kagami-shinami · 7 months
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I made a new child. His name is Montaro. He’s a big boy, he’s 21 ft tall. I’m yeeting him at you guys. Have fun.
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hatedart · 2 months
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infectious human waste
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Security Breach.
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Alright. I think it’s about time.
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You’re getting ready to breach?
*Eden watches as Kaede takes a grenade out of her backpack.
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Yeah. Munakata needs me to detonate this near the area of the map he pointed out. Judging from the layout, it should be just around that hatch.
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Over there, huh?
*Eden and Kaede poke their heads up above their hiding spot, and see the periscopes and sensors active.
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You aren’t gonna be able to lob it from here. And if you try to get closer, they’re gonna see you.
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...You’re right...Hm...
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*Kaede thinks for a moment, then suddenly gets an idea. She takes the grenade pouch and pulls it tightly into a rope.
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Hold on...
*She then uses the pouch to tie the grenade to her Mozart MKII Spear. She then holds the spear horizontally, and uses it’s ability to make it float.
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...That could just work...
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*Kaede retains focus and moves the spear forward through the air. With the grenade strapped to it, it floats over the bunker without triggering the sensors. 
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Kaede! Periscope, 9 o’clock!
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*Using her predictions to their advantage, Eden warns Kaede in time as a periscope pops out of the ground next to the spear. Kaede quickly moves her spear and hides it behind a tree. The periscope looks around for a moment, then retreats back into the ground.
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Phew! Thanks...
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...*Kaede resumes focus and moves the spear further forward, until she’s right above the spot. The grenade pouch becomes lose and the grenade itself falls and lands on the ground, immediately triggering the sensors and causing the periscopes to appear.
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*Kaede controls her spear and causes it to crash on the grenade. The spear’s properties cause the reaction to trigger immediately, and a massive explosion bursts out and blows the lab wide open!
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*Ando and his Monokuma helpers topple over as the explosion shakes the entire lab system. Items fall off his tables, as a loud blaring alarm sounds out throughout the facility.
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*Ando grabs a protective helmet and dons it, turning towards the tied-up detectives.
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Friends of yours I presume? They arrived quicker than I would have thought...
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*Not too far away, the Monokubs, traveling together as a group, also fly around in a panic at the explosion.
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Let’s get the hell outta here!
*They scuttle down the tunnels together.
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Great! Just in time!
*Kaede hears sounds above her, as the choppers full of soldiers fly by. Kaede’s squadron stops next to her, and the Future Foundation soldiers descend down on lines to join her.
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Get down into the lab! I’ll be right behind you!
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Hey! Let me come too!
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No! I can’t do that Eden. I don’t want to put you at risk. 
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Stay here, and make sure no one escapes. Anyone or anything tries to get through here, you turn them back, or you turn them into fertilizer!
*Kaede turns and rushes down towards the breached hatch with her soldiers.
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...Alright, fine. I’ll bite.
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*Kaede leaps down into the lab and recalls her spear as the Monokuma’s inside start to rush at her and her soldiers. Despite the explosion from before, her spear is in peak condition.
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Wow! Barely even a scratch!
*She readies herself and turns around to her squadron
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This is it boys! SCRAP ‘EM!
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*Munakata and his men dive out of their chopper and arrive at the first door. A charge is quickly planted and the door is blown wide open. They waste no time in rushing inside.
Soldier: Sir! We appear to be in the clear. No enemies currently in sight.
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Looks like Kaede Akamatsu’s distraction is working. 
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Remain on your guards. We’re not likely to be alone for long!
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Soldier: You sure you’re ok, sir?
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Yeah! Yeah, don’t worry, I got this! I got...GRUAAGH!
*Clenching his stomach, Kuripa slides down the wire outside the other door, after watching Munakata and his men descend from a distance. Kuripa and his squad land safely.
Soldier: Get a charge on this door! Blow it wide-
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*Kuripa leans down and shoulder tackles the steel doors out of their sockets.
Soldier: Oh! Uh...Never mind! That works too.
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*Kaede rushes forward and slices through a beastly Monokuma using her spear. As she continues to take out all the assaulting enemies down the tunnel, the soldiers continue to push their way through, opening fire on any enemies and clearing out the lab.
Soldier: Commander! Incoming!
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*Two Destroyer Monokuma’s soar down the tunnel with their jetpacks, and once they get within distance, they spurt flames straight at Kaede and her men.
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*Kaede wheels her spear around as fast as she can to fan and deflect the flames, but she becomes worn down easily.
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I can’t...HOLD THEM...!
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*Kaede and her men stand their ground, but then are given a chance to relax as both Destroyer’s are suddenly sliced completely in half.
