#Morning Light Can Help With Weight Loss
stylesispunk · 29 days
"Did the love affair maim you too? | Final part
Joel miller x f!reader
previous part
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chapter summary: Joel and you perhaps can have a happy ending.
w.c: 14,6k
warnings: angst, fluff, smut and poorly writing because I wrote in a rush and no proofreading.
a/n: Thank you to each one of you who read and enjoyed this fic. The amount of love was overwhelming and I'm thankful for it. This is the last chapter and I tried to make everyone happy with it. By the end, I realized I lost the main plot, but still, it was fun to write but I got bored AND I became a people pleaser with this chapter. Perhaps there will be more of them, some drabbles or things, but thank you so much for reading. I don't think I will write more series for a while, only one shots. Reblogs and comments are always appreciated. Happy reading, so much love for you. 💌
dividers by @/saradika-graphics
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You felt the beating of your heart racing as Joel kept staring at you. Those soft brown eyes on looking at you with delicate love now seemed to be a picture you wanted to save and remember as along as you could.
You wanted to find that sense of belonging to someone in a romantic way again, to be protected, to be loved.
“Good morning, Joel” You smiled at him
Joel shifted closer, wrapping his arms around you in a gentle embrace, pulling you against his chest. You nestled into his warmth, feeling safe and content in his arms.
Joel’s hand gently traced patterns on your back, and he chuckled softly. “You know… we forgot to go to Tommy’s last night,” he said, a hint of amusement in his tone.
You looked up at him, a playful smile tugging at your lips. “I think we had more important things on our minds,” you teased lightly, your fingers brushing against his chest.
Joel’s smile widened, and he leaned down to press a kiss to your forehead. “Yeah, I guess we did,” he agreed, his voice filled with warmth.
You laughed softly, feeling a sense of lightness and happiness that had been missing for so long. “I’m sure they’ll understand,” you said, resting your head against his shoulder.
Joel sighed contentedly, holding you a little tighter. “I’m just glad you’re here.” he murmured; his voice filled with a quiet intensity. “That’s all that matters.”
But as he kept his arms wrapped around you, you felt your thought drifting away. You knew you should feel content, but you couldn’t help but think this was a moment of weakness or that may everything you had lived with Joel had been like this.
You didn’t feel the warmth enveloping your heart, but a heavy sense of guilt settled in your chest, weighing you down.
Your thoughts drifted back to your fiancé, to your son. The memories of them were still vivid, the pain of their loss still fresh. How could you let yourself find comfort in someone else’s arms? It felt like a betrayal, like you were somehow dishonoring their memory by moving on. The guilt gnawed at you, making it hard to fully embrace the happiness that Joel was offering.
And then there was Lori. The guilt of her leaving Jackson, of the part you played in her departure, hung over you like a shadow. She had been hurt, her actions driven by a broken heart, and now she was gone because of it. You had wanted her gone, yes, but now that it had happened, it didn’t feel right.
You shifted slightly in Joel’s arms, the weight of your thoughts making it hard to stay still. Joel noticed, his grip on you loosening just enough for him to look at you, concern flickering in his eyes. “What’s wrong?” he asked softly, his voice laced with worry.
“Nothing,” you lied, avoiding his gaze as you tried to push the guilt and unease to the back of your mind.
Joel didn’t press you further, but the concern in his eyes didn’t fade. Instead, he shifted slightly, his grip on you loosening just enough to give you some space. “Do you want to sleep a little bit more?” he asked, his tone gentle, as if he was trying to offer you an escape from whatever was troubling you.
You shook your head, not trusting yourself to speak. The weight of your emotions felt overwhelming, and the last thing you wanted was to burden Joel with your fears and doubts. But the way he was looking at you, with so much care and understanding, made it hard to keep everything bottled up.
Joel’s hand found yours again, his fingers lacing with yours in a comforting grip. “You don’t have to talk about it if you’re not ready,” he said softly, his thumb brushing over the back of your hand. “Sleep a little bit more. I’ll wake you up, later”
You hesitated for a moment, then gave in to the exhaustion that had been weighing on you. You turned back onto the pillow, feeling Joel’s warm presence beside you, and let your eyes close.
As you drifted off, you felt Joel’s hand still holding yours, his thumb gently stroking your skin.
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A little while later, you woke up to the sound of hushed voices in the next room. Blinking sleepily, you realized Joel was no longer beside you. The warm spot where he'd been lying was now cool, and the faint murmur of conversation piqued your curiosity.
Quietly, you got out of bed, slipping on the oversized shirt Joel had given you the night before. You moved toward the door, careful not to make any noise as you approached the source of the voices.
You leaned closer to the doorway, straining to hear the conversation.
“I just want to make sure she’s okay,” Joel said, his voice tinged with concern.
Tommy sighed, the sound carrying the weight of the situation. “I saw her this morning,” he replied. “She was at that old cabin near the outskirts—the one we used to take Ellie to when she was younger.”
Joel was silent for a moment, likely processing the information. “And she’s alright? She didn’t try to come back?”
Tommy hesitated before answering. “She seemed... lost, Joel. But she didn’t make any move to come back to Jackson. She knows she’s not welcome here anymore, but she’s not exactly stable either.”
You felt a pang of guilt hearing this. Despite everything that had happened, part of you couldn’t help but feel sorry for Lori. She had lost so much, and now she was completely alone.
“Do you think she’ll stay out there?” Joel asked, his voice quieter now, almost as if he was speaking more to himself than to Tommy.
Tommy let out a weary breath. “I don’t know. She’s unpredictable. But as long as she’s not causing trouble in Jackson, we might be able to avoid any more problems.”
Joel didn’t respond right away, and you could feel the tension hanging in the air. You knew he was torn, worried about what Lori might do next but also reluctant to push her further away.
Tommy spoke up again, “I know you care about her- “
“Don’t” Joel cut in sharply, his voice rough with emotion. He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. "It's not about that, Tommy”
Tommy nodded, understanding the weight behind Joel's words. "You can't carry all this on your own. She made her choices, Joel. You can't save everyone."
Joel looked away; the strain evident in his clenched jaw. He wanted to protect everyone, to make sure no one else got hurt, but deep down, he knew Tommy was right. Lori was a wild card, and he couldn't control what she would do.
Tommy placed a hand on Joel's shoulder, his voice gentler now. "You’ve got something good here, Joel. Don’t let the past mess that up."
Joel sighed, his shoulders slumping slightly as he ran a hand through his hair. "I know, Tommy. I just… I don’t want her to come back and cause more trouble."
Tommy squeezed his shoulder, then released him, giving Joel space to process. "We'll keep an eye on her. If she comes back, we'll deal with it. But right now, you need to focus on what’s in front of you."
Joel finally nodded, the tension slowly easing out of his body. "Yeah, you're right."
But as the conversation faded, you stepped out from where you'd been standing, your heart heavy with the burden of what you'd overheard. You didn’t want to cause more strain between Joel and Tommy, but the mention of Lori staying out there worried you just as much as it did Joel.
you quietly stepped out from the shadows of the hallway, making your presence known. Tommy’s eyes flickered towards you, surprise momentarily crossing his face before it softened into something more understanding.
Joel noticed Tommy’s gaze shift and turned to see you standing there. His expression instantly softened, but there was a flicker of worry in his eyes, as if he was concerned about what you might have overheard.
Tommy offered a small nod in your direction, a silent acknowledgment that you were part of this now, whether Joel fully accepted it or not. "I’ll give you two a moment," Tommy said, his tone gentle as he glanced back at Joel.
"Thanks," Joel muttered, his eyes never leaving yours.
Tommy patted Joel on the back before turning to leave. As he passed by you, he gave you a reassuring smile, one that carried the weight of unspoken support. Then, with a final glance at Joel, Tommy walked out, leaving the two of you alone.
The room was quiet now, the only sound being the faint crackle of the fire in the hearth. Joel’s gaze was heavy on you, filled with concern and an emotion you couldn’t quite place. He took a tentative step towards you, his hand reaching out as if he was unsure whether he should touch you.
"Hey," he said softly, his voice low and full of meaning.
"Hey," you replied, your voice barely above a whisper.
Joel took another step closer, his fingers brushing against your arm. "You heard us, didn’t you?"
You nodded; your heart still heavy with everything you’d overheard. "Yeah, I did."
Joel let out a slow breath, his hand sliding down your arm to take your hand in his. "I didn’t want you to worry."
You hesitated for a moment before stepping closer to Joel, letting him wrap his arms around you. His embrace was warm, but the tension in the air was undeniable.
After a few moments, you pulled back slightly, looking up at him with a serious expression. “Joel,” you began, your voice quiet but firm, “where’s this cabin Tommy was talking about? Where did Lori go?”
Joel’s expression tightened, and he sighed heavily. “It’s an old place, just outside Jackson. We used to use it as a lookout spot, but it’s been abandoned for a while. Lori… she’s been staying there since she left.”
You nodded, processing the information. “Is she okay?”
Joel rubbed the back of his neck, clearly conflicted. “Tommy saw her this morning. She’s alive. That’s what matters for now.”
You felt a knot forming in your stomach, a mix of guilt and concern churning inside you. “I feel like this is my fault,” you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper.
Joel immediately shook his head, his grip on your arms tightening slightly. “Don’t you dare think that,” he said, his voice filled with conviction. “Lori made her own choices. You did what you had to do to protect yourself. This isn’t on you.”
“But she’s out there, alone,” you argued, the worry evident in your tone.
Joel’s expression softened, and he cupped your face in his hands, his thumbs gently brushing your cheeks. “You didn’t push her away. She wasn’t safe to be around, and you know that. We can’t save everyone, no matter how much we might want to.”
Joel’s eyes flickered with something unreadable, a mix of emotions he seemed to be wrestling with. He didn’t answer right away, as if he was carefully choosing his words. When he finally spoke, his voice was quiet but steady. “Lori… she was important, yeah. But not in the way you’re thinking.”
You felt your heart tighten in your chest, but you held his gaze, needing to hear the rest.
“She was a part of my life, a part of my past,” Joel continued, his hands still gently holding your face. “But that’s what it is—my past. We went through things together, things that bonded us in a way, but it was never like this.” His eyes softened as he looked at you, his voice dropping to almost a whisper. “What I feel for you… it’s different. It’s real, and it’s now.”
You searched his face for any sign of doubt, but all you saw was sincerity and something deeper—something that made your heart ache in a way that was both painful and comforting.
“Lori’s out there because of her choices, not because of anything you did,” Joel added, his thumbs brushing against your skin in a soothing motion. “And if she ever decides to come back, we’ll deal with it together. But right now, I’m here with you, and that’s what matters to me.”
You nodded, feeling a sense of relief mixed with lingering guilt. “I just… I don’t want to be the reason she’s hurting.”
Joel shook his head again, his expression firm. “You’re not. And you can’t carry that burden, okay? She left you out there to die.”
Joel’s words hit you like a punch to the gut, the reality of the situation sinking in even deeper. He wasn’t sugarcoating it—he was telling you the harsh truth you’d been trying to avoid. Lori had left you to fend for yourself and abandoned you in a way that had nearly cost you everything.
“She made her choices,” Joel continued, his voice steady but filled with emotion. “And those choices weren’t about you—they were about her. She’s got her demons, her reasons, but that doesn’t excuse what she did. You did nothing wrong by protecting yourself.”
You looked down, the guilt still gnawing at you, but Joel’s hand moved to your chin, gently lifting your face so you had to meet his eyes. “Listen to me,” he said, his voice soft but unwavering. “You’re here, with me, because you survived. Because you fought to live. Don’t let her take that away from you.”
A tear slipped down your cheek, and Joel was quick to wipe it away with his thumb, his touch tender. “I know it’s hard,” he whispered. “I know it’s gonna take time to let go of the guilt. But you have to try, for your sake. For us.”
You nodded, feeling a little more of that heavy weight lift off your shoulders. Joel was right—you couldn’t let Lori’s choices define you or what you had now with him.
“I’m trying,” you said, your voice trembling. “I’m really trying.”
Joel’s expression softened even more, and he leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips, as if sealing a promise. “That’s all I ask,” he murmured against your lips.
You kissed him back, but this time his lips didn’t taste to a sweet fruit you crave on summer but like the bitter liquor you drank after a hard day as it a sip could take your demons away.
Joel pulled back from the kiss, his gaze lingering on yours with a mix of concern and affection. He could sense the turmoil still brewing inside you, even as you tried to put on a brave face. He sighed, brushing a hand through his hair, clearly reluctant to leave you like this.
“I’ve got to head out for patrol,” he said, his voice laced with reluctance. “But please… don’t do anything stupid while I’m gone.” His eyes searched yours, silently pleading with you to stay safe, to not let your guilt drive you to something reckless.
You nodded, giving him a small, tight-lipped smile. “I’ll be fine,” you assured him, but even as the words left your mouth, you felt the knot in your stomach tighten.
Joel hesitated, as if debating whether to push further, but eventually, he nodded. “I’ll see you later,” he said softly, his fingers lingering on your arm for a moment longer before he turned to leave.
You watched him go, your heart heavy with the weight of everything unsaid. As soon as the door closed behind him, you felt the quiet settle in, amplifying the thoughts swirling in your mind. You couldn’t shake the feeling that you needed to do something—something more than just waiting and hoping things would get better.
Your mind kept drifting back to Lori. Despite everything Joel had said, the guilt gnawed at you, relentless and unyielding. She was out there, alone, and even though you knew she had made her choices, you couldn’t help but feel responsible.
The more you thought about it, the more you realized you couldn’t just sit here and do nothing. You needed to see her, to talk to her, to try and make things right in whatever way you could. Maybe it was foolish, maybe it was reckless, but you felt like it was something you had to do.
You couldn’t bear the thought of a woman out there alone, just as you were not long time ago. You didn’t want anyone to go through that pain.
Without giving yourself time to second-guess the decision, you got up and quickly changed into clothes more suitable for the cold outside. You grabbed your jacket, slipping it on as you glanced around your small home, making sure you had everything you needed.
You knew Joel would be furious if he found out what you were planning, but you couldn’t let that stop you. This was something you had to do, for your own peace of mind. You left the house, pulling the door shut behind you, and started making your way toward the outskirts of Jackson, where you knew the old cabin Lori had been staying in was located.
As you walked, the snow crunched beneath your boots, and the chill in the air seemed to match the cold knot of anxiety in your chest. You couldn’t predict how Lori would react to seeing you again, but you knew you had to try. You had to at least make the effort, even if it was dangerous, even if it meant facing whatever might come next on your own.
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The journey to the old cabin where Lori was staying felt longer than it actually was. Every step you took was weighed down by the uncertainty of what awaited you. The cold bit at your skin, the wind whispering through the trees like a warning, but you pressed on, driven by a need to confront what had been gnawing at you since she left.
The cabin finally came into view, tucked away in a secluded area surrounded by thick trees. It looked as worn and isolated as you remembered, with smoke lazily curling from the chimney, indicating that someone was inside. You hesitated at the edge of the clearing, taking a moment to gather your thoughts and calm the racing of your heart.
With a deep breath, you moved forward, your footsteps careful and deliberate as you approached the door. You paused, hand hovering over the wooden surface, the reality of what you were about to do sinking in. But there was no turning back now. You had come this far, and you needed to see it through.
You knocked lightly, the sound echoing in the stillness. For a moment, there was no response, and you wondered if she was even there. But then, you heard movement from inside—a shuffling of feet, the creak of old floorboards—and the door slowly opened.
Lori stood in the doorway, her eyes widening in surprise when she saw you. She looked different, more worn and tired than the last time you had seen her, but there was still a fierceness in her gaze, a hardness that hadn’t been there before. She didn’t say anything at first, just stared at you as if trying to decide whether to slam the door in your face or let you in.
“What are you doing here?” she finally asked, her voice flat, but with an edge of suspicion.
You swallowed, trying to steady your nerves. “I came to talk,” you replied, forcing yourself to meet her gaze.
“Can I come in?”Lori’s eyes narrowed slightly, and for a moment, you thought she might refuse. But then, with a sigh, she stepped aside, allowing you to enter. The cabin was as sparse as you remembered, with only the bare essentials scattered around—a small table, a few chairs, a cot in the corner, and the fire crackling in the hearth. It was warm inside, but the tension between you made the air feel heavy.
Lori closed the door behind you, crossing her arms as she leaned against the wall, watching you with a guarded expression. “Does Joel know you’re here?” she asked, her tone laced with suspicion.
You shook your head. “No,” you admitted. “I came on my own.”
Lori raised an eyebrow, clearly skeptical of your motives. “Why? What do you want?”
“I want to talk,” you said, your voice steady despite the nervousness you felt. “I wanted to see if… if there’s any way, we can work this out.”
Lori’s expression hardened at your words, and she shook her head almost immediately. “I’m not going back,” she said firmly. “There’s nothing for me there.”
“Lori, please,” you implored, taking a step closer. “You don’t have to do this alone. We can find a way to make it work. You don’t have to stay out here, isolated from everyone.”
She let out a bitter laugh, shaking her head again. “You think it’s that simple?
“I don’t think it’s simple,” you replied, your voice softening. “But I don’t think it’s impossible either. We’ve all made mistakes. We’ve all done things we regret. But that doesn’t mean you have to keep punishing yourself.”
Lori’s gaze softened for just a moment, a flicker of something vulnerable passing through her eyes, but it was quickly replaced by that same hard look. “You don’t know what you’re talking about,” she muttered, turning away from you and staring into the fire.
“I know you’re hurting,” you said, taking another step closer. “I know you feel like you’ve lost everything. But running away won’t fix it. It won’t make the pain go away.”
Lori’s shoulders slumped slightly, and for the first time since you arrived, she seemed to waver. She didn’t respond, just stood there, staring into the flames as if searching for answers in the flickering light.
“You don’t love him,” Lori said, her tone laced with bitterness. “I bet every time you see Joel, you wish he were the one you lost when this world went to shit.”
Her words hit you like a slap, the accusation stinging deep. You stood there, unable to respond immediately, the truth of her statement gnawing at you. Lori finally looked up; her eyes hard as they met yours.
“Am I wrong?” she pressed; her gaze unwavering.
You swallowed hard, trying to find the right words, but the guilt you had been carrying made it difficult. “It’s not like that,” you finally said, your voice shaky.
“Isn’t it?” Lori challenged, standing up and taking a step closer to you.
You felt your chest tighten, her words cutting deeper than you expected. “Lori, you don’t understand,” you started, but she cut you off.
“No, you don’t understand,” Lori spat, her voice rising. “You’re just using him to fill the void left by whoever you lost. You’re not in love with him—you’re in love with a memory.”
Her words hung in the air, heavy and suffocating. You could feel your resolve crumbling, the truth in her accusation tearing at you. But deep down, you knew it wasn’t entirely true. Yes, you had lost someone, and yes, the pain of that loss was still with you. But what you felt for Joel was real.
She took a step closer, her eyes fierce and unyielding. “I know it because I had my Joel before,” she continued, her voice breaking slightly as she spoke. “I lost him when the outbreak happened, and I spent years crying over him, wishing he was still here.”
You could see the pain in her eyes, the same pain that had haunted you for so long. “And then Joel came along,” Lori went on, her voice now softer, tinged with regret. “I wanted Joel to be my lover because I felt broken, and he was the only one who made me feel whole again. But it wasn’t fair to him, and it wasn’t fair to me.”
You felt a pang of empathy for Lori, understanding now that you weren’t the only one struggling with feelings of loss and confusion. But that didn’t make her words any easier to hear.
“Lori,” you began, your voice trembling as you tried to find the right words, “I know what you’re saying. I know I’ve been holding on to the past, and maybe I haven’t been fair to Joel. But what I feel for him...I love him and he loves me.”
Lori's expression shifted, the hardness in her eyes softening ever so slightly. You could see the conflict within her, the struggle between the pain she carried and the understanding she was trying to find.
"The world is too shitty for us to be fighting over a man," you continued, your voice steadier now. “We’ve all lost so much, and I know you’re hurting too. But this... this isn’t worth tearing each other apart.”
Lori looked away, her gaze falling to the floor as she let out a long breath. “You’re right,” she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. “We’ve been through too much to waste our energy on this.”
There was a long silence between you, the tension slowly ebbing away as the weight of your shared pain settled between you. Finally, Lori looked up, her eyes meeting yours with a mixture of resignation and acceptance.
“I just... I just wanted to feel like I mattered again,” she said, her voice breaking. “And Joel... he made me feel that way, even if it was just for a little while.”
You took a step closer, your heart aching for her. “You do matter, Lori. To Joel, to Jackson. But you can’t find your worth in someone else. You have to find it in yourself.”
Lori nodded slowly, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. “I know,” she whispered. “I know that now.”
The two of you stood there for a moment, the crackling of the fire the only sound in the cabin. It wasn’t forgiveness, not completely, but it was a step towards understanding—a fragile truce in a world that had taken so much from both of you.
“Come back to Jackson,” you said gently. “It doesn’t have to be like this. You don’t have to be alone.”
You looked at Lori, seeing the pain and confusion in her eyes. The firelight cast flickering shadows across her face, highlighting the raw vulnerability she was trying to hide. Her question hung in the air, heavy with the weight of what had happened between you.
“I know what you did,” you said quietly, your voice steady despite the memories that threatened to surface. “And I won’t pretend it didn’t hurt, or that I wasn’t scared. But I also know that this world has twisted all of us in ways we never could have imagined.”
Lori’s gaze dropped to the floor, shame and regret evident in her expression. You took a deep breath, knowing that what you were about to say would expose a part of yourself you usually kept hidden.
“I’m doing this because I don’t want to be the kind of person this world wants me to be. I don’t want to be consumed by hate, or let fear rule my decisions. And I don’t want you to be that person either. We’ve lost so much, Lori. But we don’t have to lose ourselves.”
She looked up at you, her eyes wide and searching, as if she was trying to understand why you would offer her this chance at redemption. “But how can you forgive me?” she whispered, her voice trembling. “After everything I did... how can you just let it go?”
“I’m not letting that go,” you replied, your voice soft but firm. “But we keep moving forward. We can’t change what’s happened, but we can choose what we do next. I’m choosing to believe that there’s still good in you, and that you deserve a chance to find it again.”
Lori blinked back tears, her tough exterior cracking just enough for you to see the pain and guilt she carried. “I don’t know if I can,” she admitted, her voice barely audible.
“You can,” you assured her. “It won’t be easy, but you can. And you won’t have to do it alone. Come back to Jackson. We can figure it out together.”
Lori hesitated, her eyes flickering with uncertainty. “And what about Joel?” she asked, her voice laced with fear. “What if he doesn’t want me back?”
“Joel’s angry,” you said honestly, “but he’s also someone who cares deeply about the people in his life. If you show him that you’re willing to change, I think he’ll find a way to understand. But you have to be willing to take that first step. Both of you will.” You paused, “Not romantically anymore, but as people living in the same place.”
Lori’s gaze lingered on you for a long moment, as if weighing your words. Finally, she nodded, a small, tentative movement that signaled her agreement. “I’ll try,” she whispered, her voice shaky but resolute. “I don’t know if I can do it, but I’ll try.”
“That’s all anyone can ask,” you said, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips. “Let’s go back to Jackson. Together.”
“They voted me out” she said.
Your smile faltered as Lori’s words sank in. The realization of what that meant hit you like a punch to the gut. Being voted out of Jackson was more than just being asked to leave—it was a declaration that the community no longer trusted you, no longer believed you were safe to have around.
“They… they really did that?” you asked, your voice a mix of disbelief and sadness.
Lori nodded, her expression a mixture of bitterness and resignation. “Yeah. After what happened with you, and… everything else. They decided I wasn’t worth the risk.”
You could see the hurt in her eyes, the pain of being rejected by the only place that could offer any semblance of safety. And despite everything she had done, a part of you couldn’t help but feel sorry for her.
“Lori, I’m so sorry,” you said softly, the weight of her situation pressing down on you. “But maybe… maybe we can talk to them. I can vouch for you. Tell them you’re willing to make things right.”
Lori shook her head, a sad smile on her lips. “It’s too late for that. Even if you could convince Joel, the rest of them won’t listen. They’ve made up their minds.”
You didn’t know what to say. The idea of leaving someone out there alone, especially someone who had been part of your community, felt wrong on every level. But you also knew how fragile trust was in this world, and how quickly it could be lost.
“Then what are you going to do?” you asked, your voice laced with concern.
“I don’t know,” Lori admitted, her shoulders slumping as she wrapped her arms around herself. “Maybe find another group, if I can. Or just… survive on my own. It’s not like I have a lot of options.”
You took a deep breath, your mind racing for any solution that might keep Lori safe. "Come with me," you suggested, your voice urgent. "If they see us together, maybe it'll be different. Maybe they’ll understand, see that you’re willing to make things right."
Lori looked at you, her eyes filled with a mixture of surprise and doubt. For a moment, she seemed to consider it, her gaze flickering with a faint hope. But then she shook her head, her expression hardening as she looked away.
"No," she said firmly. "I can’t do that. If I come back with you, they’ll just see it as me hiding behind you. It’ll look like I’m trying to manipulate my way back in, and that’s not going to work. They’ll never trust me again, not unless I earn it on my own terms."
Her words stung because you knew she was right. Trust was fragile, especially in a world where survival depended on it. The community needed to see that she was willing to stand on her own, to prove herself without relying on someone else’s influence.
"But what if something happens to you out here?" you pressed, the thought of leaving her alone gnawing at you. "You’re safer in Jackson, with people who can help you."
Lori smiled sadly, a wistful look in her eyes. "I know the risks. But if I’m ever going to have a chance at getting back what I’ve lost, I have to do it my way. I’d rather have their approval than their pity."
You could see the determination in her eyes, the fierce independence that had kept her alive for so long. It was the same trait that made her both strong and dangerous, and you realized that there was nothing you could say to change her mind.
"Just… be careful, okay?" you said finally, your voice thick with emotion. "I don’t want to see you get hurt."
"I will," Lori promised, her voice softening as she met your gaze. "And thank you, for coming out here. For trying."
You nodded, a heavy sense of resignation settling in your chest. There was nothing more you could do, no more words that could bridge the gap between the two of you. All you could do was hope that Lori would find her way, that she would survive long enough to prove herself.
With one last look at her, you turned and made your way back to Jackson, the weight of the conversation lingering heavily on your shoulders. You knew that this wasn’t the end, not for Lori, not for you. But for now, all you could do was return to the life you had built, even as the echoes of the past threatened to pull you back.
As you walked away, Lori stood at the entrance of the cabin, watching you go, her expression unreadable. The distance between you grew, both physical and emotional until she was just a figure in the distance, a reminder of the choices that had brought you both to this point.
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You arrived back in Jackson, the familiar sight of the town coming into view as you crossed the threshold. It was quiet, the usual hustle and bustle of the day beginning to wind down as the sun dipped lower in the sky. But as you approached the center of town, you could hear raised voices—Joel's voice, loud and angry, cutting through the stillness.
Following the sound, you found Joel near the gates, his posture tense as he argued with a couple of men who had been on watch duty. His face was a mask of frustration and fury, his fists clenched at his sides as he spoke.
"What the hell were you thinking, letting her go out on her own?" Joel barked, his voice carrying an edge that sent a chill down your spine. "You know damn well how dangerous it is out there!"
One of the men, looking both intimidated and defensive, tried to respond. "We didn’t think she’d go far, Joel. She’s handled herself before—"
"That’s not the point!" Joel snapped, cutting him off. "It’s not about whether she can handle herself. It’s about the fact that you let her go out there alone without telling anyone!"
The other man, clearly trying to diffuse the situation, spoke up. "We’re sorry, Joel. We didn’t think—"
"No, you didn’t," Joel growled, his anger barely contained. "And if something had happened to her…"
The rest of his sentence trailed off as his gaze shifted, and he finally noticed you standing there. His eyes narrowed, but unlike usual, his expression didn’t soften. Instead, there was a mix of relief, anger, and something else you couldn’t quite place.
"Where the hell were you?" he demanded, his voice low and rough as he took a few steps toward you.
You opened your mouth to respond, but the weight of his anger and concern made the words stick in your throat.
"I was…" you hesitated, knowing how furious he would be when he found out. "I went to see Lori."
Joel's eyes widened in shock, and then they darkened with anger. He ran a hand through his hair, pacing slightly as he tried to process what you’d just said.
"You what?" he finally said, his voice dangerously quiet. "You went to see her? After everything that happened?"
You nodded, feeling small under the intensity of his gaze. "I had to. I needed to talk to her, to make sure she was okay. She’s out there, Joel, and she’s all alone."
Joel’s jaw tightened, and for a moment, he looked like he was struggling to keep his anger in check. "And you thought it was a good idea to go out there by yourself? Without telling anyone?"
"I knew you’d try to stop me," you admitted, your voice wavering. "I thought if I went alone, I could handle it."
