#Medium Truckload
sherunsittt · 10 months
Freight broker's
a freight broker is middle man between a shipper and a freight service provider. Freight brokers have expertise in certain types of freight, such as equipment hauling on lowboys, oversize, bulk tanker, auto, or any other types of freight transportation.
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macklemstoys · 10 months
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Quality Farm Supplies Store | Agricultural Equipment and Tools
Welcome to our Farm Supplies Store, your ultimate destination for all your agricultural needs. We offer many high-quality farm supplies, equipment, and tools to support farmers, ranchers, and gardeners. Whether you're looking for sturdy fencing materials, reliable irrigation systems, durable livestock feeders, or efficient harvesting equipment, we have you covered. We are committed to providing exceptional customer service and expert advice to help you achieve maximum productivity and success in your farming endeavors. With our competitive prices and extensive inventory, you'll find everything you need to maintain and enhance your farm. Shop with us today and experience the difference in quality and service.
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spinartnataionatlanta · 11 months
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furplanet22 · 11 months
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fateandloveentwined · 11 months
Nirvana in Fire fic recs
Nirvana in fire fanfiction recommendations in the link below, mostly chinese; descriptions in english.
(full list on notion): https://lycorxian.notion.site/Lyke-NIF-fic-recs-fd3ae22b066040a9993650a744203daf
Some of the favourites below:
鱀歌/狼牙 by 九月将霜🏔️
Jingsu but rather slight. Medium length. Post-war fic where Changsu lives and assists Jingyan in the court. It starts with a few outsider POVs and Changsu is so soft in this and everything is rly sweet haha.
踏雪寻梅 by 十八🌊
A/B/O. Jingsu. Long fic. Aww I'm aware of my tendency to ramble on about the author's writing style, but this author's prose is stunningly intricate. This would be the one I would recommend if one is to read any A/B/O fics. Get ready for a "moderate" truckload canonical of angst and many happy returns in its eventual HE.  I don’t really know, this is just so – good? Lin Shu was initially an Alpha who turned into an Omega after the Chiyan incident, and he subconsciously rejects that part of himself, more or less. It is rare in the world the author built for Omegas to take up huge roles in society, and Changsu hides his status in light of that and appears to other people as a Beta (but then the author spends so much time describing how beautiful he is and those descriptions are beautiful indeed lmao). So here comes Jingyan, who, by accident, discovers Changsu’s status as an Omega and becomes infatuated with his being → and so begins the courting.  But Point is, I really enjoyed the way Changsu’s resilience is depicted – the mental fortitude? determination? Ehh anyway there’s a scene on that and it’s beautiful. Also! there’s an explicit scene halfway that is so. well. written? not in the hot smutty way but it’s exquisite really I’m weirding myself out I’ll stop hahaha don’t know if that plugging worked.
月盈‧有憾 / 此生一诺 by 浅夏Surlinca🌔
月盈之时,尔有憾乎? 相濡以沫,不如相忘于江湖。 ——《月盈‧有憾》 When the moon grows round again, have you any regrets? Like two fish in a dried lake, instead of giving each other moisture with the little that is left, let us let life be and forget each other in rivers and lakes.    身侧再无知交,国君茕茕而立:画地为牢、许此生一诺。 ——《此生一诺》 The emperor stands, tall and alone, by his side his peers no longer: he carves a circle into the ground and holds himself hostage; he makes a vow and has it as his life’s work. //Okay these aren’t actually quotes lol. Let me have my fun.   Jingsu. Very slight/gen. Oneshot.   How would things end, had MCS not returned to Meiling in his final days? How would it go on, had MCS died after his encounter with Xia Jiang at the Xuan Jing Bureau?    These are two separate oneshots from the same author. While 此生一诺 is very popular, 月盈‧有憾 is instead my favourite oneshot among all. It is so beautifully written and the angst is real in this one. Could be considered a BE perhaps? There’s joy in this nonetheless.
