#Matt Damon x f!reader
iceman-kazansky · 1 year
In Your Arms, I Sleep Without a Doubt
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Requested by: @jill-smith-123
Request: So for the one shot it can filled with A LOT of angst yn could be captain Miller's daughter and maybe she's worried she'll loose Ryan again because of the war and stuff But maybe he gives her kisses and tells her it'll be okay hehe
Pairings: Private James Ryan x f! Miller! Wife!reader
Warnings: Movie-typical violence mentioned (Guns, Explosions, Bombs, etc), blood, loss of a parent, Reader and James are Married, hurt/comfort
A/n: I hope you like this, it was fun to work on and honestly, one of my favorite fics :D
(Not to mention, you were also INCREDIBLY nice to deal with and were very kind, even with me accidentally blocking you after mistaking you for a blank blog ((sorry again btw)) )
Bullets. Everywhere. They leave puffs of dirt when they smack into the brick walled buildings.
Explosions. Much too loud for your ears. Each deafening 'Boom!' leaves behind a fiery ball of destruction in the form of a bowl-shaped crater.
Their eyes. The desperate, fleeting looks of agony. Of pain. Their fearful gazes as death waits for them to finish their last breath patiently. Holding his deadly sword of death above their head like a mistletoe.
Blood. Your comrades. The enemies. Your fathers. Crimson residue of death splattering on your face when they are gunned down. It reeks. The stench invades your nostrils, choking you out of your horrific and intricate labyrinth of nightmares.
You awoke with a jolt, cold sweat dotting your forehead. Your breathing is erratic. An irregular pattern as you recall the nightmare you were just shaken from.
When you look up towards the window you see the moon, shining high up in the sky, it's pale face staring you down, you feel the need for a breath of cold, fresh night air.
Rising from where you sit upright on the bed, you silently make your way out of your shared bedroom and out the front door - to the porch -
You stand, leaned against the railing of the house you share with your husband – James – who is currently peacefully asleep, staring at the night above. The stars twinkle beautifully, like mini diamonds of infinite light, blinking down upon your delicate form.
For minutes, you stay like that, watching the stars, listening to the blissful song sung by the creatures of the night. It's peaceful.
The door creaks open behind you, but you don't bother to look over your shoulder. You already know who it is.
"Are you okay?" He asks as he leans on the porch railing beside you, his stunning green gaze trailing your face.
With a quivering lip you look over to him, and his eyes go impossibly soft, "Oh, Honey."
He wraps you in his large arms, hugging you close to his chest in an effort to comfort you. He provides a place of warmth and security while the pent up fear and grief releases itself out in the form of hot tears.
For some silent moments, you just rock in the comfort of his arms, small and quiet sobs rack your body and hot tears drip off your chin and into his shirt.
"Why are you crying, darling?' He asks, his voice soft and a comforting warmth.
"I-" hiccuping, you pause for a moment, "I'm afraid, James."
He doesn't say anything, just stares at you, waiting for you to continue, "afraid of losing you. Losing you just like how I lost him."
He sighs, and hugs you again, kissing your forehead, "Oh, baby," He whispers, peppering your face with kisses, "You won't lose me."
"But what if you get drafted?"
"I won't." He says, as if that would be ensured, when deep down, you know the army might pull him back any day, tell him 'you need to come fight again,' and put him back into danger.
And with the war brewing in Korea, your fear did nothing but deepen, worries eating away at you as the war raged on. "You don't know that." You whisper.
Your husband presses a few kisses to your face, one to the tip of your nose, one to your cheek, below your eyes, another to your forehead, and finally a firm one to your lips, "I promise my love, I'm not going to war."
He grabs your hand delicately, his large palms enclosing your own, warm fingers pressed lightly against your own, "C'mon love, let's go back to bed."
Sniffling, you follow him back inside and back to your bedroom, where you both lay side by side.
He leans over and closes you in his arms, spooning you, whispering, "I love you" in your ear.
"I love you too."
Locked safely in his arms, back pressed into his chest while you cuddle, you fall asleep in peace. Surely, the thought of the impending war wouldn't leave you, the fear of losing your husband to war once more, so recently after your father's tragic passing, and nearly your whole squad's brutal death, where you'd first met James.
But here, lying in his perfect arms, on this perfect night, the thoughts of war and nightmares would keep at bay for a while. Allowing you to sleep peacefully in your husband's protection.
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starlightandfairies · 6 months
Helloooo :) i hope you’re having a wonderful day or night! Or just both lol. Anyways, is it okay if I ask for a Klaus Mikaelson x Female reader one-shot? For me, I don’t like where the reader just falls in love with him so quickly, despite everything he has done. I was thinking of something with fluff and he has to work for her love? So basically, reader has been friends with Elena, Bonnie, and Caroline since childhood, but she’s still human. And she hates Klaus for what he has done to her friends and family, but despite everything he has done he hasn’t don’t anything to harm her physically in any way. (Hint hint, cause it means he likes her lol). And because of this, he tries to show he genuinely cares about her. It takes her a long while to eventually warm up to him.
Sorry, this is a lot -_-…uh, and not very detailed lol. I wanted to leave it up to your imagination, but totally fine if you can’t cause writers block and other things. Anyway, an idea: maybe reader gets saved by Klaus and he admits he likes her but she kinda plays hard to get. of course, she can’t help but to be flattered by his accent, his flattery, his looks, etc. And because she is human, being tortured or just kidnapped by supernatural beings is genuinely terrifying and he comforts her? I hope this is all okay! Of course you can change or add whatever you’d like. I love Klaus so much, and I love your writing!
Description: If the great Niklaus Mikaelson wants to become closer to the reader then he would have to push through thick and thin to do so.
Warnings: she/her pronouns, fluff, swearing
*Requests are open, please send through as many requests as you want, check my character list and requesting rules.*
Thank you for requesting this! I hope you enjoy it! I really tried my best to show this eventual bonding that is more realistic, while also not rambling on for a story length.
Key: Y/N = Your Name, L/N = Last name, POV = Point of view, F/fs = favourite flowers
Word Count: 1, 915
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First Person's POV 
Niklaus Mikaelson drove me insane, I do not understand how he thought he could follow me around, begging for my interest like he hasn't done anything wrong to those around him. The great Klaus Mikaelson was many things but he wasn't the type of man I would bend over backwards to show that their past didn't matter. I won't lie, there were times when it was hard to really show my distaste for the Hybrid due to that accent, his looks and his charisma but I do like to pride myself on my stubbornness and the fact that I'm not that easy to charm. 
Besides Matt, I was the only other human, sure Bonnie was in a sense human but she had her magic to protect her and I had nothing. I didn't have any of that. I was just a straight-up human who could die at any second or become permanently injured if tossed around too harshly. The girls have grown to somewhat like him and every now and again will remind me of the fact that not once has he ever tried to hurt me, not once has he ever used me as bait or tried threatening me in any way shape or form.
Bonnie, Caroline and Elena have all expressed their hatred for the man and it only fueled mine. I have no clue what it would take for me to show any sign of sympathy for the man or any sense of forgiveness considering what he's done. There were times when I even disliked Damon and Stefan for what they've done. Sure, it might be contractionary of me to like the Salvatores and not hate them like I did Klaus... but still. 
It's at least been a good two years of having the Mikaelsons in our lives. Rebekah and Elijah were tolerable. I felt for Rebekah and Elijah seemed true to his word, even if he was sometimes conflicted between his family and his morals. Klaus was 
"Hey, Y/n!" I huffed, stopping in my tracks, knowing there was no use in continuing on when he could easily Casper the ghost right in front of me. I crossed my arms over my chest, raising an eyebrow, not impressed by his persistent attitude. 
"What do you want Niklaus? 
"Well, love... I was hoping I could treat you to some dinner. Show you some of the best places. Things you couldn't possibly comprehend seeing." I rolled my eyes, shook my head, sucked my lips into a straight line and raised an eyebrow.
"Really, Niklaus? Every time it's been a no. What makes you think this will be a yes?" 
"I saw your play last night, I think you are a pretty amazing actress." I didn't believe him, I think that he's making stuff up, trying to show that he's a good guy. 
"Prove it, what happened when the actor playing Stanley threw his chair." Klaus chuckled lightly, licking his lips for a moment before he walked closer and leaned in for a moment. 
"You tripped over your own feet, fell over... you worked it into your performance, no one in that audience would've known any different. I think skill like that is pretty talented. I have seen many performers across my lifetime and not many could do that." I rocked on my feet, biting my lips and huffing for a moment. 
"You came to my performance?" I questioned my tone soft for a moment, surprised that Klaus came. The girls weren't able to due to supernatural issues happening again, I didn't want to show any sign of falling for his charm.
"Yes, I did. I don't know why you sound so surprised..." I shrugged, taking a breath, glancing away for a moment trying to remain as stoic as I could.  
"I have to go, goodbye, Klaus." I carried on my way, going back to doing what I originally planned on doing before. Tonight was the closing night of A Streetcar Named Desire the girls were meant to show but once again due to the new big bad in town, they didn't show. I stood in my dressing room, wiping off my makeup before the tears could come. I was just about to open the door before I was stopped by Klaus.
"K-Klaus... what, what are you doing here?" He handed me a bouquet of my F/fs, I took them with a small smile and stepped aside to allow him into the dressing room. 
"You got your own dressing room, that's pretty neat..." The Hybrid trailed off, glancing at the desk that was covered in tissues, I moved to clean them up but he moved in front of me before I could. 
"Why are you crying...?" 
"I'm okay Niklaus." I turned to him hearing his chuckle, I raised an eyebrow in question, how dare he laugh at me!
"I promise, I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing at the fact that when I'm getting closer to breaking down your walls, you call me Klaus but when you realise that you're dropping your walls you go right back to calling me Niklaus." I sat back down, staring at him surprised that he picked up on something that I hadn't actively been aware of doing. 
"My friends couldn't come. They promised that they would but because of the new big bad in town... they couldn't and because I'm human-" Realising I was sharing my than I would like to Klaus, I bit my lip trying to remind myself that I couldn't get close to Klaus. 
"Let me read you something." He pulled out a newspaper, I gave him the benefit of the doubt, just for once but turned my attention to continuing to remove my makeup. 
"Y/n L/n's performance as Blanche DuBois has been spectacular on all nights of the production. In my years as a critic, I have never seen this much dedication and accuracy similar to the vision Tennessee Williams had when picturing Blanche DuBois. I admire Y/n greatly as a performer and know that she is an actress highly dedicated to perfecting her characters' mannerisms and hope that she goes far with her acting journey." I stared at Klaus surprised, I jumped to my feet, staring at Klaus with intrigue and took the paper from his hands. 
I read the words, staring at them in shock that this was actually true, the author's name is what shocked me the most. Klaus M
"You wrote this?" 
"I did." 
"And you mean it?" 
"I do." Maybe... maybe if a man who didn't know me could make the time to watch all of my performances... maybe he wasn't so bad. 
"Thank you, Klaus... it means a lot." 
It took two years, four months and 18 days for Klaus Mikaelson to get me to warm up to him, I think I deserve a trophy for just how long I've made him work to get to know me better. The truth is, I am terrified of getting killed, kidnapped or tortured by the supernatural me, I mean what if someone worse than Klaus comes into town and because I am one of the very few humans left in town I get used as collateral? 
I was walking home from the Grill, minding my own business until everything went dark and I finally came to find myself tied up in a chair, blood dripping from my nose, head and stomach. I cried out, looking around terrified of who could be hurting me and what they would do if they didn't get what they wanted. 
"Hmm, you're awake again. Try not to pass out this time... the blood loss will really be screwing with your head. I would apologise but I really don't care I just need that damn hybrid to come forward and save your ass-" 
"Who are you?" I cried out, trying my best to not show weakness but the pain in my limbs and the fear that was coming in made it impossible to think of anything but my pain. 
"Who I am isn't important, I tried to keep your face pretty but you know." The unknown figure shrugs, leaning in closer and grabbing my face in his hands with a glare forming and with a snarl he reveals his fangs. I shake my head, feeling his breath on my skin and whimper feeling his fangs pierce my neck. 
It fades away swiftly, the tears cascade down my cheeks, and I stare in shock seeing Klaus standing there and dropping the man's heart onto the floor. Within an instant I was in his arms, I grabbed onto his shirt letting out a sob and whimpering as the pain seemed to increase. 
"Shh, love, it's okay... you're gonna be okay. I've got you." Klaus reassured, biting into his wrist, he gestures to his wrist and I slowly suck on his wrist. 
"I won't let anything happen to you, love. I am very fond of you, I will not let anything happen before I can tell you just how fond I am of you." I stared in fascination as my body healed instantly, it always surprised me and always made me curious to realise how lucky these supernatural beings were. 
"Please, please don't let them hurt me. Don't let them get to me." 
"It's okay, love. I've got you." 
"I'm so scared, every day, I'm scared that I'm going to be kidnapped or tortured... being human, I know I'm nothing compared-"
"I won't let that happen. Love, I won't let anyone hurt you, not again. I swear to you." He hummed lightly, rocking me in his arms and whispered over and over again kind and soothing words. I decided to bring it back to his starting words, once I felt okay and able to move on from what just happened. 
"You're fond of me? Nothing new-" I stated, with a shrug, biting back the smile I wanted to show, Klaus chuckled and helped me to my feet. I stared at him, surely making a weird expression as I hid my emotions. 
"I am fond of you, I like you, quite a bit and I want you to know, love I will do anything to keep you safe. Even if you hate me for the rest of eternity, I will do what I can to keep you safe." My heart skipped a beat, it made me feel special knowing that someone cared for me that much, I nodded and sucked in a breath gradually letting a smile come through. 