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Hoo...Not a bad clean up job all things considered. Need some help?
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Phew! Don’t think I’ve ever been so happy to see you before, Kuripa. Thanks for the save.
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No problem. Now let’s hurry and find Boytoy and Bosswife!
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Hey...did ya’ll sees what I sees?
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Holy crap...!? They killed dad! Like...ALL of dad!
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What happened!? Daddy was supposed to be the strongest of all time!?
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Hey...Izit just me, or does that blond chick look kinda familiar?
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I barely recognize her! Who knew she had become this strong...!?
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H-Hey...Monotaro! You’re the leader. What do we do?
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I’ll tell you what we’ll do...
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Monokid! What should we do!?
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Huh!? Ugh...I dunno! Monosuke! What should we do!?
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Nyeegh...Hey, Mono-dumb?
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You still got that bomb Doc Ando gave ya?
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Good. Keep a nice tight hold o’ that. Future Foundation might be able to destroy or deactivate the othah bombs, but so long as we keep this one away from ‘em, they’re fucked!
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So run and hide like cowards? I like that idea!
*The Monokubs run off to hide like cowards while Kuripa and Kaede storm their way through the lab towards Shuichi and Kyoko.
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barutokun · 1 year
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The only games I made 100% on Steam... because entertainment has no price  🥳
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acatnamedafteradog · 10 months
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Searching the beach for booty
By Feretta on furaffinity
Follow or support them on patreon
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toyota-supra · 1 year
I don’t know if it’s a series you’re a proper fan of, but are you excited for mortal kombat 1?
not really! I grew up playing the first three Mortal Kombat games with my family and since then I've been very superficially interested checking games now and then to see how the characters are doing and all but I think most of the games are pretty alright at best and none of the material shown for this new one tells me "this is a game I want to play" rather it tells me "this is a game that will be fun to make fun of for a month and stop thinking about it" much like all of the more recent Mortal Kombat and Injustice games have been
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dapper-lil-arts · 1 day
I saw you answer an ask and mention a fic about sunset being a weapon-i thought you might like to check out Incarnate by Revel Montaro on FIM. It's got multiple sequels, sunset with scitwi, and technically spans thousands of years. It even ends with a better explanation as to why g5 didn't originally have magic. (ive also read all yours and love it)
I've seen it, but haven't ready! I'm not sure I have the time for a fic that large, really! I might someday, but I struggle with getting through mall ones nowdays lol. (sleepy)
Also dangnabbit if yall read my fics leave a comment or something! Feedback motivates me to write more!!!
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pixelartarchive · 2 years
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Here's an animation of our 8-directional movement with Montaro.
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agvarina · 6 months
Does Chibis has any facial hair like their original counterpart?
How do you draw Chibis that were not in humanoid shape like Asgaarth,Goro,Sherva,Kintaro,Kollector,Montaro?
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thedestinysunknown · 1 year
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Mortal Kombat 1 - General Shao & Sindel:
"Two more characters in the game and I just had a feeling the new trailer was going to focus on this two ex-lovers. I'm glad to see my girl, Sindel, back in the game. She looks so much fun. Shao Khan looks like fun as well, but I do not like the horns. We also have two new kameos, aka Montaro and Shujinko."
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proton-wobbler · 1 year
Round 1, Poll 31
Purple-crowned Fairy vs Green Wood-Hoopoe
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sources under cut
Purple-crowned Fairy Propaganda
"beautiful baby; genderfluid colors!"
While most hummingbirds take nectar "fairly", sometimes this species will "rob" nectar from the flowers by piercing the base and sipping from there. This is called "robbing" as the flower then doesn't get pollinated by the hummingbird in the exchange.
Green Wood-Hoopoe Propaganda
"Produces foul-smelling secretions in its preen glands. Also, really cool colors and shape!"
This cooperative breeder can be found in groups of up to a dozen birds, with only a single breeding pair. The breeding female will be fed along with the nestlings by the rest of the group, even after the young have fledged and left the nest.
Image Sources: Hummingbird (Alexander Montaro); Wood-Hoopoe (Tomáš Grim)
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hatedart · 3 months
you're not allowed to have ocs with the same names as my ocs
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purple-link · 23 hours
Alisaie and Purple Link
FFXIV Write 2024 Story Entry
Spoiler: Story takes place after WoL reaches Garlemald in Endwalker, but but before the Tower of Babil dungeon. Story will be largely sfw, but will adhere to FFXIV's level of mature storytelling.
Chapter 23: On Cloud Nine
“…And that’s just how it’s been,” said Purple Link, flying on one of his own Lanners, a purple-winged beauty, natch, “My life has been an endless series of bad luck cases. I was working out in the fields of Central Thanalan before Thancred found me.
