#My right side is pretty banged up but I'm doing ok
dewitty1 · 1 year
Saturday Six (Stuff)
Stuff from Thursday's farmer's market - bunnies in the grass thoroughfare, a person in just swim trunks - oh - and sunglasses, a sheriff's deputy, a kid who screamed like a bird while running laps around the whole market (he got a swat and a time out) , and three very large, free cucumbers (from a booth that has never spoken to me), and a free (stinky) cantaloupe. It was also pretty smoky, that close to the 16k+acre fire. (n˘v˘•)¬
Stuff from today's market - I got to the market by 815am, and they had given my *reserved* spot away. And OK yeah, there are a lot of new people, buuuuut, I should have priority because I'm reserved. And they're not supposed to give spots away until 8:30.Ughhhhh. Anyway, the market manager said she'd pay for me today because she made the mistake. Which is nice. Though Idk if it was really her. She's supposed to have a map with all the vendors spots. It could have been the head board member.(ᅌᴗᅌ* )
In other news, our sink in the kitchen is leaking and our landlord isn't coming until maybe tomorrow.(๑•॒̀ ູ॒•́๑)
I got a boo boo! I just got home from the Farmer's market Thursday night, getting stuff cleaned up, and my foot slid out on the floor, and I bit it on my right side. Good thing the padding on my hip only got some bruises, and my right elbow is only slightly dinged. And somehow my left pointer finger has floor(road) rash. Oh, and somehow I banged my knee, and wrenched my shoulder too.( ;´Д`)
My brother and his wife were in town. That was fine, except for the fact that the dinner with them was made more irritating by dad not listening (or wearing hearing aids) and us getting into a bitching match. It happens.(~_~;)
On a happy note, I got a deposit for another project today. (*´▽`*)
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athanza · 5 months
Starlett - Part 3
Cooper Howard/fem!OC (not self-insert)
Tags: Hurt/comfort (sort of?), non-allowed romantic connection, lots of tention, pre and post war drama, some fluff
Warnings: Mentions of domestic abuse (no graphic scenes or descriptions of that nature), angst, canon wasteland violence
This branches out from canon but I thought it was a cute story idea so I had to write it. Enjoy! ♡
Part 1 | Part 2 | Final part
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Suddenly Irene looked unsteady and she held a hand to the wound on her side.
"Fancy seein' you here." She chuckled painfully.
"I know, I haven't changed a bit."
She laughed but immediately regretted it, groaning in pain.
"You uh," she said, blood dripping down her leg. "you wouldn't happen to have a stimpak on you would ya? I'm uh...I'm not feelin' too hot."
He looked her over, the gash was deep, she'd need more than one stimpak. "Unfortunately I don't think I do."
Suddenly her legs gave out from underneath her and she collapsed.
"Whoa." He said, catching her before she hit the ground.
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Irene woke up hours later, lying on her back in what looked like a small cave, her head resting on a saddle bag.
She didn't look any different than she did before the war, albeit a little dishevelled, Cooper figured that however Moldaver survived must've been how she did.
"Coop." Irene croaked.
He looked up from cleaning his revolver and saw her try to move.
"Easy there Starlett, you're pretty banged up."
She winced in pain again and lay back down. "I thought you were dead." She said, weak from the blood loss.
"I should be. So should you."
"Fate had other plans I guess."
Cooper scoffed quietly. She didn't press it, even though she wanted to know if Janey made it.
"You're gonna need some proper medical attention." He said. "Ain't much out here though."
"Eh, it's just a scratch." She joked, swallowing a mouth-full of blood.
Cooper got up and handed her a flask of water, half empty. She took a few sips and handed it back.
"I'm lookin' for Lee, you know where I can find 'er?
"I've been looking for her myself, I'm afraid I can't help you there, I've found nothing but dead ends. The bitch is hard to find even in a fucking desert."
He smiled a little at the very different tone coming out of her mouth than he remembered; she must've been in the wasteland for a little while, at least.
"I'm glad I found you cowboy. You're about the only fond memory I've got left. I needed that right about now."
"I'm not the man you remember."
"Doesn't matter. You've reminded me of something I haven't seen in years."
"And what's that?"
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The doorbell rang and Cooper opened it to find Irene looking remarkably understated compared to her shows, but she still had that aire of grace that she always carried with her no matter where she was.
"Come on in." He smiled, stepping aside for her.
"I can't thank you enough for letting me stay, I know its a lot of ask of someone you just met."
"It's the least I can do."
He closed the door and took her suitcase for her.
Janey appeared with Roosevelt, having been playing in the backyard and Cooper gestured to her.
"Irene, this is my daughter Janey. Janey this is Irene, the friend from work I was telling you about."
"Irene Taylor!?" She said, her eyes sparkling. "I've seen you on TV! Your voice is sooo beautiful! You definitely should have won the award on last month's show."
Irene and Cooper both laughed.
"Looks like you have a fan."
"That's very kind of you." Irene smiled sweetly.
"Janey, why don't you watch some cartoons while I show Irene to her room?"
"Ok." She beamed and sat down with Roosevelt in front of the TV.
Irene followed Cooper to the back of the house where the guest room was and looked at all the family photos as they walked through. Wedding photos, Janey's baby photos, a puppy photo of Roosevelt. When they finally reached the room she felt even more uncomfortable.
"This is you." He said, placing her suitcase on the bed.
"I'm so sorry to put you in this position Mr. Howard, I do appreciate it very much. I didn't know who else to come to."
"Don't worry about it." He smiled warmly. "I'm just glad you decided to leave."
"So am I. You made me realise the cause wasn't worth the abuse, no matter how much I told myself it was. Lee won't be happy but it'll be worth it in the end."
"I'm sure it will."
She smiled softly at him. "I'll let you get back to your daughter. You'll barely know I'm here."
"Nonsense," he said. "You're joining us for dinner, plus I'm sure Janey would love to spend some time with you."
She got choked up a bit at that. Everything she had done since getting into show business had been for other people, someone doing something like this for her was something special.
"Thank you Mr. Howard."
"Cooper." He replied.
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Irene lay sleeping and Cooper sat wondering what to do with her.
He couldn't spare any resources, and he didn't need stimpaks, so he had none. Could he carry her to Filly and get her to a doctor? Sure, but that was in the opposite direction of where he was headed, where they were both headed.
It would be more humane to shoot her now to save her the pain, but he couldn't bring himself to do it and it angered him.
"Fuck." He said, getting to his feet and picking up his gun, walking out of the cave in search of supplies.
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toska-writes · 6 months
Clone commandos request if possible. 😁 Could you do delta squad. where on a mission they get captured along with the Padawan, and get protective when they try to separate them or interrogate them.
So i thought about writing a fic based on todays bad batch episode (but I need to get some of the requests done- if you wanna request some Wolffe *wink wink* that’s ok)
“Got your back”
Summary: a mission goes south with the delta squad but they have your back
Paring: The delta Squad/ republic commandos x padawan!reader (PLATONIC OFC)
Warning: slight mentions of injury and imprisonment nothing too bad… the most scary- not proofread
Word count: 1688
Notes: Delta Squad fics are not my “most popular” but ones I always do so much for and I don’t know why
Also I swear to god someone asked to join the Taglist but I can’t remember nor find it so let me know!
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"Can you focus for one second Scorch? EVER?" Fixed screamed through the comms, you could see his tense movements from a mile away as the squad ducked once again behind a wall.
Boss could only nod this head, he quickly spun around from where you, Sev and him were hiding to shoot an incoming droid.
"Sorry Scorch I can't defend you this time it's not looking good." You spoke between gasp of your own breath, the adrenaline from the long hours fighting wearing on you and the whole group.
Sev leaned heavily on Fixer from where you could see him, though Scorch as of now was doing a good job covering them.
"Boss," You yelled over the hiss of a smoke bomb going off- the contents of which were going in your eyes and making you cough. "I'm all out of ideas here."
The comando spared you a glance for a second, you feared what his face would have looked like if his helmet was discarded.
Boss looked down at the padawan for a moment. A thin cut ran along their cheek way too close to their eye for Boss’s comfort. He watched their head whip around looking through the fog desperately before a huge bang went off.
After a moment of slight ringing Boss felt the bump of another person against his side. The padawan looked around frantically for the force of the bomb before looking up to the comando.
In a more solemn voice they asked. “Boss what are we gonna do?”
Boss thought about their options then. Backed into the corner of what should have been an abandoned outpost, on of their men injured and the rest ready to collapse from exhaustion. He as a leader thought he was better than this but Boss felt as if he walked his squad right into this trap.
“The missions easy enough for us.” Boss had said only hours before. A knot sat in his stomach but the team needed an easy mission, a break from their last fiasco with the bugs.
He’s never been more wrong in his life.
While he was lost in thought, Boss nearly missed Scorch sliding up next to their leader, his panicked voice tried to fill Boss’s ears.
For a moment the other comando didn’t realize the trooper in yellow was talking until Scorch made a shhh gesture with his hand.
That’s when you noticed it too, the complete lack of noise. No more clanker chatter or blaster bullets from each side. Just the low hiss of the fog that didn’t seem to die down.
You opened your mouth to say something before the unmistakable scraping of metals filled your ears.
“Rollies! get down!” Scorch shouted pulling you and Boss to the floor with him. About 5 Droidekas emerged from the smoke…. Lucky you guys.
“Scorch handle them.” Boss yelled using his hands to signal something at Fixer and Sev at the speed of light. His gruff tone scratched your ears but you all seemed pretty fed up at the situation.
Blaster bullets were blocked by your lightsaber left and right until the next words made your heart drop all together. “Out of hand grenades sir.” Scorch ripped his blaster out now but the shields were too strong on the droids.
“Down the hall!” Fixer yelled as both He and Sev passed the 3 of you, a way out hopefully planned.
You felt them before you saw them, you tried skidding to a stop before turning into the next hall as a hand shot out to grab Boss.
“Shit.” Was the only thing you could say, before they could question what you meant a group of comando droids emerged with guns drawn.
“You’ve got to be joking me.” Sev rasped out, his arm shook while he tried to lift his blaster up and fire. The tiredness leaked off of him though you were sure it did for everyone.
A ring of blue light hit the wall behind you. It didn’t make sense though, comando droids weren’t the type to show mercy.
Your lightsaber flashed along the darkened walls trying to keep the nimble droids away, why couldn’t the separatists just send the normal clankers.
Once again the hall was engulfed in a think smoke. You heard more blasters going off but you feared you were getting more and more disoriented. After a moment you heard a sickening thunk next to you and you assumed the worst.
In the blink of an eye you felt the blast hit its mark and half your body go limp. Unlike the bulking clones you were with it only took about 2 hits before you were out.
Boss was the first one to awaken. His head bobbed around and his eyes fluttered open. Boss reached his hand up only to finally realize that his armor was gone.
He laid there for a moment, confusion laced his face. What had happened to him? To them….
In a split second Boss shot up to a sitting position , which his head greatly protested, and looked for the rest of his squad.
Relief was one of the best things in the galaxy in this moment. In the dim light of the ray shield keeping them in Boss could count the 3 other comandos and the form of their padawan knocked out next to Scorch.
Sev still looked bad as now Boss could get the full view of his gash along his side- the blacks on all of the men seemed to be tattered.
Boss observed their surroundings for a moment before giving a light tap to Fixer on the foot. When that didn’t work the first time a much hard kick was implemented.
Fixer gasped awake along with Scorch after a “friendly” tap from the clone comando.
I didn’t take Scorch long before he leaned back against the wall and groaned, clearly he knew the situation at hand.
Boss could only stare for another second at Sev, guilt rummaged through his insides as he helped his injured brother up ultimately waking him as well. This was his fault and Boss couldn’t shake that.
“Fixer start working on those bindings.” Boss ordered unable to keep his gaze on the unconscious padawan. Clearly to the eyes of their captors the Jedi was the bigger threat.
Sev hissed for a moment now finding a new brother to lean on.
You came to with the feeling of someone’s exposed hands brushing against your arms. The pounding in your head was present but the blanket of confusion was much scarier.
“Thanks for joinin’ us.” The unmistakable voice of scorch chimed in. Your eyes strained against the darkness but you could tell what the problem was.
The cool metal hurt your wrists as Fixer fiddled with them muttering a small apology every once in a while.
Boss’ low voice filled the cell, plans of just how they would get out to fight another day. Your eyes scanned the worrisome group.
Scorch sat fidgeting with his hands trying desperately to listen but you could see the worry in his eyes as clear as day.
Fixer sat in front of you cursing and apologizing but he just couldn’t seem to do anything useful without his tools and data pad.
Sev’s eyes closed everyone once in a while and you could see the fight to remain in the moment, though his scowl never seemed to be wiped off.
And finally Boss. His voice was level and low just like the countless other times you heard him give directions, however this time was different. He knew this wasn’t in their favor and he was worried beyond belief.
Someone had to stay strong for them all.
Your heartbeat beat out of your chest, a dull throb started in your temples the feeling seemed vaguely familiar.
“I think someone’s coming.” For the first time you were unsure in the force. Fixer faltered for a moment before meeting your eyes. “It’s probably these. Messing with you.” He shook the bindings.
Though to your surprise, and relief in a way, someone did make their way down the hall. Boss spoke out quickly as you averted your gaze, sweat started to form on your brow.
“We need a medic.” It was hard to call it pleading despite where Boss said it from his position on the floor, but it was definitely more of a demand.
2 masked figures approached though they seemed to ignore Boss all together.
“We need the Jedi.” The cool voice stated only once.
Everyone seemed to freeze for a moment unsure about which group would make the first move.
“Get up.” Was demanded at you and you glanced around meeting Boss’ eyes for only a moment before you gripped onto the sleeve of Fixer.
The ray shield was down now and the larger figure stepped in. “I’m not asking again”
“Like kriff they’re going with you.” Scorch stood in front of you now. His full height filled up their line of sight.
“Move clone.” For a second Scorch was pushed back that was until Boss stood as well and shoved their captor away from his brother.
Before the other could react with their blaster Scorch was all over them. Fixer taking the hint that their time was now scrambled to get their other brother still on the floor.
Your eyes were blown wide with the loud alarm that was set off. You felt someone grab your arm as you were still in a little daze.
“I hope you didn’t think we were really gonna let them take ya.” Scorch said as the group rushed down the halls.
You thought about that for a moment, had there truly been something to worry about while you were surrounded but the Delta Squad, your brothers?
A smile broke out of your face and Scorch seemed to get your reply.
“I hope you know.” Scorch called over his shoulder. “You’re never picking the missions by yourself again Boss.”
An angry yell was heard from somewhere behind you replacing the fear in your body with a laugh. “You were the one to pick the bug mission Scorch!”
@arctrooper69 @thereforepizza @padawancat97 @pb-jellybeans @floffytofu @verybadatwriting @solstraalaa @ray-rook @gregorsmissingarmor
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bgomtori · 8 months
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03 - can i court you?
