#Mentos Volcano
aruwithasketchbook · 10 months
I recently started playing Pokemon Brick Bronze again after it was rereleased
It's been a few years since I first played, but I'll never forget the love I held for the game, even if the only Pokemon I remember from my team are my Charizard and Absol
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lacinayc · 2 years
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Day 12 of peachtober is volcano,,, thinking of those fizzy drink/ mento experiments done in school
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yanderetalk · 4 months
Writing 3D Characters + Narcissistic Characters
I’ll lead with the example of narcissistic yanderes. These fellas are real interesting ones.
Oftentimes they’re made to be arrogant, which—is reasonable, given the definition of a narcissist is a person who has an inflated sense of self importance.
However, I said narcissistic. Meaning, relating to a narcissist, but not quite one. Which, gives us a reasonable amount of wiggle room that allows for a good character.
“Arrogant,” as a personality trait isn’t interesting. Oftentimes, just picking out one personality trait and branching off of that to create a character isn’t a good idea, because that’s how you end up with stereotypes.
See, most people think like this:
narcissistic -> arrogant -> selfish -> mean.
Or something along the lines of that. Then they give the character a role that suits those traits. In this situation, the most common one would be “rich white boy.” A bit crude, yes, but it’s the honest truth. That’s how people connect the dots in their head.
Characters shouldn’t be like that. Why? Because people themselves are hypocritical. We’re contradictory, in the most horrible and wonderful ways.
A character being narcissistic doesn’t mean that it makes them unable to make friends, or interact. A narcissist doesn’t have to be rude.
You can think that your thought process, your interests, your interpretations of things are superior to others, while still being able to function like an ordinary human being—on the outside.
You can have friends. You can be amused by them, you can like them, you can have a good time with them—but that doesn’t mean you care about them.
It’s easy to separate yourself from everyone else. Scarily so.
In a story, a character like that would start to crumble. They’d begin to spiral, and just wouldn’t be able to claw their way back out.
See? Conflict. Normalcy, that eventually deteriorates into something less sane. But for that deterioration to happen, there has to be a catalyst.
What if, that narcissistic character we’ve been hypothetically discussing this entire time, wants a partner? An equal? Just one person, who matches their “superior” intellect or thought process. Or, really, just someone similar to them.
What if they meet that someone?
But what if things don’t work out? What if that someone, goes off with another person instead?
That’s your catalyst. Like dropping Mentos into an active volcano.
Intriguing, isn’t it?
I think that’s a good chunk of my thoughts on this matter. If you have any thoughts or questions, let me know.
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blubushie · 6 months
Some days you just hit the wall and come to the dreadful realisation that something's got to give. There's too much built-up pressure, feels like a volcano, or maybe someone dropped a Mento into a bottle of fizz and the cap isn't screwed on all the way and something's got to give and it's either gonna be the situation or it's gonna be you.
And the worst part is you don't know which it's gonna be. And you bite and scramble and claw and do whatever you can to pull yourself out of a bad situation but you're a dog caught in a trap and I reckon them holes you put in your cabinet and wall are a sign that you're just gnawing at your own foot at this point. Can you even remember a time your mouth didn't taste like blood? Yours or someone else's?
I can't.
But hey. I'm young, and vital, and what can I do? Life is for the living. We get busy living or we get busy dying. And I never thought I'd see twenty-three. So best make the most of it, ay?
I'm gonna go live a few days. Fuck around and let nature reclaim me. Hopefully I come back with dirty clothes and clean hands.
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tomatoteddy · 1 year
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Curiosity ( the coke and mentos experiment ) killed the cat ( two miniatures who got a bit too curious )
The idea popped into my head and honestly it was too good of an opportunity not to draw. Nicky probably did it in science class and showed them the trick and they got a bit too curious and wondered what would happen if they jumped in a live coke volcano. Now they know
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rosebushstuff · 8 months
The Bitch With The Same Name As Me
Francis was sitting in class, bored out of his mind. He ran a hand through his slightly disheveled brown hair, which he hadn't combed because, well, he woke up 30 minutes before school started and he'd somehow rushed here in a not-so-good mood. So there he sat, in the classroom, staring at his desk. There was nothing particularly interesting about the greenish-blue colour of the wooden table, but Francis stared anyway, thinking about his history homework and how he really didn't give a shit about World War II.