"Handle it?" Joel echoed, incredulous. "Do you have any idea how reckless that was? What if something had happened to you? What if she had—"
"She didn’t," you interrupted, your voice firmer now. "I’m fine, Joel. I’m here, and nothing happened."
"But it could have," Joel shot back, his voice thick with frustration. "You can’t just go off like that, not when there’s so much at stake."
You could see the fear behind his anger, the desperation in his eyes as he looked at you. He was scared, not just for you but for everything you represented in his life. And that fear was fueling his anger now, making him lash out because he didn’t know how else to deal with it.
"I’m sorry," you said softly, stepping closer to him. "I didn’t mean to worry you. I just… I couldn’t leave things the way they were."
Joel sighed, his shoulders slumping as some of the tension drained out of him. He looked at you, his expression torn between anger and something softer, something more vulnerable.
"I can’t lose you," he finally said, his voice barely above a whisper.
“You won’t, but you need to stop being an asshole to everyone” you said.
 Joel blinked, taken aback by your bluntness. He opened his mouth to respond but closed it just as quickly, clearly struggling with his emotions. Finally, he let out a heavy sigh, rubbing the back of his neck as he looked away.
“I know I’ve been hard on everyone,” he admitted, his voice low. “But it’s just... I’ve been so damn scared of losing you, of losing anyone else. It’s like every time I think about what could happen, I—”
“—you push people away,” you finished for him, your tone gentle but firm. “But, Joel, you can’t protect everyone by building walls around yourself. You have to let people in, let them help you. We’re all in this together, whether you like it or not.”
“And you need to stop being weak” he said, as if he had found the words to get back at you for something.
The words cut deep, and you felt a surge of anger and hurt rise within you. You took a step back, your hands clenching into fists at your sides as you struggled to keep your emotions in check.
“Stop being weak?” you echoed, your voice trembling slightly. “Joel, I’m trying my best to handle everything that’s been thrown at me. I’m not perfect, but I’m not weak.”
"Being weak got your boyfriend killed, right?" Joel’s words echoed in your mind, the pain of them mingling with the pain of your past. It felt like a knife twisting deeper into a wound that had never fully healed.
“Don’t you dare use that against me,” you said, your voice shaking with a mix of anger and sadness. “I’ve been trying my hardest to move forward, to deal with everything that’s happened. You can’t just throw my past in my face like that.”
Joel’s face softened, his eyes wide with regret as he saw the effect of his words. He reached out as if to bridge the gap you’d created, but you took another step back, shaking your head.
“No,” you said firmly. “You can’t do that. You can’t keep using my pain to justify your own frustrations. We both have our struggles, and we both have to face them. But that doesn’t mean we get to hurt each other.”
Joel’s shoulders slumped, his anger giving way to a weary sadness. “I’m sorry,” he said quietly, his voice breaking. “I didn’t mean to—”
“Just stop,” you interrupted, holding up a hand. "Are this how things are going to be between us?" You asked, no payback, just a tense voice.
"What do you mean?" he asked, regretting lacing on his voice.
"Every time I do something you don't like you will throw something at me?"
Joel looked away, his gaze shifting to the floor as if searching for the right words. The weight of your question seemed to hit him hard, and he struggled to meet your eyes again.
“No,” he finally said, his voice low. “That’s not what I want. I don’t want to hurt you. I just... I’m dealing with a lot, and sometimes I don’t know how to handle it. But that’s no excuse for pushing you away or being unfair.”
You could see the conflict in his eyes, the internal battle between his pain and his desire to make things right. It was clear he was struggling, and for a moment, you felt a pang of sympathy despite the hurt he’d caused.
“Then we need to figure out a way to communicate better,” you said, trying to keep your voice steady. “If we keep doing this, hurting each other, it’s never going to work. We need to be able to talk without tearing each other down.”
Joel nodded slowly, his expression softening. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I’ll work on it. I just… I need to do better. For us.”
“Joel, I… I think we need to take a step back,” you began, your voice gentle but firm. “We can’t be together as a couple right now. Not until we’ve both done some healing—on our own.”
Joel’s brow furrowed, and you could see the hurt flicker across his face. “What are you saying?” he asked quietly, his grip on your arms loosening.
“I’m saying that we’ve both been through so much, and we’re still carrying all that pain,” you explained. “It’s not fair to either of us to try to make this work when we’re still so broken inside. We’re just going to end up hurting each other more.”
Joel looked down; his jaw clenched tightly. He was silent for a moment, clearly struggling with your words.
Joel’s silence stretched, and you could see the emotions warring within him. Finally, he looked up, his eyes meeting yours with a mix of sadness and resignation.
“I get it,” he said quietly, his voice rough. “I do. It’s just… hard to accept. I don’t want to lose you, but I understand if we need to take a step back.”
You nodded, feeling a mix of relief and sadness. “I don’t want to lose you either, Joel. That’s why we need to do this. We need to heal separately so we can be better for each other, if we decide to come back together.”
Joel sighed heavily, rubbing a hand over his face. “I’ll try to do better. For myself, for us. And… I��ll see the therapist. Maybe it’ll help.”
“I think it will,” you said softly, giving him a reassuring smile. “It’s a good step. For both of us.”
Joel nodded, his expression softening a bit. “Okay. I’ll give it a shot. But just know… I care about you. A lot.”
“I care about you too,” you replied, your voice wavering slightly. “And that’s why we need to do this. We need to take care of ourselves first.”
With a final, heavy sigh, Joel gave you a small, bittersweet smile. “Alright. I’ll see you around then.”
You took a step closer, closing the distance between you, and reached out to gently touch his face. His eyes met yours, filled with a mix of hope and uncertainty.
Before either of you could say more, you leaned in and pressed a soft, reassuring kiss to his lips. It was a gentle, tender gesture, a promise that despite the distance you both needed, the feelings between you remained.
Joel’s eyes closed momentarily as he returned the kiss, his grip on your shoulders tightening just enough to convey his emotions. When you finally pulled away, you could see the depth of his feelings in his gaze—a silent acknowledgment that while things were changing, the connection between you was still strong.
“Thank you,” he said quietly, his voice barely a whisper. “For understanding. For everything.”
You gave him a small, encouraging smile. “We’re both doing our best. That’s all we can ask of each other.”
Joel nodded, his expression softening with a mixture of gratitude and sadness. “I’ll see you around,” he repeated, a bit more firmly this time.
With one last, lingering look, he turned and walked away, leaving you standing there with a heavy heart and a sense of resolve. You knew it would be hard, but you were hopeful that with time and effort, both of you could find the healing you needed.
When Joel woke up, the world seemed disjointed, fragmented. He was greeted with concerned faces, but the familiarity of their voices felt distant. As the days passed, it became clear that Joel had lost significant portions of his memory. He struggled to piece together the events leading up to the ambush, and his sense of self was clouded by confusion.
The emotional impact was profound. Joel had always been someone who carried the weight of the world on his shoulders, but now he found himself grappling with an added burden: the loss of his own past. He could remember fragments—snippets of conversations, fleeting images—but the continuity of his life felt like a puzzle with missing pieces.
In the midst of this struggle, Joel faced the raw, unfiltered emotions that had been buried under layers of anger and pain. Without the anchor of his memories, he found himself confronted with feelings he had tried to suppress or ignore. The realization of what he had lost, both in terms of his past and his relationship with you, hit him with an intensity that left him vulnerable and exposed.
The days were a whirlwind of emotions for Joel. He felt anger at his own helplessness, frustration at not being able to remember crucial parts of his life, and deep sadness for the connections that seemed to have slipped away from him. His interactions with you were strained. He knew you were important, but the specifics of why were obscured by the fog of his memory.
Joel’s struggle was evident in the way he reached out for fragments of normalcy. He would sit quietly in the corners of the community, trying to piece together his past by observing others. Conversations with you were tinged with an awkward formality, as if he were trying to bridge a gap that couldn’t be fully crossed.
As time went on, Joel began to lean on you more, searching for comfort in your presence. Your patience and support became a lifeline for him, a way to ground himself amidst the confusion. He struggled to reconcile the past he could no longer fully recall with the present he was living through.
You, too, found yourself grappling with the new reality. Seeing Joel in such a fragile state was heartbreaking. You wanted to help him, to be there for him, but the dynamics of your relationship had shifted. The boundaries you had set were still in place, but the lines between them were now blurred by Joel’s struggle and your own feelings of helplessness.
Despite the pain and frustration, there were moments of clarity and connection. The more Joel leaned on you, the more he began to remember the warmth of your presence, the comfort of your touch. Though the memories of your shared past were fragmented, the emotional bond between you was something that transcended the gaps in his recollection.
Joel’s journey through therapy was arduous. Each session was a test of patience and introspection, peeling back layers of his past and the wounds he had kept buried. The process was slow, and the progress often seemed incremental. He confronted painful memories and learned to navigate his emotions, guided by the therapist’s steady support.
Despite the difficulties, Joel showed up for each session, driven by a desire to heal and a growing understanding of the importance of addressing his issues. He learned to articulate his feelings and confront his fears. The therapy sessions began to shift something within him—a deeper recognition of his own vulnerabilities and a burgeoning sense of hope.
In the midst of this, Joel's thoughts frequently returned to Lori and you. He knew that if there was any chance of reconciliation or understanding, it had to start with bringing Lori back into the fold. His own healing process had taught him the value of second chances and the importance of confronting unresolved issues.
One crisp morning, after several weeks of therapy, Joel set out to find Lori. He had been keeping tabs on her location, and while he understood the risks, he was determined to make things right. When he finally located her, she was in a makeshift camp on the outskirts of a small, struggling community.
“Lori,” Joel said, his voice carrying concern as he approached her. “We need to talk.”
Lori looked up; her expression wary but curious. “Joel,” she said, her voice tinged with both surprise and apprehension. “What are you doing here?”
Joel took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. “I’ve been working on myself. Trying to make things right. And I think... I think it’s time for us to address what happened between us.”
Lori’s eyes softened slightly, though she remained guarded. “And what does that mean?”
“It means,” Joel said, taking a step closer, “that I want to try and bring you back to Jackson. There’s a chance for reconciliation, but it starts with making amends.”
Lori studied him for a long moment, the hesitation clear in her eyes. “Why would I go back there? They’ve already decided I’m not welcome.”
Joel nodded, understanding her reluctance. “They might have voted you out, but people change. And I think there’s a chance for you to make things right. I can vouch for you. I’ve been through a lot of my own healing, and I believe in second chances.” He paused “And I believe on her” he said, referring to you.
Lori’s gaze softened further, the walls she had built around herself starting to crumble. “And what if they don’t want me back? What if they still see me as a threat?”
“We won’t know until we try,” Joel said firmly. “I believe in giving people a chance, and I’m willing to stand up for you.”
After a long pause, Lori finally nodded. “Alright. If you’re willing to vouch for me, I’ll give it a try.”
Joel offered a small, hopeful smile. “Okay. Let’s head back to Jackson.”
The journey back was quiet but filled with a tentative sense of hope. When they arrived, the tension was palpable. The community was wary, and the reception was far from warm. However, Joel’s presence and the commitment he showed in standing by Lori’s side made a difference.
Lori had to prove herself, and the community had to come to terms with her return. Not only because she was a threat to you in a moment. But the fact that she was given a chance was a testament to the power of redemption and the possibility of new beginnings.
Joel’s own healing continued as well, bolstered by his actions and the steps he took to make amends. His relationship with you remained on a path of gradual recovery. While there were still challenges to face, the progress made was a testament to the strength of the bonds that held the community together and the resilience of the individuals within it.
In the end, Joel’s journey was a reflection of the broader struggles and triumphs of a world striving to rebuild itself, one step at a time.
while you were in the infirmary tending to a few minor injuries and organizing supplies, Joel walked in with Lori at his side. The atmosphere was quiet, the usual hum of activity in the infirmary providing a backdrop to the scene.
You looked up from your work, your hands wiping off the last traces of blood from a bandage, and saw Joel approaching. A lump formed in your throat as you took in the sight of Lori walking behind him, her posture guarded but resolute.
“Hey,” Joel said, his voice carrying a note of cautious optimism. “I brought Lori here for you to check on her. She’s been having some issues with her leg.”
You nodded, trying to mask your apprehension. “You’re back” you said, feeling a lump forming on your throat.
Lori nodded as she moved towards the examination table with a hesitant but determined stride. She glanced at you, her expression a mixture of anxiety and hope.
you greeted her softly, trying to sound as neutral as possible. “How’s it been? What happened to your leg?”
Lori took a deep breath, her voice steady despite the uncertainty. “It’s been a rough few days. Just a scrape that’s gotten worse.”
As you began to examine her leg, you noticed Joel standing nearby. You could feel the weight of the situation pressing down on you, anxiety mingled with a sense of unease as you tried to focus on the task at hand.
“Looks like it’s inflamed,” you said, carefully cleaning the wound. “I’ll need to get some antibiotics on it and make sure it doesn’t get any worse.”
“Thank you,” Lori said quietly, her eyes meeting yours. “I know it’s been complicated between us.”
You offered her a small, strained smile. “It’s okay. We all have our struggles. I’m just glad to see you making an effort.”
Joel watched the interaction closely, his expression a mixture of concern and relief. He understood the complexities of the situation and was grateful for the chance to make things right.
As you finished treating Lori’s leg, you couldn’t help but feel a pang of discomfort. The process of healing was never straightforward, and the emotional weight of the past few weeks lingered in the air.
“Thanks,” Lori said, standing up with a tentative smile. “I appreciate it.”
“No problem,” you replied, trying to sound as sincere as possible. “If you need anything else, just let me know.”
Joel gave you a small, appreciative nod. “Thanks for taking care of her.”
You watched as Joel and Lori left the infirmary, a mix of emotions swirling within you. The path to reconciliation and healing was long and often challenging, but moments like these—where you faced the past and worked towards a better future—were steps in the right direction.
You hoped that in time, things would settle into a new normal. For now, you focused on the present, knowing that the journey of healing for everyone involved was far from over.
As you were lost in your own thoughts, you didn’t hear the steps approaching.
Joel walked back into the infirmary a few minutes after leaving with Lori. His demeanor was different now, less tentative and more determined. He approached with a sense of urgency, his expression revealing his frustration and a touch of exasperation.
You looked up from the stack of bandages you had been organizing, noticing the intensity in his gaze. The uncertainty and lingering doubts you had been grappling with seemed to settle around you, making your heart race a little faster.
“Hey,” Joel said, his voice cutting through the quiet of the infirmary.
“Hey” you said, avoiding his gaze. “I see Lori is back” you added, not wanting to sound bitter because you weren’t. You could see everyone was trying to make better version of themselves.
Her, Joel and you.
There were broken versions hoping to be fixed.
Joel’s eyes followed your gaze to the door, still looking a bit out of place in the infirmary. He took a deep breath before speaking, clearly trying to manage his frustration.
“Yeah,” he said, his tone carrying a tint of relief and irritation. “She’s back. I know it’s been a lot to take in, and I get that you’re unsure- “
“I’m not.” You said, voice trembling even when you felt sure about your feelings towards Joel.
Joel's expression softened as he heard the tremble in your voice. He stepped closer, his frustration giving way to concern and understanding. “Then what is it?” he asked gently, searching your eyes for the answer. “You seem sad today.”
Joel’s frustration was evident as he took a deep breath, trying to keep his tone even. “I’m tired of this,” he began, his voice steady but laced with underlying frustration. “I’m tired of you doubting what we have, of you questioning whether or not it’s worth it. I’m tired of feeling like I’m the only one trying to make things work.”
Your gaze fell to the floor, feeling the weight of his words. You had been struggling with your own fears and uncertainties, and it was clear that Joel’s patience was wearing thin.
“Joel, it’s not that I don’t care,” you said quietly. “It’s just—”
“Just what?” Joel interrupted, his voice rising slightly. “Just that you’re scared? I get it, I really do. But we can’t keep going in circles like this. I’m here, and I’m trying. But if you’re not on the same page, if you’re not willing to fight for us, then what are we even doing?”
His words hit hard, but they also struck a chord of truth. You had been hesitant, afraid of getting hurt again, and it was affecting your ability to fully commit to the relationship. Joel’s frustration was palpable, and you knew that this conversation was long overdue.
“What else I have to do to prove that you’re it for me?” he asked.
Joel’s question hung in the air, heavy with emotion. You could see the intensity in his eyes, the way his frustration was mixed with desperation. He had been fighting for you, for the relationship, and now he was asking for something in return—your commitment, your belief in what you two could be together.
You swallowed hard, the weight of his words pressing down on you. “I know you’ve been trying, Joel,” you began, your voice soft but steady. “And I see that. I see how much you care, how much you’re willing to do for us. But… it’s not just about proving something to me. It’s about proving it to yourself too.”
Joel’s brow furrowed, his gaze never leaving yours. “What do you mean?”
“I mean… we both have our scars,” you continued, your voice trembling slightly. “And I’m scared, yes. But I think you’re scared too. Scared of getting hurt again, of losing someone else. And that’s why we keep going in circles, why it’s so hard to fully trust in this.”
Joel’s jaw tightened, but he didn’t interrupt. You could see that he was listening, really listening, to what you were saying. He took a deep breath, his gaze steady and intense. Walking towards you, he cupped your face in his hands “I could hit my head a hundred times,” he said quietly, his voice carrying the weight of his emotions, “and I would come back to you each time.”
You looked up at him, a mix of surprise and emotion swirling in your eyes. His words cut through the uncertainty you’d been feeling, touching on something deeper and more enduring than just the day-to-day struggles.
“Why?” you asked softly, searching his face for the meaning behind his declaration. “Why would you keep coming back?”
Joel’s expression softened, and he stepped closer, his hand gently resting on your arm. “Because you matter to me more than anything,” he said, his voice earnest. “I know we’ve got a lot to work through, and it’s not going to be easy. But every time I think of us, it’s like everything else falls away. It’s always you.”
You swallowed, feeling a lump form in your throat. “And you?”
Joel nodded, a small, sincere smile on his lips. “And me. Even when things get tough, or when I mess up, it’s you I want to be with. It’s you I want to make things right with.”
The sincerity in his words struck a chord within you. You could see how deeply he cared, despite the flaws and the struggles that had come between you. It was a reminder that, despite the difficulties, there was something real and lasting between you.
“I’m willing to try,” you said, your voice trembling slightly but full of conviction.
Joel’s smile widened, a look of relief and affection shining in his eyes. “Deal,” he said softly, pulling you into a gentle embrace.
"How is therapy going?" you asked.
Joel shifted slightly in your embrace before pulling back just enough to meet your gaze. His expression was a mix of vulnerability and hope. “It’s… it’s going. Not easy, but I’m trying to face things I’ve been avoiding for a long time.”
You nodded, giving him an encouraging smile. “That’s good to hear. It’s important to confront those things.”
Joel sighed, running a hand through his hair. “Yeah, well, it’s more than just talking about it. It’s about figuring out how to move forward. I’m learning that it’s not just about fixing what’s broken, but understanding why it was broken in the first place.”
“Sounds like you’re making progress,” you said gently.
Joel’s eyes softened as he looked at you. “It is. And having support—like you—makes it a bit easier. I appreciate you being here, even when things get complicated.”
You gave him a warm smile.
Joel's gaze lingered on yours, a mix of determination and affection in his eyes. Without a word, he gently cupped your face in his hands, his thumbs brushing against your cheeks. The warmth of his touch conveyed everything he couldn’t put into words.
He leaned in, his lips finding yours in a tender, lingering kiss. It was soft and deliberate, a silent promise of his commitment and his feelings for you. The kiss was more than just an expression of love; it was an affirmation of the bond you both shared, a way of showing that despite the challenges, there was still something deeply real and enduring between you.
When he finally pulled away, his eyes searched yours with a mixture of vulnerability and hope. “I just needed you to know that,” he said quietly. “You’re important to me, and I’m not giving up on us.”
You smiled, feeling a sense of reassurance wash over you.
“Let me love you” he whispered on your lips.
When Joel whispered those words, so close that his breath mingled with yours, it sent a shiver down your spine. His vulnerability, laid bare in that simple plea, tugged at something deep inside you. For so long, you had both danced around your fears and uncertainties, but here he was, asking for a chance to break through all of that.
Your heart swelled with a mixture of emotions—relief, love, and a lingering hint of that old fear. But as you looked into Joel’s eyes, filled with a hope that you hadn’t seen in him before, you felt something inside your shift.
You leaned in, closing the small gap between you, and let your lips meet his in a gentle, lingering kiss.
rushed and desperate, as a silent promise between the two of you.
But then, you pulled back just slightly, enough to catch your breath and regain some sense of where you were. “We are in the infirmary, Joel,” you whispered against his lips, a soft smile tugging at the corners of your mouth. Your words were a gentle reminder of the boundaries you still needed to respect, even in the midst of everything you were feeling.
Joel let out a small, breathless laugh, his forehead resting against yours as he tried to gather himself. “Yeah, I know,” he murmured, his voice laced with both amusement and a lingering desire. “But I needed some kisses from my favorite lady.
You chuckled softly, feeling a warmth spread through you at his words. “Well, your favorite lady is very flattered,” you replied, your tone teasing as you brushed a hand through his hair. “But I think she might need to get back to work before someone walks in on us.”
Joel sighed dramatically, a playful smirk tugging at his lips. “Fine, fine. I’ll let you get back to your work,” he said, though he didn’t make a move to step away just yet. Instead, he pressed one last, quick kiss to your lips, as if he couldn’t resist.
“See you later, then,” he murmured, his voice filled with affection and something deeper, something that spoke to the connection you were slowly rebuilding.
“Later,” you echoed, your smile lingering as he finally released you and took a step back, his eyes still warm with unspoken feelings.
As you returned to your work, your thoughts kept drifting back to Joel. The way he had kissed you, the way he had spoken to you—it was clear that he was committed to making things work between you two. And deep down, you knew that you were too. The road ahead wouldn’t be easy, but you were both willing to walk it together.
Time passed quickly as you immersed yourself in your tasks, trying to push away the thoughts of what had just transpired. But the memory of his touch, his words, lingered with you, making your heart ache in a bittersweet way.
Later, as the day began to wind down and the infirmary grew quieter, you found yourself thinking about what the evening might bring. Would Joel come by to see you again? Would you two have a chance to talk more, to start building something real and solid between you?
Just as you were finishing up for the day, you heard the door to the infirmary creak open. You turned, half-expecting it to be another patient or one of the other medics. But when you saw Joel standing there, leaning casually against the doorframe with a soft smile on his face, your heart skipped a beat.
“Hey,” he said, his voice low and warm. “Thought I’d come by and see if you needed anything.”
You smiled, feeling a familiar flutter in your chest. “Hey yourself,” you replied, wiping your hands on your scrubs. “I was just finishing up.”
He took a step closer, his eyes never leaving yours. “Good timing, then,” he said with a slight grin. “Mind if I walk you home?”
Your smile widened, and the idea of spending more time with him made your heart swell with affection. “I’d like that,” you said softly.
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As you and Joel walked through the quiet streets of Jackson, the cool evening air wrapped around you like a comforting blanket. The sounds of the community winding down for the night were all around—distant chatter, the occasional clatter of dishes being put away, the soft hum of generators. It was a rare moment of peace in a world that had seen so much chaos.
Joel walked close beside you, his presence grounding and reassuring. Neither of you felt the need to fill the silence with words; the simple act of being together was enough. Yet, the unspoken connection between you was palpable, a gentle reminder of the kiss you had shared earlier and the emotions that had been laid bare.
As you approached your house, your home came into view. The warm glow of the lantern inside spilled out through the window, casting a welcoming light on the porch. You hesitated for a moment, not quite ready for the evening to end, and it seemed Joel felt the same.
He stopped a few steps away from the door, turning to face you fully. His expression was softer now, the earlier intensity replaced by a quiet tenderness that made your heart ache in the best possible way.
“I know things have been… complicated,” Joel began, his voice low and earnest. “But I meant what I said earlier. I’m not giving up on us. We’ve both been through hell, but I want to make this work. I want us to work.”
You felt a lump form in your throat, his words hitting you with a depth of sincerity that left you momentarily speechless. But you knew he was right—this was something worth fighting for, and you were ready to face whatever challenges came your way.
“I want that too, Joel,” you finally said, your voice soft but steady. “We’ve been through so much already. We can get through this too. Together.”
A faint smile tugged at the corners of his mouth, and he reached out to gently take your hand in his. His touch was warm and comforting, and you felt a sense of calm wash over you as your fingers intertwined.
For a moment, the two of you stood there, holding hands in the soft glow of the lantern light, the world around you fading into the background. It was just the two of you, standing at the edge of something new and uncertain, but also something beautiful.
Finally, Joel broke the silence, his voice barely above a whisper. “Can I… come in?”
You looked up at him, your heart racing as you considered the question.
With a small, hopeful smile, you nodded. “Yeah. I’d like that.”
Together, you walked up the steps and into the house, the door closing softly behind you. Inside, the room was warm and inviting, a small oasis in a world that had taken so much from both of you. As you stood there, taking in the familiarity of your surroundings, you felt a sense of peace settle over you.
Joel didn’t say anything as he gently pulled you into a kiss. Joel’s arms wrapped around you with a gentle yet firm grip, pulling you closer as his lips met yours. The kiss was tender, filled with all the unspoken emotions that had been building between you—the longing, the pain, the hope. It was a moment of pure connection, where words weren’t necessary because everything you needed to say was conveyed in the way he held you, in the way his lips moved against yours.
As the kiss deepened, you could feel the weight of the world outside fading away, leaving only the two of you in this quiet, stolen moment. Joel’s hand slid up to cradle the back of your head, his fingers threading through your hair, anchoring you to him. The way he kissed you was both gentle and possessive, as if he were afraid to let go, as if he needed this as much as you did.
“Need to…” He whispered against your lips, sounding almost desperate, running his hands down your waist to your ass.
Your breath became heave, feeling his hands roaming all your body as if you were the most precious treasure for him. Joel started leaving small kisses on your neck, as his hand travelled down the curve of one of your hips, gripping your skin all over the material of your clothes. He whispered your name against your skin, leaving goosebumps traced on it.
Your arched your back, moaning his name, making Joel go crazy. He grabbed you by your hips, effortlessly lifting you up to sit on the edge of your table, with him standing between your spread legs. Kissing Joel for real felt like driving in a dead-end street, like crushing your bones against the waves of the sea just to be brought back to life. And he also felt like the sun at the end of summer burning deep down your legs being carried out by passion and desire.
A gasp escaped from your throat, Joel’s mouth moving over yours in slow motion, savoring the taste of your lips to never forget it again. Your kisses felt like eating the sweetest fruit in summer.
as your legs spread, giving him closer access to you. As the kiss deepened, the feeling wasn’t just magical, but it was hot, with his tongue against yours. There wasn’t a proper way to get closer, but you wanted him closer, you wanted to feel him on top of you.
Joel slowly detached his lips from yours, looking flustered at the intensity of the kiss you had just shared.
“Are you okay?” He asked.
You quickly nodded, as you traced your hands on his hair down to his neck and rapidly connected your lips with him. This time it was even hotter, now there was desperation in the touch.
The air in the room grew heavier, filled with the sound of small whines slipping from your lips as he travelled his way down your neck with his lips, you felt like his own canvas being delicately traced by his lips brushing over your skin, planting tattooed kisses on his way.
He was capturing every second of this in his mind, the taste of your mouth, the softness of your skin, and the sound falling out from your lips, as he didn't stop taking every visible inch of your skin in his mouth. Every touch sent shivers straight down where you wanted him the most.
A slow moan escaped from your lips as he hit the hot skin of your neck.
"Everything's f-" You shut him down by furiously attaching his lips back to yours. His hand left the back of your neck, traveling down your chest as he remembered how every inch of your body felt under his touch and he smiled against your lips. The ache between your tights intensified at that, all while his hand pushed under your skirt and brushed where you wanted to be touched the most.
"Oh" you breathed.
Joel stopped kissing you for a moment to look at you, and he had a small smirk on his lips because he knew what he was doing. Leading not only by the desire but because of the mixed feelings he had for you.
And at that moment, breathing heavily against each other's faces, he kissed you again, and this time he went for it. He grabbed your bottom lip between his teeth as his hand rose higher on your tight.
He grabbed your waist, pulling you closer in a quick motion, your hand on your back holding your tight. You fell against his chest, falling apart under his gaze and touch. His lips pressed against you with a crazy need.
Your heart was beating so loudly in your ears when he kept caressing every inch of you, making you spin. His palm smoothed over the curve of your waist down to your bum and gripped it tightly, moving you even closer to him.
You let out a whine at that, and one your legs was pulling him on hold, kissing down his neck. You could feel him clenching under you.
He let out a groan, while you moved your hand along his chest down to his jeans, his own hand leaving your body to grasp your hold against him. He groaned low against you.
He stopped kissing you to meet your eyes briefly.
“I want you,” he said, capturing your lips as his teeth grabbed your bottom lip and his hand cupped the side of your face.
“You can have me” you whispered, resting your forehead on his.