02 | masterlist | 04
WARNING! yn is slightly insecure
NOTE! written + smau
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the school bell rang loudly, students rushing out of their classrooms to find their friends. loud chattering filled the hallways, excited to return home or hangout at the mall nearby. you took your time to leave your classroom with ryujin and yunjin, bidding them goodbye as they left the school compound. you went towards your locker, placing some books in it to reduce the weight of your bag until you suddenly felt a presence standing beside you.
"yes?" you recognised that face. choi beomgyu, he was quite popular in school, mostly because of his looks, which makes girls squeel over him, and the rest of his friends whenever they entered the school building. you were confused and skeptical as to why he was standing infront of you, looking nervous.
"this is random, but i like you." your eyebrows knitted together at the statement, the sudden confession had you stunned. the notorious choi beomgyu liking you? it must be a sick joke, some type of dare he had to do.
"you don't know me though.." you simply stated, hoping that it'll make beomgyu give up, yet he was persistent, wanting you to accept him.
"i want to though." he replied, his strong gaze on your shocked figure, his eyes spoke to you. honesty in his eyes. beomgyu turned to the side, staring at the lockers for a brief moment, trying to recollect his thoughts, or perhaps try to calm down in such an embarrassing moment. beomgyu opened his mouth to relay what he wanted to ask you, yet nothing came out of his mouth. you crossed your arms, tilting your head slightly, waiting for him to continue speaking. fuck, you're really doing it to beomgyu, you looked so much more attractive right infront of him instead of being meters away from him. his bangs hovered above his eyes that were looking directly into yours.
"then can i court you?" your eyes widened, unsure whether this confession was a lie or the truth. noticing your silence, beomgyu panicked, his ears turning into a shade of red.
"i'm sorry?" now it was your turn to blush, no one has ever asked you such a question before, especially not one of the most popular faces in your school.
"i'm not forcing you to, but i've liked you since the start of highschool. i know you just broke up recently, and i saw your recent tweets, and i really want to prove to you that you're lovable. i really am not planning to break your heart or whatever. but it's fine if you don't feel comfortable, since getting into a situationship after a relationship can be really–"
"i'll try.."
"what?" beomgyu's jaw was slightly ajar, was he hearing this properly? did he clean out his ears properly? his palms were getting sweaty, wiping it against is uniform pants occassionally. your eyes flickered from the ground to beomgyu's shocked expression.
"i said i'll try, but i won't guarantee that i'll trust you immediately, and i'm afraid that i'll hurt you.." you simply stately, but that was already more than enough to make beomgyu grin from ear to ear. your heart started to race when you saw his pretty smile, now you can see why so many people fawn over him.
"i'll wait for you." beomgyu patted the top of your head, his head dipping down to your ear, making you flinch slightly.
"here's my number, text me whenever ok?" beomgyu whispered, giving you a piece of paper with a string of numbers on it before running away. you stared at his figure disappearing to the distance, typing out him number on your phone. this is going to be a new experience for you.
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taglist opened : @woncheecks @skzeyeu @moa4lifeee @binluvsu @mikitaxt @soobadooba @beargyuuzz @boba-beom @txtbrainrot @koeuh @omgtintarr @heyanonymous123 @solouvrr @luvlybeom @rgyui @soobieboobiedoobiedaboobie @rainbowsuni @be-argyu @20-cms @intothewinter @wintertxt @vixialuvs @heiiolifeee @lenasvoid @green-agent @soobs-things @doumachi @purennn @mrsyawnzzn @moaqong @seunnimg (send an ask or comment to be in the taglist)
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literallyjusttoa · 25 days
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Hey guys! I'm putting out a call for my commissions again for two big reasons: One, Emergencies have caused me to be low on funds when I wasn't expecting it, and that kind of sucks actually. Two, I have a project that I've been dreaming about for years but have actually been able to start working towards in the last couple of months, but to finish it I need to not be living paycheck to paycheck for like a month at the very least, which brings me back to point one :(. I will talk more about the big project under the cut, bc I think it's something you all might really enjoy!
But for now, I will link my commission sheet: Here (It's also my pinned post)
And my new Ko-fi!: Here for if you just want to donate, which would be literally incredible and I would owe you my soul actually.
Ok now for big Project Time!!!
I am in the process of editing and revising my first Youtube video! This has been an on and off dream of mine for like 7 years at this point, but I've finally taken the plunge and gotten to work on a channel. I wanna talk about all sorts of fandoms (including the riordanverse ofc) With videos ranging from plot and character analysis, to trends in fandom culture in general, to fun little ranking videos and speedpaints. All around, I just want the channel to be a fandom hive, where everyone can find something they enjoy.
I already have PNG's created of my sona to use as assets (And I have a sparkly new sona, the one in the pic above!) and I have two finished scripts, with the first one being fully recorded as well! One for my first video, which will be a retrospective on Gravity Falls, and one for a video about the Percy Jackson TV show, the inherent differences between TV and books as mediums, how I think the TV show could improve, and the things I think it got perfectly. I also have a bunch more ideas, such as:
BIG Trials of Apollo video essay, with a focus on how the books and the fandom have effected me over the years.
Ranking all of my favorite characters from all of the media I've been a fan of over the years (This would be over 70 characters)
Explaining the Iliad, but make it funny (with a side of Troy apologia)
Reading Lore Olympus and pointing out how it deviates from myth (the things I'm willing to do for you people /j)
Canon vs. Fanon, where I compare a characters canon characterization with their fanon counterpart and try to figure out how things turned out the way they did.
And more, but I don't want this post to be 5000 words long.
Now here's the big question. As I said in the part above, I'm struggling a bit now money-wise. And I really wanna make this project work, but there's also, you know. Tuition. Rent. Food. Stupid other adult stuff. So if anyone is amenable (and this is totally up to demand, I don't wanna pressure anyone into doing anything!) I was also thinking of maybe making a Patreon. Now, I'd have to do research for this, bc I wanna make sure anyone who signed up would get the right rewards and really get the bang for their buck. I'm pretty sure there's not gonna be much interest in this rn, cuz like, I'm not that big of a blog oof. But if anyone is interested! Here are some of the perks I would definitely be implementing! (sry it's another list)
Early access to videos, and behind the scenes looks at art assets and video creation
the ability to request topics for videos
Patrons names being shown in the videos. And higher tiered patrons getting custom chibis that will be shown in videos as well (and given to the patrons obv)
This ones a bit complicated, but I want to create a cover of a song that has to do with each video to play during their outros. So like, for the gravity falls video, I'm gonna record a quick cover of the Disco Girl song from the show. Only a small section of the song would be in each video, but patrons would get access to the full covers, and be able to request songs to be covered.
Discounts on commissions
A monthly speedpaint that would be exclusive to patreon. Patrons would be able to vote on what the drawing would be.
All of these ideas I'm 100% sure I want to add to a patreon if I make one, but obv there could be more that comes up later. I'm just gauging interest on this idea rn, so let me know if that's something you'd be down to sign up for! Maybe I'm jumping the gun here but I'm just really excited to create and give back to the community and aaahhhhh
Now, no matter what, I'm gonna have this first video out by mid-September at the latest. Because stupid money troubles are not gonna stop me from making this a thing dangit. So look out for that, I'll link the vid here when it releases! But I am just really stressed rn and any support would go a long way towards making this dream come true. And on that note, one more sappy real talk if I am allowed it?
If you've read this far, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. This community and fandom is truly incredible. My blog is about to reach 5 years old, and I've never seen a group of people so accepting and creative and just fun to be around. You guys have truly changed my life, and I wouldn't have the courage to try for this if I didn't have the support you've given me. I know this is super dramatic for just trying to make a youtube channel, but making a place where I could just talk about all the nerdy and overly specific things I care about and share them with the world is something I've wanted for my whole life. You guys gave me that with this blog, and if this channel works out, it'll be thanks to you, so you'll have given it to me twice. I don't have the words to express how much I love this community and all the incredible people in it. So even if you can't support, just know that being here for however long you have been, whether it's the whole five years or the last two days, has done more than you'll ever know. You guys are the best, thank you for everything <3
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tophatwearingidiot · 15 days
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A small Smg4 BREAK THE CYCLE!AU writing for the sillies. A bit rusty on my writing but I think I did well.
AU by: Me (tophatwearingidiot) and @bear-boi-5 Cover art by: @bear-boi-5 Writing by: Me (tophatwearingidiot)
Enjoy reading.
It was dark. The moon shone onto the soft western sand, making it glitter faintly in its light, a noticeable chill in the air. It was quite cold during the nights in this hell hole of a simulation, it felt all too realistic to Saiko. She was walking along the dunes, she came here to do something, something very important. Confronting Meggy. She'd been acting so fucking weird lately, like some crazed person, her ramblings and speech weird, and she had been quite distant, only getting worse each day that passed by. At the same time, Shroomy had gone missing, and it was… unnerving. No one has heard a peep from him in days, he hasn't stopped by with more potatoes, none of his associates: Belle, Whimpu, Jeeves, or anyone else in his group had seen him either. He seemingly just… vanished. She was hoping Meggy may have some insight since she's a bit further out than everyone else… if Meggy didn't know anything she'd try asking Tari to since she's been with Meggy the whole time. She hoped it would give even just a tiny bit of insight, everyone was worried, especially Karen, quite close they are, and she's been worried sick, Saiko just wanted some proof that the mushroom man was ok.
Saiko looked at the rickety, old, lone building… standing in front of it nervously- it smelt kinda fucking bad… she walked up to the door and knocked lightly, the door slowly creaked open, Meggy staring at her with an intense burn of a stare at Saiko. "Meggy." Saiko said softly… "We need to talk." "Oh Saiko! I-It's just you… uhmmm… sure what is it you need to talk about!" Meggy said in a fast-paced manner, opening up the door more, her eyes looking a bit sleepless, hair tangled up and ratty. Saiko started to talk again "Not sure if you're aware but Shroomy's been missing for a bit you uh… seen him?" "Oh nooo… sorry I haven't." Meggy smiled, a bit weirdly. "You haven't seen him at all?" "Nope… not for a couple days, Karen's worried sick…" Saiko said, a bit sadly… Meggy looked to the side a bit- her smile weaking to a nervous one before turning back into a broader one… and crazed-ish. "Why don't you uhm- come in Sai. I haven't chatted with you in a bit, heh." Saiko thought about it… she felt uneasy but, Meggy wouldn't hurt her? Their gf's… with Tari too… it's worth it right? She needed the comfort of them anyway. "Uh yeah sure. Is Tari still with you?" Meggy looked at her and nodded. Saiko felt a bit better…
She stepped inside the house and looked around, it was pretty banged up, but Meggy and Tari seemed to be making it work. Still have no clue why they moved out here though. She walked through the house with Meggy and into what seemed to be a living room. Tari sat on the ripped-up couch just staring blankly, she looked sort of drained- made Saiko slightly worried. Tari looked over and looked a bit nervous for a second before smiling… "Oh Sai… nice to see you…" She said softly. Saiko smiled back and hugged her, she planted a small kiss on her gf's cheek and smiled again, Tari blushing softly. "What are you doing here anyway Sai…" Saiko was about to speak when Meggy answered for her- "Shroomy has apparently gone missing… she wanted to know if you had any insight…" Her voice seemed a bit strained… Tari looked at Saiko and answered quickly, "U-Uhm no, not at all…" her voice seemed nervous, Meggy soon widely smiled and looked at Tari with a stare that could pierce rock. "Tari, you look a bit drained. Why don't you go ahead and go get something to eat. Hm?" Tari got more nervous "Uh- no I think I'm fi-" "Tari. I insist." She interrupted, tone a bit stern. "But I… alright…" Tari got up and walked to the kitchen, opening the door a waft of a rotten smell burst through for only a second, causing Saiko to gag. "Oh sorry… we haven't been able to clean out the kitchen yet, ignore the smell." She said with a softer smile… but it felt fake. Meggy spoke up once more… "Why don't we go for a walk on the dunes? Just me and you, hm?" "Why just us…?" Saiko asked… "Why not? We need to catch up, don't we?" She said… Saiko paused for a second and then replied, "Alright then, should we tell Tar?" "No need. She's an adult, we don't need to say anything. Now let's get out there before it gets too cold hm?" With that the two walked outside.
They talked a little about what had been happening recently in each other's lives, a little bit of laughing, a little bit of sorrow… but it felt nice to Saiko. While they were walking among the dunes, she noticed something. A green and golden hat sitting alone in the sand.
Shroomy's hat.
She paused, Meggy looked over at the hat and then directed her gaze at Saiko, who was already running towards it. She picked up the hat and inspected it, it looked damaged. She looked around a bit and saw something… horrifying. Not too far from the hat was Shroomy. A bullet shot through his head and his body picked apart by animals, what you could only assume to be vultures. She felt a presence right behind her, Meggy who was staring at her blankly. "He needed to go ya know." She said… her voice null of emotion. Saiko's eyes widened "You… YOU FUCKING DID THIS!? MEGGY WHAT IN GOD'S NAME IS WRONG WITH YOU." She screamed angrily. Meggy just… stared… "He's a traitor." "THE HELL YOU MEAN" Saiko shouted back quickly before getting met back with a quickly spoken, angry response, "HE IS A TRAITOR. WREN'S LITTLE FUCKIN SPY. SO, I GOT RID OF HIM." "Spy…? Sp.. SPY!? ARE YOU DENSE. HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG. YOU RAT BASTAR-" She was cut off being tackled to the ground, Meggy pinning her down tightly. "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND SAI. WITH THAT… ABOMINATION THAT IS HIS OTHER SIDE HE WOULD HAVE TAKEN THE OFFER. AND HE DID. SO, HE MUST BE TAKEN CARE OF. I DON'T LIKE THE FACT OF YOUR DENIAL SAIKO BICHITARU." She growled… her voiced crazed and rabid. Saiko struggled, but Meggy dug her hands into her arms more causing a yelp from Saiko… Meggy paused… hearing a small rumble come from her stomach… she smiled sadistically… "You know. I've been a bit… low on food. Been given most of it to Tar but… now that I know you're no better than that Shroom… maybe I'll just have a bite." Saiko looked in pain and in confusion for a second before it turned into a small scream, Meggy bit her leg, and started to dig her pointed teeth in… she quickly began to rip her bottom half up, Saiko screamed loudly in pain, crying out for any help, her screams piercing the air like a knife to butter, but it did not pierce anyone's ears. Her legs were torn up brutally, Meggy swallowing each chunk of flesh like a wild animal, eventually getting down to bone… which she tore from Saiko's body, a loud crack being heard as Saiko screamed more, Meggy continuing to eat… Saiko's voice became shrill as her throat hurt from her screaming… crying buckets of tears… the world started to get darker yet darker as she bled out. She felt so betrayed, so angry as the last bits of her life finally gave out, the last thing she saw was Meggy face… still tearing into the last bits of flesh on her detached leg bones.