Francis was starting to doze off, tired after a lot of work (if work means playing video games until 3 in the morning), when suddenly he heard a noise. He looked up and saw a blonde-haired man wearing blue-tinted sunglasses entering the room. It took him a second to realise it was PC Principal, and a slight bout of irritation flared up in his mind. After all, that was the guy who'd consider anything you said a microagression, and Francis thought of him to be nothing more than an annoying tryhard piece of shit. "What's the guy got to say this time?", he thought to himself.
The middle-aged man cleared his throat before going on. "Kids, you all should know that this weekend is the special-ed science fair. And, uh..." PC Principal flipped through a document before looking back up again. "Someone called Francis Myers has been selected to be one of the judges at the science fair. Is there a Francis Myers in this class?"
Francis, on hearing his name, jumped up. "Uhh, I'm Francis Myers." He said sheepishly.
"Alright then. Please show up at the venue of the science fair at 11:30 AM on Saturday, and don't be late." He said, before leaving the classroom, and leaving an extremely bummed out Francis behind.
Fucking bullshit...
On Saturday, Francis was at the science fair, waiting for it to begin. He felt...bored. Mind-numbingly bored. That was something Francis felt often, but now he was feeling it ten times worse than he usually did, when he suddenly saw somebody walking up to him. Francis blinked a few times and looked at the person.
It was a girl, with short red hair, and she was wearing a pristine-white lab coat. Her blue eyes met Francis's hazel green, and for the first time ever Francis felt his heart skip a beat. What the fuck?
"Hi." The girl said to him, and Francis snapped out of his slightly lovestruck daze. "Hey." He replied back in a tone he hoped was chill enough for the girl to think he was cool. "You're one of the judges at the science fair, right?"
"Yes...I am." He said, but he was distracted by how... cute she was. She has little freckles underneath her eyes, one of which was squinted, and she had red hair. Francis always had a thing for redheads, although he'd dated a few brunettes before, and the red complimented her face perfectly, but just as Francis was looking at her like a lost puppy, she said something again.
"What's your name?"
Francis had almost forgotten his name for a second because of the slight nervousness he felt but he went ahead anyway. "It's, uh, Francis. Yeah." He sputtered, and the girl giggles a little. "Oh, wow, my name's Francis too. Nice to meet you, Francis."
"... Nice to meet you too, Francis." He said, and the girl laughed again. Francis couldn't help but think her laugh was sweet.
Just then, the science fair began, and Francis went to judge the projects.
There were tons of them, ranging from an impressive machine that could use solar energy and convert it into battery to charge electric cars, to a piece of...burnt toast. Someone called Mimsy had submitted that, and Francis rated it a 1. Francis was starting to feel that sense of boredom again, when suddenly that pretty red-haired girl walked up and showed her project off. It was kind of basic - a Coke and Mentos volcano, and the two other judges rated it a 5, but seeing her bright, radiant smile as she explained her project was enough for Francis to rate her a 10.
Francis, (the red-haired girl, to be precise) beamed at her rating, but...she didn't win. Some kid called Jimmy did. She seemed slightly dissapointed, and Francis noticed that. He walked up to her and tried to break the ice.
"Uh...hey. You look kinda sad." He said. "Don't worry, there's always next time. I think your project is pretty cool."
"Really?" She perked up. "Thanks."
Francis decided to bite the bullet and ask her out. "So...uh...any plans later today?" He said, his eyes darting around the room nervously, but surprisingly..
"No, not really." She said. This was his chance!
