#Margot Robbie x fem!reader
gorgeys · 1 year
Come to get your fix? - (Margot Robbie x Reader)
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At an afterparty, you see Margot for the first time in a long time…
Margot Robbie x femsinger!reader
Warnings: slight age gap (Margot is 30ish, reader is 25ish), mentions of sex, just sexy vibes
A/N: this got a lot longer than it was supposed to be cuz I kinda got carried away with the beginning and the backstory but I hope you enjoy!
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There were seven different Met Gala after parties, all of which you had been invited to, but of course you chose the only one that she would be attending.
Well, you really had no other choice.  You had to go to Dua Lipa’s party at Virgo on the Lower East Side.  You and Dua were close friends and all the biggest celebrities were going to be there.
And you were excited for the most part.  It was one of the few nights where you got to hang out with your most famous friends as you danced and drank the night away.
When you arrived, ditching your Chanel gown for a sheer, golden chain dress that resembled royalty, you dove right into the many greetings you’d have to make throughout the night.  Of course you got many congratulations on your new album which had easily risen to the top of the charts with several hit singles.  And, since you had released new tour dates only last night, several celebrities were already expressing their excitement over attending your LA shows.  You thanked them like always, being sure to compliment Zendaya on her new movie and thanking Rihanna for sending you a new package of Fenty Beauty products.
Only after at least an hour did you even find the bar.  You ordered your go-to cocktail and paid for whatever your team wanted to drink, exhaling a long sigh.  Your voice had already gotten scratchy and hoarse from the day’s events plus the long press tour you had endured the past few weeks.  You craved a moment to relax.
But not even a few seconds later did Jack Harlow appear behind you to question why you left him on read for the past three days.  Internally rolling your eyes, you mumbled a vague response while your eyes scanned the room for a distraction.  You only half listened to him as he tried to get in your pants once more, but you fully stopped paying attention when you finally found her.
There she was, sitting in a booth beside Cara Delevigne across the room.  You could tell she was looking for a way out of the situation from the way her shoulders were angled away from Cara and her nails tapped anxiously on the table.
You shamelessly stared, watching her eyes retreat from Cara’s face every once in a while to venture out into the crowd.  Her legs were crossed and she sat as straight as a pin like she always had.  You remembered how her perfect posture alone always made you feel small.  She carelessly flicked her blonde hair back away from her face, smiling at whatever part of the long, winded story Cara was on.
You told yourself so many times that you had moved on. It was a repetitive thought that pounded into your brain each night when you were partying in cities all over the world.  And sometimes it felt like you really did move on. You would naturally send a flirty wink to the cute girl at the bar or grind on the hot guy on the dance floor, enjoying the fruitful chase.
But each morning, when you woke up in an expensive hotel room beside a stranger, you always wished she was laying beside you instead.  It felt hopeless at times when you were stalking her Instagram or scrolling through your camera roll at the many, many pictures of you and her.
You only truly believed you had moved on when you met your most recent girlfriend.  She was finally the breath of fresh air you were looking for.  The thoughts of Margot soon felt far and few in between as a new woman consumed your everyday life.  She was beautiful and sweet and loving and everything you needed.  It was rare for one of your partners to even last more than a couple weeks since you had a reputation of being quite the maneater, but you were glad it did.  She was everything.
Until you were gaping at Margot from across the club.  You could barely remember your girlfriend’s name when blue eyes finally met yours.  They were piercing, like you remembered, and they seemed to look right through you, even from the other side of the room.  Her smile melted as she realized who she was looking at.
You took your eyes off of her for a moment as you accepted your drink from the bartender.  You thanked him and glanced back.  To your satisfaction, she couldn’t take her eyes off of you.  You lifted the glass to your lips and took a teasingly slow slip without breaking eye contact. You watched her take a deep breath, slightly pursing her lips, as she silently contemplated how to handle you.  Oh, how you loved to be handled by her.
Her attention was stolen for a moment as Cara excused herself from the table.  Margot sent her a forced smile and a slight wave before she was lost in the crowd.
You had been dreading this moment for weeks, the inevitable moment when you’d meet her sculpted face that always begged you to come closer.  But now that it was happening, it almost felt euphoric.
“Get lost, Jack,” you said, shoving his shoulder out of your way. He groaned but didn’t protest.  You had set your path of destruction and now there was no stopping you.
You focused on making long, smooth strides in your tall heels and swaying your hips a bit more than usual as her eyes wandered your incoming figure.  Her face was stoic but her gaze was so familiar.  It always made you want to impress her, to be extra good for her.  To be wanted by her was a better feeling than any number one album or one-night lover.  You were glad your dress didn’t leave much for the imagination.
And then, after cutting through the dance floor, you were there, placing your hand upon the table as you slid into the seat beside her.  You pressed your thigh into hers, the only thing between them being the golden chains of your dress.  The rounded booth kept the two of you secluded from the other happenings of the club.
Although you were beside her, you had each turned your heads to match one another, face to face.  Her eyes had never left you and now you could feel her breath against the sensitive skin of your upper lip.
“Hi,” she said.  You were envious of how confident she sounded with your face inches from hers.  Your only relief was the faint quirk of her lips.  You couldn’t tell if it was well-intentioned or mischievous.
“Hi,” you whispered breathlessly, leaving your lips slightly open.  She seemed to take the bait as her eyes devoured your glossy, inviting lips.
“Come to get your fix?” she teased, sliding her tongue across her top lip.  It was something she always used to say to you when you sneaked into her trailer or violently tugged her into the bathroom.
It reminded you of the times when her soft fingers molded your body into whatever piece of pottery she wanted you to be.  The lick of her lips reminded you of all the times her tongue rewarded you afterward.
You clicked your own tongue against the roof of your mouth.
“Something like that,” you mumbled, almost annoyed by all the memories she awakened.
“I was surprised,” she began, her nails skimming the chains along your hip, making a high-pitched noise.  You tried not to show how the closeness of her fingers made you feel.  “I didn’t see you with anyone.”
She was obviously referring to the fact that you hadn’t brought a date to the gala.  Of course, knowing your long history, she had expected you to have someone young and new by your side.  After all, TMZ had claimed you were dating four different people in the last two weeks.
You weren’t surprised by her prying.  She always cut right to the chase whenever she was with you.  But you were a little taken aback that she had asked it so outright considering how things had ended between you.
“Well, I was surprised I didn’t see you with anyone.”  You couldn’t help the accusatory attitude that dripped from your voice.
“Hmm,” she hummed with a small smile as if she was expecting that response.  She peered down at her hand as it climbed the chains to sit comfortably atop your thigh.  
It was her “date” that had ruined your “relationship” in the first place.  By “date,” I mean husband and by “relationship,” I mean affair.
It was your first acting gig and in a blockbuster movie at that.  Before you had even introduced yourself, you locked eyes with her across the table at the first script reading and you knew you were hers.
