#Malvern Mindfulness
turiyatitta · 1 year
Unlocking The Power of Yinnergy at Malvern Mindfulness
Delve into your soul and uncover boundless possibilities with Malvern Mindfulness this July Join us in a mystical and transformative experience at Malvern Mindfulness, where inner peace and awareness await those willing to embark on a journey within. Location and Time Malvern Family Resource Centre, 90 Littles Rd. Zoom sessions (headphones required) every Thursday, starting July 6 at 6pm…
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flatspot · 2 years
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by @.lando.jpg
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oneshotnewbie · 7 months
Can you also do a oneshot where B!D is the one kidnapped in season 2 instead of Alex and she almost dies because of her asthma?
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Authors note: I changed the scenery a bit and wrote a different storyline because I think it would be totally weird to write the exact same episode in season two with Baby Danvers instead of Alex in it. Hope that's okay!
Kara and Alex were on their way to your apartment, where you had planned a peaceful family dinner, when suddenly their cell phones lit up and beeped wildly in a monotonous tone. The message the two received from an anonymous sender was short and clear, but still very disturbing and frightening. "Your sister is in danger. Come to the old warehouse at the harbor alone if you want her back alive. If you take the Martian with you, she will die."
"Call her immediately!" said the redhead in a panic as she tried to trace the sender using a cell phone tracking device installed on her phone. But both the call and the pursuit went nowhere and, full of concern, the two sisters followed the instructions with a desperate expression.
Shortly afterwards the two found themselves in front of an abandoned warehouse. The surroundings were silent and frightening, only the gentle sound of the sea against the harbor wall accompanied their quick steps before they stopped opposite a shadow that only slowly approached them. "Who the hell are you and where is our sister?"
"Kara, Alex. It's nice that you came," spoke a cool voice before the shadow grew into a male figure. Despite the passing years of her high school days, Alex instantly realized that it was Rick Malverne who had been ruthlessly targeting Supergirl's family and identity for some time.
“What did you do to y/n?!” Kara shouted angrily, her eyes glowing red with anger. Malverne smiled and finally stepped into the light, where the two women's eyes met his ice-cold one. He pulled a small device out of his pocket and played around with it before throwing it to the redhead. The two of them were able to see a black and white shot of you on the small camera.
"Your sweet little sister. She will be useful for the success of my plans," he grinned devilishly and the two siblings took another look at the device in their hands. You were trembling uncontrollably in fear and with a look of panic on your face, you tried desperately to fight against the amount of cold water that was increasing slowly in the watertank you were trapped in. "And if you don't cooperate, she'll soon run out of air."
The tension in the warehouse reached its peak when Malverne stood triumphantly. His cold eyes fixed on the two siblings who were forced to be in his power. The two siblings looked at each other briefly, their minds quick as lightning as they considered how they could save you from this life-threatening situation before deciding to play his game. After all, it was your life that was now in the hands of a madman. "What do you want from us?" the redhead asked through gritted teeth, her anger running unbearably through every fiber of her body.
"Very wise of you, Danvers. You're going to help me get my father out of jail. If you don't get him out within the next six hours-" he threatened with a malicious grin and flipped a small switch in his other hand that displayed a timer on the camera. "She dies within a very short time. You have no choice."
Kara clenched her fists, her knuckles already losing blood and turning white, but she knew she had to proceed carefully. "Hop, hop, Supergirl. You don't have much time left." the blonde nodded hesitantly and he disappeared back into the darkness. The two siblings were tense as they were forced to cooperate with the enemy to save you. But in the hearts of both women they swore that Malverne's sinister plans would not go unanswered and that they would receive punishment.
While Kara and Alex reluctantly took every opportunity to hatch a plan, they tried to mislead him with a clever but stressful situation. While J'onn posed as Supergirl, Kara activated her superpowers and attacked him from behind.
