#Mai Ikeda.
knivesnkisses · 7 months
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Late Valentine's post lmao. Kissies!!
Feat. Azi n Eli (@wwr-afterdark ), Nikolai (@quiescentlunacy ) n Adryan (@prussianvenom ), Poppy n Mallow (also quiescent), and finally Mai n Eden (@beetle-drip )!
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love-plus-mania · 2 months
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the cast of love + mania with this
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Nagi you got in easily.
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'I... should of question it further or even refuse but... I didn't, but I guess they wanted to make sure were on board.'
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Okay I guess I could accept this, alright - I suppose I'll be attending Hope's Peak but are you going to inform my parents about this?
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Well I was suppose to attend anyway so I think my folks would be cool with it!
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Excellent, I did inform your parents as well so they will be caught up to speed, welcome aboard.
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You both will start to attend Hope's Peak on July 23rd, will prepare for your arrival so return to class.
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Okay miss Shingetsu... *the duo left the room which after that the door close*
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Oh hey, the 2 are out now! Wonder what happen?
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Yeah... we better see what's up. *the walk over to Nagi and Hiromi*
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Huh? Hajime and Ren... hello...
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Hey... so what's going on, what happen?
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Well... seems Hope's Peak took my attempt at joining Hope's Peak seriously and starting July 23rd, I'll be attending Hope's Peak as the Ultimate Gamer.
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Wait, your... your going to attend the main course?!
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Wait you did, wow congrats and I guess the same was for you as well?
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Ye-Yeah... I guess so, I'll be attending as the Ultimate Marine Biologist so meaning I'm going to get to do more research on marine life which I better head off too. *Hiromi took her leave but...*
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...Hajime? You okay? I know you always wanted to attend Hope's Peak and I'm sorry about this, so-.
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No, No... it's fine, if anything you deserve it...
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Huh...? Wait, you aren't upset?
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Why would I be, your getting to go into Hope's Peak and able to do great things.
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So... congrats, Nagi. You deserve it... really...
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...Right, thanks.
'It felt... awkward to say anything, I had no idea what to say but as say, I got in but didn't question it further...'
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lost-in-mangaverse · 1 year
May Manga Mayhem - Day 1
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It's May the 1st and today we are doing the revolution in France !! This re-enactment is the perfect opportunity to talk about Versailles no Bara
The Rose of Versailles is a fascinating series: among the first to be set in an historical setting, Riyoko Ikeda's work influence on shoujo manga can still be seen today. Her elaborate and intricate style is gorgeous -I gasped at so many page turns- and fit the dramatic scenes very well. This was such a resounding success that this work got multiple anime, drama and scenic adaptations.
The story itself, apart from being very instructive even for a French person, is pretty groundbreaking in its presentation of gender and relationships. The main character Oscar, a woman raised like a male soldier by her father, is blending the frontier of the gender binary. Although it struggles to totally emancipate from gender norms (it was published in 1971 after all), the limits are pushed pretty far, and it's pretty delightful to read. I did experience a bit of gender euphoria reading it.
To my sense it is a crucial reading to build up your manga culture, considering how much impact it had on the manga landscape.
To wrap things up, I encourage you to listen at least the intro of the anime op. Sets the dramatic mood really well !
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naurtos · 2 years
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ok finally working up the courage to post my Naruto oc
her name is Korin, she lives like a feral little animal in the forest by herself and follows the ‘laws of nature’ aka whatever she thinks that means. she has a small trade business in the way of occasionally trading intel/trinkets with people who pass through her forest in exchange for supplies. she thinks life is unique and despises how shinobi kill so easily. she’s not against taking life but thinks it must only be done for the right reasons and with respect for the life you’re taking. she’s also a hypocrit LMAO
she has a summoning elk named Ira that she tends to ride around on when hunting in order not to overexert her strength. she moves and behaves a lot like a wild animal rather than a human. her kekkei genkai is very rare and unique to her bloodline, and it transforms her into a bizarre mixture of snow leopard and human when activated. she’s very very secretive about it due to the legends of her village about ‘snow leopard beasts’ that had gone insane and lived on the outskirts of the village. she almost never activates it
because I can’t resist making her a little self indulgent, she’s adopted 5 gray wolf pups that were abandoned in their den by their mother (this is a real thing that happens in nature more often than you’d think) because she’s very lonely in the forest. unfortunately ikeda is sick from birth and doesn’t make it, but the other 4 do :)
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xxxemilyg1996 · 2 months
My mom pre-ordered me a copy of The Blackbird Oracle as a surprise next week (she didn't say that's what it was but that's what it is) and I just looked up the audio book and they got the same narrator as the first 3 books!
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new-dinosaurs · 2 months
Hypnovenator matsubaraetoheorum Kubota et al., 2024 (new genus and species)
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(Type specimen and schematic skeletal of Hypnovenator matsubaraetoheorum, with preserved bones in red and yellow, from Kubota et al., 2024)
Meaning of name: Hypnovenator = sleep [in Greek] hunter [in Latin]; matsubaraetoheorum = for Kaoru Matsubara and Takaharu Ohe [discoverers of part of the original fossil]
Age: Early Cretaceous (Albian), between 106.4–112.1 million years ago
Where found: Ohyamashimo Formation, Hyōgo, Japan
How much is known: Partial skeleton of one individual, including limb bones, gastralia (belly ribs), and two tail vertebrae.
Notes: Hypnovenator was a troodontid, a group of relatively small, bird-like theropods. It is the first troodontid to be named from Japan. Unlike other Early Cretaceous troodontids, but similar to many Late Cretaceous ones, Hypnovenator had feet in which the outermost metatarsal (long bone of the foot) was substantially wider at its base than the second innermost metatarsal. In troodontids, the outer two metatarsals supported the main weight-bearing toes on each foot, whereas the second innermost toe was typically held off the ground. The relatively more robust outer metatarsal in Hypnovenator and later troodontids may therefore be a specialization towards greater running ability.
Several other troodontids, namely Sinornithoides, Mei, and Sinovenator, are known from one or more specimens that appear to have been preserved while they were sitting down (perhaps even sleeping). The folded posture of the limbs in the type specimen of Hypnovenator suggests that it may have died in a similar pose as well.
Reference: Kubota, K., Y. Kobayashi, and T. Ikeda. 2024. Early Cretaceous troodontine troodontid (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Ohyamashimo Formation of Japan reveals the early evolution of Troodontinae. Scientific Reports 14: 16392. doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-66815-2
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angel-kyo · 9 months
Pay it no mind
Part V
In which reader confesses their feelings to Gojo, but it seems these are not returned (maybe?).
