy or the situation or her own desire for power, but the show itself. that's what feels so shitty.
i wouldn't necessarily call the writing misogynistic as a result of this, as it's less a flaw of misogyny and more a flaw of bad, rushed writing that could happen to any character. it's the same as with daenerys -- although (somewhat unlike succession) there were many, many aspects of GoT's writing that were deeply misogynistic, especially in the last season (just look at fucking brienne), the core issue with the daenerys plotline is not one of misogyny but of time. they did not give daenerys the time needed to become the version of herself seen burning down the city. that could've easily been a focus of previous episodes, but it wasn't. they simply did not develop her enough for that turn to make sense yet. it could make sense, hypothetically, at some point down the line, but at that point it felt sudden, off-putting, and wrong. shiv could easily become her mother. that's been made evident especially regarding her relationship to pregnancy/children, love, and vulnerability (or the lack thereof). but for this ending to make sense, we would have needed to see signs of shiv imitating her mother's willingness to be relegated to the sidelines, to bring out the food while the men eat and make deals, in order to remain tangential to power. that is a concession shiv roy had never been willing to make prior to the last five minutes of the entire show. other signs of shiv imitating caroline or falling prey to patriarchal norms throughout the show are not enough to undo shiv's fundamental refusal to weather gender-related indignity even when doing so would benefit her. in my opinion, that's why the final five minutes of shiv's plotline were so unsatisfying.
shiv could become her mother, and her ending could be a devastating portrayal of the inability for even rich white women to escape their original sin of being a woman in a man's world, as well as a dark, ironic criticism of both women like shiv and the patriarchal world that breeds them into existence. but because the show did not develop shiv in this particular direction and because her entire character thus far has been defined by her self-destructive insistence on being respected at all costs, shiv's ending did not land the way it could've, or should've.
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skitskatdacat63 · 5 months
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I think I definitely like the original versions more than the edited ones. I'm more happy with the grumpy Fernando one, whereas the bratty Seb one made me want to cease painting forever. So hopefully he looks good?????? I'm sure I'll soften on it, but yeah, not TOO pleased with it right now. His facial expressions are so cute and dynamic and unique until you have to try and paint it and then you dont love him anymore(kidding ofc, how could I ever hate my beloved boy king 🥺)
Anyways, these are them:
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#the caption is a multi-pronged reference so if you get it you get it 🤭#hint: the quote is both a translation of a vettonso thing but its also not...exact. i added a little spice to it#so yeah translate all of that first(the first part of the quote wont work in google translate tho)#and then also the rest of the caption is both a reference to a real life thing but also me making it AUified !!#hehehe let me know your thoughts 🤭 was so fucking pleased w it when i first told C about it#ngl putting that quote was the main thing pushing me thru finishing the seb one#im like CMON YOU CAN DO IT!! IF YOU FINISH IT YOU CAN PUT YOUR SILLY LATIN JOKE!!! YOU LOVE LATIN!!#anyways i drafted this before i even really started the seb one#and my god LOOK AT THEIR HAND SIZE DIFFERENCE WOOF WOOF WOOF#did you guys notice...seb's ring...his wedding...ring? 🤭🤭🤭#wanted to add one to nando but his left ring finger isnt really visible but just so you know hes wearing it#I have a lot of thoughrs about rings and ungloved vs gloved hands grrrrrrr#theres a lot of meaning in it to me and it adds to their characterization so ill try and make a post abt thay sometime !#anyways pls enjoy the fruits of my labor.....#vettonso so good it makes me PAINT TWO PORTRAITS#i think before this au i was kinda trying to get away from painting csuse it stressed me out too much#and then the vettonso brainrot is so horrinle that im willing to paint for like...an undisclosed amnt of time#undisclosed not bcs im being secretive but bcs i have no idea and irs 6 am and i have school JSKFLVL#okay bur yes yes please enjoy. and enjoy my suffering as a purveyor of vettonso 🥹 id do anything for my lieges#f1#formula 1#sebastian vettel#fernando alonso#vettonso#catie.art.#boy king au
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mattodore · 9 months
can you describe matthias and theo night routines? and their sleep schedule
<3 ly
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Theo doesn’t get a lot of sleep since he’s either out partying into the long stretches of the night or up studying until the words begin to blur on the page. I’d say he normally falls asleep around 3AM-4AM and doesn’t wake back up until 7AM. Four-ish hours is pretty average for how much sleep he gets a night… maybe less at times if he’s more stressed than usual. I should add that he does sleep more when he’s staying over at Matthias’s or vice versa, but generally he tries his best not to let Matthias distract him from studying before bed… which only ever works out about a quarter of the time. Matthias can be... very persuasive.
In the case of Matthias, well… he’s a chronic insomniac whose insomnia is exacerbated by hallucinations and nightmares. Unsurprisingly, his sleep schedule is terribly inconsistent, but if he does sleep then I think he normally manages it sometime around noon and will stay asleep for about an hour or two. It’s actually very rare that he falls asleep during the night—especially after Theo begins to sleep over, as Matthias prefers to read and watch over him at that time instead. Theo has fits in his sleep (from nightmares that he never remembers…) and Matthias gently calms him so he doesn’t wake up.