But when she began shooting seductive glances from across the set, you assumed your eyes were playing tricks on you.  When she began grabbing onto you anytime you were in arms reach, you assumed she was just one of those touchy people.  And even that one time when she asked you to “be a good girl” and grab her a water, you just assumed it was a thing she said, even if it made your chest feel tight and your thighs squeeze together.
Because, after all, she was an older, straight, married woman.  Or at least that’s what you thought.
It wasn’t until she got you alone in her trailer, pushed you onto the couch, and attacked you with kisses that she made it clear.  From that moment on, you were her secret and she had to be yours. It wasn’t ideal, but it was still as perfect as could be.  Until it wasn’t.
Before she had even made an advance on you, you knew you were bound to catch feelings.  But you weren’t expecting it to hit you like a load of bricks.  Nevertheless, you knew you were just some affair to her, some sex toy for her to play with, so it was easy to keep quiet and occasionally dream of what could be.
The real kicker was when, a couple days before shooting wrapped, she admitted she had fallen for you.  Your whole world lit up and came crashing down on you simultaneously.   
Hearing those words felt like hearing the song of the ice cream truck on a hot summer day: pure relief. You had loved her unwaveringly.
But what trumped that was the undeniable realization that you were only second to her.  Second to her husband and the life she had created with him.  She could never love you the way you loved her.
So, when promo for the movie was coming to an end, you had to give her the ultimatum. She had put off the decision for as long as possible.  That was until you confronted her in her hotel room in a wreck of tears and rage.
You weren’t surprised, but disappointed when you weren’t her choice.  She had begged you to stay, to spend one more night with her, but you left in a disheveled hurry, refusing to let her see the effect she had on you.
Sometimes, when you lie awake at night, you wish she had never told you she loved you.  Then maybe it would have been easier to walk away and forget about her.  It would have been easier to accept that she was just using you for a couple good fucks.  But here you were, sitting beside her, rehashing your inevitable heartbreak because she was always so irresistible and she loved you
She looked back up at you, pushing her face even closer to yours.  Her smile grew when she saw your lips tightly pressed together and your eyebrows furrowed.  You were always so bad at hiding your frustration from her.
“I left him,” she said, squeezing your thigh.  You could see the excitement within her, begging for a release.
Meanwhile, you felt dizzy.
“Wh-What do you mean you left him?”
“I mean that I left him,” she repeated, smiling wider at your shocked expression.  You were sure you looked so stupid, almost like a dead bug with your eyes wide and your jaw hanging open.  “Just waiting to finalize the papers.”
“Oh my god,” was all you could manage.  Your hand came up to your mouth, covering the gaping hole.  “Oh my god.”
It was the words you had always wanted to hear but at the most unexpected time.  Her hypnotizing smile made your head spin as the colors of the club swirled together in your peripheral.
“I just-I don’t understand.  Why…now?”
She shot you a slightly confused look, as if the answer was obvious, but a lot of time had passed and you finally needed her to be clear.
She used her free hand to remove your hand from over your mouth and drop it into your lap.  Then she firmly grasped your chin, ensuring your eyes never left her candid ones.  Her touch shot warmth up your cheeks and down your neck, just the shock you needed to wake you from your daze.
“Because I know I want you.  And I tried being without you but I just…I can’t,” she confessed, the words scrambling out of her throat as if they had been trying to for days.
Your heart swelled in your chest at her pure sincerity.  Instinctively, you wanted to jump into her arms, to let her have you in every way.  But that little bit of insecurity still creeped up your spine.  The insecurity she had created when she chose him all those months ago.
“Are-Are you sure?”
She only laughed.  Honey may as well have been dripping from her lips as the sound was so sweet.  Every sound that left her lips was angelic.
“I’ve been thinking about this every day since you left.  I’ve never been more sure about anything.”
Her hand left your thigh to tuck a few pieces of your loose hair behind your ear, her hand lingering on the side of your neck.  You felt like you were on fire and she reveled in the way the heat flooded your irises.
But then you felt like you were forgetting something, something important.
“I have a girlfriend, Mar,” you suddenly said, your fingers wrapping lightly around the forearm of the arm that held your chin.
Margot certainly wasn’t expecting that confession this late in the conversation.  But your relationship couldn’t have been too serious if your new girlfriend wasn’t there, hanging off your arm.  She proceeded without caution.
“Well, I don’t see her anywhere,” she said, tilting your head downward with the pull of her hand, forcing you to stare up at her through hooded eyes.  She always adored when you looked at her from that angle, especially when she was knuckle deep inside of you.
You don’t even really know why you said it.  You knew, girlfriend or not, you would always choose Margot.  And she knew that.
“So, you want me or not, baby?”  She pursed her lips in a fake pout, so close to yours.
You couldn’t control yourself and you heard yourself make a faint noise of unbridled temptation.  She seemed quite satisfied by that as her thumb rubbed small circles into your chin, the nail grazing your lip every once in a while.
You both already knew the answer.
“Yes, fuck, I want you,” you said, your voice the most confident it had been all night but still the most desperate.
A feeling of pure bliss consumed your body.  Just hearing yourself say it made a smile creep onto your lips.
Margot quickly copied you.  She raised your chin to meet hers and wasted no more time.  Finally, finally, she kissed you.  She didn’t care who was watching as she firmly held your face, guiding you in every which way.
She was the only person in your universe and you were the only person in hers.
lmk if you guys want more Margot or any of her characters!! I will def write for Barbie, Harley, and even Naomi.  I will prob write something for Barbie soon so stay tuned!
And if you have a request I haven’t responded to, I’m really sorry it’s taken a long time but I am working on it!
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itzrainbow110 · 1 year
I promise.
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Pairing: Stereo!Barbie x Fem!Reader
Warnings: fluff, love story, lesbo, suggestive smut but nothing really said.
Summary: (Y/n) helps the Barbies take Barbie-land back.. but falls in love with Barbie in the process. Little does she know.. Barbie loves her back.
(A/N): It’s my first time writing on Tumblr guysss! I hope you like it :)
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The Kens took over everything in Barbieland.. the houses, girls night, the Barbies.. and the only way to get the Barbies back was for Gloria to give a speech.. and then that Barbie would be a decoy Barbie to get all the Barbie’s back.
Stereo!Barbie and I were helping get the Barbies constitution back in place.
“I can’t believe we’ve almost done it!” Barbie said excitedly to me. “All these emotions are just overwhelming right now..” Barbie grabs my hands. Oh my god.. “Aren’t you excited to get the constitution put back in place?” She asks with hopeful eyes. “Yeah.. I’m very happy that Barbieland will be back to normal” I answer smiling at her.
