#Must-see theatre
secondstar-acorn · 8 months
maybe I’m emotional about peter spankoffski being the natural continuation of ron and bug and joey in the early starkid productions. maybe this being a full circle moment for joey’s acting journey has me tearing up. maybe seeing his singing and acting development over the years along with that of every starkid member’s has me Fucked Up
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yellow-yellow-jacket · 8 months
“if i loved you” from nerdy prudes must die is the new anthem for rivals to lovers everywhere
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jacarandaaaas · 8 months
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I’m telling u this is her thing
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mariusslonelysoul · 8 months
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apogean-tides · 1 year
I was today years old when I learnt that one of Runaan's early concept designs was rejected for being too "spicy" and now it lives rent free in my head
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Me: side thigh slits. what's so spicy about them?
Also me: *watches Hell's Paradise for the first time* o-oh. OH.
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justanangryduck · 8 months
SPN renovating a theatre AU thats like
Everyone is retired. World isn't ending any more. And Sam and Dean and Eileen and Cas are all together and alive and thinking of maybe moving out of the bunker and finding a real house somewhere and trying to start a normal life.
And then they get a call from some lawyer asking if they are bobby singer's next of kin and explaining that a friend of his left him property out in some little town somewhere and that now it belongs to them (like that one episode with the rich ppl and the girl living in the attic or whatever).
They make the trip down there and it's this old crumbling decrepit movie theatre that looks like it hasn't had anyone in it since the 60s or maybe even earlier. And Sam is all like "Dean it's a dump let's just sell it". But Dean has always had a soft spot for old stuff and he's feeling a little lost nowadays with no big threat looming over his head making sure he always has a reason to get up in the morning and fight. And Sam sees the look in his eye when he examines the star shaped designs in the ceiling above a chandelier covered in cob-webs and the beautiful twin staircases that curve up to the second floor with mouldy carpet steps and the old brass ticket booth complete with velvet curtains and a dusty little sign written in cursive and just goes "Yeah okay".
So they rent a house on the edge of town and it's a little too small for four adults but they make it work. And for the most part the theatre is Dean's project but everyone helps out when they can. And maybe Sam gets a job at the library and cas gets very invested in the health of the house's little garden and they all take turns cooking dinner and washing dishes and pulling weeds.
And when Dean comes through the hardware store for a third bucket of the same colour paint, the old man sitting at the counter is curious enough to ask him what he's working on. And the news that those four strangers who moved in off the edge of town are here to fix up the old theatre spreads through town like wildfire.
Small towns are gossipy like that.
And now everytime he walks into a shop there is some little old lady or nostalgic old man who wants to hear how it's going and share their stories of what it was like back when it was open and all the joy it had brought. He hears more than one story of a first kiss, a first date, a first time understanding just how big and wonderful and wide the world is up on that silver screen. Its a big sort of legacy to live up to but if he didn't have his heart set on fixing her up before he certainly can't stop now.
And it takes more than a year and a half of working almost every single day but when they open for the first time it's an evening screening of somthing black and white that would have played back in the days when it was open and half the town is there, dressed like it's important, like it's an outing. And Dean can't stop smiling. He did this. He fixed this. These hands aren't just for hurting and these hands aren't just for breaking. And Sam hugs him and so does Eileen and so does Cas. And none of them are quite sure what the next step is. Wether to hang around and run the theatre or sell it off to someone who will look after it and keep it going for the eagre town residents. But the accomplishment sits warm in his heart and he knows he did good and that's what matters. And he gets to help people in more ways than one. And he gets to resurrect something without a demon deal or a sacrifice. And he's happy.
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ofpd · 10 months
who wants to see hadestown w me
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hershelwidget · 13 days
i think it would be funny if for the theatre reveal it’s just an ABSURDLY long bit where a small rock containing theatre’s “true name” is rolling around on the ship and everyone is failing miserably to catch it. nobody ever fucking grabs the rock but to save them some time i do allow for the players to See what is written on it but as soon as its said whats written on it i disband the party and this all happens on april fools so nobody believes me
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The Favourite (2018)
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yououghtaknow · 5 months
i have such a grindset but Only when it comes to booking the Optimal tickets for viewing experiences.
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
Lmaoooo okay so MAJOR story spoilers ahead-
But I just finished the crisis at hyrule castle quest line (after thorough googling that I wasn't going into the final boss, of course) and went back to the landing where everyone gathered to discuss what to do next.
It was all very solemn and thoughtful, everyone theorising and letting it sink in how incredibly dangerous ganon was, and then purah and riju are like 'omg there was a sixth sage maybe we can find whatever they've left behind maybe it can help us' and then Link IMMEDIATELY speaks up like 'oh yeah about that I've already found her. Yeah she's fine she's going to help us. I've also got the master sword too by the way'.
Everyone was SHOOK. I got praise and amazement from all sides. Purah was like 'ALREADY???!! And you didn't think to TELL ME??' it was great.
Never felt more like canon link in my life. I've got a screenshot of everyone's :O?! face. Going to be riding that high for hours XD.
But it's very impressive that I managed to procrastinate so hard I managed to skip about three major plot lines just by squirrelling my way where I'm not supposed to be purely by accident lmao.