The only time they fall asleep at around the same time is when they’ve been at it for a while and both need a break. Matthias doesn’t stay asleep for long, though… maybe an hour at most. He does sleep easier around Theo, but that’s mostly just when Theo is awake. I think Matthias finds a lot of comfort in knowing Theo is there watching over him. He went through a lot at the reformation school and there were many times within those years where sleep would be abruptly interrupted and then he’d be back on the killing floor, so to speak, so having someone there to watch over him… I think it really helps. Then, on the other hand, Theo sleeps pretty deeply after they’ve been having sex. There’s never a time he feels more cared for and adored than when Matthias is making love to him, so it's... a relaxing experience. It puts Theo's mind at ease and I think it’s probably when Theo feels the safest. So he'll sleep for a long while after, feeling cradled in Matthias's presence, his anxiety finally snuffed out.
As for their actual night routines… hm. They’re very different, especially before and after the start of Echthroi. 
Theo’s night routine stays pretty much the same throughout the story. He’s not one for self-care, like, at all. Because of that, he doesn’t necessarily have a routine… Theo’s honestly only really meticulous in his studies and everything else suffers for it. However, Theo physically cannot fall asleep unless he’s checked the locks on the windows and doors and closed all of the blinds and curtains. That’s the one routine of his he��s always sure to follow through on, even when he’s intoxicated or sleep deprived.
Otherwise, what else he does as part of his “routine” is up in the air. Sometimes he showers before bed, other times he showers after waking up. Sometimes he combs through his hair all nicely and other times he just impatiently rips his fingers through his hair and shrugs. Sometimes he forgets to brush his teeth, other times he forgets that he’s already brushed his teeth and ends up doing it again. He’s a bit of a mess. If he’s actually aware/awake enough to put himself to bed, then he’ll messily wipe any makeup off his face post-clubbing and/or he’ll shower post-hook up (if it’s the pre-Matthias part of Echthroi). If he’s tired from studying he’ll put all of his materials away and then flop down on his bed. If he has to see his parents in the morning then he’ll wind up in the bathroom for too long, brushing his teeth until his gums bleed. If we’re talking about Theo in the post-meeting Matthias part of the story then he might take a cold shower to try and get Matthias out of his head for a little bit, or he’ll find himself laying in bed staring warily at his phone. Hm… and in general Theo will hum lullabies to himself so he can fall asleep easier… it’s a childhood habit.
By nature of Matthias’s insomnia, Matthias doesn’t exactly find himself preparing for bed during the night like most people. He does, however, still run through his personal care routine at around 8pm. He showers, brushes, flosses, cleanses and hydrates, primps and preens, and then he’ll usually find himself entertaining guests or a partner for the night.
For Matthias pre-meeting Theo, he’s often not alone after dark as he has a string of men with whom he takes to his bed or a list of faceless people to call on whenever he wants to be surrounded by bodies and chatter. There are still quiet nights where he’s by himself or just with Imani, but they’re relatively few and far between. For Matthias post-meeting Theo… woof. He did sleep around here and there still, but I think he gave it up pretty early on… his mind was always swimming with thoughts of Theo and he couldn’t focus on nor did he find himself interested in the men he’d have under him. So after meeting Theo his usual night circuit changes and he often finds himself staying home and reading with some wine and the occasional glance at his phone, waiting for a response. Matthias does a lot of waiting when it comes to Theo.
If they're together at night (when they’re dating), then Matthias will usually make dinner for Theo. He likes feeding him (by hand, even, though Theo often protests). Normally Theo will have a few textbooks with him that he can study from while he waits for dinner and he always winds up going "give me a minute" when the food is finally done. They'll enjoy each other's company just fine at home or they'll go out for a drive or a walk. Theo often winds up getting roped into following along with Matthias's night routine and will poke fun at how fussy Matthias can be as Matthias does skincare beside him in the bathroom. Theo tries to get away with studying again later in the night, but Matthias likes to distract him as he’s personally offended whenever Theo whips out his textbooks past, like, 11PM. In general, they'll wind up having sex at some point, or multiple points, and then they'll shower together. After they towel off and Matthias dries Theo's hair, Matthias will most likely end up reading to Theo until Theo falls asleep. If Theo wakes up during the night, Matthias simply kisses him back to sleep.
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73647e · 1 year
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you look so pleased and so proud oh my god i love you
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elvthali · 1 year
twiddles thumbs
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frecklystars · 2 years
:( i miss using cameo...... i mainly just miss steve........ i could always get a silco cameo (he’s roughly the same price that steve used to be, and he’s REALLY encouraging abt ppl who wanna self ship w/ silco, and he gives good quality ones) but it’s not the same... imo nobody can ever top steve, probably bc nobody else voices starscream like he does, and there’s nobody else that i love more than starscream. well, except plankton. one of his actors is on cameo, but it’s not like he can give personalized voice requests. maybe he could, but they wouldn’t be the same...
#vent#woof#my biggest regret is not getting 2 specific cameos#i wanted one line for my saving starlight AU... and i wanted a heatwave pep talk#but he shut down his page only a few days before i was gonna write out my form#and when i met him i wanted to ask him if he would ever do vid shoutouts again#but i got too nervous#and i went to walk away but then he stopped me and gave me another hug#and i hugged him back and thought. okay. its ok if he doesnt come back. i get to have this#i get to be stsc's little starflower and i held a significant place in his mind#the fact that he remembered me just by reading my name on an envelope#never seeing my face b4 and hadn't even read my name in over a year#he was like. keri! my little starflower from cameos! ofc i remember you!!! its you its you!!!#he knows my face now!! and he has a bunch of my art he said he's keeping on his desk#and i get to keep that. and i get to have that vid recording he gave me AT the convention#if thats the last cameo i ever receive then. okay. went out with a bang#getting to be IN the cameo w/ my starlight telling me i 'look exceptionally powerful'#even tho i was shaky and stuttering and small. he was so nice and rly patient w/ me#i hope steve gets all the lovely things in the world#!!! anyway this whole rant came about bc i just bought a cameo for my friend's birthday#and i thought... my god i haven't bought myself a cameo in soooo long...#except that silco one when i was desperate and didnt even watch arcane yet#but i was so sure i'd ship with him and yeah i was right!#esp after being called 'my fallen star' that was rly cute... i might request from him again#in the far future. when i have money and time#i think i wanna get one from fixit soon#mitchell always gives good cameos even if i cant do a specific voice request#well! i could! but again. nobody is ever the same as steve. but fixit's... are pretty close
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godblooded · 1 year
after writing an actual long thread it's bedtime.
