#Minato took them for the grab
invalidname19 · 2 years
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Ik minato took them pantuflas when he bodied òbito
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chaoticnezz · 5 months
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~You're favorite part about working with animals was when you got to see the sea creatures. You worked at a place that was like a zoo but for sea creatures (aquarium). Most of the time you spent giving the children a tour of the place, or just playing with them as the parents got a break.
"And this kids is the petting area, where you can pet all of the sea creatures. But before you touch them let me show you how to handle them, so that you don't hurt them."
The children surrounded you as you crouched down to be level with the water table. The table was quite deep filled with water and aquatic life. You gently touched a black octopus that leaned into you touch with each pet.
Softly you pulled your hand out of the water, "and that's how you should handle all the sea animals so please be gentle, you are free to touch them." Soon all the children scattered around the water table, all but one.
"E-excuse me miss but I'm scared to touch one what if they hurt me." You crouched down to the boys level and you patted his head with your non- wet hand. "It's alright they won't hurt you I promise, do you want me to help you pet one?"
"Y-yes please" "alright what's your name I'm y/n." "I'm Tim" you gently grabbed Tim's hand and slowly led him over to the water table. Looking into the water table you grabbed the friendliest sea animal you knew.
The black octopus it was about the size of your palm so it was small enough not to terrify any of the kid. You and Tim both crouched down at the water table. "Alright Tim I want you to meet, Minato if that's to hard for you to say you can just call him taro."
"Taro?" "Yeah, Why don't you touch him with one finger, to start off." "But won't he bite me?" "Of course he won't let me show you." You took one of your fingers and began to gently rub it across the top of the octopus, causing Minato to rub his head into you finger.
"See now you try" Tim reluctantly pet the octopus, only to calm down after seeing that Minato didn't bite. "There you go, see he doesn't bite." Tim smiled "woah, you're right he feels so cool."
You but the final starfish back into the giant tank. It was closing time and today you were assigned with the task of bringing all the sea creatures from the petting zoo into the ocean tank.
The ocean tank is basically a part of the ocean near the zoo meant specifically for the sea creatures that you kept their. The last group of sea creatures you had to move for the night was the octopuses.
And there was only one of those in the petting zoo area. Gently you grabbed the small black octopus and put it lightly into the bucket that was half filled with water. You walked so carefully as if you were walking on glass.
Picking up the octopus you bent over and placed him into the ocean tank. Standing up you turned to walk away only to get pulled into the salty water. You gasped for air as you made your way back to surface, only to get pulled into someone's chest.
"Love <3!" You could practically hear the love in their voice, the fact that their was someone in the ocean pool wasn't what scared you. What scared you was whatever was gripping onto your waist and legs.
You hesitantly looked down only to see black tentacles. You felt a muffled cry escape your throat. "Love? Ways wrong, do you want to go back to the shore?"
The strange creature gently put you back onto the shore. You turned around now being able to fully see him.
He had short black hair with blue tips, on his neck was a black choker with gold spikes followed by a gold spikey necklace, his ears were accompanied by dangleing golden shell earrings. His arms had long fishnet like gloves on, along with a black bracelet on each wrist.
His nipples were covered by a gold swirl thing on each side, both side were attached at the front by two lose chains. Where his v line would have been their was a heart shaped tattoo. Instead if legs he had the bottom of an octopus. The color of his tentacles were black while the underside was blue with teal suction cups. His waist was adorned with gold swirls and shapes.
Your mouth was hung open in shock of what you were seeing. You finally got the courage to look at the male in the eyes only to meet with a pair of concerned bright green eyes.
"Oh my it seems your dehydrated here let me take you back to the water." Before you even have time to object you were grabbed and plunged into the depths of the ocean. You struggle in his arms you captor not noticing until you body went limp.
You were on the verge of passing out when you were suddenly brought back onto shore. You began to gasp trying to intake as much air as you possibly could. "Love I'm sorry I don't actually know much about humans!"
"Love I'm truly sorry! so, please... Please don't leave me."
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breadcultgeneral · 7 months
Valentine's day!
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Today was valentine's day and you just got ready and walked out to see matakara waiting for you like a puppy with the way he perked seeing you.
" good morning, Y/n-chan!"
" good morning, matakara."
You give him a smile before you reached into the bag you were carrying and hand him chocolates you know are his favorite when you both were kids.
" you remembered my favorite."
" of course."
You and matakara walked to school together, he offered you a piece of the chocolate.
You walked onto school grounds.
" y/n-teen!"
Marito yelled as he ran towards you, you knew that you couldn't out run him so you just accepted fate and braced.
Matakara tried to stop him and protect you from the siguma squad leader but failed.
Marito picked you up and you grabbed onto his shoulder while holding onto the bag in the other hand as he spins excited.
" y/n-teen! Good morning, happy valentine's day."
" yah, happy valentine's day."
You say when he stopped, you looked around seeing that outa wasn't with him.
" where's outa?"
" oh, he's off doing something."
" okay."
Marito looked at you bating his eyelashes at you expectingly waiting.
" put me down and I'll give it to you."
Marito put you down smiling as you reached into your bag putting the box of chocolate filled cookies with animals on them in marito's hand.
" thank you, y/n-teen!"
Marito said before he kissed the side of your head.
You walked into the school and noticed komao looking out the window for you.
You walked into the classroom and komao quickly got up to greet you hugging you.
" good morning."
" Haha, good morning."
You and komao walked to your seats next to zabu.
" happy valentine's day, I said it first so I get my chocolate first."
Komao said before he looked at zabu with a small smirk, zabu hit komao with his elbow but komao had a smaller smirk.
You laughed at them messing around before you reached into the bag pulling out container with a slice of cookie cake inside.
" yay! Thank you, y/n-san."
Komao looked at it as if think he should wait to eat it before he opened it and took a bite.
You smile and reach back into the bag before giving zabu a chocolate bar and a few smaller ones.
" tisk, thanks."
Zabu took it and was hiding his excitement from getting chocolate.
Soon the bell rings for lunch, you walked around the school looking for someone who you have chocolate for.
You walk into the gym looking for outa to give him the chocolate you have for him.
Some siguma members looked at you before they started giving you a hard time.
" what's going on over here?"
Outa had walked over and the siguma members quickly left you alone.
" happy valentine's day, outa."
You said as you gave him mochi chocolate, he took it with a soft smile before he put his hand on your head.
" thank you."
You left the gym and ran into hague and jabashiri eating at a table by the vending machines.
You sit down at the table with them putting the bag next to you.
" hey, good afternoon."
" oh. Hello, y/n-san."
" tisk."
You reach into the bag and give Hague a white chocolate bar, Hague blushed gently take the bar.
Jabashiri was looking at you intently and looked away when you looked at him.
You laughed at him before you put 2 dark chocolate bar in front of him.
" there, you were upset yesterday about the vending machine not having it."
Hague lightly kicked jabashiri's leg before jabashiri said.
" thanks."
The bell rang and you left going to class, you sat next to arajin.
" do you know if mahoro brought any chocolate for anyone?"
" no, I don't think she did."
" oh here."
You reached into your bag and gave him 2 a chocolate bar and shrine offering like chocolate.
" what?"
Arajin flipped over the shrine chocolate and on the back was a small doodle of a small senya.
Soon the last bell rings and you walk off school grounds and to minato kai's base.
You knocked on the door where ken-san was before you slid open the paper door.
Ken-san looked over and sat down, you walked in and sat down as well.
' this is a bit awkward, I was hopeing to leave the chocolate and go.'
You snap out of your thoughts when ken-san gestures for the 2 guys to leave the room.
You reach into your bag and pull out a small box of different chocolates before you hand it to him.
" I didn't know which kind you liked so I got a box of different chocolates."
You said before you jump startled by ken-san bowing, you quickly also bowed.
You could hear the murmurs and whispers of the guys eavesdropping and peeping in through a small crack in the door.
You leave and walk home as the sun is setting, you looked at the sun set and pulled out your phone to take a picture but you couldn't find the perfect angle.
You feel someone's behind you before 2 gloved hands gently take your phone from your hands and held it a bit above your head taking the photo.
" good afternoon, happy valentine's day."
" good afternoon."
You turned to him and tried to take your phone back but he had a tight grip on it.
You look at him pulling on your phone but he won't let go, shindo was giving you a closed eyed smile wanting something.
You reach into your bag and grabbed the last two 2, a chocolate bar and a shrine chocolate bar.
You put the chocolate in his other hand and he let go of your phone.
" thank you."
' bro what the fuck.'
You walked into your house and upstairs onto your bed.
Thank you for reading!
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thatonetwig · 7 months
Dogday x Catnap headcanons! (+ some extra things!)
Catnap has a very strong tail and loves to use it to pick up Dogday from behind so he can give him cuddles and kisses.
Dogday always starts barking and jumping around in excitement when meeting Catnap after not seeing him (one day, one minute, doesn't matter).
They each wear two bracelets. One is a rainbow bracelet to represent their friendship with the other critters, and the other is a bracelet with each other's colors and charm to always serve as a reminder of the other.
Catnap generally isn't a fan of physical contact but completely melts into Dogday when it comes to his physical affection.
The two have gotten used to their scents overlapping with each other when cuddling. This is part of the reason why the other critters leave the room whenever they do this due to how nauseating the resulting smell is.
Dogday always wakes up fully energized and ready for the day, but that instantly changes to him convincing himself that he needs more sleep if Catnap happens to be lying on his stomach and sleeping soundly.
Craftycorn likes to make art of the two together, romantic stuff and whatnot. Something that both are unaware of. Bubba once walked in on her making this art, and they both silently agreed to never speak of it again; awkwardly nodding to each other as Bubba slowly closed the door.
Now, since I love these two and Vocaloid with all of my being, I wanted to give them some Vocaloid songs that I associate them with! I hope you all can find inspiration in these songs while thinking of these two the same way I did!
Moudoku Chuui - でんの子P (feat. Aoki Lapis
IDSMILE - Toa (feat. Hatsune Miku and Kagamine Rin)
Viva Happy - Mitchie M (feat. Hatsune Miku)
Paradichlorobenzene - オワタP (feat. Kagamine Len and Kagamine Rin)
Non-Breath Oblige - PinocchioP (feat. Hatsune Miku)
Nonsense and Me - RIProducer (feat. Kasane Teto)
Last Score - せきこみごはん (feat. Hatsune Miku)
Melt - ryo (feat. Hatsune Miku)
Magnet - Minato (feat. Hatsune Miku and Megurine Luka)
Finally, a small excerpt from an upcoming fic!
