#Midnight Diner ep 3
hancyan · 2 months
World Downloads(Added information about rabbithole rug).
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Hi everyone! First of all, I must apologize. Regarding my previous post about "Victorian Sunset Valley", I deleted it because there was a problem with the save file. There is no problem with the empty world.
I'm really sorry to all the simmers who downloaded, liked, reblogged and commented.
It seems that the problem can be solved by separating the save files, so I decided to share it again. There are no changes to the empty world, so if you have it, please try again.
❖Empty World There are just a Public Lots, a Farm District, and Goth Manor.The two hilltop mansions don't exist yet. This is Sunset Valley long before Mortimer Goth was born.If there is a historic town you have in mind, you are free to build it here.
※An empty world requires the store item "Artemis Temple Frieze (Muse Luxury)".
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❖Save files You can enjoy the Victorian era right away, but there are no film careers, universities, or diving spots. There are a few empty plots, so feel free to add them.
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This time, I did not build any houses. I only built some public lots, but I changed the color of the buildings I shared before and placed them. The Equestrian Center of EA is very conspicuous, so I built a small racetrack. There is a fire station of EA next to it, but it does not blend in with the scenery very well, so I am thinking of rebuilding it someday.
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The address of @ri-el's Sherlock Holmes residence is 221B Baker Street. I wanted to place this residence on the main street, so I set the lot size specifically. Then I placed the lot built by @nornities to match the cafe next door and the stairs leading to the harbor across the road. The harbor is a bit of a tourist area, with trade ships, sightseeing ships, and passenger ships arriving and departing. Some Sims may come to see the steamships, so I prioritized placing it here. There are also lots of great builds by other creators included. Thank you.
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Every house has some sort of vehicle (either a horse-drawn carriage or a historic bicycle), and the sight of so many carriages going around town is truly impressive!
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It looks heavy, but if you can play the EA Store worlds then I don't think it will be an issue.
Basically, it is a town for enjoying historical play such as the Victorian or Edwardian, but I think it can also be enjoyed in normal play.
The decoration is minimal, so feel free to edit it however you like and have fun.
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Residential 38 Community 40 Empty 8
Please download the carriage from below.
Two-Horse Carriage conversion
The new carriage is here too.(I'll advertise it)
Schoolbus Default and Driveable Wagon
Car Default Replacements
❖World (It remains "Sunset Valley Empty" because it has not been renamed.)
❖Save files
❖CC (Please be sure to download the "patterns" in the folder via the launcher.)
❖Store Content (You probably already have many of these. Use only what you don't have.) ⚠ If the store items you own are not reflected, try this.
※Sorry. To ensure a reliable download, they are separated.
Every hilltop amusement park needs a boardwalk rollercoaster.
All EPs except ITF
Requires Sunlit Tides, Monte Vista, Midnight Hollow, Aurora Skies,Dragon Valley, and Roaring Heights.
You need a rabbithole rug.(Bookstore, Theater, Spa, Diner,Business ,Chemistry)If you don't have the same one, replace it with what you have.
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Thank you for your kind words and advice, and for downloading and playing the town.@samkat10423
Long test play@ayaka-nonno
@nornities was kind enough to answer my beginner's questions.
And, even though you're busy, @yorithesims checked the final folder.
@blamseastore for converting and providing us with store content
CC Credit notation
Mutske, Around the Sims3, LunaSimsLulamai, mammut, armiel, Lisen801, LilyOfTheValley, MARTA'S SIMSBOOK, omedapixel, Cyclonesue, Awesims, Mspoodle, douglasveiga Thank you for the wonderful CC.
And especially a huge thanks to Sookielee at Custom Sims 3 for making the Sunset Valley CAW files available.
Anyway, some simmers, including @enjoji101, were concerned and encouraged me. And they asked me to share this town. I originally created this world for myself, but if there is even one simmer who is interested in this town and wants to play, I would be very honored and grateful. And I would like to make that wish come true. Thank you very much. I love you all.
※If you have any questions, please send me a message. (I would appreciate it if you could speak simple English. )
Have a smashing time! 
@pis3update @sssvitlanz @kpccfinds
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I started listening to Midnight Burger (on ep 20) here are some of my thoughts (in no particular order):
I like all the characters, but I'd say my favorite character is Caspar.
I totally thought it was going to turn out that Caspar was a child when he first found the diner, and the Mucklewains (No clue how to spell that) where kinda his psuedo parents and that's why he was so distressed when the channel changed, and why he was so defensive of them.
also thought that the "Management" that Caspar mentioned in ep 1 was who took him after the diner wasn't open for 3 days.
Good for Effie and Zebulon on being the Hot Ones.
Also thought that Caspar was somehow what made the diner be able to time travel
I will admit, I honestly didn't like Gloria's Ted rebellion, mainly cause I feel like the diner is a neutral party, just that being that active in conflicts felt antithetical to what it is. Not that it would necessarily help the Teds, but like it just wouldn't be such an active opposing force. (I don't know what I'm trying to say here, it just felt off to me.)
no offense to Chuck, but their voice creeps me out.
I know this is going to be a long rant, but honestly, Caspar shouldn’t have been the only one to apologize.
He never would have tossed her into space if she hadn’t put them all in that situation. Like, what Ava did was, to me, way worse.
Caspar told her what his plan was, Ava gave absolutely no warning.
Caspar gave her a choice to do it willingly, Ava didn’t give anyone a choice.
Caspar checked that it was safe, Ava had no idea if she was putting everyone in danger.
Maybe I’m being too harsh, and I know I am biased towards Caspar, but Ava is honestly being such a hypocrite.
“No. I’m not going to forgive you. I’m also not going to apologize for betraying your trust and doing the one thing you asked me not to do. Yeah, you were right, the suit was safe, but I’m still not going to forgive you for making my actions have actual consequences for me.
Actually, I’m even going to insult you, and say that you’re being a selfish asshole for having feelings, and insinuate that you always get your way, never mind the fact that I, Ava, almost always make everyone go along with what I say, because I’m smart and the rest of you are idiots.
And now I’m even going to insult you further by basically telling you to your face that you’re useless and nobody even likes you, we only tolerate you.”
