#Mutli chap fic
moments we stole
⋆˙⟡♡ (summary): your father gives you an announcement
⋆˙⟡♡ (warnings): arranged marriage, reader not wanting to get married, the father was a bit mean rn
⋆˙⟡♡ (notes): Yayy I'm glad to be writing this. I have to credit @angelscherryblossoms for the idea :D This is not a request and this is chapter one for a multichap fic.
Masterlist Next
⋆˙⟡♡ (taglist): @kozumesphone @mershellscape @solangelotus @angelscherryblossoms (lmk if you want to be added/removed)
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Dear Atlas,
Today was the day that ruined my life before it even truly began.
You sighed, eyes fluttering close with slumber still lingering on your lashes. Your maid was doing your hair, a spectacular updo that screamed opulence. Although one would assumed you'd been in pain with how much they were tugging on the strands but it was part of your routine at this point.
"All done m'lady." your maid said, her warm brown eyes flickering down for a moment. You smiled graciously, standing up (still in your silk nightgown) and patting her arm. She looked back up at you, seemingly surprised by any sort of kindness from you. The expectation of royals being cruel breaks your heart.
She rushed off to her bed where her morning gown was laid out. Of which she quickly dressed in as to ensure she does not miss breakfast. Although your father wouldn't allow her to starve, he would likely give her quite the lecture if she was late.
"Good morning Percy." You greeted your brother with a gentle smile of which he returned...along with tugging on one of your braids. You stuck out your tongue, even with the giggle bubbling through your system.
Finally you sat down, eyes sweeping across the grand room. It was ridiculous, the amounts of food and decorations filled the dining hall. It was enough to feed your entire kingdom yet it was just breakfast for you and your family. (As much as you loved your father, he left much to be desired as a ruler.)
"I have something important to tell you, dear." Your king explained, stern gaze set on your face. He was in his king mode, not bothering to be a father. You steadied your own expression, appearing as diplomatic as a politician.
"Tomorrow morning you will marry and move in with Prince Rowan, your fiance. He is from the neighboring kingdom of Arias." He explained, taking a bite of the sizzling bacon broken hands cooked for him. Why must he act as if this was simple talk? Like he was merely mentioning the weather.
"I'm not marrying somebody I have never met." You replied, unable to maintain the calm facade. A frown tugged at your lips, like betrayal made gravity weigh heavier.
"I am your king and you will do as I say. This will strengthen our union so you will marry Prince Rowan." He barked, a crease between his brows at the ferocity of his tone. You flinched, head down in defeat.
Standing up, you decide to at the very least leave with a harsh blow to his heart. You gathered your strength barring it against you as an invisible shield and you looked upon your father and king.
"First you lost mother and now you're losing me." You said quietly, the whisper of truth sending shockwaves through your father's brain. He faltered for a second, regret pooling in his eyes. Yet he said nothing as you left, the train of your dress flowing gently with the self made gust of wind (from how fast you'd began walking.
Percy brushes his hand against yours to gather your attention, your stride faltering slightly. He gave you a gentle smile, sympathy and support mixed within the love he holds for you.
"It'll be okay." He whispered, and you hoped it to be true.
The next morning was quite a blur, servants if all sorts rushing around to get you packed. You'd move in before the wedding happens since it is happen while you are living in Rowan's palace.
Your entire life had been packed up and stored away in the carriage you would ride to the neighboring kingdom. It was time for you to say goodbye to your family and leave for good.
Holding a small bag and dressed in your most comfortable (while still being elegant) dress, you waited for your father and brother to be waiting for you.
Percy appeared, a forlorn smile across his face. One you surely matched. Immediately getting close to you, he wrapped you into a hug.
"I'm going to miss you, [name]." He whispered, his tears dotting your skin. He let go and wiped his eyes, remembering what his being a prince entailed.
"I'm going to miss you as well, Percy." You replied, blinking away the tears that might ruin your delicately put on makeup.
You looked around, wondering where your father was. Did he truly feel frustrated enough to not say goodbye to his only daughter?