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volinare · 7 months
beyond words.
0 notes
charliemwrites · 5 months
Good morning! This is just a warm up, not canon to the series.
Anyway — bark, woof, awoo
It’s a cool fall day when you nearly die.
Johnny’s run off into the woods barking - not his scary bark but his excited bark. You’re worried that he’s gonna get his teeth in some poor local wildlife and go hurrying after him, boots unlaced.
Of course it’s hopeless to go chasing after a wolf-dog even running at half speed, but you can’t stand the thought of him coming home with a dead bunny or something. So off you go, clomping through the trees, calling for your big dumb fluffy butt to come home.
But it’s not your Johnny that comes trotting out of the trees. No, it’s an even bigger, wolfier looking dog. Creamy white fur, honey gold eyes, and odd black markings around the face like a skull. You instantly know he’s not like your goofball, a little less human-friendly, perhaps more feral. Looks at you like he’s trying to decide if you’d make a decent meal.
Is someone breeding them and just.., letting them out?? Some weird poorly thought out attempt to reintroduce wolves to the UK? The thought makes you frown, praying that you won’t come out here one day to find some poor pups struggling in the wilderness.
For now though, you’ve got yet another gorgeous animal in front of you.
“Well, hello,” you coo, softening and smoothing your voice. His ears tick forward. “Look at you, handsome thing. Have you seen my Johnny boy?”
The dog tilts his head - your first indication that he is familiar with humans, recognizes the tone of a question. You hum.
“Alright big guy, would you like to come with me to find him or are you doing your own thing?”
He doesn’t respond (of course) except to make a little “ruff” noise. You consider him for another moment, then decide he’s not being aggressive and it’s safe to continue your search.
You turn and continue on the path, calling for Johnny. Don’t get far before your new friend sweeps in front of you, blocking the way forward. You make a noise as you stop quick, nearly losing your balance to avoid stepping on his paws.
“Oh you big jerk,” you huff. He instantly starts pushing at you, big shoulders pressing against your stomach as he shoves a big, wet nose into your neck and face, focusing on your mouth. You roll your eyes and gently push his nose away.
“Knock it off,” you grumble, trying not to laugh. “You wolves are so rude. You don’t need to do that to smell me.”
He moves on to your clothes, all the way down to your crotch. You’re ready this time though, taking a big step back and guiding his face up by the chin.
He snorts and shakes off, looking almost annoyed.
“Oh, yeah, how dare I not let you sniff my junk?” you scoff, rolling your eyes. “Grow up, you big baby.”
A deep, raspy grumble starts up in his chest. You ignore him, patting at the thick muscle of his shoulder.
“Yeah yeah, you’re a big scary boy,” you joke. “Ya gonna bite me? Show me your big pretty teeth?”
When you reach for his face he takes a step back, ears flicking. Looks almost shellshocked. You finally break, giggling as you croon baby noises at him.
“Oh, poor boy, did I spook you? I’m sorry, baby. No, no you’re very scary. Very intimidating.” You start scooting around him, amused how curves around you almost like he’s afraid you’re going to touch him. “It’s okay, buddy, I just need to find my boy. I’m not out to get you.”
As if on cue, Johnny comes bursting from the trees. He barks when he sees you, then almost comes up short when he realizes the other dog is there.
You become acutely aware that you’re not all too sure how Johnny will respond to another dog - especially one so close to you given his protectiveness. You instantly move between them, calling his attention.
“There you are, Bonnie Johnny! Where have you been?! Naughty boy, you better not have eaten anything fluffy.” His ears go back, a little whine starting up. He ducks his head to let you grab at his muzzle, inspecting him for anything gross. “I do not feel like wrangling you to brush your teeth.”
Luckily, he seems clean. Whatever had him so excited, he must not have caught.
Movement behind you catches your attention, the other dog loping closer. Your eyes bounce between them, watching body language for any aggression or hostility. To your relief, Johnny seems almost excited by this new friend - the other one… well, he seems a bit more subdued, but lets Johnny lick at his chin and bump into his side.
“Okay, ready to head home, baby boy?” you ask, giving Johnny’s collar a gentle tug. “I have to start making dinner.”
He whines, turning those big blue eyes on you and positioning himself behind the other dog. You groan.
“Johnny, really… I don’t know if I can handle two of you. I don’t even think he likes me very much.”
As if to spite you, the other dog sits and leans in, licking at your hand. And damn it, it’s cute.
“Alright, hold on, let’s just see if…”
This time, the other dog lets you touch, feels around his neck for a collar that unsurprisingly isn’t there. You feel around his shoulders too, hoping for that tiny bump that means he has a microchip, but nope.
“If I have a nickel for every time I found a wolf-dog in the woods…” you sigh, turning back for home. “It would be two nickels but it’s weird that it happened twice.”