Honestly, if you ask me, Caspar didn’t need to tell Ava about his son, he doesn’t need to justify his place at the diner. The diner is a place for people who need it, and no one should have to tell the others why.
Sure, Caspar knows the others’ reasons, because he’s been at the diner the longest, but he’s not prying, or demanding they tell him.
I felt the same about Effie and Zebulon not wanting to tell them about why people left their church. They clearly didn’t want to talk about it, (I think they might have said that word for word) the others should have just dropped the subject.
Like sure, eventually Caspar should have told them about his son, but it should have been because he trusts them and wanted to share it. Not because he was made to justify his place at the diner.
I know I just bashed Ava a lot, but I don’t hate her, I just think she’s in the wrong here, but the narrative kinda makes it seem she’s right.
I know Caspar calls her out, but he’s the only one to do so, and he folds on the point pretty quickly.
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bengiyo · 1 year
Me, My Husband & My Husband's Boyfriend Eps 1 -5 Stray Thoughts
This is an unusual release schedule, giving us five episodes now and five more later. Still, I'm curious what TV Tokyo does with this, since they also gave me What Did You Eat Yesterday?
Episode 1
Man, Japan just really knows how to start a show. You can feel the strained optimism of this poor woman in just 30 seconds.
This has barely started and I feel claustrophobic. Misaki's friends have no idea how unhappy she is, and what is this incredibly pained look she shared only with Maki?
Oh, they may have been in lesbians with each other. This is already fraught queer angst.
Ah, it feels like it might have been just Maki.
You know someone is up to something when they fake sleep when their partner comes into the room.
That's right, girl. Blog your problems.
I tell you, I hoped I would avoid teen pregnancy when I was a teacher. I was wrong.
Poor Masaki. She and Yuki are just not in alignment when it comes to intimacy. Now she only has one day a year to look forward to for marital sex??
Nice use of Dutch angles when Masaki sees the kiss.
Episode 2
My goodness, this was an intense opening scene in how Misaki immediately starts to try to suppress everything and bargain her way into an explanation that doesn't spell the end of her marriage. Yuki doesn't lie, but he's already hurt her deeply.
I hope that's not the product placement we're throwing away.
I'm so sad about this nice dinner going to waste.
I agree with Misaki that what happens next with their relationship should be her choice, considering he's been making lots of choices without her for a while.
The coworker seems kind. She can tell that Misaki is masking.
Yo this old dude shoulder checked the fuck out of her.
I was not expecting to see Honda Kyoya again so soon after Jack o' Frost, but I'm not going to complain. However, if Shyuuhei is an artist like Ritsu was, this offers up a fascinating lens into a potentially alternative story.
It is correct of Misaki to put distance between a student who expresses romantic interest in her.
This is a lot. I feel for Misaki. Not only does she need to reckon with the fact that her husband is gay and seeing someone else. She also has to contend with it being her former student who still wants to be with her, who knows that he's been hooking up with her husband.
The transitional shot after Misaki's hyperventilating looks like it might be in the same spot as the intro for Midnight Diner.
Through sheer confidence and will alone, Shyuuhei is going to get both of them.
Misaki leaving to probably go to Maki is valid, though I feel bad for Maki, too.
Episode 3
I already like Daichi and the house dynamic Maki and he share.
I was kinda excited about what changing homes might do for Misaki, but I appreciate her wanting to clear things with Yuki first.
I wonder if Yuki might be aro-ace spectrum. Seems like he wasn't aware of his potential attraction to men before he married Misaki?
Honda Kyoya is honestly so pretty.
Look at this, TV Tokyo has me watching a man and woman kiss and such in BL when I got none of this in What Did You Eat Yesterday? They're even open mouth kissing when the men haven't done so! I'm salty!
And here I was hoping that it really was just a pregnancy scare. Now Satou hasn't been coming to school.
I'm gonna need Masaki to go out with this veteran teacher.
What is the truth with Satou!
Shyuuhei is with Satou, too? And he went in her raw? She said he was only a year older, so is he 19? GODDAMN
Someone is always spying and taking goddamn pictures! You just gonna anonymously meddle? Own your actions!
Episode 4
Trigger warnings: Discussion and prevention of suicide in this episode.
This is so messy. Shyuuhei has such a hold over Yuki, who doesn't desire his wife physically at all.
Daichi's family's apples are enormous.
What is she to do with all these apples?
Oh, Yuki, I really just can't with the continued lies. Something has to give.
Is the spy the other teacher who wanted to get a beer?
Well, Shyuuhei is way out of line, but he's not wrong about Misaki's marriage.
Ah, the spy was the other teacher, whose name is Misumi. At least she's confronting him with her qualms.
Interposing the conversation with Misumi and the interview with a woman talking about her gay husband's death makes the point loud and clear.
I think Honda Kyoya is well-cast here. He has an ethereal quality that I think works really well for Shyuuhei.
Wanting to disappear is a question I get on mental health surveys, and Shyuuhei seems way too comfortable talking about suicide.
Episode 5
Trigger warnings: Discussion and prevention of suicide in this episode.
I'm really glad we saw Honda Kyoya in Jack o' Frost first. I find myself wanting to dig into this performance just as much as I want to understand the character. Polyamory is hard; I don't think I'm built for it. I like how sympathetic they're making Shyuuhei feel through his earnestness, even if he's giving me red flags in so many other areas.
This scene of the first meet between Yuki and Shyuuhei is making me sad, because I don't think we've seen Yuki be this intent on Misaki.
Okay, taking them to a place to disconnect briefly is much better than where I thought this was going.
Misaki suggesting they all live together was an excellent scene. The way the camera pans through her dialogue from her being alone, to her and Yuki, to her and Shyuuhei, to finally all three of them works so beautifully. Then having her be nervous and struggling to crack an egg perfectly underscores her uncertainty.
I love Misaki. I'm glad we're letting her uncomfortable feelings come through clearly. This isn't the life she thought she was getting, but she's trying to make the best of a difficult situation.
Furukawa Yuki is so good. I remember again why Restart After Coming Back Home sticks with me as we see the range he's shown this episode.
I like the ground rules Misaki established. They don't realistically expect Shyuuhei to help with expenses now, but she wants to make sure he's contributing to the maintenance tasks and is at least working in his field.
