#Melkor imagine
A Lord’s Proposition
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Prompts “bite me” ”if you insist” and “each of my thoughts about you are improper”
Pairing: Melkor x Fem. Reader (Elf / Finwë’s daughter with Miriel and Fëanor’s twin| second person POV)
Themes: Slowburn |  Smut (lemon-ish) | Soft
Warnings: Corruption | Oral (Male receiving) | Fingering | Kissing | First time | Marking | Penetrative Sex | Cream pie
Wordcount: 4.9K words
Summary: Melkor had kidnapped you and kept you confined to a tower while he travelled to Utumno. He has now returned, and asks for you.
Rating: 🔥🔥 Minors DNI | 18+
For rules and tag form, read here. 
To the person who requested this, I hope you like it. 
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You looked out a barred window, your heart aggrieved by the sight that befell your eyes.
There was no starlight here. None could be found in Angband. The sky was murky black from the thick smog of smoke from the keep’s many furnaces. The air was damp and cold and foul. The scent of ash and smoke and worse crept in through the windows and clung to your garments. Some days, the smell was so strong that it made your eyes water and bile rise at the back of your throat. You had no choice but to bear it all in silence. You were a prisoner, utterly dependent on the favor of the one who held you captive. 
Still, you supposed, it was a better fate than most. You turned your attention from the sky and peered into the gloomy courtyard. Thralls scurried to and fro like mice desperately trying to escape the talons of an eagle. They were like wraiths, mere shadows of the fair and glorious beings they once were. That was how your captor liked to see them: fearful, half-starved, and brought down to the lowest point of their existence.  
Not just them, you realized with great dread. I am one of them. The daughter of a race he loathes with a murderous passion, so the poets and singers say. How long will it be before I am made to sip from the cup that was forced onto them?
Your skin prickled out of fear. You closed the shutters of your window and sharply turned away as soon as a wretched scream carried through the courtyard. You did not want to dwell on that sound or from whom it came. There was no need to feed your nightmares with fresh fodder. 
You studied your chambers like you always did, ever since your capture. The walls and floors were bare black stone, the pelts were thick, and the rushes were new. Besides the old hearth, there was a basket filled with blocks of peat instead of wood for a fire. The bed was small but comfortable. You reflected on the remnants of your last meal. The bread and roasted meat had been fresh, the water was clean and cool.
Mine may be a wretched lot, but it is still better than theirs, you reminded yourself. Much better than theirs. 
Someone knocked on the door. It was loud and insistent. You made haste to answer it, your shoes clicking over the floor. You expected to find a thrall and came face-to-face with her instead.
Thuringwethil, they called her. Woman of the secret shadow. Herald for the Dark Lord. The first vampire. Her eyes gleamed like new rubies. Her wings dragged behind her whenever she walked. A gown was draped over one arm.
"My lady." You quickly dipped to your knees even as the words stumbled out of your mouth. Anything to not anger her. 
A gale of laughter greeted you. It was shrill and painful to the ears, like nails over brittle glass. You had to stop yourself from physically wincing.
"You certainly have good manners, little elf," Thuringwethil replied, and looked over you critically. "That will serve you well with him, I think."
"With him, my lady?" You sputtered in disbelief. "Which him?"
Your mind was a roil. There was more than one him here in Angband, and each one was as mercurial as the next. Was Thuringwethil speaking of Mairon, Melkor’s most favored advisor? Or was she speaking of that Balrog high general? The one who could change from a creature of great beauty to one that inspired nothing but sheer terror? Or was it the Maia who found great joy in changing into a giant cat and tormenting everyone who crossed his path?
"Him," she said, and moved around you in an elegant flourish. Her wings trailed behind her over the floor, all black and deep crimson. You took a deep breath and sighed wistfully. The very air around her smelled like a meadow in full bloom. It did not surprise you. Thuringwethil used to be Yavanna’s Maia after all. "Lord Melkor, no less. He has returned from Utumno and wishes to dine with you."
You gave her a measured look. You were a prisoner, captured and carried off after a daring raid in the heart of Valinor itself. And now you have been invited to dine with your captor, the Lord of Angband, no less. The prospect frightened you. 
"I… I hope I will not offend Lord Melkor," you blurted out, and hoped this invitation was not a ruse to heap unspeakable agony upon you. 
"I see you truly are nothing like that heedless, foul-tempered brother of yours," Thuringwethil observed, not unkindly. "And I promise, he will not be offended by anything you do." 
She did not give you time to think or frame a reply. She went on to add, "Thralls will see to your bath now. An orc will come to fetch you once you have finished."
You shivered and nodded in fright. Thuringwethil took her leave of you, practically floating out of your chambers in a swirl of wings and lace and night-blooming roses. You walked over to your bed and ran the flat of your palm over your new dress. It was soft to the touch and dripping in gems, and finer than any gown you possessed before.
So lavish, you mused. What does he want from me?
There was another knock on your door. This time it was hesitant and timid. "Come in, please," you said, and moved away from the bed. 
Thralls walked in carrying pails of clean, warm water. Another pair brought with them a small copper tub and a towel. A thrall filled the tub with water before adding fragrant oils. Another helped you out of your robes, her eyes downcast. Her fingers fumbled with the sash; it was as if they had all turned into thumbs. You wanted to talk to her, to ask how she came to be here. All you did, in the end, was bite your tongue.
I must take care of what I say to them. It may cause more trouble for them if I do. 
The sweet-smelling water was a welcome relief from the smells of the outside world. The thralls sluiced water over your hair before gently brushing out any tangles. One of them went to work on your nails and feet. It felt strange, to have them wait on you in such a manner. It was stranger still, given the cause for such pampering. 
She said nothing I do could offend him. I am certain now that he must want something from me. What is it? 
You had seen Melkor before. He had come calling on your brother; his words like honey. You were by an upstairs window, looking down on the gardens where they stood. Fëanor had been furious with the Vala’s intrusion. He grew even more enraged when the Vala glanced up and caught you looking, his lips curling up at the corners. Their exchange grew heated. Fëanor sent Melkor away, but not before Melkor managed to steal a second glimpse of you. That was all you saw of him until after your capture, when you were presented to him like a prize, your arms and feet bound in iron, your clothes reduced to rags. He said nothing. All he did was sit on his lofty throne and look down on you, his eyes roaming over you in a way that made a flush creep up your throat.  
You never saw him after that. Melkor kept you confined to the tower you now lived in. No one was allowed to see you save for the thralls that had to tend to you and Thuringwethil. The other Maia were allowed nowhere near you. Even the orcs were allowed nowhere near you, until now. 
It is as if he does not trust the others with me.
A thrall held out their arm, to help you out of the tub. You stood still while they toweled you dry, your cheeks ablaze when they first helped you into the wisps Thuringwethil brought with her. The garments were so soft, you did not even notice them. Next came the dress, an airy confection of lace and silk that clung to your body. Then came a pair of soft slippers and finally a perfume, one that was dabbed on each of your wrists and behind your ears. The thralls wanted to style your hair, but you declined, insisting on wearing it loose.
"The master calls," insisted the orc that came to escort you to Melkor’s private chambers deep within Angband. "Come."
You followed him silently, walking through lofty corridors and vast halls, each as empty and dimly lit as the next. Your footsteps echoed all around you even as you sunk deep into your thoughts. Melkor had insisted you be brought to him alive. He had kept you in a tower, apart from the thralls and other prisoners. He had provided you with decent food and drink, even new garments. No one was allowed to harm a hair on your head. And the way he looked at you when you were presented to him, his eyes dark with hunger. The memory alone was enough to give you pause. 
You shook your head. No. It could not be. Melkor desired nothing but the complete dominion of Arda. He treasured nothing but power and causing pain. That was what the songs said. That was what your father and brother said. And yet…
And yet…
He kept me safe. Made certain my needs were seen to. Did nothing to cause me harm. Were they all wrong? 
The orc stopped by large wooden doors, each more than twice your height. "Let her in," he snapped at the guards. They obeyed and opened the doors for you. "Get in," he mumbled almost in politeness. 
You meekly stepped over the threshold and made your way into a chamber as large as the halls you had passed. There was a soft thud. That was the sound of the doors closing behind you. You were truly trapped now.  
The room you were in was nearly as silent as a tomb. And poorly lit. There were no lamps, or torches. Just a dim fire sputtering away in the hearth. 
"Come closer, little elf," a deep voice called from behind you.  
You gulped in fright but turned in the direction of that voice.
"Closer," it called. "Come closer."
One measured footstep followed another. You walked on hesitantly, not stopping until you reached a smaller chamber filled with the light of several candles. There was a large bed in one corner, and a small table at the far end. This room, too, was empty. You were confused now. Where did that voice come from?
"Does this please you?" 
You nearly jumped out of your skin when you heard the voice behind you. You turned on your heel and found yourself looking at your captor. Melkor was studying you with a quizzical gleam in his eye. "My lord," you murmured, and gracefully dipped to your knees, remembering your courtesies. 
He laughed merrily. "Thuringwethil was right. You do have nice manners." 
You looked at him, shocked. She spoke to him about me. Why would she do that? 
Melkor smirked and looked at you approvingly before walking over to the table. He pulled out a chair and gestured for you to join him. It confused you even more. The table was devoid of food and drink. 
"The food…" you breathed out and struggled for words. Melkor was as glorious as the day you first saw him. The image of him standing there and watching you was enough to muddle your mind. "There… there is no food, my lord."
"There will be food," he replied, "for later. For now, sit."
You obeyed and made your way to the table, your skin prickling the entire time. You glanced at Melkor and found his eyes following your every move. There was something dark and primal in his eyes, something you could not quite describe. 
"I will not mince words,” he said. “The reason why I summoned you," Melkor waited till you made yourself comfortable before moving to the chair opposite yours. "Is because I have a… proposition to make."
"Proposition?" You repeated, baffled. Melkor was one of the most high. There was no need for him to ask anything of anyone when he could simply take whatever, and whomever he desired, without so much as a "by your leave."
“Yes." Melkor studied you before saying, "A proposition. I wish to make you my companion. I made this offer to your brother. I was hoping he would put a word in where your father was concerned…"
The day he called on your twin. He had asked for you. You kept asking why and Fëanor refused to explain the cause. He grew angry whenever you asked. Your father finally forbade you from broaching the topic. 
"But the fool refused," Melkor snorted in derision. "Now that I have you here with me, I would like to ask this of you myself. Will you be my companion and bind yourself to me?"
You swallowed and wrung your hands. His companion, he said. You did not even know what it would mean. What little you knew of intimate relations between elves came from the books you read while the others were away. "Your companion, my lord. What would I have to do? Read to you? Play the harp?"
Melkor laughed again, softly this time. "Your family has kept you ignorant of many things, I see. I do not wish you to merely read to me and amuse me with music, little elf. To put it in simpler terms, I want you to share my bed."
Your cheeks were aflame. To share his bed. You had read enough books to know what that meant. "To share pleasures with you…" you sputtered, "but if I go back, if the other elves find out what I allowed you to do to me, I will be ruined."
"The other elves will not find out.”
“Why not?”
“Because your brother is not coming for you," Melkor said simply. 
"He is coming for me!" you insisted. Your eyes stung with hot tears threatening to break free. Melkor was the prince of lies. That was what they all said. You refused to believe him, thinking he was lying to you even now. "Fëanor is coming for me!"
"He is not, little elf," Melkor replied gently. "Fëanor is not coming for you. His hunger to create the silmarils has consumed him."
Despair of the acutest kind settled over you like a thick fog. The creation of hallowed jewels, each containing the light of the two trees, was all your twin talked about. He would think of nothing else until such priceless treasures rested in his hands. You knew him well enough for that.  
"And your father’s thoughts have been consumed with the new family he is creating with his second wife. No one is coming for you." Melkor reached over and placed his hand on top of yours. He gave it a gentle squeeze. "Say yes, little elf. Take my hand, and every comfort imaginable will be yours. I will be yours."
You sat there, feeling alone and wretched. Your brother was not coming for you. Your father was not coming for you. Days had bled into weeks and weeks into a wholly different season, and no one had come for you. There had not even been a whiff of an elf seeking you out. Your kin had abandoned you to your fate, and the knowledge of it was too much to bear. It made you want to cry, to scream and tear out your hair, but such acts were useless. They would not set you free, and they would not make your kin search for you. You turned your attention to Melkor. He offered a life you were once accustomed to. Perhaps he was not lying. Perhaps he was telling the truth. But still, to say yes to him and take him inside of you…
"The others… your servants…" you whispered, "What will they say?"
"Nothing." Melkor smiled and spread his broad hands. "Life in Angband is different. You can be with whomever you wish, whenever you wish, and however you wish. No one will say a word in protest."
"No one?" You glanced at him, trying to get a sense of him. "Not even you?"
Melkor ground his jaw and growled. His eyes narrowed to thin slats. "You are mine, little elf. All of you belong to me."
Goosebumps rose all over your flesh when he said it. The sheer possessiveness in his tone was enough to make you forget your sense of dread and excite you to the point of actually considering his offer. 
