#Meriadoc Brandybuck x reader
purplecola · 1 month
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princessofgondor · 22 days
the lord of the rings characters + cuddling with them 🩷
Characters Included: Boromir, Faramir, Aragorn, Arwen, Éowyn, Éomer, Legolas, Frodo, Sam, Pippin, Merry
I decided I wanted to try doing some LOTR preferences! This is my first time writing for all of these characters besides Boromir so I’m still getting a handle on them. If anyone has any requests for preference posts they’d like to see, please send them my way and I’ll see what I can do!!
Author has only seen the movies, so please forgive any mistakes/inaccuracies!
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Boromir is definitely pretty touch-starved, and after cuddling with you for the first time he’s very surprised how much he loves it. It becomes a common occurrence for the two of you, something he looks forward to — especially after a long day of training with his soldiers. He loves being the big spoon, and burying his face in your hair or your neck.
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Faramir is a big cuddler for sure. You don’t even need to ask — as soon as you rest your head on his shoulder (when you’re sitting together) or on his chest (when you’re laying down together), he’s got his arms wrapped around you, holding you close. He gives you a lot of forehead kisses when you’re cuddling together.
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Aragorn loves the moments where the two of you can just relax together, especially when things are getting stressful. He’s happy for the two of you to simply lay there in silence, holding each other, but if you need to talk about anything he’s always ready to listen.
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Arwen has an incredibly calming presence, and cuddling with her can improve your mood no matter how bad you were feeling beforehand. She holds you close, whispering comforting words in your ear and pressing gentle kisses to your face and lips every so often.
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Éowyn isn’t used to cuddling, but like Boromir she comes to really enjoy it. You make her feel peaceful and happy in a way that she’s never experienced before, and so she loves to be close to you as often as possible. She has a tendency to play with your hair, and she likes it when you do the same to her.
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At first, Éomer tries to look tough and doesn’t admit how much he likes cuddling with you. But each time, it becomes increasingly obvious how much he loves it. Similar to Éowyn, he likes it when you play with his hair.
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Legolas finds it adorable how much you love to cuddle with him, especially when you get cold. As an Elf he can’t feel the cold, but he can always tell that the temperature is dropping when you cuddle up to him. He’s perfectly happy to stay bundled up with you for as long as you need him there.
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Frodo loves when the two of you cuddle up while reading a book together, though sometimes he gets distracted from the words on the page because he’s looking at you. If this is after the main events of LOTR, I could see your presence/touch being able to help Frodo heal from his traumatic experiences, at least somewhat.
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Sam is incredibly affectionate, so he definitely loves cuddling. He’s a bit shy about it at first, getting a bit embarrassed and not knowing what he should be doing — like where should his arms/hands be? He doesn’t want to upset you or make you uncomfortable — but once he’s used to it, it’s his favourite thing in the world.
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Pippin absolutely loves cuddling with you and he doesn’t care who knows it. Honestly, if he could spend his entire life cuddled up with you and some snacks then he’d be the happiest Hobbit who ever lived. It doesn’t matter where you are, if you’re near each other he’ll want to either have his arms around you or be resting against you.
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I think that like Pippin, Merry loves cuddling, but he’s a little less likely to do it publicly. When it’s just the two of you however he loves nothing more than being close to you. He probably makes little jokes and lightly teases you for being so eager to cuddle with him, but it’s all very light-hearted and you know that he loves it too.
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luna-writes-stuff · 2 years
For the November writings: May I please suggest Merry (Lord of The Rings) x reader with the song “long story short” by Taylor Swift, please? Thank you so much! 🧡🌺🍄🍁
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live-laugh-legolas · 18 days
I really love your headcannons! Thanks for them! what do you think it's like to cuddle with a fellowship and how tactile they are in general, I would be grateful if it was in a romantic way, but if it's not difficult (if possible, then Gandalf should be too)
Cuddling with the fellowship
-He often has his hands on you in some way
-Either in your shoulder, waist, back, or holding your hand
-But he isn’t the biggest cuddler despite being a touchy guy
-I think he worries he won’t be able to get up fast enough to protect you
-However he does sleep best when you are wrapped up in his arms
-He likes to lay his head in your lap
-Or with your head on his chest
-He subconsciously gives little massages while cuddling
-Does the thumb rub thing
-Once he figures out cuddling and physical affection he will always initiate it
-He will always come up and hug you from behind
-He finds comfort in it that he didn’t expect since elves aren’t really physically affectionate
-He likes to be big spoon and will hold your hand while you are wrapped safely in his arms
-He burrows his face into your hair or between your shoulder blades
-Sometimes he so close that he snores because his nose is pressed against your back (listen Ik elves don’t really sleep or whatever but let me have this)
-He will give you top of the head kisses randomly while you lay on his chest
-Just in general he does this; walking past you, you get a head kiss
-Pippin asks for one too; he says he feels left out
-Big time cuddler
-Dwarves are pretty big on physical touch
-Maybe cuddling isn’t necessary seen as platonic to dwarves; but wanting to be close in general can be
-However with a significant other this man is the biggest teddy bear
-He likes to face you when cuddling so he can see your pretty face
-Your very own personal heater/fur blanket
-Side note but maybe this is why Legolas likes him so much. I mean Legolas is kinda cat like and cats gravitate towards the warmest people to lay on
-He gets “grumpy” if you won’t cuddle with him
-Will pout until you give in despite being absolutely covered in dirt and you wanted to shower first
-He’s a little awkward about physical touch at first
-He’s a bit touch starved
-I can’t help but picture him as Arthur from the show Merlin in this scene
-It’s not so much that he doesn’t understand gentle physical touch; he is a gentle man; but he doesn’t experience it much so it’s a little foreign to him
-But once he is comfortable with you he will branch out and try initiating cuddles
-Will copy the way you initiate cuddles or any physical touch
-This man is lovely to cuddle btw
-You always feel very safe with him and he makes for a good pillow
-I headcanon that he has great tits; perfect chest to bury your face in
-He also talks a lot while cuddling; like he is just so happy to be with you that his giddiness comes out in random rambles
-He’s a nuzzler
-He does the little head rub on whatever he is using as a pillow when he first settles down
-Kinda like a dog spinning in circles before laying down
-If you fall asleep cuddled up just know that you will not wake up that way
-Someone is on the floor or you’ve swapped sides of the bed
-It looks like you guys were catapulted into the bed and that’s just how you landed
-Nose kisses
-He loves to have “cuddle talks”
-Telling you about his day while you fiddle with his hair
-He’s a very intimate cuddler; likes to look into your eyes and profess his love as if it’s the first time even though he just did it yesterday too
-Not big on PDA though
-Cuddles are personal and private
-He’s not embarrassed or anything; it just feels like something too intimate for public eyes
-He likes cuddling but in moderation
-I imagine he could get a bit claustrophobic
-Not that he doesn’t enjoy your cuddles; he just gets overwhelmed with smothering ones sometimes
-Doesn’t like being little spoon for this reason (same tho)
-I think one of his favorite positions to cuddle is with one of you sitting with your back against the others chest
-He does not care if he can’t see past you, he’s your backrest and he takes that job very seriously
-The biggest cuddle bug
-He is always touching someone; bumping shoulders, invading personal space, etc
-He finds comfort in being close to others and he’s not afraid to let it be known
-Spontaneous cuddle attacks
-Lots of giggles and nose boops
-If you are in bed he will “Dutch oven” you
-Gross ik
-However when his energy is worn for the day and he has gotten his playful cuddles out of the way he is the perfect teddy bear
-I mean seriously hobbits are the perfect little spoon size
-In those moments he does just enjoy the quiet and listening to your breathing as you fall asleep
-Not big on cuddling
-More of the type to sit/lay where you are touching in some way but not engulfed with each other
-Maybe sitting across from eachother with your legs intertwined
-He does give the best hugs though
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autistook · 6 months
DAISIES | masterpost
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💛 Chapter 1 💛 Chapter 11
💛 Chapter 2 💛 Chapter 12
💛 Chapter 3 💛 Chapter 13
💛 Chapter 4 💛 Chapter 14
💛 Chapter 5 💛 Chapter 15
💛 Chapter 6 💛 Chapter 16
💛 Chapter 7 💛 Chapter 17
💛 Chapter 8 💛 Chapter 18
💛 Chapter 9 💛 Chapter 19
💛 Chapter 10 💛 Chapter 20
Plot summary: Merry and you have been best friends for ages. Something slowly starts to change between you two. You start seeing him in a completely new light.
Also on AO3
《 AN: 'Daisies' changes some things from canon, Frodo having a sister (reader) and other things, including the distances between Hobbiton and Tuckborough or Buckland (canonically about 2 days by walking, hours with horses. In daisies however, all a few hours away by walking.) 》
While the start of the story is set before/at the start of the Fellowship of the Ring, the story will progress to the events of the trilogy. The events will sometimes differ just a little from canon and will also shift between book/movie events. Not everything is going to be 100% lore accurate, and I am sorry about that in advance.
《 Status: Getting closer to the end, but at least a few more chapters to go! 》
Pairing: Merry Brandybuck x fem!hobbit!reader / soft oc
《 Keyword: Slow burning romance 》
Trigger warnings and genres: At the start of every chapter, some mature themes
《 Reader/oc character: taken in/adopted by Bilbo Baggins as a small girl, after her parents died by drowning. Reader was given the last name Baggins after this. Reader is awfully afraid of water. Best friends with Merry and Pippin for years. Still lives in Bag End with Frodo, an older brother to her, even though not related by blood. A creative, slightly insecure personality, with a good sense of humor and a temper every now and then. Caring, adventurous and has child-like enthusiasm. Straight forward with words most of the time, but when crushing she becomes more awkward. 》
《 If you want to be added on a taglist for this fic, just let me know! 💛 》
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fun-k-board · 1 year
Lord Of The Rings With a Platonic, Child Reader From Our World
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Characters included : Frodo Baggins, Legolas, Samwise Gamgee, Peregrin ' Pippin ' Took and Meriadoc ' Merry ' Brandybuck
Note(s) : They don't have the time to turn around, so you sort of get roped into joining them, at least until they find a place for you to stay.
