#Maren Chase
lgbtqreads · 1 month
April 2024 Deal Announcements
Featured Deal Levine Querido buys YA contemporary ONE OF THE BOYS in 24-hour pre-empt  In a 24-hour pre-empt, Irene Vázquez at Levine Querido has acquired Victoria Zeller’s debut novel One of the Boys. Jordan Hamessley at JABberwocky Literary Agency sold world English and world Spanish rights.  Continue reading April 2024 Deal Announcements
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little2nerdy · 4 months
i wanna see fan art of older percy and annabeth with scars and grey steaks in their hair. they’re in college or full adults and living their best lives but during the summer they’re putting extra sunscreen on their old battle wounds and when percy grows out his hair or annabeth gets new braids they have a matching silver streak. i want to see them as happy adults buy still visibly carrying the weight of everything they went through as children. they deserve not to have those lost with age, its proof that they lived, that they made it.
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turtlesoupqueen · 4 months
Diplo explains the secret to being a groomer and getting away with it after the #metoo era.
I just pick underage black girls and talk to them for years until they believe they owe me something for all the attention I’ve given them.
I give them STDs that statistically they’ll get anyways.
I continue to make music with white liberal artists who don’t practice what they preach.
I sue them before they can sue me.
I never address the accusations publicly.
I use revenge porn to remind people who the real criminals are. The whores.
I’m a music producer.
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princess-of-songs · 1 year
I’m Princess of Songs and this is my blog🫶🏾. I love talking about movies, tv shows, webtoons, music, and books.
Down below are my top ten favorite recommendations💕:
Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story
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Awkward. (Yes, I’m still a Jakenna stan)
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Some Other Now by Sarah Everett
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The Summer of Chasing Mermaids by Sarah Ockler
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The Princess and the Frog
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Bones and All
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Renaissance -Beyoncé
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Renaissance -Aluna
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I Love Yoo by Quimchee on WEBTOON
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the-slumberparty · 1 year
April Monthly Challenge: Mob AU Masterlist
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Thank you to everyone who participated!
Marvel Characters
Bucky Barnes
Bandaged with Love by @jobean12-blog
SALT by @buckets-and-trees
Take Some More by @slyyywriting
Passionate Negotiations by @targaryenvampireslayer
Chasing Love by @jobean12-blog
Your White Wolf by @witchywithwhiskey
Bound to You by @flordeamatista
Forbidden by @raqnarokr
Loki and Bucky Barnes
Brut Gold by @mochie85
Brut Gold: Chapter 2 by @mochie85
Tony Stark
Trapped by @ironlady1993
Chris Evans Characters
Curtis Everett
Within the Shadows by @shadeysprings
Sebastian Stan Characters
Nick Fowler
Partners in Crime by @navybrat817 *
Miscellaneous Characters
Dean Winchester
Blind Dates and Secrets by @alicewonderao3
John Wick
Through the Eye by @darkficsyouneveraskedfor
Maren Yearly and Lee Bones
Devil Like Me by @darksideofthecocoamoon
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imogenkol · 5 months
tagged by @aceghosts @corvosattano and @simonxriley to do this uquiz! Thank you beloveds 💕💕💕
tag list (ask to be added or removed!): @adelaidedrubman @florbelles @marivenah @shegetsburned @voidika @kyber-infinitygems @inafieldofdaisies @socially-awkward-skeleton @carlosoliveiraa @risingsh0t @unholymilf @thedeadthree @cassietrn @jackiesarch @gwynbleidd @shellibisshe @loriane-elmuerto @katsigian @captastra @simplegenius042 @theelderhazelnut
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"any fool can know; the point is to understand," says albert einstein. you are constantly seeking the secret of the world. your pen is on paper, your head is in a book, your life is on the line if your knowledge hasn't been sharpened to the finest point. your studies are on the level of being compulsive in nature. it feels wrong to pull a pen away from paper, as if the words on the page are incomplete, or the paragraphs are too short, so you must keep writing words to bring sense to it. one day, the pages will run out and you will be left alone, knowing everything and having nothing. the urge will come to start a new book. the urge will come to lose your mind to find knowledge. your painting is "studying" by maren jeskanen.