He leaned forward, capturing your lips as he unbuttoned your blouse, your hands working on his jeans, and planted kisses on his mouth. Kissing him deeply as one of your hands rested between you two, as you wrapped your hand around him.
His hands on your hips to hold you right there. The air in your lungs was trapped in a bubble of incredible pleasure, but it still found a way to escape in rushed moans against his mouth as you both kept devouring each other.
He groaned against your mouth, lips parting, unable to utter other things instead of whimpers that drove you absolutely crazy.
Your whimper got stuck on your throat when you felt his finger pushing through your hot entrance. You were already soaked and Joel lost his mind at the feeling of you squeezing around his finger. He attached his lips once again, drinking your moans as he started pumping his fingers, slowly then building up the pace. Your lips attached to his neck, leaving traces of your kissed on his skin, claiming him, possessive and graceful.
"Fuck….Bedroom," you whispered softly, not breaking the kiss.
Once you stepped in your room, you were lying on your back with him on top, taking your lips back to his again.
You placed your arms around his neck and opened your legs so he could go closer to you, moaning at the sensation of him against where you wanted him most.
You kept your lips attached as he ground his hips against yours, sending electricity running through your body. He groaned into the skin of your neck, yanking his jeans and underwear off. Your gentle grasp on him caused him to whimper.
He drew you closer to him by your hips as you continued to devour one other, you couldn't stop the joy and the dazzling fireworks traveling up to your lower stomach were stronger than your thoughts. You were utterly out of breath, and you wanted him so bad it ached that you felt your lungs would catch fire.
You couldn't really comprehend what he was saying on the skin of your chest because your mind was consumed by the overwhelming desire to have him as you needed right now.
He paused kissing you and spreading kisses on your chest for a moment to gaze at your parted lips and your chest rising and falling as a result of him, and he couldn't lie, he felt proud of his lasting control over you.
"Are you going to f-"
You couldn't finish before he snatched your lips back, dragging you around his waist and grinding himself against you, making you moan against his lips. With such want, you could feel the aching growing up between your tights.
"Don’t be a brat” he huskily whispered in your ear, making your knees weak.
Before you could fire your retort, his fingers teasingly caressed your core. He seemed to be having a good time and enjoying every second of you squirming under him. Your head fell back to the bed, a gentle but irritated murmur from your lips. When he saw your reaction, he smiled, and you felt the delicate touch of his fingers stroking across your core.
"Oh," you whimpered, out of breath.
His soft lips caressed every single area of your skin on your chest, just over your red bra, with an agonizing slowness that made you insane and roll your eyes of pure pleasure. The one he unhooked with one hand so swiftly you gasped, a sound drowned out by the sensation of his lips over your nipples while he continued to pound on you at your core.
He greets you with a laugh, his cheeks exposing his dimples, and his eyes shining at the sight of you.
"Joel, please…" you grumbled.
He sucked on a nipple, causing your back to arch as he gripped your hips to the bed before meeting your eyes, absorbing every inch of your face lost in the joy of the moment, stroking your checks with his thumb.
You gripped the gem of his t-shirt to remove it, leaving no barrier between the two of you.
He moved between your tights, spreading them apart once more, and welcomed himself into you. You hadn't had him since that night when you confessed to him, and he felt even bigger than you remembered, and you both gasped when he began thrusting inside. He pushed his forehead against your neck, kissing you softly over the skin.
"You're beautiful like this," he said into your ear, "God I could just-"
He could complete it since he focused solely on making you pleased picking up his pace and thrusting quicker. He was completely inside you, feeling like he was breaking down your defenses as he pushed it on and on. You were out of breath, and all the air in your lungs didn't feel quite enough. You bucked your hips, allowing him to move even more quickly. And that's exactly what he did, giving you everything you asked for.
As your nails left red lines on his naked back and he thrust his hips harder into you, you could feel the heat spreading all over your body, like diesel meeting fire, causing an imminent explosion.
You struggled to breathe, but it didn't matter since the surge of ectasis he gave you was enough to make you feel alive. His finger traced the patterns over you, leaving hot flames all over your skin, and you clutched him, trying to appreciate this closeness before it was ripped away.
And he continued to rock into you. The sounds you both produced were completely hot, forcing your blood to rush into your checks as you continued to toss your head back to give him permission to mark the skin of your neck.
"Fuck me…" you said in ecstasy,
"I’m doing it" he retorted.
You grasped for his hair to hold him tight against your lips, kissing the warm skin under his ear as if you wanted him to hear you, panting for air, feeling your climax come so close that you trembled against his body. Not long after, your world spun around you, and you tightened your grip on his waist, feeling the release as you cursed in his ear, forcing him to release after you. His push grew sloppy, sending small sparks up your tights, till he came to a halt and you saw a delicious sight.
He kissed your temple for a few seconds longer, enjoying the sweat drips on your skin. Finally, you looked into his eyes. His brow eyes' delicate brightness sent thrills down your spine, leaving you with a lump in your throat.
 Joel chuckled as he caressed your warm face, his touch on your skin radiating affection. All of the tension and resentment that led you to have sex before disappeared into the void.
"You can stay with me," you whispered as leaned in, his lips brushing against your brow. “You're exactly where you should be."
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The next day, you and Joel were assigned to patrol together, as usual. The morning air was crisp, the kind that stung your cheeks but made you feel alive. The sun was just starting to rise, casting a golden hue over the frost-covered ground. The two of you walked in a comfortable silence, the familiarity of the routine settling between you.
As you reached the outskirts of Jackson, Joel suddenly veered off the usual path. You followed him, curiosity piqued, until you realized where he was leading you. Your steps faltered slightly when you saw the familiar spot—where you had buried your boyfriend, the place where you had said your final goodbye.
Joel paused a few steps ahead, turning to look at you. His expression was serious, yet there was a softness in his eyes that hadn’t been there before. “I know this is hard,” he said quietly, “but there’s something I need to do. Something I need to say.”
You nodded, unable to speak as the weight of the moment settled over you. Joel took a deep breath and stepped closer to the simple marker that marked your boyfriend’s resting place. He knelt down, his hand resting on the earth as if he were speaking directly to the man buried beneath it.
“I know you were everything to her,” Joel began, his voice steady but filled with emotion. “And I know I’m not trying to replace you. But I care about her. I want to be there for her, protect her, and make her happy. I just… I need your permission to do that.”
The sincerity in Joel’s voice made your chest tighten, and you felt tears prick at the corners of your eyes. You had never imagined a moment like this—Joel, who was usually so guarded, so tough, asking for the blessing of a man he’d never met, all for you.
“I know I wasn’t very gentle to her at the beginning but now she is everything for me, and I promise you that I will live every day of my life for her.”
“I know I wasn’t very gentle to her at the beginning,” Joel continued, his voice thick with regret. “But she’s everything to me now. And I promise you that I will live every day of my life for her. I’ll protect her, cherish her, and give her the kind of love she deserves. I swear it.”
You watched as Joel’s hand lingered on the ground, his thumb tracing small circles over the earth as if sealing his vow. The sight of him, this strong, stoic man who had been through so much, baring his soul in front of your boyfriend’s grave, made your tears fall freely.
Joel stood up slowly, his movements deliberate, as if he was giving the moment the gravity it deserved. When he turned to face you, there was a determination in his eyes, but also a softness—a quiet understanding that this wasn’t just about him, but about the both of you moving forward together.
He took a step closer, his hand reaching out to wipe away the tears on your cheeks. “I hope that’s enough,” he said quietly, his voice trembling ever so slightly. “I hope I’m enough.”
You took his hand, pressing it against your cheek, feeling the warmth of his touch soothe the ache in your chest. “You are, Joel,” you whispered, your voice thick with emotion. “You are more than enough.”
With those words, something shifted between you—something deeper, more profound than before. It was as if, in that moment, you were finally laying to rest the ghosts of your past, giving yourself permission to embrace the future you wanted with Joel.
Joel leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead, and then to your lips. The kiss was tender, filled with a promise that went beyond words. It was a kiss that spoke of new beginnings, of hope, and of a love that was both fragile and unbreakable.
“I lost my mind for you,” he repeated, his gaze intense and unwavering. “And I would always go back to that just to love you.”
You cupped his face in your hands, your thumb brushing gently across his cheek. “And I would choose you every time,” you whispered, your voice barely above a breath. “Through everything.”
Joel’s eyes softened, and he pulled you into another embrace, his arms wrapping around you with a tenderness that spoke volumes. You stood there, holding each other, finding solace in the shared silence and the comfort of each other’s presence.
As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the landscape, you both knew that while the world outside was still harsh and unforgiving, within the space you created together, there was a sanctuary, a place where love, even in its most fragile form, could flourish and grow.
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I tagged everyone interested in more parts or or the ones who commented, but I couldn't tag everyone because all got mixed (again) if you don't want to be tagged you can tell me, if you want to be tagged, you can also tell me. I tried to add everyone but I don't know If I did.
💌 tags: @dreamtofus @paperstarzzz @chewie-bars @hotleaf-juice
@riedswifts @dizzyforyou @prideandaesthetic @chateaujoon @pascalions
@18dmlk @orcasoul @whirlwindrider29 @frogjumps-world @camy-nyancat @sarahhxx03 @jasminedragoon @cuteanimalmama @eleganthottubfun @skysmiller @nana90azevedo @astralqueenoc
@missladym1981 @persephone-girl @darka-moon @beltzboys2015-blog @sptbear @joelsteinfeld @astralqueenoc @bishtrouille
@locaparapedrito @wolfbook87 @picketniffler @axelspin @pedrotease @mclibs23 @feliciab1990 @swornkisses @stupidthoughtsinwriting @kirsteng42 @lostfleurs @guelyury @devonispunk @harriedandharassed @wolfbook87 @niffala @animechik555 @gypsystarchaser42 @geralallfandoms @s-a-v-a-n-a-34 @goodvibesonly421 @negansbestie @bambisweethearts @jessthebaker @tuquoquebrute @somedayheaven @ashleyfilm
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verinarin · 8 months
Drunken mind, sober thoughts
fluff | slightly suggestive | Rafayel’s low tolerance towards alcohol has left you in a little bit of a problem, his drunken mind spoke his truest thoughts
a/n this is my first time writing for Rafayel to combat my writer’s block 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。, but don’t worry Veritas Ratio lovers I would come bearing gift in the near future, NOT PROOFREAD !
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The night’s at its prime and so does Rafayel, he lavishes himself in fruitless conversation amongst people with different ulterior motives, his lips curves into a mischievous smile as his lips touched the rim of his liquor filled glass
As a result of his carelessness in indulging alcohol as well as his low tolerance, a hue of crimson painted his face. The colour contrasts beautifully with his pale skin, leaving both men and women mesmerised whilst talking towards him
This however does not bode with you, Thomas knew that Rafayel would mindlessly quench his thirst with alcohol that’s why he specifically made a curfew for Rafayel and well the night must come to an end for the charismatic painter
With a sigh leaving your body you leaned down towards his neck, “Rafayel, you have an important interview tomorrow. You need to go home okay ?,” you whisper softly, not wanting to upset the visibly drunk man
With a huff he swiftly finished his glass, he flash an apologetic smile towards his ‘friends’, he quickly stood up from his seat and bid the crowd farewell, you could feel multiple pair of eyes glaring at you silently cursing you from taking Rafayel away from them
“Miss bodyguard, I’m still bored. How do you plan to fix that hmm ?” Rafayel pouts as he try to steady his steps, you let out a small groan before intertwining your fingers with his, letting his weight slightly rest on your body for support, “You can’t even walk straight,”
“Ah that’s true !, but once we’re at the hotel room we could still play something don’t you think ?” he looks down towards you with that trademarked smiles of his
“You need to sleep Rafayel,” you huff as you tap the room’s key onto the censor, you carefully lead Rafayel towards the bed, but with him being stubborn you could only manage to seat him on the couch
“Rafayel you’re flushed red right now, it would be better to sleep now to minimise your hangover in the morning,” you kneel before the man, the soft yellow glow of the moon illuminates his skin, his lips curves into a pout as he defies your order
“Can’t sleep, don’t want to,” he huffs as he fold his arms and look away, you can’t help but to chuckle seeing the man before you acting like a child, “Alright let’s make a deal then,”
“I’m listening,” he turns his head back towards you, your hand reach forward to gently caress his cheek, the skin burns warmly against your nerves, “I would give you a reward you can redeem now, whatever it is you want I’ll give it to you in exchange of you sleeping afterwards,”
“Deal, I want you to sleep beside me, hold me close and keep me safe during the night,” he replies without much thought, it’s like he already has this request at the back of his mind waiting for a chance to come to fruition
It took you a couple of seconds to weigh in the pros and cons, well his request is pretty effective in keeping tabs on him so you simply nodded and with that somehow the man before you gain a foothold of sobriety for just a second to drag his own body towards the bed, “I’m stuffy in this shirt, can you change my clothes please ?,”
In a normal day you would probably hit his head for requesting that but in light of his current predicament and the fact that you’re too tired to argue you simply rummage through his baggage and bring back a pyjama set for him to wear
“Here you go, now I want to change too so I expect you to finish changing once I’m done,” you set the clothes beside him before taking your own fresh clothes and change into a more comfortable clothes, once you exit the bathroom you could only see Rafayel waiting for you like a loss puppy
“Why aren’t you in your pyjamas yet ?,” you sigh before setting down your dirty clothes and walk towards him, “I can’t reach my leg, can’t wear pants,” hearing that you ascertain that this man is dumber than usual becomes there’s no connection between his leg and dragging his pants down
“Well I guess you’re sleeping in that outfit then,” you shrug as you walk away from him, but he prevented you by grasping your wrist, “Please change my clothes for me, I don’t like feeling sticky,” he whines and of course whatever he wants he’ll get
You steel yourself as you kneel down before him and start to slowly unbutton his shirt, you could see his chest heaving up and down as you carefully undress him, “Y’know I feel like your mom, because this is not in my job description,”
“It would be,” Rafayel replies calmly, shutting down your small chuckles. “What do you mean by that ?,” you ask as you drag the shirt off his shoulders
“Well in the future you’ll be my lover so this would also be a reoccurring task,” he smirks as he took his shirt off and bringing the pyjama shirt on to your hand, your merely laugh at his drunken mind not knowing that it’s his sincerest wish
“Yeah yeah I’m sure it’ll be delightful to have you as a boyfriend,” you tease as you button up his shirt, now this part is tricky, his pants. “Can’t you undress your pants by yourself?,”
“What are you shy ?,” he chuckles as he leans down and hold eye contact towards you, “It’s inappropriate for me y’know,” you roll your eyes, hoping that he would not sense your embarrassment
“Why would it be inappropriate ?, you would see what’s underneath it when the time comes,” he winks and with that you quickly stood up, he whines and apologises. He quickly change his pants by himself why you stare at the wall waiting for him and at the same time trying to calm your breath
And with that you’re now laying on the bed with Rafayel resting his head against your chest, his arms wrapped around your waist like a vice, “So soft and warm,” he mumbles, you can’t help but to find it hard to maintain your composure when there’s a thin line that Rafayel is crossing,
“You didn’t mean what you say, you’ll forget it in the morning,” you huff as you pet his hair, you could feel his displeasure at your sentiment since he nuzzled his face deeper into your chest, not wanting to look at you, “I won’t forget it and even if I do, everything that comes off my mouth is sincere and true,” he mumbles
“Drunken mind is often filled with sober thoughts,”
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daycourtofficial · 7 months
Freaky Friday
Summary: based on this request - you and Azriel swap bodies, chaos ensues.
Warnings: allusions to sex.
Author’s note: this is just a silly goofy time for my silly goofy geese. Is this my best work? No. But it’s fun and goofy and who cares
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You wake with a groan, your muscles feeling incredibly stiff and heavy. You drag yourself to the bathroom, eyes half closed with sleep.
Everything feels wrong. Your body feels so, so heavy as you open the door to the bathroom. You run some water, splashing it on your face as some fae lights come on.
You sigh, the water making you feel a little more alert. You shut the water off, bracing your hands on the sink, thinking about the mission from yesterday.
It wasn’t this bad - you really didn’t have to do all that much. You and Azriel spoke to a witch for cauldron’s sake - it was more of a test of your mental sparring than anything.
You brace yourself against the sink, remembering the nasty cut on your face. Right now you can’t even feel it, but you should still check on it, make sure it’s healing properly.
You look into the mirror, prepared to see a nasty gash across your face.
Instead you’re met with hazel eyes, tan skin, and onyx hair that are not your own.
And you scream. A deep, bellowing scream.
A moment later the door is shoved open, someone’s body making direct contact with it.
Rhys comes running in, having grabbed a knife on his way in, prepared for any threat that lingers. His violet eyes scan the room, searching for anything that can make his brother scream like that.
You turn to face Rhys, the weight of Azriel’s wings bringing you down. You’re able to look him eye to eye, the height of difference between you and Azriel making Rhys seem much smaller than he used to.
“Az?” Rhys ask, “what’s wrong?”
“I’m not Azriel.”
Moments later you find yourself in Rhysand’s office, not sure what to do with yourself as you try to sit on the couch, the large wings behind you making it hard to sit comfortably.
You accidentally sit on the end of a wing, yelping at the sensation and get up, delicately holding the wing so you can sit.
“Tell me everything that happened on your mission,” Rhys said, and you did. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary and everything went fine.
The two of you looked at each other, and Rhys decides to call Azriel and Cassian into his office to see if he can figure out what happened.
Cassian pats you on the head as he walks past you, much like he always does. You were much shorter than everyone else, not as short as Amren, but still quite small comparatively.
Then again, Cassian hardly ever met anyone he could look in the eye and not have to crane his neck to make eye contact.
It was your thing - he patted your head, you swatted his hand away, but that was it.
Until this morning, when you whirled around and landed a punch right on his jaw, taking the moment of deflection to grab his arm and flip him onto the ground.
He held his jaw in his hand, your name on his tongue. “What the hell was that for?”
You looked down at him, but Rhys’s voice breaks through both of your minds.
Come to my office please.
Cassian laughed. And laughed. And laughed.
Then he looked at the two of you, and laughed some more. You two sat next to each other on the couch in Rhys’s office, but so unsure of how to hold yourselves. His brother looked unable to hold up his own wings, and you looked so lost and alone, likely due to the loss of the shadows.
Feyre had joined the impromptu meeting in Rhys’s office, where no one could figure out why this had happened. And Cassian was certainly not helping things.
“Look I’m just saying if I swapped bodies with someone I’d fuck myself.”
“Cassian,” Feyre hissed, nodding her head to the door.
“Okay, okay,” he says, walking towards it. “I’ll go.”
Cassian leaves the room, but his laugh can still be heard down the hallway.
“Are the two of you going to be okay?” Rhys asks, looking over the both of you. You shrug, knowing there’s not really anything else you can do, meanwhile Azriel nods.
The two of you were taken away from your duties for the time being, which was probably for the best seeing as how you have no idea how anyone manages to hold their wings off of the ground and walk at the same time.
You were going bonkers in Azriel’s body.The shadows had no idea you weren’t their master, so they kept telling you everything. You had no control over them, so a good portion of them kept wandering over to Azriel stuck in your body. Their presence seemed to soothe him, and you wonder just how alone he feels without them.
You could hardly walk without dropping the massive wings behind you on the floor, so you mostly opted to stayed seated or lying down for the rest of the afternoon, staying in the library trying to figure out how you woke up in Azriel’s body.
You walk past Nesta on your way to dinner, the hulking mass you’re carrying around needing much more food than you were used to. You had the house give you an ungodsly amount of food during the afternoon, from snacks to fruits to nuts. You go to walk by, unaccustomed to the new body and slam into her, apologizing profusely.
She looks you up and down smirking, and you realize that everyone likely found this situation much funnier than you did.
Azriel came up to dinner not long after you did, and Cassian began making fun of you two again. Nyx turned to his mom, clearly confused about his Uncle Cassian’s jokes, when she explains to Nyx that the two of you had swapped bodies.
Nyx clapped his hands, the little princeling quite pleased with this turn of events.
“My wish came true!”
Everyone stops what they’re doing, utensils clattering on plates.
“Er what wish, sweetheart?” Feyre asks, her full attention on her son.
“I wanted them to switch bodies!”
Cassian bursts out laughing, throwing his head back as Nesta swats him on the chest.
Rhys is trying not to laugh at the predicament his son has created as he asks, “and why is that, Nyx?”
Nyx looks at you as Azriel and says, “she told me she wanted wings like Uncle Az’s so when we went to the fountain I wished she could do it!”
Cassian looks at Mor, asking, “so wishes actually come true from that fountain?”
After dinner you find yourself standing next to Cassian, looking him in the eye. You never realized that Azriel was a few inches shorter than Cassian. Cassian looked at you, watching as you move around, unable to stand still and he knows it’s you and not his brother.
“What are you doing, sweetheart?”
Nothing brought Cassian more joy than calling the shadowsinger ‘sweetheart’.
“It’s odd being this tall. I can look you in the eye just standing straight.”
The shadows dart around you two, constantly whispering to you. You would be able to understand them if it weren’t for just how many of them were trying to talk to you.
You swat at them, but even more come back to you, some hitting you in the face.
Cassian laughs, clearly amused at this entire situation. Feyre had taken Nyx back to the fountain to make another wish right after dinner, a wish that everyone go back to their original bodies, but the rest of you were left to wait.
You head into Azriel’s room, leaving Cassian and his teasing remarks behind. You leave Azriel’s bedroom door open just a crack so he can slip in moments later, still in your body.
You run your hands through your hair - his hair, the length reminds you. You look at yourself, not used to this arrangement.
“So uh, this should wear off at some point, right?”
“This is erm weird.”
“Yes, yes it is.” Azriel says, leaning back on his bed. The air in the room shifts, and a sickly sweet smell overtakes the room.
You gasp, hitting Azriel’s - your - leg, “Az, we are stuck in each other’s bodies and you’re getting horny.”
He moves up to you, sitting in your lap. “I can’t help it - it’s your body. You’re so needy.”
His legs straddle your lap, and as he sits down he lets out a quiet moan. You lean closer to him, smelling him, “oh gods, you reek of sex!”
A light blush coats his - your - cheeks, and he responds, “well if I’m stuck in your body, might as well enjoy the company.”
You roll your eyes at him and he starts grinding on your lap, “okay, I-I get it now why you like this so much.”
You laugh at him, as you begin to feel your own arousal in a way that is new.
The two of you spend the night tangled in Azriel’s sheets, exploring this jewel reality you’ve found yourselves in.
You woke up in your own body, thank the mother, and the two of you go to Rhys’s office to find Rhys, Feyre and Cassian already in there.
They all peer at you, the unspoken question in their gazes.
You beam at them, “I am myself again.”
Azriel huffs, “I’m glad I can actually reach things again.”
You pout, hitting him on the arm, “hey, it could have been worse. You could have been stuck in some ugly person’s body.”
“Yeah, like Cassian.”
You two chuckle as Cassian’s face gets an irritated look on it.
You and Azriel leave the room, and Feyre turns to Cassian.
“Do you think they had sex last night?”
Rhys turns to Feyre, “there is no way they didn’t. They’ve been sneaking around for months.”
Feyre gasps, “no they have not!”
The two bicker back and forth over whether or not the two of you have been hooking up, and Cassian is uncharacteristically quiet.
“Did you hear anything, Cass?”
Cassian is brought back to the present, telling them he hadn’t heard anything. Truthfully, he knew you two were sneaking around, but he kept it to himself, worried the teasing might mess things up for you two.
You and Az skip off down the hall, both of you going into your room to explore all the things you found out about each other, and Cassian laughs lightly to himself, thinking about all the ways he’ll tease the two of you.
But that’s for another day. Another day when he feels like his brother’s insecurities won’t eat him alive. Another day when his brother will feel like he deserves you.
Another day.
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blueberrycig · 2 months
cant stop thinking abt coach zweig plsss this is to honour @amymbona
more specifically coach zweig helping you release some tension after an injury (18+ obvi)
just how hard he is on you and how much he enjoys seeing you pushing your body against all boundaries just to please him, like..
cricket chirps have been filling the air as the street lights flicker on and you push your body through the final set of drills. you don’t know how much more you can take as your muscles scream for a five-minute break, but his eyes are on you. he’s staring you down, an unchanged expression from the moment you strolled into morning practice that has now tumbled into the dark. this is becoming expected.
coach zweig’s voice bellows across the court, addressing you by name, "that backhand is sloppy. play like you mean it," his voice is made of hard stone. “how badly do you want this?” 
you gulp down the anxiety building in your throat, your eyelids heavy from exhaustion. you’ve been at this for weeks since you won the last challenger because “complacency is the death of winners.”
the statement rings out in your brain. you dig deep and the cool night air blows on your neck as a sign of encouragement from the earth. you summon every ounce of energy, never faltering under the unyielding eye of coach zweig and sprint towards the net for a drop shot. you push that bit too hard though, landing awkwardly on your left foot. 
the result is a shooting pain striking through your ankle and up your leg. you stumble, succumbing to the ground, clutching your ankle with a gasp. even in the most intense pain, you’re reluctant to show weakness in front of your coach. you are blinking back stinging tears and reducing any outward cries to meek whimpers. 
he’s at your side instantly, "what happened?" 
his voice carries concern. possibly not because you’re hurt and writhing in pain, but because the country’s newest tennis prodigy is hurt. meaning cancelled games, sponsorships and most of all, a loss of income. 
“i think i-ah- i- rolled it,” you wince but attempt to rise and continue the practice. you know the implications of this as well as he does. “i’ll be okay- ah- fuck.” 
"stop moving," harsh, yet the foundations are gentle and quiet. "let me take a look."
carefully, he examines your ankle. you flinch under his probing and cling your arm around his wide shoulders for some comfort, instinctively leaning into him. under the firm and cautious touch of your ankle, it’s the most warmth you’ve received since he started coaching you. 
the lingering smell of marlboro reds consumes your nostrils. another vice he prohibits you from enjoying. no smoking, no drinking, no late nights and especially, no sex. anything that can affect your game is off limits, much less a rocks-for-brains frat boy.
he hopes you’re smarter than to let someone who didn’t deserve to be even near you get a chance to be with tennis’ up-and-coming star girl. it will ruin the illusion. you’re sweet, pure, virginal and inaccessible. the country’s sweetheart, coached by former champion, patrick zweig. a dynamic duo. he coaches, you listen. he asks you to jump, you say “how high?” it’s the way you work, and the way you both make your money. 
he does truly believe you won’t embarrass him by letting some college idiot into your untouched panties, yet for now, he’ll continue to drill the rules into you.
“it’s swelling" he observes. “let’s get some ice on this."
he supports your weight into the physiotherapy room, an arm still wrapped around him. you’re so frustrated with yourself, the pain almost enveloping that of the injury. it’s becoming increasingly difficult to hold back tears of annoyance and a few slip out, despite your best efforts. 
you hiss curses under your breath as zweig guides you to the massage table and props your leg up on a foam block. your eyes are squeezed shut as you beat yourself up. you need to do better. be the best. he wouldn’t be so hard on you if you just stopped fucking up like this. you pray to whatever tennis god is listening that you’ll be able to practise tomorrow. 
you’ll be up at 5am - fuck 4am - if it means you aren’t put out for the season. 
zweig, as intuitive as any good coach, can pick up on your anguish, “stress isn’t going to help you.” 
he attempts to reduce the swelling with a cold pack, which he lays gently on your ankle. it’s a welcome relief that means you can finally exhale the air you’ve been holding in, but the pain is still evident. 
he sits next to you. you’re scanning his face for any mirrored worry as he runs his hand through black curls and scratches light stubble growing on his face.
guilt suddenly courses through your stomach, and tears begin to puddle again as you whisper towards your tennis skirt, "i’m sorry, coach. i messed up.”
“do you know why i push you so hard?” he asks. “because i see your potential. more than you do. you can be one of the best, but you’re not going to get there without someone actually giving a fuck about you.” 
you nod at him with big, wet eyes, experiencing a foreign sensation of comfort. you take a deep breath, in and out, for some extra pain relief, but gasp again in hurt when the foam brick shifts beneath your ankle. 
your coach shoots up in an instant, gently fixing it back in place. 
“small movements,” he murmurs, rearranging the ice pack. “is it just your ankle?”