"Wanna go to the movies with me later today?" He said. He'd have to use that extra ticket for Francis, making a mental note to apologise to Brimmy..."It's a Terrance and Phillip movie, so, I get if you don't want to-"
"Are you kidding? I love Terrance and Phillip! Of course I'll go!" She said. Francis noticed the slight blush on her face, and he smiled at her, and she smiled back.
Suddenly, she said something again. She tucked a strand of her bright red hair behind her ear before going on. "Uh... this is the first time a guy has asked me out before." She said.
"Really?" He tilted his head in curiosity. "You're a pretty girl. I wonder why." Francis's face became just as red as her hair. "You're way too nice, Francis." She half-whispered.
Maybe judging at the science fair wasn't that bad after all.
Wow, to be honest I didnt expect someone to make a fanfic based on one of my posts but thanks!
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henswilsons · 2 years
fuck it friday
thank u thank u to the besties for the tags @clusterbuck @gayhoediaz @eddiediass MWAH !!! (+ @rewritetheending @buckleysibs for the wip wednesday tags which i did not get around to!!) this is. well. good question really
The little boy’s name is Christopher, and he could probably talk for Team USA. He likes dinosaurs, model trains and Eragon; he has cerebral palsy, which is why he walks with crutches even in the dream world, but he can still surf and ride skateboards; and his dad Eddie is the coolest guy in the whole wide world, maybe even moreso than Bill Nye.
“But it’s very close,” Christopher tells Buck seriously, and Buck nods, because he’s realising if he’s probably dead it means this kid is, too, and somehow there was some universal mix-up that’s got him shelved here in purgatory too. If this is life after death, Buck’s at least gonna try make it accommodating. “My teacher showed us a video of Bill Nye making a volcano out of cola and Mentos.”
“That is cool,” Buck agrees.
“But my dad is a firefighter, which is the bravest job in the whole world, probably.”
“No way, me, too,” says Buck, and it’s worth it for the way Christopher gapes at him, in a way that has his glasses skewing a little on his nose as his mouth opens in awe. Maybe it’s a sign that this Eddie is a firefighter too, but Buck isn’t stuck with him: he’s got his kid instead. So it’s probably just coincidence. “But your dad is probably braver than me.”
He’s not the one who’s dead, after all. Christopher says agreeably, “Yeah, probably,” which at least makes Buck snort. “But that’s because he gets spiders out my room at night.”
tagging @trippedandfell @thatbuddie @mellaithwen @sibylsleaves @rewritetheending @hattalove @evcndiaz @burnthatbridge mwah !!
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ask-the-td-cast · 3 months
Geoff, what’s the craziest thing to have happened at one of your parties??
I’ve had alot of crazy stuff happen at my parties- and they were all crazy AWESOME. Like once, some guy chugged like, 3 bottles of soda then shoved 2 mentos in his mouth and almost became a human volcano. (he got really bad gas the next day though). - Geoff
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If you eat mentos and then drink cola, would you become a volcano?
just one way to find out!!!!!
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loopingpyre · 10 months
I don't remember my dreams. It never happens.
except for last night??? And it was so wierd....
Have a dream journal, i haven't done one of these before.
I ended up in a new saw film with a few other indeterminate people, and it was at a super market? There were still people there shopping, don't worry about it. The trap for myself was some sort of neck brace, that would stab and suffocate me to death after an alloted time. The other people had similar but different traps (i think one was like finger ties that you could dislodge but they'd rip fingers off so he refused) and there was some goal to complete over a length of time, I dont actually know what it was. But it was like a stamp rally where you had to grab knives by the blade???? Details.
It had the obligatory twist of it being some old woman being the culprit. She was a generic copycat villain which means the traps were rigged against us by jigsaw standards. She also had buttons in her purse to activate the traps manually, hidden in mentos packages? This was a reveal later.
Anyway, we all lost and died horribly to our traps, like a classical nightmare. It was terrifying. But luckily I woke up.
To make it even better is that I didn't even remember what happened! Except.
"I" did.