"Thank you for saving me... "
"You're welcome, love. Love, I hope you know how gorgeous you are." I blushed, scrunching my face up as his normal charm got to me more than normal. 
"Flattery only gets you so far." 
"Yet, it got me to becoming closer to you." I shrugged, smirking for a moment and sucked in a deep breath. I grabbed his hand, smiling happily and tried my best to not focus in on the blood on my clothes, his clothes and the floor from the attacker. 
"Well, then, perhaps I'll let you in closer." 
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captainsophiestark · 2 years
The Vampire Diaries/The Originals Masterlist
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Main Masterlist
X - x reader F - Female Reader (otherwise it’s gender neutral) ☀️ - Fluff    ✨ - Humor ☁️ - Angst  💋 - Flirting ⭐️ - Author Faves
Elijah Mikaelson Masterlist
Newest Fic: March 1st, 2024
Klaus Mikaelson
Newest Fic: April 12th, 2024
Finn Mikaelson
At Peace With You F!X ☀️
Kol Mikaelson
Birthmark F!X ☁️☀️
Returned X ☁️☀️
Bad Taste X ☀️
Pool Shark X ☁️☀️
Pub Trivia Dynasty X ☁️☀️✨⭐️
Ghost Tour X ☀️✨
Mad Scientist X ☀️✨
Miscommunication X ☁️☀️
We're Good F!X ☁️☀️
Rebekah Mikaelson
Prom F!X ☀️
Human X ☁️☀️
Better Than Revenge X ☁️☀️
Marcel Gerard
Newly Turned X ☁️☀️
Little Sister F!X ☁️☀️✨
Damon Salvatore
Garlic F!X ☀️✨⭐️
Out on the Town F!X ☁️☀️
Can’t Sneak Out X ☁️☀️
The Vastness of the Universe X ☀️
The Richmond Vampire X ☀️✨
Stefan Salvatore
Study Break F!X ☀️
Fresh Start X ☁️☀️
Couples Costume F!X ☀️
Enzo St. John
Reverse Trick-Or-Treat X ☀️✨
Halloween X ☁️☀️
Rubber Duck X ☀️
Subtext F!X ☀️✨⭐️
Kai Parker
Fettuccini Alfredo X ☀️⭐️
Anyone But the Spin Doctors X ☀️
I Made You Breakfast X ☀️✨
The Old Me Never Left X ☁️☀️
Mason Lockwood
Witch’s Intuition F!X ☁️☀️✨⭐️
Caroline Forbes
Type A X ☀️
The Perfect, Fail-Proof Plan F!X ☀️
Matt Donovan
Trust Me F!X ☁️☀️
Brooklyn Nine-Nine X ☀️
California X ☁️☀️
Ghosts X ☁️☀️
Competitive X ☀️✨
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supercap2319 · 2 years
First Love Vs Epic Love
Stefan Salvatore x Male Reader
A/N: Current episode I'm on in the Vampire Diaries.
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Y/N paced around Stefan’s room, worriedly. He was worried about Stefan, Damon, Bonnie, Caroline, Alaric,and Matt. He was trapped in the Salvatore estate with the Heretics and Lillian Salavatore. One was dead thanks to him, Damon and Bonnie, so Lillian had Enzo kidnap him in retaliation and even took Elena’s coffin, and now he was incapable of leaving. He had to get out of here, he just had too.
Nora came strolling into the room, a haughty attitude in her step as looked at Y/N. “Don’t get cocky. You’re still spelled into the room. But I figured you could use some space to stretch your legs.”
“Oh, well, how thoughtful of you,” Y/N sarcastically said. “But considering this is my room, it's the least you and your larceny family could do.”
“Your room?” Nora asked.
“Yeah, my room. The one that I’ve shared with my boyfriend for the last three and a half years. We’ve shared many magic nights here and I even have my name written on the headboard.”
“Well, then, that changes everything then,” Nora said. She held up a journal. Stefan’s journal. He burned most of them when his memories had been wiped by Qetsiyah. “Since you know everything, maybe you’d like to give this a read?” She threw the book onto a nearby table.
“Stefan’s journal? I’ve read it already,” Y/N said.
“Really? Well, then, you probably know all about Valerie and Stefan.” Nora smirked at Y/N’s shocked face. He knew about Katherine and Lexi from his journals, but they never said anything about Valerie.
“What are you talking about? What the hell is Valerie doing with Stefan’s journal?”
“She never goes anywhere without it, and it was the first thing she looked for when we realized we were trapped in 1903. The entry for July 15, 1863, should tell you why.” She smiled and turned on her heels, as Y/N frowned down at the journal. 1863? A year before Stefan and Damon met Katherine. A year before they became vampires. His curiosity was peaked as he opened the journal to the date recommended as he began to read it.
JULY 15, 1863-- I just had the strangest encounter outside the county fair. I met someone, a girl. We only spoke for a moment, but her name is Valerie, and she may be the most wonderful girl I have ever met.
Y/N, is confused and a little upset, and frowns after he finishes the entry. Valerie and Stefan had a past? Great, just what he needed to make an already awful situation worse. Y/N couldn't sleep that night, so he spent all night and morning reading Stefan’s journal entries. It was almost like having him next to Y/N as he read them. He was sitting on Stefan's bed.
Valerie was like a breath of fresh air. I'd been suffocating, and hadn't even realized it…
Y/N’s reading is interrupted by the sound of a music box, which appears on the desk next to him, playing a quiet song as the ballerina inside spins around. The music box then disappears, causing Y/N to frown in confusion until the music box reappears in front of Y/N on the bed. Y/N immediately puts an instinctive hand in front of himself as he calls out, “Music box!” The box disappears from sight, and the sound of an explosion and screaming can be heard from the next room. It's Nora and Mary Louise. They tried to send him an exploding music box. Nice try.
Y/N smiles smugly as he calls out loud, “Thanks girls for the gift. It's an explosion of fun.”
Before he can continue reading, Y/N hears the sound of a phone vibrating on the floor underneath the table. Y/N, both confused and excited, scampers over to answer it.
“Stefan!?” Y/N cries out.
“How are you on my phone right now?” Stefan asks from the other side of the line.
“You must have dropped it when you got threshold-vacuumed out of here yesterday,” Y/N said.
“How are you? Are you okay?”
“Well, I’m spelled in our room by a psychotic family of Heterics, but other than that…” Y/N said.
“I know. I’m still trying to figure a way to get into the house,” Stefan said.
“I’ll be fine, Fangs. Just keep Damon from killing any more Heretics. Which is ironic, since I did help him.”
“I will. Lily's only keeping you there to turn me against Damon. I'll convince her that I hate his guts, and she'll have made her point.”
Y/N nodded his head in understandment as his eyes traveled back towards the journal. He had to ask Stefan. He had to know the truth. No matter how uncomfortable the answer would be. “Who's Valerie Tulle, Fangs? You wrote about her in your journal from 1863. She must have found a copy in the prison world.” Even though he can’t see his face, Stefan is shocked at Y/N saying that name. It brings up old memories. Ones he thought he’d long since buried.
“Are you talking about one of the Heretics?”
“Yeah. Dirty-blonde hair, blue eyes? She's one of my new psycho housemates… and not that pretty.” Stefan chuckles on the other side of the phone and that makes Y/N smile a bit, but their moment is short lived as Valerie appears behind him and squeezes the hand Y/N is using to hold the phone. Y/N grunts out. “Y/N? What’s wrong?” The phone breaks under the forced pressure as the remains fall to the floor in pieces.
“Dirty-blonde hair, blue eyes, psycho. Not pretty. Summarized me to a tee!” Valerie says as she kicks Y/N hard in the head as he groans and falls on his back. “Bitch.”
“I’ve been called worse,” Valerie says.
“Y/N?” Stefan asked. When his phone beeps to indicate the call has ended, he groans in frustration and hangs up. Just then, Stefan hears the sound of glass shattering behind the Grill and rushes outside to see what is going on. When he gets outside, he sees Lily, who is in the driver's seat of an older car and is in the middle of parking between Stefan's Porsche and another car. She hits the latter's front bumper, knocking it off, and he sighs in annoyance before slowly inching forward. When Stefan sees her heading for his car, he vamp-speeds until he's standing in between the Porsche and Lily's car.
“You can take my town, you can destroy my house, but you will not touch my car,” Stefan said, pointing to his Porsche.
“Good morning, Stefan,” Lillian says, as she gets out of the car.
“What are you doing?”
“I was out practicing my driving and saw an opportunity to work on my parallel parking.”
“Hmm.” Suddenly, the sound of hissing air is heard as Lily's car slumps slightly on one side. Stefan and Lily walk around the car to check out one of the driver's-side tires, and Lily looks mildly embarrassed. “I must have run over a nail or something. The streets around here are a disgrace.”
“Listen. You need to tell those spoiled brats living in my house to stop torturing my boyfriend.”
“Of course. As soon as you tell your brother to stop killing said spoiled brats,” Lillian calmly says. Lillian opens up the trunk of her car to search for the tool box so she can start repairing her flat tire.
“Damon and I aren't really speaking right now,” Stefan lies.
“I have no idea where he is. Apparently, you did both of us a favor when you told him to leave town.”
“Then I will give a lecture to the girls on their manners,” Lillian said.
“Is one of those girls named Valerie Tulle?” Stefan asks her.
Lillian smiles. “I was wondering when you might put those pieces together. I knew Valerie years before you did. She worked in my TB ward. After I turned, I took her under my wing. If memory serves me, you didn't meet her until 1863.”
“How would you know that I met her?” Stefan asked, suspiciously.
“Because, Stefan... I sent her to you.”
Insert Flashback—MYSTIC FALLS COUNTY FAIR, 1863:
The county fair is underway near Mystic Falls, and the fairgrounds are full of people and there is music all around. Valerie scans the area, until her eyes fall upon Stefan, dressed in a fine day suit, is sitting on a bench and writing in his journal. Valerie, wearing the traditional day gown of the time period, approaches him.
“Care to share?” A nearby woman asks off to the side.
Valerie stands in front of Stefan, hands on her hips as his eyes are glued to writting in his journal. “You have to move.” Stefan looks up at the sudden voice, and sees a beautiful young woman standing before him. “Excuse me?”
“Your sad mood is spoiling the fun for everyone!” Valerie indicates to the whole fair. Both Valerie and Stefan laugh in amusement.
“I'm Valerie Tulle.”
“Stefan Salvatore. Are you new to town?”
“Just passing through.”
“I hope not too fast.”
Valerie smiles at Stefan’s kindness.
Valerie is standing in front of Y/N, holding up Stefan's journal. “How do you have this?”
“Nora gave it to me. The better question is, why do you have my boyfriend’s journal? What was the deal with you and Stefan?” Y/N asked her.
Valerie smiled at Y/N, like what he just asked was amusing. “Your boyfriend?” She asks him.
“Yeah, my boyfriend.” Y/N wasn’t the jealous type, but something about Valerie rubbed him the wrong way. Almost like Katherine, but not as strong as her.
“Wouldn't you like to know?”
“You know what? You're right I don’t want to know. The last thing I need to think about is some girl who batted her eyelashes at Stefan, like, a million years ago,” Y/N sarcastically says.
“‘Some girl?’” Valerie asks, amused. “I wasn't just some girl to him, Y/N. I was the first love of Stefan's life.”
Back outside the Mystic Grill Stefan and Lillian continue to talk outside while Stefan helps her change her flat tire. “Why did you send Valerie to me?”
“To check on you. Like any mother longing for her children, I was in a black hole of depression,” Lillian said. Stefan has a skeptical look on his face. “Yes, Stefan, I'm more than the cold-hearted snake you and your brother wish me to be. It took me a long time to get over losing you.” Lillian sighed as she continued telling her story to Stefan. “Anyway, I had been invited to travel to Europe with a... a vampire gentleman-friend of mine, but I refused to leave until I knew that my boys were okay.”
Stefan chuckled. “Heh. A gentleman-friend? You had a boyfriend?” Stefan rose to his feet.
“His name was Julian. What? You're acting as if that's absurd.”
“Well, your first husband shot and killed his own sons, so you'll have to excuse me if I don't trust your type,” Stefan said.
Lillian frowns at that. “Julian was nothing like your father.”
“No? What was he? A nebbishy banker? Town butcher, perhaps?”
“Julian was the man you are not supposed to fall for. So, of course, I did…”
The county fair is still in full swing, and a well-dressed blonde man, Julian, is running a kissing booth where women can pay two pennies, which will be donated to the Confederate Army, to kiss him. He dips one of his customers as he kisses her, and when he breaks away and helps the woman upright, she gasps and fans herself. Julian then turns to the crowd to address them with a charming smile. “For the soldiers!” There is a lot of clapping and whistling going as a woman mutters a ‘yes,’ underneath her breath.
“Have your tickets ready, ladies! The men on the battlefield need us!” Julian says. He smiles at the crowd once again , and looks at a nearby woman who has come up to kiss him. “Hi.”
“Hello,” she says.
Julian's smile fades when he sees Valerie and Stefan sitting together on a nearby bench. Valerie tosses a piece of popcorn at Stefan, who tries to catch it in his mouth, but it misses and lands on the ground next to him. Valerie giggles at Stefan’s failed attempts. “You have to hold still! It will be delicious, I promise.” She tosses another piece of popcorn at him, but he just barely misses it, and the two laugh. Just then, Julian approaches them, looking displeased. “Aren’t we ladylike?” Stefan and Valerie turn to him, as Valerie has a slight frown on her face.
“Stefan... Meet Julian.”
Stefan gets up, trying to make a good first impression. “Your daughter and I were just appreciating the scientific wonder of gravitational force.” Stefan shakes Julian’s hand, as he chuckles nervously. Julian forces a fake smile as he looks at Valerie. “Hmm. How wise you must sound to less intelligent men.”