Warnings: reader is on the receiving end of rejection (kinda), and the fact that I'm obsessed with unrequited love is a warning itself.
Previous: Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV
“Geto says they are on their way.” Shoko put away her phone and looked at the waiter you had been stealing glances at while he was taking the order at a nearby table.
You had found that coffee shop not long ago one day you had been out on your own, but you had dragged Ieiri there several times since then. It started as...
“I found this nice place near that store you liked the other day.”
“Oh, really?” Shoko had said.
“I think you would like it. We should go together next time.”
Once there, Shoko had realized rather quickly that the waiter was particularly friendly towards you. That is how you had to tell her he had noticed the anime keychain hanging from your bag the first time you stopped by (he was a fellow fan), and then small talk turned into a nice conversation, and next thing you knew was you were telling him you would see him next time. And you had, many times after that.
So, whether you were coming alone or with Ieiri, he always served your table and chatted a little with you. Had school been rough that day? Had you seen the last episode of that anime yet? He was reading something new, maybe you would like it too.
Shoko would participate in your conversation just enough not to make you feel like you were excluding her, but she was not really interested in all of that. Your likes differed. She did not want, however, to prevent you from making friends with people who shared your interests.
“I’ll admit that he is cute, but is he cuter than me?" Shoko sighed. "He must be if you are ignoring me for him.” She rested her face on her palm and looked at the table the guy in question was tending to.
You smiled at her fake jealousy. “Stop it...” you said shaking your head lightly and beaming at her. “No one is cuter than you.”
She gave you a side smile. Gojo would kill me if he heard you, you know?
Young as she was at that moment, Ieiri had never tried to analyze the depth of Gojo's feelings in any circumstances. She had always thought it pointless. So, when he had introduced you and said you were his close childhood friend, she had just accepted it. The possibility of him holding deeper feelings would only cross her mind later, but one thing had been evident to her since the beginning: Gojo liked your attention more than anyone else's.
“Are you going to ask him out or are we just going to keep coming here until I have tried everything there is in the menu?” Shoko's voice was soft, but a flushed color rose to your cheeks at the thought that Ikeda may have heard her.
“Well, is not like that…”
“Oh, good, you ordered something already,” Gojo said plopping down on the seat next to you while Suguru greeted both of you and sat next to Shoko.
Satoru then took a long sip of your iced tea.
“That’s mine! Get yours,” you complained but only received his silly smirk in return.
“Excuse him, [name], you know how he gets when he is outside,” Suguru defended calmly, looking at the menu Shoko had handed him.
“He is like this all the time.” You sighed, and Gojo nudged you. Shoko looked amused by your situation.
Gojo rolled his eyes. “Why did you invite me if you did not want me around?”
“You invited yourself,” you hissed. “I am glad you are here, though, Geto.” You smiled at the latter.
Gojo was going to claim he had been your friend for longer and it was unfair Geto always got better treatment, but then he saw Suguru and Shoko looking up to the figure that had materialized next to your table.
“Is everything okay around here?” a guy wearing a black apron who seemed to be around their age asked. “Looks like the rest of the party is here. Would you like to order anything else?”
Suguru ordered something and Satoru did too. Ieiri said she was okay, and then the waiter looked at you. “And you, [name]?”
Gojo looked at him. Had he addressed you by your name? That was a bit weird.
“I’m alright. Thanks, Ikeda.”
And it looked like you knew him as well? His focus shifted to you. Suguru had also picked up on it and, after that Ikeda guy had walked away, he was the one to ask. “You know each other?”
For some reason, the cunning smile that appeared on Ieiri’s lips made Gojo uncomfortable.
“Something like that...I have been coming here for a while now.” You scratched your wrist, and Gojo wondered if you were nervous. He knew all your quirks by heart now and you did that when you were, he was sure.
Suguru hummed and dismissed it, but Shoko saw an opportunity to tease you. “He certainly makes this place look brighter, doesn’t he, [name]?”
Gojo looked at you from the corner of his eye. Were you blushing?
“And I bet he thinks you are cute too. We should ask him, no?” Shoko pressed on.
You shook your head and laughed. Now you were really red, which made Shoko laugh too. It was usual for her to tease you like that when cute-coffee-shop-waiter-guy (as she had started referring to him) was around, but it was the first time Geto and Gojo had joined you there and witnessed it.
Geto did not fully understand what you two were all about, but he enjoyed seeing his friends having fun. Nevertheless, he did not miss the straight line that had replaced Satoru’s usual smile.
“You are supposed to go the other way.” Gojo kept furiously pressing the buttons of his controller.
“This is a shortcut.” You were sitting next to him on the floor of his room because he had invited you to play video games with him.
Since he had started high school, Gojo had been spending a lot of time with Geto. At first, you had felt displaced, but Geto was nice and, after having Satoru attached to your hip for so many years, maybe finding another kindred spirit would be good for him, and just maybe, it would be good for you to do the same.
That made you think of your new friend, the one Shoko insisted thought you were cute.
“Girls must like him. He is a pretty face,” Shoko had recognized the first time she saw Ikeda.
She had been right; you had noticed it from the start too. Ikeda’s eyes were pretty, and his smile was kind, plus, he was so friendly. When he told you his mother had named him Haruki just because he had been born in the spring, you thought it really suited him.
But that only meant you had a high opinion of him, right? It was not like you really liked him the way Shoko believed, was it?
“Satoru,” you made your character jump on the screen, “have you ever liked someone?”
Gojo’s sight remained on the game. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, how do you know you like someone like… you know… romantically?”
Gojo’s fingers faltered over the buttons of his controller. “Hmm…” He saw your avatar getting hit by an enemy attack and dying in the game. If you could not back him up, that meant he would lose too, right? “I don’t know… I guess you just like them and...”
You had left your controller on the floor and were looking at him intently.
It was getting dark outside, but he could still see your features clearly.
“And?” you urged him.
He was not sure of what to say. What did it even mean to like someone that way? He thought Inoue Waka was attractive. Did that count?
He shrugged. “And... you just know.” He did not want to give you a dumb answer, but he was not great with this kind of questions either.
You averted your gaze. “But it is different than when you like a friend, isn’t it?”
Satoru pondered it for a bit.
Is it?
“I guess…” He pushed you gently and put on his best smile. “Why does it matter anyway? Are you interested in romance now?" He was being playful, but you felt like he had seen through you.
"You think I should?"
He smiled. "Nope. You have me, right? I’m a boy and your friend. What would you need a boyfriend for?”