So, like some fucking visual novel, "I" had to somehow figure out a way to indirectly influence me to avoid getting killed. Sometimes "I" could leave a sticker or arrange a message that somehow lasted between runs, or "I" could alter certain movements like alien hand syndrome.
But we died a bunch because the game was rigged and every time it was terrifying! And even after "I" figured out a way to get the traps off lockpicking lawyer style, she'd fucking drugged us??? With poison? Activated by extra mentos package hidden buttons, I got to throw my stomach itself up and see it on the floor of a supermarket, oesophagus hanging out my mouth, whilst my everything was in intense high pitched pain????
Every time "I" came up with a new plan, some new bullshit would happen. I got buried alive in a fridge that filled with sand, gased and then set ablaze, shot whilst the culprit rode a motorcyle?
She went postal on us a couple of times and also killed so many cops (good for her). The supermarket was also inside a pyramid. Next to an active volcano. I guess don't worry about it. I didn't get to a proper ending either i just woke up for real later.
The wierdest fucking part was every reset, that I would genuinely not remember anything but "I" would also remember everything. I do not fucking know how to explain this feeling.
I've never had a dream where I did not only remember most of it upon waking up, but also a dream where I was so Lucid? Like I sort of knew it was a dream but that didn't change how terrifying death was or that things hurt.
So bizarre.
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lightwise · 1 year
If you are still doing the ask game, please tell me your thoughts on my boy Hardcase?
Hi my friend. Thank you so much for your patience in my answer to this! I hope I did your boy and his super cool armor/tattoos justice!
one aspect about them I love - As grim as the situations are that the clones are in on a regular basis, I love how much fun he has in the middle of a very dangerous battle, spinning around in the Umbaran starfighters or just getting to blow things up. And how unselfconscious he is (tripping on a vine, absolutely bombing multiple first attempts at flying the starfighters, not knowing how to do things but just plunging in anyway to find out through experience). He’s just very present to what’s going on around him while staying optimistic and lighthearted as best he can.
one aspect I wish more people understood about them - Even though he comes across as a bit flighty or irresponsible he’s extremely smart and perceptive. He knows when to pull back and listen to the opinions of those around him and has plenty of smart ideas on what to be doing as well. He takes the lead along with Jesse in getting help for Rex after he is injured on Saleucami, and is instrumental of course in helping Fives and Jesse steal the starfighter ships and win the battle on Umbara, even coming up with the lie to Krell on the spot that at least gives them some time to come up with a plan. And of course his guts and quick thinking save the day as he sacrifices himself to blow up the enemy base and save Fives and Jesse’s lives. Always one of the more gut wrenching clone sacrifices to me.    
one (or more) headcanon(s) I have about this character - Not sure I have any personal headcanons currently. I just really love the fact that just like Tech is confirmed autistic without them saying the word, Hardcase is confirmed hyperactive/ADHD without them outright naming it - “My growth tube had a leak. Made me hyperactive I guess.” Like they did not have to put that detail in there, he could have just been a slightly crazy, off the wall character who goes in guns blazing, but they grounded him and gave him a very legitimate reason for his habits and characterization. Love to see it. 
one character I love seeing them interact with - Fives. If I’m remembering right they first meet in the middle of the battle on Umbara. Both he and Fives are gutsy, loud, energetic, and independent thinkers, but in very different ways. Fives ends up looking calm and collected next to Hardcase, which is kind of funny, and we can really see his strategic thinking and arc trooper training come through as he is paired with Hardcase for several covert missions. They both get themselves into crazy plans not knowing if they will actually work (like infiltrating the Umbaran base by climbing a tree, and Fives is like “figure it out” but then admits after the fact that he had no idea if it would actually work.) Seeing their strengths and weaknesses as well as their mutual determination to win the battles they’re in would have been fascinating to explore beyond Umbara if Hardcase had survived–especially if he could have been involved with Tup and Fives finding out about the chips.
one character I wish they would interact with/interact with more - Would love to see him get to hang out with Hevy and Wrecker. The three of them would have an absolute blast getting to blow things up together (probably to the giant headaches of everyone else lol).  
one (or more) headcanon(s) I have that involve them and one other character - I could totally see the above three (Hevy, Hardcase, and Wrecker) running a science camp for kids where they teach them all about the physics of explosions and materials and hands on science fair projects (a good mentos in a coke bottle demonstration and baking soda volcanoes comes to mind).