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rowretro · 9 months
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WARNINGS: none I know of
"Hee- ever heard of a Uni called Yah leh?" y/n asked tilting her head as Heeseung frowned "You mean Yale?" "Yeah whatever it's called- do you think I can get in?" y/n asked as Heeseung sighed "look here... sweetie I think you should look for a more uhhh reachable school, y-you know- maybe film school? maybe preschool?..." Heeseung, kindly suggested as Sunghoon snickered.
"No I wanna go to Yale! all the smart people said that its a good place-" y/n pointed out as Heeseung pat her head "Oh y/n... 18 years and you haven't changed one bit." he said before walking away from her "Hoon somehow convince her to apply for an easier uni or college-" Heeseung whispered to his friend who nodded.
Well it's everyday now, since the oh so sweet, darling Sunghoon started visiting their home, Heeseung trusts him completely, their mother does, and the sweet little gullible y/n does. "Sunghoon I think I can get in! I was studied at a University once-" y/n pointed out as Sunghoon frowned.
"Ah y/n..." Sunghoon started as he ran through her dark, silky hair, her innocent, curious eyes, meeting his. Oh how goddamn vulnerable she looked, how he wanted to keep her, protect her, break her... "Yale sucks. why don't I put in a good word for you and you go to the same Uni I go to?... it's a good place" Sunghoon said, smiling down at her. "Will there be pretty boys?... I saw pretty boys on the Yale advert-" Y/n pointed out as Sunghoon sighed.
Pretty boys? when he's standing in front of her dressed in all black, his hair swept to the side revealing his forehead, that black t-shirt was perfectly fitted on him. How could she possibly want prettier than him? "Pretty boys?..." Sunghoon asked, tilting his head as y/n nodded smilling "Hee gets lots of girls in college- I think I should start dating more people too- I only ever dated one person- A clueless idiot who bangs his head everytime he rides his bike out of th garage... everytime." she repeated, still upset about her break up with Jooyeon.
Sunghoon rolled his eyes, as he put up with his peaceful act, oh how bad he wanted to end that Jooyeon... "Hey... there are many pretty boys in my college... I mean I am there." Sunghoon pointed out as y/n shrugged "Ok it'll be nice to have a familiar face in college next year, and well I do have to start in the coming months-" y/n said as she smiled up at Sunghoon.
All the better to keep an eye on her 24/7... Make sure he could gradually get her closer to him and let her innocent self fall into his trap. God she was so gullible it made it so easy for him. Sunghoon Smiled as he pat her head, seemingly friendly. "So it's your last day of school today huh?" Sunghoon asked as the girl nodded "You coming to the party tonight?" He asked as she nodded again.
When the girl left to help her mom out in the kitchen, Sunghoon was in Heeseung's room, gaming with the male. "You know the drug dealer? his ex asked me out on a date tonight- so I can't come by for your award event bro hope you don't mind-" Heeseung said. Well that just makes things better for him...
"Isn't your sister meant to go to a party tonight?... Jooyeon will be performing with his little band" Sunghoon oh-so innocently pointed out as Heeseung's eyes widen in shock, he choked on his beer as he turned to Hoon "No fucking way she's going there, fuck-" Heeseung complained, downing his beer. "The event is next week- I'm completely free today-" Sunghoon pointed out as Heeseung handed him a beer bottle "Hey you know you're like the brother i never had right?" He asked as Sunghoon snickered "I'll accompany your sister at the party~" Sunghoon said as Heeseung smiled at him, the 2 going back to their game.
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generalkenobee · 2 years
A new hope Luke Skywalker x FEM! reader smut
Oral (f receiveing), Luke being a simp, breast worship, semi public sex, reader is Hans sister
(look at his hair😩)
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"meet me in the cockpit once Han and Chewie leave"
Luke pirked up eyes wide. You kissed his cheek while walking to your room to get ready. Being Hans younger wasn't always easy, especially considering the fact that no one knew about you and Luke. It's been a year since Luke started fucking Han Solo's sister behind his back and it hasn't gotten old yet, everytime you kissed his pretty pink tip, each time he made you finish, when you made him finish. You've sucked your boyfriend off with your brother in the next room, it felt so dirty but you were like rabbits with how much you were having sex, you just couldn't stop.
"aughh baby-" your head fell back while your fingers ran through his beautiful hair, your hips grinded your clit across his lips. Luke looked up at you "You're so pretty.." you said moving your hand to the side of his face as he brought his hand up to play with your nipples, coming up to kiss your perky breasts all over, sucking your nipples, groaping you, licking. There wasn't a spot on your body that he hadn't explored. "Fuck..I love your tits so much" he said biting your nipple.
"I'm gonna finish you with my tongue before I use my cock ok?" Your boyfriend brought his head down to your cunt before he spit on it. Luke looked up at you while he fucked you with his tounge. You're back arches without warning while you screamed out in pleasure. "(Y/N)?! Are you ok?" You heard Hans voice call out, he had worry in his voice and a part of you felt bad for inflicting that on him "Luke stop- L-Luke- mhmm" you spasmed around his mouth. The thought of being caught turned you on so much to the point to wear it was almost unbearable. It was unbearable to Cum while sitting in your brother's ship's cockpit.
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"Han for the last time I was helping (y/n) fix the auxiliary shaft, It's been broken for over a month!" Luke said irritated at your brother's banging on the door. " Hold on I'm coming" you opened the door and Han practically pushed you out of the way to see what Luke was doing, only to be met with him on his knees with different assortments of tools in his hands to assure the illusion that he actually was fixing something. "So what's up?" You questioned "nothing, I'm just not too fond of the idea of Blondy alone with my little sister"
"oh my God Han get out!" You yelled pushing him out the door. "If he tries anything you come to me right?'' " yeah, sure" after Han left you turned back to Luke and started laughing, thinking about the fact that you just came on his seats made you a blushing mess. Your hand wrapped around Luke's wrist and pulled him to his room as you followed quietly
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hippiemisfit · 9 months
Hush (J.K.) 2
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Chapter Two- Accomplice
pairing: jungkook x oc reader
Word Count: 1,280
Warnings: scary jk. intimidation, fear
The doorbell ringing woke me up. I sat up in bed and grabbed my head, groaning in pain from the throbbing headache that was starting.
What happened?
How did I get back up here?
The doorbell rang again. Ugh.
I walked downstairs and headed to the door. I passed by a mirror on the way and was horrified by what was there. On the mirror it said,"I'm watching you," in what I hope was just red paint. I looked at my face and saw what I hoped was still that red paint. I quickly ran to the kitchen sink and scrubbed my face real fast before I opened the door.
I grabbed one of the dish towels to dry my face and headed to the door. I guess the person at the door was getting more fed up because this time the person banged on the door and tried to look through the window.
I know this mother-effer is not banging on my door like this. You do not bang on no black person door, they bout to learn.
All my angry rants went out the door when I swung the door open and came face-to-face with my cute next door neighbor. I would call him fine but right now he's angry and he looks so cute with his face all red.
He held up a chewed up sneaker in my face. Poco.
"You need to keep your dog on a leash Mahj. I had just cleaned these shoes and set them out to dry, just for your big ass dog to come and chew them all up. Blah blah blah blah..."
I just nodded my head not really listening to him. Wow his eyes look really blue right now. Like the sky.
"Mahj! Mahj!"
I shook my head,"Huh?"
"Did you hear anything that I said?" he asked me.
I nodded,"Of course I heard you Carter. Well, I heard the first part but that second part I blanked out on. Did you know that your eyes are really pretty?"
He rolled his eyes and sighed,"Of course you didn't Mahj, I didn't expect you to. And thanks for the eye compliment but seriously please watch Poco."
I nodded," Yeah sure."
"OK. So how about later on me and you go hang out or something.
I nodded my head eagerly. Chill out bro. I calmed my nod down and said," Yea I would like that."
"I'll see you later Mahj. Oh wait. Have you seen my idiot of an older brother. My mom said he didn't come back last night."
"No I haven't, maybe he just went out and got drunk and crashed at a friend's," I said shrugging.
"Well thanks anyway,"he smiled and then walked away to his car.
"Where you going?" I yelled.
"To get some more shoes," he said getting inside the car and starting it.
I laughed and went inside the house. Poco was sitting behind me with his head tilted to the side.
I lent down and hugged,"Good boy, you brought the cute next door neighbor over for me and he asked me out. You little matchmaker," I ruffled his fur and headed towards the stairs.
I caught a glimpse of the mirror again and decided to clean it before my parents eventually got back. I turned my head and looked around the room. I guess I should clean the rest of the room too.
After I got done cleaning, I headed upstairs to get cleaned up. After my shower I got dressed and headed back downstairs.
I opened the door to check the mail when I saw big box sitting on the porch steps. I went to grab but it was to heavy to lift up. I gave up trying to lift it and opened it up.
I was met with a pile of tissue paper and moved them out the way. Underneath the paper was the head of Carter's older brother. His cold dead eyes were staring up at me.
I stepped back and puked all over my mom's flower garden, letting out everything I had eaten the night before. I walked back over to the box to close it.
What am I going to do? I should call the police. I went back inside the house and grabbed the home phone.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you. I see you saw my present I left for you," I heard a voice say from behind me.
I turned around and saw the hooded figure from last night. I backed up," What are you doing here? Why did you kill him? What do you want from me?"
He started to laugh, bending over clutching his stomach. "Oh if only you could hear yourself. 'What are you doing here? What do you want from me," he said mocking me," What do you think I want from you? Hmm?"
I shrugged.
"Ugh," he sighed, "I'm pretty sure I told you last night that you would be seeing way more of me. I keep my promises Mahj. Now what are you going to do about that body on your doorstep?"
I looked at the psycho in front of me,"What am I going to do? I am going to call the cops and tell them about it. What else would I do?" I started to dial the numbers when the phone was yanked from my hands.
"What? You don't like my present?" he sneered in my face.
I nodded my head and in response he shook his. "No I don't think you do because if you did you wouldn't try to re-gift it to someone else."
"Well, I can't see anyone really appreciating getting a dead body on their doorstep unless they're in the mob and are expecting it. So no I honestly don't appreciate it. What I would appreciate is for you to leave me the hell alone," I sneered back in his face instantly regretting it, because he grabbed me by the neck squeezing it tightly.
"See this is why I cut out my victim's tongue. All you hum- I mean people talk and talk and talk and talk. Never shutting up," he forced my mouth open and pulled out my tongue placing it between two a fingers,"see how quiet you are now? Hmm. Silence," he said pretending to cut my tongue off with his fingers.
He stepped back from me. I went and grabbed my neck rubbing it to soothe the burn. "Now that we've gotten that out of the way how about you go and take your present over to your neighbor's house and leave it on their doorstep for me. I would do it myself but it wouldn't be as entertaining as it is watching you try and lift the box. The trick is to lift with your knees," he said mimicking the action," go ahead now," he said shooing me away.
My mouth dropped open and he walked over to close it. "We don't want flies do we? Now run along." I walked towards the door and decided it would just be best to make a run for it. I mean what's the worst that could happen?
When I got outside I started to run, jumping over the box and down the street. I ran as fast as I could. I turned around to see if he was behind me and ran into a wall. I hit the ground making an "oof" noise with my mouth. I looked up and came face to face with a huffing hoodie face. I could feel his eyes penetrating through my skull.
How the hell did he get here so fast? He yanked me up and pulled my body against his.
"I see we are going to have so much fun Mahj."
I gulped. Well now this is probably going to be the worst thing that happened.
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cosmxc-ars3hol3 · 3 months
Oh, ashes, ashes, Dust to dust
Title - Oh, ashes, ashes, Dust to dust
Rating - General Audiences
Archive Warning - No Archive Warnings Apply
Category - M/M
Fandom - Keeper of the Lost Cities - Shannon Messenger
Relationship - Councillor Bronte/Fintan Pyren
Characters - Fintan Pyren, Councillor Bronte
Additional Tags - Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Book 03: Everblaze (Keeper of the Lost Cities)
Summary - ‘After Fintan burnt Oblivimyre down during his healing, he sneaks his way into Bronte’s Castle in Eternalia so he has somewhere to stay. Bronte decides to help him stay hidden/keep people thinking he’s dead.’
its gonna be a multi chapter (hopefully) fintante fic that my tumblr mutual kale gave me when i was bitching about the appalling lack of fintante fics on ao3 (thanks kale!)
‘Councillor! Are you okay?' A younger Bronte yelled out to the councillor.
‘Yes, I am fine. Thank you, Emissary Bronte,’ he replied. ‘I should’ve expected that to happen.’
Bronte sighed and gave a small chuckle.
Councillor Fintan had been attempting to create some fire, although it wasn’t a type that was known or studied. He was attempting to create a brand new type of fire. He called it ‘Balefire’ and said that his end goal was to make a fire that could sustain itself without fuel, contained inside of a crystal, just like the ones used for leaping. Bronte asked if he could sit in while he figured out how to design and create this idea.
What had just happened was that in one of Fintan’s many attempts at trying to bring his ideas to reality, the crystal had shattered and rained little glittering sparkles over the two of them. The crystal had made a loud bang as it broke, scaring Bronte to his feet.
‘Do you really think this can work, Fintan?’ Questioned Bronte.
‘Do you doubt me that much, Bronte?’ Responded Fintan.
The two elves locked eyes with each other, and Bronte was the one to break the slightly uncomfortable silence.
‘You’re right. I should doubt your vision, Councillor.’ 
Bronte said, stone cold, but Fintan could see his embarrassment on his face. Despite his tone, Bronte’s face was alight with red and rosy cheeks, and he was awkwardly looking away from Fintan, not wanting to meet his eyes as Fintan stared at him intensely.
‘Look at me, Bronte.’ Fintan asked, although it didn’t really feel like a request coming from the councillor.
Bronte still felt too embarrassed to meet his eyes, so he decided to look at Fintan’s circlet.
He first looked towards the sides of the circlet, golden metals making pretty patterns that led to the centre, where a crystal made of a sunset orange-coloured sunstone was set in place with smaller shards of red carnelian, the circlet demanding respect.
‘I said, Look at my eyes, Bronte. Not my circlet,’ Fintan commanded, assertive but not aggressive. Bronte looked a little further down Fintan’s face, down to his bright blue eyes.
Fintan’s gaze was both stern and calm, a complex display of emotions that made Bronte slightly uncomfortable looking into his eyes.
‘I'm sorry, councillor, for any disrespect; I didn't mean it.’ Bronte answered back.
‘'s ok, Bronte. I know you; I know you meant no offence by what you said. Be careful next time, though; not everyone is as nice as me.' Fintan said it with a teasing tone and a playful smirk. Bronte looked away again, and the blush returned after it had finally left his face alone.
‘Bronte, hey Bronte.’ Fintan said, drawing Bronte out of his imagination.
