secretsandwriting · 2 years
will there be more to murder made us do it?? xx
I might make a little more in that universe sometimes and I'll definitely talk about it when asked but unless I really have inspiration not much will be added to it
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nilfruits-confessions · 3 months
I need Mmudy marmelade man. His eyebrows are tasty
is that you oro andalucia
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 3 years
dc writer: i could do work but i need inspiration so I'll just read someone elses work
the someone else going on break: time to just read fics
them refreshing the dc x reader tag and finding absolutely nothing from their mutuals
it's so funny because it's so sad😂😂
like i legit wanted some new content to get the creative juices flowing and then @capricorn-stark disappeared and then @tadpole-san and my girl @secretsandwriting put mmudi on the backburner and i was just like welp i gotta go to another fandom
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meyouwehigh · 9 years
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secretsandwriting · 2 years
Murder Made Us Do It
Part Fifteen: I told you
When a killer targeting couples manages to avoid both the Justice League and the Devil Fugitives, the two “enemies” decide to work together to bring him down. How do you catch a killer targeting couples? You bait him with couples. It couldn’t go wrong, right?
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@marvelwasmadeforthebis @g0atmansbridge182 @marshmallow12435
Forever tag list:
@butterfly-skinnylegend @fuzzycloudsz @truly-dionysus @ornebiglia @ironspiderstark @harleyq127 @goingwiththewind @mirdy47707 @batlover1303 @marbles-posts @ophelia-t-starks @theshippinglion @spoonful-of-sugar8 @cecedrake2217 @writing-mlm  @y0u-should-be-scared-of-me @dreams0304 @caffineandanime @miniarchangel @hadesnewpersephone @marvel--unsolved @cipheress-to-k-pop @greek-meth-ology @humaneleanor @a-daydreamers-day @babybatjason @walkingdiaryforhumanity @watch-out-idiot @cloudie-skay @vintagexparker @screennamealreadyused @malfoys-demigod @caswinchester2000 @ladythugs @unadulteratedlyunique @romanceandsarcasm @battlenix @am3l1a-24
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secretsandwriting · 2 years
Murder Made Us Do It
Part Five: Celebrities to Vigilantes
When a killer targeting couples manages to avoid both the Justice League and the Devil Fugitives, the two “enemies” decide to work together to bring him down. How do you catch a killer targeting couples? You bait him with couples. It couldn’t go wrong, right?
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Forever tag list:
@butterfly-skinnylegend @fuzzycloudsz @truly-dionysus @ornebiglia @ironspiderstark @harleyq127 @goingwiththewind @mirdy47707 @batlover1303 @marbles-posts @ophelia-t-starks @theshippinglion @spoonful-of-sugar8 @cecedrake2217 @writing-mlm @y0u-should-be-scared-of-me @dreams0304 @caffineandanime @miniarchangel @hadesnewpersephone @marvel--unsolved @cipheress-to-k-pop @greek-meth-ology @humaneleanor @a-daydreamers-day @babybatjason @walkingdiaryforhumanity @watch-out-idiot @cloudie-skay @vintagexparker @screennamealreadyused @malfoys-demigod @caswinchester2000 @ladythugs @unadulteratedlyunique @romanceandsarcasm @battlenix @am3l1a-24
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secretsandwriting · 2 years
Murder Made Us Do It
Part Twelve: A History On Cults
When a killer targeting couples manages to avoid both the Justice League and the Devil Fugitives, the two “enemies” decide to work together to bring him down. How do you catch a killer targeting couples? You bait him with couples. It couldn’t go wrong, right?
TW WARNINGS: Mentions of child abuse, death, human experimentation, kidnapping, electroshock therapy, phycological abuse, phycological horror, gunshot wounds, autopsies, bullet removal, shrapnel removal, animal abuse, organs outside of the body, starvation, forced iv, blood.
Probably over tagged but I figured better safe than sorry. Anyways idk how much I like this but its good enough! I hope those of you ok with reading it like it!
ALSO, if you like it pls comment or reblog with your thoughts bc i would love to hear them :D
“I really hate to have to be the one to say it… But ever since we cut contact, Matchmaker hasn’t shown up, we’ve all been feeling like we’re being watched, and we keep hearing about these people with smiley face masks. Something is going on and the only people who knew all the details are Bruce, Dick, Jason, Tim, Jacob and ourselves. The onl-” Alistair looked ready to cry.
“And the only one who wouldn’t face direct problems from it would be Jacob.” Ry finished for him.
