#Mitsuru's dad has got it going on~
bigboobshaunt · 5 months
Mitsuru's dad is so hot I went cross-eyed
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symphonic-scream · 2 months
My shitty Persona 6 idea
(self indulgent)
So the main idea is, all persona users have gone missing. SEES, Investigation Team, Phantom Thieves. All disappeared one night. (In the future by a decent amount)
The story starts five years later. A teen boy living on his own is on his way to school, leaving his small apartment to take the train. Light flashes through the windows, time seems to slow, and his head aches. Then, all is normal
But. As he's walking, people are staring. Following. He gets chased into an alley, where the world seems to warp around him and the people following him become shadows. A voice calls out to him, telling him to Wake Up, and he gets his persona. He opens his eyes and they glow, and after the fight, a woman approaches him with a dog at her side, a cat on her shadows
It's Nanako! She's an adult! Koromaru barks from beside her, and Morgana, from her shoulders, explains the basics and that they need to leave
Nanako explains that this kid is the last one she's been trying to find, and asks him if he'd like to help rescue his parents and save the world. He pauses, petting Koro, but agrees
And she takes him to a private academy, owned by the Kirijo group, and he gets a dorm and reunites with younger siblings he lost track of in the system. He meets some friends and goes to the basement after school to learn about the mission and stuff and meet the team
The woman leading the program? Sae Niijima. Nanako Dojima is able to stay awake in the Slumber, which is the persona world in this, so she's their Guide. She has been tracking the kids of the old persona users down with Sae, and taking care of Koromaru and Morgana
Edit; I FORGOT TO MENTION!!! Teddie is the velvet room attendant! He's got no memories and can't leave until the protag reaches the end of his journey. All he knows is that he has to leave
That's the concept. Under the cut are my ideas for the team
So. Here are my Persona Users!
It's a team of 10. Cause I say so. Three third year students, five second years, and one first year. Then, their "mascot", a Kirijo Group ward who somehow fused with their persona. As in they're half human half cognition
I'll go down in age order, the Protag's name will be in green so it's easier to recognize which one is him
Yakuya Takeba, Third Year student. Son of Yukari and Mitsuru
[name meaning: evening, amber, to carry on]
Yakuya is the oldest of the group. He's been under a ton of stress as the defacto proprietor of the Kirijo group, but since getting the support of Sae and Nanako, he's been able to kick back a bit
He's got honey brown hair, which he keeps just long enough for a little ponytail. It's pretty straight. Dark brown eyes. He's extremely fashionable, softboy core. Cardigans, slacks, he looks good. Always.
Yakuya is their leader on the ground in the Slumber. He's a fast thinker, very intelligent, but he's extremely dense. He says things and the others just. Stare at him. Cause there is no way he doesn't get the joke there. Right?
Ukiwa Narukami, Third Year student. Daughter of Yu and Yosuke
[name meaning: love, hope, peace]
Ukiwa has been living with Nanako since her dads went missing. She's been on this mission the longest, been able to stay awake in the Slumber the longest, most in tune with her persona
Messy silver hair, she's dyed her tips orange. Just reaches her shoulders. Big grey eyes, a very squishable face. Tactical fashion. She's more worried about finding her parents than looking nice. Pockets everywhere
Ukiwa is very focused on the mission. It's all she really thinks about. She was a huge daddy's girl for Yosuke, used to smile so big. Now she's just, so desperate to get them back. She doesn't get on the others for wanting to do things and have fun, but she won't join in. If she's not working in the basement area, she's working out or looking at old photos
Shinji Sanada, Third Year student. Son of Akihiko, and Kotone and Aigis
[name meaning: named after Shinjiro Aragaki]
He's biologically Akihiko and Kotone's son, and was split custody between Aki, and Kotone and Aigis. Shinji knows about Shinjiro, and warmly refers to him as his second father
Shinji keeps his hair shaved short. Clippers with a number 3 across his whole head. The fuzz is dark brown. Grey eyes. He looks big and bulky, and wears big hoodies with anime characters on them
He's the mom friend. Loves caring for people, it's his way of showing he cares. He's the party's main healer because of this! Between a stressed out Yakuya and a too dedicated Ukiwa, he's always pulling someone out of their dorm to eat. He makes sure the second years and first year aren't being pushed too hard
Hirohide Okumura, Second Year student. Son of Makoto and Haru
[name meaning: vast, outstanding]
Our protagonist. He has two younger siblings that have been living with Sae, but he got lost in the system. He's been bouncing around homes across Japan for five years, and has been a loner. He's eager to bring his family back together. His velvet room is House of Mirrors themed
Hiro has Makoto's leather jacket, and wears it whenever it's not too hot. He even wears it with his uniform. He looks like a mini Makoto, too. Red eyes, mused up brown hair. He's got a few piercings in his ears, wears a wallet chain and dark clothes, but has a bracelet with blue, pink, purple, yellow, and grey beads to represent his family members (purple and yellow are his siblings)
Hirohide has what I'm calling "resting Makoto face". A bit of a pouty frown, always looks kinda mad or like he's thinking too hard. But he's hella snarky. All of his dialogue options are snappy or snarky or just. Sarcastic.
Satoma Kujikawa, Second Year student. Son of Rise, Naoto, and Kanji
[name meaning: wisdom, defend]
Older twin. Biologically Rise and Kanji's. There is a third Kujikawa sibling, too young to help out. Satoma goes by he/they actually, and lives for the moment cause that's what their parents would want
Satoma has wavy brown hair, sort of the short long where it barely passes his ears, and dyes blue and purple highlights in it. To represent their dads. Grey eyes, needs glasses. Bro cannot dress well. Closet of cargo shorts, graphic tees with poorly translated phrases, and the loudest collared shirts
He's a total goofball. Doesn't think before he acts, has the most fun of anyone you've ever met. Cooks really well, can sew, epic cleaner, but he's in the chat asking who wants to push him down the big hill in a giant tire cause he got bored
Meika Kujikawa, Second Year student. Daughter of Rise, Naoto, and Kanji
[name meaning: bright, beautiful]
Younger twin. Bio parents are Rise and Kanji, but she was always closest with Papa Naoto. She's the top mark holder for the second year students, but she's usually daydreaming in class, or absent for other school activities or missions reasons
Meika looks remarkably like Rise, but she wears her hair in one ponytail. Well, before she dyed her hair dark blue/black. She also needs glasses, but can't keep track of them. Overalls wearer, but baggy and one strap down. Hoodie underneath, an older Risette tour hoodie she found in her parents' room
She's a bit floaty. When it matters most, she's able to keep up and get them out of tough situations, but otherwise it's hard to tell where her head is. She's also in the most clubs, and doing something at all times. She's in band, she's on student council, she plays tennis- it's like she's trying to keep herself distracted
Momori Amagi, Second Year student. Daughter of Yukiko and Chie
[name meaning: peach, orchid]
Middle Amagi daughter, but the oldest can't assist cause she got hella hurt and is recovering in the hospital. Momori is more determined to help, to make sure she's the last of the three to have to fight
Momori has very dark hair, nearly black, kept in A very neat braid. Warm brown eyes, and a few little freckles across her face. Stompy sneaks, fun printed skirts, and soft sweaters with mock collars on them
So loud. Big personality. Explosive, even. Moving always, very physical with her friends, she's always picking people up or latching onto them in big hugs, or tackling them. She is thinking of going into nursing after her big sister got hurt
Kyoai Suzui, Second Year student. Daughter of Ann and Shiho
[name meaning: fragrance, affection]
Kyoai is somewhat lucky, she still has one of her mom's around. Shiho still has to walk with a single crutch or cane, and struggles without Ann. But she's trying, for Kyoai and her son. Kyoai doesn't want to stress her mom anymore, so she hasn't told her she's trying to find her Mama
Her hair is a dirty blonde, real silky and fluffy, in a stylish bob. Dark eyes, a lil beauty mark by the right edge of her smile. Athletic wear central. Shorts over athletic leggings, tanks and jerseys and team shirts
She's the second in command for the chaos unit. She hates to worry her mom, doesn't want to make things worse for her, but she's also the first to volunteer for Satoma's ideas. She often makes suggestions that make them worse, even
Tatsuoki Sakamoto, First Year student. Son of Joker and Ryuji
[name meaning: to achieve, heart]
The youngest of the group, born sickly, it's Tatsuoki. He's been living with Mama Sakamoto, visiting with a torn up Sojiro. He used to be very close with Sumire and Futaba, since they were his godparents. He's the Navi of the group, and more tech-aligned than the others
Messy dark brown hair, half his head is dyed red, and dark eyes. He's got Ryuji's big smile, and Joker's eye for chaos. Gamer shirts. So many gamer shirts. Leblanc themed windbreaker, a casual pants boy, paint splattered shoes
Total agent of chaos. Drinks coffee a little too much, but he's often joining in with Satoma and Kyoai, to distract himself from missing everyone. Has the most joyous laugh you've ever heard
Atsurou, Ward of the Kirijo Group.
[name meaning: genuine, bright]
More info coming
Also I'll totally post more if y'all want it
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twilightknight17 · 7 months
Today on P3R
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Also we take exams I guess.
Turns out Ikutsuki is not going to help me study alone, he’s going to wrangle everyone into one big study group. Dunno how effective the studying is when he and Junpei get into a pun-off, but whatever. It’s nice to have everyone together and not fighting.
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...This is on my exam? For real? This school, man…
Once exams are over, we make plans to go do something fun. While Yukari leaves to get Fuuka, Junpei and I have a little chat.
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I love that you can play Minato as a completely oblivious airhead. But I do not.
On our way outside, Ikutsuki introduces us to our new dorm-mate, Ken, who will be staying with us over the summer. He has potential, so he might be a good candidate for joining SEES!
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...Ikutsuki, recruiting teenagers with attitude is one thing, but you’re crossing the line towards “child soldiers”, my guy. I know Wild Cards have awakened at age 7, but they didn’t actually have to do stuff til they were 16 or 17!
