#Midnight Diner ep 2
bengiyo · 1 year
Me, My Husband & My Husband's Boyfriend Eps 1 -5 Stray Thoughts
This is an unusual release schedule, giving us five episodes now and five more later. Still, I'm curious what TV Tokyo does with this, since they also gave me What Did You Eat Yesterday?
Episode 1
Man, Japan just really knows how to start a show. You can feel the strained optimism of this poor woman in just 30 seconds.
This has barely started and I feel claustrophobic. Misaki's friends have no idea how unhappy she is, and what is this incredibly pained look she shared only with Maki?
Oh, they may have been in lesbians with each other. This is already fraught queer angst.
Ah, it feels like it might have been just Maki.
You know someone is up to something when they fake sleep when their partner comes into the room.
That's right, girl. Blog your problems.
I tell you, I hoped I would avoid teen pregnancy when I was a teacher. I was wrong.
Poor Masaki. She and Yuki are just not in alignment when it comes to intimacy. Now she only has one day a year to look forward to for marital sex??
Nice use of Dutch angles when Masaki sees the kiss.
Episode 2
My goodness, this was an intense opening scene in how Misaki immediately starts to try to suppress everything and bargain her way into an explanation that doesn't spell the end of her marriage. Yuki doesn't lie, but he's already hurt her deeply.
I hope that's not the product placement we're throwing away.
I'm so sad about this nice dinner going to waste.
I agree with Misaki that what happens next with their relationship should be her choice, considering he's been making lots of choices without her for a while.
The coworker seems kind. She can tell that Misaki is masking.
Yo this old dude shoulder checked the fuck out of her.
I was not expecting to see Honda Kyoya again so soon after Jack o' Frost, but I'm not going to complain. However, if Shyuuhei is an artist like Ritsu was, this offers up a fascinating lens into a potentially alternative story.
It is correct of Misaki to put distance between a student who expresses romantic interest in her.
This is a lot. I feel for Misaki. Not only does she need to reckon with the fact that her husband is gay and seeing someone else. She also has to contend with it being her former student who still wants to be with her, who knows that he's been hooking up with her husband.
The transitional shot after Misaki's hyperventilating looks like it might be in the same spot as the intro for Midnight Diner.
Through sheer confidence and will alone, Shyuuhei is going to get both of them.
Misaki leaving to probably go to Maki is valid, though I feel bad for Maki, too.
Episode 3
I already like Daichi and the house dynamic Maki and he share.
I was kinda excited about what changing homes might do for Misaki, but I appreciate her wanting to clear things with Yuki first.
I wonder if Yuki might be aro-ace spectrum. Seems like he wasn't aware of his potential attraction to men before he married Misaki?
Honda Kyoya is honestly so pretty.
Look at this, TV Tokyo has me watching a man and woman kiss and such in BL when I got none of this in What Did You Eat Yesterday? They're even open mouth kissing when the men haven't done so! I'm salty!
And here I was hoping that it really was just a pregnancy scare. Now Satou hasn't been coming to school.
I'm gonna need Masaki to go out with this veteran teacher.
What is the truth with Satou!
Shyuuhei is with Satou, too? And he went in her raw? She said he was only a year older, so is he 19? GODDAMN
Someone is always spying and taking goddamn pictures! You just gonna anonymously meddle? Own your actions!
Episode 4
Trigger warnings: Discussion and prevention of suicide in this episode.
This is so messy. Shyuuhei has such a hold over Yuki, who doesn't desire his wife physically at all.
Daichi's family's apples are enormous.
What is she to do with all these apples?
Oh, Yuki, I really just can't with the continued lies. Something has to give.
Is the spy the other teacher who wanted to get a beer?
Well, Shyuuhei is way out of line, but he's not wrong about Misaki's marriage.
Ah, the spy was the other teacher, whose name is Misumi. At least she's confronting him with her qualms.
Interposing the conversation with Misumi and the interview with a woman talking about her gay husband's death makes the point loud and clear.
I think Honda Kyoya is well-cast here. He has an ethereal quality that I think works really well for Shyuuhei.
Wanting to disappear is a question I get on mental health surveys, and Shyuuhei seems way too comfortable talking about suicide.
Episode 5
Trigger warnings: Discussion and prevention of suicide in this episode.
I'm really glad we saw Honda Kyoya in Jack o' Frost first. I find myself wanting to dig into this performance just as much as I want to understand the character. Polyamory is hard; I don't think I'm built for it. I like how sympathetic they're making Shyuuhei feel through his earnestness, even if he's giving me red flags in so many other areas.
This scene of the first meet between Yuki and Shyuuhei is making me sad, because I don't think we've seen Yuki be this intent on Misaki.
Okay, taking them to a place to disconnect briefly is much better than where I thought this was going.
Misaki suggesting they all live together was an excellent scene. The way the camera pans through her dialogue from her being alone, to her and Yuki, to her and Shyuuhei, to finally all three of them works so beautifully. Then having her be nervous and struggling to crack an egg perfectly underscores her uncertainty.
I love Misaki. I'm glad we're letting her uncomfortable feelings come through clearly. This isn't the life she thought she was getting, but she's trying to make the best of a difficult situation.
Furukawa Yuki is so good. I remember again why Restart After Coming Back Home sticks with me as we see the range he's shown this episode.
I like the ground rules Misaki established. They don't realistically expect Shyuuhei to help with expenses now, but she wants to make sure he's contributing to the maintenance tasks and is at least working in his field.
Hotta Akane is also doing a great job. She completely performed the complex nervousness, relief, and bemusement she felt at seeing Yuki clearly relaxed in the house again for the first time in a while, and also the strange sense of attraction she felt at Shyuuhei expressing his feelings to her again.
Final Thoughts at the Midpoint
I think it was an excellent call to release this show in two batches. It's covering some complex emotional places that I don't think the audience would be able to take in stride each week for two months. Giving us the chance to go through this at our own pace and trying to connect with the characters feels like the right call.
I'm looking forward to the back half of this, and I find myself hoping that however they all end up, they all find what they need for their own sense of fulfillment.
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megaclaudiolis · 5 months
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Tasuku Emoto in Midnight Diner ‐Tokyo Stories Season 2‐ (2019) || ep. 04
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moononmyfloor · 2 years
Lǎobǎn's Recipes
(From the ending credits of 2017 Chinese drama adaptation of Midnight Diner: 深夜食堂)
Ep 2: Angel's Hamburger
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1. Prepare minced beef. Mince broccoli, onion and bellpepper, cabbage, purple onions, cucumber.
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Add cheese powder and mix into the fillings. Add milk, melted butter, flour, black pepper powder, salt, nutmeg powder.
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2. Pound the meat paste well till air bubbles are removed and shape it as a patty. Fry both sides well till caramelised. Fry the bacon as well.
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Deep fry the fries until golden brown. Lightly fry the purple onion. Stir fry the egg and place it on a serving plate.
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Lightly oven-toast the hamburger, add in the patty with a prefered sauce.
Ep 3: Steamed Clams with Wine
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Place washed clams on a steamer. Add chopped garlic, salt, wine to the clams and steam.
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After, sprinkle some more wine per your preference.
More Recipes
Translation credits: My dear friend spacecadet 🥰
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fabled-fiction · 2 years
Nosey Neighbor (Marc Spector x Reader)
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Summary: There’s nothing wrong with a little curiosity right? So what if you just wanted to know what EXACTLY your neighbor was up to every night during the witching hour, that totally isn’t weird.
Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings: Mention of blood, MoonKnight Ep.1 Spoilers (if you squint)
Part 2: Just a Gut Feeling
A/N: This is written with little to no prior knowledge about Moon Knight/Marc Spector/Steven Grant other than what was shown in the first episode. I wanted to dabble in writing for him, so this is could definitely expand into something more but as of right now it is just a fun analysis basically.
You were always that person, ever since you were a little kid, to remind everyone of the full rhyme.
Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.
You had a knack for noticing and looking for any and all details when it came to anything you found interesting. Your mind couldn't put down the puzzle until you knew everything you could about it, preferably to the point of solving said puzzle of course.
Which led you to your fascination with your neighbor.
The consensus on your floor was that he was an odd guy. Not only because he seemingly kept to himself, keeping his head down and only giving passing glances but more so because of the so called sketchy vibes he “gave off”. Everyone else described him as odd, weird, and someone to steer clear off. Many of them had either no interaction with him or ones they would rather forget late in the night.
You would describe him as interesting, but maybe that was because of the oh so watchful eye you had.
The first time you were drawn to him genuinely through your own experience and not through word of mouth from judgey neighbors, you were lucky enough to have the night shift at the diner you worked at. Well not so much a night shift but a graveyard shift, leading you to get home at around four or five am.
It was an odd time to get home, many people on the midnight bus were nurses or tired diner workers like yourself. There were a few people that seemingly were just getting finished with their pub crawls, as when the bus doors opened the stench of their alcohol content leaked off them and tainted the sweet dewy smell of the night you had gotten used to. Leaning your head against the condensated window with a huff, you watch the streetlights wiz by and listen to the steady breathing of those around it. It was a calm night from what you remember, nothing out of the ordinary.
That is until you got home.
The flicker of the light in your flat building's lift broke you from your post work haze. Until just then you could only focus on the ache of your feet, and the stiffening knot at the base of your back. You really had to buy new work shoes, or at least those support inserts. The arch of your foot and your back were screaming at you as you leaned against the mirrored wall. Your reflection told anyone that looked at you the story of your night, you were just a tired diner worker just getting home. As of right now you were an open book.
