#Met someone like me. I thought I wouldn't run into the problems this causes so much after moving back to my home country but it seems like
yunmew · 1 year
"You're too nice."
Honestly, I'm getting really tired of hearing that. You know what? I think you're too mean 😂
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batty-pham · 8 months
Ghost King Dann/ tech guy on the JLA space station. With JLA needing to summon the Ghost King only he has spell blocks in place to prevent being summoned while at work.
5 to 1 why the summoning failed and how Batman used a phone to get a hold of the ghost king
Danny learned his lesson with his steadily lowering grades in school after his half-death. As soon as he had his first Summoning in the middle of taking someone's over complicated coffee order, he ran to clockwork, asking if there was a way to make it so that never happened again. Danny needed the money, he needed the job to pay for college. He couldn't afford to constantly be pulled away from work for ghost bull shit like he was from school.
Clockwork was very happy to find a work around, as long as Danny was working, the summoning spell wouldn't work.
Danny no longer was working at that shitty coffee place, he had moved up in the world... literally. Caught in Earth's orbit, a beautiful view of the stars, helping out the heros while he no longer worried about being one.
Yeah, Danny loved working on the Watchtower.
Danny didn't think anything of it when he felt the slight pull of a summoning as he messed with some faulty wiring, he ignored it as he usually did when he worked, completely obvious to the increasing tension in the other room as the league waited for The King who never arrived.
Constantine was pissed, he was ordered to sit and wait at the currently opened doorway until he made an appearance. Batman stayed alongside him, not wanting to miss the appearance of an unknown entity in their base.
Hours went by.
Danny was getting more and more frustrated, the small problem ended up being several layers more complicated than it should be. He wanted to bang his head into a wall. Oh well. At least he'll get overtime, right?
It was well over 12 hours after the portal was initially opened before Danny finally clocked out, completely forgetting about the summoning.
It wasn't until he was engulfed in green smoke that he finally remembered. "Ah- fuck." He swore, mentally and physically exhausted, absolutely defeated. "What do you want?" He sighed, running his hand on his face, only to be met with the eyes of...Batman? What? Did he literally just get summoned to the other room?
"uh...is there a tech problem in here or...you could have just...called...me?" Danny looked around, baffled and confused. Some of the other heroes were in the room as well, asleep but in positions where it was clear they were trying to stay awake when they passed out.
"bloody hell- you were here the entire fucking time?!" Constantine exclaimed, causing a few heroes to jump awake.
"...yeah? I was working on-"
"... you're the ghost king?" Batman asked, cutting Danny off.
"I thought you guys knew? I mean you guys wouldn't just let anyone up here?"
Danny was met with silence.
"...guess not."
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acowardinmordor · 10 months
I needed to warm up, so I did not plan, just wrote this, and I'm about to hit post without editing or rereading. This is Steve&Eddie more than its a slash
It was a week after the rumors made the rounds about Harrington and Hargrove getting into a fight. Eddie would normally assume it was nothing but posting jock bullshit, and ignore it the same way he ignored what he overheard about cheerleaders hooking up with other cheerleader's boyfriends. Except a couple days after the rumors hit a peak, Harrington showed up at school looking like someone beat his face in with a plate.
That made a pretty strong argument for the rumors being true.
The guy avoided his old crowd, and despite his ex and her new boyfriend - if that rumor is true, there was some overlap - trying to include him, he kept away from everyone for the first two days.
Eddie put him out of mind, one less asshole to cause trouble, one less shithead to dodge. Not his problem. Until he found Harrington sitting at his table in the woods the next week. It made sense, sort of. The guy was obviously having a shit time, and like most of the locals that kept Eddie's business afloat, he was looking for a distraction.
Eddie was right, and Harrington bought some weed before asking about getting anything stronger.
"I don't know man, I just wanna like, not be in my body for a while."
"Fair enough, but I don't keep that on me.
Harrington showed up when told to, and bought enough shit that Eddie hesitated before handing it over. He gave the guy a whole speech about not overdosing and ruining Eddie's upstanding reputation. Whether he listened or not wasn't something he could control.
So, the next Monday, when Harrington chased him down, and, as best as Eddie could tell, tried to become his friend, Eddie's first thought was that it was a ploy to get his next massive purchase of drugs on discount.
But Harrington didn't buy again except for a bit of weed. He did stick around. Outright said he wanted to be Eddie's friend. Kept at it through January until Eddie, confused as shit, admitted that yeah, they were friends. Mostly friends at least. There was stuff that Steve wouldn't talk about; his headaches, his nightmares, his tendency to freak the fuck out if the electricity got weird. Maybe it was better to say that Steve was his study partner who he sometimes hung out with. Cause that was the thing, Steve was pushy about Eddie studying.
"You really want to come back for a third run at graduating, man? Fuck that. 85 is gonna be your year, even if I have to bribe the teachers to pull it off"
"Why do you even care Steve? Maybe I want to become a legend of terrible scholarship in this crap town."
Steve never gave a real answer about it, just kept pushing him, hounding him about his homework, and showing up at his trailer every morning to drag Eddie out of bed if he had to. Wayne thought the whole thing was incredible and gave the guy a spare key. Traitor.
They got closer. Eddie finally met the kids Steve babysat. They immediately decided that Eddie was much cooler than Steve, and ragged on him constantly about it. They were close. They were. Fell asleep at each other's places. Spent half their time together.
Close, but not close enough for Eddie to get answers about why the fuck Steve had bruises and burns and scrapes sometimes. Bad ones. No matter how many times he said it, Steve didn't get those because he got distracted while cooking. It drove Eddie crazy sometimes. That was a lie. It drove him crazy all the time. Steve would tell him about how shit his parents were, but wouldn't admit why the fuck he needed stitches at the top of May.
"You did it."
"I think you'll find that you're the one that did it, Steve, I was an unwilling kidnapping victim in your quest to get us both across that stage."
It wasn't graceful, literally or figuratively, but Eddie got his diploma in 1985. Steve gave him what he said was a small part of his grad present from his parents. A thousand dollars. A thousand goddamn dollars. It was enough that Eddie didn't put the dots together right away. A small part, plus Steve's crappy job at the newly opened mall.
It was weird. But Eddie let it go, because Steve was his friend, maybe could have been best friends if the guy would stop pulling back whenever they got too close. He let it go, and he let Steve push him towards the goal of getting the fuck out of that town, and he promised he'd call when he got to Chicago.
It didn't really click for Eddie until he heard about the mall burning down from Wayne, that Steve never promised that he'd call too. The guy was there, and when Eddie called and demanded to know if he was okay, got another partial answer, another dodge, another thing for the list of shit his friend wouldn't talk about.
They fought about it. Loud enough as Eddie shouted into the phone that his neighbor banged on the wall. Maybe Eddie crossed a line. Maybe he crossed it a long while back. He didn't know. Eddie kept calling until September, but on the rare times that Steve answered, it was awkward and curt and terrible. He stopped trying when Wayne told him that Steve never stopped by, or even waved when they crossed paths.
Steve wanted it over, and it was so fucking weird. The guy slammed into Eddie's life out of nowhere, shifted it, changed the course, cause there was no way in hell Eddie would have graduated if it wasn't for Steve forcing him to try. The guy did all that, and nine months later, was gone again. Out of his life.
It was a week after new rumors reached him in February of 86 that a package arrived. His uncle called outside their normal plans, and said it wasn't sure yet, that there wasn't any proof, but Steve was missing, and some of those kids of his said he'd saved their lives. Said that he wasn't going to come back. Wayne didn't really understand what it meant, but passed on a message from those kids that they'd answer when he called.
Eddie got a box a week after finding out that Steve was gone, full of letters. Long, detailed, apologetic letters. The first was dated in December of 84, written after Steve spent a weekend 'out of his body' just like he wanted to be. The promises at the start didn't make sense. Steve said he'd save him. Steve said he'd make sure he got out. The apologies got more complex. Something about keeping Eddie away from friends he'd never make. About being selfish. About keeping secrets and lying when all he really wanted was to tell Eddie everything.
It was so fucking weird.
The last one was dated a couple days before things went bad in Hawkins, longer than all of the others. Monsters and nightmares and death and chance to make it right. Apologies for not doing it better, doing it sooner. For not wanting to risk it, for pushing Eddie away. Promises that Steve would call him as soon as it was over, that he was only writing this just in case. That it wouldn't ever be sent, and he'd burn the whole box after they won. Then he'd drive up and apologize in person, explain it in person, fix it, because Eddie meant more to him that Steve had ever let show, and he wanted to make it right.
At the bottom was a post script.
"Eds, If it doesn't work out, call this number, and ask for Robin. She knows the whole thing. She'll help. So will the kids. I hope you never read this. So I'm sorry if you are."
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znitsamluv · 9 months
Hiii if ur not busy can you do this?
Soulmate AU Chifuyu x fem reader (who is a valhalla captain). Its the one where if your soulmate gets injured you get the same injuries too. So during the time when chifuyu got hit by the first punch by baji in the valhalla arcade, reader quickly realizes and basically runs out bc obviously she can't risk seeing being soulmates with a rivalling gang member.
The rest is up to you on how it goes. But if you don't want to do this its fine!
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Fate !
Note: had some much writing this and I hope you liked it too anon since I am not really good with writing oneshots , anyway have fun.
Chifuyu x FEM!reader
Warnings: Kisaki, mentions of Bruises and fighting but not overly detailed just mentioned a few times.
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" you are late ... Again "
I glanced at kisaki for a second and shrugged my shoulders not really feeling intimated
" My bad "
I walked away but didn't fail to hear kisaki scoffing, even though he is younger and weaker than most of us he wasn't a person to be taken lightly which makes me patient around his bratty attitude and lack of respect to those around him.
I walked further in the hideout and saw hanma grinning widely as two blonde boys wearing the toman uniform stood in the hideout, my eyes widened for a second they are really asking for death !
It all happened so quickly, I made eye contact with one of them and I felt an electric shock that lasted for a second leaving me with goosebumps.
'Huh?!' I couldn't even have time to process as Baji started beating up the blonde one which I heard his name was chifuyu, every blow and punch I felt it deep in my guts , I can feel my lungs struggle to breathe just like chifuyu must be feeling , I could feel my head spinning, he is going to pass out if I didn't do something.
I quickly pushed Baji away and looked at Hanma and kisaki.
" that's is enough we don't want to kill someone and cause problems"
My breath was shaky but I managed to hide it well , I was a higher rank member in Valhalla and my orders were as important as kisaki and hanma so other members started clearing the way.
" I will take care of that boy before toman realize he is missing "
I didn't wait to hear an answer as I bent down taking a hold of chifuyu's arm and pushing him to stand then making him lean on me as I dragged his half conscious body outside the hideout.
His pain was mine , I could feel how his jaw aches from Baji's earlier punches and how his left eye kept twitching in pain and I could only imagine the ugly bruise that will form later.
I couldn't walk really far with how heavy he was but I know that we were far enough to be out of sight , I gently placed him on a public bench in the park , looking at him from a closer angle made me realize he was quite handsome despite his visibly swollen face .
I continued to stare at him for a minute, a part of me telling me I should leave already as I saved him enough, and the other begging me to stay to make sure he was ok .
I sighed and messed with my hair in frustration seeing how no matter I tried to leave him like this it felt like a force was holding me back, if I can't leave then I should at least treat his face wounds since I could feel them as well .
I opened my backpack and took out my first aid kit , I took a deep breath as I held his chin softly wiping the dried blood before I use any treatment, my eyebrows furrowed in concentration.
'i'm doing this for me'
Even though my mind thought like this my soul knew otherwise, if it was another person I could have let Baji killed him and I wouldn't care , I wouldn't be standing here cleaning his wounds like I have known him for years .
I could feel Chifuyu stir awake and once he opened his eyes fully I was met with a push making me stumble back a little.
" What the hell?"
I looked at him with confused and irritated expression not really expecting this type of reaction, I saw how his eyes scanned me until it Landed on my Valhalla uniform and how visibly tensed he was.
" Where is Baji ?!"
" huh ?!"
I looked at him in disbelief, he must have hit his head hard to be thinking of someone else let alone the one who beat him like this when he was in this condition.
" I said where is Baji ?"
I can see how he tried to be intimidating but I couldn't help but let out a chuckle in amusement.
Chifuyu didn't know what was wrong but just hearing her chuckle made butterflies swim in his stomach.
" I think you should be caring about something else"
I touched the bruise on his cheek making him hiss in pain .
" look , I am not here to hurt you, just let me finish helping you and I will leave"
I looked at his eyes as I talked trying not to lose focus, Chifuyu knew he couldn't move after what happened not long ago and he wouldn't mind staying here .... You felt oddly comfortable to be around , his heart beating faster once he noticed the string tattoo on your arm which just looks like his , he always heard how soulmates have matching indicators and for him it was the tattoo.
" You- "
The words got stuck in his throat, seeing how close you were to his face , feeling your breathe fan at his face , the string tattoo starting to get tighter making him hiss slightly.
" just stay still, I will be quick"
The ability to talk was taken out of chifuyu, he just nodded in a dazed state , maybe because he was tired and couldn't think straight but he felt like he could stay here all day, under your gaze seeing how much you tried to look like you don't care and you hate him , but your expressions betrayed you as your eyes softened everytime chifuyu would groan in pain or jump slightly from the stinging feeling of the cotton pad brushing softly against the ugly bruise on his cheek .
Seeing how you stood just close enough to see the details of your face , the way your eyes sparkled in concentration, the way the orange sky of the sunset kissed your skin as you looked at him. He could look at you forever if he could.