He’s gonna be staying in the dorm, so we’re not allowed to mention shadows or fighting or whatever in front of him. Even though Ikutsuki just mentioned “the potential” in front of him. Akihiko also looked really uncomfortable around him, and it’s clear he knows Ken somehow, so… Yeah.
Ikutsuki sends me off to the antique shop that’s now open, because the antique shop can help me. The same way the police officer helps, apparently.
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This lady runs the weapon fusion menu, and also where I can exchange all my gemstones I’ve been getting. She knows Officer Kurosawa, and ALSO explicitly knows about shadows?? What has Ikutsuki told you, ma’am? Were you involved ten years ago? Do you know about Tarta--
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Oh I want that megidolaon skill card so bad. God. Don’t show me that when I know I won’t be able to afford it for ages.
Anyway, we are off to Yakushima, and Mitsuru’s vacation home is enormous. I wish we got to actually run around in it, but what we do see is pretty nice.
(Wait, wasn’t Ken moving in? Did we just leave him at the dorm alone??)
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Mitsuru I didn’t realize your dad was Big Bos-- *shot*
Junpei wants to go to the beach right away, so we put our stuff in our rooms and book it down there. It’s gorgeous.
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...Akihiko, uh…
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Thank you, Junpei.
Akihiko doesn’t get it. He just wore them because they’re “better” for swimming. Because of course he’s gonna train on vacation. *sigh*
Why is Mitsuru so pretty I’m gonna die
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Yakushima really is beautiful and I’m kinda sad I couldn’t cut off the UI for a minute.
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Elizabeth asked me to bring her back something from the beach. I found a pretty shell, some driftwood, a piece of weird seaweed, and…
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...she will LOVE this crab. I have to.
Mitsuru talks to her dad, and I have made an exciting discovery: A living, onscreen parent who does not suck!
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He wants her to open up to others more and work together, because…
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That’s a pretty good motto, actually. It would help if people playing this game knew what the Nanjo Group was. And despite being in green, meaning it has a definition in the glossary, the glossary just explains the motto again. X’D
The Nanjo Group is where the Kirijo Group got all it’s psience tech from, because they bought out SEBEC after Kandori tried to become god back in 1996. SEBEC had the original prototypes for anti-shadow suppression weapons, and PROBABLY also the teleporter technology from the DEVA System. I think I mentioned before that I think that’s what the teleporters in Tartarus are based on.
Plus, the Nanjo family is all about being Number One, so “two in harmony” is a pretty good shot at them. And that’s definitely lost if you don’t know anything about them. X’’’D
Mr. Kirijo gathers everyone together, because he’s going to tell us the truth. And the truth is, his father was trying to create a time manipulation machine. So it makes sense that their research fucked up time so badly that there’s an extra hour of the day now. But apparently, that attempt to create time manipulation warped into something worse over the course of the project, and Yukari’s dad caused the explosion to stop him.
Yukari is completely freaked out by this realization, because she’d always maintained that the accident wasn’t her dad’s fault. So hearing that he caused it on purpose sends her reeling, and she runs off. Minato follows her to the beach to talk, and it’s a good conversation, actually.
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Thanks, it’s the trauma. ^_^
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Thank you, P3R, for actually letting me hug people when they’re upset. Looking at you, P5, as Futaba and Sumi just cry in front of me and I can’t do anything.
The next day, the girls are on an awkward nature hike (because Mitsuru and Yukari aren’t speaking), when they get a call from Ikutsuki.
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There’s a lab on this island?
Sir you have one job how are you so bad at it??
The boys, meanwhile, are once again at the beach for Operation Ba--
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Oh. Are we not calling it Operation Babe Watch? Okay.
It’s playing the Tartarus music. I’m trying to lead my team into the ocean and it’s not working.
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We manage nothing but failure all the way across the beach. We’ve got girls who aren’t interested, girls who are pissy that high-schoolers are at the island resort (who then get even more pissy when they find out we’re at a friend’s summer home, because THEY had to save up to come here), girls who humor us for like ten minutes before revealing they have boyfriends…
And then one last lady, who has been observing, and reads us all to absolute filth about how our tactics are all wrong.
She might be interested, though. And she wants us to help put on sunscreen!
...300K yen-a-bottle sunscreen.
To protect from artificial sun rays…
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Time for a tactical retreat. Thank god the last girl on the beach is so pretty.
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She doesn’t want to talk to anyone, though. Except Minato. And runs off when the others approach. They seem to think she ran away because I said something to her, and want me to follow her and apologize. Which, guys, I don’t think chasing girls you don’t know into the woods is the right answer here, but okay. Here we go.
There’s a waterfall up here and I can’t go near it. :(
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...believe me, Yukari, I have no idea what’s happening either.
Apparently this is the “vehicle” Ikutsuki lost.
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I’m okay with bringing her home with us. XD
Speaking of home, back at home, Shinji is trading information with those three weirdo assassins in exchange for some kind of pills, which can’t be a good sign because he looks like he’s in actual pain. Weirdo Squad is angry that we want to destroy the Dark Hour because they like having special powers.
They also call Tartarus the “Tower of Demise”, though, so like obviously they realize this is a bad thing.
After we get back from Yakushima, Aigis tries to stay in my room, including waking me up five minutes before my alarm. Which. No. You cannot stay in here. Oh god. My new robot has separation anxiety.
My social links may not be deals for things that can help in battle, but they do make me feel warm and fuzzy.
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I go out with Akihiko again because he still owes me food for last time, and we get accosted by the punks from before, who have returned with an even bigger group, because apparently the best way to win is by fighting a guy eight-on-one. Are you proud of yourself, dude? Does that make you feel cool?
We didn’t actually fight because we distracted them long enough to get out of there, so no police this time. But I did learn that Akihiko does have parents! He has foster parents that love him and send him enough expensive snacks to share with the whole dorm. It’s nice. ^_^
My online friend in my MMO is definitely a teacher at my school, based on her complaining about "Mr. E". Which, you and me both lady. Dude thinks he's a wizard or something.
Speaking of Mr. Edogawa, he mentioned Carl Jung in class! While talking about alchemists, because school is still insane. Literally we’re going on summer break tomorrow, give it a rest.
Which I guess is why Ken hadn’t moved in yet, but… Did we miss like a week of school while we were in Yakushima? Hot damn.
Ken is officially moved in now, though, and despite not being able to discuss shadows or the Dark Hour around him, he apparently knows Aigis is a robot. So… Uh… How secretive are we supposed to be being?
And it FINALLY let me go back to Tartarus and check out the new area, which is very industrial. It’s cool. Very different vibe from the big faces. I actually like it.
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New portal doors that lead to Grand Clocks now have a chance to show up, so I can boost teammates’ levels to match Minato’s? Which is interesting. And more importantly, new “Monad” doors are appearing that lead to stronger fights.
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Calling it Monad makes me a little weirded out, but hey, it's not a mandala and there’s good treasure in here. So we’re probably going in headfirst every time they show up. XDD
Saved back at the Tartarus entrance, so next time is probably just going to be some more fighting. We’ll see. ^_^
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strawberryjamsara · 3 months
was wondering what your thoughts are on the women of persona 3? I've seen you talk about yukari a lot but what do you think of mitsuru, fuuka, aigis and chidori?
I sort of had a big review of Persona 3 a while back where I talked about my feelings on reload and loving it after seeing a let’s play of the original and hating it. But to reiterate:
Mitsuru: She has a lot of shortcomings in the narrative, but I still think she’s pretty solidly written. I can at least see why she cares about her dad, in opposition to Haru’s cartoonishly evil father, though I wish the story spent a little more time having her grapple with the implications of inheriting the big evil coorporation that started this mess. Like, I know I’m biased because I hate capitalism, but I think she should have denounced the Kirijo name and did her own thing, and also punched that cop in the face too. I enjoy her arc about learning to open up and enjoy being a teen though. I will say, her social link is rubbish. Clearly written with shipping first and exploring her character waaaaaay last. So yeah, good character, could have been better.
Fuuka: I think too much of Fuukas arc was fromtloaded. When she shows up she’s seemingly weak willed, shown through how she can only sit back and scan enemies, but powerful in how she can get her bully to respect her through her kindness, and her scanning ability wins you the fight. But for most of the game, her dialogue is mostly just her finding the full moon enemies which is a shame. I think her final awakening might be the best in the game however, though it’s in stiff competition with Junpei. I think her bond with Natsuki is legit great. I got emotional when Natsuki was like ‘the biggest bitch in the school is leaving and you’re sad’ like noooooo Fuuka cares so much about you and that’s her strength! I will say, again, her social link is really bad. It’s not shippy bad like Mitsuru, but could they not think of a better story for this main character than learning how to cook?
Aigis: I said before that in my first watch of P3 I hated the game, and I REALLY didn’t like Aigis. Having this robot who buries her face in your bare chest and watches you sleep made me feel like I was witnessing somebodies fetish put into this jrpg. On a playthrough of reload however, I grew way more attached to her. The whole ‘robot learns to feel’ trope is very standard, but it’s one I love all the same, and there were a lot of moments I appreciated like Aigis getting excited over ladybugs, or imitating Junpei. I also think that SEES felt way more like actual friends when playing reload, which made me far more convinced that Aigis would come to see them as a found family rather than in the original where the mc would only interact with the other characters if they were romancable, and also cheating is mandatory. I also watched the movies after beating reload and this isn’t really relevant but: I sorta see Yukari as the main love interest in the game version and Aigis as the main love interest in the movies. But yes, it took me till reload but I really like Aigis. Oh yeah and her social link is 10/10. Just hanging around with her and letting her enjoy life. It’s always cuter, and more romantic when they do this with the social links instead of GET YOUR WAIFU GO FETCH.
