a-timely-problem · 18 hours
overheard at the BAU
Henry: ...Are you my mom's girlfriend?"
Emily: "What?"
Henry: "Are you?"
Emily: "...your parents are still married"
Henry: "...do my parents know that???"
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emilyprentissluvr · 6 months
Matilda (Emily Prentiss x Reader)
"You can start a family who will always show you love"
Summary: In which Emily Prentiss comes home to her wife and daughter after a week-long case.
Warnings: None
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EMILY LET out a sigh of relief as she walked into her house and dropped her to-go bag. After a week-long case, all she wanted to do was curl up in bed with her wife. She made quick work of putting away her gun and credentials, trying to be quiet so she didn't wake anyone up.
She was in the kitchen filling up a glass of water when she heard soft footsteps walk into the kitchen.
"Mama!" Charlotte said as she ran over and wrapped her arms around Emily's leg. Emily smiled as she put the glass down and bent over to pick up the three-year-old.
"Hi sweet girl," Emily said as she kissed her daughter on the head, the smell of her shampoo already calming her senses. She smiled as she saw Charlotte's pink onesie, ever since the two of you bought it for her, she refused to wear anything else to bed.
"What are you doing out of bed?" Emily asked as she tickled the little girl's stomach. Charlotte giggled as she threw her small hands around her mother's neck.
"I'm thirsty." She said as she looked up at the raven-haired woman.
"Well, let's get you some water, and then you can go back to bed." Emily smiled as she opened another cabinet to grab a small plastic cup.
"I want apple juice." Charlotte pouted as she looked up at her mother.
She knows she shouldn't, but she could never say no to the perfected pout of her daughter. Emily knows it's because that pout is one hundred percent inherited from you.
"Don't tell Mommy, okay? It'll be our secret." Emily says as she holds out her pinky.
"Our secret!" Charlotte giggles as she wraps her pinky around Emily's. Emily adjusts the little girl to sit on her hip as she grabs the apple juice from the fridge and pours it into the light pink cup.
After Charlotte was done Emily left the cup on the sink to clean tomorrow.
She carried Charlotte upstairs and wasn't surprised when the toddler was starting to fall asleep in her arms. She smiled as she tucked her daughter into bed and gave her a quick kiss on the forehead before heading to her bedroom.
As soon as she walked in she saw your sleeping frame curled up against her pillow. She smiled as she immediately walked over to you and gently brushed some hair out of your face, not wanting to wake you but needing to feel the warmth of your skin. You unconsciously nuzzled your face into her hand. "I love you," She whispered, knowing that you were still asleep, but if she had learned anything from you, it was that she could never say those three words too many times.
She quickly changed out of her work clothes and into shorts and a sweatshirt before heading to the bathroom. When she came out a couple of minutes later she saw Charlotte curled up next to you with her small arm protectively on top of your five-month pregnant belly.
Emily's heart melted at the sight.
She never thought that this would be her life.
She never thought that love like this could come so easily.
That being loved was so easy.
"You're back." You murmured as you slowly sat up, carefully placing Charlotte's head onto the pillows without waking her up.
"I am." Emily smiled as she quickly got into bed and pulled you in for a soft kiss. Your lips tasted like home and Emily never wanted to leave.
"I missed you." You mumbled sleepily against her lips.
"I miss you too," Emily said as she rested her forehead against yours. "How's the little one?" She asked as she placed her hand softly onto your stomach.
"Good. She was hungry for a new combination this week though." You yawned and Emily raised her eyebrows. "Oh, she was?"
"Mhm. She insisted I eat tuna and peanut butter every day."
Emily wrinkled her nose at the thought, "Gross."
You just shrugged as you leaned your head against Emily's shoulder, "How was the case?" You asked quietly, knowing that Charlotte could sleep through anything but not wanting to take any chances.
"Let's just say I'm very happy to be back with my girls," Emily murmured as she rested her cheek on the top of your head. You knew this meant she didn't want to talk about it yet, so you didn't push. You remembered what it was like returning from a case, the heaviness in your heart making you want to do nothing but curl up with the people you love.
You still worked at the BAU, but after having Charlotte you decided you didn't want to be in the field anymore so you mostly worked on cold cases and consults over the phone.
"I love you." You said as you fought to keep your eyes open. You wanted to spend time with your wife after not seeing her for a week but your exhaustion was getting the better of you.
"I love you more." She smiled as she kissed the top of your head. "Why don't we go to sleep? We can talk more in the morning." Emily murmured and then immediately heard your soft snores from her shoulder.