He missed the days when Fintan was known for his goodness, his ability to help.
If only he had known how Fintan felt about the world, maybe he could have helped change everyone’s minds. Maybe Fintan could have never started a rebellion, changing so many lives.
Unlike not long ago, Fintan was now known for his bad acts, the all-consuming everblaze he learned how to summon, the rebellion he ended up leading. Bronte wished it was how it used to be. Fintan was a pillar of hope for people who were just like the two of them. 
Not many people knew for certain who he and Fintan were to each other. Now that Bronte thought about it, he realised that Oralie and Kenric reflected him and Fintan in a way, two councillors, in love, but both never stepped off together before it was too late. One of the striking differences was that Kenric and Oralie would’ve been a perfect pair, both in their souls and on their matching scrolls. He and Fintan would’ve never had that for themselves.
‘I’m sorry, Fintan. i got lost in my thoughts.’ Bronte responded after sometime
‘i get it. do you wanna talk about it while i try to fix up my injuries?’ Fintan added
‘maybe later, but you don’t have to try to fix your injuries by yourself,’ Bronte assured ‘hand me the cream and bandages, would you please, Fintan’
Fintan reached over to where the medical kit was resting, grabbing what Bronte needed with a little wince when he had to stretch to grab the bandages.
when Bronte saw that Fintan had what he needed, he walked closer and sat down behind him
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Brother & Bestie- The First Time
Summary: You're enjoying a quiet night at home when your besties brother shows up to ruin your night.
Reader x Dick Grayson
Warnings: SMUT 18+. Degradation, drunk idiots, swearing, tiny bit of oral, praise, first time, bad flirting.
AN: These two are fun. Where would you like to see them try and get it on?
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"Who is it?" You call through the tiny crack in the door.
"Little Wing, little wing, let me in."
"Grayson, Jay isn't here."
"Heya, hi there, pretty girl." Dicks smile lopsided as he leans against the door frame.
"You're drunk." You deadpan, swinging the door open, stepping to the side as he falls straight onto the hardwoods.
"Am not." 
"Right, so this whole thing?" You gesture to him spread out on the ground, "what's this then?"
"I just like your floor."
"Mm,” you hum, shutting the door and stepping over him, “very convincing." 
"Help me up, please." He turns his head, those very sad puppy dog eyes pouting up at you.
"I thought you weren't drunk."
"I'm not I just need help. Won't you help me?" his voice sweet enough to cause cavities.
"Uh, fine." you groan, uncertain as to how your night has come to this.
"Your hair smells nice," he murmurs when you slip an arm under his shoulder to help him up..
"Thanks, it’s shampoo." 
"Can I have some?"
"Shampoo? Do you want a shower?"
"Mmm, water. I love water."
"Fucking weirdo." You mutter, dragging him down the short hallways and into the bathroom. Dicks long legs make the walk a pain, his long arm draped over your back, while his feet drag behind him, “What do you eat? Fucking rocks?”
“Sometimes,” Dick rests his head on your shoulder, “Where we going?”
“You need a shower, remember.”
“Oh yeah, you’re a good helper,” he nuzzles into your neck, “Pretty helper.”
“Drunk idiot,” you mumble, dropping him in the shower.
"You going to help me get undressed, pretty girl?" He winks, his big hands tugging at his hoodie, somehow tangling himself up. It was cute and only made cuter by how pouty his face is getting as he stares up at you in defeat.
"No,” you lean back against the counter, enjoying the show, “What I'm going to do is call Alfie to come get you,” 
"No," he reaches out, taking your hand in his, "I promise I'll behave,” his eyes pleading with you, “please don't call him."
"Fine, just sit and clean yourself up. I'll make you something to sober you up."
"You're gorgeous," his fingers graze along the top of your hand, "do you know that?"
"Ok, that's enough of that." You pull your hand from his reach and close the bathroom door behind you. 
Leaning back into the door you let out a frustrated breath, your fingers dragging over your eyes. The fuck is he doing here? You're almost tempted to call Jason and make him come home to deal with his fucking brother. Who shows up at someone's house at midnight, drunk as a skunk? Someone with nowhere else to go, the little voice in your head tells you. Fuck, ok. Food for drunk people, carbs. 
With the water running in the distance you open the fridge, spotting the pad Thai you had last night. That should work, throwing it in the microwave. You take a beat to think what the fuck you’re going to do. Feed him, put him to bed. Yeah, that’s it. Just put the distance you need between the two of you, because fuck, you need it. You attempt to clear your mind as you go to check on your guest. 
"Grayson? You alive in there?" You bang in the door, "Grayson, if you don't answer I'm going to come in." Silence. Fuck. "Ok, please be decent." You whisper as you enter the bathroom. 
"Hello, again pretty girl," Dick says in what you assume he thinks is a charming tone, but still sounds a little drunk.
"Oh my God! Grayson!" You slap your hands over your eyes, "what the fuck!" still seeing him standing there standing naked in your bathroom, that goofy ass smile on his face, his sizeable cock hanging free as a bird and his dark hair dripping down his face. Shit, how are you still seeing him, even with your bloody eyes closed.
"My clothes were all wet and I didn't think you'd mind."
"Mind? Are you insane?" You reach blindly behind the door grabbing at what you assume is Jason's robe and throw it at Dick, "this is so uncool."
"Really? Coz I swear I was getting a vibe."
"A vibe? Really?” your frustration is clear in your voice, “Have you got the robe on yet?"
"Yes." You peek your eyes through your fingers and burst into laughter.
"Suits you," you giggle, taking in Dick in your green and yellow daisy robe that is definitely too short and too small for him, “You look like one of those 70s disco guys.”
"I definitely get the vibe that you wanna fuck me, pretty girl." He steps forward, leaning his arm up over you on the door frame, your own perfume wafting over you as he flexes his bicep, "I see you looking at me when you think I don't notice."
"Yeah, because you're annoying." You lie, your eyes fixated on the hard planes of his chest and the tiny droplets of water falling down, unsure what your face is going to tell him if you meet his eyes.
"You don't really think that," his fingers slip under your chin, making you look up at him, "one of the world's greatest detectives, remember."
"Ahh.. hhmmm." You step away, your tummy doing flips while anxiety creeps up your whole body, "how bout I get you some food and maybe that'll fix your broken brain."
"If you say so." He turns and you head into the kitchen to grab the Pad Thai wondering what the fuck is going on. Sure Jason's brother has always been a temptation for you, it's cliché to have a crush on your best friend's older brother and that's all it was, temptation and it's not even a crush. It was more like curiosity, just curiosity at what it would be like. Nothing is ever going to come of it.
"Where’d you go?" You call, wondering why he didn't follow you out into the kitchen.
"In here."
"Why the fuck are you on my bed?" you ask when you find him making himself comfortable in your room.
"Thought I made that pretty clear."
"Grayson, this is not funny."
"Who's laughing?” he makes grabby hands at you, “That for me?"
"Yeah," you shake your head, there's no way you can make him move. It was enough of a struggle just getting him in the shower, "don't spill it ok?"
"Dick Grayson doesn't spill."
"Wanna watch a movie?" You ask, sitting on the edge of your bed, "maybe tell me what's got you so drunk on a weeknight?"
"You wanna Netflix and chill with me?" He sits up straight, taking a big scoop of noodles into his mouth.
"If that's what you wanna call it."
""Netflix yes, chill,” he pauses, his eyes wandering up the short length of your nightshirt, “I think I can convince you to do more than that."
"I'm picking the movie." Ignoring his comment, you reach over to your dresser to grab the remote.
"Ok, but we're watching it here right?"
"You're going to lay in my bed with me?"
"I can take my clothes of again if you want"
"I'm good, just eat your noodles and be quiet." A strange noise leaves Dicks lips as he adjusts himself back into your pile of pillows. "Unless you wanna talk?" He shoves a big helping into his mouth, "thought not."
"Is this about gymnastics?"
"Ah, yeah." You don't exactly lie as you press play on The Bronze, "that's exactly what it's about."
"You going to join me?" He asks, putting the finished bowl on the nightstand and reclining his arm out for you to snuggle into.
"Nah I'm good here." You lay down on your tummy, your feet almost at his chest.
"Fucking tease." He catches your foot, pressing his thumb into your arch. 
"What are you doing?"
"A guy can't give an innocent foot massage?"
"I'll give you a pass," you narrow your eyes at him, "but only because that actually feels really good." You turn back to the opening credits of the movie, " I am not a tease. You're the one who come in here all gung ho." You stare over your shoulder at him, "now be quiet."
The movie ticks on and you swear you hear him laugh at least once and then, "what was that?" you hear Dick move behind you as he drops your foot on the bed.
"What?" you ask in an annoyed tone, throwing your hand back to tell him to be quiet.
"That noise you just made."
"I didn't, shh…" you say without taking your eyes from the screen, "Lance," you sigh dreamily into your palm.
"There it is again," Dick moves, laying himself down beside you so that he can forcibly move your head, "look at me." He commands when your eyes stay glued to the screen, "who is this guy?"
"He's the God of gymnastics," you sigh again, pulling your face from Dicks hand so you can stare back at Lance Tucker.
“The God of- oh my fucking god,” He turns you but you're too distracted to care, “he's not even that good.”
“Yeah, but he's so pretty,” You hang your head off the bed, still staring at Lance.
“The man's a pig,” Dick snaps, grabbing your face once more and forcing you to look at him, "that what you want?”
“Pardon?” Your voice more breathless than you expect.
“I think it is,” he smirks, squeezing your face, “you want someone to use you,” he yanks you closer, “to make you theirs and fuck you till you can't think.”
“I ah-”
“Tell me I'm wrong, I want to hear it.”
You stay quiet ,your eyes instead tracing over the edges of Dicks words. He's not wrong, far from it, but you don't exactly have the words to ever ask that of someone.
“I think I just found your weakness,” his thumb grazes along the base of your lip, “I saw that,” he drags you even closer, his lips so close to yours and you can feel the anticipation building in your lower tummy, “but if you say his name while my hands are on you,” he slides one over your ass bringing your body closer to him. Your breath hitches in your throat, his thigh slips between your legs, “I'm going to stop," he clasps both of your hands in his one huge one, pushing them against the bed, "I'm going to convince you that being my pet is worth it," he nibbles at your neck, "I'll make you feel so good," he bites hard into your neck, "that you forget all about Lance fucking Tucker."
"Ah hmm." You mumble, your brain a jumble of thoughts as you try to make this make sense. 
"Do you want me to stop?" Dicks other hand skates up your thigh, his nails digging into your ass and all you can think is that you want more, more of his touches, more of his lips on you.
"No." You arch your neck, giving him more space to bite at you.
“Good girl, open your mouth and give me your tongue.”
“Dick,” you moan into his mouth as it connects with yours, his lips sucking down on your tongue and bringing you even closer. His hands grip your ass, hoisting your leg over his hip as he grinds his into you.
“Told you I could convince you,” he smirks into your lips and you try to pull back but he's holding you so tight, “oh, no your chance to run is over,” his fingers dig into your thigh, “now you're going to be my good pet aren't you?” He leans back so he can look into your eyes. "You look even prettier like this, with this dazed look in your eyes."
"Dick, can you-" you press your tender pussy into his thigh. His fingers skate down your thigh, gently grazing over your pussy.
"So wet already," he kisses you again, "Do you want to be my pet?" His fingers press over you, pushing your panties into you and making them stick to your mess, "I’d like you to agree before."
"I ah-"
"Say it, pretty girl and I'll give you what you want."
"Agree,” you pant, your hands struggling to move from his hand, “I accept." He pushes your panties to the side, his fingers just brush through your pussy.
"Say it again."
"I am your pet." You press down onto his hand and he releases your hands "use me," they cling to him, "make me feel good."
"Good girl." He shoves his fingers into you as his lips start devouring yours, his thumb pressing into your clit, rubbing soft circles over it and you can already feel your pussy starting to spasm, "you needed this didn't you Pet?"
"Needed me to make you feel good."
"Fuck, I did." You moan into his ear as his hips start to rock into you.
“Someone who can really take care of you.”
"Yes, feels so good."
"You're getting so tight on my fingers, Pet." He gives you one kiss before his lips start to trail down your body, lifting you shirt so he can kiss and lick and bite at your tummy, "can I mark you?" He asks, staring up at you from below your tits.
'Yeah, ah hmm. Just please don't stop."
"I won’t." He smirks, sucking at your sides, his teeth digging in just above your hips, "I'm going to leave these everywhere, so you can't hide who you belong to." His mouth travels all over your torso leaving hickies fucking everywhere while is fingers lazily pump in and out if you. Leaving you just on the edge of cumming for 10 fucking minutes while he nibbles on your skin.
"Dick I can't,” you grind down onto his fingers, “I need to cum."
"No, Pet. No cumming until l say."
"You can take it. Can't you? For me?"
"Good Pet. One more mark," his face presses into the side of your thigh, his breath fanning way too close to your pussy making you squirm in his hands. 
"Dick- I- Di-"
"Nealry there Pet," his nose nudges at your clit while his tongue darts out to taste you, his moan vibrates your whole body, "fuck you tastes so good."
"I need to- much longer-"
"Cum then, cum on my tongue," he shoves his tongue into you, lapping at the wetness already there and you can feel him smiling into you if your brain wasn't buzzing with how hard you're cumming right now. "Atta girl," he slaps at your thighs, while his tongue licks at you, making you shiver with aftershocks. "You sound gorgeous when you cum, reckon I can make you do it again." He presses soft kisses up your torso on his journey towards your mouth, "what do you think Pet?'
"Brain on standby call back later." 
"That all you got for me?" He bites down on your lip, making you whine.
"No, I want more. Just-" you blink your eyes open, "can you be-"
"What? Tell me what you want, Pet."
"Meaner?" You say kind of shyly.
"Meaner." He shoves his hand onto your neck, "like this?" He grabs one of your legs and throws it over his shoulder, "you want me to take what I want?"
"Lift your hips for me, Pet- Atta girl," His cock teases at your pussy, gathering your cum along his cock, the head dipping in before he drags it up and rubs it on your clit. “Pretty,” he groans, slipping his cock into you easily with how wet you are, "you want mean Pet?"
"Please." You beg as his cock reaches the end of you and his pelvis grinds into your clit.
"Then take it, slut." He pulls out slamming back into you as his free hand collides with your ass, "my good Pet,” He hits you again, “letting her best friends brother fuck her in the house they share." His fingers move from your throat to your hair, pulling your head back and making your back arch and your mouth fall open, "scream for me whore. Let the fuckin neighbours hear who owns this delicous pussy"
"DICK, FUCK YES, DICK" You scream until you voice grows hoarse and you pussy starts to clench down on him, “Dick, oh my god.”
"You're so fucking tight around me," he growls clawing at your legs and chest, "feels fuckin perfect."
"Yes, amazing"
"You going to cum again?"
"Ah huh."
