#Midnight's queries
Random question but do you read comics?
Hiya Prim! I don't think I have lol
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if the winning creature is humanoid i’m gonna be pissed 😭
please god let the oddest creepiest most confusing creature win 🙏
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Reading your response to my last few asks has left me with more questions than answers
1. Why was Emmet in the egg outfit anyway? Are those actually eggs?
2. In what circumstances would Jacob believe that being naked and shifting in front of Charlie (the dad of the girl he was presumably trying to woo) be a good idea?? Also, as a side note, do werewolves actually need to be naked in order to shift or is they just something the one fanfic that I read got wrong?
3. Can you like give me a summary of all of Edward’s family? Cause like I feel like there’s something going on with that. Also, did Edward’s parents actually die in a plague that led to him being adopted or am I missing something here?
I apologize for my lack of twilight knowledge again. I have plans to go read it, but that might be another 2 years, so for now I’m bugging you about it.
That's how it always goes with twilight, dw. Every response opens a whole new can of worms. I'll do my best to answer!
Why was Emmett in the egg outfit? No clue! (and yes they're actually eggs, they're hardboiled). That's just what the costume department dressed him in for that brief scene when filming--also, just so we're clear, the "egg outfit" is this outfit. It's not the outfit Roisin created related to eggs in her twilight drawing. I call it the egg outfit because it's what he was wearing while carrying the eggs and matches in color. As for why the actor was carrying a bag of eggs, it's because the director saw the actor actually doing that irl and was like this is so ridiculous we have to add that to the movie.
Why did Jacob get naked and shift in front of Charlie? It's because he was forcing the Cullens' hands pretty much. This was after Renesmee was born and he was no longer infatuated with Bella; Bella was a vampire now, and the whole family intended to uproot and move on from the area for a few reasons. One, so Bella wouldn't be around humans and be tempted to kill them while learning self control (newborn vampires are supposed to be full of bloodlust, but Bella's disappointingly well adjusted). Two, so that people wouldn't realize they weren't aging or changing at all--especially Bella, because she had active connections to people like her father. They could only keep it from him for so long, and it'd be easier to do from far away. Also wouldn't hurt to get away from the werewolves, as wolves and vampires don't really get along.
However, Jacob is tied to his pack and Forks, and if the Cullens left he'd have to make a choice between them. And he'd choose Nessie, but he didn't want to have to chose--and he wasn't sure the Cullens would let him tag along. He wanted to insure they'd stay. So with the crux of it being everyone worrying about how Charlie would handle it and deciding the solution is to not tell him and leave, Jacob went hey what it I tell him and prove to you he can handle it. And boom now Charlie knows so you don't have to keep secrets and run away, you can all stay here! It did create a tense situation where Charlie rushed over, and it was the first time Bella had been up close near a human and everyone was worried she'd lose control, but she didn't, so that solved the other problem. Bella wasn't at risk of losing control and killing a bunch of humans, so they could stay. That's why Jacob did it
And wolves don't have to get naked to shift, they just tend to because otherwise their clothes get shredded by their expanding bodies and when they shift back they don't have anything to wear and go through clothes really fast. So they wear minimal clothing (that's why they're just wearing shorts and sometimes shoes in the movies), and have a pouch on their ankle they put their shorts in when they shift so they don't have to carry their pants in their mouths.
And now a family summary! There are 7 Cullens (8 if you count Bella marrying in). And I'm trying to encompass everything important while not taking up too much space--considering there's four books I think it's rather condensed
Tw for: violence, death, abuse (including sexual), suicide, illness
Carlise Cullen is the father figure, the oldest of them all (a few centuries, turned age 23ish), and works as a doctor. He's known for his compassion and has legendary self control (only rivaled by Edward post meeting Bella), and has never drank human blood before. His father was a witch-hunter of sorts, and after he took over (though Carlisle was much more cautious about it), he ran into a vampire and was killed/transformed in the 1600s. He was horrified and tried to destroy himself, but couldn't, until he realized he could feed off animals and didn't have to kill people. He roamed the earth very lonely for centuries before he finally caved and created a companion for himself, Edward.
Esme Cullen is the mother figure, the third to join the family, and is known for being very sweet and loving; she's a little over a century old and was turned age 26 in 1921. She was in an abusive marriage and lost a baby in her human life, prompting her to take her own life, where she was then transformed by Carlisle. They are now mates.
Edward Cullen was Carlisle's first family member, transformed age 17 in 1918 because he was dying of influenza. Both his parents had already died from it, and his mother requested Carlisle save his life in a way only he could. He has the special ability to read the thoughts of those around him as though they were broadcast, sans Bella's. he had a phase early in his vampire life where he abandoned Carlisle and Esme and used his ability to hunt evil people, feeding on abusers and villains and the like, but he grew tired of the death and felt immoral, so he returned to Carlisle and Esme. He's very melacholic and generally displeased until he meets Bella and his world is turned around
Rosalie Hale was the 4th family member, transformed age 18 in 1933. She's known for her beauty and being self-centered. She was the picture perfect daughter of a wealthy family during the great depression, happy to be desired and admired, and was going to be married to another well-off family. Her greatest desire was to be loved and start a family of her own. Unfortunately for her, her fiance was actually a piece of shit, and his true colors were revealed when he and his friends got drunk one night, assaulting and killing her. Carlisle found and transformed her, and afterwards Rosalie went back and killed every one of them while wearing her wedding dress. She's also known for being quite jealous, liking cars, and wishing desperately she could start her own family
Emmett Cullen was the 5th family member, transformed age 20 in 1935. He was part of a wild crowd, but also hunted for his family for game. During one unlucky hunting session, he ran across a bear and was mauled to death. Rosalie found and saved him, taking him to Carlisle to be transformed. He's pretty much the only one of them who is happy to be a vampire and has no complaints. He's known for being boisterous, very strong and muscly, loving competition and fighting, and being absolutely in love with Rosalie, his mate. He's a himbo.
Alice Cullen joined the family at the same time as Jasper, but was transformed in 1920 at age 19 before that by someone else. She has the special ability to see the future, but only as the possibilities will play out based on current decisions. If someone changes their mind on what they're going to do, what she sees changes as the future changes. Vampires with special traits generally have hints of them in their human lives, but Alice's was incredibly strong, landing her in an asylum for her premonitions--this is why her hair is so short and spiky, as it was shaved there. She was also being hunted by a vampire tracker, James, because she had appealing blood. To save her from him, an older vampire working at the asylum transformed her, but was killed by James. Alice has no memories of her human life (compared to the vague and fuzzy few others may have) because of her time in the asylum. Once she was out, her visions guided her to Jasper (her mate) and the Cullens so they could join the family.
Jasper Hale was an aspiring military leader in the Confederate Army (yep, he was really a genuine confederate) and incredibly charismatic. He lied about his age when joining and was the youngest general in the army. At the same time, there was a secret vampire war going on in the area, and because of his charisma, he was scouted out by a vampire because she thought his charm would turn into a special ability once he was turned (by Maria in 1863 at age 19)--and it did. He can read and influence the emotions of others. So he served in Maria's army for a while. But he grew depressed from feeling the emotions of the people he was always killing, and his creator was thinking of getting rid of him because of it. A friend offered another way of life and he ran away. A while later, Alice found him (very planned out and intentional), and while she was acting strange (because of her knowledge of the future) he could feel the complete love coming from her. So with Alice they found the Cullens and joined the family. Though Jasper has the hardest time with the vegetarian diet, and while he does love the others, his primary concern is Alice. He has numerous scars and is very formidable in battle.
No one is officially adopted through legal means, all their documents and such are fake. The reason they all have the Cullen last name is part of the ruse--except for Jasper and Rosalie, who go by Hale because people assume them to be siblings and they think its better to let humans make assumptions and follow along. Though they are still adopted siblings with the others in the whole ruse.
I've given you a lot to mull over so I'll stop there, but I hope that helps! If you do read twilight I hope you have fun, but also no pressure to!
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writing-n-memes · 2 years
I’ve been querying my book for six months now. Three months ago I got a full manuscript request but it got rejected a week or two later. I continued querying. It gave me hope that my book was good enough to read past the first three chapters. I’ve edited and rewrote stuff. Also, got a couple more beta readers who are giving me very helpful feedback. I’ve added more world building, imagery, etc. Overall, my book is much better than it was three months ago. What I’m getting at is this publishing company allows resubmissions. They open up queries again on July 15th so I’m going to try to get my book ready for resubmission. They didn’t give me any feedback last time so it’s hard to know what I did wrong. Maybe I didn’t do anything wrong. They just had better stories to publish. I don’t know. I just needed to ramble. I’m excited for the future
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seraphdreams · 8 months
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𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃 — synopsis. having private sessions with the men prove to be an experience. what type of trainer are each of them?
𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃 — cw. smut, edging, degradation, praise, dry humping, fellatio, switch!choso, overstimulation, emo boy!choso, cervix fucking, unprotected sex, they are all whores. mdni <3
𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃 — word count. 3.1k
𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃 — dolled up! oh em gee ?? headcanon format ? yup! i originally wrote this as a little joke since i started pilates but then my mind wandered and it wasn’t a joke anymore. other than that, ino was supposed to be on the list but he couldn’t make it :( something about being busy .. regardless, comment / reblog if u like ! it would make my day, thank u ♡
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there must’ve been a clear distinction as to why your trainer only allowed sessions from 9pm up until midnight, but your desperation when it came to relentlessly searching for a personal trainer didn’t leave enough room in your mind to think deeper about the true nature of its shadiness. all you needed was a spotter, and toji’s services claimed to provide just that.
and what happens when you combine height, a monsterous build, superhuman stamina, and a handsome face? well, you get toji fushiguro in all his abhorrent glory.
his chiseled body virtually doubled your frame with biceps the size of your head, shoulders wide enough to emphasize the narrowness of his waist, and veins crawling up his limbs even when the muscles weren’t flexed. a mean looking man with a scar over his mouth like some battered veteran. whatever he got into during the day was truly nothing you’d want to take part in.
inviting him over to your home gym was one thing, but it was looking to be another when his “help” took the form of sensuality; his large hands running along the back of your thighs when he’d seemingly fold you over with your legs on either side of your head for warm-up stretches, or even the occasional groping of your ass when it came down to squats, he was barely doing his job, what you paid a hefty price for, and yet you loved every bit of it.
“c’mon, you can take more of it, cant’cha?” toji’s gruff voice goads, watching the way your tiny cunt struggles with swallowing the head of his wrist-thick, bulbous cock. you were put in the awkward position of doggy, yet another one of his sessions derailed and he deemed this new workout could help you build up some much needed endurance. you were going to need it if you planned on keeping him around.
it surely seems that way when you’re practically running from the pleasure he pistons into you, thick cock kissing your cervix with each skillful, angled thrust of his. large hands were wrapped around your waist, keeping you in place for him — because if there was one thing your personal trainer was strict about, it was form. and your form was beyond perfect.
“‘s just too good.” you mindlessly whined, attempting your hardest to grip onto the thin cushion of the yoga mat beneath you. toji lets out a deep scoff at your vocables, driving his hips against your ass once more, this time a bit sharper with a hint of fervor as its aftertaste. “and you’ve been training with me for how long now?” his question came out in a mocking tone as his lips stretched wide in a crooked smile, that of a statement rather than a query.
“t-two weeks .. fuck.” you respond, mind going hazy from the gaining intensity of his potent movements. the feeling was all too much, it came as no surprise when pleasure began to surge from your spine to coil at your core, building up that high you've been chasing for the past hour, that grumpy ol’ toji continued to rip away from you.
pressing a heavy hand to the small of your back, he arches you forward, groaning at the sight of how swiftly you position yourself for him, your face pushed against the mat.
maybe his training has paid off. . “two weeks and you’re still struggling to take my cock?” he pulled your hips back against his, leaving you defenseless in the ministrations. “guess i need to train this pretty little hole of yours more often.”
with the end of his sentence, he snakes his thick arm around your waist, the pad of his thumb finding your achy, puffy clit, rubbing the nub in tight, harsh circles. if your moans weren’t already loud enough, you were sure the whole town could hear you by now, crying out his name like no tomorrow while your legs trembled with your impending orgasm. “‘m cumming! so hard!” you cry, drooling into the mat as he fucks you through your orgasm.
it wasn’t until soon after that he finally reached his high, sending hot and sticky ropes of cum into your womb. not once had a session with toji ended with him shooting his cum in a more responsible way, with a rubber. it was clear to you since the very first time you allowed his fantasies to come to fruition — toji didn’t believe in condoms.
your body went lax as soon as he pulled out, and he tucked his cock back into his pants, hovering over your sad frame with an amused smirk on his scarred lips.
“good session. i expect $800 wired to my account by the mornin’.”
when you first showed up to the private room of your local gym in search of your assigned instructor for the night a.k.a “the strongest,” you were expecting some big burly man with a cocky attitude — someone you didn’t particularly get along with. but much to your surprise, instead, he was handsome; fluffy white strands of hair that strayed upwards and a million dollar smile with just the charisma, the charm to back it up.
gojo stood over 6 feet tall, and although he was on the lankier side, there was no denying the lean muscles that peeked through his skintight black top. he smiled, throwing a loose cloth over his broad shoulders.
“you ready to get started?”
your eyes greedily took him in, scanning over the finer details of his gorgeous build. it wasn’t until about thirty seconds of daydreaming about what he’d look like unclothed that you finally gave him a response in the form of a nod and hum.
of course satoru wasn’t an idiot, he could tell from how dazed you were during the first few minutes of instruction that you were focused on something else, not that he minds though, it’s truly an honor that a girl as pretty as you is capable of fawning over him, just as many others do.
after having to shake your thoughts whenever it came to watching him take a large swig from his water, droplets of the liquid streaming down his chin to graze his prominent adam's apple, or the soft appraises he’d coo when you finally got the hang of his workouts, it was the end of yet another vigorous session with him, sweat dripping from your chin down to your chest that was scantily clad in a baby pink sports bra. you held on taut to your water bottle as satoru carried conversation with you.
“you improved so much in just an hour. i’m proud.”
his praises barely reached your ears before you looked at him with adoration glossed over those pretty eyes — there was something about him that you just couldn’t get over, but you knew you needed him badly. you dabbed perspiration from your forehead with a matching pink towel, soft smile forming on your doll-like features.
“thank you,”
he nods his head slightly before starting, “you seemed a bit distracted today, though. something on your mind?” his query pulled you from your gojo-induced hypnosis, causing you to blink away the embarrassment pooling up within you. were you truly that obvious?
“hm? there’s nothing, i’m fine,” your reply came out low and sheepish while your eyes struggled to find anywhere else to settle besides those bright baby blues. he took it upon himself to inch closer to you, studying your features until you gasped softly once your back hit the wall. “nothing?” he asks for confirmation, and you affirm. “nothing.”
“all you gotta do is use your words if you need me.”
gojo’s hands found their way at your thighs, creeping them upwards underneath the thin spandex of your shorts. his touch felt hot against your skin, each brush of his fingertips along the expanse of your inner thigh causing shivers to trickle down your spine while he watched with mirth at your pitiful attempt to keep your whines at bay.