I knew that I would probably never see Barbie again after all of this.. I’d go home and Barbie would be perfect in Barbieland again.. I grew feelings for Barbie over the past week we’ve been together. Of course Barbie wouldn’t like me back.. Barbieland was the idea that Barbies and Kens would be together and Ken was always trying to get Barbie’s attention. A human and a Barbie doll wouldn’t work out.
Tonight Barbie was going to take Ken to be his ‘long-term, long-distance, low-commitment casual girlfriend’ whatever that meant.. I’m just a bit jealous by this.. even though I knew it was all apart of the plan.. but what if she falls in love with Ken in the process? What if she decides to stay with Ken? I am hopelessly in love with Barbie…
“(Y/n)? Are you okay?” Barbie asks. I determine whether I should tell Barbie the truth.
“Barbie? I- I- I love you..” Barbie looks at me surprised. “You do?” She asks. “I know barbies are supposed to be with Ken and I know you probably like Ken.. but I just wanted to get it off my chest.” I tell Barbie and she starts laughing. I’ve done it now.. Barbie of course doesn’t like me.. “I don’t like Ken..” this surprises me “you don’t?” Barbie shakes her head. “Ken’s just a really good friend, and I love you too” Barbie gets closer to me placing her hands on my waist, I can’t believe this.. barbie actually likes me. “Then why are you going to be Ken’s ‘long-term, long-distance, low-commitment casual girlfriend’?” Barbie sighs and caresses my cheek. Her hands are soft. “it’s all apart of the plan.. we need to save Barbieland. But I promise I won’t love Ken.. I’ll always love you.” Barbie kisses me softly. Her lips are soft too.. One kiss showed me all of Barbie’s feeling towards me. “I love you.” Barbie tells me. “I love you too.”
At the beach later that night all the Kens are singing to all the Barbies this weird song that the Kens like. I was with Weird Barbie, Gloria, and Sasha. “I can tell you like Barbie” Gloria says to me. “How could you tell?” I face towards Gloria “I just can..” I chuckle at Gloria’s comment. “Is it your mom sense?” I ask, joking a bit. “Maybe.” All the Barbie’s come back to Weird Barbie’s house. Barbie walks over to me and she wraps her arms around me pulling me close. “I hope you’re not jealous now..” I look over at her “I’m not.. I promise.” She chuckles.. “I think after all of this is over I want to stay in the real world.” I look over at her surprised. “Really? Why? You’ve always wanted to be perfect in Barbieland..” I ask her. “I get to be with you.. but also I already have feelings and I’m okay with change now. I’d also like to have the ideas, not be the idea.” She says. “Oh, Barbie… are you sure?” Barbie nods.
Barbie finally became human and Ken accepted that Barbie didn’t love him. Barbie and I started living together in a small apartment in LA.. Gloria and Sasha come over all the time for dinner and sometimes we go over to their house.
“Baby, Gloria and Sasha are coming over again tonight!” Barbie says excitedly crawling on the bed and wrapping her arms around me. “Do they have to come over like every night? When do we ever have time to ourselves?” Barbie kissed my lips “we have time to ourselves all the time.. you know what? Tomorrow we’ll have the whole night to ourselves… just you and me.. okay?”
The following night Barbie stuck to what she said.. “a whole night to ourselves.. what to do?” Barbie says teasingly.
And the rest of our story will be left to your imagination.
The end.
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spencer0o7 · 1 year
soft harley quinn x fem reader gf hcs?
I’ve always loved harley quinn so i rlly love this idea 💗 (sorry it took me forever tho)
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Harley LOVES hugging you. You’ll often cuddle on the couch together probably watching some movie musical. Harley definitely isn’t afraid of PDA either. She’ll kiss you, hold your hand or hug you in public. She loves you and isn’t afraid to show it.
“Harls everyone’s looking,” You giggle. “Let em look!”
You love doing eachother’s hair. If you have curly/coily hair she’ll learn to do styles on your hair type. You love having matching hairstyles, like both having braids or fun updo’s.
She loves helping you do your makeup (though be aware she likes doing experimental looks). You two often go on night outs, especially to nightclubs to get wasted. You’ll always look out for each other though. Harley will throw hands with any guy being creepy. You’re there if Harley ever gets so drunk she starts fighting the bartender.
Sleeping in bed with Harley is so chaotic. She for some reason cannot sleep without 9 blankets and she can’t share a single one with you. You’ll eventually fall asleep cold and freezing but you’ll wake up with Harley’s legs intertwined with yours and her arms around your waist. She’s a blanket hog but you love her.
Harley never goes grocery shopping with a list. Shopping with her is definitely and experience. Every 5 seconds Harley will pop up in front of you holding some random product and telling you about how she “NEEDS to have this.”
You’ll let her try to convince you about this “amazing” product she can’t live without for a bit till she eventually runs off to find something else to obsess about.
Cooking food together is how you love spending time together. You love cooking and Harley loves cooking with you (you’re always stopping her from putting ‘special ingredients’ in the food). If you ever find some new recipe you want to try, Harley will be right there with you buying the ingredients at a marketplace and following your instructions on what to do next in the kitchen.
“Next pour the stock into the rice,” You say reading from the recipe. “Aye aye chef,” She replied cheerfully. You watch as Harley pours the stock into the pan with the rice. She looks at you with excitement “What’s next?”
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COMPUTER! How do I go back to 2023 when that one nonchalant Spider-Man with fangs was everyone’s current obsession? And everyone’s favorite song was what was I made for and we were all dressing in pink and celebrating each other. Asking for a friend.
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thelucidityofdeath · 1 year
plus sized reader hcs with margot!barbie.
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margot robbie!barbie x fem!plus sized!reader.
summary: headcanons for barbie with a female plus-sized reader!
warnings: fatphobia, brief mention of starving yourself
a/n: i imagine this has been done before but i wanted my take on this!! this is the first time i've written headcanons as well as an x reader story so i apologize if things are a bit messy. reader uses she/her pronouns and this is for human barbie!
barbie is all for body positivity.
that's why when she met you, she didn't even notice your weight. she saw you as a normal woman and treated you as such.
however, when you and barbie started dating, she quickly realized a lot of people didn't feel the same way.
so many people, for whatever reason, hate fat people. they treat it as an insult. they think all fat people are lazy and just lay around eating food all day.
it breaks barbie's heart.
back in barbieland, there were plenty of plus-sized barbies. nobody cared about their weight; everyone saw them as the beautiful and hard-working women they were.
so why is it that whenever barbie holds your hand as the two of you walk down the street, people shoot you disgusted looks? why do people always walk up to her and say, "you deserve so much better than that pig" like you're not the love of her life?
barbie isn't a violent person by any means. but when she sees the judgemental looks people give you when you order food, she wants to punch someone.
barbie's willing to defend you at all costs. she just thinks you're so beautiful and perfect. she doesn't understand how people could call you lazy when you work so hard every single day.
she hates whenever you talk negatively about your body. she'll always reassure you, insisting that she loves you no matter how much you weigh.
if you decide you wanna start trying to lose weight, she'll support you every second. she'll come with you to the gym if you want and she'll help you pick out foods that match your diet.
if you break those habits, she'll assure you that it's alright and you can try again whenever you feel up to it.
if you try starving yourself, barbie will immediately notice. she obviously doesn't wanna shove food down your throat and force you to eat, but she'll probably sternly talk to you and tell you how important it is to have food. afterward, she'll try to coax you back into eating by cooking your favorite meals.
overall, she's just very supportive of you. she wants nothing but the best for you and she loves you regardless of your size. <3
once again i apologize if these are messy! not used to writing x reader stories or headcanons lmao. hope you all enjoy!