"He was busy with work." Percy said, as though he read your mind. You tried to hide your disappointment but by the way Percy frowned you could tell he saw it.
"Oh, alright. Tell him I said goodbye." You replied, forcing a sweet smile on your face, etiquette lessons helped you learn to maintain.
Percy nodded and looked down, watching as you entered the carriage. It was strange how almost numb you felt leaving your only home and only family. Everything you've ever known vanishing from your eyes.
You were more so nervous about Prince Rowan. You hoped you could learn to love him. (and that he could learn to love you.)
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gallawitchxx · 1 year
to celebrate day 5 of @gallavichthings gallavich lovefest, i come with a mutli-chap offering for anyone who's loving the last of us, but wants it to have less fungal infections & more ian & mickey!
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to feel this kind of thrill by @ianrightsonly
E | 76K | Dystopian AU | Roommates to Lovers | Mutual Pining
A mutated virus has turned the world on its axis, forcing Mickey into a mandatory quarantine facility. When another resident is exposed, the building goes into a full twelve-week lockdown, but not before dropping Ian Gallagher into Mickey's world as his brand new roommate. The two men connect based on survival, unwarranted feelings, and a whole lot of denial—until the truths of their reality come crashing down.
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i looooove this fic so fucking much! jenna's writing is always so emotional & sexy, but this one's really something special. it's a pandemic story, sure, but really it's some good old-fashion forced proximity, where they cannot help but give a shit about one another. plus we get caretaker!mickey, overeager!ian, some chapters where i wanted to bawl my eyeballs out & a super fun twist at the end!
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purgetrooperfox · 2 years
Tbh I think the fandom would infantilize the HELL out of Uj. Between him being a MoC and disabled, you know people would treat him like "uwu my baby could do nothing wrong don't yell near him it makes him scared :("
Nocte would be labelled a Slut
if my OC was canon how would the fandom treat them?
yeah I mean jokes aside, I work really hard to have Uj's story reflect a journey. it's one through injury and recovery and lifelong disability and internalized ableism and gradual acceptance, and part of wanting to tell that story is acceptance that some people will completely wildly misconstrue it. this is. a significant part of the reason I haven't posted what I have for his mutli-chap fic and idk man
it's our responsibilities as writers to consider things like this when we write for marginalized communities
THAT SAID cass I love you dearly and I know you're posing this as a fandom reflection and you're right. @ people if the criticisms here about depictions of disabled MOC resonate then I'd encourage reflecting upon your own works
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sepulchralblues · 2 years
WIP Wednesday ~ Butcher!Neil AU
Because I was too excited to not put this up. Warnings for some mild gore towards the beginning.
It was the third body that terrified Neil the most. It was the only one not supposed to be here according to the plan.
His steps were slower as he walked across the basement, even as he heard the sirens ringing loud enough to know they were on his street.
Her strawberry blond hair lay like a halo framing her head. Burns covered one cheek and followed down the side of her neck. There were cuts all over her arms, artfully put there in a way Neil knew was designed to cause least damage but maximum pain. The hem of her soot-stained white shirt was torn, the rough edges coloured black with some unknown substance.
But it was the wound on her thigh that pulled a ragged gasp from Neil's lips.
A wound caused by a bullet. A bullet which was in a gun. A gun that was in Neil's hand when he woke up.
Nausea roiled in his gut. Had he killed his own mother?
The thought brought all-consuming panic, this time lined by grief, back to the forefront of his mind.
No. He had to think, not panic.
Neil dragged his fingers through his hair, the strands matted and tangled with sticky blood, trying to come up with something, anything, to get out of this mess.
He could hear shouts from the front lawn.
He patted his pockets, hoping against hope there would be a phone in there. By some unholy piece of luck, there was.
Neil snapped the black plastic open, his fingers dialling a number he hadn’t called once in five years.
“Hello?” The voice on the other end sounded suspicious, rightly so. This wasn’t a phone number everyone had access to.
“Kevin,” Neil breathed. “Fuck, Kev, I need help.”
“Nath—Neil?” Kevin exclaimed. “Neil, what the fuck? You—It’s been years and—”
“I know,” Neil cut in. “I know, but I really need your help.”