“i think .. i think i need you.”
with that, satoru smirked and lifted your leg up just enough so that it fell over his arm. his lips met yours with a salacious that only the whorest of whores could possess, skilled tongue angling its way inside your mouth to gently clash with yours in the sweetest harmony that had you buckling underneath the frame of his body.
it must’ve been a spur of the moment when you found yourself rutting your hips up in search for satoru’s, a pitchy moan sounded into the kiss when he matches your ministrations, grinding his sweatpant clad and half-hard, leaking length into the seat of your shorts; creating the most delicious sensation as the tip nudged against your clit.
his free hand took purchase at your cheek, his thumb rubbing ever so gently against the heated skin while his movements increased in greediness. your mind’s too hazy to make out anything besides the pleasure and build up of your orgasm — so much so, that it pulled you back to reality as soon as it hit, your sloppy kisses coating gojo’s soft lips in a thin sheen and the seat of your shorts sopping wet from the release of your high.
yet, gojo kept at it until he too came to a falter, cumming an ample amount in his sweats while groaning deep into your mouth. he separated from the kiss for just a split second before he took it upon him to goad,
“we can add 30 more minutes and i’ll give you more than just a taste.”
a pierced tongue, some tattoos running along both veined arms, and a deep, monotonous voice were a recipe for your timidness when it came to the kamo, who you’d invited over for your very first home training session. it didn’t help that he was on the quieter side, responding to whatever small talk you’d make with one or two words while his intense eyes would follow every move you’d make as he’d help with your form.
he truly wasn’t a bad guy, or so you thought. even now, during your session with him, his praises were appropriate, he wasn’t too handsy nor did he seem to have any ill intent; being with him felt surprisingly comfortable and refreshing just as the crisp, cold water you two were currently drinking, made fresh from your refrigerator’s tap.
“was it too intense?” he’d asked in regard to the exercises you had just completed. intense was an understatement, you didn’t know how you could move your body in such ways that you did, which wouldn’t have been possible without his expertise. choso set the chilled glass of water down onto your coffee table, feeling coy from sitting on your couch, something he’d never done even with his regulars, and in response, you shook your head at the query, settling yourself by his side.
there was truly no denying how absolutely stunning you were, like some angelic being brought to him from the heavens up above in the form of the sweetest thing he’s ever met. he was afraid that if he blinked too hard, you’d vanish.
the more his eyes focused on your lips when you talked, how you’d massage the sore muscles of your thighs and even let out cute whines because of the fact, the more he found it harder to contain his thoughts, rapidfire in his mind. those perverted thoughts that only some horny teenager could have, not a well off adult like him.
yet, it wasn’t enough to stop him from getting hard in his sweats, a dark grey patch spreading at the crotch, what he’d hoped you’d mistake as spilt water.
“shit,” with that of a husky sigh, he ran his hand over his face, tinges of pink battering the tattooed scar across his nose and cheeks. “i’m sorry.”
oblivious to his situation, you were quick to express your inquiry. “sorry about wh- oh.” the head of his cock practically peeked through the barrier of the hem of his sweats while he made a futile effort to cover himself with one of your pillows once you had realized.
he looked cute like that, embarrassed by something so natural that it even spurred on your arousal, the thought of him getting worked up over you doing virtually nothing. “i-it’s okay.. i can help you if you want.” you offer, moving your position to sit between his thighs.
violet hued eyes widened from your newfound boldness, the clearing of his throat being the only true source of sound he could make in that moment.
“nah, nah. it’s-“ before he could inch out the words, you were drawing featherlight circles at his tip over the fabric, causing his breath to hitch and resolve to falter.
choso wasn’t someone who’d allow himself to be in such a pathetic situation, yet the thought of you carrying out his perfect porn plot fantasy was all he needed for that internal morality to fly straight out the window.
you chuckled at the way he hiked himself up when you finally took him from his bottoms and into your hot, wet mouth. just the sight of his cock disappearing past soft, glossy pink lips has his temperature rising, feeling as though he could pass out.
it’s hazy for him — your hand at the base, the rhythmic bobbing of your head slowly while gradually picking up speed. he never would’ve thought the job he took on for extra cash to fund his college textbooks would end up with someone as gorgeous as you giving him a chance. every pump of your hand around what couldn’t fit into your mouth had him groaning, bucking his hips up as gently as he could without battering the back of your throat.
though, he wouldn’t mind if he did.
staving off a gag, you ultimately increased your pace, determined to get him off while your other hand fondled his plump balls.
from the faint touches alone, he could feel his high approaching, embarrassingly quicker than usual. yet, he couldn’t help it when you started to grow sloppy, a mix of spit and precum dribbling down his shaft.
“w-wait, fuck.. ‘m gonna.”
it took no time for him to shoot his seed into your awaiting throat, his head thrown back against the headrest while he bucked his hips to jettison every last drop. you swallowed all he had to offer before pulling away, watching the gentle rise and fall of his chest.
maybe he wasn’t as intimidating after all.
you were his favorite. you had to be. even in the long line of women waiting to have their own turn with him, you were always a top contender. he had always made time for you, and you alone.
geto’s popularity made perfect sense in your mind. he was tall, handsome with narrow features and dragon tattoos strung along both arms, a man ahead of his time. not to mention, his docile, gentle demeanor. he was charming as all get out and you were beyond aware of your superstar status of being the only one he wanted.
“are we actually going to get some training done or is there something else you want to do?” he straps his fingerless gloves around his palm, tank top tight around his torso, carving out each and every trace of his abs while looking over you, a pleasant smile quirked at his lips.
you felt sheepish under his sharp gaze, a feeling that comes all too natural with expert trainer, suguru geto. “i’m fine with whatever you have in mind, sugu.”
if you didn’t know any better, you’d swore you saw his cheeks dust in the lightest shade of pink at the endearing nickname. you were cute, too fucking cute and perhaps, that was the reason he kept you around.
“i’m thinking we test that stamina ‘nd see if you can hold up riding me?” he hooks his finger under your chin, tilting your head up just slightly. “no help, all on your own.” in all honesty, you could definitely take up his challenge. how hard could it be to take some dick?
or so you thought.
“fuck, sugu! ‘s too much!”
you wouldn’t want to be caught dead in the miserable state that you were in but it ultimately did seem as though geto’s lessons had gotten you nowhere. the tip of his cock wasn’t even an inch past your cunt while you rested your hands on his broad shoulders, pathetically trying to take what was the easiest part.
he smirked at you, resting his hands behind his head. “i’m not helping, princess. i meant it.”
you continued to try and sink yourself down onto his unreasonably thick cock, a soft crack of a whine tumbling past parted lips when your pussy engulfed another half inch of him. “but-“
“if i have to help you, we’re not finishing until you’re a mess.” he grits, not harsh enough to come off as daunting but stern enough to warn you. yet, the warning fell to deaf ears when you began to whorishly beg pleas of “help me, sugu. help me.”
from that, he let out a low groan, his hands on your waist sinking you all the way down to the base before he gained stability, flattening his feet onto the floor and fucking his cock into your fluttering cunt.
with the way he moves, you were almost positive you had the wind knocked out of you from those first few thrusts alone. soft babbles resonated throughout the room while you clung to his body like it’d comfort you in the hell that was his potent ministrations.
you felt far more sensitive than you ever felt, white hot pleasure coiling within you in no time, your pussy tightening around his shaft in such a suffocating way, geto felt as though he couldn’t breathe either. “s-so tight, princess. i know you wanna cum, cum for me, baby.” he goads through a strained voice, his thumb now working between your folds to find purchase at your clit, rubbing the puffy nub in moderate circles.
“if you do t-that, i might—“
and before you knew it, you were gushing around his pretty cock, face twisted in the prettiest picture of pleasure. the aftershocks of your orgasm were way more intense as you were fucked to overstimulation, a sly grin on his lips.
“told you we weren’t stopping, darling.”
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themarialeon · 9 months
Are my dreams…worth sacrificing my sanity for?
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bits-and-babs · 8 months
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simon 'ghost' riley x f!reader (delta) | smut, 18+ | 4.1k
summary: you, soap and gaz make a silly bet at ghost's expense for an invaluable prize.
cw: mw3 spoiler free. 141 ridiculousness, humour, attempts to remove the mask resulting in life threatening (not really) injury, mild exhibitionism if you squint, very talkative ghost, 'interrogation' wink wink, unprotected p in v sex, reference to f receiving oral.
ghost mlist | main mlist | taglist
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"Y'know, I'm sure as shit that L.t's got brown hair," Soap pipes up in the middle of the silence that had settled inside the safe house. 
The members of Task Force 141 glance up one by one, querying eyes cast Soap's way as the guesstimated observation hangs in the air. It's louder than chopper blades, thudding against your skull and roaring in your ears as you attempt to recall the information you have on Ghost, what little physical attributes you can attribute to him. Each time, you hit a brick wall. The only image conjured in your minds-eye is the black voids of the mask's eyes and the piercing amber of his irises. 
The wind howls outside, battering the windows with Wyoming snow and creeping in through the cracks in the panes. It makes a yowling sound as it slips through the crevices, carrying your memories of Ghost's appearance with it. He truly was like an apparition, there one moment, then gone altogether. 
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Gaz's brows crease in the middle, little crevices in the skin showing his mind working over the sentence. 
"He doesn't," he eventually retorts, eyebrow cocked while shaking his head, "He's blonde." 
"What makes you say that?" Price scoffs at his colleague's certainty, "You ever seen his face?"
The silence that follows makes the Captain chuckle. A wordless 'that's what I thought'. 
"You willin' to bet on that?" Soap pushes Gaz with a lopsided smirk. There it is, that ridiculous playfulness that the Scotsman continuously let slip over coms. Simon had once reprimanded him for how it would get him killed– you were almost certain if he continued down this path in particular, he'd be in a box by daylight.
"I am," Gaz counters thoughtlessly, a smug lilt to his tone as he leans the crown of his head back against the rotting wooden wall, "He's got blonde eyelashes. He's gonna have blonde hair."
"What're ya gettin' so close tae him for?" Soap grins wide, loading the new ammunition and hitting a bullseye on the first shot, "You been snoggin' him or somethin'?"
"Lads," Price warns. It's only one word, but it says a lot; 'he'll have your head.' All of you know Simon 'Ghost' Riley well enough to know it's not a joke. Seen enough of the mangled bodies he left behind to know it wouldn't be clean, either. More like he'd hack your skull from your neck, picking out the dullest blade that'd struggle to slot between vertebrae.  
"Bets on, then," Soap continues, white teeth gleaming in the low light, "First to confirm gets the honour of shootin' Hassan between the eyes." 
It's like throwing a match at a body doused in diesel. 
The parameters of this wager are as follows... First: the competition is between you, Soap and Gaz. Price was ruled automatically exempt the moment he admitted he had, indeed, seen Ghost's face. It was a revelation that caused quite a storm- and a promise from Gaz of £100 if he'd tell.
The Captain, quite frankly, told him where to stick it. 
Second: None of you could just ask Ghost himself. That was boring; no fun in that. 
Thirdly, there are no other rules. Acquire the information by any means necessary to claim victory. Perhaps this rule should have been revised- because to say that 141's tactics for getting Ghost to reveal his face were a little unorthodox is an understatement of the highest order. 
Despite his hulking frame, Ghost is like a cunning fox, cognizant of even the slightest changes in energy and hypervigilant of those approaching. The midnight void of his grease paint that frames his eyesockets contrasts the whites of his eyes as they dart back and forth between you all. He appears to have noted the devious scheming, practically hearing the cogs turning in your heads the moment he returned from his watch. Something is amiss, and you know Ghost knows it. 
He says nothing. 
Day One; the grumpy, black-clad special ops soldier sits back in his seat as he crosses his arms over his vast chest, cautiously observing the minute movements the three of you made. He'd bristled when Gaz stood from the sofa simply to enter another room, poised and ready to pounce at whatever fuckery the younger soldier would attempt. 
"Hey, L.t.," Soap's drawl cuts through the humorously tense atmosphere in the room, and you brace yourself for his master plan. "When was the last time ye got a haircut?"
Ghost hesitates. Waits a beat. The silence stretches almost uncomfortably until he answers, thick, bassy voice almost booming in the box room. "What're you playin' at, Johnny?"
Soap shrugs his shoulders, exuding complete nonchalance as he settles into the seat across the table from the hulking mass of man. "Just wondered if the mask ever came off. How do you cut your hair?"
Amusement ripples through you in the sound of a chuckle, both men glancing your way. Ghost peers at you, suspicion pooling thick in his pupils. 
"Shave it," Ghost rumbles bluntly, with an air of finality that leaves no room for argument or for Soap to encourage him to try something stupid like curtain bangs or, God forbid, a mohawk. 
You can't help but grin from ear to ear as you watch the Scotsman's shoulders slump in defeat, already waving a white flag upon seeing how unwilling Ghost is to play whatever stupid game you're all partaking in. Even you can't deny the anxiety that prickles across your nerve endings when you see the way Ghost's biceps flex beneath the camo fabric of his uniform, primed for action. 
When Ghost's aqua irises slide to you, your shoulders shrug comically, putting on the performance of your life to appear as though you had no idea what Johnny was up to. You see the way Ghost's blacked-out eyelids squint in suspicion. He doesn't believe you, but doesn't say as much. 
Day Three and the polite, roundabout tactics had been discarded in favour of the nuclear option. Gaz had tried ambushing Ghost in the shower, opening the door without knocking as if pretending he didn't know the Lieutenant was in there. The door slammed so quickly into his head that an egg had been steadily growing on his forehead for the past hour and a half, blood seeping from his almost certainly broken nose. 
"You'll stay out next time, Bravo 2-6, if you know what's good for you," Ghost had growled through the crack in the door before shutting it with a click of the lock. 
Holding his face and slinking away, mortally wounded, Gaz uttered a humiliated 'Yes, lieutenant'. 
Soap, clearly not having learnt from poor Gaz, decided that the next best option was a trip, so to speak. Executing a ludicrously overexaggerated stumble, Johnny reached out to grab Ghost's mask to 'steady himself' and ultimately drag it from his superior's head. 
Ghost had leapt from his seat with a roar, threatening to send Sergeant MacTavish back to Scotland in a box with the Saltire draped across the lid. The standoff only settled upon Captain Price's barked orders to stand down or hang up the uniform. 
By Day Six, Ghost had bruised your opponent's egos enough that neither Soap nor Gaz dared attempt to peek beneath the mask again. They look at you like you're absolutely bonkers when you finally announce it's your turn to try and tame the beast. 
"Yer fuckin' mad, hen," Johnny grumbled, watching you observe Ghost from across the room. He'd settled on a chair in the corner of the room, ensuring no one could sneak up on him. "You can't seriously be plannin' on-"
"I want Hassan," you shrug, a smile playing on your lips. Though, at this rate, you couldn't care less about the terrorist and the honour of dispatching him. No, Ghost had made this ridiculous game far more competitive than needed, and you planned to win.
"Have fun," Gaz scoffed bitterly, still icing the blotchy green and purple bruise that had welted on his forehead as a medal of dis-honour. You hadn't exactly helped the healing process, poking it harshly with the pad of your thumb as you laughed at his mortifying misfortune. 
You wait patiently for Ghost to move, like a stake out on a mission. Lying in plain sight in a ghillie suit, a sniper rifle pointed right between his eyes and your finger on a hairpin trigger. You wait for him to break, for exhaustion to creep in. Thankfully, you don't have to wait long. The Lieutenant rises from his chair, announcing to 141 that he's headed to bed. 
A quiet mumble of 'goodnight' from each member grants him leave, and Ghost walks out of the room without further word. You waste no time in hurrying to your feet. 
"Are you gonna...-" Soap winces when you stand, trailing off when you start after Ghost, not allowing either of your colleagues to talk you out of this suicide mission. 
Though, the moment you turn the corner, you wish you had. Ghost's broad frame practically fills the narrow hallway like someone had plucked Everest from Nepal and shoved its hulking mass into a matchbox. He's ginormous, his usually silent footsteps causing the aged, rotting wood beneath the soles of his boots to creak with the weight he applies when he turns to face you. 
The dark hallway obscures Ghost's skull-face mask, but a glittering reflection of the golden light bleeding from the bulb in the living room area flickers across the wet surface of his eyes as he observes you. You can't allow the weighty pressure of his stare to phase you if you're to push ahead with your plan- so you step forward, swallowing down the nerves that Ghost's attention inevitably dredges up. 