And of course I didn't miss the way chifuyu looked at me , the way he blushed at the slightest touch on his skin , the way he avoided eye contact, i couldn't help but feel warm inside. It felt peaceful for once .
Once I finished treating his wounds I moved a few steps back, seeing his pretty face all covered in plasters and patches made me feel some kind of rage inside of me , not knowing exactly who I was mad at but it felt right to feel like that when you see the one the universe chose for you in this state .
I sighed and sat beside him on the bench massaging my temples as I felt a headache coming.
" If I knew I was going to meet my soulmate today I would have at least tried to look cooler and fight back "
Chifuyu mumbled loud enough making me giggle slightly as I looked at him noticing his embarrassed red cheeks.
We stayed in silence watching the last stream of light go down before exchanging places with the moon , neither of us wanted to move nor talk , just stay close like this in silence.
" i think I will be taking my leave"
I stood up only to halt when chifuyu's hand wrapped around my wrist gently making me stay still in my place , his eyes saying million words a second and yet nothing seemed to get out .
" you don't have to"
We both stared at each other , the universe made us for each other but the pathes and choices we took in life making a repulsive reaction whenever we thought of staying . It feels ridiculous to be in a situation I always laughed about, to be torn between two choices you want to chose both of them .
" we can work this together slowly... Just the two of us "
It felt like a magic spell putting me in haze , I think I know which choice I am going with this time .
I took out a small piece of paper writing something on it and placing it in chifuyu's hand , before starting to walk away.
" wait ! "
Chifuyu sighed in defeat seeing you walk away , noticing the paper in his hand he unfolded it and couldn't help but smile widely and feel his ears getting warmer reading your note .
' Here is my number.... Call me when you need to get your wounds cleaned '
Chifuyu chuckled and shook his head in amusement thinking to himself.
' I think I will need my wounds cleaned up every hour '
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lbulldesigns · 2 months
My little sister assaulted me but I'm somehow the bad guy because she ran away from home rather than face the consequences of her actions.
Posted 24th of May, 2021
I (20M) was recently assaulted by my (18F) sister, and rather than face the consequences of her actions decided to run away from home. And now I'm being treated as the bad because I said that it would be better if she never returned.
For context, me and my twin brother Big C were raised by our father (40?M) after our mother gave up her parental rights after giving birth to us. I have never met my mother, and this is fine because who needs someone that flakey in their lives.
Up until we were about eight it was just my dad, brother, and me. Until one month or so after our eighth birthday, our dad decided to adopt two girls. V (23F) and Jinx (a fitting name, trust me).
At first I was confused but after learning that V was biologically my sister, I got excited. At the time I mistakingly thought that Jinx must have been my biological sister also, but it turned out she had a different father. I remember asking why we were taking her in if she wasn't actually related to us and my dad growled at me to never say anything like that again, it was the first time he ever growled at me and over an innocent question no doubt.
I knew better than to ever say something like that again, I tried to be welcoming to her and although V was engaging and friendly, Jinx would not speak to anyone. She always stayed quiet and whenever our dad would go near her she would cower away and get teary eyed.
I hated how she acted like my dad would hurt her, and fully believe that this is why her therapist thought that my dad was abusive. The poor woman ended up losing her job because of Jinx's dramatics.
The sad thing is that I seem to be the only person who truly sees Jinx for what she is. Trouble.
For a while, I thought everyone else was starting to see also but nothing was ever really done about her behavior. Except to send her off to her rich uncle (maternal) who would shower her with praises for her art and grades, and give her gifts. This only made her spoilt.
I tried to counter this by reminding her that she wasn't special so that she wouldn't get a big head and all she would do was start crying and then lock herself in her room and I would be the one getting chewed out.
well, you basically get the idea.
Coming to the true crux of this post.
A few days ago, I was at home minding my own business, and trying to enjoy my gap year. When Jinx comes in and is crying, yet again.
Maybe I let my annoyance get the better of me and called her a crybaby. She stops and just stares at me, and then her face contorts into this really ugly way and she screams loudly, before launching herself on me and starts beating me up.
I was taken completely off guard and tried to defend myself as much as possible, but she is surprisingly strong despite being a skinny ass.
And she just keeps saying "I hate you, I hate you" as she beats me.
My dad came in and pulled her off of me, whilst I cradle my bloody nose (literally bloody) and I catch dad telling her to get out and I felt elated for a minuet because I thought that he FINALLY saw sense.
But after she bolts from the house my dad drives me to the hospital to make sure nothing is broken (nothing was broken thank Janna), and as we are driving home I ask if we are going to the Enforcer station. Dad looks confused and asks why, and I say to press charges. My dad states that I will not be pressing charges because an ass whooping was long overdue.
I felt shocked and betrayed and got angry, I kept asking why he's always going so easy on her.
She wasn't his daughter, not really
She was constantly causing problems with her outbursts and "trauma"
She emasculated him by getting her uncle to pay for her studies
And, she just assualted your flesh and blood.
My dad stayed silent, and I thought this meant that I won the argument. But as soon as we got home, he kills the engine and turns to me. Looks me in the eyes and tells me in no uncertain terms.
"I have tried being patient with you OP. I have explained to you again and again that your little sister is not this monster you make her out to be. Her trauma is real, she watched her parents die in front of her, and that's enough to affect a grown man let alone a small five-year-old girl who didn't know the concept of death. She experienced some shit in the foster system before finding her way to us. And I have done everything I can to help her the way she needs, whilst raising the rest of you kids. I tried to be understanding of you when you were a kid because you didn't know better, I tried to be patient with you when you were a teenager because Gods know I was a real shithead when I was younger. But you are an adult now, my patience is extremely thin. You need to start figuring your shit out because your sister doesn't, and never did, deserve the hate you throw at her"
I won't lie, this hurts. Despite how Jinx is, I do love her I just feel like I'm the only person trying to set her straight.
I pointed at my face and stated that I wasn't the one who hated her, on the other hand she saw no problem with hating me.
Dad asks why she attacked me, I said I didn't know (I didn't want him to twist my words around on me) he just looks at me and says "You're sister wouldn't just attack you without reason".
At this point, I tried to get out of the car, but my dad grabbed my arm, held me in place, and demanded again what I did.
I finally relented and said I called her a crybaby and he groans at me, I said "see she completely blew everything out of proportion". He says that Jinx shouldn't have attacked me, but then asks why I felt the need to insult her.
I lost it and said that she's always crying.
I can't walk past her room without hearing her cry, SHE IS A CRYBABY.
Dad just looked at me, and disappointment was written all over his face. Not at Jinx, but at me.
He takes a deep breath and says to me that I had two options.
I agree to go to family and individual therapy because I am an adult now, and this "petulant child" and "victim complex" is not healthy for anyone.
I continue to act the way I am, but I need to move out and start standing on my own two feet and learn what actual struggle feels like because I've had it pretty easy with life, and hopefully gain some empathy in the process.
Either way, I was never, ever going to bully Jinx again.
I spent the rest of the night in my room stewing over everything, I ignored V when she started banging on my door demanding what I did to "her little sister" before C-Man convinced her to leave me alone. But afterward, he asked me, through the door, when I was going to grow up before leaving himself.
At some point the three of them, Dad, V, and C-Man. left the house to work at the family bar. I refused to leave my room and Dad told me to take the night off to 'lick my wounds'. I fell asleep at some point and woke up briefly because I thought I heard someone walking past my door but just chalked it up to one of the others and went back to sleep.
I didn't leave my room the next morning, out of protest, but saw Dad leaving to go over to Jinx's BBF's house no doubt to continue coddling her.
However she wasn't there, and after searching the whole day, didn't seem to be anywhere.
It's been several days now, Enforcer's can't go looking for Jinx because it was proven that she left voluntarily. Apparently, that person I heard that night was Jinx scurrying off with her belongings and paperwork.
Honestly, I'm glad she's gone. But my dad is still holding up the ultimatum, he says that when she returns I will have my shit together and that he's disappointed in how unaffected I'm acting.
So long story short. My little sister beats me up, and somehow, I get in trouble instead, she runs away from the consequences BUT DAD'S ULTIMATIUM IS STILL IN EFFECT.
It's completely unfair. I'm the victim here.
Honestly, I'm considering going no contact with everyone because I'm done with JINX getting all the support.
Thanks for listening to my rant.
This is a fan fic, please read tags
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yandere-sins · 1 year
So I have probably a bit peculiar of a request so feel free to decline writing this if it’s not to your liking! I know everyone likes to be the center of a yandere’s attention but I CRACK under large amounts of attention so I always like to picture a polyam trio. Me, a Yandere, and Yandere’s darling. Usually with some major connection to Darling like a best friend or something and I’m just such a crybaby and soft and submissive (and so stupid that I probably don’t even realize something wrong is going on) that Yandere can’t help but take a liking to me too, whether as a less intense obsession or as like a pet or something, I just like Yanderes thinking of me as cute and liking me (but not being the full center of their attention like Darling) and Darling being protective of me cause they’re scared I’ll get their treatment or get hurt.
So uh, 👉👈, could I maybe request something like that with Ghost or König? I think it would work better with Ghost since you said he shares in your nsfw with him (and I REALLY like the Darling you described in your fic, the mental image of them trying to stab Ghost with a fork keeps making me giggle). If it’s not too much to ask and if you like it! Of course you’re always free to decline and I’m sorry that this dragged on way too long (I’m screaming while typing this cause I get so shy when trying to request something)
To be honest, I feel bad throwing you under the bus here, but you kinda laid it out for me xD Enjoy! No hard feelings personally, oki? Also I kept the reader GN in this version, but the friend is AFAB.
Warning: Yandere, Heavy Sexual Content
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"Do the honors then."
The hard slap to your bum made you tumble, feet giving way until your knees hit the ground. You yelped as you fell in front of your friend, her arms shooting out to steady you, helping you. Just like she always did. Your hands landed on her thighs, legs spread with your body caught between them. And you jerked your hands away just as quickly as you realized the position you were in. The whole situation had been one big, confusing mess, but you still got surprised by some actions your captor took, never able to read his next move.
Ghost, he forced your best friend to call him in case she needed to address him. And she did—a lot. Courageously fighting him and his ill-willed actions toward you two as best as she could with someone so much superior, both in strength and skills, as her opponent. However, Sir was the more appropriate option for you. It created a certain distance between you and him, a distance you liked. But at the same time, it made the lack of distance between him and your friend all the more apparent. You were a small toy to consider; she was the prize he wanted. You knew he had plans to kill you, but that was the only time she pleaded with him, shielding you while you cowered behind her, sobbing in terror.
If only you two hadn't visited the bar full of mercenaries and soldiers that night. Then you'd never have to go through this demeaning, horrific experience. You banished the thought of "If only your friend hadn't insisted you come with her when she hooked up with some random dude," as it only brought more sorrow than it helped. Pushing the blame onto her wouldn't solve the problem you were facing. It wasn't her fault she met a straight-up psycho who intended to take advantage of her drunkenness, forcing himself on her with a knife to her throat as you had to watch on helplessly, only to be 'rescued' by an even bigger madman. Maybe guys in the army were just sick by nature. Otherwise, you couldn't explain the bad luck of you two.
And the last spark of luck you two had also seemed to have run out.
"Go on, prepare her. You wouldn't want your friend to hurt, would you?"
Dragging a chair close, Ghost sat down with a small groan, rolling his shoulder as he focused his eyes on you. Immediately, you felt the shivers run down your spine like a knife dragging down your skin, goosebumps spreading all over your body, with his gaze crawling over you. Like always, you were the one to avert your eyes first, your sight falling to his hands hanging in his lap, the gun dangling from his fingers. He'd shoot you faster than you'd ever manage to lunge for it. You knew that. Besides, you didn't even have the courage to face him, much less defy him.
"I- I can't!" you complained meekly, your voice barely loud enough for him to hear. You and your friend weren't in that kind of relationship. You couldn't just go down on her on a whim!
For the longest time after he kidnapped you from that bar—under the guise of 'helping' you two intoxicated strangers—you two managed to avoid that. Sex. He had forced himself on your friend more than once, pulling her into his lap and grinding her over his cock, kissing her when she refused to give him attention, making her suck his fingers and swear to be his possession to protect you. But until now, Ghost never demanded her body like he did that night.
The first night you tried to stand up for her.
It was a spur-of-the-moment decision to tell him she wasn't ready for this. That she wouldn't enjoy it if he forced her to. That she needed to prepare—mentally and physically. It was the first time you held his glare for more than a few seconds as he stilled, mustering you. Only for you to submit to his stare with a pleading, "Please..." ending in him pushing you toward her instead.
"We're not like that! We don't--"
Heaving a deep sigh, Ghost gripped the top of his gun, cocking it. Lifting it lazily, he pointed it at your friend's head, putting her at the receiving end of his threats for the first time. Usually, it was you who he used to persuade her, but this time, he made it clear who the next bullet would go to. Dread and despair mixed in your stomach, weighing down as your breath hitched. Your best friend gulped as she stared at the barrel of the gun, only to avoid her gaze as well, looking down at you nervously.
She didn't want this either. But what choice did you have?
"Prepare her. I won't repeat myself."
Gulping, you faced forward, right between her legs. You didn't know where to start when you reached up to the waistband of her skirt when her hand suddenly clasped around yours. "Don't--" she stopped you, only to hesitate. She didn't have a choice either. You two had to do this. Whatever this was, it wasn't an existence worth living. Kidnapped and enslaved, forced to do things you didn't want to do. But you couldn't think about throwing away your lives either and letting this bastard win.