Chidori: Chidori is so good. It makes me wish that the Persona series would have more ‘canon’ romances instead of making every woman that moves a romance option for the player because the romance between Chidori and Junpei is so fucking good. I think she’s a real embodiment of the themes the game has, of loving life and living to the fullest because it will end someday, instead of moping around waiting for it to happen. I think her existence also shows off how horrid Stregas mindset is, because they’re readily willing to dispose of her because of their belief that nothing in life matters. I love that she has a full character arc learning to appreciate life through the people around her, as her art begins to reflect this new state with her drawing of Junpei, and I LOVE if you engage with her and Junpeis love story and help encourage Junpei that it’s worth trying for this relationship you get to save her in the end! It’s a nice little ‘Okay, did you understand the themes we’re trying to put forward here? If so, you get a reward!’ moment. My one nitpick is, I wish that in the route you save her, she showed up during the ending. Maybe in the segment where you’re walking around, you see Junpei talking to her and when you question it he’s like ‘What are you talking about, Chidori’s been in this class for a while.’ I think it’d be cute. But yeah, 10/10
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ragecndybars · 2 years
Everyone-Lives Post-Canon Headcanons
Shinjiro goes back to school, but it takes him two more years to graduate -- partially because he's just that behind and partially because he got shot and was in a coma for months; he's too sick to start third year over immediately, and when he does manage to go back, physical therapy and surprise hospital stays slow down his progress a lot. Under pressure from Mitsuru, the staff at Gekkoukan works with him a lot to get him the accommodations he needs to eventually graduate two years later.
The rest of SEES throws a massive party to celebrate his graduation, just as extravagant as they one they threw for all of the others' simultaneous graduation, and he acts all gruff and uncaring but Shinjiro is secretly really pleased -- he worked his ass off to graduate despite everything and it's nice for that to be acknowledged.
(Also, if you're keeping track, this does mean that he graduates the same year as Chihiro, and, yes, they do develop an unlikely friendship that stuns and confuses the rest of their class).
Afterwards, he passes through a couple of part-time jobs that he likes well enough -- things like delivery driving, working at a grocery store, etc. -- until he's recovered physically enough to get a full-time job, at which point he immediately applies as a chef. He struggles to get hired at first, but his skills really speak for themselves.
Minato and Kotone both manage to graduate at the same time as Yukari, Junpei, Fuuka, and Aigis, although they also need a fair amount of accommodations and help from the staff. The physical weakness and constant exhaustion stick with them throughout their third year, and while they'll be able to manage the worst symptoms with medication eventually, that will take years of rigorous experimental research from Kirijo Corp. first.
They both want to try out college, but they take a year after high school to just rest and learn to live with their chronic illness. I could see almost any area of study working for either of them, but I'm fond of the idea that Minato studies to become a veterinarian, while Kotone studies to become a journalist.
(And, yes -- they're both still way more involved in seemingly every facet of campus life than should be possible for a single human.)
Of course, all three of them are members of the Shadow Operatives as well, on-call for emergencies just like Akihiko. Minato and Kotone are still wildcards, although summoning Personas other than Orpheus, Messiah, and Thanatos has become a lot more difficult for them, and Shinjiro's Persona has evolved and stopped acting out since he came to terms with himself during a heavy conversation with Ken sometime after waking from his coma.
(Imagine you're a civilian, you end up entangled in some Shadow bullshit, and the people who show up to save your ass are a dude in an apron who keeps grumbling about having to miss a shift for this, that lady who's always on the news for digging up huge stories all over Japan, and the guy who gave your dog his rabies shot. And a shirtless buff man in a cape.)
Koromaru stays in the dorm with the rest of SEES. After a year, it's only Ken, Shinjiro, and Koromaru left, which is awkward at first, but ends with Ken and Shinjiro growing so close that no one is surprised when Shinjiro adopts Ken a few years later. Ken keeps his last name, and they don't call each other "dad" or "son", but they both slip up occasionally -- Ken will call himself "Ken Aragaki", or Shinjiro will accidentally call Ken "my kid" instead of "the kid". Either one will stubbornly deny that it ever happened immediately afterwards.
Chidori! She's enrolled in school as well, but not high school -- she's taking a variety of online classes meant to help adults get their GED. Having lived such a tumultuous life with so little education, and now lacking so many memories as well, she struggles a lot with these classes. Junpei does everything he can to help her, which leads to him suddenly becoming a massively better student in his third year and shocking all the teachers by placing fairly high in his class. When people ask what changed, expecting him to say that he learned a life lesson or decided he wanted to go into an academic career, he's always happy to say that it was because he stayed up studying with his girlfriend.
They date for a very long time before ever getting engaged, mainly because it's such a big life change and Chidori is having trouble just adjusting to normal life without another wrench thrown in, but everyone around them constantly forgets that they're technically not married and refers to them as husband and wife, and they never correct them.
(When they do eventually get married years down the line, it's because something suddenly reminds them that, oh yeah, they're technically not married. Whoops. This is followed by an engagement that lasts barely two weeks and a slapdash wedding where they basically just invite their friends over and say, yep, we've finally made it official, now let's get takeout. Shinji refuses to get takeout on their fucking wedding and grumbles about needing more prior notice before putting together a feast himself. Minato and Kotone help as well, but Fuuka is only allowed to chop vegetables and stir whatever's on the stove.)
Usually, everyone's busy schedules keep them from being able to have large meet-ups, but, at the very least, every single year they all get together on March 5th. Sometimes they all have a party, or arrange some other festive activity. Sometimes they all just meet up in Iwatodai and talk quietly amongst each other until it's time to part ways again. None of them have ever missed it -- not even Mitsuru that time her phone was blowing up all day or Akihiko that time he forgot the date and had to buy a plane ticket from some random other passenger minutes before takeoff.
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nabateaprodigy · 1 month
Okay I should have made this post a few days ago...but still! I'm making it now I've just been having so much fun with P3R and so much has been happening! Anyways spoilers for the November story content!
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Mhmm only "persona users" or "those with potential" can be active during the dark hour. So why are you able to walk around during the dark hour? 🤨
I absolutely knew from that fact alone there was something sus about this dude and yet I didn't really think about it. Okay, but fr he actually went full-on crazy!!
I won't lie the way his eyes looked during the cut scenes actually freaked me out a little bit 😭😭😭. And, like, just his general demeanour freaked me. I really couldn't believe it. How he was acting I mean.
Still, I should have KNOWN the fact he and Aigis being away for so long was weird. I wasn't surprised the dark hour was still a thing because no way the game was going to end there, lol.
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Ngl I'm really going to miss seeing Pharos! I really liked him and the friendship he was forming with Makoto. Although part of me thinks he might just show up again.
From Shuji's rant and Pharos Social Link being "Death" there's definitely some connection. Especially with the Sacrifices Shuji had planned to rebirth the world.
But eh, I dunno. It's all so confusing, and there are definitely some things I don't know yet to fully talk about. Honestly thinking about the lore and story this deeply gives me a headache lol.
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I've really grown to love all these characters a lot. More than I would have, honestly, but they're all great, and I love them!
Also gotta say Fuuka is hella relatable just for the bullying and the type of person she is. I'M BAD AT COOKING AS WELL GIRL
UNFORTUNATELY, I didn't take a scene of it, but Fuuka restored the video of Yukari's dad and then gave it to her. OOF, that scene was emotional, and learning that defeating the Shadows at full moons was the opposite of what they were supposed to do.
It definitely must have been a crushing blow to everyone's motivation for what they were fighting for but especially for Yukari. But still getting to see Yukari to see the full message from her dad and then accept his death and finally begin to move on from it was incredible.
I love Yukari so much she's such a great character 😭😭😭.
I would like to talk about the other characters as well at least for right now. But hmm I am struggling to find things to say about them. (AKA still hurting from a character death where I directly need to mention two other characters are length.
At least right now, anyway, I think I'll have to progress more in the story to give some thoughts about them.
However, I can touch on Mitsuru for a moment here. Although what happened to her didn't make me cry (compared to another character's death...)it mostly definitely got me close because of how damn sad it was.
Just seeing the state she's in right now is horrible. Just going from this calm, collected, level-headed leader to someone so quiet and distant is weird.
Of course, it's understandable, considering what has just happened to her. But still, it's so very odd to see the way she's acting. And I love that everyone else in the dorm is so worried about her.
I'm sure the picture that was taken that night, even if it didn't turn out how she or anyone else wanted, I'm sure she'll look back on it fondly.
Also, I really need to take more screenshots of things that happen. But I just get so absorbed in what's happening and shocked by story moments I forget! But I'll definitely be sure to try and take a lot more!
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arcplaysgames · 1 year
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Yeah, what's with the formality, Lavenza, remember when I took you to a maid cafe and then defended you from the feral maid that wanted to eat you? We're pals now.
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Congratulations to Lavenza for the greatest line read since Mitsuru's "I'M GOING TO EXECUTE YOU ALL." I fucking cackled.
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Okay so. I'm flipping through these screencaps again in hopes of collating all the info and summarizing. Hang on.
Mementos is back. Why? Because don't worry about it. (The game basically shrugs on this one, lmao.)
Maruki has a persona and it is able to affect real people, not just cognitions. The power is called Actualization, and is basically him taking someone's desires and making them real by altering cognition.
It should be impossible for an individual to use their power like this on a massive scale, but the death of Yarblegarble left a power vacuum in Mementos, and Maruki slotted himself into place there. So he has godlike powers in the same way Yahtzee did.
Akechi points out that the Thieves had the masses' attention and worship, that's how they defeated Cuphead, so why did that influence shift to Maruki? Turns out Maruki has been consciously or not shifting the cognition of the Thieves through his therapizing, so subconsciously everyone wanted the easy out that Maruki was supplying. yeah sure whatever, that's not more of an ass pull than the Mementos thing
All this only became possible when the Cognitive World and the Real World merged in the finale. Now, the worlds are trying to separate, but Maruki is interferring. They need to finish separating, or the Cognitive World will supplant the Real World and there will be no escape from Maruki's control. We got about a month before things are set in stone.
Okay summing that up actually helped me grok wtf is going on, awesome.
Anyway, back into the Palace, and Sumire gets another persona awakening on top of her original one.
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I mean good for her?
I'm really torn on Sumire. Like, as a plot catalyst she's fantastic. But she's been the weakest of the cast for the entire game and I still struggle to care about her outside how crunchy her situation is.
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Blah blah, seems like Maruki has a bunch of data trunk lines running to Mementos, so we gotta go see wtf is up in there.
