#Maple and Walnut Porridge recipe
0pt1m1st1c-4n0r3x1c · 3 months
Low Cal Breakfasts -
scrambled eggs ->
(make with just eggs and a nonstick pan)
1 small egg - 54cals
1 medium egg - 63cals
1 large egg - 72cals
1 small egg white - 13cals
1 medium egg white - 15cals
1 large egg white - 17cals
porridge oats ->
(make porridge with just water, it genuinely tastes so similar)
1/3 cup - 101cals
1/2 cup - 154cals
toppings for porridge ->
(let me know if you want me to add any additional toppings)
1 tsp maple syrup - 17cals
1 tbsp maple syrup - 50cals
1 tsp honey - 21cals
1 tbsp honey - 64cals
1 tbsp blueberries - 5cals
1 small banana - 90cals
1 medium banana - 105cals
1 large banana - 121cals
1 walnut - 26cals
crêpes (I'll link a recipe) ->
crêpe - 52cals
toppings for crêpes ->
(I'm not including the crossover of toppings with porridge)
1 tsp powdered sugar - 10cals
1 tbsp powdered sugar - 29cals
1/4 lemon - 4cals
1 lemon - 16cals
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thrivetrekchronicles · 8 months
Recipe – Set5 -7 Maple & Walnut Hemp Heart Porridge
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purehabit · 2 months
Oats For Weight Gain - How To Use Oats For Weight Gain?
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Some underweight people are difficult to gain on weight, no matter how much food they eat. Our goal is to assist you by encouraging a healthy weight increase. As much as we all know that oats are a complete food, did you also realize that, when made with whole milk, they really contribute to weight gain?
How to eat oats for weight gain?
Oats are a good source of iron, vitamin B, and minerals like manganese and zinc. You must combine your oats with creamy cheese or full-cream milk if you're making them in order to gain weight.
You may add more calories to your diet by simply eating 50 grams of oats and 300 milliliters of whole milk with nuts and dried fruits. This will have numerous health advantages.
You can also add some sweetness, a few dried fruits, chopped walnuts and almonds, and a dash of cinnamon to your homemade oatmeal.
When paired with the right foods, oatmeal can be a nutritious meal that helps you gain weight. This nutritious grain can have its calories doubled by cooking it with additional fruits and nuts
How to use oats for weight gain?
To gain weight in a healthy way, add more toppings that are high in calories. Here are a few ways you can increase the number of calories in your oats by adding these ingredients:
Pecans contain 196 calories per ounce.
A large banana added to your porridge will provide your body with an additional 135 calories.
Adding 109 calories to a quarter cup of raisins when combined with oats
A quarter of a cup of dehydrated apples contains 105 calories.
To gain weight, you only need to consume an additional 200–500 calories every day. It will be sufficient for you to meet your target if you eat your oatmeal with mashed bananas or a tablespoon of peanut butter.
You can increase the number of calories in your oatmeal by mixing in a cup of berries or chunks of mango. Thus, the explanation above may have dispelled your suspicions about oatmeal's ability to aid in weight growth.
If you’re looking to gain weight, adding nutrient-dense and calorie-rich foods to your diet can help. Here’s a recipe for a hearty, calorie-packed oatmeal that’s perfect for weight gain:
Nutty Banana Oatmeal
1 cup rolled oats
1 1/2 cups whole milk (or a milk alternative with added protein)
1 large banana, slicedOptional toppings: coconut flakes, dark chocolate 
2 tablespoons natural peanut butter (or almond butter)
1 tablespoon chia seeds
2 tablespoons honey or maple syrup
1/4 cup chopped nuts (like almonds, walnuts, or pecans)
1/4 cup dried fruit (like raisins or cranberries)
chips, or Greek yogurt
Cook the Oats:
In a medium saucepan, bring the milk to a boil.
Add the rolled oats and reduce the heat to a simmer.
Cook for about 5-7 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the oats are tender and have absorbed most of the milk.
Add Banana and Peanut Butter:
Stir in the sliced banana and peanut butter. Cook for an additional 1-2 minutes, until the banana is softened and the peanut butter is well incorporated.
Mix in Seeds and Sweetener:
Stir in the chia seeds and honey (or maple syrup). Cook for another minute, then remove from heat.