You returned his smile. "You are right, I wouldn't have time for him. You are too high maintenance."
With the way you were smiling at him, Satoru thought you could easily find someone if you wanted to.
Maybe you are right. Maybe it feels different...
"Oh... We lost." You were looking at the screen showing the message 'game over'.
Satoru should have known that was foreshadowing.
Note: And... Cut! I really wanted to write them in their high school years, so here's a peek.
Thank you for reading!
Next: Part VI
@mavs-stuff @witchbybirth @crookedlyaddictedone-blog @tqd4455
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trying to make a list of 70’s to early 80’s proto-yuri, if you know of any series i should add to this list please reach out!
also please check out this list of 20th century yuri, it has a broader definition and larger timescale but it's been immensely helpful in the curation of my own list so far
updated as of May 2: series are now ordered by year, titles and author names are listed in jp as well as english, some summaries updated, series added (sakura namiki, secret love, shiroi heya no futari, oniisama e, sakura no sono), summary sources are now listed at the end of each entry
updated as of August 21: all entries now include whether the manga has an english translation (and by what group) and whether i have personally finished it, some series added (utsukushii vampire, itoko valeria, hana no you na lilibet), added a link to the 20th century yuri list
“sakura namiki” / “さくら並木” (1957) - takahashi macoto / 高橋真琴 [read] [english fan translation by Lililicious]
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-when yukiko throws a table tennis match against maki, an upper-classmen who she in love with she fears that she has driven a wedge in their friendship. As rumors and slander begin to swirl around the two girls Yukiko’s fear compounds. Will she be able to repair her friendship with Maki, and could this possibly even bring them closer than ever before? (my summary)
“Secret Love” / “シークレット・ラブ” (1970) - yashiro masako / 矢代まさこ [unread] [no english translation]
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(no summary found)
“shiroi heya no futari” / “白い部屋のふたり” (1971) - yamagishi ryouko / 山岸凉子 [read] [english fan translation by Lililicious]
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-Resine comes to a new boarding school to find she is rooming with Simone, a rebel who is rude to her from the start. However, Resine and Simone end up falling in love… (copied from mangadex)
“futaripocchi” / “ふたりぽっち” (1971) - riyoko ikeda / 池田理代子 [read] [no english translation]
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-Kaoru, a poor girl and Reiko, the daughter of a wealthy family are on good terms and attend Aisei Girls' Academy together. These two, who had completely opposite upbringings and personalities, ended up becoming sisters when their parents remarried. Even as they rebel against each other and hurt each other, they gradually understand each other and deepen their bond, but eventually Reiko begins to develop romantic feelings for Kaoru. Attacked by the absurdities of society the beautiful sisters Kaoru and Reiko go on a journey, just the two of them. (translated from manga ookoku)
“maya no souretsu” / “摩耶の葬列” (1972) - ichijo yukari / 一条ゆかり [read] [english fan translation by Lililicious]
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-A horror story, in which the main character and her family go to their summer house for vacation and people start dying one by one. The twist is that the main character, Reina, is falling in love with her mysterious neighbor, Maya. But who is Maya really, and how does she know so much about Reina's family? (copied from mangadex)
“utsukushii kyuuketski” / “美しき吸血鬼” (1971)- asuka sashiko / 飛鳥幸子 [read] [english fan translation by mangadex user MabitheBard]
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-Lilah, an Austrian Count's daughter, is approached at a ball by Justine, an enchantingly beautiful woman of fellow Habsburg descent. The two quickly become friends, but little does Lilah know that Justine's keen interest in her may become a death sentence. (copied from mangadex)
“aries no otometachi” / “アリエスの乙女たち” (1973) - satonaka machiko / 里中満智子 [unread] [no english translation]
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-Kubo Emiko and Mizuho Romi are two girls born under the Aries sign. Emiko is an earnest and innocent girl who grew up with gentle parents. On the other hand, Romi, who was raised by her fashion designer mother, has a fierce temper. Emiko admires Takashi from the equestrian club, but when she meets the strong and beautiful Romi, she gradually becomes attracted to her. Is this excitement... love? (translated from manga ookoku)
“yureru soushun" / “揺れる早春” (1973) - riyoko ikeda / 池田理代子 [read] [no english translation]
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-Mako, who has excellent grades, is good at sports, and is popular, falls in love with Junko, a beautiful junior who is hated by all the female students at school. Mako is trapped by Junko's intense love and jealousy...!? (translated from manga ookoku)
“hana no you na lilibet” /花のようなリリベット (1974) watanabe masako / わたなべ まさこ [read] [no english translation]
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-Angel, who lives in the boarding school of Sandor Academy deep in the forest, has had recurring nightmares since childhood. she dreams of a sensation of something climbing ontop of her and that when she opens her eyes she sees the face of a beautiful girl. She wakes up screaming in pain, as though her chest had been pierced by sharp fangs. Her roommate, Agatha, vanishes one night and Lilibet, a girl as beautiful as a flower, appears in her place. As if seeing through Angel's heart, which is attracted to her beauty, Lilibet invites her into her room. "I've missed you, Angel. You're mine now..." Lilibet she whispers and embraces Angel, trying to steal her lips. Angel runs back to her room in shock, but Agatha, who had disappeared, has somehow returned. However, something is clearly wrong… unbelievable events occur one after another... (translated from manga ookoku)
“oniisama e” / “おにいさまへ“ (1974) - riyoko ikeda / 池田理代子 [read] [english fan translation by Lililicious]
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-Nanako enrolls in Seiran Academy, a prestigious girls' school, which is a girl's paradise for gorgeous students known as " Lady Kaoru," "Saint Juste," and so on. The selection committee for the school's social group "Sorority," of which every new student dreams of joining, begins. Sorority members are selected by upperclassmen, who vote on their family background, education, appearance, and other factors. Nanako thought she had no connection to this world, but for some reason she was chosen as a candidate...? (copied from mangadex)
“hadashi no mei” / “裸足のメイ” (1974) - fukuhara hiroko / 福原ヒロ子  [read] [no english translation]
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-May is an ordinary high school girl with a crush on the handsome Kido from the soccer club. Thanks to taking a convenient soccer ball to the face she gets a chance to strike up a friendship with him. But on the same day she also gets caught up with the mysterious Misaki Kayako, who has mistaken her for someone named “Maya”. (my summary)
”itoko valeria" / 従姉ヴァレリア (1975)  - fukuhara hiroko / 福原ヒロ子 [unread] [no english translation]
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-Every person has an encounter called fate. It comes whether we want it or not and guides us onto a set track. Encounter - and farewell. It's a turning point in life... Mona is ecstatic when she receives a letter from her cousin Valeria, who tells her that she's coming back after eight years. However, that was only the prologue to a spectacular story of unimaginable intrigue, love, and hatred... (translated from manga ookoku)