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cassiesbarbie · 1 year
💌rg!ken x barbie!reader headcanons
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a/n: first post lmk what you think! this is just a general barbie but if you want headcanons for a specific barbie my requests are always open! :)
• for starters, this man would absolutely worship the ground you walked on. if there’s a puddle on the ground, you’d best believe that even on the coldest of nights he would cover it with his jacket and offer a hand as you crossed (you told him you could just walk around it but he insisted)
• physical touch is this man’s JAM. he would always be touching you in some way whether it was holding your hand or wrapping arm around your waste. he needs all the other kens to know that you’re his and his only.
• girls night is every night and he knows that, but sometimes he’ll get lucky and you’ll agree to let him stay over. he’s stayed over so many times now that your dreamhouse is almost starting to resemble a mojo dojo casa house.
• he follows you around like a lost puppy. most mornings he’ll wait for you at the beach and once he catches sight of you he won’t leave your side for the rest of the day (but if you ask for time away from him he’ll be out the door in a split second, always wanting to make you happy)
• he obeys you like you’re a queen because to him, you are one. if anyone so much as steps a toe out of line around you he won’t hesitate to take extreme measures.
• he’s very insecure, always worried you might want to leave him for some other ken. so when the other kens inevitably turn and gawk at you as you pass by (how could they not?), nine times out of ten he’ll grab your face and kiss you in front of all of them to prove that you’re his.
• he’s also the most supportive boyfriend of all time. no matter what you’re career his, he’ll stand behind you and support you in any and every way possible (not that a barbie needs it, but it’s sweet nevertheless).
• sometimes, if he catches you on a good day, he manages to get you to agree to listen to him play guitar. is it very good? no. is he a very good singer? sort of. but he loves playing for you so you pretend to love listening. he plays your favorite songs though, so that’s a bonus.
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pandorascripts · 2 years
Maddening Love
summary: harley never meant to become what she was afraid of. it seems she did though.
pairing: harley quinn x gn!reader (can be read as fem)
warnings: murder, gun violence, making out.
note: this has been in my drafts for a while, and I fricking love harley. thought she deserved some love, so please send in requests for her!!! <333
Harley turns on her heel, huffing a hot breath into the cold winter air. “You don’t love me no more.”
You rush up to Harley, reaching out, but retract your hand at the last moment. “Harls, no, no, I do.” Frowning, you timidly place a hand on her cold shoulder. 
With a fury you’ve never seen before in her eyes, Harley glares at you. “I don’t appreciate liars, cupcake.”
The venom in her words knocks you off guard, but you know Harley. You know she has her jealousies, when someone got too frisky with you, or when she herself was battling her own insecurities. You shake your head, knowing she needs comfort. It was something she’d always lacked in her relationship with him, so you were determined to give it to her. 
“I’m no liar. I love you, Harley. Only you.” You wrap your arms around her, burying your head into her neck. Even if the position is uncomfortable, considering Harley is taller than you, and you need to be on your tip-toes, you hold out for as long as you can. 
When your ankles are hurting, and your feet are aching, you lean away of her. You still keep yours arms wrapped around her neck, your left thumb brushing against her skin. Looking into her eyes, you see anger and hurt, but underneath there, there’s a look you’ve seen so many times. Insecurity. 
“What’s got you upset, Harley?”
She shakes her head, softly biting her lip as she looks away from you. “Nothin’, it’s stupid.”
“Harley,” you pause, gently guiding her head back to you, “your feelings aren’t stupid. Please.”
Your eyebrows ease up and you try to dump all your emotions into your eyes. You pour all your love for her, your own insecurities, everything you hold, but you know that it’s useless. You felt too much for her, there’s was no possible way you could measure it to size, much less show all of it. 
Harley caves, leaning down into you as her hands wrap around your sides. “You promise you love me?”
A small sniffle comes from Harley, and you feel your heart shatter. The shards from your heart pierce your lungs, making your breathing turn jagged. Tears of your own form and you don’t bother hiding them. “I will always love you, Harls.”
A minute of silence passes and you think you’ve reminded her, but her troubles overpower her, again. 
“Prove it.”
Desperately, you nod your head. 
Harley’s head retreats from your neck and she meets your eyes. Her hand comes up to your face, brushing a piece of hair behind your ear. 
“I’d kill for you, Harls.”
She shakes her head, a beautifully crazed smile gracing her lips. “No, that’s too easy, sweetheart. The question is, would’ja love me if I killed?”
You nod your head hastily. “You cant scare me.”
“Oh, yeah?”
Harley takes your hand, the other one pulling out a handgun as she retreats back into the nightclub you’d just left. “What if I shot up this joint, huh? What ‘bout then?”
“I’d take the blame.”
You quicken your pace, longing to be at her side. 
“Would’ja?” she questions, back turned to the door. With a nod of your head, she kicks it open. 
The once muffled music cuts through the December night, loud lights blind you as you trail after her inwards. Harley’s grip on your hand only tightens as she walks forward, handgun pressed to her side.  Sweaty bodies collide against yours, and you’re reminded why you hate clubs. The bodies pushing and pulling at you make you sick, but when Harley’s hand is in yours, it drowns out anything else. 
When she reaches dead center, she pulls you close to her. Harley leans down to your ear, practically yelling over the music. 
“Would’ja be my New Years kiss?” she asks, giggling mischievously. 
The crowd counts down, and as they reach two, you pull Harley downwards by her collar. Her lips meet yours on the last number, and her gun fires. People run around you and Harley, all desperate to escape their deaths. Bodies bump into you; but her lips planted firmly on yours ground you against them. Harley’s free hand grips the back on your neck, the other causing chaos. Screams fill your ears as Harley empties her clip, bullets flying in all directions, and you bring her back down to you again. Softly, Harley bites your lip, releasing it with a pop as she backs away. 
You take a moment to look around. Bodies surround you two, and in a comical way, you make out a heart. Harley steps forward again, holding your chin back as you share air. 
“Still love me now, honey?”