Add Nuts and Dried Fruit:
Mix in the chopped nuts and dried fruit.
Serve and Top:
Spoon the oatmeal into bowls. Add any optional toppings you like, such as coconut flakes, dark chocolate chips, or a dollop of Greek yogurt.
Nutritional Tips:
Protein Boost: For extra protein, you can stir in a scoop of protein powder or add a serving of Greek yogurt on top.
Healthy Fats: The nuts and peanut butter provide healthy fats which are great for calorie density.
Fiber and Micronutrients: Chia seeds and banana add fiber and important vitamins and minerals.
This oatmeal is rich in healthy fats, protein, and carbohydrates, making it a great option for weight gain. It’s also customizable, so you can adjust ingredients based on your taste preferences and nutritional needs. Enjoy!
Are oats good for weight gain?
There is a fact that any single food can not make you gain weight, you always need to add something for extra calories, and this is the same with oatmeal. If you are consuming oatmeal on a regular basis, then already you are consuming extra calories.
Pure Habit was founded on the belief that good nutrition should seamlessly fit into modern life. They are dedicated to providing high-quality oats that combine convenience with superior nutrition, ensuring that you never have to compromise on your health, no matter how busy you are.
Choose Pure Habit, a top contender for the best oats brand in India, for their commitment to high-quality oats and nutritional excellence. Their products are crafted from natural ingredients, ensuring no additives 
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101bestfoods · 5 months
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astraedax · 9 months
Historic Cooking
Nasaump is a traditional Wampanoag dish that is made from dried corn, local berries, and nuts. It is boiled in water until it thickens, and is similar to a porridge or oatmeal. 1 1/2 cups grits or cornmeal* 1 cup strawberries, raspberries, blueberries or a combination of all three 1/2 crushed walnuts, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds or a combination of all three 1 quart water Maple syrup or sugar to taste (optional) Combine cornmeal, berries, crushed nuts, and the optional sweetener in a pot of water and bring to a boil. Turn down the heat to medium and cook, stirring frequently, for 15 minutes-20 mins (*cornmeal will cook faster than grits).
This recipe is the English version of Nasaump. The word samp is a simplified English version of the word nasaump.
This description comes from the 1600s book "Two Voyages to New England", by John Josselyn:
It is light of digestion, and the English make a kind of Loblolly of it to eat with Milk, which they call Sampe; they beat it in a Morter, and sift the flower out of it; the remainder they call Hominey, which they put into a Pot of two or three Gallons, with Water, and boyl it upon a gentle Fire till it be like a Hasty Puden; they put of this into Milk, and so eat it.
Modern Version
2 cups coarse corn grits 4 cups water 1 cup milk ¼ cup sugar
Bring water to a boil in large saucepan with a heavy bottom. Add the corn grits and stir. Simmer until they are soft, about 10 minutes, and the water has been absorbed. Serve with milk and sugar.
Curd Fritters
Curds are a soft cheese like cottage cheese or ricotta. These fritters are a lot like thin pancakes or crepes. This recipe is from the 1594 cookbook "The Good Huswifes Handmaide for the Kitchin" (pp. 47-48):
Take the yolks of ten Egs, and breake them in a pan, and put to them one handful Curdes and one handful of fine flower, and sttraine them all together, and make a batter, and if it be not thicke ynough, put more Curdes in it, and salt to it. Then set it on the fyre in a frying pan, with such stuffe as ye will frie them with, and when it is hot, with a ladle take part of your batter, and put of it into the panne, and let it run as smal as you can, and stir then with a sticke, and turne them with a scummer, and when they be fair and yellow fryed, take them out, and cast Sugar upon them, and serve them foorth.
Modern Version
5 eggs curds (ricotta, cottage or other soft cheese) wheat or corn flour salt cooking oil or butter sugar
Make a thin batter with the eggs and equal amounts of curds and flour. Season with salt. Heat a small amount of cooking oil in your frying pan. When the oil is hot, pour in the batter and tip the pan to make the batter spread very thin (that’s what “let it run as small as you can” in the recipe means). They should be like crepes. When brown on one side, use your knife to flip them over or slide them onto a plate and flip them over into the pan. Add more oil to the pan when needed. Serve with sugar sprinkled on the top if you wish.
