misticomordacious · 26 days
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Numerologia ✨
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deathandthesoul · 7 months
Some tunes that I'm really enjoying currently
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aceofvase · 1 year
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literaryvein-reblogs · 3 months
One More List of "Beautiful" Words
to include in your next poem/story
Beneficence - the quality or state or doing or producing good.
Calefaction - the state of being warmed.
Callosity - lack of feeling or capacity for emotion.
Cicatrizant - promoting the healing of a wound or the formation of a cicatrix.
Estivo-autumnal - relating to or occurring in the summer and autumn.
Evagation - a wandering of the mind.
Hamartia - a defect of character : error, guilt, or sin especially of the tragic hero in a literary work.
Imparadise - to make supremely happy, transport with delight or joy.
Impedimenta - things that impede or hinder progress or movement.
Inhesion - the condition of being inherent in something.
Jocoserious - mingling mirth and seriousness.
Lowery - gloomy, lowering.
Malobservation - erroneous observation or interpretation
Mordacious - biting or sharp in manner or style.
Natation - the action or art of swimming.
Pandiculation - a stretching and stiffening especially of the trunk and extremities (as when fatigued and drowsy or after waking from sleep).
Pestiferous - dangerous to society; pernicious.
Satisdiction - the condition of having said enough.
Ugsome - frightful, loathsome.
Unclubbable - having or showing a disinclination for social activity: unsociable.
If any of these words make their way into your next poem/story, please tag me, or leave a link in the replies. I would love to read them!
More: Lists of Beautiful Words
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— Summary: Ominis is tormented by his insatiable curiosity, so he enlists the help of a besotted Sebastian.
— Main Characters: Sebastian Sallow and Ominis Gaunt
— Notes: The description of the reader is very specific, sorry... it's based off a dream.
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Rich, emerald green curtains frame the exquisitely ornate marble columns, abundant with lustrous serpentine features, as the soft sounds of whispered voices echo throughout the opulent common room.
A mordacious boy rests against the stone fireplace in a nonchalant manner and in his presence, a fellow pure-blood Slytherin lounges on an elegant settee, an antiquated leather-bound book in hand before the melodious sound of his name falls from the boy’s lips.
“Yes, Ominis?” He drawls in response, not turning his attention away from his book.
“What does she look like?”
The young Gaunt’s inquisitive, yet rather peculiar curiosity piques Sebastian’s interest, as he allows his attention to abandon the obscure incantations within the book and focus on his friend’s pale, opaque eyes. “Oh... got a little crush, do we?” He teases, a sly smirk playing on his lips.
“Sebastian.” Hisses the boy, the bitter undertone in his ostentatious voice drips from his tongue like venom. The boy in question allows a quiet chuckle to rumble deep in his throat as he turns his attention to your solitary figure, watching you wallow in the soft shadows that were percolating through the intricate gothic windows.
“I think you’d really like her.” He mentions, a soft smile gracing his freckled features. “Her dark, decadent curls are contrasted delightfully against her pale skin, and the soft flesh of her lips are framed by a constellation of freckles that linger along her cheeks. Her eyes are golden brown, with hints of dark velvet, and she’s got quite a few little beauty marks...” He explains, turning to his friend. “Just like you.”
“Oh,” the boy sighs. “How poetic.”
“She really is quite beautiful, Ominis.”
“It sounds to me, Sebastian, like you’re the one with a little crush.” A playful smile graces his lips. “After all, she did beat you in a duel.”
“Oh, don’t start.” He says, voice laced with admonition. His gaze lingers on the boy, watching the soft smile grow wider before turning his attention back to his cryptic book.
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98bluecalisky · 11 months
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Happy Halloween!
Bela Lugosi King of Fright
In arcane shadows of the silver screen
These iconic monumental Masters of the macabre will make you shudder and scream
Lon Chaney Senior the phantasmal man of a thousand faces
is one of many to which the screen he graces
Boris Karloff is a celluloid monarch as horror fans we all worship and hail
Lon Chaney Jr.'s Wolfman leaves behind a bloody, gruesome homicidal trail
Vincent Price laughs with a ghastly glare
Basil Rathbone creeps through the midnight air
While Peter Lorre chooses his victims with keen and sadistic care
John Carradine stares with mesmerizing evil stone-cold eyes
Dwight Frye's Renfield eats plump juicy spiders and flies
George Zucco experiments upon the living dead
Lionel Atwill ogles gleeful with mad bloodshot burning eyes of red
Charles Laughton's Dr. Moreau is blasphemously deranged as one can be
Excellent are Horror Greats such as Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee.