Emily held back a laugh as she gently laid the both of you down on the bed. Your ability to fall asleep anywhere and anytime had surely been passed to Charlotte.
Emily buried her face into your neck as she lazily put her arms over your stomach. She never slept well without you, so as soon as she inhaled the scent of your body wash her eyes drifted closed.
Emily's eyes fluttered open to the feeling of small hands on her face.
"Mama." Charlotte's soft voice whispered.
"Mhm," Emily said sleepily as she rubbed her eyes and slowly sat up. The little girl immediately crawled into the brunette's lap and looked up at her excitedly. "Pancakes!"
Emily chuckled as she brushed wild hair off her daughter's forehead. "You want pancakes?"
Emily happily agreed, knowing that the two of them could surprise you with breakfast in bed since you were still fast asleep.
By the time they got downstairs, Charlotte was already chasing Sergio around the kitchen. The black cat had taken a long time to warm up to the little girl, but now he was at least tolerant of her antics.
Emily put on soft music as she got out all of the ingredients. She easily whipped together the batter in minutes and then went to find Charlotte so she could put in the chocolate chips.
"Char! It's chocolate chip time!" Emily called out as she walked into the living room.
As soon as she saw the two of them she couldn't help but laugh. "Very pretty, Serg," Emily said as she looked at the pink crown Charlotte had put on his head.
"He needs a dress!" Charlotte said excitedly as she bolted from the living to the playroom and came back with a pink, doll dress less than thirty seconds later.
"Why don't we play dress up after breakfast, okay?" Emily said as she scooped the little girl up, giving Sergio time to knock the tiara off with his paw and scamper upstairs.
"Okay," The toddler sighed dramatically, another thing that Emily claims is all you.
By the time they get into the kitchen, Charlotte has already forgotten about the dress and is squirming in Emily's arm to reach the chocolate chips.
"Remember, not too much," Emily says as she hands the bag to the little girl.
"Not too much," Charlotte repeats before dumping almost half the bag in.
"Well, it's a good thing you and your mommy love chocolate chips." Emily chuckled as she took the bag from her. Before she could put it away Charlotte stopped her, "Do the trick mama!" Charlotte says excitedly as she claps her hands.
The trick was just Emily seeing how many chocolate chips she could throw into her mouth but Charlotte was insistent that she do it every time they make pancakes.
"Okay, let's see if we can break the record, Char!" Emily smiled as she placed the toddler in her high chair next to the counter.
"Yeah!" She cheered. Emily's current record was 27 consecutive chocolate chips thrown into her mouth. It would have been more if they hadn't run out of them last time.
"Alright," Emily said as she grabbed one out of the bag and then tossed the chip high and easily caught it in her mouth.
"One!" The mother and daughter counted at the same time. The game went on for another three minutes, Charlotte had stopped counting at 20 but right when Emily threw the 27th one into the air, Sergio scurried passed Emily's leg causing her to fall backward and land right on her ass, missing the chocolate chip.
"Ow," Emily grumbled as shot a glare at the cat who looked smug as he ran away. The brunette could have sworn that was the cat's payback for letting her daughter dress him up.
"Mama hurt?" Charlotte asked as she looked down at Emily with sad eyes.
"I'm okay, sweet girl." Emily smiled as she ignored the crack in her knees as she stood up. "We'll beat our record next time, yeah?" She said as she gave her daughter a high five. "Yeah!" Charlotte giggled.
Thirty minutes later, all the pancakes were done and Emily had cut up some fruit and made you tea. She put everything on a tray as she and Charlotte walked up the stairs to surprise you.
"You want to wake up Mommy?" Emily asked and Charlotte nodded excitedly.
"Surprise!" Charlotte said as she ran through the room and jumped onto the bed, shaking your shoulders with her small hands.
"Mmm, good morning Char," You mumbled as you rubbed your eyes.
"We made breakfast!" She said excitedly as she pulled on your arm for you to sit up.
"Oh, you did?" You said as you looked over and saw your wife holding a tray with a big smile.
"Mama let me put in the chocolate chips!" Charlotte said as Emily gently placed the food onto the bed and then crawled next to you.
"Wow, they look good, Char! You and your mama are the best!" You said as you gave her a quick kiss on the head before turning to your wife.
"Thank you." You smiled, giving her a quick kiss on the lips before carefully pulling the tray onto your lap.
"Always," Emily said as she placed her chin on your shoulder. She watched lovingly as Charlotte burrowed into your side, stealing fruit from the tray as you cut the pancakes.