“kurenai ni moyu” / 真紅に燃ゆ (1979) - fukuhara hiroko / 福原ヒロ子 [read] [no english translation]
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-Suzuna went to a shrine to see the double cherry blossoms in full bloom on her way home from school. However, she gets tangled up with the biker gang that was hanging out there and is about to be taken away when she is rescued by Sarasa, who happens to be passing by. Suzuna is immediately captivated by the sight of this gallant knight on a motorcycle, with her swaying red hair and feminine gestures. After that, Suzuna and Sarasa hit it off, but as they continue to be chased by biker gang members, a major incident involving the two develops...!! (translated from manga ookoku)
“umibe no kain” / “海辺のカイン”  (1980) - kimura minori / 樹村みのり [unread] [no english translation]
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-One day, Sano, a fashion designer who lives in a beach town, meets Nobuko, a woman who is trying to drink water from a tap at a park. Sano casually invites her to her home and gives her a ticket to an exhibition on the way home. At the exhibition, Sano feels as though she lost to a more popular designer, but Nobuko says she prefers her designs. On the way home, Nobuko confesses her troubles in not being able to dress femininely. Since she lives alone, they meet often and talk about their pasts. As Nobuko confesses her worries and receives advice from her, she begins to develop feelings for Sano. (translated from wikipedia)
“kanojotachi” / 彼女たち (1982) - kashi michiyo / 樫みちよ [read] [no english translation]
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-On her first date with her boyfriend, Misono, a second year high school student, meets Ruiko, who looks like a beautiful young man. At the fashion show her boyfriend brought her to she sees Ruiko on stage as a model. Ruiko is a lesbian and is dating a friend of Misono’s brother, Susan. Misono becomes interested in Ruiko, and Ruiko is also attracted to Misono's purity, but... (translated from manga ookoku)
“ibutachi no heya” / イブたちの部屋 (1983) - nagahama sachiko / 長浜幸子 [unread] [no english translation]
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(no summary found)
“sakura no sono” / “櫻の園” (1985) - yoshida akimi / 吉田秋生 [read] [english fan translation by Heterophobia Fansub]
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-The drama club at Ouka Academy has a yearly tradition of putting on a production of Anton Checkov's The Cherry Orchard for the school's founding day festival. These interwoven tale of love and friendship focus on four girls in the drama club as they prepare for this year's presentation. (copied from mangadex)
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knivesnkisses · 2 years
(No preference for what OC)
🍁 [MAPLE LEAF] What is your OC's favourite season? Why and what do they do during it?
Poppy- spring! She loves the return of all the flowers and other plants, and when she's not helping people start their gardens back up, she's talking nature walks when the weather is nice.
Mai- autumn. Summer is way too hot, and winter can get a little bit too dreary, but fall is the start of sweater weather, which means she can feel cozy and secure without melting. It's also school season, which means some of the younger students she tutors go back to school, freeing up some time for herself.
Harper- honestly, she can't pick. She likes them all on their own merits, but they also bring their own issues to her work at the hospital (seasonal illnesses, weather related injuries, etc). Winter is kind of her least favorite because her shifts often end after sundown and missing daylight bums her out.
Sabrina- summer. It's stupid hot, and she generally refuses to change her usual outfit of jeans and leather jackets, but it means her little sister is out of school and that they can spend more time together (and get the poor thing out of their dad's house). Lots of camping and stargazing gets packed into 3 months.
Dane- summer! Lots of gigs open up, with him applying to independent summer music festivals and the like as either staff or an artist. He's a simple man who just enjoys the vibes.
Markham- winter. Maybe spring. They're the times people are least likely to come poking around where his home is hidden, and he likes the sort of isolation that snow brings. Halloween is one of the WORST nights for him, so he hates the fall season on principal.
Mr. E- spring! Although he has a sort of butterfly sanctuary in his home, he loves the natural return of the butterfly and moth populations. Makes him giddy.
Azi- summer, babyyyyy. Lots of parties, and people at those parties! They like going around and meeting new folks, learning about being human in general. And it's fun! Especially the ones that happen in out of the way places with lots of lights and booze.
Casey- winter. It's cold, it's quiet, and aside from the occasional call from family, no one fucking bothers him. It's almost perfect, except that he stands out more when it snows because he refuses to wear much else other than black. Likes Halloween though, for the exact opposite reasons Markham does. It's prime hunting season, and he's aiming to get some good shots for his blog.
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thekimonogallery · 5 months
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May (Satsuki) by Ikeda Shōen, ca 1913
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Hajime’s going through a crisis!
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Teacher: *walks out* Okay you 2, come in and everything will be explain...
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Sure dude! *the 2 walk in as Ren and Hajime watch them*
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Hajime... I get your freak out but I'm sure things will be fine.
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Ye-Yeah I know but what if she gets in trouble for some prank we cause! I mean this was a joke and seems like they are taking it seriously!
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Like... is she going to get expelled or something?
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Well whatever it is, I'm sure she'll inform us about it... Just calm your nerves.
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*Nagi and Hiromi were in the staff's room office which the teacher spoke with a women*... (I wonder what is going on?)
???: So... are these the 2 that passed?
Teacher: Yes, they passed our exams could apply to the main course.
???: Very well... thank you for informing me... *the women walk towards the 2 as looking at 2 files*
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Nagi Nanami and Hiromi Murahama, correct?
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Uh, yeah present ma'am...
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Same here, is something the matter? Are we in trouble?
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Of course not but I was inform that we have 2 students from the Reserve Course that match the standards of Ultimates in the main course and I came to see for myself, I had look into the recording and research you both have done.
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Seems you both have talents that Hope's Peak could very much need and I think as being a teacher myself, I think I could see potential...
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And with that in mind I congrat you both, Hiromi Murahama and Nagi Nanami; you will be attending as the Ultimate Marine Biologist and Ultimate Gamer respectfully - you should feel honor.
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Wait, I'm... I'm the Ultimate Gamer?
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Wait I'm the Ultimate Gamer?! Seriously! (Oh sugar honey ice tea, I'm in trouble!)
