#Majestic Deer Head
decorhomeau · 2 years
Resin Art Deer Head for Wall Decor
Majestic Deer Head Wall Decor - Decor Home
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This Resin Art Deer Head for Wall Decor is the perfect aesthetic room decor that will make even the plainest room look more magical.
We offer free Australia-wide shipping and easy return for peace of mind. This deer head wall decor makes a lovely addition to any space.
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eevyerndracaneon · 11 months
I got these tiny little fairy wings at hobby lobby that are meant for jewelry but that makes them perfectly LPS sized and my brain has been spinning with nothing but thoughts on how to use them
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raginglesbian2006 · 7 months
I was wondering if I could request Alastor and a hunter reader and the reader hunted deer when they were alive so meeting a deer demon would be interesting! Only if you want! Congrats on your followers- Remember to drink water and eat a snack!
Can I be ✨ anon?
of course! and thank you so much for the congratulations! Please remember to take care of yourself as well!
Time for some deer puns! >:)
Oh, Deer!
A/N: look at my baby girl :)
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Your first meeting with the famed radio demon had been... interesting, to say the least.
You had stumbled upon a swamp-like area while on your daily strolls through hell. Being a hunter when you were alive naturally kicked in your curiosity and you made the decision to wander through the place. Perhaps, you had hoped, you'd get some fresh kill.
As you made your way around the tall trees- their canopies hanging over your head- your ears picked up a sound.
"Radio static? Why is there a radio around here?" you wondered.
Your curiosity grew even further. You took another step.
And another.
And another-
Your eyes widened slightly.
"Is that...a deer...demon?"
From where you stood, you could see the demon, happily munching on raw venison. He was seated quite elegantly at a lovely little table. He took small bites with the help of his fork, the static growing with each satisfying bite.
You moved back slightly, your mind telling you to walk away when suddenly, you heard a crunch.
A lone dry twig lay smashed against the sole of your shoe.
There was an eerie silence following this. You looked back at where the demon was...but you found no one, save for the lifeless deer who lay sprawled on the table, guts out for everyone to see.
Without a warning, something grabbed you by the neck and shoved you against a tree. You let out a startled scream.
Your eyes found the demon-his form looking so much more...terrifying than what you'd seen before. His eyes were wide and his pupils resembled that of radio dials. His mouth was stretched in a frightening grin as blood poured through his sharp teeth. His antlers grew larger by the second. Tentacles arose from around him menacingly as one held you against the tree.
Sure you could die right now but all you could think of at the moment was that he looked...majestic.
"₩Ⱨ₳₮ ł₴ ₳ ₱₳₮ⱧɆ₮ł₵ ₴ł₦₦ɆⱤ Ⱡł₭Ɇ ɎØɄ ĐØł₦₲ ł₦ ₥Ɏ ₣ØⱤɆ₴₮?" His voice came out distorted. You winced as the static grew louder than ever.
"I-I s-swear, I was just passing through!" you wheezed out.
You felt the pressure around your neck increase. Tears started pooling around your eyes.
"₳₦Đ ⱧØ₩ ĐØ ł ₭₦Ø₩ ɎØɄ ₳ⱤɆ ₮Ø ฿Ɇ ₮ⱤɄ₴₮ɆĐ?"
Your free hands scrambled to reach your pocket. You pulled out your hunting license- something you had died with back when you were alive, showing it to him.
"I-I'm a hunter! I stumbled upon this f-forest and I-I wanted to s-see if I'd get some f-fresh kill!" you managed to voice out, despite your breath being restricted.
You fell to the ground suddenly, as the static around you returned to its normal range. You started breathing in short gasps, your body adjusting to the release of force from around your neck.
"Well, why did you not say so?" the demon said, jovially, "I am always delighted to meet another hunter like myself!"
You felt yourself be pulled up, your arms clutched around his claws. You managed to find your balance and stood on your shaking limbs.
The demon then grabbed your hand and shook it, fervently, "My name is Alastor. It's a pleasure meeting you,dear! Quite the pleasure!"
His eyes caught onto the reprehensive look on your face as he continued, "I do apologize for my behavior. It's just that when you're a powerful overlord like myself," he gloated, "It becomes hard differentiating friend from foe. One can never be too careful!"
You nodded hesitantly, "I do not mean to pose any harm to you, Alastor. As I said, I truly did not know this," you gestured to your surroundings, "belonged to you."
Alastor hummed in reply and then patted the top of your head, "Do not worry, my dear. We are in hell after all. Errors are a common thing."
He then looked at you with a curious eye, "You said you were a hunter. Oh, do tell me more."
⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
And that was how you become acquainted with the radio demon himself. As mentioned previously, you were a hunter back when you were alive but what you loved hunting the most, was deer. In fact, it was the deer-hunting shenanigans that led to you dying in the first place.
Alastor and you bonded over your shared love for venison, albeit you liked it a bit more...cooked. On one of his many meetings with you, he showcased his wide array of guns, perfectly polished and ready to be used. Safe to say, you were starstruck.
You never questioned his deer-like features. You assumed it had something to do with his death so you never pestered him about it. You valued your afterlife a whole lot more.
(Although you did want to touch his ears so badly. They looked so incredibly fluffy.)
You remember you managed to take a glimpse of his little tail when he took off his overcoat. He found you ogling at his rear which prompted him to threaten you to keep your lips sealed. You did, of course.
And my god, did the two of you love deer puns... (Brace yourselves, folks)
"What did the deer say after he finished eating?"
You looked at Alastor, eyeing him from above your cup of coffee, "What?"
"That was deer-licious!"
You choked on your drink, as you laughed.
⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
"Hey Al!" you called out to him.
Alastor turned to you, his head turning 360 without his body turning the same way, "Yes, dear?"
"What’s a buck’s least favorite sandwich bread?"
Alastor hummed, "No-eye-deer!"
You burst out laughing, "No! Let me finish my pun!" You took a deep breath to sound out your answer.
"Sour doe!"
A boisterous laugh from the radio demon ensued.
⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
If you were told years ago that you would befriend a fearsome cannibalistic overlord, you would have laughed at their face.
Welp, how the turn tables.
A/N: Well this turned out a bit different from what I'd planned but I do hope you enjoy it! Also, I do apologize for not answering this request for so long T-T. I procrastinate a lot.
Also, I must say I truly resisted getting Alastor to say, "Get out of mah swamp!" XD
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littlest-w01f · 2 months
Eris x Lesser Fae!OC (Celastrina)
Summary: During one of his hunts, Eris comes across a mythical lesser fae, he keeps coming back for her as she is way too happy to befriend the lonely high fae.
Cw: Hunting for leisure
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A/N: This is a pure fluff series cause this got too angsty
part one
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The forest was silent, not an insect in sight, it was the time when most of them hid, the time of hunting for the High Fae, the creatures of the forest were in tune with the hunting, knowing where to hide to not be found, what most of them had hoped would bore the High Fae the death only urged them to go deeper into the forest to hunt them down.
Eris drew his bow sharp, hands and eyes trained on a doe a few meters away, he kept himself steady, exhaling softly to not startle the creature. He'd been hunting for hours, following a trail that led to the majestic doe, the doe's skin looked like it was made of gold, humming with magic, its eyes black and a grace with which it ran that couldn't be found in many others. Eris had shot an arrow at it earlier, but the doe had managed to evade it with a jump unnatural for an ordinary deer.
He was drawing closer to the Spring Court border, he'd have to keep away from that place if he didn't want the High Lord to write a rather angry letter to his father to make sure he was kept in check, Eris rolled his eyes at the thought, yes, he was young but it didn't mean a High Lord could just rat him out to his father.
He tilted his head to the side as he watched a butterfly land on the doe's snout, with a little more focus, he saw the fairy, eyes wide at the creature. Fairies were harder to find than most creatures, even if they lived in a hive like the winged insects they could turn themselves into, the little things even harder to shoot with an arrow.
A few hunters had seen fairies, but even fewer had seen them in their full size. They were known to camouflage with the insects, the one Eris was looking at would be invisible with a few butterflies by her side. None of those hunters were believed, after all, fairies were what children's storybooks had, a sad little fae could find himself being befriended by a fairy, and everyone else would be jealous of that fae for their ability to draw out a fairy, to have a heart pure enough that one would be willing to befriend them. Eris had nearly rolled his eyes at that while his mother read him the tales.
Not many had believed that there were fairies in the Autumn woods, most of them were known to wander in Spring, till one of the hunters that now Beron held to a high respect, a hard thing to earn of Eris' father, had brought to their court wings that couldn't have belonged to a normal lesser fae.
The doe soon began to run, taking Eris' focus, but it was drawn back to the fairy almost instantly, the butterfly scenting of magic as she hid the tracks of the doe that Eris had followed. Eris looked back to where he had come from, without the tracks or trail, it would take him hours to figure out how to return to the forest house.
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"You know, it's a horrible thing to hunt for fun."
A soft voice called to him, he spun on his heel to come across the fairy, now grown, still shorter than him but more of a High Fae's height, supporting large butterfly wings on her back, wings both of them knew people would die to have, to hunt down.
Eris did a double take, then another one, before he earned his footing back, there was something about her he hadn't seen anywhere else, "Ah, so you're one of these fairies that go around ruining people's hunts?" He'd meant to say the phrase as an insult but the way she smiled he wasn't sure he had.
"Yeah, I am." She was smiling like he was throwing the best of compliments at her. "Mama and Papa said a couple High Fae would be out for us..." She trailed off, marvelling at the sight of Eris, taking in his face, how it was different from hers, where Eris had sharp features, hers were soft, her ears were rounding, his pointed, his hair was burning red like a bright fire while hers matched the multicolours of her wings. "I've never seen a High Fae before."
Eris caught her eye, giving her one of his warmest smiles, or trying to, his thoughts should've been on her wings and how much they would earn him glory if they were the product of his hunt, but somehow they weren't. "Well, I've never met a fairy such as yourself, and may I say, you are exquisite." He took a step towards her and like clockwork, she took one back, "Not the trusting kind are you?" He chuckles.
"Your smile isn't pure." The fairy in front of him tucked her wings behind her tight, her warm expression turning into a frown.
Eris held in a scoff, of course, she could feel the 'purity' of his emotions. "You wound me, darling," Eris placed his hand over his heart, faking a grimace.
The fairy giggled at his grimace, "That didn't actually hurt you, did it?"
"Clearly," Eris cracked a real smile at the sound of her laugh.
"See, that's a proper smile," She mirrored his look.
"Fine, you have me." Eris leaned against a tree bark, "I've never seen a fairy before, I'm... Mesmerised." Eris was honest, there was something about her that pulled him to her.
"Most people are," The fairy smiled. "It's a natural reaction."
"I'm Eris Vanserra, heir of Autumn," The male dipped his chin in the form of a formal bow, "I'm a pleasure to make your aquantance."
"Celastina, my lord." Celastrina gave him a curt bow, one leg crossed behind the other.
"Quite a pretty name, butterfly." Eris hummed, taking in her bow, "And quite a perfect form for a bow from someone who lives in the deep woods."
"I'm a lesser fae, my lord." Celastrine stood up, smiling, "Not a savage."
"Of course, forgive me for asuming-" Eris paused, picking up the sound of footsteps and the growls of hounds approaching them. "Hunters are approaching us, you should hide."
Celastrina's eyes snapped to the rustling from deeper into the woods, "Are those smoke hounds I hear?" Eris was sure he had hit his head somewhere because the fairy smiled as she spoke, her doe eyes wide from excitement.
"Yes, butterfly, hounds, not damn puppies." Eris scoffed at her reaction, "They are used to hunt your kind. Run." He didn't know why he wanted her to escape, he could've taken her himself, but instead he stressed, "Run." If she would found with him he would have hell to pay with Beron for making conversation with a lesser fae of all things.
Celastrina in an instant turned small, her form nearly the size of his pinky and shot up into the tree, in a second Eris couldn't place where she had gone and he exhaled a deep breath to calm himself before the hunters found him.
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{General Taglist- @nox-ceur @lilah-asteria @paleidiot @dee-writes-smut @adalia-jaycee @anarchiii @alwayshave}
{Eris Taglist- @fxckmiup @slut4acotar @secret-third-thing @shadowsingers-mate}
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holylulusworld · 9 months
Snow bunny (1)
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Summary: Someone tries to hunt a deer in your woods. You won’t have it.
Pairing: CEvans characters x Nymph!Reader (Lloyd Hansen, Ari Levinson, Andy Barber)
Warnings: creature reader, mentions of hunting deer, a little Christmas magic, kidnapping (kinda), Lloyd being Lloyd, groping, dirty talk, seduction (use of magic), I’ll label this dub-con (reader on them) because of her nature
Words: 1,7k
A/N: Please consider this a naughty Christmas fairytale.
Snow bunny masterlist
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“Almost there, Barber. Follow me and you will kill your first deer.” You watch the men sneak around the woods. They carry weapons and knives. “Come on, hurry up. I don’t have all day to guide you through your first hunt, sunshine.”
“Shut up,” one of the other men shushes the first one. “You dragged me out here to run around the woods. I’d prefer a cabin, a fire, and some coffee.”
“Same,” the last guy grunts. “Lloyd let’s call it a day. I thought we want to drown our sorrows in booze and maybe some nice tits.”
“Shut up, Levinson,” the first guy twirls around to glare at the third guy. “You and Barber always whine about how your wives left you and that you want something new. You said you want thrills and fun. What is better than killing something?”
“Lloyd,” the second guy sighs. “Ari is not wrong. I’d take a drink over killing a deer any time of the day.”
“See, Andy thinks the same,” Ari grunts. “Let’s head back. We won’t find a deer to shoot today. It’s ice cold and I don’t feel my feet.”
“Wait!” The first guy, Lloyd lifts his fist. “There she is. The one I saw earlier.” He shushes the others and points at a majestic deer in the distance. He doesn’t know that the deer is dear to you, or that she’s sacred. “If you don’t want to kill that one, I’ll do it.”
“No. You won’t,” you confidently say and step out from behind a tree. All eyes are suddenly on you. The men gasp and groan as you walk toward them.
You’re only wearing a dress made of ivy and flowers. A leaf headdress covers your head. They watch you gracefully step closer, not bothered by the snow or the cold.
“Lady, shouldn’t you wear a little more than this—” Andy says. He worriedly looks at your bare feet as you walk through the snow. “She’s not wearing shoes and a thin dress made of what looks like ivy.”
“Miss, are you in trouble?” Ari steps toward you. He unbuttons his warm jacket to offer it to you, but you wave him off. “Miss?”
“Damn me,” Lloyd whistles. He looks you up and down and cups his crotch. “That’s a cute snow bunny, my friends. This must be the gift our friend told us about. Ya know, the fancy lady.”
“Fancy lady?” You huff. “I haven’t heard that term in ages.” Your soft voice goes straight to Andy’s cock. “Now, you will leave this place. The woods are not yours to disturb.”
“Miss, did you hit your head?” Andy worriedly watches you place your hand on Lloyd’s gun. “We can bring you back to town.”
“This is my home,” you snap your head toward Andy and snarl. “You invaded my home, and now you will pay for it.”
You tighten your hold on the gun, smirking as Lloyd tries to shake your hand off. “Let go, bunny and I won’t spank your cute ass too hard.”
“You need to learn your lesson.” You purr and dip your head to watch Ari take off his jacket. “I think you will be the first one Lloyd Hansen.”
Andy and Ari watch you drop your hand from the gun and step away. They are mesmerized by you and your appearance.
“Bunny, you should think about your next step. I’d hate to hurt you,” Lloyd smirks. “Or are you into a little pain?”
“You will pay for all the crimes you committed. You disrespect nature for too long,” you wave your hand, empathizing your words with the gesture. “Lloyd Hansen, you will be my slave from today on.”
Andy gasps as ivy crawls across the snow, it crawls up Lloyd’s leg to sling around the gun he’s still holding.
“Lloyd, you should drop the gun now,” Ari says. He’s suddenly not sure if his fascination for you is justified. “Don’t anger her. I don’t think she’s a prostitute.”
“Far from it,” you wave your hand again. More ivy crawls toward Lloyd to sling around his body. “He will look pretty in my garden. I will call his statue punishment.”
“Let me go, bunny,” Lloyd wiggles and grunts. “Hey, I’m talking to you. I won’t hurt you if you let me go now.”
“I won’t hurt you if you swear your obedience and loyalty to me and the woods,” you step toward Lloyd as more ivy wraps around his neck. “Now.”
“Do it Lloyd,” Andy sounds a little panicked. “Fuck, just do it!”
“Fine, snow bunny,” Lloyd struggles to speak as ivy wraps around his mouth. “I’ll be yours.”
“Wonderful!” You clap your hands, and the ivy drops to the ground. It disappears as suddenly as it appeared to wrap around the intruder. “Now to you.”
Lloyd is still a little shaken when you step toward Andy. You cup his face to feel his well-trimmed but thick beard under your fingertips.
“You will be mine too. I can sense your broken soul and sadness. You will only know joy and love from now on.”
Andy licks his lips. He can't move, speak, or think. “I-“ Andy croaks but doesn’t bring the words swirling in his mind out. He got a job, responsibility, an ex-wife demanding money, and a house to pay for but all he can think of now is to make you happy.
“Say yes, my sweet lover,” you press your lips to Andy’s taking his breath and fears away. He moans into your mouth, feeling his chest and cock swell at the same time. “Say you are mine.”
“I’m yours,” he breathes against your lips. Andy reaches out for you, but you slip through his fingers like the wind. “Only yours…”
You suddenly stand in front of Ari, eyes scanning more than his features. “Ari, your soul is sad too, and your heart is broken.” You cup his face with both hands. “Say you are mine and all of this will be gone forever.”
“I-I,” he welcomes your lips and closes his eyes. It feels like a weight gets lifted off his chest when you wrap your arms around him like the ivy did with Lloyd. “I’m yours.”
“Of course you are mine, Ari,” you breathe and float away to wrap your hand around Lloyd’s throat. “You are not sad nor heartbroken. But you are a bad…bad man and need guidance.”
“Oh bunny, I’d like to guide something inside of you,” Lloyd grins. He got that you are more interested in owning the men than anything else. “That’s what you want, right? You’re a naughty little slut dreaming of dick. I bet you want us to defile you.”
“Lloyd, don’t,” Ari warns. “Let her make you happy.” He’s like in a trance. “I want to make her happy and forget about my awful life.”
“It’s Christmas, my love,” you blow a kiss in Ari’s direction. “I will share all of my love with you.”
“And me,” Andy purrs. His eyes are dilated, and you know he is drifting in the right direction. You smirk and blow him a kiss too.
“Yes, my love,” you coo and batt your eyelashes. “Wait for me, Andy. I need to tame your friend first.”
“You can try,” Lloyd snickers as you slam him against the nearby tree. He laughs and watches you run your hands over his chest. “I’m not some puppy you can train. I know you are using some tricks to confuse these two idiots but me, I’m made of rougher stuff, bunny. If you want me, go on your knees, and give me a kiss to my dick.”
“You’re a stubborn and naughty man, Lloyd,” you are fascinated by this man. None of the other men you enchanted ever withstood your magic for so long. “Hmm…I won’t leave you behind. I want to keep you too.”
“Keep me?” He snorts. “Bunny if you keep me you’ll always be full of dick. I’ll use all of your holes. I will fuck you under your Christmas tree and christen it. You will be my whore until I get bored.”
Your core aches at his crude description. Maybe you shouldn’t control him too much. This man is a menace, and you want him to use you the way he wants to.
“We will see,” you say instead of giving away that you want him to take you right there against the tree. “For now, you are mine and will follow me home.”
“Like hell,” he growls. His hand shoots toward your crotch to roughly cup your pussy. “Look who’s wet like a cat in heat for me. Come on, bunny. I want you to turn around and let Lloyd take good care of that cunt.”
“You will wait until it’s your turn,” you cup his face and kiss him roughly. “You will be my new toy. Maybe I’ll turn you into my favorite, huh?”
“Miss…I mean…it’s getting colder,” Andy’s teeth shatter. “We should head back, don’t you think?”
“Oh! Of course,” you twirl around to look at Andy and Ari. “Humans freeze so easily.” You snap your fingers. The trees part and the snow melts to create a path. “Come with me. I’ll offer you shelter from the cold.”
“I bet your cunt is slick and warm enough to keep me warm,” Lloyd snickers, but follows hot on your heels. “So, what do you do for a living? Kidnapping hot guys to get dick? Hmm… no. A girl can’t live off cock and cum alone.”
“You really are a naughty man, Lloyd Hansen,” you chuckle as you look over your shoulder. “Santa was right. You need me to make a better man out of you…”
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“Whoa, the fuck!” Lloyd stops in his tracks as you stop walking. You are standing in front of a huge castle. Ivy and flowers are wrapped around the whole building and it looks like straight out of a fairytale. “Where is this thing coming from? Not hours ago, there was nothing but snow and trees.”
“You cannot see my home as long as you are not worthy,” you grab his wrist, to make sure Lloyd doesn’t run away. Ari and Andy are loyal already, but Lloyd is a different story. “You will be allowed inside as long as you are a good boy.”
“Good boy,” he snorts. “Dream on, bunny.”
“Y/N, my love,” the door opens to reveal another man. The tall blonde steps outside to welcome you home. “Do you like my choice? Are you satisfied?”
“Stevie, my sweet love,” you coo, and push Lloyd toward the door. “Please keep an eye on this one. He’s a little…”
“Stubborn,” Steve smirks. “Oh, punk. You are in for a long haul…”
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blingblong55 · 10 months
From Eden -Simon 'Ghost' Riley
A/N: in my delusional mind, Simon and Reader are talking to each other in this song
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photo credit: @gamergirlbonestaskforce141riot
--- GN!Reader, life and death au, death!Ghost, Life!reader, fluff?, platonic!relationship, --- A/N: inspired by an bot on C.ai(@/maskedmenenthusiast), and read the @yawnderu version of this concept. 