关山契阔 (Ch24) by patient-no-117 仰望🌊
https://patient-no-117.lofter.com/view  https://archiveofourown.org/works/15734247/chapters/36582438
Pre-Sujing uh… slow burn? Long fic. The only WIP that I highlighted in red uwu. It goes without saying that I am totally smitten with this fic. Jingyan is sent to the Yan Kingdom by his father as hostage. Changsu, who is aiding a Yan Prince at their behest, approaches Jingyan in such circumstances and offers him ascension to the throne back at Da Liang. The prose is stunningly beautiful and classical and it’s hard to describe, the “aesthetic 澹泊 and 君子之交淡如水 vibes” this piece gives off – just – I’m very very in love with this fic please give it a go.   The author has kindly uploaded their chapters on ao3, so you can use that for convenient reading! The latest few chapters, however, are only on Lofter so you might have to move over for that.
一时双壁 by 琴煮鹤🏔️
Jingsu and Shuhuang. Long fic. Changsu and Lin Shu are two separate entities in this fic! Story starts with a younger Changsu entering Jinling to bring a warning to the Lin family upon intercepting Li Chongxin’s counterfeit. Changsu then schemes with Prince Qi and Lin Xie among others to preclude Chiyan’s demise and secure Prince Qi’s position as the crown prince. Changsu may not be Lin Shu in this fic, but he is still very proficient as the Chief of the Jiangzuo Alliance and has experienced much upon the passing away of his father, the former chief of the alliance. Jingyan slowly falls in love with him (slowburn I suppose?) and he with him. A very complete tale with flowing prose (the way the dialogue is written in particular is chef’s kiss) and a super sweet ending :D    (I don’t think a completed version of this fic has been circulated about as much? Feel free to hmu for a full version for convenient reading; that said the Lofter version is pretty complete on its own I think.)
书中愿 by 琴煮鹤🏔️
Jingsu very slight/gen. Oneshot, set in a world where Prince Qi has passed away but Lin Shu and the like are still alive. Scholar/teacher MCS (again, not Lin Shu!) stands in for Sir Zhou at the imperial palace and gets acquainted with Jingyan.    Have I mentioned how much I love this author? Yes, same author as above; their prose is elegant in a flowing way and I’m in love. I would say slight BE/angst based on how you interpret it? (Personally I’ve become immune and it is a happy ending ><) Though short, this fic well conveys the core character of MCS in which he contributes in his own way despite not being subject to the Chiyan case in the past. I like how it is written a lot ^^.
Some are lost to the internet but most have been saved in text files and word documents. Enjoy!
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junebugwriter · 7 months
Loki Season 2 Doesn't Understand Loki
The fundamental flaw in a season that means nothing
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Spoilers below.
I think we need to talk about Loki.  
People who know me know that I don’t like superhero and comic book movies. I love them. And that’s why I’m so critical of them. I can blame my brother on getting me into comics in high school, but the fact that long after that I keep coming back to the well speaks to what I love about them. Comics are the blending of prose and visual artistry, of character and medium. Every comic is a conversation between artists. Television and film, likewise, are another variation on that same theme.  
However, like any other kind of media, its greatest strengths can also fall victim to their greatest enemy: the companies that own them. 
Marvel Studios and the Marvel Cinematic Universe began as a simple concept: translate the idea of comic book universes onto the big screen. Let the comic company own the movies that bring their stories to the masses. When Disney bought Marvel, lock stock and barrel, it also brought truckloads of cash and prestige with it. This proved to be a Faustian bargain in the end, because what happens when the infinite money machine begins to grow too large to handle? Things begin to break down. 
Loki Season 2 is this metaphor brought to life. 
Everything Will Be The Same Ever Again 
The first season ended promisingly enough. Loki and his alternate timeline gender swapped variant Sophie finally find He Who Remains, the man behind the curtains that the Marvel Cinematic Universe has been building up to. He’s the one who pulls the strings, paves the road, and decides the Sacred Timeline ™—in other words, this is the man who decides Marvel Canon.  
Season 1 ended exactly as I hoped it would: Sophie, tired of being controlled, did the thing that gods of mischief and chaos are supposed to do. She killed the man behind the curtain. In so doing, she unspooled the Sacred Timeline ™ in the name of free will, allowing for infinite universes to be borne from the infinite choices made every moment by every being in existence. She gave birth to the multiverse. She broke the system.  