Also, in this the reader knows about the Jackson movies but never really paid attention to them, and they haven't read the books.
Frodo Baggins
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Ah, yes, Frodo. Resident ring bearer and anxiety magnet. He was quick to defend you if any suspicion arouse of your random arrival, you're a human and can't even reach his height, the Hobbit that can't reach an elves or humans chest, so, you must be incredibly young. Because of this, Frodo can't help but want to help you, especially on the quest.
He's very sweet and caring with you and makes sure you get enough rest. Frodo can't exactly carry you, so if you get too tired to walk the most he can do is hold your hand and guide you along. Despite that, he helps in other ways.
Like how he's always giving you extra food and maybe even a spare coat or blanket that's laying around, he makes sure you get enough sleep even if it means he gets less. Given he's the most important part of this mission to destroy the ring, he's usually a bit babied and overprotected, not so much that's it's immediately noticeable, but it's there.
So, he understands how annoyed you can get when it happens with you, though he definetly thinks your situations are different considering he's technically an adult and you aren't even close to being one.
Frodo isn't too sure how to help you when it comes to you being afraid, or angry, or even just in a state of depression about your situation. He doesn't exactly realise how strange and overwhelming it must be for you, until or if you begin to start wearing down mentally. His solution is to try and read you stories, no, he didn't exactly bring any books with him, but he has certain books memorised.
It may help, it may not, but the thought is what counts, and he is trying to help you the best he can with the unfortunate situation he's in.
If you ever claim to know him or the fellowships story, maybe Bilbo's, or even accidently letting in on events to follow, he's stunned. At first given the fact you claimed to be from a land nobody, not even Gandalf, has heard of, the strange reactions you had to their foods and way of life, among many, many other things, he became convinced you weren't human. That, or you were from a different time, the future specifically, he'd never fully believe it or bring it up, but it's always a sneaking suspicion you aren't what you claim.
When it comes time to leave you at a safe village, you're clearly unhappy, wanting nothing more than to stay with the Hobbit who helped you through your toughest hours. Yet, he understands you mustn't come with him, it's far too dangerous for you. And so, he leaves, leaving you heartbroken.
When he eventually returns, the ring destroyed, Middle Earth saved, he can't help but feel empty. His time spent with you becomes short lived, a few months at most, before he decides to move on, leaving you alone again, I suppose it makes leaving Middle Earth to return home easier, but all the more bitter.
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Legolas understood how weak humans are compared to his kind, and to see a human child so alone made his heart break. He couldn't help but become your protector, especially when you seemingly had no idea how to function in this world. Sometimes, if you're too tired and the rest of the group isn't, he'll pick you up, it can make you feel a little weak, but he assures you it's just because you're young. He'd treat any other child the same.
I think he may be one of the few to actually understand in part what you mean when you say you aren't 'from here'. He won't clock in immediately, but after seeing just how different you viewed life and just everything in general, how you can't do the most basic of tasks without some help, or how you looked at him with such familiarity, there's just a lot he notices that makes him raise a brow.
If you tell him, Legolas may believe your making it up, you're a kid after all, one that's going through a lot. But, after realising you're dead serious he wracks his brain trying to remember if anybody has ever mentioned something like this happening. He wants to try and help you go home, and plans to bring you home with him so he can find a solution somewhere. And if he can't find one? He wants to help you find peace in your predicament as long as you stay there.
When it comes time to leave you at a safe haven, he is sad to leave you behind, you're a little friend, after all. But, he understands it must be done, and explains to you exactly that, which makes the ending a bit more sweet than bitter.
Eventually, he does return, and meets with you once more, he understands that in a blink of his lifetime you'll be dead, but, that doesn't stop him from being your closest ally during all of this. However, you do need to return to Earth. He finds himself mourning you far sooner than he expected.
Samwise Gamgee
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Sam becomes a literal dad, you're a random human kid in this traumatic journey to destroy one of the most dangerous items in the entirety of middle Earth, and you claim to have no idea where you are. He's giving you extra food, holding your hand and picking you up, if you get too cold or scared in the night he'll try hugging you for a while and telling you stories of misadventures in the Shire. As plain as they may seem compared to a journey to destroy the most dangerous object in the entirety of Middle Earth.
If you're sad, the most he can do is offer comfort in the way of cuddling, or a story, sometimes he even has to ask Gandalf for help because he's just so lost. Anger is something he can deal with a little better, he holds your hand and tells you why you should be angry, but you shouldn't keep it bottled or use it unfairly against others.
I think at first Sam would just believe you come from a strange human place, and that's why your behaviour is so off. That's until he notices some things, when asked about things he'd consider basic knowledge, you are completely blank, sure, maybe you know what an elf is, but after that you sort of just stare at him confused at what he's talking about. You even believed him to be a dwarf at first!
He asks Boromir and Aragorn if they know any human places that you're talking about, neither know, so he's even more perplexed at what on middle earth you're talking about. He begins to believe you're making it up, he's not condescending like most adults, and he pretends that he understands if to give you some peace of mind, but all it does is make you more frustrated and scared. You just want to go home.
Your short time as friends comes to an end, he must leave further on in the journey, and you must stay behind, you both understand, well, he does and you partly do, all you can do is wait for the ring to be destroyed.
Sam returns, and he takes you back to the Shire with him, where he introduces you to everybody, you're almost like a child to him, but then you leave to go back to Earth. He can't stop his heart from breaking, even more so when Frodo leaves.
Meriadoc 'Merry' Brandybuck and Peregrin 'Pippin' Took
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The fact you're incredibly young, found yourself in a traumatic and confusing situation, let's not even mention the fact there's little people with gigantic hariy feet and no shoes, you'll probably try and cope. Whether that's with humor or shutting down, Pippin and Merry are a package deal, no matter if you like them or not, a young and confused presence egnites their curiosity.
Besides, Gandalf specifically told them to not be overbearing and or overwhelm you, so what does Pippin, master of disappointing and angering the grey wizard do? That's right, he becomes overwhelming. And Merry, master of attempting to one up his dear friend, does the exact same.
How they do this depends on your mood, if you're depressed and very shy they'll try cheering you up, asking questions about your home, if that makes it worse? They begin acting even more childish than usual to make you laugh, to the literal pain and torture of Gandalf. But if you're trying to cope with humour, they are more so just tagging along, making jokes that distract you from your pain.
Neither will clock in that you're from an unfamiliar world, sure, you're weird, but so are they. Both assume your strange actions are simply just a result of you being a human, do Boromir or Aragorn act the same? No, but you're a human kid so, that probably factors in somehow.
Both laugh you off if you try to explain the truth, they don't believe you, and reduce it to a good story that they can give to Frodo to write about. You may get angry, sad, or just decide to go with it, neither really notice that you're not lying until someone else points out how dumb that idea is.
When it finally comes time to drop you off, you want to stay with the two, because while they're in part strangers and this is a strange land, they're at least familiar, unlike the place they're basically abandoning you at. Pippin and Merry feel the same, and so sneak you with them.
The situation may become dire, and you probably get incredibly unhealthy and sickly in your time with them, but when it's all over, you feel like you've gained two older brothers. Which will make it so much more painful when you have to say goodbye.
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sotwk · 3 months
Open Door for the WIP game please!
[Tag List Game]
About: "Open Door"
Oof! This WIP has been sitting in my drafts forever! It started with a trope challenge, and the prompt was "Locked in a Room Together". Originally, it was supposed to be a Legolas x Reader fic, until I realized that dashing Boromir would be the better option for the scenario. :)
It's a "first meeting/chance meeting" situation, set in Rivendell in the month between the Council of Elrond and the Fellowship's departure. It also includes a supporting appearance by two wascally wabbits Hobbits, and this would mark the very first time I'm writing them into a fic! Here is that snippet:
Your Dunedain friend had also reminded you that Hobbits were very quiet in their movements--when they chose to be. Fortunately, the copious amount of wine both Masters Meriadoc and Peregrin consumed at dinner was taking obvious effect. For all the natural speed and energy they retained, you could hear their echoing laughter and babble preceding them as they scampered through the dimly lit passageways, checking every shadowy corner and peering inside every room with an unlocked door.  As you paused to catch your breath, you bent over to massage your right ankle, which you had come dangerously close to twisting earlier on a broken pavestone. You perched on the base of a nearby marble statue and yanked off the satin slippers that had pinched your toes as you stood for most of the evening. They slowed you down even worse than your formal dress and for a moment you contemplated running barefoot for the rest of the game. With most of Lord Elrond’s visitors turned in for the night, would anyone be around to witness or care about one woman’s impropriety?   After what felt like just a few seconds of rest, you startled at the sound of hissing voices rising from the landing below.  “Keep it down, Pip! You’re wheezing like a firework fuse!” “It’s your troll shuffle that’ll give us away! Lift your fat heels, why don’t you!”
No dashing Captain of the White Tower yet, but hopefully this can also make you smile. :) You can probably tell where it's headed.