Hotta Akane is also doing a great job. She completely performed the complex nervousness, relief, and bemusement she felt at seeing Yuki clearly relaxed in the house again for the first time in a while, and also the strange sense of attraction she felt at Shyuuhei expressing his feelings to her again.
Final Thoughts at the Midpoint
I think it was an excellent call to release this show in two batches. It's covering some complex emotional places that I don't think the audience would be able to take in stride each week for two months. Giving us the chance to go through this at our own pace and trying to connect with the characters feels like the right call.
I'm looking forward to the back half of this, and I find myself hoping that however they all end up, they all find what they need for their own sense of fulfillment.
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bustyasianbeautiespod · 4 months
Do you guys have podcast recommendations? I'm caught up on everything I listen to, but you guys are my favorite podcast, so I assume we have similar tastes
AWWW i'm so honored that we're your faves! grey is no longer a podcast listener so i (crystal) shall be the only answerer
in terms of people-watching-a-thing podcasts, i've enjoyed:
doctor huh- two brothers, one a former doctor who watcher and one who... only knows about it from social media... watch nuwho eps in a random order
zero to zero- three friends watch dc/marvel properties and respond w fun and funny levels of haterism. i have enjoyed ALL of this despite never once touching something they reviewed. on maybe-permanent hiatus
LMNOP- the only good cbs elementary podcast. also on maybe-permanent hiatus
i've been meaning to watch that- i've listened to less of this one, but it's hosted by manika dulcio, who we had on our s4 wrapped, so if you liked her there check her out on her home base!
as for fiction podcasts, listing my fave subscribeds below! for some of these, the first few eps are kinda rough but i've found them all resoundingly Worth It eventually! also if you, babpod listener, care about this, all of these have queer main characters and i'll bold the ones where the main char is explicitly a poc:
hi nay- "a supernatural horror fictional podcast about Filipina immigrant Mari Datuin, whose babaylan (shaman) family background accidentally gets her involved in stopping dangerous supernatural events in Toronto." v rich lore v good at being creepy! (ongoing)
the silt verses- what if every single folk deity was real and hungry and society ran on ppl being sacrificed on telephone poles? incredibly sexy writing like SO sexy (ongoing)
midnight burger- space diner adventures and friendships! they recently dropped a 3-hour beautifully audio-engineered season finale they've grown so much since the beginning. great cast and fills you w so much wonder about The Universe (ongoing)
greater boston- an expanding cast of chars tell the story of the forming of a new city on the boston red line train cars. makes u wild about community and interconnectedness and local politics and how no one is beyond compassion while also having like. cheese robots (ongoing)
within the wires- what if a world war led to a worldwide cultural shift that decried all tribalism starting at the family unit and babies were separated from their parents at birth? extremely interesting world and formats though i do think it's kinda tired after s4. i think listening to s1 then reading the companion novel might be the Move (ongoing)
unwell, a midwestern gothic mystery- what it says on the tin! lily returns to the fading small town she grew up in to care for her mom. there are ghosts and town history and wolves in the woods. some rlly beautiful and complex family relationships and friendships, great vibe and sound design (complete)
parkdale haunt- p classic haunted house horror (well i say classic. there's also an influencers cult) which i also consider a Top Friendship-Focused Media (complete)
alice isn't dead- usamerican road trip show about the horrors of freedom. spn wishes. love jasika nicole as a VA (complete)
the pasithea powder- epistolary space bisexuals after a war that left them on opposite sides. excellent interpersonal drama and aliens (complete)
wooden overcoats- v funny british funeral home rivalry show antigone funn is the weirdgirl extraordinaire (complete)
monstrous agonies- nice soothing ten-minute segments of a supernatural advice show. i think i've mentioned it as being the anti-spn in terms of the monster rights and monster-human cohabitation background of the world (complete)
midnight radio- ten-episode small town radio show ghost romance. it's an excellent annual fall listen if you have a saturday free (complete)
mabel podcast- ONE OF THE PODCASTS OF ALL TIME. if you care about women you will like this podcast. i've always found anna and mabel so revolutionary and freeing to listen to. horror podcast about fairies and a house that loves (creepy edition?) you (long hiatus)
brimstone valley mall- silly delightful y2k demons in a mall (long hiatus)
the far meridian- magical realism story about a girl living in a teleporting lighthouse. sweet and melancholic (long hiatus)
khôra podcast- greek myths in space. i need to hug all the characters (long hiatus)
ty for this ask i love podcasts i need to catch up on them!
- Crystal :)
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moononmyfloor · 2 years
Lǎobǎn's Recipes
(From the ending credits of 2017 Chinese drama adaptation of Midnight Diner: 深夜食堂)
Ep 2: Angel's Hamburger
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1. Prepare minced beef. Mince broccoli, onion and bellpepper, cabbage, purple onions, cucumber.
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Add cheese powder and mix into the fillings. Add milk, melted butter, flour, black pepper powder, salt, nutmeg powder.
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2. Pound the meat paste well till air bubbles are removed and shape it as a patty. Fry both sides well till caramelised. Fry the bacon as well.
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Deep fry the fries until golden brown. Lightly fry the purple onion. Stir fry the egg and place it on a serving plate.
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Lightly oven-toast the hamburger, add in the patty with a prefered sauce.
Ep 3: Steamed Clams with Wine
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Place washed clams on a steamer. Add chopped garlic, salt, wine to the clams and steam.
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After, sprinkle some more wine per your preference.
More Recipes
Translation credits: My dear friend spacecadet 🥰
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collecting-stories · 4 years
The Deal - ep. 02 - Georgia
Summary: When your car costs more than you expected you strike a deal with Daryl. 
A/N: I forgot how much I love writing these two. 
Georgia Masterlist | The Walking Dead Masterlist
☼ ☼ ☼ ☼
The next time you saw Daryl it was Tuesday. He had called you on Sunday night to let you know that the problem was your fuel line and your exhaust. He’d used a lot of car terms that you didn’t necessarily understand before finally assuring you that he would have the car back in working condition as quickly as possible. Which would have been quicker if you had the money to pay him for the job. You might not have understood the car terms but you understood the dollar amount and it was more than you could afford on top of other expenses. Who knew letting Eugene fiddle with the car would cost so much?  
