#My HC pearl is that she knows what's wrong with herself
colorfullpaperbird · 8 months
Characters in Ace attorney that i believe are aware of fanfiction✨ ( and fandom )
Warning i haven’t played all the games yet, in fact my apollo justice trilogy is crashing every time i try to open it, so all the characters from after aa3 are based on fandom osmosis
Miles Edgeworth - writes Steel Samurai fanfiction on ao3 and has been doing it for some time now (the living embodiment of the ao3 writers curse) would rather die than anyone finding that out tho, doesn’t have a lot of free time so only posts once in like 3-4 months, fics are pretty good and distinct since he writes them with so much formality, so he is relatively popular in some fandom spaces;
Maya Fey- fanfiction reader only, runs an account on Tumblr for Steel Samurai news and fanwork, famous in the fandom and runs a discord server, one of those people that lowkey have their own fandom mostly bc of the insane revelations she drops about her own life from time to time ( “ lmao guys sorry for being absent but i got accused of murder for the 4th time and that really sucked ANYWAYS did you guys look at the leaks for the new reboot… “ ) Shes also way too open about herself on the internet;
Simon Blackquill: Sasuke fan ( derogatory ) also steel samurai fan tho, dont think he goes out the way to read fanfiction ( i think if he did he would read them in fanfiction.net ) but its pretty funny to think hes edgeworths beta reader ( AN: sorry for the delay, unfortunate circumstances came to light that my beta reader was arrested and is now on death roll ) He ran an AMV account on youtube before going to prison;
Trucy Wright: Shes 16 and her only friends are her dads coworkers, she opened wattpad AT LEAST once, probably accidentally read one of those “got sold to one direction (gavinners)” fics and immediately closed the app;
Klavier Gavin: opened wattpad to see what type of fanfiction people were writing about him, he runs a secret fan account and shares fun facts about him and his bandmates as “hcs”, also pretty popular but most people hate him bc they believe his depiction of the gavinners is “too ooc”. He is actually pretty impressed by the quality of most of the works and alludes to their existence constantly in his main on twitter, the fans go insane everytime;
Franziska Von Karma: I don’t believe Franziska is a fanfiction reader nor is she into any fandom, i do however believe she has notifications turned on for Edgeworth’s ao3 account, he doesn’t know that of course, what a foolish fool to think he could hide such a thing from his big sister, she will sometimes quote his work back to him and find amusing seeing him freeze. He thinks its a coincidence because he is too secretive about his hobbies, he’s wrong, she’s been following him online since she was 13, that’s how she knew he wasn’t dead in JFA.
Extras: Phoenix is technologically illiterate, he couldn’t read fanfiction even if he wanted to. Apollo is way too normal for that, he has the law autism not the fandom one. Athena knows of fanfiction bc she is young and in the internet but she wasn’t very interested in it. If you ask Gumshoe about fanfiction he would give you a smile and say “Of course im a Fan of Fiction Pal!”. I do believe Pearl has wattpad but only reads original works on there, so in my opinion she doesn’t count.
Im sorry for any spelling mistakes, english is not my first language
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cosmicwhoreo · 2 years
I- i want you to give me some caviarpearl hc’s if you want to,,if not,,,you good :)
(I also love ur art)
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I may have a few. -Firstly and foremost; NONE OF THEM KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING. Like, at all. The one with the most experience with even the slightest bit of romance (and I use that word VERY lightly) is Pearl, who got trust issues from it SO BADLY it inverted her colors. Caviar's been too preoccupied in being a Captain and glorified babysitter to his misfit crew among other things to so much as give a toss about romance, and she literally secludes herself in the literal wreckage of her past relationship as a reminder of how naïve she was and horrible people are. The slowburn is REAL and neither of them realize until it's too late. As in, they could be literally dating for a good 2 or 3 years and a second party would still have to spell out what's going on for them.
-Black Pearl is touch-starved AS FUCK. She hasn't had or given any physical affection in literal centuries, so when say; Caviar like gives her a reassuring shoulder pat when she's in one of her "murder moods", she blanks. Completely forgetting what she was angry about and now has a MIGHTY NEED for more but refuses to acknowledge it. Cue when they FINALLY are on a more rrrromantic ground, and she's hanging her head off his shoulder like your household cat demanding attention and affection.
-The good old classic; Villainess that playfully flirts to make the hero annoyed or uncomfortable, until he goes and flirts back and WHAT THE HELL, YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO DO THAT!! (//0m0//)
-Mayhaps my son, my beloved boy, Caviar would be the last to ~realize~. Mainly because he first has to figure out that's what he's feeling first. But, he would probably be somehow more stubborn about admitting it than BP. Don't get him wrong, he's good at picking up on more emotional cues from others, but he's absolute garbage on how to handle his own. So, he just kinda sits on his more complex feelings until his ass is sore. Not sure if acknowledging them would be more trouble than it's worth. Ever the crispy captain that never admits to having a soft spot.
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galaxytastes · 6 months
some random clorivia hcs? 🥺
Oh my heavens aren't you just a sweetie, asking me about my fav Sapphic ship... I think about them so often, so this will be my PLEASURE. Clorivia headcanon dump, lets GOOOOO.
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~This is the biggest one. Shorter Clorinde. Just a bit shorter, but its very obvious when Navia wears her tallest boots. Even as young girls, Navia was always just a few inches taller. Perfect for forehead kisses!
~During their childhood DND days, Clorinde first started out with a swashbuckler rogue character, but eventually preferred using a bard. Her instrument of choice was the lute. Navia would get a kick out of seeing Clorinde try to rizz up traders and shopkeepers with her bard-ish charm.
~Navia and Clorinde prefer tea and cakes, but on occasion, they'll share some cocktails or wine. Navia is a giggly drunk, but she can hold her drink better than any of the men in the Spina di Rosula. When Navia starts laughing at even the most unfunny statements, Clor knows its time to take her home. Clorinde on the other hand is a huge lightweight. She's very affectionate when she drinks, often forgetting about the rest of the world and starts babbling out lovely sweet nothings and risky touches that turn Navia as pink as a rainbow rose. After just one glass, Clorinde starts smiling like an idiot, asking Navia to sit on her lap.
~Clorinde and Navia love to exchange flowers with one another, even before they became romantic partners. Clorinde loves to leave flowers for Navia in private during their candlelight dinners, never getting tired of the infectious giggle and smile she is given in return. Navia prefers to gift the bouquets in public, especially at work or in front of friends. Clorinde blushes like crazy and puffs her cheeks up while everyone stares. (Navia knows what she's doing)
~While Clor does prefer more neutral/muted clothing when off the clock, she will rarely dress up when Navia asks her nicely. She even allowed Navia to drag her to Chiori's Boutique for a big poufy dress with ribbons and pearls. She only groaned just a little. (She secretly enjoyed it. Only that one time, though.)
~The whole "my lipstick would look good on you" thing is very much a love language between Clorinde and Navia. If someone pays very close attention, they would see the peachy pink blush that adorns Navia's round cheeks is sometimes very softly brushed over Clor's cheeks. At times, the familiar smell of Clorinde's cologne will fill the room, but instead it is Navia you find there instead. And Clorinde is often found fiddling with pearl earrings that look a lot like the ones Navia wore last week! Sharing is caring!
~Navia spent a lot of her childhood dancing with her father, balancing on his tip toes while rocking side to side. It got her in the habit of asking Clorinde to do the same. Tiny Navia would offer her hand like the gentlelady she is and Clorinde would accept awkwardly and they would share little girl tip toe dancing, but this time, Navia would lead, letting Clorinde use her feet to balance as she twirled them as her father taught her. Now as adults, the women still love dancing together, but in private, Navia tugs Clorinde onto her feet, letting the tired champion duelist wobble back and forth.
~Wriothesley was the first person Clorinde (accidentally) confessed her feelings for Navia to, after the "incident." The two spent a lot of time together and he could tell something was wrong, especially with how often Clor wanted to spar. He saw how she threw herself into the fights recklessly, leaving herself open with every turn. He pressed her on the issue mid-fight and thanks to adrenaline, exhaustion from the lack of sleep or maybe just grief, she blurted out her "unrequited" feelings for her childhood friend. The fight was quickly stopped and the talk was continued over tea. He's good at keeping secrets.
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I have a lot, but this is getting kind of long! If you'd like more/a longer post, just let me know and I would be happy to ramble on about my dearest girls. Or if you'd like to ask for headcanons for another ship/character/platonic pairing, I'd love to write those too!
Thank you again for asking me, this was fun to write :)
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araneitela · 5 months
[META] + Violins
Prompt: [ Meta ] plus a word, equals a HC. // @findcasket
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You mean the concept of humanity wrapped into an instrument? Alongside the piano, I swear that it's one of the most 'fragile' sounding instruments in terms of the level of emotion that it portrays alongside the accuracy with which it does it. Dear god, the moment that I saw this woman acting out her little violin performance while chaos was breaking out all around her, I knew that her fingers were already expertly wrapping themselves around me. Any way, I digress.
I'll forever remember looking into the notes of someone's playthrough of HSR's first scenes, which is just something I like to do because you never know what kind of little treasures you might find in there. And there was a violinist tucked away in there, who I'd also seen in the notes of her main trailer, commenting on the intense accuracy of the movement of her fingers in it. And then on top of that, how they've usually been let down by the details when other games have tried to simulate it as well, but it was more so done to iterate how intentional this must've been for Hoyo to have focused on its accuracy so much.
So in that sense, I think it's close to a given that she knows how to play it, similarly to how I believe that she is someone who also plays or has played the piano. Where I differ however, is that I don't believe that she actually owns a violin at present, nor is she seeking to obtain one by her own means. Moreover, what and where I think the 'mimicking' comes from, actually, is from her memories and the emotional attachment that she once held for these instruments in them. Kafka's character, to me, revolves around and thrives within two concepts, that of intimate longing and that of loss (the pearl earring, the broken winged butterfly pin, and Blade's character story to name some) which plays intricately into the former. Now for me, her connection to the violin and the piano (primarily the former) play wonderfully into representing both of these, and thus can be drawn into these prevalent topics across the board for her incredibly easily. In simple terms, I think that there is a sense of longing to play them. Now, I feel confident in noting that Kafka does not come across as one who, if she had access to (in this case) a violin of her own, that she would crave to play it so intensely all the time, that when drawn from it for even the briefest of time, that she would enact the part of playing one during her separation from it. No, I think she's actively choosing not to obtain one, for one reason or another. Perhaps it's a memory that plays into the loss that her character seems to stray towards, or perhaps it's a lack of something else; I don't quite yet dare say. But there's something oddly wistful about it, if you look past the surface. All in all, I think her little moments of mimicking and humming, makes for an incredibly interesting "little" tidbit to me. It reminds me of something I wrote in an older post last year:
(...) And yet, and yet, I actively think if she were to find herself in a hotel room, even on her own, and there would be a piano right there— I can see her fingers tracing over the keys so very clearly, even as if she were touching the keys to play and yet she would never press down.
I still stand by this to this day. It's the ache to do something again, and yet for one reason or another, you can't bring yourself to do it. Whether it feels wrong, or there's something missing, something or someone; it doesn't matter, it's a longing of some kind. It really is the overarching topic and/or concept that I see in her character, and the fact that she's tied to such an inherently fragile instrument, only further solidifies it in my brain. But in that, I also feel a deep sense of melancholy when I think of her and that violin. And it plays into all of this, of course, but also the fact that I genuinely see no evidence in canon at present that tells me that she has one, and we know she could obtain one if she so wanted to, but she doesn't. Which tells me, on some level, that she doesn't want one. Which then has me entertain the concept of... if one were gifted to her, would that be different? Would that offer the person who gifted it to her a glimpse that no one else could ever get? The answer is a very likely yes, but I can't see it being gifted by most by any means; it'd need to be by someone who could come to grasp the significance of one, put in the appropriate research, who would know where to go, who to speak to, where to find the significance. And that, isn't most people.
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treker402 · 6 years
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Pearl knows that she isn’t the good one, and always be the mess up and fuck up everything in her life. She never expects someone to be with her
someone like Marina. 