"Before I say yes," you licked your lips nervously and confessed, "I… I must tell you I have neither the… skill nor the… experience… in such matters. What little I know has come from books."
Melkor’s lips tugged at the corners. "I thought as much. But first, you must say yes."
To say yes. To take his hand and bind yourself to him for all time. You thought of your suitors, how all of them bowed their heads and walked away without a second glance the moment Fëanor denied them. Then there was Melkor, who willingly risked war and doom to bring you here. You knew what your answer would be.
He rose and took you by hand, helping you out of your chair and leading you straight to his bed. You eyed the silk sheets and the soft pillows. To just lay in that bed was temptation enough. Melkor did not give you time to think of much else. He grabbed your arms and kissed you before you could say another word. 
The books spoke of kisses that were sweet and soft, like feathers. Melkor’s kiss was none of that. It was all heat and wildness and hunger. His tongue glided over the seams of your mouth before pressing against your lips. You sighed helplessly and parted them for him. His mouth tasted like some dark spice you could not get enough of. Melkor smirked in triumph, his breath heating your flesh.
"How easily you yield, little elf!" he cried when you tugged on his tunic to pull him closer. "And how fortunate I am to have you in my grasp!" He laughed again and placed his hands over your shoulders, pushing you down onto the edge of the bed. "Tell me," he cooed softly, "What else did you read in these books?"
You looked at him, your eyes widening when he undid the buckle of his belt. "I…" You glanced at him, then at what he was doing. He was loosening the drawstrings of his breeches. "I have read about certain acts, but…" Your cheeks heated when he tugged it down just enough to free his cock. "But…"
"It was not enough?" Melkor asked and caressed your cheek. "Then I will guide you. Open that pretty mouth for me, little elf."
He waited, neither forcing nor demanding that you obey. A thumb glided over your lips, making you look at him. "Open little elf," he insisted gently, "Go on."
The sight of him all exposed and hard proved too tempting. You opened your mouth, eager and willing and curious, struggling to breathe while he sank his length. Melkor moved slowly and gently, his hands delving into your hair and keeping you steady. He groaned and shivered when you ran your tongue along his shaft and let curious hands skim over his thighs. His hand glided over to cup your cheek. You opened your eyes and found his fixed on yours; his mouth parted in a silent moan. 
"I have been thinking about you from the first moment I laid eyes on you, little elf," he confided, whimpering when your tongue brushed over his tip. "Each of my thoughts about you have been improper."
Melkor was gentle with his instructions. "Loosen your jaw, little elf." He caressed your cheek again to catch your attention. "You clench it too much."
It was easier after that. You reached up and clutched the edges of his tunic, your mind going hazy with bliss. Everything you felt, from the hands brushing over your hair to the little ridges brushing against your lips to the soft grunts you heard, was dark and sinful. You had often wondered what such acts would be like while reading books forbidden to you, but no words could describe what you were feeling now, all feverish and wanton. 
Melkor drew back and pushed you onto the sheets. You gazed at him, surprised, and more than a little disappointed. "Move further up, little elf," he chuckled, running his thumb over your swollen lips. "I want to claim you as mine."
Again, you did as he asked, even more eager this time. You moved further up the bed, trembling whenever you felt the wetness between your thighs. Melkor undid the clasps of his tunic one by one. You expected to find vast parts of him withered and deformed, as the songs said. What was slowly revealed instead was the stuff of a maiden’s dreams: a fana that was all supple muscle and devoid of flaw. His skin was the color of new steel, and his arms were large and strong. 
Not once did he use that strength to force me, you mused, flushing when the mattress sank and he crawled into bed with you, boots on and all. Melkor pushed your thighs apart with his. His hands slid under your skirts. 
"I…" You found yourself trembling with growing need when the flat of his palm glided over your leg. "I thought we must be undressed, my lord."
"Next time," Melkor promised. He hiked your skirts up to your waist and shoved his hand down your undergarments, ripping them apart with one tug. "For now, let me do this."
His fingers grazed your slick heat. The friction was delicious enough to make you see stars. Melkor trembled. He actually trembled. His touch was gentle, almost worshipful in its exploration. He propped himself on his free arm, just so he could watch you while he slipped a finger inside of you. It made your breath hitch when that finger slid deeper and deeper. 
"My lord," you moaned without even realizing it. He dipped his head and ghosted his lips over yours.
"I am here, little elf," he purred softly, brushing his hand over your hair. He dipped his head again, nibbling your earlobe and sighing when your arms circled his back. 
He had been thinking of me since he first saw me, you remembered. When was that?
"M-my lord?" Your back began to arch with each thrust of his finger. He inserted a second as carefully as the first, groaning whenever your warmth clenched around them. "W-when did you first see me?"
"When I was allowed to return to Valinor," he confessed softly against your neck. "I saw you with your father and brother near the Ring of Doom. I stayed in the shadows and watched you. Even then, I knew I had to make you mine."
The Ring of Doom. When your father was called to hear the Valar’s verdict on his appeal to remarry. That was a full century before Melkor approached your brother for you. 
A hundred years was but the blink of an eye for an elf. Lesser still for a being such as him. But still...A hundred years. He had been seeking me out over a hundred years. Your hands brushed over his hair while he nibbled at your earlobe. The thought of him marking you with his teeth was enough to make your pulse scramble. You grew a little bolder. 
“M-my lord?" You mumbled shyly. "W-would you c-consider marking me?" 
“Bite you, little elf?"
"Y-yes. B-bite me."
Melkor raised his head, his dark eyes darkening even more. You heard a low and otherworldly growl. The sound inflamed you. "If you insist," he said, leaning in and running his tongue over the hollow of your throat. "Turn your head to the side, little elf."
He peppered the soft expanse of your throat with kisses that were bruising and almost violent. Every time his teeth grazed the curve of your neck, your nails would dig into his back. "Melkor," you sighed again. "There. Right there. Oh."
"Now everyone who sees you will know you are mine." He lifted his head and admired the canvas he had made out of your body. When he drew his fingers away, it made you feel strangely empty. "Rest your legs over my hips, little elf." Melkor hovered over you, the tip of his cock brushing against your entrance. "And do not tense. Can you manage this?"
He wanted to claim your maidenhead. You looked up at him, trying to decide what to do. If he did, if you said yes to this, you could never go back. The other acts you could hide in lies, but not this. Never this. No elf would stay married to you once the truth came to light. Your family would never welcome you back. Your father would not wish to ruin the prospects for any child born to his second wife, and your brother… you shivered. You did not want to even think of what Fëanor would do to you. 
Why am I fretting over what others will say, when those others have already turned their backs on me?
Melkor’s knuckles drifted over your throat. He may never ask for you again. He could send you away and carry on like nothing happened. It would would you deeply if he did. But the memories would feel so sweet. 
You made up your mind. You moved your legs over his hips, the insides of your thighs rubbing up against the supple leather of his breeches. It felt strange but wonderful. "I am ready," you whispered.
“I will be gentle," Melkor promised, trembling again. His kiss was soft and so very warm. He kissed you until you were breathless, kissed you until you moaned, and your hold around him tightened. He guided his shaft inch by slow inch into your slit, stopping whenever you whimpered to give you time to breathe. His hand glided over your thigh, your belly, his words a sweet melody in a tongue you had never heard of in your life. It put your entire body at ease. He would move again, now slowly, now gently, filling you in ways you never thought possible. He stopped again, this time after claiming your maidenhood. He looked at you with questioning eyes, as if asking for permission. 
"Yes," you assured him, sighing when he moaned and started to move. 
He was so big, and it felt uncomfortable. And he was gentle, just like he promised. Pain and discomfort slowly gave away to a pleasure that had no name. Every time he moved, every time he found a place that sent jolts of deep ecstasy licking up your spine, you clung to him, moaning his name shamelessly. Melkor’s lips crushed yours in an all-consuming kiss. At your own urging, he went a little deeper, a little harder, a little faster, growling when his hips slapped against the insides of your thighs. It was too much. And not enough. And intoxicating all at the same time. Melkor knelt up and dragged you with him. 
"Kiss me," he demanded, "and make it count."
His fingers dug into the back of your dress, his nails ripping into the fabric the moment your mouth opened over his. His tongue tasted like wine when it pressed against yours, and his hair felt like silk when it slipped around your fingers. A tension that was sweet and drugging grew in your belly. 
"So-something is ha-happening," you mewled, not knowing what it meant. "I... d-do not understand…"
You may not have known, but Melkor did. "Soon, little elf," he whispered, latching onto the curve of your neck. A mixture of kisses and nips of the teeth skimmed over your throat. "A little more. Just a little more."
That soon came faster than you could have thought. Your muscles coiled and tightened, and snapped, like your body was splintering into a million different pieces. You could not think. You could even breathe. You were lost in a sea of untold rapture. You barely felt it, Melkor’s hold on you tightening even as your nails raked over his skin. You barely heard it—a deep grunt of satisfaction when he thrust one last time, and a torrent of his spend filled you.
The world had gone still, so very still. Your thoughts were still muddled when Melkor laid you on your back. You were silent while clarity slowly crept in.  
Melkor had claimed all you willingly gave, and so much more. He made you experience joys you had never experienced before. And now you braced yourself, your heart gripped in agony, thinking he might prove the tales told about him true and send you away, never to seek you out after that. The books did not prepare you for the pain of his rejection. You prepared yourself anyway, your body still shaking when the featherbed sank again under his weight. Melkor threw an arm over your waist and drew you to him. Both arms encircled you now, even as he buried his face in your hair.
"I will have your possessions moved to my chambers. Rest for now, little elf." He mumbled and pressed a chaste kiss over your shoulder. "When you wake up, I will bathe you, and we will dine together. Perhaps you could even read to me."
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tags: @lemonivall​ @cilil​ @edensrose​ @wandererindreams​ @asianbutnotjapanese​
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doodle-pops · 2 years
Careful What You Summon
Manwe x reader x Melkor
Kinktober 2022: Wild Card (Angel and Demon AU)
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A/N: For some time I've been wanting to do something like this for the Silm elves, but here we have Manwe, Melkor and Irmo starting us off instead. Credit to @edensrose since this may bare some similarities to her Incubus AU should anyone thinks so. This started off as a short 2k fic and look at what the power of editing did >.<
Warnings: fembod, Manwe being absolutely jealous and mean, Guardian Angel! Manwe, Demon! Melkor, Irmo makes an appearance to escalate things a bit (he does interact with reader as well), I wouldn't consider this a threesome even though it would have been a great idea as a wild card, implication of breeding and impregnation kink, Melkor being a dick to his brother, competing against each other ughh
Word Count: 3.5k
Synopsis: "Would you ever fuck an angel?" "Ew, no, why would I do that. Angels are just so...just. Demons, however, are more fuckable," if only you understood what you had just said, because there's always two ways to learn: the easy way, and the Order of the Deity way.
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Random grimoire found in your backyard, check.
Candles lit and seals drawn, check.
Dress in all black and dimly lit room, check.
The appearance of the summoned demon, check.
The appearance of your guardian angel and another divine creature...no, that wasn't a part of the plan. It never was from the start.
“Can you tell me who’s fucking so good right now mortal?” the delicate whisper of your guardian angel, or perhaps it was a demon or maybe the other divine creature who appeared in your room alongside the others, floated in your ears. The voice was far too stable to think it was the same person making you insane.
Your face was planted into the mattress and tears and drool were soaking your bed, while your precious satin sheets were torn and destroyed and shrewd across the floor. A quick plough of your contender’s hips and your body went flying further up the bed before steady hands gripped your shoulder, pressing you into the bed to prevent any escape. “Ah, ah, ah, not so fast love. We don't run from a good fucking, do we now?” you could pinpoint the exact moment when his cynical laughter howled into your skin, tongue slipping past his lips to lick at your sweet mortal flesh. How long has he desired to taste the nectarine of the flesh of the living? You were simply sinfully delicious and he truly wished to devour you in that instant, perhaps just to piss the other growing darkness in the corner of the room.
“But it's okay if you wish to run away, we can go someplace...private,” Melkor's perfectly pitched voice didn't shift in the slightest as he hovered over you, pushing more of his weight onto your fragile mortal body, choking you into the mattress while tantalizing his brother. Had it not been for Irmo's governance over the situation, Manwe would have flown out of his seat and torn Melkor to pieces, but it was law.
Section 4 of the Order of the Deity Act 1: Should the same mortal be favoured by an angel and demon, they would compete for the claim under supervision. The supervisor would suggests the form of competing.
His thrusts were silent and deadly, not even a faint gasp or moan escaped his lips just his disgustingly pleasant words, giving you no clue about who was rearranging your guts so perfectly. All that mattered was the sound of his cock sliding in and out of your heat and squelching and squirting your release all over his thighs.
The heavy, rough hands on your ass, groping and slapping the flesh as though he was kneading dough told you this person was overly rough and aggressive…and an ass lover, hence the reason for your position. Over the course of the hours gone by, he’s introduced you to positions you never thought you’d attempt; even going as far as to take you anally. At first, you were against it, but when you felt his heavy cock sliding along your heat, the slackened jaw and eye roll told him to continue.