"It's okay," you quaked, just as uncomfortable and nervous, devastated to be the one who had to do this to her. But she just nodded, squeezing your hand before helping you tug off her skirt and panties, shame overcoming her as the fabric slipped off her legs, which she quickly closed.
You heard the cracking of the chair as Ghost leaned back, letting out a heavy breath. The gun sunk back to his lap as he watched you two with keen eyes, like a hawk focusing on his prey. You forced your hand between her thighs, gently pushing while you kept reassuring her, "It's okay. I'll be gentle. Everything will be alright."
But maybe you were saying these words more to yourself than her.
Tears were brimming in her eyes, embarrassment mixing with the unwillingness to do this. But she averted her face completely before spreading her legs again, letting you inch closer.
Her pussy was, for the lack of a better word, fucking beautiful. She shaved for the night out, though you couldn't find any fault with the sweet little curls cleanly shaved into a triangle. Her lips parted beautifully, even though she flinched from your cold, shivering fingers, revealing the entrance and the sweet little nub on top of it completely to you.
Behind you, the chair screeched as Ghost dragged it closer to the show, his chest pressing into your back with how close he suddenly was, peering over your head.
"Look at that sweet, little cunt," he mumbled appreciatively, his gruff and deep voice deliciously licking up your spine from behind you, setting off all the alarms inside you. You wanted to scoot away and hide, but you were trapped between the soldier and your best friend, giving you no chance to flee. You didn't just imagine his presence either, as one hand crawled to the back of your neck, making you squeak as he pushed you forward, mere inches from your friend's pussy.
You made the mistake of glancing up, meeting her horrified, embarrassed gaze. But what freaked you out was the small spark of excitement anyone would probably feel, knowing what was going to happen.
Ghost shook you like an unruly dog by the scruff, directing your focus ahead again as he reached out to spread her labia in your stead. "That's the right place, Newbie," he instructed, and you gulped, knowing there was no getting out of this anymore. You had to do it.
Tentatively, you slipped your tongue from between your lips, stiff and unmoving. But even with just the tip out, Ghost slammed you forward, burying your face in your friend's cunt. You struggled with panic, your tongue licking over her entrance for the first time, your nose brushing over her clit, and to your horror, you heard her gasp, only confirming the shit job you were doing...
Or not.
"Lick," Ghost ordered, keeping you in place while you put your hands back on her thighs, holding on to them for dear life as you forced yourself to obey. It made her flinch, but you gave your first stroke with your tongue, and her breath hitched curtly, a noise that didn't go unnoticed.
"You'll come to like it soon enough," Ghost chuckled, a strange sound from under his mask. You had no idea who he said it to, but his hand finally released its death grip on your neck, giving you two encouraging pats between your shoulder blades, urging you on.
And you got to work.
The faster you'd get this over with, the better, you were sure. Your friend didn't want you to, you didn't want to, and Ghost probably didn't want you to please her like this either, using the opportunity as a sort of torture or punishment rather than his own enjoyment.
Prying her entrance open with your tongue was so easy, you were almost unsure if you were doing it right. You never went down on someone before, so every sensation was new and strange. Even with her taste dancing on your tongue—and you thanked the gods for the shower you two were allowed to take just hours prior—you felt little to no arousal, the fear keeping it at bay. But it seemed to be quite different for your friend.
Her walls greeted you eagerly, insides quivering as you plunged in, twisting and churning through her hole. Your hands moved further up, taking back her lips from Ghost, who released them for you to handle. A small curiosity spread through your mind as you prepared your friend for the horror yet to come, and you raised your chin, slipping out of her to find the little knob of nerves on top, sliding your tongue over it completely before pressing your lips around it.
Your friend let out a muffled gasp, clasping her hand over her mouth as your eyes met. More and more arousal clouded her gaze, replacing the horror. You tested suckling on her clit, and her head rolled back as she moaned, a new sweet spot unlocked on her body that you found.
The chair banged loudly against the ground as Ghost pushed away from it, caging your friend between the bed she was sitting on and his body, and using one hand to grab her hair, forcing her to look up at him. "You like that, Darlin'? Having your cunt licked by your friend? They're doing a good job, yeah?"
Forcing her mouth shut, defying him the answers he wanted, the only sounds she made were held-back moans as you continued to tease her. Something about what you were doing was working—that much was sure. More and more juices began dripping out of her, no small amount landing on your tongue and getting spread all over her cunt. You didn't mind the taste; it almost became comforting.
When you returned to her clit, her legs snapped shut, caging you between them like your friend was confined between Ghost and the bed. You kept roaming through her folds, working your way inside her and trying to reach her clit again, knowing that whatever you were doing was working. You were helpful. Whatever that bastard had planned for her, thanks to you, it wouldn't be so bad, for sure!
"Be honest, Darlin', you're loving this. You're getting off on your friend eating you out, yeah? You're close? Come on, Love, tell me, and I'll allow it. Tell me how good they're making you feel."
Ghost's teases from above didn't really reach your mind as you concentrated on the task at hand (or tongue). Finally, there was something you could do, and it was working. Your friend was quivering before you, juices dripping from her cunt as a strangled moan escaped her.
"Admit it, Princess, or we'll be here for another couple of hours," Ghost joked, following it up with a husky chuckle as he watched your best friend strain herself to keep control. He could have pried you off any second from her, especially with how little you were following their one-sided conversation, understanding what was happening. You were too focused on the success and being able to help for once, not being the hindrance in the way that needed protection.
"Fuck!" she suddenly yelled, spitting the word into his masked face as she glared at him. That was enough to finally tear you out of your trance, and Ghost's raspy laugh echoed through the room.
"What...?" you asked, pulling away from her, confused and unsure of what was happening. Did you hurt her? Did he hurt her?
But both of their attention snapped to you suddenly, pressure rising. Suddenly, your friend reached out, placing her hands at the sides of your head as she guided your face forward again. "Don't stop," she sighed needily, biting her lip. "It feels so fucking good, don't fucking stop."
"Atta girl," Ghost mused, and you could hear the smug grin playing on his lips even without seeing it. "Finally ready to admit it?"
"Yes! Yes, I admit it! I'm so close! Don't stop now, you hear me?!"
Suddenly it wasn't Ghost forcing you forward, but the friend you were protecting by sinking to this level. You were hesitant, but the mere waft of your breath was enough to make her shudder.
"You heard the lady, don't stop," Ghost finally decided to join the coaxing, pleased with her admitting her feelings, and you stretched out your tongue again, letting out a muffled complaint as your head was pressed tightly into her cunt. You were once again back to struggling, all while the smug bastard was laughing at your misery, and your friend moaned out loudly in pleasure. This was not the way things should be. You weren't a fucktoy for her to enjoy. But apparently, being close to an orgasm made anyone lose their reason.
A scream got caught in her throat as her thighs tightened around you, all of her limbs keeping you in place, making you suffocate on her juices and heat. Her body shivered violently as she came from your tongue, head thrown back and toes curling. It was only a few seconds, but you never felt closer to death with her vice grip on you and the very real lack of air between her legs.
At the same time, you were ashamed.
Embarrassed that you were forced to pleasure your best friend. Ashamed to be treated inhumanly and like a fucktoy, your feelings of no regard in this situation. It was one thing that Ghost didn't care about you, only keeping you alive for your friend's sake. You didn't want his attention, didn't want him to care for you. But with even your friend entering this mindset, you felt the tears burn in your eyes, sobs escaping you when she finally let go.
"My, my," Ghost chuckled, stepping up between you two.
"Thank you for your hard work," he said mockingly as you coughed and wiped your mouth. No amount of mouth water would be able to get the taste of your friend and this experience out of your head.
"No, really," he added, reaching down to grab you by the collar of your shirt, pulling you to your feet, and using his foot to push the chair up from the floor, so he could sit you down on top of it. "I'll have to reward you. You did make this so much easier for me. So if you stay right here and be quiet while I fuck your friend..."
Words trailing off, he stepped up to the bed again. Gun in hand, he grabbed her by the arm and pulled her up. You finally got a good look on her face, the tears streaming from her eyes as she could barely glance at you. Guilt and shame were etched into her expression, the horror of what was still awaiting her only registering when Ghost pulled her into his lap, his hand crawling between her legs as he unzipped his trousers, rummaging for his cock.
Her eyes blown wide in panic, she began to struggle, but Ghost only needed one hand to keep her in place. You bit your lip, wanting to help her, but...
Instead, you found Ghost's eyes from over her shoulder. Eyes that told you not to do anything stupid. To stay in your fucking place. Your friend was about to get impaled on his massive cock that sprung free from his briefs, thick and ready, hard from watching his object of desire be pleasured by her pathetic friend. At least, you believed that's how he saw you. She gasped, and you flinched just as hard at the length and girth he displayed confidently. Even with your preparations, you couldn't imagine this thing fitting inside the pretty, tight cunt you just licked.
"If you can be good and quiet, I'll allow you to eat my cum out of her pussy. I'm sure she'd enjoy that just as much. Can you be good and quiet?"
You gulped, nothing left but bitterness on your tongue as you forced yourself to look away, swallowing down your feelings as you had to listen to his cock slipping into her dripping cunt. You let it happen. Your friend let out a pained scream, the sound getting stuck in her throat before it turned into a moan, both of them groaning in unison. In this strange situation, you were the odd one out, the third wheel, the tolerated one. But it was still you and your friend against your captor, trying to survive this, no matter what. Even though you lifted no finger to help her this time, bitter about the way she treated you and helpless against Ghost.
And so you opened your mouth to say the only thing you knew would be allowed at that moment. The only thing he could possibly want to hear from you before the silence he demanded of his darling's pet friend.
"Yes, Sir."
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thelov3lybookworm · 11 months
You Deserve Better (part 7)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Althea was frozen for a moment, staring at Az. His own eyes were wide. Hopeful. So the bond had snapped for him as well.
But then she looked down and continued petting her new pet Silas, hoping no one noticed.
Mate mate mate.
On the outside, she would have looked calm. But on the inside she was running around screaming.
There was no doubt in Althea's mind regarding accepting the bond though. She wanted to be with Casteel, and even the bond wouldn't stop her from being with him. And, strangely, she wasn't feeling any doubt, as she had heard in the stories. The people in the stories, even though they wouldn't want their mate without the bond, wondered if they should accept the bond.
All she was worried about was that the wedding was in two fucking days. And she knew that when someone broke the bond, it caused them excruciating pain. She didn't want to wait to break the bond, lest Azriel get hopes that she would accept the bond, but she didn't want to postpone the wedding due to the pain of a broken bond, having waited for this moment since she met Casteel.
That was when she made the decision. She would go to Madja. Ask if there was any solution for her problem.
She cleared her throat. "Hey Cas. I think I should take Silas to Madja. What if he has some ailment? You guys take the dresses and do the necessary shopping. I'll meet you back at the River House."
"Do you want me to come with you?" Casteel asked.
"No!" She burst out, far too quickly to be normal. "I mean, you go have fun. I'll head back home as soon as I'm done. I also don't really like shopping, as you already know." The last part sounded like a question, even to herself.
Casteel looked concerned. For a moment, she thought he'd still come along, but then he nodded. With a last glance at her, he followed the others, who had started to walk away, but still he lingered behind everyone.
She quickly made her way to Madja's place. As she entered, an elderly male walked out, giving her a smile. She returned it before turning to Madja.
"Althea. Its been a long time since I've seen you around. How are you?"
"I'm good Madja. How about yourself?"
"I'm good I'm good. What brings you here today?"
Then she began her story. About how she had been heartbroken and left Velaris, how she met Casteel, and that their wedding was in two days. And by her luck, the bond had revealed itself.
Madja listened patiently while she checked Silas for anything that needed to be looked at. When Althea finished, she took a deep breath before turning to Althea.
"First of all, congratulations on the wedding. May the Mother always keep you two together and happy. Second of all, the cat is as healthy as can be. As for the breaking of the bond, I can't stop the pain, but I can delay it. You will feel the pain in a couple of days from when you break it. But the tonic I'll have to brew will take time."
Althea's spirits lifted, but dread still coiled in her stomach.
"When will it be ready if you start now?"
"A day before when you say the wedding is."
Madja nodded. "I'll start now. Don't worry dear, everything will be alright."
With that, Althea took Silas and walked back to the River House.
The weight of the bottle containing the tonic was heavy in altheas pocket as she stared at her mate.
Her Mate.
She stood in his room in the House of Wind.
She needed to get this done with, no matter how much she wanted to run away and pretend nothing happened.
And so she began.
Casteel's pov
Casteel hadn't been able to stop smiling the whole day. He'll be marrying the love of his life tomorrow, in a few hours, and he couldn't wait for it.
As he was walking with the General and the High Lord towards the training ring, he heard noises coming from the Spymaster's room. One female, one male. As they got closer, he could hear everything clearly.
"Look Azriel. I'm pretty sure you know the reason why I left Velaris in the first place. I was sad because you had broken my heart, but I forgive you now. That was years ago, and I have moved on. You should too." That was Althea.
"So if you have forgiven me, why are you doing this! You and I are meant for each other. We're supposed to be together." Azriel complained.
"But I'm getting married tomorrow. To someone who I want to be with. I–"
"I don't care! All I want is you! Why can't you stop holding this grudge over me! I already said I'm sorry for hurting you, what else do you want me to do?"
"And I've already said that I forgive you! And this is not about the childish infatuation I had with you. I'm in love with Casteel. What part of that can you not understand?"
"You're my fucking mate Althea. And I'll be damned if I let another male have you."
