#Making a big assumption assuming that you can tag someone on Tiktok
morganbritton132 · 2 years
Eddie gets tagged about a dozen times in a Tiktok from one of Steve’s students where Steve’s like, “Alright, alright. Listen. If you guys can turn in all of your assignments on time for the next month - no whining or I’ll make it two months - I will ask Mr Munson if he has the time to a visit to our class. But ONLY if we have no late assignments.”
Eddie comments, ‘Please, please, please turn your stuff in. I have not stood on a lunch table in years.’
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anti-endo-safe-space · 2 months
Fakeclaimers are wild. Not only did we get fakeclaimed for our ramcoa trauma, but it was literally by someone that is big in the narc abuse community. 💀 I got fakeclaimed and mocked for my programming and ramcoa and tbmc by a fucking narc abuse believer. Omfg. It's like wow. I knew fakeclaimers were shit but like. Wow. Way to prove you have no idea what you're talking about.
(Slight trauma vent below. Tw for tbmc/ramcoa and programming. Not anything explicit. But very heavily implied.)
But also to assume you know what exactly a person has been through to know their trauma isn't real. To believe programming isn't real and ramcoa isn't real.
I have to live with these flashbacks. I have to live with parts of myself that are awful and depraved and can genuinely put me in danger. I have to live with urges of returning to abuse because it's the only safe place or finding someone to act in place of them. That not being able to socialize cause of trauma and autism and not being able to feel like an adult despite being one leads me to want to try to find someone to replace my programmers. That I have to actively stop myself from this shit because it can put me into actual fucking danger.
I am the one that feels like I am a curse and the cause of humanity being filled with evil. I have to live with having been neglected my entire life and the pain of knowing that nobody protected me. I have to live with unimaginable shit. I have experienced these symptoms for years and have always wondered why and never understood. And when I finally can speak about it and accept it, that's when I get told it's not real. You, a stranger, that has never even spoken to me, that was scrolling tags and saw me posting vents, that clearly doesn't understand anything, has a say over what is real or not. When the sources you even use are flawed. (You being to them.)
It's pathetic. And funny thing is. Those kinds of assumptions? I've gotten them from narc and cluster b abuse believers. Getting things assumed of me by someone that doesn't even know my name, my face, my life. That saw comments or posts and decided they know what's best.
Fakeclaimers are truly awful. They will act high and mighty and self righteous. Act like they know what's best. Act like they understand psychology and shit. And then they dont. They make assumptions based on what they think. They're absolutely biased and refuse to even see it.
And I'm someone that did believe in faking disorders being a huge problem and watched those fake disorder cringe complications before when it was like super popular back at like 2016-2020. That felt so mad at "real disorder havers being hurt." It's a bs mentality. Which comes from misinformation, personal issues, insecurities, and a hatred of weird people and neurodivergent people, the very basis of cringe culture.
That kind of thinking only fucked up my own acceptance of my disorders. That kind of thinking is not based in any facts. It's reactionary in the end. It helps no one. And they will never listen. They want to feel morally justified in bullying, fighting for a cause of supporting disorders. The assumptions that they must make about a stranger they've never even spoken to and just seen a post or tiktok from to decide they're faking is a huge amount. And when people CAN prove them wrong, they won't care.
The idea of fakeclaiming is foolish. It's why I won't even fucking fakeclaim endos. Especially when many endos are probably real systems or have other issues. You can hate the community and criticize it and point out the harm and misinfo without being a fucking dick. And the endo community is rife with that. And yeah, some endos may be actively faking. But there is no way in hell even I could tell that. Especially since I'm not even that smart and am very biased myself with shit.
And whats especially funny? I got fakeclaimed. Told I had something clearly wrong with me and was probably autistic or adhd. And also I was told I did it for attention. Yes. My posts with 0-4 likes and less than 30 followers for venting about my heavy trauma that requires a lot of trigger warnings is about attention. Oh yeah. Definitely. I'm actually an attention seeker. If I want attention, I go to my girlfriend or distract myself until she's available. Or reblog tons of posts I like and agree with cause that is what gets me notes from my mutuals. :)
Fakeclaimers may be chronically online but a lot of us aren't. Even if they post regularly. Fakeclaiming will continue to be the most ridiculous thing. Cause not only can you not tell, but you really have to assume a lot. It's weirdly parasocial in a bad way. Assuming you know so much about a stranger online. I can't even say that shit about mutuals I've had for months and years, let alone someone I ain't ever seen.