"I don’t really need to tell you what happened after that.”
“Duly noted,” said Alisaie, agreeing, riding atop her own Yol, “However, Purple, you must understand, I wasn’t there for most of it.
"I re-joined the party in Ishgard, only really seriously considering joining permanently after the debacle that was the Crystal Braves.”
Purple Link grimaced. He remembered the efforts that Alphinaud took to make a unified front against the Garleans, what was to be now called the “Grand Company of Eorzea.”
…There was to be another name, he remembered, but it was shot down quickly.
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In any case, the matter of Alisaie’s joining of the Scions was moot point, now that they were pretty much each other’s moral anchor.
In the figurative sense, not in the soul sense.
“I suppose that’s true,” said Purple Link, “I mean, long story short, we went after Gaius in the Praetorium, he went on about some such other, things like who I fought for, or why men like Louisoix would grovel at the feet of the gods.
“Understandably, I was very glib,” he added, as if all the memories rushed back to him over and over, in a never-ending repetition of yelling and golden gunblades.
“Who wouldn’t be,” said Alisaie, “Not that Gaius thinks that now, but he’s had his own perspective shifted about Grandfather’s actions. I think now he would be paradoxically impressed by him.”
“Yeah,” said Purple Link, sadly, “But it took him losing nearly all his family to change his mind.”
The Wolf Burglar, who had been flying very neatly alongside his huge but otherwise very normal falcon Montaro, had been listening to only about half this stuff.
“This really doesn’t concern me at all about any of it, does it?” said the Wolf Burglar, “I mean, I understand basically nothing.”
“Let’s just say,” said Purple Link, “The definition for ‘apocalypse’ didn’t have a plural until I came along.”
“That’s not strictly true, is it?” queried Alisiae, “After all, this is the Seventh Umbral Calamity.
"Unless Hydaelyn is swarming about the planet’s surface activating Warriors of Light all over the place, I don’t think we could depend on anyone but you to face the dangers we ask of you.
“However, I don’t think that excludes the number of people who have been Warriors of Light in the past, to face those previous calamities,” said Alisie, “Nor does it explain the very large wall in remembrance of the Rising, in Ul’dah’s corner of their streets.
"Obviously, there had to have been others.”
“Well, I’m just glad to help,” said Purple Link, “Whatever the case may be. Speaking of which, do you know where we should look next?”
“Well, this is Yanxia,” said the Wolf Burglar, as they swooped over the great red wall that separated the ruins of Doma from Namai, “I’m pretty sure we covered this whole coastline, sans the Glittering Basin.
"All the same, it wouldn’t hurt to do one more go through.”
“Agreed,” said Purple Link, and they separated to cover more ground.
It was now two days before the ceremony, Alphinaud was still a prisoner of the bandits, and they were no closer to finding the location of the ceremony. All previous requests to hold the ceremony anew elsewhere were quickly shot down.
“I want this to go as perfectly as possible,” said Lord Hien, after debriefing with him swiftly, “The best show of diplomacy with our Lupin allies is to be as accurate as possible.”
“The Lupin appreciate a show of force,” said Hakuro, “But we equally appreciate a solemn gesture. Such is the way of the Alpha.”
The mention of tradition forced their hand, and with Lord Hien insistent on it, they had no choice but to look for the location on their own.
Starting over in the southeastern portion of Yanxia, which connected to the Ruby Sea, they covered all the familiar haunts, stretching from the Glittering Basin itself to the ends of Prism Lake.
From their vantage point, Purple noticed the Lupin in the Glittering Basin were fighting against the Tenaga, big hulking tree-like creatures that wrapped around a crystal host.
He only merely cast a glance, but he thought he could see an oddly shaped white-furred Lupin teaching the bandits how to do a trick.
His attention was laid elsewhere, as he flew over a rather beautiful and isolated spot he’d visited many times before. It was one of his favorite secret spots, a plum spring with large blossoming leaves, a pink so vibrant, they could even be seen in the dark.
While this helped him clear his mind, he deemed the place a bit too perfect for such a ceremony. It didn’t attract visitors the way that even, level ground could provide.
“Hey Purple?” said a voice suddenly, in his ear. Purple Link tapped the linkpearl twice to answer the call.
“I can hear you,” said Purple, “How’s it going, Alisaie?”
“So, I just covered Namai, and I know you’ve got the Glittering Basin covered,” said Alisaie, “But I’ve been told stories about our friend, and I wanted to run them by you, first.
"Could I ask you to come to Namai?”
"“On my way,” said Purple Link, and he hopped back onto his purple-winged lanner and shot off into the sky.