("I hope Dogday is gonna be okay."), Catnap thought to himself as he used his tail to stir the pot of vegetable soup he was making.
He had never seen him get sick before, but Catnap already hated it. He wouldn't stop whimpering and was nothing like the Dogday Catnap knew. The worst part of it, however, was that Catnap couldn't be next to him to comfort him.
Suddenly, Catnap felt a sharp pain on his tail.
"Yowch! What the heck?!", Catnap hissed, taking his tail out of the pot.
As it turned out, the soup had begun to boil over while he was thinking. Leaving some of it already on the floor.
("You've gotta be kidding me..."), Catnap thought as he grabbed a few paper towels to clean up the mess with.
("Is he still whimpering?"), he thought as he slowly walked to Dogday's room with a bowl of vegetable soup in his hands.
Sure enough, he could hear small but constant whimpers just a few feet down the hall.
Catnap then heard a loud groan come from his room before a series of coughs and hacks followed. This caused him to panic briefly and speed up his walking.
"Um- h-hey Dogday!", Catnap said, poking his head through the doorframe.
Dogday looked up from his blanket and saw his boyfriend standing there with the bowl of soup.
"O-oh...hi C-cat- ack- nap.", Dogday said, coughing as he forced a smile.
"I made you soup! Do you want me to bring it to you?"
"T-that sounds- huahh...nice. S-sure. But p-please keep your distance.", Dogday said, his voice sounding hoarse.
Catnap slowly walked over to the bed and held the bowl with his tail for Dogday to take.
"T-thanks Catnap...you're the best...", Dogday said, grabbing the bowl and taking a sip from it.
He took a few moments to chew the veggies and examine the taste of the soup.
"W-wow...this is really-"
Dogday looked up and saw Catnap standing just a few meters away from his face.
"W-what?! What are you doing?", Dogday said, pushing himself to the other side of the bed.
"What?", Catnap said innocently.
"Look, I-I miss being with you a-as much as you do, but I don't- ack- want you to get sick either. Y-you have to understand that.", Dogday explained.
Catnap's expression faltered, and he silently left the room, closing the door behind him.
Once he was out in the hallway, Catnap put his tail under his chin to think of something else to do.
Guess he would just have to try harder to get Dogday's affection.
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issybee06 · 6 months
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(adj.) emotionally confused or uncertain
The mission wasn't supposed to go this way. It was a B-ranked mission that took the two teams four days in the middle of the Earth country to complete, and they were just on their way home.
Kakashi should have foreseen this somehow, despite being just a Chunin with no Dōjutsu to see into the future. He still should have been prepared.
They all should have.
The enemy had strung on them when they were at their lowest, chakra exhausted from a previous battle.
Kakashi hadn't seen the man grab you, nor had he seen the blade covered in poison being stabbed into you, all he saw was the expression of pure terror Rin had on her face as she witnessed the scene.
He heard though, the screams of Kushina as she raced to you. The cried of Gai as Genma held him back from running after his sensei. Minatos calls to head to the cottage a mile back.
Now here he was, standing in the doorway of the Cottage as Rin and Kushina frantically tried to save you.
Obito, Genma, and Gai sat on the porch, eyes trained forward in horror. If you died… you'd be the first friend any of them had lost.
Kakashi, he didn't turn away. He watched as Rin, with tears streaming down her face, dug through all her medical bags searching for her antidotes.
He watched as Kushina grabbed a kunai to cut open your shirt and sports bra, and he watched as Minato held your hair back as you leaned over the shitty old kitchen table to throw up your own blood.
Your face, sweaty and flushed from the fever that was beginning to rise. Your pretty eyes that he had caught himself looking at were blinking tiredly. Your hair was wet, stuck to your face and knotted around your head.
Kakashi couldnt look away.
You were still pretty, he thought. Even if you looked like death.
Minato had to force him, pulling him away from the scene as Kushina pulled the fabric from your front, exposing the wound.
“You don't want to see this.”
Good Minato, who despite dealing with three kids in the middle of the war, still tried to keep them somewhat pure from the horrors of this world.
Kakashi, as soon as he turned away, knew you were going to die.
You had been insignificant to him for most of your lives, just another face in the classroom you two had shares.
You were nice, he knew that, but being nice got people killed and he was certain you'd die if you ever got into a battle. Back in the academy, you were quiet, nice, and friendly but insignificant to him.
You had changed since he had graduated before you, and left you to grow.
You turned into a fighter, not as good as Gai but you were above average. You fought with everything, all you had and it impressed Kakashi how much you grew.
Being Kushinas student must have done you some good, because you also held a fire similar to hers.
Maybe that’s why you had rushed to Genma, fighting the enemy that had knocked him out.
Maybe that’s why you had cut the man’s face, scarring him.
Maybe that’s why you were grab by your throat, held down and stabbed with the poison covered blade.
Maybe it was because now you were dying on a rotting table inside of an abandoned cottage in enemy woods.
Maybe it was because you were stupid, rushing to save your friend with no consideration for your life.
Maybe that's why he had grown to love you more than a teammate.
You used to be so insignificant in his life, but now you were everywhere.
*first post, might make this a series!*
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katsona-the-katsequel · 5 months
I imagine all the protags being friends tbh, like all of them, give me two and i can make a way i can see them interacting, but i really think Makoto and Yu would get along so so well, same with Kotone and Akira
Give them some time and they'll be some of the closest friends you'll see. Really helps that four of them made it their mission to befriend at least 19 people in a year. Naoya, Tatsuya, and Maya never stood a chance against their combined Max Charm. Naoya got that next-door, cheeky, pretty boy aura going on for him. He clicked with Akira right away, though surprisingly he found himself playing the straight man in Akira's jokes.
Naoya saw Yu taking charge once (1) and happily delegated all the leader duties to him. Minato followed suit. Yu offered the leadership duties to Maya (because oldest in the group should know best, right?) but she said "No, thank you :)". Yu glanced at Tatsuya, who just shook his head. Akira made a playful grab for the leadership position, but Yu believed he was joking and took it back (they didn't trust each other yet). Kotone ended up leading and ran everyone ragged. Naoya is scared. Maya is dead again. Tatsuya is reevaluating his initial impression of the little girl with the red bow. Minato seems barely phased, but if looks could kill... Yu and Akira are mentally taking notes for their respective teams.
Kotone and Akira are the type of people Tatsuya would be attracted to (Platonic! I mean, romantically too if you want to). They're the most vocal about their ideals and beliefs. If Naoya, Minato and Yu opened up more to talk about more personal stuff, he would like them as well.
Maya thinks they're all cute. Especially Minato. The kind to cover him with a blanket whenever he falls asleep. Akira is also on permanent coffee duty for Maya now. Yu discovered he had Mommy IssuesTM when Maya began to look after him. Aside from those uncovered feelings that he still needs to process, Yu found himself connecting the best with Minato and Akira. They relate to each other and don't find the occasional long silences nor the unprompted strange commentaries as offputting as other people. Those three are in the same wavelength, with Kotone occasionally joining them.
If someone asked Kotone, she would say Yu is her favorite because he feeds her. But honestly? Its Minato. They just get each other. True, that might lead to some frustrated arguments you can only have with someone who's too much like you, but its good to do or say something without having to explain herself. Minato thinks Maya, Kotone and Akira are a bit too much sometimes (where do they get all that energy from?), but he really likes them. Good luck making him admit it, tho.
Now that I think about it, Akira might be the most charismatic of the group. Huh.
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ircn-mvn · 8 months
Naruto’s parents meet his adoptive family
Kushina and Minato could only stare as their only son turned around and kneeled to welcome twin toddlers into his arms. 
“You’re back,” one of them said. 
“Ruchan was freakin’ out,” the other added.
Naruto and the twins froze as the other two looked up to watch two shinobis coming their way. It took another moment for Minato to realize the one who had spoken was no other than Kohari and Ikkaku’s son, but literally no time at all to recognize his old student walking next to him.
“Naruto?” Iruka called.
Naruto moved immediately. He got up and walked the small distance between them as Iruka opened his arms. They hugged but soon the obviously relieved expression on Iruka’s face turned into a thunderous one and they understood why Kakashi had stopped a step behind them.
Iruka suddenly grabbed Naruto by his jacket’s collar and started shaking him:
“What the hell were you thinking?! No, you clearly weren’t thinking at all as always!! You were supposed to babysit the twins!! And what, you decide to experiment with their Jikūkan Ninjutsu like it’s some kind of game?! You are lucky they didn’t accidentally kill you, you idiot!! Do you hear me?! You could have died, Naruto!! What were we supposed to do if you had died?!”
“I-I’m dizzy,” Naruto managed finally.
Iruka stopped. He looked shaken under the last trace of his anger. He let go of Naruto’s collar to grab his shoulders.
“You can’t disappear on us like that, Naruto,” he added. “Do you hear me?”
“Uh, I’m sorry,” Naruto answered.
“You better be.”
Iruka’s frown turned into a soft smile after another beat. He brought his and Naruto’s forehead together, closing his eyes.
“Welcome home.”
And that’s when Kakashi moved forward, joining the other two. One of his arms came around Iruka while he put a hand on Naruto’s head before bringing their foreheads together as well.
“Welcome home, kid,” he said.
“Glad to be home,” Naruto answered with a sheepish smile.
There was a pause before Naruto remembered their visitors. Both Kushina and Minato had already started to fade when he turned back towards them. 
“Wait!” he exclaimed. “I want you to meet my family.”
He pointed to the twins who had been staring at Minato.
“This is my little sister, Ren, and my little brother, Jun,” Naruto started before motioning towards Kakashi. “You already know Papashi - I mean Kakashi-Sensei. He has been around for a while, Iruka likes him.”
Naruto’s fake detached expression turned more serious before he grabbed Iruka and pushed him forward, startling the older man.
“And this,” Naruto added. “This is Iruka. He was the one who adopted me.”
“Uh, Kushina-sama, Minato-sama,” Iruka said, bowing respectfully.
When he straightened anew, it was to find himself in Kushina’s embrace. She hugged him tightly and he only hesitated a moment before hugging her back.