Casteel's heart stopped in his chest. This could not be true. This was probably a nightmare. He'll soon wake up, and Althea would be next to him, staring up at him sleepily till she realised that he'd been having a nightmare. She'd tug him into a hug, his head resting on her chest, and ask him if he wanted to talk about it. He'll tell her, and she'll soothe his worries by telling him it was just a dream. And then in the morning they'll both have a laugh about it.
But then one look at Rhys and Cassian told him this was no dream. Their eyes were wide.
This was not a nightmare.
Please say something. He begged in his mind, hoping Althea would deny the fact. But then no sounds came from the room except a heavy sigh, who he knew was Althea.
A panic gripped him. He turned on his heel, walking back to Althea's room, ignoring the High Lord's attempt to talk to him.
Everything was a blur to him as he paced around the room. What if she decided to accept the bond? What if she no longer wanted him? What if–
No. He told himself. Althea wouldn't do that. He knew she had no feelings left for the Shadowsinger.
But it was known that the bond could cloud people's judgement.
Footsteps sounded on the other side of the door. From the sound of it, he knew it was Althea.
He took a deep breath and tried to not show how panicked he was as she entered.
"Hey." She said, walking up to him, her arms outstretched, as if she was going to hug him.
"Hello." He said, walking past her towards the bed, even though all he wanted to do was pull her into him and wrap his wings around them.
A flash of hurt crossed her features before she could mask it, and Casteel wanted to punch himself between his legs.
"Are you playing hard to get? A day before our wedding? If that's so, I'll play." She said, searching his face.
He just smiled and sat down on the edge of the bed next to a snoozing Silas, who cracked an eye open, looking around before he hopped down and trotted towards the door, which opened on itself, then shut, thanks to the house.
When Casteel looked up, Althea was staring at him with narrowed eyes, her brows furrowed. He swallowed.
"What's going on?" She crossed her arms, leaning back against the desk in front of the window.
"Nothing." When she remained quiet, he sighed. "Look. I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but–"
"Eavesdrop who?" He stared at her silently before she realised, her brow straightening. "Oh. Well, I still don't understand your behaviour though. Why are you ignoring me?"
"I'm not ignoring you." He mumbled like a child who had been caught stealing cookies.
"Then what exactly are you doing?"
Casteel didn't reply. He simply stared at his hands, cursing himself. She was meant for another, and he knew he was being selfish, but atleast he acknowledged it. Didn't really help the situation knowing that.
Would he have left Althea for Penelaphe if he'd found her now? Maybe. No. He wouldn't have left Althea, no matter what. But he would not hold it over her. It was her decision. Whether she wanted to be with Azriel or him, Casteel would accept it.
He'd always known he was undeserving and unworthy of such a great and amazing female, he'd just been too much of a selfish bastard to let her go. It didn't help that she wouldn't leave either, saying that he wasn't unworthy.
A few moments passed before Althea spoke up again.
"Did you... did you think I was going to accept it?"
"When did you find out?" He deflected.
"Just after we found Silas."
He nodded. "Were you going to tell me?"
"Yes. But after I had broken the bond. Otherwise you would have tried to make me leave you and again started the 'I'm unworthy' bullshit." When he said nothing, she repeated her earlier question. "Did you think I was going to accept the bond?"
He gave a small nod. She looked bewildered, standing from where she was leaning and walking towards him. Crouching in front of him, she placed her hands on his knees.
"Why would you think that?" She questioned softly. "You have to know I wouldn't want anyone other than you, no matter what, right?"
She searched his eyes. He nodded, his eyes stinging. Then he took a deep breath and said quietly, "You can accept the bond, you know. I won't hold it against you. You don't have to do this because of me. You can do whatever you want."
She cupped his face. "Casteel. I swear, this is what I want. And I'm not going anywhere. I love you."
He slid from the bed, kneeling on the floor and pulling her into his lap. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, his going around her waist and burying his face in her neck.
"Did you really think you would get rid of me so easily? Here I am, planning to haunt you for the rest of your life, and you are trying to make me accept a bond I don't want. Are you trying to destroy all my plans? Beware, soldier, it would take a lot more than a bond to discard of me."
He laughed then, the tears finally flowing from his eyes.
"What did I ever do to deserve you." She patted his shoulder, staying where she was.
"I broke the bond, you know." She said after the tears had stopped.
Casteel jerked back. "You what?"
She nodded. "Remember when that day I went to Madja with Silas? My main motive was to ask for something that would help with the breaking of the bond. I didn't want anything bothering me during the wedding. She had to brew a tonic, which I got today. It has delayed the pain. I would probably be bedridden for a few days, but I think it's worth it."
Casteel touched his forehead to hers, grinning and blushing like a teenage boy around his first love.
After a few moments, Althea straightened, as if just remembering something.
"Hey Cas, remember when you told me you would love to have kids one day?"
"When I was ready not to be the center of your attention? Yes."
She smiled, taking his hand and placing it on her belly. "Well, looks like you'll be forced to not be my center of attention anymore."
He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He gasped like a fish straight out of the water before he spoke.
"You– you are..."
"Yes." She gave him a huge grin, which he returned in equal measure, laughing hysterically. Already planning on how he would spoil the little one.
Little did he know then that it would be two ones.
Althea's pov.
A crash sounded from outside, making Althea groan and screw her eyes shut against the sun shining through the windows. She reached for Casteel, but her hand closed around nothing.
The sound of a door opening sounded behind Althea, then the bed behind her dipped. The scent of cinnamon, pine and dark spices overwhelmed her senses as she turned and buried her face in between the bed and Casteel's thigh.
He chuckled, pushing the hair back from her face. He waited a few more moments before leaning down and whispering in her ear. "Wake up love." A pause. "It's wedding day."
She sat up so fast it was a miracle Casteel even had the chance to jerk back so she wouldn't smash into his face. She blushed so hard she wondered if he could discern her face from the wall if she stood in front of one red wall. She looked down at the shirt she was wearing. His shirt that she had stolen last night before going to sleep. And trousers.
No one should blame her though, it was too comfortable to resist the theft.
He grinned, standing up and extending his hand. "Let's go have breakfast, everyone's waiting."
She nodded and crawled off the bed as fast as she could. As he led her to the dining area, sleep again crowded her mind. She didn't have a habit of awakening this quickly. She had to be grumbling around the house for a few hours before she went to her normal self.
Everyone was seated around the table in their normal formation, looking up as Casteel and she entered.
As she slumped down on the chair, Cassian piped up. "Are you sure you're wearing the right shirt?"
She shot him a glare. "Are you sure you don't want to die?"
"Ever the pleasant person in the morning you are Thea."
Casteel mock whispered. "She stole it from me."
A dramatic gasp escaped Cassian. "She did not!"
Casteel nodded sadly. "She did. But I'm used to it now. Sometimes I wonder if the clothes I'm wearing are even mine."
Althea sighed, looking at Nyx who was trying to grab a sausage. "I feel so bad for him."
Feyre giggled. "Me too. Sometimes I wonder if I'll find him crawling about with a dagger in his hand."
Althea pursed her lips, glancing at Cas who nodded. "I'm concerned now."
"For whom?" Rhys questioned. When she turned to him, his eyes were glittering.
She took her time answering. "For Nyx's... cousin."
Everyone was still for a moment while Rhys stated between her and Casteel with wide eyes, smile gone.
"Are you telling me," He said haltingly, "that I, am going to be an uncle?"
Althea smiled. "That's exactly what I'm telling you."
Everything was still one moment, the next, it was chaos. Everyone laughing, hugging, congratulating each other. The rest of the breakfast was filled with idle chatter before mor reminded them that they needed to get dressed. She stood up, whisking Althea away with a warning thrown over her shoulder for Casteel to not disturb them, and that he was not allowed to see her before the wedding.
Althea stared at herself in the mirror, confused if the female staring back at her was really her on if the mirror was enchanted.
Mor had done an excellent work on her, with her hair coiled around her head so intricately that it would be a miracle if she would be able to undo it without going bald.
"So? What do you think?" Mor asked, turning her so she faced the other females in the room. Gwyn, Emerie, Feyre, Nesta and Elain were assembled in the room, helping each other with their hair and clothes.
Before anyone could answer though, a knock sounded on the door, Cassian's head poking in. His jaw dropped. Althea twisted her hands together.
It was a few moments before Cassian finally regained his composure and announced that Casteel had already left and they should leave.
Everyone rushed towards the balcony from which they would be departin, where Rhys stood, talking to Azriel in hushed tones. When he heard their steps, he turned, and as they drew closer, Althea could make out the silver lining his eyes.
He pulled her in for a hug without a word, while everyone winnowed away to the field of daisies that Althea had loved so much.
The place where her heart had been broken, the place she could not think of without remembering that Starfall night, she would now be replacing those memories with happy ones today.
Cassian's pov.
Everyone waited with baited breath for Althea and Rhys to arrive. Especially the groom, standing next to the Illyrian with pale blue eyes, Kieran. There were two more people present, a mated Illyrian male and female. Atlas and Pari, as they were introduced to the inner circle. There had been some issues in the camp, so the three had arrived directly to the daisy field rather than the house of wind.
The air shifted, and everyone, including Silas who was held by Mor, turned to see Rhys and Althea, walking towards where Casteel stood on a raised platform, Gwyn standing behind him.
Everything was a blurr to Cassian as he stared at the little girl who had grown into such a fabulous female. The one he had treated like his own little sister.
It still felt as if it was just yesterday that he had met her. Just yesterday that the two of them had conspired against Rhys and Az. Him bribing her to help him undetected in the annual snowball fight and he would get her candies and make snowmen with her.
Gwyn went through all the steps, their vows being whispered directly into each other's minds, tears rolling down their faces. And when they finally kissed, everyone cheered and celebrated as if there was no tomorrow.
Althea's pov.
There was nothing, absolutely nothing she could ask for in exchange for this. Everything felt so right in the moment when the two of them were announced married.
She was happy. And her life felt fulfilled.
And, as Rhys had said in this exact field, she had deserved better. And she got better.
A/n: Thank you to everyone who has followed along this series. I cannot express how grateful I am for all of you. Also, two parts in one week makes me feel so happy. This is the last part to this series, but I think I'll be writing an epilogue though, so keep an eye out for that if you're interested.
Taglist: @bubybubsters @Act1839 @we-were-beautiful
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drea-ms · 1 year
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₊ ⊹ ⪩⪨ ┆ In which a small remark causes a bigger problem for the both of them. ( requested from old account )
warnings. asshole kyle. stans is yns twin. angst. happy ending. enemies to lovers? academical rivals to lovers. arguing. crying. long i think? grammar mistakes.
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You never liked stan's friend group. Well, most of them, Kenny was alright, he was kind to you when he isn't flirting with you, but overall better than like most of them, Butters was a good friend, you knew that he was always a target in the group, but he doesn't get enough credit for taking care of the group.
The last two people were the ones you disliked the most were eric cartman (there's no reason to even talk about the things he's done) and Kyle Broflovski, you didn't know why you disliked him (you did) but you would never tell your twin that you hate his super best friend and that he hates you back, now would you?
When you met Kyle, you thought he was cute, nice and charming, (mind you were both in like 3rd when you officially met him). You don't know what you did to make him hate you, but ever since 3rd grade he would ignore you when you were around and wouldn't even talk to you, even when you were paired up. He always had his serious face when you around, and everyone around you felt bad for you. (including cartman.... surprisingly..)
So since then you two have been competing on almost everything. Grades? somehow you always beat him, Gym Class? You're both on opposite teams and are targeting each other, Anything else? you both were there and competing against each other. You didn't know how it started, but you both are stubborn enough to let it finish.
Today was not your day, everything went wrong and you don't even want to go through it, and guess what? Kyle was bothering you!! yay... right? Not really if he's been peering you since he's been getting frost stop in class recently. Non. Stop. And when the teacher told everyone that they'll be with a study partner, she chose you and Kyle.
So now here you were, in the library, stressed out your mind and with the guy you really dislike. He was talking your head off, you weren't really paying attention, mostly reading the text that was assigned and writing down your notes until–
"Are you even listening? You stopped writing down notes and you're still reading the text? are you even understanding the lesson?" oh. he was talking to you, you turn and face him, he looked mad (at least to you), and well you being in a mood you said, "Unlike you, I can multitask and understand things when I'm given a timlimit, you on the other hand, seem to only write notes on the 'important parts' of the text." you said giving a 'smile' and went back to your work.
"Shut up. At least I'm not zoning out. That's all you've been doing, haven't you Marsh? You know since you've been losing yourself and slipping. How would people think of you? The infamous Yn Marsh and her grades slipping into the dumpster—" "Can you like shut up!? Is that all your good for? making fun of your best friends twin sister because you're not in first place?!? How much stupid can you get Kyle!?!?" crying, you were crying. You didn't know when you started to cry but you knew you were going to leave the library. So you left.
You went to your locker, getting your things and trying to rush out of there, not want to see any one at the moment until you heard someone running at you, "Yn? Yn!" It was Kyle fucking Brofloski. You continued to ignore him until he made you turn around and face him, "Where are you going?" "Home. now leave me alone. I'll ask the teacher if we can switch partners tomorrow." you say trying to get off his grip. "Um- look, I'm sorry if I hurt you. I know it was wrong of me to treat you like that today, hell since we were kids." he looked sad? maybe pity for you
"I know you won't accept my apology, but please trust me when I say I mean this." What? What was he saying? You try to say something when he cuts you off, "I don't know whether it recently or if I have been in denial since forever, but I really like you, I don't know how it started or when, but please give me a chance to court you, to start over again and make sure that I don't fuck it up again, just please." he looked at you like he was going on his knees and beg for you.
You don't say anything for a while until he hear the words he wanted to hear,
"Two Months. I'm giving you two months to court me and start fresh again. You fuck it and we're done."