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you mourn your losses. it is as if something has been torn from your soul and you are forever a lost fragment seeking what you have lost. it will take you time to accept some things are better floating through the universe, taken from us with vice and leaving us incomplete. your corners will drift through the ocean and each grain of sand you brush by will sand you down. you will reach the beaches healed, and your sharp corners will become dull and smooth to the touch. your painting is "anguish" by august friedrich schenck.
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you long for something you have never had. it is just out of reach and your fingertips graze it constantly. you can feel its electricity buzzing through you and just the adrenaline is enough to keep you chasing it. your legs are tired and your body is disfigured but you reach out anyway, you stretch your arms forward and throw yourself at what is ahead. better days are coming. rest will find you soon, you hope, but until it does, you will keep running. the end justifies the means. the end keeps you running. you will know when to stop, you are sure of it, but it isn't yet. rest will find you. your painting is "tender grace of a day that is dead" by walter langley.
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nescaveckwriter · 5 months
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Paintbrushes And Romance 🥰🐞 - Part 16
Dean x Fem/Reader
Part 16🥰🐞
A/N: This is heartbreaking, and beautiful, fluffy, fluffy and more fluff😋
Side Note: Thank you all so much for the support. Much love, my bugsies 🥰🐞
Warnings: anger, raised voices, sexual content 🙈
Opening your eyes, tilting your head upwards, lifting a little of his chest, admiring the brown, beard fading into a slight whitish gray, he looks so peaceful, he might be a giant, but his a gentle giant.
Snuggling closer to him, the cinnamon, woody with just a touch of orange blossom scent coming from him awakens her senses. Tracing little circular movements on his chest, thoughts wandering off too last night, a smile tugging at her lips, remembering ever little detail, the way he cherished her, made her feel loved, and wanted, desirable even, sent an electric sensation through her body.
Somehow this man with his sky blue, heart melting eyes, took a hold of your heart, there was a softness in his masculinity, a protective warmth in his strong arms and a soul that whispers, I know you don't need me, but I'll always be here.
His voice sounded husky, when he said morning darling, hearing him call her that, in his tone of voice, with that deep southern accent of his, was enough to send her over the edge.
Morning, her voice sounded almost musical. Their eyes met again, and so did their lips, she knew in that very moment, if she didn't start making her way home today, she'll probably never leave his warmth.
Studying the room one last time, remembering the pain, healing, laughter and then finally the love and intimacy these walls came to recognize, she took out her sketch pad, not the one Benny gave her, but a new one she bought, for capturing the moments the two of them shared, the first page was a pencil sketch of the three of them sitting at the dinner table, laughing about the cat who stole the drumstick, the last two pages was filled with rough sketches about the cherry blossom tree and then the two of them all tangled up underneath the covers.
Putting it on the bed, with a note attached "saying thank you Benny for looking after me and helping me to get better and trust again, in here you'll find all the memories we made, I will cherish you in my heart forever. Much love , your ladybug darling " signing the letter with a little heart, and a lipstick stain from her pouting lips.
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Looking at the woman with her lively eyes and short brownish hair, she could see tears shimmering, trying to keep your own voice steady, I'm going to miss you Judy, thank you for everything, I literally would not have been here if it weren't for you.
Oh honey, take care of yourself she said while pulling you into a hug, I'll always be here if you need me okay! Now I have to go before I cuff you the house so that you never leave, a little laugh escaping her lips.
Walking closer to where Benny were standing you could see his forehead furrowed and he's brows drew together, his bright blue eyes became a greyish colour, revealing the sadness, your lips parched to say something, he leaned in, tasting your lips, one last time, still holding you close, a sad smile forming on his face,
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I'll be back Benny, your voice sounded breathy, his raspy, voice washed over you saying no you won't darling now go and be free but remember you'll never be unloved by me, you are too well tangled in my soul and therefore I will always be there whenever you need me.
Her eyes swam with tears, she sighed while digging her head in his chest, I love you Benny.
"I love you too Darling he said while kissing the crown of her head.
With wide eyes she said I should stay.
No! Go be brave, be free darling. I'll be here, he purred.
Getting into your car sending one last glance over your shoulder before driving through the rusty gates. You wondered if you'll ever see him again.
You just drove, you were so tempted to turn back, your heart was torn, on the one side there's Dean who you'll always love and then the other side Benny, who captured your heart. Damnit I'm confused, whispering to yourself. Making a promise to no-one really, that you were just going to focus on making amends its the final step, and for the rest, you'll figure it out as you go.