“But he took us in, helped us learn how to function in society, got us therapy and countless other things. Why would he do something like this?” It didn’t make sense, why would he put so much effort into helping the three of you while helping the other side.
“The biggest question is who’s he helpi-” A hand clamped over your mouth and held you down, within seconds Ali and Ry were pinned as well. A familiar weight was clamped over your neck and the pain that came with it was just as bad as you remembered.
“No! Please! I promise I’ll be good!” You begged the man in the white coat. “I promise! I’ll sit still and I won’t hurt anyone I’m not supposed to! Just please don’t put the collar on! It hurts so much!” He hadn’t listened and the power restraining collar had been forced on despite your begging.
You were pulled from your memories when you were lifted up after being securely cuffed. Jacob stood up front, talking with one of the old scientists you thought had been killed. He glanced over and smirked. His eyes didn’t hold the warmth you were used to. It was like he was someone else entirely.
“Get them in the van. Make sure no one notices.” 
Why couldn’t nice things last.
Tim looked down at his phone when it pinged. Alistair. A soft smile grew on his face and the rest of the family grinned to themselves. It was cute and good blackmail material. 
“What’d your boyfriend say?”
“It’s just a location. Their hou-” He was cut off by the sound of Jason’s phone. Ry judging by the look on his face. He stepped away to answer before coming back and putting it on speaker. It sounded like Trash. The chatter was clearly a racoon and he sounded upset.
“The SOS.” Dick looked sick.
“What.” Bruce stood up.
“Y/n told me that they have a three part SOS and that the order they would come in would be Alistair, Ry, and then her. But her part was just a bunch of numbers and a book-” He typed through his phone before  showing them a screenshot with a series of numbers. 
“That's a safe code.”
“We need to go now!”
The entire group moved fast, getting into costume before getting into vehicles and speeding away. Within record time they were entering the house. Everything looked normal until two disturbed animals came running in. Trash waved them in while Appa started moving further into the house. 
They were led to a bookshelf that Trash scaled until he reached one book and tugged, looking back at the group. Damian stepped forward.
“A history of Cults?” He reached out and grabbed the book to pull it out but it only went so far before it stopped and they heard a click. Appa yowled from her spot on the ground, front paws up on the bookshelf and almost mimicking pushing it. Steph moved to help the cat and the bookshelf moved easily revealing a safe. The safe’s door was ripped off and it was empty.
“They go-” Appa yowled, interrupting Bruce and turning their eyes down to where Trash was acting something out.
“Behind it!” Jason moved and started inspecting the safe, Tim joining him. “Here. Pull!” The safe was moved and under it was another safe. “The code!” Dick put in the code and the door opened. He pulled out three files and a notebook. On the front of the books, in all caps, READ IN A SECURE LOCATION! Back to the Batcave, this time, they called the rest of the league to join them. 
“Why are we here?”
“The three from Devil’s Fugitives. Ghost, Cryptic, and Hacker have been kidnapped. We don’t know why or by who but they left us everything to get into their safe where we pulled these.” Bruce set the files and the notebook on the table. “We’re going to go over them and see if we can get any information off of them.”
“Ok, why is Dick holding a cat and a raccoon clinging to Jason?”
“They’re the girl’s pets.” 
The first file was scanned in and within seconds the first page was pulled up. 
Subject 404
It was Alistair’s judging by his ability listed. The reality of how bad it was, slowly started sinking in. They all saw the signs of past trauma, wasted as the three refused to explain things they had asked about, how how they all had weird habits that seemed off. But they never would have realized the full extent.
They hadn’t even gotten past the first page with the training plan. Just the training plan. But it was horrific. The detailed daily schedule consisted of electroshock therapy, whatever the hell fear training was, 6 hours of training daily, then an additional 4 hours of mental training as well as a whole slew of other things they didn’t want to figure out.
The second page was worse. It was the scientist's notes. While it was all important and all extremely twisted, a few things stood out to them.
Today pain training went well, the subject barely flinched when he was shot. Tomorrow we’ll try multiple shots.
The subject is starting to settle down. He’s not trying to make friends anymore and he’s going quietly when the guards go get him.
The subject is showing signs of fear towards rats. Tomorrow he’ll go through fear training and will be locked in a cage with them until he’s no longer afraid.
Today we introduced the subject to another to compare compatibility.
The subject seems to be working well with Subject 532. 
The Subject and Subject 532 will be introduced to the third. 