When both Alex and J'onn as Supergirl took advantage of his attention and negotiated with him, the blonde took advantage of the moment of surprise. She shot forward and grabbed him in a lightning-quick movement, throwing him against the wall. Alex immediately followed her, her hands gripping his neck in a tight grip. He could only watch helplessly as his plans collapsed.
"You didn't think we'd give up so easily, did you?" Alex spoke in a threatening tone while Kara fixed him with an icy stare. They left him in the hands of the Martian who took him to the DEO and they rushed to the water tank where you were trapped and still fighting for your life. The water level rose threateningly and you were already gasping for air to the last millimeter. “Y/n, hold on!”
With her strength and speed, the blonde threw herself at the tempered safety glass until it began to shatter and you flowed out of the tank with the flood of water. The relief was palpable, but the joy of your safety was short-lived and the hardships took their toll.
Exhausted and panting in panic, you collapsed in her arms with a choking gasp, gasping for air as your siblings exchanged frightened looks. "She's having an asthma attack!" The redhead whispered, her expression serious as she realized that neither you nor any of them had an inhaler with them. "She needs to go to the hospital. There's no time to waste!"
The blonde nodded in agreement and the blonde gently lifted you into her arms. Alex also clung to Kara before she flew into the air. The night air was cool as she flew with you over the city, reaching the hospital at breathtaking speed. Doctors immediately rushed over to take care of you while Kara and Alex waited anxiously, hoping that you would regain your strength soon.
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sockiepuppetry · 2 months
Silver age Supergirl character AU (because I love obscure characters)
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Richard "Dick" Malverne
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Richard Malverne (formerly known as Richard Wilson before his adoption, first appeared in 1959 ) was one of Kara's first real human friends with a "boy next door" personality. In the comics he was an orphan like Kara, he was described as Supergirl's "Lana Lang" and was a recurring character throughout her highschool and early adult days. When he first met Supergirl he quickly deduced that she was his friend Linda (Supergirl's earth name back then) and set up many elaborate schemes to prove it (he literally made a life size dummy that looked exactly like himself that would explode if Linda/kara used her xray vision on it, like bro that's dedication) he didn't have malicious intentions mind you, it's just that everyone in the silver age was insane. After a few failed attempts he eventually let the "i know you're Supergirl" thing go.
As an adult he later got cancer and told Kara on his deathbed that he always knew she was Supergirl but just let it go for her sake.
Calling him "Richie" in this AU
He's a positive, sweet lad who's a bit clumsy so people underestimate him, but he's a lot smarter than he seems.
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blueshistorysims · 10 months
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Byron stared at the duke before glancing at his father. Peter looked excited, swelling with pride that he would have such a chance. The Duke was indifferent. He was there because he had to. Peter, who knew how high society worked was the next best thing. Byron, a sexual deviant, part of socialist and social-democratic groups, was not. 
“...Am I allowed to refuse it?”
“Byron Malvern!” Peter exclaimed.
The Duke simply stared. “Unfortunately, you cannot refuse it. Of course, none of you were meant to inherit it. My only son died in the Boer Wars. And my only grandchild would die in the same battle that killed your brother only two months prior.” 
“Please excuse my son, Duke. He has been away from home these last two years. Understandably, he is in shock by your news.”
Byron wanted to argue, but he kept his mouth shut. 
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The Duke did not stay long, leaving after an hour. He had explained to the family that he had met with Alexander before he died, and he’d been aware that he was meant to become duke after his father. Peter and Rebecca were to eventually live in Henford-on-Bagley, the Walsh family’s ancestral lands. Byron was disgusted. Why on earth would he want to be a duke? It sounded horrendous. …Of course he wouldn’t mind about the money part. That was appealing. All that responsibility and imperial hogwash was not.
“I cannot believe you said that to his face!” Rebecca reprimanded. “You embarrassed me and your father.”
“I have no interest. I will not be forced into an institution built on the blood of slaves, child labor, and serfdom!”
Peter huffed. “Byron. You have been home for all of a few hours. Please, relax.”
“I am going to do what I want.”
“And what is that?”