Obviously, this could not last.   
Loki season 1 promised that the universe would be forever altered by the actions of Loki and Sophie, and for a while, this seemed to be the case. Most of the recent phase of Marvel output has revolved, for better or worse, with the introduction of the concept of multiple realities. This has been used somewhat as more or less a vehicle for Brand Integration ™ and less as a vehicle for, you know, good storytelling. Yes, we’ve been promised Fantastic Four and X-men movies, but those aren’t even really in the works currently. They’ve been stuck in development hell for years since acquisition. All we’ve gotten is a couple of winks and nods, a musical sting, and N’amor, which all things being fair, was great, but N’amor has always been his own thing and a mutant in name only, story-wise. Otherwise, it’s been fine, but far from the promised chaos that Loki season 1 alluded to. 
Additionally, there’s the problem of character. Loki in mythology is less a villain but more of an antagonist, a trickster character that causes problems and meddles in the affairs of others for little reason else besides “he wanted to.” He’s mercurial by nature, and that works very, very well for mythology. It works for the purposes of “this is how the world is, this is why things are the way they are, and this is how the world will end.” Loki’s presence is not malevolent, but rather genuinely chaotic. He will do what he wants, and usually only to satisfy himself. He often seems unable to really control himself, let alone anyone else. He does things because he loves just making things happen, and if he winds up with what he wants, it’s all the better.  
In the comics and the films, he’s much more cast as a villain. In the films, he desires the throne of Asgard, to be the rightful ruler of people. Failing to win Asgard, he seeks out Earth as an agent of Thanos. Failing that, he meanders long enough in the background to have fun when dealing with Thor, and that’s about it. He finally dies an ignoble death by Thanos, and that was to be the end of him. Loki the TV series is not the same Loki we saw die. This Loki is an alternate timeline variant, and after having his ego broken by the Time Variance Authority, he seeks out another variant, Sophie, who has been causing problems for the TVA. 
If all that gives you a bit of a headache, don’t worry. That’s just the comic fan experience. Comics, and superhero stories, are of a kindred spirit with Soap Operas: not only are they highly melodramatic, often made up on the fly, and filled with colorful characters, but they’re also designed to go on FOREVER. That’s the beauty of them. The characters, and the universe, frequently default to a certain status quo. Sure, every few years, something comes along that promises to Change the Universe Forever, but that often amounts to one weird tweak and then it's back to the races as usual. The bad guy comes along to challenge the hero, hero must thwart whatever plan the villain has, and all is well. That’s the rhythm of the comic book story, and that works quite well for executives... to a point. So, what happens when people start to get tired of the same old story? They change the status quo on paper, and hope nobody notices that the structure of it all is still intact.  
That was the promise of Loki Season 1. See? We have a multiverse now! Please, be distracted by this CHAOS long enough to not realize that we are still in control of everything, and everything is fine.  
That last sentence? That’s the plot of season 2. See, Sophie killed He Who Remains, and the multiverse exists. The TVA is designed by HWR to maintain the Sacred Timeline ™. With the Sacred Timeline ™ now in chaos, everything in the universe is going haywire. That means timelines are unraveling. The plot now follows Loki, his hetero life mate Mobius, and a cast of fun, colorful characters, racing against time to keep time from unspooling, and the multiverse from completely falling apart. 
Mr. Loki’s Wild Ride 
“Loki” is a show meant to turn Loki from the god of mischief and chaos to... a hero, somehow. One who wants to fight to maintain an autocratic, bureaucratic organization that wasn’t very good at its job in the first place because the alternative is... chaos. According to the plot, this chaos takes the form of nothingness. Lack of existence. See, without an imposed order, nothing can exist! Therefore, reality NEEDS someone or some entity to maintain order in some way so that everything can keep on existing.  
But why is this the case? Why does reality need a temporal loom or a man behind the curtain? The show doesn’t do a very good job of explaining why everything ceases to exist the moment that the Temporal Loom, the machine that maintains the Sacred Timeline ™ other than “that’s just how it all works,” and really, it doesn’t even tell us that. It just shows time unraveling, sans explanation. How did time exist before the Temporal Loom, you ask? Loki, for all its technobabble and endlessly recurrent exposition, is not actually interested in explaining that bit. You see, it was chaos and war and death before, or it’s nothingness. Which is it? Why is it? It’s a nihilistic and frustrating bit of worldbuilding that leads to nothing.  