Subjects 404, 532, and 673 have been introduced and started training together. Its only a matter of time before our goals are completed.
The subjects seem to be getting too friendly. He was put down.
During Subject 404’s autopsy, 31 bullets, 45 shrapnel, and 392 foreign items were removed. They’re currently in the process of fixing the broken bones, once that’s complete we’ll move onto the enhanced Lazurus pit injections we created.
The injection was just inserted into the subject's heart. Now it’s a waiting game
The subject’s heart has started beating on its own.
One of the side effects seems to be a change in blood color, It's now a dark turquoise. 
The first training session since the revival has revealed an increase of physical abilities.
The subjects are still too close. When a guard tried to separate them, he was killed without hesitation. They’re getting stronger, we’re getting closer.
The only sound in the cave was Tim’s sobs. It was horrific. No one wanted to move onto the other files but they had too. They needed a clue as to where they would be.
The Next file was labeled Subject 532. It was Ry’s. The first page was basically the same, all the normal information a doctors office would have and then another horrible schedule plan. The Rest of the file was notes, and they braced themselves for the worst. 
Subject 532 is doing well with the fear training. It only takes an hour for her to get over most fears. 
The subject is still overly friendly with others but that could work as a cover so we’re letting it slide for now.
We’ve found a good punishment for the subject since meals weren’t enough leverage. Give her punishments to the animals she trains with and she’ll break.
The subject was introduced to a potential teammate. Subject 404. We’re not sure how it will go yet.
The two subjects seem to be working well together. We’ll adjust their training to match
A Third subject will be introduced. It’s earlier than planned but we’re progressing well. 
The first training with the third is going well. They’ve seemed to click well. Training will be adjusted again
The subject has gotten too close with the others. We were afraid of this. Subject 532 has been terminated.
Subject 532’s autopsy went well. All foreign objects were removed and bones and organs were patched up. Her organs will be placed in the body and the Enhanced Lazarus Pit serum will be injected tomorrow
The Subject's heart has started beating. It’s estimated she’ll be back up in less than a week
There's been a change in blood color as well as a few other vitals.
The first training session went well. The subject is showing signs of advanced physical abilities and increased aggression. More testing will be needed to find the limit
The subjects are still too close. When separation is mentioned around them they go ballistic. Its only a matter of time before they’re too strong for any chains mankind can create
Jason looked sick, between crying and screaming. No one could blame him. The things they read in the last hour were horrible. No one should have to go through anything like that. They continued on.
Subject #673
Starvation training is going good. It’s been 6 days since her last meal and she hasn’t broken yet.
The subject seems to be avoiding others, that's good for now
The subject refused to drink anything again today. We’ll have to use an IV
The subject is doing well with most of her training. She’s being prepared for her introduction with the other two subjects.
The subject wasn’t working well with the other two until a little into the session. They’ll be good together
Training has been adjusted to better match the three of them. However the subjects appear to be getting too close.
As feared, the subjects became too close to each other. Subject 673 was killed.
The subject was autopsied and put back together with the Enhanced Lazarus Pit liquid injected into her heart at the end. 
Her vitals are returning to normal and she should be ready to go soon. Her blood has started to change color.
The first training session has revealed an increase in physical ability. This will do wonders for our goal.
The subject has started showing signs of increased hostility, right now sh-
It abruptly cut off and blood could be seen at the bottom of the paper. There was nothing to help there. Just a list and descriptions of the horrors the three went through. That left their only hope in the notebook.
The three boys had seen enough, they had spent the last 7 months getting closer to them only to have them ripped from them and then shown the horrors the three had grown up with. But they needed to find them. They needed to save them. And they needed information for that
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@marvelwasmadeforthebis @g0atmansbridge182
Forever Taglist:
@butterfly-skinnylegend @fuzzycloudsz @truly-dionysus @ornebiglia @ironspiderstark @harleyq127 @goingwiththewind @mirdy47707 @batlover1303 @marbles-posts @ophelia-t-starks @theshippinglion @spoonful-of-sugar8 @cecedrake2217 @writing-mlm  @y0u-should-be-scared-of-me @dreams0304 @caffineandanime @miniarchangel @hadesnewpersephone @marvel--unsolved @cipheress-to-k-pop @greek-meth-ology @humaneleanor @a-daydreamers-day @babybatjason @walkingdiaryforhumanity @watch-out-idiot @cloudie-skay @vintagexparker @screennamealreadyused @malfoys-demigod @caswinchester2000 @ladythugs @unadulteratedlyunique @romanceandsarcasm @battlenix @am3l1a-24
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secretsandwriting · 2 years
Murder Made Us Do It
Part Ten: Black Ops QnA
When a killer targeting couples manages to avoid both the Justice League and the Devil Fugitives, the two “enemies” decide to work together to bring him down. How do you catch a killer targeting couples? You bait him with couples. It couldn’t go wrong, right?