“We’ll work something out, come by the garage on Tuesday.” Daryl had offered when you admitted that the price was higher than you had expected.  
So on Tuesday, just after school, Tara dropped you off in front of the garage. It was raining something awful and colder than it had been all weekend; appropriate November weather according to Eugene. The hoodie and jeans you had on weren’t the best of your looks but it would have to do.
“Hey sweetheart!” Axel greeted you when you walked into the garage, acting like the two of you were the best of friends. Tiny waved from where he was inspecting a tire. “You come to check on the car?”
“I did. Is Daryl around?” You asked, fiddling with the strap of your backpack.  
“Ran to grab smokes, should be back soon,” Axel replied, “feel free to wait.” He gestured to an old backseat that had been converted into a couch.  
“Alright.” You sat down on the couch and pulled a book from your backpack, beginning to read as you waited.
Daryl wasn’t gone ten minutes more, coming in and shaking the rain off himself as he took his jacket and flannel off, hanging them by the door. You felt hyperaware of him when he was around which was probably why you looked up the minute he came in and kept your eyes on him as he moved further into the garage.  
“It’s shit out there.” He mentioned, still oblivious to you.
“Yer girl’s here.” Axel piped up, pointing a wrench in your direction.  
Daryl turned toward you, eyes widening a bit as he caught sight of you. He coughed and ran a hand through his hair, trying to fix it. “What’re ya doing ‘ere?” He asked.  
“You told me to come down to discuss my car.”  
“Did ya walk ‘ere?”
“Tara...my friend dropped me off.” You replied, standing up and following him as he walked over to the car.  
Daryl nodded and walked over to you, grabbing your arm to pull you away from Axel and Tiny. You were going to consider this his designated move if everytime you saw him he was dragging you around by the arm.  
“Ya shouldn’t come by when I'm not at here.”
“But you are here.” You pointed out, smiling.
“Anything coulda happened while I wasn’t.” He stated, looking back to the other two as if they weren’t to be trusted. And maybe they weren’t but they’d been perfectly welcoming to you.  
“I’m all in one piece, promise.” You assured. “But listen, you wanted to talk about payment plans or something?”  
Daryl sighed, “Yeah, listen, ain’t nothin’ I can do ‘ere but...if I work off the books, take more time, ya can pay in more installments. It’d be half what it is now.”
“Seriously? That would be amazing.”  
“Ain’t a big deal.” He shrugged, “I’ll move the car to my house tonight.”
“Thank you, thank you!” You surprised him by wrapping your arms around his neck and hugging him tightly. Daryl tensed on impact and you let go when you realized how stiff he was. “Sorry.”
“S’alright.” He replied, immediately chewing at his thumb to calm himself down.  
“I really, really appreciate it. Honestly.” You repeated, “I have to go to work but let me know whatever the first payment is.”
“I’ll figure it out, let ya know.” He promised. “Ya walking?”
“What?” You asked. You had already started the short trip back to your bookbag. Patricia was expecting you at the diner by 4pm and it was nearing 3:50 now. Lori would grip about how many minutes you were cutting it.
“Ta work. Ya walking ta work?” He asked.
“Oh, yeah, but it’s just at the diner.” In proximity to the autobody shop it was hardly a three minute walk. Patricia’s diner was a block over on the corner.
“It’s still rainin’, I could give ya a lift.”
“You wouldn’t mind?” You’d let him give you a lift to the stop sign right outside if he offered.
“Nah, I’ll grab my coat.”
You had taken up working part time at the local diner when you were fifteen. The minute you were allowed to get working papers from the school you had begged your mom for the opportunity, swearing that you would save your money and not waste it on clothes or makeup or whatever ‘frivolous things’ your mom would criticize. It had taken more convincing for your dad but since he wasn’t thrilled paying for your cellphone or the thought of paying for a car in the future he eventually caved.  
Patricia was a friend of the family and she promised you wouldn’t have to wait on anyone sketchy or work too many hours and never on Sunday. It started with four hour shifts four days a week but it had evolved from there. Sometimes you worked after school until midnight, on weekends you worked early morning shifts.  
“So I was wondering if there was anyway I could pick up a couple extra shifts?” You requested, following Patricia through the double doors as you tied your apron. “I don’t know if you know-”
“Dale told me your car is over at his shop.” She replied, indicating that she did, in fact, know.
“It is. So, ya know, I need some extra cash.” You explained.  
“You know, Otis’ cousin works at the place in Woodbury. I’m sure he could get you a good deal.” Patricia mentioned.
“I’m good, thanks. I just need a few extra hours.” You replied, grabbing some menus from under the register as a small group walked through the door.  
“We’ll see.” It was as good as no and you knew that. Especially when she offered Otis’ cousin to you three more times during your shirt.  
Her antagonizing was only interrupted by Dale’s arrival around 8pm for dinner. You were so relieved to see him that you almost thanked him for coming in. Dale came in every night for dinner and every morning for breakfast. Ever since his wife had died three years ago he had made the diner a regular spot for himself. Patricia wouldn’t say anything bad about his garage with him there.  
He sat at the counter like always, reading the sports section of the newspaper as he ate. Occasionally he’d call you over for a refill of his drink but otherwise he kept to himself for the evening, a little unusual but you were busier than normal and didn’t think about it. Until he called you over as he was getting ready to leave.  
“How was the burger?” You asked, pouring him a cup of coffee to go.  
“Good as always. I actually wanted to talk to you about Daryl.” Dale said, “heard you’ve been having trouble with the car?”
“News travels fast. But uh, yeah he’s gonna fix it for me.”
Dale nodded, “I just wanted to say, Daryl’s a good kid. His head just ain’t in the right place sometimes.”
“He’s just fixing my car Dale.”
“Keep it that way.” He admonished, getting up. He left behind a rather generous tip and you were quick to stuff it in your apron pocket. Lori was convinced that tips should be split evenly and she told anyone who would listen. She would flip if she saw the twenty that Dale had left you.
