#Mandarin phrases
"Building Your Mandarin Vocabulary: 10 Words to Get You Started"
Learning a new language can be challenging, but it can also be a rewarding and enriching experience. If you're interested in learning Mandarin, here are ten useful words to get you started.
1. 全部 (quán bù) - This word means "all" or "entire". For example, you can say "全部的书" to mean "all the books".
2. 起 (qǐ) - This word means "start" or "begin". You can use it to indicate the beginning of an action or a process. For example, you can say "从起点走到终点" to mean "walk from the starting point to the end point".
3. 这样子 (zhè yàng zi) - This phrase means "like this" or "in this way". You can use it to describe something or to explain how something is done. For example, you can say "这样子做" to mean "do it like this".
4. 儿子 (ér zi) - This word means "son". It can be used to refer to your own son or someone else's son.
5. 感情 (gǎn qíng) - This word means "emotion" or "feeling". You can use it to talk about how you feel or to describe someone else's emotions.
6. 永远 (yǒng yuǎn) - This word means "forever" or "eternally". It can be used to describe something that will last forever or something that is timeless.
7. 般 (bān) - This word means "general" or "typical". You can use it to describe something that is common or typical for a particular group or situation.
8. 有 (yǒu) - This word means "have" or "there is". It can be used to indicate the existence of something or to describe possession.
9. 带来 (dài lái) - This phrase means "bring" or "take". You can use it to describe bringing something with you or taking something somewhere.
10. 伊拉克 (Yī lā kè) - This is the Mandarin transliteration of "Iraq". It can be used to refer to the country or to things related to the country.
I hope these words and phrases will be useful as you begin your journey to learn Mandarin. Remember to keep practicing and be patient with yourself – learning a new language takes time and dedication.
Could you come up with a title for this blog post?
"10 Essential Mandarin Words for Beginner English Speakers"
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chineseffect · 1 year
再来一瓶油 /zài lái yī píng yóu/ BRING ME ANOTHER BOTTLE OF OIL
马上 /mǎshàng/ RIGHT AWAY
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urie9158 · 1 month
thinking about how kim dokja thinks he's alone in the world and there is no one in the world who understands him or can possibly understand him.
but. there yoo sangah is. yoo sangah who discusses literature with him. yoo sangah who understands kim dokja bc she is very perceptive about people and very empathetic and also bc they have the kind of friendship where words aren't needed. yoo sangah who read every book in the library about kim dokja bc she was genuinely interested in her friend's life and bc she wanted to understand him. yoo sangah who figured out it was 49 and not real kdj and figured out what he did but didn't say a word bc she understood and respected his decision even though she wanted her friend back more than anything.
yoo sangah who witnessed his mundanity and monstrosity both, and loved him either way. loves him despite every irredeemable quality he thinks he has. yoo sangah who wants to be his best friend in every lifetime and live together right next to each other. yoo sangah, his best friend who understands him without words.
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firestorm09890 · 8 months
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hey that's. hey. that's. not at all the same line
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liu-anhuaming · 2 months
Every wanted to tell someone to step on a lego in Mandarin? Here's how:
(I've also seen 踩到樂高)
A favorite variation is 我希望你在漆黑的夜里一脚踩上乐高,光脚!「我希望你在漆黑的夜裡一腳踩上樂高,光腳!」
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respectthepetty · 1 year
Based on a True Story
Pond mentioning in a Behind the Scenes for Never Let Me Go that he only knows one phrase in Mandarin
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Judo, Pond's character in Dirty Laundry, flirting with Night with a Mandarin phrase
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Jojo, the director of both, never forgets.
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Other Based on a True Story
Mark is a badminton champion
Vice Versa's real life cameos
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biglittleluobo · 1 month
😈😈😈 D A R K C U I S I N E 😨😨😨
Have you ever eaten anything ... unusual ... dark ... twisted ... sprung from the mind of a chef determined to leave their mark on society, for better or for worse?
I have.
