#my favorites are emmett and alice
Reading your response to my last few asks has left me with more questions than answers
1. Why was Emmet in the egg outfit anyway? Are those actually eggs?
2. In what circumstances would Jacob believe that being naked and shifting in front of Charlie (the dad of the girl he was presumably trying to woo) be a good idea?? Also, as a side note, do werewolves actually need to be naked in order to shift or is they just something the one fanfic that I read got wrong?
3. Can you like give me a summary of all of Edward’s family? Cause like I feel like there’s something going on with that. Also, did Edward’s parents actually die in a plague that led to him being adopted or am I missing something here?
I apologize for my lack of twilight knowledge again. I have plans to go read it, but that might be another 2 years, so for now I’m bugging you about it.
That's how it always goes with twilight, dw. Every response opens a whole new can of worms. I'll do my best to answer!
Why was Emmett in the egg outfit? No clue! (and yes they're actually eggs, they're hardboiled). That's just what the costume department dressed him in for that brief scene when filming--also, just so we're clear, the "egg outfit" is this outfit. It's not the outfit Roisin created related to eggs in her twilight drawing. I call it the egg outfit because it's what he was wearing while carrying the eggs and matches in color. As for why the actor was carrying a bag of eggs, it's because the director saw the actor actually doing that irl and was like this is so ridiculous we have to add that to the movie.
Why did Jacob get naked and shift in front of Charlie? It's because he was forcing the Cullens' hands pretty much. This was after Renesmee was born and he was no longer infatuated with Bella; Bella was a vampire now, and the whole family intended to uproot and move on from the area for a few reasons. One, so Bella wouldn't be around humans and be tempted to kill them while learning self control (newborn vampires are supposed to be full of bloodlust, but Bella's disappointingly well adjusted). Two, so that people wouldn't realize they weren't aging or changing at all--especially Bella, because she had active connections to people like her father. They could only keep it from him for so long, and it'd be easier to do from far away. Also wouldn't hurt to get away from the werewolves, as wolves and vampires don't really get along.
However, Jacob is tied to his pack and Forks, and if the Cullens left he'd have to make a choice between them. And he'd choose Nessie, but he didn't want to have to chose--and he wasn't sure the Cullens would let him tag along. He wanted to insure they'd stay. So with the crux of it being everyone worrying about how Charlie would handle it and deciding the solution is to not tell him and leave, Jacob went hey what it I tell him and prove to you he can handle it. And boom now Charlie knows so you don't have to keep secrets and run away, you can all stay here! It did create a tense situation where Charlie rushed over, and it was the first time Bella had been up close near a human and everyone was worried she'd lose control, but she didn't, so that solved the other problem. Bella wasn't at risk of losing control and killing a bunch of humans, so they could stay. That's why Jacob did it
And wolves don't have to get naked to shift, they just tend to because otherwise their clothes get shredded by their expanding bodies and when they shift back they don't have anything to wear and go through clothes really fast. So they wear minimal clothing (that's why they're just wearing shorts and sometimes shoes in the movies), and have a pouch on their ankle they put their shorts in when they shift so they don't have to carry their pants in their mouths.
And now a family summary! There are 7 Cullens (8 if you count Bella marrying in). And I'm trying to encompass everything important while not taking up too much space--considering there's four books I think it's rather condensed
Tw for: violence, death, abuse (including sexual), suicide, illness
Carlise Cullen is the father figure, the oldest of them all (a few centuries, turned age 23ish), and works as a doctor. He's known for his compassion and has legendary self control (only rivaled by Edward post meeting Bella), and has never drank human blood before. His father was a witch-hunter of sorts, and after he took over (though Carlisle was much more cautious about it), he ran into a vampire and was killed/transformed in the 1600s. He was horrified and tried to destroy himself, but couldn't, until he realized he could feed off animals and didn't have to kill people. He roamed the earth very lonely for centuries before he finally caved and created a companion for himself, Edward.
Esme Cullen is the mother figure, the third to join the family, and is known for being very sweet and loving; she's a little over a century old and was turned age 26 in 1921. She was in an abusive marriage and lost a baby in her human life, prompting her to take her own life, where she was then transformed by Carlisle. They are now mates.
Edward Cullen was Carlisle's first family member, transformed age 17 in 1918 because he was dying of influenza. Both his parents had already died from it, and his mother requested Carlisle save his life in a way only he could. He has the special ability to read the thoughts of those around him as though they were broadcast, sans Bella's. he had a phase early in his vampire life where he abandoned Carlisle and Esme and used his ability to hunt evil people, feeding on abusers and villains and the like, but he grew tired of the death and felt immoral, so he returned to Carlisle and Esme. He's very melacholic and generally displeased until he meets Bella and his world is turned around
Rosalie Hale was the 4th family member, transformed age 18 in 1933. She's known for her beauty and being self-centered. She was the picture perfect daughter of a wealthy family during the great depression, happy to be desired and admired, and was going to be married to another well-off family. Her greatest desire was to be loved and start a family of her own. Unfortunately for her, her fiance was actually a piece of shit, and his true colors were revealed when he and his friends got drunk one night, assaulting and killing her. Carlisle found and transformed her, and afterwards Rosalie went back and killed every one of them while wearing her wedding dress. She's also known for being quite jealous, liking cars, and wishing desperately she could start her own family
Emmett Cullen was the 5th family member, transformed age 20 in 1935. He was part of a wild crowd, but also hunted for his family for game. During one unlucky hunting session, he ran across a bear and was mauled to death. Rosalie found and saved him, taking him to Carlisle to be transformed. He's pretty much the only one of them who is happy to be a vampire and has no complaints. He's known for being boisterous, very strong and muscly, loving competition and fighting, and being absolutely in love with Rosalie, his mate. He's a himbo.
Alice Cullen joined the family at the same time as Jasper, but was transformed in 1920 at age 19 before that by someone else. She has the special ability to see the future, but only as the possibilities will play out based on current decisions. If someone changes their mind on what they're going to do, what she sees changes as the future changes. Vampires with special traits generally have hints of them in their human lives, but Alice's was incredibly strong, landing her in an asylum for her premonitions--this is why her hair is so short and spiky, as it was shaved there. She was also being hunted by a vampire tracker, James, because she had appealing blood. To save her from him, an older vampire working at the asylum transformed her, but was killed by James. Alice has no memories of her human life (compared to the vague and fuzzy few others may have) because of her time in the asylum. Once she was out, her visions guided her to Jasper (her mate) and the Cullens so they could join the family.
Jasper Hale was an aspiring military leader in the Confederate Army (yep, he was really a genuine confederate) and incredibly charismatic. He lied about his age when joining and was the youngest general in the army. At the same time, there was a secret vampire war going on in the area, and because of his charisma, he was scouted out by a vampire because she thought his charm would turn into a special ability once he was turned (by Maria in 1863 at age 19)--and it did. He can read and influence the emotions of others. So he served in Maria's army for a while. But he grew depressed from feeling the emotions of the people he was always killing, and his creator was thinking of getting rid of him because of it. A friend offered another way of life and he ran away. A while later, Alice found him (very planned out and intentional), and while she was acting strange (because of her knowledge of the future) he could feel the complete love coming from her. So with Alice they found the Cullens and joined the family. Though Jasper has the hardest time with the vegetarian diet, and while he does love the others, his primary concern is Alice. He has numerous scars and is very formidable in battle.
No one is officially adopted through legal means, all their documents and such are fake. The reason they all have the Cullen last name is part of the ruse--except for Jasper and Rosalie, who go by Hale because people assume them to be siblings and they think its better to let humans make assumptions and follow along. Though they are still adopted siblings with the others in the whole ruse.
I've given you a lot to mull over so I'll stop there, but I hope that helps! If you do read twilight I hope you have fun, but also no pressure to!
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ohyoudosmellgood · 2 years
„done with that, i went back to brooding.“
edward’s so real for that
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jessicanjpa · 5 months
happy mother's day
It's Alice's first time baking with Esme! An excerpt from this 1957 one-shot. Esme POV.
"I'm home!" I called out from the garage. "And I could use some help!"
I heard Alice's delicate sigh three floors up. By the time I got around to the trunk and opened it, she had flitted to my side wearing a new striped yellow dress and a pitiful look of resignation. She stuck out her arms and I began filling them with bags of groceries.
"You don't really have to do this, you know," I teased her, scooping up the last four bags myself.
"I promised," she said, and her pout turned upward into the smile that was never very far away.
"You did! And it's a chance to learn something new. The older we get, the more we'll treasure opportunities like this."
"I suppose I will. But ugh! Why do you buy so much at the grocery store, and so many things that smell funny?"
We set the groceries down onto the kitchen counter all in a neat line. Alice rooted through the bags, her nose wrinkling more with each one. "I don't even know what this one is!" she complained, pulling out an enormous zucchini with two reluctant fingertips.
"A zucchini. It's a kind of squash. That's what we're baking," I reminded her. "Zucchini bread. And you know how important it is to keep up appearances, especially when we're new. Some of it does go to waste, but we end up donating a lot of it in the end."
We had enjoyed a good, long stay in Klamath Falls. Emmett had, unfortunately, had an accident near the middle of our time there. But it had been an easy cleanup, so it hadn't interrupted our stay. Edward had been able to earn his bachelor's in music performance and Rosalie had finished a degree in bio pre-med. Carlisle and I were fiercely proud of both of their achievements. And even though Emmett had drifted aimlessly between majors for his entire stay at Southern Oregon college, my mother-heart had nearly burst to see him come so far. He hadn't even been able to read when Carlisle had first changed him.
But six years was pushing it; the children hadn't really known what to do with themselves after graduation, knowing we wouldn't have much time left, and Carlisle was starting to get jokes at work about having found the fountain of youth. So after some traveling, we had ended up here in northern Michigan. Edward, Rosalie, and Emmett had just started high school again last week. Alice was torn; we had all hoped that she and Jasper would both be joining the others in school this time, but Jasper was still reluctant. The rest of us all thought he was ready. The only way our newest vegetarian was ever going to trust himself at school was to go and practice being at school. He was dragging his feet and he knew it, but it was his choice in the end. I just wished Alice would go ahead without him and enjoy herself.
My darling girl, full of sunshine! I busied myself getting the ingredients ready, smiling as I watched Alice take the groceries out of the bags, peering at each item as if it were from another planet. Out of all of us, she was the only one who had no memories of her human life—no memories whatsoever of things as commonplace as eating and preparing food. The whole concept was completely foreign to her, and until today she had skillfully avoided my every cajoling effort to join me in the kitchen. Everyone except her had taken at least one turn by now, even Emmett and Jasper. But I had won in the end.
"It's almost Mother's Day," I said to her last Tuesday. "And there's something I really would love; let's see if you can figure it out without any hints."
That was all it took; Alice couldn't resist a challenge for her visions. She loved stretching her gift like this, especially where shopping and surprises were concerned. She eagerly plunged into the silent world of pictures that swirled around inside her head, visiting department store after department store and flipping catalog pages, all without moving a muscle. It took her three days to figure it out.