“i don’t know,” you respond, tears falling quietly and rolling down your neck. “everything hurts. i’m so tired.”
he’s hit with a flash of regret, watching you swallow your sadness on the table and eyes flowing silently. if he’s a sick man, he’ll tell himself right now that he’s always preferred you when you’re crying. there’s something about you, so young and malleable. especially when you’re looking up at him for an answer or begging for a break. eyes twice as big and lip quivering with shame. like a little battered puppy. 
he reassures himself that he’s not a sick man - that he’s your coach who wants the best for you, but the cock twitching against his shorts says otherwise. you’ve honestly never looked prettier.
he’s sincerely trying not to think with his dick right now. he did enough of that in his twenties. he doesn’t fuck everything that moves now. he’s devoted his life to tennis after entering the coaching route and realising it’s where he was destined to be the entire time. 
in fact, patrick zweig is engaged now. yes, engaged. to an inoffensive woman named claire, who makes birthday cakes and doesn’t complain when patrick spends all his free time on the court. she’s actually a pretty composed woman, well-put together and a child of god, which is much more than anyone expects of patrick zweig’s lovers. 
long are the days of chasing pussy, fucking people he isn’t supposed to fuck, sexual entanglements with people who now want his head on a spike and especially, sleeping with people a little too young for him. 
he constantly hammers into himself, professional coaches do not think about their players this way, eyes trailing up your legs to the top of your curved ass as you bend down for your morning stretch, i think i’m addicted to sex. 
this revelation makes him go harder on you during training. that if you work hard enough, coach zweig begin to see you as an actual respectable player rather than someone he would have pulled his eyes out to fuck 10 years ago. 
but now you’re laying in the physiotherapy room, whimpering and overwhelmed. clutching onto his arm for some affection, and looking to him for resolve like some sort of injured baby bird. your tennis skirt is sinfully riding up from the position you’re in, revealing your dainty white panties that are printed extremely informatively. they let him know that it’s tuesday, with the tiniest ribbon bow to finish them off. 
he’s convinced you’ve been sent here as a test from the god claire prays to. 
“does it hurt here?” he asks, gently pressing into your lower calf. your skin feels like satin, barely a mark on it. you nod, biting into your bottom lip. “have you been getting enough rest?” 
you shake your head - of course you haven’t, the last few nights have been coupled with anxiety due to your burgeoning tennis career. he moves slowly up your leg, grabbing gently to see where the pain eases off. his hands feel rough from years of clutching onto rackets. 
“you remember our rules, right?” 
“yes, no drinking, no drugs, no boys.” your voice is trembling, but growing steadier as he massages thumbs into your knees. “focus on training, follow the dietary plan, get enough sleep.” 
coach zweig nods to himself and continues to feel your skin, “and why do we have those rules?” 
“because if i want to be the best, i need to be disciplined. no distractions. committed to you.” 
“exactly,” zweig confirms, giving your knee a squeeze reassuringly. “i would have killed to have someone look after me like i look after you. these rules are there to help you, keep you focused - not break you. they’ll protect you from things that can derail your dreams.” 
he’s smoothly runs his large hand in languid circles from knee to thigh, in an attempt to offer some gentleness. with each loop, he gets dangerously close to your sweet underwear. but he’s just making you feel better. like any sane person would. he doesn’t miss how your nipples are rock hard and pushing against the fabric of your little tennis dress. 
“i know,” you say, looking up at him. “sometimes it feels like too much. like i’m not allowed to live a normal life. girls my age, they’re going out - having fun - i’ve never even spoken to a boy off the court.” 
so you want fucked.
a small nagging part of him feels bad. you look so relaxed lying there, ice pack finally numbing your ankle, his fingertips running comfortingly up and down the length of your inner thigh. maybe he’s been expecting too much without giving you enough space to breathe, subjugating your needs and desires. maybe he could fix this. balance is important. he’ll remedy this the only way he’s ever known how, all while sticking to your shared mantra.
after all, he isn’t a boy. he’s the only man who knows what's best for you. 
so, he bites the bullet, and lets his fingertips go where they haven’t ventured, where they’ve always desired. your breath hitches in your throat as his hand ghosts over your panties, hovering and roaming the skin around the vicinity. you clutch his arm, unsure what his plans are. “relax, relax,” he reassures softly, taking his other hand and weaving it in your hair to forcefully look at him. “you’re so tense, let me help you.” 
your eyes are blazing into his, blinking back any alarm. he’s only trying to help you. he’s looking at you so caringly, an expression you’ve never been privy to. 
while clinging onto his arm still, you nod, aching to feel some semblance of relaxation. your heart is beating a hundred miles a second, looking up at your coach, who is now slowly rubbing over your cotton panties. you feel panicked,
“coach, i-i’ve never-” 
you’re swallowing your breath, consumed with heat and emotion. “i know, baby. you need to relax.” he murmurs. “i’ve got you.” 
you exhale, letting coach zweig guide your head to rest against the side of his torso, securing the back of your neck in his free hand. you’re both now watching what he’s doing to you as you pool with pent-up desire. 
his movements are painfully slow, letting you get used to his rhythmic motions. the slothful actions tease the fabric against your aching clit, causing you to burrow into his rigid body and catch the sinful moans in your throat. 
he’s hard as a rock, throbbing, as you mewl into the side of his body, hiding for protection. god, you’re so innocent and little. letting your coach make you feel better because he knows better than anyone else what’s good for you. 
he slides down beneath the cotton, his fingers locating your aching warmth with ease. jesus, how could you be so drenched already? he dips into your slick, gathering your honey up so he can smear it all over your clit. he loops, over and over, and over again, with sloppy, lazy movements. 
“ah, oh my-” you breathe, unable to contain your voice any longer. you're holding onto his abs now, clutching onto the foreign feeling before you lose yourself completely. “ah, i-” 
fuck, zweig never thought he would have you like this, always shoving the fantasy to the back of his mind for the sake of a monotonous life. you’re absolutely pulsating and falling apart beneath him, experiencing an obscene form of pleasure for the first time in your life. all thanks to him. 
what he would do to throw you right over that massage table, those little tuesday panties tangled around your ankles and slam his dick right into your tiny, pulsing virgin hole. 
he knows you’re begging for more now, gripping onto him for dear life. he can feel your throbbing clit pleading for him to go faster against his fingers. so he listens.
“does that feel good?” he knew it was a silly question considering you were practically going in and out of reality, consumed by a haze that you never wanted to escape. you’re desperate for coach zweig to make you feel like this forever.
“y-yes,” you mix in with a whimper, “thank you, coach.” 
zweig tries to contain himself at how fucking slutty you sound - coach - he’s feeling fire erupt in his lower abdomen, his cock begging to be touched by your little, pure hands. but not now. 
time is slowing for you as zweig sends waves of electricity coursing through your body. what the fuck is this feeling? the coil in your stomach is beginning to release, white static beginning to encroach on your vision. 
your moans and whimpers are building as you return yourself onto the back rest, taking coach zweig’s other hand tightly in both of yours. you grip him into the valley of your breasts, chest heaving up and down as you clutch onto him and succumb to the pleasure. you release with a noise you didn’t think you could produce.
your body feels like it’s made of jelly. gooey and melting. there’s a sheen of sweat where you’re holding zweig against you, and all down your legs, gleaming in the clinical light. 
coach zweig removes his soaking fingers from your underwear and fixes your dress back in place. his face has returned to it’s usual stoicness. 
he comes close to you, eye-to-eye, one large hand enveloping your hip,
“if you ever feel like breaking the rules, you come to me from now on, okay?” 
you nod furiously at him, aching to feel his hands against you again and suddenly feeling cold with him not playing with you anymore. 
you both convince yourself that night, he’s just doing what any coach would do.
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pricegouge · 1 month
horny knee-tattoo offerring...
ive had insomnia all this week and its super frustrating, bc you're tired but cant turn your brain off enough to sleep and its hard to physically tire yourself out at 4am yknow? maybe reader's 141 boy (any or all of em, its ur world babe) wakes up in the middle of the night and sees how frustrated and miserable their partner is, tossing and turning, doomscrolling, counting down the dwindling hours till their work alarm is due to go off, and they take it upon themself to fuck their partner to sleep. not just one round, no, orgasm after orgasm, squirting over the sheets, crying from tired frustration and then relief, till they fall asleep stuffed full around a cock. their boy(s) carefully get them all cleaned up and tucked back in the sheets dead asleep <3
i hope ur tattoo goes well! whatcha gettin 👀
Hii 💛
I went with Price cause I'm a simp
(also I'm getting Mothra)
cw: reader has a pussy which is referred to with fem terms, but no gendered pronouns for them. daddy kink (sorry). squirting. implied (non negotiated) somno. John's POV.
He's not expecting the glow of artificial light permeating the room when he opens his eyes in the dead of night, though by now he supposes he really should be.
You've been struggling to sleep for weeks now, the unhelpful sleep aids and your own frustration creating a bad feedback loop which left you tossing and turning into the early hours of morning when you would usually slink off downstairs to try your luck on the couch, leaving your side of the bed cold and empty.
It simply wouldn't do.
"Trouble sleeping, sweetheart?" His voice is rough with his own grogginess, sawing through the still of the night with enough force make you jolt, nerves shot with exhaustion.
"Yeah. Am I keeping you awake?"
He grabs after you when you begin to shift out of bed without even waiting for an answer. "Not at all. You stay right here." He pulls you closer to him, illustrating exactly what he means by tucking you in against his chest, his hand heavy where it cradles your skull. You sigh as if in contentment, but your body remains stiff and tense against him. "Anything I can do to help?"
"No," you grumble, just as much upset about it as he is. "Thanks though."
"Thoughts racing or just not tired?"
You shrug, shoulder jostling the arm he has slung over you. Your voice is watery when you respond. "Little bit of both I guess."
"Hey," John starts, immediately alert, pulling you impossibly closer. "What's wrong?"
You bury a sniffle in his chest, tension shifting rapidly to obvious frustration. "Nothing," you whine, obviously lying. "I'm just so fucking tired but it's like I'm not tired at all, you know? Like my brain's just decided we don't need it anymore even though body feels like a Furby with the battery running out, right? But there's nothing I can do; no matter what I try I'm still stuck laying here - wide the fuck awake and -!"
"Okay," John starts, easing you back onto the bed before you start rambling about more obscure nineties toys he's barely ever heard of. "Okay, let's just -." He pauses, at a loss, but then he looks down at you in the dim light of your forgotten phone and he sees your puffy face, the tear streaks, your hair a mess, tangled in sheets from all your tossing and your turning and he knows immediately how best to help you.
"I know something we can try, sweetheart."
"You do?" As if in contrast to your confused tone, your hands grip his forearms instinctively, eyes wide and hopeful as he lowered himself down over you, weight near crushing. He doesn't bother responding beyond a pleased rumble when your hands slip up over his biceps, kissing your fingertips when they curl over his shoulders. You're still so tense beneath him, but he's sleep-soft and heavy enough to smother you, thinks he can overwhelm you easy enough. Just has to ply you the right way.
The kisses your eyelids first, lips tracing the etch marks of your tears. He kisses the corner of your mouth, pulling back teasingly when he feels your lips part under his.
"John," you whine, and he can't help the huff of laughter which collects between you, humid and dense on your skin.
"Need me?"
He loves how eager you can get, the way you pull him down until he lays flat on top of you, the way you accept his tongue with a pleased groan. Your legs fall open beneath him and he grinds against you lazily, a tight contrast to your neediness, though he indulges you with the deep kisses he knows you crave.
When his lips trail down your neck, you thread your finger through his short cropped hair, your nails scratching against the tightness of his scalp and it eases that last little bit of lingering tension in him, makes him sink that last little bit into you. He's heavy, languid, forcing you to still yourself and meet his pace, rewarding you with a particularly dirty grind when you do.
He trails kisses down your chest, stopping to teethe lightly on your nipple as he slips down the bed. You jolt, undoing all his work, but he just chuckles, content to unwind you again and again if needed.
You're slick enough for a finger when he gets your bottoms off, but he makes you wait for that too, licks over your lips with fat, teasing stripes that have your legs falling open around him, blooming like a flower in invitation. He still doesn't give in, ignoring your clit in favor of pressing his teeth oh so gently into your fat mound and rubbing his beard into your soft inner thigh. It'll leave a rash, he knows, get you all huffy about it in the morning.
He'll kiss it better then, too.
"John, please," you whine and he smirks, pressed close enough to the crease of your thigh you can probably feel his incisors against your hip flexor.
"What was that?"
A pause. He can practically hear your breath catch in your throat.
"Need daddy to help?"
"Please," you sob, frustration bubbling up again.
"Shh," he breathes, lets his breath fan across your exposed clit when he thumbs the hood back. He should make you ask properly, but he hasn't forgotten this is about you. "I got you, sweetheart."
For all his patience before, John dives into your cunt like his last bloody meal. He's sloppy, spit and slick collecting on his chin as he licks into you, breath hot and humid, leaving him in heavy pants that have him groaning with your taste. You fingers find his hair again, pull him and he obliges happily, showing your cute little clit the love it needs as he finally sinks two fingers into you, moaning at the way you clench around him. He's efficient, a man with a purpose, and he makes you cum within minutes, your breathy whines sounding suspiciously like a low chant of 'daddy.'
You moan when he kisses you after, no finesse. Just a hot slide of slick tongues where he shares your taste with you, keeping you distracted as he lines himself up.
It's never an easy task. John's a big man, his cock nothing but proportional. It never matters how many times he has you, or how pliant he get you beneath him, the first press into you is always slow, measured in your breaths which he uses to his advantage.
His words are soothing in your ear, lips pressed flush against your temple as he tells you how good you are for him, how much he loves the feel of you stretched tight around him. You hand clutches at him blindly, distracting. He threads his fingers with your own and pins it by your head.
When his hips fall flush with yours he gives you a minute, stroking your hair and kissing away the tears that have sprung up again. "Poor pet," he murmurs, petting your cheek. "Daddy'll make it better. Promise."
You nod, perhaps a bit stupidly, and John kisses you as he begins to move again.
You're easy beneath him. Pliant, like he was looking for all along. He wrings the first orgasm out of you easily enough and knows he could probably call it a night, knows you'd sleep well enough by the satisfied look on your face.
He doesn't want 'well enough.' He wants to put you under on his cock alone, drill it into your head that he can give you anything you fucking need.
"What do you say to daddy when he fucks you that good, sweetheart?" His voice surprises him, borderline cruel.
"Th-thank you, daddy."
He hums, rolls his hips into you experimentally. "Want one more?"
He doesn't wait for an answer.
With your legs hooked over his shoulders, John shifts his weight to fuck down into you, his sheer mass keeping you spread and pinned like a butterfly beneath him. Your breath stutters, fingers across his chest, shoulders, biceps. Anywhere you can dig in, find purchase - mark him back.
He knows he's got you dead to rights when your moan turns deep, unaffected. "Fuck, daddy," you groan and John bites back a dark chuckle.
"That it, sweetheart? Right there?"
You nod tightly, cords in your neck nearly visibly with how tight you've already been drawn.
"You gonna cum for me again?"
"Yeah, daddy, please -!"
"Dirty slut, cumming already," he tuts, but he pistons into you exactly the way he knows you need, his own groan caught like gravel in his throat when your cunt starts milking him and you mewl like you're in heat.
He's not nice about it; doesn't even let you wind down completely before his thumb finds your clit, drawing a tight circle across your sensitive little nub while he rocks the head of his cock against that spongey spot deep within you that damn near makes you hiccup in pleasure each time. It's no different now, your breath stuttering out in while you tense and shake beneath him. John waits until you're arched beneath him, clenched so tight around the base of his cock he couldn't cum even if he wanted to -
And then he presses his palm down flat and hard on your mound and you cum so hard it soaks his belly, dripping down to the sheets and collecting in the creases of both your joints.
"Fuckin' hell," he growls, planting one fist on the bed by your hip to support himself as he watches you drift back to earth.
You're fucked out and dazed, already drifting off when John rolls you onto your belly to straddle your hips. "Feeling better, sweetheart?" he rumbles, lowering himself to settle snugly over your back, keep you enveloped in his safe, sturdy weight.
"Yes, daddy," you mumble into the pillow and John presses a whiskery, satisfied smile against your temple. He slips back into you with so little resistance you barely even seem to notice.
"Just needed me, didn't you honey? Get some sleep now, yeah? I'll give you some sweet dreams."
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drmaddict · 7 months
Free by Choice
Summary: Simon and (Y/n) don't want children. After his vasectomy, (Y/n) realizes how much the fear of becoming a father has inhibited him.
Wordcount: 1.010
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She had never experienced Simon like this before.
"The tests look good. If you want to, you have green light."
As neither of them wanted children, Simon had decided to have a vasectomy.
As he had never had a relationship before and sex wasn't really a big issue, he had never given it much thought, but that had changed.
(Y/n) didn't want children either. They're cute as long as you can give them back. She was more than willing to be 'just' the cool aunt.
The decision was final for both of them. The pill worked, but this way (Y/n) could finally stop taking it and no one had to worry anymore.
"Good means absolutely safe?"
"Yes, Mr. Riley. Your last semen sample was positive... or rather negative."
Simon just nodded and held out his hand. The doctor tried to grab it, but Simon slapped it away and pointed to the papers.
The doctor handed them to him with a slight blush on his cheeks.
Simon skimmed the pages and nodded with satisfaction.
"Thanks, doc.", he mumbled.
The doctor nodded. "If there's anything, just let me know."
It wasn't until the evening, when they were both lying on the sofa, that it started. Simon began to gently kiss her jaw, letting his hands wander under her shirt.
If only she had known then, what was in store for her.
Three hours later she wasn't really sure, whether she still had a functioning brain cell. She was lying on her stomach, exhausted and drooling on the bed. She hadn't really come down from her last high when she felt Simon's lips on her back again. Her breath caught. Simon moaned with pleasure and a little laugh underneath. "Just one more little mouse. Seven is a lucky number.", he whispered in her ear and bit tenderly into the shell of her ear.
The next morning, everything hurt. Her thighs were covered in bite marks. Her back was a mess. Her neck felt like her thighs looked and all in all, she was mostly sore. No matter how gently Simon had rubbed her with ointment.
Surprisingly, he was still sleeping next to her. Usually he would have been up and away by the time she got up. He had already trained and made breakfast, but today he was lying on his pillow, slumbering, with a cute little pout on his lips.
She turned to him with a smile. What had gotten into him? They'd had good sex, but this? Despite being on the pill, he always insisted on using a condom. He usually never came more than once inside her. Despite everything, he often pulled out and came on her. She had just assumed he was into it, but after last night?
Had he been so afraid of having a child? Had this procedure taken such a weight off his shoulders?
He moves slightly.
His eyes opened slowly.
"Morning," he mumbled.
"Morning," she simply replied.
He rubbed his face and stretched. "Fuck. My back." he grumbled.
She laughed. "Serves you right."
He didn't answer that.
She snuggled against his shoulder. He buried his nose in her hair.
"You realize, you have to carry me everywhere today, right?"
"Hm. Anywhere you want."
"Why didn't you do this before, if it was weighing you down so much?"
He closed his eyes again. "I have a therapist for that kind of talk.", he mumbled.
She punched him lightly on the shoulder. "I'm serious."
He sighed. "I've never had a relationship and the one night stands were rare and sporadic." He shrugged. "Wasn't necessary up to this point. Sorry, if it was too much."
She kissed his shoulder. "It's okay. Just remember that, when I get ugly, after I get off the pill."
"Why would you get ugly?"
"Hormonal acne and hair loss are definitely coming."
He grinned. "I've been through the meat grinder once and you're worried about a few pimples?"
She pouted. "That's a sensitive subject."
He tousled her hair, "I'll help you squeeze them out, too."
She smacked him on the chest with a grin and no emphasis. He laughed.
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Five months later
Simon looked at the nutritional supplement packs that had been piling up in her kitchen for the last few months.
(Y/n's) skin had rebelled briefly, but the worst of it seemed to have subsided. For two weeks, she had been in so much pain because of the inflammation under her skin that she had sometimes stood in the shower crying.
Simon had given her every bath that could even help in the least.
But now, two months later, it had subsided. Things seemed to be settling down, even if they weren't perfect yet. She had an appointment with her beautician today and Simon had thankfully stayed at home.
He was reading the newspaper, when he heard the front door open and close again.
(Y/n) came into the small kitchen. Her skin was still shiny from some cream, but she seemed to be glowing somehow.
Unimpressed, she threw her bag onto a chair and sat astride his lap. She immediately pressed her lips to his and wrapped her arms around his neck. Taken by surprise, he tried to figure out what was going on when she pulled at his shirt. He had no idea what was about to happen.
Hours later, he lay wrung out on the bed, breathing heavily.
"I want another round. When can you manage that?"
"Today?" He looked at her in shock. She nodded.
He looked up at the ceiling, shocked. "Nothing happens here for the next three to five business days."
She looked at him, pouting.
"What's gotten into you?" he asked, pulling her hand towards him, which was already exploring again.
"Not only is my skin fourteen again, but it looks like my libido is too."
"But I'm no longer fourteen mouse... My jaw hurts... And my back."
She grinned. "Will you at least take a bath with me?"
"At least? That was eight rounds!"
"Nine is a lucky number."
"Oh Fuck."
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Play Pretend
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Jake Lockley x F!Reader • Rating: 18+ pals •Masterlist• ao3• want to be tagged? | request info • MK Bingo 2024 Masterlist • ko-fi •
Summary: Jake doesn't have much experience in more... intimate matters.
🌛For @moonknight-events MK Bingo Spring 2024 Event🌜
A/N: Okay, so I'm not super happy with this. I don't know. Anyway, I feel like I'm always saying this but my head is really bad with editing atm. I'm sure I've missed so many typos. I'm so sorry.
Warnings: set in Steven's flat (UK), swearing, loss of virginity, p in v sex, fingering, oral sex (both m and f receiving), overuse of italics, typos, railroad sentences, please let me know if I've missed a warning!
Word Count: 4909
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Jake shifted a little nervously as he rested his head on your chest, despite the comforting weight of your arm around him. 
He was half laying on you as you were sitting on the sofa, his feet resting on the armrest as you both watched… something on TV. You watched, Jake just couldn’t focus. Even though he normally adored being snuggled up on the settee next to you, savoured any time you both had together. 
He moved again, trying to keep it as minimal as possible so as to not bother you. Slowly he tensed and untensed his legs, switching it so that one was over the other and then back around again.
There was a deep heat growing at the base of his spine, an ache between his legs. He swallowed. Maybe he could excuse himself to the bathroom, rub one out quickly and then come back to your embrace without getting hard like a horny teenager just because you were close. 
It was embarrassingly really. How often this happened. Sometimes you didn’t even have to physically be around, just smelling your scent lingering around the flat was enough at times. The feel of your jumper in the wardrobe when it brushed against his hand as he got dressed in the morning. The photo of you and Marc at the park on the side table. That time Steven accidentally used your shower gel instead of his own. 
He shifted again. Maybe he could-
“You okay?” 
He jumps despite the softness of your voice and turns his head quickly to look at you, a little wide-eyed. “Yeah?” He answers a fraction too quickly to be considered ‘okay’. 
You give him a bemused smile. “You sure?” 
For a moment you pause, just cocking your head to the side ever so slightly as you regard him and Jack as to practically bite the inside of his cheeks to stop himself from groaning out loud. Why, oh why, did you have to look so adorable when you did that? 
“You need to sneak off to the bathroom?” You ask innocently, but there’s a telltale mischief to your eyes that makes Jake’s blood run cold. 
“I, erm, what are you talking about amor?” 
You gesture with your chin to his not-so-subtle budge in Steven’s sweatpants. 
“A…” He shifts again, thinking about grabbing a pillow to place over himself for a second before realising how silly that would be. You already knew what he was hoping to hide. “Maybe.” 
You smile and kiss his cheek. “That’s okay, you can go. I’m not gonna judge you. You know I don’t want you to sit here and be all uncomfortable.” 
“Hmm.” He gives you a small smile, a light dusting of pink highlighting his cheeks and the very top of his ears. “Sorry.” 
You frown a little and speak kindly. “What are you sorry for, silly?” You lightly stroke the shell of his right ear as you talk, just brushing your fingers along the outside and tucking a few errand curls behind it. 
He shivers. You know what you’re doing. 
“For…” He gestures to his crotch and you giggle. 
“I could…” You bite your lip a little a you speak and Jake pinches his thigh to keep control of himself. “Help you out with it? If you want?” There’s a little nervousness to your words, a worry of overstepping a boundary. 
While you had been physical with Marc and Steven for a while now, the most you had done with Jake had been to kiss and hold hands. Not that you minded. Jake was his own person and you wanted to go at his pace, take your time with the more intimate side of things. Or, never have that kind of relationship with him at all. You were just happy to spend time with him. 
He didn’t really like talking about that side of your relationship, and you didn’t want to push him. 
Jake’s blush grew darker. “I… erm…”
You resisted the urge to gently tease him about his loss for words. 
“I…” He closed his eyes, blurting out his words and screwing his face up afterwards. “I’m a virgin.” 
“Oh.” You said in surprise. That certainly wasn’t what you expected him to say. 
He opened his eyes quickly, a tense look of fear pinching at his features and you quickly realised your mistake. 
“No,” you say quickly as you reach out and stroke his hands, embracing them in your warmth. “I mean ‘oh’ as in, ‘oh, I didn’t think you were gonna say that’, not ‘oh, that’s a problem’.” 
The tension in his shoulders viably relaxed slightly and he gave you a weak smile. Looking down briefly at your hands and stroking your knuckles with his fingers. 
“So… you’ve never done anything… sexual before?” 
Your own tiptoeing around the word makes you wince. 
“Just sort of kissing, I guess.” He looks up to you with his large, soft eyes. “Is that a problem?” 
“No, no, no,” you say quickly, “no at all just… yeah, surprising.”
He raises an eyebrow at you. 
“Well,” you nudge him playfully with your shoulder, “I don’t know if you know this, but you are very pretty.” 
Jake snorts, grinning from ear to ear. “I’ve been told.”
You smile back at him before softly brushing his hair behind his ear again, savouring his little hiver. “You know we don’t have to do anything, right? There’s never any pressure, I want you to know that. I’m more than happy just to be with you like this. I love you, it doesn’t have to be physical.” 
He nuzzles into your hand, kissing your wrist. “I know,” he whispers, “and thank you, for saying it out loud I mean.” 
You stroke his cheek as he talks.
“It’s not that I don’t want to… and I know you’ve technically been with the body before, it’s just that…”  
You stay quiet as you caress his face, letting him take his time. 
“I don’t want to disappoint you.” 
As the last words leave his lips a little crack forms in your heart.
“You could never disappoint me, Jake.” 
He smiles but tuts. “You know what I mean… inexperienced isn’t exactly code for ‘giving their partner’s good time’, right?” 
“I’ll have a good time no matter what because I’m with you.” You give him a soft kiss and he smiles.
“That’s not what I mean Amor,” but he kisses you again. “Thank you though, it’s just…” he pauses, thinking carefully on how best to explain himself. Out of the three of them Jake is always the one who thinks most about what they say before they say it. “It’s just, I didn’t want to just… be with someone for the sake of it, I wanted it to be with… someone special, someone I care about. And now…”
“You’re still waiting for that someone special.” You nod solemnly as you tease. 
Jake glares at you playfully, ticking your side until you giggle and hold up your hands. 
“Sorry, sorry,” you mutter between laughter. 
“You should be.” He leans close and lightly nips at your neck. “Be thankful that I’m in a forgiving mood.” 
You grin and kiss his nose. 
“You are my someone special,” he continues sincerely, “and I want it to be enjoyable for you, I want you to…” he trails off and looks down for a second. You can see that hint of a blush returning. 
“You want me to…?”
He bites his lip and swallows. “I want you to look and sound like you do with Marc and Steven.”
You smile cheekily. “You watch?” 
He avoids your gaze. “Sometimes.”
“Almost all the time.” 
“What’s wrong with the .0?” You say, pretend indignation in your voice. 
“I’m sleeping.” 
His matter of fact tone takes you by surprise and you laugh loudly. 
“Fair enough.” You stroke his cheek again. 
“You don’t mind?” 
You shake your head. “Marc might. Maybe.” You shrug. “You’d have to ask him.”
“I’m definitely not doing that.” 
“Steven won’t care.” 
Jake nods. “That’s true. Exhibitionist that one, for certain.” 
You laugh again and then pause as both of you look at each other for a long moment. 
“Why don’t we play pretend for a bit? Help you relax and get out of your head?” You ask.
He thinks for a moment before he opens his mouth, a smirk on his lips. “I think it’s called ‘role play’ amor.” 
You tut.
“All I’m saying is I shouldn’t be the one who knows more in this situation-” Jake yelps as you cut him off by tickling him this time. He jumps back from your reach and grins. “Unfair.” 
You poke your tongue out at him. 
Which he promptly returns before he smiles. “Alright, let's play pretend’.”  He sits up straight on the sofa, his hands neatly in his lap as he waits for your direction. 
You give him a brief suspicious look, Jake was never usually one to agree and behave without having some ulterior motive. 
“Alright,” you say a little suspiciously as you settle down next to him. “You can stop this at any point you want, okay?” 
Jake nods once. 
“Okay, so,” you give him a little glance and see he’s listening intently. “I’m thinking, ‘where’s Jake the most comfortable?’”
“In bed.” He interrupts cheekily. 
You snort. “No. I was going to say, driving.”
“Driving’s not very comfortable.”
“Not here anyway, roads are tiny.”
“And everyone’s an asshole.”