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kurosstuff · 3 years
Can I request hcs for big ol vampire lady with a s/o that has social anxiety example: when she’s have a meeting with mother Miranda or something s/o would casually try walking away from the situation!!
I do this actually- not even on purpose?? Something catches my attention and I just go for it HAHA
Lady Dimitrescu x reader headcanons: reader walks away from Mother Miranda/situation(s)
• ok first things first. The first time you two met. She turned away from you talking about turning you into wine her claws out. You were just like "awooga♡ women" but then you saw a painting and went for it
• "and so-" turning she just?? Was confused you weren't were you were last time "wher-" she cut herself off by seeing you looking at a painting. Of herself
• a year or so later she learned to either hold your hand or keep you in her sights 24/7 of you'll get lost. Doesn't matter her heightened senses, you always managed to get away??
• she never really worried about it all that much until Mother Miranda invited Alcina and her darling to her place. She was worried but confident youd be on your best behavior
•she was wrong
• within seconds of arriving she lost you in the matter of like?? 5 minutes until you popped up beside her again
- bonus drabble!-
(Also what's the fancy cigarette thingy she smokes from?? Ima call it a pipe whatever-)
"Darling stay where I can see you" Alcina stated taking a long much needed drag from the pipe, blowing the smoke to the side away from where you were currently, occupied with a statue, the smoke slowly disappearing into the air
"Anyways we really sh" she started before a deep drawn out sigh escaped her. Where did you rush off to now. Taking long steps to where you once where she glanced around the pearl earrings jiggling as she moved her head. Ah. The small pond Mother Miranda has must have caught your attention. With a small hum she stalked her way over there.
Turning around sharply. Alcina stood tall, almost taller then usual, frozen in a self trained perfect stance "Mother Miranda. How good it is to see you again" She spoke putting her pipe away
"Seems your.. pets attention has.. been divided" with a slight distaste with the.. nickname Mother Miranda walked past the taller women and up to the human who stood looking into the lake. With a call of your name you turned seeming the bird mother, Alcina has told you about
"So your the lover of my daughter correct?" Mother Miranda started before you could respond she waved her hand, dismissively towards you "so tell me about yourself" turning to face, Alcina let out a sigh disapprovingly knowing the look in your eyes. Stiffening at the sight. "And it seems to me that by your silence you have no-" Turning around fully nothing was behind her, almost like no one was there to begin with
"..Where did they go"
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harveywritings92 · 4 years
Someone flirts with you in front of them: Shay, Edward, Shaun.
Shay Cormac: Y/n's father had hired a new assistant undertaker at the funeral home, a one Mr. Ronald McFinley he was an average looking brown hair, gray eyes freckles and a somewhat spoiled man from a upper-middle class upbringing, His parents had asked (begged) Y/n's father to take him on as an apprentice as favor due to Ronald being barred from other medical education and practices.
*e.I. he's a spoiled brat who thinks he knows everything.*  
Mr.L/n reluctantly agreed to take him on the Scotsman wasn't a bad worker but he wasn’t a good one either as Mr L/n or and another worker would have to fix any mistakes he had made in his haste and  laziness.
Another thing that started to show was Ronald's very obvious affections for the undertaker's pretty daughter Y/n, often starring at her from afar or slacking in his studies daydreaming about an imaginary life together, he'd often abandon his post at work just to waste time and talk her.
The young y/ec woman however found him annoying she had a dislike for men like Ronald flashy, rich and obnoxious. men who only wanted a woman like herself; simply because she's pretty.... not because of her personality or her intelligence, No... Men like Ronald just want a pretty little ornament to hang off his arm and make babies for him.
Evident by the expensive gifts, clothes and money he would flash at her in hopes she'd swoon into his arms and every time she would send it back and every time she would say "No." each time Ronald would never get the hint.
That was until Shay came home, it seemed like any other day, Ronald was slacking in his studies trying again trying vain to get Y/n's affection and hand which her father had rejected when the young Scotsman had asked for his permission to marry her, it's was a silver and pearl necklace this time.
 He cleared his throat to get the y/ht woman's attention and she sighed rolling her eyes waiting for his "My lovely or dear Y/n" spiel again only to noticed someone come in the funeral home someone who Y/n greatly missed tears welled in her eyes as a happy smile slowly found it's way on her face.
Ronald not seeing the man behind thought he'd finally done it and won Y/n's heart opened his arms wide thinking she was going to leap into his arms with happiness instead he was blindsided when she shoved him aside and tearfully called out 
"Shay!" and watched as she ran into the arms of a very large dark haired stranger dressed in black with a scar on his face the gray eyed man stared slack jawed as the object of his affection pulled this "Shay" into a passionate kiss before pulling away eyes locked lovingly on each other.
Only for their moment to be broken by a seething Ronald who cleared his throat getting their attention, Y/n's mood dropped having her reunion with her lover interrupted. "Oh... still here um...Roy?" Ronald blinked in disbelief one kiss with this filthy street dog, and she couldn't remember his name?! a vein appeared on the Scotsman's neck.
"Ronald Howard McFinley." he hissed venom dripped on every word as he glared daggers at Shay who looked like he was about to say something only for Ronald suddenly reach out and slap him with a glove. "And challenge you... to a duel!?!?" he screamed as Y/n and Shay looked at each other than at Ronald"Are you serious?" the Irishman snorted but the brown haired man started rambling pistols at dawn and all that, before Shay sighed calmly lifted  his left hand like he was going to ask a question.
Ronald quieted down to hear what the Irishman had to say only to get a palm-Strike to the forehead knocking Ronald flat on his arse, the gray eyed man rolled around on the floor holding his forehead and wailing all while the couple shook their heads at the spectacle.
"I thought your father was exaggerating, when he wrote you were being tormented by a man-child." Shay said as they stepped over the rolling man, Y/n clung to his arm affectionately. "Oh, Shay you know my father's bad at jokes." she stated as they when to somewhere private to be reacquainted. From then on, Ronald. Who was sporting a ridiculous bruise on his forehead started behaved himself and take his job seriously (Shay had few words with him) stayed away from Y/n and was best warn any other potential suitors of her scary husband to be.
They weren't together per say... mainly due to Edward's wife Caroline and Y/n respected that boundary no matter how much it hurt, But that still didn't stall the bubbling rage Edward felt the second redheaded man sat down next to Y/n taking up much of her attention away from him, he watched at the man said something that made his lass laugh...
Edward's lips curled into a snarled and averted his eyes to look at his ale not even paying attention to the barmaid who kept trying to get him to look at her and left in a huff when Edward wouldn't budge, Then Edward noticed something was askew in Y/n's voice her laughter seemed tight and forced, Edward swallowed pride and looked back at the the Y/hc who disappeared from her original spot he scanned the tavern and found her a few tables down from his, he grimaced seeing the y/nat woman squirming in in her seat as she shrugged the red haired man's arm off her for what seemed to be the umpteenth time on her end.
The assassin Y/n tried move away Red would follow her and plant himself right next to her. Finally Edward had enough the next time Y/n went to find somewhere to sit the assassin nodded at a few of his crew to sit up and start walking around in a cluster effectively blocking Red's view of Y/n.
Edward took this opportunity to grab her arm and pulled Y/n into his lap and shushed her, just as his men sat back down, they sat back to chest as Edward's larger frame hid Y/n from the Red haired man who looked around the tavern confused before noticing Edward.
"Oy mate you see where that tarty bar wrench went?" Y/n felt a growl rumble in Edward's chest Next thing she knew Adéwalé��​​​​​​ had lifted her out of Edwards lap she heard Red let out a girly "Eep!" as the blond pirate suddenly grabbed him by his collar and had pinned to the counter down by the back of his neck.
"That Lady is named Y/n and she no wrench, if I see you any of your friends near her again." Edward unsheathed his hidden blade and lowered it towards the red haired man's crotch. "I will cut your instruments off and feed em' to a shark, do you understand?" 
Red went ghost white and nodded before Edward threw him of the counter. "Good. Now get out of my sight!" the blond hissed retracting his blade Red did as he was told before Edward grabbed his tankard gulped down his ale and got Y/n out of that tavern and back to the Jackdaw to help Y/n get Red's stench of her.  
Shaun: Takes place in AC III:  before heading to the temple the Assassin's had stopped off in a very small rural town that acted as a base for the american assassin branch almost everyone in this town was an Assassin. Reader is a Civilian who got pulled into their group by accident.
They were in the laundromat/pizza parlor waiting for food and their spare clothes to dry, when Rebbeca alerted Shaun to Y/n's situation seems his girlfriend (no matter how much he denies it) has attracted a very unwanted guest, Shaun looked up from his lap top to see what Rebecca was prattling on about to see Y/n at her washing machine being hounded by a pimply faced teen who looked 16-19 years old who was getting very lewd and grabby with his unwanted flirting.
Desmond shot the British man a look and mumbled "say something to the little creep!" a Shaun lips formed a thin line as he observed them for a moment before going back to his computer seemingly not caring what was happening, Rebecca and Desmond were taken aback by this seemingly cold act  they wondered if they had it wrong and that Shaun and Y/n weren't together?
Desmond was about to go scare the guy off, when Suddenly there was a shriek Y/n's back was pressed up the machine she held her arms against her chest, her bra strap were slipping of which pretty much told her friends that the perv had unhooked and tried to pull her bra off, Desmond got up  only for Shaun to speed walk passed him with an eerily calm look on his face.
Rebecca and Desmond watched Shaun take his jacket off give it Y/n before turn to the teen who took a swing at the bespectacled assassin who dodged grabbed the boy's free arm spun him around pinned him to the wall, Shaun had the boy arm twisted painfully around his back. The blond's face was still eerily calm as he whispered something to the boy who's face contorted into horror before Shaun let him go the boy ran out of the Laundromat. 
Shaun check on Y/n  who went back her laundry and went back to Rebecca and Desmond who were gawking at the brit curiously. "What...What ya say to the little creep?" Rebecca dared to ask as Desmond went over Y/n to keep watch while awkwardly eyeing Shaun.
"I told Carmen Schultz, if he didn't back off now I was going to break into his house; 7555 Dune street , and I was going scope out his eyes with a melon-baller and then his rich parents would have to get him a eye pig to dragged his blind ass around town." 
"Why a pig?"
"He's allergic to dogs."
"...Okay, I'm going to write a reminder for D to never to hit on Y/n."
Shaun just huffed and went back to his research as William returned from the the used car-lot with their new van.