This nihilism is a kind of narrative reinforcement technique. By the end of it, Loki has figured out how to control time itself, after much trial and error, as well as another conversation with He Who Remains. Yet in that conversation, he learns a fundamental truth about the MCU: He who makes the difficult decisions gets to sit on the throne. He Who Remains is supposedly one such person. In his stead, at the end, Loki does the same. He wrests control of the timelines, bundles them up into a cape, and seats himself on the throne of He Who Remains. As such, he recreates Yggdrasil, the world tree of Norse mythology, the tree upon which all the realms rest. You see? Everything goes back to normal, now that someone is in control. 
But wait a minute. Why would Loki ever make this choice? Loki early in the show figures out he doesn’t want a throne. He doesn’t want control. All he ever wanted was to be loved and known and understood. That is the true desire at the heart of his character. It’s beautiful, and poignant, and speaks to my own heart. In Sophie, he found someone who does know and understand him. Is it narcissistic to love a gender variant of yourself? Probably! But it makes sense for him. Because he is a mercurial person. He doesn’t really understand even himself, and because of that, it results in mischief and chaos. That’s who he is. He is a chaos god.  
By the end of the show though, he’s learned and grown... what? To love order? To love bureaucracy? To love control? That’s what it’s saying when he takes the throne! I understand that this is Loki learning what it means to be a hero, but is that really what it means? To let go of your defining characteristic? To lose what makes you... you? To undergo true ego death so that the world itself can keep on spinning upon your skeleton? For all its over-explanation, Loki the show isn’t interested in answering much of anything. It’s poetic that he gives up his life so that reality can continue, but this seems rather pointless, in the end. Instead of embracing himself, he denies his identity to sit on a throne he doesn’t want. That’s no god of chaos and mischief. That is the god of stability, order, and the status quo.  
That’s not Loki.  
Pay no attention to the executive behind the curtain 
I understand the mercenary reasons for these choices. I understand that the universe must keep spinning, and the infinite money machine must keep on making money. But to do so, they need to kill the defining characteristics of their beloved characters, and that just makes it all so thin, flimsy and frustrating. There are some amazing moments in this show! Everything with Sophie, Mobius, and Ouroboros is excellent. The characters make this nonsense story shine, long enough to make you hopefully realize that it doesn’t even make internal sense. 
As someone who analyses stories for a living, it’s impossible to see this apart from the concept of capitalist realism, whose central maxim is this: It’s easier to believe in the end of the world rather than the end of capitalism. Substitute “capitalism” with “the underlying bureaucracy upon which the world rests and runs itself” and that becomes just the text of Loki. It’s easier to imagine the end of reality than the end of the TVA, and the end of the autocrat who sits on top of the pyramid. The Universe is run by a corrupt pyramid scheme, but it’s that or nothingness! So, you NEED someone to run things like this, otherwise it’s all void.  
That’s what this story is saying—but why does it need to say this? Why do we need someone sitting on a throne? For a character like Loki whose entire character is anarchy incarnate, this simply just rings hollow.  
And so, I am frustrated. I want to like “Loki.” It has some great moments and is a lot of fun. But at the end of the day, it does the character of Loki wrong but having to reinforce the status quo, and when your central character who is defined by causing mischief, maintaining the status quo is a terrible way to end your series.  
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broomsick · 8 months
for the ask game- pluto + morrigan
Pluto: Where do you think we go when we die?
Morrigan: What do you think happens when we die?
These types of questions are always the toughest ones for me to answer. That's because I'm not one to dwell on toughts of death often. It's both a hard topic, and a complicated one for me to think about. The possibilities seem so endless that it's almost dizzying. I'm heavily interested in all things theology, and I do have opinions on a lot of topics that concern it. However, talk of an afterlife, or absence of it, has never really been my cup of tea. I have not researched it much in the past! To put it simply, my opinions on the matter are rather unclear (disappointingly so!). Nordic tradition gives us a truckload of different- and often conflicting- possible destinations for the souls of the dead. So many in fact, that it's near impossible to integrate all of them into one's spirituality.