"Lieutenant, sir," you address him smoothly, voice low as you gaze up at him through your lashes. Ghost's eyebrow arches in response, noting your somewhat suggestive behaviour. "Permission to spea-"
"I'm hopin' you'll tell me what you're all up to," his eyes spear your nerve as he interrupts you, "They're not lettin' up, but I'll get it outta you one way or another." 
"What... Did you have in mind?" You chance, heart slamming up against your chest when you realise just how obvious you're being. It's dangerous- you hadn't planned to be so forward. The idea that he'd be able to read your flirting so soon set off mortars in your veins. 
There's a pause. It dizzies you, throwing your previously sturdy confidence off kilter when Ghost tilts his masked head slightly. He's turning it over in his mind, considering the past few days' events. Then, he turns everything on its side. 
"I know what you're doing," he speaks suddenly, the rich baritone of his voice ricocheting off the walls and ringing in your ears like he's just discharged a round of ammo with each syllable. You jerk upright, standing to attention. 
"I don't know what you m-"
"You want the mask off," he interrupts you again, cutting your pathetic excuse short as he steps forward. It's ridiculous, the sheer size of him as he looms over you. "You lot made a bet."
Another beat. Ghost waits for a response, an admission of guilt. It feels like he's cornered you; every answer that springs to mind is incriminating. You know he can see your rueful expression, wide-eyed and panicked by the ease with which he puts you on the ropes. 
"Was this your plan?" He murmurs, reaching to grasp your chin. His palm settles on the hollow of your jaw, fingers fanning out across the bone. "Get me into bed and see if I'll take it off?"
Trembling in his hold, you whimper as Ghost's thumb stretches across to trace the curve of your lip. It follows the delicate arc, lining the shape of your mouth and trailing the dip of your cupid's bow. 
"'M sorry," you mumble weakly, cheeks hot beneath his touch. Again, you fold beneath the intensity of those honeyed irises. It's a miracle your knees don't buckle when he pushes the pad of his thumb just past your lips, so that it brushes the edges of your teeth. 
"That was your plan. Y'can still give it a try, love. But..." he hums, his voice throaty and quiet and settling in the pit of your stomach. It's embarrassing, the ease with which he figures you out, but his words drip over you, easy and warm, and all you can focus on is the slip of his thumb as he presses the pad against the flat of your tongue. 
"The mask stays on." 
Ghost’s insistence makes you giggle sheepishly and your stomach flip in dread, like a child caught with its hand down a bear trap. Despite the lewdness of him pushing his thumb past your lips, you know that he’s being serious, deathly so. You nod clumsily in recognition of his executive order, and Ghost gently taps the skin of your cheek with his free hand, the soft slap of his palm against your flesh standing your hair on end.
The word hangs in the air for a moment, weighing heavily in the claustrophobic space of the small hallway. It takes a moment for your mind, rendered utterly useless by Ghost’s imposing presence, to understand exactly what he’s implying. Only when he removes his thumb from your mouth to shove you forward towards a bedroom door does his intention become clear.
Oh. Oh!
Scrambling to force your feet forward, they practically float across the threshold of the bedroom door. You can feel Ghost looming just behind you, can practically feel the heat radiating from his chest warming the expanse of your back. Fingers clasp over your shoulder, practically swallow the curved flesh, and shove you back against the bedroom wall.
The force of impact winds you, the air expelled from your lungs swallowed down by Ghost’s lips bearing heavily down upon your own. He’d ripped the mask upwards, the hem of the ski-mask balanced across the bridge of his nose. Simon’s tongue licks into your mouth– intrudes upon the space like he’s kicking down a door, like he’s swallowing the breath he’d expelled from you with his heavy hand. 
Once the dazed dizziness dissipates, you moan in relief at finally getting what you wanted. Ghost’s gigantic paw takes hold of your jaw in a firm grip to fit his mouth perfectly against your own, his swirling fingerprints indenting in the soft flesh there in a mottled bruise. The soft pine he coaxes from you bleeds past your open mouth despite your attempt to suppress the frankly pathetic noise. 
Fuck it, this was worth it– all of it was worth it. The fear of getting it wrong, the anxiety of being caught, the panic that Simon could turn you away… All of it seeps into the darkness in the corners of the room when your superior drags his tongue across your lower lip. It’s though he’s relishing in the taste of the aftershocks of the arousal he sparks between your legs, the dopamine that rushes through you.
“Was this your plan?” Ghost grunts, grasping ahold of the scruff of your neck. Gasping weakly, you’re almost certain your eyes roll back in your head when he uses his harsh grip to steer you towards the bed. “Get me out of my fuckin’ mind so I don’t notice you takin’ off the mask?”
“That’s–” you huff, rendered breathless by Ghost’s intruding tongue, “That’s not it–”
Your pitiful attempt to excuse yourself is made useless when Ghost practically launches you onto the mattress of his bed, the rusted metal frame screaming under the sudden weight of your body. 
“No?” he queries, the usual boom of authority in his voice replaced by something that sounds far more like goading amusement as he places the hefty weight of his palm against your sternum, holding you down and thwarting any attempt to escape. 
He needn’t worry. The last thing you wanted was to leave. 
“Tell you what,” he muses in that smug tone you always hear over the comms, his free hand quick to grasp at the leather of his belt. The buckle clinks in the quiet as he works his fingers over it, “We’ll run through this mission, yeh? See if you can complete your objective, Delta?”
Your retort, or lack thereof, dies in your throat when Ghost pushes his crotch into your own. If it weren’t for the yelp of bliss that the Lieutenant had to smother with his palm, you’d hear the way he’d practically purred when he dragged his cock against you. 
“C’mon then. Try it,” he urged. 
It’s pointless, his mock-support. You just desperately reach for the waistband of his khaki uniform trousers, cockdrunk from the tease of its shape against you. Even in the low light, you can see Ghost’s scarred lips, the way they stretch into a smirk at your desperation. 
“Abandoning mission, Sergeant?” He asks you, unzipping his trousers. “Price’ll be disappointed to know this is all it takes for Delta to go AWOL.”
“Shut up,” you moan into the cold air of the cabin. You can see your breath. “Shut up and fuck me.”
When Simon removed himself from his trousers, making some glib comment about you being demanding, you marvel at the size of him. Girthy, swollen, the ruddy tip leaks precum down the arch of his cock and traces the pulsing veins. He’s rock hard and throbbing, framed by a thatch of pubic hair. 
Fumbling with your own trousers, you awkwardly try to remove them given Simon’s weighty palm still pins you down by your sternum. He watches, a glint in his eye in the low light that would almost embarrass you if you weren’t so focused on the task at hand. 
“What was the prize?” 
“H-Huh?” you stall, mind fried by Ghost’s unexpected line of enquiry. He picks up where you left off, violently yanking your trousers down your thighs and pushing your panties aside to expose your glistening cunt to his prying eyes. 
“What. Was. The. Prize?”
You hesitate for a moment, feeling Ghost’s fingers press against the inside of your thighs as he probes this unexplored territory of you. His touch skirts the areas you want him most, teasing and goading you for more information. “H-Hassa-ahh!”
You barely manage the first syllable of your answer before Simon rests the arch of his cock against your slick pussy lips. His body jerks slightly at the heat of your swollen cunt, the ease with which he can slide himself through your drenched sex. 
“You got to kill Hassan?” he asked for confirmation, his voice unwavering. You wonder how he manages to stay so steady– you’re coming apart at the seams, trembling as the head of his cock bumps your clit clumsily. 
“Yes,” you breathe, eyes rolling back as he continues his laboured, steady torture. His free hand settles on your hip, arching your pelvis up slightly to meet his own. You grind your hips upward against his cock, and Simon expels a soft scoff from lungs, those piercing eyes settled on your contorting expression. 
“Mhmm,” he hums, rolling his hips again. This time it’s even slower, teasing. “A temptin’ reward–” 
Simon is interrupted by the moan that splits your lips when he drags the length of his cock heavily against your clit. It sparks arousal deep in your abdomen, clings to the inside of your thighs wetly. 
Perhaps the disturbance is one transgression too many tonight, because Simon grasps your hips so hard that you are forced to stop gliding over the length of his cock. You pine in protest, but you choke on the pitiful sound when Ghost suddenly plunges his cock inside of you. It spears you open, breaks you apart, and you find your back arching desperately against the mattress. 
The palm that had rooted itself to your sternum flies up to clasp against your mouth, smothering the shriek of bliss that threatened to expose your extracurricular activities to the rest of your squad. You sob through your teeth beneath his life line, tears welling in your eyes as you feel him stretch your walls open to make room for his intrusion. 
You can’t help yourself. You need something to grasp onto, and opt for his wrist above your face. Digging your nails into the inked flesh there, you watch as the pain sparks something dark and twisted in Simon’s pupils, his azure irises swallowed by the expanding blackness.
He likes it. You can tell. His cock arches up inside of you, pushing deep and rocking against something earth shattering inside of you. Damp with sweat already, the skin of his wrist ripples as he tightens his grip on your face, refusing to withdraw from your pussy walls and instead opting for sharp, shallow thrusts that push you up the mattress with each connection of your hips. 
“Fuck,” he spits, using his tight grasp to pull you back towards him. It’s obliterating you, ripping you apart and pushing all your pieces back together in a mangled, jumbled mess. You whimper as you suffer through his brutal pace, marvelling at how good it feels when he consistently spears your g-spot. 
“When would you have done it?” Simon asks you, a little breathless now as he chases the high that begins to build at the edges of your body, tingling and pulsing. 
“Shut up–” you beg him, the low rasp of his voice launching you towards that pleasure that threatens to consume you. Jerking your hips up to meet his, your body mindlessly reacts to the sound of his timbre. 
“Oh, no,” he chuckles, shaking his half masked face. There’s a silver laden scar that stretches across the base of his chin. It matches the one that splits his upper lip to the base of his nose, the ski mask hovering tantalisingly over the bridge. “When?” 
The seriousness of his tone makes your thighs quiver when paired with the sharp thrust he punctuates his question with. Years of training in maintaining a cover-story while a hostage are blown to bits as though Ghost has launched a mortar at your resolve, because suddenly all your state secrets are spilling out of you quicker than you can shove the incriminating words back into your traitor mouth. 
“I’d– Hagh… I’d do it j-just as you’re cummin–hhah!”
“And spoil my fun?” Ghost hums, that heavy timbre licking up your spine and sparking viscous embers at the base of your spine, “Anyone ever told you that you’re very fuckin’ selfish, Delta?” 
You’d offer a witty comment, but Ghost’s angled his hips just right, and your jaw is falling loose to let out a panicked whimper. 
“There it is, shit. Look at you, Sargeant. Fuckin’, you’re so tight–” 
You’re like a slip knot, tightening around him further with each knock of your g-spot with Simon’s ridiculously large cock-head. Prickling tears of bliss threaten to spill over the edge of your waterline, continuing to sting even when you shut your eyes. You’re shaking, trembling beneath his rocking hips as you mewl his name. 
“S-Simon! Fuck–”
Wild, wet squelches of Simon sinking into your soaked cunt echo in your skull as he ramps up his violent thrusts, the springs of his mattress screaming an unmistakable rhythm to anyone walking by. He doesn’t seem to care now though, his eyes zeroed in on your expression like he’s stalking a victim with his sniper scope. Aiming for complete obliteration. 
“C’mon Can feel you squeezin’ round me,” he murmurs, the steady tone he’d offered earlier shuddering slightly as you squeeze impossibly tight around him, coil threatening to snap, “You’re so close, Delta. C’mon, paint my cock an’ I’ll eat you out with my cum in you–” 
“He’s blonde.” 
Gawping jaws drop to the floor at your very simple observation, Soap’s eyes nearly rolling across the uneven, rotten floorboards after falling out of his skull. You can’t help the smug smile that threatens to tug at the edge of your lips, especially given the sensation of Ghost’s eyes boring holes into the back of your skull. 
The awe only worsens when Price gives a subtle nod of confirmation from the corner of the darkened room, crowning you the winner of this utterly ridiculous joust. 
“How do you know?” Gary is as shaken as Soap by the confidence with which you’d offered your final answer, in disbelief as to how you could have possibly obtained it without being maimed, given the egg on his forehead was still throbbing despite days of icing it with the snow from outside the safehouse.
“His pubes are. I assume the curtains match the drapes,” you shrug dismissively. 
The sheer incredulity that flashes across Johnny’s face is utterly hilarious. The smirk that had been threatening to break finally cracks across your lips at the confirmation of your victory. Ghost’s eyes appear to have lazered through your skull, singing brain matter with the ferocity of his scowl. Frankly, you couldn’t care less– you can see it in your mind's eye; the gorgeous contrast of a blood-red crosshair settling across Hassan’s forehead, the weight of the trigger beneath your finger as you pull it back.
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cod mwii/kinktober taglist:
@mockerycrow @bubuslutty @cheezitwh0re @haunt3dh3art @levi-llama @thebiscuitsheep @maelstrom007 @alexxavicry @bug-sy-boy @glennrheesworld @kittenfrostt @luvfromkat @blingblong55 @whore4dilfs @wolfyland07 @doggydale @dog55teeth @cabreezer0117 @cathnoneofyourbusiness @marygraceee @thatchickwiththecamera @legend-o-zelda @whore-for-anime @i-love-ghost @cyberpr1m3 @mockerycrow @bubuslutty @lundenloves @cheezitwh0re @haunt3dh3art @babychoi03 @infectedkura @allekat1988 @whore-for-anime @soupbinsoup @passi0np1t @mockerycrow @cyberpr1m3 @i-love-ghost @allekat1988 @infectedkura @babychoi03 @freakquenci @maviee @yunggoblin @sleepystaarr @watyousayin @soupbinsoup @passi0np1t @damn-dean-blog @pheonyxmoon @magicalreviewphantom @limegreenbabx @johfaam0 @iaur @justsayk
@mortallyuniquepeach @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @crybaby-blue-blog @heart-atttack @pansa-1-san @maviee @emotion-no-hot-yes-hotel-trivago @s-u-t @ghostslynx @solidly-indulgent @glitterypirateduck @gummyfang @bii-aan-ckaa @konigsblog @crissteetee @crissteetee67 @sylvanasthebansheequeen @akaym2 @exploremyworldsm @thriving-n-jiving @su57 @cabreezer0117 @cathnoneofyourbusiness @marygraceee @thatchickwiththecamera @legend-o-zelda @eatingtheworldsoffanfiction @tusk89 @bellasbees01 @dog55teeth
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kuromiiyuuu · 5 months
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"Are you flirting with me?" jjk characters.
-how jjk men flirt with their crushes.
toji, nanami, satoru, and sukuna (f).
genre! | warnings. fluff and maybe mentions of fucking! + none, except swearing.
note. i guess im back in tumblr again, be nice to me it's been a long time :(. also not proofread cause it's midnight here in ph, im tired.
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•This man most certainly knows how to flirt, flirt. Like I'm saying this man has natural rizz.
•He has a lot to say.
•And he's hot, he knows that so he mainly uses that to his advantage, and God is it hot insufferable.
•He flirts by using his charms, mostly his facial expressions and he carries himself by his body language and words.
•And damn he's good with it, he's great at it.
•He knows just by the wink of his deadly eyes he'd have you in the palm of his hand just like that.
"I missed you, doll." His deep grouchy voice basically whispers, his hot breath basically fanning your face. Yeah, he was indeed that close to you, and just like that you felt heat rising up to your cheeks in an instant, "Did you miss me?"
It took you some time to find the right words to say back to the ebony haired man in front of you, his figure basically towered you. His eyes looking down at you with some sort of a demure way.
"Why would I miss you, toji?" you query his statement.