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Tell us your franziska thoughts on her relationship with Maya
hmm.. ok... ill tell u i dont have too much brainrot about franziska + maya so i dont think about them TOO much i just think theyre funny and the best pair for each other BUT.
i think their relationship wouldve be really interesting if they ever fleshed it out which they WONT ever do that but it wouldve been GREAT if they had more than 2 lines. but whatever. 3 points ill say are
their trauma shit idk
and how theyre both alike and different (also im just transporting it from my brain so it may not make that much sense but like u know)
theyre the same age. maya says some shit like wow...shes my age but shes so much more mature and strong. maya still feels like a teenager at 18, franziska feels as if she is an adult. maya had more leeway in this in fact i would say she is the opposite of franziska in this regard. maya was much more sheltered than franziska was. I mean, look at pearl. morgan is pearls mother yea but even so living in kurain heavily shelters you. really i doubt maya knew too much about the outside world until the time we meet her. shes immature. but so is franziska. franziska was simply forced to grow up too fast. she was constantly reminded she was too young and she learned to surpass that by acting older than she was. but we KNOW she is immature. she has outburts and she cant really control her temper. her best resort is..whipping people. theyre both immature teenagers who were simply raised in different environments. and maya doesnt seem to care much on how others perceive her. shes goofy, shes fun! shes not an old fart like phoenix. shes young and shes happy to be! franziska is the opposite. shes stern, shes serious. she despises people not taking her seriously. she wants them to think she is a mature adult just as her brother is and just as her father is. she wants to be older and so she tries to hide her immaturity!
they both have their legacies hanging over their heads. franziska constantly had the von karma name putting pressure on her. she had to be perfect like her father, and she had to work hard for it. anything other than perfection = not an option. she was essentially groomed from a young age to be the perfect prosecutor. maya constantly had the fey name putting pressure on her. she was the only member of the clan who could be master. this pressure amplified once mia had left. but for maya, she had plenty of time to .. live. she only really started her training at 17 years old, and only at 28 has she mastered it! maya never exactly had that pressure that franziska had for perfection... however both of them feared letting down their family name. also both their predecessors had died, leaving them to realize that their legacies really didnt mean anything anymore. they became what their legacy destined them to be (maya=master,fran=prosecutor) but... a little bit to the left. someone of their own. edgeworth as an example throughout all of aai2 wonders if he should go in his fathers footsteps. and he makes the decision to stay a prosecutor... and just be his own kind of prosecutor that finds the truth. this is basically the complete opposite of what fran and maya do. they DO follow in their parents footsteps. but they make it their own.
franziska and maya both have ... TRAUMA. the way they deal with it is very alike and very different. both of them bottle it up and try to stay strong. but when something happens to maya, she acts like its all chill. everythings ok. shes okay. she acts fun and upbeat so that nobody can see anything is wrong. she keeps it to herself. franziskas way of bottling it up is she hardens herself. she doesnt let anyone touch her or get through to her. she acts rude and abrasive so that nobody can see anything is wrong. she keeps it to herself. tho i would say maya is better at hiding her true emotions abt these things... as like i said franziska has many outbursts. also, franziska hasnt really had much of a support system. she has edgeworth, sure, but im sure as soon as she hit 12 years old her pride got too high to talk to him about anything like that. maya has usually had someone to depend on and talk to. she had mia, then mia died, but then she had phoenix and she has pearly and she has some of the individuals shes met on her escapades! she does have people to talk to... she just doesnt. but unlike franziska its not because of pride i think she just doesnt want others to worry for her
anyways yeah some of this might be heading into just hc territory but yah. there you go. some of this may not tie together at all but also im tired so um LOL there u go
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talpup · 4 years
Light In the Darkness: One shot
Easily a stand alone, but is tied to my Light In the Darkness fic.  Sorry if this was a bit short and not up to my usual smutty snuff but @thoughtfullyrainynightmare did some really awesome Yami face-sitting hc's and I was inspired. @thoughtfullyrainynightmare you made my Aizawa Shouta smut in one of my other fics wait because I needed to get this idea out of my system.  I hope you’re happy with yourself. lol
Rating: Explicit
Lesson in Shutting Up
Yami kicked the bedroom door open, lips never leaving Teris’.
Legs wrapped around his waist, arms around his neck, Teris’ hips rolled in a needy dance.  Her heated core bummed Yami’s aching cock.
Yami growled, strong arm cinching around her waist, pulling her firmly against him.
Teris moaned at the hard, rutting length.
Holding her weight with a single arm, Yami reached back and blindly slammed to door shut.  His hand buried in her hair pulling her head back and baring her throat.  Rough hungry kisses and sharp nipping bites were soothed by sloppy, laving licks.
Teris’ breathy voice was music to Yami’s ears.
Yami’s lips dragged up the column of her throat.  “Do you like those clothes?”
“Uh?” Teris blinked, righting her head.
Yami’s eyes glimmered with a lust and taunting that made her core clench.
“You better start removing some clothes if you don’t want them ripped off and ruined.”  Yami told.
Teris pulled him into a ravenous kiss, his words stoking her already flaming desire.  Grinding against his clothed erection, her hands left his neck, eager to comply.
Still carrying her with one arm, Yami pulled his sheathed katana from his belt with the other.  Eyes darting to the side, he placed the blade on a chest of drawers near the door.  He unbuckled his belt as he stepped to the bed.
Top and bra removed.  Belt and pants undone.  Teris shooed Yami’s hand away and opened his pants herself.  Never once did their kiss break. Hungry lips feasting on each others.
As soon as his pants were open, Teris’ hand dove inside groping his thick cock through his underwear.
“Damn.” Yami cursed under his breath, finally breaking the kiss.
The front of his legs leaned against the side of the bed.  The muscles in his legs jerking and tensing as she stroked cock.  He grabbed her hand and pulled it away from his leaking length.
“I need you naked.  Now.”  He said and dropped her on the bed freeing his arms to pull off his shirt.
Teris yelped in surprise.  She slapped a hand over her mouth trying to quiet herself.  Her startled cry turned into a laugh as she landed and bounced on the bed.
Yami pulled her hand down wanting to see her smile.  “Did you forget? Everyone’s still at the festival.  We have the base to ourselves.”
“So I can make you scream then?”  Teris played, smile growing.
Yami hooked his fingers into the waistband of her pants and panties, pulling them off her in one go.  “You’re welcome to try.  But I got a better idea if you’re game.”
“Oh? What’s that?”
Hands on either side of her, Yami crawled into bed.  Teris clambered back from the stalking lion feeling very much like she was on the menu.
Kneeling over her on all fours, Yami suggested.  “Why don’t you make me shut up.”
Teris’ head tilted, brows furrowed in confusion.
Before she could say anything, Yami laid out over her and rolled them over. “Haven’t you said I need to learn when to hold my tongue?  Maybe if you gave me a lesson.”
Hands on his chest, Teris pushed up.  Now she was even more confused.  She had thought Yami was saying he wanted to go down on her.  But if that were the case, why would he roll them over and leave her straddling his waist?
Smirking, Yami told her plainly.  “I want you to sit on my face, Ikigai.”
A thrilling mixture of excitement and embarrassment flashed through her.  Yami’s smoldering, lust filled gaze only added to the blazing blushed on her face and quivering fire in her belly.
“Yami… I—I—“
Yami chuckled at her fumbling attempt of response.  “Look at you. Flustered and blushing like the first time we made out.  Damn, baby, you’re so cute.”
The thought had her hips rutting against him.  Her arousal smeared over his chiseled abs.  Yami groaned wanting to taste that sweet nectar.
Ignoring the growing damp spot of pre-cum in his underwear, Yami tugged at her hips.  “Come on, Beautiful.  Sit on my face and make me shut up.”
The crown of Teris’ head prickled at her growing blush.  “I—  What if I smother you?”
Yami’s laugh echoed off the bedroom walls.  That would certainly be a way to go.  Forget dying in battle or of old age.  He grinned up at her.  “A man can dream.”
“Yami. I’m serious.”
“You’re not gonna smother me.  If I can carry you squirming and writhing against me with one arm.  I can pull you off my face if I start to drown in your juices.”
Teris hadn’t thought her face could feel any hotter but she had been wrong.  She jumped slightly when Yami’s hands left her hips and trailed down her straddling thighs.
Her own hands traced the plains of his hard chest.  “You really want to do this?  To have me…  Sit on your face?”
“Yeah. But we don’t have to if you’re uncomfortable with it.”
Teris shook her head, nerves diminishing as the idea took root.  “I’m good with it.”
Yami’s lips parted in a sly grin.  “Yeah?”
Teris nodded again.  “Yeah.”
“Then get that pretty pussy up here and give me a lesson on how to hold my tongue.”
“Yami!” Teris’ embarrassed scolding ended in a startled squeak.
Yami gripped the back of her knees and pulled up from his waist to high on his chest in one strong tug.
“I haven’t even started and you’re already crying out my name.  Good thing this isn’t a lesson on making you shut up.”  Yami teased.
Teris’ eyes sharpened.  That’s it, she was going to shut his smug ass up. Embolden, she moved up straddling his head.  It struck her that was why he had taunted.
Yami’s hand glided up the side of her leg to her hip.  “You okay, Beautiful?”
Teris nodded.  “Yeah.  You?”
“Great.” Yami’s head nestled into the pillow.  “Be even better if you lowered down.”
Teris looked down.  Her breath caught seeing only the top half of Yami’s face.  His shining eyes crinkled, telling her he was smiling.  She lowered half and inch.  Then sucked in a breath as hot air rolled over her pussy at Yami’s chuckle.
Yami’s grin grew feeling her goosebumps erupt under his hand.  He blew lightly, watching her hips wiggle.
“Teris, even if you wanted me to work for it and get a stiff neck.  I can’t reach you from way up there.”  Yami lifted his head, hungry tongue stretching out to prove his point.
Teris blushed, trying to duck her head into her shoulder.
“Come on, Baby.  Lower down for me.”  Yami said, voice a cooing plea.
His hands panned up her body, rough callouses delightful against her soft sensitive skin.  Slowly, Teris sunk down.
Yami’s eyes were glued to her glistening cunt.  Sweet slick pearling on her lower lips in such large teardrops that he couldn’t believe her ambrosia wasn’t raining down on him.  His lips smacked in eagerness.  Tongue rolling in his mouth as saliva pooled.  He may as well have been one of his Saber Wolves waiting for a treat.
Patience gone, Yami grabbed her hips and pulled her down.
Teris’ gasping squeak ended in a moan.
Yami groaned, eyes rolling as her flavor exploded over his tongue.  If there was a heaven this was it.  His tongue licked out diving between her folds to lick a long thick stripe.
Teris’ legs tried to close.
Head sandwiched between her soft trembling thighs, the heady scent and heat of her intensified.  Yami could die a happy man like this.  His one and only regret would be not tasting and feeling her for another second more.
He had wanted to tease.  Wanted to draw this out.  But his insatiable hunger demanded more and he wasn’t about to deny his thirst.  Yami sucked her lips into his mouth.  His tongue dipped between her folds, swirling around her clit.
Teris’ hips bucked against his face.  “Sorry.  Sorry.”
Yami’s chuckle reverberated through her.  Hand smoothing along her side, he pulled back his head licking his lips.  “Relax, Ikigai. You’re not gonna smother or break me.  Just let go and ride my face.”
Her cunt clenched with a thrumming jolt at that.
Yami didn’t need to see her face to know she was a blushing mess.  But if he did this right he’d leave them both in a totally different kind of mess.  His lips wrapped around her clit.  Sucking on the sensitive bud, he flicking it with his tongue.
That set her hips to swaying.  But it wasn’t enough.  Yami wanted his wife to lose herself and full on fuck his face, humping her way to release.
His tongue plunged into her needy wet heat.  Teris moaned.  Her hips rolled against him without thought.
Yami hummed in pleasure.  The vibrations tickling her pussy in the best of ways.  She moaned again, her hips grinding down and rocking.
Yami’s tongue stretched as far as it could.  Dipping into her as deep as it was able.  The wet muscle pointed and flattened.  Wiggled and rolled. His head shook slightly.  Face nuzzling against her.  Nose rubbing against her clit.
It was everything wonderful and more.  The rough scrape of his stubble only added to the delicious feeling of it all.  And then his tongue curled, hitting that spot inside her.
Teris cried out, back arching.  Yami’s large hands held her upper back, bracing her as she rode his face.  Her hand buried in his hair, tugging him closer.
As soon as her hands grabbed hold of the headboard Yami gave her ass a firm spank.  The satisfying clap and her surprised cry of pleasure echoed throughout the room.  He grabbed her ass, rocking her harder against him.
“Yaammmiii…” Teris’ entire body trembled, the coil inside her spooling tighter.
Yami pulled his tongue out of her tight quivering cunt and quickly replaced it with three thick fingers.
Teris groaned, at the stretch.  Knuckles turning while at the punishing pace his long pumping fingers took up.  Joining the melody of her panting breath and mewling cries was a wet squelching that sounded with every hard thrust of Yami’s expert fingers.
The coil snapped with one last twisting thrust and roll of his tongue against her clit.  Lightning flashed in her veins.  Stars blinded her vision.  The headboard creaked under her trembling grip.  Her curled toes and pointed feet cramped.
“Fuck.” Yami cursed in heated appreciation at the way her quivering pussy clamped down and spasmed around his fingers.  He groaned at how her tight little cunt tried to suck his fingers in.  Damn if he wasn’t ready to feel her milk his cock like that.
Teris pulled up with a hiss, his hard rolling tongue too much on her over-sensitized clit.
