#My Envied Lady
longeyelashedtragedy · 7 months
decided to write different scenarios in different styles etc to see what sticks
He wakes up with a hangover like a bloody teenager and a headache so bad it takes his vision a few seconds to kick back in.
Everything’s blurry–well of course, he needs his glasses and then he can sort it all out.  He can find the things in the dark with his hands tied, but his glasses aren’t there because–something’s not right.  The table next to the bed isn’t right.  It’s not his.
He’s too old to be kidnapped, too old, too dusty, the opposite of his old best friend Harry who’d probably get himself kidnapped and then charm the fucker into taking him right back home.  There has to be a normal explanation, so he feels around on the strange table, slapping his hand on things.  Pills stick to his hand.  He’s sweaty and they’re all over the table.
His hand hits a bottle of something, nails bouncing off with a clanging noise, and thank God, he feels his glasses next to it, and now his hangover's still there but the world is back.
There’s a lot to take in:
The shameful blue pills scattered all over the table that isn’t his.
His name printed right there on the open container.  He’d asked them if they could prescribe the damn things without his name on it.  He doesn't have that kind of power.
The bottle is one of his bottles of good whiskey.  The cap’s off.  It’s empty.
The bed isn’t his.  Too small.
It’s sunny–too fucking sunny for a hangover like this one–and he hears the familiar birds chirping outside.  He hears the shower.  Someone’s showering in his empty house. The sound is on the wrong side of the wall.
And there on the wall opposite him: paint chipping where things have been removed, but something’s still there.  An old card; someone’s drawn a football on the front of it, and the ink is faded but the words are clear enough.  Happy birthday, Frankie!
Another paper, also faded.  Brentwood School Latin Award, 1993–
When he realizes it, it hits harder than the hangover.  
What in God’s name is wrong with me?
Birds, shower, something buzzing on the floor over and over.  He rolls over to grab it, to shut the fucking thing off.  Rolling over makes his head pound.  It’s someone else’s phone.
Messages are pouring in on the screen and each one feels like it’s inside his head, kicking his skull.  He can’t see what they say, only who they’re from.  Frankie.  Frankie.  Frankie.  Frankie.  Frankie.  Frankie.  Frankie.  Frankie.
A pale neck, head thrown back to finish his good whiskey without asking.
You’re a terrible fucking person.  But you know that, don’t you?  You act like you know.  You’re disgusting.
And you’re a real bitch, a real fucking bitch is what you are, sweetheart.
Is that all you’ve got?  All that and those pills?  I see worse on the internet every week. There’s whole forums with jealous women talking about me.
What’s a forum?
Jesus.  What’s a forum.  Have you got any more whiskey? 
The shower turns off.
Missed call
He wonders if he should pick up next time.  Now you want my attention?  Well, now you’ve got it.
Footsteps in the hall.
Are you happy ? I'm drunk enough to say fuck it. I know this is what you’ve wanted.  You’ve never shut up about it.
Well, she wasn’t wrong.  She’d always been smarter than Frankie’s last one–but stupid enough to ignore the poor kid this morning.  Frankie Frankie
Missed call
He hopes he hadn’t gotten drunk enough to run his mouth.  Tell her the reasons.
The footsteps get closer.
He puts his head under Frankie’s old, yellowed pillow.  He’s always been a fucking coward. 
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teddie-bear420 · 7 months
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Emily! You naughty thing heheheh
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More of teddz thoughts and feelings under the cut
So I think Emily is the cutest gal ever, I like her design in the show (kind of… not really) (I just like princess) and I really hope she gets to do girl best friend stuff with Charlie in season two. They are my most vanilla crack ship. (The evil one is Charlie x lute)
So I really like the idea that both Charlie and Emily have very little to no friends, at the start of hazbin Charlie only has vaggie and angel, but gains more friends as the show goes on. She beats people with the power of friendship, music, and this gun she found.
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Note the pastel baby blues, and big ass eyes
Girls is bugs
Emily however, has none, she is socially inept just like charlie and I think they bond over that. And princess x princess is really cute. Like I have them both solid pupils for their innocent personalities and all I can think of is Charlie having 2 angel girlfriends! If Emily ever falls to hell due to her support of Charlie’s dream I am positive that Charlie will catch her in her arms,
Hrmmmm I think Charlie would start dressing to look masculine so she could impress Emily. Gay prince and princess!! Yesssss.
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Emily x lute is cute too, a princess and her knight in shining armor, though I can also see tha angst that comes with lute. Like lute can pretend to be this chivalrous knight that saves the princess but her betrayal of vaggie keeps pushing itself to the surface and she starts going a little crazy!