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also i got to see Ann's bedroom/flat and oh my god that's so many clothes that's my nightmare. I mean its super cute but wow.
Good to know she's a Derse dreamer tho.
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Her new persona pops and oh my god this is the most scene kid thing I have ever seen, WOW. the mismatched tights, the bubblegum, the double belt. I can hear Paramore playing when I look at this.
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Also Lavenza visits Reverie and falls asleep TWICE in one visit. This girl needs a fucking nap, wow.
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Anyway, plot. Mementos has a bunch of Maruki's data cables running through it. I do love the shift from fantastical science to the cold reality of surveillance in Maruki's methods.
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BASICALLY its complicated, but Maruki is watching over Mementos. To give everyone the perfect life they want, he catches people in Mementos and changes their cognition from there. Without the surveillance, he wouldn't know who to help and how.
So I guess his perfect dream of just fixing the world is more complex than he thought. Sure, he has all of human cognition on tap here, but he still has to handle each case individually with the info he gleans from Mementos. There's still many people who don't have their happy psience yet and that is going to take time to fix.
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I do appreciate a lack of subtlety. I hope the intention with Maruki is to inspire some discomfort and reflection in players as they contend with his motives and methods, but also, gamers can be dumb so yes, please just insert a room that looks like it'd fit in The Stanley Parable into this whole narrative to make sure people understand this whole thing is fucked.
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Akechi as the repeated voice of "yo this shit sucks" is a lot of fun. When the guy who murdered a bunch of people for his evil dad is calling out your bullshit, that's worth paying attention to.
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That said, this random NPC actually says the thesis of this entire story right here. It is here for those who are looking for it.
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mimis9thcircle · 1 year
dumb idea + some dumb hcs to go with it
post canon persona au but it follows the characters who work in law enforcement (katsuya, akihiko, chie, naoto) and its one of those really dumb 90s sitcoms where instead of them solving/fighting actual crimes its just them doing wacky hijinks and accidentally committing the crimes. (this takes place in that one au from my ask blog lol).
Headcanons for this bc why not.
Katsuya: 50
Akihiko: 32
Chie: 29
Naoto: 28
-The mom of the group, is the oldest and helped mostly everyone get their jobs.
-The police chief with a lot of experience and burnout.
-Has had Akihiko arrest Tatsuya at one point for speeding (it's ok they still have a healthy sibling relationship).
-The character that can be logical and reasonable but stopped caring 3 seasons ago.
Akihiko: -Barely 32, yet has had more midlife crises than the average accountant.
-Stopped shaving consistently after 23 and as such has a lot of stubble.
-He cuts his own hair because he doesn't trust anyone with his hair (Naoto, Shinji, and Ken beg him to go to a barber).
-Probably shows off his scars to random people who ask about his pre-police career.
-Gets paired up with Chie a lot and drives the car when this happens.
-Kotone sometimes makes food for him because he will blow up his kitchen if he tries to cook.
-Katsuya introduced him to Ulala and they are besties.
-The older brother of the group that gets involved in the hijinks.
-Misses his husband very much (the akimina tease is strong).
Chie: -She and Yukiko are failwife #1 and failwife #2 respectively.
-Katsuya probably got her the job and taught her stuff so she sees him like a dad.
-The reason why she doesn't drive the cop car is because she will crash into something if she tries.
-Unarmed and very dangerous.
-Did I mention she never skips leg day?
-Got a wolfcut because she wanted to try wavy hair and it stuck.
-The wild child of the little sitcom group, starts most of the episodes plots.
-Also met Ulala and really admires her and Maya.
-Yu probably wonders how she even got the job sometimes.
-Rise sometimes asks her to go to concerts as a bodyguard.
Naoto (I like genderfluid Naoto because I project I'm sorry</3) :
-The one character tired of everyone's shit.
-Kanji worries for her sanity sometimes, and ykw he's completely valid for worrying about his husband.
-Probably gets along with Katsuya the best, and they probably vent to each other about their jobs.
-A detective but works somewhat closely with everyone, she says she hates it but she loves everyone.
-Went to college for 8+ years and he has burnout.
-Will probably snap, fight, and win if provoked enough.
-Is the one character in the show with logic and reasoning to show how dumb the comedy is.
Misc stuff: -Sae and Makoto are the one characters that have 5 minutes of screentime every 3 episodes, but the sfx hype them up like they are gods among man.
-Dojima is the one guy always talked about in the background and shows up for a cameo but has no plot significance.
-Naoto gave Akechi some tips on being a successful detective because he seemed reasonable (oh how wrong he was...).
-Mitsuru tells Katsuya to stop Akihiko from doing anything stupid, yet when she shows up in episodes she ends up doing stupid shit with everyone.
-Adachi is still in jail and he gives Chie and Naoto the worst advice known to man when everything goes to shit.
Thats pretty much it, might draw some stuff for it but we'll see... until next time denizens of tumblr love yall <3
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silly-plays-p3r · 6 months
me seeing the latest post: wait, mitsuru and aki have known each other for years and she didn't know that? how the fuck were they ever a team? (silly feel free to correct me but i got the vibe the 3rd years were specifically close with each other thus the whole thing with shinjiro; am i misremembering?)
No no, you're right anon!
As for her not knowing he likes to doodle (or at least used to?)...... Well.....I thought the scene indicated it was more-so in the past. So I'm guessing he doesn't do it now (or at least as often). And tbh unless he was like....Yusuke or something (wait is this happening because of Kanji/Yusuke.....I'm not going to look into that moving back!), you know an artist. I think Mitsu would've noticed. She's very......perceptive/wary of everyone's needs and that includes Akihiko.
As for the 3rd years closeness. I def think they are close (oh I was going to link to an old post.....did I never post it? hm.....we'll I guess I'll state it here from what I remember).
Shinji/Mitsu I don't see interacting much (most of it is in the PQs or P3R imo). But ShinjiAki and AkiMitsu? Hell YES. I think Aki is ironically the glue for these guys.
ShinjiAki are obvie because of how much the game spends on them. But the MitsuAki friendship???? Oh man....these two are RIDE OR DIE. TT0TT Like they usually understand each other's needs so well.
(more under cut)
I feel like they speak about each other fairly casually, not in the Japanese sense but.....like they just will say stuff about each other "Oh yeah that sounds like them, that's what they like" and it's easier to notice with ShinjiAki cause I feel like it's baked more into the main story and AkiMitsu is mostly optional dialogue.
But the thing that made me super soft for them was when Yukari 1st confronts the group pre Yakushima. And demands to know stuff and Mitsu started almost spilling her trauma.
Mitsu: Anyway not all of us had a choice to fight.... I.... Aki: Mitsuru! Don't.....
This means.....Aki knows about what Mitsuru has gone through. Him not wanting her to spill everything I think he knows how much her own past has hurt her (not just her family's). She was more open talking about her family, and he didn't stop her. But when she almost talked about herself, I think he knew it might be too hard for her and told her to stop for her sake.
Between this and Mitsu covering up Shinji's killing (which I'm sure she feels responsible for not just the death but the cover up as well). And just trying to navigate Ken with Akihiko and keep it covered up..... The fact all three keep it covered up (and Ikutsuki is just...watching with pop corn TT0TT). They def are close.
(I was about to move on but I forgot the other thing!)
So another instance is after Mitsu's dad's death, if you talk to Aki during this timeframe, he legit says "When Mitsu is sad, I'm sad" and Fuuka(?) will comment on how upset he seems. Like this mfer is more upset looking when Mitsu is grieving than when Shinji died. TT0TT I was SO SOFT! My heart was in pieces kldfsaj;fa orz ;aljskfdjaf I still haven't recovered. I went from "yeah I like them they're neat' to "oh god my heart I love this ship gimme more" klfasdfl orz why do they hide all their amazing dialogue in optional convos????? orz orz orz Wait I saved the screenshots cause I was so shooketh! TT0TT
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I feel more for the 3rd year trio and their comradery than....well......the beginning Trio (MCs/Yukari/Junpei). Even the penta 2nd year group (MCs/Yukari/Junpei/Fuuka/Aigis) isn't that strong. Fuuka feels closer to Natsuki than the rest of SEES tbh TT0TT And Natsuki doesn't even get that much screentime u_u
The only trio that comes as close to the 3rd year is the moonlight bridge one (MC/Aigis/Ryoji).
Of course I feel like he game nerfs AkiMitsu's closeness in favor of pushing the bs MitsuYuk*ri friendship narrative >_> I dunno why Aki never approached her......was it helplessness? I dunno it feels weird.
So I guess narratively.....I guess they are kinda like friends who sit in the same room in silence, and then every so often to reveal a random fact about themself and the other is like "Oh wow cool" but they both really like that and thus will hide a dead body for the other person if needed. Like
*Aki/Mitsu/Shinji reading in the lounge* Mitsu: I found a nice cook book recently, would you like it Aragaki? Shinji: .........uh....yeah... Mitsu: Great I'll give it to you later.... *time passes* Aki: I broke a guy's nose at my last meet. Shinji: Good going meat head. Mitsu: That reminds me of when I broke a researcher's nose when I was 10. Shinji: Oh yeah? Why'd you do it? Mitsu: He wanted to test a new drug on me, it made my persona go a bit wild. But we all lived in the end. Aki/Shinji: ........................huh....... *time passes* Aki: I saw some guys bullying that one shrine dog. Shinji: Let's kill him. Kirijou- Misu, getting off the phone: I've already made the arrangements.
I dunno that's kinda the surface level vibe they give off. TT0TT They know A LOT of the key stuff about each other, but don't seem to pry unless the other party starts it.