The deformed Rondo Hatton will leave you with an uncanny chill
Claude Rains' performances are phenomenal and forevermore thrill
Gale Sondergaard, the dark beauty will rob you with her draconian heart
These legends are immortalized in cinematic history and will never be forgotten nor will their legends that haunt us ever depart...
In the saturnine shadowy bowers of our hearts now comes the imperial looming Master of this ghastly Hollywood regime,
Hollywood's Prince of Darkness whose dominion reigns ever supreme,
In the terror throughout the sequential lexicons of celluloid time,
the epitome of horror he truly defined,
he has enchanted and seductively made the ensorcelled souls of so very many moves to heart-quake and scream,
He resides lurking in the lugubrious chambers our hearts, souls, nightmares and beautiful dreams, and captivates us all with his vampiric kiss in the mysterious night and while drunken in the esoteric bath of mordacious moonbeams
Hail Bela Lugosi Father to all the lost howling children of the night
Bela Lugosi is King of horror who can still enthrall
He will mesmerize you entirely and make your skin crawl
So, remember on this frightful Halloween night, who truly is the King of fright
Bela (Dracula) Lugosi who stalks on the screen and the forsaken eternal midnight.
- Christopher R. Gauthier
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notquitedeadpod · 10 months
'they had been having popes for a while I think? yes. it was around the time they could not figure out where to keep them'
- Neige, NQD 25: Mordacious.
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jiubilant · 2 years
Three minutes before their morning Cyrod lesson, Gerd and her siblings watch a burglar wiggle through the drawing-room window.
They huddle in the doorway, she and Hedda and Helgi, who is only five—and Gitta the gap-toothed kitchen-girl, who, at Magister’s insistence, is allowed to sit in on their lessons. (He’d even bought her a slate.) Helgi hangs, wide-eyed, on Hedda’s skirt. Hedda hugs Gerd’s arm. Gitta stands apart, her face pinched and pale, munching her apron-strings in her anxious, mousy way.
And the burglar slips like a shadow over the sill, landing swift on silent hands and feet. She straightens. She’s one of the furred folk, Gerd notes with a start, who are not allowed inside the city walls: sleek as a squirrel,  her blue eyes bright, her tail sweeping the rug like a lady’s train.
Khajiit, Gerd thinks, hearing the word in Magister’s dry and patient drawl. (He teaches them words that aren’t Cyrod, sometimes.) Khaj, a region in Anequina. Iit, a suffix denoting—
“Morning,” says the burglar.
Then she lopes, earrings jingling, to the fireplace. She fingers the fine throw-rugs. Pats the antique chairs. Picks up, pricking her ears, the polished pelican-skull from the mantel. It occurs to Gerd that she should move, shout, say something—
But it’s Gitta who speaks first, her voice almost a whisper. “Where’s Magister?”
The burglar blinks down at them. She’s slipped her hand in the skull like a puppeteer.
“Magister’s feeling poorly today,” she says. Her voice is an amused, breathy rumble, like a panther’s purr. “Morbs. But he’ll be back here Morndas next”—the skull sagely nods—“so you’d best mind me mordacious-like.”
“Morbs?” Hedda’s brow furrows. “Is that like mumps?”
“Eh,” says the burglar. Rather than stashing the skull in some sack—which is, Gerd thinks helplessly, what a burglar ought to do—she thumbs a smudge from its bony cheek, then gently replaces it. “Makes you salt your coffee, is all.”
Gitta clears her throat. Her voice comes out a squeak, now. “Who are you?”
The burglar, after a moment’s grave reflection, draws herself to her full height.
“Today,” she says, lifting her chin like a Cyrod orator, “I’m your tutor. Salvete, discipuli.”