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mirai-e-jump · 7 months
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Animage March 2024 Issue ft. Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger Main Cast Member Interviews (translations below)
Publication: February 8, 2024 (between episodes 47-48)
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-Their six hearts are now united as one-
Sakai Taisei: Gira Husty/KuwagataOhger King of Shugoddam. In actuality, he's a being created by Dagded. He vows to his older brother Racules, who had been fighting to save their people, that he'll carry on his will as king.
Watanabe Aoto: Yanma Gast/TomboOhger King of N'kosopa. He was brainwashed by Hilbil, and was about to be consumed by the power that he possessed, but after being punched by Gira, he snaps out of it and they defeat Hilbil.
Murakami Erica: Hymeno Ran/KamakiriOhger Queen of Ishabana. While she was conflicted by the possibility of conquering death through the eternal life that Jeramie possessed, she was determined to use it to defeat Grodie.
Hirakawa Yuzuki: Rita Kaniska/PapillonOhger King of Gokkan and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. They trust Morphonia, their retainer who they've known since law school, and entrusts Gokkan to her as their potential successor.
Kaku So: Kaguragi Dybowski/HachiOhger Lord of Toufu. Wishing for the happiness of his younger sister Suzume, who is in love with Racules, he decides to remove her as a potential successor. Together with Rita, they seal away Minongan.
Ikeda Masashi: Jeramie Brasieri/Spider Kumonos King of the Bugnarak. He was born between a human and a Bugnarak, and wishes for both to coexist. He teaches his people, the Sanagim, how to live hand in hand with others. _
The Six Kingdom Unusual Incident Countermeasure Lifesaving Force, also known as: Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger. Centering around the kings of the six kingdoms of Chikyu - Gira, Yanma, Hymeno, Rita, Kaguragi, and Jeramie, it's an alliance formed so they can fight a common enemy, free of personal interests and across all borders.
The kings, who are the rulers of their counties, often took different actions after the formation of the Royal Sentai due to their pride, responsibility, and the mission and beliefs that they held in their hearts. Still, it's also true that a solid bond was formed through their battles.
The event that symbolized this was the second "Wrath of God" by the awakened Grodie. Making the most of their abilities and the power of their countries, the kings trusted each other, and skillfully worked together to bring the situation under control, achieving a miracle of zero casualties.
Even though they talk about it being for the benefit of their country or their own mission, the concern they have for their citizens is mutual. They may never get used to each other, but they don't hesitate to join forces when there's an emergency. This sense of distance and detachment is perhaps the greatest characteristic of the Royal Sentai.
The only remaining enemies are Kamejim, the last of the Uchu Five Jesters, and the Uchu King Dagded, who is responsible for everything. However, the Royal Sentai still don't have the means to defeat Dagded, who possesses unparalleled power. As the decisive battle between the Royal Sentai and Dagded approaches, let's see how it goes down until the final moment! _
-Gira's best scene!-
Murakami: My favorite scene is when he's eating a daikon radish in episode 4! (laughs).
Kaku: How nostalgic!
Murakami: I really liked it! Also, his "archaic smile" (episode 11).
Sakai: Ah! Towards the beginning!
Murakami: Yeah, the child of god Gira. The part with robo Gira was funny too. It's unforgettable.
Watanabe: I liked when he said "Woyal armz!" (episode 45).
Hirakawa: He said something like that (laughs).
Ikeda: That was cute.
Murakami: I liked that too (laughs).
Ikeda: His pill bug (pill taxi) outfit was also cute.
Sakai: I also liked the pill bug costume. And then, there was the confusing scene with Kaguragi towards the end……(episode 15).
Ikeda: The, "Laugh for me!" part. It's cool that you said it so seriously while looking like that.
Kaku: It was a passionate scene.
Ikeda: Jeramie was also watching that exchange nearby, so I remember that scene well. It was also funny to hear him say things like "Poopsopa" (episode 2).
Sakai: I wish I didn't say that.
Hirakawa: I think for me it's the trial scene in episode 5. Out of all the members, Rita was the only one who strongly judged Gira, and I remember Gira's reaction and the change in his facial expression when they told him the facts one by one during the trial. As the presiding judge, they're the only one looking directly at Gira's expressions.
Kaku: That seems to be the case now that you mention it!
Watanabe: As for cool scenes, I like the part in episode 17 when he dodges Yanma's fist. Taisei and I watched it back together 2 or 3 times and said, "Oh! This is it! This is it!" (laughs).
Sakai: Gira is often by someone's side. If it's a main episode for Yanma, he's by Yanma's side, and it's the same for the other. I think that main episodes with Gira being alone are probably the least common.
Kaku: That's true.
Sakai: Still, that's what I really like about them.
Kaku: I think for me, it's when he angrily armed himself with the royal armor in episode 29. When Jeramie betrayed them along with Gerojim.
All: Oh~!
Hirakawa: The part with Hilbil! He said, "That wasn't for you."
Kaku: Right.
Hirakawa: It was definitely cool when the beam of light shined from his eyes.
Kaku: Also, the scene where Gira's face turns into King-Ohger (episode 40).
Sakai: That might be my favorite.
All: (laughs).
Ikeda: Your facial expressions were good too (laughs).
Watanabe: The day after the broadcast, we called Taisei "King-Ohger" (laughs).
Sakai: I was the only one who truly became King-Ohger, so, it was an honor.
All: (burst out laughing).
Hirakawa: It's definitely special (laughs). Gira also has a good character song. I especially like the beginning.
Sakai: The English part. I think it matches Gira's worldview really well.
Ikeda: It's like a culmination.
Sakai: Right, Gira's a culmination.
Kaku: Eh? Shuu"taisei"? (*shuutaisei = culmination)
Ikeda: Yes, you got it (laughs).
Murakami: You're so quick at making puns like that……(laughs).
-Yanma's best scene!-
Kaku: My favorite was, (waving his hand) "Gi~ra~!"
All: "I've come to help you~!"
Murakami: The one where Gerojim impersonates him (episode 8).
Watanabe: That episode was my first time at Mt. Iwafune (a reoccuring location in the Super Sentai series), so I was really excited (laughs).
Hirakawa: Before filming, he looked at the mountain while brushing his teeth and kept saying things like, "Yikes" and "Amazing."
All: (laughs).
Hirakawa: When the camera was pointing at him, he was all smiley and doing peace signs (laughs). In the Yanma, or rather, Aoto scenes, he seemed to be having alot of fun during the body swap episode (episode 28) (laughs). It was funny.
Watanabe: I'm glad you weren't angry at me.
Hirakawa: I wasn't angry (laughs).
Kaku: You kept rolling your eyes (laughs).
Sakai: Do you feel like your range of acting has expanded because of that?
