#Max Glazer
chicinsilk · 6 months
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US Vogue March 1973
Valentino Boutique set, bright blue suede coat trimmed with mesh, short-sleeved striped shirt, gabardine pants. Bausch & Lomb glasses. Hairstyle by Christiaan. Makeup: Max Factor UltraLucent Face Glazer in Russet Peach on lips and cheeks.
Ensemble Valentino Boutique, manteau bleu vif en suède bordé de maille chemise rayée à manches courtes, pantalon en gabardine. Lunettes Bausch & Lomb. Coiffure de Christiaan. Maquillage : Max Factor UltraLucent Face Glazer en Russet Peach sur les lèvres et les joues.
Photo Kourken Pakchanian vogue archive
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enterfilm · 7 months
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THE ZONE OF INTEREST (Jonathan Glazer, 2023)
Cuando vi esta película por primera vez en el Festival Internacional de Cine de Gijón, inmediatamente se me vinieron a la cabeza obras como 2001: A Space Odyssey o There Will Be Blood. ¿Qué motivos impulsaron a Jonathan Glazer a tomar decisiones formales tan arriesgadas? ¿Por qué ese arranque? ¿Por qué esa obertura? Quizá, de una forma paradójica y alegórica, se pretende enfatizar la idea de que las imágenes que otorgan entidad a la película intentan rebelarse contra sí mismas para no ser mostradas. Resulta entonces imposible ignorar la figura de Claude Lanzmann y su memorable digresión en torno a la ética, la moral y la exposición de la infamia.
Dado que la película se filma desde el punto de vista de lo inconcebible, adopta un carácter observacional, flemático y ascético que, en ocasiones, podría disociarnos de la atrocidad y acercarnos a un escenario costumbrista y rutinario. Ahora bien, si el medio es el mensaje —tal y como afirmaba Marshall McLuhan— o, si se prefiere, la forma crea el contenido —deducción archiconocida de Chabrol en referencia al cine de Hitchcock—, entonces lo verdaderamente revelante y relevante para entender esta película se localizaría en el formato utilizado, así como en su óptica y sonoridad. Elementos que aluden de forma constante al contraplano que jamás se muestra y que, por ello, trasciende aún con mayor contundencia y hondura. Al otro lado de esos muros de contención quizá podríamos descubrir al miembro de los Sonderkommandos Saul Ausländer de la película de László Nemes pero, en The Zone of Interest, la materialización fílmica de esa evocación se nos muestra en formato negativo, habitando un terreno aparentemente ilusorio cuya transmutación en realidad se consuma cuando la narración retorna a los quehaceres domésticos y mundanales que viabilizan la preservación del punto de vista heterodiegético.
Aquellos que hayan leído la novela en que se basa se habrán percatado de que Jonathan Glazer tan solo la utiliza como punto de partida, si bien es cierto que para con algunas de sus escenas funciona perfectamente como subtexto de acompañamiento. Martin Amis ficciona una trama y la sitúa en un momento histórico determinado. La película, sin embargo, se aleja de este enfoque, lo que permite que incida con mayor profundidad en su condición empírica y cáustica.
Los momentos en que la pantalla se satura por completo de colores elementales, incorporan fugaces instantes de reflexión ante unas imágenes que supeditan sus formas de arte y representación a la realidad misma que las fundamenta. Esta explicitación articula la parte emocional. La inverosímil y admirable composición musical de Mica Levi converge con el material filmado para convulsionar el relato y el ideario subyacente. Es aquí donde volvemos a la intersección de una disonancia inarmónica que se superpone a ciertos sonidos y situaciones sumidas en la más absoluta cotidianidad. Por otro lado, la ceremonia litúrgica que abre y cierra la película entre tinieblas, el blanco cegador despojado de su pureza o el rojo sangre como encarnación de lo abominable, serían ejemplos paradigmáticos de este aparataje sensitivo.
En su parte final, Rudolf Höss nos devuelve la mirada y desdibuja la línea temporal que se había mantenido hasta ese momento. Jonathan Glazer se transforma entonces en un pseudodocumentalista para mostrarnos imágenes recientes del Museo de Auschwitz y la película nos recuerda que ninguna situación pasada, presente ni futura debería permitirnos tomar distancia ante determinados sucesos que fueron, son y serán.
En el año 2019 Jonathan Glazer filmó un cortometraje basándose en la obra El sueño de la razón produce monstruos de Goya y, en él, anticipa buena parte de este planteamiento. Los personajes de esta pieza de cámara ocultan sus rostros y cuerpos bajo disfraces, de lo cual se puede inferir que cualquiera de nosotros podría ser uno de ellos. Llegados a este punto, quizá no resulte tan sencillo obviar la ignominia que nos rodea.