Licking around his lips, Yami grinned like the cat that got the canary. “Well if that wasn’t the best lesson I’ve ever had.”
Teris moved off him.  Seeing his shining, slick covered face she grabbed a pillow burying her face.
Yami rolled over and pulled her to him.  His rumbling baritone a teasing coo.  “What’s the matter, Baby?”
“You’re a mess.”  Teris wailed, laughing at the tickle of his groping hands.
“You’re the one that did it to me.”  He nuzzled her playfully, trying to get between her and the pillow.  He was definitely getting her to give him another lesson on shutting up.
Hope you all enjoyed.  Comments are always appreciated.
And if you haven’t already, go give @thoughtfullyrainynightmare a follow.  I promise you’ll be happy you did.
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mysaldate · 5 years
!!! Similar to what you did with Kamanue (the babiest baby of all babies) could you please write a mini analysis/general hcs for Susamaru? I love her so much
@kimetsuno-yaiba-imagines This probably isn’t you but I’m writing about your girl so I thought I’d tag you. Sorry if I don’t do her justice!
So this is then the third in the General + Past headcanon series! I’ll link the other two at the end of this post just in case anyone is interested in my takes on the others.
General Susamaru headcanons
I’ll open it up with the obvious this time. You would hardly find a more playful demon than Maru-chan. It doesn’t matter if you don’t feel like playing with her, if she says you will, you don’t have the right to refuse. If you try that, she will make sure you know why it’s a bad idea. You will be lucky if you live to get another chance.
It doesn’t even matter all that much whether it would be playing with the temari or with something else, though if you choose the former, she will be much more pleased. But she will also enjoy other outdoor activities. Sports, of course, are her strongest suit.
She is quite good at most calmer activities as well. Most board games are a-ok with her. She doesn’t appreciate long strategy-based games though so don’t bother asking her for a game of chess. The most you would get out of her is playing for a few minutes before she would start flinging the pawns at you.
Karaoke. Take her to a karaoke night and you’re about to witness a real monster. You thought you took a cute girl out for a date? Hah! This cute girl will utterly destroy you no matter what song you pick. She can do anything, and I mean absolutely anything, from opera to metal, her vocal range is just as impressive as her football skills.
Despite all of this, she will still enjoy it when you call her cute – even if she won’t tell you. She might scoff and deny it, saying she’s powerful and scary and cool but there’s really a little part deep inside her that still enjoys that for reasons I will more expand on later.
She tends to get carried away really easily. It’s not unlikely for her to receive a mission that’s supposed to be stealthy but end up entirely blowing up the place. But well, if nobody is alive to tell the tale, she did technically go unnoticed, right? It’s not like anyone can pin the blame on her if she’s quick enough to disappear before anyone can come and doesn’t leave a trace.
She has a lower pain tolerance than most other demons. Why? Not sure. But when you compare her reaction to Muzan’s curse activating to other demons’ reactions to having their heads off (Rui, Enmu, Wakuraba) or getting their whole body sliced to pieces (spider sister), she still does feel like someone who feels more than she probably should. Or it might just be because Muzan’s curse is simply THAT painful, I’ll leave this one up to you (if it is the pain tolerance, it could hint at something I will mention later on so stay tuned!). Also she actually shrieked when Yushiro punched her and that didn’t even draw blood.
Another one to really idolize and adore Muzan, as seen from her confrontation of Tamayo. While it’s true we never saw any other demon being confronted with anything like that, it’s not unlikely that few of them would react anywhere near the extent of her anger. Much like Tanjiro points out, she is very childish so it’s not completely impossible she sees Muzan as a sort of father figure as well.
I imagine she also hasn’t been a demon for a long time, and neither has Yahaba. Since they don’t seem to know about the eyeball engraving for the Demon Moons and simply believe they’re part of them because Muzan told them so, they probably haven’t met anyone higher in the hierarchy other than Muzan himself.
It’s true that they have only been put together with Yahaba for that one mission but that doesn’t rule out the possibility of them seeing each other before. Naturally, they didn’t talk or anything since demons can’t really group up together for the most part. But it is possible they have at least a little idea about each other’s abilities as well. After all, Tokyo is only so big, it’s highly unlikely they would never run into each other.
She is a surprisingly humble girl for someone of her flashiness. After all, she doesn’t mind Yahaba giving her instructions and even though she clearly finds his worries about dust to be ridiculous, she never puts him down for it. They don’t really bicker either, nor do we ever see him complaining he didn’t support her enough. Oh and let’s not forget she didn’t really think there was a house being hidden and just acted on Yahaba’s orders during the first attack. And she did admit he was right. She also has no issues recognizing Nezuko’s strength. She’s really not a proud girl, just very very dedicated and certain they could win since Muzan trusts in them enough to give such an important mission to them.
Susamaru backstory headcanons
I’ll start, again, by the type of background I see her growing up in. This time, I am quite sure it was a rich family. Not insanely rich but the colour of her kimono as well as the colourful sash were usually a sign of power, influence, money. Not to mention the stripped inner yukata she wears, they’re usually made in plain colours unless you want to show you can afford better. She also has what appears to be pearl earrings, those would without a doubt be expensive. And even if they’re not pearls, the fact she’s the only demon in the series to wear earrings (and the only character aside from Tanjiro’s family) seems to hint on something because as we’ve already estabilished, the past has a lot to do with a demon’s clothes.
But don’t get the wrong idea, they weren’t rich by inheritance or family fortune, both her parents worked very hard to make that kind of money. It’s probable they owned a large company, possibly with an overseas branch (remember the story of KNY is set in early 1910′s so she would become a demon some time before that) that kept them busy most of the time.
Another option is that they might even be a samurai family, just a lesser known one than Kokushibo’s, a smaller clan if you will. And possibly did some business too because by then, it was no longer very benefitial to just be a samurai since the industrialization and all.
Either way, they had little to no time for her. And she didn’t have any siblings. She saw her mother more than her father who was practically absent from her life. This lead to her often being very lonely. And that’s not even mentioning her tomboyish tendencies that caused the girls from her neighbourhood not to want to play with her. Girls playing with boys was being frowned upon, especially since she came from an influential family.
Basically, she needed to be a “proper lady” regardless of whether she wanted to or not simply not to bring shame to her family. She hated it, naturally, but there was little she could do about it. It didn’t get better when she got older.
She might have had a cat. Since temaris are often used to play with them, maybe the cat was the only companion she had. I feel like she’s the type who’d pick up a stray kitten and then refuse to give it up even when her parents (or mother since her dad was never home) were against it. She might have even pulled the “You don’t have time for me so let me have this” card.
She wasn’t even the age to get married yet and people around were already saying she would never find anyone. A lot of them mentioned she’s just not cute, not suited to be a wife, not womanly enough, too wild, too loud, not gentle enough. Her mom often cried over that and it made Maru-chan feel kinda bad. Still, it was a part of herself and she didn’t want to give it up.
She has first met Muzan when she was still quite a little kid. She was hanging out around the house after the sun has gone down, playing with her cat when he walked by. Being the mischievous and fearless kid she was, she threw the temari at him, then straight-up went to ask him if he wanted to play with her.
He was quite tempted to just kill her then and there but she showed a good amount of courage by approaching him in the first place and she didn’t shrink back after seeing his red eyes. I have a feeling she might even call him cool which fluttered his ego just enough to let the little cupcake live. No, he didn’t play with her.
It wasn’t too long before the troubles of owning a large corporation caught up to them. Her mother ran away with a lover who paid her more attention than her husband and Maru-chan was left alone with their few house servants and her always busy father. In hopes to make it up to her, her father started giving her many presents, such as the afforementioned earrings but, naturally, none of that could really replace the human contact she needed (I imagine she could be some 10-12).
Now for the theory regarding pain tolerance. My theory is that a demon’s ability to tolerate pain grows based on how old they were when they were turned and how much blood have they received over time as well as the number of humans they have devoured. For example, Rui was turned at a very young age but he is a Lower Moon, he received a large amount of blood and he devoured a lot of people, thus, he was able to cut his own head off without much any issue. Rui’s spider mother, however, didn’t receive that much blood and most likely didn’t devour nearly as many people as he did. As a result, both Rui and the spider father could easily cause her a lot of pain. The spider sister was turned into a demon when she was older than her and she ate a fair share of humans so even when Rui cut her body to pieces, she was able to pick herself up rather quickly and run off with just a few hisses. As for where does Maru-chan come in, we know she received a fair amount of Muzan’s blood because she says so to Yahaba. In spite of this, Yushiro’s punch is enough to make her scream out and Muzan’s curse hurts her to the point of tears even before ripping through her. So my explanation for this is, she was turned into a demon at a young age and she didn’t eat that many humans.
Basically, I believe that after her mom left, she no longer had anyone to spend time with in her house, nobody who would care for her. So after her kitty inevitably left this world, she was all alone. This is around the second time she ran into Muzan. And it was she who recognized him before he could recognize her. Once more, she ran up to him, this time not asking to play but rather asking why was he there.
She was very contact starved, alright? Chatting with him was the closest she got to a proper talk since her mom left. And he didn’t really have anything more important to do back then so he suffered through her complaining about her life. She certainly had a lot of bitterness inside of her at that point and she still had that childish courage from when they first met. And she was also just desperate enough that when he asked if she wanted to go with him, she nodded to it without a second thought.
One of the main reasons she admires Muzan so much is that he was the first person to fully accept her. He took her in when her own mother ran away and her father couldn’t care less as long as she didn’t bother him.
The reason she doesn’t look that young is simply because, as mentioned, some demons can shapeshift. Her powers are far from as impressive as Muzan’s but she can at least alter her physical age slightly. Seeing as Muzan can shapeshift to the point where he changes even his own aura and even his fellow demons have troubles recognizing him makes her strive to be like him. The fact that she can do just a speck of what he can is what draws her closer to him. And also why that final betrayal when she gets killed by his curse hurts so much more than just physically.
Previous demons in this series: Kamanue | Enmu
Wow, these things are getting longer and longer the more of them I do xD
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Monsoon Isle HCS: villager edition
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Her sweet demeanor should not surprise anyone she’s a sweetie 
She used to be much more savage over the years, but she’s mellowing out with old age
She worries everyone who cares about her old sheep bones because she sleeps on a towel 
Is the island representative's absolute favorite because she has a soft for the grandma like behaviors. (I don’t care if she’s not old. She might not be I’ll always think of her old) 
She acts like a grandma figure to so many of the younger residents
She always has candy on her especially in her purse
She wishes to live the high life because her house is literally her own spa
She still has some sass and foxy for her age her current friends right now is Audie, Rolf, and Muffy, though two of them won’t be around for much longer
Favorite music is the tango 
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Wants stardom!!!
She has the fabulous oh! everything is so fabulous girlfriend!! 
She doesn’t know how to not be quiet!
She is fast friends with June, Rolf, and newcomer Marina. 
She wants to be Lapis’s best friend and knock June and Bob out of the picture
Wants to know everything about everyone so nosey! 
Hates that Bob is so lazy and “influencing” her forever bestie to hang out with him 
All the cats are sleazy to her and she doesn’t like them very much. They have some nerve showing up and kicking her friends Flip and Phobe out! 
Curious about Pearl and wants to be friends but thinks herself below her status
Steven is always sweet to her she might do well to have him for a friend instead. 
Bratty attitude and her home full of squid and butterflies!  
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Super soft-spoken and polite teenage cub 
She wants Lapis to be her mentor or become like her big sister. 
Is semi jealous of Kyanite, because of how close Lapis is with her actual sister, but still likes her. No bad blood.  
She loves the sea and the tropical getaway package and was lucky to meet so many nice animals
She likes to receive fish as pets especially tropical fish. 
She thinks Flora can be too pushy with no disrespect because she hit it off better with Lapis by being cautious and not so invasive
Wants to know about Peridot! She showed up to her birthday party and gave her a present so she would like to be her friend! 
She’s scared to approach Pearl and if she talks to Aquamarine she will get bullied. 