When the doors finally opened, and you managed to peel yourself off the wall, the hairs on the back of your neck stood. The drowsy spell of sleep was quickly washed away, and your eyes opened just a bit more as you walked fully out of the lift. The hallway lights flickered upon your entrance, seemingly announcing yourself or perhaps someone else. When the lights turned on again, you saw him.
He was standing there, quickly locking the door of his apartment. He was in a hurry, that much could be seen by the ragged state of his jacket that was probably thrown on in a panic and the fact that his shoes weren't even tied. You slowly pulled your keys out of your pocket, and maybe he hadn't noticed your entrance with the flickering lights, because the jingle of your keys certainly did.
His movements stopped, hand seemingly paused on his own keys that were jammed in his door handle.
When you finally managed to get to your own door you were standing a few inches away from him. His eyes didn't leave you as he watched you effortlessly slip your key into both the locks of your own door.
Despite what you had heard from the others, he didn't give you the heebie jeebies. Sure, his watchful eye would give the normal person the want to run but you always held the same look when watching anyone else you didn't know. The only reason you hadn't been labeled as weird was because you tended to be more subtle about it, also known as you knew when to look away.
But right now, his eyes were burning into yours when you finally dared to make eye contact.
They were deep caverns of pure emotion, pulling you in deeper and deeper. Like you were falling down a rabbit hole with no end in sight, the ever so sinking feeling of falling filling your chest as it dropped. Your hand was gripping your door handle tightly as you stared, and you swore you could have bent the door handle with the grip you had on it right now.
Maybe he felt the same impending sense of falling, because he was the first to break eye contact as he pulled his keys out of his pocket and shoved them in his pocket with a huff.
But you kept watching as he walked, his stride long and hood pulled so tightly over his head that you wondered for a minute if he would run into the lift doors. When he didn’t, you let out a small breath. But this was soon taken back in when he looked right back at you with a tilted head.
And you didn’t quite know what possessed you to do so…but you raised your hand up and waved.
The next time you saw him was the next morning. You were still in your pajamas, as you had just woken up and started your daily chores. Maybe it was what you considered morning, but in reality it was mid afternoon. You were dragging your trash behind you to the chute down the hall when the lift had opened. You paid little attention to it, as you groggily lifted the handle and struggled to toss the bag down the chute. You really should have taken this out earlier.
Just as you were about to close the chute door and readjust your hold, another hand came and gripped the red plastic handles of the bag. Looking over, you saw it was him. He gave you an awkward smile before grunting as he lifted the bag to throw it down the shoot.
Your attention was drawn to him, his face to be more specific. You had barely seen it last night, as you were too encapsulated by his eyes to notice any other features. But now up close, you got the full picture. His jawline and his tousled hair that framed that ever so concentrated brow bone. His cheeks were dusted with what seemed like dirt, and you swore there was a scrape that probably needed to be cleaned under all that grime and gunk.
“Everything alright?”
Blinking, you swallowed as he looked at you, almost worried. There was something different in his eyes this morning, they weren’t brooding or…dark. You could actually see a bit of hopeful light in them this time, not a suffocating darkness. Swallowing, you gave him a tight toothless smile. 
“Yea. Thanks for that…You must’ve run into some trouble last night eh?” You mutter as you grab your wrist.
It looked as if the wind was knocked out of him, and for a moment you see the light in his eyes flicker alongside his gripped fist.
“Yea…yes no I’m fine. Just tripped. Have a lovely evening.” It's all said in a quick mutter, as he brushes against your shoulder and quickly enters his flat.
The thought crosses your mind that maybe he was just a weird recluse. But before the seed can even take root you dig it up. No, when the hairs stood on the back of your neck that night, when you had this gut feeling telling you there was more to dig up you knew you couldn’t just brush him off with a single thought. That was not who you were and you were not about to start with those thoughts now.
Subtly, whether it was with or without your active participation to unravel your curiosity in him you were unsure of, a sort of schedule had begun.
It would only be on nights where you worked the graveyard shift, which was five out of the seven nights of the week. You would come home tired, aching and cursing at your shoes and he would either be leaving or returning to the door next to yours. He would always have a look of determination on his face, and that same soul devouring glaze over his eyes that told you he meant business. Nothing more than that would be exchanged between the two of you. But over the next few weeks the both of you would notice more and more, of course you didn’t know this. 
There was always a lot of information to take in, in the few seconds you had from the walk to your flat from the lift. The slower you walked the more noticeable you knew you would be, so you settled on what you could gather every night in small bursts. Whenever he was leaving his flat, he wore the same jacket no matter what other attire he had on though it usually consisted of jeans, sneakers and a tee. He would only take his keys, from what you could see.
It was always a different story when he was coming back though.
Usually, if you caught him coming back at around the same time as you it was always only seconds after you had reached your door. His heavy steps would fill the hall along with his equally heavy breath. He would always be panting, and looking at his watch. He would race past you, practically shove open his door and slam it closed. On nights when you were particularly…nosey sometimes you would place your ear against the door. The sound of organized shuffling would be followed by the sound of tape being pulled from the roll and if you were real quiet you could almost hear…buckling? You would often stop there, feeling guilty as it was with your incessant snooping.
Whenever you saw him in the daylight hours it seemed like he was a different person. This would lead into two subscenerios. If you caught him coming home in a rush, usually when you were taking out the trash, he would be covered in dirt and scrapes. Sometimes he would even be limping or dragging his foot behind him. On these mornings he wouldn’t even look at you fully, just small shy glances before he yet again slammed the door. The other subscenerio of finding him coming home was usually when you were leaving for your shift…and it would just be a simple trade of places in the lift and a small wave.
For a while, that's all it was. Until one fateful weekend.
You had gotten home at around the same time as usual. Tonight was a no interaction night, making you believe he was already out. No mysterious glances or waves, you thought as you tossed your shoes in the corner and started working your apron off.
Before you could drape it over the usual chair and rub whatever knots had formed in the arch of your feet, there was a hard one-one-two-one knock on your door. There was no one else you could think of that would knock on your door at this hour, you only assumed it was him.
Cracking the door open, you see him. He’s dressed in the usual attire, with his hands pushed into his pocket so hard his hood is flush against his head creating the perfect silhouette.
“Hi…” You say, looking up at him.
“I need you to watch over my fish for the next few days.”
An American accent…he had an American accent all of a sudden. The other day he was speaking normally but now he had this gruff accent that was in stark contrast to his usual higher pitched tone you usually heard in his quick good morning greetings.
“You have a fish?” Was the most normal response you could muster given the revelation. 
“Yes, and I need you to watch him. His food is next to the tank.”
Before you can respond, his hand is reaching and holding your wrist with a deathly grip. A key is shoved into your hand and he's off before you can protest. Not that you would, this is groundbreaking in regards to your selfish investigation, but a normal person who wasn’t obsessed with unraveling all the secrets of their recluse neighbor probably would’ve yelled after him.
Instead you were opening his apartment door seconds after those lift doors closed. The lock was a bit hard to budge, but after putting your shoulder into the door you finally stumbled in to find…
Well you weren’t exactly sure what you were expecting, but you were surprised either way.
For the most part it looked like a lived in apartment, with a tiddy mess creating a sort of comfortable ambience in tandem with the piles of books. The lighting is dimmed, with only a few lamps on that are scattered about. You hum to yourself as you walk up to the large tank with a singular plump goldfish, swimming nearly on its side. Upon further inspection, he only had one fin. Hmm, funny, he was just like that one fish in that kid’s movie.
Smiling, you continue to examine the apartment. While you were sure this was overstepping the boundaries of, “watch over my fish for the next few days” there was this hunger in your chest that was finally being fulfilled and you weren’t about to cut it off now.
And then you saw the sand and buckles…
The sand…okay maybe that was a superstitious thing. You did not know much about Egyptian mythology but maybe there was something in it about…sleeping in a circle of sand? Yea that sounded ridiculous to you but that was the best you could come up with for the time being. The ankle restraints?
If anything you had more questions than answers now.
For the following few days, you grew…bored. You had grown used to the exciting feeling of waiting for those elevator doors to open and reveal whatever small bit of information about your neighbor you were going to receive. Now you had access to all the possible answers you could ever want yet you still had questions. Maybe this would be one of those puzzles that was the unsatisfying kind, and you were just digging for a more interesting answer rather than the one you had subconsciously discovered weeks ago. There wasn’t some big hidden question to be answered, your neighbor really was just an enigma.
Of course, given how fate liked to play with people, you had nearly jumped the gun.
Because as you had walked into the lift to ascend to your floor for the night, just a few seconds later a blood covered hand grabbed the door just before it closed.
In stumbled your neighbor, in that same damn jacket and jean combo but this time it was more tattered. His hands were caked in blood, along with the edges of his sleeves. He was panting, huffing and puffing what seemed to be all the oxygen from your lungs into his. You stood there clutching your apron on your chest and pushed into a corner as he pressed the close door button and leaned against the same mirrored wall.
“Is the fish alive?”
Is the-that's the question he was asking you right now?!
“You just scared the life out of me, you look like you’re about to lose yours and you are concerned about a fish?!” You yell, as you shakily place your hand on the mirror.
“I'm gonna assume that's a yes, thanks.” He huffed, holding his hand out as one held onto his stomach.