"Good, do it. I'm so close, cum on me my filthy slutty Pet. Cover me in your cum."
“Jesus, fuck Dick. I- i- ah-” you moan as you limbs convulse and contort around him, your pussy squeezing him so fucking tightly. “”Please, please, don’t stop.” you beg, his hand wraps around your throat as your screams start to get so loud, and your body shakes like crazy and you pulse, sucking him in even deeper. “Dick I’m gunna-” you pant breathlessly, as Dick presses your legs back as pushes his cock deeper inside you.
“Yes, keep cumming. Keep cumming on me Pet.” 
“Shit, open your mouth Pet,” Dick growls as you spread your lips wide, sticking your tongue out just as Dick pulls out of you and his cum spurts all over your chest and face.
“Wow,” you pant, gathering some of his cum up on your fingers and licking them into your mouth. “Tastes great.”
“You're a fucking degenerate,” Dick laughs laying down beside you.
"Would I be friends with Jay if I wasn't?
"Good point, though-” he turns to you graphing your face softly in his hands before placing a sweet kiss on your lips.
“That is a good point,” you smile into his lips, resting up on your elbows so you can see him better.
“Told you I felt the vibe.”
“You're obsessed with this 'vibe' what does that even mean?”
“Means you're hot and I noticed you noticing that I'm hot” he reclines his arm behind his head, “What else does it have to mean?”
“Nothing”, you roll over, attempting to get up when an arm wraps around you, “Hey!”
“Where do you think you're going?”
“To pee?”
“Oh,” he releases you, “could you grab me a water, I think I drank too much.”
“You don't say? Wow, that's news to me,” you remark as you exit the room narrowly missing the pillow that's thrown at you.
“What happens now?” You ask, sitting back on the bed and chugging your own water, while Dick does the same.
“I suppose we should've talked about this before, we- ya know”
“Yeah, probably. But we can talk about it now, so tell me what you think this is.”
“We can keep fucking if you want.”
“But Jason, he's not out of town a lot.”
“We could make it work.”
“But this isn't you offering to like date me or whatever?” You clarify, "because after what happened between me and Asami, I'm not sure I'm ready for anything like that."
"Me too, with Wally." He sighs, putting the empty bottle of water down and laying back into your sea of pillows, "it was a lot."
"Yeah, I get it. Do you wanna talk about it?" You lay back next to him.
“Do you?”
“Fair,” you nod your head to the side, "so in the meantime, we can just-"
"Use each other to feel something?" He offers, pulling you onto his chest and cuddling an arm around you.
"In secret."
"Yes in secret." He gives you a soft kiss on your forehead, "God help us if little wing finds out." 
The Roy Problem
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pudding-parade · 2 years
Cenote by bethowen
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Back to the Exchange we go! And you know, tropical-island worlds are a dime a dozen on the Exchange, but it's not so easy to find one that's done well, with an interesting layout and terrain sculpting more complex than just a flat island. It's even harder to find one that's small and done well, yet with lots of stuff for sims to do. This one, uploaded in 2019, fills the bill. Really, my only complaint is that it doesn't have a...cenote. :)
It's an unpopulated small world, 512x512, but it manages to have:
All rabbitholes except a stadium and the Supernatural ones
Three Showtime venues
A dance club
The EA Regency Arcade lot with added gambling tables
A seasonal festival lot
Some of the "standard" community lots (gym, salon, library, beach)
A few small parks, one set up as a dog park
Four ports ready to build/place houseboats,
A small resort (which I'd re-do as a base camp to use this world for vacations because I'm not a fan of resorts and because I think this world would be great for vacations.)
A diving lot
All that, and pretty scenery plus eighteen residential lots, four of which are empty while the rest are completely built and furnished. They range from studio-style beach shacks to expensive villas, all ready for sims to move in.
So there's the good news. The bad news? It needs a lot of store content. There's no way I can give you a complete list, and of course the world's Exchange page is utterly useless in this regard, but in terms of major items, I can tell you that it definitely needs Sunlit Tides (for palm trees), the roulette and poker tables, and the Al Fresco Market lot because it uses a couple of produce carts from that. It needs the basketball hoop, which is used on both the gym and beach lots. It also needs at least the Town Life stuff pack because it uses the school and grocery store rabbitholes from that pack. Buuuuuut, if you have the store content (or you're down with getting it), and the Town Life pack, plus all EPs except possibly Supernatural, you'll be golden. Hey, at least it doesn't have/need any CC. That's something, right? Right??! LOL
Anyway, as usual, the title of this post is a link to the world's useless Exchange page, or if you don't want to deal with the Exchange/the Launcher/sims3packs, I uploaded a .world file here. Plop that in your game install files under GameData - Shared - NonPackaged - Worlds and you're good to go.
Now for more details and pictures...
Here's the whole she-bang in Edit Town and Map View:
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The lots are efficiently laid out, with the residential ones scattered across the island. The world also has all spawners except the Into the Future ones. It has at least the frog fish spawners from World Adventures but, honestly, I didn't look at all the others to see if the others were there. There's also no pond on the cemetery lot, so I'm not sure if there's a deathfish spawner anywhere in the world, either. So, if you want to resurrect a sim, you might need to travel to catch a deathfish. Or, you know, just going into debug and plop down the graveyard fish spawner somewhere.
OK, on to lots! Let's have a look at the residentials first.
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These are the beach shacks. They're basically the same, both studio-style, so there's no separated bedroom. They are right on the beach and a stone's throw from...
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...the official beach. In fact, you can see them on the right-hand side of that pic. They're also close to the diving lot. So, if you have a single beach bum/diver kind of sim and you want them to live or vacation here, there's a house ready for them.
A step up from the beach shacks, we have houses like these:
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There are four like this, all similar in the same neutral color with large windows, but not exactly the same. Three of them are on the Oasis-Landing-like jetties that you can see on the right-hand side of map view pics above while the fourth is more in the center of the island. These are one-bedroom houses, loft-style. They are only lightly furnished with starter objects, but the two in this pic have small swimming pools. Also, the one in the back of this pic comes with a speedboat(!) while the one in the center of the island comes with a pick-up truck, so they are more expensive than the other two.
Then there's this one, which is my fave:
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It looks tiny, but it has two basement levels. The first basement has kitchen/dining/living while the second one has a secondary bedroom and a bathroom. The top floor has the master suite with an ocean view and a little balcony.
A step up from the one-bedroom houses are these three:
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The two on the ends are three-bedroom and they are the same except for colors inside and out. (The one with the green roof has a pretty goth-y interior, complete with the lighting being set as red. LOL ) The one in the middle is smaller with two bedrooms. All three are furnished for families, including cribs. They have ocean views from the front because they're facing the ocean, up on a bit of a terrace above the beach. (The building above them on another terrace is the library.)
And then we have the four expensive residential lots, all in an ultra-modern style, all completely different from each other. Here are three of the four of them
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The fourth is in the little "downtown" area, with easy access to the rabbitholes and clubs/venues. These three are quieter. The "downtown" one is a large, loft-style one-bedroom rich-playboy party pad, while these three are family homes, with either two or three large bedrooms.
Speaking of "downtown," let's have a look at some of the community lots.
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This is part of the little "downtown" area. On the right is the bookstore rabbithole. It has a little playground on the same lot, to keep the kiddos occupied while their parents shop. On the left, the building with the pink awning is the back of the salon. In back of both you can see the big concert venue/theater rabbithole.
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This is the front of the salon, which has both makeover stations and tattoo chairs. It's conveniently catty-corner from the spa rabbithole.
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This is the cemetery, tucked away on the side of a hill amongst trees and shrubs. The little building is not a mausoleum rabbithole but an actual little mausoleum that you could stick urns in and whatnot. It's also big enough to fit a rabbithole rug, should you so desire. You could probably cram a Vault of Antiquity in here somewhere, too, if you wanted to.
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These two are non-standard community lots, both designated as visitors allowed. The first one is called simply "Port." It has telescopes, a photo booth, sailboats, a sculpting station, an easel, a bookshelf, seating, all-in-one restrooms, food, and a coffeemaker. Basically, it's a place to while away an afternoon while maybe doing an art or going out for a sail.
The second lot has no name. It has two produce carts from the Al Fresco Market lot, but the building is empty. I'd turn it into a consignment/elixir consignment store, myself, since the world is lacking those and consignment is integral to the rules I play the game by. It'd also make a nice little shop, though, if you use one of the merchant mods.
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This is the nice ocean-view gym. Because if you're going to mindlessly run on a treadmill, you might as well enjoy the view while you do it, I guess. There are also a number of seashell spawners near this lot, so if you need to hunt for shells...
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This is the little festival lot. I did not look to see what it has on it in the non-summer seasons, but the summer set-up has the standard items, so I'm assuming the other seasons do as well. (Though I don't know if the snowboard half-pipe would fit on this lot. It definitely won't fit if there's an ice rink, too. But, since it's a tropical island, ice skating and snowboarding make no sense anyway, so maybe those aren't included. :) )
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And this is the karaoke bar that doubles as a Showtime venue. It's in the middle of the area with the jetties, where the "spokes" converge. There's also the Flying V coffee shop nearby as well as the big concert venue, so if you like to play the Showtime careers, this is a good world to do it in.
And there are more lot pics I could show, but I'm running out of pics. LOL Suffice it to say that there's a lot to do on this little island, whether you use it as a homeworld or a vacation world. So, if you fancy a nice, small, ready-to-play tropical island world, this one will do nicely.
We'll finish off with some wider-angle shots of scenery and stuff.
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twinsoftriumph · 1 year
Any tips for drawing the twin's hair please ? Whenever i draw them, i always draw Sah's as like a spiky mountain with a curtain since i dunno how to draw tall hair yet
And Mekh...um-
Dw Sah's hair has been evolved from mountain to Kagamine Len. Not sure if that's an improvement tho lmao-
hello! and hey for what it's worth, i also have my moments where i'm drawing their hair and i go "what.. is going on here" LMAO but also len's hair isn't all that different from spiky twin's so i'd say that's improvement! but here are some things i try to keep in mind when drawing their hair
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ignore me emoting at the bottom. i would simplify their hair as a tear drop for sah and a half circle for mekh, but i also do not want them to appear Too flat. hence, the shape is a base to build off of. it helps us determine the direction of the hair, how we layer it, and the space it occupies. but sol, why a tear drop and not a triangle? to which i say We must consider that sah has hair at the Back of their head that also extends from the nape of their neck so it must be considered when drawing the hair as a whole
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determining a point where the hair parts/where the bangs start from also helps us better understand how the hair flows from that point
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mekh has a bang in the middle of their hair and some face-framing bangs along their jaw. you can still see the basic half-circle/dome shape of their hair, and you can see how the sections of hair logically appear to flow from the marked point on their head. the top of their head is round, the bottom of their hair is basically Flat and straight across (it's just a bob that's very flared out at the bottom) which is why the back isnt really visible from the front unless you're looking at them from a lower angle. case in point:
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mekh as viewed from the back and slightly below. the traced line shows that the bottom of their hair is basically a circle lol
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now sah is..... Certainly Something..... ngl im not so sure how to describe them but i will try. their bangs sweep right and i try to keep their hair in Big triangular sections to resemble the model more closely. the back of their hair Also sweeps right. id say the spikes of their hair run along the curve of the aforementioned teardrop, and you can basically use a differently-angled teardrop for the front bang as well. But Sol, you may ask again, why are some of the spikes labeled as being the Back of their hair?
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ok this pic quality sucks but you get the idea. when viewed from the side, you will see that their hair also flows Back. you can also see the hair coming from the nape of the neck. sah's hair is actually like.. sorta shaggy and longer, pretty multi-layered in the hypothetical scenario that it isn't styled up which is where all those spikes come from. (i'd even say it'd extend lower than mekh's if unstyled since mekh's is so bluntly cut across.)
this got kinda long but some ending notes: honestly don't be afraid to stylize and you don't need to be perfectly on-model with their hair. there's nothing wrong with using references either, i have a bunch of screenshots of the elders from different angles and if you/a friend has the hair you can also just screenshot that to give you a guideline. and also don't be hard on yourself if it looks kinda off or anything because i have drawn a lot of spiky haired characters in my time and i still sometimes look at stuff i deemed Fit To Post and go "hm. i would have drawn that differently if i redrew it today."
but uh i mostly just hope this was helpful LOL. good luck drawing the twins!
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obsoleteozymandias · 10 months
Hopefully I'm doing this right (Feel free to delete/ignore if your request matchups are closed or if you don't feel comfortable writing it) I just wanted to request a Matchup for Twisted Wonderland
Appearance: 5'0, waist-long straight black hair with full bangs, round almond brown eyes, round face (pale-ish??), just an Average Asian/Filipino, has a bit of a resting b face, so I try to always smile with my eyes.
I like wearing dark academia clothing but I also like clothing that looks grundge-y (my style is either masc or fem, no in-betwen)
Zodiac Sign: Leo ♌
Sexuality/Gender: Demiromantic Asexual (I just say I'm Demisexual), Agender/ Genderfluid (She/her/They/them)
Personality: Ok whew, I dont know how to begin- My personality is a bit of a mess, I can be childish and playful but serious at times. I'm prone to hyperfocusing on things, I get defensive easily, and I am prone to getting a bit aggressive when I'm extremely mad/ pissed off. My tone of voice comes out as cold and mean (But I try to make it friendlier), I am stubborn (very stubborn when I know I'm right, I'm insistent on it too and rarely backdown) and I'm pretty confident and independent. I work in street smarts but my intuition is pretty strong, I'm quick to think on my feet. Some people have told me I like I have an Inferiority/Superiorty complex where I act like I'm the best but feel like the worst. I like acting average when I'm aware I'm not and I like playing Devil's Advocate, I like acting innocent and cutesty when I know I'll benefit from it. I like acting naive to fool people (My survival skills, apparently), I can be eccentric and follow my heart than my head most of the time, I am more inclined to go with the flow instead of sticking to a routine or schedule (Been told that I'm a walking Adhd). My friends have described me to be a "Golden Cat (or something)- Black Cat appearance and Golden Retriever Energy.
Likes: Sleeping and Daydreaming
I like chocolates, especially the extra bitter dark chocolates. And whipped cream makes me absolutely feral. My favourite type of chips are honey butter potato chips. I love blueberry cheesecakes and chocolate chip banana muffins. I also like the different colored macarons. I like my chocolate bitter but when it comes to tea, I will rival Kalim's sugar serving
I like the colors red, blue, and green.
I like roses, specifically the half colored roses (half red, half white), Sunflowers, and Forget-Me-Nots.
I like both dogs and cats.