She drove into her old hometown first stop Bobby she inhaled, this is going to be hard isn't it!
She knocked on the door, hearing the old man's rough voice coming through the door, - what the hell, get off my property, I will shoot, door screeched open.
Noticing the shotgun and him standing upright, made her laugh.
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He sounded overjoyed, babygirl, tears shown in his deep blue eyes. He grabbed ahold of her, so happy to see you, you look better than ever.
Laughter overtook her, so glad to see you too Bobby.
Inviting her in, they talked, she apologized, he did the same, telling eachother everything.
She got up promising she'll come by and drink coffee, but she had a few people she needed to see.
Before heading out the door Bobby stopped you, his voice sounded heavy, babygirl, just a heads up, Dean took your leaving hard, he can tell you everything himself, but his better now, he went back to his old ways though, different woman every week.
One of his one night stands from back in the day showed up in town, and they started to see eachother again. not sure how that's going, but I just wanted to let you know.
Oh! Thanks Bobby, her words sounded more brittle than she intended. She gave Bobby one last hug, walking towards her car, thinking about how much she hurt him, her glossy eyes revealed the throbbing pain in her chest.
Inhaling some air into her lungs she drove towards the house she grew up in.
Recalling one of the quotes Benny used to say from JK Rowling "Anything's possible if you got enough nerve" , her mouth curving into a smile. That man and his quotes.
She pulled into the driveway shaking just a bit. She just stood there making sure she looked good, knocking on the door.
Seeing her mom open the door, the emotion welling up in her eyes, Hi mom, her lower lip trembling.
Honey your home, Caroline sobbed. Pulling her daughter into a heartfelt hug.
I'm so sorry about everything mom, I..I.. was just so broken, I'm so sorry for causing all this pain.
Looking into her daughter's eyes, seeing the light in them again, is the only apology she ever needed.
The two of them spend the rest of the day, catching up, crying, holding eachother.
When Bill came home, he acknowledged the joy gleaming from his wife, sweetie?
"Sweetheart look in the living room, she insisted.
He just stood there, hearing his daughter's sweet voice, hello daddy. His eyes glistening, babygirl he exclaimed!
She ran towards him, Hugging him, apologising and telling him everything.
Glancing at your parents, realising you had no idea how much you missed them, that night after dinner you lend your mom's phone to video call your brother.
The shocked look on Joe's face revealing he expected his mother, not you. Sis! He expressed. They talked till the early morning hours, mocking him a bit, about the grey in his now longer beard. They laughed and cried. After making plans to go and visit him in Chicago the two of you said your goodbyes and hung up the phone.
Exhaustion over took you and you drifted off.
When you went to make amends with Cas, he didn't judge you, he just listened to you, expressing his gratitude towards the two people who took care off you. You also learned that day , that Dean were out of town, on some case his working on, And Sam and Eileen went on a three month cruise so you could not get in contact with them.
You spent the next two months working on your new novel, creating new paintings and joining a yoga class, you and the yoga instructor, just clicked, she was an amazing soft kind hearted woman with her luscious dark hair and friendly eyes. You and Lisa became good friends very quickly.
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Breathe in, through your nose and out through your mouth, that's it, she soothed to the class. Thank you all for being here, Namaste.
While rolling up your yoga mat, you see Lisa coming closer, hey there, her voice sung.
Aren't you chipper. You betcha ya, she giggled. Why would that be Lis? My boyfriend is coming back tonight or tomorrow.
Aww really, I would love to meet this mysterious man! You exclaimed.
Lisa laughed, oh you will, but first we are spending our weekend under the covers. I've missed him so much.
You let out a giggle, you should enjoy it, we'll meet up, after your weekend of pleasure.
Pulling your car in the garage, walking into your house, grabbing a previously prepped green juice out of the fridge, falling to the couch.
Jikes! Feeling a little woozy after the morning yoga, and staying up till 3 , writing, thinking maybe you'll take a short nap, you snuggled into the couch a bit deeper.
Your eyes flung open when you heard the familiar sound of the impala's engine purring down the street. He's back!
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Seeing his phone receiving a message from Lisa while driving past her house made him winch. Of course it doesn't make him exactly a good man, being with Lisa and thinking about her, but hell that's the situation his in.
After getting home and taking a shower, throwing on some joggers, headed straight for the bedroom, to sleep, falling flat on his stomach, arms stretched out wide over the mattress letting out a sigh, finally some sleep.
