#Mashirao X Female reader
queentheweeb · 2 years
Mashirao Ojiro X Tenya's Sister Reader
You always saluted your boyfriend for being able to stick it out and handle staying with you despite your brother's...very very exuberant personality. 
"Tenya I'm going to drop-kick you down these stairs with a smile if you ask me one more stupid question." You felt the tic marks appear over your face and legs as they itched to kick that un-caring look from his face. Why doesn't he take your threats seriously? Does he not understand it's a technique not always muscle?
"We both know that's not going to happen. Still rude of you to say but I expect nothing more from you." You gawked at him. To hell with UA's school of conduct and forget his title as Class Representative. He was going to pay Chiyo a visit "I have to make sure that Ojiro has pure intentions with my only little sister!" You face-palmed just done with this same old conversation he has with you on a weekly basis. It used to be every day when he first found out about you two but, now he brought it down to weekly which is progress but you need him to bring it down to once in a while. You never expect him to stop cause he's a big brother and that's what big brothers do. They're over-protective.
"You should know him by now Tenya. You have been in class with this boy for almost a full school year and have been through so much shit with villains and disasters you should know everyone like the back of your hand." He looked at you pushing up his glasses and scrutinizing you. Maybe you were finally getting through to him? Ha, that was wishful thinking.
"That is true that we have been through some shit but we don't hang out he's usually with Shoji, Hagaruke, and Koda while I'm with Midoriya, Todoroki, Uraraka, and Asui. I wish I knew him more but we just don't hang out and I don't want to be awkward and start hanging out with him just because he's dating you. How else can I be a proper older brother?" You rolled your eyes at the older. 
"We are only 13 months apart." He shrugged giving you a smug smirk.
"I'm still older." You stuck your tongue out at him.
"I'm the cuter and smarter one though." He sputtered which was satisfying for you. "Besides I guess you're right but you can try to not be so overbearing and overwhelm him you know. If we last he's eventually going to meet our family and you'll definitely be seeing him way more than just in a classroom." He grunted looking off to the side thinking about it as you both walked back towards the dorms. You were lucky to work hard and graduate middle school at the same time as Tenya so you both can apply to UA together. People still found it hard that he was in fact a whole year and one month older but, he always made sure to tell people just in case you tried to lie and say you were the older twin. Such a bum head for that.
"You have a point and for your sake, I'll stop harassing him as much and be a little kinder to him." You looked at him in shock. He actually agreed? Who is this and what has he done with Tenya? He noticed your look grinning at you before ruffling up your hair.
"I'm as stiff as a board but, I can bend a little for my sister." You smiled at him both of you engaging in a debate that somehow by the time you both ended up in the dorm with everyone else already there you were on top of him trying to pull out his hair earning amused and weird looks from people 
"YOU WILL ADMIT THAT I AM RIGHT YOU MOTHERFUCKER." You tugged harder as he wrapped an arm around your waist squeezing you to make you stop 
"OW-STOP THIS NONSENSE RIGHT NOW BEFORE I SUPLEX YOU INTO THIS COUCH" You started trying to shake him like a rag doll
"I DARE YOU BIOTCHA" Those were the wrong words to say to your brother because he did exactly that. He somehow twisted the two of you around and suplexed you straight into the couch earning a stunned silence before Kaminari wheezed which caused a chain reaction.
"I warned you." He looked at you smirking with his tongue out before heading upstairs leaving you to the mess of class 1-a in the common area.
"What were you guys even arguing about this time?" You turned to block everyone out to look at your soft-spoken boyfriend.
"Mashi!" You fixed yourself allowing him to sit next to you giving you full access to his lap for cuddles. He blushed scarlet but didn't go to move you he simply sat back on the couch. "I can't remember what we were talking about. This kind of thing always happens now it's my turn next to surprise him." Ojiro simply sighed exasperatedly at your shenanigans "Did he bother you much today?" At his sweatdrop, you already knew the answer.
"He's gotten better but it's still...over-whelming whenever he does it." You nodded your head in understanding and were going to say something before you were rudely interrupted. 
"GET A FUCKING ROOM YOU DAMN LOVE BIRDS" You turned to Bakugo with a sickeningly sweet smile which made his scowl deepen.
"It's not my fault that you don't have no one to do this with. I can offer some help, in fact, I have the perfect thing to help you with." You pretended to look in your bag before pulling your hand out and giving him the middle finger. At an explosion, you grabbed Mashi's hand not wanting to find out if Kirishima and Kaminari can hold back Bakugou for long. You loved yourself.
A bit shorter and I find this writing style and length so much more manageable and easier to read.
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makethiscanon · 7 days
'Beauty and the Beach' - Ojiro x Fem!Reader
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Word Count: 3,300
Rating: T
Tags: Beach Day, Tiki Bar, First Meetings, Pining, Wingwoman Hagakure to the Rescue, Second Person POV, Ojiro's Perspective, Extroverted Reader
Warnings: Alcohol themes
'If Ojiro won't be pro-active about his love life, Hagakure will.'
“Don’t be such a chicken, Ojiro. Go talk to her.”
Hagakure caught Ojiro glancing across the beach at you for the umpteenth time today. He looked so much like a wistful puppy that she couldn’t hold her tongue. She knew she wouldn’t be much of a friend without trying to wipe that look of longing off his face one way or another.
But it seemed Ojiro thought he was being surreptitious. Hearing Hagakure calling him out like that made his whole body turn ridged, right up to the tip of his tail and the tops of his ears.
To his credit, he didn’t deny what he was doing.
“Don’t be crazy, Hagakure. I can’t.”
Ojiro and Hagakure often came to the beach to wind down after tough missions. It was a place they both enjoyed for different reasons. Ojiro liked the peaceful sound of the waves against the shore, and Hagakure liked the cool waters that eased her muscles after battle.
But recently, Ojiro had found another reason he enjoyed coming to the beach. The local, pop-up tiki bar had taken on some new hires and amongst them, you stood out like a diamond. Your smile had caught his attention from the get-go, stopping him midsentence the very first time he saw it. You radiated kindness and optimism, and never failed to welcome anyone who came to the bar looking for refreshments. Your positive energy had him hooked. Not to mention, you were very cute in the bar’s uniform; a bikini-top and wrap-skirt combo.
“I’m not in her league. There’s no way she’d be interested. I’ll stick to looking, thanks.”
Hagakure rolled her invisible eyes, annoyed but not surprised by Ojiro’s self-depreciating attitude.
“Coward. You won’t know until you try.”
“I do know. I don’t need to try.”
Hagakure grabbed a fistful of sand and threw it at him.
“Alright. Fine. In which case, go get us some drinks. I’m thirsty.”
“No, you’re not.”
Ojiro’s tail flicked the dry sand off his bare shoulders as he chuckled. If Hagakure actually did need a drink, he would be the first guy to go and get it, but was reluctant to help when he knew she was only trying to play matchmaker.
“Am too!” She demanded, burying her feet in the warm sand. She put her hand to her forehead dramatically, feigning heat exhaustion. Given that she was covered in sand, Ojiro had no trouble seeing what she was up to. “I’ll collapse any moment. Be a dear and go get some water.”
Ojiro couldn’t stop himself chuckling, watching her flop onto her back. Against his better judgement he started getting to his feet, heaving himself up with his hands on his knees. For all the rambunctious energy Hagakure had, he couldn’t believe she had just come off a night patrol and was yet to actually get any sleep.
“Maybe I’ll just let you pass out and drag you back to campus like a sack of potatoes.”
Hagakure shot back up to a sitting position.
“Oi! I’d be as light as a feather and you know it.”
Ojiro rolled his eyes with another chuckle.
“Sit tight, you drama queen.”
He dusted himself down then headed off towards the tiki bar. The walk wasn’t nearly long enough to prepare himself. He spent the first half wondering whether or not he should have dumped Hagakure in the ocean instead of giving in, only to remember in the moment he caught sight of you that he had no confidence in talking to pretty women.
He tapped the pocket of his swim shorts, checking his wallet was there as he came up to the bar. There wasn’t even a queue to give him a moment more to relax. As soon as he was within reasonable distance, you waved hello to him with that heart-fluttering smile of yours, calling out,
“What can I get you?”
Ojiro stalled for a split second, caught on the fact your optimism was aimed squarely at him, then managed to recover fast enough not to come to a complete stop.
“Hi,” he said, trying his best to return your friendly expression. He had so many things he wanted to say, but as he sidled up to a barstool and saw you up close, his mouth fell open as his brain short circuited. The phrase you’re so beautiful nearly came tumbling from his mouth, but thankfully the first syllable got stuck in his throat.
You kept your eyes on him, tilting your head with a playful expression as he carried on failing to give you his order.
By grace of the gods, he managed to catch himself when another customer appeared at the side window, asking you for a straw, and you turned your attention away for a moment. It was your eyes. He had not expected them to be so… oh man, he was down hard.
He sat up straight, rigid but alert, when you turned your gaze back on him.
“A water,” he said, sounding so calm it shocked him. “Please.”
You nodded, already turning to reach down into the mini fridge stocked with colourful cans and bottles.
“You got it.”
You popped the cap then put the bottle on the counter, keeping your fingers wrapped around it. You smiled mischievously, tilting your head as you looked at him.
“Surely that can’t be everything? No one sits on a barstool and asks for water.”