You had lost count of the number of rounds he tumbled you in and out of pleasure, tossing you around like some shiny toy. All you knew was that one was either your guardian angel, who was far from pleased when he watched you from the shadows attempting to summon a demon of unspeakable powers, his brother who had once fallen from grace. And the other was, of course, the demon you had summoned because your foolish self didn’t for a second believe that the spell would have worked. Little did you know that your so-called demon had been watching you for nights and days in hopes of stealing you from his brother’s precious grasp. It was he who threw the grimoire within your grasp for you to summon him, what he didn’t expect was for his brother to be so reluctant to let you go without a fight.
Your third contender who joined the session alongside your guardian angel or demon was the unknown figure. The last thing you had seen before you were flipped face-first into the bed was another pair of silver wings and the most divine voice questioning the situation, but you were wise enough to know that both divine creatures were always made to appear godly in the eyes of mortals. You weren't sure if he was having a turn with you since one of them decided it was best to blindfold you and have you choose (unfortunately, he wasn't). Thus, you couldn’t tell if he had good intentions or bad, all you knew was that one of the three was drilling their cock’s into your drenched heat at the moment and you were forced to concentrate and answer the impending question dangling above your head.
Taking so long to answer, the hands of someone a lot more tender and caring reached to tug your blindfolded head upwards to meet their torturous smirk, pleased with the condition you were being brought to. The longer his hands rested upon your skin, the greater the tidal wave of pleasure grew. He was contorting your pleasure, fluctuating it as he pleased with the most sickeningly sweet laughter following whenever you cried out. The excessive volume of tears that had spilt from your eyes from the start to the current could fill the room and still, it wasn’t enough, not for your contender whose delicious hips drove forward and bullied your soft spot aggressively. His laughter entered your body and leave shivers and goosebumps across every expanse.
“I don’t think they’re able to decide who’s giving them undeniable pleasure right now,” mocking and laughing at your fucked out state below him, the endless chuckles easily made your body cave into them more. “Come on now love, didn’t you summon us for a good time? I think it’s only fair that you tell me who’s fucking you right now.”
“B-But I d-don’t know your n-names – ngghh, fuck,” dropping your head from his grip on your chin into the mattress, you cried into the sheets as you felt your body convulsed as the coil snapped and your orgasm flooded your body. Not once had you felt his hands on your clit and yet, he made you cum untouched. Was it a God instead fucking you and not another divinity? Melkor was reluctant to leave your cunt, not when you were still clenching around him like crazy, attempting to milk him for all he's worth. Wiggling his hips and grinding his tip against your soft spot earned him a series and wails and mewls; the best music to his ears. His body was still stuck to yours, sweaty and hot. You could feel the immense heat surging off him; was it possible for someone to feel that hot during sex? His hands were bound front, rubbing your punch where his cum and cock rested and was whispering words foreign to your ears.
“I should keep my seed in here so that I may return a few months later, and then I'll fuck another one in you; keep you as mine and away from my audacious brother.”
It was then, Manwe flew out of the chair and stormed over to his brother, flaring his wings as if he was going to war. In response, Melkor simply ignored his brother with a scoff knowing that Irmo wouldn't allow him to interrupt his little aftercare bliss. Standing at the bedside glaring at you and his brother still wrapped up together, Irmo stood between him and the bed, preventing him from attacking. “I know you're not pleased, but just let him be,” pausing to take a quick glance at Melkor before continuing, he spoke in a hush-hush tone, “I will assist you with winning them over. For now, just relax.”
Manwe didn't even bother with looking at Irmo once, instead, choosing to grind his teeth at the scene unfolding before his eyes. Melkor was still buried in your cunt, whispering some devilry, but Manwe understood each syllable clearly. As much as he knew his brother was riling him up, he was still fearful of losing you for good. He's been at your side since you reached maturity and guided you through every step of the way, to see you turn to his demon of a brother for pleasure sickened him to his core.
Trapped under your Godly creature, you could feel the buildup of pressure in your hips as he was grinding his and vigorously rubbing your puffy clit, coaxing another orgasm from you. Fighting him was impossible because he was greedy and relentless. The grip he held on your body forced you to sink deeper into the mattress as he continuously pinched and slapped at the abused nub. Within seconds, he tore another orgasm from you and finally released his grip to let you slouch into the bed. His cock slipped from your cunt with a trail of cum spilling out after. You couldn't believe one person was capable of releasing so much cum, but he wasn't just a person. The thought was something you wished to assess but not when you felt a different pair of hands resting on your hips. These hands were soft as clouds but held you with venom.
Easily, you felt the hands on your hips turn your body over to now let you rest on your back. You felt as if you were airborne for just a short moment before your legs went airborne and settled on the shoulders of your next contender. This time, you felt his chest rumbling against yours as his caramel voice rang out above, “Our names are Irmo, Manwe and Melkor. Manwe is your guardian angel, the most displeased of us three and brother to Melkor, the demon you summoned, and Irmo…well, he’s a mix between both worlds. He’s a half angel and half demon you can say.”
In some way, there was a bit of relief knowing their names but you didn’t couldn’t tell who was the angel or demon fucking you, they all took you the same – hard, rough and aggressive. You understood that your guardian angel was the most displeased so obviously, he’d fuck you the hardest, but then you had a pleasure deity in the mix, it was obvious he’s fuck you just as demonical as the others (sadly he wasn't going to). Not to mention, the actual demon sitting in the room who probably snatched your soul already. Nothing was truly helpful and all you were able to do was babble nonsense as your body was pressed into the mattress, basically sandwiching you between him and the bed. The unholy chuckles resonated above you as your hands reached out, scrambling to grip his biceps, ghosting your soul. Whomever he was, he was taking you to heaven and hell in the same thrust. His cock felt unlike any other you had before. The previous contender had weight and girth, but this cock had everything perfect to it. Every thrust, even if it wasn't overly aggressive, knocked the air out of your lungs.
At first, you thought it would be best to make a guess and if you were wrong, then you would narrow things down to just two contenders, “...Irmo?” At the name, Manwe sent a harsh thrust followed by a resounding slap to your thigh. His eyes glowed in anger, while his face contorted to reveal just how disappointed he was at your feeble attempts. Grunting when your wails slipped from your lips, he lifted his eyes to meet with Irmo and glared at the fellow half-angel. Irmo simply responded with a charming smile at the superior creature and arched his brow, causing a greater surge of pleasure to flow through you, making your walls spasm and clench undeniably tight around Manwe's cock.
“Wrong name darling, you have one more guess, or the wrong person gets to keep you forever,” you knew this voice was different from the person taking you at the moment. It was more smooth, like savouring the finest wine of a lifetime. The creaminess of his voice melted all your barriers and prompted more juices to flow freely. But there was a deep vibration in the tremors of his words. Manwe's cock was now covered in cream and cum, but he wasn't pleased with the effects of others when it was he who was fucking you.
Manwe wasn’t sure if he wanted to be tender and loving care with you or rearrange your guts before his brother to show him that you always belonged to him from the start. The way his body easily covers yours, excluding his silvery wings that still remained folded behind his back, occasionally fluttering at the increasing intensity of pleasure throughout the course of the night. A firm hand travelled up your body, over your sweaty skin, aggressively tugging and pinching your nipples before settling around your neck to give a fierce squeeze, sucking the air from your chest. “Ngghh – ah,” scrambling to break free of his clutches as he sucked the air from your lungs, you fought tirelessly and hard, but to no avail were you ever successful.
He was your guardian angel you were fighting against for crying out loud; it was his job tasked with protecting you from any negativity and evil. Yet, not too long ago, you decided to play fast and attempted to summon a demon because ‘demons are way more fuckable than angels; angels are just…just’. Those words didn’t fly over Manwe’s head in the slightest form of acceptance and urged him to show you just how performance-worthy an angel was capable of being over any demon. He was stung deeply by your cruel words since after all, it was he who covered you with his wings in the shadows and protected you with his life. To say such profanities within his unknown presence was a slap to his pride when it came to his ability to perform and satisfy.
“To believe that you preferred a demon to fuck you right now; do you still want that? Do you want me to stop?” slowing his hips and inching himself out until just the tip sat at the edge of your entrance, the hauntingly terrifying chuckle he released when you cried out for him to not stop. He laughed in your face, howling at how pathetic and easy it was to conform you to his will. It was laughter that ghosted your soul when you felt his eccentric eyes boring into your covered one. “You know, whether you want for me to stop, I can’t, not when your pussy tells me you like this. You should see the way she's gripping me,” casting a longing glance at where his tip rested, he fucked himself back into your heat like a frantic man, bruising your soft spot in a series of turbulent thrusts.
“Look at you, going to cum all over an angel’s cock and not a demon…shameful. Do you think my brother would want your cunt again when I’m through with you...because I know he's never going to?” he chuckled at how wildly your cunt spasmed around his cock at the filthy comments he was spewing. The legs resting over his shoulder were pushed into a deep stretch as he pressed more of his weight atop you, sinking your smaller frame into the mattress. Manwe couldn’t help but shine in glee the excitement of having your smaller frame pressed under his, sandwiched into the bed.
“M-Manwe?…oh God...p-please…” whining the name with a gasp that he revealed to you recently, he was beginning to regret it since you weren’t worthy enough to speak it for your tongue.
“Now that’s just cheating brother, you just broke the rules,” at the end of Melkor’s disgruntled matter-of-fact question.
“Be quiet, you of all people shouldn't speak of cheating!”Manwe flashed his brother a harsh glare that made him shut up with a smirk and raised hands before he returned his focus to you.
“You too should hold your tongue and not speak my name. Doesn't deserve to fall from such...a dishonourable mortal,” the anger in his eyes was enough to shut you up had his words not done the trick. You felt embarrassed for a series of events you hadn’t been aware of. Summoning a demon, having a guardian angel and then being fucked into the mattress out of…jealousy, possessiveness, and self-worth? Irmo and Melkor couldn’t help but howl at the noteworthy performance Manwe was putting on for them. Irmo was on Manwe’s side and did his best to alter and control your pleasure in hopes of showing you that your angel was far more capable than the demon you summoned, but Melkor was an entirely different breed of demon. Cut from the same branch as Manwe, only exceeding in power when he fell off the good side, Melkor could pull the same pleasure from you just as his brother and even better.
“You are quite the pathetic mess for such a…virtuous and beautiful creature Y/N. To believe a demon, my brother, would have had you like this, under my watch forever…you must be fucking joking,” his growling was growing with each passing second as his hips dug deeper into your thighs. Babbling some incoherent response to his demonical thrusts while he was growling in displeasure, a hand lifted to slap across your mouth, shutting you up. Manwe was growing irritated at your responses because they made no sense. For someone who he admired for their wisdom, you were surely making him question your logic.
He was beyond displeased with everything. Having to watch you love of his brother and then be fucked by him for the sake of the law, made his temper grow in volumes and soon nature reflected his displeasure. The wind howled outside, knocking the tree branches against your window, the skies were no longer clear, instead, they carried blackened clouds that brought rain and lightning. Thunder echoed in the distance and pleasingly, they struck loudly whenever Manwe rolled his hips harshly against your delicate ones. Any stronger and he'd snap you in half. He had forgotten about this being a competition and that he needed to perform to win your interest, instead, he chose to fuck you like a jealous lover.
“Hmmm – pwlease…I ant um…” fighting to moan and beg through his sweat-covered hand, your feeble attempts were met with a silencing stare.
“What was that; you want to cum? Speak up a little louder darling, just like when you were reading that spell,” his eyes lingered on the contortions of your face in all forms of pleasure as his teasing continued and he ignored your orgasm. The hands around your mouth gripped your cheeks to squeeze them firmly, “if you desire to cum all over my cock, you best start showing some respect, yeah.” His thick cock couldn’t help but bully the gummy walls inside of your cunt, enjoying the tightening every few minutes. A silent 'thank you' was said to Irmo. Your mind was hazed from the terror folding you into your bed and claiming to be an angel when he fucked your cunt like a demon. He was disgusted by his brother's cum covering his cock and being stuffed like cream back into your cunt with ease. A burst of sickeningly sweet laughter and low guttural moans were slowly building up behind the laughter. Manwe knew he was close to filling your walls and removing any trace of his brother, and this time, he was claiming you as his. His brother could go find someone else to sleep with, you belonged to him. Always and forever.
“Maybe I should let you cum and then fill you with my seed, ward off any unwanted visitors. Claim you as mine with a child...hmm. I bet you'd love that; bind us together...” his voice could help but trail off as he analyzed every possible outcome to keep you as his forever. What was the best way to keep his brother away from you? Knowing Melkor, you carrying his brother's seed wouldn't even stop him from attempting to come around, but it was worth the shot. He was a demon, after all, they never abided by the rules.
“Gwod, pwlease et me cum,” still muffled by his hand, you begged as your orgasm was being played with. You were so close to the edge, all you wanted was the extra push.