Valerie frowns as she steps forward. “Julian is not my father.”
“Oh, uh, my apologies! I just assumed—”
“Incorrectly, as it turns out.” Julian gives Valerie a look as he grabs hold of her, roughly. “Valerie, darling—a word?” He pulls her to the side as Stefan looks on. “Ugh, you're wrinkling my dress, Julian.”
“What are you doing?” Julian demands.
“Lily sent us here to get a sense of his mood…”
“Exactly. His mood, not his manhood. Remember, his mother gave very strict instructions for us to keep our distance. Do not displease her.”
“I have everything under control.” Valerie smiles at Stefan, who smiles at her back.
Back in the present day of the Salvatore Boarding House, Y/N and Valerie are sitting in Stefan’s room as she flashes him a smile. A hint of cockyness in its form. “I was lying. I wasn't prepared for how taken I was with him. He was gorgeous and sweet…”
Y/N rolled his eyes. “And let me guess. That’s when you compelled him to write all those nice things about you in his journal. Spoiler! I've heard this story before, when a sweet, little orphan girl named Katherine Pierce waltzed into his life.”
“I suppose that would have been easier had I actually had the ability to compel people,” Valerie said. “I wasn't a vampire back then. I was just a witch, rejected from her coven for being an abomination of nature because I had no power of my own. The only magic I had was contained in an amulet, to be siphoned in times of need.”
“Aww, it must suck not having magic of your own,” Y/N said with false sympathy. Valerie glared at Y/N as he said that. “What makes you think you’re any better than me? Than the others?”
“Well let’s see. Only three reasons: Magic, magic, and oh, look, more magic. I don’t need to siphon the magic in my body to cast spells or use active magic. I just am.”
“Yes, well, not all of us were born into magic that we didn’t deserve.”
Y/N glared. “Just finish your stupid story.”
Stefan and Valerie are walking through the fair together as they get to know one another. “I have a brother who's away at war, a father who judges me for not joining him, and a mother who was strong and kind. She died when I was ten.”
“I'm so sorry.”
“Ah, it was a long time ago.” Stefan shrugs.
“There's no shame in missing her. A man on the outside with the heart of a boy? There are worse things,” Valerie says as they pause for a moment, as they see Julian heading towards them, obviously displeased. “Your chaperon is... quite persistent.” Stefan looks at Valerie, who turns and smiles at him. “Then we shall elude him. Come.” She grabs Stefan’s arm and leads them closer to Julian. “What are you doing?” Stefan asks as Valerie grabs her necklace and siphons the magic inside as she casts a cloaking spell over them.
“Invisique.” She chants underneath her breath, causing them both to vanish from Julian's view, forcing him to continue walking, thinking that he simply lost sight of them. Stefan looks at her in amazement as they continue to walk away. “How did he not see us?”
Valerie smiles. “Would you believe me if I said magic?” She leads him toward the woods, and Stefan laughs happily.
Y/N looks at Valerie, expectantly. “And then…?”
“None of your business” Valerie smiles at him.
Y/N rolled his eyes again. “You come barging in here demanding why I have Stefan’s journal, and then tell me about your past with my boyfriend and say it’s not my business? It is my business.”
“Are you really that threatened by me, Y/N?” Valerie asked. “Scared Stefan’s going to leave you for someone better?”
“Please, you’re not even in the same league with Katherine Pierce, so don’t you even think for a moment that I’m sweating you,” Y/N told her as he looked her straight in the eyes. “I know why you put that burning spell on me. Which I totally reversed by the way. It's not so Mary Louise and Nora couldn't touch me. It's so Stefan wouldn't. Be more obvious.” She wanted to get inside Y/N’s head. Put a rift between him and Stefan, but it wasn’t going to work.
“Well, since you're so curious... Please, allow me to continue.”
Night has fallen, and Valerie is leading a nervous-looking Stefan into the woods. “Julian is going to kill me.”
Valerie smiles. “Just compliment the whiteness of his teeth. He'll forget all about it.”
They find an abandoned cart with a lit lantern on it, and Valerie sits on it, smiling at Stefan flirtatiously. Stefan smiles back at her before kissing her gently, and the two make out for a long moment until Stefan breaks away, looking mildly embarrassed. Valerie looks at him with concern. “Is something wrong?”
Stefan looks at her, bashfully. “No, no. It's just that I've never…” He trails off, and Valerie realizes that he's a virgin. She smiles sweetly at him, and Stefan hesitates for a moment before gesturing to the front of her dress. “Do you mind if I...?” Valerie nods as Stefan nervously fiddles starts to unbutton the bodice of her dress before the two begin to make out more passionately this time. Valerie shrugs off her jacket before turning away from him so Stefan can unlace her corset. Once he's finished, he moves closer behind her and kisses her neck, and Valerie holds tightly to the cart to support herself as they slowly make love.
Y/N looks stunned and a little upset after learning the details of their affair, but Valerie's expression is smug as she turns to look at him. “It was his first time. I'm sure you've been someone's first, so you know what it's like to have a completely unforgettable place in someone else's mind.”
“I completely agree. First times are very special.” Y/N leans forward with a smug look of his own. “You may have been Stefan’s first, but I’ll let you in on a little secret. Stefan was my first time, right here in this very room and I’m sure on that chair you’re sitting on as well. Valerie frowns at that, obviously not expecting that reaction from Y/N.
Lillian is driving down one of the country roads of Mystic Falls in her car while Stefan sits in the passenger seat. Lillian looks over at Stefan curiously, but he quickly admonishes her. “No, no, no! Keep the car on this side of the road.” Stefan sighed with relief as she straightened back to her side of the road.
“Valerie never told me about your romance…”
“Well, Valerie never told me that you were alive.”
“Would it have mattered?” Lillian asks him. Stefan looks at her, offended. “Is that a real question?”
“She told me that you'd forgotten all about me. She said you had moved on. That... That was the only way I was able to move on, as well.”
“My mother was practically ripped out of my arms and sent to a TB ward. You don't move on from that. You find distractions.”
Stefan and Valerie kiss each other and smile after their tryst in the cart. Once they're redressed, Stefan leads her farther into the woods. “Come with me. I want to show you something.” He takes her hand, and they continue walking until they reach a grave in the cemetery. Valerie chuckled nervously. “Heh, this is romantic.” Stefan smiles at her.
“This is my mother's grave,” he says, as Valerie freezes when she realizes what Stefan is doing, and a flash of guilt crosses her face as Stefan kneels in front of the grave.
“I come here every day to replace the flowers. She's been dead for six years, but I'm still trying to make up for my failure.”
“What do you mean by that?”
Stefan looked at Valerie. “She had consumption. One day, her coughing would not stop. My father sent me to go buy some flowers to make an herbal tonic. I ran to town as fast as I could, but by the time I got home with the flowers, she had been taken to the sanatorium.”
“You never got to say goodbye…” Valerie says.
Stefan looks down guilty as he sighs. “She died in the TB ward shortly after.” Valerie knees next to Stefan as he continues in a shaky voice. “I always wonder what would have happened if I had just been able to run a little faster. The tonic would have helped her. She could have lived.”
Valerie glances at the flowers on Lillian's grave. “Were these the kind of flowers you were sent for?”
“Yes. Cream…”
“Cream violets. That tonic would not have saved her.”
Stefan looks stunned. “That's... That's very kind of you, but you cannot be certain.”
“But I am. I worked in a sanatorium, caring for patients who were just like your mother. Cream violets have no medicinal properties. It's an old wives' tale,” Valerie said. She gently brushes a lock of hair off of his forehead. “Your father sent you on a fool's errand. You were only ten. He... probably wanted you out of the house to make it easier on himself.”
Stefan seems overwhelmed by this revelation. “No matter what, you couldn't have saved your mother. Her death is not your fault.” She caresses his cheek with her hand, and he reaches up to squeeze it gently. It looks as though he's about to kiss her again when a male voice calls out from behind them. It's Julian, who looks extremely unhappy.
“Time to say goodbye,” Julian says, as Valerie and Stefan quickly stand to their feet and turn toward him. “I expected you would visit here sooner or later.”
“Sir, if you would just let me explain…”
“We are leaving for New York now.”
“I didn't mean to disobey you—”
“It was not me who you disobeyed. Come with me now, and we will speak no more of it. The carriage awaits.” Julian turns and leaves to head for the carriage, and Stefan, looking sad, turns to Valerie. “When will I see you again?”
“I will find my way back to you. I promise.” She leaves with Julian.
“So, it was kind of like The Notebook, except you two never reconnect, and he totally forgot about you. I like this story,” Y/N snidely says.
Valerie glares at Y/N. “Julian was in a hurry to get back to Europe. He convinced me to lie to Lily, to tell her that Stefan was happy. Believe me, Julian had a way of convincing anyone to do anything.”
On the Back roads of Mystic Falls, Stefan is still giving Lily a driving lesson on the outskirts of town as they continue to talk. Lily looks over at him, but when he catches her, he points at the windshield. “No, no. Keep your eyes on the road. Make a left here. It'll take us back into town.”
“Is there anything else you'd like to know?”
“No. I mean, it doesn't matter— obviously, it was all a lie, right?”
“What do you mean?” Lillian asks him.
“Well, Valerie was using me,” Stefan said.
“No. No, Valerie wouldn't have hurt you, because that would have inadvertently hurt me as well.”
“Hmm. did it ever occur to you that maybe Valerie doesn't give a crap about you, or anyone else?”
“I don't believe that,” Lillian protests.
“No? How about the part where she sent me a telegram saying she was coming back?” Stefan said.
“She what?” Lillian looks shocked.
Stefan looks out the window as he remembers what happened so long ago. “She'd been gone a few months…” In a flashback , Stefan sits in a room at the Salvatore Estate and reads a telegram he received from Valerie with a smile. She narrates the letter in voiceover. “I promised I would find my way back to you. I long to be in your arms again.” The scene cuts to the present day with Y/N and Valerie as she talks.
“She said she wanted to run away with me. Her telegram said to meet her Friday at noon. Heh, I showed up two hours early,” Stefan said.
Stefan, had been dressed in a nice suit, yellow sunflowers in his hands, waiting for Valerie.
“He waited and waited for me. With every passing footstep, he would turn, expecting to see me,” Valerie said. Stefan,hearing someone approaching, turns and sighs when he realizes it's just an older couple walking through town. They nod at him politely, but he still looks disappointed.
“I sat around all day like an idiot—past sundown, after nightfall—but she never showed up. So, yeah, I guess you could say I'm wondering what the hell the whole point was.” Stefan says.
“Surely, you’re not still angry with her?” Lillian asks as Stefan looks at her for a moment before turning and looking out the window. “It was a 150 years ago.”
Back at the Boarding House Valerie continues her side of the story. “Eventually, he accepted that he'd been abandoned all over again, and then he walked home under the cold and distant stars.” Valerie slams the journal on the table.
Y/N touches the journal gently. “How could you do that to him,” Y/N asked her. “How could you break his heart like that?” Valerie glares at Y/N, close to tears as she coldly says. “There was a change of plan. I'm done talking to you about this.” She turns to leave him. She stops in the doorway. Stefan never knew the truth. How she had been pregnant with his child. How Julian had beat her and made her lose the baby, and how she became a Heretic. The world’s first Heretic.
“Valerie?” Y/N asks. The blonde Heretic turns to him, an annoyed look on her delicate features. “What do you want?”
“I don’t really know what you hoped to gain by telling me that story of you and Stefan. And truth be told, I don’t really care.” Y/N stands up. “But if you take one step backward, one slip up, give me one reason to think you might hurt Stefan, and I will vanquish you. Understand?”
Valerie said nothing as she looked at Y/N with such intense hate. She hated him and he hated her. That much was evident. She turned and walked out of the room.
Later on, Lillian returns to the house and visits Y/N upstairs. “Is Valerie here?”
“I heard her leave the house. I guess spilling her guts makes her hungry.”
“She told you about that? I understand it must be awkward to hear something like that.”
“Yeah, I just spent the day reliving Stefan's first time. I really don't feel like talking about this with his mother, who is also my hostage taker, but thanks,” Y/N tells her.
“I was simply curious about one's ability to stay calm in a situation like this,” Lillian said.
“Well, you must have had a special someone as well, so you know what it's like to love them with your whole heart.”
“Of course I did.”
“Then you know that that love is different from any other kind of love,” Y/N tells her. “Did you know Stefan wrote about you all the time? You can read for yourself. Here.” He hands her the journal, as she hesitantly takes it from him. “He loved you. He missed you.” Lillian smiled happily at what Stefan wrote about her.
She turns away from Y/N and calls out loud to the next room. “Nora, remove the barrier spell, please. As of this moment, Mr. Gilbert is no longer a prisoner.”
“Actually, I broke the barrier spell hours ago,” Y/N tells her.
“Then, why didn’t you leave?”
“Because I wanted you to come to your senses. See that you were making a mistake, Y/N said.
“Thank you. You’re free to go,” Lillian said.
“You’re just letting me go?”
“It’s a reward for Stefan’s honesty. Go, before I change my mind.”
Y/N walks to the doorway, stops, and turns to look at Lillian. “I don’t know what made your heart grow four sizes today, but thanks.” Y/N speeds out of the room.
At the Mystic Grill, Stefan is drinking a glass of bourbon in front of the fire when Y/N walks into the room, looking exhausted ,but relieved to be free. Stefan stands to his feet. “Y/N!” He reaches for his boyfriend’s hand, and to his amazement, it doesn’t burn him like it had yesterday. Stefan looks at Y/N. “How…?”
“I broke the spell.”