Lapis will protect her like she would protect Ky and Bob too
Bob and Punchy act like strong big brothers to June and she’s uber close to Punchy (Hey! How about that? Steven and Lapis’s Favs are friends)  
She makes a point to talk to Rolf and Barbra when they are out and about, good grandpa and granny figures. 
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An old friend very loyal companion especially for Kristin he does call her kiddo every single time he sees her
This island is getting a little too wiper snapper young boys for his liking but he stays because Barbra is there and Kristin who gave him a home when he needed it they became a family unit and good friends
Rolf wants to teach the funny boy some respect going around blastin’ his horns and throwing cream pies at people what RUBBISH! 
These kiddos don’t know how to make the true honest living! 
Has a lawnmower but rarely uses it he’s just going to sit outside and complain 
Spends a lot of time in the mountains enjoys to fish but is miffed when he can’t catch any
Close to death and he knows that leaving an impact! 
He doesn’t like Lapis’s attitude because she teases him a lot about his gruff deep voice because it sounds like he’s choking on his words smoking six-packs of zigs a day! 
He would like to be an uncle figure everyone can look up to but he’s not popular enough 
appreciates Steven’s good nature thinks the boy can do no wrong
Bob and Punchy throw fish around his yard 
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The newcomer has approached! 
Bob will always be best friend with his god-tier friend Punchy 
Bob is a little older and looks out for Punchy they’ve already hit it off like brothers
How does he sleep on a block bed? 
Is the most easy-going guy just don’t hurt his friends. 
Bob closest friends are Punchy and June
He likes to pretend he’s got an ouchie to con some candy off of Barbra
Insanely easy going just don’t touch his sandwich
He can tell he’s hit it off really well with Lapis and will cherish her as a best friend since they are eerily similar in enjoying the simple pleasures of life
Will always have mad respect for Flip to go out into the world and find a new place because Bob can see he got some good property with a beach and a Pool! 
Loves to meme
Pisses Flora off on purpose
Is excited for the playground and the campgrounds
Is there when someone needs him even if he’s sarcastic
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Convinced to move to Monsoon island because of Steven now that is incredible because most cats hate water! 
Loves to nap in the sunshine on Lapis’ beach and Pearl’s private beaches
Precious. Must protect!  
Will touch all of the gizmos and gadgets and camping gear Peri has just to be sneaky and attempt to be friends
becomes spikey scared boy when Aquamarine is around 
He enjoys Kyanite thinks she’s very sweet 
He wants to be friends with Pietro he’s SO FUNNY! But Spinel growls at him 
Will protect June with his snacks and risking his tail for her
Everyone is a good friend even if Rolf doesn’t like his laid back personality
Flora is a little too judgy for him and it hurts his feelings
Goes for long walks on the beach with Steven and Lapis and sometimes June, Bob, and Biskit 
Cutie Pie
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A very good girl yes I said girl (fight me) 
Peridot’s favorite VillagerTM (Strong personified Pumpkin vibes)  
She doesn’t mind being Peridot’s best friend since the mad scientist smart city human gives her presents and treats her very sweetly
She has a dog house in her backyard because sometimes she’ll lay in it and watch the clouds up above
She is friends with practically everyone except for Muffy, Bluebear, and Flora since they are very judging of her stimmy dog behaviors.
LOVES PERIDOT AND LAPIS!!! Even if they are judged.  
She will growl at intruders if they don’t smell right. 
A good younger sister and teacher’s pet character
Has picnics with June and Flora begrudgingly when she can
Chases anything that moves including her tail   
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He somehow got to be the ONLY villager that isn’t beat up by Spinel 
Even stranger he respects and genuinely cares for Spinel like the other two strange weirdos who love Spinel and teach her right things. 
Us clown acts gotta stick together 
Marina tries to get him to consider taking amusement jobs that pay better but he won’t do it
Wants to be besties with Julien, but Spinel doesn’t think he would make the travel with how he got plane sick on the way to her island
Pranks everyone and thinks he’s the hottest stuff in the world
He is misunderstood and Bob and Punchy know that so they make an effort to dry his tears
We’re not sure if he’s an adult or not??? 
Not doing so good with Rolf the dude has to loosen up a bit
Walks around spraying people with flowers and Joins Spinel in net fights and slapping villagers with fish learns from Her
“THAT’s a big sister figure you don’t need to be influenced by,” says Steven to him time and time again
Blasts loud Boom Boom ain’t it great to be crazy?!  
Very Sad that Weasel is afraid of him wants to be their buddy. 
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The mom friendTM 
She can tell everyone is goofing around and not working hard so when it happens she tells them they can’t have snacks until they get it done
She adores that Pearl H. is so welcoming to her and will jump in at the chance to live on the island with her and teach her some responsibility
She’s a little uptight, but she’s older than almost everyone except Flora, Barb, and Rolf so it falls on her to make sure things don’t go south.
She adores the Island Rep K. May not be the smartest, but her heart is bigger than anyone’s
June, Bob, Punchy, Bluebear, Flora, Pietro? Protective as hell
Would LOOOVE to visit Cheeri and tell her how everything is
She thinks that the “farm couple” (Peri and Lapis) are little scamps
She loves sunsets, water fights, sweets, togetherness
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Young, bratty, little shit
Stirs up drama at any chance she gets 
Still teases Pearl by flirting with her partner even though they are MARRIED
Is tired of Muffy and  Audie can she leave already so she can take over!
Girl Power!
Has a good heart but still very judgy of others
BFF is Aquamarine, Flora, and occasionally Pearl 
Wishes she could get into Julliens friend circle on Typhoon Island, but he has a bestie already but she can easily be replaced teehee.
Misses Rosie a lot and can tell Aqua does too, but they bond over tea and discussing who they think is a screw-up
They laugh at how Flora thinks she’s famous, but since they also wanna be they kinda relate,
She will be nice to June and Biskit but she’s still on the fence about being seen too much with them. Deep down she does care though
She will stir up drama Real fuckin’ fast
I WANT MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stays away from Bob and Punchy and Pietro they’re boys ewwie
believes Bob has cooties and will avoid him but he will scoop her up and throw her into the pool!
Not at the biggest fan of any of the human residents 
Omg Freak Biskit! 
Gonna own this island she believes
Sunbathes frequently 
Bubble Gum K. is her favorite song. 
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jasontoddiefor · 5 years
In your Bat-dad/Manor-dad fic, how would Bruce deal with the kids if he actually started dating someone and got “caught” with them?
Short answer: He doesn’t have to. Long answer:
Most of the time, Selina preferred Catwoman’s life over her civilian persona’s. She could do whatever she wanted to do without wondering whether it fit the personality she had crafted for Miss Kyle. Of course, Selina had her fun messing with the Gotham high society. She was eating their salmon and lobster and dancing in dresses just as expensive as theirs all while they felt and acted like royalty, never knowing that they were joking with gutter trash.
But being Catwoman was liberation, an amusement of the highest degree – freedom in its purest form.
Selina knew that her understanding of life’s duality was the reason she got along so well with Bruce despite their very different career choices. Being Gotham’s darling billionaire bachelor turned single-father and its dark, all-consuming shadow at the same time was draining, especially if you had to hide it from your kid.
When she had learned about Bruce’s predicament, she had spent the better half of the night making fun of him. The rest of it had been quite entertaining as well.
Selina’s musings were interrupted by the sound of approaching footsteps. She could barely hear them. Anyone who wasn’t Catwoman certainly would have missed it. Unworried, Selina stepped away from the door she had been opening, almost letting the little bird crash into it.
“You!” Robin shouted accusingly as loud as the vibrant colors of his uniform.
The fact that the kid was still running around unharmed was a miracle or spoke profoundly of Batman’s fast reaction time. Only fools would run around colored like a traffic light. The only streets his colors would actually be an advantage in were the shiny roads of the Diamond District and the neon sign illuminated alleys of the Red Light District. Everywhere else, he was just an obvious target.
“Yes, me, little bird. Where did you leave the big guy?”
Robin crossed his arms and lifted his chin up. “Doesn’t matter.”
Selina mustered her surroundings and frowned. Batman didn’t let the kid get so far away from him. The eleven-year-old was too young for that still. 
“He won’t be happy,” she said.
“That’s between him and me. I’m here to tell you to stay away from my Dad.”
“Which one?” Selina shot back quickly.
Robin stamped his foot in anger and snarled. Maybe she had been wrong assuming the little bird wasn’t dangerous.
“What did I do to you, Robin?”
“You did nothing to me! But you know and you kissed Bruce regardless! How could you! I thought you were our friend! It’s bad enough he’s gotta go on all these fake dates already, but then you-“
Robin’s shoulders started shaking. Whether from the anger he held inside of him, he had quite the temper, or from frustration was hard to tell. If not for the green mask sticking to his face, he’d probably start crying.
“Oh, darling,” Selina said softly, a tone of voice she usually locked deep inside of herself. She wasn’t caring, she was selflessly kind – but this was a child and Selina wasn’t heartless. “I promise you, neither Bruce nor Batman would mind a kiss from me. They’d definitely say so.”
“But they’re together!” Dick protested.
Selina smiled, happily and honest. It was a strange feeling. “So? You should talk to them about this. Just because you’re…” Dating? Married? Involved in the world’s longest narcissist contest? “- already in love with somebody, doesn’t mean you can’t see somebody else as long as all parties involved know. You really shouldn’t be having this talk with me though. This is definitely a job for your parents.”
Dick stared up at her, measuring her up as if he was trying to figure out if she was telling a lie.
“Fine,” he finally replied.
“We good?”
“For now.”
With a tiny huff Robin turned away from her and took out his grappling gun to disappear into the night. Selina shook her head, then returned to her break-in. Batman better not show up now. She had just given him a perfect alibi that was way better than any lie he would have come with.
She deserved those pearl earrings as a thank-you gift.
AN under the cut!
I actually HC Bruce to be on the Demiromantic/Asexual! So most of the time he really doesn’t do relationships. You don’t need one to be happy and he’s super busy all the time already being Batman, raising a kid and running a company, so he doesn’t even really have time to go out with people. Most of his “dates” are either just for gossip papers, information gathering, or - another HC - him paying prostitutes to just go on a dinner date with him so he can have the newspaper pay attention to Bruce Wayne’s latest date instead of Batman going after the mob. He’s found his secretary on one of those dates.
Dick gets that this is part of the cover, but it still upsets him. Which kid wouldn’t be upset seeing one of your parents - who are very much together still - having to go out on dates while he can’t even spend some time with his actual lover? Hence Dick freaking out on Selina because he trusted her to be different. Thankfully, Selina just convinced Dick that their meetups are something both parties want.
So there’s no big conflict here! And no, BatCat won’t be the ship for this story. They’re really more friends with benefits here. Canon Verse Manor-Dad is a Gen Story all in all. I hope you liked this!
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tserofweald · 5 years
My Dalish Warden headcanons
I journal my headcanons about my Dalish Warden Atheline Mahariel, but my hand is seriously giving out on the heavy writing. I have two other characters in development, Lethel Lavellan (she’s the first one I worked on).
This is for the sake of documenting my current development of Mahariel, and I apologize if I get any of the DA lore wrong :) They’re not really headcanons but more so going over my characterization of Mahariel.
Atheline Mahariel, Athy for short to her friends. She was 20 years old at the beginning of the Fifth Blight. She’s a warrior specializing in two-handed weapons. 
She’s stupid strong despite her short stature even for an elf. She’s very careless in battle and is the one to set off all the traps during combat. Zevran literally trains his ass off to up his lockpicking skills to disengage all traps beforehand. 
She and Zevran eventually get into a friends with benefit relationship. She had never experienced sex, and was never really interested in it until getting to know Zevran. She was pretty eager to give it a go, and really enjoyed it with him. 
Though Zevran was really on the idea of them just being friends with intimacy involved, Atheline had developed special feelings for him, though she didn’t really understand that she had those feelings at the time. She was satisfied with keeping things between them as just “friends.” 