Turkey Sobaheg
Sobaheg is the Wampanoag word for stew. Like most stews, this dish is easily adapted to seasonal ingredients. The ground nuts help to thicken the sobaheg. Variations of this dish are still made in Wampanoag country today.
1/2 pound dry beans (white, red, brown or spotted kidney-shaped beans) 1/2 pound white hominy corn or yellow samp or coarse grits 1 pound turkey meat (legs or breast, with bone and skin) 3 quarts cold water 1/4 pound green beans, trimmed and cut into 1 inch-lengths 1/2 pound winter squash, trimmed and cubed 1/2 cup raw sunflower seed meats, pounded to a course flour (or pounded walnuts) Dried onion and/or garlic to taste Clam juice or salt to taste (optional)
Combine dried beans, corn, turkey, seasonings and water in a large pot. Bring to a simmer over medium heat, turn down to a very low simmer, and cook for about 2 1/2 hours. Stir occasionally to be certain bottom is not sticking. When dried beans are tender, but not mushy, break up turkey meat, removing skin and bones. Add green beans and squash, and simmer very gently until they are tender.
Add sunflower or nut flour, stirring until thoroughly blended.
Boiled Bread
Boiled bread is a small patty made mostly of cornmeal with crushed nuts and berries added in. It is dropped in a pot of boiling water and when done, rises to the top. 1 quart slightly boiled water 1/2 cup cornmeal 1/2 cup corn flour 1/2 cup dried cranberries, blueberries, and/or currants 1/2 cup crushed nuts or seeds (walnuts, hazelnuts or sunflower seeds) Maple syrup or sugar to taste (optional) Combine all ingredients in large bowl and mix thoroughly. After mixing, slowly add a spoonful at a time of slightly boiled water. When the mix is thick enough to be sticky, shape round patties (about 3 inches in diameter and 1/2 inch thick). Return water to slight rolling boil and drop in 1 or 2 patties, carefully making sure they do not stick to the bottom. Remove breads when they begin to float.
Stewed Pompion
This is a delicious recipe for pumpkin, known as "pompions" to English people in the 17th century, as were all squash. It is one of the earliest written recipes from New England, from a book written by John Josselyn, a traveler to New England in the 1600's. (John Josselyn, "Two Voyages to New England").
John Josselyn called this recipe a “standing dish” suggesting that this sort of pumpkin dish was eaten everyday or even at every meal. He called it “ancient” because English housewives had cooked this recipe in New England for a long time.
The Ancient New England standing dish. But the Housewives manner is to slice them when ripe, and cut them into dice, and so fill a pot with them of two or three Gallons, and stew them upon a gentle fire a whole day, and as they sink, they fill again with fresh Pompions, not putting any liquor to them; and when it is stew'd enough, it will look like bak'd Apples; this they Dish, putting Butter to it, and a little Vinegar, (with some Spice, as Ginger) which makes it tart like an Apple, and so serve it up to be eaten with Fish or Flesh: It provokes Urine extreamly and is very windy.
Modern Version
4 cups of cooked (boiled, steamed or baked) squash, roughly mashed 3 tablespoons butter 2 to 3 teaspoons cider vinegar 1 or 2 teaspoons ground ginger 1/2 teaspoon salt
In a saucepan over medium heat, stir and heat all the ingredients together. Adjust seasonings to taste, and serve hot.
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health1127 · 2 years
Maple & Walnut Hemp Heart Porridge
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askwhatsforlunch · 4 years
Maple and Walnut Porridge
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When I wake up to grey skies and falling rain, I want something hearty and comforting for breakfast. And I don’t know anything cosier than a steaming bowl of porridge. It doesn’t take long to prepare, perfect for a work day, and can be delicious, like this Maple and Walnut Porridge!
Ingredients (serves 1):
1/2 cup rolled oats
1 cup skimmed milk
1/2 teaspoon ve
1/4 walnut halves
1/2 tablespoon demerara sugar
1 tablespoon pure (Grade A) Canadian Maple Syrup
In a medium saucepan, combine rolled oats and 3/4 of the milk. Stir in ve, and grate in about 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg.
Heat over a low flame, stirring often until mixture thickens.