Apparently today was the day women were going to call Ojiro out on his poorly veiled intentions.
“Ah. Actually, the water’s for my friend.” He pointed over his shoulder without taking his gaze from you. Your eyes lit up like fireworks.
“That’s more like it. So what’ll you have?” You pushed the bottle towards him, leaning over the counter a little. Ojiro felt his heart begin to hammer at the sight of you leaning towards him in a bikini top. He found himself striking you with very intense eye contact all of a sudden, as his entire tail wound down the central pole of his barstool to keep a grip on reality. He reached into his pocket for his wallet.
“I’m good, thank you—”
He cut himself off, completely unguarded against the babyish pout that hit your lips.
“Aw, really? It’s such a nice day. You should treat yourself a little.” You leaned your chin on your hand, looking up at him through your lashes. “Come on. I can recommend you something, if you’d like?”
Ojiro was only thankful that his sheer willpower was enough to stop him looking lower than where your chin rested on your hand.
He hadn’t intended to buy something for himself but despite your obvious sales tactics, he was rather enjoying the interaction.
“What would you suggest?”
You stood up straight, the pout disappearing as fast as it had come. With a wide, happy grin, you grabbed a menu then opened it to face him.
“What are you feeling? Fruity, smooth, dry, or fizzy?”
You fingered over the different parts of the menu, with Ojiro enjoying the way you tucked your hair behind your ear as you focused on what you were showing him.
“Um. Smooth, I think. Something refreshing.”
You nodded and drew back, grabbing a glass from overhead.
“Any allergies?”
It was hard to believe you’d only been working at the bar for a few weeks, given how confident you were. As casually as breathing, you grabbed two bottles with long spouts in one hand then started pouring them into a shaker.
Ojiro smiled, watching you.
“No, nothing.”
With a nod, you pursed your lips then flittered around the small bar, filling the hurricane glass with ice, and the shaker with colourful liquids and sizeable measures of liquor.
“Do you want me to hold off on the decorations? Or do you want the big, bendy straw and a little umbrella?”
Ojiro chuckled, surprised you would ask.
“You can put the decorations on.”
You grinned again, your eyes sparkling.
“Good. I thought I liked you. The best kind of guy is one who doesn’t mind a little silliness.”
Your words sent a ripple of warmth through his whole body, and it was only his tail still wrapped around the barstool pole that stopped it wagging hard enough to become a dangerous weapon.
You started filling the glass with fruit and decorations, then without warning, you leaned across the counter and slipped a blue paper umbrella into his hair. Your fingers traced the shell of his ear as you pulled back and he shivered, enjoying the goosebumps. His stool creaked as his tail tightened around it like a vice. If he looked silly, he didn’t even care.
“Are you like this with all your customers?”
The words slipped out of his mouth before he knew what he was doing. Internally, he winced. But you chuckled as you lifted the shaker into the air, eyeing what you could see of him up and down.
“What do you think?”
At least you took it well. Ojiro mulled over the question as you shook his drink, coming to the conclusion that he would be delusional to think anything other than you were just very good at your job. You had him feeling very special after only a few sentences and a little flirty body language.
You poured the cocktail then set it down on the counter and added the last of the garnish.
“One Tequila Sunrise.” You quirked an eyebrow with a smile. “ID please.”
Ojiro looked at you, wondering if you were being serious. He chuckled, reaching into his pocket for his ID, regardless.
“Aren’t you meant to card someone before you make the drink?”
“Maybe I get to drink the ones I have to refuse.”
Ojiro laughed at the cheeky answer then slid his ID across the counter. You picked it up and studied it.
“I can’t remember the last time I got carded.”
He said, noticing the way you looked back and forth between the ID and him, your smile growing with each passing moment. By the time you handed it back, you looked both pleased and giddy. He had to wonder why until you popped the cash register then closed it again.
“Drinks are on me.”
“I don’t get to serve the Number 26 Pro Hero, Tailman, every day. Seriously. Thanks for working so hard all the time.”
Ojiro’s tail nearly ripped his barstool out from under him.
“Wait- no- I don’t mind. Please.”
Ojiro pulled his debit card out, his cheeks flushing pink from the fact you recognised him. His ID didn’t have his hero alias on it, and he was wearing casual clothes in the photo. You were one of very few who could recognise Tailman by his real name.
He jerked, his tail very nearly tipping him off the barstool as it tried to wag.
You raised your hands, palms open to refuse his card.
“Absolutely not. This one’s on me.”
He wanted to push it, but didn’t want to refuse your kind gesture. He relented, taking back his ID and tucking it, along with his wallet, back into his shorts.
“Thank you.”
Every fibre of his being wanted to ask you questions; Had you known he was Tailman the whole time? Did you follow his work? Maybe one of your friends did, and you knew of him through them? He desperately wanted to believe it was you. Or maybe you were like Number One Pro Hero: Deku, and followed the billboards in general. That was more likely it, but he just couldn’t shake the pleased feeling from his chest that you knew his real name.
Ojiro was very careful when he pried his tail off his chair, focusing hard on extracting it without taking down the tiki bar in the process. He grabbed his drinks, feeling the paper umbrella fluttering in his hair as he turned into the gentle breeze.
If he was a more confident man, he’d flirt and say it wasn’t fair that you knew his name and he didn’t know yours. He’d ask for your number. He’d joke that he’d be back if your cocktail recommendation was bad, or maybe he’d be back to tell you what he thought of it, to compliment you.
If he was a more confident man.
But instead, he gave you a curt nod goodbye, taking one last look at your radiant smile before turning away. He nearly walked straight into two guys headed to the bar. He heard your honey-sweet voice, calling to them,
“What can I get you guys?”
He couldn’t help but smile. He wondered if you’d pull them into a few minutes of bliss, like you had with him. He wondered if they’d appreciate it like he did.
The first thing Hagakure spotted was Ojiro’s goofy grin as he wandered back over to where she was sunbathing. She sat up, spotting the cocktail and the umbrella in his hair.
“Did you have fun, by any chance?”
Ojiro laughed, knowing what she was probably looking at.
“You could say that.”
He handed her the water then used his tail to lower himself to the floor without spilling his drink.
As he landed in the sand, he finally seemed to snap out of it. He looked at Hagakure’s water, then his cocktail.
“Oh. Damn. I should have got you a proper drink. Do you want mine?”
Hagakure started laughing.
“Put you in front of a pretty girl and you turn to goo. Forget the drinks, did you get her number?”
Ojiro’s entire face turned scarlet now that he didn’t have to worry about holding his composure.
“Are you crazy? Of course not.”
“What do you mean, of course not? You have an umbrella in your hair! Unless you’re woefully bad at flirting and put the damn thing in yourself, that was an open invitation.”
Ojiro supped his drink bashfully, though his tail wagged a little more as the flavour hit him.
“I lied,” said Hagakure. “I want a proper drink. Go back. Go. Back. You’re not fighting me on this. Go back over there, you hopeless bag of muscle.”
Despite his embarrassment, Ojiro couldn’t help laughing as Hagakure scrambled up then tried hauling him up by his tail.
“I can’t. I’m scared I’ll put her out of pocket again.”
Hagakure stopped dead.
“Did she… did you get a free drink?”
Ojiro knew he was digging his own grave by offering up the information, but he was still enjoying the fact that you knew him.
“Yes. She paid for it as thanks. For… all my Pro Hero work.”
Ojiro heard the slap as Hagakure put her hands to her face in shame.
“You didn’t boast about being a hero to get a free drink, did you? God, I knew you were bad with women but—”
Slipping straight past those blows to his ego, Ojiro raised his hands in defence.
“I didn’t! She recognised me. I didn’t say a thing about being a hero. I’m off duty. I wouldn’t.”
Ojiro yelped as Hagakure grabbed his tail again, doubling down on trying to pull him up.
“Get your butt back over there and ask her out immediately.” She demanded. But then she suddenly let go. “No. You know what? Stay there.”
As Hagakure started marching off across the beach, Ojiro went against his better judgement and stayed put. Hagakure seemed pretty adamant. Knowing that he wouldn’t be able to stop her without force, he chose to look out at the ocean and enjoy his cocktail, taking little sips as he tried not to think of what Hagakure could be doing, saying, or scheming.
He leaned back on one arm, letting the sun bask against his bare chest. He lifted his face, his eyes shutting as the day’s warmth settled over him, and focused on the sounds of the waves. With his eyes closed, he pictured your face again; that smile as you realised who he was. He didn’t think he would ever forget it.
He twitched a little in alarm, hearing Hagakure’s sudden and not so subtle squeal of excitement on the winds. He wondered what that was about, refusing to let his hopes get too high. For all he knew, she might have just seen something especially fluffy. He kept his eyes closed, focusing all his attention on the taste of his cocktail.
It wasn’t long before he heard the familiar patter of feet through the sands towards him. He opened his eyes and looked Hagakure’s way, only to nearly drop his drink. It wasn’t Hagakure. It was you.
Ojiro shot up in greeting, trying not to let his alarm slip onto his face as he staggered and smiled your way. He wasn’t prepared last time, and he definitely wasn’t prepared this time.
“Is everything okay?”
Even with you walking towards him with your arms out wide like a child keeping her balance and that smile on your face, he couldn’t believe you were here to see him in anything other than an emergency capacity.