“I want to continue my education. Get a doctorate.”
Rebecca buried her face in her hands. “...You already have two master's degrees. Why on earth would you want to go back to school?”
“There is nothing with wanting to better myself.”
“I didn’t say that, dear.”
“Well, I believe the University of Liverpool has a doctoral program in linguistics.” Peter smiled, trying to play mediator. “You can keep an eye on local affairs and your sister while you attend school.”
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“...I am not attending Liverpool.”
“Oh, has Oxford made you too posh?”
“No. It’s just… I’ve already applied to a program and was accepted,” he said quietly. He hadn’t meant to break the news like this, but with the bombshell that afternoon, he didn’t see the point of hiding it. “I applied and was accepted to the University of Columbia’s doctorate program in philology. Next summer, I will be leaving and going to New York. I’ve already made arrangements with friends.”
At that, Rebecca burst into tears. “You can’t leave us, you’ve just come back!!”
“America?!” Peter yelled.
“Mama, Papa, please. I was given a scholarship, and I’ve saved money from my time in the army.”
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This only set off further yelling, and eventually, Byron gave up with his parents, going to his bedroom and slamming his door as loud as he could, like he was a child throwing a temper tantrum. He was 23 for Christ’s sake. He had been in war. They knew nothing. 
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violettesiren · 4 months
I mind me of the hawthorn trees, With cuckoos flying near; The hawthorn blossoms smelt so sweet, The cuckoo called so clear!
The hill was steep enough to climb, It seemed to touch the sky! You saw two valleys from the top, The Severn and the Wye.
The Severn and the Wye you saw, And they were always green; I think it was the prettiest sight That I have ever seen.
And there, so far above the town, With not a soul to see, Whenever she could slip away My love would come to me!
I never smell the hawthorn bloom, Or hear the cuckoo sing, But I am minded of my love, And Malvern Hills in Spring!
The Meeting-Place by Radclyffe Hall
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f1-birb · 1 year
No but like are there any fics that are featuring Jon a lot? Cause I wanna read em
there are a couple that immediately spring to mind!
of course I'm gonna rec Emmy (@f1-disaster-bi), her superhero au, single dad au and little bean au all feature Jon in a big role - here and here and here
self rec, my sebson driver dads au will feature Jon a lot, since it basically follows real life, but so far there's this chapter here with Jon
this fic here also features Jon as a main role
the only other thing I'd recommend is go through the Jon Malvern character tag on Ao3 and filter the way you want, theres about 150 so I'm sure there's something in there you'll end up liking
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saberqueen · 7 months
Hello, I hope you're well.
From the info you have gathered what type of person would you describe Prince Alois, Prince JW and Prince Alfon as?
Based from interviews, Prince Alois seems to be more diplomatic than his father, who prefers a bit of friction of being a devil's advocate. Prince Alois seems also to be quite chill as a father, not minding his children having social media accounts. As for Prince Wenzel, based on what I've read, his classmates from Malvern said that he was a nice person and managed to got elected as president of their student council during his time there. I wasn't able to get any info on Prince Alfonso.
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drawnecromancy · 1 year
Find the word!
Tagged by @isabellebissonrouthier
As always if you want to do these, feel free to consider yourself tagged by me !
Words I have to find : Hide, Seek, Blow, Wish
Words I'm giving you : Figure, Ice, Rope, End
(What the extracts are from will be noted at the end of the extract.)
"Silence stretched between the two for several seconds, but the linguist’s drunk brain was completely incapable of providing him with sensible topics of conversation. In fact, it currently only had two desires : either go to bed and sleep, or do something completely inappropriate that he definitely should not even be thinking about, no matter what he thought of the prince’s looks.
He was unfortunately thinking about it very hard when he felt the prince’s hand cup his face and their eyes met for a brief second. Velannen looked away, not fast enough to hide what he’d been thinking, and the next moment he felt the prince’s lips touch his, almost shyly. He inhaled sharply, his hands grabbing the wall behind him, and prince Malvern looked at him questioningly."