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meowsticmarvels · 7 months
im curious. who are your fav characters from each mainline persona game that you have played 🤔🤔 (take this as an invitation to ramble about them)
YIPEEEEEEEE here we go will be long so im hiding it under a readmore again. also since you said mainline im not including toshiro or eri but you Know...... im abnorma, abt them
i have NOT played p1 and i've just barely started p2is (though ive watched snippets of someone elses's playthrough) but i will say. based on my limited knowledge i rly like hidehiko, ayase, naoya, tatsuya, jun, eikichi, yukino, maya, and lisa
p3 and p4 are difficult bc theyre the ones im the most autistic abt and the main entire casts as a whole are comforts for me. but anyways. going to talk about p3 first Yes I Will Include SLs too. im abnormal. top 3 main insaners for p3 though are akihiko, yukari, and junpei. for me
makoto/minato sooo so gender envy. im obsessed with his design a lot. his character i do also like hes a little goofy and so mecore but mainly his design is something i love a lot
same with kotone. also love how she has a sort of distinct personality that you can tell with slight dialogue changes that her counterpart doesnt say. shes rly real. love reload but i miss her...
as stated yukari's one of my favs. she didnt Use to be (i did like her but Not as much) but she's slowly become one and man. i love that silly girl. her haters will not survive the winter actually. it does piss me off though because like. yeah shes not perfect no character rly is but she's a traumatized mentally ill teenage girl with a dead dad and a neglectful mom cut her some slack maybe? god forbid women do anything. idk. but im obsessed with her. her character is actually so interesting to me and not a lot of people talk about it? like her whole fear of death causing issues with summoning her persona like at the beginnning, her dad being involved with the kirijo groups shit, how she puts on a cheerful front but is actually deeply really lonely :(, her kinda playful insult friendship with junpei (deep down they do care abt eachother. i wish that was explored more. i found a rly good fic abt it once.) and etc etc. idrk what to say but shes sooo. i also love how she initially HATES mitsuru and is super jealous of her and then. Well. gay tension is real. anyways shes a transfem lesbian to me btw. yukamitsu ftw
junpei's also become one of my favs. somehow. in a similar vein to yukari in that he wasn't initially my main fav character but i think his character's also pretty interesting and has. a lot of unexplored potential. he's very silly and i love him for that a lot but something i don't see many people talk about is like. his Issues. like yeah hes silly but he's also got some fucked up self-worth issues!!! remember the scene on 5/9 where he kinda gets really upset and goes off on his own and stuff. for example. like i think him being imperfect and having these moments where he's NOT cheerful and goofy all the time and actually deeply really jealous of you because he feels that fighting's all he's good for and he's not worth much else is what makes him interesting. do you get it. like him being tbe silly funny guy isn't all he is as a person yk!!!!! also as far as characterization I point a lot to the scene where yukari's more than willing to go confront the people in the alley while junpei's worried, or scene near the end of the game where yukari teases junpei and he snaps at her, confessing that while he doesn't show it he really is terrified. they all are, at that point. yk what I mean? also people don't acknowledge his trauma with his father enough (maybe because it's only really discussed at all in femc's route... his SL is so good but not enough ppl see it... BUR YEAH did not think I'd go off on a tangent about junpei fucking iori tonight but he's real. hashtag brokeback tartarus. also he's an adhder to me. (oh yeah also want to point out this line in his SL where he says "maybe I have anxiety or something". yeah. that's a line!)
akihiko fucking sanada. ohhhh man. this guy. where do i even START. he's so so crazy like what if your local high school upperclassman boxing champion guy was also really gay for his dying childhood friend and autistic as hell and also traumatized. and he's doing boxing in the first place to overcompensate because the death of his sister made him fear losing anyone else again snd he needs to feel like he has power. he needs control. yk? like this guy made me insane for like several months straight in 2023 and he still makes me ill. to this day. as you can probably tell by my distaste for people seeing yukari and junpei at face value you can probably gather that I hate the protein jokes and i Do. he said it like. Once in p3. it never rly was funny????? and what they did in spinoffs esp p4a to just make him look like a gym rat and nothing more makes me upset bc of the REASON he's obsessed with fighting. he's not just a dumb jock (he also isn't dumb lol he canonically scores very high on his exams) he's overworking himself because feelings of self doubt from trauma have caused him to feel the need to overcompensate so he never loses anyone again. you know? it would've been interesting to see him relapse in p4a if theyd actually done it well. like he doesnt rly give himself time or room to grieve in game (theres rhat onw scene on 10/5 and then he barely talks about it again. man i wish it was developed more...) so realizing that grieving isnt a linear process that he can just repress for a long time and even years after it can still hurt would go INSANE. but no they just turned him into i love protein joke number 20. okay!!! (im very angry) thinking about when my non persona friend after hearing me explain some of the plot described p3 as like a greek tragedy because like. damn. he and shinji were doomed from the start with personas like polydeuces and castor huh. anyways. yeah. continuing writing now that i've watched october 4th in reload AND akihiko's breakdown as a reuslt and i wanna scream and cry and throw up that will be for another post but ooh man it mad eme cry like 3 times. and I KNOEW WHAT HAPPENS. THEYRE SOOOOOOOOOO if you know me im an insane akishinji truther. im just. i wanna talk abt other charactrs so ill stop here but always ask me about akihiko + akishinji + ships i like in general. i am really normal. oh btw transmasc akihiko is forever real to me. also he's autistic and a ptsder. to me (tbf what persona character Doesnt have some form of truama but like. this guy in particular). up there with my highest blorbos
i dooont wanna go on for too long abt every other character in p3 so ill keep this next part short and sweet but if u wanna hear me talk more abt any of them. feel free to. starting with fuuka i love he rmy transfem autistic girlie who has every disease. i also love mitsuru a lot who i Wish had people acknowledge her deeper aspects more. like. she was experimented on and also very sheltered and also a little bit of a girlfail. shes not fully the girlboss you all say she is shes also just a teenage girl!!!!!!!!!! koromaru can do no wrong hes forever the best. i love that dog. ken makes me so so sad he is just a kid!!! what the hell!!!!!! :(. and oh man. shinji. guy who is so wracked with guilt. guy that is dying no matter what happens. guy that dies in his lover's arms
as far as non-sees characters. i rly like strega. esp jin and chidori. dont think abt them enough. also as far as SLs i like keisuke, hidetoshi, bunkichi and mitsuko, kazushi, yuko, and etc etc...i need to see rio and saoris links too they look real. oh also i LOVE ryoji
p4 time !!!!!!
again gonna cut this short so i can actually Fit it all in one post. but wow. i do like all of the IT so so much but im just focusing on my favs. anyways i love yu so much his autistic swagger esp in the animation is amazing. like he is not a "chad" he's just an autistic teenager. ok. also the animation broke me when nanako gets kidnapped he sounds fucking distraught there. love when people delve into yu's issues also bc hes a bit fucked up but Man. ouch. just like me fr tho
i love yosuke in a similar way to why I like junpei because he's kind of a loser /pos snd has some insane issues that his shadow delves into that are Kind of Insane for the FIRST shadow of the game. like ok damn. i really do love his social link in general tho his was the first one I maxed out in my (unfinished because i didn't want to finish it) p4g playthrough so!!!!! many things wrong with him and also the lgbt community has forgiven yosuke hanamura. also similarly to junpei he's adhd as hell. souyo ftw
naotos probably my fav p4 character I think which is Pretty Painful Sometimes. sometimes I need to kill both other persona fans and atlus if ykwim. but anyways i hc him as transmasc for one thing but also if atlus weren't cowards and actually made his story abt rhat it would've hit so hard. his shadow in general is often overlooked apart from that bc what about the part where he talks about being mistreated by others and feeling utterly alone and not allowing himself to act like a kid!!!! it fucks me up!!! he's also super autism btw like god damn. but YEAH point is I love naoto so much and i hate how both some fans and atlus tjemself treat him because his whole arc and shadow had the potential to be super compelling
apart from who i listed above i do like the rest of the IT so much they're such silly friends (i love you chie i love you yukiko i love you kanji i love you rise i love you teddie.). can't think of any SLs off the top of my head that were crazy but I do like daisuke and kou. OH ALSOO the dojimas..... 😢💧😢😢💧 love them
p5 time :3 I'm into it less so than p3 or p4 but Still
yusuke's my favorite p5 character probably. i domt know what it is apart from the common trend of my favs being autistic as hell (see: akihiko and naoto) but he's like. such a fucked up guy. he's traumatized. he loves art. something is deeply wrong with him. obsessed with this gug
i also do like ren/akira, ryuji, futaba, and also mishima (unfortunately. but in my defense there is something deeply wrong with him slash positive). i don't know a lot abt all of p5's confidants but i like iwai I think.... this reminded me I need to make more progress in p5 what the hell. i miss you futaba (i haven't even got to her palace yet im still on kaneshiros LOL)
but YEAH! thank you for asking!!! from the ones I've played my top favs are akihiko + naoto + yusuke respectively so👍👍👍 loved answering this :3 if u have any thoughts on a particular character feel free to ask and ill elaborate :3
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invisiblegarters · 2 years
Eternal Yesterday Episode 8
No lie, I've sat down to do this thing several times already, but instead of managing it I just get all up in my feelings and have to quit to calm myself down. I thought it'd be better today but nah, I'm just as much of a mess now as I was when I watched the last ep the first time. There was so much I loved about episode, but everything I loved also hurt my heart and made me a wreck.
So I've decided to just kind of push myself through it. I make no promises for coherency or brevity, however. I'm good at neither at the best of times, and this is not that.
The intimacy of this episode is just…of course, the heart of the drama is Mitsuru and Koichi and their love for each other, but if I'm fully honest I never expected them to sell it as well as they did. So often the chemistry is uneven that I just sort of expected it again, but these two got me. I fully, one hundred percent believe that they're in love, and what's more, they sold that they actually want each other, too. Somehow, for me, they nailed it so thoroughly that I kind of resent Japan for giving me a couple this perfect when there's no hope of a happy ending.
So yes, I liked that. I love all the forehead touching and the being comfortable right up in each other's space breathing the same air, the sense that these two people would be content to just be with each other all the time.
I liked Koichi's breakdown, and I loved Mitsuru comforting him through it. It hurts so much that Koichi has been putting this cheerful face on for Mitsuru, because he's clearly been having a rough time, until he just can't anymore. Until the countdown that they both know is there (and maybe for Koichi far more than Mitsuru - as he keeps saying, it's his body) is almost at zero and there's no more time, and he doesn’t want to go but there’s no choice. No amount of love in the world is gonna keep him there. 