You laughed as you came to stand in front of him, your hands clasped behind your back.
“Your friend said she’d man the bar for five. She’s really nice.”
Instinctively, Ojiro looked past your shoulder to double check that the tiki bar wasn’t already on fire, then looked back at you.
“Hagakure didn’t force you to come over, did she?”
You shook your head.
“Not at all. She told me a few things, but coming over was my idea.”
Ojiro flinched, wondering what Hagakure could have possibly said, but he was far more interested to know you were in front of him of your own doing.
“Mhmm.” You nodded, then slipped your hand into the cup of your bikini top. Ojiro stiffened and looked skyward, his heart melting when you giggled again. “Don’t worry, I’m not flashing you.”
He didn’t think you were, but it was too much like temptation for him when your hand was so close to an area he knew would be rude to stare at.
While he kept looking at the clouds in the sky, you said,
“I thought it was you when I saw you coming towards the bar. It’s hard to miss your tree-trunk thick tail. I didn’t want to make a fool of myself if I was wrong, though. But I let myself get hopeful anyway. To answer your question earlier, no, I’m not like that with every customer. That flirting was just for you.”
Ojiro’s gaze shot back down to you, his eyes widening.
“It was?”
He was so surprised by the revelation that he didn’t notice what you were holding out towards him for a moment. But then he spotted the slip of paper, folded neatly in half. He took it in one hand and flipped it open with his thumb. Then his tail started wagging again.
“You’re giving me your number?”
You tucked your hair behind your ear as you nodded.
“Hagakure said you’re bad with women. I don’t mind. It’s pretty sweet, actually. I was just happy to talk to you. But she said you have a bit of thing for me, so…”
Ojiro laughed despite himself, realising Hagakure probably hadn’t spared any details of his pining from you.
“Yeah, I do actually. Even if I wussed out on telling you.” He sighed, looking into your pretty eyes now that he felt he could. “But with the cat out of the bag… can I ask what time you get off work? I’d love to take you to dinner.”
Thankfully you didn’t pause before giving him an answer.
“I finish at six.” Ojiro felt humbled, seeing the slightest hint of nerves touching your face. “So I’ll… definitely see you then?”
You had nothing to be anxious about. You were stunning, and charming, yet for some reason you looked like you were worried about him saying no to you. He held your note to his chest, his smile widening effortlessly as he took in every detail of you, the sun shining down on you, making his heart warm.
“It’s a date.”
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koishiro · 1 month
Dating Mashirao Ojiro <3
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bleach-your-panties · 8 months
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insanesanitysparks · 7 months
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Thankfully Together MHA Ships/Writing Sparks for Nov.
I usually write character x reader plots, but I wanted to do some short posts for character x character pairings (that I ship). I'm going to attempt to do a different ship every day for the entire month of November (30 ships at the least though I may do more if I finish early). I'm currently short 3 ships.
I'd also be really interested in hearing what MxF character ships you guys would like to see, especially since I'm short 3 ships. If I get the time, or maybe for December, I'll focus on other people's ships.
If you want to use my list, by all means go ahead! Just send me the link(s) to whatever you write because I definitely want to read what you do with it! ^^
And without further adieu, my ships...adding links to this as I finish the one-shots, so this will be a sort of masterlist. Male x Female Ship Ship Name Prompt Idea
Izuku Midoriya (Deku) x Ochaco Uraraka (Uravity) Izuco - I think this sounds adorable Super sweet vanilla, first time shenanigans, cuteness overload.
Eijiro Kirishima (Red Riot) x Mina Ashido (Pinky) Eishido or Eijido - kind of sounds like a martial arts name Feigning bravery, energetic, positive, partner oriented.
Mashirao Ojiro (Tailman) x Toru Hagakure (Invisible Girl) Mashiru or Toro Kind of shy but definitely curious.
Denki Kaminari (Chargebolt) x Kyoka Jiro (Earphone Jack) Deka or Kyoki They strive to please each other but also battle for dominance.
Shoto Todoroki (Shoto) x Momo Yaoyorozu (Creati) Shomo - sho mo of those cute ships lol Traditional courtship to formal proposal and marriage.
Hanta Sero (Cellophane) x Mina Ashido (Pinky) Hanna or Mita Party kids, kind of chaotic and wild without breaking rules.
Yuga Aoyama (Can't Stop Twinkling) x Toru Hagakure (Invisible GIrl) Yuru or To...ga - Yu ru the world Toga! xD Self doubt and insecurities. I want a blindfold.
Tenya Iida (Ingenium) x Mei Hatsume Tenei or Meiya Partners in profession and life.
Neito Monoma (Phantom Thief) x Itsuka Kendo (Battle Fist) Neika or Itsuto She fell in love while keeping him in line.
Fumikage Tokoyami (Tsukuyomi) x Ibara Shiozaki (Vine) Fumira or Ibakage - personally like Fumira Mutual corruption. She saves, he curses.
Katsuki Bakugo (Dynamight) x Setsuna Tokage (Lizardy) Katsuna or Setsuki Two powerful people get horny basically.
Mezo Shoji (Tentacole) x Pony Tsunotori (Rocketti) Meny or Pozo - Meny reasons to love this ship Size difference and cute cuddles.
Koji Koda (Anima) x Kinoko Komori (Shemage) Koko Animals eat mushrooms and Kinoko likes being appreciated.
Rikido Sato (Sugarman) x Reiko Yanagi (Emily) Rikiko Baking together, more than just bread. ;P
Enji Todoroki (Endeavor) x Rei Todoroki Enei - enabling...? Enji gives Rei control for a night.
Keigo Takami (Hawks) x Fuyumi Todoroki Keimi He was spying on Endeavor, she was silently rebelling.
Natsuo Todoroki x Melissa Shield Natssa - kind of makes me think of Natasha Romanov He's a programmer who foes to work with a machine specialist.
Kosei Tsuburaba (Tsuburaba) x Tsuyu Asui (Froppy) Koyu or Tsusei - Tsu sei call her Tsu x'D He's not sure how to feel about that tongue.
Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi x Shino Sosaki (Mandalay) Naono Two leaders who relax with each other.
Shota Aizawa (Eraser Head) x Ryuko Tsuchikawa (Pixie-Bob) Shoko or Ryuta Her clock is ticking and he likes desperate women...and cats.
Shinji Nishiya (Kamui Woods) x Yu Takeyama (Mountain Lady) Shiyu or Yuji She gets on his nerves but he loves her. They support each other.
Masaru Bakugo x Mitsuki Bakugo Maki or Mitsuru - I like them both Twist on traditional male/female household.
Hizashi Nishiya (Present Mic) x Emi Fukukado (Ms. Joke) Hizami or Emishi Similar chaotic energies. No wall is thick enough for these two.
Yagi Toshinori (All Might) x Inko Midoriya Yako or Ingi He's like a father figure to Izuku and she loves that.
Sekijiro Kan (Vlad King) x Nemuri Kayama (Midnight) Sekimuri or Nejiro Kinky pair, blood and whips...they get it on.
Mirai Sasaki (Sir Nighteye) x Kaoruko Awata (Bubble Girl) Miruko or Kaorai Behind closed doors she's serious and he's hilarious.
Danjiro Tobita (Gentle Criminal) x Manami Aiba (La Brava) Danami or Manajiro Little bit of an age gap, they found love in a hopeless place.
All for One (Original Shigaraki) x Inko Midoriya Shigariya He uses her for an experiment, plays 'god' with their child.
Ken Takagi (Rock Lock) x Mrs. Takagi No couple name, 'cause I can't find her name A devoted working father and his loving stay-at-home wife that he can't live without.
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omegaworld · 1 year
Tag list @
If you want to belong to the tag list, let me know.
You can check if you are on a taglist by going to the fandom masterlist
I write only alpha male character x omega female reader.
All my fanfics have a happy ending.
You can choose tag lists for all fanfics, for a fandom, collection or for specific characters (you can choose more than one).
Characters that are here are the ones I guarantee I will write in the collection or fandom, for fandom with a collection means that currently all my fanfics in that fandom are being for that collection/series and so for now each character will only have one fanfic, I plan to do more collections in each fandom further down the line.
Characters that appear in brackets are characters I might do more for later on but I can't guarantee it. I may have forgotten some character so if there's one you want me to write and it's not here let me know.