The children stare at her.
“I know,” says the burglar, “you don’t answer me da like that.” She clears her throat with a self-important air, her tail twitching behind her, then levels a look at them like a lance. “Salvete, discipuli—”
Four small voices, catching the hint, sing out in timid unison. “Salve, Magister.”
“There, now.” The burglar—who had, Gerd notes with wary fascination, called Magister da—looks pleased. “Quid agitis?”
The response rises baffled, but louder than before. “Satis, bene.”
The burglar nods, satisfied.
“Best call me Magis-trix,” she says. Then she grins, like a cat, with just her eyes. “On account of how I’m tricksy, see?”
The children stare at her.
“S’the feminine form,” says Magistrix, then waves them off. “Feh. Show me your slates.”
* * *
“Be off,” she says an hour later, dismissing them with a flick of her tail. “Begone. Best take your time on those translations, or I’ll be back.”
Some progress, she thinks with satisfaction, has been made. Grave Gerd, her hair parted in neat plaits, can conjugate irregular infinitives; curly-headed Hedda, who scowls at her slate while she works, can cuss in three new languages; wee Helgi, whose ears stick out like oars, can write the alphabet without wobbling at all. And, the rum-kate called Magistrix notes with a smug smile, they’d all laughed at her last joke.
All but Gitta, chewing her apron-strings again, who creeps up to her as the others tumble out to play. “Magistrix?”
“Reckon I’ve outlived that appellation.” She gives the girl a swift, sly smile. “Call me Shiv, mouse—”
“When my fa was feeling poorly,” Gitta says in a rush, her face white as the foamy frills of her classmates’ dresses, “we’d make him a posset.”
Shiv blinks down at her.
Then she sinks to one knee—slowly, so that the little squeaker won’t start. “A whassit?”
“A posset.” Gitta, her slate tucked under her arm, wrings her ragged apron. Her eyes flick to the fine curtains, then the fire, then the floor—everywhere, thinks Shiv, but to her face. “Two parts boiled milk, one part ale, and honey if you’ve got it—why’d you come in,” she adds in the same breath, “through the window?”
Shiv, without so much as a whisker-twitch, takes silent stock of the child: her hair, creeping sweaty from her cap. Her hands, twitchy. Her apron, too small, spattered with soupstains and pot-polish. She must run up from the kitchens, thinks Shiv, to show at her lessons on time.
“Them as guard the gate,” she says to the girl, quashing a sharp, sudden pang in her chest, “gave me the stink-eye. D’you come in that way, mornings?”
Gitta, recognizing the joke, almost giggles.
Then she shakes her head, her eyes sober and wide, and says what they both know. “I’m not allowed. I use the servants’ door.”
Shiv nods. She studies the girl’s timid, tired face.
“Even so,” she says, very gently, “folk like you and me, who en’t good enough for the front gate”—she taps the child’s slate with a curving claw—“we find a way in.”
Gitta stares at her. Her little forehead, smudged with grease, creases.
Then, astonishingly, she smiles—hesitant as a candle, and as bright. “You’ll—you’ll try the posset?”
Shiv thumbs the smudge from her brow. “Possetively.”
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rindousbbg · 4 months
Match up exchange with @frostfall-matches
You got...
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→ gojo conclusively found an opponent worthy. He would study your personality very well, taking everything inside his head little by little. You piqued his interest and that's why he would study everything about you to get a hold of your character.
→ he would realize how you can come off as emotionless, he wondered about it. He sees you as someone who's unique in their way but won't admit it. You are reverent yet when you feel like you require to get the feeling off of your chest you say it without any hesitation that's what made him feel so drawn to you.
→ he feels like you don't care enough about things, you are calm and mute (reminds him of Megumi), even tho under pressure, you incline to not lose your cool and preserve yourself. He would step into your work knowing well that you detest it. Why you may ask? It's because he wants you to depend at least once in your life. (He cerebrates you go too hard on yourself, personally he won't care but seeing you all like this makes him wonder why you are like this so he would endeavor to try to help without you asking for him, he knows it will make you mad)
→ he would call out on your deportment a lot, like when you are getting too arrogant to the point you don't realise. He's someone who would pull you out of the daze you get yourself into. But you take criticism well so you would try to to get his point and understand everything he said.