– The Festival of Fire (short story starring Velannen and prince Malvern)
"– You're a revered hero in the empire - no, don't make this face, people love you - and have been a strong influence on people through that, you're also a veteran of the Guild and people seek your advice constantly, and yet. You ate dirt in my garden just a month ago, to see if it made you sick."
– Dirt (a short story starring Nathan and Eleanor)
The only one I found is something that contains the word blowjob, which I'm not sure i can post. What can I say, sometimes I write nsfw stories. Should compile them up in a single doc sometime.
"But you are worried, and I shall tell you about my new life here.
It is surprisingly all right. Mind you, I do not like the court nor the people that are part of it, but there’s more to learn than I could ever have imagined. You’d laugh at all the petty fights that go on there - if you wish, I could chronicle some of them to you, when I am certain that my letters are not being read."
– Lumeria's letter to her mother, from a short story starring Lumeria and the Emperor
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astairwaytobooks · 2 years
The Scorpio Races Festival 2022
Week One: SIGN-UP
Reading Challenges: Prologue - Chapter 16
Introduce yourself! Who are you, and what does The Scorpio Races mean to you?
At this point Maggie Stiefvater's books feel like they are a part of me. I first started reading The Wolves of Mercy Falls when I was a teenager, I'm now nearing the end of my twenties and I've reread all books multiple times, but the Scorpio Races probably most of all. Simply because it lends itself so well to be a seasonal, yearly re-read. It feels a bit like I am actually returning to Thisby every year to visit the festival and watch the races. Never mind that technically all events remain the same. The beautiful thing of re-reads is that every time there is something else I see for the first time.
Do you have any favorite scenes or quotes from this section?
My favourite quote from this section is
"There are moments that you'll remember for the rest of your life and there are moments that you think you'll remember for the rest of your life, and it's not often they turn out to be the same moments."
Something Puck thinks when signing up for the races at Gratton's. It is so true how the best (and worst) moments of your life always sneak up on you and take you unawares, while things you think you'll remember perfectly you always forget, anyway the quote says it way better than I can paraphrase it, but you get the point.
What is your initial impression of the characters we’ve met so far?
This year I noticed how Puck and Sean both describe the coat of the Piebald mare differently, just thought it was funny how Sean highlights the white fur on a black background, while Puck highlights the black fur.
All characters in this book have so much personality, even the smaller parts like the bowler hat that Puck calls the Gnome, it is clear that he is a very stubborn person that does not like to lose. I have a fervent hatred for Benjamin Malvern, the callous bastard, but most other characters I would love to meet in real life. Especially Finn, who I always read to be younger than he actually is. Probably because Puck still sees him as her little brother and has not yet caught up to the fact that he too, is growing up (a struggle I am familiar with).
How do you think Sean and Puck’s relationship with Thisby influences the reader’s perception?
I think we can't help but love the island like Sean and Puck do, because every description we get is filled with their respect and love of Thisby. However I do think that I would love the place regardless. Still a bit bumped out it is not an actual place I can visit. Though everytime I am on an island I try to look my hardest for little pieces that remind me of how Thisby is described in the book.
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Indian Restaurant in Malvern East | Moti Mahal Indian Restaurant
What better place to eat than Moti Mahal Indian Restaurant in Malvern East if Indian food is on your mind? With its extensive selection of cuisine and delicacies offered in the most authentic manner, Moti Mahal honours the culture, history, and heritage of India. Whether you are in Caulfield or St. Kilda East, you may still feel a connection to your native India by dining at the Moti Mahal restaurant, which can help you recall your youth in India.
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akepalsson · 2 years
WEEK 1 —Training Challenge: Introduce your rider.
A little late but I wanted to join the fun @thescorpioracesfestival
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The salty wind hits my face, but it doesn’t bother me. I’ve grown used to it, everyone who spends their time on this beach has. 
“What are you doing here?”
I turn around to see Isadora Levy, the woman who lives next door to us. Isadora and her husband are good family friends and when Mom went to the mainland they made sure my brother and I were well-fed.