Hirakawa: Yeah, it's expanded. Yanma played Rita in various ways, so when I returned to being Rita, I think my range of the role expanded abit.
Watanabe: I see.
Hirakawa: I don't think you do (laughs).
Murakami: For me, I think it's the "Guess I've become a privileged person." scene (episode 35). Up until that point, Yanma often stood his ground, so I like how he accepted the situation as he watched N'kosopa burn.
Watanabe: That scene was made to look like it was in the evening, but we filmed it first thing in the morning. Furthermore, it was the first scene to be filmed for that episode (laughs).
Hirakawa: That's rough (laughs).
Murakami: Amazing (laughs). He talked about having privileges before with Hymeno, so I was wondering if he found himself back there by chance.
Watanabe: Yeah, he talked about it in episode 7. For scenes in N'kosopa, the hacking battle was also hard……(episode 2).
Kaku: It was really cold, wasn't it?
Watanabe: I couldn't stop my body from shaking or my teeth from chattering. I'll never forget that. I was only calm during the actual performance.
Ikeda: You were extremely focused.
Kaku: I'd name that one as one of the best scenes.
Hirakawa: I'd agree. You worked hard and it paid off.
Ikeda: There were two scenes that I particularly liked with Yanma. One was the scene where he announced himself to his opponent, Daigorg (episode 17). The way he said it was totally different from how he usually said it, and it was very manly. The other was when he was being manipulated by Jeramie (episode 36).
Murakami: That one was funny (laughs).
Ikeda: The awkward dance performance was so good that I bursted out laughing (laughs).
Watanabe: I learned the choreography from Ikeda Sensei.
All: (laughs).
Watanabe: I was told to improvise that scene, but I have no knowledge when it comes to dancing. I asked Masashi for advice, and he taught me the Awa Odori dance of Tokushima, his hometown (laughs). He really helped me out at that time.
Sakai: For me, it's episode 44. In episode 17, Gira dodges Yanma's punch, but in this episode, it's reversed. As I played the role, I was moved, as I was reminded of those days.
Watanabe: And after that, when we beat Hilbil, it wasn't a parody, but I said the same line as in episode 2, being, "Know your place!"
Sakai: That's right!
Watanabe: That was real hot.
Ikeda: Gira and Yanma have quite a few scenes showing the passionate friendship between them, don't they? Truly, a great duo.
-Hymeno's best scene!-
Watanabe: I think I'd pick the body swap (episode 29).
Hirakawa: The way she said "Royal Arms!" was amazing.
Murakami: I'm sorry for doing something that Kaguragi wouldn't do (laughs).
Kaku: It's mutual (laughs).
Watanabe: Matchless Murakami
Hirakawa & Kaku: Matchless Murakami (laughs).
Kaku: I haven't been able to watch the footage yet (at the time of this interview), but it looks like episode 46 will also produce some great scenes.
Watanabe: Yeah, it's between Jeramie and Hymeno. They said some wise words.
Kaku: The movie was also very good.
Sakai: I also really like, "No one can do it but me," when she saves Racules (episode 42). I feel that she's full of confidence.
Kaku: That was really cool. It had a "Black Jack" feel to it. (*character from manga series of the same name)
Murakami: I feel that most of the memorable scenes for Hymeno are related to her family and life.
Kaku: Also, the rage filled fight against Jeramie (episode 14).
Ikeda: I was scared at that time (laughs).
Murakami: Sorry for being so strong (laughs).
Watanabe: In the episode before that, we were beaten up by Jeramie, but this time Jeramie was instantly defeated by Hymeno.
All: (laughs).
Hirakawa: The power balance turned out to be amazing (laughs).
Sakai: There are quite alot of angry scenes.
Murakami: That's true.
Kaku: Especially when it comes to her family.
Murakami: Yeah, the word "you" comes out. I thought it was out of character for Hymeno, but that's what happens when it comes to family matters. (*informal "you" was used)
Sakai: When she got mad at Jeramie, Gira told her that it makes her face ugly.
Murakami: I remember the Director telling me at the time to "make an ugly face." (laughs).
Sakai: I feel kinda bad (laughs).
Hirakawa: For me, it'd have to be episode 30. It's the scene where she faces Grodie. As Rita, she stopped me when I was trying to use the secret technique, so I feel like there was a strong bond that formed between the two of us. It was filmed during the really hot season.
Murakami: It was really tough! I wasn't used to filming on location because we usually only film in the studio, so I was thinking, "I want to be freed from this heat!" (laughs).
Hirakawa: Well, we overcame the filming process by supporting each other. We gained alot from each other through the performance, and the relationship between Rita and Hymeno was established from episode 30, so it was very memorable. It's always touching no matter how many times I watch it.
Ikeda: The episode where Kamejim disguised himself as Hymeno was also good (episode 36).
All: Ah~!
Ikeda: The disguised Hymeno's performance as a villainess was amazing, and I think it showed the strength and beauty of the real Hymeno. I also loved how she said "Let's dance!" with so much energy (episode 34).
Hirakawa: You say that all the time (laughs).
Murakami: That's what Sakanashi Yume-san (KamakiriOhger's Suit Actor) says, so I get really excited when I say it (laughs).
Ikeda: Your pronunciation was also good.
Watanabe: I sometimes want to try and adlib in some English.
Ikeda: I get the impression that she uses English when she's agitated (laughs).
Murakami: That's what happens when I try to show her innocence (laughs).
-Rita's best scene!-
Kaku: For Rita……I guess we can't leave out the idol episode, huh? (episode 38).
Watanabe: Obviously.
Sakai: I think the idol episode is my favorite too. There's a scene where Gira fights with them over the Moffun picture book.
Hirakawa: That's right, that's right. The part with, "Moffun isn't needed anymore, right?!" We practiced that alot, didn't we? Things like, "I'll go this way."
Kaku: Oh~!
Hirakawa: We ran around alot.
Ikeda: I also liked when they changed into the royal armor with the idol costume. Girls must've loved that.
Sakai: It was like Sailor Moon.
Hirakawa: I spoke in a lower voice than usual. Rita was irritated.
Ikeda: Yeah, they were mad.
Hirakawa: Right, that's why it was very low.
Kaku: For upcoming episodes, there's another cool scene in episode 48.
Hirakawa: They say something to Yanma.
Sakai: It was cool.
Kaku: Also, Rita is silly when they eat something like dangos. They try to eat it from above their high collar (episode 5).
Murakami: Rita and food are a good match, huh?