You stood there flabbergasted, watching as he panted. He had just given you the most pain stacking whiplash that would probably have given you an ache worse than the one you felt after every shift if it was real, and he was wanting his flat key back?
The ding of the lift announced to you both that someone else was about to get on, and you both looked forward with wide eyes. Before the older woman, Ms.Lee you recognized, could step on you pressed the close door button.
“Occupied.” Your voices harmonized as the doors closed.
You’d have to bring her a full pie from the diner tomorrow as an apology, you saw the appalled look on her face. But right now there were more important things to tend to.
“That was rude.” He mumbled as he continued to puff.
“You’re rude.” You curse, as you both finally reach your floor.
You watch as he takes the first steps out ahead of you, and by the way he is stumbling he is not going to make it to his door let alone two more feet. With a quick pace and the siege of his limp arm, you hoist him up against your side. This earns you a grunt, and at first he pulls away until you hear a creak in his side. Yea, the human body wasn’t supposed to make that sound.
Finally getting him into his place, you put him on the edge of the bed before walking over to his bathroom and rifling through his cabinet.
“The med kit…don't bother. Just need a wet rag.” You pause, before looking at yourself in the mirror.
You could walk away now, the answer of your neighbor just being an idiot who probably went and boxed in the dead of night would be good enough for you right?
The blood was at least a few hours old you realized, as you began to wipe his knuckles off. You were kneeled in front of him, inspecting his hand. They would probably bruise guessing with how beat red his knuckles were even after you wiped all the blood off. You were no medical professional though…you just knew based off common knowledge.
“You’re quite nosey y’know. I thought giving you the key to my apartment would satisfy whatever curiosity it is you have with me.” 
You looked up at him, and tilted your head as you pressed the rag harshly against his skin. He hissed as he pulled his hand back and yelped, flicking it before rubbing it tenderly. He guarded it against his chest as he watched you place your hand on your hip.
“You gave me a key to your flat and told me to watch over your fish…and I don’t even know your name. Tell me, why shouldn’t I be curious?”
You watch him look up, and tilt his head as if he’s doing the math before nodding and standing. He towers over you now, you realize. Sure you knew he was tall but every time you would stand near him or pass him he was slouched. But right now, after you had just washed most of the blood off him, you seemed to grasp the situation.
“You’ve got a point.”
His hand grasps your wrist again, like he did before but not as harsh, and grabs the rag from you. He’s gentle this time as he holds you, and you can’t help but feel a small shock run down your wrist. There go the hairs on the back of your neck again. 
When you look into his eyes, his pupils are either expanding or you’re getting sucked into them again. Except the falling feeling isn’t feeling as impending as it did before. Instead this time it devoured every suspicion of malice you had about him. If anything this urge to be near him grew more with every second. You summed it up to wanting to know what exactly he did to come home covered in blood…
Pulling your wrist from his grasp and blinking away whatever feeling he had sent down your spine, you sigh as you dig around your pocket and hold out the key.
He watches you for a moment, and whatever thoughts that were going through his head finally seem to subside as he closes your hand around the key.
“Keep it…It probably won't be the last time you need to watch over Gus.”
Watching his hand hold your fist closed, and the hairs on his fist raise was all you needed. He was just as curious about you…at the very least in your interest in him. Having a keen eye taught you well about body language. 
Clasping his other hand around your limp one, he lifts it to rest on your raised fist that is held in his other hand. He sighs, before beginning to walk forward causing you to walk backwards. Based on how much time you spent in his place you know you’re headed to the front door. If you had any sense you would stop and demand some answers. But you were both obviously exhausted, you from the emotional rollercoaster he just sent you on in the past hour and him from gods know what. You were still getting over the fact that he just gave you the spare key to his place without even knowing his name.
You knew his fucking fish’s name before his.
Standing now beyond the doorway, he lets go of your hand and takes in your own body language. He’s contemplating something, you can see it. It seems to be something serious, because a vein on his neck pulsates as he grips his hand.
“If you could…don’t mention any of this to me next time you see me if I’m speaking with a British accent.” So he knew he was speaking in a different accent than yours or anyone else's.
Before he fully closes the door, he peeks out at you. 
“My names Marc.”
Standing there now, looking at the closed door, the key in your hand feels as if it is burning right through your skin. The only thing that convinced you that it wasn’t was the lack of a burning skin smell that would be filling the air.
If you weren’t down bad before, you certainly were now.
If you want to be tagged in the next part, tell me in the replies of this post! All I ask in return is you interact with the posts you are tagged in as it means alot to me and helps motivate me! 
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idleminds · 4 years
Hello, what jdrama that you have watched on Netflix did you like? have you seen Alice in Borderland?
I’m still on ep 2 of Alice in Borderland. While the ones I’ve watched on Netflix that I loved/enjoyed: Midnight Diner: Tokyo Stories, Samurai Gourmet, The Naked Director, and Million Yen Women.
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theyearoftheking · 4 years
Book Sixty-Three: 11/22/63
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I’m going to pull back the curtain a bit here... I am losing my steam. Not my enthusiasm for Steve, just my steam for cranking out these blog posts and reading nothing but Steve. Not sure if my seasonal depression arrived, if I’m just busy doing all the things... I don’t know. But I’ve had 11/22/63 and all the notes sitting on my desk for 2 weeks now, and haven’t done anything with them. My apologies. 
My reluctance is in no way correlated to my feelings about this book. This is THE book. What do I mean by that? This is THE book you recommend to people who turn their nose up at Steve. This is THE book Constant Readers love because of the entire section dedicated to Derry. This is THE book that has you thinking about it long after it’s done. It’s a great selection for reading groups, because the conversations could be endless. What would the world look like if Kennedy had never been assassinated? What about other world leaders? If you found a wormhole to the past, would you use it for good or evil? Would you use it at all? So. Many. Questions. 
This was my second time reading 11/22/63, and I enjoyed it even more because of the references I missed the first time. There’s a whole section dedicated to Bev and Richie learning a dance for a talent show, which I know I didn’t make that connection the first time I read it... Derry and all it’s characters are still fresh in my old-lady brain. Wonder what Derry was like between It’s killing sprees? “I realized that the canal I’d seen must run directly beneath this peculiar sunken downtown, and I was standing on top of it. I could feel hidden water in my feet, thrumming the sidewalk. It was a vaguely unpleasant feeling, as if this little piece of the world had gone soft.” 
Sounds like a great place to raise a family, right? Here’s a complete list of all the Steve universe references:
Not one, but two chambray work shirt mentions
The Takuro Spirit
Castle Rock
Derry (murders in the Barrens, Georgie being found dead, Richie and Beverly’s dance lessons)
The Turtle
Juniper Hill
Jake Epping is a high school English teacher in Lisbon Falls, Maine (originally from Milwaukee, thanks Steve!); and he learns about a time-traveling portal in the back of his friend Al’s diner. Al has been using the portal to travel back in time and get deals on the meat he uses for his burgers (come to find out, the prices at the diner are so low because of the cheap meat Al buys... NOT cats, like so many whisper). Al has been using the portal to buy cheap meat, and to spy on Lee Harvey Oswald. Al is convinced the current world would be a different and better place if someone was able to stop Oswald from assassinating JFK. But here’s the rub: due to all the time traveling, Al is sick and dying from cancer, so he convinces Jake to take one for the team. 
Armed with some cash, sports betting books (a man’s got to make cash somehow!), and Al’s notes on Oswald, Jake goes into the past. His first stop is Derry, Maine, where he feels compelled to right a wrong. One of Jake’s GED students, Harry Dunning, the high school janitor, wrote an essay about his father killing his mother, and his siblings on Halloween night. Jake sees the potential in Harry, and wonders how his life could have been different had he not witnessed the brutal murders. So, Jake kills Harry’s dad (twice, actually); and heads to Texas to start tracking Oswald. 
He first moves to Jodie, Texas, where he takes a job teaching English and directing plays for the drama department under the pseudonym George Amberson. He’s introduced to the new school librarian, Sadie Dunhill; and they fall in love. Sadie is tall, clumsy, and dealing with the fall-out from her brief but loveless marriage. All of this is dangerous for a time traveler, and a guy determined to kill Oswald. But, George makes it work. He and Sadie quickly become the darlings of Jodie; and their dancing becomes the stuff of Jodie legend. 
But, Jake/George has secrets. He rents an apartment in Dallas, and starts following Oswald and his Russian wife, Marina. Then, Sadie is brutally attacked by her ex-husband, and her face is left deformed. Jake/George learns it’s really hard to commit yourself to committing a crime, while at the same time being a teacher, boyfriend, friend and citizen of Jodie. He’s got a lot going on. Ultimately, he tells Sadie what’s up, and she agrees to help him stop the assassination. 
Ultimately, Jake/George is successful in stopping Oswald, but Sadie is killed in the process. Jackie Kennedy calls him to thank him for his service, the CIA interrogates him, but ultimately lets him go, and Jake/George returns to modern times. 
Or, Armageddon. 
He returns, and finds the world in a nightmarish state. Come to find out, stopping Kennedy’s assassination wasn’t the best decision. So, Jake goes back in time with the intention of going back to Jodie and living happily ever after with Sadie. He’s stopped by the Yellow Card Man, who is kind of like the keeper of the portal, and he explains to Jake that he needs to go back where he belongs. Jake being in Jodie would forever cause unsettling ripples in the universe. Jake knows he’s right. So, he goes back through the portal for the last time. 