Snapping his eye over to your blindfolded ones, he dragged the hand off your mouth to yank the cloth off, wanting you to view the actual God that was the reason behind your pleasure, and then returned it to your throat and squeezed tightly. The starry twinkling in your eyes from all the buildup of tears gave you an angelic look. At that moment, Manwe couldn't help but scoff at how pure you thought yourself to be, “Let this be your last warning mortal, don’t ever try to make a fool out of your guardian angel. I won’t be so nice again.”
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Taglist: @spidergirla5 @someoneinthestars @eunoiaastralwings @lilmelily @aconstructofamind @mysticmoomin @edensrose
Kinktober 🏷: @rain-on-my-umbrella @something-about-twilight @hoshinokurasa @wandererindreams @aconstructofamind
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melestasflight · 28 days
I'd love to see a blond sparkly Morgoth and a black (or at the very least dark-haired) Sauron for once. Hear me, artists!
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Yes it’s weird that Fingon got all the way up Thangorodrim AND sung a song (loud enough to reach Maedhros) without being discovered, but consider: they hung Maedhros at the ass’ end of the mountain, so high and freezing that no guards want to (or sustainably can) watch there, with the mindset that ‘we’ll check on him every few weeks, he can’t get far’
And then
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justpostsyeet · 6 months
Now i can't stop thinking about some orc scholars. Like they wouldn't have been some brutish animalistic beings after living in middle earth for so many years. They have speech, they live in communities and they can have a coordinated war formation so, their might have been some development of culture in their communities. Maybe we just don't know because their history was never preserved.
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cilil · 8 months
cilil's Halloween special
ʚ𖦹ɞ Author's Note: It's that time of the year, revelers and travelers, and I present to you a little something I made to celebrate the season (and another milestone). This is a fun and silly choose your own adventure story with a couple of options and a tiny bit of romance and innuendo sprinkled in. I hope you enjoy (and that tungle doesn't randomly eat posts or links, fingers crossed)! Happy Halloween!
ʚ𖦹ɞ Featuring: Your top choices - Melkor, Mairon, Námo, Oromë, Nienna, Varda and Yavanna
ʚ𖦹ɞ Warnings: / (Just a tiny bit of spooky and the dork lords being their dork lord selves)
ʚ𖦹ɞ Additional mystery: Out of the seven objects described in the first scene, two are in fact real and in my possession right now. Can you guess which ones? (No, there are no hints in the story itself as it isn't about me, but maybe some of you know me or have a hunch. Happy guessing!)
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It is not the first time that your fëa has found itself wandering the Path of Dreams in your sleep, though it looks different today. The sky above the great trees and hedges surrounding you is dark, stars twinkling weakly in the distance, and the only light comes from the full moon peeking through ghostly clouds. The gentle breeze carrying formless whispers from the forest is sharper and colder today, and the voices you hear are distorted and erratic. 
You wonder if this is Irmo's doing as you hasten along your path, if he has twisted the normally peaceful dream realm into one of nightmares. Or are other spirits out there that were roused by your searching thought, displeased by your presence or perhaps even curious? 
Instead of the golden gate and winding paths that would lead you to Lórien, you find a lonely, ancient-looking pavilion. It's overgrown with ivy, nearly covering it in its entirety. You have never heard any tales about such a location existing on the Path of Dreams, but your curiosity compels you to explore. 
There is no one inside, nor anywhere nearby. It seems to you as though this pavilion hasn't seen visitors in a long time, yet it isn't empty: Pillows sit on the floor, their vibrant colours faded, surrounding a small table with various objects on it. 
You examine the objects. Which one catches your interest?
☞ An old book with a rich emerald cover and silver ornaments. Its pages are yellowed and written in an ancient language you don't understand. 
☞ A perfectly cut and polished almond-shaped gem. It seems to be a ruby or opal at first glance, shining with a warm light from the inside. 
☞ A bouquet of flowers in a carved pumpkin. The plants all look as if they were freshly cut and harvested, but upon closer examination you see that they were preserved with wax. 
☞ A bronze letter opener in the shape of a dagger. When you run your finger across it, the edge and tip of the blade are sharper than expected. 
☞ An ancient telescope with strange symbols engraved. It's pointed at the roof of the pavilion, making you wonder what you are supposed to see there.
☞ A simple silver necklace with a pendant shaped like a budding rose. It seems unassuming at first, but the longer you look upon it, the more you feel like it might have been blessed. 
☞ A diadem with countless gems and pearls. Once it has drawn your gaze, you are in awe of the way it sparkles and glitters even in the twilight. 
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animatorweirdo · 1 year
Imagine being Melkor’s child and having a tragic marriage with Maedhros
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(This idea had been on my mind for some time and it’s finally time to post it. Heed the warnings because this will be a one sad story)
Imagine from @imagine-all-the-elves​
Warnings: Angst, mentions of child neglect, manipulation, torture, forced marriage, violence, loss of hand and death. Neither you or Mae will have fun time but you do have some fluff moments together. 
-It was never supposed to happen in the first place. You were the child of the world’s greatest enemy, and he was the son of your father’s greatest enemy. It was a union never meant to happen. 
-You never wanted it to happen, especially to him. 
-You had been kept hidden when your father, Melkor, took you away from your beloved mother. You had been barely allowed to go outside, so it left you with doubts that you even existed to the outside world. 
-Melkor never treated you horribly in your first years of life, but he was absent most of the time. He was always busy warring with the rest of the Valar and trying to take over Arda. You only had caretakers and Mairon to look after you. 
-You knew your elven caretakers were slaves and forced to look after you. It made you feel bad for them, especially when they got poorly treated by orcs and other servants of your father. 
-Mairon didn’t treat you horribly. He was busy like your father, but he sometimes took turns watching and keeping you company. You once thought you could confide in him like a friend, but you were left uncertain since he was a ruthless maiar who often thought lowly of everyone. 
-You did not have a similar mindset to everyone on your father’s side, and they kept you away from the elves to avoid ‘attachments’ – so you grew up rather lonely. 
-In those lonely times, you would think about your mother, Nienna. She was one of the warmest beings in Arda, and she was the one who taught you to be sympathetic toward others. 
-You missed her terribly. You missed her and your uncles. You wanted to feel her embrace and hear her lullabies soothe you from nightmares again. You wanted to play with your uncle Manwe and listen to Irmo’s jokes that never failed to make you laugh. You also wanted to be with your sibling again. 
-You asked your father many times if you could visit them, and he always refused, making your loneliness grow as you had no friends in Utummo or anywhere in your father’s kingdom. 
-Mairon kept you safe and hidden in Angband when the Valar tore down Utummo and took your father away. It was a terrifying experience as you didn’t know what was happening and were not allowed to go outside for a long time. 
-When everything calmed down, you were left alone with Mairon, who got busy rebuilding your father’s armies while you grew up alone in the shadows. 
-It was peaceful when your father wasn’t around. It was more quiet in the world, and there was less destruction even though orcs brought new thralls every day, and you weren’t allowed to leave Angband.
-You regret that you never took the chance to escape and reunite with your mother and sibling. You felt like a bird in a cage because Mairon restricted you from leaving Angband and tried to fill your head with teachings and expectations of how you would help your father reach his goal when he returned. 
-At that time, you hoped your father never returned from his imprisonment, but fate has never been the kindest to you, and the day finally arrived when Gothmog and his balrogs marched out of Angband to save your father from Ungoliant’s webs. 
-You did not know how to react when your father walked through the doors, holding three stolen jewels, and when he shared the news that the two trees of Valinor were no more, destroyed by his and Ungoliant’s hands. 
-You were worried, especially when you heard the Noldor elves left the blessed realm to chase after him to take revenge for what he did to their previous king and the two trees. 
-You expected war and bloodshed, so when the elves and your father’s armies finally went to war. It was the least surprising thing to you. 
-However, when your father captured the new high king after Feanor’s death. That’s when things began to go south. 
-It all started with shared looks. 
-You visited your father and Mairon from time to time to give out reports and the progress of your work, and that's how you met your father’s latest captive. 
-Nelyafinwe, who in Sindarin came to be known as Maedhros, the firstborn son of your father’s enemy and the current high king of the Noldor. 
-He was in a poor state the first time you met, and you pitied him since he was going through the same thing many of the thralls did in Angband. If things were different, you could have helped him out of his situation, but since you had little power in Angband and he was an important prisoner. There was nothing you could do for him. 
-Although you never talked to each other, you continuously glanced at one another, and it ended up in a regretful situation because your father noticed and had a horrible idea. 
-He proposed marriage between you and the red-headed elf. 
-It was unthinkable, so you tried to reject it because you did not want Maedhros to suffer any more humiliation. He already suffered enough in your father’s hand. His kin would most likely take him as a traitor if he ended up getting married to the child of his father’s enemy.
-You tried to reject it and reasoned that the whole idea was useless. It would bring nothing for either side. However, your father had always been a talented manipulator. He used your weaknesses and sympathetic nature against you. 
-He spoke unimaginable things and persuaded you how things would go since peace was all you always wanted. He also questioned if you liked the tortures to stop or continue since you were so against the idea. 
-You found yourself in the corner. You couldn't find your way out of it, and deep down, you did want the torturing to stop, so you agreed to the proposal. 
-A ceremony was held. You went out of your way to keep it small and argued with your father about what you wanted for the wedding so It would be small and quick. 
-Maedhros was against the whole thing, and you understood him well, so you at least managed to give him robes to cover his chains and a veil to spare him the shame of being seen. 
-It was a terrible situation for both of you. You never wanted a spouse who would get forced to marry you, so you could not help but utter silent apologies. 
-Your father did keep his promise and allowed you to take your new spouse away from his and Mairon’s grasp. 
-You brought your spouse to your realm. It was a gift from Mairon after you grew older and decided to work alongside him. It was a lonely fortress behind Angband, surrounded by vast icy landscapes. It was a peaceful place, but it was also just another prison for thralls and those meant to keep in check. 
-It would be impossible to escape from there without crossing anyone from Angband, so your spouse was now truly trapped. 
-Your relationship with him was silent and awkward. Maedhros was weary of you, no doubt thinking you would be exactly like your father and start torturing and mistreating him upon the first chance. You did not blame him. The whole thing was undesirable for both of you, so you tried to explain that you would not do anything against his will. 
-He did not have to go through the wedding night and was free to have your chambers to himself. You did work in your office most of the time, and there was a couch, so you had a place to rest. 
-He was free to do anything. If he needed something, he could just ask. The only thing he should not do is go outside or try to escape since there were creatures outside who guarded your realm or made sure no one would try to leave without permission. 
-You had the servants unchain him and kept your distance from him so he would not have to deal with you, and that’s how your new married life began. 
-Maedhros was weary of you and waited for you to turn back on your promise and do something to him, so he ended up spending his time in your chambers with no one but servants to bring him food. 
-He was surprised when he saw the state of your elven servants. They walked freely and were in good shape, unlike others who served in Angband. They were not afraid to talk to him, so he often conversed with them. 
-He felt conflicted when they spoke well about you and assured him he could trust your words. You were truthful and kinder than your blackhearted father, so he did not need to fear betrayal. 
-He began asking about you and collecting information. He had not heard about you before in Valinor, so he tried to gather all the information he could get before thinking about confronting you. 
-He was surprised when he learned your mother was Nienna. He knew your sibling and had heard that she had another child who went missing many years ago, even presumed dead.
-When he grew less weary, he took a bold step and stepped outside your chamber. Your servants showed him around and told him everything about the fortress. 
-When he asked if anyone tried escaping, they took him to a window and showed him the wild yetis that guarded your realm. They were faster and more ferocious than orcs. It was nearly impossible to flee, and many faced a horrible end at their hands. 
-You were kind enough to interfere whenever you could, but many would end up living with horrible scars after the encounter. 
-The servants explained to him that the yetis were made to guard the fortress and to deal with any thrall that dared to escape, but everyone knew their main task was to keep an eye on you, so you were just as a prisoner as them. 
-Maedhros took in the knowledge and began to understand your situation more. He was still weary of you and kept his distance whenever you were out. 
-He observed you most of the time, especially one time when a new maid got brought from Angband, and she accidentally broke something. He expected you to act differently behind closed doors and punish the poor elleth, but you calmed her down and simply told her to clean it up. 
-Having seen and experienced your father's temper, Maedhros was taken aback by your calmness. 
-He continued observing whenever you came out of your office. You knew he was watching and did not mind it. You even played ignorant, continued your days, and even asked for his well-being from time to time. You tried to show you meant no harm. 
-Maedhros began to grow less weary of you and then started wandering around your home and getting familiar with every detail. It was surprisingly warm inside despite the outside world being an icy wasteland. It was more welcoming than Angband, though.
-Maedhros didn’t plan to face you or talk to you anytime soon, but he made a mistake going to a library that he thought was a separate room from your office. 
-He was startled when he saw you and froze when you looked back at him. He quickly apologized and prepared to leave, but you stopped him and told him it was alright and he could stay if he wanted to read something. 
-You even offered to leave since you were almost done with the daily work so your presence wouldn’t bother him. Maedhros did not know how to answer your offer, so he rejected it and said you could stay and finish your work. 