“Thank you,” she whispered.
Minato walked to an uncertain Kakashi. His former student's gaze kept traveling between his eyes and the floor. He grabbed one of his shoulders.
“Thank you,” Minato echoed.
“Maa, like Naruto said, Iruka was the one who adopted him,” Kakashi said.
“But I couldn’t have done it without you,” Iruka corrected him.
“Thank you, to both of you,” Kushina said again.
Edit: Bonus Scene:
A furious looking Sakura appeared at the end of the corridor and Naruto visibly blanched. She walked to him clearly ready to hit him and yet her blow never landed. When Naruto dared to open his eyes again, there was a tall dark figure standing between Sakura and he.
“Uh, ANBU-san?” Sakura said.
“Naruto-kun already suffered from one concussion today,” the ANBU - Itachi - said. “That might be enough, don’t you think Sakura-san?”
Sakura deflated while Naruto blushed. Also, he wasn’t sure if Iruka was giving him or Itachi the stink eyes right now but he wasn’t in a hurry to find out.
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For a ML-Sailor Moon crossover: If Minako ever came to Paris there would be chaos for the simple reason she hates cops on principle until they prove they are actually well meaning and capable and would do their job for them just to show them up... And this girl cleaned up Minato Ward from all crime, from yakuza to panty thieves, IN HER SPARE TIME JUST TO SHOW THE METROPOLITAN POLICE HOW THEIR JOB IS DONE.
Audrey Bourgeois? Arrested for child abuse due Sailor V tricking her into spilling the beans in public and in front of the police.
André Bourgeois? Arrested for every single bribe he took.
Tomoe? She's not coming back to Paris until Sailor V leaves, she learned her lesson.
Gabe? He thought he was safe because she's a honest corporate executive, but then he walked out of his home and Sailor V grabbed his weird tie clip in front of a filming Alya and a horde of cops to see if it was a Miraculous...
Lila? She turned herself in the moment Sailor V took residence in the catacombs near her own hideout, and she wasn't even on her radar.
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fandom-susceptible · 2 years
Compressed timeline AU where the Hokages retire younger instead of mostly dying (Minato still kicks the bucket, sorry man, should have called Hashirama to deal with Kurama instead of trying to tackle it yourself) and you just have them wandering around the village when Naruto's growing up
Bonus points for Kakashi's mom being a Senju so he ends up adopted by Tobirama. Hashirama would have volunteered but he already has Tsunade and Yamato and Mito said they weren't taking any more.
Kagami Uchiha/Tobirama Senju is a thing and Madara's still pissed about it
Madara's homophobic repressed gay
Hashirama is a useless bisexual who's absolutely crushed that Madara "hates" him
Naruto and Sasuke had screaming matches at the academy about who was going to get to be taught by the Shodaime and were both *terribly* disappointed with Kakashi, until Kakashi took them to a family dinner and they realized Hashirama is very powerful but can't teach to save his life
Kagami used to be terrified of his cousin but by now he's just like *bitch, at least I had the guts to marry the guy who kicked my ass and made me fall in love with him, fuck off*
Tobirama and Madara fucking hate each other and will leave family dinners if the other is there
Sasuke fucking hates Tobirama and Kakashi by extension until Kagami sits him down and is like "Madara's an idiot let me tell you why" "he's our clan head!" "do I look like I give a fuck-"
Sakura low-key loves Tobirama's work but she pretends to hate him at first because Sasuke does. Tobirama never quite respects her for that but after the Character Development where she learns to do things for herself he might teach her a few things if Tsunade asks.
People still keep ripping off Tobirama's jutsu and forgetting he invented it and yes he's still salty about it
He and Orochimaru got along very well before Orochimaru left the village
Naruto was upset at first but later if Tobirama scolds Kakashi for reading Icha Icha when he's supposed to be teaching this 12 year old is 1000% ready to throw down with the Lord Second for being mildly disrespectful to Kakashi-sensei
Kakashi is mildly embarrassed. Tobirama is vaguely nonplussed. Kagami is laughing so hard he can't breathe.
Shisui still dies but Kagami finds out and grabs Itachi and he and Madara get a confession out of him and killing Danzou is the only thing Madara and Tobirama have ever agreed on. They hate it but Tobirama still tells Hashirama to shut up when Madara lights Danzou on fire. It goes a ways towards the younger Uchiha stopping calling him the White Demon of the Senju.
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fayrinferno · 10 months
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The (printed) collection
From time to time I get a question like, "do you have this or that book?" So, a few weeks back, I finally took them all out of their hiding place and grabbed some photos. Wish I had used my camera instead of phone, I had to stand on a chair to get it all and yeah, the picture is not the sharpest.
Anyway, I have some other stuff, figures and such, although I admittedly DO focus more on books as an artist/writer/translator. These books are the ones I translate from so I wasn't going for mint conditions, although a few of them are. You can see some of them still packed in the store bags. I included the CDs cause... well, they were next to the books and they do have some printed material as well.
The Shiren Suiki book gets a separate photo cause after taking the photos at home I realized I had left it at work when I scanned it... practically crying as I did cause it was barely opened when I bought it and it's a beautiful book. My Anvils are also very fragile.
I may do a complete list one day but for now, here are the quick descriptions.
ARTBOOKS & FANBOOKS I have pretty much all of the major official books I think, missing maybe 1-2 pieces. The one that may look less familiar is Hiroshi Osaka's personal artbook. I also have four of the relevant Nobuteru Yuuki artbooks. The bottom right one with the orange title is the issue of Newtype Magazine with a feature about Esca.
SMALLER BOOKS (let's pretend that's a category) Here I got all the novels (they are out of their sleeves cause I was working on them), all the filmbooks, Secrets of Escaflowne, Escaflowne Bible, and the Energist Memories manga/doujin collection.
DOUJINSHI I was mostly going for stuff I haven't seen online so I only got a handful. Besides the Shiren Suiki book, there are three Minato Tajima doujins (one of them is racy heh but I'm not hiding that I have it). One of the other doujins may look unfamiliar; it's a compilation book that includes other series (the character on the cover is from DN Angel). People who talk to me on Discord probably recognize the Nanoka doujinshi cover.
CDs AND THE LIKE I don't have all the soundtracks for some reason, probably cause I thought the missing ones wouldn't be hard to get. The PSX game is the special edition with the tarot cards. The LDs that I literally bought just for the covers and inlays. I also have all the audio dramas, some CDs with extras... and a phone card that was for some reason packed in a CD case lol (kidding, it's precious that they would give it that kind of protection). Oh, and there are two movie posters which I guess don't fall under either category.
I have some other stuff that is kinda related to Esca "by association" such as by artist or things that "looked similar" but I didn't include them. Also the figures. I may update this post with those but this is the brunt of it. I will be posting some goodies from these soon!
Same goes for the ongoing translations that I've been doing updates on in this post. Life is too short to delay them for months and years because of perfectionism, or rather, being self conscious about one's imperfect language skills. I am thankful to everyone who has helped me so far, proofreading my translations (coverteyes, pikafwance, sevenstars, and radical-rad1986)... I'm not tagging you guys but know that I'm VERY grateful, also to the other people who are helping me with other projects). I always had fun working together with you but it's no longer sustainable and I likely bit off more than I can chew. So I will get myself out of the way. There are two books that are almost complete as of today so I will just probably go chapter by chapter. I hope to be done with this asap but also December is a busy month for me so I'm not sure how smoothly it will go. Let's hope it does.
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bi-frog4girls · 2 years
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You're favorite part about working with animals was when you got to see the sea creatures. You worked at a place that was like a zoo but for sea creatures (an aquarium). Most of the time you spent giving the children a tour of the place, or just playing with them as the parents got a break.
"And this kids is the petting area, where you can pet all of the sea creatures. But before you touch them let me show you how to handle them, so that you don't hurt them."
The children surrounded you as you crouched down to be level with the water table. The table was quite deep filled with water and aquatic life. You gently touched a black octopus that leaned into you touch with each pet.
Softly you pulled your hand out of the water, "and that's how you should handle all the sea animals so please be gentle, you are free to touch them." Soon all the children scattered around the water table, all but one.
"E-excuse me miss but I'm scared to touch one what if they hurt me." You crouched down to the boys level and you patted his head with your non- wet hand. "It's alright they won't hurt you I promise, do you want me to help you pet one?"
"Y-yes please" "alright what's your name I'm y/n." "I'm Tim" you gently grabbed Tim's hand and slowly led him over to the water table. Looking into the water table you grabbed the friendliest sea animal you knew.
The black octopus it was about the size of your palm so it was small enough not to terrify any of the kid. You and Tim both crouched down at the water table. "Alright Tim I want you to meet, Minato if that's to hard for you to say you can just call him taro."
"Taro?" "Yeah, Why don't you touch him with one finger, to start off." "But won't he bite me?" "Of course he won't let me show you." You took one of your fingers and began to gently rub it across the top of the octopus, causing Minato to rub his head into you finger.
"See now you try" Tim reluctantly pet the octopus, only to calm down after seeing that Minato didn't bite. "There you go, see he doesn't bite." Tim smiled "woah, you're right he feels so cool!"
You but the final starfish back into the giant tank. It was closing time and today you were assigned with the task of bringing all the sea creatures from the petting zoo into the ocean tank.
The ocean tank is basically a part of the ocean near the zoo meant specifically for the sea creatures that you kept their. The last group of sea creatures you had to move for the night was the octopuses.
And there was only one of those in the petting zoo area. Gently you grabbed the small black octopus and put it lightly into the bucket that was half filled with water. You walked so carefully as if you were walking on glass.
Picking up the octopus you bent over and placed him into the ocean tank. Standing up you turned to walk away only to get pulled into the salty water. You gasped for air as you made your way back to surface, only to get pulled into someone's chest.
"Love <3!" You could practically hear the love in their voice, the fact that their was someone in the ocean pool wasn't what scared you. What scared you was whatever was gripping onto your waist and legs.
You hesitantly looked down only to see black tentacles. You felt a muffled cry escape your throat. "Love? Ways wrong, do you want to go back to the shore?"
The strange creature gently put you back onto the shore. You turned around now being able to fully see him.
He had short black hair with blue tips, on his neck was a black choker with gold spikes followed by a gold spikey necklace, his ears were accompanied by dangleing golden shell earrings. His arms had long fishnet like gloves on, along with a black bracelet on each wrist.