#totk spoilers#<- MAJOR ONES#loz#legend of zelda#tears of the kingdom#totk#loz totk#loz tears of the kingdom#Purah: I can't believe what we're up against. And how hard it must have been! But you're so calm and collected about it!#Me: aw thanks keep talking ^^#Purah: you're really a wonder link. I'm amazed by what you can do! It's up to us now! Let us help you!! ✌️#Ngl finding the thunder head heart door was pure. PURE chance. It was night and I couldn't see the arrow head on links bow#Pouring rain and thunder. Somehow managed to blindly claw my way to the top of the ruin and spent ages trying to find out what it was#At the very last second before I left I slipped on the side of the wall and fell all the way down. Straight onto the shrine.#Eventually gathered the hearts and came right back to do the whole thing. No idea it was supposed to be a triggered quest until now LMAO#But fr everyone was so shaken after ganons vision and link was just standing there like 🙄 he's already had a dozen of them XD#'pig man should have gone into theatre. Tryna play me with zelda when I know full well where she is. your precious phantoms were RUBBISH'#Seriously don't worry about the fight if you have the vows and decent armour I posed so silly and took several attacks to the spleen#And it did absolutely NOTHING. Several photos of link with phantoms furious heads in view and I lost MAYBE 3 hearts total. No anti gloom!!#I will say the image of broken doll zelda dissolving into gloom smoke will probably traumatise link but what's one more lol
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hey why is The Rialto Square Theatre the literal actual prettiest place in the fucking world
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propertyofkylar · 8 months
trying to get on tumblr while waiting in a fucking broadway theatre just to get my whitney hit oh the addiction is real
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Throwback to that time at color guard camp when I was not only admiring all the (queer) girls around me at all times but also I had an interaction with this girl who I had been kind of admiring from afar and who I had overheard talking about how gay she was that went like this:
Us: *In the hallway one of the first nights of camp for a hallway meeting*
Her: *Introducing herself to everyone in our little area*
Me: *Watching but not thinking she’s going to introduce herself to me*
Her: *Holds out her hand to me* Hi I’m [redacted]
Me: *Literally just sits there like an idiot for a minute, looking at her hand, until I realize what’s happening* Oh uh hi uh I’m [redacted] *Shakes hand reluctantly, being very careful to not hold on too long*
Her: *Maybe looks at me weird for a second but then just moves on with her life, introduces herself to other people*
Me: *Sits in a puddle of embarrassment*
Me, in my head: Oh shit I hope she doesn’t think I’m homophobic. Was that homophobic of me? Am I homophobic?
Also this other girl had dark green hair and I thought it looked so good on her and she was so cool that I considered that color for when I would eventually dye my hair even though it’s not my aesthetic at all and never has been.
I’m so gay.
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unproduciblesmackdown · 10 months
when you're looking for that info about "is there a possible phil/orville romance" and get "though there isn't a, quote, romance between the two men...it's a marvelous pairing and i'm totally happy with there being homosexual overtones between the two"
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#posts that exist to use the pic lmao#like sorry taylor to implicitly align you with homophobia here but it's mostly for the jokes anyways#summer stock#orville wingate#orvphil#again truly think Possible Romance is perfectly real & really doubt deliberate homosexual overtones here would be for any As If punchline#and for real sorry where is tim being besieged with all these Gay Romances in Modern Musicals. b/c we want in on that#meanwhile the lose-lose of whose existence is a ''narrative'' or a ''message''#if there's enough awareness of that existence? tim's feeling uncomfortable about that looming Narrative apparently#but then if one Doesn't get the idea that the whole ''point'' of a plot/character is that factual aspect of their identity#(which must be made relevant in ways Besides the way people talk about it for themselves / their feelings abt experiences You Didn't See)#like oh sorry we as the audience members who don't share that identity will be the judge of the relevance of your identity To You#then it's like oh it Wasn't ''relevant'' enough so umm why not just be cishet? white? abled? etc#and if it IS deemed Relevant? now the work is Niche and the Whole point is That & everyone theoretically outside that Niche? don't go.#so unshoutout to that one reviewer juxtaposing this show w/random bunch of other shows; latter of which have ''messages'' mmhm ok#like this show centered around the love of theatre & what it takes to put on a show? no way there's Outsiders & Transgression there#in the mere acts of people who are othered & disempowered having the space & ability to pursue passions & act more freely....#but uh oh only on the Defensive about [umm why aren't you straight] [umm why aren't you white] & ppl Not having ''extra'' justification...#and yet perhaps having the audacity to not be ''allowed'' to be there by being ''As Good As'' white &/or cishet &/or a man etc etc#anyways endless dunks ready to go. for chad danforth [''this one's to end racism'' basketball vine]#also i'm not actually That familiar w/the entire hsm franchise. mostly the ones that aren't the second which is the movie of all time#which is actually just the ''i don't dance'' they Did end homophobia w/that one#i did watch the like hour; hour & a half ''requiem for ryan & chad'' video essay the other day hell yes
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thatdykepunkslut · 1 year
Idk what's up with today but there's been some absolutely rancid shit happening in my proximity today. Like normally everything's chill with just like a periodic metaphorical fighter jet flying over but today I've been watching the metaphorical bombs fall through the metaphorical window.
Chill, my dudes, just fuckin have a drink of water or something ffs.
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