-The exchange was awkward, so you agreed and tried to work while he went through some books.  
-You thought it could go peacefully and without troubles, but the silence soon became unbearable. You managed to continue your work, but you could feel the elf looking at you from time to time. It made you almost flinch how uneasy your spouse was, but you did not blame him. 
-You decided to break the silence and ask if there was something he wanted to ask and if his stay had been comfortable so far. 
-Maedhros thought through his questions carefully, and when you didn’t show annoyance or anger with each question, he decided to talk and ask more questions without fear.
-You answered to the best of your abilities. You were silently happy that Maedhros felt comfortable enough to talk with you despite the questions obviously directed at why you were not like your father. 
-It was not the first time, so you didn’t mind. Many of your servants assumed you were cruel and terrible, like Melkor. It also leaves them confused when you don’t act on their assumptions and treat them better than anyone from Angband. 
-You never had a reason to hate the elves or any other creation. You knew your father was obsessed with conquering Arda and creating something of his own, and it made you sad how many got hurt because of him. You were more sympathetic like your mother. 
-The conversation was quick since it was time for dinner, and Maedhros wished to dine alone in your chamber like he always did. He took the time to think about you and your answers to his questions. 
-He felt a bit ashamed for the way he spoke to you. He was rather forward and demanding with his questions, like he was interrogating you, and it made him feel slight regret because you didn’t even do anything to upset him.  
-You didn’t even get angry with his tone of voice, so it was clear to him that you were nothing like your father. Truthfully, you looked saddened when he spoke to you like that, and it only fueled his desire to apologize for his behavior. 
-He left your chambers, hoping he would find you and apologize to you for what happened. He was unaware he would end up finding someone else, someone unexpected.  
-Maedhros was only walking through the hallway, trying to remember the location of the dining hall until he felt like being watched. 
-He then dumped on someone he never expected to see, your sibling. 
-He was left shocked because your sibling should be in Valinor with your mother, but they were standing right in front of him, grinning at him. Maedhros was creeped out because they looked and acted nothing like they were in Valinor.  
-They were psychotic and made vulgar remarks about him and his kin. They even called him your toy while threatening to taste his blood. 
-Maedhros didn’t know what to do. He was unnerved to the core and close to doing something rash like fighting them until you arrived and stopped your sibling from touching him. 
-It was the first time he saw you get agitated and more threatening. You strictly spoke to your sibling and chased them off before turning your attention toward him with a much softer expression. 
-He was shaken and confused from the encounter. He then assumed your sibling was working as a spy, but you brushed off that theory and explained this sibling was a doppelganger. 
-When you were younger, and the old Utummo was still up. You asked your father many times to see your mother and actual sibling since you were lonely. He created the doppelganger to fix that, and you have been stuck with a psychotic fake ever since. 
-You apologized for his unpleasant encounter and told him to call or come to you if they bothered him again. 
-Maedhros felt anxious for the rest of the day, and you felt horrible watching him be afraid again since he was finally getting comfortable around you. It made you curse your father and that fake even more. 
-You didn’t dare to bother him, so you stayed at your usual spot on the balcony whenever the night graced the sky, hoping you spot a few stars through the gray smoke. 
-Maedhros once found you alone and was curious, so he approached you and talked to you.  
-You asked him if the sky was really full of stars like your servants said since you have long forgotten. Maedhros was pretty surprised to hear that, but he confirmed and told you about all the stars he knew. You listened with a smile, and the conversation just flowed from there. 
-You asked about your sibling and mother since he had met them and known them for a while before he departed from Valinor, and he described how they were doing and how much they missed you ever since you went missing. They and the rest of your family dedicated one day to remembering you each year. 
-You felt happy to know your family was doing well and that they had not forgotten about you. You thanked him for sharing about your mother and sibling. 
-Maedhros felt sad for you and angry. He could see the loneliness in your eyes, and the thought that you have been kept away from your family so long that you had forgotten how a star-filled sky looked made him resent Melkor more. 
-You began to talk more, especially wherever you were on the balcony. Maedhros tried to spot stars with you, and you spoke about your families. He told fond memories about Valinor, and he sometimes joked with you about his father since your imagination made him look like a screaming goose on fire when you heard about him. Honestly – it was perhaps one of the most accurate descriptions of his father. 
-You two began to spend more time with each other. Maedhros felt more comfortable with you. Even though he shouldn’t, he began to trust you. He began to see you as some kind of a friend.
-He just couldn’t see Melkor in you. You were soft-spoken and gentle like your mother. You made him enjoy his stay with your stories, and he liked how kind you were toward your servants. 
-It made him wish you could have met under different circumstances. 
-You were happy you were building a connection, but even so, you tried to avoid touching him or indulging in any close contact. 
-Maedhros noticed when he asked about your ring once. You two were on the balcony, and he was curious about the peculiar-looking ring on your finger. He touched your hand, and he felt you freeze under his touch. He thought he did something wrong, but you kept your composure and told him how you used to steal the ring from Irmo, and he allowed you to keep it since you liked it so much. It was one of the only things you had left from your family. 
-Maedhros thought he made you uncomfortable, so he tried to apologize for touching you without permission. 
-You were surprised and then explained he did not make you uncomfortable. You were afraid to touch people in general because there had been cases when people mistook you for your father when you tried to help them. 
-You did not want to touch him because you thought it would revoke bad memories of Angband and the horrible things he went through, especially when he had scars as a reminder of his time there. 
-Maedhros understood that you felt guilt and made a bold move to hold your hand, telling you how you would never remind him of your father, and it wasn’t you who gave him his scars. 
-It was at that moment you started falling for him hard. 
-You would have been happy if you two became friends, but after feeling his hand on yours and seeing him smile for the first time. You couldn’t help but start feeling something more for him. 
-You were terrified because there were several reasons why you shouldn’t feel such a thing for him. 
-One, your father would win if he ever knew about your growing feelings, and two, Maedhros would never feel the same for you. He got forced to marry you, so he had no reason to love you back. He would only see you as someone he could trust in this place, nothing more. 
-You tried to keep them hidden, but the crimson-haired ellon did not make it easy when you two spent time together on the balcony, and he started smiling more.
-He adapted to your way of living and even learned the little codes you made with your servants to know someone unwanted was visiting. He even started helping you with your work. 
-You tried getting your hands on fruits and food he would like when he started dining with you. He would always be surprised when you managed to bring Noldor-made cuisine to the table, but it made him smile and thank you for going to such lengths. 
-You couldn't stop thinking about the feeling of his hand when he held your hand for the first time without fear. The warmth and the gentleness behind it made you want to feel it again, but you didn’t dare to ask him. You were still afraid to touch him. 
-However, your yearning had made you unaware of how much you started looking at his hand, imagining how it would feel against yours. 
-Maedhros was quick to notice and decided to ask your permission to hold your hand instead, making you flustered. You did not want to say no, so you let him touch your hand and even make little jokes about how small your hands were for an Ainur, and those little moments always made you feel weak and crave more for his gentle touch. 
-It was now obvious you were falling hard for him. It was an incredible feeling because it felt like how your mother described it when she was still with your father. But you knew, one day, you had to help Maedhros out of your prison.   
-He would never be safe as long as he was stuck with you, so you finally started planning a way for him to escape and be free of his predicament. 
-It was a carefully crafted plan. You made a note to keep all the details in mind, and one day, you found a perfect chance for him to escape, but then your fake sibling just had to visit and start harassing your beloved. 
-They had arrived without your knowing and started harassing Maedhros with vulgar remarks about his family and situation. They called him names, and Maedhros tried to ignore it like you told him, but when they made a crude remark about you, he couldn’t help but retaliate against them. 
-They were threateningly quiet after he stood up for them. Maedhros felt unnerved and tried to leave through the door, only to have his hand cut off when he grabbed the handle. 
-You stood up when you heard him scream and quickly made way toward him and your fake sibling. You found Maedhros’s hand on the floor and saw him sitting against the wall while holding his bleeding stump. It felt like the world froze around you when you watched his blood dress him in red. 
-Your sibling only cackled and told you they only gave your spouse a lesson in misbehaving and blamed you for not keeping your things in check, but you only grew furious. 
-The anger you felt was uncontrollable, and you attacked your fake sibling. 
-You threw them away and even took your sword out of its sheath, ready to kill them. You were known for your reluctance to harm anything, so when your sibling saw the murderous rage in your eyes – they took out their weapon, and you ended up in a violent fight. 
-Maedhros watched with fright as you fought with your sibling, slashing wounds and throwing kicks and punches at each other. He became worried when he saw you getting hurt from the attacks. 
-You even went as far as to use your abilities against your sibling, throwing their body against the walls like a ragdoll before they used their powers and disabled you. 
-You both eventually lost your weapons and started throwing punches at each other, breaking each other’s bones and trying to kill with raw strength. 
-However, your sibling managed to throw you away, and you were down, groaning and coughing blood from your mouth. 
-Maedhros wanted to run to you, but when your sibling turned their attention upon him and came at them with a sinister grin. Maedhros took up your sword, and your sibling ran right through it. 
-You saw as Maedhros held the blade that ran through your sibling. Your sibling’s black blood slowly dribbled from the steel before they fell backward, sliding off the sword and falling dead on the floor. 
-Maedhros was standing in shock, staring at the corpse of your fake sibling while holding your sword with a shaking hand. 
-When you heard your fake sibling’s servants approaching. You stood up and went to Maedhros, intending to take your sword from his hand. 
-” Maedhros –” You said gently as your hand laid upon his. He looked at you with a frightful expression as his skin turned cold from the touch. “You did nothing wrong. It’s alright,” You comforted, taking the sword from his hand. You laid your other hand on his cheek, making him look you in the eyes. “You did nothing wrong,” You said and backed away.  
-It took a moment for Maedhros to calm down, but before he knew it – you struck your sibling’s corpse right when your sibling’s servants showed around the corner. He was shocked because you were making it look like it was you who killed their master. You were taking the blame for him. 
-When you walked back to him, you gently handled his bleeding stump and muttered something under your breath, which allowed light to glow beneath your fingers, and Maedhros could feel the pain lessen and the wound stitching itself up. 
-He was then taken by surprise when you suddenly embraced him and held his head close to yours. 
-You told him to go to a remote place of your fortress and find his cousin you noticed sneaking in, the one with the golden ribbons. 
-Maedhros knew it was Fingon from your description, but before he could say anything. You promised him you would hold your sibling’s servants back while he escaped and pushed him away, yelling at him to go. 
-He was quick to follow your instructions, and he ran. He only turned for a moment to see you start killing your fake sibling’s servants, taking all the attention on you.  
-He did not want to leave you behind, and it was by luck that he suddenly bumped into his cousin, Fingon. 
-The reunion was short-lived, and Fingon quickly took him away from your fortress. They were quick to run through the mountains, but Maedhros paled when he heard the yells of the yetis and saw them coming toward them.  
-You managed to fight off your sibling’s servants and walked outside to see Maedhros and his cousin running away from the yetis. They would die if you didn’t do something, so you took out your blade and gave yourself a deep wound. 
-The yetis were made to guard your home and prevent anyone from leaving. However, if they smell something wrong with you, they will make you their first priority and stop their task to check on you. 
-You used your powers to enhance the smell of your blood, and it didn’t take long for them to stop and come for you instead, leaving Maedhros and his cousin alone and giving them a chance to escape. 
-You smiled in relief, but you knew their escape would be impossible since Angband was on their way. So, you prayed from the bottom of your heart for Manwe’s help or someone who would help the one you loved to escape. You soon lost consciousness when the yetis came through the door and found you. 
-Maedhros felt dread when he saw the yetis come for you, but he tried to keep going until he and Fingon got surrounded by orcs from Angband. 
-He thought about telling Fingon to leave him so he could buy him some time, but before he could do anything, a great eagle flew down from the sky and took down the orcs. 
-Thorondor helped them mount and flew them away from Angband. Maedhros did not know what to think, and he watched as your fortress got smaller and smaller until it was out of his eyesight, and he returned to his kin. 
- He thought about you as he healed from his injuries, and his brothers questioned him about his time in Angband. He was surprised that no one knew that he was married off to the child of his enemy, but he said no word about it. 
-The more he thought about you, the more anxious he became to know what happened to you after the incident. Deep down in his heart, he wanted you to be alive, but there was a mild chance because no one would survive the anger of a dark lord, so he concluded you were dead. 
-He mourned for you. You were one of the good things that happened, and it felt like he left part of himself when you told him to leave you and your home. 
-He kept quiet about the incident and his marriage because he knew his kin would not take it kindly if they knew about the whole affair.
-They would assume you were like your father and take no other answer. 
-Maedhros tried to live quietly, but he couldn't bring himself to forget you. Not after all you did for him: and your sacrifice to save him. It made him feel undeserving and realize he might have loved you in return. 
-The feeling was like a sword that struck him in the heart, especially when something horrific happened during a battle. The orcs were taunting him and his people, brutally executing prisoners and thralls before them. Maedhros felt helpless that he couldn't do anything to help them, but he had to keep his composure and look strong in front of his people. That was until the orcs caught his attention and threw a severed hand before him. 