The scarred man then brings his large calloused hands up to your neck and touching the side of it. his thumb was caressing your cheeks under his skin. the tip of his fingers were basically at the back of your neck, the hair at the back of your neck by and large stood up.
He licks his lips, "why wouldn't you?"
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•he's a sly one.
•he's not verbal in flirting, he's more on the physical side but with your full consent of course.
•he knows his limits, but it's the fact that his touches sets your skin ablaze tells a story that you maybe feel the same way for him.
•he knows he's not good with words, but action he can be justify on, like; a hand on your waist, a tuck behind your ear, a pat on the head, and more!
•the mans know how to hold a woman fr.
•despite his undeniable overwhelming strength, but if it's you hes taking a hold of, it's like he's holding the most fragile thing in the entire universe.
"nanami, good to see you." you exclaim with a smile whilst the blone entered the elevator with you, he settles himself beside you. the elevator door then closes, "having a good day?"
"yes, indeed." he answers coldly, his head turns to you and his fox-like eyes stare right into yours, your breath was caught in your throat just like that, just by his stare it was already enough to have you by the throat. "though, I am tired."
"oh really? then you should take a rest." you advice him, you were so caring, you were such a sweet thing weren't you? always minding people's business in a good way, always telling them what's good and bad for them. that's exactly why nanami took a liking of you.
the blonde workaholic walks closer to you, closing the distance between the two of you in an instant as your chest touches against each other. you were caught off guard by the sudden bold movement, "nanami?" you tried to call for him, trying to make up the words to ask him what was he doing.
he dared not to touch you without your permission, "may I?" with a hum of agreement from you, his hands instantly went tothe sides of your waist as he brings your torso closer to his, you yelped quietly at the sudden force. it took you some time before coming up with the conclusion, nanami was flirting with you inside the elevator without a doubt.
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•Now this man. he's just loud.
•if nanami is bad with words, this man is a different topic.
•he knows lots of things.
•he uses this to his advantage when he takes a liking of someone, showers them with praises or just being annoying to grab their attention.
•he's the og lover boy, it doesn't matter if he means it, his words are always so enduring, it can just capture a womans smile in an instant.
•he definitely knows what he's doing.
you were just enjoying yourself in the comfortness of your peaceful office, "good morning, baby!"
"get out, satoru." you bite, wanting nothing more than to just have a hour or two for yourself, but this man, this silver porcupine would always find himself tangled up in your time. "and stop calling me that." you tell him once more, satoru sighs dramatically before taking a seat right on the table of your office which was in front of you.
"like what, baby?" he made sure to emphasize the pet name and it makes you look up at him with your right eye basically twitching, "don't be so uptight, I know you love it."
"w...what." that single word was the only thing that got out of your lips, "struggling to find the words pretty?" satoru brings his face closer to you after he gets himself off of your table and walked over to you, he was now basically looking down at you. just imagine the damn height difference, by now you stood up from your seat, "just date me already."
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•now this man ughhhhh i have such a big fat crush on this man.
•anywhooo, i think sukuna is more on being the bold type of flirt, like he'll definitely say something that comes to mind, and do whatever he wants when he feels like it.
•he wants his feelings to he obvious, and whats the point of being a pussy anyway, that what he thinks.
•he's charming and of course he knows that, and he definitely knrw how to handle his words and actions.
•i can give up everything just for him to fuck me literally.
"you know what I'm capable of." his voice was deep and was basically warning you, "yet here you are, spending the night with me." you didn't know really, everyone had this impression of sukuna being a bully, they weren't wrong actually. but to you, he was different. but in all honesty, he was just differentin your eyes because he treated you differently than most others, and that eas because he liked you.
"I don't mind it, suki." you tell him, he basically groans mentally at the way you say that nickname of his, he grabs your chin to make you look up at him, his read eyes piercing right into your soul. you were just so clueless huh, you were so fucking oblivious of ehat you were doing to him, "such a good little girl are you huh doll." he had feelings for you and you were kind of stupid about it, you thought sukuna was like that to most people but... you failed to be a smart ass.
heat rose up your cheeks instantly at his words and the mere inches between the two of you, "you've got a thing for me girl, it's apparent."
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notes ii. im not confident about this one, i could've done better.
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celtic-crossbow · 2 months
Blood Ties Chapter 23
Series Masterlist
Warnings: Typical TWD violence and gore; a tad bit of angst; smidge of illness; all the pregnancy woes in the world; some suggestive dialogue A/N: There's some serious fluff in this. I tried so hard to keep Daryl in character while having him offer all he could to a person doing something precious for him. I hope I succeeded. The explanation of midnight blue is a little bit of self indulgence. It's my own favorite color and the reason why. I know I skipped the nursing home scene but I took the liberty of adding into the timeline somewhere as a mention.
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The events of the day before had ended in the most amusing way, with you nearly inviting Carol in before getting dressed.
“She knows what tits and a vagina look like, Daryl.”
“She don’t know what my dick looks like, Y/N!”
“Touche, sir.”
All ended well and Carol saw no genitalia that fine day.
You had officially worn one another out. After the Tylenol and Carol’s snickers and knowing smiles, you and Daryl fell onto the pillows and slept until the next morning. The fever remained, albeit burning less and less hot each time the old man would look him over. His lungs were sounding better. Hershel removed the IV when the archer proved he could keep up with hydrating and promised to take it easy. Of course, he would. He had you as his warden. 
The next evening, after a bowl of hearty stew with the venison you had brought back,—two bowls for Daryl—you laid in bed. He wasn’t complaining, for once, and actually seemed to be close to falling asleep. It had been a relief to watch him eat well, even if he did try to share the second bowl. You were feeling a little nauseated, sharing that knowledge honestly when you turned down his offering. Your condition had definitely improved, the severity of the occurrences much less concerning. Things were actually okay. 
“Daryl?” You licked your suddenly dry lips but continued drawing patterns on his bare chest from your spot against his side with his arm wrapped around you. He hummed, his usual reply, eyes remaining closed while his thumb swept back and forth over your ribs. When you didn’t answer right away, he pulled you a little closer. It was unclear if it was intentional or not.
“What?” He cleared his throat, his voice still gravelly. 
“Can we—I’d like to know more about you.” Your timid request must have snagged his attention because he was shifting your bodies to lie face to face, one hand below his cheek and the other rubbing small circles just over where the baby had finally stopped tap dancing. He was giving you that look, the squinted eyes that scrutinized someone for any indication of dishonesty or hidden agenda. He should know you better than that by now, but you remained quiet.
“Whaddaya wanna know?” He finally queried, his hand going still but remaining where it was.
“Anything. Everything.” You shrugged your available shoulder. “If we’re gonna do this—be an us—then we need to know one another, don’t you think?” He started tapping a finger against your abdomen.
“S’your favorite color?”
You huffed a laugh through your nose, scrunching it with a smile. “Midnight blue. What’s yours?” He pulled a face, curiosity shining through.
“Why midnight?” He asked with a sniff, shuffling around a bit on the pillow.
“Because even though I know it isn’t, I like to think that’s the color of the night sky. Not black, but dark blue and full stars. Black is nothing, it’s lonely, but to think of it as blue. It’s a little more comforting.” The archer gave you a thoughtful look, the corner of his mouth ticking upward so minutely that anyone else would have missed it. Not you. “Now, what’s yours?”
He mimicked your earlier shrug. “Dunno. Don’t really got one, I guess.” Your silence beckoned him to explain. After moving his hand from below his cheek to chew on the side of his thumb, he eventually elaborated. “Grew up learnin’ to ‘preciate all’a ‘em. House was—it was always dark, ‘specially after mama died. When my old man—I spent a lot’a time outside. Noticed things. Blue sky’d turn a bit purple before it’d snow, even if it was just a lil’. Grass—it’d be green but have those brown pieces where I’d walk all’a the time. Creek looked muddy unless ya stood in it. Then ya’d see the bottom an’ how the water’d catch the light. Sometimes it’d be blue, sometimes kinda green. Just depended on the day.” His gaze had dropped away from you at some point, focused on the miniscule area of bed sheets between your bodies.
You were glad for it because your eyes had started to fill and shine. You were granted the opportunity to blink back the tears before he looked up. Daryl was so much more than anyone had given him credit for, than anyone had been willing to learn. Carol had told you a story about an exchange with Andrea, when she had taken a jab at what she thought was his limited vocabulary.
“Get a dictionary. Look it up. Observant.”
“D’ya like dogs or cats?” He asked so suddenly that you nearly flinched, realizing that you had just been staring at some point past his head for an undetermined amount of time. There was no way he hadn’t noticed.
“I like both, but I’m a dog person.” You frowned. Having a dog would probably be something your child would never get to experience. “You?”
“Dogs. Cats ain’t trustworthy.” It was such an amusing thing to say with such a straight face. You couldn’t help but laugh.
“Wait, I need to hear this.” You caught him staring at your lips, maybe watching you laugh or maybe he wanted to kiss you. Both? You pretended not to notice. 
“Dogs’re smart but cats’re calculated. Make ya think they’re all innocent when they ain’t. Always up to somethin’.”
“What I’m hearing is that you’re afraid of cats.” You smirked, absently reaching to run your fingers through his hair. Daryl made a disgruntled sound and shook his head to stave off your attempts.
“Ain’t afraid’a ‘em. Just don’t trust ‘em.”
“Right.” You nodded, face falling into feigned seriousness before it became real, your next question burning inside your chest, just below the fear you’d need to surpass to ask. He was likely to shut down the session, maybe even close off completely. You could always hope he’d begun to trust you enough to open up, even if only a little, but the prospect suddenly seemed so far away. “Daryl.”
“Ask.” He was looking right into your eyes with a hint of determination you’d seen before when the circumstances were different, dire even. Was that how he saw this? A dire situation that could result in you being gone in some way?
“Who—what happened?” You let a single fingertip press gently against the deepest scar on his chest, your eyes lingering on it for but a moment before you contradicted his intensity with tenderness. Not pity, but a gentle curiosity. A request to allow you to understand.
“My dad—he was never a good man.” He swallowed hard. “Got worse after mama died. She drank. Fell asleep with a smoke, burned up in our house.” His fingers were plucking at the small space between you, a fine tremor in his hand. He pulled it out of your reach when you reached for it. “Didn’t know what to do with us, I guess. Me an’ Merle—my brother.” The brother that Rick had left behind in Atlanta, the brother who was likely dead. Yet another relative your baby would never know. “Merle tried to—he’d take the beatin’ when he could, did his best. Booked it outta there when he couldn't take it no more. Joined the army.” His eyes were wet, but he sniffed and cleared his throat. “Wasn't nothin’ standin’ between me an’ the old man then—between me an’ the belt. The cigarettes.” He fell silent, clearly finished with talking about his parents.
“Tell me about Merle?” You ventured, shot down with a shake of his head against the pillow.
“Ain’t your turn.” He sniffed again. “Your mama—tell me ‘bout your mama.” It wasn’t exactly a question, more of a soft demand; an it’s only fair. You didn’t mind. You’d accepted her abandonment long ago. You had been content with the amazing father with whom you were gifted.
“She booked it. We didn’t have a lot of money, and she never really wanted me in the first place. Tucked tail and ran the first chance she got.” You shrugged, unbothered beyond the twinge of guilt you felt for being so okay with the hand you had been dealt while Daryl struggled to even think about his past. “I didn’t even miss her. I mean, it sucked at first. I always felt bad, watching daddy struggle. So, I learned to help and that was that.”
He was so obviously jealous, yet another emotion that he didn't know how to process. You saw the anger flare before he doused it, returning to a solemn state of silence. He was awaiting your question, wherein you found a dilemma. Did you push through the conversation about his family? Or did you switch to something else, give him a break? 
“Thank you for trusting me.” When you reached for him then, he didn’t pull away. His mask cracked and a few pieces fell away, but he held the rest steady. “That’s enough for now, okay? If you have more questions, I’ll answer them. Gladly. But you’ve shared enough, okay?” When he studied you, you didn’t let him proceed with his usual scrutiny. “It’s fine, Daryl. We can talk more when—if—you ever want to again. You don’t need to tell me anything else.”
He accepted the out with a long exhale and a nod, his gaze falling away. You embraced the silence and its discomfort, just touching him while he was in a place to allow it. You stroked his cheek, the stubble thicker than usual with his confinement to the bed. You smoothed his hair, scratched gently over his scalp. Finally, you scooted closer and pulled him toward you to meet in the middle. Tangling your legs around his, you guided his head to rest under your chin. He let you without complaint or denial, a testament to how he had silently endured when he needed comforting.
The two of you laid there, his breaths evening out to the point where you thought he had fallen asleep. Then, breaking the silence, he cleared his throat. “Why me?” You pulled back just enough to angle your head and look at him.
“Why you what?”
“Why ya settlin’ with me? We can raise a kid together without you givin’ up a chance with someone better.” He took a deep breath, keeping his head down. “I won’t hold ya to it if ya change your mind later—if someone shows—”
“There’s no one better.” You nearly snapped at him, your tone harsher than you’d ever meant for it to be. He flinched and you instantly hated yourself for it. You’d seen someone’s quick movements earn that reaction before, but words hardly affected Daryl physically, not like that. “Daryl.” You silently pleaded with him to look at you, but were left disappointed. “There’s no one better.” You repeated, so softly that it was almost a whisper, your breath disturbing his hair. “I want to raise this baby with you. I want to be with you. I love you. That’s not gonna change.”
He simply hummed, the sound reverberating against your throat. You wanted to throttle him, but none of his self-deprecation was his fault. You hated people you didn’t even know for it. “Don’t deserve all this.” Your brow furrowed deeply at his words. “Feel like m’gettin’ somethin’ meant for someone else. Like m’takin’—” The words died on the tip of his tongue. What could you even say to that? You could tell him he deserved the world—the fucking universe—but he’d never believe it. You’d just have to show him. It would take time and patience that would likely be tested over and over, but he was worth it.
“You’ll see.” You settled back against him, let silence fall between you again. After a while, he actually did fall asleep, the tension you had noticed in him finally melting away into a restful state he so desperately needed in order to continue getting well. A kiss was pressed into his hair. You never fell asleep yourself, simply lying there with him. Your heart ached yet it was full. With your fingers traveling up and down his back in gentle motions you hoped were comforting even within his dreams, you told him again. “You’ll see.”
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Daryl was coughing strenuously by the time you reached the truck, his hand pressed hard against his chest. The cold air, the rush of grabbing up all the bags, the running from the herd—it was taking its toll on his still healing body.
“Keys.” You demanded. “I’m driving.”  You could see it on his face that he was going to argue, but he doubled over in another fit of coughs and deep, wheezing gasps. Digging in his pocket through the ordeal, he tossed you the keyring. The bags you two were responsible for were tossed into the back next to the bike. It took the archer two attempts to pull himself onto the bench seat, which required the effort of both your bodies to move back in order to accommodate your 30 week bump. Just as your door closed, a discolored hand slapped against the window, startling you into a shout.
The van was already moving when you pressed the gas to peel out behind it, mowing down at least three walkers. Dark blood splattered onto the windshield, smearing but mostly washing away when you used the partially frozen fluid and wipers. Daryl’s forehead was against the dashboard as he fought to catch his breath in the chilled air. You were fumbling for the temperature controls when he smacked your hand away.
“Just—just drive. I got it.” He rasped, the warming air filling the cab a moment later. His back thudded against the seat, shaking it slightly, his head falling back against the headrest with his eyes closed. He was finally sucking in gulps of air into irritated, partially healed lungs. When you reached a point that was safe enough to pull off, you would make sure the group remembered his state of health and didn’t travel for too long before finding anything suitable and safe enough for a stay of at least a few days. “Quit your worryin’, woman. M’good.”