You nod, not bothering to address the cold barrel pointed at your head. 
“What if I pulled the trigga?”
“Yes,” you husk out, not hesitating in the slightest. “You emptied your mag already, it wouldn’t do anything.”
“What if I had a bullet?”
You scan her eyes, her cold ones piercing through yours. It doesn’t bother you though, you have enough warmth and love to fill up hers. You’d gladly share it. 
“Same answer, Harls. You can’t scare me away.” 
Slowly, you bring her back down to you. Her warm lips greet yours, and you know you’ve smudged her lipstick. Harley pulls back, kissing the corner of your mouth and then your jaw. 
“You don’ care that imma killa?”
You shake your head slightly, still wanting her lips on your skin. “No.”
“No?” she asks, planting another kiss below your ear. 
A shiver runs down your spine, one of your hands holds Harley’s head as the other holds her lower back. “Not at all.”
Sirens blare around you, but you don’t mind. Harley whispers something incoherent, her hands on your hips having your full attention. You nod, mumbling yes, and her warm body is pulled out of yours. Your eyes snap open, desperately searching for pink and blue, but you can’t find it. As the doors bust open, and swarms of yells surround you, you drop to your knees. Cold metal clicks around your wrist as rough hands pull you up. 
The shocking realization that Harley had left you hits like a brick, and you blink several times, with each one wishing this wasn’t true. 
“Harls!” you yell, trashing against the cops. 
A sob racks through your body as a hard object slams against your stomach. You gasp, heart shattered once again, the evidence burrowing itself deep in your lungs. You cry and plead, but when they toss you in a room, you don’t say a thing. Harley may have betrayed you, but you’d never fathom of doing the same. If she needed her reassurance for your love, this had to be it, right? The more you suffer, the more it shows you care. Harley would see you suffering, and she know you’d truly care for her. She’d get you out, she had to. The thought brought a smile to your lips, a giggle cracking them apart. 
“You killed nine people, this isn’t a laughing matter.”
You look up to the detective, seeing his disappointed face. “I think it is.”
Another crazed smile paints itself on your lips. 
“Who was with you?” he demands, hands slamming against the steel table. 
You don’t flinch, not even moving a muscle as you stare at him. “Just me…”
“Those red lips on your neck say otherwise.”
“Can you blame a girl for having fun? Saw this cute blonde girl, made out with her for New Years, and then,” you pause, trying to build up dramatic suspense, “then I pumped her full of lead, ‘long with those eight other people.”
He nods his head. “Thanks for the confession. With that, you won’t be getting a trial,” he walks away, mumbling the last part of his sentence,”not like you crazies deserve one.”
You mock a salute to him on his way out. 
Harley’d get you, she’d kill all these mediocre officers. A laugh surges through your broken lungs, wheezing out and shattering the silence. 
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gorgeys · 1 year
Hi! Could you a Naomi x female reader, where her older brother works for Jordan and she meets Naomi at the party and gets a lil jealous when Jordan tries to hit on the reader? Thanks!
FRIENDS? ★ naomi lapaglia
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Naomi Lapaglia (Wolf of Wall Street) x fem!reader
You quickly catch Jordan's eye at a party, but Naomi wants you all to herself...
Warnings: mentions of sex, flirting, corruption kink??, mentions of cheating
Word Count: 3110
Note: ayee i'm obsessed with naomi so i loved writing this request! there's also another naomi request that will be coming out shortly and that will def be a long one! i believe in margot robbie supremacy
b/n = brother's name
You stared in awe as you approached the mansion.  It was by far the largest house you had ever seen.  You looked to your brother and he only smiled.  It seems he was adjusting to the shift in your lives much faster than you.
He had only begun working for Jordan a couple months ago when rent was tight and there was barely any food in the fridge.  You had just moved in with him to help cut costs for the both of you as you sunk deeper into student loans and edged barely closer to your degree.  If things couldn’t get any worse, your brother was laid off from his job out of nowhere. He began interviews for practically every job on Wall Street when your luck changed tremendously.  He landed a job at Stratton Oakmont.
He climbed the ranks quickly.  You and your brother had quite a unique charisma, one that allowed you to manipulate many social situations in your favor and it was no different at Stratton.  With his charm and hard-working attitude, your brother was one of the few to have a personal connection with the founders of the company and he could feel that promotion coming.  But it was just out of reach.  So he quickly enlisted you to give him a little push.
There was an obvious shift in your lifestyle as soon as your brother got the job.  He was able to provide for the both of you plus decorate the apartment and take you out to lavish dinners.  Life just seemed so much brighter for the both of you.  So you would do anything to keep your lives like this.  Even if it meant playing this part.
It was the first time you’d be attending one of Stratton’s famous parties.  Your brother let you hang off his arm, dolled up in a completely brand new designer outfit, just how Jordan liked it.  Your dress was as short as it could be without being socially unacceptable and your neckline plunged so deep that your tits were nearly popping out.  Your heels were custom made and reeled in your flashy dress to make it a classy look.  Your make-up was done to a tee, emphasizing the soft features of your face, and your hair was curled into perfect waves.  Even your brother, who had teased you all your childhood, agreed you were a sight for sore eyes.  There was no way you wouldn’t catch Jordan’s attention.
Everything seemed to fall into place as you entered.  Eyes were on you from the moment you stepped inside, men in suits turning their heads to gape while their wives and girlfriends knocked them on the back of the head for looking.  You smiled just as you had rehearsed in the mirror and strutted as elegantly as you could muster even if you had to relearn to walk in those tall heels.
Most of the men you passed patted your brother on the shoulder in greeting, eyeing you up in the process.  Your brother had to reiterate several times that you were his sister, hoping he’d be able to avoid any risque comments about the two of you for the night.
You hid your excitement at the expensive environment, causally downing a champagne flute from a server, while you soaked up the extravagance of the house and the people.
It wasn’t long before your brother elbowed you in the side.
“Look, right over there,” he said, nodding his head to the left.  “That’s Jordan.”
When you looked, he was already staring back at you.  He leaned against the giant glass windows of the living room, a mystery drink in his hand.  He was wearing a suit but several of the buttons of his button up were undone, exposing his chest.  His hair was messy and his eyes were bloodshot.  While he was a little sleazier than you expected, you shouldn’t have been surprised considering the insane stories your brother had told you about his addictions to sex and drugs.
He was surrounded by a group of men who you could only assume were the founding members of the company.  They had noticed you from a mile away and you could faintly hear them talking about you and how badly they wanted to fuck you.  One even said he’d fuck you even if you were his sister.  You pretended not to notice as they shoved Jordan playfully, egging him on to approach you.  For the Wolfie to handle you, as they put it.
He confidently half-smiled at you before shifting his shoulders, fixing his suit jacket.  He sloppily ran his hand through his hair before he began walking toward you.  He sauntered arrogantly, as if he already had you in the palm of his hand, and his eyes ran all over you though he tried his best to hide it.