Whether or not this silly, fluffy one-shot ever gets completed, I honestly don't know. But you know me--I'll keep trying! Especially since it received the most Asks in this round of the WIP Title Game!
Tagging the others who asked: @softboiledwonderland @scyllas-revenge and Anon friend -- thank you so much! :)
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ar3-y0u-l0st · 26 days
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Requests: Open / Closed
"One Ring to rule them all. One Ring to find them. One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them."
Feather & Stone - Feather & Stone II - Feather & Stone III
(*) Will not, under any circumstances, write smut
(**) If you're into them then I won't deprive you ig
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danger-xylophones · 2 years
Tease (Meriadoc Brandybuck x reader)
Disclaimer, I wrote this in 2017. This is five years old and comes from my old quotev account but I'm moving it here cause I can
Warnings: she/her, reader is referred to as a woman, reader is wearing a dress
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The shire was alive and well on this delightful evening. The night was filled with music, laughter, and joy all around as every hobbit in the shire was gathered together in one spot for a very special occasion. 
    It was Bilbo Baggins’s eleventy-first birthday. Quite the admirable age for a hobbit. The old fellow was strange indeed. He went gallivanting off with an entire company of dwarves at the ripe age of fifty and didn’t come back for thirteen months. He was thought dead so all of his possessions were auctioned off as he had no last will and testament. In the middle of the auction though, the fellow appeared, bothered and flustered and carrying several strange, foreign objects with him. Once he got settled back into his  hole at Bag-End, the old hobbit spoke of faraway lands filled with elves, dwarves, and men. He told the story of a great battle against herds of orcs and of the slaying of a great fire breathing beast, the slaying of Smaug the Terrible. He told these stories to the young hobbits as they grew, you being among those that listened intently, and they had stuck with you and just about every other hobbit to this day. 
    So now, whether or not you liked the old odd fellow would have been irrelevant as everyone still flocked to his hobbit hole at the prospect of free food and drink. You, for one, were there in the hopes of catching a dance with a certain young gentle-hobbit. 
    You had helped prepare for this party all day, running last minute errands, cooking, and stitching up Bilbo Baggins’s old wine red waist coat for him, while your brother had busily set to work on the grounds, ensuring they would be the envy of all. After working all day, it was good to enjoy your work for the night. Thus, you danced along to a light hearted jig with a random hobbit fellow close to your age, laughing and smiling at the joy all around you. The tempo and melody was infectious and your dress was so alluring that you had hardly been at a loss for company all night, however you only wanted the company of one hobbit in particular. As the last chords played and the band finished with a yell, you curtseyed to your random partner, who took your hand and pressed a gentle kiss to the back of it,  and dismissed yourself from dancing. You were now, once agin I might add, looking for that certain fellow I keep mentioning. 
    Your (e/c) orbs turned in their sockets as you surveyed the large assembly of hobbits. But alas, this search yielded no news of your quarry. You huffed annoyedly. 
    “Where could that silly boy be?” You tapped your foot in frustration whilst crossing your arms like a stubborn child. Seeing no point in simply standing on the dance area, you located your brother in the throng of full and drunk hobbits. A mop of curly blonde hair was your indicator for where Samwise was, seated alone with his face in a mug of ale. You rolled your eyes before crossing towards the elder Gamgee child, being mindful of the other guests. 
    “This is one of the biggest parties we’ve ever been invited to and he chooses to spend it with his face in a mug of ale instead of going after Ms. Rosie Cotton. I’d like to not be the only parent this genera-hey!” While you were muttering to yourself, you were unaware of another hobbit sneaking up behind you until he had yanked you backwards. You were sent stumbling into the chest of whomever decided that move was a good idea. 
    “Excuse me, this is NOT how you ask a lady to dance, si-Frodo!” You shrieked out in shock as you looked up at your captor who was busily laughing as he yanked you into a new uplifting, dance. Frodo Baggins was your best friend (aside from Sam) and “wingman” in most cases. And, he was the only one who would dare to startle you like this.
    “I’m sorry, (Y/n), but it was too funny!” The young hobbit laughed more causing you to roll your eyes again as you danced with him. The blue eyed male twirled you around while the other hobbits clapped and yelled in joy and merriment. When you returned to him, he started up a conversation.
    “Tell me, (Y/n). I watched as you danced happily with just about every other eligible man here, willingly at that, then suddenly I turn to find you scowling and looking as though someone had destroyed your brother’s gardening tools. What happened?” You sighed but danced along with the young Baggins. An idea came to you suddenly.
    “I have been enjoying myself all evening, despite not being able to locate a certain someone,” out of the corner of your eye, you saw Frodo smirk mischievously with a knowing look. “But, my brother has not. Look!” You pointed as Samwise Gamgee stood, cast a longing glance at Miss Rosie Cotton dancing nearby, then took off in the direction of the ale. Frodo groaned as he watched the spectacle and you made a gesture as if to say ‘you see what I mean?’ .
    “Before you pulled me into another dance, I was heading over to speak to him and get him to go after Rosie. He’s done nothing but pine after her for months and it is maddening!” You joined hands with Frodo as you began partner dancing, in order to allow for easy conversation. Frodo nodded along.
    “You’ve done the same as him though.” You glared up at the taller hobbit, stating that you at least intended to do something about your attraction tonight. Frodo smirked wider with a hint of pride at that and went back to your brother. “But, his is a worse case. It’s so very evident Rosie returns his feelings, Sam is too shy to ask her to court him though. Perhaps, we could do something to help them out?” Frodo looked to you as the song ended. He bowed and you curtseyed to him out of sheer politeness. Frodo and yourself continued to talk though as the band struck up another song, concocting a plan to get Sam and Rosie in close quarters for the night. With a plan hatched, the two of you made your way to Samwise. Frodo sat down on Sam’s left, facing the party, while you took the spot on his right, clasping your hands together on the table. 
    While Frodo quickly chatted with Sam, you stole your brother’s mug and drained the ale as quickly as you could without being too obvious about it. You sat the mug down with a light ‘tink’, causing Sam to look down at it and Frodo to wink at you.
    “Ah think I’ll jus’ have ano’her ale.” Sam said whilst lightly glaring at you. All you did was scrunch up your nose and stick your tongue out in return. As the blonde hobbit went to stand and head off, you and Frodo caught his arms and spun him into the arms of Rosie Cotton who gladly started to dance with your older brother. You giggled behind your hand as Frodo laughed with you. You laughed out a ‘thank you’ and finally asked the ravenette where he had last seen Meriadoc Brandybuck. With a smirk and a teasing comment about being sure to invite him to the wedding, Frodo Baggins pointed you to your next search area. You bobbed and weaved between carts, tents, and pavilions as Gandalf sent off more firworks. At each one, you came up short.  You padded past Gandalf’s firework cart for the third time before finally deciding to just sit and wait for Merry, and most likely Pippin too, to show themselves. You took a seat at a small table somewhat off by itself, where you sipped at your own ale and laughed as you watched Sam and Rosie twirl around. Suddenly, you heard a loud bang and the sound of a firework scream as it was launched high into the air. You turned to the sound and watched as a red explosion occurred in the sky.
    Many of the gathered hobbits clapped at the display, you simply smiled, until the red lights morphed and took shape. It’s shape was that of a dragon. Your eyes widened in shock when the great display of pyrotechnics turned and came barreling towards yourself and the other party goers. You yelled in fright like many others and bolted out of your chair, immediately hitting the ground to avoid the burning display. As the great firework dragon swooped past, it seemed to light the air around it on fire as it continued forward. You looked up to watch its tail wisk past you and you caught a glimpse of Bilbo and Frodo mimicking your actions by hitting the ground. 
    But just as quick as it passed over head, the dragon soon swooped back into the sky where it then exploded several times and rained down red sparkles. You breathed a sigh of relief while sitting up as the other hobbits clapped and cheered once again. Now that the “danger” had passed, you burst out in a smile and began to laugh as you got to your feet, dusting the dirt off of your skirt. As your guffaws subsided, your lips were drawn into a smirk. You caught sight of Gandalf making for one of the spots where a tent had been previously near his cart and it all clicked with you. You allowed Gandalf a few minutes by capering towards where you had last seen Bilbo and Frodo. The latter was helping his uncle to his feet when you arrived and you quickly went to the other side of the elder hobbit to assist in stabilizing him.
    “Oh-thank you, my dear!” Bilbo patted your forearm in appreciation and it was at that same moment that Frodo and you made eye contact. The blue eyed hobbit took in your smug expression, mimicking it with one of his own before asking,
    “Merry and Pippin?” He questioned in reference to the firework dragon. You nodded, your smirk morphing into a bemused smile.
    “Merry and Pippin.” You stated while gesturing with your head in the direction Gandalf had disappeared. Frodo shook his head, causing his curls to swish around erratically, before waving you off with his free hand, the other was still clapped on Bilbo’s shoulder. You giggled mirthfully and made your way back to the tents and pavilions, grabbing an apple along the way. Oh, you were going to have fun with this! 
    You paused beside Gandalf’s cart, thinking for a moment on where he would’ve sent the two trouble makers. With a snap of your fingers and another bite from your apple, you took off towards the tent for the dishes. You peeked around the fabric to spot Merry and Pippin begrudgingly but diligently working on cleaning the plates, bowls, forks, saucers, and everything in between that had been used up till now. Gandalf sat nearby, smoking his pipe whilst monitoring the two cousins. The gray wizard shifted his gaze from them for a brief moment as he blew smoke out of the corners of his mouth. He locked eyes with you and you sent him a small wave in return. Gandalf dipped his head in greeting, a smile forming at the edges of his lips, before looking at Merry then back to you, the same knowing look in his eyes that Frodo had earlier. Eru’s sake! Did everyone know? Your own brother hadn’t even caught on! The only people you had told were Frodo and Bilbo. Actually, the only person you had told was Frodo, Bilbo had been eavesdropping. When the older hobbit heard, he came charging out of his study, placed a firm hand on your shoulder, and wished you the best of luck. It was an odd thing to say, but you supposed you would need all the luck in the world when it came to the troublemaking Brandybuck. 