One thing I kept noticing throughout the show is that they are just there for each other in a very real way. When Koichi has his moments in episode four and here, Mitsuru puts aside his own worry and grief to comfort him, and well. We've all seen Koichi doing it time and time again.
What really set me off though was the talk with dad. I don't know what logic made Mitsuru's mom think that being cold to her son would make it easier for him to lose her. It doesn't work that way, and it hurts that the only memory of her being kind Mitsuru has is when it was too late and she was on borrowed time herself. I thought it was interesting that she came back for a while as well. 
I keep wondering what tipped dad off that Koichi was the same. Perhaps he caught Mitsuru looking at Koichi in the kitchen, then saw him at the hospital later and put two and two together? Or maybe he clocked how pale he looked the first time he saw him, all the way back in episode two, and then put things together from there. I don't know. I do like that we see that it is possible to move on, though - he clearly does - but that's well over a decade later. Telling Mitsuru that he doesn't have to force himself to heal is maybe the best thing he could have said, and the truest. There's no making yourself get better from a loss like that. And even after you no longer live in the sadness of it, the scar remains.
Sneaky and awful, too, the credits being Mitsuru's (and probably Koichi's) dream of what might have been. When I saw those two cup noodles…I do think that Mitsuru finally understands what Koichi was trying to tell him during that time, in the bio lab. But I don't know that I believe that he'll ever quite manage to do it. I think in some ways that loss stopped him in time as much as it did Koichi, and he'll get older but there will always be a part of him that is back there, unable to move on. I think a part of him will always be looking for Koichi.
I liked Koichi's epilogue. I laughed a little at him calling meeting Mitsuru a miracle, mostly because of Mitsuru rejecting the same idea in the first episode. Of course Koichi would think that, and of course Mitsuru would resist it. It showcases their similar thought process and their differences all in one line, and I loved it.
I'll admit, I was briefly annoyed at the whole "if Micchan were a girl, I'd still love him" thing, because I'm not a fan of the "I'm not gay (or bi!), I just like you" trope, but I was glad that it was immediately walked back. Would have preferred it not be there at all, however. 
Finding out about his family made some things make so much sense. I don’t doubt that his family adores him as much as if he were truly theirs - and I don’t think that he does either - but I get the sense of loneliness he must have felt to have been abandoned by both bio parents so young. Both he and Mitsuru were searching for someone to belong to, and to love wholeheartedly, and I do think that the fact that they found that in each other is a bit of a miracle. 
So of course the end where he thanks Mitsuru for being his miracle sent me ugly crying straight into the credits.
I don’t think I’ve been this screwed up by a show since...well, it's been a while.  
It’s not just the sadness. If this show had just been sad for sad’s sake, or felt too over the top about it, I would have been able to write it off and move on easily. It's easy enough for me to cry at sad movies and shows, but in all honesty they don't tend to stick with me. They're sad, I cry, I decide if they were good and then I tend to keep on, already looking for the next thing. But instead Japan had to go and hit all the buttons to trigger a sort of grief process in me along with Mitsuru, and so I’ll find myself thinking about this drama at random moments and tearing up (or crying because one of the songs from the OST pops up on my playlist - both those songs are great but man are they hard to listen to now), or getting a little angry because it’s just not fair, or feeling a quiet melancholy that seems like it’s settled into my bones. I'm not used to that.
It hurts, and ultimately I find myself wondering: was it worth it? I put myself through eight weeks of this slow, creeping inevitability, this knowledge that there was no way for this to end but with everyone in tears, me included. I’ve cried so much this weekend already that I probably can’t go anywhere because of my swollen, red eyes and my head feeling about seven sizes too small for my plugged-up sinuses. 
I really thought I knew what I was getting into with this, but the truth is I didn’t expect to get to me so hard. I couldn’t have foreseen the way everything - the acting, the music, the direction and the story - would all converge to make the perfect drama to wreck me. I honestly don’t know if I would have watched had I had an idea that it would do so. 
But I’m so glad I did. The answer to the question is that yes, yes it was worth every bit of tears. I love this damn show. It’s hands down my number one, best show of the year, will definitely watch it again and yes, buy the blu-ray when it comes out in May. And while I completely understand that it’s not for everyone, I would recommend it to anyone who isn’t put off by a heartfelt meditation of grief and loss and losing someone you adore by increments. There’s a lot of loveliness to be found here, even in spite of the pain, and maybe in some ways because of it.
For eight weeks, this show hasn’t been very far from my mind, and I don’t see an immediate change in that state of affairs. But i guess I really am a bit of a masochist, because I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Final rating: 10/10
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aeoki · 2 years
High and Low: At World’s End - Chapter 4
Location: Australian Town Characters: Tetora, Tomoya, Hinata, Touri & Mitsuru 
Season: Autumn Writer: Akira
TL Note:
Hitsugi uses the word “報連相 / hourensou” which is a homophone for the Japanese word for spinach. I couldn’t for the life of me come up with a pun that included both words for “report” and “spinach”, so I opted to use “lettuce” instead. Please note, the “Let us hear…” line does not exist in Hitsugi’s original line; I chose to include it in order to keep the pun from the original script. 
< Some ten minutes or so later. >
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Mitsuru: I’m home~! Boy, did I have heaps of fun in Australia~☆
Touri: Take that. 
Tetora: And that.
Hinata: This too~♪
Mitsuru: Ouch! Why is everyone ganging up on me and flicking my forehead? Are you guys bullying me? Is this the so-called bullying I’ve heard of?
Tetora: This is punishment. It’s justice. Please, just don’t do whatever you want when we’re overseas.
Tomoya: Yeah, I’ve given him a stern scolding about that already.
Tetora: …You did? I guess I won’t say anything more, then.
Hinata: Hmm~ I don’t really wanna be the one to say this, but if you get caught up in some sort of trouble, Mitsuru, you won’t be the only one suffering.
Do your best to be on your best behaviour, okay?
Mitsuru: Got it, Papa.
Hinata: I’m not your dad!?
Hitsugi: Fufu. It looks like Anzu-senpai has returned with Tenma-san’s group, so it seems everyone in “Late Departure Group 2” is all here.
Let’s go over the situation together once more.
Tomoya: Um, we’re joining the school trip late because we couldn’t make the first couple of days due to work, right?
Tetora: Osu. The people who went on the first day – Midori-kun and the other student – are called “Departure Group 1” because they arrived on the first day.
After that, smaller groups of “Late Departure Groups” will arrive one by one and meet up with “Departure Group 1”.
Tomoya: It’s nice to have work, but it would have been better if all of us second-year students could arrive and leave together at the same time.
Touri: It couldn’t have been helped since it was so difficult to get our schedules to match up. We’ve gotten a lot of outside work ever since ES was established.
Hinata: Yeah. We’re not idols because it’s our hobby, so fun events like this are second – maybe third down the list.
Tetora: Up until last year, the way we did things was more like we’d come up with the proposal ourselves and also feature in it ourselves, so our schedules were pretty flexible.
Sora: HaHa~♪ Is that a negative side of being an idol~?
Basically, we can’t help but prioritise our idol work over our daily lives. 
And by nature, school trips fall under the “daily lives” category. 
Hinata: You mean everything else apart from our idol activities. Well, in the end, it looks like they’re making us work even while we’re in Australia, though.
Sora: HiHi~♪ A frog is still a frog even if it’s placed elsewhere, so an idol is still an idol~
Tomoya: Anyway, that’s how we, the “Late Departure Group 2”, landed in Australia on the third day of the school trip.
Hinata: Yeah. The “Late Departure Groups” will be going to Australia by either boat or plane, right?
Tetora: They could probably go in the ES helicopter if they paid a huge amount of money for it. Touri-kun, you’re pretty rich so why didn’t you choose that method?
Touri: Huh? I-It’s not like I was in a rush to get here. I don’t know much about school trips, but having fun with your friends on the way to the destination is the best part, right?
Mitsuru: Friends.
Sora: Friends…♪
Touri: What’s wrong with you two? Don’t grab my hands and start dancing! Annoying, much!
Tomoya: Ahaha. Well, we all finished our work and were full of excitement to take the plane.
And before I realised it, we ended up in a town in Australia that we’ve never even heard of.
Hinata: Yeah. We’re pretty far from our actual destination – we’re all the way up north.
I thought we were gonna be taking a bus down south to where we’re supposed to go, but it wasn’t like that at all. They just left us on our own.
I don’t really know what’s going on, but I do know this isn’t looking good for us.
Hitsugi: Umm. Anzu-senpai was reporting to ES on the phone just a while ago. Let us hear what she found out.
Tomoya: Lettuce[*] ? Oh, you meant reporting. That’s important.
Hitsugi: Yes. So, did you manage to learn something new, Anzu-senpai?
Huh? No, you’re kidding!? That’s really bad!
Touri: Wait, what’s happening? Don’t just talk amongst you “producers”!
Hitsugi: Uh, frankly, by the looks of it, the whole reason why we’re in this predicament is because of Anzu-senpai.
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symphonic-scream · 1 month
Hey everyone it's time for more of my
Transboy Haru arcana swap
Starting off with just a list of the arcana, and under the cut I'll just. Blab
Fool - Haru
Magician - Ryuji
Councillor - Kawakami
Priestess - Morgana
Empress - Yusuke
Emperor - Makoto
Hierophant - Yoshida
Lovers - Futaba
Chariot - Shiho
Justice - Kasumi & Sumire
Hermit - Goro
Fortune - Rise
Strength - Sophia
Hanged Man - Sae
Death - Maruki
Temperance - Kanji
Devil - Tae
Tower - Mishima
Star - Ann
Moon - Akira
Sun - Shinya
Judgement - Naoto
Faith - Hifumi
Apostle - Mitsuru & Akihiko
Hope - Minato & Minako
Anyways. Before I do the cut I'm gonna just talk about which genders I'm gendering cause I'm gay.
So Haru? Trans guy. He/him. Has been out for the entirety of high school, has had top.