Meanwhile, the Wolf Burglar was having a hell of a time. Having just survived yet another excursion with the automata that roamed Doma’s razed streets, he floated above Prism Lake, thinking the Lupin would have to be mad to travel so high up, and so far past the line of Rijin rule, if they wanted to have a celebration on such uneven ground.
Especially if it was the Lupin he was thinking of. They would have rather been caught dead than willingly travel through Doma’s boundaries, even if it was merely a matter of principle up to this point.
He was still thinking about Purple Link, and their time in Rhalgr’s Reach. Having left the sunny spot to the Ala Mhigans, they blipped back to Yanxia, to try another hand at searching places it might not have occurred to him to look.
He was thinking about his parents again.
He hated to do so, it brought to him some uncomfortable memories, about living under Garlean rule, about having to live off the streets.
Traveling to Kugane felt a little familiar to him, and he realized it might have been because he wasn’t the first person to do such a thing.
He’s berated the Warrior of Light long enough on his status as a superhero, he didn’t exactly have time to question who he was as a person.
He didn’t realize the Warrior of Light would have all the answers.
Not that his pre-teen years didn’t go by as a blur, of course it did, especially before he turned ten. But he did remember his parents' faces.
Huge muzzles hovering over his, like proud parents, or perhaps that of a pet owner. It didn’t matter to him, he was their child, and he was happy.
Then came the purge of insurgents.
He didn’t remember who they fought for, he didn’t know who they were, and he specifically didn’t remember how his parents were involved.
He knew, even then, that life could be cruel and unfair. Waiting around for things to get better on their own didn’t seem to suit his lifestyle, so he dug a little deeper, cut a little closer.
With his step-father’s sword by his side, he could start taking down some big-name targets.
But how the tides could quickly turn. The horrible leaders and two-timing merchants also had families, and they weren’t exactly awful fathers when they were alone. Depriving them of even their families was beneath his stature.
He didn’t like to kill. He just liked to steal. The people he spared would soon come after him, with bounty huntres, serial-killers, and the Sekiseigumi, the police force that worked for the Kugane government.
They would sooner become villains in their own right, and good luck to that, but it felt like a mercy that was spared too soon.
But then Purple Link arrived on the scene, and that blustering Hildebrand. He couldn’t believe his eyes that his world could flip-turn, upside-down, and show him a newer perspective.
And now he was doing it again.
What right did he have to be cynical, thought the Wolf Burglar about himself, all he could think about was a samurai sword and a few broken promises.
Promises he made to his parents.
Promises he made to his adoptive samurai father.
Promises he made to the people of Kugane, who were waiting for his salve of justice.
Then there was the possibility the world could be destroyed at any moment, he thought. The problem became too big in his mind to contemplate.
He decided he would leave that to the real Warrior of Light, to truth and justice, and whatever else he had on his plate.
Before he knew it, he was on the south side of Doma.
Doma and Doma Castle surrounded a large river, one that separated Doma from the section of the southern side of Othard. In the middle of the river, he could see, was the Doman Enclave, almost a small hutlet community from this distance.
…What was he going to do about Lord Hien, he thought. If everything went well, he could bring a whole new generation of Lupin security and peace. On the other hand…
As his thoughts drifted to the possibility of betraying Lord Hien, his eyes caught something. Something that hadn’t occurred to him before.
From the streets of Doma, a path wound it’s way down to the shores of the gulf, where stood a short pier. He hadn’t thought of it at the time, but the pier seemed too small to travel the One River without taking great pains to get to the sea, and eventually the ocean.
It didn't seem like it could berth huge trading ships easily. It must have been for local transport.
Cross the One River, on the other hand, and you had a small little island, one that shouldered a huge cliff face, and the gargantuan Dairyu Moon Gates.
These gates had recently been hijacked and refitted to include Garlean shield technology, but since the Garleans had left, there was no one there to deliver upkeep.
Anybody could pass through them.
He wondered…
The first thing that caught his eye was a tree that grew in a very odd way. It was almost tapering off and growing precisely upside-down and horizontally in tiers.
It was growing on top of a huge pillar of rock, not unlike those in the Doman Enclave.
It vaguely reminded him of something.
“...Upside-down tree…” said the Wolf Burglar, “But where are Ganen’s eyes?”
He snapped his fingers, and then flew around the gate, to the visage of Ganen carved into the very rock of the Dairyu Moon Gates.
He smiled briefly at the noble figure of the Doman leader, until he realized the eyes looked clouded over. Not only was the crystal laid into the eyes of the carving icy-blue, but a bunch of crude bird droppings had caked the the lenses. The leader was effectively blinded.
No one had come by to clean it. No one lived in Doma, Namai was too far away, and the namazu, those flippy-floopy catfish that lived in Yuzuka Manor, would probably live to clean it, if it weren’t for dealing with their own problems.