Dislikes: Hypocrites, people who have no sense of morals and principles (people who cheat in school, just to be a top student, without actually learning anything), people who flex their wealth around. I dislike veggies because they have a weird aftertaste, specific textures (sensory issues go brrr)
Partner Preference/s: Its either one or the other for me (usually, when I simp for characters, They're either INTJ/ISTJ or ENTP, its crazy) To be more specific... I would prefer a partner who is incredibly smart/intelligent in academics (or just being knowledgeable in general), someone who is studious (I like nerdy people ngl) and being dorky about their interest. Sometimes, I find great attraction to people who seem aloof and closed off, I like cracking people open (not literally), people who compliment me, that we are different but similar in the things that matter. Someone who just gets me in ways that I couldn't/wouldn't anticipate.
My Love Language (Receiving): Acts of Service and Quality Time
I'm sorry for the word vomit 😭 I wanted to be as specific as I can
Hereeeee ya go
== Twisted Wonderland ==>
I match you up with…
Jade Leech
Jade is one of the few people who can appreciate the more manipulative ways you deal with people. When he sees you put on a cute or innocent act to get what you want, he’s SUPER intrigued. 
He’ll get closer to you with politeness at first, but you know he genuinely loves you when he shows you his more cunning and less than polite side. 
He’s also someone who can appreciate your lightheartedness. He himself is somewhat reserved and distant, and I imagine you’d be like a ray of sunshine in the ocean of his life. 
Side note: you and Floyd are a chaotic friendship which he frequently finds himself being both annoyed by and extremely fond of. 
Catch him making you all sorts of teas and drinks with your favorite flavors, or having you taste-test some snacks at the lounge that he already knows you’ll love. 
Is he offended when you put a lot of sugar into you tea? A little bit. Does he find your delighted smile cute and will overlook that? Absolutely. 
Jade and you are both independent creatures, but you find solace and acceptance of eachother wholeheartedly in one another. 
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can-i-roll-for-it · 1 year
Do I excite you Dear?: A hunchfucks oneshot
also posted on ao3: Do I excite you Dear? - Tina_ya_boi - Dimension 20 (Web Series) [Archive of Our Own]
Everyone who knew Hunch Curio knew what he was like. He was a curious man, always trying to find out something new to excite him.
Well, Dan liked to think he was a pretty exciting guy, Hunch has told him so himself a few times, but Dan knew there is only so many new pleasures he could introduce to the detective before the novelty of it all wears off, and Dan figured following that, it won't be long before the novelty of their relationship wore off as well. Dan didn't want to live to see the day that happened.
It was usual for Dan and Hunch to end up being the last two people at Sugah at night. Hunch would come by after he was done with work for the day, the hours for that varied based on how interested in a case Hunch was. And how many cases he had in general.
Dan had no problems letting the man in, even if when he came by was after everyone else had left. (Unless Dan was sleeping, waking up to the sound of  banging on your door is not fun).
Tonight was one of the nights where everyone was gone by the time Hunch came by.
Dan's employee had gone home by now, and Dan was just finishing up any thing he had to get done before closing up when he heard the door open. Dan grinned, he figured he knew who was there and he was proven right immediately when he glanced toward the door.
"Hunch my man!" Dan exclaimed, stepping out from behind the bar counter to greet the man that just walked in.
"Hey there Danny!" Hunch smiled widely as he closed the door behind him. He made his way over to Dan and threw his arms around him, Dan laughed and hugged him back. The two shared a quick kiss.
Hunch backed up and he just grinned. He looked around. "I am here very late." He nodded, very casually.
Dan nodded. "You often are." Dan hummed. He leaned over and kissed Hunch on the cheek. "Not that I ever mind."
Hunch chuckled as the two of them backed away from each other. "Good to know."
Dan watched Hunch move away, though he didn't go far really, he just moved slightly to the side and leaned against the bar counter. "Anything exciting happened here today?" Hunch asked, clearly hoping the answer was yes.
Dan clicked his tongue, and frowned. "Sorry to disappoint, Doll, it was a pretty usual day today." Maybe usual was not the right word. Sure a lot happened, a lot always happens here, but it wasn't anything Hunch wouldn't have heard of before.
"Damn." Hunch mumbled and pouted "That's too bad."
"Yeah." Dan responded simply. "Do you want a drink? We've cleaned up by now but I can still get you something."
Hunch thought for a second, before he shook his head. "No, I'm ok, don't worry about it."
Dan glanced at Hunch. He swallowed. Everyone who knew Hunch Curio knew what he was like. He was a curious man, always trying to find out something new to excite him.
Well, Dan liked to think he was a pretty exciting guy, Hunch has told him so himself a few times, but Dan knew there is only so many new pleasures he could introduce to the detective before the novelty of it all wears off, and Dan figured following that, it won't be long before the novelty of their relationship wore off as well. Dan didn't want to live to see the day that happened.
Dan worried that may be starting though.
Dan stared at Hunch. He nodded slightly. "What do you want to do then?"
Hunch looked at Dan, he thought for a moment. He then laughed "Not sure,  you usually tend to have some idea."
Dan did not have an idea, but he figured he'd have to think of something if he didn't want Hunch to leave. "Right right.." Dan thought for a second, before an idea suddenly came to him. "Do you wanna dance then?"
"You want to dance?" Hunch tilted his head to the side, before he smiled and his eyes lit up "I've never danced before!"
Dan nodded quickly. Dan loved to dance, and it can keep Hunch around. This was a great plan! Like all Dan's plans.
"Well I can teach you!" Dan said
"Really?" Hunch grinned, clearly excited.
Dan smiled, and he nodded, as he went over to Hunch and he grabbed his arms, pulling him away from the bar so they had the space to dance.Hunch happily complied as he was dragged away.
"What kind of dancing do you want to learn?" Dan asked as he pulled Hunch close to him.
Hunch thought for a moment. Absent-mindly dropping his arms over Dan's shoulders. "Well. I'd like to learn all dancing, but I don't think that's possible in one night." He laughed. "I'm just happy to learn something with you."
Dan chuckled. "Well. We can see what we can do."
With that they started to dance. It was nothing big, they started with just swaying slightly and maybe did a few twirls, but Dan figured it was a good starting point, and Hunch seemed thrilled the whole time.
Dan loved Hunch's smile, and getting to be the one who caused that smile felt pretty damn good. But the whole time there was a pit in his stomach that he couldn't ignore, because what happens when they are done dancing? When Hunch gets bored of that too?
Dan decided to do everything in his power to make sure Hunch is never bored of him.
It shouldn't be too hard to come up with new ideas for what to do.
There are only so many dances that Dan knows. He had to change things up pretty soon. Sitting at Sugah alone Dan asked "Ever looked at the stars Hunch?"
Hunch paused and looked at Dan. He hummed. "Not like, intensely. Why?"
"Well." Dan started "Things are going good for The Big Guy, the weather has been better, and the stars have been easier to see at night."
Dan said, then waited a second as he watched Hunch think over what he had just said, before Hunch gasped. "You're right! The stars have been more clear! So you wanna go look at the stars then?"
Dan nodded and grinned "Yes, exactly! What do you say Detective?"
"Awe, you know I'll do anything with you Danny!" Hunch said, though as he spoke he was clearly happy at the suggestion.
Dan stood up and hummed triumphantly.
"Let's go then!"
"Where exactly are we going?" Hunch tilted his head. Curious.
"You'll see." Dan grinned as he grabbed onto Hunch's arm and started pulling him along.
"You always like to keep me guessing don't you, Fucks?" Hunch laughed as he ran to keep up with Dan's pace.
'Hopefully. That's the goal' Dan thought as he and Hunch walked outside, Dan let go of Hunch's arm so he could lock up the door of Sugah before they left. "Well I know how much you like to guess." Dan laughed, he then started walking again "Come on it's not far."
Hunch nodded, catching up to Dan and instead grabbing on to hold his hand as they walked. Dan glanced at him, Dan held on to his hand tightly and they walked.
Dan had found a place to look at the stars a few nights ago. It wasn't that hard for Dan to find a semi empty area where the city light didn't shine too brightly, and the stars were vibrant in the sky, that was where he took Hunch tonight.
It was cliche and corny and Dan never thought he would ever bring himself to do something like this.
It's hard to mind that though when Hunch seemed so excited.
The stars in mentopolis were not accurate to the ones Elias saw at night. Everyone knew that much. The stars in mentopolis were ever changing. Some nights they may be slightly brighter than before, sometimes they shrine different colors. Sometimes there were constellations, sometimes there weren't. It was a gamble, and Dan figured Hunch would be into that.
It seemed like he was right. Dan watched as Hunch scanned the sky, taking in the sight of it all. "They're beautiful, Danny."
"I know, that's why I suggested this." Dan joked.
Hunch laughed and rolled his eyes. "Right right." Hunch threw an arm around Dan's shoulder and pulled him closer. Dan paused for a moment before he leaned into the touch. Hunch smiled and looked back up at the stars. "You see any constellations?"
Dan thought for a second, looking up at the stars. Before he pointed up at a collection of them "Those stars up there look like our old pet cat."
Hunch looked in the direction that Dan pointed "Oh yeah!" He bounced on his heels excitedly. He looked around. He pointed at a different collection of stars "Those kinda look like a pumpkin." He said, before he started to laugh at how difficult those answers were.
They spent the night like that. Essentially cloud watching with stars. Sometimes the stars shifted while they stood there, much to Hunch's amusement. Hunch never moved his arm from around Dan, and Dan was content with that.
Unfortunately after some time Dan found himself once again feeling nervous. Once again asking, what happens when Hunch gets bored of this.
Over the next few weeks Dan did all he could to bring Hunch to new places, something that would excite him.
There were things like cooking (Turns out curiosity's response to cooking is to put a bunch of things in a pot and see what happens, who knew), along with a collection of other things.
And it was fucking exhausting. Dan was good at making people happy. It was what he did best, and he loved doing that, especially when one of those people happens to be Hunch Curio, but constantly trying to think of new ideas is so tiring. Evan Dan has his limits.
But he had to keep going. He had to.
Tonight was different though. Tonight Hunch had called Dan and asked him to come up to his office at night. Said he had to talk to him about something
Dan had agreed of course, though walking over there now, at night, he couldn't help but wonder what was going on, and he worried. What if all he had done hadn't worked. What if even after all that it still wasn't good enough. These thoughts swarmed his head as he walked.
Hunch had given him a spare key awhile ago, long before they were partners. Mainly it was in case Hunch ever lost his actual key, he could just go to Dan who would have the back up. Still. By now it was just an agreement between them that Dan could come by whenever he wanted.
Dan opened the door and he made his way through a bit of a hallway before he got to Hunch's actual office, he took a deep breath and he opened the door and walked In and there Hunch was standing by his desk.
Hunch looked up when Dan walked up. "Danny!" He exclaimed.
Dan waved slightly "Hey Doll." Dan made his way across the room and stooped next to Hunch, leaning against the desk.
They were both silent for a moment. Before Dan decided to just ask "So what did you want to talk about?" He tried to keep his voice light hearted when he asked.
Hunch nodded quickly "Yeah! That! Well-" Hunch took a deep breath "It's just...are you ok?"
Dan paused. He blinked. "What?" That was basically the opposite of what he expected.
Hunch crossed his arms. "Come on, something has been going on with you," Hunch moved closer to Dan as he spoke "We've been going out so often the past few weeks, not that I mind hanging out with you Danny but there's gotta be something that made you act different right?"  Hunch leaned closer to Dan. "Plus you look like shit Dan, you look tired."
"Well thanks." Dan said sarcastically. Fuck. Fuck shit. He wasn't as subtle as he thought he was.
"Come on Dan, what's going on?"
Dan paused, he looked at Hunch and just shrugged slightly. "Just don't want to see the day you get bored with me Detective." Dan tried to laugh casually, like it wasn't a big deal, like it was just obvious.
Hunch on the other hand looked horrified at this statement. "What are you talking about?"
"Awe come on!" Dan started "You like to be excited, and there's no shame in that, I knew what you were like when I fell for you, but-" he swallowed "I don't think I can be as exciting as you want me to be."
"Don't get me wrong, I can be! In fact I think I am naturally quite fun."
"But I believe I may have deceived you! I don't think I can do everything you may expect from me, but I'm trying my best here to make you happy and-"
Dan stopped as Hunch grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him slightly. Dan blinked. He looked at Hunch. "..What?"
"Danny I'm not with you because I think you can show me exciting stuff. Sure I'm a curious guy! I'll try anything once, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't want to just be around you."
Dan stared forward and Hunch kept speaking, as he spoke he moved his hands from Dan's shoulders to cupping his face "I'm with you because I like you, and I'd like you whether we go out every night or just sit and talk. I don't want you pushing yourself to do stuff because you think it's what I want. I do want you to be happy too you know."
When he finished, Dan just stood there stunned. Dan didn't cry, not much. Pleasure and tears didn't really go hand in hand for him. He was crying now though.
Hunch frowned "I- sorry-" Hunch went to pull his hands away from Dan's face, but Dan in turn just reached up and pulled Hunch into a tight hug. Hunch frozen. Before he eventually hugged Dan back.
"You always do find ways to make me feel like a fool don't you, Detective?" Dan laughed quietly.
Hunch moved slightly so he could look Dan in the eye while still holding on to him, he brought a hand up to wipe some of the tears from his face. "I don't try to."
"That's what makes it worse." Dan laughed more through his tears, leaning into Hunch's hand. "You really do have such an effect on me."
"Maybe not a good one, if I had you thinking you had to strain yourself for me." Hunch frowned, Dan just shook his head.
"I do anything for you, you know."
"If that's the case." Hunch thought for a moment. "I think you should get some rest."
Dan groaned "That's so boring though." He moved his arms to drape them over Hunch's shoulders ``Will you stay with me if I do?"
"Course I will." Hunch nodded thoughtfully "And I don't think there's anything wrong with a little boring, not when it's you."
Hunch led Dan toward the couch in his office (which may not be the most comfortable thing for two people, but it was the best they had at the moment) and the two sat down, all while Hunch continued to hold on to Dan. As Dan leaned against him, and started to doze off, he smiled. For the first time in a while, not worrying about this going away. 
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alexey-slay21 · 11 months
bangchan x male reader
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Y/n wants to get a job at Jyp ent. as a manager. He still in the "training period" and he's affiliated to Christopher bang chan, leader of stray kids (wow didn't expect at all). Who knows what will happen between this young man and our dadd- I mean Aussie gentleman :)
*Y/n POV*
I was sitting on a chair in the hall at jyp, I'm reading the schedule for the week my colleague just gave me and damn it's so full and I almost can't even go to the bathroom... everything is planned perfectly, even sleep hours...
I take my phone and I check the time, it's almost 8:00 am, I'll have to start soon. I get up from the chair and I take the papers I have to leave to bangchan.
I enter the elevator and I press the floor button, the doors close and it starts moving up. I arrive at the floor where there are most of te studios and i look forward to his studio. When I find it i knock on the door and i wait him to answer.
He didn't answered but instead he opened the door.
Y/n: "I got some papers for you"- I hand him the documents 
Chan: "you must be the new manager?"