Hirakawa: Eating scenes are pretty difficult. Ultimately, I couldn't even eat those dangos.
Kaku: Is that so?
Hirakawa: Originally, that scene was alot longer, as I was trying out different ways of eating it.
Ikeda: I also like the scene where they dive to grab Moffun.
Murakami: Ah! When they were tricked by Dagded! (episode 31).
Ikeda: Right, Hymeno was playing the role of the plushie.
Hirakawa: Rita shouts, "Moffun!" and lunges for it. My voice was added later during the dub.
Watanabe: Ah, "that one" is probably my best scene (laughs).
Hirakawa: Which? (laughs).
Murakami: He's laughing so hard (laughs).
Watanabe: The scene in episode 4 where Kaguragi calls Rita. It's the part where they walk very slow. Rita, in the beginning, every time they walked, they went super slow.
All: (laughs).
Murakami: It was the same for episode 5. They were reeeally slow (laughs).
Watanabe: I was like, "Can't you just walk normally?!"
All: (burst out laughing).
Hirakawa: You wouldn't stop complaining (laughs). He was saying things like, "Walk so I can hear you!" (laughs).
Watanabe: I want you all to watch it again (laughs).
Murakami: I think I really like the body swap episode (episode 28). If you look closely, you'll see that they're like a DJ (laughs).
Kaku: Yeah (laughs).
Murakami: Normally, Rita can't really break their character, right? That's why I really liked seeing Hirakawa Yuzuki when her screws were loosened. It was also funny to see them trying to get everyone in prison to go home.
Kaku: The "Yay!" part.
Hirakawa: The "careful on your way back" scene.
Murakami: Dialog like that wasn't written in the script.
Hirakawa: I was told to "Just do what fits" (laughs). I thought alot about what to do.
Watanabe: Also, they had such a happy face when they talked to Gira, who was in Jeramie's body.
Hirakawa: It's the part where they say, "We stomp him out and the problem will be solved." Rita never smiles, so I thought I'd show their teeth!
-Kaguragi's best scene!-
Murakami: I really like your interactions with Suzume. I especially like the scenes when Iroki appears from 17 years ago.
Kaku: Episode 37, right?
Murakami: Right. That episode depicted Kaguragi's determination and resolve, and the way he armed himself with the royal armor through the katana was cool.
Kaku: Well, I thought I had been forgiven for everything.
All: (laughs).
Ikeda: I want you to sell me that katana.
Sakai: I'd pick the scene with Iroki from that episode. The exchange with her while the castle was burning was really amazing.
Ikeda: When Suzume first appeared, his "siscon" behavior was uncanny but cute (episode 15).
Kaku: It's not Suzume (acting that way)? (laughs).
Ikeda: Right, it's Kaguragi (laughs).
Watanabe: For scenes with Suzume, I liked the look on his face during Racules and Suzume's wedding (episode 20).
Kaku: He was abit dazed and confused (laughs).
Watanabe: I really like Kaguragi's facial expressions. At some point, you mentioned that the way you smile is based on Ghibli films.
Kaku: Yeah, I think we talked about that.
Watanabe: I remember thinking, "I didn't know he had such an approach!" The scene in episode 39, where Kaguragi looks up at the night sky after defeating Goma made me think, "Ah, this has a Ghibli feel to it!"
All: Ah~!
Watanabe: The way he grinned was very Ghibli like (laughs). It's hard for me to explain it well though.
Ikeda: Does it feel alittle creepy?
Murakami: The smile didn't match the setting, so it's very memorable.
Watanabe: It comes off as creepy and cute at the same time.
Kaku: Cute? (laughs).
Ikeda: Also, there's that other best scene too. His sleeping face when he swaps bodies with Hymeno (episode 28).
Watanabe: The sleeping face of an angel.
Ikeda: An angel (laughs). The sigh that came from him……what else can I say?
Watanabe: An angel's breath.
All: (laughs).
Kaku: You're teasing me~ (laughs).
Murakami: Can you please stop making yourself cuter than the "real one"? (laughs).
Kaku: No, no, the "real one" is cuter than me, right?
Ikeda: (looking at Murakami) Your face is becoming bright red (laughs).
Murakami: Eh? You're kidding?!
Sakai: It's really red (laughs).
Hirakawa: I think it's episode 45 for me. Kaguragi and Rita didn't have that much of a relationship with each other. They didn't have that many scenes together in that episode either.
Kaku: That's true. It's because they're both together with Morphonia and Suzume.
Hirakawa: Right. I really enjoyed the scene where the two of them used the power of the King's Proof.
Kaku: I also became a red oni.
Murakami: That was amazing (laughs).
Hirakawa: That red oni was wild (laughs).
Ikeda: He was as red as Marie's face just now.
All: (burst out laughing).
Kaku: My bad~ (laughs).
Murakami: I seriously need you to cut it out (laughs).
Watanabe: The person in charge of being cute for King-Ohger is me though~
All: (laughs).
Hirakawa: He went and said it (laughs).
Ikeda: You're putting yourself in a dangerous position right now.
Watanabe: These two guys here (Murakami and Kaku) are tough.
Kaku: Does that include me? (laughs).
-Jeramie's best scene!-
Sakai: There's alot for Jeramie.
Murakami: First, there's the battle with Desnarak (episode 26). I really liked that one.
Kaku: We made fun of it by imitating the "It's bright…" scene.
Hirakawa: It's funny when the person who actually fought says it (laughs).
Kaku: Still, that scene was good. While recording the dub, I actually cried.
Hirakawa: That's true, I could hear you sniffling next to me.
Ikeda: Immediately after the recording he said, "I can use this line when inviting someone out to a drinking party."
All: (laughs).
Watanabe: "You're coming too," right? (laughs).
Hirakawa: That's what he said (laughs).
Kaku: Yeah, that's right (laughs).
Hirakawa: I think for me, it's the scene where he declares the founding of his nation in the live broadcast to the people (episode 26).
Kaku: It was something about humans and Bugnarak joining hands.
Hirakawa: Right, "I want you to pass on the story that we were able to reconcile." That speech was really good.
Murakami: I think Jeramie's slightly mischievous and childlike nature is also a key point. It was the same when he was manipulating Yanma in episode 36, or the episode with Racules and the whoopie cushion (episode 19). I guess I like those mischievously funny scenes. There are alot of cool scenes though.
Kaku: It was really cool when the Spider Mask came off (episode 11).
Hirakawa: He flung off his cloak
Kaku: I used to imitate the line, "I'm just an old fashioned storyteller."
Ikeda: And you were good at it.