When you notice both pups stalling, you whistle sharply.
“Come. It’s getting cold.”
Johnny instantly bounds ahead with excitement while your new companion is slightly slower, staying just a bit behind and to the side of you so that you can see him from the corner of your eye.
Back at home, Johnny leads the way inside. The strange dog looks around curiously, sniffs at a few spots. It’s then that you remember Johnny marking the house his first couple days and notice that Mystery Dog is also unaltered.
“Hey.” Both dogs turn to you. You point at the new one sternly. “If you pee on anything in here - anything - I’m dying you pink. By god I’ll do it, there are dog safe hair dyes.”
You get a sneeze for that and he walks away with disinterest, but at least he keeps his leg down. You’ll take it.
Dinner is interesting, no fussing or fighting over food from either of them. When they’re done, you retire to the couch, Johnny happy to follow up until he sees that his new friend isn’t coming as well.
He starts yipping, bouncing, bowing, trying to get the new one to follow. You’re amused up until Johnny nips and the bigger dog growls, showing teeth. You plant yourself instantly between them.
“Hey.” You look the new dog in the eye, get into his space and back him away from Johnny. “No the hell you’re not.”
The new dog stares, eyes locked on yours, ears swiveling. You don’t back down, watching and looking waiting, still bodily between him and Johnny. Until finally his ears go back and he sneezes, laying down.
“Good.” You soften your voice, sigh. “Good boy.”
You offer your hand. Get a sniff and a resigned lick, then scratch at your new boy’s ears.
“You be nice, big boy. Everyone in this house is mine. I take care of everyone.”
His eyes do a weird thing then. You’re not sure how to describe it, combined with the way his head tilts. But you just chalk it up to Weird Dog Things and finally return to the couch, an oddly subdued Johnny clambering up with you.
“You can join us, honey,” you call to the other dog. “You’re welcome up here if you behave.”
He doesn’t take you up on it for awhile. You and Johnny settle in for your usual nightly shows. And then, about an hour later, movement draws your eye. The Mystery Dog, standing at the edge of the couch with his tail down, ears neutral.
Earlier drama forgotten, you smile at him.
“Hi there,” you chirp, “you want up? C’mon, bud. Up.”
He hops up with surprisingly gentleness, picking his way around your limbs and Johnny’s. He ends up crawling over your dog and settling half on top of him, and half on top of you, his chin settled between Johnny’s stupid perky ears. Johnny seems thrilled so you laugh a bit.
“What good boys,” you coo, giving them each a scratch and receiving a kiss in return. “Alright, this isn’t so bad.”
You fall asleep there, already trying to come up with name for your new pup. Maybe Phantom.
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mattodore · 1 year
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it's actually so nice to have full shots in cas without the ui in the way now........ it's so clean.........
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bitchimasnake-sss · 6 months
"let me help you out" ft. the monster trio!
in which, an experienced you gets to teach them something new
ft. (inexperienced) luffy, zoro, sanji x fem!reader
warnings: short nsfw drabbles; oral (both m!receiving and f!receiving), dirty talk, handjob, sub!op men (im a whore for pathetic men)
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bark bark woof woof icanbealightshade-
- "aww?" you nibbled on his earlobe, deft fingers swiftly moving up and down his shaft, "are you okay luffy?" - "it feels so good u-gh" he was panting, eyes closed, lips bitten till they were red, hair damp and tangled words on the tip of his tongue, "ple-ease please don't stop ha-" "hm?" you teased, licking a stripe from the base of his throat to his jaw, "what will i get in return?" - "anything" his hand is on top of yours, calloused fingers pumping his dick alongside your delicate ones, "anything you want, i will do i- it" "hands to yourself, baby you know the rules" pressing open-mouthed kisses against his tattered skin, you move downwards till youre sucking on his tip, swirling your tongue slowly and tasting the salty precum - "relax" you whispered as you licked up his cock, tracing the faint veins with the tip of your tongue as he shivered under you - as you're sucking his dick, he stretches it ever so slightly so that it's hitting the back of your throat. he lowly whispers, "just w-anna see your throat getting fucked" - you let him do as he pleases - after all, first times are supposed to be fun aren't they?
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im not above the temptations of the flesh im afraid
- you're pushing zoro against the wall, kissing him as he stares at you with wide eyes "yn?" he's whispering against your hot kisses, looking down at your tits as they spill out of a flimsy tank top, sensitive even to your most casual touches, "somebody's gonna see us, baby" "let me help you, zoro" - the rest of the crew was doing their usual around the deck and thankfully, nobody had wandered into your little corner yet - you bite down on his pulse, tasting the citrusy soap on his skin and leaving behind purple bruises - when he moans, you press a hand onto his mouth, "shh, they'd hear us. you don't want to let them see you like this right? so obviously fucked out by me?" - and then you're on your knees, pulling down his pants and freeing his cock from the cloth-bound cage. you look up at him, biting your lip as you give him an innocent look, "can i suck your dick hm?" "somebody's gonna catc- fuck, god, fuc- k" his breath hitches as you take half of his dick in, swirling your tongue and playing with the hard cock, "darling, quit playin'" - his back is pressed against the wall and his hips are matching the torturous rhythm of your hand, he's fucking himself, rutting desperately into your hands as his grip in your hair tightens "'m so close, so so close, angel, fu-ck" he throws his head back, hands pulling your mouth to his cock again, "faster, fasterf- please baby" you hum against his member, "wanna cum on my face?" - never have you seen this man come undone so soon
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hehehehe marry me 💍💍
- "yn, yn, yn~" he's rutting into air, waiting for any sort of friction that you deprive him of, "please don't make me wait" - he whimpers as you slip a finger in and moan out his name, you smile at him through the stimulation, "i thought you wanted to just see?" "let me touch it just once pleas-" "sanji, sit still" you silence him, letting your fingers mercilessly circle your own clit as you choke down sobs and cries - when you were done, you crawled over, making him taste your fingers, "see, you were so patient, so, now i should give something in return shouldn't i?" - he's whimpering when you palm him through his dress slacks and realize suddenly that he ha already cum "aw? that all you could take?" he flushes and as you continue palming him, he feels himself getting hard, grnding against your soft hands, "please yn, please don't make me wait" "aww, if you're in a hurry come help me" you encourage and he's pumping himself with your pace. - his eyes are rolled back, head thrown back as he struggles to breathe,"pl-ease just a little more, please plea" - his face is flushed as his cums undone in your hand
a/n: hope you enjoyed this lol and please please let me know the artists if you know them, full credit for the art to them!!