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Idk if there’s a vaggie x Emily swing to this maybe I’ll think of something
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pallanophblargh · 11 months
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I’ve basically been dead as far as online presence and art is concerned, mostly due to keeping busy with life stuff. There is currently a recently spayed cat wearing a shirt in my house, I’m playing houseplant musical chairs, that kind of stuff.
But here’s a few crude scribbles of a curly ‘noph lady who I’m finding fun to draw. I should compile another pallanoph sketch dump when I’m less lazy.
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royalarchivist · 2 years
Eret: I did steal her from her sleep, so she's in sleepy mode. Very floppy.
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merlinemrys · 1 year
sometimes u just have to think about how gwen is thee it girl in camelot 😌 favoured heavily by morgana, courted by arthur and then became queen (not to mention that arthur was willing to forsake his entire kingdom just to be with her), lancelot loved her at first sight and he carried that flame of his affection until he died, gwaine stopped in the middle of the street to flirt with her, leon basically goes and shoots his shot while arthur’s dying, merlin’s willing to disguise himself AND die for her at any turn�� nobody does it like thee babygirl ever <3
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parsleyartist · 4 months
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Envy is my beloved girl who likes collect bones 🦴💖
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madebysimblr · 5 months
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Takuya: Make yourselves at home, I'll whip up something to eat. Ah admiring my work?
Envy: You're a photographer?
Takuya: Yup. I appreciate beauty.
Envy: I can see that.
Takuya: [chuckles] Mainly I do a lot of work for the Komorebi Tourism Board.
Envy: Do any work with musical artists?
Takuya: Not yet. Would love to though.
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florbelles · 3 days
finished hera & started lady macbeth and we have got to start blaming women for shit again for real
#this is a joke. but.#if i have to read one more retelling~ that’s just#‘but what if the woman was ASSAULTED ALL THE TIME and had NO AGENCY so everything bad she did was JUSTIFIED or a LIE???’ please stop#when you’re actively taking agency away from women written and portrayed in deeply patriachal cultures you’re not giving them a voice#youre taking the voice they had away.#women worked around and within the patriarchy while having feelings and ambitions and wants and dreams and flaws and virtues forever.#without the necessity of ‘but what if the MAN in her life was just SUPER EVIL and NOT NUANCED and she was just ASSAULTED’#what if no women wanted anything but SAFETY ever what if they were never power hungry or jealous or predatory ever themselves?#yes circe did this too if i have to see one more person say ‘oh except circe’ i will scream.#circe is literally like. the worst offender here.#pivoting back though sorry but it also all feels very bioessentialist PRESUMABLY without meaning to but ‘oh men are just inherently evil#with no nuance. nuance is for women and by nuance we mean was just super oppressed and wronged’ is uh haha actually terfy as fuck#good ol lady macunsexmeherebeth who definitely didn’t plot the whole thing to begin with for sure needs to be Given a Voice#i haven’t finished this one yet btw. i like this author’s work on the whole i just think this one is a swing and a miss because like.#this is not a woman who didn’t do anything and who didn’t have a voice.#if you want to show us her perspective in terms of her psychology and her inner workings and how she got to this place excellent wonderful#but not when the answer is just ‘but actually nothing was her fault ever!!!!!!’ like. lol let her want that crown for reasons that aren’t#my husband is abusive.#like oh my god.#same with hera you’re gonna go with the ONE tradition where she didn’t want to marry zeus#and all her rage is just about Injustice and the Patrairchy and not actual envy. okay.#she & zeus were an og most toxic couple of all time but they WERE in virtually all tradition a couple still who had times of reconciliation#and attachment.#like you know. actual toxic and abusive relationships do.#also it completely erased rhea who was actually the character whose story this more closely resembled#(warrior goddess with flop husband she finally schemes against)#instead she just. uh. went away oh no hera’s so afraid of being weak like mama she must break the cycle.#like okay this is the story you want to tell stop superimposing it on mythical entities from thousands of years ago then.#justice4rhea.#okay sorry. end rant.
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k7tt1 · 3 months
Sometimes I sit down to think about the true ramifications of how / what the Fizz Bots are to Fizzarolli,
Imagine robotic clones ( sexual, at that ) being made of you and they are not only modeled after you in physical appearance, but have a likeness to your personality, mannerisms and general demeanor. Imagine they say the things you would, possibly act in the same way you would.
What's worse, is that they're made in your likeness in real time; their production / manufacturing ages along with you,
Imagine you SEE these things being assaulted, used & abused in public; these clones take it all with a smile. Soulless, mindless... But as if that's not enough, then realizing that they may just have sentience. Or at least, they give off the impression they do. And on top of ALL that... they have chunks of your memories, your past; they're you, but at the same time, they aren't,
What do you do with that information? How do you treat them ( yourself? )? What's the end game?