“So, how long have you been working on cars?” You asked, fiddling with a wrench that lay atop a toolkit. You were sitting on an old lawn chair under the carport of the Dixon’s house with the space heater turned toward you.  
“Long enough.” Daryl shrugged. Whatever he was fixing you couldn’t be sure but you had a nice view from your spot and took advantage of watching the way his muscles flexed as he worked.  
He had called you on Wednesday with a promise to work on your car Friday afternoon and, whether he intended it to happen or not, you showed up with your backpack. Claiming that you were off work and your mom was annoying you at home. He didn’t say anything against you being there, just turned the space heater toward you and went back to work.  
“Don’t ya got dinner or somethin’?” Daryl asked, not that he necessarily wanted to be rid of you, just that he didn’t really understand why you had decided to spend your Friday afternoon with him when you could be spending it anywhere else.  
You shrugged, “told my mom I was going to Maggie’s. She’s at work so she won’t check and Maggie told her parents that she’s with me cause she’s going out with Glenn tonight. It’s their three-month anniversary.”  
“Coulda just said no.” He replied.  
“Sorry, I talk a lot.” You apologized, “my ex always joked that I needed a muzzle cause I didn’t know when to shut up.”
“Didn’t say that.” Daryl explained, stopping what he was doing to look over at you, “doesn’t bother me. Talk as much as ya want.”
He hummed.
“Do you have any plans for Thanksgiving?” You asked.
He turned back to look at you again, eyebrows raised in confusion before shaking his head. “Oh yeah, we’re havin’ the whole family over. Just gotta bail ‘em outta jail first.”  
You laughed, louder than you intended too, and the screen door on the side of the house banged open at the same time, startling you. Daryl stood up straighter as an older man came down the three steps into the car port. He didn’t seem to notice you, going straight to the beat-up old refrigerator in the corner and grabbing a six-pack of beer before heading back inside. Once the door clanged shut after him and he was back in the house Daryl let out a breath and you looked over at him.
“You can save some money...you don’t have to bail him out.”
Daryl laughed before turning back to work on the car again.  
“Do you work tomorrow?”
“I got a shift at the slaughterhouse over in Woodbury. Can’t work on the car again until Monday.” He replied.  
“That’s fine, whenever. I can pay you the first installment next Friday after I get paid. I have to go dress shopping tomorrow with Maggie for the winter formal.” You supplied, pulling Daryl’s flannel from last Friday tighter. The sun was officially down and the only light, besides the glow of the space heater, was the flickering overhead light in the carport.  
He hummed, “that’s fine.”
“I don’t wanna go to the formal but…it’s important to my mom. She’s on PTA and they’re organizing. She said it would look bad if I didn’t go.” You said, pulling your knees up to your chest. “Did you ever go to like, prom or something?”
“I wish I wasn’t going.”
“Ya seem like the type.” He replied.
“Ya seem like the type ta go ta all that shit.” Daryl clarified.  
“Yeah.” You agreed. He was right, you knew that. You looked just like every sweet country girl in a movie or a song was supposed to look like. You did all the things you were supposed to do. You got straight A’s, went to church every Sunday, you were polite and friendly, you went to youth group and school dances and you were responsible and you didn’t curse or drink or smoke and you had lots of friends and you were a cheerleader and you played softball. All the things that your mom had always wanted for you.  
Daryl glanced over at you as he wiped his hands on the rag he kept in his back pocket. “I’m calling it a night. I got work in the morning.”  
“Okay,” you stood up and grabbed your bag, “I’ll see you later I guess.” You hadn’t been thinking about this evening coming to an end. In your mind it just stretched on for hours and hours and infinity until both of you lost track of time.  
“I’ll give ya a ride, don’t want ya walking when its dark out.”  
Before you could say anything your beeper went off. An S.O.S text from Lori. “Damn it.”
“What’s the matter?”  
“Uh,” you looked back at Daryl, “could I use your phone? My cellphone is dead and this girl I work with wants me to call her. Guarantee she’s going to call out.”
Daryl looked back at the door his dad had come out of minutes earlier. He never had people over his house, mostly because he didn’t get along with people but also because he didn’t want his dad seeing anyone around. Will Dixon was an easy person to be embarrassed by.  
“I can just walk there and see what she needs, it’s okay.” You promised.
“Nah, it’s fine. Come on.” He opened the door for you, letting you pass in front of him into the house. The kitchen was run down, peeling linoleum, old appliances, a mountain of dirty dishes, and bottles of alcohol cluttering the counter space. On the wall by the refrigerator there was a phone and Daryl guided you in that direction so that you could call Lori back. Somewhere off the kitchen a TV was blaring a football game.
“Thanks.” You whispered before picking up the phone and dialing the diner.  
Lori picked up immediately, “Patricia’s Diner.”
“Hey Lor, it’s me. I saw you paged.”
“Oh my god, are you working tomorrow night?” She asked.
“No, I’m off.”
“Can you? Please? I got a date!”  
“A date?”
“Yeah...Rick just came in and we were talking and he asked me out. I’m so excited! But I have work and I don’t want to ask Amy-”
“I can do it. I need the hours.”
“Heard about the car.” She replied. It really was national news.
“I got to go.” You hung the phone up before she could say goodbye and then Daryl was pushing you toward the door. You were just reaching for the doorknob when Daryl’s father came into the kitchen, looking at you for the first time.  
“Who the fuck is this?”  
“Go wait outside in my truck.” Daryl said, pushing you closer to the door so he could stand in front of you. “We were just leaving.”
“Don’t leave on my account.” He called after you. As the door closed you could just hear him asking Daryl if he’d “paid her well? Don’t be a shitty tipper, that’s wha’ got yer brother in trouble.”
You waited ten minutes in the truck for Daryl. When he finally came out he slammed the side door shut and then slammed the car door shut too. The ride home was silent, you wanted to apologize or tell him not to worry about his dad seeming like a dick or something but your tongue was stuck in your throat. So instead you just sat there staring out the window while he smoked. He drove you to the same spot he had last time, a few houses down from yours so that your parents wouldn’t see you in his truck. And just like last time you lingered in the passenger seat, resolved to say something.  
“Ain’t a big deal.” He replied, lighting another cigarette off the end of the one he’d just finished.  