“Okay, that’s true.”
He grins. 
“But, humour me, yeah?” 
He nods. “Consider yourself humoured.” 
“Alright, driving. So, we’re in the car, you're driving.”
“I’m on the wrong side.”
“I’m on your left.”
“Well, we’re in America now.” 
“How did we get here?”
“Did we fly?” 
“Marc’s gonna be pissed if we don’t get some pizza, I can tell you that-”
You shut him up by kissing him deeply. While it may not always be the most convenient method of silencing him, it certainly is the most effective. 
He kisses you back desperately, sinking into your embrace and bringing up his hand to lightly caress your cheek as you lick into his mouth. 
You know why he’s talking so much. The action so unlike Jake. He’s nervous. 
He moans softly as you pull back a fraction, trying to follow your lips. 
“I should really be keeping my eyes on the road.” He teases, his voice low and wrecked. 
“Well, it’s a good job we’re on the settee then, isn’t it?” You wrap your arms around him, pulling him closer and pressing your lips back to his. 
You swallow down his softly whimpered moans and trail your hand down his chest. You keep the action slow, deliberate. So he has plenty of time to feel where you're headed, and to stop you if he wants. 
You lightly palm his erection through his jogging bottoms and he hisses in a breath, his hips bucking up towards your touch as he keeps kissing you. 
His hands wrap around you, pulling you closer as he trails his lips down to your jaw, pressing soft kisses along the bone before slipping further down to your neck. 
You press a little harder, running your hand up and down his clothed length and massaging his heavy balls. His cock twitches under your actions, warm and throbbing. 
Jake hisses in a breath, “please.” His voice is so quiet you almost can’t hear him, can distinguish his words from moans as he presses his lips to your skin and sucks lightly. 
You tangle your free hand in his hair, pulling lightly at the curls to make him whine as you hook your fingers under his waistband and pull his trousers down. 
Jake groans, squirming a little and lifting his hips quickly, grabbing hold of the material and yanking his boxers and jogging bottoms down to his knees, keeping his mouth at your neck the whole time. 
The heat coming off his skin almost burns. Even without seeing his face you know that deep blush is back, the one that spreads across his skin like ink and makes you lightheaded from desperation for him. 
Languidly you run the tip of your finger down his length, savouring the way his cock jumps and twitches under your attention. The head is ruddy and swollen, a bead of forming precum seeping out from the slit that begs you to swipe it away with your tongue. 
You wrap your fingers around his girth, a not quite firm enough grip, and pump him twice in long, slow movements.
He sucks in a breath, shivering and muffling his moans against you, his fingers tightening on your side as if you’ll move away. As if you would ever want to leave him like this, aching and needy. 
You dip your hand lower, massaging his balls again and the little sound Jake lets out is the sweetest thing you’ve ever heard. 
“Fuck,” you breathe and quickly pull away from his hold. 
Jake makes a small sound of distress for a moment, thinking you’re stopping, before he realises what you’re doing. 
You lean down, taking hold of his cock and pumping him slowly as you lick along his tip with the flat of your tongue.
Jake groans, throwing his head back against the sofa and balling his hands into fists at his sides. 
You repeat the action again, and again. Lapping at his slit and spreading his precum across your tongue. 
He gasps, his thigh muscles twitching as he fights to keep still and not buck up into your mouth. 
“This okay?” You ask between licks. 
“Yes, ah,  yes, really okay.” He whimpers, squirming a little and biting his lip. “Please don’t stop.” 
“I won’t.” You whisper and lightly suck at his head, moaning as he slips into your mouth, and swirling your tongue around him. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” his hips buck up a fraction before he catches himself and forces them back down against the cushions. “Sorry,” his words are muffled as he grits his jaw, bites his lip and tries to not completely lose it after barely thirty seconds. 
You hum, pressing your tongue flat against him and let yourself slide further down, swallowing and sucking on his greedily. 
“Oh, shi-” he catches himself, fighting every instinct to give in and chase his pleasure. He bites his bottom lip hard, drowning in pleasure and not even trying to come up for air. 
His sighs and pants echo around the flat as you move faster, sink lower, until he hits the back of your throat. 
He gasps loudly, a string of swears thumping out of his throat in a rush. 
Then suddenly, his hands are on your jaw, lightly lifting you back up and off him. “Stop, stop, stop,” he rushes the words together and you move back quickly. 
Your mouth is barely off him before he’s pulling you into a searing embrace, his tongue dancing with your own and licking his precum from your lips. 
“You, you,” he mutters, one hand pulling at your jeans and undoing the button. “You, need you,” you’re not sure if he even realises he’s speaking, his thoughts bypassing any check system and coming straight out of his mouth. 
He pushes you back against the sofa and you let him, let his strong, warm hands guide you and push your jeans and underwear down your thighs just enough so that he can touch you. 
He sighs loudly as he strokes between your legs, the sound almost as if you were the one touching him and not the other way around. 
You moan his name, pulling at his shoulders.
“Show me, show me,” he mutters into your mouth, “please.” 
You grab hold of his hand, pressing his thumb against your clit and showing him the soft circles you like. He follows your directions eagerly, his large dark eyes mesmerised as he watches. 
When you press his fore and middle finger towards your slick entrance he moans again, gently pushing inside and shivering. 
“You’re really wet.” He mutters, trying to control his breathing. Slowly he pulls his fingers out before pushing them back in, revelling in the sound your arousal makes. “Is that,” he repeats the action, his eyes flicking up to your face, “is that okay? Feel okay?” 
You nod, keeping a gentle hold on his forearm. “Just, fuck, thumb’s great, just, sort of curl your fingers a little bit and-” Your sharp moan cuts over whatever you were going to say next as pleasure runs up your spine like lightning. 
“Like that?” He whispers, his voice thick and heavy, his pupils blown wide.
You nod desperately, rolling your hips to chase the sensation of his fingers. “Like that.” 
He groans a little, pressing closer so he can lightly kiss your neck, alternating between sucking at your skin and looking up to watch your face in a blissed out rapture. 
“What made you so wet, hmm?” He mutters into your ear, rocking his hips against you so that his painfully hard cock rubs against your thigh. 
“Fuck,” you hiss as the tips of his fingers brush perfectly inside. 
“Hmm?” He asks needily, practically begging, as if he hasn’t got you at his mercy. 
“You.” You manage to stammer out.
“You like sucking my cock that much?” He groans, having to pinch his side with his free hand to stop his eyes from rolling back in his head. 
You nod desperately, bucking up into his hand as you chase your orgasm. “Yeah.” Your voice comes out as a pathetic whine and Jake growls. 
He watches you for a few more seconds, trying to keep hitting that spot that makes you mewl under him.
Suddenly, he stops, pulling back his hand and you practically sob, tugging lightly on his wrist to try to keep him inside of you. 
“Jake,” a deep down part of you wishes you didn’t sound quite so needy, but most of you doesn’t care in the slightest.  
“Put your mouth on me again please,” he mutters, his voice rushed and breathless as he urges you down towards his cock with his hand on your upper back. 
You nod, moving quickly to lick a long stripe up the length of him that has him moaning like a whore. 
You take him back into your mouth quickly, sucking him as deep as you can and further still. Jake’s whimpers spurring you on. 
He keeps one hand on your back, nearly at the base of your neck, pressing down ever so slightly to guide your tempo. While he shoves his middle and forefinger into his mouth and groans at the taste of your arousal. 
He moans loudly, his chest vibrating with the sound. “Amor,” his voice is thick, on the verge of breaking, “fuck you taste-” he gasps as you sink lower, your own sounds of pleasure echoing along his cock. 
He bites back a sob. “Taking such good care of me, you taste so sweet,” he sucks on his fingers, desperately trying to find every single trace of your slink that he can. The wet sounds cut over your own, somehow louder in your ears than your racing heartbeat and your mouth around his hot, thick cock.
Jake’s eyebrows pinch together as the ball of pleasure starts to tighten uncontrollably in the base of his stomach, pushing him higher and higher and so close to tumbling off the edge. 
“Amor,” he whines, biting his lip and gently pulling you off his throbbing cock for the second time. 
A thin trail of salvia connects you for a brief moment. You pout a little at being coaxed away from him again, Jake savours your expression for a heartbeat before kissing your swollen lips once, twice. His hands on either side of your face, stroking your cheeks as he slips his tongue into your mouth and squirms in his seat. 
He breaks the kiss briefly to tug off his own trousers, reconnects your lips with a groan and tries to get your jeans off without moving away again. 
You chuckle lightly at his impatient scoff when it doesn’t quite go to plan. He scowls at your clothing, as if it was purposefully being difficult. Swearing lightly under his breath before looking down and tugging them off. You pull your top off at the same time, burning with need. Desperate to feel his skin against yours so keenly that it is almost to the point of pain. 
“Lay back please,” he mutters as he tugs your legs free and clambers between your thighs. His hands dig in just enough to send a shiver along your nerves, twisting deeply at your core. His stubble grazing over your skin as he places sloppy kisses on your inner knee, trailing upwards and nipping lightly. 
He moves hastily, forgoing any pretence of being able to hold himself together as he gazes at your aching pussy. He darts out his tongue, licking one long swipe through your folds and up to your clit, closing his eyes and moaning at the taste wantonly. 
“Fuck, Jake, I-”
He plunges two fingers back inside you, curling them exactly how you instructed and you all but scream. Your breath stolen from you as he flicks his tongue against your clit, circling one way and then the other before latching on and sucking it into his mouth, trying to follow directions from hazy encounters he watched quietly in the headspace. 
When you grab hold of his hair, your hips arching up into his mouth he groans, opening his eyes so that he can see the look of pleasure on your face. How you contort under his touch. 
He sobs, rutting needily against the sofa, the expression on your face almost too much to bear. 
You buck against him unthinkingly, your body taking over as you need to chase your high. His name falls from your lips in whimpered gasps, separated only but pleas and muttered praises. 
You guide the back of his head, encouraging him to lap at you in time with your hips and he follows your directions instantly, pressing closer and moaning against you so much that the sensation nearly has you screaming.
Your thighs shake as you bite your lips together, muscles tensing and waves of pleasure begin to build and build and build, threatening to drag you down over the edge in one fell sweep and-
Jake pulls back quickly, the bottom half of his face shining with his slavia and your slick. You groan in frustration as he moves, but let go of him so as to not pull at his hair. 
“Jake,” you say, a spike of irritation weaving through your words. 
He moans at your tone, his eyes glazing over ever so slightly. “I’m sorry, please,” he rubs your thighs, kneading his fingers into your skin as his own hips rock and buck against nothing but the air. 
His cock is red, leaking and almost painful looking with how hard he is. It bobs up and down with every movement, almost pleading with you to take pity. 
“Please what?” You whisper. 
Jake shuffles back into a sitting position, both feet flat on the floor. He looks at you a little uncertainly for a split second before he pushes the emotion down. “Please come and fuck yourself on my cock.” He says quietly, as if he was truly asking you for a favour and not letting you have everything you want.
You all but jump into his lap, pulling off the rest of your clothing and kissing him hard. He moans against your lips, following every movement desperately as he places his hands gently on your hips. 
With the last fragment of your rapidly disintegrating self-control, you manage to pull away from him just far enough to speak. “You sure?” 
It’s like he doesn’t hear you, too drunk on your touch for your words to make sense. He moves forward, trying to kiss you again. But you hold him back a little, pressing your hands against his cheeks softly but firmly until his eyes meet yours, his eyebrows pinched in puzzlement. 
“Are you sure you want to do this? I don’t want to rush you, we can-”
“Please.” He practically sobs. The break in his voice at the end of the word rings so loudly in the room that you're surprised it doesn’t echo. You’ve never heard him so needy before. 
“Please,” he repeats, “I want to, I want you. If… if you’ll have me, if you-”
You cut off any self-destructive thought that was destined to fall out of his mouth with your lips on his. 
“If I’ll fucking have you,” you mutter against him, raising up on your knees and taking him in your hand. You line him up with your entrance before you sink slowly down. 
Jake gasps, grabbing hold of you and squeezing you tight. His face pressed into your chest as you hold his shoulder, kiss his temple as you ease him inside. 
He bites his lip, trying and failing to hold back a whimper, but succeeding in keeping his hips still. 
You gently turn his face towards you by his chin as you bottom out, kissing his plump lips once, twice before you speak. “You okay?” 
He nods, completely lost in the feel of you squeezing around him. “I’m not gonna last.” 
“That’s okay,” you smile sweetly, stroking his hair.
But Jake shakes his head. “It’s not, I want you to-”
“Hey, hey,” you soothe, “I’m having a good time, okay?” You smile and gently take one of his hands and guide it between your legs to your clit. “Here, remember what I showed you?”
He nods, looking up at you like you painted the sky and quickly begins those soft circles that have you clenching around him and moaning softly. 
He lets out a choked sob. “Can feel you.” He mutters. “Feel you… squeezing, and fuck, so warm, and wet, and tight and-” he swallows his words, groaning loudly, his eyes closing as you start to slowly move, using his shoulders for leverage. 
His fingers don’t falter though. 
The stretch of him is so good it burns, pressing hard and deep inside and threatening to crack you open at any given second. 
You keep your movements steady, rising up and sinking back down, watching his every expression intently. The bob of his throat. The lines of concentration on his forehead.
His thighs shake, his lip so tightly between his teeth that it’s losing colour. 
“You want me to go faster?” You whisper and he grounds, nodding rapidly. 
You can’t help but smile as warmth runs along your veins. How much he trusts you to take care of him, how hard he’s trying to stay still. 
You kiss him hard, forcing him to stop biting his lip and let out the sweet sounds he’s been trying to hamper. He takes hold of your face with his free hand, caressing your cheek as you slide your tongue into his mouth. 
You pick up your pace, truly riding him and he moans. 
“Move with me.” You mutter, rolling your hips and encouraging him to buck up and do the same. 
He whines, but nods, kissing you deeping as he fucks up into you as you set a brutal pace. 
The slide of his thick cock makes your spine bend, your body moving on autopilot as you chase your high. Your breath catches in your throat as he hits deep. Your fingers tighten around his shoulders, digging into his sweat soaked skin. 
Jake's eyes snap open, watching you intently and angling his hips to try to hit that spot again. 
“Please, please, please,” he mumbles with every thrust, not sure what he’s asking for but knowing that he’s desperate for it. 
You tense, your muscles clenching as bliss begins to burn at the edge of your vision. “Jake, Jake, fuck.”
“Yes, please, please,” he moans, obsessed with how your lips part, your eyes shut as you get close, “please.” His thumb swirls messily over your clit, slick with sweat and your wetness, he pushes you closer.
The slap of skin is nearly as long as both of your moans as you bounce relentlessly on his cock, his balls slapping against your ass cheeks. 
Stars begin to swell behind his eyes, pleasure spiralling in the base of his spine. “I can’t, I’m gonna- please!”
It’s a sobbed beg that pushes you over the edge. How desperate he is for you. How needy. How shamelessly open with what he wants. 
You swear as pleasure crackles over your skin, burns through your veins as you come. Jake groans loudly, following you a fraction of a second later and gasping as you squeeze his cock, milking him for every last drop he has to spend. 
He buries himself deep, pressing his face into your chest. For a second he’s weighty, floating somewhere high above everything, somewhere warm and safe. 
And then your hands stroke his arms, your lips kiss his sweaty forehead, and he can feel you, your warmth, your everything holding him tight and keeping him safe. 
“You okay?” You stroke his hair softly and smile when he looks up at you. 
He nods and grins, pressing his lips to yours in a long, soft kiss. “I think I like play pretend amor.” 
You snort. “Oh, do you?” 
“Hmm, we’ll have to do it again.” 
Thank you for reading!
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theblueflower05 · 1 year
Heavy In Your Arms
A/N: We didn't get enough time at High Camp. I swear, it was the perfect setting for hurt/comfort. Forever upset about it.
Word Count: 5.5K
Warnings: Explicit smut. Aged Up characters. Talks of PTSD and war. Injuries. Blood. Angst. Cursing. Oral Sex(male receiving). Riding. Service Top Neteyam. Reader with a praise kink.
Summary: You and Neteyam find moments of peace during the war. Neteyam x Fem! Omaticaya Reader
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I was a heavy heart to carry,
My beloved was weighted down.
My arms around his neck,
My fingers laced a crown- Florence & The Machine
Life can change in an instant.
One moment, things are as they have always been. Your existence a well loved pattern, easy and comfortable in the Forests of Pandora.
You had been born after the Long War, after the evil Tawtute had been sent back to their dying planet. You had only ever known peace and kind humans like the scientist that lived in the rickety out post. You’d only ever known the rich and abundant rule of Toruk Makto, Jake led your people to victory and prosperity. The Omatikayan Village had been a beautiful one to grow up in, colorful and cheerful and thriving despite all that it had endured.
Your days had been filled with community and childlike wonder.
That had all changed when the Sky People returned. When they set fire to the Forests just to watch the Great Mother bleed.
Your naivety had been stolen, snatched away by uncontrollable circumstances.
By war.
High Camp is nestled deep within the Ayram Alusing hidden in a twisting impenetrable cave system.
It is bustling and busy and just bit cramped.
The Omatikaya are a resilient people and even through forceful uprooting had managed to make due of the space given. The Stronghold is littered with Canvas tents and woven mats. Small burning fires, and a larger one for the communal meals that are so desperately needed after long days battle.
You spend most of your time in the main healers keklu, working tirelessly with Mo’at and the other medicine leaders. You’d never been much of a healer, always more of a story teller. You’d get lost in the tales of old, in the songs of the ancient ones, but since the invasion, most had honed their medical craft.
It was all hands on deck, wherever you could be helpful you would be.
It’s good. Keeping your hands full is a good thing. It helps to distract your restless mind.
The War Party had left early in the morning- the sun still hiding behind the shadow of the eclipse, and had still not returned yet. You fear that it might be one of those missions, the kind that lasts days and leaves the village in shambles as they wait for the return of the warriors.
You’re grinding Ti’ku’klu seeds into a fine paste, your arm tired as you stare wordlessly into nothing.
The healers tent is quiet, filled with only low chatter and the crackling of the fire, the boiling of the pot that contains a potent medicine. One that needs to be kept hot and steaming. You cant seem to be present, to keep up with conversation when your mind is so far away- soaring over the forest. Focused on the unseen battle
This would be a dangerous one, you’d heard the whispers of the people. The humans were growing sick of the raids. They had heavy precautions laid out- would kill any Na’vi on sight. You trusted your Olo’eyktan whole heartedly, truly, you did.
But the thought of having to lay any more of your brothers and sisters to rest made bile raise in your throat like acid. There had been so much death, so much loss.
You sneak a peek at the woman next to you as she works in sorting bandages.
Zephya is only a few years older than you- and yet the light seems to be gone from her eyes. Dimmed down to something small and wilting. You’d never forget the piercing sound of her cries, echoing off the rock cave walls as her munxatan’s (husbands) body was brought back from the last raid.
Another round of nauseating anxiousness churns in your stomach.
You dont know if you could survive it…
Would you be forced to? Would this war force you to watch the ones you loved die?
The thought of losing your own lover is enough to send you free falling. Spiraling into your own mind.
“That is quite enough” Mo’at tuts her tongue in your direction and you stare at her with a wide, almost guilty expression. Had the Tsahik heard your thoughts? Sometimes you didnt doubt the elderly woman could, with all of her boundless knowledge and those all knowing amber eyes “You will destroy the paste, it is not meant to be so thin”
“Oh” you feel like dunce as you look down at the mortar and pestle in your hand “I apologize, I just wanted to make sure it was well mixed”
“Hmm” she doesn't call your bluff “Why dont you take a break. Go find more herbs, the fresh air wll clear your head. You’re no used to me here with thoughts so loud”
Her words are casual but her gaze is knowing and warm and you nod eagerly “Of course, Tsahik”
You’re happy for the break and the opportunity to stretch your legs, you stand quickly and exit the incense heavy area.
Everyone has gotten good at pretending.
At pretending they’re not terrified, at trying to go on with any semblance of normalcy. The scientists still gather near their trailers, facemasks on and typing away at holo tablets. The karyus’ still teach the younglings, their little giggles can be heard in the distance. You smile, a very practiced mask, at any you pass. Are pleasant. Friendly. Not betraying the inner turmoil you feel-
You’re jostled out of the heavy thoughts.
Nearly rushed straight on your ass, more like it.
“Oof-” the wind is knocked out of you as a small but solid weight collides with your side. You look down and find big golden eyes string up at you- golden eyes so familiar.
“Y/N! Hi!” Tuktirey is the youngest Sully, and probably the one you’ve always been the cloestst to. Back home, years ago, she’d become a bit enamored with you. More specifically, you’re weaving and jewelry crafting skills. Many teased that she was your shadow. “Look, look’it what I made”
You cant help but grin. Her joyful energy is contagious and you’re glad for the distraction. You take the necklace she shoves into your face delicately. Run your fingers over the rows of mis matched beads. She really is quite good.
“Very pretty, Tuk. You’re getting so good! Soon you;ll take my place- the whole clan will be trampling over themselves to wear one of your pieces” You’re words make her blush, make the smile on her face go a bit shy and bashful.
She looks so much like her brother it hurts.
“I did that thing you showed me! You’re right- sometimes the bigger beads need the little ones to anchor them”
Tuk is rarely quiet, always a babbling brook but even she isnt immune to the tense atmosphere that looms, to the toretoure that is waiting for the warriors to return. She talks about the necklace, but her tail flicks nervously behind her. At her side, a carved wooden Toruk toy hangs in her loose grip.
You figure, maybe you can distract her too.
You reach for the toy and she holds tight to it before sighing. You’re probably going to take it, she thinks. Tell her to stop being annoying. Chastise her the way that others had when she’d tried to get them to play with her. All day long, everyone had turned their heads or sighed in annoyance when she’d approached-
You raise the wooden Toruk above her head- and let out an undignified squawk. Your best impression of the mighty beast. It’s dismal, but it seems to satisfy the little girl who instantly breaks out into giggles.
“You better run, Tuk Tuk” you grown payfully, sending the toy into a nosedive “Before I eat you whole”
She shrieks and sets out running in the opposite direction and take after her, ignoring the stares. Should you be back in the medicine tent helping? Maybe. You’d rather play with the seven year old instead.
The two of you play for a while, until your thighs burn and your lungs hurt from laughing. You dont have the endurance of a child, she runs absolute circles around you. She’s fast and agle and quite obviously takes Neytiri’s lessons to heart, even at her young age. You can only use your size to you’re advantage, picking her writing squirming body up and spinning her round-
The horn is loud and echos through the rock walls of the cavernous case.
Both yours and Tuk’s ears swivel, perk up and stand to attention.
There it is. The calls of your people. The sounds of ikran wings flapping.
Tuk writhes in your hold, the back of her head connecting with your lip painfully as she hollers joyfully “They’re back!”
Shes off then, only sparing you a quick glance as you seem to stand there in daze, rubbing your slightly split lip lightly as your stomach does somersaults.
“Come on!” The little one hollers back at you and your feet carry you forward, seemingly of their own volition.
The crowds are building as the people make their way for the edge, where ikrans land by the dozen. Carrying the warriors on their back. Along the way, Kiri and Spider join you. Eagerly bouncing along, following an over animated Tuk.
Excitement and dread bubbles in your stomach, a horribly potent and toxic mix. It’s always like this when they return. When he returns. You’re so anxious to see him, physically there. Alive. So anxious that he might not be-
Your eyes are peeled for the familiar swirling green and blue patterns of Atanzaw, his ikran.
“Mom!” Tuk screeches, of course she spots them first.
Your eyes follow her,
Straight to him.
He dismonts his ikran, alot less gracefully then his mother did. His actions sluggish and unlike him- it only takes you a moment to notice how injured he is. The bleeding wounds and bruises that litter his body arent pretty and hes limping, not putting his full weight on his right thigh. His face in smeared war paint- blacks and yellows and greens. They make him look intense, as he stangs tall and muscular and still fully dressed in his tsamsiyu(warrior)garb.
When his gaze meets yours your breath gets stuck in your throat.
Usually when he returns they’re bright. The adrenalin of the fight still cursing through his veins like wildfire- this time thats drained. His eyes are filled with barley concealed dread. Sharp with pain.
Your fingers itch and your chest aches, the invisible string that ties you to him taught. You want nothing more then to go to him-
“Sully’s, fall in” Jake’s voice is booming and stern. All Olo’eyktan. Marine. War leader. You can barley recognize him like this. So far away from the carefree doting father he’d always been.
-Its a small thing. A barely there shake of Netryam’s head but it sends a clear message. He doesn't want you to approach. When he turns away from you, giving you the necessary but cold shoulder your unsettled stomach lurches.
It’s like it plays out in slow motion, you watch the family from the edge. An outsider. Not welcome in their obviously private conversation. Even Spider, a human, get’s to be closer than you do.
You’re unwelcome.
The heated words. The way that Jake scolds his sons, you’re not supposed to be privy to it.
“Jesus, I let you two geniuses lead a fleet and you disobeyed direct orders!”
Those words hurt you, for him. You know that they must peirce right through Neteyam. He still hasnt looked back in your direction and you are sure he doesnt want you to bare witness to any of it.
You slink away, slowly falling back. Fading into the background of loved ones reuniting. Warriors returning, alive and dead. The clan welcoming them back with open arms. You wish, as you so often do, that you could welcome Neteyam the same. That you could run into his arms. Hold him the way you ache to after these difficult and dangerous missions-
You convince yourself that you are content with just knowing that he is alive, and make your way back to the healers tent where your presence is wanted.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
It gets so cold in the mountains. Frigidly so.
The wind whips through the caves, leaving a bone deep chill in their wake. You keep the fire at the center of your tent going all night long, and can normally be found crouching at it’s hearth. It’s been raining on and off all day, torrential down pour to drizzles- from the sound it seems as though it has finally stopped. Quieted down.
You wonder if the sky is clear and the stars are bright. You miss climbing high into the trees after the evening eclipse. Miss gazing at the constellations, miss basking in the Pandoran night and listening to the sound of the forests.
Mo’at had sent you home, demanding you get some sleep.
It had been three days since the soldiers had returned and they had been very busy. Full of tending to the wounded, and organizing for the dead. You’d thrown yourself headfirst into anytask that was given to you. Kept yourself busy. Useful.
You didnt have the time to mope and obsess over a man that was not yours.
That is what you told yourself at least.
This…thing that you and Neteyam shared didn't have a name or a definition. It had started out of loneliness, out of the desperation for comfort. Before the humans had come back and brought their war upon the clan, you dont think the future Olo’eyktan had ever really looked at you twice. Violence and hurt had pushed you into eachothers arms, both of you seeking companionship. Someone to weather the storm with.
It wasnt love. Not to him, you know that. He would marry a woman with high standing one day- one that could be his match. Become Tsahik.
That wouldnt be you.
For Eywa’s sake, you could barely do stitches. You messed up simple tasks like making salves. You would not delude yourself into thinking it was anything more. Many Na’vi couple without mating, pleasure isn't stigmatized in your community. That was all it was. A need for pleasure. Your body satiates him and that is all.
You cant go looking for him. Begging for his time or his touch.
So you sit by your fire, thread your necklaces, and long for the stars.
You’re humming a tune to yourself, something soft and gentle and melodic when theres a sudden shift. The canvas wall of your tent shakes and your stiffen, reaching for your knife that lies on the makeshift table next to your bed-
Neteyam slips through the flap- easy as anything. Smoothly, his motions fluid from all of those years of training.
Your eyes and mouth are wide open, ears lying low to your head.
“Hi” the man grins, boyish and handsome as ever.
As though he hadnt just broken into your home. It’s not like the two of you hadnt done this before, he’d spend many nights sneakily tucked inside your tent but he usually came through the front entrance.
“Vonva!(asshole)”you hiss at him, exasperated “You- ugh! I couldve stabbed you!”
He’s so handsome it makes you sick. He’s so tall and broad, a few of his braids falling into his face as his eyes sparkle with mirth “That would not be very nice of you, what have I done to deserve such a fate?”
“Breaking and entering is grounds for stabbing” you huff “you scared me!”
Neteyam steps forward a bit, hands out stretching to you, tone gentle “Hey, I didnt mean to scare you. I just wanted to see you is all, Im sorry”
You hate the way that you’re so easy for him. He ignores you for days, and then shows up unannounced and you’re jumping at any and all attention he may give you.
The way that as his large hands engulf the tops of your arms, you lean into his touch greedily.
“It’s fine. It's just- very late. I wasn't expecting anyone” you try to keep your tone even “I was actually about to go to bed”
“Oh?” Neteyam wonders, his tail flicking behind him “Can I join you?”
Your heart speeds up, if thats even possible. Both at his words and his tone. The insinuation right there. He had spent too much time in your bed that really, it shouldn't be a question. You'd always welcomed him into your nest of blankets, your warm arms. In between your soft thighs-
“I'm not sure that would be a good idea” you respond, stepping out of his hold.