Kaku: That's when the Jeramie Brasieri competition started, hosted by me (laughs).
Ikeda: Oh yeah. "Is there anyone better than me?!" Isn't that what you usually said?
All: (laughs)
Kaku: That's right.
Sakai: I wonder what it was like stepping on Jeramie (episode 37).
Watanabe: We were trying to eat Grodie's rice balls in Toufu. Gira, Yanma and Hymeno trampled him.
Sakai: It was surprising to see that Gira would step on Jeramie, and I had to put alittle effort into it during filming (laughs).
Ikeda: Yanma was rubbing my butt (laughs).
Kaku: That was funny (laughs). I don't know why Jeramie was being stepped on, since the episode didn't depict that part.
Sakai: I wonder if Jeramie was desperately trying to stop Gira and the others. He gets pushed too hard, and then that happens.
Hirakawa: He gets crushed by three people.
Murakami: Sorry about that time.
Ikeda: Hymeno was the nicest.
Watanabe: It's episode 29 for me. After Jeramie finishes giving his fake speech, Jeramie's song (The Prophet) plays when the five fight.
Hirakawa: It was good!
Watanabe: Jeramie wasn't there, but it felt like the six of them were fighting.
Ikeda: In that scene, you could see the relationship between the five of them from their expressions.
Murakami: It was also sad and beautiful when he said, "Sweet dreams" and then disappeared.
Sakai: It was great (applauding).
Ikeda: Thank you.
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hampink · 8 months
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i went to see the special G Rosso shows with the kingohger actors on january 2nd and 3rd! here's my little report on the 11am rita/jeramie/kaguragi show~~ it was so good and fun waa!! T-T
(ramblings of a jeramie fan below)
jeramie/masashi ikeda was so beautiful i thought i was gonna pass out. i still cant believe i saw him IN THE FLESH. i literally could not stop staring at him I COULDNT BELIEVE HE WAS REAL!!!😭 he was smiling constantly and he looked soo happy :'((
when it was jeramies turn to talk the first thing he says is that hes friends with all the kings now and that we should all cherish our friends too aaAAAGGHH
also he had WAYYY TOO MUCH FUN ON STAGE IS2G SOMEONE NEEDED TO SHUT HIM UP!! that man ALWAYS had smth to say even if it wasnt his turn LOL 💀 every time jeramie said smth like 俺も好き♡ (i love you too) or いい夢を♡ (sweet dreams) the lady hosting would be like “uh oh the audience are all blushing now😭😭 but im afraid we must move on!” im glad this theater kid spider had fun being on stage,
also minor detail but it gets me so bad: he kept waving to the audience and he always did it with his bugnarak hand😭😭 and he literally wouldnt stop waving even when the others were talking im sure he waved back to every single kid/person who waved at him wahh
also he really went BAAANG at the audience unprompted out of nowhere and everyone screamed.. (i hear he went crazy with the BAANGs in a later show). speaking of things he did unprompted he made heart hands for 0,1 seconds and apparently a lot of people missed that BUT I SAW IT. I SWEAR IM NOT CRAZY AND SPREADING MISINFORMATION AKSHDJS
when all three of them came closer to wave at the audience everyone all went jeramieee!!! jeramieee!! and kaguragi (still smiling) was like "kaguragi is here too~" KSHSHDBBDDBJ
the kids love jeramie its true… i also saw a little boy dressed up as him and it was the cutest thing ever i couldve CRIED....
ah... i can die happy now....... :')
i also saw the yan/hime/gira show so i may draw my memories of that one too when i have the time!! i just had to get the jeramie one out of my system first KAHDJKFSD
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yurimother · 1 year
Live Drama Adaptation of Yuri Manga 'Young Ladies Don't Play Fight Games' Releases New Trailer Featuring Street Fighter V
On April 28, Japanese streaming service Lemino released a new trailer for its live-action adaptation of Eri Ejima's comedy Yuri manga Young Ladies Don't Play Fighting Games (Tai Ari Deshita. ~Ojо̄-sama wa Kakutо̄ Gēmu Nante Shinai~). The trailer featured its characters, students at an upper-class all-girls school, secretly competing in a Street Fighter V tournament, and previews the show's theme song, Atarashii Gakkou no Leader's "Seishu wo Kirisaku Hado."
Young Ladies Don't Play Fight Games follows Aya Mitsuki, a transfer student attending Kuromi Girls' Academy, a refined, elegant school.
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Hoping to blend in, Aya leaves behind her past obsession with fighting games to become a proper young lady. But when she discovers that the school's idol, Shirayuri, shares her secret obsession with fighting games. Despite video games being banned at Kuromi Girls' Academy, Aya quickly finds herself dragged back into the world of gaming and tournaments thanks to her new rival, Shirayuri.
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Ryoma Ouchida directs the drama alongside scriptwriter Anna Kawahara. The series stars:
Mizuki Kayashima as Aya Mitsuki
Ririka Tanabe as Mio Yorue/Shirayuri
Akana Ikeda as Yuu Inui
Riko Nagase as Tamaki Ichinose
Additional cast includes Aina Yamada, Mei Tanaka, Myra Arai, Mone Akitani, and Asuka Kawatoko. The series is set to debut in Japan on May 19 and will run for eight episodes.
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The original Young Ladies Don't Play Fighting Games manga began serialization in Media Factory's Monthly Comic Flapper in January 2020. It notably includes Yuri undertones between Aya and Shirayuri and often uses and parodies tropes from school Yuri and shoujo manga. Seven Seas licenses the series in English and will release the fifth volume on May 23.
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An anime adaptation of Young Ladies Don't Play Fighting Games was announced in January 2021.
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magicaldogtoto · 4 months
Realized not too long ago that shoujo works like Princess Knight, The Rose of Versailles, and Revolutionary Girl Utena that like playing around with gender in regards to how they have girls who dress like boys echo L. Frank Baum's characters like Ozma and Prince Marvel who start out in one gender and end in another, from books nearly half a century earlier.
The commonality between all of them is that theater definitely played a role in their inspiration. The Takarazuka Revue was a huge influence on Tezuka, and Ikuhara, for one thing (I'm not overtly familiar with what would have inspired Riyoko Ikeda, but I wouldn't be surprised to learn that she knew about Takarazuka). And on the other side of the Pacific, Baum also dabbled in theater. I remember reading a book that said that The Marvelous Land of Oz may have been written to be a play, which explained the gender-flipping, and the all-girl armies that Jinjur and Glinda have (it's common for women to portray boys in theater, and actresses in uniform is another thing).
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