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Forever tag list:
@butterfly-skinnylegend @fuzzycloudsz @truly-dionysus @ornebiglia @ironspiderstark @harleyq127 @goingwiththewind @mirdy47707 @batlover1303 @marbles-posts @ophelia-t-starks @theshippinglion @spoonful-of-sugar8 @cecedrake2217 @writing-mlm  @y0u-should-be-scared-of-me @dreams0304 @caffineandanime @miniarchangel @hadesnewpersephone @marvel--unsolved @cipheress-to-k-pop @greek-meth-ology @humaneleanor @a-daydreamers-day @babybatjason @walkingdiaryforhumanity @watch-out-idiot @cloudie-skay @vintagexparker @screennamealreadyused @malfoys-demigod @caswinchester2000 @ladythugs @unadulteratedlyunique @romanceandsarcasm @battlenix @am3l1a-24
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secretsandwriting · 2 years
Murder Made Us Do It
Part Four: Getting Away With Murder 101
When a killer targeting couples manages to avoid both the Justice League and the Devil Fugitives, the two “enemies” decide to work together to bring him down. How do you catch a killer targeting couples? You bait him with couples. It couldn’t go wrong, right?
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Taglist: @cipheress-to-k-pop @marvelwasmadeforthebis
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secretsandwriting · 2 years
Murder Made Us Do It
Part Seven: Dropping Contact
When a killer targeting couples manages to avoid both the Justice League and the Devil Fugitives, the two “enemies” decide to work together to bring him down. How do you catch a killer targeting couples? You bait him with couples. It couldn’t go wrong, right?
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Forever tag list:
@butterfly-skinnylegend @fuzzycloudsz @truly-dionysus @ornebiglia @ironspiderstark @harleyq127 @goingwiththewind @mirdy47707 @batlover1303 @marbles-posts @ophelia-t-starks @theshippinglion @spoonful-of-sugar8 @cecedrake2217 @writing-mlm  @y0u-should-be-scared-of-me @dreams0304 @caffineandanime @miniarchangel @hadesnewpersephone @marvel--unsolved @cipheress-to-k-pop @greek-meth-ology @humaneleanor @a-daydreamers-day @babybatjason @walkingdiaryforhumanity @watch-out-idiot @cloudie-skay @vintagexparker @screennamealreadyused @malfoys-demigod @caswinchester2000 @ladythugs @unadulteratedlyunique @romanceandsarcasm @battlenix @am3l1a-24
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secretsandwriting · 2 years
Murder Made Us Do It
Part Eleven: Nerds
When a killer targeting couples manages to avoid both the Justice League and the Devil Fugitives, the two “enemies” decide to work together to bring him down. How do you catch a killer targeting couples? You bait him with couples. It couldn’t go wrong, right?
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@marvelwasmadeforthebis @g0atmansbridge182
Forever tag list:
@butterfly-skinnylegend @fuzzycloudsz @truly-dionysus @ornebiglia @ironspiderstark @harleyq127 @goingwiththewind @mirdy47707 @batlover1303 @marbles-posts @ophelia-t-starks @theshippinglion @spoonful-of-sugar8 @cecedrake2217 @writing-mlm   @y0u-should-be-scared-of-me @dreams0304 @caffineandanime @miniarchangel @hadesnewpersephone @marvel--unsolved @cipheress-to-k-pop @greek-meth-ology @humaneleanor @a-daydreamers-day @babybatjason @walkingdiaryforhumanity @watch-out-idiot @cloudie-skay @vintagexparker @screennamealreadyused @malfoys-demigod @caswinchester2000 @ladythugs @unadulteratedlyunique @romanceandsarcasm @battlenix @am3l1a-24
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secretsandwriting · 2 years
Murder Made Us Do It
Part Sixteen: This is ____
When a killer targeting couples manages to avoid both the Justice League and the Devil Fugitives, the two “enemies” decide to work together to bring him down. How do you catch a killer targeting couples? You bait him with couples. It couldn’t go wrong, right?