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blue-nardo · 2 years
Alright guys, gals and nonbinary pals! As previous Five Time Champ it is my greatest honor and privilege to give to you our lineup for the Seventh Annual Lair Games!
This year's games are unlike any other, with each round something entirely new thanks your incredible game maker, moi! That's Spanish for Leo btw-
Round One: Pipe Goop Portal Chicken! Starting us off with a classic, my all time signature event from my time as a player, but with a special Hamato Leonardo twist: All competitors will balance over an open portal! The first person to flinch gets portalled to the other side of the Lair and has to find their way back before the next event, or they are immediately disqualified from Round Two!
Round Two: The Handstand Hill Bomb! Yet another classic to ease our way into things! Players must balance on their skateboards going down the ramp in a perfect handstand! First person to cross the finish line wins!
Round Three: Pie Darts Versus Portals! In celebration of Pi Day (yes Donnie I did make Pi themed events you're welcome) this is one of three Pie Themed events! Instead of our usual pizza darts, this year we'll be throwing slices of pie at our targets!
Round Four: Shell Shuffle! Somewhere hidden in the Lair is my awesome battle shell. First person to find the shell and bring it to me wins. But! Every fifteen seconds, I portal the shell to a new location!
Round Five: Dizzy Hopscotch! A new spin on the classic Dizzy Race, players will spin themselves in a chair, making themselves dizzy before completing a game of hopscotch and pressing the button!
Round Six: Fizzy Volcano! It's national scientist day, so let's do an experiment! Put a thing of Mentos in a giant bottle of soda, and the first person to drink their entire bottle wins!
Round Seven: Attack of the Killer Saxes! Hidden in the Lair are several pieces of five different saxophones and a jingle! Players must find and assemble their saxophones and play the jingle perfectly! First person to do this wins!
Round Eight: Pie Me Up Piebald! Introducing our other awesome sister, players will face off against Piebald for the chance to get their grubby hands on the the elusive Chocolate Silk Pie!
Round Nine: The Pie Eatening! A good old fashioned pie eating contest!
Round Ten: Glitter Pumpkin Break! Inspired by our previous watermelon competition, players must try to get the perfect split on five glitter filled pumpins! The only catch? No weapons allowed!
Round Eleven: Blind Love! Kind of like hide and seek, where all of the players are blindfolded and seeking out your favorite ex-ninja, me! First player to find me and give me a hug wins!
Round Twelve: Capture the Bandana! Our training game taken to a whole new level! It's a free for all on whose bandana can be snatched first! The last person standing with their mask wins!
Round Thirteen: Baja Beach Ball Blast! Instead of water balloons, why not use beach balls? Last person standing wins!
Round Fourteen: PUN-ishment! Featuring Not-So-Special Guest Baron Draxum! Who doesn't love a good old fashioned pun competition?? First person to come up with a witty quip that makes Draxum so much as chuckle wins!
Round Fifteen: Pineapple Balance! As a bitter reminder of that awful time everyone blamed me for sabotaging Donnie last year during Fridge Balance, this year we'll be balancing Pineapples instead! Whoever hits the floor last wins!
Round Sixteen: Finishing things off with our all time classic, Shell Bowling! Players will jump off from the top of the skateboard ramp and will try to score the perfect ten!
Good luck to all of our competitors: Donnie, Mikey, Raph, and newcomers Venus and Yuichi! I'll let our previous Champ Donnie make his speech, then I'm handing the commentary over to our girls April! Happy Lair Games and Happy Pi Day everybody!