"Anything for you, love"
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NAO SPEAKS? bro i checked my notes app and found out i saved all of my requests 🙈🙈🙈 expect more coming soon 🫶🫶🦶
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nut4shuri · 2 years
could you please do angst where reader and shuri get into an argument and reader takes off in one of the aircrafts and shuri goes looking for her? (but pls with a happy ending)
Lose you🤍
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I really would like someone to explain what angst is to me? Is it like smut,without the smut or some shit? Like what is the diffrence. Cause i really don't know.
You couldn't believe what you just witnessed... shuri kissing riri in the lab,and shuri had the nerves to defend her and riri's actions saying it was in the "heat" of the moment and wasn't their fault. She even had the nerves to call you "embarrassing" and said you where "being difficult".
your eyes began to tear up even more. You really couldn't believe what she was saying,you didn't believe it at all. This wasn't your shuri,it just couldn't be. She would never...something was wrong.
she stopped her rant as she seen the look in your eyes and the look of utter dissapontment flashed her face.
"babe i.."
"Babe nothing. Its over we're through."you said as you rushed to leave the room hearning shuirs screams bebind you.
"Y/n!" She yelled as you heard footsteps you sped up and rushed to get away.
You could feel shuri on your tail as you quickly looked seeing no other exit but the aircraft sitting on the building.
"Ms.Y/N you can not-!" Okeyo sounded as she seen you climbing the aircraft to get in.
You sped up as she she raced to get to you but she was to late as you closed the door.
Others ran behind her looking up as the aircraft began to lift.
"Shit!" You heard as Okeyo ran over to another aircraft you the quickly pressed the auto pilot button.
"how do you even fly this shit.."
It sped off into the wind as you sat back and thought about the argument you and shuri just had..
I understand all the pressure she's been under and the Queen's passing but I just didn't understand was I not enough? did she not love me anymore? who was I? I was questioning myself so much more than I ever had before because really. Who was I without Shuri?
Was I really worth her love was I really worth the time and affection Riri was so much smarter than me she was pretty and she had more potential and her and sure got along really well more than we ever did every time I felt like we bonded with sexually..
"Ms.Y/N" Groit spoke out through my kemoye beads..
"Yes.."i said silently as i took them off my wrists placing them to the side.
"The queen requests for you to return to the palce expeditiously."
"The Queen can politely shut the hell up."
"Ms Y/N-"
My beads began to vibrate rapidly as a small hologram of shuri surfaced from the beads.
I groaned taking the beads and open a small window on the side of the aircraft and tossing them out.
"Im going home." You whispered to yourself.
Placing an address in the gps of the aircraft i sat back in my seat and looked out at the view.
Reminiscing on all of our happy moments together,me meating tchalla,and the queen herself.
She saved you...in your darkest moments she was their.....You being known as a "criminal" ..but she saw the good in you and she helped you find your self again.
You wished you never met her. This old you wouldn't feel so much,the old you wouldn't cry and she definitely wouldn't run away from her problems. But thats all you could do,if you talked face to face you were burst out in tears and wouldn't be able to control yourself you wouldn't know what to say I had to feel your feelings will be all over the place.
You sat back staring into the horizon watching the sky as birds flew,passing by the sparkly blue water shined from below the sight of wakanda was just so beautiful.
Slipping off your shoes you made your way inside of your apartment,you always had a back up plan. Nobody knew about this apartment but you. You knew that you needed something to fall back on if this happened,you just hoped it never did.
You slipped of your coat and made your way to the bathroom running some hot water,adding in some bubbles and epsom salt you lit some candles and let the water run walking out grabbing a bottle of wine and a wine cup.
You made your way back into the bathroom turning off the water and slipping of your clothing.
You sat in the water,your body settled and stilled as you took in the quiet atmosphere,your eyes began to tear up as tears started to fall.And they kept falling,you brought your knees up to your chest and began to silently break down.
After a while you opened the wine bottle and started to drink,and kept drinking.All your worries went into a blur as you sipped from the whine glass and steadied your breath.
After your bath you washed your hair and cleaned,slipping on some silk pjs and began to dry your hair in the mirror.
As you looked in the mirror your eyes widened as you slipped the earlings from your ear watching them light up in your hands.
*knocking sounds*
"Fuck." You said and groaned you walked to the door hesitantly.
Grabbing your gun form the dresser you opened the door and their stood shuri.
Her hands in her pockets,her eyes where swollen and red,her hair was everywhere and she wore grey sweats and a hooddie to match.
"Y/N-" she said as she let out a shaky breath and pulled you into a hug.
"What- shuri-"
You heard faint sobs as you shut up instantly,holding her up as she began to break down in your arms.
"Im sorry please,please please don't go."
"I love you so much,i just dont know why i didnt that- i- i wanted you to feel the hurt i was feeling and i reflected pain from me to you,i felt like you didn't care and all you cared about was your won wishes,but i was so wrong. I shoulda talked to you because i love you and-"
You slapped your hand over her mouth and sat her up.
"Shuri breathe."
"your all i have y/n.."she spoke silently
She sucked up her crys and began to whipe her face.
Pulling her into the apartment you grabbed her a glass of water and sat her on the couch.
"I can't live without you,i can't breath without you,i fell apart at the thought of you and me no longer being together i love you with my whole soul,every bone in my body,every inch of myself i gave to you,and i love and care for you and you do the same for me like no one else has ever done..and i don't wanna lose that..
I don't wanna lose you."
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jay🤍-yall seen that video with letitia and kehlani? 😩
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nogu-d-reamers · 2 months
(Or... And angel and Dogday a bit of Lore).
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Patrick Perry Layer or "the player" was an employee of the factory that was in charge of the internal financial management of the company who worked at playTime Co. between the 80's and 90's.
Due to his work, he had to pay attention to the game station and playcare initiatives; Which he hated because he wasn't the biggest supporter of the idea of children in an industrial factory, so he was actively hostile towards them.
He had an "if it's none of my business, I don't care" mentality; Therefore, even though he had to be aware of the existence of experiments in the factory, the problem with the employees due to their treatment and that there were even spies trying to leak information about it to the public; He couldn't have cared less, it was beside the point.
Regarding whether he had family or someone close... due to the great time of conflicts that he lived through, he only had himself his entire life; which further substantiated that thought of not being interested in his surroundings if not for his work.
He mainly went to playcare when they insisted that he go to playcare at the suggestion of one of his subordinates upon learning that he was alone in adopting one of the orphans.He went reluctantly and being extremely uncomfortable with the excessive good treatment they gave him in the playcare.
Patrick and Libby...
as mentioned earlier; He met Lilibeth Faith one day when she was hiding, a girl who was particularly shy and defensive at first but who at the same time did not allow herself to be intimidated by the hostility of Patrick himself.
When he gave up on seeming hostile to her and it was approaching bedtime, he caught her attention with some of Barry's books and asking her if she liked the cart with eyes too.
Libby, not knowing what the "kind gentleman" was called (from her point of view), began to ask about "Mr. Angel." The confused caregivers did not know what or who he was; until the next visit she came running up to him shouting «MR. ANGEL!!! YOU'RE BACK! » leaving everyone stunned to see that he was referring to him, including Patrick himself.
Patrick asked the minor why she referred to him in such a curious way, which made all the sense in the world to her; I explain: «Brother once said that angels are kind and honest with those who need it, you seemed like both to me and you even wanted to play with me; why wouldn't you be?». Patrick didn't know what to respond and preferred to introduce himself formally so she wouldn't call him that again, but Libby still continued calling him "Mr. Angel."
when in starts 1992 and Lilibeth began to be a subject of experimentation or "testing" and they found a way to make her susceptible to experimentation through the "carmine serum" (it will have its own explanation later); I wasn't going to question much and I was just going to visit her since due to a very hectic Christmas season I hadn't had the time to see Libby with a gift... but I just saw her again and saw that she was so emaciated and that the only answer I had was Libby gave her «the white manss said I had something wrong, and they are trying to fix me, but hurts... Hurts too much...» he could no longer maintain his apathy and began to investigate more about what was happening to the girl.
When she found out WHAT Sawyer was doing to her, to the other orphans and that she found out in more detail about the things that he allowed due to her apathy, she put pressure and haste to protect Libby and speed up the procedures to get her out of playcare; then with the information kept and knowing of various irregularities at playtime Co. to at least mitigate some of the damage he allowed them to cause...however...
The day of the tragedy...
July 21, 1992, what was supposed to be the day Patrick took little Lilibeth Faith away from playcare, Dr. Sawyer called Layer to his office; while Libby had to wait for him; The girl was absolutely nervous, he didn't want him to leave her alone although he promised that it would only be for a moment and then they would be together.
Patrick and Harley had an dispute when he called him into the office, and at one point Harley critically said, «I'm sorry, but you didn't leave me any other choice.» Layer did not understand those words until minutes later when an employee in the maintenance area commented that a girl had suffered a serious accident in the gas production area. that girl was Libby.
At no time was Patrick allowed near the medical bay, and a doctor on Sawyer's team told him that unfortunately there was nothing to do; He allowed him to see the recently deceased body of her minor to identify her and that a priori through the adoption process she would let him take the minor's ashes.
Patrick, after seeing her "dead body" and being given a container with part of the Libby's ashes (with the parts that were not used for dogday), never set foot in the playcare again.
He blamed himself for the incident for a long time and over the years he stopped going to the company's special events because they were the only days in which the playcare children went out to the rest of the factory other than the games station, which ironically also included the event of August 8, 1995.
Loses this sunshine again...
some point in 2005; Patrick was in the eye of several investigators for what happened with playtime co (as well as his former employees); However, he had preferred to remain anonymous, out of the eye of suspicion and enduring as best he could the feeling of guilt for the disappearance of so many people (so much so that he bought a piece of land adjacent to the factory's wooded land just to know when he would feel ready to return). ; until one day the tape arrived with the "find the flower" letter, he guessed, he knew that he should not run away from playtime co anymore and he got ready to go to that place again…
If Patrick's mind was in chaos; when he met Dogday and the nickname he used to refer to him, of all the ones he could use, was precisely "Angel"; The same way and tone of speech that Libby used to refer to him was so shocking that he could only react again when the giant dog in the end could only say "JUST GO! RUN!" seconds before being attacked and possessed by the minis. If in itself the terrible coincidence of terms that Dogday used left Patrick in shock; when in the council building he finds the conversion papers for several experiments, including how his little Libby was used to be experiment 1202 - also known as Dogday; You can imagine the rage and helplessness of not only not having been able to get her out of playtime before her, but he has seen her die twice
after defeating the prototype; Before leaving she had gone to the playhouse one more time just to be able to lay watch over Dogday's body; finding himself surprised that he was still alive, even though he was devoured; but alive. He couldn't help but hug him and cry, thanking him for being alive and forgiving him.
The most difficult thing of all was how to accommodate Dogday with the grabpack; because although the canine was in half and was terrifyingly light for his size, the half-dog was still larger than his body. and that although he could help him, the slightest mistake would cause him to suffer more damage; It was a difficult process to get him out of Playtime Co.
side note: a constant visual device is that Dogday does not see player as a human, but insteants he sa him as a dummy or "Dogday's POV"; It has an explanation. Since as a human DD' suffered abuse before and after arriving at playcare, the process of your conversion to a bigger body, the 10 years she was in the factory and due to several attacks from the specialists sent by Leith Pierre, she unconsciously sees the adults as a threat, something that can and will do harm. Therefore, as a method of defense and not attacking them directly because of that internalized panic; Dogday has lost the ability to recognize adult faces and see them instead as something more "safe" and has forgotten several adult faces. which is why them doesn't know that "poppy's angel" and "mr angel" are the same person.
Since Patrick has Dogday with him, because of the paternal love he had for him and the level of guilt he has for leaving him behind so many times when he needed him most, he tries to compensate him by showering him with the attention and care he deserves; something a little difficult because due to the scientists and his years of dogday confinement he hardly allows himself to indulge in feeling guilty for being alive (something that Angel has been working on so that that feeling is mitigated).
Patrick knows he has entered dangerous territory; not only because now the eyes of the researchers will be on him, but even though he tries to cure dogday (even being able to recover the lower part of the experiment), however; The amount of damage he has is absurd and the few medical examinations he performs indicate that he will not survive for long.
However, on one occasion where again a group of investigators contact him before he can send them to hell, they bring him a tempting proposal: "We have in custody former workers who were part of Sawyer's team and we know that you guard an experiment; and we need witnesses and information that only someone of your rank can tell, be the witness we need and in exchange we will give you the help the experiment needs."... Layer accepts with three conditions =
#1. do whatever you have to do to save dogday; except using him as an experimental subject behind his back #2. If you need dogday to testify, unless you promise absolute anonymity it will be denied and #3. fulfill Dogday's whim and remove that CENSORSHIP Sawyer voice box.
Now... this threat... Was it a good idea… or something else that will make Layer regret it?
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mehidktbh · 2 years
I saw your bo Sinclair x reader about having a big chest I also from this problem 🧍🏾‍♀️ so could you do another one with Thomas Hewitt cause I love him so much 👉🏾👈🏾 also I don't mind a nsfw version as well 👀
Thank you 💓💞💞💞💞💞
Pairing: Thomas Hewitt x Fem!Reader
Warning 18+: Hoyt being rude and a jerk, SMUT/NSFW, mentions rude/sexual comments made towards y/n, protective!Thomas, fluff and a whole lot of Thomas tho
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- You go perfectly with Thomas Hewitt, I mean he's got one big fat ass and you having a big chest only glues the puzzle together. He probably likes it knowing you guys share something in common or at least to him.