“Waiting for them to come out.” is my unusually short reply, and my gaze returns to the ocean.
Isadora sighs, but she sits on the small cliff next to where I’ve been sitting for hours now. She's wearing her best clothes, which can only mean she's going to Skarmouth, to the church, or maybe the shops. When you don't have to worry about money, those are the kinds of activities you can do in your day-to-day life.
“Don't you have to go to work?” Isadora insists, moving her legs, which are dangling from the cliff. She can tell I’m focused, usually, our dynamic is reversed: I’m the one asking questions and bothering her, while Isadora is calm and collected. Maybe it’s too early for me to be talking a lot. 
“I start in an hour.” I shake my head and she seems to understand, for her face shows no concern. I keep explaining. “I've been coming to the beach early since the beginning of October, waiting.”
“What exactly do you plan to do?” Is her question, because she knows what I'm talking about. Everyone on the island knows it.
“I just want to be the first to see them.”
See them. Them, the capaill uisce. The famous killer horses, who emerge from the sea of ​​Scorpio once autumn begins. Those fearsome horses, gigantic in comparison to a normal animal, which only the strongest of men can tame into their mounts during the annual race, the Scorpio Races, Thisby's foremost event.
“Well, Amber,” Isadora says my name with her weird accent. She's not from Thisby but she's not from the mainland either, she comes from an island not far away that she doesn't like to talk about. “We’re only through the first week of October, I’m almost sure that there is still time for the first capall to emerge.”
I know, but I don't want to miss it. I feel the need to pout, but I don't. I'm practically an adult now, I shouldn't be pouting anymore, much less at someone like Isadora.
Before Isadora says something like ‘You don't want to lose your job either,’ I stand up from the cliff, moving away from where she was sitting. Isadora follows me and we both walk off together, me heading to Malvern’s Yard and Isadora to somewhere in Skarmouth.
“You’re not thinking of joining the races, are you?” Isadora questions me, putting a hand on my shoulder. I smile back at her, she just shakes her head in disappointment but she knew that already, there was no need to ask. “Amber, why are you putting your life at risk? Isn’t it already enough working with those demonic horses in your daily life? Must you also do this?”
“It’s going to be fine, Isadora.” I put my hair in a high ponytail as we walk, the loose blonde curls hanging on my face aren’t exactly comfortable for cleaning horse shit all day, so a ponytail is the best option. “Besides, the money would suit me well.”
“You’re doing this for the money? Oh, Amber. There are better ways to get it than this, the races are practically a suicide!”
“You have so little faith in me, Isa.” 
Isadora sighs, she’s not in the mood for this. “You better than anyone knows how dangerous the races are.”
She’s right, so I shut my mouth. Isadora is referring to my brother, who died in the races years ago. Since then I’ve been taking after his job and his capall, as me and my dad need the money he used to bring. I’m too fond of the horse to sell it and my brother loved the animal so I can’t just let it go like that. Besides, maybe he can help me with my plans of joining the race.
“Amber, if I can’t change your mind, the least I can do is pray for you.” Isadora keeps saying, holding her hands together. “May the ocean watch you, Amber Goode, we need you alive here.”
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kara-zor-els · 2 days
to round out the kara ship questions;
kara and dick malverne
kara and jerro
kara and Z’ndr Kol 
Kara and thara Ak-Var
kara and Siobhan smythe
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Kara x Z’ndr Kol: I like to sometimes call this ship "poor man's karadox" since it feels like the writer wanted to use Brainiac 5 but couldn't. That being said, they were cute and I wouldn't have minded him sticking around.
Kara x Ak Var: not sure is this is about the original Ak Var (I don't know him) or Thara (from what I've seen of them, I'm interested)
Kara x Sioban: I don't know them very well so it's not my go-to Kara ship. That being said I could change my mind upon reading more about them
The other two have been answered
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swtorpadawan · 2 years
If you're doing the 7 deadly sins ask; How about 3 from Lust, Pride, Wrath, and Sloth for any of your swtor ocs?