“Not Just for fixing my car.” You explained, “it’s nice of you to put up with me.”  
He shrugged, “Don’t mind the company. Sorry ‘bout my old man.”  
“It’s okay.” You promised. “Tell him ya didn’t tip me on account of my less than spectacular appearance.”
Daryl shook his head, the faintest smile appearing at your words.
“I’ll see you later?” You asked, finally opening the door and exiting the car.
Just like last time Daryl sat, idling while you walked down to your house and went inside. Once the door was shut behind you he put the car back in drive and took off for his house.
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frangipanidownunder · 4 years
top 5 favourite colours, alternate x-files finale options, pastries, things to do in the summer?
5. Silver  4. Midnight blue  3. Lilac  2. Dark red  1. Purple
Pastries (I don’t eat many):
5. Berry danish  4. Apple slice  3. Chocolate eclair  2. Sausage roll  1. Spinach and feta roll
Summer activities (it’s usually too hot to do anything here):
5. Wine on the deck  4. Read in the air conditioning  3.  Storm watching  2. Bush walk in the shade/early morning/evening/cooler days  1. Seaside
Alternate xf finale options:
5. End the series at Existence.
4. End the series at Je Souhaite.
3. Remove MSIII and MSIV and re-order the eps in season 11 so that Rm9 is the last episode and after the diner they go home and fuck. And we see it.
2. After the events of MSIV Mulder and Scully go on the run and become private investigators. Scully is not pregnant. Jackson joins them on some of the cases.
1. After the events of MSIV Mulder and Scully go on the run and Mulder becomes a novelist, publishing under a pseudonym, and Scully becomes his beta, booking agent and publicist when his first novel becomes a best-seller. Speculation about his identity is high. She strikes a deal with the FBI that he will not be charged with any crimes and they won’t name any specific agents in any interviews, but of course, you can read between the lines with some of his works. His book signings are attended by hordes of young, attractive women and she calls his fanclub the Basement Babes. She is NOT jealous. She is also not pregnant but does adopt a trio of dogs and calls them Byers, Langly and Frohike even though they’re all girls. Jackson visits often and asks for signed copies of his old man’s books, telling him they’re useful for attracting the good-looking and brainy girls (but secretly he loves the stories).
Thanks for these, lovely. They were fun!
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coolasakuhncumber · 3 years
Early in 2021, I resolved to consume more narratives that I wouldn't usually consume. So I kept a list and here it is:
- Drag Teen, Jeffery Self 
- Everything I Know About Love, Dolly Alderton
- Ghosts, Dolly Alderton
- The Care Factor, Ailsa Wild
- #Girlboss, Sophia Amoruso
- The Why Are You Here Cafe, John P Strelecky
- Having and Being Had, Eula Biss
- 36 Questions that changed my mind about you, Vicki Grant
- They Both Die at the End, Adam Silvera
- Cancer, Schmancer, Fran Drescher
- Turtles All the Way Down, John Green
- Normal People, Sally Rooney
- High Ground
- Shaun of the Dead
- Booksmart
- Long Story Short
- To All the Boys: Always and Forever
- Another Round
- Blackbird
- Girls Can't Surf
- The Dry
- Ma Rainey's Black Bottom
- The Sound of Metal
- Promising Young Woman
- Good on Paper
- Set!
- Perfumes
- Crash Pad
- Five Feet Apart
- Yesterday
- Toast
- Hustlers
- Broken Hill
- Moxie
- Out of My League
- Roxanne
- The Farewell
- Father Christmas is Back
- Knives Out
- LoveHard
- The Night Before
- A Castle for Christmas
- Love at the Christmas Table
- The Princess Switch 3: Romancing the Star
- Die Hard
- Christmas at the Farm
- Single All the Way
- The Holiday
- Saying Yes to Christmas
- Operation Christmas Drop
- Don't Look Up
- 12 Days of Giving
- Cheaper by the Dozen 2
- The Sister Act
- Bridgerton (s1)
- Bump (s1)
- The Nanny (all)
- Firefly Lane (s1)
- Felicity (all) 
- Grace & Frankie (s5-7)
- Everything's Gonna Be Okay (s2)
- Younger (s7)
- The Bold Type (s5)
- Kim's Convenience (s5)
- Heartland (s14)
- Dolly Parton's Heartstrings
- Starstruck (s1)
- Creamerie (s1)
- The 100 (s7)
- Never Have I Ever (s2)
- Cooking with Paris
- The Secret Life of Us (s1-3)
- Love (s1, s2)
- Superstore (s1-5)
- Squid Game (s1)
- Sex Education (s3)
- Dear White People (s4)
- Five Bedrooms (s2)
- Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries (s1)
- Rosehaven (s1 e1 & 2, s5)
- Home Economics (s1&2)
- Love Life (s2)
- Grey's Anatomy (s17, s18)
- Selling Sunset s3
- Midnight Diner (s1)
- Blown Away (Christmas eps)
- Total Control (s2)
- Noughts and Crosses (s1)
- Ted Lasso (s1, s2)
- Christmas in Australia with Christine Anu
- Below Deck (s3)
- The Book of Boba Fett (s1, e1)
- Lost in Larrimah
- Forgotten Australia - Woolworth Bombings
- Forest 404
- The Lazarus Heist
- Inside the Big Day Out
- Stuff You Should Know - the twisted history of dentistry
- The 7 Stages of Grieving
- Two Twenty-Somethings decide never to stress about anything ever again. Ever.
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jetmalek · 8 years
;_; That was great...!! Saw ep.1 of Japanese show, Midnight Diner: Tokyo Stories & now Flying Squirrel is my fav <3
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bengiyo · 2 years
Sleep With Me Ep 3 Stray Thoughts
The ladies were heading to a date when we last left. This show just feels so warm, so I'm excited to see how they develop. I expect we'll see more accessibility struggles in an office environment this episode based on the push from the ex to apply for a job at their firm.
Already starting on a fun note. I too would take a date to a place I'm familiar with, and would also get low-key dragged by the owner.
They've captured the awkwardness of a first date where the two people know they like each other well. Figuring out what to do with the chemistry is always a struggle.
A late night radio DJ and a science textbook writer go on a date to a noodle restaurant. Love this.