“So, if Ganen is blinded?” said the Wolf Burglar, feeling like he was onto something, “Where are his eyes…?
“In the back of his head!” recalled the Wolf Burglar, tapping his fist into his palm. He flew back around the Moon Gate, only to find the cliff face didn’t have any indications.
“...What?” said the Wolf Burglar, “No eyes…”
He shook his head.
“Maybe I’m imagining things,” said the Wolf Burglar, mildly disappointed, “It was just a dream, after all…”
Feeling like he monumentally wasted his own time, he was about to turn and leave, until he saw a pair of windows in the distance, in one of the columns of lookout towers posted in cardinal directions, each side of Doma Castle.
The whole place had been wrecked, purposefully destroyed by Lord Hien and the Warrior of Light, in an effort to drive out the Garleans.
The Wolf Burglar always thought that it was a terrible waste, not that it could spoil it’s newly organic beauty.
Cascading waterfalls flowed through the recently destroyed halls of the Rijin dynasty’s castle. The lookout towers seemed hardly touched.
The Wolf Burglar twisted his head sideways, as like a dog that heard the word treat the first time and wanted you to repeat it a couple more times just to make absolutely sure it heard you.
And what a treat it was, too. The tower looked an awful lot like the mustache and beard Lord Ganen wore on the other side of the gate.
Suddenly, and in a flash of imagination, everything became clear. The old lady au ra was talking about level ground, an upside-down tree, and the back of Lord Ganen’s eyes.
The eyes weren’t literally behind the carving, they were behind the gate, looking ponderously at the upside-down tree that hung over what looked like a perfect spot to hold a ceremony.
He flew to the side of the gate. He could see Purple Link hovering over the Glittering Basin, heading toward Plum Spring.
The Glittering Basin had a direct connection to Doma Castle, if the Lupin wanted to travel from there to the island. In turn, the Doman civilians could come down from their "high-horse," slumming it with the commoners that lived in the outskirts.
It couldn’t be more perfect.
A location that not only brought the Doman’s down a peg or two, but allowed everyone to travel as equals.
What’s more, with the Doman Enclave in view, it seemed even more appropriate, now that they were on even more equal ground.
“This feels too easy,” said the Wolf Burglar, his fur standing on end, “This couldn’t be…
"But it should be.
“I need to tell somebody,” said the Wolf Burglar, flying on Cloud Nine until he could reach Namai, the assumed direction that Purple Link headed towards after reaching the Plum Spring. He had a pretty good suspicion he could meet the Warrior of Light there.
He started to hoot and holler, howling like a mad wolf, his mind sparkling at the possibilities of what could be a most excellent ceremony.
It was 38-hours before the so-called ceremony was to take place, and they couldn’t get a clue to find the location before the Warrior of Light’s party could.
Before he could return to Akimitsu, the shadowy Lupin who had traveled to Ala Mhigo, felt it important to tail the heroes.
As they used the aethernet to travel to Yanxia, he figured it was as good a place to start as any. However, considering the bandits hadn’t officially attuned to the crystals, he had to go the long way around.
He figured it took him at least that long to get here, but he was awarded by the Warrior of Light's party taking high wing, looking all over the place for a location they had obviously not found yet.
What luck!
He hunkered down for a spell in a bush, and waited until he watched one of them discover something unusual about the landscape, in case it was here in Yanxia.
His favorite of the party to watch was the Wolf Burglar, not only because he felt a kinship to him, but also that he cut an interesting figure.
The Lupin didn’t wear bulky outfits, nor did he wear the general Lupin uniforms everyone had been wearing. The Garlean occupation was so recent, there hadn’t been time to tailor new outfits that could accommodate their unique body shapes and their generously floofy wolf tails.
On the other hand, the Wolf Burglar wore chainmail, and was often seen wearing sleeveless attire. He was the type that could afford expensive clothing and armor from Kugane.
But he didn’t hold a grudge against him for it. This shadowy Lupin was unashamedly jealous of the Wolf Burglar’s lifestyle, and wished that he could walk in two worlds as easily as that dashing Wolf Burglar did.
Eventually, his observation paid off. The Wolf Burglar spent an inordinately large amount of time hovering over a spot by the One River. As soon as the Wolf Burglar left, he traveled on foot to that very spot.
At first, he didn’t get it, because all he could find was a deserted island full of nothing but Whitewing Hornbills and Lightning Sprites.
And then he looked up, to see an upside-down tree, one that grew over the edge of the rock pillar.
He remembered what the Wolf Burglar told him about the Xaelan Au Ra and her dream.
Could that be true?
Could she see visions?