    You took in the singed look on Meriadoc, having to hold in your giggles at the sight of his lovely golden yellow locks standing on end and the soot covering his face. The black powder was even all over his waistcoat! That was a shame, you had been rather fond of that one, it was lovely and fun. Something you felt complimented his personality well. But it still gave him a distinguished and neat look, which you thought reflected the other side of Merry. You drew your lips together in discontent at the state of the waistcoat but brushed it aside and subconsciously licked your lips as butterflies began to take flight in your stomach. You ducked back behind the cloth and whispered a little pep talk to yourself.
    “Breathe, (Y/n). You can do it. Just, be natural but fun and alluring and mysterious and playful and-this isn’t helping me.” You shook your head, and took another bite from your apple as you emerged from the other side of the tent and strolled into Pippin and Merry’s line of sight. 
    “Hello!” You chirped in a perky voice to catch their attention. Pippin responded with a dejected ‘hi’, continuing to scrub the plate he was working on. Merry paused in rinsing the dishes of soap to take in your appearance. His eyes trailed up from the bottom of the (f/c) dress you were wearing to your face before his lovely blue eyes locked with your own and his jaw went slack. The young Brandybuck was at a loss for words, you were stunning. Of course, he thought you looked stunning whenever he saw you, but there was something new about you tonight that really made it feel like the only word to describe you. 
    You stood poised for a greeting from the second hobbit but received none. You began to fidget as all Merry could do was stare. Under his gaze, you began to feel nervous. Pippin looked between your increasingly anxious form and the awe-struck Merry before elbowing his cousin in the side, causing him to huff as air was forced out of his lungs. Despite the jab in the side stealing even more of his breath away, it did the trick to get Merry to talk.
    “(Y-Y/n)! Hi, uh, hello! You, ahem,” he cleared his throat before trying to continue. “You look...gorgeous!” Beneath the soot and powder, the Brandybuck began to blush and was suddenly very self aware of the state he was in. He felt as though he looked like a beggar before a queen. Merry looked at your face to gauge your reaction and was pleasantly surprised (and more than a little delighted) to find that you had a bright red blush painted across your cheeks and a small bashful smile you were attempting to hide playing on your lips. Those bright red, beautiful, soft looking, kissable lips...He shook his head to clear the, less then appropriate, thoughts from it. A lovely rouge color now flooded his face. Merry glanced down at his attire once more, taking in the unruly look that now adorned him and cringing as the weight of his actions tonight hit him. He had wanted to ask you to dance, woo you and sweep you off your feet before showering you in attention. When he was sure you would have been completely enamored by him and his charms, he was going to offer you the little ring he had picked out to ask you to court him-then he would have gone and messed with the fireworks. But no, his nerves had gotten the better of him and he had followed Pippin’s prompting into getting involved in mischief to take his mind off the anxiousness he inevitably felt around you. Anxiety mixed with glee, delight, and affection though. Ah, but now, here you were. 
    “-rry? Meriadoc? Did you hear me?” The hobbit was shaken out of his stupor by your gentle voice attempting to get his attention and Pippin grabbing his arm rather forcefully. Meriadoc looked up at you to see your hand reached out as if to cup his cheek and that you had taken three steps closer to him, leaning on the edge of the barrel he was working from. Merry was tempted to act as though he was still lost in his thoughts if it meant he could feel your hand against his cheek. However, the Brandybuck didn’t feel that to be any form of “right” so he attempted to respond to your questioning.
    “Uh...yeah, I-well no. I didn’t hear you actually...” he cleared his throat nervously, glancing down at the slightly soapy water between you, “would you mind repeating it?” The normally confident Brandybuck was completely at your mercy as you raised your free hand to cover your mouth as you giggled. A sweet, melodic tune that sent the male hobbit’s head reeling. You stood up straight as Pippin handed you the apple you had tossed into his hands.
    “Miss (Y/n) was asking if we were the ones behind the ‘display’ and if that’s why we’re doing the dishes.” Pippin piped up. Merry glanced between you and his cousin, his face growing warmer as you looked at him expectantly. He swallowed comically before answering your question with one of his own.
    “Well, uh-that depends,” he began hesitantly. “Did you...like it?” The hobbit before you felt utterly foolish asking something like that but it was all he could think of. 
    “Welllll-“ you dragged out the ‘L’ until Pippin interrupted you.
    “Were you impressed by it?” Merry felt his face flush even more at his cousin’s more direct route. He glared at the younger lad, ready to leave him behind in Farmer Maggot’s field the next time they went. 
    “I was, actually. Until it came barreling towards all of us that is...” Merry cringed internally and only now noticed that your hair was slightly disheveled and dirt was trapped under your nails where it hadn’t been before. 
    “Still, I dare say the whole incident was rather spectacular.” Eru, was it possible to blush anymore? If there was, Merry was certainly close to figuring out how. Said hobbit looked up at you with a lopsided grin. Suddenly regaining his confidence, the golden haired hobbit leaned forward on the barrel, getting slightly closer to your face. He angled his head down to meet your eyes due to your small stature, taking pride in the blush that crept up your neck, face, and stretched towards your ears. For a brief second, he thought he saw the same level intensity of his affection flash through your (e/c) eyes.
    “Spectacular, huh? That’s what I-“Pippin cleared his throat in an annoyed fashion, prompting Merry to correct himself (but not without an eye roll and a laugh from you). “That’s what we were going for.”  
    Your eyebrow arched at that and your mouth twisted up in a smug yet playful smirk. Your words to Frodo earlier suddenly rang in your head. Unlike your brother, you were planning on putting your feelings out there, weren’t you? What better time to engage in a little flirting that pushes that agenda? You moved your hand from its resting place on your hip and gently messed with the ribbons on the bodice of your dress, it was both out of nerves and to feign non-chalance. You felt your heart pick up speed as your mind was set. You were doing this! No backing out! Your throat tried to close in on itself but you refused to let it, releasing a quiet sigh instead. you averted your eyes and attempted to ignore just how close Merry was.
    “Really? Is that what you were going for? I thought you just wanted to see me lying down.” You had no clue where that comment had come from, but it did its job. The confident look on Merry’s face disappeared in an instant and you could see his adam’s apple bob as he swallowed in embarrassment. However, he didn’t move further away from you and he, albeit unsteadily, met your gaze when you continued.
    “You know, Merry...” you trailed off slightly, lowering your hand to rest on the edge of the barrel again. Except, what your hand landed on, was not the barrel. You had accidentally placed your hand on top of Merry’s which was gripping the barrel with a vice grip. You flinched involuntary. Merry felt you pull your hand back slightly before hesitating, fingertips brushing ever so lightly against the back of his hand. It sent shivers up his arm and he considered grabbing your hand himself until you gently lowered your hand again and left it there. You resumed your sentence, a little more confident his time.
    “If you wanted to get my attention-“ you slowly moved closer to the blue eyed hobbit before you, who mimicked your actions as if in a trance. If you were honest, that’s what it felt like. The two of you were trapped under some sort of spell that clouded your mind, heightened your senses, and made you act purely through instinct. It felt wonderful, especially knowing just by looking at Merry that he was under the same spell as you.
    “You could’ve just asked me to dance.” Your noses bumped together slightly as your lips almost came together. Eru, you wanted to kiss him right now. You could do it too, he would not reject you. You knew that for a fact. It was so tempting...then you got a whiff of the soot and powder coating the hobbit and a wicked idea pushed itself to the forefront of your mind. It was tempting to kiss him, yes...but this would be funnier and was sure to keep him on his toes. Just before you put it into action, Merry spoke very softly, careful not to break the moment.
    “(Y/n), may I kiss you?” Had his lips not been a millimeter away from yours, you probably would have missed it. You hummed in a questioning manner.
    “Right now?” You asked, matching Merry’s tone.
    “Preferably.” You hummed again in slight amusement, sliding your hand up Merry’s supporting arm till it rested on his forearm. You waited for Merry to take that as a nonverbal ‘yes’, and as soon as you felt his head move even slightly closer, you went into action. You smiled wide and pulled his arm out from under him. The poor fellow nearly planted his face in the dish water within the barrel. Pippin roared with laughter at his friend’s misfortune while Gandalf sat chucking to himself. Goodness, you’d forgotten they were there. Merry caught himself, looking at you incredulously. You grabbed his chin with the same hand you had toppled him with and held him in place as you got closer to him, partially stooping down. You giggled uncontrollably as you explained your “reasoning” to him.
    “I’m sorry, Meriadoc Brandybuck, but until your face is clean; your lips shall not touch mine.” With that, you released his chin, took another bite of your apple (purposefully licking the juice off your lips as Merry watched) then you turned to leave the trio alone. You had only taken a few steps when Merry came to his wits, puffing and sputtering up a storm as he tried to go around Pippin and past the plates to catch you. 
    “Why you- I’ll get you for that, you tease!” Merry called after you when Gandalf stopped him from running to you. You cocked your head to the left, letting a coy smile grace your lips.
    “Oh, I’m sure you will, Merry!” You scampered towards the edge of the tent, turning around the corner before replying once more. You poked your head around the edge of the tent, and made eye contact with the darling blue eyed hobbit.