"Esme!" she pouted, bursting in on me as I was painting that third afternoon. "That's not even a real present!"
"It is to me," I said, opening my arms for her reluctant hug. "You know I've always wanted to bake something with you." She made a face, but she also promised to follow through.
"Hand me the whisk, would you, dear?" I asked her now. She dug through the drawer of mysterious cooking implements, zoning out for a moment, no doubt to peek ahead and see what a whisk even looked like. I donned my favorite apron and tossed another one to her.
"I'll beat the eggs and oil and sugar if you'll peel and grate the zucchini," I offered.
"Gladly," she said, peering with distaste into my bowl. "I will never understand why humans like to scramble up animal embryos. Isn't that... kind of gross?"
"It is when you put it that way," I laughed. "I can't say it appeals to me either, not anymore."
Alice was concentrating, trying to figure out how to peel the zucchini. She was holding the peeler steady and drawing the vegetable back and forth along it instead of the other way around.
"Try the opposite way," I suggested gently. "You hold whatever you're peeling still and draw the peeler downwards, away from you. Then lift it up and start at the top again." She nodded and tried again, sticking her tongue out in concentration. Her pressure wasn't quite right and she ended up peeling away a good half of the zucchini itself, but I adored her effort. I laid three more down for her to do.
"You know I like to bake for various local things now and then," I explained, whisking the oil into the eggs and sugar at superspeed. "Hospital fundraisers, the children's ward, sometimes an event or two at whatever school you all are attending... Good. Now you're going to grate the zucchini right into this mixture." I demonstrated first this time.
"I'm sure they appreciate the gesture," she said, "but you and Carlisle give gobs of money to those things anyway. Wouldn't store-bought cookies or bread be just as good?"
"Heavens, no! They aren't baked with love when those industrial machines do the work. And it makes me feel good, too. It feels like I'm actually participating in a way that feels familiar and human. Baking was a way I showed love to people in my first life, so I kept on doing it in my second, even when I wasn't ready to go out at all. It's a shame I can't enjoy the food myself, but it's still special."
"You used to volunteer at Carlisle's hospitals, didn't you?" Alice asked.
"Now and then, yes. But it's been a long time." I hesitated for a second. "I've been thinking of a new adventure lately—going back to school."
"Really? You would pose as a college student?" She looked doubtful.
"I would be a college student," I laughed. "Why, do you think I look too old? I might need a little help from you and Rosalie..."
That perked her right up. We started chattering about ways we could make me look younger: hairstyles, makeup, styles of clothing and jewelry and shoes and purses, even ways I could talk differently. Alice got so focused on our brainstorming that her grating went faster and faster until her fingertips accidentally smushed the grater's holes in on themselves and she had a big mush of zucchini pulp on the other side. She put everything down and scowled at it.
"I don't think I'm going to be good at this," she said with a sigh, picking at the grater with her fingernails to make the holes right again. "For all I know, I've never done any of it before."
"It's all right," I assured her. I moved on to the dry ingredients in my own bowl. "We're so... perfect at so many things that I find it can be refreshing to not be so good at something, or to at least be so new at something that we can make mistakes. I bought several. Just try again." She took another zucchini, moving more carefully this time. She was concentrating so hard her tongue was sticking out the corner of her mouth again. She was so adorable; I couldn't resist. I snapped a picture before she could change her pose. She didn't even notice. Everyone had grown used to my clicking shutter by now.
Jasper had quietly joined us a moment ago. He was leaning against the kitchen door frame with his arms folded, watching Alice with the most tender, thoughtful smile. He caught my attention behind her back and twisted that naughty little corner-grin of his, the one he got whenever he was about to prank Emmett somehow. He pounced and grabbed her from behind, making her scream.
"I'm sorry!" he laughed, letting her go and dodging the half-grated zucchini she tried to slap him with. "It was just too easy—I could tell you were too immersed in your, uh..."—he gestured toward the mixing bowl vaguely—"for visions, and the stink was strong enough for a good stealth operation... what?" he added, narrowing his eyes.
"Nothing," Alice said sweetly, turning back to stir the putrid green mixture. "Just thinking of how I'll get you back."
"It was worth it," he promised, wrapping his arms around her again, this time for a peck on the cheek.
"Hmm," was all she said. Her eyes were absent, scanning the future. I picked up the camera again, just in case.
"I think you'd better get out while the getting's good," I told Jasper. "Unless you'd like to help out too?"
He held his hands up in surrender. "No thanks. I've already served my time. Emmett and I are going out to whip up some dinner of our own."
"You ready?" Emmett called out, just coming down the stairs. Alice whipped around and flicked a heaping spoonful of zucchini mush, hard, straight at Jasper's face. Jasper ducked just in time for the missile to fly over his head... straight into Emmett's open mouth.
I laughed and took the picture just as Emmett's eyes bulged out in horror. He spewed it all out, and it just happened to time perfectly with when Jasper stood back up, so he got a faceful as well. He swiped furiously at the mess and his mouth, and I got one more picture to commemorate the moment when my newest son tasted human food for the very first time. He looked like he was actually going to vomit, and he sounded like it too. He finally rushed over to the sink and flushed it all out with water, leaving a bright green trail everywhere he stepped. Alice was serenely stirring the batter, humming to herself.
"Was it still worth it?" she asked innocently.
"No," Jasper said, shuddering one last time. "It was not. Real funny, Emmett."
"You're blaming me?!" Emmett practically yelled. He was wiping his mouth out with my brand new kitchen towel. I sighed and took it from him, dropping it in the trash; I had learned the hard way never to put venom in the washing machine.
"I guess not," Jasper sighed, growling playfully at Alice as he passed instead of giving her a goodbye kiss. Emmett relaxed and turned to go, but Jasper flew up behind him and punched him so hard in the gut that a dribble of venom and old blood gushed out of his mouth. Emmett grabbed Jasper and roared and yanked the back of Jasper's shirt over his head before he could struggle out of Emmett's bear-sized grip.
"Take it outside," I warned them. I grabbed another towel and rushed to get the blood and venom before the dining room floor could start dissolving.
"NOW!" I shouted as they tumbled blindly into the sofa, knocking it askew by several feet. It took them a minute, still snarling and struggling to get a grip on each other, but they got out the back patio door without causing any further carnage. I caught the floor lamp as it fell, an inch before it hit the ground.
"Those two, I swear," I said, dropping the towel into the trash with the other one. "And you saw that whole thing, didn't you?"
"Who, me?" Alice said, stirring furiously.
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I asked if there weren't some baby pictures of Alice. Alice thought not, but mother remembered where they were—mothers always do.
We laughed over them together. There was Alice's first portrait, wherein she had pudgy cheeks, fuzzy black hair, and sucked her thumb. Six months was the age, I believe. Then there was Alice with hair carefully curled for the occasion, smiling at the photographer with a smug Daisy Ashford expression; and Alice wearing a straw hat wreathed with daisies, holding on to a chair, and looking very dignified because she had achieved the age of seven years.
Her father was proudest of a picture which showed Alice perched up on a horse, her short legs sticking out over his wide flanks.
"She always loved horses," he told me, "never was afraid of them. I used to sell and trade horses, that was my business when she was a little girl. At one time I owned Sam Patch, nephew of Dan Patch. Yes, sir, if Alice had kept on, she would have made a wonderful horsewoman."
-Squier, E.L. (1921). "Alice's Folks," Picture-Play Magazine, Vol.15, pp.84~85
※ According to the United States Census, 1900 and the death record of Emmett Lake, he worked in the laundry industry.
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mochikofi · 1 year
Jasper Hale being your boyfriend
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Boy let me tell you... This dude is a SIMP. He always wait for you after class and he always carry your things. He's basically your personal bodyguard and boyfriend.
He's not a fan of PDA that much but when you're both alone he will straight up hug you, but not too tight... He's afraid that he will hurt you.
He rarely gets jealous because he knows that your his soulmate but sometimes when boys gets touchy with you he will go to you and straight up say: "Darling, are they bothering you?" While glaring at them.
He knows that he will need to turn you into a vampire soon but he can't help but feel sad because he likes your eyes. But he doesn't have a choice so he's just enjoying the memories with you as a human.
Sometimes he sneaks in your room just because he misses you or when he's bored. He enjoys seeing your surprised face.
He decided that it's time for you to meet his family but he's kinda nervous lmao but in the end it worked out.
Esme LOVES you even when she just met you. She loves seeing your smile so she always finds a way to see you smile.
Carlisle just smiles at you and welcomes you in the family cuz he knows you're gonna get turned soon and He's glad that jasper finally have someone to love.
Alice, being the sweet girl she is hugs you and say "it's nice to finally meet you" and she keeps talking about fashions and how she loves your outfits.
Rosalie hated you at first but then warmed up to you and always hangs out with you. She always makes you sit in their table when it's lunch time. You're her favorite human and soon to be vampire.
Emmett was super excited to meet you, he wants to create chaos with you lmaooo. He always gives you stupid ideas to do with him, which leads to jasper saying: "No, not happening on my watch."
Edward and bella.. ehh their nice and welcomes you but their always lovely dovely with each other so you rarely interact with them, but you think their nice and they think you're nice too.
You always go to their house to hang out with them cuz who wouldn't want to be with them? Playing chess with edward, creating chaos with emmett, having fashion show with alice, cooking with esme, learning history with carlisle, having girl talks with rosalie, and cuddling with jasper.
You know who and what they are and you know you're gonna get turned into a vampire soon so you cherish all of your last moments with your human life.
And as soon as you turned into a vampire, jasper won't stay away from your side. He always admire you, staring at you like you're the only woman in his eyes.
When you're awake he calls Carlisle to help you control your thirst, and their actually shocked that you learned how to control it in a short time, but their proud of you especially emmett cuz.. chaos yk.
And having you as a vampire means he doesn't need to hold back. Kind of. But he can finally do things with you without holding himself back.
He always hunts with you to see how strong and fast you are. And he's not surprised you're stronger and faster now, it only made him fall inlove with you more.
Even if you're a vampire now, he still protects you and stay by your side. And again, he still carries your bag. But you won't complain, princess treatment is the best.
Edward is kind of annoyed cuz his mind is filled with you. Like literally every minute he thinks about you.
And when you both finally graduate, he plans on marrying you in like 3-4 months because yes he's been wanting to marry you.
And when you're both finally getting married he have the biggest smile on his handsome face. Makes you fall inlove with him more.
He literally can't wait so he straight up kissed you when it's just announcing lmaoooo.
But he's glad to finally have you in his life. He will protect you always and he will forever love you. Well, let's just say this is a "he fell first but she fell harder but he fell hardest." If hardest is even a word- but then again, it's cute.
movie masterlist. - navigation.
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kiiwiigii · 1 year
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Jasper x Vampire!Fem!Reader 
Summary: You make the mistake of wearing someone else's hoodie. 
NSFW 18+ 
The Major *wink, wink* 
Possessive sex 
Oral (F. receiving) 
Cream pie 
Word Count: 2.8k+ 
Requested?: For Kinktober! 