A sigh. “What’s up?”
“I need a lawyer.” Neil glanced at the door to the basement, waiting for it to bang open. “The best you’ve got.”
“Why?” There was curiosity in Kevin’s tone. “You got caught?”
“Maybe,” Neil admitted. “I’m not entirely sure.”
“How can you not be sure?”
“Because I'm in my father’s basement and there are three dead bodies here, but I only remember killing one person.”
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bakuthedeku · 6 years
the song all time low gives me real angsty bakudeku feels
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shonificrec · 3 years
got any fic recs that are just, like, happy? or comforting in some way? thanks love x
Sorry this took a while! Here are some recs:
apple butter jeans, boots with the fur (with the fur), the whole club was lookin at her by girlbossgretchen
This one is so very good. It will also make you want apple butter (I'm 100% making it when I go apple picking this fall.)
perfect game by tnr92
This one is so sweet and has both of them being totally useless which I love.
dear my dearest (it appears I found you) by cobblestaubrey
This is a super cute high school au one-shot. All the fluff.
the best soy latte that you ever had (and me) by LilyChestnut
Cute little coffee shop one-shop.
Me & You Together Song by hallelujah99
I've recommended this one in the past but it's a super cute short mutli-chap fic where they're childhood friends to lovers.
Midnight Train Going Anywhere by plutosrobin
Disclaimer this rec comes from @hadtochangemyurlquick and I've yet to read it (I'm about to though). According to Gus, "they're trapped on a subway together in New York." They say it's happy and I trust them so go with that.
There are definitely more but these are some of my faves! Hope this helps 😊
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i-lovethatforme · 2 years
for the writing ask game: 16, 17, 18
i'm so late and yet!!!!! thanks bestie
16. are one shots really underrated?
i don't think they're underrated? i love a one shot! love a long one shot too... like some things in my mind just don't split up? but some make sense as a multi chap to me.
but i like a mutli chap just as much as a one shot and vice versa! sometimes i'll choose a one shot over a multi depending on who wrote it (aka do i think they'll finish it or do i know them well enough to ask them how it ends if they dont?)
both fab!
also, i do love how there could be a fic idea and i'd be like... 12k one shot and wake will be like... 5 chap 25k xxxxxxxx
17. past or present tense? why?
hell if i stick to one? either! BOTH. probably both in one paragraph lbr
18. first, second or third person?
third forever and always so true xxxxxxxxxxx
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bluefirewrites · 3 years
Which fic of yours are you most proud of, and why?
I think it's gotta be 'Merry Ex-Mas', considering its one of the few long mutli-chaps I've ever completed. And with a whopping over 100k+ words too, written over a span of over a month, writing almost a new chapter every day (apart from the epilogue which took a few months to fully complete).
It was super fun to work on, building and changing the source material which was a meh YA novel I read in middle school woth flat characterizations and okay dialogue and I 'm proud of how I fit JATP into this and how the characterizations came about.
I adore road trip fics and so I got to really enjou myself with this.
Thank you for the ask and for those of you haven't checked it out, all chapters if 'Merry Ex-Mas' plus the epilogue are up on AO3 (if you want to read a giant ass story about a exes to lovers Christmas road trip/rescue mission).
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displayheartcode · 2 years
🎈 - what's a fic that you daydream about writing but haven't?
so many...
I'm rewriting an old mutli-chap fic that's been haunting me for months
outsider pov for supernatural where it's through the eyes of a tired grad student ignoring the murderous ghosts in the library
or a bunch of a girl scouts at summer camp
nile from the old guard finding her stuff in museums centuries after the movie
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gisellelx · 4 years
What are some of your favorite Carlward fics?
