#Merlin X Reader
gayandfairycore · 3 months
The prince, the magician and the physician
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Summary when the witchfinder accuses you of having magic you must convince Arthur that your feelings for the boy have never been disingenuous. And Merlin must race against the clock to save you but can you be saved? Can your relationship with Arthur? Can love truly conquer Arthur’s prejudice?
Italics mean flashbacks
Word count: about 8k
Warning: torture, mention of execution, feeling betrayed, readers anxious, reader accepts death, canon divergence (but same overarching plot), Arthur may be a bit ooc sorry!
A/n: who’s back with the bbc Merlin fics? Me!!!!!!! Two fics in *almost* the same month-WHO is she? But seriously I’ve been writing more and I’m so glad I have I really enjoy writing these fics for you guys and to everyone who has supported me thank you so much!! We hit 900 followers a few weeks ago and it was such a milestone thank you all for enjoying my fics enough to follow!
The witch finders arrival had you and Merlin in shambles he had already been pointing fingers and he had been in Camelot for nearly a day and already had been accusing people of having magic.
What was worse, he had witnesses. Three girls from the lower town who had been seeing traces of magic a man coughing up a frog from his throat, to a goblin dancing in the flames of a dying fire. To faces of the drowned in the well. with every confession you sent an angry glare to Merlin beside you, since he was the reason this witch finder had been called in the first place.
Fear bubbled in your throat when the witchfinder said he already had suspects. and who the witchfinder had accused happened to be yourself, Merlin, and the lady morgana.
It was day three when he found “proof” you were a witch. (Of course you were but the proof was bogus. It wasn’t yours.)
It wasn’t Merlin’s either, it was an amulet poorly hidden in a pot. Neither yourself nor Merlin were skilled with charming jewellery, and you couldnt wear bracelets whilst being the court physicians apprentice, besides when would you even have the time to charm jewellery? Between saving Arthur, being gauis’s apprentice, and watching over Merlin you never had a second to breathe.
But despite having never seen the amulet in your life you knew the witchfinder would see no sense. Men like that never would, and what was worse the witchfinder happened to be an old friend of gauis, with a reputation based on brutality and hatred. He despised magic with a passion if he suspected you, you were already as good as dead.
But you couldn’t let Merlin die by the hands of the witchfinder, Merlin had far too much life ahead of him.
He had to protect Arthur. He had to unite Albion. he had to live long enough to see Arthur’s rule And believe me There was nothing you wanted more than to see Arthur unite Albion and bring magic to the land But you weren’t the one destined to unite Albion, you were however destined to protect those you loved and some part of you was okay with dying for the cause of keeping your family safe.
and if you were asked if you regretted taking the fall for Merlin or gauis, of course you’d say no. He was your best friend and gauis was like a grandfather to you. You’d let them sentence you to death a thousand times over if it meant Merlin was safe. If gauis was safe.
“Search through that cupboard and under the bed!” The witch finders commanding voice called out to the guards as they tore apart gauis’s chambers you were aware by now that the moment he walked in he’d already deemed you guilty.
By the way His eyes narrowed like a predator to prey, the atmosphere was tense like he’d been preparing to go for the kill for awhile now. and disgust permeated from his figure in waves this man watched you like you were the dirt on his shoe, some small disgusting insect that deserved to die if he even thought you had magic.
Sharing a nervous glance at gauis your hands wringing nervously in your lap as you watched these knights destroy your home your gaze asked gauis the same question he’d been dreading, where was Merlin’s spell book?
If you were going to go down for magic paraphernalia you fully thought it would be because of Merlin’s spell book not some poorly disguised amulet that wasn’t yours in the first place.
Leon had been the one to find the amulet a haunted look in his eyes you could tell Leon did not want to do this, but honour bounded the knights more than kinship. More than years spent with each other from childhood sparring, to treating his wounds when Leon grew from a bashful baby faced boy into a lean young man practicing to become a knight.
He was honour bound to tell this monster what he found And you’d hate to see Leon burned beside you under the guise of solidarity. It was better for one to burn than two.
“An. enchanted. amulet.” The witchfinder spoke slowly as he inspected the Jewlery, every word sealing your fate “whose is this? Perhaps the boy Merlin Or the girls? Or even yours, old friend.” The witch finder sneered pointing his finger in your face as he circled gauis and yourself like you were prey
Your horror filled eyes flickered to gauis and you watched as his mouth opened and his eyes flashed with familiar selflessness it was clear, what the old man was going to do, he loved his little family as much as you did and you’d hate to see the old man take the blame for you or Merlin again.
living with gauis has already been enough of a burden you couldn’t let him die for something he had no part in (not that you did either but you were nothing if not loyal.) your heart constricted in your chest, your stomach dropping
One of you would surely be executed for this but you would not let it be Merlin, or gauis. It would be you before it ever was them.
Taking a shaky breath you stepped forward your hand out to block gauis front from stopping you “it’s mine.”
And the beat of your heart deafened you the room went deadly silent guards hands went to their swords ready for anything, in the corner of your eye gauis’s face went ghostly pale filled with horror as he watched his youngest apprentice, the girl he practically raised as if his own stare down this false god with cold eyes the sent fear shooting through gauis, you were capable you like Merlin had the ability to destroy your enemies without lifting a finger but gauis knew you better than for you to defend yourself. But you would be brave braver than anyone else.
You steeled yourself infront of the witchfinder your eyes narrowed dangerously. You did not take kindly to those attempting to ruin your family.
“Guards.” With one word the witch finder sealed your fate, looking to gauis behind you, your eyes only let your guard slip for a moment and the old man saw the burning fear that filled your gaze. As Leon’s hands restrained you with hesitation.
“you can’t!” Gauis called pointedly to the witchfinder “it’s not hers! she doesn’t know what she’s saying.” Gauis pleaded desperately after you seething from where he stood, he would not watch another child die.
you felt your heart break for the man who was like your father. “Leon, please.” You pleaded to Leon to release your hands for just a moment and the man you’ve known since childhood released his grip for only a second it was enough for you to break his hold and sprint to take gauis in a hug
Crashing into his arms you closed your eyes blinking away tears And you muttered the one phrase that could save you, that could reverse this fatal mistake, the one thing that stopped the panic in gauis for only a moment “It’s not mine.”
Before Leon’s hands had pulled you from gauis’s comforting arms, your tearful eyes met gauis and you expected to be met with fear but a newfound determination in gauis’s face calmed you, hope filled your heart Merlin would find a way to save you he always did.
Leon bent your hands behind your back and lead you down the halls of the castle
The witchfinder leading you through the halls, your Druid communication had been the most useful in situations like this, situations where Merlin was nowhere to be found
“Merlin, if you can hear this please find a way to get me out of this. The witchfinder has accused us of using magic be careful. Help me Merlin, Please find Arthur.” You didn’t get a response despite the fact You had never begged and you never had sounded quite as hopeless as you did then, even when you were behind enemy lines, in enemy dungeons it was different.
They weren’t your friends, weren’t your family sentencing you to die this was.
As you were dragged through the halls Camelot knights walked all around you, their billowing red capes with the golden dragon crest that once brought you so much comfort now brought only dread, the burning memory being wrapped up in Arthur’s cape on a hunting trip once dearly reminisced now just felt cruel.
The braying of horses and the taps of hooves on the ground as you, the knights, Arthur and Merlin set off on a hunt you found it silly to be hunting for game for fun but you couldn’t refuse the invite considering you were arthurs personal physician recommended by gauis (and Merlin babysitter) and atleast you were with your closest friends who are the loyalist of loyal.
As opposed to being stuck in gauis’s chambers mulling over books like you do almost daily you’d take any possible time with Arthur especially away from prying eyes.
The sun was starting to go down and you were too far away from Camelot to head home so Arthur called it and you’d be camping in the woods tonight, you didn’t mind. It was nice to camp under the stars with your friends away from all the expectations, The watchful eyes. Camelot was home but it was growing increasingly more dangerous.
Here, in the forest with Arthur and Merlin and the knights you were more than just a physician you were equal. You were more then just lower class, you were free and here under the constant cover of trees and the darkening blanket of the setting sun you could be more than some backup physician, you were just y/n. And Prince Arthur was just Arthur.
And if you could have just cupped this moment in your hands and held it tightly to your chest you would have.
Camped by a large oak tree in Arthur’s arms his red cape with the golden pendragon sigil covered your body from the elements keeping you safe and warm and in the light of the fire there was no fear, no worry about expectations. Or watching eyes all that mattered was being truly yourself with the man you love in his arms unashamed.
When sleep finally stole you away from Arthur Merlin couldn’t stop the question that was brewing for months “do you love her?” The young man asked scouring the ground with a stick his arms rested on his knees as he watched the couple together Merlin knew this would turn out badly his best friend, a physician with no title dating the crowned prince of Camelot? A recipe for disaster
He knew what his destiny foretold, he knew the perils and he knew that your role in destiny would surely not let this freedom, this unabashed love stay happy. There could be no room for happiness when you had magic.
“Of course I love her.” The prince found himself telling Merlin hesitation in his voice fear rolling from him in waves, by now it was the late hours of the night, the knights and yourself long since asleep and Merlin and Arthur the only ones still awake
“You know your father would never approve?” Merlin spoke assured that if uther found out you’d most likely be executed
“I know that Merlin, but one day it will be different my father will have no say and I will be king when I am king I want her- to be my queen.” Arthur’s fingers run through your hair softly a promise Arthur swore to himself he would keep his arms wrapping tightly around your waist the soft sound of your breathing calming Arthur’s pounding heart he knew this was reckless and senseless but this was love. And love has no logic.
Now a bitter taste of betrayal sat heavily on your shoulders as you were flanked by those you call friends as they lead you to your death you couldn’t blame them it’s not their fault they have to follow uther but it leaves a horrible taste in your mouth
How things had changed.
It was sad to feel Leon’s grip firm but not brutish still trying not to hurt you as if he wasn’t leading you to what would be your death. You were aware from the moment Arthur managed to steal your heart you’d end up on the gallows or burnt at the stake or you’d face death in battle intentionally scheduled by uther. He hated anyone who was not of noble blood for Arthur.
And No good ever came from destiny, and if it was your destiny to die in place of your loved ones you’d die a valiant death. But it didn’t stop the shake in your hands.
You could mask your fear you would not give the witchfinder what he wants. He would not break you.
But leon could feel the shake in your hand and feel the erratic beat of your heart from the pulse point on your wrist and he wanted nothing more than to damn the consequences and save you but he couldn’t. you could only rely on Merlin to prove the witchfinder a fraud and you to be innocent you could only pray for Arthur’s forgiveness. After your innocence is proven.
But the horrible feeling of dread that was building in your stomach as they were leading you into the dungeons a cell- no doubt already made up- And down every step you felt like throwing up when you finally made it to the bottom of the stair case the scent of wet earth and straw filled your nose the bricks that lined the dungeon and its torches that burned steadily along the side of the stairs made you feel ill.
The witch finder swung open the first vacant cell and Leon was forced to keep you there walking you the the center of the room, the suns rays that slipped through the cracks of the small window warmed your face but it didn’t comfort you, soon the sun would be your clock, your tally mark for your final night alive if Merlin failed.
Leon’s hands left yours and still the ache in your shoulders stayed “I’m sorry” he spoke lowly in your ear before he stepped away you turned to finally face your friend
“Leon, let Arthur know I’m sorry” You called to the man who grew up beside you who had been growing up pledging to die for Camelot even if that meant dying young he never expected the young girl with so much light in her eyes, and gentleness that always managed to calm her patients, he never thought she’d be the one on deaths door before him.
Before the man could reply the witch finger slammed the cell door shut and sneered through the bars “not to worry he’ll find out soon enough.”
Your heart constricted in your chest as you watched them all walk away the iron in the Camelot dungeons nullifying your powers and your connection with Merlin you couldn’t hear his reply to your plea you were well and truly alone you could of course break out from the cells the iron didn’t make you powerless only dulling your connection with the earth, the place your power comes from. But you couldn’t put your friends at risk.
It was hours later when guards came to haul you away to your sentencing, heavy iron handcuffs clicked into place over your hands large chains weighing you down & tight enough to make the skin on your wrists rub painfully.
As Guards lead you through the castle to the throne room, there you stood at the large mahogany double doors two guards on either side as they flung the doors open all your friends and family, all your previous patients were standing there watching as the witchfinder lead you in as the number one suspect, the guilty witch. two guards gripped your arms and threw you to the ground in front of the king, a man who you’ve spent countless hours mending, and stitching up alongside gauis.
Your hands shook as your knees took the brunt of the force, your chains rattling from where you were you couldn’t see Merlin, or gauis. But You could feel Merlin’s energy over the crowd
“I’m going to get you out of this y/n, I swear.” Merlin promises to you through your Druid telepathy and you bit back the tears as You scowled at the sight of the ground. you couldn’t bare look up at the sight of morgana in front of you, of Arthur infront of you fear that you’ll see nothing but disgust, embarrassment and regret on his face.