“B/N!  Good to see you,” Jordan exclaimed, stretching his hand out to give your brother a firm handshake.
“Hi, Jordan, great party,” your brother said with a smile.
“Yeah,” he dismisses your brother, his eyes quickly turning onto you.  “Now don’t be rude and introduce me to this lovely lady you’ve got here,” he said, nodding toward you, a smile stretching across his lips.
“This is my sister, Y/N.”
“Aah,” he sighs, his face lighting up with excitement.  “Sister,” he repeats, grinning widely.
“I just wanted to bring her along and show her what a Stratton party’s all about.”
“Nice to meet you, Jordan” you say, in a honey-sweet voice, showing your pearly whites.  You can tell he’s already hypnotized as you look up at him through your fluttering eyelashes with doe eyes.  You extend your hand toward him with the graceful flick of your wrist and he holds it so delicately.
“Nice to meet you, Y/N,” he says, lifting your hand to his lips and leaving a gentle kiss on the back of your hand.  Your smile widens accordingly as he refuses to let go of your soft skin.
“You know, you’ve got a really great place here.  I don’t think I’ve ever been in a house this big before,” you say, your eyes flicking up to the enormous glass chandelier above you that would certainly kill everyone in the room if it ever came crashing down.  You ignored that thought and looked back into his star-struck eyes with an excited gaze.
“Oh, really?” He raised his eyebrows, enjoying himself too much.
“Yeah,” you say, nodding along.
You wouldn’t have called him unattractive but he wasn’t really your type.  Either way you’d let him have one freaky night with your body in return for a large check deposited in your brother’s bank account.  You hoped he was a good lay but your instincts were telling you otherwise.
He shooed your brother away to go talk to some of the other guys while he entertained you, talking himself up and offering you several compliments.  It was when he stepped closer to you that his wife noticed the two of you from across the room.  She was sipping on her champagne and gossiping in a huddle of powerful wives when you caught her eye, your hand holding her husband’s for way too long.
She was no fool, she saw the way he looked at you, like he wanted to devour you.  She remembered that dangerous glint in his eyes from when she had first met him at a party like this one.  And we all know how that went.
She was ready to cause a scene, to impulsively confront him in the large crowd and beat him senseless with a glass bottle for even looking at another woman.  But something distracted her.
She had the perfect view of you from the side as you moved your free hand across your lower back.  Then your hand moved lower, lower, lower, gliding across your ass, smoothing out the fabric of your tight dress.  Naomi’s eyes were fixed.  Finally your fingers pulled lightly on the hem of your dress, trying to bring it down as it had rode up a little too high, showing off most of your bare thighs.
That’s when she stopped herself and decided to give you a closer look.  And that’s also when she realized she was no better than her husband.
You weren’t like any of the other women Jordan flirted with.  No, you were flawless.  Her eyes examined your figure and noticed how every curve of your body was carved so smoothly, so perfectly that she couldn’t look away.  She could only imagine the way your skin would feel beneath her fingers; she assumed it was soft and pliable. She imagined how each arch of your body would fit perfectly into her hands like you were molded just for that reason.  She wanted to admire you for the rest of the night. And it felt like you were enticing her, like you were asking for her touch in that low-cut dress.  It wasn’t hiding much but still, Naomi wished she could see more.
She realized that she could barely blame her husband for his reaction.  Your beauty was baffling and undeniable.  What could she expect from Jordan, a man who couldn’t hide his desires nearly as well as she could hide hers.
For a moment your eyes strayed away from his and you glanced in Naomi’s direction.  Your hand carelessly brushed your hair back and Naomi was slightly mesmerized.  She sucked her lips into her mouth, imprinting the features of your face into her mind, forgetting which reality she was in.
Her stomach churned, her body telling her brain that her need for you was innate.  The way your lips curved into a pure smile and your eyes were full of light made her want to ruin you.   She wanted to whisk you off to some far away place to have you only for herself.  She wanted to melt away that pretty facade and see what lurked beneath your shiny surface.
It was impossible for her to restrain her own thoughts as just a single look at you brought up such deep, impure desires.  She was no better than a man but you made her like that.
Her chest burns as Jordan leans impossibly closer to you, whispering something in your ear.  You giggle delightfully, comfortably holding on to his shoulder.  He takes that as a sign to wrap his arm around your waist, practically engulfing you with his body while his lips stay uncomfortably close to your ear.
Naomi couldn’t believe the audacity of her husband to throw himself onto you in public.  No, you deserved much better than to be smothered in sweat and cologne in front of all these important people.  You deserved someone who would treat you right and then, behind closed doors, someone who would treat you so wrong.  She knew her husband couldn’t do any of that for you.  You didn’t deserve him.
By then she had placed her glass onto a table with a little too much force and allowed her feet to carry her across the room.  She straightens up the neckline of her dress and clicks her heels into the ground with a purpose.  You deserved her.
“Jordan!” a thick Brooklyn accent cuts through the air.
It surprises you slightly but it seems to shock Jordan into action as he abruptly pulls away from you.  You’re left awkwardly standing alone as he steps back from you.  Your hands clutch onto the sides of your thighs for comfort.
“Naomi!  Baby!” he exclaims, outstretching his arms to the blonde thundering toward you.  He puts on a large smile and leans back comfortably as if he wasn’t just all over you.
She doesn’t accept his embrace but swats his hands away from her.  She moves to stand at his side.
“You gonna introduce me to your little friend here?” she says, motioning toward you with one of her hands.  Her voice is laced with an attitude that scares you.  You’re not quite sure if it's venomous but it’s definitely strong.  She turns to face you and plants her hands firmly on her hips.
“Oh, uh, yeah,” he stutters, looking nervously between the two of you.  “This is Y/N.  And Y/N-”
“I’m Naomi, Jordan’s wife,” she cuts him off.
You had heard stories about Naomi, about how her beauty transcended time, but you sure as hell weren’t expecting the masterpiece that stood before you.  You were rendered speechless for a moment, staring stupidly at her, your lips slightly parted.
Long blonde hair trailed down her shoulders, barely covering her thick gold hoop earrings.  Her face looked like it was sculpted by the gods, with a jawline sharper than a knife and pink lips that pursed curiously at you.  Her tight baby blue dress with a perfect cleavage cutout matched her blue eyes lined with thick eyeliner.
You couldn’t fathom how Jordan could cheat on her.  She was probably the most perfect human you had seen in your entire life.  And here you were trying to seduce her husband.
Her eyes aggressively ran up and down your body, soaking up every last drop of you.  They held some dark emotion behind them.  Using the context of the situation you assumed it was jealousy but she knew it was lust.  It was the first time that night you felt so small and so flustered, your confident facade fading away.