-He was confused until he recognized the ring on the hand’s finger – on your finger. The hand in front of him was your hand. 
-He felt sick as it was obviously a gesture of mockery for losing his hand, and he almost couldn’t hold his composure because he couldn’t stop thinking about all the things you suffered in your father’s hands.
-He only allowed himself to break into tears when he returned to his home in Himring when no one would be looking. He held on to your ring, which he had retrieved in secret, and grieved for you as it was clear that you were now truly gone.
Taglist: @heilith​
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luna-redamancy · 2 years
I see that requests are open! I'm going to keep this one simple. Morgoth and Sauron sharing a female reader. Interpret that as you will.
You see...When I first read this... My brain went: Smut. SMut. SMUT. Straight-up spiciness. But no, we are wholesome tonight! Enjoy:
The morning air was crisp, but you could only feel it on the tip of your nose as you woke up, eyes blinking to adjust to the bright room. You were warm, surrounded by heat. 
Melkor had his head on top of yours, his chin resting on the crown of your head with his hand holding yours, his other under the pillow. 
Mairon was behind you, face buried in your neck with his one arm looped around your waist to keep you to him- like a child hugging onto a stuffed bear at night. His legs were tangled with yours while Melkor’s right leg was up and over the two of you, trapping you in. 
Shifting slightly to roll over, it appeared that you awoke Melkor. 
Making a sound mixed between a groan and a sigh, Melkor lifted his head upwards for you to move freely. 
Mairon stayed asleep, grip loosening ever so slightly as you shifted before he scrunched his brows in his sleep, pulling you tight against his chest once more. 
Chuckling to himself, Melkor pressed a kiss to your shoulder as he lowered himself to hold you from behind. His eyes shut with a blissful expression as he inhaled your scent. The lingering smell of your body wash and shampoo infiltrated his senses as he nuzzled his nose against your flesh. 
Now that you were awake you couldn’t fight the urge. Mairon was so so pretty, his long eyelashes kissing the flesh of his under-eyes, expression peaceful and content now that you were flush against him again. 
Licking your lower lip, you glanced from his eyes down to his lips, soft and plush looking. Leaning up, you pressed your lips to his own, feeling his body slowly awoke by your ministrations. He stiffened before relaxing, hand changing positions from holding onto your waist to cradling your cheek to tilt your head back and deepen the kiss. It was loving, strong, and for a moment you could feel his love for you that nearly reached obsession.
As you two separated, you laughed at his dazed expression, kissing his nose before relaxing against the pillow. 
“Now, now, that’s not fair,” Melkor tsked, kissing your shoulder again. “He gets all the kisses this morning,” Early in your relationship with these two you’d assume he was jealous, angry at you for sharing your lips with another, but in reality, it’s just his coded way of requesting his own kisses without outright saying so. 
“Big baby,” You huffed, but the amused smile on your lips told the two of them that you were anything but angry. 
Twisting to lay on your back, you carefully held Melkor’s face in your hand, guiding his lips to yours. Melkor’s kisses were softer, less demanding, but still had that obsessive passion emitting from them like his other lover as he adjusted to holding himself over you.
When he pulled away, it was you in a daze, making Mairon's laugh grace your ears as he leaned over you to capture Melkor’s lips in his own. 
Your heart felt full and nearly bursting as the two also exchanged morning kisses. 
Forever Tag
@lady-of-lies @all-things-fandomstuck  @fizzyxcustard @izzydaelleth @aquaangel18 @raindancer2004 @love-colorfulglittercollection @ladylouoflothlorien​ @ten-tenya-iida ​​ @legolaslovely​ @bthtallmadge2​ @abesottedlass @wilhelmyna @tigereyesf​ @aspookybunny @keijibum @moony-artnstuff @sirkekselord @guardianofrivendell @fluffymadamina @izbelross @fandomhoe101 @acahope311 @kitkatd7 @mooseetx @themerriweathermage @elvish-sky @bitter-sweet-farmgirl @laurfilijames @frequentlychangingfandoms @cameronsails @linasofia @starryeyedrogue  @shethereadinghobbit @beenovel @onlystarshere @fckmini @spidergirla5 @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @myselfandfantasy @strange-old-worlds @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore @broken-ghost @mbruben-stein @tschrist1 @hai-kbai
Sauron/Mairon- None Currently
Morgoth/Melkor- None Currently
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reverieparacosm · 1 year
Melkor Imagine: "Who did this to you?"
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Melkor (Morgoth) x GN!Maia
Warnings: Injury
Note: A Request by @shamelessredpanda and it's a follow-up to the Headcanons: What it would be like to be Melkor's only Maia
Melkor, a powerful Ainur, is a fierce protector of his loved ones. When he sees the evidence of the fight on his Maia's face, he is overcome with worry. He tilts his Maia's chin up to get a better look at the injury, his eyes scanning every inch of the wound intently. As he delicately thumbs away the streak of blood, the Maia's heart skips a beat, knowing that Melkor's anger is barely restrained.
After a brief pause, Melkor looks Maia dead in the eyes and speaks in a quiet and tense voice, "Who did this to you?"
The Maia hesitates for a moment, unsure of how to answer. But the look in Melkor's eyes tells them that they can trust him.
Finally, Maia speaks up, recounting the events of the fight and the person who caused the injury. Melkor's eyes blaze with anger as he listens, and when Maia finishes, Melkor springs into action, determined to protect his beloved Maia and make things right.
With Melkor by their side, the Maia feels a newfound sense of safety and security, knowing that they are not alone in the world. But the Maia can't shake off the tension that hangs in the air, knowing that Melkor's anger is just below the surface, waiting to be unleashed.
Melkor's jaw clenches in anger. How dare they lay a hand on his Maia?
"I won't let them get away with this," he growls, his eyes blazing with fury. "Stay here, I'll handle it." The Maia watches in awe as Melkor gathers his weapons and marches out of the room. They knew that their protector is strong and capable, but they couldn't help but be worried about what would happen.
Hours passes, and just as the sun starts to dip below the horizon, casting a warm glow across the sky, one can't help but feel a sense of melancholy. The end of the day signifies the passing of time, the fleeting nature of existence, and the inevitability of change. But even as the sun disappears from view, we know that it will rise again tomorrow, bringing with it a new day and new opportunities. Perhaps this is the greatest lesson we can learn from the setting sun: that every ending is also a beginning, and that nothing truly ends, but simply transforms into something new.
Melkor returns, his face is stoic, but the Maia could tell that there is a satisfied glint in his eyes. "It's done," he says simply. "They won't be bothering you again."
The Maia feels a sense of relief wash over them. They know that Melkor's love and protection is unwavering, and they are grateful to have him by their side. But as they look at Melkor, they couldn't help but feel a twinge of fear. They know that his anger and impulsiveness are dangerous, and they couldn't help but wonder what other battles he would pick in the future. For now, they would cherish his loyalty and protection, but they know that Melkor's temper is a force to be reckoned with.
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a-world-of-whimsy-5 · 8 months
Hi M! Kindly requesting threesome Melkor x AFAB!reader x Mairon for kinktober please! If you’re comfortable with this :) thank you!
Ask and you shall recieve!
“Another bedmate”
Pairing: Melkor x Mairon x Fem. reader (Maia/second person POV) | Location: Angband
Themes: Smut (Lemon/Graphic)
Warnings: Threesome | Kissing | Mild dirty talk | Explicit language | Cockwarming | Nipple play | Mentions of oral (fem, receiving) | Penetrative sex | Cream pie
Word count: 1.1K words
Summary: You join Melkor and Mairon in bed after the latter invites you to join them.
Rating: 🔥🔥 | Minors DNI | 18+ | You are responsible for the media you consume
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Melkor was never one to share, not when it came to many things. But for this one request, made by his most favored, no less, he was willing to make an exception.
"I am glad I listened to your entreaties," he declares, smug and satisfied. "What joys would I have missed if I had said no?"
"Many and more, my lord," Mairon replies. His molten gold eyes flutter and close even as a deep moan rolls off his lips. "And how fortunate are we to find another bedmate so willing to indulge us?
"Indeed, precious." Melkor rises to his knees and makes his way over the rumpled silk sheets. He slips his arms around your waist, helping you stay steady. His hands glide up your waist. They’re hot, then cold, then hot again, but not uncomfortably so. It made you quiver. Melkor leans and whispers, "He feels good; does he not?"
Mairon was not the only one who felt good. It was wonderful to be near Melkor as well.
“Yes, my lord.” Your hands moved to rest over his when his fingers found your nipples. You made a whimpering sound when soft peaks stiffened with each brush of the thumb. He…oh my stars… he most certainly is."
"No talking stars here," Melkor insists. There was steel and menace in his voice. “We do not speak of their wretched creations in Angband."
Melkor was angry. He never took kindly to any reminder of the other Valar, Varda most of all. You shudder and say, "Of course, my lord. My pardons for the slip of the tongue."
Melkor pinched, and pinched harder, delighting in your keening whine. "Very good."
You gasp and close your eyes. Melkor’s touch was a delightful torment, all heat and fervor, and yes, even control. The lord of Angband insisted on being in control from the moment he agreed to the arrangement. You did not mind. After spending more hours than you care to count presiding over others and issuing orders, having someone else take command was a true relief.
Mairon craved to move. He had been still for far too long. "May I?" he entreated.
Melkor nodded and dipped his head. "Yes," he agreed. "I want to see how well sweet y/n takes you."
The Vala nips at your neck before grasping the underside of your jaw, tilting your head towards him. His skin smelled of embers and ice, of blazing furnaces and new frost. It was strange and yet, incredibly intoxicating, filling your senses to the brim. His lips opened over yours. Your moan poured into his mouth. Melkor trembled, then deepened his kiss, his lips plump and warm.
Mairon is enraptured by what he is witnessing: Melkor kissing you with raw and unbridled lust, your hands pressing over his, urging him to touch you harder. Then Mairon bucked his hips. You cried out. It allowed Melkor to slip his sweet tongue into your mouth. You could not get enough of it. Melkor had put it to good use when he fucked you first, and the orgasm that followed was unlike anything you had experienced before.  
It was not something you expected of him. Melkor was always stern and cold and so very cruel. Only Mairon was blessed to receive any token of his affection. You did not expect him to favor you as well with his attention, and you certainly did not expect Mairon to invite you to share their bed. It was not an offer that was made lightly. Mairon would never have asked if he thought you unsuited for him and Melkor, and it honored you that Melkor would even consider allowing another bedmate to join them.
"Go on, precious," Melkor commands softly before pulling away. "Have your way with y/n while I watch."  
Mairon held onto your hips when they rocked in time with his thrusts. You threw your head back, crying out whenever he drove his cock into you, again, and again, and again. You clutched his arms when he set a deep and unrelenting pace, and the soft, wet sound of you taking him inside of you soon filled your ears.
Melkor watched and listened, and found himself hardening to the point that it nearly hurt. He had enough in him for another turn, he mused, and he wondered if you would agree to him and Mairon bedding you at the same time. Perhaps after you have had enough time to rest and regain your strength.
Your nails digging little indents into Mairon’s arms undid him. He rose to his knees and threw his arms around you to pull you closer. His kisses were softer than Melkor’s, and tender, but there was hunger to be found, and greed. He chased his release, grunting into your shoulder when your hands delved into his hair.
Melkor rose to his knees as well, moving beside you and leaning over your shoulder. Mairon slowed just long enough to return his lord’s kiss, his eyes burning when they locked on yours. You flashed a wicked grin and found yourself rewarded with another that mirrored yours.
"When you are finished with him," Melkor’s words were like honey when he purred against your ear. "You will take the both of us together."
His suggestion alone was enough to fill you with wild and wanton thoughts. "I accept," you answer quickly, your breath now shallow gasps. You felt something—a quickening just beneath your skin. It was potent and dizzying. "Gladly."
"Your fana will be a canvas once we are done with you," Melkor promised before drawing away again.
You were soaring, rising higher and higher with every moment. That quickening spread and strengthened, binding you within its steely grip. With one last, glorious thrust, it released you, leaving you to fall and shatter against the rocks. You clung to Mairon desperately, arching your back, crying out, losing yourself to a state of utter ecstasy while he spent his seed inside you. Mairon stopped, his chest still heaving.
Time drifted slowly. You became aware of your breathing, the warmth of a hand brushing over your hair, and someone urging you to open your eyes. Mairon drew back, and laid you in bed. He took his place beside you, his arm slung over your belly. Melkor joined not long after. He cupped your cheek and kissed you, half-whispering words of endearment and praise.
You had done well, he said. You were now free to use their dim but elegant chambers—the bed you now rested in. His words were soft, a far cry from the clipped, icy commands you were accustomed to hearing. Mairon agreed.
“Stay with us,” he urged.
Silence followed. You considered their offer, the rewards, and the implications.
As long as I am faithful, and serve them well, I will never have to fear the cost of being bound to them.
“I agree,” you reply.