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emmyrosee · 2 months
emmy imagine doing a fit check for suna on your lunch break or something and he’s just hyping you up the whole time (in his own way) while he’s on break from practice 😕🫶🏻
(inspired by me doing a fit check like literally rn while I wait for my friend to show up LOL)
You just prop your phone on the bureau, fix your hair a little bit and press the FaceTime button, smoothing your shirt and taking a deep breath in. The phone rings a few times, and you chew on your lip, fiddle with your fingers, suddenly very shy about showing your boyfriend your outfit, and-
“WHOOOOOO!” A loud cheer echos through the room, and you giggle and cover your face. “That’s my baby! WOOF! Hell yeah dawg! Gimme a twirl. C’mon. Spin for me, doll.”
You do, and he winces dramatically, “ah! My heart! Give it back!”
“Rinnie!” You snort, beaming happily at him. “You really love it?”
“Love it? Baby-“ he leans towards the microphone, “I’m being tame right now because Washio is right next to me.” He turns the camera slightly to show just a frame of Washio, who’s pinching his eyes.
“Thank you,” a gruff voice answers over the line.
“Hi, washio!”
“Yeah. Hey.”
Rintaro turns the camera back to him, “alright you looked to long, my turn again.” He smirks as you kick your shoe up to show him, and he licks his lips slightly, “you look really good, baby. Wanna give that big forehead a kiss.”
“MY FOREHEAD? Have you seen yours!” You scoff.
He rolls his eyes, “this isn’t about me. Go have fun with your friends before you ruin the mood.”
“Okay, stink,” you hum, grabbing the camera. “I love you so much.”
“Love you more, smelly.” He brings the camera to his lips for a dramatic kiss, and you roll your eyes as you place a small peck to the camera. “That was hot.”
“Sure was, rinnie.”
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e-hibiscus · 18 days
sfw and nsfw hc for the dog-coded PTN women?
Pairing: Rahu x fem!reader, Zoya x fem!reader, Cinnabar x fem!reader, Ninety-Nine x fem!reader
C.W: NSFW, Collars, muzzles, leashes, pet play(? kinda), more like talking about dog-coded women but cw none the less🫡
Author’s Note:  Woof woof 🐶poupy poupy! Your ask was really vague so i didn't know what you wanted so i just went with whatever was in my mind. (Not proof read)
Minors DNI! | NSFW! under the cut
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Rahu would reluctantly, but still, let you put all these things on her. She’s tall. She’s scary. She’s intimidating! Like an obedient guard dog she’d keep it on and follow orders. Her self restraint can only last so long, but seeing her teary eyed and desperate makes it worth it.
Rahu get so sad when you don’t let her do anything but watch as you go about and do things. Poor woman wants to help you, but you remind her to stay put and not move or even hold you 😨 she just has to sit there while you grind on her thigh or ride her cock.
Rahu gets all whiney and desperate, hands clawing at the sheets beside her while she begs and begs for you to at least let her hold you. But that’s a reward only after she makes you cum a few times. 
When she’s finally allowed to properly fuck you, Rhau will have been all pent up. Her hands dig into your hips with a bruising grip. Hips rutting into you like no tomorrow, all while muttering “i love you”, “thank you”, and  “how good you make her feel” right by your ear.
The best Rahu can do is leave her mark by painting your insides white 😔 she can’t leave bite marks; only leaving imprints of the muzzle on your back, but this way you get to hear every sound Rahu would usually snuff out when sinking her teeth into the junction between your neck and shoulder. It’s okay though, you let her double her effort and let her mark you up this way.
Rahu can be dangerous, but she’s an obedient pup who listens to your orders. Advised for her to have a collar, muzzle, and lead 😔 so you can bully her frfr
Zoya is big and strong. The scary dog gf privileges are on full display with this absolute hulk of a woman. She’s on top and in-charge. Good luck getting anything more than a muzzle or collar on this woman. If you're lucky, maybe Zoya will let you do both, but a leash is a no no because she wants to be free to do as she pleases.
Zoya places you on her lap, hands holding your waist in place as you squirm in her arms. Through the cage of the muzzle you see her smirking, amused by the small tug on her jacket. She’s entertained you enough hadn’t she? Putting on this stupid thing made her initially annoyed, but Zoya will make it work– even with it on.
With Zoya, she’s the one who lets you do this, not the other way around. If you get a little too cocky, or go too slow for her liking, Zoya will note it down and make you pay double as a reminder on who’s the one who wears the pants in the relationship.