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josiebelladonna · 1 year
okay, i officially hate art contests.
you know how yesterday i was saying that ai has cheapened art on pretty much every level possible? well, art contests play a role in that, too. probably a bigger role, tbh, and ai is merely writing its obituary.
i just think of all the contests i’ve ever entered, starting with the science fair in elementary school where my dad and i built a trebuchet together and we all thought that was going to be a slam dunk. our catapult lost out to your stereotypical volcano eruption of cola and mentos. A CATAPULT!
then there was an art contest in middle school, when i entered a cartoon in—i don’t remember what it was exactly but i had drawn a picture full of people in my cartoon style, fresh off the press from the winter before. i lost to the crappiest drawing you’ve ever seen, and i knew there was some favoritism going on there.
then there was soundgarden’s fan art contest in 2016. i entered a drawing of soundgarden themselves into it and i had absolutely no hope for it just from my past experiences. get this: it actually won… but no one on my facebook cared. i think one person liked it, but that was it (this was 2016, too, way before ai came about and ruined everything). the other girl who won got support out the nose. i also hated the prize, too, so figure i distanced myself from the whole thing. what, we put our hard work into this shit and you can’t even be bothered to do better than vinyl records?
then there was chalk on the walk the year before and in 2018. i drew a koi pond in 2015. got bupkis, not even a “thank you”. i drew chris with my heavy metal flowers in 2018. got a bunch of people stopping and taking pictures and asking me questions, but i didn’t even get an honorable mention. i don’t even know who won either year, i don’t even remember them.
i entered my beatles drawings into the state fair in 2018, all four of which i spent hours on. got nothing: i lost to the shittiest drawing of edgar allen poe i had ever seen in my entire life, and i wish i took a picture to show you guys because it really was that godawful.
now here we are with mermay. did all my stuff this year by hand and i’m starting to wonder what the hell is even the point now when it’s obvious they like the clean, digital, disney-ish stuff better. the month isn’t even done yet and i’m starting to feel like a complete idiot for even bothering with it. really, i feel genuinely embarrassed for even attempting it in the first place. i’m just gonna post the remaining ones and then just be done with it, i’m not gonna give a shit about the winners (plus, i’ve been on ig four years now and you’d think, logically, my account has grown by now. fuck me, right?)
i’m thinking of participating in a fashion one for edward gorey’s foundation later this year just to try something different but… now that i write this out, i really, really don’t know and i’m starting to regret even considering it. i have the worst track record with these things and my so-called family and so-called friends wouldn’t give a shit if my life depended on it. i can just see their reactions towards it, too, like “oh, great, here we go again… another contest, another forgone conclusion… get a real job, sweetie”. the people who claim to care about me don’t care at this point. they didn’t care in 2016, and they really don’t care now.
I don’t win contests. i never can, either, simply because of the whole unspoken act of favoritism. you put your heart and soul into a portrait of your dead friend or into four of the four lads from liverpool and you fucking lose to cheapness and amateurness in the worst way possible taken to its dumbest conclusion. they also shortchange artists, too, like the prizes for the chalk on the walk competitions were like gift cards. the soundgarden one had fucking vinyl, not meeting the guys or having a say in the art for the next album or anything awesome like that. just: “here. vinyl”. (worse, they didn’t even tell us what it was until after the fact, so yeah, figure i totally felt used and it left a bad taste in my mouth). because of this, they are very limiting. you can only get away with so much for the sake of the dumbest conclusion you can possibly think of.
art contests are complete bullshit. don’t bother with them if you respect yourself.
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skullkxd · 1 year
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“The cops lost my scent! I’m a free skull — I’m gonna make another mentos volcano and explode it at the station.”
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am-i-sans · 2 years
Last time we asked him to remove body parts it led to a diet coke and mentos skull volcano guys change the subject
maybe ill try hot sauce.
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vampirambling · 1 month
i just imagined morgana and anthony making a mentos and soda volcano i gotta draw that
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