Se trata de una mera coincidencia, pero tras asistir a la proyección de la película estuve leyendo la novela Stella Maris de Cormac McCarthy. De su pluma y de la mente esquizofrénica del personaje de Alicia Western surgió de repente un pasaje que rápidamente identifiqué como una derivación de lo que había visto en pantalla.  Es este:
"Coges una serie de imágenes fijas y las pasas en tándem a una determinada velocidad ¿y qué es eso que parece la vida misma? Nada más que una ilusión. ¡Anda! ¿Y qué es eso? Bah, qué importa si así haces que vuelvan los muertos. Lógicamente ellos no tienen gran cosa que decir. ¿Qué quieres? Llame antes de excavar. Habrá quien piense que el truco está en encontrar la pista de alguna realidad colateral. Por si no pillas la falacia implícita. La pertinente malicia. Puedes aportar vectores nuevos, aunque eso no es señal de que vayan a funcionar. ¿Te parece una buena idea? ¿Y si la gente quiere volver? La gente no puede volver. Así me gusta. La gracia está en que nunca vas a tener una pantalla en blanco. Y por supuesto lo que cuenta no es lo que se ve sino quién lo puso allí. Si en un momento dado miras y no hay nada en la pantalla ya lo pondrás tú misma, por qué no"
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streamondemand · 11 months
'Under the Skin' – passing for human on Max
Under the Skin (2014) isn’t a film makes things easy for the viewer. The experience is not unlike that which I suppose its unnamed protagonist, an alien reborn in the body of a human host (Scarlett Johansson), goes through as it (she?) settles in to its new body and the emotions and impulses surging through it that collide with its mission. That mission has something to do with driving around…
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The Right Nation and God Is Back were more substantial , unearthing positive elements for their cosmocratic liberalism, albeit from two unlikely sources. The first stemmed from a fascination with rightwing American intellectuals: William Buckley at National Review, Milton Friedman and the Chicago boys, and the neoconservatives, including Irving Kristol, Daniel Bell, Seymour Lipset and Nathan Glazer. Aside from the admirable 'cutting edge' they gave to US foreign policy, the neocons were also 'muckrakers of the Right', 'discrediting government' by exposing affirmative action and welfare dependency. In fact, they were quite close to the philosophical traditions of the Economist. 'As they grew older, neocons embraced old-fashioned liberalism - the liberalism of meritocratic values, reverence for high culture and a vigorous mixed economy.' Looking past the misleading label, 'America's conservatism is an exceptional conservatism: the conservatism of a forward-looking commercial republic rather than the reactionary Toryism of old Europe.' They cited an exchange in which Max Beloff, a British peer, incredulously asked Irving Kristol how he dared call himself conservative, since without deference to tradition, including those threatened by 'the abuses of capitalism, it is only the old Manchester School [of classical liberalism].'
Alexander Zevin, Liberalism at Large
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jobazzle · 6 months
this being the top comment for the zone of interest on letterboxd EXACTLY
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saintbarou · 6 months
no one wants dutch more than micah bro
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movienized-com · 8 months
The Zone of Interest (2023)
The Zone of Interest (2023) #JonathanGlazer #SandraHueller #ChristianFriedel #RalphHerforth #FreyaKreutzkam #MaxBeck Mehr auf:
Jahr: 2023 (Dezember) Genre: Drama / History / Kriegsfilm Regie: Jonathan Glazer Hauptrollen: Sandra Hüller, Christian Friedel, Ralph Herforth, Freya Kreutzkam, Max Beck, Imogen Kogge, Stephanie Petrowitz, Ralf Zillmann, Marie Rosa Tietjen, Lilli Falk, Christopher Manavi, Sascha Maaz, Anastazja Drobniak, Medusa Knopf, Johann Karthaus, Luis Noah Witte … Filmbeschreibung: Hedwig Höß (Sandra…
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milliondollarbaby87 · 8 months
The Zone of Interest (2023) Review
We follow the life of Rudolf Höss the commandant of Auschwitz and his wife Hedwig living in a house next to the wall of the camp, bringing up their five children and living what looks like a happy life. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Continue reading Untitled
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genevieveetguy · 1 year
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The Zone of Interest, Jonathan Glazer (2023)
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luv4kyle · 2 months
Alpha wolf!fem!reader x beta!kenny mccormick [pt.4]
notes ; join the discord server above to get more W stuf from heidi! snippets, be able to get into the tag list, early updates, see even more of her work that isnt just writing, make more friends, and TALK WITH HEIDI !?!?!? 😱😱😱 yea u get to talk with ur super sigma idol writer (/j) for real by just joining the server!!! so join it its super duper sigma fun 🤑 anyways you can keep reading now ⬇️
Tag list 🐺
" please sigma, give me a chance, i skibidi promise, no cap, on skibidi toilet and on caseoh, ill be your best gyatt ever... i know im not very sigma enough for you, but ill griddy for you, glaze you, rizz you up, goon and looksmaxx with you, eat skibidi slicers with you, ill even watch CaseOh with you , ill do all that for you alpha y/n " kenny pleaded, practically begging to be with the alpha... he just couldnt live without her, she needed to be his
" kenny... what the sigma... i dont know what to say , i think you jelqed it too hard... " y/n stared at kenny surprised at his words, she knew that he would yap to her all the time or come to her cave just to see her rizzy face, it was obvious that kenny liked her, but she always was taught to yap and rizz with an alpha, not a beta or an omega... when kenny heard that y/n could never be with a lower class like him, he was devastated. He felt skibidied...