Zoya gets a little frisky, maybe goes a little wild in pace as well, but she wouldn’t do anything that would intentionally hurt you (non-consensually). 
At most, Zoya will fuck you into oblivion, taking you until your on the brink of passing out. Her hips move in hard languid strokes so her thick cock can hit all your sweet spots with as much strength she can muster.
You put a muzzle on Zoya to help “tame” her, so she’ll show you just how feral she can get in bed. You’re not going to be able to walk for the next few days, and what’s worse is the fact Zoya took the muzzle off anyway 😔 just so she can “properly” mark you up
Cinnabar, Cinnabar, Cinnabar… The poster lady of golden retriever girlfriends who could honestly do no wrong. She’s a walking green flag and does not need any restraints whatsoever. No muzzle, collar, or leash required because Cinnabar can be your fluffy puppy or your guard dog on the dime; it's all down to the given situation!
Cinnabar is always eager to please. Her top and main priority is you, after all. If you’re feeling good, then so is she 🥺 Just make sure to complement and sing your praises. Cinna would absolutely melt from your sweet words.
Call her nicknames and she’ll go beet red. It's only because its you saying these sweet words, Cinna might just explode! Carefully guide her hands away from her face and you’ll see the absolutely adorable sight of your girlfriend flustered.
Cinnapup (nick-name curated from the lovely @/sinful-lanturns’s blog) can top or bottom for you. She prefers to be a service top above all else but Cinnabar can switch between the two, just for you. 
Cinnabar as a top is careful with her ministrations. She is gentle, not wanting to hurt you in the slightest because she loves you so much. Her fingers are a little clumsy when they explore the wet cavern of your pussy. Her careful, cautious nature has Cinnabar unintentionally edging you 😰so you have to tell her to properly fuck you, but even then she goes too slow.
Ninety-Nine is big, strong , and scary 😨 this woman is the most feral out of them. You’re gonna need everything to keep safe, and you definitely gonna get dragged or carried around by her. Ninety-Nine will be willing to wear a muzzle, collar, and lead, but you have to talk her through it. Bby trusts you not to do anything bad to her or Hella 🥺
She unironically growls. When it’s not anything serious it’s actually pretty cute 😔 Ninety-Nine often looks at you for guidance or orders, staying around because she likes your company (and you give her snacks).
My take is Ninety-Nine is like a Rottweiler? Big scary dog, but is not so secretly a great pup over all. That being said, with those Ninety-Nine considers “family” she will protect like her life depends on it. She’s using her entire body to shield you and will have no hesitation for snapping at anyone who tries to do anything to you.
Feral Ninety-Nine is a menace because even with a muzzle and collar it’s impossible to restrain her so she does what her instincts tell her. If that means shoving your head into the sheets and relentlessly rut her hips into you, then so be it 😔 her claw like hands dig into your skin; leaving little beads of blood in their wake. Your cries and whines partially register, and she lessens her grip on your sides
Ninety-Nine will go for as long as she wants. There’s just no way you’ll get out of her grip once she starts going to town on you. She’s an insatiable beast 😨 so good luck getting out of bed in the morning tomorrow cause you’re in for a long and difficult ride
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alessiasfreckles · 3 months
Puppy Love
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You and Leah get a puppy!
warnings: none!
A/N: based off of @onasfreckles request! wanted to write something about Leah so here it is, short and sweet x
“Oh my god, baby, he’s perfect!” Leah gushed.
“Never thought I’d hear you say that about a man,” you teased, but you had to agree. 
“He’s not a man, he’s just a little baby!” she said, picking him up and turning to look at you. You melted at the sight of your girlfriend holding the Golden Retriever puppy. “Look at his eyes! Baby, please can we get him? Please?”
“Why else do you think we’re here?” she smiled, and she let out a gasp.
“You said we were just looking!” 
“I lied. Come on, you don’t really think I would make you look at all these adorable puppies and then just leave, did you?” you said with a laugh, and she turned back to look at the puppy with adoration in her eyes. 
“You’re coming home with us, yes you are, we’re your new mummies,” she said in a baby voice, and you couldn’t help but smile.
You’d known Leah wanted a dog for a while, but she didn’t want to get one by herself because she didn’t think it would be fair to the dog if she had to leave for days at a time for camp or away games. As you weren’t a footballer, however, you would be home when she was at camp, and your family lived close by enough to look after a dog if you travelled with her. So you figured now was the perfect time. 
“Is he really ours?” Leah asked you again, looking up at you. 
“Really,” you said, kneeling down next to where she was sat on the floor. 
Tears were brimming in her eyes when she kissed you. “Thank you.”
“You big softie,” you teased, and she nodded, giggling. 
“Oh my god, what are we going to name him?” she asked. 
“Well, we have the whole drive home to figure it out. Unless you have any ideas already?”
“Hmm…” she trailed off, looking at him thoughtfully. “Peanut. I think he looks like a Peanut.”
The puppy cocked his head when she said the name, and jumped up the second time she said it.
“Peanut it is, then,” you said with a laugh, and Peanut let out a small woof. 
When you got home, Leah carried Peanut in through the front door, carefully setting him down. 
“Okay Peanut, this is your new home!” she said gently, then turned to you with wide eyes. “Wait, babe, we don’t have anything for him! We don’t have a bed, or a bowl, or puppy pads, or -”
“Woah, relax,” you told her, and opened the door to the storage closet under the stairs, the one she refused to go in because she claimed it was full of spiders. Over the past few weeks you’d gotten all the essentials for a puppy and had hidden them, knowing they’d be safe from her there. “I have everything we need right here.”