→ he won't mind you taking risks after all life is all about risks and adventure , there's no fun in sitting idly in a room.
→ he remembered the way you laughed at him for the first time you laughed at his absurd joke. He mentally conceived he did an excellent job and from then he will try to to make jokes and make you laugh, it's like a goal for him.
→ together you would banter a lot, although it took some time for you to get comfortable to his presence, he seemed vexing, blunt, mordacious and more incoherent but sometimes he would say some advice worthy words bluntly that would make you realize things and give you courage (reminder, he won't realise that at all, he would think he was sprouting nonsense as always)
→ one thing about him is he won't let you win any argument, he will bulwark himself like his life depends on it but after all of this, he still loses it. He forgets his points in the middle of the conversation which leads you toward winning.
→ he would spill some hot gossip for you and then you both would share gossip from here and there. you will realize that he isn't that bad. The affection you will give him after getting close will be the best. He would never thought you were that type of person but still loves it. it and wants your affection nonetheless.
→ he would laugh at you because you would get yourself in trouble for the 19th time in a day. And he's tired of getting you out (it's not like you asked him for help but still does it. Why won't he, all he cares for you)
→ love how you are intelligent and capable of things, makes him feel like he doesn't require to bulwark you but still he would do it (it's purely out of his habit he convinces)
→ I suggest you require to mentally prepare yourself for the Storm. he's clingy and won't let you go to the toilet even if it's urgent. He ain't let you out from his arms, man is hella rich so don't worry about getting some extravagant yet absurd stuff he will buy for you.
→ he will participate in your hobbies, every one of them, he doesn't care. He tbinks some of your hobbies aren't something he would like but he doesn't wanna leave you so participating won't hurt.
→ he doesn't care about money, so wherever your eyes are landing he's eager to buy everything. Catch him taking you out on a date in a most expensive restaurant.
→ learning a language with him would be a chaos, he's someone who masters things fastly and easily. But to make you smile he would pretend he can't pronounce.
→ he has some qualities you would love, such as a good sense of humor, Bantering or teasing you, self-vigilance and many more. I say he's someone who can move on from the past easily, surely he can but if it's something he cares about he won't move on easily and that's the quality you may not like about him.
→ Since you are much shorter than him, get ready to be in his arms 24/7. Sometimes he would throw you into his shoulder and then start walking like nothing. He even used you as a dumble. Carries you like you don't weigh anything. Pokes your cheek when you smile because the dimples are visible and he can't help it. Would love your piercing, think it's cool.
→ getting teased for being clumsy ? Yes. It's like a hobby for him and he does it 24/7.
You got...
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→ kuroo has experience with introverts so it's not a big deal for him to understand you. You are distant and disinterested in most of the things (like Kenma) so he would often compare (not in a bad way) how similar you are. He also likes how respectful you are to others. You are calm under pressure and an independent vibe would click with him in an instant. You are confident and he finds it attractive.
→ he might pretend he gets hurt by your bluntness (which is an a big lie, he finds it captivating too), but you both would take risks together to do whatever adventure you want.
→ loves your humor even in a perilous or facile situation. You won't understand his sarcasm because nobody knows what he tried to say.
→ your optimistic spirit will lead him to push himself more if he's in a match. It energizes him. Your constant teasing and mordancy might annoy him sometimes but the more you annoy him the more cocky he gets.
→ always there to preserve you from the trouble you got yourself into. Admires you going out your way to avail others. He will have a smile on his face and admire you when you help someone.
→ sometimes he thinks you are a robot because of your emotionless face so he endeavors his best to make you smile or hear your laugh. Very confident in his skill.
→ physical touch isn't his love language, I would say it's words of affirmation but if you get comfortable enough don't dare to to think you will be out of his arms.
→ if you stop giving him attention for video games, expect it to be taken away because he's fed up with this, would say "Anime is for kids" but later you will find him being more fascinated with that anime than you, likes to watch how you paint. Cosplays with you. Even helps you do any chores.