Atheline wanted to explore her sexual experience more through sleeping with other people. Though she was definitely satisfied at the Pearl, she ended up reserving this space solely for Zevran. She didn’t understand why, but she felt some sort of a spark with Zevran but none with her other encounters (later on, she realizes it’s because she loved him). 
Though she reserves herself to engage sexually only with Zevran, she didn’t mind Zevran engaging with others than herself.
Atheline is proud of her Dalish heritage, but not in the sense Lavellan is. My Lavellan is interested in uncovering the truth of elven lore/history, whereas Atheline focuses more on her people standing up against slavery enforced by Tevinter. She takes the most pride in her people’s bravery and fortitude, fighting against forced human religion and exploit, knowing the consequences. 
Atheline was initially not a religious person. She didn’t really care to pray to the Creators, for she knew they wouldn’t be able to hear her prayers. But when Tamlen went missing and she had to enter the shem world as a Grey Warden, she prayed relentlessly to Mythal and Andruil for guidance. 
She got the same Vallaslin as Tamlen and didn’t put much thought into actually picking a god to draw strength from. No matter what god it represents, a Vallaslin is a Vallaslin, right?
The biggest value she learns from her culture is creating a close, familial connection with everyone in the clan. This is why Mahariel is so well accustomed to welcoming anyone who wanted to join her in her journey. She was able to create deep, personal bonds very quickly and easily with those around her.
Keeper Marethari also taught her clan that yes, learning more about their elven past is important, and they should continue to find supporting artifacts that’d expand their knowledge, but no knowledge is at the cost of a clansman. Safety and well being of individuals came first. Atheline really took that to heart, though she’d often forget this lesson in place for dangerous adventures.
Despite her deep love for her clan, she also craved adventures beyond the forest. She wanted to know what the world was like beyond the Dalish, beyond the elves. She’d sometimes sneak out of camp with Tamlen and Merrill to visit a nearby village. There’d be a summer festival, with food, music and dancing. She was so intrigued to see human traditions. Tamlen would tease she’s gonna become one of the “flat-ears.” They’d regularly sneak out to nearby villages every time the camp relocated, though Ashalle had caught them at some point and scolded them for it.
Mahariel never thought she’d be “adventuring” in the outside world at the cost of Tamlen’s life and feels guilty for becoming a Grey Warden. Why was she saved in place of him?
Tamlen and Mahariel were best friends since birth, and they met Merrill when they were 10 years old. While Merrill was timid and strict with herself as she was the clan’s First, Tamlen and Mahariel would try and help her relax and engage in fun stuff together. Tamlen and Atheline would invite Merrill out on hunting together, and the two hunters would compete who had the best kill. Merrill would be the mediator during these competitions. 
When entering their teen years, Merrill and Tamlen began having romantic feelings for Atheline. Merrill and Tamlen knew that they shared mutual feelings for Mahariel, and thus their relationship became strained and distant because of it.
Merrill stopped joining in on sneaking into villages with the duo, for she felt that her relationship with them were weaker than the bond between Tamlen and Atheline. She slowly continued to distance herself from the two, and eventually Atheline confronted her about it. Merrill simply says she wanted to focus more on her training as the next Keeper, and that she shouldn’t let such distractions keep her from her studies. 
“That’s bullshit, Merr. What are you doing pulling on Fenharel’s dick for? I’m sorry if I did anything to upset you, but I can’t change if you don’t tell me.” 
“It’s because I’m in love with you, you twat!” 
And there it is, Merrill blurted out the one fear she had, loving Mahariel, loving another woman. In my hc because there aren’t many Dalish people who can preserve the elven gift left by their ancestors (magic), having Merrill was a miraculous gift to the clan. And to keep the old magic alive in the clan, Merrill is expected to produce another bearer of magic. Being with another woman was not an option for Merrill. Merrill not only distanced herself because she knew how Tamlen felt and thought that she had no chance with Mahariel, but she also knew that her clan would never let her be with Mahariel. 
On Atheline’s part, I would like to think that she had feelings for Tamlen but was too late to realize it. She didn’t understand her feelings and was never really bothered to understand them, other than the fact that she cared really deeply for him, but she didn’t think it was any different from how she felt about Merrill (which is why she has a hard time understanding how she feels for Zevran). Atheline ends up rejecting Merrill’s confession, saying that she doesn’t feel the same way, but she always cares about her as a friend. This breaks Merrill’s heart and asks Mahariel if she’d instead be with Tamlen, to which Atheline doesn’t reply because she doesn’t know how to. Merrill and Atheline’s relationship become pretty strained because of it (this will be around the time Dalish origins starts).
Atheline only realizes her feelings when she sees Tamlen as a ghoul and when she was forced to kill him. 
Sadly, Tamlen and Atheline never discussed about his feelings for her. She wasn’t clueless; she knew he had something to say, but he’d just treat her the same as how he always had, and with how it ended with Merrill, she didn’t have the heart to force an answer out of Tamlen either. If he had confessed to her, she wouldn’t have known what to do. Reject him like how she rejected Merrill? Ruin the brotherhood they had together because she couldn’t sort out her feelings?
Tamlen knew how Atheline felt, which was why he decided not to speak to her about it. And they would never speak about it until he reappears into her life as a ghoul. 
“Always…loved you…”
Tamlen and Atheline wanted to go into the cave to find anything interesting to bring back to Merrill in hopes of mending their friendships, for they knew that Merrill was always delighted to discover new elven artifacts. They thought they could do the same with the mirror. 
When Atheline becomes a Grey Warden, she didn’t give up on searching for Tamlen. She made it her life mission and commitment to find him and save him. She didn’t believe Duncan and the clan when they said that Tamlen is dead. She found no body. He must be alive. And he was. 
She blames herself when Tamlen goes missing. She had let her arrogance and thirst for adventure get the better of her. The Dread Wolf had guided her this entire time. She blamed herself for Merrill’s heartbreak, for Tamlen’s unrequited feelings, and for the torture he must be going through with the taint.
Because of this, she becomes extremely protective of her party members during combat. She lets no one step into an unknown area until she examines it first. She’d take an arrow for her teammates when she can, causing her to take on the most injury out of the party. She’d tank her way through it if it meant letting her friends go unharmed.
Many of her companions thought she was arrogant and condescending because of her “I can do it myself” attitude, but when she takes that first hit for a companion, they realize it’s because she’s terrified of having any one of them injured.
It was finally during the trials to find the Urn of Sacred Ashes when Atheline finally accepts the idea of Tamlen being gone. It was when the spirit had taken the form of Tamlen and had said, “Goodbye, my friend. We will never meet again.” That she finally let herself think that it’s okay to forgive herself for this tragedy. 
But then he comes back. He comes back and she can’t save him. She regretted not telling him how she felt. She regretted letting him die without telling him how sorry she was she took too long to realize her feelings.
She does him one last favor and kills him instantly so that she may end his pain. She only feels empty. Alistair is the first to ask if she’s alright, that this was the only way and that it had been a mercy to him. She just wanted him to shut up. 
Mahariel goes into the forest by herself, with Tamlen’s body in her arms, wanting to give him a proper Dalish burial. 
Zevran followed her into the forest, and with not a single word, helps her bury Tamlen. She allowed herself to sob and cry relentlessly, and Zevran would simply wrap his arms around her.
After recovering from Tamlen’s death, she confesses to Zevran that she loves him out of the blues, completely startling Zevran and him rejecting her confession outright because an assassin cannot love. 
“And that’s fine. Just because someone loves you doesn’t mean you need to love them back. You don’t have to do anything at all, really. But I don’t want to make the same mistake I did with Tamlen. I love you, and that’s all there’s to it.”
This completely flusters Zevran and he has no idea what to do with it. He’s been growing fondly of her day after day and had become even more protective of her, but to have her tell him outright that she loves him is just….weird. Incomprehensible. 
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gcldenchilds · 5 years
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narcissa black
i’m trash for picking narcissa up again but i’m more trash for thinking i could leave this bitch. if you wrote with my other narcissa you’ll be in for a nice treat bc this version is completely different!
isn’t that NARCISSA BLACK? yeah that is HER, sitting there at the SLYTHERIN table with those other FIFTH years and i think i heard sybill saying they look like VIRGINIA GARDNER… whoever that is! when she looks into her crystal ball she sees a perfect pink smile and glaces through long lashes, silent coughs into lace handkerchiefs, answering any criticism with a girlish giggle, & a string of pearls sitting heavy around your neck.. anyway i’ve heard they’re pretty SUPERFICIAL, PETTY, and LOYAL. apparently they’re a PUREBLOOD but i’m sure that’s not related. —— [ mhairi : bst : 18 : she/her ]
NAME  Narcissa Carina Hekate Elladora Black
NICKNAME  Cissy, Used to insist on Cissa but has stopped, Called Carina by her father Cygnus
AGE  Fifteen
DOB May 14th 1961
SEXUALITY  Asexual, Biromantic
PARENTS  Cygnus Black & Druella Rosier
SIBLINGS  Bellatrix & Andromeda
HOUSE  Slytherin
HEIGHT  4′11″
WEIGHT  89 lbs
EYES  Blue
HAIR  Blonde
ALIGNMENT  Lawful Evil
PATRONUS  Cissy has never attempted to cast a patronus but if she did it would take the form of a wildcat.
If your patronus is the wild cat then you are intelligent and quick thinking.Quick thinking you often outsmart those around you.Often quiet and reserved, those with the wildcat patronus do have a sharp side. If the wildcat is your patronus you have a fiery heart. This feisty streak makes you formidable compared to most opponents.Tough and clever, you are resilient enough to withstand events others could not and intelligent enough to excel in anything you choose to do.
BOGGART  While close to her family Narcissa’s biggest point at this point in her life is not them dead but instead them turning their back on her. Casting riddikulus would cause the image of each of her family members to spin around at a rapidly increasing speed.
WAND  Elm, Kelpie Hair, 8“ 1/4′, Wishy. Narcissa’s wand is an heirloom wand, it wasn’t intentional instead Narcissa had been messing around with some of her ancestors wands when one chose her. Coincidentally it was her Great Great Great Aunt Elladora’s wand, who she is named after.
ELM  The unfounded belief that only pure-bloods can produce magic from elm wands was undoubtedly started by some elm wand owner seeking to prove his own blood credentials, for I have known perfect matches of elm wands who are Muggle-borns. The truth is that elm wands prefer owners with presence, magical dexterity and a certain native dignity. Of all wand woods, elm, in my experience, produces the fewest accidents, the least foolish errors, and the most elegant charms and spells; these are sophisticated wands, capable of highly advanced magic in the right hands (which, again, makes it highly desirable to those who espouse the pure-blood philosophy).
KELPIE HAIR  Kelpie hairs are incredibly tempermental cores, explaining their rarity. They were once common in Celtic wandmaking, however, the import of demiguise hairs has resulted in them falling out of favor. They have similar qualities to demiguise hair, and are powerful Transfiguration cores when they don't backfire spectacularly.
ZODIAC Taurus  
taurus is patience, the slow tick of the clock, lazy naps and plants and the smell of the earth after rain. they want to enjoy the pleasures of life, luxury and love and food and beauty. loyal and sensual, stubborn and traditional. stable with roots deep in the earth, they often get called materialistic for their love of beautiful things. but taurus is ruled by venus, and they long for romance before anything else, to care for someone and being loved in return.
SORTING  Narcissa’s sorting was a quick affair, soon as the had slipped onto her head she asked a question in a perfectly polite way “If it’s not a terrible issue Mr Sorting hat, sir, could I be in Slytherin please? I’d love to stay with my sisters” this put an end to any consideration between Ravenclaw or Slytherin
report card
Bee’s in her fifth year and will be sitting nine OWLs, getting four Exceeds Expectations, two Acceptable’s and three Outstanding’s in her end of year exams.
Astronomy, E.
Ancient Runes, E.
Charms, A.
Defence against the dark arts, E.
Divination, E.
History of magic, O.
Herbology, A.
Transfiguration, O.
Potions, O.
Born on a new moon in may 1961, Narcissa Black’s name was never meant to be Narcissa. Brought into the world too early at 27 weeks, the name Carina (a constellation part of the larger Argo Navis) long picked out for an unfortunate outcome of a third daughter, did not suite the tiny child.