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@marvelwasmadeforthebis @g0atmansbridge182 @marshmallow12435
Forever tag list:
@butterfly-skinnylegend @fuzzycloudsz @truly-dionysus @ornebiglia @ironspiderstark @harleyq127 @goingwiththewind @mirdy47707 @batlover1303 @marbles-posts @ophelia-t-starks @theshippinglion @spoonful-of-sugar8 @cecedrake2217 @writing-mlm   @y0u-should-be-scared-of-me @dreams0304 @caffineandanime @miniarchangel @hadesnewpersephone @marvel--unsolved @cipheress-to-k-pop @greek-meth-ology @humaneleanor @a-daydreamers-day @babybatjason @walkingdiaryforhumanity @watch-out-idiot @cloudie-skay @vintagexparker @screennamealreadyused @malfoys-demigod @caswinchester2000 @ladythugs @unadulteratedlyunique @romanceandsarcasm @battlenix @am3l1a-24
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secretsandwriting · 2 years
Murder Made Us Do It
Part Three: Nightmare
When a killer targeting couples manages to avoid both the Justice League and the Devil Fugitives, the two “enemies” decide to work together to bring him down. How do you catch a killer targeting couples? You bait him with couples. It couldn’t go wrong, right?
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“What is it you needed to talk to us about?” Bruce asked as he sat next to Jason, Tim, and Dick. 
“Matchmaker was found dead in a shallow grave outside of Wens. DNA testing proves it was them. Their skin was completely gone. It tells us that the person behind it, is none other than who we used to call. The nightmare.” Ry picked up after you.
“He would be called when the cultists thought we were planning an escape. He would come and pick someone at random, he would kill them and then take their skin and put it on. Turning himself into them, he would then proceed to use their skin as a psychological weapon.”
“Since he wasn’t a part of the cult, he wasn’t there during the massacre. If he’s here know, there are three options. One, he got a new job, two, we missed a file or two and the second generation of the cult wants to continue, or three, we missed a few.” Alistair paused. “But it does raise more concerns.”
“Like the fact he’s better and more unpredictable than the Matchmaker. Due to how careful we’ve been. He doesn’t know who we really are yet. It’s only a matter of time, once he does know. We’ll probably be bugged.”
“It’s not a matter of stopping him from finding out who our civilian identities are. It’s a matter of controlling what he finds out when he does know.” You looked at Bruce before continuing. “Right now, he has no idea we know about Matchmaker. I say we keep it like that. If we continue like we’re going like the plan never changed, it will keep suspicion off of us for a while.”
“Or maybe not.” Tim spoke up. “We keep the general idea of the plan, enough of it so it’s not an obvious change but enough that it works for this nightmare guy. With Matchmaker we were supposed to act oblivious to everything she set up. But this guy would know about your training and most likely ours so ignoring it would be a huge red flag.” 
“Say he bugs Jason’s apartment. There's no way in hell Jason wouldn’t notice. So what if instead of ignoring everything, we deal with it while pretending to ignore it. Like the bugging of his apartment, say something about them just loud enough that any good one will pick it up but don’t do anything about it.”
“Because there's no way in hell Matchmaker would catch things like that. Tim, you’re a genius.” 
“That does mean you won’t have any down time where you don’t have to be acting.” Bruce pointed out.
“It’s either that or he brutally murders us and steals our skin.”
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@cipheress-to-k-pop @marvelwasmadeforthebis
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secretsandwriting · 3 years
Murder Made Us Do It
Part Two: In Theory, We Might Die
When a killer targeting couples manages to avoid both the Justice League and the Devil Fugitives, the two “enemies” decide to work together to bring him down. How do you catch a killer targeting couples? You bait him with couples. It couldn’t go wrong, right?
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secretsandwriting · 2 years
Murder Made Us Do It
Part Thirteen: Critical Condition
When a killer targeting couples manages to avoid both the Justice League and the Devil Fugitives, the two “enemies” decide to work together to bring him down. How do you catch a killer targeting couples? You bait him with couples. It couldn’t go wrong, right?
If you’re reading this, something probably happened to us, so congrats, we actually trust you.” Anyways onto the important things. 
The three of us have written everything we remember about any locations we were taken to besides the main facility that we destroyed. It's not much but it's all we know. Now onto the information i guess.
the ground shook at 7 am, 12 pm, and 8 pm everyday at the huge training arena
I caught a snipit of the news one night and it mentioned the murder of Kallen Williams
One of the guards really liked the city's team, it had a cat in it.
The roads weren’t paved.
The woods had an endangered species
Moles could be heard through some of the halls.