I was never one to give a lot of credit to the idea of reincarnation, but I'm open to the concept. One of my close heathen friends is a firm believer in past lives, and I trust her judgement, but still, it's not a concept that's easy for me to fathom. Although if I were to consult a medium or another spiritual worker at some point, I would definitely ask what they believe my past lives could have been! Just out of curiosity.
Before I became pagan, I was pretty sure that death was a complete end. To me, it meant total emptiness in the most atheistic sense. However, theologically-speaking, to believe in the divine often leads to three other obligatory concepts: that humans have some kind of "reason" for being, that there is a soul and that therefore, there is an afterlife. Even if those two latter points are tighty dependent on one another, the idea of "soul" is still quite hazy to me and, I'm sure, to many other theists. For this reason, I'm still juggling with the different possibilities of what an "afterlife" might look like. Though I was never Christian, I'm quite aware of the concept of an afterlife where the "good" go, and one where the "bad" are sent. It's not something I'm very fond of, and since to me, nothing is ever truly black or white, I doubt that an afterlife would be so subjective and uncompromising. That's why I generally envision the afterlife as being a "second life" of sorts. Helheim is sometimes described in a similar way, and to me, it's not a realm of punishment but rather of life, ironically enough.
Around bonfires or at restaurant tables, me and a few of my heathen friends sometimes bring up Valhalla. If we've had a long week, or if we're going through difficult moments, we joke around and go: "At least we'll go to Valhalla in the end!". It's a vision of the afterlife that I'm very fond of, and despite it not being very popular in norse pagan online spaces, it's comforting to me. Details of Valhalla have become many with time, with the fighting and the general military vibe of it having grown out of proportions with each work, for effect. But in the end, to me at least, Valhalla comes down to two major points: you get to meet the Gods you have worshipped, and you get to reunite with loved ones who have passed, to have fun without worries. "But Valhalla is not the norse heaven!" I'm quite aware of this, and it's something I myself have posted about in the past. I'm not suggesting a sort of "perfect realm" of pure joy, but rather an afterlife where it's possible for one to enjoy the joys of life, even in death. I'm aware that this vision of the afterlife conflicts with the very neutral "second life" I mentionned earlier. See it this way: this second life of sorts, which is neither "good" nor "bad", can carry my hopes of a happy afterlife. And since we'll never truly know what comes after death, I believe that we're allowed to hope. This might make me sound idealistic, but hope is still crucial to me! Both in my life and within my spirituality.
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ronniefein · 11 months
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Can you tell I bought a truckload of fresh figs this week?
This is my third recipe so far — I can’t resist fresh figs when I first see them in the market. So, we’ve had two versions of salad (with figs of course) and one pizza — I’ve made this pizza numerous times since I first posted about it last year.
One of us, as usual, added some fresh arugula on top and one of passed on that.
Follow me on Instagram @RonnieVFein
Fig, Caramelized Onion and Cheese Pizza
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 large onion, sliced
1 tablespoon Balsamic vinegar
about 15 ounces of pizza dough
3/4 cup ricotta cheese
5-6 fresh figs, cut into quarters
2/3 cup mozzarella cheese
2 tablespoons Parmesan cheese (or 1/3-1/2 cup crumbled blue type cheese)
arugula, optional
Balsamic vinegar, optional
Preheat the oven to 450F. Preheat a pizza stone if you have one. Heat the olive oil in a saute pan over low-medium heat. Add the onions and cook for 15-18 minutes, stirring frequently or until the onions and beginning to turn golden. Add the Balsamic vinegar, stir and cook another 10 minutes or until the onions are soft, well glazed and golden brown. Set aside. Place some cornmeal on a board or on parchment paper and stretch/roll the dough into a circle (Mine was 12-inches but you can make it 11-13-inches depending on how thick you like the crust.) Spoon the ricotta cheese evenly over the dough surface, leaving about 1/2-inch at the edge. Cover the ricotta cheese with the onions. Top with the quartered figs, placing them evenly round the surface. Scatter the mozzarella cheese over the top, then the Parmesan or blue cheese. If you have a pizza stone transfer the pizza to the stone using a pizza peel; or, transfer to a large baking sheet with the parchment paper underneath. Bake for 15-20 minutes or until the crust is crispy and browned to taste and the cheese is melted and bubbly.