Tags lists:
One piece  (Mates collection)
Dr. Stone (Mates collection)
My Hero Academia (Omega Program collection)
Xavier Thorpe Ajax Petropolus
Dr. Stone (Mates collection):
Senku Ishigami Chrome Kinro Ginro Gen Asagiri Ukyo Saionji Tsukasa Shishio
My Hero Academia (Omega Program collection):
A1: Denki Kaminari Eijiro Kirishima Katsuki Bakugo Hanta Sero Fumikage Tokoyami Mezo Shoji Shoto Todoroki Mashirao Ojiro (Izuku Midoriya) (Tenya Ida)
Other students: Yosetsu Awase Neito Monoma Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu Mirio Togata Tamaki Amajiki Hitoshi Shinso Yo Shindo Inasa Yoarashi
Pró heros: Hawks Eraser Head All Might (Best Jeanist) (Fat Gum) (Present Mic) (Endeavor)
Villans: Tomura Shigaraki Dabi
Others: Natsuo Todoroki
One piece (Mates collection):
Straw Hat Pirates: Monkey D. Luffy Roronoa Zoro Ussop Sanji  Vinsmoke (Jinbei)
Other pirates: Charlotte Katakuri Charlotte Perospero Charlotte Cracker (Charlotte Oven) King Page One X Drake Portgas D. Ace Izou Marco The Phoenix Benn Beckman Shanks Trafalgar D. Water Law Eustass Kid Killer (Dracule Mihawk)
Marines: Kuzan Koby Donquixote Rosinante
Others: Vinsmoke Ichiji Vinsmoke Niji Vinsmoke Yonji Sabo
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lonely-layla · 2 years
✩ 𝕀𝕟𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕕𝕦𝕔𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕞𝕖 / 𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕀 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕨𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕖 ✩
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Read this before requesting to prevent confusion if I deny
Name: Layla any pronouns(genderfluid)
✩Content under cut ✩
Hello there! I’m Layla! This is an information post about requests and what you are able to do. Let’s get to it<3
『 𝕋𝕪𝕡𝕖𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝕊𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕀 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕨𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕖 𝕒𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕥: 』
LGBTQ! characters/readers(being part of the community myself I have no problem with it<3)
POC! reader(I am a person of color myself <3)
Chubby/plus sized!reader(also me <3)
Female/male/gender neutral!reader
NSFW(my forte)
Fluff(I love comfort posts)
Angst(I’m not good at it but I’ll try)
『 𝕥𝕪𝕡𝕖𝕤 𝕚𝕗 𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕀 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕟𝕠𝕥 𝕨𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕖 𝕒𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕥: 』
Pedophilia/child porn(if the character is aged up then it’s okay)
Incest / Stepcest / Pseudo-cest
Trans Male/ Trans Female (I am not trans and I don’t know how it feels. I don’t want to offend anyone by spreading misinformation about how it works)
Vomit/ Piss/ Scat (wtf-weirdos…)
Characters x OCs
Reader with disabilities(I don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable or spread misinformation about it.)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.───
✩ 『 𝔽𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕠𝕞𝕤 𝕀’𝕝𝕝 𝕨𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕖 𝕗𝕠𝕣 』 ✩
My hero acedemia
Demon slayer
Danganronpa (all except ultra despair girls)
Haikyuu! (I’m just starting it so I might not know some characters)
Genshin Impact(only some characters lol)
Yandere Simulator
✩ ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕤 𝕀 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 absolutely 𝕨𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕖 𝕒𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕥 ✩
Any characters that are not on the lists I will write about unless stated otherwise
Class 1 A: izuku midorya, Katsuki Bakgou, Shoto todoroki, Denki Kaminari, Momo yaoyorozu, Mina Ashido, Kyoka jirou, Hanta Sero, Tenya Iida, ocho uraraka,eijiro kirishima
Class 1B: Neito Monoma, Hitoshi Shinsou
Pro hero’s: Shouta aizawa, Keigo takami(hawks) mirko, ms joke, midnight, mt lady
Villains: Touya todoroki(dabi)
Extra characters: Mirio togata, tamaki amajiki
Kamaboko squad: tanjiro kamado, zenitsu agatsuma, inosuke hashibira
Hashira: rengoku, giyu tomioka, gyomei himejima, Sanemi shinazugawa,mitsuri kanroji, Tengen Uzui (and his wives ofc)
Trigger happy havoc: mondo Owada, Leon kuwata, aoi asahina, Byakuya Togami, Celestia Ludenburg, yasuhiro hagkure, sayoko maizono
Goodbye despair: nagito komaeda, Hajime hinata,ibuki mioda, Gundham Tanaka, Akane owari, Milan tsmiki, Sonia nevermind
Killing harmony: Rantaro Amami, shuichi saihara, Miu iruma,Kiibo, Tenko chabashira, maki harukawa, Gonta gakuhara
(I’m just started watching this anime so sorry if there aren’t a lot of characters to chose from)
Karasuno: Shoyo hinata, Tobio kageyama, kei tsukishima, yuu nishinoya,ryunosuke tanaka
Nekoma: kuroo tetsuro, Kenna kozume
Genshin Impact: Keaya Alberich, Childe Tartaglia, shikanoin heizou, Aether, Zhongli, Dilluc
Yandere Simulator: Budo Masuta, Umeji kizuguchi, Shoku Tsuburaya, Osaka Najimi, most 1980’s characters
✩ ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕤 𝕀 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 ℕ𝕆𝕋 𝕨𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕖 𝕒𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕥 ✩
Class 1 A: Rikado Sato, koji koda, Fumikage tokoyami,Mashirao ojiro, Mezou shoji, Tooru hagakure, minoru mineta, Tsuyu asui, yuga aoyama
Pro heroes: all might, present mic, endeavor, Mickey Mouse lookin ahh principal
Villains: kurogiri, Himiko toga, twice, tomura shigaraki, all for one, the ficking lizard dude
Kamaboko squad: nezuko(sorry my soul just can’t)
Hashira: iguro obonai, shinobu kocho
Trigger happy havoc:NO MONOKUMA,toko fukawa(or genocide syo),Sakura ogami, kyoko kirigiri, makoto naegi, Hifumi yamada, chihiro fujisaki, Sayaka Maizono, kyotaka ishimaru,
Goodbye despair: NO MONOMI, teruteru hanamura, l nekomaru nidai, Peko pekoyama, Byakuya Twogami, kazuichi soda, mahiru koizumi
Killing harmony: NO MONOKUBS, kokichi oma, Himiko yumeno, Angie yonaga,Korekiyo shinguji
Yandere simulator: Gema taku, ayano aishi
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.───
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bluebirdsboi · 1 year
My Hero Academia/Boku no Hero Academia Masterlist | Last Updated: 6/12/23
Fluff = 🥰 | Angst = 😢 | Smut = 🥵 | Hurt Comfort = 🩹 Platonic = 🤝 Headcanons = 📝 | ABC Headcanons = 👩‍🏫 | Oneshot = 📘 | Series = 📚 AU = 🌎 | Songfic = 🎵 Male Reader = 💙 | Gender Neutral Reader = 💜 | Female x Female = 💖 Story on hold = ✋ | Character on hold = 🔒
Denki Kaminari
Coming soon... 
Eijiro Kirishima
Coming soon...
Enji Todoroki (Endeavor)
Coming soon...
Hitoshi Shinso
Coming soon...
Izuku Midoriya
His confession 🥰 | 📝 | 💜
Katsuki Bakugo
Coming soon...
Keigo Takami (Hawks) 
Coming soon...
Mashirao Ojiro
Coming soon...
Mezo Shoji
Coming soon...
Mirio Togata
Coming soon...
Sekijiro Kan (Vlad King) 
Coming soon...
Shoto Todoroki 
Coming soon...
Shouta Aizawa (Eraser Head) 
Coming soon...
Tamaki Amajiki
Coming soon...
Tashiro Toyomitsu (Fat Gum) 
Coming soon...
Tenya Iida
Coming soon...
Toshinori Yagi (All Might) 
Coming soon...
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sukislady · 3 years
Opposites Attract | bk
text below
Waking up to the sound of buttons mashing against a controller was something you didn’t expect. Especially from who you were currently laying on, it made you blush. Katsuki had his arms wrapped around your waist, controller in his hands playing some killing game. He had on headphones so the sounds of guns and such didn’t scare you. Your arms were wrapped around his neck, face snuggled in the crook of it.
It was almost like you were made to be in this spot in this moment. You didn’t want to ruin what was happening as you would probably never get this again. Sighing, Katsuki typed away on his keyboard, angrily. It caused you to turn your head to see who he was texting. It was the class group chat. This intrigued you so I turned in his grasp and reach for your phone. “What are you doing?” Katsuki asks while you check the group chat.
“What’s wrong with Todo?” You ask and Katsuki sighs and takes your phone from your hands and buries his face on the crook of your neck.
You smile. “Forget about them and stay with me kid.”
This was certainly a very different side of Katsuki that he would never show the other students. It makes you happy to know you’re the only one who sees him like this.
Yet, all good things must come to an end. “I have to pee Katsu,”
He groans as he lets you go and playfully push you off of him. “Fine, get out.” He says with a smile gracing his face.
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previous ┊masterlist ┊next
part 14┊ need for speed
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@unlogical-ella @eimivalla @cereiza @llamakenma @comehome2myheart @todomaniac @sweet-lullabai
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mytheoristavenue · 2 years
Could you write a MHA Todoroki request where he’s crushing on his female classmate who’s very humble despite being near top of the class with a light manipulation quirk (similar powers to Sailor Venus from Sailor Moon) so he admits his feelings when she brushes off his compliment and he’s confused/needs to her understand how amazing she is? Thank you in advance!
Thanks for the ask! I've never written for Todoroki before, other than my hcs, so I hope I do him justice! Also, sorry for the short length!
MHA Shoto Todoroki x Reader - Clearity
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Summary: You mistake Shoto's compliments for pity.
Quirk: Light Bending. You can store light in your skin cells and release it at will.
You brushed your hair out of your face before readying yourself again. Today's endurence training had each class of 1A squaring off against the student whose quirk was most opposite to their own, and Tokoyami and Dark Shadow were certainly giving your light bending a run for it's money.
Due to the small comapcity of the gym, and the ability for some of your classmates' more destructive quirks to get out of hand, Aizawa was running one match at a time. This also gave the class a good oppertunity to observe eachother and take notes of what they would do in that situation.