Just really pisses me off. Cause not only did it send us into literal psychosis and worsened our delusions esp having a history of being harassed online. And literally did lead us to want to hurt ourselves (we're safe, no worries.) but it's also just completely illogical. It is purely emotion based and driven. And they present it as so factual and knowing best.
Nobody fucking deserves to be fakeclaimed. That shit is awful.
Hey, so. We aren't entirely sure how to respond to this besides this. Fake claiming is fucking horrible. You can derail how someone is and send them into a spiral of if they're real or not.
Fake claimers are assholes
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wastelesscrafts · 2 years
Fast fashion and crochet
While we're on the topic of crochet:
Please know that, unlike knitting, crochet cannot be manufactured by machines. This has a few consequences.
Labour exploitation:
Labour exploitation is rampant in the fast fashion industry: without it, the industry simply would not exist.
This means that if you see a genuine crocheted piece in a fast fashion shop, it was made by hand by someone who was paid peanuts for their labour, if paid at all.
Fibre crafts are very labour-intensive. This is why crocheted/hand-knitted items by indie designers are priced the way they are: you're not just paying for the materials. You're also paying for the hours that were needed to design and make the item. Even if the designer were to price those hours at minimum wage, they still add up.
Fast fashion strives to manufacture items as cheaply as possible. A lot of different things make up the final price you pay at a shop, such as design, materials, shipping, packaging, marketing,... Labour is only a fraction of that price, and garment workers rarely get paid a living wage as to keep the prices down.
Take this seven part TikTok breakdown of a crocheted Target bikini top by Drea's Hook, for example. After replicating part of the top, she estimates it would take about 3 hours to crochet the full item by hand (and it was crocheted by hand). That doesn't even account for the materials, the labour needed to sew the lining and the tag, the design, shipping, stock photos,... Yet it only costs $22. If the person who crocheted the top was paid at all, it can hardly have been more than a few cents.
Stolen designs:
On top of labour exploitation, there's been multiple scandals regarding fast fashion brands stealing designs by independent crochet artists such as Knots & Vibes or Loupystudio, among others.
Design theft not only profits off the work done by the original designer without any form of compensation in return, it also devalues the work needed to make an item.
The average person doesn't know how much work goes into making clothes. When fast fashion brands knock off original designs and sell them for a fraction of the price, it propagates the idea that the original item was priced unfairly. After all, why would someone charge €250 for a sweater when you can buy a similar one for €15 at H&M? This way, the industry keeps getting away with exploiting its workers while indie designers struggle to get by.
Can everyone afford to pay that €250? No, of course not. Even that €15 sweater can be a big financial hit if you're on a budget, and we all need clothes to keep us warm in winter. But practical issues aside, I think we can all agree that everyone deserves fair compensation for their work.
People often assume their clothes have been made by machines. This is a logical assumption given the average fast fashion price tag, but unfortunately it's a wrong one.
Sure, we've got sewing and knitting machines and all other kinds of mechanical helps, but someone still has to work those machines. When an item has to be made by hand, like crochet, it will take longer. If the price tag doesn't reflect this extra labour, then neither will the worker's wage.
This blog will never shame anyone for buying fast fashion. Even if you're aware of the problems within the industry, there's plenty of valid reasons why quitting just isn't an option for most of us. We're stuck in a broken system that we cannot change overnight, and not everyone has access to alternatives.
That doesn't mean we can't chip away at it. Educating yourself about these issues is a big first step. It makes us more conscious about the clothes we wear and the labour and resources that went into making them, which in turn motivates us to take action. If more people were aware of these problems, the industry would be much less likely to get away with them.
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hardestgrove · 2 years
feel free to ignore this is a vent so yeah
this fandom makes me feel so freaking guilty about being a Billy stan and shipping mungrove. I can literally make an entire book about all the tiktoks and posts I've seen about people bashing Billy stans because billy is racist and what not. (I am black myself) and honestly, I don't see anything wrong with billy yet people make me feel so guilty for liking his character. Don't even get me started on mungrove I really like the ship but people have called me disgusting for shipping it because billy wouldn't like eddie. i dont even know what to say anymore
i shant ignore bc i wanna send you love and support. cause you deserve it.
i've got a long ass post or two about how ppl talk about this shit and how their whole dogpiling on billy stans is just wildly ignorant to how these kinds of things like ??? work??? like if you're walking in with the assumption he's racist that's not??? fucking baked in???? to his dna???? and their behavior is the kind of thing that makes people double down on their shitty beliefs if they have them so like, they're REALLY not helping ANYONE. it's just performative bullshit at the expense of real people's well being.