The book ends with Jake going to Jodie to celebrate Sadie being named the Citizen of the Century. And they dance. It’s a charming end to a dense, thought-provoking book. If you’re not interested in reading this chonk of a book, I recommend watching the series on Hulu. It’s an excellent adaptation, and stays pretty true to the book. 
Total Wisconsin Mentions: 42
Total Dark Tower References: 61
Book Grade: A+
Rebecca’s Definitive Ranking of Stephen King Books
The Talisman: A+
Wizard and Glass: A+
11/22/63: A+
Under the Dome: A+
Needful Things: A+
On Writing: A+
The Green Mile: A+
Hearts in Atlantis: A+
Full Dark, No Stars: A+
Rose Madder: A+
Misery: A+
Different Seasons: A+
It: A+
Four Past Midnight: A+
Stephen King Goes to the Movies: A+
The Shining: A-
The Stand: A-
Bag of Bones: A-
Duma Key: A-
Black House: A-
The Wastelands: A-
The Drawing of the Three: A-
The Dark Tower: A-
Dolores Claiborne: A-
Nightmares in the Sky: B+
The Dark Half: B+
Skeleton Crew: B+
The Dead Zone: B+
Nightmares & Dreamscapes: B+
Wolves of the Calla: B+
‘Salem’s Lot: B+
Song of Susannah: B+
Carrie: B+
Creepshow: B+
From a Buick 8: B
The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon: B
The Colorado Kid: B-
Storm of the Century: B-
Everything’s Eventual: B-
Cycle of the Werewolf: B-
Danse Macabre: B-
The Running Man: C+
Cell: C+
Thinner: C+
Dark Visions: C+
The Eyes of the Dragon: C+
The Long Walk: C+
The Gunslinger: C+
Pet Sematary: C+
Firestarter: C+
Rage: C
Desperation: C-
Insomnia: C-
Cujo: C-
Nightshift: C-
Faithful: D
Gerald’s Game: D
Roadwork: D
Lisey’s Story: D
Christine: D
Dreamcatcher: D
The Regulators: D
The Tommyknockers: D
Next up is The Wind Through the Keyhole, which is short, but I’m in the front seat of the struggle bus. I gave this book rave reviews when I first read it, and now I’m just bored. I think I was starved for Dark Tower content the first time around, and now I’m just kind of counting down until this project is over. 
Until next time, Long Days and Pleasant Nights,
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frangipanidownunder · 4 years
top 5 favourite colours, alternate x-files finale options, pastries, things to do in the summer?
5. Silver  4. Midnight blue  3. Lilac  2. Dark red  1. Purple
Pastries (I don’t eat many):
5. Berry danish  4. Apple slice  3. Chocolate eclair  2. Sausage roll  1. Spinach and feta roll
Summer activities (it’s usually too hot to do anything here):
5. Wine on the deck  4. Read in the air conditioning  3.  Storm watching  2. Bush walk in the shade/early morning/evening/cooler days  1. Seaside
Alternate xf finale options:
5. End the series at Existence.
4. End the series at Je Souhaite.
3. Remove MSIII and MSIV and re-order the eps in season 11 so that Rm9 is the last episode and after the diner they go home and fuck. And we see it.
2. After the events of MSIV Mulder and Scully go on the run and become private investigators. Scully is not pregnant. Jackson joins them on some of the cases.
1. After the events of MSIV Mulder and Scully go on the run and Mulder becomes a novelist, publishing under a pseudonym, and Scully becomes his beta, booking agent and publicist when his first novel becomes a best-seller. Speculation about his identity is high. She strikes a deal with the FBI that he will not be charged with any crimes and they won’t name any specific agents in any interviews, but of course, you can read between the lines with some of his works. His book signings are attended by hordes of young, attractive women and she calls his fanclub the Basement Babes. She is NOT jealous. She is also not pregnant but does adopt a trio of dogs and calls them Byers, Langly and Frohike even though they’re all girls. Jackson visits often and asks for signed copies of his old man’s books, telling him they’re useful for attracting the good-looking and brainy girls (but secretly he loves the stories).
Thanks for these, lovely. They were fun!
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This weekly roundup includes fics written (at least in part) during the 1k1h sprints and/or the Weekend Writing Marathon events.
Fics are ordered first by fandom, then by word count from smallest to largest.
Again by @ialwayscomewhenyoucall
Carry On (Rainbow Rowell) || snowbaz || General || No major warnings apply || 167 words || Complete
Summary: Just a few of Simon's thoughts after their first kiss.
Other tags: chapter 61, simon pov, poetry, fluff
Looking for Every Day by @ialwayscomewhenyoucall
Doctor Who || Eight x Rose || No major warnings apply || 446 words || Complete
Summary: While looking for her Doctor with the dimension cannon, Rose comes across an earlier version of the Doctor instead. They only have a few minutes, but Rose and the Doctor will always have a connection: anywhere and anywhen.
Other tags: dimension-hopping rose, poetry
lost in the after by @ialwayscomewhenyoucall
Harry Potter || none || General || No major warnings apply || 148 words || Complete
Summary: The day after the Battle of Hogwarts Luna sits alone, a bit lost in her grief, a bit in shock.
Other tags: poetry, post battle of hogwarts, grief, shock
Together by @tellthenight
The Magicians || Quentin/Eliot || Teen & up || No major warnings apply || 336 words || Complete
Summary: A little bit from Q and Eliot's life together that we missed in ep 3.05-A Life in the Day.
Other tags: queliot, A Life in the Day, Missing Scene, 3.05
Thursday by @tellthenight
Supernatural || Dean/Cas || General || No major warnings apply || 462 words || Complete
Summary: Dean tries to ask Cas out.
Other tags: destiel, flirting, AU
A Irresistible Good Baby by FormidablePassion
Supernatural || none || Mature || Graphic Descriptions of Violence || 969 words || Complete
Summary: Lilith is hungry. She wants a delicious snack and she only settles for the sweetest little morsels that humanity has to offer.
Other tags: Lilith, Canon Compliant, Cannibalism, Marshmallow Cannibalism, Magic, Handwavy Demon Power, Hostage Situation, Kidnapping
It’s Destiny by @fpwoper
Supernatural || Dean/Cas/Benny || Explicit || No major warnings apply || 1,370 words || Complete
Summary: Dean and Benny secretly want Cas to join them, both in their sex life and in their personal relationship. But how will they get to their goal? SPN Kink Bingo square: Double Penetration
Other tags: Alternate Universe - Restaurant, Restaurant Owner Benny Lafitte, Restaurant Owner Dean Winchester, Restaurant Owner Castiel, Good Cook Dean Winchester, Slight pining, Walking In On Someone, Double Penetration, Double Anal Penetration, Blowjobs, mild pain play, Mild Cock and Ball Torture, It’s not as bad as the tags make it look like, Bottom Castiel (Supernatural), Top Dean Winchester, Top Benny Lafitte
What We Did Summer Vacation by Treefrogie84
Supernatural || Sam Winchester/ Amelia Richardson || Teen & up || No major warnings apply || 1,542 words || Complete
Summary: Chuck got to write novels for his prophecies. Nice, simple, and got him paid. Kevin's sneaking internet access under Crowley's nose and writing fan fiction of all things. This is going to look great on his college applications.
Other tags: meta madness, Prophet Kevin Tran, Sam Winchester hit a dog, Season 8, Fanfiction
There You Are by FormidablePassion
Supernatural || Castiel/Jimmy Novak, Dean Winchester/Castiel/Jimmy Novak || Explicit || No major warnings apply || 46,496 words || Complete
Summary: Jimmy knew that he was adopted, he never bothered to ask questions, content with his family. When he finds himself face to face with one Castiel Milton he does things that he never thought he would do. Then Cas and Jimmy get the great idea to seduce the hot new Physics professor. Which throws all three of them for a loop.
Other tags: Charlie Bradbury, Hael, Minor Character Death, Alternate Universe - College/University, student!Jimmy, Jimmy POV, Professor!Dean, blatant objectifying of Dean Winchester, Mistaken Identity, Twins Separated at Birth, Smut, Frottage, Twincest, Sibling Incest, First Kiss, Cuddling & Snuggling, implied baking skills, Anticipation, Underage Drinking, POV Dean Winchester, Exhibitionism, Voyeurism, Deansturbation, Masturbation, Miscommunication, Unsafe Sex, Then safe sex, Angst with a Happy Ending
Finding Our Way by @pherryt
Supernatural || destiel, bendriel, dean/cas/benny/alfie || Explicit || No major warnings apply || 75,627 words || Complete
Summary: Part 2 of the Just Right series: The music festival is over but the memory of it still lingers on in everyone's minds. Benny's working harder than ever at the diner while Alfie's trying to decide whether or not to meet his real family. Cas is trying to convince Dean to keep a kitten, Bobby's checking out the new possible boyfriends, Benny gets a mysterious new hire at the Diner and, all in all, they're just counting the days till Dean and Cas can move to Sioux Falls. Can their Summer Fling become the Real Thing?