→ will buy you fruits and eat later together. He's a science nerd so it would be hard for him to learn anything than science.
→ he prefers dogs over cats so when you said you prefer cats he would be devasted and won't talk but later forgets it saying its not a big deal.
→ Man has some lame jokes idk if I can call it humor but he's still hysterical, he's a leader so listening to others saying isn't much of a quandary for him. He knows what he wants so he's confident in his skills.
→ he's not hot headed but he gets frustrated if someone mentions his bedhair. If you do tell him then deal with a pouty boy.
→ would tease you about being clumsy, he would additionally tease you because of your height. might love doing hair care and face care since his hair is his life, teaches you how to play volleyball because why not?
→ if you give him attention or affection first then he will tease you for your whole life.
→ loves your fashion style and you will match clothes alot.
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hope you like it...
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lizadale · 2 years
more words from my jaunt through the dictionary (I just reached P!!) since people seemed to appreciate the first list
louche (adj): disreputable or sordid in a rakish or appealing way
lucrative (adj): producing a great deal of profit
malaise (n): a general feeling or discomfort, illness, or uneasiness whose exact cause is difficult to identify
malapropism (n): the ludicrous misuse of a word, especially by confusion with one of a similar sound
malediction (n): a magical word or phrase uttered with the intention of bringing about evil or destruction; a curse
malinger (v): exaggerate or feign illness in order to escape duty or work
mash note (n): a letter that expresses infatuation or gushing appreciation for someone
mawkish (adj): sentimental in a feeble or sickly way
meliorism (n): the belief that the world can be made better by human effort
mellifluous (adj): sweet or musical; pleasant to hear; flowing like honey
mercurial (adj): subject to sudden or unpredictable changes of mood or mind
milksop (n): a person who is indecisive and lacks courage
minutiae (n): the small, precise, or trivial details or something
monocarpic (adj): (of a plant) flowering and bearing fruit only once before dying
mordant (adj): (of humor) showing a sharp or critical quality; biting [also: mordacious (adj): given to biting]
moribund (adj): in terminal decline
munificent (adj): (of a gift or sum of money) larger or more generous than is usual or necessary
nadir (n): the lowest point in the fortunes of a person or organization
nascent (adj): just coming into existence and beginning to display signs of future potential
niggle (v): cause slight but persistent annoyance
nihilism (n): the rejection of all religious and moral principles, often in the belief that life is meaningless
niminy-piminy (adj): affectedly prim or refined
niveous (adj): snowy or resembling snow
noisome (adj): having an extremely offensive smell
nondescript (adj): lacking distinctive qualities; having no individual character or form
nugatory (adj): of no value or importance
nudnik (n): a pestering, nagging, or irritating person; a bore
obnubilate (v): darken, dim, or cover with or as if with a cloud; obscure
obviate (v): remove (a need or difficulty); to anticipate and prevent by interception
oneiromancy (n): the interpretation of dreams as a means to predict future events
oniomania (n): an obsessive or uncontrollable urge to buy things
opprobrium (n): harsh criticism or censure
osculate (v): kiss [a fancy word often used in humorous context]
oubliette (n): a secret dungeon with access only through a trapdoor in its ceiling, in which prisoners are placed to be forgotten
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hellcab · 7 months
Roth's new bio ( VER-2 )
Among the living, Roth ( Marion ) Kruger was a mordacious, contemptuous jerk. Damnation made him worse.
Roth’s life was a nightmare of circumstances, outside his control. Abandoned by his parents, Roth became a ward to the state at eight years old. He spent his childhood at Saint Emiliani Orphanage, in New York City. Eventually, Roth was aged out from the system, thrusting him into the world. Despite his rough upbringing, Roth wanted to make something out of himself.
Yet, failure was his only option. The first domino was being framed for plagiarism at New York University, by someone he once considered a friend. Despite his pleas, Roth’s protest fell on deaf ears. He was ushered out, blacklisted to further his humiliation. From there, Roth’s life spiraled out of control.