Roughly chop walnuts, saving one or two whole. Add two-thirds of the chopped walnuts to the porridge Gradually stir in remaining milk, demerara sugar, and half of the Maple Syrup, and cook to your liking (longer for a thicker porridge).
Spoon porridge into serving bowl. Scatter reserved chopped and whole walnuts on top and drizzle with remaining Maple Syrup. 
Enjoy Maple and Walnut Porridge immediately.
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fattributes · 2 years
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Sweet Morning Quinoa
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germanellewoods · 5 years
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These are some things I like to eat when I'm home studying, they don't take a lot of time and I can also prepare them in advance if I need to. If you would like to have the exact recipe, feel free to ask!
Yogurt with granola, banana and maple syrup
Quinoa with spinach and tomatoes
Sheet pan vegetables and chicken breast
Pasta with homemade pesto and sun-dried tomatoes
Vegetable soup
Porridge with apples, honey and cinnamon
Grilled pear with gorgonzola, honey, rosemary and walnuts
Quinoa salad with chickpeas
Curry with rice
Vegetables and pasta bake
Risotto with mushrooms
Porridge with blueberries and raspberries
Apple or pear crumble
Banana pancakes
Filled bell peppers
Spaghetti with asparagus and shrimps
Ramen with vegetables
Sheet pan vegetables and sweet potatoes
Banana bread
Homemade oven fries
Grilled feta cheese
Microwaved fluffy omelett
Always remember to take care of yourself! Healthy meals and enough sleep are essential!
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laurafruitfairy · 5 years
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The perfect autumn/winter smoothie bowl: Salted Caramel Nicecream with hot cinnamon apples & walnuts. 🤤🍂🍎 Full recipe in my story or follow the link in my bio! SALTED CARAMEL NICECREAM 2 frozen bananas 100g frozen cauliflower 1 Tbs date caramel 1/4 tsp salt 60g cashew yogurt 50g almond milk 2 small apples 1 Tbs maple syrup 1/2 tsp cinnamon Walnuts HOW TO: Follow the link in my bio for the full recipe. ♥️ I haven’t been posting recipes on my blog for a while because I got caught in a loop of perfectionism and insecurity. 🙈 I didn’t realise what it really comes down to - the quality of my recipes. I define a good recipe by the times I remake this recipe, not by its complexity. And let’s face it - we are all just looking for simple every day recipes that taste good & make our bodies happy too! ♥️ I started posting on Instagram 5 years ago to inspire people to live a healthier lifestyle. And you don’t need fancy recipes with 20+ ingredients and countless steps to live a happy, balanced lifestyle. What you really need is a few favourite recipes you keep remaking because they made you feel good. And those are the kinds of recipes I want to share with you. So expect more simple & fun recipes coming to my blog soon!! 🤗 feel free to subscribe via email to receive updates whenever I post 🙂 (usually only 2-3x per month max, so no spam). Enjoy your weekend! P.S. I just posted the unedited version of this picture on @fairypresets :) _________________________________________ Vanilleeis mit heißen Kirschen war gestern... sagt HALLO zu Salzkaramell-Nicecream mit heißen Zimtäpfeln und Walnüssen. 🍎🍂 Mein neues Lieblings-Frühstück für die kalte Jahreszeit. 🤤🙏🏼 Ich liebe zwar auch Oatmeal & andere Porridge-Varianten sehr, doch nach so einem Getreidebrei fühle ich mich immer „voll voll“. 😅 Kennt das jemand? Ich persönlich vertrage Smoothie Bowls etwas besser. Die liegen nicht so schwer im Magen und verdauen ganz schnell. Einziges Problem: sie sind kalt. 😥 Aus dem Dilemma heraus entstand diese Nicecream-Kreation. Und siehe da: Mir war nicht mehr kalt nach dem Essen! 😍 Probiert es aus - Rezept ist in der Story verlinkt. Noch ein kleiner Tipp am Rande: Joghurt ( (at Düsseldorf, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3zIRmoJuhD/?igshid=109x8qh83ykmk
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101bestfoods · 5 months
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alfineiros · 4 years
Top 60 Healthy Food Brunch Recipes
Searching for new early lunch thoughts? Attempt one of our 60 best informal breakfast plans! With a lot of sweet and appetizing choices, we have something for everybody.