Intense and angry possessive sex with jasper pleaaaaaase 🙏 
A/N: A special thank you to @alecvolturi and @demetris-cocksleeve who both encouraged me to not bin this. This was the most frustrating one I have written so far. But I hope you enjoy!
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I honestly should have seen it coming. 
It would be just my luck to be left alone with Jasper while the family had decided to take separate vacations. 
Coming out of the newborn stage at 2 years, I still didn't feel comfortable enough to be out in the world just yet. Alaska was a safe haven for me until I felt I was ready. So, Jasper had stayed behind, essentially playing babysitter. 
And it was awkward as hell. 
I think it was obvious that I had a crush on him. 
Obvious to everyone in the fucking house. 
Including Jasper. 
And I knew he could feel it. Which was as embarrassing as it sounds. And it was quite obvious that he didn't feel the same way, since he had never acted on it. 
We were just friends. 
And as awkward as it was, I sucked it up and enjoyed his company instead. 
At least he couldn't hear my thoughts, unlike poor Edward. 
Jasper made sure that we had something new to do every day, but he also gave me space when he sensed I needed it. In a weird way, it felt like we had been growing closer, and I had caught him looking at me often, something flashing in the back of his eyes. And like me, he would look away quickly.  
It was like a sort of dance that neither of us would admit to. 
I sat on the kitchen counter, watching the snow drift by in thick flurries through the large windows. Alice had given us the heads-up that a storm was rolling in during one of her daily check-ins. Jasper and I had just returned from hunting a few hours ago, and despite being cold-natured now, I was still uncomfortably cold. I held a cup of hot water in my hands. Not to drink, but it made me feel somewhat normal, and it warmed my hands fairly well. 
I let my mind wander. I should go sit in the living room where the fire was, I'd be much warmer. But Jasper was in there. And every time I even looked at the fire all I could think about was him taking me right there on the floor in front of it, the plush rug soothing against the skin of my back- 
I squirmed a little at just at the thought of it. 
I blinked up at Jasper. I had been so lost in my own thoughts that I hadn't even been paying attention to my surroundings. He had only taken to calling me 'darlin' recently and it practically set my body afire. By God, if I could blush, I would be beet red. Quickly clearing my thoughts, I smiled up at him. 
"Hey, Jazz." 
"What are you wearing?" 
I looked down at what I had on. Shorts and a hoodie. 
"Clothes?" It came out as a question. 
"Yes, I can see that. But why are you wearing Emmett's clothes?"  
I started at the anger in Jasper's tone, surprised and wary. I eyed him quizzically. 
"Because. I wanted his hoodie. I like it."  
 Jasper scowled, and disappeared before reappearing a moment later, one of his own hoodies in hand 
"Here. This is much warmer, and I know you're cold."  
"Why do you care?" I raised a brow at him in challenge. 
This was completely out of character for Jasper and to say that I was confused was an understatement. 
We had a mild stare-down until Jasper actually growled at me. I sucked in a breath, heat shooting straight between my legs, and I squeezed my thighs together again.  
That was playing dirty.  
And given my current state of emotions, he absolutely had to know it. 
"Just get rid of it." He demanded. 
"Emmett's hoodie. Get. Rid. Of. It." 
I gulped, a little uncomfortable with Jasper's sudden mood swings. I quickly took the hoodie from his hands. It was his dark blue one, my favorite one to see him in. 
He continued to stare at me, waiting, and I cleared my throat. Finally, he raised a brow at me, and I rolled my eyes, trying to fight the bit of embarrassment rolling through me. 
"Well, if you insist on me putting it on right here and now, Jasper, I'm going to insist that you turn around." 
His brows furrowed adorably. "And why would I need to do that?" 
I looked away from our little staring contest, biting my lip. "Because I don't have anything else on under it." 
Jasper straightened up and his eyes darkened as he looked at me, and if I'd had a beating heart it would have leaped at the burning look in his eyes. 
"What?" I said defensively. "It's soft. I like how it feels! Most of my clothes are scratchy!" 
He turned around quickly, his hands coming up to massage his temples. Keeping an eye on him I quickly discarded Emmet's hoodie and slid my arms through the sleeves of Jasper's, zipping it all the way up. I discreetly buried my nose into it for a moment. It was so much softer than Emmet's, and it smelled significantly better. Like Jasper. 
I could feel the wetness beginning between my thighs. 
I needed to escape. 
Like, now. 
I couldn't exactly hide it, but it was way better than creating an uncomfortable atmosphere for the both of us. 
"You know, you wouldn't feel so cold if you put more clothes on." He was facing me again. 
I felt embarrassment flood through me. He had a point. And it was also the perfect excuse to escape- 
"Not that I really mind," He continued with a smirk, his eyes raking up and down my form. "I like what I see. And I like  how you look in my clothes. Especially in my clothes." 
My brain screeched to a halt, my lips parting in shock. His southern drawl had suddenly gotten deeper. This sounded like the Major talking. I had only met the Major once, right before Victoria's army came for Bella. That had been… an experience to say the least. And if that part of him was coming out, then that explained his sudden shift in mood. 
"And I have to say that I also prefer you wrapped up in my scent."  
He was practically purring. 
I gulped, suddenly on edge. "Why?" 
Jasper's eyes were predatory, nearly black. "Because darlin', you're mine." 
My eyes widened at his words. He approached me slowly, hands reaching out on either side of me on the counter, my legs falling open unconsciously and allowing him into my space. He leaned in, eyes watching me with such intensity that I forgot how to breathe. Perhaps it was a good thing that I didn't need to breathe because before I knew it, I felt a wave of lust roll through me, and it wasn't just my own. 
I gasped as he leaned in, claiming my lips with his own, and my legs wrapped around him without a second thought. He groaned, cupping my neck as he tilted my head back, while his other hand gripped my waist possessively. He tasted like mint, with a small tinge of copper from hunting earlier in the day. He swiped his tongue along my bottom lip, and I opened my mouth obediently, letting him in. 
After a moment he pulled back and buried his nose into my neck, his hands sliding down to grip my thighs. I tried to catch my breath, despite not really needing it. 
"You taste so much better than I thought you would." His voice was low and husky, muffled by the fabric of his hoodie. 
Goosebumps erupted across my body, and I could practically feel the wetness begin to drip down my thighs to the counter.  Jasper must have caught on to my confusion and doubt because he gripped my thighs even tighter. 
"Oh, yes. You have no idea how many times I've thought about you, darlin'." He pulled back to look at me. "Of all the ways I could have you. In my bed. On the couch. On the floor. Against the wall."
I gasped, thighs squeezing together around his waist. 
"That's right, darlin'. I've lost count of how many times I've thought of making you mine." 
"Yours?" I squeaked. 
Oh my.  
Oh fuck. 
I really, really liked it when he was possessive. 
I moaned, clutching his shirt, a bit dazed as he swooped in for another kiss. 
"Oh," I gasped as he kissed his way down, lightly raking his teeth against my neck, his hands tracing invisible lines over my curves.  
I could feel every inch of him pressed up against me, and it was almost too much. I rolled my hips up against him and he pulled away, breathing heavily. 
Before I could comprehend what was happening, I was being lifted off the counter. One of his arms wrapped around my waist while the other slid under my ass to hold me up. I held on for dear life as he carried me to the living room and sat me down on the couch. I stared at him as he kneeled in front of me on the floor, spreading my legs open slightly. 
Jasper suddenly paused, looking up at me with dark eyes. 
"This is your one and only chance to tell me no. Otherwise, I will have you, right here and now, and there will be no going back." 
I gulped but said nothing, choosing to nod instead. 
"Use your words, darlin'. I need to hear you say yes." 
"Y- yes." 
"That's my girl." 
He smirked before reaching up and tugging at the zipper of the hoodie, the fabric slowly falling away to reveal my nakedness underneath. I automatically went to cover my breasts when Jasper grabbed my wrists with a warning growl. 
"Don't you even think about it darlin'. You are mine. And I want to admire every inch of you." 
My breath caught in my throat, and I felt a thrill of pleasure and submission at his words, my body betraying me as my nipples hardened. 
Jasper let out a purr of pleasure and slowly let go of my wrists, pulling my arms away from my body and exposing my breasts to his hungry gaze. 
I gasped when he leaned forward, wrapping his arms around my waist, splaying his hands across my back beneath the hoodie, and pressing me to him, sucking one of my nipples into his mouth. My hands automatically came up to twist themselves in his hair, my back arching at the wet sensation of his tongue on my skin.  
I couldn't help but moan as he nipped and licked before biting down lightly, teasingly. I gasped as the pain and pleasure mixed together, creating a delicious sensation that had my pussy practically pulsing. The sensations were overwhelming, and I couldn't keep still. I started to rock my hips against him, moaning. 
Before I knew it, he was pulling away, leaving me to whimper at the loss of his tongue.  
Jasper slowly began to peel my shorts down my legs, exposing my soaked panties. 
I squirmed at the way he took in the sight of me before traveling back up to my face. 
"Mine." he purred, his eyes never leaving mine as he hooked his thumbs into my panties. He gave them a little yank, and I felt them slide down my legs. "Fuck. You're gorgeous."  
His hands trailed up my smooth, silky legs and I quivered as his hands got closer to my heated center. I couldn't help but whimper as one of his hands traced the apex of where my thigh met my pussy, right along the panty line.  
"Please." I begged softly. 
I gasped in surprise at how quickly he moved, one hand gripping my ass to pull me closer, and the other quickly shoving his face into my soaked pussy. 
I had to bite back another moan, my back arching as he slid his tongue along my folds and began to lick me. 
"Holy fuck," I managed to croak out, my eyes nearly rolling to the back of my head. 
The feeling of his hot tongue along my slick folds was almost like an electric shock, hitting me in the base of my stomach and sending sparks throughout my body, ending in my fingertips, which had tangled themselves in Jasper's golden locks. 
I had completely lost control of myself, practically squirming with each swipe of his tongue. Jasper grasped my thighs to keep me still, relentless in his assault. He started swirling his tongue around my clit, teasing me, and slowly driving me closer to my climax. The feeling of his mouth finally deciding to suck on my clit sent me right over the edge. 
I let out a cry as I came hard, gasping for breath. Jasper didn't let up, continuing to viciously lap up my juices as he sent me spiraling into yet another orgasm.   
By the time my breathing had returned to normal, he had somehow managed to escape from my hold and was standing in front of me. 
"We're not done yet, darlin'." 
I swallowed thickly. He smirked, watching me intently as he slowly unbuttoned his jeans, making me even more aware that I was unable to get rid of my burning need for him. He slid his jeans down and kicked them off before stepping close to me. I could smell the faint scent of me on his breath and I licked my lips in anticipation as he inched closer. 
"We're not done until you can't walk." 
I sucked in a surprised breath, pussy practically pulsing with need. 
Jasper chuckled as he pushed me back on the couch and spread my legs wider. His touch was soft and gentle as he spread my pussy open and slid two fingers inside me, stroking them in and out yet again. This man had magic fingers. And if he had me coming undone with just his tongue and fingers alone, it made me wonder what he was able to do with his cock. 