Neteyam sags a bit, surprised. His ears swivel and his smile weans, tugging downwards at the corners of his full lips “Not a good idea? Why not?”
You shrug, not able to look directly at him. Instead focusing on his shoulders. His abdomen. He’s still all banged up, the bandaging covering his bruises are expertisley wrapped. Done by the Tsahik herself, obviously.
It’s the perfect excuse.
“You’re still hurt,” you insist ”You need to be careful, you don't want to reopen anything”
A smooth chuckle escapes him and makes a tingle run down your spine. He reaches out again, this time he grabs at your hand, leading it from its place awkwardly at your side to his chest. Pressing your palm gently against his warm skin.
“I'd like to stay with you tonight, if you’ll let me” Neteyam starts, you can feel the vibrations of his strong voice in your palm, pressed against the muscle “I may need you to be a little bit gentle with me though, paskalin”
You're quiet, lips quirked, stuck in your head for a moment as your fingers lightly trace over one of his stripes.
“Y/N, hey-” He seems to be more serious than before as he urges you to look at him “I'm not sure what’s wrong, but If you want me to go I will”
Everything in your body, your soul, protests at his words. There is no part of you that wants him to leave.
You’re being so stupid.
Neteyam could have anyone. Anyone. And he’s here, with you. So what if he doesnt love you. You have to take whatever you can get. You dont want him to find solace with anyone else, dont want him to leave and never return-
You lean in, where your hand is, on his strong chest and place a kiss to the edge of the bandaging. Its a small little thing, a barley there brush of your lips but still. When you look up at him through your lashes you know you must make quite the sight.
“Stay” you urge. “I want you to stay with me tonight,” everynight. ”Please?”
He looks unsure for just a moment, clearly thrown off by your conflicting mood, before he nods. He cups the side of your face then, forcing you to make eye contact with him. No matter how uncomfortably intense- you cant turn away.
“Can I kiss you?” His words make you quake. He hadnt asked, so explicitly, for months. Since the two of you were still fumbly and newly exploring eachothers bodies.
It makes butterflies erupt in your stomach, makes you giddiously nervous. You nod, way too hard “Mhmm”
And then he’s bending down, having to crouch because of how much taller he is, to capture your lips with his own.
Its always so good.
His mouth and the way it tastes and the way it makes you feel. Neteyam seems so sweet, everyone in the clan knows him as the Golden Boy. The perfect soldier- in privacay, in these stolen moments of intimacy, he’s anything but.
His kisses are dirty, all demanding tongue and nipping fangs. He kisses like a man whos trying to get his dick wet. Like he wants to pick you up, crush you to him. Rut into you-
And normally he would. Normally he tosses you around like nothing but a child’s ragdoll(and you let him), but he’s still hurt. Still tender and healing. When you wrap your arms around his shoulders and tug, trying to climb him like a tree, he hisses in pain,.
“Shit” you pull away from his mouth, your lips wet with his saliva “Sorry, I didnt mean to”
He just shakes his head, nuzzling at your cheek “It’s fine, I’m okay”
“Im hurting you” you argue.
“You’re not. Just- be gentle, okay?” Neteyam urges, trying to lean back into the kiss “Grandmother thinks they’ll heal quickly, but my ribs-” he breaks himself off, laughing a little strained. “I fucked them up pretty good”
You frown.
He always does this. Always downplays his pain. You will have none of it, you grab his hand and tug “Come, I will make you tea”
Neteyams hairless brows raise “You dont have to, I’m really fine”
“Bah” you lead him to your bed and push gently on his shoulders until he sits. “Enough, it is no trouble”
You keep an ornate clay kettle next to the fire, boiling water always ready. He watches you as you fiddle with the many little jars in your arsenal, collecting herbs here and there. Steeping them in the hot water before pouring him a steaming cup.
“Here- it is bitter, but it will dull the pain”
Neteyam accepts the tea with a small smile “Irayo(thank you)”
It’s nice having him in your space. In your bed amongst all of your softest things as the fire crackles and illuminates the tent in a warm glow.
The shadows it casts over his angular face make him look haunting. So beautiful.
You like to take care of things. Instruments. Broken pottery. Children. It comes naturally to you.
You dote on him even though he protests, check his bandages and make him drink the whole cup of strong leaf tea, before he lies down. You're perched beside him, still on the edge of the bed mat.
“I didn't come here to be nursed, Y/N” he sighs as you rub salve on one of his nastier bruises.
“Humor me” you reply wryly, your dainty fingers all over him.
It takes him a while to relax, as it always does.
But oh, its your favorite thing.
Watching his walls come down and the facade of Olo’eyktan in training slip. Neteyam is funny and witty and a downright gossip. You enjoy talking to him as much as you enjoy getting fucked by him.
You like that when given the opportunity and the ear to do so; he loves to talk. About any and everything. His deep voice is like a blanket, warming you up from the inside out.
“I feel bad. I sneak in here; scare you and then make you take care of me” He snorts, “You must be so sick of me”
“No” you reassure with gentle touches “Never that”
You dont really know what Neteyam sees in you.
You’re pretty enough- but far from the gorgeous warriors and dancers that throw themselves at him. But when he looks at you, like he is now, you know there must be something. Something that turns those eyes of his to molten amber. They’re hungry, you’ve never seen him look at anything the way he looks at you. Except maybe the prey that ends up victim to his arrows.
He makes you want to be good to him. Be good for him.
“I enjoy taking care of you” you whisper as you trace the leather cords of his tweng, your fingertips dipping dangerously below them. “Can I take care of you tonight, Neteyam? You want me to?”
Neteyam nods slowly, making room for you as you climb carefully over him. Spread his legs enough for you to settle between them.
You cant help it, cant help how much you touch. You cant get enough of the feeling of his strong body under your hands. All of that corded muscle, all of his pretty deep tahini speckled skin. His strong calves, his well built thighs.
When you reach where he’s hard, straining against his cloth, his eyes flutter closed. You rub him until he chubs up, all plump and hard. Until a patch of wetness starts to darken the cloth-
“Help me a little, sayrip(handsome)”you urge as you tug on the strings of his tweng. Neteyam lifts his slim hips, helps you shimmy it down his thighs-
You’ve seen him naked more times then you can count, now. But still. You’re always struck by it.
His cock springs free- thuds against his well toned lower stomach. Drooling and pulsing, the tanhi there exceptionally bright. He’s so pretty, so vulnerable that it goes to your head. Your leaning in, tongue first-
“Wait,” Neteyam gruffs, “I want to see you too”
Neteyam was very partial to your body. He’d told you many times- would try to wrangle you out of your skirt whenever he got the chance.
You smile, raising up on your knees before tugging the gossamer top off, over your head, Your nipples are hard and peaked, reacting to the cold. You run your fingertips over them, knowing that he likes a show. He likes to watch. He props himself, arm behind his head as he does so, it feels so lewd to play with your breasts for him. To trail your hands slowly down your tummy, to your full hips- tugging on the strings of your own tweng.
When the mound of your pussy is revealed he groans, he can see the way your slick shines in the low fire light.
“Good Mother” Neteyam’s rough and demanding as he yanks on you, pulls you into a kiss “You’re so fucking sexy”
His kiss is fervent and you could so easily lose yourself to them- you know what he wants. He’s already inching closer to your hot wet slit, his big fingers kneading at your plush asscheeks.
“Lemme take care of you” your mumble is insistent, and he sighs. Letting you pull away. Letting you re situate yourself between his legs.
He just lays back flat once more, a lazy grin on his face. “Okay, baby. Take care of me”
You’d always loved giving pleasure with your mouth, and lovers you’d had before had told you how good you were at it. You liked the taste and feel of a heavy cock on your tongue.
With Neteyam, as everything seems to be, it’s different. You dont just like giving him head, you love it.
You love the way that he jerks when you give his rosy tip that first little lick. You love the salty tang of his precum, so much that you spread it all over. Your lips, your cheeks. You rub his cock along your face, nuzzling it. Your cheeks, chin and nose wet with him. You love the way it stretches your lips as you take him into your mouth- he’s the biggest you’ve ever had and it pushes you to your limit. The hinge of your jaw aching as you force him down your throat.
“You’re such a good girl for me” Neteyam praises you, all choppy. His long fingers tangled in your waist length hair.
That is what you adore the most.
The Omaticayan prince is so vocal. He’s all whimpery moans and deep gritty groans. He lets you know exactly what he likes and doesn't like. And he rains down praise on you like its his job.
You’re his good girl. His sweet berry. His little whore..
You take it so well. So- ah- determined for him. You ram him down your tight convulsing throat ,until you’re sobbing around his dick. Never trying to pull away. Eager to get him off.
It is the most shameful position you’ve ever been put in. You’re addicted to the way that me makes you feel- you could never allow yourself to be this with anyone else.
“I-Im close” He warns as though that's not exactly what you want.
“Good” you hum, before diving back in. Suckling on the head and the sensitive sides of his shaft over and over. Just like you know he likes it.
It doesn't take long at all, you can feel him twitching n your mouth. His balls, so full and swollen, start to pull up, taught and ready to blow.
“Oh fuck, Y/N. Fuck”
He gasps as he knots his fingers at your scalp, as he holds on for dear life, his hips swiveling madly. His belly concaving with his heaving, rapid breaths as as his orgasm rips through him.
It’s a good one. You can tell. He’s biting his lips bloody and grinding his head back into your pillows, eyes tightly closed as he rides the waves of pleasure. The whole time, he fists your hair, holding your face to his crotch.
You take his cum, all of it. Popping the tip on your mouth and catching the thick spurts with your tongue. He tastes so good, it feels so intimate to get to have him like this. You close your eyes and savor it, dont pull off until he's twitching and whining with over sensitivity.
You sit back on your haunches, wiping your messy mouth clean with the back of your hand and assessing the damage.
Neteyam is all shivery, his arm thrown over his face as he comes down from the high. He’s still struggling to catch his breath and you cant help the pride that
“You feeling any better, baby?” the human term of affection rolls off your lips, smug and sultry and he laughs behind his arm.
It takes a few moments, but he finally collects himself “You are way too good at that” he’s told you before, but repeats it as he pulls you close. You’re perched in his lap, his strong arms around your waist as he holds you close.
“I like watching you” you admit between the pecking kisses “I like the way you come”
He smiles into your mouth, you can feel his sharp canines on your lips “That’s my good girl”
You full body shiver at the praise, gritting your forehead against his and breathing through your nose in an attempt not to lose it. You're gushing between your legs, your thighs a sticky mess and your cunt swollen and blood hot.
“Your turn, huh? Come on, I know that pussy has to be needy. You want me to eat it?” Neteyam whispers hotly in your ear and you just groan.
And while his skills with his tongue are legendary, you’re feeling particularly empty, needing to be full of him after weeks of distance “Mmm, no. Want you inside of me”
“Can do” he affirms, his hands going to your hips, nudging you “Lay down, I’ll fuck you, paskalin. I’ll fuck you so good. Wanna’ stretch you out”
“Wait” you press a hand to his chest when you notice the grimace on his face. The one he’s trying to hide as he attempts to lift you “You’re still hurting, Nete”
“I’ll be fine, I’ve got you” He assures, stubbornly “I want you to feel good, too”
He’s not the only one who's stubborn. You wiggle out of his grip, pressing down firmly on his chest.
“We can try something else” you suggest, really not wanting him to hurt himself even worse. Neteyam can get…intense when hes fucking you. It’s all very physical, he pours buckets of sweet down onto you as he works your body.
“You want to get fucked” He reminds you, his hips jerking up pointedly so that you can feel his erection between your legs.
Eywa, yes you do. You want him, you want him to carve his way into your body. To bully your tight walls until they accommodate his wide girth.
You bite your lip and reach for his length, pumping his cock thats still wet with your spit before leaning in close so that you can whisper in his ear “We’re just going to have to compromise”
Neteyam is huffy until you sink down onto him and ride him until neither of you can formulate thoughts.
Until you’re boneless, tangled limbs and buried under your quilts.
The afterglow is your favorite.
Neteyam is always so gentle and tender after sex. He holds you, lets you lie your head on his chest and listen to the steady thrumming beat of his heart as he plays with your hair. The only thing that could make this better is if he reached for your kuru. Is if you got to experience Tsaheylu with him-
It’s not fair,
How could he expect you not to fall in love with him?
The quiet stretches on. The fire is dim and dying and the tent is mostly black, night creeping in and covering you both in darkness.
“I’m sorry” his voice almost startles you, his words confusing and unexpected “I’m sorry I ignored you- the day we came back. I was trying to figure out how to calm my dad down. He was so pissed and Lo’ak’s attitude only makes it worse-”
You don't say anything. You just keep listening to his strong heart.
“I didn't mean to hurt your feelings”
You don't respond for a while. You don't want to shatter the atmosphere that is shimmy fly wing delicate “I was just happy to see you alive. It terrifies me, that you’ll leave on one of these raids and never come back. I dont- I wouldn't know what to do if that happened”
“I'm not going to leave, Y/N” his arms tighten around you and you close your eyes, relishing the way he holds on to you. It makes you feel like maybe you're not the only one desperate for this to never end.
“Do you promise?” You sound young, look so small in his big arms.
“I promise”
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Weeks later, The Sully’s leave the tribe.
They’re running, fleeing for the good of the Omaticaya people- that is what Jake says. He claims it is for the best. You have never doubted his prowess as Olo’eyktan until that moment.
The tribe mourns, falls into great sorrow as the family says their goodbyes.
You can not bear to look. You drown in your tears and hide in the crowd. Will not meet Neteyams gaze no matter how much he tries to get you to.
When he mounts his ikran and takes to the skies you feel something inside of you shatter. He disappears into the vast horizon.
Neteyam leaves.
You were a fool to believe he’d keep his promise.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Welp. Um hi guys lol. I was like let me post something short and sweet to come back with before I start hitting you guys with all of my Kinktober prompts next month. Somehow I ended up with a 5k angst filled what could be first chapter of a series. LOL I HATE MYSELF AND THE FACT THAT I CANT WRITE ONE SHOTS.
I literally don't have the time to work on another story, but if this one was a little too much angst, I'd be glad to give us a fix it Part Two.
This will be the last kind of stand alone update until after October. If you havent alread, check out Luna’s( @pandoraslxna )Kinktober prompt list. She is such a gem for cultivating it and helping keep this fandom alive and thriving.
As usual, please leave me some feedback. Good, bad(not mean though lol my psyche’s very fragile rn) I want to hear your thoughts!
Love ya, pretty babies!
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darylbae · 4 months
hi new tumblr writer :3
I would give anything for vampire daryl (perhaps gender neutral pronouns)
smut, angst, fluff, idc. just give me vampire daryl (please)
pretty little thing — daryl dixon 🩰
in which vamp!daryl finds you in the woods, but doesn't have it in him to feed on you
note: im new to vamp!daryl so this will be very short, however if you like it i can make more!!
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Daryl has had urges. Urges to feed, urges that are biologically something he can't help. He's always had these urges, since before the world fell apart, however it was easier to maintain back then. Now, with resources being limited, it was harder. It was even harder to keep this from the people around him. Nothing tasted like human blood. No deer, squirrel, or rabbit would ever taste as good as a human.
Daryl would wake up early to feed, and go to bed later than the rest of the group. He'd managed to hide it well, nobody had questioned him yet. Even when the people they'd butt heads with would disappear and no longer be an issue. Blood on him, on anyone, wasn't out of the ordinary anymore. It was another early morning, Daryl had his crossbow slung on his arm. He walked with purpose, not having fed on any human in a while was making him ravenous. His boots crunched on the leaves as he left the rest of the group, finally getting into the woods to look for something filling. With his heightened hearing, he couldn't hear much. Couldn't smell anything close by. So it would be a long journey ahead of him.
He'd trekked through almost half the woods now, after picking up a sound a while ago, he believed to be getting closer to it. He growled to himself, just wanting the metallic taste sat on his tongue again. It had been so long. There it was again. That sound. That faint whimper in the distance. He'd picked up speed, trying to be light on his feet, but it was no use. He needed it. Now. There you were, clutching a tree with tears rolling down your face. You were a treat. He'd approached you, and of course you were apprehensive, like all smart girls were. But you were so desperate, that you'd reached out for him. "Please..." You yelped, putting all of your weight onto him, "my leg, it hurts." Daryl held your waist, looking down at the blood sliding down your leg. Like a warm chocolate drizzle on a cake, you looked good enough to feast on. Daryl noticed you had only shorts on, not entirely practical for the world you live in, and a jacket with a utility vest wrapped around you. Boots too, great choice. He could smell you, so sickly sweet. "Aren't you a pretty, little thing?" You looked up at him, brows tilted upwards and pure innocence in your eyes. "What happened?" He asked, pushing you backwards gently to lean on the tree behind you. He'd brushed some hair away from your face, before slowly bending down to be level with your wound. A gash on your thigh, not deep enough to be fatal, but needed to be wrapped up. The smell of you, of your blood, was getting to him. He needed it, more than he needed air in his lungs. But he couldn't. Usually his impulses were impossible to control, he'd be onto a human before he could even blink, but you... He wanted to enjoy you, he didn't have the heart to hear you cry again, because of him. He'd dragged his thumb up a line of blood that had trailed down your leg, bringing it to his mouth to enjoy. You were so out of it from blood loss that you hadn't even picked up on it. And if you did, you were past caring. You were still crying, as he'd stood back up, his height very much towering over you. "I need t'wrap it up," he stated, his eyes trained on the curve of your neck. The perfect space to have a little taste. "Ya gonna to have t'come back with me." You just nodded. You were probably going to bleed out, so either way you'd die. So you were betting on this man being good. "Want me to carry ya?" He asked, and you nodded, unable to put any pressure on your leg. Smirk plastered to his face, he inched closer to you. He was breathing you in, slowly feeling himself becoming addicted to your scent. He wanted to have you around, to enjoy you more. He'd have to feed another way.
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atlas-of-a-human-soul · 3 months
Wildest dreams, pt. 35 - Finale & Epilogue
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Warnings: angst, fluff, sexual innuendos, swearing, GRAPHIC depictions of death and blood
Wildest Dreams Masterlist
Sleeping alone on their wedding night felt wrong, bringing about a coldness she hadn’t experienced in a long time. Paul has become a weighted blanket she couldn’t rest without, and the shivers his vacancy causes are impossible to ignore.
Picking up his white shirt off the ground, she pulls it up to her nose. It smells so much of him, and a little of champagne Sam spilled on his sleeve. Pressing it up against her bare chest, she lets out an exhausted sigh.
After all the time he’s spent begging her to make this choice, he’s suddenly against it. When did that happen?
Maybe now that the reality of said choice has settled in, Paul’s panicking about all the possible ways it can go wrong, the way she did when he first brought it up?
Either way, he talked her down from that ledge when it felt like her mind was on fire with endless fears being born every second of every day since he proposed the idea. This time it’s her turn to help him accept the inevitable.
If she has to die, let it be on her terms, and with a promise of a second life she could live with him.
Jasper would be the obvious choice, as he’s been the only Cullen she fully trusts and feels safe with. Despite the dangers they’d warn her of, Y/N believes Jasper will stop himself in time. If anything, it could help him with the control issues he faces daily. Facing his fear of killing again might be easier with someone he seems fond of.
Deciding to put on some clothes, she picks up her wedding dress. She can’t wait for Paul to return anymore. Dawn is coming and he’s out somewhere, and this dress has her scent mixed with his. She will find him in the woods, the smell should draw him in, or at least protect her from any unwanted visitors.
Soon, Y/N stands alone on the edge of the forest, the first light of dawn breaking across the horizon. The sky is painted with hues of pink and orange, a beautiful contrast to the turmoil swirling within her. She wraps her arms around herself, not for warmth, but as if trying to hold herself together. The ocean waves crash rhythmically against the shore in the distance, their relentless sound a distant echo to the pounding of her heart.
She walked into the still dark forest, a shiver running up her spine. It didn’t take long before she could see Paul in the distance, a massive wolf pacing restlessly at the forest’s edge.
His fur catches the morning light, a mixture of dark and silvery hues. He keeps his distance, a physical manifestation of the emotional chasm that’s opened between them. She knows he’s struggling, the conflict tearing him apart as surely as it’s tearing her.
The wind picks up, carrying with it the salty tang of the sea and the earthy scent of the forest. It plays with Y/N’s hair, whipping it around her face, but she barely notices. Her mind is consumed with thoughts of the conversation they had and the decision she made. Becoming a vampire was something she never wanted, a fate she swore to avoid. Yet, the visions Paul had seen—the ones that showed her dying a brutal death—were too harrowing to ignore.
She watches Paul, her heart aching. The sight of him like this; caught between his instincts and his love for her, is almost too much to bear. She knows he suggested the change, desperate to save her from the future he envisioned. But now, seeing his torment, she wonders how badly he regrets that suggestion, if the thought of losing her humanity is more than he can handle.
The dawn light grows brighter, illuminating the scene with a soft, golden glow. Tears prick at the corners of Y/N’s eyes, and she blinks them away, refusing to let them fall. She feels a profound sadness, a sense of loss for the life they had planned, the future that now feels so uncertain. The tragedy of their situation hangs heavy in the air, but beneath it all, there is a flicker of hope—a hope that somehow, they will find a way through this.
Taking a deep breath, Y/N takes a step forward, her sneakers sinking into the mossy ground. She walks slowly, deliberately, closing the distance between her and Paul. The sound of her footsteps draws his attention, and he stops pacing, his brown eyes locking onto hers. In those eyes, she sees everything—his fear, his love, his desperation.
“Paul,” she whispers, her voice carrying on the breeze. “We’ll find a way.”
His ears twitch, and he takes a hesitant step toward her, his massive paws leaving deep prints in the mud. She reaches out a hand, her fingers trembling slightly, and he moves closer until his nose is just inches from her outstretched hand. There’s a moment of stillness, a pause where everything hangs in the balance.
Then, slowly, Paul shifts back to his human form, his eyes never leaving hers. He’s breathing heavily, his chest rising and falling with the effort of the transformation. She can see the turmoil in his eyes, the conflict that rages within him. Without a word, he reaches out and pulls her into his arms, holding her tightly against him.
Y/N buries her face in his chest, feeling the warmth of his skin, and the steady beat of his heart. “I don’t want to lose you,” she whispers, her voice breaking. “I don’t want to die when we could have so much more time together.”
Paul’s grip tightens, his voice rough with emotion. “I don’t want to lose you either. I thought... I thought it was the only way to save you. But knowing what it would mean... I don’t know if I can ask you to do that.”
They stand there, wrapped in each other’s arms as the dawn light bathes them in its gentle glow. The future is uncertain, but in this moment, they find a small measure of comfort in each other, a reminder of the love that binds them.
As the first rays of sunlight break over the horizon, they hold onto each other, silently vowing to face whatever comes together, to fight for their love and for the life they dream of. The dawn brings a new day, and with it, a new hope—a hope that somehow, they will find a way to escape the shadows and create a future where their dreams might come true.
It’s a nice, heartwarming scene…but it’s not real.
Y/N did walk into the woods, her wedding dress white as snow contrasting the darkness she’s surrounded with. Had she waited longer for the day to trickle light on the path she was on, maybe she’d have sensed the danger she was walking into.
A rustling sound catches her attention, and she turns, expecting to see Paul’s familiar form. Instead, her eyes widen in horror as a tall, imposing figure steps out of the shadows - Felix, one of the Volturi guards Renesmee showed her. His ruby red eyes are cold and merciless, his lips curling into a predatory smile.
Before she can react, Felix lunges at her with inhuman speed, his hand clamping around her neck with a vice-like grip. Panic surges through Y/N as she gasps for air, her fingers clawing at his hand, but his strength is overwhelming. The pressure on her throat is excruciating, and her vision starts to blur.
“Your friend betrayed you,” Felix hisses, his breath cold against her face. “The Volturi know about you, and I’ve been sent to deal with the threat you pose.”
The words are a cruel revelation and Y/N’s mind races with disbelief and terror. Who could have done this? Who could have betrayed them?
Before she can form another thought, Felix hurls her into a nearby tree with brutal force. The impact is sickening; she hears and feels the crack of her spine breaking. Agony explodes through her body, a white-hot pain that sears every nerve. She screams, but the sound is choked off by the unbearable pain.
Her body crumples to the ground, and she’s barely conscious when Felix’s foot connects with her side. The blow sends her flying, her ribs shattering under the force. She hits the ground hard, her head slamming into a rock. The taste of blood fills her mouth, metallic and bitter, and she struggles to draw a breath, her lungs burning.
The world around her is a blur of pain and confusion. She can’t move, can’t fight back. Her vision is dimming, but she’s acutely aware of every agonizing sensation. The smell of her blood is overpowering, mingling with the damp earth and the scent of the forest.
Felix’s hand tangles in her hair, yanking her up with cruel ease. She’s barely conscious, her body limp and unresponsive. He leans in, his cold breath brushing her cheek as he licks her skin, a grotesque parody of tenderness.
“Such a shame,” he speaks in a thick Italian accent. “You’d be ethereal as one of us.”
Then he strikes, his teeth sinking into the side of her neck with savage precision. The pain is blinding, a sharp, tearing agony as he rips open her carotid artery. She feels the blood flowing out of her, her life draining away with each pulse. Every nerve is aflame, every breath a struggle.
As the world fades to black, her last thoughts are of Paul. She sees his face in her mind, feels his arms around her, hears his voice as he recites his vows. She clings to that memory – of an almost happy ending, as the darkness closes in.
Felix drains her completely, and the pain finally ebbs away, leaving only a numb, cold emptiness. He lets her body drop to the ground, her eyes wide open, staring sightlessly at the sky. Her lips are parted, as if she’s about to speak, but no words come.
Paul’s heart pounds in his chest as he races through the forest, his paws barely touching the ground. He can feel her—Y/N’s pain, her fear—it echoes through his soul, pulling him like a beacon. His vision blurs with desperation, the images of her suffering he’d seen in his mind merging with reality.
As he reaches the scene, the sight that meets him is his worst nightmare come true. Y/N’s body lies on the ground, her once-white dress is stained with blood and mud, a tragic testament to her violent end.
A strangled sound escapes Paul’s throat as he shifts back into his human form, stumbling toward her. He falls to his knees beside her, his hands trembling as he reaches out. The moment his fingers touch her skin, he feels the coldness that has already claimed her. Her body is heavy in his arms, a dead weight that drags him down with its finality.
Paul gathers her up, pulling her close to his chest, feeling the absolute cold of her lifeless form seep into him. Her skin is pale, drained of all color, her neck bearing the cruel, vicious mark of a vampire’s bite. There is still a trace of warmth in the blood on her neck, a cruel reminder of how recently she was alive. The metallic scent of it fills his nostrils, mixing with the earthy smell of the forest floor.
His vision swims with tears as he cradles her, rocking back and forth. The pain is indescribable, a searing agony that tears at his very soul. It’s as if a part of him is being ripped away, leaving a gaping, bleeding wound in its place. He wants to scream, to howl his grief to the heavens, but all that comes out are ragged, broken sobs.
“Y/N…” he chokes out her name, his voice breaking. “I’m so sorry… I’m so, so sorry…”
He feels the guilt consuming him, a dark tide that drags him under. He should have been there. He should have protected her. The thoughts and images his brain conjures up of what her final moments might have been - of her in pain, terrified, and alone, will now and forever haunt him, each one a dagger to his heart. He can’t stop seeing it, can’t stop feeling her last moments of terror and agony as if they were his own.
Paul buries his face in her hair, inhaling the faint, lingering scent of her. It mixes with the coppery tang of blood, a blend of love and death. His body shakes with the force of his grief, the physical pain of his heartbreak nearly unbearable. It feels as though his soul is being torn in two, the bond they shared now a jagged, bleeding wound.
He wanted to save her, to keep her safe, but he failed. The realization crushes him, an unbearable weight that threatens to suffocate him. Every breath is a struggle, each one a reminder that she will never take another.
“I love you,” he whispers against her cold skin, his tears mingling with the remnants of her blood. “I love you so much… Please, come back to me…”
But there is no response, no miracle to bring her back. The forest is silent, save for the sound of his broken sobs. Paul holds her closer, wishing with everything he has that he could turn back time, that he could trade his life for hers.
He stays like that, clutching her to his chest, the world around him fading to nothing. All that remains is the overwhelming pain, the all-consuming guilt, and the hollow, aching emptiness where she once was.
Embry emerges from the dense forest, paws pounding the earth, his massive wolf form towering and powerful. His sharp eyes catch sight of Paul ahead, kneeling on the ground. The scent of blood and the overwhelming stench of death hit Embry like a physical blow, and his heart lurches with dread. He follows Paul’s anguished gaze, and there she is—Y/N, lifeless in Paul’s arms.
Embry’s world shatters in that instant. His legs buckle beneath him, and he collapses to the ground, unable to shift back into his human form due to the intensity of his emotions. A howl of pure agony rips from his throat, echoing through the forest. It’s a sound filled with raw, unfiltered grief, a primal cry that reverberates in the night air.