Struggling for work, Roth found employment with the checker cab company. The job, though grueling, kept Roth above water to survive. Around this time, he collected a group of friends, notably Nina Roberston and Scott Holden. Nina was a self-made fashion designer living in Harlem, whom Roth dated. Nina was the light in his life, a reminder that there’s still good. Scott was a troubled veteran, who was disgraced after it was revealed he shared information with his North Vietnamese captors. This “betrayal” was to save a wounded comrade, whom The Vietnamese were withholding medicine from. It was Scott’s fate that eventually broke Roth.
After a heated argument, Roth abandoned Scott at a bar. Scott was forced to walk home, where he was accosted by two NYPD officers. Without much provocation,  the officers started beating Scott for “resisting arrest”. Scott though, managed to fight back and try to escape, not wanting to hurt anyone. For his trouble, he was shot. The bullet pierced his back and paralyzed him. Scott later died during surgery, when doctors tried removing the slug from his spinal cord.
Nina was the first to tell Roth, which devastated him. Unable to process the grief and regret, Roth suffered a nervous breakdown. In his madness, he took out his pain and frustration out on Nina. The result left her heartbroken. On that night, Roth lost all his friends and his religion. Proclaiming that, there’s no God. Roth’s erratic behavior saw him fired from his job, losing his apartment and becoming an outcast.
In 1979, of that same year, Roth was murdered.
At night, Roth was on the Brooklyn bridge. He had nothing left, no friends, no home, and no hope for the future. There, he struggled to jump. Someone came along, to choose for him. The Wire, an infamous serial killer, ambushed Roth on the bridge. Despite the surprise, Roth fought back with every inch of his life. Unfortunately, The Wire won in the end.
Roth was thrown over the bride, landing into the freezing waters below. The impact didn’t kill Roth, but the drowning took him. A week later, Roth’s corpse was found by harbor workers. Police ruled his death a suicide. Nina, still heartbroken, had Roth buried with money she earned through her shop.
In Heaven, Roth arrived well ahead of time. He was shown in, thinking he somehow made it. Roth’s delusions were soon crushed, as he was put on trial. A committee of angels decided Roth’s fate, while his guardian Angel defended him. For prosecution, Dearie made the argument for Roth’s damnation. The committee sided with Dearie, much to Roth’s horror. Out of desperation, Roth blindly thought he could escape the courtroom. At the door, he was greeted by an Exorcist.  
The Exorcist subdued Roth, dragging him away as he screamed and begged. He was soon thrown into Hades, into Hell.
In Hell, Roth was surprised. It wasn’t the inferno described by Dante, but a world of excess and vice. It reminded Roth of New York’s seedier parts, all condensed into one and overexposed. But Roth was still frightened beyond belief. Even more so, he was horrified by his demonic appearance. In his first few weeks into eternal damnation, Roth once again became a fervent follower of Christ. Though, he soon accepted that his prayers of rescue could never be answer. Alone, with just his grit and gut-instinct, Roth survived.
In 1983, Roth landed a job with The Gehenna Cab Company, one which provided enough to afford his own apartment. He found friends, he even found love. That love being Maple Kovacs, an erotic dancer who dreamed about becoming a song writer. Maple worked at Club Ice, owned and operated by Eduardo, an iguana demon.  Together, Roth and Maple had a fun and romantic life together.
This was not for long.
In 1987, Eduardo was “convinced” into selling Club Ice to Valentino. He was later found dead in his apartment, by an apparent overdose. Valentino now owned the club, including every single contract. He sought to make sure his new “employees” stayed loyal.  Soon, Valentino was informed about Roth’s relationship with Maple. Seeing Roth as an unnecessary distraction for Maple, Valentino sent his problem solver to educate Roth. It was here Roth first met Robert Milhaud, the man who would ruin his life again.
Arriving home one late night, Roth and Maple were greeted by Robert and his associates. Despite fighting back, Roth and Maple were both subdued. Forced to watch, Roth was beaten nearly to death in front of Maple. Taking Maple to Valentino, Robert warned Roth that if he continues his relationship with Maple, he will hurt her. Roth despite loving Maple, choose ending the relationship rather than risking her death.  Over the next couple of weeks, Roth received call after call from Maple, begging Roth to see her.
Roth ignored every message, not wanting to risk her safety.