"I have to make sure you're nice n' ready for me darlin'." He murmured. "Here, put your hands up under your knees for me. Just like that. Now, don't let go." 
I obeyed, chest heaving and now fully exposed in a way I never thought possible. Jasper grinned before leaning in and kissing me deeply, tugging at my bottom lip with his teeth. 
I could taste myself on his lips and it only made me more aroused. He slowly slid his fingers out of me and replaced them with his hard, throbbing length. 
When had he lost the underwear?? 
I didn't have much time to think about it before he was pushing himself inside me, filling me up in one smooth thrust.  
I let out a ragged breath in surprise. 
"Jasper!" I squeaked. 
I was so full that I could feel every inch of him, so thick and hard. 
Jasper barely stopped to pause, bending down to nip at my ear in admonishment before he started thrusting in and out of me, a slow, steady rhythm that had me moaning and gripping the underside of my knees for dear life. 
He was hitting that spot again, and I had the feeling that I wouldn't be seeing only stars this time around. I could feel myself getting closer and closer to another orgasm, the pleasure building up inside me until I couldn't take it anymore. 
"Jasper," I gasped out, my nails digging into my thighs. "I'm gonn- gonna come." 
He grinned before driving himself even deeper into me, his pace picking up as he started to drive me closer and closer to the edge, feeling my walls practically strangling his cock. 
"Come for me, Darlin'." He purred.  
My toes curled in pleasure as the coil building in my belly snapped, and I came hard, my body shaking and my pussy clenching around him. Jasper followed suit a few seconds later, his body going rigid as he came inside me.  
"Don't move." He ordered. 
Jasper paused before pulling out, looking down at me with a satisfied grin, eyes still dark and intense. I was panting, doing my best to catch my breath yet again while holding my legs up. I could feel his seed dripping out of my pussy and onto the couch. 
He licked his lips, taking in the sight of me and I nearly moaned at the thought of what he was seeing. I must look like a wreck. Completely ruined. Half dressed in his hoodie and completely defiled, his cum running down my pussy and ass. 
Jasper smirked. 
"Oh, darlin'. You look perfect that way." 
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{Kinktober} // {Masterlist}
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junkdrawerfics · 1 year
Game On
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(one of my favorite clips, lowkey)
Jasper X Reader
Summary: A little snippet of wolf!reader playing baseball with the Cullens. You and Emmett have a little rivalry going, and you'll do anything for some Jasper scratches.
Word Count: 1021
“You sure you can keep up with us, wolfie?” Emmet calls from the batter’s box with an absolutely snarky grin.
You cock a brow at him, settling into a crouch with an equally vicious smile, “Just you watch me, Em, you won’t make it to first base.”
“I’d like to see that,” he taunts back, twisting his grip on the bat and posing it over his shoulder.
Jasper chuckles from across the field, the sound easily reaching your sensitive ears, “Take it easy on him, darlin’.”
“No can do, Jas.” Your friendly rivalry with Emmett started as soon as you and Jasper got together, only made worse by you being a shifter. Competitiveness runs deep in your blood. “Someone has to put him in his place, and you pansies sure aren’t going to.”
“Ooh-” Emmett hisses through his teeth dramatically. “-you gonna let her talk to you like that?”
“I’m not one to get offended by a few words,” Jasper shoots back, smirk all too cocky, “Not like when you whined a full week when she called you a cream puff.”
“It’s time!” Alice chimes before Emmett can stand up for himself.
You snicker and he throws a glare your way.
Game on.
With your enhanced speed and strength, you put up a good fight against the vampires. It’s almost unfair, you and Jasper working perfectly in sync, getting them out one at a time. On your turn to bat, the feeling of smashing the ball, brutal and unrestrained, makes your whole body spark to life, driving you through the plates like a flash of lightning. It’s exhilarating.
Nearing the end of the thunderstorm, the game is close, your team up by one run. Emmett is back up to bat. Chest heaving, heart pounding, you make eye contact with him and, with the most wolfish smile, mouth a silent, ‘Bring it.’
Emmett scowls, eyes focusing back on Alice, and you hear Jasper chuckle softly.
Alice winds up, moving with practiced ease, and launches the baseball straight down the line. A crack of thunder overlaps the loud ring of the bat slamming into it, and it goes flying. You go flying after it.
You tear through the trees, eyes bright with glee as you follow the ball. The wind whips your hair around wildly, the damp ground giving way under your feet. You feel free. Out of breath, every muscle aching, but free. The moment right before your feet leave the ground, adrenaline surges through every cell of your body and you explode into a mess of fur and snapping teeth.
You jump, far too high, far too fast. But your teeth clamp down on the baseball, practically ripping through the leather, before you go crashing to the ground in a flurry of dirt and grass. The earth shakes at your impact, the sound louder than the storm’s thunder.
The family of vampires freeze, eyes wide. Jasper races after you. Worry burns through his veins as he comes to a stop at the crater’s edge. Gold eyes narrowed, he desperately searches through the haze of dirt for a sign that you’re okay.
Then you pop back up, and all his concern dissipates. You, in wolf form, look up at him with happy, squinted eyes, the ball still clamped firmly in your jaws. Your whole body practically shakes with how hard your tail is wagging.
“Well look at you,” the blond sighs, shaking his head, “I didn’t know wolves could fly, darlin’.”
Shaking off the dirt clinging to your fur, you scramble out of the hole you created. Without hesitation, you push into Jasper’s open arms. He chuckles as you wiggle in his grip, letting out little happy huffs as he scratches your head. You love it when he gives you scratches in wolf form, it’s like getting a massage in human form.
“You know-” You perk your ears and pause to look up at his slanted, mischievous grin. “-Emmett won’t like this.”
You let out a muffled ‘woof’. He better not like it, because he just signed his defeat. You won. The thought makes you growl happily as you adjust the ball in your mouth. Time to show off your victory.
Jasper sticks by your side and you trot back to the field. The moment you reach the tree line, Emmett lets out a loud, rumbling groan.
“That has to be cheating!”
Everyone turns to Esme. Emmett looks so hopeful, but then she looks at you and winks. You’ve never been so happy to see someone’s face plummet.
“You’re out, Emmett.”
You drop the ball and let out a small victorious howl. The man glares at you playfully, but you catch the smallest glimpse of a smile when you do a few happy stomps and throw yourself at Jasper. The blond grunts as your full weight takes you both to the ground. 
“Darlin’,” he wheezes out a bright laugh, “you’re crushing me.”
You huff, not caring even a bit as you drop your head on top of his chest. More scratches. You deserve more scratches, you won the game! Jasper can feel your insistence, having grown accustomed to reading your more chaotic emotions in this form, and gives in when you nudge him with your nose, licking his face. He curls his fingers through your thick fur, earning a happy grumble from you.
“We’re going to head back to the house,” Carlisle announces, voice ringing with amusement, “Feel free to join us when you would like to.”
Which ends up being far later in the night because there is something so lovely about just curling up with your vampire and watching the stars come out. He eventually goes and retrieves your extra clothes (he started keeping some with him after several phasing accidents) and you return to the Cullen household, where you mercilessly mock Emmett.
“How does it feel to lose to a wolf, cream puff?”
“(Y/n), I swear to God I’m gonna-”
You dash up the stairs, giggling wildly. Jasper follows behind slowly, tossing the bigger vampire a smug grin.
“Next time, you shouldn’t underestimate her.”
This idea came to me at like midnight and I wrote down the idea and I love it. I hope you guys enjoyed it too!
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flippinpancakes64 · 23 days
Hello, I absolutely love your work. iv re read your stuff so many times that it's getting concerning.
Can I request the cullens x artist reader who made a painting of them I just think that would be cute
The Cullens with an Artist! Reader
Thank you?!?! I suggest seeking mental help for rereading my bad stories tho
Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
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We all know that he is an artist too
He made Bella a whole song on the piano
As someone who can play the piano, that’s not easy
So he definitely loves that you’re also artistic
For you, he’s a muse
I mean, how could he not be
Literally the definition of perfect
So obvs you sketch him a lot
When he finds an almost finished painting one day of him, he is floored
He can never seem to wrap his mind around the fact that you are just as obsessed with him as he is with you
He hangs it up
Even if it’s not finished
If you insist on finishing it, he will begrudgingly take it down and give it back
But as soon as it’s done it’s all his
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She’s also an artist
But more with fashion
And design
She’s not so well-versed with the classical arts like painting or sketching
So she always loves seeing your paintings
She’s a coexistence girly
She loves to just be doing something while you’re painting
You know just sort of existing in the same space at the same time
The day you give her the painting, she is so surprised
It was so difficult for you to hide this from her
Especially with her gift
She absolutely loves it
She hangs it in the main room of the Cullen house
She wants absolutely everyone to see it and acknowledge how talented her s/o is
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He loves the arts
They’re relaxing to him
Some of his favorite classes he’s ever taken in all of the schools they’ve been at have been art classes
He’s not good by any means, but he loves it anyway
Art dates with him are a must
He would love that tiktok trend where you and your partner trade paintings every couple of minutes
Never misses an opportunity to tell you that he loves your work
He honestly almost started crying when you showed him your painting of him
You made him look so happy, so peaceful
He’s used to being perceived as a monster
Definitely hangs it up
But only in his room
He wants to be the only one to see it
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She’s more of a technical, sciencey person
Not to say she doesn’t like art
Just that she doesn’t necessarily enjoy making it
She can definitely appreciate good work tho
And she loves everything you make
She buys you new supplies all of the time
If just one pen ran out of ink in your favorite set, she would buy you a whole new set
When you give her that first painting though, she’s obsessed
She wants at least 20 more by tomorrow
But actually, she knows that she’s beautiful
But something about the way you capture her is just so different she loves it
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He’s not an art person either
He’s a bit of a meathead
But he can appreciate art
Probably not as deeply as other people can
But he know when it looks good
And he genuinely thinks you’re the best artist ever
He will gladly put all of your little doodles in the clear pockets of his binders
And hang them on his locker
When you give him the painting of him he’s actually dumbfounded
Like awestruck
What do you mean the best artist in the world just made a painting of him?
Get ready to be cuddled for the rest of the night
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Resident artist
We already knew that tho
I’m pretty sure it’s said that she’s the one who made the grad cap piece?
Either way she loves art
Pottery dates, painting picnics, date nights at the art museum
She loves it
So if you were to ever paint her and give it to her?