Y/n: "Yeah" i answer nervously
He quickly reads te papers "ok, everything is here, thank you for the delivery... btw what's your name?" He asked
Y/n: "Y/n"
Chan: "that's a nice name, where are you from?"
Y/n: "Y/c (your country)"
Chan: "really!? I've always wanted to visit y/c. Are you going to be by my side now on?"
Y/n:"I think I still have to figure out what I'll do but I think I'll be with you for some time"
Chan:"ohh, got it! So you're still in your training time... don't worry we'll be fine" he said smiling 
I'm more nervous than before and he noticed 
Chan:"don't worry y/n, you'll do great, I'm sure of that"
Y/n: "I hope so"
Chan:"you're too nervous my boy! Relax haha, i think you'll be one of the best managers of the whole company, trust me" he's trying to cheer me up 
Chan:"so I have a meeting in half an hour? To decide next comeback stuff right?"
Y/n:"Yes you're right"
While waiting the time to pass we got to know each other better... the time passed quickly and the meeting was there.
I take Chan to the meeting and after an hour we finished.
Y/n:"Stray kids have to do a lot of of stuff this month"
Chan: Yeah... It's true that it's going to be a busy month with the comeback, photo shoot, interview, all... I know it will be long and sometimes tiring, but don't worry"
We walk down the hall, ready to leave the building 
Chan:"let's go back to the dorm, I'm gonna introduce you to the other members" he says smiling 
Y/n: "Sounds good" I reply 
Chan: "Don't be shy on the way boy, I will introduce you one by one to everyone!"
A few months passed and I became pretty close to Chan and the kids and now I'm officially his manager and one of his close friends.
I'm on the roof of the dorm with chan, he's been sitting there for a while looking at the sky...
Chan: "Ahh, y/n, this weather is amazing, right? I don't want to go back inside... I just want to watch the clouds moving slowly in the sky... it's so relaxing, I love this moment..." I decide to look up at the clouds too...
Y/n:"I think it's gonna rain soon..." he looks at me and then back to the dark clouds in the sky
Chan: "Yeah you're right... The weather is changing quite fast compared to a few minutes ago... But the calm before the storm is amazing, I like this" 
Y/n:"Yeah you're right... btw I really have to finish planning some stuff on the computer... do you mind stay here alone or you want to come in too?" He quickly looks at me 
Chan: "I think I'll stay here, I really enjoy looking at the weather, dw I'll go inside later"
Y/n:"Ok see ya then... and don't get the rain" I say joking 
Chan: "don't worry I won't" he smiles at me while I'm leaving the rooftop.
I go down the stairs and I reach my apartment's door, I open it and I get inside.
I turn on the lights and I sit at my desk while I take my portable.
My dog comes to greet me and then she lays next to my chair so i start working.
After an hour and half I'm done, I stretch myself and I decide to get up from the chair to check if Chan is still outside.
I reach again the roof and when I open the door I see chan still sitting on the same chair as earlier, his hair and clothes completely wet and he's humming a song.
I walk towards him and when he notice me he looks at me and he smiles.
Y/n: "I told you to don’t get wet... you're so stubborn man, you'll get sick" I fake a disappointed face 
Chan: "ohh, y/n, you're here... yk... I was too busy enjoying this moment, I love to watch the clouds and to listen to the sound of the rain" 
*Chan POV* 
he's so cute... he really came back to check on me... I look at him and i involuntarily smile, I feel like my cheeks burning... what the hell is happening g to me?! Why I'm feeling this way... I feel so dumb rn
*y/n POV*
Y/n: "I think you'll need some dry clothes"
Chan: "oh, yeah right, I'm kinda wet... I think I should definitely go inside now hahahaha"
Y/n: "let's go then" I offer him my hand so he can stand up from where he's sitting
We go inside and he opens the door of skz dorm, we enter and we took off our shoes and then we walk to the bathroom to look for some towels. We find some and he starts drying his hair.
Y/n: "I'm bringing you some dry clothes from your room, tell me what you need"
Chan: "oh, thank you were much y/n! I think i really need to change completely... you can bring me... lemme think... oh yeah, a shirt, sweatpants, socks etc..."
Y/n: "brb"
I close the bathroom door and I enter his room, it's always so cozy, I like it. I open his wardrobe and i take what he needs and the I come back to him and I nock on the door. After a while he answers and I enter. He was wrapped with a big towel, he kinda looks like a big burrito, I give him the clothes and then I leave him changing while i come back to his room.
After a while he exits the bathroom and joins me. When i look at him I notice that his natural curls are back end I giggle at this sight.
Chan: "what's so funny?"
Y/n: "I'm not used to see you with curly hair but it suits you. Btw what are we doing now? Any plans?"
Chan: "what about watching a movie? Sounds good to you?"
Y/n: "yeah, any movie on mind?
Chan: "well... actually naur (lol), I was hoping you to recommend some hehe"
Y/n: "lemme think... we can watch Deadpool or... Spider-Man across the spiderverse I always wanted to watch it"
Chan: "the 2nd one sounds good, I watched the first one but never watched this one"
I take his computer from the desk near the bed and I turn it on
Y/n: "password... always the same?" Chan nods, I digit the password and I open a streaming app and i search the movie and I start giggling and he looks at me confused 
Y/n: "I'm selling your music files" I type on the keyboard pretending I'm doing something bad with his computer 
Chan: "hahaha, not funny y/n, I would kill you if you do that, I've worked hard on those songs. Stop you're making me anxious"
*Chan POV*
 I look at him, ik he's joking, I'm feeling a kind of possessiveness towards him... why?! I don't understand... what's this feeling? Why am I feeling something towards him? I like girls, i want a girlfriend, why do i feel this way? I keep staring at y/n who's using my computer and idk why I suddenly grab his wrist stopping him and then I realise how stupid I'm. Why I did that?! Maybe he's gonna think I'm weird... so i take my computer back and i sit on the bed with the laptop on my legs and I put the movie ready to be watched.
Chan: "okay, fine I'm not mad at you , now let's watch the movie"
He's silent but as i look at him I feel something strange on my chest. I need to ask him something...
Chan: "so... umm, y/n,  need to ask you something... you're not in a relationship is tat correct? I don't look at his face while asking this
Y/n: "I have one"
Chan: "who... is it a girl? My voice is getting softer, I'm trying to hide the fact that I'm feeling somehow jealous 
Y/n: "Yeah, she looses a lot of fur all around the house, when it's hot she drools a lot and sometimes she bites me when she wants attention hahahaha"
I start laughing at the description 
Chan: "a dog hahah? You're living with a dog , don't you?
Y/n: "yeah the cutest good girl, she's the love of my life hahah"
I laugh again at what he just said, then I look at him, it's my turn to be serious
Chan: "Okay okay, I get it that you love your dog, I'm happy for you! But... What about girls? Do you have a *human* girlfriend?"
Y/n: "my dog is jealous"
I try not to laugh but I think about him having a girlfriend and my heart is burning right now
Okay, I'm getting impatient, I need to be direct and ask him if there's someone in his life
Chan: "I meant do you have a girlfriend that is... Not a dog?" My voice is getting more and more serious
Y/n: "who needs one?"
I look at him, wanting an honest answer.
Chan: "Wait what? Don't get me wrong but... Isn't it better to have a girlfriend that... You know... You can *kiss*, and *hug* her? I mean... You can't do this with your dog?
I can't keep a neutral expression anymore, it's obvious that I'm jealous of this dog right now or maybe it's just me thinking about him having a *imaginary* relationship with someone else who's not me?
Chan: "So... You'd rather be with... Your dog... Than with a person?" I say this slowly, I feel like he's hurting my heart
I feel like crying now, I regret asking these questions. I look at him, seeing how sweet he talks about this dog, I feel bad for being jealous.
Chan: "so you see yourself in the future alone? Like you and a dog only? I want a romantic partner, I want him, but he's telling me that he can always have a dog in his life? I feel betrayed. I take a breath and I finally say it
Chan: "What about a romantic partner? Like a girlfriend? Or... A wife?"
Y/n: "man, idk, I don't even know what I'll do tomorrow i cannot think about big things like future or if ill be with someone or not"
I don't like his answer... But I can't blame him, he's younger (or older) than me. But still, he's old enough to have a girlfriend... If he likes girls, he must be having one, right...? Idk... 
Y/n looks kinda annoyed about the conversation we're having but I can't help myself,  jealousy is the only thing I can feel rn
Y/n: "what about you? Ur 25 and you haven't been in a relationship yet"
Chan: "don't change the topic" I'm holding myself to don't show my emotions, i feel like he's hiding something from me, what if he has a girlfriend and h don't want me to know? Jealousy is kicking in harder 
Chan: "Are you having a girlfriend? I'm asking for the 100th time y.n, it's a simple question, is it so difficult to answer?"
Y/n: "does it really matter?"
Chan: "Yes it matters!" I can't hold my emotions anymore, I can't pretend to be fine right now, I'm getting pissed off
Chan: "I just want to know if you're dating a girl, that's all I need to know... Because if you're dating someone... Then I need to stop thinking about you that much, I need to move on... I need to stop feeling this painful jealousy... I can't do this anymore..."
tears start running down from my cheeks, I fucked up. I run to the bathroom and I lock the door behind me and I leave y/n alone in your room.
I sit on the floor with my hands in my face, I feel pain and I need a moment to try and calm down.
What have I done? Why did I ask him that... It's so stupid, I was able to control myself for 30 minutes, I can't believe I talked so much about this dog and his imaginary girlfriend. Did I want to hear the truth or am I really crazy? Why is he so nice and cute, I'm going to ruin everything if I don't act normal from now on...
I hear y/n's voice outside the bathroom, his tone is not aggressive but it sounds more worried than anything.
I take a deep breath, trying to calm down, and get my emotions under control before I open the door again and see him face to face... I regret not thinking twice about what I asked him.
Chan: "Okay okay, give me a second please..."
I take a deep breath and as soon as i open the door y/n hugs me tightly.
Y/n: "don't you dare to do something like this again" he tightened the hug
I start crying when he hugs me, I feel his arms and I can't believe he's hugging me. He's so kind... But he's making me feel worse, because he's hugging me like he's my boyfriend or... Maybe like a lover...
I try to avoid his hug and I push him away slightly but he keeps hugging me
Chan: "Just... Let me go... The fact that you're hugging me, makes me believe that you like me... I don't want to be delusional... You don't want anything more than friendship right?"
Y/n: "we cn talk about what happened but please don't get away or take distance from me" 
he cares about me or... he's  just trying to don't make me feel weird?
He keeps hugging me and it's making me feel horrible... I don't want to be the weirdo I was some minutes ago anymore, I don't want to be obsessed with a guy who's hugging me right now... But I can't fight those damn emotions, he's making me feel like I mean a lot to him... Why is he treating me like this? I can't do it anymore, I let myself fall on the floor and I sit there hugging my knees.
I stay on the floor as y/n was doing too, I'm trying not to cry anymore. It's awkward for me now, he's hugging me while I'm sitting as if he was my boyfriend, and after the way we've spoken with each other, we're probably not going back to speaking as best friends so fast...
I don't dare to look at him now, I just stay in this position, not knowing what to say or to do to fix this situation...
I take a deep breath while he rubs my back like if we're together.
So he's not dating, this means that he's single... But why did he have to hug me like this? Is he trying to give false hopes?
Chan: "can you please let me go now? I say this in a low tone, I'm trying not to sound rude, but I want to get up and stop feeling like this...
y/n: "yeah... sure... I-I'm sorry for making you feel this way, I have  even noticed you felt something"
Chan: "It's okay, I just need a moment to get up from the floor, can you please let me go now?" *I feel awkward as hell but I can't believe he was hugging me and I can't do anything because this hug was way too good and sweet, I need to control my emotions right now.
I slowly stand up, still avoiding y/n's eyes
Chan: "I-I'm fine now... I don't need your hug anymore... I feel normal..." Why am I lying so much? I want to feel like he feels something for me... I need to stop this stupid thoughts.
Chan: "I'm just... Need a minute to be alone, I'm fine really..." I try to walk away but I hesitate, I'm not sure if I should just keep talking to him and forget what just happened or leave for real this time...
Y/n: "Maybe it's better if I leave for now..."
He's leaving? I should feel happy about this but it's not what I want... I feel the urge to stop him from walking out the door... But I don't want to say anything, it's stupid if I ask him to stay after all that just happened. It's my fault I hate myself 
I stay still and I wait for his reaction, I don't know what to do to fix this situation... I really screwed up by acting like that.
Y/n: "If you need anything call me ok? The other members should come back to the dorm soon. See ya Chris"
After he leaves I lay down on my bed hoping that I just had a nightmare, but I know that this is real... I screwed up and I ruined our relationship... Why did I let myself have all these silly feelings for a guy that likes girls? He likes someone else, I need to get over him.
A few hours passed, its almost midnight and I receive a text from y/n
💬 Best brah: you ok? Have you eaten?
💬me: I'm fine... haven't eaten much today but I'll menage 
I reply to his text, I just hope it's not gonna b awkward between us after what I did.
💬Best brah: eat something!!
He's so caring...why is he ignoring the fact that i acted weird...
💬Me: I'll eat tomorrow... I wanna ask you something, can I?
💬Best brah: eating is important, take care. Btw what's the question?
💬Me: How do you feel about what happened this afternoon? I hope I didn't make it awkward between us because you're the most amazing guy I know... 
I click send and I wait for his response, I feel anxious not gonna lie
💬Best brah: I'm sure you didn't wanted to act that way. It happens... it can happen to everyone to loose control of their emotions and you're human too. I'm not mad at you.
He doesn't hate me... that's relieving 
💬Best brah: we can always talk about it sooner or later, but maybe for the moment it's better if you take some time by yourself to think about it. Can we make this week pass? Do you think we can do it?
My heart skips a beat when I read "can we make this week pass?", I start overthinking again... Wait, he wants to wait before talking to me... What does this mean? Does this mean he's not comfortable with me anymore because of what I am? I start worrying a lot now*
💬Me: Of course, if that's what you want. 
I feel a bit disappointed by the idea of not talking with him for a whole week but I want to respect his wish
💬Best brah: we can se each other this week as well but It'll be just for work purposes and then next Sunday we'll talk about it
Oh... This means that he doesn't want to see me that much this week, but for work reasons he can't totally avoid me... This is so weird to me because I was expecting a different answer, a more... Loving answer but I'm probably delusional...
💬Me: okay, I got it... If that's what you want... Let's do that.
💬Best brah: I won't ignore you ok?
💬Me: I know, I trust you. You don't need to ignore me, we'll just act as normal.
💬Best brah: Take care and eat during this week ok? Promise? 