Paul hears Embry’s heart-wrenching howl and looks up, his face a mask of pain and despair. He meets Embry’s eyes, and in that moment, they share the same soul-crushing sorrow. Embry’s normally fierce gaze is now clouded with tears, his massive form trembling with the weight of his grief.
Jasper and Alice arrive moments later, their expressions a mixture of shock and horror. Jasper, who had grown close to Y/N, is struck by a wave of emotions so intense that he staggers backward, nearly collapsing. The overwhelming sorrow, guilt, and heartbreak radiating from Paul and Embry hit him like a tidal wave, drowning him in their despair. He struggles to maintain his composure, but the pain is too much. His face contorts with grief, and he clenches his fists, his knuckles white.
Alice’s usually serene features are twisted in anguish. She falls to her knees beside Paul, her eyes wide and filled with unshed tears. She reaches out a trembling hand to touch Y/N’s pale, cold face, her fingers brushing against the blood on her neck.
“Y/N…” Jasper whispers, his voice choked with emotion. He steps forward, placing a hand on Paul’s shoulder in a gesture of solidarity. The touch is meant to be comforting, but it only serves to amplify the shared grief. Jasper’s pain is palpable, a mirror to the torment etched on Paul’s face.
Embry’s howl tapers off into a series of heart-wrenching whimpers as he watches the scene unfold, powerless to do anything but bear witness to the tragedy before him. He lowers his massive head, pressing his nose to the ground in a gesture of mourning, his body shaking with the force of his sorrow.
Paul clutches Y/N’s body tighter, his tears mingling with the blood on her neck.
“I was too late,” Paul chokes out, his voice barely more than a whisper.
Jasper’s grip on Paul’s shoulder tightens. “We all failed her.”
If he could, he’d scream and he’d wail as loud as he could, halfway hoping she’d hear him screaming on her way to heaven. Maybe she’d turn around and come back to him, but she doesn’t. She gave him the world, a life he never thought he was destined to live – she taught him the meaning of true love…and now, the meaning of true loss.
Alice and Daisy planned the funeral.
The morning of, sky is a dull gray, matching the somber mood of the gathering. A light drizzle falls, the drops mingling with the tears on the faces of those assembled. The forest surrounding the graveyard seems to mourn with them, its usual vibrant life stilled in a respectful silence. The scent of rain-soaked earth hangs heavy in the air, mingling with the scent of fresh flowers that surround Y/N’s casket.
Paul stands at the forefront, his eyes red-rimmed and hollow, as if the very soul has been drained from him. He stares at the casket, unable to tear his gaze away from the final resting place of the woman he loved more than life itself. His hands shake at his sides, clenched into fists so tight that his knuckles are white. He feels Daisy and Embry’s presence beside him, the silent support of his best friends a small comfort in this ocean of grief.
The Cullens are there too, standing in a solemn line. Carlisle’s face is etched with sorrow, his usual calm demeanor strained. Esme holds his hand tightly, her other hand clutching a handkerchief to her mouth to stifle her tearless sobs. Edward and Bella stand close together, their expressions a mix of anguish and guilt. Renesmee clings to Jacob, her young face a mask of confusion and sadness. Jasper and Alice are slightly apart, their grief palpable in the way they hold themselves, shoulders hunched as if bearing an unbearable weight.
The pack and their imprints form a protective circle around Paul and the casket. Sam’s strong presence is a pillar for them all, but even he cannot mask the pain in his eyes. Emily stands beside him, tears streaming down her face. Quil and Leah, Seth and Claire, all wear their grief openly, their usual strength overshadowed by this moment of profound loss.
As the rain falls harder, soaking through clothes and plastering hair to heads, the funeral begins. Sam steps forward to speak, his voice breaking as he tries to find the words to honor Y/N. Each word feels like a dagger to Paul’s heart, a reminder of everything he has lost. He barely hears the eulogies, the shared memories, the expressions of love and sorrow. His mind is a blur, lost in the torment of what could have been.
When it is his turn to speak, Paul moves forward on unsteady legs. He looks down at the casket, feeling the weight of every eye upon him. His throat is tight, his heart a shattered mess. He takes a deep breath, the air thick with the scent of rain and flowers and grief.
“Y/N was… everything,” he begins, his voice raw with emotion. “My heart and soul. She was strong, brave, and loved with an unmatched fierceness.” Pausing, he lets out a shuddered breath, “I knew how it would end for us…I knew when I imprinted and still I tried to find a way around it – a loophole, a diving move… I promised to protect her, and I failed.” His voice cracks, tears streaming down his face unchecked. “I failed her, and I will carry that guilt for the rest of my miserable life.”
Paul steps back, unable to say more. He feels Embry’s hand on his shoulder, a grounding presence in this moment of utter devastation.
As the final words are spoken and the casket is lowered into the ground, the rain intensifies, as if the heavens themselves are weeping. Paul drops to his knees beside the grave, his body wracked with sobs. He isn’t dead as they thought he’d be, but he’s not alive either. His wolf is gone, his ability to shift stripped from him. He longed to shift into a beast, spending the rest of his life as a wolf in the forest as Jacob once intended to…he said the pain was bearable for him, that he’d almost forgotten his humanity and the reason he shifted. Paul wanted the release it would give him, but he couldn’t shift. He never will again. He’s a ghost with a beating heart, doomed to a loveless life filled with regrets. And maybe he should feel some kind of relief – it’s over now. No more stressing about Y/N and the dangers. But the truth is, he doesn’t feel relief, he’s angry at her for dying. It’s fucked up, but he can’t shake it. If she had stayed home, she would have been safe, but she was too stubborn to do that. It’s easier to blame her for chasing after him than to accept his lack of control is what got her killed in the end – the way he always feared. The root of the problem is now gone – he doesn’t need control for something he can’t do.
For Paul, there is no comfort, no solace. There is only the unbearable weight of his loss, the emptiness of a future without the woman who was his everything. He presses his forehead to the damp earth, whispering her name over and over, a desperate prayer to the void that now consumes him.
They found Felix not too far from the scene – a blubbering mess of human bones, forced to face the Cullens and Sam who stumbled upon him. Y/N’s blood, even as a human, worked as a cure and Felix was turned – fragile and vulnerable as Y/N once was.
He revealed Eleazar was forced to give up the truth of Y/N’s future to the Volturi in exchange for a full pardon for the Denali coven’s role in the Renesmee debacle.
It didn’t bring Paul much solace when they brought him to justice. Life moved on for everyone else, and in time, he too was leading some semblance of a life – refusing to think or speak about her, terrified of forgetting her. Even hearing her name made his soul tremble with memories, the warmth and the pain. It made his heart break a little more each time he’d look into someone’s eyes that had the same color as hers. He no longer sobbed or wailed, his grief was terribly discreet but as persistent as a bleeding from an unstitched wound.
The Cullens left soon after the funeral. Most of the pack has moved away, with Uleys staying behind. Embry and Daisy moved to Y/N’s family home – it had more room for a growing family. Paul had remained in their home, though he couldn’t sleep in their old room.
At least that’s what Daisy tells her. She’s the only one who visits Y/N’s grave. It’s not unusual, she stops by every Friday, more if it’s someone’s birthday or a holiday. Paul hasn’t been by once. Daisy often apologizes for him, saying it’s just too triggering, but she hopes one of these days he will be strong enough to accompany her.
This time was different.
It’s Jacob who came to visit her. He brought her flowers – sunflowers, the ones they’d lay on their mothers’ graves.
He sits across from her.
“Renesmee and I are getting married.” He opens a box, showing the ring. “I plan to ask her soon. She’ll say yes,” he frowns. “I always thought that I’d get to ask you to stand next to me on my wedding day.”
Jacob looks up at the sky, tears running down his face. Pocketing the ring box, he pulls out a golden rose hair piece and sets it on the ground, right in front of the stone.
“All the bridesmaids will wear these, Alice has already seen it. I wanted you to have yours first.”
He stays a little longer, tells her how he plans to ask her, and of all the things Alice has seen in his future. He mentions Paul – the way they can’t look at each other anymore without seeing Y/N. Jacob plans to rectify it – to invite him to the wedding and have him as his best man. Life’s too short to take steps back from relationships that can be saved.
“I’m sorry,” he chokes out, bowing his head in anguish. “I wish I was strong enough to visit more often. But I don’t think I’ll be back for a long time. Longer than the five years that have passed.”
Licking his lips, he releases a heavy sigh before standing up. He walks away with a heavy heart, one that will never forget the girl who could light up his darkest nights – his platonic soulmate.
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Sundays (Matt Murdock x reader)
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warnings: tooth rotting fluff, religion (they go to church) very very fluffy, husband Matt, this one the poll but new one shot out soon
It was your favorite type of day. A Sunday, because no daredeviling on Sundays. Unless there was something especially serious he heard going on. You shift your weight so that you can shuffle in between his legs looking at your husband. He looks so majestic laying there naked with only a sheet covering his lower half. You weren’t quite modest yourself with only a sheet covering your body as well. Since you both had been just married less than 3 weeks, you were still in the phase where you couldn’t keep your hands off of each other. It wasn't always intimacy times. But Matthew would always be there touching you in some comforting way reminding you he was always by your side. Weither it was a hand on your knee or holding hands with him as you were his “sighted guide”. When really he just used that as an excuse to show you off in public. His hand never left yours. Today was one of those days.
he looked like a sleeping angel not daredevil. His chest was cut from marble and an expression of peice was on his face you barely see. Shifting yourself in between his legs closer, bare chests pressing up against each other separated by only a silk sheet. A reminder of the gift he gave you last night. You lean in to him and give a long lingering kiss. It was soft upon his plump rosy lips and his eyes fluttered open. His sightless eyes gaze upon yours and you break the sweet kiss.
“Hello Mrs. Murdock” he says in his sleepy deep morning voice that makes your knees weak.
Hes never missed an opportunity to call you that in the last 3 weeks. You give him another sweet kiss and he hums. His hands stroking your hair. You slip between the silk sheets so that your warm bodies could press up against each other, though there is nothing sexual about it this time you weren’t in the mood you were just affectionate and he could tell. That smile hadn’t left his face since the two of you were married.
“hello my pretty little devil” you scratch underneath his chin and he leans into it making a small noise of pleasure at the gesture.
“hmm. It’s Sunday would like to come to church with me.” He asks still in a happy bliss “I’d rather not go alone”
you think for a bit,. Matthew’s been going through a rough time lately a really hard time. And god, if there wasn’t anything you’d do to please this man. You never want him to have to be alone again. You knew how much his religion meant to him. And church with Matthew is actually quite enjoyable the times you’ve been with him.
“of course I’ll go with you my love.” You whispered softly to him. He beams at you in return. That smile that hasn’t left since they had the small wedding. ”you should probably get dressed though. Would be a bit distracting.” he teases in a low chuckle
you crinkle up your nose and tease him back “so should you ‘good-catholic lawyer-boy’”
you rumple his hair before rising from his warm embrace to go to your closet. You find something nice to wear and Matthew goes for his normal suit. As he gets dressed you do admit ok yes you starred at his ass the whole time.
he gives a knowing devilish smirk you know all to well as he buttons up his shirt. You silently mourn the loss of staring at his abs “you know I may be blind sweetheart but i can sense you starring” he says with his signature charm.
“well we’re married now, I’m allowed to look at my husband aren’t I?” You say before light giving his ass a smack. You just couldn’t help yourself.
once the two of you are dressed he looks incredibly handsome even with more clothes on, he starts tapping his cane and each way as you two walk on the sidewalk together. Your hand however finds his and intertwines your other hand resting on his shoulder so you can guide him. Knowing that he trusts you even if it’s partly to keep his cover. He stops, smiles at you practically beaming and folds up his cane. The two of you resume your walk to Clinton church. The weather was incredibly nice, the flowers on the windowsills were blooming and the sun was beaming down. A pleasant breeze made the day just the right temperatures. you know even you could smell the sweetness of spring in the air and you didn’t have enhanced senses. You wonder what it’s like for Matt.
You break the comfortable silence as the two of you walk together. “you smell that? It’s my favorite flower”
“I don’t smell lavender y/n”
“oh you remembered, well yes that is my first favorite flower because of the scent but my second favorite is honeysuckle” you explained as the two of you stroll basking in each other’s company.
“Oh, I love that scent too. But sweetheart it’s an invasive plant.” He chuckles good naturedly. The scent of honeysuckle fills his lungs on this Sunday morning. If Amber thought she could smell the sweetness it was nothing compared to his. The way it weaves around his mind fogging it up with pleasant memories of when y/n would wear her citrus and honeysuckle perfume. It truly is a beautiful day. Nothing seems to be going wrong at the moment there isn’t a crime he hears. Or maybe it’s just in the warmth of y/n’s company the terrible sounds and shrieks of the city were muted. He always seemed calmer in her presence.
“We’re here, Clinton church” you read for him
“and on time” he kissed your joined hands before you both step into the church together. The darkness takes a bit for you to adjust to the light in contrast to the brightness of outside. Not that Matthew would mind, you giggle in your head. It truly is a beautiful place with high ceilings and candles lit, it has stained glass windows with beautifully colored pictures made of glass upon it. Y/n especially appreciated these. The way the sunlight of spring catches the stained glass sending a glow to floor adjacent to it. The difference in materials used creates complex shimmering patterns and shapes. Admiring the way each shard and fragment of glass comes together to make a beautiful story from the Bible. The wooden floors are pretty and there are rows of wooden pews with bibles in the pockets of the seat in front of you. It smells of that distinct church scent that is quite hard to discribe. The best Matthew can do is old wooden oak polished, with the scent of old books the type that are yellowing with age. He suspects these are from the Bible’s. The people played a role into it two he could often sense their perfume or their recent showers. There's also the scent of candles and incense. The incense is one of three smells that is most distinctive out of the melting pot to Matt. There’s a lingering air of smoke from previous services but it’s never too heavy. It’s not like cigarettes smoke at all, one of Matthew’s least favorite scents in the world. Well that was until he had been in an explosion as daredevil. Burning flesh was definitely the worst thing he’s ever sensed. He had to take many showers to get the smell out of his system. But overall he liked the scent and it was familiar to him. He was raised here. Even if he’s strayed so far, or hated his past now. But the scent of Clinton church was strangely calming and comforting to Matthew. You guide him to a pew bench that’s completely empty. You take your seat next to Matt once he’s settled his hand in his lap the other toying with his cane. You notice pleasantly that your seated directly next to a stain glass window. This one depicts baby Moses floating in the river. You particularly like the way the light shines through the glass making it translucent. The water a blue haze.
you find your seat and you take matts hand that’s in his lap, interlocking both your fingers. He brings the your hands up to his lips and gives a long kiss on your hand before resting it in his lap. The service starts shortly after and it only takes an hour, which is good because you can’t sit still for much longer than that. Matthew listens to what the priest says and you can’t but help admire how he looks. Sitting on the bench with his back leaning slightly back and his head up high. Those shoulders that carry the whole weight of this city on them . Intently listening, he leans his head just slightly back, his stunning red glasses perched upon his face. He looks proud almost. How could someone who looks so good be going through so much. Truth be told you were always worried about Matt. Being daredevil takes a tole on his soul. But you’ve been keeping an eye on him making sure he’s okay recently. He holds your hand the entire time. Only breaking when you have to pray but quickly rejoining his hand with yours. His thumbs stroking your hand comfortably.
“should I read to you what we’re saying?” You say wondering how he does this.
“uh no” he chuckles “i can hear them sweetheart”
“oh right” you answer sheepishly. Sometimes you’re still figuring out the extent of his blindness. He rubs your hand more finding the way you want to help endearing. You distinctly feel the cool of his ring on his hand. And you beam with pride. Before you know it the service is over and Matt stands up with you and unfolds his cane and starts tapping it. You wrap your arms around his as you “guide” him. But also in his own way it’s just another way to show you off. Matthew exchanged a few words with father lantom and some of the others before the two of you walked out into the bright spring day. There was not a cloud in the sky. After walking for a while hand and hand. Your golden beautiful rings shining in the sun. Your diamond perfectly sparkling. The consistent tap of Matt’s cane across everything. The silence is comforting and after a while he turns to you.
“thanks you” he says quietly.
your turn to him “for what?”
“for that, staying beside me. You……you don’t know how much it means to someone like me.” He adds sincerely.
you do know how much it means to him. Not many people have stayed with him, loving him unconditionally like you do. And he needs that, Matt needs her love. Her holds your chin delicately and pulls you in for a soft kiss. You sigh into the kiss. A very love sick sigh
once he breaks the kiss he’s smiling again with his beautiful smile. He brushed a stray lock of hair out of your face. “So..” his face still close to you. Red glasses practically glowing in the sun “how’s married life treating you Mrs. Murdock?”
you stroke his hair before speaking also a smile plastered on your face. “I think it suits me very well Mr. Murdock.” And he kissed your hand before continuing tapping his cane and walking on the sidewalk with you.
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callsigns-haze · 2 months
Rest now my love
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Eris x Rhysand's Sister!Reader Summary: Eris cares for a bedridden Y/N, ensuring she rests following their recent loss while balancing the needs of their baby, Finna. Amidst their struggle, they find solace and strength in their unwavering love and support for each other. Chapter Warnings: Grief and loss, Medical distress, Emotional vulnerability, Miscarriage
*Serves as a one-shot but can be read as memories fade or the sequel loves haze series
A couple of days had passed, but the pain of their loss was still fresh. Eris sat in the living room, the morning light filtering through the windows casting a soft glow on the space. He was gently bouncing baby Finna in his arms, trying to soothe the little one who kept calling out for his mama.
"Mama… Mama…" Finna's small voice was plaintive, filled with a longing that broke Eris's heart anew.
"Mama needs to rest, little one," Eris murmured softly, brushing a kiss against Finna's forehead. "She’s been through a lot and needs to get her strength back."
Finna squirmed in his arms, his little hands reaching towards the hallway that led to the bedroom where Y/N was resting. Eris tightened his hold, gently swaying from side to side. He could feel the exhaustion deep in his bones, the weight of the past days bearing down heavily on him. But he knew he had to be strong for both Finna and Y/N.
He looked towards the bedroom door, his thoughts drifting to Y/N. Ever since they had lost the baby, she had been put on 24/7 bed rest. The healers insisted it was necessary for her physical recovery, but Eris knew that the emotional wounds were far deeper and would take much longer to heal.
"Mama needs to sleep, Finna," he whispered, trying to infuse his voice with as much calm as he could muster. "She’ll be back with us soon. Until then, it's just you and me, buddy."
Finna's face scrunched up, tears welling in his hazel eyes. Eris’s heart clenched, and he rocked the baby more vigorously, trying to distract him. He started humming a lullaby, the same one Y/N used to sing to Finna every night. It seemed to work, at least for a moment, as Finna’s cries softened into hiccups.
Eris walked over to the large window, looking out at the serene landscape beyond. The view had always brought him a sense of peace, but now it felt distant, almost mocking in its tranquillity. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath, trying to centre himself. He couldn’t afford to break down now; his family needed him.
As he continued to hum, he felt Finna’s small body relax slightly in his arms. He glanced down, seeing the baby’s eyelids droop. It was a small victory, but one he clung to desperately. He walked over to the rocking chair by the window and carefully sat down, cradling Finna against his chest.
For a while, he simply rocked, the rhythmic motion lulling Finna into a deeper sleep. His mind wandered back to Y/N, imagining her lying in their bed, pale and exhausted. He wished he could take away her pain, share the burden of their loss more tangibly. But all he could do was be there for her, support her in every way possible.
He knew she felt guilty for going on the mission, but he didn’t blame her. How could he? They had both made decisions they thought were best for their family. Now, they had to navigate this new reality together.
After what felt like an eternity, Finna’s breathing evened out, and Eris knew the baby had finally fallen asleep. He carefully stood up, carrying Finna to his crib. As he laid the baby down, he couldn’t help but brush another kiss on his forehead, his heart swelling with love and protectiveness.
Eris lingered by the crib for a moment, watching Finna sleep. Then he turned and walked quietly to the bedroom. He peeked inside, seeing Y/N resting. Her face was peaceful in sleep, but there was an underlying tension that hadn’t been there before.
He slipped into the room, moving to sit on the edge of the bed. He took Y/N’s hand in his, pressing a gentle kiss to her knuckles. “We’ll get through this,” he whispered, more to himself than to her.
As Eris sat quietly beside Y/N, holding her hand, he noticed her beginning to stir. The gentle rise and fall of her chest became slightly more pronounced, and her fingers twitched within his grasp. Her eyelashes fluttered, casting delicate shadows on her pale cheeks. She took a deeper breath, her body gradually awakening from the depths of rest.
Y/N's brow furrowed slightly, as if her mind was reluctant to leave the realm of dreams and face the harsh reality waiting for her. Eris tightened his hold on her hand, his thumb stroking over her knuckles in a soothing, repetitive motion.
Her eyes slowly opened, unfocused and hazy at first, adjusting to the soft light in the room. She blinked a few times, her gaze eventually landing on Eris. There was a brief moment of confusion, her mind piecing together where she was and why Eris was sitting so close, watching her with such tender concern.
"Eris?" Her voice was a soft whisper, laced with lingering sleep and a hint of vulnerability.
"I'm here, love," Eris replied gently, leaning in to press a kiss to her forehead. "How are you feeling?"
Y/N took a moment to assess herself, her free hand moving to her lower abdomen as if she could still feel the phantom pain of their loss. Her eyes filled with unshed tears, and she looked up at Eris, her expression a mixture of sorrow and guilt.
"I… I feel…" Her voice broke, unable to find the right words to describe the whirlwind of emotions inside her.
Eris moved closer, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and pulling her into a comforting embrace. "It's okay," he murmured into her hair. "You don't have to say anything. Just rest. I'm here."
She buried her face in his chest, her tears soaking into his shirt. Eris held her tightly, his heart aching for her, for them both. He wished he could take away her pain, to shoulder the burden alone, but he knew they had to face this together.
After a few moments, Y/N pulled back slightly, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. "How's Finna?" she asked, her voice still shaky.
"He's fine," Eris reassured her with a small smile. "He misses you, of course. He keeps calling out for 'mama.' I told him you need your rest, but he's a stubborn little one."
Y/N managed a weak chuckle, her lips curving into a faint smile. "Just like his father," she teased lightly, her eyes softening with love as she looked at him.
Eris chuckled too, the sound a balm to both their souls. "Well, I suppose he gets that from me," he admitted. "But he’s also got your strength and resilience. He’s going to be just fine. We all will."
She nodded, leaning into him once more, drawing comfort from his presence. "I hope so," she whispered. "I really hope so."
Eris held her close, his fingers gently tracing soothing patterns on her back. "One day at a time," he reminded her softly. "We'll get through this together."
Eris felt Y/N's grip on his arm tighten as he tried to gently extricate himself from the bed. Her eyes were wide and pleading, and he paused, giving her a reassuring smile.
"I just need to get your medication, love," he said softly, brushing a stray lock of hair away from her face.
She groaned in response, her voice filled with frustration. "Eris, please. Just stay with me. I don't want you to go."
"I know, sweetheart," he murmured, leaning down to press a tender kiss to her forehead. "But you need your medicine. It's important for your recovery."
Y/N huffed, looking away for a moment before turning back to him. "I have to pee," she admitted, a touch of embarrassment colouring her cheeks.
Eris's expression softened further, and he chuckled gently. "Well, in that case, I'll carry you. You're not supposed to move a muscle, remember?"
She looked at him, exasperated but grateful. "Eris, I can walk to the bathroom."
He shook his head firmly. "Nope. Doctor's orders. You’re not supposed to strain yourself at all. Besides, I like carrying you."
Before she could protest further, he scooped her up effortlessly, cradling her against his chest. She let out a soft squeak of surprise, her arms instinctively wrapping around his neck. Despite her initial reluctance, she relaxed into his embrace, resting her head on his shoulder.
"You're impossible," she muttered, though there was a hint of a smile in her voice.
"And you love me for it," he teased back, carrying her with ease toward the bathroom. The house was quiet, the only sound the soft padding of his feet on the floor and the gentle hum of their combined breathing.
As they reached the bathroom, Eris carefully set her down, making sure she was steady before releasing his hold. "I'll wait right here," he said, his voice leaving no room for argument.
Y/N sighed but nodded, appreciating his unwavering support even if it was overprotective. "Alright, but don't hover."
Eris chuckled again, leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed. "No promises."
She gave him a mock glare before stepping into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. He heard the sounds of her moving about, and his thoughts drifted to the past few days—the worry, the grief, the determination to see her through this. His heart ached for her, for what they had lost, but he also felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude that she was here, alive and with him.
A few minutes later, the door opened, and Y/N emerged, looking slightly better but still fragile. Eris immediately stepped forward, lifting her into his arms once more. She didn't resist this time, simply resting her head against his shoulder.
"Thank you," she whispered, her breath warm against his neck.
He pressed a kiss to her temple. "Always, love. Now, let's get you back to bed so I can fetch that medication."
He carried her back to their room, laying her down gently on the bed and tucking the blankets around her. She looked up at him with tired eyes, filled with a mixture of love and exhaustion.
"Don't be long," she murmured, her fingers lightly brushing his arm.
"I won't," he promised, bending down to kiss her forehead once more before heading out of the room.
As he walked down the hallway, Eris couldn't help but marvel at the strength of the woman he loved. Despite everything, she remained resilient, a beacon of light in their darkest moments. He vowed to do everything in his power to support her, to be the rock she needed as they navigated this difficult time together.
He quickly retrieved the medication from the kitchen, his thoughts focused solely on Y/N. When he returned to the bedroom, she was still awake, her eyes tracking his every move.
"Here you go," he said softly, handing her the pills and a glass of water.
She took them without complaint, her gaze never leaving his face. "Thank you," she whispered again, her voice filled with gratitude and something deeper, something that spoke of their unbreakable bond.
"Anything for you," he replied, settling back beside her on the bed and pulling her close. "Now rest, love. I'm right here."
With a contented sigh, Y/N snuggled into his embrace, and Eris held her tightly, his heart swelling with love and determination. Together, they would face whatever came their way, one step at a time.
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sunny44 · 10 months
What about us? (Part 2)
Pairing: Lewis Hamilton x Fem!reader
Warnings: mentions of the 2021 season and retirement
Summary: You and Lewis decide the future of yours relationship.
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
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Days passed since Harley's birthday and she was still ecstatic even after several days. Lewis and I navigated the delicate balance of co-parenting, silently grappling with the underlying currents of our shared history.
One evening, as the sun dipped below the Monaco horizon, I found Lewis standing on the balcony of my apartment, gazing into the distance. The weight of his unspoken struggles hung in the air.
"Mind if I join you?" I asked, stepping outside. He turned to me, a mix of emotions flickering in his eyes.
We stood in companionable silence, appreciating the illuminated city below us. Finally, he broke the quietude.
"I've been thinking a lot about what Angela said, about missing having a family." I nodded, sensing the vulnerability in his words.
"Lewis, we've been through a lot and whatever decision you make about your career or life, Harley and I will be here for you." He sighed, shoulders relaxing a fraction.
"I appreciate that. It's just... Formula 1 has been my world for so long, and I'm at a point where I question if it's still where I belong." I placed a hand on his arm, offering comfort.
"Sometimes change is necessary. If you decide to step away, we'll support you. What matters for us is your well-being." He nodded, a hint of gratitude in his eyes.
"I'm so lucky to have you both."
“Harley and I are lucky to have you in our lives.”
The following weeks brought more heart-to-heart conversations, a tentative exploration of what the future might hold. As the Monaco Grand Prix approached, Lewis faced the track with a newfound perspective.
Race day arrived and I found myself watching from the stands, Harley's eyes gleaming with excitement. She was passionate about this world, and her favorite part was watching her father on the tracks. Lewis's car roared down the circuit, and she cheered excitedly, pointing to the black Mercedes and then to Uncle Max’s Redbull car.
In an unexpected turn of events, Lewis clinched victory, reclaiming his place on the podium. The cheers of the crowd echoed through the principality.
After the race, Lewis joined us, a mix of exhaustion and elation on his face. Harley hugged him tightly, and he looked at me with a genuine smile. Perhaps, in that moment, he found a piece of the joy that had been missing since that championship in 2021.
As the celebrations unfolded, I couldn't help but wonder where our journey would lead. I had thought a lot about us since Harley's birthday, and I would be lying if I said I didn't miss him, because I did, a lot.
I missed waking up, and he was the first person I saw in the morning, sharing the small victories of our lives and being the three of us together as a family.
"She's asleep," he said, appearing in his apartment's kitchen. We came here after the race.
"She didn't take an afternoon nap, so it was expected," I said, handing him a cup of tea. "I've been thinking."
"About?" he asks after taking a sip of his tea.
"About us." Immediately, he puts the cup on the counter, and I do the same.