" no, i didn't jelq it too hard my gyatt, im yapping the truth rizzler, i swear i am... i want to be your W level 9 gyatt, i might not have a level 10 but i have W rizz, max aura, i looksmaxx every day, edge everyday and my jawline is perfect from my daily mewing... ive never lost a streak alpha. i could be anything for you y/n, please just give me a chance sigma... " the blondes hand tightened on y/ns, rubbing her knuckles with his thumb as he examines her face, trying to get some type of positive response from her somehow, anything as long as it was a yes...
Y/n hesitating, never hearing something like that ever in her life, especially from someone like kenny, she couldnt believe that kenny actually would do anything for her just for them to be together... i mean she couldnt really deny it, how could she? plus, y/n sort of liked kenny back as well...the alpha cleared her throat before responding to kennys confession,
" alright beta, how would you like it if i also wanted you to be my glazing level 9 gyat? " y/n questioned, her big (e/c) orbs looking right into kennys, waiting for a response from him to her question, either way she was definitely sure that kenny would immediately accept it, it would be his dream.
Kenny was shocked, flabbergasted, he thought he was dreaming.. "no way in skibidi toilet she just said that, did she really...? " he thought, not believing that this moment was real, he was feeling so sigma, the fact that y/n actually wanted him by her side and be her W level 9 gyatt glazer made him so happy
" wait... i.. really sigma? "
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iamred-iamyellow · 11 days
ok this is very random (as im not sure how much of an ls2 defender u r)
every new thing that James bitchass stanky dummy shitty Vowles says abt the Logan situation just pisses me off more. makes me even wonder how logan dealt w everything for as long as he did.
Swear if Logan wasnt backed by Duracell and all the other US companies that bring in sm bank, Vowles would have dropped him even without meeting Franco...
Logan might have underperformed but his car isnt good to begin with, strategy was practically a DIY youtube video every fucking race weekend and not to mention that out of what 10-12 races his teammate has only managed to score 6 points...(no saying Albon is bad at all just goes to show that even a decent driver cant do shit in that fucking half charged golf cart 😒)
As a CS55 girlie im praying for the best for Carlos and that the team figures itself out over the new year break bc the way things r going i wouldnt be fucking suprised if Carlos opted to race for another team or just become a reserve driver after one year w bitchass Williams.
Truly a shame that a driver with such potential (LS2) and an excellent teammate and great driver with consistency (CS55) have ever had to deal with James stanky Vowles ( even tho Vowles is a D1 national level Sainz glazer 😭😭)
UGHHHHH i just know next year is gonna b...interesting to say the least.
Praying for Franco too 🥺💯 I've really come to like him so far after Monza and think he has great things in store and can rlly prove himself too 😞🩷
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How it feels being BOTH a LS2 and CS55 gal btw;
as an american i think im obligated by law to be a ls2 defender 🫡🦅🇺🇸
“strategy was practically a DIY youtube video every fucking race” TRUTH!!! 
i will forever be a defender of our four williams babies alex carlos franco and logan because they were dealt some fuckass cards 
i just cannot believe that logan didn’t have enough time to develop in f2 and williams didn’t even TRY to give him more opportunities to train during his f1 seasons. they literally tossed him in a car and said GO they set him up to fail and then got mad that he didn’t exceed their expectations 
don’t even get me STARTED on the comments james made about mick i am PERSONALLY offended omg 
i’m really gonna miss franco at the end of the season but i hope he gets more opportunities from what he’s proven he can do in f1
and speaking of carlos his journey is just one that ends up being really sad for me. he jumps from team to team and proves himself EVERY TIME but he has the worst luck when it comes to it. he was teammates with max first and therefore the second fiddle because christian was set on max being his everything. then he moved to renault which was uhm renault. then mclaren where he could’ve technically been seen as first driver or equals with Lando but Lando to Mclaren is Max to RB. He got a win at mclaren and just brought out the absolute best vibes for the team. Then he moved to ferrari but it was too late bc again Charles to Ferrari is Max to Red Bull. He always ends up second to a teams golden boy and as much as i love all those drivers it really sucks that Carlos does so much and will never truly get the recognition he deserves.
