#madara put to much faith in one kid
invalidname19 · 2 years
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Ik minato took them pantuflas when he bodied òbito
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I feel like the only 'stupid' thing Itachi and Shisui did was listen to Danzo. Particularly in the novels he's so mustache-twirlingly evil they both should have assumed anything that came out of his mouth was a lie until proven otherwise. The whole problem with "but what if it snowballs into a war" -- Killing the Uchiha clan also puts the village in a very similar situation.
You've taken out one of four noble clans.
You've taken out the scariest dojutsu users in the world that nobody wants to meet on the battlefield.
You've taken out the police who keep the village stable internally.
You've shaken the people's faith in their leaders by making it clear that they're producing murderous shinobi that they cannot control.
You've shaken the people's trust in each other by choosing the nicest possible kid to do the job.
It is a miracle that this didn't spark the next conflict.
...But we're also talking about a 12 year old kid in a complete state of panic, likely perpetually stuck in a triggered state by the threat of a bigger conflict which he has devoted his entire life to stopping. A little kid who is visibly deteriorating, and whose thoughts are rapidly becoming distorted, based on what we know about his beliefs regarding Sasuke, and I have a sneaking suspicion that excessive praise of his thinking exists solely to justify what happened. We can say Itachi was a big fucking nerd and history buff all we like but there are only so many hours of the day that his mission count tells us he was not using to read books.
What I'm saying is yes, this was an awful choice that more than likely created more problems than it solved, but blaming him rather than the people who exploited his trauma is not just a dick move but morally bankrupt.
We don't know whether a war would truly have broken out or not. But going by the evidence in canon, it certainly would have.
One thing most people repeatedly keep forgetting is Obito's presence who Itachi thought was the Madara Uchiha. We know, and it's canon, that Obito attacked Konoha the night Naruto was born for absolutely no reason. He didn't have to do it other than because "he hated the Shinobi world" yet he did. He was strong enough that even Minato thought the man who fought him was Madara himself.
It wasn't hard for Itachi to assume he could be Madara as well and if he attacked Konoha under any circumstances, it would be impossible to stop the damage the war could cause. So, when Obito told Sasuke he was also plotting war, he wasn't exactly lying. It lies in synch with his previous actions too.
Itachi knew it very well. He knew Konoha, with all its army, wasn't ready to confront Madara Uchiha.
Having said that, neither Itachi nor Shisui were "stupid", because as outsiders, who have seen and known all the consequences, we can assess the circumstances more objectively than Itachi and Shisui did.
I've said it many, many times before — the possibilities of any form of conflict followed by the massacre (which could not be much because Konoha still stood strong and police weren't the only ones guarding the village and Uchiha clan was also on its decline, as Itachi stated) could be curbed because Konoha is insanely powerful.
An internal conflict, along with Obito fueling the fire, would be much worse than any of the possibilities you've stated. Why would Konoha Shinobi accept Uchiha, especially if they attacked and overthrew the government? Why would they not view Uchiha as a threat? Why would they ever accept if Uchiha ever won (by mistake) and one of them became a Hokage?
The dissenters of the Hokage would side with the Uchiha. The others would be against them. It's a perfect recipe for a disaster and Itachi knew it well enough.
Itachi was never given a choice to solve the problem. He was only given the options about which side he wanted to choose and sacrifice. It was never about whether he wanted to have things done his own way. It was always about Konoha making him a scapegoat because its leadership was too weak. Uchiha clan gets away with a lot of shit it put Itachi through, but while they were absolutely the victims, they were not innocent in how they treated Itachi. That also includes Fugaku and Mikoto.
You're absolutely right about the last part. The massacre created more problems, but the people who should be called out are Fugaku, Hiruzen, and Danzo. Itachi was only a pawn.
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kankuroplease · 5 months
I don't think you have already answered this question, in French daughter-in-law is the wives of the sons example the wives of the sons of Sumi, I don't know what the translator has to translate but sorry 😅🤷 ( I'm afraid that one day I'll send a message in English and it will translate into insults 💀😭) So Sumi's relationship with her sons' wives?☺️
Ah, I see. Translates are tricky lol
That being said, to the question at hand ✨
They get along most days, but they do not see eye to eye a lot of the time despite both being strategists. No matter how much faith Katsura has in Madara and his abilities, she’s not one to sit at home when battle is raging.
Sumi thinks she’s a selfish girl for possibly putting herself in danger when they both know her disadvantages may play a part in her own demise. She can’t really argue with her when Katsura brings up how she had more on the line than her (5 sons) when backed up Tajima in taking down lady Asako. -3 for stubbornness +2 for having her sons back at all cost 9/10
She would be her favorite daughter in law simply because of how well she knows her adoptive father and his late wife who would have loved Gin. She a really thoughtful person and checks on Sumi regularly and they have dinner together regularly.
Sweetest deadpanned lady around~ 15/10
Sumi doesn’t know how to relate to Yaya at all. She’s so painfully shy and reserved that it hard to talk to her and Yaya doesn’t seek her out for advice despite knowing Sumi for years as one of Ringo’s friends.
She’s happy Inari is happy with her and she does think she’s a sweet girl, but sometimes she feels she could’ve chosen a better fit for the family as a whole. 5/10
If Sumi is being completely honest, she doesn’t like Wakaba much. She always has a devious little smile tugging at her lips and has Tenko eating out the palm of her hand. Sometimes literally.
She doesn’t treat her differently, but a tsk or two has escaped her lips each time Wakaba and Tenko show up late to a family gathering without their kids because they’re with their nanny and they lost track of time.
Plus she baby trapped her son (not really). 3/10💀
She adores Mate! Especially how freely she speaks her mind. She knows she sort of tricked her into being her daughter in law, but she’s glad she hasn’t ran off (successfully)
Mate is very welcoming and accommodating towards her and seems to be able to calm Izuna’s temper. Solid 8.5/10
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vohtaro · 2 years
Hello mate! Just discovered your blog. I really liked your answers to the headcanon ask :).
Can I request 19, 31, 34, 36 and 48?
Thank you <3
(added 'For Madara' in a separate ask) hello, ty for the ask !!!! <3
link to hc prompt
19. What do they think about before falling asleep at night?
I swear Madara's mind would never shut up SDHKGJH.
When he's younger, he thinks about the people he holds dear: his brother, his fellow clan members, Hashirama. I think he'd wonder a lot about Hashirama, especially in moments where he felt himself losing faith in their entire idea. He tells Hashirama that it was a pipe dream, but it was a dream nonetheless, and one he doesn't forget. I imagine Madara probably wouldn't think he'd forget their dream of even lose faith in the idea, given Hashirama's enthusiasm, his ideas, etc. Though as years pass, I think he'd wonder if Hashirama was struggling to maintain his resolve in the same way he was. In the face of this much death and loss, and generally a lack of trust in the other's clan, how could he still believe in it? Madara would be half-convinced the idea was unrealistic, wonder if Hashirama saw that too -- but Hashirama still sends him those ceasefires over the years, and Madara half-heartedly thinks him delusional. (Random aside, but I don't know how much thought Madara put into the village as a kid; I imagine some amount, surely had some input and built off of Hashirama's ideas when they were together. However, he tends to defer to more practical and actionable ideas. It demonstrates to me that Madara is more concerned with a concrete, long term goal that serves a larger purpose as opposed to focusing on the true and maybe-lofty end-goal. Hashirama was thinking about the village and how it would operate; Madara was thinking about how to become clan head, which would more realistically lead to establishing peace between their clans. Madara also demonstrates this in the attack on Konoha w the nine-tails which was done to later achieve the rinnegan, and later still when he recruited Obito and connected him with Nagato in order to achieve rebirth. They aren't the direct implementations to the Infinite Tsukuyomi plan, but they are the pillars needed to give him higher odds of accomplishing that goal.)
When he's older, when he loses Izuna, and in many ways loses Hashirama, his thoughts start to wonder about what a better future looks like. For me, it's easy to imagine that the times where he's alone with his thoughts are where he is the most succeptible to walking himself down the spiraling idea of the Infinite Tsukuyomi plan. Kind of tying back to the aside, he probably spent the time attempting to figure out every possible path to take to achieve his goal, which paths had the highest odds/best backup plans, and just what he needed to do to prepare for that.
31. Most prized possession?
Anything of Izuna's. While he wields his weapons (kama/gunbai/maybe sword) proudly and surely cherishes them, nothing holds higher value to him than something of Izuna's. Old artwork, private notes, maybe a small wood carving, something made by his own two hands, something that proved he was alive. Even as children, I imagine Madara being very sentimental about these things, especially when he'd lost his first brother. Maybe he has items of theirs too, but in terms of quantity, he has the most of Izuna's makings. All simply because he lived the longest. Izuna is such a driving force in his life that looking at his creations would steel his resolve in the face of any doubt.
I have not read this fic in a long while but I really appreciated its ideas about Madara and Izuna's sibling relationship: https://archiveofourown.org/works/11999403/chapters/27149580
34. Thoughts on privacy? (Are they a private person, or are they prone to ‘TMI’?)
Madara seems to transition from fairly open to somewhat private. Over time, Madara has continued to lose the people precious to him over and over, allowing a wall to progressively be built up. We don't get to see him interact with many people at a time in his life where he's more open: namely as a kid and meeting Hashirama. After all, despite presumbly being socialized within his clan, he does rather easily welcome Hashirama into his life. He welcomes this new friend and is rather willing to be an emotional support for him. That says something about Madara's upbringing as some form of mediator, someone who is used to the idea of allowing people to lean on him when they need someone to listen to him. Even as an adult in that scene in the anime where he's the one to move first and help the kid who fell (and don't get me started, I have a LOT of feelings on that scene from the implications about Madara's percieved personality in the village vs. Hashirama's, to the fact that Hashirama /doesn't/ jump at the same time, etc), it still demonstrates that willingness to help others. I don't think he'd necessarily be a shut-in or unapproachable, but I do think by the time he's considering leaving the village, he's simply less available due to the sheer amount of time spent on his own plans.
36. What makes them feel guilty?
what /doesn't/ make him feel guilty /hj
I think the constant idea of "you should have done more"/"you should have done things differently" will plague him until the day he dies. Losing Izuna was the nail in the coffin labeled "Madara's last shred of happiness", and the fact he set out to ensure that it didn't happen, only to let him slip through his fingers, is surely something he may never be able to forgive himself for.
48. How do they express love?
Madara is absolutely a person with a physical love-language. I know I mentioned recently that Madara is easily aroace in my brain and thinking about these concepts is nice for me, because Madara may not necessarily feel a draw towards romance in the traditional sense, he does feel deep love and affection for someone he cares about. Physical touch is one demonstration of that caring for him. A hand between shoulder blades, on a wrist, idle touches that are brief but deeply meaningful. Almost like he's checking in and watching out for signs he ought to be aware of. Madara I think finds reassurance in knowing that someone is /there/. He isn't constantly lingering or at someone's side 24/7, but when he sees the person, he's sooooo welcoming. He's such a hugger, too. He likes to hold people close, really hold on tight, and as an adult this definitely carries through. Madara is king at hugs.