His nipples were covered by a gold swirl thing on each side, both side were attached at the front by two lose chains. Where his v line would have been their was a heart shaped tattoo. Instead if legs he had the bottom of an octopus. The color of his tentacles were black while the underside was blue with teal suction cups. His waist was adorned with gold swirls and shapes.
Your mouth was hung open in shock of what you were seeing. You finally got the courage to look at the male in the eyes only to meet with a pair of concerned bright green eyes.
"Oh my it seems your dehydrated here let me take you back to the water." Before you even have time to object you were grabbed and plunged into the depths of the ocean. You struggle in his arms you captor not noticing until you body went limp.
You were on the verge of passing out when you were suddenly brought back onto shore. You began to gasp trying to intake as much air as you possibly could. "Love I'm sorry I don't actually know much about humans!"
"Love I'm truly sorry! so, please... Please don't leave me."
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kstaki · 4 months
Honestly…I expect to cry a lot today but I didn’t cry too much. Although surprised surprised who able to hold back their tears 😭 well the cast. (I still cry a bit at certain scene)
Anyway I probably ramble first (although I think people might have watch it live so it better you watch it instead I just say stuff that stand out for me)
The last show was just full of surprises I swear.
First show was just asking questions to four of them then they have a little story Kamejin, Desnarak and Gerojim. Song: Kaguragi Himeno & Jeramie.
Anyway Gerojim & Kuroda were the aide for Osaka they appear for 18 & 19 (first & third show)
Second show were the aide AND IT WAS AMAZING I LOVE IT.
Especially when they were handing over the OhgerCalibur to their Kings (I CRIED IT WAS BEAUTIFUL) I want to see again…for the story. Best version for the story.
They were also ask questions & they each have their turns to say thanks to their Kings. Duga short of tease Racules but ultimately turns to Gira. Then Racules & Kaguragi were fighting against who Suzume will choose. Then Suzume tease it to be Kaguragi who thought he won only to add in Racules. (He fell to the ground flat in defeat but accepted both of them) But the moment each Aide & Suzume say their thanks ahhhh it tearful.
The extra was a scene where they were trying to decide the position for the seating for the submit. It was hilarious because all of them but Gerojim & Kuroda were fighting on it. (Both of them save the day by quietly choosing the position)
Song: Rita Yanma Gira
Also for Iko Marina & Boshimar to be in audience in second show ahhhhh. (I was sitting nearby Boshimar so could see him) Racules call out to him at the end while Rita did for Iko Marina. Then when she was leaving I managed to wave at her since she took the exit where I was. Ahhh she had a Moffun with her that she use to wave back to us heh. Even saw Matsumoto up close when he was in the hallway not sure why but he was escorted by the staff.
Third show was the best
While Jeramie was doing his narration to end the story usually the King plus Racules step aside to do like a game almost like Janken it cute…
They were sort of comforting Gira though Rita & Racules stand out. Since Rita sort of roughly grab his shoulder and gave squeeze? I think while Racules just pat his head.
Act 2 start they did their usual dance then add in their suit actors and then went down stage to walk around to greet everyone. Later the rest of them appear out from one entrances to greet everyone. Himeno & Rita did a heart!
They had like some question asked. The cast had to watch themselves they had to refer themselves as character not themselves 😂 then Gira did his Midori screen again 😂
The concert was all their songs so each took turn to perform.
Also the best part I love it.
They had message from their Suit actors ( their partner in the show) then Producer Omori-San! Who I swear use a lot of King-Ohger references even say since he left Toei he couldn’t be there so this was message instead.
Thennnn they had extra guests appearance namely Minato-Sensei & Kamihoriuchi-San who gave flower to Jeramie. Along with the aides and Suzume gave flowers to their respective Kings. Kanzaki-San(Kuroda-San actor (not voice)) was there to give to Kaguragi while Suzume gave to Racules. (Kanzaki-San apparently did bear hug to Kaguragi)
They were all wearing the black FLT shirt.
So while they were giving their final message only Racules, Jeramie (especially), Kaguragi, Himeno & Gira (a bit) were having issue trying to say it. Yanma & Rita were too professional…
So yeah.
Honestly I don’t know what to feel I should be sad it really end but I don’t know what to feel…maybe because I still got some more Kingohger stuff to go to?
Oh some sides notes five carefully selected performances from Shizuoka to Fukuoka will be released exclusively on TTFC (I think Fukuoka one would be Rittan one hopefully)
Then if I remember correctly 20th tmr onward Racules & Suzume’s costume will appear at the exhibition? (I went earlier and it was really just too small the last part was jam packed since there a video that people want to watch might say about it later?)
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minevn · 9 months
This wasn't an ask or anything but I had saw the original video on tiktok and then saw people people writing fanfics or prompts to it. The video in question being where the man is under anesthesia and his wife his touching his chest in a comforting manner and the guy says "My wife will get mad if she see's you touching my chest like that." I thought it was cute and got hit with inspiration. Excited to write for the new Mine cast as well :3 For this we're just gonna say they broke their leg somehow and needed surgery.
Scenario- You anxiously waited outside of your lover's hospital room, hoping that the surgery would go well. Even if it was just surgery for a broken leg you couldn't stop your mind from thinking of what-if's. What if my partner is never able to walk again? What if I can't afford the hospital bill and we get put into debt? What if-! "The surgery went well, you can head inside the room and see them now." The doctor had said to you gently before continuing her work and tending to other patients. You had anxiously walked into the room and moved a chair next to your passed out lover, blissfully unaware of how badly they managed to worry you. You had grabbed their hand that was resting on their chest, feeling how it rose and fell, forgetting your silly what-if's for the time being, waiting for them to wake up.
Minato: Minato had slowly opened his eyes, his head feeling foggy from the anesthesia. You smiled as soon as you saw his eyes open, happily calling his name and grabbing his attention. "I'm so glad you're okay." You had played with his second ring, the one on his ring finger, the one that meant you belonged to each other. Minato on the other hand did not react how you thought he would, instead he pouted at you when he saw you playing with his ring and holding his hand. "Only my significant other can hold my hand and play with my ring, let go please." He slurred as he gently pulled his hand out of yours. You were surprised at first but then started chuckling. "I am your significant other, Minato~" You smirked at him with amusement and watched as a blushed started to form on his face as he took in your appearance. He smiled and placed his hand back in yours, the heartbeat on the monitor increasing. "Yeah...you are my significant other"
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Haruto: When Haruto opened his eyes he instantly noticed you, and noticed your hand holding his. He looked at you offended and almost disgusted. "Don't touch me. Only the most amazing person in the world, my significant other, who you're not, can touch me." You had started to laugh uncontrollably as he glared at you, you took out your phone and started recording the ordeal, something you two talked about doing whenever either one of you was under the influence of anesthesia. "Why are you recording me?" Then he gasped "I know! You're going to make it seem like I'm cheating! You're gonna sabotage my relationship with my lover! You're evil..." His eyes had started watering as his words got more slurred. "What! No, Haruto I AM your lover!" He continued to glare as he started to take in your appearance more, his glare softening as his heartbeat started to pick up. He reached out to grab your arm and pull you closer, burying his face in your wrist, trying to hide his flushed face. "Mmmmine...I love you, y/n~"
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Jun: When Jun woke up she had sat up and then noticed you. Your smile had reminded her of her significant other, her cutie, but you weren't her cutie...and that made her sad. She had pulled her hand away from yours without ever noticing that you were holding it in the first place. "Where's my cutie..." Jun frowned and pouted at you, why were you here and not his beloved?? "Who are you? What did you do to my significant other?" Jun asked in an accusatory way and you fought back your laughter. "Jun, honey, I am your significant other." You explained holding up your hand to show your matching ring. Jun's eyes widened and a smile quickly replaced her frown, a blush forming on her face in no time. "Cutie~ You DID come to see me!" She plopped her head down on your chest and nuzzled into it before pulling away with a horrified expression. "Do I look appealing enough for you? Where's my makeup? I need to hide my imperfections, I need to be perfect for you!" She had gone into full-blown panic. You kissed her moles and smiled at her. "Jun, you're already perfect for me." Her smile and blush were back on her face instantly, the one thing that didn't change was her rapidly beating heart rate.
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Hoshi: Hoshi groaned when he opened his eyes, trying to take in his surroundings as much as his foggy brain would allow him to. His brows furrowed as soon as he saw you, swatting your hand away as quickly as his muddled body could process. "Don't touch me, I don't belong to you, freak." You sighed, somewhat used to this gruff, awful personality Hoshi. Still hurts when you worried so much about him just for him to reject you. "I'll punch your face in if you think you can replace my lover, you have NOTHING on them. I belong to them and them only." Despite the threats you began to understand that the anesthesia made him not recognize you and he was actually being quite cute. You leaned closer to him, going in for a kiss, "I am your significant other, Hoshi~" You cooed before placing your lips on his, noticing his brain finally picking up on what was happening. His face flushed and he ended up choking into the kiss, his heart beat monitor showing the rapid thumping of his heart, though you were so close that you were able to actually hear it. You could've sworn his face was releasing steam, he hid his face in the crook of your neck and held you tight. "I...love you..."
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Habiki: Habiki sat up slowly when he woke up, barely sparring you a glance as he removed his hand from your grasp, you could see a disgusted scowl on his face however. He went to remove his leg from being propped up. "H-Habiki! Put your leg back there, you need to let it heal!" You went to go put his leg back but he swatted your hand away. "Stop touching me. Only my lover gets to touch me." He pushes you to the side and out of his way with as much strength as he can manage right now, which isn't a lot. He places his feet on the ground and go to stand up, almost falling, but you help support him, earning another glare. "I need to get home to my lover, they're probably worried. I need to do this on my own, they won't like seeing you touch me. I also don't like you touching me." He tried pushing you hand off of him for what he hoped would be the final time. "Damn right I was worried! Now listen to me, your lover, and sit back down and prop your leg up again Kikuchi Habiki!" You gently pushed him back on the bed. "Seriously! You think I didn't know already, you think I wouldn't come to you. No offense, you don't have any friends, you aren't exactly the most likable person. Now sit back and heal and stop worrying your lover who you claim to love so much." You glare at him before pausing, seeing his face flush and the heart beat monitor showing his fast heartbeat. He gives you a soft smile before hugging you tightly.