As your skin absorbed the light from the overhead florecent bulbs, preparing you for a would be finishing blow for Dark Shadow, but just before you could store enough energy to progect such a light show, you were hit with the hatsh full force of your oponent's physical body, pushing you out of the ring you were confined to.
Your eyes widened as you glance up, staring at him in shock, you couldn't believe he'd bested you so easily. Grumbling, you shook Tokoyami's hand as a force sigh of good sportsmen ship and made your way to the sidelines.
Standing off to the side, you noticed Todoroki stealing glances from you quite frequently. You gave him a puzzled look as he seemed to realize he'd been caught and began to make his way over. "I just wanted to say, you did really well today." he said, handing you a water bottle.
"Thanks," you replied flatly, taking it from him and uncapping it before guzzling it down. "But I really don't need your empathy. Tokoyami beat me, as unfair as his methods may have been."
Todoroki's brows knitted in confusion. "I didn't mean to pity you, I just-" Before he could clearify, you had already begun to walk away, Azaiwa having dismissed class. He quickly followed your direction, calling out your name without effect. Finally, just as he'd managed to catch up to you, he halted, a blush creeping up on his cheeks when he realized he'd almost barged into the ladies' locker room. Todoroki sighed, turning to walk away, towards his next class, it'd be creepy if he just stood outside the door, waiting for you.
A few hours had passed, and the last few periods of the day had come and went, and Shoto had been wondering where you had been. You both shared seventh period Calculus, and it was uncharictaristic of you to skip. Later, while in the common room of his floor back in the dorms, he came across Kirishima, whom, he knew you trained with often.
"Kirishima," Todoroki asked, coming to the back of the couch his friend sat on, post workout protein shake forming a mustache on his upper lip. "Did (Y/N) work out with you today? I didn't see her in class after Endurance Training."
The red head thought a moment. "Sorry, bud, haven't seen her. I was feelin' a bit tired after today, so I just went for a jog instead of hitting the gym. Might wask Ojiro, though. I think he went today."
Todoroki nodded and thanked his friend, prepared to leave to find Mashirao. "What about me?" Speaking of which, the Tailman himself stepped out of the elevator, along with Shoji, just in time to hear his name mentioned. "You guys aren't gossiping about me, are you?" he joked, a towell draped around his neck, as he wander over to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water, before tossing one to his gym buddy.
"Todoroki's lookin' for (Y/N), was she at the gym with you guys?" Kirishima asked, filling in for the afformentioned man.
Ojiro shook his head as Shoji began to speak. "No, we were going to ask you, actually. She made plans to come with us, but never showed."
"Come to think of it," Ojiro began. "She wasn't in Disaster Analytics with me last period, either. Wonder where she could be?"
Todoroki began to worry, his expression contorting into a frustrated frown. Granted you weren't close, and even if you were, you didn't owe him any kind of explanation for your where-abouts. He sighed, sitting down on the couch, a few cushions away from Kirishima, as the bottle red head patted his back.
"Easy up on yourself, man. I'm sure she'll turn up."
"Speak of the devil, and the devil shall apear." Shoji said quietly, pointing toward the balcony of the floor they were on, to you, sitting on the edge of the rail, watching the sun go down. Todoroki flashed an unsure look at Kirishima, who exchanged a reasurring one in return.
Slowly, Todoroki approched the door to the balcony, exiting the room, and sepping out into the cool air. He could understand now why you felt the need to spend time out here, it was so serene. Quietly, he walked up to the rail, hoping not to startle you and cause you to fall, before leaning against it. Thankfully, you knew he was there, and didn't feel the need to turn around.
"I've been looking for you." he almost whispered.
"I've been right here." you replied lowly.
"Why weren't you in class, I was concerned."
"I was with Recovery Girl, I got a few burns from storing os much light and not releasing it. She said I wasn't alert enough for treatment, so she gave me what she could, and had me sleep it off in her office before continuing. I'm fine now, though." you explained, nonchalantly.
"I'm glad you're feeling better. And I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings earlier."
You cocked a brow at him, tilting your head a bit. "You didn't?"
Todoroki blushed a bit, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "I didn't mean to make you think I pittied you. I just...meant to say that...I think you're amazing. I guess it didn't come out right."
A small blush crawled across your cheeks as you further averted your gaze. "You do?"
"Yeah. You're so in control of your quirk, it's really impressive. And you're so kind and compassionate. I guess I admire you a lot."
You smiled, finally turning to look at him, to hop down off the ledge, only to find him gazing at you, entirely enamoured. "Todoroki?"
"Yeah?" "Do you wanna go get some food with me?"
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queentheweeb · 1 year
MHA Masterlist
Started: 06/04/2023 or 04/06/2023
Edited: 06/19/2023 or 19/06/2023
Male Readers:
Izuku Midoriya X Quirkless Autistic Male Reader
Denki Kaminari X Shy Male Reader
Katsuki Bakugo X Shy Autistic Male Reader
Shota Aizawa X Male Reader X Hizashi Pt 1
Shota Aizawa X Male Reader X Hizashi Pt 2
Denki Kaminari X Male Reader
Ejiro Kirishima X Autistic Male Reader
Fumikage Tokoyami X Shy Male Reader
Tamaki Amajiki X Male Reader
Shota Aizawa X Quirkless Autistic Male Reader
Hanta Sero X Trans FtM Reader
Hitoshi Shinso x Autistic Neko Male Reader
Correctional Officer Izuku X Male Prisoner Reader
Hawks X Autistic Male Reader
Female Readers:
Shota Aizawa X Autistic Female Reader
Mirko X Female Reader
Bully Midoriya X Female Reader X Victim Bakugo
Hound Dog X Female Reader
Flirty Izuku X POC Mid-sized Female Reader
Hanta Sero X Shy American Female Reader
Izuku X POC Female Reader (Xmas Edition)
Midnight X Female Reader
Villain Izuku X Shy Female Reader
Tenya Iida X Shy Female Reader
Mashirao Ojiro X Tenya's Sister Reader
Bakugo X Skinny Dysphoric Fem Reader X Shoto
Mezo Shoji X Female Mutant Type Reader Pt. 1
Mezo Shoji X Female Mutant Type Reader Pt. 2
Ejiro Kirishima X Shy Female Reader
Yandere Overhaul X Female Reader
Overhaul X Female Reader X Chronostasis
Tomura Shigaraki X Villain Female Reader
Kirishima X Mute Female Reader X Bakugo
Shoto Todoroki X Autistic Female Reader
All Might X Quirkless Autistic Female Reader
Monoma X Blind, Deaf Female Reader X Shinso
Gang Orca X Fem Reader Pt. 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt. 4, Pt. 5, Finale
GN Readers:
Yandere Edgeshot X GN Reader
Best Jeanist X GN Reader
Jiro X GN Reader X Momo
Mezo Shoji X GN Little Reader X Ojiro
Bakugo X Non-binary Reader X Izuku
Asui Tsuyu X Non-binary Reader
Tenya Iida X Non-binary Tourette's Reader
Mina X GN Reader X Ochako Uraraka
Shoto Todoroki X GN Reader
Shouta Aizawa x GN Pro Hero Reader
Character X Character
Alpha Izuku Midoriya X Omega Ejiro Kirishima
Alpha Denki Kaminari X Omega Mezo Shoji
Alpha Hitoshi Shinso X Omega Denki Kaminari
Alpha Denki Kaminari X Omega Koji Koda
Alpha Shoto Todoroki X Omega Hanta Sero
Alpha Ejiro Kirishima X Omega Hitoshi Shinso
Alpha Koji Koda X Omega Mezo Shoji
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cherryriotcrash · 3 years
Kinktober Day 1: Anonymous Sex
Day 1: Face-sitting || Cream-pie || Anonymous sex
Anonymous character x Fem! Reader
All characters depicted are in their mid-20s, Minors Do Not Interact.
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You’re not quite sure how you got here, but you know it had to be a pre-coordinated effort.
You’d been casually chatting with Mashirao and Denki at the party, asking questions about how Denki’s seemingly platonic habit of just…clinging to his tail, when suddenly a mask was pulled over your eyes and tied tightly. You went to activate your quirk reflexively as you flailed in confusion and panic, only for Denki to grab your hand soothingly.
“Hey, pretty girl, calm down. You trust Mina and I, right?”
You nodded, “Good. We would never do anything to hurt you. It’s just a simple game of Seven Minutes in Heaven with a little twist. You’re going to be blindfolded and you’re going to have to guess who it is. Oh, and one more thing.”
He grabbed the other hand and held your hands with your palms together as another person tied them with what felt like silk ropes, “You can’t use your hands.”
“Well why the fuck not?!”
“Because everyone here has distinct hairstyles. Can you imagine if we sent you in and someone went for your hair? You’re the only one who has that hair texture.”
“Can they see me?”
“Yes.” He pulled you to your feet, “watch your step, we’re guiding you to where you need to be.”
“This is a lot of hullabaloo to lock me in a closet.”
Mina giggled, “Oh honey, we’re adults! We’re not putting you in a closet!”
A door opened and you heard your heels click on a tiled floor, “This is a bathroom.”