“Here is the first witch I’ve uncovered in my short time here in Camelot. The court physicians apprentice. The princes! Physician!” Every word the witch finder spoke booms over the crowd as he exclaims to the counsel shock no doubt painted their faces you’ve treated every single person in this room and you’ve used magic on quite a few to save them. Why was that a bad thing? If you have the power to save someone was that not the right thing to do? Magic is not bad but people are.
“WHO can imagine what she could have used on the prince unsupervised! What magic she could have used and at what cost to the prince!” By the gasps of those standing around the room the witchfinders words seemed to make them angry, seemed to make the king angry he loved Arthur in his own way so for the witchfinder to use Arthur to sentence you, god. You were surely going to die.
“No.” Arthur’s words were quiet this was the first time he had said anything “y/n a witch? I mean come on we’d know! She’s lived in Camelot since she was five. And she wouldn’t harm a fly!” Arthur called like it was laughable resting his hand on his hip like it was obvious but by the look in his eye the look of realisation but you couldn’t find disgust you didn’t have time to search for it.
But It made you turn your gaze to the floor Arthur knows. he knows. you have magic. You’ve healed him countless times. no stab wound, or arrow wound could be healed as quickly as his has or all the time he’s been injured in battle only moments before, before the searing pain has been replaced with a dull ache. Or the times as a child where any scrape or scuffed knee had been eased by a soft kiss over the wound. The look of betrayal passing over his face when you gained the courage to finally look at him made you shrink into yourself
“That’s exactly what someone under her spell would say. I fear, uther that the prince is too close to her to see clearly.” The witchfinder spoke with a voice like acid and you couldn’t stand making yourself small if he was going to do you for magic you would not be ashamed. You would not hide from his gaze.
Your chained hands pushed you from your slumped position on the ground your hair messily falling over your face you stood on shaky legs looking at the people in the throne room, all your friends watching you with pity filled faces you couldn’t stand it.
It made you feel sick, especially the fearful teary eyed look from morgana like she was seeing her future you hated this.
Uthers response felt like it took years, “y/n l/n I sentence you to death.” The room fell eerily silent before a scream filled your head, it was Merlin you whirled around to spot him in the crowd tears in his eyes and anger flashing across his face you wouldn’t be surprised if the next attempt on uthers life would be from Merlin.
“No! Father you can’t. What evidence do you have?!” Arthur pleaded with his father quietly by his throne anger glaring in arthurs eyes pointed not at you, it gave you hope that he didn’t hate you enough to want you dead.
“My word is final.” The king sneered and your hope filled heart broke. Swallowing hard your eyes searched for Merlin the fear in your eyes hit him hard as he watched
you be carted out of the court room your eyes locking with Merlin’s anger and tears filled his eyes before your eyes swept to Arthur’s & the sheen of betrayal sat heavy in his eyes and before you could stop yourself you called out for him one last time. As the guards dragged you to the doors.
The cells in camelots dungeons were always your most hated place to be from the horrid stench to the chill that cooled your bones to the straw that littered the floor In wet mangled clumps. To the extent it weakened your connection to your magic. Your magic was your strength the very essence of you to have it be weakened by the iron felt wrong.
The dungeons were perhaps the scariest place in Camelot there you’d sit, forced to rot as they’re building a funeral pyre for you and your execution is due in a day.
But you’d been there for now two days, and Day by day you were becoming more and more sure that this was the one situation Merlin could not save you from.
by the betrayed look on Arthur’s face when you were lead through the large doors infront of the entire court for your sentencing and the cold look in uthers eyes you were a dead woman walking.
And maybe you deserved it by the look on Arthur’s face as the pieces fell into place and he realised all the times his wounds eased that were not with the help of adrenaline, but magic. it made you wonder did he believe you had enchanted him? Bewitched him to love you? It pained you greatly to even think that Arthur may be in his chambers rethinking every kiss you’ve shared with one another. Would your love ever truly be enough for him to forgive you for magic? Of course he didn’t like magic that was to be expected but he liked you. At least you thought he liked you…
And He liked Merlin, he’d shown countless times indifference to magic, magic that had saved his life countless times, and still the look of betrayal in his eyes made you wonder Were all your secret picnics and stolen kisses in corridors just something to occupy him?
Were you nothing more than Arthur’s dirty little secret, a silly little romance that would have only ended in tragedy?
was it all for nothing?
Were you nothing to him?
No you were not nothing. You were everything you were his in private. the only place he didn’t have to perform. He didn’t have to agree with his father’s actions he could just be Arthur pendragon not the prince.
besides It’s better to have loved Arthur and to die for it than to have never had him at all. You may never be his queen but you were for a fleeting moment, for a fleeting moment you were his and he was yours.
And now you would burn because you loved your family too much to watch them die, you half wondered as you sat in that cell if uther knew.
If he had known you and Arthur were courting in secret and if he called the witchfinder to get rid of more than one the little scandal waiting to happen and you wouldn’t put it past uther to condemn you to death so long as Arthur is still under his control.
The longer you sat in your cell the more you stewed, a slue of emotions crashing over you, from sadness to anger, to acceptance.
You would accept the fate of burning for your loved ones but you would not accept the fate of losing Arthur. Not like this.
You would not be separated by death, if Arthur didn’t want you after knowing the truth you would live with it, but you would not live with not knowing.
Your love for the boy had been too strong you were going to marry Arthur in the future, it wasn’t to far away having a family with the prince, having a life.
That could have been your future. If you were not awaiting execution.
You sat there in drenching sadness that crashed like waves, what was worse was the sound of key’s jiggling. Did you misjudge the days? Was this going to be the end? already?
“You and me are going to have a little talk.” The witch finder sneered unlocking your cell and looking down at you with hatred still you didn’t gaze in his eyes. You watched the floor with intensity as he hauled you off to a different cell leading you through the halls past the staircase you caught sight of a shaky morgana your eyes found hers and suddenly you felt a lot more scared than before.
In the cell there was a chair and a table and a small cart of various medical and surgical weapons ‘oh shit’ your mind screamed as the witch finder forced you to the chair “So we can do this two ways. It’s up to you confess why you’re in Camelot and who else has magic. and maybe I’ll let you live. Don’t tell me and I’ll find out myself.” The cruelty in his tone made you rear back subconsciously eyes narrowing at the witchfinders gaze
“Then” you sighed shakily looking at him through your lashes coldly“you’re going to have to find out yourself.” You summoned every inch of anger and willed it in your tone. Trying to be brave despite the frantic beats of your heart.
But It was hours spent in that damp Camelot cell hidden from the other prisoners clamped to a chair and the witch finder inches from your face and array of striking weapons on a small cart made your breathing hitch.
But you’ve had worse, you’ve had to fight wilderin in hengists kingdom for sport. Both yourself and Gwen had been kidnapped under the guise of being morgana and her physician and so yourself and Gwen were forced to masquerade as morgana and yourself and you were stuck in different cells both damp and smelling of blood and wet earth.
And then there was Lancelot who happened to be hengists champion, and a champion who only days later you’d be thrown into the pit with a wilderin with no weapons with a tied up Gwen and Lancelot. Both yourself and Lancelot had stayed behind to give Gwen time to escape and ultimately were the first to be thrown in the cage again you didn’t mind as long as Gwen escaped you’d be fine.
But Truth be told the odds were very against you, but magic was always going to save you, but using it would doom you especially in front of everyone in hengists court. With the use of magic and a bloodied broken bone from the wilderins last meal made for a convenient way to murder the beast. Until another one came and Merlin and Arthur had saved you just in time From its hideous rat jaws the huge bleeding scar of its teeth in your arm made you detest the stench of blood and earth.
That was probably the worst experience of your life until now. And the scar from the wilderins teeth was still healing but the physical scars meant nothing the torture of being in a cell that smells the same as this dungeon was the worst that and the feeling of knowing your life is going to end were probably the most humbling experiences.
But, the only saving grace was that night in camp where Arthur had taken it upon himself to patch up your wilderin wound (poorly might you add as a physician it was odd to let the only man with very little experience patching someone up, patch you up.)
But you let him anyway and Arthur’s hands held your arm with feather light touches the needle threaded through your flesh with clumsy fingers the stiching off centre and rough around the edges but it was Arthur’s way of telling you he cared, the silk thread slid easily through your flesh but it pained you every stitch Arthur was no physician but he was trying.
“I’m glad you’re okay. And Gwen told me when they questioned you about any secrets of Camelot you never cracked.”
“never Camelot is my home.” You smiled at the prince but your attempt at reassurance failed miserably and he ducked his head
“I wish you, cracked. Then they wouldn’t have given you that.” Arthur pointed to the growing black eye rapidly swelling over your left eye a bruise you got for refusing to rat out any information on when guards were on duty, the way to the Camelot armory or anything you overheard as a physician from any loose lipped clients.
“I am not weak Arthur. I can deal with a black eye and brutish men. I’ve been sparring with you and the knights for years” Your eyes pointed angrily at the boy crossing your arms over your chest despite the half finished stitching feeling the half sewn wound twist painful as you did so but you hid the pain to appear strong something you’ve done since you were young
“I never said that! But you- you aren’t weak. I can’t stand seeing you in pain.” Arthur’s blue eyes bore into yours with such an intensity his eyes flashing from your lips to your eyes his hand cupping your jaw as he pressed his lips softly against yours shock prevented you from kissing back as the blonde went to pull away you chased his lips kissing him back with feverish passion.
“I love you Arthur.” You rested your head against his the exhaustion of the day catching up to you he didn’t say it back but you didn’t care he just had to know.
The memory of Arthur made you feel loved it kept you strong, hit after hit, once against your ribs twice against your face, four times against your legs and once more against your face with enough force to split your lip licking the blood that dripped from your lip your bruised body heaved in pain and still you never cracked.
“Come on miss l/n, just tell me two little names and all this can stop”
“You’re deluded.” You sneered before spitting a wad of blood into the witchfinders face smiling gleefully when your blood tinged spit stained his face but the glee was short lived when the man had sent a quick hit to your chest stealing the air from your lungs.
Before he grabbed a tool with a screw and roughly pulled your thumb into it “you will tell me miss y/n what your intentions are with the prince and with Camelot or I will force it out of you.”
The witchfinder shredded his coat as he leaned over you tightening the screw into your thumb the pressure of the screw against your finger had you squirming in your seat as he tightened the contraption more and more
“All you need to do is confess your accomplices. And this will stop.” His voice echoed the room but the feeling of a sharp screw drilling into your finger tighter and tighter puncturing the nail and skin the pain otherworldly and unbearable you tried to hold your scream back but when the man still did not relent and instead tightened the thumb screw you let out your blood curdling scream.
“WHO! Are! Your! Accomplices!” His voice yelled now as he tightened more and more gut wrenching screams ripped from your throat you would let yourself scream, let yourself cry but you would not tell him a thing.
The crushing feeling of your thumb bones breaking made your heart beat incredibly fast your other ironed hand gripped the table with force your nails digging into the wood
He still tightened the screw and by the loud haunting screams that ripped from you and the smile on the witchfinders face he enjoyed your pain you couldn’t help the salty tears and horrible screams the pain unbearable and overcoming your sense but still your mouth locked on any information like a vault.
“Come on!” His voice boomed as his hands squeezed your bicep his eyes crazed as he watched you
“Fuck you!” You screamed eyes red with tears and fighting the approaching darkness in the corner of your vision
“Aredian, sir. The king has called a meeting and requires your presence.” The servant at the cell door had spoken quietly to the witchfinder nervous in his presence
The witchfinder sighed straightening his posture rolled his eyes and moved close to your ear “no matter, miss l/n. The lady morgana, and Merlin will burn with you soon”
Your heart dropped and you struggled against the restraints the excruciating pain from your finger and the rest of your beaten body the pain in your ribs alluded you to the potential broken bones it caused your panicked shouts to echoed through the dungeon and the witchfinders laugh filled the room
“No! Aredian stop.” You cried to his retreating figure “I’ll confess to the use of sorcery if. And only if, you spare Merlin and morgana.” Your eyes close in defeat
“Good choice, miss y/n. take her to her cell.”
And there you were again cut off from anyone and anything unsure if Merlin would be able to prove you innocent, or if he’d burn with you, or if Arthur still even cared the woman he was courting was about to be executed and had just withstood torture. Hengist was bad but he never had broken your bones or tortured you only tried to feed you to wilderin.
The pain in your thumb had dulled but the bleeding hole had still gushed the measly bandage that consider of your dress did barely anything to stop the bleeding and the iron cells mixed with the torture made your magic virtually ineffective making you unable to fully heal your wounds only dulling the pain of your thumb.
your time was running out and you were truly alone in the cells your connection to Merlin via your druid telepathy was proving useless he wouldn’t respond you couldn’t warn him of the witch finder and by the shine of the moon in your cell you only had hours left.
There is already a funeral pyre with your name on it in the court yard. You couldn’t help the tears that slipped down your cheeks you didn’t want to die not like this and a prison break wasn’t even on your mind they’d just kill Merlin and gaius in your absence there was no way out. and the crushing guilt of something you cannot change began to pound against your skull. Were you born wrong?