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Early lunch Recipes
I figure informal breakfast may very well be the most mainstream dinner out there, and all things considered. An ideal blend of breakfast and lunch, it's a supper you relish on loosened up mornings, and it's an opportunity to stack up on new, sound nourishments just as sweet extravagances. In case you're searching for thoughts for anything from a major Christmas informal breakfast to an apathetic end of the week dinner for two, you're certain to discover something you love beneath. Loaded up with simple, possible, and delightful plans, this rundown is separated between sweet informal breakfast thoughts and exquisite early lunch thoughts. Also, there's a little area of early lunch commendable drinks toward the end.
1. Cinnamon Rolls
I make these custom made cinnamon rolls each year for these special seasons. Delicate, gooey, and simple to make, they're constantly a hit with loved ones!
Early lunch Recipes
2. My Favorite Banana Pancakes
These banana hotcakes are delicate, all around spiced, and brimming with delectable banana season. I utilize a mix of entire wheat baked good flour and oat flour to make them, so they're more advantageous than your normal flapjack, and they likewise happen to be veggie lover!
3. Exemplary French Toast
Custardy, delicately sweet, and brilliant earthy colored, this French toast formula is the ideal end of the week informal breakfast.
4. French Toast Bake
At the point when I'm making french toast for a gathering, I go to this prepared french toast. Made with challah, almond milk, and an earthy colored sugar beating, it's decadant and heavenly.
5. Sound Banana Bread
I can't envision a superior early lunch than thick cuts of banana bread close by something exquisite (read on for thoughts!). Made with almond flour, it's overly damp and nutty. Include the way that it's anything but difficult to make and pleasantly spiced, and you have a portion that checks all the banana bread boxes.
6. Lemon Cornmeal Pancakes from Love and Lemons Every Day
It does not shock anyone that I'm insane for these lemon flapjacks, yet attempt them, and I'm certain you will be as well. The lemon juice goes splendidly with the cornmeal base. Blueberries for serving are strongly suggested. 🙂
7. Best Carrot Cake
I make a carrot cake for Jack's April birthday consistently, so to me, it's one of the principal indications of spring. Cuts of this damp, nutty cake would be the ideal completion to a major spring informal breakfast. What's more, in case you're vegetarian, look at this formula.
8. Almond Flour Buckwheat Waffles from Love and Lemons Every Day
On the off chance that you or one of your visitors is without gluten, these waffles need to go on the menu. The almond and buckwheat flours give them an extraordinary nutty flavor, and they're consummately fresh. Top with new products of the soil syrup for supreme waffle paradise.
9. Prepared Oatmeal with Blueberries
Nothing beats a fresh, oat-y, nutty fixing over delicate heated oats and natural product. This make-ahead formula is one of my top picks for serving a group, and it's superb with any occasional natural product. Peaches, fruits, or another berry would all be acceptable here.
10. Veggie lover French Toast
11 Best Blueberry Muffins
12. Chocolate Zucchini Bread
13. Blueberry Scones
14. Pumpkin Bread
15. Matcha Baked Doughnuts
16. Veggie lover Lemon Muffins
17. Overnight Oats, 4 Ways (set up a short-term oat bar for a gathering!)
18. Banana Muffins
19. Cardamom Yogurt Tea Cake
20. Best Zucchini Bread
21. Coconut Mango Muffins
22. Carrot Waffles
23. Veggie lover Raspberry Coconut Scones
24. Carrot Quinoa Breakfast Cookies
25. Oats Breakfast Cookies
26. Daylight Citrus Chia Bowls
27. Pistachio Goji Berry Granola
28. The most effective method to Make Oatmeal
Appetizing Brunch Recipes
29. Caprese Eggs Benedict with Healthier Hollandaise
from Love and Lemons Every Day
Until I built up this smooth vegetarian hollandaise sauce formula, I never made eggs Benedict at home. The sauce consistently appeared to be too fastidious to even consider attempting in my own kitchen. Yet, this more advantageous variant meets up in a snap, and it's ideal over delicate poached eggs, cut tomato, and new basil.