“How did you escape?”
“I didn't. Lillian let me go,” Y/N said.
Stefan frowns in shock. “She did?”
“Yeah... I guess today is just full of Valerie-sized surprises, huh?” Y/N walked past Stefan and sat down on a nearby step, and looked at him, a teasing smirk on his face. Stefan looks at him sheepishly and chuckles. “Heh... Look, I was just a kid when I met her. Just a troubled boy mourning his dead mom. I was young and human.”
“I was young and human when you and I met, and I remember the exact moment when I first saw you. I saw your hot back,” Y/N chuckled.
Stefan smiled as well. “We met outside the men’s bathroom. You and Elena were going off on Jeremy for using drugs that he didn’t have on him.”
“Yeah, things were simpler back then.” Y/N looked down, then back at Stefan, who took a seat next to Y/N. “As crazy as it sounds. I’m glad you met Valerie, Fangs.”
“You are?” Stefan had a shocked look on his face.
“Well, I’m not exactly happy about hearing how you screwed her against a wagon of hay.” Y/N smirked at Stefan’s blushing face. It was adorable. “And I’m not happy that she’s still in love with you and she might try to take you away from me, but I’m glad that she let you feel something other than sadness. Because it’s what you did for me.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“Before I met you, I was this ocean of sadness pretending to be strong, even though on the inside I was broken. Then you came into my life, Stefan, and you put me back together again. You taught me how to love and hope again, and I will always be grateful to you for that. So, I guess I can say thank you to Valerie for putting you back together again too.”
“Well, I’m glad to have you in my life as well. The love I have for you is unlike anything that I’ve ever expressed before. You bring out an epic kind of love in me, Y/N,” Stefan said.
“Valerie's out of the prison world. Does that change things for you?”
“Of course not.”
“You don't wonder what would have happened if Valerie would have shown up to meet you?” Y/N asked him. “Would you even be here right now, next to me?”
“I don't wonder anymore. I don't care about the past. All I care about is that you're here, and you're safe. You're with me.” Stefan leans close to Y/N as the young hybrid does the same and the two share a passionate kiss close to the fire. The kiss starts to get more intense as Stefan gently pushes Y/N onto the hardwood floor, straddling the hips of his younger lover.
Stefan pulls back as Y/N smiles up at him. “Wow, not bad for a guy who’s first time was in the woods.”
Stefan smiled back, mischievously as he began to take off his shirt. His muscled tone body on full display for Y/N to ogle. “Well, I've gotten a lot better since then, care to find out?”
Y/N smiled as Stefan leaned down and kissed him once again, the older vampire began to remove his pants. That night, Y/N and Stefan stroked the fires of their love for each other.
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hintsofhoney · 3 years
Be Careful What You Wish For
Pairing(s): Dom!Damon Salvatore x F!Sub!Reader
Summary: It's your birthday, and all you wanted was some rough sex with your dom, Damon. Your plan to get it, however, does not go as planned.
Tags: 18+, dom/sub dynamics, sir kink, daddy kink, spanking, spanking with a paddle, bratty reader, overstimulation
Word Count: 3.3k
A/N: @treat-winchesterswith-kindness requested a Damon fic for her birthday, and I couldn't say no, so here it is! Hope you guys enjoy! GIF is mine.
You can also read me on Ao3!
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You smirked as you watched Damon’s jaw clench; he was trying to keep it together as the two of you were out at the grill for your birthday. He offered to take you somewhere else, but you had grown up in Mystic Falls, and the grill was your favorite place in the world to eat. Damon had been spoiling you all morning; breakfast in bed, mind blowing mid-day sex, little gifts throughout the day, your favorite being a necklace with the letter “D” engraved into the circular charm that hung from the chain. ‘I want everyone to know you’re my girl’, is what Damon had said when he had given it to you a few hours prior, a cocky smirk plastered on his lips as he walked behind you and helped you put it on. All in all, it was a great day, and now you were ending it with a good dinner at your favorite place in the world. However, you weren’t ready for the night to end just yet, and you knew how to get exactly what you wanted.
Damon was your boyfriend, sure, but he was also your dom, and it took all of three minutes of you having an attitude to get him all riled up. The sex earlier was amazing – it always was with him – but when Damon was angry with you the sex was on a whole different level. The way he threw you around the room, choking, spanking, biting. Fuck, it was euphoric. That’s the kind of sex you wanted tonight; you just had to get him there.
You started by picking at your food, knowing that he’d question why you weren’t eating. When he did, you replied with, ‘I am eating, chill’, with the attitude of an angsty teenager. He looked shocked for a brief moment, giving you a warning look that said ‘watch the attitude’, and you smiled to yourself as you took a bite of your meal. You continued your attitude by talking back, making smart remarks, and even calling him ‘stupid’, which was what was getting you the ticked-off jaw-clenching piercing look that he was giving you now. All it took was for you to smirk at him; that teasing, ‘I’m-a-brat-and-I-know-it’ smirk, and you could tell he had reached his limit with you. You watched as he leaned over the table, his forearms resting on the surface, getting as close to you as he possibly could without leaving his seat.
“I suggest you drop the attitude or I will pull you over my knee in the middle of this restaurant. You’re fucking pushing it, Y/N,” he said in a low voice, which sent chills down your spine.
You scoffed at him. “Whatever,” you replied with an eye roll.
He raised his eyebrows in surprise; he wasn’t used to you defying him for this long. Usually you’d submit after the first warning glare, which had been thirty minutes ago, and your attitude had only been getting worse. In your mind you figured, the worse the attitude, the rougher the sex. If only you could read Damon’s mind – because the last thing he wanted to do was punish you on your birthday, but it was looking like you were giving him no choice. And the punishment he had in mind… well, it certainly didn’t involve you getting any sort of release tonight. If only you hadn’t been such a brat.
In one swift motion Damon got up from his seat and grabbed you by your bicep, pulling you out of your chair. You were mortified for the split second where you actually thought he was going to spank you in front of everyone at the grill, but instead he began pulling you towards the exit.
“Matt, I’ll cover the bill later!” Damon yelled over his shoulder as he opened the door and pushed you outside.
“Damon, you can’t –” you heard Matt’s voice call from inside the grill, only to be cut off by the door slamming shut.
“Walk,” Damon commanded, pointing towards the direction of his car. You obeyed, biting back a smile as you felt Damon’s eyes on you, swaying your hips a little to give him a show that he usually appreciated. Usually. But right now he was pissed. “Walk faster, Y/N. I’m not in the mood to watch you sway your hips like a little slut. You’re lucky I didn’t do what I’m about to do to you in that restaurant. Remember to thank me for that later,” Damon said, his voice stone-cold. Maybe you went a little too far with the attitude. You got to the car a few moments before Damon, waiting by the passenger’s side door for him to open it for you as he usually did. You thought for a minute that you might’ve pissed him off too much for him to even do that, but he came up beside you anyway, resting his hand on the door handle before turning to look at you. “Wipe the smirk off your face, now,” he commanded, and you obeyed, not even realizing that you had a smirk on your face to begin with. “When we get home, you’re going to my room. You know how to wait for me.” You nodded in understanding and Damon raised his eyebrows at you, his glare almost murderous.
“Yes, sir,” you quickly replied, realizing your mistake.
Damon huffed and opened the car door for you, albeit begrudgingly. You had really fucked up.
Damon took a sip of bourbon as he allowed you some time to get ready for him in his room. Sure, he was pissed off and confused, but more than that, he was disappointed in your behavior. It sucked for him that he had to do what he was about to do on your birthday, but fuck, if you weren’t practically begging for it. He knew what you wanted. Rough, kinky, fuck-you-through-the-wall, pissed off sex. But the way you had been acting… that was certainly no way to get what you wanted. He had to let you know that; it was his responsibility as your dom to correct your behavior, and tonight’s behavior sure needed a hell of a lot of correcting. There were days when Damon would welcome the bratty side of you; he’d spank you just the right amount and fuck the brat right out of you afterwards. But tonight… to Damon, tonight was straight up disrespect, and that was something that he didn’t welcome, ever. If you wanted to be a disrespectful, bratty little girl, fine. But he was going to treat you like one.
You shivered with anticipation as you heard the door open behind you, the cool air from the hallway hitting your bare back and sending a chill down your spine. This is how you were taught to wait for Damon; naked, sitting back on your heels at the foot of his bed, your hands behind your back and your legs spread apart a little, just enough for easy access to your pussy. Your breath hitched as you heard footsteps on the floor, Damon’s shoes coming into view as you stared at the carpet in front of you. He crouched down in front of you, his hand coming to grip under your chin, his fingernails digging crescent moons into your cheeks. He forced you to look up at him, that almost murderous glare still in his eyes, however a smirk was plastered on his lips this time.
“Do you think it’s funny to behave the way you did tonight?” he asked, his jaw clenching.
“No, sir.”
“Were you just being a little attention-seeking brat? Did I not fuck you well enough earlier today?”
“No, you did, I just –”
“You want me to be rough with you, don’t you? You want me to fuck you and use you like the whore that you are, hm?” Damon hissed. His words went straight to your core.
“Yes, sir,” you replied, attempting to nod your head, but Damon’s grip wasn’t allowing for much movement.
“Yeah, I figured that’s what all this might be about. But, I don’t think you deserve to be fucked after your little display, do you? I think you need to be taught a lesson in respect, instead. Stand up,” he commanded, pulling you to your feet by the grip that he had on your face. “You’re not getting fucked tonight. And that’s a shame, birthday girl. But I wouldn’t be a very good dom if I just let you disrespect me without any consequences, now would I?”
“No, sir,” you said a bit quieter, the realization of the fact that you went a little bit overboard with the attitude hitting you in that moment. You should’ve stopped at the first jaw clench, but, no. You had to see just how far you could push him. Nice one, Y/N.
Damon loosened his grip on your cheeks before he continued. “Third drawer of my dresser. Pick one,” he nodded towards the back wall of his bedroom, letting go of his hold on you. You slowly turned on your heels and made your way to the dresser, knowing that it was where Damon kept all of his toys, but you had no idea what was in the third drawer. “I know you can walk faster than that.”
You sped up your steps and stopped in front of the dresser, pulling open the third drawer and silently gasping at the display. A paddle, belt, switch, riding crop, and a nine-tailed whip were all carefully placed in the drawer. You’d been spanked with all of these before, but it was all fun and games. Damon was never this angry, and it was never too hard. You sighed as you grabbed the paddle, knowing that it had the least chance of breaking any skin, and carried it back to where Damon was now leaning against the edge of his bed, his arms folded over his chest and his legs crossed at the ankles. You handed it to him and he nodded in approval.
“Bend over,” he commanded, stepping aside and motioning to the edge of his mattress, which was at the perfect height for you to bend at the hips with your feet still on the floor. You obeyed, getting into position with your arms stretched out in front of you. You felt Damon’s presence behind you before the mattress dipped on either side of you, Damon’s hands coming to hold himself up as he hovered over you. His denim clad thigh was pressed against your core as he kicked your legs apart. “If you move, I’m starting over. So stay fucking still.”
“Yes, sir,” you replied, beginning to feel nervous about what was about to happen to you. You felt him step aside and place the cool wood on your bare ass.
“Count,” he hissed in a tone that made you want to squeeze your legs together. The first hit came down hard, but you knew better than to yelp or move; he had never been this angry with you before and you weren’t exactly dying to find out what would happen if you pushed him further.
“One,” you choked out, completely forgetting the bedroom etiquette Damon had drilled into you as your mind was racing with other thoughts of what your ass might look like – or feel like – after Damon was done. You hissed as he grabbed you by your hair and pulled you up to a standing position, his breath tickling your earlobe as he huffed in irritation.
“Are you trying to piss me off even more, little girl?” he hissed.
You shook your head. “N-no, sir.”
“Did you forget how to count properly? Hm? The way I taught you? Too wrapped up in all those little thoughts of yours to remember how to fuckin’ count?” He tightened his grip on your hair, causing you to hiss.
“I’m sorry, sir. I’ll fix it,” you replied, before he threw you back down on the bed.
“You fuckin’ better. You better fix your whole damn attitude.”
You gripped the sheets in front of you as you anticipated the next hit, concentrating carefully on the things Damon expected from you as his sub. The second hit came down harder than the first one, and it took everything that you had in you to stay still.
“One. Thank you, sir,” you counted, bracing yourself for the next one.
“That’s better. Was that really so fucking hard to remember?”
“N-no, –” SMACK. You resisted the urge to lunge forward and counted again. “Two. Thank you, sir.”
“There she is. My obedient little girl,” Damon praised, and you could hear the smile in his voice before the sound of paddle on skin filled the air again.
“THIRTY! Th-thank you, sir,” you sobbed, a wave of relief washing over you as you watched Damon place the paddle beside you on the bed. Your ass was throbbing, and definitely bruised; the hits never got lighter as Damon went on. You sniffled as you felt him crouch down behind you, his palms rubbing soothing circles on your ass cheeks as he planted soft kisses up your thigh.
“Shh, shh, shh,” he shushed you, calming you down. “You did so good, baby.” He stood up, carefully standing you up as well. He had to admit to himself, he might have gone just a tad bit overboard. Your ass was turning a dark shade of red; he’d never spanked you so hard or so long before. Damon sat down on the edge of the bed, taking your hands in his and positioning you in between his legs. “Are you okay?”
You nodded, as Damon wiped a tear that had fallen down your cheek with the pad of his thumb. “Mhm, I would have used my safe word if it was too much. You know that,” you sniffled, finally calming down enough to take a deep breath. The spanking hurt in the moment, but now… now there was almost a pleasurable heat coming off of your ass. If Damon had more planned, you wanted to do it.