“Exactly! Plenty of room to move and surfaces to explore, way better than a closet. They’re already in here by the way, so I just want to make this explicitly clear; do you consent to participate in this game?”
You sighed, “Is the person in the room with me somebody I have repeated interpersonal issues with, someone you know I would not grant consent to otherwise, in a committed relationship, or Mineta?”
“You know damn well we wouldn’t serve you up to Mineta like this,” Denki scoffed, “but to answer your questions, you do not have interpersonal issues with this person, we can say with a high degree of certainty you would grant consent to this person, and they’re a single pringle, much like you. There’s also protection of all kinds in the drawer in case you’d like to use it. You’re also both well versed on the stoplight system.”
“Y’all did your fucking homework, holy shit. I give full consent.”
You could practically hear the shit eating grins of your friends, “Wonderful! We’ll leave you two to it.”
You heard the door click and lock behind you and after a moment you sighed, “Okay, can you like…snap your fingers so I know where you are?”
A clap came from across the room, “Damn it. I was trying to see if you could snap because it would shorten my list. You’re smart, so you might not be Eijiro. I’m gonna assume you can’t speak because your voice is distinct—Well, unless you’re Hitoshi, but then you’d give yourself away immediately with your artificial vocal chords, so…knock once for yes, twice for no. Got it?”
One knock on the wall.
“Good, at least now we can communicate. You can come over and touch me, you know.”
A pause, and then heavy footsteps stopped right in front of you, a single finger lifting your bound wrists above your head, and you could feel them towering above you.
They’re taller than me. That eliminates Tsu and Ochako.
You felt warm lips hover over yours for a moment before giving you a soft, testing kiss.
It’s not Fumikage.  
You leaned into the kiss, lips parting as their tongue slotted against yours, chest pressing against yours. You hooked your leg around a calf, and a large hand stroked your thigh. You moaned softly and the hand crept higher, drawing small circles that had you keening softly. The other hand trailed down your spine.
Not Momo, not Jirou, and definitely not Iida.
You pulled back for a moment, panting “Are you male or female?”
They responded by rolling their hips forward, a noticeable bulge pressing against your thigh as they pressed kisses to your neck.
“Okay. You could be one of seven people.” He stiffened in front of you, and you scoffed, “What? Surprised I narrowed it down that fast?”
One hesitant knock on the counter next to you.
“Well did you think I was stupid or something?”
Two rapid knocks.
“Well, you might not be Izuku, he likely would have knocked the damn door down in embarrassment trying to signal a no, but he’s full of surprises. We’re on a time crunch, I kind of have to choose quickly.”
He snorted into your shoulder, trying not to laugh before pressing his lips to yours again, this time with a little more urgency before nipping at your collarbone and trailing his tongue up your neck to nibble just below your ear. You mewled, hips rolling forward to try and get some sense of relief. He slid one hand between your legs, and you panted out a plea for more. One of his hands left you to fumble in the drawer beside you before he picked you up and placed you on the counter. You tucked your bound hands behind your head, and he snatched your panties off before kneeling and kissing your inner thigh.
You whined, “Want you to fuck me. Please.”
You were embarrassingly wet for him, and you felt him smirk against your skin before trailing his tongue up your center. You whined again, “Not with your tongue.”
He pressed two fingers into you, and you felt near tears with frustration, “I don’t want your fingers either. Are you trying to stretch me?”
One knock.
“I like when it hurts. Please just fuck me. If you are who I think you are, I’m on birth control.”
You heard hands slam against the counter as he dropped his head to your shoulder, biting back a groan. You heard the sound of a belt and zipper, a barely audible groan of relief, and the gentle sound of a condom being placed back in the drawer. He hooked your knees over his elbows and pulled you to the edge of the counter, wasting no time before sheathing himself fully and starting a brutal pace. You opened your mouth to cry out and immediately his mouth was on yours, swallowing down your moans to try and keep you quiet. When it became clear that wasn’t an option, he pulled out and bent you over the counter, swatting you across the ass when you muttered you son of a bitch in protest. He untied your hands and pressed them flat to the counter, holding them there for a moment as if wordlessly daring you to move them. He drove himself back into you with the same force as before, one hand holding your hip tightly as the other came up to lightly trail blunt nails down your back. You arched up and the minute your mouth opened in a whine, thick fingers pressed against your tongue to muffle your cries. You closed your lips around his fingers and sucked, getting a rumbling groan from deep in his chest in response.
You felt yourself getting closer and before you could say anything, he removed his fingers from your mouth to tap your hand, giving silent permission to move it between your thighs. Your hand drew small, fast circles over your clit, and the minute he felt the first pulse of your orgasm he clapped his hand over your mouth, fucking you through it as you gushed around him, dampening your own thighs and likely wrecking his pants. You babbled incoherent praises against his hand, pushing back into his strokes, and when he removed his hand, the first thing that spilled from your lips sent him teetering over the edge.
“God I want you to cum inside me please I need it I need you Izuku pl—”
The minute his name fell from your lips, he leaned forward and bit into your shoulder, burying himself as far as he could get himself.
“Oh fuck.”
You felt him pulse inside of you, fingers curling into your hips hard enough to bruise as he came down, panting. You felt the blindfold come untied and you blinked rapidly, eyes adjusting to the light in the room. When your vision cleared, Izuku was standing in the mirror behind you, chest heaving and his head tilted back, blindfold in hand. His head lolled forward, a goofy smile on his lips.
“I have never cum that hard in my fucking life.”
You blinked stupidly, not fully reconciling your Izuku (the shy and stammering number one hero you worked with daily) with this Izuku, who fucked you like he hated you and apparently swears, “…Did you just say fuck? Twice?”
He winked at you in the mirror, “You did say I’m full of surprises.”
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mbruben-stein · 3 years
list of things I write and take requests for.
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list of things I will write:
Headcanons / HC (I only do four to seven characters.)
Boyfriend Scenarios.
Girlfriend Scenarios.
Dating would Include.
Love stories
X Reader.
x pregnant character or reader.
Character X Character.
X They/Them reader.
X Male Reader
X Female Reader
Girl x Boy.
Boy x Boy.
Girl X Girl.
Yandere Alphabet
S/O Headcanons.
SFW Alphabet.
NSFW Alphabet 18+.
list of prompts writing request ideas and request:
Main Paige/list.
List of animes and characters that I write.
Snow White With Red Hair:
Zen Wisteria
Kiki Seiran
Mitsuhide Louen
Raji Shenazard
Black Butler:
Sebastian Michaelis
Ciel Phantomhive
Grell Sutcliff
Soma Asman Kadar
William T. Spears
Ronald Knox
Alois Trancy
Claude Faustus
Hannah Annafellows
My Hero Academia:
Izuku Midoriya
Katsuki Bakugo
Momo Yaoyorozu
Shoto Todoroki
Fumikage Tokoyami
Mezo Shoji
Denki Kaminari
Hanta Sero
Kyoka Jiro
Dabi / Touya Todoroki
Mashirao Ojiro
Eijiro Kirishima
Ochaco Uraraka
Tsuyu Asui
Mina Ashido
Himiko Toga
Tenya Ida
Toru Hagakure
Mirio Togata
Tamaki Amajiki
Nejire Hado
Hitoshi Shinso
Melissa Shield
Hawks / Keigo Takami
Eraser Head / Shota Aizawa
All Might / Toshinori Yagi
Midnight / Nemuri Kayama
Mr. Principal / Nezu
Ingenium / Tensei Ida
Tomura Shigaraki
One piece:
Monkey D. Luffy
Roronoa Zoro
Nico Robin
Trafalgar D. Water Law
Portgas D. Ace
Dracule Mihawk
The sacrificial princess and the king of beasts:
Death Note:
l lawliet
Light Yagami
Touta Matsuda
Misa Amane
Vampire Knight:
Zero Kiryu
Hanabusa Aido
Yuki Cross
Kaname Kuran
Senri Shiki
Takuma Ichijo
Akatsuki Kain
Kaien Cross
Ruka Souen
Toga Yagari
Ichiru Kiryu
Rido Kuran
Attack On Titans:
Eren Yeager
Levi Ackerman
Mikasa Ackerman
Armin Arlert
Historia Reiss
Jean Kirschtein
Connie Springer
Hange zoe
Erwin Smith
Annie Leonhart
Sasha Braus
Moblit Berner
Reiner Braun
Marco Bodt
Bertolt Hoover
Yugi Muto
Seto Kaiba
Yami Yugi / Adam Moto
Téa Gardner
Joey Wheeler
Tristan Taylor
Mokuba Kaiba
Avatar the Last Airbender. (Yes, I count this as an anime. This is because I really like it and love it. Sorry for the people who don't think it's an anime, but you can't change my mind.):
Ty Lee
Diabolical lovers:
Yui Komori
Reiji Sakamaki
Ayato Sakamaki
Laito Sakamaki
Subaru Sakamaki
Shu Sakamaki
Yui Komori
Kou Mukami
Ouran High School Host Club:
Tamaki Suoh
Kyoya Ootori
Kaoru Hitachiin
Hitachiin Hikaru
Haruhi Fujioka
Ritsu Kasanoda
Takashi Morinozuka
Violet Evergarden:
Gilbert Bougainvillea
Benedict Blue
violet Evergarden
Cattleya Baudelaire
Claudia Hodgins
Iris Cannary 
 The Ancient Magus’ Bride:
Chise Hatori
Elias Ainsworth
Assassination Classroom:
Nagisa Shiota
Karma Akabane
Hinano Kurahashi
Hinata Okano
Tadaomi Karasuma
Yuri on ice:
Yuuri Katsuki
Yuri Plisetsky
Victor Nikiforov
Mila Babicheva
Otabek Altin
Phichit Chulanont
Ben 10:
Rook Blonko
Ruby Rose
Yang Xiao Long
Weiss Schnee
Blake Belladonna
Pyrrha Nikos
Lie Ren
Jaune Arc
Oscar Pine
Sun Wukong
Crow / Qrow Branwen
Tokyo Revengers:
Takemichi Hanagaki
Mikey/Manjiro Sano
Draken/Ken Ryūgūji
Takashi Mitsuya
Keisuke Baji
Chifuyu Matsuno
Hinata Tachibana
Kazutora Hanemiya
Akkun/Atsushi Sendo
Smiley/Nahoya Kawata
Angry/souya kawata
Emma Sano
Ran Haitani
Rindo Haitani
Shuji Hanma
Izana Kurokawa
list of movies and characters that I write.