They were pleased. “Good,” Melkor said. “Now rest a while. We can know more about you after.”
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Tags: @cilil @asianbutnotjapanese
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doodle-pops · 4 months
The Ainur | With A Short Reader
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Request: Can I make a request for headcanons for how the Ainur would be with a short human reader? Around 5 foot tall? Like an elf of about 6 feet would only reach up to some of their chest or lower still, considering they’re like 7-9 foot tall. Would they be cute, teasing, protective, frustrated by the height difference? P.s. I love the way you characterise all the Ainur, it really feels like their personality, you do a fantastic job. - anon
A/N: Happy to fulfil this request and learn that you enjoy my characterisations of them anon. I tend to envision the Ainur as nothing less than nine feet since they are deities and display their power through their heights. So you’re going to appear super short next to them. Nonetheless, Enjoy!
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๋࣭ ⭑⚝ Manwë
The bird was too stunned to speak. Are you a child or dwarf, certainly that could not be your final height at the end of your growth? Unfortunately, it is your complete height which makes you appear as a little bird before the great King. Now his nickname ‘little bird’ makes more sense.
He cannot fathom how you can be the same size as a bean and packed with all that sass whenever he mentions how tiny you are. You require a ladder if you ever reach his head for a ‘level-headed’ talk.
Has no issue picking you up with one hand and carrying you around like his personal comfort toy when he’s having a bad day. Anyone commenting or teasing gets a look that speaks about them receiving a bolt of lightning.
Let us not forget his avian side which is going to fawn over how adorable you are. You’re tiny and squishy, perfect for belonging in his nest where he can shower you in affection all day long.
The size difference is outstanding. Just picture a baby lying in their parents' bed, looking like a little nugget among the pillows…that’s what you appear like anytime you snuggle in his bed. On numerous occasions, he didn’t see you and almost squished you under the sheets.
With your size, it means wearing his robes and marching around his room or Ilmarin pretending to be him while he silently watches from afar. You are drowning in his robes, don’t even wear his shirt, it’s a gown on you.
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๋࣭ ⭑⚝ Irmo
Your size doesn’t change the way he’s going to shower you with ultimate love and affection. Apart from the minor teasing he’ll conduct for the fun of the situation, Irmo loves you the same way if you are tall.
A gentleman who enjoys using the opportunities when granted to lift you over puddles or streams so he can fawn over how you fit in his arms. He (and the others) can lift you with his pinkie and has done it before.
You are authorised to always sleep on his chest—you look like a kitten sleeping on his chest in his eyes—mainly because you like to roll and so does he and nothing good has arisen from you both rolling together.
Gets lost in crowds and he panics. He’ll be walking around asking if anyone has seen his little lover and he will give descriptions. “They’re about 5 feet, this short and very tiny. They look like an elfling…”
Saw children’s clothing on a walk with you in a boutique, did not know they were for children and excitedly stated, “Oh look! I believe these would look lovely on you! They even have your colours.”
Do not be upset with him, he didn’t know that it was children’s clothing. Irmo only wished to share the moment of shopping with you. But worry not, he gathers the best seamstresses and tailors to fashion you the finest wear that looks nothing like children’s clothes.
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๋࣭ ⭑⚝ Námo
Has a smile on his face anytime you take the lead and walk in front of him, hence his reason for always telling you to lead the way. He’s a simple Vala, he wants to watch as you waddle like a duck with your short legs as you take him to Eru knows where.
Pretends to complain when you ‘borrow’ his robes because you missed him, but gushes mentally at the sight of how you’re drowning in his forever monochromatic black robes.
His viridian eyes were soft at the sight of you walking around, dragging his robes all over. The idea of complaining about getting them dirty has disappeared, and all he is thinking about is how you look like a penguin.
Your feet running across his halls are the equivalent of tiny pitter-patter and it’s how he can easily distinguish your presence; just listen for the tiny footsteps. But it never works out well when you’re among elves and lost in a crowd.
The first time you met his brother, Irmo mistook you for a child Námo adopted and congratulated his brother on softening up to the idea of children. To make matters worse, you played along—much to Námo’s annoyance—and clung to his arm, calling him ‘atar/daddy’.
Irmo was elated, you were dying of laughter and Námo was contemplating his life. He couldn’t believe this was the humour he signed up for the moment he fell in love with someone shorter than most individuals.
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๋࣭ ⭑⚝ Ulmo
Mistook you for the child wandering the shores the first time he saw you in the distance and scolded you for playing in the deep waters without parental supervision. That was until he learned you weren’t a child and your permanent height for a lifetime.
‘Pebble’ was the most suitable nickname he gifted you since pebbles were small and cute…like you. Plus, he brings you pebbles, seashells and pearls from the ocean floor as a token of affection.
Because you’re smaller, your strokes as you swim alongside him are slower, so he’ll call the seals, dolphins or whales to swim alongside you for assistance. You’re even allowed to ride them anytime you two are swimming out in the depths.
Since Ulmo’s true form is staggering, he opts to appear around the same height as you are anytime he has to walk the earth. His favourite place to have walks would be the beach obviously.
Hand holding while watching the sunset and he’s quietly staring at your short fingers holding his larger hand. He loves holding your hand to fawn over the size. He would even slip on a cute ring with a pearl one day.
Because Ulmo is known for having no resting place as he wanders the waters of the world, he enjoys visiting your home. It’s even better if you live near a lake for him to have easier access to seeing you frequently. Cue Ulmo marvels at how small your household items are as he picks them up.
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๋࣭ ⭑⚝ Oromë
Congratulations, you are the perfect size to sit on all of his creatures (and him) to ride through the forest with him. He cannot get over your tiny figure because he knows that you’re about the same size as an elfling and all his creatures are larger than you.
Roughhousing is a thing that occurs between you both and he gets caught up in the experience to forget how easily he can send you on a trip to Estë for healing…because it has happened multiple times.
Picks you up like a sack of potatoes and slings you over his shoulder when he has to carry you somewhere and you’re being troublesome, or he wants to randomly surprise you. You’re as light as a feather as he runs with you through the forest.
Swinging from his muscular arms anytime he flexes his muscles for you? Yes, yes you do, and he loves it. Fuels his ego to know that he’s strong and his lover can climb him like a tree. Clinging to his muscular physique and probably biting him? Yes, you do that he calls you a tiny beast who needs to be tamed.
Not the type to underestimate the size of a creature you can ride because of your size but is also cautious at the same time. Wanted to gift you a Shetland pony because you were small enough to ride one, but back out last minute knowing that he would receive an earful. Gave you a giant-sized tiger or dog as a companion.
You wear his pelts and pretend to act like him, attempting to wield his bow—sweetheart, you couldn’t even draw the strings—as though you were hunting.
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๋࣭ ⭑⚝ Tulkas
No different from Oromë and will playfight with you using the strength in his pinkie finger and you’d still have to bandage some body parts because accidents happen all the time. No worries though, he praises your injuries and makes you feel as though you fought a great battle with him.
He has no doubts, dismisses your strengths and associates them with your size having seen many great warriors display outstanding strengths and feats despite their size. Instead, he encourages you to take pride in your size and all the greatness you can accomplish.
You got a workout buddy, or rather he got a new dumbbell to lift or someone to sit on his back for push-ups. Your weight is inconsequential, but it doesn’t stop you from enjoying the fun in the moment.
Also picks you up like a sack of potatoes and carries you around the place, introducing you to all his close friends and elves. Anytime you need to speak ‘eye-level’ with him, instead of going to lengths to climb tables or a tree, he’ll kneel to your level.
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๋࣭ ⭑⚝ Melkor
Getting called dwarf, child, or both the first time you meet will result in him changing the names and calling you a critter if you attempt to attack him for calling you short. Probably ‘ankle biter’ might be your new name because he denoted that small things have the most rage.
You’re a ferocious ankle-biter in his eyes whose nerves he enjoys getting on because your responses are hilarious. It’s all in jest…or maybe not.
Nothing of his will ever fit you, that also means trying to wear his crown with the Silmarils. It’s currently sitting on your neck as we speak. All you can do is make versions of his outfits tailored to your size.
You’re smaller, so his hands can cover your entire face. Know what that means? Squish your cheeks as you speak to admire how soft and dough-like they are. “Hm, ankle biter, you have remarkably soft cheeks,” he says while squishing your face.
There’s nothing you can climb on to meet his height because he makes sure that there isn’t anything around. He wants you to break your neck looking up at him (bite his ankles and he’ll reach your height).
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๋࣭ ⭑⚝ Eönwë
“You’re like a hummingbird minus the speed,” he chuckled upon the first sight of your tiny figure. You were lucky he didn’t consider you a lost child who wandered before him in search of help because he was ready to call you ‘child’.
I have to say, Eӧnwё is the best person to try the same ‘daddy’ prank on when you’re walking through the streets of Valimar but clinging to him and acting like a child for the elves to fawn over how adorable the interaction is. There is always an elf who inquires for you to look them in the eye and say, “This is my atya!”
His avian side adores your tininess; and makes you all the more delicate and squishable. You are never again going to leave the nest…just joking, but his protective side goes up a notch because you are TINY.
I mean, he loses you in a crowd easily and you can’t even jump high enough to show your location. You can climb a table or chair but still have to get past the sea of heads before Eӧnwё spots you.
Gets you the smaller version of everything so you don’t have to struggle with holding the larger objects. He once watched as you climbed a chair as if it were a mountain or fought with a glass of wine because the glass was too big to hold.
At least going on flights doesn’t change whether you’re extra small or bigger. Visits in the morning and takes you to watch the sunrise over the mountain from a bird’s eye view.
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๋࣭ ⭑⚝ Tilion
Doesn’t matter if you’re tiny or tall, you still look the same from his view in the sky as he guides the moon. But he does melt at the sight of you looking up at the moon.
You are forever his ‘little deer’ even though you’re probably feisty and love to bite or nibble on his arms all the time. Similar to Oromë, carries you around like a sack of potatoes over his shoulder, but more for the fun of watching your short legs dangle.
Doesn’t alter the size of any furniture so he can observe your legs dangling over the edges and sway, or the size difference between you and the table designed for a nine-foot entity.
Roughhousing is a constant must-have between you both because he adores pinning your smaller body under his and making you fight back. Tilion just wants to watch you struggle and wiggle like a worm. Bite him.
Puts you to sleep on top of him because it is the safest option unless you want to be crushed under a giant nine-foot Maia, and you look like a tiny kitten curled up on his chest. The only thing he hasn’t done is pick you up by your scruff.
He’s such a tease when it comes to you both riding through the forest. Tilion will purposefully place you behind him so you can’t see a thing and then tease you about being too small. But it’s all in jest because he’ll have you ride an elk or reindeer or even a pony that was handpicked to match your size.
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๋࣭ ⭑⚝ Mairon
He also assumed you’re an ankle biter as well because he called you short and you were ready to attack. Please, do not release him from your tyranny because he will make fun of your height and pat your head or rest his arm atop your head when he’s resting. Again, bite him.
Complains about your short legs and how slow you are when you’re walking side-by-side but comes to you later to ask for assistance because some tool of his fell into a small hole and you’re tiny enough to get it.
Tells you that he’ll feed you to his wolves if you don’t stop clinging to him when in truth, he loves it. You’re small enough to not be a distraction as he moves about his forge or the fortress, but it’s just Mairon being a tsundere.
Doesn’t see you lying in his bed because his bed is huge and you’re extra small, so he almost lies atop your body. It’s turned into a staring match like how children stare you down without blinking.
Has a tendency to carry you around, for funsies, by holding onto your belt or grabbing the back of your clothes so you dangle as he powers through the corridors until he arrives at his Lord holding you like a briefcase.
Deep down, as much as he teases your size, he enjoys the differences. Watching you fight to lift an object made for his size or dress in his clothes—if you’re brave enough to try this—is entertaining.
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Taglist: @ranhanabi777 @lilmelily @mysticmoomin @rain-on-my-umbrella @asianbutnotjapanese @batsyforyou @mcwentfandomtraveling @involuntaryspasms @stormchaser819 @aconstructofamind @addaigio @lamemaster
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nevermindigotthis · 1 year
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Feanor was at home AU!
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mai-sau · 1 year
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The King & His Lieutenant
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silvergeek · 2 years
Sauron - Fast Facts
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Sauron was a highly gifted Maia. He was a student of Aulë and became skilled at crafting and making. He was named Mairon. Coveting the power through which he would coordinate all things according to his own will, he joined with Melkor. As one of the most powerful Maiar, Sauron was created by Ilúvatar before the Music of the Ainur.[1] At the beginning of Time, he was amongst the Ainur who entered into Eä.[2] Here he became one of the Maiar of Aulë, among whose people he was deemed mighty and surpassed only by the Smith himself,[2] and was known as Mairon.[3]
In the Second Age, under the guise of Annatar, he deceived the Elves of Eregion, who under his guidance had created the Rings of Power, whilst he secretly forged the One Ring in Mount Doom. Thus Sauron became "the Lord of the Rings". Failing to corrupt the Elves, he assaulted the Westlands, beginning a period called the Dark Years, the first time he became known as the Dark Lord. His influence corrupted the Númenóreans - leading to the destruction of Númenor - which led to Elendil founding the Realms in Exile of Arnor and Gondor. 
