#Monday writing madness
aibouart · 1 day
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compilation of my other fav palette challenges from the years past... i should do them again sometime......
chara #9 belongs to @askbookwormflareon
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essektheylyss · 4 months
annoyed that I signed up for the 7pm yoga class tonight instead of the 5:45 one cuz I now can't drink and bang out a research paper and be done with it, but it does mean my paper will probably be better than it would've been if I had written the whole thing tonight while tipsy, so
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novelconcepts · 8 months
are you down (to be a distraction, baby?)
Tai doesn't even want to be at this party, but leaving before the ball drops feels like a coward's move. She'll stick it out.
Still: No rules saying she has to stay IN the house.
(A fill for Taivan Week 2023, "First Kiss Monday")
T, 5013 words
“Taissa! Catch!” She’s whirling before her brain can catch up, her hand shooting into the air. A cold can of beer smacks into her palm with all the power of a line-drive. Natalie flings both arms above her head, whooping. “Fuck yeah! Told you she’d do it!” Tai bestows upon them all a broad smile, cracking the tab and pounding half the can in a single pull. Nat makes a noise like Taissa’s just delivered her first-born, pain-free, and Tai laughs. It’s a bold sound, brassy over the whump of music, and she doesn’t really feel it at all. Not down deep in her chest, in her belly, where the best kind of laughter lives. Not in her head, which is pounding. It, like so much of this evening, is a lie.
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y'all i promise i was GOING to brainrot about moth but then genshin dropped the teaser for the Arlecchino animated short and now my head is full of nothing but Father
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dootznbootz · 4 months
I'm technically most likely demiromantic (definitely demisexual) which is technically on the aro spectrum but I'm sooooo romance favorable that it almost doesn't feel like it counts????
I'm a huge romantic sap but I'm kind of funky with crushes. I have them and I get them but I'm very particular and I almost have... control over them???
Like when I start to feel the feelings™, I then start looking at a possible relationship through "logic lens".
"Compatible here, there, there too. Okay, we're not with that though, and I will not move on that so therefore it will not work. Alright, cool! Best friend! Best friend! Best friend!"
I can just shut off the feelings™ once I get the feeling it's not gonna work, especially if it's on something I will not change. If I have a feeling there's potential, I let feelings "grow".
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chai-berries · 5 days
pick a song from my personal collection and vote who it fits best! no wrong answers it’s just for fun!
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tessa-liam · 1 year
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MC Mixer -Week 4
Party Games
My poll for Riley Brooks-Rys for this week's MC Madness hosted by @choicesmcmadness
📌This is my poll for my OTP MC Riley Brooks-Rys. I've posted two truths and a lie about Riley, vote for which you think is the lie and in a week when the poll ends I'll make a post on which is the lie!
📌@ao719 @txemrn @queenmiarys @sfb123 @twinkleallnight @alj4890 @differenttyphoonwerewolf @harleybeaumont @busywoman @karahalloway @kingliam2019 @imjusthereforliam @lovingchoices14 @kyra75 @tinkie1973 @emkay512 @malblk21 @kristinamae093 @jared2612 @thesvnsins @irisk12 @walkerdrakewalker @charlotteg234 @emersyn-in-cordonia @mainstreetreader
@choicesficwriterscreations @choicesmonthlychallenge @choicesflashfics @moodmusicmonday @choicesprompts @choicesholidays
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applexi · 7 months
school madness
#drama is happening in the school AND I AM IN ON IT RN‼️‼️‼️ /POS IM ABOUT TO RALLY WITH THE ADMINS RAAAUUAWWWWRR#OKAY SO LIKE?!?????!!!!!!!!#our exams are on monday#but not all of the teachers really had their chance to cover all the lessons for us to tackle for the reasons being:#1) the school loves extracurricular activities#2) national holidays (but this is understandable)#3) THEY WANT OUR FUCKING CLEARANCES SIGNED!!!!! SHOULDN'T THAT SHIT BE DONE /AFTER/ EXAMS?????#MF NO CLEARANCE NO EXAM EXCUSE MEEEEEEE YOU EXPECT LIKE 1K STUDENTS TO GO SCRAMBLE AROUND THE SCHOOL ASKING FOR SIGNATURES#youre pushing them to finish getting the admin signatures first RATHER than telling them to study for the exams??? and you tell me#OHH FINISH THE CLEARANCE FIRST BEFORE THE EXAMS#anyways the students and my class adviser (not an admin) are rallying to reschedule the exam for another week because this is bullshit#last school year our exams were transfered to january!!! why cant we do that last time!!!!!!!!!!#and it was okay!!!!!!!!#im like#mad and tired and fuckin OAUUAAHH#usually i feel thr urgent need to study to be prepared for the exams BUT I DON'T FEEL THE URGENCY BECAUSE WE WERENT TAUGHT PROPERLU 😭😭#my complaining isnt even filled to my satisfaction i still have so much more to complain about ohmymgoiooodd#eugh whatever i literally walked out today to get my clearance signed (30% complete 😭 its not easy to get signatures) im gonna go write#absolute bullcrap i tel you#this week has been hell
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Another Monday, another week cruelly denied our blorbos, another li’l ficlet that hopefully helps soothe the heartache.
Title: Fractals from the Lightning Bolt
Chapter Rating: E
Pairing: Buck/Eddie
Chapters: 4/52
Chapter Summary: So I saw this gifset and. well.
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ginadope · 2 years
From longing it all springs
Through longing it will crawl
In close remoteness it will curl
Until longing changes its hue - from this
All will spring
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xxlunadeaxx · 1 year
Dio: I fear no man. But that thing... Mad Rat and Heart: *Squeak squeak* Dio: That thing... It scares me
Alternatively named, Dio's power is outstripped by a rat that will fight anything that moves. Even his own hallucinations heart.
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kindahoping4forever · 2 years
Hi Crystal, how are you? Hope you’re doing well :)
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👋🏻 Wow I definitely didn't intend to be gone for an entire week but I'm also lowkey impressed at myself for managing to stay away that long 😅
Yeah, ya girl just needed a little time to herself. Things have been a lot recently, especially health-wise, and I've been feeling pretty overwhelmed but did my best to hang on around here at least thru the album release/promo. Last week got a bit intense for me and it conveniently aligned with the band quieting down, making it much easier for me to allow myself to do the same. 🤓
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toonfinatic · 1 year
Hey can the person who owns the aggressive pittie in this apartment complex get a muzzle on that dog. That things gonna kill someone or something at some point
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supercantaloupe · 1 year
i really really hate being the kind of person who gets upset at scoring a B on a test but unfortunately i am that guy
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wafflesetc · 1 year
do you think Jay/Jesse deserve better after 10 years?
I think this question is honestly so subjective. Right now, part of me wants to say to say yes... Yes he sure as heck did. I don't know how they can defend what they are doing to his character - to their relationship - it's purely bad, lazy writing all for the sake of drama.
There are ways this entire storyline could have gone that still would been dramatic and put Hailey through an emotional year, without doing what they are doing. Why they are choosing to do this just confuses me, because they all deserve so much more.
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I have not written a single word to antichrist story this week but with prepping for the fall festival, multiple family arguements, and health concerns over lil zuzu something tells me my professor won't crucify me for it
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