Harry Potter:
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Ron Weasley
Luna Lovegood
Rubeus Hagrid
Neville Longbottom
Ginny Weasley
Remus Lupin
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Charlie Weasley
Sirius Black
Edward Cullen
Bella Swan
Jacob Black
Alice Cullen
Jasper Hale
Carlisle Cullen
Emmett Cullen
Sam Uley
Embry Call
Hocus Pocus:
Thackery Binx
Max Dennison
Rise of the Guardians:
Jack Frost
Nicholas St. North
Tooth Fairy
Pitch Black
The Hobbit / The Lord of the Rings:
Bilbo Baggins
Thorin Oakenshield
Samwise Gamgee
Frodo Baggins
list of Marvel movies / comics and characters that I write.
The Avengers:
Peter Parker / Spider-Man
Bruce Banner / Hulk
Tony Stark / Iron Man
Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow
Clint Barton
Steve Rogers / Captain America
T'Challa / Black Panther
Miles Morales / Spinn Spider-Man / Kid-Arachnid
Guardians of the Galaxy:
Peter Quill / Star-Lord
Rocket Raccoon
list of DC movie / Comics and characters that I write.
Bruce Wayne / Bat-Man
Clark Kent / Superman
Diana Prince / Wonder Woman
Dick Grayson / Nightwing
Jon Lane Kent
Selina Kyle / Catwoman
Zatanna Zatara
Tim Drake
Kara Zor-El / Supergirl
Suicide Squad:
Harley Quinn
Chato Santana
Tatsu Yamashiro
Teen Titans:
Damian Wayne / Robin
Koriand'r / Starfire
Victor Stone / Cyborg
Garfield Logan / Beast Boy
Jaime Reyes / Blue Beetle
list of shows and characters that I write.
Secrets Of Unfortunate Events:
Violet Baudelaire
Klaus Baudelaire
Quigley Quagmire
Isadora Quagmire
Lemony Snicket
Fiona Widdershins
Duncan Quagmire
Gravity Falls:
The owl house:
Luz Noceda
Edalyn Clawthorne/ the owl lady
Willow Park
Lilith Clawthorne
Gus Porter
Amity Blight
Emira Blight
Edric Blight
Hunter/ the golden guard
Milo Murphy's Law:
Milo Murphy
Melissa Chase
Zack Underwood
Sara Murphy
Amanda Lopez 
Balthazar Cavendish
TMNT/ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012:
Splinter/Hamato Yoshi
April O'nell
Cassey Jones
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neko-loogi · 3 years
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♡︎𝚆𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝙸 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎!♡︎
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Alrighty! So this here is where I'll indicate what I will and will not write!
Please read these before requesting!
( ♡︎𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚞𝚝!♡︎ )
♡︎𝙽𝚘𝚝𝚎: I will only write headcanons and some not so short drabbles, I won't be writing any fanfics because I suck at writing that type of content. Furthermore I don't really feel comfortable writing fanfics with canon characters or characters that aren't my OCs ( So please respect my choices! )
Also please keep in mind I am NOT an experienced writer, I just write shit for fun. So don't expect me to write super amazing content because I'm not very good at it but I at least try.
*Also, I don't actually write anything in here, this is my main blog and it's for other stuff- my written works are over here! Go check it out!
♡︎𝚆𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝙸 𝚆𝙸𝙻𝙻 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎:
• Female / Male / Gender neutral readers
• Plus sized / Chubby readers ( literally anything body positivity )
• Straight / LGBT relationships
• Platonic relationships
• NSFW content ( I'm not good at it but I'll try )
• Yandere themes ( Again, I'm not good at it but I'll try )
• Sub!Characters with Dom!Readers ( I'll try- )
♡︎𝚆𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝙸 𝚆𝙸𝙻𝙻 𝙽𝙾𝚃 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎:
• Pedophilia / Child porn
• Incest / Stepcest / Pseudo-cest
• Rape
• Trans FTM / MTF readers ( I am not trans myself and I lack info on it, I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable or spread misinformation about transgender readers! So it would kindly be appreciated if I get info on this topic )
• Dark!Content ( I'm not against it or anything, I just don't know how to write it )
• Piss / scat / vomit ( seriously wtf y'all )
• Infantalization / Age-regress ( I'm not against it, but I don't feel comfortable writing with this ) ( I also know that people see this as a comfort thing, but in my opinion I see this more of a kink. No offense. )
• Omegaverse ( seriously tho, I think that shit is kinda dumb- but you do you I guess? )
• Characters x OCs ( sorry ;-; but I'll only write with my own OCs )
• Readers with disabilities ( Again, I don't wish to spread misinformation or make anyone uncomfortable )
• Readers with specific races ( most people write either with white readers or black readers, but the problem is I'm neither so I can't exactly write with these without sounding racist as hell- I'm actually a POC, but nonetheless I will not specify the reader's race! I try to make my content as neutral but inclusive as possible.. )
• Drug use ( I have never done drugs in my life so I have no clue on how they work- )
♡︎𝙵𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚘𝚖𝚜 𝙸 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑:
• My Hero Academia
• Demon Slayer
♡︎𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝙸 𝚆𝙸𝙻𝙻 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑:
• Class 1-A, mainly... ( Katsuki Bakugou, Izuku Midoriya, Eijiro Kirishima, Sero Hanta, Denki Kaminari, Mina Ashido, Tsuyu Asui, Yuga Aoyama, Tenya Iida, Ochako Uraraka, Shouto Todoroki, Mezo Shoji, Kyoka Jirou, Minoru Mineta, and Mashirao Ojiro )
• Pro Heroes, mainly... ( Shota Aizawa, Fatgum, Hawks, Present Mic, All Might, Mirko and maybe Endeavor )
• Villains, mainly... ( Dabi, Toga Himiko, Shigaraki Tomura, Overhaul, Chronostasis, Magne, Mr. Compress and maybe Twice )
• Extra characters like... ( Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, Hitoshi Shinso, Tamaki Amajiki, Mirio Togata, and maybe Natsuo Todoroki )
• Tanjirou's Squad, mainly.. ( Tanjirou Kamado, Zenitsu Agatsuma and Inosuke Hashibira )
• Hashiras, mainly... ( Kyojuro Rengoku, Giyuu Tomioka, Obanai Iguro, Mitsuri Kanroji and Gyomei Himejima )
• Extra characters like... ( Yushiro Yamamoto and Sabito )
♡︎𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝙸 (𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚋𝚕𝚢) 𝚆𝙸𝙻𝙻 𝙽𝙾𝚃 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑:
• Class 1-A... ( Momo Yaoyorozu, Toru Hagakure , Rikido Sato, Koji Koda and Tokoyami Fumikage ) [ personally I don't like these characters ( especially Momo ) nor do I know much about them. So yeah sorry- ]
• Class 1-B... ( except Tetsutetsu )
• Pro Heroes...( Gang Orca, Vlad King, Sir Nighteye, Rock Lock, Midnight, Mt. Lady, Ms. Joke and maybe Endeavor? Idk ) [ there are so many Pro Heroes- I'll just write with the ones I know okay? ]
• Villains... ( Kurogiri, Spinner, Stain, and Kendo Rappa )
• Extra characters... [ I highly doubt I'll write anything with Nejire Hado, Hatsume Mei, and Fuyumi Todoroki ]
• Tanjirou's Squad... [ I won't write with Nezuko, I know it's mostly platonic stuff with her but I still don't want to write with her. ]
• Hashiras... [ As much as I wanna write stuff with Uzui, I feel like he's way too overrated. So I won't be writing with him but I might add him as a bonus! ] ( Literally some of the Hashiras, especially Sanemi. )
• Villians ( or Demons ).. ( Muzan, Akaza, Enmu, Gyutaro, Rui, Daki and all the other demons that I totally forgot their names lmao- ) [ I really wanna write with Kyogai tho but I won't- maybe? I'm not sure.. ]
Anyyway, I think that's all for today! Thanks for taking your time and reading these! ( I appreciate it <3 )
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♡︎𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎! 💚
-𝙻𝚘𝚘𝚐𝚒 💕
♡︎𝙼𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝙼𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝♡︎
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illyaana · 3 years
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WORKS UNDER LISTED CHARACTERS: Works listed will be related to that specific character. It can be monologues or x reader.