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wlwdisasterr · 11 months
everyday I wake up and I think about critical role's halloween costumes of each other
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jasonsbones · 10 months
I had such high hopes for the Scott Pilgrim show I'm so fucking disappointed
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razzek · 9 months
I'm starting to feel about artistic depictions of trans scars the same way I feel about artistic depictions of blindness: they suck.
At first the art of all the jagged lined scars I saw for trans characters seemed neat. But then I started to remember that I have those scars and they don't look like that. At all. And it's kinda shitty to draw all these trans men and nbs in such a way that they look like someone took an axe to their chests. Mastectomy/top surgery scars don't look like that at all! Even when you have a slash and dash quick surgery like I did, the results are much nicer and most trans guys you can't even tell.
This is like drawing people with white/pale, unfocused eyes as a shorthand for blindness. It's a shitty stereotype and I think in the long run it causes more harm than good. Just like with real trans folks you may have to just say out loud that your guy is trans instead of giving him a design that's kinda shitty to the bros out there who went through some shit to look really good.
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daincrediblegg · 1 year
lady terror question for you: 😊
do lady terror and francis ever argue with each other and how would they apologise/make up?
also how would you describe her relationship/interactions with the other characters, friendships etc.
OK OK ok... First? oh yeah. Without revealing too much, they have argued like HELL with each other throughout. And of course, as you can imagine, the worst of their arguments (with some of the most bleak and cutting words- from the both of them) occur during year 2 in the ice off king william land which... yeah. And I tell ya. Some anxieties and fears (and even love- weirdly and fucked up as the expression of it might be) are revealed through them (in fact- the "I have everything to fear of you" bit that I love hauling out all the time is the butt-end to one such argument. and it's so hot god damnit). As for making up? well... you'll see 😉(just know that it's sweet and tearful and cuddly). AS FOR OTHER RELATIONSHIPS??? OHHHHHH THANK YOU I'VE BEEN WANTING TO TALK ABOUT THOSE FOR A WHILE!!!! Bc I love her relationship with Francis but I've written just as much dialogue with her and other characters as well.
Thomas Blanky is easily the person that she vibes with the most on either ship- bc he comes from a very similar sailing background that she does (more merchant ship/whaling stuff than naval expeditions) and she’s much more appreciative of his kind of sense of humor and general outlook on things. It sets her at ease somehow, and also reminds her of her father. Not to mention that he also treats her not just with respect but with the kind of camaraderie that she experienced on her father’s ship- like not a lot of people on these ships would just… hang out with her? And exchange filthy jokes and limericks while they work. And have a genuinely friendly rapport that isn’t marred with all the victorian social trappings- which is what she wants at the end of the day. If anyone is her true bestie on this expedition, it’s gotta be Mr. Blanky 🥰
The second most important relationship is with Jopson. He was a bit wary of her at first, but the more times she spends on Terror, and the more she sees both her and the captain warming up to each other? Not to mention her concern for his well-being (which is something that no one ever really shows him)??? He kindof ends up seeing her as the elder sister that he’d never had.
James Fitzjames is, of course, her natural frenemy. Kindof like a Darcy figure honestly (watch this space). But I think they have some of the most interesting conversations I've written honestly. I think she catches on fairly early that a lot of James is a front- and James is unsettled by that because the thing that masculinity has afforded him is adiquate cover, but to be confronted by the feminine and be seen? Scares the shit out of him, but he still respects and cares for her.
Goodsir is her little Inuktitut study buddy and confidante on Erebus. Their cabins are even right next to each other. They're both kind of in the same position (just in different disciplines, ofc) , and they do try to look after each other as best they can. This man will bring her a cherry stone heating pad when she's having cramps, the absolute king that he is, and also pass on information to her that others wouldn't deem suitable for her ears. She even helps him out in the surgery every now and again when Dr. Stanley can't be fucked! They're rational critical thought buddies.
AND SPEAKING OF BUDDIES!!! SILNA!!!! god there's a lot going on there and I don't want to reveal too much but they are nb gal pals and there's nothing none of these stuffy old british bitches can do about it and that's all I have to say on the matter. 1000% a part of the 'respect indiginous folks' defense squad.
there is so much more. but these are sort of the major ones for me that I've fleshed out so far. (honorable mention to Bridgens, who is her book club buddy and who she loves having conversations with about this stuff. she endears herself to old farts like that what can I say?) More to come ofc when I finish this damn enterprise but THANK YOU FOR THE ASK!!!!!
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verirosvous · 3 months
ah shit I got hit by gender envy again and now my gender is confusing again
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ofdeomnes · 5 months
the wombo combo of tatmas and brie lars.on on my dash is going be the death of me.
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musedriven · 7 months
I can't believe you've done this--
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dn angel tag dump
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