“Just don’t, Daryl.” You argued quietly, desperate to keep the peace between the pair of you that you’d managed to create. “Let me worry. If you don’t fight me on it, I’ll be less likely to do something stupid.” You glanced over, finding his head rolled toward you, his jaw set but he relented with a jerk of his head.
“Fine. Just have ‘em find whatever. S’long as it keeps your ass right here beside me.” 
You smiled and silently celebrated your victory, even as he noticed and grumbled beside you. When you placed your hand, palm up, on the seat between you, only a heartbeat passed before you felt him squeezing your fingers.
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Roughly eight weeks left, though Hershel said you could safely deliver if you made it at least four more weeks. You were actually becoming slightly miserable. The nausea would come and go, though you actually vomited less and less. Your ankles were missing completely under the puffy skin. Your belly felt so heavy that even just standing was becoming a chore. Lori was sympathetic, constantly giving you advice. Not only you but Daryl as well. You had seen her whispering to him, watched the way he would go completely still, not looking at her but listening intently. Rick could give him all the advice in the world but Lori’s input was crucial. She knew exactly what you needed.
The archer argued with you less and less, though you could see the restraint it took for him to bite his tongue, sometimes literally. He let you hunt with him because you were restless. Lori had said it was because of the urge to start nesting, which you had found amusing, but Daryl already knew about it because of the damn books he continued to snatch up on runs. Why it frustrated you that he was willing to go that extra mile was beyond your comprehension. Maybe because he knew more about what was going on with your body than you did? You should have been grateful, but all you wanted to do was kick him in the shins.
“Can ya just—nevermind.” He grunted from behind you while the two of you tracked some turkeys. You knew they’d be in the trees for the cold weather so you kept your eyes upward, irritating the hunter when you would nearly trip or run into something. Still, he kept his cool, which was admirable for your hot-headed partner. Daryl didn’t like the term boyfriend, you’d discovered during a brief conversation where you’d found your tongue looser than normal and spilling out questions you’d otherwise never ask. The two of you had settled on being partners, though you didn’t feel it was enough to describe your relationship. He had simply shrugged.
You couldn’t hunt with a gun. He’d all but forbade it. Too loud, would draw walkers. So he found you a bow. Not a crossbow but a traditional one. It didn’t take much practice. You only needed to become familiar with the tension of the string, how far to pull for the trajectory and speed needed. Aiming came naturally.
“Shut up, Daryl. I’m fine.” You snapped, instantly muttering an apology. It was but wasn’t his fault you felt so crappy. It took two to make the baby whose little foot or hand or whatever was always pressing into your ribs. You were just as responsible and tried to remember that even when it was you and not him that felt like absolute shit most of the time. As if the world was hellbent on fucking with you, the toe of your boot found its way beneath an exposed root and you nearly faceplanted. If not for Daryl’s constant observance, you surely would have.
He snagged your bicep, dropping his crossbow to reach across your chest and grip your other shoulder. All you needed was a dislocated shoulder when you were already so beyond miserable. He made sure you stayed on your feet, nearly stumbling himself, but saying nothing when you found his irritated but concerned gaze. The weight of it instantly brought on the sniffling you knew was about to lead to a breakdown.
Over the course of only three weeks, the archer had memorized the signs and adapted, learning how to soothe you even at the expense of his own comfort. He immediately pulled you into his arms as close as he could with your ever-growing belly between you, shushing you and rubbing your back. 
“S’alright. I won’t letcha fall.”
Noble as his intentions were, that only seemed to stir up even more guilt. “I don’t know why I can’t just listen when you tell me I should stay behind! Why do you let me just do whatever I want even when you know it’s the wrong choice?!” You rubbed your wet face against his button up, leaving a dark spot and not for the first time.
“Cause you’re hard-headed an’ feelin’ like crap. Only make ya feel worse for me to argue with ya.”
And just like that, the switch flipped. “I’m not hard-headed, Daryl! I’m fucking capable and everyone wants to treat me like I’m gonna break!” You pushed him away roughly and stomped forward, sniffling harder than necessary. You heard a sigh from behind you, the sound of him picking up his crossbow and before following at a distance.
When you shot down the turkey, even beyond the pride you felt carrying it back, something told you that he saw it first but didn’t even raise his weapon.
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Carol had heated some water for you so you could wipe down, feeling like your skin was crawling after being in the woods all day. It was a foreign feeling for the leaves and cool, fresh air to feel like it stuck to your flesh and needed to be scrubbed away. You were a mess. Your body hurt and you constantly needed to pee. You were irritable. You’d want Daryl to fuck you one minute and then shove him away the moment he touched the slick apex of your thighs. You were torturing the poor man who didn’t have a clue how to provide the type of comfort you needed when he couldn’t even process how to overcome his own lack of it growing up.
You didn’t hear him enter the room as you bowed over the small sink in the dusty bathroom, your skin still damp beneath your long sleeved shirt and flannel sleep pants. You had washed your hair to the best of your ability, the wet strands forming a curtain around your face that blocked your view of the door. You didn’t startle when you felt the heat of his body behind you. It was familiar at that point in a way you couldn’t explain.
“I’m so sorry, Daryl.” You whispered, the syllables of his name coming out as a soft whimper. His hands settled on your hips, fingers flexing nervously.
“S’okay.” He stepped closer and you fully expected to feel his erection press against your ass, but that wasn’t the case. There was only the firm safety of his body, your human security blanket. “Wanna—can I try somethin’?” His voice shook beside your ear but his hands remained steady, digits still squeezing and releasing. Not trusting your voice, you nodded, his exhale warm against your neck.
You weren’t entirely sure what you were expecting but it certainly wasn’t his warm palms sliding beneath your belly and lifting with more gentleness than you were aware a human being could possess. The absence of the weight pulling down was an instant relief, your muscles turning to jello. You leaned back against him and he kept you upright, silently offering you comfort and succor that your body didn’t even know it needed.
“Fuck.” You breathed, eyes fluttering closed and head laying back against his shoulder. The tears came when his lips pressed against your temple, wordlessly expressing his gratitude for what you were enduring. “Thank you.” Your own appreciation trembled over your lips, whether toward the man at your back or a god you weren’t sure you believed in for putting him there.
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simdertalia · 1 month
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🎸 ACNH Music Stuff Set - Part 2 🎸
Sims 4, base game compatible (Pianos & keyboard are functional & require City Living, as it uses the keyboard as the base). 30 items 💗
Here is the second part of the music stuff! With some extras added, as always.
Always suggested: bb.objects ON, it makes placing items much easier. For further placement tweaking, check out the TOOL mod.
Set contains: -Acoustic Guitar | 7 swatches | 892 poly -Acoustic Guitar on Stand | 7 swatches | 1217 poly -Acoustic Guitar Wall | 7 swatches | 1046 poly -Bass Guitar | 11 swatches | 881 poly -Bass Guitar on Stand | 11 swatches | 1200 poly -Bass Guitar Wall | 11 swatches | 1029 poly -Drum Sticks | 1 swatch | 194 poly -Drum Sticks in Jar | 1 swatch | 582 poly -Electric Guitar 1 | 11 swatches | 853 poly -Electric Guitar 1 on Stand | 11 swatches | 1183 poly -Electric Guitar 1 Wall | 11 swatches | 1001 poly -Electric Guitar 2 | 7 swatches | 880 poly -Electric Guitar 2 on Stand | 7 swatches | 1199 poly -Electric Guitar 2 Wall | 7 swatches | 1028 poly -Microphone 1 | 3 swatches | 1124 poly -Microphone 2 | 3 swatches | 1150 poly -Grand Piano (functional, requires City Living) | 4 swatches | 4844 poly -Upright Piano (functional, requires CIty Living) | 4 swatches | 2180 poly -Poster | 3 swatches | 4 poly -Stands 1-5 | 1 swatch each | 345, 498, 327, 332, & 150 poly -Synthesizer (functional, requires City Living) | 12 swatches | 1718 poly -Synthesizer Decor | 12 swatches | 1555 poly -Violin | 8 swatches | 1048 poly -Violin on Stand | 8 swatches | 1180 poly -Violin Lying Down | 8 swatches | 1048 poly -Violin Bow | 8 swatch | 218 poly
Type “acnh music 2" into the search query in build mode to find quickly. You can always find items like this, just begin typing the title and it will appear.
As always, please let me know if you have any issues!
📁 Download all or pick & choose (SFS, No Ads): HERE
📁 Alt Mega Download (still no ads): HERE
📁 Download on Patreon
Will be public on June 5th, 2024 💗 Midnight CET
Happy Simming! ✨ Some of my sets are early access. If you like my work, please consider supporting me (all support helps me with managing my chronic pain/illness):
★ Patreon  🎉 ❤️ |★ Ko-Fi  ☕️  ❤️ ★ Instagram📷
Thank you for reblogging ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
@sssvitlanz  @maxismatchccworld @mmoutfitters  @coffee-cc-finds  @itsjessicaccfinds  @gamommypeach  @stargazer-sims-finds  @khelga68  @suricringe  @vaporwavesims  @mystictrance15 @moonglitchccfinds @xlost-in-wonderlandx @jbthedisabledvet
-Display Counter CC
Other Instrument Downloads & Related: -Theramin -Gong & Bamboo Drum -Ukulele -Harp -Festivale Drum -Pipe Organ -Street Organ -PA System on Stand -Radios
-Music Tag
The rest of my CC
If there is anyone who knows how to make functional guitars/violins, please feel free to make the decor instruments functional if you wish, to share with the community.
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resonatorover · 10 days
In which, you, are requited to be with the General, in a prophecy by Jué.
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[ c.w ] — not proofread, incomplete and diverts from the canon storyline. reader is a havoc resonator.
[ g ] — gender-neutral, they/them used.
[ t ] — subtle fluff/comfort; star-crossed lovers.
[ a/n ] — should i make this a fluff or angst? i'm not tooo sure, but we'll see. feel free to leave your comments or any requests !! have a nice day and stay hydrated <3.
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To be mentioned in a prophecy said by a Sentinel itself, one must either be of great importance, or destined for great demise. However, what the General of the Midnight was not expecting was a silent saying by the Loong, that, "On the blue-lit night right when the moon rises, will come a resonator that can annihilate matter at the Gorge of Spirits. Protect them with all your might, or watch them turn to the void."
Before, Jué had always made purposefully vague prophecies or comments, yet this one was relatively not as much. In fact, it is probably the most concise prophecy he's been told. Although, this one was similar to the one of the Rover's, it felt a lot, lot different.
And so, Jiyan waited patiently, for the day that prophecy was to be fulfilled. However, when the day did come, it was of a sight he was not used to— although, undeniably, was prepared for.
The lines in the sky were brighter than before, and the moon casted down its grace to the land and sea. Many citizens had come to view the scenic moon, taking spots at high altitudes to gain better view of it. The Magistrate had deemed it as a safe occurrence, yet Jiyan could not help but feel unsettled as he made sure to keep his guard up whilst travelling to the Gorge of Spirits.
Lo and behold, there they were. With no one else in sight, it was obvious that the one in front of Jiyan was indeed the one Jué had talked about. It further proved his confirmations, when they glanced his way, querying with a shy, or embarrassed, smile. "Excuse me? Do you know where Jin..zhou city is?" The horrible accent was enough to explain that they were from a foreign land, if the apparel did not. Nodding, Jiyan would escort them there. But, what they did not know was that Jiyan was keeping out an observant eye for the other whilst they chatted leisurely.
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Days passed steadily, yet Jiyan was uncertain what he was in actuality protecting them from. But, his silent determination never wavered.
However, he did not expect to get closer to the person themself. Whether it be talking to them at a distance where their shoulders touched, fixing little mishaps in their apparel, or even teasing them occasionally. The soldiers have gotten used to the resonator's appearance already, as Jiyan offered to keep them safe in the company of his quaint cottage, albeit it was neglected before their existence in his life. The shared home was made into a cozier place, almost reminding Jiyan of his mother.
The plants they brought in provided a freshness to the ambience of the home, the paraphernalia being remnants of their hobby strewn around. Jiyan did not mind, not when they brought such a positively light presence, releasing some of the tension from his shoulders.
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"Wait... you're a General?.. The General of the Midnight Rangers?" it was evident from their voice, that they were both embarrassed at their own informality and nonchalance regarding their introduction, but Jiyan was swift to soothe any worries.
"Yes, but don't feel obliged to speak formally with me. You're fine as you are." He spoke, offering them an almost imperceivably visible smile.
It took a while, but eventually Jiyan managed to calm them down, and make them comfortable around him.
Little did he know, peace and their amity was just a red herring for what would appear next in the two's lives.
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© @resonatorover do not reproduce.
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What have you been up to, Mid? 💜💜💜😊😊😊
Hi Prim!!! Been makin' a lot of music, not so much writing tho... hope that'll change soon, haha!
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dear-satan · 1 year
Leon S. Kennedy x fem!Reader warning: sexual content, oral (fem receiving), love marks
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"Baby please" Leon's warm voice reached your ears causing a shiver to run down your spine. "Take a break…" He leaned in and his warm lips touched your cheek, then your jaw and neck where he began to leave wet kisses. His one hand was placed on the table where you were sitting and the other began to slowly lift your oversized t-shirt that you usually slept in when he wasn't with you.
"Leon" his name came out of your mouth feeling the warmth spreading through your body. You clenched your thighs under the table feeling your panties become damp under his touch crying out for more. He had been away for almost two months after all, and when he finally did visit your shared flat, you unfortunately had to get a lot of paperwork from your boss to check and fill out. "You know I have to send this back before midnight." You mutter reluctantly grabbing his wrist before his hand squeezed your naked breast under your t-shirt. "It'll take no more than an hour, okay?" you explain looking into his blue irises. You knew that gaze well - hazy, from above half-closed eyelids and…. Oh Christ, those perfectly visible veins on his neck and arms. Yes, he definitely wanted to fuck you right here and now and you'd swear to God you'd give yourself to him if it wasn't for a threat from your boss to get you fired.
You watched as he lowered his head down with a loud sigh. He backed away from the chair you were sitting on and just when you thought you had managed to convince him, he started to push back the chairs standing next to him. You furrowed your eyebrows at this sight not fully understanding his actions, but you chose to ignore it…. Which was a mistake.
Leon, making space for himself, went under the table like a small child and positioned himself right between your legs. At first he just stared at you from underneath like a dog sitting motionless and this went on for a few minutes until he finally started slowly kissing your exposed thighs.
"Leon… What are you doing…?" a quiet query broke from your lips feeling him suck on your skin. His hands went to your buttocks and tugged so that you slid slightly off the chair but were still able to work.
"I take what's mine." He murmured starting to kiss your pussy through the lace panties. His warm tongue soaked your underwear and his hot breath caused sighs and grunts to escape your lips. "Keep working, baby."
"Mhmm." You moaned as he squeezed your buttocks. You struggled to shift your interest to the laptop screen, wanting to fill in another table but Leon decided to prevent you from doing so even more. He took one hand off your bottom and tilted your underwear so that he had perfect access to your wet pussy. He began to slowly lick your folds gloating over every sound you made. When that wasn't enough, he took aim at your clit - sucking, lightly biting and purring as louder and louder moans erupted from your mouth and your hands found their way to his hair instead of the computer keyboard.
"L-Leon please…" you moaned as his tongue moved from your clit to your already sinking hole. He teased it with his tongue and you clenched around the nothing that was driving you crazy. You moved your hand from his head to your wrist muttering something unintelligible, but Leon as if knowing this foreign language quickly filled your empty pussy with his fingers. Feeling it you arched your back almost slipping off the chair. "O-oh God… Y-yes…" You moaned feeling his fingers arch into you hitting your G-spot and his tongue stimulating your clit. Leon was taking you to heaven and your release was getting closer and closer. Damn, he was already giving you so much and you didn't even want to imagine how good it would feel when his cock was crushing your yearning pussy from the inside out.