Oh so pale, delicate, and fragile, the new born babe was not thought long for this world, maybe not even day, definitely not a week, hardly worthy of a name from the stars. No, the girl would never be a star, wouldn’t live long enough, destined to be beautiful but short lived she would be little more than a flower.
And thus she was named Narcissa, just Narcissa not worth the middle names.
But the healers pulled off a miracle, and she survied not only the day but a week, and then two, and then three, and after a lengthy St. Mungo’s stay baby Narcissa was home.
More of a fighter, more of a warrior than her appearance let on suddenly her name seemed an oversight. But Narcissa had stuck and so she got the name she would’ve had as a middle name. Carina Hekate Elladora Black became Narcissa Carina Hekate Elladora Black. Hekate for the Greek goddess of magic and witchcraft, Elladora for her great, great, great, aunt Elladora (the one who started the tradition of beheading house elves)
Finally home from St. Mungo’s she was a baby full of noise and life, always giggling, or cooing, or babbling, you would think that it would be an unwelcome behaviour in the black house hold but at three months old Naricissa already had her parents wrapped around her tiny fingers.
Her unlikely survival had proved her a fighter in the eyes of her father, his fighter, he’d taken to calling her Carina. Always full of praise that his other daughters would rarely receive Narcissa could do no wrong. But to Druella she was always Narcissa, a flower, her flower. Her beautiful child, picture perfect, always so calm, always so pliant, any mothers dream.
But her early entrance into the world had taken a toll on her health and as a child CIssy was often sick, and as a consequence always coddled. 
By the time she was old enough to be aware of her situation Narcissa was already in love with it, she could charm any adult with a sweet smile and perfected pleasantries, she could make friends at the drop of a hat with giggles and a few sweet comments.
Going off to hogwarts was a scary thing for Narcissa she wouldn’t have the constant affection from her mother and father and she would be around more people than she had been in her entire life.
One of those should never have been a concern as the tiny blonde haired girl fit in perfectly into Slytherin house beloved by all. With those in other houses? Well they didn’t really matter.
The other however would prove to be a more major concern with the young girl, frequently finding herself consigned to the hospital wing, even having to be sent away to St. Mungo’s in her third year. Even now she’s frequently poorly.
Her illness was never a hindrance to her studies however as despite weeks at a time away from classes she’s always maintained exceptional grades. Her health does seem to be improving of late and she’s even taking up a spot on the quidditch team; surprisingly as keeper instead of seeker.
She knows what her parents expect of her, as the daughter of a great pureblood family her role is to marry into another great house but part of her can’t help but want more, want love. Maybe there’s someway she can do both?
Hopeless romantic, reads all sorts of trashy wizard romance novels... maybe she even gets someone to get her muggle ones?
Doesn’t really believe the whole blood purity thing whole heatedly. Of course purebloods are better but why should they kill all the others? Whats the point of being on top if there’s no one to be better than?
Desperately wants to show others she’s not weak because of her poor health and keep her spot on the quidditch team, maybe she’s getting someone to make her health draughts that are above her level under the table?
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crystalgemimagines · 7 years
I loved your Jasper and Bismuth headcanons! Can you do the other Crystal Gems at some point as well?
Oookay this is a doozy, wedding headcanons for Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, Lapis and Peridot! ***This is all implying the reader is human!! Sorry if you wanted to read this as a gemsona. You could tweak the words if you wish. Mini HCs for Steven, Connie and Greg at the end, not for marrying them but how they’d act during a wedding with you an the gems. 
I’m going to try and doodle the wedding rings later (including Jasper’s and Bismuth’s), so that’s why they’re not described in the post! -Mod Lapis
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She’s very at-ease the whole time, but also beaming and excited.
The wedding was indoors, in a large ballroom looking place. There was a hallway leading to the ceremony room, and another hallway leading to restrooms and other facilities. The decorations were simple, mostly darker maroon velvet covers on things with white as the accent color. It reminded you vaguely of red velvet cakes.
Surprisingly, she really enjoyed planning it out, she spends a lot of time planning her vows especially. 
If she wore a tux, it would be a very dark plum color with blue and red wrist cuffs. She wore a tie instead of a bow-tie. She’d wear her afro naturally.
If she wore a dress, she’d wear a fishtail dress with glove-like details. (Something like this!), her hair would be pulled back and pinned with flowers. (something like this is what I was imagining) 
Nothing really “goes wrong” at your wedding, it has a very peaceful atmosphere overall. 
You don’t follow the “you can’t see the bride until the ceremony” ritual, she assures you it won’t matter. You two spend the day together until it’s time to get ready, then you separate for a bit until the ceremony. 
Some of your relatives make off-hand remarks about Garnet wearing her visor the whole time. It irritates you but you don’t let it ruin the wedding. 
Come time for the ceremony, you and Garnet have dopey smiles plastered on your faces, she even giggles a few times which made you smile wider. 
Her vows are short, but genuine, her demeanor changed from giggly and happy to sincere in an instant. “Today, you and I make a commitment to one another. To stay together. To act together. To suffer together. To celebrate together. From this day forth, you will always have someone to put your faith into, to share your joy and your pain with.” She takes your hands- “I love you.” 
She takes her visor off to kiss you, looking you in the eyes before pressing a gentle kiss on your lips, smiling as she pulled away. 
The after party consists of lots of karaoke, dancing and chatting. Afterwards you went home with your wife, holding one of her hands as she carried a tuckered out Steven in the other. 
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There’s lots of nervous laughter from Ame, her jokes don’t deliver well all day and she’s very affectionate- yet quiet. It’s pretty out of character for her. You could tell she’s got a lot on her mind. 
You and Ame let Pearl plan a lot for the two of you, so the decor was very elegant, lacy tablecloths with lilac and (favorite color) trimming or ribbons, even the flowers were color-coordinated. It clashed a little bit with the beach simple setting, admittedly, but it was still very pretty. 
If she wore a tux, she wouldn’t actually wear a tux at all. She’d wear a white collared shirt with a black vest and dark purple slacks. Her hair would be up in a pony tail. 
If she wore a dress, it would still but on the more casual side. (Something like this!) with her hair down, but pulled back out of her face. 
The ceremony starts off well, but midway through Ame starts crying, she tells you she’s okay. When it comes time for her to say her vows, she grabs you by the face and kisses you. She pulls back but keeps you close and whispers “I-I didn’t make any! I didn’t know what to say I didn-” you pull her back in for a kiss and assure her it’s okay. 
You two keep pecking little kisses across each other’s faces. 
She holds your hand as the two of you walk down the isle together, wiping her tears away and looking at you with glistening eyes.
During the after party, Greg preforms lots of his songs as the two of you just sit and listen, peacefully. There’s lots of actual partying happening, but you two just wanted to spend time with each other. 
Peridot makes a big dork of herself during her speech, telling you how you’re now legally fused with the “superior quartz”. Ame giggles and scoffs at it, so do you. Garnet takes the mic from her and expresses how happy she is for Amethyst, and gives you two her best wishes. 
The two of you dance together to cheesy pop love songs on the dance floor, giggling to each other again.
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You both decided to have your wedding in a chapel. (She just loved the aesthetic of it so much)
The decor is all white and cream colors, she really stressed that “the light shining through the stain glass might make some colors unflattering to look at”, you agreed for her sake, she was pretty stressed.
If she decided to wear a tux, she’d wear a similar one to what she wore in Mr. Greg (It’s Over Isn’t It episode), perhaps a different color, like pale blue. The accent colors would all be pastels, of course. She’d wear her hair normally.
If she wanted a dress, she’d wear something simple with elegant details that flowed well. (something like this!), she’d wear her hair normally still, but would wear some sort of hair accessory. Very pale silver leaves, pearls, something simple but lovely like that. 
You did follow traditional rituals with her, more for the fun of it instead of actual belief in them. 
There was a light drizzle of rain before the reception, it stopped quickly and left little glittering water droplets onto the stain glass windows. 
The reception went over well, Pearl recited her vows without skipping a beat. “From this day forward, I, Pearl, take you, (y/n) to be my spouse. To have and to hold, in peace and in strife, I will stay by your side. So long as your heart still beats and my gem still shines, I will love you.”
The kiss was short and sweet, with Pearl’s nose bumping into your own briefly, making you smile.
During the after party, you and Pearl slow danced a lot. There was a dance where you traded off partners with someone else, which was a lot of fun. It broke off into more loose and dorky dancing afterwards.
Pearl took you outside to the church garden to walk around and be with you in peace for a while. 
Greg was the one to give you two the “good luck, I’m so happy for the two of you!” speech, he looked especially happy the whole time. You noticed he and Pearl talking a lot, too. 
The two of you stayed until everyone had left and cleaned up together, Pearl would give you little cheek kisses when you would pass each other to throw something away.
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She was VERY excited, but terribly nervous. She’d ask you tons of questions about this “tradition” and how to celebrate, occasionally making off-hand “that’s weird” or “oh! that sounds fun!” remarks. 
Peri wanted to hold the ceremony in the barn after reading it’s supposed to be held in a “special place”. 
Lapis, Pearl, and Garnet helped remodel and redecorate for the occasion. Lapis had made a large ring of water around the barn, not in front the entrance of course. Garnet moved a lot of things outside and behind the barn out of sight, with some help from Greg and his van. Pearl and Peri took care of actual decorating for the most part. Peri made some wind-chime looking meep-morps out of tin cans and pieces of different colored glass, she hung them at the entrance of the barn. Pearl set up chairs in the barn, making a reception area in the back. A large piece of white tulle hung from the ceiling, creating a large upside down V looking shape, it was weighted down from moving by fabric flowers. There was more white tulle on the walls, mainly near the entrance, (looking like curtains) and hanging from the high points of the ceiling with more of Peri’s meep morps. It was odd looking, but very pretty. 
If Peri wore a suit, it would be green, with a bright green bowtie. She’d wear her hair as usual, but would make sure it was extra well kept. No pieces sticking out or out of shape!
If she wanted a dress, she’d wear something shorter and cuter, (ideal to walk and party in later, she planned it out ahead of time). (Something like this!) The top part of her hair would be pulled back and secured with a barrette, with the bottom still flared out a bit. 
During the reception, Peri kept looking at you, she’d smile and her cheeks would flush.
Her vows were incredibly dorky, but there was a lot of sincerity to them. “Fusion- it’s the most intimate a gem can be with another; or is it? They share their physical and mental state with each other, they become one. Here on this day, we become one, we’ll share our lives together from this day forward. Our physical and mental states combine, but stay separate, making us use honesty and communication. We don’t share a body, but we’re still one. Today, I fuse my life with yours.” 
Peri’s vows earned an odd look, a giggle, and an “awh” from Garnet within seconds of each reaction. 
She actually missed the first time she went in to kiss you, kissing you on the side of your mouth. She realized this and awkwardly laughed, you cupped her face and pulled her back in for a proper kiss.
The after party was a lot of fun, there was mostly dorky dancing, and a marathon of Camp Pining Hearts in a truck bed. 
She comes up and asks you if what she said was “okay”- of course it was, and you tell her she did great.
You learned Peri can’t dance. At all.
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She suggested the wedding be held on the beach, you asked if she was sure, she said she was. “I have enough bad memories about the ocean. It’s time to make some good ones.” 
The wedding was held at night. Greg was kind enough to lend you his old light-up floor. (This one!)
Lapis heard the old saying “rain on the day of the wedding is good luck” so she made it rain throughout the morning so it would have time to dry before setting up.
Chairs had been set up on the flooring, the gentle whirring of Greg’s van made for comfortable ambiance while everyone else was quiet. There were flowers and flower petals scattered on the beach, but overall it was very simple, with the full moon overhead. 
If Lapis wore a suit, it would be a simple button up with dark blue slacks. She’d roll up the sleeves and wear a loose ribbon tied in a bow around her neck instead of a tie or bowtie. She still wouldn’t wear shoes. Her hair would be in a low ponytail. 