30. A Frittata!
I've said it previously, and I'll state it once more: frittatas are the best informal breakfast plans. They're overly adaptable and easy to put together – incredible for serving a group. Utilize the most attractive veggies you can discover or take motivation from my preferred veggie, herb, and cheddar blends, which I list in the formula!
31. Breakfast Burritos
This stacked breakfast burrito formula is the most ideal approach to launch your morning. Loaded up with eggs and new veggies, it's solid, fun and simple to make!
32. Shakshuka with Spinach and Harissa
Since runny eggs poached in fiery tomato sauce + great hard bread = early lunch heaven.
33. Solid Breakfast Casserole
My mother's morning meal goulash formula enlivened this veggie-filled egg prepare, along these lines, obviously, it's a staple on our early lunch table. It's new and brimming with veggies, however the best part is the mystery layer of broiled sweet potatoes stowing away at the base!
34. Spinach Artichoke Pizza
Move over, spinach artichoke plunge! This pizza is my new most loved tidbit. The smooth, briny white bean artichoke sauce and strong spinach pesto make a tasty appetizing fixing for fresh outside layer.
35. Sound Egg Salad
What could be cuter than little egg serving of mixed greens sandwiches (or egg plate of mixed greens crostini) in an informal breakfast spread? Regardless of whether you've never loved egg plate of mixed greens, I urge you to attempt this too brilliant, new formula that likewise has a yummy veggie lover alternative.
36. Flavorful Porridge
Entire oat porridge gets an appetizing twist with innovative flavor mixes like butternut squash and ginger, or miso and avocado.
37. Rainbow Kale Salad with Carrot Ginger Dressing
A major green serving of mixed greens is constantly an invite expansion to an informal breakfast table, and this one has everything: fresh spring radishes, crunchy broiled chickpeas, smooth avocado, toasty seeds, and dried cranberries for a little sweetness. A new carrot ginger dressing is the wonderful finish.
38. Strawberry Salad with Basil and Avocado
The best early lunch plans push the limits among sweet and flavorful, and this strawberry serving of mixed greens does only that. Sweet berries pair splendidly with smooth avocado and mozzarella, tart tomatoes, nutty walnuts, and new basil, while a balsamic sprinkle includes the tang that integrates everything.
39. Appetizing Porridge
40. Breakfast Burritos
41. Avocado and Egg Brown Rice Bowls
42. Sound Green Breakfast Tacos (a morning meal taco bar with fried eggs, tortillas, and everything on the side would be so fun!)
43. Shiitake Bacon and Egg Breakfast Tacos
44. Ranchers Market Breakfast Bowls
45. Blueberry Feta Flatbread
46. Chickpea Salad Wraps with Avocado Dill Sauce
47. Tart Cherry Tabbouleh
48. Veggie Frittata Muffins
49. Breakfast Panzanella
50. Chilaquiles with Avocado
51. Chickpea Feta Shakshuka
52. Citrus Napa Cabbage Salad
53. Stove Roasted Potatoes
Mimosa Recipe
54. Exemplary Mimosas
55. Strawberry Banana Smoothie
56. Rich Avocado Smoothie
57. Coconut Matcha Latte (or utilize hand crafted oat milk)
58. Lemon Mint Juleps
59. Exemplary Margaritas (present with breakfast tacos!)
60. Ginger Tea Hot Toddy (present with Christmas or New Year's Brunch!)
On the off chance that you cherished these informal breakfast plans, look at our preferred Healthy Breakfast Ideas and Easy Dinner Ideas!
60 Best Brunch Recipes
Planning Time: 10 mins
Cook Time: 15 minsTotal Time: 25 mins
Serves 4
My Favorite Banana Pancakes
1 tablespoon ground flaxseed
3 tablespoons water
½ cup squashed banana, around 1 enormous
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, in addition to additional for brushing
1 teaspoon vanilla
¾ cup + 2 tablespoons almond milk, more if necessary
1½ cup entire wheat baked good flour*
½ cup oat flour**
2 teaspoons heating powder
½ teaspoon heating pop
1 teaspoon cinnamon
½ teaspoon nutmeg
loading ¼ teaspoon ocean salt
Maple syrup, for serving
In a huge bowl, consolidate the flaxseed, water, and banana. Pound and mix until all around consolidated. Let the blend sit for 5 minutes to thicken. Include the olive oil, vanilla, and almond milk and whisk. Include the flour and sprinkle the preparing powder, heating pop, cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt uniformly preposterous. Mix until all the fixings are consolidated, yet the hitter is still somewhat uneven. The player will be somewhat thick yet in the event that it's too thick to even consider scooping, mix in an extra 1 tablespoon almond milk.