Other tags: Polyamory, diner!fic, Established Relationship, Smut, Fluff, Angst, Past Abuse, Past Cheating(not by any of our guys), diner au, Hurt/Comfort, Finding Family, Reconnections, Cop!Dean, Doctor!Cas, Chef!Benny, writer!Alfie, bottom!alfie, everyone else switches, Light Dom/sub, Gentle Dom Castiel, domestic AU, Kitten, tub sharing, Shibari, Sub!Dean, Panic Attacks
Risky Business by @froggydarren
Teen Wolf (RPF) || Tyler H/Dylan O || Teen & up || No major warnings apply || 1,532 words || Complete
Summary: There’s one person whom Tyler wants to hang out with at any given moment in time. He’s also the one with whom there’s a higher risk of being recognized and swarmed by fans. Still, they’re going to be only a few hours apart and with a little time on their hands. Tyler wonders if it’s worth the risk.
Other tags: Pre-relationship, Friendship, Pining, Unresolved Romantic Tension
recognize the chances that you missed by Tryslora
Teen Wolf || Derek/Stiles || Teen & up || No major warnings apply || 3,988 words || Complete
Summary: It's been at least a decade since Derek saw Stiles, maybe longer. Hauling him out of a car wreck isn't how he expected a reunion to go.
Other tags: hurt!Stiles, angst with a happy ending
Have you posted a fic recently?  Any active WWM participant can Submit your fic here by midnight EST Wednesday and it will be included on next Friday’s WWM Fic Roundup post.
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callunavulgari · 2 years
Scrapbook 2022 | Pt III
For anyone that’s new to this, this is how I keep track of all of the things that I enjoy and/or create throughout the year. I have literally been doing this since I had a livejournal.
It’s a nice little snippet of my life and helps to organize my brain.
A reminder:
Normal font - Indifferent/Neutral Italicized font - Enjoyed bold font - Loved with an asterisk* - All time favorite (bracketed titles) - Re-watches/Re-reads strikethough - Disliked
Goals are: read 80 60 books , finish six video games, write more than 20 fics or something larger than 20k, and expand on your original novel outline to the point that you START WRITING.
Past Years
Part I - Jan-April Part II - May-July
(Your Name)**
(Dirty Dancing)
(Captain America: Civil War)
(Hocus Pocus)
(Nightmare Before Christmas)
(V For Vendetta)
Wendell and Wild
Scrooge: A Christmas Carol
(Spirited Away)
(The Grinch)
(LOTR: Fellowship)
What We Do In the Shadows, s4
Paper Girls
Watcher: Pretty Historic
Powerpuff Girls
Diners, Drive Ins, and Dives
House of the Dragon
Love Between Fairy and Devil
Rings of Power
Partner Track
Watcher: Ghost Files
Watcher: Ghost Files Debrief
Demon Slayer: Mugen Train Arc
She-Hulk: Attorney at Law
Rings of Power, s1
House of the Dragon, s1
The Midnight Club, s1
Watcher: Ghost Files
Watcher: Ghost Files Debrief
She-Hulk: Attorney at Law
Andor, s1
Cabinet of Curiosities, s1
House of the Dragon, s1
Andor, s1
Watcher: Puppet History, s5
Crier’s War | Nina Varela [Fin]
Patience and Not-Forsaken | Alix Harrow [Fin]
A Conspiracy of Truths | Alexandra Rowland
A Conspiracy of Truths | Alexandra Rowland [Fin]
Nettle and Bone | T. Kingfisher [Fin]
What Moves the Dead | T. Kingfisher [Fin]
Iron Heart | Nina Varela [Fin]
Nona the Ninth | Tamsyn Muir [Fin]
BuzzFeed Unsolved Supernatural: 101 True Tales of Hauntings, Demons, and the Paranormal | Shane Madej, Ryan Bergara [Fin]
A Taste of Gold and Iron | Alexandra Rowland [Fin]
The Jasmine Throne | Tasha Suir [Fin]
The Golden Enclaves | Naomi Novak [Fin]
A Clash of Steel | C B Lee [Fin]
Notorious Sorcerer | Davinia Evans [Fin]
(Coraline | Neil Gaiman)
The Atlas Paradox | Olivie Blake [Fin]
Greywaren | Maggie Stiefvater [Fin]
The Ones We Burn | Rebecca Mix [Fin]
The Six Deaths of the Saint | Alix Harrow [Fin]
What the Dead Know | Nghi Vo [Fin]
Undercover | Tamsyn Muir [Fin]
The Rise of Kyoshi | FC Lee [Fin]
The Lost Metal | Brandon Sanderson [Fin]
(Wolf 359, Eps 34-42)
(Wolf 359, Eps 42-48)
(The Magnus Archives, Eps 1-20)
(The Magnus Archives, Eps 20-27, 198, 199, and 200)
Malevolent, Eps 1-26
(God of War)
Animal Crossing
Doctor Mario, too many hours
(God of War, 30 hours) [Fin]
Returnal, 4 hrs
The Last of Us, 2 hrs
Returnal, 35 hrs?
Animal Crossing
Pokemon: Violet
God of War: Ragnorak, 51 hrs
Pokemon: Violet
Monster Hunter: Rise
don't feed it, it will come back | Stranger Things | Eddie/Steve | 861 words | Steve Harrington spins Eddie Munson back to life on a Saturday.
when the autumn moon is bright | Teen Wolf | Derek/Stiles | 2207 words | “Hello Derek,” he gasps, eyes sparking with delight. 
no wealth, no ruin | PJO | Nico, Gen | 770 words | Nico di Angelo takes his last breath in broad daylight, the sun gleaming at him through the trees overhead.
don't look under the bed | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 3528 words | When Ryan Bergara was younger, he had an imaginary friend named Shane.
if the sun comes up | Stranger Things | Eddie/Steve | 1695 words |  “Oh baby, don’t do that,” Eddie says, transferring Steve’s wrists to one hand so that he can use the other to catch Steve by the throat and shake him like a rag doll until Steve’s dizzy and reeling, nausea thick on his tongue.
mirror, mirror, what's behind you? | LoZ | Link/Dark Link | 1441 words | There is a mirror in the furthest corner of Hyrule Palace that is guarded day and night.
listen to your heart bleed | TMA | Martin/Jon | 1467 words | “Hello Jon,” Martin tells the floating figure that used to be his boyfriend, crossing the room to take a seat in the chair a few feet to the left of Jon’s dangling feet.
leave your life open (somebody hears you) | Stranger Things | Billy/Steve/Eddie | 6,444 words | The first time that Steve sees Billy after Starcourt, he thinks that he’s hallucinating. 
who is this irresistible creature who has an insatiable love for the dead? | Stranger Things | Billy/Steve/Eddie | 4,831 words | local witch and his revenant boyfriend resurrect mutual crush.
the tide will take, the sea will rise | The Untamed | SongXueXiao | 7106 words | Xue Yang dies on a Tuesday. The following morning, he wakes up.
315 words of undead Billy and Eddie with witch!Steve
1840 words of ghost Billy and Eddie with long suffering Steve
1kish of scrapped SXX exchange - may post later
random indie game playlist
Discover Weely #105
2022 !
Yule Playlist
i can't fight this feeling anymore by ToAStranger | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 5k | The first time Eddie Munson kisses him, Steve says thanks.
Lovesick in Loch Nora by red0aktree | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 62k |  Steve gets Eddie a job as an anonymous columnist at a local newspaper.
sick part of a sick thing by betts | Stranger Things | Chrissy/Eddie | 45k | “Gotta say, I didn’t have ‘sneak into Chrissy Cunningham’s room at three a.m. to help her come down from a bad high’ on my senior year bingo card. Excuse me if I’m a little in over my head here.”
The 1,000 Hour Sleep by spqr | Star Trek: Strange New Worlds | Spirk | 27k |  “You’ve been exposed to a novel form of radiation,” M'Benga explains.
see you space cowboy by LazyBaker | Stranger Things | Billy/Steve | 3k | Steve blows Billy's ship up.
We are Stardust, We are Golden by idiopathicsmile | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 26k | In the spring and summer of 1986, Steve Harrington contends with the biases of the day, hatches several plans, and finally really gets to know Eddie Munson.
for what you have tamed by skoosiepants | Stranger Things | Billy/Steve | 11k |  Steve squints an eye at the large dun-colored tom sitting on the counter, finishing his tuna fish sandwich for him; too sleek, with a long, graceful tail, blue eyes and single fang peeking out on his wide face.
put your lips close to mine, as long as they don't touch by Percyjacksonfan3 | Stranger Things | Chrissy/Eddie | 134k |  the fix-it AU where Chrissy doesn't die and she and Eddie try and figure out what the hell is going on with her. And with them.
this ain't a love song by brawls (brawlite), ToAStranger | Stranger Things | Steve/Billy | 13k | Ever since freshman year, Billy and Steve have been rivals. That still hasn't changed.
these days of dust by sonhoedesrazao | The Sandman | Dream/Hob | 3k | There is something different about him, though his appearance is identical. The curious part of Hob Gadling, the one that ensures that his wish to live persists through the ages, can’t wait to figure out what it is exactly.
let me in before the rainy season starts again by tiltingheartand | The Sandman | Dream/Hob | 2k | “Oh shit,” he says, eyes wide.
slow burn by arahir | The Sandman | Dream/Hob | 18k | Morpheus’s expression melts into unreadability. “Would you have come to my rescue again, Hob Gadling?”
stuck in a season by sonhoedesrazao | The Sandman | Dream/Hob | 7k | Hob Gadling opens his eyes in the year of our Lord of 1889, in a tavern that he somehow knows no longer exists, among people long dead. Alone at a table for two, he leans over and says to no one in particular, “He’ll be back. You’ll see.”