Futaba? Gender is a construct don't speak witch at them. Any pronouns. Akira is CIS but Ren is a trans guy too
Makoto is fluid/non-conforming/non-binary. Uses bandanas on their upper arm to show pronouns. Navy for He/him, forest for They/them, and maroon for She/her
Trans man Naoto! He's he/they, very secure in himself he's having a good time now.
And, trans girl Hifumi
Toranosuke being just. Best dad in this
First for Goro, by trusting him and listening when he would mention stuff he'd heard or seen that weren't there. And getting him meds and not punishing him, and
And for Haru, he lets him use his family name since he's been disowned. And teaches him to cook, and how to do life things Like SHAVE
Cause Haru is starting to get a little fuzz and it excites him but he doesn't like having it on his face, and he listens attentively as Toranosuke teaches him how to shave, and the gentle fatherly hug after
And even with Morgana, just, gosh
The little guy eats like a vacuum and Tora just. Smiles so wide when Morgana finishes a beef bowl and asks if he's allowed to have more for real
And he even buys a bunch of cool shit for Haru's "lizard". Ryuji feels pampered as AHIT. A big terrarium, a nice heat lamp, and even a little hat
And he gets so excited when Haru brings his first friend home
Cause when Tora got his papers, it said Haru was a loner with no friends back in Nagoya. That he didn't go out, and his anger issues would probably keep him from having friends
Especially when he happens to hear rumours about his foster son on the trains, even
So when Haru nervously asks if he can have two friends over for a little hangout, Tora is so excited
Goro never had friends over when he was in school, before he got worse. So he's playing up being host
Gets them snacks, buys Haru the DVD player so they can watch movies, and shakes both Shiho and Futaba's hands with a big smile. Offers them dinner too
Futaba: dude your placement is awesome! Not as amazing as my dad, but still!
Haru: yeah, he's pretty great
Shiho: pass me the popcorn? I'm snacky
Ryuji: the big guy is good to us here, Haru got lucky finding a guardian like him
During the Kobayakawa palace, he lets Makoto stay with them. She doesn't feel safe going back to the living space she's been in before, and hasn't reached out to Sae yet, and was planning to just, stay in a hotel room
Tora makes up the couch in his home and lets her sleep there. Haru brings home extra homework for her and they sit at the living room table and work together, and Tora smiles at them and. He knows
Tora: hey kiddo, did your friend find a safe place? I haven't seen them in a while
Haru: yeah, Mako's with their sister now. Thanks, Tora. It was nice of you to let them stay with you
Tora: kids like you folks haven't been able to trust adults, and that's not fair. So I'm making up for my generation, one interaction at a time
Tora: also, make sure you treat them right, and they treat you right. A broken heart can be quite severe
Haru: t-thanks,,
Ryuji: how'd he know you have the hots for Maks?
Haru: I don't know, maybe he's just good like that
Haru: can I have my friends sleep over...?
Tora: YES, YES OF COURSE! Oh, this is so exciting, I'll get the extra futons, and- and we'll do a grocery trip! Oh kiddo I'm so happy for you!
He sees Shiho and Futaba come into the shop just like last time, but Makoto comes in with a blue bandana on his arm, binder on, arm slung around Haru and smiling all gooey and
Tora: hey! Ms Shiho, looking bright! Futaba, are those new glasses? Nice! And- Makoto, you look handsome in that flannel, is it new?
Makoto, all beaming from gender euphoria: yeah, I went shopping with my Sis. Uhm, if you could use male terms for me today...
Tora: say no more. Now, do you kids wanna order food or would you like beef bowls? On the house?
Like. He just wants the kids of tomorrow to have the best chances possible
He doesn't get the gender stuff really, but he tries
Asks them questions respectfully, takes fucking notes
Tora: I don't think I need to scar you, you're a good kid. And your relationship is far from the norm, but- be safe, kid. And if you need info on stuff, I can find someone for you.
Haru: thanks, Uhm. Dad?
Tora, tearing up: Y-YEAH. UHM. HAVE A GOOD DATE
Haru: my dad really likes you
Makoto: he's your dad now?
Haru: don't dodge the compliment, love. He thinks you're the best thing since sliced bread
Makoto: gosh, that's. I'm glad,
Sae: hey, we're back with dinner! There better be two fully dressed boys at my table in a minute!
Makoto: COMJNG SIS! You ready for hotpot with my sister and her partner?
Haru: considering I met both of them before you? Yes
Sae notices the green on Makoto's arm and rubs at their hair: hey, sorry for saying boy without checking. How's my sib doing?
Makoto, voice cracking: I'm good,
Sae is a defense attorney who lives above a gym. She gets them weapons from a supplier for said gym, and the guns are special order from a Yakuza she infiltrated a while ago for the cops. They don't know she still has connections with them, and it would get her fired, Makoto out of her custody, etc
Tae is working for a pharmacy at the moment. She gets them info on people through her connections to an online group for past and present abuse victims
Their apartment isn't anything special, it's kinda small, and has a loft that becomes Makoto's when they are free from Kobayakawa
Sae meets Haru first and when she figures out the fluffy boy has something to do with that coach changing heart, she asks him to save her sister
Haru: you're a very sad looking girl
Makoto: excuse me?!
Haru: I'm attracted to you
Sae and Tae on a shopping trip with a newly freed Makoto, who is gravitating towards baggy clothes and masc stuff, and at the end Tae asks if they want an underfut, And she shaves it herself, and smiles at Sae when Makoto looks so happy
Haru is just slightly taller
He's short for a boy his age. Makoto doesn't mind at all, they like being able to rest their head on his shoulder
Ryuji: your group is quite something
Haru: aw, thanks Spikey
Maruki: alright, I think we'll call it there. Great work, Haru, you're showing great improvement.
Haru: thanks, doctor
Maruki: now, got any plans after this?
Haru: ...a date
Haru: ...yeah?
Maruki: that's so exciting! Good luck!
Haru and Makoto go to see a Yakuza movie and they share a thing of popcorn, and Makoto has an arm around Haru, and. Haru kisses at their jaw a little, not enough for a full distraction. Just, affection
They kiss just as the credits start, when it's still a little dark. Makoto's eyes blow wide, red ass face, death grip on Haru's arm
"...I wanna do that again"
Theyre touch starved and never realized it and now they have a touch starved boyfriend and it's just resulting in them being super casual about moderate pda
Makoto's favourite is playing with Haru's hands. They'll be in the Lizard Mobile or at Thief meetings or in safe rooms and they just. Grab at his hands and go to work
Having little bites of each other's lunches and shit
Okay so the reason I have Naoto as the Judgement? Cause the Shadow OPS would want to investigate into what's happening and wouldn't want Okumura and his people to cover up possible Persona stuff, so there's that
So they already know about Kirijo and shit
This ties into what I want for a Strikers. The metaverse suddenly comes back out of nowhere and Haru would probably wake up there, and find two confused adults. One with emo ass blue hair, the other with red/brown ponytail, neither with any memories, and an inability to leave
They tag along to help with the jail's. But then, Mitsuru Kirijo shows up and asks for Haru's phone. When he refuses, Mitsuru makes it clear she will get what she wants
It's weird and makes them freak out a bit and then the cops are after them
And Akihiko shows up to save them from the cops, and he confirms the twins are back somehow, and explains Mitsuru's stuff and. They team up to take down the baddy, and manage to get the twins out of the metaverse as it closes once more
Their memories are still gone. They're not sure how they're back, or what's happening with the sea of souls. The Royal semester shit messed with it, reviving the Justice Twins and all, and that's all I have lemme know if you think that'll work
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twilightknight17 · 7 months
Today on P3R, we’re technically covering three play sessions, because I didn’t have time to make a post before Katsucon. But a lot of that was Tartarus, so it’s not actually too much. ^_^
(Katsu pictures are coming at some point.)
Anyway, we’re off to Tartarus to train some and play with the new special attacks we got last time we were here! And get a little higher while we’re at it, so, let’s g--
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Oh god oh fuck not you
It’s not the boss version, so it’s fine, but I didn’t think things showed up as enemies until after they were bosses???
The other reason we were in Tartarus was to get black quartz to trade to the guy in Escapade for a discount on fashion glasses. (Is there somewhere that will buy my gemstones? The police station won’t, and I get why, but like… I just have these.)
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She looks very nice in those, actually.
Back at school, we’re still having a time. Odagiri of the student council has moved on to accusing the vice president over this one cigarette. And is not being diplomatic about it.
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I’m gonna mess up his social link just because I keep not agreeing with him on these things. X’’’D
I’ve also met Keisuke Hiraga of the art club, who is a very good artist, but his dad is a doctor, so he’s also… Very Fussy. XDDDD
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I can now hang out with my friends in the dorm, and I still think it’s weird that it calls them social links when I can’t start any of the girls’ links yet, and I can’t actually link with Junpei and Akihiko. I had tea with Mitsuru, though, and watched DVDs with Yukari, read manga with Junpei, and cooked with Akihiko. It’s nice! And some of them do give me stat boosts and items, so that’s cool.
I’m smooth now~
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...well, shit. Here we go.
Minato’s theurgy skills are apparently the fusion spells, which you’re allowed to use even when you don’t have the actual personas with you, which is nice. The two I have so far are Orpheus and Apsaras’ Cadenza, and the Jack Bros doing a standup routine, which is cute.
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I also got my first introduction to the Reaper. None of these floors really seem large enough to worry about it, so I think this appearance was scripted. Easy enough to get away from, though.
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Wait, what??? Can it do that??????
Once we found the missing girl, we escorted her back to the entrance, and I kept going til I found the next barrier floor. We’re done for now, so it’s time to go work on some more requests. Liz has a good one here. :D
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I love that all the Velvet attendants have a soft spot for Jack Frost.
We also get our first intro to Koromaru!
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Apparently he walks himself each day, since his owner at the shrine passed away. He stops for pets, but then carries on with his routine all on his own. He’s such a good dog. T_T
Ikutsuki drags us away from fussing over Koromaru to have a proper SEES meeting. He’s concluded that the Full Moon Shadows we’ve seen so far follow the Arcana from I to IV, and that there should theoretically be eight more, spanning from the Magician to Strength. And if we destroy them all, it will get rid of Tartarus and the Dark Hour, and we will have saved Iwatodai from Apathy Syndrome!