The three of you spent the rest of the morning in bed rewatching Charlotte's favorite movie for probably the fifteenth time. But neither you nor Emily would have had it any other way.
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This is some shit Emily Prentiss’ kid would send her if she had one:
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blackbird-brewster · 2 months
Mom!Em Fic Recs
@bau-babygirl requested: Fics featuring Emily as a mom [X]
JJ/Emily + Kids
[Find all of these and more fluff in my Domestic Jemily collection on AO3]
Mother's Day by w00t4ewan (me) Rated: G || WC: 715 Summary: Henry helps Emily surprise JJ on Mother's Day
Dreams Do Come True by w00t4ewan Rated: G || WC: 2000 Summary: Emily and JJ take Henry to Disneyworld on their first family vacation.
Breakfast by w00t4ewan Rated: G || WC: 840 Summary: Emily tries to let JJ sleep in and winds up with her hands full of a certain toddler.
Love is an Open Door by w00t4ewan Rated: G || WC: 1010 Summary: Emily and Henry work together to plan an unforgettable evening for JJ.
Jemily Ficlet Archives by w00t4ewan Rated: M || WC: 31,000+ Summary: An unrelated collection of Jemily ficlets and headcanons which were originally posted on my tumblr and up until now hadn't been shared on AO3.
Sand by @otahkoapisiakii (Phoenix_Falls) Rated: G || WC: 2630 Summary: JJ and Emily incorporate Henry in their wedding ceremony
Steps by Phoenix_Falls Rated: G || WC: 4670 Summary: Modified prompt from tumblr: "you asked me to the store with you and your child, and now my distant relative we met thinks im married with a baby"
Darwin by Phoenix_Falls Rated: G || WC: 831 Summary: Henry has an odd nickname. Likely takes place in the same verse as Steps, but 11 years later Mittens and Hats by @velutluna Rated: G || WC: 1944 Summary: JJ and Emily take their sons for a walk in a winter wonderland.
Perfect by velutuna Rated: G || WC: 660 Summary: A perfect evening at the home of the Prentiss-Jareau family.
Happy Birthday! by @ellegreenawayslover Rated: G || WC: 2028 Summary: Emily’s feelings during her birthday, her feelings years ago, and how she finally is truly happy with her life and how it turned out.
Morning Cartoons and Middle Names by @vhsrights Rated: G || WC: 2634 Summary: A shift in the numbers on his digital clock indicated that the time had arrived. 7:15 am. No sound of an alarm echoed through the upper floor of the Prentiss-Jareau house. There was pin-drop silence, and then the quiet chaos began.
Bonus: My Master List of MomEm Headcanons & Fanworks
Other Fics: Emily + Kids
A Year in the Life by @gaelic-symphony (thelarkascending) Tara/Emily || Rated: T || WC: 8455 Summary: Twelve vignettes from the married life of Tara Lewis and Emily Prentiss, written for the Year of the OTP writing challenge.
handprints on my soul by @prrentiss (unitchiefprentiss) Tara/Emily || Rated: T || WC: 32,000+ Summary: tara and emily after the events of just a dream. Maternal Instinct by thelarkascending Alex/Emily || Rated: G || WC: 1207 Summary: Motherhood brings with it complicated feelings for new moms Emily and Alex. Written for the CM fandom gift exchange Halloween Interlude by w00t4ewan Tara/Emily || Rated: G || WC: 1573 Maternal Instinct by thelarkascending Alex/Emily || Rated: G || WC: 1207 Summary: Motherhood brings with it complicated feelings for new moms Emily and Alex. Written for the CM fandom gift exchange
Bluey Mom by @alexblakeisgay (ArwenLalaith) Alex/Emily || Rated: G || WC: 2713 Summary: The adventures of Emily Prentiss as she navigates running the BAU, being a wife and mother, and her relationship with gender.
Oh, My Darling Clementine by ArwenLalaith Alex/Emily || Rated: G || WC: 930 Summary: Emily Prentiss is not above bribing her toddler daughter to get her to call her Mama…
Book Ends by ArwenLalaith Alex/Emily || Rated: G || WC: 18,500 Summary: Emily's life revolves around Lux - her four year old autistic daughter. She hasn't had a relationship since she got pregnant and certainly isn't looking to start one when she meets Alex Blake: phenom children's author.
Alex's life since her husband left and her son passed has revolved around writing and little else. She's been a recluse for years when her agent finally convinces her to make an appearance at her latest book launch. Little does she know, she's about to meet a four year old girl that will change her life....