- The first time he ever sees you is probably the only time he's ever tried to be respectful. Your huffing and puffing your lungs out as you try to catch your breath from running away from him. Only when he watches from the corner does his eyes drift down to your semi-seethrough shirt.
- Even when your tied up and thrown down into the basement, huddled in the corner does he inspect you more. Getting up close and personal to you, practically breathing down your neck as he smells you. He wishes he could bury his face in between your breasts, he's so close he can smell the sweat in between them.
- On the topic of him wanting to smother you. He'd openly be open to laying on you any chance he got, from his bedroom to the basement he only wants his head on your breasts. Sometimes he can't sleep without being up close and personal to you, he's so needy.
- But as much as he wants it to be only him interested in you, it's more different. Since the day he met you someone else had their eyes on you, from morning to night he'd catch out of the corner of his eyes Hoyt staring.
- Hoyt would either be reading the newspaper or helping you with your chores. But actually, he'd be peaking over his newspaper to watch you as you ate in the morning, coming out at just the right time to lend a hand. It would make Thomas feel insecure and mad, on one hand, what happens if you fell for Hoyt. Or that maybe Hoyt would do something to make you feel uncomfortable, the list goes on and on,
- Sometimes you'd come to him sad and uncomfortable, telling Thomas about what happened and how Hoyt would say something inappropriate or do something inappropriate. But you bet your ass that Thomas has your back, Thomas wouldn't mind getting mad at Hoyt and showing him who's boss.
- Thomas loved you for you and was there when you had insecure, he'd kiss you all over and personally make time just for you... ;)
- It's not a secret that Thomas would have a soft spot for you in bed, he's never had experience before in bed and only had the 'talk' once. He was practically clueless, who knew having you there to teach him was more than fantastic.
- Sometimes he'd feel so taken away when you guys would finish, he'd be there laying by your side or on top of you watching as your chest fell and rose. It only made him crave more, the thought of going to bed every night bothered him when he worked almost every day.
- He wouldn't be able to focus on working while he had an erection, trying his best to calm himself down or hide it from any passing people.
- But when you came down to check up on him you'd almost instantly get thrown against the wall or on the table, quickly pulling his pants down as he continues to trust into you. (Quickes aren't uncommon <3)
- Even in bed Thomas would be gripping your shirt, trying his hardest to rip it off or get the stupid buttons undone. His hands would grope you almost every time you guys had sex, from licking to sucking on your nipples he'd do it almost every time.
- Mostly every time you'd end up breathless and tired, his cum all over your breasts and some bruises or hickeys left from where he couldn't control himself. But he'd come in to clean you off, a nice warm rag as he gently cleans your body. The rag wipes your breasts as he tries to clean up what he left behind. (Sometimes it would lead to only another round...)
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Love Bites: Chapter 3
Series Masterlist
After they left, Tammy let out a loud sigh, earning everyone’s attention.
“What?” Joe asked her as she kept her eyes on the exit where Y/N and Doug had just gone through. 
Tammy didn’t answer to start with, prompting Johnny to jump in. “He’s always like this with Y/N. He doesn’t like her going anywhere without him.”
“Bloody hell.” Phil murmured under his breath as the rest of Def Leppard looked at them in shock.
“He’s also not exactly happy about Y/N working with you. Or us going on tour with you.” Tammy eventually spoke up.
“Why not. Surely if he is her boyfriend he wants what's best for her?” Sav asked.
“Well, you’d think, wouldn't you?” Benji muttered as he stared at his drink. He wasn’t a man of many words but when it came to his friends he would defend them to the end of the earth. 
“So what’s his problem then?” Steve asked.
“Well, since Ultraviolet started receiving more attention he has been clinging to Y/N as if she is just gonna disappear. He hates the idea of her not spending time with him.” Tammy told them. 
The conversation died down after that. Small chatter on plans for the upcoming tour took over but for Joe, the idea that Y/N was with someone who was controlling over her, wouldn’t leave his mind. 
“I know what you’re thinking.” Sav told Joe the minute they entered the small house that they were renting whilst they were in London.
“Oh yeah. And what’s that?” Joe asked him as he looked his best friend in the eye.
Their conversation had attracted their bandmates' attention.
“You can’t go after her, Joe. No matter how bad her boyfriend is for her.”
“I wasn’t going to.” Joe told him, though the thought had crossed his mind more than once since he had met Doug.
“He’s right Joe, no matter how much of an arse he might seem.” Phil chimed in as he looked at the lead singer.
“I won’t do anything okay?” Joe looked around him before heading off to bed.
Sav watched his friend go before he sat on the sofa and looked at his bandmates. 
“You know that this Doug isn’t good for her.” Rick pointed out as he sat next to Sav.
“I know but he can’t do or say anything. No matter what. We don’t know her well enough to get involved.” Sav responded.
“I just hope she knows that she deserves better.” Steve spoke sitting next to his terror twin. Despite the two not knowing each other for long, the guitarists had clicked the moment they were in the studio together, causing mayhem from the get-go. 
“Did you have to cause such a scene?” Y/N asked Doug as they shut the front door to their flat.
“Me ‘cause a scene?” Doug asked her with rage brewing behind his eyes. “I only asked a question about your jobs.”
“You asked stupid questions about our jobs. You know why music videos have to be filmed so close together.” Y/N told him, an angry tone in her voice but she refused to raise it at him.
“You’re always pestering me to take more interest and then you get pissed when I do.”
“I shouldn't have to ‘pester’ you.” Y/N used finger air-quotes around the word pester. “You should just take an interest in what I love to do.” 
“How can I when I don’t understand it? You are obsessed with the idea of running off around the world with a group of people I don’t know. You’d rather do this than get a real job to help me pay the bills.” Doug yelled at her.
“Wow. Look, I don't spend the money I do earn on myself. Everything I do earn goes into this place. It’s not frequent, which is why I save it and use it over time.” Y/N told him.
“All I’m saying is that if you have a real job then we wouldn’t be struggling for money this much.” 
“How do you know that? Many people work ‘real’ jobs.” She used the air-quotes again. “And they still struggle to pay rent. I am working hard to build a career for myself that I love rather than working a dead-end nine-to-five job that I will be unhappy in for the rest of my life.”
“You think I love my job Y/N? I had dreams and aspirations too, the difference is, I am grown up enough to realise that dreams don’t come true.”
“Fuck you Doug. You don’t have to understand. You just have to support me. Not try to embarrass me infront of a band that I am about to tour with. A band that I am filming their music videos with. If dreams don’t come true then how come I am living mine?”
“That’s what this is about? You are embarrassed of me infront of all these men that you get to work with now?”
“That’s not what this is about. This is not about you. Def Leppard have invited me and the others to play with them in America. They have given me a chance to get my face out there. They are a big deal in America and I don’t want to screw up the chance that my band could be too.” Y/N took a deep breath as she looked at her boyfriend. The love that she had once felt for that man was long gone. “I’m going to bed.” She announced.
“We’re not done here Y/N.” Doug shouted after her but she ignored him. 
This argument was one of many that they had. To start with Y/N had tried to explain to him about why this was all so important to her, but overtime she had enough of his selective hearing. She knew that she didn’t love him anymore but she didn’t know how to leave. She couldn’t face her bandmates who had warned her about him in the first place and she had no family around her anymore to help her out. She couldn’t afford to live on her own and she had been with Doug since she moved to London four years ago.
Y/n got herself ready for bed before she settled under the covers. She wasn’t sure if Doug would join her or sleep on the couch after their argument. She quietly hoped it was the latter but she knew in her heart he would probably come to bed eventually. 
She was right. Within the next few hours, Doug had joined her in bed, smelling like alcohol. He didn’t try to cuddle her, he just collapsed on the bed and started snoring. Y/N laid awake for hours, for the first time since they left the pub, she let her mind wander to the green-eyed lead singer. How he was looking at her and how his face fell when he saw Doug walk up to her.
She couldn’t help the small smile that came across her face as she realised that maybe he was attracted to her too. She knew nothing could ever come of it but a selfish part of her dwelled on the thought that one day they potentially could be together, no matter how unrealistic it was.
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herbrattybaby · 2 months
Chapter 1
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Thats how this small room always was. He didn't seem to care though he never cared how rancid the room smelled the bastard just took one smell in disgust and slammed the door behind him getting one of his employees to deep clean it so he could go in to torture the poor girl some more. 5 years ago Perse thought life was as worse as it could get. Being a runaway orphan from an abusive orphanage who constantly abused and ridiculed her for having autism. It wasn't even just the other kids that bullied her it was the staff too. Even going as far as too purposely slam doors and make her eat foods that made her sick. Especially Tomatoes. Perse couldn't stand them the texture the flavor EVERYTHING. Living on the streets seemed better. At least she stood a chance getting away from the abuse of she had places to run and wouldn't have to eat tomatoes and get constantly sick all the time. Things would be better. Thats what she thought anyway.
3 months after her escape she got really sick with the flu where she couldn't even move from the dirty alleyway she lived in. When Perse thought all hope was lost a tall man in a lab coat approached her offering her food and shelter a place she could recover from her illness. Nobody has ever been this kind to her in her life she had no idea of the sick and twisted intentions he had for her. At first he was kind. Of course thats how it almost always is with most abusers. Staying up late with her while she recovered and making her soup. Things were going well. Perse finally thought someone cared and loved about her. But it all changed when she fully recovered. She could remember laying on the floor coloring in a color book. Never being able to color growing up since the other kids would steal the crayons and rip up her colorings before she hardly even started.
The page she was coloring was almost done finally she'd have the satisfication and happiness of finally being able to finish a coloring even if it was done sloppily out of the lines. The sharp pain in her neck made the pink crayon drop from her hand. Looking up in horror she saw the man who saved her from the streets holding the needle in her neck. His eyes no longer held the care and compassion they did when he took care of her they now were stone cold like he wouldn't even care if he sliced her neck open. Perse awoke in a dirty room in what she guessed was the basement of his house. There was a dirty mattress in the left corner of the room and a foul smelling toilet on the right side.
"I almost forgot how foul it smelled in here"
He unlocked the door to her cell and roughly pulled her out and strapped her down to a table. Perse watched as he pulled out his phone and started talking to a man on the phone.
"Iv'e got the perfect test subject ready be here as soon as possible"
Perse couldn't help but start crying loudly. Which was met with a hard slap to the face.
"Lets make this clear. While you're here you shut your damn mouth. Don't scream, don't cry, don't make a damn sound or it will be so much more worse than you. Do you understand?" Perse nods while trying not to cry anymore.
She was 13 when this all started. Now she was 18 and has lost all hope. They injected her with so many different things shes lost count some made her have seizures while others caused her body to be in excruciating pain. Today she had enough of staying quiet she had to ask what shes been wondering all this time. Perse layed in the bed in her cell while the mad man was cleaning up his station mostly consisting of syringes and cleaning up the blood on the table you were always strapped too.
"W-why are you doing this to me" Perse said while shaking.
"Didn't I tell you never to say a word? But i suppose I can tell you since you've been such a good girl all these years"
He kneeled down in front of the cell.
"Im sure you know who batman is. Everyone whose anyone knows who that bastard is. The problem is that nobody has been able to take him down. But YOU my dear will. We're gonna give you so much power that you'll be able to walk the streets in his blood and Gotham will be ours for the taking! And if you even try to disobey we'll let the other villians have their fun with you"
So thats why they were doing this? Making her a weapon. It all made sense now. All the things they were injecting her with were supposed to make her stronger but it was just destroying her slowly.
"Get some rest darling you have a busy day tomorrow"
How right he was
The next day she was strapped down. The mad man and another scientist were in the room. He held a blue liquid in a syringe and injected it into her arm. Perse could'nt hold back her scream. Her eyes turned a light blue.
A cup full of water on the table levitated and shot through one of the assistants in the throat. Clutching his throat before he fell to the floor dead slipping on his own blood falling onto the mad man.
Water covered his head starting to drown him. He tried tearing the water bubble off but it was no use. He suffocated to death. Perse pulled on the metal cuffs with all of her strength and managed to pull them off. She quickly ran to the exit of the basement running into the door and breaking it. Whatever they injected her with caused her to have super strength and the ability to control water. She didn't believe this was enough to take down batman not in the slightest.
But now she didn't have to try to kill him. Perse was free and the only thing she can think to do is run. But in arkham city nowhere is safe. Right when she got out in the open streets Jokers gang surrounded her.
"Look what we have here. A cute little thing. Must be our lucky day"
"Wait why are her eyes turning blue? OH SHIT RUN!"
The men ran away as the water started surrounding her. She sent out water strikes to the men knocking the men into buildings. Some weren't as lucky and were sliced in half by how sharp the water was. Their guts scattered the streets leaving a horrified Perse.
Before she could run again someone kicked her in the back sending her flying. Perse let out a painful cry and looked up to see him. The Batman. As he held out a batarang getting closer to Perse her mind regressed. Really young. Confused of everything that was happening. Her mind, situation, and batman approaching her she did something she hasn't done in years. Cry.
A female voice then yelled at Batman telling him to stop. It was Oracle.
"Batman don't hurt her shes not in the right state of mind"
"What do you mean Oracle?"
"Shes a little Bruce. It means shes in a younger headspace. By the way shes talking i'd say shes about two right now. I know she killed those people but I don't think she had any evil intent. Please trust me"
Batman had his doubts but he trusted in Barbra. He took off his belt and slowly walked towards her. Perse knew his belt had all of his weapons from what she saw on tv and how he took out the batarang from his belt.