Yeah she’s gonna start crying
She just loves art, she loves you, and you put them together and she’s so in love
She hangs it in the main room
It doesn’t matter if the colors clash
And it’s never coming down
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Another appreciater of the arts
I mean, he probably knew Da Vinci on a personal level this guy is so old
So it’s no shock
Whenever he’s home and hanging out with you, he loves to watch you paint or draw
Especially if he’s doing some paperwork
I just feel like he would like the company while he’s working
Now I don’t see Carlisle as the type of guy to necessarily enjoy pictures or paintings of himself
The only portraits he has in his office are either him in a crowd or family photos
So when you give him a portrait of himself, he’s a little shocked at first
He doesn’t want to seem narcissistic, but damn you made him look good
He hangs it up in your shared bedroom
Even though he knows he will likely never have guests who would see it, he wants to make sure it’s hidden
He just doesn’t want people to think he’s vain
But he secretly loves it so much
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Vampire! Bella:
I think I’ve talked about it before but this girl would have loved deviantart
Rip Bella you would have loved fan art of your favorite characters
But she totally had an artsy phase
I don’t think she’s necessarily good or bad
She just prefers to look at art rather than make it
So that’s where you come in
She loves just watching you work
Every once in a while she paints with you
But she always feels inferior when she looks at what you made vs what she made
So she usually just sticks to admiring
The first time you give her a portrait of herself, she doesn’t even know what to do
She’s still getting used to actually perceiving herself as beautiful
And then you capture her like she’s a goddess?
She needs to lie down
She loves it tho
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panlight · 2 months
Imagine Bella being immune to vampire venom. Edward wasn't able to suck all the venom out and her body ended up used to the small amount of venom left over and she's bitten again and can't change.
GENINUELY one of my favorite AU scenarios.
And I personally think it makes more sense than the biology behind Renesmee's existence, but your mileage may vary.
In my head it works sort of like a vaccine; she's been exposed and now has the antibodies to fight off the effects of venom. She doesn't feel pain when bitten (other than the pain of teeth breaking her skin) and she can't be turned.
It totally upends all her plans and puts a REAL obstacle in place for her and Edward to be together. Before it was just Edward not wanting to turn her which, sure, is a problem but a fairly easy one to get around: she knows a bunch of other vampires, one willing to try to turn her (Alice) and another with a proven track record of successful turnings (Carlisle). It's not impossible.
Her being immune does make it impossible though. I could be here for the tragic impossibility, how there's no way for them to be together forever now.
But I ALSO think that in such a scenario it might be possible to make a cure for vampirism from Bella's blood. I think if you want happy fairy tale ending for your vampire story, the way to do it is 'unhappy vampires become human' not 'unhappy human becomes vampire; other vampires still have same problems that made them unhappy.' Good for Bella she was following her bliss as a vampire in BD, but I never got how Bella being happy made things any better for Rosalie, or Esme, or Carlisle, or Jasper. Emmett and Alice were reasonably happy as vampires already, or Alice at least didn't know anything different. Rosalie and Esme wanted to be mothers, not aunt/grandma. And Renesmee literally grows up so fast they're missing out at most of those baby/toddler/childhood experiences anyway. Plus Breaking Dawn doesn't really address the issue of whether Bella lost her soul or not, or if Renesmee even has one at all. Edward's happy in BD but will it last or will his worry start creeping back in with time? He's got plenty of it.
But if Bella's blood could be used to make a cure and the option to become human is a thing . . . that gets SUPER interesting to me. Who would take it? Is it reversible? Like, could Rosalie and Emmett become human, have a couple of kids, age until their 30s or 40s and then ask Alice and Jasper (who presumably stay vampires) to turn them back? Or is it one way choice and they become immune to venom like Bella is? Part of me thinks Carlisle deep down wants to be human more than Edward and Rosalie even do (he has crafted his whole vampire lifestyle around being as a human as possible--a job, a wife, kids, a house . . . all very weird for a Twilight vampire) but would the knowledge that he could help more humans as an immortal doctor than a mortal one hold him back? Would he and Esme stay vampires to watch over Edward and Rosalie/Emmett if they all became human? Would the Volturi see this power to turn vampires human as a threat, a weapon?
And just the irony of the one person who wanted to be a vampire being the one who can't become one and whose blood has the power to turn the vampires she loves and envies human. Delicious.
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jasperhaleobsessed · 2 months
Hi can i ask headcanons for the cullens (separately) with a cilngy fem s/o she likes to bake and love game of thrones
Notes: I hope you like this! I'm sorry if it's not very clingy and I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to do this! Thank You so, so much for your patience! <3
The Cullen's dating a clingy s/o
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Carlisle Cullen:
Carlisle chuckled as you wrapped your arms around his waist. "Missed me eh?" "Of course." You leaned into his chest lovingly. "What's are you making, honey?" "Just some cookies." He smiled warmly. "I'm sure they will taste lovely would you like to watch some game of thrones while we wait?" "Yes of course."
Esme Cullen:
"What are you making, dear?" "Some pie." "That sounds delicious." You smiled at her warmly. Esme was about to walk away when you say, "Please stay?" She smiled. "Of course." She wrapped her arms around your waist as she watched you cooked. You two watched game of thrones as you were working on pie. it turned out to be a lovely evening watching your favorite show, baking, and spending time with Esme it was perfect.
Jasper Hale:
You were watching your favorite episode of Game of Thrones...again. But you couldn't help it, it was your comfort show. You pulled out your cupcakes from the oven as you peaked at the episode from afar. You moved the cupcakes to the counter and iced them. You smiled to yourself as you took a bite of one of the fresh cupcakes. They were so good. You snuggled down on the couch and stuffed your face with some sweets. A figure slid their arms around your waist, you looked over at the culprit. Jasper. "Hi, Darlin'," He said with a cheeky smile. "Hi," You muffled out as you stuffed your face with delicious cupcakes. "Your on a sweet kick, ain't ya?" He remarked and you nodded. He snuggled closer to you. "I'm sure they're delicious!" You beam and rest your head on his.
Alice Cullen:
Alice jumped excitedly as she waited for the strawberry cake to be done. "It's really, going to be wonderful!" She said, enthusiastically. You smiled warmly at her. "Really?" You asked. "Yes." She said, "Matter of fact, it'll be wonderful." You both beamed. Alice then said, "I'll put on your favorite episode on, okay?" "of game of thrones?" She nodded as you pulled the cake out. You let it cool and then decorated it. You moved to the living room and plopped down next to Alice with a piece of cake in hand. "See told you I'd be wonderful!" You laughed as the two of you watched your all-time-favorite episode.
Emmett Cullen:
The cookies you had made were finally done. It took way longer than you had hoped. Chocolate chip cookies were supposed to be easy! Not! You waited impatiently for the cookies to be done. As you waited you heard Emmett's booming laughter. You walked to the living room met by Emmett watching your favorite show without you. Game of Thrones. "How dare you!" "Huh?" Emmett turned round and looked at you. You had your hands on your hips as you said, "your watching my favorite show without me!" You pouted. He laughed, "Sorry, babe." He then continued, "What can I do to make it up to you?" You pretended to think about it as you said, "Hmm maybe you can let me watch it with you and cuddle with me. And then maybe your forgiven." "Maybe!" he pretended to be hurt." "You will be forgiven." "Good." He smiled. You walked into the kitchen and grabbed your cookies as you cuddled with him.
Rosalie Hale:
Rosalie helped out bake some macaroons and to say the least they were wonderful. They were amazing! You plopped a pink one in your mouth as the two of you watched another episode pf game of thrones yet again. You smiled to yourself as you clung to her side. She looked over at you and smiled. sweetly and with a loving expression on her face.
Edward Cullen:
Edward laughed as he watched you bake. He couldn't help it he said he thought you were just too cute. You couldn't help but giggle. You had finally finished baking some sugar cookies and you thought they were going to be the best. He was on the counter but then jumped off when you finished. You placed the cookies on a plate and moved to the living room. You turned on the first episode of Game of Thrones. You were rewatching it again, it was your favorite after all. You couldn't help yourself. Edward laughed when he realized what the two of you were going to watch. "Again?" He asked. "Of course." You stated, with a giggle as you leaned on his shoulder, with a content expression on both of your faces.
Bella Swan:
"Watching more game of thrones, again?" "Well of course." Bella was about to walk away when you grabbed her wrist. "Don't go." "Alright come here." She moved to your side and hugged your waist. You giggled. Bella sniffed the air, "what are you making?" "Brownies." "Ooh yum my favorite." She snuggled closer to you. You smiled as you two watched your favorite episode of game of thrones.
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xetlynn · 6 months
Twilight- Unknowing: Chapter Three, Intruder
(Alice x Reader x Jasper)
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[two] [three] [four]
"Hey [Name], Sam's been calling the line." Charlie tells me as I scarf down a buttered toast.
Ever since I found out that I can eat food again it's been my favorite thing to pass time.
Even if I don't need it. I've missed the taste of everything. "Mm," I finished the food in my mouth.
"What'd he say?" I ask before taking another bite of food.
Every single time I eat too I know I look like I haven't eaten in days. Like a starved child.
"Just that he needs to talk to you about something important." My dad simply shrugs his shoulders, taking a berry off my plate and popping it in his mouth.
"Think he's pregnant?" I jokingly ask only to get hit in my shoulder. "You're stupid." He shakes his head.
"What? I can't be a teen mom, dad. I'm telling you. He'd be on his own." I say with a mouthful of food.
"Yeah because we need another [Name] in the universe." Charlie sarcastically speaks aloud. I let out a gasp. "Rude." I finish off my plate, standing up to put it in the sink. "You should seriously speak with him soon, he's blowing up the line. I'm about ready to throw it away." He half-heartedly jokes, even though he was a little serious.
"I'll get to it soon." I sigh, I stretch out my limbs, twisting my sides.
"You've been gaining some muscle." Charlie suddenly says out loud. "You think?" I lift both my arms, flexing off the muscles I obviously knew were there. Just feeling a little cocky lately.
"Okay, show off." He nudges me.
I smile, grabbing my leather jacket from the hook, throwing it on. Bella comes downstairs and then I hear a car pull up.
"You wanna eat something, Bella?" Charlie asks, she only shakes her head, putting her sweater on as well. "Alright, you two have a good day." He tells us, we both wave on our way out the door.
At the school, I sit on my bike, waiting for Jasper and Alice. In my jacket I'm beginning to feel a little uncomfortable. It's tight against my arms, almost close to not zipping up anymore.
"Hey lovebug." I feel a hand land on my thigh, squeezing it tightly. "Hey." I smile back. I go to say something to Jasper as well but a roar of another motorcycle erupts into the parking lot.
Bella and Edward get out of the Volvo. Jacob climbed off his own bike, striding towards them. "Jake!" I furrow my eyebrows, watching my sister get excited to see her once best friend. I grip onto Alice's hand that was still on my thigh.
"Hey, Charlie said you left town." He states. "Yeah. To visit my mom, why?" Bella questions him back. "Just checking to see if you're still human." I lean back listening to their conversation. My arms crossed. "I'm coming here to warn you. If your kind come on our land again..."
"Wait, what?" Bella cuts him off, confused. I glance at my partners. They already told me what happened.
"You didn't tell her?" Jacob glares at Edward, this is where I stand up and join them. Alice and Jasper stay in proximity just in case.
"Just leave it alone, Jacob." I tell the wolf who seems shocked by my words. "Tell me what?" Bella asks.
"Emmett and Paul had a misunderstanding, there's nothing to worry about." Edward shortly explains.