You were sitting on the mothy grass, your angelic features overlooking the lakes where the calm koi fish swim. The day was peaceful, it always was for you. Humans, are so simple and easy, if only it was all the same for you. Years since the creation of planet Earth, you were created to form life. You, alongside your friend Simon, also known as Ghost have roamed the Earth, watching its beginning and its current moment in time. He and you have accompanied the other through it all. From the first humans to the latest ones. Simon was created to take away those you created with love. The first time he did this, it pained you to see such a soul be taken away but now, you've grown used to it, it's part of the cycle.
Every day, there is new life, one you so happily watch when creating it. Simon, every day takes away a new or old life, something he's done for so many years. With death comes life and with life comes death. Simon walks through the fog, his scythe strapped to his back, his cloak draped over his body, fitting him so perfectly. He always called you his angel or just life, something that you grew accustomed to. "My angel, what are you doing here?" He sits beside you, the sun shining through making his and your eyes glimmer. He always called you his angel or just life, something that you grew accustomed to. You sigh, "It's peaceful here." You quietly respond.
This was your place, no human had ever stepped foot in this place. No one knows it exists because well, it is not a real place on Earth, this place was created for Simon and you to rest in. People always assume he is some evil man for what he does but no one knows him like you do, no one ever will. He looks ahead, his icy skin warming with the sun. The birds chirp and he chuckles, it was always that damn blue bird that sang to him. A kind reminder of you. According to others, he enjoyed what he did but in reality, he was tired of it, it drained him because he knew how much every human you ever created was loved by you. 
Being your friend, he couldn't do it but it was his role and every day, at this time, he would come to you. His head hangs low as he watches all the souls swim through his veins. He looks over at you, your skin so soft and beautiful. You were so innocent and kind, so majestic and here he was, ruining all that beauty with his darkness. His scythe is laid on the floor as he looks away from you. "Do you ever think one day we'll be replaced?" Doubt clouded his mind, Ghost was one thing, the reaper of souls, Simon was a man, a simple man who always had doubts and fears and...well loneliness when you weren't around. 
"Don't think so, we've been the ones created for this specific job. Would be mean if they did take us out of it though," your head now rested in his. His hand found its way to you. You were the sun and he the moon. You shined in the day and he brightened up the night. With others who were tasked with some small roles on this planet, he was cold, mean and harsh but with you, his oldest and only friend, he was just Simon. He smiled and nudged you when you made a joke, wiped your tears when you were sad, hurt those who made you sad and like moth to flame, he came to you for it all. 
In the dark cold nights when he took souls away, that smile you carried, that little nose crinkle, that is what brought him to sit down under a willow tree with you. Your hands light up the grass, you are magical. "You know, I wouldn't be surprised if your deer friend came back again to pester me," he comments and you chuckle. That cute little fallow deer, with its wet nose, poked at Simons's scythe and then looked at him with curious eyes. "He likes to be around you, can you blame him?" Your hand caresses Simons. "I can indeed, because every day he follows me around, I have important things to do, my angel." His hand gripped yours with so much delicateness. "Liar, I know you follow me into the city," you look up at him. "I...well I do that because what if you accidentally make a monster like last time and I have to kill it?"
"That was a mistake and I did it because you told me that scary story the night before-" "Excuses. Admit it my angel, you just wanted a reason to have me near you all day," his hands, hesitating to caress your precious face. He was partially right. "You know, I won't entertain this nonsense," you look away and he smirks. His angel, oh how he adored it when you'd look away and he could look down at you and smile, his eyes filled with love. His chin rested on your head. 
It had been long since you were in charge of creating every single life on Earth and now that you oversee the work, you have time to be here with him. His situation was the same, he wasn't gone all day and night reaping souls away, he overlooked the work and that was it. "Are you cold?" His voice is softer than usual. "mhm," you nod your head just a little. His black cloak now keeping both of you warm. The silence, how sweet this was when the world outside of this safe bubble was so chaotic. 
"I've always admired your work," Simon tells you, his expression unchanging as he speaks. "The way you create those souls, I swear I can see their essence being infused into you. Such beauty in the work you do." It was like a memory. The first time he saw you create life, how glorious you appeared before him. "I always wondered how you viewed life before it's taken away." His hands caress your arms. "I think I should be the one asking you that question since you are the one to take their souls." 
"Hmph, a fair point." Simon's hands are so warm against your skin, it was like you melted the other with this amount of skin contact. "I've had centuries to observe, and the more time I had, the more I realized how fleeting it truly is. It is a beautiful gift you give, even if I have to take it eventually. But as they die, they become one with me, just like you have become a part of them. Even so, they do not cease to exist, you know that." In some sad but captivating way, you creating life and him taking it is a way of him and you, being one with the other. 
"I don't know what this feeling is but, I like it when you make me feel it," his confession whispered. The sun setting over the horizon. Your hand over his again, "Ghost-" "No, we don't do that, I'm Simon to you, my angel." Your lips curved to a smile. 
"Death, meet Life. Life, meet Death. You two will now be one, work with the other to make this civilization work properly. From this day forward, your jobs complement the other for however long this planet shall live." This is when Life and Death met when they shook hands and smiled at each other as they appeared before a small paradise. Their forever home, where they create and end lives. From this day forward, you're not one without the other. 
As time progressed, you and he roamed the plant alone, slowly populating it and controlling it however you could. One day, as you sit underneath his black feathered wing, he looks over at you. "Call me Simon, I'm Simon," his gaze back to the desert. "Simon and...what shall you call me?" You look over at him. "R/N but I think My Angel is way better, so I'll stick with it." He was always so cold and in this moment you swear he maybe hung out with one too many angels when he visited the gods. "Only you'll call me Simon, no other, understood, Life?" He looks over at you again. "Don't worry, Simon, you're name stays with me." He looks away, a small smile on his lips. 
In the beginning, if you told him that he'd be so close to you, to know you so well, he would have laughed and drank more of his wine. Now, he smiles proudly to know you are here, with him. From your lips, a yawn escapes. "Tired already, my angel?" His hands play with your hair. You nod, "It's been so long since I slept." His arms, pulling you closer, your head resting on his lap, his wings keeping you warm. His touch is soothing as you finally close your eyes. "Rest, my angel," Simon caresses your face, you smile and feel warm underneath his hand. "Good night, Simon." "Good night, my angel," his gaze back to the sunset. That bluebird, singing a melody for all millennia and maybe even the next one. That deer, coming only when it knows you are resting. Its nose touches Simon's scythe, "Aren't you something," he chuckles and pets it. Its eyes close and it rests against Simon. 
No one will ever know, that even the Grim Reaper himself needs moments like this. For he isn't some stone-hearted man, he cares enough to walk you to the afterlife and in this moment, as he holds you in his arms, awaiting another day of guiding souls, this is when he finds peace. He always believed, at the beginning at least, that he was meant to be evil but when he holds Life in his arms like there is no other remedy for his ache, that is when he knows he is too a good man. The souls attached to his skin, all keeping him alive in many ways and you, keeping him a little closer to happiness. 
They say Life is with you, even in your darkest nights and Death is there, for when your soul feels alone. Life creates you, Death guides you. 
Life and Death, are forever welded to each other. To roam Earth and know that out there the other one is still there. To live an eternity and know Death is always lurking in the shadows for you. To know without Life, Death is no one and without Death, Life is no one. Simon and R/N, forever one, for good or worse. 
@warenai @liyanahelena @gamergirlbonestaskforce141riot @scarletdfox @actuallyhiswife @kit-kats06 @@goldenmclaren @eicee @ilove-masked-men @iruzias @frazie99 @spicypicklesoh @tiredmetalenthusiast @jinxxangel13 @enarien
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lavender-z-love · 11 months
In Denial | Koga
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───—・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. —───
Genre | Black.FemReader X Koga, Demon X Demon, Mature (Nothing crazy you'll see), Cat x Dog, Nakedness, 'Tsundere'? (The reader), arranged marriage.
Content warning | Nudity, spelling errors.
A/n | This was supposed to be a Halloween Special but I got busy so, here you go ♡
Wordcount | About 1.2k
Cat demon Tribe and the Wolf demon tribe. The both weren't on good terms which is why a arrangement was set. The marriage between Y/n and Kouga was to be set, the two leaders to destroy what disagreements they had and stop this ridiculous rivalry.
Kouga, had nothing but the up most respect for you. So did some of the wolf demon tribe members. Those 'Some' being the few you grew up with as a child. You'd never thought in a million years your parents would force you to marry.
Kouga, willing to wait. A total gentleman, not to mention beautiful and agile. Though, you...not with any of it. More like you hated Kouga. Dispite your uncooperative-ness Kouga loved you anyway.
Avoiding him at all costs because you wouldn't deny you were attracted to him, you just wanted to live in denial.
A warm evening you decided to go for a bathe in a nearby pond. Bringing soaps and shampoos, which a human friend of yours 'Kagome' gave to you as a gift. You set your items down and began to strip. Neatly folding your clothes, you jump into the water; fully submerging yourself.
You relaxed completely under water, enjoying the way the mini current felt on your face. That was until, you sensed something..rather someone. Quickly bringing your head above water you turn around to see who it was. Your fiancé sat at the edge of the pond.
"Hey Y/n." He said softly,"I didn't know cats loved water." You stared at him blankly.."Mm, delightful.."
Kouga chuckled,"Is it okay if I hop in?"
"Yes, I was getting out anyway", You say with a tinge of annoyance in your voice. Going to the opposite end of the body of water to get out.
Kouga raised a brow,"Getting out? Oh come on, I saw you just get in." Oh, you'd been caught, like a deer in headlights.
You feel your cheeks burn, realizing what he had said. You turned to face him before scolding him, "Y-You watched me?! So you're a pervert! I knew I-". Stopping mid sentence as he was fully naked and getting in the pond. You were visibly flustered as the sight before you. "O-Oh my god!" Quickly turning around, your mouth gaped as you looked at the picture in your mind.
Kouga slowly making his way to you,"Y/n I don't mind if you look at me...". Still stunned, you fan yourself with your hand and whisper, "Be gone bad thoughts be gone.."
"Oh? I thought I was a pervert.."
You turned around to face him,"Look here you– Im-!.." Is he doing this on purpose?! Its like he's trying to get you to see his body. You turned around and because of how much taller he was than you; your eyes meet at his chest. Sculpted abs, toned biceps, his curved collar bone– then up to his neck, that delicious adam's apple. His jawline was well-defined and sharply angled, like it could cut anything with a simple touch. Then, his face. Handsomely majestic–
You knew you were staring, you were checking him out and it was plain as day. He didn't say anything, he just watched you do so as you day dreamed. When you snapped out of it, you took a deep breathe before turning away.
Kouga wouldn't let you, he pulled your arm back. "Hey..Why avoid me again? It's not going to stop you from marrying me you know."
I laugh,"So far its worked–"
Kouga sighed,"Thats because I let you be. I could bug you like I am now, but I didn't." He reaches for your hand, he guides it to his chest. Sliding your hand along his torso. Pulling you in close, his free hand looping around your body and placed on your waist.
Kouga's voice, whispering: "You can't run from me forever"
You whisper back,"I will..watch me."
Kouga sighs,"What do I have to do to get you to love me?"
"Nothing, because it's not happening."
Kouga narrows his eyes, raising a brow. He smirks,"Sweetheart, you've been feeling me up for the past 5 minutes.."
"You started it..", you hissed.
"You're right, but I let your hand go. So, A: it seems like your hand has a mind of it's own..or B: You're the pervert."
You look at your hand and, its migrated up to his bicep...You retracted your hand and walked around him with annoyance. "You're starting to get on my nerves!" You couldn't stay any longer or you were for sure to give in to your desires.
You should've known, nothing would get past him. "Y/n, will you please stop avoiding me." He follows after you, "I don't understand why you don't like me so much. I can assure you we can come to an agreement– I promise to treat you like a goddess." You turn around facing him.
"You hardly know me, why are you okay with this marriage?"
"I just want to stop this useless fighting"
"So you admit you're using me to get my tribe to side with yours? Hm? What tired of having so many enemies?",you smirk.
"No! I'd never do that Y/n..I just want all this ridiculous rivalry to come to an end. I want everyone to be happy."
You fold your arms. Kouga reaches his arms out to you,"You know, Im more than willing to protect and cherish you."
You back up, and Kouga walks forward with an soft empathic smile. "W-What if I dont want to." You continue to back up, Kouga persistent, he continued in your direction. "We'll come to a conclusion, help me understand."
Your back hits the edge of the pond, Kouga stops in front of you. "Help you understand huh.."
You scoffed,"Understand this..I dislike you..." Kouga caged you against the pond wall, both hands on each side of you. "Is that so..do you..dislike me as a man? Or as a person?"
"Both..", you said unsure. Kouga's not dumb, he's far from it. He can read you like a book. He leans in, his face now in front of yours. "Tell me..what you dislike about me, and I'll fix it for you."
His gorgeous face a few inches away from yours. 'H-He's gotta be doing this on purpose', you think to yourself.
"I'm sick of you, and your pretty face. Your attractive body too. It's– Annoying." You admitted embarrassed. Kouga chuckles,"Oh..You want me to fix your attraction towards me?" He said with a large smile.
You stand there flustered not knowing what to say.. but definitely enticed by his lips as he was enticed by yours. "So?..Do you want to consider loving me someday? Or keep living in denial, hm?"
A finger under your chin, making you look at him; your arranged fiancé. His blue eyes look back into your orange eyes. "...You're really pushing for this huh?" You whisper as you gaze at his lips. Have they always looked so bite-able, so kiss-able like that?
"I am, if you let me. I will give everything you want and more." Kouga looked down at you with a gentle smile, his k-9's peaking past his lips. Kouga leans in, still using his finger to keep your eyes on him.
Your dark cheeks tented a slight red, you shut your eyes closed tight. Expecting to be kissed by Kouga. Though when you felt nothing you opened one eye looking back at him confused. Both eyes opened, batting your eyelashes at him. "I thought you were.."
"Hm? Gonna kiss you?"
You nod, this making Koga smile. Maybe he was getting some progress from you. "You mean you want me to kiss you?" Feeling bashful you nod just a tiny bit, realizing what you'd just admitted to wanting to kiss him. Once again, it was obvious you were attracted to Koga. Even to him, he could see it from a mile away.
"Thats..not what I ment to say–"
Koga smirks,"Then what?~ hm..I'll kiss you, if you want me too."
You scowl,"I did but no! You're pissing me off. If you haven't realized, this is inappropriate! We've been so close together, naked in this springs and now you're trying to get me to admit I want to ki-"
You went silent, with a pair of lips pressed to yours. Your hand instinctively going to his shoulder, as Koga pulls you in close. You sighed into his lips, finally giving in to some sort of affection from him. Koga pulls away, leaving you a breathless, heart-fluttery mess.. "See what happens when we come to an agreement and talk like adults?"
"Shut up..", you rolled your eyes, tugging at his arm. He took your subtle hint.
Koga smiles, leaning close,"Yes ma'am". Once again kissing you, and you gladly kissed back. Letting him lead, you followed his fluid like motions. Your eyes closing, pulling him in close and him doing the same.
Giving into to Koga felt wonderful. Being able to melt into his touch..could I feel like this all the time Im with him? His left hand on your waist and right on your cheek. Your hands on his chest, the both of you fit together like a steamy puzzle piece. When it seemed like the two of you were about to get carried away–
"Koga! Koga! We've got some trouble with the Northern Wolf Demon tribe."
Another voice,"Hey Sis!"
You yelp as you pull away, mid kiss– hiding behind Koga. "Ginta? Hakkaku?" You peak from Kouga's shoulder. The wolf demon with a spikey white mohawk spoke,"Wow! You're finally getting along?"
You visibly flustered,"We are Not!" You scowled. Hakkaku tilts his head in confusion,"Really? Because to me it looked like the two of you were a bout to-
Koga clears his throat, interruption Hakkaku. "E-Enough...now you two can head that way..I'll be right behind you."
The boys nod then take off. Hakkaku waves,"Bye sis! Glad to see you're finally coming along!"
Your eye twitches,"Don't call me that–"
Koga smiles,"You should probably stop denying it." You stare at him blankly, and scoff. Kouga gets out of the pond, shaking off what water he can before putting his clothes back on.
He smiles brightly at you,"Its okay, I know you love me. Its only a matter of time before you accept it, and when you do. I'll be waiting."
You fold your arms, embarrassed you look away. "As if! go run off to your tribe." Kouga, fixes his last clothing needed. "I'll catch you later, okay? Next time we meet I'll be sure to do something sweet for you!" He says starting his light jog.
"Stop being so nice to me!" You shout as he gets farther and farther away.
You hear a light laughter from his direction. "Just trying to help you chose beautiful ♡!" He shouts from what now is a cyclone zipping away.
....You sit in the pond..shivering..
"Sheesh. Some fiancé...he could've helped me wash my hair before he left...", you mumble. Smiling to yourself as you place your fingers on your lips..
.."I cant stand him ♡"
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Written and posted on Nov 8/23
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I saw someone saying that the farmer is “special” (explaining why they always get to see the blue jellyfish every summer) and this idea came to my head.
May I request some headcanons on the adventurer’s POV where they realized the farmer is “special”, and kinda fall for them the moment they realized that?
Think of it as like the lantern scene between Eugene and Rapunzel in Tangled. Thanks in advance ^^
Honestly, it turned out more like one-shot than headcanon, but I hope you enjoy this format as well, dear anon. Thanks for the ask! 🫰💕
It had been so long since Alesia had set foot in the Cindersap Forest. The last time she'd been here was probably ten years ago, when Marlon had taken her to train and gather mushrooms for brewing elixirs. It hadn't changed much since she'd moved to Castle Village, so it would be easy for her to remember all the paths here. Venturing deeper into the forest, she scrutinised the majestic poplars, looking for the secluded spots of mushroom colonies and simply enjoying nature. After all, she had missed the forest...
The archer's attention was drawn to some movement behind the dense blackberry bushes. Crouching down and trying not to make a sound, she curiously crept closer and closer until she finally reached the bushes. What Alesia saw made her very surprised. She had expected to see a fox or a grouse, but instead she saw the Farmer surrounded by wild deer.
A young male, three females, and four fawns - one big friendly family of noble creatures that surrounded the Farmer and would not let them pass. The adult deer licked Farmer's hands, jostling slightly in an attempt to take all attention for themselves, while the little fawns jumped and galloped around unrestrainedly. One even stole a tasty cave carrot from the Farmer's basket.
Alesia was so amused by this picture, how all these forest creatures demanded the Farmer's attention, affection, to be scratched behind the ears... And the way the Farmer glows with happiness, how they genuinely laugh and smile...
The crunch of a dry branch that the sniper stepped on immediately made all the deer turn their heads in her direction and prick up their ears. The male shook the signal and the whole herd galloped away, leaving the slightly confused Farmer alone.
Alesia emerged from the bushes and nodded a greeting to Farmer.
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare them," she smiled slightly guiltily at Farmer.
"Actually, I should thank you. They follow me around forever when I'm picking berries in the forest," Farmer was still smiling just as broadly. "Or else they'd steal all my carrots from me!"
That event was something Alesia would remember for a long time after returning to the Galdoran Continent.
The Lunaloo migration, or Moonlight Jellies as they are commonly known, is perhaps one of the most majestic phenomena Lance has ever seen. They are frequent visitors not only to the Stardew Valley, but also to Ginger Island, so Lance was able to enjoy the beautiful sight without leaving his post.
Once again, the pale light emanating from the magical jellyfish illuminated the entire shore. Lance sensed this energy and quickly teleported to the docks. However, he didn't know that there were more spectators here who had come to see the jellyfish.
Farmer had been on Ginger Island for a month now and their presence wasn't too surprising. But as far as the pink-haired adventurer could remember, all the people of the Valley come together on this day. So why is the Farmer here? And alone?
Lance wanted to call out to them, but stopped himself when he noticed something even more unusual: at least five green, Shining Lunaloo were swimming very close to Farmer when they put their hand into the sea water. Such jellyfish were very rare, and the fact that there were as many as five floating near Farmer...
"A wonderful sight, don't you think?" Lance thought to himself that he should learn not to scare people with his sudden appearance, for this was the second time he'd made them jump in surprise. "Sorry, my friend, didn't mean to disturb you."
"That's okay, don't worry," Farmer assured him, and then their attention turned back to the jellyfish. "Look how beautiful!" they pointed with their hand at the glowing water.
"Beautiful creatures, indeed," Lance agreed.
The two stood in silence for half a minute, only the sound of the sea waves and the distant noise of the local jungle fauna could be heard.
"You know," Farmer broke the silence, "I don't know why, but those jellyfish, the green one, always come near me. Strange, isn't it?"
"Lunaloo are creatures imbued with magic. So it's no wonder they sense magic in you, too." Or something special, Lance wanted to add, but decided not to distract the Farmer any further with conversation, examining the jellyfish closer and setting himself up for dreamy thoughts.
Fireflies... They were strange creatures, at least to Isaac, who had never seen fireflies. In fact, neither had he seen any of the other fauna of the forest. The dark-haired adventurer was so used to the quicksand and bloody fog of the Crimson Baldlans that he was beginning to wonder about fireflies. Even the gardens created by their witch Camilla in Castle Village can't compare to the beauty of nature. And yes, Isaac was a connoisseur of beauty too, even but only a couple of people knew it.