"You're safe now im not gonna hurt you" Batman calmly said and kneeled down next to her. Perse didn't know why but he trusted him. All she wanted was protection someone who would love her unconditionally. And she felt that in him. She wasn't scared anymore but she still cried as she hugged him tight. Batman embraced her trying not to hug her too tight in case of frightening her.
Perse started shivering in his hold. It made sense how she was so cold. it was almost winter and she was wearing this ripped up nightgown.
Batman took off his cape and wrapped her in it.
"Is that better?"
Perse nodded and hugged the cape tighter.
She was finally safe
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strangesthirdeye · 11 months
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Chapter 1: NEW BUDDIES!
✩*⢄⢁✧ --------- ✧⡈⡠*✩
"So! with what happened right now, is because you want to know about the Tesseract, eh? . Where did you get that thing?" you said fixing the bottom of the Tardis with a flamethrower.
Fire splatters began to spray all over the place. Good thing you're wearing safety goggles. This is the daily routine you make. Fix all the broken things and there are times when you upgrade something for future use. It can be said that every day you do repair work because you really can't sit still. There are dangers that can be said to always come with open arms. As if invited without the knowledge of the owner themselves. It's like you are a moving problem magnet. All the problems that exist will definitely be with you.
" Like I said, my cat swallowed that thing and threw it back up. " Fury said as he leaned against the Tardis barrier with his arms crossed over his chest.
"yeah I know, that. But, how can that thing exist?" you stopped your work and started to go upstairs, hand holding the flamethrower."How did it get to earth?"
You murmured before placing the flamethrower into a special crate at the bottom of the TARDIS control station then you crouched down and pulled your sonic screwdriver out of your pants pocket and pointed it at the wires coming out of the control station. The shrill sound of the sonic screwdriver began to be heard.
Fury looked at your face for a moment. Maybe think of a way to tell about it. Although it's a bit complicated to explain, it's not wrong if he wants to try. But, it's not easy for him to tell this to people he doesn't know very well. Not to mention people who just met a few minutes ago.
Fury sighed. " it's a long story. It's a bit complicated to tell. Too much drama. So, easy to tell, it started in the 1980s, project leader Wendy Lawson, who was in reality a Kree named Mar-Vell, used the Tesseract's energy to create the Light-Speed Engine in an attempt to end the Kree-Skrull War. She called it Project Pegasus. She died and the project was dissolved. But, in another time. Howard Stark fished that out of the ocean when he was looking for 'someone'. He thought that this Tesseract had countless energy. A powerful energy. That's something the world desperately needs. And because of that, we all plan to continue this study. This is what I know, so the story is a bit complicated. Very complicated. And the end, here it is now. In the hands of Loki."
(Don't mad at me.. I don't know how to tell this story. Honestly. This is what i found on the internet. If you don't understand, feel free to do your own research.. Quack)
You stopped working for a moment and looked at Fury's stern face. You then go back to work. The sonic screwdriver was turned on again and pointed at the wire that you were holding.
"So you want to say that the Tesseract has been on earth for a long time? It's impossible that such a powerful object can suddenly exist on earth. There must be another source that caused the existence of that thing." You said then put the mended wire back into place. And immediately, the slightly dimmed light slowly brightened.
Fury was silent for a moment. "If I knew how it existed, I wouldn't tell people I just met a few minutes ago. How can I trust you when you're not an alien who came to take the Tesseract?"
You frowned and turned your gaze to Fury. "For your information, I am indeed an Alien. Time Lord... Well.. Time Lady actually. And I didn't come here to take your Tesseract. I came here because I crashed after running away from a broken potato-headed aliens."
You sighed lightly then turned your gaze to the control screen and pressed a few buttons. You are tired of being misunderstood. Whatever you do, there must be people who are suspicious or distrustful. This always happens and causes you to get fed up with questions from people who have suspicious feelings towards you.
Fury pushed himself from where he was leaning. " you? an alien? If you are an alien, why do you look like a human."
You looked Fury up and down with sharp eyes. "Why are you the one who looks like Time Lord.?"
"sorry? What did you say?"
"Why are you looks like Time Lord? Easy, because, the Time Lord came first before the existence of humans like you, Pirate" you said with a tone of sarcasm before looking back at the screen.
Fury frowned in confusion. Probably thinking about what you said. Time Lord and human, there is so many difference. The difference is that Time Lord can fake their death with regeneration and they have two hearts. Humans do not have two hearts and regeneration and just die. Easy! Their bodies are the same but their stamina and strength are completely different.
" and what made you say that?" asked Fury.
"Because Time Lord has been living in this world for a long time before there was a planet called Earth. We've been here longer than you expected and we've seen how your life grows and shapes. From then until now. You're human, you're just the same, there's nothing different about you being on this planet. The feeling of curiosity and wanting to rule is in the heart of every human being. The feeling that is our own self didn't know it existed." you said as you waved your hands in the air."very different from a Time Lord, actually."
Fury glanced at you with slightly widened eyes. "So, you've been living in this world for a long time. So you know everything that happens on Earth. And what makes a Time Lord different from humans?"
You looked at Fury for a long time. Try to think of a sentence. "easy! Humans only live once and the Time Lord can fake their death with regeneration" and you walk away from the screen.
Fury looked at you in disbelief. Fury blinked a few times. "Regeneration? Like a lizard?"
You looked at Fury with a scowl. "Lizard? isn't there another example? why not a salamander.. a gecko.. it's cute" you walked around the Tardis.
"aren't they both the same"
"ahh, it looks like a lizard but they are a different species. And to answer your question, yes I regenerate but not like a lizard. It is different from the way a lizard regenerates. In the body of every Time Lord there will be one thing that allows us to cheat our deaths. So this thing has a limit and until the time it will end. Time Lords released massive amounts of a hormone called lindos in moments of extreme trauma, and it was this hormone which triggered regeneration. Newly regenerated Time Lords could be identified by elevated levels of lindos in their system. During regeneration, we will change some old cells to new cells as well as our physical and mental. What I mean by physical and mental change is that, if I have a serious or minor injury, the injury I suffer will automatically heal quickly and all that will remain is a scar. And mentally, most likely, after regeneration my behavior may change from good to rude or hyperactive or something else."You mumbled, trying to explain how regeneration happened to Fury who was still standing but his mouth was slightly open trying to digest your explanation.
You stopped babbling and looked at Fury. You tossed your Sonic Screwdriver into the air and it landed in your palm then you put it in the holster on your waist.
" So you understand?" you asked Fury.
"There's no way that shit can happen" said Fury trying to reject your statement just now. He is actually still doubtful about you so that's why he has a hard time believing what you say if it doesn't happen in front of his eyes.
'Does he want me to get injured and regenerate in front him?' You thought annoyingly while pressing several icons on the screen.
You shrugged and looked at the TARDIS screen. "hmm, it's up to you to believe it or not. At least I've explained how regeneration works"
The TARDIS lights then come on. "oh let him think first, Y/n. He's still hesitant to believe in something like this" Said the TARDIS.
Fury looked around alertly. Perhaps surprised that the TARDIS uttered his voice.
"Oh, I didn't say anything. It's up to him to believe it or not" you replied, your eyes never leaving the screen.
Fury walked towards you and stood by your side. His eyes looked around the TARDIS.
"it's talking" said Fury with a stutter but managed to hide it.
"oh yeah, that voice is the TARDIS. He's alive and not just a time machine. He has his own personality so I hope you understand if he's a little sarcastic" you replied with a big smile looking at Fury.
Fury nodded. "Have we arrived yet?"
You nodded quickly then pressed a few buttons on the controller and pulled the lever down. Maybe the brakes. The TARDIS rocked and jolted violently causing you and Fury to quickly grab something to latch on to.
You looked at Fury with wide eyes.
"well, the shaking was strong" you said before running towards the TARDIS door.
Fury then followed you carefully from behind. Your hand reached for the TARDIS doorknob and then you pulled the door open. Light from outside the TARDIS then entered the TARDIS and blinded you and Fury's eyes.
You blinked trying to adjust your eyes to the sunlight and so did Fury. After blinking your eyes a few times, you can clearly see what is outside. The atmosphere was busy with some workers wearing orange uniforms who were quite fit doing some work. There was also a flight jet that landed on the landing pad accompanied by several workers.  Some workers have repaired some jets and modified some jets on the side of the ship
You slowly walked out of the TARDIS. Your eyes are attracted by the view of the blue and wide ocean.
'it's like a navy ship' you think.
Fury then exited the TARDIS and looked around. He took a deep breath. You looked at Fury.
"well, I didn't even know you were the captain of a navy ship.. I mean you really look like a captain because.. you know?" you gestured your hand to your left eye and covered it with your palm as if mimicking the Fury eye patch .
Fury looked at you sharply and without uttering any words from his mouth, you awkwardly lowered your hand with an uncomfortable face. Fury then walked past you with a serious aura.
"this is a HELICARRIER. belonging to SHIELD. Well, it does look like a navy ship but it's more than that" said Fury to you who were still standing in front of the TARDIS.
You nodded in understanding and tried to follow Fury but were stopped by several agents holding guns at you. You immediately raised your hands as if you were surrendering.
"This is a private area! You are forbidden to be here. State your name and your purpose here" shouted one of the agents there.
You looked at some agents there with a slightly frowning expression. " The Doctor. Y/n. TARDIS. Fun" you said casually but with a smile
"This is serious! If you don't leave here you will be arrested and put in a cell!" said the agent firmly. Their hands are holding the gun tightly towards you. At any time they can pull the trigger of the gun if you are not serious.
You let out a short breath. "well, your Captain Fury invited me here" you said.
"I don't see Director Fury here"
"yeah, because he just walked away"
"Do not lie!"
"I don't" you rolled your eyes at the agent. Maybe done with that stupid question.
"then, what is the police telephone box from 60's doing here?" said one of the other agents.
"welp, believe it or not this is my ship" you said proudly.
"Bullshit! There is no ship that is shaped like a police box from the 60's let alone so small" argued the same agent with his hand still pointing the gun at your chest.
"oh there is, you're the only one who doesn't believe it or not.. And it's bigger than you think" you said teasingly.
"we don't trust people who shouldn't be he-"
The agents surrounding you looked at the sound of the scream earlier. There stood a woman in her 20s wearing a black leather jacket and a red t-shirt inside with fiery red hair that was only above her shoulders and with a calm expression on her face even though she had just shouted at the agents surrounding you to stop. All the agents there stopped pointing their guns at you and looked at the calm woman respectfully and stood straight. You raised an eyebrow in surprise. The power that this woman holds, she must be an experienced agent with a high position. No wonder all the agents were nervous and respected the calm woman.
But, what caught your attention were the two men behind the calm woman. One with blonde hair, wearing a flannel shirt with a collar and wearing a thick collared leather jacket and has a fit body while the other wears a complete suit also in dark brown and a purple shirt inside and has dark brown hair and looks a bit lost standing there.
But seeing those men, you remembered something.
"AHH! YEAH! Ohh, this is BRILLIANT!" you exclaimed excitedly, then walked towards the two men standing behind the calm woman.
Seeing what happened, all the agents who were standing respectfully pointed their guns at you but were stopped by the calm woman.
"oh! I didn't think I'd see you two here. America's first hero and scientist who was affected by gamma radiation!" you said as you excitedly shook the blonde man's hand and then shook the scientist's hand. Your happy face does not change.
The blonde man looked at you with a confused face while the scientist man looked at you with what could be said to be worry.
"uhm.." the male scientist started to worry about you being over excited.
"aghh! I didn't expect to see Captain Steven Grant Rogers and Doctor Bruce Banner here. One is patriotic and the other is full of science. I'm Y/n, although some call me The Doctor but that's just my title .. I don't care what you want to call me" you started to calm down and your over excited decreased but your big smile didn't change.
'Wow.. This regeneration is really over excited this time'
The calm woman who had been watching the interaction between you and the two men started walking towards the three of you.
"I'm not surprised if Fury brings new people but you're not on our list.. So who are you? What are you doing here?" asked the calm woman with a strong and firm voice.
'wow.. this woman really has a strong aura'
"I'm Y/n, or the Doctor. Well some people call me the Doctor because it's more or less like a superhero name but that's what they call me" you replied as you calmed down.
"and also, Fury himself brought me here or rather I brought Fury here.. like I gave him a lift here in my TARDIS. And regarding the list.. you may need to add my name to the list.. seeing I will be here for a long time." you said with a light up tone.
The calm woman looked at you for a long time as if trying to read your body language before she nodded and shook your hand.
" Agent Natasha Romanoff, I'm one of the SHIELD agents here. Codename Black Widow " Natasha introduced herself. Her strong aura is still in the air and this makes you intimidating with her.
"oh, yeah! Black Widow.. No wonder I've heard your name before.. former assassin and now an agent for SHIELD.. A good one at that.. I'm so pleased to see you" you said while shook Natasha's hand excitedly.
'No wonder her aura is so strong'
Natasha tilted her head slightly. " you know me?"
You giggled. "oh I just heard from one of my 'old friends'.. He was a little angry.."
"he? "
"spoilers" you said as you put your index finger to your mouth in a 'shush' sign.
Bruce looked around uneasily. He rubbed his hands trying to get rid of his anxious feelings. Steve looked at Bruce with a worried expression after noticing the change in Bruce's situation.
"Are you ok, Doctor Banner?" Steve asked in a worried tone.
Bruce nodded his head. "yes, I'm fine.. I'm just a little anxious about all these things.. I still don't know how that Doctor knew about my case even though it was kept secret"
Steve nodded his head in understanding. His eyes looked at the two women who were still talking. Even though Steve is still in the phase of being surprised by the changing times and the sophistication of technology, he understands what Bruce feels now. Anxious with all the things that we ourselves don't know what to do. What they both know is that they need to help SHIELD to track the Tesseract.