You hoped it wasn’t showing on your face but from the way her lips quirked upward as she extended her hand, you could tell she was enjoying your agitated state.
“Hi, Naomi,” you said, speaking a little quieter than you had with Jordan before.  You accepted her hand, expecting a tense shake, but her grip was even gentler than her husband’s.  In fact, her hands were the softest you had ever held.
She copied Jordan’s movements, just more delicately.  She brought your hand to her lips, leaning slightly forward to give the back of your hand a chaste kiss.  Her eyes didn’t leave yours the entire time, making your stomach bubble in forbidden arousal.  The gesture felt so intimate, as if no one else was watching.
If you weren’t in awe before, you were hypnotized now.  Her beauty was ethereal and from the way she handled you, you began to question her intentions with you.  Your perception of her as the jealous wife was slowly fading into the background.
If Jordan wasn’t your type, his wife surely was.
He looked between the two of you, completely unsure of what to say.  It seemed he was in quite a pickle as it seemed his wife’s unpredictable behavior would soon get in the way of his endeavors with you.
“You know, you’re a cute one, doll,” she said, her tongue slightly poking through her teasing smile.  Her strong accent only made every word out of her mouth even sexier, especially that pet name.  Doll.  You’d love to be her doll.
You felt your face heat up and your eyes ever so slightly widen.  You attempted to ignore the arousal you felt beneath your dress as your nails dug anxiously into the fabric of your dress.  You momentarily wondered whether you should thank her for the compliment before deciding against it.  Each reaction out of you only pushed her to continue, to test your limits.
“I almost don’t blame my husband for looking at you the way he does,” she said, her eyes momentarily shifting to your cleavage before focusing on the small twitches of your face again.
You took a sharp breath and opened your mouth wider like you wanted to respond and apologize but Jordan beat you to it.
“Come on, baby.  You know I only have eyes for you,” he whines and pouts like a child, leaning closer to her and wrapping an arm around her waist.  She instantly pushes him off of her, disgusted by his touch, without sparing him a glance.
All you want to do is walk away and distance yourself from this married couple’s petty quarrel but your feet seem too heavy to move.  You can’t help but love the way Naomi looks at you.
“But I can assure you he’s no fun,” she says, ignoring her husband’s pleading looks.   “Very vanilla, you know?  And he comes too fast.”  She whispers that last part like he’s not even there although he can clearly hear her.
Both you and Jordan share the same state of shock.  You can’t help but feel like you’re learning too much information about the couple you met a few minutes ago.  But the way Naomi speaks to you it feels like you’ve known her much longer.
“Uh, I-I’m sorry-” you begin but are quickly interrupted.
“Myself on the other hand,” she says, trailing off for a few moments.  She presses her lips together as if she’s looking through you, her thoughts taking her to far away places.  The glint in her eye is mischievous and you want her to take you with her.  “We can have lots of fun together.”
Your insides are screaming the moment the words leave her lips, her devilish smile only making the feeling worse.  You can only dream about what she’s implying and your imagination runs wild. You’re already putty in her hands, you both can feel it.
“What’d you say, you wanna be friends?” she says, her tone seemingly innocent.  But one look in those blue eyes would say otherwise.
“Friends?” you ask breathlessly.  You let your head hang low and your bottom lip push out toward her, silently questioning the meaning of the word.
“Yeah,” she says, smiling brightly.  But there’s a coy element about it.  “You wanna be my friend?”  Her eyes check you out once more just for emphasis.
There’s your answer.
The initial goal of seducing Jordan is long forgotten.  Quick cash seems irrelevant compared to the duchess before you, especially now that she seems within reach.  If you didn’t accept her offer you were sure you’d regret it.
You nod cautiously.
“Yeah, I’ll be your friend.”
She instantly beams at you with a conniving grin while internally congratulating herself for a mission accomplished.  You feel your lips reciprocate in a stunned smile.
“Good.  Let’s get you another drink, doll” she says, reaching out and grabbing your hand.  She tugs you behind her as she heads toward the home bar.  She gives you a raunchy look over her shoulder while you let her control your every movement.  “Then I can show you around.”
Your smile grows while Jordan is left standing stupidly by himself.  He curses under his breath, wondering how he fumbled so badly.
i'm screaming
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mademoisellekeery · 3 months
\\ Red dress & a black tie //
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• Pairing: Co-worker!Steve Harrington x F!Reader
•Warnings: Swearing, tiny bit of angst, fluff, first date, proof read, f!reader
•Word count: 1k - (1419)
•Summary: Your Co-Worker/Friend, Steve asks you out on a date, after crushing on him for years, and finally “getting over it”, what could go wrong?
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You stood there, stunned. Your face turns into a tomato. “You want to take me out? like a date? like a date date? like a date where we sit opposite each other, sharing a milkshake, end of the night kiss, kind of date?” You say rambling, you knew Steve in high school, well you knew of him, I mean who didn’t right?
He was THE king of Hawkins High, and every girl (and a few guys) had a crush on him, that included you too, but it was a silly girl crush. (A silly girl crush that was still there.) The famous ‘King Steve’ who dated girls like Nancy wheeler or Tammy Thompson, so why the hell was he asking you?
Steve chuckles as his heart races, little did you know this was the day he’d been waiting for awhile now. He had been waiting for the perfect time to ask you out. He’s had a crush on you for months now and he had to do something about it.
“Yes, I want to take you on a date date. Yes to the sitting opposite each other, yes to the milkshake, yes to the kiss, yes to everything.” Steve smiled, as he leaned back on the counter, crossing his arms, he hoped you’d say yes..
ʚ・ ୨୧・ ɞ 。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚ ʚ・ ୨୧・ ɞ
Just a tiny preview of Red dress & a black tie ❤️
Let me know if you guys like it and want to be tagged in the first part, it will be uploaded soon!!
(I do not own stranger things nor do I own any content from it!)
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spencer0o7 · 1 year
dating barbie x fem!reader pt 2
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ dating barbie hcs *ੈ✩‧₊˚
a/n: link to part one
Barbie always wears hair ties on her wrist. If you ever need one she’ll always have one for you. If she’s not doing anything she’s usually fidgeting with them which you think is adorable.
You’re always holding hands. If you’re outside, inside, sleeping or watching tv you’re holding hands. You both love being near each other. She also has ridiculously soft hands.
Barbie loves making cups of tea but she can never finish them. Throughout your apartment you’ll find a bunch of half drunk cups of tea.
Barbie changes her outfit multiple times a day. When you asked her why she looked at you with bewilderment and told you “How can I just choose ONE outfit for the whole day?”
She loves reading. Going to the library with you and spending a whole day reading is her ideal way to spend time with you. You love giving each other recommendations on what to read next.
When you’re exchanging gifts, Barbie somehow always gives you the best gift ever. She always remembers what you like and what you’ve been looking at recently.