Was it wrong to have this magic? This power that has saved those you’ve loved for years why was it seen as inherently evil? Why were you seen as inherently evil? All you wanted was your friends to be safe.
And between the pain that debilitated you from the physical blows to the broken bones in your thumb and the emotional pain of Arthur most likely hating you made you want to just give up.
You pulled your knees to your chest as you cried the stupid scent of blood, earth, and straw polluted your nose. And you found yourself thinking about how lucky Gwen had been to have Lancelot visit her cell in hengists kingdom determined to break her and by extension yourself out.
You had Merlin in your court but you still wished you had someone to hold your hand through the vent even if it was the last thing you’d ever do you didn’t want to die alone.
“Y/n” you heard whispered from the doors of your cell “Arthur?” You called confusion lacing your voice as your red rimmed eyes met Arthur’s and you couldn’t help but run to the cell door resting your head on the bars sobbing in relief at the sight of him the pain from your body put on the back burner for a moment.
“What happened?” Guilt filled Arthur’s heart at the sight of you, your eye healing from your previous beating and now the sight of your bloodied broken thumb and bruised body Arthur saw red.
He felt betrayed at the revelation of your magic of course but he understood why you had kept it a secret and if Arthur had been paying more attention he would have seen it plain as day when you were kids.
Your magic was obvious since childhood Arthur was too blind to see it.
“I know” was all he said eyes stoney and voice unwavering “I know you have magic the witch finder is right.”
Any hope that bubbles in your chest died with his words “Arthur I- i can explain” You tried shaking your head lacing your uninjured hand in his through the cell pleased when he didn’t pull away
“Shhh Merlin told me everything, everything you’ve ever done to save me. Save everyone. I understand why you did what you did.” Arthur spoke lowly his eyes staring into yours trying to convey his apology
“Merlin has come up with a plan to save you, he’s doing it right now but I couldn’t go another day without telling you I’m sorry you had to keep this a secret. I can’t stay for long but- but y/n I love you.” Arthur spoke with all the love he could muster placing a chaste kiss on your lips through the cell
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before I was afraid of my father I am supposed to be king one day to marry someone of noble blood, but I don’t want that. I want you.” Arthur’s voice is quiet as he confesses he wants to spend the rest of your lives together
“I want nothing more.” You felt like crying he still wanted you, magic and all.
“Arthur, I was so scared.” You felt so exhausted from the torture to the ticking clock you couldn’t help but cry
“Shh” Arthur’s fingers ghosted over the skin of your cheeks wiping your tears. “We will prove your innocence, I’ll keep your secret. I promise you.”
Arthur placed a kiss on your lips once more pressing a necklace with his ring into your hand before promising Merlin has everything under control.
With your heart a bit lighter you finally sat down on the hard cell bed clutching Arthur’s ring in your hand you let sleep overtake your body trusting that Merlin will save you.
When the bright light of the sun shines through your cell window today is the day you are supposed to die, and part of your questioned if you dreamt Arthur’s presence to save your sanity but by the slight pressure of his ring on a chain in your hand reassured your beating heart.
You were not dreaming, Arthur loves you and Merlin just spent last night trying to save you but there’s still a ticking time bomb of the noon execution and by the switch shift of the guards it was almost 12
Time was ticking and still there was no sign of Merlin you felt sick like your heart was going to fall out of your stomach
You prayed to whatever god or deity was out there that you would not burn today but by the size of the growing crowd outside the cell window your prayers would go unanswered there was nothing you could do but just sit there in anxiety
The rattling of keys and heavy sound of chainmail made you accept the fact that Merlin would be too late to save you and Arthur would watch you burn
When the knight reached your cell his keys turned the lock and he walked towards you slowly your eyes met the floor the pain in your thumb still debilitating but you held Arthur’s ring in your hands tightly if you were to burn your burn knowing you were loved.
To your surprise when the knight takes you by the wrist silver key in hand as he unlocks your handcuffs
Confusion takes over your face as you watch the knight with intensity “what?” You can’t help but ask rubbing your now freed wrist nervous when he takes your injured hand but this knight grips your hand with gentleness that’s beyond you
“You’re free to go miss” the knight smiles he looked to be a newer knight of Camelot one you didn’t grow up with but he is kind
“Thank you” you nod to the knight as you stumble from your cell gauis is standing at the end of the hallway white as a ghost but pleased to see you freed from your cell
“Y/n!” Gauis smiles opening his arms and you can’t help but fall into them holding onto gauis tightly your sobs wet his shirt shoulder
“Gauis how did you do it? How did you prove me to be innocent?” You cry your hands shaking and body weak from days spent eating little food and dealing with aredians torture.
“It was all Merlin and Arthur.” The old man smiles his arms supporting you as you walk up the stairs from the dungeons to your chambers
“Tell me everything.”you smile at the old man walking side by side down the corridor gauis’s laugh fills the empty hallway
“Not here, let’s get your wounds treated.” His eyes glance at the bruises littering your body, and the bloodied thumb
You had never been so happy to see your chambers in your life, the comforting smell of herbs and bread the familiar scent of old books and the sound of your boots against the stone floor sounded like music to your ears
There’s no scent of wet earth, or blood aside from the metallic smell emanating from your finger you could almost forget the pain of the cells now that you’re back.
But there’s still very obviously signs of damage done by the witch finders raid broken pots, damaged shelves potions and poisons leaving residue on the floor
But still it is your home. gauis filled a pitcher of water and fills a cup for you and once the water passes your lips you come to realise just how parched you were gulping down glass after glass
gauis busied himself with fixing his work station pulling ointment after ointment and an array of bandages from his kit.
“Sit please” gauis pointed to the table and you sat yourself on the wooden bench gauis had begun to take your makeshift bandage from your wound the gaping hole in your thumb and the blood that spurted from your wound made gauis’s breathing hitch
As he gentle distributed ointment over the wound to fight off growing infections and bandaging up the wound with a fresh bandage Merlin would work on reconstructing your thumb when he gets back
Gauis had felt over your ribs and when he had found another break Merlin would be healing that too for now gauis would sit beside you on the dining room table fresh food would be laid out gauis knew what it was like in the Camelot dungeons and the lack of food
So he didn’t comment on how much you ate when approaching footsteps made your heart beat faster and your eyes flicker to gauis his hand rested on top of yours to reassure you, gauis and Merlin would always reassure you you were safe here you weren’t trapped in the cells of your own home.
When Merlin’s figure found himself in the doorway you could see the relief on his face that you were okay aside from the bruises and bandaged thumb you were alive.
“Oh y/n” Merlin’s soft voice cried and before you knew it you were pushing up off of the table and running into Merlin’s arms
“Hi Merlin” you held him tightly you owed Merlin your life and so being in his hold meant being safe, he would never hurt you.
“God I’m so glad you’re back” his hold tightened and he could feel your magic strong and your connection to eachother he wasn’t cut off from you anymore
“I’m so sorry it took me so long.” Merlin’s guilt ate him alive as he pulled away the black eye and split lip made him see red if he didn’t already kill aredian by accident he would have and he would have made him go through what you did.
Merlin’s eyes flashed yellow and the unbearable ache in your thumb and pulsing pain all over ebbed into nothingness.
You could feel your bones reassembling in your thumb and your broken rib fuse back together the pain and bruises once a bright purple colour would dissipate into a light blue and then would turn into the colour of your skin again.
“Thank you, Merlin.” You squeezed his hand tightly he nodded his head and held you tightly in his arms
Before a smile broke out on his face “do you want to hear how I proved aredian to be a fraud?” Merlin helped you sit beside him and poured another glass of water for you
“Of course!”
After Merlin had recounted the entire night from convincing Arthur of everything, that despite your magic you loved him with no enchantment and even if you had enchanted him Merlin asked Arthur point blank if what he told him that day you were cuddled in Arthur’s arms if it was still true, if he still loved you.
Arthur told Merlin he would always love you but he couldn’t trust you now with magic Merlin felt like slapping the prince.
How could you trust Arthur? He’s the prince of Camelot. A kingdom that tried to burn a woman at the stake the first day he arrived and you had grown up here watching that and still you treated its citizens and royalty with no malice?
Merlin understood why you couldn’t trust Arthur he can’t. Not because Arthur was a bad friend but he’s the prince.
No one can help how they are born, but you can put yourself in their shoes and Merlin spent hours convincing Arthur and then more hours enchanting aredian.
From the tincture of belladonna, to the bracelet, to even the frog from aredians throat! Merlin would not fail.
You loved Merlin a lot no one would go as far as he did to save you and you only knew him for a year and a half.
When three knocks sounded on the door Merlin had tried to hide his smile as gauis opened the door to Arthur, in a white shirt freshly showered hair and a Bouquet of wildflowers you felt your heart melt at his kindness
His blue eyes were filled with worry and fear his gaze flicking to gauis and Merlin before he lowered his voice “how are you?”
“Much better now I’m out of that god forsaken cell.” You felt your throat close up at the mention of the cell you spent so long in
Arthur felt guilty about his actions about not saving you or stopping his father. He tried but he could have tried harder
You could see Arthur was drowning in his guilt placing your hand on his shoulder you lead him past gauis and Merlin to your room and sat on your small bed
“You tried your hardest Arthur, it’s not your fault I was thrown in the dungeons.”
“I should have stopped them y/n. I should have broken you out I should have done anything!” Arthur blinked through tears
His hand holding yours in your lap, “Arthur I love you with my whole heart I do not blame you, so please do not blame yourself.”
“I love you and I promise I will spend the rest of my life proving to you how much I love you.” Arthur confessed his eyes full of sincere love
You couldn’t help yourself but to kiss him your lips meshing against one another’s felt like home, it felt like love and warmth and like an apology all in one.
It wasn’t until your lungs burnt for air did you pull back. “I should go I don’t want anyone to become suspicious, I’ll see you tomorrow?” Arthur asked tentatively a part of him afraid of rejection.
“Of course” you placed another kiss on his lip before pulling open your chamber door to reveal Merlin and gauis on the other side ears pressed against the wood looking guilty.
“Merlin…gauis what do you think you’re doing?” You chastise at the pair you expected this of Merlin but of gauis? That was surprising
“Gauis i expected better of you” Arthur laughed from where he stood wrapping an arm around your shoulder
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sockmeat · 2 years
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𝐅𝐄𝐌 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 -- 𝑰𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒍𝒊𝒑𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒌 𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒌𝒔 𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒆... (𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏 𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒍𝒚 𝑺𝒊𝒏𝒔)
(𝐰𝐜): 3,058
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: When you acquire a new shade of lipstick, you’re eager to try it on and see how it looks. When you see your s/o minding their business, you’re curious: what will it look like on them?
(𝐀/𝐍): GET THIS OUT OF MY DRAFTS i am sick of looking at it
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠(𝐬): Meliodas’ scenario is suggestive at the end but if you blink you’ll miss it, Ban’s scenario is suggestive all the way through I’m sorry I wanna fuck him so bad, I tried to get this out on Valentine’s day but I’m pathetic and lazy so let’s pretend this isn’t a whole MONTH late
♡ Sometimes Meliodas was just too fucking cute.
♡ Even though you were well aware of how his mind works, being the victim of his impulses, you couldn’t help but want to squish his cheeks until the end of time.
♡ And it just so happened that you were getting ready and decided to wear your new, bright red lipstick when he came in with all his cheeky glory.
    “Yo, (y/n)! What’cha doin’?” He asks you with a smile, closing the door behind him and leaning on it. You turn from your vanity with a matching expression. He was in his usual outfit--he always refused variety in his wardrobe. You’ve gotten used to seeing him, but you will always be excited to see his face. Especially his cheeks.
    “I’m just playing around with some makeup,” you tell him. He hums and you return your gaze to the mirror. Delicately, as to not knock anything over, you grab your newest shade of lipstick and apply it to your lips.
Meliodas stays silent as he watches from across the room.
    When you were satisfied, you put the lipstick down and reached for a spare napkin, only for you to stop in your tracks when you make eye contact with Meliodas through the mirror.
    Your smile grew when an idea popped into your head. “Meliodas,” you coo, “Come here please.”
    Meliodas pushes himself off the door and does as you say. “What’s up?” He asks, stopping next to you.
    You say nothing, only pulling his face down to your level. With quick vigor, you press a dozen kisses on his cheeks; six bright red kiss marks decorated his face like freckles. Finally, you press one last passionate kiss on his lips. He parted with a silly smile stretching his face.
    He knew he’d be getting teased for it, but he couldn’t bring himself to wipe the lipstick off. In fact, he’d wear the markings proudly until the day they wore off.
♡ And just as he expected, Meliodas was teased. A lot.
♡ He wasn’t the only one being teased, though. Ban teasing the both of you all day about you both being perverts.
♡ Despite that, never once did he consider wiping your art off.
♡ Meliodas is the type of guy to love any kind of marking, giving or receiving, so he was in bliss the whole time.
♡ At the end of the day, he knew he was loved and the markings were proof of that. Don’t be surprised if he starts buying lipsticks of all kinds and asking you to mark him lower, too. Maybe you could even make a rainbow!