'Listen to you. Did you lie to get her out of town too? I can't believe you got [Name] in on it too." Jacob scoffs in disbelief, I roll my eyes. "You should leave. Now." Edward warns him. I stand straighter, hands on my hips as I stand beside Edward.
"She has a right to know. She is the one the red-head wants." Jacob spits it out knowing that's exactly what we want hidden. "Victoria? Alice's vision." My sister realizes.
"We were trying to protect you." Edward tells her sincerely. "By lying to me. [Name] you too? You two are like- we're gonna talk about this." She points between Edward and I. "But, you. Why haven't you called me back?" Bella questions Jacob. "I had nothing to say." He answers.
"Well, I have tons." Bella walks closer to Jacob. "Hold on. Hey. Bella." Her boyfriend attempts to stop her.
"Edward, you have to trust me." She pleads with him. "I do trust you, it's him I don't trust." Edward exclaims. He lets her go and she jogs to Jacob, climbing on his bike.
"Hey, [Name]. Before I leave. You should really talk with Sam." He then smirks to himself as Bella wraps her arms around his waist. "Lose the grin, Jacob. We're just going for a ride." I hear my sister tell the boy.
"Hold on tight." He kick starts the bike, driving off.
As they drive past, Edward just watches. "Want me to go?" I look at him. He glances over at me, bowing his head slightly down.
"Your sister is stubborn." He then nods his head, motioning for me to go.
I headed over to my bike, Alice and Jasper were still standing there. "You can't go, [Name]." Is the first thing to leave Alice's mouth.
"Babe, it's alright. Would you rather Bella be on the rez alone? I'm the only one that can go and not get threatened." I remind her to which she glances up at Jasper but knows I'm right. Her eyes flickering back down to the ground.
"She's right," Jasper starts off at Alice then at me. "Just be careful please, darling." He brings me into a small kiss.
"Of course, I'm a fucking hybrid. Who's going to threaten me beside the Volturi?" I whisper, knowing only they could hear. Alice slaps my arm, even though she knows it's a joke she doesn't find it funny. Jasper does though which helps my ego a little bit.
"Alright, don't worry, my love. I'll call you right away when we leave the reservation." I promise her, kissing her cheek but before I can let go she pulls me in for another kiss. "Good." She mumbles under her breath, letting me go.
I get on my bike, kicking up the stand as I start it. "I love you both." I mouth, both of them smiling in return as I drive off.
Pulling into the rez, the energy was different than it had been before. People aren't glaring me down as I drive past. Instead I got smiles. Even if they were small. Billy was also already on his porch as if he had been expecting me even though Sam was the one who requested to speak with me through Jacob.
Speaking of, the large man is right behind the older one. To which I rolled my eyes at. "Hi, Billy." I smile, not acknowledging Sam.
"Well, you've gotten some muscle on you." Billy grins in return. I park my bike then flex my arms through the jacket I was wearing, just like I did with my dad.
"How's being a hybrid?" He rolls his wheelchair down to get closer to me as I was walking toward him.
"It's alright. Love being able to eat food again without it tasting like sand." I half-joked. There was definitely some truth to that sentence.
"I bet. I'm gonna have to set up a feast for you someday." He looks up at me.
"I would love that." I grinned. Then as quick as he was cheerful, it went quiet. Billy became solemn.
"You're always welcome here, [Name]. The pack agreed to stay neutral. More than that, they are very welcoming. You should learn both sides of yourself." He tells me, grabbing onto my hand I could tell he wanted to feel my warmth.
So I let him. I think back to the agreement I had made with my partners. Swearing that I would never turn into a wolf unless absolutely necessary.
"Thank you." I bow my head momentarily. "You don't plan to do that though, do you?" Billy quietly asks me, not in an angry or upset way. But knowingly. My silence of course answers for me.
Sam scoffs, "of course you don't." He shakes his head, finally putting himself into the conversation. "Excuse me?" I cross my arms, glaring right at him.
"Those bloodsuckers, they told you not to and since you're their little bitch you do exactly as they say." He gets in my face, I step back so Billy doesn't get hurt.
Knowing that I can barely control myself after my emotions I close my eyes for a split second. Taking in deep breaths. Slowly, in and out... 
"Sam, she's stronger, back off before something stupid happens." Billy warns him, placing a hand on his arm to stop him but Sam shoves it off.
"I want an answer. They convinced you to not use it, didn't they?" His shoulder presses against mine and that's when I shove him away from me. His body flailing backwards to the dirt.
"I didn't come for this, I barely even came here to talk to you. I'm here to make sure Jacob isn't reckless with my sister. I angrily spat at the man who's getting up off the ground.
"Why I don't turn into a wolf is my business. Not yours. Never will it be yours." I got in his face this time. "I don't know how many times I have to repeat myself but I do not want you near me. So stop trying." I push off of him, this time a lot softer but it does cause him to lose his balance just a little bit.
"I'm sorry for the show, Billy. I'll see you some other time." I looked him in the eye, ignoring Sam who was just standing there now. "It's alright, your sisters in the garage." He points, I thank him as I walk away from them.
Before I enter the garage I hear Jacob getting upset. "You knew this was gonna happen." I hear Bella say. "Not in a month." He argues, he;s pacing. I stand outside quietly knowing that they can't sense me. Something that is a part of being a hybrid. No one can catch my scent or presence.
"I mean, not before you've even lived! Or before I could... for a second." He pauses to think about his next choice of words.
"For a second I thought... But he's got his hooks in you so deep." He growls out "I decided this, not him." Bella argues with the werewolf.
"Bella, they're not even alive. It makes me sick. Better you really be dead than one of them." He says out of anger and as much as I want to go in there and back my sister up I know she wouldn't want that right now.
"I can't believe you said that Edward was right. I shouldn't have come. She mutters and I frown from hearing the pain in her voice. I hear Bella step forward to leave. "Bella, come on. Please, I'm sorry." He says but I'm starting to question if he's even sincere anymore.
I hear her step further into the garage and uncover something. "We should stick to safer subjects like motorcycles." She speaks up to cut the tension in the air.
"Only thing safe about you on a motorcycle is when you turn it off." Jacob teases and I use this as a cue to join in. "Ain't that the truth." I walk in with a smirk. "Hey, no need to gang up on me." My older sister frowns as Jake and I laugh.
Bella and I get home late and when we walked in our father was right there in the kitchen. "You know the Cullens could at least respect meal times." Charlie tells us. "We were with Jake." Bella says and I hum too.
"Oh... Good, did you speak with Sam while you were over there?" he asks as I was smelling something unfamiliar in the house, it was mainly in Bella and my room.
"Uhm, yeah yeah." I was a little distracted but the conversation was quickly cut off by a knock on the door.
"I'll give you guys some privacy then." Charlie walks out into the living room. Edward walks in after Bella lets him in but I'm trying to smell the scent more, not being able to put my finger on where it's from.
I quickly went up the stairs to my sister's room first.
"What's going on?" Bella asks. "[Name] smells something. It's strong, I smell it as well. Something's wrong." He follows behind me. They watch as I'm checking things out. Touching the things this person touched.
"Edward, [Name], what's wrong?" My sister worriedly questions us. "Someone's been in here." Edward says for me.
Alice comes to my side as we all gather in the Cullen's living room. "Who was it? Someone we know?" She quizzes us.
"Just a stranger. I didn't recognize his scent, neither did [Name]." Edward tells everyone. "A nomad passing through?" Esme asks.
"A passer-by wouldn't have left Bella and [Name]s father alive." Rosalie argues. I suck on the inside of my cheeks at the thought of Charlie getting hurt. Alice hugs my arm tighter for support. Jasper then bursts through the door.
"His scent disappeared about five miles south of their house." He tells everyone before waking up to me. Taking my hand into his, planting a kiss on Alice's head as well.
"Someone's orchestrating this." Edward states the obvious. "Victoria?" Carlisle says. "I would've seen her deciding." Alice shakes her head ruling the redhead out.
"It has to be the Volturi." Edward butts in. "I don't think it's the Volturi either. I've been watching Aro's decisions too." Alice again disagrees. "So we keep looking." Emmett speaks.
"We also take shifts, guarding Bella at her house. I think [Name] can handle herself along with helping us." Carlisle gives me a small smile.
"Another protection call?" Rosalie interjects. "Rosalie." Esme warns.
"No, she's right. You can't protect me, watch our dad and search for the intruder and for Victoria and keep yourselves fed." Bella agrees with the beaut.
"I'm not leaving you here defenseless." Edward explains.
"Well, I'm not gonna let you starve. And I wouldn't be unprotected. I have [Name], and I have..." She stops herself then glances up.
"What?" Edward questions but I already know what it is.
I apologize for how long this took lol. I was very busy with a bunch of stuff I had to deal with moving lol. I also have a new cat and he has so much energy lol
A&J M.L.
Taglist: if you want to be added lmk!
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therealvinelle · 7 months
Favorite month for each of the cullens? For James’ coven?
I'm fascinated, why James's coven? But alright.
The Cullens
Alice likes parties, she likes decorating, she likes to have a reason to decorate the house for a party. And nothing says parties, decor, and finding a way to be modern, somehow sexy, yet tasteful and teaming up with Esme like Christmas and New Years' Eve. Plus the sun sets much earlier so she can go shopping at human hours, use atmospheric outdoor lighting, and have all sorts of seasonal fun that simply doesn't work the same in the Summer months (and Spring and Autumn are... so wet...). It's December for Alice.
Carlisle likes when he can be out longer, when the snow is still pristine and when there are happy festivities happening. He would uncomplicatedly be a December person, except the festivities are... dampened... by the family and partner violence and suicide attempts he gets at the end of the month. He's a December person who sees it as the time he has to save more people than usual, and also the snow is pretty.
Edward is for the fall months, because fall is such a beautiful time of year and more importantly he can think gloomy thoughts about nature following the cycle of life, every year it comes to life then dies again while he lives on. November... the twilight of the year, that brief flash of rapidly passing weeks just before the darkest time of the year and the death that is winter rolls in.
Emmett loves Christmas. There is no doubt in my mind Rosalie does a "Happy birthday, Mr. President" routine, and that they have some horrible lane about making their own fireworks for New Years' Eve. December is awesome, bro.
Esme loves family, festivities, and the joy of exchanging gifts with loved ones. Christmas is a wonderful time of year, but so too are the days leading up to Christmas, when she can put out the decorations and have a meaningful way of marking the passage of time for a few weeks. December.
Jasper enjoys the happy emotions coming from his family. December.
Renesmee's concept of the passage of time is completely warped. She dutifully says "December" when asked about her favorite month because that seems to be the done thing in this family.
Rosalie has thoughts about how Christmas is a time to be spent with family, specifically with children who believe in Santa Claus and miracles, and while she has a family there's a very central part of Christmas she'll never have, just as she can't enjoy any of the little things that made Christmas what it is, such as gingerbread cookies. It's another painful reminder, but so is her entire life. Renesmee helps heal this for her, in that there's now a child she can have many if not all of these Christmassy things she wanted to experience with, and also in that I somehow know several years of Christmases with the entire extended Black-Clearwater-Cullen-Swan family will be such a clusterfuck, everyone except Bella sensing the tensions, that Rosalie will be completely disillusioned as to what "family Christmas, just like the humans have it!" will never be appealing to her again.