He was standing on the dock near Marlon's boat, enjoying the silence of the night and the scenery of Adventurer Summit. And then, it flew past him - a glowing bug that caught the Isaac's attention. The firefly flew higher and higher, and without knowing why, Isaac followed the insect up the stairs. What was his surprise when the firefly he was following headed straight for the Farmer, who was surrounded by dozens of other fireflies.
Like a large camp lantern, they stood motionless, trying not to scare away the bugs that had managed to land on their sleeves. Noticing Isaac, the Farmer chugged a smile.
"Hey, good night. Um. Yeah, I know I look a little silly for you, right?" Silence was the answer for Farmer, and they weren't surprised at that - Isaac was a man of few words. The most they could hear from the monster hunter was a snort because the Farmer had once again interrupted his rest and enjoyment of solitude with his noisy company.
But the scarred man had a completely different look - there was no rolling of the eyes, no irritation, no anger, no indifference. His gaze was so soft and so unnatural to Isaac that the Farmer was a little confused.
Isaac, after all, was a connoisseur of beauty, and now he was looking at something more beautiful. Maybe something more beautiful than even the fireflies.
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sea-creature-things · 1 month
Grimwalker things
Chapter 5: Sleep
Having dinosaur lungs can NOT be good for your health lol
For anyone actually following my fic, I'm so sorry this chapter took literal months to make. Life was a bitch and got in the way, but I'm back now and I'm gonna try to get the next chapter out much faster <333
Read here below the cut or on AO3 with this link:
Hunter walked on the soft forest floor. The leaves and moss cushioned his feet. There was no path to follow, but he knew where to go. Through the trees, there was a certain way forward.
Large, winding, blue trees. Everywhere. He’s never seen Palistrom trees this tall before. There was a thick canopy above him, but the forest was exceptionally light. Like the sun had an unbothered reach to the floor.
It must be summer.
Everywhere he looked was teeming with life. Those magnificent winding trees had a bunch of shelf-like mushrooms on them. He saw a small, black and white bird standing on one, while it drilled into the tree bark. There were tiny flowers growing between the roots on the ground. He saw a few butterflies fluttering around them.
He always thought that, even though their bodies were very disturbing, their wings were the prettiest things.
The forest wasn’t just bright, it was noisy. He heard rodents scurrying, insects buzzing, and many more birds chirping. All just out of sight. Hunter knew he probably wouldn’t see any larger creatures, he wasn’t exactly being stealthy.
But he didn’t feel like he should be.
He was just walking. On a path that he knew. He wasn't hunting or tracking anything, he wasn't on a mission. No beast in existence wouldn't notice his approach.
The exact moment when he had that thought, he was proven wrong. There, previously hidden behind the giant tree trunk Hunter walked past, was a Celeritas deer. He was surprised to say the least. The demon was too, its head shot up and it stared at him like, well like a deer in headlights.
Hunter stood still as well, admiring the majestic beast. Its blueish fur was meant for camouflage, its legs were even red to blend in with the grass. The deer broke out of its frozen state, turning and running in a show of that top speed it was famous for.
And Hunter let it go.
Because he didn't have to chase it. Because he could just watch. Because he could relax here. He was sure of it. This forest was a place where people should relax.
As he continued walking, the forest slowly become less bright. He could see the sky beyond the canopy a little, the fluffy clouds had turned into beautiful shades of purple and orange. He’d been here for quite a while.
It must be a really large forest.
Life was slowing down, the flowers were closing and the animals were leaving to sleep. The shadows grew and the sky turned darker and darker. Still, Hunter knew the way forward. When the dusk turned into night, the forest once again came alive.
Hunter could hear more sounds than before, but couldn’t see the nocturnal creatures that came out of hiding. He hoped any large demons were still too shy, because night was the best time to hunt. If there were Celeritas deer in this biome, there were predators who ate them. And Hunter wasn’t exactly thrilled to become a ‘unique dessert’.
The moon and stars made sure it wasn’t entirely pitch black. So he didn’t feel too scared. In fact, he felt just as relaxed as when it was daytime.
Something caught his eye, a light blue glow at the base of a tree he had already passed. Between the roots and the long red grass, sat an ice blue crystalline rock. It emanated a soft but cold light. He was instantly intrigued, but when he turned to get a closer look, a noise made his ears prick up.
He felt the hairs on his neck stand upright as a familiar voice whispered behind him. His head quickly shot back again.
But there was no one there.
He scanned the environment in front of him. The trees still looked the same and, most importantly, the forest was still loud. If there was a beast stalking him, the birds and rodents would stay far away. He must’ve imagined it.
This time he was certain the voice was real. It came from beyond the trees, as if someone was calling him over. It felt so familiar, but he couldn’t place it.
The chances of a puppeteer demon messing with him were low. And he still didn’t feel the slightest bit worried or afraid. He was only curious. It felt like he was going to see someone important. This was the person he had walked literal hours for.
A sudden pain hit him hard in the chest. Like a violent punch or a blunt object traveling at mach speed.
He could almost feel the electrical current through his back as he shot upright and his eyes flew open. His lungs filled with air in one big gasp. Flailing, his arms searched in front of him, grasping at anything to hold onto. But there was nothing and his arms fell back down immediately.
Where was he?!
It was too bright. It gave him a headache, his eyes were struggling to adjust to the lights. His bedroom was never like this in the morning. Where was his staff? Where was his mask? Where was Flapjack? He heard his palisman somewhere in the room, but the chirping was a little hard to understand. Actually, there were a lot of muffled sounds that he couldn’t hear quite right.
Suddenly, he felt something wrap around his neck. His hands instinctively grabbed onto it. He flinched away as much as he could, searching quickly with blurry vision. The panic went as quickly as it came, when he realised it was just Gus. His friend was hanging around his neck and pressing against his shoulder, hugging tightly. Hunter relaxed, moving his right hand to try and hug him back in this awkward position.
Wait. He hasn’t been at the castle in forever.
Everything came flooding back to him. The disastrous mission at the Night Market, a stressful hideaway at Hexside, the Day of Unity and a portal to the Human Realm- basement!
He’s been sleeping in Luz’s basement for 7 weeks! Hunter groaned from the pain behind his temples. He rubbed the side of his face and tried to move his legs slightly. His limbs were really heavy, like he was wading through molasses. Waking up had never been this difficult before.
There was a soft sniffling sound coming from his right. He looked at Gus, his eyes finally worked properly, and saw the boy’s shoulders shaking. He took uneven, tiny breaths that made his body jolt like a hiccup. His face, which was difficult to see underneath Hunter’s own chin, was all scrunched up and his eyes were shut tight. Any air that escaped his mouth came out in soft sobs and when he sniffed through his nose, there was a loud and pretty gross sound.
He was crying.
“Gus? What happened, what’s wrong?” Hunter asked immediately alarmed, his voice came out a little hoarse. With his free arm he pushed ever so lightly against his friend’s shoulder, trying to get a better look at him.
The hold on his neck loosened a little when Gus looked up. He took a deep breath to try and form words, but it only came out as abrupt coughing. Then his lip trembled and anything he said was impossible to understand. He buried his face back into Hunter’s neck as his shoulders continued to shake and his sobs grew louder.
With his newly restored sight, Hunter looked around the room in search of possible danger. He was extremely surprised to find the girls all gathered around his bed.
Willow was sitting beside Gus on her knees. She was gripping the fabric of his sleeping bag. Amity sat at the foot of his bed. She held her hands together in front of her chest with tense shoulders. Vee was standing behind her. She was in a half-human disguise with yellow piercing eyes and a tail wrapped around her legs. Her hands were clutching a phone.
They all looked mortified.
Alarm bells went off in his head. Something happened and he wasn’t there to protect them.
“What happened?” Hunter asked again, looking back and forth between the three of them. He couldn’t keep his voice from betraying the fear he felt.
Willow was still clutching the edges of his bed, her eyes locked on his. She breathed deep and steady. It looked like she was fighting the urge to cry, but maybe that was just interpretation, he wasn't sure. Vee shivered and her rigid body moved out of the blue. She sat down between the other two girls, her gaze anxiously shifting all over the place. Amity stared at the floor and blinked a few times before she looked back up. Her eyes were the only part of her face where he could see her true feelings.
A harrowing mixture of fear and stress was present on all of their faces. But he also saw a lot of relief in their expressions.
Flapjack, who had been circling above him in a wild storm of chirps that Hunter couldn’t follow, landed in front of him. The cardinal had to catch his breath and hung his wings beside him instead of folding them up. Exhausted, he hopped over to his witch’s left hand and rubbed against the palm. It would’ve been comforting if the state of his palisman hadn’t chilled Hunter to the bone.
“Gus woke us up a few minutes ago.” Amity took up the role of explaining, forever capable in high-stress situations. But the tone of her voice was flooded with unease. “He told us you weren’t breathing.”
“Hunter are you okay?” Amity asked worried when he didn’t respond. He couldn’t respond, he couldn’t think, he could only watch her as his vision slowly hazed over.
“Does he look okay!?” Willow burst out, gesturing wildly. Hunter’s attention snapped towards her, his vision briefly refocusing.
This wasn’t happening.
“He’s clearly in shock!” Vee yelled. She also moved her hands wildly, her features shifting in distress. Gus’s grip on his neck disappeared and Hunter felt himself sway woozily in the now free space around him.
This was not happening!
“Stop yelling at each other!” The youngest witch shouted at the girls. His outburst definitely worked, because they all went silent and looked at him in surprise.
Hunter’s stomach churned, a rising nauseous feeling morphed to dizziness in his head. The ringing in his ears grew louder. The pain in his head became sharper. He blinked rapidly, straining to focus.
Gus wiped his wet eyes aggressively with his sleeve. This seemed to quiet down the others even more. Willow shrunk out of her fire and, when Gus sniffed in a nasty way again while tears kept pouring from his eyes, she rubbed his back in an effort to soothe him. Vee was breathing heavily, seemingly deliberate, trying to calm herself down and get her magic under control. She was struggling to do so, judging from the way her half-human hands clawed in the air. Hunter watched in a daze as Amity noticed it too and carefully touched Vee’s hand. The basilisk startled, but quickly understood her friend’s comforting gesture. She gratefully interlocked her fingers and squeezed in Amity’s hand. It must’ve worked, because her breathing slowed down and her magic became stable again. Amity gave her a strained smile, then locked eyes with the floor and let out a heavy sigh of her own.
Where was Luz? He had found her earlier, right? She was here too, right? She had to be. Why hadn’t she said anything yet?
It felt like his thoughts were trudging through mud. Vee had said something about shock, but that wasn’t quite right. He knew what shock felt like and this definitely wasn't it. Still, his mind wasn't working like it should be. He felt nothing but confusion.
He finally found Luz. She was the only one on his left side, sitting on her knees and hugging her stomach. Her face was pale, almost ashen, and her entire frame was tense. How in Titan’s name could he not find her? She was right next to him!
She was looking at him so intently, as if he would disappear if she didn’t watch him. He silently begged her to say something. To tell him what was going on. To help him out of this mess! But she just kept staring at him. Was she even seeing anything at all?
“Hunter?” Willow broke through his trance. Her voice was so tiny, it didn’t fit her at all. Seeing her scared was unnerving. If Willow of all people was scared, then how the hell was he supposed to feel?
No, how? He seriously couldn’t tell. It felt like his brain was filled to the brim with fog and the more he tried to search through it, the more he got lost.
“I…” His voice was still hoarse. He swallowed to remedy his dry, sandpaper throat, but it barely helped. “I don’t understand.”
Willow looked taken aback slightly, this was clearly not the response she expected. Her pretty features morphed into concern. She squirmed in her seat, trying to form a response, sharing an unsure look with Vee and Amity. The pink-haired witch at least tried, her eyes darting around and her mouth gaping like a fish. An indecisive hum escaped when she snapped it shut, completely at a loss. Vee had long since surrendered, keeping her eyes on her fidgeting hands to avoid any expectations.
In the silence, Gus’ shaky sigh was painfully loud. He’d calmed down a lot, probably thanks to Willow, and had been following the awkward glances of the three girls. He turned to face Hunter again and took a deep breath.
“I had a nightmare.” He began. Emmiline had taken a position on his shoulder, rubbing her face lovingly against his cheek. Flapjack had settled into his lap, likewise trying to comfort the 12 year old. He’s only 12 years old! “It made me really anxious, so I went to wake you up. Cuz you said you wouldn’t mind.”
The last part sounded more like a question, as if he was asking for confirmation. Hunter could only give a few quick nods.
“But-“ Gus’s voice broke. Despite Emmi and Flap’s best efforts, there were new tears forming in his eyes. “But you wouldn’t wake up! You were so still a-and it looked like you weren’t breathing. So I checked!” He added quickly, as though someone would hold it against him if he hadn’t. “I ch-checked your mouth and I-… I couldn’t feel anything!”
A sense of dread came over him as Hunter looked at his friend’s terrified face. He had a theory, a sickening gut feeling that settled down after listening to that story. For what felt like the hundredth time, his vision glazed over only to focus anew when Willow spoke up.
“That’s when he went to get us.” She said as she put her comforting arm back around Gus. The witchling let himself fall against her.
“Everything happened so fast.” Amity added, which Vee supported with a nod, her gaze still very much locked on her claws. The tension in the room was almost visible.
Everyone was on edge because of him. Everyone was afraid because of him.
The overwhelming urge to puke felt more real with every second. He knew what it must’ve looked like. He knew what they must’ve thought.
“And Hunter…” Willow was trying to catch his eyes, but he looked away. “We couldn’t find your pulse.”
Hunter’s head whipped around to Luz so fast it hurt his neck.
You let them check for a pulse?!?
She was still in the same crumbled up pose as before, uncharacteristically motionless. But his sudden and intense glare made her jolt backwards, a nearly unnoticeable amount. She blinked for seemingly the first time and met his eyes apologetically.
No- Stop!
This wasn’t her fault!
It wasn’t her fault that this happened. It wasn’t her fault that they checked for a pulse. And it wasn’t her fault that he doesn’t have one. That he doesn’t have a bloodstream. That he doesn’t have real organs, or a real body… That he isn’t real.
He does have a bloodstream, he could bleed! He had bled just a few days ago! This was absurd! Stupid! Of course he has blood, he might be a grimwalker but he is alive! He just… doesn’t have a heart.
Hunter placed a hand on his chest. His Galderstone’s subtle pulsing almost felt like a heartbeat, it was trying its best.
He absentmindedly rubbed his chest, then his sternum. Hard, just like he was taught, the pain helped him tune back in. He was met with Luz’s worried face, this time he gave her an apologetical look. He also realised that Amity had been talking this entire time.
“-veins, so I have no idea if we were doing it right. I mean, obviously not because we couldn’t feel anything. Titan, I should’ve paid more attention in healing class. Or actually listened to Emira when she was talking about these things.” She rattled on. Luz reached over the sleeping bag to hold her girlfriend’s hand. Amity immediately quieted down, letting out a trembling sigh. She gave her a grateful smile that spoke volumes.
Luz really had been in some kind of trance just now. Had she come to the same conclusions as he had?
“I was trying to find…” Vee pointed at her phone as her voice trailed off in disappointment. She dropped her hands to her lap. “Anything that might help.”
She looked just as surprised as the rest that she had suddenly found her voice. Her tail unwrapped from her legs and landed with an agitated sweep behind her. Shifting uncomfortably, she cleared her throat.
“Then Gus slammed your chest.” Vee continued. That was probably the pain he had felt earlier. The punch that had ripped him out of that dream. The basilisk looked at Gus, he was still slumped against the older witch, but his tears had dried. She gave him a worn smile that fell just as quickly. “Luckily that worked.”
The room fell silent. Were they waiting on him? Hunter tried to think of something to say, anything. But the fog, and the mud, and every other mess he was searching through didn’t want to comply.
Maybe things were just moving too fast. Maybe he was still reeling from his rude awakening. Maybe he really was in shock. He didn’t know why, but he wasn't panicking like all the other times. He wasn’t in a cold sweat, breathing rapidly, heart beating fast and loud against his ribcage.
He was numb.
And his head hurt, and he couldn’t think. All he could do was look at their faces, hazily and contrite.
Intense stares drilled into him. They were expecting an explanation. Or a promise that he was okay, however unbelievable it would be. Or at least a reaction. Anything!
But he had nothing. He didn’t know. He genuinely didn’t know.
What if he was wrong? What if this wasn't a grimwalker thing? What if there was actually something wrong with him?
“I’m not saying there is something wrong with you, but maybe it’s a good idea if Camila takes a look?” Vee offered, as if she had been holding her breath and only now let go. He knew how uncomfortable she got in the silence. “I know she’s a vet and not a doctor, but she still knows a lot about health.”
“Not about Witch-health!” Amity yelled, her harsh tone surprised him.
“It’s not that different!” Willow said defensively.
“We don’t know that!”
“Don’t you want to make sure he’s okay?!”
“Of course I do!”
Their bickering made his headache even worse. Maybe in a different situation, or simply at a different time, it would be amusing. He’d interject with a lighthearted joke or an understanding remark. Or something else that in another moment would’ve worked. Or even something that failed but still managed to make them realise what they were doing.
But this wasn’t that moment.
“I think that’s a good idea, Vee.” Hunter interjected, pushing through the pain in his throat. Addressing his sister directly, like Willow and Amity weren’t even there, calm and resolute. He was so done with this.
This moment, this situation, this night. He wanted it to end already.
The basement fell silent again. This was basically him admitting that there was something wrong. He decided to play it that way.
He was tired. He couldn’t explain shit. He couldn’t calm them down. He couldn’t reassure anyone.
He looked at Luz. Her eyes locked with his, a sheen of recognition painted her face. She didn’t have the same horrified look in her eyes as the others, but her face was stiff with worry.
I don’t know what else to do. Please help me.
His sister's stare widened. She placed a hand on his shoulder, a forced smile on her face. And, finally, she spoke.
“Okay. I’ll go get her.”
The harsh blue lights gave the kitchen a cold atmosphere. It was definitely the middle of the night. The window was like a pitch black portal, no stars or moon to illuminate the garden, apparently the lights along the road didn't reach that far either. It was uncomfortably different from the warm, inviting kitchen Hunter was used to.
Camila was examining him, she said the kitchen would be better suited because it was bigger and had better lighting. Unfortunately, she was right. She had instructed him to hop on the kitchen island. Then she grabbed the first aid kit and some of her veterinary stuff.
So now Hunter was slouched over, with his legs dangling over the edge. He was vaguely aware of the clump of his friends gathered in the corner. They had stopped just in front of the doorway. Hunter knew they were watching, but he couldn't find the energy to care.
Flapjack was standing on the counter next to him. Every now and then, he chirped some comforting words. Flap was trying his best to soothe his witch, but he was still very worn out. His feathers were ruffled and his beady eyes blinked sluggishly. He looked pretty much like how Hunter felt.
Past nausea and dizziness, he didn't feel much of anything. But the room was already spinning a lot less than before Camila started this investigation. The closest thing he felt to an emotion was confusion. A feeling that had refused to leave ever since that dream.
Most dreams feel real in the moment, but when you wake up they're so obviously ridiculous. This dream wasn't like that. Even now it felt like he had actually walked through that forest. He could remember everything so vividly.
It was disorienting.
It had been so tangible, so authentic, even though he's never in his life seen a palistrom forest like that. In fact, he was sure those didn't exist anymore.
It was a proper forest. Not the sad orchard that he’s visited so many times, where all the trees grew in straight rows and weren’t allowed to get too high. Where not even mice nor insects dared to live, forget about any large beasts!
Besides, it was weird for him to have anything other than a cold-sweat nightmare.
Hunter mentally kicked himself. His dream was hardly the most important thing right now. But he couldn't stop thinking about it. Did it mean something? Was it related to the way he slept that night? Or was it just a stupid dream? More pleasant than his usual, but just as unhelpful.
His eyes searched the floor, but the off-white linoleum didn’t hold any answers. Obviously.
"Honey, I need to put the stethoscope on your skin, do you mind if I slide it under you shirt?" Camila asked carefully, interrupting his train of thought. She tugged softly on the back of his shirt, making sure Hunter knew what she meant.
He did. It would be a lot easier for her if he simply took it off, or held his shirt up to expose his back. But there were a lot of scars there. It’s not that he was ashamed of them, but he he wasn't eager to show them either. This was different from a few scars on his legs, he didn’t know how his friends and Camila would react.
"N-" He tried to answer her, but the air caught in his throat, like his voice was trapped. And when he shook his head, Camila didn't seem to understand what he meant. He sighed and tried again. "No, go ahead."
Hunter was reminded of when he sat on an examination bed in the infirmary. He hated the healing coven, but he really shouldn't. They kept him alive. He was only allowed to go there when he had to, when his newest wounds were too serious to heal on their own.
He just hated when that happened.
The healing coven witches would move around him in much the same way Camila was doing. The cold part of her stethoscope pressed against his back, then his chest. Finally something that felt familiar and it had to be this.
He moved his limbs as she instructed, breathed exactly like she told him to while he stared into the wall ahead. His long hair hanging in sad strands around his face, like a curtain shielding his expression from outsiders. Or rather, from his friends. He didn't want to look at them, and he didn't want them to look at him.
“Let me check… some more things.” Camila said hesitantly, her hand a few inches from his chin. He made no motions to get away from her. So she placed one hand on the side of his face, holding him gently, and the other under his chin. He felt two finger press into his skin.
It would’ve been really nice if he didn’t know she was checking for a pulse. Where he was so sure just a minute ago, he now had no clue. Did he have one or not? He couldn’t remember if he’d ever checked his own pulse.