He expresses love by the sheer things he remembers about someone too. I think he'd be so attuned to the details about someone that he remembers the most off-hand things that seem insignificant, but really would mean the world to acknowledge. A favorite tea, a favorite place, some memory from long ago, an inside joke. He'd find a way to give the best gifts because of this imo. He's attentive and caring, he wants the best for people. It's true that he's fundamentally kind. He just wants the people he cares for to be safe. ;;;;;;; Idk I feel like I have more thoughts on this but they're a bit elusive rn skdjghskdj
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x-authorship-x · 2 years
As far as I can recall, the only person to actually talk about an Uchiha Curse of Hatred was Obito (posing as Madara and likely this was told to him by Madara) to Sasuke. And I'm not entirely sure why people like to pin that on Tobirama. I also really don't think the whole police force thing was made in bad faith. Tbh I think a lot of the bad faith interpretations of what he did in his tenure and about his feelings on the Uchiha in general were perpetuated by his students after his death. He never would have taken on an Uchiha student if his feelings about the clan as a whole were that negative. But they likely used him as an excuse for a ton of their bullshit, "this is what Tobirama would have wanted, trust me I was his student", "he didn't trust the Uchiha and neither should we", etc. and people believed them, because surely they knew him best.
Hey Anon,
This makes sense, you can say whatever you want about a dead guy if no one can undermine your claims! Tobirama didn't leave a spouse or kids, he wasn't much of a social butterfly from what we've seen, and no one was closer to him than his students.... Who can therefore talk out of their asses
Danzo needs that private pool, Tobirama loved water so much! Danzo is redistributing funds? Tobirama put him in charge of finance, don't question him! That secret bunker filled with ANBU supplies? That's a private gift between Danzo and Tobirama, go away! Danzo is building a personal army of indoctrinated and sealed operatives and will try to overthrow his own teammate, will kidnap children, finance a mad scientist's experiments, and steal bloodlines? Danzo is just following his sensei's teachings, respect your betters!
Tobirama in the afterlife: 🤦
Amazing, 100/10, worked every time 🤡🤡🤡
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plumoh · 3 years
[NatsuYuu] ever here
Rating: G
Word count: 2282
Summary: Natsume Takashi is fifty-two years old when Madara leaves. It's not a spontaneous decision, but it's not a well-thought-out one either.
Note: AO3 link. Originally written in 2018, did some light editing. I will never stop thinking about Madara dealing with Natsume’s eventual death,,
Natsume Takashi is fifty-two years old when Madara leaves.
It's not a spontaneous decision, but it's not a well-thought-out one either. Forty years spent living with a human is nothing more than the blink of an eye for a youkai, but this same span of time is half of a human's life—Madara knows that much, and he curses himself to have let down his guard enough to be lulled into the illusion of safety.
There is no meaning behind that age. It could have been forty-seven, fifty-three, or even sixty. Madara hasn't pondered on it much outside of the fact he can sense life forces flickering, losing their brightness to let darkness consume them. He's seen and sensed that many times, for years and decades, watching the phenomenon unfold with both curiosity and disinterest. Human lives are short and fleeting, nothing worth paying attention to, as they will always disappear sooner than expected.
(Reiko vanished from the town and next thing he knows, she is no more.)
He retreats to the mountains farthest from Yatsuhara. He doesn't tell anyone. He doesn't let anyone know where he is. The peaceful and soothing rustling of the trees' leaves and the river's water help appeasing his heart in a frenzy, and pushing back his swirling thoughts. It's pathetic, in a way, to let himself affected by so little. It's not like it's the first time he's been in contact with a human before—and he still believes that not meddling with their affairs is less troublesome and more beneficial to his sanity.
(He thinks about the mess left by a lonely woman, that a brave boy tried to fix.)
Madara spends his days napping. He finds a new patch of grass to sleep on on a regular basis, right under the sun to keep him warm, and at night he takes walks or watches the starry sky to chase away unpleasant thoughts. He pointedly ignores any scent he recognizes, as they never travel close enough for him to get worried. Not that he's worried about anything, not really, it's just more convenient that way. Being alone is much easier to deal with his own pitiful state than being seen by some fool and having to explain something he doesn't want to think about.
Somewhere in the back of his mind, a familiar voice tells him he's running away. He brushes it off.
It has only been forty years, but he's already forgotten how silent life is when he isn't surrounded by idiots and accident-prone kids. He's a great beast, someone who holds power over low-class creatures and who rivals most of the strong youkais. And just for a second, one vulnerable moment, he wonders what good there is to possess such tremendous power if he doesn't have anyone to protect anymore.
Dizzy and perturbed, Madara stops in his tracks, and howls—a cry piercing the sky until it cracks to let untold messages squeeze through.
Human lives are short and fleeting.
He doesn't know how much time passes. It can't be more than a handful of years, though, because the scents are the same and the landscape has not yet warped. Nobody reached out to him either, and he doubts that no one is able to track him if they tried hard enough—even if he's escaped to far away mountains, he's not impossible to find. He knows for sure that Misuzu will be smug about finding him, and Hinoe is too stubborn to let him disappear without a word.
Days resemble each other. Madara misses manjuu and dango.
Then one day, the wind carries a different breeze; there is a quality to it that almost spells familiarity, ruffling his fur and sending shivers down his spine. He catches the whiff of a strong smell and overwhelming power, one that gently pushes at him with care, considerate and soft.
Kind and warm.
Madara jolts and scrambles up, mind racing and heart beating too loudly, eyes scanning the area like he's on the lookout for a prey he's waited for weeks, wild and cautious. Only then does he realize this aura isn't alone—and of course it isn't, of course it would come with two other ones that announce trouble.
He does not stare. His eyes do not linger on the gigantic silhouette of Misuzu descending from the sky like an omen, his grin ever plastered on his face, not quite landing (Misuzu never lands) but he lowers his hoof to let his passengers get down. Madara stays still.
“Damn, Madara, if you wanted us to leave you alone that badly, you could have just asked,” Hinoe sighs with fake casualness, as she takes a drag from her pipe, pinning him with a hard glare.
But Madara doesn't listen to her. He's too focused on the second figure stumbling on the ground, like he hasn't alighted from the body of a beast a hundred and a thousand times over, wincing when Hinoe has to put a hand on his shoulder to steady him. Madara can't tear his gaze off him.
“Sensei,” Natsume says, something akin to relief and desperation in his voice, and Madara chokes on his own words, unable to dig into his arsenal of insults to deal with the situation. Instead, Natsume takes a step forward, and another, and another, until he's standing right in front of him. “Were you here all this time?”
His eyes didn't change—that damn kindness is still lurking behind them, the fervor of his own stupid faith shining through it, like he hasn't found any reason to stop believing he could help anyone coming his way. Eyes never lie; eyes are what differentiate the humans from each other.
Natsume's trembling hand tentatively reaches up to stroke his snout and—Madara lets him, lets this light touch wash away his countless worries, and he closes his eyes. If he tries hard enough, he can be transported back to the youthful days of returning names and being wary of any youkai approaching them. He can summon the smell of Touko's tenpura and the tatami of Natsume's bedroom. It is comforting, wrapping him in a blanket of tranquility he wishes could last forever, but when he opens his eyes he sees Natsume's tired but never broken face, features drawn old, his once light hair taking a shade of gray only age can paint.
He releases a breath, tickling Natsume, just like he once did a long time ago, and this time Natsume smiles.
“I missed you, Sensei.”
Natsume keeps his hand on Madara's snout, and if he's pressing a bit harder than usual (when was the last time it happened?), Madara doesn't comment on it. Instead, he lays down, and carefully wraps his tail around Natsume, a silent invitation for him to settle in the white fur. This stretches Natsume's hesitant smile into a full smile as he sits down and starts scratching Madara's chin.
“The Book of Friends is empty now, do you still want it?” he quietly asks.
And Natsume must have felt his jaw clench, because he stops, lowers his hand, and gazes directly into Madara's eyes, waiting, expecting. Madara hates the feeling of helplessness.
“I have no use of a tool stripped of its power,” he croaks out, looking at a point past Natsume.
“...We've talked about it, Sensei.”
“What do you want me to do with the cover of a book?”
“That's up to you. I'm still going to give it to you, so please come home.”
Madara finally, finally meets Natsume's earnest eyes, after trying for so long to avoid reading the emotions in this brittle, human gaze when talking about the Book of Friends. He doesn't know what he expected to find; he probably expected nothing, except for something inherently Natsume in them, warm and affectionate, much like the stupid self he's always been. Natsume is looking at him with the same determined expression he's always worn when he set his mind on doing something. There is also fragility in it, an open wound waiting to be healed. Madara basks in the familiarity it provides him.
He gently knocks Natsume's head with his snout.
“The Book of Friends is exactly the reason why I left, and you cheeky brat has the nerve to come and dump it on me.”
There is no heat in his words, and everybody knows it. They all look at him without judgment, though if he had paid close attention to them, he would have seen pity coloring their faces. He holds Natsume's gaze as best as he can—Natsume assesses him quietly, carefully, like he's expecting Madara to flee again. He won't.
“I keep my promises, you know that,” Natsume chides gently. “No matter how much time passes.”
Natsume's hand comes up again to stroke the fur on his head. The movement is assured, but slow, nothing like it used to be; Madara swallows the uneasiness, the fear, and stops running away.
“How old are you?”
He doesn't register Hinoe shaking her head in the back. All he notices is the way Natsume's smile takes a hue of sadness, his aura enveloping them both in resignation. Madara is certain his own sorrow is seeping through the seams of his fake calm demeanor.
“It's July 1st, today.” There is a brief pensive look on Natsume's face. “I'm turning seventy-seven.”
Twenty-five years is nothing to youkais. They let them fly by without thinking much of it, but for humans it's enough to raise a new generation of people that will become their hope. Madara has a thought for Natsume's descendants, who probably don't even know why their father, their grandfather (great-grandfather?), decides to take a trip to the other side of the mountains, visibly unaccompanied. He realizes with horror he doesn't know for sure that none of them has the ability to see youkai.
“It didn't feel that long to me,” Madara whispers.
“I know. That's why we came to see you. According to Hinoe, you would have slept through a decade if nobody tried to annoy you.”
He knows there is no accusation behind these words, but he can't help bristling, sharply shooting a glare in Hinoe's direction—she waves around her pipe, dismissing his irritation.
Natsume continues. “It's perhaps not my place to say that, but this is how life is, Sensei. Please let this old man have his one selfish request granted.”
He wraps his arms around Madara's neck, burying his face in his fur.
“Come back home.”
Madara is tired. He's tired of fighting all these emotions, all these worries that shouldn't exist (he's a great beast with overwhelming power), all these thoughts that cross his mind and twist his heart. He's tired of pretending and of living with the heavy lead settled in his stomach, putting him into a state of lethargy and incapacitating his ability to think rationally.
So he nuzzles Natsume, bringing his tail closer to completely protect him from anything else that can still happen, and lets out a deep laugh that sounds too watery and shaky to his own ears.
It can't be that bad, if Natsume emits a similar laugh, purposefully keeping his face hidden in his fur even if Madara can feel something wet against him.