X READER WORKS: They are binaural or no specific gender is specified for the reader unless stated using the tags.
TAGS: Tags are to show the general feel of the works. It doesn’t explicitly tell how the plot is.
Medium NSFW (heated kissing, sensual touching, etc.): BLUE
SFW: BLACK or WHITE (depending on your theme).
OTHER ANIMES: Basically if there is a work based on an anime I don’t write on much, I’ll list it under there.
SHIPS: All the ships I have for all the animes (listed or unlisted) will be there.
☁️: fluff
🌧️: angst
🤫: cussing
🚺: female reader
🚹: male reader
🤝: x reader
🩸: blood and/or violence
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Multiple Characters
Students waking up for the first time next to their s/o after getting married | ☁️🤝
Part 1: Todoroki, Midoriya and Bakugo
Part 2: Tokoyami Fumikage, Kirishima Eijiro, Iida Tenya
Pro Heroes waking up for the first time next to their s/o after getting married | ☁️🤝
Part 1: Eraserhead and Midnight
Bakugo Katsuki
Birthday Special: Hot Chocolate |☁️🤝
Midoriya Izuku
Aichmomania - Vil! | 🌧️🤫🤝🩸
Birthday Special: Katsudon | ☁️🤝
Todoroki Shoto
Moon | 🌧️🤫🤝🩸
Diavolo | ☁️🌧️🤫🤝🩸
Dorm Life | ☁️🌧️🤫🤝
Hitoshi Shinso
Summer Hues | ☁️🤝
Mashirao Ojiro
Birthday Special: Fallen Feathers | ☁️🤝
Kaminari Denki
Black-Eyed Susans | ☁️🌧️🤝
Aizawa Shota
Warmth | ☁️🤝
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sadclearance · 3 years
the hand
pairing: setsuna tokage x female! 1-a student! reader
summary: y/n comes to class with a hand. with no body.
category: fluff, crack(?) idrk, incredibly unfunny
warning(s): none
word count: 1367
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"y/n... what is that... object you have brought to class?" tenya iida asks nervously.
"what're you talking about?" y/n answers with a question of her own.
"oh my god! what the--!" toru hagakure shrieks, and now everyone's attention is gathered.
"is that real?" denki kaminari grimaces at the sight.
"what're you all looking at?" y/n frowns. "why're you looking at me like that?"
"did you kill someone?" mina ashido whispers totally inconspicuously.
"what? no!" y/n shakes her head. "are you crazy? i could never do that."
"then... why do you have a severed human hand?" mashirao ojiro's face bunches up at his own words.
"and why did you bring it to class?" kyoka jiro shakes her head, unimpressed with her class this early into the day.
"it looks like a girl's hand..." minoru mineta says, his mouth watering at the pretty slender fingers.
y/n narrows her eyes at the short boy and points the severed end of the hand toward him.
"ah! stop! that's scary!" mineta shrieks, no longer drooling.
"remember that the next time you wanna make eyes at my girlfriend, perv!" y/n laughs, satisfied with the punishment.
the rest of the day went by normally, or as normally as it could when a classmate was holding a severed hand and calling it her girlfriend.
"so, uh..." eijiro kirishima starts his sentence, unsure of whether or not he should continue it.
"how long have you... girls been dating?" kaminari asks for him. they had been talking--not gossiping, because gossiping isn't manly--about it all of class.
"few months now," y/n smiles, happy to answer any and all questions about her love.
"how long have you guys known each other?" hagakure joins in the conversation, her interest in love overpowering her fear of the hand.
"since the beginning of the year," y/n smiles and looks at the hand lovingly.
"i can't tell if i'm supposed to be touched, jealous, or creeped out," ashido sighs out a laugh.
"i hate when class cuts into lunch," kaminari frowns as he stretches his arms behind his back.
"when we're professional heroes, this will be a common occurrence," iida gesticulates.
"that's true, but kaminari's complaints are valid," y/n sighs as she rubs circles into the hand's knuckles. "at least i have her with me."
when she brings it up to her lips to press a gentle kiss, her classmates squeal, some out of joy, some out of horror.
"is that... sanitary?" momo yaoyorozu asks.
"the dead carry many diseases," fumikage tokoyami nods in agreement.
"the dead? c'mon, guys. i wouldn't be dating a corpse," y/n laughs as though their concerns were ridiculous. "my girlfriend is very much alive."
when foundational hero studies rolled around, the students of 1-a had the chance to find out more about the hand.
"young y/n..." all might says with a disturbed but worried look on his face, "you're going to have to leave your..."
"girlfriend," y/n finishes the sentence for him.
"yes! your girlfriend out here when it's your turn to participate. it'll be safer for her."
"okay," y/n says with a sullen expression. "i trust you guys to look after her."
"we'll guard her with our lives," all might promises confidently. "don't you worry."
"see you when i'm done," y/n presses another soft kiss to the hand before leaving it on a counter.
"is that..." all might starts to say when y/n's in the arena, out of earshot.
"that's what we said earlier..." kaminari laughs awkwardly.
with all might's attention on the course, evaluating y/n's score, the class is free to stare at the hand.
"do you... do you think we should touch it?" ochako uraraka asks. while she wasn't normally the type to meddle in other people's business, this situation was just straight up abnormal.
"i'm kinda curious..." tsuyu asui agrees.
"but that's y/n's girlfriend," hagakure says warily.
"she won't ever know," hanta sero shrugs.
"would it be like... violating it if we touched it?" kaminari asks.
"i don't... think so?" ashido's response comes out more like a question than an answer.
"it's a normal hand, right?" izuku midoriya asks, delving into overanalyzing the object.
"maybe," asui looks over it. "it looks like it."
"if it's a normal hand, then without the rest of its body, it has no brain, which means that it has no sense of identity or consciousness in general, but also, should this hand be considered a person if that's true? it was probably part of a person at one point, but now that it's on its own, is it more of an object? let's say it doesn't have a brain, but it's still biologically alive--how would a hand be alive on its own? where is the owner of--"
"i'm gonna blast your fucking mouth shut if you don't shut the fuck up," katsuki bakugo glares, but his voice doesn't hold its normal volume, as he too is even the slightest bit curious about the hand.
"midoriya," ashido puts a hand on said boy's shoulder. "there's too many questions to try to figure out a moral answer to this. you're gonna fry your brain if you keep going. stop while you're ahead."
"it is alive," tokoyami says calmly, bringing the attention back to the hand, where he had just poked the top of.
"you're just... touching it?" kaminari makes a face.
"weren't you the one that said dead things have diseases?" sero looks concerned.
"yes, but it's alive. it's warm."
midoriya hesitates. does he want to touch a random hand that he has no idea where it came from, who it belongs--or belonged--to, or--
bakugo pushes him aside and grabs the index finger.
almost immediately, the other fingers grab a hold of his hand and digs their nails into it.
"what the fuck?" bakugo growls and pulls his hand back.
"it... it moves?" mineta shivers.
"were you guys bugging my girlfriend?" y/n shakes her head when she returns.
"nope!" they stand tall, jumping away from the hand.
"i'm sorry, baby," y/n says lovingly as she strokes the hand. she glares at the others as she says, "my classmates really have no manners."
they left it alone for the rest of the day.
"was today weird to anyone else?" jiro asks as she grabs her backpack from her desk, getting ready to leave.
"even for u.a. today was a bit..." uraraka agrees.
"see you guys tomorrow!" y/n waves the hand goodbye as she leaves first.
"did she just--"
"wait! guys! look!" hagakure whisper yells at the window.
they watch as y/n runs to someone in the hallway, the hand in her hand, severed end pointed at the other.
she grabs the back of the head of green locks as she pushes their faces together, lips locking.
the hand goes to a wrist, coming together as though they were magnets.
"how was your day?" setsuna smiles when they pull apart. her hand is still held by y/n, except it's now connected to her body.
"you should've seen their reactions," y/n giggles.
"oh, i heard them. i think the whole school did."
"how was yours?"
"nowhere near as dramatic as yours. two hands that weren't yours touched me, though," setsuna pouts.
"i know, i'm sorry. they're nosy," y/n pouts back.
"but for the most part, i liked it. i like holding hands with you all the time."
the students of 1-a were relieved to see that y/n was neither a psychopathic killer or necrophile.
1-b's reaction that i wanted to include but didn't know how to fit in:
"setsuna... why are you missing a hand?" ibara shiozaki asks with a concerned look on her face.
"did you lose it somewhere?" juzo honenuki stares at the wrist with no hand.
"gave it to my girlfriend" was setsuna's simple answer, eyes staying on her phone but a big grin making its way to her face.
"nice! congrats! who's the lucky lady?" tetsutetsu asks, as supportive as ever.
"girlfriend?!" could be heard from 1-a throughout practically the whole building.
"you're dating a 1-a loser?" neito monoma--who hadn't shown the slightest interest in this conversation until now--scoffs with a roll of his eyes.
"my girlfriend is not a loser. say that again, and i'll kick your ass," setsuna throws her textbook at the blonde, successfully hitting his face.
idk what this is
but the lack of content for this beauty named setsuna tokage should be a genuine crime.
i say even though i haven't watched past the sports festival arc or read any of the manga because i can no longer pay attention to anything that's longer than a minute... so probably ooc
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