You screamed his name clenching your thighs around his head as a warm orgasm took over your body. As if unwilling to accept your orgasm Leon continued to lick your pussy, prolonging it until you howled a plea to stop. Your body was trembling and you didn't even have the strength to lift your arms and return to the work you were doing earlier, where you were 'brazenly' interrupted.
Leon only laughed and pushed back the chair you were sitting on just enough for him to step freely out from under the table. He was proud to see what an inert person he had made of you and wanted to see you like this as often as possible.
"Enjoy your work, love." He gave you a taste of yourself in a kiss then most simply walked away towards the bedroom, leaving you in a complete mess.
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
what’s the single thing you think could fix the lost cities the most? (i.e. therapists, an accurate and unbiased education system, an actual democracy, no matchmaking, a better criminal system, human influence to some extent, etc)
Oof, tough question, but the answer I keep circling back to is community, if the Lost Cities were actually cities. There are only a few of them (Eternalia, Atlantis, Mysterium), and most of the time people are there it's as a brief trip. They don't seem to have any real connections.
People live completely isolated in their estates, entirely cut off from everyone else except for those they choose to interact with, pretty much. That makes it really easy to assume and misjudge things/people because you don't actually know anything about them. I can think whatever I want without refutation because there's no exposure and no one to challenge my biases and bigotry. It's also easy to assume a persona and a role and pretend to be someone because you only have to do it when you're out; no one's there to see the real you.
I think if the Lost Cities were actually cities, if people weren't spread out all on their own but were instead next to each other and exposed to each other as people it would be beneficial. If people could witness each other, it would help to challenge assumptions. You'd be able to see that that family you hate because they have a talentless son isn't doing anything, and sometimes it's harder to hate people when you have a basis of familiarity.
It would also impact the whole reputations thing, because if you're living near each other people are going to witness you outside of any persona you erect. It's harder to be so untouchable, so it would contribute to more of a sense of normalcy and community among people instead of all these untouchable individuals with crisp personas.
This isn't an immediately achievable thing for the elves, but I think the process could be started with more integration and interaction between peoples of all types in the Lost Cities. They're so separated right now, and I think addressing that would do a great deal of good. Perhaps there's other more beneficial options, but this is the one I thought of. I think from this all the other changes could come about
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frvnkcastles · 9 months
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Summary: When you’ve been working all day, Frank decides to intervene.
Warnings: Stressed reader, feminine nicknames, she/her pronouns, reader wears glasses and is a university student, fluff :)
Word count: 929
Author’s note: I’m very aware I have some requests to get to but honestly I’m so tired because of college lately, so this happened. 😭 I’ve been writing a ton of essays in the past couple of weeks and all I want is Frank to hold me and give me an ”attagirl.” PLEASE. So this is for all my overworked girlies <3
Your neck throbbed with an uncomfortable ache when you craned it to the side, and with a low groan, you reached with your hand to rub the painful spot and averted your eyes from the laptop screen in front of you. Your pained sounds earned an unamused look from Frank who had gone without complaint when you had turned down movie night in favor of your coursework — he always supported his girl and her academic aspirations, of course — but this was where he drew the line.
”Aight, that’s it”, he decided with a grunt, kicking his feet off of the coffee table and reaching for your laptop, only for you to defensively pull back and stop him from stopping you. You knitted your eyebrrows together and glared at him, only for him to chuckle at your protests. ”Sweetheart, it’s been hours. You deserve a break”, Frank insisted, deciding to get up from the couch and circle around the back to drop his face in your neck and his arms around you.
”I know, I know, but I gotta finish this essay by midnight”, you argued through a stifled yawn, and with a grumble against the soft skin of your neck, Frank huffed.
”The fuck? Didn’t ya just write one the other day?” he queried, a frown distorting his handsome face when you tilted your head back to look at him.
”Yes, but that was a scientific text, this is a reflective one”, you explained the difference with a faint smile before leaning up enough to kiss his chin. After that, you looked back at the screen and the jumble of words and shoved your hand underneath your glasses to tiredly rub your eyes.
Humming, Frank kissed the top of your head. ”What a bunch of bullshit”, he muttered under his breath before stealing a glance at the clock on the living room wall and then making his decision for you. ”Hey, it’s barely 10 PM. You’re gonna gimme half an hour without that damn thing between us and then I’ll let ya do your thing, yeah?” he announced, and before you could protest, he was uncurling his strong arms from around your neck to slam your laptop shut and snatch it from your laptop.
”Frankie!” you tried to reason with him, but he shook his head and carried the laptop to the kitchen counter before striding back to the couch and pulling you onto his lap.
”Half an hour, sweetheart”, he emphasized, and as much as you wanted to keep arguing, you couldn’t deny that his warm, firm chest did feel nice against yours, and his big hands drawing soothing circles on your back offered some much-needed relief. As you laid down on top of him, he gently reached for your glasses and folded them on the coffee table before running his thumb across the indents they had left on your face.
”M’pretty girl”, he rasped, and immediately blushing at the praise, you buried your face in his chest and he laughed in a way that was so genuine it made his whole body tremble. ”Still get shy on me, huh?” he teased with a low voice, running his fingers through your hair before taking your hand and placing a kiss on your knuckles, ”don’t ya know I’m sweet on you?”
Chuckling, you nodded and looked back up at him. ”You’re real sweet, Frankie. Kinda think it’d ruin your reputation if people found out what a teddy bear you are with me”, you contemplated out loud, and with a snort, Frank smiled and reeled you in by the jaw, planting a soft kiss on your lips when you were mere inches away.
”As if anyone’d believe that shit”, he pointed out smugly, before kissing you again, slow and sweet.
Sighing, you lowered your head on his chest and listened to the steady beat of his heart as he mindlessly played with your hair. Minutes passed and you started to feel drowsy, even more so when a gentle rain began to tap against the windows and you could just enjoy the moment. You had noticed that with Frank, you didn’t even daydream anymore. What was there to daydream about? You already had the man of your dreams, always there to make you feel good in every sense of the word.
”Half an hour’s up”, Frank mumbled quietly eventually, sooner than you had expected, and with heavy eyelids, you glanced at him only to find him smiling lazily at you. ”You know you’re fuckin’ amazing, right?” he asked, much to your surprise, and with widening eyes, you crossed your hands over his chest and rested against the soft material of his sweater.
”What makes you say that?” you questioned sheepishly, and licking his lips, Frank nodded at the laptop waiting for you once more.
”The way you work. I know you’re tired but you still keep goin’. I fuckin’ adore you, girl. You’re kickin’ ass and it’s so goddamn amazin’ to see. Just know, I’mma always be on your team, yeah?” he praised, and once again, it was hard for you to accept it without getting bashful. But before you could hide, he snuck a thumb beneath your jaw and locked his eyes with you.
”Just really love you, y’know?” he muttered, and with a widening smile, you leaned in to kiss his nose.
”I love you, Frank”, you whispered before reluctantly getting off of him and heading for your laptop where the unfinished work awaited.
”You got this, baby”, he grinned at you from his nook of the couch, ”attagirl.”
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morallyinept · 1 month
Adulation - A Marcus Pike x Alopecia F!Reader One Shot
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Written as part of my B O D I E S Series 🤎
Summary: You've been dating and getting to know the handsome Agent Pike for some time, but there's still one last thing you've yet to tell him about yourself.
Pairing: Marcus Pike x Alopecia F!Reader (No name or physical description of reader in terms of ethnicity. Reader does not have hair on her head and wears wigs.)
Word Count: 7.7k
Scoville Smut Rating:🌶️🌶️🌶️ “You tell me I'm doing well, and then, you try to kill me."
Check out my Scoville Smut Ratings here
Triggers & Warnings: Unprotected PIV (wrap up, folks!)/fingering/thigh riding/gentle dirty talk/Marcus is completely smitten with you.
NSFW. MINORS DNI! OVER 18’s ONLY. YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT YOU READ.☝🏻Don’t come at me; you’ve been plenty warned.
I write for me, and I share with you. If this story isn't to your taste, that's fine. Just slip quietly out the back door. No need to make a fuss. It's just a work of fiction.
Author’s Note: It's important to me that all types of readers are represented in my work, therefore this collection of stories is written for readers with REAL bodies. However, anyone can enjoy them. Whilst this story may not specifically represent your own personal journey, it is my hope that it resonates and offers comfort and enjoyment. The condition/disability mentioned in this story is not 'one size fits all' - everyone's journey is personal and unique, and I have undertaken as much research as I can to write accurately and respectfully. 🤎
Enjoy! 🖤
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"We should try the sampler platter," Marcus suggests, his gaze lingering on the menu of mouth watering options. "That way, we can taste a little bit of everything?"
“Well, they say variety is the spice of life. I like your thinking, Agent.” You smirk as Marcus’s cheeks fill with blood. 
You watch as Marcus sips from his wine glass, deep brown eyes meeting yours over the glass rim of dark berry liquid. 
“You, uh… you look really beautiful tonight. You look so good in that dress. I can’t take my eyes off you.” 
“Stop it,” you smile bashfully.
“Do you really want me to stop?” He teases, pouring out more wine into your glass. “I love what you’ve done with your hair.”
You feel your face warm with pleasure at his compliment, your heart fluttering with delight, skin flecking with goosebumps and tingles as his words make their way across it.
He always makes you feel like this with a simple sentence and look. Makes you feel… seen. 
"Well, I thought I'd switch things up a bit," you admit, a hint of giddy laughter in your voice. "Gotta keep you on your toes, you know?" 
His eyes roam over the sleek bob of midnight black, the sharp lines of the style adding an air of sophistication to your ensemble. Your hair shimmers in the gloaming candlelight, lending an aura of mystery and allure to your already captivating presence.
Marcus chuckles, leaning closer to you across the table. "You certainly have a way of keeping me captivated," he remarks, his eyes sparkling with a magnetising affection.
“I do?” You query, reaching for your wine glass. 
Marcus's eyes widen in surprise, a grin spreading across his face as he admires you. "Yeah. I love it," he replies, his voice filling with genuine admiration. "It's different, but it suits you perfectly."
“Different good?” You query and a pang of worry flits through your veins, reminding you it’s constantly there. A trusty companion, alongside your long term friends, angst and fear. 
“Yeah. It’s like I’m dating all these different women.” He chuckles at the absurdity of it, his cheeks glowing with warmth.
“Do you have a favourite?” You ask him, finger circling the rim of your glass and his eyes drop to watch it momentarily.
“Hmm. Let me think…” He smiles and you can’t help but be drawn into the way his lips curve up into a dimple on his cheek. A fleshed crescent moon that you’ve fantasised about tasting since the first time you saw it revealed to you. 
Marcus Pike, FBI Special Agent in the Art Crimes Department, is the epitome of the perfect man, blending smooth determination with a profound appreciation for beauty and culture.
His sharp mind and keen eye for detail makes him a formidable agent, while his unwavering commitment to justice earns him the respect of his colleagues and adversaries alike. In the high-stakes world of art crime, Marcus stands out as a shining beacon of integrity and tenacity.
He approaches each case with a meticulous attention to detail, unravelling complex webs of deception and intrigue with adept precision and skill. 
Whether he’s tracking down stolen masterpieces or uncovering elaborate forgery rings, Marcus's relentless pursuit of truth and justice never wavers.
But it isn't just his professional acumen that makes Marcus so extraordinary; it’s his genuine passion for art and culture that truly sets him apart. 
That, and the fact he’s ridiculously handsome. 
He has a deep appreciation for the beauty and significance of the works he seeks to protect, viewing each painting, sculpture, and artefact as a priceless treasure to be safeguarded for future generations. Marcus's love for art extends beyond the confines of his work, infusing every aspect of his personal life with a sense of wonder and curiosity. 
And it’s where you first met him, in the serene halls of the local art gallery where you crossed paths with Special Agent Marcus Pike. Spinning on his polished heels to greet you with the softest brown eyes you’ve ever seen on a man, and how they sparkled at you instantly.
Harbouring your own passion for art and a keen eye for beauty, you work as a curator, carefully selecting and showcasing the works of talented artists from around the world as well as in the local vicinity.
Marcus, drawn to the gallery as a way of unwinding from his case loads, found himself captivated not only by the stunning artwork on display but also by the enigmatic presence of you. Colourful and striking; your clothes, accessories, and hair, all alive with vividness. 
You both spent your individual free time exploring museums and galleries, studying the brushstrokes of the masters and marvelling at the stories behind each piece.
And when he wasn't immersed in the world of art, Marcus could often be found indulging in the delights of cuisine, tempting you with indulgent treats he started bringing to you on your lunch, innocently suggesting he thought you might like it, and recommending the best places to eat.
Until he boldly suggested you try them out with him. 
But perhaps Marcus's most admirable quality is his unwavering dedication to those he cares about. He’s fiercely loyal to his team, always ready to go to bat for them in the face of danger or adversity.
And when it comes to matters of the heart, Marcus is a true romantic, believing in love with every fibre of his being and never hesitating to show his affection for those closest to him.
As you’d lingered in front of a particularly captivating painting, two lovers entwined in a dance of exaggerated colour, Marcus felt a flutter of excitement in his chest.
He turned to you, his heart pounding with anticipation as he mustered up the courage to ask you a question that had been on his mind since you’d first met.
His voice was tinged with nervousness and his words caught in his throat. "I know this might seem sudden, but would you like to go out to dinner with me? I'd love to continue our conversation over a meal, if you're interested?"
“Are you asking me out on a date, Marcus?” You’d asked with hopeful eyes. 
“Absolutely I am.”
And you were interested. God, of course you were. Excited at the prospect of getting to know this incredibly gorgeous man some more. 
But also, incredibly terrified.
The thought of dating had long filled you with a sense of dread and anxiety. How could you ever expect someone to love and want you when you struggled to love yourself?
Past experiences had let you down incessantly. The idea of revealing your secret to a potential partner filled you with a swamping dread, the fear of rejection looming like a dark cloud ready to break in the distance.
You’d spent years perfecting the art of concealment, hiding the bald patches beneath layers of carefully styled hair, until eventually the patches became an entirely bare head and you had no choice but to wear wigs.
But no matter how hard you tried to hide your condition, the truth remained - you were different. Convincing yourself that you were flawed, even unlovable for a while.
But deep down, you knew that you couldn't let fear dictate your life forever. Somewhere out there, you hoped, was someone who would see past your alopecia.
On your first date together, Marcus took you to a different art gallery, one of his favourites in the city, knowing your love for beauty and culture would be a perfect match for the setting.
As you both wandered through the halls adorned with vibrant paintings and striking sculptures, Marcus couldn't help but admire the way your eyes lit up with wonder and fascination.
He watched in rapt attention as you studied each piece with a keen eye, your curiosity piqued by the stories and emotions captured within the artwork. 
You exchanged whispered observations and shared smiles as you explored the gallery together, lost in the magic of the moment.
Fingers accidentally on purpose brushing against one another until they interlocked. Lips inching closer until they finally met in soft hums of appreciation and want. Whispers that erupted into breathy giggles as you slipped into alcoves to explore those lips some more.
He complimented everything about you, your eyes, the way you taste and your hair, winding his fingers through the loose, flowing curls as they fell over your shoulder. Clearly unable to tell that it wasn’t your real hair, and that made it all the more devastating somehow. 
You couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that chomped at your insides. Marcus looked at you with such openness and sincerity, yet you couldn't bring yourself to reveal the truth about your hair loss.
The thought of disappointing him, of shattering the illusion of perfection you had carefully crafted, filled you with guilt every time he smiled softly at you. How could you continue to deceive him, knowing that the truth would inevitably come to light?