Natsume climbs on his back for old times' sake. And if Madara is flying a bit slower than before, Natsume doesn't say anything. Misuzu and Hinoe follow them close.
This might not be the wisest decision. Many youkais would have chosen to stay away to cut all ties with humans, even though it doesn't erase their memories of them. Madara thinks himself foolish to have gotten so soft and attached to one single human, so he might as well be stupid until the end.
There is no worth living a boring life, when he can create new memories to cherish as they come, and for the after.
Reiko always said that people will regret not going through what they wanted, while they rarely get upset over doing something, even if it was a failure or a mistake. Mulling over her words from forever ago, Madara finds himself agreeing, closing his eyes as he curls up at Natsume's feet, listening to the quiet conversation he's having with someone that is without a doubt his grandchild. There is a different air about that kid, and Madara immediately recognizes potential.
That night, Madara digs through Natsume's belongings, and retrieves the remains of the Book of Friends. The green cover is barely worn, defying time and deterioration. He traces out the kanjis with a paw, and is certain the Book retained some power, though very little. These traces of power persevere, fluttering and placating, in a way that makes it look like they are unable to let go of that realm either. Madara shakes his head at the thought, but he keeps his paw on the Book.
“I'll protect your family.”
Natsume finds him hunched over it, and naturally picks him up, acting on pure instinct.
“Old men should be sleeping,” Madara states flatly.
“Then you should be sleeping too,” Natsume retorts. He casts a quick glance at the Book. “It became a family treasure, I guess.”
“Hmpf. Only you would consider something that put your life in danger as a treasure.”
Natsume looks at him, and Madara knows it's useless to argue further.
Years later, the children of the Natsume household will always find the family cat curled around a green book by the altar. The cat doesn't age, is somehow always able to tell when one of them is in trouble, and only a handful knows the secrets he's keeping.
Madara never leaves again.
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evartandadam · 6 years
HEY, so I have a big question! But firstly, wanted to say I am glad I found your blog! I have been wondering lately: Obviously all the Akatsuki members have suffered some type of mental trauma from their pasts, so would you consider any of them as actual sociopaths-- not necessarily psychopaths? I ask because I have heard psychopaths are genetically determined but sociopaths are shaped by circumstance over time and are still slightly capable of having true moral and feelings. What do you think?
Okkkkk so you’re talking about the clinical definitions for ‘sociopath’ and ‘psychopath’ here. The problem is that no one can actually agree on these definitions. I have read soooo many articles on sociopaths vs psychopaths, and there are so many different opinions. Now, obviously there are two separate terms, so there must be differences. 
I will answer this question according to the definition you listed, and I will then answer it with my own definition. 
The only one who could have possibly been born with it would be Hidan. (Adding Orochimaru cause I forgot him- he was also likely born with an anti personality disorder.) The rest of them were raised to be the way they are. And most of them can still feel a connection with another person. The two who really cannot feel empathy at all are Sasori and Orochimaru. 
Now, like I said, I read a lot of definitions for these two terms, and what I gathered from them in bulk is that sociopathy is a spectrum, and a psychopath would essentially be the ultimate sociopath. Sociopaths by some definitions are still capable of connecting with individuals, but never groups. Psychopaths are deemed to be colder, and incapable of making ties of any kind. I think the born vs created argument makes the definitions unnecessarily complicated? Like, what about someone who is born with it but still feels connections? According to these basic definitions, this person doesn’t fit into either term! And this is because these terms are trying to squish too many attributes into one category or the other. 
So I’m going to ignore the born vs created aspect of this, because I answered it above and it doesn’t really influence any other attributes.
Here’s a list of Akatsuki from least to most sociopathic/psychopathic:
Ok so, the Akatsuki are kind of divided into three groups here: Those who had to give up their compassion to do their job but otherwise still can make connections/Those who gave up on connections a long time ago and are probably difficult to get to/Those who are too far gone- pretty much impossible to make a connection with. 
Note that I am rating these not only on their past selves but their current selves. Obviously all of them are kind of sociopathic:
Itachi, Konan, Kisame and Deidara are definitely not psychopaths:
Itachi has issues, but he cares very much for others. He sacrificed his own sanity and name to do what he thought was right for other people. He probably watches the rest of the Akatsuki and hates their actions. But another part of him is dead inside, so nothing gets to him as much anymore. A defense mechanism- indifference/apathy. A symptom of sociopathy. 
Deidara is interesting, because of how he kills people. Deidara was deemed a coward by Onoki, his master, for enjoying long-distance fighting. Deidara is obviously no coward, so why doesn’t he enjoy close combat? He seems to enjoy a good fight. It’s probably because he wants to get the job done without having to actually think about the aftermath. Deidara is very extroverted and seems to enjoy people. He is another character who, under different circumstances, would enjoy living a peaceful life as a creator. Iwagakure created what he is. I always sensed he wanted to be more than just a killing machine. I was actually going to put him higher on this list, but disperfection pointed out how Deidara even apologizes to Tobi (someone he can’t stand) before he kills himself, and warns Hidan and Kakuzu about Naruto even though he didn’t have to. He seems kind of… courteous. 
Kisame is one of the Akatsuki who really believes in their goal. He wants peace. He dislikes the shinobi lifestyle that he lived in the Mist. He obviously cares for Itachi. I put him above Deidara on this list, because there isn’t much concrete evidence that he is better than Deidara. But I still feel like if Kisame really had the option, he would want to live a peaceful life. Sociopaths also don’t feel loyalty for groups, and Kisame is all about that. Kisame and Konan are pretty much equal on this list. 
Konan as far as I can tell just does what Nagato wants. She loves Nagato, and she loved Yahiko. And she genuinely seems to want peace for others. People in Ame called her their angel, and it was likely because she was compassionate towards them. Konan is still a cold-blooded killer, and can distance her emotions to get the job done. But she feels a lot for people collectively. Konan is very similar to Kisame in a lot of ways. While Kisame enjoys bloodshed more, Konan couldn’t care less about killing those who are in the way of her mission. 
Nagato, Kakuzu and Hidan are in the middle, all for different reasons:
Kakuzu is just old and jaded. Kakuzu was a very loyal shinobi back in the day, and was stabbed in the back by the people he put his faith in. I feel that young Kakuzu was probably a pretty decent dude. But half a century of bounty hunting for a living will harden a person. Currently, Kakuzu would be very hard to make a connection with, which is why he’s so high on the list.
Hidan is very tricky to place because he could be a hardcore psychopath, but he seems to be capable of some compassion. Out of all the Akatsuki, Hidan is the most likely to have always had violent tendencies. But Hidan still has a moral code and follows a religion. This completely goes against what a sociopath is. Sociopaths believe they are their own gods, essentially. They also have no loyalty. Hidan is the trickiest one to place because he is all over the place. Hidan hase BPD, which explains why it’s so hard to place him on a sociopathic spectrum. Hidan is still filled with emotions, and he has a moral compass, even if it is screwed up. 
Nagato is actually a narcissist! I say he’s a narcissist because it perfectly fits into how he is used by Madara/Obito. Narcissists are lower than sociopaths on the food chain, and are usually manipulated by sociopaths. Now, he could be a narcissistic sociopath. But either way, Nagato has no problem killing people to get what he wants. He used to be very compassionate, but definitely lost his way. To willingly call yourself a god and deem yourself worthy of appointing suffering on others in such a ceremonial fashion requires a lot of distance from compassion. Hidan may kill you for his god and think it’s right, but Nagato thinks he IS god, therefore he is right. Nagato’s way of thinking is much more dangerous, due to the combination with his intellect and power. He has a chance to make the world better with his eyes, and instead he uses them to harm the masses. Not good. Still, like I said, Nagato is more of a narcissist than a sociopath, so I will not put him into the following category. Oh yeah, and let’s not forget he thought using his best friend’s corpse was like, a cool idea. *whispers* what the fuuuuuuu-
Sasori Obito/Madara and Orochimaru are classic psychopaths: 
Sasori is actually lower on this list than Obito! This is because Sasori doesn’t have a god complex, and mainly keeps to himself. But hey, if you think he belongs higher on the list, that definitely works for me! Sasori is the classic psychopath in a lot of ways. I mean, he’s cold, collecting and could be mistaken for the devil himself! But even Sasori was shown to be a normal, sweet kid until Suna trained him to become what he is. Sasori also kills people and does horrible things with their corpses, but he isn’t big on continuous torture. This could be why he hates Orochimaru so much. Doesn’t like his “style”. But Sasori is a very big sociopath! Wouldn’t want to run into this guy! I have done so many analysis posts on him… here and here! 
Obito is a total sociopath, sorry. I don’t think his character really makes sense, but judging by the things he has done and how much he enjoyed them, he is a sociopath! Now, Obito by himself would be way lower on the spectrum. But with Madara’s influence (a total socioapth), Obito rises the ranks! (Obito shouldn’t be capable of doing the things he did if Kishi was actually consistent with his character). Obito kills so many innocent people. He kills Minato, a man who loved him very much. He helps Itachi slaughter the rest of his own clan. He manipulates the Mizukage and apparently gives him a rep of being a tyrant. He even pretends to care about Deidara when he does not. Oh yeah, and he’s cool with killing anyone who gets in his way, including children. This guy has issues! Now, if I were to diagnose him with a mental illness, anti personality disorder is not at the top of the list! But I will still put him this high because he sucks. And he causes sooo much destruction. Master manipulator with a god complex. 
Orochimaru is shown to sort of care about one person- Tsunade. This isn’t definite- rather, it’s a headcanon of mine based on little signs here and there- but at times, he is soft when it comes to her. He seemed to have developed his need for immortality from watching her brother and fiance die. He watches her suffer and comes to the conclusion that death= suffering. And it is something he wants to avoid. Meaning he felt her suffering. None of the Akatsuki are complete psychopaths, but Orochimaru is very close to it. He tortures children on a regular basis. Don’t think it gets much worse than that. This guy is the most disturbing out of all of them, and he has competition! 
This list can be switched around many ways, so don’t think of any of these placements as concrete! 
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sakurauchiha2018 · 6 years
A Little Faith
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Sorry that this is a little late, work has been crazy. So I decided to cut this chapter into two because if I left it the original length it felt like too much at once. The second half is almost finished and will be up soon. 
Words: 3362
Mama tucks me even further into my covers with a scowl on her lips. This is the worst part of having a doctor as a mother, she hovers too much and tries to take constant care of me. Whenever I’m sick she tends to worry too much as well. I remember when I was a child I was sick for two weeks straight and my eyesight was affected by it. Mama blamed herself but Papa told her it was out of their control, although Great Grandfather Madara never let them live it down. Uchiha’s were supposed to be perfect in his eyes.
“Stay in bed Sarada. You shouldn’t be trying to work.” Huffing I stick my tongue out childishly at her and I watch as my mother returns the gesture. Even though she puts on this tough, polished front my mother is a silly and playful woman. There were times when my father would go away on business and we’d stay up late watching cartoons while eating snack food. It was our way of bonding without feeling pressured. Before a laugh can pass my lips, a cough tears through my throat and I can’t help but wince in pain. Doing as I’m told I roll onto my side and watch my mother leave the room but I’m not alone. Boruto is snoring softly on the couch and I can’t help but stare.