At least, that's what some of my friends called this meal when I posted it to my WeChat moments! XD
I give you:
黑暗料理 (hēiàn liàolǐ) – literally "dark cuisine" 😱😱
And what, you ask, was the cuisine in question? Why, none other than:
皮蛋香菜披萨 (pídàn xiāngcài pīsà) – thousand-year egg and cilantro pizza (or "century egg" and "coriander" if you prefer), fresh from the Pizza Hut at a 万达 mall!!
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What do you think? Is this pizza an abomination or a stroke of genius?
We were told this was an new offering that they were seeking feedback on (read "experimental"), and as someone who enjoys both cilantro and preserved eggs, I just had to try. It was certainly an experience!
See you next time! 下次见!
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jessiesjaded · 6 months
It is funny sometimes seeing people get uppity about translators not doing exactly 1:1 translations of media, whether it be a book or a game or a series- and I get it from the perspective of say, 90s and 2000s anime adaptations that completely altered plot points, completely nixed entire lines of dialogue or alter characters enough that they were barely reminiscent of the original- think Sailor Moon and how the US dub censored anything gay in it. Those complaints I understand, completely.
And then with the advent of translating tools sometimes a company has pretty clearly been cheap or lazy and has just slapped it into an online translator and hodge podged it together, losing a lot of important details along the way, just to save on paying a proper translator and that is something I find absolutely shitty and extremely fair to point out- especially when it's a big corporation.
But the flipside people seem to forget is that sometimes there's not an exact word to translate to. Sometimes translations done to T will lose the humour or the feeling of the original so the translator will change it just enough to still get the expression across in a similar way as the original without bogging it down or losing its charm- localising something isn't always a bad thing as long as it overall stays true to the original. Translation is an art at the end of the day, sometimes whats on the page needs a little extra help to really pop, I have a lot of respect for the people who put in the effort.
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greenhorn-art · 1 year
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Got the plague. Got better. Got my missing creative motivation back from Santa and drew this on Christmas! :D
I’ve recently been watching Who Rules the World (just finished ep 19) and was struck with the urge to draw Hei-Bai Fengxi.
The greyscale version turned out pretty well, kinda prefer it even. I find it fitting for the 黑 (hēi, black) 白 (bái, white) couple!
Drawn Dec. 25, 2022 | Posted Jan. 22 2023
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orientalismx · 2 years
↬ 俗语 10
不可同日而语 | Bùkě tóngrì ér yǔ
The two cannot be mentioned in the same breath
"不可同日而语" 的意思是不能放在同一个时间谈论, 用来比喻差别很大, 不能放在一起比较。例如: 通信技术进步太快了, 过去跟现在不可同日而语。
"不可同日而语", literally "(two things) cannot be mentioned in the same breath", is used metaphorically to mean that there is no comparison between two people or two things becaus of the significant difference. For instance, in terms of science and technology, there is no comparision between the past and the present.
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chineseffect · 10 months
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Door to the Chineseffect Universe :)
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xiangqiankua · 2 years
Phrase of the day: 比日本製壓縮機還稀少 / rarer than a Japanese-made compressor (ie: very rare)
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I was very curious where such a phrase came from, apparently the origins lie in this air conditioner ad from many years ago:
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giri-giri-waifu · 7 months
It is really funny to me when my bilingual coworker comes up to me and starts talking away in Mandarin, I don't think they realize that they aren't speaking to me in English and I cant understand them. lol And then I have to be like... Wait. Start over please...
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I forgot how bad Killer and Healer subs were after watching Love is Written in the Stars...I need that subber to completely resub Killer and Healer, that would make my life so much fucking easier
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silver-grasp · 2 years
Reflecting on the fact that I understand basically everything my Chinese teacher says to me in Mandarin. This is 100% because she’s using teacher-talk of course, if I listen to normal Mandarin conversation I mostly get random vocabulary and maybe a phrase or two out of it, but hey. 1) I think I’m in the upper quarter of the class in terms of understanding what the teacher is saying, which is flattering especially because I skipped a whole level, and 2) I can both say and understand things that have some substance, now! That’s not nothing!
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mihai-florescu · 2 years
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Eastern european phobic cats smh
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