So there are three that you are likely to find me just idly re-reading. Where I’m working on something and I’m just like, “Nope, need to revisit that one.” I’ll go on a bit about them since there are only a handful.  Bittersweet Hurt by Minerva One
This was my first go-round at CarlWard and I love it to pieces. Even though I tread some of the same water in Patroclus Rising, it’s never not fresh. What I love about this is that she starts from the question I always feel is central: why Edward? It’s a question I’m never not trying to answer in my own work. Sometimes I’m in Carlisle’s POV, sometimes in Edward’s, currently in Bella’s, but it’s always about that to me. The saga is about that to me.  The emotion in this one is just pitch-fucking-perfect. The build is slow and hot, the inevitability that the two are going to come together and that Carlisle’s going to be the reason everything goes to pieces--it’s just amazing. It gets at the ways in which Carlisle is utterly inadequate, completely not ready for what he started, and it just strips both of them bare, figuratively and delightfully literally. It also is tight. I think a lot of fanfic benefits from being novella-length--long enough to let the writer stretch out a bit, but short enough it doesn’t leave a novice writer scrambling trying to find the next plot point. This is beautifully plotted and leaves me a little breathless each time. I actually haven’t re-read it in awhile and need to.  Intervention by AllTheOtherNamesAreUsed
Let’s take a left turn. Okay, so now here’s where people are either going to have to come along with me or throw me out, ha ha ha. I er, happen to headcanon that Carlisle, being a kind of uptight, workaholic, who feels like he has to be in control of everything all the time--six vampire children, the process of hiding his family, the lives of his patients--would seek catharsis, somewhere. He needs some way of being safe, of allowing his mind to blank with those he loves. So the fact that this fic, written for a kinkfest meme, also happens to begin with my other favorite Carlisle sex headcanon, which is that he enjoys Esme putting him into subspace, is icing on a really nice CarlWard cake. The middle of the fic (spoiler all the Cullens are poly) I can kind of take or leave--it’s an enjoyable read but I don’t love it the way I love the first and last two chapters. The final two chapters of this kinkfic are romantic, feral Edward/Carlisle. One of the things I love most about it is that she doesn’t back away from the paternal stuff. This is post-BD, and they are carefully re-aligning what it means for Edward to still very much be Carlisle’s son and yet for them to evolve that relationship a bit. There’s a line in there about Carlisle’s love giving Edward roots and Bella’s giving him wings that is just so right. 
Trouble Follows by LyricalKris
I am too much of a lover of the vamp world to enjoy AH much. To me, Twilight is indeed as a semi-viral tumblr post put it, the story of a loving adorable couple and their chaos vampire children. I literally lose track of the characters in AH fic; it’s not enjoyable for me to read. I’ve been friends with Kris for--gosh I guess over  a decade now and I forget when she told me I needed to look at Trouble but I finally did and whipped through the 2.333 books in the series in a couple days. As I wrote above, I hc Carlisle as a sub, so I wasn’t sure I could handle an AH with him as a dom. But it works. I link the second one because while erotic scenes are always fun, I find a good plot and character conflict sexier than anything else you can put down on the page. The first book is mostly sexytimes with a little growth sprinkled in, but in this, the second installment, there’s just such a lovely build of conflict around the two and between the two, and she sold me on a perfectly in-canon, non-vampire Carlisle and that’s a tall fucking order. 
These are all mutli-chaps. Three shorts I revisit with some regularity are 
Everything in its Right Place by Avioleta. Again, this is a really nice one dealing with Carlisle wrestling with his feelings for both Edward and Esme; it has some deliciously angsty parts and is brilliantly researched. 
Red Geraniums by Pastiche Pen. Also one of the few AHs I re-read. It’s actually William I like in this story. In fact, I don’t know if she ever named Carlisle’s father in it. His name is William, fight me. :) The coupling in this one is great but like Trouble, it’s the plot here that gets me. A man coming to grips with his sexuality after he’s already done some things he regrets. 
Not a Monster, My Love by dyly. I don’t even remember how I stumbled on this one. It’s less well-written than my brain will usually put up with (I try really hard not to be a writing snob, I promise but some things just pull me out of a story) but the H/C just really works in this short in a way that’s hot and beautiful at once.  So there are six. @edwardsmate4ever I suspect you’ve probably hit all of them before, but perhaps others haven’t. I am never not here for a good CarlWard rec, especially if it’s vamp, so feel free to hit my inbox with them. 