We’ve known each other since we were born and from the start you could consider us rivals. In grade school we were constantly arguing over who would have the highest grades or who could do a project faster. Simple kid stuff but once we entered high school it’s like everything changed between us. Thanks to our friends they knocked some sense into us, we both knew our friendship was always something more. Dating Boruto at first was a nightmare, Mama and Aunt Hinata were over the moon about it and Uncle Naruto couldn’t be happier for us. But Papa was a whole other story. To him I’m his little girl that could hide with him in the study, the little girl who would come crying to him if I scraped my knee. He didn’t want to lose his only child but he could never lose me.
His blonde hair is sticking out in all different angles and he’s holding a company folder tightly against his chest. Boruto may not be the brightest around but he works hard when he’s passionate about it. My eyes feel heavy and just as they close slightly, a pair of crystal blue orbs start to observe me. A blush creeps on my face, I can blame my fever for that, and he starts to move from his relaxed spot.
“I see Aunt Sakura found you. Hopefully you’ll stay in bed now.” His voice is hoarse and I can’t help bit blush even more. Snuggling into the pillow further, I watch him stretch before he makes his way from the couch over to my bed. Jumping over me to plop down on my left side, an arm wraps around my waist and his face hides in the hollow of my shoulder. If my father was to walk in right now Boruto wouldn’t stand a chance.
“Papa’s going to murder you.” I joke before turning over so I can look him in the eye. A wave of fear washes through his eyes and his arm retracts for just a moment. It’s nice to have quality time with him after this past week. A smile spreads on my face as a hand moves up to brush my dark locks from my face.
“I’ll manage. Why don’t you sleep for a little bit and if you feel up to it I’ll take you to dinner?” Rolling my eyes, I smack him slightly before I let my eyes shut. I just might have to take him up on that offer.
I’m not sure what wakes me from my sleep but one thing is for sure, Boruto isn’t beside me anymore. The room is pitch black and I roll over to check my phone, it’s almost seven. I slept for seven hours! There’s no way I’ll be able to sleep tonight, sighing I roll out of bed and stretch. Sleeping did help, my head doesn’t hurt anymore and my face isn’t hot either. Maybe Mama was right.
Shuffling from my room, I notice that the house is quieter than usual. Even if there are only three people that live in the large house, we are still a lively family. Most Saturdays both Uncle Itachi and Cousin Obito come over to the house to force my father to relax. Mama always laughs and pushes Papa out the door to enjoy a night with the guys. My feet move quickly down the stairs and I hear a loud bang echo from the kitchen, for some reason I find myself running only to stop at the threshold and let out a loud laugh.
Mama and Boruto are both covered in flour from head to toe, a deep crimson blush spreads on their cheeks when they notice me standing in the doorway. Why in the world where they cooking together? Shaking my head I take a seat on a stool at the island. Mama instantly starts to clean the mess and my boyfriend threatens to dump flour on me. I narrow my eyes at him before his blue eyes roll at my non-playfulness.
“What are you two doing?” My voice sounds stronger as it hits my ears. Taking in a deep breath I smell something sweet and I notice that there is black tea leaves in a large bowl on the counter. So it wasn’t flour all over them, it’s powdered sugar.
“Well we were trying to make your favorite candy but it didn’t turn out the right way.” Boruto mutters as he brushes the powdered sugar into the trash can. Giggling, Mama takes off her apron and returns it into the pantry. My mother moves over to the tea kettle and begins to pour three glasses of tea, I barely notice her handing me a glass as I watch Boruto’s face redden. He must’ve thought I’d stay asleep longer.  
“You didn’t have to.” The words are meant for him alone and he realizes that as his cheeks turn dark crimson. Hm I thought the boyfriend was supposed to embarrass the girlfriend. Chuckling I look over to my pink haired mother who’s leaning against the sink drinking her unnecessarily sweet drink. Whenever she makes tea Papa won’t even bother pouring himself a cup. He pouts and says that he’ll get something else.
“Where’s Papa? I’m surprised you two aren’t going out.” Their wedding anniversary is coming up in a few days and with their schedule the way it is, they never have time to celebrate. My parents deserve a night with just each other. A blush creeps on her face and then a shrug comes from her shoulders.
“He’s busy in the study. There’s so much work he needs to finish, I’d rather stay at home with you two anyways.” With her words an idea pops into my head and I take off running from the kitchen. My head feels dizzy but a smile is spread on my face. Their voices call for me but I’m set on my current mission, I don’t even bother knocking on the door before I barge into the large room. My father is bent over reading through spreadsheets and his eyes widen at my sudden entry but they never move up to look at me. Shutting the door behind me I lock the heavy wood doors that way my mother can’t interrupt us.
“You should be laying down.” Now his eyes move up slightly to look at me, a smirk faintly showing on his lips. Honestly this is the best I’ve felt all week and hopefully by tomorrow all that I’ll have is a cough. I plop down on the chair across from him and a sigh escapes his lips. It’s been a while since I’ve acted my age in front of him, a sigh escapes my lips and I look at him with a fire in my eyes.
“You should be taking Mama out for dinner. Have you forgotten that your anniversary is on Tuesday?” The paper he is holding slips from his fingers and his expression is priceless. My father is dumbfounded at my question. Laughter erupts from me and tears well in my eyes. Papa seriously forgot about their anniversary. A scowl washes over his face as I wipe the fallen tears from my eyes, I might as well help my parents out.
“I’ll make the reservation and tell Mama to get ready. Go and get cleaned up.” I pull out my cell phone and start to dial the number, as my father passes by me a firm tap is places in the center of my forehead. Heat rises to my face as I hold back the grin. That gesture is something meaningful to us Uchiha’s, it’s how we express our love and thanks.
“Thank you for calling Kirin. How may I help you this evening?”
“Yes I would like to make a reservation for 8:30 this evening. Please put it under Uchiha.”
“Absolutely. We look forward to seeing Mr. and Mrs. Uchiha. I’ll make sure to have their table ready Ms. Sarada.”
“Thank you.” The line goes dead and I can’t help but shake my head. My parents rarely go out together but whenever they do, there’s only one place they go. I will never know why they choose that restaurant and I really don’t want to know either. Now I have to go force my mother to get cleaned up and ready for her date with Papa. Smirking as I exit the empty room and bounce down the stairs will a little more energy than earlier.
The kitchen has been cleaned of all traces of a failed candy attempt, the blonde and pinkette are talking about Himawari. It’s been so long since I’ve seen her, my heart aches for a moment before another great idea starts to form. Green eyes glance up to me and a single brow raises at the smirk on my face.
“Mama I suggest you go get ready, Papa is taking you out for the evening. And before you say anything, there’s more than enough time for you to get ready.” My hip pops out and my arms cross against my chest. The smile that spreads on my mother’s face instantly fills my heart with so much warmth that I can’t help but smile as well. It takes her no time to run up and place a kiss on my forehead before she runs upstairs to prepare for her date with Papa. Closing my eyes, I shake my head before a chuckle passes my lips.
As I open my eyes I see Boruto standing in front of me with a smirk on his lips. His arms are crossed over his chest and our eyes are locked onto each other. There are days when I miss being taller than him, but now he towers over my small frame. Stretching on the tips of my toes I places a quick kiss on his cheek before turning to walk away as well.
“Hey!” Boruto quickly comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me to stop my movement. I try to wiggle from his grasp afraid that Papa is going catch us. A scream comes from me as his fingers start to press against my most ticklish spot on my sides, laughter erupts and the sounds echoes through the halls.
“Stop…Boruto…” I can’t help but laugh between each word and it’s getting harder to breath with each laugh. Tears are forming in my eyes again as I finally wiggle free from his tight hold. I gasp in breath before a few coughs come out. A guilty look washes over his face and my heart tightens a little bit.
“Call Himawari and the others. Mama and Papa will be out really late. I figured we could have a movie night in the game room.” A pout forms on his face and I narrow my eyes at him in confusion. Oh…I forgot that Boruto wanted to go eat dinner. My hand moves up to tap his forehead just like my Papa did to me earlier.
“We can go to the burger place right down the street before they come over.” Instantly his mood changes and I’m thrown over his shoulder.
“You need to change those. I mean your cute and all but sweatpants shouldn’t be worn on a date.” As we go towards my room I hear another door open and my father sets his eyes on us. A glint of anger rushes through but then it disappears as my mother joins him in the hallway. Embarrassment washes over me and I try to hide my face in my hands but there’s no point now.
“It’s like looking in the past Sasuke-kun. Have fun you two.” They start to walk past and before Boruto is able to shut the door I yell out to my parents.
“Can I invite people over?”
“Of course Sarada! Just be careful.” The door slams shut and he tosses me back on the bed. I bounce for a moment before I take off running to my closet. My face still feels hot from blushing. I really can’t believe my parents caught us like that, of course they’ve seen the two of together for years now but we try to keep our private moments from them. That’s something I learned from my parents. Even Uncle Naruto tries to keep his affection private but not as strictly as my parents. It’s funny to see Aunt Hinata turn bright red after a simple kiss.
Peeling off my sweats and t-shirt, I decide to wear a pair pf denim shorts and a simple red t-shirt with the Uchiha fan printed on the back. Grandma Mikoto bought this for me last Christmas and it’s one of my favorites. She told me that back in the feudal days every family would wear their symbol on their clothes. Uchiha’s have been around for hundreds of years and the fan hasn’t been lost. Fluffing out my dark locks I look over my outfit and chose a pair of sneakers to finish everything off.
Boruto silently approves and we race out of the house to the sidewalk. The diner is just a few blocks down the road so walking is just the safest option. My hand reaches for his and our fingers intertwine together.
“I called everyone while you were changing. They will be there in an hour or so. Himawari is excited to see you.”
“It’s been so long since I’ve seen Hima. She’s about to start her Junior year right?” Himawari is a perfect mixture of her parents. Since Hima has always been such a kind, loving person it’s no wonder she chose to take a different career path than us. Her decision to be a school teacher didn’t faze us one bit, I remember her being nervous about telling her parents. In the end we reassured her that we wanted her to be happy.
“Yeah, she’s trying to take the maximum classes this semester to possibly graduate early.” That’s not surprising. She’s always been a hard worker and takes studying just as serious as I do. Smirking, I pull him with more force as the diner comes into view.
The owner recognizes us instantly as we make our way to the counter top chairs. Looking back on it now, this is where we had our first “date”. During one of our final weeks in college Boruto brought me here at two in the morning because we were both starving. We’d kept our relationship private for the most part at that point, still testing the waters, so I never really thought of it as anything special. Ever since then this has been our go to place whenever we want quality time away from reality.
Boruto spins in his chair knocking his knees against mine almost painfully. Wincing and rubbing at the sore spot he stops moving and gives me an apologetic look. He’s just like Uncle Naruto when it comes to their favorite food. There was one night when Mama made homemade ramen and Uncle Naruto had almost twenty bowls of it. I’ll never understand his fascination with it, just like I’ll never understand why Boruto almost always orders a burger wherever we go.
“So what’s the plan again? Movies and games?” Shaking my head, the waitress places our food in front of us and he immediately starts to dig in.