Whensoever by spqr | The Sandman | Dream/Hob | 4k | “Has it really been ten thousand years since you had sex?”
(let's start) an anonymous club. by uncaringerinn | Stranger Things | Chrissy/Eddie | 5k | "Forever never quite works out the way you want it to, does it?" Eddie comments, quiet, like it might soften the blow.
wound by a key. by uncaringerinn | Stranger Things | Chrissy/Eddie | 4k | “So, Chrissy Cunningham,” he starts, the weight of his gaze is heavy as he leans against the opposite arm of the sofa. “What burdens have brought you to my doorstep?”
(feel like i die) ‘til i feel your touch by decideophobia | Star Wars | Anakin/Obi-Wan | 15k |  Obi-Wan gets himself cursed and makes it everyone’s, but mainly Anakin’s, problem.
Heat Wave by spqr | The Sandman | Dream/Hob | 6k | “Sounds like you’re horny to me,” says Matthew.
oh it's not real (if you don't feel it) by BeeLove | Stranger Things | Chrissy/Eddie | 31k | In which Chrissy Cunningham gets the chance she deserves to take control of her life and also maybe falls in love with a too-cute-for-his-own-good, tattooed rocker boy along the way.
Shadowplay by thistledome | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 17k |  After the nightmarish return of Eddie Munson, Steve starts questioning what’s real and what isn’t.
May Day by Siria | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Shane/Ryan | 2k | "And on second thoughts, this isn't just a great opportunity, it's an ideal one, thank you so much," Ryan said, backing away from her desk, "really looking forward to this," which was how he found himself walking into a West Hollywood drag bar that was smack-bang in the middle of a brunch session that was rowdier than anything Ryan had ever experienced before, and he'd been in a frat.
All You Gotta Do is Join Us and Die by thistledome | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 11k | There's another version of this night where Steve survives the return of Eddie Munson. This isn't that version.
do you understand that we will never be the same again by Lise | Thor | Loki & Thor | 3k | Thanos is gone, everybody's alive. Everything is fine.
Dirtbag by betts | Stranger Things | Eddie/Chrissy | 60k |  For fourteen miserable years, Eddie has been the other man. But by 1998, he can no longer pretend it’s just a sex thing.
the new blue blood by forjodssake | The Locked Tomb | Gideon/Ianthe | 3k | Kiriona gets used to life. Gideon gets used to Ianthe. (NTN spoilers, obviously.)
kiss me on the mouth (and please bite) by aspiranthect (jeserai) | The Locked Tomb | Gideon/Harrow/Ianthe | 7k | A beat of silence, punctuated only by the heavy bass, still heard even from here. “I want you,” Ianthe says to Harrow, and then, to Gideon, “and I want you too. Your blood, your flesh, all of you. Just for one night.”
Real People by spqr | Sandman | Dream/Hob | 10k | Hob wakes to find a baby in his flat.
The Cure for Cramps (is Pink) by thistledome | Stranger Things | Eddie/Steve | 7k | ‘D’you like it?’ asks Eddie, grinning dangerously.
Write Back, Or Else by Tierfal | FMA | Alphonse/Ed | 16k | Al's in Xing, and Ed's in Creta – everybody got what they always wanted. Right?
Steve Harrington's Greatest Hits in Falsetto by thistledome | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 4k | Five times Eddie hears the song his soulmate has stuck in their head and one time he plays a song (or a bunch of them, loudly) for his soulmate instead.
Perchance to Dream by jinkandtherebels | Lan Xichen/Meng Yao | 18k | If Lan Xichen merely wanted him, Jin Guangyao could adjust. He is nothing if not adaptable.
possess your heart by brawlite | The Untamed | Song Lan/Xiao Xingchen/Xue Yang | 2k | Xue Yang isn’t a stalker. Stalkers are creeps. Freaks with nothing better to do. He’s just an invested fan.
dual-wield, doubleshot by brawlite | The Untamed | Song Lan/Xue Yang | 3k | Hate looks a lot like co-dependence after so many reiterations.
and isn’t it fine losing your mind? by decideophobia | Star Wars | Obi-Wan/Anakin | 3k | “This was your idea,” Ahsoka’s muffled voice answers. “Now kiss!”
Unprotected by infiniteeight | Teen Wolf | Peter/Stiles | 2k | The pack leaves Stiles unprotected during his heat. Peter takes advantage.
things to never give the devil by Fahye | Our Flag Means Death | Blackbeard/Stede | 15k | "Dark Fate?" says Stede, making sure to pronounce the capitals.
In A Year by tenddisorder | The Untamed | Xue Yang/Song Lan/Xiao Xingchen | 59k | When Song Lan wants to defy the natural order of things, there's only one person he can turn to.
dirtbag by spqr | The Goldvinch | Theodore/Boris | 10k |  💋, Boris replies.
Hanging Tree by ChuckleVoodoos | Hannibal | Hannibal/Will | 13k |  Will has often wondered sort of person his soulmate must be, to have cast such a sinister mark onto his skin.
Tired by spqr | Merlin | Merlin/Arthur | 9k | It wasn’t until Arthur collapsed in the middle of a training sortie that he admitted he may have been ensorcelled.
i like my empty life (but dang!) by Wildehack (tyleet) | WWDITS | Nandor/Guillermo | 16k |  “Speak to me,” Nandor says, sounding portentous.
Clear Blue Sky by spqr | Suits | Harvey/Mike | 17k | Whenever Mike’s allowed herself to think about Harvey and sex, she’s mostly imagined: Clooney and Lopez in Out of Sight, Bruce Wayne and Bond girls, clandestine choreographed encounters in anonymous hotel rooms, gorgeous Italian and Russian and other such intimidatingly foreign supermodels peeling him carefully out of tuxedos with price tags that would make Mike’s eyes water – neat, elegant encounters that left the women as puddles of goo and Harvey cooly unaffected, lighting a cigar on the balcony and looking appraisingly out at the city while his partners recovered.
Lest We Forget by @tierfal | FMA | Roy/Ed | 26k | Ed wakes up in the sewers with very little recollection of how he got there, wearing seriously boring clothes. It's… probably going to be fine.
Winter's Crown by astolat | GOT | Jaime/Robb | 76k | “When the Night’s King rides,” the giant said, each word slow as cold honey pouring, “the King in the North must answer. The King in the North…whose name is Stark.”
Only One Truth to Face by giraffeter | The Untamed | SXX | 11k | There’s a group of teenagers messing around out front, and one of them is Xue Yang.
Lover's Curse by littlesystems | The Untamed | Wangxian | 16k | “Are you familiar,” Lan Xichen says, “with the Lover’s Curse?”
The Kissing Thing by thistledome | Stranger Things | Eddie/Steve | The slow but inevitable queer awakening of Steve Harrington through the pursuit of casual make out sessions and pointed guidance from his friends, followed by his eventual realisation that the boy he wanted was in front of him all along.
Everything is about people.
Wanda Maximoff || Insane Like Me?
Sherlock || Play With Fire
BLACKPINK - ‘Pink Venom’ || Multifemale
​We all have chaos in our lives.
Morpheus (Sandman) || Man Or A Monster?
Dream || The Sandman
Doctor Strange || This Is The Only Way
Multifandom || NEXT LEVEL
Multifandom Mashup 2019
Stranger Things || Master of puppets
Multifandom | Fight Vol. 3
Multifandom || Outside
The Sandman x Mr. Sandman edit
Morpheus & Hob I A Thousand Years
MARVEL || Sharks
Daemon Targaryen || Blood // Water
The Sandman | And So It Begins
Sandman | After Dark
Love is the strongest thing in the world.
Marvel || Business
Rhaenyra & Daemon Targaryen || Dark Side
the sandman | hope
The Sandman || Pandora
The Sandman - edit | Morpheus & Hob | Now that We're Alone
Morpheus & Johanna | Isn't It Lovely?
Dream of the Endless | Mr. Sandman
Multifandom || CLOUDS
Multifandom | Living
multifandom | what's the point of it
Daemon Targaryen | Ambition
Multifandom || Heathens
Steve Harrington | You're On Your Own, Kid
The Sandman - In The End
MARVEL || Violet
House of the Dragon | Love is a Downfall
(HOTD) Daemon Targaryen | The Rogue Prince
Aemond Targaryen | Kinslayer
King Viserys I Targaryen | Legacy
The Wonders of Tim Burton
Daemon & Rhaenyra || Play With Fire
(HOTD) Aemond Targaryen | Debt
Wednesday Addams
Multifandom Mashup 2022
Jinx | Start a Riot
Let Down - Radiohead
August - Vanisa Khamkhosy
Bones - Emily Finchum
Around the World - A Touch of Class
Pink Venom - BLACKPINK
Outside - The Siege
You Have to Work! - Arcane
Teenage Dirtbag - Wheatus
2+2=n | Emi Evans
Seafarer - Lindy-Fay Hella
The Consequence of Imagination Is Fear - Junie & TheHutFriends
The Valley - Nadiife
Always Been But Never Dreamed - Hydelic
I’m Good (Blue) - David Guetta
Akeboshi - Lisa
Tout la haut - Dynah
Say My Name - Tove Stryke
Pantsuit Sasquatch - Molly Lewis
Before My Time - J Ralph
Renaissance - Paolo Buonvino
Knees Deep - The Beths
Talking to Yourself - Carly Rae Jepsen
Tek It - Cafune
Special Delight - System32
In the Air Tonight - David Nail
Into the Black - Chromatics
One in a Million - Dance Gavin Dance
Feels Right - Biig Piig
Glue - Fickle Friends
Ferryman - Shayfer James
Cassandra - Florence & the Machine
Daylight Blows Into One Door - Linying
Hide and Seek - Imogen Heap
Come Recover - Son Lux
Swan Upon Leda - Hozier
This Is Why - Paramore
Hunting Shadows - Aurora
It’s Alright - Mother Mother
Wind Blow - Bone Thugs-N-Harmony
Bad Things - Prevail
Insane - Black Gryph0n
She Keeps Me Up - Nickelback
Sex Drugs Etc - Beach Weather
Mary On a Cross - Ghost
Unholy - Sam Smith
Blood Upon the Snow - Hozier
The Holly & the Ivy | Loreena Mckinnett
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bengiyo · 2 years
AiLongNhai Ep 2 Stray Thoughts
Okay, let's see how this pulp goes this week.