Warmth a nonstick skillet or frying pan to medium warmth. Brush the skillet with a little olive oil and utilize a ⅓-cup estimating cup to pour the player onto the container. Utilize the rear of the cup to tenderly spread the hitter somewhat more. Cook the flapjacks until bubbles show up, about 1½ minutes per side, turning the warmth to low varying so the middles cook without consuming the exterior. I as a rule start with medium warmth and move to low warmth as my skillet begins to hold leftover warmth after each cluster.
Present with maple syrup, cut bananas, and walnuts, whenever wanted.
*I like Bob's Red Mill Whole Wheat Pastry Flour*To make the oat flour, utilize a nourishment processor or a blender to process a stacking ½ cup folded oats into a fine flour and measure out one level ½ cup.
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kembungsusu · 3 years
Pecan & Maple Syrup Porridge. The pecan (Carya illinoinensis) is a species of hickory native to northern Mexico and the southern United States in the region of the Mississippi River. The tree is cultivated for its seed in the southern United States, primarily in Georgia, New Mexico, and Texas, and in Mexico. Pecans, Carya illinoinensis is total fat and manganese rich nut which provides energy, oxidative stress prevention, heart health and lower inflammation.
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Other benefits of pecan include reduced risk of hypertension, diabetes, gallstone disease and cancer. Pecan, nut and tree of the walnut family (Juglandaceae), native to temperate North America. The pecan nuts may be eaten raw, sweetened, or salted and are widely used in pastries and with chocolate.
Hello everybody, hope you are having an incredible day today. Today, we're going to prepare a distinctive dish, pecan & maple syrup porridge. One of my favorites food recipes. For mine, I am going to make it a little bit unique. This will be really delicious.
Pecan & Maple Syrup Porridge is one of the most favored of current trending foods in the world. It is enjoyed by millions daily. It's easy, it is fast, it tastes delicious. They are nice and they look wonderful. Pecan & Maple Syrup Porridge is something which I have loved my whole life.
The pecan (Carya illinoinensis) is a species of hickory native to northern Mexico and the southern United States in the region of the Mississippi River. The tree is cultivated for its seed in the southern United States, primarily in Georgia, New Mexico, and Texas, and in Mexico. Pecans, Carya illinoinensis is total fat and manganese rich nut which provides energy, oxidative stress prevention, heart health and lower inflammation.
To get started with this particular recipe, we must prepare a few components. You can cook pecan & maple syrup porridge using 5 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook it.
The ingredients needed to make Pecan & Maple Syrup Porridge:
{Get Handful of porridge oats.
{Take of Oat milk (or any milk you like).
{Make ready 1 of small banana.
{Take Handful of pecan nuts.
{Get of Lashings of maple syrup.
Pecans are recommended for home landscapes from the Coastal Plains to the Piedmont but are not recommended for the mountains because of reduced yields due to late freezes. Meaning of pecan in English. paccan, peccan (dated, possibly obsolete). Borrowed from French pacane and at first spelt paccan. The French word derives from an Algonquian word, perhaps Miami (Illinois) pakani.
Steps to make Pecan & Maple Syrup Porridge:
Add as much milk as you like to your porridge oats and microwave for 3 minutes. I use a small handful of oats and about 300 mls milk. You can thin it out with hot water after cooking if you like it looser..
Dice your banana and add 2/3rds to your cooked oats, give them a good stir..
Dot the remaining banana on your porridge, sprinkle with crumbled pecans and finish with a generous amount of maple syrup 😋.
Compare Cree pakan ("hard nut"), Ojibwe bagaan, Abenaki pagann, bagôn, pagôn ("nut; walnut, hazelnut"). Pecan nuts are native to the central and southern regions of the US, but today they are cultivated all over the world. The secret of their popularity is an extremely high nutritious value and delicious buttery. Making perfect pecan pie is easier than you think. The Pioneer Woman shows you how with her delicious pecan pie recipe.