“I figured that we deserve to act our age for a little bit. Honestly with everything happening so quickly at work I want to feel normal.” My family’s standards are higher than most, not so much from my parents but from my grandparents and Madara. Ever since high school I’ve devoted all of my spare time into studying to be the best. During my senior year Mama had to threaten me to leave the house and spend time with my friends. I thought it was pointless then but now that’s all I want.
“You know if Inojin and Shikadai come they will bring adult drinks with them.” Taking a bite of my burger I just shrug my shoulders. The only person underage is Hima, so as long as she doesn’t get intoxicated my parents won’t be upset. Although I’ve heard stories about my parents, aunts and uncles back in their college days. If those are true then they have no room to talk.
“Hm…maybe if you drink enough you can win against Inojin on that stupid game.” The perks of my house, Mama and Papa let me convert the space above the garage into a huge game room. Movie screen, arcade games, pool table. It’s one of the main reasons why everyone comes to my house. But the main attraction is the old school Dance Dance Revolution game that my parents found on the internet. Boruto is so clumsy he can’t make it past the first dance, it’s so entertaining to watch him trip.
“Tonight will be the night I beat every single one of you.” He practically shoves the rest of his burger into his mouth and looks at me with a fire in his eyes. So we’re going to have a competition tonight. Seems I know what buttons to push on my dear boyfriend. A smirk forms on my lips as I try to finish my food so he doesn’t get too anxious waiting for me. As soon as I take my last bite Boruto slaps money down on the table top and I’m pulled out of the diner.
Our walk home is speedy, I have to run to keep up with him. It seems I really did push a few buttons back there. As we pass through the gates of the driveway, I double over and try to catch my breath. In the matter of an hour Boruto’s forgotten that I’ve been sick all week and that my body isn’t back to a hundred percent yet. There are two cars in the driveway, the owners are sitting on the step patiently waiting on us to arrive. Cho-Cho and Inojin are looking at something playing on one of their phones.
“About time you two love birds showed up. We thought we were going to wait forever out here.” Cho-Cho huffs as I walk past them to open the front door. I hear the others pull in as we walk through the entryway towards the stairs.
“Oh Sarada! Where can we put this stuff?” Turning my head slowly I see that both of them have bags full of everyone’s personal poison. It seems they were more prepared for this than I was, a finger points towards the kitchen and I take off running up the stairs. At least I got my rest in earlier because it seems that I won’t be getting any tonight.
@kairi-chan I’m sorry for keeping you waiting, I promise the next one will be fluff galore!!! Oh and a SasuSaku chapter is coming up soon too!! Like I mentioned this one is a slow burn but it’s about to pick up. 
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lazuliblur · 7 years
Hello. When I found your blog, I pegged you as someone who had a rather deep understanding of what Team Minato's members were like, based on your posts. I wanna ask you opinion, if you don't mind. Madara's expert brainwashing aside, do you think Obito is weak for giving up what he believed in because of the event of Rin's death? And do you think he is weak for abandoning the Moon's Eye Plan after everything with Naruto?
Hey there! First off, omg! Let me just say that you are a super talented artist and I’m in awe of your expressive style, but I still haven’t quite forgiven you for crushing my heart to bits with those beautiful team Minato drawings of yours from a few days back! ❤
Secondly, ahhhh, I don’t know that my understanding is all that deep. I just love these kids and identify with Obito in a way that I’m not sure is entirely medically advisable, so I also have a very personal opinion about them. You’re welcome to agree or disagree with it. I’d love to hear your own take on the subject!
I don’t really know about weakness/strength. You can define those traits in so many different ways. Strength is most often associated with resillience and steadfastness, but sometimes it takes more strength to change than to remain as you are, so that doesn’t work as a definition. Strength can mean folding and weakness can be standing your ground when change is the preferable action, but who’s to say what’s right or wrong (especially in the Naruto world where every one of these guys, even the so-called cinnamon rolls like Minato, have extremely skewed moral views)? I prefer to think of characters in terms of how good they are at following through with what they believe is right and in terms of how justified/coherent/sensible their reasoning for considering something “right” is. That’s what I’ll consider strength in my answer. That said, let the magic of the read more cut begin because this got long.
Was Obito weak for losing faith in the world after Rin died? Well, let’s face it: Obito is not the most refined thinker. He has a tendency to exaggerate and think of the world in extreme terms. (Uchiha’s “curse of hatred” at work right there. These guys have zero chill, they just feel things too damn much, too damn deep!) Rin’s his best friend, so she’s “his one light in the darkness”. Kakashi and he don’t always get along, so they’re “like water and oil”. The shinobi system is broken, so clearly the only thing to do must be to raze it down to subbasement levels and start anew with something completely different!
When you think about all the things that Obito did after becoming Madara, putting aside for a moment the fact that his deeds were incredibly reprehensible from a moral standpoint, you have to admit that Obito accomplished so much. He was tireless. That was pure strength and unwavering determination. Because Obito is the kind of guy who, once he gets something in his head, follows through with it.
Obito, like Kakashi and every other kid in Konoha in their generation (and those before), was a child soldier. Naruto’s generation, the offspring of these child soldiers, the first to not have to worry about going to war in the history of Konoha, were spoiled by comparison. We have no way of knowing what kind of methods Konoha used to prepare these kids before dumping them in the middle of a battlefield, but it could not have been pretty. (Minato admires A for acting like a “true assassin” ffs!) Indoctrination is a pretty staple procedure, so we can assume that happened. Propaganda is also standard during war time. It helps people feel better about themselves if they paint the enemies that they’re going to have to kill as little more than animals and devils.
My point is that, by the time Obito went out to Kannabi Bridge, Konoha had already sufficiently motivated him to want to change the world and make it a better place. He wanted to do it from within Konoha (by becoming Hokage) because he believed with his whole heart that his village was a good place (see: indoctrination). He also wanted to do this with his friends beside him (when he wakes next to Madara, one of the first things he says is that he’s glad that his teamwork with Kakashi is going to improve now that they share sharingan).
Madara chipped away at Obito’s beliefs and forced him to let go of the rose-tinted lenses with which he perceived Konoha, so that he wouldn’t want to return home or keep the village as it was. Madara made a nihilist out of Obito using nothing but logic. He posed the question: if not for Konoha, would your friends have been in that dangerous situation? And the only answer to that was no. Then Madara used the fact that Obito was accustomed to Konoha asking him to sacrifice himself for the good of others to ask him to do the exact same thing for himself.
In a way, Madara did Obito a favour by breaking him out of that close-minded way of thinking that Konoha could do no wrong. Freedom of thought and child soldiers are not two things that typically go well together, you know? On the other hand, Madara took advantage of the mindset that Konoha had instilled in Obito to get him to do what he wanted without Obito realising it.
I believe that Obito showed strength here. He became convinced that the world needed to be made better and he sacrificed himself – his identity, his nature, his connection to his remaining friends – to make sure that it happened.
Obito was not weak for opening his eyes and seeing the world for what it truly was. He was a little weak in accepting Madara’s Moon’s Eye Plan as the only way to fix it. That was naïve of him. However: he was a child soldier who was just learning to think for himself. It would be unreasonable to expect him to be able to start thinking about everything at once. He had to take baby steps. (Besides, he eventually started to add his own changes to the pre-established plan, diverging from Madara’s orders and showing that he didn’t necessarily agree with everything that Madara said.)
What does that amount to? I don’t know. As far as I’m concerned, he was both strong and weak here, but he went on to build himself into a strong character over this weakness.
Regarding Obito’s abandonment of the Moon’s Eye Plan after Naruto’s Talk no Jutsu… I’ll be honest. I hate that so much that I rage quit the manga when it happened. I only picked it back up because a friend told me that Obito was doing awesome things with Kakashi and that Rin had made some sort of comeback. And, yes, seeing Obito and Kakashi fight side by side one more time was cool, but… it just wasn’t the same. That wasn’t the Obito I’d come to know any more. His character was done a huge disservice at the end there. The overall story’s need to make Naruto the saviour robbed Obito of the ending he deserved. I would have liked Obito to reach a compromise with Naruto et al. that was like “ok, Madara’s methods are messed up, I see that now, but I have valid questions that will be addressed after we’re done taking him out.”
(Because Obito didn’t really like Madara, you can tell. My guess is that Obito would have rathered bring the old man back to life just before casting the genjutsu, so that Madara could have his happy ending, but no chance to interfere with Obito’s plans. At least, he didn’t seem thrilled that Madara was brought back as an Edo Tensei.)
I get why the plot required Naruto’s TnJ to work and I get why Naruto had to be the one who changed Obito’s mind (because he’s the freaking messiah who can never fail!!one), even though Naruto had no connection to Obito and they were nothing alike aside from the fact that they were lonely as children and wanted to be Hokage (FOR TOTALLY DIFFERENT REASONS!!one *ahem*) Kakashi’s the one who should have had that conversation with Obito (and I will forever be salty that Naruto 100% shut down Kakashi’s attempt to do just that when they first unmasked Obito).
I also understand that Obito was emotionally worn down by this point. He sought out Naruto during the 5 Kage meeting to reaffirm his purpose, so, yeah, Obito had doubts and he took that moment to assure himself that he was on the right path. Naruto was too stupid/concerned about Sasuke to realise that this was his chance to have a heart to heart with Obito and talk him out of his plan before anyone else died, and Kakashi was too much of a ninja, focused on his one job – to kill the enemy/protect Naruto – to consider it a possibility. Towards the end, Obito was also tired from fighting Kakashi and dealing with Kabuto. It’s at the moment right before a plan comes together that it is most frail and most susceptible to falling apart.
Anyway, Obito started out the war stronger and more committed than ever before: he had triple checked himself to make sure that his cause was right and no one had been able to deny that the ninja system was messed up. Even the good guys (barring Naruto), while talking amongst themselves, were all kinda “yeah, well, uhm, yeah, someone should do something about that”. Due to the plot’s need to make Naruto look strong, though, Obito had to be made weak, even though this volte face went entirely against his character. You do not spend years committing horrible acts that contradict your nature (Obito’s true nature was kind) because you feel that there is a problem that needs fixing, only to turn around at the last moment and let a 5 minute conversation with a stranger convince you that that issue you were so desperate to correct never needed addressing in the first place.
Bottom line, Obito was a strong character made weak at the very end by shounen plot requirements (though if Fullmetal Alchemist has taught us anything is that you don’t need to sacrifice character to have a satisfying ending and genre is no excuse for poorly executed plot).
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thetoxicstrawberry · 7 years
Thank you @falling-off-midgard for beta reading this for me!  I can’t even express how grateful I am for all  your thoughts and comments. I’ve made it my mission to drag you into this ship eventually.
Summary: An alternate universe in which Madara survives the war and spends his days flirting with irritating the Hokage.
The Price of Atonement
Ch. 1: Limbo
Ch. 2: The Losing End
He should have known better.
When Madara made his request to that dim-witted Hokage, he should have predicted something like this would happen. But he didn’t and he acknowledged it was only due to his own insistence that he ended up in such a mess, but he couldn’t back out. Doing so would give the other man the satisfaction of winning and there were few things Madara hated more than losing.