Subs still awkward, but we're beginning with the rumor mill.
Oh my goodness is this show going to start advertisint for Warhammer 40k too??
The monk friend is something I enjoyed in Cutie Pie.
Damn, he sold his friend out for some snacks.
It is kinda fun seeing Aiyaret play things slow with Nhai.
It's interesting how characters just sitting around is kinda boring here, but Midnight Diner makes it intriguing.
Nhai is kind of a slow-motion disaster.
Oh, I don't like when drunk people feel the need to say things.
I hope your gay daddies trained you right. Don't do this.
Hmm, dubcon.
Well at least there was some sort of check in? I'm not really into this.
Showering together for cleanup is something we almost never see, but now it looks like Nhai regrets the encounter. Unfun.
Seems like Nhai's actor had a hard time with this scene. I kinda wish we'd gotten to see the shift as he sobered and felt this regret or shame. I'm unsure what exactly he's feeling.
Oh, I see. He's a himbo. He thinks he ruined things for Ai.
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I hope Nhai takes the same buzzfeed quizzes as Nick Nelson.
Now he's having a gender crisis and is stuffing his shirt. Please don't make fun of trans people.
Aftercare in Thai BL? It's more likely than you think.
Okay, we saw out Sweetie for guidance.
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I like that we're allowing for fluid sexuality.
I hope Tae sticks around. He's pretty.
Oh, BB did the "I don't want to be your friend" thing better.
Ai, please don't sing.
I do appreciate that they're taking the time to make clear where they both stand after the encounter, what led to it, and terms for dating. It's surprisingly refreshing.
So, this show still isn't great, but there are some intriguing ideas I am willing to humor.
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coolasakuhncumber · 3 years
Early in 2021, I resolved to consume more narratives that I wouldn't usually consume. So I kept a list and here it is:
- Drag Teen, Jeffery Self 
- Everything I Know About Love, Dolly Alderton
- Ghosts, Dolly Alderton
- The Care Factor, Ailsa Wild
- #Girlboss, Sophia Amoruso
- The Why Are You Here Cafe, John P Strelecky
- Having and Being Had, Eula Biss
- 36 Questions that changed my mind about you, Vicki Grant
- They Both Die at the End, Adam Silvera
- Cancer, Schmancer, Fran Drescher
- Turtles All the Way Down, John Green
- Normal People, Sally Rooney
- High Ground
- Shaun of the Dead
- Booksmart
- Long Story Short
- To All the Boys: Always and Forever
- Another Round
- Blackbird
- Girls Can't Surf
- The Dry
- Ma Rainey's Black Bottom
- The Sound of Metal
- Promising Young Woman
- Good on Paper
- Set!
- Perfumes
- Crash Pad
- Five Feet Apart
- Yesterday
- Toast
- Hustlers
- Broken Hill
- Moxie
- Out of My League
- Roxanne
- The Farewell
- Father Christmas is Back
- Knives Out
- LoveHard
- The Night Before
- A Castle for Christmas
- Love at the Christmas Table
- The Princess Switch 3: Romancing the Star
- Die Hard
- Christmas at the Farm
- Single All the Way
- The Holiday
- Saying Yes to Christmas
- Operation Christmas Drop
- Don't Look Up
- 12 Days of Giving
- Cheaper by the Dozen 2
- The Sister Act
- Bridgerton (s1)
- Bump (s1)
- The Nanny (all)
- Firefly Lane (s1)
- Felicity (all) 
- Grace & Frankie (s5-7)
- Everything's Gonna Be Okay (s2)
- Younger (s7)
- The Bold Type (s5)
- Kim's Convenience (s5)
- Heartland (s14)
- Dolly Parton's Heartstrings
- Starstruck (s1)
- Creamerie (s1)
- The 100 (s7)
- Never Have I Ever (s2)
- Cooking with Paris
- The Secret Life of Us (s1-3)
- Love (s1, s2)
- Superstore (s1-5)
- Squid Game (s1)
- Sex Education (s3)
- Dear White People (s4)
- Five Bedrooms (s2)
- Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries (s1)
- Rosehaven (s1 e1 & 2, s5)
- Home Economics (s1&2)
- Love Life (s2)
- Grey's Anatomy (s17, s18)
- Selling Sunset s3
- Midnight Diner (s1)
- Blown Away (Christmas eps)
- Total Control (s2)
- Noughts and Crosses (s1)
- Ted Lasso (s1, s2)
- Christmas in Australia with Christine Anu
- Below Deck (s3)
- The Book of Boba Fett (s1, e1)
- Lost in Larrimah
- Forgotten Australia - Woolworth Bombings
- Forest 404
- The Lazarus Heist
- Inside the Big Day Out
- Stuff You Should Know - the twisted history of dentistry
- The 7 Stages of Grieving
- Two Twenty-Somethings decide never to stress about anything ever again. Ever.
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moononmyfloor · 2 years
Moononmyfloor's Masterlist
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1. Marvelous Women Posts
Review 1, Review 2, Dingsheng Cake
2. Royal Feast Cuisine Catalogue
3. Delicacies Destiny Cuisine Catalogue
4. A Compilation of Costume Cdrama OSTs inspired by Classical Poetry
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
5. Compilation of Noodles Rhapsody videos
Part 1, Part 2
6. Heroes Posts
Concept Art Part 1, Concept Art Part 2, Weapons
7. Midnight Diner: Lǎobǎn's Recipes
8. Dream of the Red Mansions (2010)- Lin Daiyu's Naiad's House
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
9. New Life Begins Posts
Nine Regions Backdrop, Ep 1-14 review, Blue-Green Mountains and Rivers, Li family costumes
10. Yearly Cdrama Reviews
2022 2nd half, 2023 Part 1, 2023 Part 2, 2024 1st Quarter, 2024 2nd Quarter
11. My Mamianqun, Baidiequn
12. Solar Terms Infographics
13. Bai ethnicity in Meet Yourself
14. Advisors' Alliance/Growling Tiger, Roaring Dragon Mini Encyclopedia
15. Pocket Love: The Untamed
Cloud Recesses, Shijie and Zixuan's House
16. A League of Nobleman posts
Scrying Bowl, Full body spasm, How to Coax Your Boyfriend to Drink His Tea, Calligraphy Seller Peizhi, Fan edit compilation, Reading the novel, Imperial Uncle casting thoughts, Zhang Gong An (Cases of Judge Zhang) vs Jun Zi Meng (A League Of Nobleman)
17. Flavorful Origins: Gansu gifs
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
18. Hui-Style Architecture in Da Ming Under the Microscope (显微镜下的大明) Posters
19. Hi Producer (正好遇见你) Infodump Catalogue
20. Young Blood 2 Posters
Suoyi Raincoat, Ethnic Fashion, Homage to Intangible Heritage
21. Cinderella Chef (萌妻食神 - Méng Qī Shí Shén) Food
Season 1, Season 2, Season 3
22. Qingtuan Dumplings
23. The Spirealm The Human Realm Is Not Worth It Bilibili FMV appreciation
24. Dashing Youth Posts
Master Li analysis and appreciation, Ep 1-10 Commentary, Ep 11-16, Ep 17-21, Ep 22-25, Ep 26-32, Ep 33-35, Ep 36-40, Ye Yun/Yi Wenjun fmv
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Old Posts
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korsubs · 9 years
Midnight Diner Ep 2
The following movies Midnight Diner Ep 2 with English Sub has been released. korsubs.tumblr.com will always be the first to have Midnight Diner Ep 2 before other websites so please Bookmark and add us on Facebook for update!!! Enjoy :)
Watch online here: http://koreanontv.com/midnight-diner-ep-2/
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moononmyfloor · 2 years
Lǎobǎn's Recipes
(From the ending credits of 2017 Chinese drama adaptation of Midnight Diner: 深夜食堂)
Ep 24: Soy Sauce Fried Rice, Soy Sauce Mixed Rice, Braised Pork Feet
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1. Soy sauce mixed rice
Use pure black bean & soy bean sauce 1:1 (1 to 1) ratio and mix together. Drizzle an appropriate amount over rice, then you're done.
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2. Soy sauce fried rice
In a hot pan add oil then add diced green onions. Then add scrambled eggs and cook halfway. Add rice, turn up heat, add sauce and stir fry until fragrant.
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3. Braised Pork Feet
Clean and chop up pigs feet into chunks, reserve some [of the] hot water to use later after [after using it to] scald the pigs feet. Add sugar and stir fry until sugar melts and is integrated [into meat].