in my book mungrove is THE ship of the show any they never got screentime in the same fucking season LOL and no screaming dipshits are gonna change that. same with my liking billy. dacre put a beautiful job into breathing life and depth into what was going to be the most embarrassingly basic henry bowers rip off and if they lack the fucking brainpower to respect that then i don't got time for em.
there's a huge amount of eddie stans that are truly vile to everyone who's not a rabid steddie stan i mean they're fucking coming after chrissy and grace too and literally trying to incriminate her with doctored screencaps to make her look racist. these people are just disgusting as people and they think they can get away with it bc they're a big group and they're in the "moral right" when really they're just 00s yaoi fans by another name who violently hate women who "get in the way of their ship" and can't stand anything with more depth than what their stereotyped shit allows and don't like competition.
personally, as someone who's been seeing this shit online since i was like, 12 in the 00s anime geosites era i just block, delete and ignore. either they grow the fuck up or they don't and in that case i hope they get so toxic their accounts get deleted bc they earned that.
i hate that you feel like this bc fandom and shipping and shit is supposed to be FUN we are all sitting on the carpet of someone's bedroom making our barbies kiss and planning out their silly little adventures and giggling about it. some people just fucking can't stand the idea of other people liking different shit then they like it's wild.
my next mungrove content is gonna be dedicated to you (assuming it's not something like vermillion bc that's yikesy and i don't wanna put ur metaphorical name on that bestie lol) cause you're cute and you have GOOD TASTE and you DESERVE IT
but ur gonna have to literally type in /tagged/mungrove into the url bar to find it when i do bc my blog is glitched out of the tags atm lol kill me 💀 unless you wanna make a request in which case i will happily take it and make you a nice thing!!!!
also i'm working on a mungrove story where billy is friends w/ benefits w/ a girl named jodi who's mixed race and then he gets with eddie bc they were ~falling in love~ for like months lol and remains besties with her. (and plot twist! she's eddie's half sister! they didn't know that before lol) and like i didn't set out to win at "piss the psycho antis off" bingo but lol i'm now even more determined to finish that story!!!!
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plusultrachaos · 4 years
So this is definetly not because of that tiktok we saw BUT izuku hasnt had a birthday party outside of him and his mom since he was like 4 and it slips out one day as his birthday is getting closer when his friends ask what his plans are and all of class 1a bands together to throw him the best birthday party
it absolutely is because of the tiktok (but also because the ideas that you give me that make me write the most) that i got 1.3k out of this prompt. 
"Guys, really… It's. It's not that big of a deal." Izuku turns to see that Ochako and Tenya have already gotten the evil look in their eyes. He sighs and looks down. "I'm used to not having a party. It's fine if I don't do anything for it." He watches as Ochako gets her "I have a plan, but there is no way that you're going to find out about it" look. 
Izuku fears nothing more than he fears that look coming from Ochako. 
"I'm not going to stand for that, Deku!" Tenya nods along with her. "You stay here. Don't go into the lounge." As she and Tenya leave him in the kitchen, Izuku can hear her mutter, “did he really wait until two days before his birthday to tell us this? I mean we already had one planned, but like damn.”
Izuku just sighs, knowing that no one in his class is just going to let him have a small birthday. And don’t get him wrong, he wants a party; one where everybody is celebrating him, all hanging out with him. Laughing because they are having fun, not because he started rambling about something again. He wants one where he’s not being bullied on a day meant for him.
He’s used to the birthdays with just his mom, where he knows that everybody there cares and loves him. Maybe they will all forget his birthday is coming up and he can just make due with a cheap, stale convenience store cookie. 
Izuku leaves the kitchen and he sulks on his way to the couch to watch the movie that his class started playing moments before. 
— — — 
They hadn’t forgotten. He feels very dumb for thinking that they would. He should’ve known that, especially Class 1-A, they would’ve just gone more chaotic about the plans. 
Izuku had woken up on his birthday like any other day, his hair a curly, knotted mess, his All Might onesie rumpled and so comfy. He didn't want to take it off in lieu of other, regular clothing. There was one difference in his morning routine compared to others though.
There was a folded up note sitting on his desk. 
“Happy Birthday, Izuku!” was written in Ochako’s scribbly handwriting on the top of the folded note. Opening the note up, he starts to read the rest of the note, noticing and setting aside a second note that fluttered to the top of his desk. “Starting off, Tenya shows his concern for you leaving your bedroom door unlocked. Next, Todoroki keeps calling you a cute sleeper and that you in an All Might onesie is also very cute. I have to agree with him there. ;)” Izuku feels his face heat up with the compliments from his friends. He ignores the fluttering of his stomach with the knowledge of one of them, specifically, complimenting him. 