Seven Deadly Sins OC Asks Thanks for the asks, @cryo-lily ! Mixing it up, as I am want to do!
Would you say your oc is bashful about intimate conversations, or are they the blunt one that makes everyone else uncomfortable?
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Oh, Zu'fanda Pampya is incredibly blunt and free with "intimate" discussions; if she is interested in someone - or even just wants to keep them off-balanace. Innuendos are rather common. She did this brazenly with Pol'fenn when he was her "guest". She even did it to Ashara once, and the Togruta turned from orange to red. Her favorite target is probably Talos; she enjoys seeing him flustered. Andronikos was the only one who played right back at her. So he ultimately won her heart.
How well or not well does your oc take constructive criticism?
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Because of her strained relationship with her father, it took Illaynah Antilles a long time to learn to take constructive criticism in a positive way. Her father's critiques were - in fact - self-serving and harsh. He didn't want Illaynah leaving for the academy. Eventually, enough positive mentors came into her life that she learned to deal with this. But Jorgan's constant challenges still bothered her.
Is your oc easy to disappoint? How so?
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Valkon Tuum - with the exception of Mako - is exceptionally easy to disappoint. He's an apex predator, and needs a reason not to kill most people. He's probably threatened to gut Gault a few times, and don't get me started on Skadge. That time Blizz accidentally dismantled the hyperdrive? Mako had to PHYSICALLY INTERPOSE HERSELF. Yeah… he's dark.
How does your oc relax? Describe it.
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Teeanah Malvern has a number of ways to relax, including sunbathing by her lake, or emmersing herself in her hot tub. (Often she does this with a companion. Sometimes someone massaging her.) But even then, her mind is always moving. (And scheming.)
Thanks for the asks!
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electrician12 · 9 days
Just Moved In? Tips for Finding a Reliable Local Electrician
Welcome to your new home! There’s nothing quite like the excitement of settling into a new place, but let’s face it—unpacking and decorating can only make your new house feel like a home. As you dive into this new chapter, one of the last things you want to worry about is whether your electrical system is up to snuff. If you’re like most people, finding a trustworthy electrician in  Berwick or electrician Malvern might not be at the top of your to-do list, but it’s a crucial step.
So, let’s get into it—here’s your guide to finding a reliable local electrician in Malvern to ensure everything’s running smoothly.
Why a Reliable Electrician is a Must
When you’ve just moved in, everything is fresh and exciting. But, let’s be honest: dealing with flickering lights or faulty wiring can quickly damage your enthusiasm. A reliable electrician can ensure that your new home is safe and that all your electrical systems are in top shape. From checking your wiring to installing new outlets, a professional can help you avoid potential hazards and ensure everything is up to code.
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Start with Recommendations
Word of mouth is still one of the most powerful tools for finding a great local electrician. Ask your new neighbours, local real estate agents, or even previous homeowners for recommendations. If someone has had a positive experience with an electrician in  Berwick, they’ll likely be happy to share their contact information. Personal recommendations often come with insights into the electrician’s work ethic, punctuality, and overall quality.
Check Credentials and Experience
Once you’ve got a shortlist of potential electricians, it’s time to dig a little deeper. Ensure that any electrician you consider is fully licensed and insured. This guarantees that they are qualified to perform the work and provides you with peace of mind in case anything goes wrong. Additionally, look for electricians with a solid track record and plenty of experience. A seasoned pro will be better equipped to handle any unexpected issues.
Look at Reviews and Ratings
Online reviews and ratings can be beneficial in today's digital age. Check out Google, Yelp, or local community forums for reviews of electricians in your area. Pay attention to recurring themes in the feedback—positive or negative. A high rating and glowing reviews indicate that an electrician has a good reputation and delivers quality work. Conversely, frequent complaints about tardiness or poor artistry should be red flags.