💬Me: promise... I'll eat something this week. Gnight 
💬Best brah: tomorrow as usual we have to meet up in front the building to go to jyp. Good night Chris 
I turn off my phone too and I stay in my bed, trying to sleep, but I can't just close my eyes, I'm too nervous and anxious... He's okay with me, he doesn't hate me, but he's avoiding me a bit, he wants us to act normal, and that's good for me, I can try and behave like nothing happened and I don't feel anything for him... This is my only hope to be happy again...
Skip time
*Y/n's POV*
The week is almost over, it's Friday. After a long day at jyp i come back to my apartment and I take my phone.
💬Me: eaten?
💬Chris Bahhhng: yeah I ate some toast in the morning, it's fine
💬Me: it's 9:47pm... you only had breakfast...
💬Chris Bahhhng: yeah, I know I should probably eat more but... I've been stressed and tired, it's hard for me to eat. But don't worry, I'm gonna eat a normal dinner
💬Me: Be honest man... how much did you eat during past days?
💬Chris Bahhhng: well... I only ate one toast and coffee in the morning as well as some bread and water during the day... It's been a bit difficult to eat more than that...
💬Me: not good man
💬Chris Bahhhng: I know, I'm trying... But it's kind of hard to eat when I don't feel like doing anything.
💬Me: ik it's hard but pls take care of yourself ok? I have to go now maybe I'll text you later 
A few hours passed, he only viewed my text but didn't reply. He's worrying me a little but now he's with his members, they would tell me if anything is wrong... so I go to sleep
Skip time
*Chan's POV*
Saturday passed quickly... it's already Sunday, the day of the "talk"
I'm laying down in my bed, facing the ceiling... I'm taking deep breaths... why do I feel like this...
I decide to get up and get ready for work when I noticed a text from y/n on my Lock Screen
💬Best brah: hey... today there's a change of plans... there was a mistake on your schedule so you have a day off
💬Me: oh, okay, I get it now, thank you for the clarification. *I feel relieved now that I know the plan is still on... 
I just have to be extra careful to act normal in front of him today
💬Me: what time do you plan on coming to the dorm?
💬Best brah: mhhh... 1:00 pm, I'll bring something to eat 
I get excited when I read his message, at least he's still coming to the dorm, that means we're still gonna see each other... He's even bringing lunch for both of us, I guess I'm gonna have to eat something today then... God, he's so sweet... Oh damn... I think I'm doing it again, I'm gonna have to stop thinking this way as soon as possible
💬Me: I will make sure to be ready for when you come, thanks for bringing me lunch, I'm gonna eat something for once! See you later~
It's almost 1:00pm and I hear someone knocking at the door 
I feel a bit nervous... Ik It's y/m, I hope he doesn't notice that I'm not looking so good today... I open the door for him
Y/n enters the dorm, I feel the urge to hug him once more... I just can't help it, he's so sweet and I just love the way he smells... I must focus on the lunch now, I don't want to ruin my chances with him, the mood seems calm for now, I need to act normal.
He has a bag in his hand... he bought me my fav noodles...
The noodles smell so good! This guy is so sweet... I try to eat a bit of them but my stomach feels full and I can't eat that much...
I force myself to eat as much as I possibly can, it's hard because my stomach is hurting but I don't want y/n to be concerned about me anymore...
Chan: "these are really good noodles btw, thanks for bringing them..."
I look at y/n, I hope he doesn't notice that I feel really bad after eating... My body is not used to eating this much...
I finish my bowl and I feel my stomach is getting filled with a lot of pain again, it feels really hard to act normal at this point
Chan: "well, they were really good, I'm just a bit full at the moment, I'll let you enjoy yours now"
I try to smile but I'm not sure if it's a good enough smile to make him believe that I'm happy right now... What should I do?
Y/n: "not feeling good right?"
God, i can't lie to him, I'm not feeling like eating, I'm not feeling like doing anything, all I want is to sit next to him and hug him
Chan: "yeah... I kinda feel like throwing up... I should take a break so I'll just sit here on the couch for a bit..."
He finished his noodles and he sits with me on the couch, I want to put my head on his shoulder, I want to get closer to him, he's so warm... I feel really safe when I'm with him. My stomach is hurting again, it's like my body is telling me that I'm doing something wrong here... Did I eat too much?...
I'm staring down at my stomach, I'm  focusing on my pain and I feel him wrapping an arm around my waist and putting his hand on my stomach.
Chan: "it's not really easy to talk... but... I haven't eaten properly this whole week, that's why my stomach hurts... I feel sick and I don't know how long I can keep this up..."
Y/n: "wanna go to the bathroom? You don't look great rn..."
I can't talk, all I can do now is nod my head in response, I feel like throwing up more than before, I can barely move but I need to try... I need to go to the restroom now, it hurts so much...
I can feel it in my throat and in my stomach... He's not holding my shoulder anymore, now I'm holding his hand tightly as I get up from the couch and I run to the bathroom.
I get inside the bathroom and I start to feel nauseous. I have to hold the toilet lid because I can't stand up. I try to breathe and to calm myself down, I don't want to vomit, I don't want Y/n to see that or to hear it, I try to control it, but it's really hard for me
Chan: "please, don't come inside, it... it... it smells really bad here, I just... have... have..." 
I start to throw up inside the toilet... I feel so ashamed, I'm a mess.
I hear the door being opened and his steps behind me 
Oh god, it hurts so much, I'm losing everything I ate this afternoon, I can't look at him right now, I'm so embarrassed and my throat hurts so bad, I don't know what to... The last bit of food comes out of my stomach and my eyes tear up... I can't let him see me like this, I would probably feel so much worse. I try to go away from him so he can't see me feeling so shameful
Chan: stay away, please! Just... Just... 
I try to say something more but I throw up again... I feel like crying rn
I can feel his hand on my forehead keeping my hair from falling on my eyes, I try to push his hand away, I don't want him to touch me right now.
Chan: "please, just... Please..."
I feel sick again and I try to walk away from his hand... I throw up more and I'm crying right now. My stomach feels like I've been punched and my throat is burning. I don't want him to see me like this, feeling so sick, with so many tears and so much shame in my eyes now.
He slowly starts to rub my back, his touch feels good, I calm down a bit. I sit on the toilet and my throat and stomach are burning even more than before. I'm breathing heavily and it's hard for me to stay still... I can't say anything right now, I just want to feel less sick and to stop throwing up.
The cramps and the burning in my stomach are so bad that I feel like throwing up again, but this time it's just bile since there's nothing else that could come out of my stomach now.
Y/n: "hey... feeeling a lil better man?
My stomach feels a bit better now, I have to take deep breaths but the pain is a bit less intense now. My throat is so exhausted and burning, it's hard to talk, I only nod as my answer
Chan: "yeah, it's a bit better now... it wasn't good to eat everything at once after not eating for days..."
Y/n: "yeah Ik... have you tough about our talk?"
Oh god, I wasn't expecting to talk about that now, it's making me feel nervous, what should I say? I can't lie to him again but I still don't know what to say... Should I just tell him more about what I want and about my feelings for him?
Chan: "well... I was thinking a lot and..."
I take a deep breath and I can taste the acid coming from my stomach, that's not a good sign...
Y/n: "sorry sorry. I didn't want to put more pressure on you, when you'll  feel better and ready we can talk ok?"
Thank god he's not pushing me to talk, I can't handle so many emotions right now, it's making me feel sick again... If I try to talk about my feelings for him it's gonna make me feel even more sick, I don't know if it's good for me now... But I know I have to talk to him about it, he won't give up on me easily... What should I do? What should I say? What words will make him understand that I just want him to be happy?
He dried some sweat off my face with a towel
Y/n: "are you finished here? We can come back to the living room or to your room if you want"
Chan: "maybe my room"
Y/n: "ok let's go there then"
Y/n takes my hand and leads me to my room, as he opens the door we both enter. His hand feels so warm and soft, I feel like it's holding all my thoughts and worries, I can't focus on anything just now, not with him so close to me now...
I sit in my bed and I look at him waiting for him to sit down next to me, I want to be as close to him as possible, but I know this is not a good idea, I need to focus on talking to him and to telling him how I feel about everything.
I close my eyes for a bit, I try to breathe and to calm myself down, but I just can't stop thinking about him now... His voice, his smell, the way he looks at me... Why is he so perfect and caring?
He lays down on my bed too. I finally open my eyes, I see him laying next to me. He's so close to me and he's just staring at my face. I feel like he's analyzing everything about me right now and this thought is making me feel uncomfortable and awkward... I want y/n to just be himself while laying next to me, I don't want our first time together alone and without the rest of skz to be a bad one or a weird one... But, damn, I wish I could stop my thoughts from going in so many different directions, just focus on what's happening now.
After some minutes he boops my nose and I start to blush a bit and I feel a bit of embarrassment
Chan: "oh, well, I guess... Yeah, I tend to overthink a lot, and... how did you know I was overthinking?"
I stay silent now, I don't know what else to say, I was just starting to feel a bit more comfortable next to him...
Y/n: "your face tells me everything..."
Chan: "well... You're right, my face gives it away... I was still trying to prepare for telling you how I feel about everything, but now that you're here, laying next to me... I don't know... You're making me a bit nervous now..." I giggle a bit because I feel so awkward and embarrassed
Y/n: "you don't have to be nervous when you're with me Chris"
I look at him and I feel my heart beating so fast right now, I want to be myself but he's so close, his eyes are like the universe on his face. I feel so attracted to him and now that I'm thinking about this I can't keep myself calm, I start to feel even more nervous...
I try to talk but I can't, it feels like a hundred butterflies are buzzing in my stomach now.
Chan: "I'm... I'm-"
Y/n: " do you think we can start our talk?"
The way he says it makes me feel nervous, it's like he's expecting too much from me, but at the same time I can't wait to tell him everything that's been in my mind this whole month. I can't say a single word now, the words won't come out and my heart rate is getting faster every second... I just nod, my face is completely red, I feel like I'm gonna combust at any moment.
Y/n: "Well... maybe we can start from what you told me last week before what happened.
I close my eyes and I think about last week, what I said to him and what I said about my feelings for him. Now that he's asking me to talk about everything again, I want to keep my head straight and to make him understand how I feel without all the crying and stuff, without making him feel bad for me. The way he's looking at me while listening to what I'm gonna say right now is making it ten times harder than it already is... I just need to stop overthinking and to speak... I'm not gonna cry now, I can do this.
I try to focus on the feeling of the butterflies in my stomach and how y/n is looking at me right now, but the memory of what I said last week is coming back... The sentences, the voice I said them with, how I felt... I hate this...
Chan: "I guess I meant that I should stop thinking about you so much, that I should stop feeling so jealous of everything and also upset... Because... Because I can't stop thinking about you now, and I just..." 
I close my eyes, I can't be honest now. I hate that I'm lying to y/n again...
Y/n: "and?"
Chan: I think I meant that I should stop letting you ruin my life, that I need to stop thinking about you... That I need to move on and focus on myself, I can't keep thinking about someone who probably doesn't love me..."
 I feel so confused and uncomfortable when I try to say these words to him... This is just like last week, I was completely honest with him and it made everything so much worse...*
Y/n: "I think we both know that you don't really mean this..."
He's probably right. I open my eyes again, I look at him and I force myself to nod. 
Chan: "I wanted to tell you that I can't keep thinking of someone who... Who doesn't love me back..." 
The words feel so bitter in my mouth, the more I speak the more pain I feel inside my chest now.
Y/n: "well... that's not totally true... I do love you but maybe not yet as the same way as you love me... but I think that somehow it may work... I mean between us... we just need time"
I can't believe my ears, is he finally saying something about his feelings? I look at him again, his eyes look so beautiful and I want to be close to him so bad, but I have to be calm and reasonable, he's trying to be honest and to talk about his feelings so I have to do it too now... I take a deep breath and I try to control my emotions and to speak in a calm and clear way...I feel like I'm gonna cry now, my throat hurts again.
Some tears running down my cheeks while y/n tries to wipe them away with his sleeve.
He's staring at my wet chocolate eyes, he has a little smile on his face and i can feel butterflies back in my stomach. He's so perfect, i have a chance, maybe my only chance to be with him.
I do understand what he meant, I know that we're still just getting to know each other now and we need to go gradually, see where this goes... I want to start something with him but it might be too early now... His eyes look so peaceful and calming right now, just staring at the ceiling while I'm looking at him... He's so close to me, the urge to kiss him right now is becoming so overwhelming right now... I need to do something to change my own mind, otherwise I don't know what can happen...
He offers me his hand, i grab it and then he lays back down on the bed next to me. We're  laughing holding hands... Am I dreaming? It's too perfect to be real.
After some time I decide to come closer to him and to put my head on his shoulder. I need more physical contact rn, I'm really craving for some.
Y/n just looks at me and has he could read me as an open book, he slides his arms around me and he hugs me tightly. My head on his chest, I can smell his scent and I love it.
Y/n's hug makes me forget about everything in the moment, every thought in my mind disappears completely. The only thing I feel now is him, his body next to mine, it's perfect... I feel so safe and protected now...
Chan: "are you ok with this?"
I whisper quietly, afraid to ruin the moment we're sharing right now... I'm just so happy he hasn't let go of me yet, I don't want this moment to end now...
Y/n: "yk I'm not really used to physical contact but I think I can get used to this"
His words make me smile, I feel like I wanna kiss him right now, but I don't want to push it too much, he already seems so comfortable with me and with our physical proximity, I don't want him to feel like I'm forcing him to do something... If I could, I would kiss him right now but I'm not sure if he's ok with that. I just want us to be happy now, I'm just so happy that he let me be this close to him... I look up into his magnetic eyes, the whole galaxy is in there... he's so close now, the way he looks at me... I want to kiss his lips right now, I want to feel him even closer to me...I whisper, my voice is almost too low for him to hear...
Chan: "y/n, can I be honest with you about something?"
Y/n: "mh?"
Chan: "can I kiss you? Because right now I feel like I really, really need to..."
I see him thinking for some seconds, I can feel one of his hands caressing the back of my head and no he's looking back at me.
I feel like my whole body is trembling inside, my heart is beating so fast, it's like I'm on fire right now, I'm feeling so much right now without knowing why I'm feeling like this in this moment... All I feel is his touch...
I lean my head closer to his lips and I close my eyes, I really need to kiss him... he's not trying to push me away, he's gently pushing my head towards his. My heart rate just doubled the second he pushed my head towards his, now our faces are close to each other, my eyes are now fully closed, I feel like I'm on cloud nine right now, like I'm dreaming...
It's like an electric energy buzzing in the air between us... And then I go even closer to his lips to make another move...
Our lips touching and our first kiss was... Something I can't even describe with words right now... It felt like the whole world just stopped in this moment, not a thing mattered other than the feeling I was getting when our lips finally touched. Everything was perfect, perfect and warm and soft and I felt so safe. For a second I thought he was gonna pull away but then he kept our kiss for a few seconds more... His lips were so soft and our kiss was so gentle, I felt like I wanted to stay like that forever... He made me feel so alive...*
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