Makes one large pizza
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hjartasalt · 10 months
hi! i dont have an art education so take this with a truckload of salt: what kind of Art Jobs would you like to have and do any of those Art Jobs / Gallery Showings require Art Education? Because a lot of galleries and shows and exhibitions in my neck of the woods are weirdly enough like 'this is open for application by artists with a professional education' (paraphrased, it's not in English) so that might be a future roadblock for you if that's the case in Iceland? Hopefully galleries and shit in Iceland don't require a degree. I'd literally just research what kind of shit you want to apply to, do they require a degree, and contrast it to the price of your degree if applicable of course. Good luck! I'm sure you can make it without art school too tbh your stuff fucks.
My main considerations at the moment are to become a studio artist or pursue further education in a more specialised medium such as film so all in all my BA is going to be useful (especially if I ever want to make it outside of Iceland), my university just also happens to suck massively and is the only place in Iceland where I can study fine art
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daisychainsandbowties · 11 months
mahonia (i had to google wtf this is), sage, palm tree
mahonia - what place, thing, activity inspires you most and how do you express yourself when it does?
space!! i love everything about it & i’ve always been obsessed with astronomy & physics. i write about it all the time.
sage - what ‘medium’ of art is the most touching to you? why do you think that is?
poetry. just something about how it says things without saying them, how it’s so tighly bound by language but also capable of doing things language can’t.
palm tree - do you have a fictional villain you shouldn’t like but love regardless?
i mean yeah i shouldn’t be so fond of nbc hannibal but he’s sadly just my little guy. he just wants to see what’ll happen he speaks in weird poetry he has a little plastic murder suit to wear over his actual suit. he smashes his little teacup and then gets emoboy sad about it in florence he wants will to adopt him like a stray dog he wants to ruin his life he makes jokes about cannibalism in front of everyone. he’s so so terrible awful a truly bad person but my boy can make chicken soup he really can. he’s so horrible i hate him but i also love him. what a truckload of blood disaster man (affectionate)
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Discover a wide range of farm supplies online at competitive prices. Our online store has everything you need to support your farming operations, from essential equipment to premium-quality products. Browse through our extensive selection of agricultural tools, machinery, livestock supplies, and more, all conveniently available at your fingertips. Whether you're a professional farmer or an avid gardener, our comprehensive inventory caters to your needs. With our user-friendly interface and secure payment options, shopping for farm supplies has never been easier. Experience the convenience of online shopping and ensure your farming endeavors thrive with our reliable and trusted farm supplies. Shop now and enjoy the convenience of doorstep delivery.