He’s placed a hand over his heart plenty of times, and his galderstone used to fool him with its fake beats. But why would he ever bother to check his own pulse? Using a technique he specifically learned to check if other people were still alive on himself was absurd.
Against his will, his eyes fluttered up and looked into Camila’s. She then looked into his, as if she could sense it. Maybe she could. She gave him the softest, gentlest, most comforting smile. And he nearly broke.
Please just say there's nothing wrong with me.
Hunter quickly fixed his gaze back on the ground. There was a pressure on his eyes, a kind of pain that meant he was exhausted. A pain he knew very well. Sleepless nights were a constant in his life. At first it was simply from working on countless missions as the golden guard. He didn’t have time to sleep.
In Hexside he was too scared to sleep. And the first few days in the human realm he just wasn’t able to. No matter how much his eyes burned, he stayed awake, thinking too much.
Stone sleeper lungs.
The words kept repeating in his mind. That was his theory, his gut feeling, his explanation. He had read about Stonesleepers, even before his desperate raid of Hexside’s library. He used to think they were cool. Learning about the dinosaurs that used to roam the Boiling Isles in his studies was actually fun.
But now, thinking back to the books he read in his hideout left a bitter taste in his mouth.
The Stonesleeper has a very unique ability. This creature can go into something aptly named ‘the stone sleep’, during which it slows its breathing down to near zero. Subsequently, its metabolism and heartbeat also slow down. The creature then turns its hide to stone using petrification magic.
It this state, the demon is protected from all kinds of threats and has no need to hunt. A perfect hibernation, used in moments of danger but more often in moments of peace. When it feels safe enough to rest.
However, not every Stonesleeper with a rocky hide is actually in a stone sleep. The creature has evolved to use its unique ability as camouflage or even as a decoy, tricking potential prey into a false sense of security. Until the demon strikes.
He had read the same information again and again, in five different books, next to the passages and stories about grimwalkers. Searching for any correlation, any shared traits, any effect on personality or character. He’d been so desperate to learn about himself that the air became harder to breathe, and the edges of vision went dark. Flapjack had to calm him down and forced the books closed with his tiny beak. He’d begged his witch to go somewhere else for a bit.
Hunter could barely call it a theory anymore, part of him knew it was the truth. What happened earlier tonight was the result of his dinosaur lungs. And it was terrifying, he didn’t want to be anything like them.
Stonesleepers were not cool. They were giant, dangerous monsters. Vicious predators that survived a mass extinction during the Hecktaceous period, only to terrorise people of the Deadwardian era.
They were scary, Hunter didn’t want to be scary. He already terrified his friends tonight and he hated it. The look in their eyes after he asked for Camila, the glances they exchange when they thought he couldn’t see, it killed him.
He was a little wobbly on the stairs and they all looked so worried. He already regretted his decision when he watched Luz leave. But a big part of him genuinely and desperately wanted to check it out. Not breathing was very concerning, grimwalker or not.
Then Luz came back to the living room with Camila on her heels.
Amity and Willow had to explain everything again. Hunter couldn’t really follow it, not that he tried very hard. There was no new ground being broken, he had all the information already. Listening to it again, this time with Camila’s reaction right there…
He didn’t want to follow it.
He had made the mistake of looking into her eyes then as well. The horrified expression that formed on Camila's face after they told her... It was so foreign to him. He wanted to cry. He wanted to apologise. He wanted to travel in time and never let Luz wake her up.
She really cared.
He knew that already. But every time she showed it, every time he saw her face full of concern, it was like a fresh new gut punch. As if he never learned his lesson: Camila cared.
She had stayed silent for an unbearable time, then she promised to take a look and led them to the kitchen. And now they were here, under the cold, unnatural lights. A soft pitter patter started to fall on the roof above. It quickly turned into louder, more harsh rainfall. The black portal that was supposed to be a window had streaks of water run down it's surface.
He still had mixed feelings about the non-boiling rains of the human world, but the sound was always comforting.
“Alright cariño,” Camila said as she packed up her work kit. She caressed his hair, clearing his face. He braved to look at her and anxiously awaited her verdict. She put another strand behind his ear and gave him another painfully tender smile. “I am sure you’re okay.”
Hunter was suddenly flooded with so many feelings that he couldn’t distinguish any of them.
“Thank goodness,” Flapjack chirped and hopped closer on the counter. It startled him, he kind of forgot Flap was there. Hunter scratched his palisman on the cheek, he recognise the relief on his little face as one of the feelings in the lively mix of emotions inside him.
But he couldn’t muster a nod.
He couldn’t tell him he agreed, because now it was officially a grimwalker thing. Flap didn’t notice his reluctance however. He gratefully melted into the chin scratches.
Hunter felt terrible for the stress he’d caused his sweet little palisman. He wondered if his condition had effected Flapjack in some way. Palismen were very in tune with their witches emotions, sometimes too much so. Hopefully this wasn’t part of that magical connection, but just Flap being tired.
Hunter did feel more at ease doting on his palisman. He was happy with Camila’s news, and very grateful.
For the first time, Hunter looked back at the doorway. Relief was painted clearly on his friends’ faces. Luz was snug against Amity’s side, her head resting on her girlfriend’s shoulder. Her eyes were shut in an exhausted kind of calm. Amity’s own head rested on top of Luz’s, but her eyes were locked on Hunter. She smiled, strained but genuine.
Luz was holding Vee’s hand. Whose other hand was pressed against her chest, meeting the tip of her tail that spiralled down, wrapped tightly around her. She was smiling as well, but hers was not strained. She beamed at him, looking almost cheerful, and swung the arm attached to her sister back and forth.
The solace his sisters gave each other was difficult to see when it was him they needed comfort from.
Gus was on Vee’s other side, but he was somewhat turned away from her, because of the way he hugged to Willow. Gus’s face was obstructed by Emmiline, who snuggled her witch with a surge of kind words. Willow had her arm over his shoulder, the other one was wrapped around her own stomach. Her beautiful peridot eyes were fixed on Hunter. She took a deep breath while squeezing Gus tighter against her. The ghost of a smile tugged at her lips.
Hunter had difficulty looking anyone it the eyes, let alone smile back.
He focussed back on Flapjack, who was more than happy to receive his attention, and eventually on Camila. She had followed his looks at his friends. She, unlike him, was capable of giving them a reassuring expression.
“I couldn’t really find a pulse either, but I’m pretty sure you’re still alive.” Camila said playfully, still stroking his hair. Her humour fell flat as Hunter was suddenly very busy with keeping his dinner down. The stone that fell onto his stomach may as well have been his heart.
He was right after all, he had no pulse.
Judging from the fraught silence coming from the doorway, the rest couldn’t appreciate the joke either. But eventually a few voices murmured in support.
“Maybe your anatomy is just a little different?” Camila offered somewhat awkwardly, throwing a questioning glance at the witches. Hunter didn’t follow up to see their answer. “Your heart and lungs sound perfect, so a weak pulse is out of the question.”
She said it so matter of factly and she kept patting his head, he wanted to believe her.
“Maybe…” Camila began, as if she was contemplating something. She moved her hand onto his shoulder. Looking from him to the other kids when she decided to go on. "There are different stages of sleep. One of them is called deep sleep. That’s when our brains slow down, our muscles relax, our temperature drops, and our breathing becomes really slow. Now, this is also the stage that’s the most difficult to wake up from.”
Hunter fixed his eyes on the wall again. Camila's explanation was of more use for the other kids. It was nice, it just didn't apply. While she kept talking about ‘brain waves’ and ‘sleep cycles’, he found himself more interested in the wall’s decorations. The green wallpaper had such a different colour at night. The rustic shelf mounted on it was littered with all kinds of knickknacks.
Picture frames, spices, oddly specific kitchen gadgets. And a plant that spilled over the edges of its pot, which Willow had immediately volunteered to take care of. Just like all the other plants in the house, the number of which had steadily increased over the weeks.
In the same way they had done in the basement, his eyes slowly glazed over. His vision became blurry and unfocused, his hearing muffled. Camila's voice seemed to blend into the background.
Then he felt something on his cheek.
"Oh hijo." It was Camila's hand, holding his face. She gently turned his head to face her. Hunter fought desperately to keep himself from breaking. She rubbed her thumb over his cheek. “You’ve had a lot of trouble with sleep, right? Deep sleep could be a little… new to you?"
“Yeah, maybe.” Hunter tried to sound as convincing as possible, but he heard his own voice echo uneasy in his ears. Camila gave him another heart-wrenching smile he was certain he’d never get used to.
"I promise you're okay."
Camila was so good at giving him exactly what he wanted. He really loved that about her. He felt respected and cared for in her house, in her presence.
But it also made him question if she was telling the truth.
He was ashamed of that feeling, but it gnawed on his brain. He knew, logically, that Camila would never do such a thing. She wasn’t the type of person to lie. Not about this. In spite of that, those thoughts wouldn’t go away.
She brushed another long hair strand behind his ear. It had fallen in front of his eyes when he looked down, in an almost dramatically sad way. It was a fine representation of his general state at the moment. He wanted to be happy and relieved and grateful, he really did. He wanted to accept Camila’s explanation and climb back into bed, but the overwhelming sense of dread made him miss the numbness he felt before.
While everyone else was now put at ease, he was the one terrified.
“Hunter, I’d like to give you a hug. Would you…” Camila’s voice trailed off, like she wasn’t sure how to ask the last part. But it was clear enough.
At first his mouth fell slightly open from surprise, but then his lip quivered a little and he pressed them together in an attempt to fight his emotions.
He nodded.
He didn’t trust his voice right now. Camila’s simple offer had felt like yet another gut punch. She opened her arms for him so he hopped off the kitchen island, into her warm embrace. Her arms enveloped him entirely. Her warmth and her scent filled his perception, drowning everything else out, just for a moment.
Hunter couldn’t remember the last time he’s hugged someone taller than him.
If that ever even happened.
His eyes burned with a new kind of pain. A stinging, prickling sensation which he knew meant there were tears forming in his eyes. Titan! Why?! He blinked rapidly to try and deter them. He hoped Camila wouldn’t let go too soon, so he could hide his face against her shoulder.
“You’re okay, hijo.” Camila said again. This time, he believed her.
And he stopped fighting.
He let the tears form and fall. Burying his face in Camila's shoulder, her warmth covered him like a fluffy blanket. He breathed a little staggering. He held his arms tighter around her back, not wanting her to ever let go. At least not for a while.
He suddenly felt extra hands and more weight piling onto him. Slowly moving his face away from the crook of her neck, and blinking the blurriness out of his eyes, he investigated. He saw Vee, Amity and Willow had joined the hug. He checked his assumptions on the other side, finding Gus and Luz.
Yup, they were in the middle of an awkward, but endearing group hug. He unclasped one hand from Camila to slowly ruffle Vee’s hair. He did the same for Gus with his other hand. After which he put his arm around Luz to make the huddle feel more like an actual group hug. The trio had very determined expressions, which was kind of adorable.
Catching Amity’s eye, he tried to show he was thankful and signal he felt guilty about causing trouble. He wasn’t sure if she got all that, but she smiled a lot less strained this time. He even managed a wobbly smile for Willow. Which she instantly returned much brighter.
Flapjack landed on her shoulder, signing a bunch of supportive words. Only then did Hunter notice Emmiline had also found her place on Willow’s shoulder. She squeaked that she hoped he’d feel better soon.
“I’m sorry to worry you all so much.” Hunter sighed.
A cacophony of voices erupted. After ages of excruciating silence, he heard all his friend’s voices like he was used to: completely unintelligible due to them talking over each other. But the overarching message was that it wasn’t his fault.
If nothing else, it was nice to hear.
“Bueno,” Camila leaned back, lovingly putting a hand on his cheek again. She rubbed faces and ruffled hair by the other kids while the group hug disbanded. “I know that it’ll be very difficult right now, but let’s all go back to bed, you need sleep.”
Gus stood like a statue in the middle of the basement. The girls had all lingered when him and Hunter were herded to the stairs by Camila. Gus had been ready to get back to their room and curl up on his couch-bed. But with every step they actually approached the door, he became more reluctant.
How do you move on from a night like this?
The weird feeling settled uncomfortably in his stomach. Luz seemed a little antsy too, swarming around them while Camila bid them goodnight. Vee on the other hand, looked pretty happy. She yawned and bounced over to cling to her mom. Amity seemed content too, but Willow was sporting a more worried expression next to her.
Amity had hooked her arm in Willow’s and the look she gave her screamed ‘I will comfort and support you’. Gus just knew Willow hated that look. He saw in her expression that she really didn’t want to be glued to her in that way. But she didn’t outwardly reject her either.
It was weird seeing them like that after screaming at each other in the basement.
Their friendship had become a lot better since the day of Unity, but it was still rocky at times. Maybe he should talk to Willow about that tomorrow. She still had the tendency to think Amity was treating her like she was weak. But Gus honestly believed she was just trying to be a good friend.
Their minuscule scene was a nice distraction, but it didn’t help Gus’s feelings. He still didn’t know if his anxiety was normal. What made it worse, was Hunter being unreadable as he listened to their caretaker’s good night wishes. His blank expression stayed as Camila sent them off to bed.
And now they were here. Both of them standing in the middle of the room, his friend seemed just as hesitant as Gus felt.
He was absolutely exhausted, but there was a snowball’s chance in the Boiling Sea that he could sleep right now. It was pointless to even try.
He felt horrible.
Uncomfortable and tense and, above all else, filled with regret. His heart squirmed around in his chest. Flashbacks of the incident were already floating to the forefront of his mind. The panic had set in so fast, everything happened so fast.
It was scary.
Hunter must be in the same boat, but a hundred times worse because it all happened to him.
Gus was too tense, too anxious, too riled up to even think about sleeping. A smaller part of him was afraid, scared they would go back to sleep and it happened again. That’s probably what Hunter thought too, and that’s probably why they had been standing like this for what felt like an eternity!
Which had actually barely been a minute.
“I don’t think I can sleep anymore.” Gus said after deciding to just rip the bandaid off. His skin crawled too much in the silence.

“Me neither.” Hunter admitted like Gus expected. He stared at his sleeping bag like it was one of Eda’s magic traps. Flapjack was perched on his shoulder, rubbing his beak against his witch’s face.

“Do you wanna try…?” Gus asked carefully, knowing that they probably should. But hoping he would say no.

“No.” Hunter said in a low voice. Flap chirped and the blonde boy tickled his chest feathers. Then he turned back to his friend and quickly added, “Do you?”
“Not really.” Gus admitted. He also hoped Hunter wouldn’t feel guilty. He had a habit of getting it in his head that everything was his fault.
If anyone should feel guilty it was Gus. He’d started this whole mess. He woke everyone up, scared them, all for some deep sleep and a hard-to-find pulse. Hunter just looked so…
He should’ve known better.
“Hey, it’s okay.” Emmiline squeaked. Gus kind of forgot he was carrying her. She stood up on her back paws, curling her tail around his hands and putting her front paws against his chest.
“All this happened because of me, Emmi.” Gus whispered as imperceptible as he could. He didn’t want his friend to hear.
"No no! Not true!" Emmiline squeaked louder. She glanced at Hunter for a second, before climbing up to his shoulder. She hugged the side of his face. "It was just a big misunderstanding."
Her squeaks were softer this time, probably trying to soothe his racing thoughts. It almost felt like she was telling him a secret this way, mumbling so close to his ears. She continued to shush him and Gus shut his eyes to focus on her words and the scaly-but-gentle paws that rubbed arduously over his temple. Emmiline wasn’t exactly a natural at calming people, but she tried her best and that’s what mattered.
“Yeah…” Gus sighed. “I just feel like I made everything worse. I got so scared so fast. I shouldn’t have assumed…”
He’d opened his eyes again and noticed Hunter kind of drifting away. He landed at the table conquered by sewing supplies. Gus felt his shoulders tense as he worried if Hunter had heard everything after all. But it came as quickly as it went, because that would be impossible. It’s not like grimwalkers had better hearing.
"You had a nightmare." Emmiline whispered. Gus was more focused on Flapjack as he jumped onto the sewing machine. Hunter probably said something because the cardinal chirped happily. His own palisman moved away from his face with one last rub against his cheek. “Hunter would understand!”
Hunter raked a hand through his hair. He shot a kind smile his way, but he couldn't hold eye contact. Gus quickly looked away as well.
Maybe it wasn't...
Before Gus could finish that thought, his wandering eyes spotted something that put everything else aside.
A red box with a blue border seemed to scream for his attention. The colourful picture on the front and sudden memories of late game nights culminated in a beautiful idea.
“Oh!” Gus exclaimed, stumbling over his feet as he beelined for the box. He managed to grab it without injury and showed it to Hunter. “We could play a game?”
“Oh,” his friend blurted out after his surprise disappeared. Hunter’s smile for once didn’t look so forced and Gus felt like the room got several tints brighter. “Okay.”
His own smile came easy as he bounced to the specific spot on the floor where they usually played boardgames. Hunter moved to join him, but was stopped in his tracks by Emmiline yawning. Both boys ‘aww’ed at her adorable display.
“Someone’s tired.” Hunter cocked his head to the side, Gus laughed. ‘Exhausted’ was probably a better word, but he didn’t want to ruin the better vibe.
“You should go to sleep Emmi.” Gus said as he put her back in his hands. The chameleon gave him a look, she was sceptical. He giggled and tried to reassure her. “Yes, I’m sure.”
Hunter gestured to the fabric-covered table, Gus knew what he meant and nodded. His buddy knelt down and let Emmiline hop over to his hands. He brought her to the nest that the palisman had made from the fabrics and threads. It was cute and soft and nobody dared to touch it.
Gus started to set up the game, they’ve played it enough to abandon the manual in the box.
“You too Flap, you’re completely drained.” Hunter told the little bird. Flapjack warbled from his perch on the sewing machine, Hunter didn’t translate, but it sounded like a protest. He carefully picked him up anyways, putting him next to Emmi. Flap conceded immediately, chirping softer this time.
“Yeah, we will. Eventually.” Hunter responded. He gently caressed Flap’s feathers on his back. “I promise.”
Gus guessed that was about them going to sleep too. He thought it was fair to try, like Hunter said, eventually.
“I know, love you too” He heard him whisper to the cardinal. Gus couldn’t help the wide smile on his face. He pretended to hear nothing and continued to put the colourful tokens in their assigned squares.
They played for a while.
Neither wanted to make good on their promise to try sleeping. Not yet at least. This made them play worse than normal. They made bad decisions, chose the lower numbers on ambiguous dice rolls, and just generally did the polar opposite of what someone who wanted to win would do.
They also took every opportunity to knock each other’s pieces off, so that it had to start from the beginning. Usually they’d show mercy every so often. This new way of playing was strange, but it was also fun.
It was a good distraction.
Hunter kinda slumped and Gus noticed his eyes were shut. But before he could say something, his friend shot back upright. He focused back on the game like nothing happened, but Gus also noticed his eyes meeting his own for just a second. It was like a look Gus would give his teachers if they caught him zoning out.
"Are you okay?" He asked, knowing full well that he wasn't. He just had no idea what else he could say. It was almost a reflex to ask that question.
"Yeah yeah!" Hunter said in a weird, high pitched voice. He was still really bad at lying. Gus kinda hoped he would never get better at it.
"We can try to sleep if you want?" Gus asked. The distraction stopped working and all the bad stuff was settling back in his stomach. Thoughts raced through his brain at breakneck speeds.
"No. No, I just-" Hunter hung his head, tossing the dice back and forth in his hands. "I don't think I can, even if I wanted to."
Gus looked at his friend, patiently waiting for him to fill the silence. To expand further on his feelings. He wanted so desperately to just blurt out that he knew. He wanted to tell him everything was okay. Grimwalker? So what!
But he wanted Hunter to come to him. To tell him out of his own volition. He wanted to give him the privacy he deserved, the freedom he longed for.
He wanted to be patient.
Gus liked to think he was making slow progress in his personal mission of ‘making Hunter more comfortable’. He believed that in due time, he would open up more.
And he did! He told stories about coven missions and his secret wild magic studies, but never anything serious. Not from a lack of negative experiences, Gus was sure. Hunter just didn’t want to talk about it yet.
So for now, he'd stick with the slow progress. Playing games late at night in the basement, sharing a love for books, learning about the human realm together. He'd show, not tell. He was a freaking illusion witch after all!
That's what he set out to do, but if Hunter would just tell him...
Bonding was nice and all — if someone had told him months ago that he would care this much about a scruffy teen, Gus would call them crazy — but this night was already so different. All the same things they were doing felt so much heavier. Maybe this could be the perfect place to start?
His brain was like a metronome, swinging between wanting to talk or not. Gus had to admit that his eyes held a certain expectation when he looked at his friend in that moment.
But Hunter stayed silent.
That tactic rarely worked on him, because he's used it so many times himself. He had used it on Luz so many times now, they lost count!
It was a simple truth they both knew: people love filling awkward silences, and then they’d just blurt out their secrets. The trick still worked on Gus, knowing what the other person was doing didn't seem to help at all. Hunter though, he was some kind of expert.
So deafening silence it was.
As they played their game. Gus rolled the dice, getting a five and a three. Instead of using the high roll to bring his furthest piece into the finish, he used it for his newest piece on the board. And he used the three to knock off one of Hunter’s pieces. His friend shot him a fake pout and Gus smirked.
The silence was broken by the door to the basement swinging open. Both of them turned their heads, seeing Luz walk down. She was struggling to drag the covers of her bed down the steps. Neither of the boys really reacted, maybe they were shocked. Or maybe they weren’t surprised at all and were just patiently waiting for her to descend.
Gus felt like his second guess was more accurate.