"Must be strange for you, all ofthis." Banner said to Steve. His eyes looked at Steve's face.
"Well, this is actually kind of familiar. " replied Steve.
Banner nodded in understanding. He then closed his mouth. Maybe don't know how to continue the conversation.
"Gentlemen, you might wanna step inside in a minute. It's gonna get a little hard to breathe." Natasha said with her smooth voice.
You walked over and stood next to Bruce. Suddenly there was a loud humming sound from the ship you were stepping on now. You, Steve and Bruce looked around at the busy atmosphere. All the crew are rushing to prepare for something. There is a loud whirring and clunking sound. You, Banner and
Rogers make your way to the edge of the helicarrier.
" Is this a submarine?"asked Steve loudly trying to beat the noise.
Bruce who looked at the bottom of the helicarrier looked resigned. "Really, they want me in a submerged pressurized metal container?"
"oh I don't think they want to drown you, Doctor Banner" you said. Your eyes don't run away from the propellers that start to spin and start to rise.
'ok, this isn't a submarine.. Fury was right.. It's more of a Navy ship' your hearts sank when you realized what was happening now.
And just like that, the helicarrier began to rise and rise into the air. The strong wind began to pick up as the helicarrier rose into the air, making your hair and the others hair tousled with the strong wind. You then remembered something.
" OH! MY TARDIS! WAIT! " You ran quickly towards where your TARDIS was located.
yup, you forgot to lock the TARDIS door and Bounty is still in the TARDIS.
༺ღ༒ Time Skips ༒ღ༻
You, Bounty, Rogers and Banner follow Natasha into the bridge. Natasha peels away from you guys as you guys stare and observe in awe all technologies in the helicarrier. Various sophisticated technologies made Steve and Bruce look amazed. Meanwhile, you just observed one of the technologies there with a frown. Even though you know that all the technology here is sophisticated, the sophistication of this technology cannot beat how sophisticated the Time Lord's technology is. It’s very busy, with SHIELD personnel working at stations, and communicating over earpieces.
Bounty who just finished charging saw the current situation as if he was not comfortable with the busy and rushing atmosphere and started to move closer to your feet. He's holding your pants with his little hands.
"Maximum performance takeoff, increase output to capacity." Tech 1 said, fingers pressing the keyboard rapidly. Eyes do not run away from the screen
"Power plant performing atcapacity. We are clear." Bridge Tech said in her stern voice.
There stood a woman dressed in a SHIELD uniform and her dark brown hair tied up looking at a computer. "All engines operating. SHIELD emergency protocol one nine three
point six in effect." the woman looked at Fury. " We're at level, sir. "
Fury nodded his head, his eyes looking at the front of the ship with both hands out to each side holding the controls. Standing majestically there with his serious face, he opened his mouth.
"Good! Let's vanish." Fury commanded to all the agents on duty there.
"Engage retro reflection panels" The woman wearing the uniform commanded the agents there.
And the Hellicarrier became invisible. After making sure everything went smoothly, Fury turned back and looked at the three figures standing there.
"Gentleman, lady" Fury said as he walked up to the three of you.
Steve who was still in a state of amazement put his hand into his jacket took out money and slipped a piece of money to Fury with his eyes still in front of the ship.
You and Bruce looked at each other.
'well they must be making a bet'
Fury looked at Bruce and extended his hand to shake. "Doctor, thank you for coming."
Bruce nodded and shook Fury's hand. "Thanks for asking nicely. So, um,
how long am I staying?"
"Once we get our hands on it Tesseract, you're in the wind." replied Fury reassuringly to Bruce.
"Well where are you with that?" you interrupted the two men.
"We're sweeping everything wirelessly
accessible camera on the planet. Cell phones , laptops, if it’s connected to a satellite, it’s eyes and ears for us." said an Agent wearing a suit with his arms crossed.
Steve, who was just amazed by all the technology, looked at you all confused after hearing what you all said. You then noticed that Natasha walked to one of the computers and slid the computer screen with her finger and a short haired man appeared with a serious face. You can see Natasha's face after seeing the man. A worried look was visible on the red haired woman's face even though people there didn't notice it with her expression but you did.
"It’s still not gonna find them in time." said Natasha, her eyes still looking at the screen.
"You have to narrow your field. How many Spectrometers do you have access to?" Bruce asked Fury.
Fury looked at Bruce. "How many are there?"
"Call every lab you know. Tell them to put the Spectrometers on the roof and calibrate them for Gamma rays. I'll rough out a tracking
algorithm, basic cluster recognition. At least we could rule out a few places. Do you have somewhere for me to work?" Bruce said as he opened his dark brown blazer and revealed the purple shirt he was wearing.
(all geniuses wear purple)
"Agent Romanoff, would you show? Doctor Banner to his laboratory, please? And Y/n..” Fury called out.
"yes?" you looked at Fury with raised eyebrows.
"I want to talk to you alone" replied Fury and walked to the end of the ship.
You followed Fury to the end of the ship looking around the ship.
"well, I'm quite amazed by the technology here.. Humans nowadays are getting smarter as time goes on. But I still think Time Lord technologies are more advanced" you rambled fast.
Fury looked at you without saying anything. "Our technology is indeed sophisticated and complete with a strong defense.. and that's why we need to make sure that some of the technologies here always run smoothly for this mission and we don't want to talk about our technology right now. Might as well introduce you to Stark."
You stiffened and looked at Fury very intimidatingly. Fury's serious aura was still hovering in the air. You nodded.
" yeah, yeah.. About the cube.. so.. you still can't track the cube? Or Loki? " you asked walking and then leaning against the wall of the ship looking at Fury with your arms crossed.
"We are still searching and this mission needs many more people to help in this mission. Loki is still out there and we are just waiting for time to find that man along with some of our agents." Fury replied.
You narrowed your eyes. "So you want me to join your team?"
"yes.. The Avengers" replied Fury, nodding his head.
"The Avengers? What is that? Is it a band?"
"It's a group for extraordinary people who help to fight any threat from outer space or earth.. And not a band." Fury explained simply.
"So you want me to join your group to fight the alien threat to save the world?" you said.
" that's right.. We have gathered some people here and we are just waiting for time for us to get what information they have collected and I think, with your knowledge like you mentioned , this mission will go smoothly." Fury replied with his hands placed behind him.
"Time Lord's knowledge.. I think I said I just want to help you instead of using this knowledge to make work easier.. Time Lord's knowledge is advanced knowledge and can interfere with human history. So I recommend you not to urge me to use anything the knowledge you want me to give." you said seriously.
" and if you don't want to share knowledge, you must understand the way humans think. And behave because I just got a report from some agents about your behavior earlier." Fury insisted while looking at you like a father scolding his child.
"ahh, that's just one time. You see, my mind are just regenerated and I still want to understand this behavior so that's why I'm a little over excited" you said towards Fury.
Fury just looked at you without saying anything. "go to Agent Romanoff and follow her to the lab. There you can start"
You nodded and walked over to Natasha and Bruce who were talking to each other near the ship's bridge.
Fury then just looked at you and walked over to the woman in the SHIELD uniform.
"Hill, did you tell the council that Barton had been compromised?" Fury asked Maria Hill.
Maria looked at Fury with raised eyebrows. "Was that not procedure?"
Fury just kept quiet and walked towards and looked ahead. Maria looked at Fury.
"Did you tell them who exactly is on
your response team?"
Fury looked over his shoulder and his eyes caught a glimpse of you walking out of the deck area.
"Doesn't appear that I have to."
               ✰    ⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽༓☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅     ✰
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keefessketchbook · 4 months
sorry this is kinda long guys and that it took me forever to make
-the "polites gear up, you and i'll go ahead" strings at the beginning 😭. I loved polites sm
-Eurylochus trying to talk to Odysseus is just so sad and I love how it shows how he is losing not faith or trust but losing something in odysseus that they are going to make it home
-Odysseus is like actually tired and thinks that he truly is never going to make it home to his family
-eurylochus' little rap moment(?)>>>>>>
-Odysseus' "damn" and "what" are the spring in my step
-Circe's voice!!!!!!!!! omg guys i love her sm!
-Circe casting her spell (the think of your past bit) is so pretty and i love how she lures them into a false sense of comfort and looks like she's trying to help them
-also love the "no i don't play i puppeteer" part
-"this is the price/we paid to live/the world is not/meant to forgive" 😍
-I LOVE how immediately Odysseus is like we gotta save them and Eurylochus is like we've sacrificed enough, don't you want to get home? and Odysseus is like i would love to but if it were you i would save you and i hope you would too. (also when Eurylochus is like "lets just run", i'm reading some feelings Eury has for someone 👀👀)
-also Odysseus saying "i can hardly sleep now" shows how in tune and how much he truly feels
Wouldn't you like
-I love how the three gods we have met, two have come to odysseus invisible before introducing themselves (or Odysseus guessing)
-The chorus is so 70s and i love that, it totally fits his vibe
-The teaser bit that we've had is still beautiful
-The piano! the background vocals!
-holy moly i can't-
-"Wouldn't you like to use more than words?" I love how the gods seem to be following his journey and hermes knows odysseus defeats most of his foes but his wit and he knows circe wont fall for simple words
-Odysseus saying thank you and Hermes is like I just want free entertainment :)
Done For
-more strings <<<333
-Odysseus knows damn well she has his man but he still is trying with his words, cutie
-Love how Circe just wants to protect her nymphs
-Circe's high notes 😍
-I think my favorite part of this song is the part when Odysseus is talking how Circe can't spell him and then their banter
-"then i must be a god like you cause i got this root from the ground with my bare hands" 💀 bro is fully lying
-"Hermes gave it to you, didn't he? well yes but regardless" LMAOOO
-Their little duet ♥
There are other ways
-The opener for this song is wonderful
-Odysseus lamenting about his mistakes is beautiful just *mwah*
-Their voices blend so well together!!!
-I live for Jay using the "Just a man" motif/melody for Odysseus and it calls back to one of his darkest moments
-Also apparently Jay messed up with the 12 long years part meaning to say 10 but i think that i shows how Odysseus is kinda losing it
-I love how he rhymes Circe with mercy and calls him and his crew puppets
-i love how circe gave in and decided to help them. ngl im just imagining odysseus give circe big puppy eyes
-"problem is this prophet is dead" the low note!!
-loved how circe is still trying to help him
-it made me so happy how circe changed her chorus to be nicer(?)/more helpful
Honestly in the underworld saga, i want to hear the "open arms" motif and if we do, you can find me on the floor bawling my eyes out
Stay weird, lovies <3
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roppongi-division · 5 months
Kai's Thoughts on Kobe Division
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Ren Nakashima
"Ren? Yeah, I know him. I first met him when his music agent brought him into the studio one day. I had to admit, at first, I thought he was going to be just another dime a dozen idol that would try to release one hit and then call it quits later when he found out that the pressure was too much for him. ...Hey, I've been in the music business a long, long time. I've seen plenty of these types of "musicians" come and go. They get it inside their heads that they can sing, probably because their friends gave them a big head or something. And then, when they finally make it out into the music world, they realize it's nothing like what they imagined and decide to run back home."
"Frankly, I'm glad they decide to leave before they waste mine or anyone else's time. Ren though? He wasn't like that. I don't know what it was, but something about him made me think that he may have what it takes. And guess what? He did. His first single, 'Psychotic' blew up quickly. After that, he asked me to help him produce his debut album, which I had no problem with."
"I'll admit, 'I Wanna Murder, Baby' wasn't what I had in mind for an album title, but I think it suited him rather well. He gives off rather dangerous vibes, and I think that suits his 'character' in music. Currently, he's working on his second album, which I'm also helping him to produce. It's coming along fairly well. All I have to say for the fans out there is it's going to be good."
"Aside from that, Ren is an okay guy. I mentioned that every musician has a certain... 'character' or a 'persona' that they like to adopt whenever they are on-stage, and Ren is no different. His persona when he isn't on stage is a lot more chill and laid-back. When we aren't doing music, he and I will often relax in the studio with a couple of beers or snacks and just chat about things. On stage, though? He becomes a lot more flirtatious and teasing, something that I know the female population loves. I don't know personally how Vox feels about it, but I've yet to hear him complaining, so..."
Max Soukoku
"I've met this young man a few times when I was Ren in the studio. 'Max', I think his name is. I have to admit, something about this young child seems... both wild and dangerous. Ren mentioned that he didn't have such a happy childhood, as his parents were highly abusive and lived in the woods away from civilization. I guess that explains his wild, wolf-like aura. Still, he has my sympathies for what it's worth."
Kaiji Sano
"I know Kaiji cause of Ren as well, though I've heard of him a few times when I had to DJ a few modeling shows. He's apparently quite popular because of his crossdressing style. I'll admit, I was surprised when Ren said that 'she' was actually a 'he'. I mean, not that there's anything wrong with that. You are who you are, and you like what you like. If anyone doesn't like or understand that, then that's their problem."
"I'll admit, when Ren told me that he was entering the D.R.B., I was surprised. He didn't say whether Chuohku forced him, or if he entered voluntarily. He just said that there was 'someone he had to meet there'. I didn't understood what he meant by that, and I didn't ask. It was his business, after all. When I told him that I, myself, was entering the tournament as well though, it was his turn to be surprised."
"We both knew that eventually we'd have to face one another, but we both stated that there'd be no hard feelings over who wins or loses, though he stated he wouldn't go easy on me just cause we were friends. ...I hate to admit it, but I'm actually looking forward to it."
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