As you continued to get close, your mind raced with thoughts of confession and consequence. You imagined Marcus's reaction - the shock, the disappointment, the inevitable rejection that would sure follow.
The fear of facing his judgement, of losing his affection, threatened to consume you whole. To the point you considered calling the whole dating thing off to save the heartache.
But you couldn’t abnegate yourself away from him either, drawn to him, by more than just your commonalities, which were growing in number and taste the more you shared time together.
The more he kissed you, held you close to him in his big hands, pressed you up against the warmth of him in a tight embrace, the more you just wanted him back. 
Your dates had taken you both to bustling markets, where you’d sampled exotic street foods and danced to the rhythm of live music. You’d strolled hand in hand through tranquil parks, lost in deep conversation as you watched the sunset paint the sky with hues of pink and gold. 
With each passing date, you and Marcus had peeled back the layers of your personalities, revealing your hopes and dreams to one another. Discovering shared interests and passions, as well as the unique quirks and idiosyncrasies that made each of you who you are. 
He spoke of his previous marriage, divorced and left adrift on a lonesome island of singledom. Then he told you about a colleague he’d fallen for, but again it had left him facing the nights alone in his new apartment here in D.C. when she’d made another choice.
His talk of rejection stumped him for a while, those brown eyes pulled deeper into his skull as he contemplated, the scars still visible, and it melted the fear clinging onto your own shoulders somewhat. 
You shared your own tales of heartbreak and there wasn’t much that you didn’t know about one another, revealing all your secrets and worries with ease. 
Well, almost all of them. 
Your finger winds through the cut length of the synthetic bob, one wig of several in your stylish armoury, and you swallow dryly, clearing your throat. 
It’s been on the cusp of your tongue but never seems to become a whole word with sound and vowels. And terrifying repercussions should it want to be pronounced. 
The waiter soon arrives with the sampler platter, a colourful array of small plates arranged artfully on a wooden board. Your eyes widen in delight as you survey the tempting spread before you. 
As you both sample the various dishes laid out, around delightful hums of satisfaction, Marcus can't help but marvel at the diverse flavours and textures that dance across his palate.
He glances at you, a playful twinkle in his eyes, as he reaches for another bite, but holds it out to you instead.
"This is incredible, try this," Marcus remarks, his voice filled with genuine enthusiasm as you lean in and taste it from his fork. You simply can’t resist him in any way. 
“Delicious.” You agree. 
You take a sip of your wine, a curious glint in your eyes as you look back at him.
"So, tell me something about you that I don't already know yet," you prompt, a playful smile dancing on your lips.
“You want a heinous dark secret, hmm?” Marcus teases. 
“Sure. The more dark and twisted the better.” You giggle. 
Marcus chuckles, a hint of nostalgia flickering in his gaze. "Well, you might not believe it, but I used to play bass in a band. I don’t think I've mentioned that yet," he confesses, his voice tinged with fond reminiscence. 
Your eyes widen in surprise, your interest piqued. "Are you a secret metalhead, Marcus?”
“Well, not quite.”  
“That's really cool," you confirm, leaning forward eagerly. "What was the name of your band?"
Marcus grins, his peepers glinting with excitement at the memory. "We were called 'Midnight Groove'," he reveals, a nostalgic smile playing on his pink lips. "And we were all about that funky, soulful sound. We played everything from classic rock to blues to jazz fusion."
Your lips curve into a smile as you imagine Marcus on stage, lost in the rhythm of the music, fingers plucking at strings. You glance at them around his glass, thick and you lick your lips. 
"That sounds amazing," you remark, your voice filled with admiration. "I would love to hear you play sometime."
Marcus’s smile widens at your enthusiasm, his heart warmed by your genuine interest. "I'd like that," he says softly, his gaze locked with yours. "Maybe one day I'll dust off my old bass guitar and serenade you with some funky tunes."
“You don't play much anymore?”
“Disbanded. Work became all encompassing and we scattered. We stay in touch though. They’re a good bunch of guys.”
As the conversation and flirtatious looks flows between you both, Marcus leans in again, his eyes soft with genuine interest.
"So, tell me something about yourself that I don't know yet," he prompts, a warm smile playing on his lips.
His question hangs in the air, lingering between you like a taut thread of anticipation. Pulling tight, tight, tighter - until it snaps!
For a moment, you hesitate, your mind racing as you grapple with the weight of Marcus's innocent inquiry.
You search for something to share, something that will offer him a glimpse into your world without revealing the vulnerable truth you keep hidden beneath your wigs.
But try as you might, you find yourself at a loss for words, because he already knows everything. He knows where you grew up, how you got that little scar on your knee, who your first crush was...
He knows, he has to know right? It’s obvious. Has to be. The fact your hair is so different every time you see him is apparent that you wear wigs. He can’t be that naive or oblivious. 
The weight of your secret bears down on you like a heavy burden, suffocating your ability to speak and leaving you feeling exposed and prickly. You look at him, eyes soft and lips smiling in playful anticipation of your secret you’ll reveal.
He knows everything about you. Everything. Except this one, tiny, completely significant detail you’ve deliberately left out. 
As the silence stretches between you, Marcus reaches out to gently touch your hand, sending a jolt of warmth through your body. 
"Hey,” the velvety feel of his thumb stroking over your knuckles makes you somewhat dizzy. “You don't have to share anything you're not comfortable with," he reassures you, his voice soft and grounding.
You contemplate ending it right here, before Marcus has the chance to discover it all.
Your mind flits between making up some white lie or excusing yourself to the bathroom and walking out, disappearing from his life without a trace. It would be easier that way, wouldn't it? Easier than facing the inevitable truth.
But as you look into Marcus's eyes, filled with warmth and kindness, you know that you can't bring yourself to hurt him like that. Despite your fears and insecurities, you can't bear the thought of losing him - not when he's become such an integral part of your life, not when you’ve come to care for him so deeply.
Your gaze falters for a moment, your mind racing as you debate whether to reveal it. It could change everything - you suspect it might. It has before, countless times before. A repetitive déjà vu you're doomed to live through on endless repeat.
You don’t want to tarnish Marcus with the same brush, it’s unfair. But you’ve walked this path before and it’s hard not to expect disappointment. People are such fickle creatures after all.  
But the way he’s looking at you now, with deep brown eyes that reflect the candlelight, he softens your edges, makes the outline of your sight fuzzy and full of bokeh sparkles.
A flicker of uncertainty crosses over your features before you finally brave yourself to speak.
"Well, there's something I haven't really talked about before," you began slowly, your voice just above a trembled whisper.
And now you’ve started it’s unnerving to know how to finish. 
“Do you wanna leave, go somewhere private and talk?” He asks, sensing your hesitancy. 
“No, no, here is okay. Besides, if I don’t just come out and tell you now, I probably… won’t.”
“Okay.” Marcus says, his smile dipping a little. “Take your time. You can tell me anything, sweetheart. I’m not going anywhere.” 
He squeezes your hand inside his to emphasise the point. And you instantly feel wretched for assuming that he would once he knows.
He’s done nothing but make you feel at ease since the moment you met. Make you feel awash with vibrancy. He sees all your colours, every single one and doesn't try to grey them out or tone them down. He really likes you for… you.
That’s all you’ve ever wanted, right?
You take a deep breath, gathering your courage as you meet Marcus's curious gaze. 
"It's just... I-I have a condition called alopecia," you confess, your voice barely above a whisper. "It's why my hair looks different all the time. I wear wigs."
You pick up your wine glass, quickly downing the contents in two large gulps as your heart thuds inside your ears. 
Marcus nods, the smile instantly returning. “Yeah, I knew that.”
You baulk. “Wait, you did?” 
“Well, I mean, I didn’t know for sure that it was alopecia, but I suspected it was probably something like that.”
“Your detective skills precede you, Agent.”
He smiles. “No, I just pay attention to things I really like looking at.” 
You smile back, any panic instantly falling from your shoulders.
“I didn’t want to pry. I figured you’d tell me when you were ready. I didn’t know for sure so didn’t want to assume. I've always admired your style. Especially your hair. It's so versatile - one day it's short and spunky, the next it's long and glamorous. I wish I had your knack for switching up my look."
“You look pretty fine to me, Marcus.” You say with a smile and his cheeks glow again. 
“Either way, I kinda love all those different looks on you.” 
“You do?” 
“Yeah. They’re amazing and really compliment your personality,” he says and you feel warm at his admission. 
Throughout your dates, your hair has been a delightful kaleidoscope of colours and styles, each wig a reflection of your vibrant personality and adventurous spirit.
On your first meeting at the art gallery, your hair was cascaded in loose curls of rich chestnut in soft waves that caught his eye as you moved. The subtle highlights danced in the gallery's dim lighting, accentuating your features and drawing Marcus's gaze like a moth to a flame.
On a spontaneous night outing to a live jazz club, you surprised Marcus with a playful pixie cut of platinum blonde, the short strands framing your face in a halo of light.
With each nod of your head to the rhythm of the music, your hair caught the stage lights and sparkled like a constellation in the night sky, mesmerising Marcus with its silvery glimmer.
As your dates blossomed in frequency, you continued to delight and surprise Marcus with your ever-changing hairstyles. From long, flowing locks of fiery red to bold, statement-making curls of electric blue, and shorter edgy styles, each wig you wear is a testament to your creativity and bright confidence, and Marcus finds himself falling more deeply for you with each passing day. 
And he never queries why, just admiring and complimenting, and accepting that this is who you are. 
“Do you mind talking about it?” Marcus asks. 
“Not at all. I mean, not many people want to, I guess.”
“Compassion and understanding is often hard to compete with judgemental stares and whispering, you know?”
Marcus frowns. “I’m sorry you’ve had to go through that. That must have been hard.” He says sincerely. 
“The wigs help. Most people assume it’s a fashion choice.” You explain.
“Can I ask you a question?”
He looks at you deeply. “Is it all over or just… your head?”
You breathe in. “Mostly my head. But for a while, I lost my eyelashes. I have hair… uh, elsewhere. But it tends to be really patchy so I keep it… trim.” You say, swallowing dryly as Marcus blushes. 
“I’m uh… I’m sure it’s all perfect.” He surmises.  
You smile. “My hair sometimes grows patchy on my head too, but it’s never long enough to grow out into full hair, if that makes sense? So I just shave it off. It’s easier.” 
Marcus nods, listening intently. “What's your favourite wig that you have?” 
You think about it for a moment. “The one I was wearing the day I met you.” 
He blushes. “Yeah. I really like that one too.” 
“Maybe I should wear it more often.” Tears well up in your eyes as you look at Marcus, overwhelmed by his kindness and sincerity. 
“Hey,” he says, taking your hand again. 
"I was so afraid that you’d be repulsed by me," you admit, your voice trembling.
“Why would you think that? I think you're absolutely beautiful. I’ve always thought so.”
“Oh, Marcus.” You sniffle, reaching for your napkin to dab your eyes before your mascara runs. 
“I mean it.” He squeezes your hand again, wrapping his fingers around your own, his eyes filled with compassion. "Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me," he says softly, his voice filled with warmth. "But it doesn't change how I feel about you. You're still the same amazing person I've come to care about. I really care about you."
You look at him, his hand emanating so much warmth around yours. “Yeah?”
He nods, smiling. “Can I tell you another secret?”
“I’m really falling for you, actually. Head over heels, completely and utterly.” He admits. 
In that moment, the world seems to stand still as you process Marcus's heartfelt confession. A surge of warmth floods your chest, chasing away the lingering doubts and fears that have plagued you for so long.
"Marcus, I..." you begin, your voice choked with emotion. "I'm falling for you, too."
The smile that spreads across his face could outshine the sun. 
With a soft exhale, Marcus leans in closer, his voice a tender whisper that sends shivers down your spine.
Marcus’s gaze locks with yours in a silent plea. "Would you... would you like to come back to my place after we finish up here?"
Your breath catches in your throat at Marcus's suggestion, your mind awash with a whirlwind of emotions and desires. The thought of being alone with him, of exploring the depths of your connection in the privacy of his home, sends a thrill coursing through your veins.
You can imagine him peeling you out of your dress, running his hands all over your skin. Asking you to stay with hot breath snaking in your ear because he wants to make love to you all night long. Wants to watch you buck and moan for him.
You’ve thought about it a lot at night, seeking satisfaction with your fingers and vibrator as your mind conjures up all the ways he can leave you satisfied. And you’d say yes, wanting nothing more than to let him fill you full of him, and then you’d have to take your wig off to sleep in his arms and-
“Oh.” Your thighs squeeze themselves together relieving some of that delicious anticipation, despite your mind penduluming between abject want and that familiar fear. 
“Don’t worry, I don’t have any wild expectations. Just some more wine and maybe a movie? Some cuddles on the couch?” Marcus tempts. 
With a slow nod, you meet Marcus's soft gaze with unwavering determination. You can’t abnegate yourself. Especially when it’s apparent he still wants to spend time with you, despite now knowing entirely everything about you.
"Yes," you reply, your voice barely above a whisper. "I'd really like that."
“Me too.” He smiles at you with a soft beam. 
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"Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine." 
You smile as Marcus talks along with the film Casablanca rolling across his flat TV screen. Changing his accent to match Humphrey Bogart’s, which makes you giggle, because it sounds nothing like it at all. Then he laughs with you, his chuckles sounding like wind chimes. 
Wrapped in a cosy blanket, you nestle closer to Marcus, your head resting against his chest as you lose yourselves in the timeless tale unfolding onscreen. 
Marcus drapes his arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer with a gentle warmth that envelopes you in a sense of security and belonging.
Close up, Marcus exudes an aura of warmth and masculinity that’s impossible to ignore with each breath you inhale pressed against his broad chest. He’s dressed more casually now, exchanging his suit pants for casual grey sweats and his crips shirt for a looser round neck.
His scent mingles with the natural musk of his skin, creating a tantalising combination that stirs something primal within. You get whiffs of citrusy bergamot and zesty orange, base notes that are complimented by hints of spicy cinnamon and clove each time you breathe in.
You can smell the fruity tones of the cabernet on the soft warmth of his breath, cascading down your forehead onto your nose. 
As you watch the movie together, your soft breathing mingled with the crackle of the fireplace fills the room with a sense of warmth and intimacy, something you’ve always craved with a partner. To just feel close and wanted.
Marcus will occasionally steal glances down at you, his heart swelling with affection at the sight of you relaxed and at ease in his arms.
“This feels so good.” You murmur into his shoulder. 
“Yeah, it really does.” He agrees. 
“Oh sorry, I was talking to Rick Blaine.” You giggle, his hand lowering and pinching your hip playfully. 
“Oh really?” Marcus teases. “Shall I leave you and Rick to it then?”
You giggle some more and he pulls you in closer. 
“He is really handsome, I’ll give you that. Maybe I’ll stay and watch.” He remarks. 
“Kinky,” you smirk. 
His chest heaves from another chuckle. 
“He’s not as handsome as you, though.” You chirp, looking at him.
As you trace the lines of his face with your gaze - the strong jawline, the stubble-softened cheeks, the gentle slope of his nose - you marvel at the beauty of the man before you.
He’s a masterpiece in every sense of the word - a work of art crafted with care and precision, a reflection of the love and light that dwells within his gentle soul.
“Oh yeah?”
You nod looking up at him. “Yeah. Sexy too.”
He grins with twinkly eyes. “You think I’m sexy?”
“Really sexy,” you nod, leaning up to kiss him.
“I think you’re incredibly sexy.” Marcus says as he brushes his lips against yours. “Mmm, God… look at you.” 
His tongue slips into your mouth, tantalising you into a willing submission inside his arms. It’s a kiss filled with tenderness and passion, a silent promise of love and acceptance that transcends words between you.
“It’s late,” you say softly, a dreamy relaxation settling into your bones, limbs warm from the wine and the snuggly blanket draped over you both.