Hashirama used to tease that Madara wasn’t gifted with natural talent, only pettiness and a stubborn drive for competition, which was mistaken for genius. He disagreed, of course, believing instead that it was a combination of both that drove him to perfection.
He had been this way as far back as he could remember. First with his siblings, who provided him with amusement, but not much contest. Being the eldest by birthright gave him an edge against them, making him the winner in everything from fighting to tree climbing.  It wasn’t until that day by the river that he would find his true rival.  
Against Hashirama, he could finally test his skill. It wasn’t merely the trivial competitions, like rock skipping, that excited him either. It was his desire to impress Hashirama. To be acknowledged by him as an equal. More than an equal.
Growing up during the Warring States Era, there wasn’t much time for praise. Children only found honor in survival, so every bit of approval that Hashirama imparted was a treasure to Madara.
As they grew and the fighting intensified, his competitive nature merged with his desire to protect. Guilt over his inability to save his younger siblings deepened his pursuit of power in an effort to shelter Izuna from the same fate as their siblings.
And when he finally lost Izuna, it left a wound on his heart that never healed. He tried to focus that energy on building the village—the dream that Hashirama and he shared, and for a short time it worked. Until it didn’t anymore. His combative nature morphed into a sick madness which sought to cleanse this world in order to make it anew, with only Hashirama’s strength to challenge that goal.
But all of it was for nothing, he realized. Hashirama was truly gone now. His edo tensei faded into dust. His only competition now was the Rokudaime and, if his tallies were correct, Madara was currently losing. He frowned at that thought, not really certain how the power balance always seemed to skew in favor of the gray-haired nuisance.  
The doors in front of him parted, breaking Madara from his thoughts. A figure hesitated in the entryway for a moment before walking over to greet him. Madara noted the thick scarring across the bridge of his nose and the annoying smile pointed in his direction. He scowled back at him, but wasn’t sure if it was received or muted by the shade of the tree he stood under.  
“Uchiha Madara,” he said. “My name is Umino Iruka. I’m a teacher here at the academy.”
Madara didn’t even brush a glance at his outstretched hand, only defaulted back to his usual unwavering stare. He did, however, notice the slight tremble in the younger man’s voice.
“Okay then,” Iruka said, moving his hands into his pockets to hide his uncertainty. “I hope you haven’t been waiting long. I didn’t realize you were here. One of the kids saw you through the window. They’re really excited to meet you.”
“I’m thrilled,” Madara deadpanned.
“I can see that,” Iruka said, either not noticing his sarcasm or simply ignoring it. “You’ve even dressed up for the occasion.”
“This is my normal attire.”
“Well it’s very…authentic.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Madara growled.
Iruka raised his hands in a show of mercy. “Nothing, nothing. Just that it lends to the period. That’s all. The kids will love it.”
Madara’s eyebrow twitched. Was this little squirrel calling him outdated?!
He hadn’t given much thought to his clothing since he’d been living back in Konoha. In truth, he’d never given much thought to it in general. Always preferring functional over flashy, Madara glanced down at his crimson body armor, and wondered for the first time since his resurrection, if maybe it could use some revision.  
But what would he wear instead? Not that horrid green flak jacket, like the man in front of him was donning now. He sneered at it and hoped the obnoxious tree rodent took notice.
“Authentic,” Madara mumbled. “You must mean well-crafted.”
“Yes, very well-crafted. I can see that. The detail.” The quake in Iruka’s voice increased as he took hold of Madara’s shoulders and gave the metal plates there a slight shake, testing it out. “They don’t make things like they used to, ha ha!”
Iruka stopped when he caught sight of the puzzled disgust on Madara’s face and realized that breaking the touch barrier with him was akin to shoving one’s hands into a badger den. He quickly increased the space between them to a safer distance and cleared his throat.
“We better not keep them waiting any longer.”
Madara rolled his eyes and took a few steps towards the flustered teacher. “Let’s get this over with.”
Flinching slightly, Iruka turned to lead the agitated Uchiha into the academy, trying to forget the danger of having Madara at his back.
As they crossed the threshold, Madara could hear the muffled sounds of voices and shrill laughter tucked behind closed doors. He remembered sitting atop the Hokage mountain with Hashirama as they dreamed together of a day when children could spend their years in a classroom rather than dying on the battlefield. Something warmed inside of him, starting in his middle and worked its way into the back of his throat. At first, he thought it was another chakra attack coming on, but instead it was---satisfaction?
He groaned and Iruka stopped to look at him.
“If this is too much trouble, we can do it another day or I can ask Kakashi…”
“It isn’t that,” Madara snapped. “It was only a passing thought. It would only disappoint the little brats anyway.”
As they entered the classroom, all the chattering stopped as twenty or so tiny heads turned to look at them.
“Okay everyone, our special guest has arrived,” Iruka announced and Madara tensed. “I would like to introduce you to Uchiha Madara, one of the founders of our great village.” He then turned to Madara and said in a lower voice, “I’ll let you take it from here.”  
Iruka nodded at him and moved to the back, as Madara turned to face the quiet intensity of the class. He swallowed and moved his eyes from one corner to the next to take in all the miniature faces focused solely on him. He couldn’t help but notice that the positioning of the desks gave the children the high ground, putting him at a disadvantage.
“Hi,” he said with a short wave, realized the awkwardness of it and rested the hand back at his hip, but that was too cocky, so it moved it to his side. He swallowed again.
“Your Hokage asked me to come speak to you today,” he said and paused, his mind frantically searching for what to say. Why hadn’t he thought to prepare for this ahead of time? “As the squir—Iruka-sensei said, I, along with Senju Hashirama and Tobirama created this village. You probably know them more as the First and Second Hokage.”
From the back, a tiny hand shot up.
“Yes?” Madara said, pointing a gloved finger at the petite pig-tailed girl.
“Were you ever Hokage?” she asked excitedly.
“Oh,” she said, shoulders slumping. “Why not?”
“Politics,” Madara grumbled. “And a meddling younger brother.”
“Your brother didn’t want you to be Hokage?”
“Not my brother,” Madara said. “Hashirama’s.”
“The First Hokage?”  
“The First’s brother, Tobirama. He didn’t want me to be Hokage,” Madara corrected.
“Why?” another child asked.
“How should I know? Tobirama was an uptight obnoxious little di…”
Iruka coughed to cut Madara off.
“Moving on,” Madara said. “As I was saying, before the consecration of the village, shinobi typically belonged to familial units and clans and these clans…”
Another hand shot up.
“Yes, you. What is your question?”
“If you’re, like, a hundred years old, why do you only look fifty?” the boy asked.
“Fifty? You think I look fifty?” Madara twitched and Iruka made a choking sound from behind him. He couldn’t tell if it was mirth or fear for the poor child that dared tell him he looked half a century old. “I will have you know, I was revived so my visage would be during my prime.”
The boy cocked his head, confused. “I don’t know what that means.”
“More like thirty to thirty-five,” Madara sighed.
“That’s still old.”
“That’s not old!” Iruka snapped and then mumbled, “I’m almost thirty.”
“Fair enough,” Madara said, crossing his arms. “Any more questions?”
Eight more hands shot up.
Kakashi swallowed a chuckle. From where he was perched, he had a perfect view of Madara. He hunkered down further when a small laugh slipped through his lips and he hoped it wasn’t heard through the open window.
He was surprised to admit this outcome hadn’t been one he’d expected. He’d figured ten minutes tops before the children would have riled Madara enough that he stormed out of the classroom and marched towards the Hokage office to accost him in one fiery ball of bushy haired rage.
Kakashi had predicted that Madara would arrive to the academy puffed up and annoyed, if he even showed up at all. He never thought Madara would address the children with mild-mannered patience, or even more shocking, uncertainty.  
This side of Madara was new and Kakashi wondered if this was the Madara that Hashirama had placed so much faith in. Not the mentally unhinged man he had fought during the fourth Shinobi war, but the one who set his pride aside to ally with an enemy in order to protect the future.
“Has he murdered anyone yet?”
Kakashi flinched at the sound of Sasuke’s voice beside him. He had been so busy listening, he hadn’t heard his approach.
“Surprisingly, no.”
Sasuke shrugged and leaned into the building. “I suppose there is still time.”
“He’s good with them,” Kakashi said. “The children, I mean.”
“I thought he hated kids.”
“Me too,” agreed Kakashi. “Last week, I had to explain to him that I couldn’t execute children for disrespect. It makes me wonder how much of Madara’s behavior is simply posturing.”
The younger Uchiha grinned. “Without his chakra, everything he does is bravado.”
“Be careful, Sasuke, and never forget who he is. It’s still too soon to let your guard down.”
“Hmph,” he snorted. “I know that. Even without power, he’s still a crafty bastard.”
“Yes, he is.” Kakashi returned his gaze back to the classroom just in time to see a small smile play across Madara’s face.
The final bell rang and the kids poured out of the academy door. Madara followed not far behind them with Iruka close at his heels.
“It is true what you said about the Second?” he asked.
“Even the part where...”
“All of it is true,” Madara said and then groaned when he caught sight of the Hokage.
“We really need to do this again sometime.” Iruka was still talking, but Madara had tuned him out the second he laid eyes on Kakashi, hands in his pockets, standing in the same spot he had occupied earlier. “I’ll talk to the other teachers. I’m sure they’d love for you to come speak to their students too.”
“Did you enjoy the show?” Madara asked smoothly.
“I did,” Kakashi said, shutting his eyes in a quick smile. “I’m thinking about giving you your own class to teach.”
“I would sooner smother you in your sleep before I let that happen,” Madara sneered.
“Who says I sleep?”
“Kakashi-sama,” Iruka said. “Thank you again for setting this up. The kids enjoyed having a real life historical figure teach them about the past. Next time, maybe we could hold an assembly.”
“You can leave now,” Madara ordered.
Iruka paused for a moment and looked to Kakashi for guidance.
“Come by my office tomorrow. We can talk about it then.”
Iruka bowed and thanked them again, before he walked back into the school, the earlier bounce in his step gone.  
As soon as he retreated, Madara turned and asked, “How long were you watching?”
“Long enough to see the great Madara blush in front of classroom full of kids. I never expected you to be so shy.”
Madara made a sound that was almost a laugh. “You thought you had bested me.”
“I’ll try harder next time.”
“I’m sure you’re already planning my next great adventure.”
The way Madara was looking at him, with half narrowed eyes, Kakashi thought he almost looked amused. There was a slight bit of mischief behind his gaze and Kakashi wondered if Madara simply enjoyed defiance.  
“I have some ideas in mind. Naruto offered to help keep you occupied.”
“No, absolutely not,” Madara said. “I refuse to engage in any activity that requires the orange annoyance.”
“You shouldn’t have told me that, Dara-chan.”
This time he did laugh and shot Kakashi a full smile. “Oh, just remember, my dear Hokage, you really do have to fall asleep sometime.”
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Something Tender
A shark's lifecycle was riddle with violence. From the moment of conception and through birth all the way to the end. There was no room for weakness. Nature's very own perfect killing machines. Kisame took pride in this knowledge. Kisame was not supposed to care for anyone. He was a weapon. A weapon who could not afford the luxury of allowing themselves to become vulnerable to anyone. Caring about someone meant weakness and weakness meant compromise. The Kiri nin did not compromise and Kisame didn't either.