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Kage: Kage notices you instantly and starts panicking. "W-who-! Uhm.... gosh where is my lover when I need them!" It's then he notices you holding his hand. He instantly starts pulling his hand away and starts freaking out, flailing his arms, and kicking his feet. "Kage! Calm down don't move your leg, it's broken!" You exclaim trying to stop him from moving his leg anymore. "Oh gosh, I broke it!? I can't even run away from you and back to my lover?! This is the worst day ever!" His eyes start watering and the tears fall just as quickly. "I am your lover???" You exclaim confused by his sudden outburst. Still, he freezes instantly as he processes this new information. "Oh..." His tears stop, but his face is still flushed and his heart beat is still rapid, though you're aware it's for something different now. You sigh in relief as a smile graces your lips. "You done freaking out, baby~" You coo. He covers his face with his hands and falls into your chest, he wraps his arms around you in no time, wanting to be held.
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Kei: When Kei wakes up he instantly notices you, and your hand holding his, and he wastes no time in pulling his hand away from yours. He stares at you intensely, in an observatory manner, gazing over all of your features. He just stares, his brain not picking up on your appearance easily. His gaze lowers down to your hands and notices a familiar ring. "Are you...real?" he looks at you confused, he feels like he should recognize you, but he doesn't, and that makes him feel stupid. He remains emotionless when you start laughing, he doesn't want to laugh with anyone who isn't his lover, even though his heart feels like he should be laughing. "K-Kei, sweetie, I am your lover. I even have the same ring." You hold up your hand and show him your ring, still he doesn't seem convinced entirely. "Did you steal my significant other's ring? ...And appearance?" This causes you to burst out laughing again. "This is a serious matter, I need to know if you're actually my lover. If not, I'll have to chop off the hand you were holding, my body is reserved only for my love." You stop laughing instantly and look up at him with panic and concern. "Gosh, Kei...what?? You don't need to chop off any limbs just because someone other then me touches you." You smile nervously, and for the first time he relaxes as he falls into your arms. You can feel his face heating up through your shirt, it seems he's embarrassed about his previous actions. "I-...In that case, please touch me to purify me." Oh...his heart is racing.
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Yani: Anesthesia doesn't really have an effect on Yani, but he knows it should, so when it wakes up, it makes sure to pretend that he's under the influence of the drug. What a better time to prove how loyal they are. They could use some humor to distract from the broken leg anyways. Yani slowly opens her eyes and looks around, her heart fluttering upon seeing your smile now that she's awake. She almost starts panicking thinking the heart rate monitor would give away her little prank, but oh you're so focused on Yani you don't even notice the monitor, your eyes are glued onto Yani, giving her all of your attention. Yani wants to continue this prank, but she can't bring herself to swat off her beloveds hand. No, she doesn't even want to tell you to leave her alone, she wants you, always. She wants your gaze to stay on her, she wants your hands to stay on her, she wants all of your time. Instead Yani feeds into her wants and starts crying. "I-it hurts..." It really doesn't, not that much, not as much as the thought of losing you hurts. He blushes when you cradle his face, the teas still flowing, not bothering to turn them off. He smirks when you hold him in your arms and he buries his face in the crook of your neck. This is what he truly wanted. If it needs to show you it's loyalty, it will simply bring you the heads of every disgusting human.
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Aki: You smile instantly when Aki opens her eyes, wrapping your arms around her. "U-uhm! My lover! You need to get off of me now, only my lover and my younger sister get my hugs." She tries pushing you off with the little strength she has left. "Get off, I don't want my lover to walk in and think I'm cheating on them." She starts panicking, worrying about the worst. Maybe you'd understand and take the time to listen to her, but also she doesn't know who this person is and wants them off of her as well. When you pull away and give her a worried look, thinking she lost her memories somehow, then she recognizes you. "Oh! My beloved~! It was you. I'm sorry, I couldn't tell who you were, I couldn't see your face in the hug." She starts laughing softly as she brings her hand up to cradle your face, smiling when she see's you relax. "Thank goodness, I started to get worried that maybe you had hit your head hard on the fall and forgot about me!" You exclaimed, giving a relieved smile and leaning into her warm touch. "I could never forget you, not because of some anesthesia, not even memory loss would make me forget you. We're soulmates, if we're ever reborn I'll still find you and remember our previous lives." She leans up and presses a kiss to your lips. "Sorry for worrying you, over my leg, and my 'memory loss.'" She chuckles and pulls you down into the hospital bed, holding you close to her as you two cuddle. You didn't need to see the heart monitor to tell her heart was racing, you could feel and hear it, just like how you can whenever you two cuddle.
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sasuhinasno1fan · 3 months
Glowing around you - Sasuhina Month Day 22
So I got the idea from seeing the prompt. Oddly, despite this show being one of my absolute favourites, it never accured to me to do a CCS SasuHina AU. I thought about it when I first started watching it, but not much ever came of it. But here we are. To make the ages a bit more clear, Sasuke, Hinata, Ino, Temari, Gaara and Naruto (last 3 are in here for like 1/4 of the story) are in middle school, specifically their last year. Kakashi and Iruka are in their first year of college. There is still age difference but a lot less weird if they were their standard ages. Kakashi's father adopted Hinata when she was a child, which is kinda mentioned but not fully dived into. Who knows, maybe I'll do another fic for this au. Enjoy. Neat & Messy | Ordenado y Desordenado
Capture & Release | Capturar y Liberar
The sounds of a sword cutting through the air was mainly heard when you walked through the door of the Uchiha apartment. Sasuke was sure anyone else would be very concerned at the sight of him practising with his sword in the middle of the living room but thankfully Itachi was more than used to it. his brother dropped the bags he held onto the kitchen island before grabbing the water pitcher from the fridge. Sasuke let the sword switch back into its sealed form when his brother handed him a glass of water.
“I’m telling you now, I’m not cooking.” Itachi said after his own sip. “It’s too hot to do anything.”
Summer was almost near an end and the second semester would start soon for the middle school students, including Sasuke. Not that he felt like he got that much of a break. Summer homework took what felt like ages to finish, not to mention all the Namikaze Cards.
Months ago, Sasuke moved from his home in Shanghai to Konoha, Japan for one reason. Powerful cards, filled with personalized magic created by the most powerful wizard of all time had been scattered all over Konoha by a seemingly normal girl. One who had no magic but managed to unlock the book keeping the cards contained and summon a card with no issue whatsoever. Sasuke was here to try and get the rest of the cards that were created by Namikaze Minato and become the new master. But he had competition, the seemingly normal girl. Hyuuga Hinata.
Sasuke didn’t care for the story of how the book came to be in her family’s possession, just that she got the affection of the guardian of the cards Kurama – the same one who fell asleep on the job which caused Hinata to accidently scatter them – who gave her the means to capture the cards. She could do what he couldn’t, return the card’s physical form back into a card and she was proving to be just as stubborn as he was in being the one the card choose to follow. But even competing against each other, Hinata went out of her way to be nice to him and as much as he wanted to ignore it, she was making increasingly hard. Most of the time he was helping her rather than trying to get ahead of her.
“Mm, before I forget,” Itachi said, putting his glass down and flopping on the couch, “there was a flyer for a festival at the Tsukimine Shrine. You should go. Also, put the groceries away.” He ordered.
Rolling his eyes, Sasuke did as he was ordered while complaining. “Why would I go to a festival?”
“Because you rarely ever do anything? If it’s not school or involving the Namikaze Cards, you’re at home training, studying or reading. Just, be a normal 15-year-old for once and go have fun. Who knows, maybe the delightful Hinata will be there.”
After an incident involving the Move Card, Hinata came to his house to get dry clothes and met his brother, who was completely taken with her. He thought her delightful and a breath of fresh air. Sasuke was sure his eyes had never rolled so much in one afternoon. Not to mention, Itachi kept trying to poke at him, telling him to be nicer and how good it was that he wasn’t being such a bully to her anymore and oh, how their mother would love her. Not to mention asking about certain things, like what Sasuke thought of Hinata, did she suit whatever costume she was given by her friend and partner in crime Ino gave her, how was she? He had zero clue what his brother was trying to pull, though, that feeling was most of the time.
“If you don’t go,” Itachi warned when Sasuke still scoffed at the idea, “I’m going to tell mom.”
Their mother might be the one related to Namikaze and the reason her children knew magic but she was also the one who wanted them to have a normal childhood.
So, he went. he was only planning on it for an hour to make his brother happy enough for him to not call their mother but he got sucked into a shooting game and was winning, a lot, when Hinata found him.
“Uchiha-kun!” Hinata waved at him from where she was with her friends and their classmates, including Ino with her ever-present camera. Her yukata was lavender with pink and yellow flowers on it, a wicker purse hanging off her wrist. “You’re here too?”
“Woah, nice haul.” Temari noted, looking at all the prizes he’d won, mainly food and a few small plushes. Her younger brother Gaara wouldn’t take his eyes off the raccoon plushes he managed to get.
“That’s very impressive.” Sasuke felt everything still at that voice. Turning, he spotted Iruka smiling down at him. Sasuke didn’t even think, he just grabbed some of the food he managed to win and handed it over. “Is it ok if I have it?” Sasuke didn’t speak, so much as nod in answer. “Thank you very much. You’re pretty amazing Uchiha.”
When Itachi came out as gay, in childlike curiosity, Sasuke thought he might be too but quickly dismissed it. he thought his mother was the most perfect woman in the world and wanted to marry her when he got older. After he was usually too focused on studying and practising magic to focus on girls, but he was still pretty sure of his sexuality, at least until he came to Konoha. His first meeting with Hinata had involved his attempt at stealing the cards back only for Hinata’s brother to spot him. He was ready to fight a college student when Iruka found his best friend and hopped the fence. He hadn’t read the room, gushing about the amount of steamed buns he’d gotten. Sasuke took one look and he was pretty sure he was bi. No one had ever flustered him that much, to the point of running away.
Hinata and Sasuke weren’t only fighting for the Cards, they were fighting for Iruka’s attention. If Hinata having a guardian and the ability to seal the cards didn’t frustrate him, it was her luck that Iruka’s best friend was her older brother Kakashi. It felt even worse when she wouldn’t lord these achievements over his head. oddly enough, even though Sasuke had mentioned Iruka to his brother constantly, he was always more interested in Hinata and what she would do whenever they’d compete for attention.