♡ When you finally got your hands on a lipstick you had your eyes on forever, you couldn’t help but put it on straight away.
♡ You picked out a cute outfit to match, too. You were just so excited!
    You smiled to yourself, admiring yourself in your bathroom mirror. You had a dress, cute shoes, the jewelry Ban stole from you--you were only missing one thing. Excitedly, you grabbed your new lipstick and started putting it on, leaning closer to the mirror.
Knock, knock.
    Ban opens the door without hearing your answer. “Hey, babe, Meliodas wants us--Oh,” he stops in the frame, gawking at you.
    “Hey, hot-stuff,” Ban purrs, eyeing the dress you’re wearing. He walks to you confidently. “Going somewhere? I hope not. I didn’t know you had this dress,” he smirked.
    “Yes, I’m going somewhere. It’s very important and I don’t need you smudging my makeup,” you attempt to scold him. Ban ignores your silent demand and leans down, pressing a kiss to your hairline.
    You sigh. “One kiss,” you tell him, turning and pressing a kiss to his jawline. “Now, shoo! Out!”
    Ban stops you by grabbing your hips and pressing you against the counter. “Oh, no, I’m not going anywhere,” he smirks. “But neither are you.” He grabs the lipstick from your hands and swipes it across your lips.
“You’re gonna need more of this.”
♡ Ban doesn’t mind markings, but he prefers giving them over receiving them.
♡ This doesn’t mean he’ll tolerate teasing, oh, no. He’ll either fire back at them or brag about the marks.
♡ He will also get you more lipstick and opt to try it out, but instead of buying it like Meliodas, he just steals it. (They’re always new, however, since the one time he got you a used one you got a sore and he couldn’t kiss you until it healed.)
♡ Strangely enough, he found out he has a thing for lipstick thanks to you.
♡ When you mentioned your date with King to Elizabeth, she decided to take you shopping while you were at a pit stop.
♡ There were many options, but you decided on something conservative. You didn’t want to give your favorite fairy a heart attack just yet--not until you were married, at least.
♡ It was a simple outfit, but one you knew he’d like. As a bonus, you had the cutest shade of lipstick to go with it!
    Elizabeth sat on your bed with the brightest smile, patiently waiting for you to leave the bathroom and show her your outfit. You two just got back from your shopping spree; you got a new outfit and Elizabeth got some jewelry, but the star of the show would be your new lipstick.
    Until now, you had never worn any type of bold color on your lips. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t excited. With grace, you applied the final coat to your lips and strut dramatically out of the bathroom.
    “What do you think? Is it too much?” You ask Elizabeth, your confidence suddenly flying out of you. You nervously wiped your hands on your outfit and smoothed the wrinkles.
    “You look wonderful,” Elizabeth cheered, brightening your mood. “He’ll love it!” You returned her smile. No one could stay grumpy when Elizabeth was around, her joy was simply too contagious.
“Thank you,” you tell her.
Knock, knock, knock.
“(Y/n)? Are you in there?”
    You open the door to see King with his fist raised. He almost looked surprised to see you; his face held shock, but there was a faint trail of pink on his cheeks.
    You smile at him and ask, “Are you ready?” He grips his pillow and looks around the hallway, stuttering over his words. Whenever he tried to say something, he’d cut himself off and try to say something different.
    “I-I just...” King sighs. “You look really pretty,” he mumbles, finally meeting your eyes. Your face warms and before you can think, you’re pressing a kiss to his cheek.
    You pull back and giggle when you see the red stain on his face. “Come on, let’s go before it gets dark.” You grab his hand and pull him down the stairs. He floats after you with heart eyes, burning the feeling of your kiss into his brain.
♡ Another person that gets teased for the kiss mark.
♡ He gets a lot more embarrassed than the others, though.
♡ He also can’t defend himself that well...
♡ If he gets teased enough, he’ll just hide away in his room.
♡ He’ll consider wiping the kiss off until he thinks about you being sad because of it.
♡ Chances are, because of that thought, he’ll keep the kiss there until it wears off or you wipe it off.
♡ He thinks they’re a little bit embarrassing--he will almost never ask for them unless he’s feeling bold.
♡ This time you’re getting ready together!
♡ Diane has a large collection of beauty products and loves to share them with you.
♡ At least once a week the two of you are playing around in her makeup. Sometimes they’ll be considered dates and sometimes you’ll do it to get ready for actual dates, but they will happen.
♡ There is no escaping it.
♡ Everyone knows about these dates, too. Sometimes Elizabeth or even Merlin will join and it’ll be a girls’ night!
    You and Diane were sitting around and talking about life’s secrets when she decided to pull out her makeup. The two of you were gathered on the hardwood floor in front of a body-length mirror, her mountains of makeup sitting next to and in front of you.
    With a smile, you pushed your cheek against hers and looked at her through the mirror. “Always,” you whisper.
    “Oh, oh!” Diane chants, reaching into one of the piles and pulling out a hardly-used lipstick. “I got this a few days ago, but I totally forgot about it!”
    She was quick to put it on her lips. Puckering them up, she turned to you with a duck face and mumbled, “Don’t I look cute?”
    Diane squeals, “(Y/n) thinks I’m cute!” while rubbing her cheek against yours as if she was starting a fire. She continues to spout cheesy nonsense before attacking your cheeks.
    One kiss turned into five and five kisses turned into twenty. Soon enough, your entire face was covered in her lipstick. The lipstick left on her lips was now smeared from her harassment, but the smile she had distracted you from that.
    “Well, if you’re gonna be like that--” You start, snatching the tube of lipstick and putting it on erratically. Diane screamed and tried to run, but you grabbed her and returned her onslaught full-force.
    In the end, the two of you were covered in lipstick--both of your lips were bare, however, instead, the lipstick was everywhere else. Diane would look back on this memory with fondness for the rest of her days.
♡ She enjoys it as much as you do!
♡ However, she isn’t the type to keep it on all day. She can just ask you to give her more, after all.
♡ Ban is really the only one that teases her and she’ll brush it off like it’s nothing.
♡ She knows you love her and that’s all she cares about. The kisses are proof of that!
♡ Occasionally, she’ll ask you kiss in a specific spot if she’s looking to do a whole look. She’ll make something intricate with your kiss as the main course and will only take it off when she has to go to bed.
♡ While Gowther was shopping for books, you wandered off and came across a beauty store.
♡ You planned on just looking around, but when does that ever work out?
♡ While you were exploring, a beautiful shade of red caught your eye.
♡ You tried the sample and sure enough, you looked amazing! You were quick to grab the tube and purchase it.
    You skipped swiftly down the streets, eyes set on the book store Gowther would no doubt be visiting. As if someone would steal it, you held onto your newest tube of lipstick with a grip of steel.
    When you were just a few steps away, you slowed and took the lid off to put it on. With a finishing swipe, you rubbed your lips together and looked for Gowther.
    “Gowther! Look what I got,” you call, seeing him exit the store with a few books in his hand. He looked at you for a moment before he noticed the change. A ruby red color, which was not there before, made itself present on your lips. It looked strangely... Kissable?
He points to your lips and asks, “What is that, girlfriend?”
    You grab his hand and begin walking back to the tavern, where everyone was waiting. “It’s lipstick,” you inform him. “Makeup. It just makes you look nice. Do you like it?”
    Gowther thinks for a moment before answering. “Yes,” he states. “I do like it. Why haven’t you shown me this earlier?”
    You smile, “I wasn’t sure how you’d feel about it. You can be brutal, you know. I’m glad you like it!” Pressing a quick kiss to his cheek, you decide against telling him about the mark it left.
♡ Gowther doesn’t understand them. In fact, he may even see them as unsanitary, considering how much germs the human mouth has.
♡ Are you surprised? This is Gowther, after all.
♡ But still, he’ll do what you want with them.
♡ Once you explain that it’s a sign of your love, he’s more open to keeping it on.
♡ He’ll even randomly point it out to other people and subtly brag!
♡ You sat patiently in the front area of the Boar hat, waiting for Merlin to return from her escapade. A month ago, before she left, Merlin promised you that she would bring you something as a gift--a souvenir.
♡ Of course you were said to see her leave. Anyone would be!
♡ But the rest of the sins were good at keeping you distracted so you weren’t moping around.
♡ Thanks to them, the month passed by quickly.
    You sat at the bar of the Boar hat, staring at the door as if it owes you money. As humble as you wanted to appear, you knew you were being impatient. No doubt, you would be teased for this, but you didn’t care.
Your girlfriend is coming back today! Who wouldn’t be excited?
    Your heart leaped into your throat when you heard footsteps approach the door. Merlin. Each step felt like a millennia apart. You had half the nerve to march over and swing that door open. There was a chance she was teasing you, after all. A chance she knew you would count her arrival by the second.
However, there was a chance that wasn’t her. So you waited.
    Finally, the door opened and Merlin stepped in. She couldn’t say a word before you were latched onto her. You gave her a passionate kiss, your leg popping out of habit.
    “Well, hello there,” she smiles, pulling away from your kiss, but not your touch. “I didn’t expect to see you here.” An obvious lie. This has been a long-going routine for years now--Merlin would go off on a mission and you would always be there to greet her.
    She reaches into her cloak and pulls out a tube of lipstick--pink, just like hers. “I know how much you love to match. It just so happens that I found this while travelling and I thought of you,” she chirped, taking the cap off and applying it for you.
    You admired her as she concentrated on your lips. A small smile graced her lips. When she finished, she put the cap where it belonged and put the tube of lipstick in her hands.
    “Thank you,” you purr, leaning forward to give her a kiss on her lips, then her cheek.
    Normally, Merlin would wipe the mark to avoid comments, but you were just reunited. Perhaps she could deal with the sins’ teasing.
♡ Merlin prefers giving them instead of receiving them.
♡ She appreciates the sentiment, but sometimes she has important things to attend and when all her peers can focus on is the kiss marks you left behind, no work is done.
♡ However, giving them is like a little claim for her. She absolutely loves to see them.
♡ Giving Escanor kiss marks wasn’t a new concept.
♡ Whether it was cheering him on in his day form or cheering him up during the night, Escanor almost always had a kiss mark somewhere on him.
♡ Escanor loved nothing more than holding you in his arms while you kissed anything you could reach in his day form.
♡ In his night form, he loves holding you close so you can kiss him while he reads to you.
    You tried to pay attention to what Escanor was saying, you really did! But watching him next to you looking so kissable made it so hard. You were feeling especially loving tonight--you were damn near close to biting the man because of how cute he looks.
    When Escanor offered to read to you, you didn’t hesitate to accept the offer. It was common, sure, but you would never get tired of hearing him describe a scene. He had a way of expressing a scene that made you feel like you were there yourself.
    You were so busy admiring him you didn’t even notice when he stopped reading. “Dear?” Escanor calls to you, resting the book on his lap. “Are you alright? I’m not boring you, am I?”
    “No, no! I just--” You stumble over your words. Your hands are waving wildly in the air, hoping you convey your message better than your words can.
    You sigh, annoyed, and get up from your seat. Confidently, you strut to Escanor and plop onto the space next to him. Your legs are thrown over his and your arms are around his neck.
    You grin when Escanor’s face flushes. “You’re just really cute,” you gush. While you press scattered kisses on his face, Escanor’s heart is beating faster than ever.
    His thoughts are chaotic--how much he doesn’t deserve you, how he’s glad that no one else is here, to how he could feel the lipstick you left behind--but no matter what he thought about, it was always about you.
♡ In the end, it doesn’t matter which form he’s in, he’ll always love them.
♡ He just gets more embarrassed over it during the night.
♡ But don’t let that fool you! He will never deny you from showing your love.
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pigfacedbitch · 1 year
HIIII I'm a big fan of your work and I really love it your writing is amazing , this may be a weird request and if your uncomfortable you don't have to do it , it's fine I completely understand, so it's like merlin and Arthur and the reader and they are all soulmates and it's there first time meeting each other . Thank you in advance
Modern! Reader Gets Transported to Albion
idea : modern world! reader gets transported to Albion and meets Arthur and Merlin. unbeknownst to you and the prince of Camelot, the three of you are soulmates.
type : imagines
word count : 0.7k
pairing/s involved : Arthur x Reader, Merlin x Reader
warning/s : almost drowning, panicking
here is my masterlist!
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Note : MY FIRST REQUEST! Whoever you are, thank you for reading my works and I might've changed a little bit in your request. Also, I apologize that it took so long, school has been keeping me busy. I hope you like it! 😊
You've always been a fan of BBC Merlin so when you had the chance to take a trip to Europe, you did.
You went to all the locations where they filmed the series like Château de Pierrefonds and Chislehurst Caves. The last destination is where the Lake of Avalon is; Forest of Dean.
Luckily you are alone, giving you the chance to fully enjoy the beautiful sceneries and serene atmosphere.
It made you feel a deeper sense of nostalgia and melancholy— how the precious characters you loved dearly died and were 'buried' there.
With one last selfie, you were about to walk back to you car when you hear it. A faint voice, filled with sorrow and longing.
"(Y/N)... Save us."
It's coming from the lake.