Once again, tears welled up in your girlfriend’s eyes. This time they spilled over, and she quickly tried to wipe them away.
“You okay?” you asked gently, getting the feeling that these were good tears rather than bad ones.
“I’m just, just, so happy!” she said through sniffles. “I love you so much, thank you.”
“I love you,” you said, hugging her tightly, when the two of you felt a cold damp nose nudging at your calves. 
You broke apart, laughing, to see Peanut looking up at you with his big brown eyes. He cocked his head, then licked Leah’s ankle. 
“I think he might be hungry,” she said between giggles. 
After you got him sorted with food and water, and had put out some puppy pads and his new bed, you let him explore the house. The two of you gushed over pretty much everything the puppy did, but your favourite thing was when she trotted over to Leah, who was sat cross legged on the floor, and flopped in her lap, tired from all the excitement.
She stroked his head gently, watching his eyes droop, looking like he was trying not to fall asleep. The way she looked at him, with so much tenderness and adoration, made your heart feel so full of love that it could burst.
“I can’t wait to have a baby with you,” you told her, and she looked up at you.
“Yeah?” she asked, smiling.
“Yeah,” you nodded. You’d never felt more sure of anything in your life. You leant over to kiss her, careful not to wake Peanut, who had given in to his sleepiness. 
“Want to tell the girls about him?” you asked a few minutes later, and she nodded eagerly.
“I have a great idea for how we can tell them,” she said with a grin. She got out her phone and started filming, holding it so that Peanut couldn’t be seen. “Hey guys, y/n and I have some big news. We’ve decided it’s time for us to take the next step in our relationship, and start expanding our family! So, without further ado, there’s someone we’d like to introduce you all to,” she panned the camera down to Peanut, who was still sleeping peacefully in her lap. “Everyone, meet the newest member of our family: Peanut!”
She stopped recording and quickly sent the video into the group chats your friends were in. The replies started flooding in immediately, ranging from messages in full caps from people saying they thought you were going to say that you were pregnant, to people offering to puppy-sit whenever you need it. 
“I don’t think Peanut is going to have to worry about being loved, do you?” you said with a smile.
“He has no idea how many people already love him,” Leah whispered softly. “You have so many aunties who can’t wait to meet you!”
Later that evening, you were sat on the sofa together, Peanut fast asleep in his new bed. You watched his small body rise and fall with his breathing, and grinned when his little legs kicked out in his sleep.
“What do you think he’s dreaming about?” you said softly to Leah.
“Running around in a big field, full of flowers,” she said dreamily, and you nodded, pressing a kiss to the side of her head with a smile.
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junkdrawerfics · 10 months
Game On
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(one of my favorite clips, lowkey)
Jasper X Reader
Summary: A little snippet of wolf!reader playing baseball with the Cullens. You and Emmett have a little rivalry going, and you'll do anything for some Jasper scratches.
Word Count: 1021
“You sure you can keep up with us, wolfie?” Emmet calls from the batter’s box with an absolutely snarky grin.
You cock a brow at him, settling into a crouch with an equally vicious smile, “Just you watch me, Em, you won’t make it to first base.”
“I’d like to see that,” he taunts back, twisting his grip on the bat and posing it over his shoulder.
Jasper chuckles from across the field, the sound easily reaching your sensitive ears, “Take it easy on him, darlin’.”
“No can do, Jas.” Your friendly rivalry with Emmett started as soon as you and Jasper got together, only made worse by you being a shifter. Competitiveness runs deep in your blood. “Someone has to put him in his place, and you pansies sure aren’t going to.”
“Ooh-” Emmett hisses through his teeth dramatically. “-you gonna let her talk to you like that?”
“I’m not one to get offended by a few words,” Jasper shoots back, smirk all too cocky, “Not like when you whined a full week when she called you a cream puff.”
“It’s time!” Alice chimes before Emmett can stand up for himself.
You snicker and he throws a glare your way.
Game on.
With your enhanced speed and strength, you put up a good fight against the vampires. It’s almost unfair, you and Jasper working perfectly in sync, getting them out one at a time. On your turn to bat, the feeling of smashing the ball, brutal and unrestrained, makes your whole body spark to life, driving you through the plates like a flash of lightning. It’s exhilarating.
Nearing the end of the thunderstorm, the game is close, your team up by one run. Emmett is back up to bat. Chest heaving, heart pounding, you make eye contact with him and, with the most wolfish smile, mouth a silent, ‘Bring it.’
Emmett scowls, eyes focusing back on Alice, and you hear Jasper chuckle softly.
Alice winds up, moving with practiced ease, and launches the baseball straight down the line. A crack of thunder overlaps the loud ring of the bat slamming into it, and it goes flying. You go flying after it.
You tear through the trees, eyes bright with glee as you follow the ball. The wind whips your hair around wildly, the damp ground giving way under your feet. You feel free. Out of breath, every muscle aching, but free. The moment right before your feet leave the ground, adrenaline surges through every cell of your body and you explode into a mess of fur and snapping teeth.
You jump, far too high, far too fast. But your teeth clamp down on the baseball, practically ripping through the leather, before you go crashing to the ground in a flurry of dirt and grass. The earth shakes at your impact, the sound louder than the storm’s thunder.
The family of vampires freeze, eyes wide. Jasper races after you. Worry burns through his veins as he comes to a stop at the crater’s edge. Gold eyes narrowed, he desperately searches through the haze of dirt for a sign that you’re okay.