    “In fact, I’ll be looking forward to it!” You winked at him and ran off to rejoin the gathered hobbits of the night. As you ran off, Gandalf pointed Merry in the direction of the, by now, dry dishes. Merry sighed and went to move them, though not before pausing at the edge of the tent to spot you running over to your brother and Rosie Cotton who were enjoying a nice chat. You missed the wonderful, wide grin that stretched out over his face and you were not close enough to hear him laughing under his breath as he watched you slip away.
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Characters i write for:
I might add some characters but these are the ones im currently comfortable writing for.
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wildwarcat · 2 years
Requests are now closed.
Due to an underwhelming number of requests sent, I am closing my requests early. Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season!
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live-laugh-legolas · 21 days
Hi it’s me again 💀 anyway my request—
The fellowship reacting to reader dancing and singing on a table then asking them to join them up there?
So fun! Idk if I need to put a warning but I imagined these being in a pub so alcohol is mentioned (please drink responsibly)
Tabletop Dancing
-He watches with a smile behind his cup of ale
-Kinda like the smile he gives when he sees Merry and Pippin high as hell in Isengard
-He is very amused and loves watching you have fun
-But he was not expecting to be asked to join
-I don’t think he is much of a dancer and although he does sing, he doesn’t necessarily do it in a pub sort of fashion
-He won’t get up on the table with you
-But he will hold your hand and walk around the table with you
-Another reason he won’t get on the tables is because he is too tall
-I’m pretty sure he is canonically 6’6
-His head would bust a hole through the ceiling and scare the living shit out of the people in the room above
-He’s a little shocked at first
-Elves party different from other races; and this seems a bit… uncivilized
-But he is nothing if not open to learning new cultures and traditions
-He finds it very fun to engage in; much to his surprise
-I think movie Legolas may not want to get on the tables; but if we are going by the books then he absolutely will jump up and will walk around on the backs of chairs because he’s a show off
-He does fancy twirls with you
-He possibly accidentally throws you off the table doing this
-Ok; he is fully accepting of this and has no hesitation to join
-Dwarves love a good party, and especially this dwarf
-Even more so if he’s had a bit to drink
-Maybe don’t pull him up on the tables though
-Dwarves may be short, but they are solid and should not jump on tables if you want to have a table afterwards
-He will sing his heart out with you
-He is so loud it drowns you out but that’s alright
-He is clapping and singing along the whole time
-Like Aragorn he also is a bit too tall for table dancing
-However he is not deterred once he’s drunk enough
-He’s definitely a light weight though so it’s doesn’t take long for him to get up there and belting his heart out with you
-He steals the show if we are honest
-He will fall off the table
-Every time
-We know this Hobbit will get up on a table to perform
-He’s not shy to having a good time
-He is happy to be pulled up onto the tables with you to dance
-He definitely kicks a few cups over because he’s a little clumsy
-But no one can even be mad at him because he is so cute
-Seriously that smile is even worse than puppy eyes
-Probably the hardest to convince to join you
-He’s just not one to enjoy being the center of attention
-But he loves watching you having a great time
-He will need to be a few drinks in to join
-He is more worried about you falling off the table
-He will kind of dance around the table but really he’s just there in case you trip
-He will be singing whatever song you were singing the next day
-It is stuck in his head and he’s much more open to singing when not in a crowd
-It all depends on his mood
-He doesn’t want to say no to you and he does enjoy a good table tap dance
-However he also likes just observing the joyful scene
-He will sing duets with you
-He is less involved as Pippin though, and instead favors hyping you up over putting on his own show
-He joins in with cheers to call and response type songs
-You don’t even have to ask
-He’s already up there with you
-Every table is this a stage for this hobbit
-You two are absolute menaces but the life of the party so it evens out
-Full choreography
-You always get a standing ovation
-This is like a weekly thing for you two at least
-You guys have loyal fans
-This old wizard loves a good jig
-At first I was thinking he would never get up on the tables
-But then I realized he absolutely would if he was drunk enough
-Idk why but I have decided he knows how to break dance but will complain about how sore he is the next day
-He will deny ever dancing on the tables or belting out songs
-He’s too old and dignified for that…
I hope this is a good enough response. I realize this isn’t really their reaction to the reader as much as just how they join in lol.
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autistook · 20 days
DAISIES - pt 20
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Merry Brandybuck x fem!hobbit!reader / soft oc
Words: 6k
Summary: Merry begs Aragorn to let him ride to the Black Gate of Mordor with all the other men, but he is forced to stay in Minas Tirith and rest. He struggles with images of your pleading eyes and your cries of terror.
Possible TW's: Descriptions of PTSD
AN: A big shoutout to this fic for inspiring how to write Merry's PTSD. Thank you, thank you, thank you. And a huge shoutout to @gracefuldisasters for helping me find the fic with their stunning art.
Merry’s hand was finally starting to feel slightly warmer. His feet were dangling over the edge of the bed and the aroma of the athelas-plant was filling the air, giving him the tiniest amount of relief amongst all the sorrow and frustration in his heart.
“Please,” he pleaded quietly. “I want to come with you.”
Aragorn kneeled in front of Merry and took his hands between his palms. His gaze was sympathetic and understanding, but he had no choice but to forbid Merry from marching to the Black Gate.
“Merry, you were touched by the black breath. You need to stay and heal. We cannot risk you dying in a fight. You’re in no condition to battle.”
Merry’s head hung low and tears of desperation fell on his knee. There was not much hope, but he wanted to stand together with his friends - to the bitter end.
“Merry,” Aragorn said warmly and squeezed the Hobbit’s hands gently. “This is an order.”
Merry did not respond. His heart broke in his chest and his shoulders slumped. He gave Aragorn a faint nod, barely detectable.
“My Lord?” 
Aragorn turned his head and saw a man standing at the door. He was visibly a soldier, one alike to Aragorn himself - but even more so alike to Boromir.
“Faramir,” said Aragorn, still comforting Merry.
“Lady Éowyn,” said Faramir. “She requested to speak with you.”
Aragorn looked back at Merry, who was now looking at Faramir. To Merry he looked so alike to Boromir he might have mixed them up if it was not for Aragorn saying the man’s name out loud - and if it wasn’t for Boromir appearing behind Faramir, with his hand on his brother’s shoulder.
“Are you feeling alright?” Boromir asked, squeezing his brother’s shoulder, worry in his eyes. Merry had never seen Boromir quite so afraid and it dawned on the Hobbit just how close the brothers must have been.
“Better,” Faramir responded to Boromir, looking at Merry with newly found curiosity. When it came to halflings, he had only met Pippin before and seeing another creature so fascinating caused a weird sense of amusement in him. He smiled and Merry smiled back, although very faintly. 
Boromir looked at Merry with pity. He knew the turmoil Merry was going through as he had opened up about it to him before. Boromir had adapted to his role as a sort of a big brother to Merry, and Merry had done the same thing back, finding Boromir as a brother figure from almost the day they had met.
Merry on the other hand took note of Boromir's posture, which was less sharp and sturdy than usual. His father had been driven to madness. Denethor had sent Faramir to Osgiliath despite Boromir's pleas, which caused Faramir to nearly pass, which in turn had turned Boromir against his own father. It was all too much for the Steward of Gondor, who then fell into such a dark place in the depths of his soul that he had burned himself on a pyre.
Aragorn gave Merry’s hands one last squeeze and stood up, his stance more kingly than when they had first met. He quietly made his way out of the room with the rest, leaving Merry sitting alone, drowning in his sorrow.
He thought of how pale you had looked and how red his hands were when he held you on the streets of Minas Tirith. He could not stop thinking about the pleading, terrified look in your eyes, and the feeling of your warm blood against his hands kept haunting him, whether he was awake or in a deep sleep - not that he could sleep that well; all of his nights were restless.
Merry thought of Frodo, Sam and Pippin; oh, how humiliating it felt to be left behind, to lay on a bed when everyone else was heading for battle.
And so he stood up shakily and ran to the gates of Minas Tirith and to the Pelennor Fields, where the army was gathering, preparing for their journey.
Merry searched for Aragorn, Legolas, anyone he could find and pleaded.
“Please, let me ride with you,” he begged, but it was no use; he was forbidden from riding. Forbidden from fighting.
His farewell to Pippin hurt the most. Even though Pippin had grown stronger and in height, he feared for him. Pippin had become more courageous and mature, but Merry still felt responsible for him and was horrified when he had heard Pippin was to ride to the Black Gate along with everyone else. His heart felt hollow. The only emotions left seemed to be fear and loneliness; he was alone.
Sure, Lady Éowyn and Faramir were there in the Houses of Healing, but watching their blooming chemistry after knowing each other for only a day or two tugged at his heartstrings. Humiliation and loneliness were nothing compared to the envy he felt; oh, to be walking around with someone he loved and holding their hand.
Your cries were ringing in his ear and he closed his eyes, trying to force the dreadful images out of his head, but it seemed that the harder he tried, the more the memories flooded in.
His heart hurt when he recalled Pippin's cries and pleas for help. His stomach churned when he thought of the horror in Gandalf's eyes when he arrived. The corners of his eyes got wet when an image of Gandalf carrying your limp body entered his mind again. 
Merry sat down on the nearest bench he could find. Despite the calming surroundings, he felt worse and worse. He felt like his heart was going to rip out of his chest and he had lost most of his appetite - though not all of it; he was a Hobbit, after all. 
Sometimes he would suddenly smell iron and smoke, although those things were nowhere near. This was one of those moments.