"I'm sleeping here tonight!" Luz proclaimed cheerfully when she finally reached the floor. She had a very big, toothy smile, but her eyes weren’t laughing. She was very obviously trying her best to stay positive when she was actually very tired.
“Okay.” Gus and Hunter said in unison. Luz nodded with vindication, like she was saying ‘yeah that’s what I thought’. Was she worried she’d have to convince them? If Gus wasn’t running on empty he’d welcome her with literal open arms.
She was probably also in that same boat, waterlogged by discomfort.
“Can’t sleep either?” Hunter asked as she shuffled to his bed and dumped her stuff next to it.
“Yeah...” Luz said, looking away awkwardly and shrugging in an exaggerated way. Yup, she definitely felt the same. Gus could appreciate her attempts to stay bubbly and cheerful.
“Sorry about that.” Hunter said quietly, looking at his hands as he fidgeted with the cuffs of his sweater.
“It’s not your fault." Luz told him, beating Gus to the punch. They exchanges looks that Gus couldn’t really read. Luz joined their spot on the ground. "I just wanted to check on you.”
Gus swore those looks between them meant more than the words they said. His exhausted mind couldn’t stop the tiny pang of jealousy that ran through it. But it was only good for Hunter that he was so close with Luz.
Could those looks mean she knows? Did Hunter tell her about being a grimwalker?
This time a stronger wave of jealousy washed through his intestines. If Hunter told Luz, why didn’t he tell him? They were best friends.
Gus forcefully stopped his train of thought, shaking his head in what he hoped looked like a ‘trying to stay awake’ way. If all of that was true, he was happy for Hunter. He deserved to have someone like Luz looking out for him. And nobody said he couldn’t have two.
“You wanna play too?” Gus asked Luz, trying to hide the mental gymnastics his brain had just done. He pointed at the colourful board that laid forgotten on the floor.
“Ludo? I haven't seen that game in ages. Sure, I’ll play.”
She continued to wipe the floor with them. But only because Hunter and Gus weren’t trying before. Now it was on!
The trio slowly became more at ease and actually started to have some fun with the game. When Luz won for the second time and celebrated her victory with arms outstretched to the sky, a big yawn interrupted her cheer. Gus laughed at the sight, but then he also yawned, in the middle of his laugh. He tried to fight it but, of course, he couldn’t. Hunter look at them fondly.
“Maybe we should go to bed now?” He asked with a smirk, hanging backwards and folding his arms. Gus suspected that his ‘we’ didn’t actually included himself.
“No way!” Luz objected, Hunter immediately shushing her. Gus didn’t think she was loud enough to wake anyone up, but would never say it. He was kind of happy to see his friend fall back into his normal habits. Luz stuck her tongue out at her brother. “I gotta make it a perfect run with three wins.”

“Absolutely not!” Gus protested, revelling in the shushing he got as well. He was already setting up the board and smacked Luz’s pieces off. She gasped in offence. “I’m not letting you. I wanna win at least once.”
“Alright, it’s settled then.” Luz put her pieces back on the board, in the staring square. “One more round.”
Hunter scoffed, trying hard not to smile. He rolled his eyes, but set up his own pieces too.
Halfway through their third match, they heard the basement door swing open again. Willow and Amity leaned over the railing, smiling as they greeted the trio. Gus and Luz waved happily.
Gus was surprised to see Hunter’s face not light up at the sight of her.
Willow flew down the stairs, dragging her comforter behind her like a cape. She had her pillow under her arm like a grudgby ball. Once she touched down and threw her things onto the couch, she sat down between Gus and Hunter.
She put one arm over each of their shoulders and hugged them close together. Hunter yelped as Willow basically held them in a head lock. Gus couldn’t help the giggles that escaped his mouth. It was exactly the same as the time he was wrestling Hunter and she crashed their match, except this time she released them much faster.
Amity came down a lot calmer. She had her blankets neatly folded, setting them down carefully on the arm rest of the couch. Then, she turned to Luz as fast as possible. Her girlfriend was already waiting for her and they embraced.
Gus didn’t feel the need to witness their pda. They were cute, but he didn’t want to see them get all smoochy. He did still hear Amity’s exasperated sigh, indicating how her and Willow felt under that positive exterior. It was so obvious nobody even pointed it out this time, of course they couldn’t sleep.
They too were in that same boat. If anymore people climbed in it might sink from the weight.
“So… sleepover?” Luz asked sarcastically. She shook out her comforter, arranging it neatly next to Hunter’s sleeping bag on the ground.
“Yeah, I guess that’s what’s happening here.” Willow chuckled. Her hand had lingered on Hunter’s shoulder, and Gus couldn’t wait to tease her about it tomorrow, she gave him another warm smile and stood up. Picking up the stuff she had thrown so haphazardly just a second ago.
Gus was again surprised by his friend’s reaction. Hunter was supposed to be an open book, but he couldn’t read that expression. He wasn’t embarrassed or flustered, he didn’t look sad that Willow was leaving, he didn’t even seem happy that she had been so close.
He could almost see it, what his reaction would normally be. The boy would be blushing and smiling, he’d be mesmerised by her. Was it weird that Gus was this involved with their crush hell? Nah.
He was just a very nearby best friend.
Very nearby, like all the time. Probably because they lived in the same house right now.
The girls were chatting as they set up shop, building what Gus could only describe as a pile. A cozy pile though.
“I’m joining,” Gus said as he pulled his covers from the couch, dropping it on the nest that had engulfed Hunter’s flimsy mattress.
“You’d rather sleep with us on the ground than on your own soft, elevated couch?” Amity deadpanned.
“Yup!” Gus matched her sass and pointedly dropped his pillow as well.
“Awww Gustifer~” Luz draped herself over his shoulders and gave him a noogie. Gus cringed from the weird feeling of her knuckles rubbing over his scalp. He laughed, thrashing until he escaped her.
Willow and Amity burst out laughing at the state of his hair. The plant witch reached out with an unsteady head to try and fix it. Gus swatted it away, much rather doing it himself. He tried and failed to stay mad, rolling his eyes with a sigh.
The girls finally calmed down. Luz’s joke about it turning into a sleepover felt more and more accurate.
“I like how humans can have a moonlight conjuring more than once a year.” He said while fixing the position of his blanket. “And without moonlight.”

“Well, we’re not conjuring anything.” Amity pointed out with a smirk.
“Not yet~” Willow joked in a singsong voice.
Gus looked back at Hunter, expecting a smile at least. But he was still just sitting there, staring off into the distance. He didn’t like not knowing what Hunter was thinking.
“We should move the couch.” Willow said, interrupting his worries. She was arranging all the pillows on one side of the pile. “I don’t think everyone will fit otherwise.”
“Yeah good idea!” Gus said, a bit louder than he intended. He hoped that Hunter would feel better once their weird little fort was done and they could get some sleep.
He must’ve noticed him staring, because Hunter seemed to zone back in from wherever he was and started cleaning the game. After putting it away, he kind of wandered around the room. Like he was suddenly very interested in Camila’s old stuff.
The pile was done, and it was big. But without any mattresses to speak of, it didn’t look that inviting yet.
“I think we need more blankets.” Gus pondered out loud, hand on chin.
“We can gather some stuff from the living room.” Luz offered.
“I’ve got blankets!” Vee announced as she thundered down the stairs. Carrying a stack in her arms higher than her head. She held them up once she reached the bottom, like she was presenting them, beaming a smile at her friends.
They all laughed and greeted her.
“Did we all have the same idea or something?” Gus asked, watching her drop the fluffy blankets on the floor and rush towards Hunter. Vee hugged him tightly and he wrapped his arms around her back.
Gus saw her smile fade just for a moment as she buried her face in her brother’s chest. But when she bounced away, it was back in full force. Gus watched her inspect their pile with great interest. When he turned around again he saw in Hunter’s eyes what he hoped so fervently wouldn’t be, guilt.
His heart sank and he felt a lump in his throat. He didn’t know what to do. He didn’t know what to say.
“Sort of.” Willow answered his question, looking towards Vee confused. “None of us could sleep, but…”
“Vee said she wasn’t joining.” Amity finished her sentence. She and Luz had picked up the new blankets and were organising them in the nest. None of them seemed to have noticed what he saw.
“I thought I couldn’t fall asleep because of those two.” Vee pointed accusingly between the other girls.
“Yeah, she just kept tossing and turning,” Amity pointed her thumb at Willow. “More than usual I mean.”
The plant witch stuck her tongue out at her friend. A myriad of knowing laughs filled the room.
“It’s not like you were much better.” Vee said in Willow’s defence. “You kept sighing the whole time!”
She demonstrated with a mockingly dramatic sigh. Willow joined in and they started alternating like a broken record. Amity rolled her eyes.
“Should we go to the basement too?~” Vee imitated their pink-haired engineer with an overly soft voice.
“Do you think Luz is coming back?~” Willow imitated her with another dramatic sigh.
“Awww batata!” Luz hugged her girlfriend and planted a kiss on her cheek.
Amity pouted as her face turned red. The other two girls cackled, high-fiving each other for the great performance.
“So I kicked em both out.” Vee continued with the story. “Thought we’d all sleep better if they just joined downstairs like Amity kept moaning about.”
“Willow suggested it too!” Amity fired back.
“But when they were gone, I still couldn’t sleep” Vee ignored the interruption. “So I thought ‘ah heck, why not?’ and grabbed as many blankets as I could find.”
Gus laughed at her story. But by the way she had hugged Hunter when she came down, he knew she felt more strongly about it than she let on. Vee probably felt the same way he felt, the same way they all felt. At least they weren’t alone, right?
That has been their saving grace this entire time; they had each other.
Willow yawned and flopped down onto the pile now covered in layers of blankets. She sprawled out her limbs in an exaggerated way. Gus knew, ironically, that’s how she usually ended up sleeping anyways.
“Leave some room for the rest of us!” Amity jumped down beside her and pushed her playfully.
Gus let himself fall onto them, getting pushed and poked until he rolled to Willow’s other side. Luz claimed a spot next to her girlfriend and Vee curled up next to her sister, shifting to her Basilisk form.
As if they had practised it, they turned their attention to Hunter in unison. Gus was really worried that he would misunderstand. They weren’t here because of him, they were here for him.
Hunter looked really out of it, staring blankly with half-closed eyes. He didn’t even get flustered about Willow basically sleeping in his bed. And Gus really wanted to see that, it would’ve been so funny. Instead, his friend just seemed confused.
“Get in here dude!” Gus exclaimed, getting four different ‘yeah’s as support from beside him. The anxiety that had stuck to the back of his mind acted up, jittery and tense. What if this didn’t work? What if he didn’t like the idea of this nest-thing?
To his relieve, Hunter’s confused expression fell into a smile. His eyes closed and something like an amused scoff escaped his mouth.
He walked over and slowly laid down on his back next to Gus. He let out a long, strained sigh as his body seemed to relax. Amity turned off the lights with a spell circle, sinking the room in near darkness, only the faint glow of the fairy lights remained. Sandwiched between his two best friends, Gus shut his eyes, feeling the anxiety finally leaving his mind for good.
Hunter laid in the darkness and silence. His eyes had long since adjusted to the shadows and the faint glow above him. He could see every detail of the ceiling and it was the only thing he could focus on. Folding his hands over his belly, he tried not to disturb Gus. Who had been sleeping soundly next to him for a while now.
All of them were asleep already, but he couldn’t.
He knew he wouldn’t be able to before even laying down. He was past tired. Past fatigue. Past exhausted. He didn’t feel empty either, just bad. Really really bad.
He sat up, not sure if the uncomfortable feeling in his back was from the blankets or his thoughts. He looked at them. Gus, Willow, Amity, Luz and Vee. Titan, they were all so important to him and he treated them like this.
The least he could do was ensure he wouldn’t wake them up, again. He wanted to toss and turn, worm around until this stupid night finally turned to day. So he crawled away, to preserve their sleep. Not too far away, he faced them sitting with crossed legs.
He summoned Flapjack’s staff form.
If he were awake, the cardinal would have protested egregiously. He would've flapped his wings hard and demanded his witch go to sleep. He would have pecked him on the head and given him some mystic advice or a lecture. He would've chirped up a storm until Hunter resigned to avoid waking everyone else. Again.
But no palisman could ignore this command, especially one as genuine and desperate as Hunter's was in that moment.
He was so grateful for his friends and so happy to be surrounded by them. He had to keep this. He had to protect this. Clutching the wooden staff closer to his chest, he understood what he had to do. He hated it, but he didn’t care. It’s the one thing he’s good at.
He could keep them safe. He could do what he was trained for, was made for. He could guard them.
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ak319 · 21 days
Yan G!P Princess x fem reader
Part IV ➺ Part III
(Your name is Deniz in the story)
The buggy halted before the palace's entrance and I jumped out. "Ah, Ms. Deniz, you certainly didn't disappoint." My eyes were fixed on the other buggy pulling in, my game strapped in the backseat. "She's a mighty catch," Richard commented making my heart swell in pride. It was an arduous task considering it was my first time hunting and the target being such a wonder in itself however, Louisa was a great mentor and I felt as if I had been hunting my whole life. The deer’s compact body, about the size of a large dog, is limp, with its slender legs bound together. Its head, with majestic, pointed antlers, hangs to one side, eyes half-closed, giving a glimpse of the dark, glassy orbs beneath. The scent of fresh earth and musk clings to it, mingling with the metallic tang of blood.
Attendants worked around it, preparing to carry it inside. I almost felt guilty for shooting such a noble creature but somehow I did feel a bit alive especially because I imagined Kade's face while pulling the trigger.
"Shall we? The Princess awaits. And your tea too." The older man's voice made me turn to face him at last.
"Where are my parents?"
"They are still at the cabin, being tended to. After tea, I will bring them here. Now, please, let's not keep Her Grace waiting." I rolled my eyes and nodded, allowing him to lead the way. As we walked, I took in the sophisticated yet opulent decor. Attendants were turning on lamps as the sun dipped below the horizon, and I hadn’t realized how quickly time had passed.
Richard then opened a door and I sighed entering to see Kade sitting on an armchair near the fireplace. Her hazel eyes, usually so expressive, were momentarily distant as she gazed at the steam rising from the fine china teacup in her hand. Then she abruptly put the cup down and stood up with her arms behind her back.
"How did it go?" Her voice was almost a low murmur. "Went great..., fun. It's beautiful, and I wanted to ask if I can take it's head."
Her lips curled into a half-smile, but something in my gut told me it was insincere, her eyes remaining unmoved. "Of course." It struck me as odd that she hadn’t offered me any tea. I was exhausted, having been brought directly from the airport. I wondered if my parents were feeling the same.
"But... I’m sorry, I can’t. If it had been hunted legally, I would have allowed it." My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Clearing my throat, I let out a snort. "What do you mean by 'legally'?"
"Hunting on the royal family's grounds is not permitted. And you did it." Is she serious right now, or is this some sort of twisted prank?
"What are you saying? Is this a joke? You asked me to! You know what, never mind, keep the head."
"She is right." The hairs on my skin stood up at the sudden intrusion of King Ewan and some people behind him. My eyes darted between Kade and them.
"M-I don't understand. Kade? What's- " Calm down Deniz, calm down. Don't lose your mind right now. "Sir, your daughter asked me to hunt the Muntjac, you can ask Richard. Louisa went with me and-"
"It doesn't matter, girl. You broke the law. You trespassed." My throat went dry as he now stood towering over me. My eyes, now pathetically pleading for some clarity and support stared at Kade, who was standing so stoically. So...this was a trap?
"YOU ARE CRAZY! A NUTCASE! Kade, please, please fucking say that you are pranking me right now."
"I am not, Deniz. You went to hunt, on your own accord."
"ENOUGH! Don't you talk to her like that!"
"TELL YOUR DAUGHTER TO STOP DOING THIS TO ME!" I couldn't care less if I was screaming my lungs out at this point but what brought me back to my senses was someone handcuffing me and holding me from both arms.
"LEAVE ME! Please, please, it was- fine I am sorry for hunting but don't-" The King and neither Kade paid any heed to my cries and instead my parents were ordered to be brought in.
I squirmed as I was made to sit on the sofa and continued to call to Kade but she didn't even turn to face me from where she stood. Which made me curse her more and more.
As my parents were brought in, Ewan explained to them what I did but they knew me better than anyone, their daughter wouldn't ever do such a stupid thing as trespassing, and they knew he was lying. It was all a play, a fucking heartless and disgusting plot. Before my father could lunge at the King, he was held back and the next words froze us all.
"Six years, or more. And as you should know, we, the royal family, are not subject to civil or criminal charges. I can press severe charges against her for her behavior as well. And since you two are here on the property as well, it means six years for you too."
The room fell into a deafening silence as my world crumbled. It was all my fault. I should have never come here, never gone hunting. God, Clara's words echoes in my ear , one of our ranting sessions about the rich and the powerful. 'They treat us like dirt for their own gain'. Just look at her eyes now, feigning sympathy. After orchestrating all this, she has the audacity to look at me.
"No...please! Let my daughter go! This is a mistake! She wouldn't do such a thing. They both were acquaintances back in the day and we have proof that she invited us here, that too by BLACKMAILING!" Papa's words fell flat as King continued, unbothered.
"Your bail in the court will be rejected too. But...there is a way, you can stop me from dropping charges and just forgetting about this evening forever." I swayed back and forth shaking my head. I just knew what was coming.
"Look, I am a parent too. At the end of the day, we want the best for our children and their happiness. So why not just put all of this behind us and get Deniz engaged to Kade." There it is, oh, Kade. How predictable. You scheming bitch-
"You would be foolish to reject this. My daughter is perfect in every way not to mention the fact, a princess that is head over heels for your daughter, what more do you want, what more does she want?" He pointed at me.
"You know what I want! SHE KNOWS TOO!" I glared at Kade with disgust. "You all are just blind to it. I never expected the royals to be so cheap. You should be embarrassed." My father's shoulders sagged as my mother tried to support him. Suddenly, she left his side and crouched in front of me, tears streaming down her face. "Deniz, please. I can't lose you for years," she begged, her voice breaking. "Just agree to this and—"
"ARE YOU INSANE, MOTHER?! I'd rather rot in jail than be her wife!"
"Deniz!" My father’s voice boomed, making me flinch. He sighed deeply, but before he could continue, Ewan spoke up. "I'm sorry, but I’m tired of my daughter playing these games too, Deniz. I understand your frustration more than anyone. But you’re the one who can end this, and you’re going to end it today. Isn’t that right, Kade?"
"Yes, father."
"I said, I will rot in jail that means I will rot in jail. That is what is going to happen!"
"Clara and Leo..." Kade grabbed my attention. "They are doing good work, aren't they? Would be a shame if one day they...just lost their jobs and..."
I stood up, but I was restrained from charging at her. "DON'T YOU DARE RUIN THEIR LIVES!"
"Then we shall leave you three to make a choice."
She walked past me, our gazes meeting for a brief second and I felt tears welling up again, overwhelmed by the cruelty of the situation. The way she walked with such authority, it was another jab at me.
"Father." The King glanced at us one more time before making his leave along with her, locking us in the this forsaken room. I stood frozen in despair, still in handcuffs.
"Adam, for God's sake say something. Deniz?!" My mother shook me.
"I said my part. We are not accepting this."
"We are." My head snapped to my father, who came and held me. "You think it's easy? Them sending you to jail? Separating us from you?! We cannot bear that!"
"But you can bear me being tied to this asshole!? This isn't what you taught me papa! Accepting defeat, just like this?"
"Do we have a choice other than this?! Deniz...they can do much worse...and I think they will. Do you think I am happy right now? Begging you to accept this?! You have no idea--how much I am hurting from inside." Seeing him sob made me lose my self-control too. The words flowed as whimpers from my lips.
"I am s-sorry. It's--I should have never come back.." He hugged me along with my mother as tightly as he could.
"Shush. It's not your fault---it can never be. These people, God. They will answer for this day, surely after death. I cannot lose you Deniz, we cannot. At least, we will be able to meet you if you are free..."
"But papa-"
"Enough. Please." His tone was no longer soft making me shiver and shake my head violently, my mother tried her best to comfort me but the world around me was a blur.
"How will I even--live with her, papa?! As her wife?! Forgetting all this?." He said nothing as he turned his head away from me. "I wish I knew...I wish I could help...Deniz. But I am not letting you go to jail."
"I will escape then-!" He cut me off with a dry , defeated chuckle, wiping a tear from my cheek. "It's not easy , Deniz. You are not thinking from a parent's point of view right now, you cannot. Because you don't know how it feels. I just...know you will be happy in some way , some day. Surely being with a princess, the way she loves you I mean-"
"Oh, really?! You too? Thank you for this reassurance! Honestly--wow."
"I am not arguing further, Deniz." He went to the door and before mother and I could stop him, he was face to face with Kade and gave the answer. A yes.
Which was all Kade needed.
"I want Deniz to say it." She turned to you. As if I will.
"Damn you to hell." I wanted to rip off the subtle smirk from her face.
"Very well. So Mr. Adam, I will be escorting her to her chambers, while Richard will-" I didn't hear any shit out of her mouth, I refused to. I just...disassociated at that point.
I was guided to a plush, soft sofa, and the clinking of my handcuffs being released pulled me back to my senses. The faint aroma of Kade’s cologne drifted through the air as she leaned back after freeing me, making me aware of the lavish room around us. The scent was oddly familiar. She took a moment, then rubbed her hands together and settled into the farthest corner of the couch. The sternness she once had was now replaced with a gentle, serene smile.
"This room Deniz, it's ours by the way. Do you like it?" I made no effort to look around, simply staring at the table in front.