“Also when you wake up, don’t worry about getting ready in a rush. Actually feel free to take your time doing what you need to do. When you do end up going downstairs, go to the kitchen first.” He reads the rest of the note, a small smile coming across his face as reads the little sign off from Ochako, their names followed by a small gentle heart. His hand coming up to his face to wipe away the tears he hadn't realized started falling.
He set the first note down and picks up the small slip of paper that is covered in Todoroki’s messing handwriting. “Keep your door unlocked again and fear getting All Might merch stolen for an Endeavor related prank. - Todo Shouto” His smile glows a bit more after reading Shouto’s note, a small laugh bubbling out from his throat.
He could feel the appreciation for his friends growing as he had read the notes grow even more. He is so grateful for the things that they have done for him in the past year of traumatic attacks and everything else that they’ve had to experience.
Maybe the party wouldn’t be so bad…
He sends a text out to Shouto telling him, “bet” in response to his note. And since they told him to take his time, after changing, he calls his mom to talk to her for a bit. 
It goes as any call with his mom goes, filled with excited rambling from both of them and leaving Izuku with a sort of sadness. It's the first birthday he’s really spending without her and although he knows it's going to be a good birthday, he misses having katsudon and hearing his mom’s out-of-tune singing. There’s something about missing this tradition that takes the small smile from his face. 
The tears that follow are short lived, they staryslow and leave quickly. He wipes at his face, hoping it wasn’t noticeable that he had been crying. He didn’t want to ruin the fun that his friends worked so hard to plan for. He gets up from his desk, hiding the notes somewhere he will see so he can put them on his walls. 
He goes to his door, savoring the quietness before the chaos begins. 
— — —
“Do you think he’s actually going to take the message of taking his time seriously?” The question comes from above Shouto, the string in his hand tugging as Ochako moves. The banner she is hanging is something that Momo and Hagakure worked hard to create, the detail showing just how much effort they put into it. There is yelling coming from the kitchen, a blast shortly following. Shouto watches as Kaminari and Sero run out of the kitchen, Bakugou screaming from behind him. 
“Maybe for a bit. He doesn’t take breaks often so I think he won’t take very long to himself.” It’s Jirou’s soft voice that chimes in from the couch, her guitar propped up on her leg as she strums out a entle tune. Shouto looks down for a few seconds before he feels the tug to bring Ochako down to the ground. 
She nods once her feet hit the ground at him before looking up at the banner. “That’s true.” 
“I expect he will be calling his mother. If he hasn’t had a birthday party before, he’s probably only spent it with her.” It's a logical assumption from Tenya that has Shouto thinking harder and doing what he thinks are very hard calculations. 
“So a few more moments.” He keeps his voice quiet and looks down, only Ochako and nods at him again.
“Yeah, probably.” She looks out at the rest of the class, yelling “someone tell the Bakusquad they only have a few more minutes. Deku should be down soon.” There are a few yells in a response before the chaos causers file out of the kitchen, Bakugou the last to come out.
A few moments, there is the dinging of the elevator and Ochako is signalling the class to get into position. Everybody hides in easy to see places and Shouto turns the lights out to the lounge, staying close to the light switch. He can hear the sounds of Izuku shuffling (and sniffling) around in the kitchen before everything calms for a few moments. He assumes Izuku is reading the third (Ochako thinks it's only the second) letter saying Happy Birthday to Class 1-A’s sunshine boy. Shouto waits until he hears the footsteps approaching the lounge before he gets ready to turn the lights back on. 
When he sees Izuku come into the lounge is when he flips the switch . What he didn’t expect to see was Izuku holding his hand to his mouth as tears streamed down his face. Everybody yelled out a loud “Surprise!” not knowing he was crying. 
They should’ve anticipated it, and that is why SHouto’s immediate response to the sight that Izuku is,  isn't to yell out the surprise. It’s to go over to him and hold him as his legs give out underneath him when the class yells. Shouto slides Izuku to the ground gently, holding him as he cries with a small smile. “Happy Birthday, Midoriya Izuku.”
tagging groupie: (let me know through ask or note if you would like to be added or removed) @theghosthybrid, @12redsky34, @stardustsys, @koifishkiss, @worst-bunny, @faelwenholdsthelight, @demumbrigde, and tagging you even though you left the ask, (happy early anniversary, babs) @tired-taro 
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