“I know, baby. I just… it looks… really red,” he confessed.
You giggled softly. “That’s kind of the point, isn’t it? I’m a brat, you punish me.”
Damon chuckled tenderly as he took your naked body in. You looked so small and vulnerable standing there between his legs. He wanted to fuck you, to show you how much he loved you; truly, genuinely, adored you. “You were a little more than a brat,” he countered, sporting that cocky smirk of his. “And, speaking of, you still haven’t apologized.”
A playful smile came to your lips as you thought about what to say next; you could tell that Damon wasn’t upset with you anymore, but you also knew it wasn’t like him to say one thing and do the other. If he had told you you weren’t getting fucked tonight, then you weren’t getting fucked tonight. That in itself was enough of a consequence for your behavior. “Let me cum and I’ll apologize?” you asked hesitantly, testing the waters to see if Damon was in the mood for your ridiculous request. You knew that’s not how it worked; not in this bedroom.
Damon raised his eyebrows at you and huffed a smile, an idea coming to him. “You’re about to wish you hadn’t asked that,” he chuckled softly, and in one swift motion you were on the bed on your back, your legs resting on Damon’s shoulders as he kissed down your inner thigh. “Since it’s your birthday,” he began, trailing kisses down your other leg, “I’ll let you cum. But you better apologize… every time,” he winked, before licking a stripe from your entrance to your clit.
You closed your eyes and dropped your head to the mattress, silently cursing yourself out for asking the question in the first place. Of course, Damon would turn it into a “let’s see how many times I can make Y/N cum” game. The first two or three were great, but Damon liked to drag it out, to the point where you were begging him to stop. And something told you that this time was going to be no different than all the other times that your vampire boyfriend had overstimulated you.
“Fuck, Damon, please! Please, I’m sorry! I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” you yelped, coming up on your fourth orgasm of the night, about an hour later. Damon was still eating you like a man starved, his fingers deep in your cunt, scissoring them inside you.
“Sorry, who? I don’t know who Damon is,” he hummed, as he continued to pump his fingers in and out of you.
“Daddy, please!” you corrected yourself, the coil in your abdomen snapping as you came on his fingers.
“There you go, good girl. Such a good little slut for Daddy, aren’t you? Are you going to cum for me again?” he questioned, as he began to finger you again, adding a third finger and switching up his pace.
“Ohhh, fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you breathed, as you felt him stretching you open. You didn’t know if you could handle another one, but until you used your safe word, that decision was not up to you.
“Come ‘ere,” Damon growled, and within seconds you were in the position that he had spanked you in; bent over the edge of the bed with three of his fingers still inside your dripping cunt. You felt him crouch down behind you, repositioning his hand so just his thumb was inside you, as his three middle fingers circled your sensitive clit.
“Fuuuck,” you moaned, the new angle hitting different spots inside you. You felt Damon leaving soft kisses on your ass before a sharp but familiar pain coursed through you. You could feel his fangs sinking into your left cheek, the euphoric feeling that him feeding off of you always brought you running through your veins. “Oh, fuck!” you exclaimed, as you felt your fifth orgasm start to build. Damon continued to drink from you as he sped up his ministrations on your clit, bringing you to the edge in seconds. “Oh, God. Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck, Daddy! Fuck! I’m sorry, I pr-promise I won’t act like that again. Please, please I can’t take anym-more,” you begged, stuttering through your words as your fifth orgasm washed over you. You were so spent you didn’t even feel Damon pull away from you; you had only noticed he wasn’t there anymore when he maneuvered you into his arms.
“You just looked too damn good not to eat,” he chuckled, as he picked you up bridal style.
“Hm, ‘s okay,” you hummed drowsily, resting your head against his chest.
“You okay?” he asked sweetly, kissing you on your temple as he walked towards his bathroom.
“Mhm, sleepy. Next time I want it rough, I’ll just ask,” you sighed, nuzzling up against his chest. Damon chuckled softly as he placed you in the bathtub and turned on the faucet.
“That’s a better plan,” he smiled, kissing you once more on the forehead. “Do you want me to stay here with you or do you want me to bring you a slice of the birthday cake I made you?” he asked.
You perked up at his offer. “You made me a cake?” you asked, almost moved to tears by his gesture.
“I don’t know if it’s any good, but yeah, I tried to make you cake,” he replied sheepishly, placing his hand under the running water to make sure it was the right temperature for you.
“I think I’d like some cake then, please,” you smiled.
“Sure thing, birthday girl. I’ll be right back.” With one more kiss to your forehead, Damon was out the door, and you were left in the bathtub feeling like the luckiest girl on the planet.
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So, I'm gonna cancel the yandere series, I really like this one (The Pharaoh x male reader). And because I have never seen one that involves Pharaoh x male reader.
Same rules:
PICK ONE CHARACTER! (Don't say [Character 1] or [Character 2] you must pick or I'll choose for you
You MUST put it in the comments. If you can't type in the comments or you want to stay anonymous, send me an ask with your vote and I'll add it in the comments.
Edward Cullen
Carlisle Cullen
Jasper Hale
Emmett Cullen
Jacob Black
Sam Uley
Tony Stark
Peter Parker (Bumping up his age)
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Thor Odinson
Clint Barton
Pietro Maximoff
Scott Lang
Bruce Banner
Dr. Strange
Helmut Zemo
Izuku Midoriya
Katsuki Bakugou
Mirio Togata
Tenya Lida
All Might
Enji Todoroki/Endeavor
Eijiro Kirishima
Shoto Todoriki
Chris Hemsworth
Chris Evans
Robert Downey Jr.
Shawn Mendes
Tom Holland
Jeremy Renner
Sebastian Stan
Henry Cavill
Zac Efron
Colby Brock
Brennen Taylor
Sebastian Stan
Jensen Ackles
Jared Padalecki
Anthony Mackey
Aaron Taylor Johnson
Misha Collins
Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Matt Cohen
Bryan Dechart
Joe Manganiello
Pedro Pascal
Kim Nam-Joon/RM
Kim Seok-JIn
Min Yoongi
Jung Ho-Seok
Park Ji-Min
Kim Tae-Hyung
Jeon Jung-Kook.
James McAvoy
Ryan Reynolds
Robert Pattinson
Hugh Jackman
Johnny Depp
Scott Eastwood
Jared Leto
Ben Affleck
Ewan McGregor
Channing Tatum
Luke Evans
Tom Hiddleston
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
John Winchester
Jack Kline
Young John (Michael)
Dean (Michael)
Adam (Micheal)
Archie Andrews
Jughead Jones
Reggie Mantle
Kevin Keller
Hiram Lodge
F. P. Jones
Fangs Fogarty
Eren Jaeger
Levi Ackerman
Erwin Smith
Jean Kirstein
Reiner Braun
Kenny Ackerman
Bertolt Hoover
Clark Kent/Superman
Bruce Wayne/Batman
Arthur Curry/Aquaman
Billy Batson/Shazam (Bumping up his age)
Hal Jordan/Green Lantern
Dick Grayson
Jason Todd
Damian Wayne
Tim Drake
Barry Allen/The Flash
Oliver Queen/Green Arrow
Captain Cold
Captain Atom
Chris Redfield
Leon S. Kennedy
Albert Wesker
Carlos Oliveira
Ethan Winters
Karl Heisenberg
Piers Nivans
Mr. X
Cole Young
Johnny Cage
Kui Liang
Damon Salvatore
Stefan Salvatore
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Jeremy Gilbert
Tyler Lockwood
Matt Donovan
Tobio Kageyama
Kei Tuskishima
Toru Oikawa
Tetsuro Kuroo
Asahi Azumane
Daichi Sawamura
Wakatoshi Ushijima
Hajime Iwaizumi
Kotaro Bokuto
Satoru Gojo
Kento Nanami
Aoi Todo
Toji Fushiguro
Ryomen Sukuna
Brahms Heelshire
Jason Voorhees
Michael Myers
Stu Matcher
Billy Loomis
Hannibal Lector
Will Graham
Norman Bates
Pyramid head
Sweeney Todd.
Bobby Drake
Scott Summers
Logan Howlett
Erik Lehnsherr
Young Professor X
Scott Mccall
Derek Hale
Peter Hale
Chris Argent
Andy Barber
Ransom Drysdale
Geralt of Rivia
Collin Shea
Johnny Storm
Jake Jensen
Ari Levinson
Tanner Grayton
RK900 (NINES?)
Gavin Reed
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promenadewithme · 3 years
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First of all, I want to thank all of you so much for the follows, likes, comments, reblogs and support in general! I can't believe I hit 50 followers so soon! I know it’s not much, but I actually didn’t expect any at all so I’m so happy!! Thank you ❤️
Now, this is how the celebration is going to work: first you chose a song and a character. Then send it to my requests with your pronoun of choice, along with any other specifications and I'll write you a fic based on the song! You can either send the song or specific quotes as prompts
To find the fics I will write, use the #Anastasia's 50 followers celebration
This event starts today (May 20th) and ends June 10th
Support Me on Ko-Fi - if you’re feeling generous 💕
Fluff (Romantic)
Paper Rings - Taylor Swift
London Boy - Taylor Swift
Love Story - Taylor Swift
Lover - Taylor Swift
King of My Heart - Taylor Swift
Willow - Taylor Swift
Crazier - Taylor Swift
New Year’s Day - Taylor Swift
Daylight - Taylor Swift
Jump Then Fall - Taylor Swift
How You Get The Girl - Taylor Swift
You Are In Love - Taylor Swift
It’s Nice To Have A Friend - Taylor Swift
Today Was A Fairytale - Taylor Swift
State Of Grace - Taylor Swift
Mine - Taylor Swift
Delicate - Taylor Swift
Say You Won't Let Go - James Arthur
Naked - James Arthur
Rewrite The Stars - James Arthur + Anne-Marie
I Won't Give Up - Jason Mraz
I'm Yours - Jason Mraz
Thinking Out Loud - Ed Sheeran
Tenerife Sea - Ed Sheeran
How Would You Feel (Paean) - Ed Sheeran
Kiss Me - Ed Sheeran
Afterglow - Ed Sheeran
Lego House - Ed Sheeran
Dive - Ed Sheeran
Galway Girl - Ed Sheeran
Everything Has Changed - Ed Sheeran + Taylor Swift
I Was Made For Loving You - Tori Kelly + Ed Sheeran
Make You Feel My Love -Adele
One Call Away - Charlie Puth
Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol
Just The Way You Are - Bruno Mars
Count On Me - Bruno Mars
Little Things - One Direction
Night Changes - One Direction
Can't Help Falling In Love - Elvis Presley
Andante, Andante - ABBA
Waterloo - ABBA
All Of Me - John Legend
Ocean Eyes - Billie Eilish
Snowman - Sia
A Thousand Years - Christina Perri
Arms - Christina Perri
Teenage Dream - Katy Perry
Halo - Beyoncé
The Only Exception - Paramore
Dandelions - Ruth B
Someone To You - BANNERS
Would You Be So Kind - Dodie
Someone You Like - The Girl and The Dreamcatcher
If I Could Tell Her - Ben Platt 
Absolutely Smitten - Dodie
How Long Will I Love - Ellie Goulding
Angst (Romantic)
Good 4 u - Olivia Rodrigo
Drivers License - Olivia Rodrigo
Deja Vu - Olivia Rodrigo
Brutal - Olivia Rodrigo
Traitor - Olivia Rodrigo
Enough For You - Olivia Rodrigo
1 step forward, 3 steps back - Olivia Rodrigo
Happier - Olivia Rodrigo
Jealousy, Jealousy- Olivia Rodrigo
Favourite Crime - Olivia Rodrigo
Hope Ur Ok - Olivia Rodrigo
Betty - Taylor Swift
Exile - Taylor Swift
Teardrops On My Guitar - Taylor Swift
Wildest Dreams - Taylor Swift
Tolerate It - Taylor Swift
You’re Not Sorry - Taylor Swift
Should’ve Said No - Taylor Swift
White Horse - Taylor Swift
You Belong With Me - Taylor Swift
My Tears Ricochet - Taylor Swift
Back to December - Taylor Swift
Breathe - Taylor Swift
The 1 - Taylor Swift
All Too Well - Taylor Swift
Invisible String - Taylor Swift
Evermore - Taylor Swift
Lose You To Love Me - Selena Gomez
The Heart Wants What It Wants - Selena Gomez
When I Was Your Man -Bruno Mars
Someone Like You - Adele
Hello - Adele
All I Ask - Adele
Let Her Go - Passenger
Say Something - A Great Big World
Stay With Me - Sam Smith
California King Bed - Rihanna
Take a Bow - Rihanna
Broken Hearted Girl - Beyoncé
Tonight I Wanna Cry - Keith Urban
The Winner Takes It All - ABBA
One Of Us - ABBA
Half a Heart - One Direction
Yesterday - The Beatles
If The World Was Ending - Julia Michaels
Colors - Halsey
Happier - Ed Sheeran
One Last Time - Ariana Grande
Why’d You Only Call Me When You High - Artic Monkeys
Play Date - Melanie Martinez
Just a Friend to You - Meghan Trainor
All I Want - Kodaline
Love You From A Distance - Ashley Kutcher
Potential Breakup Song - Aly & AJ
I Don’t Wanna See You With Her - Maria Mena
Let Her Go - Passenger
All My Tears - Ane Brun
Always On My Mind - Elvis Presley
Someone to you - Lewis Capaldi 
Before You Go - Lewis Capaldi
Sit Still, Look Pretty - Daya
How To Be A Heartbreaker - MARINA
No Body, No Crime - Taylor Swift
Look What You Made Me Do - Taylor Swift
Blank Space - Taylor Swift
You Need To Calm Down - Taylor Swift
Getaway Car -Taylor Swift
Gorgeous - Taylor Swift
Bad Blood - Taylor Swift
The Man - Taylor Swift
22 - Taylor Swift
Dorothea - Taylor Swift
Marjorie - Taylor Swift
The Best Day - Taylor Swift
Mirrorball - Taylor Swift
I Forgot That You Existed - Taylor Swift
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things - Taylor Swift
The Lakes - Taylor Swift
The Last Great American Dynasty - Taylor Swift
Since U Been Gone - Kelly Clarkson
When I Kissed The Teacher - ABBA
I Have A Dream - ABBA
I've Been Waiting For You - ABBA
You'll Be In My Heart - Phil Collins
Titanium - David Guetta (feat. Sia)
F**ckin' Perfect - P!nk
New Rules - Dua Lipa
IDGAF - Dua Lipa
Bad Guy - Billie Eilish
You Should See Me in A Crown - Billie Eilish
COPYCAT - Billie Eilish
Count On Me - Bruno Mars
Stand By You - Rachel Platten
Firework - Katy Perry
Because You Loved Me - Céline Dion
See You Again - Wiz Khalifa + Charlie Puth
NO - Meghan Trainor
Skyfall - Adele
Gasoline - Halsey
Castle On The Hill - Ed Sheeran
Save Myself - Ed Sheeran
Supermarket Flowers - Ed Sheeran
Small Bump - Ed Sheeran
Growing Up - Macklemore, Ryan Lewis, Ed Sheeran
7 Rings - Ariana Grande
Bad Liar - Selena Gomez
Rare - Selena Gomez
Who Says - Selena Gomez
I Turn To You - Christina Aguilera
Till There Was You - The Beatles
Sweetest Devotion - Adele
ps: sorry, I'm a Swiftie and a Sheerio <3
Character x fem! or GN! reader (ROMANTIC)
ACOTAR: Rhysand, Cassian, Azriel, Lucien, Helion, Tarquin, kallias and Tamlin.