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ltlfreighthub · 4 months
Pennsylvania to Louisiana LTL Freight Quote
Title: Pennsylvania to Louisiana LTL Freight Quote: Simplifying Logistics in the Keystone and Pelican States The robust growth of e-commerce and industries' dynamic needs have fueled the surge in Less Than Truckload (LTL) freight shipping. Particularly notable is the Pennsylvania to Louisiana LTL Freight Quote, which has garnered significant attention due to the industrial prowess of the Keystone and Pelican States. This specialised freight service aims to enhance the logistics efficiency between these two economically significant states. Pennsylvania, the Keystone State, is known as the linchpin of America's industrial growth. With its diverse industries, ranging from manufacturing, mining, agriculture, and more recently, e-commerce, Pennsylvania has been a significant contributor to America's GDP. Its strategic location and excellent transportation network have made it a preferred region for LTL freight services. LTL freight shipping has been a cornerstone in Pennsylvania's logistics landscape, enabling businesses to optimize their supply chains effectively. On the other hand, Louisiana, the Pelican State, is renowned for its vibrant energy industries, including oil, gas, and petrochemicals. Additionally, it has a thriving agricultural sector and a burgeoning e-commerce industry. Louisiana's ports, particularly the Port of South Louisiana, are among the busiest in the world, necessitating efficient logistics solutions like LTL freight shipping. The Pennsylvania to Louisiana LTL Freight Quote is a critical logistics tool that provides businesses with an efficient, cost-effective way to transport their goods. This service is particularly beneficial for small and medium-sized businesses that do not require a full truckload for their shipments. They can leverage LTL freight shipping to share truck space with other businesses, leading to significant cost savings. To make this process more accessible and transparent, businesses can now get a free online LTL Freight Quote. By simply filling out a form, they can quickly receive their LTL Freight Shipment Rate for Pennsylvania to Louisiana. This tool is a game-changer for businesses looking to streamline their logistics and reduce transportation costs. The Pennsylvania to Louisiana LTL Freight Quote enables businesses to make informed decisions based on real-time data and comprehensive analysis. This service has been lauded as the #1 LTL Freight Quote Rate for Pennsylvania to Louisiana, setting a benchmark in the industry. In conclusion, the Pennsylvania to Louisiana LTL Freight Quote is revolutionizing logistics between these two states. By providing a reliable, efficient, and cost-effective shipping solution, LTL freight services are simplifying logistics for businesses in the Keystone and Pelican States Source: https://www.ltlfreighthub.com/pennsylvania-to-louisiana-ltl-freight-quote/ Pennsylvania to Louisiana LTL Freight Quote
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nffica · 5 months
When it comes to shipping logistics, understanding the difference between Less Than Truckload (LTL) and Full Truckload (FTL) shipping is crucial for businesses looking to optimize their supply chain efficiency and costs. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the key differences between LTL and FTL shipping, and guide you on how to make the best choice for your shipping needs.
LTL shipping stands for Less Than Truckload, indicating that the shipment does not require the full space of a truck. This option is ideal for small to medium-sized businesses or for shipments that are too large for parcel carriers but too small to fill a full truckload.
Cost-Effectiveness: You only pay for the portion of the truck your freight occupies. LTL allows you to pay only for the space you use, making it a more economical option for smaller shipments.
Flexibility: It is easier to coordinate LTL shipments for smaller, more frequent deliveries. Suitable for businesses with fluctuating shipping volumes.
Additional Services: Offers services like liftgate delivery, inside delivery, and residential service.
FTL shipping, or Full Truckload, is used when a shipment is large enough to fill an entire truck or when a customer prefers a dedicated truck for their goods. This method is typically used for larger shipments, high-value goods, or when time-sensitive delivery is required.
Advantages of FTL Shipping:
Faster Delivery: FTL shipments usually travel directly from the pickup point to the destination without stops, ensuring quicker delivery.
Less Handling: FTL shipments are not typically offloaded or transferred en route, reducing the risk of damage.
Greater Capacity: Ideal for large shipments, FTL can accommodate a higher volume of goods.
Shipment Size: Evaluate the size of your shipment. If it’s small or medium-sized, LTL might be more cost-effective.
Budget Constraints: LTL is generally more budget-friendly for smaller shipments.
Delivery Speed: If you have a tight deadline, FTL might be the better option.
Frequency of Shipments: For frequent, smaller shipments, LTL offers greater flexibility.
Special Requirements: Consider any special handling or temperature control needs. FTL might offer more specialized solutions.FTL offers less handling and more security.
Choosing between LTL and FTL shipping involves a careful analysis of your shipment size, budget, time constraints, and handling needs. By understanding the pros and cons of each method, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your business goals and ensures the efficient and safe delivery of your goods.
At NFFI We specialize in providing tailored logistics solutions that meet your specific shipping needs. Whether it’s LTL or FTL, our team is here to assist you in making the right choice for your business.