He looked around for anything eye shaped, and almost despaired, thinking that the Wolf Burglar had finally gone mad, but the way he was hooting and hollering, you’d think he’d found a holy grail.
On the side of the dilapidated Doma Castle, there were some windows that seemed to look like eyes, and at the right angle, they appeared to stare right at the upside down tree.
The shadowy Lupin grinned, feeling like things were finally starting to go his way.
“I can’t wait to tell Boss Akimitsu,” he shouted happily, hopping into his boat and rowing all the way back to the Glittering Basin.
To be continued…
(For those curious, the spot in question is X: 9.8 Y: 17.6 Z: 1.0 in Yanxia)
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lunearta · 4 months
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» Temática: Felix x Lectora » Rating: FLUFF, apto para todos los públicos. Ⓕ » Warning: FLUFF, mucho FLUFF y más FLUFF. Un poco de angst. » Tipo: One-Shot corto.
Palabras: 1.377. | Masterlist
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No iba a ser una cita.
Iba a ser una salida de amigos, en un parque de atracciones. Los dos queríais distraeros de las apretadas agendas, ir a comer algo a un restaurante familiar y apartado de los paparazzi... Como amigos. Comer algodón de azúcar y jugar a los patitos en la feria... Como amigos. Montaros en las atracciones más rápidas e ir cogidos de la mano en la casa de la bruja, aterrorizados por cada grito, cada risa malvada y cada golpe metálico en los barrotes... Como amigos.
Montaros en la noria y contemplar el atardecer desde lo más alto mientras charlabais de cualquier tema sin importar la hora a la que tendríais que despediros... Como amigos.
Pero lo cierto era, que nada de lo que estabais haciendo podía considerarse “de amigos”. No cuando después de salir de la casa de la bruja y ya subidos a lo alto de la gigantesca rueda giratoria, tu mano seguía entrelazada con la de él.
Felix sonrió, mirando a través del cristal la inmensidad de Seúl, llena de luces, de colores, de actividad. Estaba enamorado de la ciudad, algo que no iba a poder cambiar jamás, ni con toda la mierda que comportaba ser un idol.
Y tú estabas enamorada de él.
Pero por supuesto, no se lo ibas a decir. A lo largo de los años tus sentimientos evolucionaron de la admiración y el respeto, a la confianza de la bonita amistad que ambos habíais construido... Y que ni por asomo querías echar por tierra. Sin embargo, comenzaba a ser doloroso. Cada vez que te miraba, una parte de ti moría. Siempre que tu brazo rozaba el de él de manera accidental, tu alma se fragmentaba un poco más. A veces era insoportable solamente el mirarlo.
Felix no había hecho nada. Era tú cabeza la que te pedía que te alejaras de su lado. Por eso el pobre chico había decidido llevarte a una cita-no-cita y aclarar el asunto que lo tenía torturado. Cuando se volvió a mirarte, después de admirar la cantidad de luces reflejadas en sus orbes castaños, su sonrisa desapareció. Oh, no. ¿Habías hecho algo para ponerlo serio?
— Sabes... hacía tiempo que no quedábamos tanto tiempo. —dijo en voz baja. Contempló los dedos entrelazados y te acarició el dorso, distraído—. Últimamente no me hablas tanto como antes. Antes de hoy creía que no ibas a querer verme nunca más.
— ¿Cómo no iba a querer verte? Felix... —balbuceaste apresuradamente.
— A eso me refiero. Nunca me llamas Felix. —te colocó la mano libre encima de la rodilla—. En serio, ¿ha habido algo que te haya molestado? ¿Algún comportamiento mío o alguna palabra fuera de lugar? Sabes que puedes contarme lo que sea.
Ahí fue cuando ya no pudiste aguantarlo más. Le retiraste la mano de tu rodilla y miraste al exterior, frunciendo los labios para no llorar.
— No puedo, Lix. —dijiste con un hilo de voz. La ansiedad creció en tu interior—. Esto es lo único que no puedo contarte, porque lo cambiaría todo entre nosotros. Cambiaría la percepción que tienes de mí, cambiaría nuestra relación… A mal. Y no quiero. Quiero que sigamos teniendo una buena dinámica, que sigamos riendo y llorando juntos, pese a nuestras agendas.
— ¡Espera! —exclamó el chico, con los ojos como platos—. ¿Es esto una especie de confesión?
Entraste en pánico. De pronto no querías ni mirarlo. De pronto querías poner la mayor distancia entre vosotros, a pesar de estar en el peor espacio posible. De pronto, querías abrir la puerta y saltar al vacío para no afrontar la vergüenza. De pronto querías desaparecer.
— ¿No? —mentiste.