Then you pop back up, and all his concern dissipates. You, in wolf form, look up at him with happy, squinted eyes, the ball still clamped firmly in your jaws. Your whole body practically shakes with how hard your tail is wagging.
“Well look at you,” the blond sighs, shaking his head, “I didn’t know wolves could fly, darlin’.”
Shaking off the dirt clinging to your fur, you scramble out of the hole you created. Without hesitation, you push into Jasper’s open arms. He chuckles as you wiggle in his grip, letting out little happy huffs as he scratches your head. You love it when he gives you scratches in wolf form, it’s like getting a massage in human form.
“You know-” You perk your ears and pause to look up at his slanted, mischievous grin. “-Emmett won’t like this.”
You let out a muffled ‘woof’. He better not like it, because he just signed his defeat. You won. The thought makes you growl happily as you adjust the ball in your mouth. Time to show off your victory.
Jasper sticks by your side and you trot back to the field. The moment you reach the tree line, Emmett lets out a loud, rumbling groan.
“That has to be cheating!”
Everyone turns to Esme. Emmett looks so hopeful, but then she looks at you and winks. You’ve never been so happy to see someone’s face plummet.
“You’re out, Emmett.”
You drop the ball and let out a small victorious howl. The man glares at you playfully, but you catch the smallest glimpse of a smile when you do a few happy stomps and throw yourself at Jasper. The blond grunts as your full weight takes you both to the ground. 
“Darlin’,” he wheezes out a bright laugh, “you’re crushing me.”
You huff, not caring even a bit as you drop your head on top of his chest. More scratches. You deserve more scratches, you won the game! Jasper can feel your insistence, having grown accustomed to reading your more chaotic emotions in this form, and gives in when you nudge him with your nose, licking his face. He curls his fingers through your thick fur, earning a happy grumble from you.
“We’re going to head back to the house,” Carlisle announces, voice ringing with amusement, “Feel free to join us when you would like to.”
Which ends up being far later in the night because there is something so lovely about just curling up with your vampire and watching the stars come out. He eventually goes and retrieves your extra clothes (he started keeping some with him after several phasing accidents) and you return to the Cullen household, where you mercilessly mock Emmett.
“How does it feel to lose to a wolf, cream puff?”
“(Y/n), I swear to God I’m gonna-”
You dash up the stairs, giggling wildly. Jasper follows behind slowly, tossing the bigger vampire a smug grin.
“Next time, you shouldn’t underestimate her.”
This idea came to me at like midnight and I wrote down the idea and I love it. I hope you guys enjoyed it too!
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fluffylino · 5 months
OKAY but imagine him making you bark. him breaking you apart. he wants to see just how DESPERATE YOU ARE FOR HIM.
anon, we transform into dogs when it comes to hyunjin 🤝
i got a little too into this but anyways here is your gift ♡
-contains mature themes
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"fuck" hyunjin cursed as you took his length. you bit into the pillow beside you, unable to focus on anything but him.
"this is what you were waiting for. such a patient good girl" he praised, cupping one side of your face with such gentleness.
"my dick's in you now, baby. you got what you wanted." he smiled. it took you a few seconds to process what he was saying. A few moments went by yet he still didn't do anything.
"m-move" you mumbled. "please"
"but honey, from what i remember you sent me a video saying you just wanted me inside of you." he reasoned, faking a genuine confused look.
you were going to cry.
"I meant-"
"ohhh did you also want me to make you cum?" he said, in a questioning tone. you tried nodding and he clicked his tongue, interrupting you.
"baby don't you know you have to be a little more specific?
"do i need to teach you to form a proper sentence mentioning what you exactly want from me?" it was meant to sound condescending yet he genuinely had you questioning whether you really didn't mention anything.
"I-" you muttered, a few tears slipping out.
"What's wrong, puppy? Cat got your tongue?"
his gaze was strong and you tried your best to keep looking at him but soon, your tears turned him into a blurry image.
"please hyun-" you begged, and he leaned down to hold your face. he pouted.
"that isn't going to work on me" he whispered, brushing away the tears that rolled down your cheeks. he moaned lowly when you clenched around him.
you were starting to get desperate. wriggling your hips did nothing but push him deeper. that was until he caught you, holding you down by the hips.
"you really want me so bad?" you nodded vigorously, even going to the extent grabbing his hand and pushing it against your throat. he tightened his grip on your neck, cutting off most of your air supply and revelling in the way you gasped.
"so tight" he whispered under his breath, looking down at where yall were connected. he adjusted himself.
"tongue out" he ordered. you did as he said.
"more" you pushed your tongue out entirely. He moved closer, you expected him to spit-
you huffed, eyelids fluttering, the feeling of him sucking on your tongue.
spit slowly dripping out and you knew you were in a messy state. hyunjin slowly pulled away, letting out a breathy laugh as you tried to chase after his mouth.
"come on bark" he said, looking at you with such intensity.
"bark for me and then maybe ill consider giving you what you want" he reasoned. you felt a wave of embarassement.
"but-" he silenced you by covering your mouth with his palm.
"you don't speak unless i tell you to" you shuddered and you could feel yourself get wetter. Hyunjin seemed to feel it too. one of his hands sliding down to rub against you.
"puppy im waiting"
"w-woof" you said, jaw slack when he thrust's forward and stops.
did he want you to do it again?
"keep going"
you gave it your best. hyunjin smiled, hooking your legs over his shoulders.
"See it wasn't that hard was it, my love?"
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