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...they are us. There’s not much more we can say, Ikutsuki.
Yeah, let’s go to the mall after that seriousness. We can check out a new social link!
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...oh yeah because this won’t go wrong.
School is still kicking my ass because this school is insane. But Junpei gets it, at least.
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I can’t spend time with Fuuka unless my courage is badass-level, because apparently her food is just that scary. She wants me to be a badass, Mitsuru wants me to be a genius… Is Yukari gonna want a casanova or something? X’D
And even though Mitsuru wants me to be a genius, she called the police because she thought Junpei’s messy room meant someone had broken in.
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And, as my last act before leaving for Katsu, these guys have made their first appearance, executing people in the Dark Hour based on requests on a revenge website. I don’t know how they wake people up from the coffins, but Tattoo Man over here is blasting people with a real gun, so that’s gonna be a problem~
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I return from my convention, happy and optimistic, and school is immediately still full of bullshit. XD
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You know, Keisuke, if you dad doesn’t want you to be an artist, and wants you to take over the hospital, why does he have fancy paintbrushes?
Anyway, Keisuke is about to win an art contest and gain the opportunity to study art abroad. And his dad is actually encouraging him to study abroad, so now he doesn’t know if he wants to do it because he doesn’t want to do what his dad wants. It’s kind of ridiculous, but the Fortune Arcana is all about choices, so… I guess.
We’re also off to fashion club to hang out with Bebe, who is actually surprisingly lovely despite being French. I appreciate his utter weeaboo enthusiasm. But… his aunt passed away unexpectedly, and he doesn’t know if his uncle will support letting him continue to study abroad. So not only is he upset that his aunt is gone, he also might have to leave the country he loves.
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Neither were you, dude! It’s okay!
This is not quite NieR Automata levels of “everything is bad”, but things are pretty bad. I mean… people are just leaving the Lost laying on the sidewalks. :/
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The Lost are the ones with Apathy Syndrome, but everyone else seems pretty apathetic, too.
I took Elizabeth to Iwatodai Station, and we had a lovely time.
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The takoyaki lady can see her, which, don’t worry, ma’am. Just showing my weird cousin around. She won’t tell me what’s in the takoyaki instead of octopus, though, because apparently the knowledge would be detrimental. Which… okay, Liz. Thanks. That’s not worrisome at all.
When last I saw Maiko, she was planning to ask her parents why they were getting a divorce, in the hopes of being able to fix it. Which, not a great plan, but I couldn’t actually stop her. She wants to talk now, though, so we’ll see how that wen--
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Maybe we can throw them into Tartarus. Fucking hell. Maiko wants to run away from home so that her parents are forced to work together to find her, and I am NOT allowed to beg Mitsuru to let her stay at the dorm. This sucks so much. She wants me to keep her plan a secret, but good lord. This is going to go so badly.
I go home to stew on my thoughts and play computer games for babies to up my courage.
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However that works. X’D
Lastly, I’ve reached my first choice that could potentially reverse a social link, I think?
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We commit scandalous hand-holding, and it’s nice. Chihiro clearly has a crush on me, but I don’t know who I want to date, yet. OBVIOUSLY, I have my preference, but since my preference isn’t available, I dunno. Fuuka is nice. Mitsuru is… great, but also SO far out of my league. XDDD
Pharos came back for my one-week full moon reminder, so I guess that’s up next. They keep implying it’s gonna be the Lovers shadow, since couples are passing out and someone mentioned Shirakawa Boulevard, but I thought Hierophant was next.
Ah, well.
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notafraidofloss · 26 days
Ok, so the first of these which I’ve more or less got the main concept is the overhaul mod called ‘Monday Dusk Monolith’, and in case you don’t know what it is, to put it in summary: A monolith falls on Earth and turns people into monstrous mutants. They must be saved... by singing! so BF decides to save GF's dad in the process and this journeys begins. this is directly taken from the wiki btw. However, I don’t feel that the name works per se. There’s no monolith involved in the Au. So, the new name of this Au is:
Magenta Misty Monday
*A camera feed starts to activate, a figure is shown to be activating it*
“Is this thing on?”
*Some more shuffling is heard before the screen shows the figure. The figure appears to be a young teenage boy, roughly between 13 and 16. He was wearing a respirator suit of a dark Emerald colour, goggles and having a hood over his head. He doesn’t seem to have a belt with pokeballs however.*
“Is it working? Ok, good. Hi, my name is Mitsuru Ikiosuru, but you could call me Wally, it’s my Galarian name after all. So, if you find this, I…probably should give you a rundown of what happened here.”
*Wally grabs the camera, showing what’s happening outside the window, it looks like Petalburg City, but ravaged and some kind of red haze is covering it*
“Yeah, not a pretty sight isn’t it? But it’s real, and I’m here to tell you what happened.”
*The camera pans back to Wally*
“Ok, I’ll summarize as much as possible as to what happened with no sugarcoating. It all started a couple months ago. No one really knew what happened, but one day, 9 capsules suddenly crash landed onto the planet. No one knew what the capsules were or how they got here, but what I do know, is that the effects were disastrous. The 9 capsules started to release some sort of red gas all at the same time, the gas had different effects on whatever inhaled, for Pokémon, they’re immune and experience no change, but for humans, that’s when the nightmare started. Humans who inhaled the gas, would start to mutate into Pokémon, not any weird clones, abominations, just regular ol’ hyper aggressive Pokemon. The transformation from what I know seems to be slow and painful, once it’s done, the victim will no memory of who they once were, with only one objective: to attack anything that’s in their way. Some unfortunate trainers had turned into legendaries, and engaged in brawls with the originals. Some won, some lost and most are in a stalemate.”
*The camera pans over to a couple of hats and caps that were beside Wally. They look strangely familiar…*
“At the same time, the red gas has slowly enveloped the globe and now our atmosphere is covered in it and most have reached ground. Infecting the trainees who didn’t breathe in the gas earlier. The ones who weren’t infected eventually managed to find shelters and bunkers underground, since the gas wasn’t able to reach there, but it may soon. Some people called it the ‘Red Smog’, others the ‘Fog of Bloodshed’, some the ‘Crimson Mist’. I just call it the ‘Cardinal Haze’ since, it’s the most accurate by far. Anyways, before the release of the gas, me, my girlfriend, ex and a couple others went back to this timeline after a vacation. When it started, I was going to pack my luggage to head for wormhole back to my own dimension. I noticed several agents from T.A.N.K near the ones at the area. I saw a rabid Frosslass with the haze surrounding some portions. I was horrified but made sure not to breathe in the haze, in a panic, I accidentally blasted my music a bit loud. The frosslass suddenly appeared to snap out of its trance before saying: “Wally?”
*Some sniffles can be heard*
“Anyways, it’s been a lot since then, the frosslass was taken to containment for study, I felt bad for it but didn’t have choice. Eventually, I was able to convince the leader of T.A.N.K to help find a cure for all this, they agreed but with reluctance. Ritz, my adopted brother who works for them, told me that these pokemon appeared from rifts and have been causing trouble, some even have been executed. I was shocked by all this. As they have no idea what this is, they had to agree with me since I was the only one who is from that specific timeline. As of that moment, I unofficially joined T.A.N.K, in exchange for ‘working’ with them, I got several new upgrades to my respirator suit, as well as a couple of weapons after some time training with them. I am allowed to use my secret weapon however. My job? Capturing as many infected people as much as possible. So that they could study them. I’m still a bit skeptical though, I plan on breaking in one day to find out. For now, that’s what I plan to do.
*Some roaring noise can be heard, Wally turns his head and sighs*
“Welp, gotta go, that’s the sound of my job callin’”
*He takes down the camera and turns it off*
Well that’s it! What do you think? Also, I am gonna list some inspirations as of what each is each.
The Cardinal Haze is inspired by the Red Mist by Lockstin and Gnoggin in their Legends Neo Ghetsis series
And that’s it.
Ok, some more info: this takes place in the game timeline. During the SV Arc pre DLC. Some manga characters are included, such as Yellow and Emerald. Wally still sings mainly to cope, but also against the infected humans
I have a cover planned for this Au, but it’ll be explained next time. But what do you think?
This is super cool!! I honestly forgot about Monday Dusk Monolith... Looking forward to hearing more about this AU, and seeing some of the covers!
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causalitylinked · 1 year
Who dreams about a family, who would be scared of that amount of responsibility?
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Honestly, barring Sasara and Yngwie, who do already have families... I'd say the muses who would want a family one day is Ryuto (actually canon), Rana, Galdo, Herja, and Fiorito while the ones who would be scared of that amount of responsibility would definitely be Kensuke and Fang.
Kakeru, in particular, wouldn't exactly be scared, per say, but would feel a great deal of guilt about actually moving on and starting a family of his own, especially when his younger brother is no longer around to experience all that life has to offer. Like, he does not think he deserves to be happy when Mitsuru never got the chance to live past the age of 15, let alone experience love, so thinking about how he'd never get to meet his own children would make him quite melancholic for a while, but he would surprisingly adapt to parenthood quite well (even if his kids do tend to tucker him out).
Meanwhile, Kobato can take it or leave it, meaning while a family would be nice, it's not exactly a deal breaker for him if his girl doesn't want kids; in fact, I could see him being content, just being the cool uncle his friends' kids would flock to. But he doesn't have a very strong opinion about it overall and will defer to what his girlfriend/wife wants out of their relationship... but I can see him being the fun-loving dad who is surprisingly responsible.
As for Gin... I don't think the idea of a family ever even occurred to him? Like, he had been busy, grappling with work and other personal issues, that starting a family never once crossed his mind, but I imagine he would prefer going the adoption route to avoid the gender dysphoria that would come about with him actually conceiving. Rather than a father, though, he would be more like a 'best friend' to his kids but is the chill, mellow parent that would still be reliable enough to have around. He'd also be observant enough to pick up on a lot of his kids' habits/eccentricities and manage to foster a close relationship with them, to the point where they would probably come to him more than they would come to their mother.
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