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White House Fish and Chips
Here comes some posts of my foodie adventures during my honeymoon in London
On our first day of being in London, the first London food we got to eat was authentic fish and chips, and our bro in law decided to bring us to the one within Stanmore, which is White House Fish and Chips
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Location: Stanmore neighbourhood, between...erm...places and shops that we have no idea of ^_^;;
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Setting: A bit of a fit in there, but I guess they mostly specialize in take outs rather than actual dine-ins, seeing that they seem to have a waiting seat there and not much people crowding and filling the restaurant
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Men hard at work
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Large, really LARGE cod fish 0_0
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Simple and clean seats
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Their restaurant menu, which is also simple and clean, very easy to read list of food
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Pickled onions for starters, and holy fuck! They're absolutely sour! >___0;;;
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Steak and kidney beans pie with chips
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Cujon fried chicken sorta nuggets with chips
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Sausage with chips
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Our actual authentic fish and chips
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Side dishes of baked beans and mushy peas
We ordered the large portion instead of medium for our cod fish, and it was really HUGE! Shit! But still, it was very delicious. You can really taste the freshness of the fish and it just melts in your mouth as you eat it. Mm~MM! The chips tastes great too, but it might as well be almost like in the truckload, coz in the end, we couldn't finish them. But we definitely ate the fish to the last crumb though. Mmm~ Yum yum~
Wow, fish and chips from its authentic source is prolly still the best xd
Overall rating:
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coderootz · 6 months
7 Top Benefits: Why Less Than Truckload Shipping Outshines the Rest
In today's technologically advanced world of business, effective logistics support is the backbone of success. For companies grounded in Dubai, Three Lines Shipping emerges as a dependable shipping service provider,  furnishing exceptional logistics support to businesses. In particular, their Less Than Truckload( LTL) shipping services stand out as a game- changer for businesses looking to streamline operations, control charges, and  contend on a larger scale.
Let's try to understand what LTL is and explore the seven top benefits that make it shine above the rest.   
What is LTL Services?
Less Than Truckload shipping is a logistics strategy that enables businesses to share space on a truck with other shippers, optimizing freight  carriers and their effectiveness. This means that companies with  lower loads can  profit from cost-effective transportation without the need to reserve an entire truck for their goods. 
Three Lines Shipping has learned the need for such services in the world of entrepreneurial boom, making LTL a foundation of their logistics services.   
7 Benefits of Less Than Truckload( LTL) Shipping   
Cost effectiveness  
LTL shipping allows businesses to pay only for the space they use, making it a cost-effective  result for  lower loads. Three Lines Shipping ensures that  guests maximize their budget by  furnishing transparent pricing and barring the need to bear the full cost of an entire truck.   
Flexibility and Scalability  
The flexibility of LTL services is a boon for businesses with  shifting shipping  requirements. Three Lines Shipping's LTL results empower companies to gauge their logistics operations according to demand, offering a dynamic and adaptable approach to shipping.   
Reduced Transit Times  
LTL shipments  generally move directly to their destination without gratuitous stops. Three Lines Shipping's strategic routing and network optimization  ensure that goods reach their destination swiftly, enhancing overall supply chain effectiveness.  
By consolidating multiple shipments into one truck, LTL shipping reduces the carbon footmark associated with transportation. Three Lines Shipping is committed to sustainable practices, making LTL an eco-friendly choice for businesses looking to minimize their environmental impact.   
Enhanced Visibility and Tracking  
Tracking and visibility becomes easier with LTL shipping. Such systems provide real- time visibility into the status and position of LTL shipments. This  transparency enables businesses to keep their customers informed and maintain a high quality of service.   
Broaden Your Options
With LTL shipping you have plenty of options. All of these options are as convenient as the other. You can go for indoor delivery, residential pickup, or liftgate services. All these choices can make shipping much easier for small and medium-sized organizations.
Regulatory Compliance
Navigating the complex web of transportation regulations and compliance requirements is very difficult. Not every business owner is able to handle that so well. Three lines shipping’s team is experienced and they adhere to these regulations. Their expertise simplifies the shipping process and reduces the risk of regulatory issues that could disrupt your supply chain.  
In today's competitive business world, optimizing logistics is one of the most important factors that determine your success. Less Than Truckload services from Three Lines Shipping provide a strategic advantage to companies in Dubai. The seven benefits of LTL shipping described above, from economic effectiveness to environmental sustainability, demonstrate why Three Lines Shipping is the go-to shipping service provider for firms looking to optimize their supply chain operations, control expenses, and compete on a wider scale. 
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