Something glimmers on it's shore, a sapphire drop necklace with golden chain. When you attempt to pick it up, the world begins to spin.
Suddenly, you were underwater.
Panic builds in your chest not because you can't swim, but an unseen force seems to harshly pull you down no matter how hard you try to stay afloat.
"Help me! Please, someone—"
Air runs out from your lungs when a pair of bulky arms grabs your body and begins to swim you to safety.
"Don't worry, I got you."
I heard that voice before.
The stranger easily carries you to ground, draping a large cloak on your shivering body. Rubbing your eyes for better sight, you look up...
Bradley James?
"Are you alright?"
No. You're certain that Bradley doesn't look that young anymore, keeping up with his latest activities online.
"I told you to be careful, Arthur!"
Turning your head, you see Colin Morgan run towards the two of you with a worried expression on his face.
He looks younger too.
"Ah, Merlin. Fetch the horses, she might need medical attention. May I ask for you name, my lady?"
Arthur? Merlin? Wait... Oh my God.
Realization hits you hard when both men stare at you expectantly, waiting for your answer.
The way they speak, their clothes, their appearances... it's exactly the same in the show you binge-watch every Christmas season.
Am I in the show? That's not possible...right?
"W-Where are we?"
You expect someone to go 'You just got punked!'; that would've been better than two men (who you have a huge crush on) staring at you, confused.
You waited for a moment but nothing happens.
This is real. I'm actually in Albion.
Fear and anxiety creeps into your system, as many questions form in your head. Did I die? What's going on? What season is this? How can I ever get back?
Due to the overwhelming emotions, your breath shortens and keeled over.
Bradley, or Arthur (You have no idea anymore), quickly catches you and gently carries you to his horse.
"We must make haste!" was the last thing you heard before you blacked out.
Merlin, on the hand, knew this would happen. In fact, he dreams of you.
He sees you in vague images, like old memories— happily kissing his cheek, witnessing him use magic, encouraging him to do another trick, etc.
He already etched in his mind your pretty face, your melodious voice, your playful grin— everything about you.
Then Arthur shares the same experience, dreaming about a woman who's description mirrors yours.
Kilgharrah told him that the woman of their dreams will arrive soon from faraway land and will play significant role in the prophecy.
However, the dragon didn't specify how. He only said—
"(Y/N) is your soulmate, Emrys. She sees you and Arthur in a light no one else ever will."
Soulmates are uncommon, even for druids. Only a few were blessed, to have something so wholesome and pure.
So when he heard your cry for help, he is ecstatic. You have finally arrived. His soulmate... and Arthur's.
He wryly smiles at this. Funny how he shares, not only his destiny with the prat, but also you.
The trip to the castle was faster than they anticipated. Arthur told him to call Gaius and meet them in his bedroom.
It caught the attention of everyone. The prince carrying an unconscious woman in his private chambers will surely stir gossip.
But Arthur didn't care, and Merlin didn't know if he should be proud or worried.
The court physician said you are healthy, they only have to wait for you to wake up. He left to attend other matters; leaving the three of you alone.
"This is her." The prince laughs in disbelief, incognizant of what Merlin knows. "The girl in my dreams, I can't believe it!"
Merlin tries to hide his smirk, Arthur can be so adorable when he's clueless.
"Nor can I, sire."
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Imagine crashing in Arthur's chambers after some tavern drinks...
There was a knock on the wooden door followed by a pause and then another slow knock. Arthur groaned at the noise as it interrupted his peaceful state of mind. 
Who was at his chambers so deep into the night? 
Sighing, the young prince pulled the covers off and sat up to swing his legs over the edge before taking a stand. Rubbing his face gently with a yawn, Arthur trudged over to his door. Firmly gripping the handle, he propped it open to take a look at his visitor.
Unsurprisingly, the night owl turned out to be his dear friend who was a sporting a lopsided smile. 
“Y/n?” He frowned curiously. What were you doing here at this hour? 
You placed a finger over your lips and hushed him dramatically. 
“Be quiet or the walls will hear you.” You urged.
Arthur rest his head against the door panel and closed his eyes. “You went to the tavern, didn’t you?” 
“I drank fun!” You beamed loudly, completely disregarding your previous instruction. 
Arthur widened the doorway to let you in and you accepted the invitation. Your footsteps uneven and showed clear signs of mead consumption. Closing the door behind him, Arthur started to feel more awake as he followed you through the chamber.
“Is this any hour to be drunk especially when we have the tournament ceremony tomorrow?” He asked.
You ignored him, laughing to yourself as you poked at the armour on his table. Then you took him by surprise and gasped, pointing a finger at him. 
“Are you a knight?” 
Arthur rolled his eyes and heaved another exasperated sigh. 
“Alright, you’re clearly intoxicated.” He said and walked over to the cabinet standing against the wall opposite his bed. He opened the bottom drawer and pulled out a blanket. Bringing it over to the side of his own bed, Arthur laid the soft fabric on the floor and pulled some of his pillows from his bed top to the ground, creating a makeshift bed.��
He went back to you and gently guided you over as you spoke nonsensically. 
“You’re a knight. Maybe I'm a knight? I could be a knight in the night." 
“You already are.” Arthur reminded softly as you took a seat on the blanket.
You chuckled to yourself and laid back to rest your head on the pillow. “I’m a knight.”
Arthur pulled the top blanket from his bed and draped it over your shoulders. The comfort you were cocooned in quickly caused your eyelids to drop and, before you knew it, you were fast asleep.
Arthur smiled to himself and then climbed into his own bed, returning to his own calming dreams.
Part 1 | Part 2
~ More imagines here ~
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sehnsuchts-trunken · 8 months
Merlin Masterlist
as always, if you want to read everything i've written about this, including match ups and all, click here
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Going Swimming
Where's Gwaine?
Scaredy Cat
Older Brother Gwaine Headcanons
You Feel Like Home
Can You Play With My Hair?
That Nervous
Mage Headcanons
If Lancelot Survived Headcanons
Chronic Pain Headcanons
Safe and Sound
Dating Morgana Headcanons
Dating Merlin Headcanons
Merlin in Love Headcanons
Headcanons #1
Dating Percival Headcanons
Headcanons #1
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bullet-prooflove · 1 month
Hii! I want to try this again :) so, I read your prompt lists, and the one who got my attention was from The Tortured Poets Department prompt list, number 28 (At dinner you take my ring off my middle finger and put it on the one people put wedding rings on) with Merlin (he's not on your list but I believe you said that it'd be a refreshing change to write him, but if not then this ask would be for Harry) :))
Again, if you don't want to write it or feel uncomfortable or whatever, I completely understand :)
Have a nice day! <3
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @trublu2u @fangirling-alert @presidentdangdang @bitchglitterdreamer
Companion piece to:
Umbrella - Hamish walks you home on a rainy night.
Rainy Nights (NSFW) - Companion piece to Umbrella - The night doesn't end when you get to the doorstep.
Compliment - Hamish tries to teach you how to take a compliment.
Honeypot - Hamish is forced to listen as you seduce another man.
Far From Disappointing - Hamish tells you a story from his past.
Dreams - Hamish thinks about what could have been.
Letters - Hamish finds a letter in your desk addressed to him.
Handwritten - Companion piece to Letters - Hamish decides to write his own letter.
This Life... - For a moment there was more to the life you lead.
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It’s in the middle of a quiet restaurant that Hamish takes the silver ring off your middle finger and places it on your wedding one. His thumb trails over it lovingly as his eyes raise up to meet yours.
“Wouldn’t it be fun to pretend for a minute?” He says and your heart aches because he has no idea how badly you want that, how you want to be the woman he comes home to, the one that loves him, that bears his children.
If the two of you had normal jobs, normal lives you’d already be his wife, you’d have already started a family and that’s why this hurts so much because it’s a fantasy, a dream that can never be.
“Best not.” You say, pulling your hand away. “It’s hope like that that get people like us killed.”
He tilts his head away from you, trying to hide the emotion he feels rising up in his chest. This profession has taken so much from the two of you, families, friends, the child you conceived together.
How much? he asks himself, how much can you keep sacrificing?
The only thing he has left is you and he knows that the day will come soon where he gets that knock on the door or that phone call, the one that tells him he’s lost you too.
“What if we didn’t do this anymore?” He says quietly, capturing your hand once more in his. The ring glints in the illumination from the overhead light. “What if we just disappear, get married, raise our children somewhere safe?”
“You would do that?” You ask him, your fingers entwining with his. “You’d give up life as a Kingsman?”
Hamish looks down on the silver band on your finger, he thinks of the years you could have together, the life you could build. He wants that with you, he wants everything  with you.
“Yes.” He says, meeting your gaze. “If it means we get to have a future together, I’d give it up in a heartbeat.”
Love Hamish? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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Can I have “I can’t sleep, can I sleep here?” with Merlin? Soft cuddles with baby boy in his tiny af bed. Thank you!!!
Sure! Hope you enjoy!💖
Sleepless Nights and Magical Moments
You can't sleep and end up going to Merlin. He has just the cure for you.
#244 “I can’t sleep, can I sleep here?”
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It was one of those nights that everything seemed to make you on edge. The creaking of the house, the sounds of people outside through the open windows, and the occasional blowing of wind caused your mind to be wide awake.
You were staying with Gaius in Camelot, training under him as a physician like Merlin. However, aforementioned man was here before you, so he got the room and tiny bed all to himself. Which you would rather prefer right now because the proximity you had to the front door was starting to freak you out.
Not to mention, Gauis made you read a book on venomous creatures before bed, not all of them appealing to look at.
So, needless to say, you needed some comfort and a distraction. You needed it right now.
"Merlin? Are you awake?" Your voice was hushed as you knocked on the door to his room. A few moments passed by before it opened with a slight squeak.
You were greeted with a tired-looking Merlin, with hair every which way.
"I am now...what's wrong?" He asked while rubbing at his eye with the sleeve of his shirt. You looked back to make sure Gauis was still asleep before looking back at him.
“I can’t sleep, can I sleep here?” You said shyly, pulling at your own clothes. Normally, it wouldn't be that big of a deal, but you guys sort of had a thing going. It was undefined, but more than friends was definitely part of the deal.
Still, he went red in the face, looking from you to back at his tiny bed.
"I think I can make space." Merlin said with that typical smile and little laugh. You thanked him as he moved to allow you into his room.
The transition happened quickly with him climbing back into bed so you could curl up with him. His bed was tiny, barely room for him. So, you were practically on top of Merlin as he had an arm around your shoulders to keep you from falling. Both of you were hesitant and shy, and you could hear how fast his heart was beating as your head lay on his chest just below his chin.
"So...you had a nightmare?" He asked, and you could feel his gentle breath on the top of your head when he spook.
You shuffled a little closer to him, feeling yourself sliding.
"Sort of. I just couldn't sleep...just felt on edge." You tried to explain, moving your hand to his chest as well. Merlin shifted slightly to give you more room.
"It's okay...I'm just fine where I am." You said to him, face red.
"Oh...I'm glad." Merlin stuttered with his words, but he eventually was able to express that he was happy to have you so close to him. In fact, the gentle cuddles he was getting here was something he didn't know he needed.
"Are you feeling better?" Merlin asked, wondering if you'd be able to sleep now.
"Here with you? I think I'll be just fine." You told him before burying your head in the crook of his neck. The poor boy stopped breathing for a second, but your words gave confidence.
His hand soon found your back and he rubbed it gently. For some reason, there was a warmth emanating from it that lulled you to sleep.
It was magical.
You soon found yourself falling asleep in the crook of his embrace. That tiny bed holding you both throughout the night as Merlin himself found peace from your presence. You may not know it now, but he helped you more than ever.
When morning came, Merlin was glad to see that his magic gave you a nightmare free night.
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okay-j-hannah · 2 years
They Meet You And Your Powers
Characters: Merlin, Ron Weasley, Harry Potter, Theseus Scamander
Request: “My magic boys! Please, Merlin, Ron, Harry and Theseus reacting to meeting a girl with "Wanda's powers" and falling in love with her!” Anon
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She held the glass bottle full of the healing brew. It had taken days to collect all the herbs and stew the petals to create the antidote. It was going to be the saving grace for the infectious disease plaguing the town.
Merlin was sitting on the staircase to his bedroom, watching (Y/N) as she bustled about preparing the precious brew.
“Do you think it’s going to work?” he asked.
“It better,” she replied, “Gaius is no fool.”
“Which is why he asked you to make the brew instead of me.”
(Y/N) laughed aloud and knocked into a table, the bottle of medicine flying from her hands. As it fell in slow motion, she considered for a second whether to use her magic to save the bottle. But that would reveal herself to Merlin and risk her chances of all of Camelot knowing.
But in that instant a pillow came levitating off Gaius’ cot and cushioned the fall of the bottle.
(Y/N) looked up, astonished to see Merlin with an outstretched hand and golden eyes.
“Merlin, you have magic!”
“Yes,” he said quickly, “I can explain.”
She had her hands over her mouth, “I don’t believe it.”
“It was something I was born with,” he said, a clear panic in his voice, “Nothing evil about it.”