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The knocking of the door, made him flinch uttering, what the hell, go away, the knocking silenced, but then started back up again.
I swear, I'll shoot you, he growled, the wooden floor creaking underneath his bare feet. Turning the door knob, what! he commanded!
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His brows knitted, his jaw line tightened, his face seemed cold and hard but his heart was rapidly beating. She stood there, in a white sundress, her hair much longer than before, her complexion as beautiful as ever, there was a sense of lightness radiating from her.
Her voice sounded like a symphony, Hello Dean.
Hello Dean, hello Dean that's what you have to say, his words sounded tight.
I.. I didn't come to fight, I came to make amends, to say I'm sorry, about everything.
He gritted his teeth, yeah if only it was so damn easy!
Her voice sounded soft, and low, listen Dean, I just wanted to let you know that I don't blame you, for anything and I'm truly sorry for what I said, and how I just left, I truly hope one day you'll be able to forgive me.
Noticing her shaking, her eyes glancing over with the wetness of the tears she's trying to fight back, all he wanted to do is pull her close, make her feel his love, but for some reason his words was brutal, how the hell do you expect me to just forgive and forget.
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I hate you, I hate what you did, I hate what you said, I hate the way you just left, like I didn't matter to you.
Her jaw dropped, her eyes wide, brittleness in her voice, this was a mistake, she turned around, fleeing to her car.
You, us, were a mistake, he growled. Taking in the sight of her leaving again, made him realise, he didn't hate her, he loved her.
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Sprinting, cathing up with her, grabbing ahold of her body, hands on her hips, throwing her over his shoulder, he hissed, want to talk, sweetheart, lets talk...
Put me down Dean she demanded. Closing the door with the back of his leg, placing her down, her back now against the door, he stood there in front of her, his voice thick, I'm sorry for what I just said , searching her eyes, she didn't make a sound, running his hand down her arms, the friction it caused made his heart rate go faster, grabbing ahold of her hands, pinning it above her head, she whimpered, he crashed his lips against her tasting the sweetness he remembered, breathy he told her you have any idea how much I craved you, her lips parted like she wanted to say something, but he didn't want words, he want their bodies to speak for them, and their hearts to listen, the two of them was starved for each other, his hands lingered over her body, removing the sundress, she's digging her nails into his back, pulling him closer, wanting him more and more. Ravishing eachother, exploring one another, he remembered all her little weak spots, making the sweetest moans escapes her lips. He groaned knowing she wanted him as much as he did. Panting and out of breath they lay in eachother's other arms, knowing their home again...
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Din Djarin x Reader playlist?
SAY LESS. Okay, so this is a messy ass playlist. Basically, it has no real thought to it, but was created solely on vibes. If I heard a song that screamed Din Djarin x Reader (specifically for 'A Fresh Start') then it made the list.
side note if someone who is artistically inclined would like to make me a cute little banner for this story i would love you forever. i am good at one thing and it is sometimes stringing words together in a coherent and amusing way.
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Hello My Old Heart The Oh Hellos
"Hello my old heart/ It's been so long/ Since I've given you away/ And everyday I add another stone/ To the walls I built around you/ To keep you safe."
Kill For Your Love Labrinth
"I'll kill, I'll kill for a little drop of your good love/ I'll rob and steal stars to keep it lit up in your world/ The alphabet need only U and S/ Cause all we'll ever need is us."
die first Nessa Barrett
"But if one of us dies/ I hope I die first/ Cause I don't wanna live without you/ I don't wanna ever learn/ How to fall asleep without you."
Ocean (ft. Khalid) Martin Garrix
"You could put an ocean between our love, love, love/ It won't keep us apart/ You could build a wall I would run it up, up, up/ Just to get to your heart."
I Could Use a Love Song Maren Morris
"I could use a love song/ That takes me back, just like that/ When it comes on/ To a time when I wouldn't roll my eyes/ At a guy and a girl/ who make it work in a world/ That for me so far just seems to go so wrong."
ceilings Lizzy McAlpine
"Bed sheets, no clothes/ Touch me like nobody else does/ Lovely to just lay here with you/ You're kinda cute and I would say all of this/ But I don't wanna ruin the moment."