— Ah, ¿no? ¿Entonces qué iba a cambiar mi relación contigo si no es porque estás enamorada de mí?
— ¡¿Q-Quién dice que estoy enamorada de ti?!
— ¡No lo sé! —gritó, avergonzado—. ¡¿Y si quiero que lo estés?! ¿Y si me gustas tanto que acabo de ilusionarme por el fantasma de lo que creo que sientes? ¿Y si el que va a cambiar la relación soy yo por mi propio egoísmo?
Las lágrimas se le agolparon en los ojos, y de pronto, el sol de Stray Kids, el chico sonriente y animado no fue más que un muchacho inseguro y lleno de complejos. El tiempo se paró para los dos. Ninguno os atrevisteis a decir nada, aunque estaba clara la resolución de la pequeña discusión.
— Lix… —dijiste con un hilo de voz, acercándote a él—. Lix, me gustas mucho. No te estás imaginando cosas. Es que tenía tanto miedo de que cambiaran las cosas… No sé si soportaría perderte.
Felix se abalanzó sobre ti con los brazos estirados y te envolvió en un cálido abrazo. Una suave risa le brotó del pecho, ilusionado e incrédulo de que el tema que parecía que iba a acabar en tragedia haya salido tan bien.
— No vas a perderme, ¿sabes? Llevamos muchos años de amistad. Te conozco, me conoces. Funcionamos juntos, incluso yo siendo idol. Podemos hacer que funciones.
Asentiste y te limpiaste una lágrima traviesa con el dorso de la mano. Ibais a estar bien, ¿verdad?
— Lo sé. —contestaste, sonriendo—. Supongo que esta “quedada de amigos” se ha convertido en… ¿Una cita?
Felix se rio, y fue el sonido más maravilloso del mundo a tus oídos. Inclinó la cabeza, viendo cómo el vagón de la noria empezaba a descender.
— Eso parece. —se quedó en silencio unos segundos—. ¿Puedo…?
— ¿Sí…?
— ¿Puedo besarte? —preguntó, tímido.
Tu rostro adquirió un color rojizo que rivalizaba con la camiseta de color vino que llevabas. Sin despegar la vista de la suya, ladeaste un tanto la cabeza a modo de afirmación. Felix casi se muere allí mismo de la emoción contenida, y poco tardó en acercarse. Te puso una mano en la mejilla, luego la otra en la nuca y se inclinó para por fin, unir sus labios con los tuyos.
Sabían a caramelo, gracias al algodón de azúcar que habíais compartido hacía escasas horas. La suavidad de estos te sorprendió, y la adoración y el cariño con la que te estaba tratando solo provocó que tu mente empezara a girar más y más, mareándote. Si esto era un sueño, por favor, que nadie te despertara.
Intentabas por todos los medios seguirle el ritmo que había marcado, pero se te dificultaba imitar la desbordante pasión de ese chico. Abriendo ligeramente la boca, dejaste paso a su cálida lengua y un gemido escapó de ti, embriagada de su esencia. No fue hasta que alguien golpeó el cristal del cubículo que os visteis en la necesidad de deteneros.
El encargado de la noria os miraba con cara de pocos amigos, señalizando el final del momento mágico. Ambos, riendo, corristeis fuera del parque hacia los coches aparcados en el exterior. Al fin delante del de Felix, te giraste, con una nueva pregunta pintada en la cara.
— ¿Qué vas a decirles a los miembros? Quiero decir… Podríamos provocarles un infarto si se enteran. Imagina la cara de los STAY también…
Felix soltó una carcajada que te llegó a los oídos como la música más hermosa.
— ¿Infarto? Lo descubrieron solitos hace meses. Chan ha insistido un centenar de veces que te dijera lo que sentía. Changbin se ofreció a decírtelo por mí, y Minho le llamó cobarde por no dar el paso. El resto, más o menos pensaba igual.
MESES. Felix había estado enamorado de ti desde hacía MESES. Esa nueva información te disparó el pulso.
— ¿Quieres decir que lo intuyeron de buenas a primeras? —exclamaste, anonadada—. ¿Cómo?
Una de sus manos te acarició la mejilla, maravillándose de tenerte al fin.
— Sabes que soy como un libro abierto. Por supuesto que lo descubrieron. Y aunque hubo un poco de… “Conmoción” al principio, los chicos lo han aceptado. Y me alentaron a decírtelo, con o sin el consentimiento de los STAY. No obstante, sí es cierto que podríamos tener problemas con ellos, así que, por el momento, mantengamos los nuestro en secreto, ¿te parece?
¿Quién eras tú para negarte? Era buena idea, hasta el día en que pudierais decirlo en público sin desatar el caos. La previsión de un futuro incierto y positivamente preocupante os emocionaba y os ponía nerviosos a partes iguales.