Oooh, baby is a messy eater.
Kinda fascinating that Luna also has a form of disability. I think it's a good dynamic to show that people with different abilities can inadvertently step on each other (like when Luna used the accessible parking spot).
It's also so frustrating to be told to exert yourself more or try harder when you're already giving what you can.
I wonder what Harry will do now that the station is shuttering.
Kai and Harry have a fun dynamic. I do love sibling relationships in these dramas.
This night time existence they have is making me want to watch Midnight Diner again.
Why is the ex crashing the date?? This is so uncomfortable!
Oh the lead-in to this kiss was great. Here we go lesbians!!
Sapphics, come get y'all juice!!
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zhouszishu · 7 years
Is midnight diner subbed anywhere? or do you just watch the raws?
only the first 3 episodes are subbed, and you can find those on youtube. i haven’t been able to find the rest of the eps with eng subs unfortunately :((
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korsubs · 9 years
Midnight Diner Ep 3
The following movies Midnight Diner Ep 3 with English Sub has been released. korsubs.tumblr.com will always be the first to have Midnight Diner Ep 3 before other websites so please Bookmark and add us on Facebook for update!!! Enjoy :)
Watch online here: http://koreanontv.com/midnight-diner-ep-3/
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moononmyfloor · 2 years
Moononmyfloor's Masterlist
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1. Marvelous Women Posts
Review 1, Review 2, Dingsheng Cake
2. Royal Feast Cuisine Catalogue
3. Delicacies Destiny Cuisine Catalogue
4. A Compilation of Costume Cdrama OSTs inspired by Classical Poetry
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
5. Compilation of Noodles Rhapsody videos
Part 1, Part 2
6. Heroes Posts
Concept Art Part 1, Concept Art Part 2, Weapons
7. Midnight Diner: Lǎobǎn's Recipes
8. Dream of the Red Mansions (2010)- Lin Daiyu's Naiad's House
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
9. New Life Begins Posts
Nine Regions Backdrop, Ep 1-14 review, Blue-Green Mountains and Rivers, Li family costumes
10. Yearly Cdrama Reviews
2022 2nd half, 2023 Part 1, 2023 Part 2, 2024 1st Quarter, 2024 2nd Quarter
11. My Mamianqun, Baidiequn
12. Solar Terms Infographics
13. Bai ethnicity in Meet Yourself
14. Advisors' Alliance/Growling Tiger, Roaring Dragon Mini Encyclopedia
15. Pocket Love: The Untamed
Cloud Recesses, Shijie and Zixuan's House
16. A League of Nobleman posts
Scrying Bowl, Full body spasm, How to Coax Your Boyfriend to Drink His Tea, Calligraphy Seller Peizhi, Fan edit compilation, Reading the novel, Imperial Uncle casting thoughts, Zhang Gong An (Cases of Judge Zhang) vs Jun Zi Meng (A League Of Nobleman)
17. Flavorful Origins: Gansu gifs
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
18. Hui-Style Architecture in Da Ming Under the Microscope (显微镜下的大明) Posters
19. Hi Producer (正好遇见你) Infodump Catalogue
20. Young Blood 2 Posters
Suoyi Raincoat, Ethnic Fashion, Homage to Intangible Heritage
21. Cinderella Chef (萌妻食神 - Méng Qī Shí Shén) Food
Season 1, Season 2, Season 3
22. Qingtuan Dumplings
23. The Spirealm The Human Realm Is Not Worth It Bilibili FMV appreciation
24. Dashing Youth Posts
Master Li analysis and appreciation, Ep 1-10 Commentary, Ep 11-16, Ep 17-21, Ep 22-25, Ep 26-32, Ep 33-35, Ep 36-40, Ye Yun/Yi Wenjun fmv
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Old Posts
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moononmyfloor · 2 years
Lǎobǎn's Recipes
(From the ending credits of 2017 Chinese drama adaptation of Midnight Diner: 深夜食堂)
Ep 24: Soy Sauce Fried Rice, Soy Sauce Mixed Rice, Braised Pork Feet
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1. Soy sauce mixed rice
Use pure black bean & soy bean sauce 1:1 (1 to 1) ratio and mix together. Drizzle an appropriate amount over rice, then you're done.
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2. Soy sauce fried rice
In a hot pan add oil then add diced green onions. Then add scrambled eggs and cook halfway. Add rice, turn up heat, add sauce and stir fry until fragrant.
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3. Braised Pork Feet
Clean and chop up pigs feet into chunks, reserve some [of the] hot water to use later after [after using it to] scald the pigs feet. Add sugar and stir fry until sugar melts and is integrated [into meat].
Add water, green onion, garlic cloves, ginger, soy sauce, chili peppers. After coming to a boil, add to pigs feet. Braise under slow and low heat until water is reduced to 1/3.
More Recipes
Translation credits: My dear friend Bebe🥰
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alexthegamingboy · 5 years
Toonami Weekly Recap 7/13/2019
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin EP#02 - A Promise with Mother.
Food Wars!: Shokugeki no Soma EP#02 - God Tongue: Upon arriving at Totsuki Culinary School, Soma is shocked by its grandness, and how famous it actually is, being one of the top culinary schools in the world. Soma also meets many other chefs, all of whom are descendants of gourmet chefs or heirs to high-class food businesses, who have likewise come to take the entrance exam and transfer in. Due to his background as a low-class diner chef, Soma is looked down on. When it comes time for the examination, most of the participants flee upon hearing that Erina Nakiri, a legendary food genius with the most selective palate known to mankind (nicknamed 'The God Tongue') will be their examiner. For fun, Erina changes the exam and orders Soma to cook an egg dish to satisfy her instead. He creates an ordinary-looking rice with seasoning, only to reveal that the seasoning contains chicken aspic, which enhances the flavor greatly. Despite being overwhelmingly impressed with his dish, Erina fails him, having taken an immediate disliking to his nonchalant and perceived cocky attitude, and feeling that her pride would be threatened if she allowed a person of his social standing to be admitted. Later in the day, her grandfather Senzaemon, the director of the school, tastes Soma's dish and is impressed. He laughs and crumples up Soma's rejected application, implicitly overruling Erina's decision.