Mairon's virtue was his love for order, planning and coordination, disliking confusion and chaos. But his obsession with order gradually overshadowed his love for the other intelligent beings of Arda, who would benefit from his planning; it became the sole object of his will, the end in itself. He started admiring Melkor's power to realize his designs quickly and masterfully.
Sauron has commanded a great army of werewolves.
Sauron can turn into a werewolf
Sauron can turn into a vampire
"Sauron took on the form of a werewolf, the greatest the world had ever seen, and went towards the bridge. So great was the terror of his approach that even Huan momentarily recoiled. Sauron leaped to attack Lúthien, but she drew her magic veil over his eyes, afflicting him with fatigue and blindness. Then Huan sprang upon Sauron and there they fought. The force of Sauron's malice alone left Lúthien weak and nearly unconscious, and the fighting was brutal and prolonged; however, he could not subdue the hound of Valinor. He was trapped within Huan's jaws and could not break free, even when he took the form of a serpent and finally his own shape. Rather than leave his physical form, he yielded to Lúthien, giving her control of the isle in return for his release. He then took the form of a vampire and fled to Taur-nu-Fuin, filling the forest with horror.[10]"
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After the War of Wrath, with the downfall of Morgoth and the destruction of Thangorodrim, Sauron adopted a fair form and repented his evil deeds in fear of the wrath of the Valar. Eönwë ordered Sauron to return to Valinor in order to receive the judgement of Manwë. Sauron was not willing to suffer such humiliation, and he instead fled and hid himself in Middle-earth.[5]
Although Sauron long knew that Men were easier to sway, he sought to bring the Elves into his service, as they were far more powerful.[5] After lying hidden and increasing his power in secret, in S.A. 1200 Sauron put on a fair visage, calling himself Annatar, the Lord of Gifts, an emissary from the Valar. He was never welcome in Lindon as Elrond and Gil-galad did not trust him and refused to treat with him, although they did not perceive who he truly was.[5] Elsewhere Annatar was gladly received, especially in Eregion, where only Galadriel distrusted him. The Noldorin smiths there learned much from him in art and magic, as their thirst for knowledge was great.[13][11] Under the tutelage of Annatar and the leadership of Celebrimbor, grandson of Fëanor, the Gwaith-i-Mírdain, became more skilled than anyone save Fëanor himself. 
Believing he would dominate all of Middle-earth, Sauron assumed many glorious titles: King of Kings,[18] King of Men,[17] Lord of the Earth,[5] and even Lord of the World.[18]
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cilil · 9 months
Which of the Yandere!Valar would be worst for you to reject?
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𝓐𝓝 ~ Hmm... interesting question! I've given this some thought and decided to list a few of them plus the reasons why (hoping I understood what you meant correctly, as in which Valar would have the worst reactions - if not feel free to send another ask X))
𝓣𝓦𝓼 ~ Yandere, possessive and obsessive behavior, hints at violent behavior, emotional and psychological manipulation, unhealthy and abusive relationships
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ Melkor
Probably the most obvious answer. Melkor is particularly obsessive and possessive and doesn't take no for an answer, believing that no one has any right to deny He who arises in Might, the true King of Arda. His love can turn into hatred in a heartbeat, and he will do whatever it takes to claim you as his.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ Varda
The Queen of Stars and Lady of Light is not only revered, but also feared for a reason. She's used to being adored by everyone and admired as the most beautiful being in Eä, so your rejection would be incomprehensible to her. How could you possibly deny her? And what most people don't know about Varda is that her wrath burns just as bright and hot as her stars, and she can be very vindictive.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ Námo
Námo never forgets and has power over fate and death. What a grievous injustice you have committed by rejecting him... but he knows already it won't matter. Because in the end, once death claims you, your soul will fall into his grasp - for eternity if that's his verdict. Even if you aren't mortal, all it takes is a curse for death to eventually find you after all. You can't escape Námo, no matter how hard you try.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ Irmo
To reject Irmo would already be quite a feat, as the Master of Desire has countless tricks up his sleeve to woo you. But even if you do, he too (much like his brother) won't let you escape. Irmo will invade your dreams, twisting them to suit his purposes, and slowly drive you insane with dreams, visions and illusions until you yearn for the sweet relief of his embrace.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
tag list: @a-contemplation-upon-flowers @asianbutnotjapanese @a-world-of-whimsy-5 @bluezenzennie @edensrose @singleteapot @wandererindreams
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animatorweirdo · 1 year
Imagine being a pirate in Middle Earth
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(Anon I’m so sorry. From my lack of creativity, I made up dumb scenarios with quotes I cherry picked from youtube. I do have one serious so I hope you like this dumpster fire) 
Requested by Anonymous
Warnings: Pretty much none on the first part. Only Amrod is gonna have rough time. Most is jack sparrow like but the last one is Barbossa. 
-What happens when you pick up a washed-up pirate from a beach? Nothing good, especially if that pirate’s last name is Sparrow. The feanorians learned that the hard way with all the nonsense you caused when you woke up. 
*How you first met*
You: So, let me get this straight. You start murdering our kin, stole their boats, abandoned your other kin who helped you murder our other kin, then proceeded to burn to the boats which might had not burned your youngest brother alive? 
Maedhros: Uhm
You: Wow, and people tell me I’m stupid. Do you have any idea what you did when you burned those boats? 
Maedhros: I know it was wrong, but it was my father’s orders. 
You: Well, your father was an idiot because all the peaceful bonds and treaties you wished to have here on Middle Earth are not gonna happen because burning those ships marked you as the enemy of the Eldar and the sea. They’re protected by an honor code even we the pirates follow. So, what you technically did is that you told everyone you’re a bunch of orcs. 
Maedhros: … shit. 
You: Heh, how odd that we, the so-called foul pirates, have more honor than you. 
*You helping him and Fingon escape Angband with unimaginable means* 
Maedhros: This is either madness or brilliance
You: It's remarkable how often those two traits coincide
*You about his hand* 
You: Don’t be sad about it. You can now have a hook you can poke eyes with. Did you know there are sea creatures such as starfish that can grow their limbs back? 
Maedhros: …
*Maglor talking about something* 
You: You know, your singing is good as a siren’s. It’s gonna kill me if it doesn’t shut up. 
*When he’s having a rough time* 
You: Close your eyes and pretend it's a bad dream. That's how I get by. 
*While in Nargothrtond*
You: Elf, Your dog has more honor than you and knows how to be a gentleman, unlike you. Which reminds me?
You: *Kneel in front of Huan, holding his paw*
You: Would you like to join my crew, mate?
Huan: *Barks*
Celegorm: What? You can’t just ask my dog to be a pirate. 
You: And you can’t just force a princess to stay in the tower like a prisoner and force her to marry you, especially when she said no. 
Celegorm: …
*When the silmaril quest was over*
Celegorm: That didn’t end well. Hey, where’s Huan?!
You and Huan: * Standing on a ship. Huan wearing a hat and an eye patch, holding a knife in his mouth*
Huan: *Staring with a judgy look* Arhhhg
*When you kept him prisoner after attacking Luthien* 
Curufin: Hey, you can’t just leave me here tied up!
You:*walking away* You'll broke free moments ago. You have just been waiting for a chance to jump me. 
You: *Turning around to block his attack* 
You: See
*Talking about saving and stuff* 
You: If it ever came to that I would have to choose either you, your brother, or the dog. I'll take the dog. 
*When arguing something later and succeeding now* 
Caranthir: You actually were telling the truth. 
You: I do that quite a lot yet people are always surprised. 
*When Caranthir did something to the rum*
You: Why is the rum gone?!
*When saving Beren and Finrod* 
You: Me, I'm dishonest. And a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly, it's the honest ones you want to watch out for because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly ---stupid. 
*When you got a jar of dirt*
You: Look what I got. I got a jar of dirt! I got a jar of dirt and guess what's inside it!
*When you make an escape* 
You: "You'll always remember this is the day that you almost caught --- Captain (Name) Sparrow!" *Makes an epic escape* 
-He had jumped off into the sea when his family had set the boats on fire. He tried to scream for them to stop and tell them he was there, but they did not hear him. He had nowhere else to run, so he had to jump through the fire into the water. 
-He suffered terrible burns, which burned and stung harder than any blade. The pain was deep and agonizing, making it nearly impossible for him to stay on the surface, and when he tried to swim toward the land, the current suddenly swept him away. 
-He panicked when the land became more distant from his reach, and he didn’t have any energy to swim. 
-He was on the brink of drowning. He kicked his feet as hard as possible, but it only fastened his energy loss, and he was submerged under the water. 
-He thought it was the end for him as his lungs began to fill with water, making him feel even further pain before they became numb. 
-His mind nearly fell into darkness till he heard something heavy, and something suddenly yanked him out of the water. 
-He was thrown against a stern deck, and water gushed out of his lungs, making him cough and slough over the floor. His lungs gasped for air, and his mind awakened back to reality. 
-He was frightened when he saw his rescues. They were elves yet looked vicious and wore clothing no ordinary sailors wore during their journeys. It didn’t help when they sneered down on him, calling him a burned-wet rat and an orc. 
-He took a quick look around the ship, which was ten times bigger than the ships his family used to sail across the sea. The mast stood tall, carrying haunting black sails, and there were round metal constructs that looked like weapons of sorts. 
-His attention was brought back when his rescuers pushed him in a sneering tone. Amrod thought about all the stories he heard as an elfling about the sea and knew from them that he was dealing with pirates– real pirates. 
-They demanded to know if he was part of the burning of the swan ships since he possessed red hair. He didn’t dare the answer till they forcefully picked him up and took him to what seemed to be a captain’s cabin. 
-They pushed through the door, and there you sat, feeding a strange four feet creature with a long tail that screeched at him. 
-Your crew members talked about their suspicions about him to you, and you calmly listened and looked at him. 
-Amrod tried to hold up a calm face, but even though you were an elf, there was something strange and eerie about you. 
-You spoke softly to him, asking if he was hurting and if he would like to have a warm change of clothes. Amrod didn’t know how to answer– he felt reluctant even though the burns on his body were hurting. 
-You softly smiled at him and asked your crew members to bandage him up and give him dry clothes so you could have a proper discussion later. 
-Amrod felt hesitant, but when his wounds were treated and he got out of wet clothes and given time to rest, his body shut down from exhaustion. And he was glad just to have some rest even though he was on a pirate ship. 
-He felt odd the next time he woke up. The crew still treated him suspiciously, and when you invited him for dinner, he didn’t dare to refuse, so he accepted. 
-You spoke softly to him, letting him eat first. You apologized for the rough treatment and explained about the swan ships. 
-It was a prominent rule in the sea to never attack swan ships for they were considered neutral and were your kin. Attacking and burning swan-resembling ships will mark an orc or an enemy, so you stayed around when you saw several swan ships burning at the shore. 
-You discovered the heinous act was done by a group of elves, so you and your crew had been agitated by the news. 
-You asked if he knew about it, and Amrod hesitated, knowing what might come if he told you what he and his family had done to get the swan ships. He didn’t know why they were burned, but having heard such a sacred rule. He knew he wasn’t in a good situation. 
-Amrod decided to play ignorant, but he tensed when he saw you look at him strangely like you knew he wasn’t telling the truth. Your monkey only hissed at him. 
-You then started telling him a little story about you and your crew. How you sailed around the sea and resisted the orcs from the shore. How you found a treasure and how there was a curse of death and lies. 
-You told him how lying was a bad habit and how many end up as the victim of their own consequences before you offed him an apple. 
-Amrod acted out of his brashness, taking a knife and striking you in the chest. You staggered back, taking out the knife, looking unaffected. Amrod paled at his mistake and how you didn’t seem to bleed. 
-” I’m curious. After killing me, what was it that you planned on doing next?” You held the bloodied knife, looking at him with a sinister grin. 
-Amrod tried to leave, but when he got outside. He was faced with the crew, who looked like walking corpses, screeching at him and doing their chores under Tillion’s light. 
-He was struck with terror. He had never seen anything so horrifying in his life. He tried to hide, but even your monkey was a walking corpse, screeching out of his hiding place. 
-You grabbed him and made him look at your crew. 
-You explained to him the curse that made you undead and how the moonlight showed your true form before making him look at you. 
-You told him how long you have been unable to quench your thirst and starved yourself, unable to die. You told him how felt nothing and showed your arm, which turned dead and rotten under the moon. Amrod backed away in fright. 
-” You better start believing in ghost stories, little elf,” You said, showing your true form, which was a rotten skeleton. “You’re in one!” You said. 
-Amrod watched in horror when you opened a bottle of rum, drinking it which flowed through your bones and withered clothes. 
-Amrod ran inside, and you mashed the bottle while closing the door, laughing with your crew. Amrod was hiding in a corner, holding his knees and hoping the nightmare would end soon.
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