There were lots of electronics nearby
One of the hallways collapsed and there was so much dirt. 
There were no windows
There was a green room with lots of plants
It took a little to follow the clues, some of it obviously covered up but eventually they did find it.
“So the murder of Kallen Williams was covered up pretty well. It took a while to find anything but it happened in West Port Washington 10 years ago. She was strangled and if the autopsy is correct, I’d say she was probably a victim of the cult. We also found out that a train runs through the city everyday at 7 am, 12 pm, and 8 pm. Their high school football team is called the West Port Tigers, and there's an abandoned warehouse 10 miles outside of the city. The tracks are about 200 feet from it.”
“Alright. Let's go.”
The warehouse was easy to find and with the supers finding the underground entrance wasn’t too hard. Everyone who stood in their way was taken down easily. Even when threatened, no one spilled anything so they couldn’t get any more information then they already had but that didn’t stop them. 
They kept going, sweeping every room as they went looking for any sign of the three. Finally they spotted Jacob at the end of the hall walking towards them. 
“Is this really neces-” He cut himself of with a scream as he dropped. The new bullet wound in his leg courtesy of Jason’s gun.
“Where are they?” Dick demanded. Jacob ignored him in favor of his leg. 
“Answer the question or one bullet wound will become two.” Tim stepped to the side to give Jason a better shot, the rest of the group waiting with the exception of Clark who was watching Bruce to make sure he wouldn’t pull the no murder bullshit. 
“No.” Another gunshot, this time in his arm. “Shooting me isn’t going to work! After all, a little pain is nothing if it means Zibheriud will be able to come to us! He’ll reward us f-” Another gunshot, he wouldn’t be getting up from it.
“Here!” That was the only warning they got before Connor ripped off one of the metal panels that made up the walls. Behind it, was another hallway. It was empty, they could see people cowering in the rooms through the glass on each door. They just locked them in, once the Black Ops were secured they would be dealt with.
They got to the end of the hall, one door left, no windows. Clark broke it down and there, laid out on cots, were Alistair, Y/n and Ry. All in critical condition. They were quickly picked up by the bats and rushed to one of the planes. The rest stayed back to take care of those left, the rest of Devil’s Fugitive would be coming to help. After all, they had history with the cult. 
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@marvelwasmadeforthebis @g0atmansbridge182
Forever tag list:
@butterfly-skinnylegend @fuzzycloudsz @truly-dionysus @ornebiglia @ironspiderstark @harleyq127 @goingwiththewind @mirdy47707 @batlover1303 @marbles-posts @ophelia-t-starks @theshippinglion @spoonful-of-sugar8 @cecedrake2217 @writing-mlm @y0u-should-be-scared-of-me @dreams0304 @caffineandanime @miniarchangel @hadesnewpersephone @marvel--unsolved @cipheress-to-k-pop @greek-meth-ology @humaneleanor @a-daydreamers-day @babybatjason @walkingdiaryforhumanity @watch-out-idiot @cloudie-skay @vintagexparker @screennamealreadyused @malfoys-demigod @caswinchester2000 @ladythugs @unadulteratedlyunique @romanceandsarcasm @battlenix @am3l1a-24
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secretsandwriting · 3 years
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When a killer targeting couples manages to avoid both the Justice League and the Devil Fugitives, the two "enemies" decide to work together to bring him down. How do you catch a killer targeting couples? You bait him with couples. It couldn't go wrong, right?
Note* this series will have a few sexual jokes and references but not a lot and nothing more. Also canon typical violence.
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Black Ops Profiles
Part One: Devil's Hell
Part Two: In Theory, We Could Die
Part Three: Nightmare
Part Four: How To Get Away With Murder 101
Part Five: Celebrities to Vigilantes
Part Six: Breaking Twitter Game
Part Seven: Dropping Contact
Part Eight: Monopoly
Part Nine: Girls Night
Part Ten: Black Ops QnA
Part Eleven: Nerds
Part Twelve: A History Of Cults Summarized vs without all the triggers
Part Thirteen: Critical Condition
Part Fourteen: Its A Joke Right
Part Fifteen: I Told You
Part Sixteen: This is ____
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Little extras in the universe, not a part of the plot
Can I copy your homework
pride (refrenced)
inside jokes
Incorrect Quotes: Yndick Alitim Ryson Black Ops Whole Squad
@cipheress-to-k-pop @marvelwasmadeforthebis @g0atmansbridge182 @marshmallow12435
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