He rubbed the bridge of his nose with his fingers and shut his eyes tight. Even when the smoke in the air was not real, he felt like he was breathing some in and like his lungs would soon give up and turn into dust. 
He smelled iron once again. His throat tightened and his stomach twisted. His nausea was almost hourly and at times he was seen by others, throwing up in the Houses of Healing. Pippin found him sobbing several times and offered all the comfort he could, despite the pain in his own heart.
Merry gagged. The smell of iron would not go away and he began to feel faint. His eyes were closed and yet the room felt like it was spinning out of control.
A delicate hand touched his shoulder.
Merry opened his tear filled eyes and looked up at Éowyn, the look on his face hopeless.
“Are you feeling unwell?” she asked and Merry nodded, holding his belly quickly and trying to suffocate another gag. Éowyn kneeled and took his hands in hers. “Merry, how does the ground beneath your feet feel?”
“What?” Merry asked, confused.
“Describe it to me,” Éowyn encouraged in a gentle tone.
Merry moved his toes around a bit and took a moment to observe the sensations.
“Cold,” he responded. “It feels cold.”
“Does it feel even?” she asked.
“No, no it does not. It feels a little bumpy, yet smooth on the surface.”
“How do my hands feel?” she asked, allowing Merry to gently caress them.
Merry moved his fingers delicately over Éowyn's hands, taking in shaky, deep breaths.
“Soft,” he responded. “Like silk, almost.”
Éowyn smiled a little and squeezed his hands again.
“How does the bench under you feel?” she asked, encouraging Merry to focus on his senses some more.
Merry shifted in his seat slightly, his brows furrowing and head tilting to the left as he settled down again, focusing on the feeling of the cold marble. The sight of Merry moving on the bench so intensely made Éowyn amused, but she did not let it show.
“A little uncomfortable, if I'm being completely honest,” he said, his voice much more steady. “Cold, even through my trousers and it hurts my buttocks.”
Éowyn could not help but chuckle a little.
“Do you think you can open your eyes for me?” she asked carefully. 
As Merry opened his eyes, the lady greeted him with a warm smile.
“Do you feel better?” she asked and to his amazement Merry realized that the smell of iron was no longer lingering in the air, and it was now replaced by the smell of athelas.
“Yes, I do, My Lady.”
“Good,” she said. She got up and sat down next to Merry, still holding his hands. “Do not drown yourself in sorrow and fear. It is not healthy to let it consume you.”
“Fear and grief seem to be the only things left in my heart, Lady Éowyn,” Merry said grimly.
“I already know that not to be true,” she said, her smile full of kindness and her gaze reassuring.
“Whatever do you mean?” he asked.
“I can see that there's still laughter and playfulness in your heart. I don't think your courageous and kind heart has given up hope just yet.”
Merry smiled very faintly. 
“I feel… Éowyn, I keep seeing her bleed. In my head. I hear her hopelessness and I smell her blood all the time.”
Merry's voice began to shake and tears filled his eyes. His lips trembled and his fingers twitched as he began to fiddle with the hem of his shirt, hoping for the nausea to stay away.
“Merry,” Éowyn said with pity and compassion, her own eyes watering.
“I'm… I'm afraid.”
Éowyn put her hands on Merry's again, helping him to steady his trembling hands.
“Merry, it is no use to dwell in those thoughts. I think you should go see her and try to get rid of those current images in your head with how she looks now. Peaceful. Resting.”
“I go see her many times a day,” Merry confessed. “The help is only temporary. Seeing her so pale and still… It causes my heart to ache in a different way.”
“I think painting a picture of her like that in your mind is much better than seeing her fall apart over and over again.”
Merry knew she was right. He had to see you. It tended to help him, at least for a little while.
“Yes, yes,” he said with a faint nod. “You're right. I just…”
“I know you do,” Éowyn said quietly. Merry tried to smile but the corner of his lip simply twitched a little.
He stood up and straightened his shirt. He bowed kindly to Éowyn and started walking along the long hallway. His feet pattered on the cold floor and his heart felt uncomfortably heavy in his chest.
He stared at the door and took a moment to take some deep breaths. He looked at the carvings on the wooden arch of the door, wondering what their meaning was and how beautiful they looked. In some way they gave him comfort and the courage to step in the room once again.
The door creaked ever so slightly as Merry pushed the door. The room was rather dark, but through the windows some light came through; a gentle reminder to not give up hope.
Merry swallowed and walked slowly to the side of your bed. 
Your face was pale and you lay still, as still as you had been for a few days at that point. The faint light shining from the window was giving your face a soft glow and highlighting the highest points of your face; cheeks, nose, lips - all the things that Merry loved to look at the most. 
Merry for a short moment put his hand on your cheek and held back tears as he felt the coldness of your skin. He pulled a chair underneath him and delicately put two of his fingers on the pulse point of your wrist. He needed to know if your heart was beating.
Merry let out a sharp sniffle and exhaled from relief, yet still he was afraid. He looked at your chest moving up and down, reassuring himself that you were still breathing and had not left him.
He intertwined his fingers with yours and swallowed his tears. 
“So,” he said shakily and cleared his throat. “Have you considered waking up yet?” 
In a normal situation that pinch of humor would have made you giggle and Merry smile with pride, but there was no answer and he frowned. He thought that maybe by trying to act like his carefree self you just might wake up - so he continued.
“You know, it's quite rude what you're doing. Just lying there lazily when everyone is out there fighting. Well, almost everyone. Has… has no one ever told you that ignoring others speaking to you as often as I do is quite rude?”
He looked at your face and lips, expecting them to move and hoping for a sarcastic comment back; anything back, really. But there was nothing. Merry sighed and hung his head low.
“Just please, wake up,” he whispered, closing his eyes and holding your hand. 
He scooted as close to the bed as he could and laid his free hand on your belly, not quite around you, but close enough for him. He laid his head on the bed and looked at you, his cheek squished against the mattress. He looked at your peaceful face, afraid to close his eyes as he feared he might wake up with you gone. 
Every time he saw you there he began to memorize your features and this time was no different. Merry spent half an hour staring at your face, taking in every little detail. As he did that, he thought about how much he missed the subtle movements of your expressive ears. 
Eventually his eyes began to flutter shut and no matter how he tried to fight it, his head and upper body molded against the mattress and his grip on you loosened as sleep took him over.
The first dream he had was a memory from ages ago. A memory of you and him sitting alone in an empty Green Dragon, spilling secrets and sharing stories you had never told anyone before. Your smile made the empty room radiant and even in his sleep Merry thought of himself as a fool; how had he not realized his feelings for you then?
He dreamt about the time Pippin blew some pipe-weed smoke into your lungs from a rather close proximity and the weird feeling it gave him - jealousy it was, of course, but he had not realized it back then.
He dreamt of the note you had written for him; the note that he unfortunately lost during the journey.
His mind was spinning in his sleep. Many more memories flooded his mind, until he had the same dream he had had every night since you got dangerously wounded.
He dreamt of the evening of your birthday party and the look on your face when you were presented with the daisy brooch. A wide smile was on his face in the dream like it had been back then, and the way your body moved on the dance floor as you were twirled around was mesmerizing, even more so in the dream. 
He stepped close to you and put his hands on your lower back, the lights of Brandy Hall dim around you two, like there was no one else.
“I don't know how you do it,” you said with a slight echo in your voice - that's how Merry knew it was a dream, a repeat of a memory.
“Do what?”
“That. You always find a way to cheer me up. I feel guilty and sad over the stupidest of things sometimes, yet you always come through for me."
“You make it sound like it's a big deal.”
“It is a big deal, Merry! You make me feel special and important.”
“You are special and important.”
“You need to wake up,” you said kindly.
“I… I don't want to,” he stammered. “I need this.”
“But I'm hungry.”
His face twitched. What?
“What?” he asked. “What did you say?”
“I'm hungry,” you repeated.
He blinked slowly and shook his head, confused. You had never said it before when he dreamt of this night. You squeezed his hand gently as the two of you danced.
Merry's eyes fluttered open slowly. The morning had come and the bedsheet felt warm under his cheek. His hand was resting on your belly and there was a small amount of drool dripping from the corner of his mouth. Merry lifted his hand to wipe it off - but he wasn't able to. Something held his wrist nearly completely still, although delicately.
He turned his head, feeling dazed and groggy. His vision was slightly foggy but when it got clearer, there was no doubt; you were holding his wrist, not allowing him to move away and shaking him gently. 
“Wake up,” you whispered raspily and smiled softly. 
Merry’s eyes widened so much he almost could have been thought to be an owl. His stomach fluttered and he sprung on his feet, and in an instant he was holding your hand. He stood there staring at you, his eyes sparkling like the surface of the Brandywine river on a sunny day. Never had you seen someone so relieved - or Merry smile so wide.
Before you had time to react, he was peppering your face with affectionate and firm kisses, his palms on your cheeks and tears of joy rushing down his face. Merry kept thanking out loud - no one specific, just saying ‘thank you’ repeatedly - and you giggled softly at the sensation of him planting kisses against your skin.
“How long have I been asleep?” you asked through your giggles.
“Too long,” Merry responded, sniffling and kissing you around your cheeks and jawline. He put his lips softly on the tip of your nose and then rested his forehead against yours. “Tell me I'm not dreaming.”
“You're not dreaming,” you confirmed softly. Merry let out a relieved chuckle, his eyes closed as he rested his head against your forehead. “Neither am I, but I am starving.”
“Yes, of course!” Merry said, clearing his throat and standing up straight, wiping his tears. “You haven't eaten in several days.”
“I could eat an oliphaunt.”