"I know it's been a while since we broke up, and I believe the reason we ended things was genuine, and I truly think we needed to step back then, but..." I took a deep breath.
"But I never wanted us to end things that way."
"Me neither; that was certainly a year of losses for me, and Harley definitely saved me."
"I know, but I don't want to live like this anymore."
"Like what?"
"Separated." I could see his eyes light up. "I want her to have stability, to know that we'll always be here for her, and I also need you here whenever you can."
"You want to get back together with me?"
"Yes. Unless you don't want to."
"That's what I want the most since you told me you were pregnant." He says getting closer. "I love you, I never stopped loving you and I want to spend the rest of our lives together."
"That's good because I love you too." He smiles, and we kiss.
And it was exactly as if we were kissing for the first time again, the feeling of butterflies and happiness was the same.
"Come on, let's finish our tea in bed." We grabbed our cups and went to his bedroom.
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Bonus scene!
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“Monaco days in family”
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Tag list: @ironmaiden1313 @myloverjk-blog @leoramage @magicalfundragon
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reyesstrand · 2 months
wip wednesday
thanks for the tags @tommy-kinard-buckley @heartstringsduet @strandnreyes @paperstorm @whatsintheboxmh @safeaswrites @carlos-in-glasses <3 my other wip is nsfw so here’s a little something i wrote last night. will it turn into anything? who knows!
TK wakes up on the morning of his thirtieth birthday with pale white light shining in through the window, and his husband spooned up behind him.
It’s not as commonplace as it once was. He’s had months now to get used to the absence on the left side of the bed; months to get used to the empty promises of just a little while longer as Carlos stared down his laptop like it held all the answers he was looking for, months to get used to the late night phone calls apologizing for picking up another shift to try and dig deeper. They make up for it where they can—TK’s often whisked away for lunch whenever they have a spare moment at work, his radio close by in case he’s called back to the ambulance before they can finish bites of each other’s tacos, and they still carve out time to host their friends—but it’s those inky blue hours between late night and early morning, those hours where they’d usually unwind and fall asleep together unless shifts kept them apart, that have all but disappeared from their routine.
And TK gets it. He gets it better than anyone, because he lost his mother to a freak accident—a freak accident where the delivery guy stayed, and called for help, and still probably carries the weight of her loss on his shoulders—and he still feels her like a missing limb. He can’t imagine the added weight of the unending mystery; of grief layered with the knowledge of the case slowly turning cold. Because of it, Carlos still wakes up gasping for air, and so TK can’t quite blame him for pushing off sleep as long as he can, despite TK’s endless attempts to get him to rest.
But today he’s here. Carlos is here, and his face is pressed into TK’s hair, and his arm is snug around his waist as he holds TK tight to his body. And it feels like a dream.
no pressure tagging @theghostofashton @alrightbuckaroo @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @welcometololaland @rmd-writes @freneticfloetry @never-blooms @sanjuwrites @liminalmemories21 & open tag <3333
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swifty-fox · 4 months
good morning its little beasts saturday
“Keep going,” Gale orders, fisting John’s cock between loose fingers, letting saliva and precome slick his journey up and down the shaft. His own arousal is a half forgotten feeling between his legs. Pressing against his slacks insistently but dull for how he’s so focused on this. The slick sounds of skin on skin, the shuddering breaths John keeps trying to hide, as if embarrassed how undone he already is becoming. The bitter taste of John’s need on his tongue, flavor not so different from his sweat.
“Think you’re going to need confession after this one Father. Taking your communion from my fat cock, on your knees like an altar boy? All while asking me for forgiveness? Think you might be more filthy than even I.”
Gale bites John’s hipbone until a bruise blooms in the perfect map of his teeth because he’s right. John falls back on his elbows with a moan.
“Keep going.” He hisses. Swallows John down again, nose burying in the thick forest of hair around his groin. The scent of him is so trong it makes him dizzy, sweat and musk and streaked with the drippings of his own saliva. It wets his face, tickles the inside of his nose and he has to close his eyes against the divinity of it.
“B-because I dread the loss of Heaven,” John grits out, hand pressing Gale down on his cock now, grinding himself into his mouth. He’s so deep Gale can’t taste him, but he can feel him dripping down the back of his throat.
“And the pains of hell.”
John fucks his throat for a lazy while, whimpering and whining out his pleasure between prayer. It’s filthy, it’s the most Gale has ever felt truly holy.
“But most of all, because they offend Thee, my God.”
His chest tightens, throat convulsing in a threat and he draws off with a ragged gasp of air, returning his cheek to the pillow of John’s thigh. His skin slick with sweat, the curly hair of his thick poking Gales cheek, tangling in his lashes as he blinks, feeling a little cock-dumb himself. John pets his hair soothingly, strokes along the shell of his ear. Gale wants to kiss him. 
Takes him down again instead. Bobs his head shallowly this time, twisting his fingers around the length he doesn’t let into his mouth. As if waiting, John starts up again.
“Who are all good and deserving of my love.”
He can feel John trembling, his voice growing deeper, ragged and more growling. Fingers returning to grip Gale’s hair rather than simply pet, guiding the pace and rhythm of his head to his liking. 
John throws his head back, the tendons of his neck cast in stark relief by the afternoon light “I firmly resolve….with the help of thy grace- Fuck Gale. Feel so fucking good baby you take me like you’ve been doing this for years. Like you’ve been practicing on your fingers for me.”
If he had. If he had, with one hand down his briefs and the other starting only as a way to keep himself quiet- and then as a way to remember the weight of John’s cock in his mouth, that is between him and his own conscience. If he fucked his fist wet and sloppy from his eagerness and his mouth just the same picturing John pressing into him with that big body he didn’t think anyone but him and the Lord deserved to know.
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slyscoutess · 5 months
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paring: enzo vogrincic x fem!reader [ no faceclaim ] summary: your boyfriend, enzo, needs to lose a lot of weight during the filming of his new movie. You decided that you wouldn't let it be a torture for him, discovering and sharing new recipes together. writer: I always find myself thinking about Enzo talking about how it was a great time for him, the time he needed to lose weight. And I got the little idea of ​​him being quite domestic with his girlfriend, trying out those new recipes that would help with the weight loss journey.
( tradução para o português )
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liked by franromerofran, vogrincicenzo, annafntoni and 123 others
yourusername It's been 84 years since this house went on a mandatory diet, mainly because I wouldn't leave Enzo completely alone in this, and now father and son are both kinda grumpy
view all 34 comments
simonhempe pipito suffering from having to eat healthily, just like me fr
yourusername He is suffering because his father can no longer spoil him with food, gato arruinado
moratodeschini give the cat what he wants, the man I don't really care????
kuku.esteban I'm in favor of hiring pipo to act in pipe's place, almost same name
rocco.posca wtf??? Why does your breakfast seem to be tastier than it should be??
matiasrecalt My meals are so tasteless I'm thinking about throwing myself off the cabbage tree vogrincicenzo thank god is my girlfriend who cook this type of thing for me
pipegonzalezotano missing real food hour
paubaldini this seems soo good, i'm gonna ugly cry
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Enzo woke up that morning with a sense of calm and determination that enveloped him like a gentle hug. The sunlight, filtered through the partly open curtains, painted the room with a golden aura, making him feel as though he were immersed in a peaceful dream. Nestled between soft sheets, he allowed his mind to adjust to waking up, absorbing the serenity that permeated the environment. The enticing aroma of coffee wafted through the air, filling him with anticipation and comfort. He knew, without needing to get up, that his girlfriend was already in the kitchen, preparing breakfast with care and love. It was a ritual of connection, a way to start the day together, sharing not only meals but also dreams and aspirations.
The weight loss journey for his role in "The Snow Society" had become more than just a professional goal. It had become a central part of their lives, a shared journey that strengthened their bond and united them in a common purpose. They had embraced this journey together, facing challenges and celebrating victories side by side. Every morning, as they smelled the fresh coffee and contemplated the soft light flooding the room, they renewed their mutual commitment to care for each other and themselves. It was more than just losing weight for a role; it was about taking care of their bodies, nurturing their minds, and strengthening their relationship through mutual support and camaraderie.
With a gentle yawn, Enzo stretched in bed, letting the last remnants of sleep escape his body. Wearing his comfortable pajama shorts, he prepared for another day filled with challenges and adventures alongside his partner. Aware of the possibilities the day held, he filled himself with determination and curiosity, readily willing to face whatever came his way. As he stepped through the partly open door of the kitchen, Enzo was greeted by the familiar and comforting sound of hot water passing through the coffee filter. The welcoming aroma filled the room, enveloping him in an aura of comfort and familiarity. His girlfriend was focused, her skilled hands carefully cutting fresh fruits, ready to compose the perfect breakfast. The morning ritual of preparing the first meal of the day together was a tangible expression of their love and mutual commitment.
As he watched his partner work with skill, Enzo couldn't help but smile at Pipo, the couple's lazy cat, elegantly stretched out on the counter, lazily watching the kitchen activity. The feline was a constant presence in their lives, bringing comfort and joy with its serene and indolent personality. Enzo approached the counter, enveloping his girlfriend in a hug from behind, planting a loving kiss on her neck. The atmosphere was imbued with a tranquil serenity, as if the very air were suffused with an aura of peace. The gentle clinking of knives cutting fresh fruit was the only sound breaking the silence, creating a delicate and comforting melody that filled the kitchen. Enzo, entering quietly, contemplated the scene with a sense of calm and admiration.
His girlfriend was immersed in her work, her graceful and precise movements revealing the dedication and care she put into each task, not only in meal preparation but also in nurturing their relationship. Every fruit cut was executed with a mastery that denoted years of practice and love for the culinary arts. Enzo watched her with a sparkle in his eyes, marveling at his partner's skill and grace. It was as if she were dancing among the ingredients, moving with a natural harmony and fluidity that captivated his heart. In her delicate gestures, he saw not only a master in the kitchen but also a committed companion intent on making every shared moment special and meaningful.
As the sunlight gently spilled through the window, illuminating the scene with golden hues, Enzo felt inundated with a sense of gratitude and tenderness. That was the essence of the life they had built together: simple moments, yet laden with love and mutual care. And in that moment, as he stood there, silently admiring her, Enzo knew there was no place he'd rather be than by her side, sharing every small moment of the journey they had chosen to walk together.
Enzo felt a comforting warmth spread through his chest as he wrapped his girlfriend in a hug from behind, his arms enveloping her with tenderness and protection. The delicate scent emanating from her enveloped him like an invisible embrace, flooding his senses with a feeling of familiarity and love. She was more than his partner; she was his anchor amidst the storms of life, his source of comfort and strength in times of adversity. Closing his eyes for a brief moment, Enzo allowed himself to sink into that moment of shared intimacy, letting himself be carried away by the comforting sensation of being with the person he loved. Each beat of his heart seemed to echo the deep bond they shared, strengthening their connection and renewing his determination to face the challenges that lay ahead.
As his arms embraced his girlfriend, Enzo felt her gently interrupt the fruit cutting, her fingers sliding down his arm with a gentle caress. It was as if she could read his thoughts, sharing not only his concerns about the necessary weight loss for the role but also his determination to make this journey as bearable and rewarding as possible for both of them. It was in moments like these, surrounded by the calm of the morning and the comforting presence of each other, that Enzo found strength and inspiration to keep moving forward. Knowing they had each other to lean on, to share the joys and burdens of life, was an invaluable gift that he would never cease to cherish.
Enzo knew well that she had delved headfirst into extensive research, consulting nutritionists and exploring various approaches to diet and weight loss. Every article read, every conversation with experts, was an incessant quest for knowledge, an attempt to find the most effective and healthy path to achieve their goals. Her determination was palpable, and Enzo deeply admired her tireless dedication. Together, they had turned all that knowledge into action, developing a carefully crafted meal plan. Every meal was meticulously planned, ensuring they received all the necessary nutrients to sustain their bodies during the intense weight loss process. However, the plan wasn't just about nutritional aspects; they also made sure that each dish was an enjoyable gastronomic experience, preserving the taste and pleasure of food.
Enzo felt a profound sense of gratitude for having such a dedicated and loving partner by his side. She not only shared their goals but also invested her time and energy to ensure they achieved success together. It was a clear demonstration of the mutual commitment they nurtured, not only regarding weight loss but also in building and strengthening their relationship. As the comforting aroma of coffee filled the kitchen, Enzo took a moment to appreciate the tranquility of the moment. There, next to his partner, he knew that no matter how challenging the road ahead might be, they would be together.
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liked by pipegonzalezotano, matiasrecalt, paulabaldini and 104 others
yourusername Today's lunch featured seafood, and for dessert, Enzo stole tangerines from the neighbor and pretended it was normal (which it probably is for him, since we don't buy tangerines and he's always eating one).
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kuku.esteban Tomorrow it will be in all the newspapers in Latin America: Uruguayan actor steals mixiricas and an INCAPABLE elderly man
vongrincicenzo incapable is me, that old man is in excellent condition
franromerofran stop immediately, you are prohibited from posting delicious food
yourusername that's my boyfriend fran franromerofran STOP
pipegonzalezotano NO MORE SALAD I BEG YOU
rocco.posca Another day, another desire to live in the Vogrincic house
feliperamusiomora petition for enzo to let us sleep on his couch vogrincicenzo petition denied, and don't listen to nena, she shouldn't agree
agustinpardella I can smell the shrimp in the photo, I'm going crazy
alfosinacarrocio I'm stopping in front of your house immediately
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Enzo was sitting on the balcony of the apartment, immersed in his lines as he reviewed the script for his next project. The golden afternoon sun bathed the surroundings, gently warming his face and illuminating the space around him. The warm breeze blew softly, carrying with it the fresh scent of flowers from the garden below.
However, even amidst his concentration, something caught his attention. His eyes diverted from the paper and fixed on the tangerine trees in the front house. It was a simple yet captivating sight. The branches laden with small citrus fruits swayed gently in the wind, creating a delicate and mesmerizing dance. That old house had always held a charm over Enzo since he and his girlfriend moved into the apartment. The weathered walls and windows adorned with lace curtains evoked a sense of nostalgia and romance that he simply adored. But it was the tangerine trees that truly fascinated him.
Every time he looked at those small bushes, Enzo was transported to a place of tranquility and calm. With determination, Enzo carefully placed Pipo, his sleepy cat that was on his lap, onto the balcony table. He felt the slight weight of the feline transfer to the wood as he rose, ready to venture out. The sun still gently bathed the surroundings, casting playful shadows across the furniture.
Enzo leaned, but did not close, the balcony door silently, letting the cat enjoy the fresh air as he ventured outside. Passing through the kitchen, a delicious aroma of home-cooked food enveloped him. His girlfriend, wearing one of his oversized t-shirts and denim shorts, was focused on preparing lunch. Her hair fell casually over her shoulders as she skillfully stirred a pot. A wave of desire washed over him as he saw her there, so natural and beautiful in the simplicity of that everyday moment. Enzo felt an intense urge to approach her, to envelop her in his arms and whisper words of love. But he resisted, knowing he had a mission to accomplish that day.
With a discreet smile on his lips, Enzo restrained himself, averting his gaze with determination. With careful steps, he left the house and closed the door with a gentle click, ensuring there was no noise to disturb the tranquility inside. The wood of the door fit perfectly into the frame, as if cooperating with his intention to leave without attracting attention.
As the sun began to bathe the kitchen with its golden rays, the current cook of the house began to feel the gentle touch of Pipo sliding down her leg. She was surprised by the cat's presence there, knowing that at that time, he would probably be enjoying the sun on the balcony with Enzo. With a curious smile, she bent down to pet the feline and asked in a soft voice, "What are you doing here, Pipo? Where's your dad?" Pipo looked at her with his large curious eyes but made no sound in response. His tail moved slowly from side to side, as if subtly communicating something.
Intrigued, the woman picked up the cat and decided to investigate. With light steps and the cat nestled between her arms, she headed to the balcony, where she hoped to find her boyfriend. Upon reaching the glass door that separated the kitchen from the outdoor space, a gentle breeze caressed her face, bringing with it the fresh scent of plants and flowers. Her eyes scanned the balcony, looking for Enzo, but he wasn't there. She furrowed her brow, confused by his absence, but her heart warmed at the tranquil and serene scene before her. The sun's rays painted everything with golden hues, creating an atmosphere of peace and serenity.
With a contented sigh, Enzo's girlfriend approached the table, where Pipo used to settle next to his boyfriend. She imagined Enzo there, immersed in his thoughts or perhaps reviewing the script while the cat slept peacefully by his side. Realizing that Enzo wasn't on the balcony, his girlfriend began to search for him, talking to Pipo as she looked around. "Where did your dad go?" she muttered, while the cat meowed in response, as if trying to help in the search.
Her gaze eventually found Enzo in the front house, using his t-shirt to make a basket and pick tangerines from the neighbor's tree. With a playful smile, she greeted the man who lived in the house, saying, "Good morning, Mr. Oliveira!"
Enzo, surprised by his girlfriend's sudden appearance, quickly looked up and, in doing so, lost his balance, dropping some of the fruits he had picked, feeling somewhat embarrassed as he tried to retrieve the tangerines that had rolled out of the makeshift basket. His girlfriend chuckled softly at the situation, approaching to help him gather the fallen fruits. Enzo smiled, feeling relieved that it was just another playful joke from his beloved, until the voice of the neighboring gentleman emerged not as distant as he would have liked. "Good morning, dear, how's your afternoon going?" he addressed the neighbor with a wave, working in his garden not so far from the tangerine trees. Enzo's eyes widened quickly; it was clear that she would know about it, taking time to talk to her neighbor when she wasn't working and Enzo wasn't home. Enzo and his girlfriend looked at each other, sharing a knowing smile before Enzo quickly ran back to his apartment, leaving the freshly picked tangerines on the kitchen counter. Upon arriving home, he found his girlfriend still chatting with the neighbor on the balcony. He smiled to see her so comfortable but decided to surprise her and continue playing the role of the good guy to the old man who lived in the house across the street.
With light steps, Enzo pretended to leave the house for the first time that day, yawning exaggeratedly and stretching as he approached her from behind. The gentle breeze played with his hair as he approached, his loose t-shirt adorning his body casually. One of his hands slid gently to her waist, while the other stretched in a theatrical yawn. He leaned in to gently kiss the top of her head, his lips brushing lightly against her hair as he spoke.
"Ah, good morning, babe," he murmured sleepily, trying to maintain a tone of surprise in his voice. "Good morning, Mr. Oliveira!" his voice now a bit louder, as he greeted the neighbor, waving gently to him, who waved back. His girlfriend turned with a smile on her lips as she felt Enzo's touch, her eyes sparkling with amusement as she realized what he was doing, deciding to play along. "Good morning, sleepyhead," she replied, laughing softly. "Are you aware that it's already lunchtime?"
Enzo laughed, feeling happy to be sharing that relaxed moment with her. "You know how it is, I was up late last night, it was reealy hard to sleep," he joked, gently squeezing his girlfriend's waist in a loving gesture. The neighbor, who was watching the scene with a friendly smile, once again drew the couple's attention, engaging in a new conversation with the woman, occasionally bringing up Enzo, who, in turn, smiled at the neighbor, conveying an impression of courtesy and friendliness, but his thoughts were fully focused on the woman by his side.
Unable to resist the growing desire within him, Enzo let his hands slowly descend to her hips, feeling the softness of her skin beneath his fingers, which soon wandered to one side of her ass, still pretending normalcy, as if listening to the whole conversation. He gently squeezed it, conveying a subtle signal of possessiveness and affection as the conversation continued. Time seemed to slow down as they exchanged words with the neighbor, but inside, Enzo was eager for the moment when they would be alone again. Each touch, each glance exchanged with his girlfriend only heightened his longing for her.
As Enzo enveloped his girlfriend in a passionate embrace, she gently interrupted the effusive exchange of affection to address a few words to the neighbor, who was still watching from below. "Mr. Oliveira, I think it's time for lunch. Let's resume this conversation later, okay?" she said, smiling at the man as she slowly moved away from Enzo's embrace.
The neighbor nodded understandingly. "Of course, no problem! See you later, kids," he replied with a friendly smile before heading back to his house. With the brief interaction concluded, Enzo's girlfriend turned to him, ready to resume the moment of intimacy they had interrupted. However, before she could say anything, she felt Enzo's head bury into her neck, his arms wrapping around her from behind.
She sighed softly, feeling a shiver run down her spine with the light kisses Enzo left on her neck. It was a simple gesture, but filled with affection and tenderness, which made her feel loved and desired. The kisses gradually turned into nibbles, causing the woman to lean back into her boyfriend's warm touch, who in turn pressed his hips more against hers, his lips delicately moving to her ear. "Let's go inside, babe, I need to eat something…" he whispered in her ear, his voice husky and incredibly endearing, he knew well when and how to use it. "Lunch is ready, we can serve ourselves now, my love," she commented. Enzo chuckled playfully at her response, squeezing her more in his arms with tenderness. "Always thinking about food, huh?" He said with a teasing smile, his lips gently brushing against her neck as he spoke. "But I think I can make an effort not to completely exhaust you, after all, the smell of lunch is so good that it would be a sin not to enjoy it later," he whispered, before pulling her back into the house again.
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liked by agustinpardella, kuku.esteban, paulabaldini and 113 others
yourusername Time to replenish some shortages in the fridge, and Pipito decided he didn't want to leave Enzo's lap, or was it Enzo who decided not to let go of the cat?
view all 42 comments
moratodeschini Living or just waiting for the moment when I'll steal Enzo's cat and girl?
vongrincicenzo please don't feliperamusiomora I'm right here, you know?
simonhempe pipito just living the life I dream of
yourusername you dream abou my boyfriend's lap? vogrincicenzo I also dream about u
pipegonzalezotano your fridge must be very sad
rocco.posca just waiting for her to decide what they are going to eat for dinner so she can give me the drive with the recipes for my menu for tomorrow
matiasrecalt Rocco said something about uploads a recipe drive every night, nena send it to me
kuku.esteban It's good that you went out shopping and aren't stealing from other people's houses
agustinpardella Who's to say they didn't steal from the market? jeronimogiocondobosia and tomorrow in the daily newspaper . . .
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As Enzo and his partner walked through the aisles filled with shelves brimming with colorful and aromatic ingredients, a package of pasta caught her attention. With a smile on her lips, she picked it up, displaying it with a curious gaze. "What kind of sauce do you prefer today, love?" Her voice carried a note of curiosity, as if she were ready to venture into creating a new dish. Enzo, staring at the package with anticipation in his eyes, considered for a moment before replying, his smile widening as he imagined the flavors blending perfectly.
"How about a well-seasoned tomato sauce?" he suggested, his mind already running through the steps to prepare the dish. He could visualize the fresh tomatoes being cut into juicy pieces, the aroma of garlic browning in the pan, and the spices dancing around, ready to transform the simple pasta into a culinary masterpiece. His partner nodded with a smile of approval and said softly, "You know, I was thinking, we could try that recipe we saw on TikTok? It looked delicious and would be a great option for breakfast."
Enzo smiled, agreeing with the idea. "We can do that tomorrow morning. I think it will be a perfect way to start the day." As they continued to wait in line at the checkout, Enzo felt a comforting warmth as he held his partner's hand. It was a simple gesture, but it filled his heart with love and gratitude. He realized how lucky he was to have someone so special by his side.
Enzo looked at his partner and said with a sincere smile, "You always have the best ideas . . ." He quickly heard his girlfriend's laughter, as she hugged onto his arm, a great deal of affection in her laughter. As they waited in the checkout line, the tranquil atmosphere of the market seemed to envelop them in a cocoon of intimacy. Enzo felt her body heat drawing closer, and before he could realize it, she gently rested her face on his shoulder, their gazes meeting in a moment of complicity. Her eyes sparkled with tenderness as they looked at him, conveying a feeling of affection and connection that filled Enzo's heart with a sweet sensation of love. He could feel the warmth of her breath, each beat of her heart seemed to echo in perfect harmony with his own. Without thinking too much, Enzo let his instincts guide his actions. With an almost instinctive gentleness, he leaned forward slightly, capturing her lips in a quick and delicate kiss. It was a simple gesture, but full of meaning, an expression of affection that spoke volumes without the need for words. Her lips responded to the touch, their hearts dancing in unison, sealing the moment with a sweet promise of mutual love and unconditional support. The world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them, lost in their own little universe of affection and love.
"I have to start changing supermarkets," Enzo and his partner were immersed in their own world, lost in the sweet moment they shared, when a familiar voice interrupted their bubble of intimacy. It was the lively voice of Matias Recalt, certainly the couple's best and closest friend, approaching with a shopping basket. "A little modesty, please," exclaimed Matias, with a playful smile on his face. Enzo and his partner quickly separated, blushing slightly at the surprise of being caught in such an intimate moment. They exchanged quick glances, sharing a shy smile before greeting Matias. "Hi, Matias!" said Enzo, trying to disguise his surprise. "How are you?" Matias laughed, noticing the slight tension in the air. "Sorry for interrupting your romantic moment. I hope I was being intrusive!" The woman laughed, shaking her head. "Don't worry, Matias, we just got a little distracted." Enzo agreed, relieved to see Matias's easygoing nature. "Oh, didn't even notice."
As they waited in the checkout line, the conversation between the three flowed naturally, as it always did when they were together. Matias shared some funny stories about his day, and Enzo couldn't help but laugh, while his partner smiled, enjoying the friends' banter.
Meanwhile, they went through their purchases, each carrying their baskets towards the checkout. The atmosphere was light and relaxed, and Enzo felt grateful for the presence of their friends. When it was finally their turn at the checkout, Matias bid them farewell with a wave, wishing them a good night. Enzo and his partner thanked him for the enjoyable encounter and exchanged more smiles before heading out of the market.
The cool night air enveloped them as they exited, and Enzo and his girlfriend walked together towards their parked bicycles. They intertwined their hands, a simple yet meaningful connection that symbolized the support and affection they shared.
"And that would be another almost end of the day," said Enzo, looking at his partner with a smile. She nodded, agreeing. "Yes, even though it was interrupted at the end."
Enzo laughed, agreeing with her. "True, I found it funny he wrote down everything you bought so he could cook tomorrow." They reached their bicycles and, together, mounted them, ready to head back home.
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liked by matiasrecalt, blaspolidori, dellagustin and 109 others
yourusername Ending the day with the cast on The Sims.
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blaspolidori enzo playing himself playing on the sims
yourusername he was planning our wedding vogrincicenzo and you're the flower boy, blas
simonhempe everyone of the cast?
yourusername there are some that are not filmbayona I am? yourusername yes, but you mysteriously starved
pipegonzalezotano tell me that at least then I'm watching football eating real meat
rocco.posca I hope you downloaded a mod for my hair
matiasrecalt I love this game I'm the same height as blas
moratodeschini should we tell Enzo that she has wicked whims??
alfosinacarrocio let's wait for the reaction vogrincicenzo guys . . . it was so much out of nowhere
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After a peaceful and comforting night, Enzo and his girlfriend decided to spend some time together playing The Sims. Sitting comfortably on his lap, she skillfully held the mouse while he watched attentively at the computer screen, immersed in the virtual world unfolding before them. Together, they built a small fictional community with characters from the movie cast, with every detail carefully planned to reflect their tastes and personalities. Enzo was fascinated watching his girlfriend's creativity flow as she decorated the houses, chose the furniture, and planned the sims' careers. It was as if they were creating their own world, where they could escape the daily worries and get lost in imaginary adventures.
As she delved into the game, Enzo appreciated the opportunity to simply observe her, marveling at how her expression brightened with every achievement and challenge overcome. Feeling the warmth of her presence on his lap was comforting, a constant reminder of the love and companionship they shared. Enzo watched closely at the computer screen as his girlfriend manipulated the game controls. Suddenly, an interaction between the sim representing him and the one representing his girlfriend caught his attention. He watched with fascination as the sims exchanged gestures of affection, somehow reflecting the dynamics of their own relationship.
However, his surprise soon turned to shock when suddenly the game activated a mod known as Wicked Whims. His face twisted in a expression of surprise and confusion as he witnessed the explicitly romantic interactions between the sims, far beyond what he was used to seeing in the game. Turning to his girlfriend, who was still comfortably seated on his lap, Enzo asked incredulously, "What's going on? Is this how the game is now?" His voice carried a mixture of curiosity and uncertainty as he tried to process what he had just witnessed. She simply smiled gently, noticing his confusion. With a reassuring touch on his shoulder, she explained that this was not the game in its original form, but rather a fan-made modification to add a new layer of realism and complexity to the sims' interactions."Oh, so our reality is to just start hooking up out of nowhere?"
"It's not like you can keep those hands off me…" Enzo chuckled at his girlfriend's response. His laughter was a mix of relief and amusement as he settled comfortably in the chair, his hands automatically gently squeezing her waist, as if seeking closer contact to dispel the surprise. As his fingers lightly caressed her waist, Enzo felt comforted by her presence on his lap. "Apparently she's eating for two now… maybe we could try that out here too, right nena?"
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