BRIDGERTON: Anthony Bridgerton, Benedict Bridgerton, Colin Bridgerton and Simon Basset.
GRISHAVERSE: Nikolai, Mal, The Darkling, Kaz, Matthias, Jesper, Wylan and David.
THRONE OF GLASS: Dorian Havilliard and Chaol Westfall.
HARRY POTTER: Harry, Ron, Neville, Draco, George, Fred, Oliver, Cedric, Young Sirius, Young James and Young Remus.
PRIDE AND PREJUDICE: Mr Darcy and Mr Bingley.
MARVEL: Steve, Bucky, Sam, Pietro, Loki, Thor, Peter Parker, Ned, Tony, Bruce, Vision, Clint, T'Challa, Scott Lang, James Rhodes, Peter Quill and Stephen Strange.
THE HUNGER GAMES: Peeta, Gale and Finnick.
GREY'S ANATOMY: Derek Shepherd, Andrew DeLuca, Alex Karev, Jackson Avery, Mark Sloan, George O'Malley, Link, Koracick and Ben Warren.
TEEN WOLF: Scott, Stiles, Derek, Isaac, Liam and Jackson.
THE VAMPIRE DIARIES: Damon, Stefan, Matt, Klaus, Elijah and Kai.
NARNIA: Peter, Edmund and Caspian.
STAR WARS: Anakin, Obi Wan, Kylo, Han, Luke, Poe, Finn and Din Djarin.
Character x platonic!/sis!/bro!/enemy!/daughter!/son!/mentor!/or anything else platonic Reader
ACOTAR: Rhysand, Cassian, Azriel, Feure, Nesta, Elain, Mor, Amren, Nyx, Lucien, Tarquin, Helion, Kallias, Tamlin, Ianthe, Suriel and Bone Carver.
GRISHAVERSE: Nikolai, Mal, Darkling, David, Alina, Bahgra, Zoya, Tamar, Tolya, Apparat, Kaz, Matthias, Jesper, Wylan, Nina, Inej, Tantee Heleen and Pekka Rollins.
THRONE OF GLASS: Dorian, Chaol and Aelin.
BRIDGERTON: Anthony, Benedict, Colin; Daphne, Eloise, Francesca, Gregory, Hyacinth, Lady Violet, Simon, Lady Danbury, Penelope, Lady Portia Featherington, Marina, Sienna, Genevieve, Cressida and Queen Charlotte.
HARRY POTTER: Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Ginny, Luna, Draco, George, Fred, Oliver, Cedric, Cho, Seamus, Fleur, Pansy, Myrtle, Sirius (old or young), James (old or young), Remus (old or young), Lily (old or young), Molly, Arthur, Bill, Percy, Charlie, Xenophilus Lovegood, Snape, Dumbledore, McGonagall, Hagrid, Moody, Flitwick, Umbridge, Bellatrix, Voldemort, Lucius, Narcissa, Peter Pettigrew, Helga Hufflepuff, Salazar Slytherin, Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, Dobby and Nearly Headless Nick.
PRIDE AND PREJUDICE: Mr Darcy, Georgiana Darcy, Mr Bingley, Caroline Bingley, Elizabeth Bennet, Jane Bennet, Mary Bennet, Lydia Bennet, Catherine Bennet, Charlotte Lucas, Wickam, Mr Collins, Mr Bennet, Mrs Bennet.
MARVEL: Steve, Peggy, Sharon, Natasha, Bucky, Sam, Carol, Monica Rambeau, Pietro, Wanda, Agatha Harkness, Loki, Frigga, Odin, Hela, Thor, Heimdall, Jane Foster, Darcy Lewis, Valkyrie, Peter Parker, Ned, MJ, Tony, Pepper, Morgan, Happy, Howard, Bruce, Vision, Clint, T'Challa, Shuri, Scott, Hope, Hank, Cassie, James Rhodes, Peter Quill, Gamora, Mantis, Nebula, Groot, Rocket, Drax, Stephen Strange, Wong, Nick Fury, Phil Coulson, Maria Hill, Thanos, Ancient One, Red Skull, Ultron, John Walker and Zemo.
THE HUNGER GAMES: Katniss, Peeta, Gale, Finnick, Haymitch, Rue, President Snow, Primrose, Effie, Cinna and Johanna.
GREY'S ANATOMY: Meredith, Derek, Andrew, Alex, Jackson, Mark, Lexie, Cristina, April, Izzie, George, Callie, Owen, Addison, Arizona, Miranda, Amelia, Link, Burke, Teddy, Maggie, Richard, Carina, Ben Warren, Megan Hunt, Ellis Grey, Catherine Avery and Tom Koracick.
TEEN WOLF: Scott, Stiles, Malia, Lydia, Allison, Derek, Isaac, Liam, Jackson, Peter Hale, Chris Argent, Sheriff Stilinski, Kira, Melissa McCall and Noshiko Yukimura.
THE VAMPIRE DIARIES: Damon, Elena, Katherine, Stefan, Caroline, Bonnie, Jenna, Klaus, Elijah, Rebeka, Sheriff Forbes, Kai and Lexi.
NARNIA: Peter, Susan, Edmund, Lucy, Caspian and Aslan.
STAR WARS: Anakin, Padme, Yoda, Jarjar, Obi Wan, Kylo, Rey, Han, Leia, Luke, Poe, Finn and Din Djarin and Grogu.
No pressure tags: @venuswritesfanfic @for-bebbanburg @maggiescarborough @multifandomfix @sweetnspicysimp @lazypeachsoul @magravenwrites
133 notes · View notes
zodiyack · 4 years
Snapping Is Over Rated
Pairing: Kol Mikaelson x Salvatore!Female!Reader
Warnings: Spoilers?, swearing, angst, mention of murder, mention of the humanity switch being flipped
Words: 1,635
Summary: It’s a bad time to be dating a Mikaelson when your brothers decide they want to go on a quest to kill the Original Family, who happen to be linked to each other.
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Taglist: @matth1w​, @redspaceace-writes​, @fandom-puff​, @darling-i-read-it​, @simonsbluee​
Masterlist | The Vampire Diaries Masterlist | The Originals Masterlist
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It wasn’t long before Y/n discovered what her brothers were hiding. In fact, it was hiding that led to her putting two and two together. A poorly hid white oak stake and two very suspicious brothers, my my, what could be the problem?
She knew that they only hid it from her due to her romance with one of the Mikaelsons.
Kol was, like his older half-brother, a little off the walls. Nevertheless, he remained loyal and loving. Their relationship had shown her a good side of vampirism, as well as convinced him that life still had meaning even if he wasn’t a witch anymore.
But, if her brothers went through with their plan, neither of them would have that anymore. So she went out to put a large red stop-sign in the middle of their little plot.
“Gah!” Damon hissed as his younger sister sped in front of him, “Where the hell did you come from?”
“Home. Where the hell are you going?” Y/n spat back. She grinned when Damon sighed after studying her for a few moments.
“Uhhh...the Grill.”
“Ah... But, dear brother, the Grill is in the other direction.” Her smile grew wider with the feeling of success. “So, tell me, where are you going? And, please- the truth this time, if you will?”
Stefan walked up behind Damon, turning himself in as he knew they’d been caught. “Damn it. Curse our sister and her inhuman intellect.”
“Don’t curse me for my brains, curse that bitch of a vampire that turned you two as well. Had you not engaged in her games, we’d all be dead and happy in our graves.”
“You could just stake yourself or walk into the sun, ya know?” Damon chuckled teasingly but stopped quickly upon his sister’s dead glare.
“Yes, of that, I am aware. However, you two are also aware of my boyfriend...” She glanced at the bag in Stefan’s hand, somehow already having a terribly accurate guess of what it’s contents were, “A little too aware.”
Stefan sighed, “I mean, yeah. He’s a Mikaelson, Y/n/n-”
“That doesn’t matter! You can’t go through with it! Please...Damon?” Her older brother raised his hands in front of his chest, telling her to leave him out of it with a simple sympathy smirk and squint of his eyes. “You’ve got to be kidding me. Seriously? Have I ever tried to kill one of your girlfriends?”
The brothers thought for a moment before shaking their heads. Stefan looked down to the bag of stakes and back up to his sister, holding the same sympathetic expression as Damon. “I’m sorry. But, Klaus has to die. They all do.”
“No! Kol doesn’t!”
“He attacked Matt, Y/n!” Damon wasn’t one to care for most mortals, but Elena and Matt had been targets of some of the Mikaelsons for a bit of time, and he did end up growing a little closer to the group of abnormal friends, so he made an exception. Unfortunately, he was only willing to let that exception go so far.
“And? You attacked Bonnie! And Jeremy! Let’s not forget Alaric. My point is, we all make mistakes!”
“We all make mistakes, yet Kol has made over a thousand years worth of those without even apologizing. I’ve apologized...for most of them...” Stefan side-glared Damon, whom responded with a jab to Stefan’s side with his elbow. “And, well, my point is that he’s an original who’s just as bad as the other originals. We have a chance to kill the worst of them all, and you can’t stop us.”
She paused, chewing on the inside of her cheek as she thought. Usually, family went first, but they were ever so willing to destroy her happiness- to destroy her first ever romance- that she didn’t really care for the usual anymore.
“You’re right. I can’t stop you. But, if that’s how you guys wanna play,” the veins under her eyes began to darken and her e/c orbs turned red, “then lets play.”
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“Wherever is your little play-thing, brother?” Klaus’ voice rang through the phone. Kol only chuckled in response, continuing to watch as Jeremy failed painfully at baseball. “I take it she has yet to arrive?”
“Well, for one, brother, she’s not my play-thing. She’s my girlfriend.” A sincere look of love washed over Kol’s features; his undead heart skipped a beat just thinking about her. “And secondly, I suppose she is rather late.”
“Would you like me to resort to plan two? I can always threaten the witch’s little boyfriend some more. Perhaps get her to do a tracking spell?”
He thought for a moment, debating his options and the situation before licking his lips and nodding. “Plan two it is. See you later, Nik.”
“Until next time, Kol.”
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“Shit!” Damon yelped as he dodged a plate that flew over his head. The house had been turned upside down and wrecked in a fit of rage. Just as her brother once had, Y/n had flipped the switch.
Although flipping the switch sounds like something you’d do in a state of pain, Y/n did it in, like mentioned, a fit of rage. In result, it was more like she’d snapped than flipped a switch.
Stefan, hiding with his back against a flipped over couch, attempted to make hand motions to Damon; a wordless code. Sadly, Damon was not in the best state of mind to register the meaning of Stefan’s odd finger movements.
“What?” He whisper-yelled as his brows furrowed in confusion. “Okay, okay, can we continue this later? We kinda have a very deadly and very very angry sister trying to kill-” Damon rolled over, dodging a knife that had come out of the other side of the table due to it being thrown so harshly, “...us.”
“Damn it Damon- I was trying to get us to go,” He pointed towards the door, “in that direction!”
“I can hear you, you know!” Plate after plate hit the wall in front of them.
“On three?” Damon nodded. They began counting quietly in unison until they got to three. From there, they made a break for the front door and to Elena’s house, where they picked the doppelganger up and headed for Matt’s house. Luckily, Matt had never brought anyone from the group to his house aside from Elena and Caroline. He answered the door and let the three in quickly, looking around before shutting and locking it.
“No- you idiot- she can’t get in. There’s no point in locking it.” Damon groaned from the couch.
“Be nice.”
He bitterly responded to Elena’s demand with a fake smile and an obviously sarcastic tone. “Yes, milady.”
“So uh...” Of course Matt hadn’t been informed as to why the three were hiding in his home. “What happened?”
“Oh, ya know, the usual.” The sarcasm in Damon’s voice held thick as ever, “Pissed off my sister by telling her we’re going to kill the originals, as in all of them- including her boy-toy.”