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emily: You either buckle down and do your work or you’ll end up at McDonalds.
jack: We're going to McDonalds if I don't do my work?
hotch: NO-
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ravensinthedaylight · 2 years
Reid!Reader: Pick a card, any card.
Pentiss!Reader: Fine.
Reid!Reader: Wait, that's my dad's credit card! He'll kill me if I don't give it back!
Prentiss!Reader: You said any card, no take backs!
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charlleyx · 5 months
Jemily Fan Fiction
Jareau-Prentiss : Case Histories
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Jareau-Prentiss : Case Histories
This is my first 'case' in my series of Jemily one shots and multi-chapter instalments. They are all connected but won't be in any order. They will be all about the relationship between Emily Prentiss and Jennifer Jareau and the life they create together. It was span years of time. Some may follow loosely to some canon events but it should all become clear as you read and any changes I hope to explain in my writing as it comes up.
They will vary wildly in length and rating. Some will be short, some like this one multiple long chapters, some two shots and so on. Some will be rated T and some will go all the way to E. Some will contain smut, some will be fluff, some angst, some a mix of some or all of the above.
This is the first one I am posting
What happens when JJ decides on the 25th anniversary of her older sister's death that she will take Emily, her wife and their two young daughters to spend the long weekend with JJ's mother, Sandy. Will it help JJ's mother deal with her grief? Can a strained relationship between JJ and her mother be healed with the help of JJ's daughters presence. What will happen when before the anniversary date actually hits, JJ and Emily get called away on a case? Is leaving their young daughters with Sandy a smart move or could tragedy be lurking around the corner yet again?
The Case Of : Tragedy Strikes To The Day
Chapter 1 : Homecoming
Chapter 2 : Duty Calls
Chapter 3 : Trust Instincts
Chapter 4 : Finding Strength
Chapter 5 : It Comes In Waves
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beware-of-you-98 · 2 months
Um so i may have updated quantico if anyone cares
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prrentiss · 3 months
what was the reason for “you. kids. i can see it.” ????!!!!!???!!!?????!!!!!!??????????!!!!
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gaysullengirl · 4 months
matilda by gaysullengirl
❝ you can see the world, following the seasons
anywhere you go, you don't need a reason
'cause they never showed you love,
you don't have to be sorry for doing it on your own. ❞
cast ೃ⁀➷
ೃ⁀➷  beabadoobee as mazzy wright
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❝ i envy the leaves that grow from
the trees, they're all so carefree. ❞
ೃ⁀➷ paget brewster as emily prentiss
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❝ they told me all of my cages were mental,
so i got wasted like all my potential. ❞
ೃ⁀➷ @tadeleyee as april sinclair
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❝ aren't you the sweetest
thing on this side of hell? ❞
mazzy and emily
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thomas gibson as aaron hotchner
joe mantegna as david rossi
shemar moore as derek morgan
matthew gray gubler as spencer reid
aj cook as jennifer jareau
kirsten vangsness as penelope garcia
mixtape ೃ⁀➷
— mazzy, side a
➷ who's afraid of little old me?, taylor swift
❝ i was tame, i was gentle till
the circus life made me mean. ❞
➷ making the bed, olivia rodrigo
❝ push away all the people who know
me the best, but it's me who's been making
the bed. ❞
➷ broken cd, beabadoobee
❝ don't think i'm over it
like i always said i was. ❞
emily, side b —
➷ cowboy like me, taylor swift
❝ takes one to know one,
you're a cowboy like me. ❞
➷ sign of the times, harry styles
❝ just stop your crying, it's
the sign of the times. ❞
➷ nothing new, taylor swift ft. phoebe bridgers
❝ how can a person know
everythin' at 18, but nothin' at 22?
and will you still want me
when i'm nothing new? ❞
this is not a romance between emily and oc!
mazzy is pronounced like maisie
takes place in 2007 (season 3)
mazzy is inspired by billie eilish, beabadoobee, gracie abrams, and olivia rodrigo. a lot of their songs are mentioned, you don't have to listen to them songs but it helps set the scene!
this book will have mentions of murder, assault, physical abuse, self harm, panic attacks, depression, anxiety, alcohol use, foul language.
please get help if you are struggling with any of these things! if you ever need to talk to someone my dms are always open <3
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milfsincrime · 1 year
emily: you remember brad? the super totally real fbi agent?
jj: go on..
emily: he also jokingly asked me that night what we should name our first child together-
jj: yes?
emily: and i had to tell him that in my first week at the bau i lost a bet to derek and have to without question name my firstborn child megatron. and yet he was still interested
jj: if you for a second think we are naming this baby, our baby, the baby i am currently birthing, megatron of all things, then..
emily: ..then?
jj: find out emily, i dare you.