Merry let out a loud laugh. Of course your comment was not very funny, but Merry was so overwhelmed he found it the funniest sentence he had heard in his entire life.
“You were muttering in your sleep about how you didn't want to wake up. Here I have been starving, desperate for you to be awake and help me get some treats,” you said, overly dramatic. “And you just wanted to keep sleeping!”
“Ah, immediately turning into a very demanding lady when waking up from her beauty sleep,” Merry joked. His sense of humor had come back as if a lightning of joy had struck him and made him feel like himself again.
“Oh, please. I think you were the one having a beauty sleep, drool and all!”
Merry chuckled. Without a second thought he cupped your face with his hands again and put his lips on yours. Not wanting to waste any time, you responded to the kiss, moving your lips against his softly. Your head was spinning and so was his; you had not kissed since Edoras and it was all still very new. 
Merry broke the kiss first, searching for your gaze.
“How are you feeling?” he asked, concern and pure love etched upon his face.
It took you a moment to come up with an answer. Your stomach was stinging but not too painfully, and your body was aching from laying down on the bed for so long. You felt relieved having Merry so close, but on the other hand you were worried about what was happening outside the Houses of Healing. 
“I feel alright, I suppose,” you finally responded, playing gently with Merry's stray curls by his ears. “Just starving and a little achy.”
“How achy?” he asked, his gaze affectionate and his thumb caressing your cheekbone.
“A little. It's mostly my limbs.”
Merry nodded. You could see his gaze drift to your lips every now and then. You smirked lightly but decided not to say anything about it. 
“How about your stomach? You were wounded badly.”
“It stings just a little,” you said. A thought occurred. “How did I survive? I was certain I would bleed to death.”
Merry swallowed and turned his gaze away, visibly uncomfortable with the subject.
“We all thought you would, but Gandalf managed to control the bleeding long enough for the king to heal your wound.”
“The… king?” you said, blinking rapidly.
“Oh, yes. Aragorn. Apparently he is quite a big deal.”
“How did he… oh, well, it doesn't matter. Can I speak with him? I would like to thank him.”
Merry went quiet. He looked at you, then away, trying to figure out how to tell you.
“Merry?” you called, now deeply worried. “Has something happened to him?”
“No. At least not yet.”
“What do you mean?”
And so Merry explained it all. He told you how everyone had left for one final battle to distract Sauron and give your brother and Sam a chance to sneak through Mordor and destroy the One Ring. He explained how he was forbidden from riding with them and how miserable it made him - although he also mentioned many times how much better he felt now that you were back with him. As much as it stung Merry, it broke your heart a little more. 
You wanted to be there for Frodo. To protect him. Sure, he was one of Merry's best friends; but he was your brother. Not by blood, but by all other means Frodo was your family.
And oh, how much you feared for Pippin. No matter how much he had changed, he was still the same old Pippin in many ways and there was a part of you screaming to run after him and keep him safe. 
“Do you think they will return?” you asked. 
Merry did not answer.
Merry put down a whole tankard of water on your bedside table and brought you all the bread he could find. His arms were full of baguettes and he laid them on your lap as you were laying on the bed, under the warmth of a blanket.
“Thank you,” you mumbled, mouth full of bread and crumbs falling down on your chest. Merry smiled.
“This is quite a familiar sight,” he grinned.
“What?” you asked, doe-eyed and puzzled.
“The crumbs all over you and your chubby cheeks. It's your signature look for whenever we have eating contests.”
“Oh!” you giggled, blushing slightly. “Is it really?”
Merry nodded, his expression affectionate.
After you finished devouring almost all of the baguettes Merry had brought, he sat down on the edge of the bed, gently holding your shoulder as you laid on your back.
“How is the wound healing?” he asked.
“I do not know,” you responded. You swallowed and blushed, very visibly.
“Are you alright?” Merry asked as he noticed the flush of pink on your cheeks and the tips of your ears.
“Don’t take this the wrong way,” you said, immediately piquing Merry’s interest. “But could you take a look? I'm not very comfortable looking at such things.”
Merry blushed. Of course he had no problem with looking after you, but the action felt quite intimate, considering he would be lifting up parts of your dress, all the way to your belly and exposing your skin to his gaze.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, please. I need to know if it still looks bad. I'm already tired of being in bed and I want to know if I can move around.”
Merry nodded.
He pulled the lightweight blanket to your ankles. His hands gently gripped the hem of your dress and he began pulling it up. Merry’s eyes followed the parts that were being revealed and he found himself admiring the smoothness of your skin. As he lifted the dress past your thighs, he took note of the stretch marks on them and thought to himself: ‘Those are the most beautiful marks I have ever seen.’
He blushed deep red as he lifted the dress past your hips. In his mind there were no proper words to describe your beauty. He simply found you so, so beautiful. When he reached the wound he let go of the white dress and exhaled, not having realized he was holding his breath.
He gently ran his fingers across the scar, examining the wound with a focused look on his face.
“Does this hurt?” he asked, gently pressing around the wound with his fingers. You shook your head.
“No. It feels alright.”
Merry pressed on and around the wound, only a few spots stinging slightly when touched.
“It's healing well,” he finally said and put his palm on the wound. “Kings really do seem to heal even the deadliest wounds. I think it's safe to say you can walk around - with me, preferably.”
You chuckled and he joined. His hand still rested on your skin as you gazed into his eyes. The green and blue eyes gazed back at you, something special in them - something deeper than affection.
His touch on your skin sent a wave of warmth through your body and heart. Even though it was an intimate gesture, it was not sexual. It was pure and innocent, a moment of deep, mutual affection. A moment of realization that between you was the kind of love you both had thought existed only in fairytales. 
Neither of you were ready to say it out loud, but the unspoken words were clear to both.
Almost every waking moment you spent together. Every now and then Merry would leave you alone with the healers to let them tend to your wound and you did the same for him, for his arm still needed some healing.
On one day you barely spoke to Merry; he was spending time with Faramir, exchanging stories about Boromir and Éowyn, while you were spending your day with who you felt like had become your big sister.
“So, Faramir, huh?” you smirked and Éowyn sighed. Your friendly jab did not land as well as it normally would; her heart seemed troubled. “Éowyn?”
“Hm?” she responded, clearly feeling blue.
“What’s wrong?” you asked. Éowyn shrugged.
She explained her conflicted emotions. Yes, she found Faramir rather fascinating and undeniably handsome, but her heart was full of sorrow from Lord Aragorn not reciprocating her feelings. You talked to Éowyn about her beauty, bravery and strength in length and told her how much happiness she deserved.
And it seemed to have worked; they kept close to each other, more so than before. Yes, they had held hands before, but suddenly it was different.
You climbed up a small step and rested your arms on the white marble edge. The sky was still dark and the rumbling sounds of Mordor could be heard all the way to Minas Tirith. The aftermath of the battle where you were wounded was still visible when looking down the walls of Minas Tirith and to the Pelennor fields. Collapsed Mûmakil here and there, some corpses trapped underneath them and a lot of rubble. Most of the deceased had been taken away from the field and many of them had already been buried before the people marched to the Black Gate.
Suddenly there was a hand on your shoulder; a familiar, warm and comforting touch. You turned your head to your left and saw Merry had come to stand next to you and look down at the city, the field and the shadow over Gondor. When you looked down you saw Merry was not standing on a step like you were; he no longer had to because of how much height he had gained from the ent-draught in the Fangorn Forest.
“Do you think Frodo ever made it through Mordor?” you asked, now staring towards the direction of the borders of Mordor.
“The shadow still lies upon us, but there is a chance he and Sam have made it through Mordor, even though the chances are very little,” Merry responded. You frowned and began fidgeting with your fingers. Merry took notice of this and took your hand in his. Hiis fingers intertwined with yours, making you instantly feel at home.
“It’s been days since everyone left. Do you think we have lost?”
“Well, aren’t you optimistic!” Merry said with a faint smirk and nudged your side, trying to cheer you up through his own worries. Normally it would have made you at least smile a little, but you were concerned for not only your friends and brother, but for all of Middle-Earth. Merry sighed, let go of your hand and instead wrapped his arm around your shoulder and squeezed you tightly. “Don’t give up hope.”
“Have you not given up hope?”
Merry smiled.
“I had, but then you woke up.”
And then you smiled back at him, wide and fondly, your eyes glimmering with admiration and gratitude.
When you looked right, you could see Faramir and Éowyn holding hands not too far away. Faramir kissed her brow and your heart filled with warmth seeing the woman you cared so much about receive such care and adoration.
A gust of wind blew and threw your curls in your face, making Merry chuckle out of sheer amusement. His chuckle died soon, as the white walls of Minas Tirith began turning into a glittering shade of light gold as the darkness set aside and the sun came out. You stared in awe as the river Anduin began to shine blue and silver, and Merry stared at you, admiring the way the sunshine lit up your face.
“The shadow. It has been lifted!” yelled someone down below and many men cheered.
You turned to look at Merry, catching him already staring at you. His eyes were full of uncertainty for what the sun coming out meant, but they were also very clearly full of love and admiration for you and the way you looked in that very moment.
Before the sun set down, an Eagle brought news beyond hope. The Ring had been destroyed and Sauron had fallen.
Merry looked at you with glee and there were stars in your eyes. He scooped you up in his arms and spun you around, a loud giggle of joy erupting from your lungs and your heart sang with joy. Your feet were off the ground for quite some time as Merry kept you in his arms and poured all of his relief and happiness out all at once.
“Did you hear that? Frodo and Sam succeeded!” Merry cried and laughed, his eyes misty. You nodded and nuzzled your face against his neck. Then he finally put you back on the ground. He caressed your jawline with his thumb and leaned in, his lips landing on yours in a moment of passion. 