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lesetoilesfous · 4 years
Anders Was Right
So hey! Just wanted to, say hello to the DA2 fandom since I’ve fallen headlong into a hyperfixation over the course of lockdown, and I’m currently working on a mutli-chap Fenders fic! This fandom is incredibly talented, I’m only a lil intimidated (but mostly delighted by all this amazing content), and I’m very glad there are other people who feel the way I do about Anders, Fenris, Hawke and the gang!! So, hi! Nice to meet you!
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xauroraxborealisx · 3 years
Fanfic author ask meme!!! I want to hear everything lmao but I'll restrain myself somewhat and only ask for multiples of 5. ;333
 Oh, but I am to please hihi!
5.  What’s the fic you’re most proud of?
Appart from my projects with my partner in crime, I think the one I’m most proud of is All of the What If’s. It’s something that popped in my mind, my first completed mutli-chap on my own, and it’s got this atmosphere that I crave when I both read and write. I also like how it shows my growth as a writer <3
10.  What’s your favorite genre to write for?
I adore Alternate Universe and my creative juice crave banter with a side of fluff for sure. I like writing angst too, especially when dealing with YGO Canon/Post-Canon. But I think I’m most comfortable in a mix of funny and fluffy.
15.  What’s the weirdest fandom you’ve ever written for?
Hum... I have officially written for only two fandoms (YGO and Kingdom Hearts), but I have fanfic ideas for a lot of other fandoms. So just based on ideas, I would say... Beyblade? It’s not weird, but farfetched I guess hihi
20.  Gen fic or shippy stuff?
Shippy stuff. I’m a sucker for romantic plotlines whether they have a happy ending or not, I just live to see the relationship between characters evolve that way. Although, I adore friendships in fiction too. They are as important as the romance itself.
25 et 30. See others asks ;)
35.  Ramble about any fic-related thing you want!
Okay, I’l keep this brief (I’m not good at keeping things brief lolll) I came back to a fandom full of love and found some of the best people I know through it. If it wasn’t for getting over my fear of actually writing and publishing fanfic, I would have never met them or reach out to some of them. I used to believe that there was an age at which it was appropriate to drop out of fandoms and stop writing fanfiction, but that is the biggest lie I’ve ever told myself. I love reading fanfic, I love writing it and I have no intention to stop <3
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iceywrites · 3 years
Should I give you all a little break to catch up with my fics (cause I posted two fics in ig the same week and if I combine them both then it’s like 21K words) before I post the mutli chap
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kitanoko · 4 years
A Todomomo mutli-chap fic; updated! :) 
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bellarkefanfictions · 6 years
I’m looking for this fic like everyone else who probably sends you these but I was reading it this morning and it’s Clarke drops out Yale and moves in with Monty and jasper to work at a bar with bell who doesn’t like her at first it’s a mutli chap on AO3
If You Won’t Look Down, I Won’t Look Back
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catsbythegreat · 5 years
Fic Round Up 2018
I did this last year and it was fun, so it’s time to see how this year stands up: 
-Total year-long word count: 291,102 (about 40,000 more than last year)
Word count by fandom: - too lazy to do this but I’m going to assume that almost all of them are BSD 
Fics completed: 56 (down from 65)
*for the fics posted I’ll only post my faves except the chapter fics, which I’ll post all of since there’s not a lot.