"I'm sorry, even though I know... I've made you hate me a thousand times over—maybe even to the point of infinity. But I had no other choice. I hate seeing you like this, but you know what? I’d rather have you hate me for the rest of your life if it means keeping you by my side, because I couldn’t take it anymore. And I wasn’t lying, Deniz, when I wrote that letter. When I said I’d depart from your life, I meant as your admirer. When I told you to release your anger and liberate yourself, it was about letting go of the hate and embracing love—so that we can both end this bitterness and start a new life together. A far better life, and I swear on my life, I’ll make sure of that every single second."
The nerve of this woman to manipulate everyone.
"You’re nothing but a selfish, manipulative, gaslighting piece of shit! A full blown psycho! I don’t even know where to start with you! Have you ever thought about therapy, for fuck’s sake?! And the idea of spending my life with you—hating you? Are you out of your mind?! Do you think that’s romantic or even normal?!" Her jaw clenched and unclenched with every word, but the most frightening thing was that her smile never wavered.
"Deniz…" she whispered, her voice trembling as I gasped for breath, my lips quivering uncontrollably.
"You will never know what it means to be in love... you never will. And by now, I thought you would’ve figured out that even your hate for me feels like the taste of heaven." God, I am terrified.
She stood up, forcing you to meet her gaze. "What’s wrong with me, Deniz, hm? Am I ugly? Am I not your type? Just fucking tell me why you hate me. Or is it because I’m not Reece?" Great. Now we’re really dredging up those wholesome memories, aren’t we?
(Kade's POV)
"JUST FUCKING TELL ME! I WANNA KNOW!" My voice cracked as I yelled, and you nearly leapt off the couch, your panic palpable. I couldn’t hold it in any longer. Tears of guilt, fury, pain, frustration and envy streamed down my face. I wish I’d never met you—maybe then neither of us will be hurting right now. Desperation makes a person do unimaginable things, and a desperate lover like me is even more daring, ready to defy all limits for a fleeting moment of hope. I am both the architect and victim of my own heart’s darkest desires and still I am enjoying every bit of it.
But it’s too late for that now. I should be glad I finally have you where I want you, but it’s hard to feel anything but regret due to the path I had to take. If only you loved me back then we wouldn't be starting our new life like this.
"WHERE DID SHE FUCKING COME FROM?! I have told you this before! I don't want to be with a royal , especially a crazy one like you! And I never felt anything for you!"
"Well too bad. The first reason isn't going to change, ever. But the second will, someday, my heart says so."
"That's why you should have listened to your fucking brain all these years! IF YOU EVEN HAVE ONE!" I know you are right. But again, as if you know what it is like to be in love. It's pointless to argue about this with you.
"Deniz, you have the whole life to hate me, yell at me, blame me. But let me make few things clear. This marriage will happen. Your parents agreed and you are to stay here till then."
"You are making a huge mistake." You threatened but it was more of a plea. A plea to perhaps bring me back to senses.
I chuckled, and it quickly escalated into a full-blown laugh. "Mistake?. Take a look around. I had this room arranged specifically for you, tailored to your tastes, because I knew one day I’d bring you here. I plan everything in advance, and if you didn’t already know, I’ll tell you now—I am just like you, I don’t like to lose. And this time, Deniz, I’ve won. Whether you accept it or not."
Every part of me protested leaving you in that state, but I forced myself to walk out of the room, locking the door behind me. Almost immediately, I heard the sound of things being thrashed and broken, your angry yells echoing through the walls. Predictable.
Even though it shattered my heart into pieces, I still managed to smile, thinking about the future that awaited us. I will make you love me, no matter what. I'll try with every fibre of my being even if you resist till the end of time. For now, I must go to Father and discuss the arrangements for the wedding.
(AN: Kay, why is this giving you and Kade 😩 ??Spoiler, I guess)
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cemeteryspider · 7 months
Ballet on the Bayou Pt. 3
Alastor x Ballerina! Reader
Summary: After the accident on stage Alastor invites her to stay at his home.
Trigger Warnings: Injury, emotional distress, mention of Alastor's (ahem) activities
Word Count: 1055
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Ballet on the Bayou Masterlist
Alastor was made to stay in the waiting room as they set your ankle to the best of their ability and put it in plaster of Paris so it would heal. Even then, they said it would be a long way to being able to walk again. Feebly he brought up the subject of dance, but their silence spoke volumes.
He waited until your ankle had been set into place before he went home to check on his mother, who by this time would be worrying about him.
While he was there he grabbed one of his mother's old skirts and a sweater from their house. Alastor explained the situation to his mother who, as the loving woman she was, told him to offer you a place at their home. She also told him she would have dinner ready for when he returned.
When he got back to the hospital, you were sitting up in the hospital bed happily talking to staff. It seemed like a far departure from how you were mere hours ago.
A nurse pulled him over to the side and calmly explained that you were on pain medicine. He knew that you would be out of it for at least a few more hours.
A simple nod was all he could manage to the nurses, and he shifted his focus to you. He made his way over to your bed.
"Why aren't you just the cat's meow" A slight purr came from her lips with a big smile.
He let himself chuckle, even at the speakeasy a couple drinks in you, you weren't this loose. A warmth crept up his neck and to his cheeks and he hoped that you were too out of it to notice.
"I brought you some clothes, darling, I'm taking you to my house and we can call your folks there"
"Usually a man will take me out to dinner before takin' me home"
His smile was blinding as he left the clothes on your bed, discreetly exiting to give you some privacy. He informed the nurses and helped you sign the release paperwork.
After safely bringing you home, Alastor observed her peaceful slumber before tending to his mother and eating dinner with her.
She was rushing around the guest bedroom trying to make everything perfect. He knew exactly why. Never once had he shown interest in another human being besides his mother. He made no friends at school, and rarely went out of the house except to the radio station.
It came as a shock to him too when he took such interest up in you. Maybe part of it was just how happy she made him. How quickly he started to change his mind about humanity.
"Mother, we don't know if she wants to stay here"
"Just in case darling-boy"
They continued to sit quietly in the dining room and eat while you slept soundlessly on the couch.
You woke up to a searing pain in your leg and a vinyl on the record player beside you. In a seat opposite yours sat Alastor.
"Oh good, you're awake" He smiled as you wiped the sand out of your eyes and looked around.
Alastor lived in a modern house with velvety furniture. A massive stone fireplace adorned one wall, a majestic deer head presiding over the room. The crackling flames cast a warm glow, illuminating the velvety furniture that exuded an air of luxury.
"Wow, this place, it's beautiful" You had never seen such a lovely home. This was practically a palace compared to your meager living in a rural small town.
"Ah, thank you Dearie, now would you be staying here? Is there someone whom I could call? Or would you rather a hotel perhaps?" The questions swirled in your head.
"No, nobody to call, I left to pursue my dreams and when I went back to visit they wanted nothing to do with me. I haven't any money..."
"No need to worry about any of that, I will get you a room if you wish, although our guest room is pretty comfortable. Plus you get my mother's cooking"
"You'd let me stay here?" You tried not to get your hopes up, whenever you were with the troupe they always made you sleep on the floor. Or they would kick you out of the room.
"Of course! How could I kick someone as lovely as you out?"
You took the aspirin he guided into your hand and swallowed, hopeful that some of the pain would subside. Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes. You spotted a pair of wooden crutches leaning against the wall, you would never be able to dance if you didn't start walking.
You made a move to stand up. Alastor just tutted and brought the crutches over to you and carefully pulled you up until your forearms rested against the arm rests.
After giving you a tour and formally introducing you to his mother, who gushed over your beauty and grace on the stage. Profusely apologized for grievous injury, and told you to stay as long as you liked.
Over the months of healing you had ahead of you, you helped her cook in the kitchen, clean around the house, go out for groceries with her, and help her wash and hang up the clothes. It was the kind of domestic life you didn't see in your future, but this somehow felt right.
Under the cover of night, Alastor silently left the house, a duffle bag slung over his shoulder. He knew exactly which train to be on to be where your troupe would be now. He also knew exactly how much time he had before he needed to be on the train back in time for breakfast and for his shift at the radio station.
He had everything he could need in the duffle bag at his feet. To any other passenger he was just a guy on a train, maybe going home for a short stay. In reality, he was paying Louise a visit. He couldn't wait to hear her beautiful screams as he wiped the grin off of her conniving face.
The tip of his wingtip shoes played with the bag near his feet, and he tested the weight of the hunting rifle and knifes inside.
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milkyst4rs · 1 year
Saying 'I love you' for the first time
Diluc, Kaeya, Xiao, Gojo x Fem reader
Fluff 🤍 xiao's and gojo's one was WAY longer☠️ feeling extra love for those sillies today ig
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The way your hair was blowing in the wind, your smile seemed to dominate over the sun. He was enchanted to you, to your heart. And when you looked at him, oh, he felt like he was on a cloud.
Having the honour to call himself your boyfriend was already so much for him. Now he has to deal with his racing heart and flushed face when you kiss him?
Before he could even think, the words fell out if his mouth, breathy but full of adoration.
"I love you so much."
The way your eyes widened in surprise and your smile gleam in happiness, he could die happy. You lips were on his the moment those 3 beautiful words came out of his mouth.
Both of you giggling and leaving loving kisses on eachother.
"I love you too, Diluc"
It was 10.30pm, both of you were cuddling in bed. He had his strong arms around your waist and your head nuzzled in his neck, taking in his scent.
There was a comfortable silence in the room, both of you falling asleep to the sounds of soft breathing. He loved being with you like this, not a care in the world. Just you and him, together.
He planted the softest kiss on the crown of your head, his lips grazing your hair.
"I am so in love with you"
A gasp could be heard from you. You lifted your head up to look into his azure eyes, so full of care. You reciprocated his confession with a kiss of your own followed by an
"I love you too kae, always and forever."
Movie dates with him are SO FUN! You take turns to pick out movies, today was satoru's turn so he picked an old cheesy romance film.
Satoru LOVES romance movies, he often pictures the two of you together in those cheesy scenes, giggling away to himself. You can't help but laugh along with him.
The movie had ended and both of you were walking out the theatre hand in hand. Satoru pauses, and spins you around.
"My majestic flower, my gorgeous girl, I love you."
You stood in shock. But laughed after a second.
"That line was from the movie toru!"
Feeling a little disappointed that he probably was just saying that for laughs, before you could say anything else he cut you off.
"I mean it. I love you, ok i know i stole that from the movie but I really love you."
The man confessed, a rose hue coating his pale cheeks.
Now was your turn to be flustered.
"I love you too toru, so much."
The moment the words left your pretty lips, he wasted no time to kiss you.
Being in a romantic relationship with a mortal was already slightly difficult for xiao. He does love you, so much, it's just that he doesn't know how to tell you that.
So his plan today was to tell you that he loves you! It was perfect, he would bring you to the roof of wangshu inn, present you with your favourite foods, hold your hand and just let the words slide out. According to Hu Tao, this plan will be flawless.
Xiao has no clue what he is doing, he managed to bring you to wangshu inn and have a nice dinner with you, that one was fine. Now, he has to hold your hand and confess his love.
He is the equivalent of a baby deer walking for the first time. Who knew the mighty demon slayer could be such a nervous wreck in front of his girlfriend?
He had to do this eventually, so he pushes through his awkward demeanour. His shaky hands suddenly grasps yours, a small gasp can be heard from you.
"Uh, xiao? Whatcha doing?"
Don't get me wrong, your heart was beating so fast feeling his hand on yours. This was the first time he initiated skinship! It was just a little weird the way he was acting.
"I uh...um.."
Xiao could be named the next eminem with the way he sprouted his confession.
"Xiao slow down! It's ok just tell me what's up."
You told him, giggling.
"....ok. I love you, a lot. Yeah.."
"I love you too!"
Oops ok, too eager, calm down [name].
Xiao had the most beautiful smile adorn his face, he looked so adorable with his pink cheeks.
Maybe Hu Tao's plan worked out afterall..
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canisalbus · 1 year
Got curious bc of the ask about horses! What are your, like, top 5 fav animals to draw? And what are the top 5 fav dog breeds?
Uh, mm, well
Fav animals to draw:
domestic dogs (sighthounds to be specific, surprise surprise)
wild canids (coyotes are my favorite of these, wolves a close second. I've never gotten into drawing foxes much despite their obvious photogenic-ness)
goats and sheep (horns! wool and shaggy fur! potentially ominous!)
deer (reindeer/caribou in particular, I love those, so majestic, big crazy antlers)
felines (mostly domestic cats, but tigers sometimes, they're such an iconic and visually distinct species)
Fav dog breeds to draw:
Greyhound (lithe, muscular, flexible, simple silhouette, the quiessential sighthound)
Doberman (childhood favorite, also good shapes, high contrast colors, particularly good heads and teeth)
Borzoi (noodley horse dog, elegant, fur texture provides interesting stylization opportunities, roman noses and rounded backs look very nice in profile)
Ibizan hound (a bit like a greyhound in a different font, sharper and more angular, less curves and more straight lines, very expressive pointy ears, visually tends to get close to the traditional anubis look which is neat)
Afghan hound (the ultimate fur dog, the mucha hair option, challenging, can look very noble and striking if the piece turns out alright but is a nightmare to deal with if stuff isn't aligninig like it should)
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achaotichuman · 5 months
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Kidnapped by the Faery Queen
This is for Day 1- Prompt: Human Tamlin.
For this one, I decided on writing an AU where Tamlin and Feyre's roles are reversed, Tamlin is the human mortal and Feyre is the High Lady.
This fic is mostly Tamlin making dumb decisions and feylin fluff at the end as well as banter between Tamlin & Lucien & Feyre! It focuses mostly on Tamlin's first impressions of the SC and the gang. It doesn't follow the canon events of what led Feyre to Tamlin because idk I wanted to write this instead.
You can read on Ao3, or below the cut!
There was something thundering in his chest, urging him faster and faster and faster. Rocketing through the woods. Passing by trees bending at the trunk like they might keel over. An archway created overhead that dappled the silvery light of the moon. Splashes across the snow like pearls of light. It was clear above, not a cloud to remove the paleness of the mood from the world. 
It was dark and cold, and never-ending snow, but he had to run. He had to feel the crunch of grass blades hidden underneath blankets of undisturbed white. He had to feel his muscles ache and burn with warmth as the chill of the air caused his face to flush. Heart racing, an owl cried overhead, its song breaking through the silence of the air. Cutting through like a sewing needle piercing intricate strings of fabric. 
He only looked up momentarily to see the flutter of soft wings darting from a tree branch through the air, before the animal was long gone from sight. He quickened his pace. Until he must have been a blur in between the tree trunks. Running with shadows, in the darkest parts of the woods. Deeper and deeper to the heart, he must have looked to be a part of the forest itself. Some indiscernible creature running as if for its life. A spooked deer, a bird flying low to the ground. A lost spirit running through the inbetween of the realms. 
Something inhuman and ghastly. Something that children would see from the corner of their eyes and quickly grab their mother’s skirts whilst pointing in between the trees. Only to find the shadow they had seen was long gone. 
Eventually he was forced to stop. Legs burning so much the fire seemed to consume his muscles. It was a miracle he was still standing as he hunched over and panted, hands on his knees, heart thundering behind his ribs. Breath fogging in the chilled air. Strands of his golden blond hair fell around his face. Quickly he brushed them behind his hood once more. The rough wool of his gloves harsh on his sensitive, flushed face. 
Taking a slow step forward, Tamlin looked through the treelines. Adjusting his thick coat before pulling the bow strapped around him off his back, and drawing an arrow. Instincts telling him he was a fool, an idiot for coming so far out at this time. But he had to get away. The wind that pummelled against the frail glass of his shared bedroom window called to him. Singing his name like a prayer falling from a devout believer. He was helpless but to strap on his weapons, excitedly gathering his gear. Only sparing a second thought to quickly shut the window, lest he wake his older brothers who laid soundly asleep. 
But now as he looked around at the dark woods, he realised how stupid he was to come out here tonight. In the cold, where he had nothing but the footprints he made to track his way back home. Even that could quickly be eliminated by more snowfall. 
There was a sudden noise from behind him, the sound of a crunch, like a foot on a stick. 
Tamlin whipped around, drawing his arrow. Heart racing and preparing to duck for cover. 
“Oh.” He whispered into the soft night. 
A stag stared at him curiously. It’s beady black eyes shining in the pale light. The majestic antlers gracing its head stuck out in so many twining directions. It had one foot lifted above a broken twig. So still and watching. 
Tamlin kept the arrow drawn. Never wavering and never lowering. His body stiller than a slingshot pulled back, ready to be fired. Like his muscles were elastic and stretched to the limit. 
Then the stag…
Just turned its head, moving its feet finally, crushing the snow below it as it leisurely strolled back into the woods. Into the darkness and out of sight. 
Tamlin’s eyes rolled as he lowered his bow, huffing. Puffs of white clouded in front of his face and he stomped the snow, digging into it until he saw blades of icy green, black in the little light. He must be truly going insane. 
Lost to the sensations of cold nighttime, he left the cottage in favour of running blindly into a dangerous woods, where wolves lurked about in the dark hours of morning. He was stupid beyond comprehension. His mother must have dropped him as a child, because there was in no way that a normal person thought the wind called for them. 
Tamlin snapped up his bow again as a growl vibrated through the woods. Travelling through the air like claws reaching out. It echoed, as another growl joined it, followed by a third and a fourth. 
They emerged from the darkness. With fur a dark grey that glimmered in the silvery light. Teether bared and eyes stoking flames. Four powerful wolves circled him slowly. 
Tamlin was frozen in place. Muscles locked up as his body went into fight or flight mode. In a moment of utter terror, mind replaced entirely with fear. He ran. 
It was a terrible decision, as then the wolves pounced. 
Tamlin tried to duck down, screaming. Hoping someone equally as stupid as him had come out here during the night, hopefully with an axe or a mace. A large claw descended on him, and Tamlin screamed again as it slashed his abdomen. Blood poured from his stomach. Soaking his clothes. The four were on him, a pile of raw flesh for the taking. There was nothing he could do as he felt teeth sink into his arm, preparing to pierce flesh. 
Then a roar more powerful than any of the snarling wolves shattered the night sky. 
The large furred heads of the wolves jutted up, ears falling back, completely flat. The roar echoed again, similar to a snarled warning. They began to whimper and whine. 
Then it appeared, and Tamlin felt all the blood drain from his face, nearly fainting on the spot. 
Its fur completely white, with black spots covering its hide. Eyes yellow and gleaming. A jaw full of bone white teeth. Scraping black claws across the snow as it prowled forward. Snarling once more. 
The wolves barked and whined, and fled. Leaving Tamlin a heap of bloodied human meat. He almost wished the wolves had finished him off, so he wouldn't be faced with the hulking beast walking slowly to him. Its pace taunting, knowing he had no way to get away from it. If he ran, it would catch him. There was no possible route that allowed his mortal legs to outrun this powerful creature. 
Soon it was looming above him. Tamlin’s neck ached as he stretched his head up to keep eye contact with the creature. It cocked its head in an almost human manner, as if pondering something. 
Only one thought ran through his head, and it just made the situation all the more terrifying. 
This is a Fae. This is a Fae. This is a Fae. This is a Fae. This is a Fae.
It was undeniable. The creature was not mortal. It moved too gracefully. Was too pristine. Too big to be any kind of naturally occurring animal. This was a monster from the depths of the Faery lands. And it had crossed the border into these woods. 
Horror coursed through his body as Tamlin thought that the calling from the wind was the Faery creature, he truly ran right into a trap. 
“Please.” He begged weakly. Blood was rushing too quickly from his wounds. Splattering crimson across the pure white snow. A pattern of scarlet red. Something wet and horrible dripped down his face and Tamlin realised he was crying as he was faced with the terrible creature above him. 
But it simply watched, making his fear grow, cold pressed into his body, as the wolves had torn his clothes and revealed skin to the freezing cold. For a moment Tamlin wondered if the monster would let him die first before feasting on his flesh. Faery cruelty. Maybe he would die from pure fear before the bleeding out could take him. 
Black swirled in and out of his vision. Until his blinking was coming slower and longer. The beast just watched. Tamlin felt coldness spread up his back, neck and head. He had fallen back into the snow, his eyes could see nothing but darkness, silver and yellow eyes. Before they finally closed, tears dripping hot from the corner of his eyes. 
I never said goodbye to anyone, he thought as darkness embraced him. 
When he woke up, pain was spidering through his abdomen and arm. Lingering in his body and refusing to release him. He groaned loudly and shifted, trying to feel anything other than the horrid burning sensations in his skin. As he did, there was a flurry of whispering around him. He jolted almost immediately. Especially as he realised he was not in cold snow, but laying amongst the softest sheets he had ever felt. 
Opening his blurry eyes he tried to take in his surroundings. First he saw a ceiling above him. Pure white, a large golden chandelier hanging in the centre, not lit as sunlight poured in through the large glass pane windows. Casting long shadows through the room. Tamlin tried to sit up, but his body would not part from the stinging pain that consumed him. 
“He is awake, alert the High Lady.” A voice like silk whispered harshly from someone in the room. 
“What?” He croaked out, voice rough from disuse, he grabbed the sheets in his hands, balling them in his fists. He was squirming as he tried to sit up. 
“Hush child, you are safe.” That same silk voice murmured, now closer. 
Tamlin managed to crane his neck to the side and there he saw the source of the voice. 
He screamed. 
Jumping up from the bed, the adrenaline briefing ridding him of the burning pain. He sat up quickly and scrambled away from the right side of the bed. As he stared and stared at the creature looking back at him with a sudden, shocked expression. 
Tamlin fell off the side of the bed, onto a soft fluffy mat. He looked around quickly, hearing quick footsteps towards him. He tried to scramble under the bed, just to get away, but she was there again before he could hide. 