His kiss was intense and full of devotion. You responded to his kiss eagerly, smiling on his lips and soft giggles leaving your mouth. He smirked as he felt your giggles on his lips and he kept kissing you, his hands moving your waist and yours to the nape of his neck. His lips tasted like happiness and his scent filled your nostrils, making your heart swell and stomach fill with butterflies.
When he broke the kiss he was once again laughing; not at you or the kiss, but out of sheer relaxation. Frodo had succeeded. The Ring had been destroyed.
In the following days Merry was summoned to the field of Cormallen and you followed his steps. It took a day or two to make it there, but when you got there, another wave of relief hit you at once. Frodo was alive. Sam was alive. Pippin was alive. All of them wounded, exhausted and unconscious, but all of them alive nonetheless.
Pippin had taken down a large troll in the battle and had nearly passed, which made you feel rather panicked. Merry had to calm you down despite his own growing worry for his best friend. You both were told he was going to be alright, but despite the reassurance, it was not easy to look at him lying there, unconscious and hurt.
Frodo and Sam were deep asleep, nor would they wake up anytime soon. Frodo was missing a finger and both of them had lost so much weight, they were almost unrecognizable. You spent hours holding your brother’s hand and Merry spent hours holding yours.
Soon enough Pippin was awake and the two of you kept him company more than enough. You learned that Gimli was the one who had saved Pippin from his doom and in a whirlwind of emotions, you began planting kisses on the dwarf’s scruffy cheeks. Merry and Pippin laughed as Gimli blushed and began mumbling incoherently. More than anyone else, Legolas found this reaction the most amusing thing he had seen in weeks.
You spent a lot of time helping the wounded and helped arrange a celebration for the Ring bearers. Aragorn was taking his time healing the wounded as well and spending a lot of his hours on his kingly duties.
You sat on some rough sand away from the tents and lifted your knees up. You rested your arms on them and admired the way the sun shined, and the way a beautiful spring weather was already making its way to the people of Gondor.
Merry sat next to you.
“How are you feeling?” he asked, putting his hand on your arm, softly stroking it. This time the smile you gave him was slightly faint.
“I’m alright,” you responded, but Merry noticed that your tone was just a little off.
“Are you?”
“Yes, but I’m just thinking.”
“Thinking?” he said, puzzled.
“Yes, thinking,” you said. “Thinking about how wrong this all could have gone. We could have died. Frodo could have died. Pippin could have died. Sam-”
“Hey, hey,” Merry said, now putting his other hand on your back, moving it in comforting circles. “All of those close to us survived. Your friends survived. My friends survived. Frodo survived. I survived. You survived.”
Merry emphasized the last part; you had indeed almost died, but now it hit you just how lucky all of you were.
“We survived,” you said quietly.
“We survived,” he repeated, his hand still moving on your back.
He looked into your eyes and you into his. It seemed like you could drown in his eyes, so beautiful and comforting they were. The way he looked at you was new to you, and no one had ever gazed upon you with such appreciation. If it was possible, there would have been hearts in his eyes. Your heart beat rapidly in your chest as it felt like he was looking straight into your soul. Not in a bad way, but in a way that seemed like he had known you many lifetimes and knew all there was to know about you.
“I love you,” he suddenly said.
Your ears perked up and your heart skipped a beat. You had known for a while now that you loved him deeply and were aware he had to feel the same way, but never had you heard those words from his mouth before. 
When you were feeling happy, your ears tended to flutter. When you were sad, your ears were droopy. This time when Merry looked at you after his confession, he could see that your ears were moving more rapidly than he had ever seen them move and how they were practically vibrating with happiness. You felt euphoric.
“I love you too.”
On his face formed a smile full of love and devotion, and soon enough his lips were once again moving meaningfully against yours. His kisses felt right and nothing like you had ever felt with anyone else before. 
It felt like everything in the world was right again. Of course, it was not, but in that moment you finally knew what it really felt like to be in love.
@chatteringfox @shiinata-library @ahobbitsjourney23 @mayo-advance @datglutengoblin @mournthewicked @channiesbedbug @nicksworld0715
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Merry x reader where they were friends before the while shebang and when Merry and the others come back to the shire Merry accidentally reveals his feelings and stuff
(also if the reader could be pretty ugly as well ty)
Hello, thanks for requesting!!! A little note, I genuinely don’t believe anyone is ugly, but I tried to hint that the reader wasn’t conventionally attractive. Remember, just because you don’t fit other people’s standards doesn’t mean that you’re not beautiful in your own way. <3
Coming Back For You
Merry Brandybuck x reader
gender neutral pronouns
TW: Reader is kinda sad in the beginning, mentions of assuming people are dead
LOTR Masterlist
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16 months and 19 days.
Once the hobbits’ mysterious disappearances had reached 6 months, most people started to assume that they were dead. Memorials were held, condolences were given, but by the 12 month mark, life had returned to a sense of normalcy.
But for Y/n Y/l/n, life couldn’t be normal again. Merry Brandybuck, one of the missing hobbits, was their best friend. His absence left a large, unfilled hole in their life.
Merry and Y/n had been neighbors since childhood, running around and getting into scrapes and messes from the time they could talk. Merry was the one who stood up for Y/n when the other children would tease them about their looks. He would always wipe Y/n’s tears away, reassuring them that they were [beautiful/handsome] to him. Merry was the one who helped Y/n get their very first job waiting tables at the tavern, and he was their best customer, always making sure they got enough tips at the end of the night. With Merry, Y/n felt safe, like they could just be themself. Their heart had recently complicated things a bit; heart flutters and blushing became more and more frequent when Y/n and Merry would touch. Still, he was their best friend, and their life felt complete with him.
So when Merry went missing without a word, Y/n’s entire life felt like it had been uprooted. Their days were dreary and long, unable to see their friend’s cheery smile or hear his contagious laugh. Y/n’s heart was hurt and heavy, and it felt like they would never be able to smile again.
Y/n refused to believe Merry was dead; no matter what the other hobbits would say, Y/n remained in denial. In their heart, they knew he wasn’t dead, he couldn’t be dead. So every week, Y/n would go to Merry’s house to dust and clean in case he ever came back. It was also therapeutic for them, being able to be surrounded by his things and his essence. Sometimes Y/n would entertain the hope that they would be cleaning and Merry would walk right in through the door, sweeping them up into a hug and launching into his story about where he had been gone. But as weeks blended into months, and the months blended into a year, that hope became dimmer and dimmer.
Now it was almost 17 months since Merry had disappeared. It was fall, and the crunchy leaves underneath Y/n’s feet as they walked to his house. They stopped at the door, pausing a moment to close their eyes.
“One last time.” Y/n whispered under their breath.
As they pressed their hand against the door, but stepped back in shock when it gave, creaking as it swung on its hinges. Y/n took great care to close the door whenever they were finished, so, alarmed, they threw the door open.
And there in front of Y/n’s eyes was the hobbit they so dearly loved. Merry had lost a lot of weight, his hair was longer, and his skin was covered with visible scars. But when he turned around, Merry’s beautiful green eyes, though a bit sadder, lit up when he saw Y/n.
The pair rushed together, wrapping their arms around each other as if they would never let go again. Merry pressed Y/n impossibly closer to him, taking in the feeling of having them near again. Tears freely fell from both pairs of eyes, their hearts bursting with emotions.
“Meriadoc Brandybuck, where on middle earth have you been?” Y/n had meant to joke, but their voice failed them, coming out as a desperate whisper.
“I’m so sorry. There was this thing with Frodo and a ring, and then we had to save the entire world, I swear I never meant to leave you this long.”
Reluctantly pulling back, Y/n looked at Merry quizzically. “You saved the entire world???”
Merry laughed at that, shaking his head. “I’ll tell you about all that, I promise, but I need to tell you something else first.”
Merry took Y/n’s face in his hands, thumbs stroking over their cheeks as he drank in the sight of their face. His voice was hushed and reverent when he spoke. “These past months, I have seen and done things I never would have thought of two years ago. I have lost my way, and lost friends, and seen a whole world outside of The Shire.” Merry paused here, swallowing hard as tears glistened in his eyes. “But no matter what happened, all I could think about was you. How I missed you, how I wished I could have you with me, how I had to protect you. The thought of returning to you was the only thing that kept me going. You are the only thing that mattered to me Y/n.”
“Merry, what are you saying?
“I’m saying that I love you Y/n.”
Shock washed over Y/n as they heard those three words. Despite wanting to hear them for so long, they couldn’t believe it.
“But I’m not [pretty/handsome], I’m not clever, I’m not-“
Merry shook his head furiously, as if he wanted to shake the thoughts out of their head. “Y/n, you don’t see yourself as I see you. You are everything I could ever want, and I love you. I love you Y/n; could you possibly love me too?”
Tears threatened to spill over again as Y/n nodded their head. “Yes Merry, yes, I love you.”
Smiling, Merry leaned in and kissed Y/n. His arms wrapped around their waist, and their hands found their way to his hair. All the longing, all the hope, and all the passion was poured into that kiss, as if they were making up for lost time, but also making a promise for the future.
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drearydaffodils · 1 year
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Giada | Minor | I don't write NSFW!! | I write x reader, headcannons, drabbles, and longer fics <3
Characters I write for are under the cut ♡
Lord of the Rings
Frodo Baggins
Legolas Greenleaf
Meriadoc Brandybuck
Peregrin Took
Samwise Gamgee
The Hobbit
Bard the Bowman
Bilbo Baggins
Thorin Oakenshield
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