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danepopfrippery · 6 months
A bunch of spineless karens called out Jewish director Jonathan Glazer for condemned the Gaza Genocide when he won an Oscar for The Zone of Interest (a holocaust film).
A modern family producer even compared it as anti semitic like Vanessa Redgrave’s 1977 ‘Hoodlum’ speech so let me put both those speeches and you tell me where the anti jewishness is (Vanessa had started in a film called The Palestinian and after her speech a zionist bombed a theater playing it):
Jonathan Glazer 2024:
“All our choices were made to reflect and confront us in the present, not to say look what they did then, but rather look what we do now. Our film shows where dehumanization leads at its worst. It’s shaped all of our past and present. Right now, we stand here as men who refute their Jewishness and the Holocaust being hijacked by an occupation which has led to conflict for so many innocent people. Whether the victims of October — whether the victims of October the 7th in Israel or the ongoing attack on Gaza, all the victims of this dehumanization, how do we resist”
Vanessa Redgrave 1977:
“My dear colleagues, I thank you very, very much for this tribute to my work. I think that Jane Fonda and I have done the best work of our lives and I think this was in part due to our director, Fred Zinnemann. And I also think it's in part because we believed and we believe in what we were expressing. Two, out of millions, who gave their lives and were prepared to sacrifice everything in the fight against fascist and racist Nazi Germany. And I salute you and I pay tribute to you and I think you should be very proud that in the last few weeks you've stood firm and you have refused to be intimidated by the threats of a small bunch of Zionist hoodlums whose behavior is an insult to the stature of Jews all over the world and to their great and heroic record of struggle against fascism and oppression. And I salute that record, and I salute all of you for having stood firm and dealt a final blow against that period when Nixon and McCarthy launched a worldwide witch hunt against those who tried to express in their lives and their work the truth that they believed in. I salute you, and I thank you, and I pledge to you that I will continue to fight against anti-Semitism and fascism. Thank you.”
As for the cowardly karens:
You can stream The Zone of Interest on max (or rent from most services incl amazon). The Palestinian is on youtube
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theyluvkarolina · 24 days
no bc god fucking forgive u like charles, lando, or max and all the dumb bitches come out from hiding and shit bricks on u
just bc ur fav is a driver from fucking 1962 doesnt mean ours has to be!!!! God forgive a girl likes a driver in a top car 😒😒
also the lh44 and mv1 fan drama is insane...yall d ride wayyyyy too much (from the biggest mv1 and cs55 glazer on earth) its crazy!!! unless theyre paying ur rent CHILL TF OUT OMG. abu dhabi was 3 yrs ago and they act like that shit happened last wk 🙄
I was on it today and they were shitting on lando for saying “simply lovely” because max says it.. like i didn’t know he owned a phrase so many people fucking say 😭
everyone goes at each other's throats for something so small and stupid it’s fucking insane.
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chaithetics · 5 months
Bear nonnie here! how are you? how has your health been? it's been a while (forgot my tumblr password lel)
here to report that I re-read porce and the shark, iconic really. I also saw the most recent season of Fargo, which was very good, Juno temple was stellar, I reccommend (rip it tho because the coen brother's are zionists), that also send me back into my strangers thing phase #throwback, (also rip it tho because of the nasty zionist cast). I remember why Joe Keery was a crush of mine, Steve Harrington and Gator Tillman are attractive in veryyyyyy different ways.
but Arian you remain #1 in my heart
what have media have you been liking recently?
Omg hello Bear Nonnie!!! How are you? I've missed you! So great to chat with you again haha!
My health hasn't been the greatest lately, I've been having a pretty miserable lupus flare up. I've had some of the rashes as well which don't make me feel super hot honestly. I hope you've been well?! So easy to happen!
Thank you!!! I'm so glad it's holding up haha, I need to finish some more pieces for that series. I have so many ideas and characters I want to write for atm, it's tough trying to balance it all with the rest of adulting.