If she wore a dress, it would be simple in the front and backless with a bow at her lower back. (Something like this, the one on the left! sorry I couldn’t get a single image of it in a good resolution.) Her hair would be down like normal with the back of it in a flat braided bun, and she still wouldn’t wear shoes. 
She said her vows quietly, very softly. “After all this time, I’ve finally found a home on Earth. Home is being with you. So I guess I want to stay home forever now.” she laughed a bit, but she held you hand a bit tighter, you could tell she meant it. She pulled you closer into a hug, holding you there and pressing a kiss on your cheek before putting her hand on your chin and pulling you in for a kiss. 
The two of you half-heartedy listened to the speeches your friends and family gave, mostly just holding each other and appreciating the moment. Lapis paid the most attention when Steven spoke, recounting the day he met her and saying how happy he was to see you two together now. 
She took you out onto the ocean and danced with you there, smiling and pressing little kisses into your shoulders and neck. 
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They helped set up a lot, Greg always offering to play music.
Steven and Connie were always the flower boy and ring bearer. 
Steven wears a pink vest and pants with a white button up underneath, Connie wears an off the shoulder long sleeve mint dress with a white belt. Greg wears his tux from Mr. Greg. 
Greg almost always references his relationship with Rose in his speeches, saying how you need to talk to one another and be honest, communication is key, you should trust the other one to love you despite your flaws. No one is perfect until you see them as they are completely, and if you still love them as they are entirely, then they’re perfect for you.
Steven always says how happy he is that his friends/family is getting married, gives you the best wishes he can, makes a handful of jokes. 
Connie doesn’t give speeches, but she is very happy to be around and says congratulations when the ceremony is over. 
Greg, Steven and Connie do karaoke- Greg and Steven are happy to do back-up vocals for people, too. They all sing very well! 
Steven and Greg welcome you to their family afterwards.
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harveywritings92 · 5 years
You realize you love them/they realize they love you : Shay, Jacob, Connor
Jacob (Disraeli's Maid! Reader): He thought he'd seen everything London had to offer, boy was he wrong! Jacob also never believed in love at first sight that was until he met Y/n... it was after he was asked to rescue Mrs. Disraeli's dog she was just so thankful to have her puppy back that she ask Jacob over for lunch as gratitude, the male Frye twin was initially nervous when he arrived at the states man's estate not sure what to expect, as he knocked on the door and was greeted by what he believed to be an angel.
She was around his age was y/ht/wt with pretty y/ec eyes that regarded him curiously and her y/hl/hc was put up in a proper bun. "Can I help you sir?" she asked her voice soft and calming. "Erm... *ahem* Mrs. Disraeli is expecting me, Jacob Frye?" the Assassin said trying not to stutter "Ah, yes she was just telling me about you..."The y/nat said moving aside to let him in "Good things I hope?" Jacob's heart sped up as he followed the woman who he finally noticed was a maid and was a little concerned when she didn't answer him right away.
"Well, she said you were...spirited." Jacob wanted to know what else was said about him just to just hear the young lady's voice. but they'd arrived at the sitting room. "A Mister Frye to see you ma'am" the maid said as Mrs. Disraeli got up from her seat. "Mr. Frye so good see you again! Thank you Y/n dear." the y/nat woman bowed and left them noticing Jacob's eyes following her.
 "So, her name's Y/n..." he hummed getting the viscountess's attention who smirked seeing the love sick expression on the young man's face. "She's single just to let you know Mr. Frye." that caused him snap out of his little bubble. "I'm not sure what you're talking about ma'am." Jacob said ears pink from the realization that the older woman onto to him, while at the same time he was trying to figure out how someone like Y/n wasn't already spoken for?         
How you realized you love him: At the wee start of their relationship Jacob started to blow Y/n off to be with this older well off woman by the name of Pearl Attaway,  much to maid's distress. 
The Rooks told her not to worry it was strictly professional, Y/n wanted to believe that! She even forgave him the first time he stood her up and the second, but when he didn't bother to seek her out when he left her stranded the other times it was then that Y/n got the message that she was just a fling! 
Jacob used to sneak up and sit on her window sill to talk to her some nights, now she's lucky if she even sees him at all, and when she does all he talks about is Pearl! 
It shouldn't have bothered Y/n this much but it did, Jacob was the first man to break her walls, she let him in and showed him an energetic and mischievous side of herself she rarely shows to others...
 Y/n's heart throbbed painfully as she brought a hand to her chest as she came to a startling conclusion that she was in love Jacob! But what was the point? he certainly didn't love her! 
Y/n usually composed face dropped into sadness as the dam finally broke as tears fell down her face, she sobbed into her pillow she heard her window click open she looked up to see Jacob standing halfway in her room.
"Come to tell me about how bloody great Pearl is?" she spat through sobs while getting off her bed as the hazel eyed man tried to say something but noting came out, it was then Y/n noticed his dejected look. 
"Oh did she dumped you? Oh poor Jacob Frye, thrown away like yesterdays newspaper!" she jeered jabbing her finger in his chest as Jacob just stood there not reacting at all he knows he deserves this, what he certainly doesn't deserve was Y/n... 
How many times did he leave her out and alone, in favor of acting like Pearl's lapdog? "Well?! let's hear it!?" Y/n voice snapped him out of his trance. "I'm sorry." Was all he said seemly upsetting her farther "Get out." Y/n hissed Jacob didn't budge "I said get out!" the maid to tried shove him which was futile, "I'm Sorry." He repeated the y/nat woman's shoves were getting weaker. 
Jacob wrapped his arms around her. "I'm Sorry...Y/n you'll never know how how regretful I am about this whole mess." He kissed her hair as she quietly whimpered deciding now wasn't the time to think about love and unrequited feelings, as Jacob kept apologizing promising that he won't push her aside like that again... 
Shay: To be honest he hadn't thought that he would see Y/n again after the first time they met, but he kept catching glances or accidentally running into the y/ht woman around New York that slowly found himself becoming increasingly attached to her.
Often thinking of her while on high risk missions, looking at trinkets or flowers on his down time wondering if she'd like that sort of thing? He still had to thank her for hiding him from those bounty hunters. "You're thinking about her again." Gist stated pulling Shay from his thoughts the Irishman looked at him bemused.
"Thinking about who?" 
"That girl back in New York, Y/n?"
"What about her?"
"Don't play coy I know what's going on."
Shay brows furrowed obviously frustrated of being left out of the loop. "What's going on? what are you on about?" Gist's smirk dropped they were silent for a moment as Gist awkwardly laughed thinking Shay messing with him, when he realized the Irishman wasn't laughing, the surveyor's eyes bugged out of his skull. "Y'mean you two aren't lovers?" Gist blurted out stunned while Shay face went fifty shades of red as he form a sentence. "No! She's not.......we're no--" then it hit him like a cannonball "Cac.*shit*" he was in love.
How you realized you love him: Y/n was exploring New York in a way she never thought possible from the rooftops, she picked up enough watching Shay monkey around the walls and figured if he can do it so can she! The y/nat woman was careful avoiding guards and curiously watching out for any gang members as she hopped roof to roof before spying a familiar black and red coat down in the streets, Shay and Gist were training down below and Y/n decided to take a break as she watched them curiously. 
Y/n was spellbound as she watched the two men spar, She's never seen the Irishman in a fight before, Shay told her he was a mercenary that's why he called out a lot it always intrigued her or rather Shay always intrigued her, He was mysterious,cunning strong and clever... and wasn't  half bad to look at...her heart started speeding up as she watched Shay smile as he helped Gist to his feet after knocking him on his ass, 
*He's got a pretty smile...I wonder if he's marr-* Y/n mentally slapped herself for thinking that sort of thing, while she was distracted by the men Y/n hadn't noticed the guard on the neighboring roof who noticed her legs hanging off the side. "Get DOWN!" he snarled scaring the woman half to death as her weight shifted causing Y/n to fall of the roof! she squeaked closing her eyes waiting for the impact. 
Only to hear a grunt as someone caught her, Y/n was shaking as who caught tightened their arms around her. "Yer alright lass I got ya..." a familiar voice soothed causing her to open her eyes to see Shay looking at her concerned. 
He then slowly looked up from where she fell from and narrow his eyes at the guard above who just sneered before returning to his rounds. "Um, Shay could you put me down now?" Y/n asked trying to keep her heart steady as the Irishman looked unsure as he set her down.
Y/n's legs felt like jelly as she tried to stand, Shay's arm was back around her in seconds before finding herself on the Irishman's back, Y/n's face was aflame as all those thoughts she had about Shay returned with reckoning...as she kept asking her self why? Why did she have to be in love with Shay? All while he carried her back to her home unaware of her inner turmoil.  
Connor [Albino! Native reader]: It was two years into his assassin training... He thought he was sick at first, everytime he was near Otis'tsa his heart would speed up, his knees would shake and his stomach would do flops, it would only go away when she was out of sight... 
It got so bad that he finally went to Achilles for help, he having tea with Catherine and Diana, when Connor awkwardly walked in and just told the old man what was wrong with him, the women aww'd and giggled at him confusing the boy farther, as Achilles got this distant nostalgic look on his face. "Ah...I know what's going on, Nothing wrong with ya boy." he sighed as he looked out the window.
"Sometimes I look back... I can still feel that moment when saw her back then, her smile always seem to warm me up on the coldest days, Her laughter *sigh* That was something to write songs about, She was the morning to my night... She still is." he smiled as Catherine and Diana were both crying excusing themselves to go find their husbands, while misty eyed Connor wiped a rogue tear away. "Old man... that was beautiful" the teen croaked trying not to sob.
"Love is, but it's also painful..." Achilles hummed before excusing himself Leaving Connor to come to terms with this revelation just as Otis'tsa walked in "I'm home!" she called then noticed her friend sitting at the dining room table. 
"Oh Ratonhnhaké:ton  I-" her brow furrowed as she noticed his red eyes and runny nose "...Have you been crying?" she asked baffled the color drained from the native boy's face "No, it's just dusty in here!" he said before the native girl could blink, Connor ran upstairs to his room leaving Otis'tsa confused.
How you realized you love him : Otis'tsa was upset leaving the tavern, Jamie followed her as he was the only who noticed she left, he caught to the livid albino. "Are you alight miss Y/n?" he asked the y/ht woman looked at him as angry tears welled her eyes "I'm fine!" She huffed the bearded man wasn't sold. "You certainly don't sound it." he said handing her a handkerchief.
The native woman wiped her eyes mumbled something in Kanienʼkéha before giving Jamie back his handkerchief. He let her unload what had transpired in the tavern how she heard Connor talking to Dobby and the subject of marriage and 'settling down' came up at first it seemed harmless Connor told her that he wasn't really thinking about that sort of commitment at the moment, then the Irishwoman dropped this little gem.
"Well then, when this is all over give me the first crack." which the native man happily agreed to! in seconds of hearing that Otis'sa's chest felt tight and she had the suddenly felt like she needed to get out of there. "I don't understand it Jamie, he's my best friend!" She hand a hand through her white hair "I should be happy, he's thinking of something beside assassin work!" she sighed staring morosely at some kids playing in the street.
"Have you ever consider that maybe your feelings for Connor have change to something more then just friendship?" Jamie asked awkwardly rubbing the back of his head and like that the world seem to come to a screeching halt as Otis'tsa's mind slowly replayed what Jamie had said the native woman started realizing that he may be right... 
She hadn't even heard said recruit calling her while snapping his fingers. "Miss Y/n? Miss Y/n are you in there?" he called snapping her out f her trance. "huh?" she squeaked as her red eyes locked on to him. "We should get you back to the tavern-" the albino recoiled at the thought of seeing Connor right now.
"No!" Jamie looked at her surprised. "I-I mean no thanks I'm heading back to the Aquila I'm tired, I'm really tired." She said running off before Jamie could saying anything. Otisa'tsa face felt hot she knew it was red and pulled her hood up to hide it, as she got to the harbor Faulkner asked where Connor was? She kept her head down and stuttered something about him still being in the tavern before going to bed heart racing wondering how she was ever going to look Connor in the eye again?
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