“Oh, Hinata, look!” Ino said, distracting them from Hinata trying to wave away her water yoyo Iruka won for her. The blonde photographer pointed at a bunny plush wearing overalls. “Isn’t he cute? You like bunnies right?”
Hinata’s face lit up. “Yeah. He’s adorable!”
“He looks very soft. That fox plush you have, maybe he wants a friend?” Iruka said, opening one of the food packages and tilting it towards Kakashi.
He hadn’t been focusing on Kurama, just that Iruka noticed something about it. he had to get it for him. He wasn’t sure why Kakashi followed him but they glared at each other as they slammed their money down for the ring toss. By the time the stall attendant took pity on them and gave them both a plush, Ino was standing there by herself filming them. Temari and Gaara were also still there, the younger boy stealing the raccoon items he’d won.
“Where’s Hinata?” Kakashi asked.
“She and Iruka went to go explore.” Ino explained.
Sasuke took off at that, Kakashi after him. They found the two near the back of the shrine, far away from the festival. While Kakashi embarrassingly handed his plush to his sister, Sasuke silently handed the one he got to Iruka.
“I can have this too?” Sasuke nodded. “Thank you.”
“We were gonna grab snow cones. Did you wanna come with or are we splitting up again?” Temari asked.
“Do you want one?” how was Sasuke supposed to answer? He nodded regardless but was stopped when Hinata grabbed his arm. “Are you guys coming?”
“We’ll be right there.” Hinata promised, letting the others walk ahead.
Ino turned to them, eyebrow raised. “Ok, what’s going on?”
Sasuke asked the same as he pulled his arm away. When Hinata shushed him, he was ready to snap when glowing green orbs started to fall out of a tree. Sasuke looked up, taking in the lights as they floated down like snowflakes.
“I can’t even sense it.” Sasuke noted.
“I can’t either, but I had a dream about this. Kurama scolded me for not remembering it but when it started falling, that’s when I knew.”
Hinata was staring at the lights as well as Sasuke stared at her. She was constantly surprising him, reminding him how strong she actually was, even with no training. Cards were constantly coming to her because they knew about her and most had decided they liked her. It was easy to compete with her for Cards and Iruka’s attention, to be slightly jealous how easy this seemed to be for her, but it was hard to ignore how kind and friendly she was. It didn’t matter they were opponents, to her, he was a friend and someone she could trust. It was starting to be hard to see her as just an opponent.
“Release!” Hinata called, unlocking her Sealing Staff from its key form. “Return to the guise you once held, Namikaze Card!” the glowing lights all converged to her staff until it took the shape of a card and it floated into Hinata’s hand. “GLOW. That’s what it’s called. I wonder if Minato created it like he did FLOWER, just wanting to bring a smile to people’s face.”
The bright one on her face made the answer very clear. It was no surprise the Cards liked her.
Hinata felt her body wake up as she opened her eyes and stared at the dim sunlight shinning in through the window. She could hear Kurama snoring on the pillow behind her and when she got up, he was hiding behind his tails, all curled up. She started to flatten her hair, the curls that came from sleeping getting a mind of its own when she looked at the handkerchief sitting on her desk.
Had that only been a week ago?
Hinata thought her life was crazy, being an adopted girl of a single father and his son and having magic, enough to unlock a book of powerful cards and use them. she thought that’s all it was, just her hiding what she could do, even when Ino found her out after a day and when Sasuke came into her life. Except her brother had powers, his ability to see ghosts and maybe more – she knew MIRROR definitely knew something was up with her brother. These powers he’d recently handed over to his best friend, Hinata’s crush for the longest time and the hidden vessel of the other Guardian of the Cards, Toneri. The name Hinata knew him by, Umino Iruka. Iruka’s whole disguise had been supported by Namikaze Minato’s magic, mainly from the cards under Toneri’s rule. Hinata had enough magic to support Kurama’s hidden vessel but not enough for both. Iruka was going to fade away and depending on how bad it got, Toneri would have disappeared as well. So Kakashi gave his magic to him, had been trying since Hinata started changing the Cards into Hinata Cards. Hinata felt guilty that she wasn’t strong enough, that her brother had to put himself in harm’s way to save her, again. Like she said, MIRROR definitely knew her brother beyond keeping him busy.
After she found out her brother knew, about Iruka and no doubt about her, and she realized how close she’d been to losing Iruka, she knew she had to tell him how she felt. She did, still feeling guilty for almost losing him. She knew, she wasn’t stupid, that her feelings wouldn’t be returned. But as foolishly as she used to hope that her birth father would come back for her, she hoped he’d say yes to the little middle school girl who’d loved him since the first day she met him. He let her down so gently and it clicked for her when he told her he had feelings for someone else. It was Kakashi, Kakashi was the one Iruka loved. She was happy for them, really, but she felt her heart breaking that someone wanted her sibling more than her. She had it happen with her birth family, having it happen with the family who took her in and loved and cared for her made her heart break more.
Sasuke was walking her home when she burst into tears. She talked about how her birth father blamed her for her mother’s death and gave her away, how she thought she wasn’t worth his love no matter how much she begged and how even though Iruka knew she’d find love someday, she was sure it would never happen.
“It will.” Sasuke said, handing her the same handkerchief she held now. “Iruka does love you, not in the way you wanted, but he does. So does your brother and your dad, not to mention Ino. Your birth father didn’t know the type of person he was turning his back on but not once have you let that stop how much love you give. The person who earns your heart, they’re going to be incredibly lucky.”
Sasuke was awkward with words, normally scolding her for not thinking things through but he was so soft and kind, she felt safe and comforted. He was right, her feelings might not have been returned but she still had so much in return. Letting go of her feelings for Iruka was, easy, once she remembered she wouldn’t lose him and that he wouldn’t stop caring for her. He’d been someone other than her family who liked her and she was sure it was possible that she’d latched onto that tighter than necessary. Sasuke’s words helped bring her back to earth and ground her, much like he helped do so many times in her quest to change the Namikaze Cards and figure out what was causing the odd situations where she’d sense his magic. She wanted to do something to thank him.
She got the idea when she left for school. There was a flyer for the winter festival at Tsukimine Shrine. Sasuke seemed to enjoy the other festivals they’d done, clearing out the game stalls like it was no big deal. But she knew from when they got the FREEZE Card, he wasn’t a fan of the cold. And that’s when it hit her. She started planning as she rushed to school and found Sasuke in the classroom doing morning chores.
Wrapping the old flowers in tissue paper, Sasuke looked up, his cheeks dusting red. It was slightly cold in the classroom. “Morning.”
“What are you doing this Sunday?”
Looking confused, Sasuke answered, “Nothing? Unless Itachi decides I’m slacking on magic studies and demands I study more.”
They both knew his brother insisted he get out of the house more, away from studying.
“There’s a festival at the shrine. Come with me.” She stilled for a moment, noting how rude it sounded to demand he go with her but he nodded regardless.
“Sure. what time?”
“6 pm. We’ll meet at the shrine?” when Sasuke agreed, she felt her smile get larger. her plan might actually work. “Here, I’ll go throw the flowers out. you can hand me the vase too.”
Sasuke slid the closed package of dying flowers to Hinata and turned to take the vase off where they kept their winter jackets. “Hinata? I’m glad you’re smiling again.”
Hinata felt herself get slightly red. “I’m fine, really. But thank you. I’ll be right back.”
She greeted Naruto as she passed him out the door, thinking of how to ask Ino to help. It was a slightly ambitious plan, but she wanted to do it, wanted it to be perfect as her way of saying thank you. the relationship she had with Sasuke could have easily never changed from rivals or he could have headed back to Shanghai after she became the new master. She couldn’t be more grateful he was still here. She just hoped he understood that with her gift.
Her father was a godsend, giving her an easy pattern to follow and Ino was able to answer questions she had. Poor Sasuke though, he sat behind her and he worried over her looking more and more tired as Sunday got closer. It was on Saturday, on their half day, that he finally snapped.
“What is going on? you told me you don’t even feel tired anymore whenever you change cards so unless you’re changing them in massive batches again, you shouldn’t look so exhausted.” He demanded to know when they were finally let go. Hinata was still trying to wake up as Sasuke stood over her, begging for an answer.
“It’s fine.”
“Stop saying that!” it had been her answer whenever people mentioned she seemed happier.
“but I am. really.”
“Sorry,” Ino interrupted, “but I’m stealing her. We’re supposed to go shopping. I’ll see you tomorrow Uchiha.”
“6 pm, don’t forget.” Hinata reminded as Ino collected both their jackets and led them to the door. Once they were a good deal away and Sasuke didn’t seem to be following, Hinata let out a sigh. “Thank you Ino.”
“Of course.” Ino said nonchalantly. “do you think you’ll finish in time? He wasn’t wrong, you’ve stayed up so much trying to finish it.”
“I think if I stay up tonight I can get it done. Kakashi caught up with all the chores since dad has been calling him out of school to recover from transferring her powers, so I’ll also be free before 6 pm. Do you think he’ll like it?”
Ino gave him this smile, one that said she knew more than Hinata did. “Trust me, he’ll love it.”
She held onto that, using it to help her finish. Flopping back and listening to Kurama talk about how happy it was over, Hinata took a deep breath and slipped her thumbs into the holes on her turtle necked shirt. She checked the time; glad she was still set for time when the doorbell rang. Assuming it might have been Ino decided to be nice, she was surprised to see Sasuke on the other side of the door.
“What are you doing here?”
Sasuke looked embarrassed, digging his hands deeper into the bomber jacket he wore. “You were so exhausted yesterday that…”
“You came to check on me?” Hinata asked, smiling softly when Sasuke nodded. “Thank you. we can walk over to the shrine together, let me just go get my things.”
She locked the door behind her and followed him as they started walking to the shrine that had so many ties to the Cards and Minato.
“Kurama isn’t coming?” Sasuke asked.
“No, he’s been staying up with me. I’ve been instructed to bring back modern-yaki, rice crackers and at least one sweet item. Itachi ask you to bring anything back?”
“A smile.” Sasuke answered seriously. He kept glancing at the bag she brought, more of a gift bag than any of her standard ones.