“You did what-”
“Oops. Sorry Elena. I might’ve forgotten to add the part about pissing her off...which reminds me of the most important detail...” He smiled toothily with faux remorse.
The two humans blinked at the dark haired vampire, staring blankly as they waited for the detail he’d spoken of. When it became clear that he wasn’t going to tell them, Stefan cleared his throat and redirected their attention to him. “She flipped her switch.”
“Flipped her switch? Nah, screw the switch. It’s more like she ignored the switch and just plain old snapped.” Damon crossed his arms behind his head and kicked his feet up onto Matt’s coffee table.
He acted as if his sister was not going off the walls in anger. Or rather, he acted as if it was just a casual every day thing for the soft-spoken and caring sister of the Salvatore boys to go on a potential murder spree.
Elena rolled her eyes and scoffed before shoving his feet off the surface. She ignored the glare that burned into her skin and slapped Damon. The sound of her skin hitting his made the other two in the room flinch; it was clear that she did not approve of his choices in the slightest.
“You’re fixing your sister. S-”
“What!? That’s not f-”
“Stefan, and I will go stake the originals. Understood?” Damon huffed and ignored Elena. “Understood?” She repeated herself with a harsher tone before Damon sighed and nodded.
“Yeah yeah, understood.”
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Finn was dead. And the other four still breathed the air of the living world. The link had been broken, and they’d failed.
Damon had been kidnapped by Rebekah, therefore failing to stall, as well as fix, his little sister. What he didn’t know, was that Rebekah had contacted Y/n as soon as possible, informing her on the details of her brother’s murder and the older Salvatore’s location.
She sent Stefan to pick up Damon with a disguised note, preventing him from knowing that it had been her to hint to him his brother’s location. After saying goodbye wordlessly from the shadows, she smiled to herself and ran as fast as possible to Kol.
The youngest Mikaelson chuckled as the female Salvatore knocked him off his feet and buried her face into the crook of his neck. “I see you’ve recovered from your snap? Nik told me how you flipped your switch.” His arms held her tightly against his own form. They relished in the feeling of one another, the knowledge that both were safe and together again.
“Snapping is over rated.” She smiled wider against his skin, causing a matching smirk to grace his face.
“You were faking?”
“Yep. Anything to be with you again... But, just to be safe, don’t tell my brothers.”
His chest heaved with hearty laughter, “Whatever you want, love.”
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Blue eyes:
Fandom: the vampire diaries
Paring:Matt Donovan x reader
Summary: Y/n Lockwood, the twin sister of Tyler Lockwood and the best friend of Matt Donovan. Gets kidnapped and almost killed by Kathrine pierce. When she gets saved some things are spilt and let me say. That’s the mother f*cking tea!
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“Matt I’m telling you, you just have to tell her.” -Tyler has been trying to get his best friend Matt Donovan to confess his feelings for his twin sister Y/n. The thing is Matt likes her and she likes him, but neither will confess their feelings. -“Ty she isn’t into me like that.” Matt said as he sat down in the couch looking at Tyler. Tyler rolled his eyes as he sat across from Matt. “Who’s not into you?” Y/n asked as she walked into the living room of the Lockwood mansion. “A girl likes Matt and Matt won’t confess his feelings to her.” Tyler proclaimed as he looked at Matt while he rolled his eyes. “Well..” Y/n started as she took a sip of Matt’s beer. “If she knows what good for her she’ll go for you.” Y/n said giving Matt a smile. When really she wants to go find the girl who likes Matt and remove them from mystic falls, sending them far far away. Matt was about to say something when Y/ns phone rang. “Excuse me. I’ll be back.” Y/n said picking up her iPhone. “Hello?”
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“Y/ns been on the phone for a while. Where did she go?” Tyler questioned as he walked out of the living room. “Damn it!” Tyler cursed as he saw y/ns phone lying on the ground outside of the Lockwood mansion. “What’s going on, Ty?” Matt asked as he walked up to Tyler. Tyler held up y/ns phone to Matt. Matt looked at the phone confused than to Tyler. “Kathrine.” Matt said nothing the phone had a text message from Kathrine. “I’m gonna kill that bitch, I swear I will.” Tyler vowed. Tyler went inside grabbing his phone and car keys. While making his way to his car (with Matt shortly behind him) he called Stefan. Asking him to help him find his sister.
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.“So your telling me, kathrine kidnapped your sister why?” Damon asked looking at Tyler. “Because she wanted to trade a werewolf for her life with Klaus. Klaus has been looking for a werewolf for a while. So I guess Kathrine decided to use Y/n. Now will you please help me find my sister or not!?” Tyler rambled. His only living family life is in the hands of Kathrine Pierce. “We’ll help you.” Stefan said giving Tyler a reassuring smile. “Well how are we going to find her?” Matt asked looking at the three supernatural creatures. “A witch, Stefan call Bonnie we could use her help.” Damon demanded as he looked at everyone. -Y/n was a friend to Damon. Like they are so close that they are kinda like brother in sister. That is until Y/n had found out he was a vampire. He lied to her witch made her leave him and never talk to him again. Because she told him she was tired of people lying to her. When that is all he had been doing. Bonnie came to the Salvatore boarding house and preform the spell. Y/n was at a apartment on the other side of town. As soon as Tyler heard this he started to go out of the door when Damon stopped him.
“Damon let me by. My sister needs me.” Tyler commander. trying to push Damon away. “Look I know you want your sister back. I do, I love your sister as if she was my own. But we need you to have a clear head going into this.” Damon said as he looked into Tyler’s brown eyes. “Your sister is smart, she isn’t going to do anything to get herself killed.” Damon said. Tyler nodded as he pulled away from Damon. Damon dropped his grip but stayed infront of the door. “What’s the plan?”
“Alright Stefan and Damon will wait outside of the door while Tyler and Me go in. Well try to get her out. If we can’t then your backup.” Matt said as he looked at Stefan, Damon, and Tyler. “Look at Romeo getting his saving on.” Damon teased making Stefan and Tyler give him a bitch face. “Not. Now.” Tyler hissed through his teeth. Damon nodded as he looked at Matt. “That’s all I got.” Everyone nodded looking around. “Let’s get going.”
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“Tyler Lockwood and Matt Donovan, to what do I owe the pleasure?” Klaus said turning around to look at the two. “I want my sister back!” Tyler demanded looking at Klaus with a frown. Matt stood their with a frown on his face as he Noticed there was no signs of Y/n. “Why would I let you have her when I am not done?” Klaus asked. Klaus looked at Matt and gave him a smile. Until he heard a growl. “What was that?” Matt mumbles looking to Tyler. “That my friend is called the noice of a hybrid. My first hybrid that is.” Klaus said with a smile. “A hybrid?” Matt questioned looking at Klaus. “I forgot you two aren’t the brightest. I gave her my blood and snapped her neck. She is now in transition so if she doesn’t drink the Doppleganger blood she will die very soon.” Klaus said with a smile. “Kathrine, come here please.” Klaus called out. “-And bring her with you.”
 The noice of a door opening filled the silent room. Kathrine walked into the room with Y/ns following behind her. Y/n had dried blood on her mouth and she looked a little uncomfortable. “Are you okay y/n/n?” Matt asked as he tried to move closer to her, but Klaus stopped him. “You step any closer to her and I’ll pull out her heart.” Matt nodded as he stood back. “Y/n, love.” Klaus Started catching her attention. “Do you want to live?” He asked looking into her (y/e/c) eyes. Her eyes was full of fear. Fear for not only her life but the life of her twin brothers and her best friend/crush. Y/n nodded as she looked at him. “Use your words. Do you want to live?” “Yes, I want to live.” She said looking at Klaus, giving him a nod. With that he smile moving over towards a blood bag from the frigdge. “If you want to live, drink this. You will become as powerful as me.” He claimed as he held out the blood bag towards her. She nodded slowly taking the bag from him. Taking the cap if she slowly drinkers some of the blood. She took a few sips until she jerked it away. Klaus closed the bag as he watched her. She fell to the ground as he bones began breaking with a crunching sound.
 “Make it stop!” Matt yelled as he watched y/n scream in agony. “Klaus, what’s happening to me?” Y/n cried as she felt more of her bones break. “Your a hybrid now.” Y/n felt her bones stop breaking for once. Her whole body was in pain and was sore. She felt as if she had been ran over by a car. “Klaus.” Stefan said from the entrance of the apartment. “Let then go.” Klaus rolled his blue eyes at the vampire shaking his head with a laugh. “You can not stop. What had already happened.” Klaus said. Pointing to Y/n who was being helped up by Matt and Tyler. “I wanna go home, Matty.” Y/n said as Matt held her close. “Go, I got him.” Stefan said towards the three. Tyler and Matt nodded as they took Y/n away. “Stefan the night and shining armor. Now you must know that there is as reason I let them go.” Stefan nodded looking at Klaus. “That’s why I’m here.” Damon said as he walked into the room. “Now threes a crowd, Damon.” Klaus said looking at Damon. Damon nodded looking at Klaus. “I know that's why I have this.” Damon said holding up a white oak stake. “Now We don't want anyone on the wrong end of this.” Damon stated with a smile as he fiddled with the stake. 
“Damon, what happened?” Elena asked as she watched Damon and Stefan walk into the Lockwood  house. “Klaus whooped their ass.” Y/n said as she looked at the two Salvatore. “How did you know?” Damon asked as he rubbed the back of his head, where klaus had hit him. “You have blood on you and I can tell for a fact it isn't Klaus blood, so spill. What happened?” Y/n asked looking at Damon and Stefan. “We ended up fighting some but klaus won. He decided to run. So after we woke up from our necks being broke Kathrine and him were gone.” Damon said as he looked at everyone. “How are you feeling?” Stefan asked looking at Y/n. Y/n was sitting beside matt with her head on his shoulder. “I have a head ache, but it could be worst.” y/n said with a shrug. Damon nodded looking at Y/n with a small smile. “What's going on between you too?” Damon asked giving the two a smirk. 
“How you feeling?” Matt asked Y/n as he helped her into the bed. “Tired.” She said as matt lifted the blankets for her to get under. Matt nodded with a chuckle. She laid down getting comfortable as she looked at Matt. “You scared me today.” matt said as he stood in front of her. “I’m sorry.” She mumbled fiddling with the blanket over her. “I was scared, I was scared that you were going to die.” Y/n frowned as she looked at him. She moved over and lifted the blankets, patting the spot beside her. Matt chuckled as he kicked off his shoes and laid down beside her. “I love you, Matt.” Y/n confessed as she laid her head on his chest. his heart sound like it exploded or he was having a heart attack. he looked down at her with a smile. “I love you too.” He said. Y/n smiled as she looked at him. She looked into his blue eyes and smiled. She looked into his eyes than to his lips. he smiled as he leaned forwards. Their lips close to touching making them both smile. Y/n leaned forwards closing the gap between. After a few seconds they pulled back looking at each other with a smile. 
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“He just better not hurt my sister.” Tyler said giving Matt a threating look. “He wont.” Stefan and Damon said at the same time. “He has a whole town of supernatural creatures coming at him if so.” Caroline said giving matt a smile. 
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petertingle-yipyip · 6 years
Tension-Kol Mikaelson ft. Kai Parker
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//Requested: Can u do one where Kol goes back to Mystic Falls to get the reader back, and finds out from the Salvatore's that Kai has become obsessed with her? And he becomes jealous and angry, and tries to talk her into leaving with him to New Orleans? And also, Kai constantly gets in the way to try and get the reader's love. // //Requested:  can you make a imagine with a kol mikaelson jealous / possessive ? fluff or smutt , please 💜//
//Warnings: Violence, language, fluff/angst cuz im an angsty teen idk. Pairings: Kol x reader. Kai x reader Tag List @akshi8278 @simonsaysyasss //
“What do you mean he’s back, Stefan?” You asked as you lounged on the couch in the Salvatore’s front room. “The whole family went back to New Orleans years ago.”
“I’m telling you, Y/N. He’s back. I saw him at the Grill this morning.” Stefan confirmed.
You groaned and threw your head back, staring at the ceiling and the Heavens above. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
Part of you had always hoped Kol would come back to Mystic Falls. Part of you had always missed him. But the rest of you knew it would only be trouble. But everyone knows how much you loved him. Could you say that you were over it when you’re face to face with him? You weren’t so sure.
You let him go without question because you knew his family was important to him. They may hate each other at points but for the most part, Kol needed his siblings. They loved him. And sure, he might be willing to be selfish every now and then but he also knew he deserved to be happy. Wherever that was.
Once that pain had subsided, you did wish he would come back. You had given so much to him over the years, and when he left, he took that with him. You wished you could at least hear from him again. But now that he was back, you wished you had some warning.
In the time without Kol, you had to figure out who you were again. Being with someone so wholly, you forget who you were before them. It was scary rediscovering who you are and how you changed. Luckily, you didn’t have to do it all alone. You had the Salvatores, who were like your brothers, and surprisingly, you had Kai.
Kai Parker was a mess. He knew it. You knew it. It’d be easier to think of who didn’t know it. Upon his escape from the prison world, you ended up on babysitting duty and within that time, Kai developed a borderline obsession with you. He called you all the time, showed up on your doorstep, and just happened to be in the same place you were. It was endearing at first but then it became a bit concerning.
He admitted he was ‘intrigued’ by you and after his merge with Luke, he discovered it was more romantic than that. Admittedly, you let things with Kai play out on their own since you were too concerned with your own well-being.
A few days after Stefan’s warning, you saw him. He was as beautiful and magnetizing as ever. Luckily, he hadn’t noticed you so you were able to sneak around him to the other side of the bar at the Grill, where you were greeted by who seemed to be the only human left in Mystic Falls, Matt Donovan.