She laughed, “I’m not going to turn you in, Merlin.”
He stared at her, his look of fear turning into one of confusion. “I never picked you to be a supporter of magic, (Y/N).”
“You can’t help what you’re born with,” she shrugged, feeling her own power grow in her fingertips. “You’re not the only one.”
Merlin paused, “What do you mean?”
(Y/N) smiled, her eyes beginning to glow scarlet as ribbons of red mist flew from her fingers. It wrapped around the glass bottle and floated it to her hands.
It was incredible the shift of emotion on Merlin’s face. “(Y/N)!” he cried, “You have magic!?”
“I guess Gaius prefers apprentices with powers.”
They shared a laugh, Merlin shaking his head in wonder. His voice became soft and fond as he said, “You’re incredible, (Y/N).”
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She walked down the halls of Hogwarts with hunched shoulders, trying to keep herself as small as possible. Being an extraordinary student came with an upheaval of consequences.
Students saw her magical abilities as an unfair advantage and full of the potential to be evil. Professors revered her and often requested demonstrations of her talents.
Regardless, (Y/N) sought the solitude of her common room more often than not. There were few that regarded her as a friend and not as a magical abnormality, meaning she avoided social interactions as much as possible.
Another instance was now as a group of Ravenclaws passed her in the hall.
“Oh, look out,” they said, “Here comes the freak.”
She ignored their snickers, escaping down the next corridor, only to be stopped by a flying menace.
“Ah, the wee red witch is upset,” came the grading voice of Peeves the poltergeist. “People should run for their lives!”
“Shut it, Peeves,” a new voice appeared, “Go destroy the trophy room and leave her alone.”
(Y/N) turned around to see Ron Weasley defending her. He was one of those fair few that treated her more kindly than the others.
Peeves blew some raspberries in their direction, floating off to cause more mayhem.
“You alright?” he asked, approaching her.
She sighed, “I’m fine.”
“I bet you could’ve sent him off with that magic of yours,” he said, smiling.
“You think,” she said, a surge of power descending her arms and to her hands. It was involuntary how red mist began to spark between her fingers. “You’re not intimated by it?”
Ron looked at her in awe, “That’s the appeal.” He watched as the red tendrils of magic grew and danced in the air, “I think your magic is amazing.”
She grinned at him, that was until the sound of blowing raspberries returned above them.
“The red witch is at it again!” yelled Peeves, “Harming students, she is!”
(Y/N) grumbled, flicking her wrist and sending ribbons of magic towards the poltergeist. His hands and mouth were immediately bound in red. Another crack of her fingers and the ghost was sent flying through the wall.
Ron laughed aloud, “That was incredible,” he stared at her with clear astonishment. So much so that (Y/N) started to believe she really was something special.
“Thanks,” she said quietly, sending a few threads of magic to play with his robes and hair.
He continued to laugh, “I love you!”
He said it so causally and she knew it was because of the way she took down Peeves, but despite that…
… his words made her blush.
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The library was overly quiet that evening, books lazily floating to their respective shelves. The lamps were beginning to dim, and (Y/N) was peering over into the next cubicle, packing her schoolbag.
Harry Potter was slumped over the table surface, head bent at an uncomfortable angle. He was fast asleep, his glasses digging into his nose.
He was twitching in his sleep, his face beginning to contort as if he were in pain.
He was dreaming, she thought, perhaps having a nightmare. She slung her schoolbag across her shoulder, finding herself drawn to him.
Making sure no one was watching, (Y/N) let tendrils of her magic empower her arms. Her eyes began to glow, and ribbons of red came from her fingers, searching for the open mind of her classmate.
He was starting to mumble, sweat dotting his temples as the red magic went for his dream.
She tried not to watch, keeping his thoughts private as she envisioned a peaceful scene for him to wake up to:
Sun on the Black Lake. A warm breeze across the cheek. Back resting against a mighty tree. Green grass tickling toes. Laughter filling ears. Friends gathered for a summer day outside, free from homework and exams.
(Y/N) knew of his friends and made sure they were there to calmly pull him from the previous nightmare.
His face was now serene as he awoke. He sat up, hands going for the crick in his neck. He caught the last remnants of the red glow in her eyes.
“Hello,” she said awkwardly, “You were mumbling in your sleep.”
Harry shook his head, as if to expel the fleeting tendrils of her magic. “Was that you?”
(Y/N) looked down sheepishly, “I know nightmares aren’t fun.”
He knew of (Y/N) and her extraordinary magic but normally she kept to herself. “How did you do that?”
“Change your dream?” she asked, wringing her hands around her schoolbag strap. “I can change realities and give visions to others. I just put a different picture in your head to cover up the nightmare.”
Harry seemed torn as he considered her, his fingers fidgeting with his own bag. It was long enough that (Y/N) started to back away, embarrassed by what she did.
“I’ll see you around, Harry.”
“Thank you,” he choked out. She turned around as he continued, “That was the first time, in a long time, where I woke up from a good dream.”
She smiled, “You’re welcome – anytime.”
“I might take you up on that,” he said more warmly.
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“What are you doing here?” she asked, resting against the countertop in the lounge room.
Theseus Scamander, head auror for the offices, was looking at her with an interrogative stare. “I’ve heard a few things floating around.”
“Such as?” she asked, stirring her coffee.
He smirked, “That you have some pretty extraordinary abilities. Things that the wizarding world has never seen before.” He tugged on his vest, “I’m impressed that MACUSA was able to recruit you.”
“Why?” she asked, “Surprised that I’m not one of those villains you need to take down.”
“I’ve had my suspicions,” he said all smug. “Can you show me?”
She scoffed, “I’m not a dancing monkey.”
His smile had a bit of mischief and (Y/N) had the impression that he might’ve been flirting.
“Then I’ll duel you for it.”
She raised her brows, “You don’t want to take me on.”
“I like a challenge.”
“I can tell,” she said, enjoying the banter more than she should. “I could obliterate you.”
He nodded, “You’re not instilling confidence in how you’re not a villain.”
She felt a flicker of power surge to her fingers. The heat was building behind her eyes. This auror was really trying to rouse something out of her and she was embarrassed to say that it was working.
“Oh no,” Theseus said, spotting the light dusting of red appearing between her fingers. “Losing some control there, are you?”
“Are you always this infuriating?” she said lowly.
He kept smiling, “I’m a perfectly pleasant person.” His eyes widened as her power grew, “What are you able to do?”
She sighed deep in her chest, raising her hand and bending her fingers. Rivers of red floated around her palm, matching the color of her eyes.
“Telekinesis and manipulation.” Her coffee mug began to stir itself, red mist levitating the mug between them, “I can invade your mind,” she said darkly, “I could make you see things – believe things.”
Theseus swallowed hard, trying to watch her demonstration of power without much of a reaction. “Fascinating.”
Her blood was boiling, “Had enough? Could you leave me alone now?”
The smirk returned to his face, “If you’re interested in auror work…” he tossed a business card towards her and watched as her magic caught it in midair. “… give me a call.”
He winked at her, and (Y/N) knew it was just the beginning of their relationship. The flirtatious, overconfident wizard was going to be the death of her. But she might as well have some fun with it.
Tag List:
@caswinchester2000 @aria253264 @bippity-boppity-boopa @kaqua @cameleonfrenzy @shyposttree  @andreasworlsboring101 @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @wife-of-mikoto-suoh @soundbreaker-harms @nicole-survivor @murder-swan  @mythandmagik @girl-lost-not-found @multifandomfix  @mxacegrey​ 
Remember to check out my tag list so you’re updated when a fic you like is posted on my blog! Tag List
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Hello! Could you do a merlin x reader to the prompt accidentally referencing them as "my". Maybe Merlin accidentally references the reader as his s/o when speaking to arthur or smthg and arthur gets all oooo and starts questioning merlin only for the reader to come into the room and Arthur just starts teasing them and it all ends in merlin confessing his feelings? Thank you!!!
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<< Part 2 | Part 3 (not posted yet) >>
• A/N:
It's actually the first time I write for the show! i'm happy there's still people who loves it! Please keep sending me requests for any characters of the show (bonus points if it's Mordred! i freaking loooove him!)
I kept the idea of Merlin refering to reader as 'my' but changed the plot because i couldn't find how to write it... i really hope you don't mind...
AND I AM SOOOO SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG TO WRITE! And i also apologise to the other people who sent me requests! i have a major writing block at the moment, and i didn't want to write something that would be bad... y'all trust me with your ideas, i only want to give you guys the best <3
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With the tourney coming up, Camelot was bustling; servants were running back and forth, preparing rooms for the lords and ladies that would come. And Arthur didn't spare Merlin, who already had tones of chores to do... And more chores meant he wouldn't be spending time with you any time soon...
It wasn't really a secret that the young man had a crush on you; though he thought he was hiding it good enough, pretty much everyone saw it. Yes, even Arthur; he was just waiting for the perfect opportunity to tease Merlin about it.
And it's the day of the tourney that said opportunity came.
The day was just as chaotic as you would expect it to be. Servants and squires running around the grounds of the castle to get what their lords want; Horses were being tended to; Ladies could be seen occasionaly, looking for the knight they wished to give their favors to... And Arthur was being Arthur. He made Merlin run to his room to get him something that he forgot (of course he said that it was Merlin who forgot it).
Merlin was running in one of the corridors, dodging other servants and guards, apologising when he knocked into someone. But in his hurry, he spotted you carrying a basket of what looked like bed sheets. Merlin had not seen you in maybe 2 or 3 days. He was running so fast that when he saw you and tried to stop to talk to you, he tripped over his own feet, and fell face first on the hard ground, and what he was carrying ended up flying at the end of the corridor.
People around didn't stop to help him; some looked at him laying on the ground but kept walking. Everyone except you. You ran up to him.
"Merlin? Merlin, are you okay?"
You put your hand on his shoulder lightly. He growned in pain, holding the side of his head.
"I think I'm okay, but I have hit my head pretty hard..."
He said. Merlin knew that he would be okay, he could use magic to heal himself.
"Are you sure? Maybe we should get Gaius to check if you are really okay..."
He knew he shouldn't smiled but seeing you so worried for him was making him flustered. He sat up slowly, his hand still holding the side of his head.
"No, no, really I'm good... I have to go back to Arthur's tent to help him finish getting ready for the tourney. This dollophead can't do it alone."
He laughed. The last comment made you chuckle. It was impressive how Merlin could talk to the Prince and not get punished for it... You helped him stand up, making sure he could actually stand on his two feets.
"Alright Merlin, you go help him... but stop running please. You are going to really hurt yourself one day..."
He chuckled, and before he could really think, he kissed your forehead.
"Don't worry, my (Y/n), i wont!"
It took Merlin a second, seeing your red face, to realise what he had just done and said. Which resulted in him blushing just as much as you. He started stuttering, trying to apologise and his heart was racing. You found that endearing. You thought he was adorable.
Unbeknownst to both of you, Arthur, who was getting impatient seeing as Merlin had not come back, was standing at the end of the corridor, watching. Now, he had what he wanted to tease Merlin as much as much as possible...
"(Y/n) I- hum- I'm sorry I- I don't know why I did that-"
"Merlin, it's okay, no need to apologise..."
You said calmly. You just looked at eachother for a second before you both smiled. You were looking at the ground, with red cheeks, but Merlin couldn't look away from you, completely entranced by you. You cleared your throat before saying:
"I should go or I'm going to be yelled at.... And Arthur is going to be mad if you don't come back soon... But we could talk again, later..."
His heart was pounding so hard, he was sure you could hear it.
"Yes- Y-Yes, absolutely! Can't wait!"
He said breathlessly. You picked up your basket.
"Then , see you later."
You stood on your tip toes, and kissed his cheek. You gave him one last smile and left. Merlin stood there, smiling like a dork, watching you leave. When you turned a corner and disappeared from sight, a heavy hand landed on his shoulder. And when he turned, he saw Arthur smiling mischievously.
"I send you to my chambers to get something, and find you flirting with (Y/n)- Let me rephrase this. Flirting with your (Y/n)~"
Merlin became red from neck to the tip of his ears. It was really his luck... He wouldn't hear the end of it. Arthur added:
"I can't blame you, Merlin. They're very pretty... And it's about time you do something about that crush you have on them, because I was getting frustrated to see you all desesperate to get their attention..."
"Oh, you mean desesperate like you are when Guinevere is in your vicinity...?"
The words flew out of his mouth before he had time to stop them. Arthur looked at Merlin with raised eyebrows, as if saying 'oh, are we really doing that now...?'. Merlin started taking small steps backward, before breaking into a full sprint with Arthur chasing after him...
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gojoidyll · 7 months
Merlin x Reader
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Currently thinking of how unconventional and inconvenient Merlin's banners are.
And you get him by surprise too, no less!
After a whole day of kicking some singularity butt, you were too tired to go into the summoning room. So you promised yourself to try and summon Merlin tomorrow because you're bed was calling out to you by this point.
And it could be around 3 am the next day. Your body all warm and snug under the covers when you feel a heavy weight sit on top of you while someone's long hair tickled your face as you felt someone lean over you.