“You…” His voice left him as he stared, and wondered if his sudden outburst would anger the undoubtedly Faery creature standing before him. 
He swallowed hard, tears wetting his eyes, but he blinked them away the best he could. Trying to reach for anything that could be used as a weapon. 
Instead, however, of being offended, the woman- or whatever she was- simply put a hand on her hip. Tilting her head to the side, causing wiry brown hair to fall down the side of her shoulder. Her bark-skinned shoulder. 
Her skin looked rough to touch. Textured with some knots like in a trunk. As if carved from wood. Though her eyes were filled with life. She raised an eyebrow, causing the texture of her skin to shift as she did. 
“I will not hurt you, human.” She said, gently but firmly. Like a mother coaxing a child to come to her.
Tamlin swallowed again, then managed to stammer out, “Why should I believe you, Faery?”
He spat the word with venom. Faeries were creatures that hunted, killed and tortured innocent humans for stupid crimes that could not be considered as such. Like walking into Faery rings, or accidentally getting involved with Faery deals. 
She sighed heavily, chest rising and falling. Holding out a hand, she said, “Call me Alis, child.”
“Alis?” He repeated. Then cursed himself, he shouldn’t so much as speak to the creature before him. Yet he continued to stare at her. 
She nodded, hand still held out, as if offering it. Tamlin bared his teeth and huddled further away, curling in on himself. 
Her head shook and her length of hair shook with it. Turning away from the human man. She went for the door. Opening it up, Tamlin heard the sounds of shouting, crashing and swearing. He flinched hard and ducked further away from the door. Alis sighed lightly, then looked back over at him, “Someone will come soon to prepare you.”
“Prepare me-” Tamlin tried to ask, but before he could, she closed the door. As it clicked shut, Tamlin stared at the bronze handle. Then at the dark oak door itself, before looking around the room. 
It was beautiful, that was for certain. All dark, polished wood, bronze and gold. The sheets of the bed were silk, emerald green and the curtains were sheer. The window closed. 
Finally, on shaking legs, Tamlin stood, grunting as he grabbed the nearby nightstand for support as the burning pain returned in full. Though dulling as the seconds were by. When he touched his stomach where the slash had been, and found not only was he wearing a different set of clothes, but there was a bandage with some kind of salve over his skin. 
Tamlin pulled at the new shirt. It was sleep wear, just a white shirt and soft green pants. He felt his entire body go completely red as he realized someone had undressed and redressed him.
What the fuck was this place? He wrapped his arms around himself, human instincts begging to run and find a place to hide.
Some kind of Faery world. Some kind of place he would no doubt be tortured or hunted for sport. As the stories all liked to go. 
Slowly Tamlin sat down on the soft coverlet. Not quite sure where to go from here. What to do. Alis, if she had even given him her real name, said someone would come prepare him. 
Prepare him for what?
Tamlin’s first thought was he was going to be turned into some kind of stew. His next thought was he would be dragged out for entertainment. Forced to dance on hot coals until he died or something like that. His toes curled and his body shook as terror seized him once more. 
In a wave of energy and the need to get away, Tamlin stumbled for the large and, more importantly, unlocked, window. His bruised fingertips grappled with the frame for a moment before he managed to pull them open. 
But when he looked over the edge, his eyes widened when he saw how far up he was from the ground. Far below him, gardens roamed the grounds. Large and spread out. Dappled with colours of all sorts and looking like chaos incarnate. Spread out like twisting, festering vines, roots and branches. With patches of sweet-smelling flowers hidden in between. 
Tamlin tossed a look back over at the room. And decided a death by falling would be better than whatever the Faeries had in store for him. So with gritted teeth and while silently cursing his own stupidity. Tamlin leaped over the edge, grabbed onto a nearby ivy plant clinging to the wall and swung away from the window sill. 
He swallowed a shout, and quickly found footing in the green netting like plant. Hands burning as he gripped the ivy. He began a quick descent. Even as the branches gave way under his hands, he moved as fast as he could so as to get away before anyone noticed his disappearance. 
A cut, a cussing fit, and three new bruises later. The ivy gave out underneath him and Tamlin thumped to the ground with another hissed curse. Luckily he hadn’t been more than three feet off the ground. 
Groaning quietly as he picked himself off the floor. Tamlin dusted his shirt from the dirt and wiped as much of the mud smeared on his cheek off as possible. Finally he got to his wobbling legs and looked around. 
The gardens looked more like a labyrinth than gardens. Winding around and around, with walls of bushes and large trees bent over like they couldn’t handle standing straight. Moss collected on rocks and stone made pathways through the maze of sweet smelling lands. 
It was Springtime. 
But they had just been in winter. Spring wasn’t for yet another month. 
Another Faery trick. Some kind of magic he wanted no part of. Tamlin snarled at the lily of the valley near him, as if they were directly responsible for him being in Faery territory.
A trick of some sort, to lead him to a trap. Tamlin squeezed his hands into fists and began to walk silently through the gardens. Treading carefully and making absolutely sure he would not break so much as a twig underfoot. His heart thumped behind his rips, rocketing through his body, pulsing in time with each step.
Soon, he turned a corner and was met with a sight more lovely than he had ever seen before. 
A courtyard of some kind. Flowing fountains, and trimmed hedges lined the grounds. He saw the extent of the… mansion he had been taken to. Carved from marble and stone. Detailed carefully and so much larger than any house he had ever seen. Tamlin baulked at the sheer size of the place he was in. Everything seemed so much bigger than him, reducing him to the comparable size of an ant. 
He nearly stumbled back, but was pulled back into where he was and the danger he was in. Tamlin’s mouth pulled into a snarl and he quickly ducked away from the open area, hiding in between bushes and trees and winding through the rest of the gardens. Trying to find some way out of here. 
He found that the grounds were so large and trying to find his way out of them was like being trapped in a maze. As it was he wound up in some kind of small woods. Large tall oaks loomed above him, but he could still smell the pollen behind him, and didn’t know whether he had left the grounds or these woods were still part of the mansion. 
Tamlin ignored the knots twisting tighter and tighter in his stomach as he marched forward in the general direction of South, (or what he hoped was South). He ignored the chill that spread over his skin, making his mind beg to turn back. He kept going further and further and further, until it was looking dark above, maybe that was the thick brush getting thicker and thicker as he went. 
It was nerves he told himself, not real, just flight or fight making him jumpy. 
But as he went further, he could have sworn something like a finger brushed his shoulder. Tamlin leapt away with a shout. Brushing off his clothes like he was trying tog et rid of a bug. His body kept washing over and over with fear so intense it paralysed him. Shaking, stumbling back he scanned the world but saw nothing at all. 
Nothing, it was nothing, just nerves or a bug that had fallen on him. It had to be, there was nothing else out here. 
Still he picked up the pace, going faster and faster and faster until he broke out into a sprint, heading further and further into the dark forest. Running for his life, trying to reach the border, to get back to his family, to his world. Not this place. Anywhere but this terrifying place. 
Then more chills fell down his spine, rolling through his like waves lapping at a sandy shore. Tamlin stumbled but kept running, not turning back, not looking back for a single second. 
Something like a hand reached out, brushing his hair and shoulder, wrapping around his neck. A scream curled in his throat and he grabbed a branch as he ran, tearing it away and keeping it like a sword at his side. Still whatever was behind him started to whisper. Cruel cold words he didn’t understand but knew anyway, threats, promises of eating him alive. 
A roar, a roar that he remembered from the night, however long ago it was, he had been kidnapped. 
It rattled the ground, Tamlin fell to the floor, scraping his knees and elbows, but not caring as the land shuddered. The trees around him seemed to bend to the sound. Whatever had shattered the sky once more had power here and it rippled through the world. 
All at once the whispering ceased, and a shriek of terror and pain ripped through the world. Tamlin hid under a large root and curled in on himself, hiding away, not daring to even breath loud. 
In a second it was over, and silence filled the air once more. But only for a single second, before a low growl tore the ground and footsteps followed, getting closer, and closer, and closer.
He didn’t have many options. None at all really. 
Tamlin clung to the stick he had grabbed, and as a huff of warm air from around the shelter of the root breathed over him. A rush of adrenaline fueled his body. 
Tamlin leapt up from underneath the root, with barely a second to spare he pulled the stick and launched it at the creature with all the might in his body. 
It hit the beast’s jaw with a thud, followed by a roar of pain from the creature as it stumbled back, reeling from the hit. 
Tamlin took no time in pondering how he had just signed his death warrant. Instead he took off through the woods. Rocketing through at lightning speeds, desperately forcing his way through the brush. The beast shouted a battle cry once more as it raced after him. He could hear it pounding behind him on all fours.
He was prey in a trap, little more than game to be hunted. 
Tamlin ran faster and faster and faster-
He smacked into a very hard, very solid form and fell back on the ground. 
Reeling with dizziness. Tamlin forced his way up, thinking he had hit a tree. 
The idea he smacked into a tree was quickly shattered as a sly voice crooned from above him, “Well isn’t this interesting? We were looking for you, little fawn, and here you are running right back to us.”
Tamlin forced his eyes up and his eyes went wide. A tall man grinned wickedly down at him, dark skin gleaming in the sunlight above, red hair spilling down his back and shoulders like waves of scarlet. His face was half covered by a gilded fox-shaped mask. Underneath a scar over his right eye was plain to see, inside the eye socket instead of a normal eyeball, was instead a golden contraption that mimicked his other eye. 
It seemed the tree he had hit was the man’s chest. Tamlin felt himself go very red, then white as he saw the long pointed ears sticking out from in amongst the locks of crimson. 
He scrambled back, but the fox masked man just raised an eyebrow, “Don’t run away again, little fawn, it won’t go well for you.”
Tamlin snarled as he got to his feet and pulled up his stick with him, holding it like a sword, “Get the fuck away from me.”
Little fawn, they were matched in height, granted Tamlin hadn’t eaten a full meal in who knew how long so they weren’t quite matched in build. But Tamlin had never been a man to look down upon. 
Except this creature wasn’t man. Rather Faery creature. 
Tamlin tried not to let his fear show. 
However, the Faery seemed less inclined to toy with him, instead turning his eyes to something behind Tamlin, “Feyre! I found your wayward doe, ran right to me.”
Tamlin went completely still as heavy footsteps thundered behind him. The beast, he had forgotten about the beast. 
Tamlin bared a glance over his shoulder and there it stood. As terrifying and horrible as when he had seen it scare away those wolves from tearing him to shreds. It was so, so much bigger than him. With those glinting yellow eyes that glared down at them. 
Tamlin felt like passing out. But held his ground as he tried to step away, to get away. 
But he hit the Faery behind him again, and quickly reeled away. The fox-masked man cackled, and Tamlin kept looking in between the beast and the Faery.
Caught between a rock and hard place, with no escape.
In a split second, as Tamlin considered just making a break and running for it. There was a sudden glow of gold, a brightness that had Tamlin shielding his eyes, it was gone in a moment, and suddenly he heard quieter steps coming toward him. 
“Yes, yes, an applause for you Lucien.” A snarky voice quipped. 
“I do try,” The fox-masked man, Lucien, said. 
Tamlin, however, did not look at Lucien, supposedly, behind him as his eyes went astronomically wide as he saw who now replaced the form of the beast. 
In the glow, fur had turned to skin and horns had disappeared. Paws were now hands and yellow eyes had turned to blue ones. 
A woman stepped out towards him. In a green tunic with a quiver of arrows on her back, as well as a bow. Her boots thudded against the ground, and her braid of brown hair slung over her shoulder. Her eyes were cold as she walked towards him. Face half hidden, like Lucien, by a mask. This mask however, was gilded gold and shaped like the face of the beast. Her eyes kept glancing at the stick in his hand, a drop of blood welled on her jaw, the small scratch quickly beginning to heal itself.
It seemed Lucien caught quickly on to why the stick was in Tamlin’s hand and why the female Faery had a slight scratch on her jaw a sudden cackle was torn from him, “Oh, the human got you in the jaw, Feyre? Isn’t that something Alis will be dying to hear of.”
“Quiet Lucien,” Feyre, the beast, said, narrowing her eyes in a predatory way. 
“But it’s so much fun to speak.” Lucien said. 
Feyre ignored him as her eyes went back to Tamlin, “You escaped your rooms, how?”
Tamlin snarled, and lifted the stick again like he might try to strike her and run. His mother had driven it into him to never hit girls, but his brothers had driven it into him to give back what people gave him. 
And in this moment, he thought killing a Faery in order to escape a kidnapping sounded pretty even for what they had given him. 
“Feisty eh?” Lucien crooned. 
Feyre let out a slow release of breath through her nose, then her eyes turned back to Lucien, “Take him back to Rosehall, have the servants prepare him for supper.”
So they were going to turn him into stew. 
“Now, little fawn, no need to go so pale, no one will be eating you.” Lucien said as he prowled around to face Tamlin, practically reading the thoughts going through his head. Lucien then looked him up and down slowly before adding, “Not in that regard at least.”
“Don’t be crass.” Feyre chided, waving her hand, “I’ve had enough of hide and go seek, take him back and lock the windows this time.”
“Wait-” Tamlin started, but Lucien just rolled his eyes at Feyre and grabbed his arm. Tamlin tried to reef it away, but all of a sudden he was swept into darkness. 
It felt like he was falling through flames, through dark flames that wouldn't burn him. It only happened for a few seconds before his knees hit wood and he looked around to find himself back in the room he had woken up in. Lucien was standing above him as Tamlin tried to catch his breath after having it stolen from his lungs. 
“Get him dressed… and somewhat clean.” Lucien ordered someone in the room. 
“Yes my lord,” A male voice responded. Tamlin looked up to see a sweet-faced boy with blue skin and fluttering wings. He had long black hair and black eyes. Despite the terrifying Faery features, he seemed gentle and kind. 
“Good, have him ready in fifteen minutes, sundown approaches.” Lucien started to head for the door.
“Stop!” Tamlin shouted, causing the red-head to look back over his shoulder. 
“Where am I?” Tamlin asked, needing to know, to have some idea. 
Lucien gave a small smirk, “Why you’re in Prythian, little fawn, welcome to the Spring Court.”
Without another word, he opened the door and closed it behind him. 
Tamlin looked up at the Faery servant, who smiled gently. 
Tamlin met the gesture with a growl. 
In hindsight, he made the poor man’s life so much harder than it needed to be. But either he expected it, or was used to it, as whenever Tamlin refused to cooperate, it was met with indifference and repetition of whatever order he had been given. Whether that be to take off his shirt, sit still for his hair to be brushed, or to even get into the sweet-smelling bathwater. 
He felt a little like an obstinate toddler, but for the Gods sakes, they had kidnapped him. Who in their right mind thought he, of all the people in the world, would go along with this easily? 
The blue Faery only said they had all night whenever Tamlin sat on the floor and glared at the wall. Tamlin reminded him with a snappy tone that they only had fifteen minutes, his words were met with silence, which only served to anger him further. 
Somehow, through patience and a lot of counting to ten, the blue Faery had him clean and sitting at a vanity, glaring at him through the mirror as his nimble finger braided his unruly blond hair into a long braid. 
“You know I was forced here too.” The blue Faery said. At that Tamlin blinked suddenly. 
“I come from another land, another Court. The Court of Summer. I was forced to leave when my village was struck. The bandits that plundered my father’s house killed every living person, but missed me as I escaped through the window with my sister.”
“Oh.” Tamlin said, not really knowing how to react. 
“Mm,” he hummed, “We had not a mark on us. We didn’t know where we were going. Our village was the closest to Spring, we accidently crossed over here, into the Spring Court and had no choice but to go further in, hunger pushed us, and my sister died on the walk through the woods.”
“I…” Tamlin suddenly felt incredibly guilty for the way he had been acting, “I’m sorry to hear that.”
“I carried her all the way through Spring, until eventually the High Lady found me whilst she was patrolling with sentries. Her majesty, bless her reign, took me in and gave me a job in her household. My sister had a proper burial and I have lived here ever since.”
Tamlin fiddled with his fingers. Watching the Faery behind him as his fingers began to weave daises through the braid, “That must have been… scary.”
“It was, I didn’t like being here at first, even though I was just met with kindness. I snapped at a lot of people and worked as alone as I could. But after long enough I grew to love my new position. And I am thankful to the Lady for rescuing me.”
“That’s… that’s good.”
He smiled into the mirror, “Did you have any family?”
Did, as if they were dead, gone, as if he would never see them again. 
He supposed he wouldn’t. Not now that he is here. 
Not that the family he did have were much of a family. 
“Sort of.” Tamlin mumbled, “My two older brothers and my father.”
He nodded, “I see.”
The Faery looked at him as if he expected Tamlin to continue, when Tamlin just stared back blankly he looked back down at the braid he was making. Tamlin cast his eyes down to his rough fingers, scarred from times he had nicked the skin with arrows. 
“There.” He eventually said, “All ready.”
Tamlin looked at his reflection, and barely recognised it. 
His skin was clean and gleaming with hydration from the obscene amount of creams and oils the Faery had forcibly rubbed into his body. His hair was for once, untangled and smooth, braided nicely with some curls peeking out. His hair was curly from his mother’s side, whilst he had his father’s pale complexion. He inherited the impossible curls from his mother. 
The clothes he wore weren’t stained or torn, rather pressed. A white shirt and green waistcoat with golden detailing. Brown trousers, with shiny dark brown, leather shoes. All of it worth more than his brothers would say he was worth. Though his brothers liked to say if they sold him for two marks, someone would bargain for lower. 
“It's time to go.” The blue Faery said, waving him up from the vanity. This time, Tamlin stood with no complaints, which the Faery seemed to be pleased with. 
“What’s your name?” Tamlin found himself asking. Mentally slapping himself. 
“Tain.” He replied, “Yours?”
“Tamlin.” Tamlin murmured. 
“A pleasure to serve you, Tamlin.” Tain said, bowing his head. 
“A pleasure to meet you, Tain.” Tamlin replied, awkwardly bowing his head, not quite sure what to do. 
Tain quickly took him to leave the room. Opening the creaking door Tamlin saw the glorious extent of the interior of the manor. 
It was all gilded and polished and glowing. Large windows with sunlight flooding the halls. Paintings filled the walls. And the white and black chequered tiles in the hallways were covered by handmade, intricate rugs. 
It was all so expensive looking Tamlin found himself open-mouth gawking at it. More than once Tain had to snap at him to close his mouth and move quicker. 
Tamlin obeyed, still reeling a little from Tain’s story. 
It was in no time at all that they were going down a flight of stairs and walking to a room down a hallway, which had the large door wide open, and the sound of two voices arguing flowing from it. 
“You didn’t think to lock the window!” A woman shouted. 
“I didn’t think a human could scale down four stories!” A man shot back. 
“I told you to take precautions-” The woman started to reply before she cut herself off. 
Tamlin and Tain rounded the corner into the room, and Tamlin found himself staring at the two who had caught him earlier. 
Feyre, the beast who had kidnapped him and scared him two ways to death, was sitting at the head of the table. Wearing a gold and green tunic with trousers similar to his own, only more tailored. Her hair, instead of in a braid, was flowing down in waves over her back, with a ring of gold around her head. She leaned her cheek against her head as she looked from Tamlin to Lucien. Her fingers tapping her mask. 
Lucienn was standing behind the seat on Feyre’s right. His eye clicked as he looked over Tamlin. Wearing a blue, fitted tunic and black pants. Rings covering his fingers, and his hair braided back. He regarded Tamlin with a grin, “Tain you work magic once again.”
“Thank you my lord.” Tain bowed low at the waist. 
“Thank you Tain, you may retire.” Feyre said. 
“Thank you, my High Lady.” Tain said, still bowing. After a second, he stood straight and left the room. 
High Lady. Tamlin whipped his eyes back to Feyre, who regarded him with a look of boredom. 
So this was the High Lady, the mistress of this house. 
Of this… Court. 
Lucien slunk down into his seat, not seeming to need confirmation from his Lady. He crossed one leg over the other, and tapped his finger against the arm of his chair, he looked over at Feyre and half-discreetly cleared his throat. 
Feyre shot him a withering glare before looking back at Tamlin, leaning back in her chair and she looked him up and down, “You didn’t manage to escape again.”
Lucien cleared his throat again, louder this time. Tamlin scrutinised him with big green eyes. Feyre glared at him. 
The High Lady, or whatever she was, turned back to him, “What was your name?”
Lucien’s eye roll was made audible by the clicking of his eye. Feyre’s eye twitched rapidly. 
“Why should I tell you that?” Tamlin spat with venom on his tongue. 
“Because if you don’t this is going to be a lot harder for you.” Feyre snarled at him. 
“My Lady.” Lucien murmured in warning. 
Feyre let out something between a sigh and a hiss, “My name is Feyre, his is Lucien.” She said as she jutted a fork towards Lucien. 
“I gathered.” Tamlin said deadpan. 
“You know our names, so I must know yours.” Feyre said, “So?”
Tamlin wondered if that was some kind of Faery bargain exchange, he considered not answering but the look of growing frustration on Feyre’s face told him to just say it, there wasn’t much he would be able to hide for long if he was to be some sort of slave here.
“Tamlin.” He said, “My name is Tamlin.”
“Like the ballad?” Lucien asked, “The Ballad of Tam Lin?”
“Exactly like the Ballad of Tam Lin.” Tamlin watched Lucien from the corner of his eye. 
“Something your mother liked then.” Feyre murmured as she watched Tamlin. 
Tamlin furrowed his brow, “What?”
Feyre shrugged, “I am assuming your father didn’t come up with the name, so your mother did, meaning she liked the Ballad of Tam Lin.”