“Hey.” He smiled. “What can I get you?”
“Just a cola, please.” You smiled and he nodded before busying himself with your order.
“So, how long were you going to avoid me?” A voice said at your side and you rolled your eyes, knowing it was only a matter of time before he found you.
“Honestly Kai, I don’t have the mental capacity to deal with you right now.” You sighed as Matt placed your soda in front of you. “There’s too much going on.”
“Right... Cause Kol is back, huh?” He said plainly.
“Greetings from the dead.” Another voice interrupted and your grip on your glass tightened slightly. “So, who fancies a drink?”
“Hey, it’s alright. I don’t mind competition.” Kai said with a chuckle when you quietly sipped your soda.
“Who says it’s a competition, Mate?” Kol said with a dry chuckle. “Hello, Darling.” He directed at you when you didn’t say anything to him.
You raised your hand, two fingers slightly raised in greeting, without turning to face him. You knew if you looked into his eyes, you’d be putty in his hands, as you always had been. And of course he knew it. He placed his hands on your shoulder, leaning down to whisper in your ear. Kai jumped in before he could.
“Are we telling secrets?” Kai whispered loudly, causing you to stifle a giggle and nearly choke on your drink.
“None that concern you, thanks.” Kol said bitterly.
“Be nice, Kol.” You sighed, turning your head towards Kai, catching a glimpse of Kol out the corner of your eye. “He’s been good to me these past few weeks.”
“Really, now?” Kol laughed, taking one hand off your shoulders.
“Better than you’ve been to her.” Kai countered.
“Want to say that again?” Kol chuckled dryly.
“Gladly.” Kai shrugged with an amused smile.
“Come on, Kai.” You said, dropping a ten on the counter top and taking Kai’s hand in yours. “Kol’s just passing through anyways, right?” You glanced at Kol.
He stood at you with a clenched jaw, arms crossed over his chest. He lifted his eyebrows in challenge, as if to ask if you knew what you were doing. You shot him a wink and left with Kai.
Later that week, they both found you again. You were walking the halls of the high school, waiting for Stefan to finish football practice. Leave it to Stefan to get roped into high school antics again.
“Well, if isn’t my favorite vampire.” Kai said with a smile.
“Why am I not surprised?” You sighed in amusement. ���Nice to see you again.”
“Always nice to see you, Y/N.” He winked, linking arms with you and leading you around the school. “So what’s up with Kol?”
“That’s complicated.” You shrugged. “I loved him. He left. Now he’s back and I don’t know how I feel.”
“I came back for a reason, Y/N.” Kol’s voice came from behind you.
“Yeah, well when it takes you this long to come back, maybe it’s not worth it.” You countered, stopping your steps. Kai came around and stood in 
front of you, watching Kol over your shoulder.
“Did you ever think that maybe I couldn’t come back?” Kol argued.
“If it mattered that much to you, you would’ve found a way back. You could’ve at least called. Wrote a damn letter or something.” You sighed.
“Please, Y/N.. I came back for you. I love y-” Kol tried.
“No. You don’t get to ghost me for years on end and show up here like nothing happened.” You spun on your heel to face him. “You meant the world to me, Kol. I would’ve moved mountains, split oceans, and calmed storms if you had asked me to. I would’ve given my life for yours in a second, and you left. I get that I let you leave, but you didn’t even ask if I wanted to go with you.”
“Let me explain, please.” Kol pleaded.
“No, I think it’s time for you to go.” Kai defended you, stepping around you to block you from view.
“Kai, don’t.” You said softly, putting a hand on his arm.
“I’d listen to Y/N.” Kol said calmly. “You wouldn’t stand a chance.”
“I think you’d be surprised.” Kai retorted.
“Alright, just stop!” You exclaimed, pushing past the boys. “You’re acting like overly hormonal teenagers, acting like I’m some prize. I’m not something to be won in a pissing contest!”
You stormed out of the school. As you left, you messaged Stefan and told him you had to leave. You entered the Salvatore house and made you way to your room, ignoring Damon and Elena’s questions.You locked yourself in your room for the next week. You came out only for a snack and you took it back to your room with you. Kai and Kol had called a thousand times each, with twice as messages texts to go with it. Some were apologies. Some wanted to set up something so you could talk. Some were asking how you were. A couple were just random updates on their lives.
“You’re obsessed with her! You don’t care about her.” You heard Damon say from the other side of your door.
“She’s probably the only person I care about.” Kai countered.
“Oh, come on!” Damon argued. “You’re a sociopath, Kai. You don’t care about anything.”
“I think that’s a stretch coming from you, Damon, don’t you think?” Kol interjected.
“Why are you still here?” Kai asked.
“She’s the only reason you’re still alive. You do realize that, don’t you?” Kol threatened.
“If she hasn’t answered either of you by now, she might not answer either of you ever again.” Damon said, his voice fading as if he was walking away. “Think about that.”
“She was fine until you came back. You can’t just stay gone, can you?” Kai said in annoyance.
You sighed, sitting up in your bed and tilting your head to hear what the boys were saying a little bit better. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to talk to either of them again. It was more that you didn’t want to choose between them. As annoying and obsessive as Kai was towards you, he was there for you. You got used to having him around, for better or for worse. But Kol was Kol. You had spent so much time wanting him back that the second you saw him, a fire reignited in your heart.
“And you can’t just mind your business. Looks like we’re both overstepping then, hmm?” Kol pressed. “Besides, I’m going to ask her to come to New Orleans with me so we won’t have to be apart anymore.”
“Mikaelsons are all the same.” Kai snapped. “All you do is take and take and take until there’s nothing left for someone to give to you and then what? And then you disappear without a trace until you need some sort of validation.”
“You don’t know me or my family!” Kol defended. “Who do you think you are, talking to me as if you’re my better, or even my equal? Do you even know what she really wants?”
“She wants someone who is going to actually be there and watch out for her. And not just when it’s convenient.”
“That’s rich coming from you.” Kol laughed. “Weren’t you in a prison world most of your life?”
And with that sentence, Kol went flying through your doorway, knocking your door off it’s hinges. You gasped audibly and pulled your legs onto the bed to avoid any lose splinters.“Kai, what the hell?” You yelled.
Before you could get any sort of an answer, Kol and Kai were locked in a fist fight. Fists and bodies were being thrown as the two scuffled across the floor. Blood splattered on them and on various spots around your room.“Enough!” You yelled, making your way to get between the boys. You managed to shove your arms between their chests and using your elbows, you pushed them apart. You managed to keep them at arms length on either side. Kol on your left and Kai on your right.
They both wore proud smirks, as if they had been waiting to throw a punch or two at each other their whole lives. It was impossible to decipher what blood belonged to either one of them but in that moment, you didn’t quite care. You were fed up with their conflicting agendas.“I hope you don’t think beating the shit out of each other is going to convince me to pick either of you over the other.” You said after a long silence, finally breaking the stare down they were having.
“Y/N...” Kol said softly, suddenly forgetting about the third person in the room.“I thought about you everyday. I wanted to come back for you, I swear to God.”
“So why didn’t you then?” You asked, a weight lifting off your chest as you asked that simple question that had been nagging the back of your mind since he showed up again.
“I was afraid that you would hate me, but it turns out that the longer I stayed away, the worse I made things.”
“You can’t really believe this, Y/N.” Kai groaned from the other side.
“Kai, you don’t know him. You don’t know what we had.” You countered kindly.
“I know that he doesn’t deserve you.” Kai desperately argued.
“And you think you do?” You laughed a little. “Kai, you don’t know anything about me. You’ve been by my side but you don’t love me.”
“I do. I do love you. I do. I do.” He tried to assure you. 
“No, you don’t.” You shook your head, speaking softly to try to avoid a meltdown. “You’re infatuated, obsessed with me even. This isn’t love. Trust me. We’re friends, for sure. And you’re very important to my life but you don’t love me.”
Slowly, you took your hand away from Kol and moved closer to Kai. He stood frozen, staring and seemingly trying to make sense of what you had just told him. You carefully put your arms around him in a gentle hug. You held him for a moment, waiting for him to react to your embrace. To your surprise, he hugged you back.
“You have to let me make my own choices, Kai.” You said against his shoulder.
“Maybe you’re right.” He said with a small nod when he pulled away. “I’ll see you around, Y/N/N.” He patted your arm before walking by and towards the door. He looked back once to add a comment for Kol. “You still don’t deserve her, but that’s her call to make. Don't make her regret it, Kol. Or I'll make you regret it.”
And with that, Kai had left the building. Now, it was only you and Kol in the room.“He’s right...” Kol mumbled.
“Maybe he is. But that’s my call to make.” You answered. You went and sat down on your bed, dropping your hands into your folded lap. Kol soon joined you, leaving space between you two.
“Y/N-” He tried before you interjected.
“No. You’re going to listen right now.” You shook your head. “I gave up so much so early for you. And we were great. Everything I put in, you put in too. And then suddenly you needed space. And I gave it to you. I gave it to you because it was for your family. But you couldn’t even write? Couldn’t call? I heard from Klaus all the time. But not even once from you. How am I supposed to have hope when you were practically dead to me?”
“I know. I know did wrong by you, Y/N, but if you give me this last chance, I can promise that I’ll never hurt you like that again. I’ll never leave your side. I’ll never do anything to break your trust or your heart. You are all that matters to me, all that ever mattered. When I left with my siblings, I should’ve gone with you as well. I never should’ve turned my back on you. But I did. I was stupid. Can you ever forgive me?”
“Not after one apology.” You said honestly. “If you really want me back, you’ll have to prove it. And you’ll have to prove it here, in Mystic Falls. With Kai and Stefan and Damon and Elena and Bonnie and Caroline and everyone around.”
“So there’s a chance for us still?” He asked, a hopeful smile tugging the corners of his mouth up.
“Yeah, I guess there is still a chance for us.”
"That's all I can ask for, Y/N." He said proudly, gently placing a hand over yours. "I've missed you."
"Yeah, yeah." You smiled, nudging him with your shoulder.
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ao3feed-klaroline · 6 years
Vampire Diaries and The Originals One Shots and Imagines
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2Glo0eC
by invisame
A collection of short stories featuring the characters from Vampire Diaries and The Originals. Most are reader insert. Some are x OC. Very, very rarely there may be ships.
Words: 2297, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Originals (TV), The Vampire Diaries (TV), The Vampire Diaries & Related Fandoms
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: Damon Salvatore, Stefan Salvatore, Elijah Mikaelson, Klaus Mikaelson, Klaus Mikaelson (in Alaric Saltzman), Alaric Saltzman, Kol Mikaelson, Elena Gilbert, Hayley Marshall, Jeremy Gilbert, Marcel Gerard, Lexi Branson, Matt Donovan, Bonnie Bennett, Caroline Forbes, Rebekah Mikaelson, Tyler Lockwood
Relationships: Damon Salvatore/Original Female Character(s), Klaus Mikaelson/Reader, Kol Mikaelson/Reader, Elijah Mikaelson/Reader, Marcel Gerard/Reader, Damon Salvatore/Reader, Stefan Salvatore/Reader, Elijah Mikaelson/Reader/Klaus Mikaelson, Caroline Forbes/Klaus Mikaelson, Alaric Saltzman/Reader, Rebekah Mikaelson/Reader, Jeremy Gilbert/Reader
Additional Tags: One Shot Collection
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2Glo0eC
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ao3feed-daredevil · 7 years
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2rfkF6j
by Totallynotashieldagent
Give me prompts for your fics!
Words: 25, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel, Teen Wolf (TV), DC Cinematic Universe, DCU, DC Animated Universe, Supernatural, The Vampire Diaries (TV), The Originals (TV), X-Men - All Media Types, X-Men: First Class (2011) RPF, Star Trek, Daredevil (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Reader, James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Pietro Maximoff, Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr, Logan (X-Men), Klaus Mikaelson, Derek Hale, Peter Hale, Isaac Lahey, Bruce Banner, Bruce Wayne, Barry Allen, Leonard Samson, Leonard McCoy, Alex Summers, Damon Salvatore
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Reader, Steve Rogers/Reader, Pietro Maximoff/Reader, Charles Xavier/Reader, Erik Lehnsherr/Reader, Logan (X-Men)/Reader, Klaus Mikaelson/Reader, Derek Hale/Reader, Peter Hale/Reader, Isaac Lahey/Reader, Bruce Banner/Reader, Bruce Wayne/Reader, Barry Allen/Reader, Leonard "Bones" McCoy/Reader, Leonard Snart/Reader, Alex Summers/Reader, Damon Salvatore/Reader, Matt Murdock/Reader, Frank Castle/Reader
Additional Tags: Fluff, Smut, Porn Without Plot, Porn With Plot, fluff with plot, Fluff without Plot, prompts, Drabbles
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2rfkF6j
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ao3feed-mcufemslash · 6 years
we live in a society // loki x scientist!reader
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2pymQSt
by 9amuro
In which Loki comes back to Earth with the intention of sticking their father in a retirement home, but doesn't understand Earth money and turns to you - a reluctant Avenger - for help. He tells stories to children, gets employed by SpaceX, and kidnaps Matt Damon. When nothing works, you both must turn to the only person you know for certain can help; the president of the United States - or is he?
(The story of how Loki came to Earth with Odin undetected, and the dumbest thing I've ever written, please report me)
Words: 1265, Chapters: 1/10, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Loki (Marvel), Matt Damon, Barack Obama, Odin (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Elon Musk
Relationships: Loki (Marvel)/Reader
Additional Tags: References to Norse Religion & Lore, Post-Thor: The Dark World, Pre-Thor: Ragnarok (2017), Genderfluid Loki (Marvel)
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