"How interesting! It seemed you managed to summon me in your sleep, dear master!"
Gorggily opening your eyes, you knew that voice from anywhere.
"M- merlin?"
"The one and only!"
Despite him straddling your waist, you couldn't help but to ignore your embarrassment as you sat up wide awake, a grin breaking across your lips as you tackled him into a hug.
"You're here!!!!"
He was more than happy to return the hug, "that I am master."
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witchthewriter · 1 year
Hello! My social anxiety and anxiety in general has been really rampant recently and I hope it’s not too stressful/uncomfy to ask but I was wondering if I could get some comfort headcanons with Merlin?
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I'm so sorry you're feeling that way, I'm sending you all the love and hugs and sunshine. Don't forget to move - anxiety doesn't do well when you're in the same position, so put some music on and dance it out, maybe go for a walk or even lay in the sunshine xx
𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!
ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ | ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ ᴵᴵ
・Merlin is the first to know if you're feeling down or anxious. He knows exactly how to cheer you up, what cheers you up and what doesn't.
・The very first thing he does is sneak into the kitchens and gets you a sack full of the freshly baked pastries and breads. Throws in a few fruits, and then promptly gets kicked out by chef
・After that, he quickly goes outside and gathers as many flowers as he can, and then runs inside to set everything up for you
・You both sleep and reside in Gaius' quarters, and share the same room (not the same bed however)
・While you're asleep, Merlin clears a place on the table, lights a candle in the middle and scatters the flowers around it
・Then he sets up a few plates that has the different foods, and god does he try his best to keep everything lookin' pretty. He even puts a few of the flowers on the plates.
・And then he hears you stir from your bed (even though you were sleeping in late because of all the anxious thoughts you were having throughout the night)
・And Merlin hit himself in the head as he forgot something to drink.
・So, he snuck back down to the kitchen to get the freshly squeezed orange juice, some mulled wine and of course water
・When everything was ready, he gently knocked on your door, hating that he was waking you
"Hi love, how are you feeling?"
・You rub your eyes fiercely, almost harshly and slump against the headboard. "Bloody wonderful," you said humorously but then the tears filled your eyes and you held your head in his hands.
"Oh love," Merlin cooes, swiftly walking over and gathering you in his arms. He gently rocks you back and forth, his arms gently but firmly holding you to him.
"Everything will be okay. No matter how big your mind is making things seem. You always get through the tough times. And guess what, you're never alone. You are loved, cherished and meant for more than you know."
・Then he wipes your face, brings you over to the wash basin to clean you up a bit and then opens the door to the feast he's created.
"Just for you, because you deserve everything...but this was all I could muster..."
"I love it Merlin," you whisper, looking up at the sheepish warlock.
"And I love you," he mutters, leaning down to give you a kiss.
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mentality-project · 8 months
BBC Merlin x Reader - My Startled Stoat
Fandom: BBC Merlin
Pairing: Merlin x Reader
Summary: So, I came across this meme thing on Insta comparing pics of Merlin against stoats and the resemblance was uncanny. And then there was a comment about imagine if there was an episode where Merlin turned himself into a stoat by accident and Gwen and Gaius had to hurry to turn him back. And I said challenge accepted...
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Merlin would’ve sighed if he could. This wasn’t exactly the result that he had intended. What was he going to do? He certainly couldn’t stay like this...
His ears perked up at the sound of a familiar voice.
“Merlin!” You called out as you walked through the part of the woods that the court physician had sent him to, “Gaius said that he sent you to gather herbs and that you were to return hours ago. Where are you?”
You stumbled as you trod over something, causing you to look down. A basket full of herbs and Merlin’s boots...along with all of Merlin’s clothes. Well, at least you were in the right place. But where on earth was Merlin?
“Merlin?” you called out again, looking around for him.
The sound of rustling cloth drew your attention back down and you got the shock of your life when a stoat popped out of neckline of Merlin’s shirt. The animal scuttled forward and came to a stop in front of you. You blinked down at it, eyebrow raised at the unusually tame behaviour. There was also something about the colouring that struck you. The creamy underbelly and dark brunette fur, coupled along with the eyes. The stoat possessed the most brilliant blue eyes that you had ever seen. You knew those eyes. They were just like -
Wait. No...
Slowly, you lowered yourself down onto one knee, peering closer at the stoat’s face.
“Merlin?” your voice had taken on an incredulous tone.
The stoat bounded forward, placed its paws on your knee and nodded. Your eyebrows nearly shot right off your forehead as you slapped a hand over your mouth.
“Oh my god...”
“GAIUS!” you called out as you came charging through the door, basket of herbs in one hand and Merlin’s clothes in the other, “Gaius, help!”
The physician hurried over towards you, worry etched into his face, “What’s wrong? Where’s Merlin?”
You set the clothes and boots down on the bench before placing the basket on the table and reaching inside to thrust the stoat-Merlin in front of you.
Gaius raised his eyebrows, looking back and forth between you and Merlin a couple of times before meeting your eyes. It was only when you nodded firmly, lips pressed together in a straight line that Gaius realised that you weren’t joking.
“Oh, my...quite the predicament.” Gaius remarked with a weary sigh.
You set Merlin down on the table with care before turning back to Gaius.
“What are we going to do?”
Gaius sighed again as he folded is arms across his chest.
“Find some way to undo what has been done, I suppose.” Gaius shot the stoat a disapproving look, “At the very least, I hope that this will be a memorable lesson as to why magic should be practiced with caution.”
Stoat-Merlin had the good grace to bow his head and look ashamed. Gaius pursed his lips before turning his attention back to you.
“I have a few patients to tend to before I can go to the library to see if there’s a book that can help us find a way to turn Merlin back. In the meantime, I suggest looking in the grimoire I passed down to Merlin. No doubt that whatever mischief he’s gotten himself into now came from there.”
You nodded and watched Gaius leave, turning to Merlin once the door was shut.
“Well? Where do you keep this grimoire?”
Merlin bounded to the other end of the table, rearing up on his hind legs to look pointedly at his bedroom door before looking back at you.
“I see...” you pressed your lips together before swallowing, “Let’s go.”
You picked Merlin up off the table before making your way up the stairs. Merlin squirmed out of your arms, paws scrabbling across the floorboards as you hesitated in the doorway. You had never been in Merlin’s room before, let alone the room of any man, for that matter. Just the idea of being in Merlin’s room felt strangely intimate. But what other choice did you have? You exhaled as you crossed the threshold.
“Where do you keep it, Merlin?”
Stoat-Merlin circled around a certain spot, making a scratching sound as he pawed at the floor.
“Hmm...” you hummed as you knelt down, tapping on the wood.
The hollow echo had you raising your eyebrows.
You pressed at the boards, eventually working out how to prise up the lid to the hidden compartment. You set it aside before reaching down to take out what could only be the grimoire wrapped in a linen cloth.
“You really are full of secrets, Merlin.” you murmured as the book was revealed before your eyes.
You moved to sit on the edge of Merlin’s bed, book resting in your lap as you flicked through the pages. Stoat-Merlin moved across the bedsheets in a jittery manner, almost circling you. It must be so frustrating for poor Merlin…he probably knew exactly what page and spell you needed to be looking at, but had no way of being able to communicate that to you. After a few moments you paused in your turning of the pages, sighing in frustration.
“I’m afraid I’m not of much use...I don’t know what I’m meant to be looking for, let alone where to start.”
Stoat-Merlin blinked up at you with his wide blue eyes before nudging your hand with his head. You smiled at the gesture, it was almost as if he were trying to encourage you. You and Merlin continued to stare at each other for a few minutes before you spared a glance at the book only to look back at him.
“Did you want to give it a try? See if you could do a little…you know.”
You wiggled your fingers back and forth between your eyes and the grimoire in a poor imitation of Merlin using his magic. Stoat-Merlin blinked and you weren’t sure whether or not he was thinking about how much of an idiot you were. Stoat-Merlin soon turned his gaze to the book lying open in your lap and continued to surprise you when his eyes suddenly went from blue to gold. You jumped as the pages started to move, almost as if an unseen hand was flicking through them furiously. When the pages finally settled, your sent Merlin a sidelong glance of approval.
“Good job, Merlin.” you smiled as you scratched the top of his head, just behind his ears.
Your smile widened as you watched the stoat close his eyes, seeming to be thoroughly loving the attention. The moment was short-lived when his blue eyes snapped open and he tried to shake his head away. You laughed as you withdrew your hand, more than certain that Merlin was doing the stoat equivalent of pouting.
“Sorry...now, let’s see where it all went wrong...” you murmured as you inspected the spells in front of you, “Oh, look! These pages are stuck together. Guess that’s probably why...oh.”
You trailed off as you leaned closer to inspect the mix up, “Oh, dear...interesting little pickle you’ve gotten yourself into, Merlin.”
You sighed at the forlorn look those blue eyes were giving you.
“Come along, then. Let’s see what we can do about it.” you stood with the grimoire and made your way down to Gaius’ work station, Merlin’s stoat body bounding along behind you.
You were crushing up the ingredients needed for the reversal potion with a mortar and pestle when the unmistakable sound of a disgruntled prince roaring Merlin’s name sounded down the hall. You froze as you locked eyes with Merlin, panic radiating off the both of you. Of all the times for Arthur to come looking for his manservant...
Abandoning the task at hand, you scooped up Stoat-Merlin and circled the spot where you stood, desperate for somewhere to hide him. In your panic, you decided to hide him in the first place that came to mind. But not before apologising for what you were about to do. You held up Stoat-Merlin to your face, looking him in the eye.
“I’m so sorry.”
And with that sincere apology, you proceeded to shove Stoat-Merlin down the neckline of your bodice. You froze as Prince Arthur threw the door open, clasping your hands together behind your back. Thankfully, Stoat-Merlin had stilled beneath your clothes. You were however, very aware of the heavy thump of his heart as it beat in his tiny furry body against your breastbone.
“Your Highness.” you greeted the prince with a slight bow.
You did a subtle shuffle as you straightened, praying that your upright body was enough to hide the grimoire lying open on the table behind you.
“Have you seen Merlin?”
“No, sire,” you lied blatantly, “I’m looking for him myself.”
“Where is he?”
“Out running errands with Gaius, I suppose. Shall I tell him that you’re looking for him when he returns?”
“Yes, and when you see him, tell to report to me immediately.”
“Of course, sire.”
You bow in farewell as the prince leaves, sighing in relief when the door shuts behind him. You gasp at the feeling of Stoat-Merlin squirming against you, reaching a hand into your clothes to pull him out.
“I’m so sorry!”
Stoat-Merlin has his head in his paws, unable to look you in the eye. You on the other hand, look at him with desperation; your cheeks aflame with embarrassment.
“I’m so sorry, Merlin! But we couldn’t risk Arthur seeing you in this state and...and I panicked…” you wrung your hands together, cheeks flushing scarlet, “at least I didn’t tell him you were at the tavern…”
Merlin’s paws dropped to his sides and he scuttled over to stand beside the motar and pestle, eager to get this over with. You pressed your hands over your face as you took a breath, willing the heat to dissipate from your face before striding over. You followed the last of the instructions; scooping out a spoonful of the paste into a bowl. You carefully measured out the correct amount of water before stirring it all together, the paste soon turning into a bittersweet smelling soup.
“Bottoms up, Merlin.” you grimaced as you slid the bowl over in his direction, hoping for his sake that the potion would taste better than it smelled.
Stoat-Merlin lapped up as much as he could before bounding over to you. You scooped him up, holding him close as you leaned over the book. You had thought it best that you be the one to read the spell out loud, seeing as stoats couldn’t talk. Hopefully if Merlin read the incantation as you said it, that would be enough to undo the mess of a spell he had made.
You didn’t notice the glow in his eyes as you read the spell, but what you couldn’t ignore was the loud, smoky explosion that happened immediately after. A yelp left your mouth as the force of it knocked you to the ground. Oh, god...the spell had gone wrong, horribly wrong. You felt heavy and pinned down, and you wouldn’t know the extent of your predicament until this confounded smoke cleared up... "Oh."
It was the only sound you could make as you found yourself face to face with a very human, very naked Merlin. You kept your eyes locked onto his and refused to let them wander as your hands found his shoulders. "The spell worked...?" "Yes." Merlin's voice sounded deeper than you were used to, it made your heart skip a beat. You didn't say another word as you pressed your hands over your face to give Merlin privacy. You felt his body leave yours and heard the sound of his clothes rustling as he got dressed. It was only when Merlin pried your hands away that you dared to open your eyes. "Are you hurt?" Merlin asked as he pulled you to your feet. "N-no." An awkward silence hung in the room as you and Merlin struggled to hold each other's gaze, both desperate to break the silence but not knowing what to say. You thanked your stars when Gaius walked in, grateful for the interruption. For the rest of the day, despite your best efforts, your thoughts continued to be plagued with thoughts of blue eyes and crushed velvet.