Until Itachi.
There was no compromise there only solid devotion that had snuck up on Kisame like the plague. He wondered when things had gone from reluctant partners to unwavering loyalty. He wondered what this meant for him.
There were not many things in the world that Kisame was certain of. He could not afford to put his faith in many things. Not with the Akatsuki, not with Pein and certainly not with Madara. And for sometime, he thought Itachi was also included in that list of those he could not put his trust in. Yet the Uchiha surprised him; Kisame was not accustomed the surprises.
Extraction missions tended to be dull. Often the Akatsuki's spies would be killed before they could reach their mark or turned on their employers. It certainly didn't do much for business and Kisame had made a habit of guessing which of the Akatsuki's spies were snitches. He tended to be right when he guessed, able to see the weakness in their eyes.
There was a man who they were supposed to get the information from. He was short. Shorter than Itachi at least and scrawny with big hands that were veiny and nails that were chipped and dirty. He was also incredibly difficult and rude. Not that either Kisame or Itachi were expecting anything less. They had met up with the man to discuss details over the location of weapons that Madara had been interested in. The man was their fence and had a reputation for being difficult. Kisame never had the patience for vague answers and was ready to leave or kill the fence. As expected, he was just as annoying at ever.
"Do you at least have a location for us?" Kisame bit out in annoyance and the man scowled at him, beady eyes watery and frustrated. Same old song and dance. The man-who Kisame had not bothered to learn the name of crossed his arms over his chest.
"You can't expect me to be giving this out for free, do you?" He replied, voice like oil. Itachi nearly sighed and instead fixed the man with an unimpressed stare.
"You are one of the Akatsuki's fences. I would expect you to at least put in the effort." Itachi responded coolly. If the man gave no noteworthy information, they would simply move on. Madara would not be pleased but they would at least be able to continue on their travels. The man turned his gaze to Itachi and looked him up and down.
"There's a lot of people out there who would appreciate these locations." He drawled and Kisame nodded while Itachi simply stared. "And there will be offers that even the Akatsuki might not be able to match."
"So you're saying you would screw the Akatsuki over for a better deal." Kisame concluded while the man shook his head quickly.
"No no not at all. I can give you the details it will just cost extra."
"How much extra?" Itachi asked, knowing Kakuzu would not be thrilled with it. Kisame crossed his arms over his chest and the man stared hard at the Uchiha. "You honestly expect our employers to be happy that you are going back on a deal? I am sure our Leader will not be happy with you."
"I'm sure we can come to an arrangement." The man offered and Kisame narrowed his eyes at the suggestion and Itachi regarded him in disinterest. He did not like the look in the man's eye or what he was saying. It was time to move on now. He looked towards Kisame and nodded to the road. Kisame however had not looked away from the man, fix beady eyes narrowed slightly.
"I'd like to hear what he's offering, Itachi-san." Kisame suggested lightly and Itachi reluctantly looked back towards the man who suddenly looked excited. Itachi nodded for the man to continue.
"You might as well speak quickly. I'm beginning to lose interest in speaking with you." Itachi commented, glancing towards the road. The weather was beginning to turn and Itachi was ready to get moving. The man glanced once more at Kisame who had fixed him with an intense stare as if eager to hear what the fence had to offer. This seemed to give the man confidence because he looked back at Itachi.
"We could at least put that pretty mouth of yours to use. Seeing how you have nothing else to offer." The man replied with a growl and Itachi gave no indication that he even heard him, although he felt Kisame tense at his side.
"We'll be alerting Pein-sama about your inability to actually do your job." Itachi stated, turning away from the man. "You should expect to hear from him soon." Kisame did not budge, still staring at the fence who sneered, obviously annoyed that some kid was disregarding him. Some punk ass kid was looking at him as if he were vermin. Well, that would not do.
"You better run boy. It would be a mighty shame if me or one of my boys decided to come pay you a visit one night." The man's lips were curled back, his teeth gleaming, but Itachi kept walking. Kisame stopped walking, red flashing before his eyes.
"You mind repeating that?" Kisame's voice was rough and terse as if he were trying to keep his temper under control. Itachi turned and looked to him, eyes narrowed as a silent order for him to calm down. The man scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, eyes darting from Kisame and to Itachi as if he felt the tension in the air. He seemed to have realized that he had treaded a little too far and could feel the thickness in the air.
"Look, I didn't mean anything by it." He began, hands coming up in defense. One of his nails was jagged, dirt coating underneath. Kisame thought the dirt suited him quite nicely.
"Oh? Then what did you mean?" Kisame demanded while Itachi quietly called his name. Kisame ignored him however and took a step towards the fence.
"Look, I-" The man sounded almost panicked as he stumbled back, Kisame advanced forward with a slow swagger. It was the hunt before the kill, and Kisame was on the prowl. Some stupid little fish had decided to take a bite at one of Kisame's own...that would not do...that would not do at all. Before Itachi could say anything Kisame had reached the man and Itachi heard the man shriek and a crack before the kiri nin released the man, stepping back as he fell face down onto the ground. Itachi stared at the fence for a long moment.
"We were not suppose to kill him." Itachi quietly stated, staring at Kisame's back. "Leader-sama will not be happy." Kisame did not face him.
"He insulted you." The elder said as if it were the simplest thing in the world, and perhaps for him it was. Itachi shook his head. Kisame's voice was devoid of emotion, as he stated the simple fact. If Itachi were anyone else, he would have squirmed at that eerie tone, instead the Uchiha released a small noise of understanding.
"Kisame, that's not-" He began only for Kisame to finally turn and face him, expression severe.
"He shouldn't have talked about you like that." There was such conviction in his voice and it stunned Itachi. Kisame's eyes were like burning coal, fierce as the studied Itachi. The Uchiha was stunned by the raw emotion in them.
"Kisa-" Itachi began again but his partner cut him off.
"I know...you don't like me killing people and all that shit, but I could hardly let this asshole walk away after what he said. No one talks to you like that and gets to just walk away. I din't care who they are." Itachi stared as Kisame kicked the body over. The kiri nin knelt down and reached for the man's pockets, drawing out several items.
"Thank you." Itachi finally managed and Kisame turned to him, offering him a small smile, that gave him an almost tender expression. No one had defended Itachi like this before and it sent a warm feeling blooming in the Uchiha's chest.
"I have the locations here." Kisame held up the fence's papers. "We can get them back to the hideout." They didn't speak of the incident again, but Kisame lightly nudged the Uchiha as they trekked back down the wooded trail. Itachi shot Kisame a small smile, barely noticeable but leaving Kisame feeling like it was all worth it.
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20+ Most Badass Quotes from Anime & Manga
20+ Most Badass Quotes from Anime & Manga
Attack on Titan Badass Quote
Background: The wall which protects man-eating titans from people have been breached and everyone in the city needs to evacuate to the inner walls in order to be saved. One of the exits is blocked by a huge cargo belonging to an influential middle aged guy (let’s call him “the rich guy”), making the crowd impossible get past. The rich guy has bodyguards and is bullying around the common people to help him push the cargo as “this cargo is worth more than you could ever make in your whole pathetic lives”.
The crowd asks the soldiers to arrest the rich guy, but they are too scared as the rich guy knows their boss. They didn’t want to get into any trouble. As all this commotion is going on, a titan appears in the corner and everyone is scared sheetless, there is utter chaos and people start pushing the cargo to escape getting eaten.
Mikasa, one of the soldiers, comes to the rescue and kills the titan in one quick moment.
Mikasa (noticing that people haven’t evacuated yet): “What do you think you’re doing?”
The rich guy: “Good timing! You! Make them help me out! I’ll reward you handsomely!”
Mikasa(shocked and disgusted) : “My comrades are dying as we speak. The noncombatants haven’t evacuated yet, so they’re fighting the titans and dying.”
The rich guy: “That’s only natural! It’s your duty to offer up your hearts to protect us civilians and our wealth! Dont get all high and might just because you parasites have finally emerged from 100 years of uselessness!”
-Badass mode on-
Mikasa: “If you think its only natural that people die for others, then I’m sure you’ll understand. Sometimes, sacrificing one precious life can save many others”
The rich guy: “Just you try it. I’ve known your boss for a long time. You’re just a grunt. I can tell him to end you!”
Mikasa: “But how is a corpse going to tell him anything?”
The rich guy (stammering): “P-pull out the cargo…”
Nnoitra (Espada) Bleach Badass Quote
“So you’re one of those. The kind of hero who thinks if your girl’s safe you actually have a shot at taking me down? Well I have news for you.” – Nnoitra (Espada #5)
This is said in response to Ichigo saying “let Orihime go”.
It’s one of the best quotes from a villain especially.
Donquixote Doflamingo Badass Quote (One Piece)
“Pirates are evil? The Marines are righteous? These terms have always changed throughout the course of history! Kids who have never seen peace and kids who have never seen war have different values! Those who stand at the top determine what’s wrong and what’s right! This very place is neutral ground! Justice will prevail, you say? But of course it will! Whoever wins this war becomes justice!”
It’s quite a deep sentiment for a shonen manga.
One Outs Badass Quote
“Winning is about making your opponents lose, making them taste defeat, crushing a fallen opponent, kicking them when they’re down, rubbing salt into a gaping wound. Winning is about trampling over corpses. It’s not beautiful, it’s BRUTAL“
Vegeta’s Pride Badass Quote
Vegeta: You can take control of my mind and my body, but there is one thing a Saiyan always keep… his PRIDE!
DBZ: Goku & Vegeta Badass Quotes
Omega Shenron: Where are the other two? Gogeta: The Saiyans? They’re here. I am they. We are one. Unfortunately for you Omega.
For me the most badass quote from an anime would be from,
Fairy Tail’s Badass Quotes
“Though our paths may have diverged, you must continue to live out your life with all your might, you must never consider your own life to be something insignificant, and you must never forget about your friends for as long as you live”
Whenever a Mage wishes to leave Fairy Tail
Hitotsu: You must never reveal sensitive information about Fairy Tail to others for as long as you live.
Futatsu: You must never use former contacts met through your being in the guild for personal gain.
Mittsu: Though our paths may have diverged, you must continue to live out your life with all your might, you must never consider your own life to be something insignificant, and you must never forget about your friends for as long as you live
Still gives me goosebumps whenever I hear it. You will feel different emotions of every character who spoke of it as it really comes from the heart.
That’s all folks, I hope you liked it. ^^
Source: Google.
Bleach: Aizen Badass Quote
Aizen Souske to Hirako Shinji (Bleach) “All living creatures place their faith in someone more powerful than them and they cannot survive unless they blindly follow that person. The recipient of that faith then seeks out someone in an even higher position in order to escape from the pressure. That person then seeks out someone even more powerful that he must put his faith in. In this way all kings are born and in this way all Gods are born. Do not believe in me yet, Hirako Shinji for now I shall slowly teach you who the God is that you will put your faith in. Believing in me comes after that.”