Oh My Stars Andrew Belle
"Everything you see is ours, or it could be if you would try/ I wish you would, I wish you might, oh/ If everything you've said to me has been true, oh/ Then all my stars are leadin' me to you, oh."
The Anchor Bastille
"Morning, noon, day, or night/ You were the light that is blinding me/ You're the anchor that I tie to my brain/ Cause when it feels like I'm lost at sea/ You're the song I sing again and again/ All the time, all the time/ I think of you all the time."
Castaway Brett Eldridge
"If I got smart, I'd trade my wings for your heart/ And I'd promise to never chase the wind/ I look up at the moon, but all I see is you/ And I'm reminded I need your love again."
this is what falling in love feels like JVKE
"I got a lot on my mind/ Got some more on my plate/ My baby got me looking forward/ To the end of the day/ What you say?/ You and me?/ Just forget about the past."
Parachute Kyndal Inskeep & Song House
"Who knew/ I'd be falling like I am with you/ Heart's up in my throat that's what you do/ Love is pretty scary when it's true/ And oh we know/ Every step is like walking on a tight rope/ Gravity is begging me to let go/ Love is pretty scary when it's true/ Afraid of height but you're my parachute."
To Hell & Back Maren Morris
"Now heartbreak ain't a competition/ But I took it in a landslide/ The skeletons I wanted to bury/ You liked out in the light/ You didn't save me/ You didn't think I needed saving/ You didn't change me/ You didn't think I needed changing."
Powerful (ft. Ellie Goudling) Major Lazer
"There's an energy when you hold me/ When you touch me, it's so powerful/ I couldn't leave if I wanted to/ Cause something keeps pulling me back to you."
Dandelions Ruth B.
"I think that you are the one for me/ Cause it gets so hard to breathe/ When you're looking at me/ I've never felt so alive and free/ When you're looking at me/ I've never felt so happy."
Crashing (ft. Bahari) ILLENIUM
"Hey, are you really this good?/ Damn, are you really this good?/ Baby, you're just like a drug/ I'd bottle you up if I could."
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Tell me what you think? Is there one song here that you think really encapsulates Din and our reader?? Do you have a suggestion or a song you think of when you read A Fresh Start??
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standfucker · 5 months
WIP Stats
I jump from WIP to WIP chasing whatever muse I'm given on that particular writing session. In that process it's easy to forget I am actually making progress. So this is more for myself rather than anything else, but here are some WIP stats to show myself that yes, I have been writing, I just can't focus on any one thing at the moment so it feels like nothing gets done:
Wire x Reader: 1719 words
Rob Lucci x Reader: 3323 words, outline finished
Kid Pirates x Reader: 16452 words, intro and buildup done
Inuarashi x Reader Request: 3125 words, outline finished
Young!Maren x Reader: 5180 words
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little2nerdy · 5 months
I love seeing all the fan artists that are redrawing their old annabeth fan art so it looks like leah, it makes me so happy, i also especially love when they draw book annabeth and show annabeth together, it’s a sort of passing the torch from one generation to the next ❤️
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hannasbookshelf · 9 months
𝐡𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐲 𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐬
The Enemy Trap - Maren Moore (same world as The Newspaper Nanny but standalone)
The Newspaper Nanny - Maren Moore (same world as The Enemy Trap but standalone)
Totally Pucked - Maren Moore :
Change on the Fly
Sincerely, The Puckbunny
The Scorecard (duet with The Final Score)
The Final Score (duet with The Scorecard)
The Penalty Shot
Playboy Playmaker
D.C. Eagles Hockey - Leah Brunner :
Passion or Penalty (Novella)
Desire or Defense
Flirtation or Faceoff
The Vancouver Agitators - Meghan Quinn :
Kiss and Don't Tell
Those Three Little Words
Right Man, Right Time
Playing for Keeps - Becka Mack :
Consider Me
Play With Me
Unravel Me
Maple Hills - Hannah Grace :
Mendell Hawks - Deanna Grey :
Sunny Disposition
Team Players
Off-Campus - Elle Kennedy (problematic author) :
The Deal
The Mistake
The Score
The Goal
The Legacy
Briar U - Elle Kennedy (problematic author) :
The Chase
The Risk
The Play
The Dare
Pucking Wrong - C.R.Jane :
The Pucking Wrong Number
The Pucking Wrong Guy
Pucked - Helena Hunting :
Pucked Up
Pucked Over
Forever Pucked
Pucked Off
Pucked Love
All In - Helena Hunting :
A Lie for a Lie
A Favor for a Favor
A Secret for a Secret
A Kiss for a Kiss
Rules of the Game - Avery Keelan
Jacksonville Rays - Emily Rath :
That One Night (prequel-Novella to Pucking Around)
Pucking Around
Pucking Wild
Pucking Sweet