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realmofthefandoms · 2 months
Red Shoes: F7 (mostly) react to sweet and chubby GN!reader (HCs)
An: for the record lets assume they start falling in love and they starts to pay more attention to your body and they end up simping hard
Warning: fluff, body shaming, ooc?, no triplelets because I'm tired, I'll add them later if ya'll can remind me
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Well sh-
He hoped for someone...prettier..
He hoped that you'd be able to, ya know break, his curse but he was disappointed
This was of course at the beginning
It's been a bit since he and the rest of the f7 met you
Now, he often found himself staring and watching you as you walked around in the base, cleaning, snacking, reading, or just curiously looking around
The way your clothes clung to your figure and how...squish-able your face was..
W-wait what is he thinking??!
He tries to ignore those thoughts and just looks down but at night he has dreams of you...
Cuddling with your softness in human form, running in fields of flowers with you making the petals float around you two as you almost share of kiss..and of course that's the time when he wakes up
As time passes he can't help but subconsciously wanna get close to you, stealing glances your way and sometimes scooting his seat closer to yours
Of course Arthur teases him for it and makes jokes which annoys Merlin
And of course the rest of the f7 join in teasing making him more flustered
And for the sakes of my imagination, you're oblivious ad very confused why they're making Merlin so...blushy
Eventually you got a bit too curious and pressed an ear up on the door to listen and the f7 telling Merlin to "fes up"
"C'mon mate! You got to tell Y/N how you feel!"
Hans chimes in "Ja ja! That you v'ant her!"
You face flushed as you put two and two together and realize Merlin has..romantic feelings just for you
You hear Merlin sigh "I-its just that...what if she rejects me?"
Thats your cue
You bursted into the room and grabbed Merlin and then walking out the base towards the stables before setting him down
Merlin was shooketh but as soon as you sat down you started ranting about how much you love him and you liked him for how much of a gentleman he was to you
Merlin could not believe what he was hearing you say, he thought you thought he was a total jerk (cuz he kinda..was)
You kept ranting though and he chose to shut you up with a kiss
Lets just say when you opened your eyes, you were not expecting a human and handsome version of the man who was just in front of you
Lets just say after a lot of talk and words exchanged, you got your happily ever after..
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He was...hesitant
When you two first met he didn't really bother giving you a second glance and chose to treat you more like someone who just....lived there and wasn't too close with you
But as you and the group went on more missions, you found yourself gravitating towards Arthur more
He'd spend time walking with you in the forest and talk about his best and most proud achievements, enjoying the way you'd laugh and smile when he's joked around about them
As you two spoke more and more, he found himself enjoying your presence
He enjoyed the way you'd engage when he spoke about his hobbies and things he liked and the fact that you remember and actually listened
Arthur began staring at your star struck eyes, loving the shine in them as you opened up more on your own hobbies and achievements
Whenever patrol is an option he insists you go with him since "I'm a strong man, Y/N, I'll protect you from any danger!" *proceeds to display muscle*
As of recently, he finds himself staring at you in awe, how..glowy and..gorgeous you looked to him..
He himself is himbo bad at realizing these feelings and doesn't really see them but the other f7 guys do
No one really says much, other than exchange a few knowing glances with each other and go about their day, occasionally subtly making references that Arthur is confused about
The only person who truly teases him out loud is Merlin which he does when the two are alone
As Merlin continues to push, Arthur has a sudden epiphany
He does...have feelings for you
You'd think he'd again ignore and act more flustered around you
You'd be right but it's only for about a week until you had enough and dragged him off somewhere private to talk
You asked him what his problem was
Thats when he blurted EVERYTHING
He almost continued but you shut him up with a peck on the lips which has him blushing
Suddenly a bright flash of light has you closing your eyes and when you look at where Arthur was standing you see...a damn hunk..
He had the same mannerism and voice as Arthur but he was...hotter.
The human Arthur runs towards you, picking you up without much effort and twirls you around, shouting about the fact the curse was broken thanks to you before hugging you tight and kissing you
Dont mind the guys in the back (not so) silently cheering but not ruining the moment ofc
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He was..definitely intrigued by you but didn't pay much mind to you
He just saw you as a roommate
Hans also didn't talk much and preferred staying in the kitchen and snacking or baking treats he wants to try
When the two of you actually start talking to each other, you wandered in the kitchen, smelling the odor of fresh cookies
When Hans saw you linger he explained he wanted to try a simple recipe just to let off steam from trying (and failing) to make another dish
He saw your gaze at the delicious looking cookies fresh from the oven, grabbing a plate and filling it with some cookies before sliding it over to you
The smile on your face as you cheerfully ate the cookies in content made him smile too...maybe his heart flutter? Nah, he's just 'feeling things'
or is he........?
Either way, you'd often wander into the kitchen due to the smell of his cooking and you eventually got promoted from "Ze kitchen theif" to "Ze test taster!"
A great deal either way though, you get yummy and nutritious food, he gets to stare at your happy face!
Err, he means, to acquire more cooking knowledge..yeah!
He often found himself missing your presence in his kitchen, tasting the food, teasing him, cracking jokes, helping around, he felt...sad without you
Every time you spend more time with Hans, you'd learn more about him every passing day, as he would you!
He learned a lot about you! Your favorite color, your most liked food, all your hobbies, nothing about you bores him anymore! He knows you better than you know yourself now
When he realized he actually fell in love with you..he was good at hiding it from the others
They literally had no clue until he confessed in front of you
While at the dinner table, Hans slid you a plate of a fruit salad with chocolate, honey, and caramel and pomegranate juice on the side (back then people thought certain foods like honey and pineapple represented love)
As you finished the dish, you were about to comment something on the dish but Hans stopped you
"*sighs* I vould like to say...I find you..m-more than a-a friend...I vould like to be able to call you Meine Liebe...m-my love.."
Everyone was shook but I mean in the end you gained a boyfriend that is the definition of a house husband
Iconic couple!
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He's....a bit more bitchy about it..
He chooses to completely ignore you as a whole
if he does talk to you, he just gives you a shallow compliment but will also say things like
"I bet you'd look wonderful in a sundress if you'd loose a couple calories."
Those kinds of comments (idk what they're called so)
But those are rare and he's probably said them like a few times
Though after a while he does eventually treat you more like a roommate than some stranger he met in a shitty walmart
He always rants about beauty stuff, makeup, jewelry designs, you name it
Once you guys enter the best friends stage, oh boy..
Jack gets you guys matching accessories for the fun of matching with someone who actually cares to match with him
At-home spas all the time
This man takes such good care of himself (and you) its unreal
Buys you face masks, emergency face masks, oil serum, hair serum, hair oil, 10 different types of face wash and a rose quartz roller
You dont even do your routine half the time so its like...bruh
You had to get extra shelves just to keep all the stuff in place also its high enough to where the currently short stacked jack the dwarf cant see you're not using them so-
As time passes, he feels...more connected in a way?
Sure he's been with a few ladies in his prime but..with you it feels..odd
Like he pays more attention to you, reminding you to eat and drink, making sure you're getting enough sleep, not letting you go anywhere without telling him
Nobody really notices but more and more signs appear
and now, much to Jack's dismay, the others picked up on it and started lightly teasing him about it
Niko, Pino, and Kio used their newly invented camera to snap pictures of you two together and sliding them under Jacks door
Needless to say, stress acne and sleep deprivation are now a common thing
Eventually he realizes all their pushing is working and he gathers the courage to confess!
He goes to one of his best jewelry dealers *imagining a breaking bad style deal* and gets a ruby heart necklace
He leads you out into the small field of flowers under the guise of flower picking
He suddenly gets down on one knee and presents the gift, serenading you in flattering words in his confession
Needless to say, he got one fat smooch and poof! He's human and as happy as can be!
He picks you up and swings you around laughing and smiling
And you lived happily ever after with your frenchie bf!!!
A/N 1: wah, I'm tired and mentally drained, work sucks to say the least and Karen's should be thrown in a pit with snakes -3-
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pigfacedbitch · 1 year
It's A Trap!
summary : Prince Arthur uses reader to lure Merlin out whenever he is hiding from him.
word count : 0.5k
type : imagines
pairing/s involved : Merlin x Reader (?)
warning/s : none. just Merlin pining over reader and Arthur being an ass.
here is my masterlist!
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Note : I thought of this when I watched the clip where Arthur is looking for Merlin and he was hiding behind the door. 😂 It was a one shot before and I heavily edited it too.
There is no denying that Prince's Arthur's manservant is in love with (Y/N), a noble lady from one of the most prestigious houses in Camelot.
Everyone, even Arthur himself, knows it. And that's saying something. 🫢😂
From the way Merlin would stare at you with heart in his eyes, how he would follow you everywhere like a dog, or his ears pick up whenever he hears your name.
Gaius almost wants to take a leaf out of Van Gogh's book and tear off his own ears because Merlin wouldn't shut up about you. He also writes about you in his letters for Hunith.
Now, does Arthur take advantage of it? Of course, he does. Like,"Do you know Lady (Y/N) would be there?" or "If you fetch flowers for Gwen, you could also get some for your lady love."
The epitome of the statement, however, is making you his trap. Confused? I'll explain further later.
"Merlin?! Where are you?!"
It's very common for the palace staff to hear the prince of Camelot blaringly calling out to his manservant. Although some people catch Merlin scurrying away from him or has an idea of his whereabouts, no one bothers to tell Arthur anything.
After all, it's completely understandable and why many servants can empathize. As admirable and honorable the prince is, he can be a handful at times.
That's where you come in.
Whenever Arthur has given up searching for Merlin, he would search for you instead.
He often finds you in the gardens with the other noble ladies, helping some servants with menial tasks, or having tea with Morgana and Gwen. Uther enjoys your company too, making the usual stoic ruler laugh and gossip.
"May I excuse Lady (Y/N)? I need her assistance with something."
"Is it Merlin again?"
You would go to Gaius' chambers, the kitchens, servant's quarters, or anywhere Merlin could've gone to. Then, you would tell anyone that you're looking for him to speak about personal matters and you'll be waiting for him with a place of your choice.
Arthur would wait with you, but he's hiding where Merlin can't see him.
Why do you continue helping the royal prat? It's because you find it funny.
You're also curious, thinking how long will it take Merlin to stop seeking you out because most of the time it's just one of Arthur's traps.
The prince's knights bet on it. Gwaine and Leon are winning— saying how Merlin will never learn.
It's true, he doesn't. I guess love does make you an idiot.
Merlin always approaches you with a beaming grin on his face and blushed cheeks, acting like a lovesick school boy.
"My lady, you were looking for me?"
"Well you see..."
Arthur would wait for Merlin to get closer before grabbing the manservant in his clutches.
"Here you are, you idiot!"
Sometimes Merlin would free himself and run, sometimes he doesn't and Arthur would drag him away while warning him of possible punishments.
But he never misses the chance to look back and give you the most charming smile anyone has ever graced you with.
"Merlin really loves you, doesn't he?" You hear Gwen beside you, linking your arm with hers. Nervous and worried, you reply—
"Yes. I just hope that I get to tell Merlin that I share his affections. But Arthur is always with him."
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Imagine Gwaine learning that you were afraid for him...
“Would you like some help?” Gwaine offered when he noticed your struggle with the vambrace. When he reached in your direction, you pulled away, avoiding his eyes, mumbling something about handling it yourself before leaving.
The knight sighed and pulled off his gloves. You had been avoiding him the last few days and he wasn’t sure what had caused such a reaction.
Fortunately, his fellow knights were quite the observant bunch.
“In case you missed it, Y/n’s furious.” Percival chimed quite unhelpfully as he walked by.
Elyan passed the troubled and roguish knight and added his two cents. “You should fix that before it gets any worse.”
Gwaine looked at his friends and frowned. He didn’t understand why the person he loved would be so upset with him. They rarely argued, always causing small pockets of mischief together.
“What offence have I committed?” He asked.
Leon stepped forward and gave the knight a small smile. He knew exactly what had caused the rift after speaking with you a few days ago but he was wise to know that it wasn’t his place to divulge that information.
“Speak with Y/n, Gwaine. They’ll tell you.”
And so he did. Gwaine rushed through the halls of the castle until he found you sitting on a stone bench. You locked eyes with him and almost immediately stood up and walked in the opposite direction - and he followed.
“I didn’t forget our anniversary, or your birthday. Every mission, I bring back a flower..." He began listing, trying to keep up with you. "Every morning I wake you with a kiss and-”
“I heard about your last quest.” You said simply. “You were outnumbered by a group of bandits and you gave yourself up.”
The realisation dawned on him. You were upset because he had pulled the sacrifice card for his knights to escape. Taking your hand quickly, Gwaine forced you to slow down and stop.
“Hey, hey.” He ushered softly and stood before you. “I didn’t do it without thinking but I-”
“But what?” You snapped. “I would have been at the bottom of the stairs expecting you to come home and you wouldn’t have shown. I would never have been able to see you or say goodbye and I-”
Your words drowned in a sob and the knight instantly wrapped his arms around you, pulling you in.
“You promised that you would be careful.” You whispered.
"I know. I'm sorry."
~ More imagines here ~
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julia4today · 3 months
would yall hate me if i started posting merlin fanfics 😫
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