Juno Temple has great comedic timing, I've only seen the Fargo film but I saw a clip of her accent and I was so surprised at how good it was. I didn't know that about the Coen brothers, that's so disappointing, I know Joel Coen signed the open letter supporting Jonathan Glazer's speech at the oscars. So hopefully that means he's re-evaluated, reflected on earlier comments and taken time to educate himself more on what's happening and has been been happening since the Nakba. Ethan Coen didn't sign that letter though. I'm not really a Coen brothers stan, I've only seen a couple of projects of theirs but it's still always disappointing to know that there's other human beings with awful, zionist beliefs. Especially when they're people with platforms most of us don't have. Joe Keery's character in Fargo does seem verrrryyy different for him!
Arian is our number one man! That's not a phone in his pocket, it's my heart!
I recently finished Fallout! I really enjoyed it! I love Ella Purnell and it was so cool to see Moisés Arias in a big project like this after watching Hannah Montana as a kid. I really enjoyed the story, all the social commentary, and the characters. I really want to write some fics for Lucy, Norm, and Maximus! ALSO MAX'S ACTOR IS GIVING YOUNG DENZEL WASHINGTON?!?!?!?! Somebody PLEASE beg me to write some fallout fics so I feel like I can procrastinate with that!
Other than that I've mainly been watching films! I watched Ava DuVernay's latest film 'Origin' last week. It had your fav Jon Bernthal in it! He played a very sweet wholesome guy! I enjoyed the film, I think there were a few holes in it/the thesis but it was an ambitious experiment. I really loved Monkey Man with Dev Patel! Seeing all the hype and love he's getting is making me very happy. I saw Skins way too young... I saw Past Lives and American Fiction for the first time recently and really enjoyed them as well. My friend and I are trying to see Challengers and Abigail at the cinemas but the times aren't lining up. I've been doing a bit of an Oscar Isaac marathon as well. I've been trying to get my book reading up and more 'international' cinema! What media have you been consuming since you sent this in? I'm so stoked for The Bear S3! I think we're getting it next month sometime?
Absolutely adore you Bear Nonnie! Hope you're having the best day! I always enjoy replying to your asks. Send another one in when you get a chance and I'm always happy to message about films! ❤️❤️❤️
(Someone please tell me to write Fallout fanfic now pls)
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cristalconnors · 7 months
Shortlisted: All of Us Strangers / Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret / Priscilla
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KILLERS OF THE FLOWER MOON, written by Eric Roth and Martin Scorsese
NA-HON-ZHIN-GA: Tomorrow we will bury this one. This Pipe Person. Our Messenger to Wah-kon-tah. It is time to bury this pipe with dignity and put away its teachings. The children outside listening, they will learn another language. They will be taught by white people. They will learn new ways and will not know our ways.
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ORLANDO, MY POLITICAL BIOGRAPHY, written by Paul B. Preciado
PAUL: In your book, Orlando’s sex change happens in his sleep. I thought that if it happened to Orlando, maybe it could also happen to me. Then sleep became for me the magical realm in which the gender transition took place. Perhaps this explains why I sleep so much and so well. That’s why nights have become silent waiting rooms in which, immersed in my thoughts, I wait for the change to take place. I imagined the beds as a dreamlike, painless operating table where my lying body was re-coded. I believed sleep could act on the body like a chemical process acts on an element. I thought sleep was like freezing, or like evaporation: a process that induces a change in form but not in meaning.
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POOR THINGS, written by Tony McNamara
MAX: I wondered if perhaps you were raising her to be your mistress, a dark thought unworthy of me I know. So you are not laying with her…
GOD: Spermatic ejaculation can only induce homeostasis in me if accompanied by prolonged stimulation of higher nerve centres whose pressure upon the ductless glands changes the chemistry of my blood not for a few spasmodic minutes, but for many days!
MAX: …what??
GOD: I am a eunuch and can’t fuck her. To get a sexual response from my body would take the same amount of electricity as runs North London. Besides, my paternal feelings seem to outweigh my sexual thoughts.
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THE ZONE OF INTEREST, written by Jonathan Glazer
HEDWIG: They’d have to carry me out of here. This is our home! We’re living how we dreamed we would, since we were seventeen. Beyond how we dreamed! Out of the city finally. Everything we want on our doorstep. And our children strong and healthy and happy. Everything the Führer said about how we should live is exactly how we do. Drive east, lebensraum. This is our lebensraum.
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THE TASTE OF THINGS, written by Trần Anh Hùng
EUGÉNIE: How did you feel after your first bite of the Baked Alaska?
PAULINE: I almost cried.
PAULINE: ...I don’t know.
EUGÉNIE: Have you ever cried before while eating something?
EUGÉNIE: What do you think happened?
PAULINE: I don’t know.
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i-love-elsen · 1 year
Im a S tier max prestige world record holding kynlary glazer
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