Add water, green onion, garlic cloves, ginger, soy sauce, chili peppers. After coming to a boil, add to pigs feet. Braise under slow and low heat until water is reduced to 1/3.
More Recipes
Translation credits: My dear friend Bebe🥰
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alexthegamingboy · 5 years
Toonami Weekly Recap 10/26/2019
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind EP#01 - Gold Experience: In 2001, two years after the events of Diamond Is Unbreakable, Koichi Hirose travels to Naples, Italy, having been asked by Jotaro Kujo to search for a young man named Haruno Shiobana. Upon arriving at the airport, Koichi is scammed out of his luggage by his target who calls himself Giorno Giovanna. Giorno escapes with Koichi's luggage by transforming it into a frog, but Giorno is then confronted by a gangster named Leaky Eye Luca for operating on his turf. Luca attempts to kill Giorno with his shovel, but finds the damage he deals to the frog is reflected back at him, knocking him unconscious. Later, Koichi catches up to Giorno and uses his Stand Echoes, but Giorno escapes by using his Stand Gold Experience, which has the ability to transform inanimate objects into living organisms. Koichi reports his findings to Jotaro and learns that Giorno is Dio Brando's son. Giorno boards a cable car and encounters Bruno Bucciarati who suspects Giorno of harming Luca, who was later killed by his boss. Bucciarati brings out the power of his zipper-generating Stand, Sticky Fingers, to extract the truth from Giorno.
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba EP#03 - Sabito and Makomo: Over the next 6 months, Tanjiro trains with Urokodaki, improving his physical form and learning how to use a special breathing technique Total Concentration, to accelerate his stamina and speed. One day, Urokodaki declares that it Tanjiro can slice a boulder with his sword he will let him enter Final Selection — a survival test administered by the Demon Slayer Corps that will determine who can become a demon hunter. Tanjiro tries for the next 6 months, failing each time, while Nezuko continues to sleep. Worry over Nezuko and his continued failures push Tanjiro to the brink of giving up, until he is confronted by two children with fox masks, Sabito and Makomo. Sabito initially knocks Tanjiro out, reprimanding him for not ingraining Urokodaki's moves into his body, to help him train by sparring; while Makomo teaches and hones Tanjiro's skills patiently each time he awakens. Makomo reveals that the two of them are orphans raised by Urokodaki. After another 6 months, Tanjiro's blade finally reaches Sabito first during a match, slicing his mask into two. The adopted siblings smile and vanish. Tanjiro realises that his sword, which he thought cut through Sabito's mask, had actually cleaved the boulder into two.
One-Punch Man 2 EP#03 (15) - The Hunt Begins: Seemingly due to his frustration with Garou's reappearance, Silver Fang severely beats his only pupil, Charanko, and expels him from his dojo. Charanko goes to tell Saitama and Genos, and notices that King and Fubuki are also in Saitama's apartment. Genos correctly deduces that Charanko was kicked out because of the reappearance of Garou. While walking home one night, Charanko happens upon Garou picking a fight with Mumen Rider, the Class C Rank 1 Hero. Before they could fight however, Tank Top Vegetarian and his crew arrive to confront Garou. Garou easily defeats Tank Top Vegetarian again, but Tank Top Master intervenes, greatly exciting Garou, as he gets to fight an S-Class hero for the first time. Tank Top Master gains the upper hand, but before he could deal the finishing blow, Mumen Rider jumps in to take the hit, saying that heroes don't kill humans because it's wrong. Garou seemingly apologizes for his actions, but tries to attack again. Tank Top Master sees through Garou’s tactic and lands a strong blow, forcing Garou to use his trump card-the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist, to counter it. With his initial compunctions against using the martial art due to it reminding him of Bang now out of the way, Garou uses it to defeat Tank Top Master, Mumen Rider, Charanko and the entire Tank Top gang before going on his merry way. Bang calls his brother Bomb to help deal with the Garou threat, and while walking they stumble across the Tank Top's crew’s and Charanko's beaten bodies. The next day, Saitama visits Mumen Rider in the hospital, and learns from Tank Top Master about Garou's martial arts. Garou finds a boy name Tareo who is reading a hero almanac that describes what each hero does and their movesets, and plans to take out Class A Hero: Golden Ball. Garou fights against Golden Ball, and defeats Golden Ball and fellow Class A Rank 28 hero: Spring Mustachio, who had come to assist his friend Golden Ball. Meanwhile, after hearing all about Garou's martial arts, Saitama decides he wants to see what martial arts are all about. Charanko gives Saitama a ticket to a mixed-martial arts tournament, but warns Saitama that the tournament will disqualify any impersonators, but Saitama doesn't listen. After beating up a pimp, Garou is walking around when he encounters Saitama, who is planning to buy a wig for the tournament. Mistakenly thinking that Saitama wants to fight him, Garou tries to chop Saitama, but his attack has no effect. Annoyed, Saitama chops Garou on the back of the neck, and Garou is knocked out. In the post credit scene Genos catches Saitama putting on his wig, so he asks Dr. Kuseno over his phone to implant artificial fibers to give Saitama the appearance of hair, much to Saitama's annoyance.
Dr. Stone Kingdom of Science Arc EP#10 - A Flimsy Alliance: While recalling the time he was first revived by Tsukasa, Gen is suddenly attacked by a mysterious assailant, barely managing to survive thanks to fake blood bags he had protected himself with. Learning that the culprit was Magma, who believed that Gen was the sorcerer instead of Senku, Kohaku reveals that Magma did so to win the Grand Bout, a tournament Kohaku has previously beaten him in to keep him from marrying Ruri and becoming village elder. As Kohaku, Kinro, and Ginro train for the Grand Bout, Gen gives a false report to Tsukasa after Senku promises to make him a bottle of cola.
Fire Force EP#13 - The Trap Is Set: Konro concludes his story and tells that after destroying the powerful Infernal, Soichiro Hague Captain of Company 4 offered Konro and Benimaru the opportunity to form their own Company, number 7. Back in the present, Konro and the others emerge to find the Asakusa townspeople people involved in arguments caused by multiple cases of mistaken identity. It is revealed that Yona, a Knight of the Ashen Flame, is using his powers to alter the appearance of Evangelist followers to cause chaos in Asakusa. The White Hoods then create a number of Infernals and use the ensuing confusion to attack Company 8. Shinra and Arthur pursue two of the White Hoods, Haran and Arrow, but have trouble cooperating and fail to coordinate their attacks. Eventually they gain the upper hand over the White Hoods, and in desperation Haran swallows the Infernal Bug. Meanwhile, Konro tries to get Benimaru’s attention to manage the evacuation of the townspeople, but Benimaru is still preoccupied with disposing of Infernals.
Food Wars!: Shokugeki no Soma EP#16 - The Cook Who Traveled Thousands of Miles: With Fumio, Megumi, and Satoshi as judges, Soma and Joichiro are challenged to use ingredients from the kitchen to make a light yet energizing breakfast dish that will wake them up. Soma presents an apple risotto, which provides a crisp taste that changes with the addition of black pepper. Joichiro, on the other hand, presents the unusual choice of ramen which, despite its heavy appearance, turns out to be a mellow and warming vegetarian dish, providing powerful flavor without meat or fish. The judges unanimously vote Joichiro's dish the winner, though Soma's dish also receives some praise. As Jouichirou takes his leave, he leaves a message recommending Soma visit the Yukihira Diner during the holiday.
Lupin the 3rd Part 5 EP#19 - A 7.62mm Mirage: Lupin is "invited" by a psychotic millionaire named Zylberstein, one of his old acquaintances, to a solitary chess game for life and death. To increase the thrill, Zylberstein has hired an infamous female sniper named Mirage, a former partner of Jigen, to kill Lupin during the game. This results in a deadly hide-and-snipe match between Jigen and Mirage amidst a ruined mountain city, which ends when Jigen manages to critically damage Mirage's rifle just as she is taking aim at Lupin and the resulting ricochet hits Zylberstein instead. Lupin and Jigen discover the sniper is Mirage's daughter, who took the job to finance her sick mother's transfer to a better hospital. Lupin leaves the monetary stake Zylberstein left him (in case Lupin won the game) to Mirage's daughter, and Jigen dissuades her from pursuing a mercenary's life.
Black Clover: Elf Tribe Reincarnation Arc EP#92 - The Wizard King vs. the Leader of the Eye of the Midnight Sun: Yami is revealed to be at Golden Dawn headquarters still waiting for Vangeance. Vangeance meets the Wizard King in secret and thanks him for all he has done for him since Vangeance was a child. He then expresses regret that he cannot choose between Julius and his lifelong partner and has opted instead to let Julius and his partner decide for him. Vangeance then transforms, his facial scars disappearing as he becomes Licht, the leader of the Eye of the Midnight Sun. Julius, who had always harboured suspicions about Vangeance, is shocked to learn Vangeance had two souls within his body, one of them an elf. Licht explains that after the massacre of his people his goal is no longer peace, but the eradication of all humans, for which they need the last two magic stones in Julius' possession. They duel, Licht's Light magic against Julius' Time magic. Julius is wounded leading Licht to believe victory will be easy, until Julius reveals the true nature of his time magic, along with a minor ability to sense the future, is to steal the future time of his opponents for his own use, and heals his wounds by reversing time on himself. Julius explains his goal is a future free from discrimination and he plans to keep on living until his goal is realised. Licht attacks again but finds himself overpowered as Julius easily predicts each of his moves.
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