Soft hums, hands that sweep up arms and into the back of his hairline, a nose that crushes against yours as you breathe into one another, you connect on deeper levels. You could kiss him forever.
“Yeah,” he glances over at the clock and it’s nearing midnight. “I’ll call you a cab., sweetheart.”
Looking a little bereft, he goes to move, but your palm on his chest stops him. 
"Marcus, I... I don't want to leave, but-" 
The thought of staying the night with Marcus is both thrilling and terrifying, for it means revealing your most vulnerable self - the woman beneath the carefully crafted facade of your wigs.
But every fibre in your body wants him pressed up close to you like he is now, holding you in his arms, skin on delicious skin. 
You nod. 
“It’s okay. I feel the same way. I'm nervous too."
"You are?"
"Because... you want me. It's felt like no-one really has most of my life. Second best." He says, his smile dipping.
"It's their loss, Marcus. Trust me." You smile.
"I really wanna hold you all night and wake up with you in the morning. Make you pancakes for breakfast.” He smiles again, brushing his nose against yours. “But I also don't want you to feel uncomfortable." He says, his fingers stroking against your cheek. 
“But… when you’re ready, I do have something that might put you at ease.”
“One sec.” He pushes off the blanket and disappears out of the room quickly.
You hear the thud of the stairs as he dashes up them and the shake again as he comes back down with something behind his back. 
“Marcus-” You grin waiting for him to reveal it. 
“I want you to know that I think you're beautiful, with or without your wig. And if and when you're ready to take it off, I'll be here for you, every step of the way. It changes nothing for me."
You smile softly at him.
“And I got this, for when you stay. I mean, if you want to. I hope you’ll want to. But I read some things about alopecia and some people said-”
“You read up on it?” You ask, your eyebrows rising.
“Yeah.” He hands it to you and your fingers stroke across a silken cap in a striking, deep sapphire hue. 
The simple gesture speaks volumes about his thoughtfulness and care, touching you in a way you hadn't expected.
Tears well up in your eyes as you take the dainty cap from Marcus's outstretched hand, your fingers trembling with gratitude. It’s more than just a gift - it’s a symbol of his acceptance, his willingness to embrace every part of you, including your alopecia.
“I read that you might feel cold, when you sleep?”
“Yeah, I do,” you nod, wiping your eyes. “This is so thoughtful, Marcus.”
You’ve kept your alopecia hidden for so long, fearing rejection and judgement from those you care about. But Marcus's unwavering acceptance and understanding gives you a glimmer of hope - hope that you can be loved for who you truly are, wig or no wig.
"Thank you," you say softly, your voice tinged with emotion. "For being so kind and patient with me. This means so much much to me, more than you could ever know."
You look down at the cap, it’s colour bold and so pretty. Something so small, but means so much. A simple gesture that lets you know it's okay to be vulnerable.
To be yourself. 
Marcus smiles, his eyes sparkling with affection. "You don't have to thank me. I care about you deeply, and I want you to feel comfortable and safe with me, sweetheart."
“I do,” you smile. “I really do.”
With a shaky breath, you make a decision. You know that you can't let fear hold you back any longer. Not when Marcus is right here, imbuing you with strength and desire. 
Slowly, hesitantly, you reach up to remove your wig, unclipping it and revealing the smooth expanse of your scalp beneath.
Marcus's breath catches in his throat as he looks at you, eyes roaming slowly over your head and his heart swelling with admiration for your courage and vulnerability.
"Wow," he says. He reaches out to gently cup your face in his hands, his touch tender and reverent.
He places a soft kiss on the top of your head, lips pressed gently into the smooth, bare skin and it lingers before he pulls you closer - large hands resting gently on your hips as he glides his lips against yours.
"You're so beautiful," he whispers, his voice filled with sincerity. "Absolutely stunning."
"I'm really not," you whisper.
"You are to me. The most beautiful woman I've ever seen."
You feel his hands trail up your back and then disappear, the warmth from them now emanating on your cheeks again, thumbs stroking under your eyes. 
“I think…” You begin with a breathless whisper.
“Yeah?” He breathes into your mouth. 
“I think… I want to stay and for you to take me to bed, Marcus.”
“Are you sure?” He mouths against your cheek.
The subtle graze of his barely-there facial hair makes you hot under your skin. Your fingers clutch tighter around his shoulders, the material from his t-shirt bunching up there.
The little groan from the back of his throat is swallowed up as you breathe it down into your lungs.  
“I’m sure. I want you.” 
“God, I want you too.” He groans. 
You don’t make it to the bedroom, instead straddling his lap right on the sofa as you kiss him with everything you have. 
You help him out of his t-shirt, rolling it up and running your hands over his bronzed skin. Leaning in to trail open mouthed kisses down his chest, he unbuttons your shirt revealing delicate lace cups holding you in and groans audibly. 
And you both laugh when he struggles to unclasp it. 
“Fuck...” Marcus runs his mouth in a slew of delicate kisses over your cleavage, reaching around with nimble, yet trembling fingers to unclasp your bra.
"I think thas's the first time I've heard you curse." You snicker.
"I think the situation calls for it. My God... I can't believe how stunning you are!"
“What is going on back here?” He chuckles, and you help him out, letting your breasts spill into his face.
“God, look at those nipples.” He sighs hungrily. 
“Put them in your mouth.” You husk.
Kissing and licking over your nipples you can feel the clamminess over your back as you sweat. His tongue draws tantalising circles around them and you could just come from that alone. 
"Yes, ma'am." He sucks your nipple into his mouth, warm and wet as he swirls his tongue, giving each the attention they so deserve until they're hard and aching between the gentle pull of his teeth.
"Mmm," you groan in delight.
“Oh God, Marcus…” you whine, fingers tugging in his hair. You inadvertently rock your hips against his thigh, grinding softly on him. And he grunts glancing down at you doing it. 
“That feel good?” Marcus asks as you moan softly, feeling the delicious grind of your clit catching against the fabric of his sweats. 
He watches with rapt attention, his hands snaking their way around you and moving the henlm of your dress up round your stomach as you grip onto his shoulders. 
“Mmm, feels so good,” you groan.
“You look so good doing that… fuck.” He whispers, losing his voice. “Use me, that’s it. Like that. Make a mess of me. Come on, baby.” Marcus urges, pressing desperate kisses to your throat.
Winding your hips, you clock the bulge straining in his sweats and palm it, and he hisses between his teeth. He feels big, thick and you groan as the pressure on your clit mounts.
He rocks you harder, faster as you grind and pant, moaning his name softly as you build. Your gasps are more throaty, your body tensing up, and he can feel it under his hands. 
“Come for me, beautiful,” Marcus urges as you ride his thigh to a tingly oblivion.
Warmth spreads down your spine, laced with an aftermath of delicious prickles as your shudder and shake.
A dark patch is left on his grey sweatpants as your slick seeps into them. 
“I wanna take these panties off. God, they're so sexy. Can I?” Marcus husks with dark eyes. 
You nod and shimmy your hips so he can pull them down, laying you back on the couch as he parts your legs.
He licks his lips and groans at the perfectly bare pussy presented to him. 
He strokes his fingers through your sopping folds, sucking on your nipples again as he slides his fingers up your slit, the pad of his finger pressing gently as you card through his hair. 
“M-Marcus,” you whine as he teases your entrance with those thick digits, feeling you clench around just the tip.
He strokes his finger in and out as you lay there, leaving it in so you can work those muscles against it, clenching around him as you groan with desperate need.
He teases, slowly pulling it out and just as slowly pushing it back in again. Withdrawing and then adding another until he pumps them inside your aching cunt. 
His other hand on the cushion beside your head inches closer, his thumb brushing against the smooth curve of your skin above your ear, and running his lips over your bare crown once more before resting his forehead on yours. 
The slick of your pussy being fucked by his fingers echoes around you both. 
“You are so beautiful,” he utters as he kisses you. 
You tug at the waistband of his sweats, pulling them down over his ass to release his cock. Stroking the thickness of it in your palm as he circles your clit with his thumb, two fingers buried deep inside you and rubbing against that spot inside that makes your thighs shake. 
“I need you, Marcus.”
“Mmm, you can have me, sweetheart. Anytime you want…” He croons, running his lips over your collarbone. 
“Oh really?” You smirk. 
“I’m completely yours.” And with the look in his eyes you believe him.
He is yours, yours to keep and love and grow old with if you want him - it's all there, deep in the golden swirls of his irises. A lifetime together; an irrevocable happiness that you’ve been searching for your entire life. 
“Mine.” You repeat, pulling his face up and kissing him. 
He lowers himself down, cock brushing against your folds as you groan. He pulls back to watch, teasing his thick head through those slick lips, watching as he slowly disappears inside them with a wet pop. 
“Oh fuck…” he sweetly blasphemes, teeth griding tight.
He guides himself in, pushing gently with his hips as he crests through your tight hole. You’re so wet, dripping for him, that he slides in with ease. 
You gasp at the thickness of him, the jolt as he runs his thumb over your clit as he slides in, cock filling you and stretching you around him. 
His body is so warm and you can't stop touching him, stroking his skin and planting kisses all over it.
His lips move across your own, inking breaths and dizzy chants into the layers. “Feels so good, feels so good, feels so good…”
“Oh God,” you breathe. 
“You okay?”
“Yeah, you feel really good.” It’s unlike anything you’ve felt before. Smooth and deep as he fills you up, connects himself to you on a level that transcends the basic intimacy of sex. 
“I know, baby. God, you’re so tight. Ah, shit…” Marcus groans, eyes rolling back. 
“Kiss me,” you plead, your tongue slipping into his mouth as he moves. Hips languidly rotating and thrusting slowly as he bottoms out.  
You cry out when he does, fingers gripping into flesh, hot pants sinking into his pores. 
“Can you feel me, right there?” He gasps, pushing himself as deep into you as he’ll go. 
“Yes… God, yes!” 
He watches as your eyes squeeze shut, how your teeth bite down on your lip as you moan and pant; feels how you clench tighter and more erratically around him the closer you get to your orgasm. 
Your mouth chases his fingers, open and wanting as his thumb brushes down the side of your cheek and over your lips. Gentle, rhythmic strokes become harder and deeper as he’s utterly possessed by you, eyes rolling back and jaw slack as you feel every inch of him.
He squeezes over your ass, thighs, breasts, staring at you, completely captivated. 
“You wanna ride me?” Marcus suggests with a coy smirk and apple flushed cheeks. 
“God yes!” You hum excitedly.
You straddle him again and lower yourself down, his cock packing you out once more. 
“Oh shit, Marcus!”
“Sweetheart-” he groans as you sit all the way down.
“Oh my God, that’s so deep,” you whine, your hands clawing at his chest. 
You start to move, feeling so full and he groans looking up at you. 
“Oh fuck, just like that,” he whines.
He feels incredible, looks stunning with his head thrown back on the couch as his cheeks keep that gorgeous pink hue and his rich cocoa eyes look deeply into you. 
“Yeah…” His fingers are felt on the back of your bare head, stroking softly as he kisses you. And it feels incredible to have him touch you so intimately like this. 
You lick into his mouth making him smile and grunt as you ride a bit faster, his cock hitting you so deep with each movement. 
He groans out when he feels you come around him, squeezing his cock tighter and making him work harder through it. Squeezing and contracting as your slick soaks him. 
“God, you’re even more beautiful when you’re coming all over my cock,” he puffs. 
“You’re amazing,” you pant.
“It’s all you, sweetheart. Trust me.” Marcus groans. “Can you take it a little harder?”
“I’ll take it anyway you want to give it to me.” You smile. 
“Oh, baby.” He fucks up into you harder, loud repetitive slaps fill the lounge along with your sweet, caustic whines as you build. “There are so many ways I wanna give to you.”
“Tell me,” you hum. 
He smirks before licking across your nipple, eyes looking up at you the whole time. “From behind… up against the wall… on the kitchen counter.”
“Mmm,” you whine. You reach down to stroke your clit, gasping as your fingers swirl around in the immense wetness down there. 
“Mmm, fuck.” He groans watching you do it as he continues to push up into you. “Yeah. Stroke that gorgeous clit for me,” he grunts. 
“How else do you want me?” You pant.
You can feel it, rising in your chest, glittering behind your eyes. The building as your peak finds you amongst the heady bliss. 
“In the back of my car… handcuffed to my bed railing and unable to escape while I taste you for hours…” 
“Fuck!” Your legs start to shake once more, your back arching and your breasts pushed further towards his face. You lean back, gripping onto his thighs, hips bouncing as you chase that feeling so gluttonously.
“Look at me, let me see you come again, beautiful.”
It’s almost unbearable, the way he looks at you, his eyes filled with so much adoration that it threatens to spill out of your own.
He gasps, panting with you, enthralled and enraptured as you come undone completely around him, and he swears he's never seen anything more stunning in his life.
He absorbs that moment wholly, when the euphoria takes over your face, as your raspy yells of his name fall into silk whispers around his face. How you continue to bounce with fervour on his cock long after the shakes have dissipated from your bones. 
“That’s it, that’s it… Oh God!” Marcus whispers, mouth curving into an astonished arc as that dimple reveals itself again. “You’re gonna make me come, sweetheart.”
“I want you to.” You whisper. "Come for me, Marcus."
“Can I come inside you?”
You nod as you press your mouth to his, swallowing his tongue as his grip tightens around you.
He slows right down, sliding up into you with deep, purposeful strokes and you feel him twitch before he groans out, long and low as he comes. 
Marcus pulls out, watching the pearly white fluid drip out of you, gathering it on his pulsing head and slips it back inside you. 
You both mewl together as he does it, his face falling into your chest and sighing out. 
“Yeah.” You agree breathlessly. 
“Stunning,” Marcus whispers as he runs his nose up your cheek and plants another kiss against your smooth crown. “I’m the luckiest guy in the world.”
You smile, eyelashes fluttering against his jaw as you wrap him tightly in your arms, never wanting to let him go.
You know that right here, in this moment and held in the safety of his arms, you’ve found something truly special. 
“You still wanna stay?” He asks you. 
You nod, smiling with a satiated beam. “If you’ll have me?”
“I’ll always have you. And I’ll always want you.” Marcus says.
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The cap feels so soft and silken against your skin as you nestle down into the soft pillows, and watch Marcus come back in from the bathroom.
Gloriously naked and crawling up the bed, he trails kisses up your legs, stomach and neck until he reaches your lips. 
“Looks really good on you,” he compliments and you smile. 
“Thank you again,” you say, pulling him close. 
“Anything for you. I can’t wait to wake up with you in the morning,” he yawns, a lone finger trailing the rim of your cap and down your cheek. 
“Flaking out on me already, Agent?” You smirk as you wrap your legs around his hips. 
“Mmm, you’re insatiable, aren’t you?” Marcus grins, nuzzling into your neck and sucking it gently into his mouth.
He relaxes against you as you stroke patterns over his broad back. 
This feels good. Really good. A feeling you definitely want to get used to as you take in the feel of him crushed on top of you, arms holding you close, his hair tickling the bottom of your jaw.
This right here, is all you’ve ever wanted. And Marcus is willing to give it all to you. You feel like you've hit the jackpot and can’t stop grinning. 
“Marcus?” You whisper.
“Mmm?” He sighs softly. 
“Thank you for accepting the real me.” 
The gentle snuffles of his light snores soon fill the room and you beam, reaching up to stroke over the silk of the cap, smiling at how you’ve found such a caring and thoughtful man who thinks you’re incredibly beautiful.
And as you drift off to sleep, you're convinced you hear him whisper to you:"I love the real you..."
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I really hope you enjoyed reading this story with Marcus, and welcome your comments/thoughts. I'd appreciate a re-blog if you liked it so others can find it on their dash to read and enjoy too - thank you very much! 🖤
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