Tamlin swallowed, “It was her favourite.”
Feyre hummed in acknowledgment, and from the corner of his eye Tamlin saw Lucien give something like an encouraging nod. 
The High Lady sighed quietly and jutted her head to the seat at her left, as she dug her fork and knife into the plate of steaming food before her, “Sit.”
Tamlin remained standing, after a minute passed, Feyre looked up at him through her eyebrows, “Sit.” She commanded again. 
Tamlin crossed his arms and met her scowl with obstinance. 
Unlike Tain, Feyre did not care for his antics, nor cared for patience. 
Something that felt like invisible hands grabbed him, even when he screamed and thrashed, they didn’t relent, pulling him to sit in that seat, then tying him to the chair with invisible ropes. He struggled and pulled and kicked but Feyre just went back to eating. Only Lucien made a slow head turn to Feyre with a look of barely concealed anger. She just shrugged the red-heads expression off. 
“Let me go!” Tamlin shouted. 
“Eat.” She ordered.
“I refuse.” He said. 
“Then starve.” She hissed, “Either way you are not moving.”
“I believe what the High Lady means.” Lucien cut in, “Is that you have to eat eventually, so please would you eat what has been prepared.”
“That isn’t exactly what I meant.” Feyre mumbled through a mouthful of thick steak. 
Even through his stubbornness, Tamlin felt his stomach growling with hunger, he hadn’t eaten anything other than stale crackers and some boiled potatoes in two months. And what he ate before that was little more than tomato soups and salted meat. 
Magic took the plate before him, lifting it with invisible hands and filling it with the meat, vegetables, breads and fruits from the feast before him, before setting it down before him. 
Tamlin stared at the dinner, and his mind went back to what could be happening back in the cottage. 
Remembering the inventory of their kitchen, there were a few boxes of crackers left and some jars of preserved vegetables he had managed to convince his brothers not to eat until the dead of winter, when they would undoubtedly get snowed in and be unable to hunt for any meat. 
Those jars would be gone in a matter of days without Tamlin to mediate his hungry brothers from taking them. Neither had ever cared for long-term survival, not since they fell into poverty. 
“Eat.” The High lady ordered again. 
Tamlin scowled, but when he tugged his right hand, it was released. He took up a fork and began to stab at a roasted carrot. 
“Does the carrot owe you money, Tamlin?” Lucien asked with a laugh in his voice. 
Tamlin shot him a frightful glare and the laughing from his eyes fell away into annoyance, he looked at Feyre and mumbled, “God really did make two of em.”
“Shut your two-faced mouth, Lucien.” Feyre said as she too stabbed at her vegetables. 
Tamlin breathed something of a laugh, at which both of their heads shot up to stare at him. 
The almost laugh was strangled in a second as he growled low again and shoved the mutilated carrot in his mouth. 
Feyre snarled something softly at Lucien and he just grinned at Tamlin, taking a fork and elegantly piercing a potato. 
“So, Tamlin, you wandered to our side, where were you before that?” The fox like Faery asked with a sly look in his eyes. Tamlin didn’t trust it for a second. 
“Why would I tell you that?” He nearly spat. 
Lucien shrugged, “Making conversation.”
“Enough, Lucien.” Feyre said, “We don’t need to listen to your quibbling while we’re eating.”
“Says the great chatterbox High lady.” Lucien said with an eyeroll. Feyre answered with narrowed eyes and a claw appearing on the edge of her finger. Lucien quietened down but not without mumbling something about ‘dramatics.’
A few minutes past in a tense silence. One that had Tamlin’s muscles coiling tighter and tighter with every passing second. 
Finally all the tension seemed to snap in him and he asked, “Why am I here?”
Both Faeries went still, too still, in a way that Tamlin couldn’t see a flicker of movement, not even in their breathing. It unnerved him and suddenly he wished he hadn’t asked. 
Feyre glanced at Lucien before she ultimately said, “You listened to the singing winds and came to us, but that you are bound to our world.”
The answer made little sense to him. Tamlin found his eyes narrowing even further, “You tricked me.”
Feyre scoffed, “Tricked? The singing winds send out a song every seven years, it isn’t our fault that your kind doesn’t want against our magic playing.” 
Sitting at the edge of a brook, Tamlin picked up a smooth, round stone. Briefly running his thumb over the surface. Barely a rough spot on its steel grey top. Casting green eyes over the gentle stream of crystal clear water running in between rocks and over slopes, heading downhill into the forest. He aggressively tossed the rock into the water, watching it splash. Droplets splattered across the sleeve of his white shirt. 
Footsteps echoed behind him, making him jolt slightly, he cast his eyes over his shoulder and saw the form heading for him. 
Her hair was in it’s usual braid, hanging behind her hair. Pretty face carved with lines of exhaustion, her stormy eyes were softer than usual, having a kinder tint to them. Her hands were folded neatly behind her. Wearing brown hunting pants and a green tunic with a bow and quiver of arrows strapped to her back. Her belt was filled with hunting knives, all carved to the handle resembled the bud of a rose. 
Tamlin turned back around, another stupid decision, to turn his back on a Faery creature. But he had so far been here a month and they hadn’t killed him yet. 
Feyre sat down beside him. Spreading one leg out and bending the other up. 
“So.” She started, her voice a gentle hum, though there was an air of awkwardness as she tried to come up with what to say, “how has your day been so far?”
Tamlin threw her a suspicious look, narrowing his eyes as he hesitantly responded, “Fine.”
She nodded, meeting his glare with an almost glare of her own before she seemed to catch herself and turned back to the bubbling brook. 
“You like hunting right?” She asked, seeming to find something to talk about. 
At that he cast her a strange look, “Where did you get that idea?”
She shrugged as she leaned back on the palms of her hands, stretching out both legs, “You had a bow and quiver full of very sharp arrows that day I found you in the woods. You seemed to know how to handle them. Therefore you must hunt.”
He answered the Faery with a shrug of his own, drawing some kind of stick figure in the ground, “I hunt out of necessity.”
She blinked at that, tilting her head in a near animalistic manner. It caused Tamlin’s heart to start thumping against his ribcage, like an animal remembering they were prey in a dog’s kennel. 
“Interesting.” She murmured. A ray of sun peeked through the folds of the leaves above and shone across Feyre’s face. Her freckles seemed to glow in the gold in the air. She lifted her chin up ever so slightly, as if basking in the added warmth on her. 
Tamlin looked away again as his heart kept beating faster and faster. 
“You’re kidding.” Tamlin hid his own laugh behind his palm. 
Feyre flopped back into the grass behind her, crushing wildflowers. They framed the back of her glowing, locks of burnt honey hair. She grinned up at him with sparkling eyes, “Nope. I scared that fox so much he grabbed the chandelier.”
“I didn’t think he’d be so easily spooked.” Not at all, though it was a very fun idea to think of Lucien being scared shitless by Feyre appearing out of a closet so suddenly. Tamlin stared down at the Faery woman below him. She held his eyes as her hand lifted off the soft grass. Brushing a golden strand behind his ear. 
“How are you faring here?” She asked in a quieter voice. 
As the months had gone on, Tamlin had found himself getting more and more used to this new world. Coming to a deeper understanding that he wasn’t going home and quickly learning to not mourn that fact. It was nice that he didn’t have to share a bed with his horrible brothers any longer, but the fact that he could not know for certain if his family was fine did eat away at him a little. 
“I am concerned for my family, but I am learning how to live here.” Tamlin revealed, a sliver closer into him. He had been letting her get closer and closer. Feyre hadn’t at first seemed someone to care about what went on in his head, but as the days went on, he found himself more and more drawn into her. 
Feyre gave a small smile, “If it's of any condolences. I did have quite the sum of money sent to them.”
Tamlin’s eyes suddenly snapped down to Feyre once more, “What?”
“After I figured out about your family, and where they were located, I sent them money, a nice house and a carriage. They are well-cared for.”
“How…” How did she find them?
Feyre just winked, “Call it magic.”
“You are…” Tamlin let out a breathless laugh as he lightly smacked her arm. She laughed hard, as she forced herself to sit up. To look over the rolling hills, grazing the edge of the horizon. The sun setting in the distance allowed for oranges, reds, purples and pinks to pain the sky with a thousand different brush strokes. Tamlin watched it all with a cocked head, before he turned to Feyre. What he saw made him blink as he watched her. 
Her eyes were set on the horizon and on the myriad of colours. The sheer amount of diversity in the sky seemed to make her light up. She folded her arms around her knees as she stared off into the distance. Seemingly oblivious to anything or anyone outside of it. 
“I would paint this.” Feyre sighed. 
“You paint?” Tamlin asked, another strange thing he had learned about the Faery. He tucked it away in the deep corner of his mind. 
“Yeah.” Feyre hummed. Before she quickly straightened out and her face went blank. 
“I used to,” She clarified, “then… then a blight came over Prythian and I just haven't had the time for such things anymore.”
“Why don’t you paint now?’ Tamlin asked. 
“Excuse me?” Feyre reacted before Tamlin even realized he had blurted the words out. His stupid tongue revealing his own stupid thoughts. Only to be born with a filter. 
‘I said.” Tamlin started to repeat, “Why don’t you paint right now?”
She blinked again at him, those big eyes boring into him as she studied his frame. 
“Maybe,” A small smile graced her lips, “You think I should?”
“Yes,” Tamlin answered, “I absolutely think you should.”
‘I want you too,’ He was trying to say. ‘I want you too.’
“Okay,” she said, “Okay then.”
With a wave of her hand suddenly a sketchbook appeared as well as a tray of paints and water and brushes. She glanced over at Tamlin's curious eyes as she picked up a brush.
She smiled gently, more gentle than any smile he had seen from her yet, she grabbed a nearby brush and with another flick of her wrist another sketchbook appeared in her hand. Feyre handed it over to him, causing Tamlin to furrow his brows. 
What's this for? He asked.
“For you,” she said with an eye roll to which Tamlin shook his head.
“I don't paint.”
You can try,” Was all she answered with.
Who was he to argue with that?
So he did.
He did paint and he was awful at it, in fact it was a monstrosity that they both laughed at until their stomach hurt. Tamlin let the sketchbook in his hands slip onto the grassy floor, not wanting to look at the horror of pink and blue he had created any longer. He glanced over Feyre's shoulder. Where she was hunched over herself, painting with quick, precise strokes that mesmerized him.
And the work she made, the painting itself... Dear God.
The brush strokes were never ending, and the color blended into the page creating a timeless, seamless picture. Near a replica of the ever-fading sunset before them. Tamlin stared at the picture, the rolling hills and dark trees on the horizon. The buttery sun fading away and giving off a gradient of colors that eventually etched the night sky and the twinkling stars started to spot like the freckles on Feyre's face.
Tamlin awe must have shown on his face for Feyre blushed hard and coughed, “It's not that good but I-”
“Feyre look at my painting then at yours and tell me yours isn’t good again.” He told her, never taking his eyes off the sketch in her hands.
Feyre laughed hard at that, and Tamlin decided something right there and then.
Maybe being kidnapped by a Faery Queen wasn’t all that bad. 
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aricat7 · 2 months
🔞DON'T FUCK WITH BUCKS 🔞 (Alastor X Reader X Vox)
Chapter One
Summary: An opportunity of a lifetime enters your taxidermy shop, adorned with a smile.
Warnings: Will contain smut and may contain eventual rape/non-con elements in future chapters.
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“Imp heads….imp heads….I know I have one…” You say to yourself as you search through your back stock. Normally, you're a bit more organized and have all your ducks in a row so to speak, but business for you has been booming recently. So, less popular items - such as imp heads - are buried behind all the hot-selling items.
You're relieved when you spot a set of curved imp horns behind a majestic elephant head, but scowl as you pick it up and think back to how fucking disgusting this imp was to you. Most people from this side of hell knew not to ever fuck with you, the others either learn very quickly or end up with a price tag on their severed head like this imp.
You leave the stockroom with a kick of the door and return to your waiting customer at the register. You hear him utter sounds of approval as you package up the head for him. As he's excitedly retrieving his wallet, the front door chime dings and a face you've never seen before steps into the low, ambient lighting of the shop.
And, wow, is this a face you're not gonna forget anytime soon. Or more frankly, the smile.
Perhaps you weren't the only one who found this particular visitor unsettling, for other patrons within the shop frantically scurry out the door when they take notice of him. Striding with a smooth grace, holding a staff with hands placed behind his red-suited back, he halts in front of the buck mount on the wall nearest to you.
Switching your focus, you process the transaction for the customer in front of you and hand him his purchase. “Perfect!” He exclaims, hugging the box as if it's his last meal. “I've got a question though.”
“Yeah?” You say without looking up at him, doing a count of all the money in your register.
“You got any…phallic items, perchance?”
“What if I uh… show you what I got on my display, huh?”
You slowly turn your head to him, eyes like daggers. “You need to leave.”
“Oh don't be like that, sugartits-”
Naturally, you grab the pistol in your desk compartment and point it at him.
The smiling man enthralled with the buck mount watches the situation intently out of the corner of his eye with his deer-like ear flicked in your direction.
Aggravated by the gun in his ugly face, the customer rolls his eyes and mutters, “Tch. Whore.” He turns on his heel and leaves with a huff, leaving you and this tall, mysterious man alone in the shop.
“What a charming fellow~”
His staticky voice throws you off completely, your body stiffening for a split second as you put your pistol back in your desk. You steal a quick glance at him, his mannerisms and appearance giving you an old-timey vibe.
“Yeah,” you continue counting your money. “Last time it was a cannibal who got all mad when I told them I don't sell fresh meat.”
“Well, I'm sure that also makes for some lofty entertainment now, does it not?”
“Sure,” you shut your register and look at the man again, the buck on the wall still absorbing all his attention, “until they threaten to gouge my eyeballs out and eat ‘em like olives.”
“Oh?” The man meets your gaze and it's as if that creepy smile of his is stuck permanently. “And what do you do next in such a situation, my dear?”
You nod your head at the display adjacent to him. “Add ‘em to my collection.”
He studies the cannibal section in what appears to be wonder, hard to tell with that damn smile. “My my, so slaying cannibals is your specialty?”
“Pfft, take a look around, dude. I own this place. All of what you see is my work.”
He cleans his monocle with a puff of air and scans the entirety of the shop - from the stoic wildlife to the variety of sinners who have crossed you. “You don't say? All by yourself?”
“Mhm.” You open up the display case of your entomological collection upon your desk and do a bit of fine-tuning, ensuring your array of roaches and moths are in orderly fashion.
“Very impressive. You've got quite the sickening talent, darling~ No doubt it's part of how you wound up being here in hell, I'm sure.”
You look up from your mindless task and catch him staring at the buck mount again, realizing the man has small antlers atop his red hair. “‘Guy you're looking at related to you or something?”
“Say he was, would you provide me with a discount?~”
The man chuckles. His eyes wander your frame from head to toe, but that's unbeknownst to you, since you're already glued to your next task: making a spreadsheet on your computer of everything you've got in your inventory - that way you’re not ripping your hair out looking for an item like earlier. Just as you're about to head to the back to get a count of everything, the man walks over to you and outstretches his hand across your desk.
“The name’s Alastor, darling. Pleasure to meet you, quite a pleasure.”
“Yeahhh, no. I don't do introductions.”
“What a shame.” Alastor retracts his hand and sets his staff out in front of him in a poised fashion. “Such a lovely establishment, from the authentic - and overly priced - craftsmanship, to its spik and span environment!” He sighs dramatically, “Oh, if only I could know the name of its owner, the brilliant mind behind it all~”
You roll your eyes. “You gonna buy one of these ‘overpriced’ craftsmanship or not?”
He tilts his head to the side. “How long have you been here in hell, sweetheart?”
Your hand hovers over where your pistol is kept. “Enough with the nicknames. And it’s…almost been a year now.”
“A year?! Why, it takes many moons here in hell for someone to be as reputable as you are right now. You're quite the little entrepreneur!”
You refrain from grabbing your pistol because something is tugging at your brain, telling you to tread lightly; to play whatever this game of his he’s playing and to play nice.
“‘Preciate that.” You cross your arms and nod to a poster that advertises the Vees on the storefront window. “‘Think I’ll be as big as them?”
“Ah, the notorious Vees. Well, my dear nameless business woman, with one simple deal I can make that happen.”
You raise your eyebrow. “Excuse me?”
“Your ignorance is excused,” he retorts, sudden malice creeping in his tone and demeanor. He steps closer to you till he’s towering over you. “You really aren’t aware of who I am and what power I hold, are you?”
So much for playing nice.
You whip out your gun and point it at his chest. “How about you enlighten me before I decide on making a face mask for good ol’ buck up there?”
“Ooo, such a feisty one. I like that.” He puts his palm to the barrel and traps your weapon in his slender, pointed fingers. “I’m the radio demon, darling.”
Your eyes widen in fear, your hand loosening its grip on the gun. He gently, yet assertively, pulls your gun down to rest atop your desk - neither of you letting go of it. You've heard of the radio demon and the stupid amount of power he has - toppling over overlords at an unbelievable rate. A pure evil.
“I thought the radio demon had disappeared and has been gone for years.”
“And now I’ve returned~”
“Right…” You clear your throat and regain your composure, despite now knowing you don't stand a goddam chance against him. “Well, I won't make a deal of any kind with you. Please respect that.”
“Even if it means having the opportunity of a lifetime? To meet the Vees in person at the ball tonight, where overlords from territories far and wide shall gather in comradery and regal fun?”
“Yeah, like they’d let me in-”
Letting go of your pistol, he snaps his fingers and a fancy-looking document appears from thin air. An invitation for the ball, but the part showing who it’s addressed to is blank.
“Just tell me your name and the invitations yours, dear. But, this is a deal I’m trying to make with you here, so I’ll need something from you in exchange.”
“Let me guess, my soul?”
“Oh-ho! While that is a very tantalizing idea, I have something else in mind.” He places the formal document on your desk and twirls his staff, positioning it behind his back. “I’d like your company over a nice dinner with me, after the ball.”
You flinch. “Not…not my soul?”
“No, no. Not your pretty little soul,” he eerily soothes. The corners of his smile stretch ever so slightly. “Unless, that is, you’d like to make a second deal where you’d allow me to have it~”
“Uh no, no…” You tap your fingers on your desk and stare at the invitation.
I could meet successful people. I could gain insight and ask them questions on how to better my career…all at the cost of going out with the radio demon, without having to hand over my soul…
“If we do this, you stay out of my life after, alright?”
“But of course! Who am I to defy an astute and beautiful young doe?”
Slightly cringing, you take a deep breath. “Okay.”
He lifts his hand and delicately cups your cheek. “Your name, miss?”
“y/n…” His thumb caresses your cheek with a feather-light touch. “Oh how lovely your name tastes, my darling. Let’s see what it looks like on paper, shall we?”
With another snap of his fingers, an invisible pen signs the blank space with your name. “Perfect! Looks as if it was meant to be, like it was written in the stars, those of which we cannot see from hell! Now, y/n, let’s finalize this.” He extends his hand before you. “Do we have a deal?”
You nod and shake his hand with a blank expression.
“Wonderful~” He raises your hand to his lips and plants a kiss on your knuckles before letting go. “Put on your best gown for tonight, darling, and do please bring a smile~”
A pitch-black shadow rises from the ground and shrouds Alastor, making him disappear. You blink, processing what the fuck just happened, and then yelp for joy. You're about to meet your idols!
You take one last look at the poster of the Vees and start closing up shop early.
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titan-desuu · 6 months
˚┊❛ Is that an elephant? ❜┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌
╭──╯ The AoT characters and their favorite comfort animal 🐘╰──╮
commentary: Thank you anon for the recommendation ^__^ Explanation: = my yapping
Eren: Wolves! Who would have taught that? But Eren loves the way a wolf can be alone and in a group (= reminds me of him).
Mikasa: Cats! This one is a classic, but Mikasa may have seen many cats - and admired their variety and survival skills.
Armin: BUDGIES! Armin loves the variety of birds, but budgies have won his heart! He loves watching them from a distance and admiring their peace.
Jean: I would say horses but the joke is more dead than the half of the AoT characters. But Jean would love snakes because they look cool.
Sasha: Elephants! Sasha once saw an elephant eating peanuts and that's how it started. She told Connie that she wanted a trunk (= ô_ô).
Connie: Monkeys! Connie is definitely someone who likes to watch documentaries and funny videos about monkeys. Sometimes he dreams of giving a monkey a funny backpack. (= Geto would hate him - ah, wrong anime!)
Erwin: Toucan! This man loves this majestic, silly-looking bird! He says that the beak of this bird reminds him of sweets.
Levi: I know, I know, you'd say something like cat, but let me tell you, this man would love koalas. Chilling in a tree, minding his own business, this man is at peace.
Hange: AXOLOTLS !!!! HANGE WOULD LOVE THEM. The thought of their tiny happy face makes Hange drool with happiness!
Mike: Lions! Just because one scout told Mike that his hair looks like a lion's mane. He totally understands why!
Moblit: Bunnies! Moblit saw a few rabbits who trusted one of them. Since then, Moblit has been looking after rabbits when they are outside the wall.
Ymir: Chinchillas! She's seen this one video of a chinchilla holding a pen - but who wouldn't love them?
Historia: Deer! This girl is Mother Nature, and she is coquette-coded herself! I wouldn't be surprised if she's Snow White herself.
Reiner: Capybara! Someone could show him a picture of a capybara going about minding his business and this man would burst out laughing.
Bertholdt: Turtles! Just because his head got hit by a rock once and he still wishes he had a tank (=like the armored Titan ups!).
Annie: Hedgehogs! A very comfortable pet that reminds her of her childhood and training with her father.
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