So that's going to wrap this up for this special food pecan & maple syrup porridge recipe. Thank you very much for your time. I am sure you can make this at home. There is gonna be more interesting food in home recipes coming up. Don't forget to save this page in your browser, and share it to your family, colleague and friends. Thanks again for reading. Go on get cooking!
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newgnitin · 3 years
7 Maple & Walnut Hemp Heart Porridge   https://qkpage3.co/p/newgnitin6          Recipe
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kitchensinkblog · 7 years
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I’ve been playing with @RogersGrains original porridge oats and came up with a baked oatmeal cinnamon roll filled with chopped walnuts and raisins and topped off with coconut yogurt cream cheese frosting. Oh yes...this is a good one! Not only is this delicious, it’s healthy(ish) and can even be made the night before and warmed up. This recipe makes one large serving. Baked Oatmeal Cinnamon Roll What you need: 1/2 cup porridge oats, uncooked 1/2 tsp cinnamon 1/2 tsp nutmeg 1/4 tsp allspice 1 tbsp sultana raisins 1 tbsp chopped walnuts 1 1/2 tbsp maple syrup 1/2 tsp pure vanilla paste or extract 1/2 ripe banana, mashed 1/4 cup milk or almond milk pinch of salt What to do: Preheat oven to 375 degrees. In a medium bowl mix all of the ingredients with a fork. Pour the whole mixture into a ramekin that has been sprayed with cooking spray (1-cup capacity). Cook for 20 minutes until set. Allow to cool before removing from the ramekin. While the oatmeal is in the oven, prepare the frosting. Coconut Yogurt Cream Cheese Frosting What you need: 1/4 cup coconut Greek yogurt 1/2 cup cream cheese (room temperature) 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract 4 tbsp powdered sugar 2 tbsp milk or almond milk What to do: Add all ingredients to the food processor and blend until smooth. Spread prepared frosting on top of baked oatmeal and sprinkle with ground cinnamon. Store leftover frosting in the fridge for a few days.
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Chickpea Cookie Dough Balls
I’m a huge fan of the idea of adding beans, lentils and pulses into sweet treats. They bump up the fibre, mineral and vitamin content while giving desserts a lovely moist texture. It also means you don’t need to add as much flour or even cut it out completely!
Beans & pulses are so underrated, under-consumed and unappreciated. They’re such an amazing source of nutrients, protein and fibre and yet as a nation we hardly ever eat them! Baked beans are probably the only exception but they come with added salt and sugar and to be fair there is only so much you can do with them. On toast, on baked potatoes or on the side of a fry up. 
Beans and pulses are so versatile and can be used in so many interesting and fun ways. In savoury meals they can be used in an unlimited number of ways, but they can also be used in sweet treats. I’ve already used chickpeas in blondies and brownies recipes and used black beans in chocolate cupcakes. I’ve even used lentils in a porridge recipe as a way to take advantage of the goodness they have to offer first thing in the morning. 
Adding chickpeas to a recipe like this is such an easy way to incorporate more beans into your diet. They’re also a fantastic way to get more beans into fussy kid’s diets. 
These chickpea cookie dough balls are a great snack to have in the fridge to enjoy between meals or even as an after meal dessert. With chocolate chips in the centre and a dark chocolate coating, it will also help satisfy your chocolate cravings without consuming too much sugar and getting in some good stuff at the same time!
Chickpea Cookie Dough Balls
Makes: 12-14
1x 400g can (1 1/4 cup) chickpeas 4 tbsp maple syrup 130g (1/2 cup) peanut butter 30g (1/4 cup) vanilla protein powder Pinch of salt 45g dairy-free chocolate chips
For the coating: 150g Dairy-free dark chocolate for the coating, melted
Add all the ingredients apart from the chocolate chips into a food processor and blend until smooth.  Fold in the chocolate chips and shape into walnut size balls.  Place in the freezer and allow to chill for 30 minutes. Dip each ball in the melted chocolate and place on a plate/chopping board covered with parchment paper.  Return to the freezer for 10 minutes or until the chocolate has set. Store in the fridge for up to 5 days. Enjoy! 
Chickpea Cookie Dough Balls was originally published on UK Health Blog - Nadia's Healthy Kitchen
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