“I have something for you.” she said when she clipped the top button on her jacket together. she moved to stand in front of him and pulled out the muffler she’d been working on plus the handkerchief she’d washed. “It’s a thank you, for listening to me that day. And for what you said.” Sasuke stared at it before looking at her and she started to feel self-conscious. “Unless you don’t want it?”
“No!” he yelled, swiping the items from her hand, wrapping the scarf around his neck before turning to her, this incredibly soft smile on his face. It wasn’t the same one he’d given her at the park, but it was close. “Thank you.”
“I should be thanking you, but I know if I start, we’ll go in a circle over and over.” she wasn’t wrong. “Ino said she’d meet us at the shrine,” she said instead, continuing to walk to the shrine. “I also invited Kakashi and Iruka, but I haven’t seen Iruka since that day so who knows if he’ll be there.”
“Don’t you think it’s possible he’s avoided meeting you because he’s scared of how you’ll feel. You feel bad for not noticing his power was vanishing and he feels bad for rejecting you for your brother.”
“But I’m not mad at him! Really I’m not.”
“Hinata, I don’t know if you realise just how much people don’t want to hurt you, even if it’s just a little.”
Sasuke sounded so sure of the fact that Hinata didn’t know how to respond. Iruka did arrive with her brother, looking awkward and out of place and she grabbed his hand to drag him with her. Normally she would have waited for him to do that to her but she realised it was better to treat him like she did Kakashi. Obviously she was nicer to him and made her actual brother pay for everything. She realised when she wasn’t pressured to try and impress him or stare at him through love hazed glasses, it was easy to hang out with him.
She sent Kakashi off to get them juice, Iruka following to help him carry everything and what was supposed to be a quiet break where she showed Ino and Sasuke the Moon Mirror Pond, turned into another fight with a creature reeking of Minato’s magical signature. Thanks to Sasuke’s attempt at stopping it, she got the idea to use the Pond and the THUNDER Card to fully electrocute the creature. It worked, but with a downside. Electrical wires had been pulled off during the fight, leaving the whole Shrine in darkness.
“They might have to cancel the whole thing.” Iruka said out loud when he and Kakashi rushed over to see if they were ok. “It’s not like they have a way to light the place up again.”
She and Sasuke shared a look. The Shrine staff didn’t, but she did.
“I’ll be right back!” she said, grabbing Sasuke’s arm and dragging him with her, Ino following.
“Where are you guys going?” Kakashi yelled after them.
With her Star Wand out again, Hinata pulled the GLOW Card from one of the pockets inside her jacket, tossing it out in front of her. “Shed your old form and become anew, under our contract, I beseech you. GLOW!”
the yellow and blue Card turned into the pale lavender of the Hinata Cards as GLOW was released and the little fairy flew up into the sky and released the lights. Just like when she caught the card, the sky was full of the glowing lights gently falling like snow. Hinata held her hands out to catch the lights, her Staff tucked into her arm. She gently blew the lights out of her hands, giggling as they swirled in circles before floated down. she noticed Sasuke was staring at her, his own small handful of lights in hand. She barely noticed Ino taking pictures of them both.
“Nothing. I’m…I’m just really glad you’re happy again.”
Ino texted her pictures later that night. they were of them all at the festival, including the action pictures from during the fight of Sasuke using his thunder and wind talismans, jumping on the tree, defending Hinata while she changed the WOOD and THUNDER Cards and when they were within GLOW’s lights. There was also another picture within the batch, an older one. It was one where she’d caught GLOW originally, but it was just before then, when she’d been staring up at the falling lights. The picture was of behind them, Sasuke staring at her as she stared at the lights. There was a similar picture from today, plus one of the two of them looking at each other.
It's crazy how things can change and yet be so similar. Sometimes, things are feeling the same, but a person just doesn’t know it yet.
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aheckinmess · 5 months
King of Curses, King of Woe (Dad Sukuna)
(Part 2 of Cursed, Not Cute.)
Read on AO3.
Tags: Dad Sukuna, OC Child, Mildly Out of Character?, I Mean I Tried, Antagonist OC I Created is Kind of a Jerk, Sukuna is a Little Shit, Protective Sukuna, Also There's a Tiger
Word Count: 1,424 words
Summary: To no one's surprise, someone takes notice of Sukuna's uncharacteristic affection towards his daughter. To Besu's surprise, she wakes up with a knife at her throat.
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Chapter 2: King of Curses, King of Woe
“Relinquish your kingdom to me, or I’ll slit your daughter’s pretty little throat.” Minato smirked as he stood at the bottom of Sukuna’s throne.
Sukuna felt a growing anger kindle in his bones. He knew this would happen, and might have felt a little fear if he weren’t such a powerful sorcerer. The young pup at the base of the stairs amused him more than anything.
“How cute.” He laughed, slashing Minato’s army of guards with a twitch of his fingers. “You dare walk in here and think you hold any sort of sway over me?”
“It’s become clear that your daughter has become your habitual exception from destruction during your evil reign. So, either you give up your kingdom, or you give up your daughter.” Minato stood firm, but his bottom lip quivered. “A group of my men already have knives at her throat by now. Even you with all your power could not save her. So choose, or–”
Minato’s head slid slowly from his shoulders, leaving blood to paint the throne room floors. Sukuna disappeared from the room and in all his great speed seemed to teleport to Besu’s room, only to be met with a floor coated in a familiar red liquid.
Crimson droplets stained the disheveled, pink comforter. Her toys looked like they’d been ransacked and several of them shattered against the wooden floors. In the time it took to blink, he opened the closet, rooted under the bed, and checked behind her dressers, but her body was nowhere to be seen.
No. No! His dark heart throbbed in his chest as red marred his vision. A tornado of familiar cursed energy invaded his senses, screaming for help from the balcony. With the wrath of a thousand suns he ripped the door from its hinges and roared to announce his presence.
Time stood still and he held his breath. He’d been expecting a large group of men and that’s exactly what he found. But he didn’t expect to find his daughter standing in the middle of their fallen corpses, blood painting her skin as she trembled and looked up at him.
. . . . .
Besu Sukuna did not fear death. Death loomed over her as a constant threat ever since she was old enough to train with her father. She’d felt the grim halt of the world as her father stabbed her through the heart and restored her in the same breath.
So, when she woke up to a knife digging into the supple skin of her throat, she thought her father had finally chosen to end her. But as it quickly turned out, it was not her father.
“Don’t make a fuss now,” A deep voice barked. “Get up!”
The room overflowed with men in uniforms. Several pairs of hands pulled her out of her bed, where she stood with her head high. Two men on each side grabbed a set of her arms to restrain her, and the man with the knife to her throat glared at her.
“Hate to tell you, Princess, but you’re going to die tonight.”
“What quarrel do you have with my father?” She asked simply.
“That’s no business of yours.”
“I have a right to know why I’m dying, you weak fop.”
More pressure dug into her skin. He flashed his teeth at her, but she met his gaze with a hard look that rivaled her father’s.
“Hiroshi, don’t–” A soldier reached out his hand, then jerked it back when the leader - Hiroshi - lashed out at him.
“I’m not an idiot!” He hissed, before turning back to Besu. “You’ve got a mouth on you, huh? Can’t say I’m surprised seeing as you’re the Curse King’s brat.”
I’ve got quite a few mouths on me, actually. Besu thought, but decided this man didn’t deserve the waste of any more oxygen.
“Hmph. No matter. You won’t be sassing me for long. As soon as Minato gives the word, you’re dead.”
Besu stood unphased by the men holding her back. Though Father offered her a wealth of knowledge about curses and cursed techniques, the only thing she’d been able to put into practice had been martial arts and combat. Her innate technique hadn’t yet awoken. That left her helpless to them, surrounded as she was.
So when she felt the cold blade break her skin, she expected death. She did not expect a spirit to explode from her chest and rush to her defense. A bright blue mist erupted from her and pummeled through the group of men in the time it took her to breathe. It came to a crouched position in the shape of a glowing blue tiger and turned to her.
“Run, Cub!”
Besu didn’t hesitate. Her captors clambered to their feet and chased after her as she darted up the stairs to the balcony. She reached the top and slammed the door behind her, before rushing to the edge of the building. Several floors of the building stretch between her and the pavement.
“FATHER!” She screamed from the railing. Regardless of if he was in hearing range, he’d mastered hearing the panic of her cursed energy. “FATHER, HELP!”
CRACK! The door slammed against the walls as the army of men barreled through the threshold. Besu ran from the edge as they herded her, surrounding her in a circle. Hiroshi, armed with his knife, stepped through the defense line with eyes only for her.
“I have a job to do, brat. And I’ll be damned if you keep me from it.” He growled, taking a single step towards her.
Once again, a flash of blue materialized between Besu and her attackers. The tiger’s frame grew bigger and glowed brighter as it stalked towards the encroaching battalion. Hiroshi yelled an order, but it was too late.
One swipe. One swipe of the tiger’s massive paw put half of the army on their backs. Another swipe took out the other side. With speed that matched her father, the tiger left every last opponent on the balcony swimming in their own blood.
Besu stared at the large, spiritual cat in awe and wary fascination.
“Who are you?”
“Your companion, Little Cub. I am Baekho. A spirit bound to you by choice.” She explained as she padded forward. “I am here to protect you, not harm you. I will be a part of you wherever you go.”
And with that, the tiger transfigured into a blue mist that evaporated right into Besu’s body. Besu held her chest and looked at the massacre around her, astounded and confused. When the balcony door flew off its hinges, her head snapped back up to see her father.
“Besu?” He gasped, rushing forward to hold her shoulders.
She couldn’t speak. She couldn’t move. The world felt surreal, like she lived only in a dream.
“Besu, can you move?” Sukuna’s hand brushed over her cheek before he wrenched it back.
Needless to say, he still wasn’t happy about the whole “affection” thing.
“Y-Yes, sir.” She swallowed thickly, and suddenly she couldn’t move fast enough. Her legs tore across the balcony as she paced back and forth. “Th-There was a spirit, Father. A tiger! She said her name was Baekho. I don’t know where she came from. Or, well…I do. But she saved me! Or, well, she’s a part of me…I think. She was blue, like cursed energy. She went back inside me and told me she was here to protect me. Where did she come from, Father? Is this normal? I know you spoke of cursed spirits bonding to others as a rare occurrence, but–”
Besu felt all four of her father’s arms gently guide her to a halt in front of him. His crimson eyes locked on hers.