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cargopantsprentiss · 1 year
Thinking big thoughts about step mom Emily tonight guys.
Emily learning the names of all the comic book characters Henry likes after he asks to play figures with her and she misnames one of them. JJ finding her in her office grumbling at the latest issue of a Doctor Strange comic because come on, he wouldn’t do that Jayje, this is just poor writing and JJ affectionately rolling her eyes whilst silently agreeing (she’s done exactly the same thing, learning all his favourite characters).
Emily always packing goldfish crackers in her car and in her purse because she knows they’re Michael’s favorites, and scrutinising everything she buys for apples on the ingredients because Henry’s allergic, even though they rarely ever eat at her place.
Michael calling Emily “mama” one night, sleepily, after she’s read him a story, and it sitting in Emily’s chest, her throat swollen closed, her heart full and her eyes brimming with tears.
JJ in the doorway, overhearing and having to put a hand over her mouth to stop a sob escaping.
Emily routinely worrying that people are gonna mistake her for the boys’ grandmother, so much so that it’s become a bit at work, and Morgan’s threatened to bribe the teachers at Henry’s school into saying it just to get a reaction out of her. He won’t though because he knows better than to incite the wrath of JJ.
Emily always worrying that she’s not good with the boys and that they’re going to think she’s trying to encroach on Will’s place in their lives, when secretly they both adore her and always have.
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virescent-v · 2 years
i want to write but the ideas do not want to be had!!
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alexblakegf · 3 months
sugar mommy emily prentiss x fem!reader instagram posts
idk how i feel about these
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taglist 🏷️:
@itisdoctortoyousir @urfavesim @mrsebrewster @villaneve4life @hopedoesntknow @mrs-prentiss @lilfartbox1 @ssa-sapphic @inlovewithemilyprentiss @venromanova @ah-blossom @scarlettssub @geekyandgay98 @claymoreshaze @eyes-on-display @dj-bynum3718 @waitaminuteashh @daddy-heather-dunbar @toouncreativeforauser @momily @psychopath-at-heart @jjareau-cm @itzdarling @i-lovefandom @thawnexwells @kathleenmikaelson @lesbodietcoke @multifandomlesbianic @inlovewithjemily @thawnexwells @lovelyy-moonlight @dontemilyyyyme @sleepingathlete
be added to my tag list here
send asks and requests here
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storiesofsvu · 6 months
Decadent Desires Masterlist
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Emily Prentiss x reader Warnings: language, alcohol consumption, so much smut, minor mentions of canon type violence/events. Chapters will be tagged appropriately. Very slight crossover between CM & HOC to include Heather.
As Section Chief, Emily has found herself overwhelmed at work and ended up with a very underwhelming personal life. With not enough time or energy to dive into the dating pool she’s a little lost. That is until friend Heather Dunbar suggests making an arrangement where financial compensation is exchanged to get her needs met.
Series Playlist
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5**
Chapter 6**
Chapter 7**
Chapter 8**
Chapter 9**
Chapter 10**
Chapter 11**
Chapter 12
Chapter 13**
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16**
Chapter 17**
Chapter 18**
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Series Completed
______________ Send an ask or em to be added to the taglist! Moving forward; you will be taken off the taglist if you’re not interacting. Please interact with this post to clarify you do want to continue to be tagged! (And if you are not tagged but want to be message me!)
@mickey-gomez @momlifebehard @daddy-heather-dunbar @maybe-a-humanbean @rustyzebra @leftoverenvy @kades95 @dextur @supercriminalbean @its-soph-xx @just-a-torn-up-masterpiece @emilyprentisssluvr @lex13cm @zizzlekwum @emobabeyy @riveramorylunar @scorpsik @happenstnces @sapphicprentiss @geekyandgay98 @onmykneesformarvel @inlovewithemilyprentiss @regalmilfs4me @ara-a-bird @five-bi-five-mind @inlovewithmiddleagewomen @hotchs-bitch @ollysmulti @kmc1989 @irishavengersassemble @hopedoesntknow @dj-bynum3718 @venromanova @waitaminuteashh @noahrex @imlike-so-gaydude @wittygutsy @cx-emerald-cx cx @lesbodietcoke @momily @nilaues @borinxnovak @soverign @v3nusxsky @blackbird-brewster
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ravensinthedaylight · 2 years
Prentiss!Reader: FUCK THIS SHIT-
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