Drabbles: - word for a threat that’s also a surprise prompt (skk) - don’t you dare shut me out prompt (skk)  - you’re trembling prompt (atsushi and kyouka friendship)  - what happens if i do this prompt (skk)  - teenage dazai realizes he might like chuuya oh no (skk) - not really a drabble but still a post -- bsd bake off au - chuuaku week day 2: soft (chuuaku)  - things you said when we were the happiest we ever were prompt (chuuaku)  - things you said with no space between us prompt (skk)  - things you said while we were driving (skk)  - things you said after sex prompt (chuuaku) 
Oneshots: - let me help you, skk - Dazai notices Chuuya’s sleeping problems.  - Aftermath, skk - Dazai tells Chuuya about a mission gone wrong.  - are you home?, skk - Chuuya trusts Dazai to help him when he needs it, but not completely.  - the opposite of alone, skk - Chuuya can’t sleep, so he texts Dazai.  - Spiralling, skk - Chuuya always wondered if Corruption would tear him apart.  - hope that something good will happen next, skk - Dazai + Chuuya + talk in a cabin - Constancy, skk - the day Chuuya came home with a diagnosis, Dazai considered moving out. - tired, skk - Dazai hates Chuuya post-Corruption.  - Pick Up the Pieces series, skk - Chuuya gets tortured, he and Dazai decide to help each other. - lend me a shoulder, chuuaku - Dead Apple missing scene where Akutagawa helps Chuuya. - Perseverance, skk - figure skating au part 2, Olympics!  - Satisfaction, skk - figure skating au part 3, Worlds!  - Storm, skk - Dazai and Chuuya and one blanket in a snow storm.  - Yokohama: Unsolved, skk - Dazai and Chuuya are ghost hunters.  - Untraceable Children, skk - Psycho-Pass au, They meet after Chuuya kills an inspector.  - Spilled Ink, skk - parallel universes au feat. the stuff from Beast - Holding Pattern, skk - Never Let Me Go au (organ harvesting rip)  - isn’t life hard, kunichuu - Kunikida thinks Chuuya is a good man. Chuuya knows he isn’t.  - you’re safe here - Atsushi comes out to Dazai.  - Bad Patients, Yosano & Dazai - Yosano treats Dazai.  - At First Sight, skk - First mission fic!  - Fairy Lights, skk - Dazai realizes Chuuya has never celebrated a proper Christmas.  - for one man, sskk - SSKK in the aftermath of Dazia’s death. (Beast au)  - Everybody Lives, kunikidazai - Kunikida believes he can save everyone.  - to satisfaction, chuuya/ango - Ango wants to thank Chuuya.  - Birdsong - When Chuuya was younger, he sang to the moon. (Chuuya & Kyouka siblings) - Never Enough, chuuaku - Chuuya knows what Dazai does to Akutagawa, but he doesn’t know Akutagawa. 
Chapter Fics: - This Autumn Will End - Yosano wants to heal, but all she’s ever known is hurt.  - Fighters, chuuaku - Chuuya and Akutagawa’s developing relationship
Works-in-progress: 3 -Gifted - skk, experimental research facility au - only human, skk - Special Abilities Department Chuuya AU. After Dazai escapes the Port Mafia, Chuuya is sent by the government to gain his trust. 
This year I wrote and posted: 56 fics and 2 in-progress fics 
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d predicted? I never expect to write as much fic as I end up writing. 
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January? Some of the gen-fics. 
What’s your own favorite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest? I have a lot of them actually but the ones that come to mind right now are the two later stories in the Revival series because figure skating is fun to write about. The first one was written in 2017 but I put a lot of work into the two that were written in 2018 and I hope to add to the series later. 
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them? The Soukoku Trope Bingo fics and the ADA Week fics (like this one) were all territory I haven’t written for the most part (except the figure skating fic.) This Autumn Will End was also a risk because I’d never written Yosano in that much detail before. I got to know the new characters I was writing a bit more as well as the genres. I also learned that no one likes my kunikidazai LMAO but people are willing to give my lack of knowledge in some areas a pass. I also learned that I can write a lot of things I didn’t think I could. It’s just difficult. 
Your best story of this year: Aside from “only human,” Aftermath. It’s not a big au or even a long fic but I’m proud of it and I think it helped me write more fics this year in which Dazai and Chuuya’s relationship grows to become more trusting. 
Your most popular story of this year: only human, which isn’t surprising! It’s the fic I’ve written the most words for and its a multi-chap so people are exposed to it over and over again. 
Story of yours most under-appreciated by the universe, in your opinion: Everybody Lives. I think this is the one fic where I was nervous about what I was writing but felt tentatively proud of at the same time, but it didn’t get a response. I don’t know if it’s because it’s kunikidazai and not a lot of people are reading it, or if it’s because it’s bad kunikidazai. Either way, I still don’t know whether or not it deserves appreciation but I guess I can say it’s under appreciated. 