Get Multiple Quotes
Before committing to any electrician, it’s wise to get quotes from several professionals. This will give you a better understanding of the going rates in your area and help you avoid overpaying. When comparing quotes, ensure you’re looking at apples-to-apples; ensure that all estimates include the exact scope of work and materials. This way, you can make an informed decision and choose the electrician in Malvern who offers the best value for your money.
Ask the Right Questions
When meeting with potential electricians, come prepared with questions to gauge their expertise and reliability. Ask about their experience with the specific type of work you need, their process for handling unexpected issues, and their warranty policy. 
Finding a reliable local electrician in Berwick might seem daunting, but you can make the process smooth and stress-free with the right approach. By following these tips, you’ll be able to ensure that your new home is safe and that your electrical systems are in top condition.
If you need a dependable electrician in Malvern, remember to start with recommendations, check credentials, and compare quotes. This will help you find a professional who can handle all your electrical needs with expertise and reliability. Happy settling in, and here’s to making your new house a safe and sparkling home!
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jefferyryanlong · 15 days
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Fresh Listen - Billy Paul, Let 'Em In (Philadelphia International Records, 1976)
(Some pieces of recorded music operate more like organisms than records. They live, they breathe, they reproduce. Fresh Listen is a periodic review of recently and not so recently released albums that crawl among us like radioactive spiders, gifting us with superpowers from their stingers.)
Over the course of a winter afternoon, slightly stoned from my father's weed vape and some Brazilian beer I had with lunch, I went hunting for vinyl records in Little Rock, Arkansas. I'd driven from my parents' house in a township called Central, which was really just a stretch of country highway outside of a bigger town named Malvern. Walmart, Popeyes, car dealerships and a main drag with mostly empty storefronts and secondhand stores.
There was a dearth of commercial/cultural spaces in Malvern: no bookstores nor record shops, no movie theaters. Even Hot Springs, a heavily trafficked tourist spot to the north, had only a modest selection of joints in which to dig for tunes. In the basement of the historic Arlington Hotel, I'd found a used, overpriced copy of Lalo Schifrin's Rock Requiem. Desire far from fulfilled, I sped to the state capitol after googling a short list of places that might be able to satisfy my jones: Control Records, Been Around Records and CD's, and Ugly Mike's. Since Control Records didn't seem like it would be open between Christmas and New Year's, I wended my way to Ugly Mike's for some digging.
The only other customers in Ugly Mike's were a younger couple, college students, maybe, and I was immediately impressed by their commitment to wade through what was essentially a late-90's music store in the middle of conversion to a hoarder's purgatory. It brought to mind John Ashberry's poem "The Bungalows": "You who were directionless, and thought it would solve everything if you found one, / What do you make of this? Just because a thing is immortal / Is that any reason to worship it? Death, after all, is immortal. "
I simply couldn't reconcile Ugly Mike's as a shop, a place of business. At some point, it had been a bonafide music store, maybe a popular one, but the product that that it sold, neglected with a carelessness that bordered on hostility to the most basic elements of trade, mouldered away in direct sunlight. In the central area, compact discs were arranged (I hesitate to use the term "organized") in those specially made press wood shelving units that were ubiquitous in both specialty shops and department stores in the late 90's, early 2000's, lined with squared-packaged discs under placards that read Rock, Pop, Jazz, and Soul. A layer of dust blanketed each row of CD's, still stickered with late 90's prices; $18.99, the going rate for an album back then, which seems inconceivable in today's streaming reality. The whole works was a monument to a time long past, far from missed.
To the side of the CD shelves were rows and rows of tattered cardboard boxes, LP's in worse shape than the boxes themselves, dirty and scratched with torn covers, obviously intended for the garbage. Ugly Mike seemed to have little interest in making them presentable. Though most of the records seemed to consist of the same stuff found on the floor of a Salvation Army (Andy Williams Christmas songs, pop tunes covered by easy-listening instrumental bands), I was able to pull from the rubbish a Quincy Jones, an MFSB, and Billy Paul's Let 'Em In to my breast. Flashes of genuine taste.