James & co
Victoria prefers whichever month of the year rains most in whichever region of the world she's in. Rain washes away her scent, she can hide, and that makes for a happy Victoria.
James shares Victoria's preference, as more rain makes the hunt more difficult and he loves a challenge
Laurent thinks these people are fucking weird, rain ruins his hair and clothes and can we get a house? Laurent would like a house. ("How badly" is a question he must ask himself chez the Denali.)
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highwayorgantrade · 2 years
Art History
Pairing: (cis)fem!reader x Carlisle Cullen
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: Cursing, the most mild nsfw (basically intense kissing and references to sex), minor choking, general tomfoolery.
Summary: A certain doctor helps you find resources for your college art history class.
Spotify Playlist: Art History
A/N: Aaah okay my first fic on this blog!! I'm so excited to get back into writing, especially with my favorite characters and people. Also, I'm sorry, I love Esmé as much as everyone else does, she does not exist here and Carlisle is the Ultimate Single Father™. And God, I did not expect it to be this long!!
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The way that you met the Cullens was, at best, not ideal. A broken down car here, the offer of a ride there. It wasn't a bad thing - the friendship you had with the family had lasted all through high school up to a local community college.
When they told you the truth about who they were, what they were, you thought it was a joke.
"Yeah, very funny. Halloween isn't for another two months, and you can't all go as vampires, that would be so stupid." You snorted, returning to the homework that was scattered on the dining room table.
"(Y/N)... Think about it." Alice placed her hand on your shoulder, forcing you to listen.How are you just now noticing her hands are so cold? "Have you ever seen any of us eat? Go into the sun?"
You didn't want to think about it, you knew they would never lie to you like this. It's too insane to be a lie. But didn't they lie and pretend like they were human? It was just all too confusing, so naturally, it took you a few days before you starting going around their house again. They answered all your questions, even when you decided to punish them all a bit for not telling you sooner.
"So, have you ever thought about the ecological damage you might be doing with all the hunting?" You had been interrogating them for hours, but honestly? They were grateful. Grateful that you didn't run off and tell the entire town, or worse, flee from Forks and lose you forever.
"Honestly, we all have different preferences." Emmett replied cooly, as if you were chatting about movies. "I prefer some of the bigger stuff: Bears, wildcats. It's mostly deer, though."
"Never people." Carlisle confirms with a smile, and you almost immediately regret giving him a chance to speak. Before their confession, the pounding of your heart was a fun secret, a dream you knew would never come true. The scenarios have run through your head all the time, anytime you looked at him. And those rare moments where you felt brave enough to make eye contact? But now, you knew that it was basically a public confession. You never talked about it. The Cullens never did, either.
"I know one of you has to know something about the Reliquary of Sainte Foy." You sighed, dropping your bag at your feet.
"Please, (y/n), come in." Edward quipped from the living room.
"I mean, this whole thing makes no sense!" You continued, thinking back to every single time you've used Edward to complain. "First, she starts off the semester with the Renaissance, then goes to modern minimalism, then back to freakin' Jesus times?"
"You know," Alice strode in, reading over the same paper, "When I have questions about art history, I usually ask Carlisle." She leaned against the counter. "He's the oldest of us." The look her and Edward shared were lost to you, as you already began to think of excuses as to why you shouldn't be alone in a room with him. The fear of looking and sounding stupid overcame the desire to just do anything with him. The desire to mess up that stupidly perfect hair of his, or his cold hands roughly wrapping around your-.
No. Absolutely not.
"Ah, no! I wouldn't want to bother him. He's probably super busy, with all of his... doctoring stuff-"
"Nonsense." Edward smiled. "He would be overjoyed to help."
"Edward, seriously, don't-" You pleaded, but it was too late. Carlisle's name echoed throughout the house, but it felt like a death bell.
"I hope you find your answers!" Alice quickly took her exit out the front door, with Edward following right behind her, with a polite "Excuse me."
"(Y/N)!" He greeted you fondly, noticing Edward and Alice's backs as they walked deeper into the forest that surrounded the house. "Didn't Edward call for me?" He was watching them, but you were watching how he saw you and immediately smiled, and the way his arms flexed on the table.
"Yeah, he did. They insisted that you could help me with art history, but this is old, old crap, and like, yeah, you're old, but you're not that old, so it's not really..." He began to smile again. "Super important." You finished, suddenly very aware of how you were standing. And how your hand rested so close to his. And how hot your face suddenly got.
"Well, what is it you need my help with?" He took your assignment paper. "The Reliquary of Sainte Foy. Around what time was that?" He looked back at you.
"Uh, the- Jesus times. Like upper double digits for the year. Which, I mean, I don't know when you were born, but I don't think you're that old, I mean you're still fun and pretty cool." God, why couldn't you just stop talking!
"Come on." He turned his back, taking your picking up your bag and slinging it over his shoulder. "I think I have something in my office."
His office? He's taking you to his office? You've been inside of it before, but it wasn't just him and you, it was him and his kids. Just keep reminding yourself: You are his children's friend. You're friends with every single one of this man's children. You're probably not even on his radar! A (publicly) mid-30 year old local surgeon, and men that looked like him in this part of Washington was rare. And to be going after a college student? Pull it together.
The steely resolve quickly crumbled as he held the door open for you to walk past him, and if you had any doubts he could hear your heart before, they were absolutely gone. You could hear your pounding heart in your head. The office was gorgeous, a few lamps and some candles gave the dark office a warm glow, and you could see he had been actively working on... something?
"I'm so sorry, did I interrupt something?" You glanced at the papers on his desk.
"Oh, no, I was just going over some old files. You could never interrupt me."
"Now." He began scanning a section of his large bookshelves. "I unfortunately was not born in 'Jesus times,' but I was born in 1640, and my father was an Anglican priest, so I might have something about early Christian relics." He finally pulled a large dark blue book from the shelf and handed it to you. "What about The Book of Sainte Foy? Written in 1010 A.D. and translated in 1995."
"Yes, please, that would be amazing." You replied quickly, eager to spend as little time in this room as possible.
"(Y/N), you seem stressed. If college is getting to be too much, you could always take a break." His eyebrows knit together and set the book on his desk. Your eyes followed his hand and you swallowed. This cannot be happening.
"Uh, no, it's not college! College is fine. It's just... other stuff." Your hands clasped together to try and ease some of your nerves.
"Well, (Y/N), if it's something more personal, you know you can always talk to me. I've enjoyed having you around and I hate to see you upset." You knew he was trying to ease information out of you, but his words just made it harder.
"Carlisle, I-" Oh god. No. Stop talking. His hand came to rest on your upper arm, his icy hand almost burning your hot skin. You've imagined this so many times "It's you!"
Wait. No! Keep talking! The look of slight shock and confusion on his face combined with the gentle grip he had on your arm had wiped your brain of whatever you were going to say. His hand relaxed and fell back to his side.
"Me? (Y/N), did I make you uncomfortable?" His voice was soft, but serious. Fix this, now!
"No! Well, sort of. But no! Just... listen." You rubbed the back of your neck, shifting your weight between your legs. He leaned back against his desk and looked at you.
This was going to be hard.
"It's just... You make me nervous because you know, you're like a genetically modified beauty of a human being. I mean, have you seen yourself? Actually seen yourself?"
Carlisle opened his mouth to respond but he couldn't get the words out before you continued.
"You are... gorgeous. And I know, Edward's complained to me about that whole 'Oh, our beauty just lures in innocent prey so we can destroy them,' thing, but you're just a... a genuinely beautiful person. You help people in need, you go to some extreme lengths to help people because why? Because you're a doctor and it's what you do, damn it! It's amazing. You're amazing." You took a breath, filling your lungs with all the words you've kept to yourself. "And I like your hands."
And you like his hands? That's what your confession is ending on? Okay, own it.
"You like my hands?" He questioned, biting back a smile. Of course that's what he focused on. "Tell me about my hands." He stood up off his desk and moved closer to you. You felt like the breath was being sucked out of your lungs as you tried to organize your thoughts.
"Well, they're..." His hand came up to your face, thumb grazing your cheekbone.
"Go on."
"I like the way they're..." In an effort to look anywhere else but his eyes, you glanced down to his chest. His face seemed to inch closer to yours as you searched for words you knew you wouldn't find. The hand on your face traveled to the back of your neck, and his other hand found the small of your back. Your hands rested on his biceps, your last attempt to try to cover up your attraction towards him.
"Tell me you want this." Carlisle whispered, pressing you closer to him, encouraged by your racing heart.
"I want this so bad." You admitted, and those were the words that broke the both of you. He pressed you against a bookshelf as his lips met yours, and the amount of passion coming from Carlisle was shocking. His thumb came around your neck to wrap around the front, and the simple weight of his hand caused you to moan in his mouth. He smiled into the kiss and your hands went to his hair, tugging as gently as you could.
"Jump." He whispered in between kisses. The faint taste of spearmint lingered, and you whined at the loss.
"What?" You pulled back and stared at him.
God, please let his vampire strength come in clutch. You wrapped your legs around his waist and his hands found the bottom of your thighs. He placed you on top of his desk, careful as to not disturb any documents or books, and pulled you in again. this time, there was something different. The kiss was more insistent, more demanding.
"More." He groaned, and slotted his head into the curve of your neck, biting gently, and kissing the same spots.
You had never seen Carlisle like this, never this... out of control.
"So, when is this paper due?" He asked, pulling you out of your thoughts. He walked back to the door of his office, laying his hand on the doorknob. You simply stared at him, still catching your breath. Did he seriously just ask that? Now? "Is it tonight?"
"Good." He grinned at you, and turned the lock. "Because it's not getting done."
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Most movie stars have mothers. A few have mam-ahs, and two or three have parents, one of each sex. The latter class are in the minority. Fathers, as a rule, are not done in movie circles. But Alice Lake has—folks. You know what I mean, a comfortable father and mother, who know that a movie parent's place is in the home, and who don't go running around handling daughter's contracts and denying her marriage announcements.
"I began going to Vitagraph studio when we lived in Brooklyn," Alice explained. "I would go after school with a girl chum to see if I could get extra work. It was hard, uphill work for several years. It was only when I came West that I really began to get ahead. I worked at Universal, did some wonderful parts at Metro. Then they starred me, and when that happened I just told myself that mother and father had to be out here and share the good times. I haven't seen them for four years! That's too long to be away from your folks."
The laurels of stardom sit lightly on Alice's brow, and as for Mother and Father Lake—they don't think of her as a movie queen, she is—"our baby." I've no doubt that she is told not to stay out too late, and to wear her rubbers in rainy weather. And I'm sure, too, that Alice's takes these parental admonitions in the same spirit in which they are given. Because, as I've said before, they are all—just "folks."