Lupin the 3rd Part 5 EP#05 - A Crook's Resolve: After Lupin's publicized demise, Ami is taken in by Zenigata, who has been demoted to narcotics for aiding and then losing Lupin. Soon after receiving a letter from Goemon, Ami contacts Marco Polo and proceeds to their headquarters in order to work out a deal. Marco Polo's CEO, Chuck Glay, instead catches her in a deathtrap, threatening to kill her unless she spills everything about Lupin, including the whereabouts of the money he purloined from Marco Polo. However, this scenario is revealed as a trap set by Lupin for Glay and his fellow instigators of the Happy Deathday game, using Ami's hacking expertise and the aid of his associates Jigen, Goemon and Fujiko. Zenigata, who knew Lupin was too clever to be killed so easily, collars Glay for drug dealing, and Ami, inspired by her experiences, enrolls at a girls boarding school to catch up on the real life she has missed.
Attack on Titan Season 3 EP#20 - That Day: The story of Grisha's youth continues, narrated by Eren drawing on his Titan memory while Armin transcribes it. After the young Grisha takes Fay outside the Liberio Internment Zone for Eldians, they are caught by two Public Safety soldiers, Kruger and Gross. Kruger punishes Grisha while Gross offers to take Fay home, only for her bloodied corpse to be found the next day. Grisha soon learned from his father the history of the Eldians and the Marley nation, how one group of their people fled to Paradis Island and the rest were left behind in Marley to live as second class citizens. Grisha later learns that Fay was murdered by Gross and he joins the Eldian Restorationists rebel movement, supported by the secret informant "Owl". He then marries Dina Fritz, the last remaining Eldian with royal blood on the mainland, and they have a son Zeke who appears with them in a photograph. They attempt to raise Zeke as an infiltrator, but instead he betrays them to Marley authorities. Grisha and his fellow Restorationists are then taken by boat to the perimeter wall of Paradis Island for exile with some being forcibly turned into mindless Pure Titans, through injection of Titan spinal fluid. Grisha recognizes Kruger and Gross among the squad as Gross turns Dina into the Titan that will eventually devour Eren's mother. Gross admits killing Fay and was about to kick Grisha over the wall, only to be suddenly shoved by Kruger and eaten by a Titan. Kruger reveals himself to both the Owl and a Titan shifter as he transforms into the Attack Titan and annihilates the rest of the Public Safety soldiers.
Sword Art Online: Alicization EP#24 - My Hero: With Eugeo dying and Alice unconscious, Kirito fights against Administrator alone. She shocks him by using SAO Sword Skills, stating there is nothing about the system she does not know. The bisected, but human, Eugeo begs him to stand and uses his remaining life and blood to temporarily reform the Blue Rose Sword, which is made of crystal. Dual-wielding, Kirito loses his right arm but cuts off Administrator's remaining arm and deals critical damage. Administrator decides to exit the Underworld and summons the system console, but Chudelkin suddenly regains consciousness and latches on to Administrator, begging her to not leave him. With lingering fire elements still active, Chudelkin and Administrator catch fire, killing them both. Eugeo says his goodbye to Kirito and dies with young Alice's memory. Kirito walks over to the system console and initiates a communication line to the real world where he discovers the Ocean Turtle is under attack. Kikuoka instructs Kirito to take Alice to the World's End Altar in the Dark Territory before getting cut off. Kirito then loses consciousness from Fluctlight damage as the attackers shut the power off at Rath, causing a surge that strikes his comatose body.
My Hero Academia: Provisional Hero License Exam Arc EP#58 - Special Episode: Save the World with Love!: In this anime-exclusive story taking place before the summer training camp, Midoriya, Uraraka, Iida, Todoroki, Asui, and Bakugo are tasked with defeating a villain (played by All Might) and rescuing three hostages (played by Cementoss, Midnight, and Present Mic) in a simulated jewelry robbery. While Todoroki distracts All Might with a phone call, Uraraka scopes out the situation. Bakugo charges in, only to discover All Might dead of a knife wound. The students begin to investigate the crime scene. After eliminating the possibility of an accomplice who turned against him, Midoriya deduces that Midnight was All Might's lover who called the police and went into the jewelry store to try and stop him, and All Might committed suicide to protect her from the backlash of his actions. Aizawa appears and commends Midoriya for his deductions, but gives the students a zero for failing to realize that All Might had faked his own death as a ploy to escape. In the aftermath, All Might is invited to attend the I-Expo at I-Island by his old sidekick's daughter Melissa Shield, and invites Midoriya to tag along with him, setting up the events for My Hero Academia The Movie: Two Heroes.
Black Clover: Royal Knights Selection Exam EP#78 - Peasant Trap: Much to the irritation of both the Clover King and Solid, Asta and Yuno have made it through the first round. For the second round Asta's team face Kirsch's team. Zora looks forward to his chance to humiliate a royal. Asta confronts Zora about his cheating, but Zora points out he has not technically broken any rules. Kirsch covers the entire battlefield in a storm of flower petal illusion magic. Asta uses the Anti-magic demons power to perform a new move, Black Hurricane, which erases the petals, nullifies Kirsch's illusions and even nullifies all Zora's traps. Zora is irritated until Asta tells him he never cared about his tactics; he only wanted them to work as a team. Zora has a flashback to his father and decides to cooperate by revealing how his magic works. Kirsch is furious his beautiful spell was ruined by Asta’s peasant magic, and abandons Magna and Sol to attack alone. Asta tries to draw him into Zora's new traps but Kirsch avoids them with detection magic. He begins to attack Asta but suddenly falls into a pit Zora dug by hand, so as to avoid it being discovered by Kirsch’s detection magic. Asta then knocks the furious Kirsch unconscious and thanks Zora for working as a team.
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moononmyfloor · 2 years
Lǎobǎn's Recipes
(From the ending credits of 2017 Chinese drama adaptation of Midnight Diner: 深夜食堂)
Ep 7: Octopus Sausages
Using a knife make 3 cuts 1/3 ways upto the sausage. Pan fry with oil.
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Cut the cabbage to strips. Place on the plate in a way you like.
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More Recipes
Translation credits: My dear friend Bebe🥰
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