“Besu, stop. A spirit? A cursed spirit bonded to you? And Baekho! The White Tiger Guardian!” Though Besu feels uncertain, her father’s eyes ignite with sadistic excitement. “This is wonderful! This must be a manifestation of your technique! We’ll start training it immediately to bring out your full potential!” He grins.
He rambled on for a few moments, but she didn’t comprehend his words. Her body wavered under the realization that she’d almost died. Though she’d grown accustomed to facing death, her physical body reacted without consulting her and all four of Besu’s arms wrapped around her father in a tight squeeze. Strangled emotions tussled inside her until even the threat of her father’s wrath failed to stop her from sobbing into his chest.
And for once? He rubbed her back without a single reprimand.
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Continue Reading -> Ch. 3
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seoheesoo · 6 months
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Modern AU! Kakashi is Naruto's guardian who meets his child's teacher for the first time and immediately falls in love with him
[Part 4]
The bar that Kakashi chose was quite good. Kakashi glanced at the figure of the man sitting next to him. Guy was dressed in a dark, fitted suit that emphasized his broad shoulders. Hatake bit his lower lip and took a sip of strong whiskey.
“Tell me a little about yourself?” - he asked Guy after the bartender placed their drinks in front of them.
Guy grabbed the glass with his fingertips and smiled at him from the corner of his lips.
“My dad and I moved here, to Yokohama, when I was about five,” - the man slowly began the story. - “After my mother’s death, there was no point in staying in our old city. Dad wanted to start a new life, wanted my childhood to last a little longer. After moving, I went to a local school. The children immediately disliked me. Every day they picked on me for different reasons. You know how cruel children can be.”
Kakashi nodded. He listened carefully to Guy's story.
“They constantly talked about my dad, and I, like the most innocent fool, fell for all their jokes. But I couldn't do anything against them. I wasn’t a good fighter.”
Guy grinned.
“Then, about two months later, I got into the biggest fight ever. Everything could have ended very badly, but suddenly someone stood up for me. A student three grades older than me, whom I had never seen before, and thought that he didn’t notice me either. He protected me and has always been by my side since that day.”
Kakashi looked at the man's figure and couldn't believe that he had ever been bullied at school. But, apparently, this is what prompted him to become so strong.
“His name is Genma,” - Kakashi heard after a short pause.
“Sorry, what?”
“My best friend, who protected me in school,” - Guy explained. - “His name is Genma.”
Hatake frowned and lowered his glass onto the bar counter.
Guy nodded.
“I know you work together,” - Guy continued. - “Genma told me today.”
Kakashi tapped his fingers on the bar counter excitedly. How long had Shiranui known about this? And why didn't he tell him? Kakashi exhaled in annoyance. If Genma was Guy's childhood friend, then Kakashi was afraid to even imagine what he could do to him during their meeting tomorrow. Kakashi had known Genma for eight years and was well aware of what Shiranui was capable of.
“Is that so?” - Kakashi drained his glass and didn’t even wince.
Suddenly he felt Guy's warm hand on his arm. Hatake looked over at the man and saw his reassuring smile.
“Can I hear a story about you?”
Kakashi couldn't refuse Guy. He thought that there was probably no question that Guy could ask him and he would refuse him. Not in this universe.
“As you already know, I work with Shiranui,” - Kakashi began to say, mentally thanking Guy for not removing his hand. - “My father also worked in the Defence Intelligence Office, as I do now. One day he went on a mission and did not return home. I was informed about this by the chief, Hiruzen Sarutobi. After my father's funeral, I was supposed to meet with my uncle, but Jiraiya Ji-san was working somewhere abroad at that time. And it so happened that I ended up with the only person I knew in the city - my uncle’s student, Namikaze Minato. Minato nii-san was only nineteen years old when twelve-year-old me fell on his head. Being still quite young himself, Minato nii-san had no idea how to raise me. I didn't make it easy for him either, I was a terrible kid growing up. I constantly argued with my classmates, and even got into fights several times. The only friends who haven't turned their backs on me in all these years are Obito and Rin. I still keep in touch with them. Time passed, Minato nii-san himself joined the Defence Intelligence Office. When I turned eighteen, I moved out from him and also submitted documents to his department. By that time he had already become captain. A couple of months later, Minato nii-san married Kushina-san. They had a modest wedding and moved into a small house. I often visited them. A year later Naruto was born. Even my uncle was able to come briefly for his birthday. It seemed that everything was going as well as possible. Naruto grew up as a healthy and happy child. After some time, I heard a conversation between Minato nii-san and Kushina-san about how they want to have a second child. Naruto was three years old by then. That same year, Minato nii-san was promoted to major. And a week later, he and Kushina-san were found dead not far from their home.”
Kakashi fell silent. Guy squeezed his hand supportively in his palm.
“According to the official version, they died in a car accident, but all the details of their death are classified. Even after all these years, I still cannot access these documents. That day I picked Naruto up from kindergarten because the teacher couldn't reach Kushina-san on the phone. Naruto seemed to feel that something bad had happened, he was capricious and cried all evening. When I was finally able to put him to bed, I received a call from Shiranui, who was on duty at the department that evening. I couldn't leave Naruto alone and go to the hospital, so I called Obito and told him everything. He and Rin arrived immediately and stayed with Naruto while I went to the hospital. But by the time I got there, Minato nii-san and Kushina-san had already passed away. I stood in the middle of the hospital listening to the doctor's explanations, but I was only thinking about how I could explain all this to Naruto. As soon as I returned home, Obito took me to Minato nii-san's office and handed me a folder with documents. As it turned out, shortly before their death, nii-san and Kushina-san made a will, and indicated me as Naruto's guardian. From that evening I stayed at their house and I was the one who talked to Naruto about everything that happened. Obito and Rin helped me with the funeral preparations. And then at the funeral itself, Hiruzen Sarutobi took me aside and strongly recommended that I relinquish guardianship of Naruto. According to him, this could not end well. His parents have already died, and I work in the same department as his father, it follows that the same fate can await me. But I couldn’t even think about handing Naruto over to someone. I couldn't imagine Naruto among strangers. I was his family and I couldn't give him up. He was my child according to documents. Minato nii-san and Kushina-san wanted me to take care of their son. And I couldn't let them down. I took Naruto, sold their house and bought a spacious apartment. It was difficult in the first months, but after a while Naruto and I were able to get used to our new life. I will not replace his parents, and I do not strive for this. His parents were wonderful people and I want him to remember them and be proud of them. My only goal at the moment is to give Naruto the happy childhood that his father once gave me.”
Guy listened to Kakashi with bated breath. Hatake cleared his throat in embarrassment and renewed his order with the bartender. Turning to the man, Kakashi saw admiration in his eyes.
“You are amazing,” - Guy said enchanted.
Kakashi felt a blush cover his cheeks.
“You are a wonderful person and a great big brother. Naruto is lucky to have you.”
Kakashi smiled at Guy gratefully.
“Hmm, by the way, I’m also a father,” - the man suddenly said.
Kakashi raised one eyebrow questioningly.
“I have children too,” - Guy continued.
"Children?" - Hatake asked without hiding the surprise in his voice.
Guy nodded.
“Do you want to see a photo?”
“Yes, of course.”
Guy pulled his phone out of his pocket and handed it to Kakashi. Hatake looked at the photo carefully. The photograph showed three children who appeared to be about ten years old. On the left stood a boy in a green jacket and tousled black hair, who looked in surprise at the girl standing in the middle. The girl was dressed in a red sweater, her big brown eyes were looking somewhere behind the camera, and her lips were stretched into a smile. To the right of the girl stood a boy with long dark hair, dressed in a gray jacket. His unusually light gray eyes also looked at the girl.
“This is Neji, TenTen and Lee,” - Guy named each child in turn.
“Are they all yours?” - Kakashi looked from the photograph to the man, trying to discern similar facial features.
Guy smiled softly.
“Now - yes, I adopted them.”
Hatake opened his mouth slightly in surprise.
“I met them on my first day at school,” - Guy began to say. - “They ended up in my class. Then after class I saw them at the sports club where I worked as a boxing coach. They came there and looked so lost. I couldn't help but pay attention to them. And I also couldn't help but notice the bruises that were almost unsuccessfully hidden under their clothes. There were finger bruises on their arms and necks, as if someone had forcibly held them down and caused them pain. That same day I contacted my friend Kurenai, she is a children's rights ombudsman. As it turned out, all three did not have a very favorable atmosphere in their families. They were subjected to physical and psychological abuse. It was hard for me to stay away after all the information I learned. At first I tried to meet with their families, but this did not yield any results. Days passed, the children continued to come to the sports club, and I began to teach them simple self-defense techniques. At the same time, I did not give up trying to somehow help them. One day, Kurenai approached me with the idea of adoption. I won’t hide that such thoughts came into my head, but I tried not to delve into this topic. I wasn’t sure that I could raise all three children, but at the same time, I never thought about adopting just one. I couldn't separate them, they were always together. And despite the fact that they were not siblings, they became a real family for each other. After some thought, I finally made a decision. The conversation with the children was long and too emotional.”
“How did you manage to adopt three children at once?”
“Kurenai's husband, Asuma, helped me, he works as a policeman. He connected his connections, and in the end all this sped up the matter. The adoption process itself took about six to seven months. And for two years now I have been considered their father.”
Kakashi shook his head in admiration.
“How can you be like this,” - he whispered barely audibly. - “Damn, Guy…”
Kakashi stopped himself before something stupid could come out of his mouth, like: “Marry me.”
“Is it probably time for you to go home? It’s late,” - Kakashi glanced at his watch. - “I’ll also go to Obito and Rin and pick up Naruto.”
“Yes, you’re right,” - Guy pulled money out of his wallet and put it on the bar counter.
The men left the bar, night had already fallen on the street. Kakashi stared at the man's profile.
“Do you think we can see each other again, maybe next time with the kids?”
Guy looked at him in amazement and smiled broadly. Kakashi couldn't contain himself any longer. He covered the distance and covered his plump lips with his own. Guy stood stunned for a couple of seconds, but then deepened the kiss. Kakashi smiled.
“Thank you for the evening,” - Hatake whispered against the man’s lips and pulled away.
Guy nodded, looking at the man in fascination.
“Text me when you get home,” - Kakashi waved his hand and disappeared around the bend.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 5 Part 6
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