-Squier, E.L. (1921). "Alice's Folks," Picture-Play Magazine, Vol.15, pp.84~85
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daydreamwritting · 7 months
Hi! Any thoughts about Jasper, please 🙏
This was so vague that I’ve been sitting on this for a few weeks because I have a lot of thoughts about this man. Here are some moments I came up with, things I’d imagine that take place on those normal days around Forks <3 hope you enjoy!
First off, any hobby you like is also his hobby. And if he doesn’t end up liking it he sure as hell is funding it because he loves seeing you happy. Even if it all goes to waste when you abandon one project for the next one.
He’d probably take you on more hikes you thought were physically possible. Insistent that you don’t get out in nature enough to just take a breather. He makes sure to find good trails with spot to sit and explore, knowing you’ll be extra happy if there’s a waterfall. You slowly join his family’s “hiking days” on sunny days as much as your parents allow. Even though the hiking/camping trips were always the excuse, you and Jasper ironically spent most of those days doing just that. I mean, when else are you suppose to hike? Between school, homework, and supernatural threats, there’s not enough time in the day!
When it comes to your protection it’s always a bit hard for him. All he wants to do is stand in front of you and protect you from any dangers of the world, but he knows that you can stand your own ground, and he lets you, especially when it comes to you bickering with his siblings. Whole arguments have been made by asking if Jasper is such a bad gentleman that he can’t open a car door which lead to the whole I’m my own person and am fully capable of opening my own door argument. For a bunch of old vampires, some of them truly argued like teenagers.
He 100% uses his gift on you. Of course he respect you and your boundaries if you want him to back off. But sometimes you’ll be stubborn and tell him to back off and he has to politely explain that you literally look like you’re going to pass out and if you don’t calm down in the next ten seconds he will do it anyways because your physical safety comes first.
Being with you meant being around your best friend, something Jasper was nervous about in the beginning, he’s not very familiar with the human friend department. However, he was relieved to find out your best friend is a lot like you. Easily fitting in with both of you and your activities. He often joined you two when going to the library or shopping. You also learned there’s a whole lot more board games you guys can play with three people. Board games became a specialty when hanging out with your best friend since Edward, Alice, and sometimes even Emmett cheat. They are impossible to play with.
Your favorite days were the rainy ones. Jaspers bedroom had floor to ceiling windows and you practically demanded he put a bed in there so you can get all cozy and watch the rain fall and totally not to use as an excuse for cuddling. You got what you wished for and you and Jasper started an exclusive book club with just the two of you. In rainy days, you’d read a book together and talk about it. Of course you can’t stand reading out loud so you insist on getting two copies of every book so you could both read at your own pace. Jasper thought this was silly as first, but understood the appeal when he laid down next to you on the bed and started reading to the relaxing sound of rain in the background. It was nice, and almost distracted him from the rest of the chatter he was forced to hear around the rest of the house.
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xo-hugs-n-kisses-ox · 16 days
Hello, can I have a quick request of Paul Lahote. Where Paul x Reader(Kiana) are together and she is a fox shifter. She is nice, shy and kindest girl and the pack loves her including the Cullens. She is close to Emmett and Alice because she sees them as a brother and sister. But of course she still loves the pack, she wants to hang out with them. At Emily’s place, Kiana talked to Emily about an advice because she always talk to her and she looked up to her as a mom. She talked to her about telling Paul to hangout with Emmett and Alice since he hates vampires. Emily gave her an advice by softly asking him to hangout. She hugged Emily and waited for the pack to come. When they did Kiana was nervous but she approached Paul and softly asking and telling him that she wants to hangout with Emmett and Alice. Paul frozed and frown little bit, he stayed quiet and Kiana stared at Sam because she worried and Sam saw that and he approached Paul. After a few minutes, he said I don’t know it is too dangerous and Kiana looked up at him upset but she told him again that she wants to hangout with them. Paul got mad slowly and said no. Kiana just walked out and went to the Cullens and hangout with Emmett and Alice. She hangout with them and came back to Emily’s place but went upstairs to her room instead of hugging Paul knowing he mess up. He went upstairs and apologized to Kiana because he doesn’t want to lose her and she reassured him that he’s not and she kissed him.
Fox and the Hound
Paul Lahote x Reader
Forks, Washington, was an interesting place. I had moved here recently, and it was… lonely, at first.
Alice, a small girl with wispy hair and large, round eyes, had started talking to me at lunch one day, and the next thing I knew was that I was being dragged back to her table.
Her and her family were a bit strange, but so was I. I think she knew, but I couldn’t be quite sure.
It wasn’t until Alice had sat me down in the library and slid over a book on mythology. There were two pages tabbed; one on shape shifting women who turn to foxes, and another on the undead feasting on human blood.
My heart felt like it was going to explode when I read the first marked chapter, but as I flipped to the one on Vampires, I saw highlights.
Pale skin, ice cold, no pulse.
Alice reached out, pressing her icy fingers to my arm. She slid her hand into my palm, turning to over to make me feel her pulse, or lack thereof.
We were closer after that.
She was my favorite, loving and kind and so eccentric. She was bubbly and bright in this gloomy town, and she corralled me into hanging out with her adoptive brother, Emmett. He was funny, kindhearted, and wild. Despite his lack of a beating heart, he made everything more lively.
Quicker than I thought, we were friends. I was over at their house more than my own, considering them my family.
Through Bella, I was able to meet Emily Young. She was a lovely person, acting almost motherly to myself and the rest of the pack of wild teenage boys who could shape shift into massive wolves. Even though I could also shift, I was never quite so big. Foxes weren’t exactly large creatures, and even as a shifter I was only about as large as a big dog, like a Doberman. It was convenient, though, because I could still slip away from school or out of my house. Why would anyone suspect a fox?
Trough Bella, I also met Paul Lahote.
The first time I met him, something seemed to click into place. It’s like my world narrowed down and expanded again, my view shifting to pinpoint him.
We started talking, and I did my best to seem normal enough. I was sure the shape shifting part wouldn’t bother him, but the suddenly new, very odd, Paul-central thoughts that appeared in my mind might scare anyone off.
He seemed to understand, though.
A few weeks into getting to know each other, he explained something called “imprinting.”
It was basically like a soul tie, and he explained that it just made him want to help me and care for me.
“It doesn’t have to mean anything other than friendship,” He had told me, looking almost nervous. “So even if you don’t want anything more than that, I would be more than fine with it.”
Relieved, I had explained my own feelings. We talked about what we both wanted, and how we both felt. He was a bit awkward about it, but he managed to explain his feelings.
We decided to start going out, and I was never more happy.
He still couldn’t stand the Cullens, but he did try to at least tolerate them for me. He had a reason to distrust them, it was in his nature not to like them very much, so I didn’t try to make him like them. I just wanted him to know that there were important to me, just like they knew that he was important to me, too.
Paul had slowly started to dislike them more after Bella married Edward. I didn’t fully blame him. If Bella was turned, it would hurt both Jacob and the treaty. Jacob was his brother, and the treaty was there to keep mortals out of harm’s supernatural way.
Emmett, Alice, and I were supposed to have a movie night tomorrow night, and I didn’t know how to bring it up to Paul. I decided to ask for help.
“Emily?” I called, walking into the house. The radio was playing, and I made my way to the kitchen. She was mixing batter for muffins, and I slowly approached her.
“I need help,” I told her as she reached out to hug me, “I have a movie night planned with Alice and Emmett, but I know that Paul’s been stressed about the Cullens and all the things going on with Jacob, Bella, and Edward, and I just… I don’t want him to be more stressed, but they’re still my friends.”
It was word vomit more than anything, a way to get these feelings off my chest. She hummed, nodding at my words.
“He loves you very much, just ask him,” she advised, and I nodded.
“I just worry that he wouldn’t want me to go because of his distrust, you know?” I was worried, “I don’t even really know what to say, either.”
Emily patted my arm, sympathetically saying, “Explain to him why you want to go, and what you three would do. Maybe you could invite him over there too, so he would feel comfortable knowing that if anything at all happened, he could help you out?”
I was about to respond, but the door swung open and the horde of boys came rushing in. I smiled at Emily, turning to go greet everyone. Paul, who was in the middle of bickering with Seth, pushed to hug me tight.
Taking the opportunity, Seth ducked away and dove for the food Paul had been saving. Paul scowled at him, but didn’t go after him as he continued to hold me tight.
“Paul,” I started, “Emmett, Alice, and I have a movie night planned tomorrow,”
Paul frowned a bit, and I was quick to keep talking.
“We were going to watch the movies at my house,” My heart was beating quickly. He couldn’t really tell me not to go, but I still didn’t want him to be upset. I continued, “I know things are tense right now, so—”
“Yeah, things are tense,” he agreed, his tone slightly off. Sam looked over, but the others were too engrossed in their food to really notice anything.
“I know, so—”
He cut me off again, “I don’t trust them, and I don’t want you to be around them alone. Edward and Bella were bad enough, I don’t want something to happen to you because you were at the wrong place at the right time.”
“Let me finish please,” I asked calmly, but he shook his head.
“I don’t want you to go.” He said finally, and I sighed, frustrated.
“You aren’t hearing me out,” I told him, annoyed that he wasn’t listening to me.
We went back and forth, until I eventually just left. If he wouldn’t listen to me, I was done trying to make him. I got into my car and drove quickly to the Cullen’s home, deciding to have our watch party early.
We watched some new action movie, and I had fun. It was nice to hang out with them, and I enjoyed not having to fight Seth and Jared for the popcorn.
Eventually, I drove back to Emily’s house. I was staying with her for the week since it was summer. Everyone was eating dinner, and I walked past them all to go to the spare room that I had claimed as mine.
I heard a chair scare against the floor, but I didn’t turn around to see who had gotten up. I just walked into my room and shut the door, going to sit on my bed.
A moment later, and there was a knock. I sighed, telling Paul to come in.
He walked in and sat on the bed beside me. He looked annoyed, but I had been around him long enough to know that it was just the face he made when thinking.
“I’m sorry for not listening to you,” he started, “I don’t trust the Cullens, but I trust you. I know that Alice and Emmett are your… friends, but it’s hard for me to see you being with them because of how dangerous vampires are.”
He paused for a second, but continued, “Emily said that you were going to invite me to go with you, since you know how uncomfortable I am about you being alone with vampires. I’m sorry, and I should have let you talk.”
I watched as he spoke, his eyes on his hands. I reached out to put my hand in his, rubbing my thumb soothingly across his skin.
“The offer still stands,” I told him, “We have a movie night every few weeks, it would mean a lot for you to come with me.”
He nodded, and I smiled at him.
“Thank you,” I told him, grinning widely. He smiled a little at me, reaching out to put his arm around me and falling onto the bed to lay down. I laughed a little and he pressed a kiss to my temple.
“I just don’t want to put you in danger,” he murmured, “You’re already in enough being close to us, and sometimes I worry that you’ll get hurt.”
“I know,” I told him, tilting my head to press a kiss to his lips, “I know.”
Sorry this took so long to get out!! I got busy with school and couldn’t write a ton this week 🫠
I hope you liked this!! Thank you so so much for requesting 🥰 lmk if there’s anything else you want me to write!! 😁
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