Unfortunately, I couldn't dig as deep as I'd wanted. For in addition to the D.L. Hughley radio show (soul/disco hits from the 70's) Ugly Mike played on the store's overhead speakers, Ugly Mike simultaneously ran a podcast about some islands off the coast of Africa loudly at another set of bluetooth speakers at a table, which served as his counter. The dual signals were getting to me. When I approached him, fight-or-flight response coursing through my body, Ugly Mike glanced at the records under my arm without taking his attention away from the podcast, charged me twenty dollars, and sent me on my way.
Paul's Let 'Em In starts off with great joy and not a little defiance. A clip from a Malcolm X speech, criticizing the American Dream as a boondoggle for the marginalized people of this country, rides along a jaunty groove courtesy of Philadelphia International Records. Malcolm questions the aspiration that prescribes complicity at the cost of one's soul. Whereas Paul McCartney's original seemed an open-ended invitation to any odd assortment of characters, Billy Paul's references to Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm, and even Louis Armstrong presents itself more as an argument, without rancor, for the inclusion of these great men into the historical record, as well as the popular consciousness. The implicit critique is that the United States has been resistant to having its story be told from the perspective of Black folks; Paul posits that a widening of the lens and acknowledge a lesser told (and lesser heard) story would result in a more happening party all around.
A slight criticism is that producers Gamble and Huff miss an opportunity in disposing of McCartney's most memorable motif from the song, a little marching melody he weaves between the verse and bridge. Not that it's essential to the story Billy Paul is telling; I would have just liked to hear that groove manifested through some of those hot Philly players.
Overall, though, the PIR factory has the tendency to smooth out the rough edges of their musicians, to a fault. PIR did not buy into the Stax or Fame Studios aesthetic, where the grit and grime is almost the point. Here the drums are perfectly balanced, guitars subtle and rhythmic, and strings tie everything together, almost muzakally. The result is sonic sophistication, expertly calibrated, to an extent that the soul and message of the artist are buried deep in the mix.
The next two tracks from Let 'Em In, both Gamble and Huff compositions, situate Paul as a counter-voice to 1970's looseness and depravity, moralistic stances that erode Paul's hipness. "We All Got a Mission," almost danceable, loses power in the obviousness of its lyrics about social responsibility. "How Good Is Your Game," a little smokier with its Latin-tinged guitars, is not exactly the song one wants to hear on the dance floor either, especially when one is trying to desperately to get said game on. Rather, the song is a chilling reminder that we're all powered by tightly controlled illusions about ourselves; the self-awareness Paul offers is unwelcome when we're out in the world trying to make some love.
The sanctimoniousness eases up on "Love Don't Come Easy," though the singer can't resist the the persistent helpfulness that borders on the self-righteous. For a moment, though, Steve Urkel becomes Stefan Urquelle, dropping G-rated love-making pointers to Carl.
A cover of Badfinger-by-way-of-Harry-Nilsson's "Without You" kicks off the ballad side of the record: music for candlelit anniversaries and bubble baths. This latter half cool-down is listenable, although it has the tendency, in its Philadelphia International Records way, to become so smooth as to be colorless, chrome. Like the musical arrangements, Paul's voice slides rather than hits; he seeks to caress, not to provoke. In that sense, he surely accomplishes what he's set out to do, and in the process forsakes memorableness for polish. Side Two doesn't grip the listener. It floats away like the scent of rose hips.
There is undoubtedly a space for this style of music. It's that space inhabited by Al Jarreau, Christopher Cross; that space where you can hear yourself breathe, when stillness of being takes precedence over the primitive violence of acting out or upon. The songs expend time, yet they give off a sense of stasis. But one must love to live with this feeling, when one invests a few hours getting to know a used record bought in a busted down Arkansas shop. As the great John Ashberry wrote, "Who cares what was there before? There is no going back; / For standing still means death, and life is moving on, / Moving on toward death. But sometimes standing still is also life."
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