Nanatsu No Taizai Badass Quote
When it comes to being a badass no one can come close to quotes made by Escanor from Nanatsu No Taizai:
To the Vampire King( actual introduction of escanor before galan fight): “In this realm, Kings such as you are as numerous as grains of sand.. but I am no such thing. I am an existence unlike any other in this world.”
To Estarossa : “My mighty attacks can not reach thee? Who decided that ? My Sun was swallowed by the speck of your darkness .. and who decided that ? … The only one who gets to decide such things is me……..be gone..”
To Ban = “Acting calm and composed is the privilege of the mighty”
And the list can go on and on. Any word coming from the Sin of Pride is the very definition of badass.
One piece: Roronoa Zoro Badass Quote
How has this not written yet??
This from the future greatest swordsman Zoro in the one piece world, one of the many who have eaten the badass badass no mi
To monet at punk hazard
Z: You talked so big but you’re taking so much time , now I have to leave
M: what is going on ? I thought he won’t cut women
Z: You should have ran the moment you thought you couldn’t beat me , of course there are things that even I don’t want to cut
* insert the demonic smile*
But have you ever seen a wild ferocious beast that you were sure wouldn’t bite , because I …… haven’t
While an amazing ost goes on in the background
Rurouni Kenskin Badass Quote
There are plenty of badass anime quotes out there, but these two are my personal favorites:
The strong shall live, the weak shall perish.
– Shishio Makoto (Rurouni Kenshin)
If you want death, come forward.
– Kenshin Himura (Rurouni Kenshin)
Full Metal Alchemist Badass Quotes
I love this one by Edward Elric from FMA:
“You’ll have to decide for yourself. Walk on your own. Move forward. You’ve got a strong pair of legs, Rose. You should get up and use them.”
Hachiman Badass Quotes
Its not as badass… But the depth will kill you…
“I  hate nice girls. Just exchanging greetings with them will get them on  your mind. Start texting each other, and your heart will be set a  flutter. If they call you, you’re done for. Enjoy staring at your logs  and grinning like a fool. However, I won’t get fooled again. That’s what  your kind calls kindness. If you’re nice to me, you’re nice to others. I  always end up nearly forgetting that. Reality is cruel, so I’m sure  lies are a form of kindness. Thus, I say kindness itself is also a lie. I  always ended up with these expectations. And I always ended up with  these misunderstandings. And before I knew it, I stopped hoping. A  highly trained loner is once bitten, twice shy. As a veteran on this  battlefield of life, I’ve gotten used to losing. That’s why I always  hate nice girls.”
-Hachiman (Yahari Ore No Seishun Love Come Wa Machigatteiru)
Code Geass Badass Quote
There are quite a few badass quote. And most of them is from Code Geass. The one I will listing down below are from Code Geass only.
“If the king does not lead, how can he expect his subordinates to follow?“
“You can’t change the world without getting your hands dirty.”
“Before creation there must be destruction. If my soul stands in the way, then I’ll toss it aside. Yes, I have no choice but to move forward.“
And the ultimate on: Yes, from this day, from this moment on, the world belongs to me. Lelouch vi Britannia commands you, obey me, subject! Obey me, world!”
Lelouch vi Britannia _/\_ Most badass character in Anime.
Naruto Badass Quotes
This one is from Naruto.. a famous one by PAIN ..
  “You have your justice, and I have mine. We are both ordinary men driven to seek vengeance under the banner of justice. However, if there is justice in vengeance, then justice will only breed more vengeance. And trigger a cycle of hatred”
That Obito in guise of Uchiha Madara made this soliloquy while fighting i forgot with whom is absolutely a badass one. His audacity and boldness made me shiver when i came across this page in naruto shippuuden manga.
“I’m not going there to die. I’m going there to find out if I’m really alive.”
– Spike Spiegel (Cowboy bebop) *This one really hit me hard*
“Slice up those cow tits of yours and make me a sandwich!”
– Beatrice (Umineko no naku koro ni)
Black Lagoon Badass Quote
“I’m the best there is at what I do. What I do best isn’t very nice.”
– Balalaika (Black lagoon)
“Sorry. It is difficult to remember those who came to power through money rather than skill. Better write your name on a dollar bill so I don’t forget it.”
– Balalaika (Black lagoon)
Umineko no naku koro ni Badass Quote
“Humans are pitiful beings, walking forward their backs to the future gazing at the past. This is why they fail to notice the simplest pitfalls and stumble tragically and comically.”
– Bernkastel (Umineko no naku koro ni)
“The only difference between a hero and a madman is whether they win or lose.”
– Lambdadelta (Umineko no naku koro ni)
“When a person lies, what is important is not the lie itself. No, it is their reason. Their why.”
– Holo (Spice and wolf)
Psycho Pass Badass Quote
“If the being casting judgement is perfect, then it has to judge itself as well.”
– Saiga Jouji (Psycho pass)
“When a man faces fear, his soul is tested. What he was born to seek; what he was born to achieve…his true nature will become clear.”
– Shogo Makishima (Psycho pass)
“It’s not the final judgement of ‘good’ and ‘evil’ that’s important. What matters is that you come to that decision yourself. That you agonize over it and eventually accept it.”
– Akane Tsunemori (Psycho pass)
“If I like it, it’s Yuri.”
– Me, in a manga drawn by Morishima Akiko for Yuri Hime magazine in 2007.
By saying this in a Japanese manga, I established myself as an arbiter of an entire genre in two countries. (Yes, I really said that. I was joking, but I did say that.)
Code Geass Badass Quote
This one is from Code Geass:
I am Zero, the one who will crush the world…and the one who will recreate the world anew!
Azien Sosuke from Bleach – Badass Quote
Since The Beginning, no one has ever stood in the heavens, neither you, nor I, not even God himself, but that emptiness in the throne of heaven will be filled from this day forth, i will be the one to stand in the heavens. Aizen Sosuke (Bleach)
Itachi Uchiha – Badass Quote
“People live their lives bound by what they accept as correct and true. That’s how they define “reality”. But what does it mean to be “correct” or “true”? Merely vague concepts… their “reality” may all be a mirage. Can we consider them to simply be living in their own world, shaped by their beliefs?”“
Bakemonogatari -Badass Quote
“The fake is of far greater value. In its deliberate attempt to be real, it’s more real than the real thing.”
Kaiki Deishuu, possibly my most favorite anime character ever.
Nothing philosophical, nothing pretty, nothing superfluous. Just badass Kenshiro talking badass.
Bleach Badass Quote
This is one of my favourites by Kyoraku in Bleach:
“Once a war breaks out, both sides are evil”A cool picture from the manga:
Hellsing Badass Quote
“Now then, let’s go and die like mangy dogs. Let’s die while yelling “Fuck, Fuck!” as we take gut shots. As we writhe in agony.” – Pip Bernadotte, leader of mercenary group ‘Wild Geese’, from anime; HellsingHere’s another one; by the same guy “Face it, this room will be our tomb; the mansion our gravestone; and our gravekeeper will be that cast-iron bitch Integra. And our epitaph? “Here lies the fearsome Wild Geese who kicked beaucoup Nazi ass for queen and crumpets.” But they won’t write any of that. Because of you it’ll say: “Here lies those gutless pussies that died pissing themselves and screaming like schoolgirls.”
Anime Badass, AnimeBadass.com
Shanks from One Piece Badass Quote
Listen up,
You can pour drinks on me,
You can throw food at me…
You can even spit on me.
I’ll just laught that stuff off.
Good reason or not..
Nobody hurts a friend of mine!
– Shanks from One Piece
Mewtwo. The Real legendary Badass Quote
Also, he probably inspired Bale (as Batman).
“When one person is cursed, two graves are dug” – From Jigoku Shoujo (Hell Girl)
One Piece is full of of Badass Quotes
Destiny… fate… dreams… These unstoppable ideals are held deep in the heart of man. As long as there are people who seek freedom in this life, these things will not vanish from the earth. “King of the Pirates” Gold Rog
Shanks: Now that you’ve drawn your pistol, are you willing to use it? Pistols aren’t for threats they’re for actions.
Shanks: Listen up… You can pour drinks on me, you can throw food at me… You can even spit on me. I’ll just laugh that stuff off. But… Good reason or not… Nobody hurts a friend of mine!!!
More One Piece Badass Quotes
“When do you think people die? When they are shot through the heart by the bullet of a pistol? No. When they are ravaged by an incurable disease? No. When they drink a soup made from a poisonous mushroom!? No! It’s when… they are forgotten.” -Dr. Hiriluk
*People don’t fear god, fear itself is god* –Enel 
Pirates are evil!!? The Marines are righteous!!? These terms have always changed throughout the course of history…!!! Kids who have never seen peace and kids who have never seen war have different values!!! Those who stand at the top determine what’s wrong and what’s right! This very place is neutral ground!!! Justice will prevail, you say!? But of course it will!!! Whoever wins this war becomes justice!!! ~ Donquixote Doflamingo
“Miracles only occur for those with the determination to never stop trying!” -Emporio Ivankov
Sanji: A man forgives a woman’s lies.
*When the world shoves you around, you just gotta stand up and shove back. It’s not like somebody’s gonna save you if you start babbling excuses.* –Zoro
Zoro: “You want to kill me? You couldn’t even kill my boredom!
Luffy: You think risking your own life is enough? Try risking our lives along with yours! WE’RE YOUR FRIENDS!
Nami: (to herself, in a panic) This is bad! I can’t escape like this! Luffy, hurry up and take down Eneru! Wait…what if the ship falls from the sky when Eneru gets defeated? No, if we don’t stop Eneru, the Sky Island will be gone for good! What should I do?! (aloud, to Luffy)What should we do, Luffy? We… Luffy: (tosses Nami his hat) Quit yapping! Nami: But… Luffy: You are the future Pirate King’s friend, so stop being such a worrier!
Eneru: Pirate King? What country does he rule? Luffy: He is the king of the greatest sea in the world! Eneru: That doesn’t sound half bad…Let’s finish this in the sky.
“Dying is not repaying a debt!!! That’s not what he saved you for!!! Only weak men would die after someone spared their lives!” ~Luffy
  “I dont want to conquer anything.. I just think that the guy with the most freedom in this whole ocean .. is the Pirate King!” Monkey D. Luffy 
“We’re pirates you know!! I love heroes, but I don’t want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!!” ~Luffy
And last but not least —
“Crocodile, your ass is grass!” Luffy
Naruto Badass Quotes
Madara’s words about war:
“Listen… In this world, whenever there is light, there are also shadows. As long as the concept of winners exist, there must also be losers. The selfish desire of wanting to maintain peace causes wars and hatred is born to protect love.“
And, of course, there is Obito/Kakashi: “Those who break the rules are scum, that’s true, but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum.”
And Itachi’s words about true nature of a person: “We are humans, not fish. We don’t know what kind of people we truly are until the moment before our deaths. As death comes to embrace you, you will realise what you are. That’s what death is, don’t you think?“
Nagato about Pain: “Those who do not understand true pain can never understand true peace.”
And best of all, we have Naruto: “I’m not gonna run away and I never go back on my word, that is mynindō!My ninja way!”
Read it from the source: https://animebadass.com/20-most-badass-quotes-from-anime-manga/
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