Most fun story to write: Yokohama: Unsolved. I mean...any story based on Buzzfeed Unsolved is gonna be a good time. 
Story with the single sexiest moment: adrenaline. Like I said last year, I’m a bad judge of this. This fic doesn’t have any sex in it at all, but listen that scene where Chuuya threatens Ango in Dead Apple...just...yeah. I would pay with my life too. So it’s kind of like that but with a gun.  
Most “Holy crap, that’s wrong, even for you” story: you know what? Even among the kink bingo fics I never got here. Compared to last year that’s kind of disappointing. 
Story that shifted your own perceptions of the characters: only human made me think about Dazai as a character more and made me realize that I like things about him. 
Hardest story to write: This Autumn Will End (which could also actually go into the category above for Yosano) because I had never written so much about Yosano’s character AND it was long AND it was an au and I didn’t know if people would like it. Also, Holding Pattern was a fic I had to write and erase and rewrite a lot of, more so than other fics. Also Never Enough was part of a rolling remix so figuring out how to remix the fic before it was a bit hard, but once I got an idea things flowed. 
Biggest disappointment: all of the top Chuuya kink bingo fics. Aside from that gunplay fic, I’m perfectly happy forgetting all of those things exist. 
Biggest surprise: Pick Up the Pieces series. Was meant to be a one-shot for whumptober, ended up being skk relationship development and I kind of still think about it and how it fits into other stories and how I’ve characterized Chuuya and Dazai in general. 
Most unintentionally telling story: Only You and Drowning 
Favorite opening line(s): -“I wonder how many times you’re gonna almost-die before someone gets fed up with your shit and lets you.” (Only You)  - “Ghosts don’t exist, but I’m not above using them to scare Chuuya.” - Dazai Osamu, interview, March 2018 (Yokohama: Unsolved) 
Favorite closing line(s): - “Why do I do it? To cope with depression................and it’s fun to see Chuuya get scared!” - Dazai Osamu, interview, June 2018 (Yokohama: Unsolved)  - “In a strange way, despite being a coward, Dazai had also been brave. Chuuya would be brave in his own way, too.” (Holding Pattern)
Favorite 5 line(s) from anywhere: - “No!” Chuuya took a shaky breath. “Of answering questions. Everyone always asks me questions, or tells me what to do, but no one talks to me and I’m tired of it because other people actually talk to each other and I keep seeing it and I want it, but you won’t give it to me.” (only human) - “I’ve never met someone who works so hard,” Dazai continued, “to be the person they want to be.” (Only You)  - “Hello?” Dazai called out. “Is anyone here? We’re a couple of not-scientists and we need someone to explain things to us.” (Yokohama: Unsolved) - “You act like someone who knows how to love.” (Never Enough)  - “He feels oddly detached from his body, the pain and Dazai’s hand around his wrist being the only things really grounding him, keeping him from thinking that maybe he’s just a shell and that Nakahara Chuuya doesn’t exist at all.” (At First Sight) - “Back then, a hand had reached out and freed him.Ever since, he’d had to do pretty much everything himself.” (Pick Up the Pieces, I can’t count LMAO) 
Top 5 scenes from anywhere you would choose to have illustrated from anywhere - Chuuya pointing the Dominator at Dazai in Untraceable Children.  - Chuuya destroying the tank in Pick Up the Pieces.  - Chuuya during or after his free program in Satisfaction.  - The ending scene of lend me a shoulder.  - Dazai and Chuuya with their hot chocolates in Fairy Lights.  - I’m sure there’s more but it’s hard to think. 
Fic-writing goals for next year: Finish only human and/or Gifted and write the mutli-chaptered Psycho-Pass au because I have it all outlined which is a first but I haven’t written it. Also write more skk figure skating fics! I also want to create a world/au that people will be interested in talking about but idk what that is yet because even though I love au’s I’m also not great at that sort of thing. 
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