Pero estabais preparados para enfrentar lo que fuera que os deparara.
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© 𝘕𝘰 𝘦𝘴𝘵á 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘮𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘥𝘢 𝘭𝘢 𝘤𝘰𝘱𝘪𝘢 𝘵𝘰𝘵𝘢𝘭 𝘰 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘭 𝘥𝘦 𝘤𝘶𝘢𝘭𝘲𝘶𝘪𝘦𝘳𝘢 𝘥𝘦 𝘮𝘪𝘴 𝘰𝘣𝘳𝘢𝘴 𝘦𝘯 𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘶𝘯𝘢 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘢𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘮𝘢. Obra sujeta a cambios.
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FUCK YEAH! The Monokubs are back with a vengeance! Hold your applause!
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Um...I don’t think they’re applauding...
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...Ok...Everyone’s going to need to take two steps back for a second.
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*Monotaro literally takes two steps backwards.
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It’s a figure o’ speech, moron! She doesn’t mean actually do it! And why’re you listenin’ to ‘er anyways!?
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...Just trying to be polite...Yeesh.
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Demands aside...ain’t she kinda cute? That long silvery hair’s givin’ me a ROCK HARD RAAGEEERR!
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...Lovely...Care to introduce me, Shuichi?
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Why me...?
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Because you clearly know these creatures.
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“Know” is puttin’ it lightly! Last time we saw this bastard, he got us all blown up by pops!
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Don’t make me out to be the problem! You made me watch all my friends die, then had the AUDACITY to beg for your life when it was put into question!
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There’s no Killing Game rules to protect you, so if I wasn’t tied up, I’d rip you all apart myself!
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Yikers! Where’d this savage come from!? This is way ouuta character!
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They’re from your world then?
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They’re the Monokubs. I think I told you about them before. They were umpires of the V3 Killing Game and Monokuma’s children/assistants during it’s duration.
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They all got destroyed after Tsumugi was exposed as the Mastermind. She must have rebuilt them somehow.
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Heck yeah she did! We’re back, and we’re better than ever!
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Shirogane’s gonna make the world BURN! And we’re gonna be there to see it! Count on that!
*Monokid strikes a riff on his guitar excitedly.
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Yes, yes. Now, with introductions out of the way...here, may I ask what the 5 of you are doing here? I was under the impression I had assigned you all your own tasks.
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Oh yeah! Well, I WOULD tell you why we’re here...but I actually kinda forgot.
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Ugh! Montaro never changes...Monodam, YOU do it.
*Monodam approaches Dr Ando, carrying a weird ball-shaped object.
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Excellent work, all of you.
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Bombs...!? What for?
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For the parasites of course! Organization Zetsubou plan to contain the parasites in special test tubes, then insert them into a large amount of bombs.
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Once all the bombs are loaded, they’ll drop them on multiple countries around the world, and then-
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They’ll mind control thousands...!?
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MONOPHANIE! They ain’t supposed to know that, you fucking dumbass!
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No, don’t worry. It’s quite alright. No doubt they would have come to that conclusion sooner or later.
*Ando does basically what Monophanie just describes. He takes the parasite from before, places it into the test tube, and slots it into the bomb. He then hands the bomb back to Monodam.
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Take this away, and make sure it gets back with the others. And tell the clones of your father to come down here for security reasons.
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Okie-dokie doc! No promises I’ll remember, but promise that the others will!
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All: So long, bear well!
*The Monokubs begin to leave.
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You won’t get away with this! Mark my words, you’ll never get to take away people’s free will like that! We’ll do whatever it takes to stop you.
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*Monodam, carrying the bomb, turns around to stare at Shuichi.
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*Monodam says nothing more and leaves with the bomb.
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bihansthot · 1 year
adding to the thing that one anon said about furries doing it with the suits and stuff about Syzoth.
some do and some don't, some are ok with furry characters with animal genitalia and some aren't.
like it doesn't really matter if Syzoth had one or two, it's like making a merman character that's a shark and having accurate bottom anatomy, so for that it would be two or a centaur with proper anatomy there. like come on, you know Montaro isn't gonna have a human one.
like maybe Syzoth has one in his human form and two in his reptile form.
years ago furries with animal genitalia wasn't much of an issue but now it seems like it is all of the sudden?
Hmmm interesting I had no idea. I just kind of assumed they went with whatever kind of genitalia their animal counterpart had. I’m not very knowledgeable about it at all.
That’s how I write Syzoth is with a normal human dick in his human form and two dicks in his natural form because lizards have two dicks and he’s a lizard well lizard like at least.
It’s all fictional though so what does it matter?
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