On Extermination Day, of 1989, Maples apartment ( her prison ) was destroyed by Adam’s exterminators. Though Maple was never found, it was assumed she died. Roth couldn’t attend the funeral but watched from afar. He felt nothing but hatred towards Valentino, for what he had done. More than anything, he hated himself for what he allowed. He failed Maple. Just as he failed so many people before.
In 1992, Roth was growing more and more resentful towards Hell. He wanted desperately to escape. There was nothing left, no future, no peace down below. It was around this time; Roth had a chance encounter with Vincent Andras. Demonstrating a simple magic trick, Vincent connected with Roth and eventually brought him to Ultima Discordia. The group were dedicated practitioners of chaos magick. Vincent Andras, a man stepped in the new wave of occult knowledge during the 1970s, wanted to share his knowledge with Roth. Perhaps, even, a way to escape Hell.  All he wanted was Roth’s unquestioning loyalty.
Roth accepted his offer. Willingly.
In the coming years, Roth studied under Vincent Andras, with both men becoming close friends. Yet, slowly, and surely, Roth started questioning how genuine his friend was. Andras was determined, caring little about the personal dangers of magic. This drive for knowledge withered the collective sanity and health of the cult. Discussions soon turned to arguments, as Roth and Vincent’s relationship was strained. In 1995, the cult came into possession an ancient Tibetan Scroll, named ཨ་ཀོ་ཧ་ཐི་ཡི་སྒོ་མོ། , or Doors of Agharti, contained thirty intricate Mandalas. Vincent explained that “Doors of Agharti” was their key to freedom. A doorway to the realm of ultimate peace. After four years of grueling work, they finally translated the scroll.
Om October 25th, 1998, the cult underwent the ritual to reach Agharti. The journey was harsh, as Vincent, Roth and the cult suffered both hunger and hallucinations. Yet, after so much suffering, the final mandala was reached.
The ritual failed.
All laws of reality were made void. Something arrived, something hungry. During the confusion, insanity and ravenous violence, Vincent and Roth managed to escape. Despite their fear and weakened mental states, they knew they must seal the doorway. Miraculously,   they managed to seal the doorway, sending whatever came back through. Yet, the price for this victory was steep. The cult was dead, with Vincent and Roth being the only survivors.
Both men blamed each other for the disaster. Roth rebukes Vincent, swearing he will never work with him again. Severa days later, Roth suffered an acute nervous breakdown, screaming about “Thousands and Thousands of Teeth”. He was admitted into psychiatric help, at The Walter Freeman Memorial Hospital. There, Roth was eventually diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder.
From 1998 to 2002, Roth was given the help he needed to resume a normal life. It was around this time, he met Guns Akimbo, a mercenary and gun dealer based on Pride. Guns Akimbo was instrumental in arming Gehenna Cabs during the “Great Cab War” of 2003, which saw widespread violence through Pentagram City. The event was even covered by Alastor, with great amusement.
Afterwards, Roth and Guns assumed a sexual relationship, that blossomed into romance. Unfortunately, their conflicting personalities caused their breakup. They remain on rather hostile terms.
Now, in 2024, Roth Kruger is still trying to escape Hell. He believes that through magic, he can defy Lucifer, Heaven and everyone who ever doubted him.
But, then again, his magic comes at a price. His own sanity is slowly and surely being drained. Resulting in Roth becoming more and more unhinged.
There’s also on important Rule, Roth has broken in magic.
A knocked door cannot be unknocked.
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life-is-curious · 8 months
Listening to the Not Quite dead podcast and (spoilers btw)
I love that Neige fr stealing Casper's mans xD
But I'm only up to Mordacious so idk if that's how it'll end up but that's the vibe rn
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deathandthesoul · 9 days
Hmmm since I got barely any sleep at all maybe I should listen to really hard industrial music as is my tradition
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why are they like this??? WHY???? (not quite dead Mordacious spoilers under the cut)
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good lord.....
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demoncore · 2 years
babygirl you are so mordacious
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magioffire · 2 years
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Valeriu slowly realizing that while he may be a mordacious bitch, he’s a fucking sweetheart compared to some of you.
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