Barbie is literally the best girlfriend ever cause she’s also your best friend. You talk to her about everything and she’s always there for you if you need her. If you’re ever feeling down she’ll immediately cheer you up.
In barbieland there weren’t any insects so when Barbie saw a spider for the first time she jumped up on the couch. She’s still freaked out by spiders so if she ever sees one she’ll ask you to get rid of it for her. You love doing it though and getting to see the relief on her face when you ‘save’ her (according to Barbie).
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bhadgal-tahtii · 1 year
Can someone, ANYONE suggest some female top reader x bottom Margot/Barbie/Harley Quinn imagines? Tumblr is soooo overrun with submissive reader stories and I'm losing my mind. So far, I've only been able to find about 3 dom reader stories (all of them were for Margot) and 2 of which were for male readers 😐. Bffr. I need help, y'all.
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tuboficecream · 1 year
Margot Robbie
Maybe I'm not searching far enough but there is barely enough content for me, as a queer fanfic reader, to indulge in some Margot Robbie fanfics.
Barely any with just her but what about her characters? It's pretty scarce too (with the exception of Harley Quinn). Please...oh please... I know I've looked everywhere and there is nothing. I refuse to believe I'm the only one starving to read about her from potentially amazing authors.
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fairyvtale · 1 year
i need someone to talk about margot, cillian or other dilfs/milfs please someone text me...i need new friends
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talesofely · 11 months
heeeyaaa, it's avi! i need ur guys' opinion abt smth important. when reading"x reader" fics, do u prefer 2nd person or 3rd person writing style? i don't rrly like 1st person soooo... i wanna write shit cause I'm incredibly bored and feeling productive. the tags r the ppl i might write for, u guys can send ur requests but I'm not sure if I'll write them lololol i'm indecisive as fuck.
thankies, have a good day/night ^-^ !!
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bratzforchris · 4 months
I Think You're Hot
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Summary: SFW and NSFW headcanons about Matt being the golden retriever to his bisexual wife's black cat <3
Pairing: Matt x feminine!reader
Warnings: Smut, pouty bottom/bratty sub!Matt, oral (f receiving), p in v, dom fem!reader, mentions of threesomes, nipple play (none of this is overly descriptive because it's headcanons, but you're responsible for what you consume online!)
A/N: Many of these may seem like I am stereotyping bisexual people, especially women. I am bisexual myself and truly mean no harm by this <3 Every bisexual person is different! Don't fetishize us and love us for who we are 🩷💜💙 Special tag for my bff @nicksbestie for plotting with me <3 Enjoy!
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✯Matt who gave his (then girlfriend, now) wife the biggest smile and hug when she came out to him
"You know this doesn't change how I feel about you, right? You're still my girl, and I love you more than anything in the world. Plus, now we get to have celebrity crushes together!!"
"That's the first thing you think of?"
"Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn is hot as fuck."
"...you got me there."
✯ He absolutely adores all of your piercings and tattoos. They make you so you. He loves to leave kisses on each one when you're cuddling
✯ Speaking of tatted/pierced bi baddie, you gotta add the colored hair to that, right? Matt adores going to the beauty supply store with you and picking out new hair colors for you to try
"Purple and pink?"
"There isn't a single color you couldn't pull off, my love."
✯ Matt who goes ALL FUCKING OUT for pride. There's a rainbow flag outside your house, he's putting pink/purple/blue hair chalk in his hair, and he is happily accompanying you and Nick to all the pride parades and festivals
"It's pride month, so I have to do whatever you say."
"Matt...you do that every month, baby. You're whipped."
✯ He absolutely loves playing games with you, even if he has to hear about how hot certain characters are. You even have matching gaming setups <3
✯ Every single one of their subscribers comments on how well dressed Matt is. Where do you think he gets his style tips? His wife 100%. You know how to perfectly balance between masculine and feminine, having your own days where you leaned more towards one or the other
✯ Matt who becomes a coffee shop enthusiast. You're rather addicted to iced coffees, and he's willing to oblige your addiction. The fans go especially crazy over photos of the two of you in cute cafes
✯ "Goddamn, I am so gay."
"Oh 😞"
✯ Matt who helps you cuff your jeans <3
✯ Absolutely jumps to defend you from bigots. He may seem shy and gentle, but the second someone even thinks anything rude about his wife, he is jumping down their throats
✯ Matt who loves the style you pull off. He thinks the way you wear flannels, jeans, and Converse one day and then full beat makeup and heels the next is so beyond sexy
✯ "Matt, look she's so hot."
"She's very hot, but not as hot as you *cheesy grin*."
✯ On days when you're not very feeling confident in your sexuality, Matt makes sure to give you extra love and attention, promising that he thinks you're amazing no matter what <3
✯ Matt who's okay with threesomes as long as there's clear boundaries that the other girl isn't joining your relationship full time
✯ Two hot women domming him? He's folding so fast
✯ Matt who's an absolute brat because he loves seeing his dom get all worked up
"You watch my mouth. I can't see it."
"What was that, sweet boy? Fix the attitude."
✯ Showing your third partner how to control him and Matt just smiles sweetly, all thoughts that don't have to do with him being pounded into the mattress disappearing
✯ If it was just you and Matt, he absolutely loves to eat you out to show you how "sorry" he is (he will mouth off again)
"Please...I promise I won't *grunt* do it again."
"Fine. But you better use that mouth for what's it made for and make this worth my while."
✯ Matt whose wife has her nipples pierced and he loves to play with them, gently sucking over the cool metal of the barbells
✯ Matt who loves it when you're on top, riding him until he's begging to cum with tears in his eyes
✯ When you have a third partner, he can't help but to grind his hips into the mattress as he whimpers, watching the two prettiest girls he knows go down on each other
✯ Matt who has a collar with his wife's name on it and blushes when your third partner points it out
"Someone really is whipped, huh?"
*cue blushes, gentle giggles, and enthusiastic nods*
✯ Matt who loves his bi wife and wouldn't trade her for anything 🩷💜💙
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tags ♡: @sturnlovr @matthewsturniologirly @pkfferoo @jetaimevous @blahbel668 @sturniolowhore @muwapsturniolo @nicksbestie @sturnlova @gxldenlush @calumsrockstar @pepsiluvr0209
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gorgeys · 1 year
Who I Write For
Camille L'espanaye
meet me at midnight
Carla Roson
so naive + pornstar (smut)
Emilia Alo
nerves (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3)
Katniss Everdeen
for you
Maddy Perez 
vivid fantasies + fever dreams 
Madison Beer
you look so good in this light
Margot Robbie
come to get your fix?
Naomi Lapaglia
Queen Maeve
riding her hero suit (smut)
pervy!queen maeve (smut)
never let me go
stargirl (smut)
homelander’s wife!reader (smut)
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