Time to Shine - Rachel Reid
Game Changers - Rachel Reid :
Game Changer
Heated Rivalry
Tough Guy
Common Goal
Role Model
The Long Game
Gravity - Tal Bauer
Vancouver Wolves Hockey - Odette Stone :
Puck Me Secretly
Home Game
The Penalty Box
High Risk Rookie
Vancouver Storm - Stephanie Archer :
Behind the Net
Ice Knights - Avery Flynn :
Parental Guidance
Loud Mouth
𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒂 𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔:
Isn't It Bromantic - Lyssa Kay Adams (book 4 in the Bromance Book Club Series)
Powerless- Elsie Silver (book 3 in the Chestnut Springs Series)
Final Offer - Lauren Asher (book 3 in the Dreamland Billionaires Series, male main character used to be a hockey player)
Mile High - Liz Tomforde (book 1 in the Windy City Series)
Breakaway - Grace Reilly (book 2 in the Beyond the Play Series)
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mew-ya · 10 months
watching our good lord and savior Nika makes me think about how sick it is to have a devil fruit that allows for so much freedom!! SILLINESS is the core theme of one piece after all :)) i think fruits like luffy’s and katakuri’s are so intriguing bc how they manipulate it is really a reflection of the user’s souls. its still funny to me that when they fought, katakuri was just sort of dumbfounded by luffy’s moves. as similar as their devil fruits are, they obviously wield them very differently and its because of the difference in personalities. luffy literally drips freedom, chaos, and selfishness. he is The Sun. its such a stark contrast to katakuri, who is a lot more restricted, introverted, and so so selfless :,( my sweet boy. i would tattoo luffy and katakuri’s entire interaction on my body ITS SO IMPORTANT THAT THEY MET!! i like to think that katakuri’s fighting style changed a bit post-luffy. i bet he’s a little extra silly now <3 i just imagine him trying out a lil something crazy and his siblings giving him shit for it like eh that mid life crisis is really kicking in huh lol but long live sillies :P
massive agree, it's a huge huge reason why I wrote Maren as only becoming his partner post-defeat!
Luffy really changes his world in a way that he so desperately needed. the shell of a man he's carefully built around his soul to protect his family is cracked by luffy. and tbh, who else could? luffy is a true challenge for him and a reminder that he possesses his own interests beyond being the family watchdog and perfect protector/brother. katakuri genuinely enjoys being challenged and fighting is his greatest shown ability.
considering nika too--I just LOVE thinking about the fact that Katakuri is more than capable of something quite similar. he could be silly, bouncy, jump around on the world he molds into mochi. but he doesn't, he's stoic, he chases perfection and has no space for the silly. everything is a precise kill strike or a defensive maneuver to keep him from being seen laid upon his back. it really does attest to his different personality, and how that manifests in fighting style and devil fruit usage...given that devil fruits seem to have some mysterious secrets too, maybe part of that is the fruit itself.
I'm in the process of coming up with ideas on how katakuri's devil fruit awakening would've went and how it'd be different from luffy's. 🥺💗 possibly safe to assume mochi mochi no mi is NOT a zoan nor legendary like luffy's....
thanks for the message, love these thoughts 💗💓❤️
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shortkingvi · 1 year
bees? bumbled.
bumbleby nation, it happened. here's an incoherent playlist of happy, lovey, soft songs because our gals have finally found their way to each other in the way they were always meant to. enjoy.
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spotify link // apple music link
nothing serious - ages and ages // i think i like you - the band CAMINO // like real people do - hozier // strangers - jonas brothers // pink skies - LANY // i know a place - MUNA // kids - orville peck // where i wanna be - A R I Z O N A // mess is mine - vance joy // thunder love - little dragon // talk - khalid // sleepy eyes - the aces // nervous - joan // i got so much to tell you - nightly // c'est la vie - peach tree rascals // daylight - taylor swift // oh shit...are we in love? - valley // sunflower, vol. 6 - harry styles // ready for you - HAIM // the bones - maren morris ft. hozier // 1950 - king princess // chasing cars - snow patrol // you're gonna make me lonesome when you go - bob dylan (miley cyrus cover) // let's sort the whole thing out - carly rae jepsen
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Bangel fans, we want to hear from you! During the run-up to the IWRY Fic Marathon in November, we’ll be getting to know each other through our Meet the Fandom series. Answer the questions here to join in.
What is your name?
Where do you hang out?
Tumblr: @liam-summers
Podcast: Investigating Angel Podcast
Instagram: @investigatingangelpodcast
Do you create any fan works?
I make gifs and I co-host an Angel The Series rewatch podcast called Investigating Angel Podcast (sister pod to Becoming Buffy podcast) 😊
Funniest Bangel/Buffyverse moment?
"I'm a funny guy 😑" and anytime Buffy and Angel put their best bitch faces on to let people know that they don't have time for them 🤭
What Buffyverse opinion would have you chased through the village with pitchforks?
Cordelia is not loved by me 🫣
I don't hate her and I don't love her…I'm mostly indifferent toward her, and at times very annoyed. I will say though, I do feel badly about the way her character was treated and she did deserve a better arc.
Share a headcanon you have about Bangel or the Buffyverse?
That Buffy and Angel sometimes sneak off to see each other at that place in the middle (you know THE place) and they've done it since he left, although not often but when they really need it 💗
How would you have given Buffy and Angel their Happily Ever After?
Post NFA, Angel shows up at Buffy's doorstep in Rome and she takes him in. They get to know each other again, they fall into a comfortable routine of patrolling and training slayers and hanging out with their friends and travelling Europe, they find themselves inevitably drawn to each other but they try to take it slow. That lasts about 2 weeks. They ask Willow to fix the curse. She does. They get all up on each other and live happily ever after. THE END.
Basically, put them in the same city and they’ll end up all up on each other very quickly lol
(Ideally Angel Shanshu's and is human but even if he wasn't, I think they could have some variation of a happy life together for whatever time they have)
Last fic you read?
The Mature Plan by Maren
Slay, Lay, Obey - Cordelia, Spike, Warren?
Slay: Warren because I can't let this man exist in the world. For women ✊🏻
Lay: Spike because what else is he really good for? He's not allowed to talk to me though.
Obey: Cordelia cause she has her shit together but might slay myself if she nags me too much
Fill in the quiz so the fandom can meet you!
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thatseventiesbitch · 1 year
🎶 My Eric & Donna Playlist 🎶
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1. Just the Way You Are - Billy Joel
2. Remember When - Alan Jackson
3. Teenage Daughters - Martina McBride
4. Past Lives - Kesha
5. Shut Up And Dance - WALK THE MOON
6. The Bones - Maren Morris
7. Perfect - Ed Sheeran
8. Still The One - Orleans
9. Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol
10. Mary’s Song - Taylor Swift
11. Stuck Like Glue - Sugarland
12. Home - Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros
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bookaddict24-7 · 1 year
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New Young Adult Releases! (May 2nd, 2023)
Have I missed any new Young Adult releases? Have you added any of these books to your TBR? Let me know!
New Standalones/First in a Series:
Chasing Pacquiao by Rod Pulido
Imogen, Obviously by Becky Albertalli
I Like Me Better by Robby Weber 
We Don’t Swim Here by Vincent Tirado
The Unstoppable Bridget Bloom by Allison L. Bitz
Lose You to Find Me by Erik J. Brown
Liar’s Beach by Katie Cotugno
Margo Zimmerman Gets the Girl by Brianna R. Shrum & Sara Waxelbaum
Lying in the Deep by Diana Urban
Warrior Girl Unearthed by Angeline Boulley
The Strange Case of Harleen and Harley by Melissa Marr
Lion’s Legacy by Lev A.C. Rosen
The Isles of the Gods by Amie Kaufman
Solitaire by Alice Oseman (This is a new cover reprint)
Your Plantation Prom Is Not Okay by Kelly McWilliams
The Weight of Everything by Marcia Argueta Mickelson
Time Out by Sean Hayes, Todd Milliner & Carlyn Greenwald
When Death is Coming by Jen Woodrum
Stranger Danger by Maren Stoffels
New Sequels: 
Path of Vengeance (Star Wars: The High Republic) by Cavan Scott
Happy reading!
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